24.4.5 DEM, DSM, DTM, Evaluations, Valdiation, Surveys, Overviews

Chapter Contents (Back)
Survey, Terrain. Terrain. Evaluation, DEM. DEM, Evaluation. DSM, Evaluation. DTM, Evaluation. Digital Terrain Map.
See also Error Analysis, Evaluation, Performance Analysis of Computation Methods.

Applied Imagery,
3-D, Range data visualization and processing.
WWW Link. Vendor, Image Analysis. Vendor, Terrain Visualization. Derived from Johns Hopkins, Applied Physics Lab work. The modeler has processing options, the viewer is for looking at the data. A variety of input formats.

Krupnik, A.[Amnon],
Accuracy Assessment of Automatically Derived Digital Elevation Models from SPOT Images,
PhEngRS(66), No. 8, August 2000, pp. 1017. Accuracy and reliability of DEMs, extracted automatically from SPOT stereo models, are tested by comparing the results to manually measured DEMs from aerial images. 0008

Veidman, A.[Avi], Krupnik, A.[Amnon],
Predicting and Solving Reliability Problems in DEM Generation: The Case of Non-Textured Surfaces,
ISPRSGIS99(41-46). Uses interpolation and edges. BibRef 9900

Li, R.X.,
Mobile Mapping: An Emerging Technology for Spatial Data-Acquisition,
PhEngRS(63), No. 9, September 1997, pp. 1085-1092. 9709

Fisher, P.[Peter],
Improved Modeling of Elevation Error with Geostatistics,
GeoInfo(2), No. 3, October 1998, pp. 215-233.
DOI Link BibRef 9810

Pereira, L.M.G.[L.M. Gomes], Janssen, L.L.F.,
Suitability of Laser Data for DTM Generation: A Case Study in the Context of Road Planning and Design,
PandRS(54), No. 4, September 1999, pp. 244-253. 9911

Rees, W.G.,
The accuracy of Digital Elevation Models interpolated to higher resolutions,
JRS(21), No. 1, January 2000, pp. 7-20. 9911

Gong, J.Y.[Jian-Ya], Li, Z.L.[Zhi-Lin], Zhu, Q.[Qing], Shu, H.G.[Hai-Gang], Zhou, Y.[Yi],
Effects of Various Factors on the Accuracy of DEMs: An Intensive Experimental Investigation,
PhEngRS(66), No. 9, September 2000, pp. 1113-1118. The effects of four factors on DEM accuracy: the accuracy, the density of source data, the characteristics of the terrain surface, and the modeling approaches. 0010

Smith, D.P.[David P.], Atkinson, S.F.[Samuel F.],
Accuracy of Rectification Using Topographic Map versus GPS Ground Control Points,
PhEngRS(67), No. 5, May 2001, pp. 565-570. Ground control points acquired using GPS are superior to those determined from topographic maps for satellite image rectification. 0106

Crosetto, M.,
Calibration and validation of SAR interferometry for DEM generation,
PandRS(57), No. 3, December 2002, pp. 213-227.
Elsevier DOI 0307

Hirano, A.[Akira], Welch, R.[Roy], Lang, H.[Harold],
Mapping from ASTER stereo image data: DEM validation and accuracy assessment,
PandRS(57), No. 5-6, April 2003, pp. 356-370.
Elsevier DOI 0307

Hay, G.J.[Geoffrey J.], Blaschke, T.[Thomas], Marceau, D.J.[Danielle J.], Bouchard, A.[André],
A comparison of three image-object methods for the multiscale analysis of landscape structure,
PandRS(57), No. 5-6, April 2003, pp. 327-345.
Elsevier DOI 0307

Lang, S., Blaschke, T.[Thomas],
Hierarchical Object Representation: Comparative Multi-Scale Mapping of Anthropogenic and Natural Features,
PDF File. 0509

Bors, A.G.[Adrian G.], Hancock, E.R.[Edwin R.], Wilson, R.C.[Richard C.],
Terrain Analysis Using Radar Shape-from-Shading,
PAMI(25), No. 8, August 2003, pp. 974-992.
IEEE Abstract. 0308
Terrain Modeling in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Shape-from-shading,
ICPR00(Vol I: 798-801).
3-D Terrain from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images,

Wilson, R.C., Hancock, E.R.,
A radar reflectance model for terrain analysis using shape from shading,

Bors, A.G., Hancock, E.R.,
Recovering height information from SAR images of terrain,
ICIP02(II: 477-480).

Bors, A.G.[Adrian G.], Hancock, E.R.[Edwin R.], Wilson, R.C.[Richard C.],
A Bayesian Framework for Radar Shape-from-Shading,
CVPR00(I: 262-268).
Terrain Feature Identification by Modeling Radar Image Statistics,
ICIP00(Vol I: 721-724).

Saha, P.K., Chaudhuri, B.B., Chanda, B., Felicisimo, A.M.,
Parametric Statistical-Method for Error-Detection in Digital Elevation Models,
PandRS(49), No. 4, August 1994, pp. 29-33. Evaluation, Range. BibRef 9408

Cuartero, A., Felicisimo, A.M., Ariza, F.J.,
Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of SPOT HRV and Terra ASTER digital elevation models,
GeoRS(43), No. 2, February 2005, pp. 404-407.
IEEE Abstract. 0501

Felicisimo, A.M., Cuartero, A.,
Methodological Proposal for Multispectral Stereo Matching,
GeoRS(44), No. 9, September 2006, pp. 2534-2538.

Hodgson, M.E.[Michael E.], Jensen, J.R.[John R.], Raber, G.[George], Tullis, J.A.[Jason A.], Davis, B.A.[Bruce A.], Thompson, G.[Gary], Schuckman, K.[Karen],
An Evaluation of Lidar-derived Elevation and Terrain Slope in Leaf-off Conditions,
PhEngRS(71), No. 7, July 2005, pp. 817-824.
WWW Link. 0509
Surface elevations and slope derived from lidar data in seven land-cover classes were validated using survey grade elevations. BibRef

Sheng, Y.W.[Yong-Wei],
Theoretical Analysis of the Iterative Photogrammetric Method to Determining Ground Coordinates from Photo Coordinates and a DEM,
PhEngRS(71), No. 7, July 2005, pp. 863. The convergence condition and the convergence speed of the iterative Photogrammetric method to the single-ray back-projection problem is analyzed, and validates the theory using a synthetic surfacecontaining a variety of slope conditions.
WWW Link. 0509

Zhang, K.Q.[Ke-Qi], Whitman, D.[Dean],
Comparison of Three Algorithms for Filtering Airborne Lidar Data,
PhEngRS(71), No. 3, March 2005, pp. 313-324. Three terrain filtering methods based on changes of local elevation and slopes, applied to various data sets from urban, coastal, and mountainous areas.
WWW Link. 0509

Iwasaki, A., Fujisada, H.,
ASTER Geometric Performance,
GeoRS(43), No. 12, December 2005, pp. 2700-2706.

Fujisada, H., Bailey, G.B., Kelly, G.G., Hara, S., Abrams, M.J.,
ASTER DEM Performance,
GeoRS(43), No. 12, December 2005, pp. 2707-2714.

