Update Dates 9608

9608 * 1-D Fourier Transform Coefficients for Rotation Invariant Texture Segmentation
* 1-NN Preclassifier for Fuzzy K-NN Rule, A
* 3-D Computer Vision using Structured Light: Design, Calibration, and Implementation Issues
* 3-D Data Acquisition and Scene Segmentation System
* 3-D Object Pose Estimation Based on Iterative Image Matching Shading and Edge Data Fusion
* 3-D Object Recognition by Matching the Total View Information
* 3-D Object Recognition from Range Images by Using a Model-Based Hopfield-Style Matching Algorithm
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Adaptive Scale MEGI
* 3D City Models for CAAD-supported Analysis and Design of Urban Areas
* 3D Curve Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Cameras
* 3D Matching Using Statistically Significant Groupings
* 3D measurement strategy based on a projection invariance motion analysis with an artificial retina sensor
* 3D Object Recognition from Color Intensity Images
* 3D Part Segmentation Using Simulated Electrical Charge Distributions
* 3D Pose Estimation from a N-Degree Planar Curved Feature in Two Perspective Views
* 3D Shape and Motion by SVD under Higher-Order Approximation of Perspective Projection
* 3D Shape Recovery from Two Color Image Sequences Using a Genetic Algorithm
* 3D Surface Tracking Algorithm, A
* 3D Thin Nets Extraction Method for Medical Imaging, A
* 3D-Measurement of Geometrical Shapes by Photogrammetry and Neural Networks
* Acceleration-Limited Egomotion Estimation
* Accuracy Analysis on the Estimation of Camera Parameters for Active Vision Systems
* Accurate Color Discrimination with Classification Based on Feature Distributions
* Accurate Rangefinder with Laser Pattern Shifting
* Active Depth Estimation with Gaze and Vergence Control Using Gabor Filters
* Active Face Observation System
* Active Fusion Using Bayesian Networks Applied to Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery
* Active Gesture Recognition Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
* Active Recognition: Using Uncertainty to Reduce Ambiguity
* Active Shape Inferring Based on the Symmetry in Stable Poses: Shape from Function Approach
* Active Shape Model Search using Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Active Surveillance Using Dynamic Background Substraction
* Active Tubes in Multiscale Image Queue
* Active View Selection for Efficient 3D Scene Reconstruction
* Activities of IAPR: TC-2, Learning, Representation and Visualization of Intelligent Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Discrimination in an HMM-Based Neural Predictive System for On-Line Word Recognition
* Adaptive document segmentation and geometric relation labeling: algorithms and experimental results
* Adaptive Early Jump-Out Technique for Fast Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Adaptive Filter to Detect Rounded Convex Regions: Iris Filter
* Adaptive Filtering in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Adaptive Filtering of Distorted Displacement Vector Fields Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Adaptive Finite-Element Meshes for Progressive Contour Models
* Adaptive Gabor Filters for Texture Segmentation
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Method with Visual Nonlinearity Characteristics, An
* Adaptive Object Detection Based on Modified Hebbian Learning
* Adaptive Radial Basis Functions
* Affine Differential Signatures for Gray Level Images of Planar Shapes
* Affine Integral Invariants and Matching of Curves
* Affine Integral Invariants For Extracting Symmetry Axes
* Affine Visual Servoing
* Algorithm Derived from Thalamocortical Circuitry Stores and Retrieves Temporal Sequences, An
* Algorithm for Coronary Calcification Diagnosis Based on Helical CT Images, An
* Algorithms for Feature Selection: An Evaluation
* Algorithms for Pattern Rejection
* Analysing interferometric images using the Hough transform
* Analysis and Synthesis of Deformed Patterns Based on Structural Models
* Analysis and Synthesis of Six Primary Facial Expressions Using Range Images
* Analysis of Address Layout on Japanese Handwritten Mail: A Hierarchical Process of Hypothesis Verification
* Analysis of Complex Motion Patterns Using Region Based Curve Analysis
* Analysis of Detailed Patterns of Contour Shapes Using Wavelet Local Extrema
* Analysis of Skin Oil by FTIR Spectroscopy
* Analysis of the Exponential Correlation Associative Memory, An
* Analytical Feature Extraction and Spectral Summation
* Analyzing Error of Fit Functions for Ellipses
* Analyzing Form Images By Using Line-Shared-Adjacent Cell Relations
* Anisotropic Enhancement of Mammographic Images
* Appearance Sphere: Background Model for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera
* Appearance-Based Representation of Action, An
* Applying Genetic Algorithms on Pattern Recognition: An Analysis and Survey
* Approach to Outlier Detection Based on Bayesian Probabilistic Model, An
* Approximate Matching for OCR-Processed Bibliographic Data
* Array Algebra Polynomial Fitting for Image Segmentation
* Aspect-Based Object Recognition with Size Functions
* Assessing Feature Importance for Verification and Pose Refinement
* Assessments of Neural-Network Classifier Output Codings Using Variability of Hamming Distance
* Attention and Pattern Detection Using Sensory and Reactive Control Mechanisms
* Attention in Iconic Object Matching
* Audience measurement system and method
* Autoassociative Learning in Relaxation Labeling Networks
* Automated B-Spline Curve Representation with MDL-based Active Contours
* Automated Borders Detection and Adaptive Segmentation for Binary Document Images
* Automated Creation of Visual Routines Using Genetic Programming
* Automated Detection of Human for Visual Surveillance System
* Automated Inspection Station for Machine-Vision Grading of Potatoes, An
* Automatic Can Separation
* Automatic Computer Recognition of Printed Music
* Automatic Correlation and Calibration of Noisy Sensor Readings Using Elite Genetic Algorithms
* Automatic Estimation of the LVQ-1 Parameters: Applications to Multispectral Image Classification
* Automatic Extraction and Tracking of Contours
* Automatic Extraction of Items from Cheque Images for Payment Recognition
* Automatic Face Recognition via Wavelets and Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Finding of Main Roads in Aerial Images by Using Geometric-Stochastic Models and Estimation
* Automatic Generation of Character Groundtruth for Scanned Documents: A Closed-Loop Approach
* Automatic Invoice Interpretation: Invoice Structure Analysis
* Automatic Measurement of Inhibition Zones in Petri Dish Samples
* Automatic Model Construction for Object Recognition Using ISAR Images
* Automatic MR-PET Registration Algorithm
* Automatic Multi-Thresholdable Image Segmentation by Using Separating Bipoints
* Automatic Observation of the Dry Line in paper machine
* Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Branching Objects
* Automatic Seal Verification Using Three-Dimensional Reference Seals
* Automatic-Generation of RBF Networks Using Wavelets
* Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Automatically Locating an Area of Interest and Maintaining a Reference Image to Aid the Real-Time Tracking of Objects
* Autonomous Grouping of Contour-Segments Using an Adaptive Region-Growing Algorithm
* Autonomous Vision-Guided Helicopter, An
* Auxiliary Variables and 2-Step Iterative Algorithms in Computer Vision Problems
* Avoiding Robot Joint Limits and Kinematic Singularities in Visual Servoing
* B-Fitting: An Estimation Technique with Automatic Parameter Selection
* B-Tree Based Recursive Technique for Image Coding, A
* Background Noise Detection and Cleaning in Document Images
* Bayesian Adaptation of Hidden Layers in Boolean Feedforward Neural Networks
* Bayesian Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
* Bayesian Similarity Measure for Direct Image Matching, A
* Bayesian-approach to Binocular Stereopsis, A
* BESSI: An Experimentation System for Vision Module Evaluation
* Bhattacharyya Distance Feature Selection
* Binary Linear Decision Tree with Genetic Algorithm
* Binary Pact
* Block Classification for an Adaptive 1-D/2-D DCT Video Coding
