Journals starting with smc-

SMC-A( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: System and Humans

SMC-A(26) * Analysis of IRS Imagery for Detecting Man-Made Objects with a Multivalued Recognition System
* Biological and Cognitive Foundations of Intelligent Sensor Fusion
* Discrete Range Clustering Using Monte-Carlo Methods
* Extraction of Rules from Natural Objects for Automated Mechanical Processing
* Hospital Integrated Framework for Multimodality Image Base Management, A
* Information Combination Operators for Data Fusion: A Comparative Review with Classification
* Intelligent Driver Warning System for Vehicle Collision-Avoidance, An
* Issues in the Design of Studies to Test the Effectiveness of Stereo Imaging
* Optimal Neuron Evolution Algorithm for Constrained Quadratic-Programming in Image Restoration, An
* Self-Supervised Learning Algorithm of Environment Recognition in Driving Vehicle
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SMC-A(27) * Discrimination Gain to Optimize Detection and Classification
* Modified Dempster-Shafer Approach to Classification, The
* Partial Camera Automation in an Unmanned Air Vehicle
* Target Identification Comparison of Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer Multisensor Fusion, A

SMC-A(28) * Adaptive Recognition Of Chinese Characters: Imitation of Psychological Process in Machine Recognition
* Calibration of a Hand/Eye Matrix and a Connection Matrix Using Relative Pose Measurements
* Calibration of an Active Binocular Head
* Digital Production of Color Mach Bands Using a Color Human Visual-System Model
* Enhancing Videoconferencing Using Spatially Varying Sensing
* Estimating Face-pose Consistency Based on Synthetic View Space
* Experiment on Texture Segmentation Using Modulated Wavelets, An
* Image Segmentation by a Fuzzy Clustering-Algorithm Using Adaptive Spatially Constrained Membership Functions
* Motion Prediction of Moving Objects Based on Autoregressive Model
* Solving the Orientation Duality Problem for a Circular Feature in Motion
* Texture Periodicity Detection: Features, Properties, and Comparisons
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SMC-A(29) * Are Fuzzy Definitions of Basic Attributes of Image Objects Really Useful?
* Automated CAD Conversion with the Machine Drawing Understanding System: Concepts, Algorithms, and Performance
* Efficient Planar Object Tracking and Parameter Estimation Using Compactly Represented Cubic B-Spline Curves
* Fusion of Fixation and Odometry for Vehicle Navigation
* Human Shape Recognition Performance for 3-D Tactile Display
* Identification of Driver State for Lane-Keeping Tasks
* Image-Based Robot Task Planning and Control Using a Compact Visual Representation
* Improved Constant-Time Algorithm for Computing the Radon and Hough Transforms on a Reconfigurable Mesh, An
* Integration of Reactive Behaviors and Enhanced Topological Map for Robust Mobile Robot Navigation
* Kinematic Modeling of Head-Neck Movements
* Minimal Representation Multisensor Fusion Using Differential Evolution
* Modeling and Recognition of Hand Gesture Using Colored Petri Nets
* Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion for Person Authentication
* Retinally Reconstructed Images: Digital Images Having a Resolution Match with the Human Eye
* Shape from Intensity Gradient
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SMC-A(30) * Behavior-Based Intelligent Control Architecture with Application to Coordination of Multiple Underwater Vehicles, A
* Color Blindness and a Color Human Visual System Model
* Computational Modeling of Age-Differences in a Visually Demanding Driving Task: Vehicle Detection
* Constructing the Generalized Local Voronoi Diagram from Laser Range Scanner Data
* Integrating Knowledge Sources in Devanagari Text Recognition System
* Isolated 3-D Object Recognition through Next View Planning
* Next-Best-View System for Autonomous 3-D Object Reconstruction, A
* Potential Based Modeling of 2-D Regions Using Nonuniform Source Distributions
* Rotation and Direction Judgment from Visual Images Head-Slaved in Two and Three Degrees-of-Freedom
* Shape Partitioning by Convexity
* Target Identification Comparison of Bayesian and Dempster-Shafer Multisensor Fusion, A
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SMC-A(31) * Active vision for sociable robots
* Camera calibration with genetic algorithms
* Convex optimization approach to identity fusion for multisensor target tracking
* Estimation of number of people in crowded scenes using perspective transformation
* Feature Representation and Signal Classification in Fluorescence in-Situ Hybridization Image Analysis
* guidecane-applying mobile robot technologies to assist the visually impaired, The
* Intelligent control for near-autonomous aircraft missions
* Providing synthetic views for teleoperation using visual pose tracking in multiple cameras
* Recovery of the metric structure of a pattern of points using minimal information
* Some classification algorithms integrating Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence with the rank nearest neighbor rules
* Target tracking using hierarchical grey-fuzzy motion decision-making method
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SMC-A(32) * application of passive human-robot interaction: Human tracking based on attention distraction, An
* Approximation of N-Dimensional Data Using Spherical and Ellipsoidal Primitives
* Efficient parallel algorithms for distance maps of 2-d binary images using an optical bus
* human-oriented image retrieval system using interactive genetic algorithm, A
* Modeling visual interactive systems through dynamic visual languages
* Motion in human and machine: a virtual fatigue approach
* novel face recognition system using hybrid neural and dual eigenspaces methods, A
* Online model modification for adaptive texture recognition in image sequences
* Robot visual servoing with iterative learning control
* Virtual 3-D interface system via hand motion recognition from two cameras
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SMC-A(33) * Autonomous fuzzy parking control of a car-like mobile robot
* Facial expression recognition from line-based caricatures
* Fast parallel algorithm for distance transform
* flexible videoconference system based on multiagent framework, A
* Iterated wavelet transformation and signal discrimination for HRR radar target recognition
* Learning Process to the Identification of Feature Points on Chinese Characters, A
* Unified fusion rules for multisensor multihypothesis network decision systems
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SMC-A(34) * Analysis of Lip Geometric Features for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Effects of Cast Shadows and Stereopsis on Performing Computer-Generated Spatial Tasks, The
* Large Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition Based on Fuzzy Decision Trees
* Stars in Their Eyes: What Eye-Tracking Reveals About Multimedia Perceptual Quality
* Target Identification Based on the Transferable Belief Model Interpretation of Dempster-Shafer Model
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle From Two Angiographic Views: An Evidence Combination Approach

