Update Dates 0711

0711 * 2D Building Change Detection from High Resolution Aerial Images and Correlation Digital Surface Models
* 2D Wigner Distribution-based multisize windows technique for image fusion, A
* 3D face and hand biometric system for robust user-friendly authentication, A
* 3D Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Nonuniform Re-sampling Correspondence, A
* 3D face recognition by constructing deformation invariant image
* 3D Face Reconstruction Under Imperfect Tracking Circumstances Using Shape Model Constraints
* 3D Face Scanning Systems Based on Invisible Infrared Coded Light
* 3D face verification using a free-parts approach
* 3D head model retrieval in kernel feature space using HSOM
* 3D Intrusion Detection System with Uncalibrated Multiple Cameras
* 3D Least-Squares-Based Surface Reconstruction
* 3D Motion from structures of points, lines and planes
* 3D Object Modeling and Recognition from Photographs and Image Sequences
* 3D Reconstruction and Pose Determination of the Cutting Tool from a Single View
* 3D Segmentation of Unstructured Point Clouds for Building Modelling
* 3D Shape Recovery by the Use of Single Image Plus Simple Pattern Illumination
* 3D Tracking Using 2D-3D Line Segment Correspondence and 2D Point Motion
* 3D-spline reconstruction using shape from shading: Spline from shading
* 4D Ventricular Segmentation and Wall Motion Estimation Using Efficient Discrete Optimization
* Accelerating Pattern Matching or How Much Can You Slide?
* ACONS: A New Algorithm for Clustering Documents
* Action Recognition for Surveillance Applications Using Optic Flow and SVM
* Actions as Space-Time Shapes
* Active Contours Under Topology Control: Genus Preserving Level Sets
* Active Multi-camera Motion Capture for Face, Fingers and Whole Body, An
* Active semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* AdaBoost Learning for Human Detection Based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Adapting, Splitting and Merging Cadastral Boundaries According to Homogenous LULC Types Derived from SPOT 5 Data
* adaptive algorithm for the display of high-dynamic range images, An
* Adaptive bitstream switching of scalable video
* Adaptive Chrominance Correction for a Projector Considering Image and Screen Color
* Adaptive computation-aware scheme for software-based predictive block motion estimation
* Adaptive Detection for Group-Based Multimedia Fingerprinting
* Adaptive Detection in Nonhomogeneous Environments Using the Generalized Eigenrelation
* Adaptive dynamic range camera with reflective liquid crystal
* Adaptive ECG Compression Using Support Vector Machine
* Adaptive Filtering for Color Filter Array Demosaicking
* Adaptive frame skipping based on spatio-temporal complexity for low bit-rate video coding
* Adaptive Local Linear Regression With Application to Printer Color Management
* adaptive media playout for intra-media synchronization of networked-video applications, An
* Adaptive multi-modal stereo people tracking without background modelling
* Adaptive Multifeature Tracking in a Particle Filtering Framework
* Adaptive Multiple Object Tracking Using Colour and Segmentation Cues
* Adaptive Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis Method and Its Application to Face Recognition, An
* Adaptive partial distortion search for block motion estimation
* Adaptive rate control for H.264
* Adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment with embedded side information
* Adaptive SPECT
* Adaptively Determining Degrees of Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces
* Addressing corner detection issues for machine vision based UAV aerial refueling
* adult image identification system employing image retrieval technique, An
* Advanced methods for two-class pattern recognition problem formulation for minutiae-based fingerprint verification
* Affine Motion Prediction Based on Translational Motion Vectors
* Algorithm for Foreground-Background Separation in Low Quality Patrimonial Document Images, An
* Algorithm for Merging Geographic Datasets Based on the Spatial Distributions of Their Values, An
* Algorithm, Implementation and Application of the SIM-DL Similarity Server
* Analysis of Automatic Gender Classification, An
* Analysis of Ground-Based SAR Data With Diverse Temporal Baselines
* Analysis of sexual dimorphism in human face
* Analyzing Facial Expression by Fusing Manifolds
* Analyzing the Influences of Camera Warm-Up Effects on Image Acquisition
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for low-contrast glass substrates, An
* Anisotropic Potential Field Maximization Model for Subjective Contour from Line Figure
* Annealing and the normalized N-cut
* Anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery based on maximum entropy and nonparametric estimation
* Anti-aliasing Technique for Voxel-Based Massive Model Visualization Strategies, An
* Anytime similarity measures for faster alignment
* Apparatus and method for performing sub-pixel vector estimations using quadratic approximations
* Appearance-based person recognition using color/path-length profile
* Apple color grading based on organization feature parameters
* Application of image correction and bit-plane fusion in generalized PCA based face recognition
* Applying Spatial Reasoning to Topographical Data with a Grounded Geographical Ontology
* Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Features from Aerial Photographs, An
* Approximate information discriminant analysis: A computationally simple heteroscedastic feature extraction technique
* Approximating a set of points by a step function
* Architecture for a Grounded Ontology of Geographic Information
* Artistic Edge and Corner Enhancing Smoothing
* As-rigid-as-possible shape deformation and interpolation
* Assessing human skin color from uncalibrated images
* Assessing the 3D Structure of the Single Crowns in Mixed Alpine Forests
* Attention links sensing to recognition
* Attention Monitoring for Music Contents Based on Analysis of Signal-Behavior Structures
* Attentive texture similarity as a categorization task: Comparing texture synthesis models
* Audio-Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments
* Automated analysis of differential interference contrast microscopy images of the foveal cone mosaic
* Automated Billboard Insertion in Video
* Automated Finite-Element Analysis for Deformable Registration of Prostate Images
* Automated Generation of Building Textures from Infrared Image Sequences
* Automated Removal of Partial Occlusion Blur
* Automated Scene-Specific Selection of Feature Detectors for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Automated Segmentation and Classification of High Throughput Yeast Assay Spots
* Automated Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Automatic Age Estimation Based on Facial Aging Patterns
* Automatic Building Extraction from DEMs Using an Object Approach and Application to the 3D-City Modeling
* Automatic Class Mean Calculation of Road Surface from IKONOS Images Using Fuzzy Logic and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Automatic Clump Splitting for Cell Quantification in Microscopical Images
* Automatic Detection of Zenith Direction in 3D Point Clouds of Built-Up Areas
* Automatic Discrimination of Farmland Types Using IKONOS Imagery
* Automatic extraction and delineation of single trees from remote sensing data
* Automatic Extraction of a Quadrilateral Network of NURBS Patches from Range Data Using Evolutionary Strategies
* Automatic extraction of moving objects for head-shoulder video sequence
* Automatic generation of conference video proceedings
* Automatic generation of consensus ground truth for the comparison of edge detection techniques
* Automatic Image Annotation Using a Semi-supervised Ensemble of Classifiers
* Automatic image authentication and recovery using fractal code embedding and image inpainting
* Automatic Image Representation for Content-Based Access to Personal Photo Album
* Automatic Inspection of Tobacco Leaves Based on MRF Image Model
* Automatic liver segmentation for volume measurement in CT Images
* automatic method for generating affine moment invariants, An
* Automatic Microarray Spot Segmentation Using a Snake-Fisher Model
* Automatic Non Parametric Procedures for Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds Processing
* Automatic object extraction and reconstruction in active video
* Automatic Range Image Registration Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Automatic Reconstruction of Shape Evolution of ETFE-Foils by Close-Range Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* Automatic Registration of Laser Point Clouds of Urban Areas
* Automatic Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery Incorporating Prior Information and Colour Segmentation
* Automatic scene structure and camera motion using a catadioptric system
* Automatic Subcortical Structure Segmentation Using Probabilistic Atlas
* Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Digital Camera System for Estimation of Travel Times
* Automatic Velocity Estimation of Targets in Dynamic Stereo
* Autopolis: Allowing User Influence in the Automatic Creation of Realistic Cities
* Background Removal of Multiview Images by Learning Shape Priors
* Backward Segmentation and Region Fitting for Geometrical Visibility Range Estimation
* Bagging with Asymmetric Costs for Misclassified and Correctly Classified Examples
* Barbell-Lifting Based 3-D Wavelet Coding Scheme
* Basin Morphology Approach to Colour Image Segmentation by Region Merging, A
* Bayes Machines for binary classification
* Bayes Reconstruction of Missing Teeth
* Bayesian Analysis of Lidar Signals with Multiple Returns
* Bayesian Data Fusion for Adaptable Image Pansharpening
* Bayesian Detection of Coding Regions in DNA/RNA Sequences Through Event Factoring
* Bayesian Edge Regularization in Range Image Segmentation
* Bayesian Image Modeling of cDNA Microarray Spots
* Bayesian Network for Foreground Segmentation in Region Level, A
* Bayesian object extraction from uncalibrated image pairs
* Belief updating in Bayesian networks by using a criterion of minimum time
* Benefits and costs of scalable video coding for internet streaming
* Biblio: Automatic Meta-Data Extraction
* Bilateral Filtering of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images
* Binary Decision Tree Based Real-Time Emotion Detection System, A
* Binary Fingerprint Image Thinning Using Template-Based PCNNs
* Binary-image comparison with local-dissimilarity quantification
* Biometric Recognition: Overview and Recent Advances
* Biometric scores fusion based on total error rate minimization
* Biometric verification/identification based on hands natural layout
* Blind Deconvolution of Medical Ultrasound Images: A Parametric Inverse Filtering Approach
* Blind restoration of atmospherically degraded images by automatic best step-edge detection
* Block-based motion field segmentation for video coding
* Blur in Human Vision and Increased Visual Realism in Virtual Environments
* BM³E : Discriminative Density Propagation for Visual Tracking
* Boosting with Temporal Consistent Learners: An Application to Human Activity Recognition
* BoostMap: An Embedding Method for Efficient Nearest Neighbor Retrieval
* Bootstrapping approach to feature-weight selection in fuzzy c-means algorithms with an application in color image segmentation
* Border Vector Detection and Adaptation for Classification of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Boundary based shape orientation
* Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on a Suitable Combination of Deformable Models and Artificial Neural Networks Techniques
* Bridging the semantic gap in sports video retrieval and summarization
* Brownian Warps for Non-Rigid Registration
* Building Change Detection from Digital Surface Models and Multi-Spectral Images
* Building Geospatial Ontologies from Geographical Databases
* Building Petri Nets from Video Event Ontologies
* Buildings Modelling for Digital Orthorectification of Urban Areas Images
* Calibrating Pan-Tilt Cameras with Telephoto Lenses
* Calibration of 3D kinematic systems using orthogonality constraints
* Camera Calibration from Silhouettes Under Incomplete Circular Motion with a Constant Interval Angle
* Camera Calibration Using Principal-Axes Aligned Conics
* CAMPINO: A skeletonization method for point cloud processing
* Cancelable Biometrics Realization With Multispace Random Projections
* Cardiac Motion Estimation from Tagged MRI Using 3D-HARP and NURBS Volumetric Model
* Cascade of Feed-Forward Classifiers for Fast Pedestrian Detection, A
* Center-of-mass variation under projective transformation
* Certainty Measure of Pairwise Line Segment Perceptual Relations Using Fuzzy Logic
* Channel/Handset Mismatch Evaluation in a Biometric Speaker Verification Using Shifted Delta Cepstral Features
* Chaotic Watermarking for Video Authentication in Surveillance Applications
* ChipViz: Visualizing Memory Chip Test Data
* Classification and Recognition of Dynamical Models: The Role of Phase, Independent Components, Kernels and Optimal Transport
* Classification in an informative sample subspace
* Classification in the presence of class noise using a probabilistic Kernel Fisher method
* Classification of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Breast Lesions by Support Vector Machines
* Classification of face images using local iterated function systems
* Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images Using Texture from the Panchromatic Band
