* *3D Object Retrieval
* *3D Video Processing
* *Activity Monitoring by Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems
* *Analysis and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
* *International Symposium on Image and Data Fusion (ISIDF)
* *Multimedia Systems for Surveillance
* *Video Processing and Computational Video
* 2.5D face recognition using Patch Geodesic Moments
* 2D to 3D Image Conversion Based on Classification of Background Depth Profiles
* 3D ellipsoid fitting for multi-view gait recognition
* 3D face landmark labelling
* 3D feature extraction from uncalibrated video clips
* 3D Perception Adjustment of Stereoscopic Images Based upon Depth Map
* 3D Reconstruction and Video-Based Rendering of Casually Captured Videos
* 3D shape retrieval based on best view selection
* 3D visualization of cardiac tagged magnetic resonance image data using Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS)
* Abnormal events detection using unsupervised One-Class SVM: Application to audio surveillance and evaluation
* Abstract of PRIMA-S for AVSS-Demo 2011
* Accumulative Points/Votes Based Approach for Feature Selection, An
* Accuracy Analysis of Polynomial RFM Adjustment Models for Worldview-1 Imagery
* Accurate person tracking through changing poses for multi-view action recognition
* Action recognition using tri-view constraints
* Active Learning Approach for Statistical Spoken Language Understanding, An
* Active video analytics one leap ahead applicability and entering new dimensions
* Activity aware video collection to minimize resource usage in smart camera nodes
* AdaBoost for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* Adaptive Color Similarity Function for Color Image Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Guided Image Filtering for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Reduction
* Adaptive Motion Data Storage Reduction Method for Temporal Predictor, An
* Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Hybrid Template Online
* Adaptive Zoning Features for Character and Word Recognition
* Aerospace Base Map Supervision of the Second National Land Resources Investigation
* Affine-Invariant Recognition of Handwritten Characters via Accelerated KL Divergence Minimization
* Aletheia: An Advanced Document Layout and Text Ground-Truthing System for Production Environments
* Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Mosaic Based on Valid Area, An
* alpha-Shape Based Classification with Applications to Optical Character Recognition
* Amortized Linux Ext3 File System with Fast Writing after Editing for WinXP-Based Multimedia Application
* Analysing False Positives and 3D Structure to Create Intelligent Thresholding and Weighting Functions for SIFT Features
* Analysis of the Relationship between the Incident Angle and Polarimetric Signatures with POLSAR Data
* Appearance tracking by transduction in surveillance scenarios
* Appearance-based periocular features in the context of face and non-ideal iris recognition
* Application of Improved SIFT Algorithm in High Resolution SAR Image Matching in Mountain Areas, The
* Application of the 2D Gaussian Filter for Enhancing Feature Extraction in Off-line Signature Verification, An
* Application Research of Remote Sensing Images in the Land Use Special Planning of Tourism Industry in Yunnan Province
* Applications of Epsilon Radial Networks in Neuroimage Analyses
* Applications of Multilevel Thresholding Algorithms to Transcriptomics Data
* Applications of Remote Sensing Data Fusion Technology Based on Improved IHS Transform in the ASEAN Geospatial Public Service Platform
* approach to hand biometrics in mobile devices, An
* Assessment of Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Building Reconstruction in 3D Cadastre
* Assessment of Polarimetric and Interferometric Image Quality for Chinese Domestic X-Band Airborne SAR System
* Assessment of SAR Image Filtering Using Adaptive Stack Filters
* Attention Prediction in Egocentric Video Using Motion and Visual Saliency
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on AAM Parameter and Phoneme Analysis of Visual Feature
* Authentication of currency notes through printing technique verification
* Automated analysis of remyelination therapy for spinal cord injury
* Automated human identification using ear imaging
* Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width Ratio in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Automatic Content Extraction on Semi-structured Documents
* Automatic detection of dangerous motion behavior in human crowds
* Automatic Estimation of the Legibility of Binarised Historic Documents for Unsupervised Parameter Tuning
* Automatic fish classification for underwater species behavior understanding
* Automatic make and model recognition from frontal images of cars
* Automatic Method for Enhancing Character Recognition in Degraded Historical Documents, An
* Automatic Search of Nursing Diagnoses
* Automatically Discriminating between Digital and Scanned Photographs
* Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementation
* AVSS 2011 demo session
* Background subtraction by non-parametric probabilistic clustering
* Bag-of-Features Based Medical Image Retrieval via Multiple Assignment and Visual Words Weighting
* Bags of Strokes Based Approach for Classification and Indexing of Drop Caps
* Baseline Dependent Percentile Features for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* Bayesian Approach to Photo Time-Stamp Recognition
* benchmark for best view selection of 3D objects, A
* Benchmark Kannada Handwritten Document Dataset and Its Segmentation, A
* Better Digit Recognition with a Committee of Simple Neural Nets
* Beyond shape: incorporating color invariance into a biologically inspired feedforward model of category recognition
* Beyond sparsity: The role of L1-optimizer in pattern classification
* Bifocal Matching Using Multiple Geometrical Solutions
* Bimodal fusion of low-level visual features and high-level semantic features for near-duplicate video clip detection
* Binarization of Color Character Strings in Scene Images Using K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Machines
* Binarization of Textual Content in Video Frames
* Binarizing the Courtesy Amount Field on Color Chinese Bank Check Images
* Biomass Estimation Based on the Fusion of ICESat GLAS and MODIS Data in the Chongming Eastern Tidal Flat of the Yangtze River
* BioSecure signature evaluation campaign (BSEC'2009): Evaluating online signature algorithms depending on the quality of signatures
* Blind Image Deblurring with Modified Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution for Ringing Artifact Suppression
* Blotch Detection for Film Restoration
* BLSTM Neural Network Based Word Retrieval for Hindi Documents
* Bottom-up segmentation for ghost-free reconstruction of a dynamic scene from multi-exposure images
* Browsing Heterogeneous Document Collections by a Segmentation-Free Word Spotting Method
* Building Detection from Pan-Sharpened GeoEye-1 Satellite Imagery Using Context Based Multi-Level Image Segmentation
* Building Footprints Extraction from PolSAR Image Using Multi-Features and Edge Information
* CalliGUI: Interactive Labeling of Calligraphic Character Images
* Case Study in Hebrew Character Searching
* case-based reasoning approach for detection of salient regions in images, A
* CASIA Online and Offline Chinese Handwriting Databases
* Cell volume estimation from a sparse collection of noisy confocal image slices
* Change Detection for Map Updating with Classification Posterior Probability of HJ Image and TM Image
* Channel Distortion Modeling for Multi-View Video Transmission Over Packet-Switched Networks
* Character Enhancement for Historical Newspapers Printed Using Hot Metal Typesetting
* Character n-Gram Spotting in Document Images
* Character Recognition Based on DTW-Radon
* Characteristic pattern discovery in videos
* Chinese Character Localization Method Based on Intergrating Structure and CC-Clustering for Advertising Images, A
* Chinese Chess Character Recognition with Radial Harmonic Fourier Moments
* Chinese Keyword Spotting Using Knowledge-Based Clustering
* Chinese Paleography, Calligraphy, and Pattern Recognition: Styles and Scripts in Excavated Ancient Chinese Documents
* Chromatic / Achromatic Separation in Noisy Document Images
* Circle Text Expansion as Low-Rank Textures
* Circular Grid-Based Rotation Invariant Feature Extraction Approach for Off-line Signature Verification, A
* Classical Mongolian Words Recognition in Historical Document
* Classification of Active Microwave and Passive Optical Data Based on Bayesian Theory and MRF
* Classification of cell cycle phases in 3D confocal microscopy using PCNA and chromocenter features
* Classification trees for time series
* Classifying Execution Times in Parallel Computing Systems: A Classical Hypothesis Testing Approach
