Index for atmo

Atmojo, A.T.[Aulia Try] * 2023: Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas

Atmoko, D.[Dwi] * 2022: Sea Salt Aerosol Identification Based on Multispectral Optical Properties and Its Impact on Radiative Forcing over the Ocean

Atmosukarto, I. * 2003: 3D model retrieval with morphing-based geometric and topological feature maps
* 2008: Learning Approach to 3D Object Representation for Classification, A
* 2009: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data
* 2010: 3D object classification using salient point patterns with application to craniofacial research
* 2010: Use of Genetic Programming for Learning 3D Craniofacial Shape Quantifications, The
* 2012: Trajectory-based Fisher kernel representation for action recognition in videos
* 2013: 3D object retrieval using salient views
* 2013: Automatic Recognition of Offensive Team Formation in American Football Plays
* 2013: Topic Model Approach to Representing and Classifying Football Plays, A
* 2014: Mixture of Heterogeneous Attribute Analyzers for Human Action Detection
* 2015: Action Recognition Using Discriminative Structured Trajectory Groups
Includes: Atmosukarto, I. Atmosukarto, I.[Indriyati]
11 for Atmosukarto, I.

Index for "a"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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