* Classification of recreational boat types based on trajectory patterns
* Classification of Structural Cartographic Objects Using Edge-Based Features
* Classifier learning with a new locality regularization method
* Classifying CT Image Data Into Material Fractions by a Scale and Rotation Invariant Edge Model
* Classifying Multifrequency Fully Polarimetric Imagery With Multiple Sources of Statistical Evidence and Contextual Information
* Close Range Photogrammetry Used for the Monitoring of Harbour Breakwaters
* Clothing segmentation using foreground and background estimation based on the constrained Delaunay triangulation
* Cloud-Screening Algorithm for ENVISAT/MERIS Multispectral Images
* cluster validity measure with a hybrid parameter search method for the support vector clustering algorithm, A
* Clustering and Embedding Using Commute Times
* Clustering-Based Hyperspectral Band Selection Using Information Measures
* CNN-type algorithms for H.264 variable block-size partitioning
* Co-segmentation of Image Pairs with Quadratic Global Constraint in MRFs
* Coarse orientation of terrestrial laser scans in urban environments
* Coarse-to-Fine Statistical Shape Model by Bayesian Inference
* Coding Region Prediction in Genomic Sequences Using a Combination of Digital Signal Processing Approaches
* Cognitive Vision and Perceptual Grouping by Production Systems with Blackboard Control: An Example for High-Resolution SAR-Images
* Cognitive vision: The case for embodied perception
* Collaboration on Scene Graph Based 3D Data
* Color aided motion-segmentation and object tracking for video sequences semantic analysis
* Color Constancy Via Convex Kernel Optimization
* Color Display for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Color high dynamic range imaging: The luminance-chrominance approach
* Color image decomposition and restoration
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normalized Cuts
* Color image segmentation: Rough-set theoretic approach
* Color Segmentation of Complex Document Images
* Color- and Texture-Based Image Segmentation for Improved Forest Delineation
* Color-Stripe Structured Light Robust to Surface Color and Discontinuity
* Combinatorial boundary of a 3D lattice point set
* Combinatorial Shape Decomposition
* Combined Object Detection and Segmentation by Using Space-Time Patches
* Combined PMHT and IMM Approach to Multiple-Point Target Tracking in Infrared Image Sequence, A
* Combined Statistical-Structural Strategy for Alphanumeric Recognition, A
* Combining a morphological interpolation approach with a surface reconstruction method for the 3-D representation of tomographic data
* Combining apparent motion and perspective as visual cues for content-based camera motion indexing
* Combining geometrical and textured information to perform image classification
* Combining Models of Pose and Dynamics for Human Motion Recognition
* Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic Tracking
* Combining Visual Dictionary, Kernel-Based Similarity and Learning Strategy for Image Category Retrieval
* Comment on: Image thresholding using type II fuzzy sets
* Comments on On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
* Comments on The Generalized Wiener Process for Colored Noise
* Comments on: Novel full-search schemes for speeding up image coding using vector quantization
* Comparative Studies on Multispectral Palm Image Fusion for Biometrics
* comparative study of deformable contour methods on medical image segmentation, A
* Comparative Study of Local Matching Approach for Face Recognition, A
* comparative study of Minimax Probability Machine-based approaches for face recognition, A
* Comparing a Transferable Belief Model Capable of Recognizing Facial Expressions with the Latest Human Data
* Comparing Human and Automatic Face Recognition Performance
* Comparing Statistical and Neural Network Methods Applied to Very High Resolution Satellite Images Showing Changes in Man-Made Structures at Rocky Flats
* Comparing Timoshenko Beam to Energy Beam for Fitting Noisy Data
* Comparison between two coevolutionary feature weighting algorithms in clustering
* Comparison of Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms for Image Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* comparison of generalized linear discriminant analysis algorithms, A
* Comparison of Generative and Discriminative Techniques for Object Detection and Classification
* Comparison of Pansharpening Algorithms: Outcome of the 2006 GRS-S Data-Fusion Contest
* Comparison of remotely sensed water stages from LiDAR, topographic contours and SRTM
* Comparison of Techniques for Mitigating the Effects of Illumination Variations on the Appearance of Human Targets
* comparison of three total variation based texture extraction models, A
* Comparison of Wavelet-Based and Ridgelet-Based Texture Classification of Tissues in Computed Tomography, A
* Complementary combination of holistic and component analysis for recognition of low-resolution video character images
* Complexity Analysis for Information Visualization Design and Evaluation
* Complexity controllable DCT for real-time H.264 encoder
* Components for Object Detection and Identification
* Compressed Sensing Shape Estimation of Star-Shaped Objects in Fourier Imaging
* Compression of facial images using the K-SVD algorithm
* Computation of Diffusion Function Measures in q-Space Using Magnetic Resonance Hybrid Diffusion Imaging
* Computationally efficient filtered-backprojection algorithm for tomographic image reconstruction using Walsh transform
* Computer vision techniques for forest fire perception
* Computing the Eccentricity Transform of a Polygonal Shape
* Conceptual representations between video signals and natural language descriptions
* Conditional Mutual Information Based Feature Selection for Classification Task
* Conformal Geometric Algebra for Endoscope-Traking System Calibration in Neurosurgery
* Confusion Matrix Disagreement for Multiple Classifiers
* Conic Fitting Using the Geometric Distance
* consensus-driven fuzzy clustering, A
* Constrained Active Appearance Models for Segmentation of Triplane Echocardiograms
* Constrained Optimization for Human Pose Estimation from Depth Sequences
* Constrained-storage multistage vector quantization based on genetic algorithms
* Constraint Score: A new filter method for feature selection with pairwise constraints
* Constructing cylindrical coordinate colour spaces
* Content based video matching using spatiotemporal volumes
* Content Separation Image Fusion Approach: Toward Conformity Between Spectral and Spatial Information, A
* Content-aware error-resilient transcoding using prioritized intra-refresh for video streaming
* Content-Aware Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Content-Based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees
* Content-based image retrieval using association rule mining with soft relevance feedback
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Shape and Depth from an Engineering Database
* Content-Based Matching of Videos Using Local Spatio-temporal Fingerprints
* Content-based retrieval for human motion data
* Context enhancement through infrared vision: a modified fusion scheme
* Continuous Self-Calibration and Ego-Motion Determination of a Moving Camera by Observing a Plane
* Continuously Tracking Objects Across Multiple Widely Separated Cameras
* Contour Matching in Omnidirectional Images
* Control Architecture for Long-Term Autonomy of Robotic Assistants, A
* Controlled 3D Data Fusion using Error-bounds
* Converting Thermal Infrared Face Images into Normal Gray-Level Images
* Convex Programming Approach to the Trace Quotient Problem, A
* Convex Semi-definite Positive Framework for DTI Estimation and Regularization, A
* Coregistration of Small Animal PET and Autoradiography for in vivo-ex vivo Comparison
* Correction of laser scanning intensity data: Data and model-driven approaches
* Correlation-based approach to color image compression
* Costs and Advantages of Object-Based Image Coding with Shape-Adaptive Wavelet Transform
* Creating Stereoscopic (3D) Video from a 2D Monocular Video Stream
* Cross Modal Disambiguation
* Cross-Layer Optimization for Video Transmission Over Multirate GMC-CDMA Wireless Links
* Crystal Vision: Applications of Point Groups in Computer Vision
* CT-EXT: An Algorithm for Computing Typical Testor Set
* CUDA-Supported Approach to Remote Rendering, A
* Cumulative Voting Consensus Method for Partitions with Variable Number of Clusters
* Cyclostationary Analysis Applied to Detection and Diagnosis of Faults in Helicopter Gearboxes, A
* DAGIS: A Geospatial Semantic Web Services Discovery and Selection Framework
* daily behavior enabled hidden Markov model for human behavior understanding, A
* Damascening video databases for evaluation of face tracking and recognition: The DXM2VTS database
* Data Driven Rule Proposal for Grammar Based Facade Reconstruction
* Data mining with a simulated annealing based fuzzy classification system
* Dataset Issues in Object Recognition
* decentralized probabilistic approach to articulated body tracking, A
* Decision directed adaptive blind equalization based on the constant modulus algorithm
* Defect Detection in Inhomogeneously Textured Sputtered Surfaces Using 3D Fourier Image Reconstruction
* Deformation measurement using terrestrial laser scanning data and least squares 3D surface matching
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Specular and Transparent Objects Using Stereo Cameras and Phase-Shift Method
* Dense height map estimation from oblique aerial image sequences
* Dense Stereo Matching with Growing Aggregation and Neural Learning
* Depth from Stationary Blur with Adaptive Filtering
* Derivation and Validation of a Sensitivity Formula for Slit-Slat Collimation
* Deriving a Priori Co-occurrence Probability Estimates for Object Recognition from Social Networks and Text Processing
* Deriving the Medial Axis with geometrical arguments for planar shapes
* Design a deblocking filter with three separate modes in DCT-based coding
* Design of General Projection Neural Networks for Solving Monotone Linear Variational Inequalities and Linear and Quadratic Optimization Problems
* Design of Linear Equalizers Optimized for the Structural Similarity Index
* Despeckle and geographical feature extraction in SAR images by wavelet transform
* Detecting and Handling Unreliable Points for Camera Parameter Estimation
* Detecting and matching feature points
* Detecting and Segmenting Un-occluded Items by Actively Casting Shadows
* Detecting, Tracking and Recognizing License Plates
* Detection of a Speaker in Video by Combined Analysis of Speech Sound and Mouth Movement
* Detection of irregularities in regular patterns
* Detection of Pose Changes for Spatial Objects from Projective Images
* Detection of Weak Laser Pulses by Full Waveform Stacking
* Determining Atmospheric Dust Concentrations During Strong Flow Perturbations Using a Digital-Optical Technique
* Determining comprehension and quality of TV programs using eye-gaze tracking
* Determining Efficient Scan-Patterns for 3-D Object Recognition Using Spin Images
* Determining Relative Geometry of Cameras from Normal Flows
* Deterministic Component of 2-D Wold Decomposition for Geometry and Texture Descriptors Discovery
* Developmental Word Acquisition and Grammar Learning by Humanoid Robots Through a Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network
* Diffusion Based Photon Mapping
* Digital Surface Models from UltraCam-X Images
* Digital Terrain Model on Vegetated Areas: Joint Use of Airborne LIDAR Data and Optical Images
* Dimensionality Reduction Based on Clonal Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Direct Extraction of Normal Mapped Meshes from Volume Data
* Direct Kernel Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis Algorithm, A
* discrete level set approach to image segmentation, A
* Discriminant Clustering Embedding for Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Discriminating 3D Faces by Statistics of Depth Differences
* Discriminative Framework for Texture and Object Recognition Using Local Image Features, A
* Discriminative Mean Shift Tracking with Auxiliary Particles
* Displacement BDD and geometric transformations of binary decision diagram encoded images
* Displaying colourimetrically calibrated images on a high dynamic range display
* Distributed 3D Information Visualization: Towards Integration of the Dynamic 3D Graphics and Web Services
* Distributed Adaptive Quantization and Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Distributed Linear Block Coding for Cooperative Wireless Communications
* Distribution-Based Semantic Similarity of Nouns
* Do unbalanced data have a negative effect on LDA
* Doppler embolic signal detection using the adaptive wavelet packet basis and neurofuzzy classification
* Duvall-Structure-Based Fast Adaptive Beamforming for Coherent Interference Cancellation
* Dynamic Balance Control Following Disturbance of Virtual Humans
* Dynamic Component Deforming Model for Face Shape Reconstruction, A
* Dynamic computational complexity and bit allocation for optimizing H.264/AVC video compression
* Dynamic Denoising of Tracking Sequences
* Dynamic Graph Cuts for Efficient Inference in Markov Random Fields
* Dynamic Penalty Based GA for Inducing Fuzzy Inference Systems
* Dynamic training using multistage clustering for face recognition