* Classifying Textual Components of Bilingual Documents with Decision-Tree Support Vector Machines
* Client-specific A-stack model for adult face verification across aging
* Co-training for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Coarse Classifier Construction Method from a Large Number of Basic Recognizers for On-line Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Characters, A
* Coding of Dynamic 3D Mesh Model for 3D Video Transmission
* Coherent Scatterers Detection with Polarimetric SAR Sub-Aperture Analysis
* Color Based Stool Region Detection in Colonoscopy Videos for Quality Measurements
* Color-Aware Local Spatiotemporal Features for Action Recognition
* Color-Mixing Correction of Overlapped Colors in Scanner Images
* Colorization by Landmark Pixels Extraction
* Combination of Document Image Binarization Techniques
* Combinatorial Preconditioners and Multilevel Solvers for Problems in Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Combined estimation of location and body pose in surveillance video
* combined just noticeable distortion model-guided image watermarking, A
* Combined Segmentation and Registration Framework with a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother, A
* Combining inertial and visual sensing for human action recognition in tennis
* Combining Mendonça-Cipolla Self-calibration and Scene Constraints
* Combining of Off-line and On-line Feature Extraction Approaches for Writer Identification
* Comments on 2-D Order-16 Integer Transforms for HD Video Coding
* Comments on Generalised finite Radon transform for NXN images
* Common-Mode Differential-Mode (CMDM) Method for Double-Nuclear MR Signal Excitation and Reception at Ultrahigh Fields
* comparative study of active appearance model annotation schemes for the face, A
* Comparative Study of Part-Based Handwritten Character Recognition Methods
* Comparative Study on Removing the Flat-Earth Effect in Airborne InSAR System
* Comparative visibility analysis of advertisement images
* Comparing Approaches to Mathematical Document Analysis from PDF
* comparison of a chaos-theoretic method for pre-attentive vision with traditional grayscale-based methods, A
* comparison of imputation methods for handling missing scores in biometric fusion, A
* Complementary background models for the detection of static and moving objects in crowded environments
* Complex wavelet transform with vocabulary tree for content based image retrieval
* Composite Script Identification and Orientation Detection for Indian Text Images
* Composite splitting algorithms for convex optimization
* Compression of Dynamic 3D Meshes and Progressive Displaying
* Compression Scheme for Handwritten Patterns Based on Curve Fitting, A
* Compressive Rendering of Multidimensional Scenes
* Computation of embedding capacity in reversible watermarking schemes
* Computer Analysis of Human Behavior
* Computing with Spatial Trajectories
* Concurrent Optimization of Context Clustering and GMM for Offline Handwritten Word Recognition Using HMM
* Connected Component Level Discrimination of Handwritten and Machine-Printed Text Using Eigenfaces
* Construction site monitoring from highly-overlapping MAV images
* Content aware video manipulation
* Continuous CRF with Multi-scale Quantization Feature Functions Application to Structure Extraction in Old Newspaper
* Continuous recovery for real time pan tilt zoom localization and mapping
* Contour-Based Method for Logo Detection, A
* Contour-Based Progressive Technique for Shape Recognition, A
* Conversion of PDF Books in ePub Format
* convex multi-view stereo formulation with robustness to occlusions and time-varying clutter, A
* Convolutional Neural Network Committees for Handwritten Character Classification
* Correcting Specular Noise in Multiple Images of Photographed Documents
* Correlation analysis on GPU systems using NVIDIA™s CUDA
* Correlation-based incremental visual tracking
* Creation and Analysis of a Corpus of Text Rich Indian TV Videos
* CRF Based Scheme for Overlapping Multi-colored Text Graphics Separation, A
* CROHME2011: Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Crowd flow estimation using multiple visual features for scenes with changing crowd densities
* CT-MR Image Registration in 3D K-Space Based on Fourier Moment Matching
* Curves and Surfaces
* Data driven frequency mapping for computationally scalable object detection
* Data Extraction from Web Tables: The Devil is in the Details
* Data hiding based quality access control of digital images using adaptive QIM and lifting
* Database Development and Recognition of Handwritten Devanagari Legal Amount Words
* De-Ghosting Artifact in Scene-Based Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences
* Decision fusion for urine particle classification in multispectral images
* Deep Learning Networks for Off-Line Handwritten Signature Recognition
* DEM Fusion and Its Application in Mapping Topography of Complex Areas
* Dempster-Shafer Based Rejection Strategy for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Dense spatio-temporal features for non-parametric anomaly detection and localization
* Dental biometrics: Human identification based on teeth and dental works in bitewing radiographs
* Depth Map Up-Sampling Using Random Walk
* Describing When and Where in Vision
* Design and Implementation of Flood Monitoring and Assessment System
* Design and Implementation of Power Supply of High-Power Diode Laser of LiDAR Onboard UAV
* Design issues in multi-camera systems
* Detecting Figure-Panel Labels in Medical Journal Articles Using MRF
* Detection and Segmentation of Antialiased Text in Screen Images
* Detection Method of New Buildings Based on High Resolution Remote Images, A
* Detection of abnormal behaviour in a surveillance environment using control charts
* Determining Document Skew Using Inter-line Spaces
* Determining operational measures from multi-camera surveillance systems using soft biometrics
* Development of Template-Free Form Recognition System
* Difference Analysis of SRTM C-Band DEM and ASTER GDEM for Global Land Cover Mapping
* Digit/Symbol Pruning and Verification for Arabic Handwritten Digit/Symbol Spotting
* Digital Hologram Compression Using Correlation of Reconstructed Object Images
* Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM): A Practical Introduction and Survival Guide
* Digital Ink Recogntion Server for Handwritten Japanese Text, A
* Digital Orthoimage Generation with Low Altitude Photogrammetric System Based on Unmanned Airship
* Directional Eigentemplate Learning for Sparse Template Tracker
* Discovering Legible Chinese Typefaces for Reading Digital Documents
* Discrete Graphical Models for Alphabet-Based Multisensory Data Fusion and Classification
* Discrimination of abandoned and stolen object based on active contours
* Discrimination of Old Document Images Using Their Style
* Discriminative Bernoulli Mixture Models for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Discriminative Model for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Retrieval, A
* Dissimilarity Representation for Structural Pattern Recognition, The
* Dissimilarity-Based Classifications in Eigenspaces
* Distance metric learning and feature combination for shape-based 3D model retrieval
* Distortion estimates for adaptive lifting transforms with noise
* Distortion Measurement for Automatic Document Verification
* Distributed framework for composite event recognition in a calibrated pan-tilt camera network
* Document Analysis Algorithm Contributions in End-to-End Applications: Report on the ICDAR 2011 Contest
* Document Image Classification and Labeling Using Multiple Instance Learning
* Document Image Indexing Using Edit Distance Based Hashing
* Document Images Indexing with Relevance Feedback: An Application to Industrial Context
* Document Recognition without Strong Models
* Document Recto-verso Registration Using a Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm
* Dot Text Detection Based on FAST Points
* Dynamic Compression of Curve-Based Point Cloud
* Dynamic resource allocation for probabilistic tracking via attentive sensing and sampling
* Dynamic resource aware sensor networks: Integration of sensor cloud and ERPs
* Dynamic Signature Recognition Based on Fisher Discriminant
* Dynamic Text Line Segmentation for Real-Time Recognition of Chinese Handwritten Sentences
* Dynamic Zoning Selection for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Edge envelope based reconstruction of torn document
* Edge-Based Features for Localization of Artificial Urdu Text in Video Images
* Effects of Generating a Large Amount of Artificial Patterns for On-line Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Effects of Line Densities on Nonlinear Normalization for Online Handwritten Japanese Character Recognition
* Efficient 3D Curve Skeleton Extraction from Large Objects
