Index for huan

Huan, H.[Hao] Co Author Listing * Analysis of BDS/GPS Signals' Characteristics and Navigation Accuracy for a Geostationary Satellite
* Earthquake-Damaged Buildings Detection in Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Object Context and Boundary Enhanced Loss
* End-to-End Super-Resolution for Remote-Sensing Images Using an Improved Multi-Scale Residual Network
* High-Precision 3D Target Perception Algorithm Based on a Mobile RFID Reader and Double Tags, A
* Spaceborne Passive Localization Algorithm Based on MSD-HOUGH for Multiple Signal Sources, A
* Strip Attention Networks for Road Extraction
Includes: Huan, H.[Hao] Huan, H.[Hai]

Huan, H.C.[Hou Chao] Co Author Listing * method to improve the lateral resolution of ultrasonic intravascular imaging, A

Huan, H.Q.[Heng Qiang] Co Author Listing * JHPFA-Net: Joint Head Pose and Facial Action Network for Driver Yawning Detection Across Arbitrary Poses in Videos
Includes: Huan, H.Q.[Heng Qiang] Huan, H.Q.[Heng-Qiang]

Huan, J.[Jing] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Distributed CRC-aided SCL Decoder with Flip Operations for Polar Codes
* Deep cycle autoencoder for unsupervised domain adaptation with generative adversarial networks
* Efficient Registration and Recognition Algorithm via Sieve Processes, An
* Instance-Based Deep Transfer Learning
* PAC bound for joint matrix completion based on Partially Collective Matrix Factorization, A
* Semi-Supervised Active Learning with Temporal Output Discrepancy
Includes: Huan, J.[Jing] Huan, J.[Jun] Huan, J.

Huan, L.[Linxi] Co Author Listing * Easing 3d Pattern Reasoning with Side-view Features for Semantic Scene Completion
* Holistic Geometric Feature Learning for Structured Reconstruction
* Shape Anchor Guided Holistic Indoor Scene Understanding

Huan, L.X.[Lin Xi] Co Author Listing * AProNet: Detecting objects with precise orientation from aerial images
* GeoRec: Geometry-enhanced semantic 3D reconstruction of RGB-D indoor scenes
* Learning deep cross-scale feature propagation for indoor semantic segmentation
* Parsing very high resolution urban scene images by learning deep ConvNets with edge-aware loss
* Unmixing Convolutional Features for Crisp Edge Detection
Includes: Huan, L.X.[Lin Xi] Huan, L.X.[Lin-Xi]

Huan, N.V. Co Author Listing * Morphing and Repairing a 3D Scalp Geometry in Building Hair Models and Simulation

Huan, R.H.[Ruo Hong] Co Author Listing * Anti-Occlusion Particle Filter Object-Tracking Method Based on Feature Fusion
* Heterogeneous Graph Network for Action Detection
* PLSAV: Parallel loop searching and verifying for loop closure detection
* SAR multi-target interactive motion recognition based on convolutional neural networks
* Spectral-Temporal Patch-Based Missing Area Reconstruction for Time-Series Images, A
* UniMF: A Unified Multimodal Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Missing Modalities and Unaligned Multimodal Sequences
Includes: Huan, R.H.[Ruo Hong] Huan, R.H.[Ruo-Hong]

Huan, R.Z.[Rui Zhi] Co Author Listing * Deep spatial-temporal feature fusion for facial expression recognition in static images
Includes: Huan, R.Z.[Rui Zhi] Huan, R.Z.[Rui-Zhi]

Huan, S.[Sha] Co Author Listing * T-Shaped CAN Feature Integration With Lightweight Deep Learning Model for In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection

Huan, T.S.[Thomas S.] Co Author Listing * Interactive Boosting for Image Classification

Huan, W.[Wennan] Co Author Listing * Exploring Stable Coefficients on Joint Sub-Bands for Robust Video Watermarking in DT CWT Domain
* What Role Does Data Augmentation Play in Knowledge Distillation?
Includes: Huan, W.[Wennan] Huan, W.[Wei]

Huan, W.H.[Wei Hua] Co Author Listing * Incremental registration towards large-scale heterogeneous point clouds by hierarchical graph matching
* Inferring Urban Land Use from Multi-Source Urban Mobility Data Using Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Method with Adaptive Graphs to Constrain Multi-View Subspace Clustering of Geospatial Big Data from Multiple Sources, A
Includes: Huan, W.H.[Wei Hua] Huan, W.H.[Wei-Hua]

Huan, X.L.[Xiao Li] Co Author Listing * Image restoration based on the fast marching method and block based sampling
* Using RZL Coding to Enhance Histogram-Pair Based Image Reversible Data Hiding
Includes: Huan, X.L.[Xiao Li] Huan, X.L.[Xiao-Li]

Huan, Y.[Yu] Co Author Listing * Long-Term Changes in Colored Dissolved Organic Matter from Satellite Observations in the Bohai Sea and North Yellow Sea
* Remote Sensing of Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Algorithm Development and Application Implications
* Variability of Particle Size Distributions in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea

Huan, Z.[Zhan] Co Author Listing * Learning arbitrary-shape object detector from bounding-box annotation by searching region-graph
* Robust facial landmark detection by probability-guided hourglass network

Huan, Z.D.[Zhong Dan] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Non-rigid Image Registration, An
* Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data, An
* Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise
* fast segmentation method based on constraint optimization and its applications: Intensity inhomogeneity and texture segmentation, A
* Image restoration under mixed noise using globally convex segmentation
* Simultaneous Denoising and Illumination Correction via Local Data-Fidelity and Nonlocal Regularization
* Weighted Dictionary Learning Model for Denoising Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise, A
Includes: Huan, Z.D.[Zhong Dan] Huan, Z.D.[Zhong-Dan]
7 for Huan, Z.D.

Huan, Z.L.[Zheng Liang] Co Author Listing * Texture Classification Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and LS-SVM
Includes: Huan, Z.L.[Zheng Liang] Huan, Z.L.[Zheng-Liang]

Huanca, O.[Olwer] Co Author Listing * Mapping Land Cover Types for Highland Andean Ecosystems in Peru Using Google Earth Engine

Huang, A. Co Author Listing * Analysis and Prediction of Regional Mobility Patterns of Bus Travellers Using Smart Card Data and Points of Interest Data
* Assessment of Grassland Degradation on the Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-Source Data
* Comparison and Synthesis of Precipitation Data from CloudSat CPR and GPM KaPR
* Digital Optics
* Enhanced local distribution learning for real image super-resolution
* Framework of Travel Mode Identification Fusing Deep Learning and Map-Matching Algorithm, A
* GFFT: Global-local feature fusion transformers for facial expression recognition in the wild
* HAB-Net: Hierarchical asymmetric convolution and boundary enhancement network for brain tumor segmentation
* Image segmentation using an efficient rotationally invariant 3D region-based hidden Markov model
* Improving polyp detection algorithms for CT colonography: Pareto front approach
* Joint Learning of Latent Similarity and Local Embedding for Multi-View Clustering
* Joint Shared-and-Specific Information for Deep Multi-View Clustering
* Lambda-Domain VVC Rate Control Based on Nash Equilibrium
* Learnable Subspace Orthogonal Projection for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Local-Perception-Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Evolving Graph Transformer Network: Citywide Demand Prediction of Taxi and Ride-Hailing
* Methodology to Attain Public Transit Origin-Destination Mobility Patterns Using Multi-Layered Mesoscopic Analysis, A
* Methodology to Generate Integrated Land Cover Data for Land Surface Model by Improving Dempster-Shafer Theory, A
* Multi-View Graph Embedding Learning for Image Co-Segmentation and Co-Localization
* Novel Rotationally Invariant Region-Based Hidden Markov Model for Efficient 3-D Image Segmentation, A
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm
* Parameterizing Marching Cubes Isosurfaces with Natural Neighbor Coordinates
* POSTER++: A simpler and stronger facial expression recognition network
* Prototype Alignment With Dedicated Experts for Test-Agnostic Long-Tailed Recognition
* Safe Local Motion Planning with Self-Supervised Freespace Forecasting
* Scale-Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Efficient Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report
* Trusted Semi-Supervised Multi-View Classification with Contrastive Learning
Includes: Huang, A. Huang, A.[Anqi] Huang, A.[Anfan] Huang, A.[Aiai] Huang, A.[Ailing] Huang, A.[Aibin] Huang, A.[Albert] Huang, A.[Adam] Huang, A.[Aiping] Huang, A.[Aishi] Huang, A.[Aaron] Huang, A.[Ailin]
28 for Huang, A.

Huang, A.J.[Archie J.] Co Author Listing * Incorporating Nonlocal Traffic Flow Model in Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Huang, A.L.[Ai Lin] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Multi-Scale Voxel Flow Network for Video Prediction, A
Includes: Huang, A.L.[Ai Lin] Huang, A.L.[Ai-Lin]

Huang, A.M.[Ai Mei] Co Author Listing * Correlation-based motion vector processing for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Correlation-Based Motion Vector Processing With Adaptive Interpolation Scheme for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Motion Vector Processing Based on Residual Energy Information for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Motion vector processing based on trajectory curve analysis for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Motion vector processing using the color information
* Multistage Motion Vector Processing Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* New Objective Quality Metric for Frame Interpolation using in Video Compression, A
* Novel Multi-Stage Motion Vector Processing Method for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
Includes: Huang, A.M.[Ai Mei] Huang, A.M.[Ai-Mei]
8 for Huang, A.M.

Huang, A.N.[An Ning] Co Author Listing * Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau, A
Includes: Huang, A.N.[An Ning] Huang, A.N.[An-Ning]

Huang, A.P.[Ai Ping] Co Author Listing * Embedding Regularizer Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification
* Multi-View Data Fusion Oriented Clustering via Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Salient object detection with low-rank approximation and l2,1-norm minimization
Includes: Huang, A.P.[Ai Ping] Huang, A.P.[Ai-Ping]

Huang, A.S.[Albert S.] Co Author Listing * Non-Metrical Navigation Through Visual Path Control

Huang, A.T.[An Te] Co Author Listing * Spatial-Temporal Distribution of GOCI-Derived Suspended Sediment in Taiwan Coastal Water Induced by Typhoon Soudelor, The
Includes: Huang, A.T.[An Te] Huang, A.T.[An-Te]

Huang, A.W.C.[Andrea Wei Ching] Co Author Listing * Narrative Geospatial Knowledge in Ethnographies: Representation and Reasoning
Includes: Huang, A.W.C.[Andrea Wei Ching] Huang, A.W.C.[Andrea Wei-Ching]

Huang, B.[Bin] Co Author Listing * 3D Lightweight Network for Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation of Organs-at-Risk in CT Images of Head and Neck Cancer
* Accelerating Haze Removal Algorithm Using CUDA
* Adaptive Neural Network Control for Robotic Manipulators With Unknown Deadzone
* Anti-UAV410: A Thermal Infrared Benchmark and Customized Scheme for Tracking Drones in the Wild
* APMC: Adjacent Pixels Based Measurement Coding System for Compressively Sensed Images
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Video Saliency Prediction: Challenges and Trends
* Assessment and Improvement of Urban Resilience to Flooding at a Subdistrict Level Using Multi-Source Geospatial Data: Jakarta as a Case Study
* Assessment of the Water Vapor Tomography Based on Four Navigation Satellite Systems and Their Various Combinations
* Auto-Perceiving Correlation Filter for UAV Tracking
* Automatic Extraction of Built-Up Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Patch-Level Spatial Features and Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Grouping
* Automatically Analyzing Interpersonal Closeness in Photo Albums
* Bayesian Detection of Distributed Targets for FDA-MIMO Radar in Gaussian Interference
* Boosting Accuracy and Robustness of Student Models via Adaptive Adversarial Distillation
* Building Function Mapping Using Multisource Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China
* CKD-TransBTS: Clinical Knowledge-Driven Hybrid Transformer With Modality-Correlated Cross-Attention for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Classification of High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using Improved Gaussian Markov Random-Field-Based Texture Features
* Closely Interactive Human Reconstruction with Proxemics and Physics-Guided Adaption
* Coefficient-group level modeling for low complexity RDO in HEVC
* Collective Activity Detection Using Hinge-loss Markov Random Fields
* Comparison of Spatiotemporal Fusion Models: A Review
* Compositional Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Large Multimodal Models
* Contactless Respiratory Rate Monitoring For ICU Patients Based On Unsupervised Learning
* CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Network with Interpretable Motion Compensation
* Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis for Traction Systems in High-Speed Trains: A Survey, Challenges, and Perspectives
* DE-Net: Deep Encoding Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* Deep Hashing Network With Hybrid Attention and Adaptive Weighting for Image Retrieval
* Deep Residual Dual-Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images
* Deepfake Face Provenance for Proactive Forensics
* Delineation of Built-Up Areas from Very High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Multi-Scale Textures and Spatial Dependence
* Design of a Query Language for Accessing Spatial Analysis in the Web Environment
* Dimensionality Reduction Based on Clonal Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Discriminative Frequency Information Learning for End-to-End Speech Anti-Spoofing
* Does text attract attention on e-commerce images: A novel saliency prediction dataset and method
* Dynamic monitoring of the Poyang Lake wetland by integrating Landsat and MODIS observations
* Efficient any-Target Backdoor Attack with Pseudo Poisoned Samples
* Environmental simulation within a virtual environment
* Error-Bound-Regularized Sparse Coding for Spatiotemporal Reflectance Fusion, An
* Estimate the Primary-Link SNR Using Full-Duplex Relay for Underlay Spectrum Sharing
* Estimating High-Resolution PM2.5 Concentrations by Fusing Satellite AOD and Smartphone Photographs Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Ensemble Learning
* Estimation and Analysis of the Nighttime PM2.5 Concentration Based on LJ1-01 Images: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration of China
* Estimation of building height using a single street view image via deep neural networks
* Estimation of Link Travel Time Distribution With Limited Traffic Detectors
* Evaluation and Analysis of Poverty-Stricken Counties under the Framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Hunan Province, China
* Evaluation of Four MODIS Collection 6 Aerosol Products in a Humid Subtropical Region, An
* Event Data Stream Compression Based on Point Cloud Representation
* Event-Triggered L_2 Performance Control for Affine Formation of Networked Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Intermittent Communication
* Eye landmarks detection via two-level cascaded CNNs with multi-task learning
* Eye landmarks detection via weakly supervised learning
* Facial expression recognition based on deep convolution long short-term memory networks of double-channel weighted mixture
* Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast Frequency Estimation Algorithm by Least Squares Phase Unwrapping
* Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird's-Eye View Perception Baseline
* Feature fusion network based on attention mechanism for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
* Feature-Aware Prohibited Items Detection for X-Ray Images
* Fine Traffic Congestion Detection With Hierarchical Description
* Fisher Kernel Coding Framework for High Spatial Resolution Scene Classification, The
* Foxnet: A Multi-Face Alignment Method
* Fungiform Papillae Hyperplasia (fph) Identification by Tongue Texture Analysis
* Fusion of Change Vector Analysis in Posterior Probability Space and Postclassification Comparison for Change Detection from Multispectral Remote Sensing Data
* Generalizable Structure-aware Inf: Biplanar-view CT Reconstruction via Disentangled Implicit Neural Field
* Geographic Named Entity Recognition by Employing Natural Language Processing and an Improved BERT Model
* GPT as Psychologist? Preliminary Evaluations for GPT-4V on Visual Affective Computing
* GSA-ELM: A hybrid learning model for short-term traffic flow forecasting
* Guide3d: A Bi-planar X-ray Dataset for 3d Shape Reconstruction
* H-Net: Unsupervised Attention-based Stereo Depth Estimation Leveraging Epipolar Geometry
* HAFNet: Hierarchical Attentive Fusion Network for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* HeadPose-Softmax: Head pose adaptive curriculum learning loss for deep face recognition
* High Throughput and Energy Efficient Lepton Hardware Encoder With Hash-Based Memory Optimization, A
* High-quality face image generated with conditional boundary equilibrium generative adversarial networks
* Himawari-8 Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Using a Deep Neural Network Trained Using AERONET Observations
* Implicit Identity Driven Deepfake Face Swapping Detection
* Improved Global 1:50000 Scale Surveying and Mapping 4D Product Generation Approach Using the Public Geographic Information Data
* Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection
* Improved SAR DSM Generation Approach Using the High-Precise 1:10000 Scale Surveying and Mapping Optical DSM
* Improving head pose estimation using two-stage ensembles with top-k regression
* Improving the Spatial Resolution of Landsat TM/ETM+ Through Fusion With SPOT5 Images via Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* Language-driven 6-dof Grasp Detection Using Negative Prompt Guidance
* Language-driven Grasp Detection
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Attention Based Siamese Network for Tracking UAVs in the Wild
* Lightweight cascade framework for optic disc segmentation
* Linear Spectral Clustering Superpixel
* Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Clustered Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Removal of Local Spectral Outliers
* Luminance decomposition and reconstruction for high dynamic range Video Quality Assessment
* Machine Learning for the New York City Power Grid
* Manifold Sensitivity Analysis of Frequency Diverse Array
* MAP Approach for Joint Motion Estimation, Segmentation, and Super Resolution, A
* Measuring PM2.5 Concentrations from a Single Smartphone Photograph
* Microwave Unmixing With Video Segmentation for Inferring Broadleaf and Needleleaf Brightness Temperatures and Abundances From Mixed Forest Observations
* Multi-source remotely sensed data fusion for improving land cover classification
* Neural MoCon: Neural Motion Control for Physically Plausible Human Motion Capture
* New Look at Image Fusion Methods from a Bayesian Perspective, A
* No-reference stereoscopic image quality evaluator based on human visual characteristics and relative gradient orientation
* Novel FPGA-Based Architecture for Fast Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* Observed Surface Wind Field Structure of Severe Tropical Cyclones and Associated Precipitation
* Oceanic Responses to the Winter Storm Outbreak of February 2021 in the Gulf of Mexico from In Situ and Satellite Observations
* Palmprint classification using principal lines
* Palmprint recognition using directional line energy feature
* Pattern Matching for Heterogeneous Geodata Sources Using Attributed Relational Graph and Probabilistic Relaxation
* Person Retrieval Solution Using Finger Vein Patterns, A
* Pixel Shape Index Coupled With Spectral Information for Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* PLFace: Progressive Learning for Face Recognition with Mask Bias
* Potential of Using Phase Correlation in Distributed Scatterer InSAR Applied to Built Scenarios
* Predicting annual PM2.5 in mainland China from 2014 to 2020 using multi temporal satellite product: An improved deep learning approach with spatial generalization ability
* preliminary study on extracting objects in sketches, A
* Pyramid Information Distillation Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images
* R&D investment in new energy vehicles with purchase subsidy based on technology adoption life cycle and customers' choice behaviour
* Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimized Coding Mode Decision for HEVC
* Real-Time Anomaly Detection Based on a Fast Recursive Kernel RX Algorithm
* Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-time drogue detection and template tracking strategy for autonomous aerial refueling
* Real-Time Passenger Flow Estimation and Prediction Method for Urban Bus Transit Systems, A
* Remote sensing of alpine lake water environment changes on the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings: A review
* Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters, Land Use/Cover, Lakes, Rivers, and Watersheds II
* Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Revealing Implicit Assumptions of the Component Substitution Pansharpening Methods
* Rigorously-Weighted Spatiotemporal Fusion Model with Uncertainty Analysis, A
* Robust Feedback Active Noise Control System With Online Secondary-Path Modeling, A
* Robust Visual Tracking via Constrained Multi-Kernel Correlation Filters
* SCANet: A Unified Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Vessel Segmentation
* SeaMAE: Masked Pre-Training with Meteorological Satellite Imagery for Sea Fog Detection
* Semantic Model Vectors for Complex Video Event Recognition
* Sentinel-2A Image Fusion Using a Machine Learning Approach
* Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in High-Resolution Satellite Images via Morphological Filtering and Example-Based Learning
* SiamMBFAN: Siamese tracker with multi-branch feature aggregation network
* SiamSTA: Spatio-Temporal Attention based Siamese Tracker for Tracking UAVs
* Simultaneously Recovering Multi-Person Meshes and Multi-View Cameras With Human Semantics
* Single Satellite Optical Imagery Dehazing using SAR Image Prior Based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Spatial and Spectral Image Fusion Using Sparse Matrix Factorization
* Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Variation in Urban Surface Albedo Detected by High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Spatial Multi-Objective Land Use Optimization toward Livability Based on Boundary-Based Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in Singapore
* Spatially and Temporally Weighted Regression: A Novel Method to Produce Continuous Cloud-Free Landsat Imagery
* Spatio-Temporal Identity Verification Method for Person-Action Instance Search in Movies, A
* Spatiotemporal Exploration of Chinese Spring Festival Population Flow Patterns and Their Determinants Based on Spatial Interaction Model
* Spatiotemporal Influence of Urban Environment on Taxi Ridership Using Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression
* Spatiotemporal Reflectance Fusion via Sparse Representation
* Spatiotemporal Satellite Image Fusion Through One-Pair Image Learning
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity and Associated Determinants across Major Chinese Cities
* Spatiotemporal Varying Effects of Built Environment on Taxi and Ride-Hailing Ridership in New York City
* Stage-by-Stage Wavelet Optimization Refinement Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
* Super-Resolution-Guided Progressive Pansharpening Based on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Support vector machines for urban growth modeling
* Support Vector Regression-Based Downscaling for Intercalibration of Multiresolution Satellite Images
* SWPanGAN: A hybrid generative adversarial network for pansharpening
* Synthinel-1 dataset: a collection of high resolution synthetic overhead imagery for building segmentation, The
* Texture Feature Fusion with Neighborhood-Oscillating Tabu Search for High Resolution Image Classification
* Toward End-to-End Face Recognition Through Alignment Learning
* Transfer learning-based discriminative correlation filter for visual tracking
* Triple-loss driven generative adversarial network for pansharpening
* UnityShip: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Ship Recognition in Aerial Images
* Unsupervised Artificial Immune Classifier for Multi/Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Urban Change Detection Based on Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of Sar Imagery
* Variable-Weighted Linear Combination Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in the Shennongjia Forestry District, China
* VTimeLLM: Empower LLM to Grasp Video Moments
* When CNN Meet with VIT: Towards Semi-supervised Learning for Multi-class Medical Image Semantic Segmentation
* Wide-Area and Real-Time Object Search System of UAV
* YOLOv3-Based Matching Approach for Roof Region Detection from Drone Images
Includes: Huang, B.[Bin] Huang, B.[Bormin] Huang, B. Huang, B.[Bo] Huang, B.[Bowen] Huang, B.[Baitao] Huang, B.[Bang] Huang, B.[Biao] Huang, B.[Buzhen] Huang, B.[Bert] Huang, B.[Brandon] Huang, B.[Baojin] Huang, B.[Bingyuan] Huang, B.[Bing] Huang, B.[Bailin] Huang, B.[Bei] Huang, B.[Boyu] Huang, B.[Baoru] Huang, B.[Baoqing] Huang, B.[Biying] Huang, B.[Boyin] Huang, B.[Beining] Huang, B.[Boyan] Huang, B.[Bailiang]
157 for Huang, B.

Huang, B.B.[Bin Bin] Co Author Listing * 3D-aware Image Generation using 2D Diffusion Models
* Enhancing Non-line-of-sight Imaging via Learnable Inverse Kernel and Attention Mechanisms
* Fast Template Matching Based on Local Entropy Difference
* Integrating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index with Biome-BGC to Quantify the Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Water Retention in Beijing
* Look Before You Leap: Learning Landmark Features for One-Stage Visual Grounding
* Mip-Splatting: Alias-Free 3D Gaussian Splatting
* TSP-Transformer: Task-Specific Prompts Boosted Transformer for Holistic Scene Understanding
Includes: Huang, B.B.[Bin Bin] Huang, B.B.[Bin-Bin]
7 for Huang, B.B.

Huang, B.C.[Bai Chuan] Co Author Listing * M3VSNET: Unsupervised Multi-Metric Multi-View Stereo Network
* MRN: Multiplexed Routing Network for Incremental Multilingual Text Recognition
* NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment of AI-Generated Content Challenge
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its Relationship with Precipitation in Northern China under Global Warming
Includes: Huang, B.C.[Bai Chuan] Huang, B.C.[Bai-Chuan] Huang, B.C.[Bing-Chen] Huang, B.C.[Bi-Cheng]

Huang, B.F.[Bao Feng] Co Author Listing * Tri-Camera High-Speed Videogrammetry for Three-Dimensional Measurement of Laminated Rubber Bearings Based on the Large-Scale Shaking Table
Includes: Huang, B.F.[Bao Feng] Huang, B.F.[Bao-Feng]

Huang, B.H.[Bing Hu] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Post-Earthquake Image Segmentation with an Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Descriptor
* Hybrid Deep Learning Model for the Bias Correction of SST Numerical Forecast Products Using Satellite Data, A
* Sensor-Based Simulation Method for Spatiotemporal Event Detection, A
Includes: Huang, B.H.[Bing Hu] Huang, B.H.[Bing-Hu]

Huang, B.J.[Bao Jin] Co Author Listing * Adversarial intensity awareness for robust object detection
* Decomposition Makes Better Rain Removal: An Improved Attention-Guided Deraining Network
* Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
* Masked Face Recognition Datasets and Validation
* Multi-Scale Progressive Fusion Network for Single Image Deraining
* Realistic frontal face reconstruction using coupled complementarity of far-near-sighted face images
* Tilt-Angle Face Dataset and Its Validation, A
Includes: Huang, B.J.[Bao Jin] Huang, B.J.[Bao-Jin]
7 for Huang, B.J.

Huang, B.K.[Bing Kun] Co Author Listing * Asymmetric Masked Distillation for Pre-Training Small Foundation Models
* MGMAE: Motion Guided Masking for Video Masked Autoencoding
* Real-time and accurate rail wear measurement method and experimental analysis
* VideoMAE V2: Scaling Video Masked Autoencoders with Dual Masking
Includes: Huang, B.K.[Bing Kun] Huang, B.K.[Bing-Kun] Huang, B.K.[Bang-Kui]

Huang, B.L.[Bai Liang] Co Author Listing * Cross-modal feature learning and alignment network for text-image person re-identification
* Multi-scale feature combination for person re-identification
* Natural Light Can Also be Dangerous: Traffic Sign Misinterpretation Under Adversarial Natural Light Attacks
Includes: Huang, B.L.[Bai Liang] Huang, B.L.[Bai-Liang] Huang, B.L.[Bo-Lun]

Huang, B.M.[Bo Min] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Remote Sensing Data-Driven Approach for Oil Spill Simulation in the Sea, A
Includes: Huang, B.M.[Bo Min] Huang, B.M.[Bo-Min]

Huang, B.N.[Bei Ning] Co Author Listing * Finger-Vein Authentication Based on Wide Line Detector and Pattern Normalization
Includes: Huang, B.N.[Bei Ning] Huang, B.N.[Bei-Ning]

Huang, B.Q.[Bao Qi] Co Author Listing * Bayesian Path Inference Using Sparse GPS Samples With Spatio-Temporal Constraints
* Capabilities of Chinese Gaofen-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar in Selected Topics for Coastal and Ocean Observations
* HMM-SNN Method for Online Handwriting Symbol Recognition, An
* MAS-DSO: Advancing Direct Sparse Odometry With Multi-Attention Saliency
* No-reference stereoscopic images quality assessment method based on monocular superpixel visual features and binocular visual features?
* On the performance limit of single-hop TOA localization
* Online Public Transit Ridership Monitoring Through Passive WiFi Sensing
* Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades
* RTS-LCSS: A New Method for Real-Time Monitoring of Pantograph Structure
* Shape matching algorithm based on shape contexts
* Study on Retrievals of Ocean Wave Spectrum by Spaceborne SAR in Ice-Covered Areas
* Ta-Adapter: Enhancing few-shot CLIP with task-aware encoders
* Toward Accurate Crowd Counting in Large Surveillance Areas Based on Passive WiFi Sensing
* Two-stream interactive network based on local and global information for No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
Includes: Huang, B.Q.[Bao Qi] Huang, B.Q.[Bao-Qi] Huang, B.Q.[Bing-Qing] Huang, B.Q. Huang, B.Q.[Bao-Qing] Huang, B.Q.[Bang-Qin] Huang, B.Q.[Bing-Qiang] Huang, B.Q.[Bin-Qiang]
14 for Huang, B.Q.

Huang, B.R.[Bo Ru] Co Author Listing * Generation of Stereo Oil Paintings from RGBD Images
* Synthesis of Oil-Style Paintings
Includes: Huang, B.R.[Bo Ru] Huang, B.R.[Bo-Ru]

Huang, B.S.[Bing Sheng] Co Author Listing * 3D Lightweight Network for Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation of Organs-at-Risk in CT Images of Head and Neck Cancer
* Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images With Intracranial Hemorrhage
* Comprehensive Comparisons of State-of-the-Art Gridded Precipitation Estimates for Hydrological Applications over Southern China
* Pavement Crack Translator for Data Augmentation and Pixel-Level Detection Based on Weakly Supervised Learning, A
Includes: Huang, B.S.[Bing Sheng] Huang, B.S.[Bing-Sheng] Huang, B.S.[Ben-Sheng] Huang, B.S.[Bao-Shan]

Huang, B.X.[Ben Xiong] Co Author Listing * Channel Capacity Analysis of the Generalized Spread Spectrum Watermarking in Audio Signals
* Channel Capacity Analysis of the Multiple Orthogonal Sequence Spread Spectrum Watermarking in Audio Signals
* Efficient image structural similarity quality assessment method using image regularised feature
* Femoral head segmentation based on improved fully convolutional neural network for ultrasound images
* full-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment index based on stable aggregation of monocular and binocular visual features, A
* Hue preserving-based approach for underwater colour image enhancement
* Multimodal Transformer for Automatic 3D Annotation and Object Detection
* no-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Network Based on Binocular Interaction and Fusion Mechanisms, A
* Nonlocal graph theory based transductive learning for hyperspectral image classification
* novel dark channel prior guided variational framework for underwater image restoration, A
* Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model
* Taming Lookup Tables for Efficient Image Retouching
* Variational level set method for image segmentation with simplex constraint of landmarks
Includes: Huang, B.X.[Ben Xiong] Huang, B.X.[Ben-Xiong] Huang, B.X.[Bao-Xiang] Huang, B.X.[Bing-Xuan] Huang, B.X.[Bin-Xiao]
13 for Huang, B.X.

Huang, B.Y.[Bing Yao] Co Author Listing * CompenNet++: End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* Effectiveness of incentives offered by mobile phone app to encourage cycling: A long-term study
* End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* End-To-End Projector Photometric Compensation
* Exploring the influence of traveller information on macroscopic fundamental diagrams
* Image super-resolution based on conditional generative adversarial network
* Impact of Extreme Climate Indices on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Comprehensive Analysis Utilizing Long-Term Dataset
* Multinomial logit analysis of the effects of five different app-based incentives to encourage cycling to work
* Person Re-identification Using Data-Driven Metric Adaptation
* Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction for TOF PET
* Sparsity-Based Occlusion Handling Method for Person Re-identification
* SPLIT: Statistical Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction via Time-Thresholding
* Synthetic Speech Detection Based on Local Autoregression and Variance Statistics
Includes: Huang, B.Y.[Bing Yao] Huang, B.Y.[Bing-Yao] Huang, B.Y.[Bing-Yuan] Huang, B.Y.[Bing-Yan] Huang, B.Y.[Bin-Yang] Huang, B.Y.[Bei-Ying] Huang, B.Y.[Bing-Yue] Huang, B.Y.[Bang-Yan]
13 for Huang, B.Y.

Huang, B.Z.[Bu Zhen] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Multi-Person Mesh Recovery From Uncalibrated Multi-View Cameras
* Object-Occluded Human Shape and Pose Estimation From a Single Color Image
* Object-Occluded Human Shape and Pose Estimation With Probabilistic Latent Consistency
* Pose2UV: Single-Shot Multiperson Mesh Recovery With Deep UV Prior
* Reconstructing Groups of People with Hypergraph Relational Reasoning
* Synthesizing Physically Plausible Human Motions in 3D Scenes
Includes: Huang, B.Z.[Bu Zhen] Huang, B.Z.[Bu-Zhen]

Huang, C.[Chong] Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation and Consistency Analysis of Four Global Land Cover Products in the Arctic Region
* Accurate and efficient pulse measurement from facial videos on smartphones
* Adaptive Effective Wiener Filter- and Regression-Based Upsampling for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Adaptive Switched Control for Connected Vehicle Platoon With Unknown Input Delays
* Advances in Deep Learning Recognition of Landslides Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Advances in Hardware Architectures for Image and Video Coding: A Survey
* AMPFLUID: Aggregation Magnified Post-Assay Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive Immunodetection on Digital Microfluidics
* Approach to High-Resolution Rice Paddy Mapping Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 SAR Data in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, An
* assessment of support vector machines for land cover classification, An
* Assessment of the Impact of Rubber Plantation Expansion on Regional Carbon Storage Based on Time Series Remote Sensing and the InVEST Model
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Using Statistical Prior Models and Free-form Deformation
* AziNorm: Exploiting the Radial Symmetry of Point Cloud for Azimuth-Normalized 3D Perception
* BeiDou-Based Passive Radar Vessel Target Detection: Method and Experiment via Long-Time Optimized Integration
* Beware of per-pixel characterization of land cover
* Beyond spatial pyramids: Receptive field learning for pooled image features
* Binary Descriptor Based Nonparametric Background Modeling for Foreground Extraction by Using Detection Theory
* Bird breed classification and annotation using saliency based graphical model
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Multichannel Feature Fusion and Label Transfer
* Blood flow imaging of high frame rate two-dimensional vector in cardiovascular ultrasound detection
* Boosting Associated Pairing Comparison Features for pedestrian detection
* Boosting nested cascade detector for multi-view face detection
* CAS(ME)3: A Third Generation Facial Spontaneous Micro-Expression Database With Depth Information and High Ecological Validity
* CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* Cephalometric Landmark Regression Method Based on Dual-encoder for High-resolution X-ray Image, A
* Chronological classification of ancient paintings using appearance and shape features
* CIGAR: Cross-Modality Graph Reasoning for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Climate Extremes and Their Impacts on Interannual Vegetation Variabilities: A Case Study in Hubei Province of Central China
* Clothing Landmark Detection Using Deep Networks With Prior of Key Point Associations
* Cluster-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm With Low Memory and Bandwidth Requirements for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* Clustering Trajectories in Heterogeneous Representations for Video Event Detection
* Clutter Reduction and Target Tracking in Through-the-Wall Radar
* CNN-RNN: A Unified Framework for Multi-label Image Classification
* Coastal Mangrove Response to Marine Erosion: Evaluating the Impacts of Spatial Distribution and Vegetation Growth in Bangkok Bay from 1987 to 2017
* Collaborative Extraction of Paddy Planting Areas with Multi-Source Information Based on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Cambodia
* Combing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Discriminative Dictionaries Learning for Non-specific Object Detection, A
* Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Detecting and Counting Sorghum Heads in UAV Imagery
* Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 Data, A
* Compressive Sampling for Array Cameras
* Conditional Random Fields as Recurrent Neural Networks
* Constellational contour parsing for deformable object detection
* Constrained Directed Graph Clustering and Segmentation Propagation for Multiple Foregrounds Cosegmentation
* Construction of an Ecological Security Pattern in an Urban-Lake Symbiosis Area: A Case Study of Hefei Metropolitan Area
* Cooperative Decision Making of Connected Automated Vehicles at Multi-Lane Merging Zone: A Coalitional Game Approach
* Cooperative Decision-Making for CAVs at Unsignalized Intersections: A MARL Approach With Attention and Hierarchical Game Priors
* Cooperative Secrecy Beamforming in Wiretap Interference Channels
* Current Source Density Imaging Using Regularized Inversion of Acoustoelectric Signals
* DAnet: Depth-Aware Network for Crowd Counting
* Data Assimilation Method Combined with Machine Learning and Its Application to Anthropogenic Emission Adjustment in CMAQ, A
* Decision Making for Connected Automated Vehicles at Urban Intersections Considering Social and Individual Benefits
* DeconfuseTrack: Dealing with Confusion for Multi-Object Tracking
* Deep Imbalanced Learning for Face Recognition and Attribute Prediction
* Deep multiple instance learning for image classification and auto-annotation
* Deep Visual Correspondence Embedding Model for Stereo Matching Costs, A
* Deep-based fisher vector for mobile visual search
* Deep-E: A Fully-Dense Neural Network for Improving the Elevation Resolution in Linear-Array-Based Photoacoustic Tomography
* Deeply Learned Rich Coding for Cross-Dataset Facial Age Estimation
* Delegating Authentication to Edge: A Decentralized Authentication Architecture for Vehicular Networks
* Dense Intrinsic Appearance Flow for Human Pose Transfer
* Detecting and Tracking 6-DoF Motion of Unknown Dynamic Objects in Industrial Environments Using Stereo Visual Sensing
* DGW-YOLOv8: A small insulator target detection algorithm based on deformable attention backbone and WIoU loss function
* Discharge Estimation Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Product: Case Studies in the Murray Darling Basin
* Diseased Region Detection of Longitudinal Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
* Distributed filtering in sensor networks with hybrid communication constraints
* Document Image Retrieval using Signatures as Queries
* Driver Monitoring Using Sparse Representation With Part-Based Temporal Face Descriptors
* Efficient Axial-Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, An
* Efficient Hardware Implementation of HOG Feature Extraction for Human Detection, An
* Efficient incremental learning of boosted classifiers for object detection
* Efficient Inference with Multiple Heterogeneous Part Detectors for Human Pose Estimation
* Efficient Task-Specific Feature Re-Fusion for More Accurate Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Egocentric Audio-Visual Object Localization
* Elysium: Exploring Object-level Perception in Videos via MLLM
* Enabling Adaptive Cloud Gaming in an Open-Source Cloud Gaming Platform
* Enhanced Backtracking Search Algorithm for the Flight Planning of a Multi-Drones-Assisted Commercial Parcel Delivery System, An
* Enhancing Row-Column Array (RCA)-Based 3D Ultrasound Vascular Imaging With Spatial-Temporal Similarity Weighting
* Ensemble Knowledge Transfer for Semantic Segmentation
* Error concealment for shape coding
* Error Concealment for Shape in MPEG-4 Object-Based Video Coding
* ESTextSpotter: Towards Better Scene Text Spotting with Explicit Synergy in Transformer
* Estimating Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Activities on Trophic Level of Inland Water: Analysis of Poyang Lake Basin, China, with Landsat-8 Observations
* Estimating the Maximal Light Use Efficiency for Different Vegetation through the CASA Model Combined with Time-Series Remote Sensing Data and Ground Measurements
* Estimation of Soil Salinization by Machine Learning Algorithms in Different Arid Regions of Northwest China
* Evaluating the Potential of Multi-Seasonal CBERS-04 Imagery for Mapping the Quasi-Circular Vegetation Patches in the Yellow River Delta Using Random Forest
* Evaluating the Sustainable Development Science Satellite 1 (SDGSAT-1) Multi-Spectral Data for River Water Mapping: A Comparative Study with Sentinel-2
* Evaluation of Seven Atmospheric Profiles from Reanalysis and Satellite-Derived Products: Implication for Single-Channel Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
* Exploring the InSAR Deformation Series Using Unsupervised Learning in a Built Environment
* Extensive articulated human detection by voting Cluster Boosted Tree
* Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on mNDWI and HSV Transformation
* Face Recognition Based on Face Gabor Image and SVM
* Facial image retrieval based on demographic classification
* FASA: Feature Augmentation and Sampling Adaptation for Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation
* Fast rotation invariant multi-view face detection based on real adaboost
* Feasibility of Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Data
* Feature discovering for image classification via wavelet-like pattern decomposition
* FedUV: Uniformity and Variance for Heterogeneous Federated Learning
* First Ionospheric Radio-Occultation Measurements From GNSS Occultation Sounder on the Chinese Feng-Yun 3C Satellite
* Foreground Segmentation via Dynamic Programming
* Full-Wave Iterative Image Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography With Acoustically Inhomogeneous Media
* Fuzzy-Topology-Based Area Object Extraction Method, A
* Geo-FARM: Geodesic Factor Regression Model for Misaligned Pre-shape Responses in Statistical Shape Analysis
* Globally Measuring the Similarity of Superpixels by Binary Edge Maps for Superpixel Clustering
* HarDNet: A Low Memory Traffic Network
* HDR Image Rerendering Using GPU-based Processing
* Head Pose Estimation Based on Random Forests for Multiclass Classification
* High Accuracy Geochemical Map Generation Method by a Spatial Autocorrelation-Based Mixture Interpolation Using Remote Sensing Data
* High performance object detection by collaborative learning of Joint Ranking of Granules features
* High-Efficiency Determination of Coastline by Combination of Tidal Level and Coastal Zone DEM from UAV Tilt Photogrammetry
* High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection
* High-quality Visually-guided Sound Separation from Diverse Categories
* Highly Confident Local Structure Based Consensus Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
* Human Attribute Recognition by Deep Hierarchical Contexts
* Human-Like Decision Making for Autonomous Driving: A Noncooperative Game Theoretic Approach
* Human-Machine Cooperative Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Safe Automated Driving
* Hybrid Retinex-Based Algorithm for UAV-Taken Image Enhancement, A
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Pigment C-Phycocyanin in Turbid Inland Waters, Based on Optical Classification
* Identification and Analysis of Landslides in the Ahai Reservoir Area of the Jinsha River Basin Using a Combination of DS-InSAR, Optical Images, and Field Surveys
* Illumination Adaptive Person REID Based on Teacher-Student Model and Adversarial Training
* Image Registration Improved by Generative Adversarial Networks
* Impact of Personality on Takeover Time and Maneuvers Shortly After Takeover Request
* Improved Active Speaker Detection based on Optical Flow
* Improved Eutrophication Assessment Algorithm of Estuaries and Coastal Waters in Liaodong Bay, An
* Improved filtering parameter determination for the Goldstein radar interferogram filter
* improved parallel thinning algorithm, An
* Improved Vegetation Adjusted Nighttime Light Urban Index and Its Application in Quantifying Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Carbon Emissions in China, An
* Improvement of Split-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A SLSTR Data Over Barren Surfaces Using ASTER GED Product
* Improving Satellite Estimates of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Through Data Integration: Methodology and Validation
* Improving Winter Wheat Yield Estimation from the CERES-Wheat Model to Assimilate Leaf Area Index with Different Assimilation Methods and Spatio-Temporal Scales
* Incremental Learning of Boosted Face Detector
* Information Retrieval System for Handwritten Documents
* Inland Waters Suspended Solids Concentration Retrieval Based on PSO-LSSVM for UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Integrating Deep Learning and Hydrodynamic Modeling to Improve the Great Lakes Forecast
* Integrating Point-of-Interest Density and Spatial Heterogeneity to Identify Urban Functional Areas
* Integrating Water Observation from Space Product and Time-Series Flow Data for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Flood Inundation Dynamics
* Intelligent Task Offloading for Heterogeneous V2X Communications
* Inter-camera Association of Multi-target Tracks by On-Line Learned Appearance Affinity Models
* Inter-layer correlation-based adaptive bit allocation for enhancement layer in scalable high efficiency video coding
* Inversion of Wind and Temperature from Low SNR FPI Interferograms
* Investigation on the Patterns of Global Vegetation Change Using a Satellite-Sensed Vegetation Index
* Land Cover Mapping in Cloud-Prone Tropical Areas Using Sentinel-2 Data: Integrating Spectral Features with NDVI Temporal Dynamics
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Lane Graph as Path: Continuity-preserving Path-wise Modeling for Online Lane Graph Construction
* Lane-changing control strategy for distributed drive vehicles considering yaw stability
* Language-guided Joint Audio-visual Editing via One-shot Adaptation
* Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection
* Learning affinities and dependencies for multi-target tracking using a CRF model
* Learning Deep Representation for Imbalanced Classification
* Learning from massive noisy labeled data for image classification
* Learning Policies for Adaptive Tracking with Deep Feature Cascades
* Learning Sparse Features in Granular Space for Multi-View Face Detection
* Learning Sparse Neural Networks Through Mixture-Distributed Regularization
* Learning to associate: HybridBoosted multi-target tracker for crowded scene
* Learning to Disambiguate by Asking Discriminative Questions
* Learning to Film From Professional Human Motion Videos
* Least Squares-Based Filter for Remote Sensing Image Noise Reduction
* Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Location Optimization of VTS Radar Stations Considering Environmental Occlusion and Radar Attenuation
* Long-Term Baseflow Responses to Projected Climate Change in the Weihe River Basin, Loess Plateau, China
* Look and Think Twice: Capturing Top-Down Visual Attention with Feedback Convolutional Neural Networks
* Lookup-Table-Based Approach to Estimating Surface Solar Irradiance from Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data, A
* LUT-Based AdaBoost for Gender Classification
* M3VSNET: Unsupervised Multi-Metric Multi-View Stereo Network
* Machine-Learning-Based Scenario Identification Using Channel Characteristics in Intelligent Vehicular Communications
* Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-Identification
* Mapping Heat-Health Vulnerability Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Karachi
* Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Rice Cropping Systems in Vietnam Using an NDVI-Based Time-Series Similarity Measurement Based on DTW Distance
* Mask Scoring R-CNN
* MetaSets: Meta-Learning on Point Sets for Generalizable Representations
* Method and apparatus for animation of a human speaker
* MetricOpt: Learning to Optimize Black-Box Evaluation Metrics
* Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors
* Model Supported Exploitation: Quick Look, Detection and Counting, and Change Detection
* Modeling and Analysis of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Combined Precise Time and Frequency Transfer Considering Stochastic Models of Inter-System Bias
* Modeling and Driving Human Body Soundfields Through Acoustic Primitives
* Modeling Soil CO2 Efflux in a Subtropical Forest by Combining Fused Remote Sensing Images with Linear Mixed Effect Models
* Modelling Dynamic Hydrological Connectivity in the Zoigo Area (China) Based on Multi-Temporal Surface Water Observation
* Modified U-Net (mU-Net) With Incorporation of Object-Dependent High Level Features for Improved Liver and Liver-Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* Monitoring Droughts in the Greater Changbai Mountains Using Multiple Remote Sensing-Based Drought Indices
* Monitoring of Urban Black-Odor Water Based on Nemerow Index and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Mountain Landslide Monitoring Using a DS-InSAR Method Incorporating a Spatio-Temporal Atmospheric Phase Screen Correction Model
* Multi-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecosystem Service Values in the Li River Basin, 1990-2020
* Multi-modal In-Context Learning Makes an Ego-evolving Scene Text Recognizer
* Multi-objective convolutional learning for face labeling
* Multi-Scale Deep Residual Learning-Based Single Image Haze Removal via Image Decomposition
* Multi-scale embedded descriptor for shape classification
* Multi-Scale Window Spatiotemporal Attention Network for Subsurface Temperature Prediction and Reconstruction
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Based Estimation of Tire-Road Peak Adhesion Coefficient Considering Model Uncertainty
* Multi-target tracking by on-line learned discriminative appearance models
* Multimodal Gesture Recognition Using Densely Connected Convolution and BLSTM
* Multiple classifier-based fast coding unit partition for intra coding in future video coding
* Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Aircraft Recognition
* Multiple Target Tracking by Learning-Based Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Need for Speed: A Benchmark for Higher Frame Rate Object Tracking
* Neural Compression-Based Feature Learning for Video Restoration
* New Morphological Filtering Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction
* Noncontact 3-D Speckle Contrast Diffuse Correlation Tomography of Tissue Blood Flow Distribution
* Not All Areas Are Equal: Transfer Learning for Semantic Segmentation via Hierarchical Region Selection
* Novel Joint Rate Distortion Optimization Scheme for Intra Prediction Coding in H.264/AVC, A
* Novel Key-Frames Selection Framework for Comprehensive Video Summarization, A
* Novel Multitemporal Image-Fusion Algorithm: Method and Application to GOCI and Himawari Images for Inland Water Remote Sensing, A
* Novel Pattern Classification Scheme: Classwise Non-Principal Component Analysis (CNPCA), A
* NTIRE 2021 Learning the Super-Resolution Space Challenge
* Object co-detection via low-rank and sparse representation dictionary learning
* Object Co-Segmentation Based on Directed Graph Clustering
* Object-Based Linear Weight Assignment Fusion Scheme to Improve Classification Accuracy Using Landsat and MODIS Data at the Decision Level, An
* Omni-directional face detection based on real adaboost
* On Computing Strength of Evidence for Writer Verification
* On the Value of Available MODIS and Landsat8 OLI Image Pairs for MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Mapping Based on an Artificial Neural Network
* One-Shot Imitation Drone Filming of Human Motion Videos
* Online Learning-Based Multi-Stage Complexity Control for Live Video Coding
* Open-Vocabulary DETR with Conditional Matching
* Optimization of Variable-Current Charging Strategy Based on SOC Segmentation for Li-ion Battery
* Optimizing Fixation Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks for 360° Video Streaming in Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
* Parking Space Status Inference Upon a Deep CNN and Multi-Task Contrastive Network With Spatial Transform
* Part propagation for local part segmentation
* Path-Analysis-Based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Imitation Filming
* PBC: Polygon-Based Classifier for Fine-Grained Categorization
* PDTE: Pyramidal deep Taylor expansion for optical flow estimation
* Person re-identification based on multi-region-set ensembles
* Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Targets for Unconstrained Grasping
* Pose Guided Human Video Generation
* Pose robust face tracking by combining view-based AAMs and temporal filters
* Precise Crop Classification Using Spectral-Spatial-Location Fusion Based on Conditional Random Fields for UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Probabilistic River Water Mapping from Landsat-8 Using the Support Vector Machine Method
* QualityNet: Segmentation quality evaluation with deep convolutional networks
* Quantitative Assessment of Thin-Layer Tissue Viscoelastic Properties Using Ultrasonic Micro-Elastography With Lamb Wave Model
* Radiometric Calibration Model for the Field Imaging Spectrometer System, A
* Real Time Facial Expression Recognition with AdaBoost
* Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
* Real-Time Underwater Maritime Object Detection in Side-Scan Sonar Images Based on Transformer-YOLOv5
* Recognizing Material of a Covered Object: A Case Study With Graffiti
* Reflectance Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image Based on Gaussian Surface Fitting
* Reliable Path Planning for Drone Delivery Using a Stochastic Time-Dependent Public Transportation Network
* Remote Sensing of Wetland Flooding at a Sub-Pixel Scale Based on Random Forests and Spatial Attraction Models
* RENAS: Reinforced Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search
* Retrieval of Subsurface Velocities in the Southern Ocean from Satellite Observations
* River Basin over the Course of Time: Multi-Temporal Analyses of Land Surface Dynamics in the Yellow River Basin (China) Based on Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* Robust Head Tracking Based on a Multi-State Particle Filter
* Robust Head Tracking with Particles Based on Multiple Cues Fusion
* Robust Image Restoration via Adaptive Low-Rank Approximation and Joint Kernel Regression
* Robust Object Tracking by Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Robust texture representation by using binary code ensemble
* Robust w-Estimators for Cryo-EM Class Means
* SaliencyCut: Augmenting plausible anomalies for anomaly detection
* Seasonal Variations of the Relationship between Spectral Indexes and Land Surface Temperature Based on Local Climate Zones: A Study in Three Yangtze River Megacities
* Segmentation of objects in a detection window by Nonparametric Inhomogeneous CRFs
* Self-Supervision-Augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection
* Semantic Fusion Augmentation and Semantic Boundary Detection: A Novel Approach to Multi-Target Video Moment Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised and Long-Tailed Object Detection with CascadeMatch
* Sparse Instance Activation for Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Spatial Attraction Models Coupled with Elman Neural Networks for Enhancing Sub-Pixel Urban Inundation Mapping
* Spatial Pattern Consistency among Different Remote-Sensing Land Cover Datasets: A Case Study in Northern Laos
* Spatial Sustainable Development Assessment Using Fusing Multisource Data from the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Space Division: A Case of Greater Bay Area, China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Trend Prediction of Tourism Economic Vulnerability in China's Major Tourist Cities
* SPTS v2: Single-Point Scene Text Spotting
* Steganalysis Using High-Dimensional Features Derived from Co-occurrence Matrix and Class-Wise Non-Principal Components Analysis (CNPCA)
* Store classification using Text-Exemplar-Similarity and Hypotheses-Weighted-CNN
* Sub-pixel flood inundation mapping from multispectral remotely sensed images based on discrete particle swarm optimization
* Surface Water Mapping from Suomi NPP-VIIRS Imagery at 30 m Resolution via Blending with Landsat Data
* Task-Driven Progressive Part Localization for Fine-Grained Object Recognition
* Task-driven progressive part localization for fine-grained recognition
* Text Flow: A Unified Text Detection System in Natural Scene Images
* Texture Representation via Joint Statistics of Local Quantized Patterns
* Toward Safe and Smart Mobility: Energy-Aware Deep Learning for Driving Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Connected Vehicles
* Towards Automated Quantification of Atrial Fibrosis in Images from Catheterized Fiber-Optics Confocal Microscopy Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Traffic-GGNN: Predicting Traffic Flow via Attentional Spatial-Temporal Gated Graph Neural Networks
* Trafficnight: An Aerial Multimodal Benchmark for Nighttime Vehicle Surveillance
* Trend Classification of InSAR Displacement Time Series Using SAE-CNN
* Tropical Cyclones Tracking Based on Satellite Cloud Images: Database and Comprehensive Study
* Tsinghua Face Detection and Tracking for CLEAR 2007 Evaluation
* Tumor Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound Using 3-D CNN and Prioritized Candidate Aggregation
* UAV-assisted data dissemination based on network coding in vehicular networks
* UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Unimodular Waveform Design for the DFRC System with Constrained Communication QoS
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Search and Rescue: A Survey
* Unsupervised Decomposition and Correction Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Unsupervised domain adaptive re-identification: Theory and practice
* Unsupervised incremental learning for improved object detection in a video
* Unsupervised Learning of Discriminative Attributes and Visual Representations
* USEAQ: Ultra-Fast Superpixel Extraction via Adaptive Sampling From Quantized Regions
* VAD: Vectorized Scene Representation for Efficient Autonomous Driving
* Vanishing point detection and line classification with BPSO
* Variation in Vegetation Composition and Structure across Mudflat Areas in the Yellow River Delta, China
* Vector Boosting for Rotation Invariant Multi-View Face Detection
* Vegetation Change and Its Response to Climate Extremes in the Arid Region of Northwest China
* Vegetation Dynamics and Their Influencing Factors in China from 1998 to 2019
* Video Object Segmentation via Global Consistency Aware Query Strategy
* Video parsing based on head tracking and face recognition
* Video-Based Fall Detection Using Human Pose and Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* VLSI Design of a High-Speed and Area-Efficient JPEG2000 Encoder
* VSpSR: Explorable Super-Resolution via Variational Sparse Representation
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Self-Guided Temporal Discriminative Transformer
* Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Transformer-Enabled Temporal Relation Learning
* X-Ray Enhancement Based on Component Attenuation, Contrast Adjustment, and Image Fusion
Includes: Huang, C.[Chong] Huang, C. Huang, C.[Chao] Huang, C.[Cheng] Huang, C.[Chang] Huang, C.[Chuan] Huang, C.[Changbing] Huang, C.[Chaolin] Huang, C.[Chuanhe] Huang, C.[Chunju] Huang, C.[Chen] Huang, C.[Chunbo] Huang, C.[Chiao] Huang, C.[Congwu] Huang, C.[Chuqin] Huang, C.[Chongjing] Huang, C.[Chi] Huang, C.[Can] Huang, C.[Chengwu] Huang, C.[Cuihua] Huang, C.[Chenhui] Huang, C.[Chenfu] Huang, C.[Cong] Huang, C.[Chenlu] Huang, C.[Chuming] Huang, C.[Chengkun] Huang, C.[Chenrong]
295 for Huang, C.

