* 2D Mesh Based Tracking of Deformable Objects with Occlusion
* 3D Analysis of Textures Using Structural Information
* 3D image analysis of the lung area using thin section CT images and its application to differential diagnosis
* 3D Reconstruction of Blood Vessels in the Ocular Fundus from Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope ICG Angiography
* 3X3 decomposition of circular structuring elements
* Active Visual Estimator for Dextrous Manipulation, An
* Adaptive automatic facial feature segmentation
* adaptive block matching algorithm for efficient motion estimation, An
* Adaptive Camera Regulation for Investigation of Real Scenes
* Adaptive directional Image compression with oriented wavelets
* Adaptive Document Block Segmentation and Classification
* Adaptive Learning Vector Quantizers for Image Compression
* Adaptive quantization of image subbands with efficient overhead rate selection
* Adaptive regularization of a distorted born iterative algorithm for diffraction tomography
* address generator of an N-dimensional Hilbert scan, An
* Advanced imaging systems curricula at EPFL
* Affine-Invariant B-Spline Moments For Curve Matching
* algorithm for FOE localization, An
* Analysis of watershed algorithms for greyscale images
* Anatomical data fusion for quantitative reconstruction in cardiac tomoscintigraphy using active contours of the organs of the thorax
* ANN-driven edge point selection criterion
* application of image processing to acoustic pyrometry, The
* Applications of toral automorphisms in image watermarking
* Applying Advanced Learning Algorithms to ALVINN
* Approximation Scheme for the Maximal Solution of the Shape-from-Shading Model, An
* Asymmetric motion estimation/compensation
* Automated 3D object recognition and dynamic library entry/update system
* Automated microaneurysm detection
* Automatic flow control planning for real-time image processing devices
* Automatic interpolation and recognition of face images by morphing
* automatic lung cancer detection from X-ray images obtained through yearly serial mass survey, An
* Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition
* Automatic segmentation of hippocampus from brain MRI using deformable contours
* Automatic spoken affect classification and analysis
* Biometric identification by dermatoglyphics
* Block iterative methods for Bayesian segmentation of positron emission tomography images
* Blurs and perfect image restoration
* Border identification of echocardiograms via multiscale edge detection and shape modeling
* Camera motion parameter recovery under perspective projection
* Cardboard people: a parameterized model of articulated image motion
* CCE-based index selection for neuro assisted MR-image segmentation
* Classification of the Ultrasound Liver Images with the 2Nx1-D Wavelet Transform
* Classifying faces
* Color halftoning: a non-separable model
* Color moving pictures quality metric
* Color Texture Segmentation for Clothing in a Computer-Aided Fashion Design System
* comparative analysis of neural network methodologies for segmentation of magnetic resonance images, A
* Comparative Study of Different Spatial/ Spatial-Frequency Methods (Gabor Filters, Wavelets, Wavelets Packets) for Texture Segmentation/Classification
* Comparison of real and computer-simulated clustered microcalcifications on digital mammograms. ROC study
* Comparison of visible and infra-red imagery for face recognition
* Computer vision for computer games
* Computerized analysis for classification of heart diseases in echocardiographic images
* Computing 3-D head orientation from a monocular image sequence
* Computing Horizontal/Vertical Convex Shapes Moments on Reconfigurable Meshes
* Computing moments by prefix sums
* Conditions and design examples for instantaneous and simultaneous switching of filter banks
* Confocal laser scanning and advanced image processing in ophthalmology
* Constrained Parallel Projection Methods for Optimal Signal Estimation and Design: Constrained Inconsistent Signal Feasibility Problems
* Constrained Trellis Based Rate Control Scheme for Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Content based image display from image databases using spatio-temporal transfers and fractal analysis methods
* content based video traffic model using camera operations, A
* Content-Based Retrieval of Opthalmological Images
* Contour segmentation using Hough transform
* Control of MPEG-2 video traffic in an ATM environment
