Journals starting with scia

* 2D Segmentation and Labelling of Clustered Ring Shaped Objects
* 3D Modeling of Structured Scenes Through Binocular Stereo Vision
* Accurate Registration and Motion Estimation based on Canonical Correlation
* Active Calibration: A Flexible, Numerically Optimal Method to Calibrate A Stereo Light Microscope
* Assessment of Posterior Capsule Opacification after Cataract Surgery
* Augmenting Point Distribution Models with Relational Constraints
* Automatic alignment of transmission electron microscope images using markers
* Automatic Facial Feature Points Detection with SUSAN Operator
* Automatic Multi-view Approach to Planar Chain Matching, An
* Binary Pattern Processing Framework for Perceptual Fault detection
* Change Detection in the 1996-1997 AVHRR Oceans Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature Data
* Color and Texture Based Wood Inspection with Non-supervised Clustering
* Combined Visualisation of Functional and Anatomical Brain Images
* Combining Morphological Filters and Deformable Models to Design a 2-D Shape Based Retrieval System
* Comparative study of Texture Analysis Algorithms in Textile Inspection Applications, A
* Comparing Lossy Coders for Still Images
* Comparison of Methods for Estimation of Intensity Nonuniformities in 2D and 3D Microscope Images of Fluorescence Stained Cells, A
* Comparison of Techniques for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Compensating small head displacements for an accurate fMRI registration
* Compound Distribution for Radar Images
* Constrained and Unconstrained PDEs for Vector Image Restoration
* correlation framework for functional MRI data analysis, A
* Correspondence matching using Spectral Clusters
* Detection of clustered microcalcifications in compressed mammograms
* Detection of Train Platform Curb with Image Sensor
* Differential analysis of bilateral mammograms
* Discrete Approach for Active Contours for Biomedical Applications
* Dual Fractals: Theory and Applications
* Dynamic object-oriented Bayesian Networks for Flexible Resource-aware content-based Indexing of Media Streams
* Edge Detection by Difference of Low Pass Anisotropic Diffusion
* Enhancing the Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector
* Estimating the geometrical parameters of branches of tree-like and netlike structures
* Estimation of 3D Position, Angle of Attitude and Orientation of Free-swimming Fish in a Hydroacoustic Beam Field under Extreme Lighting Conditions
* Extending and Applying Active Appearance Models for Automated, High Precision Segmentation in Different Image Modalities
* Extracting Motion Components from Image Sequences Using Particle Filters
* Extraction of Rectangular Buildings using DEM and Orthoimage
* Face and Feature Tracking for Cursor Control
* Face Tracking and Pose Estimation using Affine Motion Parameters
* Fast Approximation of Level Set Computations: Application to Image Segmentation
* Flexible Heuristic Matching of Attribute Trees
* Flexible Heuristic Matching of Attribute Trees
* Fourier Approach to Measurements of Optical Properties of Fibers Based on Automatic Analysis of Circular Fringe Pattern
* Foveal Image Segmentation using Hierarchical Irregular Tessellations
* Frontal Face Detection Using Support Vector Machines and Back-Propagation Neural Networks
* Generalised Mixture Estimation and Unsupervised Classification based on Hidden Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Random Fields
* Generation of Representations for Supervised Learning: A Velocity Estimation Example
* Hand-Area Extraction by Sensor Fusion using Two Cameras for Input Interface of Wearable Computers
* Image segmentation via fuzzy Connectedness Computation and Edge Detection in Medical application
* Implicit Manipulation of Constraint Sets for Geometric Matching under 2D Translation and Rotation
* Initial Training Set Generation Scheme, An
* Integrating Prior Knowledge and Structure from Motion
* Intelligent Localized Fusion Operators for Color Edge Detection
* Invariant Shape Recognition using Global Gabor Features
* Layered Self-organizing Maps based Video Content Classification
* Local 3D Texture Anisotropy Analysis of Seismic Reflection Data
* Minimal Cases of Structure and Motion Problem with Missing Data for One-dimensional retinae
* Morphological Colour Image Segmentation
* Multi-view Camera Calibration Method for Coplanar Targets, A
* Multiple Tissue Antigen Analysis by Sequential Immunofluorescence Staining and Multi-dimensional Image analysis
* Multiprocessor Implementation of the Randomized Hough Transform
* Multiresolution Random Field Based Model for Image Segmentation, A
* New Ways to Form Features for Pattern Recognition on the Basis of Stochastic Geometry
* Nonlinear Contextual Classification: A Comparative Study
* Object Tracking with Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera: Application to car driving assistance
* On Determining Human Description of Textures
* On the Equivalence of Images in Pattern Recognition Problems
* On the Properties of Gray-scale Distance Transforms
* Optimal Linear Interpolation of Images with Known Point Spread Function
* Optimization of Edge Detectors for Topographic Maps of Cave Inscriptions
* Perception based Motion Estimator and its use for Motion Compensated Prediction, A
* Perceptual Grouping using Eigendecomposition and the EM Algorithm
* Pose Estimation of a Human Arm using Kinematic Constraints
* Protein Spot Correspondence in Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Gels
* Real Object Parameters Tracking: a Geometric Model Based Approach
* Real-time Analysis of Human Motion using Multi-view Silhouette Contours
* Real-time Detection of Arbitrary Objects in Alternating Industrial Environments
* Scheme for Initial Exploratory Data Analysis of Multivariate Image Data, A
* Segmentation of multi-spectral images using a combined classifier approach
* Semantic Image Retrieval with HSV Correlograms
* Shape Approximation of Starshaped Discrete Objects
* Shape Modelling using Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
* Similarity Measures for Ordered Histograms
* Simple Method to Measure Homogeneity of Fat Distribution in Meat, A
* Sparse Representation of Images using Overlapping Frames
* Stochastic Surface Modelling System, A
* Strong-from-Weak Model Sensor Estimation in Oblique Views
* Structure-keeping Colour Segmentation of Tree Crowns in Aerial Images
* Subspace Information Criterion for Image Restoration: Mean Squared Error Estimatior for Linear Filters
* Subspace Methods and Equilibration in Computer Vision
* Synthesising Appearance Manifolds using Shape-from-Shading
* Target Detection and Background Suppression using Quadrature Pyramid Filters
* Tetrahedral 3D finite element meshes of head tissues from MRI for the MEG/EEG forward problem
* Text Extraction from Grey Scale Page Images by Simple Edge Detectors
* Theoretic Investigation of the Use of Watermark Signals derived from Bernoilli Chaotic Sequences
* Tracking of 3D Objects from Appearance
* Traffic Surveillance in Real-time using Hidden Markov Models
* Training-based Optimization Framework for Misclassification Correction, A
* Ultrasound Imaging System for Control of an Automated Carcass Splitting Machine, An
* Verification of Batch Numbers on Plastic Vials
* Video Image Compression using Zerotree Wavelets Coding
* VISIRE: From Video to VRML
* Zooming on Planar Structures
103 for SCIA01

