Update Dates 0006

0006 * 3-D Scene Reconstruction with Viewpoint Adaptation on Stereo Displays
* 3-D Terrain from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* 3D Volume Rotation Using Shear Transformations
* Active Camera Networks and Semantic Event Databases for Intelligent Environments
* algorithm for the rapid computation of boundaries of run-length encoded regions, An
* algorithm to estimate mean traffic speed using uncalibrated cameras, An
* Analysis of Edge Detection by Using the Jensen-Shannon Divergence, An
* Animal body identifying device and body identifying system
* Area operators for edge detection
* Attentional Scene Segmentation: Integrating Depth and Motion
* Automatic Analysis of the Difference Image for Unsupervised Change Detection
* Automatic Caption Localization in Compressed Video
* Automatic tracking lighting equipment, lighting controller and tracking apparatus
* Automatic video segmentation using hidden markov model
* Bayes Error Evaluation of the Gaussian ML Classifier
* Bayesian Approach for the Estimation and Transmission of Regularization Parameters for Reducing Blocking Artifacts, A
* Bayesian Segmentation via Asymptotic Partition Functions
* Binary object representation and recognition using the Hilbert morphological skeleton transform
* Biomedical active segmentation guided by edge saliency
* BIONET: an artificial neural network model for diagnosis of diseases
* Cell-Loss Concealment Technique for MPEG-2 Coded Video, A
* Classification of temporal sequences via prediction using the simple recurrent neural network
* Closed Form Solutions for Reconstruction Via Complex Analysis
* Combinatorial Optimization Technique for the Sequential Decomposition of Erosions and Dilations, A
* Combined Forward Error Control and Packetized Zerotree Wavelet Encoding for Transmission of Images Over Varying Channels
* Combining DEKF algorithm and trace rule for fast on-line invariance extraction and recognition
* Compact and parametric shape representation by a tree of sigmoid functions for automatic shape modeling
* comparison of cluster validity criteria for a mixture of normal distributed data, A
* Complexity Analysis of ATR Algorithms Based on Invariants
* Compression of SAR Data Through Range Focusing and Variable-Rate Vector Quantization
* Computational Modeling of Age-Differences in a Visually Demanding Driving Task: Vehicle Detection
* Computerized method for improving data resolution
* Constrained Subpixel Target Detection for Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Context-based filtering of document images
* Context-Based Lossless Interband Compression--Extending CALIC
* Contour Matching Using Epipolar Geometry
* Correction of Errors in SPOT-Derived DEM's Using GTOPO30 Data
* Cut Detection in Video Sequences Using Phase Correlation
* Detection of line junctions and line terminations using curvilinear features
* Dynamic Stabilization of a Pan and Tilt Camera for Submarine Image Visualization
* Edge Postprocessing Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Effect of Speckle Filtering on Scale-Dependent Texture Estimation of a Forested Scene, The
* Efficiency of Characterizing Ellipses and Ellipsoids by Discrete Moments
* Efficient algorithms for mining outliers from large data sets
* Efficient Computation of Euclidean Distance Using Approximated Look-Up Table, An
* Efficient Deformable Template Detection and Localization without User Initialization
* Efficient Method for Computation of Legendre Moments, An
* Efficient partitioning and scheduling of computer vision and image processing data on bus networks using divisible load analysis
* Efficient Summarization of Stereoscopic Video Sequences
* Equivalence of Julesz Ensembles and FRAME Models
* Estimating Dimensions of Free-Swimming Fish Using 3D Point Distribution Models
* Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
* Evaluation of Sensor Calibration Uncertainties on Vegetation Indices for MODIS
* Exact Distribution of Edge-Preserving MAP Estimators for Linear Signal Models with Gaussian Measurement Noise
* Expert system for automatic analysis of facial expressions
* Exploiting Spatial Correlation Features for SAR Image Analysis
* Eye position detecting apparatus and method therefor
* Fast and Accurate Edge-Based Segmentation with No Contour Smoothing in 2-D Real Images
* fast and accurate method to register medical images using Wavelet Modulus Maxima, A
* Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from their Medial Axis Transforms
* Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using a Directed Graph, A
* Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An Approach Based on Registration of Textured-Mapped 3D Models
* Feasibility of Tomography with Unknown View Angles
* Feature reduction for classification of multidimensional data
* Feature Tracking in Video and Sonar Subsea Sequences with Applications
* Focused Object Extraction with Multiple Cameras
