Index for anjy

Anjyo, K. * 1987: Practical Method of Constructing Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Digitized Space, A
* 1996: Bilinear Interpolation for Facial Expression and Metamorphosis in Real-Time Animation
* 2013: Lit-Sphere extension for artistic rendering
* 2015: Efficient Hair Rendering under Dynamic, Low-Frequency Environmental Light Using Spherical Harmonics
* 2018: Animating pictures of water scenes using video retrieval
Includes: Anjyo, K. Anjyo, K.[Ken]

Anjyo, K.I.[Ken Ichi] * 2010: Direct Manipulation Blendshapes
Includes: Anjyo, K.I.[Ken Ichi] Anjyo, K.I.[Ken-Ichi]

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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