Update Dates 0602

0602 * 3D Vision-Guided Bore Inspection System
* Abrupt Change Detection Algorithm for Buried Landmines Localization, An
* Accuracy Assessment of SAR Data-Based Snow-Covered Area Estimation Method
* Activity Awareness: from Predefined Events to New Pattern Discovery
* Adaptive fingerprint image enhancement with fingerprint image quality analysis
* Adaptive object detection and recognition based on a feedback strategy
* Adaptive Patch Projection for the Generation of Orthophotos from Satellite Images
* ADVISER: Immersive Scientific Visualization Applied to Mars Research and Exploration
* Aligning Transcripts to Automatically Segmented Handwritten Manuscripts
* Alternative Solutions for Continuous K Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatial Network Databases
* Analysis of Spacecraft Localization from Descent Image Data for Pinpoint Landing on Mars and Other Cratered Bodies, An
* Appearance-based 3D face tracker: an evaluation study
* Application and Evaluation of Colour Constancy in Visual Surveillance
* Application of Bi-gram Driven Chinese Handwritten Character Segmentation for an Address Reading System
* APRIORI-based Method for Frequent Composite Event Discovery in Videos, An
* Arbitrary-Ratio Image Resizing Using Fast DCT of Composite Length for DCT-Based Transcoder
* Assessment of Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Image Segmentations
* Automated Crater Detection, A New Tool for Mars Cartography and Chronology
* Automated Reassembly of File Fragmented Images Using Greedy Algorithms
* Automated Scoring of Handwritten Essays Based on Latent Semantic Analysis
* Automatic Aerial Image Registration Without Correspondence
* Automatic Assembling of Cadastral Maps Based on Generalized Hough Transformation
* Automatic Camera Placement in Vision Metrology Based On A Fuzzy Inference System
* Automatic detection of dangerous events for underground surveillance
* Automatic Face Modeling and Synthesis Based on Image Pairs
* Automatic Keyword Extraction from Historical Document Images
* Automatic robust image registration system: Initialization, estimation, and decision
* Automatic Segmentation of High-resolution Satellite Imagery by Integrating Texture, Intensity, and Color Features
* Background initialization with a new robust statistical approach
* Bangla/English Script Identification Based on Analysis of Connected Component Profiles
* BC&GC-Based Dense Stereo By Belief Propagation
* Behavior recognition via sparse spatio-temporal features
* belief theory-based static posture recognition system for real-time video surveillance applications, A
* Bias-compensated RPCs for Sensor Orientation of High-resolution Satellite Imagery
* Bit-rate control algorithm based on local image complexity for video coding with ROI
* Boosting particle filter-based eye tracker performance through adapted likelihood function to reflexions and light changes
* Building Modular Vision Systems with a Graphical Plugin Environment
* Can the Surveillance System Run Pose Variant Face Recognition in Real Time?
* Car detection in aerial thermal images by local and global evidence accumulation
* Car tracking by quantised input LMS, QX-LMS algorithm in traffic scenes
* Characterizing the vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance in coastal waters: Implications for water penetration by high resolution satellite data
* Classification of smart video surveillance systems for commercial applications
* Classifying and Mapping Wildfire Severity: A Comparison of Methods
* Cloud-Free Satellite Image Mosaics with Regression Trees and Histogram Matching
* Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape descriptor and dynamic time warping
* Coarse-to-fine strategy for robust and efficient change detectors
* Cole-Cole Dispersion Models for Aqueous Gelatin-Syrup Dielectric Composites
* Collective calibration of active camera groups
* Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented reality
* Combined Adjustment of MOC Stereo Imagery and MOLA Altimetry Data
* Combining Multiple Classifiers for Faster Optical Character Recognition
* Combining Reconstructive and Discriminative Subspace Methods for Robust Classification and Regression by Subsampling
* Comparing Raster Map Comparison Algorithms for Spatial Modeling and Analysis
* Comparison and validation of tissue modelization and statistical classification methods in T1-weighted MR brain images
* Comparison of Active-Contour Models Based on Blurring and on Marginalization, A
* Comparison of Automated Watershed Delineations: Effects on Land Cover Areas, Percentages, and Relationships to Nutrient Discharge
* Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models