SMC-A(35) * Agent-Based Gesture Tracking
* Assignment of Movies to Heterogeneous Video Servers
* Bayesian Approach to the Hough Transform for Line Detection, A
* Cluster Labeling and Parameter Estimation for the Automated Setup of a Hand-Gesture Recognition System
* Daily Imaging Scheduling of an Earth Observation Satellite
* Dynamic Context Capture and Distributed Video Arrays for Intelligent Spaces
* Evaluation of virtual fixtures for a robot programming by demonstration interface
* Fast block-based image restoration employing the improved best neighborhood matching approach
* Intelligent Image Prefetching for Supporting Radiologists' Primary Reading: A Decision-Rule Inductive Learning Approach
* Linear Versus Nonlinear Neural Modeling for 2-D Pattern Recognition
* Multiagents to Separating Handwritten Connected Digits
* Novel System for Tracking Pedestrians Using Multiple Single-Row Laser-Range Scanners, A
* On Comparing Bills of Materials: A Similarity/ Distance Measure for Unordered Trees
* Online Trajectory Planning of Robot Arms for Interception of Fast Maneuvering Object Under Torque and Velocity Constraints
* PRISMATICA: Toward Ambient Intelligence in Public Transport Environments
* Probabilistic Posture Classification for Human-Behavior Analysis
* Segmentation of Color Images Using Multiscale Clustering and Graph Theoretic Region Synthesis
* Sketch-Based Image Matching Using Angular Partitioning
* Task-driven camera operations for robotic exploration
* Understanding Hand Gestures Using Approximate Graph Matching
* Video Security for Ambient Intelligence
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SMC-A(36) * 3-D Virtual Studio for Natural Inter-Acting
* Augmented-Reality-Based Real-Time Panoramic Vision System for Autonomous Navigation, An
* Automatically detecting criminal identity deception: An adaptive detection algorithm
* Classification of Osteoarthritic and Normal Knee Function Using Three-Dimensional Motion Analysis and the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Cloud Analysis by Modeling the Integration of Heterogeneous Satellite Data and Imaging
* Constructing and Reconstructing Characters, Words, and Sentences by Synthesizing Writing Motions
* Effectiveness of Visual Interactive Modeling in the Context of Multiple-Criteria Group Decisions
* efficient algorithm for optimal linear estimation fusion in distributed multisensor systems, An
* Head motion anticipation for virtual-environment applications using kinematics and EMG energy
* Measurement of 3-D Loci and Attitudes of the Golf Driver Head While Swinging
* Multiple-Server Movie-Retrieval Strategies for Distributed Multimedia Applications: A Play-While-Retrieve Approach
* Palm line extraction and matching for personal authentication
* Preliminary study of behavioral and safety effects of driver dependence on a warning system in a driving simulator
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SMC-A(37) * Development and Evaluation of a Bayesian Low-Vision Navigation Aid
* Effect of Color-Contrasting Shadows on a Dynamic 3-D Laparoscopic Surgical Task, The
* Enhancing Human Face Detection by Resampling Examples Through Manifolds
* Fuzzy System Learned Through Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machine for Human Skin Color Segmentation
* Gravity-Referenced Attitude Display for Mobile Robots: Making Sense of What We See
* Human Body Posture Classification by a Neural Fuzzy Network and Home Care System Application
* Human Face Image Searching System Using Sketches
* Imitation of Human-Eye Motion: How to Fix Gaze of an Active Vision System
* Large-Vocabulary Continuous Sign Language Recognition Based on Transition-Movement Models
* Mixed-Initiative Human-Robot Interaction Using Hierarchical Bayesian Networks
* Probabilistic Approach to Tracking Moving Targets With Distributed Sensors, A
* Review of Low Frame Rate Effects on Human Performance
* Selective Regional Correlation for Pattern Recognition
* Tongue-Movement Communication and Control Concept for Hands-Free Human-Machine Interfaces
* Visual Interactive Systems for End-User Development: A Model-Based Design Methodology
* Wavelet-Based Approach for Analyzing Industrial Stochastic Textures With Applications, A
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SMC-A(38) * Automated Identification of Chromosome Segments Involved in Translocations by Combining Spectral Karyotyping and Banding Analysis
* Compact Modeling Technique for Outdoor Navigation
* Effective Technique for Subpixel Image Registration Under Noisy Conditions, An
* Error-Pooling Empirical Bayes Model for Enhanced Statistical Discovery of Differential Expression in Microarray Data
* Human-Computer Interface Using Symmetry Between Eyes to Detect Gaze Direction, A
* Image and Pattern Analysis of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings and Reconstruction
* Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts
* Low-Complexity Parabolic Lip Contour Model With Speaker Normalization for High-Level Feature Extraction in Noise-Robust Audiovisual Speech Recognition, A
* Multiagent Swarming System for Distributed Automatic Target Recognition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Novel Hybrid Model Framework to Blind Color Image Deconvolution, A
* On 3-D Point Set Matching With MAE and SAE Cost Criteria
* Optimizing Information Value: Improving Rover Sensor Data Collection
* Pose-Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using View-Based 2D+3D AAM
* Subband Synthesis for Color Filter Array Demosaicking
* Toward Emotion Recognition in Car-Racing Drivers: A Biosignal Processing Approach
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SMC-A(39) * Anomaly Detection via Feature-Aided Tracking and Hidden Markov Models
* Approximate Nonmyopic Sensor Selection via Submodularity and Partitioning
* Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities for User Authentication
* Complex Zernike Moments Features for Shape-Based Image Retrieval
* Computer Vision-Based Human Body Segmentation and Posture Estimation
* Confirmation Bias in the Analysis of Remote Sensing Data
* Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
* Dynamic Clustering of Interval-Valued Data Based on Adaptive Quadratic Distances
* Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions and Its Control Using Fuzzy Logic
* Gait Feature Subset Selection by Mutual Information
* Human-Machine Interaction Issues in Quality Control Based on Online Image Classification
* Identifying Noncooperative Subjects at a Distance Using Face Images and Inferred Three-Dimensional Face Models
* Introduction to the Special Section of Best Papers From the 2007 Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems Conference
* Meta-Analysis of Third-Party Evaluations of Iris Recognition
* Modeling the Influences of Cyclic Top-Down and Bottom-Up Processes for Reinforcement Learning in Eye Movements
* Multistart Tabu Search and Diversification Strategies for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
* New Efficiency-Weighted Strategy for Continuous Human/Robot Cooperation in Navigation, A
* On the Choice and Placement of Wearable Vision Sensors
* Perceptual Comparison of Empirical and Predictive Region-of-Interest Video, A
* Simulating Human Lifting Motions Using Fuzzy-Logic Control
* Template Model for Defect Simulation for Evaluating Nondestructive Testing in X-Radiography, A
* Unification of Evidence Theoretic Fusion Algorithms: A Case Study in Level-2 and Level-3 Fingerprint Features
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SMC-A(40) * Active Deceleration Support in Car Following
* Adaptive Appearance Model and Condensation Algorithm for Robust Face Tracking
* Assessing the Uniqueness and Permanence of Facial Actions for Use in Biometric Applications
* Binary Biometrics: An Analytic Framework to Estimate the Performance Curves Under Gaussian Assumption
* Cancelable Templates for Sequence-Based Biometrics with Application to On-line Signature Recognition
* Comparison of Optimal Solutions to Real-Time Path Planning for a Mobile Vehicle
* Emotional Model for a Guide Robot, An
* Estimating and Fusing Quality Factors for Iris Biometric Images
* Extended-Depth-of-Field Iris Recognition Using Unrestored Wavefront-Coded Imagery
* FARO: FAce Recognition Against Occlusions and Expression Variations
* Hand-Drawn Face Sketch Recognition by Humans and a PCA-Based Algorithm for Forensic Applications
* Human-in-the-Loop Design Approach to the Longitudinal Automation System for an Intelligent Vehicle, The
* Improved Telemanipulator Navigation During Display-Control Misalignments Using Augmented Reality Cues
* Interactive Teaching for Vision-Based Mobile Robots: A Sensory-Motor Approach
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Biometrics
* Knowledge-Discounted Event Detection in Sports Video
* Modified Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network With a Genetic-Algorithm-Based Rule Extractor for Pattern Classification, A
* On Guo and Nixon's Criterion for Feature Subset Selection: Assumptions, Implications, and Alternative Options
* Optimal Content Distribution in Video-on-Demand Tree Networks
* Quality-Based Conditional Processing in Multi-Biometrics: Application to Sensor Interoperability
* Quality-Based Score Normalization With Device Qualitative Information for Multimodal Biometric Fusion
* Segmentation of Human Body Parts Using Deformable Triangulation
* Sensing Assessment in Unknown Environments: A Survey
* Sensor-Deployment Strategies for Indoor Robot Navigation
* Some Insights Into Brightness Perception of Images in the Light of a New Computational Model of Figure-Ground Segregation
* Toward Unconstrained Ear Recognition From Two-Dimensional Images
* Tracking Vertex Flow and Model Adaptation for Three-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Face Analysis
* Using Remote Vision: The Effects of Video Image Frame Rate on Visual Object Recognition Performance
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SMC-A(41) * Creating Efficient Visual Codebook Ensembles for Object Categorization
* Cybernetics of Vision Systems: Toward an Understanding of Putative Functions of the Outer Retina
* Design of an Airborne Three-Dimensional Separation Assistance Display
* Face Recognition With an Improved Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Integral and Modular Neural Networks
* Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Accelerometer and EMG Sensors, A
* Framework for Information-Based Sensor Management for the Detection of Static Targets, A
* Fuzzy Segmentation for the Exploratory Analysis of Multidimensional Signals: Example From a Study on Driver Overtaking Behavior
* High-Resolution Face Fusion for Gender Conversion
* Metazoa Ludens: Mixed-Reality Interaction and Play for Small Pets and Humans
* On Data Collection Using Mobile Robot in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments
* Pattern- and Network-Based Classification Techniques for Multichannel Medical Data Signals to Improve Brain Diagnosis
* People Counting and Human Detection in a Challenging Situation
* User-Centric Environment Discovery With Camera Networks in Smart Homes
* Wearable Sensor-Based Hand Gesture and Daily Activity Recognition for Robot-Assisted Living
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SMC-A(42) * Adaptive Information Fusion for Human Upper Limb Movement Estimation
* Assessment of Service Protocol Adaptability Based on Novel Walk Computation
* Brain-Wave-Actuated Small Robot Car Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Approach, A
* Character-Based Automated Human Perception Quality Assessment in Document Images
* Design and Realization of a Framework for Human-System Interaction in Smart Homes
* Distributed Technique for Localization of Agent Formations From Relative Range Measurements, A
* Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments
* Fusion of Multiple Behaviors Using Layered Reinforcement Learning
* Inverse Dynamics of Human Passive Motion Based on Iterative Learning Control
* Logical Approach to Real Options Identification With Application to UAV Systems, A
* Mining User Movement Behavior Patterns in a Mobile Service Environment
* Modified Car-Following Model Based on a Neural Network Model of the Human Driver Effects, A
* New Fractional Random Wavelet Transform for Fingerprint Security, A
* New Human Identification Method: Sclera Recognition, A
* Novel 3-D Palmprint Acquisition System, A
* On-Line Detection of Drowsiness Using Brain and Visual Information
* Operator Choice Modeling for Collaborative UAV Visual Search Tasks
* Perceiving for Acting With Teleoperated Robots: Ecological Principles to Human-Robot Interaction Design
* Phase Angle-Encoded and Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to Three-Dimensional Route Planning for UAV
* Sensor Network Design for Smart Highways
* Sleep-Stage Decision Algorithm by Using Heartbeat and Body-Movement Signals
* SPEED: An Inhabitant Activity Prediction Algorithm for Smart Homes
* Study of the Impact of Different Direction-of-Motion Stereotypes on Response Time and Response Accuracy Using Neural Network, A
* Temporal Awareness in Teleoperation of Conversational Robots
* Using Machine Vision and Hand-Motion Control to Improve Crane Operator Performance
* Utilizing Different Link Types to Enhance Document Clustering Based on Markov Random Field Model With Relaxation Labeling
* Walking to Grasp: Modeling of Human Movements as Invariants and an Application to Humanoid Robotics
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SMC-B( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics

SMC-B(26) * Adaptive Document Block Segmentation and Classification
* Adaptive Image Segmentation Method with Visual Nonlinearity Characteristics, An
* Constructing Maps for Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Ultrasonic Range Data
* Distributed Probabilistic System for Adaptive Regulation of Image-Processing Parameters, A
* Dynamic Gesture Recognition System for the Korean Sign Language (KSL), A
* Early Detection of Independent Motion from Active Control of Normal Image Flow Patterns
* Extensions to the Fuzzy Pointed Set with Applications to Image-Processing
* Learning to Select Useful Landmarks
* Neural-Network Approach for Solving the Maximal Common Subgraph Problem
* Prototype Vision System for Analyzing CT Imagery of Hardwood Logs, A
* Spatial-Learning for Navigation in Dynamic Environments
* Vector Order Statistics Operators as Color Edge Detectors
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SMC-B(27) * Active Camera Calibration Using Pan, Tilt And Roll
* Dynamic Tracking Line: Feasible Tracking Region of a Robot in Conveyor Systems
* Exploration of Polygonal Environments Using Range Data
* Genetic Algorithm Approach to Chinese Handwriting Normalization, A
* Handwritten Word Recognition with Character and Inter-Character Neural Networks
* Human Vision-Based Computational Model for Chromatic Texture Segregation, A
* Neural Classifiers and Statistical Pattern-Recognition: Applications for Currently Established Links
* Novel-Approach to Feature-Selection Based on Analysis of Class Regions, A
* Online Signature Verification Using LPC Cepstrum and Neural Networks
* Simultaneous Rotation and Translation Fitting of 2 3-D Point Sets
* Structural Description Based Vision System for Automatic Object Recognition, A
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SMC-B(28) * Discrete Techniques For 3-D Digital Images and Patterns Under Transformation
* Discrete Vector Quantization for Arbitrary Distance Function Estimation
* Hough Transform for Detecting the Location and Orientation of 3-Dimensional Surfaces Via Color Encoded Spots, A
* Human Identification of Letters in Mixed-Script Handwriting: An Upper Bound on Recognition Rates
* Image Thresholding Using Fuzzy Entropies
* Incremental-Learning-by-Navigation Approach to Vision-Based Autonomous Land Vehicle Guidance in Indoor Environments Using Vertical Line Information and Multiweighted Generalized Hough Transform Technique, An
* Mean-Field Annealing Approach To Robust Corner Detection, A
* Minimum Entropy Restoration of Star Field Images
* Multiple Competitive Learning Network Fusion for Object Classification
* New Closed-Form Solution for Kinematic Parameter-Identification of a Binocular Head Using Point Measurements
* Note on Using Only Position Equations for Robotic Hand/Eye Calibration, A
* Pattern Fusion in Feature Recognition Neural Networks for Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Structured Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
* Visual Neural Classifier, A
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SMC-B(29) * Analysis of Stroke Structures of Handwritten Chinese Characters
* Bounded Diffusion for Multiscale Edge Detection Using Regularized Cubic B-Spline Fitting
* Detecting 3-D Motion Field from Range Image Sequences
* Induced Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators
* Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Navigator Based on Fuzzy Logic and Reinforcement Learning, An
* Learning Sensor-Based Navigation of a Real Mobile Robot in Unknown Worlds
* Multisensory Visual Servoing by a Neural Network
* Network-Based Approach to Online Cursive Script Recognition
* Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Land Vehicle Navigation in Indoor Environments by Quadratic Classifier
* Online Learning Vector Quantization: A Harmonic Competition Approach Based on Conservation Network
* Postprocessing Statistical Language Models for a Handwritten Chinese Character Recognizer
* Robust Pose Estimation
* Volterra Series Analysis and Synthesis of a Neural Network for Velocity Estimation
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SMC-B(30) * Characterization of Dirac Structure Edges with Wavelet Transform
* Edge Postprocessing Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Euclidean Distance Transform for Binary Images on Reconfigurable Mesh-Connected Computers
* Lane Detection by Orientation and Length Discrimination
* New Fuzzy Logic Filter for Image Enhancement, A
* Optimal Spatial Filter Selection for Illumination-Invariant Color Texture Discrimination
* Probabilistic Winner-Take-All Segmentation of Images with Application to Ship Detection
* Self-Segmentation of Sequences: Automatic Formation of Hierarchies of Sequential Behaviors
* Toward Automatic Robot Programming: Learning Human Skill from Visual Data
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SMC-B(31) * Adaptive observers for unknown general nonlinear systems
* Adaptive tracking control of a wheeled mobile robot via an uncalibrated camera system
* Another Move Toward the Minimum Consistent Subset: A Tabu Search Approach to the Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule
* approach to the design of reinforcement functions in real world, agent-based applications, An
* Clustering in image space for place recognition and visual annotations for human-robot interaction
* Comparison of Edge Detection Algorithms Using a Structure from Motion Task
* Continuous and Discretized Pursuit Learning Schemes: Various Algorithms and Their Comparison
* Document retrieval using fuzzy-valued concept networks
* Dynamic image sequence analysis using fuzzy measures
* elastic contour matching model for tropical cyclone pattern recognition, An
* entropic criterion for minimum uncertainty sensing in recognition and localization - part I: theoretical and conceptual aspects, An
* entropic criterion for minimum uncertainty sensing in recognition and localization part II: A Case Study on Directional Distance Measurements, An
* Facial modeling from an uncalibrated face image using flexible generic parameterized facial models
* fuzzy adaptive variable structure controller with applications to robot manipulators, A
* Fuzzy curve-tracing algorithm
* Fuzzy-stochastic functor machine for general humanoid-robot dynamics
* Integrated feature analysis and fuzzy rule-based system identification in a neuro-fuzzy paradigm
* Linguistic description of relative positions in images
* Manufacturing feature recognition toward integration with process planning
* Neural network approaches to dynamic collision-free trajectory generation
* On fuzzy correlations
* Reliability analysis of the rank transform for stereo matching
* Selection of relevant features in a fuzzy genetic learning algorithm
* Skeletonization of ribbon-like shapes based on regularity and singularity analyses
* Some novel classifiers designed using prototypes extracted by a new scheme based on self-organizing feature map
* Synthesizing two-fingered grippers for positioning and identifying objects
* Top-down guided eye movements
* Visual inspection of sea bottom structures by an autonomous underwater vehicle
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SMC-B(32) * Adaptive color reduction
* Bayesian classification for data from the same unknown class
* Complexity reduction for large image processing
* Defect detection in textured materials using optimized filters
* Emulating human visual perception for measuring difference in images using an SPN graph approach
* evolutionary tabu search for cell image segmentation, An
* generic knowledge-guided image segmentation and labeling system using fuzzy clustering algorithms, A
* Histogram-based fuzzy filter for image restoration
* Invariant feature extraction and neural trees for range surface classification
* Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks
* Multiresolution feature detection using a family of isotropic bandpass filters
* Scene analysis by integrating primitive segmentation and associative memory
* Study on eye gaze estimation
* Switching between selection and fusion in combining classifiers: An Experiment
* Using fuzzy methods to model nearest neighbor rules
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SMC-B(33) * 3-D aggregated object detection and labeling from multivariate confocal microscopy images: A model validation approach
* 3-D visualization method for image-guided brain surgery, A
* Aspect graph construction with noisy feature detectors
* Bio-imaging and bio-informatics
* BioSig: An Imaging Bioinformatics System for Phenotypic Analysis
* digital retina-like low-level vision processor, A
* divide and conquer deformable contour method with a model based searching algorithm, A
* Egomotion estimation of a range camera using the space envelope
* Estimating the Principal Curvatures and the Darboux Frame from Real 3-D Range Data
* Extraction of 3-D information from sonar image sequences
* Fast generation of 3-D deformable moving surfaces
* Fusion of range camera and photogrammetry: A systematic procedure for improving 3-D models metric accuracy
* Genetic design of biologically inspired receptive fields for neural pattern recognition
* global description of medical imaging with high precision, A
* Human-robot interactions during the robot-assisted urban search and rescue response at the World Trade Center
* Image subband coding using fuzzy inference and adaptive quantization
* Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm
* Mathematical modeling in genetic networks: relationships between the genetic expression and both chromosomic breakage and positive circuits
* Mining residue contacts in proteins using local structure predictions
* Models and algorithms for efficient multiresolution topology estimation of measured 3-D range data
* Moments of superellipsoids and their application to range image registration
* new method for analyzing local shape in three-dimensional images based on medial axis transformation, A
* omega-automata approach to the representation of bilevel images, An
* On 3-D scene flow and structure recovery from multiview image sequences
* Pattern classification using fuzzy relational calculus
* Perceptually stable regions for arbitrary polygons
* Point fingerprint: A new 3-D object representation scheme
* Reconstructing specimens using DIC microscope images
* Reconstruction of medical images under different image acquisition angles
* Representation and classification of 3-D objects
* Robust clustering by pruning outliers
* Robust segmentation of tubular structures in 3-D medical images by parametric object detection and tracking
* Silhouette-based 3-D model reconstruction from multiple images
* Special issue on 3-D image analysis and modeling
* Stereo geometry from 3D ego-motion streams
* Structural pattern recognition using genetic algorithms with specialized operators
* Superresolution modeling using an omnidirectional image sensor
* Surface parameterization in volumetric images for curvature-based feature classification
* Using distance transform based algorithms for extracting measures of the fiber network in volume images of paper
* vehicle-borne urban 3-D acquisition system using single-row laser range scanners, A
* Visual capture and understanding of hand pointing actions in a 3-D environment
* Visualization of learning in multilayer perceptron networks using principal component analysis
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SMC-B(34) * Adaptive High-Order Neural Tree for Pattern Recognition, An
* Arbitrary Viewpoint Video Synthesis From Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras
* Assessing Sensor Reliability for Multisensor Data Fusion Within the Transferable Belief Model
* Automated Performance Evaluation of Range Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Automatic Sensor Placement for Model-Based Robot Vision
* Bayesian Framework for Multilead SMD Post-Placement Quality Inspection, A
* Characterization of Palmprints by Wavelet Signatures via Directional Context Modeling
* Comparing Different Classifiers for Automatic Age Estimation
* Edge Detection Revisited
* Efficient generation of discontinuity-preserving adaptive triangulations from range images
* Efficient Prediction Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization, An
* Efficient Three-Dimensional Metric Object Modeling From Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Enhanced Independent Component Analysis and Its Application to Content Based Face Image Retrieval
* Evolutionary Design of a Fuzzy Classifier From Data
* Extraction of Diffuse Objects From Images by Means of Watershed and Region Merging: Example of Solar Images
* Face and Palmprint Recognition Approach Based on Discriminant DCT Feature Extraction, A
* Face Recognition Using Fuzzy Integral and Wavelet Decomposition Method
* Facial Action Recognition for Facial Expression Analysis From Static Face Images
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Constructive Feedforward Neural Networks
* Fast and Reliable Active Appearance Model Search for 3-D Face Tracking
* Fast Panoramic Stereo Matching Using Cylindrical Maximum Surfaces
* Fingerprint Classification Using a Feedback-Based Line Detector
* Formulation of Radiometric Feasibility Measures for Feature Selection and Planning in Visual Servoing
* Fuzzy Hierarchical Data Fusion Networks for Terrain Location Identification Problems
* Generating High-Speed Dynamic Running Gaits in a Quadruped Robot Using an Evolutionary Search
* Geometry of Dempster's Rule of Combination
* Gray-Scale Image Enhancement as an Automatic Process Driven by Evolution
* Hybrid Neural Network Model for Noisy Data Regression, A
* Improve the Robot Calibration Accuracy Using a Dynamic Online Fuzzy Error Mapping System
* Incremental Learning With Balanced Update on Receptive Fields for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
* Inference of Reversible Tree Languages
* Interactive Framework for Acquiring Vision Models of 3-D Objects From 2-D Images, An
* Knowledge-Based Framework for Image Enhancement in Aviation Security, A
* Learning Activity Patterns Using Fuzzy Self-Organizing Neural Network
* Localization-Based Sensor Validation Using the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* methodology for extracting objective color from images, A
* Multioriented and Curved Text Lines Extraction From Indian Documents
* Multirobot systems: a classification focused on coordination
* Nonlinear Visual Mapping Model for 3-D Visual Tracking With Uncalibrated Eye-in-Hand Robotic System
* Novel Approach to 3-D Gaze Tracking Using Stereo Cameras, A
* Obstacle Avoidance for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators Using a Dual Neural Network
* On Combining Support Vector Machines and Simulated Annealing in Stereovision Matching
* Panoramic Appearance-Based Recognition of Video Contents Using Matching Graphs
* Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
* Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
* Reducing SVM Classification Time Using Multiple Mirror Classifiers
* Robust Image Segmentation Using FCM With Spatial Constraints Based on New Kernel-Induced Distance Measure
* Run-Length Chain Coding and Scalable Computation of a Shape's Moments Using Reconfigurable Optical Buses
* Sensor Scheduling in Mobile Robots Using Incomplete Information via Min-Conflict with Happiness
* Sparse Kernel Density Construction Using Orthogonal Forward Regression With Leave-One-Out Test Score and Local Regularization
* subsumptive, hierarchical, and distributed vision-based architecture for smart robotics, A
* Task-Independent Robotic Uncalibrated Hand-Eye Coordination Based on the Extended State Observer
* Tracking a Maneuvering Target Using Neural Fuzzy Network
* Using Distributed Partial Memories to Improve Self-Organizing Collective Movements
* Wavelet Support Vector Machine
56 for SMC-B(34)

