Journals starting with ciar

CIARP03 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Online Handwritten Signature Verification Using Hidden Markov Models

CIARP06 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* 3D Mumford-Shah Based Active Mesh
* 3D Vector Directional Filters to Process Video Sequences
* Alignment of Paragraphs in Bilingual Texts Using Bilingual Dictionaries and Dynamic Programming
* Application of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Capacitance Tomography Applied to Oil Industry, An
* Approach to Automatic Target Recognition in Radar Images Using SVM, An
* Approaches to Classification of Multichannel Images
* Approximating 3D Facial Shape from Photographs Using Coupled Statistical Models
* Associative Memories Applied to Image Categorization
* Associative Recall of Spatial Correlated Patterns, The
* Authorship Attribution Using Word Sequences
* Automated Ultrasonic Measurement of Fetal Nuchal Translucency Using Dynamic Programming
* Automatic Band Selection in Multispectral Images Using Mutual Information-Based Clustering
* Building an Optimal WSD Ensemble Using Per-Word Selection of Best System
* Case-Based Object Recognition with Application to Biological Images
* Clustering Based Approach for Automatic Image Segmentation: An Application to Biplane Ventriculograms, A
* Color Texture Segmentation Based on Quaternion-Gabor Features
* Color Texture Segmentation by Decomposition of Gaussian Mixture Model
* Combined Classifier of Cry Units with New Acoustic Attributes, A
* Combining Neural Networks and Clustering Techniques for Object Recognition in Indoor Video Sequences
* Combining Neural Networks for Gait Classification
* Comparative Study of Face Representations in the Frequency Domain, A
* Conceptual K-Means Algorithm Based on Complex Features
* Context-Based Gesture Recognition
* Corner Detection by Searching Two Class Pattern Substrings
* Correlation Filters for Detection and Localization of Objects in Degraded Images
* Decoding of Ternary Error Correcting Output Codes
* Detection of Coding Regions in Large DNA Sequences Using the Short Time Fourier Transform with Reduced Computational Load
* Deterministic Tourist Walks as an Image Analysis Methodology Based
* Diagnosis of Chronic Idiopathic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Bayesian Networks
* Document Mining Based on Semantic Understanding of Text
* Document Representation Based on Maximal Frequent Sequence Sets
* Egomotion Estimation as an Appearance-Based Classification Problem
* Eigenconjugation: An Approach for Computing Image Similarity
* Evaluation of Time and Frequency Domain-Based Methods for the Estimation of Harmonics-to-Noise-Ratios in Voice Signals
* eVLBI Development in TIGO
* Extraction of Blood Vessels in Ophthalmic Color Images of Human Retinas
* Face Recognition with Region Division and Spin Images
* Fast 2D-3D Point-Based Registration Using GPU-Based Preprocessing for Image-Guided Surgery
* Fast Adaboosting Based Method for Iris and Pupil Contour Detection, A
* Fast Fingerprint Matching Based on the Novel Structure Combining the Singular Point with Its Neighborhood Minutiae
* Fast Method for Localization of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Fast Probabilistic Model for Hypothesis Rejection in SIFT-Based Object Recognition, A
* Feature Extraction Using Clustering of Protein
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation
* From Lossy to Lossless Wavelet Image Coding in a Tree-Based Encoder with Resolution Scalability
* Fusion of Gaussian Kernels Within Support Vector Classification
* GA-SSD-ARC-NLM for Parametric Image Registration
* Gabor Kernels for Textured Image Representation and Classification
* Gender Classification of Faces Using Adaboost
* Gender Classification Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Models
* General Pose Face Recognition Using Frontal Face Model
* Guiding a Bottom-Up Visual Attention Mechanism to Locate Specific Image Regions Using a Distributed Genetic Optimization
* Image Compression Algorithm Based on Morphological Associative Memories
* Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Block-Wise Intensity-Pair Distribution with Two Expansion Forces
* Image Segmentation Algorithm Using Iteratively the Mean Shift, An
* In-Vivo IVUS Tissue Classification: A Comparison Between RF Signal Analysis and Reconstructed Images
* Irregular Pyramid Segmentations with Stochastic Graph Decimation Strategies
* Learning Variability of Image Feature Appearance Using Statistical Methods
* Linear Radial Patterns Characterization for Automatic Detection of Tonic Intestinal Contractions
* Local Linear Approximation for Kernel Methods: The Railway Kernel
* Machine Learning Framework Using SOMs: Applications in the Intestinal Motility Assessment, A
* Maximin Initialization for Cluster Analysis
* Method for Detection and Modeling of the Human Spine Based on Principal Curvatures, A
* Model-Based Localization Method by Non-speech Sound Via Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Neural Network
* Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Hausdorff Distance for Shape Matching
* New Approach to Multi-class Linear Dimensionality Reduction, A
* New Method of Illumination Normalization for Robust Face Recognition, A
* New Nearest Neighbor Rule for Text Categorization, A
* Novel Approach to Automatic Color Matching, A
* Object Recognition and Tracking in Video Sequences: A New Integrated Methodology
* Object Segmentation Using Growing Neural Gas and Generalized Gradient Vector Flow in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* On the Design and Implementation of a High Performance Configurable Architecture for Testor Identification
* On the Processing of Fuzzy Patterns for Text Independent Phonetic Speech Segmentation
* ORIENT-CAM, A Camera That Knows Its Orientation and Some Applications
* Orientation Invariant Features for Multiclass Object Recognition
* Oscillating Feature Subset Search Algorithm for Text Categorization
* Pixel-Wise Histograms for Visual Segment Description and Applications
* Practical Considerations for Real-Time Implementation of Speech-Based Gender Detection
* Probabilistic Approach to Build 2D Line Based Maps from Laser Scans in Indoor Environments, A
* Probabilistic Shot Boundary Detection Using Interframe Histogram Differences
* Proposal for a Unified Methodology for Evaluating Supervised and Non-supervised Classification Algorithms
* RLS Filter for Nonuniformity and Ghosting Correction of Infrared Image Sequences, A
* Robust Region Based Level Set Framework for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* Robustness Analysis of the Neural Gas Learning Algorithm
* Satellite Tracks Removal in Astronomical Images
* Search Method of Time Sensitive Frequent Itemsets in Data Streams
* Selecting Objects for ALVOT
* Simultaneous Features and Objects Selection for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Skeletonization of Digital Objects
* Smoothing Segmented Lung Boundary in Chest CT Images Using Scan Line Search
* Spatial Data Description by Means of Knowledge-Based System
* Spectral Median Graphs Applied to Graphical Symbol Recognition
* Statistical Recursive Filtering Estimation of Detector Offset Nonuniformity in Infrared Imaging Systems
* Support Vector Machine with External Recurrences for Modeling Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation
* System Classification by Using Discriminant Functions of Time-Frequency Features
* Texture Features and Segmentation Based on Multifractal Approach
* Theoretical Comparison of Two Linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques, A
* Time Series Pattern Recognition Based on MAP Transform and Local Trend Associations
* Training of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks by Using Cellular Genetic Algorithms
* Two Step Ant Colony System to Solve the Feature Selection Problem
101 for CIARP06

CIARP07 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* ACONS: A New Algorithm for Clustering Documents
* Adaptive ECG Compression Using Support Vector Machine
* Algorithm for Foreground-Background Separation in Low Quality Patrimonial Document Images, An
* Analysis of Automatic Gender Classification, An
* Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images
* Automatic Image Annotation Using a Semi-supervised Ensemble of Classifiers
* Bagging with Asymmetric Costs for Misclassified and Correctly Classified Examples
* Bayesian Detection of Coding Regions in DNA/RNA Sequences Through Event Factoring
* Bayesian Edge Regularization in Range Image Segmentation
* Biometric Recognition: Overview and Recent Advances
* Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on a Suitable Combination of Deformable Models and Artificial Neural Networks Techniques
* Certainty Measure of Pairwise Line Segment Perceptual Relations Using Fuzzy Logic
* Channel/Handset Mismatch Evaluation in a Biometric Speaker Verification Using Shifted Delta Cepstral Features
* Coding Region Prediction in Genomic Sequences Using a Combination of Digital Signal Processing Approaches
* Computing the Eccentricity Transform of a Polygonal Shape
* Conditional Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Classification Task
* Conformal Geometric Algebra for Endoscope-Traking System Calibration in Neurosurgery
* Confusion Matrix Disagreement for Multiple Classifiers
* Coregistration of Small Animal PET and Autoradiography for in vivo-ex vivo Comparison
* CT-EXT: An Algorithm for Computing Typical Testor Set
* Cyclostationary Analysis Applied to Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Helicopter Gearboxes, A
* Deterministic Component of 2-D Wold Decomposition for Geometry and Texture Descriptors Discovery
* Distribution-Based Semantic Similarity of Nouns
* Dynamic Penalty Based GA for Inducing Fuzzy Inference Systems
* Echocardiographic Image Sequence Compression Based on Spatial Active Appearance Model
* Edge Detection in Ventriculograms Using Support Vector Machine Classifiers and Deformable Models
* Efficient Rotation-Discriminative Template Matching
* Empirical Study of the Behavior of Classifiers on Imbalanced and Overlapped Data Sets, An
* European Portuguese Accent in Acoustic Models for Non-native English Speakers
* Evaluating a Zoning Mechanism and Class-Modular Architecture for Handwritten Characters Recognition
* Evaluation of Video Cut Detection Techniques, An
* EZW-Based Image Compression with Omission and Restoration of Wavelet Subbands
* Face Recognition Using Some Aspects of the Infant Vision System and Associative Memories
* Family of Novel Graph Kernels for Structural Pattern Recognition, A
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure
* Formal Distance vs. Association Strength in Text Processing
* FS-EX Plus: A New Algorithm for the Calculation of Typical FS-Testor Set
* Fully Automatic and Robust Approach for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Fuzzy Spatial Growing for Glioblastoma Multiforme Segmentation on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Fuzzy Vector Directional Filters for Multichannel Image Denoising
* Generalizing Dissimilarity Representations Using Feature Lines
* Graph Cuts Approach to MRF Based Linear Feature Extraction in Satellite Images
* Human Detection in Indoor Environments Using Multiple Visual Cues and a Mobile Robot
* Image Segmentation Using Automatic Seeded Region Growing and Instance-Based Learning
* Incremental Multiple Sequence Alignment
* Infected Cell Identification in Thin Blood Images Based on Color Pixel Classification: Comparison and Analysis
* Information Extraction and Classification from Free Text Using a Neural Approach
* Joint Diagonalization of Kernels for Information Fusion
* Learning in Computer Vision: Some Thoughts
* Lung Structure Classification Using 3D Geometric Measurements and SVM
* Mass Spectrometry Based Cancer Classification Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimensions
* Median M-Type Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Method for Estimating Authentication Performance over Time, with Applications to Face Biometrics, A
* Method for Segmentation of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Mixed Data Object Selection Based on Clustering and Border Objects
* Model-Based Correlation Measure for Nonuniformity Gain and Offset Parameters of Infrared Focal-Plane-Array Sensors
* Modification of the Growing Neural Gas Algorithm for Cluster Analysis
* Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles Using Support Vector Machines
* Morphological Distinguished Regions
* MP-Polynomial Kernel for Training Support Vector Machines
* Multi-class Binary Object Categorization Using Blurred Shape Models
* Multiple Assessment for Multiple Users in Virtual Reality Training Environments
* Multiple Substructure Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification, A
* New Algorithm for Training Multi-layered Morphological Networks, A
* New Algorithm to Compute the Distance Between Multi-dimensional Histograms, A
* New Approach for Cervical Vertebrae Segmentation, A
* Noise Pattern Recognition of Airplanes Taking Off: Task for a Monitoring System
* Novel Hybrid Taguchi-Grey-Based Method for Feature Subset Selection, A
* Object Selection Based on Subclass Error Correcting for ALVOT
* On Using a Pre-clustering Technique to Optimize LDA-Based Classifiers for Appearance-Based Face Recognition
* Phone-Segments Based Language Identification for Spanish, Basque and English
* Precise Electrical Disturbance Generator for Neural Network Training with Real Level Output, A
* Quality Controlled Multimodal Fusion of Biometric Experts
* Range and Intensity Vision for Rock-Scene Segmentation
* Restoration of Double-Sided Ancient Music Documents with Bleed-Through
* Robust Alternating AdaBoost
* Robust Color Contour Object Detection Invariant to Shadows
* Robust Feature Descriptors for Efficient Vision-Based Tracking
* Robust Industrial Machine Sounds Identification Based on Frequency Spectrum Analysis
* Robust Local Localization of a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments Using Virtual Corners
* Segment-Based Classes for Language Modeling Within the Field of CSR
* Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Diagnostic, A
* Set of Methods for Spontaneous ICH Segmentation and Tracking from CT Head Images
* Sigma-Delta Background Subtraction and the Zipf Law
* Smooth Image Surface Approximation by Piecewise Cubic Polynomials
* SSM: A Novel Method to Recognize the Fundamental Frequency in Voice Signals
* Statistical User Simulation Technique for the Improvement of a Spoken Dialog System, A
* Support Vector Regression Methods for Functional Data
* Surface-Normal Estimation with Neighborhood Reorganization for 3D Reconstruction
* System Biology Approach for the Steady-State Analysis of Gene Signaling Networks, A
* TextLec: A Novel Method of Segmentation by Topic Using Lower Windows and Lexical Cohesion
* Texture Classification Through Combination of Sequential Colour Texture Classifiers
* Towards Automatic Generation of Conceptual Interpretation of Clustering
* Two-Stage ACO to Solve the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
* Unified Neural Network Based Pathologic Event Reconstruction Using Spatial Heart Model
* Using Adaptive Filter to Increase Automatic Speech Recognition Rate in a Digit Corpus
* Using Typical Testors for Feature Selection in Text Categorization
* Video Analysis Via Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis for Facial Gender Classification
100 for CIARP07

