* *3D Reconstruction and Understanding with Video and Sound
* *3D Representation for Recognition
* *Challenge and Workshop on Pose Recovery, Action Recognition, and Cultural Event Recognition
* *Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving
* *Computer Vision in Sports
* *CR Chisto Labeled Nuclei Dataset
* *Extreme Imaging Workshop
* *Faces in-the-Wild Challenge
* *Geoinformation for Disaster Management
* *International Conference on 3D GeoInformation
* *International Conference on Geospatial Theory, Processing, Modeling and Applications
* *International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
* *International Workshop on Vision from Satellite to Street
* *Inverse Rendering Workshop
* *ISPRS International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality
* *ISPRS Symposium Geo Big Data
* *ISPRS Symposium Geo Hyperspectral Imagery
* *ISPRS Symposium Geo Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* *ISPRS Symposium Geo Visualization
* *Joint Workshop on Multi-Sensor Fusion for Dynamic Scene Understanding
* *Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms and Evaluation
* *Robust Subspace Learning and Applications in Computer Vision
* *Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge (TASK) in Computer Vision (CV)
* *Video Summarization for Large-scale Analytics Workshop
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *Workshop on Computer Vision for Affective Computing
* *Workshop on Laser Scanning
* *Workshop on Web-Scale Vision and Social Media
* 2D facial expression recognition via 3D reconstruction and feature fusion
* 3-D Volumetric Shape Abstraction from a Single 2-D Image
* 3-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Modeling Activities at the Geological Survey of Norway
* 3D Fragment Reassembly Using Integrated Template Guidance and Fracture-Region Matching
* 3D GIS Based Evaluation of the Available Sight Distance to Assess Safety of Urban Roads
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Randomized Decision Forest with Segmentation Index Points
* 3D Object Reconstruction from Hand-Object Interactions
* 3D Octree Based Watertight Mesh Generation from Ubiquitous Data
* 3D skeleton-based human action classification: A survey
* 3D Spatial Pyramid: Descriptors generation from point clouds for indoor scene classification
* 3D Surface Profilometry Using Phase Shifting of De Bruijn Pattern
* 3D Time-Lapse Reconstruction from Internet Photos
* 3D Web Visualization of Environmental Information: Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources When Providing Navigation and Interaction
* 3D Web Visualization of Huge CityGML Models
* 3D-Assisted Feature Synthesis for Novel Views of an Object
* 6-DOF Direct Homography Tracking with Extended Kalman Filter
* Accelerating embedded image processing for real time: a case study
* Accuracy improved image registration based on pre-estimation and compensation
* Accurate Camera Calibration Robust to Defocus Using a Smartphone
* Accurate Changing Point Detection for L_1 Mean Filtering
* Accurate Human-Limb Segmentation in RGB-D Images for Intelligent Mobility Assistance Robots
* Accurate Iris Segmentation Framework Under Relaxed Imaging Constraints Using Total Variation Model, An
* ACE-An Effective Anti-forensic Contrast Enhancement Technique
* Action Detection by Implicit Intentional Motion Clustering
* Action Localization in Videos through Context Walk
* Action Recognition by Hierarchical Mid-Level Action Elements
* Actionness-Assisted Recognition of Actions
* Actions and Attributes from Wholes and Parts
* Active contours for image segmentation using complex domain-based approach
* Active Object Localization with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Active One-Shot Scan for Wide Depth Range Using a Light Field Projector Based on Coded Aperture
* Active Transfer Learning with Zero-Shot Priors: Reusing Past Datasets for Future Tasks
* Activity Auto-Completion: Predicting Human Activities from Partial Videos
* Ad Hoc Model Generation Using Multiscale LIDAR Data from a Geospatial Database
* Adapted Domain Specific Class Means
* Adapted Quantization Index Modulation for Database Watermarking
* Adaptive Data Representation for Robust Point-Set Registration and Merging, An
* Adaptive Dither Voting for Robust Spatial Verification
* Adaptive Exponential Smoothing for Online Filtering of Pixel Prediction Maps
* Adaptive Hashing for Fast Similarity Search
* Adaptive Low Rank Approximation for Tensors
* Adaptive pedestrian tracking via patch-based features and spatial-temporal similarity measurement
* Adaptive Predictor Structure Based Interpolation for Reversible Data Hiding
* Adaptive Programmable Hyperspectral Imager, An
* Adaptive Sliding-Window Strategy for Vehicle Detection in Highway Environments
* Adaptive Spatial-Spectral Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* adaptive spatial-spectral total variation approach for Poisson noise removal in hyperspectral images, An
* adaptive streaming active learning strategy based on instance weighting, An
* Adaptive Window Strategy for High-Speed and Robust KLT Feature Tracker
* Adaptively Unified Semi-Supervised Dictionary Learning with Active Points
* Additive Nearest Neighbor Feature Maps
* Advances in Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion and Spectral Unmixing
* Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Bright Areas Using Landsat 8 OLI Images
* Aesthetic Interactive Hue Manipulation for Natural Scene Images
* AgeNet: Deeply Learned Regressor and Classifier for Robust Apparent Age Estimation
* Aggregating Local Deep Features for Image Retrieval
* Airborne active remote sensor for atmospheric carbon dioxide
* Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Identification Grassland Vegetation
* Airborne Thermal Imagery to Detect the Seasonal Evolution of Crop Water Status in Peach, Nectarine and Saturn Peach Orchards
* Airborne Three-Dimensional Cloud Tomography
* Algorithm for Improving Non-Local Means Operators via Low-Rank Approximation, An
* Aligning Books and Movies: Towards Story-Like Visual Explanations by Watching Movies and Reading Books
* All-Focus Image Fusion and Depth Image Estimation Based on Iterative Splitting Technique for Multi-focus Images
* Alternating Co-Quantization for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Amodal Completion and Size Constancy in Natural Scenes
* Amplitude-adaptive spread-spectrum data embedding
* Analysis of asynchronous cognitive radio system with imperfect sensing and bursty primary user traffic
* Analysis of Crosstalk in 3D Circularly Polarized LCDs Depending on the Vertical Viewing Location
* Analysis of the depth-shift distortion as an estimator for view synthesis distortion
* Analysis of the robustness of terminal turnaround arrangements for railways
* Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarray Images
* Analyze the Impact of Habitat Patches on Wildlife Road-Kill
* Analyzing Muscle Activity and Force with Skin Shape Captured by Non-contact Visual Sensor
* Anatomical Image Registration Using Volume Conservation to Assess Cardiac Deformation From 3D Ultrasound Recordings
* Anatomical Landmark Detection in Medical Applications Driven by Synthetic Data
* angle-based neighborhood graph classifier with evidential reasoning, An
* Animating with style: defining expressive semantics of motion
* Annual Dynamics of Impervious Surface in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 1988 to 2013, Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Application of quantum dot gate nonvolatile memory (QDNVM) in image segmentation
* Application of Synthetic NDVI Time Series Blended from Landsat and MODIS Data for Grassland Biomass Estimation
* Areal Feature Matching Based on Similarity Using Critic Method
* Articulated tracking with manifold regularized particle filter
* As-Rigid-as-Possible Volumetric Shape-from-Template
* Ask Your Neurons: A Neural-Based Approach to Answering Questions about Images
* ASKME: adaptive sampling with knowledge-driven vectorization of mechanical engineering drawings
* Assessing Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in the Analysis of Deforestation Drivers Using Remote Sensing and Census Data
* Assessment of Image-Based Point Cloud Products to Generate a Bare Earth Surface and Estimate Canopy Heights in a Woodland Ecosystem
* Assessment of the Volunteered Geographic Information Feedback System for the Dutch Topographical Key Register
* Assignment-Based Approach to Efficient Real-Time City-Scale Taxi Dispatching, An
* Assisted keyword indexing for lecture videos using unsupervised keyword spotting
* AttentionNet: Aggregating Weak Directions for Accurate Object Detection
* Attribute-Graph: A Graph Based Approach to Image Ranking
* Attributed Grammars for Joint Estimation of Human Attributes, Part and Pose
* Attributed Graphs for Tracking Multiple Objects in Structured Sports Videos
* Audio Watermarking Scheme Based on Singular-Spectrum Analysis, An
* Audio-Visual Classification of Sports Types
* Augmented System for Immersive 3D Expansion and Interaction
* Augmenting Strong Supervision Using Web Data for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Automated Approach for Mapping Persistent Ice and Snow Cover over High Latitude Regions, An
* Automated Assessment of Hemodynamics in the Conjunctival Microvasculature Network
* Automated checkerboard detection and indexing using circular boundaries
* Automated Facial Trait Judgment and Election Outcome Prediction: Social Dimensions of Face
* Automated Large Scale Parameter Extraction of Road-Side Trees Sampled by a Laser Mobile Mapping System
* Automated Laughter Detection From Full-Body Movements
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Videos Using Shape and Context Information
* Automatic attribute threshold selection for morphological connected attribute filters
* Automatic BI-RADS Classification of Mammograms
* Automatic Concept Discovery from Parallel Text and Visual Corpora
* Automatic Construction of Action Datasets Using Web Videos with Density-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
* Automatic Emotion Recognition in Robot-Children Interaction for ASD Treatment
* Automatic Extraction and Topology Reconstruction of Urban Viaducts from LIDAR Data
* Automatic Geo-Location Correction of Satellite Imagery
* Automatic graph pruning based on kernel alignment for spectral clustering
* Automatic Learning-Based Framework for Robust Nucleus Segmentation, An
* Automatic Modelling of Rubble Mound Breakwaters from LIDAR Data
* Automatic registration of large-scale urban scene point clouds based on semantic feature points
* Automatic Shadow Detection and Removal from a Single Image
* Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resolution Worldview-2 Imagery for Retrieving Coastal Shallow Water Parameters
* Automatic Thumbnail Generation Based on Visual Representativeness and Foreground Recognizability
* Automation of the Process of Land Area Change Detection in Permanent Monitoring Systems, The
* Background Subtraction via Superpixel-Based Online Matrix Decomposition with Structured Foreground Constraints
* Bag-of-visual-phrases and hierarchical deep models for traffic sign detection and recognition in mobile laser scanning data
* Bayesian Analysis of Behaviors and Interactions for Situation Awareness in Transportation Systems
* Bayesian Approach to Multi-view 4D Modeling, A
* Bayesian Model Adaptation for Crowd Counts
* Bayesian Non-parametric Inference for Manifold Based MoCap Representation
* Benchmarking of data fusion algorithms in support of earth observation based Antarctic wildlife monitoring
* Benefits of Linked Data for Interoperability During Crisis Management
* Better Exploiting OS-CNNs for Better Event Recognition in Images
* Beyond Color Difference: Residual Interpolation for Color Image Demosaicking
* Beyond Covariance: Feature Representation with Nonlinear Kernel Matrices
* Beyond Gauss: Image-Set Matching on the Riemannian Manifold of PDFs
* Beyond Photo-Domain Object Recognition: Benchmarks for the Cross-Depiction Problem
* Beyond Tree Structure Models: A New Occlusion Aware Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation
* Beyond White: Ground Truth Colors for Color Constancy Correction
* Bi-Shifting Auto-Encoder for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Bilayer Blind Deconvolution with the Light Field Camera
* Bilinear CNN Models for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* BIM and IoT: A Synopsis from GIS Perspective
* Binary Descriptor Based on Heat Diffusion for Non-rigid Shape Analysis
* BIT: Biologically Inspired Tracker
* Blind Robust Reversible Watermark Scheme for Textual Relational Databases with Virtual Primary Key, A
* Blur-Aware Disparity Estimation from Defocus Stereo Images
* Body Composition Assessment in Axial CT Images Using FEM-Based Automatic Segmentation of Skeletal Muscle
* BodyPrint: Pose Invariant 3D Shape Matching of Human Bodies
* Boosting Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Using Pre-evaluation
* Boosting Object Proposals: From Pascal to COCO
* Box Aggregation for Proposal Decimation: Last Mile of Object Detection
* BoxSup: Exploiting Bounding Boxes to Supervise Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* BubbLeNet: Foveated Imaging for Visual Discovery
* Building Dynamic Cloud Maps from the Ground Up
* Building the View Graph of a Category by Exploiting Image Realism
* Bundling centre for landmark image discovery
* Calibrating Cellular Automata of Land Use/Cover Change Models Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Calibration of a catadioptric omnidirectional vision system with conic mirror
* Camera Pose Voting for Large-Scale Image-Based Localization
* Can high-order dependencies improve mutual information based feature selection?