Girod, L.[Luc], Nuth, C.[Christopher], Kääb, A.[Andreas], McNabb, R.[Robert], Galland, O.[Olivier],
MMASTER: Improved ASTER DEMs for Elevation Change Monitoring,
RS(9), No. 7, 2017, pp. xx-yy.
DOI Link 1708

Buyuksalih, G.[Gurcan], Kocak, G.[Guven], Orue, M.[Murat],
Geometric Accuracy Evaluation of the DEM Generated by the Russian TK-350 Stereo Scenes Using the SRTM X- and C- band Interferometric DEMs,
PhEngRS(71), No. 11, November 2005, pp. 1295-1302.
WWW Link. 0602
A detailed account regarding the geometric accuracy analysis of the DEMs extracted from TK-350 inagery based on the interferometric DEMs derived from the SRTM x- and C-band data. BibRef

Alamús, R., Kornus, W., Talaya, J.,
Studies on DMC geometry,
PandRS(60), No. 6, September 2006, pp. 375-386.
Elsevier DOI 0610
Digital aerial camera; Accuracy; Automatic DEM generation; Self-calibration BibRef

Hofton, M.[Michelle], Dubayah, R.[Ralph], Blair, J.B.[J. Bryan], Rabine, D.[David],
Validation of SRTM Elevations Over Vegetated and Non-vegetated Terrain Using Medium-Footprint Lidar,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 279-286.
WWW Link. 0610
An evaluation of SRTM C-band DEMs in various terrain by comparison with coincident ground and canopy top elevation data obtained from the Laser Vegetation Imaging Scanner. BibRef

Guth, P.L.[Peter L.],
Geomorphometry from SRTM: Comparison to NED,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 269-278.
WWW Link. 0610
Calculated terrain parameters computed from the SRTM mission generally correlate with those computed from the National Elevation Data Set, but systematic differences refl ect the collection methods and true resolution of the data. BibRef

Hoffmann, J.[Jörn], Walter, D.[Diana],
How Complementary are SRTM-X and -C Band Digital Elevation Models?,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 261-269.
WWW Link. 0610
Validation of SRTM data products and assessment of possible improvements by their combination. BibRef

Rodríguez, E.[Ernesto], Morris, C.S.[Charles S.], Belz, J.E.[J. Eric],
A Global Assessment of the SRTM Performance,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 249-260.
WWW Link. 0610
A detailed description documenting the results of SRTM validation for absolute geolocation error, absolute height error, and relative height error. BibRef

Slater, J.A.[James A.], Garvey, G.[Graham], Johnston, C.[Carolyn], Haase, J.[Jeffrey], Heady, B.[Barry], Kroenung, G.[George], Little, J.J.[James J.],
The SRTM Data Finishing Process and Products,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 237-248.
WWW Link. 0610
Data editing requirements, procedures and assessments carried out by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency to produce finished SRTM DTED and related products disseminated to the U.S. Government and the public at large. BibRef

Carabajal, C.C.[Claudia C.], Harding, D.J.[David J.],
SRTM C-band and ICESat Laser Altimetry Elevation Comparisons as a Function of Tree Cover and Relief,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 287-298.
WWW Link. 0610
Validation of SRTM C-band DEMs Using Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) data. BibRef

Kiel, B.[Brian], Alsdorf, D.[Doug], LeFavour, G.[Gina],
Capability of SRTM C and X Band DEM Data to Measure Water Elevations in Ohio and the Amazon,
PhEngRS(72), No. 3, March 2006, pp. 313-320.
WWW Link. 0610
Analyzing SRTM water surface elevation data to assess the capacity of interferometric radar for future water surface missions. BibRef

Walker, J.P.[Jeffrey P.], Willgoose, G.R.[Garry R.],
A Comparative Study of Australian Cartometric and Photogrammetric Digital Elevation Model Accuracy,
PhEngRS(72), No. 7, July 2006, pp. 771-780.
WWW Link. 0610
The accuracy of digital elevation models derived from digitizing contours on topographic maps and from autocorrelation of stereo photographs is investigated throught comparison with elevation data from a ground survey. BibRef

Peng, M.H.[Miao-Hsiang], Shih, T.Y.[Tian-Yuan],
Error Assessment in Two Lidar-derived TIN Datasets,
PhEngRS(72), No. 8, August 2006, pp. 933-948.
WWW Link. 0610
An evaluation of elevations derived from lidar data in seven land-cover classes with GPS and total station measurements. BibRef

Wechsler, S.P.[Suzanne P.], Kroll, C.N.[Charles N.],
Quantifying DEM Uncertainty and Its Effect on Topographic Parameters,
PhEngRS(72), No. 9, September 2006, pp. 1081-1090.
WWW Link. 0610
A methodology to quantify uncertainty in digital elevation data and derived parameters: slope, upslope, contributing area, and topographic index. BibRef

Bhang, K.J., Schwartz, F.W., Braun, A.,
Verification of the Vertical Error in C-Band SRTM DEM Using ICESat and Landsat-7, Otter Tail County, MN,
GeoRS(45), No. 1, January 2007, pp. 36-44.

James, T.D.[Timothy D.], Carbonneau, P.E.[Patrice E.], Lane, S.N.[Stuart N.],
Investigating the Effects of DEM Error in Scaling Analysis,
PhEngRS(73), No. 1, January 2007, pp. 67-78.
WWW Link. 0704
A new method of scaling analysis to investigate the effects of common photogrammetric errors through numerical simulation. BibRef

Pierce, L.[Leland], Kellndorfer, J.[Josef], Walker, W.[Wayne], Barros, O.[Oton],
Evaluation of the Horizontal Resolution of SRTM Elevation Data,
PhEngRS(72), No. 11, November 2006, pp. 1235-1244.
WWW Link. 0704
The horizontal resolution of SRTM elevation data is evaluated using two approaches with the conclusion that it varies between 1 and 1.6 pixels depending on the local filter applied. BibRef

Su, J.[Jason], Bork, E.[Edward],
Influence of Vegetation, Slope, and Lidar Sampling Angle on DEM Accuracy,
PhEngRS(72), No. 11, November 2006, pp. 1265-1274.
WWW Link. 0704
An evaluation of the influence of vegetation, slope, and offnadir sampling angle within a topographically variable region on the accuracy of a lidar-derived DEM. BibRef

Mercier, J.A.[Jeffrey A.], Schowengerdt, R.A.[Robert A.], Storey, J.C.[James C.], Smith, J.L.[Jody L.],
Geometric Correction and Digital Elevation Extraction Using Multiple MTI Datasets,
PhEngRS(73), No. 2, February 2007, pp. 133-142.
WWW Link. 0704
Concepts from Photogrammetric stereo pair elevation extraction have been extended to utilize three or more imagery collects and to provide geometric correction information for a pushbroom sensor. BibRef

Ip, A.[Alain], El-Sheimy, N.[Naser], Mostafa, M.[Mohamed],
Performance Analysis of Integrated Sensor Orientation,
PhEngRS(73), No. 1, January 2007, pp. 89-98.
WWW Link. 0704
The performance characteristics of an aerial mapping system using integrated sensor orientation under different qualities of differential GPS and IMU data. BibRef

Mach, R., Petschek, P.,
Visualization of Digital Terrain and Landscape Data: A Manual,
Springer2007. ISBN 978-3-540-30490-6.
WWW Link. Survey, Visualization. Buy this book: Visualization of Digital Terrain and Landscape Data: A Manual BibRef 0700

Bjørke, J.T.[Jan T.], Nilsen, S.[Stein],
Computation of Random Errors in Digital Terrain Models,
GeoInfo(11), No. 3, September 2007, pp. 359-382.
Springer DOI 0709

