Journals starting with pfg_

PFG( Vol No. ) * *Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation

PFG(2009) * 3D Filtering of High-Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Extraction of Planar Surfaces and their Topology from Point Clouds, An
* Aerial Imagery of World War One: A Unique Source for Conflict and Landscape Archaeology, The
* Algorithms of Multi-Modal Route Planning Based on the Concept of Switch Point
* Analysis of Historic Maps and Images for Research on Urban Development of Baalbek/Lebanon
* Analysis of Image Sequences for the Detection and Monitoring of Moving Traffic
* Approaches for geometrical and semantic modelling of huge unstructured 3D point clouds
* Assessment of the Landslide Susceptibility at the Jurassic Escarpment of the Swabian Alb by Means of GIS-based Statistical-probabilistic Evaluation
* Automatic Co-Registration of Airborne Laser-scanner Data Recorded at an Urban Area with Oblique Sensor Configuration
* Automatic Estimation of Vehicle Activity from Airborne Thermal Infrared Video of Urban Areas by Trajectory Classification
* From Historical City Models to Interactive 3D GIS Requirements and Approaches Using the Example of the City of Solothurn
* Generating Historical Urban 3D-Scenarios for Use in Google Earth Representing the Medieval City of Duisburg
* Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Registration of Laser Scans with Imperfect and Subdivided Features (GAReg-ISF)
* Historic Maps and Imagery for Modern Scientific Applications
* Integration of remote sensing data in national and European spatial data infrastructures derivation of CORINE Land Cover data from the DLM-DE
* Interferometric Potential of High Resolution Spaceborne SAR
* JAVA-based Texture Analysis Employing Neighborhood Gray-Tone Difference Matrix (NGTDM) for Optimization of Land Use Classifications in High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Manuscript Maps as Sources for Cultural History and the History of Climatology
* Methods for Geometric Accuracy Investigations of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Systems
* Motion Analysis of Fast Flowing Glaciers from Multi-temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* On-the-job Range Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with Piecewise Linear Functions
* Pansharpening Simple Approaches and their Evaluation
* Preserve the Past for the Future: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Documentation and Deformation Analysis of Easter Island's Moai
* Rectification of Historic Royal Air Force Aerial Photos and Generation of an Aerial Image Mosaic of the Sarno River Basin, Italy
* Shift from Film to Digital Product: Focus on CORONA Imagery, The
* Suitability of Different LIDAR Data Sets for 3D Mapping of the Road Environment
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Visualization of a Complex Dome in an Extreme Alpine Cave System
* Themenheft Terrestrisches Laserscanning
* Two Variants on Direct Geo-referencing of Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data and CIR Orthophotos to Estimate the Stem Volume of Forest Stands
* Visual Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Maps
31 for PFG(2009)

PFG(2010) * Automatic Road-Tracking in Airborne Image Sequences
* Beginnings of Aerial Photogrammetry and Interpretation in German Forestry after 1945, The
* Brachflachenmonitoring im sudlichen Pfalzerwald mit Hilfe hochauflosender Satelliten- und LIDAR-Daten
* Curvelet-based Change Detection on SAR Images for Natural Disaster Mapping
* Derivation of 3D Indoor Models by Grammars for Route Planning
* Detection and Classification of Bark Beetle Infestation in Pure Norway Spruce Stands with Multi-temporal RapidEye Imagery and Data Mining Techniques
* DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Geometric Performance
* DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Stereoplotting
* DGPF-Test on Digital Airborne Camera Evaluation Overview and Test Design, The
* Digital Photogrammetric Camera Evaluation Generation of Digital Elevation Models
* Evaluating Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Estimating Winter Wheat Growth Parameters at Regional Scale in the North China Plain
* Evaluation of Efficient Methods for Optical Flow Computation
* Flood Extent Mapping Based on TerraSAR-X Data
* General Framework for Fast and Interactive Classification of Optical VHR Satellite Imagery Using Hierarchical and Planar Markov Random Fields, A