SMC-B(35) * Active Concept Learning in Image Databases
* Boundary following and globally convergent path planning using instant goals
* brain-like neural network for periodicity analysis, A
* Criterion for Optimizing Kernel Parameters in KBDA for Image Retrieval, A
* Effect of silhouette quality on hard problems in gait recognition
* Eliminating False Matches for the Projective Registration of Free-Form Surfaces With Small Translational Motions
* EM in High-Dimensional Spaces
* empirical comparison of combinations of evolutionary algorithms and neural networks for classification problems, An
* empirical comparison of nine pattern classifiers, An
* Euler vector for search and retrieval of gray-tone images
* Evolutionary Optimization of a Hierarchical Object Recognition Model
* Evolving Binary Classifiers Through Parallel Computation of Multiple Fitness Cases
* Experiments With Repeating Weighted Boosting Search for Optimization in Signal Processing Applications
* Face Detection Using Spectral Histograms and SVMs
* Feature generation using genetic programming with application to fault classification
* GA-fisher: a new LDA-based face recognition algorithm with selection of principal components
* Genetic-based fuzzy image filter and its application to image processing
* Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Decision Trees
* Homography-based visual servo regulation of mobile robots
* Identifying critical variables of principal components for unsupervised feature selection
* Image Transform Bootstrapping and Its Applications to Semantic Scene Classification
* Incremental linear discriminant analysis for classification of data streams
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* joint compression-discrimination neural transformation applied to target detection, A
* Kernel Autoassociator Approach to Pattern Classification, A
* Kernel machine-based one-parameter regularized Fisher discriminant method for face recognition
* Kernel Pooled Local Subspaces for Classification
* Learning From Examples in the Small Sample Case: Face Expression Recognition
* Learning Semantic Scene Models From Observing Activity in Visual Surveillance
* Learning-Based Method for Image Super-Resolution From Zoomed Observations, A
* Modeling and controlling a robotic convoy using guidance laws strategies
* Near-recursive optical flow from weighted image differences
* Object Detection via Feature Synthesis Using MDL-Based Genetic Programming
* Orthogonal kernel Machine for the prediction of functional sites in proteins
* PID controller design for output PDFs of stochastic systems using linear matrix inequalities
* Pose Estimation for Augmented Reality Applications Using Genetic Algorithm
* primal-dual neural network for online resolving constrained kinematic redundancy in robot motion control, A
* Qualitative map learning based on covisibility of objects
* Recognition of merged characters based on forepart prediction, necessity-sufficiency matching, and character-adaptive masking
* Recognizing large isolated 3-D objects through next view planning using inner camera invariants
* recurrent fuzzy network for fuzzy temporal sequence processing and gesture recognition, A
* Recursive Three-Dimensional Model Reconstruction Based on Kalman Filtering
* Redundant manipulator techniques for partially decentralized path planning and control of a platoon of autonomous vehicles
* region dissimilarity relation that combines feature-space and spatial information for color image segmentation, A
* Robust Fusion of Uncertain Information
* Sample-Sort Simulated Annealing
* Self-Organizing Maps for Learning the Edit Costs in Graph Matching
* Self-Organizing Topological Tree for Online Vector Quantization and Data Clustering
* Supervised Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Visualization and Classification
* Texture Image Retrieval Using New Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters
* Transcranial Ultrasonography System for Visualizing Skull and Brain Surface Aided by Fuzzy Expert System
* Vision sensor planning for 3-D model acquisition
* Visual Learning by Coevolutionary Feature Synthesis
* Visual Learning by Imitation With Motor Representations
54 for SMC-B(35)

