Journals starting with ciap

* 2D shape recognition by hidden Markov models
* 3D biological object detection and labeling in multidimensional microscopy imaging
* Adaptive color image compression based on visual attention
* Analysing and simplifying histograms using scale-trees
* Analysis of pixel-level algorithms for video surveillance applications
* Attentive billboards
* Automatic character location and segmentation in color scene images
* Automatic features detection for overlapping face images on their 3D range models
* Automatic graph extraction from color images
* Bayesian face recognition with deformable image models
* Circle detection based on orientation matching
* Classification of cat ganglion retinal cells and implications for shape-function relationship
* Classifying audio of movies by a multi-expert system
* Clustering context properties of wavelet coefficients in automatic modelling and image coding
* Comparison and combination of adaptive query shifting and feature relevance learning for content-based image retrieval
* Concurrent edge/region detection from a Peano scan
* CONTEXT: a technique for image retrieval integrating CONtour and TEXTure information
* Contextual color quantization algorithm
* Detecting Objects, Shadows and Ghosts in Video Streams by Exploiting Color and Motion Information
* Detection and description of human running behaviour in sports video multimedia database
* Detection of blocking artifacts of compressed still images
* Digital geometry fundaments: application to plane recognition
* Discriminant basis for object classification
* Effective moving cast shadow detection for monocular color image sequences
* Effectiveness evaluation of word characteristics obtained from 3D image information for lipreading
* Efficient methods for scratch removal in image sequences
* Eigenspace-based recognition of faces: comparisons and a new approach
* fast recursive algorithm for the computation of axial moments, A
* Feature based merging of application specific regions
* flexible algorithm for image matching, A
* From cross-country autonomous navigation to intelligent deep space communications: visual sensor processing at JPL
* genetic algorithm for image segmentation, A
* genetic algorithm for scratch removal in static images, A
* Global optimization of deformable surface meshes based on genetic algorithms
* Goal distance estimation in soccer game
* Grey-level morphology based segmentation of MRI of the human cortex
* hierarchical framework for modal correspondence matching, A
* Image analysis of crosswalk
* Image segmentation for appearance-based self-localisation
* IMAGENCIES: Network image services for telemedicine applications
* Impact of pixel per processor ratio on embedded SIMD architectures
* Improved minimum distance classification with Gaussian outlier detection for industrial inspection
* Increasing efficiency of Hausdorff approach for tracking real scenes with complex environments
* information-theoretic approach to active vision, An
* Integrated 2D and 3D images for face recognition
* Integrated tracking with vision and sound
* Interactive texture synthesis
* Intermediate representation in model based recognition using straight line and ellipsoidal arc primitives
* ISAR Image Analysis by Subspace Method: Automatic Extraction and Identification of Ship Profile
* Knowledge based reconstruction of buildings
* Learning and caricaturing the face space using self-organization and Hebbian learning for face processing
* Lip detection and tracking
* local color descriptor for efficient scene-object recognition, A
* Material determination from reflectance properties in aerial urban images
* Maximum likelihood motion segmentation using eigen-decomposition
* method for content-based similarity retrieval of images using two dimensional DP matching algorithm, A
* method for error rejection in multiple classifier systems, A
* Minimum entropy transform using Gabor wavelets for image compression
* Model tracking for video-based virtual reality
* Modeling dense range images through fast polygonal approximations
* modified fuzzy ART for image segmentation, A
* Motion detection with nonstationary background
* Multiscale fundamental forms: a multimodal image wavelet representation
* Multivalued image segmentation based on first fundamental form
* naive approach to compose aerial images in a mosaic fashion, A
* Neural network analysis of MINERVA scene analysis benchmark
* neural network-based image processing system for detection of vandal acts in unmanned railway environments, A
* neurodynamical retinal network based on reaction-diffusion systems, A
* Noise filtering of periodic image sequences
* probabilistic model for the human skin color, A
* Psychovisual and statistical optimization of quantization tables for DCT compression engines
* Quantitative assessment of qualitative color perception in image database retrieval
* Real-time disparity analysis for applications in immersive teleconference scenarios-a comparative study
* Real-time tracking and reproduction of 3D human body motion
* Recognition driven burst transmissions in distributed third generation surveillance systems
* Recognition of shape-changing hand gestures based on switching linear model
* Remote sensed images segmentation through shape refinement
* Representing volumetric vascular structures using curve skeletons
* RF*IPF: a weighting scheme for multimedia information retrieval
* Road signs recognition using a dynamic pixel aggregation technique in the HSV color space
* robust eigen-decomposition framework for inexact graph-matching, A
* Root growth analysis in physiological coordinates
* semi-direct approach to structure from motion, A
* Similarity-based approach to earthenware reconstruction
* Spatial clustering of pixels in the mouth area of face images
* system for tracking laboratory animals based on optical flow and active contours, A
* taxonomy for image authentication techniques and its application to the current state of the art, A
* Temporal filtering of disparity measurements
* Text enhancement with asymmetric filter for video OCR
* Texture classification for content-based image retrieval
* Texture synthesis using image pyramids and self-organizing maps
* Towards teleconferencing by view synthesis and large-baseline stereo
* Using contextual information for image retrieval
* Using feature-vector based analysis, based on principal component analysis and independent component analysis, for analysing hyperspectral images
* Vanishing point detection: representation analysis and new approaches
* View synthesis from two uncalibrated images
* vision agent for mobile robot navigation in time-variable environments, A
* Visual grouping and object recognition
* Wavelet-based texture segmentation of remotely sensed images
* Weighted distance transforms in rectangular grids
* World Wide Web region-based image search engine, A
102 for CIAP01

* 3DMODS 3D moving obstacle detection system
* Accurate spatio-temporal restoration of compact single frame defects in aged motion pictures
* Advantages of using a space filling curve for computing wavelet transforms of road traffic images
* agent-based approach for tracking people in indoor complex environments, An
* Attributed skeletal graphs for shape modelling and matching
* Automated detection and segmentation of table of contents page and index pages from document images
* Automatic segmentation of MR images based on adaptive anisotropic filtering
* Automatic segmentation of overlapping nuclei with high background variation using robust estimation and flexible contour models
* Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction using interval analysis
* Cascaded attention and grouping for object recognition from video
* Class-oriented recognizer design by weighting local decisions
* Classification based on iterative object symmetry transform
* Classification method for colored natural textures using gabor filtering
* Classification with reject option in text categorisation systems
* Coding techniques for CFA data images
* Color correction for digital photographs
* color image restoration with adjacent parallel lines inhibition, A
* Color matching by using tuple matching
* Combining words and object-based visual features in image retrieval
* Complementary features combined in an HMM-based system to recognize handwritten digits
* complete and stable set of affine-invariant Fourier descriptors, A
* Components analysis of hidden Markov models in computer vision
* Computer aided detection of clustered microcalcifications in digitized mammograms using Gabor functions
* Content-based video summarization and adaptation for ubiquitous media access
* Cumulative level-line matching for image registration
* Defering range/domain comparisons in fractal image compression
* Dense 3D Interpretation of Image Sequences: A Variational Approach Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Depth-first K-nearest neighbor finding using the MaxNearestDist estimator
* Detection and recognition of moving objects using statistical motion detection and Fourier descriptors
* Detection of connecting points in Thai printed characters by combining inductive logic programming with backpropagation neural network
* Detection of skin color under changing illumination:a comparative study
* efficient algorithm for exhaustive template matching based on normalized cross correlation, An
* efficient vehicle queue detection system based on image processing, An
* Eigenvector method for shape-from-shading, An
* empirical comparison of in-learning and post-learning optimization schemes for tuning the support vector machines in cost-sensitive applications, An
* empirical performance evaluation technique for discrete second derivative edge detectors, An
* Estimation of 3D gazed position using view lines
* Face detection for visual surveillance
* Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static structures
* feature-based face recognition system, A
* Finding cavities and tunnels in 3D complex objects
* Finding essential features for tracking star fish in a video sequence
* Fingerprint and speaker verification decisions fusion
* FNS and HEIV: relating two vision parameter estimation frameworks
* Foveated analysis of video
* framework for cell movement image analysis, A
* Graphics Hardware Implementation of the Generalized Hough Transform for Fast Object Recognition, Scale, and 3D Pose Detection, A
* Grey-level morphology combined with an artificial neural networks aproach for multimodal segmentation of the hippocampus
* Head modeling using color unequal phase stepping method
* Hierarchical matching of panoramic images
* Hierarchical modeling via optimal context quantization
* Highlight extraction in soccer videos
* hough transform-based method for radial lens distortion correction, A
* Human detection and tracking within hostile aquatic environments
* Improving shape recovery by estimating properties of slightly-rough surfaces
* Intelligent road detection based on local averaging classifier in real-time environments
* machine learning approach for human posture detection in domotics applications, A
* mantis head camera (why the praying mantis is so good at catching its prey), The
* Matching of characters in scene images by using local shape feature vectors
* Modeling the world: the virtualization pipeline
* Motion analysis: Model selection and motion segmentation
* Multi-block PCA method for image change detection
* Multi-module switching and fusion for robust video surveillance
* Multimodal biometric authentication using quality signals in mobile communications
* Multiscale fourier descriptor for shape classification
* new algorithm for bit rate allocation in JPEG2000 tile encoding, A
* Object recognition via recognition of finger pointing actions
* Object segmentation using feature based conditional morphology
* Old fashioned state-of-the-art image classification
* Olympus: An Ambient Intelligence Architecture on the Verge of Reality
* Painting crack elimination using viscous morphological reconstruction
* Pathological lesion detection in 3D dynamic PET images using asymmetry
* Pattern Spaces from Graph Polynomials
* PCA vs low resolution images in face verification
* Perceptive visual texture classification and retrieval
* Real-time hand shape recognition for human interface
* Real-time human figure control using tracked blobs
* real-time text-independent speaker identification system, A
* Real-time tracking of multiple persons
* Recognising moving hand shapes
* Reflectance-based material classification for printed circuit boards
* Resolution conversion of gray-level images by discrete geometry
* Retrieval of 3D objects using curvature maps and weighted walkthroughs
* Revisiting image splitting
* Robustness to noise of stereo matching
* Segmentation approach by learning: different image applications
* Shape recognition by distributed recursive learning of multiscale trees
* shortest path representation for video summarisation, A
* Smart interpolation by anisotropic diffusion
* Spatial data structures for version management of engineering drawings in CAD database
* spectral analysis of perceptual shape variation, A
* Statistical method for object alignment under affine transformation
* statistical rationalisation of Hartley's normalised eight-point algorithm, A
* support system for maintenance training by augmented reality, A
* system for the automatic layout segmentation and classification of digital documents, A
* Texture analysis based on local semicovers
* topological approach for segmenting human body shape, A
* Toward an automated system for the analysis of cytogenetic abnormalities using fluorescence in situ hybridization technique
* Towards automatic 3D reconstruction of urban scenes from low-altitude aerial images
* Towards automatic transcription of Syriac handwriting
* Trajectories extraction from image sequences based on kinematic
* Unsupervised fuzzy clustering and image segmentation using weighted neural networks
* Unsupervised texture segmentation by dominant sets and game dynamics
* Using hidden Markov models and wavelets for face recognition
* View synthesis from uncalibrated images using parallax
* View-based recognition of 3D-textured surfaces
* View-invariant face detection method based on local PCA cells
* Virtual gaze redirection in face images
* Visual self-localisation using automatic topology construction
* Wiener filter improvement combining wavelet domains, A
* Working with JPEG2000: two proposals for sparse histogram images
112 for CIAP03