* Computer Vision for Homeland Security: A Perspective on its Promise and Pitfalls
* Computer-aided image analysis
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* Content-based image retrieval using Legendre chromaticity distribution moments
* Context-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences
* Contextual Coordination in a Cognitive Vision System for Symbolic Activity Interpretation
* Contextual Reconstruction of Cloud-Contaminated Multitemporal Multispectral Images
* Continuous Query Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data Streams in PLACE
* Contour-Based Moving Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Contribution to the Discrimination of the Medieval Manuscript Texts: Application in the Palaeography
* Control Patches for Automatic Single Photo Orientation
* Cryptanalysis of a data securityp protection scheme for VoIP
* Cut Digits Classification with k-NN Multi-specialist
* Data Association in Multi-Target Tracking Using Belief Theory: Handling Target Emergence and Disappearance Issue
* Data fusion for robust head tracking by particles
* DCT-Based Video Downscaling Transcoder Using Split and Merge Technique
* Deleted Interpolation Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Grammar Network for Recognizing Human Activity
* Denoising image sequences does not require motion estimation
* Design and parallel computation of regularised fast Hartley transform
* Desktop 3D Scanner Exploiting Rotation and Visual Rectification of Laser Profiles, A
* Detecting and counting people in surveillance applications
* Detecting and quantifying unusual interactions by correlating salient motion
* Detecting retail events using moving edges
* Detecting urbanization changes using SPOT5
* Digital image stitching
* Digital Imaging with Extreme Zoom: System Design and Image Restoration
* Digital integrator design using Simpson rule and fractional delay filter
* Digital video processing method and apparatus thereof
* Digitizing a Million Books: Challenges for Document Analysis
* Directional Spectral Mixture Analysis Method: Application to Multiangular Airborne Measurements, A
* Discriminant Locality Preserving Projections: A New Method to Face Representation and Recognition
* Distant targets identification as an on-line dynamic vehicle routing problem using an active-zooming camera
* Document Analysis System for Automating Workflows
* Document Logical Structure Analysis Based on Perceptive Cycles
* Dual LDA: An effective feature space reduction method for face recognition
* Dual-sensor camera for acquiring image sequences with different spatio-temporal resolution
* Dynamic Method for Generating Multi-Resolution TIN Models, A
* Effect of Alternative Splitting Rules on Image Processing Using Classification Tree Analysis
* effective multi-stage background generation algorithm, An
* effective real-time mosaicing algorithm apt to detect motion through background subtraction using a PTZ camera, An
* Effects of laser beam alignment tolerance on lidar accuracy
* Effects of OCR Error on the Extraction of Private Information, The
* Efficient and Robust Real-Time Contour Tracking System, An
* Efficient Architecture for Orthogonal Wavelet Transforms, An
* Efficient cumulative matching for image registration
* Efficient Hidden Semi-Markov Model Inference for Structured Video Sequences
* efficient motion-adaption de-interlacing technique on VLIW DSP architecture, An
* Efficient occlusion handling for multiple agent tracking by reasoning with surveillance event primitives
* Efficient Vision-Based Calibration for Visual Surveillance Systems with Multiple PTZ Cameras
* Efficient Word Retrieval by Means of SOM Clustering and PCA
* Electronic image registration for a scanner
* Enhanced cross-diamond-hexagonal search algorithms for fast block motion estimation
* Enhancing face recognition from video sequences using robust statistics
* ensemble-driven k-NN approach to ill-posed classification problems, An
* Entry edge of field of view for multi-camera tracking in distributed video surveillance
* Estimating forest biomass using small footprint LiDAR data: An individual tree-based approach that incorporates training data
* Estimation of High-Density Regions Using One-Class Neighbor Machines
* Evaluating the performance of systems for tracking football players and ball
* Evaluation and Knowledge Representation Formalisms to Improve Video Understanding
* Evaluation of Motion Segmentation Quality for Aircraft Activity Surveillance
* Evaluation of MPEG7 color descriptors for visual surveillance retrieval
* Evaluation of object tracking for aircraft activity surveillance