Huang, C.A.[Chen An] Co Author Listing * Navigation of Three Cooperative Object-Transportation Robots Using a Multistage Evolutionary Fuzzy Control Approach
Includes: Huang, C.A.[Chen An] Huang, C.A.[Chen-An]

Huang, C.B.[Chao Bing] Co Author Listing * Color Image Retrieval Based On Color-texture-edge Feature Histograms
* Edge Consistency Feature Extraction Method for Multi-Source Image Registration
* Feature Fusion Framework and Its Application to Automatic Seizure Detection, A
* Integrated Method for River Water Level Recognition from Surveillance Images Using Convolution Neural Networks, An
* Land Use Scenario Simulation and Ecosystem Service Management for Different Regional Development Models of the Beibu Gulf Area, China
Includes: Huang, C.B.[Chao Bing] Huang, C.B.[Chao-Bing] Huang, C.B.[Cheng-Bin] Huang, C.B.[Chun-Bo]

Huang, C.C. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Chroma Subsampling-Binding and Luma-Guided Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Aerial View River Landform Video Segmentation: A Weakly Supervised Context-Aware Temporal Consistency Distillation Approach
* Arbitrary-Resolution and Arbitrary-Scale Face Super-Resolution with Implicit Representation Networks
* Assessment of NIR-red algorithms for observation of chlorophyll-a in highly turbid inland waters in China
* Best of Both Worlds: Learning Arbitrary-scale Blind Super-Resolution via Dual Degradation Representations and Cycle-Consistency
* Blind Super Resolution with Reference Images and Implicit Degradation Representation
* cascaded hierarchical framework for moving object detection and tracking, A
* Colorization of Depth Map via Disentanglement
* DA^2: Degree-Accumulated Data Augmentation on Point Clouds with Curriculum Dynamic Threshold Selection
* deep learning network for vision-based vacant parking space detection system, A
* DEN: Disentanglement and Enhancement Networks for Low Illumination Images
* DEN: Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion
* Detailsemnet: Elevating Signature Verification Through Detail-semantic Integration
* Domain Adaptation With Foreground/Background Cues and Gated Discriminators
* Enhancing Anchor-based Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension with Cross-modality Attention
* Face Recognition for Fisheye Images
* Hierarchical Bayesian Generation Framework for Vacant Parking Space Detection, A
* High-Resolution Acoustic-Radiation-Force-Impulse Imaging for Assessing Corneal Sclerosis
* Joint Chroma Subsampling and Distortion-Minimization-Based Luma Modification for RGB Color Images With Application
* Lipface: Lipschitz-Conditioned for Resolution Robust Face Recognition
* Masking Improves Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for ConvNets, and Saliency Tells You Where
* Method for detecting movement of image sensors
* Monte Carlo Based Framework for Multi-Target Detection and Tracking Over Multi-Camera Surveillance System, A
* Multi-Channel Multi-Loss Deep Learning Based Compression Model of Color Images
* multi-task convolutional neural network with spatial transform for parking space detection, A
* novel gray-based reduced NN classification method, A
* Novel Interpolation Chip for Real-Time Multimedia Applications, A
* Probabilistic Modeling of Dynamic Traffic Flow across Non-overlapping Camera Views
* Revealing the Kinematic Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of a Buried Fault through the Joint Inversion of GPS and Strong-Motion Data: The Case of the 2022 Mw7.0 Taiwan Earthquake
* Rupture Process of the 2022 Mw6.6 Menyuan, China, Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Accelerogram Data and InSAR Measurements
* Self-Supervise Reinforcement Learning Method for Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on Task Consistency and Corrupted Rewards
* Semantic Fusion Augmentation and Semantic Boundary Detection: A Novel Approach to Multi-Target Video Moment Retrieval
* Semi-Analytical Retrieval of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Large and Shallow Lakes from GOCI, a High Temporal-Resolution Satellite
* SemiStarGAN: Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Applications, A
* Spatiotemporal Variation in Particulate Organic Carbon Based on Long-Term MODIS Observations in Taihu Lake, China
* SVDnet: Singular Value Control and Distance Alignment Network for 3D Object Detection
* TrajPAC: Towards Robustness Verification of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Models
* Two Heads Better Than One: Dual Degradation Representation for Blind Super-Resolution
* Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on a Multilayer Inference Framework
* Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on Plane-Based Bayesian Hierarchical Framework
* Vacant Parking Space Detection based on Task Consistency and Reinforcement Learning
* Video Rescaling Networks with Joint Optimization Strategies for Downscaling and Upscaling
Includes: Huang, C.C. Huang, C.C.[Ching-Chun] Huang, C.C.[Chang-Chun] Huang, C.C.[Chiao-Chun] Huang, C.C.[Chih-Chung] Huang, C.C.[Ching Chun] Huang, C.C.[Chien-Chang] Huang, C.C.[Chi-Chun] Huang, C.C.[Chien-Chuan] Huang, C.C.[Chuan-Chao] Huang, C.C.[Chi-Chia] Huang, C.C.[Cheng-Chao]
43 for Huang, C.C.

Huang, C.D.[Chu Dong] Co Author Listing * Density-Based Clustering with Geographical Background Constraints Using a Semantic Expression Model
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass by Integrating Optical and SAR Imagery: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China
Includes: Huang, C.D.[Chu Dong] Huang, C.D.[Chu-Dong]

Huang, C.F.[Chen Fen] Co Author Listing * Impacts of the Kuroshio Intrusion through the Luzon Strait on the Local Precipitation Anomaly
* Iterative Reweighted Local Cross Correlation Method for Nonlinear Registration of Multiphase Liver CT Images
* Structure Synchronized Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Marine Ranching AMVs via the Multi-Task Switching Guidance
* Trade-Off and Synergy Relationships and Spatial Bundle Analysis of Ecosystem Services in the Qilian Mountains
Includes: Huang, C.F.[Chen Fen] Huang, C.F.[Chen-Fen] Huang, C.F.[Chong-Fei] Huang, C.F.[Chen-Feng] Huang, C.F.[Chu-Fang]

Huang, C.H.[Chih Hung] Co Author Listing * adaptive dynamic range compression with local contrast enhancement algorithm for real-time color image enhancement, An
* Adaptive ICP Registration for Facial Point Data, An
* Assessing Impacts of Urban Form on Landscape Structure of Urban Green Spaces in China Using Landsat Images Based on Google Earth Engine
* Authentication of lossy compressed video data by semi-fragile watermarking
* Automated Breast Cancer Image Classification Based on Integration of Noisy-And Model and Fully Connected Network
* Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis
* Bayesian Approach to Multi-view 4D Modeling, A
* Block-Based Depth Maps Interpolation for Efficient Multiview Content Generation
* Brain MRI/SPECT Registration System Using an Adaptive Similarity Metric: Application on the Evaluation of Parkinson's Disease, A
* Collusion-resistant video fingerprinting based on temporal oscillation
* Colorization Based Animation Broadcast System with Traitor Tracing Capability, A
* Combined Effects of Impervious Surface Change and Large-Scale Afforestation on the Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity of Beijing, China Based on Remote Sensing Analysis
* Combining fractional-order edge detection and chaos synchronisation classifier for fingerprint identification
* Comparative Study of Some Population-Based Optimization Algorithms on Inverse Scattering of a Two-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Cylinder in Dielectric Slab Medium
* Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* Error Concealment Using Direction-Oriented Candidate Set and Predicted Boundary Matching Criteria
* fast edge-oriented algorithm for image interpolation, A
* Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms
* Fidelity-Controlled Robustness Enhancement of Blind Watermarking Schemes Using Evolutionary Computational Techniques
* Graphics processing unit-accelerated multi-resolution exhaustive search algorithm for real-time keypoint descriptor matching in high-dimensional spaces
* Green Spaces as an Indicator of Urban Health: Evaluating Its Changes in 28 Mega-Cities
* HDR Deghosting Using Motion-Registration-Free Fusion in the Luminance Gradient Domain
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Classification by Exploiting the Correlation Subspace
* High-Resolution National-Scale Mapping of Paddy Rice Based on Sentinel-1/2 Data
* Human Shape and Pose Tracking Using Keyframes
* Identifying PM2.5-Related Health Burden in the Context of the Integrated Development of Urban Agglomeration Using Remote Sensing and GEMM Model
* Image reconstruction of buried multiple conductors by genetic algorithms
* Improved quadruple sparse census transform and adaptive multi-shape aggregation algorithms for precise stereo matching
* Improving MMI with enhanced-FCM for the fusion of brain MR and SPECT images
* Inverse scattering of buried inhomogeneous biaxial dielectric cylinders coated on a conductor
* Large-scale and rotation-invariant template matching using adaptive radial ring code histograms
* Modeling and Detection of Blurred Illumination Edges
* Modeling and Measurement of 3D Deformation of Scoliotic Spine Using 2D X-ray Images
* Non-iterative stippling of greyscale threedimensional polygon meshed models
* Online Learning Method for Shadow Detection, An
* Optimal mathematical programming and variable neighborhood search for k-modes categorical data clustering
* Quantification of nano-scale carbon structure by HRTEM and lattice fringe analysis
* Real-time implementation of an adaptive simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm on a GPU
* Real-time multi-camera air surveillance system using a simultaneous estimation, filtering and rejection tracking algorithm
* Recognizing Actions across Cameras by Exploring the Correlated Subspace
* Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguistic Priors
* Reliable broadcast mechanism for emergency message in urban vehicular ad hoc networks
* Robust Human Body Shape and Pose Tracking
* Robust Semantic Template Matching Using a Superpixel Region Binary Descriptor
* Toward user-specific tracking by detection of human shapes in multi-cameras
* Unseen Visible Watermarking
* Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification for Loitering Detection
* Volumetric 3D Tracking by Detection
* Winter Wheat Mapping Method Based on Pseudo-Labels and U-Net Model for Training Sample Shortage
Includes: Huang, C.H.[Chih Hung] Huang, C.H.[Chih-Hung] Huang, C.H.[Chung-Hsien] Huang, C.H.[Cong-Hong] Huang, C.H.[Chien-Hua] Huang, C.H.[Chao-Hui] Huang, C.H.[Chun-Hao] Huang, C.H. Huang, C.H.[Chun-Hsiang] Huang, C.H.[Cong-Hui] Huang, C.H.[Chia-Hao] Huang, C.H.[Chin-Hui] Huang, C.H.[Cheng-Han] Huang, C.H.[Chen-Hao] Huang, C.H.[Chung-Hsin] Huang, C.H.[Chih-Hsuan] Huang, C.H.[Cheng-Hui] Huang, C.H.[Chang-Hao] Huang, C.H.[Chung-Hsuan] Huang, C.H.[Chuan-He]
49 for Huang, C.H.

Huang, C.H.C.[Cheng Hsien Chiu] Co Author Listing * Design and experimental study of an ultrasonic sensor system for lateral collision avoidance at low speeds
Includes: Huang, C.H.C.[Cheng Hsien Chiu] Huang, C.H.C.[Cheng-Hsien Chiu]

Huang, C.H.P.[Chun Hao P.] Co Author Listing * 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
* Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semantic Attributes
* AGORA: Avatars in Geography Optimized for Regression Analysis
* BLiSS: Bootstrapped Linear Shape Space
* Blowing in the Wind: CycleNet for Human Cinemagraphs from Still Images
* Capturing and Inferring Dense Full-Body Human-Scene Contact
* Generative Rendering: Controllable 4D-Guided Video Generation with 2D Diffusion Models
* Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Reconstruction
* MIME: Human-Aware 3D Scene Generation
* On Self-Contact and Human Pose
* PARE: Part Attention Regressor for 3D Human Body Estimation
* Pix2Video: Video Editing using Image Diffusion
* SPEC: Seeing People in the Wild with an Estimated Camera
* Synergistic Global-Space Camera and Human Reconstruction from Videos
* Tracking-by-Detection of 3D Human Shapes: From Surfaces to Volumes
Includes: Huang, C.H.P.[Chun Hao P.] Huang, C.H.P.[Chun-Hao P.] Huang, C.H.P.[Chun-Hao Paul]
15 for Huang, C.H.P.

Huang, C.I.[Chung I] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Multi-Camera People Tracking with Anchor-Guided Clustering and Spatio-Temporal Consistency ID Re-Assignment
* Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Features Association for Multi-Object Tracking in Sports
* Observation Centric and Central Distance Recovery for Athlete Tracking
* Online Approach and Evaluation Method for Tracking People Across Cameras in Extremely Long Video Sequence, An
* Sea You Later: Metadata-Guided Long-Term Re-Identification for UAV-Based Multi-Object Tracking
Includes: Huang, C.I.[Chung I] Huang, C.I.[Chung-I]

Huang, C.J.[Chi Jaung] Co Author Listing * Feature-based detection of faces in color images
* Method for Improving TIE-Based VQ Encoding Introducing RI Rules, A
* MPEG-2 Spatial Scalable Coding and Transport Stream Error Concealment for Satellite TV Broadcasting Using KA-Band
* novel method for detecting lips, eyes and faces in real time, A
* Object Re-Identification from Point Clouds
* robust method for detecting arbitrarily tilted human faces in color images, A
* SA-Det3D: Self-Attention Based Context-Aware 3D Object Detection
* SAR image noise suppression of BEMD by the kernel principle component analysis
* SISAL Revisited
* SOAP: Cross-sensor Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection Using Stationary Object Aggregation Pseudo-labelling
* Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Method Utilizing an Inexact Reconstruction Within the Framework of Compressed Sensing, The
Includes: Huang, C.J.[Chi Jaung] Huang, C.J.[Chi-Jaung] Huang, C.J.[Chi-Jung] Huang, C.J. Huang, C.J.[Cheng-Jie] Huang, C.J.[Chi-Jang] Huang, C.J.[Chang-Jun] Huang, C.J.[Chu-Jun] Huang, C.J.[Chang-Jiang]
11 for Huang, C.J.

Huang, C.K. Co Author Listing * new Pixel-Chaotic-Shuffle method for image encryption, A
* Shape from Shading Using Ritz Method with Tent Basis

Huang, C.L.[Chun Lin] Co Author Listing * 3D Ground Penetrating Radar to Detect Tree Roots and Estimate Root Biomass in the Field
* Aspect Graph Generation for Non-Convex Polyhedra from Perspective Projection View
* Assessing Progress and Interactions toward SDG 11 Indicators Based on Geospatial Big Data at Prefecture-Level Cities in the Yellow River Basin between 2015 and 2020
* Assessing Regional Public Service Facility Accessibility Using Multisource Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Underdeveloped Areas in China
* Assessing the Sensitivity of Snow Depth Simulations to Land Surface Parameterizations within Noah-MP in Northern Xinjiang, China
* Assessment of the Improvement in Observation Precision of GNSS, SLR, VLBI, and DORIS Inputs from ITRF2014 to ITRF2020 Using TRF Stacking Methods
* Automatic Eye Winks Interpretation System for Human-Machine Interface
* Building Damage Assessment Based on the Fusion of Multiple Texture Features Using a Single Post-Earthquake PolSAR Image
* Building Earthquake Damage Information Extraction from a Single Post-Earthquake PolSAR Image
* Color Images' Segmentation Using Scale Space Filter and Markov Random Field
* Combined Error Concealment and Error Correction in Rate-Distortion Analysis for Multiple Substream Transmissions
* Complex-Subband Transform for Subband-Based Motion Estimation/Compensation and Coding
* Content-Based Attention Ranking Using Visual and Contextual Attention Model for Baseball Videos
* Content-Based Image Retrieval-System, A
* Contour generation and shape restoration of the straight homogeneous generalized cylinder
* Cyclic Transfer Learning for Mandarin-English Code-Switching Speech Recognition
* Design Error-Resilient Multiple Substreams 3D Coder Including Receiver Post-Processing in Analysis
* Dynamic Scene Analysis Using Path and Shape Coherence
* Efficient Snapshot Spectral Imaging: Calibration-free Parallel Structure with Aperture Diffraction Fusion
* Elliptical Feature Extraction via an Improved Hough Transform
* Estimation of Snow Depth from AMSR2 and MODIS Data based on Deep Residual Learning Network
* Evapotranspiration Partitioning at Field Scales Using TSEB and Multi-Satellite Data Fusion in The Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Model-Based Feature Extraction and Action Parameter(s) Classification
* Gait Analysis For Human Identification Through Manifold Learning and HMM
* Gap-Filling of MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Products via Non-Local Spatio-Temporal Filtering Based on Machine Learning Techniques
* Gender Identification Using Feature Patch-Based Bayesian Classifier
* Gesture recognition using the multi-PDM method and hidden Markov model
* Hand gesture recognition using a real-time tracking method and hidden Markov models
* High-Resolution Gridded Livestock Projection for Western China Based on Machine Learning
* Human and car identification using motion vector in H.264 compressed video
* Human body motion parameters capturing using kinect
* Human Face Recognition from a Single Front View
* Human Facial Feature Extraction for Face Interpretation and Recognition
* Human Motion Parameter Capturing Using Particle Filter and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* Hybrid cell loss concealment methods for MPEG-II-based packet video
* Hybrid-boost learning for multi-pose face detection and facial expression recognition
* Improving Estimation of Evapotranspiration under Water-Limited Conditions Based on SEBS and MODIS Data in Arid Regions
* Improving Mountainous Snow Cover Fraction Mapping via Artificial Neural Networks Combined With MODIS and Ancillary Topographic Data
* Improving Soil Moisture Estimation with a Dual Ensemble Kalman Smoother by Jointly Assimilating AMSR-E Brightness Temperature and MODIS LST
* Integration of Satellite-Derived and Ground-Based Soil Moisture Observations for a Precipitation Product over the Upper Heihe River Basin, China
* Intervehicle Transmission Rate Control for Cooperative Active Safety System
* Inversion of Ground Penetrating Radar Data Based on Neural Networks
* joint source and channel coding algorithm for error-resilient SPIHT-coded video bitstreams, A
* Lake Phenology of Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using Random Forest: A Case Study of Qinghai Lake
* Long-Term Variation Assessment of Aerosol Load and Dominant Types over Asia for Air Quality Studies Using Multi-Sources Aerosol Datasets
* Mapping Maize Area in Heterogeneous Agricultural Landscape with Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images Based on Random Forest
* Mapping the Population Density in Mainland China using NPP/VIIRS and Points-Of-Interest Data Based on a Random Forests Model
* Markov Random Fields for Texture Classification
* Model-Based Articulated Hand Motion Tracking For Gesture Recognition
* Model-Based Dynamic Hand Posture Identification Using Genetic Algorithm, The
* model-based hand gesture recognition system, A
* model-based human body motion analysis system, The
* Motion Estimation Method Using a 3D Steerable Filter
* Multi-Source Hydrological Data Products to Monitor High Asian River Basins and Regional Water Security
* multi-view vision-based hand motion capturing system, A
* Multi-view-based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects in Cluttered Scenes
* Multiple Human Objects Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Multiple Objects Tracking across Multiple Non-Overlapped Views
* Multiview-Based Cooperative Tracking of Multiple Human Objects
* New Error Resilient Video Coding Using Matching Pursuit and Multiple Description Coding, A
* new motion compensation method for image sequence coding using hierarchical grid interpolation, A
* Object Identification Using Modified Distributed Associated Memory
* Object verification in two views using Sparse representation
* Object-based layer-structure for very low bit rate video coding
* Optimal Training Set Selection for Video Annotation
* Parallel Image Segmentation Using Modified Hopfield Model
* Pictorial Drawing Generation For Polyhedral Object Recognition Using Intensity Images
* Polyhedral Objects Identification Through the Orthographic Projection Views Generation
* Progressive Interpolation Using Loop Subdivision Surfaces
* Real-time Human Motion Capturing System
* Real-time human object motion parameters estimation from depth images
* Real-Time Wildfire Detection Algorithm Based on VIIRS Fire Product and Himawari-8 Data
* Recognition of 3-D Objects Via Spatial Understanding of 2-D Images
* region-based selective optical flow back-projection for genuine motion vector estimation, A
* Remote sensing image classification using an ensemble framework without multiple classifiers
* Ribbon-Based Motion Analysis of Human Body Movements
* Road sign detection and recognition using matching pursuit method
* Road Sign Interpretation Using Matching Pursuit Method
* robust scene-change detection method for video segmentation, A
* Satellite-Based Background Aerosol Optical Depth Determination via Global Statistical Analysis of Multiple Lognormal Distribution
* Scalable Computing Resources System for Remote Sensing Big Data Processing Using GeoPySpark Based on Spark on K8s, A
* Sign language recognition using 3-D Hopfield neural network
* Sign Language Recognition Using Model-Based Tracking and a 3D Hopfield Neural-Network
* Simulation of Spectral Albedo and Bidirectional Reflectance over Snow-Covered Urban Canyon: Model Development and Factor Analysis
* Slip and fall event detection using Bayesian Belief Network
* Slip and Fall Events Detection by Analyzing the Integrated Spatiotemporal Energy Map
* Snow Cover Variations and Controlling Factors at Upper Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
* Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)-Informed Deep Learning for Streamflow Forecasting with Remote Sensing and In Situ Precipitation and Discharge Observations
* Spatial-Temporal Distribution of the Freeze-Thaw Cycle of the Largest Lake (Qinghai Lake) in China Based on Machine Learning and MODIS from 2000 to 2020
* Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of MODIS Normalized Difference Snow Index Products Using U-Net with Partial Convolutions
* Sustainable Development Goal 6 Assessment and Attribution Analysis of Underdeveloped Small Regions Using Integrated Multisource Data
* Three-dimensional PET emission scan registration and transmission scan synthesis
* Two New Polarimetric Feature Parameters for the Recognition of the Different Kinds of Buildings in Earthquake-Stricken Areas Based on Entropy and Eigenvalues of PolSAR Decomposition
* Unequal error protection for MPEG-2 video transmission over wireless channels
* Using Earth Observation for Monitoring SDG 11.3.1-Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate in Mainland China
* Vehicle verification between two nonoverlapped views using sparse representation
* Very Low-Bit Video Coding Based on Gain-Shape VQ and Matching Pursuits
* Very-low-bit Rate Coding Using Matching Pursuit and Codebook Adaptation
* Vision-Based Preceding Vehicle Detection and Tracking
* Vision-Based Taiwanese Sign Language Recognition, A
* vision-based vehicle identification system, A
* Visual Events Identification of Solids of Revolution from Perspective Views
* Water Level Change of Qinghai Lake from ICESat and ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
Includes: Huang, C.L.[Chun Lin] Huang, C.L.[Chun-Lin] Huang, C.L. Huang, C.L.[Chang-Le] Huang, C.L.[Chung-Lin] Huang, C.L.[Chung Lin] Huang, C.L.[Chien-Lin] Huang, C.L.[Cheng-Long] Huang, C.L.[Cong-Lin]
103 for Huang, C.L.

Huang, C.M.[Cheng Min] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Sustainable Livelihood and Geographic Detection of Settlement Sites in Ethnically Contiguous Poverty-Stricken Areas in the Aba Prefecture, China
* Comparison between adaptive search and bit allocation algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* comparison of several vector quantization codebook generation approaches, A
* Cooperative vehicle collision warning system using the vector-based approach with dedicated short range communication data transmission
* Design of frame dependency for VCR streaming videos
* Error resilience supporting bi-directional frame recovery for video streaming
* Error resilient GOP structures on video streaming
* Fast full search equivalent encoding algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* fuzzy logic approach to image segmentation, A
* Mobility Management for Video Streaming on Heterogeneous Networks
* Multitarget Visual Tracking Based Effective Surveillance With Cooperation of Multiple Active Cameras
* Novel 4-D Perceptual Quantization Modeling for H.264 Bit-Rate Control, A
* RadialNet: a point cloud classification approach using local structure representation with radial basis function
* Timer-based greedy forwarding algorithm in vehicular ad hoc networks
Includes: Huang, C.M.[Cheng Min] Huang, C.M.[Cheng-Min] Huang, C.M. Huang, C.M.[Chun-Ming] Huang, C.M.[Chung-Ming] Huang, C.M.[Cheng-Ming] Huang, C.M.[Chung Ming]
14 for Huang, C.M.

Huang, C.P.[Chang Ping] Co Author Listing * Comparison of the Continuity of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat 8 OLI and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data among Different Vegetation Types
* Contrastive Self-Supervised Two-Domain Residual Attention Network with Random Augmentation Pool for Hyperspectral Change Detection
* Dependence of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function Factor fnof' on the Particulate Backscattering Ratio in an Inland Lake
* Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multiple Symptom Characteristics
* Estimation of Cotton Leaf Area Index (LAI) Based on Spectral Transformation and Vegetation Index
* Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites
* Full-Path Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration of Joint Primaries and Different-Order Multiples for Deep-Marine Environment
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of Commonly Used Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices for Homogeneous Canopies Based on Model Simulation and Random Forest Learning, A
* Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production
* Monitoring Drought Effects on Vegetation Productivity Using Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in the Eastern Plain Lakes of China Using Long-Term MODIS UNWI Index
* NDVI-Based Vegetation Phenology Is Improved to be More Consistent with Photosynthesis Dynamics through Applying a Light Use Efficiency Model over Boreal High-Latitude Forests, An
* new scheme of sharing secrets in stego images with authentication, A
* Parallel Spectral-Spatial Attention Network with Feature Redistribution Loss for Hyperspectral Change Detection
* Receler: Reliable Concept Erasing of Text-to-image Diffusion Models via Lightweight Erasers
* Secret Image Sharing Method using Integer Multiwavelet Transform, A
* Secret Image Sharing Method Using Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transform, A
* Select and Distill: Selective Dual-teacher Knowledge Transfer for Continual Learning on Vision-language Models
* Spatial-Convolution Spectral-Transformer Interactive Network for Large-Scale Fast Refined Land Cover Classification and Mapping Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Huang, C.P.[Chang Ping] Huang, C.P.[Chang-Ping] Huang, C.P.[Chong-Peng] Huang, C.P.[Chin-Pan] Huang, C.P.[Chi-Pin]
19 for Huang, C.P.

Huang, C.Q.[Chao Qin] Co Author Listing * Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly Detection in Medical Images
* AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* Analysis of the 2014 'APEC Blue' in Beijing Using More than One Decade of Satellite Observations: Lessons Learned from Radical Emission Control Measures
* Annual Detection of Forest Cover Loss Using Time Series Satellite Measurements of Percent Tree Cover
* Are Graph Convolutional Networks With Random Weights Feasible?
* Attribute Restoration Framework for Anomaly Detection
* Automated Extraction of Surface Water Extent from Sentinel-1 Data
* Automated Forest Cover Change Analysis Using Landsat Observations
* Automated Quantification of Surface Water Inundation in Wetlands Using Optical Satellite Imagery
* Characterizing Wetland Inundation and Vegetation Dynamics in the Arctic Coastal Plain Using Recent Satellite Data and Field Photos
* Cloud and Snow Discrimination for CCD Images of HJ-1A/B Constellation Based on Spectral Signature and Spatio-Temporal Context
* Deciphering the Precision of Stereo IKONOS Canopy Height Models for US Forests with G-LiHT Airborne LiDAR
* Deep Unsupervised Image Anomaly Detection: An Information Theoretic Framework
* Development of Dense Time Series 30-m Image Products from the Chinese HJ-1A/B Constellation: A Case Study in Zoige Plateau, China
* DrivingStereo: A Large-Scale Dataset for Stereo Matching in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
* Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Model for Fusing Landsat and MODIS Surface Reflectance to Generate High Temporal Landsat-Like Data, An
* Evaluation of SMAP-Enhanced Products Using Upscaled Soil Moisture Data Based on Random Forest Regression: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Identification of Spatial Distribution of Afforestation, Reforestation, and Deforestation and Their Impacts on Local Land Surface Temperature in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomerations of China
* Improved Detection of Inundation below the Forest Canopy using Normalized LiDAR Intensity Data
* Integration of VIIRS Observations with GEDI-Lidar Measurements to Monitor Forest Structure Dynamics from 2013 to 2020 across the Conterminous United States
* Long-Term Post-Disturbance Forest Recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Analyzed Using Landsat Time Series Stack
* Mapping 2000-2010 Impervious Surface Change in India Using Global Land Survey Landsat Data
* Mapping Annual Forest Change Due to Afforestation in Guangdong Province of China Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Forested Wetland Inundation in the Delmarva Peninsula, USA Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Monitoring Key Forest Structure Attributes across the Conterminous United States by Integrating GEDI LiDAR Measurements and VIIRS Data
* Object-Location-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval via Automatic Mask Learning
* Optimized Route Selection Method based on the Turns of Road Intersections: A Case Study on Oversized Cargo Transportation
* Predicting Grassland Leaf Area Index in the Meadow Steppes of Northern China: A Comparative Study of Regression Approaches and Hybrid Geostatistical Methods
* Quantifying Live Aboveground Biomass and Forest Disturbance of Mountainous Natural and Plantation Forests in Northern Guangdong, China, Based on Multi-Temporal Landsat, PALSAR and Field Plot Data
* Quantifying the Actual Impacts of Forest Cover Change on Surface Temperature in Guangdong, China
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 PMS Sensor Based on Assimilation of Landsat-8 OLI Images
* Recurrent Residual Module for Fast Inference in Videos
* Registration Based Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
* RGB-to-RGBG conversion algorithm with adaptive weighting factors based on edge detection and minimal square error
* Salt-and-pepper denoising based on lightweight convolutional neural networks for flexible AMOLED
* self-adaptive approach for producing clear-sky composites from VIIRS surface reflectance datasets, A
* Self-Supervised Masking for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization
* Synergistic Application of Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms and Hyperparameter Optimization Strategies for Net Ecosystem Productivity Prediction in Southeast Asia
* Tracking of Land Reclamation Activities Using Landsat Observations: An Example in Shanghai and Hangzhou Bay
* Understanding Current and Future Fragmentation Dynamics of Urban Forest Cover in the Nanjing Laoshan Region of Jiangsu, China
* Use of High-Resolution Land Cover Maps to Support the Maintenance of the NWI Geospatial Dataset: A Case Study in a Coastal New Orleans Region
* Use of Landsat and Corona data for mapping forest cover change from the mid-1960s to 2000s: Case studies from the Eastern United States and Central Brazil
Includes: Huang, C.Q.[Chao Qin] Huang, C.Q.[Chao-Qin] Huang, C.Q.[Chang-Qin] Huang, C.Q.[Cheng-Quan] Huang, C.Q.[Chang-Qing] Huang, C.Q. Huang, C.Q.[Cheng-Qiang] Huang, C.Q.[Chao-Qing]
42 for Huang, C.Q.

Huang, C.R.[Chun Rong] Co Author Listing * adaptive approach for overlapping people tracking based on foreground silhouettes, An
* ADMM-SRNet: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Sparse Representation Network for One-Class Classification
* Binary invariant cross color descriptor using galaxy sampling
* Content-Adaptive Resizing Framework for Boosting Computation Speed of Background Modeling Methods, A
* Contrast Context Histogram: A Discriminating Local Descriptor for Image Matching
* Contrast context histogram: An efficient discriminating local descriptor for object recognition and image matching
* Efficient hierarchical method for background subtraction
* Event based surveillance video synopsis using trajectory kinematics descriptors
* Fake News, Real Emotions: Emotion Analysis of COVID-19 Infodemic in Weibo
* Heterogeneous Information Fusion and Visualization for a Large-Scale Intelligent Video Surveillance System
* Identifying Gender from Unaligned Facial Images by Set Classification
* improved algorithm for two-image camera self-calibration and Euclidean structure recovery using absolute quadric, An
* Improving Attention Model Based on Cognition Grounded Data for Sentiment Analysis
* Influence of Assimilating Wind Profiling Radar Observations in Distinct Dynamic Instability Regions on the Analysis and Forecast of an Extreme Rainstorm Event in Southern China
* Intent-Aware Interactive Internet of Things for Enhanced Collaborative Ambient Intelligence
* Lane detection in surveillance videos using vector-based hierarchy clustering and density verification
* Learned Scale-Arbitrary Image Downscaling for Non-Learnable Upscaling
* Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation for Online Surveillance Video Synopsis
* Model-Tuned Predictive Backstepping Control Approach for Angle Following of Steer-by-Wire, A
* Object tracking based on learning collaborative representation with adaptive weight
* Opinion fraud detection via neural autoencoder decision forest
* Real-Time Binary Descriptor Based Background Modeling
* Semantic Context-Aware Image Style Transfer
* Shot Change Detection via Local Keypoint Matching
* Software expert discovery via knowledge domain embeddings in a collaborative network
* Spatial Face Context with Gender Information for Group Photo Similarity Assessment
* Spatiotemporal Coherence-Based Annotation Placement for Surveillance Videos
* Temporal Color Consistency-Based Video Reproduction for Dichromats
* Transformer with Task Selection for Continual Learning
* USEQ: Ultra-fast superpixel extraction via quantization
* Video analysis boosts healthcare efficiency and safety
* Video Saliency Map Detection by Dominant Camera Motion Removal
* Video Summarization With Frame Index Vision Transformer
* Video Summarization With Spatiotemporal Vision Transformer
Includes: Huang, C.R.[Chun Rong] Huang, C.R.[Chun-Rong] Huang, C.R. Huang, C.R.[Chu-Ren] Huang, C.R.[Chuan-Rong] Huang, C.R.[Chao-Ran] Huang, C.R.[Cheng-Rui] Huang, C.R.[Chen-Rong]
34 for Huang, C.R.

Huang, C.S.[Chao Shih] Co Author Listing * Bandwidth-adjusted LPC analysis for robust speech recognition
* cluster assessment of facial attractiveness using fuzzy neural network classifier based on 3D Moiré features, The
* Computer-Aided Tumor Detection Based on Multi-Scale Blob Detection Algorithm in Automated Breast Ultrasound Images
* Hybrid Block Truncation Coding
* Multi-Dimensional Tumor Detection in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Topographic Watershed
* Near Real-Time Browsable Landsat-8 Imagery
* Novel Watermarking Technique for Tampering Detection in Digital Images, A
* Region-Based Video Coding Using a Geometric Motion Compensation
* Robust Texture Analysis Using Multi-Resolution Gray-Scale Invariant Features for Breast Sonographic Tumor Diagnosis
* Spatial-Contextual Support Vector Machine for Remotely Sensed Image Classification, A
Includes: Huang, C.S.[Chao Shih] Huang, C.S.[Chao-Shih] Huang, C.S.[Chiung-Shing] Huang, C.S.[Chiun-Sheng] Huang, C.S. Huang, C.S.[Chung-Shiou] Huang, C.S.[Chang-Sheng] Huang, C.S.[Chih-Shoung]
10 for Huang, C.S.

Huang, C.T.[Chao Tsung] Co Author Listing * Bayesian Inference for Neighborhood Filters With Application in Denoising
* Dynamic Camera Calibration
* Dynamic embedding strategy of VQ-based information hiding approach
* Empirical Bayesian Light-Field Stereo Matching by Robust Pseudo Random Field Modeling
* Energy and area-efficient hardware implementation of HEVC inverse transform and dequantization
* Euclidian Distance Transform Using Grayscale Morphology Decomposition, A
* Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge
* Fast Distribution Fitting for Parameter Estimation of Range-Weighted Neighborhood Filters
* Fast Physically Correct Refocusing for Sparse Light Fields Using Block-Based Multi-Rate View Interpolation
* Generic RAM-Based Architectures for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform With Line-Based Method
* Hardware implementation of shape-adaptive discrete wavelet transform with the JPEG2000 defaulted
* HEVC interpolation filter architecture for quad full HD decoding
* Level C+ Data Reuse Scheme for Motion Estimation With Corresponding Coding Orders
* On-Chip Memory Optimization Scheme for VLSI Implementation of Line-Based Two-Dimentional Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Rapid Euclidean Distance Transform Using Grayscale Morphology Decomposition
* Reversible SMVQ Image Hiding Using Adaptive Search Order Coding
* Robust Pseudo Random Fields for Light-Field Stereo Matching
* small-size chinese font display by perception-based method, A
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation with Contrastive Domain Alignment and Self-supervised Exploration for Face Anti-spoofing
* Source-Free Domain Adaptation With Domain Generalized Pretraining for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Steganographic Greedy Algorithms for Data Hiding Based on Differences Under SMVQ
* System Analysis of VLSI Architecture for Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* TAEF: A cross-distance/environment face recognition method
* Towards Unsupervised Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Visible-light and near-infrared face recognition at a distance
Includes: Huang, C.T.[Chao Tsung] Huang, C.T.[Chao-Tsung] Huang, C.T. Huang, C.T.[Cheng-Ta] Huang, C.T.[C. Tony] Huang, C.T.[Chao-Tan] Huang, C.T.[Chun-Ting]
25 for Huang, C.T.

Huang, C.W.[Chih Wei] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Downsampling Video Coding With Spatially Scalable Rate-Distortion Modeling
* Airtime Fair Distributed Cross-Layer Congestion Control for Real-Time Video Over WLAN
* Deep Image Registration With Depth-Aware Homography Estimation
* Defense Mechanism Against Adversarial Attacks Using Density-based Representation of Images
* FENP: A Database of Neonatal Facial Expression for Pain Analysis
* Head-Pose Estimation Based on Lateral Canthus Localizations in 2-D Images
* HoVer-Trans: Anatomy-Aware HoVer-Transformer for ROI-Free Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images
* Reprojection Errors as Prompts for Efficient Scene Coordinate Regression
* Speech Denoising and Compensation for Hearing Aids Using an FTCRN-Based Metric GAN
Includes: Huang, C.W.[Chih Wei] Huang, C.W.[Chih-Wei] Huang, C.W. Huang, C.W.[Chen-Wei] Huang, C.W.[Cheng-Wei] Huang, C.W.[Chang-Wei] Huang, C.W.[Chun-Wang] Huang, C.W.[Chun-Wei]
9 for Huang, C.W.

Huang, C.X.[Chen Xi] Co Author Listing * Counterfactual Visual Dialog: Robust Commonsense Knowledge Learning From Unbiased Training
* Exploring Factors Related to Drivers' Mental Model of and Trust in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Using an ABN-Based Mixed Approach
* High resolution for software-defined GPS-based SAR imaging using waveform-modulated range-compressed pulse: field experimental demonstration
* OBMO: One Bounding Box Multiple Objects for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Reward-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning: Dynamic Policy Gradient Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion
* Sample imbalance disease classification model based on association rule feature selection
* SimpleCut: A simple and strong 2D model for multi-person pose estimation
* Sparse Fuse Dense: Towards High Quality 3D Detection with Depth Completion
Includes: Huang, C.X.[Chen Xi] Huang, C.X.[Chen-Xi] Huang, C.X.[Chun-Xi] Huang, C.X.[Cai-Xia] Huang, C.X.[Chang-Xin]
8 for Huang, C.X.

Huang, C.Y.[Cheng Yu] Co Author Listing * 3D Sub-query Expansion for Improving Sketch-Based Multi-view Image Retrieval
* AHS Model: Efficient Topological Operators for a Sensor Web Publish/Subscribe System
* Analysis of Canopy Gaps of Coastal Broadleaf Forest Plantations in Northeast Taiwan Using UAV Lidar and the Weibull Distribution
* Analysis Study of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data in the Troposphere, An
* Analysis Study of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data in the Troposphere, An
* Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS
* BASNet: Boundary-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property, A
* Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Large-Scale Arrhythmia Screening
* Dataset Auditing Method for Collaboratively Trained Machine Learning Models, A
* Deformation simulation based on model reduction with rigidity-guided sampling
* Design And Implement An Interoperable Internet Of Things Application Based on an Extended OGC Sensor Things API Standard
* Dynamic Multimodal Information Bottleneck for Multimodality Classification
* Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Sea Ice Monitoring Using CFOSAT/SCAT Data, An
* Extrapolated Plug-and-Play Three-Operator Splitting Methods for Nonconvex Optimization with Applications to Image Restoration
* Fast Operations on Binary Images Using Interpolation-Based Bintrees
* Faster Neighbor Finding on Images Represented By Bincodes
* Finding Neighbors on Bincode-Based Images in O(n-log-log-n) Time
* Fingerprint analysis and singular point detection
* Full body human attribute detection in indoor surveillance environment using color-depth information
* GeoWeb Crawler: An Extensible and Scalable Web Crawling Framework for Discovering Geospatial Web Resources
* Hierarchical Organization of Appearance Based Parts and Relations for Object Recognition
* How Well Can IMERG Products Capture Typhoon Extreme Precipitation Events over Southern China?
* Hybrid Pull-push System for Near Real-time Notifications On Sensor Web, A
* Improvement and Assessment of Ocean Color Algorithms in the Northwest Pacific Fishing Ground Using Himawari-8, MODIS-Aqua, and VIIRS-SNPP
* Joint Sequence Learning and Cross-Modality Convolution for 3D Biomedical Segmentation
* Learning to Learn by Jointly Optimizing Neural Architecture and Weights
* Method of Optimizing Terrain Rendering Using Digital Terrain Analysis, A
* Modifying an Image Fusion Approach for High Spatiotemporal LST Retrieval in Surface Dryness and Evapotranspiration Estimations
* Multi-Decadal Monitoring of Lake Level Changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by the TOPEX/Poseidon-Family Altimeters: Climate Implication
* Near-Real-Time Automatic Orbit Determination System for COSMIC and Its Follow-On Satellite Mission: Analysis of Orbit and Clock Errors on Radio Occultation, A
* Object Recognition Using Appearance Based Parts and Relations
* Object Representation Using Appearance-based Parts and Relations
* Occluded human action analysis using dynamic manifold model
* On the Optimal Encoding Ladder of Tiled 360° Videos for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
* On the Quality of Service of Cloud Gaming Systems
* Ortho-Rectification of Narrow Band Multi-Spectral Imagery Assisted by DSLR RGB Imagery Acquired by a Fixed-Wing UAS
* Quaternion Screened Poisson Equation for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Quaternion-Based Dictionary Learning and Saturation-Value Total Variation Regularization for Color Image Restoration
* Quaternion-based weighted nuclear norm minimization for color image restoration
* Robot Motion Learning Method Using Broad Learning System Verified by Small-Scale Fish-Like Robot, A
* Rotation, scaling, and translation resilient watermarking for images
* Segmentation of Human Body Parts Using Deformable Triangulation 2
* semi-empirical scheme for bathymetric mapping in shallow water by ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2: A case study in the South China Sea, A
* Single-particle reconstruction in cryo-EM based on three-dimensional weighted nuclear norm minimization
* Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and Data-Driven Prior Deep Networks
* Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution in Monsoon Season over South China Sea
* Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution in the Monsoon Season Observed in Southern China
* Statistical Characteristics of Warm Season Raindrop Size Distribution in the Beibu Gulf, South China
* Synthesizing the Artistic Effects of Ink Painting
* Ting tools: interactive and procedural modeling of Chinese ting
* Transformer for Single Image Super-Resolution
* U2-Net: Going deeper with nested U-structure for salient object detection
Includes: Huang, C.Y.[Cheng Yu] Huang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yu] Huang, C.Y.[Chih-Yuan] Huang, C.Y.[Cho-Ying] Huang, C.Y.[Ching-Yuang] Huang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yung] Huang, C.Y.[Chen-Yang] Huang, C.Y.[Chun-Yao] Huang, C.Y.[Chun-Yin] Huang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yang] Huang, C.Y. Huang, C.Y.[Chao-Yan] Huang, C.Y.[Chuan-Yang] Huang, C.Y.[Chi-Yen] Huang, C.Y.[Ching-Yu] Huang, C.Y.[Chien-Yuan] Huang, C.Y.[Chao-Ying] Huang, C.Y.[Chung-Yang] Huang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yue] Huang, C.Y.[Cheng-Yi] Huang, C.Y.[Chi-Yun] Huang, C.Y.[Chang-Yu] Huang, C.Y.[Chun-Ying] Huang, C.Y.[Chuan-Yu] Huang, C.Y.[Cherng-Yue] Huang, C.Y.[Chun-Yen]
53 for Huang, C.Y.

Huang, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Co Author Listing * Solving the stiff problem in computer vision by trade-off optimization
* Suppression of Subpixel Jitter in Resonant Scanning Systems With Phase-locked Sampling
Includes: Huang, C.Z.[Cheng Zhi] Huang, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi] Huang, C.Z.[Chi Z.]

Huang, C.Z.T.[Cong Zhen Tao] Co Author Listing * End-to-end Dynamic Matching Network for Multi-view Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation
* Resolution-Invariant Person ReId Based on Feature Transformation and Self-Weighted Attention
* RGB-IR cross-modality person ReID based on teacher-student GAN model
* Unsupervised Clothing Change Adaptive Person ReID
Includes: Huang, C.Z.T.[Cong Zhen Tao] Huang, C.Z.T.[Cong-Zhen-Tao]

Huang, D.[Di] Co Author Listing * 3D assisted face recognition via progressive pose estimation
* 3D Face Mask Anti-spoofing via Deep Fusion of Dynamic Texture and Shape Clues
* 3D Face Modeling via Weakly-Supervised Disentanglement Network Joint Identity-Consistency Prior
* 3D facial expression recognition via multiple kernel learning of Multi-Scale Local Normal Patterns
* ABPN: Adaptive Blend Pyramid Network for Real-Time Local Retouching of Ultra High-Resolution Photo
* Action recognition based on kinematic representation of video data
* Action-Agnostic Human Pose Forecasting
* Adalog: Post-training Quantization for Vision Transformers with Adaptive Logarithm Quantizer
* Adaptive Assignment for Geometry Aware Local Feature Matching
* Adaptive NMS: Refining Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* Adaptive Range Guided Multi-view Depth Estimation with Normal Ranking Loss
* Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images
* Agent3d-Zero: An Agent for Zero-shot 3d Understanding
* ASCNet: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Appearance-Speed Consistency
* Asymmetric 3D/2D face recognition based on LBP facial representation and canonical correlation analysis
* Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Bayesian Belief Net and a Statistical Facial Feature Model
* Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric scattering representation
* Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition Using Dynamic Geometrical Image Network
* Automatic Asymmetric 3D-2D Face Recognition
* Automatic Facial Attractiveness Prediction by Deep Multi-Task Learning
* Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network With Soft Labels in Imbalanced Acoustic Event Detection
* Benchmarking asymmetric 3D-2D face recognition systems
* Beyond 3DMM Space: Towards Fine-grained 3D Face Reconstruction
* Beyond 3DMM: Learning to Capture High-Fidelity 3D Face Shape
* Bilinear Kernel Reduced Rank Regression for Facial Expression Synthesis
* BirdSAT: Cross-View Contrastive Masked Autoencoders for Bird Species Classification and Mapping
* Bundle adjustment with motion constraints for uncalibrated multi-camera systems at the ground level
* CAT-Det: Contrastively Augmented Transformer for Multimodal 3D Object Detection
* CLSR: Cross-Layer Interaction Pyramid Super-Resolution Network
* CNN model for real time hand pose estimation, A
* Comparison of 2D/3D Features and Their Adaptive Score Level Fusion for 3D Face Recognition
* Complex Non-rigid Motion 3D Reconstruction by Union of Subspaces
* Convolutional neural networks for multispectral pedestrian detection
* Coordinate Transformer: Achieving Single-stage Multi-person Mesh Recovery from Videos
* Cost-Sensitive Two-Stage Depression Prediction Using Dynamic Visual Clues
* Cross-domain Object Detection through Coarse-to-Fine Feature Adaptation
* Crowd-SAM: SAM as a Smart Annotator for Object Detection in Crowded Scenes
* CyberCity GIS (CCGIS): Integration of DEMs, Images, and 3D Models
* Decomposable Winograd Method for N-D Convolution Acceleration in Video Analysis, A
* Deep Clustering With Hybrid-Grained Contrastive and Discriminative Learning
* Deep Common Feature Mining for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Deep image clustering with contrastive learning and multi-scale graph convolutional networks
* Denoising Diffusion Autoencoders are Unified Self-supervised Learners
* DERF: Distinctive Efficient Robust Features From the Biological Modeling of the P Ganglion Cells
* Desigen: A Pipeline for Controllable Design Template Generation
* Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Controller for the Platoon With Time-Varying Delay
* Detecting Smiles of Young Children via Deep Transfer Learning
* Displacement Prediction of the Muyubao Landslide Based on a GPS Time-Series Analysis and Temporal Convolutional Network Model
* Divide and Adapt: Active Domain Adaptation via Customized Learning
* DR-Tune: Improving Fine-tuning of Pretrained Visual Models by Distribution Regularization with Semantic Calibration
* DrFER: Learning Disentangled Representations for 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* DWT-Based Fragile Watermarking Tolerant of JPEG Compression, A
* efficient multimodal 2D + 3D feature-based approach to automatic facial expression recognition, An
* Elaborative Rehearsal for Zero-shot Action Recognition
* Enhancing biometric security with wavelet quantization watermarking based two-stage multimodal authentication
* Enhancing Multi-View Stereo with Contrastive Matching and Weighted Focal Loss
* Ensemble clustering using factor graph
* Ensemble-driven support vector clustering: From ensemble learning to automatic parameter estimation
* Entropy-based Active Learning for Object Detection with Progressive Diversity Constraint
* Equal Emphasis on Data and Network: A Two-Stage 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Algorithm with Feature Alignment
* Evolution Analysis of Ecological Networks Based on Spatial Distribution Data of Land Use Types Monitored by Remote Sensing in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, China, from 2000 to 2020
* Expectation-Maximization-Based Interacting Multiple Model Approach for Cooperative Driving Systems, An
* Expression Robust 3D Face Recognition via Mesh-Based Histograms of Multiple Order Surface Differential Quantities
* Expression-Latent-Space-guided GAN for Facial Expression Animation based on Discrete Labels
* Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Hidden Factor Analysis Joint Sparse Representation
* Facial Action Transfer with Personalized Bilinear Regression
* Facial aging simulation via tensor completion and metric learning
* Facial ethnicity classification based on boosted local texture and shape descriptions
* Facial Expression Animation by Landmark Guided Residual Module
* Facial expression recognition using radial encoding of local Gabor features and classifier synthesis
* Facial image-based gender classification using Local Circular Patterns
* Fast Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Feature Extraction Using Recursive Cluster-Based Linear Discriminant With Application to Face Recognition
* FG-AGR: Fine-Grained Associative Graph Representation for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Finding It: Weakly-Supervised Reference-Aware Visual Grounding in Instructional Videos
* Fixed-Point Back-Propagation Training
* Foley Music: Learning to Generate Music from Videos
* Free Meal: Boosting Semi-Supervised Polyp Segmentation by Harvesting Negative Samples
* Frequency and content dual stream network for image dehazing
* Full-Aperture Azimuth Spatial-Variant Autofocus Based on Contrast Maximization for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Generalizing 6-DoF Grasp Detection via Domain Prior Knowledge
* Generating Visually Aligned Sound From Videos
* Geometry-Aware GAN for Face Attribute Transfer
* Glacier Variations at Xinqingfeng and Malan Ice Caps in the Inner Tibetan Plateau Since 1970
* Global centralised and structured discriminative non-negative matrix factorisation for hyperspectral unmixing
* Group Activity Representation Learning With Long-Short States Predictive Transformer
* Gvgen: Text-to-3d Generation with Volumetric Representation
* Hand dorsal vein recognition by matching Width Skeleton Models
* Hand Vein Recognition Based on Oriented Gradient Maps and Local Feature Matching
* Hand-dorsa vein recognition based on multi-level keypoint detection and local feature matching
* Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition by Matching Local Features of Multisource Keypoints
* Hierarchical and Interactive Refinement Network for Edge-Preserving Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical Co-Attention Propagation Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Ensemble for Objectness in RGB-D Images
* Hierarchical U-Shape Attention Network for Salient Object Detection
* High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on specific encryption process
* HSOG: A Novel Local Image Descriptor Based on Histograms of the Second-Order Gradients
* Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation
* ImFace++: A Sophisticated Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model With Implicit Neural Representations
* ImFace: A Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model with Implicit Neural Representations
* Imitation Learning for Human Pose Prediction
* Improve security of fragile watermarking via parameterized wavelet
* Improved Global Navigation Satellite System-Multipath Reflectometry (GNSS-MR) Tide Variation Monitoring Using Variational Mode Decomposition Enhancement
* Improving Object Detection with Inverted Attention
* Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised Self-training
* Improving texture analysis performance in biometrics by adjusting image sharpness
* Incremental support vector clustering with outlier detection
* Initno: Boosting Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Initial Noise Optimization
* Intensity Enhancement Via GAN for Multimodal Facial Expression Recognition
* Interplay between Photons, Canopy Structure, and Recollision Probability: A Review of the Spectral Invariants Theory of 3D Canopy Radiative Transfer Processes, An
* Interword distance changes represented by sine waves for watermarking text images
* Iterative learning of an unknown road path through cooperative driving of vehicles
* Joint Framework for Athlete Tracking and Action Recognition in Sports Videos, A
* Key Role Guided Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
* Knowledge Transfer in Vision Recognition: A Survey
* Label-Guided Knowledge Distillation for Continual Semantic Segmentation on 2D Images and 3D Point Clouds
* Learning Attention in the Frequency Domain for Flexible Real Photograph Denoising
* Learning Category-Specific 3D Shape Models from Weakly Labeled 2D Images
* Learning Continuous Face Age Progression: A Pyramid of GANs
* Learning Face Age Progression: A Pyramid Architecture of GANs
* Learning the Spherical Harmonic Features for 3-D Face Recognition
* Learning Vision-and-Language Navigation from YouTube Videos
* Led3D: A Lightweight and Efficient Deep Approach to Recognizing Low-Quality 3D Faces
* LIMOFilling: Local Information Guide Hole-Filling and Sharp Feature Recovery for Manifold Meshes
* Local Binary Patterns and Its Application to Facial Image Analysis: A Survey
* Local circular patterns for multi-modal facial gender and ethnicity classification
* Local Discriminant Direction Binary Pattern for Palmprint Representation and Recognition
* Local feature approach to dorsal hand vein recognition by Centroid-based Circular Key-point Grid and fine-grained matching
* Local isomorphism to solve the pre-image problem in kernel methods
* Locally Weighted Ensemble Clustering
* Long-Term Action Dependence-Based Hierarchical Deep Association for Multi-Athlete Tracking in Sports Videos
* M-band wavelets application to palmprint recognition based on texture features
* M-Band Wavelets in Image Watermarking, The
* Magnifying subtle facial motions for 4D Expression Recognition
* Magnifying Subtle Facial Motions for Effective 4D Expression Recognition
* Mean Curvature Mapping for Detection of Corneal Shape Abnormality
* MFGCN: A Multimodal Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Online Car-Hailing Demand Prediction
* MIMO Radar Imaging With Nonorthogonal Waveforms Based on Joint-Block Sparse Recovery
* Minding the Gaps in a Video Action Analysis Pipeline
* mixture of gated experts optimized using simulated annealing for 3D face recognition, A
* Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Modeling and animation of human expressions using NURBS curves based on facial anatomy
* Modeling of deformation using NURBS curves as controller
* Modifying SEBAL Model Based on the Trapezoidal Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Index for Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation
* Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Video Representation
* Multi-Modal Prior-Guided Diffusion Model for Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-modal Relation Distillation for Unified 3d Representation Learning
* Multi-Scale Background Suppression Anomaly Detection In Surveillance Videos
* Multi-scale Positive Sample Refinement for Few-shot Object Detection
* Multi-Task Learning for Acoustic Event Detection Using Event and Frame Position Information
* Multiple Anchor Learning for Visual Object Detection
* Multiscale Distance Matrix for Fast Plant Leaf Recognition
* Muscular Movement Model Based Automatic 3D Facial Expression Recognition
* Muscular Movement Model-Based Automatic 3D/4D Facial Expression Recognition
* Music Gesture for Visual Sound Separation
* NeuFace: Realistic 3D Neural Face Rendering from Multi-View Images
* New Persistent Scatter Network Construction Algorithm For Persistent Scatter Insar And Its Application To The Detection of Urban Subsidence, A
* New Understanding of Bar Top Hollows in Dryland Sandy Braided Rivers from Outcrops with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys
* Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLPT-GSCFT
* Non-Deterministic Face Mask Removal Based on 3d Priors
* Non-rigid tracking of musk shrews in video for detection of emetic episodes
* Nonuniform-to-Uniform Quantization: Towards Accurate Quantization via Generalized Straight-Through Estimation
* novel geometric facial representation based on multi-scale extended local binary patterns, A
* Novel LDA Algorithm Based on Approximate Error Probability with Application to Face Recognition, A
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* OcTr: Octree-Based Transformer for 3D Object Detection
* Optimal Gradient Checkpoint Search for Arbitrary Computation Graphs
* optimized palmprint recognition approach based on image sharpness, An
* Origin-Destination Matrix Prediction in Public Transport Networks: Incorporating Heterogeneous Direct and Transfer Trips
* OTAMatch: Optimal Transport Assignment With PseudoNCE for Semi-Supervised Learning
* P3D-CTN: Pseudo-3D Convolutional Tube Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Detection in Videos
* PACP: An Efficient Pseudonymous Authentication-Based Conditional Privacy Protocol for VANETs
* Pain estimation with integrating global-wise and region-wise convolutional networks
* Pain intensity recognition via multi-scale deep network
* PALM: Predicting Actions through Language Models
* Panretinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Pathology-knowledge Enhanced Multi-instance Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Whole Slide Image Classification
* Person-in-WiFi: Fine-Grained Person Perception Using WiFi
* Phase curvature compensation in digital holographic microscopy based on phase gradient fitting and optimization
* phenological-knowledge-independent method for automatic paddy rice mapping with time series of polarimetric SAR images, A
* Phenology-Based Maximum Light Use Efficiency for Modeling Gross Primary Production across Typical Terrestrial Ecosystems
* Physical-space Multi-body Mesh Detection Achieved by Local Alignment and Global Dense Learning
* PNP: Robust Learning from Noisy Labels by Probabilistic Noise Prediction
* Ponder: Point Cloud Pre-training via Neural Rendering
* PoseFlow: A Deep Motion Representation for Understanding Human Behaviors in Videos
* PR-GCN: A Deep Graph Convolutional Network with Point Refinement for 6D Pose Estimation
* Predbench: Benchmarking Spatio-temporal Prediction Across Diverse Disciplines
* Privacy-Preserving Data Processing Method for IoV Based on Homomorphic Conjugacy Search Problem
* Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Image-based Person Re-Identification
* PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimization
* Quality Control for Ocean Current Measurement Using High-Frequency Direction-Finding Radar
* Random forest classification based acoustic event detection utilizing contextual-information and bottleneck features
* Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multiple Pyramid Pooling
* RETA: 4D Radar-Based End-to-End Joint Tracking and Activity Estimation for Low-Observable Pedestrian Safety in Cluttered Traffic Scenarios
* Rethinking the Importance of Quantization Bias, Toward Full Low-Bit Training
* Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on Multisatellite Dual-Frequency Combination Multipath Errors
* REVT: Robust and Efficient Visual Tracking by Region-Convolutional Regression Network
* Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Robust learning from noisy web data for fine-Grained recognition
* Robust Method for Near Infrared Face Recognition Based on Extended Local Binary Pattern, A
* Robust Regression
* Robust Regression
* SA^3WT: Adaptive Wavelet-Based Transformer with Self-Paced Auto Augmentation for Face Forgery Detection
* Segmentation fusion for connectomics
* Segmentation-Reconstruction-Guided Facial Image De-Occlusion
* Self-Attention based fine-grained cross-media hybrid network
* Self-challenging Improves Cross-domain Generalization
* Semtrack: A Large-scale Dataset for Semantic Tracking in the Wild
* Sequential Max-Margin Event Detectors
* Single Image based Infant Body Height and Weight Estimation
* Soft-Margin Mixture of Regressions
* Sparsity-based retinal layer segmentation of optical coherence tomography images
* Spatio-Temporal Big Data Collaborative Storage Mechanism Based on Incremental Aggregation Subvector Commitment in On-Chain and Off-Chain Systems
* Spatio-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Fully Convolutional Network for Video-Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Graph for Video Captioning With Knowledge Distillation
* Spatio-Temporal Pain Estimation Network With Measuring Pseudo Heart Rate Gain
* Spatio-Temporal Player Relation Modeling for Tactic Recognition in Sports Videos
* Statistics of Optical Coherence Tomography Data From Human Retina
* Strongly augmented contrastive clustering
* Supervised local subspace learning for continuous head pose estimation
* Surface Upwelling off the Zhoushan Islands, East China Sea, from Himawari-8 AHI Data
* survey on dorsal hand vein biometrics, A
* Target-Relevant Knowledge Preservation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Textured 3D face recognition using biological vision-based facial representation and optimized weighted sum fusion
* Towards 3D Face Recognition in the Real: A Registration-Free Approach Using Fine-Grained Matching of 3D Keypoint Descriptors
* Towards Building More Robust Models with Frequency Bias
* Towards Generalizable Referring Image Segmentation Via Target Prompt And Visual Coherence
* Towards Practical Compressed Video Action Recognition: A Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network
* Towards Video Anomaly Detection in the Real World: A Binarization Embedded Weakly-Supervised Network
* Two Dimensions of Worst-case Training and Their Integrated Effect for Out-of-domain Generalization, The
* Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Group Targets
* Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causation Understanding of Video Anomaly
* Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarchical Augmentation for Anomaly Detection
* UniPAD: A Universal Pre-Training Paradigm for Autonomous Driving
* USGG: Union Message Based Scene Graph Generation
* Variability of Glacier Velocity and the Influencing Factors in the Muztag-Kongur Mountains, Eastern Pamir Plateau
* Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Temporal Jigsaw Puzzles
* Video face recognition via combination of real-time local features and temporal-spatial cues
* Weakly-Supervised Photo-realistic Texture Generation for 3D Face Reconstruction
* What Makes a Video a Video: Analyzing Temporal Information in Video Understanding Models and Datasets
* Zenith/Nadir Pointing mm-Wave Radars: Linear or Circular Polarization?
* Zero-Shot Model Diagnosis
Includes: Huang, D.[Di] Huang, D. Huang, D.[Dihe] Huang, D.[Deng] Huang, D.[Dong] Huang, D.[Debao] Huang, D.[Detian] Huang, D.[Dan] Huang, D.[Duo] Huang, D.[Danqing] Huang, D.[Darong] Huang, D.[Da] Huang, D.[Duojun] Huang, D.[Daren] Huang, D.[De] Huang, D.[Danni] Huang, D.[Delu] Huang, D.[Dingfa] Huang, D.[Ding] Huang, D.[Deqing] Huang, D.[Dezhao] Huang, D.[Diwei] Huang, D.[Dejuan] Huang, D.[Dui] Huang, D.[Daowu] Huang, D.[Dingjiang] Huang, D.[Daoji] Huang, D.[David] Huang, D.[Duan] Huang, D.[Daning] Huang, D.[Daniel] Huang, D.[Dongmin] Huang, D.[Daji] Huang, D.[Dajiu] Huang, D.[Danlan]
243 for Huang, D.

