Update Dates 9509

9509 * 3-D Interpretation of Imperfect Line Drawings
* 3-D scene reconstruction from image sequences
* 3-Dimensional Structural Texture Modeling and Segmentation
* 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Occluding Contours
* 4 Dimensional modelling of the human heart
* A.I. based image segmentation
* Active Camera as a Projective Pointing Device, The
* Active Shape Models And The Shape Approximation Problem
* Active-camera calibration using iterative image feature localization
* Adaptative elimination of false edges for first order detectors
* adaptive k-NN rule based on Dempster-Shafer theory, An
* Adaptive matching using object modes generated from photometric stereo images
* Adaptive Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Local Bayesian Image Segmentation
* adaptive reject option for LVQ classifiers, An
* Adaptive wavelets for signal analysis
* Advances in the statistical methodology for the selection of image descriptors for visual pattern representation and classification
* Affine matching of intermediate symbolic representations
* Affine Reconstruction from Lines
* Affine stereo calibration
* Algebraic and Geometric Invariant of a Pair of Non-Coplanar Conics in Space
* algorithm for a linear shape-from-shading problem, An
* Analysis of scenes containing multiple non-polyhedral 3D objects
* Analysis of the spatial arrangement of cells in the proliferative breast lesions
* ApOFIS: an A priori optical font identification system
* Application of image processing in neurobiology: Detection of low signals with high spatial resolution and a non-uniform variance
* Application of the Hough transform for weld inspection underwater
* Applying contextual constraints to extract symbolic representation for image understanding
* Approximate string matching by finite automata
* Arrangement: A Spatial Relation Between Parts for Evaluating Similarity of Tomographic Section
* Automated 3D Registration of Truncated MR and CT Images of the Head
* Automated detection of fluorescent cells and measurement of their DNA-content
* Automated Pivot Location for the Cartesian-Polar Hybrid Point Distribution Model
* automatic and robust algorithm for determining motion and structure from two perspective images, An
* Automatic classification of skin tumours with high resolution surface profiles
* Automatic face location detection and tracking for model-assisted coding of video teleconferencing sequences at low bit-rates
* Automatic identification of brain contours in magnetic resonance images of the head
* Automatic Interpretation of Outdoor Scenes
* Automatic segmentation of boundaries in line segments and circular arcs
* Automatic video segmentation through editing analysis
* Automatic-Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images
* Bayesian Approach to 3D Surface Fitting and Refinement, A
* Bayesian extraction of differential surface structure
* Bayesian image reconstruction using a high-order interacting MRF model
* Binarization of inhomogeneously illuminated images
* Blue-print document analysis for color classification
* Bounds on the optimal elasticity parameters for a snake
* Case based reasoning for image interpretation
* Causal Scene Understanding
* Chabot: Retrieval from a Relational Database of Images
* Challenge of Qualitative Spatial Reasoning, The
* Character-Recognition Without Segmentation
* Classification of corrosion images by wavelet signatures and LVQ networks
* Closing the loop: Pursuing a moving object by a moving observer
* code based approach to image-processing teaching, A
* Color Constancy Problem: An illumination invariant mapping approach, The
* Color Image Quantization Enhancement Techniques
* Color Palette Restoration
* Colored Illumination for Enhancing Discriminability in Machine Vision
* Combining head tracking and pupil monitoring in vision-based human-computer interaction
* Combining resolution and granularity for pattern recognition
* common framework for preattentive and attentive vision using steerable filters, A
* Comparison of Four Algorithms for Estimating 3-D Rigid Transformations, A
* complexity space for curve grouping, A
* Compression of binary images based on covering
* Computation of 3D-motion parameters using the log-polar transform
* Computation of Legendre and Zernike Moments
* Computation of Optical-Flow, The
* Computer analysis and recognition of cognitive phase space electro-cardio graphic image
* Computer Assisted Analysis of Echocardiographic Image Sequences
* Constraining probabilistic relaxation with symbolic attributes
* Content-Based Image Retrieval-Systems
* Convergence Properties of Curvature and Torsion Scale Space Representations
* Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform
* Cooperation of knowledge based systems for galaxy classification
* Correlation-Relaxation-Labeling Framework for Computing Optical Flow: Template Matching from a New Perspective, A
* Crack detection by a measure of texture anisotropy
* Crest lines detection by valleys spreading
* Data packing vs processing speed on low-cost massively parallel systems: A case study
* Decomposing contours into curves of different families
* Delineation of elongated sub-patterns in a piecewise constant foreground
* Dense Nonrigid Motion Estimation in Sequences of Medical Images Using Differential Constraints
* Depth Sensing by Variable Baseline Triangulation
* Describing words by graphs
* Detecting grey level symmetry: The frequency domain approach
* Detection and Tracking of Facial Features by Using a Facial Feature Model and Deformable Circular Template
* Detection and Tracking of Independent Motion
* Detection of Lofar lines
* Determination of the Orientation of 3D Objects Using Spherical-Harmonics
* Development of an automated bond verification system for advanced electronic packages
* Direct estimation of rotation from two frames via epipolar search
* Direct Obstacle Detection and Motion from Spatio-Temporal Derivatives
* Directions analysis in grey-level images
* Disparity estimation for stereo sequences based on adaptive size hierarchical block matching
* distance transform for line patterns: Generalisation and development, The
* Distributed optimization of codebooks
* Document image analysis: What is missing?