SMC-B(36) * Analysis of Brute-Force Break-Ins of a Palmprint Authentication System
* Balancing search and target response in cooperative unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) teams
* Bayesian Model Averaging of Naive Bayes for Clustering
* BDPCA Plus LDA: A Novel Fast Feature Extraction Technique for Face Recognition
* Bidirectional PCA With Assembled Matrix Distance Metric for Image Recognition
* CATSMLP: Toward a Robust and Interpretable Multilayer Perceptron With Sigmoid Activation Functions
* Coarse-to-Fine Vision-Based Localization by Indexing Scale-Invariant Features
* Control Architecture for Human-Robot Integration: Application to a Robotic Wheelchair
* Customized Generalization of Support Patterns for Classification
* Dynamic Calibration of Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras for Traffic Monitoring
* Dynamics of Facial Expression: Recognition of Facial Actions and Their Temporal Segments From Face Profile Image Sequences
* Evaluating Sensor Reliability in Classification Problems Based on Evidence Theory
* Evolutionary neural networks for anomaly detection based on the behavior of a program
* Functional-Based Segmentation of Human Body Scans in Arbitrary Postures, A
* Genetic Algorithm Based Methodology for Breaking the Steganalytic Systems
* Genetic Programming for Simultaneous Feature Selection and Classifier Design
* Illumination Compensation and Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform in Logarithm Domain
* Interactive Segmentation of the Cerebral Lobes With Fuzzy Inference in 3T MR Images
* Line of Sight Robot Navigation Toward a Moving Goal
* Multiscale Classification Using Nearest Neighbor Density Estimates
* New Pose-Detection Method for Self-Calibrated Cameras Based on Parallel Lines and Its Application in Visual Control System
* Novel Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Its Application for Face Recognition, A
* On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
* On the Ternary Spatial Relation Between
* Planar-shape prototype generation using a tree-based random greedy algorithm
* Qualitative Visual Environment Retrieval
* Real-Time Automated System for the Recognition of Human Facial Expressions
* Real-Time Face Detection and Lip Feature Extraction Using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
* Recursive Camera-Motion Estimation With the Trifocal Tensor
* Rendezvous-Guidance Trajectory Planning for Robotic Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance and Interception
* Robust Speaker's Location Detection in a Vehicle Environment Using GMM Models
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Image Retrieval Using Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters
* Segmentation of Psoriasis Vulgaris Images Using Multiresolution-Based Orthogonal Subspace Techniques
* Spatiotemporal salient points for visual recognition of human actions
* Structured One-Class Classification
* Topology Description for Data Distributions Using a Topology Graph With Divide-and-Combine Learning Strategy
* Versatile Segmentation Procedure, A
37 for SMC-B(36)

SMC-B(37) * Active Vision System for Multitarget Surveillance in Dynamic Environments, An
* Additive Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Templates Based on Local Minutiae Information
* Binary Fingerprint Image Thinning Using Template-Based PCNNs
* Binary Two-Dimensional PCA
* Bottom-Up Gaze Shifts and Fixations Learning by Imitation
* Cancelable Biometrics Realization With Multispace Random Projections
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Normalized Cuts
* Comments on On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
* Comparing Human and Automatic Face Recognition Performance
* Constructing PCA Baseline Algorithms to Reevaluate ICA-Based Face-Recognition Performance
* Correspondence Mapping Induced State and Action Metrics for Robotic Imitation
* Design of General Projection Neural Networks for Solving Monotone Linear Variational Inequalities and Linear and Quadratic Optimization Problems
* Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, A
* Developmental Word Acquisition and Grammar Learning by Humanoid Robots Through a Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network
* Dynamic Range-Based Distance Measure for Microarray Expressions and a Fast Gene-Ordering Algorithm
* Edge Enhancement Nucleus and Cytoplast Contour Detector of Cervical Smear Images
* Efficient Sequential Approach to Tracking Multiple Objects Through Crowds for Real-Time Intelligent CCTV Systems, An
* Ensemble-Based Incremental Learning Approach to Data Fusion, An
* Estimating Object Proper Motion Using Optical Flow, Kinematics, and Depth Information
* Face Recognition by Regularized Discriminant Analysis
* Feasibility Study on a Hyperacuity Device With Motion Uncertainty: Two-Point Stimuli
* Fingerprint Image Mosaicking by Recursive Ridge Mapping
* Finite-Dimensional Constrained Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems
* Fixation Precision in High-Speed Noncontact Eye-Gaze Tracking
* Forgery Quality and Its Implications for Behavioral Biometric Security
* Fusing Face-Verification Algorithms and Humans
* Fuzzy Weighted Support Vector Regression With a Fuzzy Partition
* Generalized PID Observer Design for Descriptor Linear Systems
* Generating Compact Classifier Systems Using a Simple Artificial Immune System
* Global Robust Stability of Bidirectional Associative Memory Neural Networks With Multiple Time Delays
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Robot Learning by Observation, Demonstration, and Imitation
* High-Performance Object Tracking and Fixation With an Online Neural Estimator
* Incremental Learning of Tasks From User Demonstrations, Past Experiences, and Vocal Comments
* Individual Kernel Tensor-Subspaces for Robust Face Recognition: A Computationally Efficient Tensor Framework Without Requiring Mode Factorization
* Integrating Face and Gait for Human Recognition at a Distance in Video
* Intelligent Subtitle Detection Model for Locating Television Commercials, An
* Interpretation of Spatial Language in a Map Navigation Task
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Biometric Systems
* Life-Long Optimization of the Symbolic Model of Indoor Environments for a Mobile Robot
* LMI-Based Stability and Performance Conditions for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems in Takagi-Sugeno's Form
* Modeling and Analysis of Local Comprehensive Minutia Relation for Fingerprint Matching
* Modified PSO Structure Resulting in High Exploration Ability With Convergence Guaranteed, A
* Mosaicing Scheme for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, A
* Navigating a Mobile Robot by a Traversability Field Histogram
* Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Through Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Extreme Learning Machines, A
* New Active Visual System for Humanoid Robots, A
* New Crossover Operator in Genetic Programming for Object Classification, A
* New Method for Generating an Invariant Iris Private Key Based on the Fuzzy Vault System, A
* New Method for the Synthesis of Signature Data With Natural Variability, A
* New Methods in Iris Recognition
* Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms, A
* Novel Gaze Estimation System With One Calibration Point, A
* On Robotic Optimal Path Planning in Polygonal Regions With Pseudo-Euclidean Metrics
* On Techniques for Angle Compensation in Nonideal Iris Recognition
* On Using the Viterbi Path Along With HMM Likelihood Information for Online Signature Verification
* Optimal Linear Combination of Facial Regions for Improving Identification Performance
* Pipelined Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks for Nonlinear Adaptive Speech Prediction
* Positive Impact of State Similarity on Reinforcement Learning Performance
* Probabilistic Wavelet System for Stochastic and Incomplete Data-Based Modeling, A
* Quality-Based Fusion of Multiple Video Sensors for Video Surveillance
* Rank-One Projections With Adaptive Margins for Face Recognition
* Real-Time Gaze Position Estimation Method Based on a 3-D Eye Model, A
* Real-Time Image Restoration for Iris Recognition Systems
* Real-Time Motion Segmentation of Sparse Feature Points at Any Speed
* Real-Time Robot Path Planning via a Distance-Propagating Dynamic System with Obstacle Clearance
* Robot Navigation in Cluttered 3-D Environments Using Preference-Based Fuzzy Behaviors
* Robust Methods for Geometric Primitive Recovery and Estimation From Range Images
* Segmentation-Assisted Detection of Dirt Impairments in Archived Film Sequences
* Self-Organized Coordinated Motion in Groups of Physically Connected Robots
* Spatio-Temporal Feature-Extraction Techniques for Isolated Gesture Recognition in Arabic Sign Language
* Two New Bayesian Approximations of Belief Functions Based on Convex Geometry
* Video-on-Demand Network Design and Maintenance Using Fuzzy Optimization
* Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Approach to Solve the Stereo Correspondence Problem Using Mutual Information, A
74 for SMC-B(37)

SMC-B(38) * Adaptive Sensor Placement and Boundary Estimation for Monitoring Mass Objects
* Audio-Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments
* Cluster Validity Measure With Outlier Detection for Support Vector Clustering, A
* Effective Feature Extraction in High-Dimensional Space
* Head Yaw Estimation From Asymmetry of Facial Appearance
* Human Visual System-Based Image Enhancement and Logarithmic Contrast Measure
* Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Nearest Neighbor Algorithm of Local Probability Centers, The
* PARM: An Efficient Algorithm to Mine Association Rules From Spatial Data
* Recognizable-Image Selection for Fingerprint Recognition With a Mobile-Device Camera
* Tracking Multiple Visual Targets via Particle-Based Belief Propagation
* Tracking of Multiple Targets Using Online Learning for Reference Model Adaptation
* Two Criteria for Model Selection in Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* Two-Dimensional Weighting Function for a Driver Assistance System, A
* Visual Tracker Using Sequential Bayesian Learning: Discriminative, Generative, and Hybrid
15 for SMC-B(38)