* Evaluation of Visual Attention Models for Robots
* Examining Lacunarity Approaches in Comparison with Fractal and Spatial Autocorrelation Techniques for Urban Mapping
* Exploiting Rolling Shutter Distortions for Simultaneous Object Pose and Velocity Computation Using a Single View
* Exploratory Analysis System for Semi-structured Engineering Logs
* Extension of GPM Dual-Frequency Iterative Retrieval Method With DSD-Profile Constraint
* Extraction and Analysis of Document Examiner Features from Vector Skeletons of Grapheme 'th'
* Extraction of Handwritten Text from Carbon Copy Medical Form Images
* Eye location method based on symmetry analysis and high-order fractal feature
* Face detection for automatic exposure control in handheld camera
* Face Recognition from a Single Training Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using Spherical Harmonics
* Face recognition through mismatch driven representations of the face
* Face super-resolution using multiple occluded images of different resolutions
* Face Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Face Detector Based on Rectangle Features
* Facial feature extraction by kernel independent component analysis
* Facial feature extraction using a cascade of model-based algorithms
* Fast access control technology solutions (FACTS)
* fast and memory efficient approach for fingerprint authentication system, A
* Fast construction of dynamic and multi-resolution 360° panoramas from video sequences
* Faster learning via optimised adaboost
* Features extraction and selection for emotional speech classification
* Feedback Control for Improvement of Image Processing: An Application of Recognition of Characters on Metallic Surfaces
* Few Steps Towards On-the-Fly Symbol Recognition with Relevance Feedback, A
* Finding Hidden Semantics of Text Tables
* Finding the Best-Fit Bounding-Boxes
* Flexible Technique for Accurate Omnidirectional Camera Calibration and Structure from Motion, A
* Frame-level temporal calibration of video sequences from unsynchronized cameras by using projective invariants
* Functional-Based Segmentation of Human Body Scans in Arbitrary Postures, A
* Fundamentals of Average Local Variance: Part I: Detecting Regular Patterns, The
* Fundamentals of Average Local Variance: Part II: Sampling Simple Regular Patterns With Optical Imagery, The
* Fuzzy Reliability Assessment of Multi-Period Land-cover Change Maps
* Fuzzy-Spatial Descriptor for the Online Graphic Recognition: Overlapping Matrix Algorithm, The
* Generation and Visualization of Four-Dimensional MR Angiography Data Using an Undersampled 3-D Projection Trajectory
* Generic Object Recognition with Boosting
* Genetic Algorithm Based Methodology for Breaking the Steganalytic Systems
* Genetic Programming for Simultaneous Feature Selection and Classifier Design
* GeoBot: A High Level Visual Perception Architecture for Autonomous Robots
* Geometric Accuracy Evaluation of the DEM Generated by the Russian TK-350 Stereo Scenes Using the SRTM X- and C- band Interferometric DEMs
* Gradient based multifocus video image fusion
* gradient-based foreground detection technique for object tracking in a traffic monitoring system, A
* Gray-Scale Thinning Algorithm Using Local Min/Max Operations
* Grayscale aerial and space image colorization using texture classification
* Gridding Spot Centers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images
* GrImage Platform: A Mixed Reality Environment for Interactions, The
* Groove Extraction of Phonographic Records
* Ground Truth for Layout Analysis Performance Evaluation
* Group stochastic search for object detection and tracking
* Hand-Gesture Based Text Input for Wearable Computers
* Handwritten Artefact Identification Method for Table Interpretation with Little Use of Previous Knowledge
* Heuristic approach for license plate detection
* Hidden Markov Models Combining Discrete Symbols and Continuous Attributes in Handwriting Recognition
* highly efficient block-based dynamic background model, A
* HRSC on Mars Express: Photogrammetric and Cartographic Research
* Human height prediction and roads estimation for advanced video surveillance systems
* Human motion recognition based on statistical shape analysis
* Human posture recognition using active contours and radial basis function neural network
* Human tracking in real-time video for varying illumination
* HVS Inspired System for Script Identification in Indian Multi-script Documents
* hybrid blob- and appearance-based framework for multi-object tracking through complex occlusions, A
* hybrid technique for face detection in color images, A
* Hypovigilence analysis: open or closed eye or mouth? Blinking or yawning frequency?
