Update Dates 2201

2201 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities
* *ISPRS Congress
* *ISPRS International Conference on Smart City Applications
* *Open Deep Learning Toolkit for Robotics (OpenDR)
* 1D-convolutional Autoencoder Based Hyperspectral Data Compression
* 2DTPCA: A New Framework for Multilinear Principal Component Analysis
* 3-D Deconvolutional Networks for the Unsupervised Representation Learning of Human Motions
* 3-D Human Pose Estimation Using Iterative Conditional Squeeze and Excitation Networks
* 360° Single Image Super Resolution via Distortion-Aware Network and Distorted Perspective Images
* 3d Air Pollution Computational Fluid Modelling Data Analysis Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Approach
* 3d and Hyperspectral Data Integration for Assessing Material Degradation in Medieval Masonry Heritage Buildings
* 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
* 3d City Model As a First Step Towards Digital Twin of Sofia City
* 3d City Models for Supporting Simulations In City Densifications
* 3D Content Generation Using Hybrid Aerial Sensor Data
* 3D Geometry-Based Global Motion Compensation for VVC
* 3D Grid Transformation Network for Point Cloud Completion
* 3D Human Pose Regression Using Graph Convolutional Network
* 3D Layout Estimation via Weakly Supervised Learning of Plane Parameters From 2D Segmentation
* 3d Least Squares Matching Applied to Micro-tomography Data
* 3D Lip Event Detection via Interframe Motion Divergence at Multiple Temporal Resolutions
* 3d Model-Based Approach for Fitting Masks To Faces In the Wild, A
* 3d Modeling and GIS Analysis for Aerodrome Forest Obstacle Monitoring
* 3d Modeling and Visualization of Architecture and Landscape
* 3D Modeling of Urban Area Based on Oblique UAS Images: An End-to-End Pipeline
* 3D Modelling Using Aerial Oblique Images with Close Range UAV Based Data for Single Objects
* 3D Morphable Ear Model: A Complete Pipeline from Ear Segmentation to Statistical Modeling
* 3D Multi-Object Online Tracking with Multi-View Clustering
* 3D multi-resolution deep learning model for diagnosis of multiple pathological types on pulmonary nodules
* 3d Multi-resolution Mapping of Mars Using CASP-GO on HRSC, CRISM, CTX and HIRISE
* 3d Point Cloud Completion Using Stacked Auto-Encoder for Structure Preservation
* 3d Point Cloud Data Processing and Infrastructure Information Models: Methods and Findings from Safeway Project
* 3D Point Cloud Registration with Multi-Scale Architecture and Unsupervised Transfer Learning
* 3D Reconstruction and Object Detection for HoloLens
* 3D Reconstruction by Parameterized Surface Mapping
* 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destructive Viewing inside a Fossil
* 3D reconstruction of Borobudur reliefs from 2D monocular photographs based on soft-edge enhanced deep learning
* 3D Reconstruction of Edge Line by ICP-based Matching with Geometric Constraints
* 3d Reconstruction of Ice Shape Using Visible and Thermal Range Imaging For Aircraft Icing Study
* 3D reconstruction of insects: an improved multifocus stacking and an evaluation of learning-based MVS approaches
* 3D Reconstruction of Novel Object Shapes from Single Images
* 3D SceneFlowNet: Self-Supervised 3D Scene Flow Estimation Based on Graph CNN
* 3D Surface Reconstruction From Multi-date Satellite Images
* 3D Topological Support in Spatial Databases: An Overview
* 3d Urban Change Detection with Point Cloud Siamese Networks
* 3D Vehicle Detection Using Cheap LiDAR and Camera Sensors
* 3D-2D Registration Method for Stereo Scan Overlay on Structure from Motion Model, A
* 3D-MetaConNet: Meta-learning for 3D Shape Classification and Segmentation
* 3DFP-FCGAN: Face completion generative adversarial network with 3D facial prior
* 3DVNet: Multi-View Depth Prediction and Volumetric Refinement
* 3S-Net: Arbitrary Semantic-Aware Style Transfer With Controllable ROI Choice
* 4D Human Body Capture from Egocentric Video via 3D Scene Grounding
* A-DeepPixBis: Attentional Angular Margin for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Abnormal Crowdsourced Data Detection Using Remote Sensing Image Features
* Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learning for Reduced-Dose Studies in Cardiac SPECT
* Accounting for Signal Distortion Biases for Wide-Lane and Narrow-Lane Phase Bias Estimation with Inhomogeneous Networks
* Accuracy Validation of Tilted Camera Setups In Open Skies Project And Mapping Applications
* accurate and noninvasive skin cancer screening based on imaging technique, An
* Accurate Compensation Makes the World More Clear for the Visually Impaired
* Accurate Digital Subsidence Model for Deformation Detection of Coal Mining Areas Using a UAV-Based LiDAR, An
* Accurate Real-time UAV Mapping Solution for the Generation Of Orthomosaics and Surface Models, An
* Accurate Scaling and Levelling in Underwater Photogrammetry with A Pressure Sensor
* Accurate Silhouette Vectorization by Affine Scale-Space
* Achieving Active 30 Minute Cities: How Feasible Is It to Reach Work within 30 Minutes Using Active Transport Modes?
* ACO-based Intrusion Detection Method in Computer Networks using Fuzzy Association Rules
* Acoustic Extinguishing of Flames Detected By Deep Neural Networks In Embedded Systems
* Action Prediction Using Extremely Low-Resolution Thermopile Sensor Array for Elderly Monitoring
* Action Quality Assessment with Ignoring Scene Context
* Action Relational Graph for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Action Segmentation on Representations of Skeleton Sequences Using Transformer Networks
* Action-Centric Relation Transformer Network for Video Question Answering
* Active Layer Thickness Retrieval Over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 2000 to 2020 Based on Insar-measured Subsidence and Multi-layer Soil Moisture
* Active Reflectors for Interferometric SAR Deformation Measurement
* ADAE: Adversarial Distributed Source Autoencoder for Point Cloud Compression
* Adaptation of Remote Practical Works With Smart Electronic Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence
* Adaptation of the Global Geoid Model EGM2008 on Campania Region (Italy) Based on Geodetic Network Points
* Adapting Intra-Class Variations for SAR Image Classification
* Adaptive and Non-adaptive Fusion Algorithms Analysis for Digital Surface Model Generated Using Census and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Frequency Hopping Policy for Fast Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Graph Adversarial Networks for Partial Domain Adaptation
* adaptive index smoothing loss for face anti-spoofing, An
* Adaptive Multi-Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Rate Block Compressive Sensing Based on Statistical Characteristics Estimation
* Adaptive Route Planning Method of Connected Vehicles for Improving the Transport Efficiency, An
* Adaptive Signal Variances: CNN Initialization Through Modern Architectures
* Adaptive Spatial Location With Balanced Loss for Video Captioning
* Addressing the Elephant In the Underground: An Argument for The Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources for Reconciliation Of Subsurface Utility Data
* Advanced Deep Network with Attention and Genetic-Driven Reinforcement Learning Layer for an Efficient Cancer Treatment Outcome Prediction
* Adversarial Attack on Fake-Faces Detectors Under White and Black Box Scenarios
* Adversarial Collaborative-Learning Approach for Corneal Scar Segmentation with Ocular Anterior Segment Photography, An
* Adversarial Cross-Scale Alignment Pursuit for Seriously Misaligned Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Optimization Scheme for Online Tracking Model Adaptation In Autonomous Systems
* Adversarial Segmentation Loss for Sketch Colorization
* Adversarial Shape Learning for Building Extraction in VHR Remote Sensing Images
* Adversarial Training With Stochastic Weight Average
* Adversarial Unsupervised Video Summarization Augmented With Dictionary Loss
* Adversarially Robust Multi-Sensor Fusion Model Training Via Random Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
* ADVMIX: Data Augmentation for Accurate Scene Text Spotting
* Aerial Imagery Paddy Seedlings Inspection Using Deep Learning
* Aerial Photogrammetry and Machine Learning Based Regional Landslide Susceptibility Assessment for An Earthquake Prone Area In Turkey
* Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lidar and Sun-Photometer Observations: Cases Comparison between Haze and Dust Events in Beijing
* AF-Net: All-scale Feature Fusion Network for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Afdn: Attention-Based Feedback Dehazing Network for UAV Remote Sensing Image Haze Removal
* Affine Non-Negative Collaborative Representation for Deep Metric Learning
* Age Regression with Specific Facial Landmarks by Dual Discriminator Adversarial Autoencoder
* AI in Support to Water Quality Monitoring
* AI-GAN: Attack-Inspired Generation of Adversarial Examples
* AI4GEO: A Data Intelligence Platform for 3d Geospatial Mapping
* Air Pollution Monitoring System with Prediction Abilities Based on Smart Autonomous Sensors Equipped with ANNs with Novel Training Scheme
* AIR-Nets: An Attention-Based Framework for Locally Conditioned Implicit Representations
* Airborne GNSS Reflectometry for Water Body Detection
* AI_COVID: Automatic Diagnosis of Covid-19 Using Frontal Chest X-ray Image
* AKFNET: An Anatomical Knowledge Embedded Few-Shot Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* Algebraic Constraint for Preserving Convexity of Planar Homography
* Algebraic Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm for Hexagonally-Sampled Infrared Images: A Simulation Study, An
* Algorithm for the Counterclockwise Ordering of Vertexes of Slanted Surfaces Towards the Generation of Semantic GBXML Models
* Algorithm-Driven Advances for Scientific CT Instruments: From Model-Based to Deep Learning-Based Approaches
* ALS Point Cloud Classification Using Pointnet++ and Kpconv with Prior Knowledge
* Alternative 3d Address Visualization Method for Buildings and Building Independent Sections With GIS-based 3d Modelling Approach, An
* Ambiguity Concept In Stereo Matching Pipeline
* Analysis and Bias Improvement of Height Models Based on Satellite Images
* Analysis and Detection of Wildfires By Using Prisma Hyperspectral Imagery
* Analysis and Evaluation of Geospatial Factors In Smart Cities: A Study Of Off-street Parking In Mainz, Germany
* Analysis of Classifier Training on Synthetic Data for Cross-Domain Datasets
* Analysis of Climate Change Effects on Surface Temperature in Central-Italy Lakes Using Satellite Data Time-Series
* Analysis of Different Polarimetric Decomposition Techniques Using Compact Polarimetric Nisar Data for Ahmedabad, India
* Analysis of Geometric and Orthogonal Correction Accuracy for Cas-500 Satellite Images
* Analysis of Near-Surface Temperature Lapse Rates in Mountain Ecosystems of Northern Mexico Using Landsat-8 Satellite Images and ECOSTRESS
* Analysis of Neural Image Compression Networks for Machine-To-Machine Communication
* Analysis of NO2 Tropospheric Column Amount At Airports In Malaysia Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic Using Sentinel-5p Tropomi Data
* Analysis of Positioning Deviation Between Beidou and GPS Based On National Reference Stations in China
* Analysis of Solar Energy Potential By Remote Sensing Techniques In VaraŽdinska County, Croatia
* Analysis Of Spatio-temporal Urban Dynamics in 11 Smart Cities Of Uttar Pradesh, India
* Analysis of the Attacker and Defender GAN Models for the Indoor Navigation Network
* Analysis of the Novel Transformer Module Combination for Scene Text Recognition
* Analysis on Process Quality Control Technology of Geographical National Conditions Monitoring
* Analysis on the Area Changes and Its Influencing Factors of the Lakes In Wuhan City Based on Google Earth Engine
* Analysis the Influence of Modulated Amplitude on Common Mode Error Based on GPS Data
* Analytic Solution to Precipitation Attenuation Expression with Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Volterra Integral Equation, An
* Analyzing the Application of X-Band Radar for Improving Rainfall Observation and Flood Forecasting in Yeongdong, South Korea
* Analyzing the Behaviors of OpenStreetMap Volunteers in Mapping Building Polygons Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winter-Spring Snow Water Equivalent and Autumn Arctic Sea Ice
* Anatomy-Aware 3D Human Pose Estimation With Bone-Based Pose Decomposition
* ANNs-Based Method for Automated Labelling of Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Anomaly detection in streaming data with gaussian process based stochastic differential equations
* Anomaly Detection Via Self-Organizing Map
* Anti-Aliasing Add-On for Deep Prior Seismic Data Interpolation
* APNET: Attribute Parsing Network for Person Re-Identification
* Appearance Matters, So Does Audio: Revealing the Hidden Face via Cross-Modality Transfer
* Application and Platform Design of Geospatial Big Data
* Application of ASTER Data for Differentiating Carbonate Minerals and Evaluating MgO Content of Magnesite in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton
* Application of CycleGAN and transfer learning techniques for automated detection of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Application of Rail Track Geometry Measuring Trolleys For Georeferencing of UAV Images
* Application of UAV Oblique Photography in Real Scene 3d Modeling
* Application of UAV Surveys for Evaluating the Productivity Levels of Traditional and Mechanised Farmers in a Customary Land Tenure System
* Application-Agnostic Spatio-Temporal Hand Graph Representations for Stable Activity Understanding
* Approaches to Preclinical Studies with Heterogeneous Breast Phantom Using Reconstruction and Three-Dimensional Image Processing Algorithms for Diffuse Optical Imaging
* Approximate Fast Foreground Colour Estimation
* Architecting Location Intelligence Platforms Using Open-source Components
* Arctic Sea Ice Classification Based on CFOSAT SWIM Data at Multiple Small Incidence Angles
* Are City Features Influencing the Behavior of Photographers? An Analysis of Geo-referenced Photos Shooting Orientation
* Areal Precipitation Coverage Ratio for Enhanced AI Modelling of Monthly Runoff: A New Satellite Data-Driven Scheme for Semi-Arid Mountainous Climate
* Arm-Swing is Discriminative in Video Gait Recognition for Athlete Re-Identification, The
* Artificial Learning-Based Proctoring Solution for Remote Online Assessments: VProctor
* Assessing forest fire properties in Northeastern Asia and Southern China with satellite microwave Emissivity Difference Vegetation Index (EDVI)
* Assessing Lidar Training Data Quantities for Classification Models
* Assessing Safety Level of UTM Campus Based on Safe City Concepts
* Assessing Snow Phenology and Its Environmental Driving Factors in Northeast China
* Assessing the Similarities of 3d Simulation Model Outcomes
* Assessing Urban Forest Canopy Cover in Great Plain Conservation Area (dÜzce City, Turkey) Between 1984 and 2015
* Assessing Vegetation Decline Due to Pollution from Solid Waste Management by a Multitemporal Remote Sensing Approach
* Assessing Waterlogging Stress Level of Winter Wheat from Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Harmonic Analysis
* Assessment of Aquatic Reed Stands from Airborne Photogrammetric 3K Data
* Assessment of Car Collaborative Positioning with UWB and Vision
* Assessment of Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and Object Based Image Analysis to Land Cover Classification Using Sentinel 2 Satellite Imagery (tenes Region, Algeria)
* Assessment of Flooded Areas Caused By a Dam Break (Sardoba Dam, Uzbekistan)
* Assessment of Recent Flow, and Calving Rate of the Perito Moreno Glacier Using LANDSAT and SENTINEL2 Images
* Assessment of Sea Ice Motion Products in the Robeson Channel Using Daily Sentinel-1 Images, An
* Assessment of Some Meteorology Data of Average Monthly Air Temperature Over Mongolia Using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and GIS Techniques
* Assessment of the Performance of TROPOMI NO2 and SO2 Data Products in the North China Plain: Comparison, Correction and Application
* Assessment of the Visibility Capabilities of Forest Fire Lookout Towers: The Case of Gemlik, Bursa, Turkey
* Assimilating C-Band Radar Data for High-Resolution Simulations of Precipitation: Case Studies over Western Sumatra
* Assimilation of GNSS PWV with NCAR-RTFDDA to Improve Prediction of a Landfall Typhoon
* Assimilation of GOSAT Methane in the Hemispheric CMAQ; Part I: Design of the Assimilation System
* Assimilation of GOSAT Methane in the Hemispheric CMAQ; Part II: Results Using Optimal Error Statistics
* Assimilation of Wheat and Soil States into the APSIM-Wheat Crop Model: A Case Study
* Attacking Image Classifiers To Generate 3D Textures
* Attend, Correct and Focus: A Bidirectional Correct Attention Network for Image-Text Matching
* Attention Based Network for No-Reference UGC Video Quality Assessment
* Attention Fusion Network for Event-Based Vehicle Object Detection, An
* Attention Integrated Hierarchical Networks for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Attention meets Geometry: Geometry Guided Spatial-Temporal Attention for Consistent Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Attention Toward Neighbors: A Context Aware Framework for High Resolution Image Segmentation
* Attention-Based Local Region Aggregation Network for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning
* Attention-based Long-term Modeling for Deep Visual Odometry
* Attention-Based Multi-Task Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Attention-Based Partial Face Recognition
* Attention-Based Self-Supervised Learning Monocular Depth Estimation With Edge Refinement
* Attention-driven tile splitting method for improved efficiency of omnidirectional versatile video coding
* Attentive Inception Module based Convolutional Neural Network for Image Enhancement
* Attentively Learning Edge Distributions for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Attitude Determination for GRACE-FO: Reprocessing the Level-1A SC and IMU Data
* Attributing the Evapotranspiration Trend in the Upper and Middle Reaches of Yellow River Basin Using Global Evapotranspiration Products
* Augmentation Invariant and Instance Spreading Feature for Softmax Embedding
* Augmented global attention network for image super-resolution
* Augmenting 3D Ultrasound Strain Elastography by combining Bayesian inference with local Polynomial fitting in Region-growing-based Motion Tracking
* Auto-Driving Policies in Highway based on Distributional Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Automated Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment From Satellite Images for Disaster Relief
* Automated Computational Diagnosis of Peripheral Retinal Pathology in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Scans using Graph Theory
* Automated Detection of Collapsed Buildings with Use of Optical and Sar Images, Case Study: Izmir Earthquake on October 30th, 2020
* Automated measurement of sulcus angle on axial knee magnetic resonance images
* Automated Pneumoconiosis Detection on Chest X-Rays Using Cascaded Learning with Real and Synthetic Radiographs
* Automated Reflectance Target Detection for Automated Vicarious Radiometric Correction of UAV Images
* Automated Residential Area Generalization: Combination of Knowledge-Based Framework and Similarity Measurement
* Automated Structural Forest Changes Using Lidar Point Clouds and GIS Analyses
* Automated visual stimuli evoked multi-channel EEG signal classification using EEGCapsNet
* Automatic 3d Building Model Generation Using Deep Learning Methods Based on Cityjson and 2d Floor Plans
* Automatic Assessment of Open Street Maps Database Quality using Aerial Imagery
* Automatic Change Detection of Digital Maps Using Aerial Images And Point Clouds
* Automatic classification of severity of COVID-19 patients using texture feature and random forest based on computed tomography images
* Automatic Detection and Vectorization of Linear and Point Objects in 3d Point Cloud and Panoramic Images From Mobile Mapping System
* Automatic Detection of Repeated Objects in Images
* Automatic Extraction Method for Antarctic Subglacial Lake Based On Radio Echo Sounding Data, An
* Automatic Extraction of Damaged Houses by Earthquake Based on Improved YOLOv5: A Case Study in Yangbi
* Automatic Filtering of Lidar Building Point Cloud in Case of Trees Associated to Building Roof
* Automatic Identification of Addresses: A Systematic Literature Review
* Automatic Image Annotation using Tag Relations and Graph Convolutional Networks
* Automatic Integration of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds: From Acquisition to Co-registration
* Automatic Mapping and Characterisation of Linear Depositional Bedforms: Theory and Application Using Bathymetry from the North West Shelf of Australia
* Automatic Modelling of 3d Trees Using Aerial Lidar Point Cloud Data And Deep Learning
* Automatic Object Segmentation to Support Crisis Management Of Large-scale Events
* Automatic Position Estimation Based on Lidar X Lidar Data for Autonomous Aerial Navigation in the Amazon Forest Region
* Automatic Pruning for Quantized Neural Networks
* Automatic Segmentation of Point Clouds in the Architecture Environment
* Automatic Sheep Behaviour Analysis Using Mask R-CNN
* Automatic Trimap Generation by a Multimodal Neural Network
* Automatic, Multiview, Coplanar Extraction for CityGML Building Model Texture Mapping
* Automation of Windows Detection From Geometric and Radiometric Information of Point Clouds In a Scan-to-BIM Process
* Autonomous Detection of Facial Tics in Video Recordings
* Autonomous Road Pavement Inspection and Defect Analysis for Smart City Maintenance
* B-FGC-Net: A Building Extraction Network from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Back-Projection Pipeline
* Band-to-Band Registration of FY-1C/D Visible-IR Scanning Radiometer High-Resolution Picture Transmission Data
* Base-Package Recommendation Framework Based on Consumer Behaviours in IPTV Platform
* Bearing-Only Formation Control With Prespecified Convergence Time
* Benchmarking Monocular Depth Estimation Models for VR Content Creation from a User Perspective
* Benchmarking of Convolutional Neural Network Approaches for Vegetation Land Cover Mapping
* Benchmarking of Natural Scene Image Dataset In Degraded Conditions for Visibility Enhancement
* Better Than Reference in Low-Light Image Enhancement: Conditional Re-Enhancement Network
* Beyond Flops In Low-Rank Compression of Neural Networks: Optimizing Device-Specific Inference Runtime
* Beyond HBIM: Serious Games and Procedural Modelling for Heritage Dissemination
* Beyond neighbourhood-preserving transformations for quantization-based unsupervised hashing
* Bias: Bijective Input and Surjectivity In Zero Shot Learning
* Bidirectional Deep-Learning-Based Spectral Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Data Classification, A
* Bidirectional Mapping Coupled GAN for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Bidirectional Mapping Generative Adversarial Networks for Brain MR to PET Synthesis
* Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of Mixed Pixels
* BiFDANet: Unsupervised Bidirectional Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Big Urban Data Visualization Approaches Within the Smart City: GIS-based Open-source Dashboard Example
* BIM on Artificial Intelligence for Decision Support In E-health
* Binarizing Super-Resolution Networks by Pixel-Correlation Knowledge Distillation
* Biomedical image segmentation based on full-Resolution network
* Blind Image Deblurring Based on Dual Attention Network and 2D Blur Kernel Estimation
* Block-Based Inter-Frame Prediction for Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Blockwise Temporal-Spatial Pathway Network
* BM3D VS 2-Layer ONN
* BO-DRNet: An Improved Deep Learning Model for Oil Spill Detection by Polarimetric Features from SAR Images
* Boat-based Mobile Laser Scanning for Shoreline Monitoring of Large Lakes
* Body Size and Depth Disambiguation in Multi-Person Reconstruction from Single Images
* Boosting Deep Transfer Learning for Covid-19 Classification
* Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB Images
* Bottom-Up Foreground-Aware Feature Fusion for Practical Person Search
* Bottom-Up Saliency Meets Top-Down Semantics for Object Detection
* Brain EEG Time-Series Clustering Using Maximum-Weight Clique
* Brain MRI motion artifact reduction using 3D conditional generative adversarial networks on simulated motion
* Brakes that Slam Themselves: Automatic emergency braking will become standard in Europe
* Branch Profiles for Shape Analysis
* BRB-Based Effective Fault Diagnosis Model for High-Speed Trains Running Gear Systems, A
* Breast cancer histopathological image classification using attention high-order deep network
* Bridges and Barriers: An Exploration of Engagements of the Research Community with the OpenStreetMap Community
* Bridging the GAP Between Outputs: Domain Adaptation for Lung Cancer IHC Segmentation
* Bridging the Gap Between Voltage Over-Scaling and Joint Hardware Accelerator-Algorithm Closed-Loop
* Brima: Low-Overhead Browser-Only Image Annotation Tool (Preprint)
* Bringing a Vehicle to a Controlled Stop: Effectiveness of a Dual-Control Scheme for Identifying Driver Drowsiness and Preventing Lane Departures Under Partial Driving Automation Requiring Hands-on-Wheel
* Building Boundary Extraction from LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Building Footprint Generation by Integrating U-Net with Deepened Space Module
* Building Opendrive Model From Mobile Mapping Data
* Building Outline Extraction From Aerial Imagery and Digital Surface Model with a Frame Field Learning Framework
* Building Plane Segmentation Based on Point Clouds
* Building Roof Vectorization with Ppgnet
* Building Segmentation in Agricultural Land Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on Deep Learning Approach
* Bundle Adjustment with Polynomial Point-to-camera Distance Dependent Corrections for Underwater Photogrammetry
* Burnt Forest Estimation from Sentinel-2 Imagery of Australia using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* CAD-Based Scatter Compensation for Polychromatic Reconstruction of Additive Manufactured Parts
* Calibration and Validation of the Intel T265 for Visual Localisation and Tracking Underwater
* Calibration of Automatic Sun Photometer with Temperature Correction in Field Environment
* CALTEC: Content-Adaptive Linear Tensor Completion for Collaborative Intelligence
* Cam-Guided U-Net With Adversarial Regularization for Defect Segmentation
* Camera-Based Batch Normalization: An Effective Distribution Alignment Method for Person Re-Identification
* CAMPARI: Camera-Aware Decomposed Generative Neural Radiance Fields
* Can a camera tell the weather?