* Block Matching Algorithms in MPEG Video Coding
* Block Wavelet Transforms for Image-Coding: A Note
* Block-Based Gradient Descent Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation in Video Coding, A
* Boolean Function-Based Approach for Encoding of Binary Images
* Bootstrap Coverage Plots for Image Segmentation
* Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Bayes Classifier
* Bucket Processing: a Paradigm for Image Processing
* Building Projectable Classifiers of Arbitrary Complexity
* Business Form Classification Using Strings
* Calibration Procedure for Short Focal Length Off-the-Shelf CCD-Cameras
* Camera Based System for Tracking People in Real Time, A
* Cell Identification in Differential Interference Contrast Microscope Images Using Edge Detection
* Chamfer Metrics, the Medial Axis and Mathematical Morphology
* Change Detection at Multiple Temporal Scales: Seasonal and Annual Variations in Landscape Variables
* Characterizing Smiles in the Context of Video Phone Data Compression
* Class-Based Recognition of 3D Objects Represented by Volumetric Primitives
* Classification of Industrial Sand-Ores By Image Recognition Methods, The
* Classification of Irregularly Shaped Micro-Objects Using Complex Fourier Descriptors
* Classification of Multisensor Remote Sensing Images by Multiple Structured Neural Networks
* Classification with Nonexclusive Patterns
* Classified Perceptual Coding with Adaptive Quantization
* Client/Server Control Architecture for Robot Navigation, A
* Cluster Based Texture Analysis
* Clustering-Based Approach to the Separation of Text Strings from Mixed Text/Graphics Documents, A
* Co-Occurrence Based Texture Analysis Using Irregular Tessellations
* Cocke-Younger-Kasami Algorithm for Cyclic Strings, The
* Coding of Structure in the Region-Based Coder as a Problem of Optimization on Graphs
* Coiflets for Range Image Segmentation
* Color Sensitive Biosensors for Imaging
* Color Stereo Vision Using Hierarchical Block Matching and Active Color Illumination
* Color-metric pattern-card matching for viewpoint invariant image retrieval
* Combination of Face Classifiers for Person Identification
* Combining Classifiers
* Combining global and local vision for technical document understanding
* Combining Structural and Statistical Features for the Recognition of Handwritten Characters
* Compact Representation for Stereoscopic Sequences with NTSC Spectral Compatibility, A
* Compact Vision System for Road Vehicle Guidance, A
* Comparing Features for Target Tracking in Traffic Scenes
* Comparison Between Continuous and Discrete Density Hidden Markov Models for Cursive Handwriting Recognition, A
* Comparison of Different Coding Formats for Digital Coding of Video Using MPEG-2, A
* Complex Feedback Strategies for Hypothesis Generation and Verification
* Complexity of Understanding Line-Drawings of Origami Scenes, The
* Complexity Optimization Of Adaptive Rbf Networks
* Computation and Analysis of Image Motion: A Synopsis of Current Problems and Methods
* Computational Model of Depth-Based Attention, A
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Images
* Computerized Classification of Color Textured Perthite Images
* Computing 3D Models of Rotating Objects from Moving Shading
* Computing Egomotion and Detecting Independent Motion from Image Motion Using Collinear Points
* Computing Field-of-View of Stitched Panorama to Create FOV Sensitive Virtual Environments
* Concurrent Radar Image Shape-from-Shading on High-Performance Computers
* Connected Component Support For Image Analysis Programs
* Connectionist Cognitive Processing for Invariant Pattern Recognition
* Constant-Time Algorithm for Computing the Hough Transform on a Reconfigurable Mesh
* Constrained Phase Congruency: Simultaneous Detection of Interest Points and of their Scales
* Constraint Fusion for Recognition and Localization of Articulated Objects
* Constraint Tangent Distance for On-Line Character Recognition
* Construction of Boolean Decision Rules for ECG Recognition by Non-Reducible Descriptors
* Constructive and Robust Combination of Perceptrons
* Content Based Indexing of Image and Video Databases by Global and Shape Features
* Context Based Detection of Keypoints and Features in Eye Regions
* Contour Model Guided Image Warping for Medical Image Interpolation
* Contrast-Based Focusing Criterium, A
* Control of Texture in Image Half-Toning
* Cordic Based Parallel/Pipelined Architecture for the Hough Transform
* Correcting Motion-Induced Registration Errors in 3-D Ultrasound Images
* Correction of Scanning and Projection Errors in an Active Depth Sensor
* Correction of Systematic Errors in Automatically Produced Boundaries from Low Contrast Ventriculograms
* Cosine Wave Encoded Joint Transform Correlation
* Costs of Softcopy Orthophoto Bases for GIS Projects
* Covariance-Matrix Estimation and Classification with Limited Training Data
* Cubical Singular Simplex Model for 3D Objects and Fast Computation of Homology Groups
* Curvature-Based Face Surface Recognition Using Spherical Correlation-Principal Directions for Curved Object Recognition
* Curve and Surface Interpolation Using Rational Radial Basis Functions
* Curved Surface Reconstruction Using a Simple Structured Light Method
* Data Distribution Concepts for Parallel Image Processing
* Data Driven Refinement of Active Shape Model Search
* Data Embedding into Pictorial Images with Less Distortion Using Discrete Cosine Transform
* Data Reduction Method for Efficient Document Skew Estimation Based on Hough Transformation, A
* Deformation Detection with Frequency-Modulation
* Delayed Reinforcement Learning for Closed-Loop Object Recognition
* Design and Implementation of High-Speed Visual Tracking System for Real-Time Motion Analysis
* Design of Lapped Orthogonal-Transforms
* Designing a Defect Classification-System: A Case-Study
* Designing stereo heads using task domain constraints
* Detecting and Tracking Linear Features Efficiently
* Detecting Bilateral Symmetry of 3D Point Sets from Affine Views
* Detecting Facial Expressions from Face Images Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Detecting Planar and Curved Symmetries of 3D Shapes from a Range Image
* Detecting Symmetry in Grey Level Images: The Global Optimization Approach
* Detection and Location of Moving Objects Using Deterministic Relaxation Algorithms
* Detection of Bounded Weak Echo Regions in Meteorological Radar Images
* Detection of Dim Targets in Digital Infrared Imagery by Morphological Image-Processing
* Detection of Geometric Shapes by the Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Subpixel Accuracy
* Detection of Moving Objects Using a Robust Displacement Estimation Including a Statistical Error Analysis
* Detection of moving objects using a spatiotemporal representation
* Detection of Objects Including Persons Using Image Processing
* Detection of photo regions in digital images
* Detection of Specularity Using Stereo in Color and Polarization Space
* Determining the 3-D Pose of a Flexible Object by Stereo Matching of Curvature Representations
* Development of a General Framework for Intelligent Document Image Retrieval, The
* Digital Images in the Map Revision Process
* Digital Photogrammetric Station 'Delta' and Symmetric Intensity Based Stereo
* Dimensional Properties of Graphs and Digital Spaces
* Direct Egomotion Estimation
* Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses
* Direct Methods for Evaluating the Planarity and Rigidity of a Surface Using Only 2D Views
* Directional Cellular Feature Extraction with Elastic Meshing for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Directionality Detection in Compositional Textures
* Discrimination Properties of Invariants Using the Line Moments of Vectorized Contours
* Distance for Elastic Matching in Object Recognition, A
* Distance Measure for Structural Descriptions Using Circular Arcs as Primitives, A
* Document Feature Recognition using a Mesh of Associative Memories
* Document Management Interface Utilizing Page Decomposition and Content-Based Compression, A
* Dual Quaternion Approach to Hand-Eye Calibration, The
* Dyadic Scale-Space
* Dynamic Foveal 3D Sensing Using Affine Models
