Update Dates 1402

1402 * *Acquisition and Modelling of Indoor and Enclosed Environments
* *PSIVT Workshops
* 1-Point Rigid Motion Estimation and Segmentation with a RGB-D Camera
* 2-SiMDoM: A 2-Sieve model for detection of mitosis in multispectral breast cancer imagery
* 2D mel-cepstrum based saliency detection
* 3-D Face Recognition Using Curvelet Local Features
* 3-D synthetic aperture radar interferometry phase unwrapping using extended Kalman filters
* 3D Applications in Disaster Mitigation and Management: Core Results of Ditac Project
* 3D Campus Information System: Initial Studies, A
* 3D egomotion from stereo cameras using constrained search window and bundle adjustment
* 3D face recognition using topographic high-order derivatives
* 3D face sparse reconstruction based on local linear fitting
* 3D gradient enhancement
* 3D left ventricular segmentation in echocardiography using a probabilistic data association deformable model
* 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban Planning
* 3D Model Based Imdoor Navigation System for Hubei Provincial Museum, A
* 3D Polygonal Line Chains Matching Method for Face Recognition, A
* 3D reconstruction of the human jaw from a single image, A
* 3D reconstruction of urban environments using in-vehicle fisheye camera
* 3D Registration in Dark Environments Using RGB-D Cameras
* 3D segmentation of abdominal CT imagery with graphical models, conditional random fields and learning
* 3D Solarweb: A solar cadaster in the Italian Alpine landscape
* 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned cameras
* 3D thin-plate spline registration for Drosophila brain surface model
* 3D versus 2D based indoor image matching analysis on images from low cost mobile devices
* 3D Visual Activity Assessment Based on Natural Scene Statistics
* 3D-2D Image Registration Algorithm for Kinematic Analysis of the Knee after Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), A
* 3D-4D color space transform for efficient lossless image compression, A
* 3D-Div: A novel local surface descriptor for feature matching and pairwise range image registration
* 4D reconstruction for dual cardiac-respiratory gated SPECT
* A Contrario Model for Matching Interest Points under Geometric and Photometric Constraints, An
* ABFT: Anisotropic binary feature transform based on structure tensor space
* About QLMS Derivations
* Aboveground total and green biomass of dryland shrub derived from terrestrial laser scanning
* Abrupt motion tracking using a visual saliency embedded particle filter
* Absolute Calibration of ATMS Upper Level Temperature Sounding Channels Using GPS RO Observations
* Abstracted radon profiles for fingerprint recognition
* Accuracy Evaluation of Stereo Vision Aided Inertial Navigation for Indoor Environments
* Accuracy improvement of histogram-based image filtering
* Accuracy Improvement of Melanosome Tracking by Error Correction
* Accuracy of Trajectories Estimation in a Driver-Assistance Context
* Accurate 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes with Fourier transform assisted phase shifting
* Accurate and Computationally-inexpensive Recovery of Ego-Motion using Optical Flow and Range Flow with Extended Temporal Support
* Accurate and robust localization of duplicated region in copy-move image forgery
* Accurate Junction Detection and Characterization in Natural Images
* Achieving complex discrete wavelet transform by lifting scheme using Meyer wavelet
* Achieving Perfect Secrecy by pdf-Bandlimited Jamming
* Action Attribute Detection from Sports Videos with Contextual Constraints
* Action Chart: A Representation for Efficient Recognition of Complex Activity
* Action recognition based on principal geodesic analysis
* Action recognition based on sparse motion trajectories
* Action recognition based on statistical analysis from clustered flow vectors
* Action recognition by orthogonalized subspaces of local spatio-temporal features
* Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor
* Action recognition using bag of features extracted from a beam of trajectories
* Action Recognition Using Nonnegative Action Component Representation and Sparse Basis Selection
* Action recognition using salient neighboring histograms
* Active classification for human action recognition
* active contour model based on multiple boundary measures, An
* active contour tracking method by matching foreground and background simultaneously, An
* Active learning of user's preferences estimation towards a personalized 3D navigation of geo-referenced scenes
* Active Rare Class Discovery and Classification Using Dirichlet Processes
* Active tracking and pursuit under different levels of occlusion: A two-layer approach
* Actual Evapotranspiration (Water Use) Assessment of the Colorado River Basin at the Landsat Resolution Using the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance Model
* Ad Hoc Radiometric Calibration of a Thermal-Infrared Camera
* Adaptive Algorithm for Automated Polygonal Approximation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Segmentation Contours
* adaptive complexity reduction scheme with fast prediction unit decision for HEVC intra encoding, An
* Adaptive deblurring of surveillance video sequences that deteriorate over time
* Adaptive high-frequency clipping for improved image quality assessment
* Adaptive human silhouette extraction with chromatic distortion and contour tracking
* Adaptive image decomposition via dictionary learning with stuctural incoherence
* Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochastic Modeling
* Adaptive joint nonlocal means denoising back projection for image super resolution
* Adaptive low rank and sparse decomposition of video using compressive sensing
* Adaptive Matrices and Filters for Color Texture Classification
* Adaptive mesh generation for image registration and segmentation
* Adaptive Morphological Filtering of Incomplete Data
* Adaptive Multilooking of Airborne Single-Pass Multi-Baseline InSAR Stacks
* Adaptive non-local means for multiview image denoising: Searching for the right patches via a statistical approach
* Adaptive Nonlocal Regularized Shadow Removal Method for Aerial Remote Sensing Images, An
* Adaptive real-time image smoothing using local binary patterns and Gaussian filters
* Adaptive rejection of outliers for robust motion compensation in cardiac MR-thermometry
* Adaptive rounding operator for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive sampling approach for volumetric shadows in dynamic scenes
* Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Based on a Multiagent System for Remote-Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Method Based on MAP Model and Class Determination Strategy for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Adaptive Support of Spatial-Temporal Neighbors for Depth Map Sequence Up-sampling
* Adaptive temporal compressive sensing for video
* adaptive texture-depth rate allocation estimation technique for low latency multi-view video plus depth transmission, An
* Adaptive tracking algorithms to improve the use of computing resources
* Adaptive Transmit and Receive Beamforming for Interference Mitigation
* Adaptive video stabilisation with dominant motion layer estimation for home video and TV broadcast
* Adaptive window search using semantic texton forests for real-time object detection
* adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
* Adaptive-weighted bilateral filtering for optical coherence tomography
* Adpative dense vector field interpolation for temporal filtering
* Advanced residual predction in 3D-HEV
* Advanced SAR Simulator of Three-Dimensional Structures Combining Geometrical Optics and Full-Wave Electromagnetic Methods, An
* Affine SoftAssign with bidirectional distance for point matching
* Airborne Dual-Wavelength LiDAR Data for Classifying Land Cover
* Airborne Measurements of CO2 Column Concentration and Range Using a Pulsed Direct-Detection IPDA Lidar
* Airborne Thermal Data Identifies Groundwater Discharge at the North-Western Coast of the Dead Sea
* Aircraft push back direction indicator
* algorithm for automatic detection of pole-like street furniture objects from Mobile Laser Scanner point clouds, An
* Algorithm on the Estimation of Residual Motion Errors in Airborne SAR Images
* Alhazen and the nearest neighbor rule
* Alternating Rate Profile Optimization in Single Stream MIMO Interference Channels
* AMBER: Adapting multi-resolution background extractor
* AMSAC: An adaptive robust estimator for model fitting
* Analysis and approximation of SAO estimation for CTU-level HEVC encoder
* Analysis of Descent-Based Image Registration
* Analysis of Inpainting via Clustered Sparsity and Microlocal Analysis
* Analysis of smartphone model identification using digital images
* Analysis of the electrical impedance tomography algorithm based on finite element method and Tikhonov regularization
* Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric recognition systems
* Analytic Expressions for Stochastic Distances Between Relaxed Complex Wishart Distributions
* Analytical Model for Synthesis Distortion Estimation in 3D Video, An
* analytical study of subpixel-based image down-sampling patterns in frequency domain, An
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Extreme Precipitation Events in Southeastern Anatolia
* Anchor-supported multi-modality hashing embedding for person re-identification
* Android malware detection through permission and package
* Animated Non-photorealistic Rendering in Multiple Styles
* Anisotropically foveated nonlocal image denoising
* Appearance-Based QR Code Beautifier
* Application of a Land Surface Model Using Remote Sensing Data for High Resolution Simulations of Terrestrial Processes
* Application of Deep Convective Clouds in the Calibration and Response Monitoring of the Reflective Solar Bands of FY-3A/MERSI (Medium Resolution Spectral Imager), The
* Application of Detection and Recognition Algorithms to Persistent Wide Area Surveillance
* Applications of real-time speed control in rail-bound public transportation systems
* Approach for Utility Pole Recognition in Real Conditions, An
* Approach to Constructing a Homogeneous Time Series of Soil Moisture Using SMOS, An
* Approaching optimality in spatially scalable video coding: From resampling and prediction to quantization and entropy coding
* Approximate constraint generation for efficient structured boosting
* Approximate models for fast and accurate epipolar geometry estimation
* Apriori-like algorithm for automatic extraction of the common action characteristics, An
* Arbitrary factor image interpolation by convolution kernel constrained 2-D autoregressive modeling
* Arbitrary-sized motion detection in screen video coding
* Articulated human pose tracking based on game theory
* Assessing Façade Visibility in 3D City Models for City Marketing
* Assessing hydrometeorological impacts with terrestrial and aerial Lidar data in Monterrey, México
* Assessing the performance of two unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques on hyperspectral APEX data for high resolution urban land-cover mapping
* Assessing the Phenology of Southern Tropical Africa: A Comparison of Hemispherical Photography, Scatterometry, and Optical/NIR Remote Sensing
* Assessing the Seasonal Dynamics of the Java's Paddy Field Using MODIS Satellite Images
* Assessment of dots and globules in dermoscopic color images as one of the 7-point check list criteria
* Assessment of hydrogen fluoride damage to vegetation using optical remote sensing data
* Assessment of satellite ocean color products of MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS along the East China Coast (in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea)
* Assessment of the image misregistration effects on object-based change detection
* associative saliency segmentation method for infrared targets, An
* Asymmetric clustering using the alpha-beta divergence
* Asymptotic Analysis of Inpainting via Universal Shearlet Systems
* Asymptotically optimal detection of LSB matching data hiding
* Attention Driven Foveated Video Quality Assessment
* Autocorrelation Spectral Density for Doppler-Weather-Radar Signal Analysis, The
* Automated Adjustment of Region-Based Active Contour Parameters Using Local Image Geometry
* Automated Classification of Bone and Air Volumes for Hybrid PET-MRI Brain Imaging
* Automated high resolution 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage using multi-scale sensor systems and semi-global matching
* Automated on-ramp merging control algorithm based on internet-connected vehicles
* Automated parameterisation for multi-scale image segmentation on multiple layers
* Automated photo-consistency test for voxel colouring based on fuzzy adaptive hysteresis thresholding
* Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesion in intensity enhanced flair MRI using texture features and support vector machine
* Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Knowledge Enhanced Random Walker
* Automated Selection of Optimal Frames in NIR Iris Videos
* Automated Stereo Retrieval of Smoke Plume Injection Heights and Retrieval of Smoke Plume Masks From AATSR and Their Assessment With CALIPSO and MISR
* Automatic 3D reconstruction of mitochondrion with local intensity distribution signature and shape feature
* Automatic detection of 3D cell protrusions using spherical wavelets
* Automatic detection of auditory salience with optimized linear filters derived from human annotation
* Automatic detection of dust and scratches in silver halide film using polarized dark-field illumination
* Automatic detection of retinal vascular landmark features for colour fundus image matching and patient longitudinal study
* Automatic detection of small spherical lesions using multiscale approach in 3D medical images
* Automatic Estimation of Multiple Motion Fields From Video Sequences Using a Region Matching Based Approach
* Automatic exposure control for multispectral cameras
* automatic framework for example-based virtual makeup, An
* Automatic framework for tracking honeybee's antennae and mouthparts from low framerate video
* Automatic GCP Extraction of Fully Polarimetric SAR Images
* Automatic image segmentation and classification based on direction texton technique for hemolytic anemia in thin blood smears
* automatic integrated image segmentation, registration and change detection method for water-body extraction using HSR images and GIS data, An
* Automatic measurement on CT images for patella dislocation diagnosis
* Automatic Registration Method for Fusion of ZY-1-02C Satellite Images
* Automatic Registration of Multisensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric
* Automatic registration of optical imagery with 3D LiDAR data using statistical similarity
* Automatic Segmentation of Molecular Pathology Images Using a Robust Mixture Model with Markov Random Fields
* Automatic segmentation of newborns' skull and fontanel from CT data using model-based variational level set
* Automatic sign language identification
* Automatic Timestamp Replanting Algorithm for Panorama Video Surveillance, An
* Automontage: Photo sessions made easy
* Azimuth Ambiguities Removal for Ship Detection Using Full Polarimetric X-Band SAR Data
* Azimuth Antenna Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Persistent Point Scatterers in SAR Images
* Background modeling through dictionary learning
* Background suppression of small target image based on fast local reverse entropy operator
* Background-Modeling-Based Adaptive Prediction for Surveillance Video Coding
* Backward view synthesis prediction for 3D-HEVC
* Backward view synthesis prediction using virtual depth map for multiview video plus depth map coding
* bagging SVM to learn from positive and unlabeled examples, A
* Band ordering in compression of ultraspectral images
* Band-Reweighed Gabor Kernel Embedding for Face Image Representation and Recognition
* bank of fast matched filters by decomposing the filter kernel, A
* Barrier Island Dynamics Using Mass Center Analysis: A New Way to Detect and Track Large-Scale Change
* Bathymetry Retrieval From Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data in Optical-Shallow Water
* Bayesian approach for natural image denoising, A
* Bayesian Chan-Vese segmentation for iris segmentation
* Bayesian Model for Crowd Escape Behavior Detection, A
* Bayesian Nonparametric Dictionary Learning for Compressed Sensing MRI
* Bayesian region selection for adaptive dictionary-based Super-Resolution
* Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense crowd event recognition
* Beyond the Kodak image set: A new reference set of color image sequences
* Bi-Temporal Texton Forest for Land Cover Transition Detection on Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Bilateral filter: Graph spectral interpretation and extensions
* Bilinear decomposition for blended expressions representation
* Bilinear Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Binary image classification using genetic programming based on local binary patterns
* Binocular estimation of motion: A least-square solution using normal flows
* Bio-inspired feature extraction and enhancement of targets moving against visual clutter during closed loop pursuit
* Bio-Optical Inversion in Highly Turbid and Cyanobacteria-Dominated Waters
* Biologically plausible context recognition algorithms
* Biologically Significant Facial Landmarks: How Significant Are They for Gender Classification?
* Biometric Security Application for Person Authentication Using Retinal Vessel Feature
* Biometric template protection with DCT-based watermarking
* Bit Allocation Method for Sparse Source Coding, A
* Blind deconvolution using a nondimensional Gaussianity measure
* blind high definition video watermarking scheme robust to geometric and temporal synchronization attacks, A
* Blind image deblurring with unknown boundaries using the alternating direction method of multipliers
* blind quality assessment of video using fragile watermarking, A
* Blind Speckle Decorrelation for SAR Image Despeckling
* Block-Based Search Space Reduction Technique for Face Detection Using Shoulder and Head Curves
* Block-to-Point Fine Registration in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Blockwise Linear Regression for Face Alignment
* Body posture graph: a new graph-based posture descriptor for human behaviour recognition
* boosting approach to learning receptive fields for scene categorization, A
* Boosting for multiclass semi-supervised learning
* Boosting local descriptors for matching composite and digital face images
* Boosting shotgun denoising by patch normalization
* Bowstring-based dual-threshold computation method for adaptive Canny edge detector
* Branch&Rank for Efficient Object Detection
* BRIGHT: A scalable and compact binary descriptor for low-latency and high accuracy object identification
* Brightness preserving video contrast enhancement using S-shaped Transfer function
* BRINT: A binary rotation invariant and noise tolerant texture descriptor
* Broadcasting Oneself: Visual Discovery of Vlogging Styles
* Building Change Detection Based on Satellite Stereo Imagery and Digital Surface Models
* Building Roof Plane Extraction from LIDAR Data
* Burned Area Mapping in the North American Boreal Forest Using Terra-MODIS LTDR (2001-2011): A Comparison with the MCD45A1, MCD64A1 and BA GEOLAND-2 Products
* C-Band Radar Polarimetry: Useful for Detection of Icebergs in Sea Ice?
* Calculating Least Risk Paths in 3D Indoor Space
* Calibration of LiDAR device using infrared images
* Calving Fronts of Antarctica: Mapping and Classification
* Camera Model Identification Based on the Heteroscedastic Noise Model
* Cameras and gravity: Estimating planar object orientation
* Can feature-based inductive transfer learning help person re-identification?
* Can holistic representations be used for face biometric quality assessment?