CIARP08 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Generalized Vector Median Filter
* Alpha-Beta Weightless Neural Networks
* Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality Data with the Gamma Classifier
* Analyzing Classifier Hierarchy Multiclassifier Learning
* Applying SIFT Descriptors to Stellar Image Matching
* Automatic Polyphonic Music Composition Using the EMILE and ABL Grammar Inductors
* Best-Shot Selection for Video Face Recognition Using FPGA
* Building and Assessing a Constrained Clustering Hierarchical Algorithm
* Calculating the Number of Tunnels
* Chernoff-Based Multi-class Pairwise Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Classifier Ensemble Generation for the Majority Vote Rule
* Cluster Stability Assessment Based on Theoretic Information Measures
* Comparative Study of Several Phonotactic-Based Approaches to Spanish-Basque Language Identification
* Comparison of Pixel and Subpixel Retinal Vessel Tree Segmentation Using a Deformable Contour Model
* Computational Model for Aircraft's Takeoffs Pattern Recognition
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System to Detect Breast Cancer Pathological Lesions
* Constrained Interpolation with Implicit Plane Cubic A-Splines
* Contour Tracking When Two Gray-Level Discontinuities Are Close to Each Other
* Correlation Filters for Pattern Recognition Using a Noisy Reference
* Correlation-Based Distance Function for Nearest Neighbor Classification, A
* Delineating Homology Generators in Graph Pyramids
* Detection and Tracking of Coronal Mass Ejections
* Dialog Management Methodology Based on Neural Networks and Its Application to Different Domains, A
* Differential Betweenness in Complex Networks Clustering
* Digital Image Colorization Based on Probabilistic Distance Transform
* Empirical Study for the Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Neural Networks, An
* Enhanced Accessory Pathway Localization Method for Efficient Treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, An
* Ensemble Approaches to Facial Action Unit Classification
* Evaluation of Lineal Relation between Shifted Delta Cepstral Features and Prosodic Features in Speaker Verification
* Extended Recursive Filtering Estimation of Detector Offset Nonuniformity in Infrared Imaging Systems
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure and Approximating-Eliminating
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Associative Memories, A
* Feature Selection through Dynamic Mesh Optimization
* Fingerprint Verification Using Local Interest Points and Descriptors
* Functional Learning of Kernels for Information Fusion Purposes
* Gait Recognition Based on Silhouette, Contour and Classifier Ensembles
* GeCiM: A Novel Generalized Approach to C-Means Clustering
* Handwritten Digit Classification Based on Alpha-Beta Associative Model
* Hermite Transform: An Alternative Image Representation Model for Iris Recognition, The
* Hetero-Associative Memories for Voice Signal and Image Processing
* Hierarchical Star Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Document Collections
* How Do Superpixels Affect Image Segmentation?
* Identification of More Characteristic Dynamic Patterns in a WWTP by CIBRxE
* Integral Operators for Computing Homology Generators at Any Dimension
* Joint Coding of Multiple H.264 Video Programs
* Joint Freehand Ultrasound and Endoscopic Reconstruction of Brain Tumors
* Learning and Forgetting with Local Information of New Objects
* Lip-Reading Technique Using Spatio-Temporal Templates and Support Vector Machines
* Matrix-Based Secret Sharing Scheme for Images, A
* Measuring Shape Circularity
* Measuring the Related Properties of Linearity and Elongation of Point Sets
* Mining Frequent Similar Patterns on Mixed Data
* Modelling of Behavioural Patterns for Abnormality Detection in the Context of Lifestyle Reassurance
* Multiclass Adaboost and Coupled Classifiers for Object Detection
* Multiscale Morphological Image Simplification
* Musical Style Identification with n-Grams and Neural Networks
* New Approach to Analyse Neighbourhood Relations in 2D Polygonal Networks, A
* New Combination of Local Appearance Based Methods for Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions, A
* New Document Clustering Algorithm for Topic Discovering and Labeling, A
* Novel Incremental Algorithm for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Dynamic Datasets, A
* Offline Signature Verification Using Local Interest Points and Descriptors
* On Medial Representations
* On Optimizing Subclass Discriminant Analysis Using a Pre-clustering Technique
* On the Complementarity of Face Parts for Gender Recognition
* On Using Dimensionality Reduction Schemes to Optimize Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers
* Optimal Wavelet Filters Selection for Ultrasound and Mammography Compression
* Pattern Recognition Methods for Querying and Browsing Technical Documentation
* Peer Group Filter for Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Images
* Perceptually Motivated Shape Evolution with Shape-Preserving Property
* Pose Estimation for Sensors Which Capture Cylindric Panoramas
* Probabilistic Discrete Mixtures Colour Texture Models
* Prototype Selection Via Prototype Relevance
* Radar Recognition through Statistical Classification of Cellular Emission in the Moment Space
* Reconstruction of Dysphonic Speech by MELP
* Recursive Shape and Pose Determination Using Deformable Model
* Representing Functional Data Using Support Vector Machines
* Scenario Discovery Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Selecting Features and Objects for Mixed and Incomplete Data
* Selection of the Best Wavelet Packet Nodes Based on Mutual Information for Speaker Identification
* Self-Organizing Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
* Simple and Effective Method of Color Image Quantization, A
* Single Sound Source SLAM
* Spectral Characterization of Volcanic Earthquakes at Nevado del Ruiz Volcano Using Spectral Band Selection/Extraction Techniques
* Structural Construction for On-Line Mathematical Formulae Recognition
* Subdivision Curves on Surfaces and Applications
* Supervised Isomap with Dissimilarity Measures in Embedding Learning
* Thorough Analysis of the Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, A
* Thresholded Learning Matrix for Efficient Pattern Recalling
* Towards an Illumination-Based 3D Active Appearance Model for Fast Face Alignment
* Unsupervised Learning of Saliency Concepts for Natural Image Classification and Retrieval
* Using dynamic time warping of T0 contours in the evaluation of cycle-to-cycle Pitch Detection Algorithms
* Using the alpha-beta-Neighborhood for Adaptive Document Filtering
* Vector Median M-Type L Filter to Process Multichannel Images
* Video Object Segmentation Using Graphs
* Weighted Cluster Ensemble Using a Kernel Consensus Function
96 for CIARP08