Aguilar, F.J.[Fernando J.], Agüera, F.[Francisco], Aguilar, M.A.[Manuel A.],
A Theoretical Approach to Modeling the Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models,
PhEngRS(73), No. 12, December 2007, pp. 1367-1380.
WWW Link. 0712
Development and validation of a theoretical model for estimating the degree of correctness to which the accuracy figures of a grid Digital Elevation Model have been estimated, measured as RMSE, depending on the number of check points used in the accuracy assessment process. BibRef

Nichol, J.[Janet], Hang, L.K.[Law Kin],
The Influence of DEM Accuracy on Topographic Correction of Ikonos Satellite Images,
PhEngRS(74), No. 1, January 2008, pp. 47-54.
WWW Link. 0803
A comparison of DEMs from different interpolation techniques using well-known topographic correction algorithms. BibRef

Wu, J.D.[Jin-Dong], Bauer, M.E.[Marvin E.], Wang, D.[Dong], Manson, S.M.[Steven M.],
A comparison of illumination geometry-based methods for topographic correction of QuickBird images of an undulant area,
PandRS(63), No. 2, March 2008, pp. 223-236.
Elsevier DOI 0803
Bidirectional; DEM; High resolution; QuickBird; Topography BibRef

Seo, S.Y.[Su-Young], O'Hara, C.G.[Charles G.],
Parametric Investigation of the Performance of Lidar Filters Using Different Surface Contexts,
PhEngRS(74), No. 3, March 2008, pp. 343-362.
WWW Link. 0803
Comparison of the performance of surface models for filtering lidar data which are derived from morphological operations, triangulation, and linear prediction to filter lidar data. BibRef

Schumann, G., Matgen, P., Cutler, M.E.J., Black, A., Hoffmann, L., Pfister, L.,
Comparison of remotely sensed water stages from LiDAR, topographic contours and SRTM,
PandRS(63), No. 3, May 2008, pp. 283-296.
Elsevier DOI 0711
LiDAR; SRTM; Topographic contour DEM; Water stage; Flood inundation model BibRef

García-Quijano, M.J.[María J.], Jensen, J.R.[John R.], Hodgson, M.E.[Michael E.], Hadley, B.C.[Brian C.], Gladden, J.B.[John B.], Lapine, L.A.[Lewis A.],
Significance of Altitude and Posting Density on Lidar derived Elevation Accuracy on Hazardous Waste Sites,
PhEngRS(74), No. 9, September 2008, pp. 1137-1146.
WWW Link. 0804
Evaluation of the vertical accuracy of two lidar-derived elevation datasets acquired from different altitudes. BibRef

Beaulieu, A.[Alexandre], Clavet, D.[Daniel],
Accuracy Assessment of Canadian Digital Elevation Data using ICESat,
PhEngRS(75), No. 1, January 2009, pp. 81-86.
WWW Link. 0902
A demonstration of the quality of ICESat data and its potential for the validation of the accuracy of digital elevation models. BibRef

Hu, P.[Peng], Liu, X.H.[Xiao-Hang], Hu, H.[Hai],
Isomorphism in Digital Elevation Models and Its Implication to Interpolation Functions,
PhEngRS(75), No. 6, June 2009, pp. 713-722.
WWW Link. 0910
The prerequisites for an interpolation function to preserve topographic orderliness, i.e., if point A is higher than point B, the interpolated elevation of A should remain higher, are revealed for the first time. BibRef

Hu, P.[Peng], Liu, X.H.[Xiao-Hang], Hu, H.[Hai],
Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models based on Approximation Theory,
PhEngRS(75), No. 1, January 2009, pp. 49-57.
WWW Link. 0902
Approximation theory is applied for the first time to account for the theoretical reasons underlying the correlation between DEM errors and terrain morphology, sampling density, and interpolation method. BibRef

Liu, X.H.[Xiao-Hang], Hu, H.[Hai], Hu, P.[Peng],
Accuracy Assessment of LiDAR-Derived Digital Elevation Models Based on Approximation Theory,
RS(7), No. 6, 2015, pp. 7062.
DOI Link 1507

King, M.A.,
The GPS Contribution to the Error Budget of Surface Elevations Derived From Airborne LIDAR,
GeoRS(47), No. 3, March 2009, pp. 874-883.

Amara, Y.[Yacine], Marsault, X.[Xavier],
A GPU Tile-Load-Map architecture for terrain rendering: theory and applications,
VC(25), No. 8, August 2009, pp. xx-yy.
Springer DOI 0907

Amara, Y.[Yacine], Meunier, S.[Sylvain], Marsault, X.[Xavier],
A GPU Framework for the Visualization and On-the-Fly Amplification of Real Terrains,
ISVC07(I: 586-597).
Springer DOI 0711

Hohle, J.[Joachim], Hohle, M.[Michael],
Accuracy assessment of digital elevation models by means of robust statistical methods,
PandRS(64), No. 4, July 2009, pp. 398-406.
Elsevier DOI 0907
DEM/DTM; Laser scanning; Photogrammetry; Accuracy; Specifications BibRef

Chen, Q.[Qi],
Assessment of terrain elevation derived from satellite laser altimetry over mountainous forest areas using airborne lidar data,
PandRS(65), No. 1, January 2010, pp. 111-122.
Elsevier DOI 1001
GLAS; Gaussian decomposition; Elevation; Lidar
See also Modeling aboveground tree woody biomass using national-scale allometric methods and airborne lidar. BibRef

Gonzales de Oliveira, C.[Cleber], Renato Paradella, W.[Waldir], de Queiroz da Silva, A.[Arnaldo],
Assessment of radargrammetric DSMs from TerraSAR-X Stripmap images in a mountainous relief area of the Amazon region,
PandRS(66), No. 1, January 2011, pp. 67-72.
Elsevier DOI 1101
DSM; TerraSAR-X Stripmap; Topographic mapping; Brazilian Amazon BibRef

Beumier, C.[Charles], Idrissa, M.[Mahamadou],
Analysis of 3D Reconstruction Error in the Context of Computational Stereo in Remote Sensing,
PDF File. 1007

Beekhuizen, J., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Biesemans, J., Reusen, I.,
Effect of DEM Uncertainty on the Positional Accuracy of Airborne Imagery,
GeoRS(49), No. 5, May 2011, pp. 1567-1577.

