23.8.13 GIS: Database Issues, Implementation Issues, Design

Chapter Contents (Back)
Systems. GIS.
See also GIS: Temporal Database Issues, Spatio-Temporal Database, Dynamic. For terrain display issues see:
See also Texture Mapping, Terrain Visualization, Terrain Rendering, DEM Rendering.
See also CityGML.

Ware, J.M.[J. Mark], Jones, C.B.[Christopher B.],
Conflict Reduction in Map Generalization Using Iterative Improvement,
GeoInfo(2), No. 4, December 1998, pp. 383-407.
DOI Link 0509

Saalfeld, A.[Alan],
Sorting Spatial Data for Sampling and Other Geographic Applications,
GeoInfo(2), No. 1, March 1998, pp. 37-57.
DOI Link BibRef 9803

Pluemer, L.[Lutz], Groeger, G.[Gerhard],
Achieving Integrity in Geographic Information Systems: Maps and Nested Maps,
GeoInfo(1), No. 4, December 1997, pp. 345-367.
DOI Link BibRef 9712

Chen, L.H., Liao, H.Y., Wang, J.Y., Fan, K.C.,
Automatic Data Capture for Geographic Information Systems,
SMC-C(29), No. 2, May 1999, pp. 205.
IEEE Top Reference. BibRef 9905

Zhou, X.F.[Xiao-Fang], Abel, D.J.[David J.], Truffet, D.[David],
Data Partitioning for Parallel Spatial Join Processing,
GeoInfo(2), No. 2, June 1998, pp. 175-204.
DOI Link BibRef 9806

Lee, Y.C., Li, Z.L., Li, Y.L.,
Taxonomy of space tessellation,
PandRS(55), No. 3, September 2000, pp. 139-149. 0010

Coulter, L.L.[Lloyd L.], Stow, D.A.[Douglas A.], Hope, A.[Allen], O'Leary, J.[John], Turner, D.[Debbie], Longmire, P.[Pauline], Peterson, S.[Seth], Kaiser, J.[John],
Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Imagery for Efficient Generation of GIS Vegetation Layers,
PhEngRS(66), No. 11, November 2000, pp. 1329-1336. Compare image-based mapping against a detailed vegetation map created through field mapping and airphoto interpretation. 0011

Li, Z.L.[Zhi-Lin], Li, Y.L.[Yong-Li], Chen, Y.Q.[Yong-Qi],
Basic Topological Models for Spatial Entities in 3-Dimensional Space,
GeoInfo(4), No. 4, December 2000, pp. 419-433.
DOI Link 0101

Zhou, C.H.[Cheng-Hu], Lu, F.[Feng], Wan, Q.[Qing],
A Conceptual Model for a Feature-Based Virtual Network,
GeoInfo(4), No. 3, October 2000, pp. 271-286.
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Networks, not just planar arc-node graphs for GIS. BibRef

Borges, K.A.V.[Karla A.V.], Davis, C.A.[Clodoveu A.], Laender, A.H.F.[Alberto H.F.],
OMT-G: An Object-Oriented Data Model for Geographic Applications,
GeoInfo(5), No. 3, September 2001, pp. 221-260.
DOI Link 0509

Duckham, M.[Matt],
Object Calculus and the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design of an Error-Sensitive GIS,
GeoInfo(5), No. 3, September 2001, pp. 261-289.
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Lema, J.A.C.[Jose Antonio Cotelo], Güting, R.H.[Ralf Hartmut],
Dual Grid: A New Approach for Robust Spatial Algebra Implementation,
GeoInfo(6), No. 1, March 2002, pp. 57-76.
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Chen, L.[Li], Choubey, R.[Rupesh], Rundensteiner, E.A.[Elke A.],
Merging R-Trees: Efficient Strategies for Local Bulk Insertion,
GeoInfo(6), No. 1, March 2002, pp. 7-34.
DOI Link 0202