* 2D Grey-Level Convex Hull Computation: A Discrete 3D Approach
* 3-D Modeling of an Outdoor Scene from Multiple Image Sequences by Estimating Camera Motion Parameters
* 3D Wiener Filtering to Reduce Reverberations in Ultrasound Image Sequences
* 3D-Color-Structure-Code: A Hierarchical Region Growing Method for Segmentation of 3D-Images
* 3D-Orientation Space; Filters and Sampling
* 3D-Polar Coordinate Colour Representation Well Adapted to Image Analysis, A
* Adaptive Spatial and Temporal Prefiltering for Video Compression
* Affine Structure from Translational Motion in Image Sequences
* Analysing the Curvature of the Pectoralis Muscle in Mammograms
* Anatomical Coordinate System for Bilateral Registration of Mammograms
* Anisotropic Channel Filtering
* ASM Driven Snakes in Rheumatoid Arthritis Assessment
* Auto Camera Calibration Method for Person Tracking Applications
* Automated Interpretation of Cardiac Scintigrams
* Automated Interpretation of Ventilation-Perfusion Lung Scintigrams for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism Using Support Vector Machines
* Automatic Extraction of Object Region from Photographs
* Automatic Reconstruction of Silhouettes Using B-Splines
* Automatic Traffic Surveillance System for Vehicle Tracking and Classification, An
* Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Modified for Texture Analysis
* Binary Co-occurrence Matrix in Image Database Indexing
* Bootstrapping Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking
* Bottom Reflectance Influence on a Color Correction Algorithm for Underwater Images
* Bucketing Techniques in Robust Regression for Computer Vision
* Building an Image-Based System to Automatically Score Psoriasis
* Character prototyping in document images using Gabor filters
* Color Image Segmentation Using a Model-Based Clustering and a MFA-EM Algorithm
* Color-Based Image Retrieval from High-Similarity Image Databases
* Comparison of Digital Length Estimators for Image Features, A
* Comparison of Viewing Geometries for Augmented Reality, A
* Computerized Cell Image Analysis: Past, Present, and Future
* Consistent Multi-view Reconstruction from Epipolar Geometries with Outliers
* Context Clustering in Lossless Compression of Gray-Scale Image
* Contour/Texture Approach for Visual Tracking
* Crossing Line Profile: A New Approach to Detecting Defects in Aluminium Die Casting
* Curvature Consistency for Shape-from-Shading
* Curvature Dependent Skeletonization
* Defect Image Classification and Retrieval with MPEG-7 Descriptors
* Dense Stereomatching Algorithm Performance for View Prediction and Structure Reconstruction
* Detecting Distinguished Regions by Saliency
* Detecting Moving Objects with an Omnidirectional Camera Based on Adaptive Background Subtraction
* Detection of Strong Shadows in Monochromatic Video Streams
* Detection of Vehicles Using Gabor Filters and Affine Moment Invariants from an Image
* Digital Watermarking of Spectral Images with Three-Dimensional Wavelet Transform
* Efficient Image Matching Algorithms Based on Procedures of Searching for 2D Templates
* Emergence of Visual Categories: A Computational Perspective, The
* End-Stop Exemplar Based Recognition
* Enhanced Model for Chromaticity Differences
* Environmental Monitoring Using Image Analysis
* Estimating Motion in Ultrasound Images of the Small Bowel: Optical Flow without Image Structure
* Estimation of Curvature along Curves with Application to Fibres in 3D Images of Paper
* Estimation of Curvature Based Shape Properties of Surfaces in 3D Grey-Value Images
* Experimentation on the Use of Chromaticity Features, Local Binary Pattern, and Discrete Cosine Transform in Colour Texture Analysis
* Extended Perspective Three Points Problem, An
* Extracting Symbolic Descriptors for Interactive Object Retrieval
* Extraction of Multiple Motion Trajectories in Human Motion
* Fast 3D Mean Shift Filter for CT Images
* Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Frames with Applications in Computer Vision and Image Processing (A Review)
* Finding Object Categories in Cluttered Images Using Minimal Shape Prototypes
* Framework for the Analysis of Majority Voting, A
* Fuzzy Connectivity Tree for Hierarchical Extraction of Venous Structures, A
* Generalized Use of Homographies for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction
* Generalizing the Virtual Camera Pose for View Synthesis
* Horizon picking in 3D Seismic Images
* Illumination Correction from Psoriasis Image Data
* Image Decomposition by Radial Basis Functions
* Image Matching Using Distance Transform
* Image Matching Using Distant Landmarks
* Image Retrieval Using Mixture Models and EM Algorithm
* Image Segmentation Using Dynamic Run-Length Coding Technique
* Implementation of Linear Prediction Models for Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images in Novel Parallel Environments
* Implementation of the USB Token System for Fingerprint Verification
* Improved Variogram Analysis of the Maximum Expected Disparity in Stereo Images, An
* Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of the Lymphoid Cell Nuclei
* Integrated System for Automatic Face Recognition, An
* Iterative Orientation Tuning in V1: A Simple Cell Circuit with Cross-Orientation Suppression
* Learning an Object Model for Feature Matching in Clutter
* Loglets: Generalized Quadrature and Phase for Local Spatio-Temporal Structure Estimation
* LWDOS: Language for Writing Descriptors of Outline Shapes
* Matching Occluded Objects Invariant to Rotations, Translations, Reflections, and Scale Changes
* Measuring Perimeter and Area in Low Resolution Images Using a Fuzzy Approach
* Method for Image Informational Properties Exploitation in Pattern Recognition Environment
* Model Based Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Images
* Modeling Knot Geometry in Norway Spruce from Industrial CT Images
* Modeling of Pose Effects in Oriented Filter Responses for Head Pose Estimation
* Modification of Spatial Distribution in Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model
* Modified Fast Marching Method, A
* Multi-oriented English Text Line Identification
* Multi-scale Binary Patterns for Texture Analysis
* Multiple Genetic Snakes for People Segmentation in Video Sequences
* Multiresolution Texture Analysis of Surface Reflection Images
* Multiscale Decomposition Approach to Gel Image Interpretation, A
* New Geometric Transform Based on Stochastic Geometry in the Context of Pattern Recognition
* Normalized Averaging Using Adaptive Applicability Functions with Applications in Image Reconstruction from Sparsely and Randomly Sampled Data
* Note on Evaluation of Image Recognition Systems, A
* Object Recognition under Various Lighting Conditions
* Omnidirectional Camera Model and Epipolar Geometry Estimation by RANSAC with Bucketing
* On 3D Scanning, Reconstruction, Enhancement, and Segmentation of Logs
* On the Similarity Based Impulsive Noise Removal Technique for Multichannel Images
* Orientation Fields Filtering by Derivatives of a Gaussian
* Panoramic Movie Generation Using an Omnidirectional Multi-camera System for Telepresence
* PDE Based Surface Estimation for Structure from Motion
* Perceptual Organization of Directional Primitives Using a Pseudocolor Hough Transform
* Photo-Identification of Humpback and Gray Whales using Affine Moment Invariants
* Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and the Complex Wishart Distribution
* Polygonal Approximation of Closed Contours
* Predicting Detection Events from Bayesian Scene Recognition
* Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model and Primitive Estimation Using Mathematical Morphology
* Probabilistic Generative Modelling
* Protein Spot Detection by Symmetry Derivatives of Gaussians
* Quadtree Decomposition Texture Analysis in Paper Formation Determination
* Qualitative Characterization and Use of Prior Information
* Real-Time Tracking of Video Sequences in a Panoramic View for Object-Based Video Coding
* Reconstructing the Optical Thickness from Hoffman Modulation Contrast Images
* Reconstruction of Linearly Parameterized Models from a Single Image Using the Vanishing Points
* Registration of Seal Images Using Contour Analysis
* Robust Curve Detection Using a Radon Transform in Orientation Space
* Robust Medical Image Recognition System Employing Edge-Based Feature Vector Representation, A
* Robust Multi-scale Extraction of Blob Features
* Rough Surface Estimation Using the Kirchhoff Model
* Searching Technique in a Spectral Image Database
* Segmentation and Free Space Detection Using Gabor Filters
* Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Tissue by Combining Seeded Watersheds with Gradient Information
* Segmentation of Faces in Video Footage Using Controlled Weights on HSV Color
* Segmentation of Histopathological Sections Using Snakes
* Segmentation of Laparoscopic Images for Computer Assisted Surgery
* Segmentation of T1-MRI of the Human Cortex Using a 3D Grey-level Morphology Approach
* Shortest Route on Gray-Level Map Using Distance Transform on Curved Space
* Similarity Measure for Corner Redetection
* Simplified Vehicle Calibration Using Multilinear Constraints
* Simultaneous Inpainting and Motion Estimation of Highly Degraded Video-Sequences
* Single-Scan Algorithm for Connected Components Labelling in a Traffic Monitoring Application, A
* Soft morphological Filtering of Spectral Images
* Some Issues of Biological Shape Modelling with Applications
* Spectral Color Imaging
* Stroke Segmentation in Infrared Reflectograms
* Structure Estimation and Surface Triangulation of Deformable Objects
* Structure-Preserving Segmentation of Individual Tree Crowns by Brownian Motion
* Supervised Segmentation of Volume Textures Using 3D Probabilistic Relaxation
* Surface Shape from Specularities
* Techniques for Parallel Execution of the Particle Filter
* Temporal Dynamical Interactions between Multiple Layers of Local Image Features for Event Detection in Video Sequences
* Texture Classification by Combining Local Binary Pattern Features and a Self-Organizing Map
* To See What You Cannot See
* Tracking Human Heads Based on Interaction between Hypotheses with Certainty
* Tracking the Pose of Objects through Subspace
* Tracking Weather Storms Using 3D Doppler Radial Velocity Information
* Two Linear Methods for Camera Calibration and Their Applications to Augmented Reality and 3D Reconstruction
* Two-Dimensional Channel Representation for Multiple Velocities
* Two-Frame Motion Estimation Based on Polynomial Expansion
* Using Image Segments in PicSOM CBIR System
* Using Optical Flow as Evidence for Probabilistic Tracking
* Using Real Shadows to Create Virtual Ones
153 for SCIA03