* Convolution Backprojection Formulas for 3-D Vector Tomography with Application to MRI
* Coordinate Transformations, Symmetries and GHT
* Coordination of perceptual processes for computer mediated communication
* Current issues and new techniques in visual quality assessment
* Curve segmentation by continuous smoothing at multiple scales
* data parallel implementation of an edge point chaining: towards a new principle of edge linking, A
* Data-driven Procedure for Density-Estimation with Some Applications, A
* Defect Detection in Random Color Textures
* Deformable model-based face shape and motion estimation
* Deformable Templates Using Large-Deformation Kinematics
* Design and implementation of the visual programming environment for the distributed image processing
* Design of a color reproduction neural network chip with on-chip learning capability
* Design of high speed weighted fuzzy mean filters with generic LR fuzzy cells
* Designing local orthogonal bases for evaluating image quality
* Designing Multiple Gabor Filters for Multi-Texture Image Segmentation
* Detection of human faces using decision trees
* Detection of luminosity profiles of elongated shapes
* Detection of motion during projection reconstruction magnetic resonance imaging
* Detection of objects in RF ultrasonic images using 2-D spatial phase techniques
* Detection of rotation and parallel translation using Hough and Fourier transforms
* Determination of Compatibility Coefficients for Colour Edge Detection by Relaxation
* Determining large scale sandbar behaviour
* Development of a scene recognition system with imprecise descriptions
* Development of motion analysis system for quantitative evaluation of teamwork in soccer games
* DFLAP: a dynamic frequency linear array processor
* Digital halftoning algorithm based on random space-filling curve
* Digital halftoning algorithm using visual-optimized binary patterns
* Direction of regard determination
* Directional dilation for the connection of piece-wise objects: A semiconductor manufacturing case study
* Discriminant analysis and eigenspace partition tree for face and object recognition from views
* Disparity and occlusion estimation for multiview image sequences using dynamic programming
* Dithering algorithms for variable dot size printers
* Dynamic Effects in Visual Closed-Loop Systems
* Dynamic Video Coding: An Overview
* Dynamical system representation, generation, and recognition of basic oscillatory motion gestures
* Edge and keypoint detection in facial regions
* Edge detection using Holladay's principle
* Edge enhancement in clustered-dot dithering
* Edge enhancement of infrared imagery by way of the anisotropic diffusion pyramid
* Education in (and by) digital image systems at Georgia Tech
* Education in image sciences and engineering at the Technion
* effective resolution definition or how to choose an edge detector, its scale parameter and the threshold?, An
* Efficient Block Motion Estimation Using Integral Projections
* Eigen-Points
* Eigen-points: control-point location using principal component analyses
* Ellipse Fitting and Three-Dimensional Localization of Objects Based on Elliptic Features
* Embedded color error diffusion
* Entropy-based pattern matching for document image compression
* Equivariance and Invariance: An Approach Based on Lie Groups
* Error Concealment of Still Image and Video Streams with Multidirectional Recursive Nonlinear Filters
* Error propagation analysis for edge postprocessing
* Establishing perceptual criteria on image quality in diagnostic telepathology
* Estimating Precise Edge Position By Camera Motion
* Estimation of Affine Transformations between Image Pairs via Fourier Transform
* Estimation of Phase for Noisy Linear Phase Signals
* European COST 211 ter Activities: Research Towards Advanced Algorithms for Coding of Video Signals at Very Low Bit Rates, The
* Evaluating effective resolution of an optical tomographic imaging system using a narrow-band correlation metric
* Evaluation of an iterative algorithm for three dimensional X-ray cone beam reconstruction
* Evaluation of Physically Based Statistical Colour Models for Image Region Characterization, An
* Evolutionary fractal image compression
* Example-based head tracking
* Expectation-Based Selective Attention
* Extracting Half-Tones from Printed Documents Using Texture Analysis
* Face and facial feature extraction from color image
* Face and hand gesture recognition using hybrid classifiers