* Dynamic and static hand gesture recognition through low-level image analysis
* Dynamic character recognition using an elastic matching
* Early Image Representation by Slope Districts
* Edge detection filters based on artificial neural networks
* Efficient 3D Deformable Model with a Self-Optimising Topology, An
* Efficient attributed graph matching and its application to image analysis
* Efficient high order neural network for rotation, translation and distance invariant recognition of gray scale images
* Efficient matching of space curves
* Equal-Distance Sampling of Superellipse Models
* Estimating feature discriminant power in decision tree classifiers
* Estimating the initial values of unobservable variables in visual probabilistic networks
* Estimating the Parameters of an Illumination Model Using Photometric Stereo
* Estimating time to contact with curves, avoiding calibration and aperture problem
* Estimation of curvature and tangent direction by median filtered differencing
* Evaluating Digital Angles by a Parallel Diffusion Process
* Evaluation of Parallel Thinning Algorithms for Character-Recognition, An
* Exact subband image decomposition and reconstruction in discrete space and discrete frequency domains
* Experimental investigation on editing for the k-NN rule through a genetic algorithm
* Experimental self-calibration from four views
* ExSel++: A general framework to extract parametric models
* Extending Semantic Edge Labelling
* Extending the Point Distribution Model Using Polar Coordinates
* Extracting a Valid Boundary Representation from a Segmented Range Image
* Extracting words and multi-part symbols in graphics rich documents
* Extraction of tumours from MR images of the brain by texture and clustering
* fast algorithm for high quality vector quantization codebook design, A
* Fast computation of 3-D geometric moments using a discrete Gauss' theorem
* Fast Computation of Normalized Edit Distances
* Fast fractal image coding using pyramids
* fast object orientation estimation and recognition technique for underwater acoustic imaging, A
* Feature Selection Based on the Approximation of Class Densities by Finite Mixtures of Special Type
* Feature selection for the tree-wavelet transform
* Film editing reconstruction and semantic analysis
* Finding facial features using an HLS colour space
* Finding postirradiation reaction in lungs from digitized X-rays
* Flexible 3D Models from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Functional and Physical Object Characteristics and Object Recognition in Improvisation
* Functionality in Object Recognition
* Fusion of Bayesian estimation and MTF inversion techniques for improved array imaging in scattering media
* Fuzzy segmentation and astronomical images interpretation
* Fuzzy segmentation and structural knowledge for satellite image analysis
* Generalized square isometries: an improvement for fractal image coding
* Generating Spatiotemporal Models From Examples
* Generic 3-D shape model: Acquisitions and applications
* Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition, A
* Generic Evolutions of Edges on Families of Diffused Greyvalue Surfaces
* Generic Recognition of Articulated Objects Through Reasoning about Potential Function
* Genetic algorithm for thinning gray-scale images of characters
* Ground Plane Obstacle Detection of Stereo Vision under Variable Camera Geometry Using Neural Nets
* Groups for grouping: a strategy for the exploitation of geometrical constaints
* Guidelines for choosing optimal parameters of elasticity for snakes
* Head Pose Computation for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* Heterogeneous morphing of multimodal medical information
* Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning
* Hidden MRF detection of motion of objects with uniform brightness
* High Precision Image Matching and Shape Recovery
* High-Resolution Histogram-Modification of Color Images
* highly selective HT based algorithm for detecting extended, almost rectilinear shapes, A
* Human Face Perception in Degraded Images
* hybrid lossless compression of still images using Markov model and linear prediction, A
* Illumination-Invariant Recognition of Texture in Color Images
* image processing library based on abstract image data-types in C++, An
* Image redundancy and classification
* Image retrieval by elastic matching of user sketches
* impact of aliasing and quantization on motion compensation, The
* Implementation of Oriented Filters for Arc Detection
* improved model of snakes for model-based segmentation, An
* Improving snake performance via a dual active contour
* Improving the use of contours for off-line Cursive Script Segmentation