* 3-D Face Modeling from Two Views and Grid Light
* 3D Database Population from Single Views of Surfaces of Revolution
* 3D Face Matching Using the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* 3D Face Modeling Based on Structured-Light Assisted Stereo Sensor
* 3D Functional Models of Monkey Brain Through Elastic Registration of Histological Sections
* 3D Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data Using Moving Least Square Method
* 3D Surface Reconstruction of a Moving Object in the Presence of Specular Reflection
* Accuracy of MLP Based Data Visualization Used in Oil Prices Forecasting Task
* Algorithm for Binary Image Segmentation Using Polygonal Markov Fields, An
* Algorithms for Detecting Clusters of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* Analyzing TCP Traffic Patterns Using Self Organizing Maps
* Application of Neural and Probabilistic Unsupervised Methods to Environmental Factor Analysis of Multi-spectral Images, An
* Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Object, An
* Asymmetric 3D/2D Processing: A Novel Approach for Face Recognition
* Automatic Recognition of Road Sign Passo-Carrabile
* Automatic Roadway Geometry Measurement Algorithm Using Video Images
* Automatic Updating of Urban Vector Maps
* Autonomous Operators for Direct Use on Irregular Image Data
* Autonomous Surveillance Vehicle for People Tracking, An
* Biometric Recognition: How Do I Know Who You Are?
* Camera Self-localization Using Uncalibrated Images to Observe Prehistoric Paints in a Cave
* Classification of Natural Images Using Supervised and Unsupervised Classifier Combinations
* Classifier Combination for Face Localization in Color Images
* Clustering Improvement for Electrocardiographic Signals
* Color Fourier Descriptor for Defect Image Retrieval
* Combining Genetic-Based Misuse and Anomaly Detection for Reliably Detecting Intrusions in Computer Networks
* Combining Multiple Matchers for Fingerprint Verification: A Case Study in FVC2004
* Commute Times, Discrete Green's Functions and Graph Matching
* Compact System for Real-Time Detection of Line Segments, A
* Comparison of 2-D Moment-Based Description Techniques, A
* Computer Vision for Interactive Skewed Video Projection
* Computing Homographies from Three Lines or Points in an Image Pair
* Conceptual Analysis of Intrusion Alarms
* Consistent Labeling for Multi-camera Object Tracking
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using a Metric in a Perceptual Colour Space
* Contour Co-occurrence Matrix: A Novel Statistical Shape Descriptor
* Conversion Scheme for DCT-Domain Transcoding of MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC
* Correlation-Based Approach to Recognition and Localization of the Preceding Vehicle in Highway Environments, A
* Curvature Correlograms for Content Based Retrieval of 3D Objects
* Discrete 3D Tools Applied to 2D Grey-Level Images
* Discrete Conformal Shape Representation and Reconstruction of 3D Mesh Objects
* Document Image De-warping Based on Detection of Distorted Text Lines
* Dynamic Photometric Stereo
* Easy-to-Use Object Selection by Color Space Projections and Watershed Segmentation
* Efficient Hardware Architecture for EBCOT in JPEG 2000 Using a Feedback Loop from the Rate Controller to the Bit-Plane Coder
* Efficient Shape Matching Using Weighted Edge Potential Functions
* EnFilter: A Password Enforcement and Filter Tool Based on Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Enhancement of Noisy Images with Sliding Discrete Cosine Transform
* Environment Topological Structure Recognition for Robot Navigation
* Estimating the ROC Curve of Linearly Combined Dichotomizers
* Estimation of Moments of Digitized Objects with Fuzzy Borders
* Face and Facial Feature Localization
* Face Recognition Using a Surface Normal Model
* Face Verification Advances Using Spatial Dimension Reduction Methods: 2DPCA & SVM
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Belief Theory: Comparison with Different Classifiers
* Fast Edge Preserving Picture Recovery by Finite Markov Random Fields
* Feature Matching and Pose Estimation Using Newton Iteration
* Fingerprint Image Segmentation Method Based on MCMC&GA
* Fitting 3D Cartesian Models to Faces Using Irradiance and Integrability Constraints
* Frequency Determined Homomorphic Unsharp Masking Algorithm on Knee MR Images
* Geometric Characterisation of Graphs
* Graph Matching: Challenges and Potential Solutions
* Graph-Based Multiple Classifier Systems A Data Level Fusion Approach
* Greedy Algorithm for Local Contrast Enhancement of Images
* Half-Pixel Correction for MPEG-2/H.264 Transcoding
* Hierarchical Associative Memories: The Neural Network for Prediction in Spatial Maps
* High Speed Computation of the Optical Flow
* How to Make Business with Computer Vision Technology
* Hybrid Surface- and Voxel-Based Registration for MR-PET Brain Fusion
* Image Segmentation Based on Genetic Algorithms Combination
* Image Segmentation Evaluation by Techniques of Comparing Clusterings
* Image Segmentation Through Dual Pyramid of Agents
* Image-Based Relighting of Moving Objects with Specular Reflection
* Improved Algorithm for Anchor Shot Detection, An
* Improved Face Shape Recovery and Re-illumination Using Convexity Constraints
* Improving SIFT-Based Object Recognition for Robot Applications
* Incorporating Geometry Information with Weak Classifiers for Improved Generic Visual Categorization
* Input and Display of Hand Drawn Pattern Onto Planar Board of Arbitrary Position and Pose Utilizing a Projector and Two Cameras
* Interactive, Mobile, Distributed Pattern Recognition
* Kalman Filter Based Background Updating Algorithm Robust to Sharp Illumination Changes, A
* Kernel Based Symmetry Measure
* Kernel Spectral Correspondence Matching Using Label Consistency Constraints
* Landmark-Based Stereo Vision
* Large Baseline Matching of Scale Invariant Features
* Learning Intrusion Detection: Supervised or Unsupervised?
* Lightweight Protection of Visual Data Using High-Dimensional Wavelet Parametrization
* Machine Learning on Historic Air Photographs for Mapping Risk of Unexploded Bombs
* Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?
* Markovian Energy-Based Computer Vision Algorithms on Graphics Hardware
* Modeling of Elastic Articulated Objects and Its Parameters Determination from Image Contours
* Multi-stage Combination of Geometric and Colorimetric Detectors for Eyes Localization
* Multimodal Perceptual User Interface for Collaborative Environments, A
* Network Intrusion Detection by Combining One-Class Classifiers
* Neural Adaptive Algorithm for Feature Selection and Classification of High Dimensionality Data, A
* New Efficient Method for Producing Global Affine Invariants, A
* New Wavelet-Domain HMTseg Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Image Segmentation, A
* Novel Genetic Programming Based Approach for Classification Problems, A
* Novel Segmentation Strategy Based on Colour Channels Coupling, A
* Novel Watermarking Algorithm for Image Authentication: Robustness Against Common Attacks and JPEG2000 Compression, A
* Object Interface for Interoperability of Image Processing Parallel Library in a Distributed Environment, An
* Optimal Parameter Estimation for MRF Stereo Matching
* Order Independent Image Compositing
* Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Faces in Video
* Probabilistic Model-Based Background Subtraction
* Qualitative Real-Time Range Extraction for Preplanned Scene Partitioning Using Laser Beam Coding
* Real-Time 3D Hand Shape Estimation Based on Inverse Kinematics and Physical Constraints
* Real-Time Avatar Animation Steered by Live Body Motion
* Rectangular Traffic Sign Recognition
* Rectification-Free Multibaseline Stereo for Non-ideal Configurations
* Removing Line Scratches in Digital Image Sequences by Fusion Techniques
* Robust Correspondenceless 3-D Iris Location for Immersive Environments
* Robust Face Recognition Based on Part-Based Localized Basis Images
* Robust Particle Filtering for Object Tracking
* Robust Two Stage Approach for Eye Detection, A
* Scatter Search Particle Filter for 2D Real-Time Hands and Face Tracking
* Score Selection Techniques for Fingerprint Multi-modal Biometric Authentication
* Security Enhancement of Visual Hashes Through Key Dependent Wavelet Transformations
* Seeded Watersheds for Combined Segmentation and Tracking of Cells
* Segmentation in Echocardiographic Sequences Using Shape-Based Snake Model
* Shape Image Retrieval Using Elastic Matching Combined with Snake Model
* Shot Detection and Motion Analysis for Automatic MPEG-7 Annotation of Sports Videos
* Simplification of Fan-Meshes Models for Fast Rendering of Large 3D Point-Sampled Scenes
* Skin Detection in Videos in the Spatial-Range Domain
* Slant Correction of Vehicle License Plate Image
* Soccer Videos Highlight Prediction and Annotation in Real Time
* Spiral Method Applied to the Study of the Microcalcifications in Mammograms, The
* Statistical Displacement Analysis for Handwriting Verification
* Statistical Modeling of Huffman Tables Coding
* Study of the Navigation Parameters in Appearance-Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot
* SVM Based Regression Schemes for Instruments Fault Accommodation in Automotive Systems
* System to Support the Integrated Management of Diagnostic Medical Images, A
* Texture Analysis of CT Images for Vascular Segmentation: A Revised Run Length Approach
* Texture Granularities
* Theoretical and Algorithmic Framework for Hypergraph Matching
* Time and Date OCR in CCTV Video
* Total Variation-Based Speckle Reduction Using Multi-grid Algorithm for Ultrasound Images
* Track Matching by Major Color Histograms Matching and Post-matching Integration
* Tracking Soccer Ball in TV Broadcast Video
* UBIRIS: A Noisy Iris Image Database
* Uncertainty Analysis of Camera Parameters Computed with a 3D Pattern
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Text Fragments in Real Scenes
* Unsupervised Symbol Grounding and Cognitive Bootstrapping in Cognitive Vision
* Using Strings for On-Line Handwriting Shape Matching: A New Weighted Edit Distance
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Traffic Monitoring
* Video Watermarking Procedure Based on XML Documents, A
* Virtual Point Light Source Model the Practical Realisation of Photometric Stereo for Dynamic Surface Inspection, The
* Vision-Based Registration for Augmented Reality with Integration of Arbitrary Multiple Planes
* Volume Estimation from Uncalibrated Views Applied to Wound Measurement
149 for CIAP05

* Adaptive uncertainty estimation for particle filter-based trackers
* Adding Gestures to Ordinary Mouse Use: a New Input Modality for Improved Human-Computer Interaction
* Alignment of videos recorded from moving vehicles
* Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction
* Appearance-based 3D object recognition with time-invariant features
* Automated Lip Contour Detection Using the Level Set Segmentation Method
* Automatic 3D facial segmentation and landmark detection
* Automatic Detection of Facial Landmarks from AU-coded Expressive Facial Images
* Automatic extraction of LIDAR data classification rules
* Automatic generation of generic Bitstream Syntax Descriptions applied to H.264/AVC SVC encoded video streams
* Automatic Handwriting Identification on Medieval Documents
* Automatic liver segmentation from abdominal CT scans
* Automatic Video-based Analysis of Athlete Action
* Ball Position and Motion Reconstruction from Blur in a Single Perspective Image
* Becoming Visually Familiar
* Block Independent Component Analysis for Face Recognition
* Calibration and Image Generation of Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
* Characterising Range Image Features via Gradient Operators
* Clustering Approach to Object Estimation, Featuring Image Filtering Prototyping for DBSCAN in Virtual Sets, A
* Collarette Area Localization and Asymmetrical Support Vector Machines for Efficient Iris Recognition
* Colour and Geometric based Model for Lip Localisation: Application for Lip-reading System
* Computation of Binary Objects Sides Number using Discrete Geometry, Application to Automatic Pebbles Shape Analysis
* Computing Epipolar Geometry from Unsynchronized Cameras
* Consistency Result for the Normalized Eight-Point Algorithm, A
* Cooperative Object Tracking with Multiple PTZ Cameras
* Corner Displacement from Motion Blur
* Cosegmentation for Image Sequences
* CT-PET Landmark-based Lung Registration Using a Dynamic Breathing Model
* D-Calib: Calibration Software for Multiple Cameras System
* Detecting Major Segmentation Errors for a Tracked Person Using Colour Feature Analysis
* Detection and Monitoring of Passengers on a Bus by Video Surveillance
* Distribution-Based Face Detection using Calibrated Boosted Cascade Classifier
* Document Image Mosaicing with Mobile Phones
* Dynamic Programming Technique for Classifying Trajectories, A
* Dynamic Score Selection for Fusion of Multiple Biometric Matchers
* Edge Tracking of subjective contours in Biomedical Imaging
* Effective color space representation for wavelet based compression of HDR images
* Efficient and optimal block matching for motion estimation
* Efficient Stereo Vision for Obstacle Detection and AGV Navigation
* Evaluating Classification Reliability for Combining Classifiers
* Exploiting Temporal Statistics for Events Analysis and Understanding
* Face Shape Reconstruction from Image Sequence Taken with Monocular Camera using Shape Database
* Face, Ear and Fingerprint: Designing Multibiometric Architectures
* Face^3 a 2D+3D Robust Face Recognition System
* Facing Imbalanced Classes through Aggregation of Classifiers
* Fast convergence for spectral clustering
* Fast extraction of multi-resolution Gabor features
* Fast Predictive Search Algorithm for Video Motion Estimation
* Fingerprint scanner focusing estimation by Top Sharpening Index
* Fingerprints Recognition Using Minutiae Extraction: a Fuzzy Approach.
* Framework for False Positive Suppression in Video Segmentation, A
* Gabor Saliency Map for Face Recognition
* Generalization in Holistic versus Analytic Processing of Faces
* Grey Weighted Polar Distance Transform for Outlining Circular and Approximately Circular Objects
* High Performance Exact Histogram Specification Algorithm, A
* Human Appearance Change Detection
* Human Computer Interaction: Legibility and Contrast
* Hybrid Multi-Expert Systems for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification, A
* Hybrid Stereo Sensor with Omnidirectional Vision Capabilities: Overview and Calibration Procedures
* Image Enhancement Using Elastic Manifolds
* Image Spam Filtering Using Visual Information
* Improvement of AdaBoost for Face-Detection with Motion and Color Information, An
* information theoretic rule for sample size adaptation in particle filtering, An
* Integrated Edge and Corner Detection
* Integrating Boundary Information in Pairwise Segmentation
* Interval-Based Linear Hybrid Dynamical System for Modeling Cross-Media Timing Structures in Multimedia Signals
* k-dimensional Size Functions for Shape Description and Comparison
* Kernelised Relaxation Labelling using Fokker-Planck Diffusion
* Learning Repetitive Patterns for Classifying Non-Rigidly Deforming Texture Surfaces
* Localization of ahead vehicles with on-board stereo cameras
* Matching Relational Structures using the Edge-Association Graph
* Method for Blur and Similarity Transform Invariant Object Recognition, A
* Method of Clustering Combination Applied to Satellite Image Analysis, A
* Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
* Moving Object Detection for Real-Time Applications
* Multi-modal non-rigid registration of medical images based on mutual information maximization
* Multi-resolution Morse-Smale Complexes for Terrain Modeling
* Multidimensional Histogram Equalization and Modification
* Natural scenes categorization by hierarchical extraction of typicality patterns
* new and reliable Poisson noise estimator for radiographic images, A
* New Stereo Algorithm Integrating Luminance, Gradient and Segmentation Informations in a Belief-Propagation Framework, A
* Noise versus Facial Expression on 3D Face Recognition
* Nonlinear-Shift Approach to Object Tracking Based on Shape Information, A
* Novel Anchorperson Detection Algorithm Based on Spatio-temporal Slice, A
* Object Tracking at Multiple Levels of Spatial Resolutions
* On Genuine Connectivity Relations Based on Logical Predicates
* Optical Flow Computation on Compute Unified Device Architecture
* Orientation Adaptive Discrete Packet Wavelet Decomposition via Shifting Operators for Image Compression
* Panoramic mosaicing optimization
* Parsing Silhouettes without Boundary Curvature
* Performance Evaluation of Scale-Interpolated Hessian-Laplace and Haar Descriptors for Feature Matching
* Projective Transformations for Image Transition Animations
* Quality Assessment of Gaussian Blurred Images Using Symmetric Geometric Moments
* Query translation based on equivalence classes for heterogeneous multimedia repositories using XML and semantic annotation
* Reactive Learning Strategy for AsymBoost Based Face Detectors
* Real-time 3D Hand Shape Estimation based on Image Feature Analysis and Inverse Kinematics
* Real-Time SLAM with a High-Speed CMOS Camera
* Reconstruction of a High Dynamic Range and High Resolution Image from a Multisampled Image Sequence
* Rectification of 3D Data Obtained from Moving Range Sensors by using Multiple View Geometry
* Rigid Image Registration based on Pixel Grouping
* Robust Face Matching Under Large Occlusions
* Robust Iris Localization and Tracking based on Constrained Visual Fitting
* robust measure for visual correspondence, A
* Score-level fusion of fingerprint and face matchers for personal verification under stress conditions
* Segmenting Moving Objects in MPEG Videos in the Presence of Camera Motion
* SIFT Features Tracking for Video Stabilization
* Sight enhancement through video fusion in a surveillance system
* Sparseness Achievement in Hidden Markov Models
* Spectral Generative Models for Graphs
* Statistical Method for People Counting in Crowded Environments, A
* Stereo-based 3D Face Modeling using Annealing in Local Energy Minimization
* Subspace Reduction for Appearance-Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot
* Surface Integration: Two Statistical Approaches
* Surface Segmentation through Concentrated Curvature
* Tensor Voting Fields: Direct Votes Computation and New Saliency Functions
* Topology Preserving Marching Cubes-like Algorithms on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid
* trainable system for face detection in unconstrained environments, A
* Transformation invariant SOM clustering in Document Image Analysis
* Two-way interactive refinement of segmented medical volumes
* Uncalibrated View-Synthesis Pipeline, An
* Unwarping scanned image of Japanese/English documents
* Using Bayesian Network for combining classifiers
* Vanishing Point Detection in Complex Man-made Worlds
* Verification of Handwritten Signatures: an Overview
* Video Biometrics
* Video Objects Segmentation by Robust Background Modeling
* Video Surveillance and SOS Request
* Vision-based hand shape estimation is a challenging
* Vision-based monitoring of pedestrian crossings
* Visual feature group matching for autonomous robot localization
* Wavelet domain watermark embedding strategy using TTCQ quantization
* Window Detection in Facades
133 for CIAP07