CIARP09 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* 3D and Appearance Modeling from Images
* Advances in Rotation-Invariant Texture Analysis
* Airway Tree Segmentation from CT Scans Using Gradient-Guided 3D Region Growing
* Analysis of Non-Local Image Denoising Methods
* Analysis of the GRNs Inference by Using Tsallis Entropy and a Feature Selection Approach
* Automatic Choice of the Number of Nearest Neighbors in Locally Linear Embedding
* Binarization Method for a Scenery Image with the Fractal Dimension, A
* BR: A New Method for Computing All Typical Testors
* Brief Index for Proximity Searching, A
* Challenges and Opportunities for Extracting Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers from Imaging Data
* Characterisation of Feature Points in Eye Fundus Images
* Circular Degree Hough Transform
* Classifier Selection in a Family of Polyhedron Classifiers
* Clustering Ensemble Method for Heterogeneous Partitions
* Coding Long Contour Shapes of Binary Objects
* Color Image Registration under Illumination Changes
* Combine-Correct-Combine Scheme for Optimizing Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers, A
* Combining Appearance and Range Based Information for Multi-class Generic Object Recognition
* Combining Functional Data Projections for Time Series Classification
* Compression and Key Feature Extraction for Video Transmission
* Computer-Assisted Colorization Approach Based on Efficient Belief Propagation and Graph Matching, A
* Computing the Weights of Polynomial Cellular Neural Networks Using Quadratic Programming
* Correlation Pattern Recognition in Nonoverlapping Scene Using a Noisy Reference
* Dealing with Inaccurate Face Detection for Automatic Gender Recognition with Partially Occluded Faces
* Dexterous Cooperative Manipulation with Redundant Robot Arms
* Discrete Integral Sliding Mode Control in Visual Object Tracking Using Differential Kinematics
* Distributed and Collective Approach for Curved Object-Based Range Image Segmentation, A
* Dynamic Image Segmentation Method Using Hierarchical Clustering
* Enhanced Probabilistic Neural Network Approach Applied to Text Classification, An
* Expanding Irregular Graph Pyramid for an Approaching Object
* Experimental Assessment of Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking Methods
* Fast Pattern Classification of Ventricular Arrhythmias Using Graphics Processing Units
* Fast Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Active Contours Model Driven by Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
* Feature Selection Based on Information Theory for Speaker Verification
* Filter Banks for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification of Satellite Images
* Finding Images with Similar Lighting Conditions in Large Photo Collections
* Finding Small Consistent Subset for the Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Support Graphs
* Functional Feature Selection by Weighted Projections in Pathological Voice Detection
* Fuzzy Feature-Based Upper Body Tracking with IP PTZ Camera Control
* Fuzzy Segmentation Method for Images of Heat-Emitting Objects, A
* Generating Video Textures by PPCA and Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* Geometric Approach to Hole Segmentation and Hole Closing in 3D Volumetric Objects
* Getting Topological Information for a 80-Adjacency Doxel-Based 4D Volume through a Polytopal Cell Complex
* Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Images
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Multi-view Analysis
* Hardware Architecture for SIFT Candidate Keypoints Detection, A
* Homological Computation Using Spanning Trees
* Image Authentication Scheme Based on Self-embedding Watermarking
* Image Characterization from Statistical Reduction of Local Patterns
* Imaging Architecture Based on Derivative Estimation Sensors, An
* Implementation of Three Text to Speech Systems for Kurdish Language
* Improved Online Support Vector Machines Spam Filtering Using String Kernels
* Improving Fingerprint Matching Using an Orientation-Based Minutia Descriptor
* Improving Recurrent CSVM Performance for Robot Navigation on Discrete Labyrinths
* Incorporating Linguistic Information to Statistical Word-Level Alignment
* Intelligent Experiment Design-Based Virtual Remote Sensing Laboratory
* Isolate Speech Recognition Based on Time-Frequency Analysis Methods
* K-Medoids-Based Random Biometric Pattern for Cryptographic Key Generation
* Landmark Real-Time Recognition and Positioning for Pedestrian Navigation
* Leaks Detection in a Pipeline Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Learning an Efficient Texture Model by Supervised Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Methods
* Learning Co-relations of Plausible Verb Arguments with a WSM and a Distributional Thesaurus
* Learning Relational Grammars from Sequences of Actions
* Machine Learning and Geometric Technique for SLAM
* Measuring Cubeness of 3D Shapes
* Minimum Variance Gain Nonuniformity Estimation in Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensors
* Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition
* Movement Detection and Tracking Using Video Frames
* Multi-class Kernel Alignment Method for Image Collection Summarization, A
* Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy and Wavelet Transform
* Multi-level Learning and Classification of Multi-class Parts-Based Representations of U.S. Marine Postures, The
* Multimodal Algorithm for Iris Recognition with Local Topological Descriptors
* Near Real Time Enhancement of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on a Network of Systolic Arrays
* Neural Network Ensembles from Training Set Expansions
* Neurocontroller for Power Electronics-Based Devices
* New Incremental Algorithm for Overlapped Clustering, A
* New Segmentation Approach for Old Fractured Pieces, A
* New Steganography Based on L2 Technic, A
* New Unsupervised Learning for Clustering Using Geometric Associative Memories, A
* Novel Approach to Robust Background Subtraction, A
* Object Contour Tracking Using Foreground and Background Distribution Matching
* On Environmental Model-Based Visual Perception for Humanoids
* On the Computation of the Common Labelling of a Set of Attributed Graphs
* Optimizations and Performance of a Robotics Grasping Algorithm Described in Geometric Algebra
* Optimizing Classification Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Imagery with DT-CWT Fused Images
* Particle Swarm Model Selection for Authorship Verification
* Pigmented Skin Lesions Classification Using Dermatoscopic Images
* Prediction of Sequential Values for Debt Recovery
* Processing of Microarray Images
* Pulse Coupled Neural Networks for Automatic Urban Change Detection at Very High Spatial Resolution
* Randomized Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for Scene Recognition
* Rapidly Trainable and Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection System, A
* Real Time Hot Spot Detection Using FPGA
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
* Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus Perseae in Avocado Leaves
* Representation of Chemical Spectral Data for Classification, The
* Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid
* Robot Command Interface Using an Audio-Visual Speech Recognition System
* Robust Radio Broadcast Monitoring Using a Multi-Band Spectral Entropy Signature
* SAR Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Region Competition under the GHGH Model
* Scene Retrieval of Natural Images
* Segmentation in 2D and 3D Image Using Tissue-Like P System
* Selective Change-Driven Image Processing: A Speeding-Up Strategy
* Self-calibration from Planes Using Differential Evolution
* Semi-supervised Robust Alternating AdaBoost
* Signal Analysis for Assessment and Prediction of the Artificial Habitat in Shrimp Aquaculture
* Simple Method for Eccentric Event Espial Using Mahalanobis Metric, A
* Simple Noise Robust Feature Vector Selection Method for Speaker Recognition
* Simple Sample Consensus Algorithm to Find Multiple Models, A
* SPC without Control Limits and Normality Assumption: A New Method
* Spectral Estimation of Digital Signals by the Orthogonal Kravchenko Wavelets {ha(t)~}
* Speed-Up Hierarchical Compact Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Document Collections, A
* Study on Representations for Face Recognition from Thermal Images, A
* Texture Characterization Using a Curvelet Based Descriptor
* Towards an Iterative Algorithm for the Optimal Boundary Coverage of a 3D Environment
* Two-Dimensional Fast Orthogonal Neural Network for Image Recognition
* Two-Frame Optical Flow Formulation in an Unwarping Multiresolution Scheme
* Unified Experiment Design, Bayesian Minimum Risk and Convex Projection Regularization Method for Enhanced Remote Sensing Imaging
* Unsupervised Object Discovery from Images by Mining Local Features Using Hashing
* Use of Ultrasound and Computer Vision for 3D Reconstruction
* Using Maximum Similarity Graphs to Edit Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Video Denoising by Fuzzy Directional Filter Using the DSP EVM DM642
* Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features
* When Pyramids Learned Walking
* Writer Identification Using Super Paramagnetic Clustering and Spatio Temporal Neural Network
126 for CIARP09

CIARP10 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval from Satellite Observation Using Support Vector Regression
* Assessing the Role of Spatial Relations for the Object Recognition Task
* Assessment of a Modified Version of the EM Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data Classification
* Automatic Image Segmentation Optimized by Bilateral Filtering
* Automatic Representation of Semantic Abstraction of Geographical Data by Means of Classification
* Background Division, A Suitable Technique for Moving Object Detection
* Characterizing 3D Shapes Using Fractal Dimension
* Color Image Segmentation by Means of a Similarity Function
* Color Texture Analysis and Classification: An Agent Approach Based on Partially Self-avoiding Deterministic Walks
* Combination of Classifiers for the Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Basque, A
* Comments on Matrix-Based Secret Sharing Scheme for Images
* Comparative Analysis between Wavelets for the Identification of Pathological Voices
* Comparison of HMM and DTW for Isolated Word Recognition System of Punjabi Language
* Comparison of Shape Descriptors for Mice Behavior Recognition
* Complex Network-Based Approach for Texture Analysis, A
* Computational Illumination
* Concept Formation Using Incremental Gaussian Mixture Models
* Content-Based Emblem Retrieval Using Zernike Moments
* Contrario Detection of False Matches in Iris Recognition, A
* Design of Pattern Classifiers Using Optimum-Path Forest with Applications in Image Analysis
* Detection and Tracking of Driver's Hands in Real Time
* Enhancing Gabor Wavelets Using Volumetric Fractal Dimension
* Experimental Comparison of Orthogonal Moments as Feature Extraction Methods for Character Recognition
* Exploiting Contextual Information for Image Re-ranking
* Fast k-NN Classifier for Documents Based on a Graph Structure
* Feature Extraction Using Circular Statistics Applied to Volcano Monitoring
* Functional Density-Based Nonparametric Approach for Statistical Calibration, A
* Generation of Synthetic Multifractal Realistic Surfaces Based on Natural Model and Lognormal Cascade: Application to MRI Classification
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Fusion System Optimization for 3D Image Interpretation, A
* Graph of Words Embedding for Molecular Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis
* Grid Smoothing: A Graph-Based Approach
* Histopathological Image Classification Using Stain Component Features on a pLSA Model
* Hybrid Face Recognition Approach Using GPUMLib, A
* Hypergraph Reduction Algorithm for Joint Segmentation and Classification of Satellite Image Content, A
* Illumination Invariant Face Image Representation Using Quaternions
* Image Segmentation Using Quadtree-Based Similarity Graph and Normalized Cut
* Imbalanced Problem in Morphological Galaxy Classification, The
* Improving Face Segmentation in Thermograms Using Image Signatures
* Improving the Accuracy of the Optimum-Path Forest Supervised Classifier for Large Datasets
* Improving the Dynamic Hierarchical Compact Clustering Algorithm by Using Feature Selection
* Inference of Restricted Stochastic Boolean GRN's by Bayesian Error and Entropy Based Criteria
* Integrating Phonological Knowledge in ASR Systems for Spanish Language
* Introducing ROC Curves as Error Measure Functions: A New Approach to Train ANN-Based Biomedical Data Classifiers
* Modelling Postures of Human Movements
* Modified Expectation Maximization Algorithm for MRI Segmentation
* Multi-Objective Semi-Supervised Feature Selection and Model Selection Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient
* Multiple Clues for License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Multiresolution Histogram Analysis for Color Reduction
* New Algorithm for Training SVMs Using Approximate Minimal Enclosing Balls, A
* New Dissimilarity Measure for Trajectories with Applications in Anomaly Detection, A
* Non Local Image Denoising Using Image Adapted Neighborhoods
* On Combining Local DCT with Preprocessing Sequence for Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions
* On Improving Dissimilarity-Based Classifications Using a Statistical Similarity Measure
* Overproduce-and-Choose Strategy to Create Classifier Ensembles with Tuned SVM Parameters Applied to Real-World Fault Diagnosis, An
* Pansharpening of High and Medium Resolution Satellite Images Using Bilateral Filtering
* Parameter Estimation for Ridge Detection in Images with Thin Structures
* Partition Selection Approach for Hierarchical Clustering Based on Clustering Ensemble
* Quality Analysis on JPEG 2000 Compressed Leukocyte Images by Means of Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Fixed-Pattern Noise Reduction Methods in Imaging Systems, A
* Quaternion Atomic Function Wavelet for Applications in Image Processing
* Recent Advances in Kernel Machines
* Ridge Linking Using an Adaptive Oriented Mask Applied to Plant Root Images with Thin Structures
* Rotation Invariant Face Recognition Method Based on Complex Network, A
* Self-training for Handwritten Text Line Recognition
* Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm for the All-Distances Support Vector Machine, A
* Soft Computing, f-Granulation and Pattern Recognition
* Speaker Verification in Noisy Environment Using Missing Feature Approach
* Static Video Summarization Method Based on Hierarchical Clustering, A
* Text Segmentation by Clustering Cohesion
* Unified Transition Detection Based on Bipartite Graph Matching Approach, An
* Very Low Bit-Rate Minimalist Video Encoder Based on Matching Pursuits, A
* Vessel Centerline Tracking in CTA and MRA Images Using Hough Transform
* Vision-Based Control of Robot Motion
74 for CIARP10