* Can Your Eyes Tell Me How You Think? A Gaze Directed Estimation of the Mental Activity
* Canonicalized central absolute moment for edge-based color constancy
* Canopy Fuel Load Mapping of Mediterranean Pine Sites Based on Individual Tree-Crown Delineation
* Capability Assessment of Fully Polarimetric ALOS-PALSAR Data for Discriminating Wet Snow From Other Scattering Types in Mountainous Regions
* Car detection in sequences of images of urban environments using mixture of deformable part models
* case analysis of the impact of prior center of gravity estimation over skull-stripping algorithms in MR images, A
* Case Study of Automated Face Recognition: The Boston Marathon Bombings Suspects, A
* case study of linear classifiers adapted using imperfect labels derived from human event-related potentials, A
* Causal graph-based video segmentation
* CAVVA: Computational Affective Video-in-Video Advertising
* CBM: Online Strategies on Cost-Aware Buffer Management for Mobile Video Streaming
* Centroid-based texture classification using the SIRV representation
* Chain code lossless compression using move-to-front transform and adaptive run-length encoding
* Chaining Convolution and Correlation in Practice: A Case Study in Visual Tracking
* challenge of general machine vision, The
* Change Detection in Dynamic Scenes using Local Adaptive Transform
* Chaotic dynamics of the fractional order nonlinear system with time delay
* Character confidence based on N-best list for keyword spotting in online Chinese handwritten documents
* Charting-based subspace learning for video-based human action classification
* Chess move tracking using overhead RGB webcam
* Chroma Intra Prediction Based on Inter-Channel Correlation for HEVC
* Circulant structures and graph signal processing
* Class-based MDP for improved multimedia transmission over LTE
* Classification based fast mode decision for stereo video coding
* Classification of environmental microorganisms in microscopic images using shape features and support vector machines
* Classification of ex-vivo breast cancer positive margins measured by hyperspectral imaging
* Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Images Using Independent Component Analysis
* Classification of Remote Sensing Data Using Margin-Based Ensemble Methods
* Closed-Form Solution of Visual-Inertial Structure from Motion
* Closed-Loop Deep Vision
* Cloud and Cloud-Shadow Detection in SPOT5 HRG Imagery with Automated Morphological Feature Extraction
* Cloud based N-dimensional weather forecast visualization tool with image analysis capabilities
* Clustering multi-hop information dissemination method in vehicular ad hoc networks
* co-boost framework for learning object categories from Google Images with 1st and 2nd order features, A
* Co-Saliency Detection Based on Hierarchical Segmentation
* Co-Salient Object Detection From Multiple Images
* Co-trained generative and discriminative trackers with cascade particle filter
* Coding of mixed-resolution multiview video in 3D video application
* coding unit classification based AVC-to-HEVC transcoding with background modeling for surveillance videos, A
* Coding video sequences of visual features
* Collaborative object tracking model with local sparse representation
* Collaborative Sparse Regression for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Color de-rendering using coupled dictionary learning
* Color image guided locality regularized representation for Kinect depth holes filling
* Color Image Segmentation with a Hyper-Conic Multilayer Perceptron
* color transformation method based on color theme that takes constraints on color ratio and spatial coherence into consideration, A
* Color-tone similarity of digital images
* Colour segmentation for multiple low dynamic range images using boosted cascaded classifiers
* ColourFAST: GPU-based feature point detection and tracking on mobile devices
* Combination of supervised and unsupervised learning for training the activation functions of neural networks
* Combination of thermal and color images for accurate foreground / background segmentation in outdoor environment
* combined active contours method for segmentation using localization and multiresolution, A
* Combined First and Second Order Variational Approach for Image Reconstruction, A
* Combined hole-filling with spatial and temporal prediction
* combined post-filtering method to improve accuracy of variational optical flow estimation, A
* combined SAO and de-blocking filter architecture for HEVC video decoder, A
* Combined Spatial and Temporal Effects of Environmental Controls on Long-Term Monthly NDVI in the Southern Africa Savanna
* Combining a bottom up and top down classifiers for the segmentation of the left ventricle from cardiac imagery
* Combining background subtraction and temporal persistency in pedestrian detection from static videos
* Combining contour and shape primitives for object detection and pose estimation of prefabricated parts
* Combining object-based local and global feature statistics for salient object search
* Combining patch matching and detection for robust pedestrian tracking in monocular calibrated cameras
* Comment on 'Collinear Segment Detection Using HT Neighborhoods'
* Comment on the paper 'On the memory complexity of the forward-backward algorithm,'
* Common Mathematical Framework for Real and Synthetic Aperture by Interferometry Radiometers
* Communication-minimizing 2D convolution in GPU registers
* Comparative Analysis of the Variability of Facial Landmarks for Forensics Using CCTV Images
* comparative study of region matching based on shape descriptors for coloring hand-drawn animation, A
* Comparative Study of Three Land Surface Broadband Emissivity Datasets from Satellite Data, A
* Comparing Process-Based Net Primary Productivity Models in a Mediterranean Watershed
* comparison between k-Optimum Path Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors supervised classifiers, A
* Comparison of different approaches to visual terrain classification for outdoor mobile robots
* Comparison of human and computer performance across face recognition experiments
* comparison of late fusion methods for object detection, A
* Comparison of multi-label graph cuts method and Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation for the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah segmentation model
* Comparison of Semi-Automatic and Automatic Slick Detection Algorithms For Jiyeh Power Station Oil Spill, Lebanon
* Comparison of support vector machine and object based classification methods for coastline detection
* Comparison of working efficiency of terrestrial laser scanner in day and night conditions
* Comparitive Study on the Perfermance of the InSAR Phase Filtering Approches in the Spatial and the Wavelet Domains, A
* Compass Rose: A Rotational Robust Signature for Optical Flow Computation
* complete discriminative subspace for robust face recognition, A
* Complete Rank Transform: A Tool for Accurate and Morphologically Invariant Matching of Structures, The
* Complex wavelet joint denoising and demosaicing using Gaussian scale mixtures
* Complexity awareness based feature adaptive co-segmentation
* Complexity model based load-balancing algorithm for parallel tools of HEVC
* Complexity reduction of wavelet codecs through modified quality control
* Complexity-scalable video coding and power-rate-distortion modeling forwireless video chat applications
* Comprehensive Survey to Face Hallucination, A
* Compressed sensing MRI with Bayesian dictionary learning
* Compressed Sensing-Based Inpainting of Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Band 6 Using Adaptive Spectrum-Weighted Sparse Bayesian Dictionary Learning
* Compressed-Domain Video Retargeting
* Compression of power system signals with wavelets
* Compressive Acquisition of Linear Dynamical Systems
* Compressive Distance Classifier Correlation Filter
* Compressive Sensing Approach to Multistatic Radar Change Imaging, A
* Compressive tracking via oversaturated sub-region classifiers
* Compressive video sampling from a union of data-driven subspaces
* Compressive Video Streaming: Design and Rate-Energy-Distortion Analysis
* Computation of level lines of 4-/8-connectedness
* Computational Photography Comes into Focus
* Computergraphical Model for Underwater Image Simulation and Restoration
* Computing the Cramer-Rao Bound of Markov Random Field Parameters: Application to the Ising and the Potts Models
* Concise Computer Vision: An Introduction into Theory and Algorithms
* Confidence interval based motion estimation
* Confidentiality of a selectively encrypted H.264 coded video bit-stream
* Configuration-Transition-Based Connected-Component Labeling
* Conic Quadratic Programming Approach to Physical Layer Multicasting for Large-Scale Antenna Arrays, A
* Consensus-based multiview texturing and depth-map completion
* Conservation and valorization of the historical heritage through laser scanner tecnology
* Constrained instance clustering in multi-instance multi-label learning
* Constraining image object search by multi-scale spectral residue analysis
* Construction of energy preserving QMF
* Contactless palmprint verification based on SIFT and iterative RANSAC
* Content-Adaptive Distortion-Quantization Model for H.264/AVC and its Applications, A
* Content-adaptive reference frame compression based on intra-frame prediction for multiview video coding
* Content-aware compression using saliency-driven image retargeting
* Content-based image retrieval with ordered dither block truncation coding features
* Content-Based Photo Quality Assessment
* Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
* Context-aware features and robust image representations
* Context-aware real-time tracking in sparse representation framework
* Context-based video coding
* Context-sensitive intra-class clustering
* Contextual classification of lidar data and building object detection in urban areas
* Contextual information based visual saliency model
* Contour completion of partly occluded objects for more natural raster-vector conversion
* Contour tree connectivity of binary images from algebraic graph theory
* control theory based rate adaption scheme for dash over multiple servers, A
* Correcting camera shake by incremental sparse approximation
* Correction of Reflectance Anisotropy Effects of Vegetation on Airborne Spectroscopy Data and Derived Products
* Correlation estimation for distributed wireless video communication
* Correlation Noise-Based Unequal Error Protected Rate-Adaptive Codes for Distributed Video Coding
* Correspondence Matching of Multi-View Video Sequences Using Mutual Information Based Similarity Measure
* Cost-sensitive active learning for computer-assisted translation
* Cost-sensitive background subtraction
* Coupled dimensionality reduction and classification for supervised and semi-supervised multilabel learning
* Coupled latent least squares regression for heterogeneous face recognition
* Coupled-layer neighbor embedding for surveillance face hallucination
* Covariate Shift Adaptation for Discriminative 3D Pose Estimation
* Creating the Sydney York Morphological and Acoustic Recordings of Ears Database
* Critical parameters of the sparse representation-based classifier
* Cross-Comparison of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) Sensors
* Cross-media retrieval by cluster-based correlation analysis
* Cross-view action recognition via low-rank based domain adaptation
* Cross-view action recognition via transductive transfer learning
* Crosstalk correction technique for single sensor camera provided with Bayer color filter array
* CT slice retrieval by shape ellipses descriptors for skull repairing
* Cube2Video: Navigate Between Cubic Panoramas in Real-Time
* Cubic surface fitting to image with edges as constraints
* Curvature scale-space of open curves: Theory and shape representation
* Curvelet domain image fusion of OCT and fundus imagery using convolution of Meridian distributions
* Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
* Data driven multi-index hashing
* Data hiding in MPEG-2 bitstream by creating exceptions in code space
* Data-mining process: Application for hand detection in contact free settings
* Day and night vehicle detection and counting in complex environment
* DCT/DST-based error propagation-free data hiding algorithm for HEVC intra-coded frames, A
* De-Interlacing Algorithm Using Weighted Least Squares
* de-noising method of threshold function based on wavelet, The
* Decentralized Positioning Method Based on Recursive Weighted Least Absolute Value Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Decision Fusion With Unknown Sensor Detection Probability
* Decoder-side Motion Estimation and Wiener filter for HEVC
* Decomposed human localization in personal photo albums
* Decomposed Learning for Joint Segmentation and Categorization
* Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines
* Definition of Effective Training Sets for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images by a Novel Cost-Sensitive Active Learning Method
* Deformable Part Models with Individual Part Scaling
* Deformation transfer based on stretchiness ratio
* delta-medial axis: A robust and linear time algorithm for Euclidian skeleton computation, The
* Demisting the Hough Transform for 3D Shape Recognition and Registration
* Denoising of Time-of-Flight depth data via iteratively reweighted least squares minimization
* Dense depth acquisition via one-shot stripe structured light
* Dense image correspondence under large appearance variations
* Dense motion estimation between distant frames: Combinatorial multi-step integration and statistical selection
* Dense single-shot 3D scanning via stereoscopic fringe analysis
* Dense true motion field compensation for video coding
* Dense, Auto-Calibrating Visual Odometry from a Downward-Looking Camera
* density-based enhancement to dominant sets clustering, A
* Depth enhancement based on hybrid geometric hole filling strategy
* Depth estimation and depth enhancement by diffusion of depth features
* Depth from defocus and blur for single image
* Depth from motion using critical point filters with unconstraint camera motion
* Depth image super-resolution using multi-dictionary sparse representation
* Depth map concealment using interview warping vectors from geometric transforms
* Depth map inpainting and super-resolution based on internal statistics of geometry and appearance
* Depth video coding for free viewpoint video oriented to the synthetic view perceptual quality
* Depth-adaptive supervoxels for RGB-D video segmentation
* Depth-based prediction mode for 3D video coding
* Depth-embedded multiple pooling for image classification
* Deriving leaf mass per area (LMA) from foliar reflectance across a variety of plant species using continuous wavelet analysis
* Deriving Vegetation Phenological Time and Trajectory Information Over Africa Using SEVIRI Daily LAI
* design and calibration of a 3D motion capture system for arthropods, The
* Design and decoding of an M-array pattern for low-cost structured light 3D reconstruction systems
* Design of optimized prefilters for time-domain lapped transforms with various downsampling factors
* Design of synthesis filter banks for the structural similarity index
* design of triangular biorthogonal wavelet filters with average interpolation scheme, A
* Design redundant Chebyshev dictionary with generalized extreme value distribution for sparse approximation and image denoising
* Despeckling of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Monte Carlo Texture Likelihood Sampling
* Detecting Large-Scale Landslides Using Lidar Data and Aerial Photos in the Namasha-Liuoguey Area, Taiwan
* Detecting mild traumatic brain injury using dynamic low level context
* Detecting parametric objects in large scenes by Monte Carlo sampling
* Detecting People Looking at Each Other in Videos
* Detecting Sirex noctilio grey-attacked and lightning-struck pine trees using airborne hyperspectral data, random forest and support vector machines classifiers
* Detecting structured light patterns in colour images using a support vector machine
* Detecting subcanopy invasive plant species in tropical rainforest by integrating optical and microwave (InSAR/PolInSAR) remote sensing data, and a decision tree algorithm
* Detecting Subsidence Along a High Speed Railway by Ultrashort Baseline TCP-InSAR with High Resolution Images
* Detection and Extraction of Target With Micromotion in Spiky Sea Clutter Via Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform
* Detection and removal of random-valued impulse noise from images using sparse representations
* Detection of 3D points on moving objects from point cloud data for 3D modeling of outdoor environments
* Detection of discrepancies in land-use classification using multitemporal Ikonos satellite data
* Detection of false feature correspondences in feature based object detection systems
* Detection of salient objects in computer synthesized images based on object-level contrast
* Detection of Structural Similarity for Multimodal Microscopic Image Registration
* detection of the relation of the stimulus intensity-latency of auditory brainstem response using optimal wavelet analysis, The
* Detection, localization and pose classification of ear in 3D face profile images
* Determination of the cause and amount of image degradation using a reduced reference approach
* Developing a GIS-Based Visual-Acoustic 3D Simulation for Wind Farm Assessment
* Developing a registration entry and query system within the scope of harmonizing of the orthophoto metadata with the international standards
* Development of Indoor Spatial Data Model Using CityGML ADE
* Device analysis and computer modelling of a-Si:H solar cell
* Dezert-Smarandache theory for multiple targets tracking in natural environment
* DFT based rotation and scale invariant Gabor texture descriptor and its application to gastroenterology, A
* Diagnostically lossless compression of X-ray angiography images based on automatic segmentation using ray-casting and alpha-shapes
* Difference theoretic feature set for scale-, illumination- and rotation-invariant texture classification
* Differential-Based Geometry and Texture Editing with Brushes
* Diffraction by small crystals with incomplete unit cells
* Digital Convexity and Cavity Trees
* Digital Suppression of Power Amplifier Spurious Emissions at Receiver Band in FDD Transceivers
* Direct and progressive reconstruction of dual photography images
* Direct inversion of Mojette projections
* Direct model based visual tracking and pose estimation using mutual information
* Direct-Estimation Algorithm for Mapping Daily Land-Surface Broadband Albedo From MODIS Data
* Directional lane-allocation concerning demand uncertainty
* Directional multidimensional monogenic signal analysis using shearlet monogenic transform
* Directional Multiscale Processing of Images Using Wavelets with Composite Dilations
* directional shock diffusion approach to single image super-resolution, A
* Directionlets Using In-Phase Lifting for Image Representation
* Discovery of environmental resources based on heatmap recognition
* Discrete Geodesic Calculus in Shape Space and Applications in the Space of Viscous Fluidic Objects
* Discrete Rigid Transformation Graph Search for 2D Image Registration
* Discrimination of Water Surfaces, Heavy Rainfall, and Wet Snow Using COSMO-SkyMed Observations of Severe Weather Events
* Discriminative dictionary learning with spatial priors
* discriminative domain adaptation model for cross-domain image classification, A
* Discriminative filter based regression learning for facial expression recognition
* Discriminative Generative Contour Detection
* Discriminative high-level representations for scene classification
* Discriminative Hough context model for object detection
* Discriminative probabilistic kernel learning for image retrieval
* Discriminative sparsity preserving embedding for face recognition
* Discriminative Tensor Sparse Coding for Image Classification
* Discriminative tree-based feature mapping
* Disparity-adjusted 3D multi-view video coding with dynamic background modelling
* distance driven method for metal artefact reduction in computed tomography, A
* Distributed soft video broadcast with variable block size motion estimation
* Distribution Fields with Adaptive Kernels for Large Displacement Image Alignment
* Distribution of Actual Evapotranspiration over Qaidam Basin, an Arid Area in China
* Document image and zone classification through incremental learning
* Document image binarization via one-pass local classification
* Documentation and Visualization of an As-Built Tunnel by Combining 3D Laser Scanning and Web Mapping
* Domain Adaptation for Upper Body Pose Tracking in Signed TV Broadcasts
* Double linear regressions for single labeled image per person face recognition
* Downlink Power Control for Multi-User VBR Video Streaming in Cellular Networks
* Downscaling Method for Improving the Spatial Resolution of AMSR-E Derived Soil Moisture Product Based on MSG-SEVIRI Data, A
* Drainage Structure Datasets and Effects on LiDAR-Derived Surface Flow Modeling
* Drosophila eye nuclei segmentation based on graph cut and convex shape prior
* DSET: A robust clustering algorithm
* DTCWT based medical ultrasound images despeckling using LS parameter optimization
* Dual deblurring leveraged by image matching
* Dual-domain image denoising
* Dynamic and clinical PET data reconstruction: A nonparametric Bayesian approach
* Dynamic hierarchical dictionary design for multi-page binary document image compression
* Dynamic Hydrological Modeling in Drylands with TRMM Based Rainfall
* dynamic model buffer for parametric motion vector prediction in random-access coding scenarios, A
* Dynamic speed guidance for active highway signal coordination: roadside against in-car strategies
* Dynamic super resolution of depth sequences with non-rigid motions
* Dynamic WIFI-Based Indoor Positioning in 3D Virtual World
* E-LAMP: integration of innovative ideas for multimedia event detection
* Early On-Orbit Performance of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Onboard the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Satellite
* Early Recurrence Improves Edge Detection
* EarthEnv-DEM90: A nearly-global, void-free, multi-scale smoothed, 90m digital elevation model from fused ASTER and SRTM data
* Easy-to-Use and Accurate Calibration of RGB-D Cameras from Spheres
* EBSD image segmentation using a physics-based forward model
* Edge curve scaling and smoothing with cubic spline interpolation
* Edge preserving single image super resolution in sparse environment
* Edge-preserving single depth image interpolation
* effective 2-stage method for removing impulse noise in images, An
* Effective balancing error and user effort in interactive handwriting recognition
* effective computer aided diagnosis system using B-Mode and color Doppler flow imaging for breast cancer, An
* Effective constructing training sets for object detection
* effective dual method for multiplicative noise removal, An
* effective histogram binning for mutual information based registration of optical imagery and 3D LiDAR data, An
* Effective mix-zone anonymization techniques for mobile travelers
* Effective stereo matching using reliable points based graph cut
* Effective traffic management based on bounded rationality and indifference bands
* Effective Video Retargeting With Jittery Assessment
* Effects of Atmospheric Stability and Wind Fetch on Microwave Sea Echoes
* Effects of Near-Surface Soil Moisture on GPS SNR Data: Development of a Retrieval Algorithm for Soil Moisture
* Efficiency Analysis of POC-Derived Bases for Combinatorial Motion Estimation
* Efficient active contour model based on Vese-Chan model and split bregman method
* Efficient adaptive prediction based reversible image watermarking
* Efficient and accurate independent component filter-based features for texure similarity
* Efficient and robust image segmentation with a new piecewise-smooth decomposition model
* efficient approach for face recognition based on common eigenvalues, An
* efficient color quantization based on generic roughness measure, An
* Efficient Compression of Amplitude-Only Images for the Image Trading System, An
* Efficient Dense 3D Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation in RGB-D Video
* Efficient depth map estimation method based on gradient weight cost aggregation strategy
* Efficient depth map generation with occlusion handling for various camera arrays
* Efficient Digital FFT Convolution with Boundary Kernel Renormalisation
* Efficient feature size reduction via predictive forward selection
* Efficient graph cuts based extraction of vertebral column and ribs in lung MDCT images
* Efficient image completion method based on alternating direction theory
* Efficient Integer DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Efficient kernel descriptor for image categorization via pivots selection
* Efficient key picture and single loop decoding scheme for SHVC
* Efficient macroblock ordering for chrominance planes in rich color image compression
* Efficient Motion Compensation of a Moving Object on SAR Imagery Based on Velocity Correlation Function
* efficient occlusion detection method to improve object trackers, An
* Efficient Parallel Framework for HEVC Motion Estimation on Many-Core Processors
* Efficient Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Scale HOG Features with Low Computational Complexity
* Efficient Point-to-Subspace Query in L_1 with Application to Robust Object Instance Recognition
* Efficient Reconstruction of Complex 3-D Scenes from Incomplete RGB-D Data
* Efficient Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
* Efficient seam carving for object removal
* Efficient Shape Matching using Vector Extrapolation
* efficient sign prediction method for DCT coefficients and its application to reversible data embedding in scrambled JPEG image, An
* Efficient Space-Time Sampling with Pixel-Wise Coded Exposure for High-Speed Imaging
* Efficient transmission of multiview video over unreliable channels
* Efficient vehicle detection with adaptive scan based on perspective geometry
* Efficient video resolution adaptation using scalable H.265/HEVC
* efficient video retrieval scheme based on facial signatures, An
* Efficient view synthesis for multi-view video plus depth
