Update Dates 1906

1906 * *ACCV
* *APP for Monitoring Skin Spots
* *Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
* *Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart
* *UZH-FPV Drone Racing Dataset
* 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu Earthquake: A Supershear Rupture Event Constrained by InSAR and Broadband Regional Seismograms, The
* 3-D Ionospheric Tomography Using Model Function in the Modified L-Curve Method
* 3D Auto-Context-Based Locality Adaptive Multi-Modality GANs for PET Synthesis
* 3D color homography model for photo-realistic color transfer re-coding
* 3D Coronary Vessel Tree Tracking in X-Ray Projections
* 3D Features for human action recognition with semi-supervised learning
* 3D High Resolution Imaging of Human Heart for Visualization of the Cardiac Structure
* 3D image reconstruction from different image formats using marching cubes technique
* 3D local circular difference patterns for biomedical image retrieval
* 3D object recognition from cluttered and occluded scenes with a compact local feature
* 3D Pick & Mix: Object Part Blending in Joint Shape and Image Manifolds
* 3D reconstruction under light ray distortion from parametric focal cameras
* a-contrario method of mismatch detection for two-view pushbroom satellite images, An
* A2A: Attention to Attention Reasoning for Movie Question Answering
* Accelerated seam carving for image retargeting
* Accuracy of Deformation Rates from Campaign GPS Surveys Considering Extended Observation Session and Antenna Set-Up Errors
* Accurate Cervical Cell Segmentation from Overlapping Clumps in Pap Smear Images
* Accurate traffic light detection using deep neural network with focal regression loss
* achievement of higher flexibility in multiple-choice-based tests using image classification techniques, The
* Achieving Super-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via the Wavelet Transform Combined With the Recursive Res-Net
* Acquiring periodic tilings of regular polygons from images
* Action recognition using dynamic hierarchical trees
* Action snapshot with single pose and viewpoint
* Adaptive ADMM for Dictionary Learning in Convolutional Sparse Representation
* Adaptive Antenna Pattern Notching of Interference in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Using Digital Beamforming
* Adaptive Bayesian Source Separation Method for Intensity Estimation of Facial AUs, An
* Adaptive Construction of the Virtual Debris Flow Disaster Environments Driven by Multilevel Visualization Task
* Adaptive Contrast Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on the Neighborhood Conditional Histogram
* Adaptive Framework for Multi-Vehicle Ground Speed Estimation in Airborne Videos, An
* Adaptive Ground Clutter Reduction in Ground-Penetrating Radar Data Based on Principal Component Analysis
* Adaptive inter CU partitioning based on a look-ahead stage for HEVC
* Adaptive local-fitting-based active contour model for medical image segmentation
* Adaptive Multi-Kernel SVM With Spatial-Temporal Correlation for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction
* Adaptive multi-threshold based de-noising filter for medical image applications
* Adaptive Optimization of Multi-Hop Communication Protocol for Linear Wireless Monitoring Networks on High-Speed Railways
* adaptive steganographic scheme for H.264/AVC video with distortion optimization, An
* Adaptive Triangular Partition Algorithm for Digital Images, An
* Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
* ADMM Approach to Masked Signal Decomposition Using Subspace Representation, An
* ADMM-Based Approach to Robust Array Pattern Synthesis, An
* Advanced Driving Behavior Analytics for an Improved Safety Assessment and Driver Fingerprinting
* Adversarial Learning for Visual Storytelling with Sense Group Partition
* Adversarial Network Architecture Using 2D U-Net Models for Segmentation of Left Ventricle from Cine Cardiac MRI, An
* Adversarial Neuro-Tensorial Approach for Learning Disentangled Representations, An
* Aesthetic guided deep regression network for image cropping
* Aesthetics-Guided Graph Clustering With Absent Modalities Imputation
* Affordable person detection in omnidirectional cameras using radial integral channel features
* Age-Puzzle FaceNet for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Agglomerative oversegmentation using dual similarity and entropy rate
* AI-Oriented Large-Scale Video Management for Smart City: Technologies, Standards, and Beyond
* Aircraft tracking based on fully conventional network and Kalman filter
* Album to Family Tree: A Graph Based Method for Family Relationship Recognition
* AlignedReID++: Dynamically matching local information for person re-identification
* Aligning and Updating Cadaster Maps with Aerial Images by Multi-task, Multi-resolution Deep Learning
* Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-object Image Retrieval Framework
* Alignment of Building Footprints Using Quasi-Nadir Aerial Photography
* almost complete curvature scale space representation: Euclidean case, An
* Anabranch network for camouflaged object segmentation
* Analysis for the Weakly Pareto Optimum in Multiobjective-Based Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Analysis of braking intention based on fNIRS in driving simulation experiments
* Analysis of Factors Affecting Asynchronous RTK Positioning with GNSS Signals
* Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Digital Signage in Beijing with Multi-Source Data
* Analysis of the Development of an Erosion Gully in an Open-Pit Coal Mine Dump During a Winter Freeze-Thaw Cycle by Using Low-Cost UAVs
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation in Land Subsidence on the Beijing Plain, China
* Analysis of Three-Chamber View Tagged Cine MRI in Patients with Suspected Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
* Analysis of Vegetation Red Edge with Different Illuminated/Shaded Canopy Proportions and to Construct Normalized Difference Canopy Shadow Index
* Analyzing Newspaper Maps for Earthquake News through Cartographic Approach
* AniCode: authoring coded artifacts for network-free personalized animations
* Anisotropic Diffusion for Improved Crime Prediction in Urban China
* Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on the Regularized Subspace Method and Collaborative Representation
* Answer Distillation for Visual Question Answering
* Antialiasing method for image aliasing in bandpass-sampling-based receiver
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Dilated-Convolutions
* Application of artificial intelligence algorithms in image processing
* approach to detect video frame deletion under anti-forensics, An
* Arbitrary Screen-Aware Manga Reading Framework with Parameter-Optimized Panel Extraction
* artificial intelligence based data-driven approach for design ideation, An
* Artistic Object Recognition by Unsupervised Style Adaptation
* As-Built 3D Heritage City Modelling to Support Numerical Structural Analysis: Application to the Assessment of an Archaeological Remain
* Ascending-Descending Bias Correction of Microwave Radiation Imager on Board FengYun-3C
* Assessing Capsule Networks with Biased Data
* Assessing Water Availability in Mediterranean Regions Affected by Water Conflicts through MODIS Data Time Series Analysis
* Assessment of the Accuracy of Recent Empirical and Assimilated Tidal Models for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Using Satellite and Coastal Data
* AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects
* Attributes Consistent Faces Generation Under Arbitrary Poses
* Audio-Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Using Long Short-Term Memory
* Augmentation of virtual agents in real crowd videos
* Augmented Reality Mapping of Rock Mass Discontinuities and Rockfall Susceptibility Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry
* Authentication of area fingerprint scanners
* Auto Encoder Feature Learning with Utilization of Local Spatial Information and Data Distribution for Classification of PolSAR Image
* Auto-calibration of depth camera networks for people tracking
* Automated Classification of Trees outside Forest for Supporting Operational Management in Rural Landscapes
* Automated Detection of Lunar Rockfalls Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automated detection of microaneurysms using Stockwell transform and statistical features
* Automated Multi-Sensor 3D Reconstruction for the Web
* Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence Samples in Groundwater Potential Mapping, An
* Automated recognition and discrimination of human-animal interactions using Fisher vector and hidden Markov model
* Automated traffic sign and light pole detection in mobile LiDAR scanning data
* Automated video analysis for action recognition using descriptors derived from optical acceleration
* Automatic brain tissue segmentation in MR images using hybrid atlas forest based on confidence-weighted probability matrix
* Automatic Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Layer Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Depression Analysis Using Dynamic Facial Appearance Descriptor and Dirichlet Process Fisher Encoding
* Automatic Detection of Cervical Vertebral Landmarks for Fluoroscopic Joint Motion Analysis
* Automatic Detection of Track and Fields in China from High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Multi-Scale-Fused Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Automatic geometry calibration for multi-projector display systems with arbitrary continuous curved surfaces
* Automatic Graphics Program Generation Using Attention-Based Hierarchical Decoder
* Automatic identification and behavioral analysis of phlebotomine sand flies using trajectory features
* Automatic Land Cover Reconstruction From Historical Aerial Images: An Evaluation of Features Extraction and Classification Algorithms
* Automatic License Plate Recognition via sliding-window darknet-YOLO deep learning
* Automatic Lock of Cursor Movement: Implications for an Efficient Eye-Gaze Input Method for Drag and Menu Selection
* Automatic Method for Subglacial Lake Detection in Ice Sheet Radar Sounder Data, An
* Automatic Pavement Crack Detection by Multi-Scale Image Fusion
* Automatic Resonance Frequency Retuning of Stretchable Liquid Metal Receive Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automatic Spatial Calibration of Ultra-Low-Field MRI for High-Accuracy Hybrid MEG-MRI
* Automatic visual inspection of thermoelectric metal pipes
* Automatic visual pattern mining from categorical image dataset
* Automotive radar and camera fusion using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Autonomous Intelligent Agents for Team Training
* Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network With Soft Labels in Imbalanced Acoustic Event Detection
* AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection
* Award winning papers from the 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
* Aware of Scene Vehicles: Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors in Real-World Traffic
* Back-Projection Lightweight Network for Accurate Image Super Resolution
* Background Subtraction Based on Fusion of Color and Local Patterns
* Bag of words KAZE (BoWK) with two-step classification for high-resolution remote sensing images
* BAN: Focusing on Boundary Context for Object Detection
* Base-Anchored Model for Highly Scalable and Accessible Compression of Multiview Imagery
* Bayesian grouplet transform, A
* Bayesian networks for spatial learning: a workflow on using limited survey data for intelligent learning in spatial agent-based models
* Bayesian Polytrees With Learned Deep Features for Multi-Class Cell Segmentation
* Beacon trust management system and fake data detection in vehicular ad-hoc networks
* behaviorally inspired fusion approach for computational audiovisual saliency modeling, A
* Believe It or Not, We Know What You Are Looking At!
* Benchmark for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Benchmarking parts based face processing in-the-wild for gender recognition and head pose estimation
* Benthic Habitat Mapping Model and Cross Validation Using Machine-Learning Classification Algorithms
* Better Guider Predicts Future Better: Difference Guided Generative Adversarial Networks
* Beyond Feature Integration: A Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Cascade Correlation Tracking
* Biases and Abrupt Shifts of Monthly Precipitable Water from Terra MODIS
* Bicycle Level of Service for Route Choice: A GIS Evaluation of Four Existing Indicators with Empirical Data
* Bidirectional Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Bilevel Optimization Using Stationary Point of Lower-Level Objective Function for Discriminative Basis Learning in Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Binary Multi-View Clustering
* Binary Optimization Approach for Constrained K-Means Clustering, A
* Bio-inspired digit recognition using reward-modulated spike-timing-dependent plasticity in deep convolutional networks
* Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for real underwater image restoration
* BitNet: Learning-Based Bit-Depth Expansion
* Bleed-through cancellation in non-rigidly misaligned recto-verso archival manuscripts based on local registration
* Blended Emotion in-the-Wild: Multi-label Facial Expression Recognition Using Crowdsourced Annotations and Deep Locality Feature Learning
* Blind Determination of the Number of Sources Using Distance Correlation
* Blind image deblurring with reinforced use of edges
* Blind quality assessment metric and degradation classification for degraded document images
* Blind Quality Assessment of 3-D Synthesized Views Based on Hybrid Feature Classes
* Blind quality assessment of gamut-mapped images via local and global statistical analysis
* Blind restoration of space-variant Gaussian-like blurred images using regional PSFs
* Blind Separation of Frequency-Hopped Signals Using a Space-Polarization Receiver
* Blind visual inference by composition
* Block NLMS/F-based equalizer design and channel capacity analysis for indoor IEEE 802.11 fading wireless channels
* blood is here: Zipline's medical delivery drones are changing the game in Rwanda, The
* BLTRCNN-Based 3-D Articulatory Movement Prediction: Learning Articulatory Synchronicity From Both Text and Audio Inputs
* Blur Detection via Phase Spectrum
* Boundary Layer Detection Techniques Applied to Edge Detection
* Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks for Surface Coverage
* brain in the machine: MIT is building robots that use full-body teleoperation to move with greater agility, The
* brain interface to capture your attention: An EEG headpiece for children with ADHD is now maker friendly-[Resources_Hands on], A
* Bridging Gaps Among Human, Assisted, and Automated Driving With DVIs: A Conceptional Experimental Study
* Building anatomically realistic jaw kinematics model from data
* Building Instance Change Detection from Large-Scale Aerial Images using Convolutional Neural Networks and Simulated Samples
* Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform
* Cache Less for More: Exploiting Cooperative Video Caching and Delivery in D2D Communications
* Calibration of a panoramic 3D reconstruction system
* Calibration, Level 1 Processing, and Radiometric Validation for TANSO-FTS TIR on GOSAT
* CalliGAN: Unpaired Mutli-chirography Chinese Calligraphy Image Translation
* Camera Localization by Single View Query Using One Circular Target
* Camera pose estimation from lines: a fast, robust and general method
* Camera-trap images segmentation using multi-layer robust principal component analysis
* CamType: assistive text entry using gaze with an off-the-shelf webcam
* Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segmented Hippocampi Distinguish Between MCI and TLE?
* Can We Trust Smart Cameras?