* Canonical principal angles correlation analysis for two-view data
* Car that Knows Before You Do: Anticipating Maneuvers via Learning Temporal Driving Models
* Cardiac arrhythmia classification using statistical and mixture modeling features of ECG signals
* Cartographic Representation of Spatial Data Quality in VGI for Users with Different Semantics
* Cascaded Sparse Spatial Bins for Efficient and Effective Generic Object Detection
* Category Specific Dictionary Learning for Attribute Specific Feature Selection
* Category-Blind Human Action Recognition: A Practical Recognition System
* Centrality bias measure for high density QR code module recognition
* Century of Portraits: A Visual Historical Record of American High School Yearbooks, A
* ChaLearn Looking at People 2015: Apparent Age and Cultural Event Recognition Datasets and Results
* Challenge to Scalability of Face Recognition Using Universal Eigenface
* Change Detection and Land Use: Land Cover Database Updating Using Image Segmentation, GIS Analysis and Visual Interpretation
* Change Detection Based on Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: Case Study of Monitoring an Urban Area
* CHIMERA: Clustering of Heterogeneous Disease Effects via Distribution Matching of Imaging Patterns
* Class-Specific Image Deblurring
* Classical Scaling Revisited
* Classification of Big Point Cloud Data Using Cloud Computing
* Classification with Noisy Labels by Importance Reweighting
* Classified and clustered data constellation: An efficient approach of 3D urban data management
* Cloning Localization Based on Feature Extraction and K-means Clustering
* Cloud and Snow Discrimination for CCD Images of HJ-1A/B Constellation Based on Spectral Signature and Spatio-Temporal Context
* Cluster-Based Point Set Saliency
* Clustering Steganographic Modification Directions for Color Components
* Co-Interest Person Detection from Multiple Wearable Camera Videos
* Coastal Digital Surface Model on Low Contrast Images
* Collaborative Filtering Approach to Real-Time Hand Pose Estimation, A
* Collaborative Tracking for Multiple Objects in the Presence of Inter-Occlusions
* Color and multiscale texture features from vectorial mathematical morphology
* Color Conversion for Color Blindness Employing Multilayer Neural Network with Perceptual Model
* Color Quantization Based on Vector Error Diffusion and Particle Swarm Optimization Considering Human Visibility, A
* Combination of Mean Shift of Colour Signature and Optical Flow for Tracking During Foreground and Background Occlusion
* Combination of SIFT Feature and Convex Region-Based Global Context Feature for Image Copy Detection
* Common Subspace for Model and Similarity: Phrase Learning for Caption Generation from Images
* Compact Representation of Dynamic Driving Environments for ADAS by Parametric Free Space and Dynamic Object Maps
* Comparative Study of Irregular Pyramid Matching in Bag-of-Bags of Words Model for Image Retrieval, A
* Comparing ICESAT/GLAS Based Elevation Heights with Photogrammetric Terrain Heights from UAV-Imagery on the East Tibetan Plateau
* Comparing National Differences in What People Perceive to be There: Mapping Variations in Crowd Sourced Land Cover
* Comparison between the Suomi-NPP Day-Night Band and DMSP-OLS for Correlating Socio-Economic Variables at the Provincial Level in China
* Comparison of Two Independent Mapping Exercises in the Primeiras and Segundas Archipelago, Mozambique
* Complementary Sets of Shutter Sequences for Motion Deblurring
* Complete lattice learning for multivariate mathematical morphology
* Complex and Quaternionic Principal Component Pursuit and Its Application to Audio Separation
* Complex number-based image quality assessment using singular value decomposition
* Component-Wise Modeling of Articulated Objects
* Compositional Hierarchical Representation of Shape Manifolds for Classification of Non-manifold Shapes
* Comprehensive Multi-Illuminant Dataset for Benchmarking of the Intrinsic Image Algorithms, A
* Compressed Domain Video Saliency Detection Using Global and Local Spatiotemporal Features
* Compression Artifacts Reduction by a Deep Convolutional Network
* Compressive Sensing Approach for 3D Breast Cancer Microwave Imaging With Magnetic Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent, A
* Computational intelligence in explosive hazard detection
* computationally efficient tracker with direct appearance-kinematic measure and adaptive Kalman filter, A
* Computing a rodent's diary
* Computing an Exact Gaussian Scale-Space
* Conceptual Framework for Educational Disaster Centre Save the Children Life
* CONCOLOR: Constrained Non-Convex Low-Rank Model for Image Deblocking
* Conditional Convolutional Neural Network for Modality-Aware Face Recognition
* Conditional High-Order Boltzmann Machine: A Supervised Learning Model for Relation Learning
* Conditional Random Fields as Recurrent Neural Networks
* Conditioned Regression Models for Non-blind Single Image Super-Resolution
* Confidence Estimation for Medical Image Registration Based On Stereo Confidences
* Confidence Preserving Machine for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Conformal and Low-Rank Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Considering Time in Orthophotography Production: From a General Workflow to a Shortened Workflow for a Faster Disaster Response
* Constrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Weakly Supervised Segmentation
* Contact-free camera measurements of vital signs
* Content-Adaptive Residual for Steganalysis
* Context Aware Active Learning of Activity Recognition Models
* Context aware image enhancement for online fish behaviour monitoring
* Context-Aware CNNs for Person Head Detection
* Context-Guided Diffusion for Label Propagation on Graphs
* Contextual Action Recognition with R*CNN
* Contextual Sentiment Topic Model for Adaptive Social Emotion Classification
* Continuous observations of atmospheric aerosols across East Asia
* Continuous Pose Estimation with a Spatial Ensemble of Fisher Regressors
* Contour Box: Rejecting Object Proposals without Explicit Closed Contours
* Contour Detection and Characterization for Asynchronous Event Sensors
* Contour Flow: Middle-Level Motion Estimation by Combining Motion Segmentation and Contour Alignment
* Contour Guided Hierarchical Model for Shape Matching
* Contractive Rectifier Networks for Nonlinear Maximum Margin Classification
* Contrast Based Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Saliency for Video
* Contrastive Pessimistic Likelihood Estimation for Semi-Supervised Classification
* Contribution of color in saliency model for videos
* Convex Optimization with Abstract Linear Operators
* Convolutional Channel Features
* Convolutional Color Constancy
* Convolutional Features for Correlation Filter Based Visual Tracking
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for Image Super-Resolution
* Cooperative Intersection Management: A Survey
* Coordinated Local Metric Learning
* Corona segmentation for nighttime brake light detection
* Correction and interpolation of depth maps from structured light infrared sensors
* Correction of terrestrial LiDAR intensity channel using Oren-Nayar reflectance model: An application to lithological differentiation
* Costa Concordia last cruise: The first application of high frequency monitoring based on COSMO-SkyMed constellation for wreck removal, The
* COUNT Forest: CO-Voting Uncertain Number of Targets Using Random Forest for Crowd Density Estimation
* Counting pedestrians with a zenithal arrangement of depth cameras
* coupled discriminative dictionary and transformation learning approach with applications to cross domain matching, A
* Covariant Image Representation with Applications to Classification Problems in Medical Imaging
* Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with a Dual Attribute-Aware Ranking Network
* Cross-View Action Recognition by Projection-Based Augmentation
* Crowdpainting with Light: Participatory Imaging at the Big Shot
* Cutting Edge: Soft Correspondences in Multimodal Scene Parsing
* CV-HAZOP: Introducing Test Data Validation for Computer Vision
* DAISY descriptor based multi-view stereo method for large-scale scenes, A
* Data-Driven Metric for Comprehensive Evaluation of Saliency Models, A
* Decadal Scale Changes in Glacier Area in the Hohe Tauern National Park (Austria) Determined by Object-Based Image Analysis
* Dedicated Payloads for Low Altitude Remote Sensing in Natural Environments
* Deep Boltzmann Machines for i-Vector Based Audio-Visual Person Identification
* Deep Colorization
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Deformable Part Models for Face Detection
* Deep Fried Convnets
* Deep Fusion of Multiple Semantic Cues for Complex Event Recognition
* Deep Label Distribution Learning for Apparent Age Estimation
* Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild
* Deep Learning of Mouth Shapes for Sign Language
* Deep Learning Strong Parts for Pedestrian Detection
* Deep Multi-patch Aggregation Network for Image Style, Aesthetics, and Quality Estimation
* Deep Networks for Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Prior
* Deep Neural Decision Forests
* Deep Spatial Pyramid Ensemble for Cultural Event Recognition
* Deep Visual Correspondence Embedding Model for Stereo Matching Costs, A
* DeepBox: Learning Objectness with Convolutional Networks
* DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving
* Deeply Learned Rich Coding for Cross-Dataset Facial Age Estimation
* DeepProposal: Hunting Objects by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* Defeating face de-identification methods based on DCT-block scrambling
* Definition of Private Information for Image Sharing in Social Networking Services
* Deformable 3D Fusion: From Partial Dynamic 3D Observations to Complete 4D Models
* Delay management and energy consumption minimisation on a single-track railway
* Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification
* Demonstration of Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Based on VCSEL Array
* Demosaicing Method for Digital Cameras with White-RGB Color Filter Array
* Denoising and error correction in noisy AES-encrypted images using statistical measures
* Dense Continuous-Time Tracking and Mapping with Rolling Shutter RGB-D Cameras
* Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruction in Presence of Occlusions and Minimal Texture
* Dense Optical Flow Prediction from a Static Image
* Dense Rigid Reconstruction from Unstructured Discontinuous Video
* Dense Semantic Correspondence Where Every Pixel is a Classifier
* Depth Compensation Model for Gaze Estimation in Sport Analysis
* Depth incorporating with color improves salient object detection
* Depth Map Estimation and Colorization of Anaglyph Images Using Local Color Prior and Reverse Intensity Distribution
* Depth perception in autostereograms: 1/f noise is best
* Depth Recovery from Light Field Using Focal Stack Symmetry
* Depth Selective Camera: A Direct, On-Chip, Programmable Technique for Depth Selectivity in Photography
* Depth-assisted rectification for real-time object detection and pose estimation
* Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation: Data, Methods, and Challenges
* Derivation of Sea Surface Wind Directions from TerraSAR-X Data Using the Local Gradient Method
* Describing Videos by Exploiting Temporal Structure
* Detailed Full-Body Reconstructions of Moving People from Monocular RGB-D Sequences
* Detecting Fake-Quality WAV Audio Based on Phase Differences
* Detecting Occlusions as an Inverse Problem
* Detection and Segmentation of 2D Curved Reflection Symmetric Structures
* Determination of Stop-Criterion for Incremental Methods Constructing Camera Sensor Fingerprint
* Determining Subcanopy Psidium cattleianum Invasion in Hawaiian Forests Using Imaging Spectroscopy
* Deterministic Analysis for LRR, A
* Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Net Model for Traffic-Responsive Signaling Control in Urban Areas, A
* Developing a Method to Generate IndoorGML Data from the Omni-Directional Image
* Developing Smart Grids Based on GPRS and ZigBee Technologies Using Queueing Modeling-Based Optimization Algorithm
* Development and testing of an automatic remote condition monitoring system for train wheels
* Development and Testing of Geo-Processing Models for the Automatic Generation of Remediation Plan and Navigation Data to Use in Industrial Disaster Remediation
* Development of a Cartographic Strategy and Geospatial Services for Disaster Early Warning and Mitigation in the ECOWAS Subregion
* Development of a Regional Coral Observation Method by a Fluorescence Imaging LIDAR Installed in a Towable Buoy
* DEX: Deep EXpectation of Apparent Age from a Single Image
* DFOB: Detecting and describing features by octagon filter bank for fast image matching
* Dictionary Learning for Blind One Bit Compressed Sensing
* Differential Recurrent Neural Networks for Action Recognition
* Differentiating among Four Arctic Tundra Plant Communities at Ivotuk, Alaska Using Field Spectroscopy
* dimension range representation (DRR) measure for self-organizing maps, A
* Direct Intrinsics: Learning Albedo-Shading Decomposition by Convolutional Regression
* Direct Visual Localisation and Calibration for Road Vehicles in Changing City Environments
* Direct, Dense, and Deformable: Template-Based Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction from RGB Video
* Discovering the Spatial Extent of Relative Attributes
* Discrete Tabu Search for Graph Matching
* Discriminative descriptors for object tracking
* Discriminative Learning of Deep Convolutional Feature Point Descriptors
* Discriminative Low-Rank Tracking
* Discriminative Pose-Free Descriptors for Face and Object Matching
* Discriminative Properties in Directional Distributions for Image Pattern Recognition
* Discriminative Semantic Subspace Analysis for Relevance Feedback
* Distributed Dimensonality-Based Rendering of LIDAR Point Clouds
* Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control of Virtually and Physically Interconnected Systems With Application to High-Speed Trains Under Traction/Braking Failures
* DLDR: Deep Linear Discriminative Retrieval for Cultural Event Classification from a Single Image
* Do Deep Neural Networks Learn Facial Action Units When Doing Expression Recognition?
