* 3-D Model-Based Frame Interpolation for Distributed Video Coding of Static Scenes
* 3D Model Based Pose Invariant Face Recognition from a Single Frontal View
* 3D registration of partially overlapping surfaces using a volumetric approach
* 3D scanning-based compression technique for digital hologram video
* Accelerating the Optimization of Requantization Codebook for Vector Quantization
* Access by Content to Handwritten Archive Documents: Generic Document Recognition Method and Platform for Annotations
* Adaptive error-resilience transcoding using prioritized intra-refresh for video multicast over wireless networks
* Advances in GML for Geospatial Applications
* Analysis of blind data hiding using discrete cosine transform phase modulation
* Analyzing Image Structure by Multidimensional Frequency Modulation
* Anatomical Equivalence Class: A Morphological Analysis Framework Using a Lossless Shape Descriptor
* Anisotropic Curvature Motion for Structure Enhancing Smoothing of 3D MR Angiography Data
* Anisotropic Diffusion in the Hypercube
* Apparatus for automatically generating video highlights and method thereof
* Application of Lidar in Woodland Bird Ecology: Climate, Canopy Structure, and Habitat Quality, The
* application of linear predictive coding and computational geometry to iris recognition, An
* Arc-based evaluation and detection of ellipses
* ARRSI: Automatic Registration of Remote-Sensing Images
* Assessing the Certainty of Locations Produced by an Address Geocoding System
* Asymmetry of Image Registration and Its Application to Face Tracking, The
* Atlas Renormalization for Improved Brain MR Image Segmentation Across Scanner Platforms
* Automated Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Based on a Supervised Learning Approach
* Automatic change detection and quantification of dermatological diseases with an application to psoriasis images
* Automatic Segmentation of the Caudate Nucleus From Human Brain MR Images
* Autonomous Decentralized Multi-server Framework For Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments, An
* Bayes Decision Rule Induced Similarity Measures, The
* Bayesian approach to change points detection in time series
* Bayesian inference for inverse problems in signal and image processing and applications
* Bayesian Stereo Matching
* Binarization, character extraction, and writer identification of historical Hebrew calligraphy documents
* Binary Partition Tree Analysis Based on Region Evolution and Its Application to Tree Simplification
* Binary Weighted Averaging of an Ensemble of Coherently Collected Image Frames
* Biological shape characterization for automatic image recognition and diagnosis of protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria
* Bit-stream allocation methods for scalable video coding supporting wireless communications
* Bottom-Up Gaze Shifts and Fixations Learning by Imitation
* Boundary vector field for parametric active contours
* Brain Functional Localization: A Survey of Image Registration Techniques
* BYY annealing learning algorithm for Gaussian mixture with automated model selection, The
* Cellular Watersheds: A Parallel Implementation of the Watershed Transform on the CNN Universal Machine
* Change Detection Techniques for Canopy Height Growth Measurements Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* cheating prevention scheme for binary visual cryptography with homogeneous secret images, A
* Class-Adaptive Spatially Variant Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Classification Based on Cortical Folding Patterns
* Classification of High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using Improved Gaussian Markov Random-Field-Based Texture Features
* Classification-Driven Watershed Segmentation
* Coiflet Based Methods For Range Image Processing
* Color invariant object recognition using entropic graphs
* Color Segmentation Via Improved Mountain Clustering Technique
* Combined Error Concealment and Error Correction in Rate-Distortion Analysis for Multiple Substream Transmissions
* Combining Airborne Photographs and Spaceborne SAR Data to Monitor Temperate Glaciers: Potentials and Limits
* Comment on Asymptotically Optimal Detection for Additive Watermarking in the DCT AND DWT Domains, A
* Comparative Study of Semi-Implicit Schemes for Nonlinear Diffusion in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Comparison Between Genetic Algorithms and the Baum-Welch Algorithm in Learning HMMs for Human Activity Classification
* Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Methods in Mapping Timber Volume with Multitemporal Landsat Images in Kainuu, Finland