* Dynamic Vector Model of Microstrip RF Resonators for High-Field MR Imaging, A
* Dynamics using the Wigner distribution
* easy measure of compactness for 2D and 3D shapes, An
* Easying MR Development with Eclipse and InTml
* Echocardiographic Image Sequence Compression Based on Spatial Active Appearance Model
* Edge detection improvement by ant colony optimization
* Edge Detection in Ventriculograms Using Support Vector Machine Classifiers and Deformable Models
* Edge Grouping Combining Boundary and Region Information
* effective and fast iris recognition system based on a combined multiscale feature extraction technique, An
* Effective clustering and boundary detection algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation
* effective sentence-extraction technique using contextual information and statistical approaches for text summarization, An
* Effective vehicle detection technique for traffic surveillance systems
* Efficient Algorithm for Modelling Duration in Hidden Markov Models, with a Dramatic Application, An
* Efficient and Accurate Method for the Relaxation of Multiview Registration Error, An
* Efficient and Realistic Cumulus Cloud Simulation Based on Similarity Approach
* Efficient and robust shot change detection
* efficient ant colony optimization approach to attribute reduction in rough set theory, An
* Efficient Graph Cuts for Multiclass Interactive Image Segmentation
* Efficient high-dimensional indexing by sorting principal component
* Efficient hybrid error concealment algorithm based on adaptive estimation scheme
* Efficient Illumination Insensitive Object Tracking by Normalized Gradient Matching
* Efficient Interfacing of DWT and EBCOT in JPEG2000
* Efficient intra- and inter-mode selection algorithms for H.264/ AVC
* efficient iterative algorithm for image thresholding, An
* efficient k-means clustering algorithm, An
* Efficient Least Squares Multimodal Registration With a Globally Exhaustive Alignment Search
* Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Stroke Width Similarity, An
* Efficient Multilevel Brain Tumor Segmentation With Integrated Bayesian Model Classification
* Efficient Multimodal 2D-3D Hybrid Approach to Automatic Face Recognition, An
* Efficient Multiple-Description Image Coding Using Directional Lifting-Based Transform
* Efficient Normalized Cross Correlation Based on Adaptive Multilevel Successive Elimination
* efficient PCA-based color transfer method, An
* Efficient Reduction of Landsat TM Memory Effect Using Differential State Equation
* Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without Camera Priors
* Efficient Rendering of High-Detailed Objects Using a Reduced Multi-resolution Hierarchy
* Efficient Rotation-Discriminative Template Matching
* Efficient Search in Document Image Collections
* Efficient Semi-Global Matching for Trinocular Stereo
* Efficient Spatiotemporal Attention Model and Its Application to Shot Matching, An
* Efficient Technique for the Computation of ART, An
* Efficient Texture Representation Using Multi-scale Regions
* Efficient updates of bounding sphere hierarchies for geometrically deformable models
* Efficiently Solving the Fractional Trust Region Problem
* Ellipse Detection in Digital Image Data Using Geometric Features
* Elliptical Cone of Uncertainty and Its Normalized Measures in Diffusion Tensor Imaging, The
* EM/E-MRF algorithm for adaptive model based tracking in extremely poor visibility, An
* Embedded colour image coding for content-based retrieval
* Embedded Multigrid Approach for Real-Time Volumetric Deformation
* Embedding a Region Merging Prior in Level Set Vector-Valued Image Segmentation
* Emergence of region-based transmission when computation is unconstrained
* Empirical Study of the Behavior of Classifiers on Imbalanced and Overlapped Data Sets, An
* ENCARA2: Real-time detection of multiple faces at different resolutions in video streams
* Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices Based on Power-Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Enhanced MIMO wireless video communication using multiple-description coding
* Enhanced tracking and recognition of moving objects by reasoning about spatio-temporal continuity
* Enhanced Visual Experience and Archival Reusability in Personalized Search Based on Modified Spider Graph
* Enhancement layer rate control for high bitrate SNR scalable video coding
* Enhancement of image watermark retrieval based on genetic algorithms
* Enhancement of multimodal biometric segregation using unconstrained cohort normalisation
* Enhancing quality of knowledge synthesized from multi-database mining
* Entropy-Based Distortion Measure and Bit Allocation for Wavelet Image Compression
* Entropy-Controlled Quadratic Markov Measure Field Models for Efficient Image Segmentation
* Epipolar geometry estimation based on evolutionary agents
* Error detection and concealment for video transmission using information hiding
* Error Prediction Framework for Interferometric SAR Data, An
* Error probabilities for local extrema in gene expression data
* Error Propagation Framework for Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Diffusion Tensor Representations
* Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC standard
* error resilient coding scheme for H.264/AVC video transmission based on data embedding, An
* error resilient coding scheme for JPEG image transmission based on data embedding and side-match vector quantization, An
* Error resilient GOP structures on video streaming
* Estimating the Euler Characteristic of a planar set from a digital image
* Estimation and Statistical Bounds for Three-Dimensional Polar Shapes in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Estimation of Multiple, Time-Varying Motions Using Time-Frequency Representations and Moving-Objects Segmentation
* Euclidean path modeling for video surveillance
* European Portuguese Accent in Acoustic Models for Non-native English Speakers
* Evaluating a feedback channel based transform domain Wyner-Ziv video codec
* Evaluating a Zoning Mechanism and Class-Modular Architecture for Handwritten Characters Recognition
* Evaluating Multi-class Multiple-Instance Learning for Image Categorization
* Evaluating tone mapping algorithms for rendering non-pictorial (scientific) high-dynamic-range images
* Evaluation and comparison of texture descriptors proposed in MPEG-7
* Evaluation of MODIS Land Cover and LAI Products in Cropland of North China Plain Using In Situ Measurements and Landsat TM Images
* Evaluation of Optimization Methods for Nonrigid Medical Image Registration Using Mutual Information and B-Splines
* Evaluation of shape similarity measurement methods for spine X-ray images
* Evaluation of Video Cut Detection Techniques, An
* evolutionary blind image deconvolution algorithm through the pseudo-Wigner distribution, An
* Evolving Measurement Regions for Depth from Defocus
* Exact Reduced-Complexity Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction of Multiple 3-D Objects From Unlabeled Unoriented 2-D Projections and Electron Microscopy of Viruses
* Expanded Theoretical Treatment of Iteration-Dependent Majorize-Minimize Algorithms, An
* experimental comparison of gender classification methods, An
* experimental evaluation of ensemble methods for EEG signal classification, An
* Explicit invariance of Cartesian Zernike moments
* Exploiting Inter-frame Correlation for Fast Video to Reference Image Alignment
* Exploiting Spatial Patterns for Informal Settlement Detection in Arid Environments Using Optical Spaceborne Data
* Expression Mimicking: From 2D Monocular Sequences to 3D Animations
* extension of direct macroblock coding in Predictive (P) slices of the H.264 standard, An
* Extensions of vector quantization for incremental clustering
* Extracting a diagnostic gait signature
* Extracting Orthogonal Building Objects in Urban Areas from High Resolution Stereo Satellite Image Pairs
* Extraction of Cartographic Features from a High Resolution Satellite Image
* Extraction of Landcover Themes out of Aerial Orthoimages in Mountainous Areas Using External Information
* Extractive spoken document summarization for information retrieval
* Extrapolation of signals using the method of alternating projections in fractional Fourier domains
* Eye Correction Using Correlation Information
* Eye-Gaze Detection from Monocular Camera Image Using Parametric Template Matching
* EZW-Based Image Compression with Omission and Restoration of Wavelet Subbands
* Face detection in complicated backgrounds and different illumination conditions by using YCbCr color space and neural network
* Face Mis-alignment Analysis by Multiple-Instance Subspace
* Face Mosaicing for Pose Robust Video-Based Recognition
* Face recognition based on 3D ridge images obtained from range data
* Face Recognition by Using Elongated Local Binary Patterns with Average Maximum Distance Gradient Magnitude
* Face recognition method using artificial neural network and apparatus thereof
* Face recognition using HOG-EBGM
* Face Recognition Using Some Aspects of the Infant Vision System and Associative Memories
* Face View Synthesis Using A Single Image
* Facial Feature Detection Under Various Illuminations
* Factoring Gaussian precision matrices for linear dynamic models
* Family of Novel Graph Kernels for Structural Pattern Recognition, A
* Family of Quadratic Snakes for Road Extraction, A
* Fast 3-D Interpretation from Monocular Image Sequences on Large Motion Fields
* Fast and active texture segmentation based on orientation and local variance
* Fast and Efficient Method for Block Edge Classification and Its Application in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast and Noise-Tolerant Method for Positioning Centers of Spiraling and Circulating Vector Fields, A
* Fast Bit Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC
* Fast Codebook Generation by Sequential Data Analysis for Object Classification
* Fast detection and removal of impulsive noise using peer groups and fuzzy metrics
* fast efficient restoration algorithm for high-noise image filtering with adaptive approach, A
* Fast exhaustive multi-resolution search algorithm based on clustering for efficient image retrieval
* Fast fractal coding of subbands using a non-iterative block clustering
* Fast H.264 Intra-prediction mode selection using joint spatial and transform domain features
* Fast H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Transcoding Using Power-Spectrum Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Fast Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Using an Adaptive Wiener Filter, A
* Fast indexing method for image retrieval using k nearest neighbors searches by principal axis analysis
* Fast integer-pel and fractional-pel motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure
* Fast kd-Tree Construction for 3D-Rendering Algorithms Like Ray Tracing
* Fast linear discriminant analysis using binary bases
* Fast Method for Designing Time-Optimal Gradient Waveforms for Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories, A
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm and Its VLSI Design for H.264/AVC Intra-Prediction, A
* Fast motion estimation and Inter-mode decision for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding
* Fast Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC in Walsh-Hadamard Domain
* Fast motion search with efficient inter-prediction mode decision for H.264
* fast MPEG-7 dominant color extraction with new similarity measure for image retrieval, A
* Fast Optimal Algorithm for L-2 Triangulation, A
* Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation
* fast separability-based feature-selection method for high-dimensional remotely sensed image classification, A
* Feature Extraction for Classification Problems and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Feature fusion of side face and gait for video-based human identification
* Feature generation and machine learning for robust multimodal biometrics
* Feature Management for Efficient Camera Tracking
* Feature Subset Selection for Multi-class SVM Based Image Classification
* Feature-Adaptive Motion Energy Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* Feed Forward Genetic Image Network: Toward Efficient Automatic Construction of Image Processing Algorithm
* FGS enhancement layer truncation with reduced intra-frame quality variation
* Field of Particle Filters for Image Inpainting
* File Format for Scalable Video Coding
* Filling the voids in the SRTM elevation model: A TIN-based delta surface approach
* filter bank method to construct rotationally invariant moments for pattern recognition, A
* Finding calendar-based periodic patterns
* Finding Camera Overlap in Large Surveillance Networks
* Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding Using Context-Based Binary Arithmetic Coding for Bit-Plane Coding
* Fingerprint analysis and singular point detection
* Fingerprint classification using one-vs-all support vector machines dynamically ordered with naieve Bayes classifiers
* Fingerprint Image Mosaicking by Recursive Ridge Mapping
* Fingerprint minutiae extraction based on principal curves
* Fingerprint orientation field estimation using ridge projection
* Finite-Dimensional Constrained Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems
* Fire detection using statistical color model in video sequences
* First-order modeling and stability analysis of illusory contours
* Fitting the World to the Mind: Transforming Images to Mimic Perceptual Adaptation
* Flea, Do You Remember Me?