SMC-B(39) * AMPSO: A New Particle Swarm Method for Nearest Neighborhood Classification
* Audio-Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments
* Automatic Temporal Segment Detection and Affect Recognition From Face and Body Display
* Color Face Recognition for Degraded Face Images
* Constrained Motion Model of Mobile Robots and Its Applications
* Distributed Visual-Target-Surveillance System in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Dual Adaptive Dynamic Control of Mobile Robots Using Neural Networks
* Dynamic View Planning by Effective Particles for Three-Dimensional Tracking
* Efficient Edge Detection Using Simplified Gabor Wavelets
* Generalized Rough Sets, Entropy, and Image Ambiguity Measures
* Heuristic Kalman Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems
* Information-Driven Sensor Path Planning by Approximate Cell Decomposition for Multiple Targets in Cluttered Workspace
* K-Means Clustering Versus Validation Measures: A Data-Distribution Perspective
* Learning Assignment Order of Instances for the Constrained K-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Learning Atomic Human Actions Using Variable-Length Markov Models
* Learning Situation Models in a Smart Home
* Multiclass Classification Based on Extended Support Vector Data Description
* Multirobot Object Localization: A Fuzzy Fusion Approach
* Multisensor-Based Human Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service Robots
* Neural Network Control of Mobile Robot Formations Using RISE Feedback
* Novel Active Heads-Up Display for Driver Assistance, A
* Optimal-Control Model of Vision-Gait Interaction in a Virtual Walkway, An
* Recognizing Visual Focus of Attention From Head Pose in Natural Meetings
* Robust Adaptive Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators With Relative Motion
* Robust and Efficient Feature Tracking for Indoor Navigation
* Robust Navigation in an Unknown Environment With Minimal Sensing and Representation
* Special Issue on Human Computing
* SVMs Modeling for Highly Imbalanced Classification
* Three-Dimensional Face Pose Detection and Tracking Using Monocular Videos: Tool and Application
* Tracking by Parts: A Bayesian Approach With Component Collaboration
* Trajectory Tracking Control of Omnidirectional Wheeled Mobile Manipulators: Robust Neural Network-Based Sliding Mode Approach
* Transmission Rate Allocation in Multisensor Target Tracking Over a Shared Network
* Two-Dimensional Maximum Margin Feature Extraction for Face Recognition
* View-Independent Behavior Analysis
* Visual System Based on Artificial Retina for Motion Detection
35 for SMC-B(39)

SMC-B(40) * Action and Gait Recognition From Recovered 3-D Human Joints
* Action Selection for Single-Camera SLAM
* Analysis of Random Projection for Changeable and Privacy-Preserving Biometric Verification, An
* Applications of a Simple Characterization of Human Gait in Surveillance
* Automatic Face Segmentation and Facial Landmark Detection in Range Images
* Automatic Location of Facial Feature Points and Synthesis of Facial Sketches Using Direct Combined Model
* Boolean Derivatives With Application to Edge Detection for Imaging Systems
* Can You See Me Now? Sensor Positioning for Automated and Persistent Surveillance
* Comparative Analysis of 3-D Robot Teleoperation Interfaces With Novice Users
* Coupled Simulated Annealing
* Cyclorotation Models for Eyes and Cameras
* Discriminative Orthogonal Neighborhood-Preserving Projections for Classification
* Distance Approximating Dimension Reduction of Riemannian Manifolds
* Dual Gait Generative Models for Human Motion Estimation From a Single Camera
* Efficient Sensor Selection for Active Information Fusion
* Face Transformation With Harmonic Models by the Finite-Volume Method With Delaunay Triangulation
* Hybrid Associative Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Models
* Image Ratio Features for Facial Expression Recognition Application
* Joint Learning of Labels and Distance Metric
* L1-Norm-Based 2DPCA
* Low-Resolution Gait Recognition
* Mobile Robot Navigation Modulated by Artificial Emotions
* Object-Based Visual Attention Model for Robotic Applications, An
* On a Methodology for Robust Segmentation of Nonideal Iris Images
* On the Recording Reference Contribution to EEG Correlation, Phase Synchorony, and Coherence
* Online Boosting for Vehicle Detection
* Online Signature Verification With Support Vector Machines Based on LCSS Kernel Functions
* Probabilistic Model of Overt Visual Attention for Cognitive Robots, A
* Recognition of Affect Based on Gait Patterns
* Regularized Locality Preserving Projections and Its Extensions for Face Recognition
* Segmentation and Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Minimum Spanning Forest Grown From Automatically Selected Markers
* Self-Calibrating View-Invariant Gait Biometrics
* Special Issue on New Advances in Video-Based Gait Analysis and Applications: Challenges and Solutions
* Two-Stage Dynamic Model for Visual Tracking, A
* Visual-Context Boosting for Eye Detection
35 for SMC-B(40)

SMC-B(41) * Accurate Landmarking of Three-Dimensional Facial Data in the Presence of Facial Expressions and Occlusions Using a Three-Dimensional Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Automatic Recognition of Non-Acted Affective Postures
* Automatically Detecting Pain in Video Through Facial Action Units
* Biologically Inspired Features for Scene Classification in Video Surveillance
* Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition
* Component-Based Framework for Generalized Face Alignment, A
* Efficient Path-Based Stereo Matching With Subpixel Accuracy
* Efficient Tree Classifier Ensemble-Based Approach for Pedestrian Detection, An
* Enhanced Biologically Inspired Model for Object Recognition
* Enhanced Sign Language Recognition Using Weighted Intrinsic-Mode Entropy and Signer's Level of Deafness
* Face Image Modeling by Multilinear Subspace Analysis With Missing Values
* Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Indexing Based on Ridge Orientation and Frequency
* Fast Eigenspace Decomposition of Images of Objects With Variation in Illumination and Pose
* Fuzzy-Rough Supervised Attribute Clustering Algorithm and Classification of Microarray Data
* Gait-Based Gender Classification Using Mixed Conditional Random Field
* Game Theory Approach to Target Tracking in Sensor Networks, A
* Generalized Sampling-Based Motion Planners
* Graph-Preserving Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Application to Facial Expression Recognition
* Integration of Fuzzy Spatial Information in Tracking Based on Particle Filtering
* Motion Planning and Coordination for Robot Systems Based on Representation Space
* Multi-Objective Four-Dimensional Vehicle Motion Planning in Large Dynamic Environments
* Multiple-Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Image Segmentation, A
* Multitarget Visual Tracking Based Effective Surveillance With Cooperation of Multiple Active Cameras
* New Adaptive Structural Signature for Symbol Recognition by Using a Galois Lattice as a Classifier, A
* On Random Transformations for Changeable Face Verification
* Parameterized Logarithmic Framework for Image Enhancement
* Practical Approach to Model Selection for Support Vector Machines With a Gaussian Kernel, A
* Privacy-Preserving Outlier Detection Through Random Nonlinear Data Distortion
* Relay Level Set Method for Automatic Image Segmentation, A
* Semisupervised Dimensionality Reduction and Classification Through Virtual Label Regression
* Spatial Markov Kernels for Image Categorization and Annotation
* Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Optimization of Sensor Field Configuration for Detection of Mobile Targets
* Supervised Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Dimensionality Reduction
* Target-Motion Prediction for Robotic Search and Rescue in Wilderness Environments
* Tracking Human Position and Lower Body Parts Using Kalman and Particle Filters Constrained by Human Biomechanics
* Tracking With a Hierarchical Partitioned Particle Filter and Movement Modelling
* Video-Based Noncooperative Iris Image Segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Training of a Sign Language Recognition System Using Multiple Instance Learning Density Matrices
38 for SMC-B(41)

