* 2-D-CELP Image-Coding With Block-Adaptive Prediction and Variable Code-Vector Size
* 2D Shape Metric and Its Implementation in Biomedical Imaging, A
* 2D Shape Segmentation: A New Approach
* 3D Invariant Estimation of Axisymmetrical Objects Using Fourier Descriptors
* 3D Shape Reconstruction by Using Vanishing Points
* Active Fixation for Scene Exploration
* Adaptive Edge-Based Side-Match Finite-State Classified Vector Quantization with Quadtree Map
* Adaptive Morphological Filters for Color Image-Enhancement
* Adaptive Step-Edge Model for Self-Consistent Training of Neural-Network for Probabilistic Edge Labeling
* Advances in Residual Vector Quantization: A Review
* All-Optical Invariant Target Recognition Based on Intensity-to-Phase Coding
* Automatic line officiating system and method thereof
* Automatic Visual/IR Image Registration
* Bayes Risk Weighted Vector Quantization with Posterior Estimation for Image Compression and Classification
* Binary Decompositions for High-Order Entropy Coding of Grayscale Images
* Boolean Characterization of 3-Dimensional Simple Points, A
* Boundary Matching Detection for Recovering Erroneously Received VQ Indexes over Noisy Channels
* BScan Image Segmentation by Thresholding Using Cooccurrence Matrix Analysis
* Color Images Analysis and 3d-Color Images Fusion
* Columbia Object Image Library (COIL-100)
* Combining Spectral and Texture Data in the Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Images
* Conditional Entropy-Constrained Residual VQ with Application to Image-Coding
* Conic Reconstruction and Correspondence from Two Views
* Convergence Properties of a Class of Learning Vector Quantization Algorithms
* Corner Detection in Natural Images Based on the 2-D Hilbert Transform
* Design of Nonseparable 3-D Filter Banks Wavelet Bases Using Transformations of Variables
* Digital data registration and differencing compression system
* Direct Computation of Shape Cues Using Scale-Adapted Spatial Derivative Operators
* Distributed Probabilistic System for Adaptive Regulation of Image-Processing Parameters, A
* Divergence Based Feature-Selection for Multimodal Class Densities
* Dynamic Fixation and Active Perception
* Early Detection of Independent Motion from Active Control of Normal Image Flow Patterns
* Efficient Calculation of Finite Gabor Transforms
* Efficient Implementation of Reid's Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Algorithm and Its Evaluation for the Purpose of Visual Tracking, An
* Efficient Shape-Matching Through Model-Based Shape-Recognition
* Entropy-Coded Lattice Vector Quantizer for Transform and Subband Image-Coding, An
* Entropy-Constrained Tree-Structured Vector Quantizer Design
* Error Analysis of 3D Shape Construction from Structured Lighting
* Extensions to the Fuzzy Pointed Set with Applications to Image-Processing
* Fast Scalable Algorithm for Discontinuous Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Fast Tree-Structured Nearest-Neighbor Encoding for Vector Quantization
* Feature-Specific Vector Quantization of Images
* Finite-State Vector Quantization by Exploiting Interband and Intraband Correlations for Subband Image-Coding
* Flexible Parallel Architecture Adapted to Block-Matching Motion-Estimation Algorithms, A
* Fractal Image Compression Based on Delaunay Triangulation and Vector Quantization
* Further Results in Spatial Smoothing
* Fuzzy Local-Global Duality in Detecting Pictorial Patterns, The
* Hue Preserving Enhancement Scheme for a Class of Color Images, A
* Illumination-Invariant Recognition of 3D Objects Using Local Color Invariants, The
* Imaging Laser-Radar in the Near and Far-Infrared
* Immersion into Visual Media: New Applications of Image Understanding
* Improved Algorithm for Relational Distance Graph Matching, An
* Interframe Difference Quadtree Edge-Based Side-Match Finite-State Classified Vector Quantization for Image Sequence Coding
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Vector Quantization: Guest Editorial
* Is Correspondence Search in Human Stereo Vision a Coarse-to-Fine Process?
* Kydon: An Autonomous, Multilayer Image-Understanding System - Lower Layers
* Learning Texture-Discrimination Masks
* Locally Quadratic Model of the Motion Estimation Error Criterion Function and Its Application to Subpixel Interpolations, A
* Machine Vision for Advanced Production: Part 1
* Machine Vision Research at CVAP: An Introduction
* Male-Female Identification from 8x6 Very-Low Resolution Face Images by Neural-Network
* Method and system for the detection of microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Mobile Robot Self-Location Using Model-Image Feature Correspondence
* Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) System for Forward-Looking Groundbased and Airborne Imaging Laser Radars (Ladar)
* Morphological Point Thinning Algorithm, A
* Motion of an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig: Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction
* Motion vector estimation method and apparatus having half-pixel accuracy
* Moving Object Recognition in Eigenspace Representation: Gait Analysis and Lip Reading
* Multi-Radar Data Fusion for Object Tracking and Shape Estimation
* Multiple Matching of Parameterized Patterns
* Multiscale Classifier, The
* Neural-Network Approach to the Detection of Texture Boundaries, A
* New Adaptive Pixel Decimation for Block Motion Vector Estimation
* New Finite-State Vector Quantizer with Optimized State-Space and Derailment-Free Operation, A
* Nonlinear Shape Restoration of Distorted Images with Coons Transformation
* Off-Line Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters with Multiple Hidden Markov-Models
* On the Hough Transform of a Polygon
* Optimal Quantization Strategy for DCT Image Compression
* Parametric Class of Discrete Gabor Expansions, A
* Projectively Invariant Decomposition and Recognition of Planar Shapes
* Rainbow 3-Dimensional Camera: New Concept of High-Speed 3-Dimensional Vision Systems
* Range Image Segmentation by Dynamic Neural-Network Architecture
* Rapid Design and Prototyping of Customized Rehabilitation Aids
* Recognition of Off-Line Handwritten Korean Characters
* Recovery of SHGCs from a Single Intensity View
* Region-Based Image-Coding Using Polynomial Intensity Functions
* Scalar Vector Quantization of Medical Images
* Scan Predictive Vector Quantization of Multispectral Images
* Scheme for 3D Object Reconstruction from Dimensioned Orthographic Views, A
* Self-Calibration Technique for Active Vision Systems, A
* Simple Algorithms for Some Classification Problems
* Some Results: Shape from Shading as a Fully Well-Constrained Problem
* Source-Coding of Wavelet-Transformed Digital HDTV for Recording Applications
* Sparse, Opaque 3-Dimensional Texture, 2B: Photometry
* Spatial Data Representation: An Adaptive 2D-H String, A
* Special Issue on Laser-Radar
* Spherical Transform of Fruit Images for Online Defect Extraction of Mass Objects
* Statistical Syntactic Methods for High-Performance OCR
* Structural Model For Shape-Recognition Using Neural Nets, A
* Successive Approximation Vector Quantizer for Wavelet Transform Image-Coding, A
* System for implanting an image into a video stream
* Topology of Boundaries, The
* Two Block-Based Motion Compensation Methods for Video Coding
* Unified Approach for Modeling Longitudinal and Failure Time Data, with Application in Medical Monitoring, A
* Validation of Image Defect Models for Optical Character-Recognition
* Vector Order Statistics Operators as Color Edge Detectors
* Vector Quantization of Image Subbands: A Survey
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coder Based on Vector Quantization, A
* Vision Resolvability for Visually Servoed Manipulation
* Windowing Approach To Detecting Line Segments Using Hough Transform, A
* YIQ Vector Quantization in a New Color Palette Architecture
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