* Efficient weighted prediction parameter signaling using parameter prediction and direct derivation
* Egomotion Estimation Using Binocular Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy
* Eigenvalue Analysis-Based Approach for POL-SAR Image Classification
* Elastic Net subspace clustering applied to pop/rock music structure analysis
* EM-based hybrid Fourier-wavelet image deconvolution algorithm, An
* Emotion recognition from facial images with arbitrary views
* Emotional temporal difference Q-learning signals in multi-agent system cooperation: real case studies
* Empirical Model of Multiview Video Coding Efficiency for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, An
* Empirical Modelling of Vegetation Abundance from Airborne Hyperspectral Data for Upland Peatland Restoration Monitoring
* Encoding true-color images with a limited palette via soft vector clustering as an instance of dithering multidimensional signals
* Endoscopy video summarization based on unsupervised learning and feature discrimination
* Enforcing Monotonous Shape Growth or Shrinkage in Video Segmentation
* enhanced approach for simultaneous image reconstruction and sensitivity map estimation in partially parallel imaging, An
* Enhanced Decoupled Active Contour Using Structural and Textural Variation Energy Functionals
* Enhanced interval type-2 fuzzy c-means algorithm with improved initial center
* Enhanced real time facial detection and replacement using GPGPU
* enhanced window-variant dark channel prior for depth estimation using single foggy image, An
* Enhancement of Pro-MPEG COP3 codes and application to layer-aware FEC protection of two-layered video transmission
* Enhancing Action Recognition by Cross-Domain Dictionary Learning
* Enhancing coded video quality with perceptual foveation driven bit allocation strategy
* Enhancing dynamic videos for surveillance and robotic applications: The robust bilateral and temporal filter
* Enhancing privacy in collaborative traffic-monitoring systems using autonomous location update
* Entropy of primitive: A top-down methodology for evaluating the perceptual visual information
* Entropy-based feature selection for improved 3D facial expression recognition
* Envisat/ASAR Images for the Calibration of Wind Drag Action in the Doñana Wetlands 2D Hydrodynamic Model
* Equisolid Fisheye Stereovision Calibration and Point Cloud Computation
* error concealment adaptive framework for intra-frames, An
* Error-resilient video coding using multiple reference frames
* ESA FELYX High Resolution Diagnostic Data Set System Design and Implementation, The
* Establishment of linkages across GOP boundaries for reverse playback on compressed video
* Estimating head pose with an RGBD sensor: A comparison of appearance-based and pose-based local subspace methods
* Estimating Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Over Snow-Covered Land in North America Using a Land Surface Model and an Artificial Neural Network
* Estimating Speaker Height and Subglottal Resonances Using MFCCs and GMMs
* Estimating traffic condition using just a single image
* Estimation of end-to-end distortion of virtual view for error-resilient depth map coding
* Estimation of higher chlorophylla concentrations using field spectral measurement and HJ-1A hyperspectral satellite data in Dianshan Lake, China
* Estimation of Satellite Rainfall Error Variance Using Readily Available Geophysical Features
* Estimation of signal dependent noise parameters from a single image
* estimation of the fundamental matrix using hybrid statistics, An
* Estimation of the primary quantization parameter in MPEG videos
* Evaluating multimedia features and fusion for example-based event detection
* Evaluating Passive Microwave Radiometry for the Dynamical Transition From Dry to Wet Snowpacks
* Evaluating Superpixels in Video: Metrics Beyond Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Evaluating the effect of diffuse light on photometric stereo reconstruction
* Evaluating the perceived quality of spectral images
* Evaluation of a New Polarimetric Algorithm for Rain-Path Attenuation Correction of X-Band Radar Observations Against Disdrometer
* Evaluation of AFIS-Ranked Latent Fingerprint Matched Templates
* Evaluation of automated electric transportation deployment strategies: integrated against isolated
* Evaluation of binary keypoint descriptors
* Evaluation of data fusion and image segmentation in earth observation based rapid mapping workflows
* Evaluation of Different Features and Learning Models for Anomalous Event Detection, An
* Evaluation of Different Topographic Corrections for Landsat TM Data by Prediction of Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) in Topographically Complex Landscapes
* evaluation of stereo matching methods for view interpolation, An
* Evaluation of the Self-Consistency Principle for Calibration of the CASA Radar Network Using Properties of the Observed Precipitation Medium
* Evaluation of the Sparsity Degree for Sparse Recovery with Deterministic Measurement Matrices, An
* Evaluation on Different Number of Ground Control Points in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetric Block, An
* Evamapper: A Novel Matlab Toolbox For Evapotranspiration Mapping
* Example based depth from fog
* Example-Based Human Motion Extrapolation and Motion Repairing Using Contour Manifold
* Exemplar-Based Hole-Filling Technique for Multiple Dynamic Objects
* EXIT-Based Side Information Refinement in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Experimental Study on Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Experiments with Notaries About the Semiology of 3D Cadastral Models
* Explicit Shift-Invariant Dictionary Learning
* Exploiting gradient histograms for gait-based person identification
* Exploiting spatial smoothness to recover undecoded coefficients for transform domain distributed video coding
* Exploiting the SVM constraints in NMF with application in eating and drinking activity recognition
* Exploration of Generalized Residual Prediction in scalable HEVC
* Exploring Motion Boundary based Sampling and Spatial-Temporal Context Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Exploring SVM for Image Annotation in Presence of Confusing Labels
* Exploring the Processes of Generating LOD (0-2) CITYGML Models in Greater Municipality of Istanbul
* Exposing fake bitrate video and its original bitrate
* Exposing image forgery through the detection of contrast enhancement
* Expression transfer: A system to build 3D blend shapes for facial animation
* Expression-invariant and sparse representation for mesh-based compression for 3-D face models
* Extended depth-of-field via focus stacking and graph cuts
* Extended Feature Descriptor and Vehicle Motion Model with Tracking-by-Detection for Pedestrian Active Safety
* Extended Layered Depth Image Representation in Multiview Navigation
* Extract foreground objects based on sparse model of spatiotemporal spectrum
* Extraction of line segments in cluttered images via multiscale edges
* Eye movement analysis for depression detection
* Eye-tracker based part-image selection for image retrieval
* Face alignment using structured random regressors combined with statistical shape model fitting
* Face detection based on skin color likelihood
* Face distance estimation from a monocular camera
* Face gender classification: A statistical study when neutral and distorted faces are combined for training and testing purposes
* Face hallucination based on PCA dictionary pairs
* Face hallucination revisited: A joint framework
* Face liveness detection by focusing on frontal faces and image backgrounds
* Face liveness detection for combating the spoofing attack in face recognition
* Face liveness detection using analysis of Fourier spectra based on hair
* Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
* Face recognition using Histogram of co-occurrence Gabor phase patterns
* Face recognition using Hog feature and group sparse coding
* Face recognition using scale-adaptive directional and textural features
* Face recogntion in open world environment
* Face-graph matching for classifying groups of people
* Facial emotion recognition with anisotropic inhibited Gabor energy histograms
* Facial emotion recognition with anisotropic inhibited Gabor energy histograms
* Facial expression recognition based on anatomy
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Weighted All Parts Accumulation and Optimal Expression-Specific Parts Accumulation
* Facial landmark localization via boosted and adaptive filters
* Factor Graphs for Fast and Scalable 3D Reconstruction and Mapping
* Factors Affecting Enhanced Video Quality Preferences
* Failure-Aware Explicit Shape Regression Model for Facial Landmark Detection in Video, A
* False discovery rate approach to image change detection
* Fashion Parsing With Weak Color-Category Labels
* fast and accurate re-calibration technique for misaligned stereo cameras, A
* Fast and Efficient Transcoding Based on Low-Complexity Background Modeling and Adaptive Block Classification
* Fast and efficient visual codebook construction for multi-label annotation using predictive clustering trees
* fast and robust deblurring technique on high noise environment, A
* Fast and Robust L_1-averaging-based Pose Estimation for Driving Scenarios
* fast anti-noise fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation, A
* Fast Approximation of Distance Between Elastic Curves using Kernels
* Fast bottom-up pruning for HEVC intraframe coding
* Fast Closed-Form Matting Using a Hierarchical Data Structure
* Fast computation of Bipartite graph matching
* Fast cortical keypoints for real-time object recognition
* Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow
* Fast EPI based depth for plenoptic cameras
* Fast Exhaustive-Search equivalent pattern matching through hierarchical partitioning
* Fast Explicit Diffusion for Accelerated Features in Nonlinear Scale Spaces
* Fast Gaussian filter with second-order shift property of DCT-5
* Fast Geodesic Active Fields for Image Registration Based on Splitting and Augmented Lagrangian Approaches
* Fast Human Detection in RGB-D Images with Progressive SVM-Classification
* Fast human detection using template matching for gradient images and aSC descriptors based on subtraction stereo
* fast hybrid Jacket-Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform, A
* Fast image retargeting via axis-aligned importance scaling
* Fast image scanning with deep max-pooling convolutional neural networks
* Fast impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast L1 smoothing splines with an application to Kinect depth data
* fast learning algorithm for image segmentation with max-pooling convolutional networks, A
* Fast merge mode decision for diamond search in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast mosaicing of cystoscopic images from dense correspondence: Combined SURF and TV-L1 optical flow method
* Fast multi reference frame motion estimation for high efficiency video coding
* fast multi-view based specular removal approach for pill extraction, A
* Fast object tracking using color histograms and patch differences
* Fast Ordering Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification
* Fast pedestrian detection based on a partial least squares cascade
* Fast prediction mode decision with hadamard transform based rate-distortion cost estimation for HEVC intra coding
* Fast principal component pursuit via alternating minimization
* Fast relocalization for visual odometry using binary features
* Fast single image fog removal using the adaptive Wiener filter
* Fast single-image super-resolution with filter selection
* Fast T2 Mapping With Improved Accuracy Using Undersampled Spin-Echo MRI and Model-Based Reconstructions With a Generating Function
* Fast transform-based adaptive beamformer for medical ultrasound imaging
* Fast transrating for high efficiency video coding based on machine learning
* Fast variational Bayesian approaches applied to large dimensional problems
* fault diagnosis of rolling bearing in gearbox of wind turbines based on second generation wavelet, The
* Feasibility of Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) of Atlantic Cod with Seafloor Scattering Limitations
* Feature classification criterion for missing features mask estimation in robust speaker recognition
* Feature design for aesthetic inference on photos with faces
* Feature enrichment and selection for transductive classification on networked data
* Feature extraction method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammograms using multi-resolution transformations and SVM-fuzzy logic classifier
* Feature extraction using bionic particle swarm tracing for transfer function design in direct volume rendering
* Feature normalization for part-based image classification
* Feature selection for improved 3D facial expression recognition
* Feature selection using graph cuts based on relevance and redundancy
* Feature-Based Quality Evaluation of 3D Point Clouds: Study of the Performance of 3D Registration Algorithms
* feature-based region growing-merging approach to color image segmentation, A
* Feature-matching and extended Kalman filter for stereo ego-motion estimation
* Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplification from Defect-Laden Point Sets
* Fidelity-Beltrami-Sparsity Model for Inverse Problems in Multichannel Image Processing
* Field evaluation of an enhanced rear signalling system for heavy trucks
* Filter based alpha matting for depth image based rendering
* Filter coefficients of the fractional Hilbert transforms of biorthogonal wavelets
* Filter optimization and complexity reduction for video coding using graph-based transforms
* Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction and Redundancy in Compton Camera Imaging
* Finger identification using hand boundary decomposition
* Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse Representation
* Fingerprint liveness detection based on binarized statistical image feature with sampling from Gaussian distribution
* Fingerprint retrieval by spatial modelling and distorted sample generation
* finite element contour approach to affine invariant shape representation, A
* First JPEG quantization matrix estimation based on histogram analysis
* Fisher Vector Faces in the Wild
* Flexible and User-Centric Camera Calibration using Planar Fiducial Markers
* Flexible Method for Multi-Material Decomposition of Dual-Energy CT Images, A
* Floor detection based depth estimation from a single indoor scene
* Focused pooling for objective quality estimation
* Focusing Attention on Visual Features that Matter
* Focusing in thermal imagery using morphological gradient operator
* Foreground and background reconstruction in poisson video
* Foreground Extraction of Underwater Videos via Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* foreground object based quantitative assessment of dense stereo approaches for use in automotive environments, A
* Forensic analysis of full-frame linearly filtered JPEG images
* Format-compliant encryption techniques for high efficiency video coding
* Forward non-rigid motion tracking for facial MoCap
* Fourier based registration of differentially scaled images
* Foveation filter using multiband energy scaling in DCT domain
* FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-time 3D tracking of deformable surfaces
* Fractal Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search in Log-Log Time
* Frame Rate Up Conversion Based on Variational Image Fusion
* Frame rate versus spatial quality: Which video characteristics do matter?
* Frame-based image deblurring with unknown boundary conditions using the alternating direction method of multipliers
* Frame-Based Recovery of Corrupted Video Files Using Video Codec Specifications
* Framelet features for pedestrian detection in noisy depth images
* framework for automated cell tracking in phase contrast microscopic videos based on normal velocities, A
* framework for selection and fusion of pattern classifiers in multimedia recognition, A
* framework for video event classification by modeling temporal context of multimodal features using HMM, A
* Framework of AVS2-video coding
* Free your Camera: 3D Indoor Scene Understanding from Arbitrary Camera Motion
* Frequency-domain analysis of discrete wavelet transform coefficients and their adaptive shrinkage for anti-aliasing
* FRIF: Fast Robust Invariant Feature
* From Bikers to Surfers: Visual Recognition of Urban Tribes
* From clamped local shape models to global shape model
* From local representation to global face hallucination: A novel super-resolution method by nonnegative feature transformation
* From Logo to Object Segmentation
* From relation between filter-based MRFs model and sparsity based method to the pursuit of natural images space
* From taxi GPS traces to social and community dynamics: A survey
* FUEGO: a satellite system for rapid location of wildfires
* Full-range affinities for graph-based segmentation
* Full-reference video quality metric assisted the development of no-reference bitstream video quality metrics for real-time network monitoring
* Full-Wave Calibration of Time- and Frequency-Domain Ground-Penetrating Radar in Far-Field Conditions
* Fully Constrained Linear Spectral Unmixing Algorithm Based on Distance Geometry, A
* Fully Smoothed L_1-TV Models: Bounds for the Minimizers and Parameter Choice
* Fusing multi-feature representation and PSO-Adaboost based feature selection for reliable frontal face detection
* Fusion of airborne laserscanning point clouds and images for supervised and unsupervised scene classification
* Fusion of dense spatial features and sparse temporal features for three-dimensional structure estimation in urban scenes
* Fusion of depth and color for an improved active shape model
* Fusion of finger types for fingerprint indexing using minutiae quadruplets
* Fusion of image segmentation algorithms using consensus clustering
* Fusion of terrasar-x and rapideye data: a quality analysis
* Future Retrievals of Water Column Bio-Optical Properties using the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI)
* Fuzzy logic and local features based medical image segmentation
* Gabor transformation on the circle
* Gait recognition based on gait pal and pal entropy image
* Game-theoretic rate-distortion-complexity optimization for HEVC
* Gamut Mapping through Perceptually-Based Contrast Reduction
* Gaussian mixture model for video compressive sensing
* Gaussian mixture models and information entropy for image segmentation using particle swarm optimisation
* Gaze location prediction for broadcast football video using Bayesian integration of low level features and top-down cues
* Gaze pattern analysis for video contents with different frame rates
* General Exponential Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* general non-local denoising model using multi-kernel-induced measures, A
* general probability framework for improving similarity based approaches for face verification, A
* Generalised Perspective Shape from Shading with Oren-Nayar Reflectance
* Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem for Two Integers, A
* Generalized Correlation-Based Model for Out-of-Plane Motion Estimation in Freehand Ultrasound, A
* generalized data-driven Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for hierarchical activity search, A
* Generalized Equalization Model for Image Enhancement
* Generalized image retargeting via convex optimization
* Generalized inter-layer residual prediction for scalable extension of HEVC
* Generalized multivariate exponential power prior for wavelet-based multichannel image restoration
* Generalized transfer component analysis for mismatched JPEG steganalysis
* Generalized uncertainty principles associated with Hilbert transform
* Generating Navigation Models from Existing Building Data
* Generation and Quality Assessment of Stereo-Extracted DSM From GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Imagery
* Generation of a Super-Resolved Stereo Video Using Two Synchronized Videos with Different Magnifications
* Generation of Animated Stereo Panoramic Images for Image-Based Virtual Reality Systems
* Generation of new points for training set and feature-level fusion in multimodal biometric identification
* Generation of Random Digital Simple Curves with Artistic Emulation
* Generative Methods for Long-Term Place Recognition in Dynamic Scenes
* Generative Model for Concurrent Image Retrieval and ROI Segmentation, A
* Generic Object Crowd Tracking by Multi-Task Learning
* Geodesic saliency propagation for image salient region detection
* Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis: Towards a New Paradigm
* Geographically Adaptive Inversion Model for Improving Bathymetric Retrieval From Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* Geometric PCA of Images
* Geometric techniques for 3D tracking of ultrasound sensor, tumor segmentation in ultrasound images, and 3D reconstruction
* Georeferenced Point Clouds: A Survey of Features and Point Cloud Management
* Georeferencing Accuracy Assessment of Pléiades 1A Images Using Rational Function Model
* Gestalt saliency: Salient region detection based on Gestalt principles
* Gestalt-inspired features extraction for object category recognition
* GIHS-based spectral preservation fusion method for remote sensing images using edge restored spectral modulation, A
* GIS-Based Smart Cartography Using 3D Modeling
* Glass object segmentation by label transfer on joint depth and appearance manifolds
* Global Haar-Like Features: A New Extension of Classic Haar Features for Efficient Face Detection in Noisy Images
* Global Image Denoising
* global image fidelity metric: Visual distance and its properties, A
* Going beyond vision to improve bionic vision
* GPS Estimation for Places of Interest From Social Users' Uploaded Photos
* GPU accelerated motion and disparity estimations for multiview coding
* GPU-based parallel construction of compact visual hull meshes
* Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation: A Highly Efficient Perceptual Image Quality Index
* Gradient-based time to contact on paracatadioptric camera
* Grain-oriented segmentation of scanning electron microscope images
* Graph based segmentation with minimal user interaction
* Graph-based approach for human action recognition using spatio-temporal features
* Graph-based image segmentation using weighted color patch
* Graph-based multiple instance learning for action recognition
* Graph-based rotation of the DCT basis for motion-adaptive transforms
* Graph-Based Topic-Focused Retrieval in Distributed Camera Network
* graph-cut approach to image segmentation using an affinity graph based on L0-sparse representation of features, A
* Gray-World Assumption on Perceptual Color Spaces
* Group sparsity based semi-supervised band selection for hyperspectral images
* Guest Editorial
* Guest editorial: location-centric privacy in mobile services
* Guided image upsampling using bitmap tracing
* Guided search consensus: Large scale point cloud registration by convex optimization
* H.264/AVC to HEVC Video Transcoder Based on Dynamic Thresholding and Content Modeling
* H.264/AVC to HEVC video transcoder based on mode mapping, An
* Haar-like features for robust real-time face recognition
* Habitat classification using random forest based image annotation
* Half-AUC for the evaluation of sensitive or specific classifiers
* Half-Quadratic-Based Iterative Minimization for Robust Sparse Representation
* hand shape recognizer from simple sketches, A
* Handling packet loss in WebRTC
* Haptically Assisting Breast Tumor Detection by Augmenting Abnormal Lump
* Hardness of evasion of multiple classifier system with non-linear classifiers
* Hardware Architecture for Video Authentication Using Sensor Pattern Noise
* hardware friedly motion estimation algorithm for the emergent HEVC standard and its low power hardware design, A
* Harmonic Active Contours
* Harmonic Flow for Histogram Matching
* Harmonic Variance: A Novel Measure for In-focus Segmentation
* Harmony search-based hybrid stable adaptive fuzzy tracking controllers for vision-based mobile robot navigation
* Harnessing motion blur to uncover splicing
* Hashing Hyperplane Queries to Near Points with Applications to Large-Scale Active Learning
* Hazardous material sign detection and recognition
* Head-shoulder based gender recognition
* Heterogeneous feature code for expression recognition
* HEVC interpolation filter architecture for quad full HD decoding
* Hierarchical 3D line restoration based on angular proximity in structured environments
* Hierarchical abnormal event detection by real time and semi-real time multi-tasking video surveillance system
* Hierarchical activity discovery within spatio-temporal context for video anomaly detection
* Hierarchical Bayesian Data Analysis in Radiometric SAR System Calibration: A Case Study on Transponder Calibration with RADARSAT-2 Data
* Hierarchical data association and depth-invariant appearance model for indoor multiple objects tracking
* Hierarchical extraction of landslides from multiresolution remotely sensed optical images
* Hierarchical kernel-based rotation and scale invariant similarity
* Hierarchical OBB-sphere tree for large-scale range data management
* Hierarchical On-line Appearance-Based Tracking for 3D head pose, eyebrows, lips, eyelids and irises
* Hierarchical Prediction and Context Adaptive Coding for Lossless Color Image Compression
* Hierarchical Scene Annotation
* Hierarchical Sparse Signal Recovery by Variational Bayesian Inference
* Hierarchical spatiotemporal feature extraction using recurrent online clustering
* High Accuracy Ellipse-Specific Fitting
* High Accuracy Optical Flow for 3D Medical Image Registration Using the Census Cost Function
* High capacity multi-scale image sharing scheme by combining visual cryptography with data hiding
* High definition IEEE AVS decoder on ARM NEON platform
* High dynamic range imaging by a rank-1 constraint
* High Frequency 3D Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Multiple Cameras
* High precision probability estimation for CABAC
* High Spatial Resolution WorldView-2 Imagery for Mapping NDVI and Its Relationship to Temporal Urban Landscape Evapotranspiration Factors
* High-Dimension Multilabel Problems: Convex or Nonconvex Relaxation?
