Update Dates 1902

1902 * *Cross-Domain Biometric Recognition
* *Demographic Variations in Performance of Biometric Algorithms
* *Guest Editorial: Visual Domain Adaptation and Generalisation
* *Image and Video Forensics
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *Workshop on Human Activity Detection in Multi-Camera, Continuous, Long-Duration Video
* 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Multimodal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation
* 3D object recognition using scale-invariant features
* 3D Point Cloud Filtering Method for Leaves Based on Manifold Distance and Normal Estimation, A
* 3D video-based motion capture using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Viewpoint Management and Navigation in Urban Planning: Application to the Exploratory Phase
* ActEV18: Human Activity Detection Evaluation for Extended Videos
* Active Learning for Recognition of Shipwreck Target in Side-Scan Sonar Image
* Active shift attention based object tracking system
* Acyclic Partial Matchings for Multidimensional Persistence: Algorithm and Combinatorial Interpretation
* Adaptive block compressive sensing for image compression
* Adaptive End-to-End Classification Approach for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Knowledge in Urban Scenes, An
* Adaptive Framework for the Delineation of Homogeneous Forest Areas Based on LiDAR Points
* Adaptive Quantizer for High Dynamic Range Content: Application to Video Coding, An
* Adaptive sampling positions for the decoding of marker objects known as Snowflakes
* Addressing Challenges for Mapping Irrigated Fields in Subhumid Temperate Regions by Integrating Remote Sensing and Hydroclimatic Data
* Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria for Hidden Markov Models
* Algorithms for Doppler Spectral Density Data Quality Control and Merging for the Ka-Band Solid-State Transmitter Cloud Radar
* Alternative approach for vehicle trajectory reconstruction under spatiotemporal side friction using lopsided network
* Analysing Forests Using Dense Point Clouds
* Analysis of Fibrous Assembly Orientations from XFEL Diffraction Data
* Analysis of Nonorthogonal Training in Massive MIMO Under Channel Aging With SIC Receivers
* Analysis of Physical and Biogeochemical Control Mechanisms on Summertime Surface Carbonate System Variability in the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica) Using In Situ and Satellite Data
* Analysis of Thermal Anomalies in Volcanic Areas Using Multiscale and Multitemporal Monitoring: Vulcano Island Test Case
* Analyzing Attitude of Second Screen Social Media Messages
* ANTIC: Antithetic isomeric cluster patterns for medical image retrieval and change detection
* Anticipation model based on a modified fuzzy logic approach
* aPOMDP: POMDP-based user-adaptive decision-making for social robots
* Application Oriented Scan-to-BIM Framework, An
* Applications of TRMM- and GPM-Era Multiple-Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Simulations at Sub-Daily Scales in a Sparsely Gauged Watershed in Myanmar
* Approach to 3D face reconstruction through local deep feature alignment
* Approximate computing for onboard anomaly detection from hyperspectral images
* Approximating Empirical Surface Reflectance Data through Emulation: Opportunities for Synthetic Scene Generation
* Are you eligible? Predicting adulthood from face images via Class Specific Mean Autoencoder
* Artificial neural network for modelling of the correlation between lateral acceleration and head movement in a motion sickness study
* Artistic style characterization and brush stroke modelling for non-photorealistic rendering
* Assessing Correlation of High-Resolution NDVI with Fertilizer Application Level and Yield of Rice and Wheat Crops Using Small UAVs
* Assessing the Uncertainties of Four Precipitation Products for Swat Modeling in Mekong River Basin
* Assessment of Coastal Aquaculture for India from Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series
* Assessment of Landsat-8 OLI Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Inland Waters, The
* Assessment of Level-3 Gridded Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Products Over Oceans
* Assimilating Remote Sensing Phenological Information into the WOFOST Model for Rice Growth Simulation
* Assimilation of GPSRO Bending Angle Profiles into the Brazilian Global Atmospheric Model
* Asymptotic Performance of Complex M-Estimators for Multivariate Location and Scatter Estimation
* Atmosphere Boundary Layer Height (ABLH) Determination under Multiple-Layer Conditions Using Micro-Pulse Lidar
* Atmospheric Correction for Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations at O2-A Band
* Atmospheric Correction of OLCI Imagery over Extremely Turbid Waters Based on the Red, NIR and 1016 nm Bands and a New Baseline Residual Technique
* Attention-Based Multiview Re-Observation Fusion Network for Skeletal Action Recognition
* Augmented Reality on Mobile Platform: A New Way to Instantly View and Display Foreign Currency Exchange Rate
* Autoencoder-based abnormal activity detection using parallelepiped spatio-temporal region
* Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Deep and Transfer Learning: Proposal of a System for Clinical Testing
* Automated Kauri trees detection in high resolution aerial images
* Automatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propagation Based on a Bayesian-CRF Model
* Automatic Identification System-Based Approach for Assessing the Near-Miss Collision Risk Dynamics of Ships in Ports
* Automatic labeling of large amounts of handwritten characters with gate-guided dynamic deep learning
* Automatic measurement of the traffic sign with digital segmentation and recognition
* Automatic Morphological Attribute Building Extraction Approach for Satellite High Spatial Resolution Imagery, An
* Automatic Plaque Detection in IVOCT Pullbacks Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* automatic region detection and processing approach in genetic programming for binary image classification, An
* Automatic Regularization Method: An Application for 3-D X-Ray Micro-CT Reconstruction Using Sparse Data, An
* Automatic smoky vehicle detection from traffic surveillance video based on vehicle rear detection and multi-feature fusion
* Automatic speech discrete labels to dimensional emotional values conversion method
* Automatic Target Recognition for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Autonomous Mobile Scanning Systems for the Digitization of Buildings: A Review
* AWID and AWIS X-By-Wire UGV: Design and Hierarchical Chassis Dynamics Control, An
* Back To RGB: Deep articulated hand pose estimation from a single camera image
* Bathymetry of Northwest Greenland Using Ocean Melting Greenland (OMG) High-Resolution Airborne Gravity and Other Data
* Being Recognized Everywhere
* Bi-Objective Timetable Optimization Model for Urban Rail Transit Based on the Time-Dependent Passenger Volume, A
* Bilateral Angle 2DPCA for Face Recognition
* Bilinear normal mixing model for spectral unmixing
* Bird Eyes: A Cloud-Based Object Detection System for Customisable Surveillance
* Blind Facial Basis Discovery Using the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion
* Blind quality index for tone-mapped images based on luminance partition
* Blind Spot Monitoring Using Deep Learning
* BLIQUE-TMI: Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-Mapped Images Based on Local and Global Feature Analyses
* Blood Stain Segmentation
* Body Parts Synthesis for Cross-Quality Pose Estimation
* Boosting deep attribute learning via support vector regression for fast moving crowd counting
* Calibration for Camera-Motion Capture Extrinsics
* Calibration of Gipps' car-following model for trucks and the impacts on fuel consumption estimation
* Can image quality features predict visual change blindness?
* Can Liveness Be Automatically Detected from Latent Fingerprints?