* Identifying Architectural Style in 3D City Models with Support Vector Machines
* Independent Component Analysis of Hyperion Data to Map Alteration Zones
* Modular System for Road Updating, Refinement and Classification from Satellite Images, A
* NRT-Monitoring am Vulkanausbruch Eyjafjallajokull (Island) mit TerraSAR-X
* Optimised Near-Real Time Data Acquisition and Preprocessing of Satellite Data for Disaster Related Rapid Mapping
* Pan-Arctic Land Cover Mapping and Fire Assessment for the ESA Data User Element Permafrost
* Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Species Classifications A Case Study in the Framework of the DGPF-Project
* Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and its Cross-validation in Three Test Areas Using a Frequency Ratio Model
* Remote Sensing at Bavarian State Institute of Forestry Transfer of Research Results in Forestry Practice
* Remote Sensing Based Population Maps for Crisis Response
* Requirements for Digital / Digitized Aerial Imagery A Manual of the Working Group of Forest Interpreters of Aerial Photographs
* review of the combination of spectral and geometric modelling for the application in forest remote sensing, A
* Status Report on the Evaluation of the Radiometric Properties of Digital Photogrammetric Airborne Cameras
* Support Vector Machines for Vegetation Classification A Revision
* White-reference based post-correction method for multi-source spectral libraries
29 for PFG(2010)

PFG(2011) * Analyse hyperspektraler Signaturen mit doppelten Weibull-Funktionen
* Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
* Applying Advanced Techniques to the Dissemination of Satellite Based Crisis Information
* Change Detection Analysis for Assessing the Vulnerability and Protective Effect of Beach Forests in Case of the Tsunami 2004 in Thailand
* Detection of Damaged Buildings in Crisis Areas from Panchromatic Remote Sensing Data
* Feasibility of Facade Footprint Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Feature Evaluation for a Transferable Approach of Object-based Land Cover Classification Based on Ikonos and QuickBird Satellite Data
* Geometric Calibration of Thermal Cameras
* Geometric Property of Large Format Digital Camera DMC II 140
* Historical 4D City Model of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg: Automated Generation and Presentation within the Google Earth Engine
* INSPIRE Data Specification for harmonised Orthoimageries
* Integrated real-time visualization of massive 3D point clouds and geo-referenced texture data
* Least-squares Matching with Advanced Geometric Transformation Models
* MACS: Modular Airborne Camera System for Generating Photogrammetric High-Resolution Products
* Monitoring of the Vegetation Composition in Rewetted Peatland with Iterative Decision Tree Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Multisensorale Fernerkundungsdaten zur mikroklimatischen Beschreibung und Klassifikation urbaner Strukturen
* New Binary Encoding Algorithm for the Simultaneous Region-based Classification of Hyperspectral Data and Digital Surface Models, A
* New Object Level Strategy for Image Fusion Quality Assessment of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Object-based Change Detection
* Probability Model-based Method for Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Spectral Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Rapid Mapping of Forest Fires in the European Mediterranean Region: A Change Detection Approach Using X-Band SAR-Data
* Remote Sensing and GIS Studies of the Hegau Volcanic Area in SW Germany
* Towards a National 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure: Case of The Netherlands
* Towards Automatic 3D Change Detection inside Urban Areas by Combining Height and Shape Information
* Zwei-skaliger Ansatz zur Aktualisierung landwirtschaftlicher Referenzkulissen (LPIS)
25 for PFG(2011)

PFG(2012) * 3D Reconstruction of Real World Scenes with Low- Cost Hard- and Software
* Accurate Reconstruction of Near-Epipolar Line Segments from Stereo Aerial Images
* Age Determination of Martian Low Shield Volcanoes by Crater Size-Frequency Measurements
* Assessment of Radiometric Correction Methods for ADS40 Imagery
* Automated 3D Road Sign Mapping with Stereovision-based Mobile Mapping exploiting Depth Information from Dense Stereo Matching