* Efficient Approach to Intensity Inhomogeneity Compensation Using c-Means Clustering Models, An
* efficient color image segmentation algorithm using hybrid approaches, An
* Efficient Cut-Off Threshold Estimation for Word Spotting Applications
* Efficient Intensity Correction Algorithm for High Definition Video Surveillance Applications, An
* efficient pattern-less background modeling based on scale invariant local states, An
* Efficient Rendering of Light Field Images
* Efficient semi-supervised learning on locally informative multiple graphs
* Efficient Stereo Image Rectification Method Using Horizontal Baseline
* Efficient Word Recognition Using a Pixel-Based Dissimilarity Measure
* Efficiently secure image transmission against tampering in wireless visual sensor networks
* Elastic radial curves to model 3D facial deformations
* Elastic Riemannian frameworks and statistical tools for shape analysis
* Embedded Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
* Embedding a Mathematical OCR Module into OCRopus
* Emphatic human interaction analysis for cognitive environments
* Empirical Evaluation on HIT-OR3C Database, An
* Encoding Spatial Arrangement of Visual Words
* Energy-aware objects abandon/removal detection
* Enhanced Active Contour Method for Locating Text
* Enhanced human behavior recognition using HMM and evaluative rectification
* Enhancing Handwritten Word Segmentation by Employing Local Spatial Features
* Ensemble Method for Incremental Classification in Stationary and Non-stationary Environments, An
* Environmental Evolution Change Detection and Primary Analysis of Lop Nur in Recent 40 Years Using Multi-Temporal Imagery
* Environmental Sounds Classification Based on Visual Features
* Equivalent 3D Otsu's Thresholding Method, An
* Error Correction with In-domain Training across Multiple OCR System Outputs
* Estimation of motion vector parameter using hexagon-diamond search algorithm
* Evaluating the Rarity of Handwriting Formations
* Evaluation of a New Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Fast Semi-Global Stereo Matching
* Evaluation of Fonts for Digital Publishing and Display
* Evaluation of HMM-Based Techniques for the Recognition of Screen Rendered Text, An
* Evaluation of local features for person re-identification in image sequences
* Evaluation of Registration Methods on Thoracic CT: The EMPIRE10 Challenge
* Evaluation of Voting with Form Dropout Techniques for Ballot Vote Counting
* Event detection in video using motion analysis
* Event-based unobtrusive authentication using multi-view image sequences
* Exon prediction using empirical mode decomposition and Fourier transform of structural profiles of DNA sequences
* Exploiting Collection Level for Improving Assisted Handwritten Word Transcription of Historical Documents
* Extended feature-based object tracking in presence of data association uncertainty
* Extending Page Segmentation Algorithms for Mixed-Layout Document Processing
* Extract minimum positive and maximum negative features for imbalanced binary classification
* Extracting Interval Distribution of Human Interactions
* Extraction of Topographic Map Elements with SAR Stereoscopic Measurement
* Face authentication with undercontrolled pose and illumination
* Face Recognition Using TOF, LBP and SVM in Thermal Infrared Images
* Face verification with aging using AdaBoost and local binary patterns
* Facilitating Understanding of Large Document Collections
* Fast Alignment Scheme for Automatic OCR Evaluation of Books, A
* Fast Appearance-Based Full-Text Search Method for Historical Newspaper Images, A
* fast approach for fusion of hyperspectral images through redundancy elimination, A
* Fast face detection and species classification of African great apes
* Fast Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior Descriptor
* Fast Hypercomplex Polar Fourier Analysis for Image Processing
* Fast Key-Word Searching via Embedding and Active-DTW
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Depth Coding in 3D Video Systems Using H.264/AVC
* Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC using edge characteristics of residue images
* Fast Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding Using Mode Correlation
* Fast Rotation-Invariant Video Caption Detection Based on Visual Rhythm
* Fast Rule-Line Removal Using Integral Images and Support Vector Machines
* Fast structural similarity index algorithm
* fast technique for vectorization of engineering drawings using morphology and digital straightness, A
* FAW for Multi-exposure Fusion Features
* Feature and Dissimilarity Representations for the Sound-Based Recognition of Bird Species
* Feature Extraction Based on Co-occurrence of Adjacent Local Binary Patterns
* Filtering-Based Noise Estimation for Denoising the Image Degraded by Gaussian Noise
* Fine-Scale Monitoring of Complex Environments Using Remotely Sensed Aerial, Satellite, and Other Spatial Data
* Flexible Method for Localisation and Classification of Footprints of Small Species, A
* Forecasting Cash Demand in ATM Using Neural Networks and Least Square Support Vector Machine
* Foreground-background separation on GPU using order based approaches
* Formulation, detection and application of occlusion states (Oc-7) in the context of multiple object tracking
* Foundations of Large-Scale Multimedia Information Management and Retrieval
* Four and a Half Challenges of Humanities Data, The
* framework for intrinsic image processing on surfaces, A
* Frameworks for multivariate m-mediods based modeling and classification in Euclidean and general feature spaces
* Free form face recognition using kernel sparse representation
* Fringe Map Based Text Line Segmentation of Printed Telugu Document Images
* From silhouettes to 3D points to mesh: towards free viewpoint video
* Frontal-to-side face re-identification based on hair, skin and clothes patches
* Fully Automatic Methodology for Human Action Recognition Incorporating Dynamic Information
* Functional-Based Table Category Identification in Digital Library
* Fusion Image Quality Assessment Based on Modulation Transfer Function
* Fusion Image Quality Assessment Based on Quaternion
* Fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models
* Fuzzy Relative Positioning Templates for Symbol Recognition
* game-theoretic design for collaborative tracking in a video camera network, A
* Gaze and body pose estimation from a distance
* Gender Identification Using Feature Patch-Based Bayesian Classifier
* General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration
* Generalization of color-difference formulas for any illuminant and any observer by assuming perfect color constancy in a color-vision model based on the OSA-UCS system
* Generative Model for Handwritings Based on Enhanced Feature Desynchronization, A
* Geolocation Accuracy Evaluation of GeoEye-1 Stereo Image Pair
* Georeferencing of Satellite Linear Array Stereo Images with Quaternion Attitude Kinematics Equation
* Geospatial Data Fusion for Precision Agriculture
* Global optimization for estimating a multiple-lobe analytical BRDF
* GPU enabled Smart Video Node
* Gradient Vector Flow-Based Method for Video Character Segmentation, A
* Graph Clustering-Based Ensemble Method for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation
* Graph Lattice Approach to Maintaining Dense Collections of Subgraphs as Image Features, A
* Gray Box Model with an SVM to Represent the Influence of PaCO2 on the Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation
* Greek Polytonic OCR Based on Efficient Character Class Number Reduction
* Ground Subsidence Monitoring of Yellow River Delta Based on Permanent Scatterers
* Half-sweep imaging for depth from defocus
* HAMEX: A Handwritten and Audio Dataset of Mathematical Expressions
* Handbook of Augmented Reality
* Handwriting Character Recognition as a Service: A New Handwriting Recognition System Based on Cloud Computing
* Handwritten and Audio Information Fusion for Mathematical Symbol Recognition
* Handwritten and Typewritten Text Identification and Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Handwritten Character Extraction Algorithm for Multi-language Document Image, A
* Handwritten Street Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation
* Handwritten Text Recognition for Marriage Register Books
* Heartbeat biometrics for human authentication
* Heat Kernel Smoothing via Laplace-Beltrami Eigenfunctions and Its Application to Subcortical Structure Modeling
* heuristic algorithm for video scene detection using shot cluster sequence analysis, A
* Hierarchical approach for abnormal acoustic event classification in an elevator
* Hierarchical Approach to Practical Beverage Package Recognition, A
* Hierarchical data clustering approach for segmenting colored three-dimensional point clouds of building interiors
