Journals starting with rs_6

RS(6) * 1982-2010 Trends of Light Use Efficiency and Inherent Water Use Efficiency in African vegetation: Sensitivity to Climate and Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
* 3D Building Roof Modeling by Optimizing Primitive's Parameters Using Constraints from LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery
* 3D Ground Penetrating Radar to Detect Tree Roots and Estimate Root Biomass in the Field
* Absolute Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors Using Libya 4 Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Actual Evapotranspiration (Water Use) Assessment of the Colorado River Basin at the Landsat Resolution Using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model
* Adaptive Model to Monitor Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters in Southern Quebec Using Downscaled MODIS Imagery, An
* Aerosol Indices Derived from MODIS Data for Indicating Aerosol-Induced Air Pollution
* Agricultural Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada, Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Airborne Dual-Wavelength LiDAR Data for Classifying Land Cover
* Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Ground-Level Optical Sensors As Assessment Tools for Maize Nitrogen Fertilization
* Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentration and Range Using a Pulsed Direct-Detection IPDA Lidar
* Airborne Multispectral Imaging System Based on Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Agricultural Remote Sensing, An
* Aladdin's Magic Lamp: Active Target Calibration of the DMSP OLS
* Algorithm for Boundary Adjustment toward Multi-Scale Adaptive Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Algorithm for Extracting Digital Terrain Models under Forest Canopy from Airborne LiDAR Data
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 3. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental China
* Alternative Approach to Mapping Thermophysical Units from Martian Thermal Inertia and Albedo Data Using a Combination of Unsupervised Classification Techniques, An
* Analysis and Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Burned Areas in the Amazon Forest
* Analysis of MERIS Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Brazilian Reservoir
* Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Wildfire Severity in a Series of Landsat Images
* Analysis of the Side Slither On-Orbit Calibration Technique Using the DIRSIG Model, An
* Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey
* Annual Detection of Forest Cover Loss Using Time Series Satellite Measurements of Percent Tree Cover
* Applicability of Multi-Frequency Passive Microwave Observations and Data Assimilation Methods for Improving Numerical Weather Forecasting in Niger, Africa
* Application of a Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Monthly Blue Water Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Agriculture
* Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review
* Application of In-Segment Multiple Sampling in Object-Based Classification
* Application of MODIS Land Products to Assessment of Land Degradation of Alpine Rangeland in Northern India with Limited Ground-Based Information
* Application of Physically-Based Slope Correction for Maximum Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform Lidar across Different Footprint Sizes and Locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS
* Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA
* Application of the Regional Water Mass Variations from GRACE Satellite Gravimetry to Large-Scale Water Management in Africa
* Applying Spectral Unmixing to Determine Surface Water Parameters in a Mining Environment
* Approach to Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, An
* ARCTIS: A MATLAB® Toolbox for Archaeological Imaging Spectroscopy
* Artificial Neural Network Modeling of High Arctic Phytomass Using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Multispectral Data
* Assessing Band Sensitivity to Atmospheric Radiation Transfer for Space-Based Retrieval of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Assessing Consistency of Five Global Land Cover Data Sets in China
* Assessing Land Degradation and Desertification Using Vegetation Index Data: Current Frameworks and Future Directions
* Assessing Long-Term Changes in the Beach Width of Reef Islands Based on Temporally Fragmented Remote Sensing Data
* Assessing Seasonal Backscatter Variations with Respect to Uncertainties in Soil Moisture Retrieval in Siberian Tundra Regions
* Assessing the Performance of MODIS NDVI and EVI for Seasonal Crop Yield Forecasting at the Ecodistrict Scale
* Assessing the Robustness of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Wheat N in Mediterranean Environments
* Assessing the Temporal Stability of the Accuracy of a Time Series of Burned Area Products
* Assessment and Correction of on-Orbit Radiometric Calibration for FY-3 VIRR Thermal Infrared Channels
* Assessment of Coarse-Resolution Land Cover Products Using CASI Hyperspectral Data in an Arid Zone in Northwestern China
* Assessment of Complex Masonry Structures with GPR Compared to Other Non-Destructive Testing Studies
* Assessment of Methods and Remote-Sensing Derived Covariates for Regional Predictions of 1 km Daily Maximum Air Temperature, An
* Assessment of Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat-5 TM Images Applicable to Multiscale Tree-Grass Ecosystem Modeling
* Assessment of MODIS, MERIS, GEOV1 FPAR Products over Northern China with Ground Measured Data and by Analyzing Residential Effect in Mixed Pixel
* Assessment of Polynomial Regression Techniques for the Relative Radiometric Normalization (RRN) of High-Resolution Multi-Temporal Airborne Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imagery, An
* Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Islands over Three Megacities in East Asia Using Land Surface Temperature Data Retrieved from COMS
* Assessment of the MODIS LAI Product Using Ground Measurement Data and HJ-1A/1B Imagery in the Meadow Steppe of Hulunber, China
* Assessment of Total Suspended Sediment Distribution under Varying Tidal Conditions in Deep Bay: Initial Results from HJ-1A/1B Satellite CCD Images
* Atmospheric Corrections for Altimetry Studies over Inland Water
* Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Geospatial Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Automated Approach to Map the History of Forest Disturbance from Insect Mortality and Harvest with Landsat Time-Series Data, An
* Automated Detection of Cloud and Cloud Shadow in Single-Date Landsat Imagery Using Neural Networks and Spatial Post-Processing
* Automated Extraction of the Archaeological Tops of Qanat Shafts from VHR Imagery in Google Earth
* Automated Method for Extracting Rivers and Lakes from Landsat Imagery, An
* Automated Spatiotemporal Landslide Mapping over Large Areas Using RapidEye Time Series Data
* Automated Training Sample Extraction for Global Land Cover Mapping
* Automatic Descriptor-Based Co-Registration of Frame Hyperspectral Data
* Automatic Detection of Small Single Trees in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automatic Orientation of Multi-Scale Terrestrial Images for 3D Reconstruction
* Automatic Registration Method for Fusion of ZY-1-02C Satellite Images
* Automatic Road Centerline Extraction from Imagery Using Road GPS Data
* Automatic Seamline Network Generation for Urban Orthophoto Mosaicking with the Use of a Digital Surface Model
* Automatic Segmentation of Raw LIDAR Data for Extraction of Building Roofs
* Automatic Vehicle Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Using an Object-Based Point Cloud Analysis Method
* BAMS: A Tool for Supervised Burned Area Mapping Using Landsat Data
* Bayesian Based Method to Generate a Synergetic Land-Cover Map from Existing Land-Cover Products, A
* Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Remote Sensing Images, A
* Blending Landsat and MODIS Data to Generate Multispectral Indices: A Comparison of 'Index-then-Blend' and 'Blend-then-Index' Approaches
* Blind Restoration of Remote Sensing Images by a Combination of Automatic Knife-Edge Detection and Alternating Minimization
* Brahan Project High Frequency Radar Ocean Measurements: Currents, Winds, Waves and Their Interactions
* Building Change Detection from Historical Aerial Photographs Using Dense Image Matching and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Burned Area Detection and Burn Severity Assessment of a Heathland Fire in Belgium Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy (APEX)
* Burned Area Mapping in the North American Boreal Forest Using Terra-MODIS LTDR (2001-2011): A Comparison with the MCD45A1, MCD64A1 and BA GEOLAND-2 Products
* Burned Area Mapping Using Support Vector Machines and the FuzCoC Feature Selection Method on VHR IKONOS Imagery
* Calibrated Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning for 3D Object Segmentation
* Calibration and Verification of Remote Sensing Instruments and Observations
* Can I Trust My One-Class Classification?