* Dynamic Frequency Linear Array Processor for Image Processing, A
* Dynamic Link Matching for Multiple Object Recognition
* Dynamic Programming Approach for Stereo Line Matching with Structural Information, A
* Dynamical Morphological Processing: A Fast Method for Base Line Extraction
* Dynamical Organisation for Situated Image Interpretation, A
* Edge Detection Using a New Definition of Entropy
* Edge Feature Analysis by a Vectorized Feature Extractor and in Multiple Edges
* Edge Linking by a Directional Potential Function (DPF)
* Edge-Detection Technique Using Local Smoothing and Statistical Hypothesis-Testing, An
* Edge-Enhanced Image Zooming
* Effect of Illumination Variations on Color-Based Wood Defect Classification, The
* Effect of Time-Spatial Size of Motion Image for Localization by Using the Spotting Method
* Effective Color Image Segmentation Method for Handling Images under Uneven Illumination, An
* Effective Image Retrieval Using Deformable Templates
* Efficient Algorithm for Detection of Road-Like Structures in Satellite Images, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Smoothing Binary Image Contours, An
* Efficient Algorithm for the Inexact Matching of ARG Graphs Using a Contextual Transformational Model, An
* Efficient and Effective Texture Classification Approach Using a New Notion in Wavelet Theory, An
* Efficient Approach for Facial Feature Detection Using Geometrical Face Model, An
* Efficient Circular Object Detection with Hypothesis Filtering Strategy and Hough Transform
* Efficient computation of a reflection symmetry measure for convex polygons based on Minkowski addition
* Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval in Digital Picture Collections Using Projections: (Near)-Copy Location
* Efficient determination of shape from multiple images containing partial information
* Efficient Evaluations of Edge-Connectivity and Width Uniformity
* Efficient Illumination Normalization of Facial Images
* Efficient Interpretation of Tabular Documents
* Efficient Method to Construct a Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier and its Application to Unconstrained Handwritten Digit Recognition, An
* Efficient Preprocessing of Mixed-Content Document Images for OCR Systems, An
* Efficient Registration and Recognition Algorithm via Sieve Processes, An
* Efficient Vertex Detection Algorithms Using the Hough Transform
* Efficiently Finding Bitangents
* Ego Motion from Near-Degenerate Sequences
* Eigenispace Approach for a Pose Detection with Range Images: Robust Pose Detection Method for Pixel Lacks of Range Images
* Elastic Edge Sequence Matching Method for Global Extraction and Local Tracking of Echocardiogram
* Ellipsoid Reconstruction from Three Perspective Views
* Elliptical Gaussian Filters
* Enhanced 3D Representation Using a Hybrid Model
* Entropy of Scale-Space, The
* Enumerative Geometry of Projective Algebraic-Surfaces and the Complexity of Aspect Graphs, The
* Error Correction Scheme Augumented with Statistical and Lexical Learning Capability for Japanese OCR
* Error Propagation for 2D-to-3D Matching with Application to Underwater Navigation
* Estimating Motion in Noisy, Textured Images: Optical Flow in Medical Ultrasound
* Estimating Pose Uncertainty for Surface Registration
* Estimating the Bayes Error Rate Through Classifier Combining
* Estimation of Depth-from-Motion Combining Iterative Prediction Scheme and Regularization Framework
* Estimation of Face Position and Pose with Labeled Graphs
* Euclidean Hinge Constraint in Articulated Motions, The
* Euclidean Reconstruction from Constant Intrinsic Parameters
* Evaluation of an Anti-Regularization Technique in Neural Networks
* Evaluation of Corner Extraction Schemes Using Invariance Methods
* Expected Error of Minimum Empirical Error and Maximal Margin Classifiers
* Experimental Comparison of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms, An
* Experimental performance characterization of adaptive filters
* Exploring Images
* Extracting Arbitrary Geometric Primitives Represented by Fourier Descriptors
* Extracting Buildings from Aerial Topographic Maps
* Extracting Lines of Maximal Depth from MRI Images of the Human Brain
* Extraction and Restoration of Digits Touching or Overlapping Lines
* Extraction of Curved Lines from Images
* Extraction of Facial Regions and Features Using Color and Shape Information
* Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* Face Feature Extraction from Spatial Frequency for Dynamic Expression Recognition
* Face Identification by Deformation Measure
* Face Location in Wavelet-Based Video Compression for High Perceptual Quality Videoconferencing
* Face Recognition by Feature Orientation and Feature Geometry Matching
* Face Recognition Using Ensembles of Networks
* Face Recognition using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
* Face Tracking and Pose Representation
* Facial Component Extraction by Cooperative Active Nets with Global Constraints
* Facial Feature Extraction and Face Verification
* Fast Algorithm for Adaptive Edge Detection, A
* Fast Algorithm for Image Registration without Predetermining Correspondences, A
* Fast Analytical Medial-Axis Localization in Convex Polyhedra
* Fast Approach to Detect and Correct Skew Documents, A
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization
* Fast Extraction of Surface Primitives from Range Images
* Fast Feature Detection and Matching for Machine Vision
* Fast Full-Search Block-Matching Algorithm for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
* Fast K-NN Classification Rule Using Metrics on Space-Filling Curves
* Fast Level Set Based Algorithm For Topology-Independent Shape Modeling, A
* Fast Method for Estimating the Uncertainty in the Location of Image Points in 3D Recognition, A
* Fast Pipelined Median Filter Network, A
* Fast Vector Quantizer on Neural Clustering Networks Providing Globally Optimal Cluster Solutions, A
* Feature Extraction by Neural Network Nonlinear Mapping for Pattern Classification
* Feature Extraction from Aerial Images and Structural Stereo Matching
* Feature space design for image recognition with image screening
* Feature-Preserved Thinning Algorithm for Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Feature-Selection for Pattern-Classification with Gaussian Mixture-Models: A New Objective Criterion
* Feedforward Neural Networks for Bayes-Optimal Classification: Investigations on the Influence of the Composition of the Training Set on the Cost Function
* FEG Structures for Representation and Recognition of 3-D Polyhedral Objects
* FFT-Based Technique for Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Image Registration, An
* Filter for Car Tracking Based on Acceleration and Steering Angle
* Finding map correspondence using geometric models
* Finding Orientated Line Patterns in Digital Mammographic Images
* Fingerprint Identification Using the Directions Fields
* First-Order Expansion of Motion Equations in the Uncalibrated Case, The
* Flexible Automatic Visual Inspection Based on the Separation of Detection And Analysis
* Flexible Filter Neighbourhood Designation
* Flexible Iterative Method for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from X-Ray Projections, A
* Fluorescence Lifetime Determination for Application in Microscopy
* Force-Based Registration Method Using Attribute Values
* Form Dropout System, A
* Form Identification Based On Cell Structure
* Fractional Box-Counting Approach to Fractal Dimension Estimation
* Fragment Grouping via the Principle of Perceptual Occlusion
* Free-Form Surface Matching using Mean Field Theory
* Fundamental Group for Greyscale Digital Images, A
* Future-Directions in Industrial Machine Vision: A Case-Study of Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications
* fuzzy ARTMAP-based classification system for detecting cancerous cells, based on the one-class problem approach, A
* Fuzzy ICP Algorithm for 3D Free Form Object Recognition, A
* Fuzzy Morphology and Fuzzy Convexity Measures
* Fuzzy Non-Iterative ARG Labeling with Multiple Interpretations
* Fuzzy Ring Data for Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Fuzzy Theory Based Face Detector, An
* GA Based Pattern Classification: Theoretical and Experimental Studies