CIARP11 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Accumulative Points/Votes Based Approach for Feature Selection, An
* Active Learning Approach for Statistical Spoken Language Understanding, An
* Adaptive Color Similarity Function for Color Image Segmentation, An
* Applications of Multilevel Thresholding Algorithms to Transcriptomics Data
* Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters
* Automatic Search of Nursing Diagnoses
* Blotch Detection for Film Restoration
* Classifying Execution Times in Parallel Computing Systems: A Classical Hypothesis Testing Approach
* Color-Aware Local Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition
* De-Ghosting Artifact in Scene-Based Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences
* Deep Learning Networks for Off-Line Handwritten Signature Recognition
* Describing When and Where in Vision
* Dissimilarity Representation for Structural Pattern Recognition, The
* Dissimilarity-Based Classifications in Eigenspaces
* Dynamic Signature Recognition Based on Fisher Discriminant
* Dynamic Zoning Selection for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Efficient 3D Curve Skeleton Extraction from Large Objects
* Efficient Approach to Intensity Inhomogeneity Compensation Using c-Means Clustering Models, An
* Embedded Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
* Encoding Spatial Arrangement of Visual Words
* Ensemble Method for Incremental Classification in Stationary and Non-stationary Environments, An
* Environmental Sounds Classification Based on Visual Features
* Face Recognition Using TOF, LBP and SVM in Thermal Infrared Images
* Fast Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior Descriptor
* Fast Rotation-Invariant Video Caption Detection Based on Visual Rhythm
* Feature and Dissimilarity Representations for the Sound-Based Recognition of Bird Species
* Forecasting Cash Demand in ATM Using Neural Networks and Least Square Support Vector Machine
* Fully Automatic Methodology for Human Action Recognition Incorporating Dynamic Information
* Gray Box Model with an SVM to Represent the Influence of PaCO2 on the Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation
* Hybrid Algorithm for Fingerprint Matching Using Delaunay Triangulation and Local Binary Patterns
* Identification of the Root Canal from Dental Micro-CT Records
* Improvements on Automatic Speech Segmentation at the Phonetic Level
* Improving Persian Text Classification Using Persian Thesaurus
* Improving Tracking Algorithms Using Saliency
* Infrared Focal Plane Array Imaging System Characterization by Means of a Blackbody Radiator
* Language Modelization and Categorization for Voice-Activated QA
* Local Quality Method for the Iris Image Pattern
* Local Response Context Applied to Pedestrian Detection
* Markov Random Field Model for Combining Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers Using Decision Graphs and Game Strategy Approach, A
* Measure for Accuracy Disparity Maps Evaluation, A
* Micro-Doppler Classification for Ground Surveillance Radar Using Speech Recognition Tools
* Minority Class Feature Selection Method, A
* Mixing Hierarchical Contexts for Object Recognition
* Modeling Distance Nonlinearity in ToF Cameras and Correction Based on Integration Time Offsets
* Morphology Based Spatial Relationships between Local Primitives in Line Drawings
* Multi-level Thresholding-Based Method to Learn Fuzzy Membership Functions from Data Warehouse, A
* Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation, A
* Multimodal Schizophrenia Detection by Multiclassification Analysis
* Multiple Manifold Learning by Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* New Approach for Wet Blue Leather Defect Segmentation, A
* New Asymmetric Criterion for Cluster Validation, A
* New Clustering Algorithm Based on K-Means Using a Line Segment as Prototype, A
* New Distributed Approach for Range Image Segmentation, A
* New Method for Olive Fruits Recognition, A
* New Prior Shape Model for Level Set Segmentation, A
* New Results on Minimum Error Entropy Decision Trees
* NURBS Skeleton: A New Shape Representation Scheme Using Skeletonization and NURBS Curves Modeling
* Objective Comparison of Contour Detection in Noisy Images
* On the Computation of the Geodesic Distance with an Application to Dimensionality Reduction in a Neuro-Oncology Problem
* On the Flame Spectrum Recovery by Using a Low-Spectral Resolution Sensor
* On the Importance of Multi-dimensional Information in Gender Estimation from Face Images
* Online Signature Verification Method Based on the Acceleration Signals of Handwriting Samples
* Pattern Classification Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Enhanced with the Rvachev Function Method
* Probabilistic Iterative Local Search Algorithm Applied to Full Model Selection, A
* Quaternion Correlation Filters for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
* Rapid Cut Detection on Compressed Video
* Reliable Atrial Activity Extraction from ECG Atrial Fibrillation Signals
* Scalable Heuristic Classifier for Huge Datasets: A Theoretical Approach, A
* Section-Wise Similarities for Classification of Subjective-Data on Time Series
* Segmentation of Short Association Bundles in Massive Tractography Datasets Using a Multi-subject Bundle Atlas
* Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Recognition Systems
* Semi-supervised Classification by Probabilistic Relaxation
* Semi-supervised Constrained Clustering with Cluster Outlier Filtering
* Sentiment-Preserving Reduction for Social Media Analysis
* Some Imputation Algorithms for Restoration of Missing Data
* Spectral Model for Fixed-Pattern-Noise in Infrared Focal-Plane Arrays
* Study on Automatic Methods Based on Mathematical Morphology for Martian Dust Devil Tracks Detection, A
* Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Segmentation in Whole-Body MRI of Children
* Teaching a Robot to Perform Task through Imitation and On-line Feedback
* Thermal Noise Estimation and Removal in MRI: A Noise Cancellation Approach
* Unsupervised Fingerprint Segmentation Based on Multiscale Directional Information
* Using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing Algorithm for Accurate Text Localization in Images
* Virus Texture Analysis Using Local Binary Patterns and Radial Density Profiles
* Wavelet Autoregressive Model for Monthly Sardines Catches Forecasting Off Central Southern Chile
85 for CIARP11

CIARP12 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Algorithm for Highlights Identification and Summarization of Broadcast Soccer Videos, An
* Analysis of the Multifractal Nature of Speech Signals
* Automatic Camera Pose Recognition in Planar View Scenarios
* Automatic Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes in HMM-Induced Vector Spaces
* Automatic Design of Binary W-operators Using Artificial Feed-forward Neural Networks Based on the Weighted Mean Square Error Cost Function
* Automatic Segmentation Approach of Epithelial Cells Nuclei, An
* Bag of Features for Automatic Classification of Alzheimer's Disease in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Beam-search Formant Tracking Algorithm Based on Trajectory Functions for Continuous Speech
* Bubble Identification Based on High Speed Videometry Data: Algorithm and Validation
* Building Change Detection from Uniform Regions
* CAR-NF+: An Improved Version of CAR-NF Classifier
* Classifier Combination Using Random Walks on the Space of Concepts
* Clustering of Incomplete Data and Evaluation of Clustering Quality
* Combining Face and Facial Feature Detectors for Face Detection Performance Improvement
* Combining Re-Ranking and Rank Aggregation Methods
* Concealing Damaged Coded Images Using Improved FSE with Critical Support Area
* Continuous Multi-way Shape Measure for Dissimilarity Representation
* Detection of Chickenpox Vesicles in Digital Images of Skin Lesions
* Disparity Confidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data
* Dissimilarity Representations Based on Multi-Block LBP for Face Detection
* Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU
* Early Visual Processing for Pattern Recognition in Natural Environments
* Enhancing the Performance of Adaboost Algorithms by Introducing a Frequency Counting Factor for Weight Distribution Updating
* Evaluation and Selection of Morphological Procedures for Automatic Detection of Micro-calcifications in Mammography Images
* Extracting Understandable 3D Object Groups with Multiple Similarity Metrics
* Extraction of Stationary Spectral Components Using Stochastic Variability
* Face Recognition: Would Going Back to Functional Nature Be a Good Idea?
* Facilitated Gesture Recognition Based Interfaces for People with Upper Extremity Physical Impairments
* Fast Non-parametric Action Recognition
* Fast Tracking Algorithm with Borders 1-D Histogram Correlation
* Feature Extraction and Classification for Insect Footprint Recognition
* Feature Selection by Relevance Analysis for Abandoned Object Classification
* Finding Edges by a Contrario Detection of Periodic Subsequences
* Finite Rank Series Modeling for Discrimination of Non-stationary Signals
* Fusion of Local and Global Descriptors for Content-based Image and Video Retrieval
* Gaussian Selection for Speaker Recognition Using Cumulative Vectors
* Gender Classification in Large Databases
* Generalized Statistical Complexity of SAR Imagery
* Hardware/software Co-design for Real Time Embedded Image Processing: A Case Study
* Hierarchical Elastic Graph Matching for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Hierarchies and Climbing Energies
* Human Activity Recognition by Class Label LLE
* Human Activity Recognition with 2d and 3d Cameras
* Human Gait Identification Using Persistent Homology
* Human Relative Position Detection Based on Mutual Occlusion
* Human-computer Interface Using Facial Gestures for the Game of Truco, An
* Hybrid of Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares for Face Recognition across Pose, A
* Image Classification Using Frequent Approximate Subgraphs
* Image Retrieval Using Low Level Features of Object Regions with Application to Partially Occluded Images
* Improved HSI Color Space for Color Image Segmentation
* Improved Multi-class Spectral Clustering Based on Normalized Cuts, An
* Improving Convergence of Restricted Boltzmann Machines via a Learning Adaptive Step Size
* Improving Spider Recognition Based on Biometric Web Analysis
* Infant Cry Classification Using Genetic Selection of a Fuzzy Model
* Intention, Context and Gesture Recognition for Sterile MRI Navigation in the Operating Room
* Intrinsic Dimensionality of Attractiveness: A Study in Face Profiles, The
* Introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines, An
* Legume Identification by Leaf Vein Images Classification
* Method for Reducing the Cardinality of the Pareto Front, A
* Modification of the Lernmatrix for Real Valued Data Processing, A
* Motor Intention Recognition in EEG: In Pursuit of a Relevant Feature Set
* Multi-level Modeling of Manuscripts for Authorship Identification with Collective Decision Systems
* Nested Dichotomies Based on Clustering
* New Classifier Combination Scheme Using Clustering Ensemble, A
* New Metrics to Evaluate Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* New Morphological Measure of Histogram Bimodality, A
* New Strategies for Evaluating the Performance of Typical Testor Algorithms
* Non Bayesian Predictive Approach for Functional Calibration, A
* Object and Gesture Recognition to Assist Children with Autism during the Discrimination Training
* On Speeding up Frequent Approximate Subgraph Mining
* On the Comparison of Structured Data
* On the Robustness of Kernel-based Clustering
* On the Vulnerability of Iris-based Systems to a Software Attack Based on a Genetic Algorithm
* On Using Asymmetry Information for Classification in Extended Dissimilarity Spaces
* Online Matrix Factorization for Multimodal Image Retrieval
* Online Signature Verification Based on Legendre Series Representation. Consistency Analysis of Different Feature Combinations
* Optimal anti-bayesian Parametric Pattern Classification Using Order Statistics Criteria
* Pattern Recognition in Transportation
* Pedestrian Detection Using a Feature Space Based on Colored Level Lines
* Performance Evaluation of HMM and DTW for Gesture Recognition, A
* Polarimetric SAR Image Smoothing with Stochastic Distances
* Quaternionic Analytic Signal Using Atomic Functions
* Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images
* Real-time On-board Image Processing Using an Embedded GPU for Monocular Vision-based Navigation
* Recognition and Real-time Detection of Blinking Eyes on Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform
* Recognition of Patterns of Health Problems and Falls in the Elderly Using Data Mining
* Robot, Pass Me the Scissors! How Robots Can Assist Us in the Operating Room
* Robust Asymmetric Adaboost
* Segmentation of Building Facade Domes
* Semantic Representation of Geospatial Objects Using Multiples Knowledge Domains
* Separation and Classification of Harmonic Sounds for Singing Voice Detection
* Significative Learning Using Alpha-beta Associative Memories
* Simple Hybrid Method for Semi-supervised Learning, A
* Sketchable Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object Detection
* Skills Assessment of Users in Medical Training Based on Virtual Reality Using Bayesian Networks
* Smooth Signed Distance Surface Reconstruction and Applications
* Speaker Recognition Using a Binary Representation and Specificities Models
* Speckle Reduction Using Stochastic Distances
* Speed Estimation Thanks to Two Images from One Stationary Camera
* Stochastic Approaches of Minimum Distance Method for Region Based Classification
* Stop: Space-time Occupancy Patterns for 3d Action Recognition from Depth Map Sequences
* Street Detection with Asymmetric Haar Features
* Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme
* SVMTOCP: A Binary Tree Base SVM Approach through Optimal Multi-class Binarization
* Texture Image Retrieval Based on Log-Gabor Features
* Using Rough Sets and Maximum Similarity Graphs for Nearest Prototype Classification
* Using Word Graphs as Intermediate Representation of Uttered Sentences
* Vector Transition Classes Generation from Fuzzy Overlapping Classes
* Wavelet-FFT Filter Applied to Non Uniformity Correction in Infrared Imaging System
110 for CIARP12

