Index for ciop

Cioppa, A. * 2018: Bottom-Up Approach Based on Semantics for the Interpretation of the Main Camera Stream in Soccer Games, A
* 2020: Context-Aware Loss Function for Action Spotting in Soccer Videos, A
* 2020: Multimodal and multiview distillation for real-time player detection on a football field
* 2020: Real-Time Semantic Background Subtraction
* 2021: Camera Calibration and Player Localization in SoccerNet-v2 and Investigation of their Representations for Action Spotting
* 2021: SoccerNet-v2: A Dataset and Benchmarks for Holistic Understanding of Broadcast Soccer Videos
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Training to Improve Player and Ball Detection in Soccer
* 2022: SoccerNet-Tracking: Multiple Object Tracking Dataset and Benchmark in Soccer Videos
* 2023: Mixture Domain Adaptation to Improve Semantic Segmentation in Real-World Surveillance
* 2023: Online Distillation with Continual Learning for Cyclic Domain Shifts
* 2023: SoccerNet-Caption: Dense Video Captioning for Soccer Broadcasts Commentaries
* 2023: Towards Active Learning for Action Spotting in Association Football Videos
* 2023: VARS: Video Assistant Referee System for Automated Soccer Decision Making from Multiple Views
Includes: Cioppa, A. Cioppa, A.[Anthony]
13 for Cioppa, A.

Cioppa, A.D.[Antonio Della] * 2019: Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Offline Drawing Samples: Experiments and Findings, A
* 2022: Investigating One-Class Classifiers to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease from Handwriting
* 2022: Mimicking the immune system to diagnose Parkinson's disease from handwriting

Cioppa, L.D.[Lorenzo Della] * 2020: Multiscale Energy-based Time-domain Approach for Interference Detection in Non-stationary Signals, A

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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