* IBM Smart Surveillance System (S3): A Open and Extensible Framework for Event Based Surveillance
* Illumination and motion-based video enhancement for night surveillance
* Image Autocoregistration and InSAR Interferogram Estimation Using Joint Subspace Projection
* Image Information and Visual Quality
* Image Misregistration Error in Change Measurements
* Impact of OCR Accuracy and Feature Transformation on Automatic Text Classification, The
* Implementation of the watershed method in the HSI color space for the face extraction
* improved procedure for the extraction of temporal motion strength signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures, An
* improved wavelet-based image watermarking technique, An
* Improving Building Footprints in InSAR Data by Comparison with a Lidar DSM
* Improving Performance via Post Track Analysis
* Incremental Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Manifold Learning
* Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapping for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
* Integrated Motion Detection and Tracking for Visual Surveillance
* Integrated Multiscaling Strategy Based on a Particle Swarm Algorithm for Inverse Scattering Problems, An
* integrated surveillance system for outdoor security, An
* Integrating component cues for human pose tracking
* Integrating multi-camera tracking into a dynamic task allocation system for smart cameras
* Integration and Coordination in a Cognitive Vision System
* Interactive Segmentation of the Cerebral Lobes With Fuzzy Inference in 3T MR Images
* IPODLAS: A software architecture for coupling temporal simulation systems, VR, and GIS
* Isoperimetric Graph Partitioning for Image Segmentation
* Joint Analysis of Visible and Infrared Images: A Magic Airbrush for Qualitative and Quantitative Topography
* Joint audio-video people tracking using belief theory
* Language Identification in Degraded and Distorted Document Images
* Large Motion Object Tracking using Active Contour Combined Active Appearance Model
* Learning Approach for Adaptive Image Segmentation, A
* Learning Physical Activities in Immersive Virtual Environments
* Least squares motion estimation algorithm in the compressed DCT domain for H.26x / MPEG-X video sequences
* Lexical Gesture Interface
* Lifting-based wavelet domain adaptive Wiener filter for image enhancement
* Lights and Camera: Intelligently Controlled Multi-channel Pose Estimation System
* Look there! predicting where to look for motion in an active camera network
* Low complexity deblocking method for DCT coded video signals
* Mammogram Registration: A Phantom-Based Evaluation of Compressed Breast Thickness Variation Effects
* Markov Model for Blind Image Separation by a Mean-Field EM Algorithm, A
* Mars Express HRSC Data Processing: Methods and Operational Aspects
* Matching two clusters of points extracted from satellite images
* Meaningful automatic video demultiplexing with unknown number of cameras, contrast changes, and motion
* Method and apparatus for generating three-dimensional data of an object by selecting the method for detecting corresponding points that is suitable to the object
* Method and apparatus for providing virtual touch interaction in the drive-thru
* Method for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Documents, A
* Metro railway security algorithms with realworld experience adapted to the RATP dataset
* Microphysical Characterization of Microwave Radar Reflectivity Due to Volcanic Ash Clouds
* Minimum Reliable Scale Selection in 3D
* Mobile Vision System for Urban Detection with Informative Local Descriptors, A
* Mobility Patterns
* model-free approach for posture classification, A
* Modeling background from compressed video
* Modeling shape, motion, and flexion of non-rigid 3D objects in a sequence of images
* Modeling the Amplitude Statistics of Ultrasonic Images
* modular multi-camera framework for team sports tracking, A
* Monolithic Folded Pendulum Accelerometers for Seismic Monitoring and Active Isolation Systems
* Motion compensated refinement for low complexity pixel based distributed video coding
* Motion Compensated Shape Error Concealment
* Motion Trajectory Learning in the DFT-Coefficient Feature Space
* Motion-based flexible camera registration
* Moving Object Verification from Airborne Video
* Multi-camera positioning to optimize task observability
* Multi-camera Video Resolution Enhancement by Fusion of Spatial Disparity and Temporal Motion fields
* Multi-class object recognition using boosted linear discriminant analysis combined with masking covariance matrix method