* 3D Object Volume Measurement Using Freehand Ultrasound
* 3D Reconstruction of Metallic Surfaces by Photopolarimetric Analysis
* 3D-Connected Components Analysis for Traffic Monitoring in Image Sequences Acquired from a Helicopter
* Aligning Shapes by Minimising the Description Length
* Application of Spectral Information to Investigate Historical Materials: Detection of Metameric Color Area in Icon Images
* Approach to Digital Archiving of Art Paintings, An
* Approximate Steerability of Gabor Filters for Feature Detection
* Approximated Classification in Interactive Facial Image Retrieval
* Automated Multiple View Inspection Based on Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate from Ultrasound Data Using Feature-Based Self Organizing Map
* Bayesian Approach for Affine Auto-calibration, A
* Bayesian Image Segmentation Using MRF's Combined with Hierarchical Prior Models
* Biometric Recognition: How Do I Know Who You Are?
* Block-Based Methods for Image Retrieval Using Local Binary Patterns
* Building Detection from Mobile Imagery Using Informative SIFT Descriptors
* Cerebrovascular Segmentation by Accurate Probabilistic Modeling of TOF-MRA Images
* Classification of Centres of Maximal Balls in Z3, A
* Clustering Based on Principal Curve
* Color Measurements with a Consumer Digital Camera Using Spectral Estimation Techniques
* Color-Based Classification of Natural Rock Images Using Classifier Combinations
* Combined Segmentation and Tracking of Neural Stem-Cells
* Comparative Study of Angular Extrapolation in Sinogram and Stackgram Domains for Limited Angle Tomography, A
* Comparison Among Distances Based on Neighborhood Sequences in Regular Grids, A
* Complex Correlation Statistic for Dense Stereoscopic Matching
* DCT Based High Quality Image Compression
* Decision Support System for the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease
* Denoising of Time-Density Data in Digital Subtraction Angiography
* Descriptive Approach to Image Analysis: Current State and Prospects, The
* Development of Direct Manipulation Interface for Collaborative VR/MR Workspace
* Dissolved Organic Matters Impact on Colour Reconstruction in Underwater Images
* Dolphins Who's Who: A Statistical Perspective
* Dynamically Visual Learning for People Identification with Sparsely Distributed Cameras
* Efficient 1-Pass Prediction for Volume Compression
* Enhanced Fourier Shape Descriptor Using Zero-Padding
* Estimating Camera Position and Posture by Using Feature Landmark Database
* Evaluation of the Effect of Input Stimuli on the Quality of Orientation Maps Produced Through Self Organization
* Exemplar Based Recognition of Visual Shapes
* Extraction and Removal of Layers from Map Imagery Data
* Eye-Movements as a Biometric
* Fast Guaranteed Polygonal Approximations of Closed Digital Curves
* Fast Manifold Learning Based on Riemannian Normal Coordinates
* Feature Extraction for Oil Spill Detection Based on SAR Images
* Fractal Dimension Analysis and Statistical Processing of Paper Surface Images Towards Surface Roughness Measurement
* Functional 2D Procrustes Shape Analysis
* Geometrical Computer Vision from Chasles to Today
* Graph Representation of Filter Networks, A
* Hierarchical Cell Structures for Segmentation of Voxel Images
* High-Reliability, High-Resolution Method for Land Cover Classification Into Forest and Non-forest, A
* Hybridization of the Ant Colony Optimization with the K-Means Algorithm for Clustering
* Image Analysis with Local Binary Patterns
* Image Compression Using Adaptive Variable Degree Variable Segment Length Chebyshev Polynomials
* Improving K-Means by Outlier Removal
* Improving the Maximum-Likelihood Co-occurrence Classifier: A Study on Classification of Inhomogeneous Rock Images
* In Situ Detection and Identification of Microorganisms at Single Colony Resolution Using Spectral Imaging Technique
* Incremental Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm
* Inferring and Enforcing Geometrical Constraints on a 3D Model for Building Reconstruction
* Integation Methods of Model-Free Features for 3D Tracking
* Interactive 3-D Modeling System Using a Hand-Held Video Camera
* Invariance in Kernel Methods by Haar-Integration Kernels
* Inverse Global Illumination Rendering for Dense Estimation of Surface Reflectance Properties
* Joint Analysis of Multiple Mammographic Views in CAD Systems for Breast Cancer Detection
* Joint Modeling of Facial Expression and Shape from Video
* Joint Spatial-Temporal Color Demosaicking
* Learning Based System for Detection and Tracking of Vehicles
* Levelset and B-Spline Deformable Model Techniques for Image Segmentation: A Pragmatic Comparative Study
* Light Field Reconstruction Using a Planar Patch Model
* Linear Hashtable Method Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Spatial Related Criterion
* Local Shape Modelling Using Warplets
* Lossless Compression of Map Contours by Context Tree Modeling of Chain Codes
* Mapping Perceptual Texture Similarity for Image Retrieval
* Maximal Digital Straight Segments and Convergence of Discrete Geometric Estimators
* Memory Architecture and Contextual Reasoning Framework for Cognitive Vision, A
* MGRF Controlled Stochastic Deformable Model
* Modeling Inaccurate Perception: Desynchronization Issues of a Chaotic Pattern Recognition Neural Network
* Modeling, Evaluation and Control of a Road Image Processing Chain
* Morphons: Paint on Priors and Elastic Canvas for Segmentation and Registration
* Mottling Assessment of Solid Printed Areas and Its Correlation to Perceived Uniformity
* MSCC: Maximally Stable Corner Clusters
* Multimodal Automatic Indexing for Broadcast Soccer Video
* New Class of Learnable Detectors for Categorisation, A
* New Method for Affine Registration of Images and Point Sets, A
* Non-rigid Registration Using Morphons
* Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Using Circuit Models
* Novel Algorithm for Fitting 3-D Active Appearance Models: Applications to Cardiac MRI Segmentation, A
* Novel Robust Tube Detection Filter for 3D Centerline Extraction, A
* Object Evidence Extraction Using Simple Gabor Features and Statistical Ranking
* Object Localization with Boosting and Weak Supervision for Generic Object Recognition
* On Aligning Sets of Points Reconstructed from Uncalibrated Affine Cameras
* Optimal Encoding of Vector Data with Polygonal Approximation and Vertex Quantization
* Optimal Estimation of Homogeneous Vectors
* Optimal Ratio of Lamé Moduli with Application to Motion of Jupiter Storms
* Overlapping Constraint for Variational Surface Reconstruction
* Paving the Way for Image Understanding: A New Kind of Image Decomposition Is Desired
* Perception-Action Based Object Detection from Local Descriptor Combination and Reinforcement Learning
* Polygon Mesh Generation of Branching Structures
* Pose Estimation of Randomly Organized Stator Housings
* Preferential Spectral Image Quality Model
* Probabilistic Model-Based Background Subtraction
* Problems Related to Automatic Nipple Extraction
* Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Compression and Feature Extraction
* Reconstruction from Planar Motion Image Sequences with Applications for Autonomous Vehicles
* Reconstruction of Probability Density Functions from Channel Representations
* Restoration of Multitemporal Short-Exposure Astronomical Images
* S-Kernel and a Symmetry Measure Based on Correlation, The
* Segmentation of Medical Images Using Three-Dimensional Active Shape Models
* Segmentation of Multimodal MRI of Hippocampus Using 3D Grey-Level Morphology Combined with Artificial Neural Networks
* Shape Based Identification of Proteins in Volume Images
* Shape-Based Co-occurrence Matrices for Defect Classification
* Spectral Estimation of Skin Color with Foundation Makeup
* Spectral Imaging Technique for Visualizing the Invisible Information
* Steerable Semi-automatic Segmentation of Textured Images
* Stereo Tracking Error Analysis by Comparison with an Electromagnetic Tracking Device
* Study of the Yosemite Sequence Used as a Test Sequence for Estimation of Optical Flow, A
* Synthesizing the Artistic Effects of Ink Painting
* Tangent Kernel Approach to Illumination-Robust Texture Classification, The
* Tensor Processing for Texture and Colour Segmentation
* Texture Analysis for Stroke Classification in Infrared Reflectogramms
* Thickness Estimation of Discrete Tree-Like Tubular Objects: Application to Vessel Quantification
* Three-Dimensional Measurement System Using a Cylindrical Mirror
* TIPS: On Finding a Tight Isothetic Polygonal Shape Covering a 2D Object
* Tissue Models and Speckle Reduction in Medical Ultrasound Images
* Toward Automatic Motor Condition Diagnosis
* Training Cellular Automata for Image Processing
* Use of Image Smoothness Estimates in Speeding Up Fractal Image Compression, The
* Use of Quadrature Filters for Detection of Stellate Lesions in Mammograms
* Versatile Model-Based Visibility Measure for Geometric Primitives, A
127 for SCIA05

* 3D Deformable Registration for Monitoring Radiotherapy Treatment in Prostate Cancer
* Accurate 3D Left-Right Brain Hemisphere Segmentation in MR Images Based on Shape Bottlenecks and Partial Volume Estimation
* Accurate Interpolation in Appearance-Based Pose Estimation
* Accurate Spatial Neighborhood Relationships for Arbitrarily-Shaped Objects Using Hamilton-Jacobi GVD
* Affine Illumination Compensation for Multispectral Images
* Automated Mottling Assessment of Colored Printed Areas
* Automatic Extraction and Classification of Vegetation Areas from High Resolution Images in Urban Areas
* Automatic Feature Point Correspondences and Shape Analysis with Missing Data and Outliers Using MDL
* Automatic Identification and Validation of Tie Points on Hyperspectral Satellite Images from CHRIS/PROBA
* Automatic Segmentation of Fibroglandular Tissue
* Automatic Segmentation of Overlapping Fish Using Shape Priors
* Boneless Pose Editing and Animation
* Camera-to-Camera Mapping for Hybrid Pan-Tilt-Zoom Sensors Calibration
* Classification of Biological Objects Using Active Appearance Modelling and Color Cooccurrence Matrices
* Colorimetric and Multispectral Image Acquisition Using Model-Based and Empirical Device Characterization
* Comparison of Combining Methods of Correlation Kernels in kPCA and kCCA for Texture Classification with Kansei Information
* Context-Free Detection of Events
* Covariance Estimation for SAD Block Matching
* Double Adaptive Filtering of Gaussian Noise Degraded Images
* Efficient Feature Extraction for Fast Segmentation of MR Brain Images
* Efficient Symmetry Detection Using Local Affine Frames
* Efficiently Capturing Object Contours for Non-Photorealistic Rendering
* Estimation of Non-Cartesian Local Structure Tensor Fields
* Evaluating a General Class of Filters for Image Denoising
* Face Detection Using Multiple Cues
* Face Recognition with Irregular Region Spin Images
* Filtering Video Volumes Using the Graphics Hardware
* Finding the Minimum-Cost Path Without Cutting Corners
* FPGA Implementation of k NN Classifier Based on Wavelet Transform and Partial Distance Search
* Fractal Analysis of Mammograms
* Framework for Multiclass Reject in ECOC Classification Systems, A
* FyFont: Find-your-Font in Large Font Databases
* Generation and Empirical Investigation of hv -Convex Discrete Sets
* GPU-Based Edge-Directed Image Interpolation
* Grain Size Measurement of Crystalline Products Using Maximum Difference Method
* Graph Cut Based Segmentation of Soft Shadows for Seamless Removal and Augmentation
* Graph-Based Range Image Registration Combining Geometric and Photometric Features
* Hierarchical Texture Model for Unsupervised Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Image Based Measurements of Single Cell mtDNA Mutation Load
* Image Inpainting by Cooling and Heating
* Image Segmentation with Context
* Improved Chamfer Matching Using Interpolated Chamfer Distance and Subpixel Search
* Improving Hyperspectral Classifiers: The Difference Between Reducing Data Dimensionality and Reducing Classifier Parameter Complexity
* Individual Discriminative Face Recognition Models Based on Subsets of Features
* Infrared-Visual Image Registration Based on Corners and Hausdorff Distance
* Intelligent Image Retrieval System Based on the Synergy of Color and Artificial Ant Colonies, An
* Line-Stepping for Shell Meshes
* Linear Mapping for Stereo Triangulation, A
* Model Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Monocular Point Based Pose Estimation of Artificial Markers by Using Evolutionary Computing
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Multi-layer Multi-modal Framework
* Multiresolution Approach in Computing NTF
* New Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection Method for Colour Images, A
* Nonlinear Functionals in the Construction of Multiscale Affine Invariants
* Novel Parameter Decomposition Approach for Recovering Poses of Distal Locking Holes from Single Calibrated Fluoroscopic Image, A
* Novel Stereoscopic View Generation by Image-Based Rendering Coordinated with Depth Information
* Object Class Detection Using Local Image Features and Point Pattern Matching Constellation Search
* Object Recognition Using Frequency Domain Blur Invariant Features
* Occluded Facial Expression Tracking
* On Reasoning over Tracking Events
* Page Frame Detection for Marginal Noise Removal from Scanned Documents
* PCA-Based Technique to Detect Moving Objects, A
* Performance Comparison of Techniques for Approximating Image-Based Lighting by Directional Light Sources
* Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Residual Interpolation, a Tool for Inter-layer Prediction in H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding
* Pseudo-real Image Sequence Generator for Optical Flow Computations
* Real-Time Face Detection Using Illumination Invariant Features
* Real-Time Visual Recognition of Objects and Scenes Using P-Channel Matching
* Reconstructing Teeth with Bite Information
* Reconstruction of 3D Curves for Quality Control
* Recursive Structure and Motion Estimation Based on Hybrid Matching Constraints
* Regularized Neighborhood Component Analysis
* Representing Pairs of Orientations in the Plane
* Robust Approach for 3D Cars Reconstruction, A
* Robust Boundary Delineation Using Random-Phase-Shift Active Contours
* Robust Moving Region Boundary Extraction Using Second Order Statistics
* Robust Pose Estimation Using the SwissRanger SR-3000 Camera
* Robust Pseudo-hierarchical Support Vector Clustering
* Robust Variational Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Scale-Space Texture Classification Using Combined Classifiers
* Shadow Resistant Direct Image Registration
* Similar Pattern Discrimination by Filter Mask Learning with Probabilistic Descent
* Single View Motion Tracking by Depth and Silhouette Information
* Sparse Statistical Deformation Model for the Analysis of Craniofacial Malformations in the Crouzon Mouse
* Statistical Model of Head Asymmetry in Infants with Deformational Plagiocephaly, A
* Statistical Properties of Local Log-Contrast in Natural Images, The
* Supporting Structure from Motion with a 3D-Range-Camera
* Surface-to-Surface Registration Using Level Sets
* Temporal Bayesian Networks for Scenario Recognition
* Text Driven Face-Video Synthesis Using GMM and Spatial Correlation
* Triangulation of Points, Lines and Conics
* Unsupervised Perceptual Segmentation of Natural Color Images Using Fuzzy-Based Hierarchical Algorithm
* Using Hidden Markov Models for Recognizing Action Primitives in Complex Actions
* Using Importance Sampling for Bayesian Feature Space Filtering
* Variational Segmentation of Image Sequences Using Deformable Shape Priors
* Variational Segmentation Using Dynamical Models for Rigid Motion
* Video Segmentation and Shot Boundary Detection Using Self-Organizing Maps
* Visual System for Hand Gesture Recognition in Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Watertight Multi-view Reconstruction Based on Volumetric Graph-Cuts
* Weighted Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids
100 for SCIA07

