Update Dates 2204

2204 * 3D Distance Filter for the Autonomous Navigation of UAVs in Agricultural Scenarios
* 3D Lightweight Network for Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation of Organs-at-Risk in CT Images of Head and Neck Cancer
* 3D Modeling of Individual Trees from LiDAR and Photogrammetric Point Clouds by Explicit Parametric Representations for Green Open Space (GOS) Management
* 3DBodyNet: Fast Reconstruction of 3D Animatable Human Body Shape From a Single Commodity Depth Camera
* Accelerated Optimization in the PDE Framework: Formulations for the Manifold of Diffeomorphisms
* AccLoc: Anchor-Free and two-stage detector for accurate object localization
* Accuracy Assessment, Comparative Performance, and Enhancement of Public Domain Digital Elevation Models (ASTER 30 m, SRTM 30 m, CARTOSAT 30 m, SRTM 90 m, MERIT 90 m, and TanDEM-X 90 m) Using DGPS
* Accurate Scene Text Detection Via Scale-Aware Data Augmentation and Shape Similarity Constraint
* Acoustic Cues Increase Situational Awareness in Accident Situations: A VR Car-Driving Study
* ACSiam: Asymmetric convolution structures for visual tracking with Siamese network
* Acting as a Decision Maker: Traffic-Condition-Aware Ensemble Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction
* Action Coherence Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Uncertainty of the pedestrian
* Adaptive cropping with interframe relative displacement constraint for video retargeting
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation in Deep Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters with Multiple Features in the Tracking Application, An
* Adaptive weight based on overlapping blocks network for facial expression recognition
* Adaptive-order proximity learning for graph-based clustering
* Adaptively Attention-Driven Cascade Part-Based Graph Embedding Framework for UAV Object Re-Identification, An
* Advancing the Solar Radiation Pressure Model for BeiDou-3 IGSO Satellites
* Aerial Imagery Can Detect Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Biomass and Stand Health of Miscanthus X giganteus
* AGRFNet: Two-stage cross-modal and multi-level attention gated recurrent fusion network for RGB-D saliency detection
* Algorithm to Bias-Correct and Transform Arctic SMAP-Derived Skin Salinities into Bulk Surface Salinities, An
* algorithm to detect overlapping red blood cells for sickle cell disease diagnosis, An
* Align R-CNN: A Pairwise Head Network for Visual Relationship Detection
* All Burglaries Are Not the Same: Predicting Near-Repeat Burglaries in Cities Using Modus Operandi
* Alleviating Domain Shift via Discriminative Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Alleviating Modality Bias Training for Infrared-Visible Person Re-Identification
* AMBTC-based secret image sharing by simple modular arithmetic
* Analysis of BDS-3 Onboard Clocks Based on GFZ Precise Clock Products
* Analysis of Precise Orbit Determination for the HY2D Satellite Using Onboard GPS/BDS Observations
* AP-GAN: Improving Attribute Preservation in Video Face Swapping
* Application of a Modified Empirical Wavelet Transform Method in VLF/LF Lightning Electric Field Signals
* Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed: Implications for Agricultural Water Management, An
* Application of Multispectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Flood-Affected Zones in the Brumadinho Mining District (Minas Gerais, Brasil)
* Approach to Improve the Spatial Resolution and Accuracy of AMSR2 Passive Microwave Snow Depth Product Using Machine Learning in Northeast China, An
* Approximate k-NN Graph Construction: A Generic Online Approach
* Aquaculture Site Selection of Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) in Markazi Province Using GIS-Based MCDM
* ASAYAR: A Dataset for Arabic-Latin Scene Text Localization in Highway Traffic Panels
* ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-Based Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Assessing Obukhov Length and Friction Velocity from Floating Lidar Observations: A Data Screening and Sensitivity Computation Approach
* Assessing the Potential of Downscaled Far Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the Canopy to Leaf Level for Drought Monitoring in Winter Wheat
* Assessing the Spectral Information of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellites for Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval of a Tropical Forest
* Assessment of Canopy Health with Drone-Based Orthoimagery in a Southern Appalachian Red Spruce Forest
* Assessment of Electric Power Consumption Using Random Forest and Transferable Deep Model with Multi-Source Data, An
* Atmospheric Turbulence Removal in Long-Range Imaging Using a Data-Driven-Based Approach
* attention-enhanced cross-task network to analyse lung nodule attributes in CT images, An
* Attention-Guided Hybrid Network for Dementia Diagnosis With Structural MR Images
* Attention-Guided Progressive Neural Texture Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Restoration
* Attribute-Induced Bias Eliminating for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Auto-Encoding and Distilling Scene Graphs for Image Captioning
* Automated Annotation of Lane Markings Using LIDAR and Odometry
* Automated Delineation of Microstands in Hemiboreal Mixed Forests Using Stereo GeoEye-1 Data
* Automated Delineation of Supraglacial Debris Cover Using Deep Learning and Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Automated Parts-Based Model for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions from Aerial Imagery with Fully Convolutional Network
* Automatic Building Detection for Multi-Aspect SAR Images Based on the Variation Features
* Automatic RANSAC by Likelihood Maximization
* Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and Geometric Path Optimization
* Autonomous Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Tangent Intersection and Target Guidance Strategy, An
* B-GPS: Blockchain-Based Global Positioning System for Improved Data Integrity and Reliability
* Bag dissimilarity regularized multi-instance learning
* Bal-R2CNN: High Quality Recurrent Object Detection With Balance Optimization
* Basalt Chronology of the Orientale Basin Based on CE-2 CCD Imaging and Implications for Lunar Basin Volcanism
* Baseline Statistical Method for Robust User-Assisted Multiple Segmentation, A
* Batch feature standardization network with triplet loss for weakly-supervised video anomaly detection
* Batch quadratic programming network with maximum entropy constraint for anomaly detection
* Bayesian Automatic Relevance Determination for Utility Function Specification in Discrete Choice Models
* Bayesian Filter for Multi-View 3D Multi-Object Tracking With Occlusion Handling, A
* Beached and Floating Litter Surveys by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Operational Analogies and Differences
* Beamspace Phase Solving Algorithm for Elevation Angle Estimation
* Beyond Dents and Scratches: Logical Constraints in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization
* Beyond Triplet Loss: Person Re-Identification With Fine-Grained Difference-Aware Pairwise Loss
* Bi-Objective Optimization for Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment With Preventive Maintenance Activities, A
* Big Data Driven Vessel Trajectory and Navigating State Prediction With Adaptive Learning, Motion Modeling and Particle Filtering Techniques
* Bilateral Weighted Regression Ranking Model With Spatial-Temporal Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Category-Divergence Guidance for Domain Adaptive Segmentation
* Blind Color Separation Model for Faithful Palette-Based Image Recoloring, A
* Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Evaluator Based on Binocular Semantic and Quality Channels
* Block Shuffle Network with Superpixel Optimization for Landsat Image Semantic Segmentation, A
* BooDet: Gradient Boosting Object Detection With Additive Learning-Based Prediction Aggregation
* Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communication, The
* BuildingFusion: Semantic-Aware Structural Building-Scale 3D Reconstruction
* Calibration and Validation of SWAT Model by Using Hydrological Remote Sensing Observables in the Lake Chad Basin
* CALIOP-Based Quantification of Central Asian Dust Transport
* CARL-D: A vision benchmark suite and large scale dataset for vehicle detection and scene segmentation
* Causal Contextual Prediction for Learned Image Compression
* CCAFNet: Crossflow and Cross-Scale Adaptive Fusion Network for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-D Images
* CCapFPN: A Context-Augmented Capsule Feature Pyramid Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* CentriForce: Multiple-Domain Adaptation for Domain-Invariant Speaker Representation Learning
* Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Spatial Differentiation of Market Service Industries in Rural Areas around Metropolises: A Case Study of Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Chasing the Tail in Monocular 3D Human Reconstruction With Prototype Memory
* Church of S. Maria Delle Palate in Tusa (Messina, Italy): Digitization and Diagnostics for a New Model of Enjoyment, The
* Class-attribute inconsistency learning for novelty detection
* Class-specific discriminative metric learning for scene recognition