* 3D Neural Model-Based Stopped Object Detection
* 3D Scanner for Transparent Glass, A
* Adaptive Sharpening with Overshoot Control
* Adaptive Technique for Accurate Feature Extraction from Regular and Irregular Image Data, An
* Analysis and Classification of Crithidia Luciliae Fluorescent Images
* Anomaly-Based Detection of IRC Botnets by Means of One-Class Support Vector Classifiers
* Applying Visual Object Categorization and Memory Colors for Automatic Color Constancy
* Automatic Estimation of the Inlier Threshold in Robust Multiple Structures Fitting
* Automatic Method for Counting Annual Rings in Noisy Sawmill Images, An
* Boat Speed Monitoring Using Artificial Vision
* Characterisation of Retinal Feature Points Applied to a Biometric System
* Coastline Detection from SAR Images by Level Set Model
* Color Features Performance Comparison for Image Retrieval
* Color-Based Interest Operator, A
* Computer Analysis of Lighting in Realist Master Art: Current Methods and Future Challenges
* Conditions for Segmentation of 2D Translations of 3D Objects
* Confidence Measures for Error Correction in Interactive Transcription Handwritten Text
* Connected Component Labeling Techniques on Modern Architectures
* Denoising of Digital Radiographic Images with Automatic Regularization Based on Total Variation
* Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence by Self-organizing Neural Network
* Detection of a Hand Holding a Cellular Phone Using Multiple Image Features
* Detection of Duplicated Regions in Tampered Digital Images by Bit-Plane Analysis
* Discrete Distortion for Surface Meshes
* Encephalic NMR Tumor Diversification by Textural Interpretation
* Estimation of Object Position Based on Color and Shape Contextual Information
* Evaluation of a Foreground Segmentation Algorithm for 3D Camera Sensors
* Evaluation of Scale and Noise Sensitivity of Fibre Orientation Estimation in Volume Images, An
* Experimental Analysis of the Relationship between Biometric Template Update and the Doddington's Zoo: A Case Study in Face Verification, An
* FESID: Finite Element Scale Invariant Detector
* First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition: LivDet 2009
* Fuzzy Smoothed Composition of Local Mapping Transformations for Non-rigid Image Registration
* Generic Method of Line Matching for Central Imaging Systems under Short-Baseline Motion, A
* Geometric-Aligned Cancelable Fingerprint Templates
* Graph-Based Approach for Shape Skeleton Analysis, A
* Hallucinating Faces: Global Linear Modal Based Super-Resolution and Position Based Residue Compensation
* Hybrid Approach Handling Imbalanced Datasets, A
* Hybrid Approach to Land Cover Classification from Multi Spectral Images, A
* Image Analysis and Machine Learning: How to Foster a Stronger Connection?
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-scale Geometric Analysis
* Impact of Reliability Evaluation on a Semi-supervised Learning Approach, The
* Improved Adaptive Smoothing Method, An
* Improving the Accuracy of a Score Fusion Approach Based on Likelihood Ratio in Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Integration of Contextual Information in Online Handwriting Representation
* Joint Affine and Illumination Estimation Using Scale Manipulation Features
* Learning Class Specific Graph Prototypes
* Learning with Missing or Incomplete Data
* License Plate Detection and Character Recognition
* License Plate Extraction Algorithm Based on Edge Statistics and Region Growing, A
* Many-to-Many Matching under the L1 Norm
* Multi-class Binary Symbol Classification with Circular Blurred Shape Models
* New Algorithm for Polygonal Approximation Based on Ant Colony Optimization, A
* New Generative Feature Set Based on Entropy Distance for Discriminative Classification, A
* New Large Urdu Database for Off-Line Handwriting Recognition, A
* New Linguistic-Perceptual Event Model for Spatio-Temporal Event Detection and Personalized Retrieval of Sports Video, A
* New Technique for Image Magnification, A
* Nonlinear Embedded Map Projection for Dimensionality Reduction
* Nonlocal Similarity Image Filtering
* Novel Recognition Approach for Sketch-Based Interfaces, A
* Object Detection by Estimating and Combining High-Level Features
* Object Matching in Distributed Video Surveillance Systems by LDA-Based Appearance Descriptors
* Objective Quality Assessment Measurement for Typhoon Cloud Image Enhancement
* On a New Measure of Classifier Competence Applied to the Design of Multiclassifier Systems
* On Improving the Efficiency of Eigenface Using a Novel Facial Feature Localization
* On the Quantitative Estimation of Short-Term Aging in Human Faces
* On the Training Patterns Pruning for Optimum-Path Forest
* Optimum Sensors for Chromaticity Constancy in the Pixel
* Pathnodes Integration of Standalone Particle Filters for People Tracking on Distributed Surveillance Systems
* Pixel Coverage Segmentation for Improved Feature Estimation
* Plant Leaf Identification Using Multi-scale Fractal Dimension
* Probabilistic Corner Detection for Facial Feature Extraction
* Processing Hexagonal Images in a Virtual Environment
* Quality Assessment of the MPEG-4 Scalable Video CODEC
* Re-photography and Environment Monitoring Using a Social Sensor Network
* Real-Time Descriptorless Feature Tracking
* Real-Time Occlusion Aware Hardware Structure for Disparity Map Computation, A
* Real-Time Online Video Object Silhouette Extraction Using Graph Cuts on the GPU
* Real-Time Probabilistic Tracking of Faces in Video
* Recognition of Occluded Shapes Using Size Functions
* Reconnecting Broken Ridges in Fingerprint Images
* Reconstructing 3D Facial Shape Using Spherical Harmonics
* Red Eye Detection through Bag-of-Keypoints Classification
* Reducing Keypoint Database Size
* Region-Based Illuminant Estimation for Effective Color Correction
* Retinex Combined with Total Variation for Image Illumination Normalization
* Riemannian Self-Organizing Map, A
* Robust Iris Localization Model Based on Phase Congruency and Least Trimmed Squares Estimation, A
* Segmentation of Wood Fibres in 3D CT Images Using Graph Cuts
* Self-updating Multiexpert System for Face Identification, A
* Semantic-Based Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Models
* Semi-automated Method for the Measurement of the Fetal Nuchal Translucency in Ultrasound Images, A
* Semiotic Design of a Hypermedia for Cultural Heritage
* Shadow Removal in Outdoor Video Sequences by Automatic Thresholding of Division Images
* Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data
* Similarity Searches in Face Databases
* Simultaneous Document Margin Removal and Skew Correction Based on Corner Detection in Projection Profiles
* Sudden Changes Detection in WCE Video
* SVR-Based Jitter Reduction for Markerless Augmented Reality
* Texture Based Shoe Retrieval System for Shoe Marks of Real Crime Scenes, A
* Theia: Multispectral Image Analysis and Archaeological Survey
* Towards a Linear Combination of Dichotomizers by Margin Maximization
* Towards a Subject-Centered Analysis for Automated Video Surveillance
* Towards a Theoretical Framework for Learning Multi-modal Patterns for Embodied Agents
* Towards Protein Interaction Analysis through Surface Labeling
* Tree Covering within a Graph Kernel Framework for Shape Classification
* Video Background Segmentation Using Adaptive Background Models
* Video Event Classification Using Bag of Words and String Kernels
* Video Sequences Association for People Re-identification across Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras
* Vision-Based Markerless Gaming Interface
* Vision-Based Motion Capture of Interacting Multiple People
* Wavelet-Based Feature Extraction for Handwritten Numerals
* Webcam-Based Visual Gaze Estimation
112 for CIAP09

* Active Sampling of Gaze-Shifts, The
* Activity Discovery Using Compressed Suffix Trees
* Adaptive Model for Object Detection in Noisy and Fast-Varying Environment
* Advanced Safety Sensor for Gate Automation
* Audio-Video Analysis of Musical Expressive Intentions
* Automated Identification of Photoreceptor Cones Using Multi-scale Modelling and Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Automatic Bus Line Number Localization and Recognition on Mobile Phones: A Computer Vision Aid for the Visually Impaired
* Automatic Color Detection of Archaeological Pottery with Munsell System
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments
* Automatic Generation of Subject-Based Image Transitions
* Automatic Human Action Recognition in Videos by Graph Embedding
* Automatic Segmentation of Digital Orthopantomograms for Forensic Human Identification
* Automatic Template Labeling in Extensible Multiagent Biometric Systems
* Biologically Motivated Feature Extraction
* Character Segmentation for License Plate Recognition by K-Means Algorithm
* Classification Approach with a Reject Option for Multi-label Problems, A
* Color Line Detection
* Colour Image Coding with Matching Pursuit in the Spatio-frequency Domain
* Combining Probabilistic Shape-from-Shading and Statistical Facial Shape Models
* Common Scab Detection on Potatoes Using an Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Computing Morse Decompositions for Triangulated Terrains: An Analysis and an Experimental Evaluation
* Continuous Learning in a Changing Environment, A
* Crop Detection through Blocking Artefacts Analysis
* Discrete Point Based Signatures and Applications to Document Matching
* Dissimilarity Representation in Multi-feature Spaces for Image Retrieval
* Edge-Directed Image Interpolation Using Color Gradient Information
* Efficient Computation of Convolution of Huge Images
* Ellipse Detection through Decomposition of Circular Arcs and Line Segments
* Entropy-Based Localization of Textured Regions
* Error Compensation by Sensor Re-calibration in Fringe Projection Based Optical 3D Stereo Scanners
* Evaluation of Global Descriptors for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Experimental Comparison of Different Methods for Combining Biometric Identification Systems, An
* Exploiting Depth Information for Indoor-Outdoor Scene Classification
* Exploring Cascade Classifiers for Detecting Clusters of Microcalcifications
* Extracting Noise Elements while Preserving Edges in Spatial Domain
* Face Analysis Using Curve Edge Maps
* Fast Vision-Based Road Tunnel Detection
* Finite Element Blob Detector for Robust Features, A
* Focus of Expansion Localization through Inverse C-Velocity
* From the Physical Restoration for Preserving to the Virtual Restoration for Enhancing
* Genetic Normalized Convolution
* Graph-Based Framework for Thermal Faceprint Characterization, A
* Half Ellipse Detection
* Handling Complex Events in Surveillance Tasks
* High Order Structural Matching Using Dominant Cluster Analysis
* Human Action Recognition by Extracting Features from Negative Space
* Human-Computer Interaction through Time-of-Flight and RGB Cameras
* Hybrid Filter Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for a Mobile Robot
* IDEA: Intrinsic Dimension Estimation Algorithm
* Image De-noising by Bayesian Regression
* Image Processing and a Virtual Restoration Hypothesis for Mosaics and Their Cartoons
* Image Retrieval Based on Gaussian Mixture Approach to Color Localization
* Image Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts and Efficient Graph-Based Segmentation
* Improved Content-Based Watermarking Using Scale-Invariant Feature Points
* Improving 3D Reconstruction for Digital Art Preservation
* Improving Image Categorization by Using Multiple Instance Learning with Spatial Relation
* Improving Retake Detection by Adding Motion Feature
* Intelligent Overhead Sensor for Sliding Doors: A Stereo Based Method for Augmented Efficiency
* Learning Neighborhood Discriminative Manifolds for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Low Complexity Motion Segmentation Based on Semantic Representation of Encoded Video Streams, A
* Method for Data Extraction from Video Sequences for Automatic Identification of Football Players Based on Their Numbers, A
* Method for Scribe Distinction in Medieval Manuscripts Using Page Layout Features, A
* Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Recognition under Class Skew
* Multibeam Echosounder Simulator Applying Noise Generator for the Purpose of Sea Bottom Visualisation
* Multiple Component Matching Framework for Person Re-identification, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm for Cell Nucleus Classification of Renal Cell Carcinoma, A
* Multiple Region Categorization for Scenery Images
* Multispectral Imaging and Digital Restoration for Paintings Documentation
* Nano-imaging and Its Applications to Biomedicine
* Neighborhood Dependent Approximation by Nonlinear Embedding for Face Recognition
* New Algorithm for Image Segmentation via Watershed Transformation, A
* New Dissimilarity Measure for Clustering Seismic Signals, A
* New Error Measures to Evaluate Features on Three-Dimensional Scenes
* New Perception-Based Segmentation Approach Using Combinatorial Pyramids, A
* Novel Probabilistic Linear Subspace Approach for Face Applications, A
* Novel T-CAD Framework to Support Medical Image Analysis and Reconstruction, A
* Optimal Choice of Regularization Parameter in Image Denoising
* Optimal Decision Trees Generation from OR-Decision Tables
* Orthophotoplan Segmentation and Colorimetric Invariants for Roof Detection
* Path Analysis in Multiple-Target Video Sequences
* Pre-emptive Camera Activation for Video-Surveillance HCI
* Probabilistic Framework for Complex Wavelet Based Image Registration, A
* RDVideo: A New Lossless Video Codec on GPU
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Using a Color Glove
* Reducing Number of Classifiers in DAGSVM Based on Class Similarity
* Reflection Removal for People Detection in Video Surveillance Applications
* Refractive Index Estimation of Naturally Occurring Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
* Regions Segmentation from SAR Images
* Registration Parameter Spaces for Molecular Electron Tomography Images
* Retrospective Illumination Correction of Greyscale Historical Aerial Photos
* Robust Forensic Hash Component for Image Alignment, A
* Robust Stereoscopic Head Pose Estimation in Human-Computer Interaction and a Unified Evaluation Framework
* Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Attacks
* Rough-Fuzzy HSV Color Histogram for Image Segmentation, A
* SARC3D: A New 3D Body Model for People Tracking and Re-identification
* Segmentation Strategy of Handwritten Connected Digits (SSHCD)
* Selection of Suspicious ROIs in Breast DCE-MRI
* Shadow Segmentation Using Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Shaping the Error-Reject Curve of Error Correcting Output Coding Systems
* Simulation Framework to Assess Pattern Matching Algorithms in a Space Mission, A
* Sorting Atomic Activities for Discovering Spatio-temporal Patterns in Dynamic Scenes
* Space-Time Zernike Moments and Pyramid Kernel Descriptors for Action Classification
* Spot Detection in Images with Noisy Background
* Stability Analysis of Static Signatures for Automatic Signature Verification
* Statistical Multisensor Image Segmentation in Complex Wavelet Domains
* Statistical Patch-Based Observation for Single Object Tracking
* Structure from Motion and Photometric Stereo for Dense 3D Shape Recovery
* Sum-of-Superellipses: A Low Parameter Model for Amplitude Spectra of Natural Images
* Supervised Learning Based Stereo Matching Using Neural Tree
* Synchronous Detection for Robust 3-D Shape Measurement against Interreflection and Subsurface Scattering
* Temporal Analysis of Biometric Template Update Procedures in Uncontrolled Environment
* Unambiguous Photometric Stereo Using Two Images
* Uni-orthogonal Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition for Supervised Image Classification
* Use of High-Pass Filters and the Inpainting Method to Clouds Removal and Their Impact on Satellite Images Classification, The
* Using Blood Vessels Location Information in Optic Disk Segmentation
* Using Geometric Constraints to Solve the Point Correspondence Problem in Fringe Projection Based 3D Measuring Systems
* Video Grammar-Based Approach for TV News Localization and Intra-structure Identification in TV Streams, A
* Virtual Reality Models for the Preservation of the Unesco Historical and Artistical Heritage
* Visual Blindspot Monitoring System for Safe Lane Changes, A
* Visual Saliency by Keypoints Distribution Analysis
* Von Kries Model under Planckian Illuminants
122 for CIAP11