* Domain Generalization for Object Recognition with Multi-task Autoencoders
* Dominant Rotated Local Binary Patterns (DRLBP) for texture classification
* Double compression detection based on local motion vector field analysis in static-background videos
* Dual Principal Component Pursuit
* Dual-Feature Warping-Based Motion Model Estimation
* Dynamic Texture Recognition via Orthogonal Tensor Dictionary Learning
* Earthscape, a Multi-Purpose Interactive 3D Globe Viewer for Hybrid Data Visualization and Analysis
* Echo State Network for 3D Motion Pattern Indexing: A Case Study on Tennis Forehands
* Editorial of the special issue on Advances in Low-Level Image representations for processing and analysis
* Effects of Fragile and Semi-fragile Watermarking on Iris Recognition System
* Effects of Upstream Incoherent Crosstalk Caused by ASE Noise from Tx-Disabled ONUs in XG-PONs and TWDM-PONs
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain, An
* Efficient and Robust Inverse Lighting of a Single Face Image Using Compressive Sensing
* Efficient Background Modeling Based on Sparse Representation and Outlier Iterative Removal
* Efficient Beam-Training Technique for Millimeter-Wave Cellular Communications
* Efficient Classifier Training to Minimize False Merges in Electron Microscopy Segmentation
* Efficient Collective Spatial Keyword Query Processing on Road Networks
* Efficient Decomposition of Image and Mesh Graphs by Lifted Multicuts
* Efficient Minimal Solution for Multi-camera Motion, An
* Efficient PSD Constrained Asymmetric Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Based on Prefix Matching and Directed LSB Embedding
* Efficient Solution to the Epipolar Geometry for Radially Distorted Cameras
* Efficient Statistical Method for Image Noise Level Estimation, An
* Efficient Video Segmentation Using Parametric Graph Partitioning
* Efficient virtual network transmission using correlated equilibrium on Xen-based platform
* Efficient, Edge-Aware, Combined Color Quantization and Dithering
* Electric vehicle modelling and energy-efficient routing using particle swarm optimisation
* Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction From Two Views in Fluoroscopic Images
* Ellipse Fitting Using the Finite Rate of Innovation Sampling Principle
* End-to-End System for Unconstrained Face Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Energy transfer features combined with DCT for object detection
* Energy-Efficient Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Packet Delay and Loss
* Enhanced Matching Method for Copy-Move Forgery Detection by Means of Zernike Moments
* Enhanced Phase Correlation for Reliable and Robust Estimation of Multiple Motion Distributions
* Enhanced pipelined architecture of H.264/AVC intra prediction
* Enhancing Road Maps by Parsing Aerial Images Around the World
* ENMAP Contest: Developing and Comparing Classification Approaches for the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Programme - Dataset and First Results, The
* Entropy Minimization for Convex Relaxation Approaches
* Entropy-Based Latent Structured Output Prediction
* Error-dependent step-size control of adaptive normalized least-mean-square filters used for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation
* Estimating a Small Signal in the Presence of Large Noise
* Estimating Body Pose of Infants in Depth Images Using Random Ferns
* Estimating control delays at signalised intersections using low-resolution transit bus-based global positioning system data
* Estimating Horizontal Displacement between DEMs by Means of Particle Image Velocimetry Techniques
* Estimating Leaf Bulk Density Distribution in a Tree Canopy Using Terrestrial LiDAR and a Straightforward Calibration Procedure
* Estimating Soil Moisture with Landsat Data and Its Application in Extracting the Spatial Distribution of Winter Flooded Paddies
* Estimating the 3D fold structure of the crust-mantle boundary
* Estimation of Myocardial Strain and Contraction Phase From Cine MRI Using Variational Data Assimilation
* Estimation of the Thickness and Emulsion Rate of Oil Spilled at Sea Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery in the SWIR Domain
* European Framework for Recording and Sharing Disaster Damage and Loss Data, A
* Evaluating color vision deficiency daltonization methods using a behavioral visual-search method
* Evaluating Real-Time Mirroring of Head Gestures Using Smart Glasses
* Evaluation of a Zero-Watermarking-Type Steganography
* Evaluation of ASTER-Like Daily Land Surface Temperature by Fusing ASTER and MODIS Data during the HiWATER-MUSOEXE
* Evaluation of objective quality metrics for multidimensional video scalability
* Evaluation of Supervised, Novelty-Based and Hybrid Approaches to Fall Detection Using Silmee Accelerometer Data, An
* Evaluation of the Accuracy of Liver Lesion DCEUS Quantification With Respiratory Gating
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of portable variable message signs in work zones in United Arab Emirates
* Evolutionary View Planning for Optimized UAV Terrain Modeling in a Simulated Environment
* Examination of Surface Temperature Modification by Open-Top Chambers along Moisture and Latitudinal Gradients in Arctic Alaska Using Thermal Infrared Photography
* Example-Based Modeling of Facial Texture from Deficient Data
* Exploiting Feature Hierarchies with Convolutional Neural Networks for Cultural Event Recognition
* Exploiting High Level Scene Cues in Stereo Reconstruction
* Exploiting Object Similarity in 3D Reconstruction
* Exploration of Location-Aware You-Are-Here Maps on a Pin-Matrix Display
* Exploration of Parameter Redundancy in Deep Networks with Circulant Projections, An
* Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking
* Exploring the Resolution Limit for In-Air Synthetic-Aperture Audio Imaging
* Exploring walking gait features for the automated recognition of distracted pedestrians
* Extended Depth of Field Catadioptric Imaging Using Focal Sweep
* Extended Semi-Supervised Regression Approach with Co-Training and Geographical Weighted Regression: A Case Study of Housing Prices in Beijing, An
* Extent and Area of Swidden in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia: Estimation by Multi-Step Thresholds with Landsat-8 OLI Data
* External Patch Prior Guided Internal Clustering for Image Denoising
* Extraction of Optimal Spectral Bands Using Hierarchical Band Merging Out of Hyperspectral Data
* Extraction of Virtual Baselines from Distorted Document Images Using Curvilinear Projection
* Face Alignment via Regressing Local Binary Features
* Face Flow
* Face Search in Encrypted Domain
* FaceCept3D: Real Time 3D Face Tracking and Analysis
* FaceDirector: Continuous Control of Facial Performance in Video
* Facial Action Unit Detection Using Active Learning and an Efficient Non-linear Kernel Approximation
* Facial Landmark Detection via Progressive Initialization
* Facial Landmark Localization in Depth Images Using Supervised Ridge Descent
* Facial Landmark Tracking by Tree-Based Deformable Part Model Based Detector
* Facial Micro-Expression Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Local Binary Pattern with Integral Projection
* Facial Shape Tracking via Spatio-Temporal Cascade Shape Regression
* Fast adaptive algorithms for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Fast and Accurate Collocation of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Measurements with Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
* Fast and Accurate Eye Tracker Using Stroboscopic Differential Lighting, A
* Fast and Accurate Head Pose Estimation via Random Projection Forests
* Fast and Effective L_0 Gradient Minimization by Region Fusion
* Fast and Reliable Matching Method for Automated Georeferencing of Remotely-Sensed Imagery, A
* Fast Automatic Step Size Estimation for Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration
* Fast Coding Strategy for HEVC by Motion Features and Saliency Applied on Difference Between Successive Image Blocks
* Fast image enhancement method for display images in ambient light
* Fast Image-Based Obstacle Detection From Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* Fast Interactive Image Segmentation Using Bipartite Graph Based Random Walk with Restart
* Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/SVC enhancement layer
* Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
* Fast R-CNN
* Fast retinal vessel analysis
* Fast Structure from Motion for Sequential and Wide Area Motion Imagery
* FASText: Efficient Unconstrained Scene Text Detector
* Feature and Region Selection for Visual Learning
* Feature Detection for Vehicle Localization in Urban Environments Using a Multilayer LIDAR
* Feature-aware natural texture synthesis
* Fill and Transfer: A Simple Physics-Based Approach for Containability Reasoning
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II: Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
* Filtrated Spectral Algebraic Subspace Clustering
* Fine-Grained Change Detection of Misaligned Scenes with Varied Illuminations
* Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping
* Finger-vein authentication based on deformation-tolerant feature-point matching
* First Facial Landmark Tracking in-the-Wild Challenge: Benchmark and Results, The
* Fisher Encoded Convolutional Bag-of-Windows for Efficient Image Retrieval and Social Image Tagging
* FlatCam: Replacing Lenses with Masks and Computation
* Flickr30k Entities: Collecting Region-to-Phrase Correspondences for Richer Image-to-Sentence Models
* Flow Fields: Dense Correspondence Fields for Highly Accurate Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation
* Flowing ConvNets for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* FlowNet: Learning Optical Flow with Convolutional Networks
* Fog effect for photography using stereo vision
* Follicular Unit Classification Method Using Angle Variation of Boundary Vector for Automatic Hair Implant System
* FollowMe: Efficient Online Min-Cost Flow Tracking with Bounded Memory and Computation
* Forward Regridding Method With Minimal Oversampling for Accurate and Efficient Iterative Tomographic Algorithms, A
* Framework for Content-Based Image Identification with Standardized Multiview Features
* Frequency-Based Environment Matting by Compressive Sensing
* From Emotions to Action Units with Hidden and Semi-Hidden-Task Learning
* From Facial Parts Responses to Face Detection: A Deep Learning Approach
* From inspired modeling to creative modeling
* From Open Geographical Data to Tangible Maps: Improving the Accessibility of Maps for Visually Impaired People
* From Optimised Inpainting with Linear PDEs Towards Competitive Image Compression Codecs
* Fuel consumption in empirical synchronised flow in urban traffic
* Fully Connected Guided Image Filtering
* Fully Connected Object Proposals for Video Segmentation
* Fusion of Airborne Discrete-Return LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data for Land Cover Classification
* Fusion of Inertial and Visual Measurements for RGB-D SLAM on Mobile Devices
* Fuzzy aura matrices for texture classification
* Fuzzy community detection via modularity guided membership-degree propagation
* Fuzzy rough classifiers for class imbalanced multi-instance data
* Gait Recognition Based on Modified Phase-Only Correlation
* Gauss-Legendre Sampling on the Rotation Group
* Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for BRDF Inference, A
* General Dynamic Scene Reconstruction from Multiple View Video
* General Vocabulary Based Approach for Fine-Grained Object Recognition, A
* Generalisation and Data Quality
* Generalized 2-D Principal Component Analysis by Lp-Norm for Image Analysis
* Generating Notifications for Missing Actions: Don't Forget to Turn the Lights Off!