* Classification of Geomorphic Units and Their Relevance for Nutrient Retention or Export of a Large Lowland Padma River, Bangladesh: A NDVI Based Approach
* Classification of Tree Species in Different Seasons and Regions Based on Leaf Hyperspectral Images
* Climatic, Decadal, and Interannual Variability in the Upper Layer of the Mediterranean Sea Using Remotely Sensed and In-Situ Data
* Cloud Type and Life Stage Dependency of Liquid-Ice Mass Partitioning in Mixed-Phase Clouds
* Cloud-Snow Confusion with MODIS Snow Products in Boreal Forest Regions
* Clustering Methods Based on Stay Points and Grid Density for Hotspot Detection
* CM-Net: Concentric Mask Based Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection
* CO2 Flux over the Contiguous United States in 2016 Inverted by WRF-Chem/DART from OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals
* COLA-Net: Collaborative Attention Network for Image Restoration
* Collaborative Despeckling Method for SAR Images Based on Texture Classification, A
* Columnar Water Vapor Retrieval by Using Data from the Polarized Scanning Atmospheric Corrector (PSAC) Onboard HJ-2 A/B Satellites
* Combination of Lie Group Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Feature Extraction and Fusion, A
* Combining Crop Modeling with Remote Sensing Data Using a Particle Filtering Technique to Produce Real-Time Forecasts of Winter Wheat Yields under Uncertain Boundary Conditions
* Combining Sample Plot Stratification and Machine Learning Algorithms to Improve Forest Aboveground Carbon Density Estimation in Northeast China Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Comments on MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* compact deep architecture for real-time saliency prediction, A
* Comparative Safety Assessment of Automated Driving Strategies at Highway Merges in Mixed Traffic
* Comparative Study on Classification Features between High-Resolution and Polarimetric SAR Images through Unsupervised Classification Methods, A
* Comparing Offshore Ferry Lidar Measurements in the Southern Baltic Sea with ASCAT, FINO2 and WRF
* Comparing Two Different Development Methods of External Parameter Orthogonalization for Estimating Organic Carbon from Field-Moist Intact Soils by Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary Calcification in Intravascular OCT Using a Spatial-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Network
* Comprehensive Study on Deep Learning-Based Methods for Sign Language Recognition, A
* Computationally Efficient Method for Updating Fuel Inputs for Wildfire Behavior Models Using Sentinel Imagery and Random Forest Classification, A
* Conceptual Compression via Deep Structure and Texture Synthesis
* Conditional DQN-Based Motion Planning With Fuzzy Logic for Autonomous Driving
* Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region: A Case Study of Southwest China
* Consistent Estimation of the Max-Flow Problem: Towards Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Consolidated Dataset and Metrics for High-Dynamic-Range Image Quality
* Consolidating ICESat-2 Ocean Wave Characteristics with CryoSat-2 during the CRYO2ICE Campaign
* Contact-Fraud Victimization among Urban Seniors: An Analysis of Multilevel Influencing Factors
* Convolutional Prototype Network for Open Set Recognition
* Cooperative Decision Making of Connected Automated Vehicles at Multi-Lane Merging Zone: A Coalitional Game Approach
* Cooperative Localization With Constraint Satisfaction Problem in 5G Vehicular Networks
* Cooperative Space Distribution Method for Autonomous Vehicles at A Lane-Drop Bottleneck on Multi-Lane Freeways, A
* Cooperative Time and Energy-Optimal Lane Change Maneuvers for Connected Automated Vehicles
* Coordinate Descent Method for k-means
* Correction of Motion Artifacts in Dark-Field Radiography of the Human Chest
* Cotton Cultivated Area Extraction Based on Multi-Feature Combination and CSSDI under Spatial Constraint
* Crash Risk Estimation Due to Lane Changing: A Data-Driven Approach Using Naturalistic Data
* Cross-view action recognition with small-scale datasets
* Crowd Anomaly Detection via Spatial Constraints and Meaningful Perturbation
* CRTransSar: A Visual Transformer Based on Contextual Joint Representation Learning for SAR Ship Detection
* CSCNet: Contextual semantic consistency network for trajectory prediction in crowded spaces
* CSDA-Net: Seeking reliable correspondences by channel-Spatial difference augment network
* Cybercartographic Atlas of the Sky: Cybercartography, Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Work among the Pa Ipai Indigenous Families from Baja California, Mexico, A
* D2T: A Framework For transferring detection to tracking
* Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence Model of Meteorological Elements Influence on Vegetation Coverage in North China
* Data-Reuse Recursive Least-Squares Algorithms
* DBCFace: Towards Pure Convolutional Neural Network Face Detection
* Decision and Event-Based Fixed-Time Consensus Control for Electromagnetic Source Localization
* Decomposing generation networks with structure prediction for recipe generation
* Decoupled Representation Learning for Character Glyph Synthesis
* Decrease in the Daily Maximum Temperature during Global Warming Hiatus Causes a Delay in Spring Phenology in the China-DPRK-Russia Cross-Border Area, A
* Deep attention aware feature learning for person re-Identification
* Deep Auto-Encoders With Sequential Learning for Multimodal Dimensional Emotion Recognition
* Deep Discrete Hashing for Label Distribution Learning
* Deep face recognition for dim images
* Deep Internal Learning for Inpainting of Cloud-Affected Regions in Satellite Imagery
* Deep knowledge integration of heterogeneous features for domain adaptive SAR target recognition
* Deep Learning Approach to Detect Real-Time Vehicle Maneuvers Based on Smartphone Sensors, A
* Deep Learning Segmentation of Satellite Imagery Identifies Aquatic Vegetation Associated with Snail Intermediate Hosts of Schistosomiasis in Senegal, Africa
* Deep Object Tracking With Shrinkage Loss
* Deep Partial Multi-View Learning
* Deep-IRTarget: An Automatic Target Detector in Infrared Imagery Using Dual-Domain Feature Extraction and Allocation
* Deep-Learning-Based Object Filtering According to Altitude for Improvement of Obstacle Recognition during Autonomous Flight
* Deep-Neural-Network-Based Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval from Landsat-8 Top of Atmosphere Data, A
* DeepWindows: Windows Instance Segmentation through an Improved Mask R-CNN Using Spatial Attention and Relation Modules
* Deformable Template Network (DTN) for Object Detection
* Delving into the Effectiveness of Receptive Fields: Learning Scale-Transferrable Architectures for Practical Object Detection
* Depth Estimation Using a Self-Supervised Network Based on Cross-Layer Feature Fusion and the Quadtree Constraint
* Deriving Nutrient Concentrations from Sentinel-3 OLCI Data in North-Eastern Baltic Sea
* Design and Analysis of MEC- and Proactive Caching-Based 360° Mobile VR Video Streaming
* Design and Analysis of Secure Distributed Estimator for Vehicular Platooning in Adversarial Environment
* Design of a Grating Lobes-Free Architecture for Distributed Sensor System with Arbitrary Element Spacing
* Detecting 3D Points of Interest Using Projective Neural Networks
* Detecting People on the Street and the Streetscape Physical Environment from Baidu Street View Images and Their Effects on Community-Level Street Crime in a Chinese City
* Detection and Isolation of Wheelset Intermittent Over-Creeps for Electric Multiple Units Based on a Weighted Moving Average Technique
* Detection of Apple Valsa Canker Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
* Detection of Collision-Prone Vehicle Behavior at Intersections Using Siamese Interaction LSTM
* Detection of Direct Sun Glare on Drivers from Point Clouds
* Detection of GAN-Generated Images by Estimating Artifact Similarity
* DetPoseNet: Improving Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Coarse-Pose Filtering
* Developing Hyperspectral Indices for Assessing Seasonal Variations in the Ratio of Chlorophyll to Carotenoid in Deciduous Forests
* Development of Big Data-Analysis Pipeline for Mobile Phone Data with Mobipack and Spatial Enhancement
* Development of Prediction Models for Estimating Key Rice Growth Variables Using Visible and NIR Images from Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Diagonally Oriented Novel Feature Extractor for Pedestrian Detection and Its Efficient Hardware Implementation, A
* DIC-ST: A Hybrid Prediction Framework Based on Causal Structure Learning for Cellular Traffic and Its Application in Urban Computing
* DICDNet: Deep Interpretable Convolutional Dictionary Network for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images
* DiCENet: Dimension-Wise Convolutions for Efficient Networks
* DiCoDiLe: Distributed Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Differentiable neural architecture learning for efficient neural networks
* Diffusion Bridges for Stochastic Hamiltonian Systems and Shape Evolutions
* Digital Twin Technology Challenges and Applications: A Comprehensive Review
* Direct Construction of Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets with Even Lengths by Using Generalized Boolean Functions
* Direct Estimation of Appearance Models for Segmentation
* Discrete and Parameter-Free Multiple Kernel k-Means