* 3D Femur Reconstruction Using X-Ray Stereo Pairs
* 3D Interest Points Detection Using Symmetric Surround-Based Surface Saliency
* 3D Tracking of Honeybees Enhanced by Environmental Context
* Adaptive Compression of Stereoscopic Images
* Adverse Driving Conditions Alert: Investigations on the SWIR Bandwidth for Road Status Monitoring
* Age Estimation Using Local Binary Pattern Kernel Density Estimate
* Analysis of WD Face Dictionary for Sparse Coding Based Face Recognition
* Anisotropic Diffusion and Curve Evolution for Segmentation of Color Images in Cultural Heritage
* Application of Local Binary Pattern to Windowed Nonlocal Means Image Denoising
* Approximated Overlap Error for the Evaluation of Feature Descriptors on 3D Scenes
* Approximating the Skeleton for Fine-to-Coarse Shape Representation
* Arabic Printed Word Recognition Using Windowed Bernoulli HMMs
* Attributed Relational SIFT-Based Regions Graph for Art Painting Retrieval
* Automatic Aesthetic Photo Composition
* Automatic Lesion Detection in Breast DCE-MRI
* Average Common Submatrix: A New Image Distance Measure
* Background Recovery by Fixed-Rank Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Bayesian Approach to Tracking Learning Detection, A
* Blind Invisible Watermarking Technique in DT-CWT Domain Using Visual Cryptography
* Boosting-Based Approach to Refine the Segmentation of Masses in Mammography, A
* Class Representative Computation Using Graph Embedding
* Classification of Pollen Apertures Using Bag of Words
* Combined Supervised / Unsupervised Algorithm for Skin Detection: A Preliminary Phase for Face Detection
* Comparison of Three Approaches for Scenario Classification for the Automotive Field
* Conic Based Camera Re-calibration after Zooming
* Construction and Application of Marine Oil Spill Gravity Vector Differences Detection Model
* Cooking Action Recognition with iVAT: An Interactive Video Annotation Tool
* Daily Living Activities Recognition via Efficient High and Low Level Cues Combination and Fisher Kernel Representation
* Data Ranking and Clustering via Normalized Graph Cut Based on Asymmetric Affinity
* Database for Arabic Printed Text Recognition Research
* Deeply Optimized Hough Transform: Application to Action Segmentation
* Demographics versus Biometric Automatic Interoperability
* Detection of the Vanishing Line of the Ocean Surface from Pairs of Scale-Invariant Keypoints
* Discrete Morse versus Watershed Decompositions of Tessellated Manifolds
* Dissimilarity Measures for the Identification of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms
* Diversity in Ensembles of Codebooks for Visual Concept Detection
* Dynamic Hierarchical Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* Edge Detection on Polynomial Texture Maps
* Efficient Indexing Scheme Based on Linked-Node m-Ary Tree Structure, An
* Eigenvector Sign Correction for Spectral Correspondence Matching
* Empty Vehicle Detection with Video Analytics
* Ensemble Algorithm Framework for Automated Stereology of Cervical Cancer, An
* Epithelial Cell Segmentation in Histological Images of Testicular Tissue Using Graph-Cut
* Estimating Complex Refractive Index Using Ellipsometry
* Estimating the Serial Combination's Performance from That of Individual Base Classifiers
* Evaluating Temporal Information for Social Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Evaluation of Interactive Segmentation Algorithms Using Densely Sampled Correct Interactions
* Evaluation of Low-Level Image Representations for Illumination-Insensitive Recognition of Textureless Objects
* Evaluation of Statistical Features for Medical Image Retrieval
* Exploiting the Golden Ratio on Human Faces for Head-Pose Estimation
* Extracting Compact Information from Image Benchmarking Tools: The SAR Despeckling Case
* Face Recognition in Uncontrolled Conditions Using Sparse Representation and Local Features
* Face Recognition under Ageing Effect: A Comparative Analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Perceived Facial Images and Local Feature Matching
* Fast and Accurate Tree-Based Clustering for Japanese/Chinese Character Recognition
* Fast and Robust Edge-Guided Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Fast Jensen-Shannon Subgraph Kernel, A
* Feature Extraction for Iris Recognition Based on Optimized Convolution Kernels
* First Quantization Coefficient Extraction from Double Compressed JPEG Images
* Fully Automatic Approach for the Accurate Localization of the Pupils, A
* Fuzzy Analysis of Classifier Handshapes from 3D Sign Language Data
* Graph-Based Hierarchical Image Segmentation Method Based on a Statistical Merging Predicate, A
* Graph-Based Method for PET Image Segmentation in Radiotherapy Planning: A Pilot Study, A
* H.264 Sensor Aided Video Encoder for UAV BLOS Missions
* Head Direction Estimation from Silhouette
* Hierarchical Image Representation Simplification Driven by Region Complexity
* Image Annotation by Learning Label-Specific Distance Metrics
* Image Classification with Multivariate Gaussian Descriptors
* Improving Gait Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks
* Improving the Quality of Color Image Segmentation Using Genetic Algorithm
* Information-Based Learning of Deep Architectures for Feature Extraction
* Integral Spiral Image for Fast Hexagonal Image Processing
* Integrating Color Sampling into Depth Based Bilayer Segmentation
* Interactive Image Rectification Method Using Quadrangle Hypothesis, An
* Interactive Video Retrieval Approach Based on Latent Topics, An
* Invariants to Symmetrical Convolution with Application to Dihedral Kernel Symmetry
* Investigation of Different Classification Models to Determine the Presence of Leukemia in Peripheral Blood Image
* Kernels for Visual Words Histograms
* Landmarks-SIFT Face Representation for Gender Classification
* Layered Self-Organizing Map for Image Classification in Unrestricted Domains
* Layout Estimation of Highly Cluttered Indoor Scenes Using Geometric and Semantic Cues
* Layout-Based Document-Retrieval System by Radon Transform Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Lazy Nonlinear Diffusion Parameter Estimation
* Learning Iterative Strategies in Multi-Expert Systems Using SVMs for Digit Recognition
* Learning Precise Local Boundaries in Images from Human Tracings
* Learning the Scene Illumination for Color-Based People Tracking in Dynamic Environment
* Local Intrinsic Dimensionality Based Features for Clustering
* MATRIOSKA: A Multi-level Approach to Fast Tracking by Learning
* Measuring Sandy Bottom Dynamics by Exploiting Depth from Stereo Video Sequences
* Mixed Kernel Function SVM for Pulmonary Nodule Recognition
* Modelling Visual Appearance of Handwriting
* Modified SIFT Descriptor for Image Matching under Spectral Variations, A
* MRF Based Image Segmentation Augmented with Domain Specific Information
* Multi-target Data Association Using Sparse Reconstruction
* Multicamera People Tracking Using a Locus-based Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* Multiple Classifier Approach for Detecting Naked Human Bodies in Images, A
* Multiple Classifier Systems for Image Forgery Detection
* Multisubjects Tracking by Time-of-Flight Camera
* Natural Interface for the Training of Medical Personnel in an Immersive and Virtual Reality System, A
* New Adaptive Zoning Technique for Handwritten Digit Recognition, A
* New Algorithm for Cortical Bone Segmentation with Its Validation and Applications to In Vivo Imaging, A
* New Fuzzy Skeletonization Algorithm and Its Applications to Medical Imaging, A
* Non-referenced Quality Assessment of Image Processing Methods in Infrared Non-destructive Testing
* Novel Method for Fast Processing of Large Remote Sensed Image, A
* Observing Dynamic Urban Environment through Stereo-Vision Based Dynamic Occupancy Grid Mapping
* On Optimized Color Image Coding Using Correlation of Primary Colors
* On the Impact of Alterations on Face Photo Recognition Accuracy
* On the Robustness of Color Texture Descriptors across Illuminants
* On the Stability of Ranks to Low Image Quality in Biometric Identification Systems
* Ontology-Assisted Object Detection: Towards the Automatic Learning with Internet
* Outdoor Environment Monitoring with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Pattern Recognition for Defect Detection in Uncontrolled Environment Railway Applications
* Pedestrian Detection in Poor Visibility Conditions: Would SWIR Help?
* Performance Study of a Regularization-Based Deformable Handwritten Recognition Approach
* Plant Recognition Approach Using Shape and Color Features in Leaf Images, A
* Precise 3D Angle Measurements in CT Wrist Images
* Problems in Distortion Corrected Texture Classification and the Impact of Scale and Interpolation
* Real-Time 2DHoG-2DPCA Algorithm for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Real-Time Estimation of Planar Surfaces in Arbitrary Environments Using Microsoft Kinect Sensor
* Recognition of Polynomial Position and Orientation through the Finite Polynomial Discrete Radon Transform, The
* Ripplet Transform Based Statistical Framework for Natural Color Image Retrieval, A
* Road Traffic Conflict Analysis from Geo-referenced Stereo Sequences
* Robust Coarse-to-Fine Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* Robust Selective Stereo SLAM without Loop Closure and Bundle Adjustment
* Robust Silhouette Extraction from Kinect Data
* Rough Set Based Homogeneous Unsharp Masking for Bias Field Correction in MRI
* Saliency Based Aesthetic Cut of Digital Images
* Saliency Based Image Cropping
* Segmentation of Time-Lapse Images with Focus on Microscopic Images of Cells
* Segmentation with Incremental Classifiers
* Semiotic-based Conceptual Modelling of Hypermedia
* Shearlet Network-based Sparse Coding Augmented by Facial Texture Features for Face Recognition
* Simple and Robust Facial Portraits Recognition under Variable Lighting Conditions Based on Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Transformations
* Single Textual Image Super-Resolution Using Multiple Learned Dictionaries Based Sparse Coding
* SketchSPORE: A Sketch Based Domain Separation and Recognition System for Interactive Interfaces
* Slightly Supervised Approach for Positive/Negative Classification of Fluorescence Intensity in HEp-2 Images, A
* Soccer Ball Detection with Isophotes Curvature Analysis
* Social Groups Detection in Crowd through Shape-Augmented Structured Learning
* Softmax Regression for ECOC Reconstruction
* Spatial Resolution and Distance Information for Color Quantization
* Speeding Up Local Patch Dissimilarity
* Stock Control through Video Surveillance in Logistics
* Structured Multi-class Feature Selection for Effective Face Recognition
* Subunit-Based Dynamic Time Warping Approach for Hand Movement Recognition, A
* Texture Classification Based on Co-occurrence Matrix and Neuro-Morphological Approach
* Towards a Realistic Distribution of Cells in Synthetically Generated 3D Cell Populations
* Towards Automatic Hands Detection in Single Images
* Towards Learning Hierarchical Compositional Models in the Presence of Clutter
* Towards Semantic KinectFusion
* Training Binary Descriptors for Improved Robustness and Efficiency in Real-Time Matching
* Trajectory Similarity Measures Using Minimal Paths
* Urban Road Network Extraction Based on Fuzzy ART, Radon Transform and Morphological Operations on DSM Data
* Using Dominant Sets for k-NN Prototype Selection
* Using the Watershed Transform for Iris Detection
* Video Segmentation Framework by Dynamic Background Modelling
* Virtually Continuous Representation of the Deep Structure of Scale-Space, A
* Visual Concept Detection and Annotation via Multiple Kernel Learning of Multiple Models
* VSCAN: An Enhanced Video Summarization Using Density-Based Spatial Clustering
* Watershed-Based Segmentation Technique for Multiresolution Data, A
* Weighted Majority Vote Strategy Using Bayesian Networks, A
* What Epipolar Geometry Can Do for Video-Surveillance
* White Paper on Industrial Applications of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Wide Area Camera Localization
164 for CIAP13

* 3D Geometric Analysis of Tubular Objects Based on Surface Normal Accumulation
* Abnormality Detection with Improved Histogram of Oriented Tracklets
* Adaptive Background Modeling for Land and Water Composition Scenes
* Advanced Content Based Image Retrieval for Fashion
* Analysis of Compact Features for RGB-D Visual Search
* Analysis of HOG Suitability for Facial Traits Description in FER Problems
* Audiovisual Liveness Detection
* Automated Recognition of Social Behavior in Rats: The Role of Feature Quality
* Automatic Image Analysis and Classification for Urinary Bacteria Infection Screening
* Automatic Method for Metabolic Evaluation of Gamma Knife Treatments, An
* Bag of Graphs with Geometric Relationships Among Trajectories for Better Human Action Recognition
* Bounded Non-Local Means for Fast and Effective Image Denoising
* BRISK Local Descriptors for Heavily Occluded Ball Recognition
* Classification-Selection Approach for Self Updating of Face Verification Systems Under Stringent Storage and Computational Requirements, A
* Cognition Helps Vision: Recognizing Biological Motion Using Invariant Dynamic Cues
* Color of Smiling: Computational Synaesthesia of Facial Expressions, The
* Color Spaces in Data Fusion of Multi-temporal Images
* Combining ARF and OR-PCA for Robust Background Subtraction of Noisy Videos
* Combining Hardwaremetry and Biometry for Human Authentication via Smartphones
* Comparing Persistence Diagrams Through Complex Vectors
* Compression and Querying of Arbitrary Geodesic Distances
* Convolved Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Counting Turkish Coins with a Calibrated Camera
* Crowdsearching Training Sets for Image Classification
* Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming System with a Buffer Aware Rate Selection Algorithm
* Detecting and Tracking the Tips of Fluorescently Labeled Mitochondria in U2OS Cells
* Detection of Human Movements with Pressure Floor Sensors
* Difference-Based Local Gradient Patterns for Image Representation
* Distortion Adaptive Descriptors: Extending Gradient-Based Descriptors to Wide Angle Images
* Dominant LBP Considering Pattern Type for Facial Image Representation
* Dynamic Optimal Path Selection for 3D Triangulation with Multiple Cameras
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel Through Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, An
* Efficient Moving Point Handling for Incremental 3D Manifold Reconstruction
* Efficient Resolution Enhancement Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
* Egocentric Object Tracking: An Odometry-Based Solution
* Egocentric Video Personalization in Cultural Experiences Scenarios
* Emotions in Abstract Art: Does Texture Matter?
* En Plein Air Visual Agents
* Enhancing Signal Discontinuities with Shearlets: An Application to Corner Detection
* Ensemble of Hankel Matrices for Face Emotion Recognition
* Extending the sGLOH Descriptor
* Extraction of Successive Patterns in Document Images by a New Concept Based on Force Histogram and Thick Discrete Lines
* Face Recognition from Robust SIFT Matching
* Fast Image Classification with Reduced Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* Fast Superpixel-Based Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation
* Filtering Non-Significant Quench Points Using Collision Impact in Grassfire Propagation
* Fitting Multiple Models via Density Analysis in Tanimoto Space
* Foreground Detection Robust Against Cast Shadows in Outdoor Daytime Environment
* Fully Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation by Using Competitive EM and Graph Cut
* Fuzzy 'Along' Spatial Relation in 3D. Application to Anatomical Structures in Maxillofacial CBCT
* Gait Recognition Robust to Speed Transition Using Mutual Subspace Method
* Global and Local Gaussian Process for Multioutput and Treed Data
* Gravitational Model for Grayscale Texture Classification Applied to the pap-smear Database, A
* Gravitational Model for Plant Classification Using Adaxial Epidermis Texture, A
* GRUNTS: Graph Representation for UNsupervised Temporal Segmentation
* Have a SNAK. Encoding Spatial Information with the Spatial Non-alignment Kernel
* Hierarchical Image Representation Using Deep Network
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Relying on a Likelihood Ratio Test
* Hierarchical Mesh Segmentation Editing Through Rotation Operations
* Human Area Refinement for Human Detection
* Human Tracking Using a Top-Down and Knowledge Based Approach
* i-Street: Detection, Identification, Augmentation of Street Plates in a Touristic Mobile Application
* Image Clarification Method Based on Structure-Texture Decomposition with Texture Refinement
* Image Manipulation on Facebook for Forensics Evidence
* Implicit Boundary Learning for Connectomics
* Improved Human Gait Recognition
* Improved Performance in Facial Expression Recognition Using 32 Geometric Features
* Improving High Resolution Satellite Images Retrieval Using Color Component Features
* Information-Based Cost Function for a Bayesian MRI Segmentation Framework
* Kernel Centered Alignment Supervised Metric for Multi-Atlas Segmentation
* Large Scale Specific Object Recognition by Using GIFTS Image Feature
* LBP-TOP for Volume Lesion Classification in Breast DCE-MRI
* Learning Balanced Trees for Large Scale Image Classification
* Learning by Sampling for White Blood Cells Segmentation
* Learning Texture Image Prior for Super Resolution Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Level-by-Level Adaptive Disparity Compensated Prediction in Wavelet Domain for Stereo Image Coding
* Leveraging Mutual Information in Local Descriptions: From Local Binary Patterns to the Image
* Local Feature Extraction in Log-Polar Images
* Logo Recognition Using CNN Features
* MEG: Multi-Expert Gender Classification from Face Images in a Demographics-Balanced Dataset
* Modalities Combination for Italian Sign Language Extraction and Recognition
* Movie Genre Classification by Exploiting MEG Brain Signals
* Multi-scale Opening: A New Morphological Operator
* Neighborhood Selection for Dimensionality Reduction
* Nerve Localization by Machine Learning Framework with New Feature Selection Algorithm
* New Approach to Detect Use of Alcohol Through Iris Videos Using Computer Vision, A
* New Graph-Based Method for Automatic Segmentation, A
* New Multi-resolution Affine Invariant Planar Contour Descriptor, A
* Non-local Sigma Filter
* Novel View-Synthesis from Multiple Sources for Conversion to 3DS
* Object Detection and Tracking from Fixed and Mobile Platforms
* On Spatiochromatic Features in Natural Images Statistics
* Optimized Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Optimized Parallel Model of Covariance Based Person Detection
* Panel Tracking for the Extraction and the Classification of Speech Balloons
* Parzen-Based Distance Between Probability Measures as an Alternative of Summary Statistics in Approximate Bayesian Computation, A
* Path-Based Dominant-Set Clustering
* Person Re-identification Using Robust Brightness Transfer Functions Based on Multiple Detections
* Pop-up Modelling of Hazy Scenes
* QCRI Recognition System for Handwritten Arabic, The
* Real-Time Age Estimation from Face Imagery Using Fisher Vectors
* Real-Time Foreground Segmentation with Kinect Sensor
* Recognition of the Human Fatigue Based on the ICAAM Algorithm
* Rich QR Code for Multimedia Management Applications
* Robust and Efficient Camera Motion Synchronization via Matrix Decomposition
* Robust and Fast Vessel Segmentation via Gaussian Derivatives in Orientation Scores
* Scale and Occlusion Invariant Tracking-by-Detection
* Scale-Space Techniques for Fiducial Points Extraction from 3D Faces
* Selection Module for Large-Scale Face Recognition Systems, A
* Selection of Temporal Features for Event Detection in Smart Security
* Skeletonization Algorithm Using Discrete Contour Map
* Smartphone-Based Obstacle Detection for the Visually Impaired
* Spinal Canal and Spinal Marrow Segmentation by Means of the Hough Transform of Special Classes of Curves
* Strict Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Action Recognition, A
* Super-Sparse Regression for Fast Age Estimation from Faces at Test Time
* Superpixel and Entropy-Based Multi-atlas Fusion Framework for the Segmentation of X-ray Images
* Supertetras: A Superpixel Analog for Tetrahedral Mesh Oversegmentation
* Tongue in Cheek
* Tool to Support the Creation of Datasets of Tampered Videos, A
* Towards Accurate Segmentation of Fibroglandular Tissue in Breast MRI Using Fuzzy C-Means and Skin-Folds Removal
* Towards Learning Free Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor-Based Domain Adaptation
* TRAgen: A Tool for Generation of Synthetic Time-Lapse Image Sequences of Living Cells
* Transfer Learning Through Greedy Subset Selection
* Unsupervised Classification of Raw Full-Waveform Airborne Lidar Data by Self Organizing Maps
* Unsupervised Feature Selection by Graph Optimization
* Volcano-Seismic Events Classification Using Document Classification Strategies
* Volumetric 3D Reconstruction and Parametric Shape Modeling from RGB-D Sequences
* Wavelet-Like Lifting-Based Transform for Decomposing Images in Accordance with the Inter-prediction Principles of Video Coding
* Where Is the Ground? Quality Measures for the Planar Digital Terrain Model in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
130 for CIAP15