* Cartesian Trajectory Tracking of a 7-DOF Exoskeleton Robot Based on Human Inverse Kinematics
* CBCT of a Moving Sample From X-Rays and Multiple Videos
* Cervical image classification based on image segmentation preprocessing and a CapsNet network model
* Change Detection Based on Multi-Grained Cascade Forest and Multi-Scale Fusion for SAR Images
* Change Detection by Training a Triplet Network for Motion Feature Extraction
* Circular Filtering and Neutrosophic Extraction of Vincent Van Gogh's Visible Brushstrokes
* Class-Specific Anchor Based and Context-Guided Multi-Class Object Detection in High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery with a Convolutional Neural Network
* Classification of Crops, Pastures, and Tree Plantations along the Season with Multi-Sensor Image Time Series in a Subtropical Agricultural Region
* Classification of Land Cover, Forest, and Tree Species Classes with ZiYuan-3 Multispectral and Stereo Data
* Classification of White Blood Cells Using L-Moments Invariant Features of Nuclei Shape
* Clouds Classification from Sentinel-2 Imagery with Deep Residual Learning and Semantic Image Segmentation
* CNN for historic handwritten document search
* CNN-based small object detection and visualization with feature activation mapping
* Co-occurrence matching of local binary patterns for improving visual adaption and its application to smoke recognition
* Codebook-Free Compact Descriptor for Scalable Visual Search
* Color image denoising via monogenic matrix-based sparse representation
* Color PET-MRI Medical Image Fusion Combining Matching Regional Spectrum in Shearlet Domain
* Colour Pattern Recognition with Two-Dimensional Rotation and Scaling for Robotics Vision Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Combination Analysis of Future Polar-Type Gravity Mission and GRACE Follow-On
* Combinatorics of the Gauss Digitization Under Translation in 2D
* Combined FATEMD-based band selection method for hyperspectral images
* Combined Lane Mapping Using a Mobile Mapping System
* Combining global and minutia deep features for partial high-resolution fingerprint matching
* comparison between end-to-end approaches and feature extraction based approaches for Sign Language recognition, A
* Comparison of altered mineral information extracted from ETM+, ASTER and Hyperion data in Águas Claras iron ore, Brazil
* Comparison of machine learning-based feature pooling strategies for colour image fidelity assessment
* Comparison of RGB and HSV Colour Spaces for Visual Attention Models, A
* Comparison of the Signal from Diverse Optical Sensors for Monitoring Alpine Grassland Dynamics, A
* Comparison of Two Synergy Approaches for Hybrid Cropland Mapping
* Complete 3D Scene Parsing from an RGBD Image
* Compressive Binary Patterns: Designing a Robust Binary Face Descriptor with Random-Field Eigenfilters
* computationally efficient pipeline for camera-based indoor person tracking, A
* Concurrent ML as an Alternative Parallel Programming Style for Image Processing
* Consensus of Leader-Following Multiagent Systems: A Distributed Event-Triggered Impulsive Control Strategy
* Considering Race a Problem of Transfer Learning
* Consistent Estimation of Dimensionality for Data-Driven Methods in fMRI Analysis
* Constant-Time Calculation of Zernike Moments for Detection with Rotational Invariance
* Content-Insensitive Blind Image Blurriness Assessment Using Weibull Statistics and Sparse Extreme Learning Machine
* Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* Context-Aware E-Bike System to Reduce Pollution Inhalation While Cycling, A
* Continuous Wavelet Analysis of Leaf Reflectance Improves Classification Accuracy of Mangrove Species
* Continuous, Full-scope, Spatio-temporal Tracking Metric based on KL-divergence
* CONtrast Conformed Electrical Properties Tomography (CONCEPT) Based on Multi- Channel Transmission and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Convolutional low-resolution fine-grained classification
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Deep Learning Technique for Identifying Road Attributes, A
* Convolutional Neural Network in Network (CNNiN): Hyperspectral Image Classification and Dimensionality Reduction
* Cooperative and Social Robots: Understanding Human Activities and Intentions
* Cooperative look-ahead control of vehicle platoon travelling on a road with varying slopes
* Cooperative Vehicle Speed Fault Diagnosis and Correction
* Correlation-guided multi-object tracking with correlation feature transfer
* Crack image detection based on fractional differential and fractal dimension
* Creating a Multitrack Classical Music Performance Dataset for Multimodal Music Analysis: Challenges, Insights, and Applications
* Critical Review of Proactive Detection of Driver Stress Levels Based on Multimodal Measurements, A
* Cropland Mapping Using Fusion of Multi-Sensor Data in a Complex Urban/Peri-Urban Area
* Cross-Sensor Evaluation of Textural Descriptors for Gender Prediction from Fingerprints
* CSPM: A Novel Curtain Style Pictorial Marker for Enhancing Augmented Reality Experiences
* Cubic norm and kernel-based bi-directional PCA: toward age-aware facial kinship verification
* Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distance Measure
* Cycle Slip Detection during High Ionospheric Activities Based on Combined Triple-Frequency GNSS Signals
* D-STC: Deep learning with spatio-temporal constraints for train drivers detection from videos
* Decline in Transparency of Lake Hongze from Long-Term MODIS Observations: Possible Causes and Potential Significance
* Deep actionlet proposals for driver's behavior monitoring
* Deep contour and symmetry scored object proposal
* Deep Convolutional Capsule Network for Hyperspectral Image Spectral and Spectral-Spatial Classification
* Deep feature representation based on privileged knowledge transfer
* deep generic to specific recognition model for group membership analysis using non-verbal cues, A
* Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition
* Deep learning for sensor-based activity recognition: A survey
* Deep learning-based grasp-detection method for a five-fingered industrial robot hand
* Deep neural networks for record counting in historical handwritten documents
* Deep Representation Learning for Metadata Verification
* Deep spatial-temporal feature fusion for facial expression recognition in static images
* Deep Spectral-spatial Features of Snapshot Hyperspectral Images for Red-meat Classification
* Deepgender: real-time gender classification using deep learning for smartphones
* Degrees of Freedom of 2-Tier Networks Without Channel State Information at the Transmitter
* Density Based Recovery of Urban Power Lines Using Vehicle-Mounted LiDAR
* Depth-based end-to-end deep network for human action recognition
* Detail Preserved Single Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Airlight Refinement
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Changes in Vegetation with the BFAST Model in the Qilian Mountain Region during 2000-2017
* Detection and Monitoring of Forest Fires Using Himawari-8 Geostationary Satellite Data in South Korea
* Detection of Shelterbelt Density Change Using Historic APFO and NAIP Aerial Imagery
* Determining Regional-Scale Groundwater Recharge with GRACE and GLDAS
* Developing an On-Road Obstacle Detection System Using Monovision
* Development and Validation of a Distance Measurement System in Metro Lines
* Development of a Multimode Field Deployable Lidar Instrument for Topographic Measurements of Unsaturated Soil Properties: Instrument Description
* Development of Acoustic Nonverbal Information Estimation System for Unconstrained Long-Term Monitoring of Daily Office Activity
* Development of Dynamic Platoon Dispersion Models for Predictive Traffic Signal Control
* Development of localisation and mapping software for autonomous cars
* Development of neuro-fuzzy-based multimodal mode choice model for commuter in Delhi
* Dictionaries of deep features for land-use scene classification of very high spatial resolution images
* Did Ecological Restoration Hit Its Mark? Monitoring and Assessing Ecological Changes in the Grain for Green Program Region Using Multi-source Satellite Images
* Digital Aerial Photogrammetry for Uneven-Aged Forest Management: Assessing the Potential to Reconstruct Canopy Structure and Estimate Living Biomass
* Digital map using augmented reality on smart devices: Motivation, design, and implementation
* Digital Prism Wavefront Sensor for Ground-Based Astronomical Image Correction, A
* Dimension Reduction for Non-Gaussian Data by Adaptive Discriminative Analysis
* Dimensionality reduction based on determinantal point process and singular spectrum analysis for hyperspectral images
* Direct-yaw-moment control of four-wheel-drive electrical vehicle based on lateral tyre-road forces and sideslip angle observer
* Direction Selective Contour Detection for Salient Objects
* Disassociation of the Kuroshio Current with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Since 1999
* Discovery of Critical Nodes in Road Networks Through Mining From Vehicle Trajectories
* Discriminating between C3, C4, and Mixed C3/C4 Pasture Grasses of a Grazed Landscape Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1a Data
* Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* Distance-Dependent Metric Learning
* Distortion estimation to improve Tsai calibration for cameras with large optical distortion
* Distributed Mean-Field-Type Filters for Traffic Networks
* Distributed Scatterer InSAR Reveals Surface Motion of the Ancient Chaoshan Residence Cluster in the Lianjiang Plain, China
* Diurnal and Seasonal Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthesis in a Boreal Scots Pine Canopy