* Discriminative feature selection with directional outliers correcting for data classification
* Discriminative Invariant Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Discriminative Vectorial Framework for Multi-Modal Feature Representation, A
* Disentangled Feature Networks for Facial Portrait and Caricature Generation
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Cross-Modal Biometric Matching
* Displaying the Driving State of Automated Vehicles to Other Road Users: An International, Virtual Reality-Based Study as a First Step for the Harmonized Regulations of Novel Signaling Devices
* Distinct Susceptibility Patterns of Active and Relict Landslides Reveal Distinct Triggers: A Case in Northwestern Turkey
* Distributed Feedback Interband Cascade Laser Based Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Column Density of HDO and CH4 Measurements at Dunhuang, Northwest of China
* Distributed GGIW-CPHD-Based Extended Target Tracking Over a Sensor Network
* Distributed Integrated Sliding Mode Control for Vehicle Platoons Based on Disturbance Observer and Multi Power Reaching Law
* Do We Need a Higher Resolution? Case Study: Sentinel-1-Based Change Detection of the 2018 Hokkaido Landslides, Japan
* Dual Attention on Pyramid Feature Maps for Image Captioning
* Dual Domain Multi-Task Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Dual Face Alignment Learning Network for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Dual Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection Under Nonfull Annotation
* Dual Modality Collaborative Learning for Cross-Source Remote Sensing Retrieval
* Dual-Mode Volumetric Optoacoustic and Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging With Spherical Matrix Arrays
* Dynamic driving intention recognition of vehicles with different driving styles of surrounding vehicles
* dynamic object filtering approach based on object detection and geometric constraint between frames, A
* Dynamic Rolling Horizon Scheduling of Waterborne AGVs for Inter Terminal Transportation: Mathematical Modeling and Heuristic Solution
* Early Detection of Dendroctonus valens Infestation with Machine Learning Algorithms Based on Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Earth Observation Data Exploitation in Urban Surface Modelling: The Urban Energy Balance Response to a Suburban Park Development
* Eco-Mobility-on-Demand Fleet Control With Ride-Sharing
* Edge Guided Context Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Effectiveness of Alert Sounds for Electric Vehicles Based on Pedestrians' Perception, The
* Effects of UAV-LiDAR and Photogrammetric Point Density on Tea Plucking Area Identification
* Efficient Design Space Exploration of Multi-Mode, Two-Planetary-Gear, Power-Split Hybrid Electric Powertrains via Virtual Levers
* efficient framework for zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval, An
* Efficient High-Resolution Global-Local Network to Detect Lunar Features for Space Energy Discovery, An
* Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jaccard Index and 3D Keypoint Sets
* Efficient Pseudo-Sequence-Based Light Field Video Coding Utilizing View Similarities for Prediction Structure, An
* Efficient Sampling-Based Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation, An
* EFFNet: Enhanced Feature Foreground Network for Video Smoke Source Prediction and Detection
* Effusion Rates on Mt. Etna and Their Influence on Lava Flow Hazard Assessment
* Elevation Regimes Modulated the Responses of Canopy Structure of Coastal Mangrove Forests to Hurricane Damage
* Employing Bilinear Fusion and Saliency Prior Information for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* End-to-End Rain Removal Network Based on Progressive Residual Detail Supplement
* Energetic Impacts Evaluation of Eco-Driving on Mixed Traffic With Driver Behavioral Diversity
* Energy minimization for image focus volume in shape from focus
* Enhanced Group Sparse Regularized Nonconvex Regression for Face Recognition
* Enhanced nuclear norm based matrix regression for occluded face recognition
* Environment-Friendly School Bus Routing Problem With Heterogeneous Fleet: A Large-Scale Real Case
* Episodic Learning Network for Text Detection on Human Bodies in Sports Images, An
* Estimating Evapotranspiration over Heterogeneous Surface with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data: A Case Study in Heihe River Basin
* Estimating Forest Soil Properties for Humus Assessment: Is Vis-NIR the Way to Go?
* Estimating High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations by Fusing Satellite AOD and Smartphone Photographs Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Ensemble Learning
* Estimating Species-Specific Stem Size Distributions of Uneven-Aged Mixed Deciduous Forests Using ALS Data and Neural Networks
* Estimation of Parameters of Biomass State of Sowing Spring Wheat
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Tiller Number Based on Optimization of Gradient Vegetation Characteristics
* Evaluating the Performance of Two Inter-Frequency Code Bias (IFCB) Models in Combined Precise Point Positioning (PPP)
* Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide from IASI on Metop-A
* Evaluation of Eight High-Resolution Gridded Precipitation Products in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
* Evaluation of Reasonable Stocking Rate Based on the Relative Contribution of Climate Change and Grazing Activities to the Productivity of Alpine Grasslands in Qinghai Province
* Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Estimates of Lake Ice Cover Timing on Linnevatnet, Kapp Linne;, Svalbard Using In-Situ Data
* Evaluation of Spectroscopy and Methodological Pre-Treatments to Estimate Soil Nutrients in the Vineyard
* Evaluation of the Influence of Processing Parameters in Structure-from-Motion Software on the Quality of Digital Elevation Models and Orthomosaics in the Context of Studies on Earth Surface Dynamics
* Evolving Metric Learning for Incremental and Decremental Features
* Experimental Results of Three-Dimensional Modeling and Mapping with Airborne Ka-Band Fixed-Baseline InSAR in Typical Topographies of China
* Explanation and Use of Uncertainty Quantified by Bayesian Neural Network Classifiers for Breast Histopathology Images
* Exploration of Multi-Mission Spaceborne GNSS-R Raw IF Data Sets: Processing, Data Products and Potential Applications
* Explored Normalized Cut With Random Walk Refining Term for Image Segmentation
* Exploring complementary information of self-supervised pretext tasks for unsupervised video pre-training
* Exploring Ecosystem Functioning in Spain with Gross and Net Primary Production Time Series
* Exploring Stable Coefficients on Joint Sub-Bands for Robust Video Watermarking in DT CWT Domain
* Exploring Sub-Action Granularity for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Exploring the Strategy Goals and Strategy Drivers of National Mapping, Cadastral, and Land Registry Authorities
* Extended Feature Pyramid Network for Small Object Detection
* Extended Horizon ECMS Control of PHEVs With 2D Electricity Price Adaptation Policy
* Extracting Spatio-Temporal Information from Chinese Archaeological Site Text
* Extraction of Olive Crown Based on UAV Visible Images and the U2-Net Deep Learning Model
* Factors in Emotion Recognition With Deep Learning Models Using Speech and Text on Multiple Corpora
* FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation
* Farmland Shelterbelt Age Mapping Using Landsat Time Series Images
* Fast Adaptive Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Image Generation
* Fast and Robust Algorithm with Reinforcement Learning for Large UAV Cluster Mission Planning, A
* Fast CABAC Hardware Design for Accelerating the Rate Estimation in HEVC, A
* Fast Class-Wise Updating for Online Hashing
* Fast data reduction by space partitioning via convex hull and MBR computation
* Fast Registration of Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Gaussian-Weighting Projected Image Matching
* Fast ship detection based on lightweight YOLOv5 network
* Feature Estimations Based Correlation Distillation for Incremental Image Retrieval
* Feature-based no-reference video quality assessment using Extra Trees
* Few-Shot Domain Adaptation via Mixup Optimal Transport
* Few-Shot learning for face recognition in the presence of image discrepancies for limited multi-class datasets
* Few-shot object detection via baby learning
* Field Model-Based Cultural Diffusion Patterns and GIS Spatial Analysis Study on the Spatial Diffusion Patterns of Qijia Culture in China
* Fine Resolution Imagery and LIDAR-Derived Canopy Heights Accurately Classify Land Cover with a Focus on Shrub/Sapling Cover in a Mountainous Landscape
* Fine-Grain Batching-Based Task Allocation Algorithm for Spatial Crowdsourcing, A
* Fine-Grained Attention and Feature-Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Fine-Spatial Boreal-Alpine Single-Tree Albedo Measured by UAV: Experiences and Challenges
* Fish Retina-Inspired Single Image Dehazing Method, A
* Flexible Beamforming of Dynamic MIMO Networks Through Fully Convolutional Model
* Flood Depth Estimation during Hurricane Harvey Using Sentinel-1 and UAVSAR Data
* FloodNet: Underwater image restoration based on residual dense learning
* Focus-and-Detect: A small object detection framework for aerial images
* Forecast of the Global TEC by Nearest Neighbour Technique
