Lian, B.[Bosen]
Co Author Listing * Anomaly Detection and Correction of Optimizing Autonomous Systems With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Robustness Analysis of Distributed Kalman Filter for Estimation in Sensor Networks
Lian, B.W.[Bao Wang]
Co Author Listing * Resilient Cooperative Localization Based on Factor Graphs for Multirobot Systems
* Robust Multipath-Assisted SLAM with Unknown Process Noise and Clutter Intensity
* UGV-UAV robust cooperative positioning algorithm with object detection
Includes: Lian, B.W.[Bao Wang] Lian, B.W.[Bao-Wang]
Lian, C.
Co Author Listing * Accurate tumor segmentation in FDG-PET images with guidance of complementary CT images
* CNN Ensemble Based on a Spectral Feature Refining Module for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Few-Shot Domain Adaptation via Mixup Optimal Transport
* Joint Tumor Segmentation in PET-CT Images Using Co-Clustering and Fusion Based on Belief Functions
* MobileSAM-Track: Lightweight One-Shot Tracking and Segmentation of Small Objects on Edge Devices
* Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Semantics Grouping for Zero-Shot Learning
* Spatially-Constrained Fisher Representation for Brain Disease Identification With Incomplete Multi-Modal Neuroimages
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Brain Disease Prognosis Using MRI and Incomplete Clinical Scores
Includes: Lian, C. Lian, C.[Cheng] Lian, C.[Chao]
8 for Lian, C.
Lian, C.F.[Chun Feng]
Co Author Listing * Anatomy-Regularized Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Attention-Guided Hybrid Network for Dementia Diagnosis With Structural MR Images
* Deep Multi-Scale Mesh Feature Learning for Automated Labeling of Raw Dental Surfaces From 3D Intraoral Scanners
* Dual Meta-Learning with Longitudinally Generalized Regularization for One-Shot Brain Tissue Segmentation Across the Human Lifespan
* Dynamic Cross-Task Representation Adaptation for Clinical Targets Co-Segmentation in CT Image-Guided Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy
* evidential classifier based on feature selection and two-step classification strategy, An
* Fast and Accurate Craniomaxillofacial Landmark Detection via 3D Faster R-CNN
* HF-UNet: Learning Hierarchically Inter-Task Relevance in Multi-Task U-Net for Accurate Prostate Segmentation in CT Images
* Hierarchical Fully Convolutional Network for Joint Atrophy Localization and Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Structural MRI
* Localization of Craniomaxillofacial Landmarks on CBCT Images Using 3D Mask R-CNN and Local Dependency Learning
* MSCA-Net: Multi-scale contextual attention network for skin lesion segmentation
* One-Shot Generative Adversarial Learning for MRI Segmentation of Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures
* Semantic Graph Attention With Explicit Anatomical Association Modeling for Tooth Segmentation From CBCT Images
* Simulation of Postoperative Facial Appearances via Geometric Deep Learning for Efficient Orthognathic Surgical Planning
* Spatial Prior-Guided Bi-Directional Cross-Attention Transformers for Tooth Instance Segmentation
* TSGCNet: Discriminative Geometric Feature Learning with Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Dental Model Segmentation
* Two-Stage Mesh Deep Learning for Automated Tooth Segmentation and Landmark Localization on 3D Intraoral Scans
* Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Network for Intra-Oral Scanner Image Segmentation
Includes: Lian, C.F.[Chun Feng] Lian, C.F.[Chun-Feng] Lian, C.F.
18 for Lian, C.F.
Lian, C.J.[Chung Jr]
Co Author Listing * Analysis and architecture design of block-coding engine for EBCOT in JPEG 2000
* Computation reduction technique for lossy JPEG2000 encoding through EBCOT tier-2 feedback processing
* free-form surface flattening algorithm that minimizes geometric deformation energy, A
* On-Chip Memory Optimization Scheme for VLSI Implementation of Line-Based Two-Dimentional Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Parallel Embedded Block Coding Architecture for JPEG 2000
* System Analysis of VLSI Architecture for Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Word-Level Parallel Architecture of JPEG 2000 Embedded Block Coding Decoder
Includes: Lian, C.J.[Chung Jr] Lian, C.J.[Chung-Jr] Lian, C.J.[Cheng-Jie] Lian, C.J.
7 for Lian, C.J.
Lian, C.P.[Cui Ping]
Co Author Listing * Ground Positioning Method of Spaceborne SAR High-Resolution Sliding-Spot Mode Based on Antenna Pointing Vector
Includes: Lian, C.P.[Cui Ping] Lian, C.P.[Cui-Ping]
Lian, C.Q.[Chen Qin]
Co Author Listing * Disentangling the Roles of Climate Variables in Forest Fire Occurrences in China
* Near-Optimal Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Via Receding-Horizon Dual Heuristic Programming
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Regional Variations of Active Fires in China since 2001
Includes: Lian, C.Q.[Chen Qin] Lian, C.Q.[Chen-Qin] Lian, C.Q.[Chuan-Qiang]
Lian, D.[Dongze]
Co Author Listing * Believe It or Not, We Know What You Are Looking At!
* Boosting Factorization Machines via Saliency-Guided Mixup
* Collaborative Filtering With Ranking-Based Priors on Unknown Ratings
* Deep Cross-Attention Network for Crowdfunding Success Prediction
* Influence-Driven Data Poisoning for Robust Recommender Systems
* Label Deconvolution for Node Representation Learning on Large-Scale Attributed Graphs Against Learning Bias
* Single-Image Piece-Wise Planar 3D Reconstruction via Associative Embedding
Includes: Lian, D.[Dongze] Lian, D.[Defu]
7 for Lian, D.
Lian, D.J.[Da Jun]
Co Author Listing * Novel Method for Monitoring Tropical Cyclones' Movement Using GNSS Zenith Tropospheric Delay, A
Includes: Lian, D.J.[Da Jun] Lian, D.J.[Da-Jun]
Lian, D.L.[De Liang]
Co Author Listing * Self-guided information for few-shot classification
* Spatiotemporal Progressive Inward-Outward Aggregation Network for skeleton-based action recognition
Includes: Lian, D.L.[De Liang] Lian, D.L.[De-Liang]
Lian, D.Z.[Dong Ze]
Co Author Listing * Crowd Counting With Partial Annotations in an Image
* Dataset Quantization
* Density Map Regression Guided Detection Network for RGB-D Crowd Counting and Localization
* Dreamdrone: Text-to-image Diffusion Models Are Zero-shot Perpetual View Generators
* Evaluating Capability of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification via Information Plane
* Future Frame Prediction for Anomaly Detection - A New Baseline
* Future Frame Prediction Network for Video Anomaly Detection
* iQuery: Instruments as Queries for Audio-Visual Sound Separation
* Local to Global Learning: Gradually Adding Classes for Training Deep Neural Networks
* Locating and Counting Heads in Crowds With a Depth Prior
* Look Before You Leap: Learning Landmark Features for One-Stage Visual Grounding
* Parameter-efficient and Memory-efficient Tuning for Vision Transformer: A Disentangled Approach
* Priority-Centric Human Motion Generation in Discrete Latent Space
* SVIP: Sequence VerIfication for Procedures in Videos
* TM2D: Bimodality Driven 3D Dance Generation via Music-Text Integration
* TransRAC: Encoding Multi-scale Temporal Correlation with Transformers for Repetitive Action Counting
* TSP-Transformer: Task-Specific Prompts Boosted Transformer for Holistic Scene Understanding
* Video Anomaly Detection with Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks
* Weakly Supervised Video Representation Learning with Unaligned Text for Sequential Videos
Includes: Lian, D.Z.[Dong Ze] Lian, D.Z.[Dong-Ze]
19 for Lian, D.Z.
Lian, F.[Feng]
Co Author Listing * Filtering in Triplet Markov Chain Model in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Noise with Application to Target Tracking
* Global Sensing and Measurements Reuse for Image Compressed Sensing
Lian, F.H.[Fei Hong]
Co Author Listing * Toward Joint Thing-and-Stuff Mining for Weakly Supervised Panoptic Segmentation
Includes: Lian, F.H.[Fei Hong] Lian, F.H.[Fei-Hong]
Lian, F.L.
Co Author Listing * Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving
Lian, F.Z.[Feng Zhao]
Co Author Listing * Multimodal Biometric Recognition Method Based on Federated Learning, A
Includes: Lian, F.Z.[Feng Zhao] Lian, F.Z.[Feng-Zhao]
Lian, G.[Guanyu]
Co Author Listing * Transformation of portraits to Picasso's cubism style
* Urban Resident Travel Survey Method Based on Cellular Signaling Data
Includes: Lian, G.[Guanyu] Lian, G.[Guan]
Lian, G.Y.[Guo Yun]
Co Author Listing * Matching of Tracked Pedestrians Across Disjoint Camera Views Using CI-DLBP
* Multi-Indicator Evaluation Method for Spatial Distribution of Urban Emergency Shelters, A
* People consistent labeling between uncalibrated cameras without planar ground assumption
* Rotation invariant color texture classification using multiple sub-DLBPs
* Spatial-temporal consistent labeling of tracked pedestrians across non-overlapping camera views
Includes: Lian, G.Y.[Guo Yun] Lian, G.Y.[Guo-Yun]
Lian, H.[Heng]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Using Random Fields
* iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-Modal Subspace Clustering
* On feature selection with principal component analysis for one-class SVM
* Properties of Standard and Sketched Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Robust low tubal rank tensor recovery via L2E criterion
* Total variation, adaptive total variation and nonconvex smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty for denoising blocky images
* Variational Local Structure Estimation for Image Super-Resolution
Includes: Lian, H.[Heng] Lian, H.
7 for Lian, H.
Lian, H.C.[Hui Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Fast Fingerprint Retrieval with Line Detection
* Scale specified single shot multibox detector
* TDCC: top-down semantic aggregation for colour constancy
Includes: Lian, H.C.[Hui Cheng] Lian, H.C.[Hui-Cheng] Lian, H.C.[Hui-Chen]
Lian, H.J.[Hao Jie]
Co Author Listing * Integration of 3D Gaussian Splatting and Neural Radiance Fields in Virtual Reality Fire Fighting
Includes: Lian, H.J.[Hao Jie] Lian, H.J.[Hao-Jie]
Lian, H.Q.[He Qing]
Co Author Listing * Flexible Alignment Super-Resolution Network for Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Includes: Lian, H.Q.[He Qing] Lian, H.Q.[He-Qing]
Lian, J.
Co Author Listing * Accurate Segmentation of CT Male Pelvic Organs via Regression-Based Deformable Models and Multi-Task Random Forests
* Automated recognition and discrimination of human-animal interactions using Fisher vector and hidden Markov model
* Boundary Coding Representation for Organ Segmentation in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
* Causal Temporal-Spatial Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction With Goal Point Estimation and Contextual Interaction
* Classification of Driving Postures by Support Vector Machines
* CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid Loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
* Deblurring retinal optical coherence tomography via a convolutional neural network with anisotropic and double convolution layer
* Driver's fatigue expressions recognition by combined features from pyramid histogram of oriented gradient and contourlet transform with random subspace ensembles
* Dynamic Cross-Task Representation Adaptation for Clinical Targets Co-Segmentation in CT Image-Guided Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy
* Efficient Vehicle Trajectory Prediction With Goal Lane Segments and Dual-Stream Cross Attention
* Estimating CT Image From MRI Data Using Structured Random Forest and Auto-Context Model
* Fast Chinese character detection from complex scenes
* Hierarchical Patch-Based Sparse Representation: A New Approach for Resolution Enhancement of 4D-CT Lung Data
* High-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks for Low-Contrast Medical Image Segmentation
* Improved Listless Zerotree Image Compression Algorithm and Application
* Knockoff filter-based feature selection for discrimination of non-small cell lung cancer in CT image
* Mapping Grassland Classes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and MODIS NDVI Data for Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
* Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Based on Aerial Photography in a Fragmented Desertification Landscape
* Mode-Matching Approach for Acoustic Vortex Generation in Circular Array Configurations, A
* Multi-PPTP: Multiple Probabilistic Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in the Complex Junction Scene
* Multi-source Information Gain for Random Forest: An Application to CT Image Prediction from MRI Data
* Novel Framework for Scene Graph Generation via Prior Knowledge, A
* Ocular multi-spectral imaging deblurring via regularization of mutual information
* Quick response barcode deblurring via L_0 regularisation based sparse optimisation
* Real-time coloring method of laser surgery video based on generative adversarial network
* Recognition of driving postures by contourlet transform and random forests
* Reconstruction of super-resolution lung 4D-CT using patch-based sparse representation
* Robustly Integrated Design of Plug-in Fuel Cell Electric Buses Considering the Noise Disturbance
* Sparse Patch-Based Label Propagation for Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images
* Structure-Aware Relation Network for Thoracic Diseases Detection and Segmentation, A
* Traffic Scene Segmentation Based on RGB-D Image and Deep Learning
* Tree Species Classification Using Plant Functional Traits and Leaf Spectral Properties along the Vertical Canopy Position
* Understanding the Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectra and Traits in an Evergreen Broadleaved Forest
Includes: Lian, J. Lian, J.[Jian] Lian, J.[Jing] Lian, J.[Jie] Lian, J.[Jun] Lian, J.[Jia] Lian, J.[Juyu]
33 for Lian, J.
Lian, J.A.[Jian Ao]
Co Author Listing * Construction of energy preserving QMF
* Dilation-3 PR QMF for image processing
* Energy Preserving QMF for Image Processing
Includes: Lian, J.A.[Jian Ao] Lian, J.A.[Jian-Ao]
Lian, J.H.[Jian Hong]
Co Author Listing * Tumour growth prediction of follow-up lung cancer via conditional recurrent variational autoencoder
Includes: Lian, J.H.[Jian Hong] Lian, J.H.[Jian-Hong]
Lian, J.T.[Ji Ting]
Co Author Listing * Detailed Mapping of Urban Land Use Based on Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Lanzhou
Includes: Lian, J.T.[Ji Ting] Lian, J.T.[Ji-Ting]
Lian, J.W.[Jia Wei]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Branch Enhanced Discriminative Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
Includes: Lian, J.W.[Jia Wei] Lian, J.W.[Jia-Wei]
Lian, J.X.[Jing Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Person Pose Estimation in the Wild: Using Adversarial Method to Train a Top-Down Pose Estimation Network
Includes: Lian, J.X.[Jing Xiang] Lian, J.X.[Jing-Xiang]
Lian, J.Y.[Jie Ya]
Co Author Listing * Few-shot Learning with Unlabeled Outlier Exposure
Includes: Lian, J.Y.[Jie Ya] Lian, J.Y.[Jie-Ya]
Lian, J.Z.[Jia Zheng]
Co Author Listing * MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
Includes: Lian, J.Z.[Jia Zheng] Lian, J.Z.[Jia-Zheng]
Lian, L.[Lizhen]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Seismic Deformation from Global Three-Decade GNSS Displacements: Implications for a Three-Dimensional Earth GNSS Velocity Field
* Applicability Evaluation of Multisource Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Research in Arid Mountainous Areas
* Assessment of the Combined Risk of Drought and High-Temperature Heat Wave Events in the North China Plain during Summer
* Assessment of the Improvement in Observation Precision of GNSS, SLR, VLBI, and DORIS Inputs from ITRF2014 to ITRF2020 Using TRF Stacking Methods
* Bootstrapping Objectness from Videos by Relaxed Common Fate and Visual Grouping
* Debiased Learning from Naturally Imbalanced Pseudo-Labels
* Deep Hashing with Weighted Spatial Importance
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Dense Connections
* Emission factor calibration and signal timing optimisation for isolated intersections
* Low-Rank Laplacian-Uniform Mixed Model for Robust Face Recognition
* Q-Diffusion: Quantizing Diffusion Models
* Quantifying the Effects of Climate Variability, Land-Use Changes, and Human Activities on Drought Based on the SWAT-PDSI Model
* Reinforced Short-Length Hashing
* Robust face recognition based on iterative sparse coding and pixel selection
* Self-Correcting LLM-Controlled Diffusion Models
* Unsupervised Selective Labeling for More Effective Semi-supervised Learning
* Unsupervised Universal Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Visual Attention and Invariance for Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Lian, L.[Lizhen] Lian, L.[Lishu] Lian, L.[Long] Lian, L.[Li] Lian, L.[Lina] Lian, L.[Lian] Lian, L.
18 for Lian, L.
Lian, L.J.[Li Jhih]
Co Author Listing * Validation of a Primary Production Algorithm of Vertically Generalized Production Model Derived from Multi-Satellite Data around the Waters of Taiwan
Includes: Lian, L.J.[Li Jhih] Lian, L.J.[Li-Jhih]
Lian, L.P.[Li Ping]
Co Author Listing * Forest Fire Smoke Detection Using Back-Propagation Neural Network Based on MODIS Data
Includes: Lian, L.P.[Li Ping] Lian, L.P.[Li-Ping]
Lian, L.X.[Li Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Wireless Area Positioning in RIS-Assisted mmWave Systems: Joint Passive and Active Beamforming Design
Includes: Lian, L.X.[Li Xiang] Lian, L.X.[Li-Xiang]
Lian, L.Z.[Le Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Tracking With Saliency Region Transformer
Includes: Lian, L.Z.[Le Zhi] Lian, L.Z.[Le-Zhi]
Lian, M.J.[Meng Jia]
Co Author Listing * Circumferential Binary Feature Extraction and Matching Search Algorithms
Includes: Lian, M.J.[Meng Jia] Lian, M.J.[Meng-Jia]
Lian, N.X.[Nai Xiang]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Filtering for Color Filter Array Demosaicking
* Color Image Denoising Using Wavelets and Minimum Cut Analysis
* Edge-Preserving Image Denoising via Optimal Color Space Projection
* Efficient and Effective Color Filter Array Demosaicking Method, An
* Error Inhomogeneity of Wavelet Image Compression
* Groupwise morphometric analysis based on morphological appearance manifold
* Improved Color Filter Array Demosaicking by Accurate Luminance Estimation
* Retinal Vessel Detection using Self-Matched Filtering
* Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Image Processing: Performance Analysis and Modeling
* Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Images
Includes: Lian, N.X.[Nai Xiang] Lian, N.X.[Nai-Xiang] Lian, N.X.
10 for Lian, N.X.
Lian, P.[Puyu]
Co Author Listing * AIRS and MODIS Satellite-Based Assessment of Air Pollution in Southwestern China: Impact of Stratospheric Intrusions and Cross-Border Transport of Biomass Burning
* Textile Defect Detection Algorithm Based on Unsupervised Learning
Includes: Lian, P.[Puyu] Lian, P.[Peiyin]
Lian, Q.
Co Author Listing * Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging based on dictionary updating and block-matching and three-dimensional filtering regularisation
* Constructing comprehensive and discriminative representations with diverse attention for occluded person re-identification
* Constructing Self-Motivated Pyramid Curriculums for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation: A Non-Adversarial Approach
* Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Through Structure Enhancement
* Exploring Geometric Consistency for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Lift3D: Synthesize 3D Training Data by Lifting 2D GAN to 3D Generative Radiance Field
* MonoJSG: Joint Semantic and Geometric Cost Volume for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Semi-supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection by Multi-view Consistency
* Variance of Local Contribution: An Unsupervised Image Quality Assessment for Face Recognition
Includes: Lian, Q. Lian, Q.[Qiusheng] Lian, Q.[Qing] Lian, Q.[Qiye]
9 for Lian, Q.
Lian, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Convolutional Sparse Coding with Weighted L1 Norm for Phase Retrieval: Algorithm and Its Deep Unfolded Network
* DualPRNet: Deep Shrinkage Dual Frame Network for Deep Unrolled Phase Retrieval
* iPiano-Net: Nonconvex optimization inspired multi-scale reconstruction network for compressed sensing
* Multi-scale Cross-path Concatenation Residual Network for Poisson denoising
* Supervised dual tight frame learning with deep thresholding network for phase retrieval
* Transformer based Douglas-Rachford unrolling network for compressed sensing
Includes: Lian, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng] Lian, Q.S.[Qiu-Sheng]
Lian, R.[Ruyi]
Co Author Listing * CheckerPose: Progressive Dense Keypoint Localization for Object Pose Estimation with Graph Neural Network
* Weakly Supervised Road Segmentation in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Point Annotations
* Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Based on a Re-Degradation Haze Imaging Model
Includes: Lian, R.[Ruyi] Lian, R.[Renbao]
Lian, R.Y.[Rui Yao]
Co Author Listing * New Method of Rainfall Detection from the Collected X-Band Marine Radar Images, A
Includes: Lian, R.Y.[Rui Yao] Lian, R.Y.[Rui-Yao]
Lian, R.Z.[Ren Zong]
Co Author Listing * Predictive Vehicle Stability Assessment Using Lyapunov Exponent Under Extreme Conditions
Includes: Lian, R.Z.[Ren Zong] Lian, R.Z.[Ren-Zong]
Lian, S.
Co Author Listing * Anchor Free Network for Multi-Scale Face Detection
* Attention guided U-Net for accurate iris segmentation
* Collusion-Traceable Secure Multimedia Distribution Based on Controllable Modulation
* Deep Learning Based Wearable Assistive System for Visually Impaired People
* Facial Pose Estimation by Deep Learning from Label Distributions
* Falls Prediction Based on Body Keypoints and Seq2Seq Architecture
* Feature Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Hybrid attention transformer with re-parameterized large kernel convolution for image super-resolution
* Leveraging Virtual and Real Person for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Multimodal Benchmark Dataset and Model for Crop Disease Diagnosis, A
* Patch-Wise Auto-Encoder for Visual Anomaly Detection
* Realistic Face-to-Face Conversation System Based on Deep Neural Networks, A
* Reliable JPEG steganalysis based on multi-directional correlations
* Small Obstacle Avoidance Based on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Lian, S. Lian, S.[Sheng] Lian, S.[Shiguo]
14 for Lian, S.
Lian, S.B.[Ssu Bin]
Co Author Listing * Atmospheric Visibility Monitoring Using Digital Image Analysis Techniques
* Constraints on the Neighborhood Size in LLE
* Rethinking Fast Fourier Convolution in Image Inpainting
Includes: Lian, S.B.[Ssu Bin] Lian, S.B.[Ssu-Bin] Lian, S.B.[Shuai-Bin] Lian, S.B.[Shuo-Bin]
Lian, S.C.[Si Cheng]
Co Author Listing * Attention-Aligned Network for Person Re-Identification
* AVPL: Augmented visual perception learning for person Re-identification and beyond
* Multiscale Omnibearing Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Part-Relation-Aware Feature Fusion Network for Person Re-Identification
* Three-Dimension Transmissible Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
Includes: Lian, S.C.[Si Cheng] Lian, S.C.[Si-Cheng]
Lian, S.G.[Shi Guo]
Co Author Listing * Commutative Encryption and Watermarking in Video Compression
* Desynchronization in Compression Process for Collusion Resilient Video Fingerprint
* Desynchronized image fingerprint for large scale distribution
* fast video encryption scheme based on chaos, A
* Multi-stream 3D video distribution over peer-to-peer networks
* Secure Distribution Scheme for Compressed Data Streams
* Secure video distribution scheme based on partial encryption
* Secure Video Multicast Based on Desynchronized Fingerprint and Partial Encryption
* TV Content Analysis: Techniques and Applications
Includes: Lian, S.G.[Shi Guo] Lian, S.G.[Shi-Guo]
9 for Lian, S.G.
Lian, S.J.[Shi Jie]
Co Author Listing * WaterMask: Instance Segmentation for Underwater Imagery
Includes: Lian, S.J.[Shi Jie] Lian, S.J.[Shi-Jie]
Lian, S.L.[Shi Liu]
Co Author Listing * Removal of Baseline Wander from Dynamic Electrocardiogram Signals
Includes: Lian, S.L.[Shi Liu] Lian, S.L.[Shi-Liu]
Lian, S.W.[Shi Wei]
Co Author Listing * Method of Mining Association Rules for Geographical Points of Interest, A
Includes: Lian, S.W.[Shi Wei] Lian, S.W.[Shi-Wei]
Lian, S.Z.[Shi Zhong]
Co Author Listing * Probability-based Statistical Method To Extract Water Body Of Tm Images With Missing Information, A
Includes: Lian, S.Z.[Shi Zhong] Lian, S.Z.[Shi-Zhong]
Lian, T.[Tianpei]
Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Candidates for Image Cropping
* Distribution-Oriented Aesthetics Assessment With Semantic-Aware Hybrid Network
* Estimating Evapotranspiration over Heterogeneous Surface with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data: A Case Study in Heihe River Basin
* Hippocampus Segmentation Based on Iterative Local Linear Mapping With Representative and Local Structure-Preserved Feature Embedding
* Image Cropping Assisted By Modeling Inter-Patch Relations
* NPP-VIIRS DNB Daily Data in Natural Disaster Assessment: Evidence from Selected Case Studies
* Soft Prototyping Camera Designs for Car Detection Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* Stacked Omnistereo for virtual reality with six degrees of freedom
Includes: Lian, T.[Tianpei] Lian, T.[Tao] Lian, T.[Ting] Lian, T.
8 for Lian, T.
Lian, W.[Wenyi]
Co Author Listing * BokehOrNot: Transforming Bokeh Effect with Image Transformer and Lens Metadata Embedding
* concave optimization algorithm for matching partially overlapping point sets, A
* Efficient Globally Optimal Algorithm for Asymmetric Point Matching, An
* Equipping Diffusion Models with Differentiable Spatial Entropy for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* Low-rank path-following algorithm for 3D similarity registration
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Low Light Image Enhancement: Methods and Results
* Parallel Attentive Correlation Tracking
* Path-following Algorithm for Robust Point Matching, A
* Point Matching in the Presence of Outliers in Both Point Sets: A Concave Optimization Approach
* Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* Prediction of Mine Subsidence Based on InSAR Technology and the LSTM Algorithm: A Case Study of the Shigouyi Coalfield, Ningxia (China)
* quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, A
* Robust Point Matching Revisited: A Concave Optimization Approach
* Rotation Invariant Non-rigid Shape Matching in Cluttered Scenes
* Rotation-Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes
* Sliding Window Recurrent Network for Efficient Video Super-resolution
* Visual tracking using spatio-temporally nonlocally regularized correlation filter
Includes: Lian, W.[Wenyi] Lian, W.[Wei] Lian, W.
18 for Lian, W.
Lian, W.J.[Wen Jing]
Co Author Listing * Equipping Diffusion Models with Differentiable Spatial Entropy for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Low Light Image Enhancement: Methods and Results
* Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* Sliding Window Recurrent Network for Efficient Video Super-resolution
* Topology Preserving Gridding Method for Vector Features in Discrete Global Grid Systems, A
Includes: Lian, W.J.[Wen Jing] Lian, W.J.[Wen-Jing] Lian, W.J.[Wen-Jie]
Lian, W.Q.[Wei Qi]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Verification of Airborne Large-Footprint Lidar Based on Terrain Features
Includes: Lian, W.Q.[Wei Qi] Lian, W.Q.[Wei-Qi]
Lian, W.T.[Wen Tao]
Co Author Listing * Investigation of Light-Scattering Properties of Non-Spherical Sea Salt Aerosol Particles at Varying Levels of Relative Humidity
* Regional Aerosol Model for the Oceanic Area around Eastern China Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), A
* Spatial and Temporal Variation Patterns of NO 5.3 µm Infrared Radiation during Two Consecutive Auroral Disturbances
Includes: Lian, W.T.[Wen Tao] Lian, W.T.[Wen-Tao]
Lian, X.[Xuhang]
Co Author Listing * Cascaded hierarchical atrous spatial pyramid pooling module for semantic segmentation
* End-to-end Building Change Detection Model In Aerial Imagery And Digital Surface Model Based on Neural Networks
* Lossless Frame Memory Compression Using Pixel-Grain Prediction and Dynamic Order Entropy Coding
* Monitoring Mining Surface Subsidence with Multi-Temporal Three-Dimensional Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Point Cloud
* Neural Architecture Search for Lightweight Non-Local Networks
* Parallel Content-Aware Adaptive Quantization-Oriented Lossy Frame Memory Recompression for HEVC
* Study on the Development Law of Mining-Induced Ground Cracks under Gully Terrain
* Study on the Method for Cleaning and Repairing the Probe Vehicle Data, A
* Surface Subsidence Monitoring Induced by Underground Coal Mining by Combining DInSAR and UAV Photogrammetry
Includes: Lian, X.[Xuhang] Lian, X. Lian, X.[Xugang]
9 for Lian, X.
Lian, X.B.[Xia Bin]
Co Author Listing * Lightweight Pyramid Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction, A
Includes: Lian, X.B.[Xia Bin] Lian, X.B.[Xia-Bin]
Lian, X.C.[Xiao Chen]
Co Author Listing * AutoSpace: Neural Architecture Search with Less Human Interference
* HR-NAS: Searching Efficient High-Resolution Neural Architectures with Lightweight Transformers
* Max-Margin Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Categorization
* NightLab: A Dual-level Architecture with Hardness Detection for Segmentation at Night
* Parsing Semantic Parts of Cars Using Graphical Models and Segment Appearance Consistency
* PASCAL Boundaries: A Semantic Boundary Dataset with a Deep Semantic Boundary Detector
* Pixel-grain prediction and K-order UEG-rice entropy coding oriented lossless frame memory compression for motion estimation in HEVC
* Probabilistic models for supervised dictionary learning
* Time and space efficient spectral clustering via column sampling
Includes: Lian, X.C.[Xiao Chen] Lian, X.C.[Xiao-Chen] Lian, X.C.[Xiao-Cong]
9 for Lian, X.C.
Lian, X.G.[Xu Gang]
Co Author Listing * Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Imagery and Laser Scanning Combined with Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Complex Stands
Includes: Lian, X.G.[Xu Gang] Lian, X.G.[Xu-Gang]
Lian, X.H.[Xi Hong]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Frozen Ground in the Qilian Mountains in 2004-2019 Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing
* Storm Surge Hazard Assessment of the Levee of a Rapidly Developing City-Based on LiDAR and Numerical Models
Includes: Lian, X.H.[Xi Hong] Lian, X.H.[Xi-Hong] Lian, X.H.[Xi-Hu]
Lian, X.P.[Xiao Ping]
Co Author Listing * Ecology-inspired Admission Control scheme in heterogeneous wireless Networks
Includes: Lian, X.P.[Xiao Ping] Lian, X.P.[Xiao-Ping]
Lian, X.R.[Xiang Ru]
Co Author Listing * E2VTS: Energy-Efficient Video Text Spotting from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Includes: Lian, X.R.[Xiang Ru] Lian, X.R.[Xiang-Ru]
Lian, X.T.[Xin Tao]
Co Author Listing * VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
Includes: Lian, X.T.[Xin Tao] Lian, X.T.[Xin-Tao]
Lian, X.Y.[Xiao Yu]
Co Author Listing * Boosting the Discriminant Power of Naive Bayes
* Multi-receptive field graph convolutional neural networks for pedestrian detection
* Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising by Combining Spatial-Spectral Information, A
* Spatial-Spectral Joint Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on a Two-Branch 3D Convolutional Autoencoder and Spatial Filtering
Includes: Lian, X.Y.[Xiao Yu] Lian, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Lian, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Lian, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying]
Lian, Y.[Yi]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Extracting Prior BRDF from MODIS BRDF Data
* Assessment of the Added Value of the GOCE GPS Data on the GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solutions
* Directional Applicability Analysis of Albedo Retrieval Using Prior BRDF Knowledge
* Effectiveness of the Reconstructed MODIS Typical-Angle Reflectances on Forest Biomass Estimation
* encoding method of position embeddings in vision transformer, The
* Enhancing Leaf Area Index Estimation with MODIS BRDF Data by Optimizing Directional Observations and Integrating PROSAIL and Ross–Li Models
* Extracting Mare-like Cryptomare Deposits in Cryptomare Regions Based on CE-2 MRM Data Using SVM Method
* Full RDO-Support Power-Aware CABAC Encoder With Efficient Context Access
* MBFQuant: A Multiplier-Bitwidth-Fixed, Mixed-Precision Quantization Method for Mobile CNN-Based Applications
* Monocular Road Scene Bird's Eye View Prediction via Big Kernel-Size Encoder and Spatial-Channel Transform Module
* New Insights into Surface Deposits in the Balmer-Kapteyn Cryptomare Region Provided by Chang'E-2 Microwave Radiometer Data
* Novel Spatial and Temporal Context-Aware Approach for Drone-Based Video Object Detection, A
* Quantifying the Reflectance Anisotropy Effect on Albedo Retrieval from Remotely Sensed Observations Using Archetypal BRDFs
* Recognition of visual speech elements using adaptively boosted hidden Markov models
* Reflectance Anisotropy from MODIS for Albedo Retrieval from a Single Directional Reflectance
* Regional Atmospheric CO2 Response to Ecosystem CO2 Budgets in China
* Study of Coal Fire Propagation with Remotely Sensed Thermal Infrared Data, A
* Terrain-Net: A Highly-Efficient, Parameter-Free, and Easy-to-Use Deep Neural Network for Ground Filtering of UAV LiDAR Data in Forested Environments
* Two-stage partial image-text clustering (TPIT-C)
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation by Disentanglement Learning and Self-Training
Includes: Lian, Y.[Yi] Lian, Y.[Yidu] Lian, Y.[Youzao] Lian, Y. Lian, Y.[Yubo] Lian, Y.[Yong] Lian, Y.[Yining] Lian, Y.[Yahong]
20 for Lian, Y.
Lian, Y.C.[Yan Chao]
Co Author Listing * Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* Supervised Edge Attention Network for Accurate Image Instance Segmentation
* VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
Includes: Lian, Y.C.[Yan Chao] Lian, Y.C.[Yan-Chao]
Lian, Y.F.[Yu Feng]
Co Author Listing * Development of identification of tire-road friction conditions
* Emotion information visualization through learning of 3D morphable face model
* Full Transfer Learning LSTM-Based Fractional Order Optimization Method of GM(r,2) for Inferring Driving Intention, A
* Gain-scheduling control of dynamic lateral lane change for automated and connected vehicles based on the multipoint preview
* Head pose estimation with particle swarm optimization-based contrastive learning and multimodal entangled GCN
Includes: Lian, Y.F.[Yu Feng] Lian, Y.F.[Yu-Feng] Lian, Y.F.[Yuan-Feng]
Lian, Y.J.[Yong Jian]
Co Author Listing * Detecting and inferring repetitive elements with accurate locations and shapes from façades
* Detecting repetitive elements with accurate locations and shapes from urban facade
* Exploiting multigranular salient features with hierarchical multi-mode attention network for pedestrian re-IDentification
Includes: Lian, Y.J.[Yong Jian] Lian, Y.J.[Yong-Jian]
Lian, Y.M.[Yi Ming]
Co Author Listing * Precision Analysis of Multi-Parameter Multi-Epoch Emitter Localization Radar in Three-Satellite Formation
Includes: Lian, Y.M.[Yi Ming] Lian, Y.M.[Yi-Ming]
Lian, Y.N.[Yi Ning]
Co Author Listing * Terrestrial Videogrammetry for Deriving Key Forest Inventory Data: A Case Study in Plantation
Includes: Lian, Y.N.[Yi Ning] Lian, Y.N.[Yi-Ning]
Lian, Y.Q.[Yan Qing]
Co Author Listing * Drought-Induced Reduction in Net Primary Productivity across Mainland China from 1982 to 2015
Includes: Lian, Y.Q.[Yan Qing] Lian, Y.Q.[Yan-Qing]
Lian, Z.
Co Author Listing * Classification Assisted Segmentation Network for Human Parsing
* Common Framework for Interactive Texture Transfer, A
* Contour-Seed Pairs Learning-Based Framework for Simultaneously Detecting and Segmenting Various Overlapping Cells/Nuclei in Microscopy Images
* Contrastive Learning Based Modality-Invariant Feature Acquisition for Robust Multimodal Emotion Recognition With Missing Modalities
* DIY Your EasyNAS for Vision: Convolution Operation Merging, Map Channel Reducing, and Search Space to Supernet Conversion Tooling
* Efficient Multimodal Transformer With Dual-Level Feature Restoration for Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Fuzzy-Model-Based Lateral Control for Networked Autonomous Vehicle Systems Under Hybrid Cyber-Attacks
* GCNet: Graph Completion Network for Incomplete Multimodal Learning in Conversation
* Gesture-mmWAVE: Compact and Accurate Millimeter-Wave Radar-Based Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Embedded Devices
* Locally Low-Rank Regularized Video Stabilization With Motion Diversity Constraints
* Multimodal Spatiotemporal Representation for Automatic Depression Level Detection
* Shape Retrieval of Non-rigid 3D Human Models
* SHREC'09 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
* SHREC'10 Track: Generic 3d Warehouse
* SHREC'10 Track: Non-Rigid 3d Shape Retrieval
* SHREC'10 Track: Robust Shape Retrieval
* SMIN: Semi-Supervised Multi-Modal Interaction Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* Two-aspect Information Interaction Model for ABAW4 Multi-task Challenge
Includes: Lian, Z. Lian, Z.[Zheng] Lian, Z.[Zhirui] Lian, Z.[Zhi] Lian, Z.[Zhuxian]
18 for Lian, Z.
Lian, Z.C.[Zhi Chao]
Co Author Listing * Effective Fusion Method to Enhance the Robustness of CNN, An
* efficient illumination normalization method in a transformed domain, An
* Enhancing consistency in virtual try-on: A novel diffusion-based approach
* Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Embedding
* Learnable Snake R-CNN for Instance-Level Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Local Line Derivative Pattern for face recognition
* novel adaptive kernel correlation filter tracker with multiple feature integration, A
* Novel Contrastive Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection, A
* novel efficient local illumination compensation method based on DCT in logarithm domain, A
* Novel Face Recognition Approach under Illumination Variations Based on Local Binary Pattern, A
* PSDNet: A Balanced Architecture of Accuracy and Parameters for Semantic Segmentation
* Sparse Coding Driven Deep Decision Tree Ensembles for Nucleus Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images
* unified RGB-T crowd counting learning framework, A
Includes: Lian, Z.C.[Zhi Chao] Lian, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao]
13 for Lian, Z.C.
Lian, Z.F.[Zi Feng]
Co Author Listing * Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-GLBP) for face recognition
Includes: Lian, Z.F.[Zi Feng] Lian, Z.F.[Zi-Feng]
Lian, Z.H.[Zhou Hui]
Co Author Listing * 3DToonify: Creating Your High-Fidelity 3D Stylized Avatar Easily from 2D Portrait Images
* Aesthetic Text Logo Synthesis via Content-aware Layout Inferring
* Awesome Typography: Statistics-Based Text Effects Transfer
* Boosting scene character recognition by learning canonical forms of glyphs
* CM-BOF: visual similarity-based 3D shape retrieval using Clock Matching and Bag-of-Features
* comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
* Content-independent font recognition on a single Chinese character using sparse representation
* Controllable Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN
* Controllable Person Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN
* Data-Driven Personalized Digital Ink for Chinese Characters, A
* Deepstroke: Understanding Glyph Structure with Semantic Segmentation and Tabu Search
* DeepVecFont-v2: Exploiting Transformers to Synthesize Vector Fonts with Higher Quality
* DeSRF: Deformable Stylized Radiance Field
* DynTypo: Example-Based Dynamic Text Effects Transfer
* En3D: An Enhanced Generative Model for Sculpting 3D Humans from 2D Synthetic Data
* Feature-Preserved 3D Canonical Form
* Feature-Preserved Canonical Form for Non-rigid 3D Meshes, A
* Font Recognition in Natural Images via Transfer Learning
* FontTransformer: Few-shot high-resolution Chinese glyph image synthesis via stacked transformers
* High-Fidelity and Arbitrary Face Editing
* Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation
* Incremental Kernel Null Space Discriminant Analysis for Novelty Detection
* Learning isometry-invariant representations for point cloud analysis
* new convexity measurement for 3D meshes, A
* Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval using Multidimensional Scaling and Bag-of-Features
* Non-rigid point set registration for Chinese characters using structure-guided coherent point drift
* Rectilinearity of 3D Meshes
* SHREC'10 Track: Large Scale Retrieval
* SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight Meshes
* Structure-Aware Image Resizing for Chinese Characters
* Text Detection in Natural Images Using Localized Stroke Width Transform
* Text effects transfer via distribution-aware texture synthesis
* TextNeRF: A Novel Scene-Text Image Synthesis Method Based on Neural Radiance Fields
* Udifftext: A Unified Framework for High-quality Text Synthesis in Arbitrary Images via Character-aware Diffusion Models
* Unpaired Cartoon Image Synthesis via Gated Cycle Mapping
* VecFontSDF: Learning to Reconstruct and Synthesize High-Quality Vector Fonts via Signed Distance Functions
* VSRNet: End-to-end video segment retrieval with text query
Includes: Lian, Z.H.[Zhou Hui] Lian, Z.H.[Zhou-Hui]
37 for Lian, Z.H.
Lian, Z.P.[Zhi Peng]
Co Author Listing * Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Neighborhood Characteristics of Landslide Spatial Datasets and Hydrological Slope Units Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies
Includes: Lian, Z.P.[Zhi Peng] Lian, Z.P.[Zhi-Peng]
Lian, Z.Z.[Zeng Zeng]
Co Author Listing * Improved Adaptive Sparrow Search Algorithm for TDOA-Based Localization, An
Includes: Lian, Z.Z.[Zeng Zeng] Lian, Z.Z.[Zeng-Zeng]
Lianas, L.[Luca]
Co Author Listing * AI Support for Accelerating Histopathological Slide Examinations of Prostate Cancer in Clinical Studies
Lianfu, J.[Jin]
Co Author Listing * Recognizing faces with expressions: Within-class space and between-class space
Liang Xiao, H.
Co Author Listing * ProxyCap: Real-Time Monocular Full-Body Capture in World Space via Human-Centric Proxy-to-Motion Learning
Includes: Liang Xiao, H. Liang-Xiao, H.
Liang, A.[Antoni]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Facial Landmarks Detection for Frontal Faces with Extended Tree-Structured Models
* Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in Energy Consumption Carbon Emissions at District and County Levels Based on Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province in China
* CO2 Profile Retrieving Method Based on Chebyshev Fitting for Ground-Based DIAL, A
* Comparison of Satellite-Observed XCO2 from GOSAT, OCO-2, and Ground-Based TCCON
* Dust Dispersion and Its Effect on Vegetation Spectra at Canopy and Pixel Scales in an Open-Pit Mining Area
* Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
* Face Recognition Despite Wearing Glasses
* Feasibility Study on Measuring Atmospheric CO2 in Urban Areas Using Spaceborne CO2-IPDA LIDAR
* Homography Matrix-Based Local Motion Consistent Matching for Remote Sensing Images
* IMU-Aided Registration of MLS Point Clouds Using Inertial Trajectory Error Model and Least Squares Optimization
* Multi-Source Satellite and WRF-Chem Analyses of Atmospheric Pollution from Fires in Peninsular Southeast Asia
* Novel Landmark Detector System for Multi Resolution Frontal Faces, A
* On-line Wavelength Calibration Of Pulsed Laser For Co2 Differential Absorption Lidar
* Performance Evaluation for China's Planned CO2-IPDA
* Spherically Optimized RANSAC Aided by an IMU for Fisheye Image Matching
Includes: Liang, A.[Antoni] Liang, A.[Ailin] Liang, A. Liang, A.[Aiman] Liang, A.[Andrew] Liang, A.[Ao] Liang, A.[Anbang]
15 for Liang, A.