Arefi, H., Reinartz, P.,
Accuracy Enhancement of ASTER Global Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat Data,
RS(3), No. 7, July 2011, pp. 1323-1343.
DOI Link 1203

Bitenc, M., Lindenbergh, R., Khoshelham, K., van Waarden, A.,
Evaluation of a LIDAR Land-Based Mobile Mapping System for Monitoring Sandy Coasts,
RS(3), No. 7, July 2011, pp. 1472-1491.
DOI Link 1203

Dahlqvist, S., Rönnholm, P., Salo, P., Vermeer, M.,
Evaluating the Correctness of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Heights Using Vehicle-Based RTK and VRS GPS Observations,
RS(3), No. 9, September 2011, pp. 1902-1913.
DOI Link 1203

Ortiz, S., Breidenbach, J., Knuth, R., Kändler, G.,
The Influence of DEM Quality on Mapping Accuracy of Coniferous- and Deciduous-Dominated Forest Using TerraSAR-X Images,
RS(4), No. 3, March 2012, pp. 661-681;.
DOI Link 1204

Debella-Gilo, M., Bjørkelo, K., Breidenbach, J., Rahlf, J.,
Object-Based Analysis of Aerial Photogrammetric Point Cloud and Spectral Data for Land Cover Mapping,
DOI Link 1308

Estornell, J., Ruiz, L.A., Velázquez-Martí, B., Hermosilla, T.,
Analysis of the factors affecting LiDAR DTM accuracy in a steep shrub area,
IJ Digital Earth(4), No. 6, 2011, pp. 521-538.
DOI Link 1204

Suwandana, E., Kawamura, K., Sakuno, Y., Kustiyanto, E., Raharjo, B.,
Evaluation of ASTER GDEM2 in Comparison with GDEM1, SRTM DEM and Topographic-Map-Derived DEM Using Inundation Area Analysis and RTK-dGPS Data,
RS(4), No. 8, August 2012, pp. 2419-2431.
DOI Link 1209

Toutin, T., Schmitt, C.V., Wang, H.,
Impact of no GCP on elevation extraction from WorldView stereo data,
PandRS(72), No. 1, August 2012, pp. 73-79.
Elsevier DOI 1209
Modeling; High-resolution; Satellite; Optical; Stereoscopic; DEM/DSM BibRef

Rizzoli, P.[Paola], Bräutigam, B.[Benjamin], Kraus, T.[Thomas], Martone, M.[Michele], Krieger, G.[Gerhard],
Relative height error analysis of TanDEM-X elevation data,
PandRS(73), No. 1, September 2012, pp. 30-38.
Elsevier DOI 1210
SAR interferometry; Digital elevation model; Relative height error; TanDEM-X BibRef

González, J.H.[Jaime Hueso], Antony, J.M.W.[John Mohan Walter], Bachmann, M.[Markus], Krieger, G.[Gerhard], Zink, M.[Manfred], Schrank, D.[Dirk], Schwerdt, M.[Marco],
Bistatic system and baseline calibration in TanDEM-X to ensure the global digital elevation model quality,
PandRS(73), No. 1, September 2012, pp. 3-11.
Elsevier DOI 1210
Accuracy; Calibration; Digital; Interferometer; SAR; Satellite; Space BibRef

Haala, N.[Norbert], Rothermel, M.[Mathias],
Dense Multi-Stereo Matching for High Quality Digital Elevation Models,
PFG(2012), No. 4, 2012, pp. 331-343.
WWW Link. 1211
Dense Multiple Stereo Matching Of Highly Overlapping Uav Imagery,
DOI Link 1209

Haala, N., Cramer, M., Rothermel, M.,
Quality of 3D Point Clouds from Highly Overlapping UAV Imagery,
DOI Link 1311

Rothermel, M., Haala, N., Wenzel, K.,
Potential of Dense Matching for the Generation of High Quality Digital Elevation models,
PDF File. 1106

Jacobsen, K.[Karsten], Cramer, M.[Michael], Ladstädter, R.[Richard], Ressl, C.[Camillo], Spreckels, V.[Volker],
DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Geometric Performance,
PFG(2010), No. 2, 2010, pp. 83-97.
WWW Link. 1211

Haala, N.[Norbert], Hastedt, H.[Heidi], Wolf, K.[Kirsten], Ressl, C.[Camillo], Baltrusch, S.[Sven],
Digital Photogrammetric Camera Evaluation Generation of Digital Elevation Models,
PFG(2010), No. 2, 2010, pp. 99-115.
WWW Link. 1211

Spreckels, V.[Volker], Syrek, L.[Luzie], Schlienkamp, A.[Andreas],
DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Stereoplotting,
PFG(2010), No. 2, 2010, pp. 117-130.
WWW Link. 1211

Cramer, M.[Michael],
The ADS40 Vaihingen/Enz geometric performance test,
PandRS(60), No. 6, September 2006, pp. 363-374.
Elsevier DOI 0610
ADS40; push-broom; georeferencing; performance; GPS/inertial BibRef

Cramer, M.[Michael],
The DGPF-Test on Digital Airborne Camera Evaluation Overview and Test Design,
PFG(2010), No. 2, 2010, pp. 73-82.
WWW Link. 1211

Cramer, M.[Michael], Haala, N.,
DGPF Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Aerial Based Imaging Systems - Overview and Results from the Pilot Centre,
PDF File. 0906

Toutin, T.[Thierry], Omari, K.[Khalid], Blondel, E.[Enrique], Clavet, D.[Daniel], Schmitt, C.V.[Carla Vanessa],
Scientist's Idealism versus User's Realism on Radarsat-2 HR Stereo Capability without GCP: Two Cases over North and Arctic Sites in Canada,
PFG(2012), No. 4, 2012, pp. 385-394.
WWW Link. 1211

Toutin, T.[Thierry], Blondel, E.[Enrique], Clavet, D.[Daniel], Schmitt, C.V.[Carla Vanessa],
Stereo Radargrammetry With Radarsat-2 in the Canadian Arctic,
GeoRS(51), No. 5, May 2013, pp. 2601-2609.

Vosselman, G.[George],
Automated planimetric quality control in high accuracy airborne laser scanning surveys,
PandRS(74), No. 1, November 2012, 90-100.
Elsevier DOI 1212
Analysis of Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning Surveys,
ISPRS08(B3a: 99 ff).
PDF File. 0807
Laser scanning; Mapping; Quality analysis; Point cloud; Feature extraction BibRef

Giribabu, D., Rao, S.S.[S. Srinivasa], Murthy, Y.V.N.K.[Y.V.N. Krishna],
Improving Cartosat-1 DEM accuracy using synthetic stereo pair and triplet,
PandRS(77), No. 1, March 2013, pp. 31-43.
Elsevier DOI 1303
Cartosat-1; Forward/reverse stereo; Synthetic stereo pairs; Triplet/tri-stereoscopy; Image matching; Occlusions; Himalayan Mountains; DEM BibRef

Jacobsen, K.[Karsten],
DEM Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery,
PFG(2013), No. 5, 2013, pp. 483-493.
DOI Link 1310

Jacobsen, K.[Karsten], Passini, R.[Ricardo],
Analysis of ASTER GDEM elevation models,
PDF File. 1006

Reinartz, P.[Peter], d'Angelo, P.[Pablo], Krauß, T.[Thomas], Poli, D.[Daniela], Jacobsen, K.[Karsten], Buyuksalih, G.[Gurcan],
Benchmarking and quality analysis of DEM generated from high and very high resolution optical stereo satellite data,
PDF File. 1006

Aguilar, M.A., del Mar Saldana, M., Aguilar, F.J.,
Generation and Quality Assessment of Stereo-Extracted DSM From GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Imagery,
GeoRS(52), No. 2, February 2014, pp. 1259-1271.
aerospace testing BibRef

Becek, K.,
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Unmanned aerial vehicle BibRef