* Forward Scatter Radar Meets Satellite: Passive Sensing of Aerial Target Using Satellite Communication Waveforms
* FPGA-Based Residual Recurrent Neural Network for Real-Time Video Super-Resolution, An
* Frame-Wise Cross-Modal Matching for Video Moment Retrieval
* Framework for Remote Sensing and Modelling of Lithium-Brine Deposit Formation
* FRNet: Factorized and Regular Blocks Network for Semantic Segmentation in Road Scene
* From Phase Transition to Interdecadal Changes of ENSO, Altered by the Lower Stratospheric Ozone
* FUS-Net: U-Net-Based FUS Interference Filtering
* FuseKin: Weighted image fusion based kinship verification under unconstrained age group
* Fusion Scheme and Implementation Based on SRTM1, ASTER GDEM V3, and AW3D30
* fuzzy convolutional neural network for enhancing multi-focus image fusion, A
* Game Approach for Charging Station Placement Based on User Preferences and Crowdedness, A
* GAN for vision, KG for relation: A two-stage network for zero-shot action recognition
* Gated SwitchGAN for Multi-Domain Facial Image Translation
* Generalized HR q-Derivative and Its Application to Quaternion Least Mean Square Algorithm, The
* Generative VoxelNet: Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
* Geographical Information Enhanced Recognition of Traffic Modes and Behavior Patterns
* Geography Education in a Collaborative Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Study on Geography Teachers
* Geometric Back-Projection Network for Point Cloud Classification
* Geometric imbalanced deep learning with feature scaling and boundary sample mining
* Geospatial Information Technologies for Mobile Collaborative Geological Mapping: The Italian CARG Project Case Study
* Geospatial Platform for Crowdsourcing Green Space Area Management Using GIS and Deep Learning Classification, A
* GhostNets on Heterogeneous Devices via Cheap Operations
* Giant Planet Atmospheres: Dynamics and Variability from UV to Near-IR Hubble and Adaptive Optics Imaging
* GIScience and Historical Cartography for Evaluating Land Use Changes and Resulting Effects on Carbon Balance
* Glacier Mass Balance in the Manas River Using Ascending and Descending Pass of Sentinel 1A/1B Data and SRTM DEM
* Glacier Recession in the Altai Mountains after the LIA Maximum
* Global-Local Balanced Low-Rank Approximation of Hyperspectral Images for Classification
* globally convergent approximate Newton method for non-convex sparse learning, A
* Globally Optimal Linear Model Fitting with Unit-Norm Constraint
* GNSS-IR Snow Depth Retrieval Based on the Fusion of Multi-Satellite SNR Data by the BP Neural Network
* GNSS/5G Integrated Three-Dimensional Positioning Scheme Based on D2D Communication, A
* Gradient Flow Evolution for 3D Fusion From a Single Depth Sensor
* Graph Moving Object Segmentation
* Graph2Net: Perceptually-Enriched Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Graphonomy: Universal Image Parsing via Graph Reasoning and Transfer
* Ground Maneuvering Target Focusing via High-Order Phase Correction in High-Squint Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks in the Age of Connectivity, Autonomy and Data
* Guided Filter Network for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Habitat Classification Predictions on an Undeveloped Barrier Island Using a GIS-Based Landscape Modeling Approach
* Handling stability control strategy for four-wheel hub motor-driven vehicle based on adaptive control for road adhesion
* Hard Sample Aware Noise Robust Learning for Histopathology Image Classification
* HashFormer: Vision Transformer Based Deep Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Hazard Assessment of Rocky Slopes: An Integrated Photogrammetry-GIS Approach Including Fracture Density and Probability of Failure Data
* HazDesNet: An End-to-End Network for Haze Density Prediction
* Heterogeneous Knowledge Learning of Predictive Academic Intelligence in Transportation
* Hierarchical electricity time series prediction with cluster analysis and sparse penalty
* hierarchical receptive network oriented to target recognition in SAR images, A
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based on Adaptive MSB Prediction
* High Efficiency Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding Based on Composite Cauchy Distribution
* High Frame Rate Video Reconstruction Based on an Event Camera
* High Visual Quality Color Image Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on B-R-G Embedding Principle and CIEDE2000 Assessment Metric, A
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on adaptive block encoding
* High-Performance CNN-Applied HEVC Steganography Based on Diamond-Coded PU Partition Modes, A
* High-Precision Registration of Lunar Global Mapping Products Based on Spherical Triangular Mesh
* HoloCast+: Hybrid Digital-Analog Transmission for Graceful Point Cloud Delivery With Graph Fourier Transform
* Homomorphic Interpolation Network for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* How Much Attenuation Extinguishes mm-Wave Vertically Pointing Radar Return Signals?
* HQA-Trans: An end-to-end high-quality-awareness image translation framework for unsupervised cross-domain pedestrian detection
* Human-Centric Image Captioning
* Hybrid Autoregressive and Non-Autoregressive Transformer Models for Speech Recognition
* Hybrid Combining of Directional Antennas for Periodic Broadcast V2V Communication
* Hybrid Deep Learning Based Framework for Component Defect Detection of Moving Trains, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning Model for the Bias Correction of SST Numerical Forecast Products Using Satellite Data, A
* HybridGBN-SR: A Deep 3D/2D Genome Graph-Based Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Hydrothermal Factors Influence on Spatial-Temporal Variation of Evapotranspiration-Precipitation Coupling over Climate Transition Zone of North China
* Hypergraph Learning: Methods and Practices
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Improved RPCA with Non-Convex Regularization
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Deep Prior Regularization With Parameter Estimation
* Hyperspectral Super-resolution Accounting for Spectral Variability: Coupled Tensor LL1-Based Recovery and Blind Unmixing of the Unknown Super-resolution Image
* IAGC: Interactive Attention Graph Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds in Building Indoor Environment
* IDART: An Improved Discrete Tomography Algorithm for Reconstructing Images With Multiple Gray Levels
* Identification of Crop Type Based on C-AENN Using Time Series Sentinel-1A SAR Data
* Identifying Abnormal Riding Behavior in Urban Rail Transit: A Survey on In-Out in the Same Subway Station
* Identifying Grassland Distribution in a Mountainous Region in Southwest China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Image Analysis by Fractional-Order Gaussian-Hermite Moments
* Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
* Image Quality Assessment: Unifying Structure and Texture Similarity
* Image Registration Model in Electron Backscatter Diffraction, An
* Image Super-Resolution With Self-Similarity Prior Guided Network and Sample-Discriminating Learning
* Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
* Imaging Parameters-Considered Slender Target Detection in Optical Satellite Images
* Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Processes of the Glacierized Watershed and Projections, The
* Impact of Image-Processing Routines on Mapping Glacier Surface Facies from Svalbard and the Himalayas Using Pixel-Based Methods
* Impedance-Optical Dual-Modal Cell Culture Imaging With Learning-Based Information Fusion
* Improved cross entropy loss for noisy labels in vision leaf disease classification
* Improved Instance Discrimination and Feature Compactness for End-to-End Person Search
* Improved-UWB/LiDAR-SLAM Tightly Coupled Positioning System with NLOS Identification Using a LiDAR Point Cloud in GNSS-Denied Environments
* Improving Mandarin End-to-End Speech Recognition With Word N-Gram Language Model
* IMU-Aided Registration of MLS Point Clouds Using Inertial Trajectory Error Model and Least Squares Optimization
* In Vivo Pulsatility Measurement of Cerebral Microcirculation in Rodents Using Dynamic Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Inadequate dataset learning for major depressive disorder MRI semantic classification
* Individual Tree Detection in Urban ALS Point Clouds with 3D Convolutional Networks
* Indoor 3D Human Trajectory Reconstruction Using Surveillance Camera Videos and Point Clouds
* Influence of Burn Severity on Post-Fire Spectral Recovery of Three Fires in the Southern Rocky Mountains, The
* Influence of Residual Amplitude and Phase Error for GF-3 Quad-Polarization SAR on Wind Vector Retrieval
* Infrared and visible image fusion based on multi-channel convolutional neural network
* Integrating Tensor Similarity to Enhance Clustering Performance
* Integrating Visualization and Interaction Tools for Enhancing Collaboration in Different Public Participation Settings
* Intelligent Control of Building Operation and Maintenance Processes Based on Global Navigation Satellite System and Digital Twins
* Inter-Comparison of Four Models for Detecting Forest Fire Disturbance from MOD13A2 Time Series
* Interactive Geological Data Visualization in an Immersive Environment
* Interpreting the Trends of Extreme Precipitation in Florida through Pressure Change
* Intersection and Stop Bar Position Extraction From Vehicle Positioning Data