Liang, B.[Bin]
Co Author Listing * 3D Motion Trail Model Based Pyramid Histograms of Oriented Gradient for Action Recognition
* Accurate localization of moving objects in dynamic environment for small unmanned aerial vehicle platform using global averaging
* Airborne SAR Autofocus Based on Blurry Imagery Classification
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using a Robust GCD Approach
* BRoPH: An efficient and compact binary descriptor for 3D point clouds
* Detection of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbon-22 with Ground-Based Remote High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy over Hefei and an Estimation of Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta
* Development of ground experiment system for space robot performing fine manipulation
* Discussion about the effect of digital plants library on the plants landscape restoration in Yuanmingyuan
* Dual Domain Multi-Task Model for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
* Embedding Refinement Framework for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* Enhancing Long-Term Robustness of Inter-Space Laser Links in Space Gravitational Wave Detection: An Adaptive Weight Optimization Method for Multi-Attitude Sensors Data Fusion
* Expressive Talking Head Generation with Granular Audio-Visual Control
* Extracting Citrus in Southern China (Guangxi Region) Based on the Improved DeepLabV3+ Network
* Face Retrieval in Video Sequences Using a Single Face Sample
* Focusing Improvement of Curved Trajectory Spaceborne SAR Based on Optimal LRWC Preprocessing and 2-D Singular Value Decomposition
* Fusion and Discrimination: A Multimodal Graph Contrastive Learning Framework for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
* Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry
* How Can We Realize Sustainable Development Goals in Rocky Desertified Regions by Enhancing Crop Yield with Reduction of Environmental Risks?
* Image-Only Real-Time Incremental UAV Image Mosaic for Multi-Strip Flight
* Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* Implications of Solution Patterns on Adversarial Robustness
* Improving Depth Image Acquisition Using Polarized Light
* Look More Than Once: An Accurate Detector for Text of Arbitrary Shapes
* LV contour tracking in MRI sequences based on the generalized fuzzy GVF
* Measurement Errors in Polarization Vision Systems
* Multi-modal Gesture Recognition Using Skeletal Joints and Motion Trail Model
* Multi-Rotor Drone Micro-Motion Parameter Estimation Method Based on CVMD and SVD, A
* Multifrequency 3-D Inversion of GREATEM Data by BCGS-FFT-BIM
* Path Increment Map Matching Method for High-Frequency Trajectory, A
* Periodic Relations between Terrestrial Vegetation and Climate Factors across the Globe
* pose measurement method of a non-cooperative GEO spacecraft based on stereo vision, A
* Re-Parameterized Real-Time Stereo Matching Network Based on Mixed Cost Volumes Toward Autonomous Driving
* Real-Time Imaging Processing of Squint Spaceborne SAR with High-Resolution Based on Nonuniform PRI Design
* Recent Advances of Deep Learning for Sign Language Recognition
* Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-Visually Synced Facial Performer
* semi-physical simulation system for binocular vision guided rendezvous, A
* Sentiment- Emotion- and Context-Guided Knowledge Selection Framework for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
* Spatial and Temporal Variation, Simulation and Prediction of Land Use in Ecological Conservation Area of Western Beijing
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Differences in Snow Density between the Tibet Plateau and the Arctic
* Spatio-temporal pyramid cuboid matching for action recognition using depth maps
* Spatiotemporal Variations and Characteristics of CO, H2CO and HCN Emissions from Biomass Burning Monitored by FTIR Spectroscopy
* Specificity and Latent Correlation Learning for Action Recognition Using Synthetic Multi-View Data From Depth Maps
* Stochastic Airline Fleet Assignment With Risk Aversion
* Sub-Pixel Checkerboard Corner Localization for Robust Vision Measurement
* Survey on Human Action Recognition Using Depth Sensors, A
* SVD-Based Ambiguity Function Analysis for Nonlinear Trajectory SAR
* Three Dimensional Motion Trail Model for Gesture Recognition
* Translational Compensation Algorithm for Ballistic Targets in Midcourse Based on Template Matching
* Two-Dimensional Blind Deconvolution Using a Robust GCD Approach
* Two-Step Accuracy Improvement for Multitarget Detection in Complex Environment Using UWB Radar
* Two-Step Accuracy Improvement of Motion Compensation for Airborne SAR With Ultrahigh Resolution and Wide Swath
* Uncertainty of Partial Dependence Relationship between Climate and Vegetation Growth Calculated by Machine Learning Models
* Unsupervised Sequential Outlier Detection With Deep Architectures
* Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning for Bone Age Classification
Includes: Liang, B.[Bin] Liang, B.[Bang] Liang, B.[Buge] Liang, B. Liang, B.[Bing] Liang, B.[Borong] Liang, B.[Benjamin] Liang, B.[Bo] Liang, B.[Boyi] Liang, B.[Buyun] Liang, B.[Bifa] Liang, B.[Benben] Liang, B.[Bowen]
55 for Liang, B.
Liang, B.B.[Bin Bin]
Co Author Listing * 6D Pose Estimation of the Aircraft Using Geometric Property, The
* Accurate Spatial Positioning of Target Based on the Fusion of Uncalibrated Image and GNSS
* Airport small object detection based on feature enhancement
* Multi-stage attention network for video-based person re-identification
* Plithogenic multi-criteria decision making approach on airspace planning scheme evaluation based on ATC-flight real-time simulation
* Similarity Measure of Time Series With Different Sampling Frequencies Based on Context Density Consistency and Dynamic Time Warping
Includes: Liang, B.B.[Bin Bin] Liang, B.B.[Bin-Bin]
Liang, B.C.[Bei Cheng]
Co Author Listing * From Global to Local: Multi-Patch and Multi-Scale Contrastive Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Defocus Blur Detection
Includes: Liang, B.C.[Bei Cheng] Liang, B.C.[Bei-Cheng]
Liang, B.D.[Bo Dong]
Co Author Listing * Stereo Matching by Interpolation
* Viewpoint Determination of Image by Interpolation over Sparse Samples
Includes: Liang, B.D.[Bo Dong] Liang, B.D.[Bo-Dong]
Liang, B.J.[Bing Jie]
Co Author Listing * Comprehensive Assessment of Large-Scale Regional Fluvial Flood Exposure Using Public Datasets: A Case Study from China
* Deploying Roadside Unit Efficiently in VANETs: A Multi-Objective Delay-Based Optimization Strategy Using Lagrangian Relaxation
* Improving Traffic Operation of Bottleneck in a Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment: An Integrated Lane-Level Control Method
* method of visual metrology from uncalibrated images, A
* Mobile Robot Visual Navigation Using Multiple Features
* Monocular obstacle detection using reciprocal-polar rectification
* Optimizing Roadside Unit Deployment in VANETs: A Study on Consideration of Failure
* Optimizing the Deployment of Static and Mobile Roadside Units Using a Branch-and-Price Algorithm
* Plane Segmentation from Two Views in Reciprocal-Polar Image Space
* Uncalibrated two-view metrology
* Viewpoint independent matching of planar curves in 3D space
Includes: Liang, B.J.[Bing Jie] Liang, B.J.[Bing-Jie] Liang, B.J.[Bo-Jian] Liang, B.J.
11 for Liang, B.J.
Liang, B.Q.[Bo Qiang]
Co Author Listing * HOI4D: A 4D Egocentric Dataset for Category-Level Human-Object Interaction
* Urban Surface Biophysical Descriptors and Land Surface Temperature Variations
Includes: Liang, B.Q.[Bo Qiang] Liang, B.Q.[Bo-Qiang] Liang, B.Q.[Bing-Qing]
Liang, B.S.[Bi Shuai]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Scattering Image Sparse Reconstruction via Radar Network
* Bayesian Inference of Tissue Heterogeneity for Individualized Prediction of Glioma Growth
Includes: Liang, B.S.[Bi Shuai] Liang, B.S.[Bi-Shuai] Liang, B.S.[Bao-Shan]
Liang, B.X.[Bin Xiu]
Co Author Listing * Dense Semantic Labeling with Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Decoder for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
Includes: Liang, B.X.[Bin Xiu] Liang, B.X.[Bin-Xiu]
Liang, B.Y.[Bing Yang]
Co Author Listing * 3-D Full-Wave Inversion of Helicopter Transient Electromagnetic Data in Frequency Domain
* Accurate Near-Field Millimeter-Wave Imaging of Concave Objects: A Case Study of Dihedral Structures Under Monostatic Array Configurations
* Frequency-aware Deep Dual-path Feature Enhancement Network for Image Dehazing
* New Inversion Method Based on Distorted Born Iterative Method for Grounded Electrical Source Airborne Transient Electromagnetics, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
Includes: Liang, B.Y.[Bing Yang] Liang, B.Y.[Bing-Yang] Liang, B.Y.[Bing-Yuan] Liang, B.Y.[Bo-Yang]
Liang, C.[Chen]
Co Author Listing * 1D Camera Geometry and Its Application to Circular Motion Estimation
* 1D Camera Geometry and Its Application to the Self-Calibration of Circular Motion Sequences
* 3D Deep Attention Network for Survival Prediction from Magnetic Resonance Images in Glioblastoma
* 3D Human Action Recognition Using a Single Depth Feature and Locality-Constrained Affine Subspace Coding
* 3D reconstruction using silhouettes from unordered viewpoints
* Adaptive Estimating Centroid Method for Measurement of Human Eye Aberration, An
* Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on the visual attention model and equal-distance ring shape context features
* Analysis on the Variation of Hydro-Meteorological Variables in the Yongding River Mountain Area Driven by Multiple Factors
* Assessing the Consistency of Five Remote Sensing-Based Land Cover Products for Monitoring Cropland Changes in China
* Auto-adjustable hypergraph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for image clustering
* Auto-Calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes for Turntable Sequences
* Automated Test Approach Based on All Paths Covered Optimal Algorithm and Sequence Priority Selected Algorithm
* Beyond local image features: Scene calssification using supervised semantic representation
* Beyond visual word ambiguity: Weighted local feature encoding with governing region
* Bidirectional Consistency Constrained Template Update Learning for Siamese Trackers
* Building Covert Timing Channel of the IoT-Enabled MTS Based on Multi-Stage Verification
* Camera Compensation Using a Feature Projection Matrix for Person Reidentification
* Camera Network Based Person Re-identification by Leveraging Spatial-Temporal Constraint and Multiple Cameras Relations
* CapHuman: Capture Your Moments in Parallel Universes
* CGI-DM: Digital Copyright Authentication for Diffusion Models via Contrasting Gradient Inversion
* Co-Learning Meets Stitch-Up for Noisy Multi-Label Visual Recognition
* Coherent-on-Receive Synthesis Using Dominant Scatterer in Millimeter-Wave Distributed Coherent Aperture Radar
* Complex 3D Shape Recovery Using a Dual-Space Approach
* Confidence-Aware Active Feedback for Interactive Instance Search
* Contributions of Climate Change, Vegetation Growth, and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration to Variation in Water Use Efficiency in Subtropical China
* Coupled-View Based Ranking Optimization for Person Re-identification
* DaliWS: A High-Resolution Dataset with Precise Annotations for Water Segmentation in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Deep Learning Approach to Improve the Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles From a Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer, A
* dHCPS: decentralized hierarchically clustered p2p video streaming
* Equidistance constrained metric learning for person re-identification
* Estimating Azimuth Offset With Double-Difference Interferometric Phase: The Effect of Azimuth FM Rate Error in Focusing
* Estimating Rainfall Anomalies with IMERG Satellite Data: Access via the IPE Web Application
* Exemplar-Based, Semantic Guided Zero-Shot Visual Recognition
* Expression-Aware Face Reconstruction via a Dual-Stream Network
* Extracting Surface Representations from Rim Curves
* Faster Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* Floor Plan Analysis and Vectorization with Multimodal Information
* Found missing semantics: Supplemental prototype network for few-shot semantic segmentation
* Generalizable Facial Expression Recognition
* Generating video animation from single still image in social media based on intelligent computing
* Hand gesture recognition using view projection from point cloud
* Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution
* HeadPose-Softmax: Head pose adaptive curriculum learning loss for deep face recognition
* Hierarchical Instance Recognition of Individual Roadside Trees in Environmentally Complex Urban Areas from UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Hygroscopicity of Different Types of Aerosol Particles: Case Studies Using Multi-Instrument Data in Megacity Beijing, China
* Identifying effective trajectory predictions under the guidance of trajectory anomaly detection model
* Identifying Oceanic Responses with Validated Satellite Observations after the Passage of Typhoons in the Northern South China Sea
* Identity-Aware Face Super-Resolution for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling
* Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, correlation constrained low-rank and sparse decomposition
* Image classification using spatial pyramid robust sparse coding
* Improving Action Recognition Using Collaborative Representation of Local Depth Map Feature
* Information entropy induced graph convolutional network for semantic segmentation
* InSAR Time Series Analysis of L-Band Wide-Swath SAR Data Acquired by ALOS-2
* Interferometric Processing of ScanSAR Data Using Stripmap Processor: New Insights From Coregistration
* Interferometry With ALOS-2 Full-Aperture ScanSAR Data
* Ionospheric Correction of InSAR Time Series Analysis of C-band Sentinel-1 TOPS Data
* Knowledge-Guided Intelligent Analysis Method of Geographic Digital Twin Models: A Case Study on the Diagnosis of Geometric Deformation in Tunnel Excavation Profiles, A
* Laplacian affine sparse coding with tilt and orientation consistency for image classification
* Large-Scale Estimation of Hourly Surface Air Temperature Based on Observations from the FY-4A Geostationary Satellite
* LDnADMM-Net: A Denoising Unfolded Deep Neural Network for Direction-of-Arrival Estimations in A Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio
* Local sparse appearance model with specific structural information in infrared pedestrian tracking
* Local-Global Context Aware Transformer for Language-Guided Video Segmentation
* Logic-induced Diagnostic Reasoning for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Manifold Projection for Adversarial Defense on Face Recognition
* Measuring Azimuth Deformation With L-Band ALOS-2 ScanSAR Interferometry
* Modeling and Optimizing of the Multi-Layer Nearest Neighbor Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* Motion energy guided multi-scale heterogeneous features for 3D action recognition
* Moving Object Classification Using a Combination of Static Appearance Features and Spatial and Temporal Entropy Values of Optical Flows
* Multi-Correlation Filters With Triangle-Structure Constraints for Object Tracking
* Multi-scale FCN with Cascaded Instance Aware Segmentation for Arbitrary Oriented Word Spotting in the Wild
* Multi-scale Triplet Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-identification, A
* Multi-Similarity Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-view unsupervised feature selection with tensor robust principal component analysis and consensus graph learning
* Novel Chroma Sampling Methods for CFA Video Compression in AVC, HEVC and VVC
* Novel CNN Training Framework: Loss Transferring, A
* Object Detection in Low-Resolution Image via Sparse Representation
* One-shot Face Recognition with Feature Rectification via Adversarial Learning
* One-to-Many Appropriate Reaction Mapping Modeling with Discrete Latent Variable
* Pedestrian detection from salient regions
* Person Re-identification Using Data-Driven Metric Adaptation
* Person Reidentification via Discrepancy Matrix and Matrix Metric
* Person Reidentification via Ranking Aggregation of Similarity Pulling and Dissimilarity Pushing
* PLFace: Progressive Learning for Face Recognition with Mask Bias
* Portrait Shadow Removal Using Context-Aware Illumination Restoration Network
* Poseaugment: Generative Human Pose Data Augmentation with Physical Plausibility for IMU-based Motion Capture
* Public Security Video and Image Analysis Challenge: A Retrospective
* QIVISE: A Quantum-Inspired Interactive Video Search Engine in VBS2023
* RBM-LBP: Joint Distribution of Multiple Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Real- Time Video Denoising on Mobile Phones
* Reflection and Rotation Invariant Uniform Patterns for Texture Classification
* Rethinking the Competition Between Detection and ReID in Multiobject Tracking
* Robust Recovery of Shapes with Unknown Topology from the Dual Space
* Robust tracking via saliency-based appearance model
* Roughness Classification with Aggregated Discrete Fourier Transform
* S3D: Scalable Pedestrian Detection via Score Scale Surface Discrimination
* Script-to-Movie: A Computational Framework for Story Movie Composition
* Sparsity-Based Occlusion Handling Method for Person Re-identification
* Spatial Constrained Fine-Grained Color Name for Person Re-identification
* Spatial Difference of Terrestrial Water Storage Change and Lake Water Storage Change in the Inner Tibetan Plateau
* Spatio-Temporal Identity Verification Method for Person-Action Instance Search in Movies, A
* Steadiface: Real-Time Face-Centric Stabilization On Mobile Phones
* TICNet: A Target-Insight Correlation Network for Object Tracking
* TVParser: An automatic TV video parsing method
* Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with sparsity and F-norm constraints for image classification
* Visual Abductive Reasoning
* VSPW: A Large-scale Dataset for Video Scene Parsing in the Wild
* Zero-Shot Person Re-identification via Cross-View Consistency
Includes: Liang, C.[Chen] Liang, C. Liang, C.[Chun] Liang, C.[Chan] Liang, C.[Chuan] Liang, C.[Cong] Liang, C.[Ci] Liang, C.[Chao] Liang, C.[Chumeng] Liang, C.[Can] Liang, C.[Chenbin] Liang, C.[Chenyi] Liang, C.[Chong] Liang, C.[Chujin] Liang, C.[Ce] Liang, C.[Cheng] Liang, C.[Changmao]
108 for Liang, C.
Liang, C.B.[Chen Bin]
Co Author Listing * Coarse-to-Fine Feature Match Network Using Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Registration, A
* High-Resolution Boundary Refined Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Agricultural Greenhouses Extraction from GaoFen-2 Satellite Imageries
* Research on an Urban Building Area Extraction Method with High-Resolution PolSAR Imaging Based on Adaptive Neighborhood Selection Neighborhoods for Preserving Embedding
* Semi-/Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Method and Its Application for Coastal Aquaculture Areas Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images: Taking the Fujian Coastal Area (Mainly Sanduo) as an Example
* XANet: An Efficient Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Model Using Element-Wise Attention Enhancement and Multi-Scale Attention Fusion
Includes: Liang, C.B.[Chen Bin] Liang, C.B.[Chen-Bin]
Liang, C.C.
Co Author Listing * 3-D Model-Data Correspondence and Nonrigid Deformation
* Arithmetic Evaluation System Based on Mixnet-YOLOv3 and CRNN Neural Networks
* Iterative Edge Linking Algorithm with Noise Removal Capability, An
* Multiresolution 3D facial model compression
* Optimal Polyline Tracking for Artery Motion Compensation in Coronary Angiography
* Self-Mutual Information-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* System for monitoring eyes for detecting sleep behavior
Includes: Liang, C.C. Liang, C.C.[Cong-Cong] Liang, C.C.[Cheng-Chung] Liang, C.C.[Chia-Chen]
7 for Liang, C.C.
Liang, C.D.[Chang Duo]
Co Author Listing * Distributed Predefined-Time Optimization Control for Networked Marine Surface Vehicles Subject to Set Constraints
* Multitarget Tracking for Multiple Lagrangian Plants With Input-to-Output Redundancy and Sampled-Data Interactions
Includes: Liang, C.D.[Chang Duo] Liang, C.D.[Chang-Duo]
Liang, C.H.[Chang Hong]
Co Author Listing * CKD-TransBTS: Clinical Knowledge-Driven Hybrid Transformer With Modality-Correlated Cross-Attention for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Dynamic sampling for deep metric learning
* HoVer-Trans: Anatomy-Aware HoVer-Transformer for ROI-Free Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images
* Intelligent Monitoring Applications of Landslide Disaster Knowledge Graphs Based on ChatGLM2
* Learn from the past: Sequentially one-to-one video deblurring network
* PDBL: Improving Histopathological Tissue Classification With Plug-and-Play Pyramidal Deep-Broad Learning
* Raw Image Deblurring
* Spatial Filtering with Multi-scale Segmentation Based on Gaussian Function
Includes: Liang, C.H.[Chang Hong] Liang, C.H.[Chang-Hong] Liang, C.H.[Chang-Hui] Liang, C.H.[Chuang-Heng] Liang, C.H.[Chih-Hung] Liang, C.H.[Chia-Hsin]
8 for Liang, C.H.
Liang, C.J.[Chu Jin]
Co Author Listing * Modulation Effect of Mesoscale Eddies on Sequential Typhoon-Induced Oceanic Responses in the South China Sea
Includes: Liang, C.J.[Chu Jin] Liang, C.J.[Chu-Jin]
Liang, C.K.
Co Author Listing * Analysis and Compensation of Rolling Shutter Effect
* Content-Aware Display Adaptation and Interactive Editing for Stereoscopic Images
* Correcting Face Distortion in Wide-Angle Videos
* Deep Online Fused Video Stabilization
* Efficient message reduction algorithm for stereo matching using belief propagation
* Hardware-Efficient Belief Propagation
* Hardware-efficient belief propagation
* Image Enhancement for Backlight-Scaled TFT-LCD Displays
* Image Quality Enhancement for Low Backlight TFT-LCD Displays
* Improved VIIRS Day/Night Band Imagery With Near-Constant Contrast
* Integration of Digital Stabilizer With Video Codec for Digital Video Cameras
* JND-based enhancement of perceptibility for dim images
* Light Field Acquisition using Programmable Aperture Camera
* Light Field Analysis for Modeling Image Formation
* Single Image Realism Assessment and Recoloring by Color Compatibility
Includes: Liang, C.K. Liang, C.K.[Chia-Kai]
15 for Liang, C.K.
Liang, C.R.[Chuang Run]
Co Author Listing * Generative Low-Bitwidth Data Free Quantization
* On the Phase Compensation of Short ScanSAR Burst Focused by Long Matched Filter for Interferometric Processing
Includes: Liang, C.R.[Chuang Run] Liang, C.R.[Chuang-Run] Liang, C.R.[Cun-Ren]
Liang, C.W.[Chen Wei]
Co Author Listing * Collaborative Semantic Occupancy Prediction with Hybrid Feature Fusion in Connected Automated Vehicles
* Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for interpretable adversarial defense
Includes: Liang, C.W.[Chen Wei] Liang, C.W.[Chen-Wei] Liang, C.W.[Cheng-Wu]
Liang, C.X.[Cui Xiao]
Co Author Listing * ColorWater: A Diverse Dataset and Benchmark for Semantic Water Surface Understanding
* Dual Contrastive Learning with Anatomical Auxiliary Supervision for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Window and External Attentions for Fetal Brain MRI Image Segmentation
* Spherical Volume-Rendering Method of Ocean Scalar Data Based on Adaptive Ray Casting, A
Includes: Liang, C.X.[Cui Xiao] Liang, C.X.[Cui-Xiao] Liang, C.X.[Chong-Xin] Liang, C.X.[Chang-Xia]
Liang, C.Y.[Cheng Yang]
Co Author Listing * Efficient and Model-Based Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Algorithm Unrolling
* Forecasting of Short-Term Daily Tourist Flow Based on Seasonal Clustering Method and PSO-LSSVM
* Grading Tai Chi Performance in Competition with RGBD Sensors
* Musical Onset Detection Using Constrained Linear Reconstruction
* novel semi-blind-and-semi-reversible robust watermarking scheme for 3D polygonal models, A
* Unknown Aware Feature Learning for Face Forgery Detection
* Untrained Metamaterial-Based Coded Aperture Imaging Optimization Model Based on Modified U-Net
Includes: Liang, C.Y.[Cheng Yang] Liang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yang] Liang, C.Y.[Chang-Yong] Liang, C.Y.[Chao-Yun] Liang, C.Y.[Che-Yuan] Liang, C.Y.[Chan-Yu] Liang, C.Y.[Chen-Yue] Liang, C.Y.[Chuan-Ying]
7 for Liang, C.Y.
Liang, C.Z.[Chuan Zhuang]
Co Author Listing * Greening and Wetting of the Sahel Have Leveled off since about 1999 in Relation to SST, The
Includes: Liang, C.Z.[Chuan Zhuang] Liang, C.Z.[Chuan-Zhuang]
Liang, D.
Co Author Listing * 3D Spatially Weighted Network for Segmentation of Brain Tissue From MRI, A
* Accelerated 3D bSSFP Using a Modified Wave-CAIPI Technique With Truncated Wave Gradients
* Accelerating Magnetic Resonance T_1rho Mapping Using Simultaneously Spatial Patch-Based and Parametric Group-Based Low-Rank Tensors (SMART)
* Accurate and fast extraction of adhesive cells based on concave points detection and matching
* Action Recognition With Motion Diversification and Dynamic Selection
* Adaptive Dictionary Learning in Sparse Gradient Domain for Image Recovery
* Adaptive image decomposition via dictionary learning with stuctural incoherence
* Adaptive local spatial modeling for online change detection under abrupt dynamic background
* Adaptive Ranking Mutation Operator Based Differential Evolution for Constrained Optimization
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Query Strategies in Blockchain
* Advanced Approach to Improve Synchronization Phase Accuracy with Compressive Sensing for LT-1 Bistatic Spaceborne SAR, An
* Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme Based on Coherent Integration and Waveform Diversity for Bistatic SAR, An
* Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1, An
* Ae Textspotter: Learning Visual and Linguistic Representation for Ambiguous Text Spotting
* AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrapolation Method To Improve Temporal Resolution In Contrast Enhanced CT Imaging
* Assessment of Electric Power Consumption Using Random Forest and Transferable Deep Model with Multi-Source Data, An
* Augmented Lagrangian-Based Sparse Representation Method with Dictionary Updating for Image Deblurring
* Calibration and Validation of NOAA-21 Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Mapper Sensor Data Record Data
* Co-occurrence Background Model with Hypothesis on Degradation Modification for Object Detection in Strong Background Changes, A
* Co-occurrence probability-based pixel pairs background model for robust object detection in dynamic scenes
* Co-occurrence-based adaptive background model for robust object detection
* Coarse-to-fine Foreground Segmentation based on Co-occurrence Pixel-Block and Spatio-Temporal Attention Model
* Comment on 'Measurement of Ionospheric TEC in Spaceborne SAR Data'
* Context-Anchors for Hybrid Resolution Face Detection
* Contextual and Multitemporal Active-Fire Detection Algorithm Based on FengYun-2G S-VISSR Data, A
* CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillation
* Cross-domain action recognition via collective matrix factorization with graph Laplacian regularization
* Cross-scene foreground segmentation with supervised and unsupervised model communication
* Crown Morphology-Based Approach to Individual Tree Detection in Subtropical Mixed Broadleaf Urban Forests Using UAV LiDAR Data, A
* CycleMLP: A MLP-Like Architecture for Dense Visual Predictions
* DAM: Discrepancy Alignment Metric for Face Recognition
* Dedicated 36-Channel Receive Array for Fetal MRI at 3T, A
* Deep Generalized Learning Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* Deep Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: Inverse Problems Meet Neural Networks
* Deep MR parametric imaging with the learned L+S model and attention mechanism
* Dense Face Detection via High-level Context Mining
* Dual-Attention Dilated Residual Network for Liver Lesion Classification and Localization on CT Images, A
* Dynamic Dual-Graph Fusion Convolutional Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Dynamic Multi-path Neural Network
* Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
* Efficient Ant Colony System Approach for New Energy Vehicle Dispatch Problem, An
* End-to-End Transformer Model for Crowd Localization, An
* EpiDiff: Enhancing Multi-View Synthesis via Localized Epipolar-Constrained Diffusion
* Equilibrated Zeroth-Order Unrolled Deep Network for Parallel MR Imaging
* Estimation of oil thickness and aging from hyperspectral signature
* Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* eViTBins: Edge-Enhanced Vision-Transformer Bins for Monocular Depth Estimation on Edge Devices
* Face Image Quality Assessment for Model and Human Perception
* facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding, A
* Feature Comparison and Optimization for 30-M Winter Wheat Mapping Based on Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data Using Random Forest Algorithm
* Field-of-Experts Filters Guided Tensor Completion
* Fine-grained recognition via submodular optimization regulated progressive training
* First Demonstration of Multipath Effects on Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1
* Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning and Historical Pixel Maintenance
* FOTS: Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network
* Funding Opportunities in Infrastructure Systems, Smart Communities, and Disasters for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption
* GaitSCM: Causal representation learning for gait recognition
* GcsDecolor: Gradient Correlation Similarity for Efficient Contrast Preserving Decolorization
* Grayscale-Thermal Tracking via Inverse Sparse Representation-Based Collaborative Encoding
* Grid pattern based residential area detection from Hyperion data
* High-Frequency Space Diffusion Model for Accelerated MRI
* Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Two-Level Bregman Method With Dictionary Updating
* Homotopic Gradients of Generative Density Priors for MR Image Reconstruction
* ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Recognition
* Improving Lens Flare Removal with General-Purpose Pipeline and Multiple Light Sources Recovery
* Integrated Skeleton Extraction and Pruning Method for Spatial Recognition of Maize Seedlings in MGV and UAV Remote Images, An
* Inter-Comparison of Four Models for Detecting Forest Fire Disturbance from MOD13A2 Time Series
* Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues
* Kernel-Based Low-Rank (KLR) Model for Low-Dimensional Manifold Recovery in Highly Accelerated Dynamic MRI, A
* KerNL: Kernel-Based Nonlinear Approach to Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Knowledge Distillation via Route Constrained Optimization
* Laplacian spectral method for stereo correspondence, A
* Learned Low-Rank Priors in Dynamic MR Imaging
* Learning Data Consistency and its Application to Dynamic MR Imaging
* Learning Joint-Sparse Codes for Calibration-Free Parallel MR Imaging
* Local image descriptor based on spectral embedding
* Memory-Based Ant Colony System Approach for Multi-Source Data Associated Dynamic Electric Vehicle Dispatch Optimization
* Modeling Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow Using Dense Media Radiative Transfer (DMRT) Theory With Multiple-Scattering Effects
* modified 3D EfficientNet for the classification of Alzheimer's disease using structural magnetic resonance images, A
* Modified Cartesian Factorized Backprojection Algorithm Integrating with Non-Start-Stop Model for High Resolution SAR Imaging, A
* Motion Tracking of the Carotid Artery Wall From Ultrasound Image Sequences: a Nonlinear State-Space Approach
* MPI: Multi-receptive and parallel integration for salient object detection
* MR Image Reconstruction with Convolutional Characteristic Constraint (CoCCo)
* Multi-bit quantisation for similarity-preserving hashing
* Multi-bit quantization based on neighboring structure preservation
* Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Grayscale Image Restoration
* Multi-Level Label Correction by Distilling Proximate Patterns for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Stream Scale-Insensitive Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Liver Tumor Detection in Dynamic Ct Images
* New 32-Day Average-Difference Method for Calculating Inter-Sensor Calibration Radiometric Biases between SNPP and NOAA-20 Instruments within ICVS Framework, A
* New Reprocessing towards Life-Time Quality-Consistent Suomi NPP OMPS Nadir Sensor Data Records (SDR): Calibration Improvements and Impact Assessments on Long-Term Quality Stability of OMPS SDR Data Sets
* Non-Invasive Quantification of the Brain [18F]FDG-PET Using Inferred Blood Input Function Learned From Total-Body Data With Physical Constraint
* Novel Approach to Doppler Centroid and Channel Errors Estimation in Azimuth Multi-Channel SAR, A
* Ocean Wave Inversion Based on a Ku/Ka Dual-Band Airborne Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
* OIF-Net: An Optical Flow Registration-Based PET/MR Cross-Modal Interactive Fusion Network for Low-Count Brain PET Image Denoising
* On the Processing of Dual-Channel Receiving Signals of the LuTan-1 SAR System
* One-Shot Generative Prior in Hankel-k-Space for Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
* OneFace: One Threshold for All
* Online Knowledge Distillation via Collaborative Learning
* PAN++: Towards Efficient and Accurate End-to-End Spotting of Arbitrarily-Shaped Text
* Pathformer3d: A 3d Scanpath Transformer for 360° Images
* Physics-Driven Deep Learning Methods for Fast Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Performance improvements through integration with deep neural networks
* Physics-Informed DeepMRI: k-Space Interpolation Meets Heat Diffusion
* PIE: Physics-Inspired Low-Light Enhancement
* PolarMask: Single Shot Instance Segmentation With Polar Representation
* Processing Framework and Experimental Verification for the Noninterrupted Synchronization Scheme of LuTan-1, The
* PseCo: Pseudo Labeling and Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Pyramid Vision Transformer: A Versatile Backbone for Dense Prediction without Convolutions
* R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
* Recognition of Wheat Spike from Field Based Phenotype Platform Using Multi-Sensor Fusion and Improved Maximum Entropy Segmentation Algorithms
* Relevance feedback based on non-negative matrix factorisation for image retrieval
* Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
* Residual attention fusion network for video action recognition
* Rich Convolutional Features Fusion for Crowd Counting
* Robust defect detection in 2D images printed on 3D micro-textured surfaces by multiple paired pixel consistency in orientation codes
* Robust multi-feature visual tracking via multi-task kernel-based sparse learning
* Robust pedestrian detection in thermal infrared imagery using a shape distribution histogram feature and modified sparse representation classification
* Robust visual tracking via multi-view discriminant based sparse representation
* Robust visual tracking via nonlocal regularized multi-view sparse representation
* Rotation Consistent Margin Loss for Efficient Low-Bit Face Recognition
* SAE-PPL: Self-guided attention encoder with prior knowledge-guided pseudo labels for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
* Scene Text Image Super-Resolution in the Wild
* SGTD: Structure Gradient and Texture Decorrelating Regularization for Image Decomposition
* Shape Representation and Clustering Based on Laplacian Spectrum
* Spammer detection on short video applications
* Spatially Explicit Assessments of Heat-Related Health Risks: A Literature Review
* Study of the Relationship between High Mountain Asia Snow Cover and Drought and Flood in the Yangtze River Basin during 1980-2019
* Super Resolution Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT Imaging With Dual-Layer Flat-Panel Detector
* Systemic distortion analysis with deep distortion directed image quality assessment models
* Tensor RPCA by Bayesian CP Factorization with Complex Noise
* Texture-Distortion-Constrained Joint Source-Channel Coding of Multi-View Video Plus Depth-Based 3D Video
* Time-Series Monitoring of Dust-Proof Nets Covering Urban Construction Waste by Multispectral Images in Zhengzhou, China
* Traffic-Sign Detection and Classification in the Wild
* Transfer CLIP for Generalizable Image Denoising
* Triplane Meets Gaussian Splatting: Fast and Generalizable Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Transformers
* Unidream: Unifying Diffusion Priors for Relightable Text-to-3d Generation
* Unsupervised Teacher-Student Model for Large-Scale Video Retrieval
* Unveiling Glacier Mass Balance: Albedo Aggregation Insights for Austrian and Norwegian Glaciers
* Using Neural Network to Identify the Severity of Wheat Fusarium Head Blight in the Field Environment
Includes: Liang, D. Liang, D.[Dong] Liang, D.[Dan] Liang, D.[Ding] Liang, D.[Daolei] Liang, D.[Da] Liang, D.[Dingkang] Liang, D.[Daan] Liang, D.[Dashuang] Liang, D.[Di] Liang, D.[Dongtai] Liang, D.[Don]
138 for Liang, D.
Liang, D.B.[Dong Bin]
Co Author Listing * Linearized Single-Scattering Property Database for Hexagonal Prism Ice Particles
Includes: Liang, D.B.[Dong Bin] Liang, D.B.[Dong-Bin]
Liang, D.C.[Da Chuan]
Co Author Listing * Saliency detection using adaptive background template
Includes: Liang, D.C.[Da Chuan] Liang, D.C.[Da-Chuan]
Liang, D.D.[Dan Dan]
Co Author Listing * Deep convolutional BiLSTM fusion network for facial expression recognition
Includes: Liang, D.D.[Dan Dan] Liang, D.D.[Dan-Dan]
Liang, D.G.[Ding Ge]
Co Author Listing * DeepLTRS: A deep latent recommender system based on user ratings and reviews
Includes: Liang, D.G.[Ding Ge] Liang, D.G.[Ding-Ge]
Liang, D.J.[Dao Jun]
Co Author Listing * Multi-sample inference network
Includes: Liang, D.J.[Dao Jun] Liang, D.J.[Dao-Jun]
Liang, D.K.[Ding Kang]
Co Author Listing * AutoScale: Learning to Scale for Crowd Counting
* CrowdCLIP: Unsupervised Crowd Counting via Vision-Language Model
* Dilated-Scale-Aware Category-Attention ConvNet for Multi-Class Object Counting
* Dynamic Adapter Meets Prompt Tuning: Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Point Cloud Analysis
* Focal Inverse Distance Transform Maps for Crowd Localization
* LATFormer: Locality-Aware Point-View Fusion Transformer for 3D shape recognition
* Make Your Vit-based Multi-view 3d Detectors Faster via Token Compression
* Simple Vision Transformer for Weakly Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection, A
* SOOD: Towards Semi-Supervised Oriented Object Detection
* VisDrone-CC2021: The Vision Meets Drone Crowd Counting Challenge Results
* When Counting Meets HMER: Counting-Aware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
Includes: Liang, D.K.[Ding Kang] Liang, D.K.[Ding-Kang]
11 for Liang, D.K.
Liang, D.L.
Co Author Listing * Popular biorthogonal wavelet filters via a lifting scheme and its application in image compression
Liang, D.N.[Dian Nong]
Co Author Listing * new method based on the BP neural network to improve the accuracy of inversion of the vegetation height, A
Includes: Liang, D.N.[Dian Nong] Liang, D.N.[Dian-Nong]
Liang, D.P.[De Peng]
Co Author Listing * Facial age estimation by using stacked feature composition and selection
Includes: Liang, D.P.[De Peng] Liang, D.P.[De-Peng]
Liang, D.Q.[De Qun]
Co Author Listing * hybrid parallel projection approach to object-based image restoration, A
* Joint Segmentation and Recognition of License Plate Characters
* Joint trajectory tracking and recognition based on bi-directional nonlinear learning
* New Video Compression Algorithm for Very Low Bandwidth Using Curve Fitting Method, A
* Probabilistic Contour Extraction Using Hierarchical Shape Representation
Includes: Liang, D.Q.[De Qun] Liang, D.Q.[De-Qun]
Liang, D.S.[Da Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Research on Expression Method of GDP Data Based on GRID
Includes: Liang, D.S.[Da Sheng] Liang, D.S.[Da-Sheng]
Liang, D.T.[Dong Tai]
Co Author Listing * Accurate and fast extraction of adhesive cells based on concave points detection and matching
Includes: Liang, D.T.[Dong Tai] Liang, D.T.[Dong-Tai]
Liang, D.W.[Da Wei]
Co Author Listing * DRM: dynamic region matching for image retrieval using probabilistic fuzzy matching and boosting feature selection
* Extracting 3D information from broadcast soccer video
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Scale Adaptation
* Novel observation model for probabilistic object tracking
* Object tracking using incremental 2D-LDA learning and Bayes inference
* Self-calibration Based 3D Information Extraction and Application in Broadcast Soccer Video
Includes: Liang, D.W.[Da Wei] Liang, D.W.[Da-Wei]
Liang, D.X.[Dong Xue]
Co Author Listing * Deformable strokes towards temporally coherent video painting
Includes: Liang, D.X.[Dong Xue] Liang, D.X.[Dong-Xue]
Liang, D.Y.[De Ying]
Co Author Listing * Aerial Image Dehazing Using Reinforcement Learning
* Feature attention fusion network for occluded person re-identification
Includes: Liang, D.Y.[De Ying] Liang, D.Y.[De-Ying] Liang, D.Y.[Dan-Yang]
Liang, E.[Enmin]
Co Author Listing * Federated Domain Adaptation via Transformer for Multi-Site Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection
* Layeredflow: A Real-world Benchmark for Non-lambertian Multi-Layer Optical Flow
* Location-based image retrieval for urban environments
* Structural Characteristics of Endorheic Rivers in the Tarim Basin
* Visual Navigation System for Automonous Land Vehicles, A
Includes: Liang, E.[Enmin] Liang, E.[Erich] Liang, E.[Eric] Liang, E.[Enhang] Liang, E.
Liang, E.H.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Method for Obtaining Morphological Skeletons, An
* Hierarchical Algorithms for Morphological Image Processing
Liang, F.[Fulai]
Co Author Listing * Accurate Method to Distinguish Between Stationary Human and Dog Targets Under Through-Wall Condition Using UWB Radar, An
* Adaptive Sparse Pairwise Loss for Object Re-Identification
* Analysis of Regional and Residual Gravity Disturbance of Major Fault Belts in the Tarim Basin, Western China
* ANT: Adapt Network Across Time for Efficient Video Processing
* Asymmetric Learned Image Compression With Multi-Scale Residual Block, Importance Scaling, and Post-Quantization Filtering
* Automated Mapping of Ms 7.0 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake (China) Post-Disaster Landslides Based on High-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Power Transmission Objects from UAV Lidar Point Clouds
* Automatic registration of large-scale urban scene point clouds based on semantic feature points
* CAOM: Change-aware online 3D mapping with heterogeneous multi-beam and push-broom LiDAR point clouds
* Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
* Cooperative Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in D2D Networks
* End-to-End Blind Image Quality Prediction With Cascaded Deep Neural Network
* extended context-based entropy hybrid modeling for image compression, An
* Fairy: Fast Parallelized Instruction-Guided Video-to-Video Synthesis
* Fast and High-Performance Learned Image Compression With Improved Checkerboard Context Model, Deformable Residual Module, and Knowledge Distillation
* Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird's-Eye View Perception Baseline
* Feature based inter prediction optimization for non-translational video coding in cloud
* FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis
* Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
* Heterogeneous feature machines for visual recognition
* Hierarchical Gaussianization for image classification
* Hierarchical registration of unordered TLS point clouds based on binary shape context descriptor
* Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery With Shannon-Kotel'nikov Mapping
* IBC Reference Block Enhancement Model Based on GAN for Screen Content Video Coding, An
* IBC-Mirror Mode for Screen Content Coding for the Next Generation Video Coding Standards
* Improved Detection of Human Respiration Using Data Fusion Based on a Multistatic UWB Radar
* Improved hybrid layered image compression using deep learning and traditional codecs
* Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search
* Investigating Dual-Source Satellite Image Data and ALS Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass
* Iterative Global Similarity Points: A Robust Coarse-to-Fine Integration Solution for Pairwise 3D Point Cloud Registration
* Joint Bayesian-Incorporating Estimation of Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models to Study Brain Connectivity Development in Adolescence
* Learned Image Compression With Gaussian-Laplacian-Logistic Mixture Model and Concatenated Residual Modules
* Learning Locally-Adaptive Decision Functions for Person Verification
* LH-YOLO: A Lightweight and High-Precision SAR Ship Detection Model Based on the Improved YOLOv8n
* light-weight HEVC encoder for image coding, A
* Look at the whole scene: General point cloud place recognition by classification proxy
* MHHT-Based Method for Analysis of Micro-Doppler Signatures for Human Finer-Grained Activity Using Through-Wall SFCW Radar
* MuCoGraph: A multi-scale constraint enhanced pose-graph framework for MLS point cloud inconsistency correction
* Novel Prescreening Method for Land-Mine Detection in UWB SAR Based on Feature Point Matching, A
* novel skyline context descriptor for rapid localization of terrestrial laser scans to airborne laser scanning point clouds, A
* Once Quantization-Aware Training: High Performance Extremely Low-bit Architecture Search
* Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
* PatchAugNet: Patch feature augmentation-based heterogeneous point cloud place recognition in large-scale street scenes
* Pedestrian detection based on sparse coding and transfer learning
* PURE: A Framework for Analyzing Proximity-Based Contact Tracing Protocols
* Scene-aware perceptual video coding
* SIMGAN: Photo-Realistic Semantic Image Manipulation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Superimposed Modulation for Soft Video Delivery With Hidden Resources
* Texture-based Fast Cu Size Decision and Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for Vvc
* Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data For Features Extraction Of High Accuracy Driving Maps
* Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds to Extract Urban Roadside Trees for Ecological Benefits Estimation
* Weconvene: Learned Image Compression with Wavelet-domain Convolution and Entropy Model
Includes: Liang, F.[Fulai] Liang, F.[Fan] Liang, F.[Feng] Liang, F.[Fuxun] Liang, F.[Fei] Liang, F. Liang, F.[Feidie] Liang, F.[Faming]
52 for Liang, F.