* In situ determination of cell concentration in bioreactors with a new depth from focus technique
* In-place covariance operators for computer vision
* integrated approach to grouping and matching, An
* Integrating Vision Modules: Stereo, Shading, Grouping, and Line Labeling
* Interactive CAD-Based Vision System, An
* Interactive Recognition and Representation of Functionality
* Intermediate views for face recognition
* Interpretation of printed forms for blind people
* Invariant features for HMM based on-line handwriting recognition
* Invariant standard positions of ordered sets of points
* Inverting the reflectance map with binary search
* Iris Localisation for a Head-Mounted Eye Tracker
* Isophotes: the key to tractable local shading analysis
* Joint Invariants of a Triplet of Coplanar Conics: Stability and Discriminating Power for Object Recognition
* Joint Optimization of Representation Model and Frame Segmentation for Generic Video Compression
* Knowledge acquisition for image analysis using hypermedia interface
* Learning how to find patterns or objects in complex scenes
* Learning human face detection in cluttered scenes
* Learning the Distribution of Object Trajectories for Event Recognition
* Line and cell searching in tables or forms
* Line moments and invariants for real time processing of vectorized contour data
* Line representation of elongated shapes
* Line segment attribute recognition device having accuracy updating function
* linear discriminator of width, A
* Local Fourier phase and disparity estimates: An analytical study
* Matching Delaunay Graphs
* Matching delaunay triangulations by probabilistic relaxation
* Matching of stereo curves: A closed form solution
* Measuring time-to-contact using active camera control
* Medical Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics: Promising Research Tracks
* Medical Image Registration Incorporating Deformations
* method for determining address format in the automated sorting of Japanese mail, A
* Minimum spanning trees (MST) as a tool for describing tissue architecture when grading bladder carcinoma
* Mobile detection based on histogram difference
* model based method for characterization and location of curved image features, A
* Modelling 3-D rigid solid objects using the view signature II representation scheme
* Modified S-Neuron and Its Application to Scale-Invariant Classification, A
* Moment-based invariant fitting of elliptical segments
* Monocular pose estimation of circular primitives
* Motion analysis and segmentation for object-oriented mid-level image representation
* Motion detection with fuzzy logic in real time
* Motion-based identification of deformable templates
* Motion-Based Object Segmentation and Estimation Using the MDL Principle
* Motion-compensated prediction based algorithm for medical image sequence compression
* Moving vector detecting device
* MPEG-2 requirements, profiles and performance verification: Framework for developing a generic video coding standard
* multi-model image line reconstruction, A
* Multi-polygonal object tracking
* Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Tracking: Strategies for Events that become Invisible
* Multiresolution Motion Estimation/Segmentation Incorporating Feature Correspondence and Optical Flow
* Multiresolution Support Applied to Image Filtering and Restoration
* Multiscale extraction of features from medical images
* Multiscale texture enhancement
* Multistage motion estimation for image interpolation
* Navigational Functionalities
* Nearest Unlike Neighbor (NUN): An Aid to Decision Confidence Estimation
* neural network energy minimization approach to approximation of 2-dimensional shapes, A
* Neural Network for Egomotion Estimation from Optical Flow, A
* New Algorithm for Probabilistic Relaxation Based on the Baum Eagon Theorem, A
* new and fast real-time implementation of 2-D DCT, A
* new approach to image segmentation, A
* New Generalized Hough Transform for the Detection of Irregular Objects, A
* new heuristic search for boundary detection, A
* new method of extracting closed contours using maximal discs, A
* new method to threshold images of flat binary scenes under uneven lighting, A
* New models of image restoration
* new parallel method based on a genetic approach for determination and classification of skin spots, A
* new plant cell image segmentation algorithm, A
* new spatiotemporal approach for image analysis. Application to motion detection, A
* Non-Linear Point Distribution Modelling using a Multi-Layer Perceptron
* Object modelling and collision avoidance using Clifford algebra
* Object-Centered Surface Reconstruction: Combining Multi-Image Stereo and Shading