* Flexible macroblock ordering in H.264/AVC
* Flexible Spatial Configuration of Local Image Features
* Follow the Beat? Understanding Conducting Gestures from Video
* Forced intra refreshment method based on the propagation model of uncertainties in the reference pixels for H.264 streaming service
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
* Forgery Quality and Its Implications for Behavioral Biometric Security
* Formal Distance vs. Association Strength in Text Processing
* Formal Model and Mixed-Integer Program for Area Aggregation in Map Generalization, A
* Four-scanning attack on hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery
* Foveation embedded DCT domain video transcoding
* FPGA Implementation of a Feature Detection and Tracking Algorithm for Real-time Applications
* FPGA-Based Smart Camera for Gesture Recognition in HCI Applications, An
* Fractional-Order Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Denoising
* Fragmentation of Space in the Amazon Basin: Emergent Road Networks, The
* Fragments Based Parametric Tracking
* Framework for Exploring High-Dimensional Geometry, A
* Framework for measurement of the intensity of motion activity of video segments
* Free-Form Object Reconstruction from Silhouettes, Occluding Edges and Texture Edges: A Unified and Robust Operator Based on Duality
* Frequent Image Frames Enhanced Digital Orthorectified Mapping (FIFEDOM) Camera for Acquiring Multiangular Reflectance From the Land Surface, The
* From dynamic classifier selection to dynamic ensemble selection
* From Scores to Face Templates: A Model-Based Approach
* From two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion to coupled Haar wavelet shrinkage
* FS-EX Plus: A New Algorithm for the Calculation of Typical FS-Testor Set
* Fully Automatic and Robust Approach for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Fully Scalable Motion Model for Scalable Video Coding, A
* Fusing Face-Verification Algorithms and Humans
* Fusing multimodal biometrics with quality estimates via a Bayesian belief network
* Fusion of Support Vector Machines for Classification of Multisensor Data
* Fuzzy integral based information fusion for classification of highly confusable non-speech sounds
* fuzzy logic approach to detect hotspots with NOAA/AVHRR image using multi-channel information fusion technique, A
* Fuzzy Morphology for Edge Detection and Segmentation
* Fuzzy relevance vector machine for learning from unbalanced data and noise
* Fuzzy Spatial Growing for Glioblastoma Multiforme Segmentation on Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Fuzzy Vector Directional Filters for Multichannel Image Denoising
* Gait Identification Based on Multi-view Observations Using Omnidirectional Camera
* Gait recognition for human identification based on ICA and fuzzy SVM through multiple views fusion
* Gap Filling of 3-D Microvascular Networks by Tensor Voting
* Gaussian mixture modeling and learning of neighboring characters for multilingual text extraction in images
* Gender Classification Based on Fusion of Multi-view Gait Sequences
* general grid-clustering approach, A
* general soft method for learning SVM classifiers with L1-norm penalty, A
* General solution and learning method for binary classification with performance constraints
* generalised framework for script identification, A
* Generalised Principal Component Analysis: Exploiting Inherent Parameter Constraints
* Generalization-oriented road line segmentation by means of an artificial neural network applied over a moving window
* Generalized Face Super-Resolution
* Generalized PID Observer Design for Descriptor Linear Systems
* Generalizing Dissimilarity Representations Using Feature Lines
* Generating Compact Classifier Systems Using a Simple Artificial Immune System
* Generative Estimation of 3D Human Pose Using Shape Contexts Matching
* Generative learning of visual concepts using multiobjective genetic programming
* Generative Models for Labeling Multi-object Configurations in Images
* Generic object recognition with regional statistical models and layer joint boosting
* Generic Visual Categorization Using Weak Geometry
* genetic algorithm that exchanges neighboring centers for k-means clustering, A
* Genetic algorithm-based feature set partitioning for classification problems
* Genetic Approach to Training Support Vector Data Descriptors for Background Modeling in Video Data, A
* Geographic Image Retrieval Using Interest Point Descriptors
* Geographic Information Retrieval by Topological, Geographical, and Conceptual Matching
* Geometric validation of a ground-based mobile laser scanning system
* Gesture Recognition Under Small Sample Size
* Gesture spotting for low-resolution sports video annotation
* Global Robust Stability of Bidirectional Associative Memory Neural Networks With Multiple Time Delays
* Global-Local Transformation for Invariant Shape Representation, The
* Globally adaptive region information for automatic color-texture image segmentation
* Globally Consistent Reconstruction of Ripped-Up Documents
* GPU Framework for the Visualization and On-the-Fly Amplification of Real Terrains, A
* GPU-Based Algorithm for Building Stochastic Clustered-Dot Screens, A
* Gradient-Based Hand Tracking Using Silhouette Data
* Graph Cuts Approach to MRF Based Linear Feature Extraction in Satellite Images
* graph-based image annotation framework, A
* Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning
* Gravity Data Ontology: Laying the Foundation for Workflow-Driven Ontologies, The
* Grayscale true two-dimensional dictionary-based image compression
* Group refractive index reconstruction with broadband interferometric confocal microscopy
* Groups of Adjacent Contour Segments for Object Detection
* Growing a multi-class classifier with a reject option
* Guessing Tangents in Normal Flows
* Guest editorial: Special issue on applied color image processing
* H.264 error resilience coding based on multi-hypothesis motion-compensated prediction
* H.264-Based Compression of Bayer Pattern Video Sequences
* Haemodynamics of Endovascular Aneurysm Treatment: A Computational Modelling Approach for Estimating the Influence of Multiple Coil Deployment, The
* Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton on Cortical Surfaces
* Hand Posture Estimation in Complex Backgrounds by Considering Mis-match of Model
* Haptic Exploration of Mathematical Knots
* Hardware implementation of a disparity estimation scheme for real-time compression in 3D imaging applications
* Hardware-Accelerated Volume Rendering for Real-Time Medical Data Visualization
* Hardware-Friendly Adaptive Tensor Based Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* Heart sound as a biometric
* HECOL: Homography and epipolar-based consistent labeling for outdoor park surveillance
* Hierarchical Decomposition of Depth Map Sequences for Representation of Three-Dimensional Dynamic Scenes
* Hierarchical Learning of Dominant Constellations for Object Class Recognition
* hierarchical video-on-demand system with double-rate batching, A
* High Capacity Watermarking in Nonedge Texture Under Statistical Distortion Constraint
* High Dynamic Range Scene Realization Using Two Complementary Images
* High quality, low delay foveated visual communications over mobile channels
* High-Speed Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Surgical Simulation Using Graphics Processing Units
* Highest Accuracy Fundamental Matrix Computation
* Highly accurate error-driven method for noun phrase detection
* Hill Climbing Algorithm for Random Sample Consensus Methods
* Histogram mining based on Markov chain and its application to image categorization
* HMM-based on-line signature verification: Feature extraction and signature modeling
* How Marginal Likelihood Inference Unifies Entropy, Correlation and SNR-Based Stopping in Nonlinear Diffusion Scale-Spaces
* Human Detection in Indoor Environments Using Multiple Visual Cues and a Mobile Robot
* Human Interaction Representation and Recognition Through Motion Decomposition
* Human Pose Estimation from Volume Data and Topological Graph Database
* Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bounds for Crustal Displacement Field Estimators in SAR Interferometry
* Hybrid Detectors for Subpixel Targets
* hybrid error concealment scheme for MPEG-2 video transmission based on best neighborhood matching algorithm, A
* hybrid gray image representation using spatial- and DCT-based approach with application to moment computation, A
* Hybrid Reconstruction Algorithm for 3-D Ionospheric Tomography, A
* Hybrid-boost learning for multi-pose face detection and facial expression recognition
* Hyper-Trellis Decoding of Pixel-Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Hyperspectral Imagery Visualization Using Double Layers
* iCAM06: A refined image appearance model for HDR image rendering
* Identification of Urban Features Using Object-Oriented Image Analysis
* Identifying Foreground from Multiple Images
* Illumination-robust face recognition using ridge regressive bilinear models
* Image Analysis Using Hahn Moments
* Image and Video Matting with Membership Propagation
* Image and vision computing special issue on cognitive vision
* Image and Volume Segmentation by Water Flow
* Image Assimilation for Motion Estimation of Atmospheric Layers with Shallow-Water Model
* Image Classification from Small Sample, with Distance Learning and Feature Selection
* Image Compression Using Data-Dependent Triangulations
* Image Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
* Image compression: Maxshift ROI encoding options in JPEG2000
* Image Correspondence from Motion Subspace Constraint and Epipolar Constraint
* Image decomposition combining staircase reduction and texture extraction
* Image decomposition using optimally sparse representations and a variational approach
* Image Fitting Using arctan for JPEG AC Coefficient Prediction
* Image Fusion Processing for IKONOS 1-m Color Imagery
* Image Interpolation by Adaptive 2-D Autoregressive Modeling and Soft-Decision Estimation
* Image interpolation using interpolative classified vector quantization
* Image mosaicking for polyhedral scene and in particular singly visible surfaces
* Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
* Image registration using robust M-estimators
* Image restoration combining a total variational filter and a fourth-order filter
* Image segmentation and filtering based on transformations with reconstruction criteria
* Image Segmentation That Optimizes Global Homogeneity in a Variational Framework
* Image Segmentation Using Automatic Seeded Region Growing and Instance-Based Learning
* Image Segmentation Using Co-EM Strategy
* Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts Based on Multi-scale Smoothing
* Image-based 3D surface reconstruction by combination of photometric, geometric, and real-aperture methods
* image-based feature tracking algorithm for real-time measurement of clad height, An
* Image-Dependent Gamut Mapping as Optimization Problem
* Image-Space Collision Detection Through Alternate Surface Peeling
* Impact Crater Recognition on Mars Based on a Probability Volume Created by Template Matching
* Implementation of H.264 encoder and decoder on personal computers
* Implicit Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with Priors
* Implicit Shape Model for Combined Object Categorization and Segmentation, An
* Implicit Shape Models, Model Selection, and Plane Sweeping for 3D Facade Interpretation
* Improved Background Mixture Models for Video Surveillance Applications
* Improved Conversion From DCT Blocks to Integer Cosine Transform Blocks in H.264/AVC
* Improved Criterion for Global Asymptotic Stability of 2-D Discrete Systems With State Saturation
* Improved DS acoustic-seismic modality fusion for ground-moving target classification in wireless sensor networks
* Improved H.264 rate control by enhanced MAD-based frame complexity prediction
* improved H.264/AVC video encoding based on a new syntax element, An
* Improved Model-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
* Improved Reconstruction of Images Distorted by Water Waves
* Improved Space Carving Method for Merging and Interpolating Multiple Range Images Using Information of Light Sources of Active Stereo
* Improvement of Interior and Exterior Orientation of the Three Line Camera HRSC with a Simultaneous Adjustment
* Improving Appearance-Based 3D Face Tracking Using Sparse Stereo Data
* Improving Component Substitution Pansharpening Through Multivariate Regression of MS+Pan Data
* Improving image segmentation by gradient vector flow and mean shift
* Improving multiclass pattern recognition with a co-evolutionary RBFNN
* Improving quality of unwarped omni-images with irregularly-distributed unfilled pixels by a new edge-preserving interpolation technique
* Improving River Flood Extent Delineation From Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Airborne Laser Altimetry
* Inappropriateness of the criterion of k-way normalized cuts for deciding the number of clusters
* Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation
* Incremental and adaptive abnormal behaviour detection
* Incremental and robust learning of subspace representations
* Incremental Discovery of Object Parts in Video Sequences
* Incremental Multiple Sequence Alignment
* incremental node embedding technique for error correcting output codes, An
* Incremental Weighted Least Squares Approach to Surface Lights Fields, An
* Incremental, scalable tracking of objects inter camera
* Independent increment processes for human motion recognition
* Indexing the aperture 3 hexagonal discrete global grid
* Indexing through Laplacian spectra
* Individual Kernel Tensor-Subspaces for Robust Face Recognition: A Computationally Efficient Tensor Framework Without Requiring Mode Factorization
* Indoor sound field feature matching for robot's location and orientation detection
* Industry and Object Recognition: Applications, Applied Research and Challenges
* Infected Cell Identification in Thin Blood Images Based on Color Pixel Classification: Comparison and Analysis
* Inferring facial expressions from videos: Tool and application
* Inferring Traffic Activity from Optical Satellite Images
* Infinitely Divisible Cascades to Model the Statistics of Natural Images
* Information Extraction and Classification from Free Text Using a Neural Approach
* Information Fusion for Multi-camera and Multi-body Structure and Motion
* Information Mining for Disaster Management
* Information Preserving Color Transformation for Protanopia and Deuteranopia
* Initial Pose Estimation for 3D Model Tracking Using Learned Objective Functions
* Inpainting- Based Deinterlacing Method, An
* InSAR Phase Profiles at Building Location
* integer-coded evolutionary approach for mixture maximum likelihood clustering, An
* Integrated Approach to Level-of-Detail Building Extraction and Modelling Using Airborne LIDAR an Optical Imagery, An
* Integrated multilevel image fusion and match score fusion of visible and infrared face images for robust face recognition
* Integrated use of different content derivation techniques within a multimedia database management system
* Integrating Face and Gait for Human Recognition at a Distance in Video
* Integrating Vision and Language: Semantic Description of Traffic Events from Image Sequences
* Integration of Frequency and Space for Multiple Motion Estimation and Shape-Independent Object Segmentation
* Integration of heterogeneous geospatial data in a federated database
* Integration of Hyperion Satellite Data and a Household Social Survey to Characterize the Causes and Consequences of Reforestation Patterns in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
* Integration of local and global geometrical cues for 3D face recognition
* Intelligent Display Scheme of Soccer Video on Mobile Devices, An
* Intensity Gradient Technique for Efficient Intra-Prediction in H.264/AVC
* Inter-Image Statistics for 3D Environment Modeling
* Interactive Editing of Live Visuals
* Interactive Glyph Placement for Tensor Fields
* Interactive Image-Based Urban Modelling
* Interactive key frame selection model
* Interest point detection using imbalance oriented selection
* Interlaced Coding in SVC
* Interpolation Between Eigenspaces Using Rotation in Multiple Dimensions
* Interval-valued versus intuitionistic fuzzy sets: Isomorphism versus semantics
* Intrinsic Images by Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Biometric Systems
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding: Standardization and Beyond
* Invariant Image Watermarking Based on Statistical Features in the Low-Frequency Domain
* Invariant optimal feature selection: A distance discriminant and feature ranking based solution
* Invariant salient regions based image retrieval under viewpoint and illumination variations
* Invited Paper: Towards Mass-Produced Building Models
* Iris image data processing for use with iris recognition system
* Iris recognition based on score level fusion by using SVM
* Iris Recognition: An Entropy-Based Coding Strategy Robust to Noisy Imaging Environments
* Iris Tracking and Regeneration for Improving Nonverbal Interface
* Is color patchy?