* High Efficiency Architecture Design of Real-Time QFHD for H.264/AVC Fast Block Motion Estimation
* High Performance Layout Analysis of Arabic and Urdu Document Images
* High Resolution InSAR Topographic Mapping Comprehensive Experiment in Hengduan Mountain Area
* high-way operator's view on automated video surveillance, A
* Highlight detection and removal from spectral image
* Highway Bridge Detection Based on PCA Fusion in Airborne Multiband High Resolution SAR Images
* Histogram-based foreground object extraction for indoor and outdoor scenes
* Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition
* HMM-Based Alignment of Inaccurate Transcriptions for Historical Documents
* HMM-Based Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Using Segmental K-Means Initialization and a Modified Pen-Up/Down Feature
* HSV and RGB color histograms comparing for objects tracking among non overlapping FOVs, using CBTF
* human action image and its application to motion recognition, The
* Human action recognition in video by meaningful poses
* Human Action Recognition Using a Dynamic Bayesian Action Network with 2D Part Models
* Human action recognition with MPEG-7 descriptors and architectures
* Human Ear Recognition
* Human gesture recognition using 3.5-dimensional trajectory features for hands-free user interface
* Human Motion Tracking with Monocular Video by Introducing a Graph Structure into Gaussian Process Dynamical Models
* Human pose estimation with implicit shape models
* Hybrid Algorithm for Fingerprint Matching Using Delaunay Triangulation and Local Binary Patterns
* hybrid approach for MRF optimization problems: Combination of stochastic sampling and deterministic algorithms, A
* Hybrid Approach to Adaptive OCR for Historical Books
* Hypothesis Preservation Approach to Scene Text Recognition with Weighted Finite-State Transducer
* ICDAR 2011 Book Structure Extraction Competition
* ICDAR 2011 Chinese Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR 2011 Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO 2011)
* ICDAR 2011 Music Scores Competition: Staff Removal and Writer Identification, The
* ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition - Challenge 1: Reading Text in Born-Digital Images (Web and Email)
* ICDAR 2011 Robust Reading Competition Challenge 2: Reading Text in Scene Images
* ICDAR 2011 Writer Identification Contest
* ICDAR 2011: Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR 2011: Arabic Recognition Competition: Multi-font Multi-size Digitally Represented Text
* ICDAR 2011: French Handwriting Recognition Competition
* ICDAR2011 Arabic Writer Identification Contest, The
* Identification of Indic Scripts on Torn-Documents
* Identification of Layover and Shadow Regions in InSAR Image
* Identification of the Root Canal from Dental Micro-CT Records
* IHS Fusion Method Integrated by the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform to Fuse the Airborne X-Band InSAR and P-Band Full PolSAR Images, An
* Image based PTM synthesis for realistic rendering of low resolution 3D models
* Image Enhancement for Degraded Binary Document Images
* Image-based vehicle indexing for a seaport transportation surveillance system
* Impact of OCR Errors on Automated Classification of OCR Japanese Texts with Parts-of-Speech Analysis, An
* Impervious Surface Information Extraction Using an Improved Object-Oriented Method
* Implicit surface octrees for ray tracing point models
* Implicit visual concept modeling in image/video annotation
* Improved Automatic Analysis of Architectural Floor Plans
* Improved Calibration Method of Interferometric Parameters for Dual-Antenna Airborne InSAR, A
* Improved Diffusion Basis Functions Fitting and Metric Distance for Brain Axon Fiber Estimation
* Improved Entropy Coder in H.264/AVC for Lossless Residual Coding in the Spatial Domain
* Improved integral imaging approach for 3D object recognition
* improved Mean Shift tracker with fast failure recovery strategy after complete occlusion, An
* Improved Method Based on Weighted Grid Micro-structure Feature for Text-Independent Writer Recognition, An
* Improved person detection in industrial environments using multiple self-calibrated cameras
* Improved Scene Text Extraction Method Using Conditional Random Field and Optical Character Recognition, An
* Improvement of On-line Recognition Systems Using a RBF-Neural Network Based Writer Adaptation Module
* Improvements in image categorization using codebook ensembles
* Improvements on Automatic Speech Segmentation at the Phonetic Level
* Improving Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition by Confidence Transformation
* Improving Motion Estimation Using Image-Driven Functions and Hybrid Scheme
* Improving Persian Text Classification Using Persian Thesaurus
* Improving Scene Text Detection by Scale-Adaptive Segmentation and Weighted CRF Verification
* Improving the efficiency and accuracy of visual attention
* Improving Tracking Algorithms Using Saliency
* Improving Wetland Mapping by Using Multi-Source Data Sets
* Incorporating several features in the protein ray descriptor for more accurate protein 3D structure retrieval
* indexing approach for speeding-up image classification, An
* Indexing of 3d models based on graph of surfacic regions
* Indexing On-line Handwritten Texts Using Word Confusion Networks
* Inexact graph matching based on kernels for object retrieval in image databases
* Infrared Focal Plane Array Imaging System Characterization by Means of a Blackbody Radiator
* Integration of Hyperspectral Image Classification and Unmixing for Active Learning
* Integration of Multi-Source Images for Improving Spatial Resolution of Snow Depth Detection in Western China
* Integration of Spectral Indices, Digital Elevation Data and Support Vector Machines for Land Use Classification in Hilly Areas
* Intelligent crossing sensor and vehicle detector
* Interactive Co-segmentation of Objects in Image Collections
* Interactive Competitive Breadth-First Exploration for Sketch Interpretation
* Interactive image segmentation by matching attributed relational graphs
* Interactive person-retrieval in a distributed camera network
* International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011) - Competitions Overview
* Internet-Based Visualization System for LIDAR Point Cloud, An
* Introduction to Biometrics
* Introduction to the special issue on unconstrained biometrics: Advances and trends
* Invariant Generalized Hough Transform Based Method of Inshore Ships Detection, An
* Investigation of Vegetation Phases Extraction Based on Polarmetric SAR Interferometry
* iris retrieval technique based on color and texture, An
* Iris tracking and blink detection for human-computer interaction using a low resolution webcam
* Iterative Algorithm for Efficient Adaptive GOP Size in Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding, An
* Iterative Analysis of Pages in Document Collections for Efficient User Interaction
* Iterative Gradient-Driven Patch-Based Inpainting
* joint multi-view plus depth image coding scheme based on 3D-warping, A
* Joint multitarget object tracking and interaction analysis by a probabilistic bio-inspired model
* Joint Optimization of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Non Linear Feature Extraction
* Kd-Tree-Based Outlier Detection Method for Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Key Derivation Scheme for Hierarchical Access Control to JPEG 2000 Coded Images, A
* Keypoint-Based Approach toward Scenery Character Detection, A
* Keyword Spotting in Offline Chinese Handwritten Documents Using a Statistical Model
* Keyword Spotting in Online Handwritten Documents Containing Text and Non-text Using BLSTM Neural Networks
* Land Cover Mapping with Landsat Data: The Tasmania Case Study
* Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Detection Based on Object-Oriented Theory
* Language Modelization and Categorization for Voice-Activated QA
* Language-Independent Text Lines Extraction Using Seam Carving
* Laplacian Energy for Document Binarization, A
* Large Scale Page-Based Book Similarity Clustering
* large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video, A
* Lattice-Based Method for Keyword Spotting in Online Chinese Handwriting, A
* Layout Analysis for Historical Manuscripts Using Sift Features
* Learning an interactive segmentation system
* Learning and Regularizing Motion Models for Enhancing Particle Filter-Based Target Tracking
* Learning moods and emotions from color combinations
* Learning neighborhood cooccurrence statistics of sparse features for human activity recognition
* Learning to Extract Focused Objects From Low DOF Images
* Learning to recognize faces from videos and weakly related information cues
* Learning to recognize people in a smart environment
* Level of service classification for smart cameras
* Lexicon-Free, Novel Segmentation of Online Handwritten Indic Words