Huang, D.A.[De An] Co Author Listing * Action-Reaction: Forecasting the Dynamics of Human Interaction
* Connectionist Temporal Modeling for Weakly Supervised Action Labeling
* Context-Aware Single Image Super-Resolution Using Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation
* Coupled Dictionary and Feature Space Learning with Applications to Cross-Domain Image Synthesis and Recognition
* D3TW: Discriminative Differentiable Dynamic Time Warping for Weakly Supervised Action Alignment and Segmentation
* Differentially Private Video Activity Recognition
* Dynamic Task Prioritization for Multitask Learning
* Forecasting Interactive Dynamics of Pedestrians with Fictitious Play
* How do we use our hands? Discovering a diverse set of common grasps
* Identifying Auxiliary or Adversarial Tasks Using Necessary Condition Analysis for Adversarial Multi-task Video Understanding
* Lita: Language Instructed Temporal-localization Assistant
* Neural Graph Matching Networks for Fewshot 3D Action Recognition
* Neural Task Graphs: Generalizing to Unseen Tasks From a Single Video Demonstration
* Perada: Parameter-Efficient Federated Learning Personalization with Generalization Guarantees
* Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos
* Self-Learning Based Image Decomposition With Applications to Single Image Denoising
* Temporal Modular Networks for Retrieving Complex Compositional Activities in Videos
* Unsupervised Learning of Long-Term Motion Dynamics for Videos
* Unsupervised Visual-Linguistic Reference Resolution in Instructional Videos
* Visual Forecasting by Imitating Dynamics in Natural Sequences
* What is Point Supervision Worth in Video Instance Segmentation?
Includes: Huang, D.A.[De An] Huang, D.A.[De-An] Huang, D.A.
21 for Huang, D.A.

Huang, D.D. Co Author Listing * 3-D Tomographic Reconstruction of Rain Field Using Microwave Signals From LEO Satellites: Principle and Simulation Results
* Compressive Sensing-Based 3-D Rain Field Tomographic Reconstruction Using Simulated Satellite Signals
* Object tracking using discriminative sparse appearance model
* Visual Odometry Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
Includes: Huang, D.D. Huang, D.D.[Defeng David] Huang, D.D.[Dan-Dan] Huang, D.D.[Dan Dan]

Huang, D.F.[Da Fei] Co Author Listing * Applying Detection Proposals to Visual Tracking for Scale and Aspect Ratio Adaptability
* Computational Form of the Least Square Error Frequency Sampling Method for the Linear Phase FIR Filter Design, A
* Enable Scale and Aspect Ratio Adaptability in Visual Tracking with Detection Proposals
* Iterative Frequency Domain Equalization With Generalized Approximate Message Passing
* Optimum Design of Multistage Multirate FIR Filter for Audio Signal Sampling Rate Conversion via a Genetic Algorithm Approach, The
Includes: Huang, D.F.[Da Fei] Huang, D.F.[Da-Fei] Huang, D.F.[Der-Feng] Huang, D.F.[De-Feng]

Huang, D.H.[Dai Hwa] Co Author Listing * Content-Based Image Retrieval-System, A
* Multi-Task Consistency Enhancement Network for Semantic Change Detection in HR Remote Sensing Images and Application of Non-Agriculturalization, A
Includes: Huang, D.H.[Dai Hwa] Huang, D.H.[Dai-Hwa] Huang, D.H.[De-Hua]

Huang, D.J.[Duo Jun] Co Author Listing * AlignSAM: Aligning Segment Anything Model to Open Context via Reinforcement Learning
* Automatic seamless video mosaic from webcams using LSF techniques
* Depth Perception Assessment of 3D Videos Based on Stereoscopic and Spatial Orientation Structural Features
* Learning to Restore 3D Face from In-the-Wild Degraded Images
* Motion Capture of Hand Movements Using Stereo Vision for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions
* Physically-guided Disentangled Implicit Rendering for 3D Face Modeling
* RUN: Rethinking the UNet Architecture for Efficient Image Restoration
* SB-VQA: A Stack-Based Video Quality Assessment Framework for Video Enhancement
* SFHN: Spatial-Frequency Domain Hybrid Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Texdreamer: Towards Zero-shot High-fidelity 3d Human Texture Generation
* TG-Dance: TransGAN-Based Intelligent Dance Generation with Music
* Wavelet Packet Decomposition-Based Multiscale CNN for Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox
Includes: Huang, D.J.[Duo Jun] Huang, D.J.[Duo-Jun] Huang, D.J.[Dong Jun] Huang, D.J.[Deng-Jia] Huang, D.J.[Dong-Jin] Huang, D.J.[Ding-Jiang] Huang, D.J.[Ding-Jiun] Huang, D.J.[Da-Jian]
12 for Huang, D.J.

Huang, D.K.[Ding Kun] Co Author Listing * Automatic Modulation Recognition of Radiation Source Signals Based on Data Rearrangement and the 2D FFT
Includes: Huang, D.K.[Ding Kun] Huang, D.K.[Ding-Kun]

Huang, D.L.[Ding Long] Co Author Listing * CurriculumNet: Weakly Supervised Learning from Large-Scale Web Images
* Sequential Convolution and Runge-Kutta Residual Architecture for Image Compressed Sensing
Includes: Huang, D.L.[Ding Long] Huang, D.L.[Ding-Long] Huang, D.L.[Dao-Lang]

Huang, D.M.[Dong Mei] Co Author Listing * Automatic Sea-Ice Classification of SAR Images Based on Spatial and Temporal Features Learning
* Contextual Information based Network with High-Frequency Feature Fusion for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Small-Scale Object Detection
* Critically Compressed Quantized Convolution Neural Network based High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Fruit External Defects Detection
* Median-Pooling Grad-Cam: An Efficient Inference Level Visual Explanation for CNN Networks in Remote Sensing Image Classification
* PromptVT: Prompting for Efficient and Accurate Visual Tracking
* Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global Histogram Stretching Based on Adaptive Parameter Acquisition
Includes: Huang, D.M.[Dong Mei] Huang, D.M.[Dong-Mei]

Huang, D.P.[Da Peng] Co Author Listing * Study of the Method for Retrieving the Vegetation Index from FY-3D MERSI-II Data, A
Includes: Huang, D.P.[Da Peng] Huang, D.P.[Da-Peng]

Huang, D.Q.[De Qing] Co Author Listing * Accurate Parking Control for Urban Rail Trains via Robust Adaptive Backstepping Approach
* Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for High-Speed Train: A Multi-Agent Approach
* Distributed Event-Triggered Iterative Learning Control for Multiple High-Speed Trains With Switching Topologies: A Data-Driven Approach
* Feature rectification and enhancement for no-reference image quality assessment
* Hybrid Decision-Making for Intelligent High-Speed Train Operation: A Boundary Constraint and Pre-Evaluation Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Improved Method for Two-UAV Trajectory Planning for Cooperative Target Locating Based on Airborne Visual Tracking Platform, An
* Iterative Learning Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearly Parameterized Uncertainties and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
* Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral Vibration of High-Speed Train With MR Dampers
* Nonuniform Sampling Control for Multibody High-Speed Train Systems With Quantization Mechanisms via Stochastic Faded Channels
* Recovery-Based Distributed Adaptive ILC With Fading Compensation for MHSTs Under DoS Attacks: A Model-Free Approach
* Salient Region Detection with Multi-Feature Fusion and Edge Constraint
* Spatial Determinants of Land Conversion for Various Urban Use: A Case Study of Beijing
* Spatial Iterative Learning Control for Robotic Path Learning
* Unsupervised Graphic Layout Grouping with Transformers
* Visual Style Extraction from Chart Images for Chart Restyling
Includes: Huang, D.Q.[De Qing] Huang, D.Q.[De-Qing] Huang, D.Q.[Dao-Quan] Huang, D.Q.[Da-Qing] Huang, D.Q.[Da-Quan] Huang, D.Q.[Dan-Qing]
15 for Huang, D.Q.

Huang, D.R.[Da Rong] Co Author Listing * Assessment Method for Traffic State Vulnerability Based on a Cloud Model for Urban Road Network Traffic Systems, An
* Land Subsidence in Chiayi, Taiwan, from Compaction Well, Leveling and ALOS/PALSAR: Aquaculture-Induced Relative Sea Level Rise
* New Understanding of Bar Top Hollows in Dryland Sandy Braided Rivers from Outcrops with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys
Includes: Huang, D.R.[Da Rong] Huang, D.R.[Da-Rong] Huang, D.R.[Da-Ren] Huang, D.R.[De-Rong]

Huang, D.S.[De Shuang] Co Author Listing * Advanced intelligent computing theory and methodology
* Application of Generalized Radial Basis Function Networks to Recognition of Radar Targets
* Classifying protein sequences using hydropathy blocks
* Combining a binary input encoding scheme with RBFNN for globulin protein inter-residue contact map prediction
* Completed Local Binary Count for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification
* efficient local Chan-Vese model for image segmentation, An
* Extracting gene regulation information for cancer classification
* Feature extraction using constrained maximum variance mapping
* Human face recognition based on multi-features using neural networks committee
* Image compression using principal component neural network
* Image Denoising Using Non-Negative Sparse Coding Shrinkage Algorithm
* Image segmentation fusion using weakly supervised trace-norm multi-task learning method
* improvement on learning with local and global consistency, An
* Improving protein secondary structure prediction by using the residue conformational classes
* Interest Operator versus Gabor filtering for facial imagery classification
* Joint operation and attention block search for lightweight image restoration
* Lidar Signal Denoising Using Least-Squares Support Vector Machine
* Locally linear discriminant embedding: An efficient method for face recognition
* New Approach to Detect Splice-Sites Based on Support Vector Machines and a Genetic Algorithm, A
* Novel Forward-Backward Smoothing-Based Learning Subspace Method for Recognition of Radar Targets
* Palmprint verification based on principal lines
* Palmprint verification based on robust line orientation code
* Rayleigh-Ritz style method for large-scale discriminant analysis, A
* Regulation probability method for gene selection
* Robust and Efficient Subspace Segmentation via Least Squares Regression
* Spectrum Analysis Based on Windows with Variable Widths for Online Signature Verification
Includes: Huang, D.S.[De Shuang] Huang, D.S.[De-Shuang] Huang, D.S.
26 for Huang, D.S.

Huang, D.T.J.[David Tse Jung] Co Author Listing * From What You See to What We Smell: Linking Human Emotions to Bio-Markers in Breath

Huang, D.W.[Da Wei] Co Author Listing * email: Huang, D.W.[Da Wei]: huang AT fsc qut edu au
* Computing Joint Distributions of 2D Moving Median Filters with Applications to Detection of Edges
* Lossless Compression for µ-Law (Mu-Law) and IMA ADPCM on the Basis of a Fast RLS Algorithm
Includes: Huang, D.W.[Da Wei] Huang, D.W.[Da-Wei]

Huang, D.X.[Da Xin] Co Author Listing * distributed algorithm for graph semi-supervised learning, A
* Interferometer Distance Measurement System Using a Linear Detector Array
* Multi-level feature fusion and multi-loss learning for person Re-Identification
* Multi-scale supervised network for crowd counting
Includes: Huang, D.X.[Da Xin] Huang, D.X.[Da-Xin] Huang, D.X. Huang, D.X.[Dong-Xiao]

Huang, D.Y.[Dai Yu] Co Author Listing * Graph Fourier Transform Based Audio Zero-Watermarking
* Image Quality Metric Based On Biologically Inspired Feature Model, An
* Moving object detection and tracking from video captured by moving camera
* Open-set human activity recognition based on micro-Doppler signatures
* Optimal multi-level thresholding using a two-stage Otsu optimization approach
* Rapid detection of camera tampering and abnormal disturbance for video surveillance system
* Reliable moving vehicle detection based on the filtering of swinging tree leaves and raindrops
* Robust real-time ship detection and tracking for visual surveillance of cage aquaculture
* Securable networked scheme with face authentication
* Vehicle detection and inter-vehicle distance estimation using single-lens video camera on urban/suburb roads
* Video object segmentation in rainy situations based on difference scheme with object structure and color analysis
Includes: Huang, D.Y.[Dai Yu] Huang, D.Y.[Dai-Yu] Huang, D.Y.[Dong-Yu] Huang, D.Y.[Deng-Yuan] Huang, D.Y.[Dan-Yang] Huang, D.Y.[Da-You]
11 for Huang, D.Y.

Huang, D.Z.[Da Zhi] Co Author Listing * Active Vision-Based Finite-Time Trajectory-Tracking Control of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle Without Direct Position Measurements
* Asymmetric Learning for Stereo Matching Cost Computation
Includes: Huang, D.Z.[Da Zhi] Huang, D.Z.[Da-Zhi] Huang, D.Z.[Dong-Zhen]

Huang, E.[Eddie] Co Author Listing * Deep Perceptual Image Quality Assessment for Compression
* dual band algorithm for shallow water depth retrieval from high spatial resolution imagery with no ground truth, A
* Effect of the One-to-Many Relationship between the Depth and Spectral Profile on Shallow Water Depth Inversion Based on Sentinel-2 Data
* Learning rebalanced human parsing model from imbalanced datasets
* Social E-commerce Tax Evasion Detection Using Multi-modal Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Huang, E.[Eddie] Huang, E.[Erhui] Huang, E.[Enbo] Huang, E.[Eva]

Huang, E.K. Co Author Listing * Recent Advances in LWIR Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Photodetectors and Focal Plane Arrays at the Center for Quantum Devices

Huang, E.M.[En Ming] Co Author Listing * Ensemble Fusion for Small Object Detection
* MVA2023 Small Object Detection Challenge for Spotting Birds: Dataset, Methods, and Results
Includes: Huang, E.M.[En Ming] Huang, E.M.[En-Ming]

Huang, E.W.[En Wei] Co Author Listing * Gesture stroke recognition using computer vision and linear accelerometer

Huang, F.[Fuxiang] Co Author Listing * Adversarial and Isotropic Gradient Augmentation for Image Retrieval With Text Feedback
* Animated panorama from a panning video sequence
* Artery/vein classification using reflection features in retina fundus images
* Attention Convolutional Binary Neural Tree for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Automatic Classification of Remote Sensing Image Using Ant Colony Clustering Algorithm
* Automatic Optic Disc and Fovea Detection in Retinal Images Using Super-Elliptical Convergence Index Filters
* Average Gradient-Based Adversarial Attack
* Balancing prediction accuracy and generalization ability: A hybrid framework for modelling the annual dynamics of satellite-derived land surface temperatures
* Bimodal Gaussian Inhomogeneous Poisson Algorithm for Bike Number Prediction in a Bike-Sharing System, A
* Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
* BUS: Efficient and Effective Vision-language Pre-training with Bottom-Up Patch Summarization
* Calibration of Panoramic Cameras Using 3D Scene Information
* Calibration of Rotating Sensors
* Camouflaged Target Detection Based on Snapshot Multispectral Imaging
* Characteristics of Rock Avalanche Deposit in Wangjiapo, Ludian Based on UAV Aerial Image Recognition
* Characterizations of Image Acquisition and Epipolar Geometry of Multiple Panoramas
* Characterizing the Turning Points in Ecosystem Functioning and Their Linkages to Drought and Human Activities over the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Northern China
* Classification and Characterization of Image Acquisition for 3D Scene Visualization and Reconstruction Applications
* CNN-VWII: An efficient approach for large-scale video retrieval by image queries
* Coarse-to-Fine Loosely-Coupled LiDAR-Inertial Odometry for Urban Positioning and Mapping
* Comparison Method for 3D Laser Point Clouds in Displacement Change Detection for Arch Dams, A
* Comparison of Winter Wheat Extraction Methods Based on Different Time Series of Vegetation Indices in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A Case Study of Minhe, China
* Comprehensive assessment of four-parameter diurnal land surface temperature cycle models under clear-sky
* Compressed sensing MRI with Bayesian dictionary learning
* Compression and protection of JPEG images
* Compressive Sensing via Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* Computational Acceleration for MR Image Reconstruction in Partially Parallel Imaging
* Consistency Self-Training Semi-Supervised Method for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Coupled Minimization Problem for Medical Image Segmentation with Priors, A
* Cross-Attentional Spatio-Temporal Semantic Graph Networks for Video Question Answering
* Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Dual Alignment Network for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Modality Binary Code Learning via Fusion Similarity Hashing
* CurricularFace: Adaptive Curriculum Learning Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Data-Driven Foreground Object Detection from a Non-stationary Camera
* Deep cascaded cross-modal correlation learning for fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval
* Deep-Like Hashing-in-Hash for Visual Retrieval: An Embarrassingly Simple Method
* design of a stereo panorama camera for scenes of dynamic range, The
* Developing an Automated Python Surface Energy Balance System (PySEBS) Software for Calculating Actual Evapotranspiration-Software Development and Application Case in Jilin Province, China
* Dictionary Learning- and Total Variation-Based High-Light-Efficiency Snapshot Multi-Aperture Spectral Imaging
* Discrete Model Compression With Resource Constraint for Deep Neural Networks
* Distributed Geoscience Algorithm Integration Based on OWS Specifications: A Case Study of the Extraction of a River Network
* Does quality control matter? Surface urban heat island intensity variations estimated by satellite-derived land surface temperature products
* Dual self-attention with co-attention networks for visual question answering
* Dynamic Self-Attention with Vision Synchronization Networks for Video Question Answering
* Efficient Style-Corpus Constrained Learning for Photorealistic Style Transfer
* Efficient Training Acceleration via Sample-Wise Dynamic Probabilistic Pruning
* enhanced approach for simultaneous image reconstruction and sensitivity map estimation in partially parallel imaging, An
* Enhanced Modeling of Annual Temperature Cycles with Temporally Discrete Remotely Sensed Thermal Observations
* Enhancing Neural Machine Translation With Dual-Side Multimodal Awareness
* Epipolar Geometry in Polycentric Panoramas
* Estimation, smoothing, and characterization of apparent diffusion coefficient profiles from high angular resolution DWI
* Evaluating Satellite-Observed Ecosystem Function Changes and the Interaction with Drought in Songnen Plain, Northeast China
* EViT: Privacy-Preserving Image Retrieval via Encrypted Vision Transformer in Cloud Computing
* Fast Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Application to Partially Parallel MR Imaging
* Fast Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm for Water-Fat Decomposition in MRI, A
* Fast MR Image Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging With Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories
* Fast Reconstruction of 3D Point Cloud Model Using Visual SLAM on Embedded UAV Development Platform
* FEFN: Feature Enhancement Feedforward Network for Lightweight Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* FLAMNet: A Flexible Line Anchor Mechanism Network for Lane Detection
* Forward Model for Data Assimilation of GNSS Ocean Reflectometry Delay-Doppler Maps, A
* Fraction-dependent variations in cooling efficiency of urban trees across global cities
* Generating High Resolution LAI Based on a Modified FSDAF Model
* Generation of Animated Stereo Panoramic Images for Image-Based Virtual Reality Systems
* Generation of Stereo Oil Paintings from RGBD Images
* Geometrical Fundamentals of Polycentric Panoramas
* Global comparison of diverse scaling factors and regression models for downscaling Landsat-8 thermal data
* Hallucination Augmented Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Large Language Model
* Hallusionbench: An Advanced Diagnostic Suite for Entangled Language Hallucination and Visual Illusion in Large Vision-Language Models
* Hierarchical Disentangled Representation Learning for Outdoor Illumination Estimation and Editing
* HiTeA: Hierarchical Temporal-Aware Video-Language Pre-training
* ICRA: An Intelligent Clustering Routing Approach for UAV Ad Hoc Networks
* IDGuard: Robust, General, Identity-Centric POI Proactive Defense Against Face Editing Abuse
* Impact of Winter Snowfall on Vegetation Greenness in Central Asia
* Incremental feature selection for dynamic incomplete data using sub-tolerance relations
* INformer: Inertial-Based Fusion Transformer for Camera Shake Deblurring
* Infrared small target segmentation networks: A survey
* Interval-Extraction Affine Projection Algorithm
* Laboratory Research on Polarized Optical Properties of Saline-Alkaline Soil Based on Semi-Empirical Models and Machine Learning Methods
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Based on Remote Sensing Images and GIS: Comparisons of Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Models
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Regional Soil Erosion Based on Machine-Learning Models
* Learning Trajectory-Word Alignments for Video-Language Tasks
* Lightweight Trustworthy Message Exchange in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks
* Local Compact Binary Patterns for Background Subtraction in Complex Scenes
* Localization or Globalization? Determination of the Optimal Regression Window for Disaggregation of Land Surface Temperature
* LORE++: Logical location regression network for table structure recognition with pre-training
* Low-cost solid-state LiDAR/inertial-based localization with prior map for autonomous systems in urban scenarios
* Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas
* Moving foreground object detection via robust SIFT trajectories
* mPLUG-OwI2: Revolutionizing Multi-modal Large Language Model with Modality Collaboration
* MSA-GCN: Multiscale Adaptive Graph Convolution Network for gait emotion recognition
* Multi-Level Feature Fusion Network for Lightweight Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale 3D-Modeling
* Multi-Stage Network With Geometric Semantic Attention for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Multi-Task Travel Route Planning With a Flexible Deep Learning Framework
* Multimodal Learning of Social Image Representation by Exploiting Social Relations
* New Models for Emergency Evacuation under the Disaster Condition, A
* Novel SMMS Teleoperation Control Framework for Multiple Mobile Agents With Obstacles Avoidance by Leader Selection, A
* OMNIPARSER: A Unified Framework for Text Spotting, Key Information Extraction and Table Recognition
* On Design and Applications of Cylindrical Panoramas
* On the Incorporation of Shape Priors into Geometric Active Contours
* OpenCL Implementation of a Parallel Universal Kriging Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Interpolation on Heterogeneous Systems
* Overlapping Community Detection for Multimedia Social Networks
* Panoramic Imaging: Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders
* Parallel Agent-as-a-Service (P-AaaS) Based Geospatial Service in the Cloud
* Platypus: A Generalized Specialist Model for Reading Text in Various Forms
* Pose Estimation for Sensors Which Capture Cylindric Panoramas
* Probability Weighted Compact Feature for Domain Adaptive Retrieval
* Real-Time Forecast of SMAP L3 Soil Moisture Using Spatial-Temporal Deep Learning Model with Data Integration
* Regionally Optimized Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging in MRI Applications
* Representation learning of image composition for aesthetic prediction
* Research on the Parallelization of the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm for Spatial Data Mining Based on the Spark Platform
* Retinal Microaneurysms Detection Using Local Convergence Index Features
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Two-Dimensional Histograms Modification
* Reversible Data Hiding With Automatic Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement
* Robust Framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Multiple Non-Repetitive Scanning Lidars, A
* Rotating sensor-matrix camera calibration
* Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Learning
* Segmentation of Main Weld Seam Area Based on MGLNS-Retinex Image Enhancement Algorithm
* Sensor Bias Correction Method for Reducing the Uncertainty in the Spatiotemporal Fusion of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Sensor Pose Estimation from Multi-center Cylindrical Panoramas
* Sequential Processing of GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Maps to Estimate the Ocean Surface Wind Field
* Simple Interpretation Of The Rice Spectral Indices Space For Assessment Of Heavy Metal Stress, A
* Simultaneous investigation of surface and canopy urban heat islands over global cities
* Simultaneous segmentation and registration for functional MR images
* Sketch-based image retrieval with deep visual semantic descriptor
* Spatial Downscaling Method for Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Based on Random Forest Considering Soil Moisture Memory and Mass Conservation, A
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Relationship with Climatic Factors in the Songnen Plain, China
* Specification of image acquisition parameters for stereo panoramas
* Spectral Clustering Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Multispectral Camera Array
* Statistical estimation of next-day nighttime surface urban heat islands
* STFCN: Spatio-Temporal Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* Stitching and Reconstruction of Linear-Pushbroom Panoramic Images for Planar Scenes
* Stochastic Gradient Perturbation: An Implicit Regularizer for Person Re-Identification
* Synthesis of Oil-Style Paintings
* Taxonomy of seasonal and diurnal clear-sky climatology of surface urban heat island dynamics across global cities
* Temporal Interpolation of Satellite-Derived Leaf Area Index Time Series by Introducing Spatial-Temporal Constraints for Heterogeneous Grasslands
* Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* Trajectory Analysis Of Forest Changes In Northern Area Of Changbai Mountains, China From Landsat Tm Image
* Tree Completion Net: A Novel Vegetation Point Clouds Completion Model Based on Deep Learning
* Uncertainties Analysis of Collapse Susceptibility Prediction Based on Remote Sensing and GIS: Influences of Different Data-Based Models and Connections between Collapses and Environmental Factors
* Universal Adversarial Perturbation via Prior Driven Uncertainty Approximation
* Unsupervised Multi-Modal Neural Machine Translation
* Urban-rural gradient in vegetation phenology changes of over 1500 cities across China jointly regulated by urbanization and climate change
* Using prior shape and intensity profile in medical image segmentation
* Using Prior Shapes in Geometric Active Contours in a Variational Framework
* Variations of Land Surface Phenology in Northeast China and Its Responses to Climate Change from 1982 to 2013, The
* Vegetation Canopy Water Content Estimation Using GVMI and EWT Model from MODIS Data
* Vegetation Changes And The Relationship With Climate Variability In The Upper And Middle Reaches Of The Nenjiang River Basin, China
* virtual-reality spatial matching algorithm and its application on equipment maintenance support: System design and user study, A
* Visual Sentiment Analysis With Social Relations-Guided Multiattention Networks
* Visual Text Generation in the Wild
* VO-LVV: A Novel Urban Regional Living Vegetation Volume Quantitative Estimation Model Based on the Voxel Measurement Method and an Octree Data Structure
Includes: Huang, F.[Fuxiang] Huang, F.[Fay] Huang, F.[Fan] Huang, F. Huang, F.[Fang] Huang, F.[Fangjun] Huang, F.[Fei] Huang, F.[Feng] Huang, F.[Fuyou] Huang, F.[Faming] Huang, F.[Fujue] Huang, F.[Fen] Huang, F.[Feiran] Huang, F.[Feicheng] Huang, F.[Faliang] Huang, F.[Furong] Huang, F.[Farong] Huang, F.[Fuyu] Huang, F.[Fuyi] Huang, F.[Fanghao] Huang, F.[Feini]
152 for Huang, F.

Huang, F.C. Co Author Listing * Animating Lip-Sync Characters With Dominated Animeme Models
* Block-based motion field segmentation for video coding
* High-Performance SIFT Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction
* Image Registration Using Ant Colony and Particle Swarm Hybrid Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
* Modeling graph-structured contexts for image captioning
* Object Detection Using Dual Graph Network
* Spatiotemporal Evolution Pattern and Driving Mechanisms of Landslides in the Wenchuan Earthquake-Affected Region: A Case Study in the Bailong River Basin, China
* Unsupervised Image Matching Based on Manifold Alignment
* Vision Correcting Displays Based on Inverse Blurring and Aberration Compensation
Includes: Huang, F.C. Huang, F.C.[Feng-Chung] Huang, F.C.[Feng-Chen] Huang, F.C.[Fei-Cheng] Huang, F.C.[Feng-Chun] Huang, F.C.[Fu-Chung]
9 for Huang, F.C.

Huang, F.F.[Fang Fang] Co Author Listing * Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODIS Products in Gansu Province, Northwest China
* Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerprint image enhancement
Includes: Huang, F.F.[Fang Fang] Huang, F.F.[Fang-Fang] Huang, F.F.[Fei-Fei]

Huang, F.H.[Fang Hui] Co Author Listing * Aerial-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A UAV-Vehicle Collaboration Perspective
* Automatic building change image quality assessment in high resolution remote sensing based on deep learning
* Automatic extraction of impervious surfaces from high resolution remote sensing images based on deep learning
* Automatic extraction of urban impervious surfaces based on deep learning and multi-source remote sensing data
* BilevelPruning: Unified Dynamic and Static Channel Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Disentangled Differentiable Network Pruning
* Gradient Descent Ascent for Minimax Problems on Riemannian Manifolds
* Hyperspectral remote sensing image change detection based on tensor and deep learning
* Joint Task Offloading, Resource Allocation, and Security Assurance for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled UAV-Assisted VANETs
* Network Pruning via Performance Maximization
* RFID-Integrated Framework for Tag Anti-Collision in UAV-Aided VANETs, A
* Structural Alignment for Network Pruning through Partial Regularization
Includes: Huang, F.H.[Fang Hui] Huang, F.H.[Fang-Hui] Huang, F.H.[Feng-Hua] Huang, F.H.[Fei-Hu]
12 for Huang, F.H.

Huang, F.J.[Fang Jun] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Robust Watermarking Method Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Attack LSB Matching Steganography by Counting Alteration Rate of the Number of Neighbourhood Gray Levels
* CNN-Based Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images
* Digital image forensics of non-uniform deblurring
* Effect of Different Coding Patterns on Compressed Frequency Domain Based Universal JPEG Steganalysis
* Energy-Based Models in Document Recognition and Computer Vision
* hybrid SVD-DCT watermarking method based on LPSNR, A
* Improved Algorithm of Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited Algorithm
* Large-scale Learning with SVM and Convolutional for Generic Object Categorization
* Learning methods for generic object recognition with invariance to pose and lighting
* MaGAT: Mask-Guided Adversarial Training for Defending Face Editing GAN Models From Proactive Defense
* New CNN-Based Predictor for Reversible Data Hiding
* New JPEG Steganographic Scheme with High Security Performance
* Pose Invariant Face Recognition
* Pose-invariant face recognition system and process
* Raindrop Size Distribution Prediction by an Improved Long Short-Term Memory Network
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Combined Predictor and Prediction Error Expansion
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Partitioning the Prediction Values
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Robust Generative Steganography Based on Image Mapping
* Steganalysis of LSB Greedy Embedding Algorithm for JPEG Images using Coefficient Symmetry
* study on security performance of YASS, A
* System and method for triphone-based unit selection for visual speech synthesis
* Universal JPEG steganalysis based on microscopic and macroscopic calibration
* Unsupervised Learning of Invariant Feature Hierarchies with Applications to Object Recognition
* Visual prosody: facial movements accompanying speech
Includes: Huang, F.J.[Fang Jun] Huang, F.J.[Fang-Jun] Huang, F.J. Huang, F.J.[Fu Jie] Huang, F.J.[Fu-Jiang]
26 for Huang, F.J.

Huang, F.K.[Feng Kai] Co Author Listing * Density-Based Flow Mask Integration via Deformable Convolution for Video People Flux Estimation
Includes: Huang, F.K.[Feng Kai] Huang, F.K.[Feng-Kai]

Huang, F.L.[Fa Liang] Co Author Listing * Consistency approximation: Incremental feature selection based on fuzzy rough set theory
* highly efficient framework for outlier detection in urban traffic flow, A
* Polar Transformation on Image Features for Orientation-Invariant Representations
Includes: Huang, F.L.[Fa Liang] Huang, F.L.[Fa-Liang]

Huang, F.M.[Feng Ming] Co Author Listing * Intelligent attack defense scheme based on DQL algorithm in mobile fog computing
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Neighborhood Characteristics of Landslide Spatial Datasets and Hydrological Slope Units Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies
* Regional Terrain Complexity Assessment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Geographic Information System: A Case of Jiangxi Province, China
Includes: Huang, F.M.[Feng Ming] Huang, F.M.[Feng-Ming] Huang, F.M.[Fa-Ming]

Huang, F.P.[Fei Peng] Co Author Listing * Spatial Variations of Late Quaternary Slip Rates along the Ganzi-Xianshuihe Fault Zone in the Eastern Tibet
Includes: Huang, F.P.[Fei Peng] Huang, F.P.[Fei-Peng]

Huang, F.Q.[Fu Qing] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Ionospheric Irregularities and Phase Scintillation at Low and Middle Latitudes Based on Swarm Observations
* Characteristics of Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Ionospheric Irregularities at Mid-Latitudes Revealed by the Total Electron Content Associated With the Beidou Geostationary Satellite
* Effects of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles on Multi-GNSS Signals: A Case Study over South China
* Investigation of Daytime Total Electron Content Enhancements over the Asian-Australian Sector Observed from the Beidou Geostationary Satellite during 2016-2018
Includes: Huang, F.Q.[Fu Qing] Huang, F.Q.[Fu-Qing]

Huang, F.R.[Fei Ran] Co Author Listing * Bi-Directional Spatial-Semantic Attention Networks for Image-Text Matching
* Robust Heterogeneous Model Fitting for Multi-source Image Correspondences
Includes: Huang, F.R.[Fei Ran] Huang, F.R.[Fei-Ran]

Huang, F.S.[Feng Shan] Co Author Listing * Method for Elliptical Light Spot Image Recognization in Vision Coordinate Measuring System, A
Includes: Huang, F.S.[Feng Shan] Huang, F.S.[Feng-Shan]

Huang, F.X.[Fu Xian] Co Author Listing * Adaptive cooperative exploration for reinforcement learning from imperfect demonstrations
* Assessment of FY-3E GNOS II Radio Occultation Data Using an Improved Three-Cornered Hat Method
* Evaluation of Forward Models for GNSS Radio Occultation Data Processing and Assimilation
* FA-RDN: A Hybrid Neural Network on GNSS-R Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval
* FY3E GNOS II GNSS Reflectometry: Mission Review and First Results
* GNOS-II on Fengyun-3 Satellite Series: Exploration of Multi-GNSS Reflection Signals for Operational Applications
* Gradient Harmonization in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Innovative Signal Processing Scheme for Spaceborne Integrated GNSS Remote Sensors, An
* Language Guided Local Infiltration for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Memory-efficient distribution-guided experience sampling for policy consolidation
* Open-World, Diverse, Cross-Spatial-Temporal Benchmark for Dynamic Wild Person Re-Identification, An
* Optimal Projection Guided Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Preliminary Assessment of BDS Radio Occultation Retrieval Quality and Coverage Using FY-3E GNOS II Measurements
* Review of Assimilating Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System Remote Sensing Data for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
* Soil Moisture Retrieval from Multi-GNSS Reflectometry on FY-3E GNOS-II by Land Cover Classification
* Time-frequency fusion learning for photoplethysmography biometric recognition
* Unified curiosity-Driven learning with smoothed intrinsic reward estimation
Includes: Huang, F.X.[Fu Xian] Huang, F.X.[Fu-Xian] Huang, F.X.[Fei-Xiong] Huang, F.X.[Fu-Xiang]
17 for Huang, F.X.

Huang, F.Y.[Fei Yue] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Refinement Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial Semantic Data Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation
* Aggregating Global and Local Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-IDentification
* Aha! Adaptive History-driven Attack for Decision-based Black-box Models
* AIM 2022 Challenge on Super-resolution of Compressed Image and Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* Architecture Disentanglement for Deep Neural Networks
* Ask amp;Confirm: Active Detail Enriching for Cross-Modal Retrieval with Partial Query
* Automatic script identification in the wild
* Black-Box Dissector: Towards Erasing-Based Hard-Label Model Stealing Attack
* Centroid-aware local discriminative metric learning in speaker verification
* Chained-tracker: Chaining Paired Attentive Regression Results for End-to-end Joint Multiple-object Detection and Tracking
* Consistent Instance False Positive Improves Fairness in Face Recognition
* Data-Driven Synthesis of Cartoon Faces Using Different Styles
* DeepFuse: An IMU-Aware Network for Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-View Image
* Delving into Data: Effectively Substitute Training for Black-box Attack
* Device-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Acceleration Method Towards Occluded Face Recognition in High-Traffic Areas
* Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* DSFD: Dual Shot Face Detector
* Dual-stream Framework for 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection, A
* Efficient, Edge-Aware, Combined Color Quantization and Dithering
* Enabling Deep Residual Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* End-to-end Efficient Framework for Remote Physiological Signal Sensing, An
* Exploiting Kernel Sparsity and Entropy for Interpretable CNN Compression
* Exploring the Representativity of Art Paintings
* Face Anti-spoofing via Disentangled Representation Learning
* Fast Class-Wise Updating for Online Hashing
* Fast Monocular Depth Estimation via Side Prediction Aggregation with Continuous Spatial Refinement
* Graph-based High-Order Relation Discovery for Fine-grained Recognition
* Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement
* Improving Face Recognition from Hard Samples via Distribution Distillation Loss
* Infrared dim target detection method based on the fuzzy accurate updating symmetric adaptive resonance theory
* Interpretable Neural Network Decoupling
* Knowing What it is: Semantic-Enhanced Dual Attention Transformer
* Knowledge-Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Learning by Analogy: Reliable Supervision From Transformations for Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation
* Learning Dynamic Alignment via Meta-Filter for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning Salient Boundary Feature for Anchor-free Temporal Action Localization
* Learning Semantic Neural Tree for Human Parsing
* Learning to Aggregate and Personalize 3D Face from In-the-Wild Photo Collection
* Learning to Restore Hazy Video: A New Real-World Dataset and A New Method
* MIGO-NAS: Towards Fast and Generalizable Neural Architecture Search
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* Parallel Detection-and-Segmentation Learning for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* Part-aware Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* PMMN: Pre-Trained Multi-Modal Network for Scene Text Recognition
* Pyramidal Person Re-IDentification via Multi-Loss Dynamic Training
* Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel Estimation and Noise Injection
* Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning
* Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework
* RSTNet: Captioning with Adaptive Attention on Visual and Non-Visual Words
* Semi-Supervised Adversarial Monocular Depth Estimation
* Similarity metric learning for face verification using sigmoid decision function
* Srnet: Improving Generalization in 3d Human Pose Estimation with a Split-and-recombine Approach
* Sscgan: Facial Attribute Editing via Style Skip Connections
* Temporal Distinct Representation Learning for Action Recognition
* Toward Joint Thing-and-Stuff Mining for Weakly Supervised Panoptic Segmentation
* Towards Lightweight Transformer Via Group-Wise Transformation for Vision-and-Language Tasks
* Towards Optimal Structured CNN Pruning via Generative Adversarial Learning
* Transformer-based Dual Relation Graph for Multi-label Image Recognition
* Unveiling the Potential of Structure Preserving for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Viewpoint Insensitive Action Recognition Using Envelop Shape
* Viewpoint Insensitive Posture Representation for Action Recognition
Includes: Huang, F.Y.[Fei Yue] Huang, F.Y.[Fei-Yue] Huang, F.Y.[Fei-Yu] Huang, F.Y.[Fu-Yang] Huang, F.Y.[Feng-Yi] Huang, F.Y.[Fu-Yu]
64 for Huang, F.Y.

Huang, F.Z.[Fu Zhen] Co Author Listing * Deformable pedal curves with application to face contour extraction
* Image Segmentation under Occlusion Using Selective Shape Priors
* Moment-Based Shape Priors for Geometric Active Contours
* Multiphase Segmentation Based on Implicit Active Shape Models
* Multiple face contour detection based on geometric active contours
* Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar: An Innovative Method for Vertical Shift Correction
* SCA-Net: Spatial and channel attention-based network for 3D point clouds
* Spectrum Reconstruction Method for Airborne Temporally-Spatially Modulated Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometers
* survey on end-to-end point cloud learning, A
Includes: Huang, F.Z.[Fu Zhen] Huang, F.Z.[Fu-Zhen] Huang, F.Z.[Feng-Zhuo] Huang, F.Z.[Fang-Zheng] Huang, F.Z.[Feng-Zhen]
9 for Huang, F.Z.

Huang, G.[Gao] Co Author Listing * 3D Object Detection with Pointformer
* 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained Region Growing and Voting Strategies
* Accuracy Evaluation and Analysis of GNSS Tropospheric Delay Inversion from Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Action Machine: Toward Person-Centric Action Recognition in Videos
* ActiveNeRF: Learning Where to See with Uncertainty Estimation
* AdaFocus V2: End-to-End Training of Spatial Dynamic Networks for Video Recognition
* AdaFocusV3: On Unified Spatial-Temporal Dynamic Video Recognition
* Adanat: Exploring Adaptive Policy for Token-based Image Generation
* Adapting Across Domains via Target-Oriented Transferable Semantic Augmentation Under Prototype Constraint
* Adaptive Focus for Efficient Video Recognition
* Adaptive Rotated Convolution for Rotated Object Detection
* Adjacent-Track InSAR Processing for Large-Scale Land Subsidence Monitoring in the Hebei Plain
* Agent Attention: On the Integration of Softmax and Linear Attention
* Application of Fusion with SAR and Optical Images in Land Use Classification Based on SVM
* Application of Improved SIFT Algorithm in High Resolution SAR Image Matching in Mountain Areas, The
* Are We Ready for Vision-Centric Driving Streaming Perception? The ASAP Benchmark
* Attention-Guided Unified Network for Panoptic Segmentation
* AutoLoss-Zero: Searching Loss Functions from Scratch for Generic Tasks
* Bayesian place recognition based on bag of objects for intelligent vehicle localisation
* BDS/GPS/Galileo Precise Point Positioning Performance Analysis of Android Smartphones Based on Real-Time Stream Data
* Benchmarking deep models on retinal fundus disease diagnosis and a large-scale dataset
* BEVFormer v2: Adapting Modern Image Backbones to Bird's-Eye-View Recognition via Perspective Supervision
* Blind Noisy Image Quality Assessment Using Sub-Band Kurtosis
* Block-wise lensless compressive camera
* Borrowing Knowledge From Pre-trained Language Model: A New Data-efficient Visual Learning Paradigm
* Building Footprints Extraction from PolSAR Image Using Multi-Features and Edge Information
* CAFE: Learning to Condense Dataset by Aligning Features
* CCF-GNN: A Unified Model Aggregating Appearance, Microenvironment, and Topology for Pathology Image Classification
* Comparative Study on Removing the Flat-Earth Effect in Airborne InSAR System
* Comparing Object-Based and Pixel-Based Methods for Local Climate Zones Mapping with Multi-Source Data
* CompletionFormer: Depth Completion with Convolutions and Vision Transformers
* CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks
* CondenseNet: An Efficient DenseNet Using Learned Group Convolutions
* Content-Insensitive Blind Image Blurriness Assessment Using Weibull Statistics and Sparse Extreme Learning Machine
* Convolution-Enhanced Evolving Attention Networks
* Convolutional Networks with Dense Connectivity
* Cross-Iteration Batch Normalization
* Cross-modal adapter for vision-language retrieval
* Cross-Mode Knowledge Adaptation for Bike Sharing Demand Prediction Using Domain-Adversarial Graph Neural Networks
* deep image segmentation-based method for stitching ancient-book images without an overlapping region, A
* Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering
* Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
* Deep Residual Correction Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Deep Siamese Networks Based Change Detection with Remote Sensing Images
* DEM Fusion and Its Application in Mapping Topography of Complex Areas
* DenseCLIP: Language-Guided Dense Prediction with Context-Aware Prompting
* Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
* Design and Demonstration of a Novel Long-Range Photon-Counting 3D Imaging LiDAR with 32X32 Transceivers
* Devil Is in the Details: Delving Into Unbiased Data Processing for Human Pose Estimation, The
* Dimension Embeddings for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Dimension Reduction by Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine
* DiSparse: Disentangled Sparsification for Multitask Model Compression
* Domain Invariant and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation
* Drivedreamer: Towards Real-world-drive World Models for Autonomous Driving
* Dyfadet: Dynamic Feature Aggregation for Temporal Action Detection
* Dynamic Neural Networks: A Survey
* Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
* Dynamic Spatial Focus for Efficient Compressed Video Action Recognition
* Dynamical Downscaling of Temperature Variations over the Canadian Prairie Provinces under Climate Change
* Efficient Diffusion Transformer with Step-wise Dynamic Attention Mediators
* EfficientTrain++: Generalized Curriculum Learning for Efficient Visual Backbone Training
* EfficientTrain: Exploring Generalized Curriculum Learning for Training Visual Backbones
* Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical Images, An
* Enhanced Smartphone Indoor Positioning Scheme with Outlier Removal Using Machine Learning, An
* Estimating Fine-Scale Heat Vulnerability in Beijing Through Two Approaches: Spatial Patterns, Similarities, and Divergence
* Estimation of the Antenna Phase Center Correction Model for the BeiDou-3 MEO Satellites
* Estimation of Vertical Phase Center Offset and Phase Center Variations for BDS-3 B1CB2a Signals
* Evaluation of Real-time Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Based on Multi-GNSS OSB Products from CNES
* Explaining Neural Networks Semantically and Quantitatively
* Exploring Task Structure for Brain Tumor Segmentation From Multi-Modality MR Images
* Exploring Text-to-Motion Generation with Human Preference
* Exploring the Equivalence of Siamese Self-Supervised Learning via A Unified Gradient Framework
* Extraction of Topographic Map Elements with SAR Stereoscopic Measurement
* Eye-Safe Aerosol and Cloud Lidar Based on Free-Space Intracavity Upconversion Detection
* FaceCLIP: Facial Image-to-Video Translation via a Brief Text Description
* Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augmentation
* Finite-Time Cooperative Control for Vehicle Platoon With Sliding-Mode Controller and Disturbance Observer
* flare removal network for night vision perception: Resistant to the interference of complex light, A
* FLatten Transformer: Vision Transformer using Focused Linear Attention
* Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-realistic, Better Identity-preserving
* Frequency-Aware Feature Fusion for Dense Image Prediction
* Gait Recognition in the Wild: A Benchmark
* Gated Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Gaze Estimation by Attention-Induced Hierarchical Variational Auto-Encoder
* General Parameterization Scheme for the Estimation of Incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation Under Cloudy Skies, A
* Generalized Domain Conditioned Adaptation Network
* Geological Structure-Guided Initial Model Building for Prestack AVO/AVA Inversion
* Glance and Focus Networks for Dynamic Visual Recognition
* Glyph-BYT5: A Customized Text Encoder for Accurate Visual Text Rendering
* GNSS Real-Time Warning Technology for Expansive Soil Landslide: A Case in Ningming Demonstration Area
* GNSS/Accelerometer Adaptive Coupled Landslide Deformation Monitoring Technology
* GPS/BDS-2/Galileo Precise Point Positioning Ambiguity Resolution Based on the Uncombined Model
* GRA: Detecting Oriented Objects Through Group-wise Rotating and Attention
* Greenspace to Meet People's Demand: A Case Study of Beijing in 2005 and 2015
* GSVA: Generalized Segmentation via Multimodal Large Language Models
* High Resolution InSAR Topographic Mapping Comprehensive Experiment in Hengduan Mountain Area
* How Do Urban Parks Provide Bird Habitats and Birdwatching Service? Evidence from Beijing, China
* Hybrid Differential Algorithm for Image Enhancement, A
* Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
* Improved Adaptive Path Following Control System for Autonomous Vehicle in Different Velocities
* Improved Calibration Method of Interferometric Parameters for Dual-Antenna Airborne InSAR, A
* Improved Techniques for Training Adaptive Deep Networks
* Improving Clear-Sky Solar Power Prediction over China by Assimilating Himawari-8 Aerosol Optical Depth with WRF-Chem-Solar
* Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Attention for Video Action Recognition
* Joint representation learning for text and 3D point cloud
* KNN Based Denoising Algorithm for Photon-Counting LiDAR: Numerical Simulation and Parameter Optimization Design
* Land Subsidence Monitoring In Dezhou City Based on Sbas-insar Technology
* Land Subsidence Monitoring with Multi-track Sar Data
* Latency-Aware Unified Dynamic Networks for Efficient Image Recognition
* Learn From the Past: Experience Ensemble Knowledge Distillation
* Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming
* Learning From Incorrectness: Active Learning With Negative Pre-Training and Curriculum Querying for Histological Tissue Classification
* Learning to Weight Samples for Dynamic Early-Exiting Networks
* Lensless imaging by compressive sensing
* LLAVA-UHD: An LMM Perceiving Any Aspect Ratio and High-resolution Images
* location of mobile logistics is arranged by the method of RFID tag separation, The
* Long-Term Projection of Water Cycle Changes over China Using RegCM
* Mask Grounding for Referring Image Segmentation
* Masked Collaborative Contrast for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Mining And-Or Graphs for Graph Matching and Object Discovery
* Mining Interpretable AOG Representations From Convolutional Networks via Active Question Answering
* Mining Object Parts from CNNs via Active Question-Answering
* Mixdq: Memory-efficient Few-step Text-to-image Diffusion Models with Metric-decoupled Mixed Precision Quantization
* Model-based integration of visual cues for hand tracking
* Monitoring The Surface Subsidence of Handan City Using Sentinel-1a Images and Sbas-insar Technology
* MonoViT: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with a Vision Transformer
* Multi-GNSS Combined Precise Point Positioning Using Additional Observations with Opposite Weight for Real-Time Quality Control
* Multi-Granularity Mutual Learning Network for Object Re-Identification
* Multi-resolution compressive sensing reconstruction
* Multi-Scale Spatial Difference Approach to Estimating Topography Correlated Atmospheric Delay in Radar Interferograms, A
* MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
* Noise analysis for lensless compressive imaging
* Novel Method for Simplifying the Distribution Envelope of Green Tide for Fast Drift Prediction in the Yellow Sea, China, A
* novel reversible data hiding based on adaptive block-partition and payload-allocation method, A
* Novel Ultra-Wideband Double Difference Indoor Positioning Method with Additional Baseline Constraint, A
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* Object-oriented change detection based on weighted polarimetric scattering differences on POLSAR images
* Object-Oriented Classification of Polarimetric SAR Imagery Based on Texture Features
* On a Particular Family of Differential Beamformers With Cardioid-Like and No-Null Patterns
* On the Integration of Self-Attention and Convolution
* On the Use of Cross-Correlation between Volume Scattering and Helix Scattering from Polarimetric SAR Data for the Improvement of Ship Detection
* Optimal Denoising Method for Spaceborne Photon-Counting LiDAR Based on a Multiscale Quadtree, An
* Overlay Cognitive ABCom-NOMA-Based ITS: An In-Depth Secrecy Analysis
* Performance Analysis of Multi-GNSS Real-Time PPP-AR Positioning Considering SSR Delay
* Performance of Multi-GNSS in the Asia-Pacific Region: Signal Quality, Broadcast Ephemeris and Precise Point Positioning (PPP)
* Phase Estimation in Multi-Baseline InSAR through Maximum Likelihood Method
* Phishing Web page detection
* Physics-Constrained Three-Dimensional Swin Transformer for Gravity Data Inversion
* PR-PL: A Novel Prototypical Representation Based Pairwise Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition Using EEG Signals
* Precise Orbit Determination for BeiDou GEO/IGSO Satellites during Orbit Maneuvering with Pseudo-Stochastic Pulses
* Prediction of BeiDou Satellite Orbit Maneuvers to Improve the Reliability of Real-Time Navigation Products
* Prediction of Deformation in Expansive Soil Landslides Utilizing AMPSO-SVR
* Probabilistic Contrastive Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Prompt-Free Diffusion: Taking Text Out of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* Pseudo-Q: Generating Pseudo Language Queries for Visual Grounding
* Q-Compensated Denoising of Seismic Data
* Quaternion-Valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Rapid Estimation of Undifferenced Multi-GNSS Real-Time Satellite Clock Offset Using Partial Observations
* Reasons for East Siberia Winter Snow Water Equivalent Increase in the Recent Decades
* Recovery of Lost Color and Depth Frames in Multiview Videos
* Regularizing Deep Networks With Semantic Data Augmentation
* Research on the Detection Method of Martian Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure Profile Based on Laser Occultation Technology
* Resolution Adaptive Networks for Efficient Inference
* Resource Aware Person Re-identification Across Multiple Resolutions
* Rethinking Inconsistent Context and Imbalanced Regression in Depression Severity Prediction
* Review of Lidar Technology in China's Lunar Exploration Program, A
* Revisiting Non-Autoregressive Transformers for Efficient Image Synthesis
* Robust Dereverberation With Kronecker Product Based Multichannel Linear Prediction
* Robust InSAR Phase Unwrapping Method via Improving the pix2pix Network, A
* SADGFeat: Learning local features with layer spatial attention and domain generalization
* Scattering Networks for Hybrid Representation Learning
* second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised learning, A
* Segment3d: Learning Fine-grained Class-agnostic 3d Segmentation Without Manual Labels
* Self-Supervised Discovering of Interpretable Features for Reinforcement Learning
* Self-Supervised Saliency Estimation for Pixel Embedding in Road Detection
* SePiCo: Semantic-Guided Pixel Contrast for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Shipborne Photon-Counting Lidar for Depth-Resolved Ocean Observation, A
* Siamese DETR
* Siamese Image Modeling for Self-Supervised Vision Representation Learning
* Single Cross-domain Semantic Guidance Network for Multimodal Unsupervised Image Translation
* Slide-Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer with Local Self-Attention
* Sliding Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform
* Smooth Diffusion: Crafting Smooth Latent Spaces in Diffusion Models
* Spatially Adaptive Feature Refinement for Efficient Inference
* Spatially Adaptive Inference with Stochastic Feature Sampling and Interpolation
* Specific Category Region Proposal Network for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* SSBAS-InSAR: A Spatially Constrained Small Baseline Subset InSAR Technique for Refined Time-Series Deformation Monitoring
* Structure-Aware Face Clustering on a Large-Scale Graph with 107 Nodes
* Sub-Nyquist Sampling of Multiple Sinusoids
* Survey of Self-Supervised and Few-Shot Object Detection, A
* Taste Recognition in E-Tongue Using Local Discriminant Preservation Projection
* Temporal-Spatial Causal Interpretations for Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Based on a Kronecker Product Decomposition
* To Inform or to Instruct? An Evaluation of Meaningful Vibrotactile Patterns to Support Automated Vehicle Takeover Performance
* Towards All-in-One Pre-Training via Maximizing Multi-Modal Mutual Information
* Towards Learning Spatially Discriminative Feature Representations
* traffic flow prediction model based on deep belief network and genetic algorithm
* UCT: Learning Unified Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* unified framework for convolution-based graph neural networks, A
* Unsupervised Time-Aware Sampling Network With Deep Reinforcement Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
* Validation and Comparison of Long-Term Accuracy and Stability of Global Reanalysis and Satellite Retrieval AOD
* Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* WebFace260M: A Benchmark for Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition
* WebFace260M: A Benchmark Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition
* WebUAV-3M: A Benchmark for Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep UAV Tracking
* WI-VI fingerprint: WiFi and vision integrated fingerprint for smartphone-based indoor self-localization
* Zero-Shot Generative Model Adaptation via Image-Specific Prompt Learning
Includes: Huang, G.[Gao] Huang, G. Huang, G.[Guanwen] Huang, G.[Guoman] Huang, G.[Guan] Huang, G.[Gang] Huang, G.[Guofu] Huang, G.[Guoan] Huang, G.[Genghua] Huang, G.[Guohe] Huang, G.[Gege] Huang, G.[Ganlin] Huang, G.[Guanhe] Huang, G.[Guo] Huang, G.[Guoheng] Huang, G.[Ge] Huang, G.[Guyue] Huang, G.[Gaopan] Huang, G.[Genyan] Huang, G.[Guowen] Huang, G.[Gaojian] Huang, G.[Guanglin] Huang, G.[Guanlin] Huang, G.[Gan] Huang, G.[Gabriel] Huang, G.[Gengshi] Huang, G.[Gaowa] Huang, G.[Guanjie]
208 for Huang, G.