* Dramatic Loss of Agricultural Land Due to Urban Expansion Threatens Food Security in the Nile Delta, Egypt
* DRFN: Deep Recurrent Fusion Network for Single-Image Super-Resolution with Large Factors
* Driver Sleepiness Classification Based on Physiological Data and Driving Performance From Real Road Driving
* Driving Behavior Analysis through CAN Bus Data in an Uncontrolled Environment
* Drought and Human Impacts on Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Vietnamese Coastal Area
* Dual-scale weighted structural local sparse appearance model for object tracking
* Dynamic Hyper-Graph Inference Framework for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Dynamic In Vivo Chest X-ray Dark-Field Imaging in Mice
* Earth and Rock-Filled Dam Monitoring by High-Resolution X-Band Interferometry: Gongming Dam Case Study
* Earth Observation and Machine Learning to Meet Sustainable Development Goal 8.7: Mapping Sites Associated with Slavery from Space
* Earth Observations-Based Evapotranspiration in Northeastern Thailand
* Edge gradient feature and long distance dependency for image semantic segmentation
* Effect of contextual information on object tracking
* Effect of Snow Depth on Spring Wildfires on the Hulunbuir from 2001-2018 Based on MODIS, The
* Effective Improvement of Under-Modeling Frequency-Domain Kalman Filter
* Effective Parallelization of a High-Order Graph Matching Algorithm for GPU Execution
* Effective Similar-Pixel Reconstruction of the High-Frequency Cloud-Covered Areas of Southwest China, An
* Effects of Growth Stage Development on Paddy Rice Leaf Area Index Prediction Models
* Effects of Target Signal Shape and System Dynamics on Feedforward in Manual Control
* Efficient B-Mode Ultrasound Image Reconstruction From Sub-Sampled RF Data Using Deep Learning
* Efficient Clustering Method for Hyperspectral Optimal Band Selection via Shared Nearest Neighbor, An
* Efficient Framework for Remote Sensing Parallel Processing: Integrating the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Multiagent Technology, An
* Efficient Iterative Cerebral Perfusion CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition With Spatial-Temporal Total Variation Regularization, An
* Efficient Lidar Signal Denoising Algorithm Using Variational Mode Decomposition Combined with a Whale Optimization Algorithm
* Efficient Real-Time Control Design for Automatic Train Regulation of Metro Loop Lines
* efficient ward-based copy-move forgery detection method for digital image forensic, An
* Efficiently Annotating Object Images with Absolute Size Information Using Mobile Devices
* Elimination of Spatial Incoherency in Bag-of-Visual Words Image Representation Using Visual Sentence Modelling
* Emergency Steering Evasion Assistance Control Based on Driving Behavior Analysis
* EmotionMeter: A Multimodal Framework for Recognizing Human Emotions
* Empirical Bayesian Light-Field Stereo Matching by Robust Pseudo Random Field Modeling
* Empirical Data Inconsistency Metric (DIM) Driven CT Image Reconstruction Method, An
* Enabling Human-Centric Smart Cities: Crowdsourcing-Based Practice in China
* End-to-End Deep Learning Histochemical Scoring System for Breast Cancer TMA, An
* End-to-End Hierarchical Classification Approach for Similar Gesture Recognition, An
* End-to-End Simulation of WCOM IMI Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval
* End-to-End Temporal Action Detection Using Bag of Discriminant Snippets
* End-to-end visual grounding via region proposal networks and bilinear pooling
* Endmember extraction from hyperspectral imagery based on QR factorisation using givens rotations
* Engagement in HCI: Conception, Theory and Measurement
* Enhanced Regional Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew Based on an Instance-Based Transfer Learning Method
* Enhancing UAV-SfM 3D Model Accuracy in High-Relief Landscapes by Incorporating Oblique Images
* Ensemble classifier with dividing training scheme for Chinese scene character recognition
* Entropy-Mediated Decision Fusion for Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* Equivalent Constraints for Two-View Geometry: Pose Solution/Pure Rotation Identification and 3D Reconstruction
* Error Distribution of Estimated Checkerboard Corner Location
* Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Landsat-8 Data using the NOAA JPSS Enterprise Algorithm
* Estimating the Height and Basal Area at Individual Tree and Plot Levels in Canadian Subarctic Lichen Woodlands Using Stereo WorldView-3 Images
* Estimation and Mapping of Sub-National GDP in Uganda Using NPP-VIIRS Imagery
* Estimation of Leaf Inclination Angle in Three-Dimensional Plant Images Obtained from Lidar
* Evaluating Combinations of Temporally Aggregated Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 for Land Cover Mapping with Google Earth Engine
* Evaluating the Effects of Image Texture Analysis on Plastic Greenhouse Segments via Recognition of the OSI-USI-ETA-CEI Pattern
* Evaluating the Group Detection Performance: The GRODE Metrics
* Evaluation of a Statistical Shape Model for the Liver
* Evaluation of Bias Correction Methods for GOSAT SWIR XH2O Using TCCON data
* Evaluation of CLARA-A2 and ISCCP-H Cloud Cover Climate Data Records over Europe with ECA&D Ground-Based Measurements
* Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Methods and Deep-Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Landslide Detection
* Evaluation of Informative Bands Used in Different PLS Regressions for Estimating Leaf Biochemical Contents from Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Evaluation of Ionospheric Delay Effects on Multi-GNSS Positioning Performance
* Evaluation of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals across Chinese Cities and Implications for Medium Spatial Resolution Urban Aerosol Monitoring
* Evaluation of Sampling and Cross-Validation Tuning Strategies for Regional-Scale Machine Learning Classification
* Evaluation of the Effect of Urban Redevelopment on Surface Urban Heat Islands
* Event-Triggered Coordination for Formation Tracking Control in Constrained Space With Limited Communication
* Exact Recovery in Community Detection With Continuous-Valued Side Information
* Exploiting Visual Artifacts to Expose Deepfakes and Face Manipulations
* Exploration of Using the Intel AVX2 Gather Load Instructions for Vectorised Image Processing, An
* Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance and Gender Bias for Children
* Extracting descriptive motion information from crowd scenes
* Face Stabilization by Mode Pursuit for Avatar Construction
* Facial Landmark Detection: A Literature Survey
* Farmland Extraction from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Stratified Scale Pre-Estimation
* Fast and robust multiple ColorChecker detection using deep convolutional neural networks
* Fast automatic segmentation of cells and nucleuses in large-scale liquid-based monolayer smear images
* Fast cascade face detection with pyramid network
* Fast High-Dimensional Kernel Filtering
* Fast image registration using cepstral analysis of inverted gradient distance maps
* Fast Large-Scale Spectral Clustering via Explicit Feature Mapping
* Fast local binary pattern: Application to document image retrieval
* fast single-image super-resolution method implemented with CUDA, A
* FAST: Facilitated and Accurate Scene Text Proposals through FCN Guided Pruning
* FCSS: Fully Convolutional Self-Similarity for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Feasibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Imagery for Early Detection and Severity Assessment of Late Blight in Potato
* Feasibility Study of Hyperspectral Line-Scanning Camera Imagery for Remote Sensing Purposes
* Feasible Calibration Method for Type 1 Open Ocean Water LiDAR Data Based on Bio-Optical Models, A
* Filling the Gaps of Missing Data in the Merged VIIRS SNPP/NOAA-20 Ocean Color Product Using the DINEOF Method
* Finding learned obstacles to avoid collisions in autonomous robotic navigation
* Fine-grained Action Detection in Untrimmed Surveillance Videos
* Fine-grained Collaborative K-Means Clustering
* Finger vein identification using Convolutional Neural Network and supervised discrete hashing
* Fire on the Water Towers: Mapping Burn Scars on Mount Kenya Using Satellite Data to Reconstruct Recent Fire History
* Flash Flood Risk Analysis Based on Machine Learning Techniques in the Yunnan Province, China
* Flexible Architecture for Extracting Metro Tunnel Cross Sections from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* Foreground and Background Feature Fusion Using a Convex Hull Based Center Prior for Salient Object Detection
* Forest Spectral Recovery and Regeneration Dynamics in Stand-Replacing Wildfires of Central Apennines Derived from Landsat Time Series
* Formulation of Fractional Derivative-Based De-Hazing Algorithm and Implementation on Mobile-Embedded Devices
* Fourier Spectrum Image Texture Analysis
* Framework for Evaluating Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Framework of Cow Calving Monitoring System Using a Single Depth Camera
* Frequency Selective Effect of Radar Backscattering from Multiscale Sea Surface, The
* From Detection of Individual Metastases to Classification of Lymph Node Status at the Patient Level: The CAMELYON17 Challenge
* From superpixel to human shape modelling for carried object detection
* Full-Waveform LiDAR Fast Analysis of a Moderately Turbid Bay in Western France
* Fully Automatic Framework for Prediction of 3D Facial Rejuvenation, A