* Analyzing Gait Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Appearance Based Extraction of Planar Structure in Monocular SLAM
* Automatic Quantification of Fluorescence from Clustered Targets in Microscope Images
* Bayesian Classification of Image Structures
* Binarization Algorithm Based on Shade-Planes for Road Marking Recognition, A
* Camera Resectioning from a Box
* Clustering Based Method for Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Color Management Process for Real Time Color Reconstruction of Multispectral Images, A
* Colour Gamut Mapping as a Constrained Variational Problem
* Combining Local Feature Histograms of Different Granularities
* Comparison of Feature Detectors with Passive and Task-Based Visual Saliency, A
* Comparison of Iterative 2D-3D Pose Estimation Methods for Real-Time Applications, A
* Content-Aware Video Editing in the Temporal Domain
* Contrast Enhancing Colour to Grey
* Convex Approach to Low Rank Matrix Approximation with Missing Data, A
* Decomposition and Classification of Spectral Lines in Astronomical Radio Data Cubes
* Dense and Deformable Motion Segmentation for Wide Baseline Images
* Disambiguation of Fingerprint Ridge Flow Direction: Two Approaches
* Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality in Low Light Imaging, The
* Efficient Denoising of Images with Smooth Geometry
* Efficient K-Means VLSI Architecture for Vector Quantization
* Evolutionary Approach for Object-Based Image Reconstruction Using Learnt Priors, An
* Extending Diabetic Retinopathy Imaging from Color to Spectra
* Extending GKLT Tracking: Feature Tracking for Controlled Environments with Integrated Uncertainty Estimation
* Extraction of Windows in Facade Using Kernel on Graph of Contours
* Face Recognition under Variant Illumination Using PCA and Wavelets
* Fast Optimization Method for Level Set Segmentation, A
* Fast Prototype Based Noise Reduction
* Fast-Robust PCA
* Framework for Applying Full Reference Digital Image Quality Measures to Printed Images
* Fusion of Multiple Expert Annotations and Overall Score Selection for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Galaxy Decomposition in Multispectral Images Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
* Geometric Multispectral Camera Calibration
* Globally Optimal Least Squares Solutions for Quasiconvex 1D Vision Problems
* Grouping of Semantically Similar Image Positions
* Head Pose Estimation from Passive Stereo Images
* High Definition Wearable Video Communication
* Hybrid Image Quality Measure for Automatic Image Quality Assessment, A
* Image Based Quantitative Mosaic Evaluation with Artificial Video
* Improved Quantification of Bone Remodelling by Utilizing Fuzzy Based Segmentation
* Improved Statistical Techniques for Multi-part Face Detection and Recognition
* Improving Automatic Video Retrieval with Semantic Concept Detection
* Informative Laplacian Projection
* Instant Action Recognition
* Joint Random Sample Consensus and Multiple Motion Models for Robust Video Tracking
* Kernel Based Subspace Projection of Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images of Maize Kernels
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis Pre-images for Pattern Denoising
* Method to Analyze Preferred MTF for Printing Medium Including Paper, A
* Multi-band Gradient Component Pattern (MGCP): A New Statistical Feature for Face Recognition
* Multi-frequency Phase Unwrapping from Noisy Data: Adaptive Local Maximum Likelihood Approach
* Multi-view and Multi-scale Recognition of Symmetric Patterns
* New Hybrid DCT and Contourlet Transform Based JPEG Image Steganalysis Technique, A
* New Triangulation-Based Method for Disparity Estimation in Image Sequences, A
* Number of Linearly Independent Vectors in Spectral Databases, The
* On the Spatial Distribution of Local Non-parametric Facial Shape Descriptors
* On the Use of Gaze Information and Saliency Maps for Measuring Perceptual Contrast
* Parallel Volume Image Segmentation with Watershed Transformation
* Precise Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Properties of Cosmetic Foundation
* Primitive Based Action Representation and Recognition
* Quantification of Bone Remodeling in SRmuCT Images of Implants
* Recognition of Protruding Objects in Highly Structured Surroundings by Structural Inference
* Recovering Affine Deformations of Fuzzy Shapes
* Regularisation of 3D Signed Distance Fields
* Rotation Invariant Image Description with Local Binary Pattern Histogram Fourier Features
* Segmentation of Highly Lignified Zones in Wood Fiber Cross-Sections
* Segmentation of Touching Cell Nuclei Using a Two-Stage Graph Cut Model
* Segmentation, Tracking and Characterization of Solar Features from EIT Solar Corona Images
* Shape and Texture Based Classification of Fish Species
* Similarity Matches of Gene Expression Data Based on Wavelet Transform
* Simple Comparison of Spectral Color Reproduction Workflows
* Spatio-temporal Super-Resolution Using Depth Map
* Sputnik Tracker: Having a Companion Improves Robustness of the Tracker
* Stereo Tracking of Faces for Driver Observation
* Towards Automated TEM for Virus Diagnostics: Segmentation of Grid Squares and Detection of Regions of Interest
* Two-Phase Segmentation of Cell Nuclei Using Fast Level Set-Like Algorithms, A
* Unsupervised Assessment of Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat by MRI
* Using Hierarchical Models for 3D Human Body-Part Tracking
* Weight-Based Facial Expression Recognition from Near-Infrared Video Sequences
* Weighted DFT Based Blur Invariants for Pattern Recognition
80 for SCIA09