Scarponcini, P.[Paul],
Generalized Model for Linear Referencing in Transportation,
GeoInfo(6), No. 1, March 2002, pp. 35-55.
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Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis,
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DOI Link Spatial clustering of the data. (Delaunay diagram).
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To explore geo-spatial data. BibRef

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Clustering with obstacles for Geographical Data Mining,
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Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments,
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Springer DOI 0703

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Classifying Ambiguities in a Visual Spatial Language,
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DOI Link 0208

Harrie, L.[Lars], Sarjakoski, T.[Tapani],
Simultaneous Graphic Generalization of Vector Data Sets,
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Jodouin, S., Bentabet, L., Ziou, D., Vaillancourt, J., Armenakis, C.,
Spatial database updating using active contours for multispectral images: application with Landsat 7,
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Bridging Ontologies and Conceptual Schemas in Geographic Information Integration,
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Assessing the Certainty of Locations Produced by an Address Geocoding System,
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The Story of the GeoToolKit: An Object-Oriented Geodatabase Kernel System,
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Building and Querying a P2P Virtual World,
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Springer DOI 0605

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Metadata Community Profiles for the Semantic Web,
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Handling High-Level Queries in Location-Based Services for User Groups,
GeoInfo(9), No. 2, June 2006, pp. 213-234.
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Specifying and Implementing Constraints in GIS: With Examples from a Geo-Virtual Reality System,
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Spatial Query Estimation without the Local Uniformity Assumption,
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A method for feature analysis, segmentation, and indexing for region-based management, retrieval, and data-mining of large, high-resolution geospatial libraries. BibRef

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An efficient 3D R-tree spatial index method for virtual geographic environments,
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Virtual geographic environments; 3D spatial index; R-tree; Spatial cluster grouping BibRef

Karnatak, H.C.[Harish Chandra], Saran, S.[Sameer], Bhatia, K.[Karamjit], Roy, P.S.,
Multicriteria Spatial Decision Analysis in Web GIS Environment,
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A Relative Representation of Trajectories in Geogaphical Spaces,
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Convergence Analysis and Quality Criteria for an Iterative Schematization of Networks,
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Pattern Matching for Heterogeneous Geodata Sources Using Attributed Relational Graph and Probabilistic Relaxation,
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The combination of Internet with Remote Sensing, GIS, and GPS technologies provides a feasible and effective tool for geological hazard monitoring and prevention. BibRef

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Elsevier DOI 0711
Integration; Spatial infrastructures; Federated databases; Vector data; Raster data; Matching; Image analysis BibRef

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A knowledge infrastructure for intelligent query answering in location-based services,
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Efficient Implementation Techniques for Topological Predicates on Complex Spatial Objects,
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Processing Optimal Sequenced Route Queries Using Voronoi Diagrams,
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Yet Another Map Algebra,
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Mastering map scale: balancing workloads using display and geometry change in multi-scale mapping,
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Modeling and querying approximate direction relations,
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Geographical information system; Direction relations; Uncertain regions; Spatial data query BibRef

Bae, W.D.[Wan D.], Alkobaisi, S.[Shayma], Leutenegger, S.T.[Scott T.],
IRSJ: incremental refining spatial joins for interactive queries in GIS,
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An Interactive Framework for Spatial Joins: A Statistical Approach to Data Analysis in GIS,
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WWW Link. 1202

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Tile-Based Geospatial Information Systems: Principles and Practices,
Springer2010, ISBN: 978-1-4419-7630-7
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Ding, W.[Wei], Eick, C.F.[Christoph F.], Yuan, X.J.[Xiao-Jing], Wang, J.[Jing], Nicot, J.P.[Jean-Philippe],
A framework for regional association rule mining and scoping in spatial datasets,
GeoInfo(15), No. 1, January 2011, pp. 1-28.
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Stepinski, T.F.[Tomasz F.], Ding, W.[Wei], Eick, C.F.[Christoph F.],
Controlling patterns of geospatial phenomena,
GeoInfo(15), No. 3, July 2011, pp. 399-416.
WWW Link. 1106