* Canopy Height Estimation in French Guiana with LiDAR ICESat/GLAS Data Using Principal Component Analysis and Random Forest Regressions
* Carbon Stock Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR
* Categorizing Grassland Vegetation with Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Scanning: A Feasibility Study for Detecting Natura 2000 Habitat Types
* Change Detection Algorithm for the Production of Land Cover Change Maps over the European Union Countries
* Change Detection of Tree Biomass with Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modelling
* Changes in Spring Phenology in the Three-Rivers Headwater Region from 1999 to 2013
* Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate over China's Landmass from 1982 to 2011
* Characterization of Drought Development through Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Central Yunnan, China
* Characterization of Land Transitions Patterns from Multivariate Time Series Using Seasonal Trend Analysis and Principal Component Analysis
* Characterizing Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization in China Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
* Characterizing the Spatial Structure of Mangrove Features for Optimizing Image-Based Mangrove Mapping
* Circa 2010 Thirty Meter Resolution Forest Map for China, A
* Classification of Grassland Successional Stages Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Classification of Plot-Level Fire-Caused Tree Mortality in a Redwood Forest Using Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR
* Classification of Vegetation over a Residual Megafan Landform in the Amazonian Lowland Based on Optical and SAR Imagery
* Classifier Directed Data Hybridization for Geographic Sample Supervised Segment Generation
* Classifying Complex Mountainous Forests with L-Band SAR and Landsat Data Integration: A Comparison among Different Machine Learning Methods in the Hyrcanian Forest
* Cloud and Cloud-Shadow Detection in SPOT5 HRG Imagery with Automated Morphological Feature Extraction
* Combination of TsHARP and Thin Plate Spline Interpolation for Spatial Sharpening of Thermal Imagery, A
* Combined Spectral and Spatial Modeling of Corn Yield Based on Aerial Images and Crop Surface Models Acquired with an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Combined Use of Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Satellite Images for Grassland Monitoring
* Comparative Analysis of EO-1 Hyperion, Quickbird and Landsat TM Imagery for Fuel Type Mapping of a Typical Mediterranean Landscape, A
* Comparative Estimation of Urban Development in China's Cities Using Socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS Night Light Data
* Comparative Study of Three Land Surface Broadband Emissivity Datasets from Satellite Data, A
* Comparative Study on Satellite- and Model-Based Crop Phenology in West Africa, A
* Comparing Two Photo-Reconstruction Methods to Produce High Density Point Clouds and DEMs in the Corral del Veleta Rock Glacier (Sierra Nevada, Spain)
* Comparison of Advanced Regression Algorithms for Quantifying Urban Land Cover, A
* Comparison of Classification Algorithms and Training Sample Sizes in Urban Land Classification with Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery
* Comparison of Different GPP Models in China Using MODIS Image and ChinaFLUX Data
* Comparison of Eight Techniques for Reconstructing Multi-Satellite Sensor Time-Series NDVI Data Sets in the Heihe River Basin, China
* Comparison of Gross Primary Productivity Derived from GIMMS NDVI3g, GIMMS, and MODIS in Southeast Asia
* Comparison of Latent Heat Flux Using Aerodynamic Methods and Using the Penman-Monteith Method with Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance
* Comparison of Medium Spatial Resolution ENVISAT-MERIS and Terra-MODIS Time Series for Vegetation Decline Analysis: A Case Study in Central Asia
* Comparison of Model-Assisted Estimators to Infer Land Cover/Use Class Area Using Satellite Imagery, A
* Complementarity of Two Rice Mapping Approaches: Characterizing Strata Mapped by Hypertemporal MODIS and Rice Paddy Identification Using Multitemporal SAR
* Continuity of Reflectance Data between Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI, for Both Top-of-Atmosphere and Surface Reflectance: A Study in the Australian Landscape
* Continuous Extraction of Subway Tunnel Cross Sections Based on Terrestrial Point Clouds
* Correction: Stem Water Potential Monitoring in Pear Orchards through WorldView-2 Multispectral Imagery
* COSMO-SkyMed Constellation Monitors the Costa Concordia Wreck, The
* Critical Metadata for Spectroscopy Field Campaigns
* Crop Condition Assessment with Adjusted NDVI Using the Uncropped Arable Land Ratio
* Cross-Comparison of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) Sensors
* Cultivated Land Information Extraction and Gradient Analysis for a North-South Transect in Northeast Asia between 2000 and 2010
* Daily Area of Snow Melt Onset on Arctic Sea Ice from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations 1979-2012
* Daily Evaporative Fraction Parameterization Scheme Driven by Day-Night Differences in Surface Parameters: Improvement and Validation
* Damage Mapping of Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat with High-Resolution Satellite Image
* Data Transformation Functions for Expanded Search Spaces in Geographic Sample Supervised Segment Generation
* Daytime Low Stratiform Cloud Detection on AVHRR Imagery
* Decade Long, Multi-Scale Map Comparison of Fire Regime Parameters Derived from Three Publically Available Satellite-Based Fire Products: A Case Study in the Central African Republic, A
* Deciphering the Precision of Stereo IKONOS Canopy Height Models for US Forests with G-LiHT Airborne LiDAR
* Decision Fusion Based on Hyperspectral and Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Accurate Forest Species Mapping
* Defining the Spatial Resolution Requirements for Crop Identification Using Optical Remote Sensing
* Delineation of Paleo-Shorelines in the Lake Manyara Basin Using TerraSAR-X Data, The
* Delineation of Rain Areas with TRMM Microwave Observations Based on PNN
* DEM-Based Analysis of Interactions between Tectonics and Landscapes in the Ore Mountains and Eger Rift (East Germany and NW Czech Republic)
* DEnKF-Variational Hybrid Snow Cover Fraction Data Assimilation for Improving Snow Simulations with the Common Land Model
* Derivation of Land Surface Albedo at High Resolution by Combining HJ-1A/B Reflectance Observations with MODIS BRDF Products
* Detecting Landscape Changes in High Latitude Environments Using Landsat Trend Analysis: 1. Visualization
* Detecting Landscape Changes in High Latitude Environments Using Landsat Trend Analysis: 2. Classification
* Detecting Large-Scale Landslides Using Lidar Data and Aerial Photos in the Namasha-Liuoguey Area, Taiwan
* Detection and Characterization of Hedgerows Using TerraSAR-X Imagery
* Detection of Alteration Induced by Onshore Gas Seeps from ASTER and WorldView-2 Data
* Detection of Coal Fire Dynamics and Propagation Direction from Multi-Temporal Nighttime Landsat SWIR and TIR Data: A Case Study on the Rujigou Coalfield, Northwest (NW) China
* Detection of Gully-Affected Areas by Applying Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) in the Region of Taroudannt, Morocco
* Determination of Carbonate Rock Chemistry Using Laboratory-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
* Developing Two Spectral Disease Indices for Detection of Wheat Leaf Rust (Pucciniatriticina)
* Development of a Novel Bidirectional Canopy Reflectance Model for Row-Planted Rice and Wheat
* Development of a Remote Sensing-Based Boro Rice Mapping System
* Development of an Operational Calibration Methodology for the Landsat Thermal Data Archive and Initial Testing of the Atmospheric Compensation Component of a Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product from the Archive
* Development of Methods for Detection and Monitoring of Fire Disturbance in the Alaskan Tundra Using a Two-Decade Long Record of Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Images
* Diurnal Dynamics of Wheat Evapotranspiration Derived from Ground-Based Thermal Imagery
* Early Analysis of Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Imagery of Volcanic Activity
* Early Detection of Crop Injury from Glyphosate on Soybean and Cotton Using Plant Leaf Hyperspectral Data
* Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Production and Water Consumption of Nile Basin Agro-Ecosystems
* Earth Observation-Based Dwelling Detection Approaches in a Highly Complex Refugee Camp Environment: A Comparative Study
* Effect of Bias Correction of Satellite-Rainfall Estimates on Runoff Simulations at the Source of the Upper Blue Nile