* Face detection using local maxima
* Face distinctiveness in recognition across viewpoint: an analysis of the statistical structure of face spaces
* Facial analysis and synthesis using image-based models
* Fast spectral algorithms for invariant pattern recognition and image matching based on modular invariants
* fast, accurate method to segment and retrieve object contours in real images, A
* Fault detection in stack filter circuits based on sample selection probabilities
* Feature Extraction for a Precise Characterization of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* Figures of merit for quality assessment of binary edge maps
* Finding Objects in Image Databases by Grouping
* Fingerprint Classification through Self-Organizing Features Maps Modified to Treat Uncertainties
* Fingerprint Classification Using a Hexagonal Fast Fourier-Transform
* Finite element analysis of human joints: image processing and meshing issues
* Flexible Color Point Distribution Models
* FM screen design using DBS algorithm
* Force and Vision Resolvability for Assimilating Disparate Sensory Feedback
* Forward error control for MPEG-2 video transport in a wireless ATM LAN
* frame-work for live multicast of video streams over the Internet, A
* Fuzzy Pyramid Scheme for Distorted Object Recognition
* Fuzzy relative position between objects in images: A morphological approach
* Fuzzy-set based feature extraction for objects of various shapes and appearances
* general multiresolution approach to the estimation of dense fields in remote sensing, A
* Gestural interface to a visual computing environment for molecular biologists
* global entropy criterion for focus tuning in exit wavefunction reconstruction in high resolution electron microscopy, A
* Hand sign recognition from intensity image sequences with complex backgrounds
* Happy patrons make better tippers: creating a robot waiter using Perseus and the Animate Agent architecture
* HD-VCR Codec for Studio Application Using Quadtree Structured Binary Symbols in Wavelet Transform Domain
* Hidden signatures in images
* Hierarchical Image-Coding via Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computers
* Hierarchical neural network for multiresolution image analysis
* Hierarchical video distribution over Internet-style networks
* High performance VLSI architecture for the trellis coded quantization
* How to recover smooth object boundaries in noisy medical images
* hybrid intelligent diagnostic system based on neural networks and image analysis techniques in the field of automated cytogenetics, A
* Identifying film frames in a video sequence
* Image characteristics and representation by phase: From Symmetric to Geometric Structure
* Image coding by use of discrete cosine transforms
* Image coding with fuzzy region-growing segmentation
* image digital signature system with ZKIP for the graph isomorphism, An
* Image quality prediction in a multidimensional perceptual space
* Image Sequence Coding Using 3-D I.F.S.
* Image systems engineering at Stanford
* Image watermarking using DCT domain constraints
* Image-Coding Using Wavelets Based on Perfect Reconstruction IIR Filter Banks
* Imaging the complex conductivity in electrical impedance tomography
* IMIS: A multi-platform software package for telediagnosis and 3D medical image processing
* Implementation and design of a new model of neural network with application to typographical character recognition
* Implementing of maximum likelihood in tomographical coded aperture
* Improved penalized likelihood reconstruction of anatomically correlated emission data
* Improvement on depth resolution and reduction of Poisson noise in coded aperture emission CT
* Improving parameter space decomposition for the generalised Hough transform
* Inductive learning in hand pose recognition
* Information theoretic view-based and modular face detection
* Information-based shape description with scale, translation and rotation invariance
* integrated multiscale approach for terrain referenced underwater navigation, An
* Interactive digital image processing course on the World Wide Web
* Introduction to the Special Section on Vision-Based Control of Robot Manipulators
* Invariant features for 3-D gesture recognition
* Invariant Handwritten Chinese Character-Recognition Using Fuzzy Ring Data
* Inverse Halftoning Using Wavelets
* investigation into face pose distributions, An
* Is There Any Texture in the Image?