* Accumulation of Different Visual Feature Descriptors in a Coherent Framework
* Adaptive Classification of Dirt Particles in Papermaking Process
* Analysis of Seed Sorting Process by Estimation of Seed Motion Trajectories
* Anatomical Landmark Tracking for the Analysis of Animal Locomotion in X-ray Videos Using Active Appearance Models
* Automated System for the Detection and Diagnosis of Kidney Lesions in Children from Scintigraphy Images, An
* Automatic Compartment Modelling and Segmentation for Dynamical Renal Scintigraphies
* Automatic Estimation of the Number of Deformation Modes in Non-rigid SfM with Missing Data
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Adipose Tissue in MRI
* Automatic Segmentation of Veterinary Infrared Images with the Active Shape Approach
* Camera Self-calibration with Parallel Screw Axis Motion by Intersecting Imaged Horopters
* Catadioptric Silhouette-Based Pose Estimation from Learned Models
* Coherence Probe Microscopy Imaging and Analysis for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
* Color Persistent Anisotropic Diffusion of Images
* Combining Contrast Information and Local Binary Patterns for Gender Classification
* Combining Stereo and Time-of-Flight Images with Application to Automatic Plant Phenotyping
* Content Based Detection of Popular Images in Large Image Databases
* Continuous Orientation Representation for Arbitrary Dimensions: A Generalized Knutsson Mapping
* Decomposition of a Curve into Arcs and Line Segments Based on Dominant Point Detection
* Degradation Based Blind Image Quality Evaluation
* Efficient Hyperelastic Regularization for Registration
* Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics for Color Prints
* Expression Recognition in Videos Using a Weighted Component-Based Feature Descriptor
* Fast and Efficient Saliency Detection Using Sparse Sampling and Kernel Density Estimation
* Forming Different-Complexity Covariance-Model Subspaces through Piecewise-Constant Spectra for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Free-Viewpoint Virtual Mirror with Marker-Less User Interaction, A
* Fully Automatic Liver Volumetry Using 3D Level Set Segmentation for Differentiated Liver Tissue Types in Multiple Contrast MR Datasets
* Generalized Hard Constraints for Graph Segmentation
* Generic Object Class Detection Using Feature Maps
* Highly Consistent Sequential Segmentation
* Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
* Human 3D Motion Computation from a Varying Number of Cameras
* Hybrid Approach to Brain Extraction from Premature Infant MRI, A
* Image Foresting Transform: On-the-Fly Computation of Segmentation Boundaries
* Image Reconstruction by Prioritized Incremental Normalized Convolution
* Improved Video Segmentation by Adaptive Combination of Depth Keying and Mixture-of-Gaussians
* Improving Particle Segmentation from Process Images with Wiener Filtering
* Indexing Tree Structures through Caterpillar Decomposition
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Iterative Reconstruction for Quantitative Tissue Decomposition in Dual-Energy CT
* Kernel Fisher Discriminant and Elliptic Shape Model for Automatic Measurement of Allergic Reactions
* Mixed-State Particle Filtering for Simultaneous Tracking and Re-identification in Non-overlapping Camera Networks
* Mobile Visual Search from Dynamic Image Databases
* Model-Based Transfer Functions for Efficient Visualization of Medical Image Volumes
* Multichannel Segmentation Using Contour Relaxation: Fast Super-Pixels and Temporal Propagation
* On Inferring Image Label Information Using Rank Minimization for Supervised Concept Embedding
* Optimal View Path Planning for Visual SLAM
* Person Re-identification by Descriptive and Discriminative Classification
* Point Pattern Matching for 2-D Point Sets with Regular Structure
* Projector Calibration by Inverse Camera Calibration
* Real Time Surface Registration for PET Motion Tracking
* Real-Time Detection of Landscape Scenes
* Real-Time Line Detection Using Accelerated High-Resolution Hough Transform
* Recovering Missing Data on Satellite Images
* Representing Local Structure Using Tensors II
* Saliency in Spectral Images
* Scale Space Smoothing, Image Feature Extraction and Bessel Filters
* Smoothing-Based Submap Merging in Large Area SLAM
* Sparse Similarity-Based Fisherfaces
* Spatio-chromatic Image Content Descriptors and Their Analysis Using Extreme Value Theory
* Stable Structure from Motion for Unordered Image Collections
* Supercontinuum Light Sources for Hyperspectral Subsurface Laser Scattering: Applications for Food Inspection
* Target Segmentation in Scenes with Diverse Background
* Text Extraction Using Component Analysis and Neuro-fuzzy Classification on Complex Backgrounds
* Three-Dimensional Shape Description Algorithm Based on Polar-Fourier Transform for 3D Model Retrieval, A
* Triangulating a Plane
* Unscented Kalman Filtering for Articulated Human Tracking
* Unsupervised Learning for Improving Efficiency of Dense Three-Dimensional Scene Recovery in Corridor Mapping
* Using Active Illumination for Accurate Variational Space-Time Stereo
* Using Fourier Descriptors and Spatial Models for Traffic Sign Recognition
* Using the Local Phase of the Magnitude of the Local Structure Tensor for Image Registration
* Using the Skeleton for 3D Object Decomposition
* Volume Local Phase Quantization for Blur-Insensitive Dynamic Texture Classification
* Watermark Recovery from a Dual Layer Hologram with a Digital Camera
* Wood Detection and Tracking in Videos of Rivers
75 for SCIA11

* 3D Object Pose Estimation Using Viewpoint Generative Learning
* Adaptive Spatio-temporal Filtering of 4D CT-Heart
* Adding Discriminative Power to Hierarchical Compositional Models for Object Class Detection
* Airborne Based High Performance Crowd Monitoring for Security Applications
* Apprenticeship Learning: Transfer of Knowledge via Dataset Augmentation
* Approximations of Gaussian Process Uncertainties for Visual Recognition Problems
* Asymmetry as a Measure of Visual Saliency
* Automated Cell Counting in Bürker Chamber
* Automated Tracing of Retinal Blood Vessels Using Graphical Models
* Automatic Optimization of Alignment Parameters for Tomography Datasets
* Bayesian Non-parametric Image Segmentation with Markov Random Field Prior
* Bundle Methods for Structured Output Learning: Back to the Roots
* Cascaded Random Forest for Fast Object Detection
* Characterizing Spatters in Laser Welding of Thick Steel Using Motion Flow Analysis
* Classification of RGB-D and Motion Capture Sequences Using Extreme Learning Machine
* Constructing Local Binary Pattern Statistics by Soft Voting
* Continuous-Space Gaussian Process Regression and Generalized Wiener Filtering with Application to Learning Curves
* Density Driven Diffusion
* Depth Map Inpainting under a Second-Order Smoothness Prior
* Detecting Hand-Head Occlusions in Sign Language Video
* Detection of Curvilinear Structures by Tensor Voting Applied to Fiber Characterization
* Detection of Small Roof Details in Image Sequences
* Domain Adaptation for Sequential Detection
* Dynamic 3D Facial Expression Recognition Using Robust Shape Features
* Efficient Boosted Weak Classifiers for Object Detection
* Evaluating Local Feature Detectors in Salient Region Detection
* Exploiting Object Characteristics Using Custom Features for Boosting-Based Classification
* Extended 3D Line Segments from RGB-D Data for Pose Estimation
* Extracting Local Binary Patterns from Image Key Points: Application to Automatic Facial Expression Recognition
* FAST-PVE: Extremely Fast Markov Random Field Based Brain MRI Tissue Classification
* Feature-Based Adaptive Model for Realtime Face Tracking on Smart Phones, A
* Finger Tracking for Gestural Interaction in Mobile Devices
* Forest Stand Delineation Using a Hybrid Segmentation Approach Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Gender Recognition Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and WLD Descriptor
* Genus Zero Graph Segmentation: Estimation of Intracranial Volume [Conf]
* Head Pose Estimation for Sign Language Video
* Head Pose Estimation Using Multi-scale Gaussian Derivatives
* High Capacity Reversible Watermarking for Images Based on Classified Neural Network
* Improved Object Detection and Pose Using Part-Based Models
* Incorporating Texture Intensity Information into LBP-Based Operators
* Industrial Phase-Shifting Profilometry in Motion
* Interest Region Description Using Local Binary Pattern of Gradients
* Introducing a Inter-frame Relational Feature Model for Pedestrian Detection
* Learning Multi-view Correspondences via Subspace-Based Temporal Coincidences
* Least-Squares Transformations between Point-Sets
* Local Image Descriptor Robust to Illumination Changes, A
* Mean Shift with Flatness Constraints
* Merging Overlapping Depth Maps into a Nonredundant Point Cloud
* Multiplicative Updates for Learning with Stochastic Matrices
* Non Maximal Suppression in Cascaded Ranking Models
* On-line Stereo Self-calibration through Minimization of Matching Costs
* Perceptually-Inspired Artistic Genre Identification System in Digitized Painting Collections
* Probabilistic Hough Voting for Attitude Estimation from Aerial Fisheye Images
* Probabilistic Range Image Integration for DSM and True-Orthophoto Generation
* Robust Scale-Adaptive Mean-Shift for Tracking
* Saliency Detection Using Joint Temporal and Spatial Decorrelation
* Simple-Graphs Fusion in Image Mosaic: Application to Automated Cell Files Identification in Wood Slices
* Statistical Quality Assessment of Pre-fried Carrots Using Multispectral Imaging
* Structure from Motion Estimation with Positional Cues
* Supervised Object Class Colour Normalisation
* Texture Description with Completed Local Quantized Patterns
* Topology-Preserving Dimension-Reduction Methods for Image Pattern Recognition
* Toward Automated Validation of Sketch-Based 3D Segmentation Editing Tools
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Anomalies in Sequential Data, Images and Volumetric Data Using Multiscale Fourier Phase-Only Analysis
* Unsupervised Visual Object Categorisation with BoF and Spatial Matching
* Validating the Visual Saliency Model
* Vessel Wall Segmentation Using Implicit Models and Total Curvature Penalizers
68 for SCIA13

* 3D Point Representation For Pose Estimation: Accelerated SIFT vs ORB
* Accuracy in Robot Generated Image Data Sets
* Analysis of Thermal Video for Coarse to Fine Particle Tracking in Volcanic Explosion Plumes
* Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical Approach
* Boosting Small-Data Performance of LBP: A Case Study in Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Brain Image Motion Correction: Impact of Incorrect Calibration and Noisy Tracking
* Categorisation of 3D Objects in Range Images Using Compositional Hierarchies of Parts Based on MDL and Entropy Selection Criteria
* Category-Sensitive Hashing and Bloom Filter Based Descriptors for Online Keypoint Recognition
* Change Point Geometry for Change Detection in Surveillance Video
* Characterizing Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D Printed Primitives
* Classification of Alzheimer's Disease from MRI Using Sulcal Morphology
* Coloring Channel Representations for Visual Tracking
* Computer Vision for Head Pose Estimation: Review of a Competition
* Consensus Clustering Using kNN Mode Seeking
* Correction of Motion Artifacts for Real-Time Structured Light
* Deep Semantic Pyramids for Human Attributes and Action Recognition
* Democratic Tone Mapping Using Optimal K-means Clustering
* Detecting Rails and Obstacles Using a Train-Mounted Thermal Camera
* Dictionary Based Image Segmentation
* Dictionary Based Segmentation in Volumes
* Discriminating Yogurt Microstructure Using Diffuse Reflectance Images
* Ensemble of 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Tumor Segmentation, An
* Exploring Compression Impact on Face Detection Using Haar-like Features
* Face Recognition Using Smoothed High-Dimensional Representation
* Face Verification Based on Gabor Region Covariance Matrices
* Framework for Articulated Hand Pose Estimation and Evaluation, A
* Gender Classification by LUT Based Boosting of Overlapping Block Patterns
* Heartbeat Signal from Facial Video for Biometric Recognition
* High-Speed Hand Tracking for Studying Human-Computer Interaction
* Image Alignment for Panorama Stitching in Sparsely Structured Environments
* Image Registration of Cochlear micro-CT Data Using Heat Distribution Similarity
* Joint Spatial-Depth Feature Pooling for RGB-D Object Classification
* Measuring the Radius of Meniscus Ring During the Growth of Silicon Rods
* Microscopy Image Enhancement for Cost-Effective Cervical Cancer Screening
* OMEG: Oulu Multi-Pose Eye Gaze Dataset
* Oriented Shape Index Histograms for Cell Classification
* Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic ConvNets
* Progressive Visual Object Detection with Positive Training Examples Only
* Quantification of Brain Access of Exendin-4 in the C57BL Mouse Model by SPIM Fluorescence Imaging and the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Model
* Regularizing Image Intensity Transformations Using the Wasserstein Metric
* RSD-HoG: A New Image Descriptor
* Texture Removal Preserving Edges by Diffusion
* Using Motion Tracking to Detect Spontaneous Movements in Infants
* Wooden Knot Detection Using ConvNet Transfer Learning
* Überatlas: Robust Speed-Up of Feature-Based Registration and Multi-Atlas Segmentation
46 for SCIA15