* Gabor Space and the Development of Preattentive Similarity
* General Non-Linear Method for Modelling Shape and Locating Image Objects, A
* General Stereo Image Matching Using Symmetric Complex Wavelets
* Generalized Co-occurrence Matrix for Multispectral Texture Analysis
* Generalized Expansion Matching Based Feature Extractor, A
* Generation of Motion Kinematics Using a Time-Delay Neural Network, The
* Generation of Sketch Map Image and Its Instructions to Support the Understanding of Geographical Information
* Genetic Algorithm Implementation of Stack Filter Design for Image-Restoration
* Genetic Algorithms for Free-Form Surface Matching
* Geometric Algebra: A Framework for Computing Point and Line Correspondences and Projective Structure Using N-Uncalibrated Cameras
* Geometric Primitive Extraction Using Tabu Search
* Gesture Recognition Using Colored Gloves
* Gibbs Models for Bayesian Simulation and Segmentation of Piecewise-Uniform Textures
* Global Planar Rigid Motion Estimation Applied to Object-Oriented Coding
* Global Shape from Shading
* Global Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction from Occluding Contours
* Gray Image Compression Using a Hilbert Scan, A
* Gray Scale Processing of Hydrographic Maps
* Grid-Clustering: An Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Method for Very Large Data Sets
* Grouping as a Searching Process for Minimum-Energy Configurations of Labeled Random-Fields
* Hand Drawn Document Understanding Using the Straight Line Hough Transform and Graph Matching
* Hand Gesture Recognition System Using Multiple Cameras
* Hand/Eye Coordination: Role of the Active Observer
* Handwritten Character Recognition System Using Hierarchical Displacement Extraction Algorithm, A
* Handwritten Chinese Character Analysis and Preclassification Using Stroke Structural Sequence
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition with the Improved LDA Method
* Hermite Deformable Contours
* Hidden Image Separation from Incomplete Image Mixtures by Independent Component Analysis
* Hidden Tree-Like Quasi-Markov Model and Generalized Technique for a Class of Image Processing Problems
* Hierarchical Approach for Scene Segmentation Based on 2D Motion, A
* Hierarchical Description of Digital Grayscale Images Based on Image Dipoles, A
* Hierarchical Shape Fitting using an Iterated Linear Filter
* Hierarchical System for Efficient Image Retrieval, A
* Hierarchical, Modular Architectures for Object Recognition by Parts
* Hierarchies of Autoassociators
* High Performance Computer Imaging
* High Speed Acquisition of Range Images
* High-Speed Extraction of 3D Structure of Selectable Quality Using a Translating Camera
* Highly Accurate Recognition of Printed Korean Characters Through an Improved Grapheme Recognition Method
* HMMRF-based statistical approach for off-line handwritten character recognition, An
* Houghtool: A Software Package for the Use of the Hough Transform
* Hybrid Feature Extraction Framework for Handwritten Numeric Fields Recognition, A
* Iconic Recognition with Affine-Invariant Spectral Signatures
* Identifying Planar Regions in a Scene Using Uncalibrated Stereo Vision
* Illumination Assessment for Vision-Based Traffic Monitoring
* Image Compression By Weighted Karhunen-Loeve Transform
* Image Databases: A Case Study in Norwegian Silver Authentication
* Image Gradient Evolution: A Visual Cue for Collision Avoidance
* Image Indexing Using Shape Based Visual Features
* Image Processing to Overcome Channel Capacity Limitations in Telemicroscopy
* Image Reconstruction Using High Level Constraints
* Image Recovery and Segmentation Using Competitive Learning in a Layered Network
* Image Retrieval Using Color and Shape
* Image-Analysis Using Space-Filling Curves and 1D Wavelet Bases
* Image-Coding Using Feature Map Finite-State Vector Quantization
* Importance of Feature Visibility for the Evaluation of a Matching Hypothesis, The
* Improved 3-Dimensional Image Correlation for Surface Displacement Measurement
* Improved Backpropagation Neural Network Learning, An
* Improved Document Skew Angle Estimation Technique, An
* Improving Image and Video Transmission Quality Over ATM with Foveal Prioritization and Priority Dithering
* In Search of Optimal Clusters Using Genetic Algorithms
* Incremental Distributed Classifier Building
* Incremental Learning for Vision-Based Navigation
* Indecomposability Problem in Binary Morphology: An Algorithmic Approach, The
* Independent 3D Motion Detection through Robust Regression in Depth Layers
* Indexing Colored Surfaces in Images
* Information Fusion in a Markov Random Field Based Image Segmentation Approach Using Adaptive Neighbourhoods
* Information Theory and Face Detection
* Insect Inspired Behaviours for the Autonomous Control of Mobile Robots
* Instantaneous Coherence as a Sensible Parameter for Considering Human Information Processing
* Integrated Memory Array Processor with a Synchronous-DRAM Interface for Real-Time Vision Applications, An
* Integrated Real-Time Motion Segmentation and 3D Interpretation
* Integration of Digital Images and GIS for Mapping Applications of Urban, Regional and Global Scales: Foreword
* Integration of Face and Speaker Recognition by Subspace Method
* Interleaving 3D Model Feature Prediction and Matching to Suport Multi-Sensor Object Recognition
* Interpretation System For Cadastral Maps, An
* Intravascular Ultrasound Image Interpretation
* Introducing the Select and Split Fuzzy Cell Hough Transform
* Introduction to Morphological Neural Networks, An
* Invariant Fitting of Planar Objects by Primitives
* Invariants for Recognition of Degraded 1-D Digital Signals
* Invariants of Families of Coplanar Conics and Their Applications to Object Recognition
* Investigation of the Nature of Parameterization for the Hough Transform, An
* Is There Any Texture in the Image?
* Iterative Spline Relaxation with the EM Algorithm
* Joint Disparity and Motion Field Estimation in Stereoscopic Image Sequences
* Jordan Surfaces in Simply Connected Digital Spaces
* Knowledge Acquisition Technique for Recognizing Handprinted Chinese Characters, A
* Knowledge Based Integration of IU Algorithms
* Knowledge Based View Control of a Neural 3-D Object Recognition System
* Knowledge-Based Anisotropic Diffusion of Vector-Valued 4-Dimensional Cardiac MR Images
* Knowledge-Based Classification of CZCS Images and Monitoring of Red Tides off the West Florida Shelf
* Landmark-Based Approach of Shape Dissimilarity, A
* Language-Independent OCR Using a Continuous Speech Recognition System
* Large Vocabulary Recognition Of Online Handwritten Cursive Words
* Large-Scale Parallel Data Clustering
* Learned Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering for Anisotropic Diffusion Approximation in Image Processing
* Learning Affine Transformations of the Plane for Model-Based Object Recognition
* Learning Bidimensional Context Dependent Models Using a Context Sensitive Language
* Learning by a Generation Approach to Appearance-Based Object Recognition
* Learning Class Regions by the Union of Ellipsoids
* Learning Operators for View-Independent Object Recognition
* Learning Shape from Shading by a Multilayer Network
* Learning to Recognise Talking Faces
* Least-Squares Solution of Absolute Orientation with Non-Scalar Weights
* Limitations of Surface-Color and Apparent-Color Constancy
* Line Segment Detection Algorithm
* Linear 3D LMS Motion Estimation
* Linear Classifiers in Perceptron Design
* Linear Feature Extractors Based on Mutual Information
* Linear Projective Reconstruction from Matching Tensors
* Linking Broken Character Borders with Variable Sized Masks to Improve Recognition
* Local Tests for Consistency of Support Hyperplane Data
* Locating Address Blocks and Postcodes in Mail-Piece Images
* Locating and Tracking Facial Speech Features
* Lossless Image Compression Method for Human Static Signatures, A
* Lossless Image Compression Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Spatiotemporal Geometric Transforms
* Low Complexity Algorithm for Detecting Rotational Symmetry Based on the Hough Transform Technique, A
* Machine Vision Inspection of VF Display Boards
* Machine-Vision System for Iris Recognition, A