Daakir, M., Pierrot-Deseilligny, M., Bosser, P., Pichard, F., Thom, C., Rabot, Y., Martin, O.,
Lightweight UAV with on-board photogrammetry and single-frequency GPS positioning for metrology applications,
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Analysis of Users and Uses of DEMs in Spain,
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A Comparative Study of Three Non-Geostatistical Methods for Optimising Digital Elevation Model Interpolation,
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Exploring the Influence of Various Factors on Slope Estimation Using Large-Footprint LiDAR Data,
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Mouratidis, A.[Antonios], Ampatzidis, D.[Dimitrios],
European Digital Elevation Model Validation against Extensive Global Navigation Satellite Systems Data and Comparison with SRTM DEM and ASTER GDEM in Central Macedonia (Greece),
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Mandanici, E.[Emanuele], Girelli, V.A.[Valentina A.], Poluzzi, L.[Luca],
Metric Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from WorldView-3 Stereo-Pairs in Urban Areas,
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Zhang, K.Q.[Ke-Qi], Gann, D.[Daniel], Ross, M.[Michael], Biswas, H.[Himadri], Li, Y.[Yuepeng], Rhome, J.[Jamie],
Comparison of TanDEM-X DEM with LiDAR Data for Accuracy Assessment in a Coastal Urban Area,
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Seifert, E.[Erich], Seifert, S.[Stefan], Vogt, H.[Holger], Drew, D.[David], van Aardt, J.[Jan], Kunneke, A.[Anton], Seifert, T.[Thomas],
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Nguyen, C.[Chuyen], Starek, M.J.[Michael J.], Tissot, P.E.[Philippe E.], Cai, X.P.[Xiao-Peng], Gibeaut, J.[James],
Ensemble Neural Networks for Modeling DEM Error,
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KOMPSAT-3 Digital Elevation Model Correction Based on Point-to-Surface Matching,
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Liang, H., Zhang, L., Lu, Z., Li, X.,
Nonparametric Estimation of DEM Error in Multitemporal InSAR,
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Ruiz-Lendínez, J.J.[Juan José], Ariza-López, F.J.[Francisco Javier], Ureña-Cámara, M.A.[Manuel Antonio],
Study of NSSDA Variability by Means of Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods,
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Uss, M.L., Vozel, B., Lukin, V.V., Chehdi, K.,
Estimation of Variance and Spatial Correlation Width for Fine-Scale Measurement Error in Digital Elevation Model,
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Bian, Y.X.[Yu-Xia], Liu, X.J.[Xue-Jun], Wang, M.Z.[Mei-Zhen], Liu, H.J.[Hong-Ji], Fang, S.H.[Shu-Hong], Yu, L.[Liang],
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Evaluating Elevation Change Thresholds between Structure-from-Motion DEMs Derived from Historical Aerial Photos and 3DEP LiDAR Data,
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Zimmerman, T.[Taylor], Jansen, K.[Karine], Miller, J.[Jon],
Analysis of UAS Flight Altitude and Ground Control Point Parameters on DEM Accuracy along a Complex, Developed Coastline,
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Accuracy Evaluation of Four Greenland Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Assessment of River Network Extraction,
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Assessment of the Accuracy of the Saastamoinen Model and VMF1/VMF3 Mapping Functions with Respect to Ray-Tracing from Radiosonde Data in the Framework of GNSS Meteorology,
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Ma, Y.Y.[Yu-Yang], Liu, H.J.[Huan-Jun], Jiang, B.W.[Bai-Wen], Meng, L.H.[Ling-Hua], Guan, H.X.[Hai-Xiang], Xu, M.Y.[Meng-Yuan], Cui, Y.[Yang], Kong, F.C.[Fan-Chang], Yin, Y.[Yue], Wang, M.P.[Meng-Pei],
An Innovative Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models for Cultivated Land,
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Chen, C.F.[Chuan-Fa], Yang, S.[Shuai], Li, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan],
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Digital Elevation Model Quality Assessment Methods: A Critical Review,
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Uuemaa, E.[Evelyn], Ahi, S.[Sander], Montibeller, B.[Bruno], Muru, M.[Merle], Kmoch, A.[Alexander],
Vertical Accuracy of Freely Available Global Digital Elevation Models (ASTER, AW3D30, MERIT, TanDEM-X, SRTM, and NASADEM),
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Evaluating the Vertical Accuracy of DEM Generated from ZiYuan-3 Stereo Images in Understanding the Tectonic Morphology of the Qianhe Basin, China,
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Quality Assessment of TanDEM-X DEMs, SRTM and ASTER GDEM on Selected Chinese Sites,
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Accuracy Comparison on Culvert-Modified Digital Elevation Models of DSMA and BA Methods Using ALS Point Clouds,
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Hu, J.[Jun], Ge, Q.Q.[Qiao-Qiao], Liu, J.H.[Ji-Hong], Yang, W.[Wenyan], Du, Z.[Zhigui], He, L.[Lehe],
Constructing Adaptive Deformation Models for Estimating DEM Error in SBAS-InSAR Based on Hypothesis Testing,
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Evaluation of the Influence of Processing Parameters in Structure-from-Motion Software on the Quality of Digital Elevation Models and Orthomosaics in the Context of Studies on Earth Surface Dynamics,
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Preety, K.[Kumari], Prasad, A.K.[Anup K.], Varma, A.K.[Atul K.], El-Askary, H.[Hesham],
Accuracy Assessment, Comparative Performance, and Enhancement of Public Domain Digital Elevation Models (ASTER 30 m, SRTM 30 m, CARTOSAT 30 m, SRTM 90 m, MERIT 90 m, and TanDEM-X 90 m) Using DGPS,
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Liu, X.P.[Xiang-Ping], Ran, M.Y.[Meng-Ying], Xia, H.M.[Hui-Min], Deng, M.J.[Ming-Jun],
Evaluating Vertical Accuracies of Open-Source Digital Elevation Models over Multiple Sites in China Using GPS Control Points,
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Huettermann, S.[Sven], Jones, S.[Simon], Soto-Berelov, M.[Mariela], Hislop, S.[Samuel],
Intercomparison of Real and Simulated GEDI Observations across Sclerophyll Forests,
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Sparse Approximation of the Precision Matrices for the Wide-Swath Altimeters,
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Similarity Analysis between Contour Lines by Remotely Piloted Aircraft and Topography Using Hausdorff Distance: Application on Contour Planting,
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Yang, L.[Lei], Lin, L.[Lina], Fan, L.[Long], Liu, N.[Na], Huang, L.[Lingyong], Xu, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng], Mertikas, S.P.[Stelios P.], Jia, Y.J.[Yong-Jun], Lin, M.[Mingsen],
Satellite Altimetry: Achievements and Future Trends by a Scientometrics Analysis,
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Estimating the Optimal Threshold for Accuracy Assessment of the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Data in a Gentle Relief Urban Area,
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Manheim, M.R.[Madeleine R.], Henriksen, M.R.[Megan R.], Robinson, M.S.[Mark S.], Kerner, H.R.[Hannah R.], Karas, B.A.[Bradley A.], Becker, K.J.[Kris J.], Chojnacki, M.[Matthew], Sutton, S.S.[Sarah S.], Blewett, D.T.[David T.],
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Liu, Y.J.[Ya-Jie], Han, K.[Kevin], Rasdorf, W.[William],
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Horton, A.[Alex], Ewart, M.[Martin], Gourmelen, N.[Noel], Fettweis, X.[Xavier], Storkey, A.[Amos],
Using Deep Learning to Model Elevation Differences between Radar and Laser Altimetry,
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Inferring 3D change detection from bitemporal optical images,
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Grigoriadis, V.N.[Vassilios N.], Andritsanos, V.D.[Vassilios D.], Natsiopoulos, D.A.[Dimitrios A.],
Validation of Recent DSM/DEM/DBMs in Test Areas in Greece Using Spirit Leveling, GNSS, Gravity and Echo Sounding Measurements,
IJGI(12), No. 3, 2023, pp. xx-yy.
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Sudra, P.[Pawel], Demarchi, L.[Luca], Wierzbicki, G.[Grzegorz], Chormanski, J.[Jaroslaw],
A Comparative Assessment of Multi-Source Generation of Digital Elevation Models for Fluvial Landscapes Characterization and Monitoring,