Liang, F.F.[Fang Fang]
Co Author Listing * CoCNN: RGB-D deep fusion for stereoscopic salient object detection
* Context-aware network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning for Gait Recognition
Includes: Liang, F.F.[Fang Fang] Liang, F.F.[Fang-Fang]
Liang, F.J.[Feng Jing]
Co Author Listing * Computer-Aided Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis With Behavior Signal Processing
* Multi-granularity Pseudo-label Collaboration for unsupervised person re-identification
Includes: Liang, F.J.[Feng Jing] Liang, F.J.[Feng-Jing] Liang, F.J.[Feng-Jiao]
Liang, F.M.[Fa Ming]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic agglomerative clustering of gene expression profiles
Includes: Liang, F.M.[Fa Ming] Liang, F.M.[Fa-Ming]
Liang, F.X.[Fu Xun]
Co Author Listing * 3D local feature BKD to extract road information from mobile laser scanning point clouds
* novel binary shape context for 3D local surface description, A
* Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
Includes: Liang, F.X.[Fu Xun] Liang, F.X.[Fu-Xun]
Liang, F.Y.[Fu Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Clustering Complex Trajectories Based on Topologic Similarity and Spatial Proximity: A Case Study of the Mesoscale Ocean Eddies in the South China Sea
* Mining Evolution Patterns from Complex Trajectory Structures: A Case Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea
* Quantifying Urban Linguistic Diversity Related to Rainfall and Flood across China with Social Media Data
* Quantitative Association between Nighttime Lights and Geo-Tagged Human Activity Dynamics during Typhoon Mangkhut
* Understanding Human Activities in Response to Typhoon Hato from Multi-Source Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study in Guangdong, China
Includes: Liang, F.Y.[Fu Yuan] Liang, F.Y.[Fu-Yuan]
Liang, G.[Guotao]
Co Author Listing * Codebook Transfer with Part-of-Speech for Vector-Quantized Image Modeling
* Cross-View Person Identification Based on Confidence-Weighted Human Pose Matching
* Development of GNSS Buoy for Sea Surface Elevation Observation of Offshore Wind Farm
* Efficient Sub-Regional Multiple-Source Detection Based on Subspace Matrix Filtering
* Expectation-Maximization Algorithm With Local Adaptivity
* Feature Selection and Mislabeled Waveform Correction for Water-Land Discrimination Using Airborne Infrared Laser
* General Framework for Unmet Demand Prediction in On-Demand Transport Services, A
* Large-scale Comprehensive Dataset and Copy-overlap Aware Evaluation Protocol for Segment-level Video Copy Detection, A
* LTTrack: Rethinking the Tracking Framework for Long-Term Multi-Object Tracking
* Multi-Branch Attention Networks for Classifying Galaxy Clusters
* Multi-Spectral Fusion Based Approach for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* Multi-task face analyses through adversarial learning
* MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
* Neural Network Decision-Making Criteria Consistency Analysis via Inputs Sensitivity
* Pedestrian detection via a leg-driven physiology framework
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Risk Assessment of Debris Flow in a Mountain-Basin Area, Western China
* Shape-Based Statistical Inversion Method for EIT/URT Dual-Modality Imaging, A
* Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of Partial Quadtrees
* Volumetric Topological Analysis: A Novel Approach for Trabecular Bone Classification on the Continuum Between Plates and Rods
Includes: Liang, G.[Guotao] Liang, G. Liang, G.[Guanhui] Liang, G.[Gang] Liang, G.[Gongbo] Liang, G.[Guang] Liang, G.[Geng]
20 for Liang, G.
Liang, G.C.[Gui Chou]
Co Author Listing * Detection and Classification of Rice Infestation with Rice Leaf Folder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) Using Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques
* Multi-Objective Intelligent Optimization Method for Sensor Array Optimization in Distributed SAR-GMTI Radar Systems, A
Includes: Liang, G.C.[Gui Chou] Liang, G.C.[Gui-Chou] Liang, G.C.[Geng-Chen]
Liang, G.L.[Guo Long]
Co Author Listing * new method of target recognition based on Rough Set and Support Vector Machine, A
* Underwater Passive Location Technology Using Dummy Time-Reversal Mirror
Includes: Liang, G.L.[Guo Long] Liang, G.L.[Guo-Long]
Liang, G.M.[Gang Ming]
Co Author Listing * New colour morphological operators on hypergraph
Includes: Liang, G.M.[Gang Ming] Liang, G.M.[Gang-Ming]
Liang, G.Q.[Guo Qiang]
Co Author Listing * adversarial human pose estimation network injected with graph structure, An
* Attend to the Difference: Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Contrastive Correlation
* Dual Modality Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Pre-Trained Model
* Human pose estimation based on human limbs
* Learning Conditional Attributes for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Limb-Based Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation, A
* masking, linkage and guidance framework for online class incremental learning, A
* MS-DETR: Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Transformer With Loosely Coupled Fusion and Modality-Balanced Optimization
* New Insights on Relieving Task-Recency Bias for Online Class Incremental Learning
* Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning by Random Auxiliary Classes Augmentation and Mixed Features
* Towards Robust Event-guided Low-Light Image Enhancement: A Large-Scale Real-World Event-Image Dataset and Novel Approach
* Uniinr: Event-guided Unified Rolling Shutter Correction, Deblurring, and Interpolation
* Video summarization with a convolutional attentive adversarial network
Includes: Liang, G.Q.[Guo Qiang] Liang, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang]
13 for Liang, G.Q.
Liang, G.S.[Guang Sheng]
Co Author Listing * Scalable Prototype Learning Using GPUs
Includes: Liang, G.S.[Guang Sheng] Liang, G.S.[Guang-Sheng]
Liang, G.T.[Gao Tian]
Co Author Listing * Research for the Positioning Optimization for Portable Field Terrain Mapping Equipment Based on the Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm
Includes: Liang, G.T.[Gao Tian] Liang, G.T.[Gao-Tian]
Liang, G.X.[Gui Xin]
Co Author Listing * VideoPipe 2022 Challenge: Real-World Video Understanding for Urban Pipe Inspection
Includes: Liang, G.X.[Gui Xin] Liang, G.X.[Gui-Xin]
Liang, G.Y.[Guo Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Affine correspondence based head pose estimation for a sequence of images by using a 3D model
* Novel Visual Detecting and Positioning Method for Screw Holes, A
* Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
* Solar Wind Charge-Exchange X-ray Emissions from the O5+ Ions in the Earth's Magnetosheath
Includes: Liang, G.Y.[Guo Yuan] Liang, G.Y.[Guo-Yuan] Liang, G.Y.[Gui-Yun]
Liang, G.Z.[Guo Zhou]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation of CFOSAT SWIM L2 Products Based on NDBC Buoy and Jason-3 Altimeter Data
* new wavelet-Laplacian method for arbitrarily-oriented character segmentation in video text lines, A
Includes: Liang, G.Z.[Guo Zhou] Liang, G.Z.[Guo-Zhou] Liang, G.Z.[Guo-Zhu]
Liang, H.[Hui]
Co Author Listing * 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient and Robust Hand Pose Estimation from Single Depth Images
* Accelerating Robust-Object-Tracking via Level-3 BLAS-Based Sparse Learning
* Areca Yellow Leaf Disease Severity Monitoring Using UAV-Based Multispectral and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Assimilation of GNSS PWV with NCAR-RTFDDA to Improve Prediction of a Landfall Typhoon
* Benchmarking Algorithmic Bias in Face Recognition: An Experimental Approach Using Synthetic Faces and Human Evaluation
* BI-CAM: Generating Explanations for Deep Neural Networks Using Bipolar Information
* ChallenCap: Monocular 3D Capture of Challenging Human Performances using Multi-Modal References
* Clean, performance-robust, and performance-sensitive historical information based adversarial self-distillation
* Connected Automated Vehicle Platoon Control With Input Saturation and Variable Time Headway Strategy
* Construction Site Multi-Category Target Detection System Based on UAV Low-Altitude Remote Sensing
* Content-Aware Enhancement of Images With Filamentous Structures
* Content-aware neuron image enhancement
* Controlled Autoencoders to Generate Faces from Voices
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for the Detail-Enhanced Synthesis of 3-D Facial Expressions
* Cross-Layer Defense Method for Blockchain Empowered CBTC Systems Against Data Tampering Attacks, A
* Current Crustal Vertical Deformation Features of the Sichuan-Yunnan Region Constrained by Fusing the Leveling Data with the GNSS Data, The
* Data-Driven Approach for Electric Bus Energy Consumption Estimation, A
* Discriminative and Selective Pseudo-labeling for Domain Adaptation
* Edge-based texture granularity detection
* Effects of ACC and CACC vehicles on traffic flow based on an improved variable time headway spacing strategy
* Efficient Online Spatio-Temporal Filtering for Video Event Detection
* Efficient Video Instance Segmentation via Tracklet Query and Proposal
* Estimating The Spatial Resolution of Overhead Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Estimation of the All-Wave All-Sky Land Surface Daily Net Radiation at Mid-Low Latitudes from MODIS Data Based on ERA5 Constraints
* Evaluating and Correcting Temperature and Precipitation Grid Products in the Arid Region of Altay, China
* Evaluation of Soybean Drought Tolerance Using Multimodal Data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Machine Learning
* Evaluation of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Rice Growth Monitoring
* Evaluation of the J-OFURO3 Sea Surface Net Radiation and Inconsistency Correction
* Exploring the Variation Trend of Urban Expansion, Land Surface Temperature, and Ecological Quality and Their Interrelationships in Guangzhou, China, from 1987 to 2019
* Fast Ground Segmentation for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Jump-Convolution-Process
* Fingertips Detection and Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Discrete Curve Evolution with a Kinect Sensor
* Fractional Snow-Cover Mapping Based on MODIS and UAV Data over the Tibetan Plateau
* From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV Hyperspectral Index Optimization on Algorithms for Estimating Canopy Nitrogen Concentration in Carya Cathayensis Sarg
* Generating a High-Resolution Time-Series Ocean Surface Net Radiation Product by Downscaling J-OFURO3
* Generating Holistic 3D Human Motion from Speech
* generic denoising framework via guided principal component analysis, A
* Glasses-free 3D display with glasses-assisted quality: Key innovations for smart directional backlight autostereoscopy
* GNSS Horizontal Motion Field in the Beijing Plain in View of The Variation Characteristics of The 3D Deformation Field
* Green Energy and Content-Aware Data Transmissions in Maritime Wireless Communication Networks
* Hand gesture-based interactive puppetry system to assist storytelling for children
* High-Resolution Wideband Waveform Design for Sonar Based on Multi-Parameter Modulation
* Hough Forest With Optimized Leaves for Global Hand Pose Estimation With Arbitrary Postures
* Identification of Potential Landslides in the Gaizi Valley Section of the Karakorum Highway Coupled with TS-InSAR and Landslide Susceptibility Analysis
* Impact of Tides and Surges on Fluvial Floods in Coastal Regions
* InLIOM: Tightly-Coupled Intensity LiDAR Inertial Odometry and Mapping
* InterGen: Diffusion-Based Multi-human Motion Generation Under Complex Interactions
* Land Cover Background-Adaptive Framework for Large-Scale Road Extraction, A
* Learning Based Intelligent Train Regulation Method With Dynamic Prediction for the Metro Passenger Flow, A
* Linking convolutional kernel size to generalization bias in face analysis CNNs
* Looking Into Saliency Model via Space-Time Visualization
* LPASS-Net: Lightweight Progressive Attention Semantic Segmentation Network for Automatic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Mask-guided multiscale feature aggregation network for hand gesture recognition
* Minimizing Height Effects in MTInSAR for Deformation Detection Over Built Areas
* Model-based hand pose estimation via spatial-temporal hand parsing and 3D fingertip localization
* Model-Based Research on Performance Evaluation and Topology Optimization of Series-Parallel Lithium-Ion Battery Packs, A
* NeRF as Pretraining at Scale: Generalizable 3D-Aware Semantic Representation Learning from View Prediction
* New Empirical Estimation Scheme for Daily Net Radiation at the Ocean Surface, A
* Nonparametric Estimation of DEM Error in Multitemporal InSAR
* novel local derivative quantized binary pattern for object recognition, A
* novel multi-image super-resolution reconstruction method using anisotropic fractional order adaptive norm, A
* Object recognition using rotation invariant local binary pattern of significant bit planes
* Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning
* OMG: Towards Open-vocabulary Motion Generation via Mixture of Controllers
* Opinion dynamics in networks with bounded confidence and influence
* Optimal Vehicle Pose Estimation Network Based on Time Series and Spatial Tightness with 3D LiDARs
* Parsing the Hand in Depth Images
* Pattern of Spatial Distribution and Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Pollutants during 2013 in Shenzhen, China
* Quantifying Changes of Villages in the Urbanizing Beijing Metropolitan Region: Integrating Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis
* Random Forest with Suppressed Leaves for Hough Voting
* Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Recent Progress on Vegetation Remote Sensing Using Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry
* Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings
* Resolving Ambiguous Hand Pose Predictions by Exploiting Part Correlations
* Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Depth Images Using Multi-View CNNs
* Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Single Depth Images: From Single-View CNN to Multi-View CNNs
* SAM-ResNet50: A Deep Learning Model for the Identification and Classification of Drought Stress in the Seedling Stage of Betula luminifera
* Segmented Sliding Window Reference Signal Reconstruction Method Based on Fuzzy C-Means, A
* SEY-Net: Semantic edge Y-shaped network for pancreas segmentation
* Simulation of Land-Use Changes Using the Partitioned ANN-CA Model and Considering the Influence of Land-Use Change Frequency
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Precipitable Water Vapor and Horizontal Tropospheric Gradients from GPS during Typhoon Lekima
* Structure-Based Intensity Propagation for 3-D Brain Reconstruction With Multilayer Section Microscopy
* Suppression of Coherence Matrix Bias for Phase Linking and Ambiguity Detection in MTInSAR
* Survey on Electric Buses: Energy Storage, Power Management, and Charging Scheduling, A
* Toward Mitigating Stratified Tropospheric Delays in Multitemporal InSAR: A Quadtree Aided Joint Model
* Tracking Snow Variations in the Northern Hemisphere Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data (2000-2015)
* UAV Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Inspection System Using a Small Target Detection Network for Helmet Wear Detection
* Unified Framework for Distance-Aware Domain Adaptation, A
* Using GNSS-IR Snow Depth Estimation to Monitor the 2022 Early February Snowstorm over Southern China
* Variational Bayesian deep network for blind Poisson denoising
* Video Coding Scheme Based on Joint Spatiotemporal and Adaptive Prediction, A
* WB-LRP: Layer-wise relevance propagation with weight-dependent baseline
* Wideband Sonar Signal Design for Moving Target Parameter Estimation
Includes: Liang, H.[Hui] Liang, H.[Hao] Liang, H.[Heng] Liang, H.[Hong] Liang, H.[Huajie] Liang, H.[Han] Liang, H.[Huan] Liang, H. Liang, H.[Hongbao] Liang, H.[Hongwu] Liang, H.[Hanbin] Liang, H.[Huawei] Liang, H.[Hualin] Liang, H.[Haoyi] Liang, H.[Huidi] Liang, H.[Hanxue] Liang, H.[Hu] Liang, H.[Haili] Liang, H.[Hanmei] Liang, H.[Haida] Liang, H.[Haobo]
92 for Liang, H.
Liang, H.B.[Hong Bo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Weighting Feature Fusion Approac Based on Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deformation Response of Seismogenic Faults to the Wenchuan MS 8.0 Earthquake: A Case Study for the Southern Segment of the Longmenshan Fault Zone
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Alterations in China's GPP Based on the DTEC Model
* FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* GPS-Derived Fault Coupling of the Longmenshan Fault Associated with the 2008 Mw Wenchuan 7.9 Earthquake and Its Tectonic Implications
* Impacts of Climate and Human Activities on Grassland Productivity Variation in China, The
* Joint resource allocation and security redundancy for autonomous driving based on deep reinforcement learning algorithm
* Lifelong Age Transformation With a Deep Generative Prior
Includes: Liang, H.B.[Hong Bo] Liang, H.B.[Hong-Bo] Liang, H.B.[Hong-Bao] Liang, H.B.[Hai-Bin] Liang, H.B.[Hong-Bin] Liang, H.B.[Han-Bang]
8 for Liang, H.B.
Liang, H.D.[Hua Dong]
Co Author Listing * Protein functional annotation refinement based on graph regularized l1-norm PCA
Includes: Liang, H.D.[Hua Dong] Liang, H.D.[Hua-Dong]
Liang, H.G.[Hua Gang]
Co Author Listing * Deep convolutional BiLSTM fusion network for facial expression recognition
Includes: Liang, H.G.[Hua Gang] Liang, H.G.[Hua-Gang]
Liang, H.H.[Hai Hua]
Co Author Listing * Huffman-code based retrieval for encrypted JPEG images
Includes: Liang, H.H.[Hai Hua] Liang, H.H.[Hai-Hua]
Liang, H.J.[Hua Jie]
Co Author Listing * CR-CAM: Generating explanations for deep neural networks by contrasting and ranking features
* Ndist2vec: Node with Landmark and New Distance to Vector Method for Predicting Shortest Path Distance along Road Networks
* Optimization of Shared Electric Scooter Deployment Stations Based on Distance Tolerance
* Practical Prescribed-Time Control for Constrained Human-Robot Co-Transportation With Velocity Observer and Obstacle Avoidance
* Trade-Off Algorithm for Solving p-Center Problems with a Graph Convolutional Network, A
Includes: Liang, H.J.[Hua Jie] Liang, H.J.[Hua-Jie] Liang, H.J.[Hao-Jian] Liang, H.J.[Hong-Jing]
Liang, H.L.[Hua Lou]
Co Author Listing * blind source separation-based method for multiple images encryption, A
Includes: Liang, H.L.[Hua Lou] Liang, H.L.[Hua-Lou]
Liang, H.M.[Hai Mei]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Road Surface Texture for Asphalt Pavement Adhesion Assessment Using 3D Laser Technology
* Dynamic 3D Simulation of Flood Risk Based on the Integration of Spatio-Temporal GIS and Hydrodynamic Models
* Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Using Sparse Representations of Convolutional Neural Network Features
* New Insights in Regional Climate Change: Coupled Land Albedo Change Estimation in Greenland from 1981 to 2017
* Real-Time Tracking Algorithm for Multi-Target UAV Based on Deep Learning, A
Includes: Liang, H.M.[Hai Mei] Liang, H.M.[Hai-Mei] Liang, H.M.[He-Ming] Liang, H.M.[Hong-Ming]
Liang, H.N.
Co Author Listing * Study on Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic Paper with Bleached Chemical Pulp
* Visualization Principles for Facilitating Strategy Development Process in the Organization
Includes: Liang, H.N. Liang, H.N.[Hai-Ning]
Liang, H.Q.[Hai Qin]
Co Author Listing * Optimal control problem of multi-vehicle cooperative autonomous parking trajectory planning in a connected vehicle environment
Includes: Liang, H.Q.[Hai Qin] Liang, H.Q.[Hai-Qin]
Liang, H.R.[Hao Ran]
Co Author Listing * CFN: A coarse-to-fine network for eye fixation prediction
* Hierarchical multi-modal video summarization with dynamic sampling
* Motion-Aware Memory Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
* progressive segmentation with weight contrast label enhancement for weakly supervised video salient object detection, A
* Salient object detection in egocentric videos
* Synthesize Boundaries: A Boundary-Aware Self-Consistent Framework for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* Video summarisation with visual and semantic cues
* Visual Representation-Guided Framework With Global Affinity for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection, A
Includes: Liang, H.R.[Hao Ran] Liang, H.R.[Hao-Ran]
8 for Liang, H.R.
Liang, H.S.[Hai Shan]
Co Author Listing * Reviewing Space-Borne GNSS-Reflectometry for Detecting Freeze/Thaw Conditions of Near-Surface Soils
Includes: Liang, H.S.[Hai Shan] Liang, H.S.[Hai-Shan]
Liang, H.T.[Hao Tian]
Co Author Listing * Semantic Segmentation and Analysis on Sensitive Parameters of Forest Fire Smoke Using Smoke-Unet and Landsat-8 Imagery
Includes: Liang, H.T.[Hao Tian] Liang, H.T.[Hao-Tian]
Liang, H.W.[Hong Wei]
Co Author Listing * Aftershock Spatiotemporal Activity and Coseismic Slip Model of the 2022 Mw 6.7 Luding Earthquake: Fault Geometry Structures and Complex Rupture Characteristics
* Boosting the Generalization Capability in Cross-Domain Few-shot Learning via Noise-enhanced Supervised Autoencoder
* Construction of Urban Thermal Environment Network Based on Land Surface Temperature Downscaling and Local Climate Zones
* Fast Point Cloud Ground Segmentation Approach Based on Coarse-To-Fine Markov Random Field, A
* Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Human Development Index: A Comparative Study on Countries and Regions in the Eastern Hemisphere from the Perspective of Evolution
* Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
Includes: Liang, H.W.[Hong Wei] Liang, H.W.[Hong-Wei] Liang, H.W.[Han-Wen] Liang, H.W.[Hong-Wu] Liang, H.W.[Hua-Wei] Liang, H.W.[Han-Wei] Liang, H.W.[Huan-Wei]
7 for Liang, H.W.
Liang, H.X.[Hai Xin]
Co Author Listing * CoralSCOP: Segment any COral Image on this Planet
* Enhancing NeRF akin to Enhancing LLMs: Generalizable NeRF Transformer with Mixture-of-View-Experts
* Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonization for Self-supervised 3D Object Detection
* Half-Quadratic Algorithm for lp-lq Problems with Applications to TV-l1 Image Restoration and Compressive Sensing
* Point Cloud Domain Adaptation via Masked Local 3D Structure Prediction
Includes: Liang, H.X.[Hai Xin] Liang, H.X.[Hai-Xin] Liang, H.X.[Han-Xue] Liang, H.X.[Hai-Xia]
Liang, H.Y.[Hao Yi]
Co Author Listing * Blind quality assessment of multiply-distorted images based on structural degradation
* Coherence bias mitigation through regularized tapered coherence matrix for phase linking in decorrelated environments
* Comparison-Based Image Quality Assessment for Selecting Image Restoration Parameters
* Denoising method selection by comparison-based image quality assessment
* Ground Deformation and Its Causes in Abbottabad City, Pakistan from Sentinel-1A Data and MT-InSAR
* Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
* Implications of Solution Patterns on Adversarial Robustness
* Investigation of Slow-Moving Artificial Slope Failure with Multi-Temporal InSAR by Combining Persistent and Distributed Scatterers: A Case Study in Northern Taiwan
* Investigation of Slow-Moving Landslides from ALOS/PALSAR Images with TCPInSAR: A Case Study of Oso, USA
* Joint Optimization and Online Algorithms of Fuel-Aware Multi-Objective Routing for Autonomous Vehicles
* Several key problems in model-based image sequence compression by using interframe AUs correlation
* Spatio-Temporal Variation in AOD and Correlation Analysis with PAR and NPP in China from 2001 to 2017
* spatiotemporal shape model fitting method for within-season crop phenology detection, A
* Training Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks by Differentiating Class-specific Filters
* Using Neural Network to Identify the Severity of Wheat Fusarium Head Blight in the Field Environment
* Within-Season Crop Identification by the Fusion of Spectral Time-Series Data and Historical Crop Planting Data
Includes: Liang, H.Y.[Hao Yi] Liang, H.Y.[Hao-Yi] Liang, H.Y.[Hong-Yu] Liang, H.Y.[Han-Yu] Liang, H.Y.[Heng-Yue] Liang, H.Y.[Hao-Yang] Liang, H.Y.[Hui-Ying] Liang, H.Y.[Hong-Yi] Liang, H.Y.[Hao-Yu]
16 for Liang, H.Y.
Liang, H.Z.[Hui Zhu]
Co Author Listing * Auricular images with annotations for segmenting key-organ mapping regions in auricular diagnosis
* Dexterous Hand-Arm Teleoperation System Based on Hand Pose Estimation and Active Vision, A
* MVANet: Multi-Task Guided Multi-View Attention Network for Chinese Food Recognition
Includes: Liang, H.Z.[Hui Zhu] Liang, H.Z.[Hui-Zhu] Liang, H.Z.[Hong-Zhuo] Liang, H.Z.[Hao-Zan]
Liang, J.[Jie]
Co Author Listing * 3D local derivative pattern for hyperspectral face recognition
* 3D Plant Modelling via Hyperspectral Imaging
* 3D Reconstruction from Hyperspectral Images
* 4K-Resolution Photo Exposure Correction at 125 FPS with ~8K Parameters
* Adaptation Approaches in Unsupervised Learning: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Adaptive runlength coding
* Adaptive system on a chip (ASOC): a backbone for power-aware signal processing cores
* Additive Adversarial Learning for Unbiased Authentication
* Advancing the Mapping of Mangrove Forests at National-Scale Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data with Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in China
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation With Prototype-Based Normalized Output Conditioner
* AF: An Association-Based Fusion Method for Multi-Modal Classification
* Aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
* Analysis, Understanding and Representation of Chinese Newspaper with Complex Layout
* Approximate message passing-based compressed sensing reconstruction with generalized elastic net prior
* APSE: Attention-Aware Polarity-Sensitive Embedding for Emotion-Based Image Retrieval
* AS-Net: An attention-aware downsampling network for point clouds oriented to classification tasks
* Assessment of FY-3E GNOS II Radio Occultation Data Using an Improved Three-Cornered Hat Method
* Assessment of Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Effect of the Relationship between Meteorological Drought and Vegetation Dynamics in the Yangtze River Basin Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* Assessment of Wildfire Susceptibility and Wildfire Threats to Ecological Environment and Urban Development Based on GIS and Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Guilin, China
* Asymmetric Learned Image Compression With Multi-Scale Residual Block, Importance Scaling, and Post-Quantization Filtering
* Attention-Aware Polarity Sensitive Embedding for Affective Image Retrieval
* AUD-TGN: Advancing Action Unit Detection with Temporal Convolution and GPT-2 in Wild Audiovisual Contexts
* Auroral Sequence Representation and Classification Using Hidden Markov Models
* Auto-Weighted Layer Representation Based View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3-D Video Coding
* Automated Detection Of Highly Aggregated Neurons In Microscopic Images Of Macaque Brain
* Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Videos Using Shape and Context Information
* Automatic Vehicle Avoidance Control Model for Dangerous Lane-Changing Behavior, An
* Automating Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Video Interpretation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Backdoor Defense via Test-Time Detecting and Repairing
* Balanced and Uncertainty-aware Approach for Partial Domain Adaptation, A
* Benchmarking the Robustness of Temporal Action Detection Models Against Temporal Corruptions
* bi-level metric learning framework via self-paced learning weighting, A
* Building Placements In Urban Modeling Using Conditional Generative Latent Optimization
* Camera-based analysis of text and documents: a survey
* Camera-Based Document Image Mosaicing
* Car detection and classification using cascade model
* Cardiac Motion Estimation from Tagged MRI Using 3D-HARP and NURBS Volumetric Model
* categorical data clustering framework on graph representation, A
* Causality Inspired Representation Learning for Domain Generalization
* Characterising Eye Movement Events With Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Awareness
* Characteristics of Yellow Sea Fog under the Influence of Eastern China Aerosol Plumes
* Clinical Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Representations Inspired by Dermatologist Criteria
* Clustering ensemble selection for categorical data based on internal validity indices
* Color-Sensitivity-Based Combined PSNR for Objective Video Quality Assessment
* Color-Sensitivity-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for H.265/HEVC
* Combining Individual Travel Preferences Into Destination Prediction: A Multi-Module Deep Learning Network
* Comparative Validation of Polyp Detection Methods in Video Colonoscopy: Results From the MICCAI 2015 Endoscopic Vision Challenge
* Comparison of the Rock Core Image Segmentation Algorithm
* Complete large margin linear discriminant analysis using mathematical programming approach
* Comprehensive Study of Multimodal Large Language Models for Image Quality Assessment, A
* Comprehensive Survey on Test-Time Adaptation Under Distribution Shifts, A
* Compression Artifact Removal with Stacked Multi-Context Channel-Wise Attention Network
* Consistent Partition and Labelling of Text Blocks
* Continuous rotation invariant local descriptors for texton dictionary-based texture classification
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Depth Image Artifact Removal
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Analysis: Full Training or Fine Tuning?
* Convolutional Recurrent Network for Road Boundary Extraction
* CoTeRe-net: Discovering Collaborative Ternary Relations in Videos
* Cross-modal propagation network for generalized zero-shot learning
* CrossLoc3D: Aerial-Ground Cross-Source 3D Place Recognition
* Curriculum-Style Self-Training Approach for Source-Free Semantic Segmentation, A
* DAGMapper: Learning to Map by Discovering Lane Topology
* DCSN-Cast: Deep compressed sensing network for wireless video multicast
* Deep Learning Based Method for Railway Overhead Wire Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Deep neural network compression through interpretability-based filter pruning
* Deep Semantic Reconstruction Hashing for Similarity Retrieval
* Deep Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Partial Person Re-identification: Alignment-free Approach
* Deeply Modulated Scheme for Variable-Rate Video Compression, A
* Delay-Cognizant Interactive Streaming of Multiview Video With Free Viewpoint Synthesis
* Depth-Bin-Based Graphical Model for Fast View Synthesis Distortion Estimation, A
* Depth-resolved and auto-focus imaging through scattering layer with wavelength compensation
* Details or Artifacts: A Locally Discriminative Learning Approach to Realistic Image Super-Resolution
* DINE: Domain Adaptation from Single and Multiple Black-box Predictors
* Directed hypergraph attention network for traffic forecasting
* Directional Lapped Transforms for Image Coding
* Discovering causally invariant features for out-of-distribution generalization
* Distant Supervised Centroid Shift: A Simple and Efficient Approach to Visual Domain Adaptation
* Distortion Estimation-Based Adaptive Power Allocation for Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission
* Distributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation in Sensor Networks
* Document Layout Structure Extraction Using Bounding Boxes of Different Entities
* Domain Adaptation with Auxiliary Target Domain-Oriented Classifier
* Driver and Passenger Identification From Smartphone Data
* Dynamic driving intention recognition of vehicles with different driving styles of surrounding vehicles
* Dynamic Match Kernel With Deep Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval
* Dynamic motion planner with trajectory optimisation for automated highway lane-changing driving
* dynamical neighborhood selection based on the sampling density and manifold curvature for isometric data embedding, The
* EAAT: Environment-Aware Adaptive Transmission for Split-Screen Video Streaming
* EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector
* edge detection with automatic scale selection approach to improve coherent visual attention model, An
* efficient accelerator for attribute reduction from incomplete data in rough set framework, An
* Efficient and Degradation-Adaptive Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Efficient Ellipse Detector Based On Region Detection And Arc Pruning, An
* Efficient Feature Extraction and Late Fusion Strategy for Audiovisual Emotional Mimicry Intensity Estimation
* Efficient Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning for Unmanned Systems in Confined Environments
* Encoder-Driven Inpainting Strategy in Multiview Video Compression
* End-to-End Deep Structured Models for Drawing Crosswalks
* End-to-end distortion estimation for H.264 with unconstrained intra prediction
* End-to-End SAR Deep Learning Imaging Method Based on Sparse Optimization
* Error Resilient Pre/Post-Filtering for DCT-Based Block Coding Systems
* Estimating Daily Inundation Probability Using Remote Sensing, Riverine Flood, and Storm Surge Models: A Case of Hurricane Harvey
* Evaluating Classification Model Against Bayes Error Rate
* Exact Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Vehicles in Polygonal Domains
* Exploring Facial Expression Recognition through Semi-Supervised Pre-training and Temporal Modeling
* Exploring uncertainty in pseudo-label guided unsupervised domain adaptation
* extended context-based entropy hybrid modeling for image compression, An
* Extracting Water Surfaces of the Dike-Pond System from High Spatial Resolution Images Using Deep Learning Methods
* Fabric Material Recovery from Video Using Multi-scale Geometric Auto-Encoder
* Factorial HMM and Parallel HMM for Gait Recognition
* Fair P2P Scalable Video Streaming Scheme Using Improved Priority Index Assignment and Multi-hierarchical Topology, A
* Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm
* Fast and High-Performance Learned Image Compression With Improved Checkerboard Context Model, Deformable Residual Module, and Knowledge Distillation
* Fast density clustering strategies based on the k-means algorithm
* Fast Inference Vision Transformer for Automatic Pavement Image Classification and Its Visual Interpretation Method, A
* Fast Point Cloud Sampling Network
* Fast synthesized and predicted just noticeable distortion maps for perceptual multiview video coding
* Fast transmission distortion estimation and adaptive error protection for H.264/AVC-based embedded video conferencing systems
* FDBP-InSAR: An Efficient Algorithm for InSAR Imaging via Frequency Domain Back Projection
* Feature clustering-Assisted feature selection with differential evolution
* Filter Model Based on Hidden Generalized Mixture Transition Distribution Model for Intrusion Detection System in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Fine-Tuning Convolutional Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Analysis: Actively and Incrementally
* Fingerprint classification by a hierarchical classifier
* Fingerprint Singular Point Detection Based on Multiple-Scale Orientation Entropy
* Flattening Curved Documents in Images
* Frame structure optimization for interactive multiview video streaming with bounded network delay
* Further results on DCT-based linear phase paraunitary filter banks
* Garden of Forking Paths: Towards Multi-Future Trajectory Prediction, The
* Generalization Performance of Pure Accuracy and its Application in Selective Ensemble Learning
* Geometric Rectification of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Geometric understanding of point clouds using Laplace-Beltrami operator
* Graph convolutional autoencoders with co-learning of graph structure and node attributes
* Graph Regulation Network for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Graph-Based Transform for 2D Piecewise Smooth Signals With Random Discontinuity Locations
* Guided Sampling Based Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* HandFormer: Hand pose reconstructing from a single RGB image
* hierarchical control strategy for reliable lane changes considering optimal path and lane-changing time point, A
* Hierarchical Predictive Coding-Based JND Estimation for Image Compression
* High-Resolution Image Harmonization via Collaborative Dual Transformations
* High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time: A Laplacian Pyramid Translation Network
* Human Guided Ground-Truth Generation for Realistic Image Super-Resolution
* Hybrid phase-amplitude superoscillation element for nonscanning optical superresolution imaging
* IC9600: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Image Complexity Assessment
* Image dehazing via self-supervised depth guidance
* Image Fusion Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image registration model and algorithm for multi-focus images
* Image-Coding Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transforms with Symmetrical Extensions
* Impact of Cluster Representatives on the Convergence of the K-Modes Type Clustering, The
* Impacts of AOD Correction and Spatial Scale on the Correlation between High-Resolution AOD from Gaofen-1 Satellite and In Situ PM2.5 Measurements in Shenzhen City, China
* Impacts of Landscape Patterns on Ecosystem Services Value: A Multiscale Buffer Gradient Analysis Approach
* Impacts of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Stratospheric Isentropic Mixing Process
* Improved hybrid layered image compression using deep learning and traditional codecs
* improved rate-distortion model for multiview video coding, An
* Improving Adversarial Robustness via Guided Complement Entropy
* Improving Generalization with Domain Convex Game
* Improving Valence-Arousal Estimation with Spatiotemporal Relationship Learning and Multimodal Fusion
* Informative Data Mining for One-shot Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Joint Acne Image Grading and Counting via Label Distribution Learning
* Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image Transmission Over Two-Way Multi-Relay Networks
* JPEG XR optimization with graph-based soft decision quantization
* Just noticeable distortion map prediction for perceptual multiview video coding
* key binding system based on n-nearest minutiae structure of fingerprint, A
* KeyShip: Towards High-Precision Oriented SAR Ship Detection Using Key Points
* lane changing time point and path tracking framework for autonomous ground vehicle, A
* Learned Image Compression With Gaussian-Laplacian-Logistic Mixture Model and Concatenated Residual Modules
* Learned Multi-Resolution Variable-Rate Image Compression With Octave-Based Residual Blocks
* Learning Feature Recovery Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Learning Fixed Points in Generative Adversarial Networks: From Image-to-Image Translation to Disease Detection and Localization
* Learning Spatiotemporal Inconsistency via Thumbnail Layout for Face Deepfake Detection
* Learning-Based Cloth Material Recovery from Video
* Levelset R-CNN: A Deep Variational Method for Instance Segmentation
* Light field all-in-focus image fusion based on spatially-guided angular information
* Local Energy Pattern for Texture Classification Using Self-Adaptive Quantization Thresholds
* Local Semantic-Aware Deep Hashing With Hamming-Isometric Quantization
* Logical Labeling of Document Images Using Layout Graph Matching with Adaptive Learning
* Long and Short-Range Dependency Graph Structure Learning Framework on Point Cloud
* Long-Term Land Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing (China) Using the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) Technique
* Low complexity M-channel multiple description coding with two-rate predictive coding and staggered quantization
* M-Channel Multiple Description Coding With Two-Rate Coding and Staggered Quantization
* MAPS: A Noise-Robust Progressive Learning Approach for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Keypoint Detection
* Material based salient object detection from hyperspectral images
* Mending Neural Implicit Modeling for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in the Wild
* Meta-Transfer Metric Learning for Time Series Classification in 6G-Supported Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Methodology for Special Symbol Recognitions, A
* Metric learning via perturbing hard-to-classify instances
* MFH-Net: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network Based Multi-Scale Fusion for Medical Image Segmentation
* Micro-Motion Parameters Estimation Method for Multi-Rotor Targets without a Prior, A
* Mimic Embedding via Adaptive Aggregation: Learning Generalizable Person Re-identification
* Mimicking the Oracle: An Initial Phase Decorrelation Approach for Class Incremental Learning
* Mind the Label Shift of Augmentation-based Graph OOD Generalization
* Minutia handedness: A novel global feature for minutiae-based fingerprint matching
* Model-Protected Multi-Task Learning
* Mosaicing of camera-captured document images
* Multi Model Ensemble for Compound Expression Recognition
* Multi-Modal Multi-Action Video Recognition
* Multi-resolution compressed sensing reconstruction via approximate message passing
* Multi-view clustering via dynamic unified bipartite graph learning
* Multi-view graph convolutional networks with attention mechanism
* Multi-Weights Intra Prediction with Double Reference Lines
* Multiple Description Coding With Prediction Compensation
* Multiple Description Coding With Randomly and Uniformly Offset Quantizers
* Multiple Description Image Coding with Prediction Compensation
* Multiple-Feature Reuse Network to Extract Buildings from Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* New Framework of Vehicle Collision Prediction by Combining SVM and HMM, A
* New label propagation algorithm with pairwise constraints
* New Power-Line Extraction Method Based on Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Data, A
* new shape prior model with rotation invariance, A
* NLS Based Hierarchical Anti-Disturbance Controller for Vehicle Platoons With Time-Varying Parameter Uncertainties
* Noncausal directional intra prediction: Theoretical analysis and simulation
* Nonlinear Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing for Visual-Textual Data
* novel ant colony optimization algorithm for large-distorted fingerprint matching, A
* Novel Asymmetric Pyramid Aggregation Network for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection
* novel attribute weighting algorithm for clustering high-dimensional categorical data, A
* Novel Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on Local Fitness Landscape Information for Optimization Problems, A
* Novel Method to Remove Interference Fringes for Hyperspectral SWIR Imagers, A
* Novel perspective invariant feature transform for RGB-D images, A
* NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
* NÜWA: Visual Synthesis Pre-training for Neural visUal World creAtion
* On Destination Prediction Based on Markov Bridging Distributions
* On Mugshot-based Arbitrary View Face Recognition
* On the Critical Point of Gradient Vector Flow Snake
* On the Sampling Strategy for Evaluation of Spectral-Spatial Methods in Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Optical Properties and Vertical Distribution of Aerosols Using Polarization Lidar and Sun Photometer over Lanzhou Suburb in Northwest China
* Optimal Block Boundary Pre/Postfiltering for Wavelet-Based Image and Video Compression
* optimal trajectory planning for automated on-ramp merging, An
* Optimizing frame structure with real-time computation for interactive multiview video streaming
* Ordered Subsets-Constrained ART Algorithm for Ionospheric Tomography by Combining VTEC Data
* Over-sampled and under-sampled Pre/post-filters for block DCT coders
* Page classification through logical labelling
* Perception-Distortion Balanced Super-Resolution: A Multi-Objective Optimization Perspective
* Performance of Ground-Based Global Navigation Satellite System Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval in Beijing with the BeiDou B2b Service
* Phase Retrieval via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Physical Attack on Monocular Depth Estimation with Optimal Adversarial Patches
* Pixel-Level View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3D Video Coding
* Poisson-Based Distribution Learning Framework for Short-Term Prediction of Food Delivery Demand Ranges, A
* PolyTransform: Deep Polygon Transformer for Instance Segmentation
* Potential Temporal and Spatial Trends of Oceanographic Conditions with the Bloom of Ulva Prolifera in the West of the Southern Yellow Sea
* Power and sub-channel optimization of JPEG 2000 image transmission over OFDM-based cognitive radio networks
* PPR10K: A Large-Scale Portrait Photo Retouching Dataset with Human-Region Mask and Group-Level Consistency
* Preliminary Assessment of BDS Radio Occultation Retrieval Quality and Coverage Using FY-3E GNOS II Measurements
* Priori Knowledge Based Ground Moving Target Indication Technique Applied to Distributed Spaceborne SAR System, A
* Processing Camera-Captured Document Images: Geometric Rectification, Mosaicing, and Layout Structure Recognition
* Programmable DSP platform for digital still cameras
* Progress in camera-based document image analysis
* QoE-Driven Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Dynamic Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Videos Over HTTP
* QoE-driven optimization for cloud-assisted DASH-based scalable interactive multiview video streaming over wireless network
* Quantitative Study on American COVID-19 Epidemic Predictions and Scenario Simulations
* Rate-complexity tradeoff for client-side free viewpoint image rendering
* Reciprocal normalization for domain adaptation
* Reconstruction of the Daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product Using the Two-Step Improved Similar Pixels Method
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Images Based on Estimation of Spinning Target Parameters in Radar Network
* Rectification-Based View Interpolation and Extrapolation for Multiview Video Coding
* Recursive projection twin support vector machine via within-class variance minimization
* Retrieval of Fine-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) in Semiarid Urban Areas Using Landsat Data: A Case Study in Urumqi, NW China
* Revealing the Structure and Composition of the Restored Vegetation Cover in Semi-Arid Mine Dumps Based on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Images
* River-Sea Interaction off the Amazon Estuary, The
* Robust Ellipse Fitting With Laplacian Kernel Based Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust facial landmark detection by probability-guided hourglass network
* Robust Index Based on Phenological Features to Extract Sugarcane from Multisource Remote Sensing Data, A
* Robust tensor factorization using maximum correntropy criterion
* Saliency Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Model-Based Detail Extraction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* Salient object detection in hyperspectral imagery
* Scale invariant texture representation based on frequency decomposition and gradient orientation
* Scanning Imaging Restoration of Moving or Dynamically Deforming Objects
* Self-Constrained Spectral Clustering
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Training of Monocular Depth Estimation Against Physical-World Attacks
* Self-supervised spectral clustering with exemplar constraints
* Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
* Semi-Supervised Clustering With Constraints of Different Types From Multiple Information Sources
* Semi-Supervised Partial Multi-Label Classification via Consistency Learning
* Semisupervised Online Multikernel Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval
* Sense-Through-Foliage target detection using UWB radar sensor networks
* Shape-Aware Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction Using Multi-View Images
* Sharp feature extraction in point clouds
* Simultaneous color-depth super-resolution with conditional generative adversarial networks
* Simultaneous Subspace Clustering and Cluster Number Estimating Based on Triplet Relationship
* Slim UNETR: Scale Hybrid Transformers to Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation Under Limited Computational Resources
* Source Data-Absent Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Hypothesis Transfer and Labeling Transfer
* Spectral clustering with robust self-learning constraints
* Spectrally Constrained Unimodular Sequence Design Without Spectral Level Mask
* STAMP: Outlier-aware Test-time Adaptation with Stable Memory Replay
* Steady-State Mean-Square Error Analysis for Adaptive Filtering under the Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Stereo matching-based definition of saliency via sample-based Kullback-Leibler divergence estimation
* Stereo Superpixel Segmentation via Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Embedding Fusion Network
* Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Stochastic Non-Autoregressive Transformer-Based Multi-Modal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction for Intelligent Vehicles
* Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces
* Subspace Clustering via Good Neighbors
* TALL: Thumbnail Layout for Deepfake Video Detection
* Target recognition via discriminant information and geometrical structure co-learning using radar sensor network
* Tensor morphological profile for hyperspectral image classification
* Testing the performance of CIECAM02 model using two distinct glossinesses of color printing atlas
* Three-Dimensional Imaging of Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar with Integer and Fractional Order OAM Modes
* Three-Dimensional Imaging with Bistatic Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar
* three-layer algorithm for M-channel multiple description image coding, A
* TorontoCity: Seeing the World with a Million Eyes
* TPSSI-Net: Fast and Enhanced Two-Path Iterative Network for 3D SAR Sparse Imaging
* Trip destination prediction based on a deep integration network by fusing multiple features from taxi trajectories
* Tripartite Feature Enhanced Pyramid Network for Dense Prediction
* two-dimensional translation invariant wavelet representation and its applications, A
* Two-Layer Controllable Recovery for Privacy-Preserving Double-Compressed Images
* Undersampled Boundary Pre-/Postfilters for Low Bit-Rate DCT-Based Block Coders
* Understanding and Mitigating Dimensional Collapse in Federated Learning
* UNet++: Redesigning Skip Connections to Exploit Multiscale Features in Image Segmentation
* United Snakes
* Using Enhanced Gap-Filling and Whittaker Smoothing to Reconstruct High Spatiotemporal Resolution NDVI Time Series Based on Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and MODIS Imagery
* UW-ISL Document Image Analysis Toolbox: An Experimental Environment
* Vector Collection Method Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Data, A
* Video representation learning for temporal action detection using global-local attention
* View Synthesis Distortion Estimation With a Graphical Model and Recursive Calculation of Probability Distribution
* Vila: Efficient Video-language Alignment for Video Question Answering
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Joint Key Local Structure Localization and Classification of Aurora Image
* Weconvene: Learned Image Compression with Wavelet-domain Convolution and Entropy Model
* Weighted Graph Embedding-Based Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Wiener Filter-Based Error Resilient Time-Domain Lapped Transform
* Windows Media Video 9: Overview and Applications
* X-GACMN: An X-Shaped Generative Adversarial Cross-Modal Network with Hypersphere Embedding
* zero-shot learning boosting framework via concept-constrained clustering, A
* Zone Classification Using Texture Features
Includes: Liang, J.[Jie] Liang, J.[Jin] Liang, J.[Jiye] Liang, J.[Jian] Liang, J. Liang, J.[Jiahui] Liang, J.[Juanzhu] Liang, J.[Jieyu] Liang, J.[Jiaen] Liang, J.[Jimin] Liang, J.[Jun] Liang, J.[JiaMing] Liang, J.[Jia] Liang, J.[Jiakun] Liang, J.[Justin] Liang, J.[Ju] Liang, J.[Jing] Liang, J.[Jinbo] Liang, J.[Jiayu] Liang, J.[Jiayong] Liang, J.[Jihang] Liang, J.[Junbang] Liang, J.[Jiadian] Liang, J.[Jiao] Liang, J.[Jingtian] Liang, J.[Jiale] Liang, J.[Jiancong] Liang, J.[Jian'an] Liang, J.[Junke] Liang, J.[Jiening] Liang, J.[Ji] Liang, J.[Jingshu] Liang, J.[James] Liang, J.[Jiuzhen] Liang, J.[JiYe] Liang, J.[Junyan]
318 for Liang, J.