* Occluded objects recognition using multiscale features and Hopfield neural networks
* Off-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Hidden Markov-Models
* On a new basic concept and topological invariant
* On boundary approximation
* On commutative properties of halftoning and their applications
* On Detection and Representation of Multiscale Low-Level Image Structure
* On feature selection via rough sets
* On the detection of step edges in algorithms based on gradient vector analysis
* On the group algebras' hierarchy pertaining to the parametrization of fast algorithms of Discrete Orthogonal Transforms
* Optical flow computation in the log-polar plane
* Optimal Closed Boundary Identification in Gray-Scale Imagery
* Optimal Grouping of Line Segments into Convex Sets
* Optimal parameter estimation of ellipses
* Optimum Multisensor Data Fusion for Image Change Detection
* Parallel thinning algorithm based on the wave propagation's model
* Particle tracking in space time sequences
* Pattern orientation and texture symmetry
* Performance comparison of a deterministic and a stochastic method for image classification
* Photopix: An object-oriented framework for digital image processing systems
* Planar Object Recognition Using Projective Shape Representation
* Plant tracking-based motion analysis in a crop field
* Plausibilistic preprocessing of sparse range images
* Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models
* Prediction of short-term evolution of cloud formations based on Meteosat image sequences
* Principal Component Analysis with Missing Data and Its Application to Polyhedral Object Modeling
* Probabilistic Analysis of the Application of the Cross Ratio to Model-Based Vision
* Probabilistic Relaxation as an Optimiser
* projective invariants for polygons, The
* Propagated Instruction Processor, The
* proposal for the implementation of a parallel watershed algorithm, A
* proposal on local and adaptive determination of filter scale for edge detection, A
* Prototyping of interactive satellite image analysis tools using a real-time data-flow computer
* Prototyping Parallel Algorithms using Standard ML
* Pruning discrete and semicontinuous skeletons
* pyramidal approach to convex hull and filling algorithms, A
* Quality enhancement in image enlargement
* Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System
* Recognition and Location by Parallel Pose Clustering
* Recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using multiple views
* Recognition by Functional Parts
* Recognition of Moving Light Displays Using Hidden Markov-Models
* Recognition of rotated characters by inexact matching
* Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters using Perspective Views of Rectangles
* Region-based segmentation of textured images
* Relational matching with active graphs
* Rendering real-world objects without 3-D model
* representation of digital planes by least square fits, A
* Resolution enhancement system for combined binary and gray scale halftone images
* Restoration of noisy underwater acoustic images using Markov Random Fields
* robust analytical approach for handwritten word recognition, A
* Robust Computation of Optical Flow
* Robust features for textures in additive noise
* Robust Matching by Partial Correlation
* Robust Model-Based Boundary Cue Generation for Cell Image Interpretation
* Robust patch concept for egomotion estimation
* Robust Recogniton of Scaled Shapes Using Pairwise Geometric Histograms
* Robust Statistical Model-Based Cell Image Interpretation
* Robust surface reconstruction from stereo SEM images
* Robust Tracking of Circular Features
* Rule-based method for tumor recognition in liver ultrasonic images
* Scale Space Surface Recovery using Binocular Shading and Stereo Information
* Search Technique For Pattern-Recognition Using Relative Distances, A
* Searching for Grasping Opportunities on Unmodeled 3D Objects
* Seeing and Understanding: Representing the Visual World
* Segmentation and estimation of the optical flow
* Segmentation and Recognition of Printed Arabic Characters
* Segmentation in scale space
* Segmentation modeling
* Segmentation of images for environmental studies using a simple Markov/Gibbs random field model
* Segmentation/reconstruction of range images based on piecewise-linear approximation
* Segmenting 3D objects into geons
* Selecting reference signatures for on-line signature verification
* Self-Alignment of a Binocular Robot
* Self-calibration of an affine camera
* semi-automatic method for form layout description, A
* Sensor planning techniques and active visual inspection
* Shadows, defocus and reliable estimation