* Effective Method for Detecting Potential Woodland Vernal Pools Using High-Resolution LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery, An
* Effects of Disturbance and Climate Change on Ecosystem Performance in the Yukon River Basin Boreal Forest
* Efficient Learning of Spatial Patterns with Multi-Scale Conditional Random Fields for Region-Based Classification
* Efficient Method of Estimating Downward Solar Radiation Based on the MODIS Observations for the Use of Land Surface Modeling, An
* Emissivity Measurements of Foam-Covered Water Surface at L-Band for Low Water Temperatures
* Empirical Modelling of Vegetation Abundance from Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Upland Peatland Restoration Monitoring
* Empirical Regression Models for Estimating Multiyear Leaf Area Index of Rice from Several Vegetation Indices at the Field Scale
* Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated Water Resource Management in Africa with the Water Observation and Information System
* Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Parameters Optimization for Spectral Distance Measurement in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Envisat/ASAR Images for the Calibration of Wind Drag Action in the Doñana Wetlands 2D Hydrodynamic Model
* EOF-Based Algorithm to Estimate Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Taihu Lake from MODIS Land-Band Measurements: Implications for Near Real-Time Applications and Forecasting Models, An
* Error Analysis on ESA's Envisat ASAR Wave Mode Significant Wave Height Retrievals Using Triple Collocation Model
* ESA-MERIS 10-Year Mission Reveals Contrasting Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in Two Tropical Regions of Northern Australia
* Establishing a Baseline for Regional Scale Monitoring of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Habitat on the Lower Alaska Peninsula
* Estimates of Aboveground Biomass from Texture Analysis of Landsat Imagery
* Estimating Biomass of Barley Using Crop Surface Models (CSMs) Derived from UAV-Based RGB Imaging
* Estimating Canopy Characteristics of Inner Mongolia's Grasslands from Field Spectrometry
* Estimating Canopy Nitrogen Content in a Heterogeneous Grassland with Varying Fire and Grazing Treatments: Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA
* Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass by Combining ALOS PALSAR and WorldView-2 Data: A Case Study at Purple Mountain National Park, Nanjing, China
* Estimating Fractional Shrub Cover Using Simulated EnMAP Data: A Comparison of Three Machine Learning Regression Techniques
* Estimating High Spatial Resolution Air Temperature for Regions with Limited in situ Data Using MODIS Products
* Estimating Soil Organic Carbon Using VIS/NIR Spectroscopy with SVMR and SPA Methods
* Estimating Spatial and Temporal Variability in Surface Kinematics of the Inylchek Glacier, Central Asia, using TerraSAR-X Data
* Estimating Temperature Fields from MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature Observations in a Sub-Arctic Alpine Environment
* Estimation of Airborne Lidar-Derived Tropical Forest Canopy Height Using Landsat Time Series in Cambodia
* Estimation of Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution from Clear-Sky MODIS Data
* Estimation of Forest Height Using Spaceborne Repeat-Pass L-Band InSAR Correlation Magnitude over the US State of Maine
* Estimation of Gross Domestic Product Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Zhejiang Province, East China
* Estimation of Mass Balance of the Grosser Aletschgletscher, Swiss Alps, from ICESat Laser Altimetry Data and Digital Elevation Models
* Estimation of Regional Crop Yield Using Ensemble-Based Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation, The
* Estimation of Reservoir Discharges from Lake Nasser and Roseires Reservoir in the Nile Basin Using Satellite Altimetry and Imagery Data
* Estimation of the Image Interpretability of ZY-3 Sensor Corrected Panchromatic Nadir Data
* Evaluating MERIS-Based Aquatic Vegetation Mapping in Lake Victoria
* Evaluating Parameter Adjustment in the MODIS Gross Primary Production Algorithm Based on Eddy Covariance Tower Measurements
* Evaluating Remotely Sensed Phenological Metrics in a Dynamic Ecosystem Model
* Evaluating Saturation Correction Methods for DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study from China's Cities
* Evaluating the Ability of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data to Estimate the Gross Domestic Product and the Electric Power Consumption of China at Multiple Scales: A Comparison with DMSP-OLS Data
* Evaluating the Effect of Different Wheat Rust Disease Symptoms on Vegetation Indices Using Hyperspectral Measurements
* Evaluating the Potential of WorldView-2 Data to Classify Tree Species and Different Levels of Ash Mortality
* Evaluating the Potentials of Sentinel-2 for Archaeological Perspective
* Evaluating the Quality and Accuracy of TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Models at Archaeological Sites in the Cilician Plain, Turkey
* Evaluating the SEVIRI Fire Thermal Anomaly Detection Algorithm across the Central African Republic Using the MODIS Active Fire Product
* Evaluation of a Global Soil Moisture Product from Finer Spatial Resolution SAR Data and Ground Measurements at Irish Sites
* Evaluation of Coastline Changes under Human Intervention Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Images: A Case Study of the Zhoushan Islands, China
* Evaluation of Daytime Evaporative Fraction from MODIS TOA Radiances Using FLUXNET Observations
* Evaluation of InSAR and TomoSAR for Monitoring Deformations Caused by Mining in a Mountainous Area with High Resolution Satellite-Based SAR
* Evaluation of MODIS LST Products Using Longwave Radiation Ground Measurements in the Northern Arid Region of China
* Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites
* Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infrared Sensor Onboard Landsat 8
* Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates over the Chinese Mainland
* Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Ocean Chlorophyll-a in the California Current
* Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Variations of Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on GIMMS NDVI Data from 1982 to 2011
* Evaluation of the Surface Water Distribution in North-Central Namibia Based on MODIS and AMSR Series
* Evaporative Fraction as an Indicator of Moisture Condition and Water Stress Status in Semi-Arid Rangeland Ecosystems
* Evapotranspiration Variability and Its Association with Vegetation Dynamics in the Nile Basin, 2002-2011
* Evolution of Coral Rubble Deposits on a Reef Platform as Detected by Remote Sensing
* Examining Land Use and Land Cover Spatiotemporal Change and Driving Forces in Beijing from 1978 to 2010
* Exploring the Best Hyperspectral Features for LAI Estimation Using Partial Least Squares Regression
* Extended Fourier Approach to Improve the Retrieved Leaf Area Index (LAI) in a Time Series from an Alpine Wetland, An
* External Validation of the ASTER GDEM2, GMTED2010 and CGIAR-CSI- SRTM v4.1 Free Access Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in Tunisia and Algeria
* Extraction of Plant Physiological Status from Hyperspectral Signatures Using Machine Learning Methods
* Extraction of Urban Power Lines from Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data
* FAO-56 Dual Model Combined with Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimations
* Feasibility of Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) of Atlantic Cod with Seafloor Scattering Limitations
* Feature Learning Based Approach for Weed Classification Using High Resolution Aerial Images from a Digital Camera Mounted on a UAV
* First Results of Estimating Surface Soil Moisture in the Vegetated Areas Using ASAR and Hyperion Data: The Chinese Heihe River Basin Case Study
* Forest Canopy Heights in the Pacific Northwest Based on InSAR Phase Discontinuities across Short Spatial Scales
* Forest Fire Severity Assessment Using ALS Data in a Mediterranean Environment
* Forest Stand Size-Species Models Using Spatial Analyses of Remotely Sensed Data
* Forest Variable Estimation Using Radargrammetric Processing of TerraSAR-X Images in Boreal Forests
* Framework of Jitter Detection and Compensation for High Resolution Satellites
* From Remotely Sensed Vegetation Onset to Sowing Dates: Aggregating Pixel-Level Detections into Village-Level Sowing Probabilities
* Fully-Automated Power Line Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds in Forest Areas
* Generalized Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) for Dryland Characterization, The