* Cantonese Porcelain Image Generation Using User-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks
* Capability of GPM IMERG Products for Extreme Precipitation Analysis over the Indonesian Maritime Continent
* Capsnets Approach to Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile Laser Scannning Point Clouds, A
* Captioning Transformer With Scene Graph Guiding
* Cartography of Moroccan Argan Tree Using Combined Optical and Sar Imagery Integrated With Digital Elevation Model
* Cascade Attention Blend Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Cascaded Residual Attention Enhanced Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Case Study of Pedestrian Positioning with UWB and UAV Cameras, A
* Case Study of the Application of Hand-held Mobile Laser Scanning In The Planning of An Italian Forest (alpe Di Catenaia, Tuscany), A
* Category attention transfer for efficient fine-grained visual categorization
* Category-theory Approach for Construction Ontologies In Subsurface Mass Transit, A
* CCF-Net: Composite Context Fusion Network with Inter-Slice Correlative Fusion for Multi-Disease Lesion Detection
* CDGAN: Cyclic Discriminative Generative Adversarial Networks for image-to-image transformation
* Centerness-Aware Network for Temporal Action Proposal
* Central hubs prediction for bio networks by directed hypergraph: GA with validation to COVID-19 PPI
* CFNet: Context Fusion Network for Multi-Focus Images
* CFPNET: Channel-Wise Feature Pyramid for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Change Detection of Time-series 3d Point Clouds Using Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Change Target Extraction Based on Scale-Adaptive Difference Image and Morphology Filter for KOMPSAT-5
* ChangeMask: Deep multi-task encoder-transformer-decoder architecture for semantic change detection
* Channel-Wise Attention-Based Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Chaos Theory Approach to Understand Neural Network Optimization, A
* Choose Settings Carefully: Comparing Action Unit Detection At Different Settings Using A Large-Scale Dataset
* Chronology of the Basalt Units Surrounding Chang'e-4 Landing Area
* Citizen Participation & Digital Tools to Improve Pedestrian Mobility In Cities
* Citizen-generated Geodata for Natural Parks Use Analysis: Insights From Facebook in the Insubria Region
* City2navigation (C2N): A New Service for Digital, Future-proof Urban Traffic Management
* Citywide Estimation of Parking Space Using Aerial Imagery and OSM Data Fusion with Deep Learning and Fine-grained Annotation
* Class Incremental Learning for Video Action Classification
* Class Specific Interpretability in CNN Using Causal Analysis
* classification method for urban functional regions based on the transfer rate of empty cars, A
* Classification of brain tumor from magnetic resonance images using probabilistic features and possibilistic Hanman-Shannon transform classifier
* Classification of Daily Crop Phenology in PhenoCams Using Deep Learning and Hidden Markov Models
* Classification of Handwritten Chinese Numbers with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classification of Land-Water Continuum Habitats Using Exclusively Airborne Topobathymetric Lidar Green Waveforms and Infrared Intensity Point Clouds
* Classification of Lands of Remote Sensitive Data by NDVI Method in Smart Agriculture
* Classification of Mediterranean Shrub Species from UAV Point Clouds
* Classification of Rigid and Non-Rigid Transformations with Autoencoder Representations
* Classification with respect to colon adenocarcinoma and colon benign tissue of colon histopathological images with a new CNN model: MA:NET
* Classifying Breast Density in Mammographic Images Using Wavelet-Based and Fine-Tuned Sensory Neural Networks
* Climate Normalized Spatial Patterns of Evapotranspiration Enhance the Calibration of a Hydrological Model
* Climate, CO2, and Anthropogenic Drivers of Accelerated Vegetation Greening in the Haihe River Basin
* Close-range Photogrammetry Method for Sf6 Gas Insulated Line (gil) Deformation Monitoring
* CLUSAC: Clustering Sample Consensus for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* CMDM-VAC: Improving A Perceptual Quality Metric for 3D Graphics by Integrating a Visual Attention Complexity Measure
* CMF: Cascaded Multi-Model Fusion for Referring Image Segmentation
* CMID: A New Dataset for Copy-Move Forgeries on ID Documents
* CNN Classifier's Robustness Enhancement when Preserving Privacy
* CNN Confidence Estimation for Rejection-Based Hand Gesture Classification in Myoelectric Control
* CNN to Capsule Network Transformation
* CNN-based Method for Segmenting Tree Bark Surface Singularites
* CNN-based Multi-scale Hierarchical Land Use Classification for The Verification of Geospatial Databases
* CNN-based parameter selection for fast VVC intra-picture encoding
* CNN-Based Video Codec Classifier for Multimedia Forensics
* Co-Saliency Detection Via Unified Hierarchical Graph Neural Network With Geometric Attention
* Co-Seismic Ionospheric Disturbances Following the 2016 West Sumatra and 2018 Palu Earthquakes from GPS and GLONASS Measurements
* Co-Teaching: an Ark to Unsupervised Stereo Matching
* CO2 Injection Deformation Monitoring Based on UAV and InSAR Technology: A Case Study of Shizhuang Town, Shanxi Province, China
* Coarse facial feature detection in sheep
* coarse-refine segmentation network for COVID-19 CT images, A
* coarse-to-fine boundary refinement network for building footprint extraction from remote sensing imagery, A
* Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography Recovery Based on Multivariate Objective Analysis by Combining Data from Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* CODCA - Covid-19 Ontology for Data Collection and Analysis in E-health
* Coflex: Flexible Bracelet Anti Covid-19 to Protect Construction Workers
* Cohabitation Discovery via Spatial and Temporal Clustering
* Coherence and Backscatter Based Cropland Mapping Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-1 with Dynamic Time Warping
* Coherence Constrained Graph LSTM for Group Activity Recognition
* COLI-Net: Deep learning-assisted fully automated COVID-19 lung and infection pneumonia lesion detection and segmentation from chest computed tomography images
* Collaborative Air Quality Mapping of Different Metropolitan Cities Of India
* Collaborative Platform for Water Quality Monitoring: Simile Webgis, A
* Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moderation
* Color Channel Fusion Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Colourimetric Calibration for Photography, Photogrammetry, And Photomodelling Within Architectural Survey
* Columnar Aerosol Optical Property Characterization and Aerosol Typing Based on Ground-Based Observations in a Rural Site in the Central Yangtze River Delta Region
* Comap: a Synthetic Dataset for Collective Multi-agent Perception of Autonomous Driving
* combination of feature extraction methods and deep learning for brain tumour classification, A
* Combination of Spatial Domain Filters to Detect Surface Ocean Current from Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data, A
* Combined Use of Remote Sensing and Spatial Modelling: When Surface Water Impacts Buffalo (Syncerus Caffer Caffer) Movements In Savanna Environments
* Combining Data Augmentation and Domain Distance Minimisation to Reduce Domain Generalisation Error
* Combining Sentinel-1 and Landsat 8 Does Not Improve Classification Accuracy of Tropical Selective Logging
* Combining Spectral and Texture Features of UAS-Based Multispectral Images for Maize Leaf Area Index Estimation
* Combining Video Quality Metrics To Select Perceptually Accurate Resolution In A Wide Quality Range: A Case Study
* Common Latent Space Exploration for Calibration Transfer across Hyperspectral Imaging-Based Phenotyping Systems
* Commuter Mobility Patterns in Social Media: Correlating Twitter and LODES Data
* Compact and Adaptive Multiplane Images for View Synthesis
* Comparative Analysis of a Vehicular Safety Application in NS-3 and Veins
* Comparative Analysis of GEDI's Elevation Accuracy from the First and Second Data Product Releases over Inland Waterbodies
* Comparative analysis of the kernel types in generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition algorithms for accelerated three-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data
* Comparative Study of Convolutional Neural Network and Conventional Machine Learning Methods for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Comparative Study of Interannual Oscillation Models for Determining Geophysical Polar Motion Excitations, A
* Comparative Study of Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation Using Three Different Neural Networks on the Railway Station Dataset, A
* Comparing Time-Lapse PhenoCams with Satellite Observations across the Boreal Forest of Quebec, Canada
* Comparison Assessment of Digital 3d Models Obtained By Drone-based Lidar and Drone Imagery
* Comparison Between 3d Reconstruction Using Nerf Neural Networks and MVS Algorithms on Cultural Heritage Images, A
* Comparison between Topographic and Bathymetric LiDAR Terrain Models in Flood Inundation Estimations
* Comparison of Classical Methods and Mask R-CNN for Automatic Tree Detection and Mapping Using UAV Imagery
* Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Detecting Typical Coastal Reclamation in Guangdong Province with Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Images
* Comparison of Convective and Stratiform Precipitation Microphysics of the Record-breaking Typhoon In-Fa (2021), A
* Comparison of Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Productivity of Typical Delta Irrigation Areas in Aral Sea Basin
* Comparison of Cryosat-2 and Icesat-2 on Water Level Monitoring of Nam Co Lake
* Comparison of Estimation Methods to Quantify Methane Plume Concentration At High Spatial Resolution From Hyperspectral Images
* Comparison of Macro- and Microphysical Properties in Precipitating and Non-Precipitating Clouds over Central-Eastern China during Warm Season
* Comparison of Marine Gravity Measurements from Shipborne and Satellite Altimetry in the Arctic Ocean
* Comparison of Multi-images Deep Learning Super Resolution for Passive Microwave Images of Arctic Sea Ice
* Comparison of Multi-Methods for Identifying Maize Phenology Using PhenoCams
* Comparison of Pixel-based and Feature-based Approach for Small Object Change Detection
* Comparison of Saliency Methods for Deep Learning Explainability, A
* Comparison of Segmentation Methods Used for Bone Fracture Images
* Comparison of the Novel Probabilistic Self-Optimizing Vectorized Earth Observation Retrieval Classifier with Common Machine Learning Algorithms
* Comparison of Tree-based Algorithms for Complex Wetland Classification Using the Google Earth Engine, A
* Comparison of Various Correction and Blending Techniques for Creating an Improved Satellite-Gauge Rainfall Dataset over Australia, A
* Comparison of Winter Wheat Extraction Methods Based on Different Time Series of Vegetation Indices in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Case Study of Minhe, China
* Complex Network-based features extraction in RGB-D human action recognition
* ComplexMix: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Via Mask-Based Data Augmentation
* Composite Adaptive Disturbance Observer-Based Decentralized Fractional-Order Fault-Tolerant Control of Networked UAVs
* Compositional Feature Embedding and Similarity Metric for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, A
* Compositional Sketch Search
* Comprehensive Assessment of Performances of Long Time-Series LAI, FVC and GPP Products over Mountainous Areas: A Case Study in the Three-River Source Region, China
* Comprehensive Comparisons of Uniform Quantizers for Deep Image Compression
* comprehensive framework of multiple semantics preservation in neural style transfer, A
* Comprehensive Online Network Pruning Via Learnable Scaling Factors
* Comprehensive Review of Machine Learning (ML) in Image Defogging: Taxonomy of Concepts, Scenes, Feature Extraction, and Classification techniques
* Compressed SAR Interferometry in the Big Data Era
* Compressing Deep CNNs Using Basis Representation and Spectral Fine-Tuning
* Compressive Covariance Matrix Estimation from a Dual-Dispersive Coded Aperture Spectral Imager
* Computational Coherent Imaging for Accommodation-Invariant Near-Eye Displays
* Computational Imaging in 3D X-Ray Microscopy: Reconstruction, Image Segmentation and Time-Evolved Experiments
* Computational Spectral Imaging With Diffractive Lenses and Spectral Filter Arrays
* Concept for the Segmentation of Individual Urban Trees From Dense Mls Point Clouds, A
* Concept to Analyze the Displacement Time Series of Individual Persistent Scatterers
* Concepts-Locations-Emotions: Semantic Analysis and Visualization of Climate Change Texts
* Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equipment Based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
* Conductivity characteristics of human lung tissues
* Confidence Guided Network for Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation
* Conflicts between Likelihood and Knowledge Distillation in Task Incremental Learning for 3D Object Detection
* Connecting Geometry and Semantics Via Artificial Intelligence: From 3D Classification of Heritage Data to H-BIM Representations
* Connectivity Based Functional Segmentation of the Brainstem
* Consensual Collaborative Learning Method for Remote Sensing Image Classification Under Noisy Multi-Labels, A
* Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products under High Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption in the Baltic Sea
* Consistent Posterior Distributions Under Vessel-Mixing: A Regularization for Cross-Domain Retinal Artery/Vein Classification
* Constrained Ellipse Fitting for Efficient Parameter Mapping With Phase-Cycled bSSFP MRI
* Content-Adaptive Resizing Framework for Boosting Computation Speed of Background Modeling Methods, A
* Context-Adaptive Secondary Transform for Video Coding
* Context-Aware Candidates for Image Cropping
* Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Fine-Grained Image Captioning
* Contextual Colorization and Denoising for Low-Light Ultra High Resolution Sequences
* Contextual Label Transformation for Scene Graph Generation
* Continuous Finger Gesture Spotting and Recognition Based on Similarities Between Start and End Frames
* Contour Detection of Multiple Moving Objects in Unconstrained Scenes using Optical Strain
* contrast improved OR and XOR based (k,n) visual cryptography scheme without pixel expansion, A
* Contribution of Bathymetric Multi-beam Sonar and Laser Scanners In 3d Modeling and Estimation of Siltation of Dam Basin In Morocco
* Controllable Fused Semantic Segmentation with Adaptive Edge Loss for Remote Sensing Parsing
* Convex Joint Graph Matching and Clustering via Semidefinite Relaxations
* Convolutional Neural Network Based In-Loop Filter for VVC Intra Coding
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment: Pre-Trained or Re-Trained?
* Cooperative Localisation Using Image Sensors in a Dynamic Traffic Scenario
* Coping with the Dynamics of Urban Sustainability: Positioning Urban Experimentation Platforms As Tools for Policy Making
* Coral Reefs on Inhabited and Uninhabited Small Islands, Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia
* Corn Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction Improved by Integrating Genetic, Environmental, and Management Factors with Active Canopy Sensing Using Machine Learning
* Correction Method of Height Variation Error Based on One SNR Arc Applied in GNSS-IR Sea-Level Retrieval, A
* Correlation-Aware Attention Branch Network Using Multi-Modal Data for Deterioration Level Estimation of Infrastructures
* Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification
* Coupled Patch Similarity Network FOR One-Shot Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Coupling Relationship Analysis of Gold Content Using Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Satellite Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data: A Potential Method in Chahuazhai Gold Mining Area, Qiubei County, SW China
* Crack Detection and Refinement Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Craquelurenet: Matching the Crack Structure In Historical Paintings for Multi-Modal Image Registration
* Crop Mapping in the Sanjiang Plain Using an Improved Object-Oriented Method Based on Google Earth Engine and Combined Growth Period Attributes
* Cross Platform Based Smart Greenhouse Application
* Cross-dataset emotion recognition from facial expressions through convolutional neural networks
* Cross-Domain Recommendation Method Based on Multi-Layer Graph Analysis With Visual Information
* Cross-layer progressive attention bilinear fusion method for fine-grained visual classification
* Cross-Modal Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data: the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2021)
* Cross-Part Learning for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Cross-Site Severity Assessment of COVID-19 From CT Images via Domain Adaptation
* Cryo-Electron Microscopy Image Denoising Using Multi-Frequency Vector Diffusion Maps
* Cryo-Ralib: A Modular Library for Accelerating Alignment in CRYO-EM
* CT2-MDS: Cooperative trust-aware tolerant misbehaviour detection system for connected and automated vehicles
* CU-Net+: Deep Fully Interpretable Network for Multi-Modal Image Restoration
* Cubesat Onboard Algorithm for Space Debris Motion Determination By Processing Stereo Images
* Curb Negotiation With Dynamic Human-Robotic Wheelchair Collaboration
* Curiosity-driven 3D Object Detection Without Labels
* Curiously Effective Features for Image Quality Prediction
* CVPR 2020 continual learning in computer vision competition: Approaches, results, current challenges and future directions
* Cyber Attacks on Scada Based Traffic Light Control Systems in the Smart Cities
* Cycle Generative Adversarial Network: Towards A Low-Cost Vegetation Index Estimation
* Cyclic Diffeomorphic Transformer Nets for Contour Alignment
* Cylindrical Coordinates for Lidar Point Cloud Compression
* D3dlo: Deep 3d Lidar Odometry
* Dance In the Wild: Monocular Human Animation with Neural Dynamic Appearance Synthesis
* Data Fusion Method for the Delayering of X-Ray Fluorescence Images of Painted Works of Art, A
* Data Fusion of Historical Photographs with Modern 3d Data for An Archaeological Excavation - Concept and First Results
* Data Interoperability of Building Information Modeling and Geographic Information System In Construction Industry
* Data-adaptive binary neural networks for efficient object detection and recognition
* Data-Driven 3D Reconstruction of Dressed Humans From Sparse Views
* Data-driven flight time prediction for arrival aircraft within the terminal area
* Data-Driven Illumination Patterns for Coded Diffraction Imaging
* Data-Driven Low-Rank Neural Network Compression
* Data-Driven Models Support a Vision for Over-the-Air Vehicle Emission Inspections
* Data-independent low-complexity KLT approximations for image and video coding
* Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Recognition in Single-View 3D Reconstruction Networks, A
* DBSCAN and TD Integrated Wi-Fi Positioning Algorithm
* DCA-CycleGAN: Unsupervised single image dehazing using Dark Channel Attention optimized CycleGAN
* Decadal Measurements of the First Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite (GOCI) Compared with MODIS and VIIRS Data
* Decay Classification Using Artificial Intelligence
* Decentralized Trust Management System for Intelligent Transportation Environments, A
* Decoder Derived Cross-Component Linear Model Intra-Prediction for Video Coding
* Decoding of Nanopore-Sequenced Synthetic DNA Storing Digital Images
* Deep Active Learning for Fibrosis Segmentation of Chest CT Scans from Covid-19 Patients
* Deep Active Learning for Human Pose Estimation Via Consistency Weighted Core-Set Approach
* Deep Active Learning from Multispectral Data Through Cross-Modality Prediction Inconsistency
* Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image Cell Counting
* Deep Audio-Visual Fusion Neural Network for Saliency Estimation
* Deep Back-Projecti Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Blind Un-Supervised Learning Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Deep Clustering via Automatic Feature Embedded Learning for Human Activity Recognition, A
* Deep Color Mismatch Correction In Stereoscopic 3d Images
* Deep Constraint-Based Propagation in Graph Neural Networks
* Deep Context-Encoding Network for Retinal Image Captioning
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Rice Density Prescription Map at Ripening Stage Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Remotely Sensed Images
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin Echolocation Clicks
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Fish Weight Prediction from Images
* Deep Cross-Modal Representation Learning and Distillation for Illumination-Invariant Pedestrian Detection
* Deep discriminant generation-shared feature learning for image-based kinship verification
* Deep Features Fusion with Mutual Attention Transformer for Skin Lesion Diagnosis
* Deep Gaussian Denoiser Epistemic Uncertainty and Decoupled Dual-Attention Fusion
* Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging Using Differently Exposed Stereo Images
* Deep Learning Algorithm for Urban Feature Extraction Using SAR Data
* Deep Learning Approach for Prediction of IVF Implantation Outcome from Day 3 and Day 5 Time-Lapse Human Embryo Image Sequences, A
* Deep Learning Based Roof Type Classification Using Very High Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Deep learning based stereo cost aggregation on a small dataset
* Deep Learning for Object Detection in Materials-Science Images: A Tutorial
* deep learning framework for glaucoma detection based on robust optic disc segmentation and transfer learning, A
* Deep Learning Method for Frame Selection in Videos for Structure from Motion Pipelines, A
* deep learning network based end-to-end image composition, A
* Deep learning on compressed sensing measurements in pneumonia detection
* Deep Learning-Based Generalized System for Detecting Pine Wilt Disease Using RGB-Based UAV Images, A
* Deep Learning-Based Thermal Image Analysis for Pavement Defect Detection and Classification Considering Complex Pavement Conditions
* Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Behavior Prediction for Autonomous Driving Applications: A Review
* Deep Listwise Triplet Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Deep low-rank feature learning and encoding for cross-age face recognition
* Deep Metric Learning With Alternating Projections Onto Feasible Sets
* Deep Metric Network Via Heterogeneous Semantics for Image Sentiment Analysis
* Deep Multi-Scale Feature Learning for Defocus Blur Estimation
* Deep Multi-View Stereo Gone Wild
* Deep Multitask Semisupervised Learning Approach for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval from Remote Sensing Images, A
* Deep network based stereoscopic image quality assessment via binocular summing and differencing
* Deep Neural Networks for Full-Reference and No-Reference Audio-Visual Quality Assessment
* Deep Pedestrian Density Estimation for Smart City Monitoring
* Deep Perceptual Image Quality Assessment for Compression
* Deep Physics-aware Inference of Cloth Deformation for Monocular Human Performance Capture
* Deep RED Unfolding Network for Image Restoration
* Deep Regression on Manifolds: A 3D Rotation Case Study
* Deep Reinforcement Image Matching with Self-Termination
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* Deep relational self-Attention networks for scene graph generation
* Deep Sensor Fusion Based on Frustum Point Single Shot Multibox Detector for 3D Object Detection
* Deep Snapshot HDR Reconstruction Based on the Polarization Camera
* Deep Stereo Matching With Hysteresis Attention and Supervised Cost Volume Construction
* Deep Symmetric Adaptation Network for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Deep Unsupervised Image Anomaly Detection: An Information Theoretic Framework
* Deep Video Compression for Interframe Coding
* Deep Visual Odometry With Adaptive Memory
* Deep-Fusion: An End-To-End Approach for Compressive Spectral Image Fusion
* Deep-learning-based latent space encoding for spectral unmixing of geological materials
* Deep-learning-based single-image height reconstruction from very-high-resolution SAR intensity data
* DeepBBS: Deep Best Buddies for Point Cloud Registration
* Deepfake Video Detection Using 3D-Attentional Inception Convolutional Neural Network
* Deeply Modulated Scheme for Variable-Rate Video Compression, A
* DeepPyNet: A Deep Feature Pyramid Network for Optical Flow Estimation
* Defect Inspection using Gravitation Loss and Soft Labels
* Defending Against Multiple and Unforeseen Adversarial Videos
* Defending Against Noise by Characterizing the Rate-Distortion Functions in End-to-End Noisy Image Compression
* Deforestation Detection in the Amazon Rainforest with Spatial And Channel Attention Mechanisms
* Deforestation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Object-based Random Forest Classification on Google Earth Engine
* Deformation Monitoring At European Scale: the Copernicus Ground Motion Service
* Deformation of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the North China Craton and Its Adjacent Areas Constrained by Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity and Azimuthal Anisotropy
* Deformation-Invariant Networks for Handwritten Text Recognition
* DeFusionNET: Defocus Blur Detection via Recurrently Fusing and Refining Discriminative Multi-Scale Deep Features
* Denomination-Based Quasi-Isotropic Remeshing using Curvature Map and Voronoi Tessellation
* Density-based Undersampling Approach to Intrusion Detection, A
* Density-Based Vehicle Counting with Unsupervised Scale Selection
* Dependence of the Hydration of the Lunar Surface on the Concentrations of TiO2, Plagioclase, and Spinel
* Depression Detection by Combining Eye Movement with Image Semantics
* Depth Correction for Time-Of-Flight Camera Using Depth Distortion Dependency on Pulse Width of Irradiated Light
* Depth Estimation from Monocular Images and Sparse Radar Using Deep Ordinal Regression Network
* Depth Map Super-Resolution By Multi-Direction Dictionary and Joint Regularization
* Depth-Assisted Joint Detection Network for Monocular 3d Object Detection
* Describe Me If You Can! Characterized Instance-Level Human Parsing
* Design and Experimental Evaluation of an Aerial Solution for Visual Inspection of Tunnel-like Infrastructures
* Design and Implementation of Linkage Update Management System For Geo-information Service Platform
* Design and Implementation of Multi-temporal Image Service System On National Platform for Geospatial Information Services in China
* Design of a Serverless OGC WPS Based Geoprocessing Service Solution
* Design of Blockchain enabled intrusion detection model for detecting security attacks using deep learning
* Design of Indoor Robot Prototype Guided by RFID Based Positioning and Navigation System
* Designing Gis-based Site Selection Model for Urban Investment Planning In Smart Cities With the Case of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
* Detecting adversarial examples by additional evidence from noise domain
* Detecting and Visualizing Observation Hot-Spots in Massive Volunteer-Contributed Geographic Data across Spatial Scales Using GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Estimation
* Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural network with transfer learning approach
* Detecting C &W Adversarial Images Based on Noise Addition-Then-Denoising
* Detecting Extratropical Cyclones of the Northern Hemisphere with Single Shot Detector
* Detecting the Presence of Electronic Devices in Smart Homes Using Harmonic Radar Technology
* Detecting the Sources of Ice Block Falls At the Martian North Polar Scarps By Analysis of Multi-temporal Hirise Imagery
* Detecting the Spatial Variability of Seagrass Meadows and Their Consequences on Associated Macrofauna Benthic Activity Using Novel Drone Technology
* Detection and 3D Modeling of Potential Buried Archaeological Structures Using WorldView-3 Satellite Imagery
* Detection and Diagnosis of Skin Diseases Using Residual Neural Networks (RESNET)
* Detection of Cortical Demantia in MRI Images Using Convolutional Autoencoder Neural Network
* Detection of Information Hiding at Anti-Copying 2D Barcodes
* Detection of Larch Forest Stress from Jas's Larch Inchworm (Erannis jacobsoni Djak) Attack Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Detection of Malleefowl Mounds from Point Cloud Data
* Detection of Small Moving Ground Vehicles in Cluttered Terrain Using Infrared Video Imagery
* Detection of Windthrown Tree Stems on UAV-Orthomosaics Using U-Net Convolutional Networks
* Determination of Parking Space and Its Concurrent Usage Over Time Using Semantically Segmented Mobile Mapping Data
* Determination of Regions Suitable for Agriculture in the Gordon Cosens Forest of Ontario By Means of Analytical Hierarchy Process with Fuzzy Logic Inference