Huang, G.B.[Guang Bin] Co Author Listing * adaptive graph learning method based on dual data representations for clustering, An
* Autonomous Decentralized Multi-server Framework For Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments, An
* Classifying protein sequences using hydropathy blocks
* Complex-valued growing and pruning RBF neural networks for communication channel equalisation
* Compressed-Domain Ship Detection on Spaceborne Optical Image Using Deep Neural Network and Extreme Learning Machine
* Cryptogram Decoding for OCR Using Numerization Strings
* Deformable and Occluded Object Tracking via Graph Learning
* Dimension Reduction by Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine
* Dimension Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine
* Driver Distraction Detection Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning
* ELM based smile detection using Distance Vector
* Elmnet: Feature learning using extreme learning machines
* Evolutionary extreme learning machine
* Exploiting AIS Data for Intelligent Maritime Navigation: A Comprehensive Survey From Data to Methodology
* fast learning algorithm for multi-layer extreme learning machine, A
* Improving state-of-the-art OCR through high-precision document-specific modeling
* Labeled faces in the wild: A database for studying face recognition in unconstrained environments
* Learning class-specific image transformations with higher-order Boltzmann machines
* Learning hierarchical representations for face verification with convolutional deep belief networks
* LFW Results Using a Combined Nowak Plus MERL Recognizer
* Multi layer multi objective extreme learning machine
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection Algorithm in Urban Environments
* Receding Horizon Cache and Extreme Learning Machine based Reinforcement Learning
* Terrain Modeling Using Machine Learning Methods
* Towards unconstrained face recognition
* Unsupervised Joint Alignment of Complex Images
Includes: Huang, G.B.[Guang Bin] Huang, G.B.[Guang-Bin] Huang, G.B. Huang, G.B.[Gary B.]
26 for Huang, G.B.

Huang, G.C.[Guo Chang] Co Author Listing * Gender Classification Based on Fusion of Multi-view Gait Sequences
* Time Series Remote Sensing Data-Based Identification of the Dominant Factor for Inland Lake Surface Area Change: Anthropogenic Activities or Natural Events?
Includes: Huang, G.C.[Guo Chang] Huang, G.C.[Guo-Chang] Huang, G.C.[Guang-Cai]

Huang, G.F.[Gao Fei] Co Author Listing * Joint Time Switching and Power Allocation for Multicarrier Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks with SWIPT
* Motion vector generation for video coding by gray prediction
Includes: Huang, G.F.[Gao Fei] Huang, G.F.[Gao-Fei] Huang, G.F.

Huang, G.G. Co Author Listing * Micro-Optical Multiwavelet Element for Hybrid Texture Segmentation Processor

Huang, G.H.[Guan Hao] Co Author Listing * 3DCNN-Based Palpation Localization with Temporal Attention Module
* Analysis of Regularized Kantorovich-Rubinstein Metric and Its Application to Inverse Gravity Problems
* Binary invariant cross color descriptor using galaxy sampling
* Black-box reversible adversarial examples with invertible neural network
* CD-SDN: Unsupervised Sensitivity Disparity Networks for Hyper-Spectral Image Change Detection
* Classification of the Complex Agricultural Planting Structure with a Semi-Supervised Extreme Learning Machine Framework
* Comprehensive Assessment and Analysis of the Current Global Aerosol Optical Depth Products
* Cross-modality deep feature learning for brain tumor segmentation
* Deep Learning Application for Classification of Ionospheric Height Profiles Measured by Radio Occultation Technique
* Direct Imaging Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Data without Phase Information, A
* Estimating AVHRR snow cover fraction by coupling physical constraints into a deep learning framework
* Identification and Analysis of Long-Term Land Use and Planting Structure Dynamics in the Lower Yellow River Basin
* MV-CDN: Multi-Visual Collaborative Deep Network for Change Detection of Double-Temporal Hyperspectral Images
* Novel Efficient Method for Land Cover Classification in Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes Using Sentinel Satellite Imagery, A
* On-line video object segmentation using illumination-invariant color-texture feature extraction and marker prediction
* Planimetric Location Method for Laser Footprints of the Chinese Gaofen-7 Satellite Using Laser Spot Center Detection and Image Matching to Stereo Image Product, A
* Point Cloud Plane Segmentation-Based Robust Image Matching for Camera Pose Estimation
* Spatial-Spectral-Environmental Extraction Endmember Algorithm and Application in the MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Retrieval, The
* Uncertainty-Guided Different Levels of Pseudolabels for Semisupervised Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Huang, G.H.[Guan Hao] Huang, G.H.[Guan-Hao] Huang, G.H.[Guang-Hui] Huang, G.H.[Guo-Hao] Huang, G.H.[Guo-Heng] Huang, G.H.[Guan-Hua] Huang, G.H.[Guo-Hai] Huang, G.H.[Guan-Han] Huang, G.H.[Geng-Hua] Huang, G.H.[Guo-Hua]
19 for Huang, G.H.

Huang, G.J.[Guan Jie] Co Author Listing * Hippocampus-heuristic character recognition network for zero-shot learning in Chinese character recognition
* Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation for Online Surveillance Video Synopsis
Includes: Huang, G.J.[Guan Jie] Huang, G.J.[Guan-Jie]

Huang, G.L.[Guang Li] Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey
* CTGAN: Cloud Transformer Generative Adversarial Network
* Feature of Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Trough during Geomagnetic Storms Derived from GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) Data, The
Includes: Huang, G.L.[Guang Li] Huang, G.L.[Guang-Li] Huang, G.L.[Gi-Luen] Huang, G.L.[Guang-Liang]

Huang, G.M.[Guo Ming] Co Author Listing * 3-D Multi-Object Path Planning Method for Electric Vehicle Considering the Energy Consumption and Distance, A
* 3D Gradient Reconstruction-Based Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicle With Enhanced Roll Stability
* Artificial neural network approach to authentication of coins by vision-based minimization
* Attitude-Independent Route Tracking for Subsea Power Cables Using a Scalar Magnetometer under High Sea Conditions
* Combined DEM Extration Method from StereoSAR and InSAR
* DLMPCS-based improved yaw stability control strategy for DDEV
* Eigenvector Constraint-Based Method for Eliminating Dead Zone in Magnetic Target Localization
* Extracting DEM from airborne X-band data based on PolInSAR
* Method of airborne SAR image match integrating multi-information for block adjustment
* Monitoring Land Subsidence in Suzhou City Using D-InSAR Technique
* Multi-photo Combined Adjustment with Airborne SAR Images Based on Ortho-rectification Model
* New Calibration Method of Airborne Interferometric SAR, A
* Overcomplete Blind Source Separation Based on Second Order Statistics
* Parallel Computing Paradigm for Pan-Sharpening Algorithms of Remotely Sensed Images on a Multi-Core Computer, A
* RFM-Based Block Adjustment for Spaceborne Images with Weak Convergent Geometry
* Single-pass Airborne Interferometric Calibration Method Research For DEM Mapping, A
* Spaceborne SAR Imagery Stereo Positioning Based on Range-Coplanarity Equation
* Study on Airborne SAR Image Matching Using Epipolar
* Woodland Extraction from High-Resolution CASMSAR Data Based on Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory Fusion
Includes: Huang, G.M.[Guo Ming] Huang, G.M.[Guo-Ming] Huang, G.M.[Guang-Ming] Huang, G.M. Huang, G.M.[Guo-Man] Huang, G.M.[Gao-Ming]
19 for Huang, G.M.

Huang, G.P.[Guo Peng] Co Author Listing * Adaptive multilayer level set method for segmenting images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Design of Steerable Linear Differential Microphone Arrays With Omnidirectional and Bidirectional Sensors
* Dimensionality Reduction of Room Acoustic Impulse Responses and Applications to System Identification
* Integrating the Eigendecomposition Approach and k-Means Clustering for Inferring Building Functions with Location-Based Social Media Data
* Matching of Artificial Target Points Based on Space Intersection
* Ship Detection Using Texture Statistics from Optical Satellite Images
* Spring Point Detection of High Resolution Image Based on Yolov3
* Temporal stochastic linear encoding networks
Includes: Huang, G.P.[Guo Peng] Huang, G.P.[Guo-Peng] Huang, G.P.[Gong-Ping] Huang, G.P.[Guan-Ping] Huang, G.P.[Gui-Ping] Huang, G.P.[Gao-Pan]
8 for Huang, G.P.

Huang, G.Q. Co Author Listing * Data-Driven Resilient Fleet Management for Cloud Asset-enabled Urban Flood Control
* Efficient Schmidt-EKF for 3D Visual-Inertial SLAM, An
* LidarGait: Benchmarking 3D Gait Recognition with Point Clouds
* Novel Microwave Temperature Vegetation Drought Index (MTVDI) Captures Canopy Seasonality across Amazonian Tropical Evergreen Forests, The
* Reshaping Hyperspectral Data into a Two-Dimensional Image for a CNN Model to Classify Plant Species from Reflectance
* Symmetry and Uncertainty-Aware Object SLAM for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
Includes: Huang, G.Q. Huang, G.Q.[Guo-Quan] Huang, G.Q.[George Q.] Huang, G.Q.[Guang-Qing]

Huang, G.S.[Geng Shi] Co Author Listing * X-Learner: Learning Cross Sources and Tasks for Universal Visual Representation
Includes: Huang, G.S.[Geng Shi] Huang, G.S.[Geng-Shi]

Huang, G.T.[Guang Tan] Co Author Listing * Accelerated Signal-and-Noise Orthogonalization
* Dynamic Characterization of Reservoirs Constrained by Time-Lapse Prestack Seismic Inversion
* Mesoscopic Wave-Induced Fluid Flow Effect Extraction by Using Frequency-Dependent Prestack Waveform Inversion
* P-P and Dynamic Time Warped P-SV Wave AVA Joint-Inversion With l1-2 Regularization
* Prestack Waveform Inversion by Using an Optimized Linear Inversion Scheme
* Registration-Free Multicomponent Joint AVA Inversion Using Optimal Transport
* Robust Nonstationary Local Slope Estimation
* Statistics-Guided Dictionary Learning for Automatic Coherent Noise Suppression
* Time-Lapse Seismic Difference-and-Joint Prestack AVA Inversion
Includes: Huang, G.T.[Guang Tan] Huang, G.T.[Guang-Tan]
9 for Huang, G.T.

Huang, G.W.[Guan Wen] Co Author Listing * Advantages of Uncombined Precise Point Positioning with Fixed Ambiguity Resolution for Slant Total Electron Content (STEC) and Differential Code Bias (DCB) Estimation
* Analysis of the Characteristics of Climate Change in the Ecologically Vulnerable Area of the Mu Us Dune Field under the Background of Global Warming
* BDS Orbit Maneuver Detection Based on Epoch-Updated Orbits Estimated by SRIF
* Improved Carrier-Smoothing Code Algorithm for BDS Satellites with SICB, An
* Improved Predicted Model for BDS Ultra-Rapid Satellite Clock Offsets, An
* Mitigation of Short-Term Temporal Variations of Receiver Code Bias to Achieve Increased Success Rate of Ambiguity Resolution in PPP
* Priori Solar Radiation Pressure Model for BeiDou-3 MEO Satellites, A
* Weighted Mean Temperature Model with Nonlinear Elevation Correction Using China as an Example, A
Includes: Huang, G.W.[Guan Wen] Huang, G.W.[Guan-Wen] Huang, G.W.[Gong-Wen]
8 for Huang, G.W.

Huang, G.X.[Guo Xin] Co Author Listing * Accurate Spatial Positioning of Target Based on the Fusion of Uncalibrated Image and GNSS
* Airport small object detection based on feature enhancement
* BQN: Busy-Quiet Net Enabled by Motion Band-Pass Module for Action Recognition
* Busy-Quiet Video Disentangling for Video Classification
* Diffusion Augmentation and Pose Generation Based Pre-Training Method for Robust Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Improved interview video error concealment on whole frame packet loss
* Layered Rendering Diffusion Model for Controllable Zero-Shot Image Synthesis
* Region-based Non-local Operation for Video Classification
* Text-augmented Multi-Modality contrastive learning for unsupervised visible-infrared person re-identification
* Two-class support vector data description
* Weakly Supervised Patch Label Inference Networks for Efficient Pavement Distress Detection and Recognition in the Wild
Includes: Huang, G.X.[Guo Xin] Huang, G.X.[Guo-Xin] Huang, G.X.[Guo-Xi] Huang, G.X.[Gui-Xiang] Huang, G.X.[Guang-Xin] Huang, G.X.[Gui-Xin]
11 for Huang, G.X.

Huang, G.Y.[Gen Yan] Co Author Listing * High Visual Quality Color Image Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on B-R-G Embedding Principle and CIEDE2000 Assessment Metric, A
* Interpretable Heterogeneous Teacher-Student Learning Framework for Hybrid-Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection
* Visual-Textual Attribute Learning for Class-Incremental Facial Expression Recognition
Includes: Huang, G.Y.[Gen Yan] Huang, G.Y.[Gen-Yan] Huang, G.Y.[Guang-Yu]

Huang, G.Z.[Guang Zao] Co Author Listing * Feature selection by maximizing correlation information for integrated high-dimensional protein data
* Remote Sensing-Based Approach for the Assessing of Ecological Environmental Quality Variations Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in the Qilian Mountains, Northwest China
Includes: Huang, G.Z.[Guang Zao] Huang, G.Z.[Guang-Zao] Huang, G.Z.[Guo-Zhu]

Huang, H.[Han] Co Author Listing * 2nd 106-point Lightweight Facial Landmark Localization Grand Challenge, The
* 3D APA-Net: 3D Adversarial Pyramid Anisotropic Convolutional Network for Prostate Segmentation in MR Images
* 3D Point Cloud Completion with Geometric-Aware Adversarial Augmentation
* 3D Recurrent Neural Networks with Context Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 3D-MetaConNet: Meta-learning for 3D Shape Classification and Segmentation
* Adaptive Cloud-to-Cloud (AC2C) Comparison Method for Photogrammetric Point Cloud Error Estimation Considering Theoretical Error Space
* Adaptive Dimension-Discriminative Low-Rank Tensor Recovery for Computational Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive Early Jump-Out Technique for Fast Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Adaptive Hierarchical Similarity Metric Learning With Noisy Labels
* Adaptive Sample Assignment Network for Tiny Object Detection, An
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Scene Graph Parsing by Learning to Contrast and Score
* Adversarial Attack on Deep Cross-Modal Hamming Retrieval
* Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification
* Affine SKIP and DIRECT modes for efficient video coding
* AMPFLUID: Aggregation Magnified Post-Assay Fluorescence for Ultrasensitive Immunodetection on Digital Microfluidics
* Analysis of Cones within the Tianwen-1 Landing Area, The
* Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Its Influencing Factors of Warehouse Supermarkets in Liaoning Province
* ARO-Net: Learning Implicit Fields from Anchored Radial Observations
* Artistic preprocessing for painterly rendering and image stylization
* Assimilating Soil Moisture Retrieved from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model to Improve Winter Wheat Yield Estimation
* Audio-visual deepfake detection using articulatory representation learning
* Auto- Train-Once: Controller Network Guided Automatic Network Pruning from Scratch
* Automated Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration by Jointly Optimizing Network Architectures and Objective Functions
* Automatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Surfaces
* Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical Satellite Images by R3Det with Piecewise Linear Stretching
* Automatic High-Resolution Land Cover Production in Madagascar Using Sentinel-2 Time Series, Tile-Based Image Classification and Google Earth Engine
* Automatic Plankton Image Recognition
* Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and Geometric Path Optimization
* Balanced Multiwavelets Based Digital Image Watermarking
* Balanced Self-Paced Learning for Generative Adversarial Clustering Network
* Bayesian Estimation Approach to Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Face Images, A
* Bayesian Federated Learning Framework With Online Laplace Approximation, A
* Bayesian Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm for C-Band Polarimetric Radar, A
* Bayesian Posterior-Based Winter Wheat Yield Estimation at the Field Scale through Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model
* BI-AVAN: A Brain-Inspired Adversarial Visual Attention Network for Characterizing Human Visual Attention From Neural Activity
* BilevelPruning: Unified Dynamic and Static Channel Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Binarized Neural Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Binocular spatial activity and reverse saliency driven no-reference stereopair quality assessment
* Biological Knowledge Guided Deep Neural Network for Brain Genotype-phenotype Association Study
* Biomass Burning in Northeast China over Two Decades: Temporal Trends and Geographic Patterns
* Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
* Blind image blur metric based on orientation-aware local patterns
* Blind Image Clustering for Camera Source Identification via Row-Sparsity Optimization
* Blind image quality assessment by relative gradient statistics and adaboosting neural network
* Blind S3D image quality prediction using classical and non-classical receptive field models
* Block Partitioning Structure in the VVC Standard
* BPR: Blockchain-Enabled Efficient and Secure Parking Reservation Framework With Block Size Dynamic Adjustment Method
* Bundled Kernels for Nonuniform Blind Video Deblurring
* Camera spectral sensitivity, illumination and spectral reflectance estimation for a hybrid hyperspectral image capture system
* Cancer diagnosis by nuclear morphometry using spatial information
* CANet: Co-attention network for RGB-D semantic segmentation
* Canopy Height Integration for Precise Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Natural Secondary Forests of Northeast China Using Gaofen-7 Stereo Satellite Data
* Capturing, Reconstructing, and Simulating: The UrbanScene3D Dataset
* Cascaded Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Causality-Invariant Interactive Mining for Cross-Modal Similarity Learning
* Circa 2010 Thirty Meter Resolution Forest Map for China, A
* Classifying Stages of Mild Cognitive Impairment via Augmented Graph Embedding
* CloSET: Modeling Clothed Humans on Continuous Surface with Explicit Template Decomposition
* Closing the Generalization Gap of Cross-Silo Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* CNN- and Self-Attention-Based Maize Growth Stage Recognition Method and Platform from UAV Orthophoto Images, A
* CNN-Based Intra-Prediction for Lossless HEVC
* CNN-LSTM Model for Soil Organic Carbon Content Prediction with Long Time Series of MODIS-Based Phenological Variables, A
* Coastal Wetland Mapping with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery Based on Gravitational Optimized Multilayer Perceptron and Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Coded Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using Deep External and Internal Learning
* Combing Triple-Part Features of Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Classification in Remote Sensing
* Combining Deep Learning with Single-Spectrum UV Imaging for Rapid Detection of HNSs Spills
* common self-polar triangle of separate circles: Properties and applications to camera calibration, The
* Comparative Analysis of the Distributions of KFC and McDonald's Outlets in China, A
* Comparing Different Light Use Efficiency Models to Estimate the Gross Primary Productivity of a Cork Oak Plantation in Northern China
* Comparison of Training Strategies for Convnets On Multiple Similar Datasets for Facade Segmentation
* Comparison of Two Open Source LiDAR Surface Classification Algorithms, A
* Computational Hyperspectral Imaging Based on Dimension-Discriminative Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Concept-Enhanced Relation Network for Video Visual Relation Inference
* Context Enhanced Graphical Model for Object Localization in Medical Images
* Continuous-Time Object Segmentation Using High Temporal Resolution Event Camera
* Contrastive Pedestrian Attentive and Correlation Learning Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Control-Point Representation and Differential Coding Affine-Motion Compensation
* Convolutional neural network with adaptive inferential framework for skeleton-based action recognition
* Cooperation or Competition: Avoiding Player Domination for Multi-Target Robustness via Adaptive Budgets
* CORDIC Based Fast Radix-2 DCT Algorithm
* CPROS: A Multimodal Decision-Level Fusion Detection Method Based on Category Probability Sets
* Cross Domain Model Compression by Structurally Weight Sharing
* CSIR: Cascaded Sliding CVAEs With Iterative Socially-Aware Rethinking for Trajectory Prediction
* CSR: Cascade Conditional Variational Auto Encoder with Socially-aware Regression for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Customized meta-dataset for automatic classifier accuracy evaluation
* Data Modeling and Optimization for Wireless Drive-Through Applications
* Debris-Flow Susceptibility Assessment in China: A Comparison between Traditional Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
* Decompose to Adapt: Cross-Domain Object Detection Via Feature Disentanglement
* Deep Clustering via Joint Convolutional Autoencoder Embedding and Relative Entropy Minimization
* Deep Convolution Modulation for Image Super-Resolution
* Deep federated learning hybrid optimization model based on encrypted aligned data
* Deep Two-Stream Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation
* Deformable One-Shot Face Stylization via DINO Semantic Guidance
* Depth-Aware Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation With Multi-Scale Waterfall Representations
* Design and Implementation of a Mobile Context-aware Model of Traditional Chinese Medical Health Preserving Based on Ontology
* Design of Ultra Wide Band System Based on Multistage Digital Beam Forming
* Developing a Dual-Stream Deep-Learning Neural Network Model for Improving County-Level Winter Wheat Yield Estimates in China
* Device-Wise Federated Network Pruning
* Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Extremely Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* differentiated decision-making algorithm for automated vehicles based on pedestrian feature estimation, A
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image Using Spatial-Spectral Regularized Sparse Hypergraph Embedding
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Spatial-Spectral Manifold Learning
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images Based on Sparse Discriminant Manifold Embedding
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images With Sparse Discriminant Embedding
* Direct Shape Regression Networks for End-to-End Face Alignment
* Discrete Model Compression With Resource Constraint for Deep Neural Networks
* Discriminative high order SVD: Adaptive tensor subspace selection for image classification, clustering, and retrieval
* Disentangled Differentiable Network Pruning
* Disentangled Image Matting
* Distribution and Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes in Greenland during the 2016-2018 Melt Seasons
* DNU: Deep Non-Local Unrolling for Computational Spectral Imaging
* DSNet: A Dual-Stream Framework for Weakly-Supervised Gigapixel Pathology Image Analysis
* Dual Contrast-Driven Deep Multi-View Clustering
* Dual-Guided Frequency Prototype Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Dual-Stage Domain Adaptive Mitosis Detection for Histopathology Images
* Dyadic transfer learning for cross-domain image classification
* Dynamics and Microphysical Characteristics of the Convection Producing the Record-Breaking Hourly Precipitation on 20 July 2021 in Zhengzhou, China, The
* Early Crop Mapping Using Dynamic Ecoregion Clustering: A USA-Wide Study
* Edge Devices Clustering for Federated Visual Classification: A Feature Norm Based Framework
* Edge-guided depth map enhancement
* EEG Microstates and fNIRS Metrics Reveal the Spatiotemporal Joint Neural Processing Features of Human Emotions
* Effective Fusion of Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Data in a Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Labeling
* Efficient Decision-based Black-box Patch Attacks on Video Recognition
* Efficient Lane-Level Map Building via Vehicle-Based Crowdsourcing
* Efficient Registration of 3D SPHARM Surfaces
* Efficient Task-Specific Feature Re-Fusion for More Accurate Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Efficient Tiny Feature Map Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation, An
* Embedded Hamiltonian Graph-Guided Heuristic Algorithm for Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem, An
* Embedding shared low-rank and feature correlation for multi-view data analysis
* EmoGen: Emotional Image Content Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
* EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Attributes
* Encoding Shaky Videos by Integrating Efficient Video Stabilization
* Enhanced NSGA-II for Solving Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem With Stochastic Arrival Times, An
* Evaluating Autonomous Vehicle Safety Performance Through Analysis of Pre-Crash Trajectories of Powered Two-Wheelers
* Evaluating Three Interface Technologies In Assisting Pedestrians' Spatial Knowledge Acquisition
* Example-based contrast enhancement by gradient mapping
* Example-based painting guided by color features
* Expanding Training Data for Facial Image Super-Resolution
* Exploration and Estimation for Model Compression
* Extraction of 3D Unfoliaged Trees from Image Sequences Via a Generative Statistical Approach
* Extraction of Citrus Trees from UAV Remote Sensing Imagery Using YOLOv5s and Coordinate Transformation
* Face and hand gesture recognition using hybrid classifiers
* Face image super resolution by linear transformation
* Facial expression morphing and animation with local warping methods
* FairCLIP: Harnessing Fairness in Vision-Language Learning
* Fairdomain: Achieving Fairness in Cross-domain Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
* Fast and robust approaches for lane detection using multi-camera fusion in complex scenes
* Fast bottom-up pruning for HEVC intraframe coding
* Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban Scenes
* Fast Facial Image Super-Resolution via Local Linear Transformations for Resource-Limited Applications
* Fast HSI super resolution using linear regression
* Fast Parallel Implementation of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Feature selection-based approach for urban short-term travel speed prediction
* FedMef: Towards Memory-Efficient Federated Dynamic Pruning
* Few-shot Class Incremental Learning with Attention-aware Self-adaptive Prompt
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Compact and Separable Features for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Fine-Grained Predicates Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* Fixed Pattern Noise Removal Based on a Semi-Calibration Method
* Floating Xylene Spill Segmentation from Ultraviolet Images via Target Enhancement
* Floorplan generation from 3D point clouds: A space partitioning approach
* Forest Canopy Height Extraction in Rugged Areas With ICESat/GLAS Data
* Frequent Unscheduled Updates of the National Base Map Using the Land-Based Mobile Mapping System
* FRI-NET: Floorplan Reconstruction via Room-wise Implicit Representation
* From Global to Local: Multi-Scale Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Full-Reference Stability Assessment of Digital Video Stabilization Based on Riemannian Metric
* Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
* Fusion of Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Extraction in Very High-Resolution Images
* Fusion Temporal Color Constancy
* Fusion Temporal Color Constancy
* Future Feature-Based Supervised Contrastive Learning for Streaming Perception
* Future Millimeter-Wave Indoor Systems: A Blueprint for Joint Communication and Sensing
* Generalized Image Scene Decomposition-Based System for Supervised Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Generating 3d House Wireframes with Semantics
* Generating Non-Stationary Textures Using Self-Rectification
* Generative Dual Adversarial Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* generative statistical approach to automatic 3D building roof reconstruction from laser scanning data, A
* Geodesic Video Stabilization in Transformation Space
* Geomagnetic Field-based Indoor Positioning Using Back-propagation Neural Networks
* Geometric-relational Deep Learning Framework for BIM Object Classification, A
* GhostingNet: A Novel Approach for Glass Surface Detection with Ghosting Cues
* Global Approach to Fast Video Stabilization, A
* Global Topology Constraint Network for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Graph Similarity-Based Maximum Stable Subgraph Extraction of Information Topology From a Vehicular Network
* Grassland Aboveground Biomass Estimation through Assimilating Remote Sensing Data into a Grass Simulation Model
* Green Spaces as an Indicator of Urban Health: Evaluating Its Changes in 28 Mega-Cities
* Harbor Aquaculture Area Extraction Aided with an Integration-Enhanced Gradient Descent Algorithm
* Harmonized Approach: Beyond-the-Limit Control for Autonomous Vehicles Balancing Performance and Safety in Unpredictable Environments, A
* Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and Applications to Medical Image Analysis
* HEp-2 specimen classification via deep CNNs and pattern histogram
* Heterogeneous image feature integration via multi-modal spectral clustering
* Heterogeneous Image Features Integration via Multi-modal Semi-supervised Learning Model
* Heterogeneous Memory Enhanced Multimodal Attention Model for Video Question Answering
* Heterogeneous Visual Features Fusion via Sparse Multimodal Machine
* Hierarchic Temporal Convolutional Network With Cross-Domain Encoder for Music Source Separation
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recommendation
* Hierarchical Image Matting Model for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Images, A
* Hierarchical Scheme for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition From Frontal Images of Vehicles, A
* High Precision Texture Reconstruction For 3d Sculpture Model
* High-quality retinal vessel segmentation using generative adversarial network with a large receptive field
* High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference
* High-Speed Hyperspectral Video Acquisition By Combining Nyquist and Compressive Sampling
* Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dimension Reduction of Fisher Vectors
* Human-Centered Evaluation of EMG-Based Upper-Limb Prosthetic Control Modes
* Hybrid Method to Estimate Specific Differential Phase and Rainfall With Linear Programming and Physics Constraints, A
* hybrid parallel projection approach to object-based image restoration, A
* Hybrid Visual Servoing Control for Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems With Multiple Cameras
* HyperReconNet: Joint Coded Aperture Optimization and Image Reconstruction for Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Hyperspectral band selection using crossover-based gravitational search algorithm
* Hyperspectral image classification with token fusion on GPU
* Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using a Deep Spatial-Spectral Prior
* Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using Deep External and Internal Learning
* Hyperspectral image super-resolution under misaligned hybrid camera system
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With a Mosaic RGB Image
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With Optimized RGB Guidance
* Ice Identification with Error-Accumulation Enhanced Neural Dynamics in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring
* iCushion: A Pressure Map Algorithm for High Accuracy Human Identification
* Identification and Analysis of Gas-Related Volcanic Features within Chang'e-5 Landing Region, The
* Image annotation using bi-relational graph of images and semantic labels
* Image annotation using multi-label correlated Green's function
* Image Categorization Using Directed Graphs
* Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior
* Image Quality Assessment Using Directional Anisotropy Structure Measurement
* Image Stitching With Manifold Optimization
* Impact of Land Use Change on Carbon Storage in Complex Terrains: A Case Study of Sichuan-Chongqing, China
* Improved Approach of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation by Jointly Assimilating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index and Soil Moisture into the WOFOST Model, An
* Improved Cascade R-CNN-Based Target Detection Algorithm for UAV Aerial Images, An
* Improved Salient Feature-Based Approach for Automatically Separating Photosynthetic and Nonphotosynthetic Components Within Terrestrial Lidar Point Cloud Data of Forest Canopies
* Improved Super-Resolution with Manifold Learning and Histogram Matching, An
* Improved Winter Wheat Yield Estimation by Combining Remote Sensing Data, Machine Learning, and Phenological Metrics
* Improving Time-Efficiency of Variational Specific Differential Phase Estimation
* IMU-Assisted Accurate Blur Kernel Re-Estimation in Non-Uniform Camera Shake Deblurring
* IMU-Assisted Online Video Background Identification
* In-Situ Dynamic Modulus Prediction for Asphalt Pavement Combining Machine Learning Algorithm and Sensing Technology
* In-Situ Modulus Determination Using Dispersion Curves Developed From the Deflection-Time History Data
* In2SET: Intra-Inter Similarity Exploiting Transformer for Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Incorporating Load Balancing Spatial Analysis into XML-Based Webgis
* Incremental Learning Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Indirect Range-Doppler Algorithm for Multireceiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar Based on Lagrange Inversion Theorem, An
* Integrating physical model and image simulations to correct topographic effects on surface reflectance
* Intent-aware image cloning
* Interfusion: Text-driven Generation of 3d Human-object Interaction
* Interleaving One-class and Weakly-supervised Models with Adaptive Thresholding for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories
* Interpretations Steered Network Pruning via Amortized Inferred Saliency Maps
* Intersec2vec-TSC: Intersection Representation Learning for Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control
* Inverse-Occurrence Sampling Approach for Urban Flood Susceptibility Mapping, An
* Investigating the Spatiotemporal Relationship between the Built Environment and COVID-19 Transmission
* Ionospheric Plasma Perturbations before a Sequence of Strong Earthquakes in Southeast Asia and Northern Oceania in 2018, The
* Joint Camera Spectral Response Selection and Hyperspectral Image Recovery
* Joint Camera Spectral Sensitivity Selection and Hyperspectral Image Recovery
* Joint Multi-Modal Longitudinal Regression and Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
* Joint-Wise Temporal Self-Similarity Periodic Selection Network for Repetitive Fitness Action Counting
* Jointly Training and Pruning CNNs via Learnable Agent Guidance and Alignment
* Land-cover Classification Using Radarsat and Landsat Imagery for St. Louis, Missouri
* Laplacian Operator Based Level Set Segmentation Algorithm for Medical Images
* Large Kernel Refine Fusion Net for Neuron Membrane Segmentation
* Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Image Classification
* Large-Scale Frontal Vehicle Image Dataset for Fine-Grained Vehicle Categorization, A
* Large-Scale Nonlinear AUC Maximization via Triply Stochastic Gradients
* Layer Removal Scheme for Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Data in Coastal Regions, A
* Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising: A Data Perspective
* Learning a convolutional neural network for propagation-based stereo image segmentation
* Learning a Discriminative Distance Metric With Label Consistency for Scene Classification
* Learning Better Visual Data Similarities via New Grouplet Non-Euclidean Embedding
* Learning Deformable Image Registration From Optimization: Perspective, Modules, Bilevel Training and Beyond
* Learning multi-scale synergic discriminative features for prostate image segmentation
* Learning Tensor Low-Rank Prior for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* Learning to Detect Head Movement in Unconstrained Remote Gaze Estimation in the Wild
* Learning to learn point signature for 3D shape geometry
* Learning with Diversity: Self-Expanded Equalization for Better Generalized Deep Metric Learning
* Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven Approximation in Thoracic FDG PET-CT Images of NSCLC Studies
* Light field image coding with hybrid scan order
* LightTrack: A Generic Framework for Online Top-Down Human Pose Tracking
* Lightweight Dual-Branch Swin Transfomrer for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Links between Canopy Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Gross Primary Production Responses to Meteorological Factors in the Growing Season in Deciduous Broadleaf Forest, The
* Local Constraint-Based Sparse Manifold Hypergraph Learning for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image
* Local Geometric Structure Feature for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Local Linear Spatial-Spectral Probabilistic Distribution for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Local Manifold-Based Sparse Discriminant Learning for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image
* Locally-Transferred Fisher Vectors for Texture Classification
* LOD3 Building Reconstruction From Multi-source Images
* Loop Closure Detection by Using Global and Local Features With Photometric and Viewpoint Invariance
* Low CP Rank and Tucker Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Components in Image Data
* Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microscopy Image Classification
* Low-Visibility Vehicle-Road Environment Perception Based on the Multi-Modal Visual Features Fusion of Polarization and Infrared
* LRAGE: Learning Latent Relationships With Adaptive Graph Embedding for Aerial Scene Classification
* LSRML: A latent space regularization based meta-learning framework for MR image segmentation
* Mahalanobis Distance-based Multi-view Optimal Transport for Multi-view Crowd Localization
* Mangrove Biodiversity Assessment Using UAV Lidar and Hyperspectral Data in China's Pinglu Canal Estuary
* Manifold Adversarial Learning for Cross-Domain 3D Shape Representation
* Manifold-Based Multi-Deep Belief Network for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image
* Mapping of Coastal Cities Using Optimized Spectral-Spatial Features Based Multi-Scale Superpixel Classification
* Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data
* Mask RCNN algorithm for nuclei detection on breast cancer histopathological images
* Masked Spectral Bands Modeling with Shifted Windows: An Excellent Self-Supervised Learner for Classification of Medical Hyperspectral Images
* ME-Net: Multi-encoder net framework for brain tumor segmentation
* Medical image fusion using Transfer Learning and L-BFGS optimization algorithm
* Meta-DET3D: Learn to Learn Few-Shot 3D Object Detection
* Microphysical Characteristics of Melting Layers in North China Revealed by Aircraft and Radar
* Microphysical Characteristics of Three Convective Events with Intense Rainfall Observed by Polarimetric Radar and Disdrometer in Eastern China
* Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice, A
* Mixture of Efficient Diffusion Experts Through Automatic Interval and Sub-network Selection
* Modeling Task fMRI Data Via Deep Convolutional Autoencoder
* Monitoring Thermal Exchange of Hot Water Mass via Underwater Acoustic Tomography with Inversion and Optimization Method
* Motion compensated prediction using partial mesh generation
* MTLMetro: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Model for Metro Passenger Demands Prediction
* Multi-Feature Manifold Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multi-image encryption and authentication using computational ghost imaging and singular value decomposition
* Multi-label Feature Transform for Image Classifications
* Multi-label Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Multi-label ReliefF and F-statistic feature selections for image annotation
* Multi-Modal Feature Pyramid Transformer for RGB-Infrared Object Detection
* Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing Competition, The
* Multi-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images With Double Horizontal Rectangles
* Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells
* Multi-resolution Fusion Model Incorporating Color And Elevation For Semantic Segmentation, A
* Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Scale Fusion Subspace Clustering Using Similarity Constraint
* Multi-Scale Guided Mask Refinement for Coarse-to-Fine RGB-D Perception
* Multi-view Subspace Clustering
* Multimodal multiscale dynamic graph convolution networks for stock price prediction
* Multimodal Neuroimaging Predictors for Cognitive Performance Using Structured Sparse Learning
* Multimodal Route Planning With Public Transport and Carpooling
* Multiple Feature Domains Information Fusion for Computer-Aided Clinical Electromyography
* Multiple Mice Tracking: Occlusions Disentanglement using a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Nearest Neighbor Matching for Deep Clustering
* Neighbor embedding based super-resolution algorithm through edge detection and feature selection
* Nesting-structured nuclear norm minimization for spatially correlated matrix variate
* Network Pruning via Performance Maximization
* Neural image re-exposure
* Neural Reconstruction of Relightable Human Model from Monocular Video
* Neural Texture Synthesis with Guided Correspondence
* New Graph Structured Sparsity Model for Multi-label Image Annotations
* New Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT, A
* New Threshold-Based Method for Extracting Canopy Temperature from Thermal Infrared Images of Cork Oak Plantations, A
* Newly Developed Safety-Critical Computer System for China Metro, A
* No-reference image quality assessment based on spatial and spectral entropies
* No-reference image quality assessment in curvelet domain
* Noise Is Also Useful: Negative Correlation-Steered Latent Contrastive Learning
* Non-Greedy L21-Norm Maximization for Principal Component Analysis
* Non-Rigid Multiple Point Set Registration Using Latent Gaussian Mixture
* Non-Serial Quantization-Aware Deep Optics for Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging
* Nonlocal convolutional block attention module VNet for gliomas automatic segmentation
* Novel Channel Errors Calibration Algorithm for Multichannel High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imaging, A
* Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images
* Novel Method of Binaural Sound Localization Based on Dominant Frequency Separation, A
* novel soybean mapping index within the global optimal time window, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Object localization in medical images based on graphical model with contrast and interest-region terms
* Obtaining Land Cover Type for Urban Storm Flood Model in UAV Images Using MRF and MKFCM Clustering Techniques
* Occlusion-Aware Real-Time Object Tracking
* On the Acceleration of Deep Learning Model Parallelism With Staleness
* Optimal Deployment of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Dedicated Lanes: A Trade-Off Between Safety and Efficiency
* Optimized Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis (ONDA) for Supervised Pixel Classification
* OrtDet: An Orientation Robust Detector via Transformer for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Orthogonal 4-tap integer multiwavelet transforms using matrix factorization
* OUR-Net: A Multi-Frequency Network With Octave Max Unpooling and Octave Convolution Residual Block for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* P-MVSNet: Learning Patch-Wise Matching Confidence Aggregation for Multi-View Stereo
* PAF-Net: A Progressive and Adaptive Fusion Network for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* Painterly rendering with content-dependent natural paint strokes
* Palm vein recognition scheme based on an adaptive Gabor filter
* Panoptic Feature Fusion Net: A Novel Instance Segmentation Paradigm for Biomedical and Biological Images
* Patch-based locality-enhanced collaborative representation for face recognition
* Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
* PCT: A technique to probe cluster terrain
* PD-LL-Transformer: An Hourly PM2.5 Forecasting Method over the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* PDAM: A Panoptic-Level Feature Alignment Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Physics-Based Noise Formation Model for Extreme Low-Light Raw Denoising, A
* Pixel-Level Discrete Multiobjective Sampling for Image Matting
* Possible Seismo-Ionospheric Perturbations Recorded by the China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, The
* Pre-Attention and Spatial Dependency Driven No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Prediction of Winter Wheat Maturity Dates through Assimilating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index into Crop Growth Model
* Privacy-Aware Design and Analysis of Drone Remote Identification Systems
* Probabilistic Contour Extraction Using Hierarchical Shape Representation
* Probabilistic Time of Arrival Localization
* Prompting Language-informed Distribution for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* Pseudo-Labeling and Meta Reweighting Learning for Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* Public Curb Parking Demand Estimation With POI Distribution
* PVN3D: A Deep Point-Wise 3D Keypoints Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* Quantization-aware Deep Optics for Diffractive Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging
* quantum-inspired noise reduction method based on noise feature codebook, A
* Radiometric Sensitivity and Signal Detectability of Ocean Color Satellite Sensor Under High Solar Zenith Angles
* Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A fusion-and-fit approach with deep learning residual constraint
* Recover Fair Deep Classification Models via Altering Pre-trained Structure
* Regional Variability in Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Features with Lightning across China: Observations from GPM
* Reliable Vision-Based Grasping Target Recognition for Upper Limb Prostheses
* Relief Supply-Demand Estimation Based on Social Media in Typhoon Disasters Using Deep Learning and a Spatial Information Diffusion Model
* Research on Extension of SPARQL Ontology Query Language Considering the Computation of Indoor Spatial Relations
* Revealing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Patterns of Urban Travel: A Large-Scale Analysis and Visualization Study with Taxi GPS Data
* Revisiting Adaptive Cellular Recognition Under Domain Shifts: A Contextual Correspondence View
* RGB-D Co-Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Robust and discriminative distance for Multi-Instance Learning
* robust and efficient method for license plate recognition, A
* Robust Extraction and Super-Resolution of Low-Resolution Flying Airplane From Satellite Video
* Robust Image Restoration with an Adaptive Huber Function Based Fidelity
* Robust tensor factorization using R1 norm
* RSCM: Region Selection and Concurrency Model for Multi-Class Weather Recognition
* SAM-ResNet50: A Deep Learning Model for the Identification and Classification of Drought Stress in the Seedling Stage of Betula luminifera
* Scaling Up Generalized Kernel Methods
* Seasonal Land Cover Dynamics in Beijing Derived from Landsat 8 Data Using a Spatio-Temporal Contextual Approach
* Seeing Unseen: Discover Novel Biomedical Concepts via Geometry-Constrained Probabilistic Modeling
* Segment as Points for Efficient and Effective Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Segment as Points for Efficient Online Multi-object Tracking and Segmentation
* Segmental Prediction for Video Coding
* Selecting Optimal Combination of Data Channels for Semantic Segmentation in City Information Modelling (CIM)
* Self-adaptive manifold discriminant analysis for feature extraction from hyperspectral imagery
* Semantic segmentation of remote sensing images based on dual-channel attention mechanism
* Semi-supervised Marginal Fisher Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Semi-supervised Robust Dictionary Learning via Efficient l-Norms Minimization
* Semi-Supervised Skin Detection by Network With Mutual Guidance
* Semi-Tightly Coupled Robust Model for GNSS/UWB/INS Integrated Positioning in Challenging Environments
* Semi-Weakly Supervised Object Kinematic Motion Prediction
* Semisupervised Sparse Manifold Discriminative Analysis for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images
* Sensing Mechanism and Real-Time Bridge Displacement Monitoring for a Laboratory Truss Bridge Using Hybrid Data Fusion
* Shallow Crustal Structure of S-Wave Velocities in the Coastal Area of South China Constrained by Receiver Function Amplitudes
* ShapeFormer: Transformer-based Shape Completion via Sparse Representation
* SiamCCF: Siamese visual tracking via cross-layer calibration fusion
* Simple Approach to Multiview Face Hallucination, A
* Simultaneous Destriping and Image Denoising Using a Nonparametric Model With the EM Algorithm
* Simultaneous Image Classification and Annotation via Biased Random Walk on Tri-relational Graph
* Simultaneous multiphase image segmentation and cartoon-texture decomposition
* Single Image Reflection Removal Exploiting Misaligned Training Data and Network Enhancements
* Single Traffic Image Deraining via Similarity-Diversity Model
* Small Target Detection in Infrared Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Tensor Model
* Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging Based on Weighted High-order Singular Value Regularization
* Snow Particle Size Distribution From a 2-D Video Disdrometer and Radar Snowfall Estimation in East China
* Sparse Gradient Regularized Deep Retinex Network for Robust Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Sparse multi-task regression and feature selection to identify brain imaging predictors for memory performance
* Spatial-Spectral Local Discriminant Projection for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image
* Spatial-Spectral Multiple Manifold Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spatial-State-Based Omni-Directional Collision Warning System for Intelligent Vehicles, A
* Spatio-Temporal Modeling Method for Shape Representation, A
* Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Regional Land Use Dynamics and Its Potential Ecosystem Impact under Carbon Neutral Pathways in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Spatiotemporal Microstate Dynamics of Spike-Free Scalp EEG Offer a Potential Biomarker for Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* Specificity-Guided Cross-Modal Feature Reconstruction for RGB-Infrared Object Detection
* Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
* Speed Limit Sign Detection Based on Gaussian Color Model and Template Matching
* SpikeNeRF: Learning Neural Radiance Fields from Continuous Spike Stream
* Statistical Building Roof Reconstruction from Worldview-2 Stereo Imagery
* Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptive Embedding and Ensembling
* Stochastic gate-based autoencoder for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* Structural Alignment for Network Pruning through Partial Regularization
* Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
* Structure-aware indoor scene reconstruction via two levels of abstraction
* Structured Local Radiance Fields for Human Avatar Modeling
* Study on Relative Accuracy and Verification Method of High-Definition Maps for Autonomous Driving
* Study on the Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of X-Band Dual-Polarization Phased Array Radar from Specific Differential Phase
* Super-Resolution Based on Compressive Sensing and Structural Self-Similarity for Remote Sensing Images
* Super-Resolution Method for Multiview Face Recognition From a Single Image Per Person Using Nonlinear Mappings on Coherent Features
* Super-resolution of human face image using canonical correlation analysis
* Surface Harmonics for Shape Modeling
* SUTD-TrafficQA: A Question Answering Benchmark and an Efficient Network for Video Reasoning over Traffic Events
* Symmetric two dimensional linear discriminant analysis (2DLDA)
* Synthesizing 3D Shapes via Modeling Multi-view Depth Maps and Silhouettes with Deep Generative Networks
* T-SEA: Transfer-Based Self-Ensemble Attack on Object Detection
* TAGNet: Learning Configurable Context Pathways for Semantic Segmentation
* Target-aware and spatial-spectral discriminant feature joint correlation filters for hyperspectral video object tracking
* Taxonomy Adaptive Cross-Domain Adaptation in Medical Imaging via Optimization Trajectory Distillation
* Teaching Segment-Anything-Model Domain-Specific Knowledge for Road Crack Segmentation From On-Board Cameras
* Temporal Dynamic Synchronous Functional Brain Network for Schizophrenia Classification and Lateralization Analysis
* Temporal Residual Guided Diffusion Framework for Event-driven Video Reconstruction
* Temporal Variation in Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Its Environmental Response in a Chinese Cork Oak Plantation
* Temporally Coherent Video Harmonization Using Adversarial Networks
* Tensor reduction error analysis: Applications to video compression and classification
* Terrestrial Image Based 3D Extraction of Urban Unfoliaged Trees of Different Branching Types
* Texture and motion aware perception in-loop filter for AV1
* Texture-Mapping Error Removal Based on the BRIEF Operator in Image-Based Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
* Texture-preserving deconvolution via image decomposition
* TMS-GAN: A Twofold Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Toward a More Robust Estimation of Forest Biomass Carbon Stock and Carbon Sink in Mountainous Region: A Case Study in Tibet, China
* Toward Task-Independent Optimal Adaptive Control of a Hip Exoskeleton for Locomotion Assistance in Neurorehabilitation
* Towards End-to-End License Plate Detection and Recognition: A Large Dataset and Baseline
* Towards Transferable Targeted Attack
* Transferable Representation Learning in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Transitional Learning: Exploring the Transition States of Degradation for Blind Super-resolution
* Two-Layer Controllable Recovery for Privacy-Preserving Double-Compressed Images
* UAV Complex-Scene Single-Target Tracking Based on Improved Re-Detection Staple Algorithm
* Unconfuse: Avatar Reconstruction from Unconstrained Images
* Unified quality assessment of natural and screen content images via adaptive weighting on double scales
* Universal Demosaicking for Interpolation-Friendly RGBW Color Filter Arrays
* Unsupervised 3d Shape Representation Learning Using Normalizing Flow
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning via l1-norm graph
* Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network
* Unsupervised Hyperbolic Metric Learning
* Unsupervised Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images via Panoptic Domain Adaptation and Task Re-Weighting
* Unsupervised mouse behavior analysis: A data-driven study of mice interactions
* Unsupervised Structure Learning: Hierarchical Recursive Composition, Suspicious Coincidence and Competitive Exclusion
* Urban Building Classification (UBC) - A Dataset for Individual Building Detection and Classification from Satellite Imagery
* Urban Road-Traffic Commuting Dynamics Study Based on Hotspot Clustering and a New Proposed Urban Commuting Electrostatics Model, An
* Usability Comparison of Conventional Direct Control Versus Pattern Recognition Control of Transradial Prostheses
* Utilizing Building Offset and Shadow to Retrieve Urban Building Heights with ICESat-2 Photons
* Validation of a Multilag Estimator on NJU-CPOL and a Hybrid Approach for Improving Polarimetric Radar Data Quality
* Variational-Based Mixed Noise Removal With CNN Deep Learning Regularization
* Vegetation Land Segmentation with Multi-Modal and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Temporal Learning Approach and a New Dataset
* Vehicle Localization at an Intersection Using a Traffic Light Map
* Vehicle-Road Environment Perception Under Low-Visibility Condition Based on Polarization Features via Deep Learning
* Video Motion Segmentation Using New Adaptive Manifold Denoising Model
* Video Object Matting via Hierarchical Space-Time Semantic Guidance
* Video quality assessment using space-time slice mappings
* VideoGraph: a non-linear video representation for efficient exploration
* Virtual Multi-Modality Self-Supervised Foreground Matting for Human-Object Interaction
* Visual Attention Prediction for Stereoscopic Video by Multi-Module Fully Convolutional Network
* Voice biometrics using linear Gaussian model
* VSRN: Visual-Semantic Relation Network for Video Visual Relation Inference
* Water Temperature Reconstruction via Station Position Correction Method Based on Coastal Acoustic Tomography Systems
* Wavelet-SRNet: A Wavelet-Based CNN for Multi-scale Face Super Resolution
* Web-image driven best views of 3D shapes
* Windpoly: Polygonal Mesh Reconstruction via Winding Numbers
* Zig-Zag Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* ZigZagNet: Fusing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Context for Object Segmentation
Includes: Huang, H.[Han] Huang, H. Huang, H.[Hao] Huang, H.[Hexiao] Huang, H.[Hong] Huang, H.[Hua] Huang, H.[Heng] Huang, H.[He] Huang, H.[Hai] Huang, H.[Hui] Huang, H.[Heyuan] Huang, H.[Hengda] Huang, H.[Huabing] Huang, H.[Hexiang] Huang, H.[Hu] Huang, H.[Haili] Huang, H.[Huang] Huang, H.[Heyan] Huang, H.[Hong'en] Huang, H.[Honghe] Huang, H.[Heye] Huang, H.[Hejiao] Huang, H.[Hang] Huang, H.[Helai] Huang, H.[Huasheng] Huang, H.[Hsilin] Huang, H.[Haoen] Huang, H.[Huan] Huang, H.[Haoda] Huang, H.[Haiwen] Huang, H.[Haocai] Huang, H.[Huichou] Huang, H.[Hefei] Huang, H.[Haoze] Huang, H.[Hanyun] Huang, H.[Heyun] Huang, H.[Hejun] Huang, H.[Huahong] Huang, H.[Huiwen] Huang, H.[Hongpu] Huang, H.[Hailan]
515 for Huang, H.