* Airway-Tree Segmentation in Subjects with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
* Augmented Reality Interfaces for Additive Manufacturing
* Automated Pain Assessment in Neonates
* Automatic Emulation by Adaptive Relevance Vector Machines
* Automatic Segmentation of Abdominal Fat in MRI-Scans, Using Graph-Cuts and Image Derived Energies
* Automatic Segmentation of Bone Tissue from Computed Tomography Using a Volumetric Local Binary Patterns Based Method
* Averaging Three-Dimensional Time-Varying Sequences of Rotations: Application to Preprocessing of Motion Capture Data
* Block-Permutation-Based Encryption Scheme with Enhanced Color Scrambling
* BriefMatch: Dense Binary Feature Matching for Real-Time Optical Flow Estimation
* Canonical Analysis of Sentinel-1 Radar and Sentinel-2 Optical Data
* Classification of Fingerprints Captured Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Clustering Approach to Heterogeneous Change Detection, A
* Collaborative Representation of Statistically Independent Filters' Response: An Application to Face Recognition Under Illicit Drug Abuse Alterations
* Comparison of Concave Point Detection Methods for Overlapping Convex Objects Segmentation
* Computer Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer on Biparametric MRI Using a Quadratic Discriminant Model
* Context Aware Query Image Representation for Particular Object Retrieval
* ConvNet Regression for Fingerprint Orientations
* Convolutional Neural Networks for False Positive Reduction of Automatically Detected Cilia in Low Magnification TEM Images
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation and Object Detection of Human Semen
* Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using the Segment Gradient Orientation Histogram
* Creating Ultra Dense Point Correspondence Over the Entire Human Head
* Crowd Counting Based on MMCNN in Still Images
* DEBC Detection with Deep Learning
* Decoding Gene Expression in 2D and 3D
* Deep Kernelized Autoencoders
* Deep Learning for Polar Bear Detection
* Detecting Chest Compression Depth Using a Smartphone Camera and Motion Segmentation
* Diagnosis of Broiler Livers by Classifying Image Patches
* Domain Transfer for Delving into Deep Networks Capacity to De-Abstract Art
* Dynamic Exploratory Search in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Enhancement of Cilia Sub-structures by Multiple Instance Registration and Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Error Analysis of Structured Light Scanning of Biological Tissue, An
* Estimation of Heartbeat Peak Locations and Heartbeat Rate from Facial Video
* Evaluation of Visual Tracking Algorithms for Embedded Devices
* Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
* Foreign Object Detection in Multispectral X-ray Images of Food Items Using Sparse Discriminant Analysis
* Framework for Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Inventory
* General Cramér-von Mises, a Helpful Ally for Transparent Object Inspection Using Deflection Maps?
* Generation and Authoring of Augmented Reality Terrains Through Real-Time Analysis of Map Images
* Granulometry-Based Trabecular Bone Segmentation
* HDR Imaging Pipeline for Spectral Filter Array Cameras
* Historical Document Binarization Combining Semantic Labeling and Graph Cuts
* Image Processing and Its Hardware Support Analysis vs Synthesis: Historical Trends
* Image Processing of Leaf Movements in Mimosa pudica
* Image-Based Method for Objectively Assessing Injection Moulded Plastic Quality, An
* Interpolation from Grid Lines: Linear, Transfinite and Weighted Method
* Large-Scale Mapping of Small Roads in Lidar Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Local Adaptive Wiener Filtering for Class Averaging in Single Particle Reconstruction
* Max-Margin Learning of Deep Structured Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Memory Effects in Subjective Quality Assessment of X-Ray Images
* Multimodal Neural Networks: RGB-D for Semantic Segmentation and Object Detection
* Multispectral Constancy Based on Spectral Adaptation Transform
* Non-reference Image Quality Assessment for Fingervein Presentation Attack Detection
* Noncentral and Non-Gaussian Probability Model for SAR Data, A
* Novel Method for Automatic Localization of Joint Area on Knee Plain Radiographs, A
* Object Proposal Generation Applying the Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Process
* Object Tracking via Pixel-Wise and Block-Wise Sparse Representation
* Optimised Anisotropic Poisson Denoising
* Physics-Aware Gaussian Processes for Earth Observation
* Pipette Hunter: Patch-Clamp Pipette Detection
* Plane Refined Structure from Motion
* Residual vs. Inception vs. Classical Networks for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Robust Abdominal Organ Segmentation Using Regional Convolutional Neural Networks
* Robust and Practical Depth Map Fusion for Time-of-Flight Cameras
* Robust Anomaly Detection Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging for Surface Quality Inspection
* Robust Data Whitening as an Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares Problem
* Segmentation of Multiple Structures in Chest Radiographs Using Multi-task Fully Convolutional Networks
* Semi-automatic Method for Intervertebral Kinematics Measurement in the Cervical Spine
* Simplification of Polygonal Chains by Enforcing Few Distinctive Edge Directions
* Soft Margin Bayes-Point-Machine Classification via Adaptive Direction Sampling
* Solution of Pure Scattering Radiation Transport Equation (RTE) Using Finite Difference Method (FDM)
* Sparse Approximation by Matching Pursuit Using Shift-Invariant Dictionary
* Spectral Clustering Using PCKID: A Probabilistic Cluster Kernel for Incomplete Data
* State Estimation of the Performance of Gravity Tables Using Multispectral Image Analysis
* Structure from Motion by Artificial Neural Networks
* Subpixel-Precise Tracking of Rigid Objects in Real-Time
* Supervised Approaches for Function Prediction of Proteins Contact Networks from Topological Structure Information
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Monitoring of Avalanche Activity: An Automated Detection Scheme
* Thistle Detection
* Time-Efficient Optimisation Framework for Parameters of Optical Flow Methods, A
* Top-Down Deep Appearance Attention for Action Recognition
* Two-Source Surface Reconstruction Using Polarisation
* Uncertainty Computation in Large 3D Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Multi-manifold Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images with Contractive Autoencoder
* Visual Language Identification from Facial Landmarks
* Wearable Gaze Trackers: Mapping Visual Attention in 3D
87 for SCIA17

* Alignment of Building Footprints Using Quasi-Nadir Aerial Photography
* Assessing Capsule Networks with Biased Data
* Automatic Detection of Cervical Vertebral Landmarks for Fluoroscopic Joint Motion Analysis
* Camera Localization by Single View Query Using One Circular Target
* Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segmented Hippocampi Distinguish Between MCI and TLE?
* Color Normalization of Blood Cell Images
* Combining Depth Fusion and Photometric Stereo for Fine-Detailed 3D Models
* Compressed Imaging at Long Range in SWIR
* CubiCasa5K: A Dataset and an Improved Multi-task Model for Floorplan Image Analysis
* Deep Multi-Class Adversarial Specularity Removal
* Dimensionality Reduction for Visualization of Time Series and Trajectories
* Efficient Merging of Maps and Detection of Changes
* Efficient Solution for Semantic Segmentation: ShuffleNet V2 with Atrous Separable Convolutions, An
* Evaluation of Feature Detectors, Descriptors and Match Filtering Approaches for Historic Repeat Photography
* Facial Emotion Recognition with Varying Poses and/or Partial Occlusion Using Multi-stage Progressive Transfer Learning
* Fast Cross Correlation for Limited Angle Tomographic Data
* Filtering Specular Reflections by Merging Stereo Images
* Fine-Grained Wood Species Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Generating Diffusion MRI Scalar Maps from T1 Weighted Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Global Trifocal Adjustment
* Image Invariants to Anisotropic Gaussian Blur
* Iris Identification in 3D
* Material-Based Segmentation of Objects
* Near Lossless JPEG Compression Based on Masking Effect of Non-predictable Energy of Image Regions
* On the Effectiveness of Generative Adversarial Networks as HEp-2 Image Augmentation Tool
* Parameter Selection for Regularized Electron Tomography Without a Reference Image
* Parametric Model-Based 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views
* Predicting Novel Views Using Generative Adversarial Query Network
* Real-Time Tracking-by-Detection in Broadcast Sports Videos
* RNN-Based IMM Filter Surrogate, An
* Robust Human Activity Recognition Approach Using OpenPose, Motion Features, and Deep Recurrent Neural Network, A
* Salient Object Detection with CNNs and Multi-scale CRFs
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
* Sulcal and Cortical Features for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Unstructured Multi-view Depth Estimation Using Mask-Based Multiplane Representation
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction: A CNN-Based Approach
* Using a Robotic Arm for Measuring BRDFs
* Video Frame Interpolation via Cyclic Fine-Tuning and Asymmetric Reverse Flow
* Weight Estimation of Broilers in Images Using 3D Prior Knowledge
* Zonohedral Approximation of Spherical Structuring Element for Volumetric Morphology
41 for SCIA19


* Recognition of Occluded Two Dimensional Objects

* Chamfering: A fast method for obtaining approximations of the Euclidean distance in N dimensions


* Estimating the N-Dimensional Motion of an (N-1)-Dimensional Hyperplane from Two Matched Images of N+1 Points

* Estimating the Orientation of Multiple Textured Planes
* Extraction of Boundary Keypoints and Completion of Simple Figures
* New System for Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Unconstrained Zip Codes, A
* Rigid Body Motion Analysis from the Correspondence of Interest Points
* Scale Space for Discrete Images
* Shape Representation by Multiscale Contour Approximation
7 for SCIA89