* Is Pinocchio's Nose Long or His Head Small? Learning Shape Distances for Classification
* ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing theme issue Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Iterative Extensions of the Sturm/Triggs Algorithm: Convergence and Nonconvergence
* Iterative Methods for Visualization of Implicit Surfaces On GPU
* Iterative processing of laser scanning data by full waveform analysis
* Joint Diagonalization of Kernels for Information Fusion
* Joint mode selection and unequal error protection for bitplane coded video transmission over wireless channels
* Joint Source Adaptation and Resource Allocation for Multi-User Wireless Video Streaming
* joint source and channel coding algorithm for error-resilient SPIHT-coded video bitstreams, A
* Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Transmission Using an Adaptive Turbo Code
* Joint source-channel coding of GGD sources with allpass filtering source reshaping
* Just-noticeable difference estimation with pixels in images
* Kernel Discriminant Analysis Based on Canonical Differences for Face Recognition in Image Sets
* Kernel Fusion for Image Classification Using Fuzzy Structural Information
* kernel optimization method based on the localized kernel Fisher criterion, A
* Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method and Its Application to 3D Object Recognition, The
* Kernel quadratic discriminant analysis for small sample size problem
* Kernel-Based Framework for Multitemporal and Multisource Remote Sensing Data Classification and Change Detection
* Kernel-Bayesian Framework for Object Tracking
* Keypoint based autonomous registration of terrestrial laser point-clouds
* L 1 Generalized Procrustes 2D Shape Alignment
* Layered H.264 video transmission with hierarchical QAM
* LBP-guided active contours
* Learning 3D Object Recognition from an Unlabelled and Unordered Training Set
* Learning a Fast Emulator of a Binary Decision Process
* Learning automata based classifier
* Learning Bayesian classifiers from positive and unlabeled examples
* Learning Gabor Magnitude Features for Palmprint Recognition
* Learning Generative Models for Monocular Body Pose Estimation
* Learning in Computer Vision: Some Thoughts
* Learning invariants to illumination changes typical of indoor environments: Application to image color correction
* Learning iteratively a classifier with the Bayesian Model Averaging Principle
* Learning Nonlinear Manifolds of Dynamic Textures
* Learning semantic object parts for object categorization
* Learning temporal structure for task based control
* Learning to Recognize Complex Actions Using Conditional Random Fields
* Learning-Based Super-Resolution System Using Single Facial Image and Multi-resolution Wavelet Synthesis
* LEGClust: A Clustering Algorithm Based on Layered Entropic Subgraphs
* Less Is More: Coded Computational Photography
* Level Set Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Best Band Analysis
* Life-Long Optimization of the Symbolic Model of Indoor Environments for a Mobile Robot
* Lifting-Based Directional DCT-Like Transform for Image Coding
* Light Scattering Model for Layered Dielectrics with Rough Surface Boundaries, A
* Linear Fusion of Image Sets for Display
* Lip Contour Segmentation Using Kernel Methods and Level Sets
* List-mode image reconstruction for real-time PET imaging
* LMI-Based Stability and Performance Conditions for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems in Takagi-Sugeno's Form
* Local prediction of non-linear time series using support vector regression
* Local Probabilistic Prior-Based Active Contour Model for Brain MR Image Segmentation, A
* Local stereo matching with adaptive support-weight, rank transform and disparity calibration
* Local velocity-adapted motion events for spatio-temporal recognition
* Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Semi-Supervised Multiple Instance Learning
* Localized feature selection for clustering
* Locally adaptive subspace and similarity metric learning for visual data clustering and retrieval
* Locally Adjustable Interpolation for Meshes of Arbitrary Topology
* Locally Rotation, Contrast, and Scale Invariant Descriptors for Texture Analysis
* Location and Action-Based Model for Route Descriptions, A
* logic framework for active contours on multi-channel images, A
* Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
* Lossless Hyperspectral-Image Compression Using Context-Based Conditional Average
* Lossless image compression via predictive coding of discrete Radon projections
* Lossless recovery of a VQ index table with embedded secret data
* Lung Structure Classification Using 3D Geometric Measurements and SVM
* Machine Vision in Early Days: Japan's Pioneering Contributions
* Majorization-Minimization Algorithms for Wavelet-Based Image Restoration
* Making a smarter color camera
* MAPACo-Training: A Novel Online Learning Algorithm of Behavior Models
* Marked Point Process of Rectangles and Segments for Automatic Analysis of Digital Elevation Models, A
* Markov model fuzzy-reasoning based algorithm for fast block motion estimation
* Markov random field approach to region extraction using Tabu Search
* Markov random field model for mode detection in cluster analysis, A
* Markov Random Field Modeled Level Sets Method for Object Tracking with Moving Cameras
* Mass Spectrometry Based Cancer Classification Using Fuzzy Fractal Dimensions
* Matching of quasi-periodic time series patterns by exchange of block-sorting signatures
* Mathematical symbol recognition with support vector machines
* matter of notation: Several uses of the Kronecker product in 3D computer vision, A
* Maximizing the Predictivity of Smooth Deformable Image Warps through Cross-Validation
* Maximum-Entropy Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Image Reconstruction and Sensor Field Estimation
* Maximum-Likelihood Registration of Range Images with Missing Data
* Meaning and Use of the Volume Under a Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS), The
* Measurement of Reflection Properties in Ancient Japanese Drawing Ukiyo-e
* Measuring Effective Data Visualization
* Measuring Land Development in Urban Regions Using Graph Theoretical and Conditional Statistical Features
* Measuring novelty and redundancy with multiple modalities in cross-lingual broadcast news
* Median M-Type Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* Mesh Editing Based on Discrete Laplace and Poisson Models
* Mesh Meaningful Segmentation Algorithm Using Skeleton and Minima-Rule, A
* Mesh Retrieval by Components
* method for automated registration of unorganised point clouds, A
* Method for detecting new objects in an illuminated scene
* Method for Estimating Authentication Performance over Time, with Applications to Face Biometrics, A
* Method for Segmentation of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Methods for Automatic Extraction of Regularity Patterns and its Application to Object-Oriented Image Classification
* Methods for Fine Registration of Cadastre Graphs to Images
* Microscopic Surface Shape Estimation of a Transparent Plate Using a Complex Image
* Minimax Optimal Level-Set Estimation
* Minimum Class Variance Support Vector Machines
* Mining conditional patterns in a database
* Minutiae feature analysis for infrared hand vein pattern biometrics
* Mirror Localization for Catadioptric Imaging System by Observing Parallel Light Pairs
* Mixed Data Object Selection Based on Clustering and Border Objects
* Mixture of Spherical Distributions for Single-View Relighting
* Mobile Video Transmission Using Scalable Video Coding
* model for the assessment of watermark quality with regard to fidelity, A
* model-based adaptive motion estimation scheme using Renyi's entropy for wireless video, A
* model-based approach to junction detection using radial energy, A
* Model-Based Correlation Measure for Nonuniformity Gain and Offset Parameters of Infrared Focal-Plane-Array Sensors
* Model-Driven and Data-Driven Approaches Using LIDAR Data: Analysis and Comparison
* Model-Selection Framework for Multibody Structure-and-Motion of Image Sequences, A
* Modeling and Analysis of Local Comprehensive Minutia Relation for Fingerprint Matching
* Modeling Background and Segmenting Moving Objects from Compressed Video
* Modeling inter-camera space-time and appearance relationships for tracking across non-overlapping views
* Modeling Spatio-temporal Network Computations: A Summary of Results
* Modification of the Growing Neural Gas Algorithm for Cluster Analysis
* Modified PSO Structure Resulting in High Exploration Ability With Convergence Guaranteed, A
* Monitoring Nonlinear Profiles Using Support Vector Machines
* Monomodal image registration using mutual information based methods
* Morphological Distinguished Regions
* Morphological mesh filtering and alpha-objects
* Morphological wavelet-based stereo image coders
* Mosaicing Scheme for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Motion Correction for Coronary Stent Reconstruction From Rotational X-ray Projection Sequences
* Motion estimation of elastic articulated objects from points and contours with volume invariable constraint
* Motion Feature and Hadamard Coefficient-Based Fast Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation for H.264
* Motion Map Generation for Maintaining the Temporal Coherence of Brush Strokes
* Motion Observability Analysis of the Simplified Color Correlogram for Visual Tracking
* Motion Projection for Floating Object Detection
* Motion representation using composite energy features
* Movie scene segmentation using background information
* Moving Targets Velocity and Direction Estimation by Using a Single Optical VHR Satellite Imagery
* MP-Polynomial Kernel for Training Support Vector Machines
* MPEG video markup language and its applications to robust video transmission
* MPEG-2 stereoscopic video coding technique using adaptive bandwidth control
* MRI brain image segmentation and bias field correction based on fast spatially constrained kernel clustering approach
* Multi-camera People Tracking by Collaborative Particle Filters and Principal Axis-Based Integration
* Multi-class Binary Object Categorization Using Blurred Shape Models
* Multi-Level Image Description Model Based on Digital Topology, A
* multi-matcher for ear authentication, A
* multi-modal method based on the competitors of FVC2004 and on palm data combined with tokenised random numbers, A
* Multi-modal tracking of people using laser scanners and video camera
* Multi-posture Human Detection in Video Frames by Motion Contour Matching
* Multi-Scale 3D Scene Flow from Binocular Stereo Sequences
* Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Modeling African Palm in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Multi-view Gymnastic Activity Recognition with Fused HMM
* Multi-View Stereo and LIDAR for Outdoor Scene Modelling
* Multibaseline Interferometric SAR at Millimeterwaves
* Multichannel Watershed-Based Segmentation Method for Multispectral Chromosome Classification, A
* Multiclass cell detection in bright field images of cell mixtures with ECOC probability estimation
* Multidirectional Face Tracking with 3D Face Model and Learning Half-Face Template
* Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histological Images
* Multiflash Stereopsis: Depth-Edge-Preserving Stereo with Small Baseline Illumination
* Multifocus image fusion by combining curvelet and wavelet transform
* Multifont size-resilient recognition system for Ethiopic script
* Multilayered protection of embedded video bitstreams over binary symmetric and packet erasure channels
* multilevel automatic thresholding method based on a genetic algorithm for a fast image segmentation, A
* Multilevel thresholding for image segmentation through a fast statistical recursive algorithm
* Multilingual news clustering: Feature translation vs. identification of cognate named entities
* Multimedia database management systems
* Multimodal biometrics using geometry preserving projections
* Multiperspective Distortion Correction Using Collineations
* Multiple Assessment for Multiple Users in Virtual Reality Training Environments
* Multiple Combined Constraints for Optical Flow Estimation
* Multiple Conditional Random Fields Ensemble Model for Urban Area Detection in Remote Sensing Optical Images, A
* Multiple Description Wavelet Video Coding Employing a New Tree Structure
* multiple object tracking approach that combines colour and depth information using a confidence measure, A
* Multiple Substructure Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification, A
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Translational Cameras
* Multiplexed Illumination for Measuring BRDF Using an Ellipsoidal Mirror and a Projector
* Multiplicative Path Toward Prior-Shape Guided Active Contour for Object Detection, The
* Multiresolution-Based Texture Adaptive Algorithm for High-Quality Deinterlacing
* Multiscale Framework for Spatial Gamut Mapping, A
* Multiscale Isotropic Matched Filtering for Individual Tree Detection in LiDAR Images
* Multiscale Joint Segmentation and Registration of Image Morphology
* Multispectral Filter-Wheel Cameras: Geometric Distortion Model and Compensation Algorithms
* Multistrategical Approach in Visual Learning
* Multiview Pedestrian Detection Based on Vector Boosting
* Multiview range-image registration for forested scenes using explicitly-matched tie points estimated from natural surfaces
* Multiview Stereo via Volumetric Graph-Cuts and Occlusion Robust Photo-Consistency
* Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* Mutual Information for Lucas-Kanade Tracking (MILK): An Inverse Compositional Formulation
* Myocardial Perfusion Characterization From Contrast Angiography Spectral Distribution
* National and Regional Scale DEMs Created from Airborne InSAR
* Near-infrared composite pattern projection for continuous motion hand-computer interaction
* Near-Optimal Mosaic Selection for Rotating and Zooming Video Cameras
* Nearest Neighbor Classification of Remote Sensing Images With the Maximal Margin Principle
* Network performance analysis of advanced video coding schemes
* Neural Networks for Exudate Detection in Retinal Images
* Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Through Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Extreme Learning Machines, A
* New Algorithm for Training Multi-layered Morphological Networks, A
