Update Dates 0701

0701 * *Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection
* Absolute Conductivity Reconstruction in Magnetic Induction Tomography Using a Nonlinear Method
* Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images
* Accurate Imaging of Multicomponent GPR Data Based on Exact Radiation Patterns
* Accurate Video Alignment Using Phase Correlation
* Advances in visual information processing
* Alternative 2D Shape Representations using the Symmetry Set
* Analysis and query of person-vehicle interactions in homography domain
* Analysis of Artifacts in Subpixel Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Analytical Inversion of the 180deg Exponential Radon Transform with a Numerically Generated Kernel, An
* Apparatus and method for processing video data
* Appearance Characterization of Linear Lambertian Objects, Generalized Photometric Stereo, and Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition
* Application of Neural Networks to Disturbances Encountered Landing Control
* Application-Specific Data Path for Highly Efficient Computation of Multistandard Video Codecs
* Approach To Surface Reconstruction Using Uncertain Data, An
* AQUA: An Amphibious Autonomous Robot
* Automatic Detection of Prominence Eruption Using Consecutive Solar Images
* Automatic Quantification of Changes in Bone in Serial MR Images of Joints
* Axiomatic Digital Topology
* Background modeling and object tracking using multi-spectral sensors
* Bayesian Classification of Cork Stoppers Using Class-Conditional Independent Component Analysis
* Bayesian Methods for Pharmacokinetic Models in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* BFlavor: A harmonized approach to media resource adaptation, inspired by MPEG-21 BSDL and XFlavor
* Binary Image Authentication With Tampering Localization by Embedding Cryptographic Signature and Block Identifier
* biomedical system based on hidden Markov model for diagnosis of the heart valve diseases, A
* Biosec baseline corpus: A multimodal biometric database
* Blob Detection With Wavelet Maxima Lines
* Block Adaptive Filter With Time-Domain Update Using Three Transforms
* Camera calibration and light source orientation from solar shadows
* CATSMLP: Toward a Robust and Interpretable Multilayer Perceptron With Sigmoid Activation Functions
* Character Independent Font Recognition on a Single Chinese Character
* Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography
* Collaborative node localization in surveillance networks using opportunistic target observations
* color image segmentation approach for content-based image retrieval, A
* Combining multiple class distribution modified subsamples in a single tree
* Combining neighbourhood-based and histogram similarity measures for the design of image quality measures
* Comments on A New Algorithm for Border Description of Polarized Light Surface Microscopic Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Comments on A Separable Low Complexity 2D HMM with Application to Face Recognition
* Communication Control and Driving Assistance to a Platoon of Vehicles in Heavy Traffic and Scarce Visibility
* COMPARE: Classification of Morphological Patterns Using Adaptive Regional Elements
* Comparison of Decision Tree Ensemble Creation Techniques, A
* composed supervised/unsupervised approach to improve change detection from remote sensing, A
* Computation Of Vesselness in CTA Images for Fast And Interactive Vessel Segmentation
* Connected Shape-Size Pattern Spectra for Rotation and Scale-Invariant Classification of Gray-Scale Images
* Conservative Polarimetric Scatterers and Their Role in Incorrect Extensions of the Cameron Decomposition
* Constrained and SNR-Based Solutions for TV-Hilbert Space Image Denoising
* Continuous Medial Representation for Anatomical Structures
* contour tracing and coding algorithm for generating 2D contour codes from 3D classified objects, A
* Cooperative Multitarget Tracking With Efficient Split and Merge Handling
* Coordinated Maneuvering of Automated Vehicles in Platoons
* Correspondence-Free Determination of the Affine Fundamental Matrix
* Curvelet-Based Snake for Multiscale Detection and Tracking of Geophysical Fluids
* Customized Generalization of Support Patterns for Classification
* Demosaicing With Directional Filtering and a posteriori Decision
* Design Analysis of a High-Resolution Panoramic Camera Using Conventional Imagers and a Mirror Pyramid