CIARP13 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Accuracy to Differentiate Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Using Cortical Features
* Adaptive H-Extrema for Automatic Immunogold Particle Detection
* Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification
* Analysis of Dynamic Processes by Statistical Moments of High Orders
* Ants Crawling to Discover the Community Structure in Networks
* Arabic Optical Character Recognition System Using Restricted Boltzmann Machines, An
* Are Haar-Like Rectangular Features for Biometric Recognition Reducible?
* Astronomical Image Data Reduction for Moving Object Detection
* Auto-encoder Based Data Clustering
* Automatic Annotation of Medical Records in Spanish with Disease, Drug and Substance Names
* Automatic Graph Building Approach for Spectral Clustering
* Automatic Verification of Parent-Child Pairs from Face Images
* Benchmarking Datasets for Breast Cancer Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx)
* Bi-clustering via MDL-Based Matrix Factorization
* Biologically Inspired Anomaly Detection in Pap-Smear Images
* Boruvka Meets Nearest Neighbors
* Bus Detection for Intelligent Transport Systems Using Computer Vision
* Cervical Cell Classification Using Features Related to Morphometry and Texture of Nuclei
* CICE-BCubed: A New Evaluation Measure for Overlapping Clustering Algorithms
* Cleaning Up Multiple Detections Caused by Sliding Window Based Object Detectors
* Combining Texture and Shape Descriptors for Bioimages Classification: A Case of Study in ImageCLEF Dataset
* Comparing Binary Iris Biometric Templates Based on Counting Bloom Filters
* Comparing Quality Measures for Contrast Pattern Classifiers
* Comparison of Different Classifiers Architectures for Electrocardiogram Artefacts Recognition, A
* Comparison of Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Methods to Control an Upper Limb Active Exoskeleton, A
* Conformal Hough Transform for 2D and 3D Cloud Points
* Constraint Acquisition Method for Data Clustering, A
* Crack's Detection, Measuring and Counting for Resistance's Tests Using Images
* Current Trends in the Algebraic Image Analysis: A Survey
* CWMA: Circular Window Matching Algorithm
* Decomposing and Sketching 3D Objects by Curve Skeleton Processing
* Deletion Rules for Equivalent Sequential and Parallel Reductions
* Detection of Periodic Signals in Noise Based on Higher-Order Statistics Joined to Convolution Process and Spectral Analysis
* Differential Method for Representing Spinal MRI for Perceptual-CBIR, A
* Directional Convexity Measure for Binary Tomography
* Distance Transform Separable by Mathematical Morphology in GPU
* Dominant Set Approach to ECG Biometrics
* Drug Activity Characterization Using One-Class Support Vector Machines with Counterexamples
* Dynamic K: A Novel Satisfaction Mechanism for CAR-Based Classifiers
* Easy Categorization of Attributes in Decision Tables Based on Basic Binary Discernibility Matrix
* Empirical Study of Oversampling and Undersampling for Instance Selection Methods on Imbalance Datasets, An
* Encoding Classes of Unaligned Objects Using Structural Similarity Cross-Covariance Tensors
* Estimation of Single-Gaussian and Gaussian Mixture Models for Pattern Recognition
* Evolutionary Optimisation of JPEG2000 Part 2 Wavelet Packet Structures for Polar Iris Image Compression
* Extreme Learning Classifier with Deep Concepts
* Facial Landmarks Detection Using Extended Profile LBP-Based Active Shape Models
* Feature Set Decomposition Method for the Construction of Multi-classifier Systems Trained with High-Dimensional Data, A
* Feature Space Reduction for Graph-Based Image Classification
* Fusion of Facial Regions Using Color Information in a Forensic Scenario
* Fusion of Iris Segmentation Results
* Fusion of Multi-biometric Recognition Results by Representing Score and Reliability as a Complex Number
* Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Persistent Homology
* Gaussian Segmentation and Tokenization for Low Cost Language Identification
* Genetic Algorithm-Evolved 3D Point Cloud Descriptor, A
* Genetic Programming of Heterogeneous Ensembles for Classification
* GPU Based Implementation of Film Flicker Reduction Algorithms
* Green Coverage Detection on Sub-orbital Plantation Images Using Anomaly Detection
* Hand-Raising Gesture Detection with Lienhart-Maydt Method in Videoconference and Distance Learning
* Hierarchical Models for Rescoring Graphs vs. Full Integration
* High Throughput Signature Based Platform for Network Intrusion Detection
* Histogram-Based Approach to Mathematical Line Segmentation, A
* Identify the Benefits of the Different Steps in an i-Vector Based Speaker Verification System
* Identifying Loose Connective and Muscle Tissues on Histology Images
* Image Segmentation Using Active Contours and Evidential Distance
* Implementation of Non Local Means Filter in GPUs
* Improvements to the HNR Estimation Based-on Generalized Variogram
* Improving Dysarthria Classification by Pattern Recognition Techniques Based on a Bionic Model
* Improving Gender Classification Accuracy in the Wild
* Improving Image Segmentation for Boosting Image Annotation with Irregular Pyramids
* Improving the Efficiency of MECoMaP: A Protein Residue-Residue Contact Predictor
* Iris-Biometric Fuzzy Commitment Schemes under Image Compression
* Kernel Spectral Clustering for Dynamic Data
* Large Scale Image Indexing Using Online Non-negative Semantic Embedding
* Learning Stability Features on Sigmoid Fuzzy Cognitive Maps through a Swarm Intelligence Approach
* Managing Imbalanced Data Sets in Multi-label Problems: A Case Study with the SMOTE Algorithm
* Meaningful Features for Computerized Detection of Breast Cancer
* Method to Correct Artifacts in Multilead ECG Using Signal Entropy
* Misalignment Identification in Induction Motors Using Orbital Pattern Analysis
* Missing Values in Dissimilarity-Based Classification of Multi-way Data
* Mixed Data Balancing through Compact Sets Based Instance Selection
* MoCap Data Segmentation and Classification Using Kernel Based Multi-channel Analysis
* Motion Estimation from RGB-D Images Using Graph Homomorphism
* Multi-sensor Fusion Using Dempster's Theory of Evidence for Video Segmentation
* Multi-step-ahead, Short-Term Prediction of Wind Speed Using a Fusion Approach
* Multimodal Biometric Fusion: A Study on Vulnerabilities to Indirect Attacks
* Multimodal Bone Cancer Detection Using Fuzzy Classification and Variational Model
* Music Genre Recognition Using Gabor Filters and LPQ Texture Descriptors
* New Approach to Detect Splice-Sites Based on Support Vector Machines and a Genetic Algorithm, A
* New Distance for Data Sets in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Context, A
* New Iris Recognition Approach Based on a Functional Representation, A
* New Penalty Scheme for Optimal Subsequence Bijection
* New Triangular Matching Approach for Latent Palmprint Identification, A
* Non-temporal Approach for Gesture Recognition Using Microsoft Kinect, A
* Novel Right Ventricle Segmentation Approach from Local Spatio-temporal MRI Information, A
* NSGA Based Approach for Content Based Image Retrieval, A
* Object Tracking in Nonuniform Illumination Using Space-Variant Correlation Filters
* Occlusion Handling in Video-Based Augmented Reality Using the Kinect Sensor for Indoor Registration
* On Stopping Rules in Dependency-Aware Feature Ranking
* On the Generalization of the Mahalanobis Distance
* One-Shot DTW-Based Method for Early Gesture Recognition, A
* Online Matrix Factorization for Space Embedding Multilabel Annotation
* Onset and Peak Pattern Recognition on Photoplethysmographic Signals Using Neural Networks
* Oriented Polar Snakes for Phase Contrast Cell Images Segmentation
* Pattern Recognition Systems under Attack
* Performance Profile of Online Training Assessment Based on Virtual Reality:
* Person Re-identification Using Partial Least Squares Appearance Modeling
* Phonetic-Based Approach to Query-by-Example Spoken Term Detection, A
* Polyps Flagging in Virtual Colonoscopy
* Predicting HIV-1 Protease and Reverse Transcriptase Drug Resistance Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
* Qualitative Transfer for Reinforcement Learning with Continuous State and Action Spaces
* Recent Progress on Object Classification and Detection
* Recognising Tabular Mathematical Expressions Using Graph Rewriting
* Reconstruction and Enumeration of hv-Convex Polyominoes with Given Horizontal Projection
* Relative Spatial Weighting of Features for Localizing Parts of Faces
* ReliefF-ML: An Extension of ReliefF Algorithm to Multi-label Learning
* Revisiting LBP-Based Texture Models for Human Action Recognition
* SDALF+C: Augmenting the SDALF Descriptor by Relation-Based Information for Multi-shot Re-identification
* Segmentation Based Urdu Nastalique OCR
* Selecting Features with SVM
* Set Distance Functions for 3D Object Recognition
* Sieve Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Contaminated Non-linear Processes
* Single-Step-Ahead and Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction with Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks
* Speaker Verification Using Accumulative Vectors with Support Vector Machines
* Statistical Analysis of Visual Attentional Patterns for Video Surveillance
* Stopping Criterion for the Mean Shift Iterative Algorithm
* Structural Cues in 2D Tracking: Edge Lengths vs. Barycentric Coordinates
* Study of Electric and Mechanic Properties of the Implanted Artificial Cardiac Tissue Using a Whole Heart Model
* Supervised Classification Using Homogeneous Logical Proportions for Binary and Nominal Features
* Theoretical and Practical Framework for Assessing the Computational Behavior of Typical Testor-Finding Algorithms, A
* Threshold Estimation in Energy-Based Methods for Segmenting Birdsong Recordings
* Towards Cluster-Based Prototype Sets for Classification in the Dissimilarity Space
* Unseen Appliances Identification
* Using Boundary Conditions for Combining Multiple Descriptors in Similarity Based Queries
* Using Graph Theory to Identify Aberrant Hierarchical Patterns in Parkinsonian Brain Networks
* Using Three Reassigned Spectrogram Patches and Log-Gabor Filter for Audio Surveillance Application
* Video Summarization Method Based on Spectral Clustering, A
* Weighted Naďve Bayes Classifiers by Renyi Entropy
* Wide-Angle Lens Distortion Correction Using Division Models
139 for CIARP13