* Mapping from Digital Satellite Image Data with Special Reference to MOMS-02
* Markov Random Field Model of Subjective Contour Perception, A
* Markov Random Fields in Functional Neighbors as a Texture Model: Applications in Texture Classification, The
* Matchability Oriented Feature Selection for Recognition Structure Learning
* Matching 3-D Anatomical Surfaces with Non-Rigid Deformations Using Octree-Splines
* Matching Free Stereovision for Detecting Obstacles on a Ground Plane
* Mathematical Morphological Approach for Segmenting Heavily Noise-Corrupted Images, A
* Mathematical Morphological Operations of Boundary-Represented Geometric Objects
* Maximum-Likelihood Design of Layered Neural Networks
* Measurement Errors in Polarization Vision Systems
* Metasynthetic Approach for Combining Multiple Classifiers and Its Application to Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Method and apparatus for detecting changes in dynamic images
* Method and apparatus for improving motion analysis of fades
* Method for detecting inclination of an image of characters
* Method for Improving the Machine Recognition of Confusing Chinese Characters, A
* Method for Rectifying Grid Junctions in Grid-Coded Images Using Cross Ratio, A
* Method for Tracking the Pose of Known 3-D Objects Based on an Active Contour Model, A
* Method of Non-Rigid Correspondence for Automatic Landmark Identification, A
* Method of Real-Time Gesture Recognition for Interactive Systems, A
* Metric Unified Treatment of Two-Dimensional FFT, A
* Migration Processes
* Minimum Code Length Technique for Clustering of Syntactic Patterns, A
* Minimum Complexity PDF Estimation for Correlated Data
* Minimum Spanning Tree Approach to Line Image Analysis, A
* Mixed Pixel Classification with the Randomized Hough Transform
* Mixing Synthesis and Video Images of Outdoor Environments: Application to the Bridges of Paris
* MLP-Based Texture Segmentation Technique Which Does Not Require a Feature Set, An
* Mobile Robot Localization by Geometric Hashing and Model-Based Scene Matching
* Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Flexibility Maps of the Environment
* Mobile Robot Navigation by Wall Following Using a Rotating Ultrasonic Scanner
* Model-Based Form Processing Sub-System, A
* Model-Based Learning of Segmentations
* Model-Based Object Recognition Using Range Images by Combining Morphological Feature Extraction and Geometric Hashing
* Model-based Vehicle Detection and Classification using Orthographic Approximations
* Model-Driven Stereo Correspondence Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming, A
* Modelling Digital Straight Lines
* Modelling Object Recognition as a Markov Decision Process
* Modulus Constraint: A New Constraint for Self-Calibration, The
* Moment-Based Approach for Deskewing Rotationally Symmetric Shapes, A
* Monocular Optical Flow for Real-Time Vision Systems
* Monocular Reconstruction of 3-D Bilateral Symmetrical Objects
* Monocular Tracking of the Human Arm in 3D: Real-Time Implementation and Experiments
* Morphological Operations on Crack Coded Binary Images
* Morphological Subtraction Scheme for Form Analysis, A
* Motion and Color Based Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Motion Estimation for Moving Target Detection
* Motion Estimation of Two-Dimensional Objects Based on the Straight-Line Hough Transform: A New Approach
* Motion Regularization for Model-Based Head Tracking
* Motion Segmentation by Fuzzy Clustering with Automatic Determination of the Number of Motions
* Motion vector calculation circuit, with flatness-judgement circuitry, that selects a generated motion vector for output in accordance with a flatness judgement result
* Motion without Structure
* Moving Object Recognition Method by Optical Flow Analysis, A
* MRF Model-Based Method for Unsupervised Textured Image Segmentation, An
* Multi-Agent Approach to Edge Detection as a Distributed Optimization Problem, A
* Multi-Channel Based Approach for Extracting Significant Scales on Gray-Level Images, A
* Multi-Font and Multi-Size Character Recognition Based on the Sampling and Quantization of an Unwrapped Contour
* Multi-Objects Interpretation
* Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons: Mathematical Model, Learning, Networks, Application to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Multiagent System to Segment Living Cells, A
* Multidirectional Stereovision Sensor, Calibration and Scenes Reconstruction
* Multiple Experts Recognition System Based on Neural Network
* Multiple Recognizers System Using Two Stage Combinations
* Multiresolution Active Contour Models in Textured Stereo Images
* Multiresolution EM Algorithm for Unsupervised Image Classification Using a Quadtree Model, A
* Multiresolution Skeletonization in Binary Pyramids
* Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of Digital Mammograms Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model, A
* Multirobot convoying using neuro-fuzzy control
* Multiscale Algorithm for Closed Contour Matching in Image Sequence, A
* Multiscale Identification of Buildings in Compressed Large Aerial Scenes
* Multisensor Recognition System for Sorting Post-Consumer Goods Using Image Processing and Neural Networks, A
* Multiviewpoint Video Coding with MPEG-2 Compatibility
* Music Scene Analysis System with the MRF-Based Information Integration Scheme, A
* Mutual Learning of Unsupervised Interactions Between Mobile Robots
* N-Tuple Features for OCR Revisited
* Necessary Views for a Coarse Representation of a Scene
* Neural 3-D Object Recognition Architecture Using Optimized Gabor Filters, A
* Neural Modeling of Piecewise Linear Classifiers
* Neural Network and Statistical Perspectives of Classification
* Neural Network-Based Algorithm to Detect Dominant Points from the Chain-Code of a Contour, A
* Neural Networks in Human Motion Tracking: An Experimental Study
* Neural-Network Positioning and Classification of Handwritten Characters
* New Approach to Fuzzy Morphology Based on Fuzzy Integral and Its Application in Image Processing, A
* New Approach to Land-Based Cloud Classification, A
* New Correlation Criterion Based on Gradient Fields Similarity, A
* New Feature Points Based on Geometric Invariants for 3D Image Registration
* New Hardware Module for Automated Visual Inspection Based on a Cellular-Automaton Architecture, A
* New Mathematical Human Vision Model with an Autonomous Image Observing Mechanism and Its Application to Multiple Motion Detection, A
* New Method of Estimating Shape Similarity, A
* new methodology for computing invariants in computer vision, A
* New Multilevel Line-Based Stereo Vision Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Techniques, A
* New Neuro-Fuzzy System for Logical Labeling of Documents, A
* New Operator for Describing Topographical Image Structure, A
* New Quadtree Decomposition Reconstruction Method, A
* New Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Recognition, A
* New Self-Organizing Neural Network Using Geometric Algebra, A
* New Set of Multiscale Texture Features Based on B-Spline Image Approximation, A
* New View of Fractal Image Compression as Convolution Transform Coding, A
* Non-Markov Gibbs Texture Model with Multiple Pairwise Pixel Interactions
* Noncausal Predictive Image Codec
* None
* Nonlinear Diffusion for Early Vision
* Nonlinear Feature Extraction with Radial Basis Functions Using a Weighted Multidimensional Scaling Stress Measure
* Nonlinear Interaction of on and off Data Streams for the Detection of Visual Structure
* Novel Approach to Optical Character Recognition Based on Ring-Projection-Wavelet-Fractal Signatures, A
* Novel Form Structure Extraction Method Using Strip Projection, A
* Numeral Amount Recognition on Multi-Bank Checks
* Numerical 3-D Shape Inference from Shading with New Type of Constraint
* Numerical Model for Large Deformation, A
* Object Location using Complementary Color Features: Histogram and DCT
* Object Modeling from Multiple Images Using Genetic Algorithms
* Object Recognition by Fast Hypothesis Generation and Reasoning About Object Interactions
* Object Recognition Using Colour, Shape and Affine Invariant Ratios
* Object Tracking in Cluttered Background Based on Optical Flow and Edges
