Index for alki

Alkim, T.[Tom] * 2021: Hierarchical Model-Based Optimization Control Approach for Cooperative Merging by Connected Automated Vehicles, A

Alkinani, M.H.[Monagi H.] * 2015: Non-local Means for Stereo Image Denoising Using Structural Similarity
* 2016: Denoising Multi-view Images Using Non-local Means with Different Similarity Measures
* 2022: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural network with transfer learning approach
* 2023: Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Logistic Traffic Management System Using Empirical Intelligent XGBoost Technique in Vehicular Edge Networks

Alkis, A. * 2003: Material identification by surface reflection analysis in combination with bundle adjustment technique

Alkis, Z. * 2006: 3D modeling of the Weary Herakles statue with a coded structured light system
* 2013: Developing a registration entry and query system within the scope of harmonizing of the orthophoto metadata with the international standards

Alkishriwo, O.A.S.[Osama A.S.] * 2020: Image compression using adaptive multiresolution image decomposition algorithm

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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