Liang, J.B.[Jun Bang]
Co Author Listing * GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images
* Hyper-Lapse From Multiple Spatially-Overlapping Videos
Includes: Liang, J.B.[Jun Bang] Liang, J.B.[Jun-Bang]
Liang, J.C.[Jia Cheng]
Co Author Listing * PASS: Patch Automatic Skip Scheme for Efficient On-Device Video Perception
Includes: Liang, J.C.[Jia Cheng] Liang, J.C.[Jia-Cheng]
Liang, J.D.[Jia Dian]
Co Author Listing * CIST: An Improved ISAR Imaging Method Using Convolution Neural Network
* Cpgan: Content-parsing Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-image Synthesis
* HQ-ISNet: High-Quality Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Layout-Bridging Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Tracking Small and Fast Moving Objects: A Benchmark
Includes: Liang, J.D.[Jia Dian] Liang, J.D.[Jia-Dian] Liang, J.D.[Jia-Dong] Liang, J.D.[Jing-Dong]
Liang, J.F.[Jian Feng]
Co Author Listing * lightweight method for face expression recognition based on improved MobileNetV3, A
* Spatiotemporal Patterns and Morphological Characteristics of Ulva prolifera Distribution in the Yellow Sea, China in 2016-2018
Includes: Liang, J.F.[Jian Feng] Liang, J.F.[Jian-Feng]
Liang, J.H.[Jin Hui]
Co Author Listing * Aquaculture Ponds Identification Based on Multi-Feature Combination Strategy and Machine Learning from Landsat-5/8 in a Typical Inland Lake of China
* Assessment and Projections of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Pacific Based on CMIP6 Models
* DH-AUG: DH Forward Kinematics Model Driven Augmentation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Exploring Disentangled Content Information for Face Forgery Detection
* Flexible optimal bus-schedule bridging for metro operation-interruption
* GaitEdge: Beyond Plain End-to-End Gait Recognition for Better Practicality
* Gradient Attention Balance Network: Mitigating Face Recognition Racial Bias via Gradient Attention
* Integrated Localization and Planning for Cruise Control of UGV Platoons in Infrastructure-Free Environments
* OpenGait: Revisiting Gait Recognition Toward Better Practicality
* Robust Dynamic Game-Based Control Framework for Integrated Torque Vectoring and Active Front-Wheel Steering System, A
* SquconvNet: Deep Sequencer Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Liang, J.H.[Jin Hui] Liang, J.H.[Jin-Hui] Liang, J.H.[Jun-Hong] Liang, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Liang, J.H.[Jian-Hong] Liang, J.H.[Jun-Hao] Liang, J.H.[Jin-Hao] Liang, J.H.[Jia-Hong]
11 for Liang, J.H.
Liang, J.I.[Jinx Iu]
Co Author Listing * Light Flickering Guided Reflection Removal
Includes: Liang, J.I.[Jinx Iu] Liang, J.I.[Jinx-Iu]
Liang, J.J.[Jian Jun]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Line-of-Sight Tracking Control for a Tractor-Trailer Vehicle System With Multiple Constraints
* Benchmarks and Challenges in Pose Estimation for Egocentric Hand Interactions with Objects
* Boosting Semi-Supervised Learning by Exploiting All Unlabeled Data
* Cascade Prompt Learning for Vision-language Model Adaptation
* Character-Position-Free On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition by Two Segmentation Methods
* Cumulative Spatial Knowledge Distillation for Vision Transformers
* Decoupled Knowledge Distillation
* Discriminability-Transferability Trade-Off: An Information-Theoretic Perspective
* DOT: A Distillation-Oriented Trainer
* Dynamic MLP for Fine-Grained Image Classification by Leveraging Geographical and Temporal Information
* Efficient One Pass Self-distillation with Zipf's Label Smoothing
* Explaining Deepfake Detection by Analysing Image Matching
* Hidiffusion: Unlocking Higher-resolution Creativity and Efficiency in Pretrained Diffusion Models
* Implementation of velocity optimisation strategy based on preview road information to trade off transport time and fuel consumption for hybrid mining trucks
* Implicit Identity Leakage: The Stumbling Block to Improving Deepfake Detection Generalization
* Joint Token Pruning and Squeezing Towards More Aggressive Compression of Vision Transformers
* new approach to classification of brainwaves, A
* Retrieval of Internal Solitary Wave Amplitude in Shallow Water by Tandem Spaceborne SAR
* Simple Baseline for Efficient Hand Mesh Reconstruction, A
* Simpledg: Simple Domain Generalization Baseline Without Bells and Whistles
* Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-camera Depth Completion
Includes: Liang, J.J.[Jian Jun] Liang, J.J.[Jian-Jun] Liang, J.J.[Jia-Jun] Liang, J.J.[Jian-Juan] Liang, J.J.[Jie-Junyi] Liang, J.J.[Joseph J.]
21 for Liang, J.J.
Liang, J.L.[Jun Ling]
Co Author Listing * Accurate and Robust Object Detection via Selective Adversarial Learning With Constraints
* Affective interaction recognition using spatio-temporal features and context
* Complex Handwriting Trajectory Recovery: Evaluation Metrics and Algorithm
* Diffusion-driven Data Replay: A Novel Approach to Combat Forgetting in Federated Class Continual Learning
* Joint image denoising with gradient direction and edge-preserving regularization
* Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selection and bag structure construction
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
* Robust Ellipse Fitting via Half-Quadratic and Semidefinite Relaxation Optimization
* Secure Relay and Jammer Selection for Physical Layer Security
Includes: Liang, J.L.[Jun Ling] Liang, J.L.[Jun-Ling] Liang, J.L.[Jing-Lian] Liang, J.L.[Jing-Lin] Liang, J.L.[Jun-Li]
9 for Liang, J.L.
Liang, J.M.[Jia Ming]
Co Author Listing * Accelerating information entropy-based feature selection using rough set theory with classified nested equivalence classes
* Accurate polyp segmentation for 3D CT colongraphy using multi-staged probabilistic binary learning and compositional model
* Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* Applications and impacts of Google Earth: A decadal review (2006-2016)
* Automated Detection of Major Thoracic Structures with a Novel Online Learning Method
* Automatic Sky View Factor Estimation from Street View Photographs: A Big Data Approach
* DiRA: Discriminative, Restorative, and Adversarial Learning for Self-supervised Medical Image Analysis
* Factorial Hidden Markov Models for Gait Recognition
* Frame difference energy image for gait recognition with incomplete silhouettes
* Gait recognition based on improved dynamic Bayesian networks
* GATCluster: Self-supervised Guassian-attention Network for Image Clustering
* Generating Orthorectified Multi-Perspective 2.5D Maps to Facilitate Web GIS-Based Visualization and Exploitation of Massive 3D City Models
* Guest Editorial Annotation-Efficient Deep Learning: The Holy Grail of Medical Imaging
* Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment: Potential Application in Spatiotemporal Behavior Experiments, A
* Introduction to the Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Virtual/Augmented Reality and 3D Modeling Techniques for Virtual Urban Geographic Experiments
* Logistic dynamic texture model for human activity and gait recognition
* Multiple Instance Learning of Pulmonary Embolism Detection with Geodesic Distance along Vascular Structure
* Novel Hybrid Segmentation Method for Medical Images Based on Level Set, A
* novel online boosting algorithm for automatic anatomy detection, A
* Representing Part-Whole Hierarchies in Foundation Models by Learning Localizability, Composability, and Decomposability from Anatomy via Self-Supervision
* Simultaneous Detection and Registration for Ileo-Cecal Valve Detection in 3D CT Colonography
* Solar3D: An Open-Source Tool for Estimating Solar Radiation in Urban Environments
* Sparse Voxel Octree-Based Framework for Computing Solar Radiation Using 3D City Models, A
* STDC-MA network for semantic segmentation
* Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-Supervised Learning
* Unifying Visual Perception by Dispersible Points Learning
Includes: Liang, J.M.[Jia Ming] Liang, J.M.[Jia-Ming] Liang, J.M.[Jian-Ming] Liang, J.M.[Ji-Min]
26 for Liang, J.M.
Liang, J.N.[Jie Ning]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Wintertime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Heights Determined by Tethered Balloon Soundings and Lidar at the Site of SACOL, A
* Feature Selection Based on Run Covering
* Image matching based on orientation-magnitude histograms and global consistency
* Invariant optimal feature selection: A distance discriminant and feature ranking based solution
Includes: Liang, J.N.[Jie Ning] Liang, J.N.[Jie-Ning] Liang, J.N.[Jian-Ning]
Liang, J.Q.[Jin Qiao]
Co Author Listing * Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
* Cross-modal propagation network for generalized zero-shot learning
* Dual-Interference Channels Static Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer Based on Stepped Micro-Mirror: Data Processing and Experiment Research
* Efficient multi-modal geometric mean metric learning
* Graph convolutional autoencoders with co-learning of graph structure and node attributes
* Graph Regulation Network for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Long and Short-Range Dependency Graph Structure Learning Framework on Point Cloud
* Metric learning via perturbing hard-to-classify instances
* Multi-view graph convolutional networks with attention mechanism
* Reducing the Influence of Systematic Errors in Interference Core of Stepped Micro-Mirror Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer: A Novel Calibration Method
* Rice Yield Simulation and Planting Suitability Environment Pattern Recognition at a Fine Scale
* Snapshot Infrared Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Dynamic Target Detection, A
* zero-shot learning boosting framework via concept-constrained clustering, A
Includes: Liang, J.Q.[Jin Qiao] Liang, J.Q.[Jin-Qiao] Liang, J.Q.[Jian-Qing] Liang, J.Q.[Jing-Qiu] Liang, J.Q.[Jian-Qin]
13 for Liang, J.Q.
Liang, J.R.[Jing Ru]
Co Author Listing * Fine Traffic Congestion Detection With Hierarchical Description
* Iris Recognition Using Fourier-Wavelet Features
* Learning Non-uniform Step Sizes for Neural Network Quantization
Includes: Liang, J.R.[Jing Ru] Liang, J.R.[Jing-Ru] Liang, J.R.[Ji-Ren] Liang, J.R.[Jin-Rong]
Liang, J.S.[Ji Sheng]
Co Author Listing * email: Liang, J.S.[Ji Sheng]: jliang AT insightful com
* Assimilation of GNSS PWV with NCAR-RTFDDA to Improve Prediction of a Landfall Typhoon
* Optimization Methodology for Document Structure Extraction on Latin Character Documents, An
* Performance Evaluation of Document Structure Extraction Algorithms
Includes: Liang, J.S.[Ji Sheng] Liang, J.S.[Ji-Sheng] Liang, J.S.[Jing-Shu]
Liang, J.T.[Jun Tao]
Co Author Listing * 3D Density Structure of the South China Sea Based on Wavelet Multi-Scale Analysis of Gravity Data and Its Tectonic Implications, The
* Discussion on InSAR Identification Effectivity of Potential Landslides and Factors That Influence the Effectivity
* Extraction of Aquaculture Ponds along Coastal Region Using U2-Net Deep Learning Model from Remote Sensing Images
* Extraction of Water Body Information from Remote Sensing Imagery While Considering Greenness and Wetness Based on Tasseled Cap Transformation
* Integration of Sentinel-1A, ALOS-2 and GF-1 Datasets for Identifying Landslides in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, China
* Learning Semantic Representations via Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Facial Attribute Estimation
* Spatial-Separated Curve Rendering Network for Efficient and High-Resolution Image Harmonization
Includes: Liang, J.T.[Jun Tao] Liang, J.T.[Jun-Tao] Liang, J.T.[Jing-Tao] Liang, J.T.[Jin-Tao] Liang, J.T.[Jing-Tang]
7 for Liang, J.T.
Liang, J.W.[Jing Wei]
Co Author Listing * Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Douglas-Rachford/ADMM under Partial Smoothness
* Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Video Analysis
* Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
* Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
* FS-MOEA: A Novel Feature Selection Algorithm for IDSs in Vehicular Networks
* GaDQN-IDS: A Novel Self-Adaptive IDS for VANETs Based on Bayesian Game Theory and Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Minding the Gaps in a Video Action Analysis Pipeline
* MSNet: A Multilevel Instance Segmentation Network for Natural Disaster Damage Assessment in Aerial Videos
* On the convergence rates of proximal splitting algorithms
* Open-Vocabulary 3D Semantic Segmentation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Peeking Into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos
* Prioritized Semantic Learning for Zero-Shot Instance Navigation
* Retinex by Higher Order Total Variation L1 Decomposition
* SimAug: Learning Robust Representations from Simulation for Trajectory Prediction
* Stargazer: A Transformer-based Driver Action Detection System for Intelligent Transportation
* STMT: A Spatial-Temporal Mesh Transformer for MoCap-Based Action Recognition
* Stochastic Proximal Alternating Minimization for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Optimization, A
* TFNet: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Fast and Accurate LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* VMRNN: Integrating Vision Mamba and LSTM for Efficient and Accurate Spatiotemporal Forecasting
* Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation Using Cross-Image Consensus and Inter-Voxel Affinity Relations
Includes: Liang, J.W.[Jing Wei] Liang, J.W.[Jing-Wei] Liang, J.W.[Jun-Wei]
20 for Liang, J.W.
Liang, J.X.[Jin Xiu]
Co Author Listing * Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Barzilai-Borwein-based adaptive learning rate for deep learning
* Coherent Event Guided Low-Light Video Enhancement
* Deblurring Low-Light Images with Events
* Deep structural information fusion for 3D object detection on LiDAR-camera system
* DeLiEve-Net: Deblurring Low-light Images with Light Streaks and Local Events
* Doppler Estimation Based on Doppler-Invariant Signals
* Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation
* EventPS: Real-Time Photometric Stereo Using an Event Camera
* Fast Pedestrian Detection with Laser and Image Data Fusion
* How Many Facilities are Needed? Evaluating Configurations of Subway Security Check Systems via a Hybrid Queueing Model
* L-Differ: Single Image Reflection Removal with Language-based Diffusion Model
* Language-guided Image Reflection Separation
* Latency Correction for Event-Guided Deblurring and Frame Interpolation
* Learning Event Guided High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction
* Leveraging Self-Paced Semi-Supervised Learning with Prior Knowledge for 3D Object Detection on a LiDAR-Camera System
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGB+TOF Depth Completion: Dataset and Report
* Pedestrian Detection in Video Images via Error Correcting Output Code Classification of Manifold Subclasses
* ProUDA: Progressive unsupervised data augmentation for semi-Supervised 3D object detection on point cloud
* Recurrent Exposure Generation for Low-Light Face Detection
* RS-Aug: Improve 3D Object Detection on LiDAR With Realistic Simulator Based Data Augmentation
* Self-Supervised Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Discrepant Untrained Network Priors
* Updated version of an interim connection space LabPQR for spectral color reproduction: LabLab
Includes: Liang, J.X.[Jin Xiu] Liang, J.X.[Jin-Xiu] Liang, J.X.[Jun-Xiong] Liang, J.X.[Jin-Xin] Liang, J.X.[Ji-Xiang] Liang, J.X.[Jing-Xuan] Liang, J.X.[Jing-Xing]
23 for Liang, J.X.
Liang, J.Y.[Jian Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships, An
* Automatic Registration of Multisensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric
* Denoising Diffusion Models for Plug-and-Play Image Restoration
* Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Event-Based Frame Interpolation with Ad-hoc Deblurring
* Event-Based Fusion for Motion Deblurring with Cross-modal Attention
* Flow-based Kernel Prior with Application to Blind Super-Resolution
* Generalizable Face Landmarking Guided by Conditional Face Warping
* Hierarchical Conditional Flow: A Unified Framework for Image Super-Resolution and Image Rescaling
* Latitudinal Characteristics of Nighttime Electron Temperature in the Topside Ionosphere and Its Dependence on Solar and Geomagnetic Activities
* local thresholding approach to flood water delineation using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery, A
* LSDIR: A Large Scale Dataset for Image Restoration
* method of inpainting moles and acne on the high-resolution face photos, A
* Movideo: Motion-aware Video Generation with Diffusion Model
* Mutual Affine Network for Spatially Variant Kernel Estimation in Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Non-uniform image blind deblurring by two-stage fully convolution network
* Online dense activity detection
* Reference-Based Image Super-Resolution with Deformable Attention Transformer
* Referring expression comprehension model with matching detection and linguistic feedback
* SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer
* Towards Interpretable Video Super-Resolution via Alternating Optimization
* Visualization Simulation Of Remote-sensing Satellite System, The
* VRT: A Video Restoration Transformer
* Watching photons on the fly
Includes: Liang, J.Y.[Jian Yuan] Liang, J.Y.[Jian-Yuan] Liang, J.Y.[Jia-Yong] Liang, J.Y.[Jing-Yun] Liang, J.Y.[Jia-Yi] Liang, J.Y.[Jian-Yun] Liang, J.Y.[Ji-Yun] Liang, J.Y.[Jia-Yu] Liang, J.Y.[Jing-Yong] Liang, J.Y.[Jin-Yang]
24 for Liang, J.Y.
Liang, J.Z.[Jiu Zhen]
Co Author Listing * Background modeling using Local Binary Patterns Of Motion Vector
* Defect inspection research on fabric based on template correction and primitive decomposition
* Different lighting processing and feature extraction methods for efficient face recognition
* efficient face classification method based on shared and class-specific dictionary learning, An
* Face alignment based on fusion subspace and 3D fitting
* Fast Object Detecting-Tracking Method in Compressed Domain, A
* Guest Editorial Low-Dose CT: What Has Been Done, and What Challenges Remain?
* Introduction to the Special Section on Virtual Endoscopy
* Learning arbitrary-shape object detector from bounding-box annotation by searching region-graph
* Multimodal cooperative self-attention network for action recognition
* probabilistic collaborative dictionary learning-based approach for face recognition, A
* Supervised bilateral two-dimensional locality preserving projection algorithm based on Gabor wavelet
* Weighted similarity and distance metric learning for unconstrained face verification with 3D frontalisation
Includes: Liang, J.Z.[Jiu Zhen] Liang, J.Z.[Jiu-Zhen] Liang, J.Z.
13 for Liang, J.Z.
Liang, J.Z.R.[Jerome Zheng Rong]
Co Author Listing * Guest Editorial: Medical Imaging Informatics: An Information Processing From Image Formation To Visualization
Includes: Liang, J.Z.R.[Jerome Zheng Rong] Liang, J.Z.R.[Jerome Zheng-Rong]
Liang, K Y.
Co Author Listing * Development of a Cooperative Heavy-Duty Vehicle for the GCDC 2011: Team Scoop, The
Includes: Liang, K Y. Liang, K-Y.
Liang, K.[Kaisheng]
Co Author Listing * ADVDIFF: Generating Unrestricted Adversarial Examples Using Diffusion Models
* Applicability of Precipitation Products in the Endorheic Basin of the Yellow River under Multi-Scale in Time and Modality
* Application of Landsat Imagery to Investigate Lake Area Variations and Relict Gull Habitat in Hongjian Lake, Ordos Plateau, China
* Benchmarking Segmentation Models with Mask-Preserved Attribute Editing
* Changes in Lake Area in Response to Climatic Forcing in the Endorheic Hongjian Lake Basin, China
* Class-aware Contrastive Learning for Fine-grained Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Deep-Learning-Based Metal Artefact Reduction With Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Regularization for Practical CT Images
* DEFEAT: Deep Hidden Feature Backdoor Attacks by Imperceptible Perturbation and Latent Representation Constraints
* Denoising of Photon-Counting LiDAR Bathymetry Based on Adaptive Variable OPTICS Model and Its Accuracy Assessment
* Differential Study on Estimation Models for Indica Rice Leaf SPAD Value and Nitrogen Concentration Based on Hyperspectral Monitoring
* Improved Accuracy of Riparian Zone Mapping Using Near Ground Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Photogrammetry Method
* Invertible Image Obfuscation for Facial Privacy Protection via Secure Flow
* Lane Change Classification and Prediction with Action Recognition Networks
* Learn from View Correlation: An Anchor Enhancement Strategy for Multi-View Clustering
* Local spatial correlation-based stripe non-uniformity correction algorithm for single infrared images
* MAPLM: A Real-World Large-Scale Vision-Language Benchmark for Map and Traffic Scene Understanding
* Measuring Reliable Accessibility to High-Speed Railway Stations by Integrating the Utility-Based Model and Multimodal Space-Time Prism under Travel Time Uncertainty
* Multi layer multi objective extreme learning machine
* Newly Discovered NE-Striking Dextral Strike-Slip Holocene Active Caimashui Fault in the Central Part of the Sichuan-Yunnan Block and Its Tectonic Significance
* Novel Method for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection Based on the Maximum and Minimum Values of Sentinel-2 Time Series Images, A
* Quantifying Streamflow Variations in Ungauged Lake Basins by Integrating Remote Sensing and Water Balance Modelling: A Case Study of the Erdos Larus relictus National Nature Reserve, China
* Self-Enhanced Training Framework for Referring Expression Grounding
* Simple Baselines for Interactive Video Retrieval with Questions and Answers
* Small insulator target detection based on multi-feature fusion
* StyLess: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Examples
* Survey of Knowledge Graph Reasoning on Graph Types: Static, Dynamic, and Multi-Modal, A
* Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving, A
* Underwater Temperature and Salinity Measurement by Rayleigh-Brillouin Spectroscopy Using Fizeau Interferometer and PMT Array
* Unified Knowledge Distillation Framework for Deep Directed Graphical Models, A
* Unsupervised Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening, An
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and LiDAR-Derived DEMs to Estimate Channels of Small Tributary Streams
Includes: Liang, K.[Kaisheng] Liang, K.[Kang] Liang, K.[Kongming] Liang, K.[Kaichao] Liang, K.[Kaitai] Liang, K.[Kun] Liang, K.[Kaiming] Liang, K.[Kai] Liang, K.[Ke] Liang, K.[Kaizhao] Liang, K.[Kangyu] Liang, K. Liang, K.[Kuan] Liang, K.[Kewen] Liang, K.[Kaiqu]
31 for Liang, K.
Liang, K.C.
Co Author Listing * Embedded Wavelet Coder with Multistage Vector Quantization
* Progressive Image Indexing and Retrieval Based on Embedded Wavelet Coding
* WaveGuide: A Joint Wavelet-Based Image Representation and Description System
Liang, K.H.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Scale Fixing for Multiscale Texture Segmentation
* Bounded Diffusion for Multiscale Edge Detection Using Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
* Roof Edge-Detection Using Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
Includes: Liang, K.H. Liang, K.H.[Kung-Hao]
Liang, K.J.[Kevin J.]
Co Author Listing * Can Targeted Adversarial Examples Transfer When the Source and Target Models Have No Label Space Overlap?
* Efficient Feature Transformations for Discriminative and Generative Continual Learning
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Few-shot Learning with Noisy Labels
* GliTr: Glimpse Transformers with Spatiotemporal Consistency for Online Action Prediction
* HyperMix: Out-of-Distribution Detection and Classification in Few-Shot Settings
* ICON: Incremental CONfidence for Joint Pose and Radiance Field Optimization
* Meta-Learned Attribute Self-Interaction Network for Continual and Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Multiplexed Network for End-to-End, Multilingual OCR, A
* Self-Supervised Object Detection from Egocentric Videos
* Sylph: A Hypernetwork Framework for Incremental Few-shot Object Detection
* Task Grouping for Multilingual Text Recognition
* Towards Fair Federated Learning with Zero-Shot Data Augmentation
Includes: Liang, K.J.[Kevin J.] Liang, K.J.[Kevin J]
13 for Liang, K.J.
Liang, K.M.[Kong Ming]
Co Author Listing * Attribute Learning with Knowledge Enhanced Partial Annotations
* Comparison between adaptive search and bit allocation algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* Detecting Pornographic Images
* Disentangling Before Composing: Learning Invariant Disentangled Features for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Free Form Shape Representation Using NURBS Modeling
* Graph Convolution Based Cross-Network Multiscale Feature Fusion for Deep Vessel Segmentation
* Hierarchical Prompting for Diffusion Classifiers
* Learning Dynamic Prototypes for Visual Pattern Debiasing
* Learning Invariant Visual Representations for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* On-the-Fly Category Discovery
* real time aggressive human behaviour detection system in cage environment across multiple cameras, A
* Representation Learning with Smooth Autoencoder
* Semi-Supervised Learning for FGVC With Out-of-Category Data
* SLNL: Soft Label Regularization for Semi-Supervised Facial Expression Recognition with Negative Label Learning
* Understanding Episode Hardness in Few-Shot Learning
* Unified Multiplicative Framework for Attribute Learning, A
* Unifying Visual Attribute Learning with Object Recognition in a Multiplicative Framework
Includes: Liang, K.M.[Kong Ming] Liang, K.M.[Kong-Ming] Liang, K.M. Liang, K.M.[Kim Meng]
17 for Liang, K.M.
Liang, K.W.[Kai Wen]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Reconstruction Based on Weakly-Supervised Learning Morphable Face Model
* DCT-Mask: Discrete Cosine Transform Mask Representation for Instance Segmentation
* DETR-ORD: An Improved DETR Detector for Oriented Remote Sensing Object Detection with Feature Reconstruction and Dynamic Query
* Intra mode prediction for H.266/FVC video coding based on convolutional neural network
* two-scaled fully convolutional learning network for road detection, A
Includes: Liang, K.W.[Kai Wen] Liang, K.W.[Kai-Wen] Liang, K.W.[Ke-Wei]
Liang, K.Y.
Co Author Listing * Distributed Framework for Coordinated Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning, A
* Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platoon Formation for Fuel Efficiency
Liang, L.[Lin]
Co Author Listing * AAM based face tracking with temporal matching and face segmentation
* Accuracy Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of Four Global Land Cover Products in the Arctic Region
* Accurate Face Alignment using Shape Constrained Markov Network
* Adaptive Label Propagation for Facial Appearance Transfer
* Adaptive Landweber method to deblur images
* Attitude Determination for GRACE-FO: Reprocessing the Level-1A SC and IMU Data
* Automatic detection of subcellular particles in fluorescence microscopy via feature clustering and bayesian analysis
* Automatic Radiofrequency Ablation Planning for Liver Tumors With Multiple Constraints Based on Set Covering
* balanced random learning strategy for CNN based Landsat image segmentation under imbalanced and noisy labels, A
* Beyond Comparing Image Pairs: Setwise Active Learning for Relative Attributes
* Bibliometric Analysis of Remote Sensing Research Trend in Crop Growth Monitoring: A Case Study in China
* Boosted translation-tolerable classifiers for fast object detection
* CaesarNeRF: Calibrated Semantic Representation for Few-shot Generalizable Neural Rendering
* Carrier Phase Common-View Single-Differenced Time Transfer via BDS Penta-Frequency Signals
* CDFI: Compression-Driven Network Design for Frame Interpolation
* CF-YOLO: Cross Fusion YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather with a High-Quality Real Snow Dataset
* Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of crop phenology across North America during 2000-2016 using satellite imagery and agricultural survey data
* Combined-Cycle Propulsion-Involved Trajectory Optimization and Performance-Driven Attitude Control for Aerospace Plane During the Ascent Phase
* Compressive Sensing for Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of Forested Areas
* Convex Optimization Approach For NLOS Error Mitigation in TOA-Based Localization, A
* Cross Comparison of Spatiotemporally Enhanced Springtime Phenological Measurements From Satellites and Ground in a Northern U.S. Mixed Forest, A
* DCT coefficients generation model for film grain noise and its application in super-resolution
* Deep Learning With Physics-Embedded Neural Network for Full Waveform Ultrasonic Brain Imaging
* Deep-Learning-Based Wireless Resource Allocation With Application to Vehicular Networks
* Delay-Aware Content Delivery With Deep Reinforcement Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Detail-recovery Image Deraining via Context Aggregation Networks
* Detecting Recent Crop Phenology Dynamics in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems of Kentucky
* Detection of Surface Crevasses over Antarctic Ice Shelves Using SAR Imagery and Deep Learning Method
* DiTBN: Detail Injection-Based Two-Branch Network for Pansharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* DREAM: Diffusion Rectification and Estimation-Adaptive Models
* Dual-Tree Cosine-Modulated Filter Bank With Linear-Phase Individual Filters: An Alternative Shift-Invariant and Directional-Selective Transform
* Edge-Aware Label Propagation for Mobile Facial Enhancement on the Cloud
* Efficient recurrent attention network for remote sensing scene classification
* End-to-End Convolutional Network and Spectral-Spatial Transformer Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* End-to-End Human Pose and Mesh Reconstruction with Transformers
* Estimating Crop LAI Using Spectral Feature Extraction and the Hybrid Inversion Method
* Estimation of leaf area index using an angular vegetation index based on in situ measurements and Chris/proba data
* Estimation of Leaf Nitrogen Content in Wheat Using New Hyperspectral Indices and a Random Forest Regression Algorithm
* Evaluation and Comparison of Long-Term MODIS C5.1 and C6 Products against AERONET Observations over China
* Evaluation of Rayleigh-Corrected Reflectance on Remote Detection of Algal Blooms in Optically Complex Coasts of East China Sea
* Face Alignment Via Component-Based Discriminative Search
* Fast object detection using boosted co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients
* FaultNet3D: Predicting Fault Probabilities, Strikes, and Dips With a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* Geographic and Climatic Attributions of Autumn Land Surface Phenology Spatial Patterns in the Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of China
* Hierarchical Refined Composite Multi-Scale Fractal Dimension and Its Application in Feature Extraction of Ship-Radiated Noise
* Image restoration via exponential scale mixture-based simultaneous sparse prior
* ImagePairs: Realistic Super Resolution Dataset via Beam Splitter Camera Rig
* Impact of Different Filters on the Gravity Field Recovery Based on the GOCE Gradient Data, The
* Influence of the Low-Frequency Error of the Residual Orbit on Recovering Time-Variable Gravity Field from the Satellite-To-Satellite Tracking Mission
* Injecting Semantic Concepts into End-to-End Image Captioning
* Insights into Spatiotemporal Variations in the NPP of Terrestrial Vegetation in Africa from 1981 to 2018
* Integrated Model for Accurate Shape Alignment, An
* L1 regularized projection pursuit for additive model learning
* Land Use Simulation of Guangzhou Based on Nighttime Light Data and Planning Policies
* Mapping Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality through Growth Trend Analysis of Time-Series Landsat Data
* Mathematical Extension to the General Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition With Unitary Transformation of Coherency Matrix, A
* migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, The
* MMVP: Motion-Matrix-based Video Prediction
* Monitoring Annual Urban Changes in a Rapidly Growing Portion of Northwest Arkansas with a 20-Year Landsat Record
* MPT: Mesh Pre-Training with Transformers for Human Pose and Mesh Reconstruction
* Multiscale Sampling Based Texture Image Classification
* Neural Voting Field for Camera-Space 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* no-reference perceptual blur metric using histogram of gradient profile sharpness, A
* Nonuniform Directional Filter Banks With Arbitrary Frequency Partitioning
* Novel Multiple Hypothesis Based Particle Tracking Method for Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis Analysis Using Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Optimizing Illuminant Estimation in Dual-exposure HDR Imaging
* Patient-Specific Heart Geometry Modeling for Solid Biomechanics Using Deep Learning
* PDBL: Improving Histopathological Tissue Classification With Plug-and-Play Pyramidal Deep-Broad Learning
* Post-Earthquake Night-Time Light Piecewise (PNLP) Pattern Based on NPP/VIIRS Night-Time Light Data: A Case Study of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
* R2-ResNeXt: A ResNeXt-Based Regression Model with Relative Ranking for Facial Beauty Prediction
* Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Zoom Discrete Chirp Fourier Transform
* Real-time 3D face tracking based on active appearance model constrained by depth data
* Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing
* Region-aware scattering convolution networks for facial beauty prediction
* Remote Sensing Estimation and Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Terrestrial Net Ecosystem Productivity in China
* Research on Vision-Based Service Robot Oriented Facial Expression Recognition
* Retrain-free fully connected layer optimization using matrix factorization
* Robust Variational Bayesian Point Set Registration
* RSTT: Real-time Spatial Temporal Transformer for Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* Scale and Orientation Aware EPI-Patch Learning for Light Field Depth Estimation
* Scribble-a-Secret: Similarity-based password authentication using sketches
* SCUT-FBP5500: A Diverse Benchmark Dataset for Multi-Paradigm Facial Beauty Prediction
* Simulation of Earth's Outward Radiative Flux and Its Radiance in Moon-Based View
* Sparselif: High-performance Sparse Lidar-camera Fusion for 3d Object Detection
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ice Sheet Snowmelt in Antarctica and Greenland Using Microwave Radiometer Data
* Spatio-Temporal Variation in Pluvial Flash Flood Risk in the Lhasa River Basin, 1991-2020
* Spectral error correcting output codes for efficient multiclass recognition
* SPICE-Based SAR Tomography over Forest Areas Using a Small Number of P-Band Airborne F-SAR Images Characterized by Non-Uniformly Distributed Baselines
* Strip Features for Fast Object Detection
* System Design of Ocean Temperature Measurement System Using Brillouin Lidar Based on Dual Iodine Cells
* Team Formation Mapping and Sequential Ball Motion State Based Event Recognition for Automatic Data Volley
* TransBoNet: Learning camera localization with Transformer Bottleneck and Attention
* Understanding Water Level Changes in the Great Lakes by an ICA-Based Merging of Multi-Mission Altimetry Measurements
* Unequal Error Protection Techniques Based on Wyner-Ziv Coding
* Unsupervised Monocular Estimation of Depth and Visual Odometry Using Attention and Depth-Pose Consistency Loss
* Urban Area Tomography Using a Sparse Representation Based Two-Dimensional Spectral Analysis Technique
* Voxel- and Bird's-Eye-View-Based Semantic Scene Completion for LiDAR Point Clouds
Includes: Liang, L.[Lin] Liang, L.[Li] Liang, L. Liang, L.[Lei] Liang, L.[Liang] Liang, L.[Luo] Liang, L.[Lucy] Liang, L.[Luhong] Liang, L.[Luming] Liang, L.[Lecheng] Liang, L.[Linian] Liang, L.[Lili] Liang, L.[Le] Liang, L.[Lianhui] Liang, L.[Long] Liang, L.[Liansong] Liang, L.[Lu] Liang, L.[Lizheng] Liang, L.[Liu] Liang, L.[Liaofeng] Liang, L.[Luqiang]
97 for Liang, L.
Liang, L.C.[Li Chen]
Co Author Listing * Extraction of 3d microtubules axes from cellular electron tomography images
Includes: Liang, L.C.[Li Chen] Liang, L.C.[Li-Chen]
Liang, L.F.[Liao Feng]
Co Author Listing * Extensive Evaluation of Four Satellite Precipitation Products and Their Hydrologic Applications over the Yarlung Zangbo River
* Hybrid of extended locality-constrained linear coding and manifold ranking for salient object detection
* Image Denoise Using Auto-Adapted Empirical Mode Decomposition Algorithm
* Salient object detection in complex scenes via D-S evidence theory based region classification
* Structural difference histogram representation for texture image classification
* Vehicle logo recognition based on Bag-of-Words
Includes: Liang, L.F.[Liao Feng] Liang, L.F.[Liao-Feng] Liang, L.F.[Ling-Fei] Liang, L.F.[Long-Fei]
Liang, L.G.[Li Gang]
Co Author Listing * Mapping of Urban Surface Water Bodies from Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery at 10 m Resolution via NDWI-Based Image Sharpening
Includes: Liang, L.G.[Li Gang] Liang, L.G.[Li-Gang]
Liang, L.H.[Lu Hong]
Co Author Listing * audio-visual speaker identification using coupled hidden Markov models, A
* Bayesian Approach to Audio-Visual Speaker Identification, A
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Fast car detection using image strip features
* Fast intra mode selection for stereo video coding using epipolar constraint
* Improved shot boundary detection method based on text edges
* Multi-Scale Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining 2D Octave and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* No-reference perceptual image quality metric using gradient profiles for JPEG2000
* Sample Pre-mapping Method Enhancing Boosting for Object Detection, A
* Study on the Background Parameter Quantization Method of Remote Sensing Data Processing
* unified framework for locating and recognizing human actions, A
Includes: Liang, L.H.[Lu Hong] Liang, L.H.[Lu-Hong] Liang, L.H.[Liu-Hong] Liang, L.H.[Lian-Hui] Liang, L.H.[Li-Heng]
11 for Liang, L.H.