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis Using Optical Satellite Imagery and GIS Data for the Detection of Mining Sites in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* GIS-Based Roughness Derivation for Flood Simulations: A Comparison of Orthophotos, LiDAR and Crowdsourced Geodata
* Global Ecosystem Response Types Derived from the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index and FPAR3g Series
* Global Land Cover Mapping: A Review and Uncertainty Analysis
* Global Retrieval of Diatom Abundance Based on Phytoplankton Pigments and Satellite Data
* Global-Scale Associations of Vegetation Phenology with Rainfall and Temperature at a High Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* GPR Laboratory Tests For Railways Materials Dielectric Properties Assessment
* GPR Raw-Data Order Statistic Filtering and Split-Spectrum Processing to Detect Moisture
* GPR Signal Characterization for Automated Landmine and UXO Detection Based on Machine Learning Techniques
* Graph-Based Divide and Conquer Method for Parallelizing Spatial Operations on Vector Data
* Ground Surface Response to Geothermal Drilling and the Following Counteractions in Staufen im Breisgau (Germany) Investigated by TerraSAR-X Time Series Analysis and Geophysical Modeling
* Habitat Classification of Temperate Marine Macroalgal Communities Using Bathymetric LiDAR
* Hierarchical Multi-Temporal InSAR Method for Increasing the Spatial Density of Deformation Measurements, A
* Hierarchical Segmentation Framework for Identifying Natural Vegetation: A Case Study of the Tehachapi Mountains, California
* High Spatial Resolution WorldView-2 Imagery for Mapping NDVI and Its Relationship to Temporal Urban Landscape Evapotranspiration Factors
* High-Density LiDAR Mapping of the Ancient City of Mayapán
* Historical Single Image-Based Modeling: The Case of Gobierna Tower, Zamora (Spain)
* Homogeneity Analysis of the CM SAF Surface Solar Irradiance Dataset Derived from Geostationary Satellite Observations
* How Reliable is the MODIS Land Cover Product for Crop Mapping Sub-Saharan Agricultural Landscapes?
* Human Land-Use Practices Lead to Global Long-Term Increases in Photosynthetic Capacity
* Hybrid Dual-Source Model of Estimating Evapotranspiration over Different Ecosystems and Implications for Satellite-Based Approaches, A
* Hybrid Ensemble Classification of Tree Genera Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Hydrological Impacts of Urbanization of Two Catchments in Harare, Zimbabwe
* Identification of Ecosystem Functional Types from Coarse Resolution Imagery Using a Self-Organizing Map Approach: A Case Study for Spain
* Identification of Soil Freezing and Thawing States Using SAR Polarimetry at C-Band
* Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data
* Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images
* Image-Based Delineation and Classification of Built Heritage Masonry
* Impact of Time Difference between Satellite Overpass and Ground Observation on Cloud Cover Performance Statistics, The
* Impact of Tree Species on Magnitude of PALSAR Interferometric Coherence over Siberian Forest at Frozen and Unfrozen Conditions
* Impact of Tree-Oriented Growth Order in Marker-Controlled Region Growing for Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) Data
* Impact of Vegetation on Lithological Mapping Using Airborne Multispectral Data: A Case Study for the North Troodos Region, Cyprus, The
* Improved Accuracy of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimates from MODIS Imagery Using a Two-Band Ratio Algorithm and Geostatistics: As Applied to the Monitoring of Eutrophication Processes over Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam)
* Improved NRL Tropical Cyclone Monitoring System with a Unified Microwave Brightness Temperature Calibration Scheme, The
* Improved Surface Reflectance from Remote Sensing Data with Sub-Pixel Topographic Information
* Improved Top-Hat Filter with Sloped Brim for Extracting Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds, An
* Improved van Zyl Polarimetric Decomposition Lessening the Overestimation of Volume Scattering Power
* Improved Wetland Classification Using Eight-Band High Resolution Satellite Imagery and a Hybrid Approach
* Improvements in Sample Selection Methods for Image Classification
* Improving Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Echoes in the Forest-Tundra Ecotone Using Geostatistical and Statistical Measures
* Improving Estimates of Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on a Pixel Dichotomy Model: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
* Improving Lithological Mapping by SVM Classification of Spectral and Morphological Features: The Discovery of a New Chromite Body in the Mawat Ophiolite Complex (Kurdistan, NE Iraq)
* Improving Remote Species Identification through Efficient Training Data Collection
* Improving Species Diversity and Biomass Estimates of Tropical Dry Forests Using Airborne LiDAR
* Improving the Estimation of Above Ground Biomass Using Dual Polarimetric PALSAR and ETM+ Data in the Hyrcanian Mountain Forest (Iran)
* Improving the Geolocation Algorithm for Sensors Onboard the ISS: Effect of Drift Angle
* In-Field Absolute Calibration of Ground and Airborne VIS-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Point Spectrometers
* Industrial Wastewater Discharge Retrieval Based on Stable Nighttime Light Imagery in China from 1992 to 2010
* Influence of Polarimetric Parameters and an Object-Based Approach on Land Cover Classification in Coastal Wetlands, The
* Initial Stability Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Band Calibration Using Invariant Desert and Deep Convective Cloud Targets
* Inner FoV Stitching of Spaceborne TDI CCD Images Based on Sensor Geometry and Projection Plane in Object Space
* Innovative Curvelet-only-Based Approach for Automated Change Detection in Multi-Temporal SAR Imagery, An
* Integrated Geophysical and Aerial Sensing Methods for Archaeology: A Case History in the Punic Site of Villamar (Sardinia, Italy)
* Integrated Use of DMSP-OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data for Monitoring Large-Scale Impervious Surface Dynamics: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta, The
* Integration of Field and Laboratory Spectral Data with Multi-Resolution Remote Sensed Imagery for Asphalt Surface Differentiation
* Integration of Geotechnologies in the Evaluation of a Wine Cellar Structure through the Finite Element Method, The
* Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Improving Crop Mapping in Northwestern Benin, West Africa
* Integration of Remote Sensing Techniques for Intensity Zonation within a Landslide Area: A Case Study in the Northern Apennines, Italy
* Integration of Satellite Imagery, Topography and Human Disturbance Factors Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis Ordination for Mountain Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in Yunnan, China
* Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements
* Interactive Correlation Environment (ICE): A Statistical Web Tool for Data Collinearity Analysis
* Interannual Variation in Phytoplankton Primary Production at A Global Scale
* Intercomparison of Seven NDVI Products over the United States and Mexico
* Interpretation of Forest Resources at the Individual Tree Level at Purple Mountain, Nanjing City, China, Using WorldView-2 Imagery by Combining GPS, RS and GIS Technologies
* Inversion of Aerosol Optical Depth Based on the CCD and IRS Sensors on the HJ-1 Satellites
* Investigating High-Resolution AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentrations during the February 2013 Fracture Event in the Beaufort Sea
* Investigating Spatial Patterns of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Point Targets and Landslide Occurrences in the Arno River Basin
* Investigating the Performance of Four Empirical Cross-Calibration Methods for the Proposed SWOT Mission
* Investigating the Relationship between the Inter-Annual Variability of Satellite-Derived Vegetation Phenology and a Proxy of Biomass Production in the Sahel
* Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Total Ozone Column in the Yangtze River Delta Using Satellite Data: 1978-2013
* Investigation of Leaf Diseases and Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Seven Barley Varieties Using Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Indices
* Inylchek Glacier in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia: Insight on Surface Kinematics from Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, The
* Irrigated Grassland Monitoring Using a Time Series of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed X-Band SAR Data
* Is Forest Restoration in the Southwest China Karst Promoted Mainly by Climate Change or Human-Induced Factors?