* Capsule Based Image Synthesis for Interior Design Effect Rendering
* Capturing and Characterizing Human Activities Using Building Locations in America
* Cardiac Displacement Tracking with Data Assimilation Combining a Biomechanical Model and an Automatic Contour Detection
* Caricature synthesis with feature deviation matching under example-based framework
* Cascaded Pyramid Mining Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Cascading classifier with discriminative multi-features for a specific 3D object real-time detection
* Cellular automaton simulation of vehicles in the contraflow left-turn lane at signalised intersections
* Censored Shifted Mixture Distribution Mapping Method to Correct the Bias of Daily IMERG Satellite Precipitation Estimates, A
* Centralized and Clustered Features for Person Re-Identification
* CG-Cast: Scalable Wireless Image SoftCast Using Compressive Gradient
* chain code for representing high definition contour shapes, A
* Challenges and Future Perspectives of Multi-/Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for Crop Water-Stress Detection: A Review
* Changes in SO2 Flux Regime at Mt. Etna Captured by Automatically Processed Ultraviolet Camera Data
* Channel Imbalances and Along-Track Baseline Estimation for the GF-3 Azimuth Multichannel Mode
* Characterising and predicting the movement of clouds using fractional-order optical flow
* Characterization of Electromagnetic Properties of In Situ Soils for the Design of Landmine Detection Sensors: Application in Donbass, Ukraine
* Characterizing the Variability of the Structure Parameter in the PROSPECT Leaf Optical Properties Model
* Chronology of the 2014-2016 Eruptive Phase of Volcán de Colima and Volume Estimation of Associated Lava Flows and Pyroclastic Flows Based on Optical Multi-Sensors
* Class-Agnostic Counting
* Classification and comparison of on-line video summarisation methods
* Click Sequence Prediction in Android Mobile Applications
* Climate Change, Land Use/Land Cover Change, and Population Growth as Drivers of Groundwater Depletion in the Central Valleys, Oaxaca, Mexico
* Climate Data Records from Meteosat First Generation Part III: Recalibration and Uncertainty Tracing of the Visible Channel on Meteosat-2-7 Using Reconstructed, Spectrally Changing Response Functions
* closed-form single-pose calibration method for the camera-projector system, A
* CNN With Multiscale Convolution and Diversified Metric for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* CNN-Based Depth Estimation Approach with Multi-scale Sub-pixel Convolutions and a Smoothness Constraint, A
* CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
* Co-Recognition of Multiple Fingertips for Tabletop Human-Projector Interaction
* Coarse-to-Fine: A RNN-Based Hierarchical Attention Model for Vehicle Re-identification
* Coastal Waveform Retracking in the Slick-Rich Sulawesi Sea of Indonesia, Based on Variable Footprint Size with Homogeneous Sea Surface Roughness
* Coded Aperture for Watermark Extraction from Defocused Images, A
* Coherence-regularized discriminative dictionary learning for histopathological image classification
* Collaboration and Optimal Conflict Resolution at an Unsignalized Intersection
* Collaborative tracking based on contextual information and local patches
* Color image segmentation using genetic algorithm with aggregation-based clustering validity index (CVI)
* Color Normalization of Blood Cell Images
* ColorNet: Investigating the Importance of Color Spaces for Image Classification
* combination of color-black-and-white visual cryptography and polynomial based secret image sharing, A
* Combination of Two Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Robust Binarization
* Combined Belief Propagation-Mean Field Message Passing Algorithm for Dirichlet Process Mixtures
* Combining 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Transfer Learning by Supervised Pre-Training for Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
* Combining Depth Fusion and Photometric Stereo for Fine-Detailed 3D Models
* Combining knowledge with data for efficient and generalizable visual learning
* Combining Water Fraction and DEM-Based Methods to Create a Coastal Flood Map: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey
* Common Self-polar Triangle of Concentric Conics for Light Field Camera Calibration
* Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis: The Emerging MPEG Standard
* Comparative Study of Texture and Convolutional Neural Network Features for Detecting Collapsed Buildings After Earthquakes Using Pre- and Post-Event Satellite Imagery, A
* Comparing Future Autonomous Electric Taxis With an Existing Free-Floating Carsharing System
* Comparing Remotely-Sensed Surface Energy Balance Evapotranspiration Estimates in Heterogeneous and Data-Limited Regions: A Case Study of Tanzania's Kilombero Valley
* Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visualization Toolkit for the Analysis of Aortic Anatomy and Pressure Distribution
* Comparing Thresholding with Machine Learning Classifiers for Mapping Complex Water
* Comparison Between Major Artificial Intelligence Models for Crop Yield Prediction: Case Study of the Midwestern United States, 2006-2015, A
* Comparison of Different Methods of Texture Analysis for Their Efficacy for Land Use Classification in Satellite Imagery, The
* Comparison of Hyperspectral Techniques for Urban Tree Diversity Classification
* Comparison of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Temperate Forests
* Comparison of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Derived from Landsat, MODIS, and AVHRR for the Mesopotamian Marshes Between 2002 and 2018
* Comparison of Three Algorithms for the Evaluation of TanDEM-X Data for Gully Detection in Krumhuk Farm (Namibia)
* Comprehensive Feature Enhancement Module for Single-Shot Object Detector
* Comprehensive Study on Center Loss for Deep Face Recognition, A
* comprehensive study on gait biometrics using a joint CNN-based method, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning for Image Captioning, A
* comprehensive survey on computer vision based approaches for automatic identification of products in retail store, A
* Compressed domain zoom motion classification using local tetra patterns
* Compressed Imaging at Long Range in SWIR
* Computational Approach on Sensitivity of Left Ventricular Wall Strains to Geometry, A
* Computational Camera with Programmable Optics for Snapshot High-Resolution Multispectral Imaging, A
* Computational colour constancy based on convolutional neural networks with a cross-level architecture
* Computational Understanding of Visual Interestingness Beyond Semantics: Literature Survey and Analysis of Covariates
* Computationally Efficient Semantic SLAM Solution for Dynamic Scenes, A
* Computer-aided Arrhythmia Diagnosis with Bio-signal Processing: A Survey of Trends and Techniques
* Computer-aided diagnosis system for ulcer detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images
* Concurrent Transmission Scheduling for Perceptual Data Sharing in mmWave Vehicular Networks
* Confidence analysis of feature points for visual-inertial odometry of urban vehicles
* Confidence Interval Constraint-Based Regularization Framework for PET Quantization
* Connectome smoothing via low-rank approximations
* Consensus-Based Cooperative Control for Multi-Platoon Under the Connected Vehicles Environment
* Consistency-Preserving deep hashing for fast person re-identification
* Consistent video projection on curved displays
* Constructing Geographic Dictionary from Streaming Geotagged Tweets
* Constructing Grassmannian Frames by an Iterative Collision-Based Packing
* Content Aware Image Pre-Compensation
* Content-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for In-Loop Filtering in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Content-Aware Enhancement of Images With Filamentous Structures
* Context Aggregation Network for Semantic Labeling in Aerial Images
* Contextual Object Detection with a Few Relevant Neighbors
* Continual Occlusion and Optical Flow Estimation
* Continuous-Time Intensity Estimation Using Event Cameras
* Continuous-Time Stereo Visual Odometry Based on Dynamics Model
* Contrast sensitivity in images of natural scenes
* Contrasting the Performance of Eight Satellite-Based GPP Models in Water-Limited and Temperature-Limited Grassland Ecosystems
* Convenient Tool for District Heating Route Optimization Based on Parallel Ant Colony System Algorithm and 3D WebGIS, A
* Convex class model on symmetric positive definite manifolds
* Convolutional Neural Network with Fletcher-Reeves Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Convolutional neural networks for crowd behaviour analysis: a survey
* Convolutional neural networks-based stereo image reversible data hiding method
* Convolutional sparse coding for demosaicking with panchromatic pixels
* Cooperative Adversarial Network for Accurate Super Resolution
* Cooperative distributed predictive control for collision-free vehicle platoons
* Coping With the Challenges of Delivering Multiple Sensorial Media
* Corporate Editors in the Evolving Landscape of OpenStreetMap
* Correcting Swath-Dependent Bias of MODIS FRP Observations with Quantile Mapping
* Correcting Undersampled Cardiac Sources in Equivalent Double Layer Forward Simulations
* Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model and image fusion technique
* Correntropy based scale ICP algorithm for robust point set registration
* Corridor Mapping of Sandy Coastal Foredunes with UAS Photogrammetry and Mobile Laser Scanning
* COSMO-SkyMed SAR for Detection and Monitoring of Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Sites
* COSONet: Compact Second-Order Network for Video Face Recognition
* Cost-effective printing of 3D objects with self-supporting property
* Could Crime Risk Be Propagated across Crime Types?
* Coupled Encoder-Decoder Network for Joint Face Detection and Landmark Localization, A
* Coupled Spatiotemporal Characterization of Monsoon Cloud Cover and Vegetation Phenology
* Creating a Lowland and Peatland Landscape Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from Interpolated Partial Coverage LiDAR Data for Central Kalimantan and East Sumatra, Indonesia
* Creatures Great and SMAL: Recovering the Shape and Motion of Animals from Video
* Cross Connected Network for Efficient Image Recognition
* Cross Pixel Optical-Flow Similarity for Self-supervised Learning
* cross-domain collaborative filtering algorithm with expanding user and item features via the latent factor space of auxiliary domains, A
* Cross-domain network representations
* Cross-modality motion parameterization for fine-grained video prediction
* Cross-Resolution Person Re-identification with Deep Antithetical Learning
* Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching by Learning Features of the Spatially Connected Patches in a Shared Space
* Cross-View Action Recognition Using View-Invariant Pose Feature Learned from Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation
* Crossing the chasm: a tube-map for agent-based social simulation of policy scenarios in spatially-distributed systems
* Crowd detection and counting using a static and dynamic platform: state of the art
* CrowdEst: a method for estimating (and not simulating) crowd evacuation parameters in generic environments
* CubemapSLAM: A Piecewise-Pinhole Monocular Fisheye SLAM System
* Cubesats Allow High Spatiotemporal Estimates of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry
* CubiCasa5K: A Dataset and an Improved Multi-task Model for Floorplan Image Analysis
* Current Activity of the Long Point Fault in Houston, Texas Constrained by Continuous GPS Measurements (2013-2018)
* Customized Multi-person Tracker
* Cycle Slip Detection and Repair for Dual-Frequency LEO Satellite GPS Carrier Phase Observations with Orbit Dynamic Model Information
* CycleMatch: A cycle-consistent embedding network for image-text matching
* Cyclic Frequency Estimation by Compressed Cyclic Correntropy Spectrum in Impulsive Noise
* Dark Channel: The Devil is in the Details
* Data Fitting on Manifolds with Composite Bézier-Like Curves and Blended Cubic Splines
* Data Processing and Interpretation of Antarctic Ice-Penetrating Radar Based on Variational Mode Decomposition
* Data Registration with Ground Points for Roadside LiDAR Sensors
* Data-Driven Approach for Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image, A
* Dataset bias exposed in face verification
* DCSN-Cast: Deep compressed sensing network for wireless video multicast
* De-Hankelization of singular spectrum analysis matrices via L1 norm criterion
* Dealing with Ambiguity in Robotic Grasping via Multiple Predictions
* Decision Tree Based Sea-Surface Weak Target Detection With False Alarm Rate Controllable
* Deep 3D morphable model refinement via progressive growing of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Deep 3D semantic scene extrapolation
* Deep Affect Prediction in-the-Wild: Aff-Wild Database and Challenge, Deep Architectures, and Beyond
* Deep asymmetric video-based person re-identification
* Deep Attention-Based Classification Network for Robust Depth Prediction
* Deep binocular tone mapping
* Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment with Visual Importance Based Patch Score, A
* Deep Clustering and Block Hashing Network for Face Image Retrieval
* deep Coarse-to-Fine network for head pose estimation from synthetic data, A
* Deep compact discriminative representation for unconstrained face recognition
* Deep Convolutional Compressed Sensing for LiDAR Depth Completion
* Deep Depth from Focus
* Deep domain adaptation with manifold aligned label transfer
* Deep embedding learning with adaptive large margin N-pair loss for image retrieval and clustering
* Deep Embedding Using Bayesian Risk Minimization with Application to Sketch Recognition
* Deep Feature Aggregation and Image Re-Ranking With Heat Diffusion for Image Retrieval
* Deep Inverse Halftoning via Progressively Residual Learning
* deep learning based unified framework to detect, segment and recognize irises using spatially corresponding features, A
* Deep learning for multiple object tracking: a survey
* Deep Learning Formulation of ECGI for Data-Driven Integration of Spatiotemporal Correlations and Imaging Information
* Deep learning-based helmet wear analysis of a motorcycle rider for intelligent surveillance system
* Deep learning-based vehicle detection with synthetic image data
* deep learning-shape driven level set synergism for pulmonary nodule segmentation, A
* Deep Manifold Alignment for Mid-Grain Sketch Based Image Retrieval
* Deep Mixture of MRFs for Human Pose Estimation
* Deep motion and appearance cues for visual tracking
* Deep Multi-Class Adversarial Specularity Removal
* Deep Multi-instance Volumetric Image Classification with Extreme Value Distributions
* Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Zero-Shot Image Tagging
* Deep Network Solution for Attention and Aesthetics Aware Photo Cropping, A
* Deep Neural Framework for Continuous Sign Language Recognition by Iterative Training, A
* Deep neural networks for efficient steganographic payload location
* Deep Object Co-segmentation
* Deep reinforcement learning based conflict detection and resolution in air traffic control
* Deep Semantic Matching with Foreground Detection and Cycle-Consistency
* Deep similarity network fusion for 3D shape classification
* Deep Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Spherical Embedding
* Deep Transfer Learning for Few-Shot SAR Image Classification
* Deep Upright Adjustment of 360 Panoramas Using Multiple Roll Estimations
* Deep, Landmark-Free FAME: Face Alignment, Modeling, and Expression Estimation
* Deep-feature encoding-based discriminative model for age-invariant face recognition
* DeepAMD: Detect Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration by Applying Deep Learning in a Multiple Instance Learning Framework
* DeepFlash: Turning a flash selfie into a studio portrait
* DeepIGeoS: A Deep Interactive Geodesic Framework for Medical Image Segmentation
* DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning
* Defect Inspection Method for Machine Vision Using Defect Probability Image with Deep Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Deformable Image Registration Using Functions of Bounded Deformation
* Deformations and Morphology Changes Associated with the 2016-2017 Eruption Sequence at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka
* Dense In Dense: Training Segmentation from Scratch
* Dense Light Field Reconstruction from Sparse Sampling Using Residual Network
* Dense Stereo Matching Based on Multiobjective Fitness Function: A Genetic Algorithm Optimization Approach for Stereo Correspondence
* Density-based label placement
* Dependence
* Depth acquisition with the combination of structured light and deep learning stereo matching
* Depth map upsampling with a confidence-based joint guided filter
* Depth Reconstruction of Translucent Objects from a Single Time-of-Flight Camera Using Deep Residual Networks
* Depth texture synthesis for high-resolution reconstruction of large scenes
* Depth-aware image vectorization and editing
* Depth-Aware Saliency Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth-based color stereo images retrieval using joint multivariate statistical models
* Depth-Bin-Based Graphical Model for Fast View Synthesis Distortion Estimation, A
* Design and Implementation of a Multi-Band Active Radar Calibrator for SAR
* Design of low-complexity Farrow structure-based reconfigurable filters for parallel spectrum hole detection
* Design Pseudo Ground Truth with Motion Cue for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Designing Robust Air Transportation Networks via Minimizing Total Effective Resistance
* Detecting and Mitigating Adversarial Perturbations for Robust Face Recognition
