Index for chew

Chew, B.F.[Boon Fong] * 2009: Automatic Analysis of Fish Behaviors and Abnormality Detection
* 2009: Vision-Based Real-Time Monitoring on the Behavior of Fish School

Chew, B.S. * 2011: Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Virtual Character Animation Representation, A

Chew, C.[Clara] * 2020: Aircraft Wetland Inundation Experiment Using GNSS Reflectometry, An
* 2020: Description of the UCAR/CU Soil Moisture Product
* 2022: Deep-Learning Approach to Soil Moisture Estimation with GNSS-R, A

Chew, C.C. * 2014: Effects of Near-Surface Soil Moisture on GPS SNR Data: Development of a Retrieval Algorithm for Soil Moisture
* 2015: Vegetation Sensing Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Theoretical Effects of Canopy Parameters on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Data
* 2021: Inland Water Body Mapping Using CYGNSS Coherence Detection
* 2022: Downscaling SMAP Brightness Temperatures to 3 km Using CYGNSS Reflectivity Observations: Factors That Affect Spatial Heterogeneity
Includes: Chew, C.C. Chew, C.C.[Clara C.]

Chew, C.M. * 2020: Density-Based Clustering for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

Chew, E. * 2014: Audio Properties of Perceived Boundaries in Music
* 2019: MorpheuS: Generating Structured Music with Constrained Patterns and Tension
* 2023: Examining Emotion Perception Agreement in Live Music Performance
Includes: Chew, E. Chew, E.[Elaine]

Chew, E.Y.[Emily Y.] * 2022: Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on medical images

Chew, E.Y.K.[Ernest Yu Kai] * 2022: Portmanteauing Features for Scene Text Recognition

Chew, F.T. * 2004: Segmentation of microscope cell images via adaptive eigenfilters
* 2006: Luminance- and Contrast-Invariant Edge-Similarity Measure, A
* 2006: rule-based approach for robust clump splitting, A
* 2010: Invariant texture classification for biomedical cell specimens via non-linear polar map filtering

Chew, K.H. * 2016: Image Multi-Thresholding to Characterise the Mechanical Stability of Rubber Latex Concentrate

Chew, L.P. * 1991: Efficiently Computable Metric for Comparing Polygonal Shapes, An

Chew, L.W.[Li Wern] * 2009: Image Compression Using Stitching with Harris Corner Detector and SPIHT Coding
* 2011: Binary-Uncoded Image and Video Compression Using SPIHT-ZTR Coding

Chew, N.T.[Ng Teck] * 2004: Target-tracking and path planning for vehicle following in jungle environment

Chew, P. * 2006: Automated Optic Disk Segmentation Via a Modified Snake Technique

Chew, R.[Robert] * 2018: Toward Model-Generated Household Listing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Using Deep Learning

Chew, S.[Sien] * 2012: Painful monitoring: Automatic pain monitoring using the UNBC-McMaster shoulder pain expression archive database
* 2018: SatTel: A Framework for Commercial Satellite Imagery Exploitation
Includes: Chew, S.[Sien] Chew, S.

Chew, S.E. * 2015: Semi-Supervised Normalized Cuts for Image Segmentation

Chew, S.W.[Sien W.] * 2011: Person-independent facial expression detection using Constrained Local Models
* 2011: Sparse Temporal Representations for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2012: Improved facial expression recognition via uni-hyperplane classification
* 2012: In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relationship Between Features and Registration

Chew, W.C. * 1998: Combined Steepest Descent-Fast Multipole Algorithm for the Fast Analysis of 3-Dimensional Scattering by Rough Surfaces, A
* 2003: Fast-forward solvers for the low-frequency detection of buried dielectric objects
* 2003: Three-Dimensional Imaging of Buried Objects in Very Lossy Earth by Inversion of VETEM Data
* 2006: Efficient Low-Frequency Inversion of 3-D Buried Objects With Large Contrasts
* 2008: Null-Field Method for Estimating Underground Position, A
Includes: Chew, W.C. Chew, W.C.[Weng Cho]

Chew, W.J.[Wei Jen] * 2011: new multi-purpose audio-visual UNMC-VIER database with multiple variabilities, A

Index for "c"

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