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Mining boundary effects in areally referenced spatial data using the Bayesian information criterion,
GeoInfo(15), No. 3, July 2011, pp. 435-454.
WWW Link. 1106

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Spatial skyline queries: exact and approximation algorithms,
GeoInfo(15), No. 4, October 2011, pp. 665-697.
WWW Link. 1110

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Editing and versioning for high performance network models in a multiuser environment,
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Logical Representation of a Conceptual Model for Spatial Data Warehouses,
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Computing with Spatial Trajectories,
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WWW Link. Buy this book: Computing with Spatial Trajectories 1111

Lopes Siqueira, T.L.[Thiago Luís], de Aguiar Ciferri, C.D.[Cristina Dutra], Times, V.C.[Valéria Cesário], Rodrigues Ciferri, R.[Ricardo],
The SB-index and the HSB-index: Efficient indices for spatial data warehouses,
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Lopes Siqueira, T.L.[Thiago Luís], de Aguiar Ciferri, C.D.[Cristina Dutra], Cesário Times, V.[Valéria], Rodrigues Ciferri, R.[Ricardo],
Modeling vague spatial data warehouses using the VSCube conceptual model,
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Springer DOI 1404

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A framework for integrating multi-accuracy spatial data in geographical applications,
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INSPIRE Data Specification for harmonised Orthoimageries,
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A generic data model for moving objects,
GeoInfo(17), No. 1, January 2013, pp. 125-172.
WWW Link. 1302

Knoechel, B.[Ben], Huang, C.Y.[Chih-Yuan], Liang, S.H.L.[Steve H.L.],
A Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property,
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DOI Link 1302
Grouping different layers BibRef

Shao, Y.Z.[Yuan-Zheng], Di, L.P.[Li-Ping], Bai, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi], Wang, H.L.[Hui-Lin], Yang, C.[Chao],
Federated Catalogue for Discovering Earth Observation Data,
PFG(2013), No. 1, 2013, pp. 43-52.
DOI Link 1303

Green, S., O'Donoghue, C.,
Assessing the Geographic Representativity of Farm Accountancy Data,
IJGI(2), No. 1, 2013, pp. 50-66.
DOI Link 1303

Bernecker, T.[Thomas], Emrich, T.[Tobias], Kriegel, H.P.[Hans-Peter], Mamoulis, N.[Nikos], Renz, M.[Matthias], Zhang, S.M.[Shi-Ming], Züfle, A.[Andreas],
Spatial inverse query processing,
GeoInfo(17), No. 3, July 2013, pp. 449-487.
Springer DOI 1306

Sarwat, M.[Mohamed], Mokbel, M.F.[Mohamed F.], Zhou, X.[Xun], Nath, S.[Suman],
Generic and efficient framework for search trees on flash memory storage systems,
GeoInfo(17), No. 3, July 2013, pp. 417-448.
WWW Link. 1306

Khoshgozaran, A.[Ali], Shirani-Mehr, H.[Houtan], Shahabi, C.[Cyrus],
Blind evaluation of location based queries using space transformation to preserve location privacy,
GeoInfo(17), No. 4, October 2013, pp. 599-634.
WWW Link. 1309

Jeong, M.H.[Myeong-Hun], Duckham, M.[Matt],
Decentralized querying of topological relations between regions monitored by a coordinate-free geosensor network,
GeoInfo(17), No. 4, October 2013, pp. 669-696.
WWW Link. 1309

Gutiérrez, G.[Gilberto], Sáez, P.[Pablo],
The k closest pairs in spatial databases,
GeoInfo(17), No. 4, October 2013, pp. 543-565.
WWW Link. 1309

Stoter, J.[Jantien], Ledoux, H.[Hugo], Reuvers, M.[Marcel], van den Brink, L.[Linda], Klooster, R.[Rick], Janssen, P.[Paul], Beetz, J.[Jakob], Penninga, F.[Friso], Vosselman, G.[George],
Establishing and implementing a national 3D Standard in The Netherlands,
PFG(2013), No. 4, 2013, pp. 381-392.
DOI Link 1309