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Large Unordered Image Datasets for Close-Range Cultural Heritage Data Recording
* Automated Assessment of Digital Terrain Models Derived From Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction from Multiple Images for Architectural, Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Applications Using Open-Source Software and Web Services
* Bundle Block Adjustment of CBERS-2B HRC Imagery Combining Control Points and Lines
* Calibration and Direct Georeferencing Analysis of a Multi-Sensor System for Cultural Heritage Recording
* Change Detection in Peri-Urban Areas Based on Contextual Classification
* Circular targets in perspective projection: In an image and in bundle adjustment
* company Austro Control Ges.m.b.H. (ACG) is responsible for the air traffic control of the civil aviation in Austria, The
* Comparing Classification Results of Multi-Seasonal TM against AVIRIS Imagery: Seasonality more Important than Number of Bands
* Concepts for Cartography-Oriented Visualization of Virtual 3D City Models
* Decision Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Subpixel Target Detection, A
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Low Texture Surfaces Using an Energy Minimization Framework with Smoothness-Based Priors
* Dense Multi-Stereo Matching for High Quality Digital Elevation Models
* Department of Optical Information Systems (OS): Sensors and Instruments for Space- and Airborne Applications
* Digital Surface Model Extraction and Re nement through Image Segmentation - Application to the ISPRS Benchmark Stereo Dataset
* Documentation of conservation state in large-scale subsurface objects
* Effcient Multiple Loop Adjustment for Computer Vision Tasks
* Graph-Based Analysis of Pedestrian Interactions and Events Using Hidden Markov Models
* High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
* Identifying Correspondences in Sparse and Varying 3D Point Clouds using Distinctive Features
* Kernel Composition with the one-against-one Cascade for Integrating External Knowledge into SVM Classification
* Konzeption und Genauigkeitsabschätzungen für eine Bestimmung der äußeren Orientierung eines Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
* Line based Matching of Uncertain 3D Building Models with IR Image Sequences for Precise Texture Extraction
* Lithological Mapping of Dahab Basin, South Sinai, Egypt, using ASTER Data
* Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Applications
* Matching and Evaluating Free-form Linear Features for Georeferencing Space-borne SAR Imagery
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of Single Highresolution Polarimetric SAR Images in Urban Areas
* Minimal Representations for Testing and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Multi-Temporal Hyperspectral and Radar Remote Sensing for Estimating Winter Wheat Biomass in the North China Plain
* Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
* New Approach to Robust LiDAR/Optical Imagery Registration, A
* On INS/GNSS-based Time Synchronization in Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Multi-Sensor Systems
* Orientation and Dense Reconstruction from Unordered Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Overview of Experimental Setups in Spectroscopic Laboratory Measurements: The SpecTour Project
* Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* Process for Radiometric Correction of UAV Image Blocks, A
* Scale-specific Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Approach in Environmental Research
* Scientist's Idealism versus User's Realism on Radarsat-2 HR Stereo Capability without GCP: Two Cases over North and Arctic Sites in Canada
* Semi-automatic Integration of Panoramic Hyperspectral Imagery with Photorealistic Lidar Models
* Sensor-Based Approach to Image Quality, A
* SNR Evaluation of the RapidEye Space-borne Cameras
* Suitability of WorldView-2 data for tree species classification with special emphasis on the four new spectral bands
* System Theoretical Aspects for Designing Opto-Electronic Sensors for Remote Sensing
* Testing the Radiometric Performance of Digital Photogrammetric Images: Vicarious vs. Laboratory Calibration on the Leica ADS40, a Study in Spain
* Validation and Automatic Repair of Planar Partitions Using a Constrained Triangulation
50 for PFG(2012)

PFG(2013) * Advanced High Resolution SAR Interferometry of Urban Areas with Airborne Millimetrewave Radar