* Inventory and Spatiotemporal Patterns of Glacial Lakes in the HKH-TMHA Region from 1990 to 2020
* Iris Liveness Detection Using Fusion of Domain-Specific Multiple BSIF and DenseNet Features
* JHU-CROWD++: Large-Scale Crowd Counting Dataset and A Benchmark Method
* Joint Angle and Range Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar via Compressed Unitary PARAFAC
* Joint Local and Nonlocal Progressive Prediction for Versatile Video Coding
* Joint Sonar-Communication System Based on Multicarrier Waveforms, A
* Ka-Band Doppler Scatterometry: A Strong Wind Case Study
* KiU-Net: Overcomplete Convolutional Architectures for Biomedical Image and Volumetric Segmentation
* Koopman Operator Applications in Signalized Traffic Systems
* Land Use Quantile Regression Modeling of Fine Particulate Matter in Australia
* Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province Based on Google Earth Engine from 2000 to 2020
* Landmark and IMU Data Fusion: Systematic Convergence Geometric Nonlinear Observer for SLAM and Velocity Bias
* Lane-Level Traffic Speed Forecasting: A Novel Mixed Deep Learning Model
* LD-Net: A Lightweight Network for Real-Time Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Learnable Empirical Mode Decomposition based on Mathematical Morphology
* Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose From Dense Body Parts
* Learning Generalized Spatial-Temporal Deep Feature Representation for No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Learning Low-Rank Graph With Enhanced Supervision
* Learning multi-scale synergic discriminative features for prostate image segmentation
* Learning to Predict Lidar Intensities
* Learning to Simulate Complex Scenes for Street Scene Segmentation
* Learning upper patch attention using dual-branch training strategy for masked face recognition
* Level set framework based on local scalable Gaussian distribution and adaptive-scale operator for accurate image segmentation and correction
* Lidar and Radar Signal Simulation: Stability Assessment of the Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Index
* Light Attention Embedding for Facial Expression Recognition
* Lightweight Object Detection Method in Aerial Images Based on Dense Feature Fusion Path Aggregation Network, A
* Limits of Accuracy for Parameter Estimation and Localization in Single-Molecule Microscopy via Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* Linearized Hellinger-Kantorovich Distance, The
* List-Wise Rank Learning for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Local Intensity Order Transformation for Robust Curvilinear Object Segmentation
* local ternary pattern encoder-decoder neural network for dental image segmentation, The
* Locality Constrained Low Rank Representation and Automatic Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Locality-Adaptive Structured Dictionary Learning for Cross-Domain Recognition
* Localization Integrity for Intelligent Vehicles Through Fault Detection and Position Error Characterization
* Location Optimization of VTS Radar Stations Considering Environmental Occlusion and Radar Attenuation
* Location-Based Schemes for Mitigating Cyber Threats on Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Survey and Design Framework
* Long Short-Term Relation Transformer With Global Gating for Video Captioning
* Long-Term Trends and Interannual Variability of Wind Forcing, Surface Circulation, and Temperature around the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands
* Long-Term Vegetation Phenology Changes and Responses to Preseason Temperature and Precipitation in Northern China
* Low-Latency Network-Adaptive Error Control for Interactive Streaming
* Low-resolution human pose estimation
* LP-GAN: Learning perturbations based on generative adversarial networks for point cloud adversarial attacks
* Machine Learning Snowfall Retrieval Algorithm for ATMS, A
* Machine Learning-Based Approaches for Predicting SPAD Values of Maize Using Multi-Spectral Images
* Making Video Quality Assessment Models Sensitive to Frame Rate Distortions
* Manifold-Based Multi-Deep Belief Network for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image
* Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate, A
* Mapping Canopy Cover in African Dry Forests from the Combined Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data: Application to Tanzania for the Year 2018
* Mapping of Rill Erosion of the Middle Volga (Russia) Region Using Deep Neural Network
* Mapping Restoration Activities on Dirk Hartog Island Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Imagery
* Margin-Based Adversarial Joint Alignment Domain Adaptation
* Marine Animal Segmentation
* Maximum Entropy Subspace Clustering Network
* Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Time-Delay Based Multistatic Target Localization
* MCMC Method of Inverse Problems Using a Neural Network: Application in GPR Crosshole Full Waveform Inversion: A Numerical Simulation Study
* MCRD-Net: An unsupervised dense network with multi-scale convolutional block attention for multi-focus image fusion
* Meta-Learning-Based Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection
* Meta-seg: A survey of meta-learning for image segmentation
* Method Combining Line Detection and Semantic Segmentation for Power Line Extraction from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* Method for Estimating the Optimal Coefficient of L1C/B1C Signal Correlator Joint Receiving
* method of single-shot target detection with multi-scale feature fusion and feature enhancement, A
* Microtopographic Controls on Erosion and Deposition of a Rilled Hillslope in Eastern Tennessee, USA
* Mirror Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
* Missing Data Imputation in GNSS Monitoring Time Series Using Temporal and Spatial Hankel Matrix Factorization
* Mixed Dish Recognition With Contextual Relation and Domain Alignment
* MLCRNet: Multi-Level Context Refinement for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images
* Modality Disentangled Discriminator for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Model-Agnostic Temporal Regularizer for Object Localization Using Motion Fields
* Modeling and analysis of driver behaviour under shared control through weighted visual and haptic guidance
* Modeling and Querying Fuzzy SOLAP-Based Framework
* Modeling as a Critical Process of Knowledge: Survey of Buildings in a State of Ruin
* Modeling Buildings in CityGML LOD1: Building Parts, Terrain Intersection Curve, and Address Features
* Modeling Evacuation Risk Using a Stochastic Process Formulation of Mesoscopic Dynamic Network Loading
* Modeling Forest Canopy Cover: A Synergistic Use of Sentinel-2, Aerial Photogrammetry Data, and Machine Learning
* Modeling of Time Geographical Kernel Density Function under Network Constraints
* Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 in Poland Based on a Spatial Interaction Model
* Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis
* Modelling Within-Season Variation in Light Use Efficiency Enhances Productivity Estimates for Cropland
* Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data
* Monitoring of Extreme Agricultural Drought of the Past 20 Years in Southwest China Using GLDAS Soil Moisture
* MoRE: Multi-output residual embedding for multi-label classification
* Motion Prediction of Beating Heart Using Spatio-Temporal LSTM
* mSODANet: A network for multi-scale object detection in aerial images using hierarchical dilated convolutions
* Multi-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Video Deblurring
* Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification via Semantic Similarity Graph Embedding
* Multi-level augmented inpainting network using spatial similarity
* Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-Localized Sensitive Autoencoder-Attention-LSTM For Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Multi-Modal Meta Multi-Task Learning for Social Media Rumor Detection
* Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Image Matching Considering Co-Occurrence Filter
* Multi-Objective Linear Optimization Problem for Strategic Planning of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Operation and Infrastructure Design
* Multi-Output Network Combining GNN and CNN for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multi-receptive Field Aggregation Network for single image deraining
* Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* Multi-scale network for remote sensing segmentation
* Multi-Scale Sparse Graph Convolutional Network For the Assessment of Parkinsonian Gait
* Multi-Task Center-of-Pressure Metrics Estimation With Graph Convolutional Network
* Multi-Task Fusion for Improving Mammography Screening Data Classification
* Multi-Task Learning for 2D Phase Unwrapping in Fringe Projection, A
* Multi-view graph convolutional networks with attention mechanism
* Multidecadal Land Water and Groundwater Drought Evaluation in Peninsular India
* Multiframe-to-Multiframe Network for Video Denoising
* Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoencoders and Bayesian Models for Self-Aware Embodied Agents
* Multimodal Marketing Intent Analysis for Effective Targeted Advertising
* Multistage Spatio-Temporal Networks for Robust Sketch Recognition
* MUSAK: A Multi-Scale Space Kinematic Method for Drone Detection