Huang, H.B.[Hua Bing] Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation of Four Greenland Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Assessment of River Network Extraction
* Artistic Style Discovery with Independent Components
* Assessment of Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Key Ecosystem-Regulating Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region Based on Vegetation Coverage
* Attentional Wavelet Network for Traditional Chinese Painting Transfer
* BLAN: Bi-directional ladder attentive network for facial attribute prediction
* Change Trend and Restoration Potential of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in China over the Past 20 Years
* Confidence-calibrated Face Image Forgery Detection with Contrastive Representation Distillation
* Constructing a Finer-Resolution Forest Height in China Using ICESat/GLAS, Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Data and Height Patterns of Natural Forests and Plantations
* Contrastive attention network with dense field estimation for face completion
* D2C-SR: A Divergence to Convergence Approach for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Decline in Planting Areas of Double-Season Rice by Half in Southern China over the Last Two Decades
* Deep Constrained Least Squares for Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Detecting Land Degradation in Eastern China Grasslands with Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend analysis (TSS-RESTREND) and GIMMS NDVI3g Data
* Disentangled Representation Learning of Makeup Portraits in the Wild
* DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Dynamic Graph Memory Bank for Video Inpainting
* Estimating building height in China from ALOS AW3D30
* Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination via Mutual Information Disentanglement
* Explicit Motion Disentangling for Efficient Optical Flow Estimation
* FFB6D: A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation
* Fine-Resolution Mapping of Pan-Arctic Lake Ice-Off Phenology Based on Dense Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* FPConv: Learning Local Flattening for Point Convolution
* Free-Form Image Inpainting via Contrastive Attention Network
* GeoNet: Deep Geodesic Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* GIF2Video: Color Dequantization and Temporal Interpolation of GIF Images
* HairStep: Transfer Synthetic to Real Using Strand and Depth Maps for Single-View 3D Hair Modeling
* Hierarchical Face Aging Through Disentangled Latent Characteristics
* Hierarchical Manifold Learning With Applications to Supervised Classification for High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* Horizontal Geolocation Error Evaluation and Correction on Full-Waveform LiDAR Footprints via Waveform Matching
* HPNet: Deep Primitive Segmentation Using Hybrid Representations
* HVConv: Horizontal and Vertical Convolution for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Image Mosaic Method Based on Deviation Splitting and Transferring for Vehicle Panoramic System, An
* Information Bottleneck Disentanglement for Identity Swapping
* Informative Sample Mining Network for Multi-domain Image-to-image Translation
* InstaStyle: Inversion Noise of a Stylized Image is Secretly a Style Adviser
* Interfusion: Text-driven Generation of 3d Human-object Interaction
* Inversion-based Style Transfer with Diffusion Models
* LAMP-HQ: A Large-Scale Multi-pose High-Quality Database and Benchmark for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Memory Oriented Transfer Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Deraining
* Memory Uncertainty Learning for Real-World Single Image Deraining
* Method for Improving Target Tracking Accuracy of Vehicle Radar, A
* migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, The
* Multimodal Prompt Perceiver: Empower Adaptiveness, Generalizability and Fidelity for All-in-One Image Restoration
* NBNet: Noise Basis Learning for Image Denoising with Subspace Projection
* New Forest Aboveground Biomass Maps of China Integrating Multiple Datasets
* NTIRE 2022 Image Inpainting Challenge: Report
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* On-Orbit Relative Sensor Normalization for Unbalance Images from the Ice Pathfinder Satellite (BNU-1), An
* Pixel-Based Vegetation Greenness Trend Analysis over the Russian Tundra with All Available Landsat Data from 1984 to 2018, A
* Pluralistic Aging Diffusion Autoencoder
* Practical Deep Raw Image Denoising on Mobile Devices
* Quantifying Multi-Decadal Change of Planted Forest Cover Using Airborne LiDAR and Landsat Imagery
* Remote-Sensing-Based Assessment of the Ecological Restoration Degree and Restoration Potential of Ecosystems in the Upper Yellow River over the Past 20 Years
* Rethinking Image Cropping: Exploring Diverse Compositions from Global Views
* RISTRA: Recursive Image Super-Resolution Transformer With Relativistic Assessment
* RMT: Retentive Networks Meet Vision Transformers
* Scene Synthesis via Uncertainty-Driven Attribute Synchronization
* Selective Wavelet Attention Learning for Single Image Deraining
* Semantic-Aware Detail Enhancement for Blind Face Restoration
* Semi-Weakly Supervised Object Kinematic Motion Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Changes, Trade-Offs and Synergies of Major Ecosystem Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2000 to 2019
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecosystem Status in China's National Key Ecological Function Zones
* Survey of Deep Facial Attribute Analysis, A
* Uncertainty-Aware Source-Free Adaptive Image Super-Resolution with Wavelet Augmentation Transformer
* Wavelet Domain Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-scale Face Hallucination
* YOLO-FaceV2: A scale and occlusion aware face detector
Includes: Huang, H.B.[Hua Bing] Huang, H.B.[Hua-Bing] Huang, H.B.[Huai-Bo] Huang, H.B.[Hai-Bo] Huang, H.B.[Hai-Bin] Huang, H.B.[Han-Bing] Huang, H.B.[Hong-Bing] Huang, H.B.[Hong-Bo]
67 for Huang, H.B.

Huang, H.C.[Hong Chao] Co Author Listing * Aboveground Biomass Prediction of Arid Shrub-Dominated Community Based on Airborne LiDAR through Parametric and Nonparametric Methods
* Affinity aggregation for spectral clustering
* CA-FER: Mitigating Spurious Correlation With Counterfactual Attention in Facial Expression Recognition
* Continuous Sensing of Water Temperature in a Reservoir with Grid Inversion Method Based on Acoustic Tomography System
* Curriculum-Based Asymmetric Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning
* Data Adaptive Median Filters for Signal and Image Denoising Using a Generalized SURE Criterion
* Enhanced motion estimation for interframe wavelet video coding
* Genetic watermarking based on transform-domain techniques
* Improving the Accuracy of Urban Waterlogging Simulation: A Novel Computer Vision-Based Digital Elevation Model Refinement Approach for Roads and Densely Built-Up Areas
* Intelligent Watermarking Techniques
* New-Generation of Real-Time Software-Based Video Coder: Popular-Video-Coder-II (PVC-II)
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* On the Step-Size Bounds of Frequency-Domain Block LMS Adaptive Filters
* Panoramic Stereo Imaging System with Automatic Disparity Warping and Seaming
* Real-Time Detecting Method for Continuous Urban Flood Scenarios Based on Computer Vision on Block Scale, A
* Real-time software-based moving picture coding (SBMPC) system
* Research on image quality in decision management system and information system framework
* Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
* Robust and Accurate Object Detection Via Self-Knowledge Distillation
* robust fine granularity scalability using trellis-based predictive leak, A
* Stabilized thresholding with generalized sure for image denoising
* Using Feature Alignment Can Improve Clean Average Precision and Adversarial Robustness In Object Detection
* Vector quantization based on genetic simulated annealing
Includes: Huang, H.C.[Hong Chao] Huang, H.C.[Hong-Chao] Huang, H.C.[Hsin-Chien] Huang, H.C.[Hung-Cheng] Huang, H.C.[Hao-Cai] Huang, H.C.[Han-Chi] Huang, H.C. Huang, H.C.[Hsiang-Cheh] Huang, H.C.[Hao-Cheng] Huang, H.C.[Hua-Cheng] Huang, H.C.[Hsu-Chang] Huang, H.C.[Ho-Chao] Huang, H.C.[Hao-Chen] Huang, H.C.[Hong-Cheng] Huang, H.C.[Hsiang-Chun] Huang, H.C.[Hsin-Cheng]
23 for Huang, H.C.

Huang, H.D.[Hai Duo] Co Author Listing * TAQ: Top-K Attention-Aware Quantization for Vision Transformers
Includes: Huang, H.D.[Hai Duo] Huang, H.D.[Hai-Duo]

Huang, H.F.[Hui Feng] Co Author Listing * Active steganalysis for interpolation-error based reversible data hiding
* Application of Quasi-Continuous Waveform Coding in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Auxiliary Label Classification Based Multi-Label Limb Movement Recognition of Preterm Infant
* Benchmarking Low-Light Image Enhancement and Beyond
* Camera Calibration Based on the Common Self-polar Triangle of Sphere Images
* Capsule Broad Learning System Network for Robust Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition with Small Samples
* common self-polar triangle of concentric circles and its application to camera calibration, The
* Distilling Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Matching Knowledge for Weakly Supervised 3D Visual Grounding
* Facial Expression Recognition Using New Feature Extraction Algorithm
* First Retrieval of Sea Surface Currents Using L-Band SAR in Satellite Formation
* Flash Compensated Low-Light Enhancement Via Hierarchical Network Prediction
* Framework for Distributed LEO SAR Air Moving Target 3D Imaging via Spectral Estimation, A
* Freemotion: Mocap-free Human Motion Synthesis with Multimodal Large Language Models
* Homography Estimation from the Common Self-Polar Triangle of Separate Ellipses
* LightAUNet: A Lightweight Fusing Attention Based UNet for Crack Detection
* Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
* Multi-Hypothesis Topological Isomorphism Matching Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images with Large Geometric Distortion
* new method based on the BP neural network to improve the accuracy of inversion of the vegetation height, A
* Pansharpening Generative Adversarial Network with Multilevel Structure Enhancement and a Multistream Fusion Architecture, A
* Preterm infant limb movement recognition with graph and convolution fusion network
* Raw-guided Enhancing Reprocess of Low-light Image via Deep Exposure Adjustment
* Simple Normalization Technique Using Window Statistics to Improve the Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Medical Images, A
* Towards Low Light Enhancement With RAW Images
* Video Coding for Machines: Compact Visual Representation Compression for Intelligent Collaborative Analytics
Includes: Huang, H.F.[Hui Feng] Huang, H.F.[Hui-Feng] Huang, H.F.[Hai-Feng] Huang, H.F.[Hua-Fei] Huang, H.F.[Hao-Feng] Huang, H.F.[Hai-Fei] Huang, H.F.[Hung-Fu] Huang, H.F.[He-Fengo] Huang, H.F.[He-Feng]
24 for Huang, H.F.

Huang, H.G.[Hua Guo] Co Author Listing * Accelerated RAPID Model Using Heterogeneous Porous Objects
* Analyzing the Angle Effect of Leaf Reflectance Measured by Indoor Hyperspectral Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
* Characterizing Post-Fire Forest Structure Recovery in the Great Xing'an Mountain Using GEDI and Time Series Landsat Data
* Characterizing reflectance anisotropy of background soil in open-canopy plantations using UAV-based multiangular images
* Climate Drivers of Pine Shoot Beetle Outbreak Dynamics in Southwest China
* Detection of Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB) Stress on Pine Forests at Individual Tree Level using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Lidar
* Detection of Shoot Beetle Stress on Yunnan Pine Forest Using a Coupled LIBERTY2-INFORM Simulation
* Estimating 3D Green Volume and Aboveground Biomass of Urban Forest Trees by UAV-Lidar
* Evaluating Different Crown Reconstruction Approaches from Airborne LiDAR for Quantifying APAR Distribution Using a 3D Radiative Transfer Model
* Indirect Measurement of Forest Canopy Temperature by Handheld Thermal Infrared Imager through Upward Observation
* Modeling the Distributions of Brightness Temperatures of a Cropland Study Area Using a Model that Combines Fast Radiosity and Energy Budget Methods
* Modeling the Temporal Variability of Thermal Emissions From Row-Planted Scenes Using a Radiosity and Energy Budget Method
* Novel Forest EcoSpatial Network for Carbon Stocking Using Complex Network Theory in the Yellow River Basin, A
* Retrieval of Live Fuel Moisture Content Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data and Ensemble Deep Learning Model
* Retrieving the Infected Area of Pine Wilt Disease-Disturbed Pine Forests from Medium-Resolution Satellite Images Using the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory
* Review of ground and aerial methods for vegetation cover fraction (fCover) and related quantities estimation: definitions, advances, challenges, and future perspectives
* Simulation of Ku-Band Profile Radar Waveform by Extending Radiosity Applicable to Porous Individual Objects (RAPID2) Model
* Study on the Relationship between Topological Characteristics of Vegetation Ecospatial Network and Carbon Sequestration Capacity in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Model for Early Detection of Pine Wilt Disease Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Images
* TPE-DF: Thumbnail Preserving Encryption via Dual-2DCS Fusion
* Tree Species Classification of Backpack Laser Scanning Data Using the PointNet++ Point Cloud Deep Learning Method
* Tree Species Classification Using Ground-Based LiDAR Data by Various Point Cloud Deep Learning Methods
* Using Microwave Profile Radar to Estimate Forest Canopy Leaf Area Index: Linking 3D Radiative Transfer Model and Forest Gap Model
* Validating GEDI tree canopy cover product across forest types using co-registered aerial LiDAR data
Includes: Huang, H.G.[Hua Guo] Huang, H.G.[Hua-Guo] Huang, H.G.[Hai-Gang]
24 for Huang, H.G.

Huang, H.H. Co Author Listing * Classification By Using Multispectral Point Cloud Data
* crowdsourced system for robust eye tracking, A
* Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Order K Voronoi Diagrams in Road Networks
* Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via L1_2 and S1_2 Regularizations
* Joint Promotion Partner Recommendation Systems Using Data from Location-Based Social Networks
* Low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition based on S1/2 and L1/2 regularizations in dynamic MRI
* Online Reinforcement Learning Control for the Personalization of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis
* Pedestrian tracking by learning deep features
* Robust discriminant analysis using multi-directional projection pursuit
* Study On Shadow Effects of Various Features On Close Range Thermal Images
* Using Sparse-Point Disparity Estimation and Spatial Propagation to Construct Dense Disparity Map for Stereo Endoscopic Images
Includes: Huang, H.H. Huang, H.H.[Hong-He] Huang, H.H.[Hui-Huang] Huang, H.H.[Hsi-Ho] Huang, H.H.[Hsin-Hsiung] Huang, H.H.[Hsi-Hung]
11 for Huang, H.H.

Huang, H.J.[Hua Jian] Co Author Listing * 360Loc: A Dataset and Benchmark for Omnidirectional Visual Localization with Cross-Device Queries
* 360VOT: A New Benchmark Dataset for Omnidirectional Visual Object Tracking
* Bayesian classification for data from the same unknown class
* Bottom-Up Foreground-Aware Feature Fusion for Practical Person Search
* Cascade Image Matting with Deformable Graph Refinement
* CLID: A Chunk-Level Intent Detection Framework for Multiple Intent Spoken Language Understanding
* Closer Look at Few-shot Image Generation, A
* Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Coastal Subsidence in the Yellow River Delta, China: Reviewing the Past and Prospecting the Future
* DCCaps-UNet: A U-Shaped Hyperspectral Semantic Segmentation Model Based on the Depthwise Separable and Conditional Convolution Capsule Network
* Detection of Hidden Information in Webpage Based on Higher-Order Statistics
* Dynamic Data Regulation for Fixed Vehicle Detectors
* EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification based on parameter-shared multi-head self-attention
* Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-realistic, Better Identity-preserving
* Gabor-Based Recognizer for Chinese Handwriting from Segmentation-Free Strategy
* GASCN: Graph Attention Shape Completion Network
* Global and Regional Variations and Main Drivers of Aerosol Loadings over Land during 1980-2018
* HMM-Based Recognizer with Segmentation-free Strategy for Unconstrained Chinese Handwritten Text
* Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
* Off-line recognition of realistic Chinese handwriting using segmentation-free strategy
* Ontology-Guided Image Interpretation for GEOBIA of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sense Imagery: A Coastal Area Case Study
* Particle Size Parameters of Particulate Matter Suspended in Coastal Waters and Their Use as Indicators of Typhoon Influence
* Photo-SLAM: Real-Time Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping for Monocular, Stereo, and RGB-D Cameras
* RAG-Net: ResNet-50 attention gate network for accurate iris segmentation
* Real-Time Analysis and Message Priority Assignment for TSN-CAN Gateway
* Segmentation-free recognizer based on enhanced four plane feature for realistic Chinese handwriting
* Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observed Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly in the Pearl River Basin Using Deep Learning
* Skew Detection for Chinese Handwriting by Horizontal Stroke Histogram
* Stylecity: Large-scale 3d Urban Scenes Stylization
* Super-resolution hyperspectral imaging with unknown blurring by low-rank and group-sparse modeling
* Toward Robust Hierarchical Federated Learning in Internet of Vehicles
* Towards Rich Feature Discovery With Class Activation Maps Augmentation for Person Re-Identification
* Very-large-scale integration design of a low-power and cost-effective context-based adaptive variable length coding decoder for H.264/AVC portable applications
Includes: Huang, H.J.[Hua Jian] Huang, H.J.[Hua-Jian] Huang, H.J.[Hung-Ju] Huang, H.J.[Hou-Jing] Huang, H.J.[Hui-Juan] Huang, H.J.[Hao-Jing] Huang, H.J.[Hai-Jun] Huang, H.J.[Hua-Jun] Huang, H.J. Huang, H.J.[Hao-Jie] Huang, H.J.[Hu-Jie] Huang, H.J.[Heling-Jie] Huang, H.J.[Hui-Jie] Huang, H.J.[He-Jiao]
32 for Huang, H.J.

Huang, H.K.[Hao Kai] Co Author Listing * Analysis and Forecast of Traffic Flow between Urban Functional Areas Based on Ride-Hailing Trajectories
* Application of Cluster Detection to Text and Picture Processing, An
* Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images
* Automatic Background Recognition and Removal (ABRR) in Computed Radiography Images
* Computer-assisted bone age assessment: image preprocessing and epiphyseal/metaphyseal ROI extraction
* Hospital Integrated Framework for Multimodality Image Base Management, A
* Quantitative Remote Sensing of Metallic Elements for the Qishitan Gold Polymetallic Mining Area, NW China
* Radiologic Image Compression: A Review
Includes: Huang, H.K.[Hao Kai] Huang, H.K.[Hao-Kai] Huang, H.K. Huang, H.K.[Hui-Kun]
8 for Huang, H.K.

Huang, H.L.[Hong Lian] Co Author Listing * Aerosol Retrieval Study from a Particulate Observing Scanning Polarimeter Onboard Gao-Fen 5B without Prior Surface Knowledge, Based on the Optimal Estimation Method
* Analytic Solution for the Pose Determination of Human Faces from a Monocular Image, An
* Columnar Water Vapor Retrieval by Using Data from the Polarized Scanning Atmospheric Corrector (PSAC) Onboard HJ-2 A/B Satellites
* Deployment of Charging Stations for Drone Delivery Assisted by Public Transportation Vehicles
* Detecting and Tracking 6-DoF Motion of Unknown Dynamic Objects in Industrial Environments Using Stereo Visual Sensing
* Efficient region segmentation on compressed gray images using quadtree and shading representation
* Enhanced Backtracking Search Algorithm for the Flight Planning of a Multi-Drones-Assisted Commercial Parcel Delivery System, An
* Facial Modeling from an Uncalibrated Face Image Using a Coarse-to-Fine Genetic Algorithm
* Facial modeling from an uncalibrated face image using flexible generic parameterized facial models
* Global Forecast Impact of Low Data Latency Infrared and Microwave Sounders Observations from Polar Orbiting Satellites
* Human-Machine Cooperative Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Safe Automated Driving
* Mesh optimization for surface approximation using an efficient coarse-to-fine evolutionary algorithm
* Multi-UAV Navigation for Optimized Video Surveillance of Ground Vehicles on Uneven Terrains
* Navigation of a UAV Network for Optimal Surveillance of a Group of Ground Targets Moving Along a Road
* New two-phase spatial data structures with applications to binary images
* Optimal Cloud-Clearing for AIRS Radiances Using MODIS
* Point Cloud Quality Assessment via 3D Edge Similarity Measurement
* Quantitative Analysis on Coastline Changes of Yangtze River Delta Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Range-Based Reactive Deployment of Autonomous Drones for Optimal Coverage in Disaster Areas
* Recognition of handwritten Lanna Dhamma characters using a set of optimally designed moment features
* Reliable Path Planning for Drone Delivery Using a Stochastic Time-Dependent Public Transportation Network
* Salient object detection based on backbone enhanced network
* Screen content video quality assessment based on spatiotemporal sparse feature
* Screen Content Video Quality Assessment Model Using Hybrid Spatiotemporal Features
* Sea Level Fusion of Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Data by Deep Learning in the Mediterranean Sea
* Simulation of Parallel Polarization Radiance for Retrieving Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Open Oceans Based on Spaceborne Polarization Crossfire Strategy
* Spatial and Geometry Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for the Light Field Images, A
* Study on Influencing Factors of the Information Content of Satellite Remote-Sensing Aerosol Vertical Profiles Using Oxygen A-Band
* survey of memory deduplication approaches for intelligent urban computing, A
* Towards multi-views cloud retrieval accounting for the 3-D structure collected by directional polarization camera
* Trafficnight: An Aerial Multimodal Benchmark for Nighttime Vehicle Surveillance
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Search and Rescue: A Survey
* Video object error coding method based on compressive sensing
Includes: Huang, H.L.[Hong Lian] Huang, H.L.[Hong-Lian] Huang, H.L.[Hui-Ling] Huang, H.L.[Hai-Long] Huang, H.L.[Hsu-Lien] Huang, H.L.[Hung-Lung] Huang, H.L. Huang, H.L.[Hai-Liang] Huang, H.L.[Hai-Li] Huang, H.L.[Huai-Lin] Huang, H.L.[Hai-Lan] Huang, H.L.[Hong-Lin]
33 for Huang, H.L.

Huang, H.M.[Hui Min] Co Author Listing * Going Beyond Multi-Task Dense Prediction with Synergy Embedding Models
* Graph-BAS3Net: Boundary-Aware Semi-Supervised Segmentation Network with Bilateral Graph Convolution
* Highly accurate 3D reconstruction based on a precise and robust binocular camera calibration method
* Learning content-aware feature fusion for guided depth map super-resolution
* Medical Image Segmentation With Deep Atlas Prior
* Non-linear calibration optimisation based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
* Non-rigid point set registration by high-dimensional representation
* Patch-Based U-Net Model for Isotropic Quantitative Differential Phase Contrast Imaging
* SemiCVT: Semi-Supervised Convolutional Vision Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
* Vicarious Calibration of the Formosat-2 Remote Sensing Instrument
Includes: Huang, H.M.[Hui Min] Huang, H.M.[Hui-Min] Huang, H.M.[Hsuan-Ming] Huang, H.M.
10 for Huang, H.M.

Huang, H.N.[Hai Ning] Co Author Listing * Image enhancement using stochastic resonance
* Improving SVD-based image watermarking via block-by-block optimization on singular values
* SR-based radon transform to extract weak lines from noise images, A
Includes: Huang, H.N.[Hai Ning] Huang, H.N.[Hai-Ning] Huang, H.N.[Huan-Nan]

Huang, H.P.[Hsin Ping] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Transformers for Robust Few-shot Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing
* Automated identification of buried landmines using normalized electromagnetic induction spectroscopy
* Characterization of UXO-like targets using broadband electromagnetic induction sensors
* Combined Use of Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data in Fine-Grained Urban Land Use Mapping: A Case Study in Beijing, China, The
* Ecosystem Service Function Supply-Demand Evaluation of Urban Functional Green Space Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
* Efficient Location Privacy-Preserving k-Anonymity Method Based on the Credible Chain
* Identification of Ecological Sources Using Ecosystem Service Value and Vegetation Productivity Indicators: A Case Study of the Three-River Headwaters Region, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
* Landscape Pattern Theoretical Optimization of Urban Green Space Based on Ecosystem Service Supply and Demand
* Learning the Inverse Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators in Structured Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Learning to Stylize Novel Views
* NSGA-II Algorithm for Task Scheduling in UAV-Enabled MEC System, A
* Research on Forage-Livestock Balance in the Three-River-Source Region Based on Improved CASA Model
* Self-supervised AutoFlow
* Semantic View Synthesis
* Social functional mapping of urban green space using remote sensing and social sensing data
* Stochastic Task Scheduling in UAV-Based Intelligent On-Demand Meal Delivery System
* Understanding the Impact of Urbanization on Surface Urban Heat Islands: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Oasis Effect in Subtropical Desert Cities
Includes: Huang, H.P.[Hsin Ping] Huang, H.P.[Hsin-Ping] Huang, H.P.[Hao-Ping] Huang, H.P.[Hui-Ping] Huang, H.P.[Hai-Ping] Huang, H.P. Huang, H.P.[Huei-Ping]
17 for Huang, H.P.

Huang, H.Q.[Han Qiao] Co Author Listing * ACFT: adversarial correlation filter for robust tracking
* Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Target Tracking in the Presence of Nonlinear Systems Involving Model Mismatches
* Assessment of VIIRS on the Identification of Harmful Algal Bloom Types in the Coasts of the East China Sea
* Atmospheric Correction of COCTS on the HY-1C and HY-1D Satellites, The
* Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing in the Presence of High Aerosol Loads
* Colour image encryption based on logistic mapping and double random-phase encoding
* Combining deep learning with physical parameters in POC and PIC inversion from spaceborne lidar CALIOP
* DevsNet: Deep Video Saliency Network using Short-term and Long-term Cues
* Efficient symmetric image encryption by using a novel 2D chaotic system
* Evaluation of Coastline Changes under Human Intervention Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Images: A Case Study of the Zhoushan Islands, China
* Evaluation of Rayleigh-Corrected Reflectance on Remote Detection of Algal Blooms in Optically Complex Coasts of East China Sea
* Multiple Instance Models Regression for Robust Visual Tracking
* Nearshore Bathymetry from ICESat-2 LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Imagery Datasets Using Physics-Informed CNN
* Novel Multi-Candidate Multi-Correlation Coefficient Algorithm for GOCI-Derived Sea-Surface Current Vector with OSU Tidal Model, A
* Observations of Optical Properties and Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Qiandao Lake Using Shipborne Lidar
* Observations of the Impacts of Hong Kong International Airport on Water Quality from 1986 to 2022 Using Landsat Satellite
* Parameter Free Approach for Clustering Analysis, A
* robust adaptive clustering analysis method for automatic identification of clusters, A
* Simulation of Sedimentation in Lake Taihu with Geostationary Satellite Ocean Color Data
* Transferring Pre-Trained Deep CNNs for Remote Scene Classification with General Features Learned from Linear PCA Network
* Unified Algorithm for the Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Land and Ocean, A
* Visual attention prediction for Autism Spectrum Disorder with hierarchical semantic fusion
Includes: Huang, H.Q.[Han Qiao] Huang, H.Q.[Han-Qiao] Huang, H.Q.[Hai-Qing] Huang, H.Q.[Hui-Qing] Huang, H.Q.[Han-Qin] Huang, H.Q.[Hai-Qiao] Huang, H.Q.
22 for Huang, H.Q.

Huang, H.R.[Hao Ran] Co Author Listing * Building Typification in Map Generalization Using Affinity Propagation Clustering
* Deep Video Demoiréing via Compact Invertible Dyadic Decomposition
* Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor
Includes: Huang, H.R.[Hao Ran] Huang, H.R.[Hao-Ran]

Huang, H.S.[Hao Sheng] Co Author Listing * Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social Media
* Current Trends and Challenges in Location-Based Services
* Domain Transfer Through Deep Activation Matching
* Hand Image Understanding via Deep Multi-Task Learning
* Modelling people's perceived scene complexity of real-world environments using street-view panoramas and open geodata
* Reducing Building Conflicts in Map Generalization with an Improved PSO Algorithm
* Traffic Sign Inventory From Google Street View Images
* Turn Left after the WC, and Use the Lift to Go to the 2nd Floor Generation of Landmark-Based Route Instructions for Indoor Navigation
* Urban Nighttime Leisure Space Mapping with Nighttime Light Images and POI Data
Includes: Huang, H.S.[Hao Sheng] Huang, H.S.[Hao-Sheng] Huang, H.S.[Hao-Shuo] Huang, H.S.[Hong-Sheng] Huang, H.S.[He-Sheng] Huang, H.S.[Hsun-Sheng]
9 for Huang, H.S.

Huang, H.S.C. Co Author Listing * Linear and non-linear geometric object matching with implicit representation

Huang, H.T.[Hai Tao] Co Author Listing * 3D Interferometer-Type Lightning Mapping Array for Observation of Winter Lightning in Japan, A
* Answer-checking in Context: A Multi-modal Fully Attention Network for Visual Question Answering
* Estimating Vegetation Water Content and Soil Surface Roughness Using Physical Models of L-Band Radar Scattering for Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Land Cover Change Detection With Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images: Review, Progress, and Perspective
* Multidimensional SVC bitstream adaptation and extraction for rate-distortion optimized heterogeneous multicasting and playback
* rate-distortion optimization model for SVC inter-layer encoding and bitstream extraction, A
* Robust visual tracking based on product sparse coding
Includes: Huang, H.T.[Hai Tao] Huang, H.T.[Hai-Tao] Huang, H.T.[Han-Tao] Huang, H.T.[Huan-Ting] Huang, H.T.[Hsueh-Ting] Huang, H.T.[Hong-Tu]
7 for Huang, H.T.

Huang, H.W.[Hsiang Wei] Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* 2nd Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2024: Challenge Results
* Enhancing Multi-Camera People Tracking with Anchor-Guided Clustering and Spatio-Temporal Consistency ID Re-Assignment
* GIHS-based spectral preservation fusion method for remote sensing images using edge restored spectral modulation, A
* Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Features Association for Multi-Object Tracking in Sports
* Local descriptor-based multi-prototype network for few-shot Learning
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* Observation Centric and Central Distance Recovery for Athlete Tracking
* Online Approach and Evaluation Method for Tracking People Across Cameras in Extremely Long Video Sequence, An
* Reverse circulation bit fluid field calculation
* RT-POSE: A 4d Radar Tensor-based 3d Human Pose Estimation and Localization Benchmark
* Sea You Later: Metadata-Guided Long-Term Re-Identification for UAV-Based Multi-Object Tracking
Includes: Huang, H.W.[Hsiang Wei] Huang, H.W.[Hsiang-Wei] Huang, H.W.[Hua-Wen] Huang, H.W.[Hong-Wei]
12 for Huang, H.W.

Huang, H.X.[Hua Xi] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification via Progressive Sample Selection
* Estimating Grassland Carrying Capacity in the Source Area of Nujiang River and Selinco Lake, Tibetan Plateau (2001-2020) Based on Multisource Remote Sensing
* Few-shot classification guided by generalization error bound
* Few-Shot Classification Model Compression via School Learning
* GazeGrid: A Novel Interaction Method Based on Gaze Estimation
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Based on Nonlocal Low-Rank and TV Regularization
* Learnable interpolation and extrapolation network for fuzzy pulmonary lobe segmentation
* Low-Rank Pairwise Alignment Bilinear Network For Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* PADDLES: Phase-Amplitude Spectrum Disentangled Early Stopping for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Spatial and Temporal Variation in Vegetation Cover and Its Response to Topography in the Selinco Region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* TOAN: Target-Oriented Alignment Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization With Few Labeled Samples
* TripLe: Revisiting Pretrained Model Reuse and Progressive Learning for Efficient Vision Transformer Scaling and Searching
Includes: Huang, H.X.[Hua Xi] Huang, H.X.[Hua-Xi] Huang, H.X.[Hong-Xin] Huang, H.X.[Hao-Xian] Huang, H.X.[Hai-Xia] Huang, H.X.[Han-Xian]
12 for Huang, H.X.

Huang, H.Y.[Hong Yu] Co Author Listing * 2F-TP: Learning Flexible Spatiotemporal Dependency for Flexible Traffic Prediction
* Adaptive Method for Recovering Image from Mixed Noisy Data, An
* Adaptive Variational Method for Restoring Color Images with High Density Impulse Noise
* Automated Approach for Sub-Pixel Registration of Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) Imagery, An
* Business email classification using incremental subspace learning
* Caption-supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model Without Manual Annotation
* Color and spatial feature for content-based image retrieval
* Comparing Representations in Tracking for Event Camera-based SLAM
* Convexity Shape Prior for Level Set-Based Image Segmentation Method
* Detection of 3D position of eyes through a consumer RGB-D camera for stereoscopic mixed reality environments
* Determination of Lidar Ratio for Major Aerosol Types over Western North Pacific Based on Long-Term MPLNET Data
* Distributed three-level QR codes based on visual cryptography scheme
* DMCH: A Deep Metric and Category-Level Semantic Hashing Network for Retrieval in Remote Sensing
* Double Nearest Proportion Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral-Image Classification
* EEG-Based Brain Computer Interface for Emotion Recognition and Its Application in Patients with Disorder of Consciousness, An
* embedded watermark technique in video for copyright protection, An
* Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method
* Evaluation of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals across Chinese Cities and Implications for Medium Spatial Resolution Urban Aerosol Monitoring
* fast segmentation method based on constraint optimization and its applications: Intensity inhomogeneity and texture segmentation, A
* Frame-Wise CNN-Based Filtering for Intra-Frame Quality Enhancement of HEVC Videos
* Graph-based learning of nonlinear physiological interactions for classification of emotions
* Image Deblurring Using Fast Best Kernel Retrieval
* Image restoration under mixed noise using globally convex segmentation
* Landsat 15-m Panchromatic-Assisted Downscaling (LPAD) of the 30-m Reflective Wavelength Bands to Sentinel-2 20-m Resolution
* Landsat 4, 5 and 7 (1982 to 2017) Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Observation Coverage over the Conterminous United States and Implications for Terrestrial Monitoring
* Learn to Propagate Reliably on Noisy Affinity Graphs
* Lightweight macro-pixel quality enhancement network for light field images compressed by versatile video coding
* Low-Cost High-Quality Adaptive Scalar for Real-Time Multimedia Applications, A
* Low-rank tensor ring learning for multi-linear regression
* M3P: Learning Universal Representations via Multitask Multilingual Multimodal Pre-training
* Movie Classifier Based on Visual Features, A
* Multi-Source and Multi-Target Domain Adaptation Based on Dynamic Generator with Attention
* Neural machine translation with Gumbel Tree-LSTM based encoder
* Neurofeedback Training With an Electroencephalogram-Based Brain-Computer Interface Enhances Emotion Regulation
* new continuous max-flow algorithm for multiphase image segmentation using super-level set functions, A
* Nonnegative and Nonlocal Sparse Tensor Factorization-Based Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Novel Ensemble Architecture of Residual Attention-Based Deep Metric Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* nurbs-based error concealment technique for corrupted images from packet loss, A
* Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-faceted Annotations
* Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Multi-Scale Texture Transfer Network
* Repairing the sheltered human skeleton based on natural interaction
* Residue boundary histograms for action recognition in the compressed domain
* Salt and pepper noise removal method based on stationary Framelet transform with non-convex sparsity regularization
* Scanner of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow in Smart Cities by an Updating Model of Connected and Automated Vehicles, The
* Semantic-Preserving Deep Hashing Model for Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) Data for Burned Area Discrimination
* Sharpening the Sentinel-2 10 and 20 m Bands to Planetscope-0 3 m Resolution
* Simultaneous Denoising and Illumination Correction via Local Data-Fidelity and Nonlocal Regularization
* Size-invariant two-in-one image secret sharing scheme based on gray mixing model
* Taxi-Passenger's Destination Prediction via GPS Embedding and Attention-Based BiLSTM Model
* Time Multiplexed VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Barrel Distortion Correction in Video-Endoscopic Images
* Variational Image Segmentation Model Based on Normalized Cut with Adaptive Similarity and Spatial Regularization, A
* Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Pseudo 3D DCT and Quantization Index Modulation
* video watermarking algorithm based on pseudo 3D DCT, A
* Virtual Geographic Simulation of Light Distribution within Three-Dimensional Plant Canopy Models
* Volume preserving image segmentation with entropy regularized optimal transport and its applications in deep learning
* Weighted Dictionary Learning Model for Denoising Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise, A
* Winter wheat mapping combining variations before and after estimated heading dates
Includes: Huang, H.Y.[Hong Yu] Huang, H.Y.[Hong-Yu] Huang, H.Y.[Hai-Yang] Huang, H.Y.[Hai-Yan] Huang, H.Y.[He Yuan] Huang, H.Y.[Huai-Yi] Huang, H.Y.[Hock Yiung] Huang, H.Y.[Huai-Yang] Huang, H.Y.[Hua-Yi] Huang, H.Y.[Hsiang-Yu] Huang, H.Y.[Hang-Ying] Huang, H.Y. Huang, H.Y.[Hai-Yun] Huang, H.Y.[Hui-Yu] Huang, H.Y.[Hong-Yue] Huang, H.Y.[Hu-Yan] Huang, H.Y.[Hao-Yang] Huang, H.Y.[Hao-Yu] Huang, H.Y.[He-Yan] Huang, H.Y.[Hsin-Yu] Huang, H.Y.[Hui-Ying] Huang, H.Y.[Hong-Yong]
58 for Huang, H.Y.

Huang, H.Z.[Han Zhang] Co Author Listing * AFE-RCNN: Adaptive Feature Enhancement RCNN for 3D Object Detection
* Class-Specific Semantic Reconstruction for Open Set Recognition
* Contextual Information-Preserved Architecture Learning for Remote-Sensing Scene Classification
* Efficient, Edge-Aware, Combined Color Quantization and Dithering
* Hierarchical Detailed Intermediate Supervision for Image-to-Image Translation
* Is Bigger Always Better? An Empirical Study on Efficient Architectures for Style Transfer and Beyond
* Looking around in the neighbourhood: Location estimation of outdoor urban images
* Motion boundary emphasised optical flow method for human action recognition
* Multiple Subspaces-Based Model: Interpreting Urban Functional Regions with Big Geospatial Data, A
* Neural Stereoscopic Image Style Transfer
* Pose2Seg: Detection Free Human Instance Segmentation
* Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos
* Robust Pose Transfer With Dynamic Details Using Neural Video Rendering
* RS-MetaNet: Deep Metametric Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* UniFaceGAN: A Unified Framework for Temporally Consistent Facial Video Editing
* Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Stacked Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
* WaterSegformer: A lightweight model for water body information extraction from remote sensing images
Includes: Huang, H.Z.[Han Zhang] Huang, H.Z.[Han-Zhang] Huang, H.Z.[Hong-Zhi] Huang, H.Z.[Hao-Zhe] Huang, H.Z.[Hao-Zhi]
17 for Huang, H.Z.

Huang, I.[Ian] Co Author Listing * Blenderalchemy: Editing 3d Graphics with Vision-language Models
* CAD: Photorealistic 3D Generation via Adversarial Distillation
* On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve Driver's Comfort Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* PartGlot: Learning Shape Part Segmentation from Language Reference Games
* ShapeTalk: A Language Dataset and Framework for 3D Shape Edits and Deformations
Includes: Huang, I.[Ian] Huang, I.[Isabella]

Huang, I.A. Co Author Listing * Discriminative Bimodal Networks for Visual Localization and Detection with Natural Language Queries

Huang, I.N.[Inn Nien] Co Author Listing * Planar Shape Matching Based on Binary Tree Shape Representation
Includes: Huang, I.N.[Inn Nien] Huang, I.N.[Inn-Nien]