* Generic Promotion of Diffusion-Based Salient Object Detection
* Geo-localization using Volumetric Representations of Overhead Imagery
* Geodesic Convolutional Neural Networks on Riemannian Manifolds
* Geoinformation postgraduate education at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: towards a centre of high quality postgraduate education and research
* Geometric Mining: Scaling Geometric Hashing to Large Datasets
* Geometry-Aware Deep Transform
* Geometry-Aware Neighborhood Search for Learning Local Models for Image Superresolution
* Geometry-Based Symbolic Approximation for Fast Sequence Matching on Manifolds
* Geometry-shader-based real-time voxelization and applications
* GeoSRM- Online geospatial safety risk model for the GB rail network
* GIS for Predicting the Avalanche Zones in the Mountain Regions of Kazakhstan
* Global and local structure preserving sparse subspace learning: An iterative approach to unsupervised feature selection
* Global Gap-Free MERIS LAI Time Series (2002-2012)
* Global Structure-from-Motion by Similarity Averaging
* Global, Dense Multiscale Reconstruction for a Billion Points
* Globally Optimal 2D-3D Registration from Points or Lines without Correspondences
* Goal-Directed Pedestrian Prediction
* GPU-based radial view-based culling for continuous self-collision detection of deformable surfaces
* Gradient-Based Quantitative Image Reconstruction in Ultrasound-Modulated Optical Tomography: First Harmonic Measurement Type in a Linearised Diffusion Formulation
* Graph Based Model for the Detection of Tidal Channels Using Marked Point Processes, A
* Graph-based Dequantization of Block-Compressed Piecewise Smooth Images
* GRASP Taxonomy of Human Grasp Types, The
* Group Membership Prediction
* Grouping Method for Neighbor Objects of Moving Object Using Hash Index
* Groupwise Multilinear Correspondence Optimization for 3D Faces, A
* Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Rotation Search
* Guest Editorial: Large Scale Visual Media Geo-Localization
* Guiding the Long-Short Term Memory Model for Image Caption Generation
* Halftone image watermarking via optimization
* Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding image restoration
* HARF: Hierarchy-Associated Rich Features for Salient Object Detection
* Harvesting Discriminative Meta Objects with Deep CNN Features for Scene Classification
* Haze editing with natural transmission
* HCI Stereo Metrics: Geometry-Aware Performance Analysis of Stereo Algorithms, The
* HD-CNN: Hierarchical Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Large Scale Visual Recognition
* HDR Recovery Under Rolling Shutter Distortions
* Head Nod Detection from a Full 3D Model
* Heart Rate Tracking using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmographic (PPG) Signals during Physical Exercise with Simultaneous Accelerometry
* Height Accuracy Based on Different RTK GPS Method for Ultralight Aircraft Images
* Heterogeneous feature structure fusion for classification
* Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Clustering via Manifold Optimization
* HEVC intra mode selection based on Rate Distortion (RD) cost and Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD)
* HICO: A Benchmark for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions in Images
* Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Visual Tracking
* Hierarchical Higher-Order Regression Forest Fields: An Application to 3D Indoor Scene Labelling
* Hierarchical Union-of-Subspaces Model for Human Activity Summarization
* High capacity turtle shell-based data hiding
* High Diversity Transceiver for Low Power Differentially Encoded OFDM System
* High frame-rate tracking of multiple color-patterned objects
* High Quality Structure from Small Motion for Rolling Shutter Cameras
* High Resolution Direct Position Determination of Radio Frequency Sources
* High-Dimensional Histogram Utilization for Reversible Data Hiding
* High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and Its Applications to High-Level Vision
* High-resolution imaging via quantum remote sensing
* High-Throughput Sparsity-Based Inversion Scheme for Optoacoustic Tomography
* Higher-Order CRF Structural Segmentation of 3D Reconstructed Surfaces
* Higher-Order Inference for Multi-class Log-Supermodular Models
* Highly-Expressive Spaces of Well-Behaved Transformations: Keeping it Simple
* Holistically-Nested Edge Detection
* Homogeneous Geovisualization of Coastal Areas from Heterogeneous Spatio-Temporal Data
* Hot or Not: Exploring Correlations between Appearance and Temperature
* Hough Forest-based Association Framework with Occlusion Handling for Multi-Target Tracking
* How Many Hippos (HOMHIP): Algorithm for Automatic Counts of Animals with Infra-Red Thermal Imagery From UAV
* Human Action Recognition Using Factorized Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Human action recognition with graph-based multiple-instance learning
* Human behavior recognition based on 3D features and hidden markov models
* Human Interaction With Robot Swarms: A Survey
* Human Parsing with Contextualized Convolutional Neural Network
* Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Hybrid Method for Short-Term Traffic Congestion Forecasting Using Genetic Algorithms and Cross Entropy, A
* Hybrid Strategy for Illuminant Estimation Targeting Hard Images, A
* Hyperpoints and Fine Vocabularies for Large-Scale Location Recognition
* Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing Using Manifold-Structured Sparsity Prior
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution by Coupled Spectral Unmixing
* Ice-hockey puck detection and tracking for video highlighting
* Identification of Key Nodes in Microblog Networks
* Identification of precancerous lesions by multispectral gastroendoscopy
* Identification of Transform Coding Chains
* Illumination Robust Color Naming via Label Propagation
* Im2Calories: Towards an Automated Mobile Vision Food Diary
* Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
* Image Based Recognition of Dynamic Traffic Situations by Evaluating the Exterior Surrounding and Interior Space of Vehicles
* Image Descriptor Based Digital Semi-blind Watermarking for DIBR 3D Images
* Image Matting with KL-Divergence Based Sparse Sampling
* Image Registration Method with Radial Feature Points Sampling: Application to Follow-Up CT Scans of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule, An
* Image representation by harmonic transforms with parameters in SL(2,R)
* Image Saliency Detection with Sparse Representation of Learnt Texture Atoms
* Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
* Image Search with Selective Match Kernels: Aggregation Across Single and Multiple Images
* Image super-resolution based on the pairwise dictionary selected learning and improved bilateral regularisation
* Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness
* Image Watermarking Based on Various Discrete Fractional Fourier Transforms
* Improved Band-to-Band Registration Characterization for VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Based on Lunar Observations
* Improved DSIFT Descriptor Based Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery Detection
* Improved Method for Power-Line Reconstruction from Point Cloud Data, An
* Improved Morphological Algorithm for Filtering Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Multi-Level Kriging Interpolation, An
* Improved Poisson Surface Reconstruction with Various Passive Visual Cues from Multiple Camera Views
* Improved Spread Transform Dither Modulation: A New Modulation Technique for Secure Watermarking
* Improved VIIRS and MODIS SST Imagery
* Improved Visual Cryptography with Cheating Prevention, An
* Improving discrimination ability of convolutional neural networks by hybrid learning
* Improving Ferns Ensembles by Sparsifying and Quantising Posterior Probabilities
* Improving Image Classification with Location Context
* Improving Image Restoration with Soft-Rounding
* Improving Indoor Mobility of the Visually Impaired with Depth-Based Spatial Sound
* Improving spatial representation of soil moisture by integration of microwave observations and the temperature-vegetation-drought index derived from MODIS products
* Improving the Accuracy of Registration-Based Biomechanical Analysis: A Finite Element Approach to Lung Regional Strain Quantification
* Including Users' Semantics in Evaluating the Credibility of Crowdsourced Landscape Descriptions
* Increasing color saturation by optimizing light spectra constrained on color rendering properties
* Incremental Division of Very Large Point Clouds for Scalable 3D Surface Reconstruction
* Incremental Learning of Random Forests for Large-Scale Image Classification
* Indoor Subspacing to Implement IndoorGML for Indoor Navigation
* Inferring M-Best Diverse Labelings in a Single One
* Infinite Feature Selection
* Influence of the Precision of LIDAR Data in Surface Water Runoff Estimation for Road Maintenance
* Injury Mechanism Classification in Soccer Videos
* InSAeS4 Airborne X-Band Interferometric SAR System: A First Assessment on Its Imaging and Topographic Mapping Capabilities, The
* Installed Base Registration of Decentralised Solar Panels with Applications in Crisis Management
* Integer transform based reversible watermarking incorporating block selection
* Integrated Estimation of Seismic Physical Vulnerability of Tehran Using Rule Based Granular Computing
* Integrating Dashcam Views through Inter-Video Mapping
* Integration of Remote Sensing Data and Basic Geodata at Different Scale Levels for Improved Land Use Analyses
* Integration of Visual Temporal Information and Textual Distribution Information for News Web Video Event Mining
* Intelligent Transport System- RRUKA Special Issue-Editorial
* Intensity Estimation of Spontaneous Facial Action Units Based on Their Sparsity Properties
* Inter-Comparison of S-NPP VIIRS and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands Using Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Measurements as a Transfer Reference
* Inter-frame Video Forgery Detection Based on Block-Wise Brightness Variance Descriptor
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Constraint Propagation
* Interactive Visual Hull Refinement for Specular and Transparent Object Surface Reconstruction
* Interference Avoidance through Pilot-Based Spectrum Sensing Algorithm in Overlaid Femtocell Networks
* Interferometric imaging with three objectives
* Interpolation on the Manifold of K Component GMMs
* Intrinsic Decomposition of Image Sequences from Local Temporal Variations
* Intrinsic Depth: Improving Depth Transfer with Intrinsic Images
* Intrinsic Scene Decomposition from RGB-D Images
* Introducing Geometry in Active Learning for Image Segmentation
* Intuitive Mobility Aid for Visually Impaired People Based on Stereo Vision, An
* Inversion Scheme for Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Using a Fuzzy Inference System, An
* Investigation of a Novel Cross-Calibration Method of FY-3C/VIRR against NPP/VIIRS in the Dunhuang Test Site, An
* Investigation on the Weighted RANSAC Approaches for Building Roof Plane Segmentation from LiDAR Point Clouds
* IQPC 2015 Track: Evaluation of Automatically Generated 2D Footprints from Urban Lidar Data
* IQPC 2015 Track: Tree Separation and Classification in Mobile Mapping LIDAR Data
* IQPC 2015 TRACK: Water Detection and Classification on Multisource Remote Sensing and Terrain Data
* Iterative Constrained Minimization for Vectorial TV Image Deblurring
* Iterative Management Model of Exploring Windows Date-Time Stamps in Cloud Storage Forensics, An
* Joint Camera Clustering and Surface Segmentation for Large-Scale Multi-view Stereo
* Joint Design of Excitation k-Space Trajectory and RF Pulse for Small-Tip 3D Tailored Excitation in MRI
* Joint Estimation of Depth, Reflectance and Illumination for Depth Refinement
* Joint Fine-Tuning in Deep Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Gaussian Process Model for Active Visual Recognition with Expertise Estimation in Crowdsourcing, A
* Joint Image Handbook, The
* Joint Object and Part Segmentation Using Deep Learned Potentials
* Joint Optimization of Segmentation and Color Clustering
* Joint Probabilistic Data Association Revisited
* Joint Scale-Spatial Correlation Tracking with Adaptive Rotation Estimation
* JPSS-1 VIIRS Radiometric Characterization and Calibration Based on Pre-Launch Testing
* Just Noticeable Differences in Visual Attributes
* Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Geospatial Information Infrastructure: An Initial Study
* kNN Hashing with Factorized Neighborhood Representation
* Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in the setting of fuzzy sets for image texture analysis and classification, The
* Laban descriptors for gesture recognition and emotional analysis
* Label transfer via sparse representation
* Laplace Approximation for Divisive Gaussian Processes for Nonstationary Regression
* Laplacian Regularized Low-Rank Representation and Its Applications
* Large Displacement 3D Scene Flow with Occlusion Reasoning
* Large-scale road detection in forested mountainous areas using airborne topographic lidar data
* Large-scale three-dimensional measurement based on LED marker tracking
* Latent Hierarchical Part Based Models for Road Scene Understanding
* Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* Learning a Descriptor-Specific 3D Keypoint Detector
* Learning a Discriminative Model for the Perception of Realism in Composite Images
* Learning Analysis-by-Synthesis for 6D Pose Estimation in RGB-D Images
* Learning Binary Codes for Maximum Inner Product Search
* Learning Common Sense through Visual Abstraction
* Learning Complexity-Aware Cascades for Deep Pedestrian Detection
* Learning Concept Embeddings with Combined Human-Machine Expertise
* Learning Data-Driven Reflectance Priors for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Learning Deconvolution Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Deep Object Detectors from 3D Models
* Learning Deep Representation with Large-Scale Attributes