* Kalman Filter-Based Method to Generate Continuous Time Series of Medium-Resolution NDVI Images, A
* Karst Depression Detection Using ASTER, ALOS/PRISM and SRTM-Derived Digital Elevation Models in the Bambuí Group, Brazil
* L- and X-Band Multi-Temporal InSAR Analysis of Tianjin Subsidence
* Laboratory Salinization of Brazilian Alluvial Soils and the Spectral Effects of Gypsum
* Land Cover Change Monitoring Using Landsat MSS/TM Satellite Image Data over West Africa between 1975 and 1990
* Land Cover Characterization and Classification of Arctic Tundra Environments by Means of Polarized Synthetic Aperture X- and C-Band Radar (PolSAR) and Landsat 8 Multispectral Imagery: Richards Island, Canada
* Land Cover Characterization and Mapping of South America for the Year 2010 Using Landsat 30 m Satellite Data
* Land Cover Classification for Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Mixture Models
* Land Cover Classification of Landsat Data with Phenological Features Extracted from Time Series MODIS NDVI Data
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 TIRS: Comparison between Radiative Transfer Equation-Based Method, Split Window Algorithm and Single Channel Method
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from MODIS Data by Integrating Regression Models and the Genetic Algorithm in an Arid Region
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner Daytime Mid-Infrared Data
* Land-Use Mapping in a Mixed Urban-Agricultural Arid Landscape Using Object-Based Image Analysis: A Case Study from Maricopa, Arizona
* Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Performance
* Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Geometric Characterization and Calibration
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Design, Characterization and Performance
* Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager Radiometric Calibration and Stability
* Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Vicarious Radiometric Calibration
* Large Differences in Terrestrial Vegetation Production Derived from Satellite-Based Light Use Efficiency Models
* Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling with a Sentinel-2 Like Time Series (SPOT4-Take5) in Morocco, A
* Lightweight Hyperspectral Mapping System and Photogrammetric Processing Chain for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, A
* Local Illumination Influence on Vegetation Indices and Plant Area Index (PAI) Relationships
* Local Vegetation Trends in the Sahel of Mali and Senegal Using Long Time Series FAPAR Satellite Products and Field Measurement (1982-2010)
* Long Wavelength SAR Backscatter Modelling Trends as a Consequence of the Emergent Properties of Tree Populations
* Long-Term Land Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing (China) Using the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) Technique
* Long-Term Record of Sampled Disturbances in Northern Eurasian Boreal Forest from Pre-2000 Landsat Data
* MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data
* Mangrove Species Identification: Comparing WorldView-2 with Aerial Photographs
* Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity in the Al Hassa Oasis Based on Remote Sensing Indicators and Regression Techniques
* Mapping Banana Plants from High Spatial Resolution Orthophotos to Facilitate Plant Health Assessment
* Mapping Coral Reef Benthos, Substrates, and Bathymetry, Using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) Data
* Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series
* Mapping Forest Degradation due to Selective Logging by Means of Time Series Analysis: Case Studies in Central Africa
* Mapping Forest Height in Alaska Using GLAS, Landsat Composites, and Airborne LiDAR
* Mapping Land Management Regimes in Western Ukraine Using Optical and SAR Data
* Mapping Layers of Clay in a Vertical Geological Surface Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Variability in Parameters of SWIR Absorption Features under Different Conditions of Illumination
* Mapping Levees Using LiDAR Data and Multispectral Orthoimages in the Nakdong River Basins, South Korea
* Mapping Mountain Pine Beetle Mortality through Growth Trend Analysis of Time-Series Landsat Data
* Mapping Plant Functional Types over Broad Mountainous Regions: A Hierarchical Soft Time-Space Classification Applied to the Tibetan Plateau
* Melt Patterns and Dynamics in Alaska and Patagonia Derived from Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures
* Method to Reconstruct the Solar-Induced Canopy Fluorescence Spectrum from Hyperspectral Measurements, A
* MIMIC: An Innovative Methodology for Determining Mobile Laser Scanning System Point Density
* Mineral Classification of Land Surface Using Multispectral LWIR and Hyperspectral SWIR Remote-Sensing Data. A Case Study over the Sokolov Lignite Open-Pit Mines, the Czech Republic
* Mineral Mapping and Ore Prospecting with HyMap Data over Eastern Tien Shan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
* Modeling Accumulated Volume of Landslides Using Remote Sensing and DTM Data
* Modeling and Mapping of Soil Salinity with Reflectance Spectroscopy and Landsat Data Using Two Quantitative Methods (PLSR and MARS)
* Modeling Fire Danger in Galicia and Asturias (Spain) from MODIS Images
* Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China's Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights
* Modelling the Spatial Distribution of Culicoides imicola: Climatic versus Remote Sensing Data
* Modifying SEBAL Model Based on the Trapezoidal Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Index for Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation
* MODIS Inundation Estimate Assimilation into Soil Moisture Accounting Hydrologic Model: A Case Study in Southeast Asia
* Monitoring Active Volcanos Using Aerial Images and the Orthoview Tool
* Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR and Optical Satellite Images in Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces in Mekong Delta, Vietnam
* Monitoring Depth of Shallow Atmospheric Boundary Layer to Complement LiDAR Measurements Affected by Partial Overlap
* Monitoring of Irrigation Schemes by Remote Sensing: Phenology versus Retrieval of Biophysical Variables
* Monitoring of Oil Exploitation Infrastructure by Combining Unsupervised Pixel-Based Classification of Polarimetric SAR and Object-Based Image Analysis
* Monitoring the Fluctuation of Lake Qinghai Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Trends in Light Pollution in China Based on Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Wetlands Ecosystems Using ALOS PALSAR (L-Band, HV) Supplemented by Optical Data: A Case Study of Biebrza Wetlands in Northeast Poland
* Moving Vehicle Information Extraction from Single-Pass WorldView-2 Imagery Based on ERGAS-SNS Analysis
* Multi-Chromatic Analysis of SAR Images for Coherent Target Detection
* Multi-Level Spatial Analysis for Change Detection of Urban Vegetation at Individual Tree Scale
* Multi-Mission Cross-Calibration of Satellite Altimeters: Constructing a Long-Term Data Record for Global and Regional Sea Level Change Studies
* Multi-Polarization ASAR Backscattering from Herbaceous Wetlands in Poyang Lake Region, China
* Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium: 20 Years of Development and Integration of USA National Land Cover Data, The
* Multi-Scale Weighted Back Projection Imaging Technique for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications, A
* Multi-Sensor Calibration Studies of AVHRR-Heritage Channel Radiances Using the Simultaneous Nadir Observation Approach
* Multi-Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for 2010 Flood along Indus River, Pakistan
* Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 for Land Cover Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada
* Multichannel Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix for Multi/Hyperspectral Image Texture Representation, A
* Multisource Single-Tree Inventory in the Prediction of Tree Quality Variables and Logging Recoveries
* Narrowband Bio-Indicator Monitoring of Temperate Forest Carbon Fluxes in Northeastern China