* Limits on the Application of Frequency-Based Language Models to OCR
* Local descriptor based on texture of projections
* Local manipulation of image layers using standard image processing primitives
* Local Quality Method for the Iris Image Pattern
* Local Response Context Applied to Pedestrian Detection
* Local Variance-Based Bilateral Filtering for Artifact-Free Detail- and Edge-Preserving Smoothing, A
* Local visual patch for 3d shape retrieval
* Localization of Digit Strings in Farsi/Arabic Document Images Using Structural Features and Syntactical Analysis
* Long Focal Lens Camera Calibration Applied for Level-of-Detail Terrain Texture Fusion
* Look Inside the World of Parts of Handwritten Characters
* Lossless Color Image Compression Architecture Using a Parallel Golomb-Rice Hardware CODEC, A
* Lossless Image Coding Based on Inter-color Prediction for Ultra High Definition Image
* Low Resolution QR-Code Recognition by Applying Super-Resolution Using the Property of QR-Codes
* Low-Cost High-Quality Adaptive Scalar for Real-Time Multimedia Applications, A
* Markov random field based binarization for hand-held devices captured document images
* Markov Random Field Model for Combining Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers Using Decision Graphs and Game Strategy Approach, A
* Math Spotting: Retrieving Math in Technical Documents Using Handwritten Query Images
* Mathematical Formula Identification in PDF Documents
* Maximum Frame Rate Video Acquisition Using Adaptive Compressed Sensing
* MCS for Online Mode Detection: Evaluation on Pen-Enabled Multi-Touch Interfaces
* Measure for Accuracy Disparity Maps Evaluation, A
* Metadata Extraction System for Chinese Books
* Method for Removing Inflectional Suffixes in Word Spotting of Mongolian Kanjur, A
* Method of DEM Generation Based on Three-Line Array CCD Lunar Images
* Method of Evaluating Table Segmentation Results Based on a Table Image Ground Truther, A
* Methods for computing weighting tables based on local power expansion for tristimulus values computations
* Micro-Doppler Classification for Ground Surveillance Radar Using Speech Recognition Tools
* Mid-level Segmentation and Segment Tracking for Long-Range Stereo Analysis
* Minimizing User Annotations in the Generation of Layout Ground-Truthed Data
* Mining Satellite Image Time Series: Statistical Modeling and Evolution Analysis
* Minkowski metric, feature weighting and anomalous cluster initializing in K-Means clustering
* Minority Class Feature Selection Method, A
* Mixed Approach for Handwritten Documents Structural Analysis, A
* Mixing Hierarchical Contexts for Object Recognition
* Model-Based Ruling Line Detection Algorithm for Noisy Handwritten Documents, A
* Modeling and optimization of dynamic signal processing in resource-aware sensor networks
* Modeling Distance Nonlinearity in ToF Cameras and Correction Based on Integration Time Offsets
* Modeling of moving object trajectory by spatio-temporal learning for abnormal behavior detection
* Modeling of temporarily static objects for robust abandoned object detection in urban surveillance
* Modelling Prostate Motion for Data Fusion During Image-Guided Interventions
* Modified Two-Class LDA Based Compound Distance for Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Discrimination
* Monitoring and Spatially Explicit Simulation of Land Use Dynamics: From Cellular Automata to Geosimulation: A Case Study of Tehran, Iran
* Mono versus Multi-view tracking-based model for automatic scene activity modeling and anomaly detection
* More on Weak Feature: Self-correlate Histogram Distances
* Morphology Based Spatial Relationships between Local Primitives in Line Drawings
* Motion deblurring as optimisation
* Motion-Induced Phase Error Estimation and Correction in 3D Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* MQDF Discriminative Learning Based Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* MR-Guided Thermotherapy of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion Descriptor
* MRF Model for Binarization of Natural Scene Text, An
* MRG-OHTC Database for Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition
* Multi Resolution Layout Analysis of Medieval Manuscripts Using Dynamic MLP
* Multi-agent system for moving object segmentation and tracking
* Multi-camera detection association for 3D localisation
* Multi-camera open space human activity discovery for anomaly detection
* Multi-Classifier Combined Decision Tree Hierarchical Classification Method, A
* Multi-fractal Modeling for On-line Text-Independent Writer Identification
* Multi-level Thresholding-Based Method to Learn Fuzzy Membership Functions from Data Warehouse, A
* Multi-object particle filter tracking with automatic event analysis
* Multi-scale Integration of Slope Data on an Irregular Mesh
* Multi-scale Text Line Segmentation Method in Freestyle Handwritten Documents, A
* Multi-sensor registration for objects motion detection
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imageries Matching Based on SIFT Feature with Match-Support Measurement
* multi-stage pedestrian detection using monolithic classifiers, A
* Multi-style License Plate Recognition System Based on Tree of Shapes for Character Segmentation, A
* Multi-tasking smart cameras for intelligent video surveillance systems
* Multi-Temporal InSAR Data Fusion for Investigating Mining Subsidence
* Multi-View Appearance Model for people re-identification, A
* multi-view extension of the ICP algorithm, A
* Multi-View Video Coding Based on High Efficiency Video Coding
* Multimodal Schizophrenia Detection by Multiclassification Analysis
* Multiple acoustic sources localization using incident Signal Power comparison
* Multiple Instance Learning Based Method for Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Discrimination
* Multiple kernel learning for image indexing
* Multiple Manifold Learning by Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple objects segmentation with fuzzy rule-base trained topology adaptive active membrane
* Multiple Objects Tracking across Multiple Non-Overlapped Views
* Multiple view human articulated tracking using charting and particle swarm optimisation
* Multiple view, multiple target tracking with principal axis-based data association
* Multiple views based human motion tracking in surveillance videos
* Multiple-shot human re-identification by Mean Riemannian Covariance Grid
* Multiscale Histogram of Oriented Gradient Descriptors for Robust Character Recognition
* Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion Based on Genetic Algorithm and Data Assimilation
* Multitemporal 3D Change Detection in Urban Areas Using Stereo Information from Different Sensors
* Multithreading Architecture for Real-Time MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 SVC Decoder
* Natural Image Composition with Inhomogeneous Boundaries
* Natural stereo images from a glasses-free, 3D display
* Naturalistic data sets for image and behavior analysis: normal versus anomalous events
* Nearest-neighbor search algorithms on non-Euclidean manifolds for computer vision applications
* New Approach for Wet Blue Leather Defect Segmentation, A
* New Asymmetric Criterion for Cluster Validation, A
* New Binarization Approach Based on Text Block Extraction
* New Classification Method for LIDAR Data Based on Unbalanced Support Vector Machine, A
* New Clustering Algorithm Based on K-Means Using a Line Segment as Prototype, A
* new clusterwise similarity for partitions based on quantitative disagreement, A
* New concepts in Airborne and Ground Surveillance Systems
* New Distributed Approach for Range Image Segmentation, A
* New Feature Optimization Method Based on Two-Directional 2DLDA for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* New Fourier-Moments Based Video Word and Character Extraction Method for Recognition, A
* New Fusion Algorithm for Optical Remote Sensing Data, A
* New Gradient Based Character Segmentation Method for Video Text Recognition, A
* New Method for Extracting Glacier Area Using SAR Interferometry, A
* New Method for Olive Fruits Recognition, A
* New Method on the Segmentation and Recognition of Chinese Characters for Automatic Chinese Seal Imprint Retrieval, A
* new multi-lateral filter for real-time depth enhancement, A
* New Power-Line Extraction Method Based on Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Data, A
* New Prior Shape Model for Level Set Segmentation, A
* New Results on Minimum Error Entropy Decision Trees
* New System for Recognition of Handwritten Persian Bank Checks, A
* New Text-Line Alignment Approach Based on Piece-Wise Painting Algorithm for Handwritten Documents, A
* Next-generation 3D visualization for visual surveillance
* Non-local adaptive structure tensors: Application to anisotropic diffusion and shock filtering
* Non-rigid Feature Extraction Method for Shape Recognition, A