* 360° Tracking Using a Virtual PTZ Camera
* 3D Face Recognition in Continuous Spaces
* 3D Object Detection Method Using LiDAR Information in Multiple Frames
* 3D Reconstruction from Specialized Wide Field of View Camera System Using Unified Spherical Model
* Adaptive Low Cost Algorithm for Video Stabilization
* Analysis of the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform for Pedestrian Detection
* ARCA (Automatic Recognition of Color for Archaeology): A Desktop Application for Munsell Estimation
* Automatic Detection of Subretinal Fluid and Cyst in Retinal Images
* Automatic Multi-seed Detection for MR Breast Image Segmentation
* Benchmarking Two Algorithms for People Detection from Top-View Depth Cameras
* Bio-Inspired Feed-Forward System for Skin Lesion Analysis, Screening and Follow-Up
* Bubble Shape Identification and Calculation in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Using Semi-automatic Image Segmentation
* Classification Engine for Image Ballistics of Social Data, A
* CNN-Based Identification of Hyperspectral Bacterial Signatures for Digital Microbiology
* Colorizing Infrared Images Through a Triplet Conditional DCGAN Architecture
* Combining Color Fractal with LBP Information for Flood Segmentation in UAV-Based Images
* Compact Kernel Approximation for 3D Action Recognition, A
* Complexity and Accuracy of Hand-Crafted Detection Methods Compared to Convolutional Neural Networks
* Computer Aided Diagnosis of Pleural Effusion in Tuberculosis Chest Radiographs
* Computer Vision System for Monitoring Ice-Cream Freezers, A
* Computer Vision System for the Automatic Inventory of a Cooler, A
* Contactless Physiological Data Analysis for User Quality of Life Improving by Using a Humanoid Social Robot
* Convex Polytope Ensembles for Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection
* Convexity Measure for Gray-Scale Images Based on hv-Convexity, A
* Crossing the Road Without Traffic Lights: An Android-Based Safety Device
* Deep Appearance Features for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Video
* Deep Face Model Compression Using Entropy-Based Filter Selection
* Deep Multibranch Neural Network for Painting Categorization
* Deep Passenger State Monitoring Using Viewpoint Warping
* Demographic Classification Using Skin RGB Albedo Image Analysis
* Description of Breast Morphology Through Bag of Normals Representation
* Design of a Classification Strategy for Light Microscopy Images of the Human Liver
* Discriminative Dictionary Design for Action Classification in Still Images
* Dynamic 3D Scene Reconstruction and Enhancement
* Efficient Confidence Measures for Embedded Stereo
* Efficient Image Segmentation in Graphs with Localized Curvilinear Features
* Embedded Real-Time Visual Search with Visual Distance Estimation
* Emotion Recognition Based on Occluded Facial Expressions
* Emotion Recognition by Body Movement Representation on the Manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
* Enhanced Bags of Visual Words Representation Using Spatial Information
* Exploiting Context Information for Image Description
* Exploiting Social Images to Understand Tourist Behaviour
* Exploiting Spatial Context in Nonlinear Mapping of Hyperspectral Image Data
* Exploiting Visual Saliency Algorithms for Object-Based Attention: A New Color and Scale-Based Approach
* Face Recognition with Single Training Sample per Subject
* Fast and Accurate Facial Landmark Localization in Depth Images for In-Car Applications
* Feature Clustering with Fading Affect Bias: Building Visual Vocabularies on the Fly
* Feature Definition and Selection for Epiretinal Membrane Characterization in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Feature Points Densification and Refinement
* Food Recognition Using Fusion of Classifiers Based on CNNs
* Framework for Activity Recognition Through Deep Learning and Abnormality Detection in Daily Activities, A
* Fully Convolutional Network for Salient Object Detection, A
* Fully-Automated CNN-Based Computer Aided Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Gender and Expression Analysis Based on Semantic Face Segmentation
* Generating Knowledge-Enriched Image Annotations for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Gesture Modelling and Recognition by Integrating Declarative Models and Pattern Recognition Algorithms
* Graph-Based Hierarchical Video Cosegmentation
* GRAPHJ: A Forensics Tool for Handwriting Analysis
* H-264/RTSP Multicast Stream Integrity
* Histological Image Analysis by Invariant Descriptors
* Historical Handwritten Text Images Word Spotting Through Sliding Window HOG Features
* HoP: Histogram of Patterns for Human Action Representation
* Hough Voting Strategy for Registering Historical Aerial Images to Present-Day Satellite Imagery, A
* How Far Can You Get by Combining Change Detection Algorithms?
* Human Action Classification Using an Extended BoW Formalism
* Identity Documents Classification as an Image Classification Problem
* Improving Face Recognition in Low Quality Video Sequences: Single Frame vs Multi-frame Super-Resolution
* Incremental Support Vector Machine for Self-updating Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Systems
* Indoor Actions Classification Through Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks
* Interconnected Neural Networks Based on Voting Scheme and Local Detectors for Retinal Image Analysis and Diagnosis
* Interest Region Based Motion Magnification
* Investigating the Use of Space-Time Primitives to Understand Human Movements
* Investigation of Deep Learning for Lesions Malignancy Classification in Breast DCE-MRI, An
* Join Cryptography and Digital Watermarking for 3D Multiresolution Meshes Security
* Joint Orientations from Skeleton Data for Human Activity Recognition
* Just DIAL: DomaIn Alignment Layers for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Kinect-Based Gait Analysis for People Recognition Over Time
* Learning from Enhanced Contextual Similarity in Brain Imaging Data for Classification of Schizophrenia
* Learning to Map Vehicles into Bird's Eye View
* Learning to Weight Color and Depth for RGB-D Visual Search
* Lifting 2D Object Detections to 3D: A Geometric Approach in Multiple Views
* Lightweight Mamdani Fuzzy Controller for Noise Removal on Iris Images, A
* Linear Regularized Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Machine Learning Approach for the Online Separation of Handwriting from Freehand Drawing, A
* Matrix Decomposition Perspective on Calibrated Photometric Stereo, A
* Measuring Refractive Properties of Human Vision by Showing 4D Light Fields
* Mine Detection Based on Adaboost and Polynomial Image Decomposition
* MR Brain Tissue Segmentation Based on Clustering Techniques and Neural Network
* Multi-branch CNN for Multi-scale Age Estimation
* Multi-stage Neural Networks with Single-Sided Classifiers for False Positive Reduction and Its Evaluation Using Lung X-Ray CT Images
* Network Edge Entropy from Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics
* No-Reference Learning-Based and Human Visual-Based Image Quality Assessment Metric
* Novel Statistical Detector for Contourlet Domain Image Watermarking Using 2D-GARCH Model, A
* Object Detection for Crime Scene Evidence Analysis Using Deep Learning
* On the Estimation of Children's Poses
* On the Importance of Domain Adaptation in Texture Classification
* One-Step Time-Dependent Future Video Frame Prediction with a Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Neural Network
* Optical Coherence Tomography Denoising by Means of a Fourier Butterworth Filter-Based Approach
* Perceptual-Based Color Quantization
* Performance Evaluation of Multiscale Covariance Descriptor in Underwater Object Detection
* Person Re-Identification Using Partial Least Squares Appearance Modelling
* Pixel Classification Methods to Detect Skin Lesions on Dermoscopic Medical Images
* PRNU-Based Forgery Localization in a Blind Scenario
* Product Recognition in Store Shelves as a Sub-Graph Isomorphism Problem
* Proposal of Objective Evaluation Measures Based on Eye-Contact and Face to Face Conversation for Videophone, A
* Rank Aggregation Framework for Video Interestingness Prediction, A
* Real Time Indoor 3D Pipeline for an Advanced Sensory Substitution Device
* Real-Time Incremental and Geo-Referenced Mosaicking by Small-Scale UAVs
* Recognizing Context for Privacy Preserving of First Person Vision Image Sequences
* Remote Biometric Verification for eLearning Applications: Where We Are
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathematical Morphology
* Revisiting Human Action Recognition: Personalization vs. Generalization
* Robust Tracking of Walking Persons by Elite-Type Particle Filters and RGB-D Images
* Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Matrix Features
* Segmentation of Green Areas Using Bivariate Histograms Based in Hue-Saturation Type Color Spaces
* Semi-automatic Training of a Vehicle Make and Model Recognition System
* Showing Different Images to Observers by Using Difference in Retinal Impulse Response
* Smartphone Based Pupillometry: An Empirical Evaluation of Accuracy and Safety
* Smartphone-Based System for Detecting Falls Using Anomaly Detection, A
* Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microcalcifications with Convolutional Nets
* Synchronization in the Symmetric Inverse Semigroup
* System for Autonomous Landing of a UAV on a Moving Vehicle, A
* Tampering Detection and Localization in Images from Social Networks: A CBIR Approach
* Tensor Framework for Data Stream Clustering and Compression, A
* Towards Automatic Skin Tone Classification in Facial Images
* Towards Detecting High-Uptake Lesions from Lung CT Scans Using Deep Learning
* Towards Video Captioning with Naming: A Novel Dataset and a Multi-modal Approach
* Two More Strategies to Speed Up Connected Components Labeling Algorithms
* Two-Stage Recognition for Oracle Bone Inscriptions
* Unified Color and Contrast Age-Dependent Visual Content Adaptation, A
* Using LDP-TOP in Video-Based Spoofing Detection
* Video Saliency Detection Based on Boolean Map Theory
* Virtual EMG via Facial Video Analysis
* Visual and Textual Sentiment Analysis of Brand-Related Social Media Pictures Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Weighty LBP: A New Selection Strategy of LBP Codes Depending on Their Information Content
* Wink Detection on the Eye Image as a Control Tool in Multimodal Interaction
137 for CIAP17

* 1-D DCT Domain Analysis for JPEG Double Compression Detection
* 3D Shape Segmentation with Geometric Deep Learning
* 3DMM for Accurate Reconstruction of Depth Data
* 3TP-CNN: Radiomics and Deep Learning for Lesions Classification in DCE-MRI
* Active Two Phase Collaborative Representation Classifier for Image Categorization
* ActiVis: Mobile Object Detection and Active Guidance for People with Visual Impairments
* Adaptive Hybrid Representation for Graph-Based Semi-supervised Classification
* Analysis of Dynamic Brain Connectivity Through Geodesic Clustering
* Artpedia: A New Visual-Semantic Dataset with Visual and Contextual Sentences in the Artistic Domain
* Autocropping: A Closer Look at Benchmark Datasets
* Automatic Creation of Large Scale Object Databases from Web Resources: A Case Study in Robot Vision
* Automatic Framework for Multiple Sclerosis Follow-up by Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Reducing Contrast Agents
* Automatic Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Techniques for Diabetic Foot Monitoring Through Multimodal Images
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on the Use of Saliency Maps and a Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
* Block-Based Union-Find Algorithm to Label Connected Components on GPUs, A
* Classification of Skin Lesions by Combining Multilevel Learnings in a DenseNet Architecture
* Combining Saliency Estimation Methods
* Comparisons of Visual Activity Primitives for Voice Activity Detection
* Contrastive Explanations to Classification Systems Using Sparse Dictionaries
* Convolutional Neural Network for Virtual Screening of Molecular Fingerprints, A
* Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from Offline Drawing Samples: Experiments and Findings, A
* Deep Compact Person Re-Identification with Distractor Synthesis via Guided DC-GANs
* Deep Motion Model for Pedestrian Tracking in 360 Degrees Videos
* Detecting Sounds of Interest in Roads with Deep Networks
* Dimensionality Reduction Using Discriminative Autoencoders for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Discovering Latent Domains for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Consistency
* Disparity Image Analysis for 3D Characterization of Surface Anomalies
* Domain Adaptation for Privacy-Preserving Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Imagery
* Dynamic Texture Classification Using Deterministic Partially Self-avoiding Walks on Networks
* Easing Function as a Tool of Color Correction for Display Stitching in Virtual Reality
* Effects of Data Sources: A Baseline Evaluation of the MoCA Dataset, The
* Efficient Approximate kNN Graph Method for Diffusion on Image Retrieval, An
* Emotional State Recognition with Micro-expressions and Pulse Rate Variability
* Estimation of Speed and Distance of Surrounding Vehicles from a Single Camera
* Evaluating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks as Texture Feature Extractors
* Evaluation of Continuous Image Features Learned by ODE Nets
* Feature-Based SLAM Algorithm for Small Scale UAV with Nadir View
* Frame Interpolation Using Phase Information and Guided Image Filtering
* GADA: Generative Adversarial Data Augmentation for Image Quality Assessment
* Gaze-Based Human-Robot Interaction by the Brunswick Model
* Generalised Gradient Vector Flow for Content-Aware Image Resizing
* Genuine Personality Recognition from Highly Constrained Face Images
* Geometry-Based Skin Colour Estimation for Bare Torso Surface Reconstruction
* Gesture Recognition by Leap Motion Controller and LSTM Networks for CAD-oriented Interfaces
* Gradient-Based Spatial Color Algorithm for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
* Hand Detection Using Zoomed Neural Networks
* Hand Gestures for the Human-Car Interaction: The Briareo Dataset
* Hebbian Learning Meets Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dilation Layers
* Image Anomaly Detection with Capsule Networks and Imbalanced Datasets
* Image Memorability Using Diverse Visual Features and Soft Attention
* Image-to-Image Translation to Unfold the Reality of Artworks: An Empirical Analysis
* Impact of Padding on Image Classification by Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks, The
* Improving Facial Emotion Recognition Systems with Crucial Feature Extractors
* Improving the Performance of Thinning Algorithms with Directed Rooted Acyclic Graphs
* Label Propagation Guided by Hierarchy of Partitions for Superpixel Computation
* Learning an Optimisable Semantic Segmentation Map with Image Conditioned Variational Autoencoder
* Learning Pedestrian Detection from Virtual Worlds
* Learning to Rank Food Images
* Lightweight Deep Learning Pipeline for Detection, Segmentation and Classification of Breast Cancer Anomalies
* Low-Complexity Scene Understanding Network
* Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis Analysis, A
* Manual Annotations on Depth Maps for Human Pose Estimation
* Mask Guided Fusion for Group Activity Recognition in Images
* Memory Efficient Deployment of an Optical Flow Algorithm on GPU Using OpenMP
* MetalGAN: A Cluster-Based Adaptive Training for Few-Shot Adversarial Colorization
* Multiple Organs Segmentation in Abdomen CT Scans Using a Cascade of CNNs
* New Descriptor for Keypoint-Based Background Modeling, A
* Novel Anomaly Score for Isolation Forests, A
* On Generative Modeling of Cell Shape Using 3D GANs
* On Image Enhancement for Unsupervised Image Description and Matching
* On the Detection of GAN-Based Face Morphs Using Established Morph Detectors
* Ontology-Driven Food Category Classification in Images
* Open Set Recognition for Unique Person Counting via Virtual Gates
* Particle Filtering for Tracking in 360 Degrees Videos Using Virtual PTZ Cameras
* Performance Evaluation of Learned 3D Features
* Personalized Expression Synthesis Using a Hybrid Geometric-Machine Learning Method
* Prediction of Social Image Popularity Dynamics
* Preliminary Experiment of the Interactive Registration of a Trocar for Thoracoscopy with HoloLens Headset
* Problems with Saliency Maps
* re-OBJ: Jointly Learning the Foreground and Background for Object Instance Re-identification
* Real-Time Neurodegenerative Disease Video Classification with Severity Prediction
* Recognition of Human Activities in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain
* Region Proposal Approach for Cells Detection and Counting from Microscopic Blood Images, A
* Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search
* Relation, Transition and Comparison Between the Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Rule and the Hypersphere Classifier
* Saliency-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Table and Chart Detection in Digitized Documents, A
* Segmentation of Pigment Signs in Fundus Images for Retinitis Pigmentosa Analysis by Using Deep Learning
* Semantic Guided Deep Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Sentiment Analysis from Images of Natural Disasters
* Single Image Super-Resolution for Optical Satellite Scenes Using Deep Deconvolutional Network
* Single-Resolution Fully Convolutional Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation in Raw Fundus Images, A
* Supervised Two-Stage Transfer Learning on Imbalanced Dataset for Sport Classification
* SWIR Camera-Based Localization and Mapping in Challenging Environments
* Tackling Partial Domain Adaptation with Self-supervision
* Take a Ramble into Solution Spaces for Classification Problems in Neural Networks
* Texture Retrieval in the Wild Through Detection-Based Attributes
* Thick Line Segment Detection with Fast Directional Tracking
* Towards Multi-source Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Training Efficient Semantic Segmentation CNNs on Multiple Datasets
* UAV Autonomous Warehouse Inventorying by Deep Learning, An
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Full-Feature Whitening and Colouring
* Using Handwriting Features to Characterize Cognitive Impairment
* Variational Autoencoder Inspired by Brain's Convergence-Divergence Zones for Autonomous Driving Application
* VEDI: Vision Exploitation for Data Interpretation
* Vehicle Trajectories from Unlabeled Data Through Iterative Plane Registration
* Video Synthesis from Intensity and Event Frames
* Video-Based Convolutional Attention for Person Re-Identification
* View-Invariant Pose Analysis for Human Movement Assessment from RGB Data
* Virtual Crowds: An LSTM-Based Framework for Crowd Simulation
* Vision Based Driver Smoking Behavior Detection Using Surveillance Camera Images
* Visual and Textual Sentiment Analysis of Daily News Social Media Images by Deep Learning
* Wafer Defect Map Classification Using Sparse Convolutional Networks
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Constrained Dominant Sets
* Within-Network Ensemble for Face Attributes Classification
* Worldly Eyes on Video: Learnt vs. Reactive Deployment of Attention to Dynamic Stimuli
118 for CIAP19