Di, L.P.[Li-Ping], Shao, Y.Z.[Yuan-Zheng], Kang, L.J.[Ling-Jun],
Implementation of Geospatial Data Provenance in a Web Service Workflow Environment With ISO 19115 and ISO 19115-2 Lineage Model,
GeoRS(51), No. 11, 2013, pp. 5082-5089.
ISO standards BibRef

Jensen, S., Plale, B., Aktas, M.S., Luo, Y.[Yuan], Chen, P.[Peng], Conover, H.,
Provenance Capture and Use in a Satellite Data Processing Pipeline,
GeoRS(51), No. 11, 2013, pp. 5090-5097.
geographic information systems BibRef

Conover, H., Ramachandran, R., Beaumont, B., Kulkarni, A., McEniry, M., Regner, K., Graves, S.,
Introducing Provenance Capture into a Legacy Data System,
GeoRS(51), No. 11, 2013, pp. 5098-5104.
XML BibRef

Di, L.P.[Li-Ping], Yue, P.[Peng], Ramapriyan, H.K., King, R.L.,
Geoscience Data Provenance: An Overview,
GeoRS(51), No. 11, 2013, pp. 5065-5072.
geographic information systems BibRef

Yuan, J.[Jie], Yue, P.[Peng], Gong, J.Y.[Jian-Ya], Zhang, M.[Mingda],
A Linked Data Approach for Geospatial Data Provenance,
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And: A4, A1, A3, A2:
An Interlinking Approach for Linked Geospatial Data,
DOI Link 1402
Internet BibRef

Huq, M.R., Apers, P.M.G., Wombacher, A.,
An Inference-Based Framework to Manage Data Provenance in Geoscience Applications,
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geographic information systems BibRef

Sun, Z.H.[Zi-Heng], Yue, P.[Peng], Hu, L.[Lei], Gong, J.Y.[Jian-Ya], Zhang, L.P.[Liang-Pei], Lu, X.C.[Xian-Chang],
GeoPWProv: Interleaving Map and Faceted Metadata for Provenance Visualization and Navigation,
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geographic information systems BibRef

Celino, I.,
Human Computation VGI Provenance: Semantic Web-Based Representation and Publishing,
GeoRS(51), No. 11, 2013, pp. 5137-5144.
geographic information systems BibRef

Hong, T., Hart, K., Soh, L.K., Samal, A.,
Using spatial data support for reducing uncertainty in geospatial applications,
GeoInfo(18), No. 1, January 2014, pp. 63-92.
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Otepka, J.[Johannes], Ghuffar, S.[Sajid], Waldhauser, C.[Christoph], Hochreiter, R.[Ronald], Pfeifer, N.[Norbert],
Georeferenced Point Clouds: A Survey of Features and Point Cloud Management,
IJGI(2), No. 4, 2013, pp. 1038-1065.
DOI Link 1402

Resch, B.[Bernd], Zimmer, B.[Bastian],
User Experience Design in Professional Map-Based Geo-Portals,
IJGI(2), No. 4, 2013, pp. 1015-1037.
DOI Link 1402

Gutiérrez, G.[Gilberto], Paramá, J.R.[José R.], Brisaboa, N.[Nieves], Corral, A.[Antonio],
The largest empty rectangle containing only a query object in Spatial Databases,
GeoInfo(18), No. 2, April 2014, pp. 193-228.
WWW Link. 1404

Ghaemi, P.[Parisa], Shahabi, K.[Kaveh], Wilson, J.P.[John P.], Banaei-Kashani, F.[Farnoush],
A comparative study of two approaches for supporting optimal network location queries,
GeoInfo(18), No. 2, April 2014, pp. 229-251.
WWW Link. 1404

