6.3.1 Improving Edges by Neighborhood Processing, Relaxation, Multi-Scale

Chapter Contents (Back)
Edges, Adaptive. Edges, Relaxation. Adaptive. Relaxation.

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Edge-Labeling Using Dictionary-Based Relaxation,
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Contextual Postprocessing for Line Detection,
SCIA93(1-2). BibRef 9300

Hancock, E.R., Haindl, M., Kittler, J.V.,
A Hierarchical Evidence Combining Edge Detection,
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Hancock, E.R., Haindl, M., Kittler, J.V.,
Multiresolution Edge Labelling Using Hierarchical Relaxation,
IEEE DOI BibRef 9200

Hancock, E.R., Kittler, J.V.,
Relaxational Refinement of Intensity Ridges,
IEEE DOI BibRef 9200

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PS File. Add junction detection to the standard edge detection. BibRef

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IEEE DOI Improve the edge detector results by 2 steps of edge detection and supression of spurious edges. BibRef

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IEEE DOI Relaxation applied to continuous output, e.g. direction with parameterized values (an oriented ellipse). BibRef

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An adaptative method to smooth discrete curves proposed as a final step for edge detection,
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Boundary Smoothing via Symmetry Transforms,
JMIV(14), No. 3, May 2001, pp. 211-223.
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Edge detection improvement by ant colony optimization,
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Visual Attention Guided Multi-Scale Boundary Detection in Natural Images for Contour Grouping,
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Verma, O.P.[Om Prakash], Hanmandlu, M.[Madasu], Kumar, P.[Puneet], Chhabra, S.[Sidharth], Jindal, A.[Akhil],
A novel bacterial foraging technique for edge detection,
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Chapter on Edge Detection and Analysis, Lines, Segments, Curves, Corners, Hough Transform continues in
Line Detectors, Direct Detection of Straight Lines .

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