Liang, L.J.[Ling Jun]
Co Author Listing * Diurnal Variation in Surface Incident Solar Radiation Retrieved by CERES and Himawari-8
* Mscanet: Adaptive Multi-scale Context Aggregation Network for Congested Crowd Counting
Includes: Liang, L.J.[Ling Jun] Liang, L.J.[Ling-Jun] Liang, L.J.[Lan-Jun]
Liang, L.L.[Lin Lin]
Co Author Listing * Hierarchy-Aware Geocoding Model Based on Cross-Attention within the Seq2Seq Framework, A
* new SVM-based relevance feedback image retrieval using probabilistic feature and weighted kernel function, A
* Novel Address-Matching Framework Based on Region Proposal, A
Includes: Liang, L.L.[Lin Lin] Liang, L.L.[Lin-Lin]
Liang, L.M.[Lu Ming]
Co Author Listing * 3D Pose Tracking With Multitemplate Warping and SIFT Correspondences
* Guidance Network with Staged Learning for Image enhancement
* Image Interpolation by Blending Kernels
* Spin Contour
Includes: Liang, L.M.[Lu Ming] Liang, L.M.[Lu-Ming]
Liang, L.Q.[Lie Quan]
Co Author Listing * Block-based image matching for image retrieval
* Class-Balanced Text to Image Synthesis With Attentive Generative Adversarial Network
* Clicking Matters: Towards Interactive Human Parsing
* Dense Attentive Feature Enhancement for Salient Object Detection
* Linkage-Based Object Re-Identification via Graph Learning
Includes: Liang, L.Q.[Lie Quan] Liang, L.Q.[Lie-Quan] Liang, L.Q.[Li-Qian]
Liang, L.S.
Co Author Listing * Multisource Data Fusion for Landslide Classification Using Generalized Positive Boolean Functions
* Uncertainties in CERES Top-of-Atmosphere Fluxes Caused by Changes in Accompanying Imager
Includes: Liang, L.S. Liang, L.S.[Lu-Sheng]
Liang, L.T.[Li Tian]
Co Author Listing * Causally-Aware Intraoperative Imputation for Overall Survival Time Prediction
* Novel Method for Polarization Orientation Angle Estimation Over Steep Terrain and Comparison of Deorientation Algorithms, A
Includes: Liang, L.T.[Li Tian] Liang, L.T.[Li-Tian] Liang, L.T.[Li-Ting]
Liang, L.W.
Co Author Listing * Robust Object Segmentation System Using a Probability-Based Background Extraction Algorithm, A
Liang, L.X.[Li Xin]
Co Author Listing * Gesture recognition for human-machine interaction in table tennis video based on deep semantic understanding
Includes: Liang, L.X.[Li Xin] Liang, L.X.[Li-Xin]
Liang, L.Y.[Ling Yu]
Co Author Listing * Constituent Attention for Vision Transformers
* CVSformer: Cross-View Synthesis Transformer for Semantic Scene Completion
* Facial Skin Beautification Using Adaptive Region-Aware Masks
* Fourier Contour Embedding for Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection
* Gesture recognition based on depth difference distribution
* Kmtalk: Speech-driven 3d Facial Animation with Key Motion Embedding
* Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Based Positional Sensing in Closed MRI
* Regression Guided by Relative Ranking Using Convolutional Neural Network (R^3CNN) for Facial Beauty Prediction
* SCUT-HCCDoc: A new benchmark dataset of handwritten Chinese text in unconstrained camera-captured documents
* Similar handwritten Chinese character recognition by kernel discriminative locality alignment
* Similar Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Discriminative Locality Alignment Manifold Learning
* VTD-FCENet: A Real-Time HD Video Text Detection with Scale-Aware Fourier Contour Embedding
Includes: Liang, L.Y.[Ling Yu] Liang, L.Y.[Ling-Yu] Liang, L.Y.[Lin-Yan] Liang, L.Y.[Li-Yuan]
12 for Liang, L.Y.
Liang, M.[Meng]
Co Author Listing * Advances on Medical Imaging and Computing
* AIDE: An Automatic Data Engine for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* approach to boundary detection for 3D point clouds based on DBSCAN clustering, An
* Counting and Classification of Highway Vehicles by Regression Analysis
* Deep Continuous Fusion for Multi-sensor 3D Object Detection
* Defense Against Adversarial Attacks Using High-Level Representation Guided Denoiser
* Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
* Detection of Typical Forest Degradation Patterns: Characteristics and Drivers of Forest Degradation in Northeast China
* Evaluation and Prediction of Ecological Benefits in Song-Liao River Basin
* Event-Aware Video Deraining via Multi-Patch Progressive Learning
* Evidential Active Recognition: Intelligent and Prudent Open-World Embodied Perception
* Experimental Measurement of Forward Scattering from Very Rough Sand Ripples in a Water Tank
* Feature Selection in Supervised Saliency Prediction
* Fine-Grained Vessel Traffic Flow Prediction With a Spatio-Temporal Multigraph Convolutional Network
* GF-1 WFV Surface Reflectance Quality Evaluation in Countries along the Belt and Road
* HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting Texts in Scenes and Traffic Panels
* Identifying Simple Shapes to Classify the Big Picture
* Improved Spatio-Temporal Action Localization for Surveillance Videos
* LayoutFormer: Hierarchical Text Detection Towards Scene Text Understanding
* Learning Joint 2D-3D Representations for Depth Completion
* Learning Lane Graph Representations for Motion Forecasting
* local tangent plane distance-based approach to 3D point cloud segmentation via clustering, A
* Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
* Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
* Multi-Task Multi-Sensor Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* MVFFNet: Multi-view feature fusion network for imbalanced ship classification
* New Restoration Scheme for Defocus Blurred Image using Multiscale-Decomposition, A
* Object Classification in Traffic Scene Surveillance Based on Online Semi-supervised Active Learning
* Orientation and analysis of XFEL serial diffraction patterns from fibrous molecular assemblies
* Physically Realizable Adversarial Examples for LiDAR Object Detection
* PnPNet: End-to-End Perception and Prediction With Tracking in the Loop
* Predicting Eye Fixations With Higher-Level Visual Features
* Radarnet: Exploiting Radar for Robust Perception of Dynamic Objects
* Recurrent convolutional neural network for object recognition
* Reverse Hierarchy Model for Predicting Eye Fixations, A
* Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Dense Object Detection
* Semi-supervised learning in traffic scene surveillance based on label-propagation
* Simultaneous Recognition and Modeling for Learning 3-D Object Models From Everyday Scenes
* Super-resolution reconstruction based on multisource bidirectional similarity and non-local similarity matching
* Testing the Safety of Self-driving Vehicles by Simulating Perception and Prediction
* Understanding Self-attention Mechanism via Dynamical System Perspective
* Using diagonals of orthogonal projection matrices for affine invariant contour matching
* V2vnet: Vehicle-to-vehicle Communication for Joint Perception and Prediction
* Video Summarization Through Fine-Grained Hierarchical Modeling with Multi-Dimensional Features
* View-Category Interactive Sharing Transformer for Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning
Includes: Liang, M.[Meng] Liang, M.[Mingfu] Liang, M.[Man] Liang, M.[Mingpei] Liang, M.[Ming] Liang, M. Liang, M.[Min] Liang, M.[Mei] Liang, M.[Meiyu] Liang, M.[Minshuai] Liang, M.[Maohan] Liang, M.[Megan] Liang, M.[Morgan] Liang, M.[Mengnan]
45 for Liang, M.
Liang, M.C.[Ming Chao]
Co Author Listing * BP Method for Track-Before-Detect, A
* Design Methodology for Highly Reliable Character Recognition Systems, A
* Evaluation of Color Spaces for Large Woody Debris Detection in Rivers Using XGBoost Algorithm, The
Includes: Liang, M.C.[Ming Chao] Liang, M.C.[Ming-Chao] Liang, M.C. Liang, M.C.[Min-Chih]
Liang, M.F.[Ming Fu]
Co Author Listing * Balancing Between Forgetting and Acquisition in Incremental Subpopulation Learning
* CAP: Context-Aware Pruning for Semantic Segmentation
* Exploring Compositional Visual Generation with Latent Classifier Guidance
Includes: Liang, M.F.[Ming Fu] Liang, M.F.[Ming-Fu]
Liang, M.G.[Ming Gao]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Land Surface Temperature Downscaling Method Based on Geographically Weighted Neural Network Regression, A
* Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block N-Ary Trie
Includes: Liang, M.G.[Ming Gao] Liang, M.G.[Ming-Gao] Liang, M.G.[Man-Gui]
Liang, M.H.[Ming Hsin]
Co Author Listing * Detecting Biomedical Copy-Move forgery by Attention-Based Multiscale Deep Descriptors
Includes: Liang, M.H.[Ming Hsin] Liang, M.H.[Ming-Hsin]
Liang, M.J.[Ming Jun]
Co Author Listing * Atmospheric Modulation Transfer Function Calculation and Error Evaluation for the Panchromatic Band of the Gaofen-2 Satellite
* Dynamic semantic structure distillation for low-resolution fine-grained recognition
* Exploring the Feature Extraction and Relation Modeling For Light-weight Transformer Tracking
* Holocene Activity of the Wudaoliang-Changshagongma Fault of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Learning multi-level weight-centric features for few-shot learning
* Local Consistent Alignment for 3D modeling with an RGB-D camera
* Spatial Variations of Late Quaternary Slip Rates along the Ganzi-Xianshuihe Fault Zone in the Eastern Tibet
Includes: Liang, M.J.[Ming Jun] Liang, M.J.[Ming-Jun] Liang, M.J.[Ming-Jiang] Liang, M.J.[Ming-Jian] Liang, M.J.[Ming-Jie]
7 for Liang, M.J.
Liang, M.L.[Ming Liang]
Co Author Listing * Textual Concept Expansion with Commonsense Knowledge to Improve Dual-Stream Image-Text Matching
Includes: Liang, M.L.[Ming Liang] Liang, M.L.[Ming-Liang]
Liang, M.M.[Miao Miao]
Co Author Listing * Deep Fully Convolutional Network-Based Spatial Distribution Prediction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Residual Involution Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dual Multi-Head Contextual Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Fully Dense Multiscale Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Lightweight Multilevel Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multipath Residual Network for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SS-MLP: A Novel Spectral-Spatial MLP Architecture for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Superpixel-Based Relational Auto-Encoder for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images, A
Includes: Liang, M.M.[Miao Miao] Liang, M.M.[Miao-Miao]
8 for Liang, M.M.
Liang, M.N.[Meng Nan]
Co Author Listing * Monocular depth estimation with boundary attention mechanism and Shifted Window Adaptive Bins
Includes: Liang, M.N.[Meng Nan] Liang, M.N.[Meng-Nan]
Liang, M.Q.[Min Qun]
Co Author Listing * Motion coding of image primitives
Includes: Liang, M.Q.[Min Qun] Liang, M.Q.[Min-Qun]
Liang, M.X.[Meng Xia]
Co Author Listing * Fast binary image set operations on a run-based representation
* Quantitatively Disentangling the Geographical Impacts of Topography on PM2.5 Pollution in China
* Spatiotemporal Variation, Driving Mechanism and Predictive Study of Total Column Ozone: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomerations
Includes: Liang, M.X.[Meng Xia] Liang, M.X.[Meng-Xia] Liang, M.X.[Min-Xuan]
Liang, M.Y.[Mei Yu]
Co Author Listing * Boosting deep attribute learning via support vector regression for fast moving crowd counting
* Influence of Charcoal Production on Forest Degradation in Zambia: A Remote Sensing Perspective
* MFH-Net: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network Based Multi-Scale Fusion for Medical Image Segmentation
* Regionalization of Coarse Scale Soil Moisture Products Using Fine-Scale Vegetation Indices: Prospects and Case Study
Includes: Liang, M.Y.[Mei Yu] Liang, M.Y.[Mei-Yu] Liang, M.Y.[Meng-Yu] Liang, M.Y.[Mei-Yan]
Liang, M.Z.[Ming Zhi]
Co Author Listing * Radar Waveform Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Clutter with PDA-RBPF and Max-Q-Based Criterion
Includes: Liang, M.Z.[Ming Zhi] Liang, M.Z.[Ming-Zhi]
Liang, N.[Nade]
Co Author Listing * Multimodal Sensing and Computational Intelligence for Situation Awareness Classification in Autonomous Driving
* Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correction
* Using a New Search Strategy to Improve the Performance of N-FINDR Algorithm for End-Member Determination
Includes: Liang, N.[Nade] Liang, N. Liang, N.[Nan]
Liang, N.N.[Nan Nan]
Co Author Listing * Multi-View Structural Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Liang, N.N.[Nan Nan] Liang, N.N.[Nan-Nan]
Liang, N.X.[Ning Xin]
Co Author Listing * Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric features and Fisher Vector
Includes: Liang, N.X.[Ning Xin] Liang, N.X.[Ning-Xin]
Liang, N.Y.[Nai Yao]
Co Author Listing * Uniform Distribution Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Multiview Clustering
Includes: Liang, N.Y.[Nai Yao] Liang, N.Y.[Nai-Yao]
Liang, P.[Ping]
Co Author Listing * email: Liang, P.[Ping]: liang AT ucrengr ucr edu
* 3D Shape and Motion Analysis from Image Blur and Smear: A Unified Approach
* Adaptive Objectness for Object Tracking
* Automatic Identification of Liquefaction Induced by 2021 Maduo Mw7.3 Earthquake Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Computational Geometric Methods in Volumetric Intersection for 3D Reconstruction
* Couplformer: Rethinking Vision Transformer with Coupling Attention
* Cross-Domain Metal Trace Restoring Network for Reducing X-Ray CT Metal Artifacts, A
* Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images, A
* DEM Generation from GF-7 Satellite Stereo Imagery Assisted by Space-Borne LiDAR and Its Application to Active Tectonics
* Digital Soil Mapping over Large Areas with Invalid Environmental Covariate Data
* Efficient geometric algorithms for parsing in two dimensions
* Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Geoprocessing: A SHACL-Based Method
* From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparation Methods for Geographic Modeling
* general framework for robot hand-eye coordination, A
* Global key knowledge distillation framework
* High-Precision Sub-Wavelength Motion Compensation Technique for 3D Down-Looking Imaging Sonar Based on an Acoustic Calibration System
* Learning Non-Generative Grammatical Models for Document Analysis
* Linking People in Videos with Their Names Using Coreference Resolution
* Local Scale Controlled Anisotropic Diffusion with Local Noise Estimate for Image Smoothing and Edge Detection
* Method for Broadband Full-Duplex MIMO Radio, A
* MTANet: Multi-Task Attention Network for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
* New Method for Computing Intrinsic Surface Properties, A
* New Transform For Curve Detection, A
* Online Active Extreme Learning Machine With Discrepancy Sampling for PolSAR Classification
* Orientation-Based Differential Geometric Representations for Computer Vision Applications
* Orientation-based Unique Representation for Planar Curves and Shapes
* Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Stacked Denoising Autoencoder
* Representation and Recognition of Surface Shapes in Range Images: A Differential Geometry Approach
* Robust image fusion with block sparse representation and online dictionary learning
* SAKD: Sparse attention knowledge distillation
* Segmented Local Offset Method for Imbalanced Data Classification Using Quasi-Linear Support Vector Machine, A
* Self-supervised local rotation-stable descriptors for 3D ultrasound registration using translation equivariant FCN
* Statistical Analysis of H.264/AVC FME Mode Reduction, A
* Three Dimensional Shape Reconstruction from Image by Minimum Energy Principle
* Using Keyhole Images to Map Soil Liquefaction Induced by the 1966 Xingtai Ms 6.8 and 7.2 Earthquakes, North China
* Video Event Understanding Using Natural Language Descriptions
* Voids Filling of DEM with Multiattention Generative Adversarial Network Model
* Weakening the Flicker Noise in GPS Vertical Coordinate Time Series Using Hybrid Approaches
Includes: Liang, P.[Ping] Liang, P. Liang, P.[Peng] Liang, P.[Peidong] Liang, P.[Peihui] Liang, P.[Percy] Liang, P.[Pan] Liang, P.[Pei]
38 for Liang, P.
Liang, P.D.[Pei Dong]
Co Author Listing * SMTCNN - A global spatio-temporal texture convolutional neural network for 3D dynamic texture recognition
Includes: Liang, P.D.[Pei Dong] Liang, P.D.[Pei-Dong]
Liang, P.J.[Pu Jiang]
Co Author Listing * Multiscale Self-Adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* One Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Discrete Depth and Orientation Representation
Includes: Liang, P.J.[Pu Jiang] Liang, P.J.[Pu-Jiang] Liang, P.J.[Pei-Jung]
Liang, P.P.[Peng Peng]
Co Author Listing * BEVSegFormer: Bird's Eye View Semantic Segmentation From Arbitrary Camera Rigs
* Blur-Resilient Tracking Using Group Sparsity
* Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Forecasting Through Multimodal Context Understanding
* Encoding color information for visual tracking: Algorithms and benchmark
* Enhancing 3D Object Detection with 2D Detection-Guided Query Anchors
* Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
* FLHetBench: Benchmarking Device and State Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
* Lecture Presentations Multimodal Dataset: Towards Understanding Multimodality in Educational Videos
* Modeling Dense Multimodal Interactions Between Biological Pathways and Histology for Survival Prediction
* PACS: A Dataset for Physical Audiovisual CommonSense Reasoning
* Pseudo Segmentation for Semantic Information-Aware Stereo Matching
* Rethinking Architecture Design for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
* Robust multi-atlas label propagation by deep sparse representation
* Simple and Strong Baseline for Universal Targeted Attacks on Siamese Visual Tracking, A
* Social-IQ: A Question Answering Benchmark for Artificial Social Intelligence
* Towards Vision-Language Mechanistic Interpretability: A Causal Tracing Tool for BLIP
Includes: Liang, P.P.[Peng Peng] Liang, P.P.[Peng-Peng] Liang, P.P.[Paul Pu] Liang, P.P.[Pei-Peng]
16 for Liang, P.P.
Liang, P.W.[Peng Wei]
Co Author Listing * Fusion from Decomposition: A Self-Supervised Decomposition Approach for Image Fusion
* Multi-scale and multi-patch transformer for sandstorm image enhancement
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel Images: Methods and Results
Includes: Liang, P.W.[Peng Wei] Liang, P.W.[Peng-Wei]
Liang, P.X.[Pei Xian]
Co Author Listing * Global Filter of Fusing Near-Infrared and Visible Images in Frequency Domain for Defogging
* H-EMD: A Hierarchical Earth Mover's Distance Method for Instance Segmentation
Includes: Liang, P.X.[Pei Xian] Liang, P.X.[Pei-Xian]
Liang, Q.[Qiao]
Co Author Listing * Classroom head-up rate detection based on RNN-CNN image recognition algorithm
* Comprehensive Assessment of Large-Scale Regional Fluvial Flood Exposure Using Public Datasets: A Case Study from China
* Continual Learning for Remote Physiological Measurement: Minimize Forgetting and Simplify Inference
* Coupling Downscaling and Calibrating Methods for Generating High-Quality Precipitation Data with Multisource Satellite Data in the Yellow River Basin
* Decadal Changes in Greenland Ice Sheet Firn Aquifers from Radar Scatterometer
* Delay in Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-Up Linked to Early Summer Sea Ice Loss: Evidence from Satellite Observations
* Dynamics of Dalk Glacier in East Antarctica Derived from Multisource Satellite Observations Since 2000
* Evaluation of the Optimal Topic Classification for Social Media Data Combined with Text Semantics: A Case Study of Public Opinion Analysis Related to COVID-19 with Microblogs
* Grounding Event of Iceberg D28 and Its Interactions with Seabed Topography
* Ice Thickness Measurement and Volume Modeling of Muztagh Ata Glacier No.16, Eastern Pamir
* Impacts of Climate Change, Glacier Mass Loss and Human Activities on Spatiotemporal Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Qaidam Basin, China
* Impacts of Human Activities on the Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Aral Sea Basin
* Intelligent Monitoring Applications of Landslide Disaster Knowledge Graphs Based on ChatGLM2
* Isointensity directional smoothing for edge-preserving noise reduction
* JFLN: Joint Feature Learning Network for 2D sketch based 3D shape retrieval
* LD-GAN: Learning perturbations for adversarial defense based on GAN structure
* LIMAN: Local Information-Based Multiattention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* LP-GAN: Learning perturbations based on generative adversarial networks for point cloud adversarial attacks
* Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Early 21st Century
* MHFP: Multi-view based hierarchical fusion pooling method for 3D shape recognition
* Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Platooning Using Slope Information
* Mountain Glacier Flow Velocity Retrieval from Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Data Using the Offset Tracking and MSBAS Technique: A Case Study of the Siachen Glacier in Karakoram from 2017 to 2021
* multiscale dynamic programming procedure for boundary detection in ultrasonic artery images, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Roscenes: A Large-scale Multi-view 3d Dataset for Roadside Perception
* RTTLC: Video Colorization with Restored Transformer and Test-time Local Converter
* Sense-Through-Foliage target detection using UWB radar sensor networks
* Topic-Clustering Model with Temporal Distribution for Public Opinion Topic Analysis of Geospatial Social Media Data
* Unsupervised Cross-Media Graph Convolutional Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Vision-Based Positioning for Internet-of-Vehicles
Includes: Liang, Q.[Qiao] Liang, Q.[Qiuhua] Liang, Q.[Qian] Liang, Q.[Qi] Liang, Q.[Qin] Liang, Q.[Qibin] Liang, Q.[Quan] Liang, Q. Liang, Q.[Qiaohui] Liang, Q.[Qirong] Liang, Q.[Qilian]
30 for Liang, Q.
Liang, Q.C.[Qi Chun]
Co Author Listing * MODIS-Based Novel Method to Distinguish Surface Cyanobacterial Scums and Aquatic Macrophytes in Lake Taihu, A
Includes: Liang, Q.C.[Qi Chun] Liang, Q.C.[Qi-Chun]
Liang, Q.F.[Qi Feng]
Co Author Listing * Robust object tracking via ensembling semantic-aware network and redetection
Includes: Liang, Q.F.[Qi Feng] Liang, Q.F.[Qi-Feng]
Liang, Q.H.[Qi Hao]
Co Author Listing * Drawlody: Sketch-Based Melody Creation With Enhanced Usability and Interpretability
* Effective Identification of Terrain Positions from Gridded DEM Data Using Multimodal Classification Integration
* Leveraging Local and Global Cues for Visual Tracking via Parallel Interaction Network
* Novel Multidimensional Domain Deep Learning Network for SAR Ship Detection, A
* Object segmentation in multiple views without camera calibration
* One-Stream Stepwise Decreasing for Vision-Language Tracking
* Positive-Sample-Free Object Tracking via a Soft Constraint
* Robust Tracking via Bidirectional Transduction With Mask Information
* Robust Tracking via Combing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention
* Top-Down Cross-Modal Guidance for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Toward Modalities Correlation for RGB-T Tracking
* Toward Unified Token Learning for Vision-Language Tracking
* Transformer Tracking via Frequency Fusion
Includes: Liang, Q.H.[Qi Hao] Liang, Q.H.[Qi-Hao] Liang, Q.H.[Qiu-Hua] Liang, Q.H.[Qi-Hua] Liang, Q.H.[Quan-Huan] Liang, Q.H.[Qing-Hua]
13 for Liang, Q.H.
Liang, Q.K.[Qiao Kang]
Co Author Listing * Automatic defect inspection system for beer bottles based on deep residual learning
* EdgeGAN: One-way mapping generative adversarial network based on the edge information for unpaired training set
* Multi-camera 3D ball tracking framework for sports video
* Self-supervised part segmentation via motion imitation
* Sequence-tracker: Multiple object tracking with sequence features in severe occlusion scene
Includes: Liang, Q.K.[Qiao Kang] Liang, Q.K.[Qiao-Kang]
Liang, Q.L.[Qi Lian]
Co Author Listing * Automatic target recognition using waveform diversity in radar sensor networks
* Triplet Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
Includes: Liang, Q.L.[Qi Lian] Liang, Q.L.[Qi-Lian] Liang, Q.L.[Qi-Li]
Liang, Q.M.[Quan Min]
Co Author Listing * Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream Super-Resolution
* Hybrid Routing Pattern in Human Brain Structural Network Revealed By Evolutionary Computation, A
Includes: Liang, Q.M.[Quan Min] Liang, Q.M.[Quan-Min]
Liang, Q.N.[Qing Nan]
Co Author Listing * Day-to-Day Road Pricing and Network Performance Analysis via Output Stability
Includes: Liang, Q.N.[Qing Nan] Liang, Q.N.[Qing-Nan]
Liang, Q.R.[Qi Rong]
Co Author Listing * NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
Includes: Liang, Q.R.[Qi Rong] Liang, Q.R.[Qi-Rong]
Liang, Q.S.[Qiu Shuang]
Co Author Listing * Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space under Different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Scenarios
* Experimental Epicardial Potential Mapping in Mouse Ventricles: Effects of Fiber Architecture
* Experimental Measures of the Minimum Time Derivative of the Extracellular Potentials as an Index of Electrical Activity During Metabolic and Hypoxic Stress
* Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based on Multi-Scale Coupling Model
Includes: Liang, Q.S.[Qiu Shuang] Liang, Q.S.[Qiu-Shuang] Liang, Q.S.[Qian-Sheng]
Liang, Q.W.[Qiu Wei]
Co Author Listing * Accurate and efficient salient object detection via position prior attention
* GNaN: A natural neighbor search algorithm based on universal gravitation
* R2Net: Residual refinement network for salient object detection
Includes: Liang, Q.W.[Qiu Wei] Liang, Q.W.[Qiu-Wei] Liang, Q.W.[Qi-Wen]
Liang, Q.X.[Qing Xiao]
Co Author Listing * Regression-Based Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Objects
Includes: Liang, Q.X.[Qing Xiao] Liang, Q.X.[Qing-Xiao]
Liang, Q.Y.[Qi Yu]
Co Author Listing * Deep Cross-Layer Collaborative Learning Network for Online Knowledge Distillation
* Intelligent Identification of Moving Trajectory of Autonomous Vehicle Based on Friction Nano-Generator
* Invertible Color-to-Grayscale Conversion Using Lossy Compression and High-Capacity Data Hiding
Includes: Liang, Q.Y.[Qi Yu] Liang, Q.Y.[Qi-Yu] Liang, Q.Y.[Qi-Yang] Liang, Q.Y.[Qiao-Yi]
Liang, R.[Ruiyu]
Co Author Listing * Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Blockchain-Based Trust Management Model for Location Privacy Preserving in VANET
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for the Detail-Enhanced Synthesis of 3-D Facial Expressions
* Detecting and Analyzing the Displacement of a Small-Magnitude Earthquake Cluster in Rong County, China by the GACOS Based InSAR Technology
* Identifying Potential Landslides by Stacking-InSAR in Southwestern China and Its Performance Comparison with SBAS-InSAR
* Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Applicability Analysis for Potential Landslide Identification in Steep Mountainous Areas with C/L Band Data
* Looking Into Saliency Model via Space-Time Visualization
* Multi-task learning for captioning images with novel words
* Photorealistic Object Insertion with Diffusion-guided Inverse Rendering
* Real-Time Generic Object Tracking via Recurrent Regression Network
* Real-Time Object Tracking on a Drone With Multi-Inertial Sensing Data
* Speech Denoising and Compensation for Hearing Aids Using an FTCRN-Based Metric GAN
Includes: Liang, R.[Ruiyu] Liang, R.[Ruochen] Liang, R. Liang, R.[Rubing] Liang, R.[Rui] Liang, R.[Ruofan]
12 for Liang, R.
Liang, R.B.[Ru Bing]
Co Author Listing * Automated Mapping of Ms 7.0 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake (China) Post-Disaster Landslides Based on High-Resolution UAV Imagery
Includes: Liang, R.B.[Ru Bing] Liang, R.B.[Ru-Bing]
Liang, R.F.[Ruo Fan]
Co Author Listing * ENVIDR: Implicit Differentiable Renderer with Neural Environment Lighting
* Radar Signal Classification with Multi-Frequency Multi-Scale Deformable Convolutional Networks and Attention Mechanisms
Includes: Liang, R.F.[Ruo Fan] Liang, R.F.[Ruo-Fan] Liang, R.F.[Ruo-Fei]
Liang, R.H.[Rong Hua]
Co Author Listing * Asymptotic Feature Pyramid Network for Labeling Pixels and Regions
* Blood vessel and background separation for retinal image quality assessment
* CFN: A coarse-to-fine network for eye fixation prediction
* DCAM: Disturbed class activation maps for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* Enhanced Dual-Level Representations for Facial Expression Recognition
* Feature pyramid U-Net for retinal vessel segmentation
* Hierarchical multi-modal video summarization with dynamic sampling
* LANDER: Visual Analysis of Activity and Uncertainty in Surveillance Video
* Motion-Aware Memory Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Level Objective Alignment Transformer for Fine-Grained Oral Panoramic X-Ray Report Generation
* Multiscale ensemble of convolutional neural networks for skin lesion classification
* Path-Analysis-Based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Imitation Filming
* progressive segmentation with weight contrast label enhancement for weakly supervised video salient object detection, A
* Pseudo Light Field Image and 4D Wavelet-Transform-Based Reduced-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment
* Real-Time Continuous Gesture Recognition System for Sign Language, A
* Salient object detection in egocentric videos
* Scene Categorization by Deeply Learning Gaze Behavior in a Semisupervised Context
* Sparse Learning with Stochastic Composite Optimization
* SS-Norm: Spectral-spatial normalization for single-domain generalization with application to retinal vessel segmentation
* Subcutaneous sweat pore estimation from optical coherence tomography
* Synthesize Boundaries: A Boundary-Aware Self-Consistent Framework for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* UniMF: A Unified Multimodal Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Missing Modalities and Unaligned Multimodal Sequences
* Video summarisation with visual and semantic cues
* Video Visualization and Visual Analytics: A Task-Based and Application- Driven Investigation
* Visual Representation-Guided Framework With Global Affinity for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection, A
* ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal Fingerprint Database
Includes: Liang, R.H.[Rong Hua] Liang, R.H.[Rong-Hua] Liang, R.H.[Rung-Huei]
26 for Liang, R.H.
Liang, R.J.[Ren Jie]
Co Author Listing * Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning
Includes: Liang, R.J.[Ren Jie] Liang, R.J.[Ren-Jie]
Liang, R.L.[Rui Lin]
Co Author Listing * domain-adaptive method with cycle perceptual consistency adversarial networks for vehicle target detection in foggy weather, A
Includes: Liang, R.L.[Rui Lin] Liang, R.L.[Rui-Lin]
Liang, R.M.[Rong Mei]
Co Author Listing * Linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for elastic-net support vector machines
Includes: Liang, R.M.[Rong Mei] Liang, R.M.[Rong-Mei]
Liang, R.N.[Rong Na]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Detect Index for Structural Small Damage Based on Wavelet Analysis Under Strong Background Noise
Includes: Liang, R.N.[Rong Na] Liang, R.N.[Rong-Na]
Liang, R.Q.[Rong Qin]
Co Author Listing * Synchronous Bi-directional Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Error Compensation
* Text-Driven Traffic Anomaly Detection with Temporal High-Frequency Modeling in Driving Videos
* Trajectory Forecasting Based on Prior-Aware Directed Graph Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Liang, R.Q.[Rong Qin] Liang, R.Q.[Rong-Qin]
Liang, R.X.[Rui Xiang]
Co Author Listing * CCRANet: A Two-Stage Local Attention Network for Single-Frame Low-Resolution Infrared Small Target Detection
* HaptMR: Smart Haptic Feedback for Mixed Reality Based on Computer Vision Semantic
Includes: Liang, R.X.[Rui Xiang] Liang, R.X.[Rui-Xiang] Liang, R.X.[Ruo-Xin]
Liang, R.Y.[Rui Yu]
Co Author Listing * Combining Siamese Network and Regression Network for Visual Tracking
* Facial Expression Recognition via Regression-Based Robust Locality Preserving Projections
* Novel Bimodal Emotion Database from Physiological Signals and Facial Expression, A
* Salient Feature Extraction Algorithm for Speech Emotion Recognition, A
* Spectral Features Based on Local Hu Moments of Gabor Spectrograms for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Unconstrained Facial Expression Recognition Based on Feature Enhanced CNN and Cross-Layer LSTM
Includes: Liang, R.Y.[Rui Yu] Liang, R.Y.[Rui-Yu]
Liang, R.Z.[Run Ze]
Co Author Listing * Example-Guided Style-Consistent Image Synthesis From Semantic Labeling
* Optimizing top precision performance measure of content-based image retrieval by learning similarity function
Includes: Liang, R.Z.[Run Ze] Liang, R.Z.[Run-Ze] Liang, R.Z.[Ru-Ze]
Liang, S.[Shu]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Hallucination from a Single Depth Frame
* 3D tree skeletonization from multiple images based on PyrLK optical flow
* Accurate Monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Macrophytic Lake Using Time-Series Sentinel-2 Images
* Activity guided multi-scales collaboration based on scaled-CNN for saliency prediction
* AD-NeRF: Audio Driven Neural Radiance Fields for Talking Head Synthesis
* Adaptive illumination-invariant face recognition via local nonlinear multi-layer contrast feature
* Adaptive Least-Squares Collocation Algorithm Considering Distance Scale Factor for GPS Crustal Velocity Field Fitting and Estimation
* Advancing the Classification and Attribution Method for Alpine Wetlands: A Case Study of the Source Region of Three Rivers, Tibetan Plateau
* Assessment of Long-Term Sensor Radiometric Degradation Using Time Series Analysis
* Attribute Recognition from Adaptive Parts
* Automatic Pose Quality Assessment for Adaptive Human Pose Refinement
* Benet: Boundary Enhance Network for Salient Object Detection
* Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
* Cascaded hand pose regression
* Category Query Learning for Human-Object Interaction Classification
* Class Agnostic Image Common Object Detection
* Collision-Free Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections
* Compositional Human Pose Regression
* Compositional Human Pose Regression
* Consistent Comparison of Remotely Sensed Sea Ice Concentration Products with ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data in Polar Regions
* Deep Kinematic Pose Regression
* Deep Video Super-Resolution Using Hybrid Imaging System
* Description method of Illumination invariant image features
* Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition
* Design and Modeling of the Generally Adopted Progressive Image Transmission Regulator and Its Application
* Detecting Spatial-Temporal Changes of Urban Environment Quality by Remote Sensing-Based Ecological Indices: A Case Study in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, China
* Detection of Surface Crevasses over Antarctic Ice Shelves Using SAR Imagery and Deep Learning Method
* Effects of Winter Snow Cover on Spring Soil Moisture Based on Remote Sensing Data Product over Farmland in Northeast China
* Empirical Algorithms to Map Global Broadband Emissivities Over Vegetated Surfaces
* Estimating the Hemispherical Broadband Longwave Emissivity of Global Vegetated Surfaces Using a Radiative Transfer Model
* Estimation of the Ocean Water Albedo From Remote Sensing and Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Evaluation of Three Long Time Series for Global Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) Products
* Evolutionary Computational Intelligence-Based Multi-Objective Sensor Management for Multi-Target Tracking
* Extracting Water Surfaces of the Dike-Pond System from High Spatial Resolution Images Using Deep Learning Methods
* Fast saliency prediction based on multi-channels activation optimization
* Fast, Robust, Accurate, Multi-Body Motion Aware SLAM
* Fixation prediction for advertising images: Dataset and benchmark
* Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Multi-Target Tracking with Doppler-Only Measurements
* Generating a High-Resolution Time-Series Ocean Surface Net Radiation Product by Downscaling J-OFURO3
* Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, A
* Head Reconstruction from Internet Photos
* High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse Categories
* hybrid and fast deep learning framework for Covid-19 detection via 3D Chest CT Images, A
* Image Hazing and Dehazing: From the Viewpoint of Two-Way Image Translation With a Weakly Supervised Framework
* Image watermark detection in the wavelet domain using Bessel K densities
* Impact of Air Temperature Inversion on the Clear-Sky Surface Downward Longwave Radiation Estimation
* Implementation of Texture-Based Video Up-Scaling on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture, The
* Improving Satellite Estimates of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Through Data Integration: Methodology and Validation
* Integral Human Pose Regression
* Integrating Binary Mask Estimation With MRF Priors of Cochleagram for Speech Separation
* Inverting a canopy reflectance model using a neural network
* Investigation on the Patterns of Global Vegetation Change Using a Satellite-Sensed Vegetation Index
* ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Theme Issue 'Integrated Imaging and Sensor Fusion for Rapid Response and Monitoring Applications'
* Iterative Learning-Based Cooperative Motion Planning and Decision-Making for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Coordination at On-Ramps
* LAI-Based Phenological Changes and Climate Sensitivity Analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region
* Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Adaptation
* Learning best views of 3D shapes from sketch contour
* Learning to Transform Dynamically for Better Adversarial Transferability
* Linear time symmetric axis search based on palindrome detection
* locality-aware peer-to-peer approach for geospatial web services discovery, A
* Locally Optimal Detection of Image Watermarks in the Wavelet Domain Using Bessel K Form Distribution
* Long-Term Ship Speed Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling
* Long-Term Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Dust Aerosols in East Asia (2000-2022)
* Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data, A
* Mix: A Potential Image Augmentation Method on Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Multi-View Spatial Aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
* Object proposal by multi-branch hierarchical segmentation
* Optimization Approach for Estimating Multiple Land Surface and Atmospheric Variables From the Geostationary Advanced Himawari Imager Top-of-Atmosphere Observations, An
* Overview of the OGC CDB Standard for 3D Synthetic Environment Modeling and Simulation
* Pose-Enhanced Relation Feature for Action Recognition in Still Images
* Pseudo Mask Augmented Object Detection
* Quality Index for Benchmarking Image Inpainting Algorithms with Guided Regional Statistics
* Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations of Class II Water Bodies of Inland Lakes and Reservoirs Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data
* Roadpainter: Points Are Ideal Navigators for Topology Transformer
* Robust offline handwritten character recognition through exploring writer-independent features under the guidance of printed data
* Robust Text Image Recognition via Adversarial Sequence-to-Sequence Domain Adaptation
* Saliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection
* Scheme of Parameter Estimation for Generalized Gamma Distribution and Its Application to Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Scribble-based complementary graph reasoning network for weakly supervised salient object detection
* Segmentation of Handwritten Interference Marks Using Multiple Directional Stroke Planes and Reformalized Morphological Approach
* Segmentation Of Touching Characters In Printed Document Recognition
* Self-Attention and Convolution Fusion Network for Land Cover Change Detection over a New Data Set in Wenzhou, China
* SEM Image Quality Assessment Based on Texture Inpainting
* Semantic Segmentation in Thermal Videos: A New Benchmark and Multi-Granularity Contrastive Learning-Based Framework
* Siamese Transformer for Saliency Prediction Based on Multi-Prior Enhancement and Cross-Modal Attention Collaboration
* Simple and Efficient Method for Correction of Basin-Scale Evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Simultaneous Estimation of Leaf Area Index, Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Surface Albedo From Multiple-Satellite Data
* Size and Location Matter: A New Baseline for Salient Object Detection
* Sketch Matching on Topology Product Graph
* Sketch retrieval and relevance feedback with biased SVM classification
* Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval via teacher-student learning
* Snow depth retrieval method for PolSAR data using multi-parameters snow backscattering model
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cultivated Land Quality Integrated with Multi-Source Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Sustainable transportation system for electronic waste recycling from a social perspective
* Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the Southern Alashan Block to the Outward Expansion of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Towards a gapless 1 km fractional snow cover via a data fusion framework
* Towards Development of a Real-Time Point Feature Quality Assessment Method for Volunteered Geographic Information Using the Internet of Things
* Trajectory Length Prediction for Intelligent Traffic Signaling: A Data-Driven Approach
* Uncertainty Learning for Noise Resistant Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Unequal error protection for MPEG-2 video transmission over wireless channels
* Unsupervised feature selection by manifold regularized self-representation
* Use of In Situ and Airborne Multiangle Data to Assess MODIS- and Landsat-Based Estimates of Directional Reflectance and Albedo
* Using collaborative recommendations to enhance sensor web's utility as a decision making tool
* Vegetation Types Variations to the South of Ngoring Lake from 2013 to 2020, Analyzed by Hyperspectral Imaging
Includes: Liang, S.[Shu] Liang, S.[Shuang] Liang, S.[Song] Liang, S.[Sen] Liang, S.[Shan] Liang, S.[Shichuan] Liang, S.[Sihai] Liang, S. Liang, S.[Sheng] Liang, S.[Shunkun] Liang, S.[Steve] Liang, S.[Shuneng] Liang, S.[Shen] Liang, S.[Shiwen] Liang, S.[Shuchen] Liang, S.[Susan] Liang, S.[Siyu] Liang, S.[Shunbo] Liang, S.[ShanShan] Liang, S.[Shangying] Liang, S.[Shefang] Liang, S.[Shumin] Liang, S.[Sling]
104 for Liang, S.
Liang, S.C.[Sung Chung]
Co Author Listing * 3D Shape Recovery with Registration Assisted Stereo Matching
* Model-based 3D pose estimation for pick-and-place application
Includes: Liang, S.C.[Sung Chung] Liang, S.C.[Sung-Chung] Liang, S.C.
Liang, S.E.[Shun Eng]
Co Author Listing * Evaluating Trade-Off and Synergies of Ecosystem Services Values of a Representative Resources-Based Urban Ecosystem: A Coupled Modeling Framework Applied to Panzhihua City, China
* Impact and Correction of Sensitive Environmental Factors on Spectral Reflectance Measured In Situ, The
Includes: Liang, S.E.[Shun Eng] Liang, S.E.[Shun-Eng]
Liang, S.F.
Co Author Listing * Application of Brain-Computer Interface and Virtual Reality in Advancing Cultural Experience
* effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain, The
* full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Northern Limit of Winter Wheat in China Using MODIS Time Series Images
Includes: Liang, S.F. Liang, S.F.[She-Fang]
Liang, S.H.[Shao Heng]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Image Cropping: A Computational Complexity Study
* MGSeg: Multiple Granularity-Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network
* Monitoring Grassland Variation in a Typical Area of the Qinghai Lake Basin Using 30 m Annual Maximum NDVI Data
* Research and Evaluation on Dynamic Maintenance of an Elevation Datum Based on CORS Network Deformation
Includes: Liang, S.H.[Shao Heng] Liang, S.H.[Shao-Heng] Liang, S.H.[Shi-Hua] Liang, S.H.[Si-Hai] Liang, S.H.[Sheng-Hao]
Liang, S.H.L.[Steve H. L.]
Co Author Listing * AHS Model: Efficient Topological Operators for a Sensor Web Publish/Subscribe System
* Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property, A
* Hybrid Pull-push System for Near Real-time Notifications On Sensor Web, A
* Person-to-Person and Person-to-Place COVID-19 Contact Tracing System Based on OGC IndoorGML, A
* Semantic Interoperability of Sensor Data with Volunteered Geographic Information: A Unified Model
Includes: Liang, S.H.L.[Steve H. L.] Liang, S.H.L.[Steve H.L.]