* New Algorithm to Compute the Distance Between Multi-dimensional Histograms, A
* New Approach for Cervical Vertebrae Segmentation, A
* New Approach for Vehicle Detection in Congested Traffic Scenes Based on Strong Shadow Segmentation, A
* new calibration model of camera lens distortion, A
* New Classes of Radiometric and Combined Radiometric-Geometric Invariant Descriptors
* New Crossover Operator in Genetic Programming for Object Classification, A
* New Dynamic Enhancements to the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
* new fast reversible method for image safe transfer, A
* New Framework for Constructing Accurate Affine Invariant Regions, A
* New Framework for Grayscale and Colour Non-lambertian Shape-from-Shading, A
* New Fuzzy Color Correlated Impulse Noise Reduction Method, A
* new image sharpening approach for single-sensor digital cameras, A
* New Method for the Synthesis of Signature Data With Natural Variability, A
* New Methods in Iris Recognition
* new normalized method on line-based homography estimation, A
* new scheme for automated 3D PDM construction using deformable models, A
* New Set of Normalized Geometric Moments Based on Schlick's Approximation, A
* New Statistical Model Combining Shape and Spherical Harmonics Illumination for Face Reconstruction, A
* New Temporal Filtering Scheme to Reduce Delay in Wavelet-Based Video Coding
* New TwIST: Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms for Image Restoration, A
* NMF, LNMF, and DNMF modeling of neural receptive fields involved in human facial expression perception
* NMF, LNMF, and DNMF modeling of neural receptive fields involved in human facial expression perception
* No reference image quality assessment for JPEG2000 based on spatial features
* Noise Pattern Recognition of Airplanes Taking Off: Task for a Monitoring System
* Noise Properties of Chord-Image Reconstruction
* Noise reduction and edge detection via kernel anisotropic diffusion
* Noise reduction in high dynamic range imaging
* Noise-Insensitive Object Tracking Algorithm, A
* Non-invasive evaluation of carotid artery wall thickness using improved dynamic programming technique
* Non-negative matrix factorization with alpha-divergence
* Non-parametric Background and Shadow Modeling for Object Detection
* Non-parametric bootstrap ensembles for detection of tumor lesions
* Non-stationary fuzzy Markov chain
* Non-supervised image segmentation based on multiobjective optimization
* Nonlinear Flicker Compensation for Archived Film Sequences Using Motion-Compensated Graylevel Tracing
* Nonparametric background generation
* Nonreference Method for Estimating PSNR of MPEG-2 Coded Video by Using DCT Coefficients and Picture Energy
* Nonsmooth Optimization Techniques for Semisupervised Classification
* Nonuniform Segment-Based Compression of Motion Capture Data
* novel algorithm for straightening highly curved images of human chromosome, A
* Novel Approach for Iris Recognition Using Local Edge Patterns, A
* Novel Approach for Storm Detection Based on 3-D Radar Image Data, A
* novel approach to polygonal approximation of digital curves, A
* novel conflict reassignment method based on grey relational analysis (GRA), A
* Novel efficient two-pass algorithm for closed polygonal approximation based on LISE and curvature constraint criteria
* Novel fast color reduction algorithm for time-constrained applications
* Novel Frame-Level Bit Allocation Based on Two-Pass Video Encoding for Low Bit Rate Video Streaming Applications, A
* novel fuzzy classifier based on product aggregation operator, A
* Novel Hierarchical Technique for Range Segmentation of Large Building Exteriors, A
* Novel Hybrid Taguchi-Grey-Based Method for Feature Subset Selection, A
* Novel Look-Up Table Design Method for Data Hiding With Reduced Distortion, A
* Novel Multi-stage Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Optical Tracking Algorithm for Point-Based Projective Invariant Marker Patterns, A
* Novel Platform for Terrestrial 3D Mapping from Fast Vehicles
* Novel Similarity Measures for Differential Invariant Descriptors for Generic Object Retrieval
* Nucleus and cytoplast contour detector of cervical smear image
* Object Category Specific MRF for Segmentation, An
* Object Detection and Localization Using Local and Global Features
* Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation
* Object Extraction at Airport Sites Using DTMs/DSMs and Multipectral Image Analysis
* Object recognition and segmentation in videos by connecting heterogeneous visual features
* Object Recognition by Combining Appearance and Geometry
* Object Recognition in the Geometric Era: A Retrospective
* Object Recognition Using a Generalized Robust Invariant Feature and Gestalt's Law of Proximity and Similarity
* Object Recognition Using Local Affine Frames on Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Object Recognition: A Focused Vision Based Approach
* Object Selection Based on Subclass Error Correcting for ALVOT
* Object Tracking Via Uncertainty Minimization
* object-based comparative methodology for motion detection based on the F-Measure, An
* Objective quality assessment of color images based on a generic perceptual reduced reference
* Oblique Matching Pursuit
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional PCA
* occlusion metric for selecting robust camera configurations, An
* Occupancy-Depth Generative Model of Multi-View Images, An
* On Geometric Modeling of the Human Intracranial Venous System
* On lexicographical ordering in multivariate mathematical morphology
* On modeling interchannel dependency for color image denoising
* On Parameter Identifiability of MIMO Radar
* On scene interpretation with description logics
* On Shape-Mediated Enrolment in Ear Biometrics
* On supervision and statistical learning for semantic multimedia analysis
* On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris Recognition
* On the Critical Point of Gradient Vector Flow Snake
* On the Design and Evaluation of Multiobjective Single-Channel SAR Image Segmentation Algorithms
* On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* On the foundations of vision modeling II. Mining of mirror symmetry of 2-D shapes
* On Using a Pre-clustering Technique to Optimize LDA-Based Classifiers for Appearance-Based Face Recognition
* On Using the Viterbi Path Along With HMM Likelihood Information for Online Signature Verification
* On-line boosting-based car detection from aerial images
* On-Line Ensemble SVM for Robust Object Tracking
* Online Learning With Novelty Detection in Human-Guided Road Tracking
* Ontology based complex object recognition
* Operational distortion-quantization curve-based bit allocation for smooth video quality
* Optical aerial image partitioning using level sets based on modified Chan-Vese model
* Optical Flow and Total Least Squares Solution for Multi-scale Data in an Over-Determined System
* Optical Flow-Driven Motion Model with Automatic Variance Adjustment for Adaptive Tracking
* Optimal Adaptation Framework for Streaming Multiple Video Objects, An
* Optimal Algorithms in Multiview Geometry
* Optimal Bit Allocation for Joint Texture-Aware Contour-Based Shape Coding and Shape-Adaptive Texture Coding
* Optimal Learning High-Order Markov Random Fields Priors of Colour Image
* Optimal Linear Combination of Facial Regions for Improving Identification Performance
* Optimal projections onto grids and finite resolution images
* Optimistic pruning for multiple instance learning
* Optimization of an Hough transform algorithm for the search of a center
* Optimization of Restricted ROC Surfaces in Three-Class Classification Tasks
* Optimized HLOD Refinement Driven by Hardware Occlusion Queries
* optimized MPEG-21 BSDL framework for the adaptation of scalable bitstreams, An
* Optimized Rate-Distortion Extraction With Quality Layers in the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC
* Organizing a personal image collection with statistical model-based ICL clustering on spatio-temporal camera phone meta-data
* Original Genetic Approach to the Fully Automatic Gridding of Microarray Images, An
* Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projections: A Projection-Based Dimensionality Reduction Technique
* Orthophoto Generation from Unorganized Point Clouds
* OS-CFAR and CMLD threshold optimization in distributed systems using evolutionary strategies
* oscillatory neuromotor model of handwriting generation, An
* Overview of H.264/MPEG-4 part 10
* Overview of the Scalable Video Coding Extension of the H.264/AVC Standard
* Packet video transmission over wireless channels with adaptive channel rate allocation
* Painting in High Dynamic Range
* Palmprint Recognition Under Unconstrained Scenes
* Palmprint verification based on robust line orientation code
* Parallelized segmentation of a serially sectioned whole human brain
* Parametric active contours for object tracking based on matching degree image of object contour points
* Particle Filtering for Multiple Object Tracking in Dynamic Fluorescence Microscopy Images: Application to Microtubule Growth Analysis
* Particle swarm optimization for point pattern matching
* Pedestrian Detection Using Global-Local Motion Patterns
* Pedestrian Tracking from a Moving Host Using Corner Points
* Perceptual assessment of simulated print noise with random and periodic structure
* Perceptual quality and objective quality measurements of compressed videos
* Performance Analysis and Architecture Design for Parallel EBCOT Encoder of JPEG2000
* Performance Analysis of SVC
* Performance evaluation of dimensionality reduction techniques for multispectral images
* Performance evaluation of soft color texture descriptors for surface grading using experimental design and logistic regression
* Performance measurement system with fluorescent markers for golf equipment
* Performance of similarity measures based on histograms of local image feature vectors
* Person recognition by fusing palmprint and palm vein images based on Laplacianpalm representation
* Person-Similarity Weighted Feature for Expression Recognition
* Perturbation scheme for online learning of features: Incremental principal component analysis
* Phase Local Approximation (PhaseLa) Technique for Phase Unwrap From Noisy Data
* Phase Space Rendering
* Phone-Segments Based Language Identification for Spanish, Basque and English
* Photo-Realistic Depth-of-Field Effects Synthesis Based on Real Camera Parameters
* Photometric image processing for high dynamic range displays
* Pipelined Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks for Nonlinear Adaptive Speech Prediction
* Playfield and Ball Detection in Soccer Video
* POCS-based constrained total least squares algorithm for image restoration, A
* Point Positioning Accuracy of Airborne LIDAR Systems: A Rigorous Analysis
* Polarization Rotation Correction in Radiometry: An Error Analysis
* Portable Projection-Based AR System
* Pose estimation and tracking using multivariate regression
* Pose estimation for objects with planar surfaces using eigenimage and range data analysis
* Pose Estimation from Circle or Parallel Lines in a Single Image
* Pose Estimation Using Structured Light and Harmonic Shape Contexts
* Pose Sampling for Efficient Model-Based Recognition
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable-Intensity Templates
* Position based dynamics
* Positive Impact of State Similarity on Reinforcement Learning Performance
* Practical Approach for Writer-Dependent Symbol Recognition Using a Writer-Independent Symbol Recognizer, A
* practical approach to the 2D incremental nearest-point problem suitable for different point distributions, A
* Practical Paradigm and Platform for Video-Based Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Precise Electrical Disturbance Generator for Neural Network Training with Real Level Output, A
* Prediction by Partial Approximate Matching for Lossless Image Compression
* Predictive vector quantization of 3-D mesh geometry by representation of vertices in local coordinate systems
* Prescription-based error concealment technique for video transmission on error-prone channels
* Principal Axes Estimation Using the Vibration Modes of Physics-Based Deformable Models
* PRISM: A Video Coding Paradigm With Motion Estimation at the Decoder
* Privacy Preserving: Hiding a Face in a Face
* Probabilistic Combination of Visual Cues for Object Classification
* Probabilistic distance measures of the Dirichlet and Beta distributions
* Probabilistic Framework for Brain Connectivity From Functional MR Images
* Probability Hypothesis Density Approach for Multi-camera Multi-object Tracking
* Probe-It! Visualization Support for Provenance
* Progressive compression and transmission of PointTexture images
* Progressive Edge-Based Stereo Correspondence Method, A
* Progressive Refinement Approach for the Visualisation of Implicit Surfaces, A
* Progressive structural analysis for dynamic recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions
* Propagation strategies for stereo image matching based on the dynamic triangle constraint
* proposed hardware reference model for spatial transformation and quantization in H.264, A
* Prototype learning for structured pattern representation applied to on-line recognition of handwritten Japanese characters
* Quad-Tree Block-Based Binary Shape Coding
* quadratic prediction based fractional-pixel motion estimation algorithm for H.264, A
* Qualitative and Quantitative Behaviour of Geometrical PDEs in Image Processing
* Qualitative part-based models in content-based image retrieval
* Quality Controlled Multimodal Fusion of Biometric Experts
* Quality Enhancement for Motion JPEG Using Temporal Redundancies
* Quality Variation Control for Three-Dimensional Wavelet-Based Video Coders
* Quantitative Comparison of Two New Motion Estimation Algorithms, A
* Quantitative Object-Level Metric for Segmentation Performance and Its Application to Cell Nuclei, A
* Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information
* Quasi-isometric parameterization for texture mapping
* Radar Target Tracking via Robust Linear Filtering
* Radial Edge Configuration for Semi-local Image Structure Description
* random electrode selection ensemble for EEG signal classification, The
* Random-bit sequence generation from image data
* Range and Intensity Vision for Rock-Scene Segmentation
* Rank-One Projections With Adaptive Margins for Face Recognition
