Index for conw

Conway, A.[Adam] * 2022: Prony-Based Curve-Fitting Method for Characterization of RF Pulses From Optoelectronic Devices, A
* 2023: Pain Detection in Masked Faces during Procedural Sedation
Includes: Conway, A.[Adam] Conway, A.

Conway, D.[Damian] * 2000: Encoding Video Narration as Text

Conway, J. * 1990: Tiling with polyominoes and combinatorial group theory
* 2020: Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
* 2020: Rotation invariant features based on three dimensional Gaussian Markov random fields for volumetric texture classification
Includes: Conway, J. Conway, J.[Joy]

Conway, L. * 1996: Dynamical system representation, generation, and recognition of basic oscillatory motion gestures
* 1998: Video Mirroring and Iconic Gestures: Enhancing Basic Videophones to Provide Visual Coaching and Visual Control

Conway, M.D. * 2016: Evolution to Modern Phased Array Architectures, The

Conway, P.P.[Paul P.] * 2021: Personalised Controller Strategies for Next Generation Intelligent Adaptive Electric Bicycles

Conway, S.J. * 2021: 3d Multi-resolution Mapping of Mars Using CASP-GO on HRSC, CRISM, CTX and HIRISE
* 2021: Large Area High-Resolution 3D Mapping of Oxia Planum: The Landing Site for the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover
* 2021: MADNet 2.0: Pixel-Scale Topography Retrieval from Single-View Orbital Imagery of Mars Using Deep Learning
* 2021: Rapid Single Image-Based DTM Estimation from ExoMars TGO CaSSIS Images Using Generative Adversarial U-Nets
* 2021: Seamless 3D Image Mapping and Mosaicing of Valles Marineris on Mars Using Orbital HRSC Stereo and Panchromatic Images
* 2021: Single Image Super-Resolution Restoration of TGO CaSSIS Colour Images: Demonstration with Perseverance Rover Landing Site and Mars Science Targets
* 2021: Ultra-High-Resolution 1 m/pixel CaSSIS DTM Using Super-Resolution Restoration and Shape-from-Shading: Demonstration over Oxia Planum on Mars
* 2022: Revealing Active Mars with HiRISE Digital Terrain Models
* 2022: Subpixel-Scale Topography Retrieval of Mars Using Single-Image DTM Estimation and Super-Resolution Restoration
* 2023: Large Area High-Resolution 3D Mapping of the Von Karman Crater: Landing Site for the Chang'E-4 Lander and Yutu-2 Rover
Includes: Conway, S.J. Conway, S.J.[Susan J.]
10 for Conway, S.J.

Conway, T. * 2017: On the Effects of a Routing and Reservation System on the Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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