* Fully Automatic Left Atrium Segmentation From Late Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Dual Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Fusion Feature Multi-Scale Pooling for Water Body Extraction from Optical Panchromatic Images
* Fusion of infrared and visible images with Gaussian smoothness and joint bilateral filtering iteration decomposition
* Fusion of Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Extraction in Very High-Resolution Images
* Fusion of noisy images based on joint distribution model in dual-tree complex wavelet domain
* Gated CNN for visual quality assessment based on color perception
* Generation of a Large-Scale Surface Sediment Classification Map Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data: A Case Study at the Hwang-do Tidal Flat, Korea
* Generative adversarial dehaze mapping nets
* Generic Classification Scheme for Urban Structure Types, A
* Generic First-Order Radiative Transfer Modelling Approach for the Inversion of Soil and Vegetation Parameters from Scatterometer Observations, A
* Generic Receiver Architecture for MIMO Wireless Power Transfer With Nonlinear Energy Harvesting, A
* Geodetic Mass Balances and Area Changes of Echaurren Norte Glacier (Central Andes, Chile) between 1955 and 2015
* Geometric Preservation of 2D Digital Objects Under Rigid Motions
* GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment: Overview and Introduction to Results and Recommendations, The
* gingivitis identification method based on contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and extreme learning machine, A
* Glaucoma Monitoring Using Manifold Learning and Unsupervised Clustering
* Global MODIS Water Vapor Database for the Operational Atmospheric Correction of Historic and Recent Landsat Imagery, A
* Gnarometer Surfcam Live Inspector
* GNSS RTK Positioning Augmented with Large LEO Constellation
* Gradient Coils Design with Regularization Method for Superconducting Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Gradient Prior-Aided CNN Denoiser With Separable Convolution-Based Optimization of Feature Dimension
* Gradient-based approach to offline text-independent Persian writer identification
* Granger Causality Analysis Based on Quantized Minimum Error Entropy Criterion
* Graph-Based Static 3D Point Clouds Geometry Coding
* Grassmann Manifold Optimization for Fast L_1-Norm Principal Component Analysis
* Ground Plane Segmentation of Time-of-Flight Images for Asparagus Harvesting
* Group Collaborative Representation for Image Set Classification
* Guided filter-based multi-focus image fusion through focus region detection
* Hand Gesture Set for Navigating and Interacting with 3D Virtual Environments, A
* Handling pure camera rotation in semi-dense monocular SLAM
* Handwritten Farsi Word Recognition Using NN-Based Fusion of HMM Classifiers with Different Types of Features
* HARD-PnP: PnP Optimization Using a Hybrid Approximate Representation
* Haze removal algorithm based on single-images with chromatic properties
* Heat Flux Sources Analysis to the Ross Ice Shelf Polynya Ice Production Time Series and the Impact of Wind Forcing
* Hidden Features: Experiments with Feature Transfer for Fine-Grained Multi-Class and One-Class Image Categorization
* hierarchical and regional deep learning architecture for image description generation, A
* Hierarchical Clustering-Aligning Framework Based Fast Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction Using Aerial Imagery
* Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of Breast Tumors in MRI With Application to Radiogenomics
* Hierarchical recurrent highway networks
* Hierarchical Scene Parsing by Weakly Supervised Learning with Image Descriptions
* High-density impulse noise detection and removal using deep convolutional neural network with particle swarm optimisation
* High-Resolution Mapping of Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) Distributions in Three Californian Forests
* High-Resolution Mass Trends of the Antarctic Ice Sheet through a Spectral Combination of Satellite Gravimetry and Radar Altimetry Observations
* High-Resolution Spaceborne, Airborne and In Situ Landslide Kinematic Measurements of the Slumgullion Landslide in Southwest Colorado
* High-throughput and power-efficient hardware design for a multiple video coding standard sample interpolator
* Hotspot Modeling of Hand-Machine Interaction Experiences from a Head-Mounted RGB-D Camera
* Human-Centered Risk Assessment of an Automated Vehicle Using Vehicular Wireless Communication
* human-computer interface for wrist rehabilitation: A pilot study using commercial sensors to detect wrist movements, A
* Hybrid Rolling Skew Histogram-Neural Network Approach to Dairy Cow Identification System, A
* Hybrid Vehicular Crowdsourcing With Driverless Cars: Challenges and a Solution
* Hydrologic Mass Changes and Their Implications in Mediterranean-Climate Turkey from GRACE Measurements
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Dictionary Construction-Based Low-Rank Representation and Adaptive Weighting
* Hyperspectral band selection using crossover-based gravitational search algorithm
* Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Using Sparse and Smooth Low-Rank Analysis
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Similarity Measurements-Based Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral image clustering via sparse dictionary-based anchored regression
* Hyperspectral Images Classification Based on Dense Convolutional Networks with Spectral-Wise Attention Mechanism
* Hyperspectral imaging classification based on convolutional neural networks by adaptive sizes of windows and filters
* I-Am: Implicitly Authenticate Me: Person Authentication on Mobile Devices Through Ear Shape and Arm Gesture
* Ice-Gouging Topography of the Exposed Aral Sea Bed
* Identification of Linear Vegetation Elements in a Rural Landscape Using LiDAR Point Clouds
* ILGNet: inception modules with connected local and global features for efficient image aesthetic quality classification using domain adaptation
* Image Caption Generation with Part of Speech Guidance
* Image Clustering Using a Similarity Measure Incorporating Human Perception
* Image Completion Using Low Tensor Tree Rank and Total Variation Minimization
* Image encryption based on double random phase encoding
* Image fusion method based on simultaneous sparse representation with non-subsampled contourlet transform
* Image phylogeny for simulating multiple print-scan
* Image Segmentation Based Approach for the Purpose of Developing Satellite Image Spatial Information Extraction for Forestation and River Bed Analysis
* Image super-resolution via feature-augmented random forest
* Impact of Insolation Data Source on Remote Sensing Retrievals of Evapotranspiration over the California Delta
* Implementing real-time RCF-Retinex image enhancement method using CUDA
* Importance of subject-dependent classification and imbalanced distributions in driver sleepiness detection in realistic conditions
* Improved Approach for Soil Moisture Estimation in Gully Fields of the Loess Plateau Using Sentinel-1A Radar Images, An
* Improved Model Based Detection of Urban Impervious Surfaces Using Multiple Features Extracted from ROSIS-3 Hyperspectral Images, An
* Improved Photoacoustic-Based Oxygen Saturation Estimation With SNR-Regularized Local Fluence Correction
* Improved Recovery of Analysis Sparse Vectors in Presence of Prior Information
* Improvement and Validation of NASA/MODIS NRT Global Flood Mapping
* Improving CNN linear layers with power mean non-linearity
* Improving Ecotope Segmentation by Combining Topographic and Spectral Data
* Improving Estimation of Gross Primary Production in Dryland Ecosystems by a Model-Data Fusion Approach
* Improving Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Mapping Based on the Spatial Attraction Model by Utilizing the Pansharpening Technique
* Improving Shadow Suppression for Illumination Robust Face Recognition
* Improving the Operational Efficiency of Buses With Dynamic Use of Exclusive Bus Lane at Isolated Intersections
* Improving the Performance of Galileo Uncombined Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution Using Triple-Frequency Observations
* In-Season Mapping of Irrigated Crops Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Increasing Imaging Resolution by Non-Regular Sampling and Joint Sparse Deconvolution and Extrapolation
* Increasing the accuracy of convolutional neural networks with progressive reinitialisation
* Indirect Assessment of Sedimentation in Hydropower Dams Using MODIS Remote Sensing Images
* Individual Common Dolphin Identification Via Metric Embedding Learning
* Inferring Pedestrian Motions at Urban Crosswalks
* Integrated trajectory planning and control for obstacle avoidance manoeuvre using non-linear vehicle MP algorithm
* Integrating segmentation with deep learning for enhanced classification of epithelial and stromal tissues in H&E images
* Integrating Temporal Evolution with Cellular Automata for Simulating Land Cover Change
* Integration and Visualization of Mineralogical and Topographical Information Derived from ASTER and DEM Data
* Integration of deep feature extraction and ensemble learning for outlier detection
* Integration of Multiple Spectral Indices and a Neural Network for Burned Area Mapping Based on MODIS Data
* Intensity Data Correction for Long-Range Terrestrial Laser Scanners: A Case Study of Target Differentiation in an Intertidal Zone
* Interoperability of Direction-Finding and Beam-Forming High-Frequency Radar Systems: An Example from the Australian High-Frequency Ocean Radar Network
* Intra-Arterial Image Guidance With Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Shape Sensing
* Intrinsic Cramér-Rao Bounds for Scatter and Shape Matrices Estimation in CES Distributions