* Learning Discriminative Reconstructions for Unsupervised Outlier Removal
* Learning Ensembles of Potential Functions for Structured Prediction with Latent Variables
* Learning hierarchical spatio-temporal pattern for human activity prediction
* Learning Image and User Features for Recommendation in Social Networks
* Learning Image Representations Tied to Ego-Motion
* Learning Informative Edge Maps for Indoor Scene Layout Prediction
* Learning Large-Scale Automatic Image Colorization
* Learning Like a Child: Fast Novel Visual Concept Learning from Sentence Descriptions of Images
* Learning multiscale and deep representations for classifying remotely sensed imagery
* Learning Nonlinear Spectral Filters for Color Image Reconstruction
* Learning Ordinal Relationships for Mid-Level Vision
* Learning Parametric Distributions for Image Super-Resolution: Where Patch Matching Meets Sparse Coding
* Learning Query and Image Similarities with Ranking Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Learning Receptive Fields and Quality Lookups for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images
* Learning Semi-Supervised Representation Towards a Unified Optimization Framework for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Learning Shape, Motion and Elastic Models in Force Space
* Learning Social Relation Traits from Face Images
* Learning Spatially Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional Networks
* Learning Temporal Embeddings for Complex Video Analysis
* Learning the Structure of Deep Convolutional Networks
* Learning to Boost Filamentary Structure Segmentation
* Learning to Combine Mid-Level Cues for Object Proposal Generation
* Learning to Divide and Conquer for Online Multi-target Tracking
* Learning to Predict Saliency on Face Images
* Learning to Rank Based on Subsequences
* Learning to See by Moving
* Learning to Track for Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* Learning to Track: Online Multi-object Tracking by Decision Making
* Learning to Transfer: Transferring Latent Task Structures and Its Application to Person-Specific Facial Action Unit Detection
* Learning Visual Clothing Style with Heterogeneous Dyadic Co-Occurrences
* Learning Where to Position Parts in 3D
* Leave-One-Out Kernel Optimization for Shadow Detection
* LEDTD: Local edge direction and texture descriptor for face recognition
* Lending A Hand: Detecting Hands and Recognizing Activities in Complex Egocentric Interactions
* Lesioned-Part Identification by Classifying Entire-Body Gait Motions
* Leveraging Datasets with Varying Annotations for Face Alignment via Deep Regression Network
* LEWIS: Latent Embeddings for Word Images and Their Semantics
* Likelihood-Ratio Test and Efficient Robust Estimation, The
* Line Integral Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Linear Generalized Camera Calibration from Three Intersecting Reference Planes, A
* Linear Neural Circuitry Model for Visual Receptive Fields
* Linearization to Nonlinear Learning for Visual Tracking
* Listening with Your Eyes: Towards a Practical Visual Speech Recognition System Using Deep Boltzmann Machines
* Live Repetition Counting
* Local Clustering Patterns in Polar Coordinate for Face Recognition
* local convex method for rank-sparsity factorization, A
* Local Convolutional Features with Unsupervised Training for Image Retrieval
* Local Deep Neural Networks for gender recognition
* Local manifold distance based on neighborhood graph reordering
* Local Rademacher Complexity for Multi-Label Learning
* Local Subspace Collaborative Tracking
* Localize Me Anywhere, Anytime: A Multi-task Point-Retrieval Approach
* Locally enhancing fractal descriptors by using the non-additive entropy
* Locally Refined Splines Representation for Geospatial Big Data
* Location-Based Infrastructure Inspection for Sabo Facilities
* Logarithmically Improved Property Regression for Crowd Counting
* Logo localization and recognition in natural images using homographic class graphs
* Long term analysis of time series of satellite images
* Long-Term Pattern of Primary Productivity in the East/Japan Sea Based on Ocean Color Data Derived from MODIS-Aqua
* Look and Think Twice: Capturing Top-Down Visual Attention with Feedback Convolutional Neural Networks
* Lossless colour image compression using RCT for bi-level BWCA
* Lost Shopping! Monocular Localization in Large Indoor Spaces
* Love Thy Neighbors: Image Annotation by Exploiting Image Metadata
* Low complexity encoder optimization for HEVC
* Low Dimensional Explicit Feature Maps
* Low Power Depth and Velocity from a Passive Moving Sensor
* Low-Power Channel-Adaptive Reconfigurable 4X4 QRM-MLD MIMO Detector
* Low-Rank Matrix Factorization under General Mixture Noise Distributions
* Low-Rank Tensor Approximation with Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling for Multiframe Image Denoising
* Low-Rank Tensor Constrained Multiview Subspace Clustering
* LSDT: Latent Sparse Domain Transfer Learning for Visual Adaptation
* Making Residual Vector Distribution Uniform for Distinctive Image Representation
* Management of Environmental Risks in Coastal Areas
* MANTRA: Minimum Maximum Latent Structural SVM for Image Classification and Ranking
* MAP Disparity Estimation Using Hidden Markov Trees
* Mapping Fractional Cropland Distribution in Mato Grosso, Brazil Using Time Series MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index and Landsat Thematic Mapper Data
* Mapping of Foliar Content Using Radiative Transfer Modeling and VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Close-Range Remote-Sensing
* Mapping Rice Cropping Systems in Vietnam Using an NDVI-Based Time-Series Similarity Measurement Based on DTW Distance
* Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island Marine National Park (Myanmar) from in Situ and Satellite Observations
* Massively Parallel Multiview Stereopsis by Surface Normal Diffusion
* Matrix Backpropagation for Deep Networks with Structured Layers
* Matrix Decomposition Perspective to Multiple Graph Matching, A
* Maximum-Margin Structured Learning with Deep Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Measuring methane with a simple open-path gas sensor
* Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* Merging the Unmatchable: Stitching Visually Disconnected SfM Models
* MeshStereo: A Global Stereo Model with Mesh Alignment Regularization for View Interpolation
* Message Expansion of Homomorphic Encryption Using Product Pairing
* Metal Artifact Reduction for Polychromatic X-ray CT Based on a Beam-Hardening Corrector
* Metamer Mismatching and Its Consequences for Predicting How Colours are Affected by the Illuminant
* MGraph: multimodal event summarization in social media using topic models and graph-based ranking
* Microscopic Modeling of a Signalized Traffic Intersection Using Timed Petri Nets
* Middle Child Problem: Revisiting Parametric Min-Cut and Seeds for Object Proposals, The
* Minimal Solvers for 3D Geometry from Satellite Imagery
* Minimalistic CNN-based ensemble model for gender prediction from face images
* Minimizing Human Effort in Interactive Tracking by Incremental Learning of Model Parameters
* Minimum Barrier Salient Object Detection at 80 FPS
* Minimum cost subgraph matching using a binary linear program
* Mining And-Or Graphs for Graph Matching and Object Discovery
* Mixture of grouped regressors and its application to visual mapping
* ML-MG: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using a Mixed Graph
* MMSS: Multi-modal Sharable and Specific Feature Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Mode-Seeking on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* Model based variational Bayesian compressive sensing using heavy tailed sparse prior
* Model-Based Diagnosis of Multi-Track Level Crossing Plants
* Model-Based Tracking at 300Hz Using Raw Time-of-Flight Observations
* Modeling and Mapping Agroforestry Aboveground Biomass in the Brazilian Amazon Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Modified Sequential Monte Carlo Bayesian Occupancy Filter Using Linear Opinion Pool for Grid Mapping, A
* Monitoring the NOAA Operational VIIRS RSB and DNB Calibration Stability Using Monthly and Semi-Monthly Deep Convective Clouds Time Series
* Monitoring Thermal Stress in Wafer-Scale Integrated Circuits by the Attentive Vision Method Using an Infrared Camera
* Monocular Object Instance Segmentation and Depth Ordering with CNNs
* Morpho-Spectral Recognition of Dense Urban Objects by Hyperspectral Imagery
* Morphology, Dynamics and Potential Hotspots of Land Surface Temperature at a Local Scale in Urban Areas, The
* Motion Estimation Based on Mutual Information and Adaptive Multi-Scale Thresholding
* Motion Recognition Employing Multiple Kernel Learning of Fisher Vectors Using Local Skeleton Features
* Motion Trajectory Segmentation via Minimum Cost Multicuts
* Moving Object Detection Using Energy Model and Particle Filter for Dynamic Scene
* Moving Poselets: A Discriminative and Interpretable Skeletal Motion Representation for Action Recognition
* MRF-Poselets Model for Detecting Highly Articulated Humans, An
* multi-aperture computational ultra-high-speed camera with ultra-fast charge modulators, A
* Multi-class JPEG Image Steganalysis by Ensemble Linear SVM Classifier
* Multi-class Multi-annotator Active Learning with Robust Gaussian Process for Visual Recognition
* Multi-conditional Latent Variable Model for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-cue Structure Preserving MRF for Unconstrained Video Segmentation
* Multi-Directional Multi-Level Dual-Cross Patterns for Robust Face Recognition
* Multi-frame Feature Integration for Multi-camera Visual Odometry
* Multi-image Matching via Fast Alternating Minimization
* Multi-kernel Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Multi-label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Platform Satellite Based Estimates of Runoff in Ungauged Areas
* Multi-resolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Foreground/Background Separation and Object Tracking
* Multi-Scale Fusion for Improved Localization of Malicious Tampering in Digital Images
* Multi-Scale Learning for Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale Recognition with DAG-CNNs
* Multi-Sensor Approach for Volcanic Ash Cloud Retrieval and Eruption Characterization: The 23 November 2013 Etna Lava Fountain, A
* Multi-Shot Deblurring for 3D Scenes
* Multi-Task Learning with Low Rank Attribute Embedding for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-task Recurrent Neural Network for Immediacy Prediction
* Multi-template Scale-Adaptive Kernelized Correlation Filters
* Multi-View Complementary Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Multi-view Constrained Local Models for Large Head Angle Facial Tracking
* Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition
* Multi-view Domain Generalization for Visual Recognition
* Multi-View Pedestrian Tracking Method in an Uncalibrated Camera Network, A
* Multi-View Probabilistic Classification of Breast Microcalcifications
* Multi-view Subspace Clustering
* Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Matching Image and Sentence
* Multimodal Dynamic Freight Load Balancing
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Multi-stream Recurrent Neural Network
* Multimodal Impact Analysis of an Airside Catastrophic Event: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash
* Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problems With Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup and Time Windows: Formulation, Instances, and Algorithms
* Multioccupant Activity Recognition in Pervasive Smart Home Environments
* Multiple Feature Fusion via Weighted Entropy for Visual Tracking
* Multiple Granularity Descriptors for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Revisited
* Multiple Sensor Fusion and Classification for Moving Object Detection and Tracking
* Multiple-Hypothesis Affine Region Estimation with Anisotropic LoG Filters
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via Nonlocal Similarity-Based Sparse Representation
* Multiresolution Hierarchy Co-Clustering for Semantic Segmentation in Sequences with Small Variations
* Multiscale Variable-Grouping Framework for MRF Energy Minimization, A
* Multispectral and Texture Feature Application in Image-Object Analysis of Summer Vegetation in Eastern Tajikistan Pamirs
* Multispectral Image Denoising Using Optimized Vector NLM Filter
* Multispectral Radiometric Analysis of Façades to Detect Pathologies from Active and Passive Remote Sensing
* MultiVCRank With Applications to Image Retrieval
* Multiview Plus Depth Video Coding With Temporal Prediction View Synthesis
* Mutual-Structure for Joint Filtering
* N-to-SRGB Mapping for Single-Sensor Multispectral Imaging
* Naive Bayes Super-Resolution Forest
* Near Orthogonal Oversampled Graph Filter Banks
* Near-Online Multi-target Tracking with Aggregated Local Flow Descriptor
* Neighboring Sample Prediction Coding for HEVC Screen Content Coding
* Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequency Ultrasound Images of the Mouse Embryo
* Neural Activation Constellations: Unsupervised Part Model Discovery with Convolutional Networks
* new chaos-based image encryption system, A
* New Developments in Image Tampering Detection
* new generation of hurricane-observing satellites, A
* New ophthalmic device for measuring binocular accommodation responses
* new thresholding approach for automatic generation of polygonal approximations, A
* Nighttime Haze Removal with Glow and Multiple Light Colors
* NMF Perspective on Binary Hashing, An
* No-Reference Depth Assessment Based on Edge Misalignment Errors for T+D Images
* Noise reduction using wavelet cycle spinning: Analysis of useful periodicities in the z-transform domain
* Nom historical document recognition system for digital archiving, A
* Non-integer Expansion Embedding for Prediction-Based Reversible Watermarking
* Non-parametric Structure-Based Calibration of Radially Symmetric Cameras
* Nonlocal PDE morphology: a generalized shock operator on graph
* Nonparametric Bayesian Approach toward Stacked Convolutional Independent Component Analysis, A
