Index for aleo

Aleo, E.[Elena] * 2015: MRI Study of Bone Erosions Healing in the Wrist and Metacarpophalangeal Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, An

Aleotti, F.[Filippo] * 2018: Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Prediction
* 2019: Learning Monocular Depth Estimation Infusing Traditional Stereo Knowledge
* 2020: Distilled Semantics for Comprehensive Scene Understanding from Videos
* 2020: Enabling Image-Based Streamflow Monitoring at the Edge
* 2020: Enabling monocular depth perception at the very edge
* 2020: On the Uncertainty of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2020: Reversing the Cycle: Self-supervised Deep Stereo Through Enhanced Monocular Distillation
* 2020: Self-adapting Confidence Estimation for Stereo
* 2021: Learning optical flow from still images
* 2021: Leveraging a weakly adversarial paradigm for joint learning of disparity and confidence estimation
* 2021: Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
* 2021: Sensor-Guided Optical Flow
* 2022: Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge Applications
* 2022: On the Confidence of Stereo Matching in a Deep-Learning Era: A Quantitative Evaluation
* 2022: Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Without GPU
Includes: Aleotti, F.[Filippo] Aleotti, F.
15 for Aleotti, F.

Aleotti, J. * 2005: Evaluation of virtual fixtures for a robot programming by demonstration interface

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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