Leonardi, L.[Luca], Orlando, S.[Salvatore], Raffaetà, A.[Alessandra], Roncato, A.[Alessandro], Silvestri, C.[Claudio], Andrienko, G.[Gennady], Andrienko, N.[Natalia],
A general framework for trajectory data warehousing and visual OLAP,
GeoInfo(18), No. 2, April 2014, pp. 273-312.
Springer DOI 1404

Timko, I.[Igor], Dyreson, C.[Curtis], Pedersen, T.B.[Torben Bach],
A probabilistic data model and algebra for location-based data warehouses and their implementation,
GeoInfo(18), No. 2, April 2014, pp. 357-403.
WWW Link. 1404

Bradley, P.E.[Patrick Erik], Paul, N.[Norbert],
Comparing G-maps with other topological data structures,
GeoInfo(18), No. 3, July 2014, pp. 595-620.
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Pauknerova, E., Sidlichovsky, P., Urbanas, S., Med, M.,
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Bruno, N., Previtali, M., Barazzetti, L., Brumana, R., Roncella, R.,
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NOSQL for Storage and Retrieval of Large LIDAR Data Collections,
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Nguyen Thai, B., Olasz, A.,
Raster Data Partitioning for Supporting Distributed GIS Processing,
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Meijers, M., Šuba, R., van Oosterom, P.,
Parallel Creation of Vario-Scale Data Structures for Large Datasets,
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Jakobsson, A., Hopfstock, A., Beare, M., Patrucco, R.,
Quality Management of Reference Geo-Information,
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Otepka, J., Mandlburger, G., Karel, W.,
The Opals Data Manager: Efficient Data Management for Processing Large Airborne Laser Scanning Projects,
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Toz, G., Dogru, A.,
Development of A Service Oriented Architecture Based Geographic Information System In Earth Sciences,
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Savorskiy, V.P., Lupyan, E.A., Kaevitser, V.I., Smirnov, M.T., Ermakov, D.M., Balashov, I.V., Bourtsev, M.A., Yu Efremov, V., Proshin, A.A., Tolpin, V.A., Uvarov, L.A., Flitman, E.V.,
Distributed Infrastructure Enabling Effective Integration of Earth Observation Information Resources for Collective Solution of Archiving, Searching, Processing and Eo Data Analyzing Tasks,
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Tateishi, R., Sri Sumantyo, J.T., Miyazaki, A., Sumitani, H.,
Development of A New Geospatial Data Sharing/overlay System for Land Environmental Studies: Ceres Gaia,
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Becker, S., Walter, V., Fritsch, D.,
Integrated Management of Heterogeneous Geodata With A Hybrid 3d Geoinformation System,
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Fu, Z., Liu, S.,
A VOMR-tree Based Parallel Range Query Method On Distributed Spatial Database,
AnnalsPRS(I-2), No. 2012, pp. 37-43.
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Xu, H., Becker, P.,
Arcgis Data Models for Managing and Procesing Imagery,
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Huang, H.,
Incorporating Load Balancing Spatial Analysis into XML-Based Webgis,
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Curdt, C., Hoffmeister, D., Waldhoff, G., Jekel, C., Bareth, G.,
Development of A Metadata Management System for An Interdisciplinary Research Project,
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Guo, X., Zhang, B., Yu, J., Ran, H., Wang, L.,
The Application of Digital Line Graphs and Map in the Network Environment,
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Li, S.H.[Shi-Hua], Jin, B.X.[Bao-Xuan], Liu, K.[Kang], Wang, Q.[Qinyi],
Spatial Information Service Platform of China (Yunnan) - AFTA - SAARC and Its Application,

