Index for care

Care, P. * 2003: 3-D fast ridgelet transform

Careaga, C.[Chris] * 2023: Computational Flash Photography through Intrinsics

Careil, M.[Marlene] * 2022: Unifying Conditional and Unconditional Semantic Image Synthesis with OCO-GAN
* 2023: Few-shot Semantic Image Synthesis with Class Affinity Transfer
* 2023: Zero-shot spatial layout conditioning for text-to-image diffusion models
Includes: Careil, M.[Marlene] Careil, M.[Marlène]

Carel, D. * 1994: Detection and Localization of Faces on Digital Images

Carel, E.[Elodie] * 2015: character degradation model for color document images, A
* 2015: Multiresolution approach based on adaptive superpixels for administrative documents segmentation into color layers

Carella, E.[Emanuele] * 2020: Geomatics and EO Data to Support Wildlife Diseases Assessment at Landscape Level: A Pilot Experience to Map Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis in Chamois and Phenological Trends in Aosta Valley (NW Italy)

Carelli, R. * 2007: Parallel Robot High Speed Object Tracking
* 2008: Homography-Based Tracking Control for Mobile Robots
Includes: Carelli, R. Carelli, R.[Ricardo]

Carenini, G.[Giuseppe] * 2021: Improved Attention for Visual Question Answering, An

Carette, J.[Jacques] * 2022: What Lies Beneath: A Survey of Affective Theory Use in Computational Models of Emotion

Carevic, D. * 1996: Adaptive Gabor Filters for Texture Segmentation
* 1997: Region-Based Coding of Color Images Using Karhunen-Loeve Transform

Carey, C. * 2021: New Potree Shader Capabilities for 3d Visualization of Behaviors Near Covid-19 Rich Healthcare Facilities

Carey, K.J. * 2016: DeepLanes: End-To-End Lane Position Estimation Using Deep Neural Networks

Carey, L.D.[Lawrence D.] * 2019: Random Forest Method to Forecast Downbursts Based on Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures, A

Carey, M.J. * 2003: Inferring identity from user behaviour
* 2012: Contrasting the Effects of Different Frequency Bands on Speaker and Accent Identification

Carey, N.[Nicole] * 2011: insect-inspired omnidirectional vision system including UV-sensitivity and polarisation, An
* 2012: Fisheye Camera System for Polarisation Detection on UAVs, A
* 2017: Fast, Accurate, Small-Scale 3D Scene Capture Using a Low-Cost Depth Sensor

Carey, P. * 2019: Fusion of thermal and visible colour images for robust detection of people in forests
* 2020: Detection and classification of opened and closed flowers in grape inflorescences using Mask R-CNN

Carey, R.E.[Robert E.] * 2023: Deep Learning-Based Estimation of Whole-Body Kinematics from Multi-View Images

Carey, S. * 2019: Camera That CNNs: Towards Embedded Neural Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays, A

Carey, S.J. * 2017: Visual Odometry for Pixel Processor Arrays
* 2020: Fully Embedding Fast Convolutional Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays
* 2020: Neural Sensors: Learning Pixel Exposures for HDR Imaging and Video Compressive Sensing With Programmable Sensors
* 2021: Agile reactive navigation for a non-holonomic mobile robot using a pixel processor array
* 2023: Live Demonstration: SCAMP-7
Includes: Carey, S.J. Carey, S.J.[Stephen J.]

Carey, W.K.[W. Knox] * 1996: Smoothness-constrained wavelet image compression
* 1997: Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
* 1999: Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
* 1999: Smoothness-Constrained Quantization for Wavelet Image Compression
Includes: Carey, W.K.[W. Knox] Carey, W.K.

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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