* National, Detailed Map of Forest Aboveground Carbon Stocks in Mexico, A
* NDVI-Based Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Climatic Change in the Mongolian Plateau
* New Approach for the Analysis of Hyperspectral Data: Theory and Sensitivity Analysis of the Moment Distance Method, A
* New Database of Global and Direct Solar Radiation Using the Eastern Meteosat Satellite, Models and Validation, A
* New Equation for Deriving Vegetation Phenophase from Time Series of Leaf Area Index (LAI) Data, A
* New Method for Modifying Thresholds in the Classification of Tree Models for Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in Taihu Lake with Satellite Images, A
* New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio, A
* New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio, A
* New Spaceborne Burst Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mode for Wide Swath Coverage, A
* New Tree Cover Percentage Map in Eurasia at 500 m Resolution Using MODIS Data, A
* Nine-Year Climatology of Arctic Sea Ice Lead Orientation and Frequency from AMSR-E, A
* Nitrogen Status Assessment for Variable Rate Fertilization in Maize through Hyperspectral Imagery
* Noise Reduction and Gap Filling of fAPAR Time Series Using an Adapted Local Regression Filter
* Non-MLE Approach for Satellite Scatterometer Wind Vector Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones, A
* Non-Stationary 1981-2012 AVHRR NDVI3g Time Series, A
* Non-Vegetated Playa Morphodynamics Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Imagery in a Semi-Arid Endorheic Basin: Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
* Novel Clustering-Based Feature Representation for the Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Novel Land Cover Classification Map Based on a MODIS Time-Series in Xinjiang, China, A
* Novel Methodology to Estimate Single-Tree Biophysical Parameters from 3D Digital Imagery Compared to Aerial Laser Scanner Data, A
* Novel Technique Based on the Combination of Labeled Co-Occurrence Matrix and Variogram for the Detection of Built-up Areas in High-Resolution SAR Images, A
* Now You See It... Now You Don't: Understanding Airborne Mapping LiDAR Collection and Data Product Generation for Archaeological Research in Mesoamerica
* Numerical Simulation of Whitecaps and Foam Effects on Satellite Altimeter Response
* Object Model for Integrating Diverse Remote Sensing Satellite Sensors: A Case Study of Union Operation, An
* Object-Based Analysis of Airborne LiDAR Data for Building Change Detection
* Object-Based Approach for Fire History Reconstruction by Using Three Generations of Landsat Sensors, An
* Object-Based Classification of Abandoned Logging Roads under Heavy Canopy Using LiDAR
* Object-Based Greenhouse Classification from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Stereo Imagery
* Object-Based Hierarchical Method for Change Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, An
* Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crops with Machine Learning Methods
* Object-Based Land-Cover Mapping with High Resolution Aerial Photography at a County Scale in Midwestern USA
* Observation Capability Metadata Model for EO Sensor Discovery in Sensor Web Enablement Environments, An
* Oil Palm Tree Detection with High Resolution Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery
* On Line Validation Exercise (OLIVE): A Web Based Service for the Validation of Medium Resolution Land Products. Application to FAPAR Products
* On Recovering Missing Ground Penetrating Radar Traces by Statistical Interpolation Methods
* On the Atmospheric Correction of Antarctic Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* On the Downscaling of Actual Evapotranspiration Maps Based on Combination of MODIS and Landsat-Based Actual Evapotranspiration Estimates
* On the Response of European Vegetation Phenology to Hydroclimatic Anomalies
* On the Semi-Automatic Retrieval of Biophysical Parameters Based on Spectral Index Optimization
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration Model and Its Applications for High-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery
* On-Orbit Radiometric Performance of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* Ontology-Based Classification of Building Types Detected from Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Open Access Data in Polar and Cryospheric Remote Sensing
* Operational System for Estimating Road Traffic Information from Aerial Images, An
* Pan-Arctic Climate and Land Cover Trends Derived from Multi-Variate and Multi-Scale Analyses (1981-2012)
* Parallel Computing Paradigm for Pan-Sharpening Algorithms of Remotely Sensed Images on a Multi-Core Computer, A
* Parameterization of the Satellite-Based Model (METRIC) for the Estimation of Instantaneous Surface Energy Balance Components over a Drip-Irrigated Vineyard
* Peat Mapping Associations of Airborne Radiometric Survey Data
* Penetration Depth Derived from the Synthesis of ALOS/PALSAR InSAR Data and ASTER GDEM for the Mapping of Forest Biomass, The
* Performance Analysis of MODIS 500-m Spatial Resolution Products for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Oligo- to Meso-Trophic Waters Case Study: Itumbiara Reservoir, Brazil
* Performance Analysis of the Tactical Inertial Navigator Aided by Non-GPS Derived References, The
* Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Urban Pattern Recognition from Multi-spectral Satellite Images
* Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Processing of COSMO-SkyMed StripMap HIMAGE Time Series to Depict Deformation of the Historic Centre of Rome, Italy
* Phenological Metrics Derived over the European Continent from NDVI3g Data and MODIS Time Series
* Phenology-Based Classification of Time-Series MODIS Data for Rice Crop Monitoring in Mekong Delta, Vietnam, A
* Photogrammetric and Computer Vision-Based Approach for Automated 3D Architectural Modeling and Its Typological Analysis, A
* Physical, Bio-Optical State and Correlations in North-Western European Shelf Seas
* Phytoplankton Biomass Dynamics in the Strait of Malacca within the Period of the SeaWiFS Full Mission: Seasonal Cycles, Interannual Variations and Decadal-Scale Trends
* Plant Species Discrimination in a Tropical Wetland Using In Situ Hyperspectral Data
* Polarimetric Contextual Classification of PolSAR Images Using Sparse Representation and Superpixels
* Potential and Uptake of Remote Sensing in Insurance: A Review, The
* Potential of Time Series Merged from Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD for Crop Classification: A Case Study for Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China, The
* Potential of X-Band Images from High-Resolution Satellite SAR Sensors to Assess Growth and Yield in Paddy Rice
* Prediction of Forest Stand Attributes Using TerraSAR-X Stereo Imagery
* Predictive Mapping of Dwarf Shrub Vegetation in an Arid High Mountain Ecosystem Using Remote Sensing and Random Forests
* Prevalence of Pure Versus Mixed Snow Cover Pixels across Spatial Resolutions in Alpine Environments
* Probability Density Components Analysis: A New Approach to Treatment and Classification of SAR Images
* Procedure to Map Subsidence at the Regional Scale Using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique, A
* Python-Based Open Source System for Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) Utilizing Raster Attribute Tables, A
* Quantification of Impact of Orbital Drift on Inter-Annual Trends in AVHRR NDVI Data
* Quantifying Ancient Maya Land Use Legacy Effects on Contemporary Rainforest Canopy Structure
* Quantifying Forest Spatial Pattern Trends at Multiple Extents: An Approach to Detect Significant Changes at Different Scales
* Quantifying Responses of Spectral Vegetation Indices to Dead Materials in Mixed Grasslands
* Quantifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Urban Landscapes: Integrating Visual Interpretation and Object-Based Classification
* Quantifying the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology throughout Wales Based on the Time Series (1989-2011) Analysis of Landsat TM/ETM+ Images and Supporting GIS Data