* 3D Key-Points Estimation from Single-View RGB Images
* 6 DoF Pose Regression via Differentiable Rendering
* Accelerating Video Object Detection by Exploiting Prior Object Locations
* AD-CGAN: Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network for Anomaly Detection
* AIRES-CH Project: Artificial Intelligence for Digital REStoration of Cultural Heritages Using Nuclear Imaging and Multidimensional Adversarial Neural Networks, The
* Analyzing EEG Data with Machine and Deep Learning: A Benchmark
* Anomaly Detection Approach for Plankton Species Discovery, An
* Automated Temporal Analysis of Gaze Following in a Visual Tracking Task, The
* Automatic Classification of Fresco Fragments: A Machine and Deep Learning Study
* Avalanche RL: A Continual Reinforcement Learning Library
* Avoiding Shortcuts in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Case Study on the Use of the SafeML Approach in Training Autonomous Driving Vehicles
* Cluster Centers Provide Good First Labels for Object Detection
* Cluster-based Convolutional Baseline for Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-identification
* Coarse-to-Fine Visual Question Answering by Iterative, Conditional Refinement
* Combining EfficientNet and Vision Transformers for Video Deepfake Detection
* Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Inebriation Recognition in Humans, A
* Comparison of Different Supervised and Self-supervised Learning Techniques in Skin Disease Classification
* Computationally Efficient Rehearsal for Online Continual Learning
* Connected Components Labeling on Bitonal Images
* Consistency Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Continual Learning with Neuron Activation Importance
* Contrastive Distillation Approach for Incremental Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images, A
* Contrastive Supervised Distillation for Continual Representation Learning
* CVGAN: Image Generation with Capsule Vector-VAE
* Cycle Consistency Based Method for Learning Disentangled Representation for Stochastic Video Prediction
* DASP: Dual-autoencoder Architecture for Skin Prediction
* Decontextualized I3D ConvNet for Ultra-Distance Runners Performance Analysis at a Glance
* Deep Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection in Textured Images Using CW-SSIM
* Deep Learning Based Framework for Malaria Diagnosis on High Variation Data Set, A
* Deep Learning-Based System for Product Recognition in Intelligent Retail Environment, A
* Deepfake Style Transfer Mixture: A First Forensic Ballistics Study on Synthetic Images
* DeepFakes Have No Heart: A Simple rPPG-Based Method to Reveal Fake Videos
* Densification of Sparse Optical Flow Using Edges Information
* Depth-Aware Multi-object Tracking in Spherical Videos
* Digital Line Segment Detection for Table Reconstruction in Document Images
* Distance-Based Random Forest Clustering with Missing Data
* DMSANet: Dual Multi Scale Attention Network
* Don't Wait Until the Accident Happens: Few-Shot Classification Framework for Car Accident Inspection in a Real World
* Efficient Transfer Learning for Visual Tasks via Continuous Optimization of Prompts
* Efficient View Clustering and Selection for City-Scale 3D Reconstruction
* Egocentric Human-Object Interaction Detection Exploiting Synthetic Data
* Embodied Navigation at the Art Gallery
* Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training in E-Learning Environments
* Enhanced Data-Recalibration: Utilizing Validation Data to Mitigate Instance-Dependent Noise in Classification
* Exact Affine Histogram Matching by Cumulants Transformation
* Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
* Explainable Medical Imaging Framework for Modality Classifications Trained Using Small Datasets, An
* Exploring Fusion Strategies in Deep Multimodal Affect Prediction
* Exploring the Use of Efficient Projection Kernels for Motion Saliency Estimation
* Eye Diseases Classification Using Deep Learning
* FasterVideo: Efficient Online Joint Object Detection and Tracking
* First Steps Towards 3D Pedestrian Detection and Tracking from Single Image
* FirstPiano: A New Egocentric Hand Action Dataset Oriented Towards Augmented Reality Applications
* Fooling a Face Recognition System with a Marker-Free Label-Consistent Backdoor Attack
* Forecasting Future Instance Segmentation with Learned Optical Flow and Warping
* Foreground Detection Using an Attention Module and a Video Encoding
* FourierMask: Instance Segmentation Using Fourier Mapping in Implicit Neural Networks
* Frame Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Video Compressive Sensing
* Frame-Wise Action Recognition Training Framework for Skeleton-Based Anomaly Behavior Detection
* FrameNet: Tabular Image Preprocessing Based on UNet and Adaptive Correction
* Full Motion Focus: Convolutional Module for Improved Left Ventricle Segmentation Over 4D MRI
* Fusion of Periocular Deep Features in a Dual-Input CNN for Biometric Recognition
* GAN Based Approach to Compare Identical Images with Generative Noise, A
* Grad2 VAE: An Explainable Variational Autoencoder Model Based on Online Attentions Preserving Curvatures of Representations
* Graph-Based Generative Face Anonymisation with Pose Preservation
* Hangul Fonts Dataset: A Hierarchical and Compositional Dataset for Investigating Learned Representations
* High/Low Quality Style Transfer for Mutual Conversion of OCT Images Using Contrastive Unpaired Translation Generative Adversarial Networks
* Human Action Recognition with Transformers
* Image Novelty Detection Based on Mean-Shift and Typical Set Size
* Imitation Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Driving: How Does the Representation Matter?
* Improve Convolutional Neural Network Pruning by Maximizing Filter Variety
* Improving AMD Diagnosis by the Simultaneous Identification of Associated Retinal Lesions
* Improving Autoencoder Training Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Network Reinitialisation
* Improving Colon Carcinoma Grading by Advanced CNN Models
* Improving Localization for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Improving Multi-View Stereo via Super-Resolution
* Inpainting Transformer for Anomaly Detection
* Intelligent Scanning Vehicle for Waste Collection Monitoring, An
* Interactive Deep Annotation as DARos: Object Detection Supervision for Efficient Instance Segmentation
* Introducing AV1 Codec-Level Video Steganography
* Investigating Bidimensional Downsampling in Vision Transformer Models
* Investigating One-Class Classifiers to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease from Handwriting
* Key Landmarks Detection of Cleft Lip-Repaired Partially Occluded Facial Images for Aesthetics Outcome Assessment
* Keyframe Insights into Real-Time Video Tagging of Compressed UHD Content
* Landmark-Guided Conditional GANs for Face Aging
* Large-scale TV Dataset for Partial Video Copy Detection, A
* LDD: A Grape Diseases Dataset Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Learning Advisor Networks for Noisy Image Classification
* Learning Semantics for Visual Place Recognition Through Multi-scale Attention
* Learning Unrolling-Based Neural Network for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction
* Learning Video Retrieval Models with Relevance-Aware Online Mining
* Learning Visual Landmarks for Localization with Minimal Supervision
* LessonAble: Leveraging Deep Fakes in MOOC Content Creation
* Leveraging CycleGAN in Lung CT Sinogram-free Kernel Conversion
* Leveraging Road Area Semantic Segmentation with Auxiliary Steering Task
* Lightweight Model for Satellite Pose Estimation, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Image-to-Frequency Filter Learning
* Machine Learning to Predict Cognitive Decline of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease Using EEG Markers: A Preliminary Study
* Medicinal Boxes Recognition on a Deep Transfer Learning Augmented Reality Mobile Application
* Memory Guided Road Segmentation
* Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Skeleton Hand Activities Categorization
* Mixing Zero-Shot Learning Up: Learning Unseen Classes from Mixed Features
* MOBDrone: A Drone Video Dataset for Man OverBoard Rescue
* Morphological Galaxies Classification According to Hubble-de Vaucouleurs Diagram Using CNNs
* Multi-varied Cumulative Alignment for Domain Adaptation
* Multi-view 3D Objects Localization from Street-Level Scenes
* Multi-view Spectral Clustering via Integrating Label and Data Graph Learning
* Multiple Input Branches Shift Graph Convolutional Network with DropEdge for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* On the Evaluation of Two Methods Applied to the Morphometry of Linear Dunes
* On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
* One-Shot HDR Imaging via Stereo PFA Cameras
* Online Panoptic 3D Reconstruction as a Linear Assignment Problem
* Optimized Fusion of CNNs to Diagnose Pulmonary Diseases on Chest X-Rays
* Out-of-Distribution Detection Using Outlier Detection Methods
* Panoptic Segmentation in Industrial Environments Using Synthetic and Real Data
* Poker Bluff Detection Dataset Based on Facial Analysis
* PolygloNet: Multilingual Approach for Scene Text Recognition Without Language Constraints
* Prediction of Fish Location by Combining Fisheries Data and Sea Bottom Temperature Forecasting
* Pruning in the Face of Adversaries
* Pulmonary-Restricted COVID-19 Informative Visual Screening Using Chest X-ray Images from Portable Devices
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Identification in Thermal Images
* Real-Time Respiration Monitoring of Neonates from Thermography Images Using Deep Learning
* Recurrent Vision Transformer for Solving Visual Reasoning Problems
* Relaxation Labeling Meets GANs: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Missing Borders
* Relaxing the Forget Constraints in Open World Recognition
* Road Quality Classification
* Robust and Efficient Overhead People Counting System for Retail Applications, A
* Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocalization of Underwater Robots in Marine Data Science Applications
* Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN
* SCAF: Skip-Connections in Auto-encoder for Face Alignment with Few Annotated Data
* SeeFar: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Flow Analysis from a Moving UAV
* Self-Adaptive Logit Balancing for Deep Learning Robustness in Computer Vision
* Self-supervised Learning Through Colorization for Microscopy Images
* Self-supervised Prototype Conditional Few-Shot Object Detection
* Ship Detection and Tracking Based on a Custom Aerial Dataset
* Shot-Based Hybrid Fusion for Movie Genre Classification
* Skew Angle Detection and Correction in Text Images Using RGB Gradient
* Spatial-Temporal Autoencoder with Attention Network for Video Compression
* Spatial-UNet: Deep Learning-Based Lane Detection Using Fisheye Cameras for Autonomous Driving
* StandardSim: A Synthetic Dataset for Retail Environments
* Strong Geometric Baseline for Cross-View Matching of Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images, A
* Super-Resolution of Solar Active Region Patches Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* SVP-Classifier: Single-View Point Cloud Data Classifier with Multi-view Hallucination
* Synthetic Data of Randomly Piled, Similar Objects for Deep Learning-Based Object Detection
* Temporal Up-Sampling of LIDAR Measurements Based on a Mono Camera
* Test-Time Adaptation for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Toward a System for Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Masonry Buildings
* Towards an Efficient Facial Image Compression with Neural Networks
* Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Correspondence Search
* Towards Efficient and Data Agnostic Image Classification Training Pipeline for Embedded Systems
* Towards Latent Space Optimization of GANs Using Meta-Learning
* Towards Open Zero-Shot Learning
* Towards Reconstruction of 3D Shapes in a Realistic Environment
* Two-Stage U-Net to Estimate the Cultivated Area of Plantations, A
* Two-Step Radiologist-Like Approach for Covid-19 Computer-Aided Diagnosis from Chest X-Ray Images, A
* U Can't (re)Touch This: A Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Image Retouching
* Underwater Image Enhancement Using Pre-trained Transformer
* UniToChest: A Lung Image Dataset for Segmentation of Cancerous Nodules on CT Scans
* Unsupervised Anomaly Localization Using Locally Adaptive Query-Dependent Scores
* Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration in a Landmark Scarcity Scenario: Choroid OCTA
* Unsupervised Detection of Dynamic Hand Gestures from Leap Motion Data
* Unsupervised Multi-camera Domain Adaptation for Object Detection in Cultural Sites
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification Based on Skeleton Joints Using Graph Convolutional Networks
* Untrimmed Action Anticipation
* User-Biased Food Recognition for Health Monitoring
* Using Random Forest Distances for Outlier Detection
* Weakly Supervised Attended Object Detection Using Gaze Data as Annotations
169 for CIAP22