* Comparison of Four Common Atmospheric Correction Methods, A
* Consistent parameter clustering: Definition and analysis
* Constraints on general motions for camera calibration with one-dimensional objects
* Convex Digital Polygons, Maximal Digital Straight Segments and Convergence of Discrete Geometric Estimators
* Correspondence Mapping Induced State and Action Metrics for Robotic Imitation
* Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Spherical Wavelets
* coupled HMM approach to video-realistic speech animation, A
* Coupled Statistical Model for Face Shape Recovery From Brightness Images, A
* Critical Configurations for 1-View in Projections from Pk -> P2
* Cross-layer architecture for scalable video transmission in wireless network
* Curve Matching, Time Warping, and Light Fields: New Algorithms for Computing Similarity between Curves
* Curve/Surface Representation and Evolution Using Vector Level Sets with Application to the Shape-Based Segmentation Problem
* Data Fusion for Reconstruction of a DTM, Under a Woodland Canopy, From Airborne L-band InSAR
* Data-Dependent Pre- and Postprocessing Multiple Description Coding of Images
* Deblurring of Color Images Corrupted by Impulsive Noise
* DEBORA: Digital AccEss to BOoks of the RenAissance
* Definition and extraction of stable points from fingerprint images
* Deformable Registration Method for Automated Morphometry of MRI Brain Images in Neuropsychiatric Research, A
* Dempster-Shafer Relaxation Approach to Context Classification, A
* Depth map creation and image-based rendering for advanced 3DTV services providing interoperability and scalability
* Designing a classifier by a layered multi-population genetic programming approach
* Designing spectral sensitivity curves for use with Artificial Color
* Detecting Man-Made Structures and Changes in Satellite Imagery With a Content-Based Information Retrieval System Built on Self-Organizing Maps
* Detecting textured objects using convex hull
* Detecting unattended packages through human activity recognition and object association
* Detection Statistic for Random-Valued Impulse Noise, A
* development and application of a multiple wavelength illumination technique for the vision-based process monitoring of aero-structure riveting, The
* Developmental Roadmap for Learning by Imitation in Robots, A
* Diffraction field computation from arbitrarily distributed data points in space
* Digital image analysis to enhance underwritten text in the Archimedes palimpsest
* Direct Computation of Type-II Discrete Hartley Transform
* Direction-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform for Image Compression
* Discriminative Learning and Recognition of Image Set Classes Using Canonical Correlations
* Drift controlled scalable wavelet based video coding in the overcomplete discrete wavelet transform domain
* Dual Adaptive Paths For Multiresolution Hierarchies
* Dual-Satellite Cloud Product Generation Using Temporally Updated Canonical Coordinate Features
* Dynamic agglomerative clustering of gene expression profiles
* Dynamic Mesh Refinement with Quad Trees and Off-Centers
* Dynamic quantization for belief propagation in sparse spaces
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns with an Application to Facial Expressions
* Efficiency of chain codes to represent binary objects
* efficient complexity-scalable video transcoder with mode refinement, An
* Efficient Earth Mover's Distance Algorithm for Robust Histogram Comparison, An
* Efficient Entropy Estimation Based on Doubly Stochastic Models for Quantized Wavelet Image Data
* Efficient fingerprint search based on database clustering
* Efficient predictive model of zero quantized DCT coefficients for fast video encoding
* Efficient Search and Verification for Function Based Classification from Real Range Images
* Electromagnetic Propagation of GPR Signals in Martian Subsurface Scenarios Including Material Losses and Scattering
* Electromagnetic Target Detection in Uncertain Media: Time-Reversal and Minimum-Variance Algorithms
* Enabling Routes of Road Network Constrained Movements as Mobile Service Context
* End-to-end stereoscopic video streaming with content-adaptive rate and format control
* Enhanced Spatio-spectral Template for Automatic Small Recreational Vessel Detection, An
* Ensemble-Based Incremental Learning Approach to Data Fusion, An
* Ent-Boost: Boosting Using Entropy Measures for Robust Object Detection
* Epipolar Resampling of Space-borne Linear Array Scanner Scenes Using Parallel Projection