* Radar-to-Radar Interference Suppression for Distributed Radar Sensor Networks
* Radiometric Calibration Methodology of the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* Radiometric Cross Calibration of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
* Rain-Use-Efficiency: What it Tells us about the Conflicting Sahel Greening and Sahelian Paradox
* Rapid Damage Assessment by Means of Multi-Temporal SAR: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook to Sentinel-1
* Reconstructed Wind Fields from Multi-Satellite Observations
* Reduction of Uncorrelated Striping Noise: Applications for Hyperspectral Pushbroom Acquisitions
* Reef-Scale Thermal Stress Monitoring of Coral Ecosystems: New 5-km Global Products from NOAA Coral Reef Watch
* Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China
* Relationship between the Growing Season Maximum Enhanced Vegetation Index and Climatic Factors on the Tibetan Plateau
* Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll-a in Inland Waters by a NIR-Red-Based Algorithm: Validation in Asian Lakes
* Remote Geophysical Observatory in Antarctica with HF Data Transmission: A Review
* Remote Sensing Assessment of Forest Disturbance across Complex Mountainous Terrain: The Pattern and Severity of Impacts of Tropical Cyclone Yasi on Australian Rainforests
* Remote Sensing Estimates of Grassland Aboveground Biomass Based on MODIS Net Primary Productivity (NPP): A Case Study in the Xilingol Grassland of Northern China
* Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
* Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives
* Remote Sensing Image Interpretation for Urban Environment Analysis: Methods, System and Examples
* Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Shallow Non-Turbid River Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Remote Sensing Open Access Journal: Increasing Impact through Quality Publications
* Remote Sensing Techniques in Monitoring Post-Fire Effects and Patterns of Forest Recovery in Boreal Forest Regions: A Review
* Remote Sensing-Based Biomass Estimation and Its Spatio-Temporal Variations in Temperate Grassland, Northern China
* Remote Sensing-Derived Bathymetry of Lake Poopó
* Remotely Sensed Monitoring of Small Reservoir Dynamics: A Bayesian Approach
* Response to Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth from Optimal Interpolation Approach Applied to SEVIRI Data
* Retrieval of Gap Fraction and Effective Plant Area Index from Phase-Shift Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Retrieval of Particle Scattering Coefficients and Concentrations by Genetic Algorithms in Stratified Lake Water
* Retrievals of All-Weather Daily Air Temperature Using MODIS and AMSR-E Data
* Review of Swidden Agriculture in Southeast Asia, A
* Robust Automated Image Co-Registration of Optical Multi-Sensor Time Series Data: Database Generation for Multi-Temporal Landslide Detection
* S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration/Characterization and Current State of SDR Products, The
* Salt Content Distribution and Paleoclimatic Significance of the Lop Nur Ear Feature: Results from Analysis of EO-1 Hyperion Imagery
* Satellite Observations of Wind Farm Impacts on Nocturnal Land Surface Temperature in Iowa
* Scattering Mechanisms for the 'Ear' Feature of Lop Nur Lake Basin
* Segmentation of Sloped Roofs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using Ridge-Based Hierarchical Decomposition
* Segmentation-Based Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds by Progressive Densification of Terrain Segments
* Semi-Automatic Detection of Swimming Pools from Aerial High-Resolution Images and LIDAR Data
* Semi-Supervised Learning for Ill-Posed Polarimetric SAR Classification
* Sentinel-1 for Monitoring Reservoirs: A Performance Analysis
* Separating Crop Species in Northeastern Ontario Using Hyperspectral Data
* Separating Mangrove Species and Conditions Using Laboratory Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of a Degraded Mangrove Forest of the Mexican Pacific
* Sequential Method with Incremental Analysis Update to Retrieve Leaf Area Index from Time Series MODIS Reflectance Data
* Seven Years of Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) Global Monitoring (GM) of Surface Soil Moisture over Africa
* Shallow-Water Benthic Identification Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery: Investigation on the Effects of Improving Noise Correction Method and Spectral Cover
* Simple Method for Retrieving Understory NDVI in Sparse Needleleaf Forests in Alaska Using MODIS BRDF Data, A
* Slope Estimation from ICESat/GLAS
* Slope Superficial Displacement Monitoring by Small Baseline SAR Interferometry Using Data from L-band ALOS PALSAR and X-band TerraSAR: A Case Study of Hong Kong, China
* Small Footprint Full-Waveform Metrics Contribution to the Prediction of Biomass in Tropical Forests
* Small-Scale Surface Reconstruction and Volume Calculation of Soil Erosion in Complex Moroccan Gully Morphology Using Structure from Motion
* Soil Surface Sealing Effect on Soil Moisture at a Semiarid Hillslope: Implications for Remote Sensing Estimation
* Spaceborne Mine Waste Mineralogy Monitoring in South Africa, Applications for Modern Push-Broom Missions: Hyperion/OLI and EnMAP/Sentinel-2
* Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Onset of the Growing Season on Svalbard, Arctic Norway: Measured by MODIS-NDVI Satellite Data
* Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visible, Multispectral and Thermal Images Acquired with a Micro-UAV over Antarctic Moss Beds
* Spatial Pattern and Temporal Variation Law-Based Multi-Sensor Collaboration Method for Improving Regional Soil Moisture Monitoring Capabilities
* Spatial Patterns of Fire Recurrence Using Remote Sensing and GIS in the Brazilian Savanna: Serra do Tombador Nature Reserve, Brazil
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gyres in Oriented Lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska Based on Remotely Sensed Images
* Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Tuz Gölü, Turkey as a Potential Radiometric Vicarious Calibration Site
* Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China, Using the Change Vector Analysis Technique
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Climate Variables Controlling of Biomass Carbon Stock of Global Grassland Ecosystems from 1982 to 2006
* Spectral Aging Model Applied to Meteosat First Generation Visible Band
* Spectral Decomposition Algorithm for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lake Taihu, China, A
* Spectral Response of the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager, The
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machine
* Stalled Recovery of the Iraqi Marshes, The
* Statistical Analysis of SAR Sea Clutter for Classification Purposes
* Statistical Characteristics of Mesoscale Eddies in the North Pacific Derived from Satellite Altimetry
* Statistical Modeling of Sea Ice Concentration Using Satellite Imagery and Climate Reanalysis Data in the Barents and Kara Seas, 1979-2012
* Stray Light Artifacts in Imagery from the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor
* Streaming Progressive TIN Densification Filter for Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using Multi-Core Architectures
* Strengths and Limitations in Using the Daily MODIS Open Water Likelihood Algorithm for Identifying Flood Events, The
* Structural Changes of Desertified and Managed Shrubland Landscapes in Response to Drought: Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Analyses
* Study of the Penetration Bias of ENVISAT Altimeter Observations over Antarctica in Comparison to ICESat Observations
* Sub-Compartment Variation in Tree Height, Stem Diameter and Stocking in a Pinus radiata D. Don Plantation Examined Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Subsidence Detected by Multi-Pass Differential SAR Interferometry in the Cassino Plain (Central Italy): Joint Effect of Geological and Anthropogenic Factors?