* Non-rigid Registration and Restoration of Double-Sided Historical Manuscripts
* Nonlinear Transfer Function-Based Image Detail Preserving Dynamic Range Compression for Color Image Enhancement
* Nonparametric Markov random field order estimation and its application in texture synthesis
* Nonrigid stereo reconstruction using linear programming
* Novel adaptive color space transform and application to image compression
* Novel Approach for Graphics Recognition Based on Galois Lattice and Bag of Words Representation, A
* novel blind watermarking scheme for depth-image-based rendering 3D images, A
* Novel communication architectures for wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Novel communication architectures for wireless multimedia sensor networks
* Novel Data Representation for Text Extraction from Multispectral Historical Document Images
* Novel Italic Detection and Rectification Method for Chinese Advertising Images, A
* Novel Method for Embedded Text Segmentation Based on Stroke and Color, A
* Novel Preprocessing Method for Hectography Prints Based on Independent Component Analysis, A
* Novel Rate Control Algorithm for H.264/AVC Based on Human Visual System, A
* Novel Short Merged Off-line Handwritten Chinese Character String Segmentation Algorithm Using Hidden Markov Model, A
* Novel Skew Detection Technique Based on Vertical Projections, A
* novel technique for sketch to photo synthesis, A
* Novel view synthesis for stereoscopic cinema: detecting and removing artifacts
* NURBS Skeleton: A New Shape Representation Scheme Using Skeletonization and NURBS Curves Modeling
* Object detection through edge behavior modeling
* Object tracking via appearance modeling and sparse representation
* Object-Based Approach for the Multiscale Image Segmentation of Mountain Forest Scenes, An
* Object-Based Classification of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds with Multiple Echoes
* Object-Oriented Classification of Polarimetric SAR Imagery Based on Texture Features
* Object-Oriented Interpretation and Classification with Airborne LiDAR 3D Data
* Objective Comparison of Contour Detection in Noisy Images
* Objective Function Design for MCE-Based Combination of On-line and Off-line Character Recognizers for On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
* Occlusion detection and gait silhouette reconstruction from degraded scenes
* OCR-Driven Writer Identification and Adaptation in an HMM Handwriting Recognition System
* Offline Writer Identification Using K-Adjacent Segments
* On building decentralized wide-area surveillance networks based on ONVIF
* On measuring forgery quality in online signatures
* On the Computation of the Geodesic Distance with an Application to Dimensionality Reduction in a Neuro-Oncology Problem
* On the Flame Spectrum Recovery by Using a Low-Spectral Resolution Sensor
* On the Importance of Multi-dimensional Information in Gender Estimation from Face Images
* On the Security of a Hybrid SVD-DCT Watermarking Method Based on LPSNR
* On the use of dynamic features in face biometrics: Recent advances and challenges
* On-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition System Based on HMM
* On-line Arabic Handwriting Recognition System: Based on a New On-line Graphemes Segmentation Technique, An
* On-line Arabic Handwritten Personal Names Recognition System Based on HMM
* On-line Chinese Character Recognition System for Overlapping Samples
* On-line Handwritten Japanese Characters Recognition Using a MRF Model with Parameter Optimization by CRF
* On-line Handwritten Text Search Method Based on Directional Feature Matching, An
* On-line Signature Verification Using Segment-to-Segment Graph Matching
* One-Sided rho-GGD Source Modeling and Rate-Distortion Optimization in Scalable Wavelet Video Coder
* Online Arabic Handwriting Recognition Competition
* Online failure detection and correction for Bayesian sparse feature-based object tracking
* Online Handwriting Recognition of Tamil Script Using Fractal Geometry
* Online Link Strength Trend Model Based on Content and Topology
* Online Signature Verification Method Based on the Acceleration Signals of Handwriting Samples
* Open Architecture for End-to-End Document Analysis Benchmarking, An
* Operational Data Store of Multi-Platform, Multi-Source, Multi-Scale, Multi-Temporal Data Sets
* Optimal Integration of MODIS and MISR Albedo Products
* Optimal shot detection and recognition using Shiryaev-Roberts statistics
* Optimization of local shape and appearance probabilities for segmentation of knee cartilage in 3-D MR images
* Optimized Multi-stream Decoding Algorithm for Handwritten Word Recognition, An
* Optimizing Mean Reciprocal Rank for person re-identification
* Orientation invariant 3D object classification using Hough transform based methods
* OTESC: online transformation estimation between stereo cameras
* OUTLIER: Online learning and visualization of unusual events
* Overlapped Handwriting Input on Mobile Phones
* Page Curling Correction for Scanned Books Using Local Distortion Information
* Painting Based Technique for Skew Estimation of Scanned Documents, A
* Pairwise Shape configuration-based PSA for gait recognition under small viewing angle change
* Parallel and distributed vision algorithms using dual decomposition
* Parallel Band-to-Band Registration for HJ-1A1B CCD Images Using OpenMP
* Part-based clothing segmentation for person retrieval
* Particle swarm based unsharp masking
* Pattern Classification Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Enhanced with the Rvachev Function Method
* Pedestrian Image Segmentation via Shape-Prior Constrained Random Walks
* Pedestrian sensing for increased traffic safety and efficiency at signalized intersections
* People detection based on appearance and motion models
* People flow analysis
* People re-identification across multiple non-overlapping cameras system by appearance classification and silhouette part segmentation
* Perceptron Learning of Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function
* Perceptually Scalable Extension of H.264
* Performance Evaluation of Algorithms for Newspaper Article Identification
* Performance Experiment of Classification Using Chinese Airborne Multi-Band and Multi-Polar SAR Data
* Personal identification using feature and score level fusion of palm- and fingerprints
* Phase Estimation in Multi-Baseline InSAR through Maximum Likelihood Method
* Photo Forensics: There Is More to a Picture than Meets the Eye
* Physics-based activity modelling in phase space
* portable medical system using real-time streaming transport over 3G wireless networks, A
* Prediction Based Collaborative Trackers (PCT): A Robust and Accurate Approach Toward 3D Medical Object Tracking
* Preliminarily Research on the Key Technology of Counter Quality Checking
* Preservative License Plate De-identification for Privacy Protection
* Probabilistic Iterative Local Search Algorithm Applied to Full Model Selection, A
* Probabilistic Mathematical Formula Recognition Using a 2D Context-Free Graph Grammar
* Progressive Alignment and Discriminative Error Correction for Multiple OCR Engines
* Progressive Visual Cryptography With Unexpanded Shares
* PTZ network configuration for optimal 3D coverage
* Quality Analysis of Dynamic Signature Based on the Sigma-Lognormal Model
* Quality Estimation for H.264/SVC Inter-layer Residual Prediction in Spatial Scalability
* Quality Evaluation of Character Image Database and Its Application
* Quaternion Correlation Filters for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
* Rapid Cut Detection on Compressed Video
* Ray Divergence-Based Bundle Adjustment Conditioning for Multi-view Stereo
* RBF based spatio-temporal representation technique for video compression
* Real time color based particle filtering for object tracking with dual cache architecture
* Real time complex event detection for resource-limited multimedia sensor networks
* Real time illumination invariant motion change detection
* Real-Time Background Compensation for PTZ Cameras Using GPU Accelerated and Range-Limited Genetic Algorithm Search
* Real-Time Document Image Retrieval for a 10 Million Pages Database with a Memory Efficient and Stability Improved LLAH
* real-time framework for eye detection and tracking, A
* real-time fuzzy hardware structure for disparity map computation, A
* Real-time human detection using fast contour template matching for visual surveillance
* Real-Time Image Mosaicing Using Non-rigid Registration
* real-time image-to-panorama registration approach for background subtraction using pan-tilt-cameras, A
* Real-time person counting by propagating networks flows
* real-time streaming server in the RTLinux environment using VideoLanClient, A
* Real-Time, Adaptive, and Locality-Based Graph Partitioning Method for Video Scene Clustering
* Realtime forest animation in wind