* High-Order Distance-Based Multiview Stochastic Learning in Image Classification
* high-performance CABAC encoder architecture for HEVC and H.264/AVC, A
* High-precision and fast computation of Jacobi-Fourier moments for image description
* High-Resolution Subsurface Imaging of Deeply Submerged Targets Based on Distributed Near-Ground Sensors
* High-resolution surface reconstruction based on multi-level implicit surface from multiple range images
* High-throughput interpolation hardware architecture with coarse-grained reconfigurable datapaths for HEVC
* Hinge loss bound approach for surrogate supervision multi-view learning
* Histogram shrinking for power-saving contrast enhancement
* Historical Perspective of Speech Recognition, A
* Hole-free texture mapping based on laser reflectivity
* Hot pixel removal within colour filter array demosaicking using modified bilateral filters
* How the distribution of salient objects in images influences salient object detection
* How to infer impacts of ITS services in different user cases
* How to Select Good Neighboring Images in Depth-Map Merging Based 3D Modeling
* Human Action Recognition from Inter-temporal Dictionaries of Key-Sequences
* Human action recognition using action bank and RBFNN trained by L-GEM
* Human action recognition using oriented holistic feature
* Human activity recognition using multi-features and multiple kernel learning
* Human Detection by Quadratic Classification on Subspace of Extended Histogram of Gradients
* Human interaction categorization by using audio-visual cues
* Human motion capture data recovery via trajectory-based sparse representation
* hybrid active contour model with structure feature for image segmentation, A
* Hybrid model of clustering and kernel autoassociator for reliable vehicle type classification
* hybrid sender/receiver-driven error protection scheme for reliable P2P scalable video streaming, A
* hypergraph based semi-supervised band selection method for hyperspectral image classification, A
* Hyperspectral Face Recognition using 3D-DCT and Partial Least Squares
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Nearest Feature Line Embedding Approach
* Hyperspectral image feature classification using stationary wavelet transform
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using a New Spectral Mixture-Based Binary Partition Tree Representation
* ICFSIFT: Improving Collection-Specific CBIR with ICF-Based Local Features
* Identification of multi-scale corresponding object-set pairs between two polygon datasets with hierarchical co-clustering
* Identification of the motion estimation strategy using eigenalgorithms
* Identifying factors affecting drivers selection of unconventional outside left-turn lanes at signallised intersections
* IEEE 1857 Standard: Empowering Smart Video Surveillance Systems, The
* Illuminating the Capabilities of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band
* Illumination compensation via low rank matrix completion for multiview video coding
* Image asymmetry measurement for the study of endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard
* Image Blur Classification and Parameter Identification Using Two-stage Deep Belief Networks
* Image completion for view synthesis using Markov random fields and efficient belief propagation
* Image decomposition using adaptive second-order total generalized variation
* Image Denoising Using Dual Tree Statistical Models for Complex Wavelet Transform Coefficient Magnitudes
* Image enhancement revisited: From first order to second order statistics
* Image foresting transform with geodesic star convexity for interactive image segmentation
* Image formation model for photon sieves
* Image fusion based on a sparse linear system
* Image Fusion using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Image Fusion With No Gamut Problem by Improved Nonlinear IHS Transforms for Remote Sensing
* Image interpolation using Gabor filter
* Image interpolation using shearlet based sparsity priors
* Image Matting for Sparse User Input by Iterative Refinement
* Image Preprocessing Assessment Detecting Low Contrast Regions under Non-homogeneous Light Conditions
* Image processing for visual prostheses: A clinical perspective
* image processing pipeline for segmenting the retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images, An
* Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition
* Image quality estimation for different spatial resolutions
* Image Re-Attentionizing
* Image Registration with Sparse Approximations in Parametric Dictionaries
* Image representation for object recognition: Utilizing overlapping windows in Spatial Pyramid Matching
* Image resizing with SIFT feature preservation
* Image restoration via efficient Gaussian mixture model learning
* Image restoration with 2-D non-separable oversampled lapped transforms
* Image scaling algorithm using multichannel sampling in the linear canonical transform domain
* Image segmentation by a robust generalized fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Image splicing detection based on noncausal Markov model
* Image super resolution using saliency-modulated context-aware sparse decomposition
* Image Super-Resolution Via Non-Local Steering Kernel Regression Regularization
* Image unprojection for 3D surface reconstruction: A triangulation-based approach
* Image-based magnification calibration for electron microscope
* Imaging of Compact Objects Buried in Underwater Sediments Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Imaging spectroscopy for scene analysis: challenges and opportunities
* Imbalanced data classification using second-order cone programming support vector machines
* Impact of applying pre-processing techniques for improving classification accuracy
* Impact of content mastering on the throughput of a bit stream video watermarking system
* Impact of image appeal on visual attention during photo triaging
* Impact of Tree-Oriented Growth Order in Marker-Controlled Region Growing for Individual Tree Crown Delineation Using Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) Data
* Implementing 3D visualizations of EEG signals in artistic applications
* Implicit Surface Modeling from Imprecise Point Clouds
* Improved Accuracy of Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimates from MODIS Imagery Using a Two-Band Ratio Algorithm and Geostatistics: As Applied to the Monitoring of Eutrophication Processes over Tien Yen Bay (Northern Vietnam)
* improved building detection in complex sites using the LIDAR height variation and point density, An
* Improved Depth-Based Motion Vector Prediction in 3D Video Coding
* Improved disparity vector derivation in 3D-HEVC
* Improved ellipse fitting by considering the eccentricity of data point sets
* Improved graph cut segmentation by learning a contrast model on the fly
* improved image compression scheme with an adaptive parameters set in encrypted domain, An
* Improved Image Fusion Approach Based on Enhanced Spatial and Temporal the Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, An
* Improved intra transform skip mode in HEVC
* Improved LAI Algorithm Implementation to MODIS Data by Incorporating Background, Topography, and Foliage Clumping Information
* Improved mode decision algorithm based on residues and early zero block detection in H.264/AVC
* Improved Multi-Temporal Insar Method for Increasing Spatial Resolution of Surface Deformation Measurements, An
* Improved Restoration Method for Non-Uniformly Warped Images Using Optical Flow Technique, An
* Improved Retrieval of Coastal Sea Surface Heights by Retracking Modified Radar Altimetry Waveforms, The
* improved reversible data hiding-based approach for intra-frame error concealment in H.264/AVC, An
* Improved Unitary Root-MUSIC for DOA Estimation Based on Pseudo-Noise Resampling
* Improvement in the Geofencing Service Interface Using Indoor Positioning Systems and Mobile Sensors
* Improving alpha matting and motion blurred foreground estimation
* Improving Cross-Resolution Face Matching Using Ensemble-Based Co-Transfer Learning
* Improving K-SVD denoising by post-processing its method-noise
* Improving large-scale face image retrieval using multi-level features
* Improving light marker accuracy on camera images
* Improving Mixture of Gaussians background model through adaptive learning and Spatio-Temporal voting
* Improving scene classification with weakly spatial symmetry information
* Improving the Spatial Resolution of Landsat TM/ETM+ Through Fusion With SPOT5 Images via Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* Improving three-dimensional point reconstruction from image correspondences using surface curvatures
* Improving Time-Scale Modification of Music Signals Using Harmonic-Percussive Separation
* Including the Size of Regions in Image Segmentation by Region-Based Graph
* Incorporating Audio Signals into Constructing a Visual Saliency Map
* Incremental Learning with Soft-Biometric Features for People Re-Identification in Multi-Camera Environments
* Incremental Line-based 3D Reconstruction using Geometric Constraints
* Incremental Solid Modeling from Sparse and Omnidirectional Structure-from-Motion Data
* Incremental Surface Extraction from Sparse Structure-from-Motion Point Clouds
* Indices for image quality degradation evaluation based on wavelet transforms
* Indoor Localization Algorithms for an Ambulatory Human Operated 3D Mobile Mapping System
* Inferring Ongoing Human Activities Based on Recurrent Self-Organizing Map Trajectory
* Inferring what the videographer wanted to capture
* Information in a photon: Relating entropy and maximum-likelihood range estimation using single-photon counting detectors
* Information-Seeking Control Under Visibility-Based Uncertainty
* Infrared target tracking, recognition and segmentation using shape-aware level set
* Initializing 3-D Reconstruction from Three Views Using Three Fundamental Matrices
* innovative support vector machine based method for contextual image classification, An
* Inpainting for Remotely Sensed Images With a Multichannel Nonlocal Total Variation Model
* Instance-specific canonical correlation analysis for pose alignment
* Integer fast lapped biorthogonal transform via applications of DCT matrices and dyadic-valued factors for lifting coefficient blocks
* Integer fast lapped transforms based on direct-lifting of DCTs for lossy-to-lossless image coding
* integral image method for fisheye images, The
* integrated graph-based face segmentation approach from Kinect videos, An
* Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data
* Integrating and Managing BIM in GIS, Software Review
* Integrating clustering with level set method for piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model
* Integrating environmental variables and WorldView-2 image data to improve the prediction and mapping of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (bronze bug) damage in plantation forests
* Integrating image segmentation and annotation using supervised PLSA
* Integrating Non-Repetitive LT Encoders With Modified Distribution to Achieve Unequal Erasure Protection
* Integrating visual and range data for road detection
* Intelligent exposure determination for high quality HDR image generation
* Intelligent transport systems harmonisation assessment: Use case of some Spanish intelligent transport systems services
* Inter-frame prediction using motion hints
* Interactive cartographic route descriptions
* interactive educational drawing system using a humanoid robot and light polarization, An
* Interactive Hierarchical-Flow Segmentation of Scar Tissue From Late-Enhancement Cardiac MR Images
* Interactive tangible user interface for music learning
* Interative Grahical User Interface for Maritime Security Services, An
* Intercomparisons of Brightness Temperature Observations Over Land From AMSR-E and WindSat
* Interest points based object tracking via sparse representation
* Interlinking Approach for Linked Geospatial Data, An
* Intermediate view synthesis based on edge detecting
* Interpolation-based impulse noise removal
* Interpolative intra prediction by adapting processing order in block-based image coding
* Interpretable aesthetic features for affective image classification
* Interpretation of Forest Resources at the Individual Tree Level at Purple Mountain, Nanjing City, China, Using WorldView-2 Imagery by Combining GPS, RS and GIS Technologies
* Intra Prediction Based on Markov Process Modeling of Images
* Intra predictive transform coding based on predictive graph transform
* Intracranial hemorrhage detection using spatial fuzzy c-mean and region-based active contour on brain CT imaging
* Intrinsic and extrinsic active self-calibration of multi-camera systems
* Intrinsic image evaluation on synthetic complex scenes
* Intrinsic image modulation characters extraction based on monogenic and structure tensor
* Introducing the Monash vision group's cortical prosthesis
* Inverse Skeletal Strokes
* Investigation of Leaf Diseases and Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Seven Barley Varieties Using Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Indices
* Investigation of low-level edge feature extraction using three blocks
* Investigation on automatic change detection using pixel-changes and DSM-changes with ALOS-PRISM triplet images
* Inylchek Glacier in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia: Insight on Surface Kinematics from Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, The
* ISAR Imaging of a Ship Target Based on Parameter Estimation of Multicomponent Quadratic Frequency-Modulated Signals
* Isomorphic and sparse multimodal data representation based on correlation analysis
* Isophote Based Center-Surround Contrast Computation for Image Saliency Detection
* Iterative Support Detection-Based Split Bregman Method for Wavelet Frame-Based Image Inpainting
* Iterative transductive learning for alpha matting
* Iteratively reweighted blind deconvolution
* Joint Bayesian Estimation of Close Subspaces from Noisy Measurements
* Joint Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Coding Multi-View Video Plus Depth Based 3D Video
* Joint blind deblurring and destriping for remote sensing images
* Joint image denoising using self-similarity based low-rank approximations
* joint learning based face hallucination approach for low quality face image, A
* Joint Optimization of Transmit and Receive Beamforming in Active Arrays
* Joint semi-supervised learning of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Hidden Markov Models
* Joint trilateral filtering for depth map super-resolution
* Joint trilateral filtering for multiframe optical flow
* Joint video/depth/FEC rate allocation with considering 3D visual saliency for scalable 3D video streaming
* K-WEB: Nonnegative dictionary learning for sparse image representations
* Karst Depression Detection Using ASTER, ALOS/PRISM and SRTM-Derived Digital Elevation Models in the Bambuí Group, Brazil
* KCFA-based missing area restoration including new priority estimation
* Kernel compressive sensing
* Kernel Partial Least Squares Based Hierarchical Building Change Detection Using High Resolution Aerial Images and Lidar Data
* Kernel-based transition probability toward similarity measure for semi-supervised learning
* Key detection for a virtual piano teacher
* Keypoint matching and image registration using sparse representations
* Kinect depth map based enhancement for low light surveillance image
* Kinect depth restoration via energy minimization with TV21 regularization
* Kinect depth stream pre-processing for hand gesture recognition
* Kinship classification by modeling facial feature heredity
* Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
* KNN-based color line model for image matting
* L infinity total generalized variation for color image recovery
* Label embedding for text recognition
* Label propagation hashing based on p-stable distribution and coordinate descent
* Land Cover Change Monitoring Using Landsat MSS/TM Satellite Image Data over West Africa between 1975 and 1990
* Landslide Activity Maps Generation by Means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Laplace Distribution Based CTU Level Rate Control for HEVC
* Laplacian minimax probability machine
* Large Discriminative Structured Set Prediction Modeling With Max-Margin Markov Network for Lossless Image Coding
* Large-Scale Analysis of Formations in Soccer
* Large-scale Learning of Sign Language by Watching TV (Using Co-occurrences)
* Large-scale video event classification using dynamic temporal pyramid matching of visual semantics
* Latent Hierarchical Model of Temporal Structure for Complex Activity Classification
* Latent support vector machine for sign language recognition with Kinect
* Lattice estimation from images of patterns that exhibit translational symmetry
* Lattice Structure for Regular Linear Phase Paraunitary Filter Bank With Odd Decimation Factor
* Layout analysis of book pages
* LBP histogram selection for supervised color texture classification
* Learnable Stroke Models for Example-based Portrait Painting
* Learning a blind image quality index based on visual saliency guided sampling and Gabor filtering
* Learning a mixture model for clustering with the completed likelihood minimum message length criterion
* Learning binarized pixel-difference pattern for scene recognition
* Learning bottom-up text attention maps for text detection using stroke width transform
* Learning boundaries with color and depth
* Learning Boundary and Appearance for Video Object Cutout
* Learning Discriminant Face Descriptor
* Learning Discriminative Local Patterns with Unrestricted Structure for Face Recognition
* Learning Effective Event Models to Recognize a Large Number of Human Actions
* Learning generic third-order MGRF texture models
* Learning Multimodal Latent Attributes
* Learning non-negative locality-constrained Linear Coding for human action recognition
* Learning Query-Specific Distance Functions for Large-Scale Web Image Search
* Learning Separable Filters
* Learning silhouette dynamics for human action recognition
* Learning spatio-temporal co-occurrence correlograms for efficient human action classification
* Learning spatio-temporal dependencies for action recognition
* Learning Speed Invariant Gait Template via Thin Plate Spline Kernel Manifold Fitting
* Learning to approximate global shape priors for figure-ground segmentation
* Learning to detect contours in natural images via biologically motivated schemes
* Learning to multimodal hash for robust video copy detection
* Learning top down scene context for visual attention modeling in natural images
* Learning Vocabularies over a Fine Quantization
* Learning weighted geometric pooling for image classification
* Learning-Based Hierarchical Graph for Unsupervised Matting and Foreground Estimation
* Least Square for Grassmann-Cayley Agelbra in Homogeneous Coordinates
* Left ventricle segmentation from cardiac MRI combining level set methods with deep belief networks
* Length Estimation for Exponential Parameterization and epsilon-Uniform Samplings
* Length-independent refinement of video quality metrics based on multiway data analysis
* Lensless imaging by compressive sensing
* Level Set Estimation from Projection Measurements: Performance Guarantees and Fast Computation
* level set method for very high resolution airborne sar image segmentation, A
* Leveraging surrounding context for scene text detection
* License plate localization based on edge-geometrical features using morphological approach
* LIDAR to image coregistration on orbital data
* LiDAR-Derived Surface Roughness Texture Mapping: Application to Mount St. Helens Pumice Plain Deposit Analysis
* Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Multispectral Scanner (MSS) Studies Examine Coastal Environments Influenced by Mining
* light-weight HEVC encoder for image coding, A
* Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry
* Line Segment Detection with Hough Transform Based on Minimum Entropy
* Line-based Classification of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data using Conditional Random Field
* Linear estimator for fractional systems
* Linear reconstruction measure steered nearest neighbor classification framework
* Linear subspaces for facial expression recognition
* Linear Systems Approach to Imaging Through Turbulence, A
* Linear Time Distances Between Fuzzy Sets With Applications to Pattern Matching and Classification
* Linear-Quadratic Mixing Model for Reflectances in Urban Environments
* Local Affine Optical Flow Computation
* Local circular patterns for multi-modal facial gender and ethnicity classification
* Local color distribution projection filtering using a homogeneous coordinate system
* Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection, A
* Local descriptors matching for 3D face recognition
* Local Directional Texture Pattern image descriptor
* Local Disparity Estimation With Three-Moded Cross Census and Advanced Support Weight
* Local feature analysis using a sinusoidal signal model derived from higher-order Riesz transforms
* Local features and sparse representation for face recognition with partial occlusions
* Local information-based fast approximate spectral clustering
* Local maximal margin discriminant embedding for face recognition
* Local prediction based adaptive scanning for JPEG and H.264/AVC intra coding
* Local Reconstruction Error Alignment: A Fast Unsupervised Feature Selection Algorithm for Radar Target Clustering
* local shape descriptor for mobile linedrawing retrieval, A
* Local weighted Gaussian curvature for image processing
* Local/global scene flow estimation
* Localisation of multiple faults in motorcycles based on the wavelet packet analysis of the produced sounds
* Localization of More Sources Than Sensors via Jointly-Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Localization, Stability, and Resolution of Topological Derivative Based Imaging Functionals in Elasticity
* Locally linear embedding methods for inter image coding
* Locating facial landmarks with binary map cross-correlations
* Locating Multiple Multiscale Electromagnetic Scatterers by a Single Far-Field Measurement