* design methodology for selection and placement of sensors in multimedia surveillance systems, A
* Design of Tone-Dependent Color-Error Diffusion Halftoning Systems
* Detection of Antipersonnel Mines by Using the Factorization Method on Multistatic Ground-Penetrating Radar Measurements
* Detection of stable contacts for human motion analysis
* DGPS-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Collision Warning: Engineering Feasibility Viewpoints
* Digital Model Framework Of Metabolic System Based On Visible Human Data Set, A
* Distributed recursive learning for shape recognition through multiscale trees
* Dominant Sets and Pairwise Clustering
* Dynamic Extraction for VOI from CT Images Based on Volume Rendering
* Effects of Flow Dispersion and Cardiac Pulsation in Arterial Spin Labeling, The
* Efficient Filtering Structure for Lagrange Interpolation, An
* Efficient image updates using light fields
* Efficient Matrix-Based DCT Splitter/Merger for MPEG-2-to-AVC/H.264 Transform Kernel Conversion, An
* Eigenmoments
* Enhanced Multiplicative Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme, An
* Enhancement of Low-Contrast Curvilinear Features in Imagery
* Enhancing retinal image by the Contourlet transform
* Ensemble Tracking
* Error Analysis for Image Inpainting
* Estimating Optimal Parameters for MRF Stereo from a Single Image Pair
* Estimating Snow Accumulation From InSAR Correlation Observations
* Estimating Velocity Fields on a Freeway From Low-Resolution Videos
* Estimation of Multiple Accelerated Motions Using Chirp-Fourier Transform and Clustering
* Estimation of the Number of Decomposition Levels for a Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Multisensor Image Fusion
* Estimation of Velocity Vectors in Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Evaluation of focus measures in multi-focus image fusion
* Evaluation Update of the Red Light Camera Program in Fairfax County, VA
* Evolutionary approach to inverse planning in coplanar radiotherapy
* Exact Analytic Approach To 3d Pet Image Reconstruction, An
* Expression-Invariant Representations of Faces
* Extending surveillance systems capabilities using BDI cooperative sensor agents
* Face detection in gray scale images using locally linear embeddings
* Face recognition using multiple facial features
* Face Verification With Balanced Thresholds
* Facial Expression Recognition in Image Sequences Using Geometric Deformation Features and Support Vector Machines
* Fast Analytical Reconstruction Of Gated Cardiac Spect With Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation
* Fast Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Recurrent Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Coding Mode Selection With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-4 Part-10 AVC/H.264
* Fast Computation of Partial DFT for Comb Spectrum Evaluation
* Fast detecting and locating groups of targets in high-resolution SAR images
* Fast DV to MPEG-4 Transcoder Integrated With Resolution Conversion and Quantization, A
* Fast Fully 4-D Incremental Gradient Reconstruction Algorithm for List Mode PET Data, A
* Fast stochastic optimization for articulated structure tracking
* Feature selection based on rough sets and particle swarm optimization
* Feature selection of 3D volume data through multi-dimensional transfer functions
* Feature Subset Selection and Ranking for Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Feature-Oriented Multiple Description Wavelet-Based Image Coding
* Feedback scheme for video compression system
* FFT Selective and Adaptive Filtering for Removal of Systematic Noise in ETM+ Imageodesy Images
* Flat Morphology on Power Lattices
* framework of fuzzy information fusion for the segmentation of brain tumor tissues on MR images, A
* Full Motion and Flow Field Recovery From Echo Doppler Data
* Fully Automated Method for Lung Nodule Detection From Postero-Anterior Chest Radiographs, A
* Fully automated segmentation and morphometrical analysis of muscle fibre images
* Fusion-based multiview distributed video coding
* Fuzzy c-means clustering methods for symbolic interval data
* Fuzzy rough sets hybrid scheme for breast cancer detection
* Fuzzy technique based recognition of handwritten characters
* Fuzzy Vector Objective Optimization Algorithm For Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Projections
