Index for corc

Corchado, E.[Emilio] * 2012: Isotropic Image Analysis for Improving CBR Forecasting
* 2012: Special Issue on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems
* 2022: ANCES: A novel method to repair attribute noise in classification problems

Corchado, J.M.[Juan M.] * 2012: Isotropic Image Analysis for Improving CBR Forecasting
* 2018: Data-independent Random Projections from the feature-space of the homogeneous polynomial kernel
* 2018: multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images, A
* 2023: Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Free Fault-Tolerant Path Planning Control for a Semi-Submersible Platform Dynamic Positioning System With Actuator Constraints
Includes: Corchado, J.M.[Juan M.] Corchado, J.M.[Juan Manuel]

Corchs, S. * 2005: Adaptive Edge Enhancement Using a Neurodynamical Model of Visual Attention
* 2005: recall or precision oriented skin classifier using binary combining strategies, A
* 2011: Enhancing Underexposed Images Preserving the Original Mood
* 2015: Complexity Perception of Texture Images
* 2015: Does Color Influence Image Complexity Perception?
* 2017: Complexity-Based Image Analysis to Investigate Interference Between Distortions and Image Contents in Image Quality Assessment, A
* 2017: Multidistortion Database for Image Quality, A
Includes: Corchs, S. Corchs, S.[Silvia]
7 for Corchs, S.

Corcione, M. * 2014: Experimental Validation of an Active Thermal Landmine Detection Technique

Corcione, V. * 2019: Novel Azimuth Cutoff Implementation to Retrieve Sea Surface Wind Speed From SAR Imagery, A
* 2021: Sensitivity Analysis on the Spectral Signatures of Low-Backscattering Sea Areas in Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
Includes: Corcione, V. Corcione, V.[Valeria]

Corcoba Magana, V. * 2017: Predicting Upcoming Values of Stress While Driving
Includes: Corcoba Magana, V. Corcoba-Magaņa, V.

Corcoba, V. * 2020: Analysis of Driving Patterns and On-Board Feedback-Based Training for Proactive Road Safety Monitoring

Corcoral, N. * 2017: SWIM: The First Spaceborne Wave Scatterometer

Corcoran, A.[Andrew] * 2012: Real-time Illumination for Two-level Volume Rendering

Corcoran, E.[Evangeline] * 2022: Automated Detection of Koalas with Deep Learning Ensembles

Corcoran, F.L.[Franklin L.] * 2001: Methods for performing 2-dimensional maximum differences coding and decoding during real-time facsimile image compression and apparatus therefor

Corcoran, G. * 2019: Traffic Risk Assessment: A Two-Stream Approach Using Dynamic-Attention

Corcoran, H.C. * 2016: Observations On The Performance Of X-ray Computed Tomography For Dimensional Metrology

Corcoran, J.[Jennifer] * 2015: Effects of Point or Polygon Based Training Data on RandomForest Classification Accuracy of Wetlands, The
* 2018: Vehicle scheduling approach and its practice to optimise public bicycle redistribution in Hangzhou
* 2019: Generating Different Urban Land Configurations Based on Heterogeneous Decisions of Private Land Developers: An Agent-Based Approach in a Developing Country Context
* 2021: Multi-Source EO for Dynamic Wetland Mapping and Monitoring in the Great Lakes Basin
Includes: Corcoran, J.[Jennifer] Corcoran, J.[Jonathan]

Corcoran, J.M.[Jennifer M.] * 2013: Influence of Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed and Ancillary Data on the Accuracy of Random Forest Classification of Wetlands in Northern Minnesota

Corcoran, J.N.[Jem N.] * 2022: Rare Events via Cross-Entropy Population Monte Carlo

Corcoran, P. * 2006: Using texture to tackle the problem of scale in land-cover classification
* 2007: Automated statistical self-calibrating detection and removal of blemishes in digital images based on a dust map developed from actual image data
* 2007: Digital image acquisition and processing system
* 2007: Method of detecting and correcting dust in digital images based on aura and shadow region analysis
* 2007: Watershed Segmentation Using a Multiscale Ramp Edge Merging Strategy
* 2008: Automated statistical self-calibrating detection and removal of blemishes in digital images based on multiple occurrences of dust in images
* 2008: Digital camera
* 2008: Digital image processing composition using face detection information
* 2008: Perfecting of digital image rendering parameters within rendering devices using face detection
* 2008: Perfecting the optics within a digital image acquisition device using face detection
* 2009: Combining PCA-based datasets without retraining of the basis vector set
* 2009: On Color Texture Normalization for Active Appearance Models
* 2011: Background Foreground Segmentation for SLAM
* 2011: Complementary texture and intensity gradient estimation and fusion for watershed segmentation
* 2011: Convexity Grouping of Salient Contours
* 2011: Convexity Measure for Open and Closed Contours, A
* 2012: Spatial Relations Using High Level Concepts
* 2014: Interactive cartographic route descriptions
* 2015: Evaluation of combined visible/NIR camera for iris authentication on smartphones
* 2017: Accurate Depth Map Estimation from Small Motions
* 2017: open-data, agent-based model of alcohol related crime, An
* 2017: Pupil Light Reflex Mitigation Using Non-linear Image Warping
* 2018: Latent space mapping for generation of object elements with corresponding data annotation
* 2019: multi-scale topological shape model for single and multiple component shapes, A
* 2023: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Geographical Data: A Systematic Literature Review
* 2024: Speech driven video editing via an audio-conditioned diffusion model
Includes: Corcoran, P. Corcoran, P.[Peter] Corcoran, P.[Padraig]
26 for Corcoran, P.

Index for "c"

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