* Determining the Suitable Location for the Metallurgical and Steel Processing Industries In Mongolia Using GIS-based Multi-criteria Analysis Methods
* Developing Multi-Source Indices to Discriminate between Native Tropical Forests, Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations in Indonesia
* Developing Validation of Forest Fire Risk Maps Based on Historical Fire Incidences
* Development and Application of a QGIS-Based Model to Estimate Monthly Streamflow
* Development and Motion Control of Biomimetic Underwater Robots: A Survey
* Development of a 3D WebGIS Application for the Visualization of Seismic Risk on Infrastructural Work
* Development of a BIM Infrastructure Workflow Adapted To Facilities Of Land Subdivision Projects in Morocco
* Development of a Digital 3d Participation Platform: Case Study Of Weilimdorf (Stuttgart, Germany)
* Development of a Geo-analytics Platform for Post-disaster Ground Assessment
* Development of a Location-Based Mobile Application for Smartphones Using Open-Source Technologies
* Development of a Low-cost, Hand-held Multi-sensor System for The Monitoring of Small Water Bodies
* Development of Building Inventory Data in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for Seismic Loss Estimation
* Development of IOT Enabled Global Tracking System and Mobile Application for People With Alzheimer's Disease
* Development of Panoramic Virtual Tours System Based on Low Cost Devices
* DFER-Net: Recognizing Facial Expression In the Wild
* DFPN: Deformable Frame Prediction Network
* Diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder using 1 D-CNN and Resting-State fMRI Data
* Diagnostic Study of Visual Question Answering With Analogical Reasoning, A
* Different CNN-based Architectures for Detection of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in Breast Using Histopathology Images
* Differentiable Dynamic Channel Association for Knowledge Distillation
* Differential Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Malfunctions on Human Trust
* DiffSDFSim: Differentiable Rigid-Body Dynamics With Implicit Shapes
* Digging Into Self-Supervised Learning of Feature Descriptors
* Digital Archive of Borobudur Based on 3d Point Clouds, A
* Digital Elevation Model Intercomparison Experiment Demix, A Community-based Approach at Global DEM Benchmarking, The
* Digital Elevation Models From Stereo, Video and Multi-view Imagery Captured By Small Satellites
* Digital In Situ Data Collection in Earth Observation, Monitoring and Agriculture: Progress towards Digital Agriculture
* Digital Twin and 3d Documentation of a Theban Tomb At Deir Al-medina (Egypt) Using a Multi-lenses Photogrammetric Approach
* Digitalization of Cities: Smart City Interventions in the Case of Sarajevo
* Direct Dense Pose Estimation
* Direct-PoseNet: Absolute Pose Regression with Photometric Consistency
* directed graph convolutional neural network for edge-structured signals in link-fault detection, A
* Disaggregation of SMAP Soil Moisture at 20 m Resolution: Validation and Sub-Field Scale Analysis
* Discrete Atomic Transform-Based Lossy Compression of Three-Channel Remote Sensing Images with Quality Control
* Discrete Scheme for Computing Image's Weighted Gaussian Curvature, A
* Discriminating the Original Region from the Duplicated in Copy-Move Forgery
* Discriminative and semantic feature selection for place recognition towards dynamic environments
* discriminative channel diversification network for image classification, A
* Discriminative Patch Descriptor Learning With Focal Triplet Loss Function
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Deep MR To CT Synthesis Using Unpaired Data
* Disentangled representation learning GANs for generalized and stable font fusion network
* Disentangling Latent Groups of Factors
* Disentangling Task-Oriented Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Displacement Characterization and Spatial-Temporal Evolution of the 2020 Aniangzhai Landslide in Danba County Using Time-Series InSAR and Multi-Temporal Optical Dataset
* Dissected 3D CNNs: Temporal skip connections for efficient online video processing
* Distortion-Free Diffusion Imaging Using Self-Navigated Cartesian Echo-Planar Time Resolved Acquisition and Joint Magnitude and Phase Constrained Reconstruction
* distributed trajectory control strategy for the connected automated vehicle in an isolated roundabout, A
* Distribution and Evolution of Ice Aprons in a Changing Climate in The Mont-Blanc Massif (Western European Alps)
* Distribution and Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes in Greenland during the 2016-2018 Melt Seasons
* Distribution of pCO2W and Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes Using FFNN at the Continental Shelf Areas of the Arctic Ocean, The
* Distribution-Aware Margin Calibration for Semantic Segmentation in Images
* Distributional Shifts In Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
* DMDN: Degradation model-based deep network for multi-focus image fusion
* Document Layout Analysis with an Enhanced Object Detector
* Domain Adaptation for Plant Organ Detection with Style Transfer
* Domain Adapting Ability of Self-Supervised Learning for Face Recognition
* Downscaling of SMAP Soil Moisture Product By Data Fusion With VIIRS LST/EVI Product
* DPC: Unsupervised Deep Point Correspondence via Cross and Self Construction
* DPFM: Deep Partial Functional Maps
* Driver Identification and Verification From Smartphone Accelerometers Using Deep Neural Networks
* Droacor® Reflectance Retrieval for Hyperspectral Mineral Exploration Using a Ground-based Rotating Platform
* Drought Assessment Based on Fused Satellite and Station Precipitation Data: An Example from the Chengbi River Basin, China
* DSP-SLAM: Object Oriented SLAM with Deep Shape Priors
* Dsrn: an Efficient Deep Network for Image Relighting
* Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Mass Segmentation and Diagnosis in Mammography
* Dual Domain Network for MRI Reconstruction Using Gabor Loss, A
* Dual Geometric Graph Network (DG2N) Iterative Network for Deformable Shape Alignment
* Dual image and mask synthesis with GANs for semantic segmentation in optical coherence tomography
* Dual Mesh Convolutional Networks for Human Shape Correspondence
* Dual Prior Learning for Blind and Blended Image Restoration
* Dual-Attention-Guided Network for Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Dual-Stage Domain Adaptive Mitosis Detection for Histopathology Images
* DurLAR: A High-Fidelity 128-Channel LiDAR Dataset with Panoramic Ambient and Reflectivity Imagery for Multi-Modal Autonomous Driving Applications
* DVL2021: An ultra high definition video dataset for perceptual quality study
* Dynamic Decision Boundary for One-class Classifiers applied to non-uniformly Sampled Data
* Dynamic Driving Risk Potential Field Model Under the Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment and Its Application in Car-Following Modeling
* Dynamic Dual Sampling Module for Fine-Grained Semantic Segmentation
* Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere With Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets
* Dynamic Multi-Domain Translation Network for Single Image Deraining
* Dynamic Multi-Person Mesh Recovery From Uncalibrated Multi-View Cameras
* Dynamic Point Cloud Geometry Compression using Cuboid based Commonality Modeling Framework
* Dynamic Relationship between Air and Land Surface Temperature within the Madison, Wisconsin Urban Heat Island, The
* Dynamic Relationship Study between the Observed Seismicity and Spatiotemporal Pattern of Lineament Changes in Palghar, North Maharashtra (India)
* E-ACJ: Accurate Junction Extraction for Event Cameras
* E-RAFT: Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras
* E-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities in the Middle of a Solar Eclipse Observed by a Bistatic Radar
* EAR-NET: Error Attention Refining Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Early Detection of Sugarcane Smut Disease in Hyperspectral Images
* Early Detection of Wild Rocket Tracheofusariosis Using Hyperspectral Image-Based Machine Learning
* Earth Observation via Compressive Sensing: The Effect of Satellite Motion
* EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
* eco-driving approach for ride comfort improvement, An
* ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fusing Strategy for Efficient Intervertebral Disc Segmentation and Classification
* Eddies in the Marginal Ice Zone of Fram Strait and Svalbard from Spaceborne SAR Observations in Winter
* Edge Aware Commonality Modeling based Reference Frame for 360 Degree Video Coding
* Edge-Aware Superpixel Segmentation with Unsupervised Convolutional Neural Networks
* Edge-enhanced Instance Segmentation of Wrist CT via a Semi-Automatic Annotation Database Construction Method
* Edge-Labeling Based Directed Gated Graph Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Edge-Resolved Transient Imaging: Performance Analyses, Optimizations, and Simulations
* Editorial for Special Issue on Computer Vision in the Wild
* EEG Based Visual Classification With Multi-Feature Joint Learning
* EEG-Based Analysis of the Impact of Familiarity in the Perception of Deepfake Videos
* effect of deep feature concatenation in the classification problem: An approach on COVID-19 disease detection, The
* Effect of Moisture Content on Calculated Dielectric Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavements from Ground-Penetrating Radar Measurements
* Effect of the Partitioning of Diffuse and Direct APAR on GPP Estimation
* Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentration: Evidence from China's 340 Prefecture-Level Cities, The
* Effective Feature Fusion Network in BIFPN for Small Object Detection
* Effective Gait Feature Extraction Using Temporal Fusion and Spatial Partial
* Effective Multi-Camera Dataset and Hybrid Feature Matcher for Real-Time Video Stitching, An
* Effective Sharpness Assessment Method for Shallow Depth-Of-Field Images, An
* Effectively Dynamic Path Optimization Approach for the Tree Skeleton Extraction from Portable Laser Scanning Point Clouds, An
* Effectiveness of Green Roofs In Strengthening Ecological Network
* Effects of Image Processing Operations on Adversarial Noise and Their Use in Detecting and Correcting Adversarial Images
* Effects of the 12 May 2021 Geomagnetic Storm on Georeferencing Precision
* Efficient Algorithm for Ocean-Front Evolution Trend Recognition, An
* Efficient Brain Tumor Segmentation with Dilated Multi-fiber Network and Weighted Bi-directional Feature Pyramid Network
* Efficient Compression Method for Sign Information of DCT Coefficients Via Sign Retrieval, An
* Efficient Content-Adaptive Feature-Based Shot Detection for HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Ground Point Filtering In Aerial Laser Scanning Point Clouds, An
* Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stain Images for Microbiology
* Efficient Ground Moving Target Imaging Method for Airborne Circular Stripmap SAR, An
* Efficient Image Compression Method Based on Neural Network: An Overfitting Approach, An
* Efficient Maritime Target Joint Detection and Imaging Method with Airborne ISAR System, An
* Efficient Nd-point Data Structure for Querying Flood Risk, An
* Efficient Representation of 3d Buildings: Application to The Evaluation of City Models, An
* Efficient scramble for quasi-random numbers in Monte Carlo computations
* Efficient Tour Planning for a Measurement Vehicle By Combining Next Best View and Traveling Salesman
* Efficient Video Hashing Based on Low-Rank Frames
* Efficiently Distributed Watertight Surface Reconstruction
* Effort-Free Automated Skeletal Abnormality Detection of Rat Fetuses on Whole-Body Micro-Ct Scans
* EgoGlass: Egocentric-View Human Pose Estimation From an Eyeglass Frame
* Electroencephalography based imagined alphabets classification using spatial and time-domain features
* Elimination of Central Artefacts of L-SPECT with Modular Partial Ring Detectors by Shifting Center of Scanning
* eLoran Signal Cycle Identification Method Based on Joint Time-Frequency Domain, An
* EMDQ: Removal of Image Feature Mismatches in Real-Time
* Emergence of Vehicle Computing, The
* Emotion identification by dynamic entropy and ensemble learning from electroencephalogram signals
* Employing Acoustic Features To Aid Neural Networks Towards Platform Agnostic Learning In Lung Ultrasound Imaging
* Encoder Optimizations for the NNR Standard on Neural Network Compression
* Encoding Conversion Algorithm of Quaternary Triangular Mesh
* End-To-End Pairwise Human Proxemics from Uncalibrated Single Images
* End-to-End Pedestrian Trajectory Forecasting with Transformer Network
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized Learned Hierarchical Bi-Directional Video Compression
* End-to-End Self-Driving Approach Independent of Irrelevant Roadside Objects With Auto-Encoder
* Energy-Efficient Strategy for Improving Coverage and Rate Using Hybrid Vehicular Networks
* Enhance Via Decoupling: Improving Multi-Label Classifiers With Variational Feature Augmentation
* Enhanced Back Projection Network Based Stereo Image Super-Resolution Considering Parallax Attention
* Enhanced Convergent PNP Algorithms for Image Restoration
* Enhanced gradient learning for deep neural networks
* Enhanced Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via RGB Fusion and TV-TV Minimization
* Enhanced Reference Structure for Reference Picture Resampling (RPR) In VVC, An
* Enhanced Separable Disentanglement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Enhanced Standard Compatible Image Compression Framework Based on Auxiliary Codec Networks
* Enhanced Warming in Global Dryland Lakes and Its Drivers
* Enhancing Adversarial Robustness for Image Classification By Regularizing Class Level Feature Distribution
* Enhancing Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis via Hierarchical 3D-FCN with Multi-Modal Features
* Enhancing Geometric Edge Details in MVS Reconstruction
* Enhancing Multi-Step Action Prediction for Active Object Detection
* Enhancing UAV Coastal Mapping Using Infrared Pansharpening
* ensemble model of convolution and recurrent neural network for skin disease classification, An
* Entity Slot Filling for Visual Captioning
* Environment-Based Design (EBD) Approach to Identify Critical Issues In Managing Municipal Solid Waste: Nairobi, Kenyan Case Study
* Environmental Challenges, Technical Solutions and Standard Operating Procedures for Data Collection In Photogrammetric Studies Toward A Unified Database of Objects and Features In Underwater Caves In Mexico
* Environmental Influences on the Stability of a Permanently Installed Laser Scanner
* Equity-oriented vehicle routing optimization for catering distribution services with timeliness requirements
* Error Diffusion Halftoning Against Adversarial Examples
* ESL: Event-based Structured Light
* Estimating Boundary Layer Height from LiDAR Data under Complex Atmospheric Conditions Using Machine Learning
* Estimating Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Remote Regions Of Canada
* Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of West-East Grassland Transect in Inner Mongolia Based on Sentinel-2 and Meteorological Data
* Estimating Contribution of Water Flow Components to Kameng River Basin Using Hydrological Modelling
* Estimating Drawing Guidelines for Portrait Drawing
* Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Gaofen-1 Images, Sentinel-1 Images, and Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of the Dabie Mountain Region, China
* Estimating Visible Band Albedo from Aerial Orthophotographs in Urban Areas
* Estimation of 1-km Resolution All-Sky Instantaneous Erythemal UV-B with MODIS Data Based on a Deep Learning Method
* Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Small Water Bodies: Comparison of Fused Gaofen-6 and Sentinel-2 Sensors
* Estimation of Cotton Leaf Area Index (LAI) Based on Spectral Transformation and Vegetation Index
* Estimation of Individual Tree Biomass in Natural Secondary Forests Based on ALS Data and WorldView-3 Imagery
* Estimation of Maximum Hail Diameters from FY-4A Satellite Data with a Machine Learning Method
* Estimation of Mean Radiant Temperature in Urban Canyons Using Google Street View: A Case Study on Seoul
* Estimation of Soil Salinization by Machine Learning Algorithms in Different Arid Regions of Northwest China
* Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in Sichuan-Yunnan Region from GPS Observations Using Independent Component Analysis
* Estimation of the All-Wave All-Sky Land Surface Daily Net Radiation at Mid-Low Latitudes from MODIS Data Based on ERA5 Constraints
* Evaluating Different Water-land-boundary Approximations to Improve SAR-derived Digital Elevation Models
* Evaluating Hand-crafted and Learning-based Features for Photogrammetric Applications
* Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning Methods for Downstream Classification of Neoplasia in Barrett's Esophagus
* Evaluating Surface Mesh Reconstruction of Open Scenes
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Integrated Connected Automated Vehicle Applications Applied to Freeway Managed Lanes
* Evaluating Tie Points Distribution, Multiplicity and Number on The Accuracy of UAV Photogrammetry Blocks
* Evaluating Visual Impressions Based on Gaze Analysis and Deep Learning: A Case Study of Attractiveness Evaluation of Streets in Densely Built-up Wooden Residential Area
* Evaluating Visual Inertial Odometry Using the Windy Forest Dataset
* Evaluation and Analysis of Dust Storm Activity in Tianwen-1 Landing Area Based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Camera Observations and Mars Daily Global Maps
* Evaluation and Assimilation of FY-3C/D MWHS-2 Radiances in the RMAPS-ST
* Evaluation and Scale Forecast of Underground Space Resources of Historical and Cultural Cities in China
* Evaluation of 3d Building Model Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning And Drone Photogrammetry
* Evaluation of 3d UAS Flight Path Planning Algorithms
* Evaluation of BRDF Information Retrieved from Time-Series Multiangle Data of the Himawari-8 AHI
* Evaluation of Community Livability Using Gridded Basic Urban Geographical Data: A Case Study of Wuhan
* Evaluation of Effectiveness of Patch Based Image Classification Technique Using High Resolution Worldview-2 Image
* Evaluation of Interior Orientation Modelling for Cameras with Aspheric Lenses and Image Pre-processing with Special Emphasis to SfM Reconstruction
* Evaluation of Machine Learning Classifiers for Mapping Falcata Plantations in Sentinel-2 Image
* Evaluation of Network RTK Positioning Performance Based on BDS-3 New Signal System
* Evaluation of Particulate Matter (PM10) Distributions in Izmir Using Geographic Information Systems for Smart Cities Applications
* Evaluation of SAR to Optical Image Translation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Cloud Removal In a Crop Dataset
* Evaluation of Seasonal, Drought, and Wet Condition Effects on Performance of Satellite-Based Precipitation Data over Different Climatic Conditions in Iran
* Evaluation of Semi-supervised Learning for CNN-based Change Detection
* Evaluation of SMOS L4 Sea Surface Salinity Product in the Western Iberian Coast
* Evaluation of Surface Reflectance Products Based on Optimized 6S Model Using Synchronous In Situ Measurements
* Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Trends of Global Warming and Extreme Ocean Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Canada, The
* Evaluation of the Heavy Metals Contamination of the Water of The Moulouya Medium
* Evaluation of the Integrity Risk for Precise Point Positioning
* Evaluation of the Seasonal Nighttime LST-Air Temperature Discrepancies And Their Relation to Local Climate Zones (lcz) in Strasbourg
* Evaluation of Tunnel Excavation Combining Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Design Models
* Evaluation of U-Net CNN Approaches for Human Neck MRI Segmentation
* Evaluation on Urban Land Expansion Quality of Qingdao City From 2010 To 2018
* Event Guided Depth Sensing
* Evolution Assessment of Mining Subsidence Characteristics Using SBAS and PS Interferometry in Sanshandao Gold Mine, China
* Evolutionary Attention Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* Evolutions of 30-Year Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Suaeda salsa in Bohai Bay, China
* Evolving Deep Ensembles for Detecting Covid-19 In Chest X-Rays
* Examine of the Impact of Land Use on Water Basins Using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: Terkos Basin Example
* Exemplar Fine-Tuning for 3D Human Model Fitting Towards In-the-Wild 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for AR Sports Spectators
* Explainable Prediction of Renal Cell Carcinoma from Contrast-Enhanced CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Transfer Learning and the Shapley Additive Explanations Approach
* Explainers in the Wild: Making Surrogate Explainers Robust to Distortions Through Perception
* Explaining 3D CNNs for Alzheimer's Disease Classification on sMRI Images with Multiple ROIs
* Explaining Deep Models Through Forgettable Learning Dynamics
* Exploitation of Spectral and Temporal Information for Mapping Plant Species in a Former Industrial Site
* Exploiting Deep Cross-Slice Features from CT Images for Multi-Class Pneumonia Classification
* Exploiting Facial Symmetry to Expose Deepfakes
* Exploiting Learned Symmetries in Group Equivariant Convolutions
* Exploiting Multi-camera Constraints Within Bundle Block Adjustment: An Experimental Comparison
* Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Housing Prices Obtained From Web Scraping Technique
* Explore Connection Pattern and Attention Mechanism for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* Exploring Cloud-based Platforms for Rapid INSAR Time Series Analysis
* Exploring Cross-city Semantic Segmentation of ALS Point Clouds
* Exploring Intensity Invariance in Deep Neural Networks for Brain Image Registration
* Exploring the nature of buried linear features in the Qatar peninsula: Archaeological and paleoclimatic implications
* Exploring the Use of Classification Uncertainty to Improve Classification Accuracy
* Exploring Versatile Prior for Human Motion via Motion Frequency Guidance
* Expressive and Compressive GAN Inversion Network
* Extended Dependent Random Access Point Pictures in VVC
* Extension of Cityjson to Support Point Clouds, An
* Extracting Causal Visual Features for Limited Label Classification
* Extracting Topics from a TV Channel's Facebook Page Using Contextualized Document Embedding
* Extraction of Forest Power Lines from LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration by using a Nonuniform Subdivision Accumulator and Orthogonal Vanishing Points
* Eye-Tracking for Performance Evaluation and Workload Estimation in Space Telerobotic Training
* FA-GAN: Feature-Aware GAN for Text to Image Synthesis
* Fabricate-Vanish: An Effective and Transferable Black-Box Adversarial Attack Incorporating Feature Distortion
* Face Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Face Forgery Detection Based on Segmentation Network
* Face Image Inpainting Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Mask Aware Robust Facial Expression Recognition During the Covid-19 Pandemic
* Face Models: How Good Does My Data Need To Be?
* Face Recognition Using Shallow Age-Invariant Data
* Face Texture Generation and Identity-Preserving Rectification
* Facial Expression Recognition using Multi-Feature Concatenation of Local Face Components and Hierarchical SVM
* Facial Expressions as a Vulnerability in Face Recognition
* Facial landmark points detection using knowledge distillation-based neural networks
* Facial skin colour classification using machine learning and hyperspectral imaging data
* Factorized Modulation for Singleshot Lightfield Acquisition
* Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to Continue Using the Rewarding Solid-waste Collection Mobile Apps In Tehran, Iran
* Failure Mechanism and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Model for Landslide Risk Prediction
* Fake Face Detection using Local Binary Pattern and Ensemble Modeling
* Fall detection using body geometry and human pose estimation in video sequences
* FANet: Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Fast & Robust Image Interpolation Using Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer
* Fast and Accurate Homography Estimation Using Extendable Compression Network
* Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing via Bi-Direction Alignment Networks
* Fast and Accurate Spatial Target Snapping Method for 3D Scene Modeling and Mapping in Mobile Augmented Reality, A
* FAST and Efficient Microlens-Based Motion Search for Plenoptic Video Coding
* Fast and Efficient Super-Resolution Network Using Hierarchical Dense Residual Learning, A
* Fast and Lightweight Detection Network for Multi-Scale SAR Ship Detection under Complex Backgrounds, A
* fast and optimal pathfinder using airborne LiDAR data, A
* Fast and Temporal Consistent Video Style Transfer
* Fast Drivable Area Detection for Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning
* Fast Hybrid Image Retargeting
* Fast Smart-Cropping Method and Dataset for Video Retargeting, A
* Fast transformation of discriminators into encoders using pre-trained GANs
* Fast Urban Land Cover Mapping Exploiting Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Fast, Accurate Barcode Detection in Ultra High-Resolution Images
* FCAU-Net for the Semantic Segmentation of Fine-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* Feasibility of Using Small UAVs to Derive Morphometric Measurements of Australian Snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and Humpback (Sousa sahulensis) Dolphins
* Feasibility Verification of Virtual Reference Station Technology In Geological Hazard Monitoring
* Feature Comparison of Two Mesoscale Eddy Datasets Based on Satellite Altimeter Data
* Feature Description with Feature Point Registration Error Using Local and Global Point Cloud Encoders
* Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Segmentation
* Feature Fusion Ensemble Architecture With Active Learning for Microscopic Blood Smear Analysis
* Feature of Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Trough during Geomagnetic Storms Derived from GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) Data, The
* Feature-Extracting Functions for Neural Logic Rule Learning
* Features of ICU Admission In X-Ray Images of Covid-19 Patients
* Federated Trace: A Node Selection Method for More Efficient Federated Learning
* Few Shot Learning for Infra-Red Object Recognition Using Analytically Designed Low Level Filters for Data Representation
* Few-Shot Classification in Unseen Domains by Episodic Meta-Learning Across Visual Domains
* Few-Shot Learning for Post-Earthquake Urban Damage Detection
* Few-Shot Personalized Saliency Prediction using Person Similarity based on Collaborative Multi-Output Gaussian Process Regression
* Fiber Recognition In Composite Materials
* Field Validation of Icesat-2 Data Along Chinare Route in East Antarctica
* Fifty Years of Tidewater Glacier Surface Elevation and Retreat Dynamics along the South-East Coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago)
* FiG-NeRF: Figure-Ground Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Object Category Modelling
* Filter Pruning Via Softmax Attention
* Fine-Grained Human-Centric Tracklet Segmentation with Single Frame Supervision
* Fine-Grained Multi-Class Object Counting
* Fine-Grained Plant Leaf Image Retrieval Using Local Angle Co-occurrence Histograms
* Fine-Grained Video Captioning via Graph-based Multi-Granularity Interaction Learning
* Fine-Grained VR Sketching: Dataset and Insights.
* Fires Drive Long-Term Environmental Degradation in the Amazon Basin
* First Assessments Into the Use of Commercial-grade Solid State Lidar For Low Cost Heritage Documentation
* First Attempt to Define Level of Details Based on Decision-making Tasks: Application to Underground Utility Network, A
* Flood Detection in Social Media Using Multimodal Fusion on Multilingual Dataset
* Flood Detection Using Multiple Chinese Satellite Datasets during 2020 China Summer Floods
* Flood Detection Using Real-Time Image Segmentation from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Edge-Computing Platform
* FLYBO: A Unified Benchmark Environment for Autonomous Flying Robots
* Flying Pallets Without Pilots: A drone startup will test a radical new vision of long-range cargo transport in Europe
* Force-Based Algorithm for Motion Planning of Large Agent
* Forest Canopy Height Mapping by Synergizing ICESat-2, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Topographic Information Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging for Sea-Surface Target with Multi-Prior Bayesian Method
* Four-Dimensional Plant Phenotyping Model Integrating Low-Density LiDAR Data and Multispectral Images
* Foveated Video Quality Assessment Model Using Space-Variant Natural Scene Statistics, A
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Derived from UAV and Sentinel-2 Imagery as a Proxy for In Situ FAPAR in a Dense Mixed-Coniferous Forest?