* Analysis of Crop Reflectance for Estimating Biomass in Rice Canopies at Different Phenological Stages
* Assessment of using ASTER-derived DTM for Glaciological Applications in the Central Andes, Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina
* Automated Analysis of Satellite Imagery to provide Information Products for Humanitarian Relief Operations in Refugee Camps - from Scientific Development towards Operational Services
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Objects in Point Clouds using multi-stage Semantics
* Bundle Adjustment and System Calibration with Points at Infinity for Omnidirectional Camera Systems
* Conception and Implementation of a Case Specific Uncertainty Chain in the processing of Remote Sensing Scenes
* Cornice Detection Using Façade Image and Point Cloud
* DEM Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Die Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Fernerkundungskontrolle
* Digital Basic Geodata Sets Hausumringe and Hauskoordinaten: Characterization and Pre-processing for Building Stock Analysis, The
* DijkstraFPS: Graph Partitioning in Geometry and Image Processing
* Editorial, Issue Introduction
* Einsatz von Change-Detection-Methoden bei der Fortführung von Versiegelungs- und Gebäudedatenbeständen
* Establishing and implementing a national 3D Standard in The Netherlands
* Estimation and Mapping of Carbon Stocks in Riparian Forests by using a Machine Learning Approach with Multiple Geodata
* Extracting Urban Parameters of the City of Oldenburg from Hyperspectral, Thermal, and Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Federated Catalogue for Discovering Earth Observation Data
* Finding Poly-Curves of Straight Line and Ellipse Segments in Images
* GMES4Mining: Description of a Flooding Process in Mining Areas using spectral Indices on multi-temporal Landsat Imagery
* Graphical Models in Geodesy and Photogrammetry
* Guest-Editorial: 25 Years of Development to Improve Earth Observation and Processing of Geoinformation
* Habitat Mapping from Optical and SAR Satellite Data: Implications of Synergy and Uncertainty for Landscape Analysis
* Image Analysis Methods to Monitor Natura 2000 Habitats at Regional Scales: the MS. MONINA State Service Example in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
* Integrated 3D Range Camera Self-Calibration
* Introducing a Method for Spectral Enrichment of the High Spatial Resolution Images
* Monitoring Services for Food Security: Successful Transfer of Technology to the Sudanese Government
* Multisensoral, object- and GIS-based classification of grassland habitats in the Bio sphere Reserve Schwäbische Alb
* Neural Network Modelling of Tehran Land Subsidence Measured by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Object Features for Pixel-based Classi cation of Urban Areas Comparing Different Machine Learning Algorithms
* Operational forest structure monitoring using airborne laser scanning
* Performance Comparison of Contemporary Anomaly Detectors for Detecting Man-Made Objects in Hyperspectral Images
* Photogrammetrische Forschung - Eine Zwischenbilanz aus Bonner Sicht
* Rainfall Estimation with a Geosensor Network of Cars: Theoretical Considerations and First Results
* Robust Iterative Kalman Filter Based on Implicit Measurement Equations, A
* Schwerpunktheft zur Photogrammetrie an der Universität Bonn
* Stereoscopic Approach for the Association of People Tracks in Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Surveying European Landscape Dynamics
* Trainable Markov Random Field for Low-Level Image Feature Matching with Spatial Relationships, A
* UAV-based Imaging for Multi-Temporal, very high Resolution Crop Surface Models to monitor Crop Growth Variability
* UAV@LGL: Pilotstudie zum Einsatz von UAV im Rahmen der Landesvermessung in Deutschland
* Unsupervised Change Detection on SAR images using a New Fractal-Based Measure
* Water-Land-Classification in Coastal Areas with Full Waveform Lidar Data
* Wavelet-based texture measures for object-based classification of aerial images
44 for PFG(2013)

PFG(2014) * 3D-Landscape Visualisation to support upkeeping and maintenance of the UNESCO cultural world heritage of the Garden Kingdom
* Accuracy Investigation for Structured-light Based Consumer 3D Sensors
* AdaBoost Ensemble Classifier System for Classifying Hyperspectral Data, An