* Generalized optical flow in the scale space
* Generic orthogonal moments: Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image description
* genetic algorithm for optical flow estimation, A
* Genetic Fourier descriptor for the detection of rotational symmetry
* Geometric Analysis of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
* Geometrico-Harmonic Data Broadcasting and Receiving Scheme for Popular Videos
* GPU-friendly rendering for illumination adjustable images
* Graph Embedding and Extensions: A General Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
* Gravity-Referenced Attitude Display for Mobile Robots: Making Sense of What We See
* Guest Editorial: Medical Imaging Informatics: An Information Processing From Image Formation To Visualization
* Hand gesture modelling and recognition involving changing shapes and trajectories, using a Predictive EigenTracker
* Heterogeneity-Projection Hard-Decision Color Interpolation Using Spectral-Spatial Correlation
* High Probability Impulse Noise-Removing Algorithm Based on Mathematical Morphology
* High-Resolution 2-D Cloud-Top Advection From Geostationary Satellite Imagery
* Histogram of Gabor Phase Patterns (HGPP): A Novel Object Representation Approach for Face Recognition
* Human action recognition using star skeleton
* Human gait recognition at sagittal plane
* Hybrid image matching combining Hausdorff distance with normalized gradient matching
* Hypercomplex Fourier Transforms of Color Images
* Image Coding With Geometric Wavelets
* Image distance functions for manifold learning
* Image Mining for Modeling of Forest Fires From Meteosat Images
* Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Digital Watermarking, An
* Image recognition apparatus
* Image registration by local histogram matching
* Image Restoration with Discrete Constrained Total Variation Part I: Fast and Exact Optimization
* Image Restoration with Discrete Constrained Total Variation Part II: Levelable Functions, Convex Priors and Non-Convex Cases
* Image retrieval based on indexing and relevance feedback
* Image segmentation by means of temporal parallax difference induction
* Imaging of Single and Double Scatterers in Urban Areas via SAR Tomography
* Impact of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control on Traffic-Flow Characteristics, The
* Implicit Bit Allocation for Combined Coarse Granular Scalability and Spatial Scalability
* Improved Weak-Form BCGS-FFT Combined With DCIM for Analyzing Electromagnetic Scattering by 3-D Objects in Planarly Layered Media, An
* Improving Deriche-style Recursive Gaussian Filters
* Incorporating Uncertainty via Hierarchical Classification Using Fuzzy Decision Trees
* Inpainting of Binary Images Using the Cahn-Hilliard Equation
* integrated fuzzy cells-classifier, An
* Integrating temporal information with a non-rigid method of motion correction for functional magnetic resonance images
* Integration of deformable contours and a multiple hypotheses Fisher color model for robust tracking in varying illuminant environments
* Integration of Ground-Penetrating Radar and Laser Position Sensors for Real-Time 3-D Data Fusion
* Inter-View Direct Mode for Multiview Video Coding
* Interpixel-shifted Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography For In Vivo Bladder Cancer Diagnosis
* Interpolation Free Subpixel Accuracy Motion Estimation
* Intra compression of pixel blocks using predicted mean
* Intraclass Retrieval of Nonrigid 3D Objects: Application to Face Recognition
* Intrinsic Random Fields and Image Deformations
* Inversion of Phaseless Total Field Data Using a Two-Step Strategy Based on the Iterative Multiscaling Approach
* Investigating the influence of the choice of the ensemble members in accuracy and diversity of selection-based and fusion-based methods for ensembles
* Investigation of Time-Frequency Features for GPR Landmine Discrimination
* Iterative Spectral Unmixing for Optimizing Per-Pixel Endmember Sets
* Iterative Total Variation Regularization with Non-Quadratic Fidelity
* Joint near-lossless compression and watermarking of still images for authentication and tamper localization
* Joint Optimization of Word Alignment and Epenthesis Generation for Chinese to Taiwanese Sign Synthesis
* Kinematic sets for real-time robust articulated object tracking
* Lane Detection With Moving Vehicles in the Traffic Scenes