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Li, M.H.[Meng-Hua], Yin, X.B.[Xie-Bing], Tang, B.H.[Bo-Hui], Yang, M.S.[Meng-Shi],
Accuracy Assessment of High-Resolution Globally Available Open-Source DEMs Using ICESat/GLAS over Mountainous Areas, A Case Study in Yunnan Province, China,
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Miao, X.Y.[Xiang-Ying], Liu, L.[Lei], Miao, H.L.[Hong-Li], Yang, Z.H.[Zhong-Hao], Wang, J.[Jing], Zhang, Q.J.[Qing-Jun],
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Franks, S.[Shannon], Rengarajan, R.[Rajagopalan],
Evaluation of Copernicus DEM and Comparison to the DEM Used for Landsat Collection-2 Processing,
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Fuse, T.[Takashi], Imose, K.[Kazuki],
Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Model Generation Methods Based on Sparse Modeling,
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Kang, C.L.[Chuan-Li], Lin, Z.[Zitao], Wu, S.Y.[Si-Yi], Lan, Y.L.[Yi-Ling], Geng, C.M.[Chong-Ming], Zhang, S.[Sai],
A Triangular Grid Filter Method Based on the Slope Filter,
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Noh, M.J.[Myoung-Jong], Howat, I.M.[Ian M.],
Analysis of PlanetScope Dove Digital Surface Model Accuracy Using Geometrically Simulated Images,
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López-Vázquez, C.[Carlos], Ariza-López, F.J.[Francisco Javier],
Global Digital Elevation Model Comparison Criteria: An Evident Need to Consider Their Application,
IJGI(12), No. 8, 2023, pp. 337.
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Ouyang, Z.[Zidu], Zhou, C.[Cui], Xie, J.[Jian], Zhu, J.J.[Jian-Jun], Zhang, G.[Gui], Ao, M.[Minsi],
SRTM DEM Correction Using Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm,
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Oh, M.C.[Myeong-Chan], Kim, C.K.[Chang Ki], Kim, B.[Boyoung], Kang, Y.[Yongheack], Kim, H.G.[Hyun-Goo],
Real-Time Terrain Correction of Satellite Imagery-Based Solar Irradiance Maps Using Precomputed Data and Memory Optimization,
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Mozas-Calvache, A.T.[Antonio Tomás],
Positional Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models and 3D Vector Datasets Using Check-Surfaces,
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Minh, N.Q.[Nguyen Quang], Huong, N.T.T.[Nguyen Thi Thu], Khanh, P.Q.[Pham Quoc], Hien, L.P.[La Phu], Bui, D.T.[Dieu Tien],
Impacts of Resampling and Downscaling Digital Elevation Model and Its Morphometric Factors: A Comparison of Hopfield Neural Network, Bilinear, Bicubic, and Kriging Interpolations,
RS(16), No. 5, 2024, pp. 819.
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Riazanoff, S.[Serge], Corseaux, A.[Axel], Albinet, C.[Clément], Strobl, P.A.[Peter A.], López-Vázquez, C.[Carlos], Guth, P.L.[Peter L.], Tadono, T.[Takeo],
Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models,
IJGI(13), No. 3, 2024, pp. 96.
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Xu, W.F.[Wei-Feng], Li, J.[Jun], Peng, D.[Dailiang], Yin, H.Y.[Hong-Yue], Jiang, J.[Jinge], Xia, H.X.[Hong-Xuan], Wen, D.[Di],
Vertical Accuracy Assessment and Improvement of Five High-Resolution Open-Source Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat-2 Data and Random Forest: Case Study on Chongqing, China,
RS(16), No. 11, 2024, pp. 1903.
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Laipelt, L.[Leonardo], Comini-de Andrade, B.[Bruno], Collischonn, W.[Walter], de Amorim-Teixeira, A.[Alexandre], Dias-de Paiva, R.C.[Rodrigo Cauduro], Ruhoff, A.[Anderson],
ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America,
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Zhao, Y.B.[Yan-Bin], Liu, Y.[Yang], Gao, S.[Shuang], Liu, G.H.[Guo-Hua], Wan, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang], Hu, D.H.[Deng-Hui],
Deep Learning-Based Digital Surface Model Reconstruction of ZY-3 Satellite Imagery,
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Guth, P.L.[Peter L.], Trevisani, S.[Sebastiano], Grohmann, C.H.[Carlos H.], Lindsay, J.[John], Gesch, D.[Dean], Hawker, L.[Laurence], Bielski, C.[Conrad],
Ranking of 10 Global One-Arc-Second DEMs Reveals Limitations in Terrain Morphology Representation,
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Reinoso-Gordo, J.F.[Juan F.], Ariza-López, F.J.[Francisco J.], García-Balboa, J.L.[José L.],
Patch-Based Surface Accuracy Control for Digital Elevation Models by Inverted Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) Located on a Long Pole,
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Verification and Analysis of Overseas 1:50000 Scale Surveying and Mapping 4D Products Quality Generated by the ZY3 and TH1 Satellite Imagery,
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Tian, Z., Li, M., Lv, L., Zhou, J.,
Research on Key Points of Quality Inspection of Aerial Photogrammetry Results and Quality Improvement Measures,
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Albanwan, H., Qin, R.,
Adaptive and Non-adaptive Fusion Algorithms Analysis for Digital Surface Model Generated Using Census and Convolutional Neural Networks,
ISPRS21(B2-2021: 283-288).
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Maboudi, M., Elbillehy, A., Ghassoun, Y., Gerke, M.,
Improving the Internal Accuracy of UAV-image Blocks Using Local Low-altitude Flights and Scale-bars,
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Mousavi, V., Varshosaz, M., Remondino, F.,
Evaluating Tie Points Distribution, Multiplicity and Number on The Accuracy of UAV Photogrammetry Blocks,
ISPRS21(B2-2021: 39-46).
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Lógó, J.M., Krausz, N., Potó, V., Barsi, A.,
Quality Aspects of High-definition Maps,
ISPRS21(B4-2021: 389-394).
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Strobl, P.A., Bielski, C., Guth, P.L., Grohmann, C.H., Muller, J.P., López-Vázquez, C., Gesch, D.B., Amatulli, G., Riazanoff, S., Carabajal, C.,
The Digital Elevation Model Intercomparison Experiment Demix, A Community-based Approach at Global DEM Benchmarking,
ISPRS21(B4-2021: 395-400).
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Zhang, G.X.[Guo-Xiang], Chen, Y.Q.[Yang-Quan],
A Metric for Evaluating 3D Reconstruction and Mapping Performance with no Ground Truthing,
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Zareei, S.[Sophie], Kelbe, D.[Dave], Sirguey, P.[Pascal], Mills, S.[Steven], Eyers, D.M.[David M.],
Virtual ground control for survey-grade terrain modelling from satellite imagery,
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Zhao, L.,
Geometric Accuracy Evaluation of the Zy-3 Stereo Mapping Satellite For 8 Years,
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Takaku, J., Tadono, T., Doutsu, M., Ohgushi, F., Kai, H.,
Updates of 'aw3d30' Alos Global Digital Surface Model In Antarctica With Other Open Access Datasets,
ISPRS21(B4-2021: 401-408).
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Updates of 'AW3D30' ALOS Global Digital Surface Model with Other Open Access Datasets,
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Karantanellis, E., Arav, R., Dille, A., Lippl, S., Marsy, G., Torresani, L., Oude Elberink, S.,
Evaluating the Quality of Photogrammetric Point-clouds In Challenging Geo-environments - A Case Study In An Alpine Valley,
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Lebègue, L., Cazala-Hourcade, E., Languille, F., Artigues, S., Melet, O.,
CO3D, A Worldwide One One-meter Accuracy DEM for 2025,
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Di, K., Oberst, J., Karachevtseva, I., Wu, B.,
Topographic Mapping of the Moon In the 21st Century: From Hectometer To Millimeter Scales,
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Kurkov, V.M., Kiseleva, A.S.,
DEM Accuracy Research Based on Unmanned Aerial Survey Data,
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Weir, N., Lindenbaum, D., Bastidas, A., Etten, A., Kumar, V., Mcpherson, S., Shermeyer, J., Tang, H.,
SpaceNet MVOI: A Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset,
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Liang, H., Newsam, S.,
Estimating The Spatial Resolution of Overhead Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks,
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Het Veld, R.O., Jaschke, T., Bätz, M., Palmieri, L., Keinert, J.,
A Novel Confidence Measure for Disparity Maps by Pixel-Wise Cost Function Analysis,
Error analysis, Estimation, Convolutional neural networks, Training, Time measurement, Reliability, Stereo Vision, CNN BibRef