* multi-feature object association framework for overlapped field of view multi-camera video surveillance systems, A
* Multi-Modal Face Image Super-Resolutions in Tensor Space
* Multi-Modal Human Verification Using Face and Speech
* Multi-point Stereo Camera System for Controlling Safety at Railroad Crossings
* Multiclass Classification Framework for Document Categorization, A
* Multimodal Voxelization and Kinematically Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models for Full Hand Pose Estimation: An Integrated Systems Approach
* Multiple Active Camera Assignment for High Fidelity 3D Video
* Multiple object tracking using elastic matching
* Multisensor triplet Markov fields and theory of evidence
* Mumford and Shah Functional: VLSI Analysis and Implementation
* Mutual Induction and the Effect of Host Conductivity on the EM Induction Response of Buried Plate Targets Using 3-D Finite-Element Analysis
* Networked Document Imaging with Normalization and Optimization
* new approach to estimating fundamental matrix, A
* Noise Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Hybrid Spatial-Spectral Derivative-Domain Wavelet Shrinkage
* Nonlinear structure tensors
* Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (nsNMF)
* Normalized radial basis function networks and bilinear discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Notes on Contemporary Table Recognition
* Novel Approach for Spectral Unmixing, Classification, and Concentration Estimation of Chemical and Biological Agents, A
* novel method for graffiti detection using change detection algorithm, A
* novel scheme of face verification using active appearance models, A
* Object tracking and matting for a class of dynamic image-based representations
* Object Tracking using Color Correlogram
* Object tracking using color interest points
* Object tracking with dynamic feature graph
* Observer Efficiency in Discrimination Tasks Simulating Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions Imaged With Ultrasound
* Offline Handwritten Arabic Character Segmentation with Probabilistic Model
* On Benchmarking of Invoice Analysis Systems
* On calibrating a camera network using parabolic trajectories of a bouncing ball
* On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
* On the Effect of Variable Endmember Spectra in the Linear Mixture Model
* On the feasibility of using a cognitive model to filter surveillance data
* On-line Conservative Learning for Person Detection
* Online appearance learning by template prediction
* Online learning of region confidences for object tracking
* Ontology-based hierarchical conceptual model for semantic representation of events in dynamic scenes
* Optimal Requantization of Deep Grayscale Images and Lloyd-Max Quantization
* Ordering and Finding the Best of K>2 Supervised Learning Algorithms
* parallel hardware design for parametric active contour models, A
* Parallel Pipeline Volume Intersection for Real-Time 3D Shape Reconstruction on a PC Cluster
* Parallelized Bayesian Inversion for Three-Dimensional Dental X-ray Imaging
* Parametric Hand Tracking for Recognition of Virtual Drawings
* Perceptual grouping for automatic detection of man-made structures in high-resolution SAR data
* Performance Comparison of Six Algorithms for Page Segmentation
* Performance evaluating the evaluator
* Performance evaluation of a real time video surveillance system
* Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: The CREDS Experience
* Performance Evaluation of Text Detection and Tracking in Video
* PETS Metrics: On-Line Performance Evaluation Service
* Physiology-based face recognition
* Pinhole SPECT Imaging: Compact Projection/Backprojection Operator for Efficient Algebraic Reconstruction
* PolInSAR Analysis of X-Band Data Over Vegetated and Urban Areas
* Population Density and Image Texture: A Comparison Study
* Prediction for Human Motion Tracking Failures
* Probing the Relationship Between Classification Error and Class Similarity
* Process, device and use for evaluating coded images
* Progressive Quantized Projection Approach to Data Hiding
* Quantitative Evaluation of Video-based 3D Person Tracking, A
* Rank-based multisensory fusion in multitarget video tracking
* Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for tracking with application in visual surveillance
* real time surveillance system for metropolitan railways, A
* Real time tracking of multiple persons using elementary tracks
* Real-Time Automated System for the Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
* Real-time change detection for surveillance in public transportation