* Logarithmic Spread-Transform Dither Modulation watermarking Based on Perceptual Model
* Logarithmic total variation regularization for cross-validation in photon-limited imaging
* Long-term background memory based on Gaussian mixture model
* Long-Term Satellite Detection of Post-Fire Vegetation Trends in Boreal Forests of China
* Lossless Predictive Coding for Images With Bayesian Treatment
* Lossless predictive coding with Bayesian treatment
* Low Complexity Adaptive View Synthesis Optimization in HEVC Based 3D Video Coding
* Low complexity distributed video coding
* Low complexity image matching using color based SIFT
* Low complexity transform coding for depth maps in 3D video
* Low delay H.264/AVC bidirectional inter prediction on a GPU
* Low Power 24 GHz ad hoc Networking System Based on TDOA for Indoor Localization
* Low Power Motion Estimation Based on Probabilistic Computing
* Low rank and sparse matrix reconstruction with partial support knowledge for surveillance video processing
* Low resolution pedestrian detection using light robust features and hierarchical system
* Low-bitrate benefits of JPEG compression on sift recognition
* Low-Complexity Bit-Plane Entropy Coding and Rate Control for 3-D DWT Based Video Coding, A
* low-complexity data-adaptive approach for premature ventricular contraction recognition, A
* Low-Cost Eye Gaze Prediction System for Interactive Networked Video Streaming
* Low-Rank Neighbor Embedding for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Lq Averaging for Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices
* Luminance adapted skin color modeling for the robust detection of skin areas
* Machine learning-based multi-channel evaluation pooling strategy for image quality assessment
* Machine vision techniques for motorcycle safety helmet detection
* majorize-minimize memory gradient algorithm applied to X-ray tomography, A
* Manifold alignment based color transfer for multiview image stitching
* Manifold alignment using curvature information
* Manifold learning by preserving distance orders
* MAP-Based Image Interpolation Method via Viterbi Decoding of Markov Chains of Interpolation Functions, A
* MAP-MRF Approach to Landsat ETM+ SLC-Off Image Classification
* Mapping Forest Degradation due to Selective Logging by Means of Time Series Analysis: Case Studies in Central Africa
* Mapping Ontario's Wind Turbines: Challenges and Limitations
* Mapping the human footprint from satellite measurements in Japan
* Markov network-based multiple classifier for face image retrieval
* Massively parallel lossless compression of medical images using least-squares prediction and arithmetic coding
* Match-time covariance for descriptors
* Matching by Tone Mapping: Photometric Invariant Template Matching
* Matching mixtures of curves for human action recognition
* Matching non-aligned objects using a relational string-graph
* Matrix Recipes for Hard Thresholding Methods
* Maximally stable curvature regions for 3D hand tracking
* Maximum correntropy criterion based 3D head tracking with commodity depth camera
* Maximum correntropy criterion for discriminative dictionary learning
* maximum likelihood approach to correcting transmission errors for joint source-channel decoding of H.264 coded video, A
* Maximum Phase Modeling for Sparse Linear Prediction of Speech
* Maximum-likelihood estimation for multi-aspect multi-baseline SAR interferometry of urban areas
* MBO Scheme on Graphs for Classification and Image Processing, An
* Mean-shift clustering for interactive multispectral image analysis
* Measure-Theoretic Variational Bayesian Algorithm for Large Dimensional Problems, A
* Measurement and Simulation of Topographic Effects on Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Over Mountain Areas: A Case Study From the Tibetan Plateau
* Measurement coding for compressive imaging using a structural measuremnet matrix
* Measures of Effective Video Tracking
* Measuring Completeness of Building Footprints in OpenStreetMap over Space and Time
* Measuring deformations using SAR interferometry and GPS observables with geodetic accuracy: Application to Tokyo, Japan
* Measuring orderliness based on social force model in collective motions
* Measuring the semantic gap based on a communication channel model
* Mechanics-Based Nonrigid Registration Method for Liver Surgery Using Sparse Intraoperative Data, A
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Multi-level Set Partitioning with Topological Graph Prior
* Melt Patterns and Dynamics in Alaska and Patagonia Derived from Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures
* Memorability of natural scenes: The role of attention
* Merging Pose Estimates Across Space and Time
* Mesh learning for object classification using fMRI measurements
* Metamer Mismatching
* method for counting moving and stationary people by interest point classification, A
* method for estimating light direction, shape, and reflection parameters from a single image, A
* Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Nonnegative Least Squares Problems with Applications, A
* method for preserving the classifiability of digital images after performing a wavelet-based compression, A
* method for the evaluation of projective geometric consistency in weakly calibrated stereo with application to point matching, A
* method of image classification based on SIFT-Gabor-Scale descriptors, A
* Metric plane rectification using symmetric vanishing points
* Metric Regression Forests for Human Pose Estimation
* Micro-Doppler Analysis and Separation Based on Complex Local Mean Decomposition for Aircraft With Fast-Rotating Parts in ISAR Imaging
* microcalcification enhancement method for mammogram images, A
* Mid-level feature based local descriptor selection for image search
* Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* MIMO SAR OFDM Chirp Waveform Diversity Design With Random Matrix Modulation
* Minimisation of image watermarking side effects through subjective optimisation
* minimised complexity dynamic structure adaptive filter design for improved steady state performance analysis, A
* Minimum-risk training for semi-Markov conditional random fields with application to handwritten Chinese/Japanese text recognition
* Mining activities using sticky multimodal dual hierarchical Dirichlet process hidden Markov model
* Mining heterogeneous class-specific codebook for categorical object detection and classification
* Mixed reality Kinect Mirror box for stroke rehabilitation
* Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the camera source identification game
* Mixture of related regressions for head pose estimation
* Mobile 3D visual search using the Helmert transformation of stereo features
* mobile spherical mosaic system, A
* Mode decision with enhanced inter-prediction in HEVC
* Model Based Automatic Segmentation of Tree Stems from Single Scan Data
* Model-Based Analysis-Synthesis for Realistic Tree Reconstruction and Growth Simulation
* Model-based complexity-aware coding for multiview video plus depth
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Using a Joint Quadratic Likelihood Model
* Model-based optical flow for large displacements and homogeneous regions
* Modeling and correction of multipath interference in time of flight cameras
* Modeling and Sensing the Vertical Structure of the Atmospheric Path Delay by Microwave Radiometry to Correct SAR Interferograms
* Modeling Fire Danger in Galicia and Asturias (Spain) from MODIS Images
* Modeling Geometric-Temporal Context With Directional Pyramid Co-Occurrence for Action Recognition
* Modeling local behavior for predicting social interactions towards human tracking
* Modeling the color image and video quality on liquid crystal displays with backlight dimming
* Modelling Visual Objects Invariant to Depictive Style
* Models of L-Band Radar Backscattering Coefficients Over Global Terrain for Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Modification of the merge candidate list for dependent views in 3D-HEVC
* Modular hierarchical feature learning with deep neural networks for face verification
* Monitoring and change detection of Wadden Sea areas using Lidar data
* More for less: Fast image warping for improving the appearance of head tracking on HMDs
* Motion blur for motion segmentation
* Motion pattern analysis in crowded scenes based on hybrid generative-discriminative feature maps
* Motion segmentation via overlapping temporal windows
* Motion Textures: Modeling, Classification, and Segmentation Using Mixed-State Markov Random Fields
* Motion vector analysis based homography estimation for efficient HEVC compression of 2D and 3D navigation video sequences
* Motion Vector Recovery for Video Error Concealment by Using Iterative Dynamic-Programming Optimization
* Motion vector refinement for frame rate up conversion on 3D video
* Motion-Aware Mesh-Structured Trellis for Correlation Modelling Aided Distributed Multi-View Video Coding
* Motion-based background subtraction and panoramic mosaicing for freight train analysis
* Motion-based depth estimation for 2D-to-3D video conversion
* Motion-compensated compressed-sensing reconstruction for dynamic MRI
* Motion-Related Resource Allocation in Dynamic Wireless Visual Sensor Network Environments
* Movement Awareness-Adaptive Spatio Temporal Noise Reduction in Video
* Multi-class action recognition based on inverted index of action states
* Multi-class boosting with asymmetric binary weak-learners
* Multi-criteria search algorithm: An efficient approximate k-NN algorithm for image retrieval
* Multi-Decadal Mangrove Forest Change Detection and Prediction in Honduras, Central America, with Landsat Imagery and a Markov Chain Model
* Multi-dimensional Indoor Location Information Model
* Multi-Illuminant Estimation With Conditional Random Fields
* Multi-Kinect scene reconstruction: Calibration and depth inconsistencies
* multi-label classification approach for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Multi-level tamper detection and recovery with tamper type identification
* Multi-model prediction for image set compression
* Multi-object tracking using hybrid observation in PHD filter
* Multi-scale analysis of skin hyper-pigmentation evolution
* Multi-scale f-formation discovery for group detection
* Multi-scale face hallucination based on frequency bands analysis
* Multi-scale Joint Encoding of Local Binary Patterns for Texture and Material Classification
* Multi-scale observation models for motion estimation
* Multi-scale region-based saliency detection using W2 distance on N-dimensional normal distributions
* Multi-scale video text detection based on corner and stroke width verification
* Multi-scale visual attention & saliency modelling with decision theory
* Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extraction and classification of volumetric medical images
* Multi-shot person re-identification via relational Stein divergence
* Multi-Stencil Streamline Fast Marching: A General 3-D Framework to Determine Myocardial Thickness and Transmurality in Late Enhancement Images
* Multi-symbol QIM video watermarking
* Multi-Task Deep Neural Network for Multi-Label Learning
* Multi-task linear discriminant analysis for multi-view action recognition
* Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
* Multi-view face detection in videos with online adaptation
* Multi-view Pictorial Structures for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Multiagent Object-Based Classifier for High Spatial Resolution Imagery
* Multibit Embedding Algorithm for Steganography of Palette-Based Images
* Multichannel sampling of low light level scenes with unknown shifts
* Multidimensional Artificial Field Embedding With Spatial Sensitivity
* Multidimensional overlap-add and overlap-save for correlation and convolution
* Multilinear Graph Embedding: Representation and Regularization for Images
* Multimedia event detection with multimodal feature fusion and temporal concept localization
* Multimodal biometric system combining ECG and sound signals
* Multimodal image fusion via sparse representation with local patch dictionaries
* Multimodal retinal image registration using a fast principal component analysis hybrid-based similarity measure
* Multimodal semi-supervised image classification by combining tag refinement, graph-based learning and support vector regression
* multiple camera methodology for automatic localization and tracking of futsal players, A
* Multiple Description Coding With Randomly and Uniformly Offset Quantizers
* Multiple description video coding based on forward error correction within expanding windows
* Multiple Description Video Coding Using Inter- and Intra-Description Correlation at Macro Block Level
* Multiple histogram matching
* Multiple human tracking system for unpredictable trajectories
* Multiple instance learning tracking method with local sparse representation
* Multiple instance learning via distance metric optimization
* Multiple marker tracking in a single-camera system for gait analysis
* Multiple object identification using grid voting of object center estimated from keypoint matches
* Multiple target performance evaluation model for HD video encoder VLSI architecture design
* Multiple-entity based classification of airborne laser scanning data in urban areas
* Multiple-step local Wiener filter with proper stopping in wavelet domain
* Multiresolution Imaging
* Multiscale distilled sensing: A source detection method for infrared and radio astronomical images
* Multispectral Image Denoising With Optimized Vector Bilateral Filter
* Multispectral venous images analysis for optimum illumination selection
* Multitask Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Action Recognition
* Multiview side information creation for efficient Wyner-Ziv video coding: Classifying and reviewing
* Natural images scale invariance and high-fidelity image restoration
* Near-duplicate document image matching: A graphical perspective
* Near-infrared guided color image dehazing
* Nearest Regularized Subspace for Hyperspectral Classification
* Neighbor combination for atmospheric turbulence image reconstruction
* Neighborhood Supported Model Level Fuzzy Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
* Neighboring block based disparity vector derivation for 3D-AVC
* Neural network language models for off-line handwriting recognition
* Neurofilament tracking by detection in fluorescence microscopy images
* New A Contrario Approach for the Robust Determination of the Fundamental Matrix, A
* new ab initio reconstruction method from unknown-direction projections of 2D binary set, A
* new accurate noise-removing approach for non-cooperative iris recognition, A
* new active contour model-based segmentation approach for accurate extraction of the lesion from breast DCE-MRI, A
* new approach for high density saturated impulse noise removal using decision-based coupled window median filter, A
* New Approach for the Analysis of Hyperspectral Data: Theory and Sensitivity Analysis of the Moment Distance Method, A
* New approximated inversion of spherical Radon transform in SAR imaging
* new camera self-calibration method based on CSA, A
* New color GPHOG descriptors for object and scene image classification
* new combined method based on curvelet transform and morphological operators for automatic detection of foveal avascular zone, A
* new edge feature for head-shoulder detection, A
* New Feedback Topology Designs with Reduced CSI Overhead for MIMO Interference Alignment
* new framework for 3D face reconstruction for self-occluded images, A
* new image segmentation algorithm based on modified seeded region growing and particle swarm optimization, A
* New insights in Huber and TV-like regularizers in microwave imaging
* new interactive semi-supervised clustering model for large image database indexing, A
* New Laser Based Approach for Measuring Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases, A
* New motherwavelet for pattern detection in IR image
* new multiclass SVM algorithm and its application to crowd density analysis using LBP features, A
* New Nonlocal H 1 Model for Image Denoising, A
* new processing sequence to assess airways using 3D CT-scan, A
* New Retrieval Algorithm for Deriving Land Surface Temperature From Geostationary Orbiting Satellite Observations
* New Spaceborne Burst Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mode for Wide Swath Coverage, A
* new tomography model for almost optimal detection of anomalies, A
* new trajectory clustering algorithm using temporal smoothness for motion segmentation, A
* New Tree Cover Percentage Map in Eurasia at 500 m Resolution Using MODIS Data, A
* Newborn and infant footprint crease pattern extraction
* Night video enhancement using improved dark channel prior
* No reference image quality assessment based on local binary pattern statistics
* no-reference image sharpness estimation based on expectation of wavelet transform coefficients, A
* no-reference objective image quality metric based on perceptually weighted local noise, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of JPEG Images via a Quality Relevance Map
* No-reference quality metric for depth maps
* no-reference video quality assessment based on Laplacian pyramids, A
* Noise Parameter Mismatch in Variance Stabilization, With an Application to Poisson-Gaussian Noise Estimation
* Noise-induced contrast enhancement using stochastic resonance on singular values
* Noise-Robust Texture Description Using Local Contrast Patterns via Global Measures
* Non linear hybrid watermarking for High Dynamic Range images
* Non-causal non-parametric multi-scale Markov Random Field synthesis of volumetric textures from a unique 2D sample
* non-Lambertian reflection in plenoptic sampling, The
* Non-Naive Bayesian Classifiers for Classification Problems With Continuous Attributes
* Non-negative matrix factorisation based on fuzzy K nearest neighbour graph and its applications
* Non-rigid Multimodal Image Registration Based on the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Non-rigid object tracking by adaptive data-driven kernel
* Non-uniform sampling of plenoptic signal based on the scene complexity variations for a free viewpoint video system
* Nonconformal FEM-DDM With Tree-Cotree Splitting and Improved Transmission Condition for Modeling Subsurface Detection Problems, A
* Nonlinear depth representation for 3D video coding
* nonlinear mixed-effects model for simultaneous smoothing and registration of functional data, A
* Nonlinear Response in a Field Portable Spectroradiometer: Characterization and Effects on Output Reflectance
* Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data Using Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Nonlocal Center-Surround Reconstruction-Based Bottom-Up Saliency Estimation
* nonlocal energy minimization approach to brain image segmentation with simultaneous bias field estimation and denoising, A
* nonlocal means based adaptive denoising framework for mixed image noise removal, A
* Nonlocal Pixel Selection for Multisurface Fitting-Based Super-Resolution
* Nonrigid image registration with two-sided space-fractional partial differential equations
* Notes on An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Image Processing
* novel 3D ear identification approach based on sparse representation, A
* novel approach for combined rotational and translational motion estimation using Frame Projection Warping, A
* Novel Approach for Efficient SVM Classification with Histogram Intersection Kernel, A
* novel approach to combine features for salient object detection using constrained particle swarm optimization, A
* novel approach to polarimetric SAR data processing based on Nonlinear PCA, A
* novel depth propagation algorithm with color guided motion estimation, A
* novel directional selection based on complex discrete wavelet transform, The
* Novel distortion metric for depth coding of 3D video
* Novel Eye Localization Method With Rotation Invariance, A
* Novel fast PU decision algorithm for the HEVC video standard
* novel guided image filter using orthogonal geodesic distance weight, A
* novel high-performance reversible data hiding scheme using SMVQ and improved locally adaptive coding method, A
* novel image segmentation model with an edge weighting function, A
* novel incremental weighted PCA algorithm for visual tracking, A
* Novel Integrated Algorithm for Wind Vector Retrieval from Conically Scanning Scatterometers, A
* novel iterative calibration approach for thermal infrared cameras, A
* novel marker-less tumor tracking strategyonlow-rank fluoroscopic images for image-guided lung cancer radiotherapy, A
* Novel Method for Automation of 3D Hydro Break Line Generation from Lidar Data Using MATLAB, A
* novel method for combining Bayesian networks, theoretical analysis, and its applications, A
* novel method for object tracking and segmentation using online Hough forests and convex relaxation, A
* novel method for salient object detection via compactness measurement, A
* novel method for stereo matching using Gabor Feature Image and Confidence Mask, A
* Novel Method for the Bi-directional Transformation between Human Living Activities and Appliance Power Consumption Patterns, A
* Novel Mosaic Quality Measurement Method for UAV Surveillance and Remote Sensing, A
* novel motion compensated prediction framework using weighted AMVP prediction for HEVC, A
* novel multiple description video coding based on data reuse, A
* novel pair-wise image matching strategy with compact descriptors, A
* Novel PCA-based color-to-gray image conversion
* novel R-Q model based rate control scheme in HEVC, A
* novel real-time and progressive secret image sharing with flexible shadows based on compressive sensing, A
* Novel Representation of Bioacoustic Events for Content-Based Search in Field Audio Data, A
* novel shape-based interest point descriptor (SIP) for 3D ear recognition, A
* novel similarity-invariant line descriptor for geometric map registration, A
* Novel Speed-Up Strategies for Non-Local Means Denoising With Patch and Edge Patch Based Dictionaries
* novel SVD-based image quality assessment metric, A