* Sign Language Recognition: an Application of the Theory of Size Functions
* Signal-to-Symbol Transformation and Vice-Versa: From Fundamental Processes to Representation
* Similar-Shape Retrieval in Shape Data Management
* simple algorithm to evaluate the local symmetry at each point of a closed contour, A
* Simulation of aircraft images for Airport Surface Traffic Control
* Skew detection and correction of a document image representation
* Skew Symmetry Detection via Invariant Signatures
* Smart Cars and Smart Roads
* Smart Feature Detection using an Invariance Network Architecture
* SMD position measurement by a Kohonen network compared with image processing
* Soft Morphological Filtering
* Spatial and feature space clustering: Applications in image analysis
* Spatial Reasoning Via Active Observation
* Spatial-temporal data management for a 3D graphical information system
* Spatio-temporal robust motion estimation and segmentation
* Speckle noise filtering in SAR images using wavelets
* Static global scheduling for optimal computer vision and image processing operations on distributed-memory multiprocessors
* Statistical Background Modelling for Tracking with a Virtual Camera
* Statistical Grey-Level Models for Object Location and Identification
* statistical regularization framework for estimating normal displacements along contours with subpixel accuracy, A
* Statistical surface tracking
* Stereo calibration by planar grid lines
* Structural features by MCR expression for printed Arabic character recognition
* Structure adaptive anisotropic filtering for magnetic resonance image enhancement
* Structure, Pose and Motion of Bilateral Symmetric Objects
* Sub-pixel Reconstruction of a Variable Albedo Lambertian Surface
* Sub-pixel registration for super high resolution image acquisition based on temporal integration
* supervised approach to the evaluation of image segmentation methods, A
* Surface Reflectance Model Estimation from Daylight Illuminated Image Sequences
* Symbolic indexing of cardiological sequences through dynamic curve representations
* Symmetry Detection Using Gradient Information
* Synthesising objects and scenes using the reverse distance transformation in 2D and 3D
* Text recognition from grey level images using hidden Markov models
* Texture Analysis using Local Property Maps
* Texture analysis: Representation and matching
* Texture Anisotropy, Symmetry, Regularity: Recovering Structure and Orientation from Interaction Maps
* Texture classification of mouse liver cell nuclei using invariant moments of consistent regions
* Texture discrimination method
* Texture Edge-Detection by Modeling Visual Cortical Channels
* Texture segmentation using local phase differences in Gabor filtered images
* Tissue segmentation in MRI as an informative indicator of disease activity in the brain
* Tools for automatic recognition of character strings in maps
* Topological and geometrical corners by watershed
* Towards a measure of diversity between grey-scale images
* Towards an automatic human face localisation system
* Towards higher decimation ratios
* Tracking and Measuring Drivers Eyes
* Tracking and Recognizing Hand Gestures, Using Statistical Shape Models
* Tracking surfaces via texture-mapping: A boot-strapping approach
* Tree neural classifier for character recognition
* Triangulation
* Triple features for linear distorted images
* Uncalibrated X-Ray Stereo Reconstruction
* understanding of muscle fibre images, An
* Understanding of ridge-valley lines on image-intensity surfaces in scale-space
* unsupervised and non-parametric Bayesian Image segmentation, An
* unsupervised region growing method for 3D image segmentation, An
* Use of cortical filters and neural networks in a self-organising image classification system
* Use of explicit knowledge for the reconstruction of 3-D object geometry
* Using Hopfield networks to segment color images
* Using Light Polarization in Laser-Scanning
* Using mirror cameras for estimating depth
* Vectorizing Face Images by Interleaving Shape and Texture Computations
* vision system for automatic inspection of meat quality, A
* Vision-based navigation in service robotics
* Visual communications
* Visual detection of defects in moulded plastic drippers
* Visual robot guidance for an insertion task
* visual speech model based on fuzzy-neuro methods, A
* VLSI Architectures for High-Speed Range Estimation
* VLSI scalable processor array for motion estimation, A
* watershed transformation for multiresolution image segmentation, The
* weighted backprojection techniques of image reconstruction, The
387 for 9509

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.