* Occlusion Detectable Stereo: Systematic Comparison of Detection Algorithms
* OCR Error Detection and Correction of an Inflectional Indian Language Script
* Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Compared with On-Line Recognition
* off-line method for human signature verification, An
* On a Planar Representation of 3D Figures Commutative with Respect to Set and Morphological Operations
* On Accurate and Robust Estimation of Fundamental Matrix
* On Contour Invariants: Relationship and Application
* On Feature Extraction for Limited Class Problem
* On Parameter-Dependent Connected Components of Gray Images
* On Significant Maxima Detection: A Fine-to-Coarse Algorithm
* On the Area of Overlap of Translated Polygons
* On the Calculation of Moments of Polygons
* On the Choice of the First Level on Graph Pyramids
* On the Discretization of Parameter Domain in Hough Transformation
* On the Epipolar Geometry Between Two Images with Lens Distortion
* On The Fractal Features in Fingerprint Analysis
* On the Local Optimality of Image Quantizers
* On the Nonlinearity of Pattern Classifiers
* On the Relationship between Neural Networks and Fuzzy Reasoning
* On The Segmentation of Multi Font Printed Uygur Scripts
* On the Sensitivity of Estimating Ordinal and Metric Structure of Smooth Surfaces from Parallax
* On the Small-Sample Behavior of the Class-Sensitive Neural Network
* On The Unification of Line Processes, Outlier Rejection, and Robust Statistics with Applications in Early Vision
* On the Use of Topological Constraints Within Object Recognition Tasks
* On the Use the ID Boolean Model for the Description of Binary Textures
* On Uncalibrated Motion-Based Inspection for Conveyor-Belt Systems
* On-Line Cursive Kanji Character Recognition Using Stroke Based Affine Transformation
* On-Line Handwriting Character String Separation Method Using Network Expression
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition of Chinese Characters via a Rule-Based Approach
* On-Line Handwriting Recognition with Constrained N-Best Decoding
* On-Line Japanese Character Recognition System for Visually Disabled Persons
* On-Line Signature Verification by Dynamic Time-Warping
* One-Shot Active 3-D Shape Acquisition
* Online Fingerprint Verification
* Optical Flow Techniques Applied to the Calibration of Visual Perception Experiments
* Optimal Non-Uniform Discretization for Stereo Reconstruction
* Optimal Window Size for Visual Tracking for uniform CCDs
* Optimum Class-Selective Rejection Rule for Pattern Recognition, An
* Orientation radiograms for image retrieval: An alternative to segmentation
* Original Approach for Extracting Circular Shapes from Technical Charts, An
* Orthogonal Legendre Moments and Their Calculation
* Outlier Removal and Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing of Range Data
* Page Segmentation Based on Thinning of Background
* Page Segmentation for Document Image-Analysis Using a Neural-Network
* Panoramic Stereo
* Parallel Algorithm for Octree Generation from Polyhedral Shape Representation, A
* Parallel Any-Time Control Algorithm for Image Understanding, A
* Parallel Architecture Dedicated to Connected Component Analysis
* Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Image Restoration and Its Performance, A
* Parallel Hough Transform on a Hierarchical Structure
* Parallel Thinning Algorithm with Two-Subiteration That Generates One-Pixel-Wide Skeletons, A
* Parallelogram Detection in a Digital Image with the Use of the Hough Transform
* Parameter Tying in Writer Dependent Recognition of On-Line Handwriting
* Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion
* Pattern Recognition with Invariance to Similarity Transformations Based on the Third-Order Correlation
* Pattern Spectrum as a Local Shape Factor for Off-Line Signature Verification
* Perceptual Completion of Occluded Surfaces
* Perceptual grouping on texture images using non-cartesian networks
* Perceptual Organization of Thin Networks with Active Contour Functions Applied to Medical and Aerial Images
* Performance Comparison of Two Evolutionary Schemes
* Performance Evaluation of a Feature-Preserving Filtering Algorithm for Removing Additive Random Noise in Digital Images
* Performing Temporal Action with a Hand-Eye System Using the SHOSLIF Approach
* Periodicity, Directionality, and Randomness: Wold Features for Image Modeling and Retrieval
* Photo-Image Authentication by Pattern Recognition and Cryptography
* Photobook: Content-Based Manipulation of Image Databases
* Photometric Calibration of Zoom Lens Systems
* PicHunter: Bayesian relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Pictorial Queries by Image Similarity
* Picture Segmentation with Introducing an Anisotropic Preliminary Step to an MRF Model with Cellular Neural Networks
* Piecewise Shape Reconstruction by Incremental Factorization
* Piecewise-Linear Classifiers, Formal Neurons and Separability of the Learning Sets
* Planar Shape Enhancement and Exaggeration
* Pose View Stability Analysis for Camera Calibration Look Angles Computation
* Preattentive Grouping and Attentive Selection for Early Visual Computation
* Pretopological approach for supervised learning
* Printed Paw Recognition Based on Planar Hidden Markov Models
* Probabilistic Object Recognition Using Multidimensional Receptive Field Histograms
* Probabilistic Syntactic Pattern Recognition Involving Traditional and Generalized Transposition Errors
* Processor using folded array structures for transposition memory and fast cosine transform computation
* Properties of Binary Statistical Morphology
* Proposal of Pattern Space Trajectory for Gesture Spotting Recognition, A
* Prototype System for Interpreting Hand-Sketched Floor Plans, A
* Prototype Vision System for Analyzing CT Imagery of Hardwood Logs, A
* Pursuit Control in a Binocular Active Vision System Using Optical Flow
* Pyramid Architecture Classification Tree
* Qualitative Representation of Outdoor Enivronment Along Route
* Quantifying the Reliability of Feature-Based Object Recognition
* Quoit Filter: A New Filter Based on Mathematical Morphology to Extract the Isolated Shadow, and Its Application to Automatic Detection of Lung Cancer in X-Ray CT
* Radial Basis Function Networks and Nonparametric Classification: Complexity Regularization and the Rates of Convergence
* Radical-Based Neighboring Segment Matching Method for On-Line Chinese Character Recognition
* Randomized Generalized Hough Transform for 2-D Grayscale Object Detection
* Range Data Reconstruction Using Fourier Slice Theorem
* Ratio Regions: A Technique for Image Segmentation
* RBF Network with Tunable Function Shape, An
* Real-Time Active Vision With Fault-Tolerance
* Real-Time CAM-Based Hough Transform Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation, A
* Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition Based on Features' Positions and Dimensions
* Real-Time Object Tracking By Rotating Range Sensor
* Real-Time Range Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Kernels and Kalman Filtering
* Real-Time Self-Calibrating Stereo Person Tracking Using 3-D Shape Estimation from Blob Features
* Real-Time Single-Workstation Obstacle Avoidance Using Only Wide-Field Flow Divergence
* Recognition Algorithm for Handprinted Chinese Characters by 2D-FFT
* Recognition and Learning With Polymorphic Structural Components
* Recognition and Pose Estimation of Unoccluded 3-Dimensional Objects from a 2-Dimensional Perspective View by Banks of Neural Networks
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Primitives in Music Scores
* Recognition Approach to Gesture Language Understanding, A
* Recognition by Recall
* Recognition Information
* Recognition of 3D free-form objects
* Recognition of Arabic Machine-Printed Cursive Text
* Recognition of Bronchus in Three Dimensional X-Ray CT Images with Applications to Virtualized Bronchoscopy System
* Recognition of Handwritten Numerals Using Gabor Features
* Recognition of Head Gestures Using Hidden Markov Models
* Recognition of Intersections in Corridors Environments
* Recognition of Material Types Using Spectral Image
* Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Patterns Through Shape Metamorphosis