* Large-Vocabulary Continuous Sign Language Recognition Based on Transition-Movement Models
* Least Squares Sub-pixel Registration Refinement Using Area Sampler Model
* Lie Group Transformations of Objects in Video Images
* Local or Global Minima: Flexible Dual-Front Active Contours
* Lossless Compression of Color Map Images by Context Tree Modeling
* Low-complexity compression of multispectral images based on classified transform coding
* Machine Detection of Martian Impact Craters From Digital Topography Data
* Magnetic Resonance (MR) Image Analysis: A Statistical Approach
* Matching of discrete curves under affine transforms
* Matrix-Based Approach to the Image Moment Problem, A
* Medial Scaffold of 3D Unorganized Point Clouds, The
* Memory-Efficient Semi-Quasi Renormalization for Arithmetic Coding
* Method and apparatus for measuring dwell time of objects in an environment
* Method and apparatus for reducing false alarms due to white light in a motion detection system
* Method and apparatus of recognizing face using 2nd-order independent component analysis (ICA)/principal component analysis (PCA)
* Methods and apparatuses for detecting classifying and measuring spot defects in an image of an object
* Microarray image gridding with stochastic search based approaches
* Minimal Structure and Motion Problems with Missing Data for 1D Retina Vision, The
* Mobile robot using image sensor and method for measuring moving distance thereof
* Modeling and Detection of Geospatial Objects Using Texture Motifs
* Modeling Quantization of Affine Motion Vector Coefficients
* Moment Estimation and Dithered Quantization
* Monitoring Around a Vehicle by a Spherical Image Sensor
* Monitoring system and method
* Motion-based background modeling for foreground segmentation
* Motion-Based Boundary Tracking of Moving Object Using Parametric Active Contour Model
* MPEG-2 to WMV Transcoder With Adaptive Error Compensation and Dynamic Switches
* Multi-object image retrieval based on shape and topology
* Multigrid Geometric Active Contour Models
* Multilevel Collision Mitigation Approach: Its Situation Assessment, Decision Making, and Performance Tradeoffs, A
* Multilinear Constraint on Dichromatic Planes for Illumination Estimation, A
* Multilinear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Multimedia surveillance: content-based retrieval with multicamera people tracking
* multimodal approach for dynamic event capture of vehicles and pedestrians, A
* Multiple Tree Video Multicast Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* multiresolution gradient vector field skeleton, The
* Multiscale directional filter bank with applications to structured and random texture retrieval
* MultiStage: A MINMAX Bit Allocation Algorithm for Video Coders
* Multiview fusion for canonical view generation based on homography constraints
* New Active Convex Hull Model for Image Regions, A
* new approach to camera hand-off without camera calibration for the general scene with non-planar ground, A
* New Approach to Motion Pattern Recognition and Its Application to Optical Flow Estimation, A
* New Diffusion-Based Variational Model for Image Denoising and Segmentation, A
* new motion detection algorithm based on Sigma-Delta background estimation, A
* New Parallel Differential Method for Optical Flow Estimation, A
* new segmentation approach for iris recognition based on hand-held capture device, A
* Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet-based tracking and non-linear optimization
* Nonparametric Approach for Histogram Segmentation, A
* Nonrigid motion recovery for 3D surfaces
* Normal and Pathological NCAT Image and Phantom Data Based on Physiologically Realistic Left Ventricle Finite-Element Models
* note on A fully parallel 3D thinning algorithm and its applications, A
* Novel 3-D Predict Hexagon Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation on H.264 Video Coding, A
* novel filtration method in biological sequence databases, A
* novel image watermarking scheme based on amplitude attack, A
* Novel Rate Control Scheme for Low Delay Video Communication of H.264/AVC Standard, A
* Number of N-Point Digital Discs, The
* Object tracking: A survey
* Omnidirectional Robot Vision Using Conformal Geometric Computing
* On defocus, diffusion and depth estimation
* On Interpolation and Resampling of Discrete Data