* Nonparametric Detection of Nonlinearly Mixed Pixels and Endmember Estimation in Hyperspectral Images
* Nonparametric discovery of movement patterns from accelerometer signals
* Nonsmooth DC programming approach to the minimum sum-of-squares clustering problems
* NOSQL for Storage and Retrieval of Large LIDAR Data Collections
* Novel Hybrid Image Authentication Scheme for AMBTC-Compressed Images, A
* novel medical image compression using Ripplet transform, A
* novel optimization framework for salient object detection, A
* Novel Rate Control Scheme for Low Delay Video Coding of HEVC
* Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Monocular Images, A
* Novel Rubber Hand Illusion Paradigm Allowing Active Self-Touch With Variable Force Feedback Controlled by a Haptic Device, A
* Novel Sparsity Measure for Tensor Recovery, A
* Object Detection Using Generalization and Efficiency Balanced Co-Occurrence Features
* Object Detection via a Multi-region and Semantic Segmentation-Aware CNN Model
* Object Discovery: Soft Attributed Graph Mining
* Object Extraction from Bounding Box Prior with Double Sparse Reconstruction
* Object Recognition in Baggage Inspection Using Adaptive Sparse Representations of X-ray Images
* Object retrieval with image graph traversal-based re-ranking
* Objects2action: Classifying and Localizing Actions without Any Video Example
* Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation Using Light-Field Cameras
* Ocean Wave Energy Estimation Using Active Satellite Imagery as a Solution of Energy Scarce in Indonesia Case Study: Poteran Island's Water, Madura
* Octree-based segmentation for terrestrial LiDAR point cloud data in industrial applications
* Offline Deformable Face Tracking in Arbitrary Videos
* On Configuration Trajectory Formation in Spatiotemporal Profile for Reproducing Human Hand Reaching Movement
* On developing and enhancing plant-level disease rating systems in real fields
* On Feature Motion Decorrelation in Ultrasound Speckle Tracking
* On Linear Structure from Motion for Light Field Cameras
* On Predicting Visual Comfort of Stereoscopic Images: A Learning to Rank Based Approach
* On Statistical Analysis of Neuroimages with Imperfect Registration
* On the Equivalence of Moving Entrance Pupil and Radial Distortion for Camera Calibration
* On the Numerical Instability of an LCMV Beamformer for a Uniform Linear Array
* On the Use of Cross-Correlation between Volume Scattering and Helix Scattering from Polarimetric SAR Data for the Improvement of Ship Detection
* On the Use of Shortwave Infrared for Tree Species Discrimination in Tropical Semideciduous Forest
* On the Visibility of Point Clouds
* One Shot Detection with Laplacian Object and Fast Matrix Cosine Similarity
* One Shot Learning via Compositions of Meaningful Patches
* One Triangle Three Parallelograms Sampling Strategy and Its Application in Shape Regression, The
* Online Behavioral Analysis and Modeling, Guest Editorial
* Online Object Tracking with Proposal Selection
* Online Stochastic Tensor Decomposition for Background Subtraction in Multispectral Video Sequences
* Ontology Based Quality Evaluation for Spatial Data
* Opening the Black Box: Hierarchical Sampling Optimization for Estimating Human Hand Pose
* Operational Application of the Landsat Timeseries to Address Large Area Landcover Understanding
* Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals of Low Stratus and Fog from MTSAT Daytime Data as a Prerequisite for Yellow Sea Fog Detection
* Optimal Operation Point Detection Based on Force Transmitting Behavior for Wheel Slip Prevention of Electric Vehicles
* Optimal seamline detection for multiple image mosaicking via graph cuts
* Optimal XOR Based (2,n)-Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Optimising the spatial resolution of WorldView-2 pan-sharpened imagery for predicting levels of Gonipterus scutellatus defoliation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
* Optimized Assistive Human-Robot Interaction Using Reinforcement Learning
* optimized real-time hands gesture recognition based interface for individuals with upper-level spinal cord injuries, An
* Optimizing Expected Intersection-Over-Union with Candidate-Constrained CRFs
* Optimizing the Viewing Graph for Structure-from-Motion
* Oriented Light-Field Windows for Scene Flow
* Oriented Object Proposals
* OTLines: A novel line-detection algorithm without the interference of smooth curves
* Out-of-Sample Generalizations for Supervised Manifold Learning for Classification
* Overfitting in linear feature extraction for classification of high-dimensional image data
* Overview of 3D Topology for LADM-Based Objects, An
* P-CNN: Pose-Based CNN Features for Action Recognition
* Pairwise Conditional Random Forests for Facial Expression Recognition
* Pan-Sharpening with a Hyper-Laplacian Penalty
* Panoptic Studio: A Massively Multiview System for Social Motion Capture
* Parameter-free modelling of 2D shapes with ellipses
* Parsimonious Labeling
* Partial FFT Demodulation for MIMO-OFDM Over Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels
* Partial Person Re-Identification
* Passenger acceptance of counter-terrorism security measures in stations
* Passenger Compartment Violation Detection in HOV/HOT Lanes
* Patch Group Based Nonlocal Self-Similarity Prior Learning for Image Denoising
* PatchMatch-Based Automatic Lattice Detection for Near-Regular Textures
* Pathwise component descent method with MC+ penalty for low rank matrix recovery
* Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Thresholded Aggregated Channel Features
* Pedestrian Travel Time Estimation in Crowded Scenes
* Peeking Template Matching for Depth Extension
* People tracking in an environment with multiple depth cameras: A skeleton-based pairwise trajectory matching scheme
* Per-Sample Kernel Adaptation for Visual Recognition and Grouping
* Performance Evaluation of CRW Reef-Scale and Broad-Scale SST-Based Coral Monitoring Products in Fringing Reef Systems of Tobago
* Performance of dynamic texture segmentation using GPU
* Person Attribute Recognition with a Jointly-Trained Holistic CNN Model
* Person Re-Identification Ranking Optimisation by Discriminant Context Information Analysis
* Person Re-Identification with Correspondence Structure Learning
* Person Re-Identification with Discriminatively Trained Viewpoint Invariant Dictionaries
* Person Recognition in Personal Photo Collections
* Person Tracking Using Audio and Depth Cues
* Personal Authentication Based on 3D Configuration of Micro-feature Points on Facial Surface
* Personalized Age Progression with Aging Dictionary
* Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
* Photogrammetric, Geometrical, and Numerical Strategies to Evaluate Initial and Current Conditions in Historical Constructions: A Test Case in the Church of San Lorenzo (Zamora, Spain)
* Photometric Stereo in a Scattering Medium
* Photometric Stereo with Small Angular Variations
* Piecewise Flat Embedding for Image Segmentation
* PIEFA: Personalized Incremental and Ensemble Face Alignment
* Point Cloud Filtering Approach to Generating DTMs for Steep Mountainous Areas and Adjacent Residential Areas, A
* Point Triangulation through Polyhedron Collapse Using the L-inf Norm
* Point-of-Interest Recommendations via a Supervised Random Walk Algorithm
* Polarization characteristics of objects in long-wave infrared range
* Polarized 3D: High-Quality Depth Sensing with Polarization Cues
* pool of multiple person re-identification experts, A
* POP Image Fusion: Derivative Domain Image Fusion without Reintegration
* Pose and Expression-Coherent Face Recovery in the Wild
* Pose Induction for Novel Object Categories
* Pose-Invariant 3D Face Alignment
* PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization
* Position Interpolation Using Feature Point Scale for Decimeter Visual Localization
* Post-Eruption Deformation Processes Measured Using ALOS-1 and UAVSAR InSAR at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
* Potential Use of Multi-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Bare Agricultural Areas: Hebei, China, The
* PQTable: Fast Exact Asymmetric Distance Neighbor Search for Product Quantization Using Hash Tables
* Pre-Launch Radiometric Characterization of JPSS-1 VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Predicting Ball Ownership in Basketball from a Monocular View Using Only Player Trajectories
* Predicting Deep Zero-Shot Convolutional Neural Networks Using Textual Descriptions
* Predicting Depth, Surface Normals and Semantic Labels with a Common Multi-scale Convolutional Architecture
* Predicting Good Features for Image Geo-Localization Using Per-Bundle VLAD
* Predicting Multiple Structured Visual Interpretations
* Prediction of Soil Moisture Content and Soil Salt Concentration from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Field Data
* Prediction of Vibrations as a Measure of Terrain Traversability in Outdoor Structured and Natural Environments
* Preface to 3D Reconstruction and Understanding with Video and Sound
* Principal Component 2-D Long Short-Term Memory for Font Recognition on Single Chinese Characters
* Probabilistic Appearance Models for Segmentation and Classification
* Probabilistic Label Relation Graphs with Ising Models
* Probability Distribution Estimation for Autoregressive Pixel-Predictive Image Coding
* Probing deeper into the risks of slips, trips and falls for an ageing rail passenger population: applying a systems approach
* Procedural Editing of 3D Building Point Clouds
* Procedure-based component and architecture modeling from a single image
* Production of a Dynamic Cropland Mask by Processing Remote Sensing Image Series at High Temporal and Spatial Resolutions
* Progressive Visual Secret Sharing with Multiple Decryptions and Unexpanded Shares
* Projection Bank: From High-Dimensional Data to Medium-Length Binary Codes
* Projection Free Method for Generalized Eigenvalue Problem with a Nonsmooth Regularizer, A
* Projection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for Accurate Extraction
* Properties of Gauss Digitized Shapes and Digital Surface Integration
* Protection of Incumbent Services and Its Impact on Coverage of TV Band Device Networks in TV White Space
* Protection Switching Methods for Point-to-Multipoint Connections in Packet Transport Networks
* Quality Assessment for Reassembled Image Files
* Quality Assessment Method for 3D Road Polygon Objects, A
* Quantifying Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia Using Depth Camera
* Quantifying Multi-Decadal Change of Planted Forest Cover Using Airborne LiDAR and Landsat Imagery
* Quantifying the Impact of NDVIsoil Determination Methods and NDVIsoil Variability on the Estimation of Fractional Vegetation Cover in Northeast China
* Quantitative Estimation of Carbonate Rock Fraction in Karst Regions Using Field Spectra in 2.0-2.5 µm
* Query Adaptive Similarity Measure for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Radiometric Stability Monitoring of the Suomi NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Reflective Solar Bands Using the Moon
* Railway infrastructure asset management: The whole-system life cost analysis
* Rainfall Intra-Seasonal Variability and Vegetation Growth in the Ferlo Basin (Senegal)
* Random Grids-Based Threshold Visual Secret Sharing with Improved Contrast by Boolean Operations
* Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
* Randomized Bidirectional B-Spline Parameterization Motion Planning
* Randomized Ensemble Approach to Industrial CT Segmentation, A
* Raster Data Partitioning for Supporting Distributed GIS Processing
* Ray Saliency: Bottom-Up Visual Saliency for a Rotating and Zooming Camera
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from Images Taken from an UAV
* Real-time camera motion tracking in planar view scenarios
* Real-Time Lane Estimation Using Deep Features and Extra Trees Regression
* Real-time monocular image-based path detection
* Real-Time Pose Estimation Piggybacked on Object Detection
* Realtime Edge-Based Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera
* Recognition of the gaze direction: Anchoring with the eyebrows
* Recognizing faces with normalized local Gabor features and Spiking Neuron Patterns
* Recognizing Personal Contexts from Egocentric Images
* Reconstruction of Articulated Objects from a Moving Camera
* Recording Denisyuk-type holograms with multi-pulse laser exposure
* Recurrent Network Models for Human Dynamics
* Recursive Frichet Mean Computation on the Grassmannian and Its Applications to Computer Vision
* Reduced Complexity Superresolution for Low-Bitrate Video Compression
* Reduction of phase fluctuations in swept-source optical coherence tomography
* Redundant GNSS-INS Low-Cost UAV Navigation Solution for Professional Applications, A
* Reflection Modeling for Passive Stereo
* Registering Images to Untextured Geometry Using Average Shading Gradients
* Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of the Bones of the Human Wrist
* Regressing a 3D Face Shape from a Single Image
* Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and Preliminary Indicator of Diseased Lungs
* Regressive Tree Structured Model for Facial Landmark Localization
* Relative Attribute SVM: Learning for Age Estimation
* relaxation approach to computation of second-order wedgelet transform with application to image compression, A
* Relaxed Multiple-Instance SVM with Application to Object Discovery
* Relaxing from Vocabulary: Robust Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning for Vocabulary-Free Image Tagging
* Relay Power Control for Two-Way Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks
* Reliable pose estimation of underwater dock using single camera: A scene invariant approach
* Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to the Landscape for the Environmental Restoration of Urbanizations by Means of 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization (Salamanca, Spain)
* Remote Sensing Based Simple Models of GPP in Both Disturbed and Undisturbed Piñon-Juniper Woodlands in the Southwestern U.S.