* Natural- and Human-Induced Influences on Terrestrial Water Storage Change in Sichuan, Southwest China from 2003 to 2020
* Near-Infrared Imaging Photoplethysmography During Driving
* Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Mode Cloning (NIR-MC) for In-Situ Analysis of Crude Protein in Bamboo
* Neighbourhood Species Richness Reduces Crown Asymmetry of Subtropical Trees in Sloping Terrain
* Neural Acoustic-Phonetic Approach for Speaker Verification With Phonetic Attention Mask
* neural network aided attuned scheme for gun detection in video surveillance images, A
* Neural Shape Parsers for Constructive Solid Geometry
* New Approach to the Design and Implementation of a Family of Multiplier Free Orthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks, A
* New Method for InSAR Stratified Tropospheric Delay Correction Facilitating Refinement of Coseismic Displacement Fields of Small-to-Moderate Earthquakes, A
* New Microscopic Approach to Traffic Flow Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network Object Detector and a Multi-Tracker Algorithm, A
* New Variational Model for Shape Graph Registration with Partial Matching Constraints, A
* Nighttime Road Scene Parsing by Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for 360-Degree Images by Analysis of Multifrequency Information and Local-Global Naturalness
* Noise-Suppressing Deep Tracking
* NoisyOTNet: A Robust Real-Time Vehicle Tracking Model for Traffic Surveillance
* Non-Coherent DOA Estimation via Majorization-Minimization Using Sign Information
* Nonparametric Bayesian Regression and Classification on Manifolds, With Applications to 3D Cochlear Shapes
* Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Cyclist Waiting Times across Three Behavioral Typologies
* Novel Adaptively Binarizing Magnitude Vector Method in Local Binary Pattern Based Framework for Texture Classification, A
* Novel and secure plaintext-related image encryption algorithm based on compressive sensing and tent-sine system
* novel biologically-inspired method for underwater image enhancement, A
* novel cell structure-based disparity estimation for unsupervised stereo matching, A
* Novel Mesh Denoising Method Based on Relaxed Second-Order Total Generalized Variation, A
* Novel Method for Mapping Lake Bottom Topography Using the GSW Dataset and Measured Water Level, A
* Novel Traffic Flow Reduction Method Based on Incomplete Vehicle History Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data, A
* novel unsupervised multiple feature hashing for image retrieval and indexing (MFHIRI), A
* NSSNet: Scale-Aware Object Counting With Non-Scale Suppression
* Numerical Simulation and Observational Data Analysis of Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Surface Waves in the South China Sea
* Object-Agnostic Transformers for Video Referring Segmentation
* Object-Aware Ghost Identification and Elimination for Dynamic Scene Mosaic
* Object-Based Visual Camera Pose Estimation From Ellipsoidal Model and 3D-Aware Ellipse Prediction
* Occlusion Boundary: A Formal Definition & Its Detection via Deep Exploration of Context
* Occlusion-Sensitive Person Re-Identification via Attribute-Based Shift Attention
* Of) Indigenous Maps in the Amazon: For a Decolonial Cartography
* Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment by Distortion Discrimination Assisted Multi-Stream Network
* On Measuring and Controlling the Spectral Bias of the Deep Image Prior
* On Optimality of Deterministic Rules in Adversarial Bayesian Detection
* On Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Image Denoising and Enhancement Techniques, Wavelet Transforms and Controlled Data Set Partitioning
* On the 3D Reconstruction of Coastal Structures by Unmanned Aerial Systems with Onboard Global Navigation Satellite System and Real-Time Kinematics and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* On the Use of Web Mapping Platforms to Support the Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Old Urban Areas
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation for Laser Footprint Cameras of GF-7 Satellite
* One Sketch for All: One-Shot Personalized Sketch Segmentation
* One-Class Double Compression Detection of Advanced Videos Based on Simple Gaussian Distribution Model
* One-for-All: An Efficient Variable Convolution Neural Network for In-Loop Filter of VVC
* Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urban Traffic Networks
* Online Station Assignment for Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping
* Open-Set Adversarial Defense with Clean-Adversarial Mutual Learning
* Optimal Control of Autonomous Vehicles for Traffic Smoothing
* Optimal Dynamic Lane Reversal and Traffic Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Optimal running time supplement for the energy-efficient train control considering the section running time constraint
* Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs With Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies
* Optimized Calculation of the Economic Speed Profile for Slope Driving: Based on Iterative Dynamic Programming
* Optimized Large-Scale Road Sensing Through Crowdsourced Vehicles
* Optimizing Latent Distributions for Non-Adversarial Generative Networks
* Optimizing the Sampling Area across an Old-Growth Forest via UAV-Borne Laser Scanning, GNSS, and Radial Surveying
* Ownership Protection on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Using Transform-Based Watermarking
* PARAFAC-Direct: A Joint Parameters Estimation Method for Slow-Time MIMO
* Parallel Transport Convolution: Deformable Convolutional Networks on Manifold-Structured Data
* Parallel, O(n) Algorithm for an Unbiased, Thin Watershed, A
* Part-Guided Attention Learning for Vehicle Instance Retrieval
* PassGoodPool: Joint Passengers and Goods Fleet Management With Reinforcement Learning Aided Pricing, Matching, and Route Planning
* Past, Present and Future Marine Microwave Satellite Missions in China
* Patch-Based Image Restoration Using Expectation Propagation
* Pathomic Fusion: An Integrated Framework for Fusing Histopathology and Genomic Features for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
* Patterns of Nighttime Crowd Flows in Tourism Cities Based on Taxi Data: Take Haikou Prefecture as an Example
* Perceptual redundancy model for compression of screen content videos
* Performance Analysis for Channel-Weighted Federated Learning in OMA Wireless Networks
* Personalized Image Recoloring for Color Vision Deficiency Compensation
* Phase Recovery With Deep Complex-Domain Priors
* Physical-Virtual Collaboration Modeling for Intra- and Inter-Station Metro Ridership Prediction
* Point Event Cluster Detection via the Bayesian Generalized Fused Lasso
* Popularity Incentive Caching for Vehicular Named Data Networking
* Population Space-Time Patterns Analysis and Anthropic Pressure Assessment of the Insubric Lakes Using User-Generated Geodata
* Portal Vein and Hepatic Vein Segmentation in Multi-Phase MR Images Using Flow-Guided Change Detection
* Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks for Forest Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric Short Time Series
* Pre-Training Without Natural Images
* Predicting Taxi-Calling Demands Using Multi-Feature and Residual Attention Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* Prediction model for short-term traffic flow based on a K-means-gated recurrent unit combination
* Prediction of Field-Scale Wheat Yield Using Machine Learning Method and Multi-Spectral UAV Data
* Prediction with expert advice for a finite number of experts: A practical introduction
* Pressure-Gradient Current at High Latitude from Swarm Measurements
* Prioritization-based subsampling quality assessment methodology for mobility-related information systems
* Probabilistic Graph Attention Network With Conditional Kernels for Pixel-Wise Prediction
* Probabilistic Pedestrian Models for Estimating Unobserved Road Populations
* Progressive Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for Realistic and Consistent Video Super-Resolution, A
* Progressive Glass Segmentation
* Progressive Multi-View Learning Approach for Multi-Loss Optimization in 3D Object Recognition, A
* Projections of Climate Change Impacts on Flowering-Veraison Water Deficits for Riesling and Muller-Thurgau in Germany
* Proposed Satellite-Based Crop Insurance System for Smallholder Maize Farming, A
* Proximal Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Indices for Monitoring Mango Tree Stem Sap Flux Density
* Pseudo Segmentation for Semantic Information-Aware Stereo Matching
* Pseudo View Representation Learning for Monocular RGB-D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* QuadNet: Quadruplet loss for multi-view learning in baggage re-identification
* Quantification of Off-Channel Inundated Habitat for Pacific Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) along the Sacramento River, California, Using Remote Sensing Imagery
* Quantifying Fundamental Vegetation Traits over Europe Using the Sentinel-3 OLCI Catalogue in Google Earth Engine
* Quantitative Analysis of Land Subsidence and Its Effect on Vegetation in Xishan Coalfield of Shanxi Province
* Quantitative Evaluation of Gully Erosion Using Multitemporal UAV Data in the Southern Black Soil Region of Northeast China: A Case Study
* R-PointHop: A Green, Accurate, and Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration Method
* R2Net: Residual refinement network for salient object detection