* Detecting Anomalous Trajectories via Recurrent Neural Networks
* Detecting Power Lines in UAV Images with Convolutional Features and Structured Constraints
* Detecting small faces in the wild based on generative adversarial network and contextual information
* Detecting Text in the Wild with Deep Character Embedding Network
* Detection and Analysis of C-Band Radio Frequency Interference in AMSR2 Data over Land
* Detection and Evaluation of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning and Fuzzy Logic
* Detection and restoration of multi-directional motion blurred objects
* Detection of interacting groups based on geometric and social relations between individuals in an image
* Detector-in-Detector: Multi-level Analysis for Human-Parts
* Determining switching threshold for NIR-SWIR combined atmospheric correction algorithm of ocean color remote sensing
* Determining the Boundary and Probability of Surface Urban Heat Island Footprint Based on a Logistic Model
* Developing a new cross-sensor calibration model for DMSP-OLS and Suomi-NPP VIIRS night-light imageries
* Developing an Algorithm for Buildings Extraction and Determining Changes from Airborne LiDAR, and Comparing with R-CNN Method from Drone Images
* Developing Effective and Resilient Human-Agent Teamwork Using Team Design Patterns
* Development and verification of cooperative adaptive cruise control via LTE-V
* development of a clinically tested visually lossless Image compression system for capsule endoscopy, The
* Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-Model of the Arterial Epicardial Vasculature
* Development of an On-Board Wide-Band Processor for Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Filtering
* DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke
* Diagnosis and Classification of Typhoon-Associated Low-Altitude Turbulence Using HKO-TDWR Radar Observations and Machine Learning
* Dictionary filtering: a probabilistic approach to online matrix factorisation
* Differential Geometry in Edge Detection: Accurate Estimation of Position, Orientation and Curvature
* Differentially Modulated Spectrally Efficient Frequency-Division Multiplexing
* Digital image forensics of non-uniform deblurring
* Dimensionality Reduction for Visualization of Time Series and Trajectories
* Direct Estimation of Voxel-Wise Neurotransmitter Response Maps From Dynamic PET Data
* Directional statistics-based deep metric learning for image classification and retrieval
* Discovering Latent Discriminative Patterns for Multi-Mode Event Representation
* Discovering the Representative Subset with Low Redundancy for Hyperspectral Feature Selection
* Discrete Latent Factor Model for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Discriminant Deep Feature Learning based on joint supervision Loss and Multi-layer Feature Fusion for heterogeneous face recognition
* Discriminative regularization of the latent manifold of variational auto-encoders
* Discriminative transfer learning via local and global structure preservation
* Disentangling Geometry and Appearance with Regularised Geometry-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks
* Displaying detail in bright environments: A 10,000 nit display and its evaluation
* Distortion Design for Secure Adaptive 3-D Mesh Steganography
* Distortion Estimation-Based Adaptive Power Allocation for Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission
* Distributed data clustering over networks
* Distributed Markovian Parking Assist System, A
* Distributed person re-identification through network-wise rank fusion consensus
* Distributed video coding using interval overlapped arithmetic coding
* Diverse image annotation with missing labels
* DN-ResNet: Efficient Deep Residual Network for Image Denoising
* Domain Adaptation via Dimensionality Reduction for the Comparison of Cardiac Simulation Models
* Domain Adversarial Neural Networks for Large-Scale Land Cover Classification
* Domain Transfer for 3D Pose Estimation from Color Images Without Manual Annotations
* DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image
* Double-Branch Multi-Attention Mechanism Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Downscaling Land Surface Temperature from MODIS Dataset with Random Forest Approach over Alpine Vegetated Areas
* DRAU: Dual Recurrent Attention Units for Visual Question Answering
* draw call-oriented approach for visibility of static and dynamic scenes with large number of triangles, A
* Driver Fatigue Detection Systems: A Review
* Driving behaviour characterisation by using phase-space reconstruction and pre-trained convolutional neural network
* DSNet: Deep and Shallow Feature Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Dual and Single Polarized SAR Image Classification Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Dual image reversible data hiding using trinary assignment and centre folding strategy with low distortion
* Dual Learning-Based Siamese Framework for Change Detection Using Bi-Temporal VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Dual Pursuit for Subspace Learning
* DukeSim: A Realistic, Rapid, and Scanner-Specific Simulation Framework in Computed Tomography
* DyClee: Dynamic clustering for tracking evolving environments
* Dynamic 3D Hand Gesture Recognition by Learning Weighted Depth Motion Maps
* Dynamic Gated Graph Neural Networks for Scene Graph Generation
* Dynamic multi-watermarking and detecting in DWT domain
* Dynamic Pose-Robust Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-View Pairwise Conditional Random Forests
* Dynamic Random Walk for Superpixel Segmentation
* Dynamic road pricing for optimal traffic flow management by using non-linear model predictive control
* Dynamic Saliency-Aware Regularization for Correlation Filter-Based Object Tracking
* Dynamic Temporal Pyramid Network: A Closer Look at Multi-scale Modeling for Activity Detection
* Dynamic Texture Classification Using Unsupervised 3D Filter Learning and Local Binary Encoding
* dynamic threshold-based local mesh ternary pattern technique for biomedical image retrieval, A
* Ecological Interface Design, the Proximity Compatibility Principle, and Automation Reliability in Road Traffic Management
* Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomial and brain extraction from magnetic resonance images of human head
* EdgeStereo: A Context Integrated Residual Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching
* Editable Generative Adversarial Networks: Generating and Editing Faces Simultaneously
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing Water Cycle: Theory, Sensors, Data, and Applications
* Editorial for the ICMR 2018 special issue
* Editorial for the Special Issue Sea Surface Salinity Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the Special Issue Solar Radiation, Modeling, and Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the Special Issue Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR Tomography
* Editorial: Special Issue on Deep Learning for Face Analysis
* Effect of face and ocular multimodal biometric systems on gender classification
* Effect of lane allocation on operational efficiency at weaving areas based on a cellular automaton model
* Effect of User Cooperation on Smart Meter Privacy With Rechargeable Batteries
* Effective Classification Scheme for Hyperspectral Image Based on Superpixel and Discontinuity Preserving Relaxation, An
* Effective NC machining simulation with OptiX ray tracing engine
* Effective scene change detection in complex environments
* Effective shadow removal via multi-scale image decomposition
* Effects of broad bandwidth on the remote sensing of inland waters: Implications for high spatial resolution satellite data applications
* Effects of Fire and Large Herbivores on Canopy Nitrogen in a Tallgrass Prairie
* Effects of Human Understanding of Automation Abilities on Driver Performance and Acceptance of Lane Change Collision Avoidance Systems
* Effects of Ice Particle Representation on Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval in a Bayesian Scheme
* Effects of the Temporal Aggregation and Meteorological Conditions on the Parameter Robustness of OCO-2 SIF-Based and LUE-Based GPP Models for Croplands
* Efficient and distinctive binary descriptor for rotated circular image recognition
* Efficient Approach to Remove Thick Cloud in VNIR Bands of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, An
* Efficient convNets for fast traffic sign recognition
* Efficient convolutional hierarchical autoencoder for human motion prediction
* Efficient halftone image steganography based on dispersion degree optimization
* Efficient image compression based on side match vector quantization and digital inpainting
* Efficient image encryption and compression based on a VAE generative model
* Efficient Learning-Free Keyword Spotting
* Efficient Merging of Maps and Detection of Changes
* Efficient Multi-level Correlating for Visual Tracking
* Efficient multi-plane extraction from massive 3D points for modeling large-scale urban scenes
* Efficient processing of distance-time kth-order skyline queries in bicriteria networks
* Efficient reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on multi-stage integer wavelet transform
* Efficient Scale-Adaptive License Plate Detection System
* Efficient Solution for Semantic Segmentation: ShuffleNet V2 with Atrous Separable Convolutions, An
* Efficient stego key recovery based on distribution differences of extracting message bits
* efficient stereo matching based on fragment matching, An
* Efficient underwater image and video enhancement based on Retinex
* efficient way to refine DenseNet, An
* Embedded Polarizing Filters to Separate Diffuse and Specular Reflection
* Emotion information visualization through learning of 3D morphable face model
* Empirical Application of Automotive 3D Radar Sensor for Target Detection for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle's Navigation, The
* Empirical study of neighbourhood rough sets based band selection techniques for classification of hyperspectral images
* Encryption and Surveillance
* End-Diastolic and End-Systolic LV Morphology in the Presence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A UK Biobank Study
* End-to-End Change Detection for High Resolution Satellite Images Using Improved UNet++
* End-to-End Detection and Re-identification Integrated Net for Person Search
* End-to-End Policy Learning for Active Visual Categorization
* End-to-end single image enhancement based on a dual network cascade model
* Energy-Aware Motion and Disparity Estimation System for 3D-HEVC With Run-Time Adaptive Memory Hierarchy
* Energy-Based SAR Image Segmentation Method with Weighted Feature, An
* Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Detection Based on Hough Transform with Parallelized Voting Procedure and Local Maximum Algorithm
* Energy-Efficient Multipath TCP for Quality-Guaranteed Video Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* ENG: End-to-End Neural Geometry for Robust Depth and Pose Estimation Using CNNs
* Enhanced Affinity Graph for Image Segmentation, An
* enhanced approach for detecting double JPEG compression with the same quantization matrix, An
* Enhanced embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm for lossy image coding
* Enhanced Localization of Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Using Positron Emission Markers and Rigid-Body Transformation
* Enhanced Two-Phase Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Enhancing Perceptual Attributes with Bayesian Style Generation
* Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil Organic Carbon Levels over an Agricultural Field in Southern Ontario, Canada
* Ensemble-Based Cascaded Constrained Energy Minimization for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* EP-Net: Learning Cardiac Electrophysiology Models for Physiology-Based Constraints in Data-Driven Predictions
* Equiareal Shape-from-Template
* Error Backprojection Algorithms for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging
* Error Correlations in High-Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder (HIRS) Radiances
* Establishing the performance of low-cost Lytro cameras for 3D coordinate geometry measurements
* Establishment of a Real-Time Local Tropospheric Fusion Model
* Estimates of the Precipitation Top Heights in Convective Systems Using Microwave Radiances
* Estimating Above-Ground Biomass of Maize Using Features Derived from UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Estimating benefits of C-ITS deployment, when legacy roadside systems are present
* Estimating Dynamics of Terminal Lakes in the Second Largest Endorheic River Basin of Northwestern China from 2000 to 2017 with Landsat Imagery
* Estimating Relations of Vegetation, Climate Change, and Human Activity: A Case Study in the 400 mm Annual Precipitation Fluctuation Zone, China
* Estimation and Mapping of Forest Structure Parameters from Open Access Satellite Images: Development of a Generic Method with a Study Case on Coniferous Plantation
* Estimation of Rice Growth Parameters Based on Linear Mixed-Effect Model Using Multispectral Images from Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Estimation of Translational Motion Parameters in Terahertz Interferometric Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (InISAR) Imaging Based on a Strong Scattering Centers Fusion Technique
* Estimation of Vegetation Latent Heat Flux over Three Forest Sites in ChinaFLUX using Satellite Microwave Vegetation Water Content Index
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Residue Coverage Using Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Images
* Evaluating Fluency in Human-Robot Collaboration
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Using Vegetation Indices Based on Red-Edge Reflectance from Sentinel-2 to Estimate Gross Primary Productivity
* Evaluating the Potential of Multi-Seasonal CBERS-04 Imagery for Mapping the Quasi-Circular Vegetation Patches in the Yellow River Delta Using Random Forest
* Evaluation of Environmental Influences on a Multi-Point Optical Fiber Methane Leak Monitoring System
* Evaluation of Feature Detectors, Descriptors and Match Filtering Approaches for Historic Repeat Photography
* Evaluation of Leaf N Concentration in Winter Wheat Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform Analysis
* Evaluation of Soil Moisture Variability in Poland from SMOS Satellite Observations
* EVM-CNN: Real-Time Contactless Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Video
* Evolvement Constrained Adversarial Learning for Video Style Transfer
* Example-based rapid generation of vegetation on terrain via CNN-based distribution learning
* Exploiting error control in matrix coding-based data hiding over lossy channel
* Exploiting LSTM for Joint Object and Semantic Part Detection
* Explorative Study on Mapping Surface Facies of Selected Glaciers from Chandra Basin, Himalaya Using WorldView-2 Data
* Exploring frame segmentation networks for temporal action localization
* Exploring the Challenges Towards Lifelong Fact Learning
* Exploring User Experience with Image Schemas, Sentiments, and Semantics
* Expressive facial style transfer for personalized memes mimic
* Extracting Main Center Pattern from Road Networks Using Density-Based Clustering with Fuzzy Neighborhood
* Extreme Reverse Projection Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Eye gaze pattern analysis for fatigue detection based on GP-BCNN with ESM
* Face Completion with Semantic Knowledge and Collaborative Adversarial Learning
* Face hallucination from low quality images using definition-scalable inference
* Face Mask Extraction in Video Sequence
* Face recognition with single sample per person using HOG-LDB and SVDL
* Face super-resolution via bilayer contextual representation
* Face-Specific Data Augmentation for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Facial attributes: Accuracy and adversarial robustness
* Facial Emotion Recognition with Varying Poses and/or Partial Occlusion Using Multi-stage Progressive Transfer Learning
* Facial expression recognition techniques: a comprehensive survey
* family of globally optimal branch-and-bound algorithms for 2D-3D correspondence-free registration, A
* Fashion recommendations through cross-media information retrieval
* Fast and Robust Symmetric Image Registration Based on Distances Combining Intensity and Spatial Information
* fast coding method for distortion-free data hiding in high dynamic range image, A
* Fast Coding Unit Partition Decision for HEVC Using Support Vector Machines
* Fast Convolutional Distance Transform
* Fast Cross Correlation for Limited Angle Tomographic Data
* fast CU partition method based on CU depth spatial correlation and RD cost characteristics for HEVC intra coding, A
* Fast example searching for input-adaptive data-driven dehazing with Gaussian process regression
* Fast generative adversarial networks model for masked image restoration
* Fast Global Interpolation Method for Digital Terrain Model Generation from Large LiDAR-Derived Data, A
* Fast H.264 to HEVC Transcoding: A Deep Learning Method
* Fast Light Field Disparity Estimation via a Parallel Filtered Cost Volume Approach
* Fast Single Shot Instance Segmentation
* Fast turtle shell-based data embedding mechanisms with good visual quality
* Fast Video Shot Transition Localization with Deep Structured Models
* Faster and transferable deep learning steganalysis on GPU
* Feature augmentation for imbalanced classification with conditional mixture WGANs
* Feature-based detection and classification of moving objects using LiDAR sensor
* Feedback Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Localization and Segmentation
* FengYun-3 B Satellite Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Visible On-Board Calibrator Radiometric Output Degradation Analysis
* Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication
* Fibrillation Patterns Creep and Jump in a Detailed Three-Dimensional Model of the Human Atria
* Field programmable gate array implementation of variable-bins high efficiency video coding CABAC decoder with path delay optimisation
* Fig Plant Segmentation from Aerial Images Using a Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network
* Filtering of Nonuniformly Sampled Bandlimited Functions
* Filtering Specular Reflections by Merging Stereo Images
* Fine Granularity Object-Level Representation for Event Detection and Recounting, A
* Fine-Grained Land Use Classification at the City Scale Using Ground-Level Images
* Fine-Grained Wood Species Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fine-Tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation
* Fingerprint-Based Document Image Retrieval
* Fitted PROSAIL Parameterization of Leaf Inclinations, Water Content and Brown Pigment Content for Winter Wheat and Maize Canopies
* Flex-Convolution
* Flexible Locally Weighted Penalized Regression With Applications on Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative's Clinical Scores
* Flexible transit routing model considering passengers' willingness to pay
* Forest Stand Species Mapping Using the Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Forget and Diversify: Regularized Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Four-band Thermal Mosaicking: A New Method to Process Infrared Thermal Imagery of Urban Landscapes from UAV Flights
* FQI: feature-based reduced-reference image quality assessment method for screen content images
* FR-Net: Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation in Compressed Sensing Cardiac MRI
* Framework for Global Characterization of Soil Properties Using Repeat Hyperspectral Satellite Data, A
* Framework of Randomized Distribution Features for Visual Representation and Categorization
* Freeway travel time estimation based on the general motors model: a genetic algorithm calibration framework
* Frequency domain point cloud registration based on the Fourier transform
* From Archived Historical Aerial Imagery to Informative Orthophotos: A Framework for Retrieving the Past in Long-Term Socioecological Research
* From Optical Music Recognition to Handwritten Music Recognition: A baseline
* From Same Photo: Cheating on Visual Kinship Challenges
* FSNet: An Identity-Aware Generative Model for Image-Based Face Swapping
* FuCoLoT: A Fully-Correlational Long-Term Tracker
* Full Explicit Consistency Constraints in Uncalibrated Multiple Homography Estimation
* Fully Automated Electrophysiological Model Personalisation Framework from CT Imaging
* Fundamental Visual Concept Learning From Correlated Images and Text
* Fundus image quality assessment: survey, challenges, and future scope
* Fusing Object Semantics and Deep Appearance Features for Scene Recognition
* Fuzzy Logic-Based Geographic Routing for Urban Vehicular Networks Using Link Quality and Achievable Throughput Estimations
* Gait-based age progression/regression: a baseline and performance evaluation by age group classification and cross-age gait identification
* Gait-based Person Re-identification: A Survey
* GANomaly: Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training
* Gated bidirectional feature pyramid network for accurate one-shot detection
* Gated Hierarchical Attention for Image Captioning
* Gated Transfer Network for Transfer Learning
* Gaussian probability bi-histogram equalization for enhancement of the pathological features in medical images
* Gaussian Process Deep Belief Networks: A Smooth Generative Model of Shape with Uncertainty Propagation
* Gaussian Process Regression for Forest Attribute Estimation From Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* GD-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Trajectory Prediction and Group Detection in Crowds
* Generalising multistain immunohistochemistry tissue segmentation using end-to-end colour deconvolution deep neural networks
* Generalized compressed sensing with QR-based vision matrix learning for face recognition under natural scenes
* Generating Different Urban Land Configurations Based on Heterogeneous Decisions of Private Land Developers: An Agent-Based Approach in a Developing Country Context
* Generating Diffusion MRI Scalar Maps from T1 Weighted Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Generating signed distance fields on the GPU with ray maps
* Generation of Virtual Dual Energy Images from Standard Single-Shot Radiographs Using Multi-scale and Conditional Adversarial Network
* Generative Adversarial Networks and Perceptual Losses for Video Super-Resolution
* Generative Image Fusion Approach Based on Supervised Deep Convolution Network Driven by Weighted Gradient Flow, A
* Genetic programming for multiple-feature construction on high-dimensional classification
* GEOBIA 2016: Advances in Object-Based Image Analysis: Linking with Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* GeoBrick: exploration of spatiotemporal data
* Geodesic via Asymmetric Heat Diffusion Based on Finsler Metric
* Geographically Weighted Machine Learning and Downscaling for High-Resolution Spatiotemporal Estimations of Wind Speed
* Geometric Image Synthesis
* Geometry and Topology Preserving Hashing for SIFT Feature
* Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* GhostVLAD for Set-Based Face Recognition
* GIS Mapping of Driving Behavior Based on Naturalistic Driving Data
* Glacier Monitoring Using Frequency Domain Offset Tracking Applied to Sentinel-1 Images: A Product Performance Comparison
* Global Assessment of the SMAP Freeze/Thaw Data Record and Regional Applications for Detecting Spring Onset and Frost Events
* Global Earthquake Response with Imaging Geodesy: Recent Examples from the USGS NEIC
* Global Regularizer and Temporal-Aware Cross-Entropy for Skeleton-Based Early Action Recognition
* Global Trifocal Adjustment
* GOCE-Derived Coseismic Gravity Gradient Changes Caused by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
* Gradient-Based Camera Exposure Control for Outdoor Mobile Platforms
* Gradient-Guided DCNN for Inverse Halftoning and Image Expanding
* Graph clustering and variational image segmentation for automated firearm detection in X-ray images
* Gray Scale Correction Method for Side-Scan Sonar Images Based on Retinex, A
* Grid-Less DOA Estimation Using Sparse Linear Arrays Based on Wasserstein Distance
* GrowBit: Incremental Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* GRÖMeR: A Pipeline for Geodesic Refinement of Mesh Registration
* Guest editorial for spatial agent-based models: current practices and future trends
* Guest Editorial JMIV Special Issue Mathematics and Image Analysis (MIA)
* Guest Editorial: Recent Advances on Vehicle to Everything (V2X): Emerging Applications and Technologies
* Guided Feature Selection for Deep Visual Odometry
* Guiding Computers, Robots to See and Think
* Hand Pose Estimation Based on 3D Residual Network with Data Padding and Skeleton Steadying
* Handcrafted and Deep Trackers: Recent Visual Object Tracking Approaches and Trends
* Haplotype Assembly Using Manifold Optimization and Error Correction Mechanism
* Hard negative mining for correlation filters in visual tracking
* Hardware and software architecture of intelligent vehicles and road verification in typical traffic scenarios
* Hardware-Aware Softmax Approximation for Deep Neural Networks
* Harmonizing Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images for Summer Corn Growth Monitoring
* Hazard Assessment of Earthquake Disaster Chains Based on a Bayesian Network Model and ArcGIS
* Heart ID: Human Identification Based on Radar Micro-Doppler Signatures of the Heart Using Deep Learning
* Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge
* Heterogeneous Traffic Mixing Regular and Connected Vehicles: Modeling and Stabilization
* Heuristic Bike Optimization Algorithm to Improve Usage Efficiency of the Station-Free Bike Sharing System in Shenzhen, China
* Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Approach for Associating Body-Worn Sensors to Video Regions in Crowded Mingling Scenarios, A
* Hierarchical Attention for Part-Aware Face Detection
* Hierarchical Improvement of Foreground Segmentation Masks in Background Subtraction
* Hierarchical Multiclassifier System for Automated Analysis of Delayered IC Images, A
* Hierarchical residual learning for image denoising
* Hierarchy Visualization for Group Recommender Systems
* Hierarchy-Dependent Cross-Platform Multi-View Feature Learning for Venue Category Prediction
* High performance person re-identification via a boosting ranking ensemble
* High Spatial Resolution Modeling of Climate Change Impacts on Permafrost Thermal Conditions for the Beiluhe Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* High-Quality Image Captioning With Fine-Grained and Semantic-Guided Visual Attention
* High-quality X-ray computed tomography reconstruction using projected and interpolated images
* High-resolution direct position determination based on eigenspace using a single moving ULA
* High-Resolution Ex Vivo Microstructural MRI After Restoring Ventricular Geometry via 3D Printing
* High-Speed Ship Detection in SAR Images Based on a Grid Convolutional Neural Network
* High-Throughput VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Full-HD Gradient Guided Image Filter, A
* Higher-Order Conditional Random Fields-Based 3D Semantic Labeling of Airborne Laser-Scanning Point Clouds
* Histograms of Gaussian normal distribution for 3D feature matching in cluttered scenes
* How much can k-means be improved by using better initialization and repeats?
* HSCS: Hierarchical Sparsity Based Co-saliency Detection for RGBD Images
* Huber- L1-based non-isometric surface registration
* Huffman-code based retrieval for encrypted JPEG images
* Human activity classification using long short-term memory network
* Human Eye Movements Reveal Video Frame Importance
* Human trajectory prediction in crowded scene using social-affinity Long Short-Term Memory
* Hybrid Cascade Structure for License Plate Detection in Large Visual Surveillance Scenes
* Hybrid Diffusion: Spectral-Temporal Graph Filtering for Manifold Ranking
* Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic flow forecasting
* Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries
* Hybrid of Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Geographical Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* Hyper-Clique Graph Matching and Applications
* Hyperfusion-Net: Hyper-densely reflective feature fusion for salient object detection
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Using Cluster-Based Multi-Branch BP Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction Based on Multiscale Superpixelwise Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* Hyperspectral image classification using Non-negative Tensor Factorization and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral image classification with a class-dependent spatial-spectral mixed metric
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution by Deep Spatial-Spectral Exploitation
* Hyperspectral Image Unmixing With Endmember Bundles and Group Sparsity Inducing Mixed Norms
* Hyperspectral Imaging Retrieval Using MODIS Satellite Sensors Applied to Volcanic Ash Clouds Monitoring
* Ice Cloud Properties From Himawari-8/AHI Next-Generation Geostationary Satellite: Capability of the AHI to Monitor the DC Cloud Generation Process
* Identification of Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Vegetation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megacity Region
* Identifying a Slums' Degree of Deprivation from VHR Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Identifying Dry-Season Rice-Planting Patterns in Bangladesh Using the Landsat Archive
* Identity-Enhanced Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Identity-Preserving Face Recovery from Stylized Portraits
* Illumination-Robust remote sensing image matching based on oriented self-similarity
* ImaGAN: Unsupervised Training of Conditional Joint CycleGAN for Transferring Style with Core Structures in Content Preserved
* Image Anomalies: A Review and Synthesis of Detection Methods
* Image caption generation with high-level image features
* Image caption model of double LSTM with scene factors
* Image classification by combining local and global features
* Image colourisation using deep feature-guided image retrieval
* Image contrast enhancement using triple clipped dynamic histogram equalisation based on standard deviation
* Image deconvolution using homomorphic technique
* Image Invariants to Anisotropic Gaussian Blur
* Image recovery and recognition: A combining method of matrix norm regularisation
* Image Super-Resolution Using Knowledge Distillation
* Image-based translucency transfer through correlation analysis over multi-scale spatial color distribution
* Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation
* Image-to-GPS Verification Through a Bottom-Up Pattern Matching Network
* Image2Mesh: A Learning Framework for Single Image 3D Reconstruction
* Impact of the Atmospheric Non-tidal Pressure Loading on Global Geodetic Parameters Based on Satellite Laser Ranging to GNSS
* Implementation of a Denoising Algorithm Based on High-Order Singular Value Decomposition of Tensors
* Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation
* Importance-based approach for rough drawings
* Improper Gaussian Signaling for Broadcast Interference Networks
* Improved Approach Considering Intraclass Variability for Mapping Winter Wheat Using Multitemporal MODIS EVI Images, An
* Improved Ball Pivot Algorithm-Based Ground Filtering Mechanism for LiDAR Data, An
* Improved embedding product quantization
* Improved hierarchical quantisation parameter setting method for screen content coding in high efficiency video coding
* Improved Learning Framework for Covariant Local Feature Detection, An
* improved luminosity and contrast enhancement framework for feature preservation in color fundus images, An
* improved machine learning technique based on downsized KPCA for Alzheimer's disease classification, An
* Improved Modeling of Gross Primary Productivity of Alpine Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau Using the Biome-BGC Model
* improved multimodal medical image fusion scheme based on hybrid combination of nonsubsampled contourlet transform and stationary wavelet transform, An
* Improved Retrieval of Ice and Open Water From Sequential RADARSAT-2 Images
* Improved reversible data hiding based on PVO and adaptive pairwise embedding
* Improved Ultrahigh-Resolution Wind Retrieval for RapidScat
* Improvement of Full Waveform Airborne Laser Bathymetry Data Processing based on Waves of Neighborhood Points
* Improving bag-of-poses with semi-temporal pose descriptors for skeleton-based action recognition
* Improving fuel efficiency of connected and automated transit buses on signallised corridors
* Improving Localization Accuracy in Connected Vehicle Networks Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters: Theory, Simulations, and Experiments
* Improving multimodal action representation with joint motion history context
* Improving Speech Related Facial Action Unit Recognition by Audiovisual Information Fusion
* In Situ and Satellite Sea Surface Salinity in the Algerian Basin Observed through ABACUS Glider Measurements and BEC SMOS Regional Products
* In Situ Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Monitoring of Alpine Trampled and Recultivated Species
* Incorporation of a Deformation Prior in Image Reconstruction
* Individual Tree-Crown Detection in RGB Imagery Using Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Neural Networks
* Indoor Localization for Skid-Steering Mobile Robot by Fusing Encoder, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer
* Indoor Positioning Based on Visible Light Communication: A Performance-based Survey of Real-world Prototypes
* Inertial Alternating Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting for Image Colorization
* Inferring Emotions From Large-Scale Internet Voice Data
* Influence of Drone Altitude, Image Overlap, and Optical Sensor Resolution on Multi-View Reconstruction of Forest Images
* Influence of Lower Atmosphere on the Radiometric Quality of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Influence of shape and texture features on facial expression recognition
* information-theoretic approach to machine-oriented music summarization, An
* Informative sample generation using class aware generative adversarial networks for classification of chest Xrays
* Infrared Hyperspectral and Ultraviolet Remote Measurements of Volcanic Gas Plume at Mt Etna during IMAGETNA Campaign
* Initial Positioning Assessment of BDS New Satellites and New Signals
* Innovative pheno-network model in estimating crop phenological stages with satellite time series
* Instance Segmentation Enabled Hybrid Data Association and Discriminative Hashing for Online Multi-Object Tracking
* Instance-aware representation learning and association for online multi-person tracking
* integrated inverse space sparse representation framework for tumor classification, An
* Integrated UAV-Based Real-Time Mapping for Security Applications
* Integration of Photodiode and Camera for Visible Light Positioning by Using Fixed-Lag Ensemble Kalman Smoother, The
* Intelligent Chinese calligraphy beautification from handwritten characters for robotic writing
* Intelligent vehicle safety system based on BeiDou satellite navigation system
* Interactive animation generation of virtual characters using single RGB-D camera
* Interactive-Automatic Segmentation and Modelling of the Mitral Valve
* Interannual and Seasonal Vegetation Changes and Influencing Factors in the Extra-High Mountainous Areas of Southern Tibet
* Interpolating Low Amplitude ECG Signals Combined with Filtering According to International Standards Improves Inverse Reconstruction of Cardiac Electrical Activity