SMC-B(42) * Acceleration-Level Cyclic-Motion Generation of Constrained Redundant Robots Tracking Different Paths
* Adjustable Model-Based Fusion Method for Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval Using Group Sparsity
* Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach
* Combining Tensor Space Analysis and Active Appearance Models for Aging Effect Simulation on Face Images
* Comparison of Information Functions and Search Strategies for Sensor Planning in Target Classification, A
* Cross-Domain Human Action Recognition
* Crowd Motion Partitioning in a Scattered Motion Field
* Detection of Sudden Pedestrian Crossings for Driving Assistance Systems
* Dynamic Features for Iris Recognition
* Face Feature Weighted Fusion Based on Fuzzy Membership Degree for Video Face Recognition
* Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features via Multikernel Learning
* Fast and Accurate Palmprint Recognition System Based on Minutiae, A
* Flooding Algorithm for Multirobot Exploration, A
* Fully Automatic Recognition of the Temporal Phases of Facial Actions
* Fuzzy Integral-Based Gaze Control Architecture Incorporated With Modified-Univector Field-Based Navigation for Humanoid Robots
* Gait Recognition Across Various Walking Speeds Using Higher Order Shape Configuration Based on a Differential Composition Model
* Generalized Biased Discriminant Analysis for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Human-Arm-and-Hand-Dynamic Model With Variability Analyses for a Stylus-Based Haptic Interface
* In the Pursuit of Effective Affective Computing: The Relationship Between Features and Registration
* Integrating Instance Selection, Instance Weighting, and Feature Weighting for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers by Coevolutionary Algorithms
* Intrinsic Illumination Subspace for Lighting Insensitive Face Recognition
* Iris Recognition Using Possibilistic Fuzzy Matching on Local Features
* Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge
* Mining Visual Collocation Patterns via Self-Supervised Subspace Learning
* Multilayer Architectures for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Multiresolution Motion Planning for Autonomous Agents via Wavelet-Based Cell Decompositions
* Multiview Face Recognition: From TensorFace to V-TensorFace and K-TensorFace
* New Biased Discriminant Analysis Using Composite Vectors for Eye Detection, A
* On Combining Multiple Features for Cartoon Character Retrieval and Clip Synthesis
* Online Signature Verification Based on Generative Models
* Pose Estimation Through Cue Integration: A Neuroscience-Inspired Approach
* Recognizing Emotions From an Ensemble of Features
* Remote Sensing Image Subpixel Mapping Based on Adaptive Differential Evolution
* Robust CoHOG Feature Extraction in Human-Centered Image/Video Management System
* Robust Color Texture Features Under Varying Illumination Conditions
* Robust Multiperson Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service and Social Robots
* Segmenting Human From Photo Images Based on a Coarse-to-Fine Scheme
* Subject-Specific and Pose-Oriented Facial Features for Face Recognition Across Poses
* SVD-Based Quality Metric for Image and Video Using Machine Learning
* Telepresence Index for Bilateral Teleoperations
* Telepresence Mobile Robot Controlled With a Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interface, A
* Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation via Matrix Completion
* Trajectory Learning for Robot Programming by Demonstration Using Hidden Markov Model and Dynamic Time Warping
* Understanding Discrete Facial Expressions in Video Using an Emotion Avatar Image
45 for SMC-B(42)

SMC-C( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews

SMC-C(28) * Supervised Classification in High-Dimensional Space: Geometrical, Statistical, and Asymptotical Properties of Multivariate Data

SMC-C(29) * Automatic Data Capture for Geographic Information Systems
* Color Texture Based Visual Monitoring System For Automated Surveillance
* Integrated Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Numerals with Cascade Neural Network
* Sensor-Based Fuzzy Reactive Navigation of a Mobile Robot Through Local Target Switching

SMC-C(30) * Automated Segmentation of Human Brain MR Images Aided by Fuzzy Information Granulation and Fuzzy Inference
* Implementation of vision-based planar grasp planning
* Multisensor Data Fusion for Surface Land-Mine Detection
* Neural networks for classification: a survey
* Prototyping Structural Description Using an Inductive Learning Program
* Real-Time Tool Condition Monitoring Using Wavelet Transforms and Fuzzy Techniques
* Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Object Recognition
7 for SMC-C(30)

SMC-C(31) * Complex character decomposition using deformable model
* efficient gray search algorithm for the estimation of motion vectors, An
* Fast full search motion estimation algorithm using various matching scans in video coding
* Gesture-based interaction and communication: Automated Classification of Hand Gesture Contours
* Nonparametric genetic clustering: comparison of validity indices
* overview of character recognition focused on off-line handwriting, An

SMC-C(32) * Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* Classification of multispectral images based on a fuzzy-possibilistic neural network
* Gaussian-based edge-detection methods: A Survey
* generalized surveillance model with applications to systems safety, A
* Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the optimization of noisy combustion processes
* Robust support vector machine with bullet hole image classification
* Segmentation of touching characters in printed Devnagari and Bangla scripts using fuzzy multifactorial analysis
* Self-localizing dynamic microphone arrays
* symmetry-based coarse classification method for chinese characters, A
9 for SMC-C(32)

SMC-C(33) * Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* Sensor fusion in anti-personnel mine detection using a two-level belief function model

SMC-C(34) * Active Networking Based Service for Media Transcoding in Multicast Sessions, An
* Automatic Visual Recognition of Deformable Objects for Grasping and Manipulation
* Design of a six DOF reconfigurable gripper for flexible fixtureless assembly
* Envisioning human-robot coordination in future operations
* Final report for the DARPA/NSF interdisciplinary study on human-robot interaction
* Function meets style: insights from emotion theory applied to HRI
* Human-robot interaction in rescue robotics
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Human-Robot Interaction
* Involving users in the design of a mobile office robot
* neural network approach-decision neural network (DNN) for preference assessment, A
* Real-Time VBR Video Traffic Prediction for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
* Roles for agent assistants in field science: Understanding personal projects and collaboration
* social informatics approach to human-robot interaction with a service social robot, A
* Social interactions in HRI: the robot view
* Spatial language for human-robot dialogs
* survey of motion-parallax-based 3-D reconstruction algorithms, A
* Survey on Visual Surveillance of Object Motion and Behaviors, A
* Usability evaluation of high-level user assistance for robot mission specification
18 for SMC-C(34)

SMC-C(35) * adaptive multimodal biometric management algorithm, An
* appearance model constructed on 3-D surface for robust face recognition against pose and illumination variations, An
* Automatic system for quality-based classification of marble textures
* C-fuzzy decision trees
* cognitive architecture for Robotic hand posture learning, A
* Coupling fuzzy modeling and neural networks for river flood prediction
* efficient coordinate frame calibration method for 3-D measurement by multiple camera systems, An
* Eigenspace-based face recognition: a comparative study of different approaches
* Evolutionary feature synthesis for object recognition
* Face Authentication from Cell Phone Camera Images with Illumination and Temporal Variations
* Face recognition using the weighted fractal neighbor distance
* Fingerprint and speaker verification decisions fusion using a functional link network
* Fingerprint classification based on learned features
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Biometric Systems
* Hallucinating face by eigentransformation
* iBotGuard: an Internet-based Intelligent Robot security system using Invariant Face Recognition against intruder
* Improved class statistics estimation for sparse data problems in offline signature verification
* Improvement of visual perceptual capabilities by feedback structures for robotic system FRIEND
* Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy via Cascaded Classifiers
* Including efficient object recognition capabilities in online robots: from a statistical to a Neural-network classifier
* iShopFloor: An Internet-Enabled Agent-Based Intelligent Shop Floor
* Model checking for E-business control and assurance
* Movement-flow-based visual servoing and force control fusion for Manipulation Tasks in unstructured environments
* On the use of different speech representations for speaker modeling
* Online statistical model recognition and State estimation for autonomous compliant motion
* Pattern tracking and 3-D motion reconstruction of a rigid body from a 2-D image sequence
* Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
* Robust data fusion with occupancy grid
* Special Issue on Pattern Recognition for Autonomous Manipulation in Robotic Systems
* Support vector machines for quality monitoring in a plastic injection molding process
* Target Dependent Score Normalization Techniques and Their Application to Signature Verification
* Time-series detection of perspiration as a liveness test in fingerprint devices
* Top-down induction of decision trees classifiers: A survey
* Visual quality measures for Characterizing Planar robot grasps
34 for SMC-C(35)

SMC-C(36) * Active-vision-based multisensor surveillance: An implementation
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Grains of Pollen Based on Shape and Texture
* Automatic detection and elimination of specular reflectance in color images by means of MS diagram and vector connected filters
* Dynamic User Concept Pattern Learning Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Efficient Chromosome Encoding and Problem-Specific Mutation Methods for the Flexible Bay Facility Layout Problem
* Geometrical Error Modeling and Compensation Using Neural Networks
* Gesture-Based Control and EMG Decomposition
* Improving Weapon Detection in Single Energy X-Ray Images Through Pseudocoloring
* Neighborhood Topologies in Fully Informed and Best-of-Neighborhood Particle Swarms
* Neuro-Fuzzy Control for MPEG Video Transmission Over Bluetooth
* On Dempster-Shafer and bayesian detectors
* Survey of Data Mining Approaches to User Modeling for Adaptive Hypermedia
* system for supporting group activities with a sensor-embedded board, A
* Using Genetic Algorithms to Estimate Confidence Intervals for Missing Spatial Data
* Using Image Processing Methods to Improve the Explosive Detection Accuracy
15 for SMC-C(36)