CIARP14 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* 3D Face Recognition by Functional Data Analysis
* 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Shaded Image Using Subspace Crossing Engine
* Adaptive Vehicle License Plate Detection at Higher Matching Degree, An
* Angle Estimation Using Hahn Moments for Image Analysis
* Are Reducts and Typical Testors the Same?
* Artificial Neural Networks for Acoustic Lung Signals Classification
* Assessing Cross-Cut Shredded Document Assembly
* Automated Banknote Identification Method for the Visually Impaired
* Automatic Camera-Screen Localization
* Automatic Classification of Coating Epithelial Tissue
* Automatic Corner Matching in Highly Distorted Images of Zhang's Calibration Pattern
* Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network Training for Solar Radiation Forecasting
* Bio-inspired Aging Model-Particle Swarm Optimization and Geometric Algebra for Structure from Motion
* Color Skin Segmentation Based on Non-linear Distance Metrics
* Combining Wavelet Saliency, Color and DCT Coefficients for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Comments on Randomly Sampled Non Local Means Image Filter
* Comparison between Time-Frequency and Cepstral Feature Representations for the Classification of Seismic-Volcanic Signals, A
* Comparison of Fused Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification, A
* Comparison of Methods to Assess Similarity between Phrases
* Conformal Geometric Method for Voting
* Dairy Cattle Sub-clinical Uterine Disease Diagnosis Using Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Techniques
* Deformable Model to Search Characteristic Facial Points, A
* Detecting Subtle Human-Object Interactions Using Kinect
* Detection of Groups of People in Surveillance Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Clues
* Discriminating Fingerprint Images of Other Images
* Edge-Based Coding Tree Unit Partitioning Strategy in Inter Prediction
* Efficient Overlapping Document Clustering Using GPUs and Multi-core Systems
* Enhanced Fuzzy-Relational Neural Network with Alternative Relational Products
* Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power Spectrum
* Estimation of Cyclostationary Codebooks for Kernel Adaptive Filtering
* Estimations of Clustering Quality via Evaluation of Its Stability
* Evaluating Robustness of Template Matching Algorithms as a Multi-objective Optimisation Problem
* Evaluation of Keypoint Descriptors for Gender Recognition
* Evaluation of Ordered Features for SMS Spam Filtering, The
* Evolutionary Multi-Objective Approach for Prototype Generation and Feature Selection
* Face Detection in Video Using Local Spatio-temporal Representations
* Fast Automatic Detection of Wildlife in Images from Trap Cameras
* Fast Edge Detection in RGB-D Images
* Fast Gabor Filter Approach for Multi-Channel Texture Feature Discrimination, A
* Fast Heuristics for Eliminating Switching Components in Binary Matrices by 0-1 Flips
* Fast Pavement Location Approach for Autonomous Car Navigation, A
* Feature Analysis for Audio Classification
* FPGA Implementation of a NARX Network for Modeling Nonlinear Systems
* From Speech Quality Measures to Speaker Recognition Performance
* Gait-Based Carried Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
* Geometric Indexing for Recognition of Places
* GPUs and Multicore CPUs Implementations of a Static Video Summarization
* Graph Clustering via Inexact Patterns
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Based on Pooling SVM-Classifiers Using Orientation and Concavity Based Features
* How Fashion Talks: Clothing-Region-Based Gender Recognition
* Human Action Classification Using N-Grams Visual Vocabulary
* Hybrid Parallel Cascade Classifier Training for Object Detection
* Introduction to Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization with Some Applications in Pattern Recognition, An
* Kernel-Based Image Representation for Brain MRI Discrimination
* Krawtchouk Moments for Gait Phase Detection
* Large-Scale Micro-Blog Authorship Attribution: Beyond Simple Feature Engineering
* Lattice Based Dendritic Computing: A Biomimetic Approach to ANNs
* Learning Graph-Matching Substitution Costs Based on the Optimality of the Oracle's Correspondence
* Learning Similarities by Accumulating Evidence in a Probabilistic Way
* Linear Time Implementation of k-Means for Multilevel Thresholding of Grayscale Images, A
* Local Binary Pattern Matching for Fast Retina Map Relocalization Using the Slit-Lamp
* Machine Learning Method for High-Frequency Data Forecasting, A
* Method to Build Classification and Regression Trees, A
* Modeling Video Activity with Dynamic Phrases and Its Application to Action Recognition in Tennis Videos
* MUGEN RANSAC: MUltiple GENerator Applied to Motion Estimation
* Multimodal Background Modeling Using RGB-Depth Features
* Multiscale and Multi-Perturbation Blind Forensic Technique for Median Detecting, A
* Neural Decoding Using Kernel-Based Functional Representation of ECoG Recordings
* Neuro-Fuzzy Data Mining Mexico's Economic Data
* New Radial Basis Function Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Classification: First Results
* New Saliency Detection Method for Stereoscopic Images Using Contrast and Prior Knowledge, A
* Object Classification and Detection with Context Kernel Descriptors
* On the Influence of Markovian Models for Contextual-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classification
* On the Use of Evolutionary Programming for Combinational Logic Circuits Design
* On the Use of Locality Sensitive Hashing for Audio Following
* Partial Shape Matching and Retrieval under Occlusion and Noise
* Partial to Full Image Registration Based on Candidate Positions and Multiple Correspondences
* Pattern Analysis in DNA Microarray Data through PCA-Based Gene Selection
* Person Re-Identification Based on Weighted Indexing Structures
* Person Reidentification and Recognition in Video
* Perspective Based Model for Constructing Diverse Ensemble Members in Multi-classifier Systems for Multi-spectral Image Classification
* Place Theory as an Alternative Solution in Automatic Speech Recognition Tasks, The
* Plane Detection Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Conformal Geometric Algebra
* Practical Genericity: Writing Image Processing Algorithms Both Reusable and Efficient
* Predicting Very Early Stage Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on a Voxel-wise Arterial Spin Labeling Analysis
* Quadratic Problem Formulation with Linear Constraints for Normalized Cut Clustering
* Quaternion Support Vector Classifier
* RASCNA: Radio Astronomy Signal Classification through Neighborhood Assemblies
* Real Time Hardware Accelerator for Image Filtering
* Recognizing Visual Categories with Symbol-Relational Grammars and Bayesian Networks
* Robust Face Tracking with Locally-Adaptive Correlation Filtering
* Robust Tracking Algorithm Based on HOGs Descriptor, A
* Rolled-Plain Fingerprint Images Classification
* Rotation-Invariant Nonlinear Filters Design
* Scalable Feature Extraction for Visual Surveillance
* Searching for Patterns in Imbalanced Data
* Self-Adaptive Skin Segmentation in Color Images
* Semisupervised Approach to Non Technical Losses Detection
* SPaMi-FTS: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequential Patterns
* Spatial Pyramid Matching for Finger Spelling Recognition in Intensity Images
* Spectral Clustering Using Compactly Supported Graph Building
* Spectral Correlation Measure for Selecting Intrinsic Mode Functions
* Spoken Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning
* Static Video Summarization through Optimum-Path Forest Clustering
* Stationary Signal Separation Using Multichannel Local Segmentation
* Summarization of Videos by Image Quality Assessment
* Temporal Information in a Binary Framework for Speaker Recognition
* Thermal Face Recognition Using Local Patterns
* Tipicity Concept for Data Analysis and Its Application to Cleft Lip and Palate, A
* Topology-Preserving General Operators in Arbitrary Binary Pictures
* Unsupervised Kernel Function Building Using Maximization of Information Potential Variability
* Unsupervised Manifold Learning for Video Genre Retrieval
* Using Complex Networks for Offline Handwritten Signature Characterization
* Using Reference Point as Feature for Fingerprint Indexing
* Weighted Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble
* YYC: A Fast Performance Incremental Algorithm for Finding Typical Testors
117 for CIARP14