Gülci, S., Dindaroglu, T., Gündogan, R.,
Generation And Assessment of High Resolution Digital Surface Model By Using Unmanned Air Vehicle Based Multicopter,
DOI Link 1805

Octariady, J., Hikmat, A., Widyaningrum, E., Mayasari, R., Fajari, M.K.,
Vertical Accuracy Comparison of Digital Elevation Model From Lidar And Multitemporal Satellite Imagery,
DOI Link 1805

Yue, Q., Tang, X., Gao, X.,
GF-7 Imaging Simulation and DSM Accuracy Estimate,
DOI Link 1805

Bayburt, S., Kurtak, A.B., Büyüksalih, G., Jacobsen, K.,
Geometric Accuracy Analysis of WorldDEM in Relation to AW3D30, SRTM and Aster GDEM2,
DOI Link 1805

Nascetti, A., di Rita, M., Ravanelli, R., Amicuzi, M., Esposito, S., Crespi, M.,
Free Global DSM Assessment On Large Scale Areas Exploiting The Potentialities of the Innovative Google Earth Engine Platform,
DOI Link 1805

Jacobsen, K., Passini, R.,
Analysis and Bias Improvement of Height Models Based on Satellite Images,
ISPRS21(B1-2021: 23-30).
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Büyüksalih, G., Bayburt, S., Jacobsen, K.,
Analysis of Height Models Based On Kompsat-3 Images,
DOI Link 1805

Gurbuz, G., Jin, S.,
Inter-annual Height Variations Observed by GPS Measurements in Turkey,
DOI Link 1805

Santillan, J.R., Serviano, J.L., Makinano-Santillan, M., Marqueso, J.T.,
Influence of River Bed Elevation Survey Configurations and Interpolation Methods on the Accuracy of LIDAR DTM-Based River Flow Simulations,
DOI Link 1612

Khalid, N.F., Din, A.H.M., Omar, K.M., Khanan, M.F.A., Omar, A.H., Hamid, A.I.A., Pa'suya, M.F.,
Open-Source Digital Elevation Model (DEMs) Evaluation with GPS and LiDAR Data,
DOI Link 1612

Ismail, Z., Abdul Khanan, M.F., Omar, F.Z., Abdul Rahman, M.Z., Mohd Salleh, M.R.,
Evaluating Error of Lidar Derived DEM Interpolation for Vegetation Area,
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MacDonald, L.[Lindsay], Toschi, I.[Isabella], Nocerino, E.[Erica], Hess, M.[Mona], Remondino, F.[Fabio], Robson, S.[Stuart],
Accuracy Of 3d Reconstruction In An Illumination Dome,
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Lari, Z., El-Sheimy, N.,
Quality Analysis Of 3d Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-platform Photogrammetric Systems,
ISPRS16(B3: 57-64).
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Hofmann, S., Brenner, C.,
Accuracy Assessment Of Mobile Mapping Point Clouds Using The Existing Environment As Terrestrial Reference,
ISPRS16(B1: 601-608).
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Jing, H., Slatcher, N., Meng, X., Hunter, G.,
Monitoring Capabilities Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Navigation Qualities,
ISPRS16(B1: 625-631).
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Kerstinga, A.P., Friess, P.,
Post-mission Quality Assurance Procedure For Survey-grade Mobile Mapping Systems,
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Wang, G.Z.[Gui-Zhi],
The Design And Product Of National 1:1000000 Cartographic Data Of Topographic Map,
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Kosmatin Fras, M., Kerin, A., Mesaric, M., Peterman, V., Grigillo, D.,
Assessment Of The Quality Of Digital Terrain Model Produced From Unmanned Aerial System Imagery,
ISPRS16(B1: 893-899).
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Drachal, J., Kawel, A.K.,
Determining The Suitability Of Different Digital Elevation Models And Satellite Images For Fancy Maps. An Example Of Cyprus,
ISPRS16(B4: 591-597).
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Makineci, H.B., Karabörk, H.,
Evaluation Digital Elevation Model Generated By Synthetic Aperture Radar Data,
ISPRS16(B1: 57-62).
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Altyntsev, M.A., Arbuzov, S.A., Popov, R.A., Tsoi, G.V., Gromov, M.O.,
UAV Aerial Survey: Accuracy Estimation For Automatically Generated Dense Digital Surface Model And Orthothoto Plan,
ISPRS16(B6: 155-159).
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Altyntsev, M.A., Majeed Saber, K.H.,
The Study of Mobile Laser Scanning Data Adjustment Results for Large Scale Topographic Mapping,
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Niederheiser, R.[Robert], Mokroš, M.[Martin], Lange, J.[Julia], Petschko, H.[Helene], Prasicek, G.[Günther], Oude Elberink, S.[Sander],
Deriving 3d Point Clouds From Terrestrial Photographs: Comparison Of Different Sensors And Software,
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Hubacek, M., Kovarik, V., Kratochvil, V.,
Analysis Of Influence Of Terrain Relief Roughness On Dem Accuracy Generated From Lidar In The Czech Republic Territory,
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Amhar, F.[Fahmi],
Quality Test Various Existing Dem In Indonesia Toward 10 Meter National Dem,
ISPRS16(B4: 111-116).
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Crippen, R., Buckley, S., Agram, P., Belz, E., Gurrola, E., Hensley, S., Kobrick, M., Lavalle, M., Martin, J., Neumann, M., Nguyen, Q., Rosen, P., Shimada, J., Simard, M., Tung, W.,
Nasadem Global Elevation Model: Methods And Progress,
ISPRS16(B4: 125-128).
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Jacobsen, K.,
Analysis And Correction Of Systematic Height Model Errors,
ISPRS16(B1: 333-339).
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Re, C., Simioni, E., Cremonese, G., Roncella, R., Forlani, G., Langevin, Y., da Deppo, V., Naletto, G., Salemi, G.,
Estimate Of Dtm Degradation Due To Image Compression For The Stereo Camera Of The Bepicolombo Mission,
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Rahmayudi, A.[Aji], Rizaldy, A.[Aldino],
Comparison Of Semi Automatic Dtm From Image Matching With Dtm From Lidar,
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Enßle, F., Fritz, A., Koch, B.,
Comparing ICESAT/GLAS Based Elevation Heights with Photogrammetric Terrain Heights from UAV-Imagery on the East Tibetan Plateau,
DOI Link 1602