* Successful Applications of Geotechnologies for the Evaluation of Road Infrastructures
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Multi-Angle Remote Sensing Images Considering Resolution Differences
* Supporting Global Environmental Change Research: A Review of Trends and Knowledge Gaps in Urban Remote Sensing
* Supporting Urban Energy Efficiency with Volunteered Roof Information and the Google Maps API
* Surface Daytime Net Radiation Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Surface Soil Water Content Estimation from Thermal Remote Sensing based on the Temporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature
* Surface Temperatures at the Continental Scale: Tracking Changes with Remote Sensing at Unprecedented Detail
* Surface-Based Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Survey and Classification of Large Woody Debris (LWD) in Streams Using Generated Low-Cost Geomatic Products
* Synergetic Algorithm for Mid-Morning Land Surface Soil and Vegetation Temperatures Estimation Using MSG-SEVIRI Products and TERRA-MODIS Products, A
* Synergistic Methodology for Soil Moisture Estimation in an Alpine Prairie Using Radar and Optical Satellite Data, A
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry for Assessing Wenchuan Earthquake (2008) Deforestation in the Sichuan Giant Panda Site
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Clustering with Curvelet Subband Gauss Distribution Parameters
* TecLines: A MATLAB-Based Toolbox for Tectonic Lineament Analysis from Satellite Images and DEMs, Part 1: Line Segment Detection and Extraction
* TecLines: A MATLAB-Based Toolbox for Tectonic Lineament Analysis from Satellite Images and DEMs, Part 2: Line Segments Linking and Merging
* Temperature and Snow-Mediated Moisture Controls of Summer Photosynthetic Activity in Northern Terrestrial Ecosystems between 1982 and 2011
* Temporal Behavior of Lake Size-Distribution in a Thawing Permafrost Landscape in Northwestern Siberia
* Temporal Polarimetric Behavior of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) at C-Band for Early Season Sowing Date Monitoring
* Thirty-two Years of Sahelian Zone Growing Season Non-Stationary NDVI3g Patterns and Trends
* Three-Dimensional Index for Characterizing Crop Water Stress, A
* Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change: Developing Statistical Tools to Determine Significance of Land Cover Changes in Persistence Analyses
* Topographic Correction of ZY-3 Satellite Images and Its Effects on Estimation of Shrub Leaf Biomass in Mountainous Areas
* Toward a Satellite-Based System of Sugarcane Yield Estimation and Forecasting in Smallholder Farming Conditions: A Case Study on Reunion Island
* Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project
* Towards the Improvement of Blue Water Evapotranspiration Estimates by Combining Remote Sensing and Model Simulation
* Tracking Electrification in Vietnam Using Nighttime Lights
* Training Area Concept in a Two-Phase Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning and RapidEye Satellite Data
* Transferability of a Visible and Near-Infrared Model for Soil Organic Matter Estimation in Riparian Landscapes
* Transforming Image-Objects into Multiscale Fields: A GEOBIA Approach to Mitigate Urban Microclimatic Variability within H-Res Thermal Infrared Airborne Flight-Lines
* Tree Stem and Height Measurements using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and the RANSAC Algorithm
* Tridimensional Reconstruction Applied to Cultural Heritage with the Use of Camera-Equipped UAV and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* UAV Flight Experiments Applied to the Remote Sensing of Vegetated Areas
* Uncertainty of Plot-Scale Forest Height Estimates from Complementary Spaceborne Observations in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone, The
* Updated Geophysical Model for AMSR-E and SSMIS Brightness Temperature Simulations over Oceans, An
* Urban Built-Up Area Extraction from Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Using Spectral Information and Multivariate Texture
* Use of a Hand-Held Camera for Individual Tree 3D Mapping in Forest Sample Plots, The
* Use of Airborne and Mobile Laser Scanning for Modeling Railway Environments in 3D, The
* Use of Satellite SAR for Understanding Long-Term Human Occupation Dynamics in the Monsoonal Semi-Arid Plains of North Gujarat, India
* Using Airborne LiDAR and QuickBird Data for Modelling Urban Tree Carbon Storage and Its Distribution: A Case Study of Berlin
* Using Small-Footprint Discrete and Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Metrics to Estimate Total Biomass and Biomass Components in Subtropical Forests
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Quantify Spatial Gap Patterns in Forests
* Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) with Environmental Controls in Tropical Africa
* Validating the Remotely Sensed Geography of Crime: A Review of Emerging Issues
* Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based Priestley-Taylor Algorithm for Mapping Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
* Validation of Global Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16) using Flux Tower Data in the African Savanna, South Africa
* Validation of the Two Standard MODIS Satellite Burned-Area Products and an Empirically-Derived Merged Product in South Africa
* Vegetation Greenness in Northeastern Brazil and Its Relation to ENSO Warm Events
* Versatile, Production-Oriented Approach to High-Resolution Tree-Canopy Mapping in Urban and Suburban Landscapes Using GEOBIA and Data Fusion, A
* Vicarious Calibration of Beijing-1 Multispectral Imagers
* Vicarious Radiometric Calibration of a Multispectral Camera on Board an Unmanned Aerial System
* Water Feature Extraction and Change Detection Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Water Level Fluctuations in the Congo Basin Derived from ENVISAT Satellite Altimetry
* Wheat Yield Forecasting for Punjab Province from Vegetation Index Time Series and Historic Crop Statistics
* Window Regression: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis to Estimate Pixels Classified as Low-Quality in MODIS NDVI Time Series
580 for RS(6)

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