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Geometric Data Structures and Analysis in GIS: ISO 19107 Case Study,
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Enriching a 3D world with synthetic and visible information about the distribution of points of interest,
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Thompson, R.J.[Rodney James], van Oosterom, P.[Peter],
Integrated Representation of (Potentially Unbounded) 2D and 3D Spatial Objects for Rigorously Correct Query and Manipulation,
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Modeling Space by Stereographic Rejection,
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Defining Geospatial Data Fusion Methods Based On Topological Relationships,
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Defining Spatial Neighborhoods for 3D Topological Analysis in Indoor Space,
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Challenges in 3D Geo Information and Participatory Design and Decision,
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Stoter, J.[Jantien], Reuvers, M.[Marcel], Vosselman, G.[George], Goos, J.[Joris], van Berlo, L.[Leon], Zlatanova, S.[Sisi], Verbree, E.[Edward], Klooster, R.[Rick],
Towards a 3D Geo-Information Standard in the Netherlands,
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Fonseca, R.L.[Rainer Larin], Llano, E.G.[Eduardo Garea],
Semantic Representation of Geospatial Objects Using Multiples Knowledge Domains,
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Automatic Representation of Semantic Abstraction of Geographical Data by Means of Classification,
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Chen, S.[Shawn], Liang, S.[Steve], Wang, M.[Mea],
A locality-aware peer-to-peer approach for geospatial web services discovery,
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Towards an Ontology for Reef Islands,
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Mitakos, T., Almaliotis, I.,
Representing Geographic Information in Multidimensional XML: Appling Dimensions in Spatial Databases,

Avagliano, G.[Giuseppe], di Martino, S.[Sergio], Ferrucci, F.[Filomena], Paolino, L.[Luca], Sebillo, M.[Monica], Tortora, G.[Genoveffa], Vitiello, G.[Giuliana],
Embedding Google Maps APIs into WebRatio for the Automatic Generation of Web GIS Applications,
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di Capua, M.[Michele], Padovano, D.[Donatella], Sebillo, M.[Monica],
An Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility,
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Zhou, L.[Li], Sun, J.L.[Jia-Long], Li, W.X.[Wei-Xiao], Bai, H.[He], Chen, W.W.[Wei-Wei],
The Study on The Technique of The 3D GIS Modeling Based on The Digital Photogrammetry,
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Jin, Y.[Yohan], Jin, K.[Kibum], Khan, L.[Latifur], Prabhakaran, B.,
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Sen, S.[Sumit],
Two Types of Hierarchies in Geospatial Ontologies,
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Architecture for a Grounded Ontology of Geographic Information,
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Hess, G.N.[Guillermo Nudelman], Iochpe, C.[Cirano], Ferrara, A.[Alfio], Castano, S.[Silvana],
Towards Effective Geographic Ontology Matching,
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Kessler, C.[Carsten], Maué, P.[Patrick], Heuer, J.T.[Jan Torben], Bartoschek, T.[Thomas],
Bottom-Up Gazetteers: Learning from the Implicit Semantics of Geotags,
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Janowicz, K.[Krzysztof], Kessler, C.[Carsten], Schwarz, M.[Mirco], Wilkes, M.[Marc], Panov, I.[Ilija], Espeter, M.[Martin], Bäumer, B.[Boris],
Algorithm, Implementation and Application of the SIM-DL Similarity Server,
Springer DOI 0711

del Fatto, V.[Vincenzo], Laurini, R.[Robert], Lopez, K.[Karla], Loreto, R.[Rosalva], Milleret-Raffort, F.[Françoise], Sebillo, M.[Monica], Sol-Martinez, D.[David], Vitiello, G.[Giuliana],
Potentialities of Chorems as Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Contents,
Springer DOI 0706

Wu, H.X.[Hui-Xin], Xue, H.F.[Hui-Feng],
A New Integrated Data Structure for 3D GIS,

de Jesus Cruz Guzman, J.[Jose], Lewandowicz, E.[Elzbieta], Oziewicz, Z.[Zbigniew],
Multiscale Geographic Information with Multigraph of Multigraphs,
PDF File. 0607

Chapter on Remote Sensing General Issue, Land Use, Land Cover continues in
GIS: Temporal Database Issues, Spatio-Temporal Database, Dynamic .

Last update:Nov 26, 2024 at 16:40:19