* Algebraic-Analytic Method for Reconstruction from Image Correspondences, An
* Example of Learning in Knowledge-directed Vision, An
* Extension of Marr's Signature Based Edge Classification, An
* On the Behaviour in Scale-Space of Local Extrema and Blobs
* Recursive Estimation of Ego-Motion and Scene Structure from a Moving Platform
* Symmetry Analysis Based on the Voronoi-Delaunay Duality
* Tracking Lines in a Stereo Image Sequence
8 for SCIA91

* Accurate line parameter estimation using a Hough transform algorithm and focus of attention
* Colour Texture Classification Using Features from Colour Histogram
* Combined Estimation of Geometric Object Parameters and Complex Object Description, Using the Predictor-Corrector Method in Combination with Specialised Cost Matrices, The
* Combining Evidence in Dictionary Based Probabilistic Relaxation
* Contextual Postprocessing for Line Detection
* Continuous Vergence Movements for Relative Depth Acquisition
* Formal Definition and Framework for Generic Object Recognition, A
* Improving the Computational Complexity of Active Contour Algorithms
* Monitoring of Road Traffic
* Noise Estimation from Step Edge Operator Responses
* Nonlinear Variational Method for Optical Flow Computation
* On Scale Selection for Differential Operators
* Real-Time Contour Matching over Time in an Active Vision Context
* Recognition of 3D Cylinders in 2D Images by Top-Down Model Imposition
* Region Growing with Planar Facets
* Stereo Correspondence from Junctions
17 for SCIA93

* Automatic Generation of Break Points for MDL Based Curve Classification
* Binocular Dense Depth Reconstruction Using Isotropy Constraint
* Connective Randomized Housh Transform (CRHT)
* Detection and Tracking of Vortices on Oceanographic Images
* Feature Selection Based on Divergence for Empirical Class Densities
* From Edgels to Parametric Curves
* generic approach for planar patches stereo reconstruction, A
* Geon Recognition Through Robust Feature Grouping
* Image Spotting of 3D Objects Using Parametric Eigenspace Representation
* Interest Operator Based on Perceptual Grouping, An
* Modeling and Testing the Stability of Edge Segments: Length and Orientation
* Morphological Multiscale Gradient Watershed Image Analysis
* New Approach to 2D Shapes Characterization, A
* Pairwise Geometric Histograms: A Scalable Solution for the Recognition of 2D rigid Shape
* Texture Boundary Tracking with Gabor Phase
16 for SCIA95

* 3-D Contextual Bayesian Classifier, A
* 3-D Model Reconstruction with Shape and Color by Active Rangefinding
* 3d Multi-Object Deformable Template Based on Moment Invariants
* Accurate Method of Document Skew Estimation by PCA
* Adaptive Two-Stage Approach to Classification of Surface Defects, An
* Algebraically Extended Representations of Multi-Dimensional Signals
* Automated Visual Inspection of Textile
* Automatic Analysis of Young's Fringes
* Automatic Eye Detection for Human Identification
* Automatic Segmentation of Printed Persian (Farsi) Text
* Binary Image Segmentation of Aggregates Based on Polygonal Approximation
* Biopsy Needle Optimisation
* Camera Calibration and Image Correction Using Circular Control Points
* Cell Image Segmentation
* Classification of Edges under Motion
* Comparative Study of Segmentation Methodologies for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Comparison of Human and Machine Assessments of Image Similarity for the Organization of Image Databases, A
* Comparison of Three Filters in the Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equation in Registration
* Compensation of the Systematic Errors of the CCD Camera
* Computer Vision Approach for Robotized Handling of Sheets in a Manufacturing Cell, A
* Computerized Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Concept of Visual Classes for Object Classification, The
* Connected Components in 3D Neighbourhoods
* Construction of Templates for Identifying Non-Transparent Cells in DIC Microscope Images
* Contrast Enhancement of Portal Images with Adaptive Histogram Clip
* Critical Motion Sequences and Conjugacy of Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions
* Cumulative Inference Algorithm Regular Grammars, The
* Curves Matching Using Geodesic Paths
* Density Function Interpretation of Subspace Cassification Methods
* Detecting Shape Defects in Ferrite Cores
* Determining the Optimal Structure for Multilayer Self-Organizing Map with Genetic Algorithm
* Direct Way of Combining Texture and Color for Image Segmentation, A
* Edge Detection Using a Multiagent System
* Edge Steered Region Segmentation by Photometric Color Invariant
* Effect of Edge Detection, Pixel Classification, and Classification-Edge Fusion over LV Calibration: a Two Stage Automatic System
* Efficient Motion Modelling and Visualization of Deformable Structures
* Euclidean Structure Recovery Through Articulated Motion
* Exterior Orientation Using Coplanar Parallel Lines
* Extraction of Information Structures on a Form Base
* Fast Algorithm of Multiresolution Elastic Matching, A
* Fast Pattern Recognition on a Base of Recursive Representation with Binary Trees
* Fuzzy Combination Schemes for Neural Networks
* Fuzzy Neural Nets with Asymmetric Pi Membership Functions and Application to Texture Classification
* Gamma-Art Architecture: a New Model for Temporal Pattern Recognition
* Global Thresholding Algorithms for Aggregate Images
* Grain Size Measurements Using Distribution Classification
* Granulometric Segmentation Using a Gradient Convergence Map
* Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for the Exact Generation of Euclidean Distance Maps, A
* Hand-Eye Calibration in Terms of Motion of Lines Using Geometric Algebra
* Hierarchical Region Detection Based on Gradient Image
* Hierarchy Determination of the Gradient Watershed Adjacent Groups
* How to Preserve Cartographic Features Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Human Body Limbs Tracking by Multi-Ocular Vision
* Image Compression Using the DTOCS and Delaunay Triangulation
* Image Point Motion When Zooming and Focusing
* Improved Cellular Automaton for Follicle Recognition in Ultrasonic Images
* Improved Orientation Selectivity for Orientation Estimation
* Initializing Snakes: A Stepwise Expanding Flexible Balloon
* Integral Features: A Tool for Perceiving Image Distortion
* Integrating Information About Edges Across Scale-Space
* Investigating Preprocessing of Multivariate Images in Combination with Principal Component Analysis
* Kinematic Calibration of an Active Binocular Head for Online Computation of the Epipolar Geometry
* Learning Canonical Correlations
* Learning the Cost of Edit Operations for Edit Distances
* Lip Motion Automatic Detection
* Locally Deformable B-Bubble Model: An Application to Growth Ring Detection on Fish Otoliths, The
* Logical Models of Images and Recognition Operators for Image Understanding Environment
* Making Hough Transform More Robust and Precise
* Matching Surface Signatures for Object Identification
* MATIS3D: An Adaptive Stereo Vision Machine
* Method for Remote Sensing Based Classification of Urban Areas, A
* Model-Based and Automatic Selection of Statistical Parameters Used in Segmentation of MR Images
* Modelling and Visualization for Pearl Quality Evaluation Simulator
* Modular Perceptron: A Linear Classes Separability in the Non-Archimedean Features Spaces, The
* Morphological Method of Detection of Defects on the Surface of Ferrite Cores
* Motion from Ordered Sets of Curvature Points
* Multifractal Image Denoising
* New Approach To Low-Level Retrieving of Grey Scale Images from Image Data Base, A
* New Curved Surface Localization Method Using a Single Perspective View, A
* Non-Uniform Circular Generalized Cylinders Reconstruction From Multiple Perspective Views
* Object Indexing Is a Complex Matter
* Object Recognition Based on Photometric Color Invariants
* On Shape Recovery from Scale-Space Moments on Untextured Surfaces
* On the Modified Quality Criterion of a Procedure of Objects Detection on Spatially-Extended Fields
* On Time Aspects of an Image Processing in MIMD Computers
* On-Line Incremental Learning for Vision-Guided Real-Time Navigation Using Improved Updating
* Optimal Adjusting of Edge Detectors to Extract at Best Close Contours
* Parallel Distance Transform Algorithms on a General SIMD Computer
* Parallel Watershed Algorithm, A
* Photometric Invariants Based on Polarization Analysis
* Pictorial Object-Oriented Database Architecture for Retrieving Images by Their Content, A
* Precise Recognition of Blurred Chinese Characters by Considering Change in Distribution
* Prognosis of Cervical Cancer Using Image Analysis of Cell Nuclei
* Projective Reconstruction of 3D-Curves from Its 2D-Images Using Error Models and Bundle Adjustments
* Projective Structure and Motion from Image Sequences Using Subspace Methods
* Real-Time Recognition of Hand Alphabet Gestures Using Principal Component Analysis
* Recognition of German Literal Amounts by Means of 1-Dimensional and Pseudo 2-Dimensional HMMS
* Recovering Very Large Visual Motion Fields
* Recovery of Depth Information from Optical Microscope Images by Constrained Deconvolution
* Recursive Perceptual Grouping for 3D Object Reconstruction from 2D Scenes
* Reduced Covariance Color Texture Model For Micro-Textures, A
* Reduced Multidimensional Texture Histograms
* Registration Of Non-Rigid Medical Images Using an Elastic Spatial Transformation
* Robust and Precise Approach for Model-Based 3D/2D Registration and Tracking, A
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Distributions
* Segmenting Surface Shape Using Colored Illumination
* Simultaneous Use of SPOT and NOAA-AVHRR Data for Vegetation Monitoring
* Sinusoid Recognition and Texture Analysis of Electrical Borehole Images
* Soft Segmentation of Numeric Amounts on Cheques
* Spectral Based Illumination Estimation and Color Correction
* Straight Line Segments and Circular Arcs for Significant Description of 2D Contours
* Sub-Pixel Accuracy Using Recursive Filtering
* Surface Construction Especially Suited for Visualisation of Thin Structures
* Texture Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Polar Variograms
* Textured Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Markov Fields and a Two-Component Texture Model
* Thin Nets Extraction Using a Multi-scale Approach
* Three-Dimensional Tuft Behavior Analysis Using Successive Geometric Modeling
* Torsion Scale Space Images: Robust Representations for Space Curves
* Towards a Cost-Effective Feature Detection System: Spatio-Temporal Approach
* Towards Fast and Realistic Image Synthesis from Real Views
* Towards Optimal Zoom for Automatic Target Recognition
* Tracking Multiple Non-Rigid Objects in a Cluttered Scene
* Two-Stage Approach to Automatic Segmentation of Metaphase Images, A
* Urban Environment Modelling by Fusion of a Cadastral Map and a Digital Elevation Model
* Using Background Knowledge in Multilayer Perceptron Learning
* Using Differential Properties for Stereo Reconstruction of Complex Surfaces
* Using Ray-Traced Templates to Find Individual Trees in Aerial Photographs
* Vector Radix FFT with Splitting the Radix of Fractional Order
* VIPOL: A Virtual Polar-Logarithmic Sensor
* Visual Analysis On The Production Line
* Wavelet Based Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection
* Wavelets And High Order Statistics For Texture Classification
* Wavelets And Natural Image Statistics
* Weed Recognition by Color Image Processing
* X-Ray Real Time System for Timber Automatic Grading, An
136 for SCIA97