* interpolation filter based on natural neighbor Galerkin method for salt and pepper noise restoration with adaptive size local filtering window, An
* Interval data-based k-means clustering method for traffic state identification at urban intersections
* Invariance Theory for Adaptive Radar Detection in Heterogeneous Environment
* Inverse appearance modeling of interwoven cloth
* Investigating 3D holoscopic visual content upsampling using super-resolution for cultural heritage digitization
* Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Based on MODIS Data from 2003-2016
* Investigating the 3D Local Myocytes Arrangement in the Human LV Mid-Wall with the Transverse Angle
* Investigation of Sentinel-2 Bidirectional Reflectance Hot-Spot Sensing Conditions
* Investigation of the costs, benefits and funding models for two bundles of cooperative intelligent transport system services
* iPose: Instance-Aware 6D Pose Estimation of Partly Occluded Objects
* Iris Identification in 3D
* ISLA: Temporal Segmentation and Labeling for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* ISRF: interest semantic reasoning based fog firewall for information-centric Internet of Vehicles
* Iterative Adaptive Nonconvex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation to Image Restoration Based on ADMM
* Iterative grouping median filter for removal of fixed value impulse noise
* Iterative Manifold Embedding Layer Learned by Incomplete Data for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Iterative Spanning Forest Framework for Superpixel Segmentation, An
* ITM-CNN: Learning the Inverse Tone Mapping from Low Dynamic Range Video to High Dynamic Range Displays Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Joint bilateral propagation upsampling for unstructured multi-view stereo
* Joint Channel Characteristics in High-Speed Railway Multi-Link Propagation Scenarios: Measurement, Analysis, and Modeling
* Joint Clustering and Power Allocation for the Cross Roads Congestion Scenarios in Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Joint embeddings with multimodal cues for video-text retrieval
* Joint Face Hallucination and Deblurring via Structure Generation and Detail Enhancement
* Joint graph based embedding and feature weighting for image classification
* Joint Ground and Aerial Package Delivery Services: A Stochastic Optimization Approach
* Joint Local and Global Deep Metric Learning Method for Caricature Recognition, A
* Joint Local Block Grouping with Noise-Adjusted Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Remote-Sensing Imagery Sparse Unmixing
* Joint Multi-View Face Alignment in the Wild
* k-SLAM: A fast RGB-D SLAM approach for large indoor environments
* K-Space Aware Multi-Static Millimeter-Wave Imaging
* Kernel-Coefficient-Based Feature Method for Face Detection
* Knowledge Distillation with Feature Maps for Image Classification
* KRMARO: Aerial Detection of Small-Size Ground Moving Objects Using Kinematic Regularization and Matrix Rank Optimization
* Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* LADM Based Utility Network Cadastre in Serbia
* Landsat-Based Estimation of Seasonal Water Cover and Change in Arid and Semi-Arid Central Asia (2000-2015)
* Large Scale Cardiovascular Model Personalisation for Mechanistic Analysis of Heart and Brain Interactions
* Large Scale Image Segmentation with Structured Loss Based Deep Learning for Connectome Reconstruction
* Large Scale Scene Text Verification with Guided Attention
* Large-Scale Bisample Learning on ID Versus Spot Face Recognition
* Laser Scar Detection in Fundus Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn
* Learning a Joint Affinity Graph for Multiview Subspace Clustering
* Learning Background Subtraction by Video Synthesis and Multi-scale Recurrent Networks
* Learning based no-reference metric for assessing quality of experience of stereoscopic images
* Learning Deep Conditional Neural Network for Image Segmentation
* Learning Deeply Supervised Good Features to Match for Dense Monocular Reconstruction
* Learning Discriminative Aggregation Network for Video-Based Face Recognition and Person Re-identification
* Learning Energy Based Inpainting for Optical Flow
* Learning for Video Super-Resolution Through HR Optical Flow Estimation
* Learning Free-Form Deformations for 3D Object Reconstruction
* Learning from Longitudinal Face Demonstration: Where Tractable Deep Modeling Meets Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Learning from PhotoShop Operation Videos: The PSOV Dataset
* Learning Image-to-Image Translation Using Paired and Unpaired Training Samples
* Learning Rotation Adaptive Correlation Filters in Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Sheared EPI Structure for Light Field Reconstruction
* Learning to Exploit the Prior Network Knowledge for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning to Update for Object Tracking With Recurrent Meta-Learner
* Learning-Based Framework for Quantized Compressed Sensing, A
* Least-squares registration of point sets over SE(d) using closed-form projections
* Left Ventricular Shape and Motion Reconstruction Through a Healthy Model for Characterizing Remodeling After Infarction
* Let's Take a Walk on Superpixels Graphs: Deformable Linear Objects Segmentation and Model Estimation
* Light Field Reconstruction Using Convolutional Network on EPI and Extended Applications
* Light Invariant Video Imaging for Improved Performance of Convolution Neural Networks
* lightweight methodology of 3D printed objects utilizing multi-scale porous structures, A
* Likelihood-Based Adaptive Learning in Stochastic State-Based Models
* Line and Polygon Clipping Techniques on Natural Images: A Mathematical Solution and Performance Evaluation
* Linear Solution to the Minimal Absolute Pose Rolling Shutter Problem
* Linking visual saliency deviation to image quality degradation: A saliency deviation-based image quality index
* Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: An in-Depth Look at the Scoring Algorithm
* Localisation-based autonomous vehicle rear-end collision avoidance by emergency steering
* Localization-Aware Active Learning for Object Detection
* Localized Linear Regression in Networked Data
* Locally linear embedding with additive noise
* Long Activity Video Understanding Using Functional Object-Oriented Network
* Long-Term Deflection Monitoring for Bridges Using X and C-Band Time-Series SAR Interferometry
* Long-Term Monitoring of Cropland Change near Dongting Lake, China, Using the LandTrendr Algorithm with Landsat Imagery
* Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark
* Long-Time Coherent Integration Algorithm for Radar Maneuvering Weak Target With Acceleration Rate
* Loss Guided Activation for Action Recognition in Still Images
* Loss of Significance and Its Effect on Point Normal Orientation and Cloud Registration
* Low-rank path-following algorithm for 3D similarity registration
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Low-resolution face recognition and the importance of proper alignment
* LS3D: Single-View Gestalt 3D Surface Reconstruction from Manhattan Line Segments
* Lung tumour detection by fusing extended local binary patterns and weighted orientation of difference from computed tomography
* Lyapunov Optimized Resource Management for Multiuser Mobile Video Streaming
* L_2,1-norm-based sparse principle component analysis with trace norm regularised term
* L_p-L_p-Box ADMM: A Versatile Framework for Integer Programming
* Machine learning approach for homolog chromosome classification
* Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Tropical Cyclone Formation Using Satellite Data
* Macro unit-based convolutional neural network for very light-weight deep learning
* Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual Loss
* Major automatic diabetic retinopathy screening systems and related core algorithms: a review
* Making the dynamic time warping distance warping-invariant
* Manoeuvre prediction and planning for automated and connected vehicles based on interaction and gaming awareness under uncertainty
* MAPNet: Multi-modal attentive pooling network for RGB-D indoor scene classification
* Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the Old Woman Creek Estuary Using UAV Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Classifiers
* Mapping Urban Extent at Large Spatial Scales Using Machine Learning Methods with VIIRS Nighttime Light and MODIS Daytime NDVI Data
* Matchable Image Retrieval by Learning from Surface Reconstruction
* Material-Based Segmentation of Objects
* Maximal Conductaances Ionic Parameters Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology Multiscale Modelling
* Mean Shift Segmentation Assessment for Individual Forest Tree Delineation from Airborne Lidar Data
* Mechanical Approach for Smooth Surface Fitting to Delineate Vessel Walls in Optical Coherence Tomography Images, A
* Memory Saving Feature Descriptor Using Scale and Rotation Invariant Patches around the Feature Ppoints
* Menpo Benchmark for Multi-pose 2D and 3D Facial Landmark Localisation and Tracking, The
* Mesh Based Approximation of the Left Ventricle Using a Controlled Shrinkwrap Algorithm
* Metamorphic Testing of Driverless Cars
* method for discovering knowledge in texts, A
* Method of Delimiting the Spatial Structure of Villages for the Purposes of Land Consolidation and Exchange
* Methodological Ambiguity and Inconsistency Constrain Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as A Silver Bullet for Monitoring Ecological Restoration
* Methodology to Monitor Urban Expansion and Green Space Change Using a Time Series of Multi-Sensor SPOT and Sentinel-2A Images, A
* Metric learning by simultaneously learning linear transformation matrix and weight matrix for person re-identification
* Metro maps for efficient knowledge learning by summarizing massive electronic textbooks
* MFO-based thresholded and weighted histogram scheme for brightness preserving image enhancement
* Micro-Expression Recognition by Leveraging Color Space Information
* Migratory Insect Multifrequency Radar Cross Sections for Morphological Parameter Estimation
* Millimetre-wave massive MIMO for cellular vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
* MIMO Borehole Radar Imaging Based on High Degree of Freedom for Efficient Subsurface Sensing
* Minimally-Invasive Estimation of Patient-Specific End-Systolic Elastance Using a Biomechanical Heart Model
* Mining exoticism from visual content with fusion-based deep neural networks
* Mining the displacement of max-pooling for text recognition
* Minkowski sum computation for planar freeform geometric models using G1-biarc approximation and interior disk culling
* Minutiae-Based Gender Estimation for Full and Partial Fingerprints of Arbitrary Size and Shape
* Mixed local motion planning and tracking control framework for autonomous vehicles based on model predictive control
* Mixed Total Field/Scattered Field-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Frequency-Domain Method for Subsurface Sensing
* Mobile terminal gesture recognition based on improved FAST corner detection
* Mobility Modes Awareness from Trajectories Based on Clustering and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Model Assessment Through Data Assimilation of Realistic Data in Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Model Fusion for Building Type Classification from Aerial and Street View Images
* Model of Left Ventricular Contraction: Validation Criteria and Boundary Conditions
* Model-based control strategy for oversaturated traffic regimes based on the LWR-IM traffic model
* Model-Based Indices of Early-Stage Cardiovascular Failure and Its Therapeutic Management in Fontan Patients
* Modeling Cardiac Growth: An Alternative Approach
* Modeling Interaction Structure for Robot Imitation Learning of Human Social Behavior
* Modeling the Stereoscopic Features of Mountainous Forest Landscapes for the Extraction of Forest Heights from Stereo Imagery
* Modelling Affect for Horror Soundscapes
* Modelling and control for economy-oriented car-following problem of hybrid electric vehicle
* Modified grey world method to detect and restore colour cast images
* Modified Just Noticeable Depth Difference Model Built in Perceived Depth Space, A
* Moment-Based Estimation Strategy for Underdetermined Single-Sensor Blind Source Separation, A
* Monitoring Acute Stroke Progression: Multi-Parametric OCT Imaging of Cortical Perfusion, Flow, and Tissue Scattering in a Mouse Model of Permanent Focal Ischemia
* Monitoring and Mapping of Rice Cropping Pattern in Flooding Area in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Using Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of An Giang Province
* Monitoring Land Cover Change and Disturbance of the Mount Wutai World Cultural Landscape Heritage Protected Area, Based on Remote Sensing Time-Series Images from 1987 to 2018
* Monitoring Soil Moisture Drought over Northern High Latitudes from Space
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Water Exchange Through Myelin Wraps: Implications for Diffusion MRI
* Morphological PDEs on graphs for saliency detection
* Motion and appearance based background subtraction for freely moving cameras
* Motion Deblurring of Faces
* Motion Quantification and Automated Correction in Clinical RSOM
* Motion rank: applying page rank to motion data search
* Moving Object Detection and Tracking with Doppler LiDAR
* Moving Target Detection with Modified Logarithm Background Subtraction and Its Application to the GF-3 Spotlight Mode
* Multi Information Fusion Network for Saliency Quality Assessment
* Multi-Attribute Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for 3D Facial Shapes
* Multi-Dimensional Traffic Congestion Detection Based on Fusion of Visual Features and Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-focus image fusion with alternating guided filtering
* Multi-Index Image Differencing Method (MINDED) for Flood Extent Estimations
* Multi-label Learning from Noisy Labels with Non-linear Feature Transformation
* Multi-Lane Capsule Network, The
* Multi-level Dense Capsule Networks
* Multi-level Sequence GAN for Group Activity Recognition
* Multi-manifold clustering: A graph-constrained deep nonparametric method
* Multi-Modal and Multi-Domain Embedding Learning for Fashion Retrieval and Analysis
* Multi-Modal Non-Line-of-Sight Passive Imaging
* Multi-Modal Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
* Multi-Objective Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Representation Learning Robust to Expression Intensity Variations for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-person 3D pose estimation from 3D cloud data using 3D convolutional neural networks
* Multi-Perspective 3D Reconstruction Method with Single Perspective Instantaneous Target Attitude Estimation, A
* Multi-Primitive-Based Hierarchical Optimal Approach for Semantic Labeling of ALS Point Clouds, A
* Multi-purpose Convolutional Neural Network for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction, A
* multi-purpose image forensic method using densely connected convolutional neural networks, A
* Multi-resolution dictionary learning for face recognition
* Multi-Resolution Study of Thermal Unmixing Techniques over Madrid Urban Area: Case Study of TRISHNA Mission
* Multi-scale Adaptive Structure Network for Human Pose Estimation from Color Images
* Multi-scale Cross-path Concatenation Residual Network for Poisson denoising
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing-Assisted Forest Inventory: A Glimpse of the State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects
* Multi-Task cGAN for Simultaneous Spaceborne DSM Refinement and Roof-Type Classification
* Multi-Velocity Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* Multi-view clustering via joint feature selection and partially constrained cluster label learning
* Multi-view collective tensor decomposition for cross-modal hashing
* Multi-view Consensus CNN for 3D Facial Landmark Placement
* Multi-view registration based on weighted LRS matrix decomposition of motions
* Multiantenna Assisted Source Detection in Toeplitz Noise Covariance
* Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures
* Multicomponent volume reconstruction from slice data using a modified multicomponent Cahn-Hilliard system
* Multilevel Collaborative Attention Network for Person Search
* Multiple Complementary Sequence Sets With Low Inter-Set Cross-Correlation Property
* Multiple feature subspaces analysis for single sample per person face recognition
* Multiple object tracking by reliable tracklets
* Multiple particle tracking in time-lapse synchrotron X-ray images using discriminative appearance and neighbouring topology learning
* Multiresolution co-clustering for uncalibrated multiview segmentation
* Multiresolution visualization of massive black oil reservoir models
* Multispectral Airborne LiDAR Data in the Prediction of Boreal Tree Species Composition
* Multivariate Attention Network for Image Captioning
* Multiview video quality enhancement without depth information
* Naturalness- and information-preserving image recoloring for red-green dichromats
* Near Lossless JPEG Compression Based on Masking Effect of Non-predictable Energy of Image Regions
* Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Robust Whitening Matrices
* Necessary Condition of Affine Moment Invariants
* Need for a Standardized Methodology for Quantitative Assessment of Natural and Anthropogenic Land Subsidence: The Agosta (Italy) Gas Field Case, The
* Neighborhood kinship preserving hashing for supervised learning
* Net Cloud Thinning, Low-Level Cloud Diminishment, and Hadley Circulation Weakening of Precipitating Clouds with Tropical West Pacific SST Using MISR and Other Satellite and Reanalysis Data