CIARP15 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Training for Robust Spoken Language Understanding
* Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on Two-Class Imbalance Problems in the Back-Propagation Domain
* Annotating and Retrieving Videos of Human Actions Using Matrix Factorization
* Assessing the Distinctiveness and Representativeness of Visual Vocabularies
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Scheme Based on Wavelets and Random Forests Classification
* Automatic Eyes and Nose Detection Using Curvature Analysis
* Automatic Video Summarization Using the Optimum-Path Forest Unsupervised Classifier
* Bag Oversampling Approach for Class Imbalance in Multiple Instance Learning, A
* Blind Spectrum Sensing Based on Cyclostationary Feature Detection
* Bregman Divergence Applied to Hierarchical Segmentation Problems
* Classification of Basic Human Emotions from Electroencephalography Data
* Classification of Low-Level Atmospheric Structures Based on a Pyramid Representation and a Machine Learning Method
* Coffee Crop Recognition Using Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks
* Color Fractal Descriptors for Adaxial Epidermis Texture Classification
* Combining Several ASR Outputs in a Graph-Based SLU System
* Complex Network-Based Approach to the Analysis and Classification of Images, A
* Computer Vision Approach for Automatic Measurement of the Inter-plant Spacing, A
* Confounding Factors in Keystroke Dynamics
* Denoising Autoencoder for Iris Recognition in Noncooperative Environments
* Digital Filter Design with Time Constraints Based on Calculus of Variations
* Discriminative Training for Convolved Multiple-Output Gaussian Processes
* EA-Based Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, An
* EEG Signal Pre-Processing for the P300 Speller
* Effect of Innovation Assumptions on Asymmetric GARCH Models for Volatility Forecasting, The
* Efficient Polynomial Implementation of Several Multithresholding Methods for Gray-Level Image Segmentation
* Evaluating Imputation Techniques for Missing Data in ADNI: A Patient Classification Study
* Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusions Based on Geometric Representation
* Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Thresholds and Residual Events
* Fast and Accurate Gesture Recognition Based on Motion Shapes
* Feature Selection Approach for Evaluate the Inference of GRNs Through Biological Data Integration - A Case Study on A. Thaliana, A
* Fine-Tuning Convolutional Neural Networks Using Harmony Search
* Fingerprint Matching Using a Geometric Subgraph Mining Approach
* Fisher Vectors for Leaf Image Classification: An Experimental Evaluation
* From Local to Global Communities in Large Networks Through Consensus
* Genetic Prediction in Bovine Meat Production: Is Worth Integrating Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches? a Comprenhensive Analysis
* Genetic Sampling k-means for Clustering Large Data Sets
* Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features (BOF), A
* Graph Fusion Using Global Descriptors for Image Retrieval
* Hierarchical Combination of Semantic Visual Words for Image Classification and Clustering
* Homogeneity Measure for Forensic Voice Comparison: A Step Forward Reliability
* Human Skin Segmentation Improved by Texture Energy Under Superpixels
* Image Edge Detection Based on a Spatial Autoregressive Bootstrap Approach
* Improving Optimum-Path Forest Classification Using Confidence Measures
* Improving the Accuracy of CAR-based Classifiers by Combining Netconf Measure and Dynamic -K Mechanism
* Improving the Accuracy of the Sequential Patterns-Based Classifiers
* Improving Writer Identification Through Writer Selection
* Indian Buffet Process for Model Selection in Latent Force Models
* Inference Strategies for Texture Parameters
* Inferring Leaf Blade Development from Examples
* Integrative Functional Analysis Improves Information Retrieval in Breast Cancer
* Interleaved Quantization for Near-Lossless Image Coding
* Iris Texture Description Using Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Features
* Iterative Gradient-Based Shift Estimation: To Multiscale or Not to Multiscale?
* Kernel Combination Through Genetic Programming for Image Classification
* Language Identification Using Spectrogram Texture
* Local Entropies for Kernel Selection and Outlier Detection in Functional Data
* Magnetic Resonance Image Selection for Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Mixture Models
* Mixed Learning Strategy for Finding Typical Testors in Large Datasets, A
* Modeling Onset Spectral Features for Discrimination of Drum Sounds
* Multiclass Approach for Land-Cover Mapping by Using Multiple Data Sensors, A
* Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription from Audio and Video, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Spectral Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiscale Exemplar Based Texture Synthesis by Locally Gaussian Models
* New Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm for Latent and Non-latent Impressions Identification, A
* New Ridge-Features-Based Method for Fingerprint Image Quality Assessment, A
* Non-parametric Approach to Detect Changes in Aerial Images, A
* Novel Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval Through Relevance Feedback Optimization, A
* Novel Quality Image Fusion Assessment Based on Maximum Codispersion, A
* On Multiview Analysis for Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* One-Shot 3D-Gradient Method Applied to Face Recognition
* Online Kernel Matrix Factorization
* Online Signature Verification: Is the Whole Greater Than the Sum of the Parts?
* Optimal and Linear F-Measure Classifiers Applied to Non-technical Losses Detection
* Optimizing the Data Adaptive Dual Domain Denoising Algorithm
* Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Objective Optimization
* Re-ranking of the Merging Order for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Recognition of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Conspicuous Net
* Recognition of Non-pedestrian Human Forms Through Locally Weighted Descriptors
* RFM Pattern Recognition System Invariant to Rotation, Scale and Translation, A
* SALSA: A Simple Automatic Lung Segmentation Algorithm
* Scale Invariant Keypoint Detector Based on Visual and Geometrical Cues, A
* Segmentation of Urban Impervious Surface Using Cellular Neural Networks
* Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Multimodal Matrix Factorization
* Shape Analysis Using Multiscale Hough Transform Statistics
* Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm For the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, A
* SPaR-FTR: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Sequential Patterns-Based Rules
* Study on Low-Cost Representations for Image Feature Extraction on Mobile Devices, A
* Sub-Riemannian Fast Marching in SE(2)
* Supervised Video Genre Classification Using Optimum-Path Forest
* Texture Analysis by Bag-Of-Visual-Words of Complex Networks
* Texture Characterization via Automatic Threshold Selection on Image-Generated Complex Network
* Top-Down Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Parsing with Graph Grammar
* Two Applications of RGB-D Descriptors in Computer Vision
94 for CIARP15

CIARP16 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Abnormal Behavior Detection in Crowded Scenes Based on Optical Flow Connected Components
* Analysis of the Geometry and Electric Properties of Brain Tissue in Simulation Models for Deep Brain Stimulation
* Approximate Support Vector Machines Solver with Budget Control, An
* Automatic Classification of Herbal Substances Enhanced with an Entropy Criterion
* Automatic Classification of Non-informative Frames in Colonoscopy Videos Using Texture Analysis
* Automatic Fruit and Vegetable Recognition Based on CENTRIST and Color Representation
* Automatic Tortoise Specimen Recognition, An
* Autonomous Scanning of Structural Elements in Buildings
* Bayesian Optimization for Fitting 3D Morphable Models of Brain Structures
* Boosting SpLSA for Text Classification
* Breast Density Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classifying Estimated Stereo Correspondences Based on Delaunay Triangulation
* Community Feature Selection for Anomaly Detection in Attributed Graphs
* Compact Representation of Multiscale Dissimilarity Data by Prototype Selection, A
* Computing Arithmetic Operations on Sequences of Handwritten Digits
* Consensual Iris Segmentation Fusion
* Data Fusion from Multiple Stations for Estimation of PM2.5 in Specific Geographical Location
* Decision Level Fusion for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition in Noisy Conditions
* Deep Learning Features for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Analysis
* Definition and Composition of Motor Primitives Using Latent Force Models and Hidden Markov Models
* Depth Estimation with Light Field and Photometric Stereo Data Using Energy Minimization
* Detection of Follicles in Ultrasound Videos of Bovine Ovaries
* Direction-Based Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels
* Discriminative Capacity and Phonetic Information of Bottleneck Features in Speech
* Distributed and Parallel Algorithm for Computing Betweenness Centrality
* Edge Detection Robust to Intensity Inhomogeneity: A 7T MRI Case Study
* Efficient Sparse Approximation of Support Vector Machines Solving a Kernel Lasso
* Efficient Training Over Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Wind Speed Forecasting
* Extended LBP Operator to Characterize Event-Address Representation Connectivity
* Face Composite Sketch Recognition by BoVW-Based Discriminative Representations
* Fine-Tuning Based Deep Convolutional Networks for Lepidopterous Genus Recognition
* GMM Background Modeling Using Divergence-Based Weight Updating
* Hierarchical K-Nearest Neighbor Approach for Volume of Tissue Activated Estimation, A
* Highly Transparent and Secure Scheme for Concealing Text Within Audio
* How Deep Can We Rely on Emotion Recognition
* Identifying Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes by Sensors and One-Class Classifiers
* Identifying Colombian Bird Species from Audio Recordings
* Improving Nearest Neighbor Based Multi-target Prediction Through Metric Learning
* Interactive Data Visualization Using Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity-Based Representations
* Kernel-Based Approach for DBS Parameter Estimation, A
* Lung Nodule Classification Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Metric Learning in the Dissimilarity Space to Improve Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Multi-biometric Template Protection on Smartphones: An Approach Based on Binarized Statistical Features and Bloom Filters
* Multi-labeler Classification Using Kernel Representations and Mixture of Classifiers
* Multivariate Functional Network Connectivity for Disorders of Consciousness
* New Parallel Training Algorithm for Optimum-Path Forest-Based Learning, A
* Noise-Added Texture Analysis
* Non-local Exposure Fusion
* Non-parametric Source Reconstruction via Kernel Temporal Enhancement for EEG Data
* Parallel Integer Motion Estimation for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Using OpenCL
* Partial Matching of Finger Vein Patterns Based on Point Sets Alignment and Directional Information
* Scale Sensitivity of Textural Features
* Selection of Statistically Representative Subset from a Large Data Set
* Similarity Indicator for Differentiating Kinematic Performance Between Qualified Tennis Players, A
* Similarity Measure for Cell Membrane Fusion Proteins Identification
* Sparse Linear Models Applied to Power Quality Disturbance Classification
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement in Ultrasound Images from Multiple Annotators Knowledge
* Spatio-Colour Asplünd's Metric and Logarithmic Image Processing for Colour Images (LIPC)
* Star: A Contextual Description of Superpixels for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Subsampling the Concurrent AdaBoost Algorithm: An Efficient Approach for Large Datasets
* Trading off Distance Metrics vs Accuracy in Incremental Learning Algorithms
* Tsallis Entropy Extraction for Mammographic Region Classification
* Two Compound Random Field Texture Models
* Video Temporal Segmentation Based on Color Histograms and Cross-Correlation
65 for CIARP16