* Framework for Multivariate Analysis of Land Surface Dynamics and Driving Variables-A Case Study for Indo-Gangetic River Basins, A
* Frequency Filtering for Data Augmentation in X-Ray Image Classification
* From 1/4° to 1/8°: Influence of Spatial Resolution on Eddy Detection Using Altimeter Data
* From Architectural Survey to Continuous Monitoring: Graph-based Data Management for Cultural Heritage Conservation with Digital Twins
* From Gradient Leakage To Adversarial Attacks In Federated Learning
* From off-site to on-site: A Flexible Framework for XR Prototyping in Sports Spectating
* From Survey to 3d Modelling to Digital Fabrication. a Workflow Aimed at Documenting and Transmitting Built Heritage
* Fruit Detection in the Wild: the Impact of Varying Conditions and Cultivar
* FS-MOEA: A Novel Feature Selection Algorithm for IDSs in Vehicular Networks
* Fs-Net: Filter Selection Network for Hyperspectral Reconstruction
* Fsft-Net: Face Transfer Video Generation With Few-Shot Views
* Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Material Using Ultrasonic Rotational 3D Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging
* Full Life Data Quality Workflow Research and Project Practice, A
* Full Series Algorithm of Automatic Building Extraction and Modelling from LiDAR Data
* Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Relation Aware Context Information for Image Parsing
* Furrow Mapping of Sugarcane Billet Density Using Deep Learning and Object Detection
* Further Adventures in Mars DTM Quality: Smoothing Errors, Sharpening Details
* Fusing Multi-modal Data for Supervised Change Detection
* Fusing Posture and Position Representations for Point Cloud-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
* Fusing Visual Features and Metadata to Detect Flooding in Flickr Images
* Fusion Retrieval of Sea Surface Barometric Pressure from the Microwave Humidity and Temperature Sounder and Microwave Temperature Sounder-II Onboard the Fengyun-3 Satellite
* Fusion-Based Defogging Algorithm, A
* Fuzzy-Based Adaptation Controller for Low Latency Live Video Streaming, A
* Gabor Filter Incorporated CNN for Compression
* Gaitgraph: Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Gait Recognition
* GAN-based Spatial Transformation Adversarial Method for Disease Classification on CXR Photographs by Smartphones
* Gan-Based Super-Resolution and Segmentation of Retinal Layers in Optical Coherence Tomography Scans
* GASCN: Graph Attention Shape Completion Network
* Gat-Assisted Deep Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Structural Response Model and Its Application to Regional Damage Assessment
* GCSR: Gray Code Super-Resolution 3D Scanning
* Generalised Zero-shot Learning with Multi-modal Embedding Spaces
* Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Using Multimodal Variational Auto-Encoder With Semantic Concepts
* Generalized Zero-Shot Recognition Through Image-Guided Semantic Classification
* Generalizing Floor Plans Using Graph Neural Networks
* Generating Aesthetic Based Critique for Photographs
* Generating Annotated High-Fidelity Images Containing Multiple Coherent Objects
* Generating Synthetic 3d Point Segments for Improved Classification Of Mobile Lidar Point Clouds
* Generating Thermal Human Faces for Physiological Assessment using Thermal Sensor Auxiliary Labels
* Generative Adversarial Framework for Optimizing Image Matting and Harmonization Simultaneously, A
* Generative Adversarial Networks to Generalise Urban Areas In Topographic Maps
* Generative and Entropy-Based Registration Approach for the Reassembly of Ancient Inscriptions, A
* Generative Deep Learning Approach for Forensic Facial Reconstruction, A
* Generative Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
* Generic Reversible Visible Watermarking via Regularized Graph Fourier Transform Coding
* Generic Sparse Graph Based Convolutional Networks for Face Recognition
* GenIcoNet: Generative Icosahedral Mesh Convolutional Network
* Geo-CropSim: A Geo-spatial crop simulation modeling framework for regional scale crop yield and water use assessment
* Geodetic Mass Balance of Haxilegen Glacier No. 51, Eastern Tien Shan, from 1964 to 2018
* Geometric Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on 3D Point Clouds
* Geometric Data Augmentation Based on Feature Map Ensemble
* Geometry Sensitive Cross-Modal Reasoning for Composed Query Based Image Retrieval
* Geomorphic Evolution of Radial Sand Ridges in the South Yellow Sea Observed from Satellites
* Geomorphological Mapping of Intertidal Areas
* GeoNet++: Iterative Geometric Neural Network with Edge-Aware Refinement for Joint Depth and Surface Normal Estimation
* Geophysical and UAV-based Observations Over a Flood Defense Structure: Application to the Polder2c's Experimental Dike
* Georeferencing of COVID-19 Positive Nasopharyngeal Swabs to Support Emergency Management in an Area of Northern Italy
* Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Interactions For Spatial Decision Support
* Geospatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for Video-Based Precipitation Intensity Recognition
* Geovisualization of Aerial Photogrammetric Flights for Data Quality Assessment
* Get to the Point: Content Classification of Animated Graphics Interchange Formats with Key-Frame Attention
* Getting Real: The Challenge of Building and Validating a Large-Scale Digital Twin of Barcelona's Traffic with Empirical Data
* Ghost-Free HDR Imaging Via Unrolling Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* GI-AEE: GAN Inversion Based Attentive Expression Embedding Network for Facial Expression Editing
* GIID-NET: Generalizable Image Inpainting Detection Network
* GIS Mapping of Short-Term Noisy Event of Diwali Night in Lucknow City
* GIS-Based Approach for the Analysis of Geographical Education Paths
* GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Variable Importance Analysis Using Artificial Intelligent Training-Based Methods, A
* GIS-based Optimum Site Selection for Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Station: Ankara-istanbul Highway Case
* GIS-Based Survey over the Public Transport Strategy: An Instrument for Economic and Sustainable Urban Traffic Planning
* GIS-supported Mapping of Suitable Parking Areas Using AHP Method: The Case of Konya
* Glioma classification framework based on SE-ResNeXt network and its optimization
* Global Context Assisted Structure-Aware Vehicle Retrieval
* Global estimates of 500m daily aerodynamic roughness length from MODIS data
* Global-Local Transformer for Brain Age Estimation
* Globally Optimal Multi-Scale Monocular Hand-Eye Calibration Using Dual Quaternions
* GMT-WGAN: An Adversarial Sample Expansion Method for Ground Moving Targets Classification
* GNSS Aided Long-Range 3D Displacement Sensing for High-Rise Structures with Two Non-Overlapping Cameras
* GNSS and Photogrammetry By the Same Tool: A First Evaluation of the Leica GS18I Receiver
* Go with the Flows: Mixtures of Normalizing Flows for Point Cloud Generation and Reconstruction
* Google Earth Engine Based Agricultural Drought Monitoring in Kodavanar Watershed, Part of Amaravathi Basin, Tamil Nadu, India
* GPG-NET: Face Inpainting With Generative Parsing Guidance
* Gradient Local Binary Pattern for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gradual Decoding Refresh for Versatile Video Coding
* Gradual Decoding Refresh with Virtual Boundary
* Graph Affinity Network for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Graph Neural Network Based Multi-feature Fusion for Building Change Detection
* Graph Neural Network for Multiple-Image Super-Resolution, A
* Graph Similarity-Based Maximum Stable Subgraph Extraction of Information Topology From a Vehicular Network
* Graph-Based Classification and Urban Modeling of Laser Scanning and Imagery: Toward 3D Smart Web Services
* Graph-based Density Peaks Method by Employing Shortest Path for Data Clustering, A
* Graph-Convolution Network for Image Compression
* Graph-In-Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Disease Diagnosis
* Grayscale and Normal Guided Depth Completion With A Low-Cost Lidar
* Ground-Based Radar Interferometry of Sea Ice
* Grounding Event of Iceberg D28 and Its Interactions with Seabed Topography
* Groundwater Monitoring Using Grace Mission
* Group Sampling for Scale Invariant Face Detection
* Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* GSLD: A Global Scanner with Local Discriminator Network for Fast Detection of Sparse Plasma Cell in Immunohistochemistry
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Video and Language
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Guest Editorial: Non-Euclidean Machine Learning
* Guidance and Teaching Network for Video Salient Object Detection
* GuideNet: Learning Inter- Vertebral Guides in DXA Lateral Spine Images
* Hallucinating Color Face Image by Learning Graph Representation in Quaternion Space
* Hallucinating uncertain motion and future for static image action recognition
* Hallucination In Object Detection: A Study In Visual Part Verification
* Hard Samples Rectification for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Hardmix: A Regularization Method to Mitigate the Large Shift in Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
* HBIM Modelling for An Historical Urban Centre
* HCI for Elderly, Measuring Visual Complexity of Webpages Based on Machine Learning
* Hedonic Modeling of Housing Purchase/Sale Density With Urban Change Factors
* HEp-2 Specimen Cell Detection and Classification Using Very Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Cell Shape
* heterogeneous 3D map-based place recognition solution using virtual LiDAR and a polar grid height coding image descriptor, A
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition Via Part Adaptive and Relation Attention Module, A
* Hierarchical and Multi-Level Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* hierarchical approach for refining point cloud quality of a low cost UAV LiDAR system in the urban environment, A
* Hierarchical broad learning system for hyperspectral image classification
* Hierarchical Deep Click Feature Prediction for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Hierarchical Domain-Consistent Network for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* Hierarchical Embedding Guided Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* Hierarchical Region Proposal Refinement Network for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders for Visual Counterfactuals
* High Accuracy Motion Detection Algorithm via ISM Band FMCW Radar
* High Confidence Attribute Recognition for Vehicle Re-Identification
* High Definition LiDAR mapping of Perth CBD
* High Fidelity 3D Reconstructions with Limited Physical Views
* High Fidelity Fingerprint Generation: Quality, Uniqueness, and Privacy
* High-Currency Geo-Spatial Service Gateway for National Geo-information Service Platform, A
* High-fidelity 3D face reconstruction with multi-scale details
* High-Frequency Preserving Image Downscaler
* High-Frequency Shape Recovery from Shading by CNN and Domain Adaptation
* High-Order Joint Information Input for Graph Convolutional Network Based Action Recognition
* High-Precision Digital Surface Model Extraction from Satellite Stereo Images Fused with ICESat-2 Data
* High-Resolution Depth Maps Imaging via Attention-Based Hierarchical Multi-Modal Fusion
* High-resolution Urban Mapping By Fusion of SAR and Optical Data
* High-Throughput Depth Estimation Processor for Accurate Semiglobal Stereo Matching Using Pipelined Inter-Pixel Aggregation, A
* High-Throughput Legume Seed Phenotyping Using a Handheld 3D Laser Scanner
* Highly Accurate Pose Estimation as a Reference for Autonomous Vehicles in Near-Range Scenarios
* Him-Net: A New Neural Network Approach for SAR and Optical Image Template Matching1
* Histograms of oriented mosaic gradients for snapshot spectral image description
* Historical Vltava River Valley: Various Historical Sources within Web Mapping Environment
* HMFCA-Net: Hierarchical multi-frequency based Channel attention net for mobile phone surface defect detection
* Homomorphic Two Tier Reversible Data Hiding In Encrypted 3D Objects
* Horizontal Accuracy Assessment of Google Earth Data Over Typical Regions of Australia Using Worldview
* Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning
* Hospitalization Due to Fire-Induced Pollution in the Brazilian Legal Amazon from 2005 to 2018
* Hourly mapping of surface air temperature by blending geostationary datasets from the two-satellite system of GOES-R series
* How to Start Gentrification Process Using Interferometric Stack Of Sentinel-1
* HSEGAN: Hair Synthesis and Editing Using Structure-Adaptive Normalization on Generative Adversarial Network
* Human Carving: A Parsing-Based Framework for 3d Human Reconstruction
* Human identification system using 3D skeleton-based gait features and LSTM model
* Human Motion Enhancement via Tobit Particle Filtering and Differential Evolution
* Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video in the Wild
* Human skeleton representation for 3D action recognition based on complex network coding and LSTM
* Human Vision-Like Robust Object Recognition
* Human vs. Machine, the Eyes Have It. Assessment of Stemphylium Leaf Blight on Onion Using Aerial Photographs from an NIR Camera
* Human-Machine Collaborative Video Coding Through Cuboidal Partitioning
* HumanGAN: A Generative Model of Human Images
* hybrid classification-regression approach for 3D hand pose estimation using graph convolutional networks, A
* Hybrid Compact Polarimetric SAR Calibration Considering the Amplitude and Phase Coefficients Inconsistency
* Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Diagnosis of Covid-19 Using Ct Scans and Clinical/Demographic Data
* Hybrid Fusion Based Approach for Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Insufficient Labeled Data
* Hybrid GIS-BIM Approach for the Torino Digital-Twin: The Implementation of a Floor-level 3d City Geodatabase
* Hybrid Metaheuristic-Based Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Logistics Distribution Center
* Hybrid Pruning and Sparsification
* Hybrid two-stream approach for Multi-Person Action Recognition in TOP-VIEW 360° Videos, A
* HyNet: 3D Segmentation Using Hybrid Graph Networks
* HyperLoopNet: Hyperspectral image classification using multiscale self-looping convolutional networks
* Hyperspectral Approach for Unsupervised Spoof Detection With Intra-Sample Distribution, A
* Hyperspectral Classification Using Cooperative Spatial-Spectral Attention Network with Tensor Low-Rank Reconstruction
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising With Log-Based Robust PCA
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Paint Analysis
* Hyperspectral Neutron CT with Material Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening in the Reflective Domain with a Second Panchromatic Channel in the SWIR II Spectral Domain
* Hyperspectral Reflectance Characteristics of Rice Canopies under Changes in Diffuse Radiation Fraction
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Detection of Marine Oil Spills Using an Adaptive Long-Term Moment Estimation Optimizer
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of TiO2 Concentration in Cementitious Material Based on Machine Learning Approaches
* Ice Cover, Subglacial Landscape, and Estimation of Bottom Melting of Mac. Robertson, Princess Elizabeth, Wilhelm II, and Western Queen Mary Lands, East Antarctica
* Ice Flow Velocity Mapping In East Antarctica Using Historical Images From 1960s to 1980s: Recent Progress
* IDECF: Improved Deep Embedding Clustering With Deep Fuzzy Supervision
* Identification of In-Field Sensor Defects In the Context of Image Age Approximation
* Identification of Misclassified Pixels in Semantic Segmentation With Uncertainty Evaluation
* Identifying Bikers Without Helmets Using Deep Learning Models
* Identifying Coherent Subgraphs In Dynamic Brain Networks
* Identifying Forest Structural Types along an Aridity Gradient in Peninsular Spain: Integrating Low-Density LiDAR, Forest Inventory, and Aridity Index
* Identifying Physically Realizable Triggers for Backdoored Face Recognition Networks
* Identifying Women With Mammographically-Occult Breast Cancer Leveraging GAN-Simulated Mammograms
* Identity and Attribute Preserving Thumbnail Upscaling
* Identity-Free Facial Expression Recognition Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* IGIS for Managing Cities Smartly - Urban Geoinformatics
* Image Adjustment for Multi-Exposure Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Image Aesthetics Classification using Deep Features and Image Category
* Image Cropping Assisted By Modeling Inter-Patch Relations
* Image data augmentation for improving performance of deep learning-based model in pathological lung segmentation
* Image Deblurring based on Lightweight Multi-Information Fusion Network
* Image Denoising Inspired by Quantum Many-Body physics
* Image encryption based on logistic chaotic systems and deep autoencoder
* Image Enhanced Rotation Prediction for Self-Supervised Learning
* Image Fusion Through Linear Embeddings
* Image Hallucination From Attribute Pairs
* Image haze removal based on rolling deep learning and Retinex theory
* Image Matching Using Enhancement Offsets With Adaptive Parameter Selection Via Histogram Analysis
* Image quality enhancement using hybrid attention networks
* Image Stitching with Locally Shared Rotation Axis
* Image-Aided LiDAR Mapping Platform and Data Processing Strategy for Stockpile Volume Estimation
* Image-Based Angular Distortion Metric of Map Projections by Using Surface Fitting for Noise Reduction
* Image-based Orientation Determination of Mobile Sensor Platforms
* Image-Level Iris Morph Attack
* Image-Level Supervised Instance Segmentation Using Instance-Wise Boundary
* Impact Analysis of Accidents on the Traffic Flow Based on Massive Floating Car Data
* Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrological Regime of the Yarkant River Basin, China: An Assessment Using Three SSP Scenarios of CMIP6 GCMs
* Impact of Level of Detail In 3d City Models for Cfd-based Wind Flow Simulations, The
* Impact of Structural, Photochemical and Instrumental Effects on Leaf and Canopy Reflectance Variability in the 500-600 nm Range
* Impact of Using a New High-Resolution Solar Reference Spectrum on OMI Ozone Profile Retrievals
* Impact of Water Level Fluctuations on Landslide Deformation at Longyangxia Reservoir, Qinghai Province, China
* Impacts of a Large Water Transfer Project on a Waterbird Community in the Receiving Dam: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir, China, The
* Imperceptible Adversarial Examples for Fake Image Detection
* Implementing Smart City Strategies as an Innovative Practice for Covid-19 Pandemic in Egyptian Context
* Implicit Seleted Transform Skip Method for AVS3
* Improved Active Deep Learning for Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Image
* Improved Discriminator for GAN-Based Trajectory Prediction Models, An
* Improved Fast Estimation of Satellite Phase Fractional Cycle Biases, An
* Improved Forest Structure Data Set for Europe, An
* Improved Mask R-CNN for Rural Building Roof Type Recognition from UAV High-Resolution Images: A Case Study in Hunan Province, China
* improved method for pylon extraction and vegetation encroachment analysis in high voltage transmission lines using LiDAR data, An
* Improved Method to Detect the Tailings Ponds from Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on Faster R-CNN and Transfer Learning
* improved methodology for quantifying pixel-scale entrance pupil irradiance of a Moon-based Earth radiation observatory, An
* Improved Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo-Based Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Dimensionality Reduction
* Improved Multiclass Adaboost for Image Classification: The Role of Tree Optimization
* Improved Phase-Derived Range Method Based on High-Order Multi-Frame Track-Before-Detect for Warhead Detection, An
* Improved Quantum Solution for the Stereo Matching Problem, An
* Improved retrievals of aerosol optical depth and fine mode fraction from GOCI geostationary satellite data using machine learning over East Asia
* Improved Spatio-Temporal Action Localization for Surveillance Videos
* Improved Use of Drone Imagery for Malaria Vector Control through Technology-Assisted Digitizing (TAD)
* Improved Vehicle LiDAR Calibration With Trajectory-Based Hand-Eye Method
* Improvement of Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Sentinel-3/OLCI Data for Oceanic Waters in Presence of Sargassum
* Improvement of Multi-GNSS Precision and Success Rate Using Realistic Stochastic Model of Observations
* Improvement of Oracle Bone Inscription Recognition Accuracy: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Improving Acquisition Speed of X-Ray Ptychography Through Spatial Undersampling and Regularization
* Improving Attribute-Based Person Retrieval By Using A Calibrated, Weighted, and Distribution-Based Distance Metric
* Improving Classification Accuracy With Graph Filtering
* Improving Face-Based Age Estimation With Attention-Based Dynamic Patch Fusion
* Improving Filling Level Classification with Adversarial Training
* Improving Image Quality In Low-Field MRI With Deep Learning
* Improving Leaf Area Index Retrieval Using Multi-Sensor Images and Stacking Learning in Subtropical Forests of China
* Improving LULC Classification From Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning - Eurosat Dataset
* Improving Neural Blind Deconvolution
* Improving Object Detection and Attribute Recognition By Feature Entanglement Reduction
* Improving Ransac Feature Matching Based on Geometric Relation
* Improving Road Surface Area Extraction via Semantic Segmentation with Conditional Generative Learning for Deep Inpainting Operations
* Improving synthetic 3D model-aided indoor image localization via domain adaptation
* Improving the Accuracy of Groundwater Storage Estimates Based on Groundwater Weighted Fusion Model
* Improving the Generalization Ability of Deepfake Detection via Disentangled Representation Learning
* Improving the Internal Accuracy of UAV-image Blocks Using Local Low-altitude Flights and Scale-bars
* Improving the Quality of Illustrations: Transforming Amateur Illustrations To A Professional Standard
* Improving the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Via Sketch Attention
* Improving UAV Telemetry Positioning for Direct Photogrammetry
* In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy: Signal processing challenges and examples
* In-Orbit Stereo Navigation Camera Self-Calibration Method for Planetary Rovers with Multiple Constraints, An
* Incomplete Descriptor Mining With Elastic Loss for Person Re-Identification
* Incorporating Phase Rotation Into a Person-Based Signal Timing Optimization Algorithm
* Incremental Learning of Object Detector with Limited Training Data
* Incremental Learning with Neural Network Algorithm for the Monitoring Pre-Convective Environments Using Geostationary Imager
* Incremental Map Refinement of Building Information Using LiDAR Point Clouds
* Indian Masked Faces in the Wild Dataset
* Indicator Analysis of Smart City Standard SNI ISO 37122 Plays a Role In The Covid-19 Pandemic
* Individual Banana Tree Crown Delineation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (uav) Images
* Individual Tree Crown Delineation From High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using U-net
* Indoor Emergency Path Planning Based on the Q-Learning Optimization Algorithm
* Indoor Mapping of a Complex Cultural Heritage Scene Using TLS and HMLS Laser Scanning
* Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Reconstructed Observation Model and Particle Filter
* Indoor Positioning for Smart Devices Based on Sensor Fusion With Particle Filter: Localization and Map Updating
* Indoor Semantic Scene Understanding Using 2D-3D Fusion
* Inferring Bias and Uncertainty in Camera Calibration
* Inferring Roof Semantics for More Accurate Solar Potential Assessment
* Influence of Aerial Hyperspectral Image Processing Workflow on Nitrogen Uptake Prediction Accuracy in Maize, The
* Influence of atmospheric modeling on spectral target detection through forward modeling approach in multi-platform remote sensing data
* Influence of Atmospheric Scattering on the Accuracy of Laser Altimetry of the GF-7 Satellite and Corrections
* Influence of Co-alignment Procedures on the Co-registration Accuracy Of Multi-Epoch SFM Points Clouds
* Influence of Illumination Changes on Image-based 3d Surface Reconstruction
* Influence of Landscape Structure on Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions: Geostatistical Analysis on Hot Spot and Habitat Proximity Relations, The
* Influence of Relief Degree of Land Surface on Street Network Complexity in China
* influence of the activation function in a capsule network for brain tumor type classification, The
* Information Acquisition on Pedestrian Movements In Urban Traffic with A Mobile Multi-sensor System
* Information-Based Control of Robots in Search-and-Rescue Missions With Human Prior Knowledge
* InfoVAEGAN: Learning Joint Interpretable Representations by Information Maximization and Maximum Likelihood
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Co-Occurrence Analysis Shearlet Transform
* Insar Collaborative Monitoring Mode and Multi-mode Computing Services For Geohazards Identification In Open-pit Mining Area
* InSAR Constrained Downdip and Updip Afterslip Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake: New Insights into Moment Budget of the Main Himalayan Thrust
* INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energy Budget and to Probe the Ionosphere
* Instance Segmentation in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Hard-to-Segment Instance Learning and Boundary Shape Analysis
* Integrated Multi-Modal Antenna With Coupled Radiating Structures (I-MARS) for 7T pTx Body MRI
* Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prioritization
* Integrating SAR and Optical Remote Sensing for Conservation-Targeted Wetlands Mapping
* Integrating Topographic, Photogrammetric and Laser Scanning Techniques For a Scan-to-BIM Process
* Integrating UAVs and Canopy Height Models in Vineyard Management: A Time-Space Approach
* Integration of Building Information Modeling and Agent-based Modeling For Evacuation Simulation
* Integration of Data Obtained By Photogrammetric Methods Such As A Terrestrial Laser Scanner and UAV System and Use in 3d City Models: The Case of KÖycegiz Campus
* Integration of Data of the Remote Sensing, GIS, and Gamma-spectrometric Analysis to Study Soil Material Redistribution
* Integration of Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Retrieval Algorithms for Multi-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals over Urban Areas
* Integration of Urban Spatial Data Management and Visualization With Enterprise Applications Using Open-source Software
* Integration of Web Processing Services with Workflow-Based Scientific Applications for Solving Environmental Monitoring Problems
* Integration-and-Diffusion Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Integrity Monitoring of PPP-RTK Positioning; Part I: GNSS-Based IM Procedure
* Intelligent and Adaptive Mixup Technique for Adversarial Robustness
* Intention-based Long-Term Human Motion Anticipation
* Inter-Modality Fusion Based Attention for Zero-Shot Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Inter-Zone Differences of Convective Development in a Convection Outbreak Event over Southeastern Coast of China: An Observational Analysis
* Interaction-GCN: A Graph Convolutional Network Based Framework for Social Interaction Recognition in Egocentric Videos
* Interactive Extraction of Linear Structures from LiDAR Rawdata for Archaeomorphological Structure Prospection
* Interactive Object Segmentation With Dynamic Click Transform
* Interactive Portrait Bokeh Rendering System
* Interactive Videos As Geospatial Interfaces: A Case Study for Regional Promotion
* Intercomparison of Salinity Products in the Beaufort Gyre and Arctic Ocean
* Interest Level Estimation via Multi-Modal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Factorization
* Interframe-Dependent Rate-QP-Distortion Model for Video Coding and Transmission
* Internal Tides and Their Intraseasonal Variability on the Continental Slope Northeast of Taiwan Island Derived from Mooring Observations and Satellite Data
* Internet User's Behavior From the Standpoint of the Neural Network Theory of Society: Prerequisites for the Meta-Education Concept Formation
* Interoperability and Integration: An Updated Approach to Linked Data Publication at the Dutch Land Registry
* Interpolation of CT Projections by Exploiting Their Self-Similarity and Smoothness
* Interpretable Deep Image Prior Method Inspired in Linear Mixture Model for Compressed Spectral Image Recovery
* Interpretable Representation Learning on Natural Image Datasets via Reconstruction in Visual-Semantic Embedding Space
* Interpretation of Lesional Detection via Counterfactual Generation
* Interpretation of Regularization by Denoising and Its Application with the Back-Projected Fidelity Term, An
* Intra To Inter: Towards Intra Prediction for Learning-Based Video Coders Using Optical Flow
* Intra- and Inter-Pair Consistency for Semi-Supervised Gland Segmentation
* Introducing a New Feature Extraction Method for Non-Contact Blood Pressure Estimating Through iPPG Signals Extracted using G-R Method from Video Images of Different Facial Regions
* Invasion of Savannas By Prosopis Trees In Eastern Africa: Exploring Their Impacts on Lulc Dynamics, Livelihoods and Implications on Soil Organic Carbon Stocks
* Inventory and Distribution Characteristics of Large-Scale Landslides in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China
* Inverse Halftone Colorization: Making Halftone Prints Color Photos
* Inversing Glacier Albedo In High Mountain Asia Based on Sentinel-3 Satellite Data
* Inversion Approach for Biochemical Parameters of Vegetation Based On The Prospect-5 Model, An
* Investigating 3d Reconstruction of Non-collaborative Surfaces Through Photogrammetry and Photometric Stereo
* Investigating Attention Mechanism in 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* Investigating Surface Fractures and Materials Behavior of Cultural Heritage Buildings Based on the Attribute Information of Point Clouds Stored in the TLS Dataset
* Investigating the Performance of a Handheld Mobile Mapping System In Different Outdoor Scenarios
* Investigation of GIS Based Mobile Route Planning: Navigation Applications for Tourism Activities
* Investigation of Long and Short-Term Water Surface Area Changes in Coastal Ramsar Sites in Turkey with Google Earth Engine
* Investigation of Pointnet for Semantic Segmentation of Large-scale Outdoor Point Clouds
* Investigation of Sentinel-1 Time Series for Sensitivity to Fern Vegetation in An European Temperate Forest