Huang, J. Co Author Listing * 3D Photography Using Context-Aware Layered Depth Inpainting
* 50 FPS Object-Level Saliency Detection via Maximally Stable Region
* Accelerated sparse optimization for missing data completion
* Accenture-MM1: A Multimodal Person Recognition Dataset
* Accuracy and Safety: Tracking Control of Heavy-Duty Cooperative Transportation Systems Using Constraint-Following Method
* Accurate, Robust Visual Odometry and Detail-Preserving Reconstruction System, An
* Acquiring the Mapping Knowledge of Basic Elements Based on PSO in the Chinese Character Intelligent Information
* Active Action Proposal Method Based on Reinforcement Learning, An
* Adaptive Authority Allocation Approach for Shared Steering Control System
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation in Deep Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive live video streaming by priority drop
* Adaptive Spatial-BCE Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Additional Microwave Radiation From Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered With Sand Layers: Features and Mechanisms
* Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Affect Estimation in 3D Space Using Multi-Task Active Learning for Regression
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* Analysis of Whole Body Tracer Kinetics in Dynamic PET Studies With Application to Image-Based Blood Input Function Extraction, An
* Applying Sonification to Sketching in the Air With Mobile AR Devices
* Assessment of Total Suspended Sediment Distribution under Varying Tidal Conditions in Deep Bay: Initial Results from HJ-1A/1B Satellite CCD Images
* Asymmetric Color Transfer with Consistent Modality Learning
* Atmospheric HDO Abundance Measurements in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Laser Heterodyne Radiometer
* Attention-Based 3D-CNNs for Large-Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition
* Attention-Diffusion-Bilinear Neural Network for Brain Network Analysis
* Attention-Guided Fusion and Classification for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* AttPool: Towards Hierarchical Feature Representation in Graph Convolutional Networks via Attention Mechanism
* Audio Postprocessing Detection Based on Amplitude Cooccurrence Vector Feature
* Audio-Driven Laughter Behavior Controller
* Auto Arborist Dataset: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Multiview Urban Forest Monitoring Under Domain Shift, The
* Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Single Sperm's Motility and Morphology
* Automatic 3D industrial point cloud modeling and recognition
* Automatic Classification of Pavement Distress Using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Detection of Object-Based Forgery in Advanced Video
* Automatic Hierarchical Color Image Classification
* Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning Using a Generative Adversarial Network
* Automatic Thumbnail Generation Based on Visual Representativeness and Foreground Recognizability
* BEV@DC: Bird's-Eye View Assisted Training for Depth Completion
* Bijective Mapping Network for Shadow Removal
* BoostTree and BoostForest for Ensemble Learning
* Branch Interaction Network for Person Re-identification
* Bridging Search Region Interaction with Template for RGB-T Tracking
* Broadband Source Localization Using Asynchronous Distributed Hydrophones Based on Frequency Invariability of Acoustic Field in Shallow Water
* Camera based Eye State Estimation for ICU Patients: A Pilot Clinical Study
* CAMF: An Interpretable Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Network Based on Class Activation Mapping
* Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassland Aboveground Biomass?
* Cantonese sentence dataset for lip-reading
* CATFPN: Adaptive Feature Pyramid With Scale-Wise Concatenation and Self-Attention
* Centralized Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Dynamic Multi-Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem With Crowdshippers
* Change Detection in Laser-Scanned Data of Industrial Sites
* Change Detection of High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Region-Line Primitive Association Analysis and Evidence Fusion
* Check Image Compression: A Comparison of JPEG, Wavelet and Layered Coding Methods
* CIRCLE: Convolutional Implicit Reconstruction and Completion for Large-Scale Indoor Scene
* City3D: Large-Scale Building Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
* Class-Incremental Learning Method for SAR Images Based on Self-Sustainment Guidance Representation, A
* Classification of Coral Reefs in the South China Sea by Combining Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Bottom Waveforms and Bathymetric Features
* Classification of resting-state fMRI datasets based on graph kernels
* Cleanness-navigated-contamination network: A unified framework for recovering regional degradation
* Cloth compression using local cylindrical coordinates
* Clothes Co-Parsing Via Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling With Application to Clothing Retrieval
* Clothing Co-parsing by Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling
* ClusterVO: Clustering Moving Instances and Estimating Visual Odometry for Self and Surroundings
* Cnsnet: A Cleanness-navigated-shadow Network for Shadow Removal
* Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography Recovery Based on Multivariate Objective Analysis by Combining Data from Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* Collaborative Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Combining Color and Spatial Information for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Comparative Analysis of Striping Noise between FY-3E MWTS-3 and FY-3D MWTS-2
* Comparative Performance Evaluation of Gray-Scale and Color Information for Face Recognition Tasks
* Comparison of Mean Dynamic Topography Modeling from Multivariate Objective Analysis and Rigorous Least Squares Method
* Component-Based Face Recognition with 3D Morphable Models
* Component-based LDA method for face recognition with one training sample
* Compression of Color Facial Images Using Feature Correction Two-Stage Vector Quantization
* confidence prior for image dehazing, A
* Construction of an Integrated Drought Monitoring Model Based on Deep Learning Algorithms
* Context R-CNN: Long Term Temporal Context for Per-Camera Object Detection
* Context-Dependent Effect of Urban Form on Air Pollution: A Panel Data Analysis, The
* Control System Design of an Automated Bus in Revenue Service
* Cross-Direction and Progressive Network for Pan-Sharpening, A
* Cross-modal Contrastive Distillation for Instructional Activity Anticipation
* Cross-Sentence Temporal and Semantic Relations in Video Activity Localisation
* Crowd3D: Towards Hundreds of People Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image encryption scheme based on permutation-diffusion structure
* CUFD: An encoder-decoder network for visible and infrared image fusion based on common and unique feature decomposition
* Cycle-Retinex: Unpaired Low-Light Image Enhancement via Retinex-Inline CycleGAN
* Data Fusion for Multi-Source Sensors Using GA-PSO-BP Neural Network
* Decentralized Model for Spatial Data Digital Rights Management, A
* Deep Fourier-Based Exposure Correction Network with Spatial-Frequency Interaction
* Deep Semantic Clustering by Partition Confidence Maximisation
* Deep Spatiotemporal Trajectory Representation Learning Framework for Clustering, A
* DeepGlobe 2018: A Challenge to Parse the Earth through Satellite Images
* DeepMVS: Learning Multi-view Stereopsis
* Defeating Lattice-Based Data Hiding Code Via Decoding Security Hole
* Delineating Source and Sink Zones of Trip Journeys in the Road Network Space
* Delineating Urban Fringe Area by Land Cover Information Entropy: An Empirical Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area, China
* Design of a Grating Lobes-Free Architecture for Distributed Sensor System with Arbitrary Element Spacing
* Detecting Events and Key Actors in Multi-person Videos
* Detecting Objects in Scene Point Cloud: A Combinational Approach
* Detection of human faces using decision trees
* Detection Transformer with Stable Matching
* Developing a Subswath-Based Wind Speed Retrieval Model for Sentinel-1 VH-Polarized SAR Data Over the Ocean Surface
* Devil Is in the Details: Delving Into Unbiased Data Processing for Human Pose Estimation, The
* DGPS-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Collision Warning: Engineering Feasibility Viewpoints
* Differential Study on Estimation Models for Indica Rice Leaf SPAD Value and Nitrogen Concentration Based on Hyperspectral Monitoring
* DiffFacto: Controllable Part-Based 3D Point Cloud Generation with Cross Diffusion
* Diffloss: Unleashing Diffusion Model as Constraint for Training Image Restoration Network
* Directional L_0 Sparse Modeling for Image Stripe Noise Removal
* Discovering Fine-Grained Spatial Pattern From Taxi Trips: Where Point Process Meets Matrix Decomposition and Factorization
* Distributed Car-Following Control for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Using Improved Super-Twisting Compensator Subject to Sudden Velocity Changes of Leading Vehicle
* Distributed Collaborative Control of Multi-Vehicle Autonomous Cooperative Transportation Systems: A Hierarchical Constraint-Following Approach
* distributed context-free grammars learning algorithm and its application in video classification, A
* Diverse Generation for Multi-Agent Sports Games
* Divide and Adapt: Active Domain Adaptation via Customized Learning
* Dominant SIngle-Modal SUpplementary Fusion (SIMSUF) for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Downscaling Factor Estimation on Pre-JPEG Compressed Images
* Drone-Based Car Counting via Density Map Learning
* Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dual-Stream Anomaly Detection Network for Real-World Traffic Scenarios
* Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis by Point Cloud Accumulation
* Eagle-Eye-Inspired Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing
* Early Detection of Suspicious Behaviors for Safe Residence from Movement Trajectory Data
* EDPN: Enhanced Deep Pyramid Network for Blurry Image Restoration
* Effects of the Time Sampling Interval on the Angular Combination Characteristics of Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Efficient disentangled representation learning for multi-modal finger biometrics
* Efficient Encrypted Images Filtering and Transform Coding With Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Parallelization
* Efficient Image Processing Method Based on Web Services for Mobile Devices, An
* Efficient Iterative Cerebral Perfusion CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition With Spatial-Temporal Total Variation Regularization, An
* Efficient Multi-exposure Image Fusion via Filter-dominated Fusion and Gradient-driven Unsupervised Learning
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection and Localization in Bitstream Video
* Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives
* Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Embedding Image Watermarks in DC Components
* Empowering Low-Light Image Enhancer through Customized Learnable Priors
* Empowering Resampling Operation for Ultra-High-Definition Image Enhancement with Model-Aware Guidance
* End-to-End Learning of Motion Representation for Video Understanding
* Enhancing Sea Level Rise Estimation and Uncertainty Assessment from Satellite Altimetry through Spatiotemporal Noise Modeling
* Error Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Future-Trajectory-Based Cooperative Collision Warning System
* Evaluation of FY-3E Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder-II Long-Wave Temperature Sounding Channels, The
* Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies: A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
* Event-Guided Structured Output Tracking of Fast-Moving Objects Using a CeleX Sensor
* Experimental Development of a New Target and Control Driver Steering Model Based on DLC Test Data
* Experimental Study on Microwave Radiation From Deforming and Fracturing Rock Under Loading Outdoor
* Exploiting Embedding Manifold of Autoencoders for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Exploring human brain neuronal currents with phase MRI
* Exploring Temporal Frequency Spectrum in Deep Video Deblurring
* Exploring the Combined Effect of Urbanization and Climate Variability on Urban Vegetation: A Multi-Perspective Study Based on More than 3000 Cities in China
* Exposure Normalization and Compensation for Multiple-Exposure Correction
* Eye Detection Using Optimal Wavelet Packets and Radial Basis Functions (RBFs)
* Eye Location Using Genetic Algorithms
* Face Classification based on Shannon Wavelet Kernel and Modified Fisher Criterion
* Face Pose Discrimination Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Face Recognition Using Ensembles of Networks
* Face Surveillance
* Fast Image Interpolation via Random Forests
* Feature correspondences using Morse Smale complex
* Feature Matching with Affine-Function Transformation Models
* FERET Database and Evaluation Procedure for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Few-Shot Learning for Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Improved Prototypical Network
* Few-Shot Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Attention-Balanced Prototypical Network
* Fingerprinting Deep Image Restoration Models
* FlowTrack: Revisiting Optical Flow for Long-Range Dense Tracking
* Focusing on Subtle Differences: A Feature Disentanglement Model for Series Photo Selection
* Framelet-Based Iterative Pan-Sharpening Approach, A
* FrameNet: Learning Local Canonical Frames of 3D Surfaces From a Single RGB Image
* Frequency and Spatial Dual Guidance for Image Dehazing
* From Detection to Application: Recent Advances in Understanding Scientific Tables and Figures
* Gamma Characteristic of Reconstructed PET Images: Implications for ROI Analysis, The
* Generalized Lightness Adaptation with Channel Selective Normalization
* Generation and Comprehension of Unambiguous Object Descriptions
* Generative Adversarial Network For Medical Image Fusion, A
* GeoSay: A geometric saliency for extracting buildings in remote sensing images
* Global robust output regulation for nonlinear multi-agent systems in strict feedback form
* Global Water Quality of Inland Waters with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Using Cloud-Computed Machine Learning
* Guided Image-to-Image Translation With Bi-Directional Feature Transformation
* Guided neighborhood affine subspace embedding for feature matching
* Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Homocentric Hypersphere Feature Embedding for Person Re-Identification
* HomoFormer: Homogenized Transformer for Image Shadow Removal
* How to Fully Exploit The Abilities of Aerial Image Detectors
* Human Motion Tracking by Multiple RGBD Cameras
* Human visual system consistent quality assessment for remote sensing image fusion
* HyperMix: Out-of-Distribution Detection and Classification in Few-Shot Settings
* Hyperspectral Image Classification across Different Datasets: A Generalization to Unseen Categories
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using the Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery
* Hyperspectral image destriping and denoising from a task decomposition view
* Hyperspectral Panoramic Image Stitching Using Robust Matching and Adaptive Bundle Adjustment
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Gaussian Mixture Model and Low-Rank Representation
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Gaussian Mixture Model and Spatial Group Sparsity
* IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lecture Meetings, The
* IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization on Lecture Meetings, The
* Identification of Various Image Operations Using Residual-Based Features
* Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder With Multi-Site fMRI via Low-Rank Domain Adaptation
* Im2Calories: Towards an Automated Mobile Vision Food Diary
* Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms
* Image-Guided Human Reconstruction via Multi-Scale Graph Transformation Networks
* Impact of the Detection Channels Added by Fengyun Satellite MWHS-II at 183 GHz on Global Numerical Weather Prediction
* Improved capabilities of the Chinese high-resolution remote sensing satellite GF-1 for monitoring suspended particulate matter (SPM) in inland waters: Radiometric and spatial considerations
* Improved Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Land Parameter Retrieval Model for Water-Land Mixed Pixels Using AMSR-E Data, An
* improved spread transform dither modulation for robust and secure watermarking, An
* improved super-short-scan reconstruction for fan-beam computed tomography, An
* Improved Tampering Localization in Digital Image Forensics Based on Maximal Entropy Random Walk
* Improving Weakly Supervised Visual Grounding by Contrastive Knowledge Distillation
* In-air Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition with Attention Convolutional Recurrent Network
* Influence of Different Spatial Resolutions on the Retrieval Accuracy of Sea Surface Wind Speed With C-2PO Models Using Full Polarization C-Band SAR, The
* Infrared and visible image fusion via saliency analysis and local edge-preserving multi-scale decomposition
* Infrared Small Target Detection via Local-Global Feature Fusion
* Ingredient-oriented Multi-Degradation Learning for Image Restoration
* Instance Neural Radiance Field
* Instance-Aware Image Colorization
* Integrated Path Planning-Control Design for Autonomous Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Neural-Activation Approach
* Integrating independent components and linear discriminant analysis for gender classification
* Integrating independent components and support vector machines for gender classification
* Integrating Visual Saliency and Consistency for Re-Ranking Image Search Results
* Intelligent Edge Computing in Internet of Vehicles: A Joint Computation Offloading and Caching Solution
* Interrupted-Sampling Repeater Jamming-Suppression Method Based on a Multi-Stages Multi-Domains Joint Anti-Jamming Depth Network
* Invariant Image Watermarking Based on Statistical Features in the Low-Frequency Domain
* Inverse kinematics using dynamic joint parameters: inverse kinematics animation synthesis learnt from sub-divided motion micro-segments
* IRA-FSOD: Instant-Response and Accurate Few-Shot Object Detector
* IRVR: A General Image Restoration Framework for Visual Recognition
* Joint Antenna Scheduling and Power Allocation for Multi-Target Tracking under Range Deception Jamming in Distributed MIMO Radar System
* Joint Auction-Coalition Formation Framework for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Joint Content Replication and Request Routing for Social Video Distribution Over Cloud CDN: A Community Clustering Method
* Joint Feature Selection and Classification for Multilabel Learning
* Joint-Sparse-Blocks and Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* JPEG Image Encryption with Improved Format Compatibility and File Size Preservation
* Kernel machine-based one-parameter regularized Fisher discriminant method for face recognition
* Kernel subspace LDA with optimized kernel parameters on face recognition
* Landsat Image-Based Retrieval and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variation of Total Suspended Solid Concentration in Jiaozhou Bay, China
* Language-Bridged Spatial-Temporal Interaction for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* Large Motion Model for Unified Multi-modal Motion Generation
* Last-Mile School Shuttle Planning With Crowdsensed Student Trajectories
* Layered Controllable Video Generation
* Leader-following rendezvous with connectivity preservation of single-integrator multi-agent systems
* Learned Image Reasoning Prior Penetrates Deep Unfolding Network for Panchromatic and Multi-Spectral Image Fusion
* Learning Based Resolution Enhancement of Iris Images
* Learning Deep Structure-Preserving Image-Text Embeddings
* Learning Multiaspect Traffic Couplings by Multirelational Graph Attention Networks for Traffic Prediction
* Learning Sample Relationship for Exposure Correction
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Sharpness Map for Video Deblurring
* Learning to Predict Bus Arrival Time From Heterogeneous Measurements via Recurrent Neural Network
* Learning to See Through Obstructions
* Learning to Segment via Cut-and-Paste
* Learning Two-Branch Neural Networks for Image-Text Matching Tasks
* Learning Video Representations of Human Motion from Synthetic Data
* LELD: Learn enhancement by learning degradation
* Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry Using Point and Line Features
* Light Field Synthesis by Training Deep Network in the Refocused Image Domain
* lightweight and continuous dimensional emotion analysis system of facial expression recognition under complex background, A
* Lightweight Cross-Modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Lisnet: A Covid-19 Lung Infection Segmentation Network Based on Edge Supervision and Multi-Scale Context Aggregation
* Local All-pair Correspondence for Point Tracking
* Locality Constrained Low Rank Representation and Automatic Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Localization of Deep Inpainting Using High-Pass Fully Convolutional Network
* Looking around in the neighbourhood: Location estimation of outdoor urban images
* Low-cost, high-speed computer vision using NVIDIA's CUDA architecture
* Low-Dose Dynamic Cerebral Perfusion Computed Tomography Reconstruction via Kronecker-Basis-Representation Tensor Sparsity Regularization
* Low-Light Stereo Image Enhancement
* LRTCFPan: Low-Rank Tensor Completion Based Framework for Pansharpening
* Lunar Mare Fecunditatis: A Science-Rich Region and a Concept Mission for Long-Distance Exploration
* Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach and Chinese natural language analysis, A
* Mask Textspotter v3: Segmentation Proposal Network for Robust Scene Text Spotting
* MC-Net: Integrating Multi-Level Geometric Context for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* Mdbfusion: A Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Framework Capable for Motion Deblurring
* MDM-PCCT: Multiple Dynamic Modulations for High-Performance Spectral PCCT Imaging
* Measuring Human Perception to Improve Open Set Recognition
* Minimum Barrier Distance Based Saliency Box for Object Proposals Generation, A
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* Mode-Switched Control Architecture for Human-in-the-Loop Teleoperation of Multislave Robots via Data-Training-Based Observer, A
* Modeling Multiple Aesthetic Views for Series Photo Selection
* More is Less: A More Complicated Network with Less Inference Complexity
* MR images segmentation and bias correction via LIC model
* Multi-Density Sketch-to-Image Translation Network
* Multi-frame pel-recursive motion estimation for video image interpolation
* Multi-Relay Cognitive Network With Anti-Fragile Relay Communication for Intelligent Transportation System Under Aggregated Interference
* Multi-Scale Fusion for Improved Localization of Malicious Tampering in Digital Images
* Multi-Scale Semantic Segmentation and Spatial Relationship Recognition of Remote Sensing Images Based on an Attention Model
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Decision-Making Method for Disease and Pest Detection of Grape Foliage Based on ShuffleNet V2, A
* Multimodal image matching using self similarity
* Multimodal Spatiotemporal Representation for Automatic Depression Level Detection
* Multiplexed Network for End-to-End, Multilingual OCR, A
* Multiscale Approach for Thinning Ridges of Fingerprint
* Multitask Multigranularity Aggregation With Global-Guided Attention for Video Person Re-Identification
* MuSpel-Fi: Multipath Subspace Projection and ELM-Based Fingerprint Localization
* Mutual Information-driven Pan-sharpening
* NeRF-RPN: A general framework for object detection in NeRFs
* NeuDA: Neural Deformable Anchor for High-Fidelity Implicit Surface Reconstruction
* Neural Degradation Representation Learning for All-in-One Image Restoration
* Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction
* new context-sensitive grammars learning algorithm and its application in trajectory classification, A
* New Evidence to Support Zephyria Tholus as a Composite Volcano on Mars
* New Kernel Based on Weighted Cross-Correlation Coefficient for SVMs and Its Application on Prediction of T-cell Epitopes, A
* Non-Cooperative and Cooperative Driving Strategies at Unsignalized Intersections: A Robust Differential Game Approach
* Nonlocal Tensor-Based Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing
* novel approach to feature extraction from classification models based on information gene pairs, A
* Novel High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams, A
* Novel Infringement Detection Method for GIS Vector Data, A
* Novel Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier Based on Explainable Neural Network for Surface Electromyogram Gesture Recognition, A
* Novel One-Parameter Regularized Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method for Face Recognition, A
* novel particle filtering framework for 2D-TO-3D conversion from a monoscopic 2D image sequence, A
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* O2U-Net: A Simple Noisy Label Detection Approach for Deep Neural Networks
* object-based change detection approach using high-resolution remote sensing image and GIS data, An
* On Positive-Unlabeled Classification in GAN
* On the Consistency of Stochastic Noise Properties and Velocity Estimations from Different Analysis Strategies and Centers with Environmental Loading and CME Corrections
* On-Line Bubble Inspection Method for Automated Vacuum Casting Controlling System
* Optimizing Factorized Encoder Models: Time and Memory Reduction for Scalable and Efficient Action Recognition
* Ordinal Pattern: A New Descriptor for Brain Connectivity Networks
* Panoramic Background Image Generation for PTZ Cameras
* Path tracking control for autonomous vehicles with saturated input: A fuzzy fixed-time learning control approach
* Path Tracking Control for Underactuated Vehicles With Matched-Mismatched Uncertainties: An Uncertainty Decomposition Based Constraint-Following Approach
* Patient-Adaptive Population-Based Modeling of Arterial Input Functions
* PERF-Net: Pose Empowered RGB-Flow Net
* Performance Comparison of MPEG-4 Scalable and Non-scalable Video Streaming
* Performance Evaluation and Noise Mitigation of the FY-3E Microwave Humidity Sounder
* Performance of a mixed-traffic CDMA2000 wireless network with scalable streaming video
* Personality Assessment Based on Multimodal Attention Network Learning With Category-Based Mean Square Error
* Photo Realistic Image Completion via Dense Correspondence
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Based on Deep Learning
* Point cloud labeling using 3D Convolutional Neural Network
* Point cloud matching based on 3D self-similarity
* PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision
* Positioning of Quadruped Robot Based on Tightly Coupled LiDAR Vision Inertial Odometer
* Potential Use of Multi-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Bare Agricultural Areas: Hebei, China, The
* Probing Synergistic High-Order Interaction in Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Progressive Neural Architecture Search
* PTET: A progressive token exchanging transformer for infrared and visible image fusion
* Pyramid Ensemble Structure for High Resolution Image Shadow Removal
* Quantifying DOC and Its Controlling Factors in Major Arctic Rivers during Ice-Free Conditions using Sentinel-2 Data
* Querying as Prompt: Parameter-Efficient Learning for Multimodal Language Model
* Range Scaling Global U-Net for Perceptual Image Enhancement on Mobile Devices
* Rapid extraction and updating of road network from airborne LiDAR data
* Ray Priors through Reprojection: Improving Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Extrapolation
* Real Image Denoising via Guided Residual Estimation and Noise Correction
* Real-Time Simulated Avatar from Head-Mounted Sensors
* Reducing Footskate in Human Motion Reconstruction with Ground Contact Constraints
* Region-Aware Portrait Retouching With Sparse Interactive Guidance
* Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolution SAR Images, A
* Regularized Matrix Factorization for Multilabel Learning With Missing Labels
* Relational-branchformer: Novel framework for audio-visual speech recognition
* Relations Between Grace-derived Water Storage Change With Precipitation And Temperature Over Kaidu River Basin, China
* Relationship of Time Span and Missing Data on the Noise Model Estimation of GNSS Time Series, The
* Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Relay Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraint
* Research on Jianghan Plain Water System Dynamics and Influences with Multiple Landsat Satellites
* Residual Enhanced Multi-Hypergraph Neural Network
* Responses of Seasonal Indicators to Extreme Droughts in Southwest China
* Rethinking BiSeNet For Real-time Semantic Segmentation
* Rethinking Spatiotemporal Feature Learning: Speed-Accuracy Trade-offs in Video Classification
* Retinal Image Registration Via Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model
* RetinaTrack: Online Single Stage Joint Detection and Tracking
* Retrieval of Fractional Snow Cover over High Mountain Asia Using 1 km and 5 km AVHRR/2 with Simulated Mid-Infrared Reflective Band
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Revisiting Spatial-Frequency Information Integration from a Hierarchical Perspective for Panchromatic and Multi-Spectral Image Fusion
* Ricci curvature based volumetric segmentation
* Robust Feature Matching via Graph Neighborhood Motion Consensus
* Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Robust Service and Charging Plan for Dynamic Electric Demand-Responsive Transit Systems
* Safety guaranteed longitudinal motion control for connected and autonomous vehicles in a lane-changing scenario
* Safety-Guaranteed Oversized Cargo Cooperative Transportation With Closed-Form Collision-Free Trajectory Generation and Tracking Control
* Salient Object Detection From Arbitrary Modalities
* SASAN: Spectrum-Axial Spatial Approach Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
* Scale-Aware Modulation Meet Transformer
* Scheduling and Resource Allocation for SVC Streaming Over OFDM Downlink Systems
* Secure Binary Image Steganography With Distortion Measurement Based on Prediction
* secure watermarking technique without loss of robustness, A
* Segmentation and matching: Towards a robust object detection system
* Self-Reconfigurable Platform for Scalable DCT Computation Using Compressed Partial Bitstreams and BlockRAM Prefetching, A
* Self-Supervised Object Detection from Egocentric Videos
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Videos by Segmenting via Sampling Rate Order Prediction
* Semantic Example Guided Image-to-Image Translation
* Semantic feature-constrained multitask siamese network for building change detection in high-spatial-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Semantic Pre-supplement for Exposure Correction
* Semi-supervised discriminant analysis based on UDP regularization
* Semi-supervised SVM for Manifold Learning, A
* SILCO: Show a Few Images, Localize the Common Object
* Single-Image HDR Reconstruction by Learning to Reverse the Camera Pipeline
* Single-Stage Adaptive Multi-Scale Point Cloud Noise Filtering Algorithm Based on Feature Information
* Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Challenge by Program Synthesis
* Space-Time Distillation for Video Super-Resolution
* Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data with Noise Level Estimation
* Spatial Auto-Regressive Analysis of Correlation in 3-D PET With Application to Model-Based Simulation of Data
* Spatial Color Indexing and Applications
* Spatial Downscaling of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression and Multi-Source Variables
* Spatial-Frequency Domain Information Integration for Pan-Sharpening
* Spatial-Spectral Feature Descriptor for Hyperspectral Image Matching, A
* Spatial-Temporal Context-Aware Online Action Detection and Prediction
* Spatially Adaptive Computation Time for Residual Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics for Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Spatio-Temporal Relevance Classification from Geographic Texts Using Deep Learning
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Factors Influencing Regional Ecological Land in a Multidimensional Perspective: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Online Social Network after a Natural Disaster
* Spectral-Spatial Attention Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Speed sign recognition in complex scenarios based on deep cascade networks
* Speed/Accuracy Trade-Offs for Modern Convolutional Object Detectors
* State Prediction and Anti-Interference-Based Flight Path-Following for UAVs
* Steganalysis of Multiple-Base Notational System Steganography
* Stereo Generation from a Single Image Using Deep Residual Network
* Stripe noise removal of remote sensing images by total variation regularization and group sparsity constraint
* Study on Early Identification of Rainfall-Induced Accumulation Landslide Hazards in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
* Substitute Model Generation for Black-Box Adversarial Attack Based on Knowledge Distillation
* Surface Approximation Method for Image and Video Correspondences, A
* surprising impact of mask-head architecture on novel class segmentation, The
* Sustainable Development of Life Service Resources: A New Framework Based on GIScience and Spatial Justice
* SwapText: Image Based Texts Transfer in Scenes
* System framework design of automated data mining technology based on intelligent agents
* Task Grouping for Multilingual Text Recognition
* TDMSANet: A Tri-Dimensional Multi-Head Self-Attention Network for Improved Crop Classification from Multitemporal Fine-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* Template Deformation-Based 3-D Reconstruction of Full Human Body Scans From Low-Cost Depth Cameras
* Text detection and restoration in natural scene images
* TextOCR: Towards large-scale end-to-end reasoning for arbitrary-shaped scene text
* Time-Series InSAR Technology for Monitoring and Analyzing Surface Deformations in Mining Areas Affected by Fault Disturbances
* Towards Fast and Reliable Evaluation of Detection Performance of Space Surveillance Sensors
* Towards Generalisable Video Moment Retrieval: Visual-Dynamic Injection to Image-Text Pre-Training
* Towards Multi-view and Partially-Occluded Face Alignment
* Towards Robust and Accurate Multi-View and Partially-Occluded Face Alignment
* Towards Understanding Cross and Self-Attention in Stable Diffusion for Text-Guided Image Editing
* Transfer metric learning for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Transparent Shape from a Single View Polarization Image
* Tree-d Fusion: Simulation-ready Tree Dataset from Single Images with Diffusion Priors
* Two Causal Principles for Improving Visual Dialog
* Ultrafast Endoscopic Ultrasonography With Circular Array
* Ultrasound kidney segmentation with a global prior shape
* Uncertainty-Aware Audiovisual Activity Recognition Using Deep Bayesian Variational Inference
* Understanding the Relationship between China's Eco-Environmental Quality and Urbanization Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Unifying Deep ConvNet and Semantic Edge Features for Loop Closure Detection
* Unleashing the Potential of the Semantic Latent Space in Diffusion Models for Image Dehazing
* Unmasking Bias in Diffusion Model Training
* Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition from Drones
* Unsupervised Image Denoising in Real-World Scenarios via Self-Collaboration Parallel Generative Adversarial Branches
* Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation via Pre-Trained StyleGAN2 Network
* Unsupervised Underexposed Image Enhancement via Self-Illuminated and Perceptual Guidance
* Utilising bidirectional inequality constraints in optimal robust control for heterogeneous vehicular platoons
* UVCGAN: UNet Vision Transformer cycle-consistent GAN for unpaired image-to-image translation
* V2V-enabled cooperative adaptive cruise control strategy for improving driving safety and travel efficiency of semi-automated vehicle fleet
* Variation in Microwave Brightness Temperature of Granite Pressed Under Weak Background Radiation, The
* Vehicle detection in urban point clouds with orthogonal-view convolutional neural network
* Vehicle Re-Identification Using Quadruple Directional Deep Learning Features
* Video Activity Localisation with Uncertainties in Temporal Boundary
* Video Indexing and Retrieval for Archeological Digital Library, CLIOH
* Video Sequence Matching Based on the Invariance of Color Correlation
* Video-Text as Game Players: Hierarchical Banzhaf Interaction for Cross-Modal Representation Learning
* Vision-Based Parking-Slot Detection: A DCNN-Based Approach and a Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset
* Visual Commonsense R-CNN
* Visual Commonsense Representation Learning via Causal Inference
* Visual Recognition-Driven Image Restoration for Multiple Degradation with Intrinsic Semantics Recovery
* Visual Routine for Eye Detection Using Hybrid Genetic Architectures
* Wavelet Kernel Construction for Kernel Discriminant Analysis on Face Recognition
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Textbook Question Answering
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Spatial Reasoning for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* Weighted Differential Gradient Method for Filling Pits in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Canopy Height Model
* XCube: Large-Scale 3D Generative Modeling using Sparse Voxel Hierarchies
* Zero-Shot Video Moment Retrieval from Frozen Vision-Language Models
Includes: Huang, J. Huang, J.[Jiong] Huang, J.[Jin] Huang, J.[Jiayi] Huang, J.[Jian] Huang, J.[Jie] Huang, J.[Junshi] Huang, J.[Jing] Huang, J.[Jue] Huang, J.[Jun] Huang, J.[Jonathan] Huang, J.[Jiandong] Huang, J.[Jia] Huang, J.[Jiru] Huang, J.[Jiahui] Huang, J.[Jiyan] Huang, J.[Jeffrey] Huang, J.[Jennifer] Huang, J.[Jiao] Huang, J.[Jiabo] Huang, J.[Jincai] Huang, J.[Junyi] Huang, J.[Jichuan] Huang, J.[Jiwu] Huang, J.[Ju] Huang, J.[Junduan] Huang, J.[Jeffery] Huang, J.[Jiani] Huang, J.[Jingshui] Huang, J.[Junkai] Huang, J.[Junying] Huang, J.[Jieyu] Huang, J.[Jingfang] Huang, J.[Ji] Huang, J.[Jinbo] Huang, J.[Jialu] Huang, J.[Jiayu] Huang, J.[Jiejun] Huang, J.[Jiale] Huang, J.[Jinchi] Huang, J.[Junjia] Huang, J.[Jiacai] Huang, J.[Jilei] Huang, J.[Junnan] Huang, J.[Jinyu] Huang, J.[Jisui] Huang, J.[Jingou] Huang, J.[Jiakai] Huang, J.[Junwang] Huang, J.[Jujian] Huang, J.[Junchu] Huang, J.[Jinfa] Huang, J.[Jingyue]
456 for Huang, J.

Huang, J.A.[Jian An] Co Author Listing * CO Emissions Associated with Three Major Earthquakes Occurring in Diverse Tectonic Environments
Includes: Huang, J.A.[Jian An] Huang, J.A.[Jian-An]

Huang, J.B.[Jia Bin] Co Author Listing * 3D Motion Magnification: Visualizing Subtle Motions with Time-Varying Radiance Fields
* Adaptive Correlation Filters with Long-Term and Short-Term Memory for Object Tracking
* Boosting Source-free Domain Adaptation via Confidence-based Subsets Feature Alignment
* Boosting View Synthesis with Residual Transfer
* Clearing the Skies: A Deep Network Architecture for Single-Image Rain Removal
* ClimateNeRF: Extreme Weather Synthesis in Neural Radiance Field
* Comparative Study for Single Image Blind Deblurring, A
* Consistent View Synthesis with Pose-Guided Diffusion Models
* Continuous and Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Signed Attribute Vectors
* CrDoCo: Pixel-Level Domain Transfer With Cross-Domain Consistency
* DC2: Dual-Camera Defocus Control by Learning to Refocus
* Deep Joint Image Filtering
* Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate Super-Resolution
* Deep Semantic Matching with Foreground Detection and Cycle-Consistency
* Detecting Migrating Birds at Night
* DF-Net: Unsupervised Joint Learning of Depth and Flow Using Cross-Task Consistency
* DisCO: Portrait Distortion Correction with Perspective-Aware 3D GANs
* Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* DRG: Dual Relation Graph for Human-object Interaction Detection
* DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* Dynamic Mesh-Aware Radiance Fields
* Dynamic View Synthesis from Dynamic Monocular Video
* Enhancing Color Representation for the Color Vision Impaired
* Ensemble convolutional neural networks for pose estimation
* Estimating Human Pose from Occluded Images
* Exploiting Self-similarities for Single Frame Super-Resolution
* Expressive Text-to-Image Generation with Rich Text
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks
* Fast sparse representation with prototypes
* Fast View Synthesis of Casual Videos with Soup-of-planes
* Featmatch: Feature-based Augmentation for Semi-supervised Learning
* Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaussian Splats
* Flow-edge Guided Video Completion
* FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis
* Grounded Text-to-Image Synthesis with Attention Refocusing
* Group link prediction in bipartite graphs with graph neural networks
* Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Visual Tracking
* Hybrid Neural Fusion for Full-frame Video Stabilization
* HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned Sampling
* Image completion using planar structure guidance
* In-N-Out: Faithful 3D GAN Inversion with Volumetric Decomposition for Face Editing
* Information Preserving Color Transformation for Protanopia and Deuteranopia
* Joint Image Filtering with Deep Convolutional Networks
* Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency
* Learning Instance-Specific Adaptation for Cross-Domain Segmentation
* Learning Monocular Visual Odometry via Self-supervised Long-term Modeling
* Learning Moving Cast Shadows for Foreground Detection
* Learning Neural Light Fields with Ray-Space Embedding
* Learning representational invariances for data-efficient action recognition
* Learning to See Through Obstructions With Layered Decomposition
* Long Video Generation with Time-Agnostic VQGAN and Time-Sensitive Transformer
* LTM: Lightweight Textured Mesh Extraction and Refinement of Large Unbounded Scenes for Efficient Storage and Real-Time Rendering
* Moving cast shadow detection using physics-based features
* Multiscale Approach to Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment, A
* NAS-DIP: Learning Deep Image Prior with Neural Architecture Search
* Neural Global Shutter: Learn to Restore Video from a Rolling Shutter Camera with Global Reset Feature
* Neural-PBIR Reconstruction of Shape, Material, and Illumination
* OmnimatteRF: Robust Omnimatte with 3D Background Modeling
* On the Content Bias in Fréchet Video Distance
* Pose Determination of a Cylinder Using Reprojection Transformation
* Preserve Your Own Correlation: A Noise Prior for Video Diffusion Models
* Progressive Representation Adaptation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Progressively Optimized Local Radiance Fields for Robust View Synthesis
* Removing Rain from Single Images via a Deep Detail Network
* Robust Consistent Video Depth Estimation
* Robust Deconvolution Method of Airborne LiDAR Waveforms for Dense Point Clouds Generation in Forest, A
* Robust Dynamic Radiance Fields
* Robust Traffic Speed Inference With Ensemble Learning
* Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* SAIL-VOS: Semantic Amodal Instance Level Video Object Segmentation: A Synthetic Dataset and Baselines
* Saliency detection via divergence analysis: A unified perspective
* Seeing the World through Your Eyes
* Self-Supervised Cross-Video Temporal Learning for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation
* Semantic View Synthesis
* Shape-Aware Text-Driven Layered Video Editing
* Show, Match and Segment: Joint Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Matching and Object Co-Segmentation
* Shuffle and Attend: Video Domain Adaptation
* Single image deblurring with adaptive dictionary learning
* Single image super-resolution from transformed self-exemplars
* Space-time Neural Irradiance Fields for Free-Viewpoint Video
* study on the dual vanishing point property, A
* Taming Latent Diffusion Model for Neural Radiance Field Inpainting
* Temporally Consistent Semantic Video Editing
* TextureDreamer: Image-Guided Texture Synthesis through Geometry-Aware Diffusion
* Tracking Persons-of-Interest via Adaptive Discriminative Features
* Tracking Persons-of-Interest via Unsupervised Representation Adaptation
* Unsupervised Representation Learning by Sorting Sequences
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Using Motion Saliency-Guided Spatio-Temporal Propagation
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Graph-Based Consistent Constraints
* VideoMatch: Matching Based Video Object Segmentation
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Progressive Domain Adaptation
* Weighted Landmark-Based Algorithm for Skull Identification, The
Includes: Huang, J.B.[Jia Bin] Huang, J.B.[Jia-Bin] Huang, J.B. Huang, J.B.[Jian-Bin] Huang, J.B.[Jen-Bin] Huang, J.B.[Jing-Bo]
92 for Huang, J.B.

Huang, J.C.[Jin Cai] Co Author Listing * Automated Dilated Spatio-Temporal Synchronous Graph Modeling for Traffic Prediction
* Automated Matching of Multi-Scale Building Data Based on Relaxation Labelling and Pattern Combinations
* Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data, An
* Common-specific feature learning for multi-source domain adaptation
* Deep part-related feature learning for human-level biometrics
* Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden Surface Based on Edge Defocus Tracking
* DeSeal: Semantic-Aware Seal2Clear Attention for Document Seal Removal
* Digging into Radiance Grid for Real-Time View Synthesis with Detail Preservation
* Energetic Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles in Real-World Traffic Conditions From Nine Open-Source Datasets
* Exploring Spatial Significance via Hybrid Pyramidal Graph Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Finger-Written Chinese Characters Recognition Using Hierarchical LDA
* fuel consumption model for mixed traffic flow in multiple connected and autonomous scenarios, A
* GPT4Motion: Scripting Physical Motions in Text-to-Video Generation via Blender-Oriented GPT Planning
* Hybrid Method to Incrementally Extract Road Networks Using Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data, A
* Identification of Coupling Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Urbanization for Supporting Ecological Management: A Case Study on Areas along the Yellow River of Henan Province
* Improving Slice-Based Model for Person Re-ID with Multi-Level Representation and Triplet-Center Loss
* Integration of audio and visual information for content-based video segmentation
* Kernel Modified Quadratic Discriminant Function for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multiscale Neighborhood Adaptive Clustering Image Segmentation for Molten Iron Flow Slag-Iron Recognition
* new stroke-based directional feature extraction approach for handwritten Chinese character recognition, A
* Novel Vision based Finger-writing Character Recognition System, A
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Low Light Image Enhancement: Methods and Results
* Part-Based Gaussian Reweighted Approach for Occluded Vehicle Detection, A
* Perceptual image quality assessment using a geometric structural distortion model
* Phenology Effects on Physically Based Estimation of Paddy Rice Canopy Traits from UAV Hyperspectral Imagery
* Research on image quality in decision management system and information system framework
* Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
* Spatial and Temporal Evolution Characteristics of the Salween River Delta from 1973 to 2021
* Towards desirable decision boundary by Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training
* Unbiased feature generating for generalized zero-shot learning
* Visible-infrared person re-identification using high utilization mismatch amending triplet loss
* WaveDM: Wavelet-Based Diffusion Models for Image Restoration
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection Via Double Object Proposals Guidance
* Weightlessness feature: A novel feature for single tri-axial accelerometer based activity recognition
Includes: Huang, J.C.[Jin Cai] Huang, J.C.[Jin-Cai] Huang, J.C.[Jun-Chu] Huang, J.C.[Jian-Cai] Huang, J.C.[Jian-Cheng] Huang, J.C.[Jin-Chi] Huang, J.C.[Jian-Chang] Huang, J.C.[Jing-Chang] Huang, J.C. Huang, J.C.[Jun-Chang] Huang, J.C.[Jin-Cheng] Huang, J.C.[Ji-Chuan] Huang, J.C.[Jui-Chan] Huang, J.C.[Jiang-Cheng]
34 for Huang, J.C.

Huang, J.D.[Jiun De] Co Author Listing * Asymmetric fourier descriptor of non-closed segments
* Semantics feature sampling for point-based 3D object detection
* SLAM algorithm based on improved semantic detection
Includes: Huang, J.D.[Jiun De] Huang, J.D.[Jiun-De] Huang, J.D.[Jing-Dong] Huang, J.D.[Jing-De]

Huang, J.F.[Jing Feng] Co Author Listing * Aerial image semantic segmentation using DCNN predicted distance maps
* Approach to Improve Leaf Pigment Content Retrieval by Removing Specular Reflectance Through Polarization Measurements, An
* Array Optimization for MIMO Radar by Genetic Algorithms
* Assessing Global Ocean Wind Energy Resources Using Multiple Satellite Data
* Assessment of China's Offshore Wind Resources Based on the Integration of Multiple Satellite Data and Meteorological Data
* Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Gated Residual Refinement Network
* Calibration and Validation of NOAA-21 Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Nadir Mapper Sensor Data Record Data
* CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorithm for 3D-HEVC
* Characteristics of Greening along Altitudinal Gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Time-Series Landsat Images
* Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm for Soil Moisture Prediction from Sentinel-1 SAR Images, A
* Developing a multi-filter convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation using high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data
* Dynamic Mapping of Rice Growth Parameters Using HJ-1 CCD Time Series Data
* Dynamic Recommendation of POI Sequence Responding to Historical Trajectory
* Estimation and Mapping of Winter Oilseed Rape LAI from High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data Based on a Hybrid Method
* Evaluation of the Impacts of Rain Gauge Density and Distribution on Gauge-Satellite Merged Precipitation Estimates
* Evaluation of Urban Vibrancy and Its Relationship with the Economic Landscape: A Case Study of Beijing
* Exploring the Optical Properties of Leaf Photosynthetic and Photo-Protective Pigments In Vivo Based on the Separation of Spectral Overlapping
* High-Resolution Rice Mapping Based on SNIC Segmentation and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Impacts of spatial heterogeneity on crop area mapping in Canada using MODIS data
* Improved Cloud Gap-Filling Method for Longwave Infrared Land Surface Temperatures through Introducing Passive Microwave Techniques, An
* Inter-Continental Transfer of Pre-Trained Deep Learning Rice Mapping Model and Its Generalization Ability
* Investigation of Electromagnetic Radiation from High Power Weather Radar
* Key-frame-based depth propagation for semi-automatic stereoscopic video conversion
* Large-scale rice mapping under different years based on time-series Sentinel-1 images using deep semantic segmentation model
* Large-Scale Rice Mapping Using Multi-Task Spatiotemporal Deep Learning and Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Oilseed Rape Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data at Parcel Scale under Waterlogging Conditions
* Mapping paddy rice agriculture over China using AMSR-E time series data
* Mapping Rice Fields in Urban Shanghai, Southeast China, Using Sentinel-1A and Landsat 8 Datasets
* Mapping Water-Logging Damage on Winter Wheat at Parcel Level Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data
* Mapping Waterlogging Damage to Winter Wheat Yield Using Downscaling-Merging Satellite Daily Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Monitoring Meteorological Drought in Southern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Rice Planting Area in the Yangtze River Delta Region Using MODIS Images
* Multiple clusters parts-based sparse representation for single example face identification
* New 32-Day Average-Difference Method for Calculating Inter-Sensor Calibration Radiometric Biases between SNPP and NOAA-20 Instruments within ICVS Framework, A
* New Framework for the Reconstruction of Daily 1 km Land Surface Temperatures from 2000 to 2022, A
* New Reprocessing towards Life-Time Quality-Consistent Suomi NPP OMPS Nadir Sensor Data Records (SDR): Calibration Improvements and Impact Assessments on Long-Term Quality Stability of OMPS SDR Data Sets
* On the Study of Influences of Different Factors on the Rapid Tropospheric Tomography
* Optimal Segmentation Scale Parameter, Feature Subset and Classification Algorithm for Geographic Object-Based Crop Recognition Using Multisource Satellite Imagery
* Perceptual activity measures computed from blocks in the transform domain
* Practical Remote Sensing Monitoring Framework for Late Frost Damage in Wine Grapes Using Multi-Source Satellite Data, A
* Propagating Updates of Residential Areas in Multi-Representation Databases Using Constrained Delaunay Triangulations
* Recognition of distorted QR codes with one missing position detection pattern
* Remote Sensing of Pigment Content at a Leaf Scale: Comparison among Some Specular Removal and Specular Resistance Methods
* Rice Fields Mapping in Fragmented Area Using Multi-Temporal HJ-1A/B CCD Images
* Rice Mapping in Training Sample Shortage Regions Using a Deep Semantic Segmentation Model Trained on Pseudo-Labels
* Satellite-Derived Climatological Analysis of Urban Heat Island over Shanghai during 2000-2013, A
* Semi-automatic 2D-to-3D video conversion based on depth propagation from key-frames
Includes: Huang, J.F.[Jing Feng] Huang, J.F.[Jing-Feng] Huang, J.F.[Jing-Fang] Huang, J.F.[Jian-Feng] Huang, J.F.[Ji-Feng] Huang, J.F.[Jhin-Fang] Huang, J.F.[Jian-Fa] Huang, J.F.[Jin-Fang] Huang, J.F.[Jen-Fa] Huang, J.F.[Jian-Fen]
47 for Huang, J.F.

Huang, J.G.[Jian Guo] Co Author Listing * Learning from Real Images to Model Lighting Variations for Face Images
* Occlusion Models for Natural Images: A Statistical Study of a Scale-Invariant Dead Leaves Model
* Perception-Based Lighting Adjustment of Image Sequences
* Statistics of Natural Images and Models
* Statistics of Range Images
Includes: Huang, J.G.[Jian Guo] Huang, J.G.[Jian-Guo] Huang, J.G.[Jing-Gang]

Huang, J.H.[Jian Hua] Co Author Listing * Active discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* Assessment of Urban Resilience and Detection of Impact Factors Based on Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis and GeoDetector Model: A Case of Hunan Province
* Causalainer: Causal Explainer for Automatic Video Summarization
* Cfab: An Online Data Augmentation to Alleviate the Spuriousness of Classification on Medical Ultrasound Images
* Cloud Cover throughout All the Paddy Rice Fields in Guangdong, China: Impacts on Sentinel 2 MSI and Landsat 8 OLI Optical Observations
* ClusterSLAM: A SLAM Backend for Simultaneous Rigid Body Clustering and Motion Estimation
* Coastal Reclamation Embankment Deformation: Dynamic Monitoring and Future Trend Prediction Using Multi-Temporal InSAR Technology in Funing Bay, China
* Comparing decision boundary curvature
* Content-Based Image Retrieval via Subspace-Projected Salient Features
* Data hiding in halftone images with secret-shared dot diffusion
* Deep Context-Encoding Network for Retinal Image Captioning
* DeepOpht: Medical Report Generation for Retinal Images via Deep Models and Visual Explanation
* DI-Fusion: Online Implicit 3D Reconstruction with Deep Priors
* Duality Diagram Similarity: A Generic Framework for Initialization Selection in Task Transfer Learning
* effective computer aided diagnosis system using B-Mode and color Doppler flow imaging for breast cancer, An
* Expert-defined Keywords Improve Interpretability of Retinal Image Captioning
* Fingerprint minutiae matching using the adjacent feature vector
* Flood Detection in Dual-Polarization SAR Images Based on Multi-Scale Deeplab Model
* Fractional subpixel diffusion and fuzzy logic approach for ultrasound speckle reduction
* Fully automatic and segmentation-robust classification of breast tumors based on local texture analysis of ultrasound images
* Hierarchical Model-Based Human Motion Tracking Via Unscented Kalman Filter
* High-Precision Registration Method Based on Auxiliary Sphere Targets, A
* Improved VMD-LSTM Model for Time-Varying GNSS Time Series Prediction with Temporally Correlated Noise, An
* Integrated Mining of Visual Features, Speech Features, and Frequent Patterns for Semantic Video Annotation
* Interpretable Siamese Attention Res-CNN for Fingerprint Spoofing Detection, An
* Learning spatiotemporal representations for human fall detection in surveillance video
* Local relative location error descriptor-based fingerprint minutiae matching
* MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization
* Multiple-domain knowledge based MRF model for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images
* Multiway Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration via Learned Functional Map Synchronization
* new framework for identifying differentially expressed genes, A
* Non-local Attention Improves Description Generation for Retinal Images
* novel approach for tracking high speed skaters in sports using a panning camera, A
* Novel Architecture for Image Vectorization with Increasing Granularity, A
* novel speckle reduction and contrast enhancement method based on fuzzy anisotropic diffusion, A
* Optimisation model for network progression coordinated control under the signal design mode of split phasing
* Probability density difference-based active contour for ultrasound image segmentation
* Probability-based Global Cross-modal Upsampling for Pansharpening
* Query-Based Video Summarization with Pseudo Label Supervision
* Re-Parameterized Real-Time Stereo Matching Network Based on Mixed Cost Volumes Toward Autonomous Driving
* Shallow2Deep: Indoor scene modeling by single image understanding
* Texture-Preserving Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On
* Two-Stage Spatiotemporal Context Refinement Network for Precipitation Nowcasting
* UnbiasNet: Vehicle Re-Identification Oriented Unbiased Feature Enhancement by Using Causal Effect
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Feature-Grouping and Orthogonal Constraint
* Urban expansion monitoring in South Asia based on SPOT /VGT and DMSP/OLS data
* Visual Object Tracking with Pyramid, Random Subspace Features
Includes: Huang, J.H.[Jian Hua] Huang, J.H.[Jian-Hua] Huang, J.H.[Jian-Hui] Huang, J.H.[Jia-Hong] Huang, J.H.[Jun-Hao] Huang, J.H.[Jia-Hui] Huang, J.H.[Jin-Hua] Huang, J.H.[Jyun-Hao] Huang, J.H.[Jun-Hui] Huang, J.H.[Jhih-Hong] Huang, J.H.[Jiang-Hua] Huang, J.H.[Jiang-Hui] Huang, J.H.[Jin-Hao] Huang, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Huang, J.H.[Jun-Heng]
47 for Huang, J.H.

Huang, J.H.J.[Jin Hui Jeanne] Co Author Listing * Performance of deep learning in mapping water quality of Lake Simcoe with long-term Landsat archive
Includes: Huang, J.H.J.[Jin Hui Jeanne] Huang, J.H.J.[Jin-Hui Jeanne]

Huang, J.H.Z.[Jian Hua Z.] Co Author Listing * Sparse exponential family Principal Component Analysis
Includes: Huang, J.H.Z.[Jian Hua Z.] Huang, J.H.Z.[Jian-Hua Z.]

Huang, J.J.[Jun Jia] Co Author Listing * Affine-Consistent Transformer for Multi-Class Cell Nuclei Detection
* Analysis and Correction of Antenna Pattern Effects in AMAO Spaceborne SAR Images
* Analysis of Using the Parabolic Antenna as the Passive Calibrator for P-Band Spaceborne SAR Radiometric Calibration
* Anti-Compression Contrastive Facial Forgery Detection
* Attention guided deep features for accurate body mass index estimation
* Boosting semi-supervised face recognition with raw faces
* Changes in Nutrient Concentrations in Shenzhen Bay Detected Using Landsat Imagery between 1988 and 2020
* Clover: Towards A Unified Video-Language Alignment and Fusion Model
* Compensation Tracker: Reprocessing Lost Object for Multi-Object Tracking
* Coupled Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection With Gated Multi-Layer Feature Extraction and Deformable Occlusion Handling
* DeepFake Disrupter: The Detector of DeepFake Is My Friend
* DeepFake MNIST+: A DeepFake Facial Animation Dataset
* Detecting as Labeling: Rethinking Lidar-camera Fusion in 3d Object Detection
* Direction of Arrival Estimation of Acoustic Sources with Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Swarm via Matrix Completion
* Discriminative indefinite kernel classifier from pairwise constraints and unlabeled data
* Double iterative optimal dictionary learning-based SAR image filtering method
* Dynamic Texture Recognition by Spatio-Temporal Multiresolution Histograms
* effect of electrode-skin interface model in electrical impedance imaging, The
* Estimating Human Weight From a Single Image
* Exploring Long Tail Visual Relationship Recognition with Large Vocabulary
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* Gait Recognition in the Wild: A Benchmark
* Geometry-Aware Deep Transform
* hybrid genetic algorithm for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information, A
* Image patch prior learning based on random neighbourhood resampling for image denoising
* Improved decision-based detail-preserving variational method for removal of random-valued impulse noise
* Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
* LDMNet: Low Dimensional Manifold Regularized Neural Networks
* Learning Disentangled Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Hierarchical Decision Trees for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Learning the Global Descriptor for 3-D Object Recognition Based on Multiple Views Decomposition
* Lightweight Pyramid Transformer for High-Resolution SAR Image-Based Building Classification in Port Regions, A
* Metaverse Interactive Experience Space Based on Oriental Prayer Culture, A
* Mixed X-Ray Image Separation for Artworks With Concealed Designs
* Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Coastal Waters of Zhejiang Using Landsat-8/9 Imagery
* Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
* Multidimensional data in multidimensional scaling using the analytic network process
* novel computer vision-based approach for monitoring safety harness use in construction, A
* On-Board Detection and Matching of Feature Points
* On-Board Georeferencing Using FPGA-Based Optimized Second-Order Polynomial Equation
* On-Board Ortho-Rectification for Images Based on an FPGA
* On-Board Ortho-Rectification for Images Based on an FPGA
* Open-Vocabulary RGB-Thermal Semantic Segmentation
* Perceptual error criteria and restoration of images with stack filters
* Point'n Move: Interactive scene object manipulation on Gaussian splatting radiance fields
* Prediction of Large-Scale Regional Evapotranspiration Based on Multi-Scale Feature Extraction and Multi-Headed Self-Attention
* Regularized Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Metro Passenger Flow Prediction
* Resolution-Improving Method for Multiband Imaging Based on an Extrapolated RELAX Algorithm, A
* Revisiting Temporal Modeling for CLIP-Based Image-to-Video Knowledge Transferring
* Robust Calibration of Vehicle Solid-State Lidar-Camera Perception System Using Line-Weighted Correspondences in Natural Environments
* Second-Order Polynomial Equation-Based Block Adjustment for Orthorectification of DISP Imagery
* segmentation algorithm for SAR images based on the anisotropic heat diffusion equation, A
* Semi-supervised Classification via Low Rank Graph
* Signal Recovery and System Calibration from Multiple Compressive Poisson Measurements
* SRHRF+: Self-Example Enhanced Single Image Super-Resolution Using Hierarchical Random Forests
* Transformation Model with Constraints for High-Accuracy of 2D-3D Building Registration in Aerial Imagery
* Trends in Concentration and Flux of Total Suspended Matter in the Irrawaddy River
* Using large color LBP in generalized hough transform
* Video Summarization Through Reinforcement Learning With a 3D Spatio-Temporal U-Net
* Violence Detection Approach Based on Spatio-temporal Hypergraph Transition, A
* WebFace260M: A Benchmark for Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition
* WebFace260M: A Benchmark Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep Face Recognition
* WINNet: Wavelet-Inspired Invertible Network for Image Denoising
* Wrapper for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information, A
Includes: Huang, J.J.[Jun Jia] Huang, J.J.[Jun-Jia] Huang, J.J.[Jian-Jun] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Jun] Huang, J.J.[Jun-Jie] Huang, J.J.[Jing-Jing] Huang, J.J.[Jing-Jia] Huang, J.J. Huang, J.J.[Ji-Jian] Huang, J.J.[Jie-Jun] Huang, J.J.[Ji-Jer] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Ji] Huang, J.J.[Jin-Jie] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Jia] Huang, J.J.[Jih-Jeng] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Jing] Huang, J.J.[Jing-Jin] Huang, J.J.[Jiao-Jiao] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Jin] Huang, J.J.[Jia-Jie] Huang, J.J.[Ji-Jun]
64 for Huang, J.J.

Huang, J.K.[Jing Kai] Co Author Listing * Precise Ambiguity Performance Evaluation for Spaceborne SAR with Diverse Waveforms
* Trash to Treasure: Harvesting OOD Data with Cross-Modal Matching for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning
Includes: Huang, J.K.[Jing Kai] Huang, J.K.[Jing-Kai] Huang, J.K.[Jun-Kai]

Huang, J.L.[Jin Lou] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Differentiation and Influencing Factors of Ecosystem Services in Resource-Based Cities in Semiarid Regions
* Application of Surface Deformation Monitoring in Mining Area by the Fusion of InSAR and Laser Scan Data
* Black-box reversible adversarial examples with invertible neural network
* Comparison of Cloud-Mask Algorithms and Machine-Learning Methods Using Sentinel-2 Imagery for Mapping Paddy Rice in Jianghan Plain
* discriminative self-attention cycle GAN for face super-resolution and recognition, A
* Driver Glance Behavior Modeling Based on Semi-Supervised Clustering and Piecewise Aggregate Representation
* Dynamic Assessment of Soil Erosion Risk Using Landsat TM and HJ Satellite Data in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China
* Enhanced Intensity Analysis to Quantify Categorical Change and to Identify Suspicious Land Transitions: A Case Study of Nanchang, China
* Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Changbai Mountain Region Using ICESat/GLAS and Landsat/TM Data
* Google Earth Engine-Based Framework to Identify Patterns and Drivers of Mariculture Dynamics in an Intensive Aquaculture Bay in China, A
* Joint multi-scale discrimination and region segmentation for person re-ID
* Linking Land Cover Change with Landscape Pattern Dynamics Induced by Damming in a Small Watershed
* Mapping Plant Diversity Based on Combined SENTINEL-1/2 Data: Opportunities for Subtropical Mountainous Forests
* Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Flood Regimes and Their Relation to Wetland Landscape Patterns in Dongting Lake from MODIS Time-Series Imagery
* Monitoring Trends in Light Pollution in China Based on Nighttime Satellite Imagery
* National Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping from ICESat/GLAS Data and MODIS Imagery in China
* Natural neighbor: A self-adaptive neighborhood method without parameter K
* Non-rigid registration using gradient of self-similarity response
* Potential Habitats and Their Conservation Status for Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) along the East Asian Flyway
* Random Forest-Based CA-Markov Model to Examine the Dynamics of Land Use/Cover Change Aided with Remote Sensing and GIS, A
* Robust Parallel Analog Function Computation via Wireless Multiple-Access MIMO Channels
* Spatio-temporal interactive reasoning model for multi-group activity recognition
* TemPanSharpening: A multi-temporal Pansharpening solution based on deep learning and edge extraction
Includes: Huang, J.L.[Jin Lou] Huang, J.L.[Jin-Lou] Huang, J.L. Huang, J.L.[Jie-Lun] Huang, J.L.[Jin-Liang] Huang, J.L.[Jiang-Lu] Huang, J.L.[Jian-Ling] Huang, J.L.[Jia-Liang] Huang, J.L.[Jin-Long] Huang, J.L.[James L.] Huang, J.L.[Jun-Long] Huang, J.L.[Jian-Li] Huang, J.L.[Jiang-Lan]
23 for Huang, J.L.

Huang, J.M.[Jin Miao] Co Author Listing * 3D Face Tracking from 2D Video through Iterative Dense UV to Image Flow
* Efficient Depth Fusion Transformer for Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation
* Efficient detection and robust tracking of spermatozoa in microscopic video
* Second Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge, The
Includes: Huang, J.M.[Jin Miao] Huang, J.M.[Jin-Miao] Huang, J.M.[Jian-Ming] Huang, J.M.[Jian-Mian]

Huang, J.N.[Jian Nan] Co Author Listing * Collaborative Vision-text Representation Optimizing for Open-vocabulary Segmentation
Includes: Huang, J.N.[Jian Nan] Huang, J.N.[Jian-Nan]

Huang, J.P.[Jian Ping] Co Author Listing * Approximating the Gauss-Newton Hessian Using a Space-Wavenumber Filter and its Applications in Least-Squares Seismic Imaging
* Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel Photon Data for Estimating Ground Topography in Forested Terrain
* Automatic Identification and Statistical Analysis of Data Steps in Electric Field Measurements from CSES-01 Satellite
* Chaotic Coding for Interference Suppression of Digital Ionosonde
* Compact High-Order Finite-Difference Method with Optimized Coefficients for 2D Acoustic Wave Equation, A
* Detection Method and Application of Nuclear-Shaped Anomaly Areas in Spatial Electric Field Power Spectrum Images
* Estimating intravoxel fiber architecture using constrained compressed sensing combined with multitensor adaptive smoothing
* Frequency Extraction of Global Constant Frequency Electromagnetic Disturbances from Electric Field VLF Data on CSES
* Multiple-Band Electric Field Response to the Geomagnetic Storm on 4 November 2021
* New Algorithm of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Determined from Polarization Lidar, A
* Outlier Denoising Using a Novel Statistics-Based Mask Strategy for Compressive Sensing
* Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorithm for Photon Cloud Data in Forest Area
* Pointing Angle Calibration of Zy3-02 Satellite Laser Altimeter Using Terrain Matching
* Possible Seismo-Ionospheric Perturbations Recorded by the China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, The
* Profiling Dust Mass Concentration in Northwest China Using a Joint Lidar and Sun-Photometer Setting
* Recent Advances and Challenges in Schumann Resonance Observations and Research
* Retrospective Study on Seismic Ionospheric Anomalies Based on Five-Year Observations from CSES
* Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Absorbing Aerosols over East Asia, The
* Spatial Characteristics of Global Strong Constant-Frequency Electromagnetic Disturbances from Electric-Field VLF Data of the CSES
* Understory Terrain Estimation by Synergizing Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Huang, J.P.[Jian Ping] Huang, J.P.[Jian-Ping] Huang, J.P.[Jia-Peng] Huang, J.P.
20 for Huang, J.P.

Huang, J.Q.[Jian Qiang] Co Author Listing * 3D Local Convolutional Neural Networks for Gait Recognition
* AISChain: Blockchain-Based AIS Data Platform With Dynamic Bloom Filter Tree
* Apparel-Invariant Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Balanced and Hierarchical Relation Learning for One-shot Object Detection
* Blessings of Unlabeled Background in Untrimmed Videos, The
* Centerness-Aware Network for Temporal Action Proposal
* Cloth-Changing Person Re-identification from A Single Image with Gait Prediction and Regularization
* Concentrated Local Part Discovery With Fine-Grained Part Representation for Person Re-Identification
* ConvMambaSR: Leveraging State-Space Models and CNNs in a Dual-Branch Architecture for Remote Sensing Imagery Super-Resolution
* DCT-Mask: Discrete Cosine Transform Mask Representation for Instance Segmentation
* DeFLoc: Deep Learning Assisted Indoor Vehicle Localization Atop FM Fingerprint Map
* Delving into Details: Synopsis-to-Detail Networks for Video Recognition
* Dense Interaction Learning for Video-based Person Re-identification
* DFFAN: Dual Function Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Dynamic Anchor Feature Selection for Single-Shot Object Detection
* From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV Hyperspectral Index Optimization on Algorithms for Estimating Canopy Nitrogen Concentration in Carya Cathayensis Sarg
* GLaMa: Joint Spatial and Frequency Loss for General Image Inpainting
* Gradient Centralization: A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks
* Graph Contrastive Clustering
* Homography Loss for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Improving 3D Object Detection with Channel-wise Transformer
* Intrinsic Image Transfer for Illumination Manipulation
* Knowledge Graph Construction to Facilitate Indoor Fire Emergency Evacuation
* Learning comprehensive global features in person re-identification: Ensuring discriminativeness of more local regions
* Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Long-Short Graph Memory Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Meta Convolutional Neural Networks for Single Domain Generalization
* MFANet: A Multi-Level Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Momentum Batch Normalization for Deep Learning with Small Batch Size
* MPC: Multi-view Probabilistic Clustering
* NTIRE 2022 Image Inpainting Challenge: Report
* On Mitigating Hard Clusters for Face Clustering
* Online Convolutional Reparameterization
* Part-aware Attention Network for Person Re-identification
* Partial Person Re-identification with Part-Part Correspondence Learning
* Pixel-Wise Contrastive Distillation
* Progressive Transfer Learning
* PV-TSC: Learning to Control Traffic Signals for Pedestrian and Vehicle Traffic in 6G Era
* Quantization Networks
* Random Forest-Based Approach to Map Soil Erosion Risk Distribution in Hickory Plantations in Western Zhejiang Province, China, A
* Rethinking IoU-based Optimization for Single-stage 3D Object Detection
* Revisiting Knowledge Distillation: An Inheritance and Exploration Framework
* Revisiting the Critical Factors of Augmentation-Invariant Representation Learning
* Second-order Camera-aware Color Transformation for Cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Self-Adaptive Neural Module Transformer for Visual Question Answering
* Semi-Sparsity for Smoothing Filters
* SIF: Self-Inspirited Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* SLV: Spatial Likelihood Voting for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Spatial likelihood voting with self-knowledge distillation for weakly supervised object detection
* Structural and Statistical Texture Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Structure Aware Single-Stage 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud
* Study of Subsidence and Earthquake Swarms in the Western Pakistan
* Towards Federated Learning in UAV-Enabled Internet of Vehicles: A Multi-Dimensional Contract-Matching Approach
* Towards Precise Intra-camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Trellis Coded Color Quantization of Images
* Unbiased Scene Graph Generation from Biased Training
* Unleashing the Potential of Adaptation Models via Go-getting Domain Labels
* Unsupervised Discrete Hashing With Affinity Similarity
* Video Object Segmentation with Dynamic Memory Networks and Adaptive Object Alignment
* Weakly-supervised Metric Learning with Cross-Module Communications for the Classification of Anterior Chamber Angle Images
Includes: Huang, J.Q.[Jian Qiang] Huang, J.Q.[Jian-Qiang] Huang, J.Q.[Jun-Qin] Huang, J.Q.[Jun-Qing] Huang, J.Q.[Jian-Qin] Huang, J.Q.[Jia-Qi] Huang, J.Q.[Jun-Qiang] Huang, J.Q.[Jing-Qiu] Huang, J.Q.[Jian Qiao] Huang, J.Q.[Jing-Qi]
60 for Huang, J.Q.