* Ranked dither for high-quality robust printing
* Rapid surface registration of 3D volumes using a neural network approach
* rate control scheme using Kalman filtering for H.263, A
* Rate-constrained motion estimation using Kalman filter
* Rate-distortion analysis of leaky prediction based FGS video for constant quality constrained rate adaptation
* Rate-distortion-smoothness optimized rate allocation schemes for Spectral Fine Granular Scalable video coding technique
* Real time 3D face and facial feature tracking
* Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion
* Real-time 3-D human body tracking using learnt models of behaviour
* Real-Time 3D Face Tracking with Mutual Information and Active Contours
* Real-time accurate circle fitting with occlusions
* Real-Time and Marker-Free 3D Motion Capture for Home Entertainment Oriented Applications
* Real-time image processing for active monitoring of wide areas
* Real-Time Image Restoration for Iris Recognition Systems
* Real-Time Motion Segmentation of Sparse Feature Points at Any Speed
* Real-time Object Recognition using Relational Dependency based on Graphical Model
* Real-time predictive zoom tracking for digital still cameras
* Real-Time Robot Path Planning via a Distance-Propagating Dynamic System with Obstacle Clearance
* Real-time smoothing for network adaptive video streaming
* Real-time spatiotemporal segmentation of video objects in the H.264 compressed domain
* Real-time stabilization of long range observation system turbulent video
* Real-Time Subspace-Based Background Modeling Using Multi-channel Data
* Real-Time System for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on SVC
* Real-time view recognition and event detection for sports video
* Recognition of Digital Images of the Human Face at Ultra Low Resolution Via Illumination Spaces
* Recognition of Household Objects by Service Robots Through Interactive and Autonomous Methods
* Recognition of human behavior by space-time silhouette characterization
* Recognition of traffic signs based on their colour and shape features extracted using human vision models
* Recovering epipolar direction from two affine views of a planar object
* Recovering of autoregressive spectral estimates of signals buried in noise
* Rectangular Road Marking Detection with Marked Point Processes
* Reduced decoder complexity and latency in pixel-domain Wyner-Ziv video coders
* Reducing drift in differential tracking
* Reducing examples to accelerate support vector regression
* Reducing the number of sub-classifiers for pairwise multi-category support vector machines
* Redundancy-Based Measure of Dissimilarity among Probability Distributions for Hierarchical Clustering Criteria, A
* Redundant Wavelet Watermarking using Spread Spectrum Modulation
* Refinement of Building Facades by Integrated Processing of LIDAR and Image Data
* Refocusing Through Building Walls Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Region based matching for print process identification
* Region saliency as a measure for colour segmentation stability
* Region-Based Transform Coding of Multispectral Images
* RegionBoost learning for 2D+3D based face recognition
* Registration of Challenging Image Pairs: Initialization, Estimation, and Decision
* Registration of Near Real-Time SAR Images by Image-to-Image Matching
* Regularity selection for effective 3D object reconstruction from a single line drawing
* Regularization-Based Error Concealment in JPEG 2000 Coding Scheme
* Regularized Approach to Feature Selection for Face Detection, A
* Regularized mixture discriminant analysis
* Regularized Reconstruction of Shapes with Statistical a priori Knowledge
* Regularized Restoration Using Image Fusion for Digital Auto-Focusing
* Relational visual cluster validity (RVCV)
* Relationship between restricted dissimilarity functions, restricted equivalence functions and normal EN-functions: Image thresholding invariant
* Relative scale method to locate an object in cluttered environment
* Relaying scene information to the blind via sound using cartoon depth maps
* Reliable Depth Map Regeneration Via a Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Sensor
* Repairing self-confident active-transductive learners using systematic exploration
* Representation and Analysis of Topology in Multi-Representation Databases
* Representing Directions for Hough Transforms
* Representing Images Using Nonorthogonal Haar-Like Bases
* Resolution-Independent Characteristic Scale Dedicated to Satellite Images
* Restoration of Double-Sided Ancient Music Documents with Bleed-Through
* Restoring 2D Content from Distorted Documents
* Retina simulation using cellular automata and GPU programming
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Line Operators and Support Vector Classification
* Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
* Retrieval of machine-printed Latin documents through Word Shape Coding
* Retrieving articulated 3-D models using medial surfaces
* Review of Recent Advances in Surface Defect Detection using Texture analysis Techniques, A
* Rigid and Non-Rigid Face Motion Tracking by Aligning Texture Maps and Stereo 3D Models
* RISE-SIMR: A Robust Image Search Engine for Satellite Image Matching and Retrieval
* Road Extraction in Suburban Areas Based on Normalized Cuts
* Road Junction Extraction from High Resolution Aerial Images
* Road Network Extraction and Intersection Detection From Aerial Images by Tracking Road Footprints
* Road Sign Detection Using Eigen Color
* Robot Navigation in Cluttered 3-D Environments Using Preference-Based Fuzzy Behaviors
* Robust Alternating AdaBoost
* Robust and Computationally Efficient Simultaneous Super-Resolution Scheme for Image Sequences, A
* Robust Classification of Strokes with SVM and Grouping
* Robust Color Contour Object Detection Invariant to Shadows
* Robust defocus blur identification in the context of blind image quality assessment
* Robust Disparity Maps with Uncertainties for 3D Surface Reconstruction or Ground Motion Inference
* Robust Feature Descriptors for Efficient Vision-Based Tracking
* Robust Foreground Extraction Technique Using Gaussian Family Model and Multiple Thresholds
* Robust fuzzy relational classifier incorporating the soft class labels
* robust gaze detection method by compensating for facial movements based on corneal specularities, A
* Robust Global Motion Estimation Oriented to Video Object Segmentation
* Robust Image Segmentation Model Based on Integrated Square Estimation, A
* Robust Industrial Machine Sounds Identification Based on Frequency Spectrum Analysis
* Robust Infants Face Tracking Using Active Appearance Models: A Mixed-State CONDENSATION Approach
* Robust Local Localization of a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments Using Virtual Corners
* Robust Method for Near Infrared Face Recognition Based on Extended Local Binary Pattern, A
* Robust Methods for Geometric Primitive Recovery and Estimation From Range Images
* Robust Object Tracking Via Online Dynamic Spatial Bias Appearance Models
* Robust object tracking with background-weighted local kernels
* Robust radar detection of CA, GO and SO CFAR in Pearson measurements based on a non linear compression procedure for clutter reduction
* robust real-time video stabilization algorithm, A
* Robust Recognition of Planar Shapes Under Affine Transforms Using Principal Component Analysis
* Robust Recovery of Shapes with Unknown Topology from the Dual Space
* Robust Self-calibration from Single Image Using RANSAC
* Robust symbolic representation for shape recognition and retrieval
* Robust Two Level Classification Algorithm for Text Localization in Documents, A
* Robust video sequence retrieval using a novel object-based T2D-histogram descriptor
* Robust video streaming over wireless LANs using multiple description transcoding and prioritized retransmission
* ROC analysis in ordinal regression learning
* Rotation constrained power factorization for structure from motion of nonrigid objects
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Recognition
* RotBoost: A technique for combining Rotation Forest and AdaBoost
* Rule-Based Description Framework for the Composition of Geographic Information Services, A
* Rule-Based Multiple Object Tracking for Traffic Surveillance Using Collaborative Background Extraction
* Sampling of compact signals in offset linear canonical transform domains
* SAR Sea-Ice Image Analysis Based on Iterative Region Growing Using Semantics
* SAT-based parser and completer for pictures specified by tiling, A
* Scalable Aural-Visual Environment for Security Event Monitoring, Analysis, and Response, A
* Scalable H.264/AVC Video Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Systems With Adaptive Channel Selection Based on Partial Channel Information
* Scalable proxy caching algorithm minimizing client's buffer size and channel bandwidth
* Scalable representation for 3D object recognition using feature sharing and view clustering
* Scale Behaviour Prediction of Image Analysis Models for 2D Landscape Objects
* Scale multiplication in odd Gabor transform domain for edge detection
* Scene Context Modeling for Foreground Detection from a Scene in Remote Monitoring
* Scene-adaptive video partitioning by semantic object tracking
* Scene-based event detection for baseball videos
* Scene-based nonuniformity correction using local constant statistics
* Scout: a game speed analysis and tracking system
* Script and Language Identification in Noisy and Degraded Document Images
* Second Order Structure of Scale-Space Measurements
* Segment-Based Classes for Language Modeling Within the Field of CSR
* Segmentation Framework Based on Label Field Fusion
* Segmentation of Tree Regions Using Data of a Full-Waveform Laser
* Segmentation of Whole Cells and Cell Nuclei From 3-D Optical Microscope Images Using Dynamic Programming
* Segregation of Moving Objects Using Elastic Matching
* Selecting and constructing features using grammatical evolution
* Selecting Salient Frames for Spatiotemporal Video Modeling and Segmentation
* Selective Error Detection for Error-Resilient Wavelet-Based Image Coding
* Self Organizing Motor Maps for Color-Mapped Image Re-Indexing
* Self-identifying patterns for plane-based camera calibration
* self-training semi-supervised SVM algorithm and its application in an EEG-based brain computer interface speller system, A
* Semantic Annotation of Maps Through Knowledge Provenance
* Semantic Similarity Applied to Generalization of Geospatial Data
* Sementically Enhanced Prototypes for Building Reconstruction
* Semi-Automatic High Resolution SAR Data Interpretation Procedure, A
* Semi-Fuzzy Rate Controller for Variable Bit Rate Video
* Semi-Supervised Graph-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Semi-supervised Learning Approach to Object Recognition with Spatial Integration of Local Features and Segmentation Cues, A
* Semi-supervised learning by search of optimal target vector
* Semi-supervised Learning Method for Motility Disease Diagnostic, A
* Semismooth Newton support vector machine
* sequential algorithm for recognition of a developing pattern with application in orthotic engineering, A
* Sequential L-inf Norm Minimization for Triangulation
* Sequential Learning of Layered Models from Video
* Set of Methods for Spontaneous ICH Segmentation and Tracking from CT Head Images
* Shape Estimation of Transparent Objects by Using Inverse Polarization Ray Tracing
* Shape Estimation Using Polarization and Shading from Two Views
* Shape Evolution Driven by a Perceptually Motivated Measure
* Shape from Contour for the Digitization of Curved Documents
* Shape from shading for the digitization of curved documents
* Shape from Texture of Developable Surfaces Via Fourier Analysis
* Shape matching and modeling using skeletal context
* Shape Matching and Object Recognition
* Shape Reconstruction from Cast Shadows Using Coplanarities and Metric Constraints
* Shape Recovery from Turntable Image Sequence
* Shape Representation and Classification Using Boundary Radius Function
* Shape-Driven Three-Dimensional Watersnake Segmentation of Biological Membranes in Electron Tomography
* Shape-from-Shading Algorithm for Oblique Light Source
* Shared Features for Multiclass Object Detection
* Short note on two output-dependent hidden Markov models
* Shot Classification in broadcast Soccer Video
* Sight-Speed Human-Computer Interaction for Augmented Geospatial Data Acquisition and Processing Systems, A
* Sigma-Delta Background Subtraction and the Zipf Law
* Sign Recognition Using Constrained Optimization
* Signal modeling for two-dimensional image structures
* Signing Exact English (SEE): Modeling and recognition
* Similarity Matching in Computer Vision and Multimedia
* Similarity retrieval of shape images based on database classification
* Similarity retrieval of videos by using 3D C-string knowledge representation
* Simplified biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform for VLSI architecture design
* Simplified Gabor wavelets for human face recognition
* Simplified patterns for extracting the isosurfaces of solid objects
* Simulation of Flexible Tubes in VR
* Simultaneous Appearance Modeling and Segmentation for Matching People Under Occlusion
* Simultaneous Object Recognition and Segmentation by Image Exploration
* Simultaneous Plane Extraction and 2D Homography Estimation Using Local Feature Transformations
* Single Tree Detection in Forest Areas with High-Density LIDAR Data
* Single view based pose estimation from circle or parallel lines
* Single-Pass Rate-Smoothed Video Encoding With Quality Constraint
* Single-View Matching Constraints
* Singularity-Spreading Phase Unwrapping
* Six Degrees of Freedom Incremental Occlusion Horizon Culling Method for Urban Environments
* Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Immersion System
* SketchSurfaces: Sketch-Line Initialized Deformable Surfaces for Efficient and Controllable Interactive 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Small-diamond-based search algorithm for fast block motion estimation
* Smooth Image Surface Approximation by Piecewise Cubic Polynomials
* Solving a decision problem with linguistic information
* Some Aspects of Improving the Frequency Scaling Algorithm for Dechirped SAR Data Processing
* Space-Time Behavior-Based Correlation - OR - How to Tell If Two Underlying Motion Fields Are Similar Without Computing Them?