* Frequency Domain Volume Rendering by the Wavelet X-Ray Transform
* Fusion of Intelligent Agents for the Detection of Aircraft in SAR Images
* Generalization of Spatially Variant Apodization to Noninteger Nyquist Sampling Rates
* Generalized Interpolative Vector Quantization Method for Jointly Optimal Quantization, Interpolation, and Binarization of Text Images, A
* Genetic Algorithm for Adaptive Tomography of Elliptical Objects, A
* Gesture recognition using the multi-PDM method and hidden Markov model
* Gray-Level Reduction Using Local Spatial Features
* Hierarchical Approach to Feature Extraction and Grouping, A
* Hierarchical fuzzy partition for pattern classification with fuzzy if-then rules
* High Performance Scalable Image Compression with EBCOT
* High Quality 2 x Image Interpolator, A
* History, Current Status, and Future of Infrared Identification
* hybrid method for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition by combining structural and neural gas classifiers, A
* Image and edge detail detection algorithm for object-based coding
* Image Enhancement By Nonlinear Extrapolation in Frequency Space
* Image identification and estimation using the maximum entropy principle
* Image tracking system and method and observer tracking autostereoscopic display
* Imaging Issue in an Automatic Face/Disguise Detection System, The
* improved Bayesian structural EM algorithm for learning Bayesian networks for clustering, An
* improved maximum model distance approach for HMM-based speech recognition systems, An
* Improved Orientation Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points
* Introduction: Learning and Vision at CBCL
* JPEG Variable Quantization Method for Compound Documents, A
* KCS--New--New Kernel Family with Compact Support in Scale Space: Formulation and Impact
* Lane detection using spline model
* Layered Representation of Scenes Based on Multiview Image Analysis
* Learning mixture models using a genetic version of the EM algorithm
* Learning of view-invariant pattern recognizer with temporal context
* Learning to Recognize Visual Dynamic Events from Examples
* Least Squares Estimation of 3D Shape and Motion of Rigid Objects from Their Orthographic Projections
* Mandarin spoken document retrieval based on syllable lattice matching
* Markov Random Field and Fuzzy Logic Modeling in Sonar Imagery: Application to the Classification of Underwater Floor
* Memory Efficient Propagation-Based Watershed and Influence Zone Algorithms for Large Images
* Method and apparatus for character recognition
* Method and apparatus for mosaic image construction
* Method and apparatus for real-time gesture recognition
* Method and apparatus for tracking, storing, and synthesizing an animated version of object motion
* Method and system for building three-dimensional object models
* Method and system for capturing and representing 3D geometry, color and shading of facial expressions and other animated objects
* Method and system for imaging target detection
* Method and system for locating objects in an image
* Methods and apparatus for gesture recognition based on templates
* Microbathymetric Mapping from Underwater Vehicles in the Deep Ocean
* Morphable Models for the Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Motion Patterns
* Morphable Surface Models
* Motion Estimation Using a One-Dimensional Gradient Descent Search
* Motion-Based Compression of Underwater Video Imagery for the Operations of Unmanned Submersible Vehicles
* Motion-Vector Optimization of Control Grid Interpolation and Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Using Iterated Dynamic Programming
* MPEG-2 Error Concealment Based on Block-Matching Principles
* Multi-Resolution Mesh Based 3D Object Recognition
* Multiresolution Image Segmentation Technique Based on Pyramidal Segmentation and Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Multivariate Gaussian MRF for Multispectral Scene Segmentation and Anomaly Detection
* new face detection method based on shape information, A
* New Image Segmentation Method Based on Human Brightness Perception and Foveal Application, A
* new LDA-based face recognition system which can solve the small sample size problem, A
* New Reconstruction Approach for Reflection Mode Diffraction Tomography, A
* Object Recognition Results Using MSTAR Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Object-oriented video system
* Occlusion and Visible Background and Foreground Areas in Stereo: A Bayesian Approach
* OCR in a Hierarchical Feature Space
* Off-line arabic signature recognition and verification
* On approximating Euclidean metrics by digital distances in 2D and 3D
* On Cancer Recognition of Ultrasound Images
* On Enhancing the Speed of Splatting Using Both Object- and Image-Space Coherence
* On the Bias of the Likelihood Ratio Edge Detector for SAR Images
* One-dimensional representation of two-dimensional information for HMM based handwriting recognition
* Optical and Sonar Image Classification: Wavelet Packet Transform vs Fourier Transform