* Investigative Spatial Distribution and Modelling of Existing and Future Urban Land Changes and Its Impact on Urbanization and Economy
* IoU-Adaptive Deformable R-CNN: Make Full Use of IoU for Multi-Class Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Is Multimedia Multisensorial? - A Review of Mulsemedia Systems
* Joint Color Space GMMs for CFA Demosaicking
* Joint Event Detection and Description in Continuous Video Streams
* Joint optimisation convex-negative matrix factorisation for multi-modal image collection summarisation based on images and tags
* Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Multi-Task Learning with Extended Multi-Attribute Profile for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Joint sparse matrix regression and nonnegative spectral analysis for two-dimensional unsupervised feature selection
* Kd(PAR) and a Depth Based Model to Estimate the Height of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in an Oligotrophic Reservoir: A Case Study at Nova Avanhandava
* Kernel design for real-time denoising implementation in low-resolution images
* Kernel-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A Review
* Ku Band Terrestrial Radar Observations by Means of Circular Polarized Antennas
* Labeled Multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis for Information Fusion, The
* Large Families of Grey Arrays with Perfect Auto-correlation and Optimal Cross-Correlation
* Large Scale Palm Tree Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images Using U-Net
* Large-scale gesture recognition with a fusion of RGB-D data based on optical flow and the C3D model
* Large-scale multiview 3D hand pose dataset
* Large-Scale Robust Semisupervised Classification
* Late fusion of deep learning and handcrafted visual features for biomedical image modality classification
* Latent Concept Extraction for Zero-Shot Video Retrieval
* Learning Bilevel Layer Priors for Single Image Rain Streaks Removal
* Learning Cross-Modality Representations From Multi-Modal Images
* Learning domain-invariant feature for robust depth-image-based 3D shape retrieval
* Learning facial action units with spatiotemporal cues and multi-label sampling
* Learning Hyperedge Replacement Grammars for Graph Generation
* Learning skeleton representations for human action recognition
* Learning-Based Positive Feedback Approach in Salient Object Detection, A
* Lens distortion correction by analysing peak shape in Hough transform space
* Light Field Image Compression Based on Bi-Level View Compensation With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Local Feature Descriptor and Derivative Filters for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Local fusion networks with chained residual pooling for video action recognition
* Local spatial correlation-based stripe non-uniformity correction algorithm for single infrared images
* Locally Weighted Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Long-Term Dynamic of Poyang Lake Surface Water: A Mapping Work Based on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform
* Long-Term Satellite Monitoring of the Slumgullion Landslide Using Space-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking
* Longitudinal error improvement by visual odometry trajectory trail and road segment matching
* Lossless Image and Intra-Frame Compression With Integer-to-Integer DST
* Low-rank structured sparse representation and reduced dictionary learning-based abnormity detection
* Low-Spec Extendable GPU-Based Audio Library, A
* Machine vision quality assessment for robust face detection
* Mapping and Monitoring Rice Agriculture with Multisensor Temporal Mixture Models
* Mapping Cropping Practices on a National Scale Using Intra-Annual Landsat Time Series Binning
* Mapping Foliar Nutrition Using WorldView-3 and WorldView-2 to Assess Koala Habitat Suitability
* Mapping Impervious Surfaces in Town-Rural Transition Belts Using China's GF-2 Imagery and Object-Based Deep CNNs
* Mapping Substrate Types and Compositions in Shallow Streams
* Mapping the Mangrove Forest Canopy Using Spectral Unmixing of Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images
* Maritime Vessel Classification to Monitor Fisheries with SAR: Demonstration in the North Sea
* Masked SIFT with align-based refinement for contactless palmprint recognition
* Mathematical Assessment of the Effects of Substituting the Band Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) for the Spectral RTE in the Applications of Earth's Surface Temperature Retrievals from Spaceborne Infrared Imageries
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion-Based Sparse Subspace Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Maximum margin object tracking with weighted circulant feature maps
* Maximum simplex volume: an efficient unsupervised band selection method for hyperspectral image
* Measuring Canopy Structure and Condition Using Multi-Spectral UAS Imagery in a Horticultural Environment
* Measuring Urban Subsidence in the Rome Metropolitan Area (Italy) with Sentinel-1 SNAP-StaMPS Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Median Filtering Forensics in Compressed Video
* Medical Image Imputation From Image Collections
* Medical imaging: A new era of precision and holistic imaging
* Methods and apparatus for tracking internal structures in soft objects: A phantom-based study
* MFC Datasets: Large-Scale Benchmark Datasets for Media Forensic Challenge Evaluation
* Minding the Gaps in a Video Action Analysis Pipeline
* Mitigating the Impact of Field and Image Registration Errors through Spatial Aggregation
* Mixed Supervised Object Detection with Robust Objectness Transfer
* Mobility Aids Detection Using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
* Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Images Using Deep Transfer Learning
* Model and feature selection for the classification of dark field pollen images using the classifynder system
* Model assisted bootstrapping for annotation of segmentation datasets
* Model predictive control-based eco-driving strategy for CAV
* Model Simulation and Prediction of Decadal Mountain Permafrost Distribution Based on Remote Sensing Data in the Qilian Mountains from the 1990s to the 2040s
* Modeling and Precise Processing for Spaceborne Transmitter/Missile-Borne Receiver SAR Signals
* Modeling Polycentric Urbanization Using Multisource Big Geospatial Data
* Modeling Probabilistic Flooding in VANETs for Optimal Rebroadcast Probabilities
* Modeling the Amplitude Distribution of Radar Sea Clutter
* MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems
* MOHA: A Multi-Mode Hybrid Automaton Model for Learning Car-Following Behaviors
* Monitoring 40-Year Lake Area Changes of the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, Using Landsat Time Series
* Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* Monocular Stixels: A LIDAR-guided Approach
* Morphology-based structure-preserving projection for spectral-spatial feature extraction and classification of hyperspectral data
* Motion-Based Rate Adaptation in WebRTC Videoconferencing Using Scalable Video Coding
* Motion-blur kernel size estimation via learning a convolutional neural network
* multi sensory approach using error bounds for improved visual odometry, A
* Multi-GNSS Combined Precise Point Positioning Using Additional Observations with Opposite Weight for Real-Time Quality Control
* Multi-Layer Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Trilateral Filtering for Multi-View Video
* Multi-model ensemble for short-term traffic flow prediction under normal and abnormal conditions
* Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourced Traffic Data Imputation
* Multi-scale classification network for road crack detection
* multi-scale framework for the automated surveying of the Whangateau estuary using off-the-shelf equipment, A
* Multi-Scale Guided Mask Refinement for Coarse-to-Fine RGB-D Perception
* Multi-scale terrain texturing using generative adversarial networks
* Multi-Sensor SAR Geodetic Imaging and Modelling of Santorini Volcano Post-Unrest Response
* Multi-stage age estimation using two level fusions of handcrafted and learned features on facial images
* multi-stream convolutional neural network for sEMG-based gesture recognition in muscle-computer interface, A
* Multi-Time Scale Analysis of Regional Aerosol Optical Depth Changes in National-Level Urban Agglomerations in China Using Modis Collection 6.1 Datasets from 2001 to 2017
* Multi-view learning for benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
* Multiagent Rendezvous With Shortest Distance to Convex Regions With Empty Intersection: Algorithms and Experiments
* Multicontext 3D residual CNN for false positive reduction of pulmonary nodule detection
* Multilayer Soil Moisture Mapping at a Regional Scale from Multisource Data via a Machine Learning Method
* Multimodal Approach for the Safeguarding and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of i-Treasures, A
* Multimodal neurological image fusion based on adaptive biological inspired neural model in nonsubsampled Shearlet domain
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: Addressing Key Issues and Setting Up the Baselines
* Multiobjective Learning in the Model Space for Time Series Classification
* Multisensor Approach to Satellite Monitoring of Trends in Lake Area, Water Level, and Volume, A
* Near-Real-Time Flood Forecasting Based on Satellite Precipitation Products
* Neural network based reinforcement learning for audio-visual gaze control in human-robot interaction
* Neuroimaging computer-aided diagnosis systems for Alzheimer's disease