* On the Convergence of Generalized Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms
* On The Equivalence Of Stable And Unstable Forms Of The Inverse Circular Harmonic Transform Solution For The Radon Transform
* On the optimal placement of multiple visual sensors
* On the Usage of GRECOSAR, an Orbital Polarimetric SAR Simulator of Complex Targets, to Vessel Classification Studies
* On the view synthesis of man-made scenes using uncalibrated cameras
* Online Handwritten Shape Recognition Using Segmental Hidden Markov Models
* optical navigation sensor for micro aerial vehicles, An
* Optical Tracking for Performance Testing of Microsurgical Instruments
* Optimal Radial Profile Order Based on the Golden Ratio for Time-Resolved MRI, An
* Optimal Sharpness Function for SAR Autofocus
* Optimal Three-Class Linear Observer Derived From Decision Theory, An
* Optimizing Multistage Decimation and Interpolation Processing: Part II
* Outlier rejection in high-dimensional deformable models
* PCA-based web page watermarking
* Pedestrian detection in uncontrolled environments using stereo and biometric information
* Performance Bounds for the Rate-Constrained Universal Decentralized Estimators
* Performance evaluation in visual surveillance using the F-measure
* Polarization Multiplexing and Demultiplexing for Appearance-Based Modeling
* Polygonal approximation of closed discrete curves
* Pores and Ridges: High-Resolution Fingerprint Matching Using Level 3 Features
* Preprocessing and postprocessing for skeleton-based fingerprint minutiae extraction
* Preservation of 2-D Signal Symmetries in Quincunx Filter-Banks
* Projection-Slice Theorem as a Tool for Mathematical Representation of Diffraction
* Pyramid symmetry transforms: From local to global symmetry
* Qualitative Visual Environment Retrieval
* Radar Polarimetry Analysis Applied to Single-Hole Fully Polarimetric Borehole Radar
* random sampling strategy for piecewise planar scene segmentation, A
* Random Spray Retinex: A New Retinex Implementation to Investigate the Local Properties of the Model
* Rapid Biologically-Inspired Scene Classification Using Features Shared with Visual Attention
* Rate Distortion Analysis of Motion Side Estimation in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Real-Time Bayesian 3-D Pose Tracking
* Real-Time Huffman Encoder with Pipelined CAM-Based Data Path and Code-Word-Table Optimizer
* Real-Time System for High-Image Resolution Disparity Estimation
* Real-time video object generation for smart cameras
* Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus Images for Novel View Synthesis
* reinforcement learning approach to active camera foveation, A
* Reliable background suppression for complex scenes
* Reliable Detection of Overtaking Vehicles Using Robust Information Fusion
* Reliable Video Transmission Using Codes Close to the Channel Capacity
* Remote Sensing with Polarimetric Radar
* Rendezvous-Guidance Trajectory Planning for Robotic Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance and Interception
* Representation of High Resolution Images from Low Sampled Fourier Data: Applications to Dynamic MRI
* Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
* Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
* Retrieval of textured images through the use of quantization and modal analysis
* revaluation of frame difference in fast and robust motion detection, A
* robust associative watermarking technique based on similarity diagrams, A
* Robust real-time upper body limb detection and tracking
* Robust SS watermarking with improved capacity
* Robustness Enhancement for Noncentric Quantization-Based Image Watermarking
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Image Retrieval Using Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters
* Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel Table-Lookup-Coding Using Multi-Ported Content Addressable Memory
* Scatter Correction Method for X-Ray CT Using Primary Modulation: Theory and Preliminary Results
* Seat detection in a car for a smart airbag application
* Segmentation and tracking of multiple video objects
* Segmentation Model Using Compound Markov Random Fields Based on a Boundary Model, A
* Segmentation of the Optic Disc, Macula and Vascular Arch in Fundus Photographs
* Segmenting Articular Cartilage Automatically Using a Voxel Classification Approach
* Segmenting people in small groups