* Investigation of Temporal Change of Land Use in Elmali Basin Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* Investigation of the Changes of Lake Surface Temperatures and Areas: Case Study of Burdur and Egirdir Lakes, Turkey
* Investigation of Time-Lapse Changes with DAS Borehole Data at the Brady Geothermal Field Using Deconvolution Interferometry
* Ionospheric Disturbances Observed Following the Ridgecrest Earthquake of 4 July 2019 in California, USA
* IOT in the Wake of Covid-19
* IoT-5G User Tracking in a 5G Network Using 60 GHZ MM-waves Based on an ABF-ED Algorithms for a Cluttered Indoor Environment
* IoT-based Plant Health Analysis using Optical Sensors in Precision Agriculture
* IoT-based Smart Environments: State of the Art, Security Threats and Solutions
* iPad Pro Built-in Lidar Sensor: 3D Rapid Mapping Tests and Quality Assessment, The
* IPRNN: An Information-Preserving Model for Video Prediction Using Spatiotemporal Grus
* IR-SSL: Improved Regularization Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Land Cover Classification
* Iranis: A Large-scale Dataset of Iranian Vehicles License Plate Characters
* Issues of Geographic Information Systems and Thematic Mapping Application to Analysis of Epidemiological Situation in Large Cities
* It Is All In The Weights: Robust Rotation Averaging Revisited
* Iterative Reweighted Local Cross Correlation Method for Nonlinear Registration of Multiphase Liver CT Images
* Iterative Subnetwork With Linear Hierarchical Ordering for Human Pose Estimation
* Jitter Detection Method Based on Sequence CMOS Images Captured by Rolling Shutter Mode for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite
* Joint 3D Human Shape Recovery and Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Bilayer Graph
* Joint Anomaly Detection and Inpainting for Microscopy Images Via Deep Self-Supervised Learning
* Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Joint Co-Attention and Co-Reconstruction Representation Learning for One-Shot Object Detection
* Joint Land Cover and Crop Type Mapping Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data From Various Environmental Zones in Greece
* Joint Learning on the Hierarchy Representation for Fine-Grained Human Action Recognition
* Joint Optimal Power Flow Routing and Vehicle-to-Grid Scheduling: Theory and Algorithms
* Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors
* JPEG Image Steganalysis Using Weight Allocation from Block Evaluation
* K-Hairstyle: A Large-Scale Korean Hairstyle Dataset for Virtual Hair Editing and Hairstyle Classification
* KAMA: 3D Keypoint Aware Body Mesh Articulation
* KINET: A Non-Invasive Method for Predicting Ki67 Index of Glioma
* Knowledge Distillation for Human Action Anticipation
* Knowledge Distillation from End-To-End Image Compression to VVC Intra Coding for Perceptual Quality Enhancement
* Knowledge Graph Construction for Subsurface Objects Including Uncertainty and Time Variation
* Knowledge Transferred Fine-Tuning for Anti-Aliased Convolutional Neural Network in Data-Limited Situation
* Knowledge-Based Reasoning Network for Object Detection
* L-Snet: from Region Localization To Scale Invariant Medical Image Segmentation
* L2D2: Learnable Line Detector and Descriptor
* Label-efficient Deep Learning-based Semantic Segmentation of Building Point Clouds At Lod3 Level
* Labmat: Learned Feature-Domain Block Matching for Image Restoration
* Laboratory Research on Polarized Optical Properties of Saline-Alkaline Soil Based on Semi-Empirical Models and Machine Learning Methods
* Land Cover Classification Performance of Multispectral Rtk UAVS
* Land Subsidence Hazard In Iran Revealed By Country-scale Analysis Of Sentinel-1 INSAR
* Land Subsidence in the Texas Coastal Bend: Locations, Rates, Triggers, and Consequences
* Landscape Analysis Techniques Applied to a Buddhist Carved Rock Sculpture
* Landslide Detection In Central America Using the Differential Bare Soil Index
* Landslide Trail Extraction Using Fire Extinguishing Model
* Large Area Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stock Mapping in Woodlands in Mozambique with L-Band Radar: Improving Accuracy by Accounting for Soil Moisture Effects Using the Water Cloud Model
* Large Scale Semantic Segmentation of Virtual Environments to Facilitate Corrosion Management
* Large-scale Subsidence Geohazard Monitoring with Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry In Central Lishui (China)
* Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Method Using Convolutional Network
* Latent-Space Scalability for Multi-Task Collaborative Intelligence
* LatentHuman: Shape-and-Pose Disentangled Latent Representation for Human Bodies
* Lava Volume from Remote Sensing Data: Comparisons with Reverse Petrological Approaches for Two Types of Effusive Eruption
* Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU Loss for Accurate Object Detection
* Layout Plan Analysis on Urban Pathways, Nodes and Edges in Kuala Muda Fishing Village
* LBP-based progressive feature aggregation network for low-light image enhancement
* Leaf Area Index Estimation of Pergola-Trained Vineyards in Arid Regions Based on UAV RGB and Multispectral Data Using Machine Learning Methods
* Learnable Pooling in Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Surface Analysis
* Learned Image Compression with Channel-Wise Grouped Context Modeling
* Learners' Efficiency Prediction Using Facial Behavior Analysis
* Learning 3D Semantic Segmentation with only 2D Image Supervision
* Learning a Deep Multi-Scale Feature Ensemble and an Edge-Attention Guidance for Image Fusion
* Learning a Model-Driven Variational Network for Deformable Image Registration
* Learning a Robust Part-Aware Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimator via Neural Architecture Search
* Learning Affordance Segmentation: An Investigative Study
* Learning an Adaptation Function to Assess Image Visual Similarities
* Learning Associative Representation for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Backtrackless Aligned-Spatial Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph Classification
* Learning domain transfer for unsupervised magnetic resonance imaging restoration and edge enhancement
* Learning From the Fleet: Map Attributes for Energetic Representation of Driving Profiles
* Learning Generic Feature Representations with Adversarial Regularization for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Harmonised Pleiades and Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectances
* Learning Imbalanced Datasets With Maximum Margin Loss
* Learning Iterative Robust Transformation Synchronization
* Learning Local Recurrent Models for Human Mesh Recovery
* Learning Multi-modal Features for Dense Matching-based Confidence Estimation
* Learning Non-Linear Disentangled Editing for Stylegan
* Learning Nonparametric Human Mesh Reconstruction from A Single Image Without Ground Truth Meshes
* Learning of Linear Video Prediction Models In A Multi-Modal Framework for Anomaly Detection
* Learning on Attribute-Missing Graphs
* Learning or Modelling? An Analysis of Single Image Segmentation Based on Scribble Information
* Learning Regional Attention Over Multi-Resolution Deep Convolutional Features for Trademark Retrieval
* Learning Residue-Aware Correlation Filters and Refining Scale Estimates with the GrabCut for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Learning Scale-Adaptive Representations for Point-Level LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Skip Map for Efficient Ultra-High Resolution Image Segmentation
* Learning TBox With a Cascaded Anchor-Free Network for Vehicle Detection
* Learning To Compose 6-DOF Omnidirectional Videos Using Multi-Sphere Images
* Learning to Compose and Reason with Language Tree Structures for Visual Grounding
* Learning to Correct Axial Motion in OCT for 3D Retinal Imaging
* Learning To Disambiguate Strongly Interacting Hands via Probabilistic Per-Pixel Part Segmentation
* Learning To Disentangle Representations for Rain Streak Removal
* Learning to Restore Images Degraded by Atmospheric Turbulence Using Uncertainty
* Learning to Segment Dominant Object Motion from Watching Videos
* Learning Uncertainty for Safety-Oriented Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* Learning With Memory for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Learning-Based Kinematic Control Using Position and Velocity Errors for Robot Trajectory Tracking
* Learning-Based Light Field View Synthesis for Efficient Transmission and Storage
* Lensless X-Ray Nanoimaging: Revolutions and opportunities
* LEO-Based Satellite Constellation for Moving Target Detection
* LESC: Superpixel cut-based local expansion for accurate stereo matching
* Let Them Choose What They Want: A Multi-Task CNN Architecture Leveraging Mid-Level Deep Representations for Face Attribute Classification
* Level Set Stereo for Cooperative Grouping With Occlusion
* Levelshred Method: A Solution to Fluid Level Detection in Partially-Obstructed Containers, The
* Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
* Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrated Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* License Plate Detection and Recognition System for All Types of Bangladeshi Vehicles Using Multi-step Deep Learning Model
* LiDAR-guided stereo matching with a spatial consistency constraint
* Lifelong CycleGAN for continual multi-task image restoration
* Lifelong Twin Generative Adversarial Networks
* Lifted Semantic Graph Embedding for Omnidirectional Place Recognition
* Light Field FDL-HSIFT Feature in Scale-Disparity Space, A
* Light-Field View Synthesis Using A Convolutional Block Attention Module
* Light-Weight Mixed Stage Partial Network for Surveillance Object Detection with Background Data Augmentation
* Lighter and Faster Cross-Concatenated Multi-Scale Residual Block Based Network for Visual Saliency Prediction
* Lights: Light Specularity Dataset for Specular Detection In Multi-View
* Lightweight Connectivity In Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Recognition
* Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Based on Channel Multi-Group Fusion for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Based on Group-Wise Hybrid Attention for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Lightweight Multi-Branch Network for Person Re-Identification
* Lightweight Multilevel Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Lightweight Relu-Based Feature Fusion for Aerial Scene Classification, A
* Likelihood-free Bayesian inference framework for sizing kiwifruit from orchard imaging surveys
* Limb Pose Aware Networks for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* LIME-Based Data Selection Method for SAR Images Generation Using GAN
* LIMOFilling: Local Information Guide Hole-Filling and Sharp Feature Recovery for Manifold Meshes
* Linecounter: Learning Handwritten Text Line Segmentation By Counting
* Linked Attention-Based Dynamic Graph Convolution Module for Point Cloud Classification
* Linking the Spectra of Decomposing Litter to Ecosystem Processes: Tandem Close-Range Hyperspectral Imagery and Decomposition Metrics
* Listen To the Pixels
* LISU: Low-light indoor scene understanding with joint learning of reflectance restoration
* Liver Tumor Detection Via A Multi-Scale Intermediate Multi-Modal Fusion Network on MRI Images
* Local Feature Descriptors with Deep Hypersphere Learning
* Localization Uncertainty-Based Attention for Object Detection
* Locop: Local Collaborative Object Presence for Semantic Labeling Via Score Map Re-Inference
* Logging Trail Segmentation via a Novel U-Net Convolutional Neural Network and High-Density Laser Scanning Data
* Long and Short-Term Coastal Changes Assessment Using Earth Observation Data and GIS Analysis: The Case of Sperchios River Delta
* Long Time-Series Mapping and Change Detection of Coastal Zone Land Use Based on Google Earth Engine and Multi-Source Data Fusion
* Long-Term Ice Conditions in Yingkou, a Coastal Region Northeast of the Bohai Sea, between 1951/1952 and 2017/2018: Modeling and Observations
* Long-term Monitoring of Environmental Changes Along China-Europe Railway Express (CER Express) Using Multi-source Remotely Sensed Data
* Lossless Video Coding Based on Probability Model Optimization With Improved Adaptive Prediction
* Lossy Event Compression Based on Image-Derived Quad Trees and Poisson Disk Sampling
* Low Contrast Infrared Target Detection Method Based on Residual Thermal Backbone Network and Weighting Loss Function
* Low-cost DGPS Assisted Aerial Triangulation for Sub-decimetric Accuracy With Non-RTK UAVs
* Low-Dose CT Denoising Using A Structure-Preserving Kernel Prediction Network
* Low-Rank and Sparse Tensor Representation for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Low-Rank Regularized Joint Sparsity for Image Denoising
* Low-Rank Tensor Graph Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Low-Rank Tensor Regression for X-Ray Tomography
* LPIN: A Lightweight Progressive Inpainting Network for Improving the Robustness of Remote Sensing Images Scene Classification
* LS-VCE Applied to Stochastic Modeling of GNSS Observation Noise and Process Noise
* Lumbar Spine CT synthesis from MR images using CycleGAN - a preliminary study
* M2-Net: A Multi-scale Multi-level Feature Enhanced Network for Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* M2OVQA: Multi-space signal characterization and multi-channel information aggregation for quality assessment of compressed omnidirectional videos
* M3VSNET: Unsupervised Multi-Metric Multi-View Stereo Network
* MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model
* Machine Learning in Evaluating Multispectral Active Canopy Sensor for Prediction of Corn Leaf Nitrogen Concentration and Yield
* Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Extraction From Satellite Images: Application to Specific Area Types
* Machine-Learning Based Secondary Transform for Improved Image Compression in JPEG2000
* Mago Approach for Semantic Segmentation: the Case Study of UAVid Benchmark Dataset
* Making Cities Interoperable in Turkey
* Man-Recon: Manifold Learning for Reconstruction With Deep Autoencoder for Smart Seismic Interpretation
* ManifoldNet: A Deep Neural Network for Manifold-Valued Data With Applications
* Map Generation for Retro Gaming Engines
* Mapping Aquaculture Ponds for the Coastal Zone of Asia with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Mapping Barley Lodging with UAS Multispectral Imagery and Machine Learning
* Mapping Blue and Red Color-Coated Steel Sheet Roof Buildings over China Using Sentinel-2A/B MSIL2A Images
* Mapping Coastal and Wetland Vegetation Communities Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Mapping Deforestation in Cerrado Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture and Medium Spatial Resolution Satellite Time Series
* Mapping Invasive Plant Species with Hyperspectral Data Based on Iterative Accuracy Assessment Techniques
* Mapping Land Cover Change and Modelling Its Impacts on the Inundation Responses of the Agusan Marsh, Mindanao, Philippines
* Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Few-Shot Learning
* Mapping Residential Vacancies with Multisource Spatiotemporal Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* Mapping Winter Wheat with Optical and SAR Images Based on Google Earth Engine in Henan Province, China
* Margin Loss Based on Adaptive Metric for Image Recognition
* Mask Guided Attention for Fine-Grained Patchy Image Classification
* Mask RCNN algorithm for nuclei detection on breast cancer histopathological images
* Mask-Guided Feature Extraction and Augmentation for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* MAT-Net: Representing Appearance-Irrelevant Warp Field by Multiple Affine Transformations
* Max-Variance Convolutional Neural Network Model Compression
* Maximum a Posterior Estimation of Darts, The
* Mbb: A Multi-Scale Method for Data Based on Bit Plane Slicing
* MBS-Net: a Moving-camera Background Subtraction Network for Autonomous Driving
* MCMS-STM: An Extension of Support Tensor Machine for Multiclass Multiscale Object Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* Measuring the Similarity of Metro Stations Based on the Passenger Visit Distribution
* Medical Image Processing and Deep Learning to Diagnose COVID-19 with CT Images
* Meibomian Glands Segmentation In Near-Infrared Images With Weakly Supervised Deep Learning
* Memory of a 2nd WW Camp: 3d Modeling Using the Combination Of Hybrid Technologies, The
* Memory-Efficient Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Image Restoration
* Memory-Friendly Segmentation Refinement for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Mesh Classification With Dilated Mesh Convolutions
* Mesh Completion with Virtual Scans
* Mesh-Based Reconstruction of Dynamic Foam Images Using X-Ray CT
* MeshMVS: Multi-View Stereo Guided Mesh Reconstruction
* Meta-Learned Feature Critics for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation
* Method for Adding Motion-Blur on Arbitrary Objects by Using Auto-Segmentation and Color Compensation Techniques, A
* Methodology for Combining Data Acquired by Unmanned Surface and Aerial Vehicles to Create Digital Bathymetric Models in Shallow and Ultra-Shallow Waters
* Methodology of Calculating the Number of Trees Based on ALS Data for Forestry Applications for the Area of Samlawki Forest District
* Metric for Evaluating 3D Reconstruction and Mapping Performance with no Ground Truthing, A
* Metric for Quantifying Image Quality Induced Saliency Variation, A
* Metric of choosing the optimal parameter setting for edge aware filtering
* Metu Loss: Metric Learning With Entangled Triplet Unified Loss
* Micro-Expression Recognition Based on Video Motion Magnification and Pre-Trained Neural Network
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Histogram of Image Gradient Orientation on Diagonal Planes
* Mid-Term Monitoring of Glacier's Variations with UAVs: The Example of the Belvedere Glacier
* Mind the Structure: Adopting Structural Information for Deep Neural Network Compression
* Mind's Eye: Visualizing Class-Agnostic Features of CNNS, The
* Mineralogical Mapping with Accurately Corrected Shortwave Infrared Hyperspectral Data Acquired Obliquely from UAVs
* MIRAU-Net: An improved neural network based on U-Net for gliomas segmentation
* Miss Yoga: A Yoga Assistant Mobile Application Based on Keypoint Detection
* Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes
* MixCaps: Capsules With Iteration Free Routing
* MMFC: Multi-Modal Fusion Cascade Framework for Covid-19 Disease Course Classification
* Mobile Registration Number Plate Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
* Mobility Model for Contact-Aware Data Offloading Through Train-to-Train Communications in Rail Networks
* Modality-Guided Subnetwork for Salient Object Detection
* Model-Agnostic Adversarial Example Detection Through Logit Distribution Learning
* Model-Based Assessment of Canopy-Scale Primary Productivity for the Baltic Sea Benthic Vegetation Using Environmental Variables and Spectral Indices, A
* Model-Driven Deep Learning Method for Pancreatic Cancer Segmentation Based on Spiral-Transformation
* Model-Protected Multi-Task Learning
* Modeling and Assessment of the Impact of Land Use in the Western Rif Region, Morocco, on Water Quality
* Modeling Human Skeleton Joint Dynamics for Fall Detection
* Modeling Image Quality Score Distribution Using Alpha Stable Model
* Modeling of Residual GNSS Station Motions through Meteorological Data in a Machine Learning Approach
* Modeling the Developments in Urbanisation and Relationship With Vegetation Cover in Alanya
* Modelling Dynamic Hydrological Connectivity in the Zoigo Area (China) Based on Multi-Temporal Surface Water Observation
* Modelling Immovable Asset in 3d Using CityGML 3.0 Concept To Support Smart City Initiatives
* Modelling of the Electron Density and Total Electron Content in the Quiet and Solar X-ray Flare Perturbed Ionospheric D-Region Based on Remote Sensing by VLF/LF Signals
* Modelling the Evolution of the Archaeological Works Developed In Qubbet El-Hawa (Aswan, Egypt)
* Modelling the Risk of Imported COVID-19 Infections at Maritime Ports Based on the Mobility of International-Going Ships
* MOHE-Net: Monocular Object Height Estimation Network Using Deep Learning and Scene Geometry
* Monitoring Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature with Satellite Data Derived From Multiple Sensors
* Monitoring Climate Impacts on Annual Forage Production across U.S. Semi-Arid Grasslands
* Monitoring Cropland Phenology on Google Earth Engine Using Gaussian Process Regression
* Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
* Monitoring Oasis Cotton Fields Expansion in Arid Zones Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Ogan-Kucha River Oasis, Xinjiang, China
* Monitoring Terrain Deformations Caused By Underground Mining Using UAV Data
* Monitoring the Reduced Resilience of Forests in Southwest China Using Long-Term Remote Sensing Data
* Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Multiple Hypothesis Prediction and Joint Angle Supervision
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands via Collision-Aware Factorized Refinements
* Monocular Depth Estimation Primed by Salient Point Detection and Normalized Hessian Loss
* Monocular Rotational Odometry with Incremental Rotation Averaging and Loop Closure
* Monocular spherical depth estimation with explicitly connected weak layout cues
* Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulation to Analyze the Spectral Index for Remote Detection of Oil Dispersed in the Southern Baltic Sea Seawater Column: The Role of Water Surface State
* Monte Carlo Simulation Study on the Dome Effect, A
* More Real Than Real: A Study on Human Visual Perception of Synthetic Faces
* Morphological and Physiological Screening to Predict Lettuce Biomass Production in Controlled Environment Agriculture
* Morphologically dilated convolutional neural network for hyperspectral image classification
* Morphset: Augmenting Categorical Emotion Datasets With Dimensional Affect Labels Using Face Morphing
* Mosaicking Weather Radar Retrievals from an Operational Heterogeneous Network at C and X Band for Precipitation Monitoring in Italian Central Apennines
* Most-Unfavorable-Condition Method for Bridge-Damage Detection and Analysis Using PSP-InSAR, A
* Motion Blur Removal for UAV-Based Wind Turbine Blade Images Using Synthetic Datasets
* Motivating Bilevel Approaches To Filter Learning: A Case Study
* Movie Map for Virtual Exploration in a City
* Moving object detection for humanoid navigation in cluttered dynamic indoor environments using a confidence tracking approach
* Moving Toward Open Geospatial Systems: the Un Open GIS Initiative
* MP-Mono: Monocular 3D Detection Using Multiple Priors for Autonomous Driving
* MPANET: Multi-Scale Pyramid Aggregation Network for Stereo Matching
* MPASNET: Motion Prior-Aware Siamese Network for Unsupervised Deep Crowd Segmentation In Video Scenes
* MRSSC: A Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for multivariate time series forecasting
* Muiqa: Image Quality Assessment Database and Algorithm for Medical Ultrasound Images
* Multi-Camera Video Scene Graphs for Surveillance Videos Indexing and Retrieval
* Multi-Category Mesh Reconstruction From Image Collections
* Multi-Color Balance for Color Constancy
* Multi-Dataset Benchmarks for Masked Identification using Contrastive Representation Learning
* Multi-Domain Collaborative Transfer Learning Method with Multi-Scale Repeated Attention Mechanism for Underwater Side-Scan Sonar Image Classification, A
* Multi-Encoder Parse-Decoder Network for Sequential Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Illumination Fusion With Crack Enhancement Using Cycle-Consistent Losses
* Multi-Layer Overlapped Subaperture Algorithm for Extremely-High-Squint High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR Imaging with Continuously Time-Varying Radar Parameters
* Multi-Level Optical Flow Estimation Based on Spatial Partitioning
* Multi-Metric Re-Identification for Online Multi-Person Tracking
* Multi-modal Human pose estimation based on probability distribution perception on a depth convolution neural network
* Multi-Modal Traffic Signal Control in Shared Space Street
* Multi-oriented run length based static and dynamic features fused with Choquet fuzzy integral for human fall detection in videos
* Multi-Perspective Assessment Method with a Dynamic Benchmark for Human Activity Impacts on Alpine Ecosystem under Climate Change, A
* Multi-Resolution Intra-Predictive Coding of 3d Point Cloud Attributes
* Multi-Resolution ResNet for Road and Bridge Crack Detection
* Multi-Robot Source Location of Scalar Fields by a Novel Swarm Search Mechanism With Collision/Obstacle Avoidance
* Multi-Scale Attributes Attention Model for Transport Mode Identification, A
* Multi-Scale Background Suppression Anomaly Detection In Surveillance Videos
* Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Water Area Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Feature Guided Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Multi-Scale Graph Convolutional Interaction Network for Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Model Driven Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Scale Modeling of Neural Structure in X-Ray Imagery
* Multi-scale Space-time Registration of Growing Plants
* Multi-Scale Temporal Information Extractor for Gait Recognition
* Multi-Sensor Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties for Near-Real-Time Applications Using the Metop Series of Satellites: Concept, Detailed Description, and First Validation
* Multi-Sensors Remote Sensing Applications for Assessing, Monitoring, and Mapping NPK Content in Soil and Crops in African Agricultural Land
* Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Underwater Images
* Multi-species Seagrass Detection Using Semi-supervised Learning
* Multi-Stage Approach Combining Very High-Resolution Satellite Image, GIS Database and Post-Classification Modification Rules for Habitat Mapping in Hong Kong, A
* Multi-stage Deep Learning Technique for Improving Traffic Sign Recognition
* Multi-stratification feature selection for diagnostic analysis of Alzheimer's disease
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Naturalness Analysis, A
* Multi-Task Distillation: Towards Mitigating the Negative Transfer in Multi-Task Learning
* Multi-Task Learning By A Top-Down Control Network
* Multi-Task Occlusion Learning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-temporal Analysis of Land Use and Vegetation Cover in SÃo Francisco Do Sul and ItapoÁ, Santa Catarina State - Brazil: Implications to Groundwater Contamination
* Multi-temporal Image Co-registration of UAV Blocks: a Comparison Of Different Approaches
* Multi-Vehicle Collaborative Learning for Trajectory Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Tensor Fusion
* Multi-View DCNN Based Method for Breast Cancer Screening, A
* Multi-View Human Model Fitting Using Bone Orientation Constraint and Joints Triangulation
* Multi-View Image Color Correction Using 3D Point Set Registration
* Multi-View Normalization for Face Recognition
* Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data
* Multifunctional 3D Model for the Farnese Theatre in Parma
* Multimodal End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Multimodal Gait Recognition Under Missing Modalities
* Multimodal Polarimetric and Color Fusion for Road Scene Analysis In Adverse Weather Conditions
* Multiperiod Location Models for Urban System Planning With Fuzzy Intercity Passenger Transportation Demands
* Multiple Effects of Topographic Factors on Spatio-Temporal Variations of Vegetation Patterns in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Multiple Style Transfer Via Variational Autoencoder
* Multiscale Domain Adaptive YOLO for Cross-Domain Object Detection
* Multiscale Effects of Multimodal Public Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices Based on MGWR: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* Multiscale IOU: A Metric for Evaluation of Salient Object Detection with Fine Structures
* Multiscale Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combined with Multi-Receptive-Field Features and Relation-Connected Attention
* Multiscale Variability and the Comparison of Ground and Satellite Radar Based Measures of Peatland Surface Motion for Peatland Monitoring
* Multisource-multitarget cooperative positioning based on the fusion of inter-vehicle relative vector in internet of vehicles
* Multispectral and Mobile Mapping ISPRS Wg Iii/5 Data Set: First Analysis of the Dataset Impact
* Multispectral Image Enhancement Based on the Dark Channel Prior and Bilateral Fractional Differential Model
* Multistream Validnet: Improving 6D Object Pose Estimation by Automatic Multistream Validation
* Multitask Learning for Video-based Surgical Skill Assessment
* Multitone Model-Based Seismic Data Compression, A
* Multiview Semantic Vegetation Index for Robust Estimation of Urban Vegetation Cover, A
* Municipal Open Data Portals: Their Implementation In the Face of A Municipality's Political and Territorial Reality
* Natural Afforestation on Abandoned Agricultural Lands during Post-Soviet Period: A Comparative Landsat Data Analysis of Bordering Regions in Russia and Belarus
* Natural Images Pre-Trained Deep Learning Method for Seismic Random Noise Attenuation, A
* Natural Scene Statistics and CNN Based Parallel Network for Image Quality Assessment
* Natural Statistics of Network Activations and Implications for Knowledge Distillation
* Naturalistic Driving Study of Feedback Timing and Financial Incentives in Promoting Speed Limit Compliance, A
* Navigation in GEO, HEO, and Lunar Trajectory Using Multi-GNSS Sidelobe Signals
* NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Image Correspondences
* Near Hue-Preserving Reversible Contrast and Saturation Enhancement Using Histogram Shifting
* NeeDrop: Self-supervised Shape Representation from Sparse Point Clouds using Needle Dropping
* Neighborhood-based Neural Implicit Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Network Attacks Related To Smart Healthcare and Their Impact Evaluation
* Network Patterns of Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration in China Based on Baidu Migration Data
* Network-based structure flow estimation
* Networking Layer for the Evolution of Maritime Ports Into a Smart Environment
* Neural Disparity Refinement for Arbitrary Resolution Stereo
* Neural Human Deformation Transfer
* Neural Network Approach for Joint Optimization of Predictors In Lifting-Based Image Coders, A
* Neural Network-Based Error Concealment for VVC
* Neural Reference Synthesis for Inter Frame Coding
* NeuralBlox: Real-Time Neural Representation Fusion for Robust Volumetric Mapping
* NeuralDiff: Segmenting 3D objects that move in egocentric videos