* Equivalence of Some Common Linear Feature Extraction Techniques for Appearance-Based Object Recognition Tasks
* Erratum to Real-time FPGA implementation of Hough Transform using gradient and CORDIC algorithm
* Error-resilient video streaming over wireless networks using combined scalable coding and multiple-description coding
* Estimates of the information content and dimensionality of natural scenes from proximity distributions
* Euclidean Distance Fit of Ellipses with a Genetic Algorithm
* Evaluating A Small Footprint, Waveform-resolving Lidar Over Coastal Vegetation Communities
* Evaluation of the Horizontal Resolution of SRTM Elevation Data
* Evolutionary Approaches for Automatic 3D Modeling of Skulls in Forensic Identification
* Evolutionary Brain Computer Interfaces
* evolutionary system for near-regular texture synthesis, An
* Evolving Texture Features by Genetic Programming
* Examining the Influence of Changing Laser Pulse Repetition Frequencies on Conifer Forest Canopy Returns
* Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope Gradient from a DEM, An
* Exploiting Space-Time Statistics of Videos for Face Hallucination
* Exploration trees on highly complex scenes: A new approach for 3D segmentation
* Extended Analysis of Motion-Compensated Frame Difference for Block-Based Motion Prediction Error
* Extracting eyebrow contour and chin contour for face recognition
* Extraction and segmentation of tables from Chinese ink documents based on a matrix model
* Face detection with boosted Gaussian features
* Face recognition method and apparatus using component-based face descriptor
* Face recognition using localized features based on non-negative sparse coding
* Facial feature-localized and global real-time video morphing
* Fast and Stable Bayesian Image Expansion Using Sparse Edge Priors
* Fast Codebook Design Algorithm Based On A Fuzzy Clustering Methodology, A
* Fast cross-validation algorithms for least squares support vector machine and kernel ridge regression
* Fast Genetic Scan Matching Using Corresponding Point Measurements in Mobile Robotics
* Fast Global Kernel Density Mode Seeking: Applications to Localization and Tracking
* Fast Multilevel Fuzzy Edge Detection of Blurry Images, The
* Fast template matching algorithm for contour images based on its chain coded description applied for human face identification
* Feasibility Study on a Hyperacuity Device With Motion Uncertainty: Two-Point Stimuli
* Filtering Airborne Laser Scanning Data with Morphological Methods
* Finite Markov Random Field approach to fast edge-preserving image recovery, A
* Focus Area Extraction by Blind Deconvolution for Defining Regions of Interest
* FOE estimation: Can image measurement errors be totally corrected by the geometric method?
* Fundamental Groups of Unbounded Digital Images
* Fusion of color and infrared video for moving human detection
* Fuzzy model based recognition of handwritten numerals
* Fuzzy Multi-temporal Land-use Analysis and Mine Clearance Application
* Fuzzy Noise Reduction Method for Color Images, A
* Gaussian Mean-Shift Is an EM Algorithm
* Generalized elastic graph matching for face recognition
* Generation of Orthoimages and Perspective Views with Automatic Visibility Checking and Texture Blending
* Generative model based vision
* Generic Framework for Tracking Using Particle Filter With Dynamic Shape Prior, A
* Genetic Programming Approach to Feature Selection and Classification of Instantaneous Cognitive States, A
* Genetic Programming for Image Recognition: An LGP Approach
* GeoIRIS: Geospatial Information Retrieval and Indexing System - Content Mining, Semantics Modeling, and Complex Queries
* Geometric Correction and Digital Elevation Extraction Using Multiple MTI Datasets
* Geometric Method for Automatic Extraction of Sulcal Fundi, A
* Geometrically Accurate Topology-Correction of Cortical Surfaces Using Nonseparating Loops
* Gesture Recognition: A Survey
* Global optimization in clustering using hyperbolic cross points
* Graph-cut-based stereo matching using image segmentation with symmetrical treatment of occlusions
* Ground-based Laser Imaging for Assessing Three Dimensional Forest Canopy Structure
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Robot Learning by Observation, Demonstration, and Imitation
* Harmonic Estimation Using a Global Search Optimiser
* Hermite and Gabor transforms for noise reduction and handwriting classification in ancient manuscripts
* Higher Order Inhomogeneous Impedance Boundary Conditions for Perfectly Conducting Objects
* How to tell the difference between a cat and a dog?