Huang, J.Q.A.[Jian Qi Ang] Co Author Listing * Survey of single image super-resolution reconstruction
Includes: Huang, J.Q.A.[Jian Qi Ang] Huang, J.Q.A.[Jian-Qi-Ang]

Huang, J.R.[Jing Rao] Co Author Listing * Kind of Simulation Method about the Spray Head Movement Based on Image Chromaticity Array, A
* Transformer-based Residual Network for Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Reconstruction
Includes: Huang, J.R.[Jing Rao] Huang, J.R.[Jing-Rao] Huang, J.R.[Jun-Ru]

Huang, J.R.J.[Jeffrey R.J.] Co Author Listing * Multiple Motion Detection Using Genetic Algorithms

Huang, J.S.[Jiang Shuai] Co Author Listing * Adaptive consensus tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems: A first-order example
* Contrastive Open-Set Active Learning-Based Sample Selection for Image Classification
* Cross-Domain Image Retrieval with a Dual Attribute-Aware Ranking Network
* Decoder picture buffer reduction based effective reference frame selection algorithm for multiview video coding
* Deep domain adaptation for describing people based on fine-grained clothing attributes
* Deep Multi-Modal Discriminative and Interpretability Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Dual Attention Multi-Instance Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRI
* edge preserved image compression technique, An
* Fashion Parsing With Weak Color-Category Labels
* General traffic sign recognition by feature matching
* HCP: A Flexible CNN Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Heuristic Approach to Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* heuristic method for separating clusters from noisy background, A
* Human Face Profile Recognition by Computer
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Neighborhood Characteristics of Landslide Spatial Datasets and Hydrological Slope Units Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies
* Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Considering Regional Soil Erosion Based on Machine-Learning Models
* Masked Auto-Encoders Meet Generative Adversarial Networks and Beyond
* Multi-1D Block Matching Algorithm based motion estimation processor using mixed-signal approach
* Optical Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Partitioned Hough Transform For Ellipsoid Detection
* Pattern Recognition Using Evolution Algorithms with Fast Simulated Annealing
* Prediction of Soil Moisture Content and Soil Salt Concentration from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Field Data
* Recognition Of Handwritten Chinese Characters By Modified Relaxation Methods
* Regional Terrain Complexity Assessment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Geographic Information System: A Case of Jiangxi Province, China
* Separating Similar Complex Chinese Characters By Walsh Transform
* Statistical Theory of Edge Detection
* Stereo Vision Using a Microcanonical Mean-Field Annealing Neural-Network
* Stroke Segmentation by Bernstein-Bezier Curve Fitting
* Transformation Invariant Matching Algorithm for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Uncertainties Analysis of Collapse Susceptibility Prediction Based on Remote Sensing and GIS: Influences of Different Data-Based Models and Connections between Collapses and Environmental Factors
Includes: Huang, J.S.[Jiang Shuai] Huang, J.S.[Jiang-Shuai] Huang, J.S.[Jun-Shi] Huang, J.S.[Jin-Shun] Huang, J.S.[Jia-Shuang] Huang, J.S.[Jun S.] Huang, J.S.[Jin-Sheng] Huang, J.S. Huang, J.S.[Jin-Song] Huang, J.S.[Jung-Shou] Huang, J.S.[Jie-Sheng]
30 for Huang, J.S.

Huang, J.T.[Jian Tao] Co Author Listing * Anatomical object volumes from deformable B-spline surface models
* Dealing with partial labels by knowledge distillation
* Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for 3D Localization and Tracking of SPAMM MRI Data
* Deformable B-Solids and Implicit Snakes for Localization and Tracking of MRI-SPAMM Data
* Flexible shapes for segmentation and tracking of cardiovascular data
* Improving Adversarial Transferability via Neuron Attribution-based Attacks
* Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples by Path-Augmented Method
* MongoDB-Based Management of Planar Spatial Data with a Flattened R-Tree, A
* Partial label feature selection based on noisy manifold and label distribution
* Performance improvement techniques for Chinese character recognition
* RDD-net: Robust duplicated-diffusion watermarking based on deep network
* Single image visibility enhancement in gradient domain
* Spatio-temporal tracking of myocardial deformations with a 4-D B-spline model from tagged MRI
* Theoretical Uncertainty Analysis of Satellite Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth Associated with Surface Albedo and Aerosol Optical Properties
* Twin Contrastive Learning for Online Clustering
* Virtual view synthesis for multi-view video plus depth sequences using spatial-temporal information
Includes: Huang, J.T.[Jian Tao] Huang, J.T.[Jian-Tao] Huang, J.T.[Jin-Tao] Huang, J.T. Huang, J.T.[Jen-Tse] Huang, J.T.[Jun-Tao] Huang, J.T.[Jen-Tsan] Huang, J.T.[Jiang-Tao] Huang, J.T.[Jing-Ting]
16 for Huang, J.T.

Huang, J.W.[Jia Wei] Co Author Listing * Achieving QoE Fairness in Bitrate Allocation of 360° Video Streaming
* Adversarial Texture Optimization From RGB-D Scans
* Algorithm for Removable Visible Watermarking, An
* Alignist: CAD-Informed Orientation Distribution Estimation by Fusing Shape and Correspondences
* Anisotropy and Polarization of Stress-Induced Microwave Radiation Changes in Granite and Their Significance for Seismic Remote Sensing, The
* Anti-forensics of JPEG Detectors via Adaptive Quantization Table Replacement
* Anti-Rounding Image Steganography With Separable Fine-Tuned Network
* Apprenticeship Learning Approach for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on Chunk Quality and User Preference, An
* Attack LSB Matching Steganography by Counting Alteration Rate of the Number of Neighbourhood Gray Levels
* Binary Image Authentication using Zernike Moments
* Binary Image Steganalysis Based on Histogram of Structuring Elements
* Blind Detection of Median Filtering in Digital Images: A Difference Domain Based Approach
* Blockchain in Big Data Security for Intelligent Transportation With 6G
* Cam4DOcc: Benchmark for Camera-Only 4D Occupancy Forecasting in Autonomous Driving Applications
* Center-based weighted kernel linear regression for image classification
* Clustering Steganographic Modification Directions for Color Components
* Clustering Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on the Riemannian Manifolds
* CMA: A Chromaticity Map Adapter for Robust Detection of Screen-Recapture Document Images
* CN-RMA: Combined Network with Ray Marching Aggregation for 3D Indoor Object Detection from Multi-View Images
* Content-based authentication algorithm for binary images
* Countering anti-JPEG compression forensics
* Data-driven multimedia forensics and security
* Deep Learning-Based Forgery Attack on Document Images
* DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition
* Deformation-aware 3d Model Embedding and Retrieval
* Detecting facial manipulated videos based on set convolutional neural networks
* Digital image splicing detection based on Markov features in DCT and DWT domain
* Discrete Wavelet Transform and Data Expansion Reduction in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain
* Discriminating Computer Graphics Images and Natural Images Using Hidden Markov Tree Model
* Discriminative Frequency Information Learning for End-to-End Speech Anti-Spoofing
* DWT-Based Fragile Watermarking Tolerant of JPEG Compression, A
* DWT-based Video Data Hiding Robust to MPEG Compression And Frame Loss
* DWT-DFT composite watermarking scheme robust to both affine transform and JPEG compression, A
* Effect of Different Coding Patterns on Compressed Frequency Domain Based Universal JPEG Steganalysis
* efficient print-scanning resilient data hiding scheme based on a novel LPM, An
* Enhanced Dynamic Analysis for Malware Detection With Gradient Attack
* EPP-MVSNet: Epipolar-assembling based Depth Prediction for Multi-view Stereo
* Error Analysis of LAI Measurements with LAI-2000 Due to Discrete View Angular Range Angles for Continuous Canopies
* Experimental Study of the Thermal Infrared Emissivity Variation of Loaded Rock and Its Significance
* Experimental Study on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Variation of Fractured Rock
* Exposing Fake Bit Rate Videos and Estimating Original Bit Rates
* Exposing fake bitrate video and its original bitrate
* Fast detection method of quick response code based on run-length coding
* Few-Shot Multi-Agent Perception With Ranking-Based Feature Learning
* Fine-Grained Multimodal DeepFake Classification via Heterogeneous Graphs
* Geometric Invariant Audio Watermarking Based on an LCM Feature
* Geometric invariant features in the Radon transform domain for near-duplicate image detection
* geometrically resilient robust image watermarking scheme using deformable multi-scale transform, A
* Gradually Enhanced Adversarial Perturbations on Color Pixel Vectors for Image Steganography
* GSM Based Security Analysis for Add-SS Watermarking
* Guided Local Feature Matching with Transformer
* How Culture and Sociopolitical Tensions Might Influence People's Acceptance of COVID-19 Control Measures That Use Individual-Level Georeferenced Data
* Hybrid deep-learning framework for object-based forgery detection in video
* Hybrid Watermarking Scheme for Video Authentication, A
* image copy detection scheme based on radon transform, An
* Image Fusion Based Visible Watermarking Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Image Retrieval Using Color-Aware Tag on Progressive Image Search and Recommendation System
* Image Watermarking Algorithm Robust to Geometric Distortion, An
* Improve robustness of image watermarking via adaptive receiving
* Improve security of fragile watermarking via parameterized wavelet
* Improved Algorithm of Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited Algorithm
* Improved steganalysis algorithm against motion vector based video steganography
* Improving Cost Learning for JPEG Steganography by Exploiting JPEG Domain Knowledge
* Improving Robustness of Quantization-Based Image Watermarking via Adaptive Receiver
* Interactions between Bus, Metro, and Taxi Use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival
* Interactive Generative Adversarial Networks With High-Frequency Compensation for Facial Attribute Editing
* Interseismic Coupling beneath the Sikkim-Bhutan Himalaya Constrained by GPS Measurements and Its Implication for Strain Segmentation and Seismic Activity
* Investigating the Relationship between the Built Environment and Relative Risk of COVID-19 in Hong Kong
* Joint Source Adaptation and Resource Allocation for Multi-User Wireless Video Streaming
* knowledge distillation based deep learning framework for cropped images detection in spatial domain, A
* Landmarking for Navigational Streaming of Stored High-Dimensional Media
* Landslide Identification Method Based on the FKGRNet Model for Remote Sensing Images
* LeaF: Learning Frames for 4D Point Cloud Sequence Understanding
* Learning Sparse Features On-Line for Image Classification
* Local Implicit Grid Representations for 3D Scenes
* M-Band Wavelets in Image Watermarking, The
* MatchU: Matching Unseen Objects for 6D Pose Estimation from RGB-D Images
* Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Urban Fire Services Using Historical Fire Incidents in Nanjing, China
* Median Filtering Detection Using Edge Based Prediction Matrix
* Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the camera source identification game
* Multiscale Feature Aggregation Capsule Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Near-Duplicate Image Recognition and Content-based Image Retrieval using Adaptive Hierarchical Geometric Centroids
* new cost function for spatial image steganography, A
* New JPEG Steganographic Scheme with High Security Performance
* New Sufficient Condition for Non-Convex Sparse Recovery via Weighted L_r-L_1 Minimization, A
* NGP-RT: Fusing Multi-level Hash Features with Lightweight Attention for Real-time Novel View Synthesis
* Normalized Object Coordinate Space for Category-Level 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation
* novel deep learning framework for double JPEG compression detection of small size blocks, A
* Novel Method for Block Size Forensics Based on Morphological Operations, A
* novel reversible data hiding method with image contrast enhancement, A
* novel selective encryption scheme for H.264/AVC video with improved visual security, A
* Novel Video Steganographic Scheme Incorporating the Consistency Degree of Motion Vectors, A
* On the Cost-QoE Tradeoff for Cloud-Based Video Streaming Under Amazon EC2's Pricing Models
* One-Class Double Compression Detection of Advanced Videos Based on Simple Gaussian Distribution Model
* Performance Enhancement for DWT-HMM Image Watermarking with Content-Adaptive Approach
* Point Primitive Transformer for Long-Term 4D Point Cloud Video Understanding
* PrimitiveNet: Primitive Instance Segmentation with Local Primitive Embedding under Adversarial Metric
* RAV: Learning-Based Adaptive Streaming to Coordinate the Audio and Video Bitrate Selections
* Recognition for SAR deformation military target from a new MiniSAR dataset using multi-view joint transformer approach
* Region duplication detection based on Harris corner points and step sector statistics
* Regularized Intermediate Layers Attack: Adversarial Examples With High Transferability
* Regularized Primitive Graph Learning for Unified Vector Mapping
* Reliable information bit hiding
* Research on the Extraction Method Comparison and Spatial-Temporal Pattern Evolution for the Built-Up Area of Hefei Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
* Reversible Data Hiding in Halftone Images Based on Dynamic Embedding States Group
* Reversible data hiding in Paillier cryptosystem
* reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images, A
* Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Log-Polar Frequency Index
* Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Order Zernike Moments
* Robust AVS Audio Watermarking
* Robust Detection of Region-Duplication Forgery in Digital Image
* Robust Estimation of Upscaling Factor on Double JPEG Compressed Images
* Robust image hash in Radon transform domain for authentication
* Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and Adaptive-Lattice Quantization Index Modulation
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for H.264, A
* Robust Watermarking with Adaptive Receiving
* Rotation-Invariant Secure Image Watermarking Algorithm Incorporating Steerable Pyramid Transform, A
* SAI3D: Segment any Instance in 3D Scenes
* Salient covariance for near-duplicate image and video detection
* Secure Halftone Image Steganography Based on Feature Space and Layer Embedding
* Secure JPEG steganography by LSB+ matching and multi-band embedding
* Secure Robust JPEG Steganography Based on AutoEncoder With Adaptive BCH Encoding
* Secure watermarking scheme against watermark attacks in the encrypted domain
* Security Analysis on Spatial +/- 1 Steganography for JPEG Decompressed Images
* Source Model of the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence Imaged by Sentinel-1 and GPS Measurements: Implications for Heterogeneous Fault Behavior along the East Anatolian Fault Zone
* SSR-2D: Semantic 3D Scene Reconstruction From 2D Images
* StablePose: Learning 6D Object Poses from Geometrically Stable Patches
* Statistical Model of JPEG Noises and Its Application in Quantization Step Estimation
* Steganalysis of Enhanced BPCS Steganography Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Sequential Analysis
* Steganalysis of JPEG2000 Lazy-Mode Steganography using the Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Sequential Analysis
* Steganalysis of LSB Greedy Embedding Algorithm for JPEG Images using Coefficient Symmetry
* study on security performance of YASS, A
* Submarine Landslide Identification Based on Improved DeepLabv3 with Spatial and Channel Attention
* Synthetic Speech Detection Based on Local Autoregression and Variance Statistics
* TE-LSTM: A Prediction Model for Temperature Based on Multivariate Time Series Data
* Temporal Statistic Based Video Watermarking Scheme Robust against Geometric Attacks and Frame Dropping
* TextureNet: Consistent Local Parametrizations for Learning From High-Resolution Signals on Meshes
* Three Novel Algorithms for Hiding Data in PDF Files Based on Incremental Updates
* Transferring Adult-Like Phase Images for Robust Multi-View Isointense Infant Brain Segmentation
* Universal JPEG steganalysis based on microscopic and macroscopic calibration
* VideoSet: A large-scale compressed video quality dataset based on JND measurement
* VPCID: A VoIP Phone Call Identification Database
* WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Networks
Includes: Huang, J.W.[Jia Wei] Huang, J.W.[Jia-Wei] Huang, J.W.[Jing-Wei] Huang, J.W.[Ji-Wu] Huang, J.W.[Jun-Wen] Huang, J.W.[Jian-Wei] Huang, J.W.[Jing-Wang] Huang, J.W.[Jia-Wen] Huang, J.W.[Jun-Wei] Huang, J.W.[Jen-Wei] Huang, J.W.[Jun-Wang] Huang, J.W.[Jian-Wen] Huang, J.W.[Jing-Wen]
143 for Huang, J.W.

Huang, J.X.[Jia Xing] Co Author Listing * 3D Semantic Segmentation in the Wild: Learning Generalized Models for Adverse-Condition Point Clouds
* Accurate Identification of Pine Wood Nematode Disease with a Deep Convolution Neural Network
* Adaptive Feature Fusion Network with Superpixel Optimization for Crop Classification Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, An
* Artifact Detection and Restoration in Histology Images With Stain-Style and Structural Preservation
* Assimilating Soil Moisture Retrieved from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model to Improve Winter Wheat Yield Estimation
* Automated Method for Extracting Rivers and Lakes from Landsat Imagery, An
* Bayesian Posterior-Based Winter Wheat Yield Estimation at the Field Scale through Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model
* Beyond Pixel-Wise Unmixing: Spatial-Spectral Attention Fully Convolutional Networks for Abundance Estimation
* Black-box Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Bi-directional Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory
* Category Contrast for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Visual Tasks
* Characterizing annual dynamics of urban form at the horizontal and vertical dimensions using long-term Landsat time series data
* Cloud Detection Approach Based on Hybrid Multispectral Features with Dynamic Thresholds for GF-1 Remote Sensing Images, A
* Contextual Text Block Detection Towards Scene Text Understanding
* Contextual-relation Consistent Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Corn Residue Covered Area Mapping with a Deep Learning Method Using Chinese GF-1 B/D High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Cross Domain Low-Dose CT Image Denoising With Semantic Information Alignment
* Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition via Contrastive Warm up and Complexity-Aware Self-Training
* Cross-Domain Low-Dose CT Image Denoising With Semantic Preservation and Noise Alignment
* Cross-View Regularization for Domain Adaptive Panoptic Segmentation
* DA-BEV: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Bird's Eye View Perception
* DA-DETR: Domain Adaptive Detection Transformer with Information Fusion
* Decision-Tree Approach to Identifying Paddy Rice Lodging with Multiple Pieces of Polarization Information Derived from Sentinel-1, A
* Detection and Mapping of Chestnut Using Deep Learning from High-Resolution UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Global Net Primary Productivity: A Satellite Perspective
* Developing a Dual-Stream Deep-Learning Neural Network Model for Improving County-Level Winter Wheat Yield Estimates in China
* Domain Adaptive LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation via Density-Aware Self-Training
* Domain Adaptive Video Segmentation via Temporal Consistency Regularization
* Domain Adaptive Video Segmentation via Temporal Pseudo Supervision
* Domain Generalization via Balancing Training Difficulty and Model Capability
* Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Sentinel-1A/2 Time Series Data: A Case Study in Zhanjiang City, China
* Efficient Depth-guided Urban View Synthesis
* efficient image aesthetic analysis system using Hadoop, An
* Efficient MAE towards Large-Scale Vision Transformers
* Enhancing Crop Mapping through Automated Sample Generation Based on Segment Anything Model with Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Evaluating the Ability of the Sentinel-1 Cross-Polarization Ratio to Detect Spring Maize Phenology Using Adaptive Dynamic Threshold
* Evaluation of Global Decametric-Resolution LAI, FAPAR and FVC Estimates Derived from Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Feature-Driven Inception Dilated Network for Infrared Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction, A
* FPS-Net: A convolutional fusion network for large-scale LiDAR point cloud segmentation
* FSDR: Frequency Space Domain Randomization for Domain Generalization
* Garlic and Winter Wheat Identification Based on Active and Passive Satellite Imagery and the Google Earth Engine in Northern China
* Global distinct variations of surface urban heat islands in inter- and intra-cities revealed by local climate zones and seamless daily land surface temperature data
* Grassland Aboveground Biomass Estimation through Assimilating Remote Sensing Data into a Grass Simulation Model
* Harmonizing Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images for Summer Corn Growth Monitoring
* Identifying Corn Lodging in the Mature Period Using Chinese GF-1 PMS Images
* Image-to-Character-to-Word Transformers for Accurate Scene Text Recognition
* Improved Approach of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation by Jointly Assimilating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index and Soil Moisture into the WOFOST Model, An
* Improved Approach to Monitoring Wheat Stripe Rust with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, An
* Improved Winter Wheat Yield Estimation by Combining Remote Sensing Data, Machine Learning, and Phenological Metrics
* Integration of a Crop Growth Model and Deep Learning Methods to Improve Satellite-Based Yield Estimation of Winter Wheat in Henan Province, China
* Joint Retrieval of Growing Season Corn Canopy LAI and Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Fusing Sentinel-2 and MODIS Images
* Large-Scale Crop Mapping Based on Machine Learning and Parallel Computation with Grids
* Mapping corn dynamics using limited but representative samples with adaptive strategies
* Mapping of Daily Mean Air Temperature in Agricultural Regions Using Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperatures Derived from TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data
* Masked AutoDecoder is Effective Multi-Task Vision Generalist
* Modeling the Corn Residue Coverage after Harvesting and before Sowing in Northeast China by Random Forest and Soil Texture Zoning
* Multi-level adversarial network for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* multi-scene deep learning model for image aesthetic evaluation, A
* novel soybean mapping index within the global optimal time window, A
* Optimizing Feature Selection of Individual Crop Types for Improved Crop Mapping
* Phenotyping of Corn Plants Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
* Potential of 3-D Building Height Data to Characterize Socioeconomic Activities: A Case Study from 38 Cities in China, The
* Prediction of Winter Wheat Maturity Dates through Assimilating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index into Crop Growth Model
* RDA: Robust Domain Adaptation via Fourier Adversarial Attacking
* RDCRMG: A Raster Dataset Clean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness
* Remote Sensing Monitoring of Grasslands Based on Adaptive Feature Fusion with Multi-Source Data
* Representing Topological Self-similarity Using Fractal Feature Maps for Accurate Segmentation of Tubular Structures
* Research and Application of Spatial Information Technology in Cultural Heritage Conservation-Case Study on Grand Canal of CHINA, The
* Research on the Construction of Corpus for Automatic Solution of Elementary Mathematics Statistics Applications
* Retrieving Corn Canopy Leaf Area Index from Multitemporal Landsat Imagery and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* S2Match: Self-paced sampling for data-limited semi-supervised learning
* Satellite Remote Sensing Identification of Discolored Standing Trees for Pine Wilt Disease Based on Semi-Supervised Deep Learning
* Satellite-Based Method for National Winter Wheat Yield Estimating in China, A
* Scale variance minimization for unsupervised domain adaptation in image segmentation
* Semantic-Aligned Matching for Enhanced DETR Convergence and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Vegetation NDVI in Association with Climatic, Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors in the Loess Plateau, China during 2000-2015: Quantitative Analysis Based on Geographical Detector Model
* Spectral Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Visual Recognition
* Unbiased Subclass Regularization for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Uncertainty-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Object Detection
* UniDAformer: Unified Domain Adaptive Panoptic Segmentation Transformer via Hierarchical Mask Calibration
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Representation Learning With Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Using MODIS LAI Data to Monitor Spatio-Temporal Changes of Winter Wheat Phenology in Response to Climate Warming
* VeRi3D: Generative Vertex-based Radiance Fields for 3D Controllable Human Image Synthesis
* Vision-Language Models for Vision Tasks: A Survey
* Winter Wheat Yield Prediction at County Level and Uncertainty Analysis in Main Wheat-Producing Regions of China with Deep Learning Approaches
* XNet: Wavelet-Based Low and High Frequency Fusion Networks for Fully- and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Biomedical Images
Includes: Huang, J.X.[Jia Xing] Huang, J.X.[Jia-Xing] Huang, J.X.[Ji-Xia] Huang, J.X.[Jian-Xi] Huang, J.X.[Jia-Xuan] Huang, J.X.[Jia-Xiang] Huang, J.X.[Jia-Xin] Huang, J.X.[Ji-Xian] Huang, J.X.[Jie-Xiong] Huang, J.X.[Jing-Xiu]
85 for Huang, J.X.

Huang, J.X.J.[Jimmy Xiang Ji] Co Author Listing * STCA: Utilizing a spatio-temporal cross-attention network for enhancing video person re-identification
Includes: Huang, J.X.J.[Jimmy Xiang Ji] Huang, J.X.J.[Jimmy Xiang-Ji]

Huang, J.Y.[Jiang Yong] Co Author Listing * ARNOLD: A Benchmark for Language-Grounded Task Learning With Continuous States in Realistic 3D Scenes
* Assistive Malaysian Sign Language Application for D/HH Learning Using Visual Phonics
* Climate and Land-Use Change Effects on Soil Carbon Stocks over 150 Years in Wisconsin, USA
* Counterfactual Intervention Feature Transfer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* EmoTake: Exploring Drivers' Emotion for Takeover Behavior Prediction
* Enhanced Pix2pix Dehazing Network
* Establishing an Empirical Model for Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval at the U.S. Climate Reference Network Using Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Ancillary Data
* Exploring the Effects of Urban Built Environment on Road Travel Speed Variability with a Spatial Panel Data Model
* Fast intra coding unit partition decision in H.266/FVC based on spatial features
* Few-Shot Structured Domain Adaptation for Virtual-to-Real Scene Parsing
* GaitGMT: Global feature mapping transformer for gait recognition
* Generic Image Segmentation in Fully Convolutional Networks by Superpixel Merging Map
* Human body motion parameters capturing using kinect
* Intra mode prediction for H.266/FVC video coding based on convolutional neural network
* new coupled map car-following model under inter-vehicle communication, A
* Optimal mathematical programming and variable neighborhood search for k-modes categorical data clustering
* Optimized 3D Street Scene Reconstruction from Driving Recorder Images
* Panoramic Mapping with Information Technologies for Supporting Engineering Education: A Preliminary Exploration
* Relative Strengths Recognition of Nine Mainstream Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products at the Global Scale
* Segmenting Neuronal Growth Cones Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Simple 3D Reconstruction of Single Indoor Image with Perspective Cues
* Space Target Recognition Method Based on Compressive Sensing, A
* Study on Electromagnetic Relationship and Dynamic Characteristics of Superconducting Electrodynamic Maglev Train on Curved Track
* Tangent-Corrected Embedding
* Technical and Operational Perspective on Quality Analysis of Stitching Images with Multi-Row Panorama and Multimedia Sources for Visualizing the Tourism Site of Onshore Wind Farm, A
* Temporal-Spatial Conversion Based Sequential Convolutional LSTM Architecture for Detecting Drug Addiction
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* WiFE: WiFi and Vision Based Unobtrusive Emotion Recognition via Gesture and Facial Expression
Includes: Huang, J.Y.[Jiang Yong] Huang, J.Y.[Jiang-Yong] Huang, J.Y.[Jiung-Yao] Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Yi] Huang, J.Y.[Jin-Yang] Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Ying] Huang, J.Y.[Jian-Yun] Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Ya] Huang, J.Y.[Jun-Ying] Huang, J.Y.[Jia-Yi] Huang, J.Y.[Jin-Yu] Huang, J.Y.[Jun-Yang] Huang, J.Y.[Jiao-Ying] Huang, J.Y.[Jun-Yi] Huang, J.Y. Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Yuan] Huang, J.Y.[Jian-Yu] Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Yu] Huang, J.Y.[Jia-Yuan] Huang, J.Y.[Ji-Yuan] Huang, J.Y.[Jing-Yang]
28 for Huang, J.Y.

Huang, J.Z.[Jun Zhou] Co Author Listing * 3D anatomical shape atlas construction using mesh quality preserved deformable models
* 3D Laplacian-driven parametric deformable model, A
* 4D Cardiac Reconstruction Using High Resolution CT Images
* Automated Variable Weighting in k-Means Type Clustering
* Automatic Estimation of Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Based on Ubiquitous Reference Objects
* Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval Using Group Sparsity
* Automatic image annotation using group sparsity
* Background Subtraction Using Low Rank and Group Sparsity Constraints
* Causal Subgraphs and Information Bottlenecks: Redefining OOD Robustness in Graph Neural Networks
* Co-heterogeneous and Adaptive Segmentation from Multi-source and Multi-phase CT Imaging Data: A Study on Pathological Liver and Lesion Segmentation
* Composite splitting algorithms for convex optimization
* Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Quantitative Topology Features
* ConCL: Concept Contrastive Learning for Dense Prediction Pre-training in Pathology Images
* Construction of Left Ventricle 3D Shape Atlas from Cardiac MRI
* Context-Aware Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Creating synthetic minority class samples based on autoencoder extreme learning machine
* Deep sparse representation for robust image registration
* Diffuse Optical Tomography Enhanced by Clustered Sparsity for Functional Brain Imaging
* Directly solving normalized cut for multi-view data
* Discrimination-Aware Network Pruning for Deep Model Compression
* DOLG: Single-Stage Image Retrieval with Deep Orthogonal Fusion of Local and Global Features
* Efficient 4D Non-local Tensor Total-Variation for Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution
* Explicit occlusion detection based deformable fitting for facial landmark localization
* Exploring Robustness of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Eye localization through multiscale sparse dictionaries
* Face Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Model
* Fast Optimization for Mixture Prior Models
* feature group weighting method for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, A
* From circle to 3-sphere: Head pose estimation by instance parameterization
* Graph Convolutional Module for Temporal Action Localization in Videos
* Graph Convolutional Networks for Temporal Action Localization
* Head Pose Estimation by Instance Parameterization
* HiCervix: An Extensive Hierarchical Dataset and Benchmark for Cervical Cytology Classification
* Hierarchical Sparse Representation for Robust Image Registration
* Hierarchical Transformer for Survival Prediction Using Multimodality Whole Slide Images and Genomics
* HSGAN: Reducing mode collapse in GANs by the latent code distance of homogeneous samples
* Image Fusion with Local Spectral Consistency and Dynamic Gradient Sparsity
* Improving Generative Adversarial Networks With Local Coordinate Coding
* iris image synthesis method based on PCA and super-resolution, An
* Knowledge-Based Representation Learning for Nucleus Instance Classification From Histopathological Images
* Label-driven Reconstruction for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Learning active facial patches for expression analysis
* Learning consistent region features for lifelong person re-identification
* Learning Multiscale Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis
* Learning Representations by Graphical Mutual Information Estimation and Maximization
* Learning with dynamic group sparsity
* MIVC: Multiple Instance Visual Component for Visual-Language Models
* Multimodal Dynamics: Dynamical Fusion for Trustworthy Multimodal Classification
* Multimodal sparse representation classification with Fisher discriminative sample reduction
* new iris segmentation method for recognition, A
* Node-aligned Graph Convolutional Network for Whole-slide Image Representation and Classification
* Noise removal and impainting model for IRIS image
* O(1) Algorithms for Overlapping Group Sparsity
* Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Using Synthetic Image Data
* On combining active and transfer learning for medical data classification
* Optimal object matching via convexification and composition
* optimization algorithm for clustering using weighted dissimilarity measures, An
* Optimization and Learning for Registration of Moving Dynamic Textures
* Pareto-aware Neural Architecture Generation for Diverse Computational Budgets
* Pathological Priors Inspired Network for Vertebral Osteophytes Recognition
* Pose-Free Facial Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Shape Model
* Preconditioning for Accelerated Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares in Structured Sparsity Reconstruction
* Progressive Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Progressive generation of 3D point clouds with hierarchical consistency
* Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
* Recognizing Predictive Substructures With Subgraph Information Bottleneck
* Robust and Fast Collaborative Tracking with Two Stage Sparse Optimization
* Robust eyelid tracking for fatigue detection
* Robust face tracking with a consumer depth camera
* Robust Nanoparticles Detection From Noisy Background by Fusing Complementary Image Information
* Robust tracking using local sparse appearance model and K-selection
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Local Sparse Appearance Model and K-Selection
* Segmentation, Inference and Classification of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles
* Selection of diverse features with a diverse regularization
* Sequential Face Alignment via Person-Specific Modeling in the Wild
* Simultaneous image transformation and sparse representation recovery
* SIRF: Simultaneous Satellite Image Registration and Fusion in a Unified Framework
* Sparse shape composition: A new framework for shape prior modeling
* Sparse shape registration for occluded facial feature localization
* Stereo matching based on segmented B-spline surface fitting and accelerated region belief propagation
* Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clustering of high dimensional data
* Stratified sampling for feature subspace selection in random forests for high dimensional data
* Structure-aware conditional variational auto-encoder for constrained molecule optimization
* Sub-Selective Quantization for Learning Binary Codes in Large-Scale Image Search
* System and method for detecting and analyzing a queue
* Three-dimensional head pose estimation in-the-wild
* Towards Accurate and Compact Architectures via Neural Architecture Transformer
* Track Facial Points in Unconstrained Videos
* Transformation-Invariant Collaborative Sub-representation
* TVT: Transferable Vision Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* TWCC: Automated Two-way Subspace Weighting Partitional Co-Clustering
* Vision-Language Pre-Training with Triple Contrastive Learning
* Weakly Supervised Region Proposal Network and Object Detection
* WSISA: Making Survival Prediction from Whole Slide Histopathological Images
Includes: Huang, J.Z.[Jun Zhou] Huang, J.Z.[Jun-Zhou] Huang, J.Z.[Joshua Zhexue] Huang, J.Z.[Jing-Zhou] Huang, J.Z.[Ji-Zhou] Huang, J.Z.[Jin-Ze] Huang, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong] Huang, J.Z.[Joshua Z.] Huang, J.Z.[Jun-Zhang] Huang, J.Z.
94 for Huang, J.Z.

Huang, J.Z.X.[Joshua Zhe Xue] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Balanced Min Cut
* On the Impact of Dissimilarity Measure in k-Modes Clustering Algorithm
Includes: Huang, J.Z.X.[Joshua Zhe Xue] Huang, J.Z.X.[Joshua Zhe-Xue]

Huang, K.[Kaer] Co Author Listing * 2nd Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2024: Challenge Results
* Accurate and Efficient Quaternion-Based Visualization Approach to 2D/3D Vector Data for the Mobile Augmented Reality Map, An
* Accurate and Robust Rotation-Invariant Estimation for High-Precision Outdoor AR Geo-Registration
* Accurate Image-Guided Stereo Matching With Efficient Matching Cost and Disparity Refinement
* Active Service Recommendation Model for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Information Using Fusion of Attention and Multi-Perspective, An
* Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification
* Analysis of the Effect of Tilted Corner Cube Reflector Arrays on Lunar Laser Ranging
* Analysis of the Effect of Tilted Corner Cube Reflector Arrays on Lunar Laser Ranging
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urbanization Dynamics in Southeast Asia Using Time Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* Assessing Vegetation Phenology across Different Biomes in Temperate China: Comparing GIMMS and MODIS NDVI Datasets
* Attention meets involution in visual tracking
* Beyond Attributes: High-Order Attribute Features for Zero-Shot Learning
* Beyond Triplet Loss: A Deep Quadruplet Network for Person Re-identification
* BigDL 2.0: Seamless Scaling of AI Pipelines from Laptops to Distributed Cluster
* Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream Super-Resolution
* Building a Series of Consistent Night-Time Light Data (1992-2018) in Southeast Asia by Integrating DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS
* CAT: Learning to collaborate channel and spatial attention from multi-information fusion
* Cfab: An Online Data Augmentation to Alleviate the Spuriousness of Classification on Medical Ultrasound Images
* Choosing best basis in wavelet packets for fingerprint matching
* Collision-Free LSTM for Human Trajectory Prediction
* Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Detecting Typical Coastal Reclamation in Guangdong Province with Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Images
* Composing Good Shots by Exploiting Mutual Relations
* Containerized Service-Based Integration Framework for Heterogeneous-Geospatial-Analysis Models, A
* Context-Aware Human Activity and Smartphone Position-Mining with Motion Sensors
* Context-Based Meta-Reinforcement Learning With Bayesian Nonparametric Models
* Copy-move forgery detection using Regional Density Center clustering
* Correlation Filter Selection for Visual Tracking Using Reinforcement Learning
* Cross-scene wetland mapping on hyperspectral remote sensing images using adversarial domain adaptation network
* Curve Bend Function Based Method to Characterize Contour Shapes, A
* Deep 360° Optical Flow Estimation Based on Multi-projection Fusion
* Deep Aesthetic Quality Assessment With Semantic Information
* Deep continual hashing for real-world multi-label image retrieval
* Deep Ranking Distribution Preserving Hashing for Robust Multi-Label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flipper Control of Tracked Robots in Urban Rescuing Environments
* Deep self-enhancement hashing for robust multi-label cross-modal retrieval
* Degraded Character Recognition by Complementary Classifiers Combination
* Delving into Adversarial Robustness on Document Tampering Localization
* Dense Depth Estimation for Surgical Endoscope Robot with Multi-Baseline Depth Map Fusion
* Densely Connected Single-Shot Detector
* Detecting Changes in the Spatiotemporal Pattern of Bike Sharing: A Change-Point Topic Model
* Detecting Unipolar and Bipolar Depressive Disorders from Elicited Speech Responses Using Latent Affective Structure Model
* Detection and Visualization of Surface-Pockets to Enable Phenotyping Studies
* Detection of Pine Shoot Beetle (PSB) Stress on Pine Forests at Individual Tree Level using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Lidar
* Discriminative Learning of Latent Features for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Discriminative Model of Motion and Cross Ratio for View-Invariant Action Recognition, A
* Discriminative Orthogonal Neighborhood-Preserving Projections for Classification
* Disentangling Semantic-to-Visual Confusion for Zero-Shot Learning
* Diverse Data Generation for Retinal Layer Segmentation With Potential Structure Modeling
* Divide and Conquer: 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation With Point-Wise Binarization
* DSF-Net: A Dual Feature Shuffle Guided Multi-Field Fusion Network for SAR Small Ship Target Detection
* Dynamical Model of Rotation and Orbital Coupling for Deimos
* Eco-Driving System for Connected Automated Vehicles: Multi-Objective Trajectory Optimization
* Ecological Driving System for Connected/Automated Vehicles Using a Two-Stage Control Hierarchy
* Edge Detection Through Residual Analysis
* Effective Adversarial Training Based Spatial-Temporal Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection, An
* Efficient Algorithm of Facial Expression Recognition by Tsg-rnn Network, An
* Efficient dispatching system of railway vehicles based on internet of things technology
* Efficient Halftoning via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Efficient Intrusion Detection Approach for Visual Sensor Networks Based on Traffic Pattern Learning, An
* Emission-Based Machine Learning Approach for Large-Scale Estimates of Black Carbon in China
* Encyclopedia enhanced semantic embedding for zero-shot learning
* End-to-end weakly supervised semantic segmentation with reliable region mining
* Enhanced mangrove vegetation index based on hyperspectral images for mapping mangrove
* Equalized Global Graph Model-Based Approach for Multicamera Object Tracking, An
* ES-GNN: Generalizing Graph Neural Networks Beyond Homophily With Edge Splitting
* Event-based Image Enhancement Under High Dynamic Range Scenarios
* Exploiting Inter-sample and Inter-feature Relations in Dataset Distillation
* Fast and Accurate Spatial Target Snapping Method for 3D Scene Modeling and Mapping in Mobile Augmented Reality, A
* Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter
* Feasible Point Pursuit and Successive Approximation of Non-Convex QCQPs
* Few-shot object detection based on global context and implicit knowledge decoupled head
* First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* Focal Boundary Guided Salient Object Detection
* FreqHPT: Frequency-aware attention and flow fusion for Human Pose Transfer
* GAC-GAN: A General Method for Appearance-Controllable Human Video Motion Transfer
* GAN-based Tunable Image Compression System, A
* Generalized Additive Model Reveals Nonlinear Trade-Offs/Synergies between Relationships of Ecosystem Services for Mountainous Areas of Southwest China
* Generalized Rank Conditions in Multiple View Geometry with Applications to Dynamical Scenes
* Generative adversarial classifier for handwriting characters super-resolution
* Geometric segmentation of perspective images based on symmetry groups
* Gradient Distribution Alignment Certificates Better Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Video Analytics for Enhanced Security: Algorithms and Systems
* Halftoning with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Haptic Identification by ELM-Controlled Uncertain Manipulator
* High-performance Cross-platform Map Rendering Engine for Mobile Geographic Information System (GIS), A
* Highly Efficient DNA Steganalysis Based on Contrastive Learning Framework
* HOI-V: One-stage human-object interaction detection based on multi-feature fusion in videos
* Hybrid Framework for Tumor Saliency Estimation, A
* Identification of Dominant Species and Their Distributions on an Uninhabited Island Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Machine Learning Models
* Image Quality Assessment by Quantifying Discrepancies of Multifractal Spectrums
* Image saliency detection via multi-scale iterative CNN
* Influences of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* Integrative Analysis of Pathological Images and Multi-Dimensional Genomic Data for Early-Stage Cancer Prognosis
* Iterative Residual Network for Structured Edge Detection
* IVTP: Instruction-guided Visual Token Pruning for Large Vision-language Models
* Joint Framework Towards Class-aware and Class-Agnostic Alignment for Few-Shot Segmentation, A
* Learning Deep Context-Aware Features over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-identification
* Learning temporally correlated representations using LSTMS for visual tracking
* Learning to Drive Like Human Beings: A Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Learning to Learn Cropping Models for Different Aspect Ratio Requirements
* Learning to Parse Wireframes in Images of Man-Made Environments
* Local Adaptive Algorithm for Microaneurysms Detection in Digital Fundus Images, A
* Locality-Sensitive Deconvolution Networks with Gated Fusion for RGB-D Indoor Semantic Segmentation
* Medical image compression by using three-dimensional wavelet transformation
* Medical Knowledge Constrained Semantic Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* MENet: Multi-Modal Mapping Enhancement Network for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Meta-Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary and Dynamic Environments
* Minimum Effective Dimension for Mixtures of Subspaces: A Robust GPCA Algorithm and its Applications
* Modeling of Time Geographical Kernel Density Function under Network Constraints
* Motion Estimation of Non-Holonomic Ground Vehicles From a Single Feature Correspondence Measured Over N Views
* Moving-Object Detection From Consecutive Stereo Pairs Using Slanted Plane Smoothing
* MsVRL: Self-Supervised Multiscale Visual Representation Learning via Cross-Level Consistency for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Object Tracking by Self-supervised Learning Appearance Model
* Multi-Scale Hybrid Linear Model for Lossy Image Representation, A
* Multi-Scale Metric Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Multilayer Surface Albedo for Face Recognition With Reference Images in Bad Lighting Conditions
* Multiscale Hybrid Linear Models for Lossy Image Representation
* MVSalNet: Multi-view Augmentation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Narrowband Bio-Indicator Monitoring of Temperate Forest Carbon Fluxes in Northeastern China
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Signal and Data Analytics: Identifiability, Algorithms, and Applications
* NoUCSR: Efficient Super-Resolution Network without Upsampling Convolution
* Novel Algorithm for View and Illumination Invariant Image Matching, A
* novel computer vision-based approach for monitoring safety harness use in construction, A
* Observation of Precipitation during Cooling with Ka-Band Cloud Radar in Wuhan, China, An
* Off-line signature verification using structural feature correspondence
* Off-Line Writer Verification Utilizing Multiple Neural Networks
* On Evidential Relaxation Labeling: A Scheme Toward Knowledge-Based Vision
* On Identifiability of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* On Symmetry and Multiple-View Geometry: Structure, Pose, and Calibration from a Single Image
* On the Application of Binary Neural Networks in Oblivious Inference
* One Shot Radial Distortion Correction by Direct Linear Transformation
* Online Signature Verification Based on Dynamic Segmentation and Global and Local Matching
* Outpainting by Queries
* Physics-Informed Deep Learning Paradigm for Traffic State and Fundamental Diagram Estimation, A
* Pomelo Tree Detection Method Based on Attention Mechanism and Cross-Layer Feature Fusion
* PPGNet: Learning Point-Pair Graph for Line Segment Detection
* Prototype Calibration with Feature Generation for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Prototypical Kernel Learning and Open-set Foreground Perception for Generalized Few-shot Semantic Segmentation
* Pseudo-loss Confidence Metric for Semi-supervised Few-shot Learning
* Putting Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to the Test: A tutorial derivation of pertinent Cramer-Rao bounds and performance benchmarking
* Query Adaptive Similarity Measure for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
* Real-Time High-Quality Complete System for Depth Image-Based Rendering on FPGA, A
* Recurrent Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Attention for Crowd Attribute Recognition
* Region Group Adaptive Attention Model For Subtle Expression Recognition, A
* ReIDTracker_Sea: Multi-Object Tracking in Maritime Computer Vision
* RemixFormer++: A Multi-Modal Transformer Model for Precision Skin Tumor Differential Diagnosis With Memory-Efficient Attention
* Rethinking Multi-Domain Generalization with A General Learning Objective
* Richly Annotated Pedestrian Dataset for Person Retrieval in Real Surveillance Scenarios, A
* Robust Salient Object Detection via Fusing Foreground and Background Priors
* Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images
* Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Ridgelet Transform and Fourier Transform
* Saliency Detection by Adaptive Channel Fusion
* SaliencyCut: Augmenting plausible anomalies for anomaly detection
* Semantic Segmentation of Breast Ultrasound Image with Pyramid Fuzzy Uncertainty Reduction and Direction Connectedness Feature
* Semantic Similarity Distance: Towards better text-image consistency metric in text-to-image generation
* Semantic-Oriented Visual Prompt Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading on Fundus Images
* Semantics-guided multi-level RGB-D feature fusion for indoor semantic segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning Using Gaze Focus for Gaze Estimation
* SiamFPN: A Deep Learning Method for Accurate and Real-Time Maritime Ship Tracking
* Signature Verification Using Fractal Transformation
* Simulation of Land Use Based on Multiple Models in the Western Sichuan Plateau
* Simultaneous Detection and Tracking of Moving-Target Shadows in ViSAR Imagery
* Sparse representation of images with hybrid linear models
* SparseMask: Differentiable Connectivity Learning for Dense Image Prediction
* Spatial Segmentation of Temporal Texture Using Mixture Linear Models
* Stability and style-variation modeling for on-line signature verification
* Statistical Partitioning of Wavelet Subbands for Texture Classification
* STF-EGFA: A Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Network with Edge-Guided Feature Attention
* Study on Gait-Based Gender Classification, A
* survey of robust adversarial training in pattern recognition: Fundamental, theory, and methodologies, A
* Symmetry-based 3-D reconstruction from perspective images
* Symmetry-based photo-editing
* Synthesizing Realistic Trajectory Data With Differential Privacy
* Toward Intelligent Sensing: Optimizing Lidar Beam Distribution for Autonomous Driving
* Towards better long-tailed oracle character recognition with adversarial data augmentation
* Towards Better Robustness against Common Corruptions for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Towards Fair Cross-Domain Adaptation via Generative Learning
* Towards Human-Compatible Autonomous Car: A Study of Non-Verbal Turing Test in Automated Driving With Affective Transition Modelling
* Transformer-based Cross Reference Network for video salient object detection
* Triangle Distance IoU Loss, Attention-Weighted Feature Pyramid Network, and Rotated-SARShip Dataset for Arbitrary-Oriented SAR Ship Detection
* triangular radial cubic spline deformation model for efficient 3D beating heart tracking, A
* Two-point correlation as a feature for histology images: Feature space structure and correlation updating
* Unsupervised domain adaptation in homogeneous distance space for person re-identification
* Video semantic segmentation via feature propagation with holistic attention
* WaveIPT: Joint Attention and Flow Alignment in the Wavelet domain for Pose Transfer
* Wavelet Feature Selection for Image Classification
* Weakly Supervised Deep Ordinal Cox Model for Survival Prediction From Whole-Slide Pathological Images
* Weighted Feature Histogram of Multi-Scale Local Patch Using Multi-Bit Binary Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Prototype Rectification
* zPROBE: Zero Peek Robustness Checks for Federated Learning
Includes: Huang, K.[Kaer] Huang, K.[Kejia] Huang, K.[Kui] Huang, K.[Kai] Huang, K. Huang, K.[Kun] Huang, K.[Ke] Huang, K.[Kekun] Huang, K.[Keke] Huang, K.[Kuan] Huang, K.[Kaizhu] Huang, K.[Kaihong] Huang, K.[Kan] Huang, K.[Kang] Huang, K.[Kuihua] Huang, K.[Kejun] Huang, K.[Kejie] Huang, K.[Kexin] Huang, K.[Kaibo] Huang, K.[Kaihua] Huang, K.[Kesheng] Huang, K.[Kaining] Huang, K.[Kaiming] Huang, K.[Kuang] Huang, K.[Kanrun] Huang, K.[Keli] Huang, K.[Kele]
191 for Huang, K.

Huang, K.B.[Ke Bin] Co Author Listing * Face hallucination via K-selection mean constrained sparse representation
* Face Image Super-Resolution Through Improved Neighbor Embedding
* Graph discriminant analysis on multi-manifold (GDAMM): A novel super-resolution method for face recognition
* super-resolution method based on local sparse and global gradient, A
* Vertical Layering of Quantized Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Inference
Includes: Huang, K.B.[Ke Bin] Huang, K.B.[Ke-Bin] Huang, K.B.[Kai-Bin]

Huang, K.C.[Kuo Chang] Co Author Listing * Application of the variance compensation likelihood measure for robust hidden Markov model in noise
* Autofocus of Iris Patterns Using a Triangle Aperture
* Cluster-dependent feature selection by multiple kernel self-organizing map
* D2ADA: Dynamic Density-Aware Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Delving into Motion-Aware Matching for Monocular 3D Object Tracking
* Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attentional Driving
* MonoDTR: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Depth-Aware Transformer
* New vector quantization image coding algorithm based on the extension of the bound for Minkowski metric
* PTT: Point-Trajectory Transformer for Efficient Temporal 3D Object Detection
* Speaker adaptation based on MAP estimation using fuzzy controller
* Weakly Supervised 3d Object Detection via Multi-level Visual Guidance
Includes: Huang, K.C.[Kuo Chang] Huang, K.C.[Kuo-Chang] Huang, K.C. Huang, K.C.[Kuan-Chieh] Huang, K.C.[Kuan-Chih]
11 for Huang, K.C.

Huang, K.D.[Kui Dong] Co Author Listing * Adaptive image segmentation method based on the fuzzy c-means with spatial information
* Complex artefact suppression for sparse reconstruction based on compensation approach in X-ray computed tomography
* Image segmentation framework based on optimal multi-method fusion
* Noise Suppression Methods in Beam Hardening Correction for X-Ray Computed Tomography
Includes: Huang, K.D.[Kui Dong] Huang, K.D.[Kui-Dong]

Huang, K.F.[Kun Fang] Co Author Listing * Intelligent exposure determination for high quality HDR image generation
* Two greedy tree growing algorithms for designing variable rate vector quantizers
Includes: Huang, K.F.[Kun Fang] Huang, K.F.[Kun-Fang] Huang, K.F.

Huang, K.H.[Kai Hong] Co Author Listing * Exploring Factors Affecting the Performance of Neural Network Algorithm for Detecting Clouds, Snow, and Lakes in Sentinel-2 Images
* Integrating MNF and HHT Transformations into Artificial Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* JECL: Joint Embedding and Cluster Learning for Image-Text Pairs
* Real-Time Identification of Rice Weeds by UAV Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Based on Improved Semantic Segmentation Model
* Unsupervised kernel learning for abnormal events detection
Includes: Huang, K.H.[Kai Hong] Huang, K.H.[Kai-Hong] Huang, K.H.[Kai-Hsiang] Huang, K.H.[Kuan-Hao] Huang, K.H.[Kang-Hua] Huang, K.H.[Kui-Hua]

Huang, K.J.[Ke Jun] Co Author Listing * Anchor-Free Correlated Topic Modeling
* DualPathGAN: Facial reenacted emotion synthesis
* Efficient, Platform-Independent Map Rendering Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality, An
* Foreground-Background Parallel Compression With Residual Encoding for Surveillance Video
* IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising
* Reconfigurable Convolution-in-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Architecture, A
* Shallow-Guided Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
Includes: Huang, K.J.[Ke Jun] Huang, K.J.[Ke-Jun] Huang, K.J.[Ke-Jie] Huang, K.J.[Ke-Jia] Huang, K.J.[Kai-Jian]
7 for Huang, K.J.

Huang, K.K.[Ke Kun] Co Author Listing * Discriminative and Compact Coding for Robust Face Recognition
* Discriminative multi-layer illumination-robust feature extraction for face recognition
* Discriminative multi-scale sparse coding for single-sample face recognition with occlusion
* Dual Calibration Mechanism Based L2, p-Norm for Graph Matching
* Fusing landmark-based features at kernel level for face recognition
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Discriminant Gabor Ensemble Filter
* Hyperspectral image classification via discriminative convolutional neural network with an improved triplet loss
* Kernel embedding transformation learning for graph matching
* Multi-Source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Pseudo Target Domain
* Multiscale Logarithm Difference Edgemaps for Face Recognition Against Varying Lighting Conditions
* New On-Board Image Codec Based on Binary Tree With Adaptive Scanning Order in Scan-Based Mode, A
* Quadtree coding with adaptive scanning order for space-borne image compression
* Regularized coplanar discriminant analysis for dimensionality reduction
* Transfer Learning of Structured Representation for Face Recognition
Includes: Huang, K.K.[Ke Kun] Huang, K.K.[Ke-Kun]
14 for Huang, K.K.