* Selective Regional Correlation for Pattern Recognition
* Self-recalibration of a structured light system via plane-based homography
* Semiautomatic 3-D Prostate Segmentation from TRUS Images Using Spherical Harmonics
* sensitivity analysis method and its application in physics-based nonrigid motion modeling, A
* sequence-based error-concealment algorithm for an unbalanced multiple description video coding system, A
* Shadow detection for moving objects based on texture analysis
* Shape Classification Using the Inner-Distance
* Shape-Based Averaging
* Shape-From-Shading Using the Heat Equation
* Signal and Image Approximation Using Interval Wavelet Transform
* Silhouette Coherence for Camera Calibration under Circular Motion
* Silhouette lookup for monocular 3D pose tracking
* Simultaneous feature selection and feature weighting using Hybrid Tabu Search/K-nearest neighbor classifier
* Simultaneous pose recovery and camera registration from multiple views of a walking person
* Smart home care network using sensor fusion and distributed vision-based reasoning
* Spatio-Temporal Context for Robust Multitarget Tracking
* Stability Analysis of Natural Gradient Learning Rules in Complete ICA: A Unifying Perspective
* Stacked Euler Vector (SERVE): A Gray-Tone Image Feature Based on Bit-Plane Augmentation
* Statistical Analyses of Brain Surfaces Using Gaussian Random Fields on 2-D Manifolds
* Statistical Modeling and Reconstruction of Randoms Precorrected PET Data
* Statistics-Based Approach to Binary Image Registration with Uncertainty Analysis, A
* Structure and motion of nonrigid object under perspective projection
* Structured One-Class Classification
* Subsurface Sensing of Buried Objects Under a Randomly Rough Surface Using Scattered Electromagnetic Field Data
* Support for effective use of multiple video streams in security
* Surface Dependent Representations for Illumination Insensitive Image Comparison
* Synchronizing multimodal data streams acquired using commodity hardware
* System and method for tracking objects and obscuring fields of view under video surveillance
* System-on-programmable-chip implementation for on-line face recognition
* Systems and methods for the automated sensing of motion in a mobile robot using visual data
* Texture classification and segmentation using wavelet packet frame and Gaussian mixture model
* Top-down, bottom-up multivalued default reasoning for identity maintenance
* Topological Equivalence between a 3D Object and the Reconstruction of Its Digital Image
* Topology Description for Data Distributions Using a Topology Graph With Divide-and-Combine Learning Strategy
* Towards a Real-Time Minimally-Invasive Vascular Intervention Simulation System
* Tracking mean shift clustered point clouds for 3D surveillance
* Tracking Myocardial Motion From Cine DENSE Images Using Spatiotemporal Phase Unwrapping and Temporal Fitting
* Tracking People by Learning Their Appearance
* Two-Dimensional Bandwidth Extrapolation Technique for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* Two-Dimensional Clifford-Fourier Transform, The
* Uncertainty Principle: Group Theoretic Approach, Possible Minimizers and Scale-Space Properties, The
* Unsupervised analysis of activity sequences using event-motifs
* Unsupervised multiscale segmentation of color images
* Validation of MODIS Albedo Products of Paddy Fields in Japan
* Variational Surface Interpolation from Sparse Point and Normal Data
* Vector quantization and fuzzy ranks for image reconstruction
* Verification of the Vertical Error in C-Band SRTM DEM Using ICESat and Landsat-7, Otter Tail County, MN
* Video Adaptation for Small Display Based on Content Recomposition
* Visual terrain mapping for Mars exploration
* volumetric fusion technique for surface reconstruction from silhouettes and range data, A
* Volumetric Texture Segmentation by Discriminant Feature Selection and Multiresolution Classification
* Voxel-Based 3-D Modeling of Individual Trees for Estimating Leaf Area Density Using High-Resolution Portable Scanning Lidar
* Wavelet-Based Approach for Analyzing Industrial Stochastic Textures With Applications, A
* Weight Parameter Optimization by the Ho-Kashyap Algorithm in MRF Models for Supervised Image Classification
* weighted combination of stacking and dynamic integration, A
* Weighted Sub-Gabor for face recognition
344 for 0701

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.