* novel thin elongated objects segmentation based on fuzzy connectedness and GMM learning, A
* Novel Trilateral Filter based Adaptive Support Weight Method for Stereo Matching, A
* Novel variational approach for the perspective shape from shading problem using calibrated images
* Numerical 3-D FEM and Experimental Analysis of the Open-Ended Coaxial Line Technique for Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy on Soil
* Numerical Surrogates for Human Observers in Myocardial Motion Evaluation From SPECT Images
* Object and Action Classification with Latent Window Parameters
* Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation dictionary learning
* Object Co-Segmentation Based on Directed Graph Clustering
* Object Cut as Minimum Ratio Cycle in a Superpixel Boundary Graph
* Object joint detection and tracking using adaptive multiple motion models
* Object level image saliency by hierarchical segmentation
* Object Model for Integrating Diverse Remote Sensing Satellite Sensors: A Case Study of Union Operation, An
* Object Recognition Model Based on Visual Grammars and Bayesian Networks, An
* Object's tracking by advection of a distance map
* Object-Based Land Cover Classification for ALOS Image Combining TM Spectral
* Object-Centric Spatio-Temporal Pyramids for Egocentric Activity Recognition
* Object-level saliency detection based on spatial compactness assumption
* Objective quality assessment for image retargeting based on perceptual distortion and information loss
* Objective quality metrics for video scalability
* Oblique Photogrammetry and Usage on Land Administration
* Occlusion robust free-viewpoint video synthesis based on inter-camera/-frame interpolation
* Occlusion-aware layered scene recovery from light fields
* Ocean Surface Wind Speed Retrieval From C-Band SAR Images Without Wind Direction Input
* Of Gods and Goats: Weakly Supervised Learning of Figurative Art
* On a Highly Efficient RDO-Based Mode Decision Pipeline Design for AVS
* On a System of Adaptive Coupled PDEs for Image Restoration
* On Bayesian Adaptive Video Super Resolution
* On contrast combinations for visual saliency detection
* On dense sampling size
* On Deployment of Wireless Sensors on 3-D Terrains to Maximize Sensing Coverage by Utilizing Cat Swarm Optimization With Wavelet Transform
* On evaluating face tracks in movies
* On hierarchical modelling of motion for workflow analysis from overhead view
* On multi-task learning for facial action unit detection
* On rank aggregation for face recognition from videos
* On required accuracy of mixed noise parameter estimation for image enhancement via denoising
* On secondary transforms for scalable video coding
* On stochastic gradient descent and quadratic mutual information for image registration
* On the chi square and higher-order chi distances for approximating f-divergences
* On the design of a novel JPEG quantization table for improved feature detection performance
* On the Effect of Human Body Parts in Large Scale Human Behaviour Recognition
* On the Estimation of Thickness of Marine Oil Slicks From Sun-Glittered, Near-Infrared MERIS and MODIS Imagery: The Lebanon Oil Spill Case Study
* On the feature extraction in discrete space
* On the Phase Compensation of Short ScanSAR Burst Focused by Long Matched Filter for Interferometric Processing
* On the Spectrum of the Plenoptic Function
* On uncertainty principles for linear canonical transform of complex signals via operator methods
* On-line EM Variants for Multivariate Normal Mixture Model in Background Learning and Moving Foreground Detection
* On-line map-matching framework for floating car data with low sampling rate in urban road networks
* on-line visual human tracking algorithm using SURF-based dynamic object model, An
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration of ZY-3 Three-Line Array Imagery With Multistrip Data Sets
* On-Orbit Lunar Modulation Transfer Function Measurements for the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
* On-the-fly feature importance mining for person re-identification
* One-to-Many Registration of Landsat Imagery
* Online adaptive dictionary learning and weighted sparse coding for abnormality detection
* Online Discriminative Structured Output SVM Learning for Multi-Target Tracking
* Online gesture recognition from pose kernel learning and decision forests
* Online Learned Player Recognition Model Based Soccer Player Tracking and Labeling for Long-Shot Scenes
* Online Motion Agreement Tracking
* Online stroke segmentation by quick penalty-based dynamic programming
* Online structure learning for robust object tracking
* Ontology Driven Analysis of Spatio-temporal Phenomena, Aimed At Spatial Planning And Environmental Forecasting
* Open set source camera attribution and device linking
* Opportunities of Airborne Laser Bathymetry for the Monitoring of the Sea Bed on the Baltic Sea Coast
* Optimal and efficient segmentation for 3D vascular forest structure with graph cuts
* Optimal Camera Planning Under Versatile User Constraints in Multi-Camera Image Processing Systems
* Optimal dependent bit allocation for AVS intra-frame coding via successive convex approximation
* Optimal Non-regenerative Linear MIMO Relay for Orthogonal Space Time Codes
* Optimal Prediction Likelihood Tree Based Source-Channel ML Decoder for Wireless Sensor Networks
* optimally complexity scalable multi-mode decision algorithm for HEVC, An
* Optimization of Bilateral Filter Parameters via Chi-Square Unbiased Risk Estimate
* Optimized adaptive depth map filtering
* Optimized JPEG image decompression with super-resolution interpolation using multi-order total variation
* Optimized neighbor embeddings for single-image super-resolution
* Optimized tone mapping with LDR image quality constraint for backward-compatible high dynamic range image and video coding
* Optimizing crowd simulation based on real video data
* Optimizing LUT-Based RTM Inversion for Semiautomatic Mapping of Crop Biophysical Parameters from Sentinel-2 and -3 Data: Role of Cost Functions
* Optimizing multi-resolution segmentation scale using empirical methods: Exploring the sensitivity of the supervised discrepancy measure Euclidean distance 2 (ED2)
* Optimizing peer grouping for live free viewpoint video streaming
* Optimizing the Use of Secchi Depth as a Proxy for Euphotic Depth in Coastal Waters: An Empirical Study from the Baltic Sea
* Orientation Determination of Cryo-EM Images Using Least Unsquared Deviations
* Oriented geodesic distance based non-local regularisation approach for optic flow estimation
* Oriented Image Foresting Transform Segmentation by Seed Competition
* Orthogonal Equations of Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery for the Identification of Un-Excavated Archaeological Sites
* Overview and performance analysis of AVS mobility features
* Overview of IEEE 1857 video coding standard
* Overview of the IEEE 1857 surveillance groups
* overview of vision processing in implantable prosthetic vision, An
* Painting analysis using wavelets and probabilistic topic models
* Pair-copula based mixture models and their application in clustering
* Pan-information Location Map
* Pan-sharpening based on nonparametric Bayesian adaptive dictionary learning
* Panoramic face and ear image stitching in multi-modal recognition
* Panoramic image generation with lens distortions
* Parallel Implementation of Geodesic Distance Transform with Application in Superpixel Segmentation
* Parallel phase unwrapping in 3D shape measurement using digital fringe projection technique
* parallel root-finding method for omnidirectional image unwrapping, A
* Parallel-Snake with Balloon Force for Lane Detection
* Paralleling variable block size motion estimation of HEVC on multi-core CPU plus GPU platform
* Parallelized 45 degrees rotated image integration
* Parameter optimisation for texture completion
* Parameter-Adjusting Polar Format Algorithm for Extremely High Squint SAR Imaging, A
* Parametric Blur Estimation for Blind Restoration of Natural Images: Linear Motion and Out-of-Focus
* Parametric modeling of the fractional Fourier transform coefficients for complex-valued SAR image categorization
* Parsing Clothes in Unrestricted Images
* Partially supervised learning for pattern recognition
* Participatory GIS: Experimentations for a 3D Social Virtual Globe
* Particle Detection and Classification in Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Using Image Histogram Features
* Patch-based bilateral filter: Algorithms and performance
* Patch-based blind deconvolution with parametric interpolation of convolution kernels
* Patch-Based Information Reconstruction of Cloud-Contaminated Multitemporal Images
* Pathological Gait Detection of Parkinson's Disease Using Sparse Representation
* Pattern classification and clustering: A review of partially supervised learning approaches
* Peat Mapping Associations of Airborne Radiometric Survey Data
* PedCut: an iterative framework for pedestrian segmentation combining shape models and multiple data cues
* Pedestrian Multiple Hypothesis Tracker Fusing Head and Body Detections, A
* Perception Preserving Projections
* Perceptual grouping via untangling Gestalt principles
* Perceptual hashing of color images using hypercomplex representations
* Perceptual multiview video coding based on foveated just noticeable distortion profile in DCT domain
* Perceptual quality assessment for color image inpainting
* Perceptually based radiance map for realistic composition
* Perceptually driven video error protection using a distributed source coding approach
* Performance Analysis of Three Microscope Slide Scanning Techniques
* Performance analysis on visual attention using spiking and oscillatory neural model
* Performance benchmarking of RVC based multimedia specifications
* performance evaluation of fusion techniques for spatio-temporal saliency detection in dynamic scenes, A
* Performance evaluation of objective video quality metrics on mixed spatiotemporal resolution content
* Performance of Image Registration and Its Extensions for Interpolation of Facial Motion
* Performance Review of Recent Corner Detectors, A
* Person independent 3D gaze estimation from remote RGB-D cameras
* person re-identification algorithm by using region-based feature selection and feature fusion, A
* Person re-identification by manifold ranking
* Person Re-Identification Using Group Information
* Person re-identification using height-based gait in colour depth camera
* Person re-identification using matrix completion
* Person re-identification with a PTZ camera: An introductory study
* Personal Clothing Retrieval on Photo Collections by Color and Attributes
* Phase retrieval for a class of 2-D signals characterized by first-order difference equations
* Phase unwrapping and denoising for time-of-flight imaging using generalized approximate message passing
* Phenological Metrics Derived over the European Continent from NDVI3g Data and MODIS Time Series
* Phenology-Based Classification of Time-Series MODIS Data for Rice Crop Monitoring in Mekong Delta, Vietnam, A
* Photogeometric Direct Visual Tracking for Central Omnidirectional Cameras
* Photometric Lunar surface reconstruction
* Physically-Based Approach to Reflection Separation: From Physical Modeling to Constrained Optimization, A
* Physiological gating of the MARS spectral micro CT scanner
* Pilot study of applying shape analysis to liver cirrhosis diagnosis
* Pixel-based averaging predictor for HEVC lossless coding
* Pixel-Based Inter Prediction in Coded Texture Assisted Depth Coding
* Pixel-wise skin colour detection based on flexible neural tree
* PLDD: Point-lines distance distribution for detection of arbitrary triangles, regular polygons and circles
* pLSA-based zero-shot learning
* Point cloud registration and virtual realization of large scale and more complex historical structures
* Point cloud segmentation for urban scene classification
* Point Correspondence Validation under Unknown Radial Distortion
* Point-Wise Wind Retrieval and Ambiguity Removal Improvements for the QuikSCAT Climatological Data Set
* Poisson Noise Reduction with Non-local PCA
* Poisson Skeleton Revisited: a New Mathematical Perspective
* Polarimetric SAR Response of Snow-Covered Area Observed by Multi-Temporal ALOS PALSAR Fully Polarimetric Mode
* Polarimetric SAR Signature Detection Using the Cameron Decomposition
* Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering and the Extended Sigma Filter
* Pose Estimation of Ad-Hoc Mobile Camera Networks
* Pose Priors for Aerial Image Registration
* pose space for squash and stretch deformation, A
* Pose-Free Face Swapping Based on a Deformable 3D Shape Morphable Model
* Pose-robust representation for face verification in unconstrained videos
* Posterior Expectation of the Total Variation Model: Properties and Experiments
* Posture Based Detection of Attention in Human Computer Interaction
* potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation, The
* Power aware HEVC streaming for mobile
* Power-distortion optimization for wireless image/video SoftCast by transform coefficients energy modeling with adaptive chunk division
* Powerful Parallel and Symmetric 3D Thinning Schemes Based on Critical Kernels
* practical framework for generating volumetric meshes of subject-specific soft tissue, A
* practical method for SRTM DEM correction over vegetated mountain areas, A
* Precise Correction of Lateral Chromatic Aberration in Images
* Precise people counting in real time
* Predicting Shot Locations in Tennis Using Spatiotemporal Data
* Predictive coding of CU quadtree structure for HEVC quality scalability
* Predictive depth map coding for efficient virtual view synthesis
* Primal-dual algorithms for audio decomposition using mixed norms
* Prior and macro-filling order for image completion
* Proactive, knowledge-based intelligent transportation system based on vehicular sensor networks
* Probabilistic depth-guided multi-view image denoising
* probabilistic pairwise-preference predictor for image quality, A
* Probabilistic salient object contour detection based on superpixels
* Probability Sampling Protocol for Thematic and Spatial Quality Assessment of Classification Maps Generated From Spaceborne/Airborne Very High Resolution Images
* Probability-Based Rendering for View Synthesis
* Problems In Indoor Mapping and Modelling
* procedure for semi-Automatic Orthophoto Generation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* Processing of Image Data Collected by Light UAV Systems for GIS Data Capture and Updating, The
* Production in GDLRC and Present Reflections
* Progress towards an Autonomous Field Deployable Diode-Laser-Based Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Profiling Water Vapor in the Lower Troposphere
* Progressive motion vector resolution for HEVC
* Progressive quality degradation in JPEG compressed image using DC block orientation with rewritable data embedding functionality
* Projection-optimal tensor local Fisher discriminant analysis for image feature extraction
* Projective image restoration using sparsity regularization
* Properties of Datasets Predict the Performance of Classifiers
* Protecting query privacy in location-based services
* Protection of JPEG compressed e-comics by selective encryption
* Psychophysics testing of bionic vision image processing algorithms using an FPGA Hatpack
* Quadratic formulation of disparity estimation problem for light-field camera
* Quadratic Transformation for Planar Mapping of Implicit Surfaces
* Qualifying fingerprint samples captured by smartphone cameras
* Quality assessment methods for perceptual video compression
* Quality assessment of 3D synthesized views with depth map distortion
* Quality assessment of knuckleprint biometric images
* Quality degradative reversible data embedding using pixel replacement
* Quality enhancement based on retinex and pseudo-HDR synthesis algorithms for endoscopic images
* Quality evaluation of 3D city building Models with automatic error diagnosis
* Quality-efficient syntax element-based de-interlacing method for H.264-coded video sequences with various resolutions
* Quantification of Deltaic Coastal Zone Change Based on Multi-Temporal High Resolution Earth Observation Techniques
* Quantifying challenging images of fiber-like structures
* Quantifying the importance of cyclopean view and binocular rivalry-related features for objective quality assessment of mobile 3D video
* Quantifying the Importance of the Statistical Assumption in Statistical X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Quantifying Uncertainties in Land-Surface Microwave Emissivity Retrievals
* Quantitative Analysis of Current Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and the Principles Behind Them, A
* Quantitative evaluation of variations in rule-based classifications of land cover in urban neighbourhoods using WorldView-2 imagery
* Quantitative Fluorescence Photoacoustic Tomography
* Quantization lattice estimation for multimedia forensics
* Quantization Table Design Revisited for Image/Video Coding
* Quantum mechanics in computer vision: Automatic object extraction
* quaternion gradient operator for color image edge detection, A
* Quaternion gyrator transform and its application to color image encryption
* Query-Document-Dependent Fusion: A Case Study of Multimodal Music Retrieval
* Racking focus and tracking focus on live video streams: A stereo solution
* Radar-to-Radar Interference Suppression for Distributed Radar Sensor Networks
* Radial Basis Function Based Neural Network for Motion Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Radio-Frequency Interference Mitigation for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Microwave Radiometer
* Radiometric compensation for procam system based on anchoring theory
* Random Network Coding for Multimedia Delivery Services in LTE/LTE-Advanced
* Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-local means
* Range images registration by correction of perspective deformations and camera calibration
* Rank-Two Beamformed Secure Multicasting for Wireless Information and Power Transfer
* Ranking Color Correction Algorithms Using Cluster Indices
* Ranking Star-Shaped Valued Mappings with Respect to Shape Variability
* Rapid blockwise multi-resolution clustering of facial images for intelligent watermarking
* Rapid human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance
* Rapidmap: rapid mapping and information dissemination for disasters using remote sensing and geoinformation
* Raptor Codes Based Unequal Protection for Compressed Video According to Packet Priority
* Rate control for unbalanced multiple description video streaming
* Rate distortion Multiple Instance Learning for image classification
* Rate-accuracy optimization of binary descriptors
* Rate-adaptive Compact Fisher Codes for Mobile Visual Search
* Rate-complexity tradeoff for client-side free viewpoint image rendering
* Rate-distortion optimized merge frame using piecewise constant functions
* Rate-efficient error robustness for IDR frames through edge-based redundancy maps
* Rating Image Aesthetics Using a Crowd Sourcing Approach
* Ray geometry in non-pinhole cameras: A survey
* Rayleigh-Ritz style method for large-scale discriminant analysis, A
* Real Projective Plane Mapping for Detection of Orthogonal Vanishing Points
* Real Time Processing for Epipolar Resampling of Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Fast Algorithm for Best Scan Line Searching
* Real-time acquisition and super-resolution techniques on 3D reconstruction
* Real-time depth enhancement by fusion for RGB-D cameras
* real-time fall detection system based on HMM and RVM, A
* Real-time freeway sideswipe crash prediction by support vector machine
* Real-Time GIS and Its Application in Indoor Fire Disaster
* Real-time hand detection based on multi-stage HOG-SVM classifier
* Real-time human detection and tracking in complex environments using single RGBD camera
* Real-time keystone correction for hand-held projectors with an RGBD camera
* Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
* Real-time robust tracking via sparse representation: A mode-seeking approach
* Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination
* Real-time simulation of lightweight rigid bodies
* Real-time super-resolution for digital zooming using finite kernel-based edge orientation estimation and truncated image restoration
* Real-time visual tracking using L2 norm regularization based collaborative representation
* Real-time, long-term hand tracking with unsupervised initialization
* Recognition of social interactions based on feature selection from visual codebooks
* Recognizing actions via sparse coding on structure projection
* Recognizing and tracking clasping and occluded hands
* Recognizing Gaits Across Views Through Correlated Motion Co-Clustering
* Recognizing human actions based on Sparse Coding with Non-negative and Locality constraints
* Reconstructing Polarisation Components from Unpolarised Images
* Reconstruction of 3D dynamic expressions from single facial image
* Reconstruction of 3D Objects of Assets and Facilities by Using Benchmark Points
* Reconstruction of depth and normals from interreflections
* Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Imagery From Random Projections Using Multihypothesis Prediction
* Reconstruction of Surface and Stochastic Dynamics from a Planar Projection of Trajectories
* Reconstruction of transparent objects in unstructured scenes with a depth camera
* Recovering depth of background and foreground from a monocular video with camera motion
* Recovering Over-/Underexposed Regions in Photographs
* Recursive cubic spline interpolation filter approach for the removal of high density salt-and-pepper noise
* Reduced-reference quality assessment with scalable overhead for video with packet loss
* Reduced-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment based on view and disparity zero-watermarks
* Reducing Ionospheric Effects in InSAR Data Using Accurate Coregistration
* Reduction of false positive detection in clustered microcalcifications
* Reduction or annihilation of aberrations of an optical system by balancing ghost-imaging technique and optimal imaging of a pure weak phase object
