Index for alfo

Alfonseca, M.[Manuel] * 2012: Digital Image Scrambling Using 2D Cellular Automata

Alfonsi, L. * 2018: Analysis of the Regional Ionosphere at Low Latitudes in Support of the Biomass ESA Mission
* 2021: Investigation of the Physical Processes Involved in GNSS Amplitude Scintillations at High Latitude: A Case Study
* 2022: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere during November 2021 Geomagnetic Storm: The Impacts on Plasmasphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere Systems
Includes: Alfonsi, L. Alfonsi, L.[Lucilla] Alfonsi, L.[Laura]

Alfonso Torreno, A.[Alberto] * 2021: Using Geomatic Techniques to Estimate Volume-Area Relationships of Watering Ponds
Includes: Alfonso Torreno, A.[Alberto] Alfonso-Torreņo, A.[Alberto]

Alfonso, C. * 2015: Active and Passive 3D Imaging Technologies Applied to Waterlogged Wooden Artifacts from Shipwrecks

Alfonso, D. * 2006: Wavelet Domain Distributed Coding for Video
* 2009: Multiple description for robust Scalable Video Coding
* 2011: Optimal rate adaptation with Integer Linear Programming in the scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* 2021: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces for Dismounted Operator Teaming with Unmanned System Swarms
* 2021: ResNet-like Architecture with Low Hardware Requirements
Includes: Alfonso, D. Alfonso, D.[Daniele] Alfonso, D.[David] Alfonso, D.[Daniil]

Alfonso, J. * 2013: ITS-based cooperative services development framework for improving safety of vulnerable road users
* 2015: Cooperative ITS communications architecture: the FOTsis project approach and beyond

Alfonso, S.[Santiago] * 2009: Number of Linearly Independent Vectors in Spectral Databases, The

Alford, C.O. * 1997: Computation of Orientational Filters for Real-Time Computer Vision Problems III: Steerable System and VLSI Architecture
* 1998: Vision System with Real Time Feature Extractor and Relaxation Network, A

Alford, J.R. * 1995: Qualitative comparison of visual models in an iterative halftoning procedure

Alford, M. * 1999: Registration and fusion of infrared and millimeter wave images for concealed weapon detection
* 2014: Modified deconvolution using wavelet image fusion
* 2014: Multi-resolution deblurring
* 2015: Bandelet transformation based image registration
* 2015: Contourlet image preprocessing for enhanced control point selection in airborne image registration
* 2015: ROC curve analysis for validating objective image fusion metrics

Alford, M.G. * 1997: Distributed Fusion Architectures and Algorithms for Target Tracking
* 1999: Image Processing Tools for the Enhancement of Concealed Weapon Detection
* 2013: Multi-scale decomposition tool for Content Based Image Retrieval
Includes: Alford, M.G. Alford, M.G.[Mark G.]

Alford, S.K. * 2010: Topomorphologic Separation of Fused Isointensity Objects via Multiscale Opening: Separating Arteries and Veins in 3-D Pulmonary CT

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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