* Analysing Phenological Characteristics Extracted from Landsat NDVI Time Series to Identify Suitable Image Acquisition Dates for Cannabis Mapping in Afghanistan
* Assessment of using an Intelligent Algorithm for the Interpolation of Elevation in the DTM Generation, The
* Crop Water Requirements on Regional Level using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in the Marchfeld Region
* Derivation of Dominant Height and Yield Class of Forest Stands by Means of Airborne Remote Sensing Methods
* DInSAR Time Series of ALOS PALSAR and ENVISAT ASAR Data for Monitoring Hashtgerd Land Subsidence due to Overexploitation of Groundwater
* Direct Georeferencing of Micro Aerial Vehicles - System Design, System Calibration and First Evaluation Tests
* Early Detection of Bark Beetle Infestation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies, L.) using WorldView-2 Data
* Effect of Vegetation Type and Density on X-Band SAR Backscatter after Forest Fires, The
* Enhanced Classification Approach using Hyperspectral Image Data in Combination with in situ Spectral Measurements for the Mapping of Vegetation Communities, An
* Evaluating Phenological Metrics derived from the MODIS Time Series over the European Continent
* Evaluation of a Light-weight Lidar and a Photogrammetric System for Unmanned Airborne Mapping Applications
* Evaluation of inertial measurement systems using laser scanners and known landmarks
* Generating Resistance Surfaces for Wildlife Corridor Extraction
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment of Classified Land Use / Land Cover Changes
* Geometry and Colour Based Classification of Urban Point Cloud Scenes Using a Supervised Self-Organizing Map
* Hydrographic Surveying of the Steppe Lake Neusiedl: Mapping the Lake Bed Topography and the Mud Layer
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing with the UAS Stuttgarter Adler System Setup, Calibration and First Results
* Improving Land Cover Maps in Areas of Disagreement of Existing Products using NDVI Time Series of MODIS: Example for Europe
* Influence of Image Filtering on Land Cover Classification when using Fractal and Multifractal Features
* Low-cost Terrestrial Photogrammetry as a Tool for a Sample-Based Assessment of Soil Roughness
* MACS-TumbleCam: A Novel Approach for Aerial Oblique Imaging
* Method Analysis for Collecting and Processing in-situ Hyperspectral Needle Reflectance Data for Monitoring Norway Spruce
* Method of Evaluating the Internal Precision of Multi-View Stereo Dense Reconstruction, Applied on Parthenon Frieze, A
* Metrology of Directional, Spectral Reflectance Factor Measurements Based on Area Format Imaging by UAVs, The
* Micro Aerial Vehicle with Precise Position and Attitude Sensors, A
* Modification of High Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning DTMs for Drainage Network Delineation
* Omnidirectional Perception for Lightweight MAVs using a Continuously Rotating 3D Laser
* Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging for Soil Diagnostics: Results of a Case Study in the Spectral Laboratory
* Spatiotemporally Varying Relationships between Urban Growth Patterns and Driving Factors in Xuzhou City, China
* Special Issue on Geodata Processing at the Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information at BOKU in Vienna
* use of imaging and non-imaging Spectroscopy for the determination of stress phenomena of beech trees, The
* Visual Analysis of TerraSAR-X Backscatter Imagery for Archaeological Prospection
35 for PFG(2014)

PFG(2015) * Accuracy of Laser Scanners for Measuring Surfaces made of Synthetic Materials
* Algorithm to Generate a Simplified Railway Network through Generalization, An
* Berichte von Veranstaltungen
* Bi-temporal Change Detection, Change Trajectories and Time Series Analysis for Forest Monitoring
* Comparison of SVM and Boosted Regression Trees for the Delineation of Lacustrine Sediments using Multispectral ASTER Data and Topographic Indices in the Lake Manyara Basin
* Comparison of two Statistical Methods for the Derivation of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation for Cotton
* Correspondence Framework for ALS Strip Adjustments based on Variants of the ICP Algorithm, A
* Development of an ISO-Standard for the Preservation of Geospatial Data and Metadata: ISO 19165
* Development of Multi-Temporal Landslide Inventory Information System for Southern Kyrgyzstan Using GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing
* Enhancement of Lidar Planimetric Accuracy using Orthoimages
* Estimate Leaf Chlorophyll of Rice Using Reflectance Indices and Partial Least Squares
* Evaluation and Monitoring of Service Quality illustrated by the Example of the German Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
* Generation of TIR-attributed 3D Point Clouds from UAV-based Thermal Imagery
* Georeferencing Multi-source Geospatial Data Using Multi-temporal TerraSAR-X Imagery: a Case Study in Qixing Farm, Northeast China
* High Resolution Land Cover/Land Use Mapping of Large Areas: Current Status and Upcoming Trends
* Identification of Agricultural Crop Types in Northern Israel using Multitemporal RapidEye Data
* Impact of Categorical and Spatial Scale on Supervised Crop Classification using Remote Sensing
* Impact of different Leaf Surface Tissues on active 3D Laser Triangulation Measurements, The
* Local Prototype Space-based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Subpixel Analysis
* Low-weight and UAV-based Hyperspectral Full-frame Cameras for Monitoring Crops: Spectral Comparison with Portable Spectroradiometer Measurements
* Multi-temporal Analysis of RapidEye Data to Detect Natural Vegetation Phenology During Two Growing Seasons in the Northern Negev, Israel
* Multitemporale und kantenbasierte Analyseverfahren zur Detektion agrarischer Landnutzungsdynamiken auf Teneriffa
* PROSPECT Inversions of Leaf Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy: A Comparison of Spectral Range and Inversion Technique Influences
* Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
* Simulation of Urban Growth in the Ruhr for 2025: A Case Study comparing bottom-up and top-down Modelling Approaches based on Satellite Data
* Special Issue: Remote sensing for monitoring crops
* Study on Sensor Level LiDAR Waveform Data Compression Using JPEG-2000 Standard Multi-Component Transform
* VecTree: Concepts for 3D modelling of deciduous trees from terrestrial Lidar
* VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores
29 for PFG(2015)

PFG(2016) * Accuracy Analysis of Photogrammetric UAV Image Blocks: Influence of Onboard RTK-GNSS and Cross Flight Patterns
* Acquisition of the former and current settlement dynamics of Hanoi based on heterogeneous satellite images
* Automatic Generation of Orthorectified High Resolution Satellite Imagery: A Case Study for Saudi Arabia
* Comparison of UAV- and TLS-derived Plant Height for Crop Monitoring: Using Polygon Grids for the Analysis of Crop Surface Models (CSMs), A
* Dense Image Matching vs. Airborne Laser Scanning: Comparison of two methods for deriving terrain models
* Estimating the Leaf Area Index of Agricultural Crops using multi-temporal dual-polarimetric TerraSAR-X Data: A case study in North-Eastern Germany
* Evaluation Criteria for Recent LoD Proposals for City-GML Buildings
* Geoprocessing of High Resolution Imageries for Shoreline Extraction in the Process of the Production of Inland Electronic Navigational Charts
* Highspeed Stereo-Endoskopie für eng begrenzte Messvolumina
* Image Quality Assessment of Pléiades-1A Triplet Bundle and Pan-sharpened Images
* Impact Assessment of Oil Exploitation in South Sudan using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery
* Important Variables of a RapidEye Time Series for Modelling Biophysical Parameters of Winter Wheat
* Incidence Angle Dependency of Leaf Vegetation Indices from Hyperspectral Lidar Measurements
* Investigations of the Geometrical Accuracy of Handheld 3D Scanning Systems
* Study of the Human Comprehension of Building Categories Based on Different 3D Building Representations, A
* Supporting Management of Refugee Streams by Earth Observation and Geoinformation
* Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Device for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Tri-Stereo Model Orientation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Combining Ground Control Points and Lines
* Use of a Modified Camera for the Classification of Sedimentary Rocks, The
* Using Digital Aerial Photogrammetry and the Random Forest Approach to Model Forest Inventory Attributes in Beech- and Spruce-dominated Central European Forests
* WeBest: Automatic correction and mapping of façade thermography on 3D building models
21 for PFG(2016)

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