* Active Class Selection for Dataset Acquisition in Sign Language Recognition
* Ai-driven Prototype for Groundwater Level Prediction: Exploring the Gorgovivo Spring Case Study, An
* Annotating the Inferior Alveolar Canal: The Ultimate Tool
* Augmentation Based on Artificial Occlusions for Resilient Instance Segmentation
* Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification from Visual Exploration of Images
* Automatic Generation of Semantic Parts for Face Image Synthesis
* Benchmarking of Blind Video Deblurring Methods on Long Exposure and Resource Poor Settings
* BHAC-MRI: Backdoor and Hybrid Attacks on MRI Brain Tumor Classification Using CNN
* Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd Counting
* Budget-aware Pruning for Multi-domain Learning
* Buffer-MIL: Robust Multi-instance Learning with a Buffer-based Approach
* CarPatch: A Synthetic Benchmark for Radiance Field Evaluation on Vehicle Components
* CISPC: Embedding Images and Point Clouds in a Joint Concept Space by Contrastive Learning
* Combining Identity Features and Artifact Analysis for Differential Morphing Attack Detection
* Compensation for Patient Movements in CBCT Imaging for Dental Applications
* Computer Vision-based Water Level Monitoring System for Touchless and Sustainable Water Dispensing, A
* Consensus Ranking for Efficient Face Image Retrieval: A Novel Method for Maximising Precision and Recall
* Continual Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deep Learning Based Approach for Synthesizing Realistic Depth Maps, A
* Deep Natural Language Inference Predictor Without Language-specific Training Data, A
* Deepfakes Audio Detection Leveraging Audio Spectrogram and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Depth Camera Face Recognition by Normalized Fractal Encodings
* Diffdefense: Defending Against Adversarial Attacks via Diffusion Models
* Differentiable Entropy Model for Learned Image Compression, A
* Dynamic Local Filters in Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Early Detection of Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infections Through CNN on Computed Tomography Images
* Effective CNN-based Super Resolution Method for Video Coding, An
* End-to-end Asbestos Roof Detection on Orthophotos Using Transformer-based Yolo Deep Neural Network
* Enhancing Hierarchical Vector Quantized Autoencoders for Image Synthesis Through Multiple Decoders
* Enhancing Open-vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Prototype Retrieval
* Enhancing PFI Prediction with GDS-MIL: A Graph-based Dual Stream MIL Approach
* Evaluation of 3d Reconstruction Pipelines Under Varying Imaging Conditions
* Exploiting EXIF Data to Improve Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Exploring Audio Compression as Image Completion in Time-frequency Domain
* Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple Depth Cameras for 3d Face Reconstruction
* Fead-d: Facial Expression Analysis in Deepfake Detection
* Fermouth: Facial Emotion Recognition from the Mouth Region
* Food Image Classification: The Benefit of In-domain Transfer Learning
* Fuzzy Logic Visual Network (FLVN): A Neuro-symbolic Approach for Visual Features Matching
* GCK-Maps: A Scene Unbiased Representation for Efficient Human Action Recognition
* GLR: Gradient-based Learning Rate Scheduler
* Hand Gesture Recognition Exploiting Handcrafted Features and LSTM
* Hashing for Structure-based Anomaly Detection
* Hero: A Multi-modal Approach on Mobile Devices for Visual-aware Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains
* Hierarchical Pretrained Backbone Vision Transformer for Image Classification in Histopathology
* HMPD: A Novel Dataset for Microplastics Classification with Digital Holography
* Image Retrieval in Semiconductor Manufacturing
* Improved Bilinear Pooling for Real-time Pose Event Camera Relocalisation
* Large Class Separation is Not What You Need for Relational Reasoning-Based OOD Detection
* Large-scale Analysis of Athletes' Cumulative Race Time in Running Events, A
* LBKENET: lightweight Blur Kernel Estimation Network for Blind Image Super-resolution
* LCMV: Lightweight Classification Module for Video Domain Adaptation
* Learnable EVC Intra Predictor Using Masked Convolutions, A
* Learning Landmarks Motion from Speech for Speaker-agnostic 3d Talking Heads Generation
* Lietome: An LSTM-based Method for Deception Detection by Hand Movements
* Many-to-many Metrics: A New Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Structural Damage Detection Networks
* MC-GTA: A Synthetic Benchmark for Multi-camera Vehicle Tracking
* Medical Transformers for Boosting Automatic Grading of Colon Carcinoma in Histological Images
* Minimizing Energy Consumption of Deep Learning Models by Energy-Aware Training
* Moving: A Modular and Flexible Platform for Embodied Visual Navigation
* Not with My Name! Inferring Artists' Names of Input Strings Employed by Diffusion Models
* Obstacle Avoidance and Interaction in Extended Reality: An Approach Based on 3d Object Detection
* On Using RPPG Signals for Deepfake Detection: A Cautionary Note
* Openfashionclip: Vision-and-language Contrastive Learning with Open-source Fashion Data
* Optimized Pipeline for Image-based Localization in Museums from Egocentric Images, An
* Quasi-Online Detection of Take and Release Actions from Egocentric Videos
* Real-time GAN-based Model for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Request for Clarity over the End of Sequence Token in the Self-critical Sequence Training, A
* Scene-pathy: Capturing the Visual Selective Attention of People Towards Scene Elements
* Self-similarity Block for Deep Image Denoising
* Semi-supervised Classification for Remote Sensing Datasets
* Shallow Camera Pipeline for Night Photography Enhancement
* Smoothing and Transition Matrices Estimation to Learn with Noisy Labels
* Sparse Double Descent in Vision Transformers: Real or Phantom Threat?
* Spatial Exploration Indicators in the Remote Assessment of Visual Neglect
* Spatial Transformer Generative Adversarial Network for Image Super-resolution
* Specchieri Marven Dataset: An Abbreviation-Rich Dataset in Venetian Idiom, The
* Specialise to Generalise: The Person Re-identification Case
* Synthcap: Augmenting Transformers with Synthetic Data for Image Captioning
* Target-driven One-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Time-aware Circulant Matrices for Question-based Temporal Localization
* Towards Explainable Navigation and Recounting
* Towards Facial Expression Robustness in Multi-scale Wild Environments
* Two is Better than One: Achieving High-quality 3d Scene Modeling with a NeRF Ensemble
* UAV Multi-object Tracking by Combining Two Deep Neural Architectures
* Uncovering Lies: Deception Detection in a Rolling-dice Experiment
* Unsupervised Learning Approach to Resolve Phenotype to Genotype Mapping in Budding Yeasts Vacuoles, An
* Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection with Diffusion Models Conditioned on Compact Motion Representations
* Unveiling the Impact of Image Transformations on Deepfake Detection: An Experimental Analysis
* Video Sonification to Support Visually Impaired People: The Visavis Approach
* VM-NERF: Tackling Sparsity in NeRF with View Morphing
* Weak Segmentation-guided GAN for Realistic Color Edition
93 for CIAP23

* Interactive System for Hand-Written Numeral Classification Based on Fourier Descriptors



* Determination of Egomotion and Environmental Layout from Noisy Time-Varying Velocity in Monocular Image Sequences

* Object Recognition Strategy in a Multi-Resolution System
* Stereo Vision In Multi-Resolution

* Belief Network for the Recognition of 3D Geometric Primitives, A
* Feature Extraction of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Hierarchical Evidence Combining Edge Detection, A
* On the Analysis of Linear Textures

* Recognition of Complex 3-D Objects from Range Data

* A.I. based image segmentation
* Adaptative elimination of false edges for first order detectors
* Adaptive matching using object modes generated from photometric stereo images
* adaptive reject option for LVQ classifiers, An
* Analysis of scenes containing multiple non-polyhedral 3D objects
* Analysis of the spatial arrangement of cells in the proliferative breast lesions
* ApOFIS: an A priori optical font identification system
* Application of image processing in neurobiology: Detection of low signals with high spatial resolution and a non-uniform variance
* Application of the Hough transform for weld inspection underwater
* Applying contextual constraints to extract symbolic representation for image understanding
* Automatic identification of brain contours in magnetic resonance images of the head
* Automatic video segmentation through editing analysis
* Bayesian image reconstruction using a high-order interacting MRF model
* Binarization of inhomogeneously illuminated images
* Blue-print document analysis for color classification
* Bounds on the optimal elasticity parameters for a snake
* code based approach to image-processing teaching, A
* Combining resolution and granularity for pattern recognition
* Computer Assisted Analysis of Echocardiographic Image Sequences
* Cooperation of knowledge based systems for galaxy classification
* Crack detection by a measure of texture anisotropy
* Data packing vs processing speed on low-cost massively parallel systems: A case study
* Decomposing contours into curves of different families
* Delineation of elongated sub-patterns in a piecewise constant foreground
* Describing words by graphs
* Detection of Lofar lines
* Development of an automated bond verification system for advanced electronic packages
* Directions analysis in grey-level images
* Disparity estimation for stereo sequences based on adaptive size hierarchical block matching
* Document image analysis: What is missing?
* Edge detection filters based on artificial neural networks
* Efficient attributed graph matching and its application to image analysis
* Estimation of curvature and tangent direction by median filtered differencing
* Evaluating Digital Angles by a Parallel Diffusion Process
* Experimental self-calibration from four views
* Extracting words and multi-part symbols in graphics rich documents
* Extraction of tumours from MR images of the brain by texture and clustering
* fast algorithm for high quality vector quantization codebook design, A
* Fast fractal image coding using pyramids
* fast object orientation estimation and recognition technique for underwater acoustic imaging, A
* Finding facial features using an HLS colour space
* Fuzzy segmentation and astronomical images interpretation
* Fuzzy segmentation and structural knowledge for satellite image analysis
* Generalized square isometries: an improvement for fractal image coding
* Genetic algorithm for thinning gray-scale images of characters
* Hidden MRF detection of motion of objects with uniform brightness
* hybrid lossless compression of still images using Markov model and linear prediction, A
* image processing library based on abstract image data-types in C++, An
* Image retrieval by elastic matching of user sketches
* impact of aliasing and quantization on motion compensation, The
* Improving the use of contours for off-line Cursive Script Segmentation
* In-place covariance operators for computer vision
* integrated approach to grouping and matching, An
* Invariant features for HMM based on-line handwriting recognition
* Learning how to find patterns or objects in complex scenes
* Line and cell searching in tables or forms
* Line moments and invariants for real time processing of vectorized contour data
* linear discriminator of width, A
* Matching Delaunay Graphs
* Matching of stereo curves: A closed form solution
* method for determining address format in the automated sorting of Japanese mail, A
* Minimum spanning trees (MST) as a tool for describing tissue architecture when grading bladder carcinoma
* model based method for characterization and location of curved image features, A
* Motion analysis and segmentation for object-oriented mid-level image representation
* Multi-polygonal object tracking
* new and fast real-time implementation of 2-D DCT, A
* new approach to image segmentation, A
* new heuristic search for boundary detection, A
* new parallel method based on a genetic approach for determination and classification of skin spots, A
* new plant cell image segmentation algorithm, A
* Occluded objects recognition using multiscale features and Hopfield neural networks
* On a new basic concept and topological invariant
* On commutative properties of halftoning and their applications
* On the detection of step edges in algorithms based on gradient vector analysis
* Optimal parameter estimation of ellipses
* Photopix: An object-oriented framework for digital image processing systems
* Plausibilistic preprocessing of sparse range images
* Prediction of short-term evolution of cloud formations based on Meteosat image sequences
* proposal on local and adaptive determination of filter scale for edge detection, A
* Prototyping of interactive satellite image analysis tools using a real-time data-flow computer
* Pruning discrete and semicontinuous skeletons
* pyramidal approach to convex hull and filling algorithms, A
* Quality enhancement in image enlargement
* Recognition of rotated characters by inexact matching
* Region-based segmentation of textured images
* Restoration of noisy underwater acoustic images using Markov Random Fields
* robust analytical approach for handwritten word recognition, A
* Robust features for textures in additive noise
* Rule-based method for tumor recognition in liver ultrasonic images
* Segmentation/reconstruction of range images based on piecewise-linear approximation
* Segmenting 3D objects into geons
* Selecting reference signatures for on-line signature verification
* semi-automatic method for form layout description, A
* Sensor planning techniques and active visual inspection
* Simulation of aircraft images for Airport Surface Traffic Control
* Spatial-temporal data management for a 3D graphical information system
* Speckle noise filtering in SAR images using wavelets
* Structural features by MCR expression for printed Arabic character recognition
* Sub-pixel registration for super high resolution image acquisition based on temporal integration
* Symbolic indexing of cardiological sequences through dynamic curve representations
* Synthesising objects and scenes using the reverse distance transformation in 2D and 3D
* Texture analysis: Representation and matching
* Texture segmentation using local phase differences in Gabor filtered images
* Tissue segmentation in MRI as an informative indicator of disease activity in the brain
* understanding of muscle fibre images, An
* unsupervised and non-parametric Bayesian Image segmentation, An
* Use of cortical filters and neural networks in a self-organising image classification system
* Using Hopfield networks to segment color images
* vision system for automatic inspection of meat quality, A
* Vision-based navigation in service robotics
* Visual communications
* visual speech model based on fuzzy-neuro methods, A
* VLSI scalable processor array for motion estimation, A
* watershed transformation for multiresolution image segmentation, The
115 for CIAP95