* Real-Time Human Detection, Tracking, and Verification in Uncontrolled Camera Motion Environments
* Real-time illumination compensation for face processing in video surveillance
* Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
* Real-Time Median Filtering for Embedded Smart Cameras
* Real-Time Range Acquisition by Adaptive Structured Light
* Real-Time Scene Understanding System for Airport Apron Monitoring, A
* Real-time video segmentation
* Real-Time Vision at Siemens Corporate Research
* Recognizing facial expressions at low resolution
* Reconstructing spatiotemporal trajectories from sparse data
* Reconstruction of 3D Face from a Single 2D Image for Face Recognition
* Reconstruction of Orthogonal Polygonal Lines
* Recovery of motion vectors for error concealment based on an edge-detection approach
* Region-based CBIR in GIS with local space filling curves to spatial representation
* Registration algorithm based on image matching for outdoor AR system with fixed viewing position
* Relevance learning for spectral clustering with applications on image segmentation and video behaviour profiling
* Relief Texture from Specularities
* Remote automated document processing system
* Resolution enhancement for video clips: tight frame approach
* Resolution enhancement via probabilistic deconvolution of multiple degraded images
* Restoration of Camera Documents Through Image Segmentation, The
* Restoring Ink Bleed-Through Degraded Document Images Using a Recursive Unsupervised Classification Technique
* Results on Range Image Segmentation for Service Robots
* Retrieval from Document Image Collections
* Road Observation and Information Providing System for Supporting Mobility of Pedestrian
* robust appearance model for tracking human motions, A
* Robust Chinese Character Recognition by Selection of Binary-Based and Grayscale-Based Classifier
* robust facial feature tracking system, A
* Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogeneous Features
* Robust vehicle detection approach
* SaIL: A Spatial Index Library for Efficient Application Integration
* Scene modelling using an adaptive mixture of Gaussians in colour and space
* Script Identification from Indian Documents
* Segmentation of On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Using SVM for Improving Text Recognition
* Segmentation of Thin Structures in Volumetric Medical Images
* Segmentation-Driven Recognition Applied to Numerical Field Extraction from Handwritten Incoming Mail Documents
* Segmenting video input using high-level feedback
* Semi-automatic Adaptive OCR for Digital Libraries, A
* Semi-automatic choice of scale-dependent features for satellite SAR image classification
* Semi-automatic Ground Truth Generation for Chart Image Recognition
* Semi-Blind Image Restoration Via Mumford-Shah Regularization
* Sensitivity of Digital Landscapes to Artifact Depressions in Remotely-Sensed DEMs
* Shape recognition based on a video and multi-sensor system
* Shape reconstruction from two color images using photometric stereo combined with segmentation and stereopsis
* Shape Representation and Recognition Through Morphological Curvature Scale Spaces
* Shared Fragments Analysis System for Large Collections of Web Pages, A
* Simple, Effective System for Automated Capture of High Dynamic Range Images, A
* Sliding window based approach for document image mosaicing
* software architecture for real-time embedded monitoring systems, A
* SOLAP technology: Merging business intelligence with geospatial technology for interactive spatio-temporal exploration and analysis of data
* Space-Time Image Sequence Analysis: Object Tunnels and Occlusion Volumes
* Sparse Overcomplete Gabor Wavelet Representation Based on Local Competitions
* Spatiotriangulation With Multisensor HR Stereo-Images
* Special Paraunitary Matrices, Cayley Transform, and Multidimensional Orthogonal Filter Banks
* Stereo person tracking with short and long term plan-view appearance models of shape and color
* Stereo vision based human body detection from a localized mobile robot
* Stereo-Based Ego-Motion Estimation Using Pixel Tracking and Iterative Closest Point
* Strategies for Object Manipulation using Foveal and Peripheral Vision
* Stratified sampling of satellite images with a systematic grid of points
* Structural Analysis of Mathematical Formulae with Verification Based on Formula Description Grammar
* Studying skin ageing throughwavelet-based analysis of capacitive images
* Super-Resolution in PET Imaging
* Super-Resolution Registration Using Tissue-Classified Distance Fields
* Supervised feature-based classification of multi-channel SAR images