* Referenceless Measure of Blocking Artifacts by Tchebichef Kernel Analysis
* Refining QP to improve coding efficiency in AVS
* Region-Based Anomaly Localisation in Crowded Scenes via Trajectory Analysis and Path Prediction
* Region-Based Iterative Reconstruction of Structurally Changing Objects in CT
* Region-based segmentation on depth images from a 3D reference surface for tree species recognition
* Region-classification-based rate control for flicker suppression of I-frames in HEVC
* Registration and occlusion detection in motion blur
* Registration of images from a hull mounted, low frequency synthetic aperture sonar
* Registration of sheared images using phase correlation
* Regressing Local to Global Shape Properties for Online Segmentation and Tracking
* Regression Based Trajectory Learning and Prediction for Human Motion
* Regression-based Active Appearance Model initialization for facial feature tracking with missing frames
* Regularity analysis on bus networks and route directions by automatic vehicle location raw data
* Regulations in the field of Geo-Information
* Relating P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography to Tropical Forest Biomass
* Relationship between quaternion linear canonical and quaternion fourier transforms
* Relative orientation and scale for improved feature matching
* Relativistic Effects in Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Relaxed collaborative representation for face recognition based low-rank matrix recovery
* relaxed factorial Markov random field for colour and depth estimation from a single foggy image, A
* Relaxed local ternary pattern for face recognition
* Reliable face recognition using feature selection and image rejection based on probabilistic face model
* Remote sensing image compression based on double-sparsity dictionary learning and universal trellis coded quantization
* Remote Sensing Image Segmentation by Combining Spectral and Texture Features
* Remote Sensing Techniques in Monitoring Post-Fire Effects and Patterns of Forest Recovery in Boreal Forest Regions: A Review
* Remote Sensing-Derived Bathymetry of Lake Poopó
* Remotely sensed biomass over steep slopes: An evaluation among successional stands of the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
* Removing Mistracking of Multibody Motion Video Database Hopkins155
* Repairing the sheltered human skeleton based on natural interaction
* Replicator Graph Clustering
* Reported use of speed control systems: cruise control and speed limiter
* Representation of enclosing surfaces from simple voxelized objects by means of a chain code
* Representative reference-set and betweenness centrality for scene image categorization
* Rescue-robot show-down
* Residual interpolation for color image demosaicking
* Residue role assignment based transform partition predetermination on HEVC
* Restoration of foggy and motion-blurred road scenes
* Restoration of Information Obscured by Mountainous Shadows Through Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Without the Use of DEM Data: A New Method
* Restricted Boltzmann machine approach to couple dictionary training for image super-resolution
* Retina model inspired image quality assessment
* Retrospective Rigid Motion Correction in k-Space for Segmented Radial MRI
* Reverse scan for transform skip mode in HEVC codec
* Reversible DCT-based lossy-to-lossless still image compression
* Revisiting the Short-Wave Spectrum of the Sea Surface in the Light of the Weighted Curvature Approximation
* Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery and its Application in Image Restoration
* RGB-D image-based detection of stairs, pedestrian crosswalks and traffic signs
* Rice Area Inter Annual Variation through a Remote Sensing Based Mapping Algorithm
* Ridge detection using Savitzky-Golay filtering and steerable second-order Gaussian derivatives
* Riemannian manifold-based support vector machine for human activity classification in images
* Road sign detection based on visual saliency and shape analysis
* Robust 3D Multi-Modal Registration of MRI Volumes Using the Sum of Conditional Variance
* Robust action recognition using local motion and group sparsity
* Robust Adaptive Beamforming Using a Low-Complexity Shrinkage-Based Mismatch Estimation Algorithm
* Robust algorithm for broad impulse noise removal utilizing intensity distance and intensity height methodologies
* Robust and accurate online pose estimation algorithm via efficient three-dimensional collinearity model
* Robust and efficient object tracking algorithm under illumination changes based on joint gradient-intensity histogram
* Robust and incremental stitching and calibration with known rotation on pan-tilt-zoom camera
* Robust ASL Fingerspelling Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns and Geometric Features
* Robust Autodual Morphological Profiles for the Classification of High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Robust automatic ship tracking in harbours using active cameras
* Robust camera motion estimation in presence of large moving objects
* robust cost function for stereo matching of road scenes, A
* Robust Data Modelling Using Thin Plate Splines
* Robust dense block-based motion estimation using a 2-bit transform on a Laplacian pyramid
* robust elastic net approach for feature learning, A
* Robust face recognition via double low-rank matrix recovery for feature extraction
* Robust face recognition via occlusion dictionary learning
* Robust feature point matching based on geometric consistency and affine invariant spatial constraint
* Robust feature selection with self-matching score
* Robust hand tracking based on online learning and multi-cue flocks of features
* Robust human appearance matching across multi-cameras
* Robust hybrid color image watermarking method based on DFT domain and 2D histogram modification
* Robust Image Matching with Line Context
* Robust Integrated Framework for Segmentation and Tracking, A
* robust interpolation-free approach for sub-pixel accuracy motion estimation, A
* Robust level set image segmentation via a local correntropy-based K-means clustering
* Robust local optical flow estimation using bilinear equations for sparse motion estimation
* Robust multi-patch tracking
* Robust multiple object tracking by detection with interacting Markov chain Monte Carlo
* Robust object tracking using Bi-model
* Robust Online Learned Spatio-Temporal Context Model for Visual Tracking
* Robust partial face recognition using instance-to-class distance
* Robust Particle Filtering Algorithm With Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise Using Student-t Distribution, A
* Robust principal component analysis?
* Robust real-time attention-based head-shoulder detection for video surveillance
* Robust recognition of chess-boards under deformation
* robust RGB-D SLAM system for 3D environment with planar surfaces, A
* Robust Ring Detection in Phase Correlation Surfaces
* Robust road detection from a single image using road shape prior
* Robust Semi-Automatic Depth Map Generation in Unconstrained Images and Video Sequences for 2D to Stereoscopic 3D Conversion
* Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients
* Robust Superpixel Tracking via Depth Fusion
* Robust texture representation by using binary code ensemble
* Robust tracking with interest points: A sparse representation approach
* Robust two-dimensional principal component analysis via alternating optimization
* Robust Video Based Iris Segmentation System in Less Constrained Environments
* Robust Visual Vocabulary Tracking Using Hierarchical Model Fusion
* role of visual attention in the aesthetic appeal of consumer images: A preliminary study, The
* Rolling shutter correction for video with large depth of field
* Rotation and flipping robust region binary patterns for video copy detection
* Rotation-Covariant Texture Learning Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets
* Rotation-Invariant HOG Descriptors Using Fourier Analysis in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
* Rotation-invariant texture recognition by rotation compensation and wavelet analysis
* Rotational based rewritable data hiding in JPEG
* Rotations in the Mojette space
* Route 20, Autobahn 7, and Slime Mold: Approximating the Longest Roads in USA and Germany With Slime Mold on 3-D Terrains
* Routing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles
* RPM: Random Points Matching for Pair wise Face-Similarity
* rule-based event detection system for real-life underwater domain, A
* Rule-based trajectory segmentation for modeling hand motion trajectory
* Safe Approximation Approach to Secrecy Outage Design for MIMO Wiretap Channels, A
* Saliency detection based on an edge-preserving filter
* Saliency detection by adaptive clustering
* Saliency detection for stereoscopic images
* Saliency map based image steganography
* Saliency-Aware Video Compression
* Saliency-based superpixels
* Saliency-cognizant robust view synthesis in free viewpoint video streaming
* Salient level lines selection using the Mumford-Shah functional
* Salient object detection in hyperspectral imagery
* Salient object detection in image sequences via spatial-temporal cue
* Salient object detection on a hierarchy of image partitions
* Salient object detection via local saliency estimation and global homogeneity refinement
* Salient Object Detection via Random Forest
* Salient region detection via texture-suppressed background contrast
* Sample-Based Image Completion Using Structure Synthesis
* Sampling expansion in function spaces associated with the linear canonical transform
* Sampling for unsupervised domain adaptive object detection
* Sampling Minimal Subsets with Large Spans for Robust Estimation
* SAR image classification with normalized gamma process mixtures
* SAR Interferometric Model for Soil Moisture, A
* Satellite Regional Cloud Climatology over the Great Lakes
* Scalable Content-Based Music Retrieval Using Chord Progression Histogram and Tree-Structure LSH
* Scalable Reversible Data Embedding Method with progressive quality degradation functionality, A
* Scalable video fusion
* Scalable vs. multiple-description video coding for adaptive streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* Scale Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Scale invariant line matching on the sphere
* Scale ratio ICP for 3D point clouds with different scales
* Scale-Less Feature-Spatial Matching
* Scale-space compression and its application using spectral theory
* Scaled Heavy-Ball Acceleration of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm for 3D Microscopy Image Restoration
* Scene content driven FEC allocation for video streaming
* Scene flow constrained multi-prior patch-sweeping for real-time upper body 3D reconstruction
* Scene Text Identification by Leveraging Mid-level Patches and Context Information
* Scene-aware perceptual video coding
* Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detection for Static Video Surveillance
* SCOOP: A Real-Time Sparsity Driven People Localization Algorithm
* SCoRS: A Method Based on Stability for Feature Selection and Apping in Neuroimaging
* SDSP: A novel saliency detection method by combining simple priors
* Sea Ice Motion Tracking From Sequential Dual-Polarization RADARSAT-2 Images
* Seabed Classification Using a Bag-of-Prototypes Feature Representation
* Seamless Mapping of River Channels at High Resolution Using Mobile LiDAR and UAV-Photography
* Seamless View Synthesis Through Texture Optimization
* Seasonal Composite Landsat TM/ETM+ Images Using the Medoid (a Multi-Dimensional Median)
* Seeing actions through scene context
* Seeing through the fence: Image de-fencing using a video sequence
* Segmentation Driven Low-rank Matrix Recovery for Saliency Detection
* Segmentation enhances material analysis in multi-energy CT: A simulation study
* Segmentation of kidneys from computed tomography using 3D fast GrowCut algorithm
* SegTrack: A novel tracking system with improved object segmentation
* Selection of negative samples and two-stage combination of multiple features for action detection in thousands of videos
* Selective data pruning based distributed video coding with modified high-order edge-directed interpolation
* Selective Imaging of Extended Reflectors in Two-Dimensional Waveguides
* Selective local tone mapping
* Self-adjusted active contours using multi-directional texture cues
* Self-Learning Based Image Decomposition With Applications to Single Image Denoising
* Self-occlusion and 3D pose estimation in still images
* Self-training-based face recognition using semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis and affinity propagation
* Semantic Annotation of Satellite Images Using Author-Genre-Topic Model
* Semantic indoor maps
* Semantic World Modelling and Data Management in a 4D Forest Simulation and Information System
* Semi-automatic 2D-to-3D video conversion based on depth propagation from key-frames
* Semi-Automatic Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Building Corner Matching with Boundaries as Reliability Check
* Semi-Binary Based Video Features for Activity Representation
* Semi-blind deconvolution for resolution enhancement in ultrasound imaging
* Semi-supervised clustering of large data sets with kernel methods
* Semi-supervised ensemble update strategies for on-line classification of fMRI data
* Semi-supervised learning in traffic scene surveillance based on label-propagation
* Semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis through moment-constraint parameter estimation
* Semi-supervised visual recognition with constrained graph regularized non negative matrix factorization
* Semiautomated Extraction of Street Light Poles From Mobile LiDAR Point-Clouds
* Semiautomatic Object-Oriented Landslide Recognition Scheme From Multisensor Optical Imagery and DEM
* Sensitivity analysis of compressed sensing ISAR imaging to rotational acceleration rate mismatch
* Separated Component-Based Restoration of Speckled SAR Images
* Serve receive-to-attack period extraction and histogram-based player localization in broadcast volleyball videos
* Set-based classification for person re-identification utilizing mutual-information
* Seven challenges for image quality research
* SFM-based sparse to dense 3D face reconstruction method robust to feature tracking errors, A
* Shaking video synthesis for video stabilization performance assessment
* Shape from stereo and shading by gradient constrained interpolation
* shape matching framework using metric partition constraint, A
* Shape representation via elementary symmetric polynomials: A complete invariant inspired by the bispectrum
* Shape-Based Normalized Cuts Using Spectral Relaxation for Biomedical Segmentation
* shape-template based two-stage corpus callosum segmentation technique for sagittal plane T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance images, A
* Sharp Sufficient Condition for B-Spline Vector Field Invertibility. Application to Diffeomorphic Registration and Interslice Interpolation, A
* Short Baseline TerraSAR-X PSI for Monitoring Subsidence of Highways and Railways, Case Study with Corner Reflectors
* shortest warping path based multiple images alignment, The
* SIBGRAPI 25th: Advances in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
* Sigma Point Belief Propagation
* Signal and image denoising without regularization
* Significant Gains From Optimally Processed Multiple Signals of Opportunity and Multiple Receive Stations in Passive Radar, The
* Similarity preserving analysis based on sparse representation for image feature extraction and classification
* Simple and Efficient Re-Scrambling Scheme for DTV Programs, A
* Simple monocular door detection and tracking
* Simplified generalized residual prediction in scalable extension of HEVC
* Simulation of EarthCARE Spaceborne Doppler Radar Products Using Ground-Based and Airborne Data: Effects of Aliasing and Nonuniform Beam-Filling
* simultaneous method for 3D video super-resolution and high-quality depth estimation, A
* Simultaneous Pose, Focal Length and 2D-to-3D Correspondences from Noisy Observations
* Simultaneous target recognition, segmentation and pose estimation
* Single color image dehazing based on digital total variation filter with color transfer
* Single colour one-shot scan using modified penrose tiling pattern
* Single image dehazing based on reliability map of dark channel prior
* Single image ground plane estimation
* Single image super-resolution using adaptive domain transformation
* Single image super-resolution via phase congruency analysis
* Single-image 3-D depth estimation for urban scenes
* Single-image deraining using an adaptive nonlocal means filter
* single-image super-resolution method via low-rank matrix recovery and nonlinear mappings, A
* Single-image superresolution of self-similar textures
* Single-loop SNR scalability using binary residual refinement coding
* Singular Vector Methods for Fundamental Matrix Computation
* Singularity resolution for dimension reduction
* size-insensitive integrity-based fuzzy c-means method for data clustering, A
* Sketching by perceptual grouping
* Sketching human character animations by composing sequences from large motion database
* Skin detection using spatial analysis with adaptive seed
* smartphone-based golf simulation exercise game for supporting arthritis patients, A
* Smoke Detection in Video: An Image Separation Approach
* Smoothing posterior probabilities with a particle filter of dirichlet distribution for stabilizing colorectal NBI endoscopy recognition
* Smoothness of Boundaries of Regular Sets
* Socialized Mobile Photography: Learning to Photograph With Social Context via Mobile Devices
* soft measure for identifying structure from randomness in images, A
* Soft mobile video broadcast based on side information refining
* Soft shape registration under lie group frame
* Soil Biochar Quantification via Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx): Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval From the SMAP Mission, The
* Solving Person Re-identification in Non-overlapping Camera using Efficient Gibbs Sampling
* Solving Quasi-Variational Inequalities for Image Restoration with Adaptive Constraint Sets
* Solving Schrödinger equation via Tartaglia/Pascal triangle: A possible link between stochastic processing and quantum mechanics
* Some fast projection methods based on Chan-Vese model for image segmentation
* Source identification of camera phones using SVD
* Spacetime Forests with Complementary Features for Dynamic Scene Recognition
* Sparse Array-Based Room Transfer Function Estimation for Echo Cancellation
* Sparse coding based motion attention for abnormal event detection
* Sparse Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Co-Prime Arrays with Off-Grid Targets
* sparse linear model for saliency-guided decolorization, A
* Sparse modeling based image inpainting with local similarity constraint
* Sparse recovery of complex phase-encoded velocity images using iterative thresholding
* Sparse representation based action and gesture recognition
* Sparse Representation for Robust Abnormality Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Sparse Representation Prior and Total Variation-Based Image Deblurring under Impulse Noise
* Sparse Representation Shape Models
* Sparse Representation Shape Models
* Sparse representations in deep learning for noise-robust digit classification
* sparse sampling model for 3D face recognition, A
* Sparse sequence recovery via a maximum a posteriori estimation
* Sparse Shape Reconstruction
* Sparse Transfer Manifold Embedding for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Sparse Variation Pattern for Texture Classification
* Sparsity Constrained Mixture Modeling for the Estimation of Kinetic Parameters in Dynamic PET
* Sparsity-assisted signal representation for rotating machinery fault diagnosis using the tunable Q-factor wavelet transform with overlapping group shrinkage
* Sparsity-Aware Adaptive Algorithms Based on Alternating Optimization and Shrinkage
* Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection: Centralized and Distributed Algorithms
* Sparsity-Based Poisson Denoising With Dictionary Learning
* Sparsity-based soft decoding of compressed images in transform domain
* Spatial constraint Hopfield-type neural networks for detecting changes in remotely sensed multitemporal images
* Spatial Data Web Services Pricing Model Infrastructure
* Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement
* Spatial False Discovery Rate Control for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies
* Spatial histogram of keypoints (SHIK)
* Spatial Quality Assessment of Pan-Sharpened High Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on an Automatically Estimated Edge Based Metric
* Spatial Statistics of Image Features for Performance Comparison
* spatial-temporal constraint-based action recognition method, A
* Spatially directional predictive coding for block-based compressive sensing of natural images
* Spatio-temporal cellular automata-based filtering for image sequence denoising: Application to fluoroscopic sequences
* Spatio-temporal error concealment in video by denoised temporal extrapolation refinement
* Spatio-Temporal Occurrence Modeling of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N1: A Case Study in the Red River Delta, Vietnam
* Spatio-temporal saliency based on rare model
* Spatio-temporal segmentation and estimation of ocean surface currents from satellite sea surface temperature fields
* Spatio-Temporally Consistent View Synthesis From Video-Plus-Depth Data With Global Optimization
* Spatiotemporal Land use/cover Change of Adana City, The
* spatiotemporal no-reference video quality assessment model, A
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Encroachment on Cropland and Its Impacts on Potential Agricultural Productivity in China
* Spatiotemporal stereo matching for dynamic scenes with temporal disparity variation
* Speaking Effect Removal on Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions Based on Eigenface Conversion
* Special issue on Multimedia Event Detection