* Removing Rain from a Single Image via Discriminative Sparse Coding
* Render for CNN: Viewpoint Estimation in Images Using CNNs Trained with Rendered 3D Model Views
* Rendered Benchmark Data Set for Evaluation of Occlusion-Handling Strategies of a Parts-Based Car Detector
* Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation
* Resolving Scale Ambiguity via XSlit Aspect Ratio Analysis
* Retinal Mechanism Inspired Color Constancy Model, A
* Retrieval and classification methods for textured 3D models: A comparative study
* Retrieval of Melt Ponds on Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice in Summer from TerraSAR-X Dual-Polarization Data Using Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study in the Chukchi Sea with Mid-Incidence Angle Data
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature over Poteran Island Water of Indonesia with Landsat 8 TIRS Image: A Preliminary Algorithm
* Reversible and Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Spread Spectrum and Amplitude Expansion
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Combined Predictor and Prediction Error Expansion
* Reversible Data Hiding by Median-Preserving Histogram Modification for Image Contrast Enhancement
* Reversible Data Hiding in Block Compressed Sensing Images
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Interpolation and Histogram Shifting
* Reversible Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Modified Integer-to-Integer Discrete Wavelet Transform and CDMA Algorithm, A
* Reversible Shared Data Hiding Based on Modified Signed Digit EMD
* Review of Communication, Driver Characteristics, and Controls Aspects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), A
* Review of Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment (MHRA) Using 4D Dynamic Models, A
* Review of the Application of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Land Use Mapping and Monitoring, A
* RGB-Guided Hyperspectral Image Upsampling
* RGB-W: When Vision Meets Wireless
* RIDE: Reversal Invariant Descriptor Enhancement
* RLS-Based Lattice-Form Complex Adaptive Notch Filter, An
* Robust and Optimal Sum-of-Squares-Based Point-to-Plane Registration of Image Sets and Structured Scenes
* Robust Edge-Stop Functions for Edge-Based Active Contour Models in Medical Image Segmentation
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection Under Significant Head Poses and Occlusion
* Robust Heart Rate Measurement from Video Using Select Random Patches
* Robust Identification Scheme for JPEG XR Images with Various Compression Ratios, A
* Robust Image Segmentation Using Contour-Guided Color Palettes
* Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and Adaptive-Lattice Quantization Index Modulation
* Robust Matrix Regression for Illumination and Occlusion Tolerant Face Recognition
* Robust Model-Based 3D Head Pose Estimation
* Robust motion flow for mesh tracking of freely moving actors
* Robust Non-rigid Motion Tracking and Surface Reconstruction Using L_0 Regularization
* Robust Nonrigid Registration by Convex Optimization
* Robust Optimization for Deep Regression
* Robust Point Set Matching for Partial Face Recognition
* Robust Principal Component Analysis on Graphs
* Robust RGB-D Odometry Using Point and Line Features
* Robust solutions to fuzzy one-class support vector machine
* robust spatio-temporal scheme for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval, A
* Robust Statistical Face Frontalization
* Robust Stereo Vision with Confidence Measure Based on Tree Agreement, A
* Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction from Crowdsourced Pairwise Labels
* Robust Transmission Waveform Design for Distributed Multiple-Radar Systems Based on Low Probability of Intercept
* Robust Vertex Classification
* Robust Visual Tracking by Exploiting the Historical Tracker Snapshots
* Robust Visual Voice Activity Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network
* Role of Satellite Derived Data for Flood Inundation Mapping Using GIS, The
* Rolling Shutter Super-Resolution
* Rotation-and-scale-invariant airplane detection in high-resolution satellite images based on deep-Hough-forests
* SALICON: Reducing the Semantic Gap in Saliency Prediction by Adapting Deep Neural Networks
* Saliency Detection Using Quaternion Sparse Reconstruction
* Scalable Architecture for Operational FMV Exploitation, A
* Scalable Kernel Correlation Filter with Sparse Feature Integration
* Scalable Massively Parallel Motion and Disparity Estimation Scheme for Multiview Video Coding, A
* Scalable Nonlinear Embeddings for Semantic Category-Based Image Retrieval
* Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark
* Scalable Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Using Color Gradient Features
* Scaling up Ecological Measurements of Coral Reefs Using Semi-Automated Field Image Collection and Analysis
* Scatter-free imaging through biological tissue
* Scene Intrinsics and Depth from a Single Image
* Scene-Based Non-uniformity Correction with Readout Noise Compensation
* Scene-Domain Active Part Models for Object Representation
* Scotopic Visual Recognition
* SCTMS: Superpixel based color topographic map segmentation method
* Sea-Ice Wintertime Lead Frequencies and Regional Characteristics in the Arctic, 2003-2015
* Seasonal Characterization of Solar Radiation Estimates Obtained from a MSG-SEVIRI-Derived Dataset and a RAMS-Based Operational Forecasting System over the Western Mediterranean Coast
* Secrets of GrabCut and Kernel K-Means
* Secrets of Matrix Factorization: Approximations, Numerics, Manifold Optimization and Random Restarts
* See the Difference: Direct Pre-Image Reconstruction and Pose Estimation by Differentiating HOG
* Seeing the Sound: A New Multimodal Imaging Device for Computer Vision
* Seeing through walls with wireless signals
* Segment Graph Based Image Filtering: Fast Structure-Preserving Smoothing
* Segment-Phrase Table for Semantic Segmentation, Visual Entailment and Paraphrasing
* Segmentation of Façades from Urban 3D Point Clouds Using Geometrical and Morphological Attribute-Based Operators
* Selecting Relevant Web Trained Concepts for Automated Event Retrieval
* Selective Encoding for Recognizing Unreliably Localized Faces
* Self-Calibration of Optical Lenses
* Self-Occlusions and Disocclusions in Causal Video Object Segmentation
* Self-Paced Multiple-Instance Learning Framework for Co-Saliency Detection, A
* Semantic Component Analysis
* Semantic Cross-View Matching
* Semantic Image Segmentation via Deep Parsing Network
* Semantic Interpretation of INSAR Estimates Using Optical Images with Application to Urban Infrastructure Monitoring
* Semantic Mapping of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes for Autonomous Off-Road Driving
* Semantic Pose Using Deep Networks Trained on Synthetic RGB-D
* Semantic Segmentation of RGBD Images with Mutex Constraints
* Semantic Segmentation with Object Clique Potential
* Semantic Video Entity Linking Based on Visual Content and Metadata
* Semantically-Aware Aerial Reconstruction from Multi-modal Data
* Semantics-Preserving Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* semi-automatic method for robust and efficient identification of neighboring muscle cells, A
* Semi-Automatic Procedure for Texturing of Laser Scanning Point Clouds with Google Streetview Images, A
* Semi-Blind Source Separation for Estimation of Clay Content Over Semi-Vegetated Areas, from VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Airborne Data
* Semi-Closed Form Solution to MIMO Relaying Optimization With Source-Destination Link, A
* Semi-Supervised Normalized Cuts for Image Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Zero-Shot Classification with Label Representation Learning
* Sensor Capability and Atmospheric Correction in Ocean Colour Remote Sensing
* Separability Criteria for the Evaluation of Boundary Detection Benchmarks
* Separable soft shadow mapping
* Separating Fluorescent and Reflective Components by Using a Single Hyperspectral Image
* Sequence to Sequence -- Video to Text
* Sequential Score Adaptation with Extreme Value Theory for Robust Railway Track Inspection
* Sequentially adaptive active appearance model with regression-based online reference appearance template
* Severely Blurred Object Tracking by Learning Deep Image Representations
* SGM-based seamline determination for urban orthophoto mosaicking
* Shape Augmented Regression Method for Face Alignment
* Shape Interaction Matrix Revisited and Robustified: Efficient Subspace Clustering with Corrupted and Incomplete Data
* Shapes From Pixels
* Shared Steering Control Using Safe Envelopes for Obstacle Avoidance and Vehicle Stability
* Shell PCA: Statistical Shape Modelling in Shell Space
* Signal coordination scheme based on traffic emission
* Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Multi-modal Data Analysis
* Simple Approaches to Improve the Automatic Inventory of Zebra Crossing from MLS Data
* Simple Method for Subspace Estimation with Corrupted Columns, A
* Simpler Non-Parametric Methods Provide as Good or Better Results to Multiple-Instance Learning
* Simplified MMSE Precoding Design in Interference Two-Way MIMO Relay Systems
* simplified two-view geometry based external calibration method for omnidirectional and PTZ camera pairs, A
* Simultaneous Camera, Light Position and Radiant Intensity Distribution Calibration
* Simultaneous Deep Transfer Across Domains and Tasks
* Simultaneous Foreground Detection and Classification with Hybrid Features
* Simultaneous Local Binary Feature Learning and Encoding for Face Recognition
* Single Frame Based Video Geo-Localisation Using Structure Projection
* Single Image 3D without a Single 3D Image
* Single Image Pop-Up from Discriminatively Learned Parts
* Single image super-resolution via internal gradient similarity
* Single-Frame Indexing for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Single-Shot Specular Surface Reconstruction with Gonio-Plenoptic Imaging
* Situation Awareness Framework for Multi-Machine Environments: An Application to Operator Assistive Collision Warning System
* Skeleton-Free Body Pose Estimation from Depth Images for Movement Analysis
* Small Animal In Vivo X-Ray Tomosynthesis: Anatomical Relevance of the Reconstructed Images
* Smart e-bike monitoring system: real-time open source and open hardware GPS assistance and sensor data for electrically-assisted bicycles
* Smartkadaster: Observing Beyond Traditional Cadastre Capabilities for Malaysia
* Snow Depth Variations Estimated from GPS-Reflectometry: A Case Study in Alaska from L2P SNR Data
* Soccer Jersey Number Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Some Remarks on the Staircasing Phenomenon in Total Variation-Based Image Denoising
* SOWP: Spatially Ordered and Weighted Patch Descriptor for Visual Tracking
* Sparse Contextual Activation for Efficient Visual Re-Ranking
* Sparse Dynamic 3D Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Videos
* Sparse least mean p-power algorithms for channel estimation in the presence of impulsive noise
* Sparse Representation-Based Human Detection: A Scale-Embedded dictionary approach
* Sparse Subspace Clustering for Incomplete Images
* Sparsity in optical flow and trajectories
* Spatial Data Quality and a Workflow Tool
* Spatial Data Uncertainty in a WebGIS Tool Supporting Sediments Management in Wallonia
* Spatial Semantic Regularisation for Large Scale Object Detection
* Spatially and Temporally Complete Satellite Soil Moisture Data Based on a Data Assimilation Method
* Spatially Constrained Asymmetric Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Spatially variant defocus blur map estimation and deblurring from a single image
* Spatially-Explicit Testing of a General Aboveground Carbon Density Estimation Model in a Western Amazonian Forest Using Airborne LiDAR
* Spatio-Temporal Appearance Representation for Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification, A
* Spatio-temporal segmentation for the similarity measurement of deforming meshes
* spatiotemporal super-resolution algorithm for a hybrid stereo video system, A
* Special issue on real-time image and video processing for pattern recognition systems and applications
* Special issue on visual information retrieval
* Speckle reduction method for thyroid ultrasound images in neutrosophic domain
* Spectral Cross-Calibration of VIIRS Enhanced Vegetation Index with MODIS: A Case Study Using Year-Long Global Data
* spectral envelope approach towards effective SVM-RFE on infrared data, A
* SpeDo: 6 DOF Ego-Motion Sensor Using Speckle Defocus Imaging
* SPM-BP: Sped-Up PatchMatch Belief Propagation for Continuous MRFs
* Square Localization for Efficient and Accurate Object Detection
* Stabilized active camera tracking system
* Stable Overlapping Replicator Dynamics for Brain Community Detection
* Stain Specific Standardization of Whole-Slide Histopathological Images
* Star-Effect Simulation for Photography Using Self-calibrated Stereo Vision
* Statistical Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll Concentration in the New Caledonian Lagoon, A
* Statistics of Driving Sequences -- And What We Can Learn from Them, The
* Steganographic Greedy Algorithms for Data Hiding Based on Differences Under SMVQ
* Steganography Based on Grayscale Images Using (5, 3) Hamming Code
* Steganography Based on High-Dimensional Reference Table
* SteganoPIN: Two-Faced Human-Machine Interface for Practical Enforcement of PIN Entry Security
* Stereo Image Coding with Histogram-Pair Based Reversible Data Hiding
* Stereo Matching Techniques for High Dynamic Range Image Pairs
* Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D articulated human pose estimation
* Stereo Vision Approach for Cooperative Robotic Movement Therapy, A
* StereoSnakes: Contour Based Consistent Object Extraction for Stereo Images
* Storyline Representation of Egocentric Videos with an Applications to Story-Based Search
* Stroboscopic Image Synthesis of Sports Player from Hand-Held Camera Sequence
* Stroke width-based directional total variation regularisation for document image super resolution
* Structural feature-based evaluation method of binarization techniques for word retrieval in the degraded Arabic document images
* Structural Kernel Learning for Large Scale Multiclass Object Co-detection
* Structure from Motion Using Structure-Less Resection
* Structured Committee for Food Recognition, A
* Structured Feature Selection
* Structured Indoor Modeling
* Study on Apparent Age Estimation, A
* study on genetic expression programming-based approach for impulse noise reduction in images, A
* Study on Mental Representations for Realistic Visualization the Particular Case of Ski Trail Mapping, A
* Study on Size Optimization of Scanned Textual Documents, A
* Study on the Improvement of Cadastral System in Mongolia: Focused on National Land Information System, A
* Subpixel-Based Image Scaling for Grid-like Subpixel Arrangements: A Generalized Continuous-Domain Analysis Model
* Summarizing While Recording: Context-Based Highlight Detection for Egocentric Videos
* Super-Resolution of Multi-Observed RGB-D Images Based on Nonlocal Regression and Total Variation
* Superpixel-Based Watermarking Scheme for Image Authentication and Recovery
* Supervised Low-Rank Method for Learning Invariant Subspaces, A
* Supervised Monaural Speech Enhancement Using Complementary Joint Sparse Representations
* Surface Recovery: Fusion of Image and Point Cloud
* Suspicious Behavior Detection: Current Trends and Future Directions
* Synthesis of Oil-Style Paintings
* Synthesizing Illumination Mosaics from Internet Photo-Collections
* System Considerations and Challenges in 3D Mapping and Modeling Using Low-Cost UAV Systems
* Table Detection from Slide Images
* Tag Detection for Preventing Unauthorized Face Image Processing
* Task-Driven Disaster Data Link Approach, A
* Task-Driven Feature Pooling for Image Classification
* Teach Me-Show Me End-User Personalization of a Smart Home and Companion Robot
* Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap: A Comparative Study for Four Countries
* Temporal Perception and Prediction in Ego-Centric Video
* Temporal Subspace Clustering for Human Motion Segmentation
* Tennis Player Segmentation for Semantic Behavior Analysis
* Terrain Extraction by Integrating Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data and Spectral Information
* Terrestrial Laser Scanners Self-Calibration Study: Datum Constraints Analyses for Network Configurations
* Test of rolling stock electromagnetic compatibility for cross-domain interoperability
* Text Flow: A Unified Text Detection System in Natural Scene Images
* Text Mining the Contributors to Rail Accidents
* Text-to-video: a semantic search engine for internet videos
* Textual image compression at low bit rates based on region-of-interest coding
* Textural-Spectral Feature-Based Species Classification of Mangroves in Mai Po Nature Reserve from Worldview-3 Imagery
* theory of character recognition by pattern matching method, A
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2015 Challenge Results, The
* Thin Structure Estimation with Curvature Regularization
* Time Consistent Estimation of End-Effectors from RGB-D Data
* Tool for Stereoscopic Parameter Setting Based on Geometric Perceived Depth Percentage, A
* Top Rank Supervised Binary Coding for Visual Search
* Topic Modeling Based Representation to Detect Tweet Locations. Example of the Event Je Suis Charlie, A
* Topic-Aware Physical Activity Propagation in a Health Social Network
* Toward a generic representation of random variables for machine learning
* Toward Personalized Activity Recognition Systems With a Semipopulation Approach
* Towards a New Architecture for Autonomous Data Collection
* Towards Computational Baby Learning: A Weakly-Supervised Approach for Object Detection
* Towards Large-Scale Face Recognition Based on Videos
* Towards Open-World Person Re-Identification by One-Shot Group-Based Verification
* Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid Point Matching for Robust MR-TRUS Registration
* Towards Pointless Structure from Motion: 3D Reconstruction and Camera Parameters from General 3D Curves
* Towards Time-Series Processing of VHR Satellite Images for Surface Deformation Detecton and Measurements
* Tracker Fusion on VOT Challenge: How Does It Perform and What Can We Learn about Single Trackers?