* Neuro-Inspired Autoencoding Defense Against Adversarial Attacks, A
* New Aspects of Integrity Levels in Automotive Industry-Cybersecurity of Automated Vehicles
* New Challenge: Behavioural Analysis of 6-DOF User When Consuming Immersive Media, A
* new coefficient estimation method when using PCA for spectral super-resolution, A
* new head pose tracking method based on stereo visual SLAM, A
* New Hyperspectral Procedure to Discriminate Intertidal Macroalgae
* new image processing strategy for surface crack identification in building structures under non-uniform illumination, A
* New Imaging Mobile Mapping Device Based on High Resolution Videogrammetry for Large-scale Outdoor 3d Reconstruction
* New Insight into the Coupled Grain-Disaster-Economy System Based on a Multilayer Network: An Empirical Study in China
* New Method for Continuous Monitoring of Black and Odorous Water Body Using Evaluation Parameters: A Case Study in Baoding, A
* New Potree Shader Capabilities for 3d Visualization of Behaviors Near Covid-19 Rich Healthcare Facilities
* New Stereo Dense Matching Benchmark Dataset for Deep Learning, A
* Nighttime Haze Removal Using Saliency-Oriented Ambient Light and Transmission Estimation
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment on both complex contourlet and spatial domain via Kernel ELM
* Noise Removal and Feature Extraction in Airborne Radar Sounding Data of Ice Sheets
* Non-Linear Anisotropic Diffusion for Memory-Efficient Computed Tomography Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Nonlinear Characteristics of NPP Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition from 1982 to 2015-A Case Study of Six Coastal Provinces in Southeast China
* Nonlinear Data-Driven Towed Array Shape Estimation Method Using Passive Underwater Acoustic Data, A
* novel active shape model-based DeepNeural network for age invariance face recognition, A
* Novel All-In-One Grid Network for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Novel Approach to Register Multi-platform Point Clouds for Rockfall Monitoring, A
* Novel Class-wise Forgetting Detector in Continual Learning, A
* Novel Consistency Check for Fast Recursive Reconstruction of Non-Regularly Sampled Video Data
* Novel CropdocNet Model for Automated Potato Late Blight Disease Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
* Novel Deep Learning Approach Using Contextual Embeddings for Toponym Resolution, A
* Novel Deep Learning Based Method for Detection and Counting Of Vehicles In Urban Traffic Surveillance Systems, A
* Novel Discriminative Virtual Label Regression Method for Unsupervised Feature Selection, A
* Novel Flickering Multi-Target Joint Detection Method Based on a Biological Memory Model, A
* novel hybrid model of ARIMA-MCC and CKDE-GARCH for urban short-term traffic flow prediction, A
* Novel Hybrid Pyramid Texture-Based Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Novel Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Space-Borne SAR Based on a Spatial-Variant Equivalent Squint Range Model, A
* Novel Method for Inspection Defects in Commercial Eggs Using Computer Vision, A
* Novel Method for Segmentation of Breast Masses Based on Mammography Images, A
* Novel Method of Monitoring Surface Subsidence Law Based on Probability Integral Model Combined with Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data, A
* novel multi-focus image fusion method based on joint regularization optimization layering and sparse representation, A
* Novel Multi-View Labelling Network Based on Pairwise Learning, A
* novel multimodality anatomical image fusion method based on contrast and structure extraction, A
* novel partial-to-partial registration method based on sampling network, A
* Novel Procedure for Generation of SAR-derived ZTD Maps for Weather Prediction: Application to South Africa Use Case, A
* Novel Real-Time Echo Separation Processing Architecture for Space-Time Waveform-Encoding SAR Based on Elevation Digital Beamforming, A
* novel receptive field-regularized V-net and nodule classification network for lung nodule detection, A
* Novel Sensitivity Metric for Mixed-Precision Quantization With Synthetic Data Generation, A
* Novel Signature Watermarking Scheme for Identity Protection, A
* Novel Transferable Sparse Regression Method for Cross-Database Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Novel Tropical Cyclone Size Estimation Model Based on a Convolutional Neural Network Using Geostationary Satellite Imagery, A
* Novel View Video Prediction using a Dual Representation
* Novel Weighted Amplitude Modulation (WAM) System for Ambiguity Suppression of Spaceborne Hybrid Quad-Pol SAR, A
* Nuclear Density Distribution Feature for Improving Cervical Histopathological Images Recognition
* Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Hazards in South Atlantic Coast: Case Of the City of Agadir - Morocco: Preliminary Result
* NVS-MonoDepth: Improving Monocular Depth Prediction with Novel View Synthesis
* NVSS: High-quality Novel View Selfie Synthesis
* Object Based Remote Sensing Using Sentinel Data
* Object Detection and Autoencoder-Based 6d Pose Estimation for Highly Cluttered Bin Picking
* Object SLAM-Based Active Mapping and Robotic Grasping
* Object Tracking Control Using a Gimbal Mechanism
* Object-based Change Detection on Acacia Xanthophloea Species Degradation Along Lake Nakuru Riparian Reserve
* Object-Based High-Rise Building Detection Using Morphological Building Index and Digital Map
* Object-Based Markov Random Field with Partition-Global Alternately Updated for Semantic Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image, An
* Objective Method with a Continuity Constraint for Improving Surface Velocity Estimates from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, An
* Observability Metrics for Single-Target Tracking With Bearings-Only Measurements
* Observations of Continuous Instability for Scar Inlet Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula
* Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data, An
* Occlusion Guided Self-supervised Scene Flow Estimation on 3D Point Clouds
* OCT chorio-retinal segmentation with adversarial loss
* OCT retinal image-to-image translation: Analysing the use of CycleGAN to improve retinal boundary semantic segmentation
* ODAR: A Lightweight Object Detection Framework for Autonomous Driving Robots
* Official Statistics, Building Censuses, and OpenStreetMap Completeness in Italy
* Oil palm tree counting in drone images
* On Block Prediction for Learning-Based Point Cloud Compression
* On De-Interlacing and Sub-Pixel Precision Tracking
* On Diversity in Image Captioning: Metrics and Methods
* On Inductive-Transductive Learning With Graph Neural Networks
* On the Classifier Performance for Simulation Based Debris Detection In SAR Imagery
* On the Impact of Using X-Ray Energy Response Imagery for Object Detection Via Convolutional Neural Networks
* On the Organization and Validation of a Pilot Test of a Mobile Crowdsourced Air Quality Monitoring System
* On the Precision of Markerless 3d Semantic Features: An Experimental Study on Violin Playing
* On the Radiative Impact of Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Arctic: The August 2017 Case Study
* On the Reversibility of Adversarial Attacks
* On the Role of Structured Pruning for Neural Network Compression
* On the Scale Effect of Relationship Identification between Land Surface Temperature and 3D Landscape Pattern: The Application of Random Forest
* On Training Traffic Predictors via Broad Learning Structures: A Benchmark Study
* On-site Data-processing Algorithm and Optimization for Airborne Ice Sounding Radar Configured on the Snow Eagle 601
* Onboard/On-Ground Image Processing Chain for High-resolution Earth Observation Satellites
* One-Shot learning based classification for segregation of plastic waste
* One-Shot Texture-Perceiving Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Surface Inspection, A
* Online EV Charge Scheduling Based on Time-of-Use Pricing and Peak Load Minimization: Properties and Efficient Algorithms
* Online Weight Pruning Via Adaptive Sparsity Loss
* Ontology-based Data Mapping to Support Planning in Historical Urban Centres
* Open Urban and Forest Datasets From a High-performance Mobile Mapping Backpack: A Contribution for Advancing the Creation of Digital City Twins
* Open-set 3D Object Detection
* Open-Set Domain Generalization via Metric Learning
* Open-Set Person Re-Identification Through Error Resilient Recurring Gallery Building
* Open-Set Recognition With Gradient-Based Representations
* Open-Set Source Attribution for Panchromatic Satellite Imagery
* Open-Source Analysis of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Cover in Complex Waters Using High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing: An Adaptable Framework
* Open-Source Workflow for Spatiotemporal Studies with COVID-19 as an Example, An
* Opening Deep Neural Networks With Generative Models
* Operational Analysis Ready Radar Backscatter Dataset for the African Continent, An
* OPS-Net: Over-Parameterized Sharing Networks for Video Frame Interpolation
* Optical Flow Estimation Via Motion Feature Recovery
* Optical Physics Inspired CNN Approach for Intrinsic Image Decomposition, An
* Optimal Driving Strategies for Two Successive Trains on Level Track With Safe Separation
* Optimal Leader-Follower Consensus for Constrained-Input Multiagent Systems With Completely Unknown Dynamics
* Optimal Order of Time-Domain Adaptive Filter for Anti-Jamming Navigation Receiver
* Optimization and Evaluation of SO2 Emissions Based on WRF-Chem and 3DVAR Data Assimilation
* Optimization and regularization of complex task decomposition for blind removal of multi-factor degradation
* Optimization-Based Neural Networks Compression
* Optimizing Bus Lines Using Genetic Algorithm for Public Transportation
* Optimizing Signal Timing Control for Large Urban Traffic Networks Using an Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator Control Strategy
* Optimum HEVC Quantization Parameter for Cloud Gaming
* Orientation of the Kofun Tombs, The
* Orientation Vs. Orientation: Image Processing for Studies of Dental Morphology
* OsaMOT: Occlusion and scale-aware multi-object tracking algorithm for low viewpoint
* Overcomplete Representations Against Adversarial Videos
* Overlapping Cell Nuclei Segmentation in Digital Histology Images using Intensity-based Contours
* P-CNN: Part-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
* PairFlow: Enhancing Portable Chest X-Ray By Flow-Based Deformation for Covid-19 Diagnosing
* Pan-Sharpening Via High-Pass Modification Convolutional Neural Network
* PAN: Personalized Attention Network for Outfit Recommendation
* PanoDepth: A Two-Stage Approach for Monocular Omnidirectional Depth Estimation
* Parallax Contextual Representations for Stereo Matching
* Parallel multiscale context-based edge-preserving optical flow estimation with occlusion detection
* Parallel Processing Strategies for Geospatial Data in a Cloud Computing Infrastructure
* Parameter Efficient Multi-Scale Capsule Network, A
* Parameterization of Ambiguity in Monocular Depth Prediction
* Parametric Modelling Approach to Reconstructing Architectural Indoor Spaces From Point Clouds
* Part Uncertainty Estimation Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-Identification
* Part-Based Feature Squeezing To Detect Adversarial Examples in Person Re-Identification Networks
* Participatory GIS-Based Approach for the Demarcation of Village Boundaries and Their Utility: A Case Study of the Eastern Boundary of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
* Particle Swarm and Pattern Search Optimisation of An Ensemble of Face Anomaly Detectors
* Partitioned Centerpose Network for Bottom-Up Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Pasture Fence Line Detection in UAV Videos
* Pattern detection in the activation space for identifying synthesized content
* Pavement Crack Detection Using Multi-stage Structural Feature Extraction Model
* Pband: A General Signal Progression Model With Phase Optimization Along Urban Arterial
* PCNET: Parallelly Conquer the Large Variance of Person Re-Identification
* PCNET: Progressive Coupled Network for Real-Time Image Deraining
* PEDENet: Image anomaly localization via patch embedding and density estimation
* Perceiving informative key-points: A self-attention approach for person search
* Perception Inspired Deep Neural Networks for Spectral Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Perceptual improvements for Super-Resolution of Satellite Imagery
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of DIBR Synthesized Views Using Saliency Based Deep Features
* Perceptual Variation Stacking: Test Time Augmentations in Endoscopy Image Segmentation
* Perceptually-Weighted Cnn for 360-Degree Image Quality Assessment Using Visual Scan-Path and Jnd
* Performance Analysis of the Iopes Seamless Indoor-outdoor Positioning Approach
* Performance and Sensitivity of Individual Tree Segmentation Methods for UAV-LiDAR in Multiple Forest Types
* Performance Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks for Land-Cover Classification (A Case Study in Shahrekord, Iran)
* Performance of deep learning in mapping water quality of Lake Simcoe with long-term Landsat archive
* Performance of the Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network Classifiers for Roads Identification
* Performing Group Difference Testing on Graph Structured Data from GANs: Analysis and Applications in Neuroimaging
* Persian Language Model based on BiLSTM Model on COVID-19 Corpus
* Persistent Watermark for Image Classification Neural Networks By Penetrating the Autoencoder
* Person re-identification based on deep learning: An overview
* Person Re-Identification using Ensemble of Networks on Pose Transferred Images
* Personalized Face Authentication Based on Few-Shot Meta-Learning
* Personalized recommendation of collective points-of-interest with preference and context awareness
* Perspective-Aware Density Regression for Crowd Counting
* Phase Retrieval from 4-Dimensional Electron Diffraction Datasets
* Photogrammetric 3D mobile mapping of rail tracks
* Photogrammetric Underwater and UAS Surveys of Archaeological Sites: The Case Study of the Roman Shipwreck of Torre Santa Sabina
* Photogrammetry and Computed Tomography Point Cloud Registration Using Virtual Control Points
* Physical Representation Learning and Parameter Identification from Video Using Differentiable Physics
* Physics-Informed Neural Network for Quantifying the Microstructural Properties of Polycrystalline Nickel Using Ultrasound Data: A promising approach for solving inverse problems, A
* Physiological Monitoring of Front-Line Caregivers for CV-19 Symptoms: Multi-Resolution Analysis & Convolutional-Recurrent Networks
* PhysXNet: A Customizable Approach for Learning Cloth Dynamics on Dressed People
* Phytoplankton Phenology in the Coastal Zone of Cyprus, Based on Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations
* Piecewise Bézier Space: Recovering 3D Dynamic Motion from Video
* PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial Permutation Invariant Set Functions
* Pix2pix Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with MLP Loss Function for Cloud Removal in a Cropland Time Series
* Pixel Based Landslide Identification Using Landsat 8 and GEE
* Pixel-RRT*: A Novel Skeleton Trajectory Search Algorithm for Hepatic Vessels
* Pixel-Wise Failure Prediction for Semantic Video Segmentation
* PixStabNet: Fast Multi-Scale Deep Online Video Stabilization with Pixel-Based Warping
* PlaneCalib: Automatic Camera Calibration by Multiple Observations of Rigid Objects on Plane
* Plenty is Plague: Fine-Grained Learning for Visual Question Answering
* PLNet: Plane and Line Priors for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* PLNL-3DSSD: Part-Aware 3D Single Stage Detector Using Local and Non-Local Attention
* Plug-And-Play Image Reconstruction Meets Stochastic Variance-Reduced Gradient Methods
* PMAN: Progressive Multi-Attention Network for Human Pose Transfer
* Pocformer: A Lightweight Transformer Architecture for Detection of Covid-19 Using Point of Care Ultrasound
* Point Cloud Exploitation for Structural Modeling and Analysis: A Reliable Workflow
* Point Cloud Geometry Compression Via Neural Graph Sampling
* Point Cloud Registration with Self-supervised Feature Learning and Beam Search
* Point2FFD: Learning Shape Representations of Simulation-Ready 3D Models for Engineering Design Optimization
* Pointing-Based Calibration of a Pointing Interface for Public Displays
* Pointview-GCN: 3D Shape Classification With Multi-View Point Clouds
* Poisson Phase Retrieval With Wirtinger Flow
* Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground Deformation Monitoring with VV-VH Sentinel-1 Data
* PolyNet: Polynomial Neural Network for 3D Shape Recognition with PolyShape Representation
* Polynomial Trajectory Predictions for Improved Learning Performance
* Portable Opto-acoustic Survey Solution for Mapping of Underwater Targets, A
* Pose Guided Person Image Generation With Hidden P-Norm Regression
* Pose-Guided and Style-Transferred Face Reenactment
* Pose-Guided Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification
* PoseContrast: Class-Agnostic Object Viewpoint Estimation in the Wild with Pose-Aware Contrastive Learning
* PoseRN: A 2D Pose Refinement Network for Bias-Free Multi-View 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Positional Encoding: Improving Class-Imbalanced Motorcycle Helmet use Classification
* Positioning Localities for Vague Spatial Location Description: A Supervaluation Semantics Approach
* Positive Unlabelled Learning for Satellite Images'Time Series Analysis: An Application to Cereal and Forest Mapping
* Potential of AOD Retrieval Using Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI)
* Potential of Multiway PLS (N-PLS) Regression Method to Analyse Time-Series of Multispectral Images: A Case Study in Agriculture
* Potential of Sentinel-1 Data to Supplement High Resolution Earth Observation Data for Monitoring Green Areas in Cities, The
* Potential Use of Drone Ultra-High-Definition Videos for Detailed 3D City Modeling
* Poverty Measurement Method Incorporating Spatial Correlation: A Case Study in Yangtze River Economic Belt, China, A
* Power Normalizations in Fine-Grained Image, Few-Shot Image and Graph Classification
* Practical Pose Trajectory Splines With Explicit Regularization
* Praxis on Data Quality Evaluation of Underground Pipeline, A
* Precipitation and Anthropogenic Activities Jointly Green the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor
* Predicting aircraft taxiing estimated time of arrival by cluster analysis
* Predicting the Infrared UAV Imagery Over the Coast
* Prediction and Detection of car accidents in video by deep learning
* Prediction of Changeable Eddy Structures around Luzon Strait Using an Artificial Neural Network Model
* Predictive State Estimation of Invasive Predators using Low Resolution Thermal Cameras
* Preliminary Analysis and Evaluation of BDS-3 RDSS Timing Performance
* Pricing Model for Urban Rental Housing Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Spatial Density: A Case Study of Wuhan, China, A
* Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Prism matching for piston segmentation correction with adaptive optics systems on extremely large telescopes
* Problem of Reference Rot in Spatial Metadata Catalogues, The
* Procedure for Identifying Invasive Wild Parsnip Plants Based On Visible Bands From UAV Images, A
* Producing and Visualizating 3d Building Geodatabase As a Part of 3d Cadastre Project
* Progressive Face Super-Resolution with Non-Parametric Facial Prior Enhancement
* Progressive Knowledge Distillation for Early Action Recognition
* Progressive Learning With Anchoring Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Progressive Neural Image Compression With Nested Quantization and Latent Ordering
* Progressive Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction Model for Gait Recognition
* Projection-based Reconstruction Algorithm for 3d Modeling of Bridge Structures From Drone-based Point Cloud, A
* Projective Urban Texturing
* Promising Advances of Amazonian Monitoring Systems Throughout Vanguard Technology and Scientific Knowledge
* Pros and cons of GAN evaluation measures: New developments
* Protecting Deep Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell Image Processing Models with Backdoor and Semi-Distillation
* Protection of Privacy and Personal Data in the Big Data Environment of Smart Cities
* Provable Translational Robustness for Object Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Proximal-Gen for fast compressed sensing recovery
* PS8-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Predict the Eight-State Protein Secondary Structure
* Pseudo Supervised Solar Panel Mapping based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Label Correction Strategy in Aerial Images
* Pseudo-Active Vision for Improving Deep Visual Perception Through Neural Sensory Refinement
* Pseudo-Label Generation-Evaluation Framework for Cross Domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Public-private Cooperation Models for Efficient Access to Geospatial Content
* PUNet: Temporal Action Proposal Generation With Positive Unlabeled Learning Using Key Frame Annotations
* Putting Current State of the art Object Detectors to the Test: Towards Industry Applicable Leather Surface Defect Detection
* Puzzle-CAM: Improved Localization Via Matching Partial and Full Features
* Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling by Irregular Graph Pyramid
* QL-IQA: Learning distance distribution from quality levels for blind image quality assessment
* QoE optimization for HTTP adaptive streaming: Performance evaluation of MEC-assisted and client-based methods
* Qualitative Testing of an Advanced Terrestrial Laser Scanner Simulator: Users Experience and Feedback
* Quality and Complexity Assessment of Learning-Based Image Compression Solutions
* Quality Aspects of High-definition Maps
* Quality assessment for inspection images of power lines based on spatial and sharpness evaluation
* Quality Assessment of a Nationwide Data Set Containing Automatically Reconstructed 3d Building Models
* Quality Assessment of Land Cover Classification Products Based on The Fuzzy-ahp Synthesis Model
* Quality Assessment of Pansharpened Rasat and Landsat-8 Images Using Synthetic Sentinel-2 Panchromatic Image
* Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Dual Pathways
* Quality Evaluation of 3d Building Models Based on Low-altitude Imagery And Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Quality Inspection and Common Issues Analysis of 10 Meter Resolution Global Land Cover Data
* Quality Inspection for Block Adjustment of the Zy3 Stereo Satellite Imagery
* Quality-Of-Experience Evaluation of 8K Ultra-High-Definition Television
* Quantifying Approach to Soil Salinity Based on a Radar Feature Space Model Using ALOS PALSAR-2 Data, A
* Quantifying image naturalness using differential curvelet features
* Quantifying the Contributions of Climate Change and Human Activities to Water Volume in Lake Qinghai, China
* Quantifying the Impact of Urban Infill on the Urban Heat Island Effect: A Case Study for An Alternative Medium Density Model
* Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Variation of Evapotranspiration of Different Land Cover Types and the Contribution of Its Associated Factors in the Xiliao River Plain
* Quantitative Analysis on Coastline Changes of Yangtze River Delta Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Quantitative Assessment for the Spatiotemporal Changes of Ecosystem Services, Tradeoff-Synergy Relationships and Drivers in the Semi-Arid Regions of China
* Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Antarctica Using Different Ze-SR Relationships Based on Snowfall Classification Combining Ground Observations
* Quantum Annealing Formulation for Binary Neural Networks
* QuantYOLO: A High-Throughput and Power-Efficient Object Detection Network for Resource and Power Constrained UAVs
* Quarter Laplacian Filter for Edge Aware Image Processing
* Quasi-Regularity Verification for 2d Polygonal Objects Based on Medial Axis Analysis
* Query Processing of Geosocial Data in Location-Based Social Networks
* R3L: Connecting Deep Reinforcement Learning To Recurrent Neural Networks for Image Denoising Via Residual Recovery
* R4Dyn: Exploring Radar for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation of Dynamic Scenes
* Radar Imaging Statistics of Non-Gaussian Rough Surface: A Physics-Based Simulation Study
* RADARSAT Constellation Mission Core Applications: First Results, The
* Radiometric enhancement of full-waveform airborne laser scanner data for volumetric representation in environmental applications
* Radiometric Quality Assessment for Maxar HD Imagery
* RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching
* Railway Track Recognition Based on Radar Cross-Section Statistical Characterization Using mmWave Radar
* Rainfall Variability and Trends over the African Continent Using TAMSAT Data (1983-2020): Towards Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation
* Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle, A
* Random Forest-based River Plastic Detection with a Handheld Multispectral Camera
* Random Noise Assessment in Aerial and Satellite Images
* Random-Positioned License Plate Recognition Using Hybrid Broad Learning System and Convolutional Networks
* Randomly initialized convolutional neural network for the recognition of COVID-19 using X-ray images
* Rapid Segmentation of Thoracic Organs using U-net Architecture
* RAR-U-NET: A Residual Encoder to Attention Decoder by Residual Connections Framework for Spine Segmentation Under Noisy Labels
* Raster Data Based Automated Noise Data Integration for Noise Mapping Limiting Data Dependency
* Rate Estimation Techniques for Encoder Parallelization
* Rate-constrained learning-based image compression
* Rate-Distortion-Optimization for Deep Image Compression
* Ray Tracing-Guided Design of Plenoptic Cameras
* RC-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunnel Lining Void Detection from GPR Images
* Re-weighting features selection based on wrapper filter and genetic algorithms for figurative images recognition
* Real time detection of driver fatigue based on CNN-LSTM
* Real-Time 3d Face Reconstruction from Single Image Using End-To-End Cnn Regression
* Real-Time 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation for Mobile Devices
* Real-time Caustics and Dispersion on Arbitrary Surfaces in GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing
* Real-time Dense 3d Reconstruction From Monocular Video Data Captured By Low-cost UAVs
* Real-Time Object Detection and Localization in Compressive Sensed Video
* Real-time Semantic SLAM with DCNN-based Feature Point Detection, Matching and Dense Point Cloud Aggregation
* Real-world super-resolution of face-images from surveillance cameras
* Realistic Augmentation for Effective 2d Human Pose Estimation Under Occlusion
* RealisticHands: A Hybrid Model for 3D Hand Reconstruction
* Recalibrated Bandpass Filtering on Temporal Waveform for Audio Spoof Detection
* Recent Data Augmentation Strategies for Deep Learning in Plant Phenotyping and Their Significance
* Recognition of ischaemia and infection in diabetic foot ulcer: A deep convolutional neural network based approach
* Reconstructing High-Precision Coral Reef Geomorphology from Active Remote Sensing Datasets: A Robust Spatial Variability Modified Ordinary Kriging Method
* Reconstruction of conductivity distribution with a compound variational strategy in electrical impedance tomography
* Reconstruction or Retrieval? Investigating Neural 3D Reconstruction
* Recover the Residual of Residual: Recurrent Residual Refinement Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Recovering Real-World Reflectance Properties and Shading From HDR Imagery
* Recovery of Blood Flow From Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Data Using Sparse Modeling
* Recurrent Motion Neural Network for Low Resolution Drone Detection
* Red Tide Detection Method for HY-1D Coastal Zone Imager Based on U-Net Convolutional Neural Network
* Reducing Stair Artifacts in CT Reconstruction
* Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A Structured Matrix Completion Approach
* Reduction of Feature Contamination for Hyper Spectral Image Classification
* Reference-Based Video Colorization With Multi-Scale Semantic Fusion and Temporal Augmentation
* Refined UNet V4: End-to-End Patch-Wise Network for Cloud and Shadow Segmentation with Bilateral Grid
* Refining the Bounding Volumes for Lossless Compression of Voxelized Point Clouds Geometry
* Refractive geometry for underwater domes
* RefRec: Pseudo-labels Refinement via Shape Reconstruction for Unsupervised 3D Domain Adaptation
* Region Reinforcement Network With Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching
* Region-Based Descriptor Network for Uniformly Sampled Keypoints, A
* Region-Level Traffic Prediction Based on Temporal Multi-Spatial Dependence Graph Convolutional Network from GPS Data
* Regional Seafloor Topography by Extended Kalman Filtering of Marine Gravity Data without Ship-Track Information
* Registration Error Estimation Framework for Correlative Imaging, A
* Registration Optimization of Mobile Handheld Scanner Point Clouds With Static Scans
* Regression Analysis of Errors of SAR-based DEMs and Controlling Factors
* Regularization via Deep Generative Models: An Analysis Point of View
* Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimation from Short-Time Projection Data Frames In Emission Tomography, A
* Regularized Intermediate Layers Attack: Adversarial Examples With High Transferability
* Reinforced Curriculum Learning for Autonomous Driving in Carla
* Reinforcedet: Object Detection By Integrating Reinforcement Learning With Decoupled Pipeline
* Relation-Aware Shared Representation Learning for Cancer Prognosis Analysis with Auxiliary Clinical Variables and Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
* Relational Fusion Networks: Graph Convolutional Networks for Road Networks
* Relative Camera Rotation from a Single Oriented Correspondence
* Reliability Assessment of the TLS Registration Methods: The Case Study of the Royal Castle In Warsaw, The
* Reliable Covid-19 Detection using Chest X-Ray Images
* Remote estimates of total suspended matter in China's main estuaries using Landsat images and a weight random forest model
* Remote Sensing and Night Time Urban Heat Island
* Remote Sensing Detection of Algal Blooms in a Lake Impacted by Petroleum Hydrocarbons
* Remote Sensing for Biocultural Heritage Preservation in an African Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study of Indigenous Wells in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia
* Remote Sensing Mapping of Peat-Fire-Burnt Areas: Identification among Other Wildfires