* New Analysis for Support Recovery With Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, A
* New Approaches for Robust and Efficient Detection of Persistent Scatterers in SAR Tomography
* new fast algorithm to compute continuous moments defined in a rectangular region, A
* New Framework for Modelling and Monitoring the Conversion of Cultivated Land to Built-up Land Based on a Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model Using Satellite Image Time Series, A
* New Framework of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams
* New Method for Large-Scale Landslide Classification from Satellite Radar, A
* New Modality: Emoji Challenges in Prediction, Anticipation, and Retrieval
* New Multi-spectral Iris Acquisition Sensor for Biometric Verification and Presentation Attack Detection, A
* new paradigm for autonomous human motion description and evaluation: Application to the Get Up & Go test use case, A
* New Signal Representation Using Complex Conjugate Pair Sums, A
* No reference noise estimation in digital images using random conditional selection and sampling theory
* Non-Cooperative Beacon Power Control for VANETs
* Non-local pose means for denoising motion capture data
* Nonintrusive Depth Estimation of Buried Radioactive Wastes Using Ground Penetrating Radar and a Gamma Ray Detector
* Noninvasive Activation Imaging of Ventricular Arrhythmias by Spatial Gradient Sparse in Frequency Domain: Application to Mapping Reentrant Ventricular Tachycardia
* Nonlocal Tensor Sparse Representation and Low-Rank Regularization for Hyperspectral Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction
* Novel 2-D FIR Filter Design Methodology Based on a Gaussian-Based Approximation, A
* Novel Activities Detection Algorithm in Extended Videos
* Novel Approach for the Detection of Standing Tree Stems from Plot-Level Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data, A
* Novel Approach to Quantized Matrix Completion Using Huber Loss Measure, A
* Novel Data-Driven Cardiac Gating Signal Extraction Method for PET, A
* Novel Deep Learning-Based Collaborative Filtering Model for Recommendation System, A
* Novel FPGA-Based Architecture for Fast Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Novel Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Algorithm for Multi-Mode Recognition Based on Smartphones, A
* Novel Perceptual Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval, A
* novel prognosis and segmentation of necrosis (dead cells) in contrast enhanced T1-weighted glioblastoma tumor with automatic contextual clustering, A
* Novelty Detection in Thermal Video
* Object detection and tracking under Complex environment using deep learning-based LPM
* Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on a Scene-Contextual Feature Pyramid Network
* Object-Based Change Detection Using Multiple Classifiers and Multi-Scale Uncertainty Analysis
* Observation of CO2 Regional Distribution Using an Airborne Infrared Remote Sensing Spectrometer (Air-IRSS) in the North China Plain
* Of mice, men, and machines: Real and artificial deep networks for vision
* Offline automatic actor tracking in a movie
* On combining active and transfer learning for medical data classification
* On predicting the HEVC intra quad-tree partitioning with tunable energy and rate-distortion
* On the Accuracy of Inter-Vehicular Range Measurements Using GNSS Observables in a Cooperative Framework
* On the suitability of different probability distributions for the task of image segmentation
* On-Board Georeferencing Using FPGA-Based Optimized Second-Order Polynomial Equation
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Validation of Luojia 1-01 Night-Light Satellite
* On-the-Fly Olive Tree Counting Using a UAS and Cloud Services
* One-Class Convolutional Neural Network
* One-Way Car-Sharing Profit Maximization by Means of User-Based Vehicle Relocation
* Online latent semantic hashing for cross-media retrieval
* Online Ride-Sharing Path-Planning Strategy for Public Vehicle Systems, An
* Operational Monitoring of Illegal Fishing in Ghana through Exploitation of Satellite Earth Observation and AIS Data
* Optic disc segmentation in fundus images using adversarial training
* Optical and Geometrical Properties of Cirrus Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau Measured by LiDAR and Radiosonde Sounding during the Summertime in 2014
* Optical Classification of the Remote Sensing Reflectance and Its Application in Deriving the Specific Phytoplankton Absorption in Optically Complex Lakes
* Optimal multi-scale geometric fusion based on non-subsampled contourlet transform and modified central force optimization
* Optimization of Sensitivity of GOES-16 ABI Sea Surface Temperature by Matching Satellite Observations with L4 Analysis
* Optimizing a Parameterized Plug-and-Play ADMM for Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Orientation and analysis of XFEL serial diffraction patterns from fibrous molecular assemblies
* Overall Evaluation of Water Transparency in Lake Malawi from MERIS Data, An
* Overview of image-based 3D vision systems for agricultural applications
* Paradigm for Path Following Control of a Ribbon-Fin Propelled Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle, A
* Parallel BRDF-based infrared radiation simulation of aerial targets implemented on Intel Xeon processor and Xeon Phi coprocessor
* Parameter-Free Density Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Clustering
* Parameterized Nonlinear Least Squares for Unsupervised Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing
* Partially shaded sketch-based image search in real mobile device environments via sketch-oriented compact neural codes
* Passive Joint Localization and Synchronization of Distributed Microphone Arrays
* Past and Future Trajectories of Farmland Loss Due to Rapid Urbanization Using Landsat Imagery and the Markov-CA Model: A Case Study of Delhi, India
* Patch-Based Light Convolutional Neural Network for Land-Cover Mapping Using Landsat-8 Images, A
* Patch-based self-adaptive matting for high-resolution image and video
* PCANet-Based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for a Vehicle Model Recognition System
* Pedestrian avoidance in construction sites
* Pelvic Organ Segmentation Using Distinctive Curve Guided Fully Convolutional Networks
* People re-identification using skeleton standard posture and color descriptors from RGB-D data
* Perceiving the person and their interactions with the others for social robotics: A review
* Performance Assessment of TanDEM-X DEM for Mountain Glacier Elevation Change Detection
* performance evaluation method for infrared tracker, A
* Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time and Frequency Transfer with Clock Modeling
* personalised stereoscopic 3D gallery with virtual reality technology on smartphone, A
* Phase retrieval for 1D and 2D crystals
* Photogrammetric debitage analysis: Measuring Maori toolmaking evidence
* Pincode detection using deep CNN for postal automation
* Pipeline to Improve Face Recognition Datasets and Applications, A
* Pixel-Based Geometric Assessment of Channel Networks/Orders Derived from Global Spaceborne Digital Elevation Models
* Polar Transformation on Image Features for Orientation-Invariant Representations
* Polarimetric Calibration of the GaoFen-3 Mission Using Active Radar Calibrators and the Applicable Conditions of System Model for Radar Polarimeters
* Pose-based deep gait recognition
* Pre-Constrained Machine Learning Method for Multi-Year Mapping of Three Major Crops in a Large Irrigation District
* Precise Antenna Pointing Determination in Elevation for Spaceborne SAR Systems Using Coherent Pattern Differences
* precise human detection model using combination of feature extraction techniques in a dynamic environment, A
* Predict Vehicle Collision by TTC From Motion Using a Single Video Camera
* Predicting Soft Biometric Attributes from 30 Pixels: A Case Study in NIR Ocular Images
* Preference-based smart parking system in a university campus
* Probabilistic identification of sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit with a wearable sensor
* Prospects for live higher resolution video streaming to mobile devices: achievable quality across wireless links
* PS-InSAR Analysis of Sentinel-1 Data for Detecting Ground Motion in Temperate Oceanic Climate Zones: A Case Study in the Republic of Ireland
* Q-Convexity Vector Descriptor for Image Analysis, A
* Quality analysis of synthetic ultrasound images using co-occurrence texture statistics
* Quantifying patterns of joint attention during human-robot interactions: An application for autism spectrum disorder assessment
* Quantifying the Evapotranspiration Rate and Its Cooling Effects of Urban Hedges Based on Three-Temperature Model and Infrared Remote Sensing
* Quaternion Grassmann average network for learning representation of histopathological image
* Radar Scatter Decomposition to Differentiate between Running Ice Accumulations and Intact Ice Covers along Rivers
* Rapid Detection of Windthrows Using Sentinel-1 C-Band SAR Data
* Rapid Flood Progress Monitoring in Cropland with NASA SMAP
* Rapid Relocation Method for Mobile Robot Based on Improved ORB-SLAM2 Algorithm
* Reach-Avoid Games With Two Defenders and One Attacker: An Analytical Approach
* Real-Time Deep Pose Estimation With Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
* Real-time demosaicking method based on mixed color channel correlation
* Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM With Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network
* Real-Time Drone Surveillance and Population Estimation of Marine Animals from Aerial Imagery