* Tracking a Human Fast and Reliably Against Occlusion and Human-Crossing
* Tracking the Active Speaker Based on a Joint Audio-Visual Observation Model
* Tracking When the Camera Looks Away
* Tracking-by-Segmentation with Online Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
* Training a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose Estimation
* TransCut: Transparent Object Segmentation from a Light-Field Image
* Transfer Learning Based on Logistic Regression
* Travel Time Dynamics for Intelligent Transportation Systems: Theory and Applications
* Treatment of Geodetic Survey Data as Fuzzy Vectors
* Triangle Mesh Reconstruction Method Taking into Account Silhouette Images, A
* TRIC-track: Tracking by Regression with Incrementally Learned Cascades
* Tropical Forests of Réunion Island Classified from Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR Measurements
* Trust Agent-Based Behavior Induction in Social Networks
* Trusting Crowdsourced Geospatial Semantics
* Two Algorithms for the Detection and Tracking of Moving Vehicle Targets in Aerial Infrared Image Sequences
* Two Birds, One Stone: Jointly Learning Binary Code for Large-Scale Face Image Retrieval and Attributes Prediction
* Two Distributions Designed to Minimize the Expected Delay in CSMA Networks
* Two-Band Radial Postfiltering in Cepstral Domain with Application to Speech Synthesis
* Two-in-One Image Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Boolean Operations
* UAV Application in Coastal Environment, Example of the Oleron Island for Dunes and Dikes Survey
* UAV Data Processing for Rapid Mapping Activities
* UAV Linear Photogrammetry
* UAV Onboard Photogrammetry and GPS Positionning for Earthworks
* UAV-Based Acquisition of 3D Point Cloud: A Comparison of a Low-Cost Laser Scanner and SFM-Tools
* UAV-Borne Thermal Imaging for Forest Health Monitoring: Detection of Disease-Induced Canopy Temperature Increase
* Unconstrained Age Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Uncooperative gait recognition: Re-ranking based on sparse coding and multi-view hypergraph learning
* Uncovering Interactions and Interactors: Joint Estimation of Head, Body Orientation and F-Formations from Surveillance Videos
* Understanding and Diagnosing Visual Tracking Systems
* Understanding and Predicting Image Memorability at a Large Scale
* Understanding Deep Features with Computer-Generated Imagery
* Understanding Everyday Hands in Action from RGB-D Images
* Understanding image concepts using ISTOP model
* Understanding Sport Activities from Correspondences of Clustered Trajectories
* Underwater Active Oneshot Scan with Static Wave Pattern and Bundle Adjustment
* Unified Multiplicative Framework for Attribute Learning, A
* Unified Optimization Perspective to Single/Multi-observation Blur-Kernel Estimation with Applications to Camera-Shake Deblurring and Nonparametric Blind Super-Resolution, A
* Unified Photo Enhancement by Discovering Aesthetic Communities from Flickr
* Unifying Concepts of Statistical and Spectral Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques
* Universal Counterforensics of Multiple Compressed JPEG Images
* universal two-way approach for estimating unknown frequencies for unknown number of sinusoids in a signal based on eigenspace analysis of Hankel matrix, A
* Unsupervised Cross-Modal Synthesis of Subject-Specific Scans
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Zero-Shot Learning
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Imbalanced Cross-Domain Data
* Unsupervised Extraction of Video Highlights via Robust Recurrent Auto-Encoders
* Unsupervised Generation of a View Point Annotated Car Dataset from Videos
* Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporally Coherent Metrics
* Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations Using Videos
* Unsupervised Many-to-Many Object Matching for Relational Data
* Unsupervised Object Discovery and Tracking in Video Collections
* Unsupervised Semantic Parsing of Video Collections
* Unsupervised Synchrony Discovery in Human Interaction
* Unsupervised Trajectory Clustering via Adaptive Multi-kernel-Based Shrinkage
* Unsupervised Tube Extraction Using Transductive Learning and Dense Trajectories
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction
* Urban Land-Cover Change and Its Impact on the Ecosystem Carbon Storage in a Dryland City
* Use of a Light UAV and Photogrammetric Techniques to Study the Evolution of a Landslide in JaÉn (Southern Spain)
* Use of remote sensing to validate electro-optic prediction models
* Use of SSU/MSU Satellite Observations to Validate Upper Atmospheric Temperature Trends in CMIP5 Simulations
* Use of UAS in a High Mountain Landscape: The Case of Gran Sommetta Rock Glacier (AO)
* Use of Very High-Resolution Airborne Images to Analyse 3D Canopy Architecture of a Vineyard
* User Selection Algorithms for MU-MIMO Systems with Coordinated Beamforming
* User Validation of VIIRS Satellite Imagery
* User-adaptive image retrieval via fusing pointwise and pairwise labels
* Using a superfluid to image its own vortices
* Using Geo-Data Corporately on the Response Phase of Emergency Management
* Using Image Features and Eye Tracking Device to Predict Human Emotions Towards Abstract Images
* Using Legacy Soil Data for Standardizing Predictions of Topsoil Clay Content Obtained from VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Airborne Images
* Using Remotely-Sensed Land Cover and Distribution Modeling to Estimate Tree Species Migration in the Pacific Northwest Region of North America
* Utilizing Mobile Sensing to Investigate the Effects of Urban Space on Users Behavior
* Validation of Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Satellite Products for Coral Bleaching Monitoring
* Variable Multi-dimensional Co-occurrence for Steganalysis
* Variable-Length Segment Copy for Compressing Index Map of Palette Coding in Screen Content Coding
* Variational Depth Superresolution Using Example-Based Edge Representations
* Variational PatchMatch MultiView Reconstruction and Refinement
* Vehicle-tracking in wide-area motion imagery from an airborne platform
* Versatile Learning-Based 3D Temporal Tracker: Scalable, Robust, Online, A
* Versatile Scene Model with Differentiable Visibility Applied to Generative Pose Estimation, A
* Vessel Detection Algorithm Used in a Laser Monitoring System of the Lock Gate Zone
* Video Event Recognition by Combining HDP and Gaussian Process
* Video Matting via Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Video Restoration Against Yin-Yang Phasing
* Video Segmentation with Just a Few Strokes
* Video Summarization via Segments Summary Graphs
* Video Super-Resolution Framework Using SCoBeP, A
* Video Super-Resolution via Deep Draft-Ensemble Learning
* Video-Rate Stereo Matching Using Markov Random Field TRW-S Inference on a Hybrid CPU: FPGA Computing Platform
* Vision-based approach towards lane line detection and vehicle localization
* Vision-based fault inspection of small mechanical components for train safety
* visual attention-based method to address the midas touch problem existing in gesture-based interaction, A
* Visual Attention-Guided Approach to Monitoring of Medication Dispensing Using Multi-location Feature Saliency Patterns
* Visual Cryptography Scheme with Autostereogram
* Visual Madlibs: Fill in the Blank Description Generation and Question Answering
* Visual mining of time series using a tubular visualization
* Visual Object Tracking Performance Measures Revisited
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2015 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Phrases for Exemplar Face Detection
* Visual Tracking via Nonnegative Regularization Multiple Locality Coding
* Visual Tracking with Fully Convolutional Networks
* Visual Two-Secret Sharing Schemes by Different Superimposition Positions
* Visual-LiDAR Odometry Aided by Reduced IMU
* Visualization of Marine Sand Dune Displacements Utilizing Modern GPU Techniques
* Visualizing the Tumor Microvasculature With a Nonlinear Plane-Wave Doppler Imaging Scheme Based on Amplitude Modulation
* Voice Activity Detection: Merging Source and Filter-based Information
* Volume preserving viscoelastic fluids with large deformations using position-based velocity corrections
* Volume-Based Semantic Labeling with Signed Distance Functions
* Volumetric Bias in Segmentation and Reconstruction: Secrets and Solutions
* VQA: Visual Question Answering
* Walking Disturbance Index Suggestions for Optimized Path Search for the People with Reduced Mobility, A
* Watermarking for Digital Audio Based on Adaptive Phase Modulation
* Wavefront Marching Method for Solving the Eikonal Equation on Cartesian Grids, A
* Weakly Supervised Graph Based Semantic Segmentation by Learning Communities of Image-Parts
* Weakly-and Semi-Supervised Learning of a Deep Convolutional Network for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Weakly-Supervised Alignment of Video with Text
* Weakly-Supervised Structured Output Learning with Flexible and Latent Graphs Using High-Order Loss Functions
* Web-Scale Image Clustering Revisited
* Webly Supervised Learning of Convolutional Networks
* Weighted Multi-view Clustering with Feature Selection
* What is an Appropriate Temporal Sampling Rate to Record Floating Car Data with a GPS?
* What Makes an Object Memorable?
* What Makes Tom Hanks Look Like Tom Hanks
* When Face Recognition Meets with Deep Learning: An Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition
* Where to Buy It: Matching Street Clothing Photos in Online Shops
* Wide Baseline Stereo Matching with Convex Bounded Distortion Constraints
* Wide-Angle Tissue Doppler Imaging at High Frame Rate Using Multi-Line Transmit Beamforming: An Experimental Validation In Vivo
* Wide-Area Image Geolocalization with Aerial Reference Imagery
* WIMUAS: Developing a Tool to Review Wildlife Data from Various UAS Flight Plans
* Wind speed estimation using C-band compact polarimetric SAR for wide swath imaging modes
* Wing-Surface Reconstruction of a Lanner-Falcon in Free Flapping Flight with Multiple Cameras
* You are Here: Mimicking the Human Thinking Process in Reading Floor-Plans
* You Describe it, I Will Name it: An Approach to Alleviate the Effect of Users' Semantics in Assigning Tags to Features In VGI
* Zero coefficient-aware fast butterfly-based inverse discrete cosine transform algorithm
* Zero-Shot Learning via Semantic Similarity Embedding
* Zero-Watermarking Based on Improved ORB Features Against Print-cam Attack
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