Liang, S.J.[Sheng Jun]
Co Author Listing * Application of Airborne Electromagnetics and Magnetics for Mineral Exploration in the Baishiquan-Hongliujing Area, Northwest China
* Cross-Domain Mutual-Assistance Learning Framework for Fully Automated Diagnosis of Primary Tumor in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
* Labmat: Learned Feature-Domain Block Matching for Image Restoration
* Rapid and large-scale mapping of flood inundation via integrating spaceborne synthetic aperture radar imagery with unsupervised deep learning
Includes: Liang, S.J.[Sheng Jun] Liang, S.J.[Sheng-Jun] Liang, S.J.[Shu-Jun] Liang, S.J.[Shi-Jun] Liang, S.J.[Shi-Jing]
Liang, S.K.[Shun Kun]
Co Author Listing * Camera Calibration Using a Collimator System
* Globally Optimal Solution to the Generalized Relative Pose Estimation Problem Using Affine Correspondences
Includes: Liang, S.K.[Shun Kun] Liang, S.K.[Shun-Kun]
Liang, S.L.[Shun Lin]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience using Satellite Leaf Area Index
* Assessment of Sentinel-2 MSI Spectral Band Reflectances for Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover
* Assessment of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Albedo Data Using Station Measurements and High-Resolution Albedo Maps
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part I: Methods
* Atmospheric correction of landsat ETM+ land surface imagery Part II: Validation and Applications
* Combining Estimation of Green Vegetation Fraction in an Arid Region from Landsat 7 ETM+ Data
* Comparative Study of Three Land Surface Broadband Emissivity Datasets from Satellite Data, A
* Comparison of Four Machine Learning Methods for Generating the GLASS Fractional Vegetation Cover Product from MODIS Data
* Design of a Novel Spectral Albedometer for Validating the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Spectral Albedo Product
* Developing an Integrated Remote Sensing Based Biodiversity Index for Predicting Animal Species Richness
* Developing Land Surface Directional Reflectance and Albedo Products from Geostationary GOES-R and Himawari Data: Theoretical Basis, Operational Implementation, and Validation
* Developing Long Time Series 1-km Land Cover Maps From 5-km AVHRR Data Using a Super-Resolution Method
* direct algorithm for estimating land surface broadband albedos from MODIS imagery, A
* Direct Estimation of Land Surface Albedo From Simultaneous MISR Data
* Direct-Estimation Algorithm for Mapping Daily Land-Surface Broadband Albedo From MODIS Data
* Dynamic Cooling Effects of Permanent Urban Green Spaces in Beijing, China
* Editorial for Special Issue: Remotely Sensed Albedo
* Effective Method for Generating Spatiotemporally Continuous 30 m Vegetation Products, An
* Effects of Warming Hiatuses on Vegetation Growth in the Northern Hemisphere
* Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover From Landsat-7 ETM Reflectance Data Based on a Coupled Radiative Transfer and Crop Growth Model
* Estimating Global Gross Primary Production from Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data and Auxiliary Information Using Machine Learning Methods
* Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Feng Yun-3C/MERSI Data Using a New Land Surface Emissivity Scheme
* Estimating Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation over China Based on the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Method
* Estimating the Fractional Vegetation Cover from GLASS Leaf Area Index Product
* Estimating Top-of-Atmosphere Daily Reflected Shortwave Radiation Flux Over Land From MODIS Data
* Estimation and Validation of Land Surface Broadband Albedos and Leaf Area Index from EO-1 ALI Data
* Estimation of 1-km all-weather remotely sensed land surface temperature based on reconstructed spatial-seamless satellite passive microwave brightness temperature and thermal infrared data
* Estimation of Aerosol Optical Depth at 30 m Resolution Using Landsat Imagery and Machine Learning
* Estimation of Daily Surface Shortwave Net Radiation From the Combined MODIS Data
* Estimation of Land Surface Incident and Net Shortwave Radiation from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Using an Optimization Method
* Estimation of Land Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation From Geostationary Advanced Himawari Imager and Advanced Baseline Imager Observations Using an Optimization Method
* Evaluating the Spatial Representativeness of the MODerate Resolution Image Spectroradiometer Albedo Product (MCD43) at AmeriFlux Sites
* Evaluation of Eight Machine Learning Regression Algorithms for Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation from Multiple Satellite Data Products, An
* Evaluation of Five Satellite Top-of-Atmosphere Albedo Products over Land
* Evaluation of the Reanalysis Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Products from NCEP, ECMWF, GSFC, and JMA Using Satellite and Surface Observations
* Extended Data-Based Mechanistic Method for Improving Leaf Area Index Time Series Estimation with Satellite Data
* Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Method Through Dynamic Bayesian Network Combining Radiative Transfer Model and Crop Growth Model
* Framework for Consistent Estimation of Leaf Area Index, Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Surface Albedo from MODIS Time-Series Data, A
* From Geometric-Optical Remote Sensing Modeling to Quantitative Remote Sensing Science: In Memory of Academician Xiaowen Li
* Fusion of Multiple Gridded Biomass Datasets for Generating a Global Forest Aboveground Biomass Map
* Fusion of Satellite Land Surface Albedo Products Across Scales Using a Multiresolution Tree Method in the North Central United States
* GLASS Daytime All-Wave Net Radiation Product: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation
* Global Estimates for High-Spatial-Resolution Clear-Sky Land Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation From MODIS Data
* Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Algorithm for VIIRS Reflectance Data Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Global Land Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Using General Regression Neural Networks From MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) Remote Sensing Data Processing System and Products, The
* Improved cloudy-sky snow albedo estimates using passive microwave and VIIRS data
* Intercomparison of Machine-Learning Methods for Estimating Surface Shortwave and Photosynthetically Active Radiation
* Land cover classification of finer resolution remote sensing data integrating temporal features from time series coarser resolution data
* Land Cover Classification of Landsat Data with Phenological Features Extracted from Time Series MODIS NDVI Data
* Land Surface Albedo Estimation from Chinese HJ Satellite Data Based on the Direct Estimation Approach
* Large Differences in Terrestrial Vegetation Production Derived from Satellite-Based Light Use Efficiency Models
* Local Adaptive Calibration of the Satellite-Derived Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Product Using Smoothing Spline
* Long-Time-Series Global Land Surface Satellite Leaf Area Index Product Derived From MODIS and AVHRR Surface Reflectance
* Lookup Table-Based Method for Estimating Sea Surface Hemispherical Broadband Emissivity Values (8-13.5 µm), A
* Mapping 30 m Fractional Forest Cover over China's Three-North Region from Landsat-8 Data Using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods
* Mapping Climatological Bare Soil Albedos over the Contiguous United States Using MODIS Data
* Mapping Surface Broadband Albedo from Satellite Observations: A Review of Literatures on Algorithms and Products
* Merging the MODIS and Landsat Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux Products Using the Multiresolution Tree Method
* Multi-receptive Field Aggregation Network for single image deraining
* New Empirical Estimation Scheme for Daily Net Radiation at the Ocean Surface, A
* New Method for Retrieving Daily Land Surface Albedo From VIIRS Data, A
* New Set of MODIS Land Products (MCD18): Downward Shortwave Radiation and Photosynthetically Active Radiation, A
* New Spatial-Temporal Depthwise Separable Convolutional Fusion Network for Generating Landsat 8-Day Surface Reflectance Time Series over Forest Regions, A
* Novel NIR-Red Spectral Domain Evapotranspiration Model From the Chinese GF-1 Satellite: Application to the Huailai Agricultural Region of China, A
* Operational Approach for Generating the Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation Product From MODIS Data, An
* Proposed Ensemble Feature Selection Method for Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass from Multiple Satellite Data, A
* Quantitatively Assessing and Attributing Land Use and Land Cover Changes on China's Loess Plateau
* Recent Progress in Quantitative Land Remote Sensing in China
* Recognition Algorithm for Letter Digital Images Based on the Centroid, A
* Reconstruction of Satellite-Retrieved Land-Surface Reflectance Based on Temporally-Continuous Vegetation Indices
* Removal of Noise by Wavelet Method to Generate High Quality Temporal Data of Terrestrial MODIS Products
* Responses of Natural Vegetation to Different Stages of Extreme Drought during 2009-2010 in Southwestern China
* Retrieval of Global Orbit Drift Corrected Land Surface Temperature from Long-term AVHRR Data
* Retrieval of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from VIIRS Time-Series Data
* Retrieving leaf area index with a neural network method: simulation and validation
* Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets, A
* Robust Algorithm for Estimating Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover from Landsat Data, A
* Semi-Automatic Mapping of Tidal Cracks in the Fast Ice Region near Zhongshan Station in East Antarctica Using Landsat-8 OLI Imagery
* Simultaneous inversion of multiple land surface parameters from MODIS optical-thermal observations
* Soil Moisture Content Retrieval from Landsat 8 Data Using Ensemble Learning
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Uncertainty of Fractional Vegetation Cover Change over Northern China during 2001-2012 Based on Multiple Vegetation Data Sets
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Climate Variables Controlling of Biomass Carbon Stock of Global Grassland Ecosystems from 1982 to 2006
* Surface Daytime Net Radiation Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from FengYun-3 MERSI Data
* Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from Landsat TM/ETM+ Data Using Four Machine Learning Algorithms
* Towards a gapless 1 km fractional snow cover via a data fusion framework
* Use of General Regression Neural Networks for Generating the GLASS Leaf Area Index Product From Time-Series MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based Priestley-Taylor Algorithm for Mapping Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
* Validation and Spatiotemporal Analysis of CERES Surface Net Radiation Product
* Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms for Semi-arid Ecosystems
* VIIRS Sea-Ice Albedo Product Generation and Preliminary Validation, The
Includes: Liang, S.L.[Shun Lin] Liang, S.L.[Shun-Lin] Liang, S.L.[Song-Liang] Liang, S.L.[Shu-Ling]
92 for Liang, S.L.
Liang, S.M.[Shi Ming]
Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Regional GPS Crustal Deformation before the 2021 Yunnan Yangbi Ms 6.4 Earthquake and Its Implications for Determining Potential Areas of Future Strong Earthquakes
* Geodetic Model of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Mainling Earthquake Inferred from GPS and InSAR Data
* Refined Coseismic Slip and Afterslip Distributions of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake Based on GNSS and InSAR Observations
Includes: Liang, S.M.[Shi Ming] Liang, S.M.[Shi-Ming]
Liang, S.Q.[Shang Qing]
Co Author Listing * Attitude-Independent Route Tracking for Subsea Power Cables Using a Scalar Magnetometer under High Sea Conditions
* Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical-Resolution Photoacoustic Endoscopy
* Repairing Incomplete Measured Data with Haptic Interaction
Includes: Liang, S.Q.[Shang Qing] Liang, S.Q.[Shang-Qing] Liang, S.Q.[Si-Qi] Liang, S.Q.[Si-Quan]
Liang, S.T.[Song Tao]
Co Author Listing * Freeze/Thaw-Induced Deformation Monitoring and Assessment of the Slope in Permafrost Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanner and GNSS
* Intelligent Video Smoother for Multimedia Communications
Includes: Liang, S.T.[Song Tao] Liang, S.T.[Song-Tao] Liang, S.T.
Liang, S.X.[Song Xin]
Co Author Listing * Blind Image Deblurring Using Elastic-Net Based Rank Prior
* DECA-Net: Dual encoder and cross-attention fusion network for surgical instrument segmentation
* Delving into Details: Synopsis-to-Detail Networks for Video Recognition
* Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization
* High-Efficiency Forward Modeling of Gravitational Fields in Spherical Harmonic Domain with Application to Lunar Topography Correction
* Video Object Segmentation with Dynamic Memory Networks and Adaptive Object Alignment
Includes: Liang, S.X.[Song Xin] Liang, S.X.[Song-Xin] Liang, S.X.[Si-Xin] Liang, S.X.[Shu-Xian] Liang, S.X.[Shu-Xiu] Liang, S.X.[Sheng-Xian]
Liang, S.Y.[Si Yuan]
Co Author Listing * BadCLIP: Dual-Embedding Guided Backdoor Attack on Multimodal Contrastive Learning
* Classification Algorithm Based on Improved Meta Learning and Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Medical Images, A
* Edge YOLO: Real-Time Intelligent Object Detection System Based on Edge-Cloud Cooperation in Autonomous Vehicles
* Efficient Adversarial Attacks for Visual Object Tracking
* Efficient Hierarchical Near-duplicate Video Detection Algorithm Based on Deep Semantic Features, An
* Exploring the Relationship Between Architectural Design and Adversarially Robust Generalization
* Hide in Thicket: Generating Imperceptible and Rational Adversarial Perturbations on 3D Point Clouds
* Large-Scale Multiple-Objective Method for Black-box Attack Against Object Detection, A
* Parallel Rectangle Flip Attack: A Query-based Black-box Attack against Object Detection
* Simpledg: Simple Domain Generalization Baseline Without Bells and Whistles
* Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi-projector Display Using LCD Projectors, A
* Universal Watermark Vaccine: Universal Adversarial Perturbations for Watermark Protection
Includes: Liang, S.Y.[Si Yuan] Liang, S.Y.[Si-Yuan] Liang, S.Y.[Si-Ying] Liang, S.Y.[Si-Yu]
12 for Liang, S.Y.
Liang, S.Z.[Shou Zhen]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Two-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Without Assumption of Reflection Symmetry
* Capability of Phenology-Based Sentinel-2 Composites for Rubber Plantation Mapping in a Large Area with Complex Vegetation Landscapes
* High-Resolution Soybean Yield Mapping Across the US Midwest Using Subfield Harvester Data
* Impacts of Building Orientation on Polarimetric Orientation Angle Estimation and Model-Based Decomposition for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data in Urban Areas, The
* Parcel-Based Sugarcane Mapping Using Smoothed Sentinel-1 Time Series Data
Includes: Liang, S.Z.[Shou Zhen] Liang, S.Z.[Shou-Zhen] Liang, S.Z.[Sang-Zi]
Liang, S.Z.X.[Shi Zheng Xiong]
Co Author Listing * Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geologic Hazards in Shaanxi Province
Includes: Liang, S.Z.X.[Shi Zheng Xiong] Liang, S.Z.X.[Shi-Zheng-Xiong]
Liang, T.[Tao]
Co Author Listing * Attention is not Enough: Mitigating the Distribution Discrepancy in Asynchronous Multimodal Sequence Fusion
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Aerial Images
* ClothesNet: An Information-Rich 3D Garment Model Repository with Simulated Clothes Environment
* Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation via Domain-Invariant Interactive Relation Transfer
* Expanding Large Pre-trained Unimodal Models with Multimodal Information Injection for Image-Text Multimodal Classification
* Hierarchical Classification with Confidence using Generalized Logits
* Inducing Neural Collapse to a Fixed Hierarchy-Aware Frame for Reducing Mistake Severity
* On Feature Motion Decorrelation in Ultrasound Speckle Tracking
* Querying as Prompt: Parameter-Efficient Learning for Multimodal Language Model
* SAFLFusionGait: Gait recognition network with separate attention and different granularity feature learnability fusion
* Shapelearner: Towards Shape-based Visual Knowledge Harvesting
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of CO in the UTLS Region in the Asian Summer Monsoon Season: Analysis of MLS Observations and CMIP6 Simulations
* Variational Representation Learning for Vehicle Re-Identificati
Includes: Liang, T.[Tao] Liang, T. Liang, T.[Tianhai] Liang, T.[Tong] Liang, T.[Tian] Liang, T.[Ti]
13 for Liang, T.
Liang, T.A.[Tiang Ang]
Co Author Listing * Ecological Risk Assessment and Impact Factor Analysis of Alpine Wetland Ecosystem Based on LUCC and Boosted Regression Tree on the Zoige Plateau, China
Includes: Liang, T.A.[Tiang Ang] Liang, T.A.[Tiang-Ang]
Liang, T.C.[Tian Chen]
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Aerosol Optical Depth at 30 m Resolution Using Landsat Imagery and Machine Learning
* Novel Online Bayes Classifier, A
Includes: Liang, T.C.[Tian Chen] Liang, T.C.[Tian-Chen] Liang, T.C.[Tian-Cai]
Liang, T.F.[Teng Fei]
Co Author Listing * Boundary Corrected Multi-Scale Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Bridging the Gap: Multi-Level Cross-Modality Joint Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Modality Transformer With Modality Mining for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Generative-Based Image Fusion Strategy for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification, A
* MMI-Det: Exploring Multi-Modal Integration for Visible and Infrared Object Detection
Includes: Liang, T.F.[Teng Fei] Liang, T.F.[Teng-Fei]
Liang, T.G.[Tian Gang]
Co Author Listing * Alpine Grassland Reviving Response to Seasonal Snow Cover on the Tibetan Plateau
* Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassland Aboveground Biomass?
* Comprehensive Ecological Risk Changes and Their Relationship with Ecosystem Services of Alpine Grassland in Gannan Prefecture from 2000-2020
* Estimation of Alpine Grassland Forage Nitrogen Coupled with Hyperspectral Characteristics during Different Growth Periods on the Tibetan Plateau
* Evaluation of Remote Sensing Inversion Error for the Above-Ground Biomass of Alpine Meadow Grassland Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
* Fractional Snow-Cover Mapping Based on MODIS and UAV Data over the Tibetan Plateau
* Identification and Area Information Extraction of Oat Pasture Based on GEE: A Case Study in the Shandan Racecourse (China)
* Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Based on GEE for the Monitoring of Changes in Ecosystem Types in the Upper Yellow River Basin over the Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping snow depth distribution from 1980 to 2020 on the Tibetan plateau using multi-source remote sensing data and downscaling techniques
* Mapping the Forage Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratio Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data and a Random Forest Algorithm in an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Model Construction and System Design of Natural Grassland-Type Recognition Based on Deep Learning
* Modeling alpine grassland forage phosphorus based on hyperspectral remote sensing and a multi-factor machine learning algorithm in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China
* Modeling of Alpine Grassland Cover Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Multi-Factor Methods: A Case Study in the East of Tibetan Plateau, China
* MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Mapping Using Machine Learning Technology in a Mountainous Area
* Potential of hyperspectral data and machine learning algorithms to estimate the forage carbon-nitrogen ratio in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Remote Sensing Image Extraction and Precision Analysis for Alpine Wetland Based on Coupling Analysis of Multispectral Factor PCA and Decision Tree
* Restoration Potential of the Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau, The
* Snow Disaster Early Warning in Pastoral Areas of Qinghai Province, China
* Spatio-Temporal Change of Snow Cover and Its Response to Climate over the Tibetan Plateau Based on an Improved Daily Cloud-Free Snow Cover Product
* Toward Improved Daily Cloud-Free Fractional Snow Cover Mapping with Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data in China
* Tracking Snow Variations in the Northern Hemisphere Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data (2000-2015)
Includes: Liang, T.G.[Tian Gang] Liang, T.G.[Tian-Gang]
21 for Liang, T.G.
Liang, T.H.[Tian Hao]
Co Author Listing * Tightly Coupled Bi-Level Coordination Framework for CAVs at Road Intersections, A
Includes: Liang, T.H.[Tian Hao] Liang, T.H.[Tian-Hao]
Liang, T.M.[Tian Ming]
Co Author Listing * new image classification method based on modified condensed nearest neighbor and convolutional neural networks, A
* Progressive Pretext Task Learning for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Ranking Distillation for Open-Ended Video Question Answering with Insufficient Labels
Includes: Liang, T.M.[Tian Ming] Liang, T.M.[Tian-Ming]
Liang, T.Q.[Tian Quan]
Co Author Listing * Comparison and Analysis of CALIPSO Aerosol Optical Depth and AERONET Aerosol Optical Depth Products in Asia from 2006 to 2023
* Mapping the Fraction of Vegetation Coverage of Potamogeton crispus L. in a Shallow Lake of Northern China Based on UAV and Satellite Data
* Validation and Analysis of MAIAC AOD Aerosol Products in East Asia from 2011 to 2020
Includes: Liang, T.Q.[Tian Quan] Liang, T.Q.[Tian-Quan]
Liang, T.S.
Co Author Listing * Modified Robust Embedding Scheme for Faithful Watermark Extraction, A
Liang, T.T.[Ting Ting]
Co Author Listing * Benchmarking the Robustness of LiDAR-Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection
* FlowNAS: Neural Architecture Search for Optical Flow Estimation
* OPANAS: One-Shot Path Aggregation Network Architecture Search for Object Detection
* Recurrent Neural Network Based Collaborative Filtering for QoS Prediction in IoV
Includes: Liang, T.T.[Ting Ting] Liang, T.T.[Ting-Ting]
Liang, T.W.[Ting Wen]
Co Author Listing * Image Restoration Based on Smooth Gray-level Detection and Line Prediction Method for Large Missing Regions
Includes: Liang, T.W.[Ting Wen] Liang, T.W.[Ting-Wen]
Liang, T.Y.[Tian Yi]
Co Author Listing * Closer Look at the Joint Training of Object Detection and Re-Identification in Multi-Object Tracking, A
* Domain-specific feature recalibration and alignment for multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation
* Exploring Fine-Grained Cluster Structure Knowledge for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Frustratingly Easy Knowledge Distillation via Attentive Similarity Matching
* MVImgNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Images
* Spectral-Spatial Weighted Kernel Manifold Embedded Distribution Alignment for Remote Sensing Image Classification
Includes: Liang, T.Y.[Tian Yi] Liang, T.Y.[Tian-Yi] Liang, T.Y.[Tian-You] Liang, T.Y.[Tian-Yang]
Liang, W.[Wei]
Co Author Listing * 3D head pose estimation with convolutional neural network trained on synthetic images
* Action recognition feedback-based framework for human pose reconstruction from monocular images
* Active Perception for Visual-Language Navigation
* Active Visual Information Gathering for Vision-language Navigation
* Adaptive Segmentation Enhanced Asynchronous Federated Learning for Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Chinese Character Localization Method Based on Intergrating Structure and CC-Clustering for Advertising Images, A
* Comparison of Urban Heat Island Differences in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomerations Based on Different Urban-Rural Dichotomies
* Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition in the Learned Hierarchical Latent Variable Space
* Counterfactual Cycle-Consistent Learning for Instruction Following and Generation in Vision-Language Navigation
* CR-GAN: Automatic craniofacial reconstruction for personal identification
* Cross-Layer Framework for QoS Support in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
* deep Coarse-to-Fine network for head pose estimation from synthetic data, A
* Depth Super-resolution by Fusing Depth Imaging and Stereo Vision with Structural Determinant Information Inference
* Diffusion-based Generation, Optimization, and Planning in 3D Scenes
* Discovering the Real Association: Multimodal Causal Reasoning in Video Question Answering
* Discriminative human action recognition in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* Dominant Tree Species Mapping Using Machine Learning Based on Multi-Temporal and Multi-Source Data
* Dreamwalker: Mental Planning for Continuous Vision-Language Navigation
* Enhanced Facial Restoration with Misinformation-Filtered Guide-Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Face pose estimation with combined 2D and 3D HOG features
* FGATR-Net: Automatic Network Architecture Design for Fine-Grained Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* FINet: Frequency Injection Network for Lightweight Camouflaged Object Detection
* Glyph-BYT5: A Customized Text Encoder for Accurate Visual Text Rendering
* Graph Attention Network With Spatial-Temporal Clustering for Traffic Flow Forecasting in Intelligent Transportation System
* Graph Based Subspace Semi-supervised Learning Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* High-Resolution SAR Image Classification Using Context-Aware Encoder Network and Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model
* Human action recognition using discriminative models in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
* Impacts of a Large Water Transfer Project on a Waterbird Community in the Receiving Dam: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir, China, The
* Improved structure tensor for fine-grained texture inpainting
* Incremental discriminant-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* Incremental discriminative-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* Language-driven All-in-one Adverse Weather Removal
* Mapping Land Use/Cover Dynamics of the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2018 Supported by Google Earth Engine
* Mask-and-Edge Co-Guided Separable Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* MegBA: A GPU-Based Distributed Library for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment
* Move as you Say, Interact as you can: Language-Guided Human Motion Generation with Scene Affordance
* Multi-view Adaptive Bone Activation from Chest X-ray with Conditional Adversarial Nets
* NeFF: Neural Feature Fields for Few-Shot View Synthesis Addressing the Shape-Radiance Ambiguity
* Novel Italic Detection and Rectification Method for Chinese Advertising Images, A
* Novel Spatial-Temporal Multi-Scale Alignment Graph Neural Network Security Model for Vehicles Prediction, A
* Novel Video Classification Method Based on Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Models, A
* Packed Dense Interest Points for Scene Image Retrieval
* Recognising human interaction from videos by a discriminative model
* SAR and Optical Image Registration Using Nonlinear Diffusion and Phase Congruency Structural Descriptor
* SAR Target Classification Based on Sample Spectral Regularization
* Scalable and Adaptive Graph Neural Networks with Self-Label-Enhanced Training
* Similarity-based image classification via kernelized sparse representation
* Smoothing Adversarial Domain Attack and P-Memory Reconsolidation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Spatial Calibration for Thermal-RGB Cameras and Inertial Sensor System
* Spatial-Temporal Aware Inductive Graph Neural Network for C-ITS Data Recovery
* Structured Scene Memory for Vision-Language Navigation
* Throughput-Speed Product Augmentation for Scanning Fiber-Optic Two-Photon Endomicroscopy
* Token labeling-guided multi-scale medical image classification
* Topographic Mapping and Analysis Based on 3d Reconstruction Model Of Simulated Asteroid
* Tracking articulated objects by learning intrinsic structure of motion
* Transferring Objects: Joint Inference of Container and Human Pose
* Transformer Fusion and Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction, A
* Vegetation Growth Response and Trends after Water Deficit Exposure in the Loess Plateau, China
* Visual Surveillance for Human Fall Detection in Healthcare IoT
Includes: Liang, W.[Wei] Liang, W.[Weibo] Liang, W.[Weifa] Liang, W.[Wendi] Liang, W.[Weiyun] Liang, W.[Weicong] Liang, W. Liang, W.[Weida] Liang, W.[Waner] Liang, W.[Wenteng]
61 for Liang, W.
Liang, W.B.[Wei Bin]
Co Author Listing * Emotion Recognition of Affective Speech Based on Multiple Classifiers Using Acoustic-Prosodic Information and Semantic Labels
* Polarimetric Calibration of the GaoFen-3 Mission Using Active Radar Calibrators and the Applicable Conditions of System Model for Radar Polarimeters
Includes: Liang, W.B.[Wei Bin] Liang, W.B.[Wei-Bin]
Liang, W.C.[Wei Cong]
Co Author Listing * Expediting Large-Scale Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction Without Fine-Tuning
* Toward Low Artifact Virtual Try-On Via Pre-Warping Partitioned Clothing Alignment
Includes: Liang, W.C.[Wei Cong] Liang, W.C.[Wei-Cong] Liang, W.C.[Wei-Chian]
Liang, W.D.[Wei Dong]
Co Author Listing * Automated analysis of brachial ultrasound image sequences: early detection of cardiovascular disease via surrogates of endothelial function
* Visual perception of computer-generated stereoscopic pictures: Toward the impact of image resolution
Includes: Liang, W.D.[Wei Dong] Liang, W.D.[Wei-Dong]
Liang, W.G.[Wen Guang]
Co Author Listing * RDAU-Net: A U-Shaped Semantic Segmentation Network for Buildings near Rivers and Lakes Based on a Fusion Approach
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of Total Suspended Matter Concentration in Changdang Lake Based on In Situ Hyperspectral Data and Sentinel-2 Images
Includes: Liang, W.G.[Wen Guang] Liang, W.G.[Wen-Guang]
Liang, W.H.[Wei Han]
Co Author Listing * Attribute Surrogates Learning and Spectral Tokens Pooling in Transformers for Few-shot Learning
Includes: Liang, W.H.[Wei Han] Liang, W.H.[Wei-Han]
Liang, W.J.[Wen Jing]
Co Author Listing * Application of Denoising CNN for Noise Suppression and Weak Signal Extraction of Lunar Penetrating Radar Data
* HAda: Hyper-Adaptive Parameter-Efficient Learning for Multi-View ConvNets
* Local Freeman Decomposition for Robust Imaging and Identification of Subsurface Anomalies Using Misaligned Full-Polarimetric GPR Data
* Particle Center Supported Plane for Subsurface Target Classification based on Full Polarimetric Ground Penetrating Radar
* Properties Analysis of Lunar Regolith at Chang'E-4 Landing Site Based on 3D Velocity Spectrum of Lunar Penetrating Radar
* Review of Ground Penetrating Radar Applications for Water Dynamics Studies in Unsaturated Zone
* Tree Structure Sparsity Pattern Guided Convex Optimization for Compressive Sensing of Large-Scale Images
* Water Ice Detection Research in Utopia Planitia Based on Simulation of Mars Rover Full-Polarimetric Subsurface Penetrating Radar
Includes: Liang, W.J.[Wen Jing] Liang, W.J.[Wen-Jing] Liang, W.J.[Wan-Jun] Liang, W.J.[Wei-Jie]
8 for Liang, W.J.
Liang, W.K.[Wen Kai]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution SAR Image Classification Using Multi-Scale Deep Feature Fusion and Covariance Pooling Manifold Network
* Pixel-Wise PolSAR Image Classification via a Novel Complex-Valued Deep Fully Convolutional Network
* PolSAR Image Classification Using a Superpixel-Based Composite Kernel and Elastic Net
* Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation using non-linear diffusion-based hierarchical triplet Markov fields model
Includes: Liang, W.K.[Wen Kai] Liang, W.K.[Wen-Kai]
Liang, W.P.[Wei Peng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive HEVC Video Steganography With High Performance Based on Attention-Net and PU Partition Modes
Includes: Liang, W.P.[Wei Peng] Liang, W.P.[Wei-Peng]
Liang, W.Q.[Wen Qi]
Co Author Listing * Create Your World: Lifelong Text-to-Image Diffusion
* Heterogeneous Forgetting Compensation for Class-Incremental Learning
* Homogeneous-to-Heterogeneous: Unsupervised Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* STGM: Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Based on Generative Model for Spatial-Temporal Features
Includes: Liang, W.Q.[Wen Qi] Liang, W.Q.[Wen-Qi] Liang, W.Q.[Wei-Qiang]
Liang, W.T.[Wei Tai]
Co Author Listing * Exponential sparsity preserving projection with applications to image recognition
* Projecting the Impact of Climate Change on Runoff in the Tarim River Simulated by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool Glacier Model
* Unknown Sniffer for Object Detection: Don't Turn a Blind Eye to Unknown Objects
Includes: Liang, W.T.[Wei Tai] Liang, W.T.[Wei-Tai] Liang, W.T.[Wen-Ting] Liang, W.T.[Wen-Teng]
Liang, W.W.[Wan Wan]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Vegetation at Species Level with High-Resolution Multispectral and Lidar Data Over a Large Spatial Area: A Case Study with Kudzu
Includes: Liang, W.W.[Wan Wan] Liang, W.W.[Wan-Wan]
Liang, W.X.[Wei Xin]
Co Author Listing * CU-Net: Component Unmixing Network for Textile Fiber Identification
* Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Views
* OA-Pose: Occlusion-aware monocular 6-DoF object pose estimation under geometry alignment for robot manipulation
* On the Consistency and Large-Scale Extension of Multiple Kernel Clustering
* One-pass Multi-view Clustering for Large-scale Data
Includes: Liang, W.X.[Wei Xin] Liang, W.X.[Wei-Xin] Liang, W.X.[Wei-Xuan] Liang, W.X.[Wei-Xiang]
Liang, W.Y.[Wen Yu]
Co Author Listing * Enhancing Representation Learning With Spatial Transformation and Early Convolution for Reinforcement Learning-Based Small Object Detection
* Improving Generalization of Reinforcement Learning Using a Bilinear Policy Network
* Multisource Data Fusion for Landslide Classification Using Generalized Positive Boolean Functions
Includes: Liang, W.Y.[Wen Yu] Liang, W.Y.[Wen-Yu] Liang, W.Y.
Liang, W.Z.[Wen Zhang]
Co Author Listing * 3D Pose Tracking With Multitemplate Warping and SIFT Correspondences
Includes: Liang, W.Z.[Wen Zhang] Liang, W.Z.[Wen-Zhang]
Liang, X.[Xinan]
Co Author Listing * 3D holographic display with optically addressed spatial light modulator
* Accurate derivation of stem curve and volume using backpack mobile laser scanning
* ADAPT: Vision-Language Navigation with Modality-Aligned Action Prompts
* AdaViPro: Region-Based Adaptive Visual Prompt for Large-Scale Models Adapting
* AMGNet: Aligned Multilevel Gabor Convolution Network for Palmprint Recognition
* Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Leads Retrieved from AMSR-E/AMSR2, An
* Application of 3D Laser Scanning Technology Using Laser Radar System to Error Analysis in the Curtain Wall Construction
* Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest
* Attention-Aware Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Auto-FPN: Automatic Network Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection Beyond Classification
* Better and Faster: Exponential Loss for Image Patch Matching
* Bidirectional Graph Reasoning Network for Panoptic Segmentation
* Characterizing the Development Pattern of a Colluvial Landslide Based on Long-Term Monitoring in the Three Gorges Reservoir
* Clothes Co-Parsing Via Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling With Application to Clothing Retrieval
* Clothing Co-parsing by Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling
* Clutter Removal Method Based on the F-K Domain for Ground-Penetrating Radar in Complex Scenarios, A
* Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests
* Complex Background Subtraction by Pursuing Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Models
* CompNet: Competitive Neural Network for Palmprint Recognition Using Learnable Gabor Kernels
* Contribution of Lake-Dune Patterning to the Dune Height of Mega-Dunes in the Badain Jaran Sand Sea, Northern China
* DanceComposer: Dance-to-Music Generation Using a Progressive Conditional Music Generator
* Data Association at the Level of Narrative Plots to Support Analysis of Spatiotemporal Evolvement of Conflict: A Case Study in Nigeria
* Deciduous-Coniferous Tree Classification Using Difference between First and Last Pulse Laser Signatures
* Deep Learning Based Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Electron Cryo-Subtomograms
* Deep Learning Model for Transportation Mode Detection Based on Smartphone Sensing Data, A
* Detecting and characterizing downed dead wood using terrestrial laser scanning
* Dual-Perspective Fusion Network for Aspect-Based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Dynamic Privacy-Preserving Key Management Scheme for Location-Based Services in VANETs, A
* Editorial for the Special Issue Frontiers in Spectral Imaging and 3D Technologies for Geospatial Solutions
* Effects of Inter- and Intra-Specific Interactions on Moose Habitat Selection Limited by Temperature
* Efficient Hyperspectral Image Retrieval Method: Deep Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction with DCGAN and Dimensionality Reduction Using t-SNE-Based NM Hashing, An
* Enhancement of Vital Signals for UWB Through-Wall Radar Using Low-Rank and Block-Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* Evaluation of Close-Range Photogrammetry Image Collection Methods for Estimating Tree Diameters
* Example-Based Image Colorization Using Locality Consistent Sparse Representation
* Excavating RoI Attention for Underwater Object Detection
* Fashion Editing With Adversarial Parsing Learning
* Fashion Parsing With Video Context
* Fast 3-D Imaging Algorithm Based on Unitary Transformation and Real-Valued Sparse Representation for MIMO Array SAR
* Fast detection and segmentation of partial image blur based on discrete Walsh-Hadamard transform
* Fast pruning superfluous support vectors in SVMs
* Fast Tumor Detector in Whole-Slide Image With Dynamic Programing Based Monte Carlo Sampling
* Feasibility of Terrestrial laser scanning for collecting stem volume information from single trees
* First Demonstration of Joint Wireless Communication and High-Resolution SAR Imaging Using Airborne MIMO Radar System
* Forest Data Collection Using Terrestrial Image-Based Point Clouds From a Handheld Camera Compared to Terrestrial and Personal Laser Scanning
* Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual Servoing of 2DOFs Planar Manipulators With a Fixed Camera
* FW-GAN: Flow-Navigated Warping GAN for Video Virtual Try-On
* GAN-based Gaussian Mixture Model Responsibility Learning
* GDiPAYOLO: A Fault Detection Algorithm for UAV Power Inspection Scenarios
* Generative adversarial network for semi-supervised image captioning
* Global-aware Fragment Representation Aggregation Network for image-text retrieval
* Golden Ratio: The Attributes of Facial Attractiveness Learned By CNN
* Image-Quality Enhancement of Objects in Turbid Media by Use of a Combined Computational-Photonics Approach
* Implementation of the OFDM Chirp Waveform on MIMO SAR Systems
* Improving the Calibration of Suomi NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands During Blackbody Warm-Up/Cool-Down
* In-situ measurements from mobile platforms: An emerging approach to address the old challenges associated with forest inventories
* Innovative Contactless Palmprint Recognition System Based on Dual-Camera Alignment
* Integrated GNSS/INS/LiDAR-SLAM Positioning Method for Highly Accurate Forest Stem Mapping, An
* International Benchmarking of the Individual Tree Detection Methods for Modeling 3-D Canopy Structure for Silviculture and Forest Ecology Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Investigating the Feasibility of Multi-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Characterize Tree Communities in Southern Boreal Forests
* Iterative Motion Compensation Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Passive Positioning, An
* Joints Relation Inference Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Learning mean progressive scattering using binomial truncated loss for image dehazing
* Lesion Segmentation in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Breast
* Look into Person: Self-Supervised Structure-Sensitive Learning and a New Benchmark for Human Parsing
* Low-Velocity Small Target Detection With Doppler-Guided Retrospective Filter in High-Resolution Radar at Fast Scan Mode
* Measuring Leaf Water Content with Dual-Wavelength Intensity Data from Terrestrial Laser Scanners
* Method for Extracting Acoustic Water Surface Waves Based on Phase Compensation, A
* More and Larger Auxiliary Feature-guided Spatial-temporal Super-resolution for Rendered Sequences
* Multi-loss Regularized Deep Neural Network
* Multi-Relational Deep Hashing for Cross-Modal Search
* Multipath Scattering of Typical Structures in Urban Areas
* Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
* Nonparametric Variational Auto-Encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning
* Novel GNSS Technique for Predicting Boreal Forest Attributes at Low Cost, A
* Novel Hybrid Fusion Combining Palmprint and Palm Vein for Large-Scale Palm-Based Recognition, A
* Novel Multicamera System for High-Speed Touchless Palm Recognition, A
* Perceptual Quality Assessment On DIBR Synthesized Videos With Composite Distortions
* Personalized Recommendation of Social Images by Constructing a User Interest Tree With Deep Features and Tag Trees
* Pseudo-Satellite Fingerprint Localization Method Based on Discriminative Deep Belief Networks, A
* Recognizing Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS With Dynamically Trained Latent Structured Models
* Recurrent 3D Pose Sequence Machines
* Recurrent Topic-Transition GAN for Visual Paragraph Generation
* Reinforcement Cutting-Agent Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* Repairing Sparse Low-Rank Texture
* Road Recognition From Remote Sensing Imagery Using Incremental Learning
* Robot-Assisted Disassembly Sequence Planning With Real-Time Human Motion Prediction
* Saliency analysis and region-of-interest extraction for satellite images by biological sparse modeling
* Saliency Analysis via Hyperparameter Sparse Representation and Energy Distribution Optimization for Remote Sensing Images
* Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
* Separating hypersurfaces of SVMs in input spaces
* Sharp feature extraction in point clouds
* Small Object Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images Using Feature Fusion and Scaling-Based Single Shot Detector With Spatial Context Analysis
* Soft Transfer Learning via Gradient Diagnosis for Visual Relationship Detection
* SOON: Scenario Oriented Object Navigation with Graph-based Exploration
* SP-NAS: Serial-to-Parallel Backbone Search for Object Detection
* Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Method Based on Combination of DenseNet and Deconvolution, A
* Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Regional Land Use Dynamics and Its Potential Ecosystem Impact under Carbon Neutral Pathways in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Split Ring Resonator Topology Based Microwave Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging (SRR-MTAI)
* SS R-CNN: Self-Supervised Learning Improving Mask R-CNN for Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* strong bilayer appearance model for human pose estimation from a high freedom still image, A
* Susceptibility Assessment for Landslide Initiated along Power Transmission Lines
* Test of Automatic Building Change Detection Approaches, A
* Three-Dimensional Thermohaline Reconstruction Driven by Satellite Sea Surface Data Based on Sea Ice Seasonal Variation in the Arctic Ocean
* Three-dimensional trajectory tracking of an underactuated AUV based on fuzzy dynamic surface control
* TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* Toward Large-Scale Palmprint Image Analysis by a Rich Orientation Code
* Towards Multi-Pose Guided Virtual Try-On Network
* Two-Cylinder and Multi-Ring GBSSM for Realizing and Modeling of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Wideband MIMO Channels
* Under-canopy UAV laser scanning for accurate forest field measurements
* Understanding Scenery Quality: A Visual Attention Measure and Its Computational Model
* Unwrapping low-rank textures on generalized cylindrical surfaces
* Video-Based Person Re-identification by Deep Feature Guided Pooling
* Vision-Dialog Navigation by Exploring Cross-Modal Memory
* Visual attention inspired distant view and close-up view classification
* Visual Exemplar Driven Task-Prompting for Unified Perception in Autonomous Driving
* Visual Servoing of Flexible-Link Manipulators by Considering Vibration Suppression Without Deformation Measurements
* Voxel-Based Automatic Tree Detection and Parameter Retrieval from Terrestrial Laser Scans for Plot-Wise Forest Inventory
* Waveform Features for Tree Identification
* Wavelet Analysis Reveals Phenology Mismatch between Leaf Phenology of Temperate Forest Plants and the Siberian Roe Deer Molting under Global Warming
* Zero-Shot Medical Image Translation via Frequency-Guided Diffusion Models
Includes: Liang, X.[Xinan] Liang, X.[Xinlian] Liang, X.[Xiwen] Liang, X.[Xiao] Liang, X.[Xu] Liang, X.[Xi] Liang, X. Liang, X.[Xin] Liang, X.[Xueran] Liang, X.[Xutao] Liang, X.[Xun] Liang, X.[Xinwu] Liang, X.[Xuan] Liang, X.[Xingdong] Liang, X.[Xiaohu] Liang, X.[Xijun]
120 for Liang, X.