* Sparse Object Category Model for Efficient Learning and Complete Recognition, A
* Sparsity constrained regularization for multiframe image restoration
* Spatial and Temporal Varying Thresholds for Cloud Detection in GOES Imagery
* Spatial Scalability Within the H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding Extension
* Spatially adaptive color filter array interpolation for noiseless and noisy data
* Spatially Nonstationary Anisotropic Texture Analysis in SAR Images
* Spatio-temporal Conceptual Schema Development for Wide-Area Sensor Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Matching of Moving Objects in Optical and SAR Data
* Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features for Visual Tracking
* Special issue on emerging H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Special issue on high dynamic range imaging
* Special issue on Intelligent Visual Surveillance
* Special issue on spatial coherence for visual motion analysis
* Special Issue on Tribute Workshop for Peter Johansen
* Special issue on visual communication in the ubiquitous era
* Special issue: Real-time imaging
* Spectral and Spatial Complexity-Based Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Spectral clustering with eigenvector selection
* Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
* Split-domain video transmission protocol for video streaming over hybrid wired-wireless connections
* Sports Classification Using Cross-Ratio Histograms
* SSM: A Novel Method to Recognize the Fundamental Frequency in Voice Signals
* State-of-the-Art and Trends in Scalable Video Compression With Wavelet-Based Approaches
* Statistical Fragile Watermarking Capable of Locating Individual Tampered Pixels
* Statistical Framework for Shot Segmentation and Classification in Sports Video
* Statistical Models of Shape and Texture for Face Recognition
* Statistical User Simulation Technique for the Improvement of a Spoken Dialog System, A
* Stereo Matching Using Population-Based MCMC
* Stereo Vision Enabling Precise Border Localization Within a Scanline Optimization Framework
* Stitching of H.264 video streams for continuous presence multipoint videoconferencing
* Stochastic Continuation Approach to Piecewise Constant Reconstruction, A
* Strategies for shape matching using skeletons
* Stratified Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction for Zooming/Refocusing Circular Motion Sequences
* Structural hidden Markov models for biometrics: Fusion of face and fingerprint
* Structure of Visual Spaces, The
* Structure-Based Methods to Enhance Geospatial Ontology Alignment
* Study on color space selection for detecting cast shadows in video surveillance
* Subband Coupling Aware Rate Allocation for Spatial Scalability in 3-D Wavelet Video Coding
* Subfield Coding Algorithm for the Reduction of Gray Level Errors Due to Line Load in a Plasma Display Panel, A
* Subpixel edge location based on orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
* Super-Resolution Mosaicing from MPEG Compressed Video
* Superpixel Analysis for Object Detection and Tracking with Application to UAV Imagery
* Supervised Approach for Object Extraction from Terrestrial Laser Point Clouds Demonstrated on Trees, A
* Supervised Artificial Immune Classifier for Remote-Sensing Imagery, A
* Support Vector Regression Methods for Functional Data
* Supporting Complex Thematic, Spatial and Temporal Queries over Semantic Web Data
* Surface Reconstruction from Constructive Solid Geometry for Interactive Visualization
* Surface Signature-Based Method for Modeling and Recognizing Free-Form Objects
* Surface-Normal Estimation with Neighborhood Reorganization for 3D Reconstruction
* Symmetric hash functions for secure fingerprint biometric systems
* Symmetries of 1-D Images
* Synchronized Ego-Motion Recovery of Two Face-to-Face Cameras
* Synergistic Face Detection and Pose Estimation with Energy-Based Models
* Synthesis of Exaggerative Caricature with Inter and Intra Correlations
* Synthesising and reducing film grain
* Synthesizing heavy association rules from different real data sources
* System and Transport Interface of SVC
* System Biology Approach for the Steady-State Analysis of Gene Signaling Networks, A
* Target recognizing device and target recognizing method
* Task Scheduling in Large Camera Networks
* Task-based evaluation of skin detection for communication and perceptual interfaces
* Technique for Regional Analysis of Femorotibial Cartilage Thickness Based on Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Technologies for 3D mesh compression: A survey
* Temporal Priors for Novel Video Synthesis
* Temporal Texture Characterization Technique Using Block-Based Approximated Motion Measure, A
* Temporal Video Denoising Based on Multihypothesis Motion Compensation
* Tendinopathy Discrimination by Use of Spatial Frequency Parameters in Ultrasound B-Mode Images
* Teniæ Coli Detection from Colon Surface: Extraction of Anatomical Markers for Virtual Colonoscopy
* Tensor Lines in Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order
* Terrain Synthesis By-Example
* TerraSAR-X Value Added Image Products
* Text detection and restoration in natural scene images
* Text detection, localization, and tracking in compressed video
* Text-independent speaker recognition using graph matching
* TextLec: A Novel Method of Segmentation by Topic Using Lower Windows and Lexical Cohesion
* Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition
* Texture Classification Through Combination of Sequential Colour Texture Classifiers
* Texture image retrieval and image segmentation using composite sub-band gradient vectors
* Texture-Based Objects Recognition for Vehicle Environment Perception Using a Multiband Camera
* Texture-Independent Feature-Point Matching (TIFM) from Motion Coherence
* Theoretical Approach to Construct Highly Discriminative Features with Application in AdaBoost, A
* Thinning by Curvature Flow
* Three Dimensional Position Measurement for Maxillofacial Surgery by Stereo X-Ray Images
* Three-Dimensional Surface Mesh Segmentation Using Curvedness-Based Region Growing Approach
* Three-Stage Motion Deblurring from a Video
* Time-Efficient Method for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Time-efficient spam e-mail filtering using n-gram models
* To combine steady-state genetic algorithm and ensemble learning for data clustering
* Tolerance-Based Feature Transforms
* Topological control of level set method depending on topology constraints
* Total Absolute Gaussian Curvature for Stereo Prior
* Total variation minimizing blind deconvolution with shock filter reference
* Towards a measure of deformability of shape sequences
* Towards Automatic Generation of Conceptual Interpretation of Clustering
* Towards Effective Geographic Ontology Matching
* Towards Semantic Interaction in High-Detail Realtime Terrain and City Visualization
* Towards Semantics for Map Styles
* Trace Model for Object Detection and Tracking, The
* Tracking and Classifying of Human Motions with Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter
* Tracking Iris Contour with a 3D Eye-Model for Gaze Estimation
* Trading off quality and complexity for a HVQ-based video codec on portable devices
* Traffic Surveillance System Based on a High-Resolution Radar
* Trajectories of Land-use and Land-cover in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: Temporal Composition, Spatial Configuration, and Probability of Change
* Trajectory fusion for three-dimensional volume reconstruction
* Transform domain inter-block interleaving schemes for robust image and video transmission in ATM networks
* Transformation of arc-form-text to linear-form-text suitable for OCR
* TransforMesh: A Topology-Adaptive Mesh-Based Approach to Surface Evolution
* Translating Images to Words for Recognizing Objects in Large Image and Video Collections
* Transport and Signaling of SVC in IP Networks
* Transverse resolution improvement using rotating-grating time-multiplexing approach
* Triangulation for Points on Lines
* TV flow based local scale estimate and its application to texture discrimination, A
* Two error resilient coding schemes for wavelet-based image transmission based on data embedding and genetic algorithms
* Two Types of Hierarchies in Geospatial Ontologies
* two-component rectilinearity measure, A
* Two-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Two-Dimensional Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Critical Kernels
* Two-layer coding algorithm for high dynamic range images based on luminance compensation
* Two-Stage ACO to Solve the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
* Two-Stage Approach to the Establishment of State-Space Formulation of 2-D Frequency Transformation, A
* two-stage head pose estimation framework and evaluation, A
* Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* Understanding human interactions with track and body synergies (TBS) captured from multiple views
* Unified 3D face and ear recognition using wavelets on geometry images
* unified balanced approach to multichannel blind deconvolution, A
* Unified Neural Network Based Pathologic Event Reconstruction Using Spatial Heart Model
* Unified Theory for Steerable and Quadrature Filters, A
* Unsupervised Bayesian image segmentation using orthogonal series
* Unsupervised Identification of Multiple Objects of Interest from Multiple Images: dISCOVER
* Unsupervised Intrusion Detection Using Color Images
* Unsupervised learning of a finite discrete mixture: Applications to texture modeling and image databases summarization
* Unsupervised robust planar segmentation of terrestrial laser scanner point clouds based on fuzzy clustering methods
* Unsynchronized 4D Barcodes
* Urban-Target Recognition by Means of Repeated Spaceborne SAR Images
* Urban-trees extraction from Quickbird imagery using multiscale spectex-filtering and non-parametric classification
* User-Guided Shape from Shading to Reconstruct Fine Details from a Single Photograph
* Using Adaptive Filter to Increase Automatic Speech Recognition Rate in a Digit Corpus
* Using Gaussian Processes for Human Tracking and Action Classification
* Using Pavement Markings to Support the QA/QC of LIDAR Data
* Using Perturbation Theory to Compute the Morphological Similarity of Diffusion Tensors
* Using Typical Testors for Feature Selection in Text Categorization
* Utilizing Semantic Interpretation of Junctions for 3D-2D Pose Estimation
* Validation criteria for enhanced fuzzy clustering
* variational Bayesian approach to number of sources estimation for multichannel blind deconvolution, A
* Vascular Space Occupancy Weighted Imaging With Control of Residual Blood Signal and Higher Contrast-to-Noise Ratio
* Vector sigma filters for noise detection and removal in color images
* Video Analysis Via Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Video Google: Efficient Visual Search of Videos
* Video Mosaicing Based on Structure from Motion for Distortion-Free Document Digitization
* Video object segmentation and tracking using region-based statistics
* Video object tracking using adaptive Kalman filter
* Video personalization and summarization system for usage environment
* Video Segmentation for Markerless Motion Capture in Unconstrained Environments
* Video Sequence Querying Using Clustering of Objects' Appearance Models
* Video structuring by probabilistic merging of video segments
* Video summarisation: A conceptual framework and survey of the state of the art
* Video transmission using advanced partial backward decodable bit stream (APBDBS)
* View Planning for Cityscape Archiving and Visualization
* Viewpoint Insensitive Action Recognition Using Envelop Shape
* Visible and Infrared Sensors Fusion by Matching Feature Points of Foreground Blobs
* Visible models for interactive pattern recognition
* Vision System for Recognizing Objects in Complex Real Images, A
* Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
* vision-based method for weeds identification through the Bayesian decision theory, A
* Vision-Based Tracking System for Head Motion Correction in FMRI Images
* visual active memory perspective on integrated recognition systems, The
* Visual Classification by a Hierarchy of Extended Fragments
* Visual Hull of Piecewise Smooth Objects, The
* Visual Odometry for Non-overlapping Views Using Second-Order Cone Programming
* Visual Print Quality Evaluation Using Computational Features
* Visualization of Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
* visualizing application of line integral convolution techniques, A
* VLC/FLC data partitioning with intra AC prediction disabled
* Volumetric Attribute Filtering and Interactive Visualization Using the Max-Tree Representation
* Volumetric restrictions in single particle 3DEM reconstruction
* Wavelet and curvelet moments for image classification: Application to aggregate mixture grading
* Wavelet based co-occurrence histogram features for texture classification with an application to script identification in a document image
* Wavelet-based compression algorithm for still omnidirectional 3d integral images
* Wavelet-Based Despeckling of SAR Images Using Gauss-Markov Random Fields
* Wavelet-Based Joint Estimation and Encoding of Depth-Image-Based Representations for Free-Viewpoint Rendering
* Wavelet-Based Stratified Irradiance Caching for Efficient Indirect Illumination
* Weighted Averaging for Denoising With Overcomplete Dictionaries
* Weighted compression of spectral color information
* Weighted distances based on neighbourhood sequences
* Weighted Graph Cuts without Eigenvectors A Multilevel Approach
* Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis for Facial Gender Classification
* What and Where: 3D Object Recognition with Accurate Pose
* Where's the Weet-Bix?
* Whitenedfaces Recognition With PCA and ICA
* Word level multi-script identification
* Wyner-Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming
* Wyner-Ziv-Based Multiview Video Coding
1526 for 0711

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Last update:26-Nov-24 17:17:54
Use price@usc.edu for comments.