Update Dates 9408

9408 * *Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision
* 3,4)-Weighted Skeleton Decomposition for Pattern Representation and Description
* 3-D Object Recognition with Symmetrical Models: Symmetry Extraction and Encoding
* 3-D Pose From 3 Points Using Weak-Perspective
* ANN Implementation of Stereo Vision Using a Multilayer Feedback Architecture
* Apparatus and method for segmenting an input image in one of a plurality of modes
* Application of Hopfield Neural Networks and Canonical Perspectives to Recognize and Locate Partially Occluded 3-D Objects
* Approximate Orthogonal Distance Regression Method for Fitting Quadric Surfaces to Range Data
* Approximation of Granular Textures by Quadric Surfaces
* Automated extraction of airport runway patterns from radar imagery
* Automatic image segmentation for color documents
* Automatic threshold generation technique
* Change detection and texture analysis for image sequence coding
* Class of Robust Image-Processors, A
* Combination of SAR and Optical Line Scanner Imagery for Stereoscopic Extraction Of 3-D Data, A
* Deformable Contours: Modeling, Extraction, Detection and Classification
* Description of Complex Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Detection and Separation of Ring-Shaped Clusters Using Fuzzy Clustering
* Detection Of Dimension Sets In Engineering Drawings
* Digitally Continuous-Functions
* Dynamic-Programming Approach to Line Segment Matching in Stereo Vision, A
* Electronic high-fidelity screenless conversion system and method using a separable filter
* fully adaptive DCT based color image sequence coder, A
* Gibbs Random-Field Model-Based Weight Selection For The 2-D Adaptive Weighted Median Filter
* Hierarchical tracker and method
* Image processing for pattern extraction
* Integration Of Overlapping Maps Made By Stereo Vision Using View Field Information
* Inter-block filtering and downsampling in DCT domain
* Isoperimetric Normalization of Planar Curves
* Keyword Spotting In Poorly Printed Documents Using Pseudo-2D Hidden Markov-Models
* Laser Tracking System to Measure Position and Orientation of Robot End Effectors Under Motion, A
* lip-tracking system based on morphological processing and block matching techniques, A
* Locating and Tracking of Human Faces with Neural Networks
* Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Image Processing
* Mechatronics of Active Vision
* Method for spatial domain image compression
* Motion detecting apparatus
* motion detection scheme for motion adaptive pro-scan conversion, A
* Multichannel filtering for image texture segmentation
* Multistage Pre-Candidate Selection In Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Systems
* Network Model for Invariant Object Recognition
* Nonlinear Diffusion with Multiple Edginess Thresholds
* On the accuracy and convergence of 2-D motion models using minimum MSE motion estimation
* On the Axiomatic Foundations of Linear Scale-Space: Combining Semi-Group Structure with Causality vs. Scale Invariance
* On The Discriminatory Power Of Adaptive Feedforward Layered Networks
* One-Pass Thinning Algorithm With Interference Guards, A
* Optimum Polygonal-Approximation Of Digitized-Curves
* Parallel Algorithms for Circle Detection in Images
* Parametric Statistical-Method for Error-Detection in Digital Elevation Models
* Product inspection method and apparatus
* Projective Structure from Uncalibrated Images: Structure-from-Motion and Recognition
* Recognition of characters in cursive script
* Remote-Sensing of Vegetation Cover Along A Climatological Gradient
* Robust 3-D 3-D Pose Estimation
* Segmentation of text, picture and lines of a document image
* Semiautonomous Evolution of Object Models for Adaptive Object Recognition
* Shape from Focus
* Sub-Mu-M Registration of Fiducial Marks Using Machine Vision
* Subpixel Pattern-Recognition by Image Histograms
* System and method for scaling a digital image
* System for Engineering Flow Drawing Understanding, A
* Theory of Generalized Incremental Circle Transform and Its Application for Recognition of 2-Dimensional Objects, A
* Toward Object-Based Heuristics
* Tracking Using a Local Closed-World Assumption: Tracking in the Football Domain
* Trademark Shapes Description by String-Matching Techniques
* Unified Approach to Camera Fixation and Vision-Based Road Following, A
* Using Simple Decomposition for Smoothing and Feature Point Detection Of Noisy Digital Curves
* Using Space Continuity and Orientation Constraints for Range Data-Acquisition
* Vehicle detection systems
69 for 9408

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.