Liang, X.B.[Xiao Bo]
Co Author Listing * Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training for Neural Networks
Includes: Liang, X.B.[Xiao Bo] Liang, X.B.[Xiao-Bo]
Liang, X.C.[Xiao Chuan]
Co Author Listing * novel R-Q model based rate control scheme in HEVC, A
Includes: Liang, X.C.[Xiao Chuan] Liang, X.C.[Xiao-Chuan]
Liang, X.D.[Xiao Dan]
Co Author Listing * ADAPT: Vision-Language Navigation with Modality-Aligned Action Prompts
* Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial Reinforced Instruction Attacker for Robust Vision-Language Navigation
* AlignMiF: Geometry-Aligned Multimodal Implicit Field for LiDAR-Camera Joint Synthesis
* Arch-Graph: Acyclic Architecture Relation Predictor for Task-Transferable Neural Architecture Search
* Atom correlation based graph propagation for scene graph generation
* Attentive Contexts for Object Detection
* Automated Progressive Learning for Efficient Training of Vision Transformers
* Axle Configuration and Weight Sensing for Moving Vehicles on Bridges Based on the Clustering and Gradient Method
* Benchmarking the Robustness of LiDAR-Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* Beyond Fixation: Dynamic Window Visual Transformer
* Blending-Target Domain Adaptation by Adversarial Meta-Adaptation Networks
* Block-Wisely Supervised Neural Architecture Search With Knowledge Distillation
* BodyGAN: General-purpose Controllable Neural Human Body Generation
* BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transformers with Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search
* CapDet: Unifying Dense Captioning and Open-World Detection Pretraining
* Caption-Aided Product Detection via Collaborative Pseudo-Label Harmonization
* Catch: Context-based Meta Reinforcement Learning for Transferrable Architecture Search
* CIRL: Controllable Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Self-driving
* CLIP2: Contrastive Language-Image-Point Pretraining from Real-World Point Cloud Data
* CODA: A Real-World Road Corner Case Dataset for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Combined Improved CEEMDAN and Wavelet Transform Sea Wave Interference Suppression
* ConnNet: A Long-Range Relation-Aware Pixel-Connectivity Network for Salient Segmentation
* Continual Object Detection via Prototypical Task Correlation Guided Gating Mechanism
* Contrastive Learning with Counterfactual Explanations for Radiology Report Generation
* Coordinate Transformer: Achieving Single-stage Multi-person Mesh Recovery from Videos
* Correctable Landmark Discovery via Large Models for Vision-Language Navigation
* Cross-modal Clinical Graph Transformer for Ophthalmic Report Generation
* CTP: Towards Vision-Language Continual Pretraining via Compatible Momentum Contrast and Topology Preservation
* Curvelane-NAS: Unifying Lane-sensitive Architecture Search and Adaptive Point Blending
* Deep Human Parsing with Active Template Regression
* Deep Structured Scene Parsing by Learning with Image Descriptions
* Deep Variation-Structured Reinforcement Learning for Visual Relationship and Attribute Detection
* DetCLIPv2: Scalable Open-Vocabulary Object Detection Pre-training via Word-Region Alignment
* DetCLIPv3: Towards Versatile Generative Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
* DiffCloth: Diffusion Based Garment Synthesis and Manipulation via Structural Cross-modal Semantic Alignment
* DiffDis: Empowering Generative Diffusion Model with Cross-Modal Discrimination Capability
* Discourse-Aware Graph Networks for Textual Logical Reasoning
* DNA Family: Boosting Weight-Sharing NAS With Block-Wise Supervisions
* Dressing in the Wild by Watching Dance Videos
* DS-Net++: Dynamic Weight Slicing for Efficient Inference in CNNs and Vision Transformers
* Dual Motion GAN for Future-Flow Embedded Video Prediction
* Dynamic Graph Enhanced Contrastive Learning for Chest X-Ray Report Generation
* Dynamic Slimmable Network
* Dynamic Support Network for Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning
* Dynamic-Structured Semantic Propagation Network
* Elevation Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Segmentation and Reorganization of TomoSAR Point Cloud in 3D Mountain Reconstruction, An
* Enhancing Extreme Precipitation Forecasts through Machine Learning Quality Control of Precipitable Water Data from Satellite FengYun-2E: A Comparative Study of Minimum Covariance Determinant and Isolation Forest Methods
* Entity-Graph Enhanced Cross-Modal Pretraining for Instance-Level Product Retrieval
* Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonization for Self-supervised 3D Object Detection
* Exploring Inter-Channel Correlation for Diversity-preserved Knowledge Distillation
* Fourfold Bounce Scattering-Based Reconstruction of Building Backs Using Airborne Array TomoSAR Point Clouds
* FULLER: Unified Multi-modality Multi-task 3D Perception via Multi-level Gradient Calibration
* Garmentaligner: Text-to-garment Generation via Retrieval-augmented Multi-level Corrections
* Generative Semantic Manipulation with Mask-Contrasting GAN
* GP-VTON: Towards General Purpose Virtual Try-On via Collaborative Local-Flow Global-Parsing Learning
* Graphonomy: Universal Human Parsing via Graph Transfer Learning
* Graphonomy: Universal Image Parsing via Graph Reasoning and Transfer
* GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training
* Guest editorial: Image/video understanding and analysis
* High-Precision Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Method Based on Phase Measurement
* Holistic Autonomous Driving Understanding by Bird'View Injected Multi-Modal Large Models
* Human Parsing with Contextualized Convolutional Neural Network
* Humanrefiner: Benchmarking Abnormal Human Generation and Refining with Coarse-to-fine Pose-reversible Guidance
* Image Comes Dancing With Collaborative Parsing-Flow Video Synthesis
* Improving Deep Binary Embedding Networks by Order-Aware Reweighting of Triplets
* Instance-Level Human Parsing via Part Grouping Network
* Interpretable Structure-Evolving LSTM
* Interpretable Visual Question Answering by Reasoning on Dependency Trees
* Is Faster R-CNN Doing Well for Pedestrian Detection?
* Knowledge Distillation via the Target-aware Transformer
* LAW-Diffusion: Complex Scene Generation by Diffusion with Layouts
* Layerdiff: Exploring Text-guided Multi-layered Composable Image Synthesis via Layer-collaborative Diffusion Model
* Layout-Graph Reasoning for Fashion Landmark Detection
* Learning Personalized Modular Network Guided by Structured Knowledge
* Learning to Segment Every Referring Object Point by Point
* Learning to Segment Human by Watching YouTube
* Learning to segment with image-level annotations
* Linguistically Routing Capsule Network for Out-of-distribution Visual Question Answering
* Look into Person: Joint Body Parsing & Pose Estimation Network and a New Benchmark
* LSTM-CF: Unifying Context Modeling and Fusion with LSTMs for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* M3D-VTON: A Monocular-to-3D Virtual Try-On Network
* M5Product: Self-harmonized Contrastive Learning for E-commercial Multi-modal Pretraining
* Making Large Language Models Better Planners with Reasoning-decision Alignment
* Matching-CNN meets KNN: Quasi-parametric human parsing
* Meta R-CNN: Towards General Solver for Instance-Level Low-Shot Learning
* MixReorg: Cross-Modal Mixed Patch Reorganization is a Good Mask Learner for Open-World Semantic Segmentation
* MLP Can Be a Good Transformer Learner
* Modulation Module for Multi-task Learning with Applications in Image Retrieval, A
* NASOA: Towards Faster Task-Oriented Online Fine-Tuning with a Zoo of Models
* Novel Estimation Method of Water Surface Micro-Amplitude Wave Frequency for Cross-Media Communication, A
* Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple Classification to Semantic Segmentation Approach
* Open-World Semantic Segmentation via Contrasting and Clustering Vision-Language Embedding
* Peak-Piloted Deep Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Perceptual Generative Adversarial Networks for Small Object Detection
* Performance of Airborne C-Band PolInSAR Data on Forest Growth Stage Types Classification, The
* Pi-NAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search by Reducing Supernet Training Consistency Shift
* Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Object Detection
* Product1M: Towards Weakly Supervised Instance-Level Product Retrieval via Cross-Modal Pretraining
* Proposal-Free Network for Instance-Level Object Segmentation
* Pyramid R-CNN: Towards Better Performance and Adaptability for 3D Object Detection
* QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler Radar Radial Winds to Predict the Track and Intensity of a Tropical Cyclone
* RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search
* Real-to-Virtual Domain Unification for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Reasoning-RCNN: Unifying Adaptive Global Reasoning Into Large-Scale Object Detection
* Rethinking Knowledge Graph Propagation for Zero-Shot Learning
* Reversible Recursive Instance-Level Object Segmentation
* Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
* Scale-Aware Pixelwise Object Proposal Networks
* Self-Motivated Communication Agent for Real-World Vision-Dialog Navigation
* Semantic Object Parsing with Graph LSTM
* Semantic Object Parsing with Local-Global Long Short-Term Memory
* SiRi: A Simple Selective Retraining Mechanism for Transformer-Based Visual Grounding
* SOON: Scenario Oriented Object Navigation with Graph-based Exploration
* Sparse Bayesian Learning Based Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for Off-Grid Air Targets in MIMO Radar Array
* Spatial-Aware Graph Relation Network for Large-Scale Object Detection
* Spatial-Temporal Joint Radar-Communication Waveform Design Method with Low Sidelobe Level of Beampattern, A
* STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Temporal Dynamic Graph LSTM for Action-Driven Video Object Detection
* Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network
* Towards Causality-Aware Inferring: A Sequential Discriminative Approach for Medical Diagnosis
* Towards Computational Baby Learning: A Weakly-Supervised Approach for Object Detection
* Towards Deviation-Robust Agent Navigation via Perturbation-Aware Contrastive Learning
* Towards High-Fidelity Text-Guided 3D Face Generation and Manipulation Using only Images
* TransNAS-Bench-101: Improving transferability and Generalizability of Cross-Task Neural Architecture Search
* UltraPose: Synthesizing Dense Pose with 1 Billion Points by Human-body Decoupling 3D Model
* Unified Algorithm for Channel Imbalance and Antenna Phase Center Position Calibration of a Single-Pass Multi-Baseline TomoSAR System, A
* Unifying Relational Sentence Generation and Retrieval for Medical Image Report Composition
* Unsupervised object-level video summarization with online motion auto-encoder
* Vision-Language Navigation with Random Environmental Mixup
* Vision-Language Navigation With Self-Supervised Auxiliary Reasoning Tasks
* Visual Exemplar Driven Task-Prompting for Unified Perception in Autonomous Driving
* Visual Question Reasoning on General Dependency Tree
* Voxel Transformer for 3D Object Detection
* Vulnerable Road User Skeletal Pose Estimation Using mmWave Radars
Includes: Liang, X.D.[Xiao Dan] Liang, X.D.[Xiao-Dan] Liang, X.D.[Xiao-Dong] Liang, X.D.[Xing-Dong] Liang, X.D.[Xu-Dong]
135 for Liang, X.D.
Liang, X.F.[Xue Feng]
Co Author Listing * AFD-Net: Aggregated Feature Difference Learning for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Biologically inspired framework for spatial and spectral velocity estimations
* color neuromorphic approach for motion estimation, A
* Combined Radial Basis Function Model for Fingerprint Distortion, A
* Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching by Learning Features of the Spatially Connected Patches in a Shared Space
* deep learning framework for remote sensing image registration, A
* External and internal learning for single-image super-resolution
* Face super-resolution via bilayer contextual representation
* Fingerprint Matching Using Minutia Polygons
* Gradient-Based Pulsed Excitation and Relaxation Encoding in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* How Does the Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Help Internal and External Learnings for Super-Resolution
* How to Optimize High-Value GEP Areas to Identify Key Areas for Protection and Restoration: The Integration of Ecology and Complex Networks
* Inferring Affective Experience from the Big Picture Metaphor: A Two-dimensional Visual Breadth Model
* Inlier Estimation for Moving Camera Motion Segmentation
* Jointly Discriminating and Frequent Visual Representation Mining
* Learning subjective time-series data via Utopia Label Distribution Approximation
* Linear Time Algorithm for Binary Fingerprint Image Denoising Using Distance Transform, A
* Low-light image enhancement using Gaussian Process for features retrieval
* Multi-subregion face recognition using coarse-to-fine Quad-tree decomposition
* Near-linear Time Algorithm for Binarization of Fingerprint Images Using Distance Transform, A
* Photo Shot-Type Disambiguation by Multi-Classifier Semi-Supervised Learning
* Robust Noisy Image Super-Resolution Using l1-norm Regularization and Non-local Constraint
* Unsupervised Outlier Detection Using Memory and Contrastive Learning
Includes: Liang, X.F.[Xue Feng] Liang, X.F.[Xue-Feng] Liang, X.F.[Xiao-Feng] Liang, X.F.[Xiao-Fei]
23 for Liang, X.F.
Liang, X.G.[Xian Gan]
Co Author Listing * Automated Small River Mapping (ASRM) for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and MERIT DEM
* hybrid features learning model for single image haze prediction, A
Includes: Liang, X.G.[Xian Gan] Liang, X.G.[Xian-Gan] Liang, X.G.[Xiang-Guo]
Liang, X.H.[Xiao Hui]
Co Author Listing * Automatic sub-category partitioning and parts localization for learning a robust object model
* Cluster Sampling Method for Image Matting via Sparse Coding, A
* Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment with Visual Importance Based Patch Score, A
* Deep Blind Synthesized Image Quality Assessment with Contextual Multi-Level Feature Pooling
* DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image
* Dynamic Hyperbolic Attention Network for Fine Hand-object Reconstruction
* Fg-T2M: Fine-Grained Text-Driven Human Motion Generation via Diffusion Model
* Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Quality Assessment
* HyperSDFusion: Bridging Hierarchical Structures in Language and Geometry for Enhanced 3D Text2Shape Generation
* Improved Hybrid Model for Automatic Salient Region Detection, An
* Integrated Algorithm Fusing UWB Ranging Positioning and Visual-Inertial Information for Unmanned Vehicles, An
* Integrating Boundary Cue with Superpixel for Image Segmentation
* Light Space Cascaded Shadow Maps for Large Scale Dynamic Environments
* LightOctree: Lightweight 3D Spatially-Coherent Indoor Lighting Estimation
* MAGR: Manifold-aligned Graph Regularization for Continual Action Quality Assessment
* Real-Time Camera Tracking Using a Global Localization Scheme
* Triangular Mesh Based Stroke Segmentation for Chinese Calligraphy
* Unsupervised image segmentation using global spatial constraint and multi-scale representation on multiple segmentation proposals
* Visual saliency guided textured model simplification
Includes: Liang, X.H.[Xiao Hui] Liang, X.H.[Xiao-Hui] Liang, X.H.[Xin-Hong] Liang, X.H.[Xiao-Hu]
19 for Liang, X.H.
Liang, X.J.
Co Author Listing * Assessing and refining the satellite-derived massive green macro-algal coverage in the Yellow Sea with high resolution images
* Attention Symbiotic Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Refined Classification Based on Relative Water Content Retrieval
* Comparison of Numerical Calculation Methods for Stem Diameter Retrieval Using Terrestrial Laser Data
* HA-Net for Bare Soil Extraction Using Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Spatial Temporal Analysis in Chicago, The
* Improved Non-local Iterative Back-Projection Method for Image Super-Resolution
* Individual Tree Crown Segmentation of a Larch Plantation Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data Based on Region Growing and Canopy Morphology Features
* Techniques for the Automatic Detection and Hiding of Sensitive Targets in Emergency Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Liang, X.J. Liang, X.J.[Xue-Jian] Liang, X.J.[Xiao-Jun] Liang, X.J.[Xiu-Juan] Liang, X.J.[Xiao-Jin] Liang, X.J.[Xiu-Ju]
8 for Liang, X.J.
Liang, X.K.[Xin Kai]
Co Author Listing * Class-Wise Contrastive Prototype Learning for Semi-Supervised Classification Under Intersectional Class Mismatch
* Four-Dimensional Cone Beam CT Imaging Using a Single Routine Scan via Deep Learning
* Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Reduction by Plugging Diffusion Priors in Dual Domains
Includes: Liang, X.K.[Xin Kai] Liang, X.K.[Xin-Kai] Liang, X.K.[Xiao-Kun]
Liang, X.L.[Xin Lian]
Co Author Listing * 3D Modeling of Coarse Fluvial Sediments Based on Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* 3D-SeqMOS: A Novel Sequential 3D Moving Object Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
* Adaptive Safe Reinforcement Learning With Full-State Constraints and Constrained Adaptation for Autonomous Vehicles
* Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis
* Automated Stem Curve Measurement Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automatic Stem Mapping Using Single-Scan Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Autonomous Collection of Forest Field Reference: The Outlook and a First Step with UAV Laser Scanning
* Bi-Layered Synchronized Optimization Control With Prescribed Performance for Vehicle Platoon
* Biomass Estimation of Individual Trees Using Stem and Crown Diameter TLS Measurements
* Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Point Clouds from Air- and Space-Borne Sources in the Retrieval of Forest Inventory Attributes
* Deep federated learning hybrid optimization model based on encrypted aligned data
* Detecting Changes in Forest Structure over Time with Bi-Temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Diameter distribution estimation with laser scanning based multisource single tree inventory
* Extrinsic Calibration of 2D Laser Rangefinders Based on a Mobile Sphere
* Filtering Airborne LiDAR Data Through Complementary Cloth Simulation and Progressive TIN Densification Filters
* Improved 3D Stem Mapping Method and Elliptic Hypothesis-Based DBH Estimation from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Interest point detection from multi-beam light detection and ranging point cloud using unsupervised convolutional neural network
* International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories
* Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: A comparison study of tree height estimates from field measurement, airborne laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning in a boreal forest
* Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: Part II, A comparison study of tree height estimates from conventional field measurement and low-cost close-range remote sensing in a deciduous forest
* Power Allocation and Performance Analysis in Overlay Cognitive Cooperative V2V Communication System With Outdated CSI
* Selective Progressive Learning for Sparse Depth Completion
* SOMH: A Self-Organizing Map Based Topology Preserving Hashing Method
* Subsidence Detection for Urban Roads Using Mobile Laser Scanner Data
* Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories
* Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral Airborne Laser Scanning
* Unsupervised Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Background Based on Mixture Variational Autoencoder
* Use of a Hand-Held Camera for Individual Tree 3D Mapping in Forest Sample Plots, The
* Vegetation Dynamic Changes and Their Response to Ecological Engineering in the Sanjiangyuan Region of China
Includes: Liang, X.L.[Xin Lian] Liang, X.L.[Xin-Lian] Liang, X.L.[Xiao-Ling] Liang, X.L.[Xiao-Liang] Liang, X.L.[Xiao-Lin] Liang, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Liang, X.L.[Xue-Ling] Liang, X.L.[Xiao-Lei]
29 for Liang, X.L.
Liang, X.M.[Xing Ming]
Co Author Listing * Applying Deep Learning to Clear-Sky Radiance Simulation for VIIRS with Community Radiative Transfer Model: Part 1: Develop AI-Based Clear-Sky Mask
* Applying Deep Learning to Clear-Sky Radiance Simulation for VIIRS with Community Radiative Transfer Model: Part 2: Model Architecture and Assessment
* Automatic Classification of Pavement Distress Using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis Version 1 (RAN1)
* Deep Learning Trained Clear-Sky Mask Algorithm for VIIRS Radiometric Bias Assessment, A
* Experimental OMPS Radiance Assimilation through One-Dimensional Variational Analysis for Total Column Ozone in the Atmosphere
* Preliminary Inter-Comparison between AHI, VIIRS and MODIS Clear-Sky Ocean Radiances for Accurate SST Retrievals
* Weighted Undirected Similarity Network Construction and Application for Nonlinear Time Series Detection
Includes: Liang, X.M.[Xing Ming] Liang, X.M.[Xing-Ming] Liang, X.M.[Xing-Min] Liang, X.M.[Xuan-Ming]
8 for Liang, X.M.
Liang, X.N.[Xian Nuan]
Co Author Listing * Bio-inspired Group Modeling and Analysis for Intruder Detection in Mobile Sensor/Robotic Networks
Includes: Liang, X.N.[Xian Nuan] Liang, X.N.[Xian-Nuan]
Liang, X.O.[Xia Ohui]
Co Author Listing * Unified Deep Metric Representation for Mesh Saliency Detection and Non-Rigid Shape Matching, A
Includes: Liang, X.O.[Xia Ohui] Liang, X.O.[Xia-Ohui]
Liang, X.P.[Xian Peng]
Co Author Listing * Image segmentation fusion using weakly supervised trace-norm multi-task learning method
* novel hashing scheme via image feature map and 2D PCA, A
* Perceptual Hashing With Deep and Texture Features
* Robust Color Image Hashing With Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Saliency Map for Copy Detection
* Robust Image Hashing With Isomap and Saliency Map for Copy Detection
Includes: Liang, X.P.[Xian Peng] Liang, X.P.[Xian-Peng] Liang, X.P.[Xiao-Ping]
Liang, X.R.[Xue Ran]
Co Author Listing * Field Model-Based Cultural Diffusion Patterns and GIS Spatial Analysis Study on the Spatial Diffusion Patterns of Qijia Culture in China
* lightweight method for face expression recognition based on improved MobileNetV3, A
* Semi-supervised adversarial recognition of refined window structures for inverse procedural façade modelling
* Vegetation Growth Response and Trends after Water Deficit Exposure in the Loess Plateau, China
Includes: Liang, X.R.[Xue Ran] Liang, X.R.[Xue-Ran] Liang, X.R.[Xun-Ru] Liang, X.R.[Xin-Rong] Liang, X.R.[Xiao-Ru]
Liang, X.S.[Xue Song]
Co Author Listing * Dense Encoder-Decoder Network with Feedback Connections for Pan-Sharpening, A
* MDCwFB: A Multilevel Dense Connection Network with Feedback Connections for Pansharpening
* MDECNN: A Multiscale Perception Dense Encoding Convolutional Neural Network for Multispectral Pan-Sharpening
Includes: Liang, X.S.[Xue Song] Liang, X.S.[Xue-Song]
Liang, X.W.[Xue Wen]
Co Author Listing * Detection and Counting of Maize Leaves Based on Two-Stage Deep Learning with UAV-Based RGB Image
* Lite-RTSE: Exploring a Cost-Effective Lite DNN Model for Real-Time Speech Enhancement in RTC Scenarios
* Mouse Arterial Wall Imaging and Analysis from Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
* Visual Servoing of a Flexible Aerial Refueling Boom With an Eye-in-Hand Camera
* Visual-Information-Driven Model for Crowd Simulation Using Temporal Convolutional Network
Includes: Liang, X.W.[Xue Wen] Liang, X.W.[Xue-Wen] Liang, X.W.[Xing-Wei] Liang, X.W.[Xiao-Wen] Liang, X.W.[Xin-Wu] Liang, X.W.[Xuan-Wen]
Liang, X.X.[Xiao Xiao]
Co Author Listing * RSCFed: Random Sampling Consensus Federated Semi-supervised Learning
Includes: Liang, X.X.[Xiao Xiao] Liang, X.X.[Xiao-Xiao]
Liang, X.Y.[Xin Yan]
Co Author Listing * AF: An Association-Based Fusion Method for Multi-Modal Classification
* Auto-attention mechanism for multi-view deep embedding clustering
* AWLloss: Speaker Verification Based on the Quality and Difficulty of Speech
* Bi-Objective Vehicle Routing for Perishable Products Delivery With Consideration of Customers' Priorities and Customized Delivery Time Windows
* Contribution of Lake-Dune Patterning to the Dune Height of Mega-Dunes in the Badain Jaran Sand Sea, Northern China
* CSTalk: Correlation Supervised Speech-driven 3D Emotional Facial Animation Generation
* EfficientDreamer: High-Fidelity and Stable 3D Creation via Orthogonal-view Diffusion Priors
* Embedded Representation Learning Network for Animating Styled Video Portrait
* Enhancing Spatial Resolution of GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval through XGBoost Algorithm-Based Downscaling Approach: A Case Study in the Southern United States
* Exploring AIGC Video Quality: A Focus on Visual Harmony, Video-Text Consistency and Domain Distribution Gap
* FALIP: Visual Prompt as Foveal Attention Boosts CLIP Zero-shot Performance
* Federated Learning System for Histopathology Image Analysis With an Orchestral Stain-Normalization GAN, A
* General Distortion Metric Based Histogram Shifting for Reversible Data Hiding
* Image Caption Method Based on Graph Attention Network with Global Context
* Improving Neural Network Efficiency via Post-training Quantization with Adaptive Floating-Point
* k-space sharing 3D GRASE pseudocontinuous ASL method for whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity, A
* Landscape Sustainability Evaluation of Ecologically Fragile Areas Based on Boltzmann Entropy
* NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment of AI-Generated Content Challenge
* Rapid Mapping of Large-Scale Greenhouse Based on Integrated Learning Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
* Reconfigurable Platform for MPEG-4 Encoder Based on SOPC, A
* Reversible Data Hiding of Grayscale Images Using General Distortion Metric
* RGB-T object tracking: Benchmark and baseline
* Robust and reversible image watermarking in homomorphic encrypted domain
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS-IR Based on Empirical Modal Decomposition and Cross-Correlation Satellite Selection
* Table information extraction and analysis: A robust geometric approach based on GatedGCN
* Towards desirable decision boundary by Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training
Includes: Liang, X.Y.[Xin Yan] Liang, X.Y.[Xin-Yan] Liang, X.Y.[Xin-Yue] Liang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yan] Liang, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu] Liang, X.Y.[Xing-Yong] Liang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Liang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yao] Liang, X.Y.[Xing-Yuan] Liang, X.Y.[Xiao-Yun] Liang, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying] Liang, X.Y.[Xin-Yuan]
26 for Liang, X.Y.
Liang, X.Z.[Xue Zhang]
Co Author Listing * Analysis and improvement of Marr's algorithm for image reconstruction
* Cloning Outfits from Real-World Images to 3D Characters for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Impact of Fire Emissions on U.S. Air Quality from 1997 to 2016: A Modeling Study in the Satellite Era
* Learning Efficient Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors by Asymptotic Localization Fitting
Includes: Liang, X.Z.[Xue Zhang] Liang, X.Z.[Xue-Zhang] Liang, X.Z.[Xue-Zhi] Liang, X.Z.[Xin-Zhong]
Liang, Y.[Yeheng]
Co Author Listing * 250-m Aerosol Retrieval from FY-3 Satellite in Guangzhou
* Accelerable Lottery Tickets with the Mixed-Precision Quantization
* Adadiff: Accelerating Diffusion Models Through Step-wise Adaptive Computation
* Adaptation-Oriented Feature Projection for One-Shot Action Recognition
* Adaptive extended piecewise histogram equalisation for dark image enhancement
* Adaptive Hierarchical Detection Method for Ship Targets in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Adaptive spatiotemporal background modelling
* Anchor-Based Self-Ensembling for Semi-Supervised Deep Pairwise Hashing
* Applications of Wavelet Packets Decomposition in Iris Recognition
* Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automatic UAV Photogrammetry
* Assessment of Wildfire Susceptibility and Wildfire Threats to Ecological Environment and Urban Development Based on GIS and Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Guilin, China
* Atmospheric Gravity Wave Derived from the Neutral Wind with 5-Minute Resolution Routinely Retrieved by the Meteor Radar at Mohe
* Attribute disentanglement and re-entanglement for generalized zero-shot learning
* Automatic annotation of liver computed tomography images based on a vessel-skeletonization method
* Automatic Material Classification Using Thermal Finger Impression
* Balancing Performance and Fairness in P2P Live Video Systems
* bidirectional adaptive bandwidth mean shift strategy for clustering, A
* Cascading classifier with discriminative multi-features for a specific 3D object real-time detection
* Classification of Coniferous and Broad-Leaf Forests in China Based on High-Resolution Imagery and Local Samples in Google Earth Engine
* Classification of Non-Tumorous Facial Pigmentation Disorders Using Improved Smote and Transfer Learning
* Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using inter-channel correlation
* Common Crucial Feature for Crowdsourcing Based Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Comparison of the Heights of Sporadic E Layers and Vertical Ion Convergence Parameters
* Compressing Vehicle Trajectory Data Using Hybrid Coding With Kinematic Motion Prediction
* ConCL: Concept Contrastive Learning for Dense Prediction Pre-training in Pathology Images
* Cramér-Rao Bound for DOA Estimation Exploiting Multiple Frequency Pairs
* Data-Assisted Two-Stage Method for the Inverse Random Source Problem, A
* Decomposition and matching: Towards efficient automatic Chinese character stroke extraction
* Deep Generative Model based Rate-Distortion for Image Downscaling Assessment
* Deep Metric Network Via Heterogeneous Semantics for Image Sentiment Analysis
* Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Diffuse3D: Wide-Angle 3D Photography via Bilateral Diffusion
* Disentangled Representation Learning Based Multidomain Stain Normalization For Histological Images
* DSDet: A Lightweight Densely Connected Sparsely Activated Detector for Ship Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* Dual Pursuit for Subspace Learning
* Edge-Preserving Texture Suppression Filter Based on Joint Filtering Schemes
* Effective Content-Aware Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Efficient Image Processing Method Based on Web Services for Mobile Devices, An
* Enhancing Spatial Resolution of GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval through XGBoost Algorithm-Based Downscaling Approach: A Case Study in the Southern United States
* Ensemble-driven support vector clustering: From ensemble learning to automatic parameter estimation
* Estimation of Ultrahigh Resolution PM2.5 Mass Concentrations Based on Mie Scattering Theory by Using Landsat8 OLI Images over Pearl River Delta
* Extended Polar Format Algorithm for Joint Envelope and Phase Error Correction in Widefield Staring SAR with Maneuvering Trajectory, An
* Face Hallucination Through KPCA
* Face Hallucination under an Image Decomposition Perspective
* Face hallucination with imprecise-alignment using iterative sparse representation
* Fast algorithm for HEVC intra-coding implemented by preprocessing
* Fast EPILE Combined With FBM for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Targets Above and Below the Dielectric Rough Surface, The
* Fast Time-Domain SAR Imaging and Corresponding Autofocus Method Based on Hybrid Coordinate System, A
* Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cartesian Coordinate and Subregion Range Migration Correction for High-Squint SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms, A
* Frequency tracking techniques of power systems in coloured noises
* Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Highly Squinted SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms With Nonlinear Trajectory, A
* Functional imaging in small animals using X-ray computed Tomography: Study of physiologic measurement reproducibility
* Fuzzy C-Means Clustering With Local Information and Kernel Metric for Image Segmentation
* Ground Object Recognition Using Combined High Resolution Airborne Images and DSM
* Holons Visual Representation for Image Retrieval
* HRadNet: A Hierarchical Radiomics-Based Network for Multicenter Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes Prediction
* Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection
* Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Evapotranspiration Estimation of Fruit Tree in Agricultural Cyber-Physical Systems
* Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
* Image super-resolution by textural context constrained visual vocabulary
* Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via L1_2 and S1_2 Regularizations
* Implementing Word Retrieval in Handwritten Documents Using a Small Dataset
* improved noise-robust voice activity detector based on hidden semi-Markov models, An
* Incorporating multi-stage spatial visual cues and active localization offset for pancreas segmentation
* InSAR Time-Series Analysis of Land Subsidence under Different Land Use Types in the Eastern Beijing Plain, China
* Ionospheric Changes over the Western Pacific Ocean near and after the End of Annular Solar Eclipse on 21 June 2020
* Land Use Scenario Simulation and Ecosystem Service Management for Different Regional Development Models of the Beibu Gulf Area, China
* Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province Based on Google Earth Engine from 2000 to 2020
* Large-Scale Isolated Gesture Recognition Using a Refined Fused Model Based on Masked Res-C3D Network and Skeleton LSTM
* Local Climate Zone Classification Using Daytime Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Imagery and Nighttime Light Data
* Location Determination In Urban Environment from Image Sequences
* Loss-Based Attention for Interpreting Image-Level Prediction of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition based on S1/2 and L1/2 regularizations in dynamic MRI
* LSTM Multiple Object Tracker Combining Multiple Cues
* MaskDis R-CNN: An instance segmentation algorithm with adversarial network for herd pigs
* Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* MIGA-Net: Multi-View Image Information Learning Based on Graph Attention Network for SAR Target Recognition
* Modified Equivalent Range Model and Wavenumber-Domain Imaging Approach for High-Resolution-High-Squint SAR With Curved Trajectory, A
* Modified omega-k Algorithm for HS-SAR Small-Aperture Data Imaging, A
* Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A New Dataset and Method
* Multi-modal feature fusion for geographic image annotation
* New Content-based Hybrid Video Transcoding Method, A
* Noise-Robust Voice Activity Detector Based on Hidden Semi-Markov Models
* Nonlocal Spectral Prior Model for Low-Level Vision
* Novel 3-D Motion Estimation Algorithm for Multireference Frame in H.264/AVC, A
* novel deep network and aggregation model for saliency detection, A
* Novel SAR Imaging Method for GEO Satellite-Ground Bistatic SAR System with Severe Azimuth Spectrum Aliasing and 2-D Spatial Variability, A
* OMAD-6: Advancing Offshore Mariculture Monitoring with a Comprehensive Six-Type Dataset and Performance Benchmark
* On Mitigating Hard Clusters for Face Clustering
* One class classification-based quality assurance of organs-at-risk delineation in radiotherapy
* Open-World Multi-Task Control Through Goal-Aware Representation Learning and Adaptive Horizon Prediction
* Optimised image retargeting using aesthetic-based cropping and scaling
* Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for On-Demand Food Delivery
* Orthographic Reflectance Image for Planar Target Localization in Low Density TLS Point Clouds
* Pixel-Level Discrete Multiobjective Sampling for Image Matting
* Pose-invariant 3D face recognition using half face
* Power-Rate-Distortion Analysis for Wireless Video Communication Under Energy Constraints
* Predictive-Reactive Optimization Framework With Feedback-Based Knowledge Distillation for On-Demand Food Delivery, A
* quadratic programming based cluster correspondence projection algorithm for fast point matching, A
* Rapid trajectory clustering based on neighbor spatial analysis
* RCA-NOC: Relative Contrastive Alignment for Novel Object Captioning
* Real-Time Detection of Driver Cognitive Distraction Using Support Vector Machines
* Real-Time VBR Video Traffic Prediction for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
* Reassembling Shredded Document Stripes Using Word-Path Metric and Greedy Composition Optimal Matching Solver
* Refined Model for Quad-Polarimetric Reconstruction from Compact Polarimetric Data, A
* Rejection of mismatched correspondences along the affine epipolar line
* Repose: 3d Human Pose Estimation via Spatio-temporal Depth Relational Consistency
* Research on Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Chart Hybrid Spatial Index Structure Based on Quadtree and R-Tree
* Response to Letter Regarding Article: Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations of Class II Water Bodies of Inland Lakes and Reservoirs Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data
* Rich Human Feedback for Text-to-Image Generation
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Using Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Fusion of Multi-Source Images for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Complex Urban Scenes
* Route-Based Dynamics Modeling and Tracking With Application to Air Traffic Surveillance
* RSPS-SAM: A Remote Sensing Image Panoptic Segmentation Method Based on SAM
* Sample Fusion Network: An End-to-End Data Augmentation Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Satellite-Observed Substantial Decrease in Multiyear Ice Area Export through the Fram Strait over the Last Decade, A
* Scape: A Simple and Strong Category-agnostic Pose Estimator
* Self-paced resistance learning against overfitting on noisy labels
* Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation in Crowd Counting
* Semi-coupled dictionary learning with applications to image super-resolution and photo-sketch synthesis
* Sequence-level affective level estimation based on pyramidal facial expression features
* Simultaneous Stationary Scene Imaging and Ground Moving Target Indication for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR System
* Single image rain removal with reusing original input squeeze-and-excitation network
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using GNSS-IR Based on Empirical Modal Decomposition and Cross-Correlation Satellite Selection
* Sparse Pixel Recognition of Primitives in Engineering Drawings
* Spatial Relation Model of Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Charts Based on Point-Set Topology Theory, A
* Spatially Varying Effects of Street Greenery on Walking Time of Older Adults
* Staged cluster transformers for intracranial aneurysms segmentation from structure fused 3D MRA
* Sub-Hourly Variations of Wind Shear in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere as Observed by the China Meteor Radar Chain
* SymSwin: Multi-Scale-Aware Super-Resolution of Remote Sensing Images Based on Swin Transformers
* synthesised word approach to word retrieval in handwritten documents, A
* Tag-inferring and tag-guided Transformer for image captioning
* Target State and Markovian Jump Ionospheric Height Bias Estimation for OTHR Tracking Systems
* Towards Better Railway Service: Passengers Counting in Railway Compartment
* Towards real-world haze removal with uncorrelated graph model
* Trend in Satellite-Observed Vegetation Cover and Its Drivers in the Gannan Plateau, Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, from 2000 to 2020
* Two-Step Processing Method for Diving-Mode Squint SAR Imaging With Subaperture Data, A
* Unifying Automatic and Interactive Matting with Pretrained ViTs
* Use of an Active Canopy Sensor Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Monitor the Growth and Nitrogen Status of Winter Wheat
* Vertigo Effect on Your Smartphone: Dolly Zoom via Single Shot View Synthesis, The
* Video object segmentation via couple streams and feature memory
* You Need Multiple Exiting: Dynamic Early Exiting for Accelerating Unified Vision Language Model
Includes: Liang, Y.[Yeheng] Liang, Y.[Yi] Liang, Y. Liang, Y.[Yun] Liang, Y.[Yu] Liang, Y.[Yueji] Liang, Y.[Yucuan] Liang, Y.[Yan] Liang, Y.[Ying] Liang, Y.[Yiduo] Liang, Y.[Yunyi] Liang, Y.[Yuan] Liang, Y.[Yibao] Liang, Y.[Yuanbang] Liang, Y.[Yinhao] Liang, Y.[Yuhu] Liang, Y.[Yue] Liang, Y.[Yong] Liang, Y.[Ye] Liang, Y.[Yinyu] Liang, Y.[Yitao] Liang, Y.[Yile] Liang, Y.[Yaoyuan] Liang, Y.[Yanan] Liang, Y.[Youwei] Liang, Y.[Yubin] Liang, Y.[Yujia] Liang, Y.[Yinkai]
143 for Liang, Y.
Liang, Y.B.[Yi Bing]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Multi-GNSS Multipath for Parameter-Unified Autocorrelation-Based Mitigation and the Impact of Constellation Shifts
* Automated segmentation of the optic disc from fundus images using an asymmetric deep learning network
* Color-Based Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Cross-Mode Knowledge Adaptation for Bike Sharing Demand Prediction Using Domain-Adversarial Graph Neural Networks
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Production Potential Based on Remotely-Sensed Imagery and Process-Based Model Simulations
* Feature Proliferation: the Cancer in StyleGAN and its Treatments
* NetTraj: A Network-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Model With Directional Representation and Spatiotemporal Attention Mechanisms
* Perspective Intensity Images For Co-registration Of Terrestrial Laser Scanner And Digital Camera
Includes: Liang, Y.B.[Yi Bing] Liang, Y.B.[Yi-Bing] Liang, Y.B.[Yuan-Bo] Liang, Y.B.[Yu-Bin] Liang, Y.B.[Yue-Bing] Liang, Y.B.[Yuan-Bang]
8 for Liang, Y.B.
Liang, Y.C.[Yu Chen]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Frequency Hopping Policy for Fast Pose Estimation
* Bilinear Embedding Label Propagation: Towards Scalable Prediction of Image Labels
* Binocular Matching Method for Detecting and Locating Marine Resources Using Binocular Cameras and Deep Learning
* Crossed-time Delay Neural Network for Speaker Recognition
* Deep Listwise Triplet Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* DRT: A Lightweight Single Image Deraining Recursive Transformer
* E3ID: An efficient end to end person search model
* Edge Intelligence Empowered Urban Traffic Monitoring: A Network Tomography Perspective
* Estimating PM2.5 Concentrations Using the Machine Learning RF-XGBoost Model in Guanzhong Urban Agglomeration, China
* FIQA-FAS: Face Image Quality Assessment Based Face Anti-Spoofing
* Fuzzy-Statistics-Based Affinity Propagation Technique for Clustering in Multispectral Images, A
* Fuzzy-Statistics-Based Principal Component Analysis (FS-PCA) Method for Multispectral Image Enhancement and Display, A
* generative adversarial network model fused with a self-attention mechanism for the super-resolution reconstruction of ancient murals, A
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Intent-Based Networking for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Connected Vehicles
* High-Performance Feature Extraction Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Improved wavelet prediction superresolution reconstruction based on U-Net
* Incremental and Decremental Affinity Propagation for Semisupervised Clustering in Multispectral Images
* Inversion and Monitoring of the TP Concentration in Taihu Lake Using the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Learning Quantized Adaptive Conditions for Diffusion Models
* novel efficient local illumination compensation method based on DCT in logarithm domain, A
* Rapid Motor Adaptation for Robotic Manipulator Arms
* Reuse Non-Terrain Policies for Learning Terrain-Adaptive Humanoid Locomotion Skills
* Self-adaptive SVDD integrated with AP clustering for one-class classification
* Study and Improvement of Iris Location Algorithm
* Support vector description of clusters for content-based image annotation
* YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
Includes: Liang, Y.C.[Yu Chen] Liang, Y.C.[Yu-Chen] Liang, Y.C.[Yan-Chun] Liang, Y.C.[Yuan-Chu] Liang, Y.C. Liang, Y.C.[Yong-Chun] Liang, Y.C.[Ya-Chi] Liang, Y.C.[Yun-Chuan] Liang, Y.C.[Ying-Chang] Liang, Y.C.[You-Cheng] Liang, Y.C.[Yi-Chao]
26 for Liang, Y.C.
Liang, Y.D.[Yu Ding]
Co Author Listing * Angle-based Search Space Shrinking for Neural Architecture Search
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Foreground Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Image dehazing via self-supervised depth guidance
* Image Quality Assessment Using Similar Scene as Reference
* Incorporating image degeneration modeling with multitask learning for image super-resolution
* Learning to describe color composition of visual objects
* Single Image Super-Resolution with a Parameter Economic Residual-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* Single-Image super-resolution: When model adaptation matters
Includes: Liang, Y.D.[Yu Ding] Liang, Y.D.[Yu-Ding] Liang, Y.D.[Yu-Dong]
8 for Liang, Y.D.
Liang, Y.F.[Yan Fei]
Co Author Listing * 3DVAR Aerosol Data Assimilation and Evaluation Using Surface PM2.5, Himawari-8 AOD and CALIPSO Profile Observations in the North China
* Adaptive Techniques for Simultaneous Optimization of Visual Quality and Battery Power in Video Encoding Sensors
* Analysis of the Long-Term Characteristics of BDS On-Orbit Satellite Atomic Clock: Since BDS-3 Was Officially Commissioned
* anchor-based graph method for detecting and classifying indoor objects from cluttered 3D point clouds, An
* Color Channels Decorrelation by ICA Transformation in the Wavelet Domain for, Color Texture Analysis and Synthesis
* heterogeneous 3D map-based place recognition solution using virtual LiDAR and a polar grid height coding image descriptor, A
* Hierarchical supervisions with two-stream network for Deepfake detection
* LiDAR-based single-shot global localization solution using a cross-section shape context descriptor, A
* Lightweight Group Authentication Protocol for Blockchain-Based Vehicular Edge Computing Networks, A
* Long-Time Coherent Integration for the Spatial-Based Bistatic Radar Based on Dual-Scale Decomposition and Conditioned CPF
* LOS Signal Identification for Passive Multi-Target Localization in Multipath Environments
* Lowering the Complexity of Multi-view Encoding through Dynamic Segmentation and Registration of Video Object
* Motion Estimation for Content Adaptive Video Compression
* multistage fast motion estimation scheme for video compression, A
* Omni-Frequency Channel-Selection Representations for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* On using hierarchical motion history for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* Optimization and Evaluation of SO2 Emissions Based on WRF-Chem and 3DVAR Data Assimilation
* Physically Secure and Privacy-Preserving Charging Authentication Framework With Data Aggregation in Vehicle-to-Grid Networks
* Power and Distortion Optimization for Pervasive Video Coding
* Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
* Unlinkable Signcryption Scheme for Multi-Receiver in VANETs
Includes: Liang, Y.F.[Yan Fei] Liang, Y.F.[Yan-Fei] Liang, Y.F.[Yong-Fang] Liang, Y.F.[Yi-Feng] Liang, Y.F.[Yi-Fan] Liang, Y.F.[Yu-Feng] Liang, Y.F.[Yu-Fei] Liang, Y.F.[Yan-Feng] Liang, Y.F.[Yang-Fan]
21 for Liang, Y.F.