* Recognition of the Multi Specularity Objects Using the Eigen-Window
* Recognition Of Unconstrained Handwritten Numerals by Doubly Self-Organizing Neural Network
* Recognizing Objects Using Scale Space Local Invariants
* Recognizing Similarity Through a Constrained Non-Rigid Transform
* Reconnaissance with Slant Plane Circular SAR Imaging
* Reconstructing 3-D Models with Algebraic Curved Surfaces from Three-View Drawings
* Reconstructing Free-Form Surfaces from Sparse Data
* Reconstructing Shape from Shading with a Point Light Source at the Projection Center: Shape Reconstruction from an Endoscope Image
* Reconstruction of 3D Models from Specular Motion Using Circular Lights
* Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrained Genetic Algorithm
* Reconstruction of Signals and Images from the Noisy Fourier Transform Phase by Means of the Generalized Difference Principle, The
* Reconstruction, Recognition, and Representation of Trees
* Recovering Motion Parameters from a 2D Range Image Sequence
* Recovering Writing Traces in Off-Line Handwriting Recognition: Using a Global Optimization Technique
* Recovery of 3-D Closed Surfaces Using Progressive Shell Models
* Recovery of Surfaces with Discontinuities by Fusing Shading and Range Data within a Variational Framework
* Rectilinear Structure Extraction in Textured Images with an Irregular Graph-Based Markov Random Field Model
* Recursive Estimation of Parameters of Straight Lines and Circles: Application to the Segmentation of the Rey's Complex Figure
* Recursive Hierarchical Scheme for Radical Extraction of Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Recursive Method for Parameter Estimation of Digital Circular Arcs, A
* Recursive Updating Rule for Efficient Computation of Linear Moments in Sliding-Window Applications, A
* Region Based Coding of Volume Data using Finite Mixture Model
* Region Template Correlation for FLIR Target Tracking
* Registering Incomplete Radar Images Using the EM Algorithm
* Registration and Integration of Multiple Range Images for 3-D Model Construction
* Registration of CAD-Models to Images by Iterative Inverse Perspective Matching
* Registration of Multiple Point Sets
* Registration of Stereo Based 3D Maps for Object Modeling: A Stochastic Yet Intelligent Solution
* Regularizing Phase Based Stereo
* Relational Matching With Mean Field Annealing
* Resolution Consideration in Spatially Variant Sensors
* Restoration of Dendrites and Spines with the Objective of Topologically Correct Segmentation
* Results of the Use of Bayesian Classifiers for Identification of Breast Cancer Cell Nuclei
* Retrieval of Paintings Using Principal Color Information
* Revision of Pyramid Segmentation, A
* Ribbon-Based Motion Analysis of Human Body Movements
* Ridge Curves and Shape Analysis
* Ridges, Crests and Sub-Parabolic Lines of Evolving Surfaces
* Rigid, Affine And Locally Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces
* Road Junction Recognition and Turn-offs for Autonomous Road Vehicle Navigation
* Robust and Efficient Shape Indexing through Curvature Scale Space
* Robust and Highly Customizable Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Japanese Characters
* Robust Detection of Road Segments in Noisy Aerial Images
* Robust Discontinuity-Preserving Model for Estimating Optical Flow
* Robust Parameterization and Computation of the Trifocal Tensor
* Robust Relaxation Method for Structural Matching Under Uncertainty
* Robust Retrieval of 3D Structures from Magnetic Resonance Images
* Robust Stereo on Multiple Resolutions
* Rolling Motion Estimation for Mobile Robot by Using Omnidirectional Image Sensor Hyperomnivision
* Rotation-Invariant and Robust Multiple-2D-Object Detection Using Steerable Pyramid Denoising and Optimized Circular Harmonic Filters
* Rule-Based System for House Reconstruction from Aerial Images, A
* Sampling Density for Image Analysis
* Scale and Orientation Invariance in Human Face Detection
* Scale-Space Unsupervised Cluster Analysis
* Seeing the Character Images That an OCR System Sees: Analysis by Genetic Algorithm
* Seeing the Obvious
* Seemore: A View-Based Approach to 3-D Object Recognition Using Multiple Visual Cues
* Segmentation and coding of Arabic handwritten words
* Segmentation and Recognition Strategy for Handwritten Phrases, A
* Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Topology and Clustering, A
* Segmentation of Multibeam Acoustic Imagery in the Exploration of the Deep Sea-Bottom
* Segmentation of Muscle Fibre Images Using Voronoi Diagrams and Active Contour Models
* Segmentation of Natural Images Using Self-Organising Feature Maps
* Segmentation of Planar Curves into Circular Arcs and Line Segments
* Segmentation of Volume Images Using a Multiscale Transform
* Segmenting and Representing Background in Color Images
* Segments Matching: Comparison Between a Neural Approach and a Classical Optimization Way
* Selection of Classifiers Based on the MDL Principle Using the VC Dimension
* Selection Of Reference Views for image-based representation
* Selective Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Self Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Lines with a Single Translating Camera
* Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera by Pre-Calibration
* Self-Calibration of an Affine Camera from Multiple Views
* Self-Dual Morphological Operators and Filters
* Self-Location of a Mobile Robot With Uncertainty by Cooperation of an Heading Sensor and a CCD TV Camera
* Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Tissue Cells from Confocal Microscope Images
* Semilocal Projective Invariants for the Recognition of Smooth Plane-Curves
* Sensitivity Analysis For Structural Matching
* Sensor Based Solution to the Next Best View Problem, A
* Sequential Reconstruction of Lines in Projective Space
* Set of Invariant Features for Three-Dimensional Gray Level Objects by Harmonic Analysis, A
* Shape Characterization in Natural Scales By Using the Multiscale Bending Energy
* Shape Decomposition by (D1,D2)-Weighted Selection and Directional Information
* Shape Detection Using Gradient Features for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Shape Distance by Complete and Stable Invariant Descriptors for Contour Tracking, A
* Shape Extraction of Transparent Object Using Genetic Algorithm
* Shape from Shading for Non-Lambertian Surfaces from One Color Image
* Shape from Shading Using Ritz Method with Tent Basis
* Shape from Shading with Perspective Projection and Camera Calibration
* Shape-Analysis Using Hybrid Learning
* Signal- and Image-Component Separation by a Multi-Window Gabor-Type Scheme
* SIMD Algorithms for Single Link and Complete Link Pattern Clustering
* Similarity Analysis for Shape Retrieval by Example
* Simplified Gaussian and Mean Curvatures to Range Image Segmentation
* Simulated Annealing Approach to Construct Optimized Prototypes for Nearest-Neighbor Classification, A
* Simulation of Closure Process for Line Patterns
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views for Use in Reverse Engineering
* Simultanious Reconstruction of Scene Structure and Camera Locations from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Single View Recognition and Pose Estimation of 3D Objects Using Sets of Prototypical Views and Spatially Tolerant Contour Representations
* Skeletal Shape Extraction from Dot Patterns by Self-Organization
* Skeletonization Algorithm Running on Path-Based Distance Maps
* Skeletonization Algorithm Using Chamfer Distance Transformation Adapted to Rectangular Grids, A
* Slaving Head and Eye Movements for Visual Telepresence
* Snake Head Boundary Extraction Using Global and Local Energy Minimisation
* Some Aspects of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Classification of Multimodality Medical Images Taking Partial Volume Effect into Account
* Source Position Estimation Using Radial Basis Functions
* Space/Time Tradeoffs for Associative Memory
* Sparse Groups: A Polynomial Middle-Level Approach for Object Recognition
* Sparse Pixel Tracking: A Fast Vectorization Algorithm Applied to Engineering Drawings
* Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Based on Object Motion