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Height Accuracy Based on Different RTK GPS Method for Ultralight Aircraft Images,
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Effects of clustering algorithms on typographic reconstruction,

Ozcanli, O.C.[Ozge C.], Dong, Y.[Yi], Mundy, J.L.[Joseph L.], Webb, H.[Helen], Hammoud, R.[Riad], Tom, V.[Victor],
A comparison of stereo and multiview 3-D reconstruction using cross-sensor satellite imagery,
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Xue, Y., Xie, W., Du, Q., Sang, H.,
Performance Evaluation of DSM Extraction from ZY-3 Three-Line Arrays Imagery,
DOI Link 1508

Riegler, G., Hennig, S.D., Weber, M.,
WorldDEM: A Novel Global Foundation Layer,
DOI Link 1504

Toschi, I., Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, P., Remondino, F., Minto, S., Orlandini, S., Fuller, A.,
Accuracy Evaluation of a Mobile Mapping System with Advanced Statistical Methods,
DOI Link 1504

Kuschk, G., d'Angelo, P., Qin, R., Poli, D., Reinartz, P., Cremers, D.,
DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image Matching Benchmark,
DOI Link 1411

Yastikli, N., Bayraktar, H., Erisir, Z.,
Performance Validation of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Generated by Dense Image Matching with the Aerial Images,
DOI Link 1411

Santise, M., Fornari, M., Forlani, G., Roncella, R.,
Evaluation of DEM generation accuracy from UAS imagery,
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Alidoost, F., Samadzadegan, F.,
Statistical Evaluation of Fitting Accuracy of Global and Local Digital Elevation Models in Iran,
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Naumann, M., Geist, M., Bill, R., Niemeyer, F., Grenzdörffer, G.J.,
Accuracy Comparison of Digital Surface Models Created by Unmanned Aerial Systems Imagery and Terrestrial Laser Scanner,
DOI Link 1311

Ruiz, J.J., Diaz-Mas, L., Perez, F., Viguria, A.,
Evaluating the Accuracy of DEM Generation Algorithms from UAV Imagery,
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Gao, X., Tang, X., Zhang, G., Zhu, X.,
The Geometric Accuracy Validation of the ZY-3 Mapping Satellite,
DOI Link 1311

Biagi, L., Carcano, L., de Agostino, M.,
DTM Cross Validation and Merging: Problems and Solutions for a Case Study Within the Heli-DEM Project,
DOI Link 1209

Gesch, D., Oimoen, M., Danielson, J., Meyer, D.,
Validation Of The Aster Global Digital Elevation Model Version 3 Over The Conterminous United States,
ISPRS16(B4: 143-148).
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Gesch, D., Oimoen, M., Zhang, Z., Meyer, D., Danielson, J.,
Validation of The Aster Global Digital Elevation Model Version 2 Over The Conterminous United States,
DOI Link 1209

Meyer, D.J., Tachikawa, T., Abrams, M., Crippen, R., Krieger, T., Gesch, D., Carabajal, C.,
Summary of The Validation of The Second Version of The Aster Gdem,
DOI Link 1209

Sadeq, H., Drummond, J., Li, Z.,
Evaluation of Aster GDEM V.2 Using GPS Checkpoints, OSGB DEM Values and Photogammetrically Derived DEMS,
DOI Link 1209

Nekrasov, V.V., Makusheva, E.,
Satellite 'Canopus-V' Image Processing Technology Development For Cartography Purposes Based On Prelaunch Simulation,
DOI Link 1209

Kim, H., Kim, D., Kim, S., Kim, T.,
Analysis of The Effects of Image Quality On Digital Map Generation From Satellite Images,
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Skarlatos, D., Kiparissi, S.,
Comparison of Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and SFM-MVS Pipeline Applied in Structures and Artificial Surfaces,
AnnalsPRS(I-3), No. 2012, pp. 299-304.
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Mohamed, M., Landes, T., Grussenmeyer, P., Zhang, W.,
Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment of Photogrammetric and Lidar Datasets Based on a Vector Approach,
DOI Link 1311

Landes, T., Grussenmeyer, P., Boulaassal, H., Mohamed, M.,
Assessment of Three-Dimensional Models Derived from Lidar and TLS Data,
DOI Link 1209

Tsai, M.L., Chiang, K.W., Lo, C.F., Ch, C.H.,
The Performance Analysis of a UAV Based Mobile Mapping System Platform,
DOI Link 1311

Tsai, M.L., Chiang, K.W., Tseng, Y.H., Rau, J.Y., Huang, Y.W., Lo, C.F.,
The Performance Analysis of a UAV Based Mobile Mapping System,
DOI Link 1209

Saldaña, M.M., Aguilar, M.A., Aguilar, F.J., Fernández, I.,
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El Hage, M., Simonetto, E., Faour, G., Polidori, L.,
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Ahokas, E., Kaartinen, H., Hyyppä, J.,
On The Quality Checking of the Airborne Laser Scanning Based Nation Wide Elevation Model in Finland,
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3D mapping of Switzerland - Challenges and experiences,
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Wack, R., Stelzl, H.,
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Hyyppä, H., Yu, X., Hyyppä, J., Kaartinen, H., Kaasalainen, S., Honkavaara, E., Rönnholm, P.,
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Healey, C.G.[Christopher G.], Snoeyink, J.[Jack],
VisTRE: A Visualization Tool to Evaluate Errors in Terrain Representation,

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Operating quality control of ground machines by means of the terrestrial laserscanning system,
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Scanner to serve as DTM for earth moving equipment. BibRef

Pateraki, M., Fragkouligou, V., Stoltidou, A.,
Photogrammetry vs. Anthroposcopy,
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Ohdake, T., Chikatsu, H.,
Evaluation of image based integrated measurement system and its application to topographic survey,
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Göpfert, J.[Jens], Heipke, C.[Christian],
Assessment of Lidar DTM Accuracy in Coastal Vegetated Areas,
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Aguilera, M., Ben Hamza, A.[Abdessamad],
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Georegistration of Digital Elevation Maps,

See also Geodesic Matching of Triangulated Surfaces. BibRef

Zhang, L.[Liang], Wang, D.M.[De-Min], Vincent, A.,
Reliability measurement of disparity estimates for intermediate view reconstruction,
ICIP02(III: 837-840).

Perez, M.M., Pagliari, C.L., Dennis, T.J.,
Statistical Analyses of Disparity Maps and Disparity Compensated Residuals in the Presence of Occlusions,
ICIP01(III: 911-914).

Chapter on Cartography, Aerial Images, Buildings, Roads, Terrain, Forests, Trees, ATR continues in
Orthoimage Generation, Analysis, DEM .

Last update:Jan 15, 2025 at 14:36:47