CIARP17 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* 3D Probabilistic Morphable Models for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Abnormal Event Detection in Video Using Motion and Appearance Information
* Approach to Clustering Using the Expectation-Maximization and Selection of Attributes ReliefF Applied to Water Treatment Plants process, An
* Automatic Classification of Optical Defects of Mirrors from Ronchigram Images Using Bag of Visual Words and Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Peripheral Nerve Segmentation in Presence of Multiple Annotators
* Automatic System for Computing Malaria Parasite Density in Thin Blood Films, An
* Benchmarking Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
* Bio-Chemical Data Classification by Dissimilarity Representation and Template Selection
* Boosted Projection: An Ensemble of Transformation Models
* Citation k-NN Approach for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Class Confusability Reduction in Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using Random Forests
* Clustering-Based Undersampling to Support Automatic Detection of Focal Cortical Dysplasias
* Convolutional Network for EEG-Based Biometric
* Deep Boltzmann Machine-Based Approach for Robust Image Denoising, A
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Noisy Images
* Deep Learning Techniques Applied to the Cattle Brand Recognition
* Discovering Bitcoin Mixing Using Anomaly Detection
* Distributed Shared Nearest Neighbors Clustering Algorithm, A
* DNLM-IIFFT: An Implementation of the Deceived Non Local Means Filter Using Integral Images and the Fast Fourier Transform for a Reduced Computational Cost
* Edge Detection Based on Digital Shape Elongation Measure
* Efficient and Effective Face Frontalization for Face Recognition in the Wild
* Efficient Hyperparameter Optimization in Convolutional Neural Networks by Learning Curves Prediction
* Efficient Transfer Learning for Robust Face Spoofing Detection
* Emotion Assessment by Variability-Based Ranking of Coherence Features from EEG
* Ensembles of Multiobjective-Based Classifiers for Detection of Epileptic Seizures
* Estimation of Pedestrian Height Using Uncalibrated Cameras
* Evaluation of Deep Feedforward Neural Networks for Classification of Diffuse Lung Diseases
* Exploring Image Bit Planes for Video Shot Boundary Detection
* Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Method Based on a Bag-of-Words Approach
* Flexible Framework for the Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Annotation, A
* Forensic Document Examination: Who Is the Writer?
* Full-Quaternion Color Correction in Images for Person Re-identification
* Fusion of Deep Learning Descriptors for Gesture Recognition
* Going Deeper on BioImages Classification: A Plant Leaf Dataset Case Study
* Hand Posture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Improving the Classification of Volcanic Seismic Events Extracting New Seismic and Speech Features
* Impulse Response Estimation of Linear Time-Invariant Systems Using Convolved Gaussian Processes and Laguerre Functions
* Kernel-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classifier, A
* Knowledge Transfer for Writer Identification
* Linear Modelling of Cerebral Autoregulation System Using Genetic Algorithms
* Local Branching Heuristic for the Graph Edit Distance Problem, A
* Long Short-Term Memory Networks Based in Echo State Networks for Wind Speed Forecasting
* Many-Objective Ensemble-Based Multilabel Classification
* Mining Generalized Closed Patterns from Multi-graph Collections
* Mining the Criminal Data of Rio de Janeiro: Analyzing the Impact of the Pacifying Police Units Deployment
* Multi Target Tracking Using Determinantal Point Processes
* Multi-objective Overlapping Community Detection by Global and Local Approaches
* Multilabel Extension of LDA Based on the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, A
* Neural Networks for the Reconstruction and Separation of High Energy Particles in a Preshower Calorimeter
* Noisy Character Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Non Local Means Image Filtering Using Clustering
* Non-dermatoscopic Image Analysis for the Recognition of Malignant Skin Diseases with Convolutional Neural Network and Autoencoders
* Non-stationary Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Enhancing Resolution over Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Novel Hybrid Data Reduction Strategy and Its Application to Intrusion Detection, A
* On Semantic Solutions for Efficient Approximate Similarity Search on Large-Scale Datasets
* On the Use of Pre-trained Neural Networks for Different Face Recognition Tasks
* Pap-Smear Image Classification Using Randomized Neural Network Based Signature
* Path-Gradient: A Theory of Computing Full Intensity-Transition Between Two Points
* Possibilistic c-means Clustering Model with Cluster Size Estimation, A
* Pyramidal Zernike Over Time: A Spatiotemporal Feature Descriptor Based on Zernike Moments
* Randomized Neural Network Based Signature for Classification of Titanium Alloy Microstructures
* Real-Time Brand Logo Recognition
* Region-Based Classification of PolSAR Data Through Kernel Methods and Stochastic Distances
* Retinal Vessels Segmentation Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Robust Indoor Scene Recognition Method Based on Sparse Representation, A
* Scale-Space Approach for Multiscale Shape Analysis, A
* Sclera Segmentation in Face Images Using Image Foresting Transform
* Self-organizing Maps for Motor Tasks Recognition from Electrical Brain Signals
* Semantic Segmentation of Color Eye Images for Improving Iris Segmentation
* Semi-supervised Online Kernel Semantic Embedding for Multi-label Annotation
* Single-Step 2D Thinning Scheme with Deletion of P-Simple Points, A
* Skeleton Pruning Based on Elongation and Size of Object's Limbs and Boundary's Convexities
* Sparse Hilbert Embedding-Based Statistical Inference of Stochastic Ecological Systems
* Spiking Hough for Shape Recognition
* Text Localization in Born-Digital Images of Advertisements
* Texture Classification of Phases of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy Using Fractal Descriptors
* Traversability Cost Identification of Dynamic Environments Using Recurrent High Order Neural Networks for Robot Navigation
* Two-Step Neural Network Approach to Passage Retrieval for Open Domain Question Answering, A
* Ultimate Leveling Based on Mumford-Shah Energy Functional Applied to Plant Detection
* Ultrasonic Assessment of Platelet-Rich Plasma by Digital Signal Processing Techniques
* Ultrasonic Backscatter Signal Processing Technique for the Characterization of Animal Lymph Node
* Unsupervised Approach for Eye Sclera Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Local Regressive Attributes for Pedestrian Re-identification
* Use of Machine Learning to Improve the Robustness of Spatial Estimation of Evapotranspiration
* Utilizing Deep Learning and 3DLBP for 3D Face Recognition
* Volume Rendering by Stochastic Neighbor Embedding-Based 2D Transfer Function Building
87 for CIARP17

CIARP23 * *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* Abandoned Object Detection Using Persistent Homology
* Active Supervision: Human in the Loop
* Analysis and Impact of Training Set Size in Cross-subject Human Activity Recognition
* Assessing the Generalizability of Deep Neural Networks-based Models for Black Skin Lesions
* Bipartite Graph Coarsening for Text Classification Using Graph Neural Networks
* Breast MRI Multi-tumor Segmentation Using 3d Region Growing
* But That's Not Why: Inference Adjustment by Interactive Prototype Revision
* Classify NIR Iris Images Under Alcohol/drugs/sleepiness Conditions Using a Siamese Network
* Condition Invariance for Autonomous Driving by Adversarial Learning
* Deblur Capsule Networks
* Deep Learning in the Identification of Psoriatic Skin Lesions
* Depression Detection Using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing Techniques: A Comparative Study
* Detection of Covid-19 in Chest X-ray Images Using Percolation Features and Hermite Polynomial Classification
* Development and Testing of an MRI-compatible Immobilization Device for Head and Neck Imaging
* DIF-SR: A Differential Item Functioning-based Sample Reweighting Method
* Do Emotional States Influence Physiological Pain Responses?
* ECG Feature-based Classification of Induced Pain Levels
* Efficient Brazilian Sign Language Recognition: A Study on Mobile Devices
* End-to-end Deep Learning Approach for Video Captioning Through Mobile Devices, An
* Enhancing Object Detection in Maritime Environments Using Metadata
* Explaining Semantic Text Similarity in Knowledge Graphs
* Face Image Quality Estimation on Presentation Attack Detection
* Facial Point Graphs for Stroke Identification
* Fast, Memory-efficient Spectral Clustering with Cosine Similarity
* Feature Importance for Clustering
* Filtering Safe Temporal Motifs in Dynamic Graphs for Dissemination Purposes
* Graph Embedding of Almost Constant Large Graphs
* Graph-based Feature Learning from Image Markers
* History Based Incremental Singular Value Decomposition for Background Initialization and Foreground Segmentation
* How to Turn Your Camera into a Perfect Pinhole Model
* Impact of Synthetic Images on Morphing Attack Detection Using a Siamese Network
* Improving Pest Detection via Transfer Learning
* Interactive Segmentation with Incremental Watershed Cuts
* IR-Guided Energy Optimization Framework for Depth Enhancement in Time of Flight Imaging
* Knowledge Distillation of Vision Transformers and Convolutional Networks to Predict Inflammatory Bowel Disease
* Leveraging Longitudinal Data for Cardiomegaly and Change Detection in Chest Radiography
* Leveraging Model Fusion for Improved License Plate Recognition
* Leveraging Question Answering for Domain-Agnostic Information Extraction
* Mortality Prediction via Logistic Regression in Intensive Care Unit Patients with Pneumonia
* Multi-conformation Aproach of ENM-NMA Dynamic-based Descriptors for HIV Drug Resistance Prediction
* Novelty Detection in Human-machine Interaction Through a Multimodal Approach
* Presumably Correct Undersampling
* Replay-based Online Adaptation for Unsupervised Deep Visual Odometry
* Seabream Freshness Classification Using Vision Transformers
* Self-organizing Map Clustering Approach to Support Territorial Zoning, A
* Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Unseen Synthetic Cameras
* Single Image HDR Synthesis with Histogram Learning
* Spatial-temporal Graph Transformer for Surgical Skill Assessment in Simulation Sessions
* Stingless Bee Classification: A New Dataset and Baseline Results
* Streaming Graph-based Supervoxel Computation Based on Dynamic Iterative Spanning Forest
* Supervised Learning of Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Teaching Practices Analysis Through Audio Signal Processing
* Time Distributed Multiview Representation for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Towards a Robust Solution for the Supermarket Shelf Audit Problem: Obsolete Price Tags in Shelves
* Towards Robust Defect Detection in Casting Using Contrastive Learning
* Uncovering Manipulated Files Using Mathematical Natural Laws
* Unveiling the Influence of Image Super-resolution on Aerial Scene Classification
* Vehicle Re-identification Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Incremental Generation of Pseudo-labels
* Weeds Classification with Deep Learning: An Investigation Using Cnn, Vision Transformers, Pyramid Vision Transformers, and Ensemble Strategy
* Wildfruip: Estimating Fruit Physicochemical Parameters from Images Captured in the Wild
* YOLOMM: You Only Look Once for Multi-modal Multi-tasking
62 for CIARP23

Index for "c"

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