* Realtime motion segmentation based multibody visual SLAM
* Recent Trends of Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems
* Recognition of 3D faces with missing parts based on profile networks
* Recognition of Multi-oriented, Multi-sized, and Curved Text
* Recognition of Multiple Characters in a Scene Image Using Arrangement of Local Features
* Recognition of Printed Mathematical Expressions Using Two-Dimensional Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
* Recognizing Characters with Severe Perspective Distortion Using Hash Tables and Perspective Invariants
* Recognizing Text Elements for SVG Comic Compression and Its Novel Applications
* Reconstructing complex scenes for virtual reality
* Recovering Depth Map from Video with Moving Objects
* Regularized online Mixture of Gaussians for background subtraction
* Reliable Atrial Activity Extraction from ECG Atrial Fibrillation Signals
* Reliable Online Stroke Recovery from Offline Data with the Data-Embedding Pen
* REM: Relational Entropy-Based Measure of Saliency
* Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Improved BP Neural Network
* Remote Sensing Monitoring and Quick Assessment on the Dammed Lakes
* Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Q-Ball Imaging, A
* Research on a Multi-Sources Remote Sensing Fusion Method Based on Least Square Model Combined with Color Space Transform
* Research on Adaptive Classification Algorithm of Remote Sensing Image
* Research on Dynamic Change of Soil Organic Matter Content in Hailun County Using Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Research on GPU-Based Real-Time MTF Compensation Algorithm
* Research on Information Extraction of Collapsed Houses by Floods
* Research on Management and Publishing of Disaster Emergency Monitoring Data: Take Yingjiang Earthquake as an Example
* Research on Orthorectification of Remote Sensing Images Using GPU-CPU Cooperative Processing
* Research on Super-Resolution Objective Evaluation Index System of Visible Light Image
* Research on the Mathematic Model of Direct Geolocation with Airborne SAR Image
* Residential Area Recognition Using Oscillatory Correlation Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Resolution enhancement of ROI from surveillance video using Bernstein interpolation
* Resource-aware sensor selection and task assignment
* Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Historical Document Images Using Flow Lines
* Restricted affine motion compensation in video coding using particle filtering
* Retrieval of Envelope Images Using Graph Matching
* Reversible data-hiding for progressive image transmission
* Road Extraction Based on Object-Oriented from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Road Extraction Based on the Algorithms of MRF and Hybrid Model of SVM and FCM
* Road Image Segmentation and Recognition Using Hierarchical Bag-of-Textons Method
* Road traffic model using distributed camera network
* Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB
* Robust adapted object detection under complex environment
* robust approach for on-line and off-line threat detection based on event tree similarity analysis, A
* Robust background subtraction using data fusion for real elevator scene
* Robust Cell Extraction Method for Form Documents Based on Intersection Searching and Global Optimization
* Robust Color-Independent Text Detection Method from Complex Videos, A
* Robust Estimating Three-Dimensional Ground Motions from Fusion of InSAR and GPS Measurements
* robust head pose estimation system for uncalibrated monocular videos, A
* Robust optic disk segmentation from colour retinal images
* Robust people counting in video surveillance: Dataset and system
* Robust Shape Regression for Supervised Vessel Segmentation and its Application to Coronary Segmentation in CTA
* Robust Vanishing Point Detection for MobileCam-Based Documents
* Robust Zero-Watermark Copyright Protection Scheme Based on DWT and Image Normalization, A
* Sample-Dependent Feature Selection for Faster Document Image Categorization
* Satellite radar reveals land subsidence over coal mines
* Scalable Heuristic Classifier for Huge Datasets: A Theoretical Approach, A
* Scale Space Binarization Using Edge Information Weighted by a Foreground Estimation
* Scenario Driven In-depth Performance Evaluation of Document Layout Analysis Methods
* Scene Text Extraction by Superpixel CRFs Combining Multiple Character Features
* Scenery Character Detection with Environmental Context
* SCRIBO Module of the Olena Platform: A Free Software Framework for Document Image Analysis, The
* Script-Free Text Line Segmentation Using Interline Space Model for Printed Document Images
* Searching OCR'ed Text: An LDA Based Approach
* Section-Wise Similarities for Classification of Subjective-Data on Time Series
* Segmentation and Normalisation in Grapheme Codebooks
* Segmentation of crystalline lens in photorefraction video
* Segmentation of Graphical Objects as Maximally Stable Salient Regions
* Segmentation of Handwritten Textlines in Presence of Touching Components
* Segmentation of Short Association Bundles in Massive Tractography Datasets Using a Multi-subject Bundle Atlas
* Selective Protection Scheme for Scalable Video Coding, A
* Self-occlusion handling for human body motion tracking from 3D ToF image sequence
* Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Recognition Systems
* Semantic Logging: Towards Explanation-Aware DAS
* Semi-supervised classification based on random subspace dimensionality reduction
* Semi-supervised Classification by Probabilistic Relaxation
* Semi-supervised Constrained Clustering with Cluster Outlier Filtering
* Semi-supervised Ensemble Learning Approach for Character Labeling with Minimal Human Effort, A
* Semi-supervised SVM Framework for Character Recognition, A
* Sentiment-Preserving Reduction for Social Media Analysis
* Shading Method for DSM Based on Classification Information of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud, A
* Shape comparison through mutual distances of real functions
* Shape decomposition using Farey sequence and saddle points
* Shape Descriptor Combining Logarithmic-Scale Histogram of Radon Transform and Phase-Only Correlation Function, A
* Shape Matching and Recognition Using Group-Wised Points
* Shot boundary detection in the presence of fire flicker and explosion using stationary wavelet transform
* Signature Segmentation from Machine Printed Documents Using Conditional Random Field
* Signature Verification Competition for Online and Offline Skilled Forgeries (SigComp2011)
* Silhouette-Based Variational Methods for Single View Reconstruction
* Similar Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using Discriminative Locality Alignment Manifold Learning
* Similar Manga Retrieval Using Visual Vocabulary Based on Regions of Interest
* Similarity-based image organization and browsing using multi-resolution self-organizing map
* Simple Topographic Correction Method Based on Smoothed Terrain, A
* Simulation Based Change Detection between DSM and High Resolution SAR Image
* Simultaneous localization and object detection using an a-contrario approach
* Single Image Blind Deconvolution with Higher-Order Texture Statistics
* Single spin image-ICP matching for efficient 3D object recognition
* Singular Value Filter: A General Filter Design Strategy for PCA-Based Signal Separation in Medical Ultrasound Imaging, The
* SLAM and Navigation in Indoor Environments
* Smart Resource-Aware Multi-Sensor Network
* Smart resource-aware multimedia sensor network for automatic detection of complex events
* Snap and Translate Using Windows Phone
* Some Imputation Algorithms for Restoration of Missing Data
* Space-Borne SAR Image Geo-Location in Mountain Area with Sparse GCP
* Space-time visual effects as a post-production process
* Sparse correlation coefficient for objective image quality assessment
* Sparse Temporal Representations for Facial Expression Recognition
* Spatial Feature Interdependence Matrix (SFIM): A Robust Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Spatial Information Service Platform of China (Yunnan) - AFTA - SAARC and Its Application
* Spatio-temporal optical flow statistics (STOFS) for activity classification
* Special issue on Optimization for vision, graphics and medical imaging: Theory and applications
* Spectral color constancy using a maximum entropy approach
* Spectral Model for Fixed-Pattern-Noise in Infrared Focal-Plane Arrays
* Specular-Free Residual Minimization for Photometric Stereo with Unknown Light Sources
* Speeded up Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm for background subtraction
* Stamp Detection in Color Document Images
* Statistical Grouping for Segmenting Symbols Parts from Line Drawings, with Application to Symbol Spotting
* Stereo in post-production
* Stereoscopic viewing facilitates the perception of crowds
