Index for akou

Akoushideh, A. * 2015: Efficient levels of spatial pyramid representation for local binary patterns
* 2021: Facial expression recognition using a combination of enhanced local binary pattern and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients features extraction
* 2021: Features' value range approach to enhance the throughput of texture classification
* 2021: Iranis: A Large-scale Dataset of Iranian Vehicles License Plate Characters
* 2021: unsupervised approach for traffic motion patterns extraction, An
* 2022: Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Combination of Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and Local Binary Pattern Features
Includes: Akoushideh, A. Akoushideh, A.[Alireza]

Akoushideh, A.R.[Ali Reza] * 2014: High performance implementation of texture features extraction algorithms using FPGA architecture

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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