SMC-C(37) * Band Selection in Multispectral Images by Minimization of Dependent Information
* Bayesian Classification of Cork Stoppers Using Class-Conditional Independent Component Analysis
* Content-Based 3-D Model Retrieval: A Survey
* Effects of Augmented Reality Display Settings on Human Wayfinding Performance
* Evolution-Based Tabu Search Approach to Automatic Clustering
* Framework for Sign Language Sentence Recognition by Commonsense Context, A
* Gesture Recognition: A Survey
* Imaging Order Scheduling of an Earth Observation Satellite
* Large-Scale Optimal Sensor Array Management for Multitarget Tracking
* New Approach to Motion Pattern Recognition and Its Application to Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Real-Time Edge Follow: A Real-Time Path Search Approach
* Real-Time Iris Detection on Coronal-Axis-Rotated Faces
* Real-Time Visual Inspection System for Railway Maintenance: Automatic Hexagonal-Headed Bolts Detection, A
* Review and Preview: Disocclusion by Inpainting for Image-Based Rendering
* Robust Neural-Network-Based Data Association and Multiple Model-Based Tracking of Multiple Point Targets
* Segmentation and Modeling of Full Human Body Shape From 3-D Scan Data: A Survey
* Wavelet-Based Detection and Its Application to Tracking in an IR Sequence
17 for SMC-C(37)

SMC-C(38) * Automatic Signature Verification: The State of the Art
* Automatic Video Classification: A Survey of the Literature
* Blind Microarray Gridding: A New Framework
* Comments on An Adaptive Multimodal Biometric Management Algorithm
* Employing Clustering Techniques for Automatic Information Extraction From HTML Documents
* Factorial HMM and Parallel HMM for Gait Recognition
* Gait Components and Their Application to Gender Recognition
* Gene Identification: Classical and Computational Intelligence Approaches
* Information Visualization for DNA Microarray Data Analysis: A Critical Review
* Machine Vision/GPS Integration Using EKF for the UAV Aerial Refueling Problem
* Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Optimization of Industrial, Vision-Based, Intuitively Generated Robot Point-Allocating Tasks Using Genetic Algorithms
* Selection of DNA Markers
* Survey of Non-facial/Non-verbal Affective Expressions for Appearance-Constrained Robots
* Vision-Based Grasp Tracking for Planar Objects
15 for SMC-C(38)

SMC-C(39) * Application of Two Hopfield Neural Networks for Automatic Four-Element LED Inspection
* Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy-Modified Ant Colony Hardware Structure for Image Retrieval
* Emotional Intensity-based Facial Expression Cloning for Low Polygonal Applications
* Objective Function to Evaluate Performance of Human-Robot Collaboration in Target Recognition Tasks, An
* Optimization-Based Dynamic Sensor Management for Distributed Multitarget Tracking
* Palmprint Recognition Using 3-D Information
* Real-Time Moving Target Evaluation Search
* Resident Location-Recognition Algorithm Using a Bayesian Classifier in the PIR Sensor-Based Indoor Location-Aware System
* Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms for Clustering, A
* Target Detection in SAR Images Based on a Level Set Approach
* Understanding Video Events: A Survey of Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Semantic Occurrences in Video
11 for SMC-C(39)

SMC-C(40) * Advances in View-Invariant Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Bio-inspired Algorithms for Autonomous Deployment and Localization of Sensor Nodes
* Design of an Automatic Wood Types Classification System by Using Fluorescence Spectra
* Frequency-based Approach for Features Fusion in Fingerprint and Iris Multimodal Biometric Identification Systems, A
* Geometric Distortion Insensitive Image Watermarking in Affine Covariant Regions
* Incremental Embedding and Learning in the Local Discriminant Subspace With Application to Face Recognition
* Microarray Data Classifier Consisting of k-Top-Scoring Rank-Comparison Decision Rules With a Variable Number of Genes
* Motion Control of Omni-Directional Three-Wheel Robots by Brain-Emotional-Learning-Based Intelligent Controller
* Multifactor Identity Verification Using Aggregated Proof of Knowledge
* Multimodal Biometric Human Recognition for Perceptual Human-Computer Interaction
* Nonlinear Filter Coupled With Hospitability and Synthetic Inclination Maps for In-Surveillance and Out-of-Surveillance Tracking, A
* Optimization of Spatiotemporal Clustering for Target Tracking From Multisensor Data
* Review of Active Appearance Models, A
* Survey on Contemporary Remote Surveillance Systems for Public Safety
* Toward Credible Evaluation of Anomaly-Based Intrusion-Detection Methods
* Wearable Obstacle Avoidance Electronic Travel Aids for Blind: A Survey
16 for SMC-C(40)

SMC-C(41) * 3-D Palmprint Recognition With Joint Line and Orientation Features
* Combining Perceptual Features With Diffusion Distance for Face Recognition
* Enhancing Identity Prediction Using a Novel Approach to Combining Hard- and Soft-Biometric Information
* Feature Relevance Network-Based Transfer Learning for Indoor Location Estimation
* Gender Recognition Using 3-D Human Body Shapes
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Pattern Recognition Technologies for Anti-Terrorism Applications
* Local Binary Patterns and Its Application to Facial Image Analysis: A Survey
* NABS: Novel Approaches for Biometric Systems
* Offline Recognition of Devanagari Script: A Survey
* Personal Identification Using Multibiometrics Rank-Level Fusion
* Positioning and Utilizing Sensors on a 3-D Terrain Part I: Theory and Modeling
* Positioning and Utilizing Sensors on a 3-D Terrain Part II: Solving With a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm
* Reasoning About Threats: From Observables to Situation Assessment
* Reciprocal and Extensible Architecture for Multiple-Target Tracking in a Smart Home, A
* Robust Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Surveillance Videos
* Robust Small Robot Localization From Highly Uncertain Sensors
* Scene Analysis for Object Detection in Advanced Surveillance Systems Using Laplacian Distribution Model
* Stable Sensorless Localization of 3-D Objects
* Survey on Visual Content-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Switching Between Collaboration Levels in a Human-Robot Target Recognition System
* Two-Way Multidimensional Scaling: A Review
* Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications
* Word-Map Systems for Content-Based Document Classification
23 for SMC-C(41)

SMC-C(42) * Adaptive Recognition Model for Image Annotation, An
* Applying a Functional Neurofuzzy Network to Real-Time Lane Detection and Front-Vehicle Distance Measurement
* Brain-Machine Interfaces: Basis and Advances
* Bringing Content Awareness to Web-Based IDTV Advertising
* Classification of Upper Limb Motion Trajectories Using Shape Features
* Clustered Mixture Particle Filter for Underwater Multitarget Tracking in Multistatic Active Sonobuoy Systems
* Comparative Study of 3-D Face Recognition Under Expression Variations, A
* Computational Intelligence in Urban Traffic Signal Control: A Survey
* Computer Simulations of a Humanoid Robot Capable of Walking Like Fashion Models
* Elman Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots Using Hybrid Force/Position Incorporation
* Estimation of Walking Exercise Intensity Using 3-D Acceleration Sensor
* Evolutionary Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Obtaining Motion Representation of Humanoid Robots
* Genetic Algorithm-Inspired UUV Path Planner Based on Dynamic Programming, A
* Hierarchical Filtered Motion for Action Recognition in Crowded Videos
* Meta-Analysis of Vibrotactile and Visual Information Displays for Improving Task Performance, A
* Optimizing the Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows: A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
* Personal Autonomy Rehabilitation in Home Environments by a Portable Assistive Robot
* Robust and Effective Component-Based Banknote Recognition for the Blind
* Sensor Technology Survey for a Stress-Aware Trading Process, A
* Sensor-Based Activity Recognition
* Sensors for Gesture Recognition Systems
* Taxonomy and Experimental Study on Prototype Generation for Nearest Neighbor Classification, A
* Unsupervised Construction of an Indoor Floor Plan Using a Smartphone
* Video-Based Abnormal Human Behavior Recognition: A Review
24 for SMC-C(42)

SMC-C00 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Intelligent Environments and Active Camera Networks
* Self-adaptive expert system for facial expression analysis

SMC-C05 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Swapping of Reflections of Adjacent Subcodevectors for Vector Quantization

SMC-C74 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Regular Decomposition and Picture Structure

SMC-C80 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* On the visual discrimination between small objects and large textured patterns
* Some aspects of motion perception
* Visual perception based on biological filtering of spatial information

SMC-C87 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Chromaticity as a Source of Information in the Human Stereo Correspondence Problem
* Computational Stereo Using Color

SMC-C89 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* CAD-Based Computer Vision: From CAD Models to Relational Graphs
* Object Recognition and Pose Determination in Multi Sensor Robotic Systems
* Segmentation of Document Images

SMC-C90 * Active Contour Models: Overview, Implementation and Applications

SMC-C91 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Active Exploration of Robotic Workcell
* Polyhedral Object Recognition Using View Density
* Recursive Tracking of Image Points Using Labelled Graph Matching
* Statistical Model for Signature Verification, A

SMC-C94 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Coordinating Motion of Cooperative Mobile Robots Through Visual Observation
* Motion and Depth Perception using Spatio Temporal Frequency Analysis
* On Integrating Depth from Motion and Stereo Approaches

SMC-C95 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Off-line Handwriting Recognition from Forms
* Total Stroke SLALOM Method for Searching for the Optimal Drawing Order of Off-Line Handwriting, A

SMC-C97 * *IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
* Contribution of a color classification to soccer players tracking with snakes

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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