* Remote Sensing of City. Digital Databases for Architecture
* Remote-Sensing Evaluation and Temporal and Spatial Change Detection of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal-Mining Areas
* Remotely Sensed Image Fast Classification and Smart Thematic Map Production
* Removing Dimensional Restrictions on Complex/Hyper-Complex Neural Networks
* Repeatable Data Hiding: Towards the Reusability of Digital Images
* Representation Decomposition for Image Manipulation and Beyond
* Representing Shape Collections With Alignment-Aware Linear Models
* Requirements for Aerial Images Quality, Obtained for Mapping Purposes
* Rescaling CNN Through Learnable Repetition of Network Parameters
* Rescaling Egocentric Vision: Collection, Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100
* ResDepth: A deep residual prior for 3D reconstruction from high-resolution satellite images
* Research and Engineering Practice of Emergency Geographic Information Collaborative Service Mode with Crowdsourced Data
* Research on Evaluation Method of Real Estate Registration Data Quality
* Research on Internal Solitary Wave Detection and Analysis Based on Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter Onboard the Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory
* Research on Key Points of Quality Inspection of Aerial Photogrammetry Results and Quality Improvement Measures
* Research on Quality Framework of Real Scene 3d Model Based on Oblique Photogrammetry
* Research on the Network Map Service Technology of Remote Sensing Image Intelligent Conversion Based on Gan Model
* Research Oriented Remote Sensing Image Processing Software Design In Practical Courses for Senior Undergraduates
* Resetting the baseline: CT-based COVID-19 diagnosis with Deep Transfer Learning is not as accurate as widely thought
* Reshaping the Intelligent Transportation Scene: Challenges of an Operational and Safe Internet of Vehicles
* Residual Enhanced Multi-Hypergraph Neural Network
* Residual Geometric Feature Transform Network for 3D Surface Super-Resolution
* Resolution Improvement In FZA Lens-Less Camera By Synthesizing Images Captured With Different Mask-Sensor Distances
* Resolution-Invariant Person ReId Based on Feature Transformation and Self-Weighted Attention
* Resource Planning Under Hypercube Queuing Equilibrium With Server Disruptions and Cooperative Dispatches
* Resource-Constrained Human Presence Detection for Indirect Time-of-Flight Sensors
* Restoration Potential of the Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau, The
* Rethinking Genre Classification With Fine Grained Semantic Clustering
* Rethinking Training Objective for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Semantic Cues To Rescue
* Rethinking Training Schedules for Verifiably Robust Networks
* Retinex Underwater Image Enhancement With Multiorder Gradient Priors
* Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
* Retrieval of DTM under Complex Forest Stand Based on Spaceborne LiDAR Fusion Photon Correction
* Revealing Fine Structures of the Retinal Receptive Field by Deep-Learning Networks
* Reversal of pixel rotation: A reversible data hiding system towards cybersecurity in encrypted images
* reversible modified least significant bit (LSB) matching revisited method, A
* Revertible Guidance Image Based Image Detail Enhancement
* Review of High-resolution Global Land Cover
* Review of Human-Machine Cooperation in the Robotics Domain, A
* Review of Surge-type Glaciers, A
* Review of the Distinguishing Features of the Historical Buildings In Safranbolu Region for the Purpose of Classification for Semantically Enhanced 3d Building Model, A
* Review on Photogrammetric Surface Inspection In Automotive Production
* Review on Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving the Traffic Signal Control Problem, A
* Revisiting Ice Flux and Mass Balance of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System Using Multi-Remote-Sensing Datasets, East Antarctica
* RF-DCM: Multi-Granularity Deep Convolutional Model Based on Feature Recalibration and Fusion for Driver Fatigue Detection
* RGB-D Fusion for Point-Cloud-Based 3d Human Pose Estimation
* RGB-D Semantic Segmentation and Label-Oriented Voxelgrid Fusion for Accurate 3D Semantic Mapping
* RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification Via Multi-Modality Relation Aggregation and Graph Convolution Network
* RGBD-Net: Predicting Color and Depth Images for Novel Views Synthesis
* Rice Height Monitoring between Different Estimation Models Using UAV Photogrammetry and Multispectral Technology
* Rice Mapping in Training Sample Shortage Regions Using a Deep Semantic Segmentation Model Trained on Pseudo-Labels
* Rift Racers - Effect of Balancing and Competition on Exertion, Enjoyment, and Motivation in an Immersive Exergame
* Rise of the Autonomous Machines
* RlSnake: a Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Approach for Road Detection
* Road Type Classification of Mls Point Clouds Using Deep Learning
* RoBIC: A Benchmark Suite for Assessing Classifiers Robustness
* Robust Camera Pose Estimation for Image Stitching
* Robust Decision-Based Black-Box Adversarial Attack via Coarse-To-Fine Random Search
* Robust feature matching via neighborhood manifold representation consensus
* Robust Fitting with Truncated Least Squares: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* Robust GNSS/PDR Integration Scheme with GRU-Based Zero-Velocity Detection for Mass-Pedestrians, A
* Robust human instance segmentation in a challenging forest environment
* Robust Image Outpainting With Learnable Image Margins
* robust image segmentation framework based on total variation spectral transform, A
* Robust Image-Sequence-Based Framework for Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, A
* Robust Light Field Synthesis from Stereo Images With Left-Right Geometric Consistency
* Robust Monocular 3D Lane Detection With Dual Attention
* Robust Multi-Frame Future Prediction By Leveraging View Synthesis
* Robust Re-identification of Manta Rays from Natural Markings by Learning Pose Invariant Embeddings
* Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image With Secure Multi-Party Based on Lightweight Cryptography
* Robust Tracking for Motion Blur Via Context Enhancement
* Robust Unsupervised Multi-Object Tracking In Noisy Environments
* Robust Visual Object Tracking with Spatiotemporal Regularisation and Discriminative Occlusion Deformation
* Robustness of Time-Resolved Measurement to Unknown and Variable Beam Current in Particle Beam Microscopy
* Rocky Shoreline Extraction Using a Deep Learning Model and Object-based Image Analysis
* Role of Geomatics Engineer in Smart Cities: a View Within The Framework of Turkish 2020-2023 National Smart Cities Strategy And Action Plan, The
* Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions, The
* Role of Model Dimensionality in Linear Inverse Scattering from Dielectric Objects, The
* Room-based Energy Demand Classification of BIM Data Using Graph Supervised Learning
* Root Phenotyping From X-ray Computed Tomography: Skeleton Extraction
* Routing With Traffic Awareness and Link Preference in Internet of Vehicles
* RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogrammetry For Industrial Inspection
* RPAS Based Tracking of Machinery Used in Asphalt Paving Process
* rPPG-Based Spoofing Detection for Face Mask Attack using Efficientnet on Weighted Spatial-Temporal Representation
* RS-DARTS: A Convolutional Neural Architecture Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* RST Analysis of Anomalous TIR Sequences in Relation with Earthquakes Occurred in Turkey in the Period 2004-2015
* S2D2Net: An Improved Approach for Robust Steel Surface Defects Diagnosis With Small Sample Learning
* S3ANet: Spectral-spatial-scale attention network for end-to-end precise crop classification based on UAV-borne H2 imagery
* SAFA: Structure Aware Face Animation
* Safety Monitoring By Means of Sensor Networks Distributed Within The Fossa Site Plan
* SAGAN: Skip-Attention GAN for Anomaly Detection
* SAIL: A Deep-Learning-Based System for Automatic Gait Assessment From TUG Videos
* Sailboat Detection Based on Automated Search Attention Mechanism and Deep Learning Models
* Salient Object Detection by Aggregating Contextual Information
* Salypath: A Deep-Based Architecture for Visual Attention Prediction
* SAM-Net: Semantic probabilistic and attention mechanisms of dynamic objects for self-supervised depth and camera pose estimation in visual odometry applications
* Sampling the Inverse Set of a Neuron
* Sandwiched Image Compression: Wrapping Neural Networks Around A Standard Codec
* SAR Target Detection Based on Improved SSD with Saliency Map and Residual Network
* SAR-based Coastline Detection and Monitoring
* Sarod: Efficient End-To-End Object Detection on SAR Images With Reinforcement Learning
* Satellite-Based Monitoring of Primary Production in a Mediterranean Islet Post Black Rat Eradication
* Satellite-derived Bathymetry Using Convolutional Neural Networks And Multispectral Sentinel-2 Images
* Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphometry for VHR Coastal Habitat Mapping: The Pleiades-1 Tri-Stereo Enhancement
* Saturated Region Recovery in Tone-Mapped HDR Images
* Scalable Cluster-Consistency Statistics for Robust Multi-Object Matching
* Scalable Coding of Motion and Depth Fields With Shared Breakpoints
* Scale-awareness for More Accurate Object Detection Using Modified Single Shot Detectors
* Scale-Invariant Salient Edge Detection
* Scattering-Based Hybrid Networks: An Evaluation and Design Guide
* Scenario Expression Method for Regional Geological Structures
* Scene Graph To Image Generation with Contextualized Object Layout Refinement
* SceneFormer: Indoor Scene Generation with Transformers
* School Location Analysis by Integrating the Accessibility, Natural and Biological Hazards to Support Equal Access to Education
* SCMNet: Shared Context Mining Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
* Screen content image quality assessment using distortion-based directional edge and gradient similarity maps
* Screen-Based Watermarking of Aperiodic, Clustered-Dot Halftones
* SCV-Stereo: Learning Stereo Matching from a Sparse Cost Volume
* SdcNet for object recognition
* SDR-Implemented Passive Bistatic SAR System Using Sentinel-1 Signal and Its Experiment Results
* Seagrass Detection from Underwater Digital Images using Faster R-CNN with NASNet
* Seamless Navigation System and Applications for Autonomous Vehicles Using a Tightly Coupled GNSS/UWB/INS/Map Integration Scheme, A
* Searching and Learning Discriminative Regions for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval and Classification
* Searching Architecture and Precision for U-net based Image Restoration Tasks
* Seasonal and interannual drought responses of vegetation in a California urbanized area measured using complementary remote sensing indices
* Seasonal and Interhemispheric Effects on the Diurnal Evolution of EIA: Assessed by IGS TEC and IRI-2016 over Peruvian and Indian Sectors
* Secure Fingerprint Authentication with Homomorphic Encryption
* Secure Medical Image Encryption for Remote Virtual Doctor System Based On H-IoT Applications Over 5G Network: a Comparison Study
* Secure storage and matching of latent fingerprints using phase shifting digital holography
* Securing Iot With Blockchain
* Security Assessment of Selectively Encrypted Visual Data: Iris Recognition on Protected Samples
* Security Study of Routing Attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (Autonomous Car)
* Seeing By Haptic Glance: Reinforcement Learning Based 3d Object Recognition
* Segmentation on Sentinel-3 Data for Surface Heat Island Detection
* Segmentation-Aware Text-Guided Image Manipulation
* Selecting Post-Processing Schemes for Accurate Detection of Small Objects in Low-Resolution Wide-Area Aerial Imagery
* Self Attention Based Semantic Segmentation on a Natural Disaster Dataset
* Self-Balanced Learning for Domain Generalization
* Self-Consistent-Field Iteration for Orthogonal Canonical Correlation Analysis, A
* Self-Growing Spatial Graph Network for Context-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Self-Guided Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Learning Robust Control Synthesis and Trajectory Tracking of Uncertain Dynamics
* Self-Organized Residual Blocks for Image Super-Resolution
* Self-Organized Variational Autoencoders (Self-Vae) for Learned Image Compression
* Self-Paced Feature Attention Fusion Network for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Image
* Self-Supervised Bodymap-to-Appearance Co-Attention for Partial Person Re-Identification
* Self-Supervised Depth Completion via Adaptive Sampling and Relative Consistency
* Self-Supervised Disentangled Embedding for Robust Image Classification
* Self-Supervised Light Field Depth Estimation Using Epipolar Plane Images
* Self-Supervised Monocular Scene Decomposition and Depth Estimation
* Self-Supervision By Prediction for Object Discovery In Videos
* Self-Supervision. Remote Sensing and Abstraction: Representation Learning Across 3 Million Locations
* Semantic Attribute Enriched Storytelling from a Sequence of Images
* Semantic Edge Detection with Diverse Deep Supervision
* Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation Via Illumination and Position Aware Domain Adaptation
* Semantic Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Semantic Role Aware Correlation Transformer for Text To Video Retrieval
* Semantic Segmentation and Analysis on Sensitive Parameters of Forest Fire Smoke Using Smoke-Unet and Landsat-8 Imagery
* Semantic Segmentation and Change Detection By Multi-Task U-Net
* Semantic Segmentation for Building FaÇade 3d Point Cloud From 2d Orthophoto Images Using Transfer Learning
* Semantic Segmentation in Depth Data: A Comparative Evaluation of Image and Point Cloud Based Methods
* Semantic Segmentation of Burned Areas In Satellite Images Using A U-net-based Convolutional Neural Network
* Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Airborne Images with Dual-Stream DeepLabV3+
* Semantic Segmentation of Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Long Short-term Memory Networks: Preliminary Results
* Semantic Segmentation of Terrestrial Lidar Data Using Co-registered RGB Data
* semantic typology of visually grounded paraphrases, The
* Semantic-Aware Network for Aerial-To-Ground Image Synthesis
* Semantic-Based Sentence Recognition in Images Using Bimodal Deep Learning
* Semantic-Compensated and Attention-Guided Network for Scene Text Detection
* Semantic-Preserving Metric Learning for Video-Text Retrieval
* Semasuperpixel: A Multi-Channel Probability-Driven Superpixel Segmentation Method
* Semi-Decoupled Partitioning for Video Coding Beyond AV1
* Semi-Supervised 3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation with Label Propagation
* Semi-Supervised 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation Via Pose Dictionary Learning
* Semi-Supervised 3d Object Detection Via Adaptive Pseudo-Labeling
* Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection via Temporal Graph Neural Networks
* Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Semi-Supervised Lane Detection With Deep Hough Transform
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Mars Imagery Classification
* Semi-Supervised Learning of Monocular 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Multi-View Images
* Semi-supervised Learning via Conditional Rotation Angle Estimation
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Semantic Segmentation with Multi-scale Graph Cut Loss
* Semi-Supervised Object Detection With Sparsely Annotated Dataset
* Semi-Supervised SAR Target Detection Based on an Improved Faster R-CNN
* Sensor Adversarial Traits: Analyzing Robustness of 3D Object Detection Sensor Fusion Models
* Sensor Evaluation for Voxel-Based RGB-D SLAM
* Sensor Registry As a Base Layer for Smart Cities
* Sensors and AI Techniques for Situational Awareness in Autonomous Ships: A Review
* Sentinel-1 Spatiotemporal Simulation Using Convolutional LSTM for Flood Mapping
* Sentinel-2a Based Imperviousness Monitoring of Urban Built Environment
* Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks
* Separable Structure Modeling for Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Separated-Spectral-Distribution Estimation Based on Bayesian Inference with Single RGB Camera
* SepUnet: Depthwise Separable Convolution Integrated U-Net for MRI Reconstruction
* Seq2seq-based Model with Global Semantic Context for Scene Text Recognition, A
* Serverless Geospatial Data Processing Workflow System Design
* Setting Up of a GIS for the General Population and Housing Census, The
* Setup of a Corona Camera and Image Co-registration / Calibration
* SGE NET: Video Object Detection with Squeezed GRU and Information Entropy Map
* ShadowDeNet: A Moving Target Shadow Detection Network for Video SAR
* Shallow Multi-Scale Network for Stylized Super-Resolution
* Shallow Optical Flow Three-Stream CNN for Macro- and Micro-Expression Spotting from Long Videos
* Short-Term Prediction of Level of Service in Highways Based on Bluetooth Identification
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Method With M-B-LSTM Hybrid Network
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Ensemble Approach Based on Deep Belief Networks
* Shortest Paths in Graphs with Matrix-Valued Edges: Concepts, Algorithm and Application to 3D Multi-Shape Analysis
* ShuffleCount: Task-Specific Knowledge Distillation for Crowd Counting
* SI-STSAR-7: A Large SAR Images Dataset with Spatial and Temporal Information for Classification of Winter Sea Ice in Hudson Bay
* SIDER: Single-Image Neural Optimization for Facial Geometric Detail Recovery
* Sidewalk Detection and Pavement Characterisation in Historic Urban Environments From Point Clouds: Preliminary Results
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio Analyses of Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry from Galileo and BeiDou Satellites
* Silhouette-Based Synthetic Data Generation for 3D Human Pose Estimation With A Single Wrist-Mounted 360° Camera
* Silhouette-Based View-Embeddings for Gait Recognition Under Multiple Views
* Similarity Learning based Few Shot Learning for ECG Time Series Classification
* SimilarityGAN: Using Similarity to Loosen Structural Constraints in Generative Adversarial Models
* Simple Supervised Hashing Algorithm Using Projected Gradient and Oppositional Weights, A
* Simple, Effective Way To Improve Neural Net Classification: Ensembling Unit Activations With A Sparse Oblique Decision Tree, A
* Simtrojan: Stealthy Backdoor Attack
* Simultaneous Identification of Bridge Structural Damage and Moving Loads Using the Explicit Form of Newmark-beta Method: Numerical and Experimental Studies
* Simultaneous Prediction of Soil Properties and Vegetation Coverage from Vis-NIR Hyperspectral Data with a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network: A Laboratory Simulation Study, The
* Single Backlit Image Enhancement Method for Improvement of Visibility of Dark Part, A
* Single Epoch Ambiguity Resolution of Small-Scale CORS with Multi-Frequency GNSS
* Single Image Atmospheric Veil Removal Using New Priors
* Single Image Haze Removal With Haze Map Optimization for Various Haze Concentrations
* Single Image Restoration with Generative Priors
* Single image shadow detection via uncertainty analysis and GCN-based refinement strategy
* Single Image Super Resolution Using Multi-Path Convolutional Neural Network
* Single Image Super-Resolution Via Global-Context Attention Networks
* Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Using a Dual-Step Cascaded Residual Dense Network
* Single-image Object Classification Based on Illuminette Construction from Shadow Imaging
* Single-Stage Adaptive Multi-Scale Point Cloud Noise Filtering Algorithm Based on Feature Information
* Skeleton-Driven Neural Occupancy Representation for Articulated Hands, A
* Skinscan: Low-Cost 3D-Scanning for Dermatologic Diagnosis and Documentation
* SkinXNet: A DoG-based Model for Automatic Detection of Skin Lesion using Deep Learning
* SL3D: Single Look 3D Object Detection based on RGB-D Images
* Sliced Sparsity Measure for Tensor To Multispectral Image Denoising
* Slim-YOLO: A Simplified Object Detection Model for the Detection of Pigmented Iris Freckles as a Potential Biomarker for Cutaneous Melanoma
* SM3D: Simultaneous Monocular Mapping and 3D Detection
* Small mammals and bird detection using IoT devices
* Small object detection in remote sensing images based on super-resolution
* Small Object Detection Method Based on Adaptive Spatial Parallel Convolution and Fast Multi-Scale Fusion
* Small Water Body Detection and Water Quality Variations with Changing Human Activity Intensity in Wuhan
* Smart City Security Issues: the Main Attacks and Countermeasures
* Smart GPS-based IoT System for Blackspot Notification, A
* Smart Tourism Destination Competitiveness: The Exploitation of the Big Data in Morocco
* Smartphone-based Reality Capture for Subsurface Utilities: Experiences From Water Utility Companies In Denmark
* Smoothly varying projective transformation for line segment matching
* Snapshot Multispectral Image Completion Via Self-Dictionary Transformed Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization With Total Variation
* Social E-commerce Tax Evasion Detection Using Multi-modal Deep Neural Networks
* Social Network Analysis of Spatial Human Mobility Behaviour In Infectious Disease Interaction: An Exploratory Evidence of Tuberculosis In Malaysia
* Socioeconomic Drivers of Land Use Intensification in Fiji Islands: A Geographical Approach
* SODAR: Exploring Locally Aggregated Learning of Mask Representations for Instance Segmentation
* Soft Ranking Threshold Losses for Image Retrieval
* Softmesh: Learning Probabilistic Mesh Connectivity via Image Supervision
* Soil Erosion Susceptibility Prediction in Railway Corridors Using RUSLE, Soil Degradation Index and the New Normalized Difference Railway Erosivity Index (NDReLI)
* Solving Fourier Phase Retrieval with a Reference Image as a Sequence of Linear Inverse Problems
* Solving Sensor Identification Problem Without Knowledge of the Ground Truth Using Replicator Dynamics
* Source Class Selection With Label Propagation for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Space-Time Skeletal Analysis with Jointly Dual-Stream ConvNet for Action Recognition
* SpaceMeshLab: Spatial Context Memoization and Meshgrid Atrous Convolution Consensus for Semantic Segmentation
* Sparse and Structured Visual Attention
* Sparse Spatial Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
* SparseShift-GCN: High precision skeleton-based action recognition
* Spatial Accessibility of Urban Parks in Tangier City, Morocco
* Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ionospheric Irregularities Derived from Regional and Global ROTI Maps
* Spatial Distribution, Pollution, and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal In Industrial Area Soils of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
* Spatial Evolution of Coastal Tourist City Using the Dyna-CLUE Model in Koh Chang of Thailand during 1990-2050
* Spatial Patterns of Urban Innovation and Their Evolution from Perspectives of Capacity and Structure: Taking Shenzhen as an Example
* Spatial Reslution Sensitivity Analysis of Classifciation of Sentinel-2 Images By Pre-trained Deep Models From Big Earth Net Database
* Spatial Temporal Mapping of Spread of Water Hyacinth In Winum Gulf, Lake Victoria
* Spatial Variability of the Airbnb Effect: A Spatially Explicit Analysis of Airbnb's Impact on Housing Prices in Sydney
* Spatial-Temporal Changes of Land Degradation Caused By Natural and Human Induced Factors: Case Study of Bulgan Province in Central Mongolia
* Spatially Varying Relationships between Land Subsidence and Urbanization: A Case Study in Wuhan, China
* Spatio Temporal Data Cube Applied to AIS Containerships Trend Analysis In the Early Years of the Belt and Road Initiative - From Global To Local Scale
* Spatio Temporal Joint Distance Maps for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Use Dynamics and Its Potential Implications on Land Surface Temperature in Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan
* Spatio-Temporal Crop Classification on Volumetric Data
* Spatio-Temporal Graph-RNN for Point Cloud Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Human Shape Completion With Implicit Function Networks
* Spatio-temporal Transformer for 3D Human Motion Prediction, A
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Moisture Variation in the Jiangsu Water Supply Area of the South-to-North Water Diversion Using ESA CCI Data
* Spatiotemporal Bundle Adjustment for Dynamic 3D Human Reconstruction in the Wild
* Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of the Protected Areas: A Case Study - Igneada Floodplain Forests
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ecological Security Pattern of Urban Agglomerations in Yangtze River Delta Based on LUCC Simulation
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis and Future Scenario Prediction of Rocky Desertification in a Subtropical Karst Region
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Carbon Fluxes from Bamboo Forests and their Response to Climate Change Based on a BEPS Model in China
* Spatiotemporal Features and Local Relationship Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Regression
* Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal pattern and long-term trend of global surface urban heat islands characterized by dynamic urban-extent method and MODIS data
* Spatiotemporal Polyrhythm Characteristics of Public Bicycle Mobility in Urban Chronotopes Context
* SPCR: semi-supervised point cloud instance segmentation with perturbation consistency regularization
* Speaker-Independent Lipreading By Disentangled Representation Learning
* Specific Windows Search for Multi-Ship and Multi-Scale Wake Detection in SAR Images
* Spectral Reconstruction and Disparity from Spatio-Spectrally Coded Light Fields via Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Spectral Reflectance-Based Mangrove Species Mapping from WorldView-2 Imagery of Karimunjawa and Kemujan Island, Central Java Province, Indonesia
* Spectral Temporal Information for Missing Data Reconstruction (STIMDR) of Landsat Reflectance Time Series
* Spectral-Spatial Fused Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SpherePHD: Applying CNNs on 360° Images With Non-Euclidean Spherical PolyHeDron Representation
* Sphererpn: Learning Spheres for High-Quality Region Proposals on 3d Point Clouds Object Detection
* Spherical Mixture Model Approach for 360 Video Virtual Cinematography, A
* Spmpg: Robust Person Image Generation With Semantic Parsing Map
* SpyGAN sketch: Heterogeneous Face Matching in video for crime investigation
* Squeeze and Reconstruct: Improved Practical Adversarial Defense Using Paired Image Compression and Reconstruction
* Stability of a Large-Scale Connected Vehicle Network in Ring Configuration and With Multiple Delays
* Stability of CubeSat Clocks and Their Impacts on GNSS Radio Occultation
* Stable Linear Structures and Seam Measurements for Parallax Image Stitching
* Stacked Multimodal Attention Network for Context-Aware Video Captioning
* STAD: Stable Video Depth Estimation
* State of the Art in Dense Image Matching Cost Computation for High-Resolution Satellite Stereo
* State-wide Calculation of Terrain-visualisations and Automatic Map Generation for Archaeological Objects
* Stochastic Neural Radiance Fields: Quantifying Uncertainty in Implicit 3D Representations
* Straight Sampling Network for Point Cloud Learning
* Strategies of Deep Learning for Tomographic Reconstruction
* Stream Algebra for Performance Optimization of Large Scale Computer Vision Pipelines, A
* Stream Boundary Detection of a Hyper-Arid, Polar Region Using a U-Net Architecture: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
* Streaming Multi-layer Ensemble Selection using Dynamic Genetic Algorithm
* Strict Geometric Calibration of An Underwater Laser Triangulation System
* Structural Features in Feature Space for Structure-Aware Graph Convolution
* Structure Analysis of the Sea Breeze Based on Doppler Lidar and Its Impact on Pollutants
* Study of Atomic Oxygen Airglow Intensities and Air Temperature near Mesopause Obtained by Ground-Based and Satellite Instruments above Baikal Natural Territory
* Study of compression statistics and prediction of rate-distortion curves for video texture
* Study of Saccadic Eye Movements in Diagnostic Imaging
* Study of the Subjective and Objective Quality of High Motion Live Streaming Videos
* Study on the Characteristics of Beijing Subsidence Based On Ps-insar/leveling and Primary Investigation of the Relationship With Fault Zone
* Su-Sampling Based Active Learning for Large-Scale Histopathology Image
* Subband Adaptive Enhancement of Low Light Images Using Wavelet-Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Subjective and Objective Study of Space-Time Subsampled Video Quality, A
* Subpixel-Scale Topography Retrieval of Mars Using Single-Image DTM Estimation and Super-Resolution Restoration
* Super-Resolution Range and Velocity Estimations for SFA-OFDM Radar
* Super-Resolved Imaging of Early-Stage Dynamics in the Immune Response
* Superpixel-Based Attention Graph Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Supervised Classification Methods for Automatic Damage Detection Caused By Heavy Rainfall Using Multitemporal High Resolution Optical Imagery And Auxiliary Data
* SUPPLE: Extracting Hand Skeleton with Spherical Unwrapping Profiles
* Suppression of Jammer Multipath in GNSS Antenna Array Receiver
* Surface Elevation Changes Estimation Underneath Mangrove Canopy Using SNERL Filtering Algorithm and DoD Technique on UAV-Derived DSM Data
* Surfing Virtual Waves to Thermal Tomography: From model- to deep learning-based reconstructions
* Survey of 17 Indoor Travel Assistance Systems for Blind and Visually Impaired People, A
* Survey of the Four Pillars for Small Object Detection: Multiscale Representation, Contextual Information, Super-Resolution, and Region Proposal, A
* Survey of the Monumental Fountain in the Town of Dalmine: A Preliminary Work for the Conservation Project, The
* Survey on Training Free 3D Texture-less Object Recognition Techniques, A
* Suspected Seismo-Ionospheric Anomalies before Three Major Earthquakes Detected by GIMs and GPS TEC of Permanent Stations
* SVDN: A spatially variant degradation network for blind image super-resolution
* SVMAC: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Single-view-multi-angle Consistency
* Swin Transformer and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Coastal Wetland Classification Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and LiDAR Data
* Symmetry-Based Graph Fourier Transforms: Are They Optimal for Image Compression?