* Human gait recognition based on matching of body components
* Human Mosaic Creation Through Agents and Interactive Genetic Algorithms Applied to Videogames Movements
* hybrid SVM/DDBHMM decision fusion modeling for robust continuous digital speech recognition, A
* Image Approximation by Rectangular Wavelet Transform
* Image Compression Through a Projection onto a Polyhedral Set
* Image registration methods in high-dimensional space
* Image Time-Series Data Mining Based on the Information-Bottleneck Principle
* Improved grating and bar cell models in cortical area V1 and texture coding
* Improvement of Lidar Data Accuracy Using Lidar-Specific Ground Targets
* Improving Land-cover Classification Using Recognition Threshold Neural Networks
* Imputing incomplete time-series data based on varied-window similarity measure of data sequences
* Incorporating shape prior into geodesic active contours for detecting partially occluded object
* Increasing the Existence of Very Shallow-Water LIDAR Measurements Using the Red-Channel Waveforms
* Incremental Learning of Tasks From User Demonstrations, Past Experiences, and Vocal Comments
* Individual Tree Crown Approach Applied to Ikonos Images of a Coniferous Plantation Area, The
* Influence of Vegetation, Slope, and Lidar Sampling Angle on DEM Accuracy
* InSAR Imaging of Volcanic Deformation over Cloud-prone Areas - Aleutian Islands
* Integral Electric Current Method in 3-D Electromagnetic Modeling for Large Conductivity Contrast
* Integrated Color and Intensity Co-occurrence Matrix, An
* Integrating monolithic and free-parts representations for improved face verification in the presence of pose mismatch
* Integrating Motion, Illumination, and Structure in Video Sequences with Applications in Illumination-Invariant Tracking
* Intelligent Subtitle Detection Model for Locating Television Commercials, An
* Interactive Graphics Rendering Optimizer Based on Immune Algorithm, An
* Interactive Image Segmentation via Adaptive Weighted Distances
* Interactive Remote-Sensing Image Retrieval Using Active Relevance Feedback
* Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial imagery classification
* Interpretation of complex scenes using dynamic tree-structure Bayesian networks
* Introduction to the Special Section on Image Information Mining for Earth Observation Data
* Investigating the Effects of DEM Error in Scaling Analysis
* invisible hybrid color image system using spread vector quantization neural networks with penalized FCM, An
* Iterative RELIEF for Feature Weighting: Algorithms, Theories, and Applications
* kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems, A
* Keyword-guided word spotting in historical printed documents using synthetic data and user feedback
* Labelling Of Three Dimensional Human Body Scans: A Topological Approach
* Land-cover Classification Using Radarsat and Landsat Imagery for St. Louis, Missouri
* Laplacian Operator-Based Edge Detectors
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphism and Momentum Based Hippocampal Shape Discrimination in Dementia of the Alzheimer type
* Large deformation diffeomorphisms with application to optic flow
* Lattice-Based MRF Model for Dynamic Near-Regular Texture Tracking, A
* Learning and Recognition of Hand-Drawn Shapes Using Generative Genetic Programming
* Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories
* Learning the kernel matrix by maximizing a KFD-based class separability criterion
* LiDAR-Derived High Quality Ground Control Information and DEM for Image Orthorectification
* Lie algebra approach for tracking and 3D motion estimation using monocular vision
* Linear 3D Elastic Segmentation Model for Vector Fields. Application to the Heart Segmentation in MRI, A
* Locating Edges and Removing Ringing Artifacts in JPEG Images by Frequency-Domain Analysis
* Lossless Video Sequence Compression Using Adaptive Prediction
* Lossy dictionary-based image compression method
* Low Complexity JPEG2000 Rate Control Through Reverse Subband Scanning Order and Coding Passes Concatenation
* Mask-Based Second-Generation Connectivity and Attribute Filters
* Matching by Linear Programming and Successive Convexification
* Matching pursuit-based shape representation and recognition using scale-space
* Maximum Entropy Approach to Unsupervised Mixed-Pixel Decomposition, A
* Measurement of sinusoidal vibration from motion blurred images
* Memetic Differential Evolution in Filter Design for Defect Detection in Paper Production, A
* Memory-efficient spatial prediction image compression scheme
* Method and device for describing video contents
* Method and system for measurement of the duration an area is included in an image stream
* method for eye detection based on SVD transforms, A
* method for initialising the K-means clustering algorithm using kd-trees, A
* Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to Observe Air Quality From Space, A
* Method to Perform a Fast Fourier Transform With Primitive Image Transformations, A
* Methods and apparatus to count people appearing in an image
* Mine Subsidence Monitoring Using Multi-source Satellite SAR Images
* ML-KNN: A lazy learning approach to multi-label learning
* Model-Based Tracking by Classification in a Tiny Discrete Pose Space