* Real-time face recognition based on pre-identification and multi-scale classification
* Real-Time Fidelity Measurement of JPEG2000 Coded Images
* Real-time rate distortion-optimized image compression with region of interest on the ARM architecture for underwater robotics applications
* Real-Time Traffic Prediction and Probing Strategy for Lagrangian Traffic Data
* Real-time vehicle type classification with deep convolutional neural networks
* Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks With Spatial and Channel Squeeze and Excitation Blocks
* Recent Large Scale Environmental Changes in the Mediterranean Sea and Their Potential Impacts on Posidonia Oceanica
* Recent Surface Deformation in the Tianjin Area Revealed by Sentinel-1A Data
* Recognition of Multiple Food Items in A Single Photo for Use in A Buffet-Style Restaurant
* Reconstructing Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Temperature Imagery Based on a Multiscale Feature Connected Convolutional Neural Network
* Reconstructing Power Lines from Images
* Recurrent Face Aging with Hierarchical AutoRegressive Memory
* Recursive Nearest Agglomeration (ReNA): Fast Clustering for Approximation of Structured Signals
* Recursive Update Model for Estimating High-Resolution LAI Based on the NARX Neural Network and MODIS Times Series, A
* Reduced-Complexity Intra Block Copy (IntraBC) Mode With Early CU Splitting and Pruning for HEVC Screen Content Coding
* Reducing the Pain: A Novel Tool for Efficient Ground-Truth Labelling in Images
* Refined Two-Stage Programming Approach of Phase Unwrapping for Multi-Baseline SAR Interferograms Using the Unscented Kalman Filter
* Refinet: A Deep Segmentation Assisted Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection
* Regularised transfer learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Regularization Framework for Learning Over Multitask Graphs, A
* Relative Altitude Estimation Using Omnidirectional Imaging and Holistic Descriptors
* Remote Nonlinear State Estimation With Stochastic Event-Triggered Sensor Schedule
* Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Mangrove Species, Structure, and Biomass: Opportunities and Challenges
* Research on the influence factors of real driving cycle with statistical analysis and dynamic time warping
* Residual Codean Autoencoder for Facial Attribute Analysis
* Residue Number System Hardware Design of Fast-Search Variable-Motion-Estimation Accelerator for HEVC/H.265, A
* Resolving Three-Dimensional Surface Motion with InSAR: Constraints from Multi-Geometry Data Fusion
* Restoration algorithm for noisy complex illumination
* Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* Retrieval of Glyoxal from OMI over China: Investigation of the Effects of Tropospheric NO2, A
* Retrieval of High Spatiotemporal Resolution Leaf Area Index with Gaussian Processes, Wireless Sensor Network, and Satellite Data Fusion
* Retrieval of Phytoplankton Pigments from Underway Spectrophotometry in the Fram Strait
* Retrieval of Vertical Mass Concentration Distributions: Vipava Valley Case Study
* Reversible cellular automata image encryption for similarity search
* Reversible Data Hiding in Color Image With Grayscale Invariance
* review of Convolutional-Neural-Network-based action recognition, A
* review of sensor devices in stroke rehabilitation, A
* Road surface distress detection in disparity space
* Robots that maintain equilibrium: Proactivity by reasoning about user intentions and preferences
* Robust and Globally Optimal Manhattan Frame Estimation in Near Real Time
* Robust detection of median filtering based on combined features of difference image
* Robust Face Sketch Recognition Using Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Robust fingerprint verification for enhancing security in healthcare system
* Robust heterogeneous discriminative analysis for face recognition with single sample per person
* Robust multi-view representation for spatial-spectral domain in application of hyperspectral image classification
* Robust Noisiness Measure Based Improved Generalized Fuzzy Peer Group for Removal of Mixed Noise From Color Image
* Robust Object Tracking Using Manifold Regularized Convolutional Neural Networks
* Robust Plane Detection Using Depth Information From a Consumer Depth Camera
* Robust Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Robust Two-Dimensional Spatial-Variant Map-Drift Algorithm for UAV SAR Autofocusing
* Robust visual tracking with adaptive initial configuration and likelihood landscape analysis
* Robust, Intrinsic Tracking of a Laparoscopic Ultrasound Probe for Ultrasound-Augmented Laparoscopy
* Role of normalization of breast thermogram images and automatic classification of breast cancer
* Sample-Efficient Optimization Using Bayesian Neural Networks
* Sampling Strategies for Soil Property Mapping Using Multispectral Sentinel-2 and Hyperspectral EnMAP Satellite Data
* SAR and Lidar Temporal Data Fusion Approaches to Boreal Wetland Ecosystem Monitoring
* Satellite Soil Moisture for Agricultural Drought Monitoring: Assessment of SMAP-Derived Soil Water Deficit Index in Xiang River Basin, China
* Satellite-Based Assessment of Grassland Conversion and Related Fire Disturbance in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
* Scalable Feedback of Spectral Projection for Subspace Learning
* Scalable Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Scheduling Railway Lines, A
* Scalable System Architecture for Activity Detection with Simple Heuristics, A
* ScoreNet: deep cascade score level fusion for unconstrained ear recognition
* Searching for Representative Modes on Hypergraphs for Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* Segmentation of Nuclei in Histopathology Images by Deep Regression of the Distance Map
* Segmentation of Substantia Nigra Using Weighted Thresholding Method
* Segmenting the Brain Surface From CT Images With Artifacts Using Locally Oriented Appearance and Dictionary Learning
* Selecting optimal bands for sub-pixel target detection in hyperspectral images based on implanting synthetic targets
* Selection of Rich Model Steganalysis Features Based on Decision Rough Set alpha-Positive Region Reduction
* Selection of the Key Earth Observation Sensors and Platforms Focusing on Applications for Polar Regions in the Scope of Copernicus System 2020-2030
* Self Paced Deep Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Self-Calibrated Non-Parametric Time Series Analysis Approach for Assessing Insect Defoliation of Broad-Leaved Deciduous Nothofagus pumilio Forests, A
* self-calibrated photo-geometric depth camera, A
* Semantically Enhanced UAVs to Increase the Aerial Scene Understanding
* Sensitivity analysis of multirotor position control
* Sensor Localization for Highly Deformed Partially Calibrated Arrays With Moving Targets
* Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence to Detect Floodwater in Urban Areas: Houston and Hurricane Harvey as A Test Case
* Separating Built-Up Areas from Bare Land in Mediterranean Cities Using Sentinel-2A Imagery
* SIFT localisation accuracy on interpolated speckle images
* Simple Stereo Matching Algorithm for Localising Keypoints in a Restricted Search Space
* Simple very deep convolutional network for robust hand pose regression from a single depth image
* Simplified Evaluation of Cotton Water Stress Using High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Thermal Imagery
* Simplified, Object-Based Framework for Efficient Landslide Inventorying Using LIDAR Digital Elevation Model Derivatives, A
* Simulating neuromorphic reservoir computing: Abstract feed-forward hardware models
* Simultaneous retrieval of coherently illuminated defocused objects
* Single shot active learning using pseudo annotators
* Sinking Tide Gauge Revealed by Space-borne InSAR: Implications for Sea Level Acceleration at Pohang, South Korea
* Smart City Development With Urban Transfer Learning
* Socially aware robot navigation system in human-populated and interactive environments based on an adaptive spatial density function and space affordances
* Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments: Limitations and Challenges
* Software-Defined Multimedia Streaming System Aided By Variable-Length Interval In-Network Caching
* Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Data and a Stepwise-Cluster Prediction Model: The Case of Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
* Soil Moisture Remote Sensing across Scales
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Model for Remote Sensing Using Reflected Hyperspectral Information
* Soil Moisture Variability in India: Relationship of Land Surface-Atmosphere Fields Using Maximum Covariance Analysis
* Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam)
* Source camera identification based on content-adaptive fusion residual networks
* Source Distortion Temporal Propagation Analysis for Random-Access Hierarchical Video Coding Optimization
* Spatial Patterns of Land Surface Temperature and Their Influencing Factors: A Case Study in Suzhou, China
* Spatial-spectral classification of hyperspectral images: A deep learning framework with Markov Random fields based modelling
* Spatial-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Emotion Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Variation of ANPP and Rain-Use Efficiency Along a Precipitation Gradient on Changtang Plateau, Tibet
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture in the Horn of Africa Using GEOBIA and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 2019
* Special issue on real-time image and video processing in mobile embedded systems
* Spectral clustering and spatial Frobenius norm-based Jaya optimisation for BS of hyperspectral images