* Neural Abstract Style Transfer for Chinese Traditional Painting
* Neural Multi-scale Image Compression
* new 2D shape retrieval scheme based on phase congruency and histogram of oriented gradients, A
* New Application of Random Forest Algorithm to Estimate Coverage of Moss-Dominated Biological Soil Crusts in Semi-Arid Mu Us Sandy Land, China, A
* New approach to vehicle license plate location based on new model YOLO-L and plate pre-identification
* New Approximation to Distribution of Positive RVs Applied to Gaussian Quadratic Forms
* New Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression Algorithm for Surface Current Measurement in Coastal Waters and Rivers With Along-track InSAR, A
* new CFAR algorithm based on variable window for ship target detection in SAR images, A
* New Empirical Model of NmF2 Based on CHAMP, GRACE, and COSMIC Radio Occultation, A
* New Fast and Low-Cost Photogrammetry Method for the Engineering Characterization of Rock Slopes, A
* New GIS-Based Model for Karst Dolines Mapping Using LiDAR; Application of a Multidepth Threshold Approach in the Yucatan Karst, Mexico, A
* New Hole-Filling Method Using Extrapolated Spatio-Temporal Background Information for a Synthesized Free-View
* New Method for Computing the Principal Point of an Optical Sensor by Means of Sphere Images, A
* New method for simultaneous moderate bias correction and image segmentation
* New Methods for Stress Assessment and Monitoring at the Workplace
* New Retracking Algorithm for Retrieving Sea Ice Freeboard from CryoSat-2 Radar Altimeter Data during Winter-Spring Transition, A
* New RGB-D SLAM Method with Moving Object Detection for Dynamic Indoor Scenes, A
* New sampling theorem and multiplicative filtering in the FRFT domain
* New Set of Generalized Legendre Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* New strategy for CBIR by combining low-level visual features with a colour descriptor
* New Technique for Binary Morphological Shape-Based Interpolation
* New Temporal Deconvolutional Pyramid Network for Action Detection, A
* New Workflow of Plastic-Mulched Farmland Mapping using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 data
* Newly Robust Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Trains, A
* NightOwls: A Pedestrians at Night Dataset
* Nighttime image enhancement using a new illumination boost algorithm
* NIR-red algorithms-based model for chlorophyll-a retrieval in highly turbid Inland Densu River Basin in South-East Ghana, West Africa
* No-reference image quality metric based on multiple deep belief networks
* No-reference perceptual quality assessment of stereoscopic images based on binocular visual characteristics
* Non-Iterative Subspace-Based DOA Estimation in the Presence of Nonuniform Noise
* Non-Local Texture Optimization With Wasserstein Regularization Under Convolutional Neural Network
* Non-local weighted fuzzy energy-based active contour model with level set evolution starting with a constant function
* Non-Rigid Vehicle-Borne LiDAR-Assisted Aerotriangulation
* Nonlinear Consensus-Based Connected Vehicle Platoon Control Incorporating Car-Following Interactions and Heterogeneous Time Delays
* Nonlinear MMSE Equalizer for Impulsive Noise Mitigation in OFDM-Based Communications
* Nonlinear Subspace Feature Enhancement for Image Set Classification
* Nonnegative Laplacian embedding guided subspace learning for unsupervised feature selection
* novel active learning framework for classification: Using weighted rank aggregation to achieve multiple query criteria, A
* Novel applications of discrete mereotopology to mathematical morphology
* Novel Azimuth Cutoff Implementation to Retrieve Sea Surface Wind Speed From SAR Imagery, A
* Novel Car-Following Control Model Combining Machine Learning and Kinematics Models for Automated Vehicles, A
* novel CNN structure for fine-grained classification of Chinese calligraphy styles, A
* novel edge-oriented framework for saliency detection enhancement, A
* Novel Effectively Optimized One-Stage Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Novel fast safety assessment method for the buffer section of maintenance work zone
* novel framework for robust long-term object tracking in real-time, A
* Novel High-Precision Range Estimation Method Based on Phase of Wideband Radar Echo, A
* Novel invariant feature descriptor and a pipeline for range image registration in robotic welding applications
* Novel Low-Latency V2V Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Cellular V2X Communications, A
* novel method of text line segmentation for historical document image of the uchen Tibetan, A
* novel multi-atlas and multi-channel (MAMC) approach for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation in brain MRI, A
* Novel Multi-scale Invariant Descriptor Based on Contour and Texture for Shape Recognition, A
* Novel multispectral face descriptor using orthogonal walsh codes
* novel natural language steganographic framework based on image description neural network, A
* novel point-line duality feature for trajectory classification, A
* novel recursive backtracking genetic programming-based algorithm for 12-lead ECG compression, A
* Novel Relational-Based Transductive Transfer Learning Method for PolSAR Images via Time-Series Clustering, A
* novel variational model for image decomposition, A
* Novel Vital-Sign Sensing Algorithm for Multiple Subjects Based on 24-GHz FMCW Doppler Radar, A
* NS-DBSCAN: A Density-Based Clustering Algorithm in Network Space
* Numerical Method for the Optimal Adjustment of Parameters in Ionic Models Accounting for Restitution Properties, A
* Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* Object-Based Land Cover Classification of Cork Oak Woodlands using UAV Imagery and Orfeo ToolBox
* Object-Based Time-Constrained Dynamic Time Warping Classification of Crops Using Sentinel-2
* Objectness-based smoothing stochastic sampling and coherence approximate nearest neighbor for visual tracking
* Obstacle-Aware Indoor Pathfinding Using Point Clouds
* Obtaining Land Cover Type for Urban Storm Flood Model in UAV Images Using MRF and MKFCM Clustering Techniques
* Occlusion Aware Stereo Matching via Cooperative Unsupervised Learning
* Occlusion expression recognition based on non-convex low-rank double dictionaries and occlusion error model
* Occupancy Simulator for a Smart Parking System: Developmental Design and Experimental Considerations, An
* Oceanic Eddy Identification Using an AI Scheme
* On Access Control in Cabin-Based Transport Systems
* On Gleaning Knowledge From Cross Domains by Sparse Subspace Correlation Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* On Learning Associations of Faces and Voices
* On Sampling Spatially-Correlated Random Fields for Complex Geometries
* On the computation of distribution-free performance bounds: Application to small sample sizes in neuroimaging
* On the Effectiveness of Generative Adversarial Networks as HEp-2 Image Augmentation Tool
* On the Methods for Recalibrating Geostationary Longwave Channels Using Polar Orbiting Infrared Sounders
* On the use of joint sparse representation for image fusion quality evaluation and analysis
* On the use of non-orthogonal multiple access for V2V message dissemination
* One-Bit MUSIC
* One-pass person re-identification by sketch online discriminant analysis
* One-Port Vector Network Analyzer Characterization of Soil Dielectric Spectrum
* One-Shot SADI-EPE: A Visual Framework of Event Progress Estimation
* Online burr video denoising by learning sparsifying transform
* Online Change-Point Detection in Sparse Time Series With Application to Online Advertising
* Online learning and detection of faces with low human supervision
* Online Map Services: Contemporary Cartography or a New Cartographic Culture?
* Online reconstruction-free single-pixel image classification
* Online Subspace Learning from Gradient Orientations for Robust Image Alignment
* Optical and SAR Remote Sensing Synergism for Mapping Vegetation Types in the Endangered Cerrado/Amazon Ecotone of Nova Mutum: Mato Grosso
* optical fringe code modulation and recognition algorithm based on visible light communication using convolutional neural network, The
* Optical positioning technology of an assisted puncture robot based on binocular vision
* Optimal Multi-View Surface Normal Estimation Using Affine Correspondences
* Optimal Sensor-Target Geometries for 3-D Static Target Localization Using Received-Signal-Strength Measurements
* Optimal Strategy of a GPS Position Time Series Analysis for Post-Glacial Rebound Investigation in Europe
* Optimisation of transmission map for improved image defogging
* Optimized Level Set Method Based on QPSO and Fuzzy Clustering, An
* optimized source term formulation for incompressible SPH, An
* Order, context and popularity bias in next-song recommendations
* Orthogonal object proposal and its application
* Out of vocabulary word detection and recovery in Arabic handwritten text recognition
* P2P Sensor Data Stream Delivery System That Guarantees the Specified Reachability under Churn Situations, A
* Paired-D GAN for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Pan-and-Tilt Hyperspectral Radiometer System (PANTHYR) for Autonomous Satellite Validation Measurements: Prototype Design and Testing, The
* Panorama from Representative Frames of Unconstrained Videos Using DiffeoMeshes
* Panoramic Background Image Generation for PTZ Cameras
* Parallel Architecture of Convolutional Bi-Directional LSTM Neural Networks for Network-Wide Metro Ridership Prediction
* Parallel Convolutional Networks for Image Recognition via a Discriminator
* Parallel Metropolis-Hastings Coupler
* ParallelEye Dataset: A Large Collection of Virtual Images for Traffic Vision Research, The
* Parameter Selection for Regularized Electron Tomography Without a Reference Image
* Parameterization of Urban Sensible Heat Flux from Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature: Effects of Surface Structure
* Parametric Model-Based 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views
* Parametric PSF estimation based on predicted-SURE with l1-penalized sparse deconvolution
* Parcel-Based Crop Classification Using Multi-Temporal TerraSAR-X Dual Polarimetric Data
* Part-Based Gaussian Reweighted Approach for Occluded Vehicle Detection, A
* Partial Person Re-identification with Alignment and Hallucination
* Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for Single-Image Hand Pose Estimation
* Particle filter-based vehicle tracking via HOG features after image stabilisation in intelligent drive system
* Passive Microwave Melt Onset Retrieval Based on a Variable Threshold: Assessment in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
* Passive Vision Region-Based Road Detection: A Literature Review
* Patch-based detection of dynamic objects in CrowdCam images
* Patch-based facial texture super-resolution by fitting 3D face models
* Pattern Sensitive Prediction of Traffic Flow Based on Generative Adversarial Framework
* Pedestrian detection using first- and second-order aggregate channel features
* Pedestrian Proposal and Refining Based on the Shared Pixel Differential Feature
* Perceptual Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for End-to-End Image Colourization
* Perceptually Equivalent Resolution in Handheld Devices for Streaming Bandwidth Saving
* Performance Impact of Parameter Tuning on the CCSDS-123.0-B-2 Low-Complexity Lossless and Near-Lossless Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Compression Standard
* Permutations Unlabeled Beyond Sampling Unknown
* Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
* Perspective Analysis of Handwritten Signature Technology, A
* Persymmetric Subspace Detection in Structured Interference and Non-Homogeneous Disturbance
* Phase Retrieval From Quantized Measurements via Approximate Message Passing
* Phase-Rotated Spectral Correlation Detection for Spectrum Sensing at Low SNR Regimes
* Photon mapping with visible kernel domains
* Physically Based Approach for Combined Atmospheric and Topographic Corrections
* Pilot Contamination Attack Detection and Defense Strategy in Wireless Communications
* Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder
* Pipeline to Build and Test Robust 3D T1 Mapping-Based Heart Models for EP Interventions: Preliminary Results
* PIRC Net: Using Proposal Indexing, Relationships and Context for Phrase Grounding
* PIVTONS: Pose Invariant Virtual Try-On Shoe with Conditional Image Completion
* Planar content selection in images and videos using frontalness
* Plant leaf classification using GIST texture features
* Plug-and-play approach to class-adapted blind image deblurring
* Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Change Detection Discrimination
* Politeness Counts: Perceptions of Peacekeeping Robots
* Pooling-Based Feature Extraction and Coarse-to-fine Patch Matching for Optical Flow Estimation
* Pose Estimation of a Single Circle Using Default Intrinsic Calibration
* Post-Disaster Recovery Assessment with Machine Learning-Derived Land Cover and Land Use Information
* posteriori GPR Evaluation of Tree Stability: A Case Study in Rome (Italy), A
* Practical backstepping control for underactuated ship path following associated with disturbances
* Precise and Robust Segmentation-Based Lidar Localization System for Automated Urban Driving, A
* Precise Onboard Real-Time Orbit Determination with a Low-Cost Single-Frequency GPS/BDS Receiver
* Precise Registration of Laser Mapping Data by Planar Feature Extraction for Deformation Monitoring
* Precomputed optimal one-hop motion transition for responsive character animation
* Predicting adoption of mobile payments from the perspective of taxi drivers
* Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Images as a Function of Image Quality
* Predicting Driver Attention in Critical Situations
* Predicting Human Saccadic Scanpaths Based on Iterative Representation Learning
* Predicting Locomotive Crew Performance in Rail Operations with Human and Automation Assistance
* Predicting Novel Views Using Generative Adversarial Query Network
* Predicting Social Emotions from Readers' Perspective
* Predicting Stereoscopic Image Quality via Stacked Auto-Encoders Based on Stereopsis Formation
* Predicting Taxi Demand Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-task Learning
* Predicting the Driver's Focus of Attention: The DR(eye)VE Project
* Predicting Video Frames Using Feature Based Locally Guided Objectives
* Prediction of traffic volume by mining traffic sequences using travel time based PrefixSpan
* Predictor-corrector image interpolation
* PReMVOS: Proposal-Generation, Refinement and Merging for Video Object Segmentation
* Prior-Guided Metal Artifact Reduction for Iterative X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Privacy protection based on binary fingerprint compression
* Probabilistic density-based estimation of the number of clusters using the DBSCAN-martingale process
* Probabilistic Occupancy Filter for Parking Slot Marker Detection in an Autonomous Parking System Using AVM
* probabilistic topic model for event-based image classification and multi-label annotation, A
* Probability hypothesis density filter using determinantal point processes for multi object tracking
* Probability Index of Low Stratus and Fog at Dawn using Dual Geostationary Satellite Observations from COMS and FY-2D near the Korean Peninsula
* Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward natural scene production
* Processing images for red-green dichromats compensation via naturalness and information-preservation considered recoloring
* Progressive Feature Fusion Network for Realistic Image Dehazing
* Projected memory clustering
* Properties of Arctic Aerosol Based on Sun Photometer Long-Term Measurements in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
* Prototype of the 3D Cadastral System Based on a NoSQL Database and a JavaScript Visualization Application
* Pseudocolor enhancement of mammogram texture abnormalities
* Putting the Anchors Efficiently: Geometric Constrained Pedestrian Detection
* Pólya Urn Latent Dirichlet Allocation: A Doubly Sparse Massively Parallel Sampler
* QoE-Driven Adaptive K-Push for HTTP/2 Live Streaming
* Quadri-histogram equalization using cutoff limits based on the size of each histogram with preservation of average brightness
* Quadruplet Network With One-Shot Learning for Fast Visual Object Tracking
* Quality-aware dual-modal saliency detection via deep reinforcement learning
* Quantifying the ambient population using hourly population footfall data and an agent-based model of daily mobility
* Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Physical and Anthropogenic Factors on Vegetation Spatial-Temporal Variation in Northern Tibet
* Quick response barcode deblurring via L_0 regularisation based sparse optimisation
* Radiance Differences between Wavelength and Wavenumber Spaces in Convolving Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Spectrum to Broadband for Intercomparison, The
* Radiometric Calibration of UAV Remote Sensing Image with Spectral Angle Constraint
* Random Forest With Learned Representations for Semantic Segmentation
* Random grid based color visual cryptography scheme for black and white secret images with general access structures
* Random Temporal Skipping for Multirate Video Analysis
* Randomized Truncated Pivoted QLP Factorization for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
* Range-Doppler Based CFAR Ship Detection with Automatic Training Data Selection
* RankGAN: A Maximum Margin Ranking GAN for Generating Faces
* Ranking Loss: A Novel Metric Learning Method for Person Re-identification
* Rapid Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Crop Growth Monitoring Using the SIFT Algorithm
* Ratio-Based Multitemporal SAR Images Denoising: RABASAR
* Real time vision-based hand gesture recognition using depth sensor and a stochastic context free grammar