* 3-D object positioning from monocular image brightnesses
* adaptive deformable template for mouth boundary modeling, An
* Adaptive fovea structures for space-variant sensors
* Adaptive logic networks for facial feature detection
* Adaptive motion estimation and video vector quantization based on spatiotemporal non-linearities of human perception
* Adaptive non-cartesian networks for vision
* Adaptive pen user interface with supervised competitive learning
* Adaptive selection of image classifiers
* Adaptive stereo matching in correlation scale-space
* Adding associative meshes to the PACCO I.P. environment
* algorithm for the global solution of the shape-from-shading model, An
* Analysis and segmentation of remote-sensing images for land-cover mapping
* Analysis of a Two Step MPEG Video System
* Analysis of grey-level features for line segment stereo matching
* Analysis situs and image processing
* appearance-based approach to gesture-recognition, An
* Audio-visual processing for scene change detection
* Automatic pedestrian recognition using real-time motion analysis
* Automatic recognition of printed arabic text using neural network classifier
* Automatic recognition of spicules in mammograms
* automatic transformation from bimodal to pseudo-binary images, An
* Autonomous plant inspection and anomaly detection
* Bimodal histogram transformation based on maximum likelihood parameter estimates in univariate Gaussian mixtures
* brain-like approach to multistage hierarchical image processing, A
* Bézier modelling of cracks
* C: Improvements to image magnification
* Camera calibration based on 3D-point-grid
* Challenges and opportunities for PR&CV research in year 2000 and beyond
* Classification reliability and its use in multi-classifier systems
* Color based object recognition
* Color linear model
* Color texture classification by wavelet energy correlation signatures
* Colour image retrieval fitted to classical querying
* Combination of active sensing and sensor fusion for collision avoidance in mobile robots
* Combining high-level features with sequential local features for on-line handwriting recognition
* COMPARES Project: Connectionist methods for preprocessing and analysis of remote sensing data, The
* Comparison and application of selected statistical shape models in medical imaging
* computational approach to color illusions, A
* Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Images
* Computer vision and image processing in postal automation
* Content-centric computing in visual systems
* Contextual edge detection using a recurrent neural network
* Contour line extraction from color images of scanned maps
* Contribution to the colour segmentation by means of an algorithm which reduces the CCDs saturation problems
* Convergence of model based shape from shading
* COP: A new method for extracting edges and corners
* CRASH project: Defect detection and classification in ferrite cores, The
* Cross-media color matching using neural networks
* Customizing MPEG video compression algorithms to specific application domains: The case of highway monitoring
* Dedicated hardware processors for a real-time image data pre-processing implemented in FPGA structure
* Defining cost functions and profitability measures for digraphs associated with raster DEMs
* Detection of rib shadows in digital chest radiographs
* Development of image processing technique for detection of the rescue target in the marine casualty
* Direct aspect-based 3-D object recognition
* Discontinuity adaptive MRF model for synthetic aperture radar image analysis
* divide-and-conquer strategy in recovering shape of book surface from shading, A
* Dynamic Scale-Space Theories
* Easy calibration of pan/tilt camera heads and online computation of the epipolar correspondences
* Efficient region segmentation through creep-and-merge
* ESPRIT LTR research project: Nonlinear model-based analysis and description of images for multimedia applications (NOBLESSE), The
* Estimating translation/deformation motion through phase correlation
* Estimation of the color image gradient with perceptual attributes
* Evolutionary image segmentation
* Experiments on the decomposition of arbitrarily shaped binary morphological structuring elements
* Experiments with a new area-based stereo algorithm
* Exponential vector field tomography
* Extending adjacency to fuzzy sets for coping with imprecise image objects
* fast approach for determining of visibility of 3D object's surfaces, A
* Fast error-correcting graph isomorphism based on model precompilation
* Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing
* Fast segmentation of range images
* Fast tissue segmentation based on a 4D feature map: Preliminary results
* Function-described graphs applied to 3D object representation
* general and flexible deskewing method based on generalized projection, A
* generalised geometry and intensity based partial volume correction for magnetic resonance images, A
* Generalization of shifted fovea multiresolution geometries applied to object detection
* geometric modeling tool for stereo-matching and reconstruction of a model of 3D-scene, A
* geometrically deformable contour model, A
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition using displacement extraction based on directional features
* Hierarchical depth mapping from multiple cameras
* Histogram families for color-based retrieval in image databases
* Histogram-based image registration for digital subtraction angiography
* Holographic image representations: The Fourier transform method
* Identifying human face profiles with semi-local integral invariants
* Image analysis and synthesis using physics-based-modeling for pearl quality evaluation system
* Image compression based on Centipede Model
* Image databases are not databases with images
* Image registration with shape mixtures
* Image retrieval by color regions
* Image retrieval by multidimensional elastic matching
* Image segmentation by means of fuzzy entropy measure
* improved active shape model: Handling occlusion and outliers, An
* Improved textured images segmentation using an energy functional
* Improving the use of contours and skeletons for off-line cursive script segmentation
* Integral based approach for determining motion vector fields
* integrated approach for segmentation and representation of range images, An
* Integration of optical and acoustical imaging sensors for underwater applications
* Integration of spatio-temporal information for motion detection by means of fuzzy reasoning
* Interactive model-based matching retrieval
* Interactive segmentation of 3D ultrasound using deformable solid models and active contours
* Invariant object representation and recognition using Lie algebra of perceptual vector fields
* Joint Detection, Interpolation, Motion and Parameter Estimation for Image Sequences with Missing Data
* Learning for feature selection and shape detection
* Learning Visual Ideals
* Leather inspection through singularities detection using wavelet transforms
* Logical structure analysis by typographic characteristics extraction
* long term change detection method for surveillance applications, A
* Lossless compression of pre-press images using a novel colour decorrelation technique
* Markov random field model for bony tissue classification, A
* method for segmentation of CT head images, A
* Motion and intensity-based segmentation and its application to traffice monitoring
* Multi-level dynamic programming for axial motion stereo line matching
* Multi-scale gradient magnitude watershed segmentation
* Multiscale edge detection via normal changes
* Neural network for region detection
* new algorithm for 3D profilometry based on phase measurement, A
* new approach to computation of curvature scale space image for shape similarity retrieval, A
* new deformable model for 3D image segmentation, A
* new lossless image compression algorithm based on arithmetic coding, A
* new methodology to automatically segment biomedical images, A
* Nobel Chile Jalapeno sorting using structured laser and neural network classifiers
* Non-visible deformations
* Novel block truncation coding of image sequences for limited-color display
* novel pair-wise recognition scheme for handwritten characters in the framework of a multi-expert configuration, A
* Object pose by affine iterations
* Object recognition and performance bounds
* Optical Character Recognition Without Segmentation
* Optical image acquisition, analysis and processing for biomedical applications
* Optimal keys for image database indexing
* Optimality analysis of edge detection algorithms for range images
* Optimization methods in multilayer classifier networks for automatic control of lamellibranch larva growth
* Pattern recognition from compressed labelled trees of fuzzy regions
* Person identification system based on a trapezoid pyramid architecture of a gray-level image
* Perspective matching using the EM algorithm
* practical algorithm for structure and motion recovery from long sequence of images, A
* Pyramid-based multi-sensor image data fusion with enhancement of textural features
* Quality measures for interactive image retrieval with a performance evaluation of two 3X3 texel-based methods
* Quantitative assessment of two skeletonization algorithms adapted to rectangular grids
* Real time hardware architecture for visual robot navigation
* Reconstructing digital sets from X-rays
* Reconstruction of 3-D shape and texture by active rangefinding
* Reconstruction of severely degraded image sequences
* Refining surface curvature with relaxation labeling
* Region growing Euclidean distance transforms
* regularization method for unfolding the measured data of different X-ray spectrometers in Compton scattering tomography, A
* Relating image warping to 3D geometrical deformations
* Robust fitting of 3D CAD models to video streams
* Robust motion estimation using chrominance information in colour image sequences
* robust structural fingerprint restoration, A
* Segmentation of multispectral images of works of art through principal component analysis
* Segmentation of sputum color image for lung cancer diagnosis based on neural networks
* Segmentation of ultrasound image data by two dimensional autoregressive modelling
* Similarity measures for binary and gray level Markov Random Field textures
* simple and effective edge detector, A
* Smoothing of MPEG multi-program video coding for packet networks
* Spatial correlation features for SAR images in a small sample size context
* Specialized environment for medical radiological image visualization
* Speeding up fractal encoding of images using a block indexing technique
* Static and dynamic attractors of autoassociative neural networks
* Statistical Classification Method For Hierarchical Irregular Objects, A
* Structural characterisation of image processing operators
* Subjective analysis of edge detectors in color image processing
* Surface modeling and display from range and color data
* system for the automatic and real time recognition of V.L.P.'s (Vehicle License Plate)., A
* Temporal prediction of video sequences using an image warping technique based on color segmentation
* terminological image retrieval model, The
* Texture analysis using pairwise interaction maps
* Texture features in the classification of melanocytic lesions
* Topology and shape preserving parallel thinning for 3D digital images: A new approach
* Two motion-detection algorithms for projection-reconstruction magnetic resonance imaging: Theory and experimental verification
* Two-dimensional fractal segmentation of natural images
* two-stage framework for polygon retrieval using Minimum Circular Error Bound, A
* Two-step parameter-free elastic image registration with prescribed point displacements
* Underwater vegetation detection in high frequency sonar images: A preliminary approach
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
* Using proximity and spatial homogeneity in neighbourhood-based classifiers
* Using top-down and bottom-up analysis for a multi-scale skeleton hierarchy
* VIRSBS project: Visual intelligent recognition for secure banking services, The
* Visualizing parametric surfaces at variable resolution
* Wavelet transform architectures: A system level review
* Wavelets for multiresolution shape recognition
* Weighted walkthroughs in retrieval by contents of pictorial data
* Where are the ball and players? Soccer game analysis with color-based tracking and image mosaick
* Zoning design for handwritten numeral recognition
186 for CIAP97

* 3D deformable face model for pose determination and face synthesis
* 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images and vanishing points
* 3D object recognition by VC-graphs and interactive constraint satisfaction
* 3D reconstruction of third proximal femur (31-) with active contours
* About modeling cultural heritage objects with limited computers resources
* Accuracy of a supervised classification of the artificial objects in thermal hyperspectral images
* Active face and feature tracking
* Active outdoor surveillance
* ACTS Project-AC077. Scalable architectures with hardware extensions for low bitrate variable bandwidth realtime videocommunications (SCALAR)
* AMOVIP: advanced modeling of visual information processing
* anisotropic diffusion PDE for noise reduction and thin edge preservation, An
* Assisted Video Sequences Indexing: Motion Analysis Based on Interest Points
* Attribute Trees In Image Analysis: Heuristic Matching and Learning Techniques
* Attributed tree matching and maximum weight cliques
* Automated lesion detection methods for 2D and 3D chest X-ray images
* Automatic Construction of Tree-structural image Transformations using Genetic Programming
* Automatic correction of bias field in magnetic resonance images
* Automatic detection of the intimal and the adventitial layers of the common carotid artery wall in ultrasound B-mode images using snakes
* Automatic generation of significant and local feature groups of complex and deformed objects
* Automatic quality control of industrial products for irrigation
* Automatic segmentation of microaneurysms in retinal angiograms of diabetic patients
* Background removal in image indexing and retrieval
* Bayesian Graph Edit Distance
* BSP realisation of Jarvis's algorithm, A
* Building meaningful edge maps from range images
* C: Automatic classification of clustered microcalcifications by a multiple expert system
* Cell segmentation with median filter and mathematical morphology operation
* Cellular automata-based optical flow computation for just-in-time applications
* Character segmentation in highly blurred ancient printed documents
* Classification and representation of networks from satellite images
* compact wavelet index for retrieval in image database, A
* Comparison of texture features based on Gabor filters
* comprehensive approach to image-contrast enhancement, A
* Computation of two texture features in hardware
* Computer aided differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules using curvature based analysis
* computer vision system for automatic knowledge-based configuration of the image processing and hierarchical object recognition, A
* Constructing iso-surfaces satisfying the Delaunay constraint. Application to the skeleton computation
* Construction of city video database based on automatic scene detection and recognition
* Content-based similarity retrieval of images based on spatial color distributions
* Continuous pseudo-inverse image reconstruction in spiral magnetic resonance imaging
* Creation of real images which are valid for the assumptions made in shape from shading
* Dempster-Shafer's theory as an aid to color information processing. Application to melanoma detection in dermatology
* Depth image matching for underwater vehicle navigation
* Describing patterns in flow-like images
* Design of a visual environment for evaluating and customizing medical image compression techniques
* Detecting Persons on Changing Background
* Detection of linear bands in gray-scale images based on the Euclidean distance transform and the Hough transform
* Detection of roads from satellite image using the optimal search
* Detection of rounded opacities on chest radiographs using convergence index filter
* Detection of video scene breaks using directional informations in DCT domain
* Determining the skeletons of the auroras
* development of hierarchical visual languages, The
* Diatom identification: a double challenge called ADIAC
* Differential equations for phase-based stereo-vision
* distance transform algorithm on a two-processor computer, The
* Distinctiveness maps for image matching
* Distributed output encoding for multi-class pattern recognition
* Dominant color region based indexing for CBIR
* DSP-based real time contour tracking system, A
* Dyta: an intelligent system for moving target detection
* efficient implementation and evaluation of robust face sequence matching, An
* Euclidean distance transform on a dedicated architecture based on a reconfigurable mesh network
* Evaluating WIMP interfaces through the SUE approach
* extension to a filter implementation of a local quadratic surface for image noise estimation, An
* Extracting multispectral edges in satellite images over agricultural fields
* Extraction of bibliography information based on image of book cover
* Extraction of traffic information from images at DEIS
* Face processing and recognition using learning and evolution
* Face recognition using binary thresholding for features extraction
* Facial expression morphing and animation with local warping methods
* Fast 3D image transformations for registration procedures
* Fast localisation of mechanical components using Hough transform
* Fast search for entropy-constrained VQ
* Fast spectral algorithms of invariants calculation
* Feature matching by searching maximum clique on high order association graph
* figure extraction method based on the color and texture contrasts of regions, A
* Filtering and prediction techniques in radar tracking of vehicles for assisted driving
* Finding faces in color images using wavelet transform
* Finding water depths from synthetic remotely sensed images
* fuzzy approach to segment document images, A
* Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square
* Geometric analysis and computing of projective structure and motion
* golden block self-generating scheme for continuous patterned wafer inspections, A
* Graph cut: application to Bayesian emission tomography reconstruction
* Hartley transform in compression of medical ultrasonic images
* Hidden multiresolution random fields and their application to image segmentation
* high precision 3D object reconstruction method using a color coded grid and NURBS, A
* How to rotate a camera
* Human computer interface for gesture-based editing system
* Hydra: Multiple People Detection and Tracking Using Silhouettes
* ICM method for multi-level thresholding using maximum entropy criterion
* Identifying and tracking ellipses: a technique based on elliptical deformable templates
* Illumination invariant background extraction
* Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
* Image basic features indexing techniques for video skimming
* Image enhancement using pattern-selective color image fusion
* Image indexing using weighted color histogram
* Image processing for restoration of old film sequences
* Image restoration using quantum fluctuation
* Image retrieval based on chromaticity moments
* Image segmentation by texture analysis
* Image sequence analysis using a spatio-temporal coding for automatic lipreading
* Image stabilization by features tracking
* Improved entropic edge-detection
* Improved low complexity fully parallel thinning algorithm
* Improving the robustness of image-based tracking to control 3D robot motions
* Integer wavelet packets and their application to a lossy compression system for SAR images
* integrated face detection and recognition system, An
* interactive visual environment to understand, model and exploit user subjectivity in image retrieving systems, An
* interpretation system for cadastral maps, An
* Invariant scene description based on salient regions for preattentive similarity assessment
* Knowledge-based methods for classifier combination: An experimental investigation
* laminar architecture of visual cortex and image processing technology, The
* Learning vector quantization with alternative distance criteria
* Learning visual operators from examples: a new paradigm in image processing
* Line clustering with vanishing point and vanishing line
* Location of the pupil-iris border in slit-lamp images of the cornea
* Machine vision for medical image analysis and virtual surgery
* Managing the complexity of match in retrieval by spatial arrangement
* Measuring classification complexity of image databases: A novel approach
* Memory-based forecasting of complex natural patterns by retrieving similar image sequences
* methodology for woody crop location and discrimination in remote sensing, A
* Methods for dynamic classifier selection
* Modified BPT giving exact decoder convergence
* modified modular eigenspace approach to face recognition, A
* Monitoring motorway infrastructures for detection of dangerous events
* Morphing as a tool for motion modelling
* Morphological filters implementation based on a co-design approach
* Morphological interpolation and color images
* Motion detection, labeling, data association and tracking, in real-time on RISC computer
* multi-agent framework for visual surveillance, A
* Multimedia communication techniques for remote cable-based video-surveillance systems
* Multiresolution object-of-interest detection for images with low depth of field
* navigation system for vision-guided mobile robots, A
* new approach for fast line detection based on combinatorial optimization, A
* new database of confusing characters for testing character recognition algorithms, A
* new deformable contour method, A
* new evolutionary learning model for handwritten character prototyping, A
* new technique for color image segmentation, A
* New tools for image interaction
* Non-linear scale-selection for image compression improvement obtained by perceptual distortion criteria
* On observing shape from defocused images
* On robust rectification for uncalibrated images
* Passengers queue length measurement
* Performance estimation of model-based automatic target recognition using attributed scattering center features
* Performance evaluation of the VF graph matching algorithm
* Permanence-based shape decomposition in binary pyramids
* photographer metaphor for content based image retrieval, The
* Planar 3D object detection by using the generalized Hough transform
* Projective decomposition of planar facets
* Quality assessment of compressed cardiac MRI. Effect of lossy compression on computerized physiological parameters
* radar reflectance model for terrain analysis using shape from shading, A
* Random walk approach to image enhancement
* Real-time detection of moving vehicles
* real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fusion, A
* Region-based modeling and tree edit distance as a basis for gesture recognition
* Remote cable-based video surveillance applications: the AVS-RIO project
* Representing and recognizing visual dynamic events with support vector machines
* Retrieval by shape using multidimensional indexing structures
* Robotic wheelchair observing its inside and outside
* SAR image processing using artificial intelligence planning
* scale-space approach to preattentive texture discrimination, A
* Segmentation and object detection with Gabor filters and cumulative histograms
* Segmentation of X-ray CT images using stochastic templates
* Segmentation-based lossless compression for color images
* Self-training statistic snake for image segmentation and tracking
* Shape Reconstruction of 3D Bilaterally Symmetric Surfaces
* Shape-from-shading using a curvature consistency constraint
* Shift detection by restoration: Demonstrated by signal based point pattern matching
* SIC DB: multi-modal database for person authentication
* Similarity retrieval of trademark images
* simple and efficient connected components labeling algorithm, A
* simple multi-layer digital video coder for multimedia network applications, A
* Simultaneous multitarget detection and false alarm mitigation algorithm for the Predator UAV TESAR ATR system
* Single camera multiplexing for multi-target tracking
* Skin colour region detection in MPEG video sequences
* Social and content-based information filtering for a Web graphics recommender system
* Sprite generation and coding of multiview image sequences
* Strong-from-weak model sensor estimation using Voronoi diagrams
* Subpixellic eyes detection
* Surface approximation of 3D objects from irregularly sampled clouds of 3D points using spherical wavelets
* Surface segmentation based on perceptual grouping
* Surveillance sensor systems using CMOS imagers
* Symmetry detection by random sampling and voting process
* Texture analysis using morphological pattern spectrum and optimization of structuring elements
* Texture extraction from photographs and rendering with dynamic texture mapping
* Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning
* Thin edge detector
* ToCAI: A framework for indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents
* Tracking vehicles in image sequence for avoiding obstacles
* Traffic monitoring in motorways by real-time number plate recognition
* Two computer vision-based tracking applications solved using a robust parallel optimizer
* Two dimensional generalized edge detector
* two-stage codebook building method using fast WAN, A
* Understanding the page logical structure
* Underwater buried object recognition using wavelet packets and Fourier descriptors
* Unsupervised extraction of salient region-descriptors for content based image retrieval
* Unsupervised multiscale image segmentation
* Using fractal encoding for image indexing
* Using normal patterns in handwritten character recognition
* Using relevance feedback to learn visual concepts from image instances
* virtual reality environment for Web browsing, A
* vision system for flexible objects analysis, A
* Visual information from anisotropic transformations
* Visualising the potential of interactive systems
* VLSI implementation of a foveal polygon segmentation algorithm
* Wiener filter and regularization methods for image restoration problems, The
* Wireless video surveillance: system concepts
209 for CIAP99

Index for "c"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:00:20
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