Liang, Y.H.[Yuan Heng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Graph Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Analysis of Annual Deformation Characteristics of Xilongchi Dam Using Historical GPS Observations
* Broken-Ray Videometric Method and System for Measuring the Three-Dimensional Position and Pose of the Non-Intervisible Object
* Coarse trimap expansion based on one-class classification for image matting
* Colouring vehicle threat and minimising threat avoidance trajectory cost for adaptive vehicle collision defence system in active safe driving
* downscaled bathymetric mapping approach combining multitemporal Landsat-8 and high spatial resolution imagery: Demonstrations from clear to turbid waters, A
* Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object detection
* Joint hypergraph learning and sparse regression for feature selection
* Method of Evaluating Table Segmentation Results Based on a Table Image Ground Truther, A
* Person Recognition with HGR Maximal Correlation on Multimodal Data
* Remote Sensing Retrieval of Total Phosphorus in the Pearl River Channels Based on the GF-1 Remote Sensing Data
* Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature fusion
* Sanitizable Access Control With Policy-Protection for Vehicular Social Networks, A
* Secure Source Identification Scheme for Revocable Instruction Sharing in Vehicle Platoon
* Study on the Background Parameter Quantization Method of Remote Sensing Data Processing
* UAV Path Planning Method for Building Surface Information Acquisition Utilizing Opposition-Based Learning Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, A
* Unsupervised Feature Selection by Graph Optimization
Includes: Liang, Y.H.[Yuan Heng] Liang, Y.H.[Yuan-Heng] Liang, Y.H.[Yu-Han] Liang, Y.H.[Yong-Hui] Liang, Y.H.[Yi-Hui] Liang, Y.H.[Ying-Hsin] Liang, Y.H.[Ye-Heng] Liang, Y.H.[Yan-Hua] Liang, Y.H.[Yan-Hui] Liang, Y.H.[Yi-Hua] Liang, Y.H.[Yu-Hao] Liang, Y.H.[Yi-Hong] Liang, Y.H.[Yu-Heng]
17 for Liang, Y.H.
Liang, Y.J.
Co Author Listing * Advances in channel-adaptive video streaming
* Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
* Combined Forecasting Method of Landslide Deformation Based on MEEMD, Approximate Entropy, and WLS-SVM
* Crops Fine Classification in Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Multi-Feature Fusion and Deep Learning
* Deep Correlation Filter Tracking With Shepherded Instance-Aware Proposals
* DSNet: Deep and Shallow Feature Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Extended Polar Format Algorithm for Joint Envelope and Phase Error Correction in Widefield Staring SAR with Maneuvering Trajectory, An
* Fault recognition using an ensemble classifier based on Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Class-Incremental Learning with Knowledge Distillation
* Joint Spatio-Temporal Similarity and Discrimination Learning for Visual Tracking
* Learning Target-specific Response Attention for Siamese Network Based Visual Tracking
* Low-latency video transmission over lossy packet networks using rate-distortion optimized reference picture selection
* Network-Adaptive Low-Latency Video Communication Over Best-Effort Networks
* Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided NOMA Optical Wireless Communication System in Underwater Turbulence Environment
* Precise Crop Classification Using Spectral-Spatial-Location Fusion Based on Conditional Random Fields for UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Prescient R-D optimized packet dependency management for low-latency video streaming
* Robust visual tracking via spatio-temporal adaptive and channel selective correlation filters
* Spatial-Spectral Fusion Based on Conditional Random Fields for the Fine Classification of Crops in UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Study of a Gray Genetic BP Neural Network Model in Fault Monitoring and a Diagnosis System for Dam Safety
* TSGB: Target-Selective Gradient Backprop for Probing CNN Visual Saliency
* Underwater object detection algorithm based on feature enhancement and progressive dynamic aggregation strategy
* Who Will Travel With Me? Personalized Ranking Using Attributed Network Embedding for Pooling
Includes: Liang, Y.J. Liang, Y.J.[Yue-Ji] Liang, Y.J.[Ya-Jing] Liang, Y.J.[Yan-Jie] Liang, Y.J.[Yu-Jie] Liang, Y.J.[Ya-Jun] Liang, Y.J.[Yi J.] Liang, Y.J.[Yan-Jun] Liang, Y.J.[Ying-Jie] Liang, Y.J.[Yun-Ji]
22 for Liang, Y.J.
Liang, Y.L.[Ya Ling]
Co Author Listing * Attention-based Broad Self-guided Network for Low-light Image Enhancement
* Ecological Restoration Projects Adapt Response of Net Primary Productivity of Alpine Grasslands to Climate Change across the Tibetan Plateau
* GlobalAP: Global average precision optimization for person re-identification
* Improved Algorithm for Defogging of Sky Images Based on Dark Channel Prior
* Interlaced Perception for Person Re-identification Based on Swin Transformer
* LRHW-AP: Using ranking-based metric as loss for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Task Multi-Stage Transitional Training Framework for Neural Chat Translation, A
* Video Supervoxels Using Partially Absorbing Random Walks
Includes: Liang, Y.L.[Ya Ling] Liang, Y.L.[Ya-Ling] Liang, Y.L.[Yu-Ling] Liang, Y.L.[Yan-Lin] Liang, Y.L.[Yun-Long]
8 for Liang, Y.L.
Liang, Y.M.[Yan Mei]
Co Author Listing * Deconvolution methods for image deblurring in optical coherence tomography
* Human Object Inpainting Using Manifold Learning-Based Posture Sequence Estimation
* Learning Atomic Human Actions Using Variable-Length Markov Models
* Linear production game solution to a PTZ camera network
* Pedestrian detection and tracking at crossroads
* RST-Tolerant Shape Descriptor for Object Detection, An
* Signal processing for sidelobe suppression in optical coherence tomography images
* Video object inpainting using manifold-based action prediction
Includes: Liang, Y.M.[Yan Mei] Liang, Y.M.[Yan-Mei] Liang, Y.M.[Yu-Ming]
8 for Liang, Y.M.
Liang, Y.P.[Ying Ping]
Co Author Listing * Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
* Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-guided networks for moving vehicle detection and tracking in satellite videos
* Improved COVID-19 Lung X-Ray Image Classification Algorithm Based on ConvNeXt Network, An
* LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
* MPI-Flow: Learning Realistic Optical Flow with Multiplane Images
* multi-objective optimization model for RSU deployment in intelligent expressways based on traffic adaptability, A
* Multimodal Material Segmentation
* SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Moving Vehicle Detection in Satellite Videos
Includes: Liang, Y.P.[Ying Ping] Liang, Y.P.[Ying-Ping] Liang, Y.P.[Yu-Ping] Liang, Y.P.[Yu-Peng] Liang, Y.P.[Yan-Ping]
8 for Liang, Y.P.
Liang, Y.Q.[Yi Qing]
Co Author Listing * email: Liang, Y.Q.[Yi Qing]: yliang AT advco com
* 3D Scene Creation and Rendering via Rough Meshes: A Lighting Transfer Avenue
* Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using fast motion vector reestimation
* Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using H.26L standard
* Classified Vector SPIHT Forwavelet Image Coding
* Disentangled Clothed Avatar Generation from Text Descriptions
* Efficient virtual network transmission using correlated equilibrium on Xen-based platform
* Enhancement method for non-uniform scattering images of turbid underwater based on neural network
* Few-shot relational triple extraction with hierarchical prototype optimization
* fusion-attention swin transformer for cardiac MRI image segmentation, A
* MeshMAE: Masked Autoencoders for 3D Mesh Data Analysis
* Multiple Motion Detection Using Genetic Algorithms
* new nonlocal variational bi-regularized image restoration model via split Bregman method, A
* On the methods and performances of rational downsizing video transcoding
* SCGTracker: Spatio-temporal correlation and graph neural networks for multiple object tracking
* Semantic Attention Flow Fields for Monocular Dynamic Scene Decomposition
* Simulation of Urban Scale Expansion Under the Restriction of Land Price Based on GIS and CA
* Spatial Relationship and Evolution of World Cultural Heritage Sites and Neighbouring Towns, The
* System and method for object identification and behavior characterization using video analysis
* Video transcoding for fast forward/reverse video playback
Includes: Liang, Y.Q.[Yi Qing] Liang, Y.Q.[Yu-Qin] Liang, Y.Q.[Yong-Qing] Liang, Y.Q.[Yong-Quan] Liang, Y.Q.[Ya-Qian] Liang, Y.Q.[Yi-Qing] Liang, Y.Q.[Yan-Qing] Liang, Y.Q.[Yong-Qi]
20 for Liang, Y.Q.
Liang, Y.R.[Yen Rong]
Co Author Listing * Association of Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait with Distributions and Habitat Characteristics of Three Swimming Crabs
Includes: Liang, Y.R.[Yen Rong] Liang, Y.R.[Yen-Rong]
Liang, Y.S.[Yan Shuo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Plasticity Improvement for Continual Learning
* Automated Extraction of Ground Fissures Due to Coal Mining Subsidence Based on UAV Photogrammetry
* Bilateral Fast Low-Rank Representation With Equivalent Transformation for Subspace Clustering
* Decoupled Spatial-Channel Inverted Bottleneck For Image Compression, A
* Diverse part attentive network for video-based person re-identification
* Evaluating the Open Source Data Containers for Handling Big Geospatial Raster Data
* Exploring Structural Sparsity in Neural Image Compression
* Fast Universal Low Rank Representation
* FOTV-HQS: A Fractional-order Total Variation Model for Lidar Super-resolution with Deep Unfolding Network
* Improving generalization of double low-rank representation using Schatten-p norm
* InfLoRA: Interference-Free Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning
* Maanu-Net: Multi-Level Attention and Atrous Pyramid Nested U-Net for Wrecked Objects Segmentation in Forward-Looking Sonar Images
* Mbb: A Multi-Scale Method for Data Based on Bit Plane Slicing
* Multirate Progressive Entropy Model for Learned Image Compression
* Multispectral Remote Sensing Monitoring of Soil Particle-Size Distribution in Arid and Semi-Arid Mining Areas in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yellow River Basin: A Case Study of Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
* Nonlinear Transforms in Learned Image Compression From a Communication Perspective
* Pick-and-Place Transform Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
* Robust Tensor Recovery for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Self-Completed Bipartite Graph Learning for Fast Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Semi-Supervised CT Lesion Segmentation Using Uncertainty-Based Data Pairing and SwapMix
* Spatial-Temporal Asynchronous Normalization for Unsupervised 3D Action Representation Learning
* Unified Information Fusion Network for Multi-Modal RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
Includes: Liang, Y.S.[Yan Shuo] Liang, Y.S.[Yan-Shuo] Liang, Y.S.[Yu-Sheng] Liang, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng] Liang, Y.S.[Yan-Shou] Liang, Y.S.[Yong-Shun] Liang, Y.S.[Ying-Shuo]
22 for Liang, Y.S.
Liang, Y.T.[Yu Ting]
Co Author Listing * Beautiful China Construction Evaluation Method Based on POIs: Case Study of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Includes: Liang, Y.T.[Yu Ting] Liang, Y.T.[Yu-Ting]
Liang, Y.W.[Yi Wen]
Co Author Listing * Attentive Deep K-SVD Network for Patch Correlated Image Denoising
* Automatic Identification for the Boundaries of InSAR Anomalous Deformation Areas Based on Semantic Segmentation Model
* Automatic Mapping of Potential Landslides Using Satellite Multitemporal Interferometry
* Landslide Risk Assessment Using a Combined Approach Based on InSAR and Random Forest
Includes: Liang, Y.W.[Yi Wen] Liang, Y.W.[Yi-Wen]
Liang, Y.X.[Yan Xia]
Co Author Listing * adaptive image compression algorithm based on joint clustering algorithm and deep learning, An
* Aerosols Direct Radiative Effects Combined Ground-Based Lidar and Sun-Photometer Observations: Cases Comparison between Haze and Dust Events in Beijing
* Automated lesion segmentation in fundus images with many-to-many reassembly of features
* Brave the Wind and the Waves: Discovering Robust and Generalizable Graph Lottery Tickets
* Defect Spectrum: A Granular Look of Large-scale Defect Datasets with Rich Semantics
* DualFormer: Local-Global Stratified Transformer for Efficient Video Recognition
* Exploring Effective Knowledge Distillation for Tiny Object Detection
* Exploring regularized feature selection for person specific face verification
* Feature selection via simultaneous sparse approximation for person specific face verification
* Generalizing relevance weighted LDA
* Image Segmentation and Recognition for Multi-Class Chinese Food
* LucidDreamer: Towards High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation via Interval Score Matching
* Many birds, one stone: Medical image segmentation with multiple partially labeled datasets
* Modeling global distribution for federated learning with label distribution skew
* Multi-model adaptive predictive control for path following of autonomous vehicles
* Multi-task GLOH feature selection for human age estimation
* Novel Combined Decision and Control Scheme for Autonomous Vehicle in Structured Road Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control, A
* Preliminary Assessment and Verification of the Langley Plots Calibration of the Sun Photometer at Mt Foyeding Observatory, Beijing
* Quantitative Evaluation of Dust and Black Carbon Column Concentration in the MERRA-2 Reanalysis Dataset Using Satellite-Based Component Retrievals
* Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis
* Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of the Vertical Profile of Aerosol Optical Properties in Urban Beijing, 2017-2021
* Self-Supervised Learning for Time Series Analysis: Taxonomy, Progress, and Prospects
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Urban Industry in Modern China (1840-1949): A Case Study of Nanjing
* Stacked Capsule Graph Autoencoders for geometry-aware 3D head pose estimation
* Think Holistically, Act Down-to-Earth: A Semantic Navigation Strategy With Continuous Environmental Representation and Multi-Step Forward Planning
* Uncorrelated linear discriminant analysis based on weighted pairwise Fisher criterion
Includes: Liang, Y.X.[Yan Xia] Liang, Y.X.[Yan-Xia] Liang, Y.X.[Yuan-Xin] Liang, Y.X.[Yi-Xiong] Liang, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan] Liang, Y.X.[Yi-Xun] Liang, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang] Liang, Y.X.[Yi-Xiao] Liang, Y.X.[Yi-Xin] Liang, Y.X.[Yu-Xin]
26 for Liang, Y.X.
Liang, Y.Y.[Yan Yan]
Co Author Listing * Abnormal gesture recognition based on multi-model fusion strategy
* Attack-Agnostic Deep Face Anti-Spoofing
* CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-Spoofing
* Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* CSDG-FAS: Closed-Space Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing
* Decoupling and Recoupling Spatiotemporal Representation for RGB-D-based Motion Recognition
* Deep Online Fused Video Stabilization
* Disentangling Facial Pose and Appearance Information for Face Anti-spoofing
* Frequency Feature Pyramid Network With Global-Local Consistency Loss for Crowd-and-Vehicle Counting in Congested Scenes
* GARNet: Global-aware multi-view 3D reconstruction network and the cost-performance tradeoff
* Gloss-free Sign Language Translation: Improving from Visual-Language Pretraining
* Long-Range Grouping Transformer for Multi-View 3D Reconstruction
* Lunar Crater Detection on Digital Elevation Model: A Complete Workflow Using Deep Learning and Its Application
* Multi-modal Contextual Graph Neural Network for Text Visual Question Answering
* Multiple object tracking by reliable tracklets
* Novel Framework for Road Side Unit Location Optimization for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation, A
* PFC-UNIT: Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Pre-Trained Fine-Grained Classification
* Region-Based Context Enhanced Network for Robust Multiple Face Alignment
* Roadside unit location for information propagation promotion on two parallel roadways with a general headway distribution
* RVFace: Reliable Vector Guided Softmax Loss for Face Recognition
* UMIFormer: Mining the Correlations between Similar Tokens for Multi-View 3D Reconstruction
* Unified Multimodal De- and Re-Coupling Framework for RGB-D Motion Recognition, A
Includes: Liang, Y.Y.[Yan Yan] Liang, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan] Liang, Y.Y.[Ying-Yu] Liang, Y.Y.[Yao-Yuan] Liang, Y.Y.[Ying-Yi] Liang, Y.Y.[Yun-Yi] Liang, Y.Y.[Yu-Ying]
23 for Liang, Y.Y.
Liang, Y.Z.[Yan Zhen]
Co Author Listing * Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral Reflectance of Copper-Stressed Leaves
* Assessing the Impact of Urbanization and Eco-Environmental Quality on Regional Carbon Storage: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Analysis Framework
* Comparison and Synthesis of Precipitation Data from CloudSat CPR and GPM KaPR
* Edge Computing and Sensor-Cloud: Overview, Solutions, and Directions
* Food and Ingredient Joint Learning for Fine-Grained Recognition
* IcoCap: Improving Video Captioning by Compounding Images
* Identifying Surface Urban Heat Island Drivers and Their Spatial Heterogeneity in China's 281 Cities: An Empirical Study Based on Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
* Large-Scale Estimation of Hourly Surface Air Temperature Based on Observations from the FY-4A Geostationary Satellite
* MAAL: Multimodality-Aware Autoencoder-based Affordance Learning for 3D Articulated Objects
* Removing Raindrops and Rain Streaks in One Go
* Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmospheric Parameters From Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Image Using a Feature-Band Linear-Format Hybrid Algorithm
* SEEG: Semantic Energized Co-speech Gesture Generation
* Simple Episodic Linear Probe Improves Visual Recognition in the Wild, A
* VrR-VG: Refocusing Visually-Relevant Relationships
Includes: Liang, Y.Z.[Yan Zhen] Liang, Y.Z.[Yan-Zhen] Liang, Y.Z.[Ying-Zi] Liang, Y.Z.[Yan-Zhi] Liang, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhu] Liang, Y.Z.[Yuan-Zhi]
14 for Liang, Y.Z.
Liang, Z.
Co Author Listing * 3D-GLCM CNN: A 3-Dimensional Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix-Based CNN Model for Polyp Classification via CT Colonography
* 3DSFLabelling: Boosting 3D Scene Flow Estimation by Pseudo Auto-Labelling
* Adaptive Data Collection and Offloading in Multi-UAV-Assisted Maritime IoT Systems: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Attribution of Vegetation Dynamics in the Yellow River Water Conservation Area Based on the Deep ConvLSTM Model
* automatic clustering algorithm based on the density-peak framework and Chameleon method, An
* Benchmark for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Bus Signal Priority Control Method Based on Video Detection Technology at Urban Intersection
* CameraNet: A Two-Stage Framework for Effective Camera ISP Learning
* Context-Dependent Effect of Urban Form on Air Pollution: A Panel Data Analysis, The
* Contrast Enhancement by Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Coupled Level Set Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation With Application to MR Cystography, A
* Delta-density based clustering with a divide-and-conquer strategy: 3DC clustering
* Depth-aware total variation regularization for underwater image dehazing
* Detecting as Labeling: Rethinking Lidar-camera Fusion in 3d Object Detection
* Dominant Factors in the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
* Efficient Reconstruction Method for Nonuniform Attenuation Compensation in Nonparallel Beam Geometries Based on Novikov's Explicit Inversion Formula, An
* EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis, An
* Estimation of Daily Arctic Winter Sea Ice Thickness from Thermodynamic Parameters Using a Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network
* Evaluation of an Efficient Compensation Method for Quantitative Fan-Beam Brain SPECT Reconstruction
* Exploring Complementary Models Consisting of Machine Learning Algorithms for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Exploring the Combined Effect of Urbanization and Climate Variability on Urban Vegetation: A Multi-Perspective Study Based on More than 3000 Cities in China
* Extracting Information From Previous Full-Dose CT Scan for Knowledge-Based Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* FDM: Document image seen-through removal via Fuzzy Diffusion Models
* Feature-Domain Proximal High-Dimensional Gradient Descent Network for Image Compressed Sensing
* FGN: Fully Guided Network for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation
* Glyph-BYT5: A Customized Text Encoder for Accurate Visual Text Rendering
* Graph Convolutional Network-Based Image Matting Algorithm for Computer Vision Applications
* GUDCP: Generalization of Underwater Dark Channel Prior for Underwater Image Restoration
* High Resolution Representation-Based Siamese Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* High-Precision Disparity Estimation for Lunar Scene Using Optimized Census Transform and Superpixel Refinement
* Hybrid L1-L0 Layer Decomposition Model for Tone Mapping, A
* Hybrid Model Consisting of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, A
* Impact of Assimilating Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder Observations from Long- and Middle-Wave Bands on Weather Forecasts with a Locally Cloud-Resolving Global Model
* Improved Algorithm for the Retrieval of the Antarctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness from ICESat-2 Altimeter Data, An
* Joint Denoising and Demosaicking With Green Channel Prior for Real-World Burst Images
* Learning for Disparity Estimation Through Feature Constancy
* Local Semantic Siamese Networks for Fast Tracking
* Low-Dose Dynamic Cerebral Perfusion Computed Tomography Reconstruction via Kronecker-Basis-Representation Tensor Sparsity Regularization
* Multiobject Tracking by Submodular Optimization
* New Channel Errors Estimation Method for Multichannel SAR Based on Virtual Calibration Source
* NMF-Based Comprehensive Latent Factor Learning with Multiview Data
* Novel Analytic Quantization-Distortion Model for Hybrid Video Coding, A
* novel approach to extract colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
* Online Link Strength Trend Model Based on Content and Topology
* Optimization of Spatiotemporal Clustering for Target Tracking From Multisensor Data
* Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-Dose X-Ray Computed Tomography
* PR-PL: A Novel Prototypical Representation Based Pairwise Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition Using EEG Signals
* Real-time automatic helmet detection of motorcyclists in urban traffic using improved YOLOv5 detector
* Real-Time Superpixel Segmentation by DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm
* refinement framework for background subtraction based on color and depth data, A
* Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking data
* Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Application to Yarn Surface Evaluation
* Research on Rutting Deformation Monitoring Method Based on Intelligent Aggregate
* Research on Susceptibility Mapping of Multiple Geological Hazards in Yanzi River Basin, China, A
* Retrieval-based cartoon gesture recognition and applications via semi-supervised heterogeneous classifiers learning
* Robust Low-Dose CT Sinogram Preprocessing via Exploiting Noise-Generating Mechanism
* S2dnas: Transforming Static Cnn Model for Dynamic Inference via Neural Architecture Search
* Salient object detection using content-sensitive hypergraph representation and partitioning
* Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval
* Security Analysis of Multimedia Encryption Schemes Based on Multiple Huffman Table
* Self-Learning With Rectification Strategy for Human Parsing
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Label Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction: A Multi-Dataset Study
* Semi-Supervised SPO Tree Classifier Based on the DPC Framework
* Spectral CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Representation and Region-Specific Texture Preserving Markov Random Field Regularization
* Temporal Video Denoising Based on Multihypothesis Motion Compensation
* Texture Feature Extraction and Analysis for Polyp Differentiation via Computed Tomography Colonography
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Piecewise Color Correction and Dual Prior Optimized Contrast Enhancement
* Underwater Image Quality Improvement via Color, Detail, and Contrast Restoration
* unified reconstruction framework for both parallel-beam and variable focal-length fan-beam collimators by a Cormack-type inversion of exponential Radon transform, A
* Unsupervised Time-Aware Sampling Network With Deep Reinforcement Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
Includes: Liang, Z. Liang, Z.[Zhujin] Liang, Z.[Ziyi] Liang, Z.[Zhi] Liang, Z.[Zhou] Liang, Z.[Ze] Liang, Z.[Zheng] Liang, Z.[Zeyu] Liang, Z.[Zhu] Liang, Z.[Zongbao] Liang, Z.[Ziwen] Liang, Z.[Zhanhao] Liang, Z.[Zhen] Liang, Z.[Zhetong] Liang, Z.[Zhexin] Liang, Z.[Zundong] Liang, Z.[Zhang]
72 for Liang, Z.
Liang, Z.B.[Zong Bao]
Co Author Listing * Joint Attention Mechanism Feature Selection for Single Image Reflection Separation
Includes: Liang, Z.B.[Zong Bao] Liang, Z.B.[Zong-Bao]
Liang, Z.C.[Zhong Chao]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control for Autonomous Vehicle With Unknown Actuator Parameters and Saturated Tire Force Based on the Center of Percussion
* Distributed Fixed-Time Control for Leader-Steered Rigid Shape Formation With Prescribed Performance
* Fixed-Time and Fault-Tolerant Path-Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles With Unknown Parameters Subject to Prescribed Performance
* Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity from Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder Using a U-Net Algorithm
* MRI Information-Based Correction and Restoration of Photoacoustic Tomography
* UAV-Mounted GPR for Object Detection Based on Cross-Correlation Background Subtraction Method
* Velocity-Based Path Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles to Avoid Exceeding Road Friction Limits Using Sliding Mode Method
* Viticultural Suitability Analysis Based on Multi-Source Data Highlights Climate-Change-Induced Decrease in Potential Suitable Areas: A Case Analysis in Ningxia, China
Includes: Liang, Z.C.[Zhong Chao] Liang, Z.C.[Zhong-Chao] Liang, Z.C.[Zi-Chao] Liang, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao] Liang, Z.C.[Zi-Chang] Liang, Z.C.[Zhen-Chang]
8 for Liang, Z.C.
Liang, Z.D.[Zun Dong]
Co Author Listing * Asphalt Pavement Compaction and Vehicle Speed Monitoring Using Intelligent Aggregate
* RangeIoUDet: Range Image based Real-Time 3D Object Detector Optimized by Intersection over Union
* Registration-enhanced multiple instance learning for cervical cancer whole slide image classification
Includes: Liang, Z.D.[Zun Dong] Liang, Z.D.[Zun-Dong] Liang, Z.D.[Zhi-Dong] Liang, Z.D.[Zhen-Dong]
Liang, Z.F.[Zi Fei]
Co Author Listing * 3D MRI image super-resolution for brain combining rigid and large diffeomorphic registration
* Crots: Cross-Domain Teacher-Student Learning for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Improved Real-Time Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Deep Learning Features, An
* Learning Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Context Ultra-Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Parallax Attention for Unsupervised Stereo Correspondence Learning
* Stereo Matching Using Multi-Level Cost Volume and Multi-Scale Feature Constancy
* Unified Framework for Depth Prediction from a Single Image and Binocular Stereo Matching, A
Includes: Liang, Z.F.[Zi Fei] Liang, Z.F.[Zi-Fei] Liang, Z.F.[Zheng-Fa] Liang, Z.F.[Zhi-Feng]
8 for Liang, Z.F.
Liang, Z.G.[Zhi Guo]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Canopy Clumping Index Measuring Methods and Analysis of Their Impact
* Reconstruction and Visualization of 3D Models of Colonic Surface
Includes: Liang, Z.G.[Zhi Guo] Liang, Z.G.[Zhi-Guo] Liang, Z.G.
Liang, Z.H.[Zhi Hao]
Co Author Listing * Analytic-splatting: Anti-aliased 3d Gaussian Splatting via Analytic Integration
* Automated Vehicle Identification Based on Car-Following Data With Machine Learning
* Consistent Posterior Distributions Under Vessel-Mixing: A Regularization for Cross-Domain Retinal Artery/Vein Classification
* Creative Flow+ Dataset
* Expediting Large-Scale Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction Without Fine-Tuning
* Exploring Diversity-Based Active Learning for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* GS-IR: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Inverse Rendering
* HelixSurf: A Robust and Efficient Neural Implicit Surface Learning of Indoor Scenes with Iterative Intertwined Regularization
* Instance Segmentation in 3D Scenes using Semantic Superpoint Tree Networks
* Lunar Exploration Based on Ground-Based Radar: Current Research Progress and Future Prospects
* MMVP: A Multimodal MoCap Dataset with Vision and Pressure Sensors
* MSGAT: Multi-Stage Graph Attention Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Picture Decomposition Algorithm Using a Pictoral Information Measure, A
* Resource Allocation of Netted Opportunistic Array Radar for Maneuvering Target Tracking under Uncertain Conditions
* StructToken: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation With Structural Prior
* SUR^2F: A Hybrid Representation for High-quality and Efficient Surface Reconstruction from Multi-view Images
* Two-Step Accuracy Improvement for Multitarget Detection in Complex Environment Using UWB Radar
* VISTA: Boosting 3D Object Detection via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention
Includes: Liang, Z.H.[Zhi Hao] Liang, Z.H.[Zhi-Hao] Liang, Z.H.[Zhao-Hui] Liang, Z.H.[Zhe-Han] Liang, Z.H.[Zi-Heng] Liang, Z.H.[Zhan-Hao] Liang, Z.H.[Zi-Hang] Liang, Z.H.[Zheng-Hao] Liang, Z.H.[Ze-Huan] Liang, Z.H.[Zhi-Heng] Liang, Z.H.[Zhi-Huan]
18 for Liang, Z.H.
Liang, Z.J.[Zhi Jie]
Co Author Listing * Dataset and Model for the Visual Quality Assessment of Inversely Tone-Mapped HDR Videos, A
* GPNF: A Point Cloud Registration Framework Using Sharp Global Linear Attention Prior and Neighborhood Filtering Strategy
* Hierarchical Temporal Context Learning for Camera-based Semantic Scene Completion
* Integrating multi-stage depth-induced contextual information for human action recognition and localization
* Salient object detection with image-level binary supervision
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection on Light Fields
* Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection With Saliency Bounding Boxes
Includes: Liang, Z.J.[Zhi Jie] Liang, Z.J.[Zhi-Jie] Liang, Z.J.[Zhu-Jin] Liang, Z.J.[Zi-Jian]
7 for Liang, Z.J.
Liang, Z.L.[Zhen Lin]
Co Author Listing * Attention-Based Dense LSTM for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Event Detection by Velocity Pyramid
* Spatiotemporal Distribution of CO in the UTLS Region in the Asian Summer Monsoon Season: Analysis of MLS Observations and CMIP6 Simulations
Includes: Liang, Z.L.[Zhen Lin] Liang, Z.L.[Zhen-Lin] Liang, Z.L.[Zhuo-Lin] Liang, Z.L.[Zi-Ling]
Liang, Z.M.[Zhen Ming]
Co Author Listing * Efficient graph attentional network for 3D object detection from Frustum-based LiDAR point clouds
Includes: Liang, Z.M.[Zhen Ming] Liang, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming]
Liang, Z.N.[Zhen Nan]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Double Threshold Detection Method for Range-Spread Targets
* Slow-Time MIMO Waveform Design Using Pulse-Agile-Phase-Coding for Range Ambiguity Mitigation
Includes: Liang, Z.N.[Zhen Nan] Liang, Z.N.[Zhen-Nan]
Liang, Z.P.[Zhi Pei]
Co Author Listing * Accelerating Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Signal Processing Meets Nuclear Spins
* Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automated Photogrammetric Tool for Landslide Recognition and Volume Calculation Using Time-Lapse Imagery
* Automated Registration of Multimodality Images by Maximization of a Region Similarity Measure
* Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding
* Data-Consistent Linear Prediction Method for Image-Reconstruction from Finite Fourier Samples, A
* Dynamic Imaging by Model Estimation
* Dynamic imaging by object modeling and estimation
* efficient method for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, An
* Estimation of the joint probability of multisensory signals
* Exploiting the Dependencies in Information Fusion
* Fast algorithms for GS-model-based image reconstruction in data-sharing fourier imaging
* Further analysis of interpolation effects in mutual information-based image registration
* Fusing Audio and Visual Features of Speech
* generalized series approach to MR spectroscopic imaging, A
* High-Dimensional MR Spatiospectral Imaging by Integrating Physics-Based Modeling and Data-Driven Machine Learning: Current progress and future directions
* hybrid NN-Bayesian architecture for information fusion, A
* Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled (k,t)-Space Data With Joint Partial Separability and Sparsity Constraints
* Improved Model-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
* Joint spatiotemporal statistical analysis of functional MRI data
* Landmark-based shape deformation with topology-preserving constraints
* Machine Learning-Enabled High-Resolution Dynamic Deuterium MR Spectroscopic Imaging
* Maximum cross-entropy generalized series reconstruction
* model-based method for phase unwrapping, A
* Model-Based MR Parameter Mapping With Sparsity Constraints: Parameter Estimation and Performance Bounds
* Orbit Predictions for Space Object Tracked by Ground-Based Optical and SLR Stations
* Parallel MRI Using Phased Array Coils
* Partial Radon Transforms
* Shape Deformation: SVM Regression and Application to Medical Image Segmentation
* Special Issue: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Signal Processing
* Subspace Model-Assisted Deep Learning for Improved Image Reconstruction
* Template Deformation Constrained by Shape Priors
* Thresholding Based on Maximum Weighted Object Correlation for Rail Defect Detection
* Toward a neuroscope: a real-time imaging system for evaluation of brain function
* Unwrapping of MR Phase Images Using a Markov Random Field Model
Includes: Liang, Z.P.[Zhi Pei] Liang, Z.P.[Zhi-Pei] Liang, Z.P. Liang, Z.P.[Zhi-Peng] Liang, Z.P.[Zheng-Ping]
35 for Liang, Z.P.
Liang, Z.Q.[Ze Quan]
Co Author Listing * Automated Scoring of Asynchronous Interview Videos Based on Multi-Modal Window-Consistency Fusion
* Binaural Loudness Spectra Analysis of Individualized Binaural Room Impulse Responses
* Comparison of Principal Components Analysis on Linear and Logarithmic Magnitude of Head-Related Transfer Functions
* How Well Can IMERG Products Capture Typhoon Extreme Precipitation Events over Southern China?
* Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Temporal Filter for Video Denoising, A
* Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution in the Monsoon Season Observed in Southern China
* Study on Measurement Methods of Masking Thresholds
Includes: Liang, Z.Q.[Ze Quan] Liang, Z.Q.[Ze-Quan] Liang, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang] Liang, Z.Q.[Zhen-Qing] Liang, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qin]
7 for Liang, Z.Q.
Liang, Z.R.[Zheng Rong]
Co Author Listing * Automatic centerline extraction for virtual colonoscopy
* Benefits of angular expression to reconstruction algorithms for collimators with spatially varying focal lengths
* Detecting Bladder Abnormalities Based on Inter-layer Intensity Curve for Virtual Cystoscopy
* Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Learning-Driven Lesion Diagnosis in Pre-Log Domain
* Fast Analytical Reconstruction Of Gated Cardiac Spect With Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation
* Feasibility Study of Extracting Tissue Textures From a Previous Full-Dose CT Database as Prior Knowledge for Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images, A
* Haustral Fold Segmentation of CT Colonography Using Ridge Line Detection
* Image matching for translation, rotation and uniform scaling by the Radon transform
* Improved Curvature Estimation for Shape Analysis in Computer-Aided Detection of Colonic Polyps
* Learned Tensor Neural Network Texture Prior for Photon-Counting CT Reconstruction
* Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Bayesian Reconstruction of Low-Dose CT
* Novel Dual LevelSets Competition Model for Colon Region Segmentation, A
* theoretical solution to MAP-EM partial volume segmentation of medical images, A
* Total Variation-Stokes Strategy for Sparse-View X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
Includes: Liang, Z.R.[Zheng Rong] Liang, Z.R.[Zheng-Rong]
14 for Liang, Z.R.
Liang, Z.S.[Zao Shan]
Co Author Listing * efficient forgery detection algorithm for object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting, An
* Ipsilateral Lesion Detection Refinement for Tomosynthesis
Includes: Liang, Z.S.[Zao Shan] Liang, Z.S.[Zao-Shan] Liang, Z.S.[Zi-Sheng]
Liang, Z.S.J.[Zhang Sheng John]
Co Author Listing * Privacy preserving crowd monitoring: Counting people without people models or tracking
Includes: Liang, Z.S.J.[Zhang Sheng John] Liang, Z.S.J.[Zhang-Sheng John]
Liang, Z.T.[Zhe Tong]
Co Author Listing * Benchmark for Chinese-English Scene Text Image Super-resolution, A
* Decoupled Learning Scheme for Real-world Burst Denoising from Raw Images, A
* HDR Video Reconstruction: A Coarse-to-fine Network and A Real-world Benchmark Dataset
* Joint HDR Denoising and Fusion: A Real-World Mobile HDR Image Dataset
* Text Attention Network for Spatial Deformation Robust Scene Text Image Super-resolution, A
Includes: Liang, Z.T.[Zhe Tong] Liang, Z.T.[Zhe-Tong]
Liang, Z.W.[Zhi Wen]
Co Author Listing * Augmenting Heteronanostructure Visualization with Haptic Feedback
* Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning Algorithms for Maize Residue Cover Prediction
* Correlation between Spectral Characteristics and Physicochemical Parameters of Soda-Saline Soils in Different States
* Dispense Mode for Inference to Accelerate Branchynet
* Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing in the Meadow Soil Region of Northeast China
* Integration of semantic and visual hashing for image retrieval
* Large Factor Image Super-Resolution With Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Branch Networks for Video Super-Resolution With Dynamic Reconstruction Strategy
* Multi-Scale Semantic Map Distillation for Lightweight Pavement Crack Detection
Includes: Liang, Z.W.[Zhi Wen] Liang, Z.W.[Zhi-Wen] Liang, Z.W.[Zheng-Wei] Liang, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei] Liang, Z.W.[Zhen-Wen]
9 for Liang, Z.W.
Liang, Z.X.[Zun Xun]
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Extraction Technology for Aquaculture Ponds in Complex Geological Environments Based on Multispectral Feature Fusion of Medium-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* DarkLight Networks for Action Recognition in the Dark
* Domain Adaptable Normalization for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition in the Dark
* EDERF: Updating Local Scenes and Editing Across Fields for Real-time Dynamic Reconstruction of Road Scene
* Framework for Separating Climate and Anthropogenic Contributions to Evapotranspiration Changes in Natural to Agricultural Regions of Watersheds Based on Machine Learning, A
* fusion representation for face learning by low-rank constrain and high-frequency texture components, A
* HDGN: Heat diffusion graph network for few-shot learning
* Iterative Prompt Learning for Unsupervised Backlit Image Enhancement
* Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization
* Learning Transformation Synchronization
* Multilevel Geometric Feature Embedding in Transformer Network for ALS Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Path-Invariant Map Networks
* SkillDiffuser: Interpretable Hierarchical Planning via Skill Abstractions in Diffusion-Based Task Execution
* Spectral clustering based on high-frequency texture components for face datasets
* TRACL: Temporal reconstruction and adaptive consistency loss for semi-supervised video semantic segmentation
* View knowledge transfer network for multi-view action recognition
Includes: Liang, Z.X.[Zun Xun] Liang, Z.X.[Zun-Xun] Liang, Z.X.[Zi-Xi] Liang, Z.X.[Zhao-Xiang] Liang, Z.X.[Zi-Xin] Liang, Z.X.[Ze-Xiao] Liang, Z.X.[Zhe-Xin] Liang, Z.X.[Zhen-Xiao] Liang, Z.X.[Zhuan-Xin] Liang, Z.X.[Zhi-Xuan] Liang, Z.X.[Zhi-Xue]
16 for Liang, Z.X.
Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng Yuan]
Co Author Listing * Beyond Accessibility: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Urban Park Equity in Yangzhou, China
* De-confounded Gaze Estimation
* Examining Spatial Disparities in Electric Vehicle Public Charging Infrastructure Distribution Using a Multidimensional Framework in Nanjing, China
* Face Forensics in the Wild
* Geometry of Nonlinear Embeddings in Kernel Discriminant Analysis, The
* Hardmix: A Regularization Method to Mitigate the Large Shift in Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
* Hybrid network model based on 3D convolutional neural network and scalable graph convolutional network for hyperspectral image classification
* Learning Non-Local Spatial-Angular Correlation for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* LFNAT 2023 Challenge on Light Field Depth Estimation: Methods and Results
* Light Field Image Super-Resolution With Transformers
* MFFnet: Multimodal Feature Fusion Network for Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Image Land Cover Classification
* Multi-Granularity Context Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Not All Patches Are Equal: Hierarchical Dataset Condensation for Single Image Super-Resolution
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Dataset, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Occlusion-Aware Cost Constructor for Light Field Depth Estimation
* Person Foreground Segmentation by Learning Multi-Domain Networks
* Recognition Algorithm for Letter Digital Images Based on the Centroid, A
* Retrieval of O3, NO2, BrO and OClO Columns from Ground-Based Zenith Scattered Light DOAS Measurements in Summer and Autumn over the Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
* Tree Energy Loss: Towards Sparsely Annotated Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng Yuan] Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yuan] Liang, Z.Y.[Zi-Yang] Liang, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan] Liang, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu] Liang, Z.Y.[Zi-Yun] Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yin] Liang, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yu] Liang, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu] Liang, Z.Y.[Zhen-Ying] Liang, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yong]
21 for Liang, Z.Y.
Liang, Z.Z.[Zhi Zheng]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive weighted learning for linear regression problems via Kullback-Leibler divergence
* analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices, An
* Blockwise projection matrix versus blockwise data on undersampled problems: Analysis, comparison and applications
* Correlation classifiers based on data perturbation: New formulations and algorithms
* Effects of Land Use/Cover Change on Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in the Yellow River Basin of China from 2000 to 2030
* Feature extraction based on Lp-norm generalized principal component analysis
* Feature selection for linear support vector machines
* Fine-Resolution Mapping of Soil Total Nitrogen across China Based on Weighted Model Averaging
* High-dimensional discriminant analysis and its application to color face images
* Improving Rainfall Erosivity Estimates Using Merged TRMM and Gauge Data
* Interest filter vs. interest operator: Face recognition using Fisher linear discriminant based on interest filter representation
* Kernel direct discriminant analysis and its theoretical foundation
* L1-norm discriminant analysis via Bhattacharyya error bounds under Laplace distributions
* Majorization-Minimization Approach to Lq Norm Multiple Kernel Learning, A
* metasynthetic approach for segmenting handwritten Chinese character strings, A
* Multiple kernel learning from sets of partially matching image features
* Multiple kernels for generalised discriminant analysis
* note on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis, A
* Novel Null Space-Based Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition, A
* Real-time segmentation of various insulators using generative adversarial networks
* regularization framework for robust dimensionality reduction with applications to image reconstruction and feature extraction, A
* Similarity measures on intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* theoretical analysis of GLRAM and its applications, The
* Two-Dimensional Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Uncertainty-aware twin support vector machines
* Uncorrelated discriminant vectors using a kernel method
Includes: Liang, Z.Z.[Zhi Zheng] Liang, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zheng] Liang, Z.Z.[Zong-Zheng] Liang, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhen] Liang, Z.Z.[Zi-Ze]
26 for Liang, Z.Z.
Lianos, K.N.[Konstantinos Nektarios]
Co Author Listing * VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry
Includes: Lianos, K.N.[Konstantinos Nektarios] Lianos, K.N.[Konstantinos-Nektarios]