* Optimal Filtering for Patterned Displays
* Optimal Tradeoff Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter Methods Providing Controlled In-Plane Rotation Response
* Optimized Halftoning Using Dot Diffusion and Methods for Inverse Halftoning
* Parking regulation enforcement system
* Particles shape analysis and classification using the wavelet transform
* partition-combination method for recognition of handwritten characters, The
* Partitioning Trimmed Spline Surfaces into NonSelf-Occluding Regions for Visibility Computation
* Planar shape recognition by shape morphing
* Practical Projection-Based Postprocessing of Block-Coded Images with Fast Convergance Rate, A
* Precise and Fast Error Tracking for Error-Resilient Transmission of H.263 Video
* Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Motion Boundaries
* Probabilistic Winner-Take-All Segmentation of Images with Application to Ship Detection
* Pseudo-invariant image transformations on a hexagonal lattice
* Rate control for stereoscopic digital video encoding
* Recognition of a solid shape from its single perspective image obtained by a calibrated camera
* Recognition of Occluded Targets Using Stochastic Models
* Reconstruction of Baseline JPEG Coded Images in Error Prone Environments
* Region of Interest Identification, Feature Extraction, and Information Fusion in a Forward Looking Infrared Sensor Used in Landmine Detection
* Region-Based Fractal Image Compression
* Registration of CT and MR images of Alzheimer's patient: A Shape Theoretic Approach
* Regularization of RIF Blind Image Deconvolution
* Removal of Uncontrollable Phase Distortions in Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals
* Residual Coding in Document Image Compression
* Reversible Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transforms for Image Compression: Performance Evaluation and Analysis
* RMS Slope of Exponentially Correlated Surface Roughness for Radar Applications
* Robust Estimation of Rigid-Body 3-D Motion Parameters Based on Point Correspondences
* Robust Template Matching for Affine Resistant Image Watermarks
* Roof-Edge Preserving Image Smoothing Based on MRF's
* Rough surface classification using point statistics from photometric stereo
* Segmentation of image features using hierarchical analysis of multi-valued image data and weighted averaging of segmentation results
* Self-Segmentation of Sequences: Automatic Formation of Hierarchies of Sequential Behaviors
* Semi-Automatic Video Object Segmentation in the Presence of Occlusion
* Sequential Construction of 3-D Based Scene Description
* Simultaneous Estimation of Optical Flow and Heat Transport in Infrared Image Sequences
* Slope Corrections to Normalized RCS using SAR Interferometry
* Snakes simplified
* Sonar Image Segmentation Using an Unsupervised Hierarchical MRF Model
* Source and Channel-Coding Framework for Vector-Based Data Hiding in Video, A
* Space Curve Representation and Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform Zero-Crossings
* Specularities on Surfaces with Tangential Hairs or Grooves
* Speed-Up in Fractal Image Coding: Comparison of Methods
* Statistical Learning Theory: A Primer
* Striping Removal in MOS-B Data
* Structural Analysis of DEM's by Intersection of Surface Normals in a Three-Dimensional Accumulator Space
* Target tracking by matching a shape represented by a tree of sigmoid functions
* Techniques for Multiresolution Image Registration in the Presence of Occlusions
* Texture discrimination using discrete cosine transformation shift-insensitive (DCTSIS) descriptors
* Texture Segmentation Using Modulated Wavelet Transform
* Theory of Shape by Space Carving, A
* Thermal Imaging for Anxiety Detection
* Toward Specification-Driven Change Detection
* Trainable System for Object Detection, A
* Training Hidden Markov Models with Multiple Observations: A Combinatorial Method
* Trajectory Triangulation: 3D Reconstruction of Moving Points from a Monocular Image Sequence
* Underwater Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Underwater Video Mosaics as Visual Navigation Maps
* Uniqueness of Tomography with Unknown View Angles
* Unsupervised Contour Representation and Estimation Using B-Splines and a Minimum Description Length Criterion
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using resonance algorithm for natural scenes
* Vector Quantization Using Spectral Index-Based Multiple Subcodebooks for Hyperspectral Data Compression
* Vehicle-Type Identification Through Automated Virtual Loop Assignment and Block-Based Direction-Biased Motion Estimation
* Vehicular security access system
* Video Compression with Binary Tree Recursive Motion Estimation and Binary Tree Residue Coding
* Video signal processing
* Visual Speech Synthesis by Morphing Visemes
* Wavelet coefficients clustering using morphological operations and pruned quadtrees
200 for 0006

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.