* Joint coding for multi-program transmission
* Joint quantization and dithering of color images
* Joint segmentation and image interpretation
* Joint Source/Channel Coding of Scalable Video over Noisy Channels
* Karhunen-Loeve-transformation of functional optical imaging of brain activity-consequences and implications
* Learning novel views to a single face image
* Learning to recognize generic visual categories using a hybrid structural approach
* Legibility of perceptually-tuned grayscale fonts
* Linear filter design for CNR enhancement of MR images with multiple interfering features
* LISTEN: a system for locating and tracking individual speakers
* Local Symmetries of Digital Contours from Their Chain Codes
* Local wavelength estimation for magnetic resonance elastography
* Locating faces using statistical feature detectors
* Locating facial features in image sequences using neural networks
* Lossless Compression of Images Using Logic Minimization
* low-complexity rate distortion model for motion estimation in H.263, A
* magnetic source estimation in the cortical region, A
* Manifold caricatures: on the psychological consistency of computer face recognition
* Maximum likelihood face detection
* Medical image segmentation using the watershed transformation on graphs
* Method and apparatus for rotating and scaling images
* Method and device for producing panoramic images, and a method and device for consulting panoramic images
* Method for interpolating missing pixels and an apparatus employing the method
* Method for Motion-Adaptive Frame Rate Up-Conversion, A
* method for signature casting on digital images, A
* Method of Linear Star-Section Applied for Object Separation in ERCP Images, A
* mixed digital-analog SIMD chip tailored for image perception, A
* Mixed synchronous-asynchronous approach for real-time image processing: a MPEG-like coder
* Model Based Estimation of Point Correspondences between Boundaries Undergoing Nonrigid Motion
* Model-Based Deformable Surface Finding for Medical Images
* Model-based recognition of planar objects using geometric invariants
* Modeling noise for a better simplification of skeletons
* Modelling the variability in face images
* Moment-based operator for sub-voxel surface extraction in medical imaging
* Morphing of 2-D models by Fresnel transform
* Morphological registration of 3D medical images
* morphological subband decomposition structure using GF(N) arithmetic, A
* Motion characterization of unrigid objects by detecting and tracking feature points
* Motion estimation and tracking for urban traffic monitoring
* Motion rendition quality metric for MPEG coded video
* Multi-modal system for locating heads and faces
* Multi-resolution access control algorithm based on fractal coding
* multi-scale approach for seismic tomography, A
* Multiband cyclic wavelet transforms
* Multichannel Transforms for Signal/Image Processing
* Multilevel Video Coding and Distribution Architectures for Emerging Broad-Band Digital Networks
* Multiple resolution image segmentation using four QP supports of 2D autoregressive model
* Multiple-valued feedback neural networks for image restoration
* Multiscalar rock recognition using active vision
* Multiscale hypothesis testing with application to anomaly characterization from tomographic projections
* Multispectral Image Visualization With Nonlinear Projections
* Multispectral-image coding by spectral classification
* Navigation parameter estimation from sequential aerial images
* Neural-Network Approach for Solving the Maximal Common Subgraph Problem
* new fast algorithm using an adaptative structuring element applied to a counting device, A
* New Hausdorff distances based on robust statistics for comparing images
* new operator for image structure analysis, A
* New opportunities in digital imaging systems
* New topological operators for segmentation
* Noise suppression based on the fractal dimension estimates
* Non-additive noise and optimal correlation
* Non-synchronous control of bit-serial video signal processor array architectures
* Nonlinear image analysis for fuzzy classification of breast cancer
* novel approach to the suppression of false contours originated from Laplacian-of-Gaussian zero-crossings, A
* Object-based layer-structure for very low bit rate video coding
* objective quality assessment technique for digital image sequences, An
* On Div-Curl Regularization for Motion Estimation in 3D Volumetric Imaging
* On MAP optimality of gray-scale morphological filters
* On optimal boundary and transition filters in time-varying filter banks
* On sensor image compression for high pixel rate imaging: pixel parallel and column parallel architectures
* On the Calculation of Arbitrary Moments of Polygons
* On the Estimation of a Covariance-matrix in Designing Parzen Classifiers
* On the information-theoretic assessment of visual communication
* On-line holographic reconstruction of NMR images by means of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition with Effective Candidate Radical and Candidate Character Selections