* Real-Time 3D Head Pose Tracking Through 2.5D Constrained Local Models with Local Neural Fields
* Real-time detecting one specific tampering operation in multiple operator chains
* real-time dual-image-based reversible data hiding scheme using turtle shells, A
* Real-time Kinect-based air-writing system with a novel analytical classifier
* Real-time pedestrian detection with deep supervision in the wild
* Real-time recovery and recognition of motion blurry QR code image based on fractional order deblurring method
* Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histogram Modification
* Real-time reversible data hiding in encrypted images based on hybrid embedding mechanism
* Real-Time Reversible Data Hiding with Shifting Block Histogram of Pixel Differences in Encrypted Image
* Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshfree methods in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
* Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under fire scenario
* Real-Time Tracking-by-Detection in Broadcast Sports Videos
* Real-time ultra-high definition multiview glasses-free 3D display system
* Reality-Preserving Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Angular Transform and Its Application to Color Image Encryption
* Recalibration of over 35 Years of Infrared and Water Vapor Channel Radiances of the JMA Geostationary Satellites
* Recent Advances in Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Visual Recognition: A Problem-Oriented Perspective
* Recent Developments and Applications of Acoustic Infrasound to Monitor Volcanic Emissions
* Recognizing online handwritten Chinese characters using RNNs with new computing architectures
* Recommendation of Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Objects for the Promotion of Tourism
* ReCoNet: Real-Time Coherent Video Style Transfer Network
* Reconstructing Cloud Contaminated Pixels Using Spatiotemporal Covariance Functions and Multitemporal Hyperspectral Imagery
* Reconstruction of low-rank jointly sparse signals from multiple measurement vectors
* Reconstruction of Ocean Color Data Using Machine Learning Techniques in Polar Regions: Focusing on Off Cape Hallett, Ross Sea
* Reconstruction of the Surface Inshore Labrador Current from SWOT Sea Surface Height Measurements
* Recovering Affine Features from Orientation- and Scale-Invariant Ones
* Recovery of Binary Sparse Signals From Compressed Linear Measurements via Polynomial Optimization
* Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales
* Recursive SURE for image recovery via total variation minimization
* Reduction of Spatially Structured Errors in Wide-Swath Altimetric Satellite Data Using Data Assimilation
* Reference-based local color distribution transformation method and its application to image integration
* Refined Model-Based and Feature-Driven Extraction of Buildings from PolSAR Images
* Reflection Symmetry Approximation of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data and its Application to Freeman-Durden Decomposition, A
* Refocusing FMCW SAR Moving Target Data in the Wavenumber Domain
* Region-Semantics Preserving Image Synthesis
* Regional Models for High-Resolution Retrieval of Chlorophyll a and TSM Concentrations in the Gorky Reservoir by Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Reinforced quasi-random forest
* Relative space-based GIS data model to analyze the group dynamics of moving objects
* Reliability Analysis of LandScan Gridded Population Data. The Case Study of Poland
* Reliable image matching via photometric and geometric constraints structured by Delaunay triangulation
* Remote Sensing in Urban Forestry: Recent Applications and Future Directions
* Remote Sensing of Wetland Flooding at a Sub-Pixel Scale Based on Random Forests and Spatial Attraction Models
* Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices to Discriminate Field-Grown Olive Cultivars
* Removal of the MCSST MODIS SST Bias During Upwelling Events Along the Southeastern Coast of Brazil
* Removing Intra-1-Hz Covariant Error to Improve Altimetric Profiles of sigma0 and Sea Surface Height
* Removing redundancy data with preserving the structure and visuality in a database
* Representation learning by hierarchical ELM auto-encoder with double random hidden layers
* Research on a coordinated cornering brake control of three-axle heavy vehicles based on hardware-in-loop test
* Research on image processing of intelligent building environment based on pattern recognition technology
* Research on image screening model of ancient villages
* Research on sports video image based on fuzzy algorithms
* Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some common and uncommon methods
* Rethinking Planar Homography Estimation Using Perspective Fields
* Retinal Blood Vessel Caliber Estimation for Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Images Based on 3D Superellipsoid Modeling
* Retinal vessel extraction using dynamic multi-scale matched filtering and dynamic threshold processing based on histogram fitting
* RETRACTED: Efficient object analysis by leveraging deeply-trained object proposals prediction model
* RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
* Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* Retrieval of Salt Marsh Above-Ground Biomass from High-Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery Using PROSAIL
* Retrieval of spatial-temporal motion topics from 3D skeleton data
* Reverse Densely Connected Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Two-Dimensional Histograms Modification
* Review of the application of machine learning to the automatic semantic annotation of images
* review on robust video copy detection, A
* Revisiting Distillation and Incremental Classifier Learning
* Revisiting Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) Over Sand Deserts for Vicarious Calibration of Optical Imagers at 20 km and 100 km Scales
* RFI Mitigation for UWB Radar Via Hyperparameter-Free Sparse SPICE Methods
* RGB-D sensing based human action and interaction analysis: A survey
* RNN-Based IMM Filter Surrogate, An
* Robust adaptive beamforming based on covariance matrix and new steering vector estimation
* Robust and Efficient Ellipse Fitting Using Tangent Chord Distance
* Robust and real-time lane detection filter based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
* Robust Angular Local Descriptor Learning
* Robust Authentication Using Dorsal Hand Vein Images
* Robust Deep Multi-modal Learning Based on Gated Information Fusion Network
* Robust Early Warning System for Preventing Flash Floods in Mountainous Area in Vietnam, A
* Robust fingerprint classification with Bayesian convolutional networks
* Robust graticule intersection localization for rotated topographic maps
* Robust Human Activity Recognition Approach Using OpenPose, Motion Features, and Deep Recurrent Neural Network, A
* Robust Jointly Sparse Regression with Generalized Orthogonal Learning for Image Feature Selection
* Robust lane-detection algorithm based on improved symmetrical local threshold for feature extraction and inverse perspective mapping
* Robust license plate recognition using neural networks trained on synthetic images
* Robust long-term correlation tracking with multiple models
* Robust Low-rank subspace segmentation with finite mixture noise
* Robust Method to Estimate the Time Constant of Elastographic Parameters, A
* Robust Multimodal Image Registration Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning
* Robust real-time image encryption with aperiodic chaotic map and random-cycling bit shift
* Robust subspace clustering for image data using clean dictionary estimation and group lasso based matrix completion
* Robust Video Background Identification by Dominant Rigid Motion Estimation
* Robust Wi-Fi Fingerprint Positioning Algorithm Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and Multi-Layer Perceptron, A
* Rollover risk assessment and automated control for heavy duty vehicles based on vehicle-to-infrastructure information
* SAFE: Scale Aware Feature Encoder for Scene Text Recognition
* Saliency Detection via Multi-Scale Global Cues
* Saliency for fine-grained object recognition in domains with scarce training data
* Saliency object detection: integrating reconstruction and prior
* Saliency-guided level set model for automatic object segmentation
* Salient Object Detection with CNNs and Multi-scale CRFs
* Salient Object Detection with Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
* Sampling with level set for pigmented skin lesion segmentation
* SAR ATR of Ground Vehicles Based on ESENet
* SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging Based on a New Range Model Using a Modified Keystone Transform
* SAR Image Despeckling Based on Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* SAR-Mode Altimetry Observations of Internal Solitary Waves in the Tropical Ocean Part 2: A Method of Detection
* Satellite Derived Bathymetry Using Machine Learning and Multi-Temporal Satellite Images
* Say Yes to the Dress: Shape and Style Transfer Using Conditional GANs
* Scalable and compact 3D action recognition with approximated RBF kernel machines
* Scalable Deep k-Subspace Clustering
* Scalable multi-label annotation via semi-supervised kernel semantic embedding
* Scalable Zero-Shot Learning via Binary Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Scale Estimation of Monocular SfM for a Multi-modal Stereo Camera
* Scale-Varying Triplet Ranking with Classification Loss for Facial Age Estimation
* Scaled layout recovery with wide field of view RGB-D
* Scatterometer Backscatter Imaging Using Backus-Gilbert Inversion
* Scene classification-oriented saliency detection via the modularized prescription
* Scene text detection and recognition with advances in deep learning: A survey
* ScoringNet: Learning Key Fragment for Action Quality Assessment with Ranking Loss in Skilled Sports
* SCPNet: Spatial-Channel Parallelism Network for Joint Holistic and Partial Person Re-identification
* Sea State Bias Variability in Satellite Altimetry Data
* Seasonal Differences in Dielectric Properties of Dwarf Woody Tundra Vegetation in a Microwave Range
* Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion Measurement
* Secure Multicast Transmission for Massive MIMO With Statistical Channel State Information
* Secure multimodal biometric system based on diffused graphs and optimal score fusion
* Seeing with radio Wi-Fi-like equipment can see people through walls, measure their heart rates, and gauge emotions
* SEGUE: A Speedy rEgion-Growing Algorithm for Unwrapping Estimated Phase
* Seismic Surface Deformation Risks in Industrial Hubs: A Case Study from Ulsan, Korea, Using DInSAR Time Series Analysis
* Selective Ensemble Classification of Image Steganalysis Via Deep Q Network
* Self-Referenced Deep Learning
* Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Camera Motion from 360° Videos
* Semantic Aware Attention Based Deep Object Co-segmentation
* Semantic Bottleneck for Computer Vision Tasks
* Semantic segmentation of remote sensing ship image via a convolutional neural networks model
* Semantic Segmentation Refinement by Monte Carlo Region Growing of High Confidence Detections
* Semantic-aware neural style transfer
* Semantics-Aware Visual Object Tracking
* Semi-supervised Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis in the Wild
* Semiparametric likelihood-ratio-based biometric score-level fusion via parametric copula
* SemiStarGAN: Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Semisupervised Spatial Spectral Regularized Manifold Local Scaling Cut With HGF for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images, A
* SenDiT: The Sentinel-2 Displacement Toolbox with Application to Glacier Surface Velocities
* Sensitivity Analysis Method for Spectral Band Adjustment between Hyperspectral Sensors: A Case Study Using the CLARREO Pathfinder and HISUI
* Sensitivity Analysis of Multifrequency MIMP SAR Data From Rice Paddies
* Sensor array calibration with joint-block-sparsity in the presence of multiple separable observations
* Sequential Classifiers Combination Method to Reduce False Negative for Intrusion Detection System, A
* Sequential graph-based extraction of curvilinear structures
* set of benchmarks for Handwritten Text Recognition on historical documents, A
* Shape-aware label fusion for multi-atlas frameworks
* Shape-Conditioned Image Generation by Learning Latent Appearance Representation from Unpaired Data
* Shared Data Sources in the Geographical Domain: A Classification Schema and Corresponding Visualization Techniques
* Show and Tell in the Loop: Cross-Modal Circular Correlation Learning
* Siamese Generative Adversarial Privatizer for Biometric Data
* Siamese graph convolutional network for content based remote sensing image retrieval
* Signal Recovery From Norm Measurements
* Similarity-preserving hashing based on deep neural networks for large-scale image retrieval
* Simple Approximation for the Reflectance of a Thick Cloud in Gaseous Absorption Band and Its Application for the Cloud-Top Height Determination, A
* Simple Multi-scale Model to Evaluate Left Ventricular Growth Laws, A
* Simplified and Robust Surface Reflectance Estimation Method (SREM) for Use over Diverse Land Surfaces Using Multi-Sensor Data, A
* Simultaneous Face Detection and Head Pose Estimation: A Fast and Unified Framework
* Single Image Dehazing with a Generic Model-Agnostic Convolutional Neural Network
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Lightweight CNN with Maxout Units
* Single-Pulse Mueller Matrix LiDAR Polarimeter: Modeling and Demonstration
* Single-sample face recognition under varying lighting conditions based on logarithmic total variation
* Single-Shot Scale-Aware Network for Real-Time Face Detection
* SingleGAN: Image-to-Image Translation by a Single-Generator Network Using Multiple Generative Adversarial Learning
* Sinusoidal-Hyperbolic Family of Transforms With Potential Applications in Compressive Sensing, A
* Skeleton Transformer Networks: 3D Human Pose and Skinned Mesh from Single RGB Image
* Slope-compensated interferogram filter with ESPRIT for adaptive frequency estimation
* Small object segmentation with fully convolutional network based on overlapping domain decomposition
* Smart City System Design: A Comprehensive Study of the Application and Data Planes
* SMC: Single-Stage Multi-location Convolutional Network for Temporal Action Detection
* SMOD - Data Augmentation Based on Statistical Models of Deformation to Enhance Segmentation in 2D Cine Cardiac MRI
* Smoke vehicle detection based on robust codebook model and robust volume local binary count patterns
* SMOS Neural Network Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model and Atmospheric Impact
* Social sensing from street-level imagery: A case study in learning spatio-temporal urban mobility patterns
* Soft decision optimization method for robust fundamental matrix estimation
* Software Architecture for Automating Cognitive Science Eye-Tracking Data Analysis and Object Annotation
* Solution to the Unknown Boundary Tractions in Myocardial Material Parameter Estimations
* Solving Competitive Location Problems with Social Media Data Based on Customers' Local Sensitivities
* Solving Minimum Cost Lifted Multicut Problems by Node Agglomeration
* Some Evaluations on a Digital Watermarking Technique for Music Data Using Distortion Effect
* Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magma Migration in Shallow Feeding System of Mount Etna Volcano
* Space-variant blur kernel estimation and image deblurring through kernel clustering
* Sparse Blind Deconvolution of Ground Penetrating Radar Data
* Sparse compression algorithm for MBOK signals
* Sparse Data Interpolation Using the Geodesic Distance Affinity Space
* Sparse Principal Component Analysis With Preserved Sparsity Pattern
* Sparse Representation Using Stepwise Tikhonov Regularization With Offline Computations
* Sparsity Based Full Rank Polarimetric Reconstruction of Coherence Matrix T
* Spatial Adaptation of the Time Delay Neural Network for Solving ECGI Inverse Problem, A
* Spatial and Motion Saliency Prediction Method Using Eye Tracker Data for Video Summarization
* Spatial Distribution of Forest Fire Emissions: A Case Study in Three Mexican Ecoregions
* Spatial Downsampling of Surface Sources in the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography
* Spatial Equity of Nursing Homes in Changchun: A Multi-Trip Modes Analysis, The
* Spatial Evolution of Prosopis Invasion and its Effects on LULC and Livelihoods in Baringo, Kenya
* Spatial Interaction Modeling of OD Flow Data: Comparing Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Regression (GWNBR) and OLS (GWOLSR)
* Spatial Pattern Consistency among Different Remote-Sensing Land Cover Datasets: A Case Study in Northern Laos
* Spatial-temporal traffic outlier detection by coupling road level of service
* Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction/Recognition in Videos Based on Energy Optimization
* Spatio-Temporal Fusion Networks for Action Recognition
* Spatiotemporal Mapping and Monitoring of Whiting in the Semi-Enclosed Gulf Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Time Series Images and a Generic Ensemble Tree-Based Model
* Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of China's Cities Based on High-Resolution Imagery from 2000 to 2015
* Spatiotemporal recursive hyperspheric classification with an application to dynamic gesture recognition
* Special issue of the 36th Computer Graphics International (CGI 2019)
* Special issue on Deep Learning in Image and Video Forensics
* Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensics in cloud computing
* Speckle Noise Reduction Technique for SAR Images Using Statistical Characteristics of Speckle Noise and Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Spectral Assignment-Oriented Approach to Improve Interpretability and Accuracy of Proxy Spectral-Based Models, A