* RAiA-Net: A Multi-Stage Network With Refined Attention in Attention Module for Single Image Deraining
* RAMT-GAN: Realistic and accurate makeup transfer with generative adversarial network
* Range Gate Pull-Off Mainlobe Jamming Suppression Approach with FDA-MIMO Radar: Theoretical Formalism and Numerical Study
* Rapid Assessment of Building Damage Using Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of April 2015 Nepal Earthquake
* Rapid Mapping of Landslides on SAR Data by Attention U-Net
* Real-Time and Accurate UAV Pedestrian Detection for Social Distancing Monitoring in COVID-19 Pandemic
* Real-time facial expression recognition based on iterative transfer learning and efficient attention network
* Recaptured image forensics based on local ternary count of high order prediction error
* Reconstructed Global Daily Seamless SIF Product at 0.05 Degree Resolution Based on TROPOMI, MODIS and ERA5 Data, A
* Reconstructive Sequence-Graph Network for Video Summarization
* Recurrent Exposure Generation for Low-Light Face Detection
* Recurrent neural network non-singular terminal sliding mode control for path following of autonomous ground vehicles with parametric uncertainties
* Recursive Enhancement of Weak Subsurface Boundaries and Its Application to SHARAD Data
* Refined Gravity Field Models for Height System Unification in China, The
* Reinforcement Learning Based Relay Selection for Underwater Acoustic Cooperative Networks
* Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for Multi-Task Video Analytics Pipeline, A
* Remote Sensing Based Conservation Effectiveness Evaluation of Mangrove Reserves in China
* Remote Sensing in Studies of the Growing Season: A Bibliometric Analysis
* Remotely Monitoring Vegetation Productivity in Two Contrasting Subtropical Forest Ecosystems Using Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Removing Atmospheric Turbulence via Deep Adversarial Learning
* RepDarkNet: A Multi-Branched Detector for Small-Target Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Repurposing existing deep networks for caption and aesthetic-guided image cropping
* Research on a Simulation Model of a Skywave Over-the-Horizon Radar Sea Echo Spectrum
* Restoration of Individual Tree Missing Point Cloud Based on Local Features of Point Cloud
* Retrieval of Black Carbon Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth from AERONET Observations over the World during 2000-2018
* Retrieving the Infected Area of Pine Wilt Disease-Disturbed Pine Forests from Medium-Resolution Satellite Images Using the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory
* Revealing the Morphological Evolution of Krakatau Volcano by Integrating SAR and Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing Based on GF(p) and GF(28)
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Domain for Secret Image Sharing Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem, A
* Review of Land Surface Albedo: Variance Characteristics, Climate Effect and Management Strategy
* review on 2D instance segmentation based on deep neural networks, A
* Revisiting Facial Age Estimation With New Insights From Instance Space Analysis
* RGTransformer: Region-Graph Transformer for Image Representation and Few-Shot Classification
* Rhythm-Aware Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Labanotation Generation With Gesture-Sensitive Graph Convolutional Encoding
* Rigorous Feature Extraction Algorithm for Spherical Target Identification in Terrestrial Laser Scanning, A
* Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
* Robust Data-Driven Framework for Driver Behavior Profiling Using Supervised Machine Learning
* Robust Filter-Based Visual Navigation Solution with Miscalibrated Bi-Monocular or Stereo Cameras
* Robust image matching via local graph structure consensus
* Robust Localization in Map Changing Environments Based on Hierarchical Approach of Sliding Window Optimization and Filtering
* Rule extraction with guarantees from regression models
* Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data
* Safety-Guaranteed and Development Cost- Minimized Scheduling of DAG Functionality in an Automotive System
* SalFBNet: Learning pseudo-saliency distribution via feedback convolutional networks
* Scalable and Accurate De-Snowing Algorithm for LiDAR Point Clouds in Winter, A
* Scalable Image Coding for Humans and Machines
* Screening of Alzheimer's Disease With Multiwavelength Stokes Polarimetry in a Mouse Model
* SDTGAN: Generation Adversarial Network for Spectral Domain Translation of Remote Sensing Images of the Earth Background Based on Shared Latent Domain
* SDUNet: Road extraction via spatial enhanced and densely connected UNet
* Sea Surface Skin Temperature Retrieval from FY-3C/VIRR
* Seasonal Ground Movement Due to Swelling/Shrinkage of Nicosia Marl
* Self-Paced Knowledge Distillation for Real-Time Image Guided Depth Completion
* Self-Representation Based Unsupervised Exemplar Selection in a Union of Subspaces
* Self-Supervised Discovering of Interpretable Features for Reinforcement Learning
* Self-supervised part segmentation via motion imitation
* Self-Supervised Spectral-Spatial Vision Transformer Network for Accurate Prediction of Wheat Nitrogen Status from UAV Imagery, The
* Semantic Conditioned Dynamic Modulation for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos
* Semantic Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on Dual-Channel Multi-Size Fully Connected Convolutional Conditional Random Field
* Semantic Supplementary Network With Prior Information for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Semi-Supervised Deep Rule-Based Approach for Complex Satellite Sensor Image Analysis, A
* Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning for Benign-Malignant Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules in Chest CT Images
* Semi-Supervised Representation Learning via Triplet Loss Based on Explicit Class Ratio of Unlabeled Data
* Shareability-Exclusivity Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-camera video clustering
* Sharp Analysis of Covariate Adjusted Precision Matrix Estimation via Alternating Projected Gradient Descent, A
* ShaTure: Shape and Texture Deformation for Human Pose and Attribute Transfer
* Show, Price and Negotiate: A Negotiator With Online Value Look-Ahead
* SiamCorners: Siamese Corner Networks for Visual Tracking
* SIF-Based GPP Is a Useful Index for Assessing Impacts of Drought on Vegetation: An Example of a Mega-Drought in Yunnan Province, China
* Simulation of Soil Organic Carbon Content Based on Laboratory Spectrum in the Three-Rivers Source Region of China
* Simulation of Spatiotemporal Variations in Cotton Lint Yield in the Texas High Plains
* Simulation of the Radar Cross Section of a Noctuid Moth
* Simulation Study on Effects of Platooning Gaps on Drivers of Conventional Vehicles in Highway Merging Situations, A
* Single-Image Depth Estimation Using Relative Depths
* Singularity Analysis for the Perspective-Four and Five-Line Problems
* Situation Assessment-Augmented Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking
* SmartEle: Smart Electricity Dashboard for Detecting Consumption Patterns: A Case Study at a University Campus
* Smartphone-Camera-Based Water Reflectance Measurement and Typical Water Quality Parameter Inversion
* Social Condition-Enhanced Network for Recognizing Power Distance Using Expressive Prosody and Intrinsic Brain Connectivity, A
* Social-Aware Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction via States Refinement LSTM
* Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Trends and Mechanisms in Different Ecosystems in Northeastern China
* Space-Based Detection of Significant Water-Depth Increase Induced by Hurricane Irma in the Everglades Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Observations
* Sparse Coding-Enabled Low-Fluence Multi-Parametric Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Spatial and Temporal Variation, Simulation and Prediction of Land Use in Ecological Conservation Area of Western Beijing
* Spatial Patterns of the Spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and the Influencing Factors
* Spatial Transferability of Random Forest Models for Crop Type Classification Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
* Spatial-Temporal Diffusion Convolutional Network: A Novel Framework for Taxi Demand Forecasting
* Spatial-temporal slowfast graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Perturbations for Video Attribution
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Representation Learning for Video Action Recognition
* Special Issue on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications: Preface
* Speed and Direction Aware Skyline Query for Moving Objects
* Split n merge net: A dynamic masking network for multi-task attention
* Split, Embed and Merge: An accurate table structure recognizer
* SR-Net: Saliency Region Representation Network for Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* SRT3D: A Sparse Region-Based 3D Object Tracking Approach for the Real World
* SST: Spatial and Semantic Transformers for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* STC: FoV Tracking Enabled High-Quality 16K VR Video Streaming on Mobile Platforms
* Stereoscopic Image Description With Trinion Fractional-Order Continuous Orthogonal Moments
* Still Waiting for Self-Driving Cars