* 3D Deformable Surface Model to Segment the Brain in MR Images, A
* 3D Localisation from DSA Images using the Leksell Stereotactic Frame
* 3D Zernike Moments and Zernike Affine Invariants for 3D Image Analysis and Recognition
* Advanced Filter Design
* Algorithm for Estimating Mixture Distribution of High Dimensional Vectors and its Application to Character Recognition, An
* Ambiguity Concept and Switching Regression Models
* Analysis of Image Structure by Generalized Co-occurrence Matrices
* Application of a Local Dimensionality Estimator to the Analysis of 3-D Microscopic Network Structures, The
* Aspects of Remote Sensing in the GEOid and Sea level of the North Atlantic Region (GEOSONAR) Project
* Automatic Geometric Reasoning in Structure and Motion Estimation
* Automatic System for the Classification of Microfossils, An
* Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Analysis
* Block Truncation and Planar Image Coding
* Calibration, pose and novel views from single images of constrained scenes
* CART Extension using Quadratic Decision Borders, A
* Cellular Automata-Based Tool as an Aid for Autonomous Navigation, A
* Classification of Fingerprint Images
* Classification of Functional Patterns in SPECT Brain Scans Based on Partial Least Squares Analysis
* Classification of Natural Images from Distributions of Local Dominant Orientations
* Combination of Image Segmentation Into Regions
* Complexity and Confusion in Computational Vision
* Compression and Processing of Space Image Sequences of Northern Lights and Sprites
* Computational Theory of Color Transparency, A
* Content-Based Query of Image Databases, Inspirations from Text Retrieval: Inverted Files, Frequency-based Weights and Relevance Feedback
* Curvature Estimation from Orientation Fields
* Densities of Projective Invariants
* Detection and classification of lobular and DCIS (small cell) microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Detection of Abnormalities in Retinal Images using Digital Image Analysis
* Discriminant Function for Noisy Pattern Recognition, A
* Does Vision Inevitably Have to be Active?
* Efficient Sparse Data Filtering Method for Image Histogram Comparison, An
* Estimating Multiple Depths in Semi-transparent Stereo Images
* Estimating Parameters in a 2 1/2 D human model
* Estimation of Illuminant Direction and Surface Reconstruction by Geotensity Constraint
* Euclidean Reconstruction and Calibration from Known Placements of Uncalibrated and Uncorrelated Cameras
* Exact Incremental Projection Learning in the Presence of Noise
* Experiments with Shape-based Deformable Object Tracking
* Extracting a Traffic Sign From the Video Stream Using Color Filtering, Histogram Analysis, and Texture Analysis
* Extraction of Lung Region From 3D Chest X-ray CT Images by Using Shape Model Information of Lung
* Facial Features Detection by Saccadic Exploration of the Gabor Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Forest Change Detection via Landsat TM Difference Features
* From Feature Extraction to Classification: A Multidisciplinary Approach Applied to Portuguese Granites
* Fully Reversible Skeletonization for Volume Images Based on Anchor-Points from the D^26 Distance Transform
* Fusion of Multimodality Brain Images
* Genetic Tasks Planning in Image Processing: Towards a Minimization of Prior Information
* Gray Level Cooccurrence Histograms via Learning Vector Quantization
* Hierarchical Segmentation Using Dynamics of Multiscale Gradient Watersheds
* Hierarchy in Machine and Natural Vision
* Illumination Invariant Detection of Multicolored Object Using Sampled Spectrum Image
* Illusory Percepts Through a Constraint of Invariance in Integral Features Across Frequency Bands
* Image Standardization in Automated Optical Microscopy
* Image Steganography using Spread Spectrum Techniques
* Improving Spatial Resolution in Exchange of Temporal Resolution in Aliased Image Sequences
* Initialization and Optimization of Deformable Models
* Jittered Match Windows Voting for Tree Top Positions in Aerial Photographs
* Learning HyperSurfaces with Neural Networks
* Linear Mixture Models, Full and Partial Unmixing in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Data
* Measuring Homogeneity of Planar Point-Patterns Using Kurtosis
* Medical Image Analysis and Surgery Simulation: Recent Advances and Perspectives
* MergeLayouts: A Comprehensive Voting of Commercial OCR Devices
* Method for Determination of Bark on Wood Chips, A
* Modeling and Temporal Evolution of a Family of Curves
* Multi-Scale 3-D Surface Description: Open and Closed Surfaces
* Multiresolution Weed Recognition Method based on Multispectral Image Processing, A
* Multiwavelets in Spectral Image Compression
* New Fractal Feature with Application in Image Analysis
* New Log-Polar Mapping for Space Variant Imaging. Application to Face Detection and Tracking, A
* New Measure for the Effect of Sharpening and Smoothing Filters on Images, A
* Non-linear Scale-Spaces Isomorphic to the Linear Case
* Object Recognition Based on 3-D Moment Invariants from Monocular Intensity Image
* On Averaging Rotations
* On the Development of an Algebra of Images and Image Analysis Algorithms
* On the Usefulness of Self-Organizing Maps for the Clustering Problem in Vector Quantization
* Optimization of Robot Self-Localization Accuracy by Automatic Visual-Landmark Selection
* Optimization Techniques for Document Image Retrieval
* Parametric Multispectral Texture Modelling
* Pareto-Morphology for Color Image Processing
* PicSOM: A Framework for Content-Based Image Database Retrieval Using Self-Organizing Maps
* Planar Surface Reconstruction using Projective Geometry
* Polygonal Approximations through Genetic Algorithms
* Prototype of the Spectral Vision System, A
* Quantitative Measurement of Changes in Retinal Vessel Diameter in Ocular Fundus Images
* Random Swapping Technique for Improving Clustering in Unsupervised Classification
* Randomized or probabilistic Hough transform: unified performance evaluation
* Recognition of Artificial 3-D Landmarks from Depths and Color: A First Prototype of Electronic Glasses for Blind People
* Recognizing Faces from the Eyes Only
* Reconstructing the Support of Medical Flows using the Iterated Best Placement Algorithm
* Road Sign Classification using Laplace Kernel Classifier
* Robust Criteria for Automatic Multi-Scale Curve Segmentation
* Robust Document Skew Detection Based on Line Extraction
* Robust Initialisation for Lips Edges Detection
* Rotation Invariant Texture Description using General Moment Invariants and Gabor Filters
* Run-Length Distributions of Recursive Median Filters Using Probabilistic Automata
* Segmentation of the Brain in MRI Using Grey Level Morphology and Propagation of Information
* Segmentation, Tracking, 3D Modelling and Matching of the Inner Ear Based on MRI Data
* Self-Organizing Map Based User Interface for Visual Surface Inspection
* Sensitivity Study of a Semi-automatic Supervised Classifier Applied to Minerals from X-Ray Mapping Images
* Separation of Transparent Layers by Polarization Analysis
* Setting Up a Masters Programme in Intelligent MultiMedia: Approach and Applications
* Shape from Texture by Local Frequencies Estimation
* Solutions and Ambiguities of the Structure and Motion Problem for 1D Retinal Vision
* Statistical Considerations in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Function
* Structure-based Classification of Tree Species in High Spatial Resolution Aerial Images Using a Fuzzy Clustering Technique
* Technology transfer from research to industry
* Texture Segmentation Using Recursive Markov Random Field Parameter Estimation
* Three Dimensional Model-Based Tracking Using Texture Learning and Matching
* Transformation of Mammograms Using Anatomical Features
* Tube Snake Models for 3D Reconstruction of Thin Elongated Structures from their Contour Projections
* Two-Stage Multispectral Image Compression Using the Self-Organizing Map
* Unified Framework For Bases, Frames, Subspace Bases, and Subspace Frames, A
* Uniform Color Spaces for Color Sensors
* Unimodal Thresholding
* Using Bayesian Neural Network to Solve the Inverse Problem in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* View Based Visual Servoing Using Epipolar Geometry
* View Synthesis of Piecewise Planar Objects
* Visual Inspection in the Food Industry
* Wavelet Image Coding Scheme using Frequency Domain Backward Motion Estimation and Certainty of Motion Vectors, A
* Weight Set Decorrelating Algorithm for Neural Network Interpretation and Symmetry Breaking, A
119 for SCIA99

SciAmer( Vol No. ) * *Scientific American

SciAmer(200) * Experiments in Color Vision

SciAmer(203) * Pattern Recognition by Machine

SciAmer(221) * Dermatoglyphics

SciAmer(229) * Recognition of Faces, The

SciAmer(232) * Experiments in the Visual Perception of texture
* Visual Motion Perception

SciAmer(234) * Subjective Contours

SciAmer(237) * Retinex Theory of Color Vision, The

SciAmer(245) * Image Processing by Computer

SciAmer(250) * Computer Recreations
* Vision by Man and Machine

SciAmer(251) * Mechanical Manipulation of Randomly Oriented Parts, The

SciAmer(254) * Perception Of Apparent Motion, The

SciAmer(259) * Perceiving Shape From Shading

SciAmer(276) * Searching for Digital Pictures

SciAmer(News) * Kids Take Their Best Shot (and Learn about Electronics in the Process)

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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