* Spatio-Temporal Relaxation Labelling Applied to Segmented Infrared Image Sequences
* Spatiotemporal Signal Analysis: Recognition of Interacting Modes
* Special Issue on Topology and Geometry in Computer Vision
* Speech/Gesture Interface to a Visual Computing Environment for Molecular Biologists
* SSD Disparity Estimation for Dynamic Stereo
* Stability Study of Some Neural Networks Applied to Tissue Characterization of Brian Magnetic Resonance Images
* Stabilizing Classifiers for Very Small Sample Sizes
* Statistical Approach to Shape from Shading: Reconstruction of 3-Dimensional Face Surfaces from Single 2-Dimensional Images
* Statistical Geometric Features: Extensions for Cytological Texture Analysis
* Statistical Model-Based Estimation and Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion
* Statistical Models of Face Images: Recent Advances
* Statistical Zone Finding
* Statistical-Mechanical Algorithm in MRF Model Based on Variational Principle
* Steering and Navigation Behaviours Using Fixation
* Stereo Grouping for Model-Based Recognition
* Stereo Matching by Integrating Piecewise Surfaces Matched in Subranges of Depth
* Stereo Vision Based on Algebraic Curves
* Stimulus-Driven Segmentation By Gaussian Functions
* Stochastic analysis of scale-space smoothing
* Stochastic Framework for Object Localisation, A
* stochastic model of mixels and image classification, A
* Stochastic modelling and analysis of sub-pixel edge detection
* String Matching with K Differences by Finite Automata
* Stroke Order and Stroke Number Free On-Line Chinese Character Recognition Using Attributed Relational Graph Matching
* Structural Adaptation in Mixture of Experts
* Structural Approach to Fingerprint Classification, A
* Structural Compression for Document Analysis
* Structural Decomposition and Description of Printed and Handwritten Characters
* Structural Filtering with Texture Feature Based Interaction Maps: Fast Algorithms and Applications
* Structured Digital Video Indexing
* Sub-pixel Bayesian-Estimation of Albedo and Height
* Sub-Pixel Distance Maps and Weighted Distance Transforms
* Subpixel Precision of Straight-Edged Shapes for Registration And Measurement
* Super High-Definition Image-Coding Using Wavelet Vector Quantization
* Surface Approximation from Industrial SEM Images
* Surface Modeling and Robot Path Generation Using Self-Organization
* Surface Reconstruction with an EM-Like Relaxation Operator
* Surface Reflectance Recovery under Point Light Illumination
* Surface Segmentation and Modelling of 3-D Polygonal Objects from Stereoscopic Image Pairs
* Survey of Algebraic Methods in Digital Topology, A
* Survey of Methods and Strategies in Character Segmentation, A
* Survey on Evaluation Methods for Image Segmentation, A
* SVBS: A High Resolution Medical Image Compression Algorithm Using Slicing with Variable Block Size Segmentation
* System for Automated Data Entry from Forms, A
* System for Counting People in Video Images Using Neural Networks to Identify the Background Scene, A
* System for Efficient and Robust Map Symbol Recognition, A
* System for Obstacle Detection During Rotorcraft Low-Altitude Flight, A
* System for Reading Low Quality Characters from Printouts, A
* Taking Advantage of Image-Based and Geometry-Based Constraints to Recover 3-D Surfaces
* Target Motion Analysis with Multiple Arrays: Performance Analysis
* Task Relevant Relaxation Network for Visuo-Motor Systems
* Tauber Theorems for Dirichlet Series and Fractals
* Techniques for Assessing Polygonal Approximations of Curves
* Techniques for the Interpretation of Thermal Paint Coated Samples
* Temporal Tracking of Oceanographic Images by Implicit Functions
* Text-Line Extraction and Character Recognition of Japanese Newspaper Headlines With Graphical Designs
* Texture Classification Using N-Tuple Pattern Recognition
* Texture Fusion and Classification Based on Flexible Discriminant Analysis
* Theory of Image Restoration for Linear Spatial Degradation Using Multiresolution Analysis, A
* Thin Network Extraction in 3D Images: Application to Medical Angiograms
* Thinning Noisy Binary Patterns Using Human Visual Symmetry
* Three Dimensional Analysis of Lung Areas Using Thin Slice CT Images
* Three Dimensional Computer Vision for Computer Design and Manufacturing Applications
* Time-Constrained Clustering for Segmentation Of Video Into Story Units
* Topological Investigations of Object Models
* Toward Image-Based Scene Representation Using View Morphing
* Tracking 3D Coplanar Points in the Invariant Perspective Coordinates Plane
* Tracking Human Motion Using Multiple Cameras
* Tracking in a Space Variant Active Vision System
* Tracking Moving-Objects During Low-Altitude Flight
* Tracking of Deformable Contours by Synthesis and Match
* Traffic Measurement with a Roadside Vision System: Individual Tracking of Overlapped Vehicles
* Training PDMs on models: the case of deformable superellipses
* Trinocular Divergent Stereo Vision
* Triplet-Based Object Recognition Using Synthetic and Real Probability Models
* Two-Class Pattern Discrimination via Recursive Optimization of Patrick-Fisher Distance
* Ultrasound Image Segmentation Using a Point Distribution Model in a Bayesian Framework
* Unbiased Estimation of Ellipses by Bootstrapping
* Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
* Understanding the structure of diffusive scale-spaces
* Unified Approach to Moving Object Detection in 2D and 3D Scenes, A
* Uniformity and Homogeneity Based Hierarchical Clustering
* Universal Pyramid Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Gray Level Markov Model Textures with Hierarchical Self Organizing Maps
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Surface Defects
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation by Hebbian Learnt Cortical Cells
* Use of a priori descriptions in a high-level language and management of the uncertainty in a scene recognition system
* Use of Hidden Deletable Pixel Detection to Obtain Bias-Reduced Skeletons in Parallel Thinning, The
* Use of Optical-Flow for the Analysis of Nonrigid Motions, The
* Using 2D Active Contour Models for 3D Reconstruction from Serial Sections
* Using a category to analyze an image showing a graphical representation
* Using Crest Lines to Guide Surface Reconstruction from Stereo
* Using Geometric Information in Prototype Selection for the Nearest Neighbour Rule
* Using Hypergraph Knowledge Representation for Natural Terrain Robot Navigation and Path Planning
* Using Machine Learning for Content-Based Image Retrieving
* Using Spectral Features for Modelbase Partitioning
* Variable-Dimension Vector Quantization
* Vector Quantization, An Image-Template Mapping
* Vector-Gradient Hough Transform for Identifying Straight-Translation Generated Shapes, The
* Vehicle Detection on Aerial Images: A Structural Approach
* Vergence and Tracking Fusing Log-Polar Images
* Video-Based Handshape Recognition Using a Handshape Structure Model in Real Time
* View-Based Hand Segmentation and Hand-Sequence Recognition with Complex Backgrounds
* Viewpoint Invariant Characteristics of Articulated Objects
* Visual Analysis of a Set of Function Values
* Visual Input for Pen-Based Computers
* Visual Motion Estimation for Tumbling Satellite Capture
* Visual Routine for Eye Detection Using Hybrid Genetic Architectures
* Visual Servoing for Micro-Manipulation
* Visual Servoing Using Eigenspace Method and Dynamic Calculation of Interaction Matrices
* Visual Space Geometry Derived from Occlusion Axioms
* VLSI Array Processor Accelerator for K-NN Classification, A
* VLSI System Architecture for Lossless Image Compression, A
* Volumetric Segmentation Technique for Diagnosis and Surgical Planning in Lower Torso CT Images, A
* Wavelet Representation for Multigrid Computation in Surface Interpolation Problem
* Wavelets and Human Visual Perception in Image Compression
* What Accuracy for 3D Measurements with Cameras?
* Why Handwriting Segmentation Can Be Misleading
* Why Relevant Features May Be Unuseful in Statistical Recognition of Two Classes
* Zone Classification Using Texture Features
* Zooming While Tracking Using Affine Transfer
934 for 9608

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.