* Modeling Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Snow Using Dense Media Radiative Transfer (DMRT) Theory With Multiple-Scattering Effects
* modified Beckmann-Kirchhoff scattering theory for rough surface analysis, The
* MonoSLAM: Real-Time Single Camera SLAM
* Morphological Texture Features for Unsupervised and Supervised Segmentations of Natural Landscapes
* Motion blur identification in noisy images using mathematical models and statistical measures
* Motion vector predictive encoding method, motion vector decoding method, predictive encoding apparatus and decoding apparatus, and storage media storing motion vector predictive encoding and decoding programs
* Multi-focus image fusion using pulse coupled neural network
* Multi-view correspondence by enforcement of rigidity constraints
* Multiclass Object Recognition Based on Texture Linear Genetic Programming
* Multidimensional Directional Filter Banks and Surfacelets
* Multiobjective Genetic Clustering for Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multiple description video coding using coefficients ordering and interpolation
* Multiscale 3-D Shape Representation and Segmentation Using Spherical Wavelets
* Multiscale contour corner detection based on local natural scale and wavelet transform
* Multiscale Curvature Algorithm for Classifying Discrete Return LiDAR in Forested Environments, A
* Multispectral Bilateral Video Fusion
* multivariate statistical analysis of the developing human brain in preterm infants, A
* Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Naked image detection based on adaptive and extensible skin color model
* Navigating a Mobile Robot by a Traversability Field Histogram
* Network Flow Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Images from Discrete X-rays, A
* Network intrusion detection in covariance feature space
* new adaptive vertex-based binary shape coding technique, A
* New Divergence Measure for Medical Image Registration, A
* New Family of Nonredundant Transforms Using Hybrid Wavelets and Directional Filter Banks, A
* new measure of symmetry and its application to classification of bifurcating structures, A
* New Method of Representing and Matching Two Dimensional Shapes, A
* New Methodologies for True Orthophoto Generation
* New Orientation-Adaptive Interpolation Method, A
* new segmentation method for phase change thermography sequence, A
* New Spline Quasi-Interpolant for Fitting 3-D Data on the Sphere: Applications to Medical Imaging
* New Statistical Similarity Measure for Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images and Its Extension to Multiscale Change Analysis, A
* Newtonian clustering: An approach based on molecular dynamics and global optimization
* Non-strict heterogeneous Stacking
* Nonlinear Manifold Learning for Dynamic Shape and Dynamic Appearance
* Normalized Levenshtein Distance Metric, A
* note on the convergence of the mean shift, A
* novel generalization of the gray-scale histogram and its application to the automated visual measurement and inspection of wooden Pallets, A
* Object recognition using wavelets, L-G graphs and synthesis of regions
* Object Tracking with Target and Background Samples
* Observations of Snow Water Equivalent Change on Landfast First-Year Sea Ice in Winter Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* old greek handwritten OCR system based on an efficient segmentation-free approach, An
* On an alternative formulation of the Fisher criterion that overcomes the small sample problem
* On Rate-Distortion Models for Natural Images and Wavelet Coding Performance
* On Semismooth Newton's Methods for Total Variation Minimization
* On steerability of Gabor-type filters for feature detection
* On the computational aspects of Zernike moments
* On the computational rationale for generative models
* On the Convergence of Fitting Algorithms in Computer Vision
* On the Reduction of the Reconstruction Bias in Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometry
* On Two-Channel Filter Banks With Directional Vanishing Moments
* One-Class Classification for Mapping a Specific Land-Cover Class: SVDD Classification of Fenland
* Online EHW Pattern Recognition System Applied to Face Image Recognition, An
* Ontology-Based Descriptions for Semantic Discovery and Composition of Geoprocessing Services
* Optic disk feature extraction via modified deformable model technique for glaucoma analysis
* Optical flow based super-resolution: A probabilistic approach
* Optimal Maneuvering of Seismic Sensors for Localization of Subsurface Targets
* Optimal Triangulation in 3D Computer Vision Using a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm
* Ordering for Embedded Coding of Wavelet Image Data Based on Arbitrary Scalar Quantization Schemes
* Oriented Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion
* Outdoor recognition at a distance by fusing gait and face
* Overcompressing JPEG Images with Evolution Algorithms
* Pairwise fusion matrix for combining classifiers
* Part-Based Object Retrieval in Cluttered Environment
* Particle Swarm Optimization for Object Detection and Segmentation
* Particle Swarm Optimizer Applied to Soft Morphological Filters for Periodic Noise Reduction, A
