Index for caru

Caruana, M.[Miguel] * 2020: Analysing and Exploiting Complexity Information in On-line Signature Verification
* 2022: SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition

Caruana, R. * 2016: Detecting Migrating Birds at Night

Carulla, M.[Marta] * 2022: Body-Related Attentional Bias in Anorexia Nervosa and Body Dissatisfaction in Females: An Eye-Tracking and Virtual Reality New Paradigm
* 2023: Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa Through Virtual Reality-based Body Exposure and Reduction of Attentional Bias

Carullo, M.[Moreno] * 2008: Clustering of short commercial documents for the web
* 2009: online document clustering technique for short web contents, An
* 2013: Stock Control through Video Surveillance in Logistics
Includes: Carullo, M.[Moreno] Carullo, M.[Mariarosaria]

Caruso Gomes Junior, F.[Francisco] * 2022: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite Images, Airborne LiDAR Data, and Machine Learning

Caruso, A.[Andrea] * 2022: Optimal On-Orbit Inspection of Satellite Formation

Caruso, D.[David] * 2022: Neural Inertial Localization

Caruso, F. * 2020: Data Mining Applied for Determining Stream Flow Permanence
* 2020: On the Development of A Novel Approach for Identifying Perennial Drainage In Southern Brazil: A Study Case Integrating Sentinel-2 And High-resolution Digital Elevation Models with Machine Learning Techniques
Includes: Caruso, F. Caruso Jr., F.

Caruso, G. * 2015: 3D Visualization of Cultural Heritage Artefacts with Virtual Reality devices
* 2019: Digital Contents for Enhancing the Communication of Museum Exhibition: The Pervival Project

Caruso, M.J. * 2013: Descalloping Postprocessor for ScanSAR Images of Ocean Scenes, A
* 2015: New Approach to Ocean Wave Parameter Estimates From C-Band ScanSAR Images, A
* 2015: Tropical Cyclone Winds Retrieved From C-Band Cross-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar

Caruso, R.[Richard] * 2003: Ocularist's Approach to Human Iris Synthesis, An

Caruthers, F. * 1996: Recognizing Object Function Through Reasoning About Partial Shape Descriptions and Dynamic Physical-Properties

Caruthers, S.D. * 2011: Simultaneous Dual Frequency ^1-H and ^19-F Open Coil Imaging of Arthritic Rabbit Knee at 3T

Caruyer, E. * 2014: Quantitative Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Intra-Voxel Fiber Recovery From Diffusion MRI
* 2020: 4D Basis and Sampling Scheme for the Tensor Encoded Multi-Dimensional Diffusion MRI Signal, A

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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