* Special Issue Overview: Objects, Actions, Places
* Speckle reduction in laser imaging applications using rotating magneto-optical disk
* Spectra of shape contexts: An application to symbol recognition
* Spectral Imaging Using Basis Lights
* Spectral reflectance estimation from visible light components and near-infrared components
* Specular highlight enhancement from video sequences
* Speed-Up Scheme Based on Multiple-Instance Pruning for Pedestrian Detection Using a Support Vector Machine, A
* Speeded-up SURF: Design of an efficient multiscale feature detector
* Spherical Simplex-Radial Cubature Kalman Filter
* spindle model for contextual object detection, A
* Spline Fusion: A continuous-time representation for visual-inertial fusion with application to rolling shutter cameras
* Spline-Based Hybrid Image Registration using Landmark and Intensity Information based on Matrix-Valued Non-radial Basis Functions
* Spontaneous facial expression recognition: A robust metric learning approach
* SR-LLA: A novel spectral reconstruction method based on locally linear approximation
* Stabilization Technique for Region-of-Interest Trajectories Made from Video Watching Manipulations
* Stable and Robust Sampling Strategies for Compressive Imaging
* Stable denoising-enhancement of images by telegraph-diffusion operators
* Stain unmixing in brightfield multiplexed immunohistochemistry
* Statistical Method for Peak Localization in Hough Space by Analysing Butterflies, A
* Statistical separability of local motions in volumetric images
* Statistical Stability of Ultrawideband Time-Reversal Imaging in Random Media
* Statistical traffic state analysis in large-scale transportation networks using locality-preserving non-negative matrix factorisation
* Statistical-CSI-Based Scheme for Multiple Description Coding Multicast in CRNs, A
* Steganalysis of Jsteg algorithm based on a novel statistical model of quantized DCT coefficients
* Stem Water Potential Monitoring in Pear Orchards through WorldView-2 Multispectral Imagery
* Stereo and Motion Based 3D High Density Object Tracking
* Stereo based region of interest generation for pedestrian detection in driver assistance systems
* Stereo image quality assessment using a binocular just noticeable difference model
* Stereoscopic video quality assessment based on stereo just-noticeable difference model
* stitching of aerial videos from UAVs, The
* Stochastic analysis of the least mean fourth algorithm for non-stationary white Gaussian inputs
* Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
* Stochastic Extraction of Elongated Curvilinear Structures With Applications
* strategy for the correction of effects of jitter in AMCW lidar images, A
* Streaming video object segmentation with the adaptive coherence factor
* Structure from motion directly from a sequence of binocular images without explicit correspondence establishment
* Structured learning for crowd motion segmentation
* Structured light self-calibration with vanishing points
* Structured Sparse Method for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Structured Sparse Priors for Image Classification
* Structured Textons for texture representation
* Structuring urban data
* Study of arbitrary real dilation factor of orthonorma wavelet basis
* Study of Scan Patterns for Mobile Mapping, A
* Subjective and objective quality assessment for images with contrast change
* Subjective study of binocular rivalry in stereoscopic images with transmission and compression artifacts
* Subregion based local descriptor
* Subspace Correction Methods for a Class of Nonsmooth and Nonadditive Convex Variational Problems with Mixed L1/L2 Data-Fidelity in Image Processing
* Summarization of Egocentric Moving Videos for Generating Walking Route Guidance
* Summarizing high-level scene behavior
* Super resolution method adapted to spatial contrast
* Super-Resolution Framework for High-Accuracy Multiview Reconstruction, A
* Super-resolution in cardiac PET using mass-preserving image registration
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Multi-Angle Remote Sensing Images Considering Resolution Differences
* Super-resolution through non-linear enhancement filters
* SUPERCUT: An accurate and effective interactive image segmentation algorithm
* Superpixel-based large displacement optical flow
* supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroimaging classification, A
* Supervised Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification With Weighted Markov Random Fields
* Supporting spatial data harmonization process with the use of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies
* Sure-optimal two-dimensional Savitzky-Golay filters for image denoising
* Surface reconstruction using isocontours of constant depth and gradient
* Surgical motion task performance in a hand eye colocated digital stereo microcsope
* Survey on Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks: Taxonomy, Comparative Study, and Open Issues, A
* Survey on Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks: Taxonomy, Comparative Study, and Open Issues, A
* Swimmer Localization from a Moving Camera
* Symmetric dynamic programming stereo using block matching guidance
* Symmetry detection via contour grouping
* Synchrosqueezed Wave Packet Transform for 2D Mode Decomposition
* Synthesis distortion estimation in 3D video using frequency and spatial analysis
* Synthesis of incidental detail as composable components in a functional language
* Synthesized disparity vectors for 3D video coding
* Synthetic training in object detection
* system based on sequence learning for event detection in surveillance video, A
* Take your eyes off the ball: Improving ball-tracking by focusing on team play
* TanDEM-X Mission: Overview and Evaluation of intermediate Results
* Task-relevant object detection and tracking
* Taxonomy of File Fragments Using Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Temporal and Seasonal Variations of the Hot Spring Basin Hydrothermal System, Yellowstone National Park, USA
* Temporal Behavior of Lake Size-Distribution in a Thawing Permafrost Landscape in Northwestern Siberia
* Temporal filtering of line scratch detections in degraded films
* Temporal rate up-conversion of synthetic aperture radar via low-rank matrix recovery
* Temporal-Spatial Distribution of Shule River Alluvial Fan Units in China Based on SAR Data and OSL Dating, The
* Temporally consistent adaptive depth map preprocessing for view synthesis
* Temporally consistent soccer field registration
* Temporally multiple dynamic textures synthesis using piecewise linear dynamic systems
* Tension in Active Shapes
* tensor motion descriptor based on histograms of gradients and optical flow, A
* TerraSAR-X Stereo Radargrammetry and Airborne Scanning LiDAR Height Metrics in Imputation of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume
* Text detection in natural scene images with user-intention
* Text detection in natural scene with edge analysis
* Texture Map and Video Compression Using Beltrami Representation
* Texture mode dependent depth coding in 3D-HEVC
* Texture modelling with generic translation- and contrast/offset-invariant 2nd-4th-order MGRFs
* Texture Representation via Joint Statistics of Local Quantized Patterns
* Texture side information generation for distributed coding of video-plus-depth
* Theory of High-Order Statistics-Based Virtual Dimensionality for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Thermal cameras and applications: a survey
* Thermal Facial Emotion Database and Its Analysis, A
* Thin structure filtering framework with non-local means, Gaussian derivatives and spatially-variant mathematical morphology
* Three dimensional discrete wavelet transform with deduced number of lifting steps
* Three dimensional segmentation of fluorescence microscopy images using active surfaces
* Three robust features extraction approaches for facial gender classification
* Three-dimensional alignment and merging of confocal microscopy stacks
* Three-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Satellite Radar Interferometry, I: DEM Generation
* Three-Dimensional Scattering Center Extraction Based on Wide Aperture Data at a Single Elevation
* Time-sensitive topic models for action recognition in videos
* TimeViewer, a Tool for Visualizing the Problems of the Background Subtraction
* TIR Spectral Radiance Calibration of the GOSAT Satellite Borne TANSO-FTS With the Aircraft-Based S-HIS and the Ground-Based S-AERI at the Railroad Valley Desert Playa
* Tissue Cancellation in Dual Energy Mammography Using a Calibration Phantom Customized for Direct Mapping
* To localise or to be localised with WiFi in the Hubei museum?
* Tomographic Profiling: A Technique for Multi-Incidence-Angle Retrieval of the Vertical SAR Backscattering Profiles of Biogeophysical Targets
* Topic Model Approach to Representing and Classifying Football Plays, A
* TopoCad: A unified system for geospatial data and services
* Topology-Preserving Rigid Transformation of 2D Digital Images
* Total Variation Spectral Framework for Scale and Texture Analysis, A
* Towards Automated Classification of Seabed Substrates in Underwater Video
* Towards efficient image irradiance modelling of convex Lambertian surfaces under single viewpoint and frontal illumination
* Towards multispectral data acquisition with hand-held devices
* Towards structural analysis of solution spaces for ill-posed discrete 1D optimisation problems
* Track fast-moving tiny flies by adaptive LBP feature and cascaded data association
* Tracking articulated human movements with a component based approach to boosted multiple instance learning
* Tracking in dense crowds using prominence and neighborhood motion concurrence
* Tracking-based moving object detection
* Trading off salience and uncertainty in sampling a visual scene
* Traffic flow estimation and vehicle-type classification using vision-based spatial-temporal profile analysis
* Traffic sign classification using two-layer image representation
* Training Area Concept in a Two-Phase Biomass Inventory Using Airborne Laser Scanning and RapidEye Satellite Data
* Training boosting-like algorithms with semi-supervised subspace learning
* Trait Estimation in Herbaceous Plant Assemblages from in situ Canopy Spectra
* Trajectory Estimation Method for Badminton Shuttlecock Utilizing Motion Blur, A
* Transceiver Design for Hybrid One-Way and Two-Way Relay Networks
* Transfer learning with one-class data
* Transform coder identification with double quantized data
* Transform coefficient coding design for AVS2 video coding standard
* Transforming 2D Cadastral Data into a Dynamic Smart 3D Model
* Transitive Re-identification
* Translation Invariant Directional Framelet Transform Combined With Gabor Filters for Image Denoising
* Tree Filtering: Efficient Structure-Preserving Smoothing With a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Tree-based Shape Descriptor for scalable logo detection
* Tree-like Shapes Distance Using the Elastic Shape Analysis Framework
* Trinary-Projection Trees for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* Trinocular stereo image rectification in closed-form only using fundamental matrices
* TROD: Tracking with occlusion handling and drift correction
* Trust-networks for changing driver behaviour during severe weather
* TV-L1-Based 3D Medical Image Registration with the Census Cost Function
* Two classifiers based on nearest feature plane for recognition
* Two dimensional analysis sparse model
* Two Dimensional Optical Input to One Dimensional Serial Pulse Transformation Using Confocal Reflectors, A
* Two HEVC encoder methods for block artifact reduction
* Two-dimensional multi-pixel anisotropic Gaussian filter for edge-line segment (ELS) detection
* Two-dimensional wavelet multi-resolution analysis on turbulent structures of dune wake
* two-fly tracker that solves occlusions by dynamic programming: computational analysis of Drosophila courtship behaviour, A
* Two-Level Hierarchical Alignment for Semi-Coupled HMM-Based Audiovisual Emotion Recognition With Temporal Course
* Two-stage denoising method for hyperspectral images combining KPCA and total variation
* Two-view matching with view synthesis revisited
* UHDB11 Database for 3D-2D Face Recognition
* Ultra high-definition video coding using bit-depth reduction with image noise reduction and pseudo-contour prevention
* Ultra-wide Baseline Aerial Imagery Matching in Urban Environments
* UMSM: A Traffic Reduction Method on Multi-View Video Streaming for Multiple Users
* Undecoded Coefficients Recovery in Distributed Video Coding by Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Correlation: A Linear Programming Approach
* Underwater image enhancement using guided trigonometric bilateral filter and fast automatic color correction
* Unified detection of skewed rotation, reflection and translation symmetries from affine invariant contour features
* unified formalism for video descriptors, A
* Unified Framework for General Compact and Quad Polarimetric SAR Data and Imagery Analysis, A
* Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternion Color Moments and Moment Invariants, A
* Universal and low-complexity quantizer design for compressive sensing image coding
* Universal Approach for Geometric Modelling in Underwater Stereo Image Processing, A
* Unlabeled patterns to tighten Rademacher complexity error bounds for kernel classifiers
* Unlabeling data can improve classification accuracy
* Unmixing Molecular Agents From Absorbing Tissue in Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
* Unsupervised (parameter) learning for MRFs on bipartite graphs
* Unsupervised change detection in satellite images using fuzzy c-means clustering and principal component analysis
* Unsupervised color classifier training for soccer player detection
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for Aerial Scene Classification
* Unsupervised feature learning using Markov deep belief network
* Unsupervised image segmentation using global spatial constraint and multi-scale representation on multiple segmentation proposals
* Unsupervised learning approach for abnormal event detection in surveillance video by revealing infrequent patterns
* Unsupervised marked point process model for boat extraction in harbors from high resolution optical remotely sensed images
* Unsupervised Object Discovery and Segmentation in Videos
* Unusual events detection based on multi-dictionary sparse representation using kinect
* Usability of Online Geographic Virtual Reality for Urban Planning, The
* Use of General Regression Neural Networks for Generating the GLASS Leaf Area Index Product From Time-Series MODIS Surface Reflectance
* User Experience Design in Professional Map-Based Geo-Portals
* User-side adaptive protection of location privacy in participatory sensing
* Using a Spatio-Temporal GIS Database to Monitor the Spatial Evolution of Urban Flooding Phenomena. The Case of Athens Metropolitan Area in Greece
* Using Depth to Extend Randomised Hough Forests for Object Detection and Localisation
* Using facial symmetry in the illumination cone based 3D face reconstruction
* Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Automated Extraction of Road Markings
* Using Partial Least Squares-Artificial Neural Network for Inversion of Inland Water Chlorophyll-a
* Using spatial data support for reducing uncertainty in geospatial applications
* Using Super-Resolution Methods to Solve a Novel Multi-Sinusoidal Signal Model
* Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners to Calculate and Map Vertical Bridge Clearance
* Using the Interferometric Capabilities of the ESA CryoSat-2 Mission to Improve the Accuracy of Sea Ice Freeboard Retrievals
* Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for High-Resolution Reconstruction of Topography: The Structure from Motion Approach on Coastal Environments
* Using vanishing points to estimate parameters of fisheye camera
* Utilizing GIS to Examine the Relationship Between State Renewable Portfolio Standards and the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies
* Utilizing Least Significant Bit-Planes of RONI Pixels for Medical Image Watermarking
* Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based Priestley-Taylor Algorithm for Mapping Terrestrial Evapotranspiration
* Validation of Mojette reconstruction from Radon acquisitions
* Validation of Vehicle Candidate Areas in Aerial Images Using Color Co-Occurrence Histograms
* Vanishing Point-Based Image Transforms for Enhancement of Probabilistic Occupancy Map-Based People Localization
* Variational Exemplar-Based Image Colorization
* Variational Image Denoising Based on Autocorrelation Whiteness
* Variational Method for the Optimization of Tone Mapping Operators, A
* Varifold Representation of Nonoriented Shapes for Diffeomorphic Registration, The
* Vector field convolution medialness applied to neuron tracing
* Vector mathematical morphological operators based on fuzzy extremum estimation
* Vector-Valued Image Processing by Parallel Level Sets
* Vehicle 6-DoF localization based on SLAM constrained by GPS and digital elevation model information
* Vehicle Detection Based on Multi-feature Clues and Dempster-Shafer Fusion Theory
* Vehicle detection in monocular night-time grey-level videos
* Vehicle platoon and obstacle avoidance: A reactive agent approach
* Vehicle type classification using distributions of structural and appearance-based features
* Vehicle-to-infrastructure communication-based adaptive traffic signal control
* Vertical corner line detection on buildings in quasi-Manhattan world
* Vessel-based registration of fundus and optical coherence tomography projection images of retina using a quadratic registration model
* Video Aesthetic Quality Assessment by Temporal Integration of Photo- and Motion-Based Features
* Video compressive sensing using multiple measurement vectors
* Video deblurring based on bidirectional motion compensation and accurate blur kernel estimation
* Video Error Concealment Based on Data Hiding for the Emerging Video Technologies
* Video Error Concealment Using a Computation-Efficient Low Saliency Prior
* Video Event Detection: From Subvolume Localization to Spatiotemporal Path Search
* Video Inpainting of Complex Scenes
* Video recapture detection based on ghosting artifact analysis
* Video Saliency Detection Model in Compressed Domain, A
* Video Saliency Modulation in the HSI Color Space for Drawing Gaze
* Video stabilization by estimation of similarity transformation from integral projections
* Video stabilization with L1-L2 optimization
* Video steganalysis based on the constraints of motion vectors
* Video super-resolution for mixed resolution stereo
* Video super-resolution using low rank matrix completion
* Video tracking through occlusions by fast audio source localisation
* Video viewer state estimation using gaze tracking and video content analysis
* Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spatial Coverage in an Ombotrophic Bog
* View interpolation sensitive to pixel positions
* View synthesis prediction using adaptive depth quantization for 3D video coding
* Virtual 3D City Modeling: Techniques and Applications
* Virtual View Synthesis Based on DIBR and Image Inpainting
* Vision based inter-vehicle distance estimation with extended outlier correspondence
* Vision-based hexagonal image processing using Hex-Gabor
* Visual analytics for built-up area understanding from metric resolution Earth observation data
* Visual and Contextual Modeling for the Detection of Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
* Visual complexity assessment of painting images
* visual dictionary attack on Picture Passwords, A
* Visual masking phenomena with high dynamic range content
* Visual object detection by parts-based modeling using extended histogram of gradients
* visual perception sensitivity for achromatic noise and chromatic noise, The
* Visual Protection of HEVC Video by Selective Encryption of CABAC Binstrings
* Visual quality metric for perceptual video coding
* Visual SLAM for Handheld Monocular Endoscope
* Visual Speech Synthesis Using a Variable-Order Switching Shared Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* Visual Typo Correction by Collocative Optimization: A Case Study on Merchandize Images
* Visually lossless screen content coding using HEVC base-layer
* Visually Lossless Strategies to Decode and Transmit JPEG2000 Imagery
* volume-based method for denoising on curved surfaces, A
* Voxel labelling in CT images with data-driven contextual features
* Watershed based depth map misalignment correction and foreground biased dilation for DIBR view synthesis
* Watershed merge forest classification for electron microscopy image stack segmentation
* Wavelet based smoke detection method with RGB Contrast-image and shape constrain
* wavelet denoising method based on the improved threshold function, A
* Wavelet Frame Based Multiphase Image Segmentation
* Wavelet inpainting driven image compression via collaborative sparsity at low bit rates
* Wavelet Perspective on Variational Perceptually-Inspired Color Enhancement, A
* wavelets based de-ringing technique for DCT based compressed visual data, A
* Weakly Supervised Photo Cropping
* Web Multimedia Object Classification Using Cross-Domain Correlation Knowledge
* Weight optimization for multiple image integration
* Weighted attentional blocks for probabilistic object tracking
* Weighted ensemble of algorithms for complex data clustering
* Weighted haze removal method with halo prevention
* Weighted Optimization Approach to Time-of-Flight Sensor Fusion, A
* Well-composed images and rigid transformations
* What color is an object?
* What is a good evaluation measure for semantic segmentation?
* What limits spatial perception with retinal implants?
* Wide-Baseline Dense Feature Matching for Endoscopic Images
* Wireless Tomography in Noisy Environments Using Machine Learning
* Zenith/Nadir Pointing mm-Wave Radars: Linear or Circular Polarization?
* Zernike moment and local distribution fitting fuzzy energy-based active contours for image segmentation
2318 for 1402

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.