* Pattern Recognition with SVM and dual-tree complex wavelets
* People detection and tracking using stereo vision and color
* Perceptual Color Correction Through Variational Techniques
* Perceptually adaptive joint deringing-deblocking filtering for scalable video transmission over wireless networks
* Performance Analysis of Integrated Sensor Orientation
* Phase Unwrapping and A Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem
* Photo-Consistent Reconstruction of Semitransparent Scenes by Density-Sheet Decomposition
* Point-sampled 3D video of real-world scenes
* Pointwise Shape-Adaptive DCT for High-Quality Denoising and Deblocking of Grayscale and Color Images
* Polygonal shape description for recognition of partially occluded objects
* power-based unequal error protection system for digital cinema broadcasting over wireless channels, A
* Prefetching and Caching Strategies for Remote and Interactive Browsing of JPEG2000 Images
* Primal sketch: Integrating structure and texture
* Quality Evaluation of Motion-Compensated Edge Artifacts in Compressed Video
* Quasi-Interpolating Spline Models for Hexagonally-Sampled Data
* R-snakes
* Random Noise Radar/Sodar With Ultrawideband Waveforms
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP Allowing Packets With Bit Errors
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion-Compensated Prediction for Packet Loss Resilient Video Coding
* Real-time and rate-distortion optimized video streaming with TCP
* Real-time hand tracking using a mean shift embedded particle filter
* Real-time multimedia processing in video sensor networks
* Real-time object tracking using bounded irregular pyramids
* Real-time view synthesis from a sparse set of views
* Real-Time Visual Inspection System for Railway Maintenance: Automatic Hexagonal-Headed Bolts Detection, A
* Recognition of Pornographic Web Pages by Classifying Texts and Images
* Recognizing vehicle classification information from blade sensor signature
* Reflection-area-based feature descriptor for solder joint inspection
* Region-Level Motion-Based Background Modeling and Subtraction Using MRFs
* Relevance Criteria for Spatial Information Retrieval Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching
* Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Contextual Bayes Decision
* Retrieval of objects in video by similarity based on graph matching
* Rigorous Laboratory Calibration Method for Interior Orientation of an Airborne Linear Push-Broom Camera, A
* Rigorous Model for Spaceborne Linear Array Sensors, A
* Robot-vision architecture for real-time 6-DOF object localization
* Robust Color Object Tracking With Application To People Monitoring
* Robust model-based scene interpretation by multilayered context information
* Robust Multispectral Image Registration Using Mutual-Information Models
* Robust Neural-Network-Based Data Association and Multiple Model-Based Tracking of Multiple Point Targets
* Robust Object Matching for Persistent Tracking with Heterogeneous Features
* Robust Pose Estimation and Recognition Using Non-Gaussian Modeling of Appearance Subspaces
* Robustness of Change Detection Algorithms in the Presence of Registration Errors
* Rotation, scale and translation invariant handwritten Devanagari numeral character recognition using general fuzzy neural network
* SAR Imaging Degradation by Ionospheric Irregularities Based on TFTPCF Analysis
* Satellite Image Registration by Distributed Differential Evolution
* Scalable secret image sharing
* Scale Invariance for Evolved Interest Operators
* Scene based non-uniformity correction in thermal images using Kalman filter
* Segmentation-Assisted Detection of Dirt Impairments in Archived Film Sequences
* Semantic-Based Surveillance Video Retrieval
* Semantic-Sensitive Satellite Image Retrieval
* semi-supervised regression model for mixed numerical and categorical variables, A
* Shadow based texture registration for 3D modeling of outdoor scenes
* Shadow compensation in 2D images for face recognition
* Shadow resistant tracking using inertia constraints
* Shape retrieval using triangle-area representation and dynamic space warping
* Shape-based image retrieval using support vector machines, Fourier descriptors and self-organizing maps
* Sharing Visual Features for Multiclass and Multiview Object Detection
* Signal processing issues in diffraction and holographic 3DTV
* Similarity Metric In Image Searching, A
* similarity-based neural network for facial expression analysis, A
* simple algorithm for digital line recognition in the general case, A
* simple method for fitting of bounding rectangle to closed regions, A
* simple set of numerical invariants for the analysis of images, A
* Simultaneous Registration and Parcellation of Bilateral Hippocampal Surface Pairs for Local Asymmetry Quantification
* Single Tree Segmentation Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data in a Structurally Heterogeneous Spruce Forest
* Skip macroblock coding
* Smart particle filtering for high-dimensional tracking
* Snow-Covered Area Estimation Using Satellite Radar Wide-Swath Images
* Space-Time Adaptation for Patch-Based Image Sequence Restoration
* Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimates for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spatial filtering and selection of optimized components in four class motor imagery EEG data using independent components analysis
* Special issue on the analysis of historical documents
* Special issue on three-dimensional video and television
* Special section on visual information processing
* Speech authentication system using digital watermarking and pattern recovery
* spin glass model of a Markov random field, A
* State-Space Analysis of Cardiac Motion With Biomechanical Constraints
* Statistical Parts-Based Model of Anatomical Variability, A
* Stereo Correspondence with Occlusion Handling in a Symmetric Patch-Based Graph-Cuts Model
* Style-preserving English handwriting synthesis
* Submillimeter Accuracy of InSAR Time Series: Experimental Validation
* Summarization of video content
* Super-Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images With Variable-Pixel Linear Reconstruction
* Synthesized affine invariant function for 2D shape recognition
* System and method for triphone-based unit selection for visual speech synthesis
* Systematic Approach to Wavelet-Decomposition-Level Selection for Image Information Mining From Geospatial Data Archives, A
* Task decomposition and modular single-hidden-layer perceptron classifiers for multi-class learning problems
* Text line extraction from multi-skewed handwritten documents
* Text line segmentation of historical documents: a survey
* Texture enhanced appearance models
* Texture- and Multiple-Template-Based Algorithm for Lossless Compression of Error-Diffused Images
* Three-Dimensional Bayesian Inversion With Application to Subsurface Sensing
* Tiny images
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Dynamic Cardiac Image Sequences
* Topological analysis of shapes using Morse theory
* Topology-Preserving Tissue Classification of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* Toward An Optimal Block Motion Estimation Algorithm For H.264/avc
* Toward Objective Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms
* Towards 3-D scene reconstruction from broadcast video
* Towards Dynamic Fitness Based Partitioning for Intra-Vascular Ultra-Sound Image Analysis
* Tracking human motion using auxiliary particle filters and iterated likelihood weighting
* trainable feature extractor for handwritten digit recognition, A
* Transform Coding Techniques for Lossy Hyperspectral Data Compression
* Twin Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification
* Two symmetrical thinning algorithms for 3D binary images, based on P-simple points
* Unequal Error Protection and Progressive Decoding for JPEG2000
* Unified feature analysis in JPEG and JPEG 2000-compressed domains
* Unified Framework for Detecting Groups and Application to Shape Recognition, A
* unified perspective and new results on RHT computing, mixture based learning, and multi-learner based problem solving, A
* Uniquely-Determined Thinning of the Tie-Zone Watershed Based on Label Frequency
* Unsupervised Evolutionary Segmentation Algorithm Based on Texture Analysis
* Urban Surface Biophysical Descriptors and Land Surface Temperature Variations
* Use of C-Band Ground Penetrating Radar to Determine Backscatter Sources Within Glaciers
* Use of Neural Networks for Automatic Classification From High-Resolution Images
* User-configurable OCR enhancement for online natural history archives
* User-driven page layout analysis of historical printed books
* Using colour information to understand censorship cards of film archives
* Using Combination of Statistical Models and Multilevel Structural Information for Detecting Urban Areas From a Single Gray-Level Image
* Using distance transform to solve real-time machine vision inspection problems
* Using Fourier local magnitude in adaptive smoothness constraints in motion estimation
* Using Laser Altimetry-based Segmentation to Refine Automated Tree Identification in Managed Forests of the Black Hills, South Dakota
* Using matching distance in size theory: A survey
* Using resolution pyramids for watershed image segmentation
* Using Tree Clusters to Derive Forest Properties from Small Footprint Lidar Data
* variation on SVD based image compression, A
* Variational Approach to Reconstructing Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise, A
* Vertex-Based Diffusion for 3-D Mesh Denoising
* Very Fast Watermarking by Reversible Contrast Mapping
* Videophone terminal
* Vision in the real world: Finding, attending and recognizing objects
* visual approach for driver inattention detection, A
* Visual guided navigation for image retrieval
* Visual object retrieval via block-based visual-pattern matching
* Wavelet-Based Approach to Character Skeleton
* Weighted Fourier Series Representation and Its Application to Quantifying the Amount of Gray Matter
* Which is the best way to organize/classify images by content?
* Which pattern? Biasing aspects of planar calibration patterns and detection methods
* Word matching using single closed contours for indexing handwritten historical documents
* Word spotting for historical documents
* Word spotting for historical documents
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