Index for alai

Alaie, M.B.[M. Bagher] * 2020: Design of unimodular sequences with small PSL

Alaifari, R.[Rima] * 2023: Short Communication: Localized Adversarial Artifacts for Compressed Sensing MRI

Alaigba, D.B. * 2017: Heterogeneity Index for the Assessment of Relationship Between Land Use Pattern and Road Traffic Congestion in Apapa-Oworoshoki Express Way, Lagos Metropolis

Alain, M.[Martin] * 2013: Locally linear embedding methods for inter image coding
* 2014: Epitome inpainting with in-loop residue coding for image compression
* 2015: Epitomic image factorization via neighbor-embedding
* 2015: Inter-prediction methods based on linear embedding for video compression
* 2016: Learning clustering-based linear mappings for quantization noise removal
* 2017: Scalable Image Coding Based on Epitomes
* 2018: Light Field Super-Resolution via LFBM5D Sparse Coding
* 2018: Pipeline for Lenslet Light Field Quality Enhancement, A
* 2019: Study of Light Field Streaming for An Interactive Refocusing Application, A
* 2020: High Quality Light Field Extraction and Post-Processing for Raw Plenoptic Data
* 2020: Spatio-Angular Binary Descriptor For Fast Light Field Inter View Matching, A
* 2022: Spectral analysis of re-parameterized light fields
Includes: Alain, M.[Martin] Alain, M.
12 for Alain, M.

Alain, M.J. * 2014: Robust rigid registration of CT to MRI brain volumes using the SCV similarity measure

Alain, T. * 2020: Confidence-based Local Feature Selection for Material Classification

Alais, R.[Robin] * 2017: Function Decomposition in Main and Lesser Peaks

Alaiz Rodriguez, R.[Rocio] * 2005: Minimax classifiers based on neural networks
* 2010: Surface Finish Control in Machining Processes Using Haralick Descriptors and Neuronal Networks
* 2012: unifying view on dataset shift in classification, A
Includes: Alaiz Rodriguez, R.[Rocio] Alaiz-Rodríguez, R.[Rocío]

Alaiz, C.M.[Carlos M.] * 2021: Faster SVM training via conjugate SMO
Includes: Alaiz, C.M.[Carlos M.] Alaíz, C.M.[Carlos M.]

Alaiz, R.[Rocio] * 2008: Classification and Quantification Based on Image Analysis for Sperm Samples with Uncertain Damaged/Intact Cell Proportions
Includes: Alaiz, R.[Rocio] Alaiz, R.[Rocío]

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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