* Spectral Reflectance Modeling by Wavelength Selection: Studying the Scope for Blueberry Physiological Breeding under Contrasting Water Supply and Heat Conditions
* Spectral-Spatial Joint Learning for Change Detection in Multispectral Imagery, The
* SPERT: A Speed Limit Strategy for Recurrent Traffic Jams
* Stacked Hourglass CNN for Handwritten Character Location
* Statistical Characteristics of Cyclonic Warm-Core Eddies and Anticyclonic Cold-Core Eddies in the North Pacific Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Statistical lower bound for variance of checkerboard pose estimate
* Statistical Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal Algorithm, A
* Statistical Shape Model to Generate a Planning Library for Cervical Adaptive Radiotherapy
* Statistics Learning Network Based on the Quadratic Form for SAR Image Classification
* Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer Wind-Speed Retrieval Improvements
* Stixel optimization: Representing challenging on-road scenes
* Streamed hough transform and line reconstruction on FPGA
* Strength in Numbers: Combining Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data to Model Plant Invasions in Coastal Dune Ecosystems
* Structural Classification of Australian Vegetation Using ICESat/GLAS, ALOS PALSAR, and Landsat Sensor Data, A
* Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches
* Student's t-Filters for Noise Scale Estimation
* Study of the Effectiveness of Message Content, Length, and Rate Control for Improving Map Accuracy in Automated Driving Systems, A
* Subsidence Zonation Through Satellite Interferometry in Coastal Plain Environments of NE Italy: A Possible Tool for Geological and Geomorphological Mapping in Urban Areas
* Subspace segmentation with a large number of subspaces using infinity norm minimization
* Substantial improvement of stereo visual odometry by multi-path feature tracking
* Suitability of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Water Balance Simulations Using Multiple Observations in a Humid Catchment
* Super-resolution using neighbourhood regression with local structure prior
* Superpixel Segmentation Methods on Stereo Fundus Images and Disparity Map for Glaucoma Detection
* Superpixel-Guided Layer-Wise Embedding CNN for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Supervised Image Classification by Scattering Transform with Application to Weed Detection in Culture Crops of High Density
* Supervised Sparse Coding With Decision Forest
* Surface reconstruction of 3D objects using local moving least squares and K-D trees
* SurfCut: Surfaces of Minimal Paths from Topological Structures
* survey of variational and CNN-based optical flow techniques, A
* Survey on Gait Recognition, A
* Survey on Recent Advances in Vehicular Network Security, Trust, and Privacy, A
* Suspicious-Region Segmentation From Breast Thermogram Using DLPE-Based Level Set Method
* SVM-CNN-Based Fusion Algorithm for Vehicle Navigation Considering Atypical Observations
* Synergetic Aerosol Layer Observation After the 2015 Calbuco Volcanic Eruption Event
* Synthesis of Vegetation Indices Using Genetic Programming for Soil Erosion Estimation
* Synthesizing Attributes with Unreal Engine for Fine-grained Activity Analysis
* Synthetic Scene Character Generator and Multi-Scale Voting Classifier for Japanese Scene Character Recognition
* Systematic Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets, A
* Systematic Review for Smart City Data Analytics, A
* Target detection of hyperspectral image based on spectral saliency
* Taste Recognition in E-Tongue Using Local Discriminant Preservation Projection
* Taxi Drivers' Cruising Patterns: Insights from Taxi GPS Traces
* templated programmable architecture for highly constrained embedded HD video processing, A
* Temporal Frame Interpolation With Motion-Divergence-Guided Occlusion Handling
* Temporal Transferability of Pine Forest Attributes Modeling Using Low-Density Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Temporal Variability of Precipitation and Biomass of Alpine Grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
* Ten Years of TerraSAR-X: Scientific Results
* TenDSuR: Tensor-Based 4D Sub-Nyquist Radar
* Tensor-Based Joint Channel and Symbol Estimation for Two-Way MIMO Relaying Systems
* Testing a Biologically-Based System for Extracting Depth from Brief Monocular 2-D Video Sequences
* Theory and Statistical Description of the Enhanced Multi-Temporal InSAR (E-MTInSAR) Noise-Filtering Algorithm
* Thermal Energy Release Measurement with Thermal Camera: The Case of La Solfatara Volcano (Italy)
* Thermo-Physical and Geo-Mechanical Characterization of Faulted Carbonate Rock Masses (Valdieri, Italy)
* Time series feature learning with labeled and unlabeled data
* Toward the adaptive control of the colour rendering of LED lighting with an RGBW sensor
* Towards a completely blind classifier for hyperspectral images
* Towards a fully automated car parking system
* Towards a Graph-Based Approach for Mesh Healing for Blocky Objects with Self-Similarities
* Towards application of dorsal hand vein recognition under uncontrolled environment based on biometric graph matching
* Towards generalised time-of-flight range imaging at the edge of moving objects
* Towards Real-Time Building Damage Mapping with Low-Cost UAV Solutions
* Towards Robust Image Steganography
* Traffic intersection monitoring using fusion of GMM-based deep learning classification and geometric warping
* Training convolutional neural network from multi-domain contour images for 3D shape retrieval
* Training-Free Mesh Upsampling and Morphing Technique for 3D Face Rejuvuvenation, A
* UAV-Based High Resolution Thermal Imaging for Vegetation Monitoring, and Plant Phenotyping Using ICI 8640 P, FLIR Vue Pro R 640, and thermoMap Cameras
* Ultra-Low Complexity Block-Based Lane Detection and Departure Warning System
* Uncertainties in the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Remote Sensing Reflectance for Assessing Diurnal Variability of Biogeochemical Processes
* Unified Model for Multi-Frequency PPP Ambiguity Resolution and Test Results with Galileo and BeiDou Triple-Frequency Observations, A
* Unified Spatio-Temporal Attention Networks for Action Recognition in Videos
* Unmixing-Based Bayesian Model for Spatio-Temporal Satellite Image Fusion in Heterogeneous Landscapes, An
* Unsupervised Deep Noise Modeling for Hyperspectral Image Change Detection
* Unsupervised Learning of Human Pose Distance Metric via Sparsity Locality Preserving Projections
* Unsupervised Sub-Pixel Water Body Mapping with Sentinel-3 OLCI Image
* UP-CNN: Un-pooling augmented convolutional neural network
* Urban Tomographic Imaging Using Polarimetric SAR Data
* Use of SMAP Soil Moisture and Fitting Methods in Improving GPM Estimation in Near Real Time
* Use of UAV Photogrammetric Data for Estimation of Biophysical Properties in Forest Stands Under Regeneration
* Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Images to Map the Occurrence of the Cossid Moth (Coryphodema tristis) in Eucalyptus Nitens Plantations of Mpumalanga, South Africa
* Using the Bayesian Network to Map Large-Scale Cropping Intensity by Fusing Multi-Source Data
* Utility pole extraction using vehicle-mounted LIDAR for dynamic line rating
* Validation of OMI HCHO Products Using MAX-DOAS observations from 2010 to 2016 in Xianghe, Beijing: Investigation of the Effects of Aerosols on Satellite Products
* Variability of the Great Whirl and Its Impacts on Atmospheric Processes
* Variable Step-Size Discrete Dynamic Programming for Vehicle Speed Trajectory Optimization
* Variational Bayesian image restoration with multi-structured model of wavelet transform coefficients
* Vehicle Energy/Emissions Estimation Based on Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* Vehicle joint make and model recognition with multiscale attention windows
* Vehicle-to-vehicle communication based on a peer-to-peer network with graph theory and consensus algorithm
* Video Classification With CNNs: Using the Codec as a Spatio-Temporal Activity Sensor
* Video reconstruction based on Intrinsic Tensor Sparsity model
* virtual keyboard implementation based on finger recognition, A
* Virtual samples and sparse representation-based classification algorithm for face recognition
* Visual Odometry and 3D Point Clouds Under Low-Light Conditions
* VLSI implementation of anisotropic probabilistic neural network for real-time image scaling
* Walker: Continuous and Precise Navigation by Fusing GNSS and MEMS in Smartphone Chipsets for Pedestrians
* Wavefront sensing with prisms for astronomical imaging with adaptive optics
* Wavefront sensor optimisation with ridgelets for astronomical image restoration
* Weak to Strong Detector Learning for Simultaneous Classification and Localization
* Weakly Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation in the ECMWF NWP System
* Weighted Kernel joint sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification
* Weighted similarity and distance metric learning for unconstrained face verification with 3D frontalisation
* What Do Different Evaluation Metrics Tell Us About Saliency Models?
* Wind Speed Retrieval Model for Sentinel-1A EW Mode Cross-Polarization Images, A
* Xf-Rovim. A Field Robot to Detect Olive Trees Infected by Xylella Fastidiosa Using Proximal Sensing
* XMAS: An Efficient Mobile Adaptive Streaming Scheme Based on Traffic Shaping
* Yield Estimation of Paddy Rice Based on Satellite Imagery: Comparison of Global and Local Regression Models
* Zero-shot multi-label learning via label factorisation
822 for 1902

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.