* Synergies between Urban Heat Island and Urban Heat Wave Effects in 9 Global Mega-Regions from 2003 to 2020
* Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry
* Syntactic data generation for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Syntactically Guided Generative Embeddings for Zero-Shot Skeleton Action Recognition
* Synthetic Data for the Analysis of Archival Documents: Handwriting Determination
* Synthetic Data Generation Pipeline for Geometric Deep Learning In Architecture
* Systematic Analysis of Circular Artifacts for StyleGAN
* TAE-Net: Task-Adaptive Embedding Network for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Tamper video detection and localization using an adaptive segmentation and deep network technique
* Target Classification of Similar Spatial Characteristics in Complex Urban Areas by Using Multispectral LiDAR
* Task-Adaptive Attention for Image Captioning
* Task-Agnostic Continual Learning Using Base-Child Classifiers
* Task-Generic Hierarchical Human Motion Prior using VAEs
* Taylor Series Kernelized Layer for Fine-Grained Recognition
* TD-Net: Topology Destruction Network for Generating Adversarial Point Cloud
* Teacher-Student Learning Based on Composed Ground-Truth Images for Accurate Cephalometric Landmark Detection, A
* Temperate Grassland Afforestation Dynamics in the Aguapey Valuable Grassland Area between 1999 and 2020: Identifying the Need for Protection
* Temporal 3D RetinaNet for fish detection
* Temporal Memory Attention for Video Semantic Segmentation
* Temporal Statistics Model for UGC Video Quality Prediction, A
* Temporal Variability of Surface Reflectance Supersedes Spatial Resolution in Defining Greenland's Bare-Ice Albedo
* Temporal-Spatial Deformable Pose Network for Skeleton-Based Gesture Recognition
* Ten simple rules for reporting machine learning methods implementation and evaluation on biomedical data
* Tensor Completion via Complementary Global, Local, and Nonlocal Priors
* Tensor Representations for Action Recognition
* TermiNeRF: Ray Termination Prediction for Efficient Neural Rendering
* Test-Time Adaptation for Out-Of-Distributed Image Inpainting
* Testing the New 3d Bag Dataset for Energy Demand Estimation Of Residential Buildings
* Text To Image Synthesis With Erudite Generative Adversarial Networks
* Texture enhanced Statistical Region Merging with application to automatic knee bones segmentation from CT
* Thermographic identification of hidden corrosion
* thorough review of models, evaluation metrics, and datasets on image captioning, A
* Three-dimensional Digitization of Environments and Buildings for Smart City Applications
* Three-Dimensional Sparse SAR Imaging with Generalized LQ Regularization
* Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstruction and tumour-immune interactions' analysis
* Tilt-Angle Face Dataset and Its Validation, A
* Time Series Analysis for Monitoring Seagrass Habitat and Environment In Busuanga, Philippines Using Google Earth Engine
* Time Series Analysis of Urbanisation Impact on the Temperature Variations Off Mumbai Coast
* Time Series Investigation to Assess Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Quantitative Land Degradation in the North Delta, Egypt, A
* Time-Lag Aware Multi-Modal Variational Autoencoder Using Baseball Videos and Tweets for Prediction of Important Scenes
* TLS and Short-range Photogrammetric Data Fusion for Buildings 3d Modeling
* Tomographic Inversion Methods for Retrieving the Tropospheric Water Vapor Content Based on the NDSA Measurement Approach
* Topographic Analysis of Intertidal Polychaete Reefs (Sabellaria alveolata) at a Very High Spatial Resolution
* Topology-Aware 3D Modelling of Indoor Spaces from Point Clouds
* Tourists' Behavioral Characteristics Regarding Island-Based Tourism Destinations through the Perspective of Spatial Constraints: A Case Study of Yangma Island in China
* Toward Real-World Category-Level Articulation Pose Estimation
* Toward Unsupervised 3d Point Cloud Anomaly Detection Using Variational Autoencoder
* Towards A Colored Point Cloud Quality Assessment Method Using Colored Texture and Curvature Projection
* Towards a Digital Twin of a Storage Tank Using Laser Scan Data
* Towards a General Deep Feature Extractor for Facial Expression Recognition
* Towards a More Realistic and Detailed Deep-Learning-Based Radar Echo Extrapolation Method
* Towards a Multimodal Representation: Claudia Octavia's Bequeathal
* Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Dataset: A Pan-European Study on the Integration of 3D Settlement Data into Population Modelling
* Towards Automated Performance Assessment for Laparoscopic Box Trainer using Cross-Stage Partial Network
* Towards Deep Learning-Based Sarcopenia Screening with Body Joint Composition Analysis
* Towards Effective Project Documentation, Transparency, and Data-Driven Decision-making Through BIM-Blockchain Based Applications
* Towards Enhanced Recovery and System Stability: Analytical Solutions for Dynamic Incident Effects in Road Networks
* Towards Free-viewpoint Video Capture in Challenging Environments For Collaborative & Immersive Analysis
* Towards Gender Equality in Education and Career in the Earth Observation and GI Sector
* Towards Learning Low-light Indoor Semantic Segmentation With Illumination-invariant Features
* Towards Lifelong Crop Recognition Using Fully Convolutional Recurrent Networks and SAR Image Sequences
* Towards More Efficient UAS Data Acquisition: Camera Auto Mount Pivoting Oblique Survey
* Towards Representing Transitional Spaces: Developmental Direction for IndoorGML Anchor Node
* Towards Unconstrained Joint Hand-Object Reconstruction From RGB Videos
* Towards Universal Physical Attacks on Cascaded Camera-Lidar 3d Object Detection Models
* Towards Webcam-based Face Direction Tracking To Detect Learners' Attention Within Asynchronous E-learning Environment
* Tracking Visual Object As An Extended Target
* Training a convolutional neural network for transportation sign detection using synthetic dataset
* Training An Embedded Object Detector for Industrial Settings Without Real Images
* Training Deep Network Ultrasound Beamformers With Unlabeled In Vivo Data
* Transfer Learning for Improving Seismic Building Damage Assessment
* Transfer Learning-Based Model Protection with Secret Key
* Transferability Assessment of Open-source Deep Learning Model For Building Detection on Satellite Data
* Transferable Discriminative Feature Mining for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Transformer and Node-Compressed DNN Based Dual-Path System for Manipulated Face Detection
* Transformer for Image Quality Assessment
* Transmission Tower Tilt State Assessment Approach Based on Dense Point Cloud from UAV-Based LiDAR, A
* Transresnet: Transferable Resnet for Domain Adaptation
* Triangulation and Time-of-flight Based 3d Digitisation Techniques Of Cultural Heritage Structures
* Truncated Matched Filter Method for Interrupted Sampling Repeater Jamming Suppression Based on Jamming Reconstruction, A
* Truncated Robust Principle Component Analysis With A General Optimization Framework
* TSAN: Synthesized View Quality Enhancement via Two-Stream Attention Network for 3D-HEVC
* Tuna Nutriment Tracking using Trajectory Mapping in Application to Aquaculture Fish Tank
* Turkey Behavior Identification Using Video Analytics and Object Tracking
* Turnip: Time-Series U-Net With Recurrence for NIR Imaging PPG
* TWEEC: Computer-aided glaucoma diagnosis from retinal images using deep learning techniques
* Two Headed Dragons: Multimodal Fusion and Cross Modal Transactions
* Two Simulated Spectral Databases of Lunar Regolith: Method, Validation, and Application
* Two-dimensional quaternion linear canonical series for color images
* Two-Echelon Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites in City Logistics
* Two-Pathway Transformer Network for Video Action Recognition
* Two-Phase Feature Fusion Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Two-Phase Multimodal Image Fusion Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Two-Phase Scheduling for Efficient Vehicle Sharing
* Two-Stage Autoencoder for Visual Anomaly Detection, A
* Two-Stage Domain Adapted Training for Better Generalization In Real-World Image Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Two-Stage Framework for Compound Figure Separation, A
* Two-Stage Seamless Text Erasing on Real-World Scene Images
* Two-stage U-Net++ for Medical Image Segmentation
* Two-Staged Feature Extraction Method Based on Total Variation for Hyperspectral Images, A
* Two-Step Registration on Multi-Modal Retinal Images via Deep Neural Networks
* Two-Stream Boosted TCRNet for Range-Tolerant Infra-Red Target Detection
* Two-Stream CNN With Simultaneous Detection and Segmentation for Robotic Grasping, A
* Two-stream encoder-decoder network for localizing image forgeries
* Two-Stream Hybrid Attention Network for Multimodal Classification
* Two-Way Guided Super-Resolution Reconstruction Network Based on Gradient Prior
* U-Net Model-Based Classification and Description of Brain Tumor in MRI Images
* U-Noise: Learnable Noise Masks for Interpretable Image Segmentation
* UATNet: U-Shape Attention-Based Transformer Net for Meteorological Satellite Cloud Recognition
* UAV Photogrammetry and VHR Satellite Imagery for Emergency Mapping. The October 2020 Flood In Limone Piemonte (Italy)
* UAV Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Based on Saliency Guided Two-Scaletransmission Correction
* UAV Thermal Images for Water Presence Detection in a Mediterranean Headwater Catchment
* UAV UWB Positioning Close to Building Facades: A Case Study
* UAV-based 3d Virtual Tour Creation
* UAV-based Lidar High-resolution Snow Depth Mapping in the Swiss Alps: Comparing Flat and Steep Forests
* UAV-Based LiDAR Scanning for Individual Tree Detection and Height Measurement in Young Forest Permanent Trials
* Ultra-Violet Mie Lidar Observations of Particulates Vertical Profiles in Macao during a Record High Pollution Episode
* Uncertainty-guided self-ensembling model for semi-supervised segmentation of multiclass retinal fluid in optical coherence tomography images
* Underground Morphological Detection of Ground Fissures in Collapsible Loess Area Based on Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning Technology
* Understanding and Manipulating Neural Net Features Using Sparse Oblique Classification Trees
* Understanding Atomic Hand-Object Interaction With Human Intention
* Understanding the Relationship between China's Eco-Environmental Quality and Urbanization Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Understanding the Spatiotemporal Variation of High-Efficiency Ride-Hailing Orders: A Case Study of Haikou, China
* Understanding V2V Driving Scenarios Through Traffic Primitives
* Understanding VQA for Negative Answers Through Visual and Linguistic Inference
* Underwater image restoration by color compensation and color-line model
* UNET-Based Multi-Task Architecture for Brain Lesion Segmentation
* Unified Density-Driven Framework for Effective Data Denoising and Robust Abstention, A
* Unified Pansharpening Model Based on Band-Adaptive Gradient and Detail Correction, A
* Uniform Partitioning of Data Grid for Association Detection
* Union of Dynamic Hydrological Modeling and Satellite Remotely-Sensed Data for Spatiotemporal Assessment of Sediment Yields, A
* Unitopatho, A Labeled Histopathological Dataset for Colorectal Polyps Classification and Adenoma Dysplasia Grading
* Universal Adversarial Robustness of Texture and Shape-Biased Models
* Universal Modeling of Monoscopic and Multiview Video Codecs with Applications to Encoder Control
* Universal steganalysis of spatial content-independent and content-adaptive steganographic algorithms using normalized feature derived from empirical mode decomposed components
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Derived 3d Model Evaluation Based on Icesat-2 For Ice Surface Micro-topography Analysis in East Antarctica
* Unpaired Night-To-Day Translation: Image Restoration and Style Transfer Under Low Illumination
* Unsupervised Discriminative Embedding for Sub-Action Learning in Complex Activities
* Unsupervised Domain Alignment Based Open Set Structural Recognition of Macromolecules Captured By Cryo-Electron Tomography
* Unsupervised Fast Visual Localization and Mapping with Slow Features
* Unsupervised Learning of Affinity for Image Segmentation: An Inpainting based Approach
* Unsupervised Learning of Depth, Optical Flow and Pose With Occlusion From 3D Geometry
* Unsupervised Learning of Visual Odometry Using Direct Motion Modeling
* Unsupervised Medical Image Alignment With Curriculum Learning
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Scenes
* Unsupervised Object-based Clustering in Support of Supervised Point-based 3d Point Cloud Classification
* Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation for Lidar Image Sequences, An
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Via Global-Level and Patch-Level Discriminative Feature Learning
* Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Via Nearest Neighbor Collaborative Training Strategy
* Unsupervised Port Detection Method in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Three-Component Decomposition and Multi-Scale Thresholding Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation Framework with Active Contour Models for Cine Cardiac MRI
* Unsupervised spectral-spatial processing of drone imagery for identification of pine seedlings
* Unsupervised thermal-to-visible domain adaptation method for pedestrian detection
* Unsupervised Variability Normalization for Anomaly Detection
* Up4dream Capacity Building Project: UAS Based Mapping In Developing Countries
* Updated GOES-13 Heliosat-2 Method for Global Horizontal Irradiation in the Americas
* Updates of aw3d30 Alos Global Digital Surface Model In Antarctica With Other Open Access Datasets
* Upscaling and Validation of RTK-direct Georeferenced UAV-based RGB Image Data with Planet Imagery Using Polygon Grids for Pasture Monitoring
* Urban Heat Island Footprint Effects on Bio-productive Rural Land Covers Surrounding a Low Density Urban Center
* Urban Parametric Perception. the Case Study of the Historic Centre Of Perugia
* Urban VGI Networks as a Path for Collective Intelligence
* Urbanisation Impact on Creation of Heat Islands in Large Cities
* Usage Experience and Capabilities of the VEGA-Science System
* Use of AHP Within GIS for Destructed Areas in Damascus, Syria, The
* Use of Remote Sensing to Quantitatively Assess the Visual Effect of Urban Landscape-A Case Study of Zhengzhou, China, The
* Use of Sentinel 1/2 Vegetation Indexes with Gee Time Series Data In Detecting Land Cover Changes in the Sinop Nuclear Power Plant Construction Site, The
* Use of Spectral and Textural Features in Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2a Images: a Case Study, Çukurova Region, Turkey, The
* Use of uncertainty quantification as a surrogate for layer segmentation error in Stargardt disease retinal OCT images
* Use of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery for Mapping Wood Energy Potential From Tropical Managed Forest Stands, Reunion Island
* Using an Eigenvector Spatial Filtering-Based Spatially Varying Coefficient Model to Analyze the Spatial Heterogeneity of COVID-19 and Its Influencing Factors in Mainland China
* Using Contextual Cues In Understanding Urban Mental Well-being
* Using Environmental Context to Synthesis Missing Pixels
* Using Eye-tracking to Support Big Data Driven Property Valuation Tools
* Using Feature Alignment Can Improve Clean Average Precision and Adversarial Robustness In Object Detection
* Using Fisheye Camera for Cost-Effective Multi-View People Localization
* Using Geo Geo-Tagged Flickr Images to Explore the Correlation Between Land Cover Classes and the Location of Bird Observations
* Using Modis Aerosol Optical Depth to Predict PM10 Over Al Ain Region, Uae
* Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Locate Groundwater Discharge to Salmon-Bearing Streams
* Using Remote Sensing to Estimate Scales of Spatial Heterogeneity to Analyze Evapotranspiration Modeling in a Natural Ecosystem
* Using SVR and MRA Methods for Real Estate Valuation in the Smart Cities
* Using Systems of Parallel and Distributed Data Processing to Build Hydrological Models Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Using Tailored Graphical Tools to Improve the Quality of Displacement Maps AT CTTC: The Vetools
* Using the Overlapping Score to Improve Corruption Benchmarks
* Using Thermal and RGB UAV Imagery to Measure Surface Flow Velocities Of Rivers
* Using UAV and Field Measurement Technology to Monitor the Impact of Coal Gangue Pile Temperature on Vegetation Ecological Construction
* Using UAV and Multispectral Images to Estimate Peanut Maturity Variability on Irrigated and Rainfed Fields Applying Linear Models and Artificial Neural Networks
* Using UAV-based 3d Images of Individual Tree Species in Distance Education in Forestry
* UTR: Unsupervised Learning of Thickness-Insensitive Representations for Electron Microscope Image
* Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Classification and Comparison with TLS Data
* Validation of Recent Altimeter Missions at Non-Dedicated Tide Gauge Stations in the Southeastern North Sea
* Validity of the AdMos, Advanced Sport Instruments, GNSS Sensor for Use in Alpine Skiing
* Variational Monocular Depth Estimation for Reliability Prediction
* Variational-Scale Segmentation for Multispectral Remote-Sensing Images Using Spectral Indices
* Variations of Urban NO2 Pollution during the COVID-19 Outbreak and Post-Epidemic Era in China: A Synthesis of Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* Vegetation Mapping in the Permafrost Region: A Case Study on the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* VENmuS-Derived NDVI and REIP at Different View Azimuth Angles
* Very High-Resolution Satellite-Derived Bathymetry and Habitat Mapping Using Pleiades-1 and ICESat-2
* Video Event Recognition using Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Memorability Prediction Via Late Fusion of Deep Multi-Modal Features
* Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for Versatile Video Coding
* Video Quality Assessment of User Generated Content: A Benchmark Study and a New Model
* Video Quality Measurement for Buffering Time Based on EEG Frequency Feature
* Video-based cattle identification and action recognition
* Video-Based Dynamic Mesh Coding
* View Synthesis with Multi-scale Cost Aggregation and Confidence Prior
* View-Invariant, Occlusion-Robust Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose
* Viewport-Based Omnidirectional Video Quality Assessment: Database, Modeling and Inference
* Violence Detection from Video under 2D Spatio-Temporal Representations
* Violence detection using pre-trained models
* Virtual Adversarial Training-Based Deep Feature Aggregation Network From Dynamic Effective Connectivity for MCI Identification
* Virtual ground control for survey-grade terrain modelling from satellite imagery
* Virtual sawing using generative adversarial networks
* Vis-CRF: A Simplified Filtering Model for Vision
* Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Using Encoder-Decoder Network
* Visible Video Data Hiding Scheme Based on Fade-In and Fade-Out Effects Utilizing Barcodes, A
* Vision and Text Transformer for Predicting Answerability on Visual Question Answering
* Vision Processing for Assistive Vision: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Visual Camera Re-Localization Using Graph Neural Networks and Relative Pose Supervision
* Visual Chirality Meets Freehand Sketches
* Visual cryptography scheme for secret color images with color QR codes
* Visual secret sharing scheme with (n,n) threshold based on WeChat Mini Program codes
* Visualizing and Understanding Inherent Image Features in CNN-based Glaucoma Detection
* VolterraNet: A Higher Order Convolutional Network With Group Equivariance for Homogeneous Manifolds
* VoRTX: Volumetric 3D Reconstruction With Transformers for Voxelwise View Selection and Fusion
* VVS: Action Recognition With Virtual View Synthesis
* W-A net: Leveraging Atrous and Deformable Convolutions for Efficient Text Detection
* WarpingFusion: Accurate Multi-View TSDF Fusion with Local Perspective Warp
* Wasserstein Loss With Alternative Reinforcement Learning for Severity-Aware Semantic Segmentation
* Water Budget Closure in the Upper Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand Using Multisource Data
* Water Turbidity Estimation From Lidar Bathymetry Data By Full-waveform Analysis - Comparison of Two Approaches
* Wavelength-Dependent Seeing Systematically Changes the Normalized Slope of Telescopic Reflectance Spectra of Mercury
* Weak Mesoscale Variability in the Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST)-AVHRR-Only Version 2 Data before 2007
* Weakly Supervised Detection of Marine Animals in High Resolution Aerial Images
* Weakly Supervised Fingerprint Pore Extraction With Convolutional Neural Network
* Weakly-Supervised Automatic Biomarkers Detection and Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Weakly-Supervised Moment Retrieval Network for Video Corpus Moment Retrieval
* Weakly-Supervised Multiple Object Tracking Via A Masked Center Point Warping Loss
* Web-Based Geoinformation System for Heritage Management and Geovisualisation in Canton Nabon (Ecuador), A
* WebGIS Framework for Semi-automated Geodatabase Updating Assisted By Deep Learning, A
* Weight Reparametrization for Budget-Aware Network Pruning
* Weighted Average Precision: Adversarial Example Detection for Visual Perception of Autonomous Vehicles
* Weighted Group Sparsity-Constrained Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Welsch Based Multiview Disparity Estimation
* WEmbSim: A Simple yet Effective Metric for Image Captioning
* What is the Best Data Augmentation for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation?
* Where Maps Lie: Visualization of Perceptual Fallacy in Choropleth Maps at Different Levels of Aggregation
* Wild ToFu: Improving Range and Quality of Indirect Time-of-Flight Depth with RGB Fusion in Challenging Environments
* Window-Based Strain Estimation Using Weighted Displacement Obtained from Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Wireless Sensor Network: Towards An Improvement of Security Policy
* Wits: An Efficient Wi-Fi Based Indoor Positioning and Tracking System
* Wood and Generative Algorithms for the Comparison Between Models And Reality
* Writer Identification: the Effect of Image Resizing on Cnn Performance
* X3SEG: Model-Agnostic Explanations for the Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds With Prototypes and Criticism
* Yeast cell detection in color microscopic images using ROC-optimized decoloring and segmentation
* Yield Estimation of Sunflower Plant With Cnn and Ann Using Sentinel-2
* YOLACT++ Better Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Zero in on Shape: A Generic 2D-3D Instance Similarity Metric Learned from Synthetic Data
* Zero-Shot Learning of A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Data-Free Network Quantization
* Zero-Shot Object Detection With Transformers
* Zonation of Subalpine Lakes Based on Remotely Sensed Water Quality Parameters
* Zoning Earthquake Casualty Prediction Model Based on Machine Learning, A
* Zoomable Intra Prediction for Multi-Focus Plenoptic 2.0 Video Coding
2583 for 2201

Index for "2"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.