* STPNet: A Spatial-Temporal Propagation Network for Background Subtraction
* Stray Light Correction Algorithm for High Performance Optical Instruments: The Case of Metop-3MI
* Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management Based on Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Zhengzhou, China
* Structure Guided Deep Neural Network for Unsupervised Active Learning
* Structure Monitoring with BIM and IoT: The Case Study of a Bridge Beam Model
* Structure-Adaptive Neighborhood Preserving Hashing for Scalable Video Search
* Structure-aware conditional variational auto-encoder for constrained molecule optimization
* Structure-Guided Arbitrary Style Transfer for Artistic Image and Video
* Structure-Guided Segmentation for 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Structure-Preserving and Color-Restoring Up-Sampling for Single Low-Light Image
* Structured Attention Network for Referring Image Segmentation
* Student Network Learning via Evolutionary Knowledge Distillation
* Successive Consensus Clustering for Unsupervised Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Successive Linearization in Feasible Set Algorithm for Vehicle Motion Planning in Unstructured and Low-Speed Scenarios, A
* Super-encoder with cooperative autoencoder networks
* Supervised Adaptive Similarity Matrix Hashing
* Supervised Low-Rank Embedded Regression (SLRER) for Robust Subspace Learning
* Supervoxel-Based Random Forest Method for Robust and Effective Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Classification, A
* SurfaceView: Seamless and Tile-Based Orthomosaics Using Millions of Street-Level Images From Vehicle-Mounted Cameras
* Survey of Single-Scene Video Anomaly Detection, A
* Susceptibility Assessment of Debris Flows Coupled with Ecohydrological Activation in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Susceptibility Prediction of Post-Fire Debris Flows in Xichang, China, Using a Logistic Regression Model from a Spatiotemporal Perspective
* SVSNet: An End-to-End Speaker Voice Similarity Assessment Model
* SWNet: A Deep Learning Based Approach for Splashed Water Detection on Road
* Target tracking method based on interference detection
* Temperature Accuracy Analysis by Land Cover According to the Angle of the Thermal Infrared Imaging Camera for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Temporal-Channel Transformer for 3D Lidar-Based Video Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Temporal-Enhanced Graph Convolution Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Tensor local linear embedding with global subspace projection optimisation
* Tensor-Based Target Parameter Estimation Algorithm for FDA-MIMO Radar with Array Gain-Phase Error
* Three-Dimensional Simulation Model for Synergistically Simulating Urban Horizontal Expansion and Vertical Growth
* Three-Dimensional Surface Displacements of the 8 January 2022 Mw6.7 Menyuan Earthquake, China from Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 SAR Observations
* Time-Lag Effect of Vegetation Response to Volumetric Soil Water Content: A Case Study of Guangdong Province, Southern China
* TIR-Visible Automatic Registration and Geometric Correction Method for SDGSAT-1 Thermal Infrared Image Based on Modified RIFT, A
* Tire Force Estimation in Intelligent Tires Using Machine Learning
* Top-down and bottom-up attentional multiple instance learning for still image action recognition
* Total Variation With Joint Norms For Infrared and Visible Image Fusion, A
* Tracking by dynamic template: Dual update mechanism
* Trajectory dimensionality reduction and hyperparameter settings of DBSCAN for trajectory clustering
* Trajectory Saliency Detection Using Consistency-Oriented Latent Codes From a Recurrent Auto-Encoder
* Transferring discriminative knowledge via connective momentum clustering on person re-identification
* Tripartite Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation for Fashion Compatibility Prediction
* Triple Loss Based Framework for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Triplet Relationship Guided Sampling Consensus for Robust Model Estimation
* TSA-SCC: Text Semantic-Aware Screen Content Coding With Ultra Low Bitrate
* TSGB: Target-Selective Gradient Backprop for Probing CNN Visual Saliency
* TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient and Scalable Video Understanding on Edge Devices
* Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Network for Intra-Oral Scanner Image Segmentation
* Two-Stream Swin Transformer with Differentiable Sobel Operator for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* U-LanD: Uncertainty-Driven Video Landmark Detection
* UAV Swarm Scheduling Method for Remote Sensing Observations during Emergency Scenarios
* Uncertainty of Historic GLAD Forest Data in Temperate Climates and Implications for Forest Change Modelling
* Uncertainty Principle for Lowband Graph Signals, An
* Uncertainty-Guided Depth Fusion from Multi-View Satellite Images to Improve the Accuracy in Large-Scale DSM Generation
* Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging of Arctic Macroalgal Habitats during the Polar Night Using a Novel Mini-ROV-UHI Portable System
* Underwater image enhancement via integrated RGB and LAB color models
* Underwater image enhancement with latent consistency learning-based color transfer
* Underwater Image Quality Assessment: Subjective and Objective Methods
* Unified Attentive Cycle-Generative Adversarial Framework for Deriving Electrocardiogram From Seismocardiogram Signal, A
* Unified Information Fusion Network for Multi-Modal RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Universal Background Subtraction Based on Arithmetic Distribution Neural Network
* Universal predictive systems
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Target Tracking Based on OTSCKF and Improved Coordinated Lateral Guidance Law
* Unraveling Latent Transfer Patterns Between Metro and Bus From Large-Scale Smart Card Data
* Unsupervised anomaly detection via dual transformation-aware embeddings
* Unsupervised Image and Text Fusion for Travel Information Enhancement
* Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation via Pre-Trained StyleGAN2 Network
* Unsupervised Multi-Class Domain Adaptation: Theory, Algorithms, and Practice
* Unsupervised person re-identification via simultaneous clustering and mask prediction
* Unsupervised Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Guided by Visible Images
* Urban Hot/Cold Spot Detection Method Based on the Page Rank Value of Spatial Interaction Networks Constructed from Human Communication Records, An
* Use of Spatial Interpolation to Improve the Quality of Corn Silage Data in Case of Presence of Extreme or Missing Values, The
* Using a Deep Learning Algorithm to Improve the Results Obtained in the Recognition of Vessels Size and Trajectory Patterns in Shallow Areas Based on Magnetic Field Measurements Using Fluxgate Sensors
* Using Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) to Support Safe Navigation on Inland and Coastal Water Zones
* Validation of Four Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Based In Situ Observations over Northern China
* Variability of Longshore Surface Current on the Shelf Edge and Continental Slope off the West Coast of Canada
* Variational Inequality Model for the Construction of Signals from Inconsistent Nonlinear Equations, A
* Vehicle Energy Dataset (VED), A Large-Scale Dataset for Vehicle Energy Consumption Research
* Verifiable varying sized (m,n,n) multi-image secret sharing with combiner verification and cheater identification
* verification framework for behavioral safety of self-driving cars, A
* VFDP: Visual Analysis of Flight Delay and Propagation on a Geographical Map
* Video super-resolution via mixed spatial-temporal convolution and selective fusion
* VIIRS Day/Night Band: A Flicker Meter in Space?, The
* Visual Attention Consistency for Human Attribute Recognition
* Visual Compass Based on Point and Line Features for UAV High-Altitude Orientation Estimation, A
* Visual perception and local features for foreground-background segmentation
* Visual Perception Based Algorithm for Fast Depth Intra Coding of 3D-HEVC
* Volumetric Parameterization of the Placenta to a Flattened Template
* Voxel Structure-Based Mesh Reconstruction From a 3D Point Cloud
* Wavelet-Based Texture Reformation Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Weakly-Supervised Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild With Noisy Data
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Visual Words Learning and Hybrid Pooling
* Wind Speed Retrieval Using Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Ka-Band Data at Low Incidence Angles
* Wind Speed Variation Mapped Using SAR before and after Commissioning of Offshore Wind Farms
* Winter-Spring Prediction of Snow Avalanche Susceptibility Using Optimisation Multi-Source Heterogeneous Factors in the Western Tianshan Mountains, China
* Wireless Image Transmission Using Deep Source Channel Coding With Attention Modules
* Without detection: Two-step clustering features with local-global attention for image captioning
* Zero-Shot Video Event Detection With High-Order Semantic Concept Discovery and Matching
* Zonal Asymmetry of the Stratopause in the 2019/2020 Arctic Winter
* Zwei: A Self-Play Reinforcement Learning Framework for Video Transmission Services
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.