* Optical flow recognition from the power spectrum of a single blurred image
* Optimal decomposition of morphological structuring elements
* Optimal parameter choice for a class of cubic interpolation kernels and the associated error analysis
* Optimal subband coding with Lloyd-Max quantization
* Optimization of Image-Coding Algorithms and Architectures Using Genetic Algorithms
* Overlapped-Character Separation and Reconstruction for Table-Form Documents
* Packet Loss Resilience of MPEG-2 Scalable Video Coding Algorithms
* Parallel Hough transform on hyper-pyramid architecture: a divide and conquer approach
* Parallel image processing in heterogeneous computing network systems
* Parallel image processing on single processor systems
* Parallel Optical-Feature Extraction by Use of Rotationally Multiplexed Holograms
* Parallelization of irregular algorithms for shape detection
* Partial differential equations in image analysis: continuous modeling, discrete processing
* Partial volume artifact reduction in computed tomography
* Partition coding using multigrid chain code and motion compensation
* Parts of Planar Shapes
* PASSWORDS Project, The
* Pencigraphy with AGC: joint parameter estimation in both domain and range of functions in same orbit of the projective-Wyckoff group
* Perceptual adaptive JPEG coding
* Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body
* Phase watermarking of digital images
* Phased-Array Imaging of Moving Targets with Randomized Beam-Steering and Area Spotlighting
* Plasma wave electronics: Novel terahertz devices using two dimensional electron fluid
* Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization for emission tomography reconstruction algorithm
* Prefetching scheme for image processing on shared memory multiprocessors
* programmable concurrent video signal processor, A
* Projective Calibration of a Laser-Stripe Range Finder
* Provably convergent coordinate descent in statistical tomographic reconstruction
* Real-time 2D feature detection with low-level image processing algorithms on smart CCD/CMOS image sensors
* Real-time 3D pulse-echo ultrasonic imaging with coded-excitation systems
* Real-time embedded image processing applications using the A3 methodology
* Real-time facial motion analysis for virtual teleconferencing
* Real-time hand-arm motion analysis using a single video camera
* Real-time visual recognition of facial gestures for human-computer interaction
* Realization of a digital tomographic imaging system applied to odontology
* Recognition of partially occluded target objects
* Recognition of social dancing from auditory and visual information
* Recognizing articulated objects with information theoretic methods
* Reconstructions from Doppler Radon Transforms
* Recovering the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture
* Recovery of video in the presence of packet loss using interleaving and spatial redundancy
* Recursive estimation of illuminant motion from flow field
* Reducing the precision/uncertainty duality in the Hough transform
* Region-Based Wavelet Compression for Very Low Bitrate Video Coding
* relationship between image fidelity and image quality, The
* Relative End-Effector Control Using Cartesian Position Based Visual Servoing
* Removal of impulse noise using a FIRE filter
* Resolution reduction by growth of zones for visual prosthesis
* RGB Calibration for Color Image-Analysis in Machine Vision
* Robotic Estimation
* Robust and Fast Skew Detection Algorithm for Generic Documents, A
* Robust Asymptotically Stable Visual Servoing of Planar Robots
* Robust classification of hand postures against complex backgrounds
* robust content based digital signature for image authentication, A
* Robust face feature analysis for automatic speechreading and character animation
* robust object-specified active contour model for tracking smoothly deformable line-features and its application to outdoor moving image processing, A
* robust on-line restoration algorithm for fingerprint segmentation, A
* Robust representation and recognition of free-form objects
* Robust Visual Servoing in 3-D Reaching Tasks
* Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
* Rounding Transform for Lossless Image Coding
* RSTA on the Move: Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from an Autonomous Mobile Platform: Final Report
* Scalable VLSI architectures for full-search block matching algorithms
* Secure spread spectrum watermarking for images, audio and video
* Segmentation and tracking of faces in color images
* Segmentation of nautical chart components using mathematical morphology
* Segmentation of Range Images Via Data Fusion and Morphological Watersheds
* Segmenting a page of a document into areas which are text and areas which are halftone
* SIMD parallel algorithm for classifying binary image contours based on mathematical morphology, An
* simple feedforward neural network architecture for 3-D motion and structure estimation, A
* Simple Scheme for Motion Boundary Detection, A
* Skeletonization for Fuzzy Degraded Character Images