* Spectral Response Analysis: An Indirect and Non-Destructive Methodology for the Chlorophyll Quantification of Biocrusts
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
* Speedy and accurate image super-resolution via deeply recursive CNN with skip connection and network in network
* Spherical Domain Rate-Distortion Optimization for Omnidirectional Video Coding
* Spherical Superpixels: Benchmark and Evaluation
* Spiral-Net with F1-Based Optimization for Image-Based Crack Detection
* SPNet: Deep 3D Object Classification and Retrieval Using Stereographic Projection
* SRC-Disp: Synthetic-Realistic Collaborative Disparity Learning for Stereo Matching
* SRLibrary: Comparing different loss functions for super-resolution over various convolutional architectures
* SSG: superpixel segmentation and GrabCut-based salient object segmentation
* Stable Algebraic Camera Pose Estimation for Minimal Configurations of 2D/3D Point and Line Correspondences, A
* Standard Quasi-Conformal Flattening of the Right and Left Atria
* Statistical performance of convex low-rank and sparse tensor recovery
* Stereo vision-based vehicle localization in point cloud maps using multiswarm particle swarm optimization
* Stereoscopic image stitching with rectangular boundaries
* Stochastic Analysis of DASH-Based Video Service in High-Speed Railway Networks
* Stochastic Normalizations as Bayesian Learning
* strategy based on non-extensive statistics to improve frame-matching algorithms under large viewpoint changes, A
* Structural segmentation and classification of mobile laser scanning point clouds with large variations in point density
* Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank 2DLPP for Image Classification
* Structure Aware SLAM Using Quadrics and Planes
* Structure-Constrained Motion Sequence Generation
* Structured general and specific multi-view subspace clustering
* Structured group local sparse tracker
* Study of High Frame Rate Video Formats, A
* Study on the Assessment of Multi-Source Satellite Soil Moisture Products and Reanalysis Data for the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Style Transfer with Adversarial Learning for Cross-Dataset Person Re-identification
* Stylistic scene enhancement GAN: Mixed stylistic enhancement generation for 3D indoor scenes
* Sub-hypergraph matching based on adjacency tensor
* Sub-Pixel Crop Type Classification Using PROBA-V 100 m NDVI Time Series and Reference Data from Sentinel-2 Classifications
* Sub-Regional Extraction Method of Common Mode Components from IGS and CMONOC Stations in China, A
* Successive minutia-free mosaicking for small-sized fingerprint recognition
* Sulcal and Cortical Features for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Super-Resolution via Image-Adapted Denoising CNNs: Incorporating External and Internal Learning
* Supervised Learning for Fake News Detection
* survey on 3D hand pose estimation: Cameras, methods, and datasets, A
* Survey on Brain Biometrics, A
* Survey on brain tumor segmentation and feature extraction of MR images
* Survey on Brain-Computer Interface: An Emerging Computational Intelligence Paradigm
* survey on deep neural network-based image captioning, A
* Survey on hardware implementations of visual object trackers
* Survey on Situational Awareness of Ransomware Attacks: Detection and Prevention Parameters, A
* Survey on the approaches based geometric information for 3D face landmarks detection
* Surveying Wild Animals from Satellites, Manned Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs): A Review
* Symmetry-Aware Face Completion with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Synchrotron X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging and Deep Neural Networks for Cardiac Collagen Quantification in Hypertensive Rat Model
* Synergetic Approach for the Space-Based Sea Surface Currents Retrieval in the Mediterranean Sea, A
* Synthesis of Facial Expressions in Photographs: Characteristics, Approaches, and Challenges
* Synthesis of High-Quality Visible Faces from Polarimetric Thermal Faces using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Systematic review on vehicular licence plate recognition framework in intelligent transport systems
* TAB: Temporally aggregated bag-of-discriminant-words for temporal action proposals
* Task-Adaptive Feature Reweighting for Few Shot Classification
* Temporal-Difference Learning-Based Stochastic Energy Management for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Buses
* Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* Tensor Factorization Method for 3-D Super Resolution With Application to Dental CT, A
* Text baseline detection, a single page trained system
* Text2Shape: Generating Shapes from Natural Language by Learning Joint Embeddings
* TextNet: Irregular Text Reading from Images with an End-to-End Trainable Network
* Texture retrieval using periodically extended and adaptive curvelets
* Thin cloud removal with residual symmetrical concatenation network
* Thinking Outside the Box: Generation of Unconstrained 3D Room Layouts
* Three-dimensional Krawtchouk descriptors for protein local surface shape comparison
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Structural Surface Model of Heritage Bridges Using UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Threshold Auto-Tuning Metric Learning
* Tidal and Meteorological Influences on the Growth of Invasive Spartina alterniflora: Evidence from UAV Remote Sensing
* Time Delay Estimation Via Wasserstein Distance Minimization
* TimeCluster: dimension reduction applied to temporal data for visual analytics
* Tiny People Pose
* Tissue Drives Lesion: Computational Evidence of Interspecies Variability in Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation
* TKDN: Scene Text Detection via Keypoints Detection
* ToothPic: Camera-Based Image Retrieval on Large Scales
* Top-Bounded Spaces Formed by the Built Environment for Navigation Systems
* TOP-SIFT: the selected SIFT descriptor based on dictionary learning
* Topic representation: Finding more representative words in topic models
* TopoLAP: Topology Recovery for Building Reconstruction by Deducing the Relationships between Linear and Planar Primitives
* Topology-aware non-rigid point set registration via global-local topology preservation
* Total Variability Layer in Deep Neural Network Embeddings for Speaker Verification
* Totally Looks Like: How Humans Compare, Compared to Machines
* Touch-Stroke Dynamics Authentication Using Temporal Regression Forest
* Toward Deep Universal Sketch Perceptual Grouper
* Toward Electrical Impedance Tomography Coupled Ultrasound Imaging for Assessing Muscle Health
* Toward Guaranteed Video Experience: Service-Aware Downlink Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Networks
* Toward learning a unified many-to-many mapping for diverse image translation
* Towards a QoE Model to Evaluate Holographic Augmented Reality Devices
* Towards a Traceable Climate Service: Assessment of Quality and Usability of Essential Climate Variables
* Towards Accurate Georeferenced Video Search With Camera Field of View Modeling
* Towards Automated Quantification of Atrial Fibrosis in Images from Catheterized Fiber-Optics Confocal Microscopy Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Multiple Precast Concrete Elements in Outdoor Laser Scan Data
* Towards efficient medical lesion image super-resolution based on deep residual networks
* Towards fast and kernelized orthogonal discriminant analysis on person re-identification
* Towards Locally Consistent Object Counting with Constrained Multi-stage Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery
* Tracking Multiple Audio Sources With the von Mises Distribution and Variational EM
* Traffic control approach based on multi-source data fusion
* Traffic flow estimation on the expressway network using toll ticket data
* Train-Centric Communication-Based New Movement Authority Proposal for ETCS-2, A
* Trainable Multiplication Layer for Auto-correlation and Co-occurrence Extraction, A
* Trajectory tracking and prediction of pedestrian's crossing intention using roadside LiDAR
* TraMNet: Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals
* Transcranial Doppler-based modeling of hemodynamics using delay differential equations
* Transcriptomic Approaches to Modelling Long Term Changes in Human Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Transfer Linear Subspace Learning for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition
* Transition Characteristics of the Dry-Wet Regime and Vegetation Dynamic Responses over the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin, Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Translational Potential of Neuroimaging Genomic Analyses to Diagnosis and Treatment in Mental Disorders
* Traversing Latent Space Using Decision Ferns
* Tree Height Estimation of Forest Plantation in Mountainous Terrain from Bare-Earth Points Using a DoG-Coupled Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Tree Species Classification in a Highly Diverse Subtropical Forest Integrating UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Cloud and Hyperspectral Data
* Truck active reversing control strategy based on modified particle filter and multi-sensors environment perception
* Twenty Years of ASTER Contributions to Lithologic Mapping and Mineral Exploration
* Two-dimensional dispersion entropy: An information-theoretic method for irregularity analysis of images
* Two-Parts Step-by-Step Ionospheric Assimilation Based on Ground-Based/Spaceborne Observations and Its Verification, The
* Two-stages based facial demographic attributes combination for age estimation
* Two-Step Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Method for Multichannel GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Spectrum Reconstructing and Focusing, A
* U-DADA: Unsupervised Deep Action Domain Adaptation
* UAV and Ground Image-Based Phenotyping: A Proof of Concept with Durum Wheat
* UAV-Based Remote Sensing Technique to Detect Citrus Canker Disease Utilizing Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* Ubiquitous Intelligent Cameras: Between Legal Nightmare and Social Empowerment
* Ultrasound image segmentation with multilevel threshold based on differential search algorithm
* Uncertainty Characterization and Propagation in the Community Long-Term Infrared Microwave Combined Atmospheric Product System (CLIMCAPS)
* Understanding Individual Decisions of CNNs via Contrastive Backpropagation
* Understanding multiple days' metro travel demand at aggregate level
* Unified Convolutional Beamformer for Simultaneous Denoising and Dereverberation, A
* unified definition and computation of Laplacian spectral distances, A
* Unified Models for Second-Order TV-Type Regularisation in Imaging: A New Perspective Based on Vector Operators
* Unifying Visual Attribute Learning with Object Recognition in a Multiplicative Framework
* Universal Bounding Box Regression and Its Applications
* Unseen Object Segmentation in Videos via Transferable Representations
* Unstructured Multi-view Depth Estimation Using Mask-Based Multiplane Representation
* Unsupervised Deep Change Vector Analysis for Multiple-Change Detection in VHR Images
* Unsupervised deep context prediction for background estimation and foreground segmentation
* Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework via Integrated Optimization of Representation Learning and GMM-Based Modeling, An
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Generative Adversarial Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Unsupervised Ensemble Classification With Correlated Decision Agents
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction: A CNN-Based Approach
* Unsupervised human activity analysis for intelligent mobile robots
* Unsupervised Image Manipulation Localization With Non-Binary Label Attribution
* Unsupervised Intuitive Physics from Visual Observations
* Unsupervised SAR Change Detection Method Based on Stochastic Subspace Ensemble Learning, An
* Unsupervised skin tissue segmentation for remote photoplethysmography
* Unsupervised Transformation Network Based on GANs for Target-Domain Oriented Multi-Domain Image Translation
* Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detection and Classification Using Spatiotemporal Patterns
* Unsupervised Universal Attribute Modeling for Action Recognition
* Unsupervised visual feature learning with spike-timing-dependent plasticity: How far are we from traditional feature learning approaches?
* Upgrading security and protection in ear biometrics
* Use of hyperspectral imaging for cake moisture and hardness prediction
* Use of learning classifier systems in microscopic toll plaza simulation models
* Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs
* Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales
* Using GLCM features in Haar wavelet transformed space for moving object classification
* Using Temporal Correlation to Optimize Stereo Matching in Video Sequences
* Using word embeddings to generate data-driven human agent decision-making from natural language
* Utilizing Satellite Surface Soil Moisture Data in Calibrating a Distributed Hydrological Model Applied in Humid Regions Through a Multi-Objective Bayesian Hierarchical Framework
* V2V-based method for the detection of road traffic congestion
* Validation of Equilibrated Warping: Image Registration with Mechanical Regularization: On 3D Ultrasound Images
* Variability of the Suspended Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea
* variational image segmentation method exploring both intensity means and texture patterns, A
* Vehicle classification approach based on the combined texture and shape features with a compressive DL
* Vehicle re-identification in still images: Application of semi-supervised learning and re-ranking
* Ventricle Surface Reconstruction from Cardiac MR Slices Using Deep Learning
* Verifying driver performance for heavy haulage fatigue management
* Video Big Data Retrieval Over Media Cloud: A Context-Aware Online Learning Approach
* Video Frame Interpolation via Cyclic Fine-Tuning and Asymmetric Reverse Flow
* Video Object Segmentation with Language Referring Expressions
* Video retargeting based on SH equalisation and seam carving
* Video style transfer by consistent adaptive patch sampling
* Video-based person re-identification based on regularised hull distance learning
* Video-Based Person Re-identification via 3D Convolutional Networks and Non-local Attention
* VIENA2: A Driving Anticipation Dataset
* VIPL-HR: A Multi-modal Database for Pulse Estimation from Less-Constrained Face Video
* Virtual Catheter Ablation of Target Areas Identified from Image-Based Models of Atrial Fibrillation
* Virtual Restoration of Stained Chinese Paintings Using Patch-Based Color Constrained Poisson Editing with Selected Hyperspectral Feature Bands
* Visibility Restoration via Smoothing Speed for Vein Recognition
* Vision-Based Freezing of Gait Detection with Anatomic Patch Based Representation
* Vision-based inter-vehicle distance estimation for driver alarm system
* Visual Biofeedback and Game Adaptation in Relaxation Skill Transfer
* Visual data of facial expressions for automatic pain detection
* Visual Graphs from Motion (VGfM): Scene Understanding with Object Geometry Reasoning
* Visual Odometry for Indoor Mobile Robot by Recognizing Local Manhattan Structures
* Visual Quality Assessment for Super-Resolved Images: Database and Method
* Visual Re-ranking with Natural Language Understanding for Text Spotting
* Visual SuperTree: similarity-based multi-scale visualization, The
* Visual-Linguistic Methods for Receipt Field Recognition
* Visualization of Flooding Using Adaptive Spatial Resolution
* Visualizing large graphs by layering and bundling graph edges
* Voxel-based 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation: Unsupervised Geometric and Relationship Featuring vs Deep Learning Methods
* VSSA-NET: Vertical Spatial Sequence Attention Network for Traffic Sign Detection
* Wasserstein CNN: Learning Invariant Features for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Water Body Extraction from Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data Based on Fully Convolutional Networks
* Water-Filling: An Efficient Algorithm for Digitized Document Shadow Removal
* Wavelet Domain Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-scale Face Hallucination
* Wavelet frame-based image restoration using sparsity, nonlocal, and support prior of frame coefficients
* Weakly Supervised Lesion Detection From Fundus Images
* Weakly supervised segment annotation via expectation kernel density estimation
* Weight Estimation of Broilers in Images Using 3D Prior Knowledge
* Weighted Feature Pooling Network in Template-Based Recognition
* Weighted Space-Frequency Time-Reversal Imaging for Multiple Targets
* Weighted superpixel segmentation
* Where-and-When to Look: Deep Siamese Attention Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Why Shape Matters: On the Inherent Qualities of Geometric Shapes for Cartographic Representations
* Wideband DOA estimation based on focusing signal subspace
* Winter Wheat Canopy Height Extraction from UAV-Based Point Cloud Data with a Moving Cuboid Filter
* WpmDecolor: weighted projection maximum solver for contrast-preserving decolorization
* X-GACMN: An X-Shaped Generative Adversarial Cross-Modal Network with Hypersphere Embedding
* xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support
* xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support
* Zero-Shot Facial Expression Recognition with Multi-label Label Propagation
* Zero-Shot Object Detection: Learning to Simultaneously Recognize and Localize Novel Concepts
* Zonohedral Approximation of Spherical Structuring Element for Volumetric Morphology
1622 for 1906

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.