* Stochastic global optimization for robust point set registration
* Stroke-Based Performance Metrics for Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* Stroke-Like Pattern Noise Removal in Binary Document Images
* Structure from Motion using the Extended Kalman Filter
* Study of Color Balance for Remote Sensing Imagery Mosaic
* Study of Fast Change Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Library of Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Study of Remote Sensing Imagery Parallel Segmentation Based on Block and Processing Chain Strategy
* Study of the Automatic Matching Method for Optical and SAR Image
* Study of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Using High Overlap Aerial Photograph Sequence, A
* Study on a Filtering Algorithm Based on Stream of LIDAR Data on Urban Area
* Study on Automatic Chinese Text Classification, A
* Study on Automatic Methods Based on Mathematical Morphology for Martian Dust Devil Tracks Detection, A
* Study on Key Technology of HJ-1 Satellite HSI Image Processing
* Study on Land Cover Classification System in China under Environment and Land Resource View, The
* Study on the Method of Extracting Overpass from the High Resolution Remote Sensing Image with the Auxiliary Data-DEM
* Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Segmentation in Whole-Body MRI of Children
* Subgraph Spotting through Explicit Graph Embedding: An Application to Content Spotting in Graphic Document Images
* Subtractive clustering of vertices for CPCA based animation geometry compression
* Super-Resolved Binarization of Text Based on the FAIR Algorithm
* Super-Resolved Free-Viewpoint Image Synthesis Using Semi-global Depth Estimation and Depth-Reliability-Based Regularization
* Surveillance camera identification using noise patterns
* Symbol Knowledge Extraction from a Simple Graphical Language
* Symbol Recognition by Multiresolution Shape Context Matching
* Symbol Spotting in Line Drawings through Graph Paths Hashing
* Synthesizing a talking mouth
* System for an Automatic Reading of Student Information Sheets, A
* Systematic Analysis of Breast Cancer Morphology Uncovers Stromal Features Associated with Survival
* systems level approach to perimeter protection, A
* Table Content Understanding in SmartFIX
* Table Detection in Noisy Off-line Handwritten Documents
* Table Detection Method for Multipage PDF Documents via Visual Seperators and Tabular Structures, A
* TASOCNN: a topology adaptive self-organizing circular neural network and its application to color segmentation
* Teaching a Robot to Perform Task through Imitation and On-line Feedback
* TED: A texture-edge descriptor for pedestrian detection in video sequences
* Template Based Segmentation of Touching Components in Handwritten Text Lines
* Temporally Consistent Disparity and Optical Flow via Efficient Spatio-temporal Filtering
* Ternary Entropy-Based Binarization of Degraded Document Images Using Morphological Operators
* Test generation algorithm for analog systems based on support vector machine
* testing framework for background subtraction algorithms comparison in intrusion detection context, A
* Text Classification and Document Layout Analysis of Paper Fragments
* Text Detection and Character Recognition in Scene Images with Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Text Detection in Natural Scene Images by Stroke Gabor Words
* Text Extraction from Video Using Conditional Random Fields
* Text Localization in Real-World Images Using Efficiently Pruned Exhaustive Search
* Text Localization in Web Images Using Probabilistic Candidate Selection Model
* Text Segmentation of Consumer Magazines in PDF Format
* Text-Line Extraction Using a Convolution of Isotropic Gaussian Filter with a Set of Line Filters
* Text/Graphics Segmentation in Architectural Floor Plans
* Textures of optical flow for real-time anomaly detection in crowds
* Theoretical Analysis of Multi-view Camera Arrangement and Light-Field Super-Resolution
* Thermal Noise Estimation and Removal in MRI: A Noise Cancellation Approach
* Three Dimensional Rotation-Free Recognition of Characters
* Time Multiplexed VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Barrel Distortion Correction in Video-Endoscopic Images
* Tool for Tuning Binarization Techniques, A
* Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
* Touching Character Separation in Chinese Handwriting Using Visibility-Based Foreground Analysis
* Towards Improved Paper-Based Election Technology
* Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
* Towards Plenoptic Raumzeit Reconstruction
* Towards recognition of degraded words by probabilistic parsing
* Towards Searchable Digital Urdu Libraries: A Word Spotting Based Retrieval Approach
* Tracking sound sources by means of HMM
* Traffic video detection: A manufacturers' point of view
* Traffic-Sign Recognition Systems
* Transcript Mapping for Handwritten Text Lines Using Conditional Random Fields
* Transform Kernel Selection Strategy for the H.264/AVC and Future Video Coding Standards
* Translation-Inspired OCR
* Trie-Lexicon-Driven Recognition for On-line Handwritten Japanese Disease Names Using a Time-Synchronous Method
* Tuning between Exponential Functions and Zones for Membership Functions Selection in Voronoi-Based Zoning for Handwritten Character Recognition
* Two Algorithms for Motion Estimation from Alternate Exposure Images
* Two stage architecture for multi-label learning
* Two-Level Classification-Based Approach to Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC, A
* UAV Aerial Photography Technology in Island Topographic Mapping
* Uncertainty Measures for Assessing the Attribute Accuracy of Objected-Based Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Understanding What we Cannot See: Automatic Analysis of 4D Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy Data
* unified rectification method for single viewpoint multi-camera system, A
* Unique shape context for 3d data description
* Unique Vertex Deleting Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism, A
* Unsupervised discovery of activity correlations using latent topic models
* Unsupervised Fingerprint Segmentation Based on Multiscale Directional Information
* Unsupervised learning of micro-action exemplars using a Product Manifold
* Unsupervised shape clustering of vertebra shapes using simulated annealing and nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Updating Knowledge in Feedback-Based Multi-classifier Systems
* Use of Semantic and Physical Constraints in Bayesian Networks for Form Recognition
* Useful features for human verification in near-infrared periocular images
* User authentication based on foot motion
* User-Friendly Random-Grid-Based Visual Secret Sharing
* Using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing Algorithm for Accurate Text Localization in Images
* Using Earth Mover's Distance in the Bag-of-Visual-Words Model for Mathematical Symbol Retrieval
* Using Ontologies to Reduce the Semantic Gap between Historians and Image Processing Algorithms
* Using Readers' Highlighting on Monochromatic Documents for Automatic Text Transcription and Summarization
* Vector Collection Method Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Data, A
* Vectorization of thick digital lines using Farey sequence and geometric refinement
* Verging Axis Stereophotogrammetry
* Video Character Recognition through Hierarchical Classification
* Video Script Identification Based on Text Lines
* View-invariant person re-identification with an Implicit Shape Model
* Virtual chaotic traffic simulation
* Virtual Viewpoint Disparity Estimation and Convergence Check for Real-Time View Synthesis
* Virus Texture Analysis Using Local Binary Patterns and Radial Density Profiles
* Vision of the crowds
* Visual Analysis of Humans: Looking at People
* Volumetric heat kernel signatures
* VTrack: Video analytics for automatic video-surveillance
* Wall Patch-Based Segmentation in Architectural Floorplans
* Wavelet Autoregressive Model for Monthly Sardines Catches Forecasting Off Central Southern Chile
* Web Multimedia Object Clustering via Information Fusion
* Weighted Finite-State Transducer (WFST)-Based Language Model for Online Indic Script Handwriting Recognition, A
* Weighted Image Fusion Approach Based on Multiple Wavelet Transformations, A
* Wetland change detection in the Nile swamps of southern Sudan
* When is a Problem Solved?
* Wide-Baseline Multi-View Video Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
* Word Retrieval in Historical Document Using Character-Primitives
* Word Warping for Offline Handwriting Recognition
* Writer Identification Using TF-IDF for Cursive Handwritten Word Recognition
* Writer Retrieval: Exploration of a Novel Biometric Scenario Using Perceptual Features Derived from Script Orientation
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