* Skeletonizing by compressed line adjacency graph in two directions
* Smoothness-constrained wavelet image compression
* Space-time analysis and iterative focusing for synthetic aperture sonar
* Spatial Based Polynomial 2D-Warping: A Possibility to Reduce Interindividual Variations in Functional Neuroimaging
* Spatio-temporally regularized reconstruction of gated SPECT myocardial image sequences
* Spatiotemporal Approach for Time-Varying Global Image Motion Estimation
* Spectral representation of irregularly sampled radar image sequences
* Speechreading: an overview of image processing, feature extraction, sensory integration and pattern recognition techniques
* Spotting recognition of human gestures from time-varying images
* Spurious effects reduction by the reconstruction of acoustic images from bispectrum
* Stable and efficient shift-variant algorithm for circle-plus-lines orbits in cone-beam CT
* Stack-Run Image-Coding
* Static tomographic reconstruction of the time varying ionosphere
* Statistical optimization of gray-scale morphological filters
* Studies of 3D Model Textures
* Subspace Methods for Robot Vision
* sure-fired way to choose smoothing parameters in ill-conditioned inverse problems, A
* Surveillance system based on spatio-temporal information
* Symbolic fusion of hue-chroma-intensity features for region segmentation
* syntactic framework for bitstream-level representation of audio-visual objects, A
* Synthesis of VLSI architectures for tree-structured image coding
* Synthetic and hybrid imaging in the HUMANOID and VIDAS projects
* System for coding a video signal in the presence of an image intensity gradient
* system to reduce the effect of CCDs saturation, A
* Teach-in of a robot by showing the motion
* Temporal texture modeling
* textural analysis by mathematical morphology transformations: structural opening and top-hat, A
* Theoretical Background and Improvement of a Simplified Half-Pel Motion Estimation
* theoretical consideration of pattern space trajectory for gesture spotting recognition, A
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of underwater objects from a sequence of sonar images
* Tomographic artefacts suppression via backprojection operator optimization
* Toward robust skin identification in video images
* Toward the use of gesture in traditional user interfaces
* Towards 3D hand tracking using a deformable model
* Towards unconstrained face recognition from image sequences
* Tracking and detection of moving point targets in noise image sequences by local maximum likelihood
* Tracking and learning graphs and pose on image sequences of faces
* Tracking articulators in X-ray images with minimal user interaction: Example of the tongue extraction
* Tracking faces
* Tracking fuzzy storm centers in Doppler radar images
* Training based optimal stack filter design under structural constraints
* training environment for ISE courses, A
* Transparent robust image watermarking
* Trinocular Stereovision by Generalized Hough Transform
* Tutorial on Visual Servo Control, A
* two-stage objective model for video quality evaluation, A
* Two-step motion estimation algorithm using low-resolution quantization
* Ultrasonic array imaging based on spatial interpolation
* Understanding Manipulation in Video
* Unscreening using a hybrid filtering approach
* Unsupervised contour estimation
* Unsupervised detection of straight lines through possibilistic clustering
* Use of an optical flow algorithm to quantify and correct patient motion during tomographic acquisition
* Using DGPS trajectory to evaluate an ortho-rectification method designed for flash radar images
* Using geometric processing in the visualization of ring features in tomographic images of wood
* Using Geometrical Information for Accurate Scene Understanding in an Artificial Vision System
* Value of image information categories and its importance for development and application of digital image processing systems
* Vector (Self) Snakes:
* Video and image systems engineering education for the 21st century
* Video camera with electronic picture stabilizer 2
* Video merging employing pattern-key insertion
* Video signal enhancement optimized on SVP2
* Video transmission technology with effective error protection and tough synchronization for wireless channels
* View-Invariant Regions and Mobile Robot Self-Localization
* VIS-based native video processing on UltraSPARC
* Visual computing education at UCSD
* Visual filters for face recognition
* Visual interaction with lifelike characters
* Visual search in a SMASH system
* Visual Servoing in Robotics Scheme Using a Camera/Laser-Stripe Sensor
* Visual Servoing with Hand-Eye Manipulator: Optimal-Control Approach
* VLSI architecture for discrete wavelet transform, A
* VLSI architecture for real time code book generator and encoder of a vector quantizer, A
* VLSI implementation of real-time image rotation
* watermark for digital images, A
* Wavelet Video Coding with Ladder Structures and Entropy-Constrained Quantization
* Word spotting via spatial point processes
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