* Surveillance video for mobile devices
* SVD-Based Grayscale Image Quality Measure for Local and Global Assessment, An
* Synthesis of image deformation strategies
* System and method for counting ridges in a captured print image
* System and method for rapidly tracking multiple faces
* System for Computer-Aided Multiresolution Microscopic Pathology Diagnostics
* System for Converting PDF Documents into Structured XML Format, A
* system to automatically monitor forbidden areas, A
* Systems View of Scale Space, A
* Target segmentation and event detection at video-rate: The EAGLE project
* Target Tracking in Infrared Imagery Using Weighted Composite Reference Function-Based Decision Fusion
* Target-color learning and its detection for non-stationary scenes by nearest neighbor classification in the spatio-color space
* template-guided approach to vehicle surveillance and access control, A
* Terrascope Dataset: Scripted Multi-Camera Indoor Video Surveillance with Ground-truth, The
* Text discrimination method and related apparatus
* texture-based approach for shadow detection, A
* Theme section on advances in spatio-temporal analysis and representation
* Toward File Consolidation by Document Categorization
* Towards intelligent camera networks: a virtual vision approach
* Towards Interactive Generation of Ground-truth in Background Subtraction from Partially Labeled Examples
* Towards Versatile Document Analysis Systems
* Track matching over disjoint camera views based on an incremental major color spectrum histogram
* track-based human movement analysis and privacy protection system adaptive to environmental contexts, A
* Tracking by cluster analysis of feature points using a mixture particle filter
* Tracking motion objects in infrared videos
* Tracking objects in occluding environments using temporal spatio-velocity transform
* Tracking Shopping Carts Using Mobile Cameras Viewing Ceiling-Mounted Retro-Reflective Bar Codes
* Tracking soccer players using broadcast TV images
* Trajectory clustering and its applications for video surveillance
* Triangulation of Well-Defined Points as a Constraint for Reliable Image Matching
* Two-pass hexagonal algorithm with improved hashtable structure for motion estimation
* Understanding of human motion, actions and interactions
* Unsupervised Artificial Immune Classifier for Multi/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Unsupervised Change Detection on SAR Images Using Fuzzy Hidden Markov Chains
* Unsupervised Contour Closure Algorithm for Range Image Edge-Based Segmentation
* Unsupervised Image-Set Clustering Using an Information Theoretic Framework
* Unsupervised, Information-Theoretic, Adaptive Image Filtering for Image Restoration
* Urban monitoring using multi-temporal SAR and multi-spectral data
* Use of Affine Invariants in Locally Likely Arrangement Hashing for Camera-Based Document Image Retrieval
* User-Centric Design of a Vision System for Interactive Applications
* Using local and global object's information to track vehicles in urban scenes
* Using SVM for Efficient Detection of Human Motion
* Utility of Viking Orbiter Images and Products for Mars Mapping
* Validation of blind region learning and tracking
* VAPOR: Variance-Aware Per-Pixel Optimal Resource Allocation
* Variational Approaches on Discontinuity Localization and Field Estimation in Sea Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture
* Varying Complexity in Tree-Structured Image Distribution Models
* Vehicle Categorization: Parts for Speed and Accuracy
* Vehicle Class Recognition from Video-Based on 3D Curve Probes
* Video Coding With Fixed-Length Packetization for a Tandem Channel
* Video combiner for multi-channel video surveillance based on finite state methods
* Video surveillance for aircraft activity monitoring
* VidMAP: video monitoring of activity with Prolog
* View registration using interesting segments of planar trajectories
* Virtual Example Synthesis Based on PCA for Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition
* Viseme recognition: A comparative study
* Vision System for Interactive Object Learning, A
* Visual Surveillance for Aircraft Activity Monitoring
* Wavelet domain image resolution enhancement
* Wavelet packets and co-occurrence matrices for texture-based image segmentation
* Wavelet-Based Reconstruction for Limited-Angle X-Ray Tomography
* Weighted Abundance-Constrained Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Writer Identification for Smart Meeting Room Systems
* XCDF: A Canonical and Structured Document Format
432 for 0602

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.