Huang, K.L.[King Lung] Co Author Listing * Adaptive color controller for image scanning and printing devices
* Consistent Picture Quality Control Strategy for Dependent Video Coding
* efficient streaming and decoding architecture for stored fgs video, An
* Text/image separation method
Includes: Huang, K.L.[King Lung] Huang, K.L.[King-Lung] Huang, K.L.[Kao-Lung] Huang, K.L.[Kan-Li]

Huang, K.M.[Kuang Man] Co Author Listing * Automated Detection and Analysis of Foraging Behavior in C. elegans
* Large-scale Comprehensive Dataset and Copy-overlap Aware Evaluation Protocol for Segment-level Video Copy Detection, A
* Seasonal and Diurnal Changes of Air Temperature and Water Vapor Observed with a Microwave Radiometer in Wuhan, China
Includes: Huang, K.M.[Kuang Man] Huang, K.M.[Kuang-Man] Huang, K.M.[Kai-Ming]

Huang, K.N.[Kang Ning] Co Author Listing * Automatic Registration of Multisensor Images Using an Integrated Spatial and Mutual Information (SMI) Metric
* Human-computer interaction based on face feature localization
* Multiple instance deep learning for weakly-supervised visual object tracking
Includes: Huang, K.N.[Kang Ning] Huang, K.N.[Kang-Ning] Huang, K.N.[Kai-Ning]

Huang, K.Q.[Kai Qi] Co Author Listing * 3D model based vehicle localization by optimizing local gradient based fitness evaluation
* 3D Model Based Vehicle Tracking Using Gradient Based Fitness Evaluation under Particle Filter Framework
* A2-RL: Aesthetics Aware Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Abnormal Activity Recognition in Office Based on R Transform
* Adaptive Combination of Multiple Features for Robust Tracking in Real Scene, An
* Adaptive Slice Representation for Human Action Classification
* Beyond Tree Structure Models: A New Occlusion Aware Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation
* Biologically Inspired Features for Scene Classification in Video Surveillance
* Boosted local structured HOG-LBP for object localization
* Boosting local feature descriptors for automatic objects classification in traffic scene surveillance
* Bottom-Up Foreground-Aware Feature Fusion for Practical Person Search
* Bridging the Gap Between Detection and Tracking: A Unified Approach
* cascade fusion scheme for gait and cumulative foot pressure image recognition, A
* Cast Shadow Removal Combining Local and Global Features
* Cast Shadow Removal in a Hierarchical Manner Using MRF
* Cast Shadow Removal with GMM for Surface Reflectance Component
* CCF-Net: Composite Context Fusion Network with Inter-Slice Correlative Fusion for Multi-Disease Lesion Detection
* CLUMOC: Multiple Motion Estimation by Cluster Motion Consensus
* Color image denoising with wavelet thresholding based on human visual system model
* compact optical flow based motion representation for real-time action recognition in surveillance scenes, A
* Comparison of Similarity Measures for Trajectory Clustering in Outdoor Surveillance Scenes
* Complex Activity Representation and Recognition by Extended Stochastic Grammar
* Computational primitives of visual perception
* Context aware model for articulated human pose estimation
* Context Enhancement of Nighttime Surveillance by Image Fusion
* Continuously Tracking Objects Across Multiple Widely Separated Cameras
* Contrastive Correlation Preserving Replay for Online Continual Learning
* convergent solution to two dimensional linear discriminant analysis, A
* Cross-Domain Object Recognition Using Object Alignment
* Data Decomposition and Spatial Mixture Modeling for Part Based Model
* Deep Crisp Boundaries
* Deep Crisp Boundaries: From Boundaries to Higher-Level Tasks
* Deformable Object Matching via Deformation Decomposition Based 2D Label MRF
* Detecting and Tracking Distant Objects at Night Based on Human Visual System
* Direction-based stochastic matching for pedestrian recognition in non-overlapping cameras
* DTLLM-VLT: Diverse Text Generation for Visual Language Tracking Based on LLM
* EDA Approach for Model Based Localization and Recognition of Vehicles
* Efficient multiview video plus depth coding for 3D-HEVC based on complexity classification of the treeblock
* Efficient Night Gait Recognition Based on Template Matching
* Efficient Object Tracking by Incremental Self-Tuning Particle Filtering on the Affine Group
* Efficient-VQGAN: Towards High-Resolution Image Generation with Efficient Vision Transformers
* Enhanced biologically inspired model
* Enhanced Biologically Inspired Model for Object Recognition
* Estimating the number of people in crowded scenes by MID based foreground segmentation and head-shoulder detection
* Evaluation framework on translation-invariant representation for cumulative foot pressure image
* Exploring relations of visual codes for image classification
* Extended Grammar System for Learning and Recognizing Complex Visual Events, An
* Fast A3RL: Aesthetics-Aware Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Fast depth map mode decision based on depth-texture correlation and edge classification for 3D-HEVC
* Feature coding via vector difference for image classification
* Finger in Camera Speaks Everything: Unconstrained Air-Writing for Real-World
* Foreground Object Detection Using Top-Down Information Based on EM Framework
* Gestalt laws based tracklets analysis for human crowd understanding
* Global Instance Tracking: Locating Target More Like Humans
* GOT-10k: A Large High-Diversity Benchmark for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild
* GRMA: Generalized Range Move Algorithms for the Efficient Optimization of MRFs
* Group Activity Recognition Based on ARMA Shape Sequence Modeling
* GRSA: Generalized range swap algorithm for the efficient optimization of MRFs
* Harris-Like Scale Invariant Feature Detector, A
* Heuristic Deformable Pedestrian Detection Method, A
* Hierarchical aesthetic quality assessment using deep convolutional neural networks
* High-Order Topology Modeling of Visual Words for Image Classification
* How to use Bag-of-Words model better for image classification
* Human Activity Recognition Based on R Transform
* Human appearance matching across multiple non-overlapping cameras
* Human Behavior Analysis Based on a New Motion Descriptor
* Image enhancement based on the statistics of visual representation
* Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
* Improved Optimization Based on Graph Cuts for Discrete Energy Minimization
* Information Bottleneck Based Data Correction in Continual Learning
* Interest Point Selection with Spatio-temporal Context for Realistic Action Recognition
* Intermediate deep feature coding for human-machine vision collaboration
* Joint crowd detection and semantic scene modeling using a Gestalt laws-based similarity
* Large scale crowd analysis based on convolutional neural network
* Large-Scale Weakly Supervised Object Localization via Latent Category Learning
* Learning Category- and Instance-Aware Pixel Embedding for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
* Learning Convolutional Nonlinear Features for K Nearest Neighbor Image Classification
* Learning occlusion patterns using semantic phrases for object detection
* Learning Skeleton Stream Patterns with Slow Feature Analysis for Action Recognition
* Local Hypersphere Coding Based on Edges between Visual Words
* Matching tracking sequences across widely separated cameras
* Mixed Supervised Object Detection with Robust Objectness Transfer
* Modeling Complex Scenes for Accurate Moving Objects Segmentation
* Multi angle optimal pattern-based deep learning for automatic facial expression recognition
* Multi-Target Tracking by Learning Class-Specific and Instance-Specific Cues
* Multi-thread Parsing for Recognizing Complex Events in Videos
* Multi-view Gymnastic Activity Recognition with Fused HMM
* Natural color image enhancement and evaluation algorithm based on human visual system
* novel solution for multi-camera object tracking, A
* Novel Visual Organization Based on Topological Perception, A
* Object detection and tracking for night surveillance based on salient contrast analysis
* Object Tracking across Non-overlapping Cameras Using Adaptive Models
* Object tracking across non-overlapping views by learning inter-camera transfer models
* ORGM: Occlusion Relational Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation
* Orthogonal Diagonal Projections for Gait Recognition
* PanopticDepth: A Unified Framework for Depth-aware Panoptic Segmentation
* Partial Least Squares based subwindow search for pedestrian detection
* PeLK: Parameter-Efficient Large Kernel ConvNets with Peripheral Convolution
* Practical camera auto-calibration based on object appearance and motion for traffic scene visual surveillance
* Practical Camera Calibration From Moving Objects for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* Probabilistic Framework Based on KDE-GMM hybrid model(KGHM) for Moving Object Segmentation in Dynamic Scenes, A
* Pyramidal Statistics of Oriented Filtering for robust pedestrian detection
* Random walk-based feature learning for micro-expression recognition
* Rapid and robust human detection and tracking based on omega-shape features
* Real-Time Moving Object Classification with Automatic Scene Division
* real-time object detecting and tracking system for outdoor night surveillance, A
* Recognizing Night Walkers Based on One Pseudoshape Representation of Gait
* Recovering the Topology of Multiple Cameras by Finding Continuous Paths in a Trellis
* ReD-SFA: Relation Discovery Based Slow Feature Analysis for Trajectory Clustering
* Reducing the Effect of Noise on Human Contour in Gait Recognition
* Robust automated ground plane rectification based on moving vehicles for traffic scene surveillance
* Robust Object Recognition via Visual Pathway Feedback
* Robust object tracking via online learning of adaptive appearance manifold
* Robust View Transformation Model for Gait Recognition
* Robust visual tracking based on simplified biologically inspired features
* Salient coding for image classification
* Semantic windows mining in sliding window based object detection
* Semi-supervised learning and feature evaluation for RGB-D object recognition
* Semi-supervised Learning for Cross-Device Visual Location Recognition
* Semi-supervised Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Semi-Supervised Method for Surveillance-Based Visual Location Recognition, A
* Severely Blurred Object Tracking by Learning Deep Image Representations
* SOTVerse: A User-Defined Task Space of Single Object Tracking
* Spatial and Semantic Consistency Regularizations for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Special issue on Video Surveillance-oriented Biometrics
* SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid
* SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid
* STSIC: Swin-transformer-based scalable image coding for human and machine
* Temporal-adaptive sparse feature aggregation for video object detection
* Three-Dimensional Deformable-Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Towards Rich Feature Discovery With Class Activation Maps Augmentation for Person Re-Identification
* Tracking Blurred Object with Data-Driven Tracker
* Trajectory Series Analysis based Event Rule Induction for Visual Surveillance
* Uniprojective Features for Gait Recognition
* Universal adversarial perturbations against object detection
* View Independent Object Classification Based on Automated Ground Plane Rectification for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* View-Independent Behavior Analysis
* View-invariant action recognition using cross ratios across frames
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* Visual aesthetic quality assessment with a regression model
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 Challenge Results, The
* Visual tracking via incremental self-tuning particle filtering on the affine group
* Vs-star: A visual interpretation system for visual surveillance
* Walker Recognition Without Gait Cycle Estimation
* Weakly Supervised Large Scale Object Localization with Multiple Instance Learning and Bag Splitting
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Latent Category Learning
* Window mining by clustering mid-level representation for weakly supervised object detection
* X-T slice based method for action recognition, An
Includes: Huang, K.Q.[Kai Qi] Huang, K.Q.[Kai-Qi] Huang, K.Q.[Kun-Qiang] Huang, K.Q.
149 for Huang, K.Q.

Huang, K.S.[Kohsia S.] Co Author Listing * 3D Shape Context Based Gesture Analysis Integrated with Tracking using Omni Video Array
* Activity monitoring and summarization for an intelligent meeting room
* Binary Image Algebra and Optical Cellular Logic Processor Design
* Dynamic Context Capture and Distributed Video Arrays for Intelligent Spaces
* Integrated Detection, Tracking, and Recognition of Faces with Omnivideo Array in Intelligent Environments
* Intelligent Environments and Active Camera Networks
* Parallel Architectures for Digital Optical Cellular Image Processing
* RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters With Smartphones
* Robust real-time detection, tracking, and pose estimation of faces in video streams
* Spatial and Spectral Hybrid Image Classification for Rice Lodging Assessment through UAV Imagery
* Streaming face recognition using multicamera video arrays
* Video arrays for real-time tracking of person, head, and face in an intelligent room
Includes: Huang, K.S.[Kohsia S.] Huang, K.S. Huang, K.S.[Kai-Siang]
12 for Huang, K.S.

Huang, K.W.[Ko Wei] Co Author Listing * Defect Detection of Stainless Steel Plates Using Deep Learning Technology
* Learning Program Representations for Food Images and Cooking Recipes
* Non-Parametric Dominant Point Detection
* Strong Gravitational Lensing Parameter Estimation with Vision Transformer
Includes: Huang, K.W.[Ko Wei] Huang, K.W.[Ko-Wei] Huang, K.W.[Kuan Wei] Huang, K.W.[Kuo-Wei] Huang, K.W.[Kuan-Wei]

Huang, K.X.[Kai Xiang] Co Author Listing * Granular3D: Delving into multi-granularity 3D scene graph prediction
Includes: Huang, K.X.[Kai Xiang] Huang, K.X.[Kai-Xiang]

Huang, K.Y. Co Author Listing * Application Of Spatial Modelling Approaches, Sampling Strategies And 3s Technology Within An Ecolgocial Framwork
* Attention-based convolutional neural network and long short-term memory for short-term detection of mood disorders based on elicited speech responses
* Branch and bound search for automatic linking process of seismic horizons
* Evaluating The Novel Methods On Species Distribution Modeling In Complex Forest
* exploration of on-road vehicle detection using hierarchical scaling schemes, An
* Image deraining with Adversarial Residual Refinement Network
* Image Processing of Seismograms: (A) Hough Transformation for the Detection of Seismic Patterns; (B) Thinning Processing in the Seismogram
* Learning-Based Vehicle Detection Using Up-Scaling Schemes and Predictive Frame Pipeline Structures
* Modeling Spatial Distribution Of A Rare And Endangered Plant Species (brainea insignis) In Central Taiwan
* Real-time automatic recognition of omnidirectional multiple barcodes and DSP implementation
* Synergistic Automatic Clustering Technique (SYNERACT ) for Multispectral Image Analysis, A
* Syntactic Pattern Recognition for the Recognition of Bright Spots
* Two-way Spatial Extrapolation And Validation On Ecological Patterns Of Elaeocarpus Japonicus Between Main Watersheds In Huisun Of Central Taiwan
* Video stabilization for vehicular applications using SURF-like descriptor and KD-tree
Includes: Huang, K.Y. Huang, K.Y.[Kun-Yi] Huang, K.Y.[Kou-Yuan] Huang, K.Y.[Keng-Yen] Huang, K.Y.[Kun-Yao] Huang, K.Y.[Kai-Yung] Huang, K.Y.[Kai-Yi]
14 for Huang, K.Y.

Huang, K.Z.[Kai Zhu] Co Author Listing * Aggregated pyramid gating network for human pose estimation without pre-training
* Combination of Classification and Clustering Results with Label Propagation
* Dimensionality Reduction by Minimal Distance Maximization
* fast projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, A
* Feature Representation Matters: End-to-end Learning for Reference-based Image Super-resolution
* generalizable framework for low-rank tensor completion with numerical priors, A
* IAN: The Individual Aggregation Network for Person Search
* Inter-feature Relationship Certifies Robust Generalization of Adversarial Training
* Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased minimax probability machine
* Multi-semantic hypergraph neural network for effective few-shot learning
* Rebalanced Zero-Shot Learning
* Revisiting 3D point cloud analysis with Markov process
* Robustness of Deep Learning-Based Specific Emitter Identification under Adversarial Attacks
* Segmentation mask guided end-to-end person search
* Similar Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition by Critical Region Selection Based on Average Symmetric Uncertainty
* Sparse learning for support vector classification
* Sparse matrix factorization with L2,1 norm for matrix completion
* SVM-Based High-accurate Recognition Approach for Handwritten Numerals by Using Difference Features, An
Includes: Huang, K.Z.[Kai Zhu] Huang, K.Z.[Kai-Zhu]
18 for Huang, K.Z.

Huang, L.[Lei] Co Author Listing * 3D Facial Expression Synthesis from a Single Image Using a Model Set
* 3D Shape from SEM Image Using Improved Fast Marching Method
* Accelerate Learning of Deep Hashing With Gradient Attention
* Accurate and Efficient BP Algorithm Based on Precise Slant Range Model and Rapid Range History Construction Method for GEO SAR, An
* Active Vision for Early Recognition of Human Actions
* Adaptive Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis Method and Its Application to Face Recognition, An
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* Air Pollution and Human Health: Investigating the Moderating Effect of the Built Environment
* AMD: Automatic Multi-step Distillation of Large-scale Vision Models
* Analysis of the Atmospheric Duct Existence Factors in Tropical Cyclones Based on the SHAP Interpretation of Extreme Gradient Boosting Predictions
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subsidence in Wuhan, China from 2017 to 2021
* Analysis on two Fisher methods and a synthesized discriminant projection
* Analyzing Urban Human Mobility Patterns through a Thematic Model at a Finer Scale
* AnyDoor: Zero-shot Object-level Image Customization
* ASFF-YOLOv5: Multielement Detection Method for Road Traffic in UAV Images Based on Multiscale Feature Fusion
* Attention on Attention for Image Captioning
* Automatic activity identifaction from raw GPS vehicle tracking data
* Automatic Mathematical Expression Understanding System, An
* Bayesian Network Enhanced Prediction for Multiple Facial Feature Tracking
* Behavioral Visual Motion Analysis
* Benchmark for Studying Diabetic Retinopathy: Segmentation, Grading, and Transferability, A
* Beyond Human Parts: Dual Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification
* Bi-level Doubly Variational Learning for Energy-based Latent Variable Models
* Blind Adaptive Beamforming for a Global Navigation Satellite System Array Receiver Based on Direction Lock Loop
* Blind Infrared Remote-Sensing Image Deblurring Algorithm via Edge Composite-Gradient Feature Prior and Detail Maintenance
* Calibrated GPT3 (CGPT3) Model for the Site-Specific Zenith Hydrostatic Delay Estimation in the Chinese Mainland and Its Surrounding Areas, A
* CALPUFF and CAFOs: Air Pollution Modeling and Environmental Justice Analysis in the North Carolina Hog Industry
* CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* CCT-Net: Category-Invariant Cross-Domain Transfer for Medical Single-to-Multiple Disease Diagnosis
* Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks
* Chains of Diffusion Models
* Changes in Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in the Arctic Ocean over the Past Two Decades
* Class-incremental Learning with CLIP: Adaptive Representation Adjustment and Parameter Fusion
* CLIP-KD: An Empirical Study of CLIP Model Distillation
* Co-Learned Multi-View Spectral Clustering for Face Recognition Based on Image Sets
* Coastal High-Temporal Sea-Surface Altimetry Using the Posterior Error Estimations of Ionosphere-Free PPP and Information Fusion for Multi-GNSS Retrievals
* Collaborative Learning of Semi-Supervised Segmentation and Classification for Medical Images
* Combined Convolutional Neural Network for Urban Land-Use Classification with GIS Data, A
* Combined Deblocking Filter and SAO Hardware Architecture for HEVC, A
* Comments on 'Staircase effect alleviation by coupling gradient fidelity term'
* Compact and Configurable Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Hardware Architecture, A
* Compounded Regularization and Fast Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Deconvolution
* Comprehensive Attribute Prediction Learning for Person Search by Language
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Key Tropospheric Parameters from ERA5 and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Products Using Radiosonde Data and GNSS Measurements, A
* Constrained Optimization Approach for Image Gradient Enhancement, A
* Context based face spoofing detection using active near-infrared images
* Context Inspired Pedestrian Detection in Far-Field Videos
* Controllable Orthogonalization in Training DNNs
* Cooperative decision making for connected automated vehicles in multiple driving scenarios
* Cor-gs: Sparse-view 3d Gaussian Splatting via Co-regularization
* Cost of Urban Renewal: Annual Construction Waste Estimation via Multi-Scale Target Information Extraction and Attention-Enhanced Networks in Changping District, Beijing, The
* Cross-Domain Recommendation Via User-Clustering and Multidimensional Information Fusion
* Cross-Media Retrieval via Semantic Entity Projection
* Crowdsourcing-based indoor mapping using smartphones: A survey
* CS-VQA: Visual Question Answering with Compressively Sensed Images
* Customized Automatic Processing Framework for HY-2A Satellite Marine Advanced Products, The
* Data driven multi-index hashing
* DCT Embedded Subband AMBTC Image Coder, A
* Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Deep Neighborhood Structure-Preserving Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spherical Mutual Information for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep quantization generative networks
* Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* DeepLIMa: Deep Learning Based Lesion Identification in Mammograms
* Deeply Supervised Image Fusion Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, A
* Delving into the Estimation Shift of Batch Normalization in a Network
* Detecting Clouds and Cloud Shadows on Aerial Photographs
* Detection of Flood Extent Using Sentinel-1A/B Synthetic Aperture Radar: An Application for Hurricane Harvey, Houston, TX
* Detection of Information Hiding at Anti-Copying 2D Barcodes
* DH-AUG: DH Forward Kinematics Model Driven Augmentation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Dimensionality-Varying Diffusion Process
* Discriminative Tracking Using Tensor Pooling
* Distortionless 1/2 Overlap Windowing in Frequency Domain Anti-Jamming of Satellite Navigation Receivers
* Double-edge-model based character stroke extraction from complex backgrounds
* Dynamic Attention based Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Efficient BP Algorithm Based on TSU-ICSI Combined with GPU Parallel Computing, An
* Efficient Data Traffic Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Infrastructure Communications in VANETs
* Efficient segmentation for Region-based Image Retrieval using Edge Integrated Minimum Spanning Tree
* Elongated Small Object Detection from Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Scale-Sensitive Networks
* Engineering web maps with gradual content zoom based on streaming vector data
* Enhancement and Noise Suppression of Single Low-Light Grayscale Images
* entropy minimization histogram mergence scheme and its application in image compression, An
* Estimation of Chlorophyll-A Concentration with Remotely Sensed Data for the Nine Plateau Lakes in Yunnan Province
* Estimation of the Center of Mass of GRACE-Type Gravity Satellites
* Exploration of Deep-Learning-Based Error-Correction Methods for Meteorological Remote-Sensing Data: A Case Study of Atmospheric Motion Vectors
* Exploring Dynamic Routing As A Pooling Layer
* Exploring Relationship Between Face and Trustworthy Impression Using Mid-level Facial Features
* Exploring the Usage of Pre-trained Features for Stereo Matching
* Face recognition based on LBP and orthogonal rank-one tensor projections
* Facial Expression Hallucination
* FAM: Improving columnar vision transformer with feature attention mechanism
* Finding Suits in Images of People
* Finding suits in images of people in unconstrained environments
* Fine-Grained Ship Classification by Combining CNN and Swin Transformer
* Flat: Flux-aware Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks on 3d Point Clouds
* Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR With Advanced Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm
* Four-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Ship Targets Using PolSAR Data
* Gaze Estimation Based on 3D Face Structure and Pupil Centers
* general non-parametric active learning framework for classification on multiple manifolds, A
* Generation and Application of Maritime Route Networks: Overview and Future Research Directions
* Generative Multi-modal Models are Good Class-Incremental Learners
* GeoAug: Data Augmentation for Few-Shot NeRF with Geometry Constraints
* geometry of visual interception, The
* Glimpse and Zoom: Spatio-Temporal Focused Dynamic Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Global Registration of Multiview Unordered Forest Point Clouds Guided by Common Subgraphs
* Gradient Attention Balance Network: Mitigating Face Recognition Racial Bias via Gradient Attention
* Gradient-Based Pulsed Excitation and Relaxation Encoding in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Grid Feature-Point Selection Method for Large-Scale Street View Image Retrieval Based on Deep Local Features, A
* GRNN-Based Model for ERA5 PWV Adjustment with GNSS Observations Considering Seasonal and Geographic Variations, A
* Group Whitening: Balancing Learning Efficiency and Representational Capacity
* Hand-transformer: Non-autoregressive Structured Modeling for 3d Hand Pose Estimation
* Hardware-Oriented IME Algorithm for HEVC and Its Hardware Implementation, A
* HDRLM3D: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Model with Human-like Perceptron and Policy for Crowd Evacuation in 3D Environments
* Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment: Potential Application in Spatiotemporal Behavior Experiments, A
* HISEA-1: The First C-Band SAR Miniaturized Satellite for Ocean and Coastal Observation
* HOIST-Former: Hand-Held Objects Identification, Segmentation, and Tracking in the Wild
* Human body segmentation based on shape constraint
* Human Settlement Composite Index (HSCI) Derived from Nighttime Luminosity Associated with Imperviousness and Vegetation Indexes, A
* Human skin detection in images by MSER analysis
* Human-Induced Landcover Changes Drive a Diminution of Land Surface Albedo in the Loess Plateau (China)
* Hybrid Feature Based Method for Distinguishing Computer Graphics and Photo-Graphic Image, A
* Hybrid Shape Deformation for Face Reconstruction in Aesthetic Orthodontics
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive Dictionary Learning and Double L_1 Constraint
* Identification of the Urban Dry Islands Effect in Beijing: Evidence from Satellite and Ground Observations
* Identifying active retrogressive thaw slumps from ArcticDEM
* IFC Schemas in ISO/TC 211 Compliant UML for Improved Interoperability between BIM and GIS
* Image data compression without distortion by minimizing entropy
* Improved Algorithm Robust to Illumination Variations for Reconstructing Point Cloud Models from Images, An
* Improved Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Method Using Clustering Algorithm and Dynamic Compensation
* improved parallel thinning algorithm, An
* Improved Unitary Root-MUSIC for DOA Estimation Based on Pseudo-Noise Resampling
* Improving Image Inpainting via Adversarial Collaborative Training
* Improving Inconspicuous Attributes Modeling for Person Search by Language
* Improving Target Detection Accuracy Based on Multipolarization MIMO GPR
* Improving traffic signal control operations using proximal policy optimization
* Improving Typhoon Muifa (2022) Forecasts with FY-3D and FY-3E MWHS-2 Satellite Data Assimilation under Clear Sky Conditions
* Improving Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization by Bridging Train-Test Gap in Pseudo Labels
* Indirect Generalization of Contour Lines Based on DEM Generalization Using the 3D Douglas-Peucker Algorithm, An
* Individual Tree Detection in Coal Mine Afforestation Area Based on Improved Faster RCNN in UAV RGB Images
* Initialization and Pose Alignment in Active Shape Model
* Instance Image Retrieval with Generative Adversarial Training
* Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
* Investigation Into the Stochasticity of Batch Whitening, An
* Investigation of Antarctic Precipitable Water Vapor Variability and Trend from 18 Year (2001 to 2018) Data of Four Reanalyses Based on Radiosonde and GNSS Observations
* IOAM: A Novel Sensor Fusion-Based Wearable for Localization and Mapping
* Is Your First Impression Reliable? Trustworthy Analysis Using Facial Traits in Portraits
* It Wasn't Me: Irregular Identity in Deepfake Videos
* Iterative Normalization: Beyond Standardization Towards Efficient Whitening
* Joint Anomaly Detection and Inpainting for Microscopy Images Via Deep Self-Supervised Learning
* Keyword Spotting in Offline Chinese Handwritten Documents Using a Statistical Model
* Keyword spotting in unconstrained handwritten Chinese documents using contextual word model
* Kml-based Approach for Distributed Collaborative Interpretation Of Remote Sensing Images In The Geo-browser, A
* Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning Dynamics of DNNs
* Learning modality-invariant features for heterogeneous face recognition
* Learning Progressive Joint Propagation for Human Motion Prediction
* Learning to Classify Weather Conditions from Single Images Without Labels
* Learning Where to Learn in Cross-View Self-Supervised Learning
* Lightweight SAR: A Two-Bit Strategy
* Lithosphere Ionosphere Coupling Associated with Seismic Swarm in the Balkan Peninsula from ROB-TEC and GPS
* MaskDis R-CNN: An instance segmentation algorithm with adversarial network for herd pigs
* Matrix-Based Structure for Vario-Scale Vector Representation over a Wide Range of Map Scales: The Case of River Network Data, A
* Methods and Evaluation of AI-Based Meteorological Models for Zenith Tropospheric Delay Prediction
* Modeling Driver Decision Behavior of the Cut-In Process
* Modification to Phase Estimation for Distributed Scatterers in InSAR Data Stacks, A
* Moon Imaging Performance of FAST Radio Telescope in Bistatic Configuration with Other Radars
* Motion-Guided Spatial Time Attention for Video Object Segmentation
* MST Radars of Chinese Meridian Project: System Description and Atmospheric Wind Measurement
* Multi-classification of Parkinson's Disease via Sparse Low-Rank Learning
* Multi-dimensional Indoor Location Information Model
* Multi-Exposure Fusion of Gray Images Under Low Illumination Based on Low-Rank Decomposition
* Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation with adaptive factor
* Multi-label Semantic Decoding from Human Brain Activity
* Multi-Lane Detection and Tracking Using Temporal-Spatial Model and Particle Filtering
* Multi-Level Fusion Indoor Positioning Technology Considering Credible Evaluation Analysis
* Multi-manifold metric learning for face recognition based on image sets
* Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
* Multi-View Complementary Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Multi-view intact space clustering
* Multiantenna Assisted Source Detection in Toeplitz Noise Covariance
* Multimodal Face Spoofing Detection via RGB-D Images
* Multiple Facial Feature Tracking Using Multi-cue Based Prediction Model
* Multiple-Solution Optimization Strategy for Multirobot Task Allocation
* Multiresolution recognition of offline handwritten Chinese characters with wavelet transform
* Multirobot Cooperative Patrolling Strategy for Moving Objects
* Multiscale Deep Middle-level Feature Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Classification, A
* Multiscale Feature Extraction U-Net for Infrared Dim- and Small-Target Detection
* Multisite Remote Sensing for Tsunami-Induced Waves
* Neural Correspondence Field for Object Pose Estimation
* Neural Voting Field for Camera-Space 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* New Approach for the Development of Grid Models Calculating Tropospheric Key Parameters over China, A
* New Block Partitioned Text Feature for Text Verification, A
* new Probabilistic Local Binary Pattern for face verification, A
* New Vegetation Observable Derived from Spaceborne GNSS-R and Its Application to Vegetation Water Content Retrieval, A
* Non-Dominated Immune-Endocrine Short Feedback Algorithm for Multi-Robot Maritime Patrolling
* Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analysis and Application
* Novel Emotional Saliency Map to Model Emotional Attention Mechanism, A
* Novel Face Spoofing Detection Method Based on Gaze Estimation, A
* novel MEDLINE topic indexing method using image presentation, A
* Novel Method for Embedded Text Segmentation Based on Stroke and Color, A
* Novel Method to Reconstruct Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines Using Cable Inspection Robot LiDAR Data, A
* OCNet: Object Context for Semantic Segmentation
* OctSqueeze: Octree-Structured Entropy Model for LiDAR Compression
* On the Error Analysis of 3d Gaussian Splatting and an Optimal Projection Strategy
* On the Number of Linear Regions of Convolutional Neural Networks With Piecewise Linear Activations
* On the Processing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne SAR Data: A Chirp-Modulated Back Projection Approach
* One-Bit SAR Imaging Based on Single-Frequency Thresholds
* Online adaptive learning for multi-camera people counting
* Online semi-supervised perception: Real-time learning without explicit feedback
* Pan-information Location Map
* Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning for Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* PDTE: Pyramidal deep Taylor expansion for optical flow estimation
* People Counting across Multiple Cameras for Intelligent Video Surveillance
* Perception Model for Optimizing and Evaluating Evacuation Guidance Systems, A
* Perceptual Saliency Driven Total Variation for Image Denoising Using Tensor Voting
* Person Re-Identification Based on Pose-Aware Segmentation
* PQ-VAE: Learning Hierarchical Discrete Representations with Progressive Quantization
* Predicting Goal-Directed Human Attention Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for optimization on oblique manifold in DNNs
* Quantification of Typhoon-Induced Phytoplankton Blooms Using Satellite Multi-Sensor Data
* Quarter LCU based integer motion estimation algorithm for HEVC
* Query-Adaptive Hash Code Ranking for Large-Scale Multi-View Visual Search
* R2SN: Refined Semantic Segmentation Network of City Remote Sensing Image
* Radar-Infrared Sensor Fusion Based on Hierarchical Features Mining
* Radiation-Variation Insensitive Coarse-to-Fine Image Registration for Infrared and Visible Remote Sensing Based on Zero-Shot Learning
* Rapid Robust Principal Component Analysis: CUR Accelerated Inexact Low Rank Estimation
* Raw vs. Processed: How to Use the Raw and Processed Images for Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
* Real-Time 3D Face Recognition with the Integration of Depth and Intensity Images
* Real-Time Multi-View Face Detection, Pose Estimation, Tracking, Alignment, and Recognition
* Real-Time Underwater Fish Tracking Based on Adaptive Multi-Appearance Model
* Region-Based Feature Extraction Method for Rs-fMRI of Depressive Disorder Classification, A
* Remote Sensing Time Series Classification Based on Self-Attention Mechanism and Time Sequence Enhancement
* Research on Detection Technology of Spoofing under the Mixed Narrowband and Spoofing Interference
* Revisiting Domain Generalized Stereo Matching Networks from a Feature Consistency Perspective
* Reward Learning from Narrated Demonstrations
* RGB-T Saliency Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Unified Collaborative Ranking
* Rice and Greenhouse Identification in Plateau Areas Incorporating Sentinel-1/2 Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data from Google Earth Engine
* Robot Pose Estimation Optimized Visual SLAM Algorithm Based on CO-HDC Instance Segmentation Network for Dynamic Scenes, A
* robust and efficient method for license plate recognition, A
* Robust extension of light fields with probable 3D distribution based on iterative scene estimation from multi-focus images
* Robust Hashing for Neural Network Models via Heterogeneous Graph Representation
* Robust Iteratively Reweighted L_ Approach for Spectral Compressed Sensing in Impulsive Noise, A
* Robust MTMC Tracking System for AI-City Challenge 2021, A
* Robust One-Bit Bayesian Compressed Sensing with Sign-Flip Errors
* Robust people counting in video surveillance: Dataset and system
* Robust skin detection in real-world images
* Robust Synthetic-to-Real Transfer for Stereo Matching
* ROC analysis of ultrasound tissue characterization classifiers for breast cancer diagnosis
* Room Geometry Estimation Using the Multipath Delays
* RSSGG_CS: Remote Sensing Image Scene Graph Generation by Fusing Contextual Information and Statistical Knowledge
* S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1-bit Neural Networks via Guided Distribution Calibration
* Saliency-based multi-feature modeling for semantic image retrieval
* SAR Speckle Dependence on Ocean Surface Wind Field
* Satellite Altimetry: Achievements and Future Trends by a Scientometrics Analysis
* Satellite-Observed Energy Budget Change of Deforestation in Northeastern China and its Climate Implications
* Scomatch: Alleviating Overtrusting in Open-set Semi-supervised Learning
* Self-Adaptive Training: Bridging Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning
* self-embedding secure fragile watermarking scheme with high quality recovery, A
* Semantic Loopback Detection Method Based on Instance Segmentation and Visual SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* Semantic Modelling of Ship Behavior in Harbor Based on Ontology and Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Semi-Supervised 2D Human Pose Estimation Driven by Position Inconsistency Pseudo Label Correction Module
* Semi-supervised Learning via Multiple Layer Graph Regularized Perception
* Severity Assessment of Cotton Canopy Verticillium Wilt by Machine Learning Based on Feature Selection and Optimization Algorithm Using UAV Hyperspectral Data
* Siam-EMNet: A Siamese EfficientNet-MANet Network for Building Change Detection in Very High Resolution Images
* SimMatch: Semi-supervised Learning with Similarity Matching
* SimMatchV2: Semi-Supervised Learning with Graph Consistency
* Skin lesion segmentation using object scale-oriented fully convolutional neural networks
* Skin Lesion Segmentation via Dense Connected Deconvolutional Network
* Sliced Wasserstein based Canonical Correlation Analysis for Cross-Domain Recommendation
* Slim UNETR: Scale Hybrid Transformers to Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation Under Limited Computational Resources
* Snow depth retrieval method for PolSAR data using multi-parameters snow backscattering model
* SNR-Adaptive OCT Angiography Enabled by Statistical Characterization of Intensity and Decorrelation With Multi-Variate Time Series Model
* Soft-Split Sparse Regression Based Random Forest for Predicting Future Clinical Scores of Alzheimer's Disease
* Sparse Subspace Clustering With Sequentially Ordered and Weighted L1-Minimization†
* Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Erosion in Northeast China from 2000 to 2020
* Spatial Estimation of Regional PM2.5 Concentrations with GWR Models Using PCA and RBF Interpolation Optimization
* Spatial Prediction Filtering of Acoustic Clutter and Random Noise in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Spatio-Temporal Graphical-Model-Based Multiple Facial Feature Tracking
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Regional Ionospheric TEC Prediction Using Multi-Factor NeuralProphet Model under Disturbed Conditions
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Regional Ionospheric TEC Prediction Using Multi-Factor NeuralProphet Model under Disturbed Conditions
* Special Issue Retraction: Jointly network image processing: multi-task image semantic segmentation of indoor scene based on CNN
* Statistical Performance Analysis of the Adaptive Orthogonal Rejection Detector
* Steerable pyramid-based face hallucination
* STF-EGFA: A Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Network with Edge-Guided Feature Attention
* Strategy for SAR Imaging Quality Improvement With Low-Precision Sampled Data
* Stripe Noise Removal Algorithm for Infrared Remote Sensing Images Based on Adaptive Weighted Variable Order Model
* Study on the Evolution of the Mountain Ecological Environment Based on Remote Sensing and Water Footprints: Case Study of Northwestern Sichuan, Southwest China
* Superpixel Spatial Intuitionistic Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Unsupervised Classification of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Suppression of Jammer Multipath in GNSS Antenna Array Receiver
* Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Based on TS-InSAR Technology
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Compression Based on Low-Frequency Rejection and Quality Map Guidance
* Target Reconstruction From Deceptively Jammed Single-Channel SAR
* Tensor Completion via Generalized Tensor Tubal Rank Minimization Using General Unfolding
* Three-Dimensional Rigid Body Localization in the Presence of Clock Offsets
* Time-Dependent Pre-attention Model for Image Captioning
* Towards Adaptive Multi-Scale Intermediate Domain via Progressive Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturbations via Gated Batch Normalization
* Tracking of Multiple Static and Dynamic Targets for 4D Automotive Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Cloud in Urban Environments
* Tracking Reflected Objects: A Benchmark
* Treasure Beneath Multiple Annotations: An Uncertainty-Aware Edge Detector, The
* TTNet: A Temporal-Transform Network for Semantic Change Detection Based on Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* Two-Step Approach to Multiple Facial Feature Tracking: Temporal Particle Filter and Spatial Belief Propagation, A
* Twofold Convolutional Regression Tracking Network With Temporal and Spatial Mechanism, A
* UAV-LiDAR Integration with Sentinel-2 Enhances Precision in AGB Estimation for Bamboo Forests
* Uncertainty principle and orthogonal condition for the short-time linear canonical transform
* Uncovering Spatial Inequality in Taxi Services in the Context of a Subsidy War among E-Hailing Apps
* Underdetermined DOA Estimation for Wideband Signals Using Robust Sparse Covariance Fitting
* Understanding Whitening Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
* Underwater organisms detection algorithm based on multi-scale perception and representation enhancement
* Universal Physical Camouflage Attacks on Object Detectors
* Unsupervised Adversarial Instance-Level Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Fine-Grained Similarity-Preserving Contrastive Learning for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic Structure for Image Retrieval
* Unveiling the Non-Linear Influence of Eye-Level Streetscape Factors on Walking Preference: Evidence from Tokyo
* Validation of Permafrost Active Layer Estimates from Airborne SAR Observations
* Variational image restoration based on Poisson singular integral and curvelet-type decomposition space regularization
* Vectorization of Linear Features In Scanned Topographic Maps Using Adaptive Image Segmentation and Sequential Line Tracking
* video text location method based on background classification, A
* Visual Tracking by Sampling in Part Space
* Visual Tracking Under Motion Blur
* Visual-Textual Attentive Semantic Consistency for Medical Report Generation
* VLF/LF Lightning Location Based on LWPC and IRI Models: A Quantitative Study
* Wavelet Transform LMS Algorithm Based Signal Noising Cancellation Research for Hydraulic System
* Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light Image Enhancement
* Weighted Mean Temperature Hybrid Models in China Based on Artificial Neural Network Methods
* YOLOSA: Object detection based on 2D local feature superimposed self-attention
Includes: Huang, L.[Lei] Huang, L. Huang, L.[Lijia] Huang, L.[Liang] Huang, L.[Li] Huang, L.[Lifu] Huang, L.[Lang] Huang, L.[Liangke] Huang, L.[Lianghua] Huang, L.[Lian] Huang, L.[Long] Huang, L.[Liyao] Huang, L.[Lin] Huang, L.[Linlan] Huang, L.[Libo] Huang, L.[Likun] Huang, L.[Lili] Huang, L.[Linjiang] Huang, L.[Ling] Huang, L.[Lingcao] Huang, L.[Linzhi] Huang, L.[Lianfen] Huang, L.[Lina] Huang, L.[Lidong] Huang, L.[Lingyong] Huang, L.[Lilan] Huang, L.[Lan] Huang, L.[Lujie] Huang, L.[Liyu] Huang, L.[Liheng] Huang, L.[Lihan] Huang, L.[Le] Huang, L.[Lizhen] Huang, L.[Lu] Huang, L.[Liben] Huang, L.[Lingying] Huang, L.[Lulu] Huang, L.[Letian] Huang, L.[Lun] Huang, L.[Leping] Huang, L.[Longyu]
325 for Huang, L.

Huang, L.A.[Li Ang] Co Author Listing * CroplandCDNet: Cropland Change Detection Network for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images Based on Multilayer Feature Transmission Fusion of an Adaptive Receptive Field
Includes: Huang, L.A.[Li Ang] Huang, L.A.[Li-Ang]

Huang, L.B.[Ling Bo] Co Author Listing * Fine-Grained Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Deep Learning
* Joint Two-Dimensional Deception Countering ISAR via Frequency Diverse Array
* New Expression Database and Facial Animation, A
* Spectral-Spatial Mamba for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Supervised Contrastive Learning-Based Classification for Hyperspectral Image
* Weakly Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Image Based on Complementary Learning
Includes: Huang, L.B.[Ling Bo] Huang, L.B.[Ling-Bo] Huang, L.B.[Li-Bing] Huang, L.B.[Lian-Bing]

Huang, L.C.[Ling Cao] Co Author Listing * Accuracy, Efficiency, and Transferability of a Deep Learning Model for Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across the Canadian Arctic
* Automatic alignment for virtual fitting using 3D garment stretching and human body relocation
* Automatic Mapping of Thermokarst Landforms from Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning: A Case Study in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Boundary-preserving Mask R-CNN
* CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* Context-Aware Dynamic Feature Extraction for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Identifying the Influencing Factors of Cooling Effect of Urban Blue Infrastructure Using the Geodetector Model
* Image Super-Resolution With Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention and Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining
* Incorporating Structural Alternatives and Sharing into Hierarchy for Multiclass Object Recognition and Detection
* Mask Scoring R-CNN
* Plug and Play Active Learning for Object Detection
* Real-time and accurate object detection in compressed video by long short-term feature aggregation
* Robust Adaptive Steganography Based on Adaptive STC-ECC
Includes: Huang, L.C.[Ling Cao] Huang, L.C.[Ling-Cao] Huang, L.C.[Lu-Chen] Huang, L.C.[Li-Chao] Huang, L.C.[Lei-Chang] Huang, L.C.[Lin-Chao]
13 for Huang, L.C.

Huang, L.D.[Li Dong] Co Author Listing * advanced gradient histogram and its application for contrast and gradient enhancement, An
* Combination of contrast limited adaptive histogram equalisation and discrete wavelet transform for image enhancement
* Entropy maximisation histogram modification scheme for image enhancement
* novel detail weighted histogram equalization method for brightness preserving image enhancement based on partial statistic and global mapping model, A
Includes: Huang, L.D.[Li Dong] Huang, L.D.[Li-Dong]

Huang, L.F.[Lai Feng] Co Author Listing * Automatic Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Layer Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Atmospheric Duct Inversion Using Automatic Identification System Signals
* Cyclical Adversarial Attack Pierces Black-box Deep Neural Networks
* DanceComposer: Dance-to-Music Generation Using a Progressive Conditional Music Generator
* Erosion Attack: Harnessing Corruption To Improve Adversarial Examples
* Experimental Analysis of Atmospheric Ducts and Navigation Radar Over-the-Horizon Detection
* Hierarchical content importance-based video quality assessment for HEVC encoded videos transmitted over LTE networks
* Iterative fusion convolutional neural networks for classification of optical coherence tomography images
* LAFED: Towards robust ensemble models via Latent Feature Diversification
* Multi-frame ship detection and tracking in an infrared image sequence
* NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* Overview of Shoreline Mapping by Using Airborne LiDAR, An
* Prediction Algorithm for Satellite Instantaneous Attitude and Image Pixel Offset Based on Synchronous Clocks
* Real-time sepsis severity prediction on knowledge graph deep learning networks for the intensive care unit
Includes: Huang, L.F.[Lai Feng] Huang, L.F.[Lai-Feng] Huang, L.F.[Li-Feng] Huang, L.F.[Lian-Fen] Huang, L.F.[Lung-Fa] Huang, L.F.[Liu-Feng] Huang, L.F.[Ling-Feng] Huang, L.F.[L. Frank]
14 for Huang, L.F.

Huang, L.G.[Li Guang] Co Author Listing * Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Learning the Relation Between Similarity Loss and Clustering Loss in Self-Supervised Learning
Includes: Huang, L.G.[Li Guang] Huang, L.G.[Li-Guang] Huang, L.G.[Li-Guo]

Huang, L.H.[Liang Hua] Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap Between Detection and Tracking: A Unified Approach
* Capturing Relevant Context for Visual Tracking
* Efficient-VQGAN: Towards High-Resolution Image Generation with Efficient Vision Transformers
* Exploring Guided Sampling of Conditional GANs
* Fast algorithm for multiplicative noise removal
* Global Instance Tracking: Locating Target More Like Humans
* GOT-10k: A Large High-Diversity Benchmark for Generic Object Tracking in the Wild
* MultiGen: Zero-Shot Image Generation from Multi-Modal Prompts
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using Multi-Scale Completed Local Binary Patterns and Fisher Vectors
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Context and Motion Decoupling
* Vehicle departure pattern and queue length prediction at an isolated intersection with automatic vehicle identity detection
* VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
Includes: Huang, L.H.[Liang Hua] Huang, L.H.[Liang-Hua] Huang, L.H.[Li-Hong] Huang, L.H.[Long-Hui] Huang, L.H.[Liu-Hong]
13 for Huang, L.H.

Huang, L.J.[Lin Jiang] Co Author Listing * Actor and Action Modular Network for Text-Based Video Segmentation
* Assimilating SMOS Brightness Temperature for Hydrologic Model Parameters and Soil Moisture Estimation with an Immune Evolutionary Strategy
* Deep Learning-Based Robust Change Detection Approach for Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images with Multiple Features, A
* Effective schizophrenia recognition using discriminative eye movement features and model-metric based features
* Emotalk3d: High-fidelity Free-view Synthesis of Emotional 3d Talking Head
* Focused Lunar Imaging Experiment Using the Back Projection Algorithm Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
* Foreground-Action Consistency Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* FouriScale: A Frequency Perspective on Training-free High-resolution Image Synthesis
* High-fidelity 3D Face Generation from Natural Language Descriptions
* Identify autism spectrum disorder via dynamic filter and deep spatiotemporal feature extraction
* Improved Multi-Threshold Clutter Filtering Algorithm for W-Band Cloud Radar Based on K-Means Clustering, An
* Improving Image Classification Performance with Automatically Hierarchical Label Clustering
* Information Relevance Related Broadcast scheme for Safety Packets in VANETs, An
* Modeling Sub-Actions for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Multi-Modality Self-Distillation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Part-aligned pose-guided recurrent network for action recognition
* Robust Landmark-Based Stent Tracking in X-ray Fluoroscopy
* Scattering-Point-Guided Oriented RepPoints for Ship Detection
* Teach-DETR: Better Training DETR With Teachers
* Two-Branch Relational Prototypical Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Unpaired sonar image denoising with simultaneous contrastive learning
* Unsupervised Non-Rigid Histological Image Registration Guided by Keypoint Correspondences Based on Learnable Deep Features With Iterative Training
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization via Representative Snippet Knowledge Propagation
Includes: Huang, L.J.[Lin Jiang] Huang, L.J.[Lin-Jiang] Huang, L.J.[Li-Jun] Huang, L.J.[Li-Jin] Huang, L.J.[Lin-Jia] Huang, L.J.[Li-Jia] Huang, L.J.[Ling-Jiang] Huang, L.J.[Li-Jie] Huang, L.J.[Long-Jiao] Huang, L.J.[Luo-Jie]
23 for Huang, L.J.

Huang, L.K.[Liang Ke] Co Author Listing * Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticated Klobuchar Model in China
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Key Tropospheric Parameters from ERA5 and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Products Using Radiosonde Data and GNSS Measurements, A
* Concept-wise Fine-tuning Matters in Preventing Negative Transfer
* Corner Detection Using Bending Value
* Efficient Shape-Matching Through Model-Based Shape-Recognition
* Image thresholding by minimizing the measures of fuzziness
* Investigation of Antarctic Precipitable Water Vapor Variability and Trend from 18 Year (2001 to 2018) Data of Four Reanalyses Based on Radiosonde and GNSS Observations
* Investigation of Extreme Weather Impact on Precipitable Water Vapor and Vegetation Growth: A Case Study in Zhejiang China, An
* Learning Robust Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Lithosphere Ionosphere Coupling Associated with Seismic Swarm in the Balkan Peninsula from ROB-TEC and GPS
* New Approach for the Development of Grid Models Calculating Tropospheric Key Parameters over China, A
* SSIEGNOS: A New Asian Single Site Tropospheric Correction Model
* Weighted Mean Temperature Hybrid Models in China Based on Artificial Neural Network Methods
Includes: Huang, L.K.[Liang Ke] Huang, L.K.[Liang-Ke] Huang, L.K.[Long-Kai] Huang, L.K. Huang, L.K.[Liang-Kai] Huang, L.K.[Liang-Kang]
13 for Huang, L.K.

Huang, L.L.[Lei Lei] Co Author Listing * Benchmark Dataset and Pair-Wise Ranking Method for Quality Evaluation of Night-Time Image Enhancement
* Boosting normalized sparsity regularization for blind image deconvolution
* Classification-based face detection using Gabor filter features
* Cut and Compare: End-to-end Offline Signature Verification Network
* Face Detection from Cluttered Images Using a Polynomial Neural Network
* Face detection using a modified radial basis function neural network
* fast approach for traffic panel detection from natural scene images, A
* Fast CABAC Hardware Design for Accelerating the Rate Estimation in HEVC, A
* Fast QTMT Partition for VVC Intra Coding Using U-Net Framework
* Gradient feature extraction for classification-based face detection
* High Compression Efficiency Hardware Encoder for Intra and Inter Coding With 4K@30fps Throughput, A
* High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Deblocking Filter Hardware Architecture for VVC, A
* Instant pose extraction based on mask transformer for occluded person re-identification
* Learning-Based Candidate Segmentation Scoring for Real-Time Recognition of Online Overlaid Chinese Handwriting
* Lexicon-driven recognition of one-stroke character strings in visual gesture
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Novel Variational Model
* Offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition with graph encoder and transformer decoder
* PGDP5K: A Diagram Parsing Dataset for Plane Geometry Problems
* Retinal Image Mosaic Based on Invariant Feature and Hierarchial Transformation Models, The
* Robust face detection using Gabor filter features
* Scene-Adaptive SVAD Based On Multi-Modal Action-Based Feature Extraction
* Traffic Sign Recognition Using Complementary Features
Includes: Huang, L.L.[Lei Lei] Huang, L.L.[Lei-Lei] Huang, L.L.[Li-Li] Huang, L.L.[Lin-Lin] Huang, L.L.[Lin Lin]
24 for Huang, L.L.

Huang, L.M.[Li Ming] Co Author Listing * CGFNet: Cross-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* comparative analysis of broadband and narrowband derived vegetation indices in predicting LAI and CCD of a cotton canopy, A
* Multi-Graph Fusion and Learning for RGBT Image Saliency Detection
* Multiple Graph Affinity Interactive Network and a Variable Illumination Dataset for RGBT Image Salient Object Detection
* Numerical Investigations on Wave Remote Sensing from Synthetic X-Band Radar Sea Clutter Images by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Salient Object Detection via Multiple Time-scale Analysis
* Visible and thermal images fusion architecture for few-shot semantic segmentation
Includes: Huang, L.M.[Li Ming] Huang, L.M.[Li-Ming] Huang, L.M.[Liang-Mei] Huang, L.M.[Li-Min]
7 for Huang, L.M.

Huang, L.N.[Lin Ning] Co Author Listing * Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system
Includes: Huang, L.N.[Lin Ning] Huang, L.N.[Lin-Ning]

Huang, L.P.[Li Ping] Co Author Listing * Edge-Aware Extended Star-Tetrix Transforms for CFA-Sampled Raw Camera Image Compression
* Exploring Impact of Spatial Unit on Urban Land Use Mapping with Multisource Data
* Fully Automatic Cervical Vertebrae Segmentation Via Enhanced U2-Net
* Generating a Baseline Map of Surface Fuel Loading Using Stratified Random Sampling Inventory Data through Cokriging and Multiple Linear Regression Methods
* Stepwise Fusion of Hyperspectral, Multispectral and Panchromatic Images with Spectral Grouping Strategy: A Comparative Study Using GF5 and GF1 Images
Includes: Huang, L.P.[Li Ping] Huang, L.P.[Li-Ping] Huang, L.P.[Le-Ping]

Huang, L.Q.[Li Qin] Co Author Listing * Aligning Multi-Sequence CMR Towards Fully Automated Myocardial Pathology Segmentation
* Designing Visual Systems: Purposive Navigation
* dual-attention V-network for pulmonary lobe segmentation in CT scans, A
* Effective Blind Image Deblurring Using Matrix-Variable Optimization
* Fast Blind Image Super Resolution Using Matrix-Variable Optimization
* Generated Data With Sparse Regularized Multi-Pseudo Label for Person Re-Identification
* GraphDPI: Partial label disambiguation by graph representation learning via mutual information maximization
* How Normal Flow Constrains Relative Depth for an Active Observer
* Multi-Dimensional Fusion of Spectral and Polarimetric Images Followed by Pseudo-Color Algorithm Integration and Mapping in HSI Space
* Multi-Organ Registration With Continual Learning
* Multi-Scale Frequency Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution via Deep Residual Network
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Novel and secure plaintext-related image encryption algorithm based on compressive sensing and tent-sine system
* Person Re-identification Method Based on Color Attack and Joint Defence
* Pyramid-Structured Depth MAP Super-Resolution Based on Deep Dense-Residual Network
* Relative Depth from Motion Using Normal Flow: An Active and Purposive Solution
* Technical Evaluation of Sentinel-1 IW Mode Cross-Pol Radar Backscattering from the Ocean Surface in Moderate Wind Condition
* Unique Vertex Deleting Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism, A
* Weakly Supervised Road Segmentation in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Point Annotations
Includes: Huang, L.Q.[Li Qin] Huang, L.Q.[Li-Qin] Huang, L.Q.[Liu-Qing] Huang, L.Q.[Li-Qing] Huang, L.Q.[Lin-Qing] Huang, L.Q.[Lan-Qing] Huang, L.Q.[Lin-Qi]
19 for Huang, L.Q.

Huang, L.R. Co Author Listing * Fast Physically Correct Refocusing for Sparse Light Fields Using Block-Based Multi-Rate View Interpolation
* Vegetation Greenness Variations and Response to Climate Change in the Arid and Semi-Arid Transition Zone of the Mongo-Lian Plateau during 1982-2015
Includes: Huang, L.R. Huang, L.R.[Li-Rong]

Huang, L.S.[Liu Sheng] Co Author Listing * Blind Linguistic Steganalysis against Translation Based Steganography
* Can Video as a Service Paradigm Lead to the Future Internet of Video Things?
* Continuous Copy-Paste for One-stage Multi-object Tracking and Segmentation
* Depth Mapping for Stereoscopic Videos
* Dynamic Analysis of Regional Wheat Stripe Rust Environmental Suitability in China
* Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
* Hiding Information by Context-Based Synonym Substitution
* Hybrid Dense Network with Dual Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Improved CASA Model for Estimating Winter Wheat Yield from Remote Sensing Images, An
* Integrating Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data to Predict Wheat Stripe Rust
* Public Curb Parking Demand Estimation With POI Distribution
* rate-distortion optimization model for SVC inter-layer encoding and bitstream extraction, A
* RCCT-ASPPNet: Dual-Encoder Remote Image Segmentation Based on Transformer and ASPP
* Revealing the Reciprocal Relations between Self-Supervised Stereo and Monocular Depth Estimation
* Segment as Points for Efficient and Effective Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Segment as Points for Efficient Online Multi-object Tracking and Segmentation
* Steganalysis of Compressed Speech Based on Markov and Entropy
* Towards End-to-End License Plate Detection and Recognition: A Large Dataset and Baseline
Includes: Huang, L.S.[Liu Sheng] Huang, L.S.[Liu-Sheng] Huang, L.S.[Li-Sheng] Huang, L.S.[Lin-Sheng] Huang, L.S.[Lin-Shung]
18 for Huang, L.S.

Huang, L.W. Co Author Listing * Damage Risk Assessment of Painting On The Wood Construction in Typical Taiwanese Temple By Hot and Humid Climate
* Dynamic Adaptive Decision-Making Method for Autonomous Navigation of Ships in Coastal Waters
* Feature selection by Universum embedding
* Finite-Time Cooperative Control for Vehicle Platoon With Sliding-Mode Controller and Disturbance Observer
* Monitoring Three-Decade Expansion of China's Major Cities Based on Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* Twin SVM for conditional probability estimation in binary and multiclass classification
Includes: Huang, L.W. Huang, L.W.[Li-Wen] Huang, L.W.[Ling-Wei] Huang, L.W.[Long-Wang]

Huang, L.X.[Long Xiang] Co Author Listing * Camera Calibration for Plate Refractive Imaging System
* Camera calibration with enclosing ellipses by an extended application of generalized eigenvalue decomposition
* Evaluation of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency Based on Coupled and Uncoupled Remote Sensing Products for Maize and Soybean
* Fast Robust Tensor Principal Component Analysis via Fiber CUR Decomposition
* Global and local structure preserving nonnegative subspace clustering
* Low-delay and Robust Solution for Rapid Movement Detection Using UWB, A
* Matrix Completion With Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling
* Maximum margin multiple-instance feature weighting
* Robust CUR Decomposition: Theory and Imaging Applications
* Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruptions
* RWMF: A Real-World Multimodal Foodlog Database
Includes: Huang, L.X.[Long Xiang] Huang, L.X.[Long-Xiang] Huang, L.X.[Ling-Xiao] Huang, L.X.[Long-Xiu] Huang, L.X.[Long-Xia] Huang, L.X. Huang, L.X.[Li-Xia] Huang, L.X.[Li-Xin]
11 for Huang, L.X.

Huang, L.Y.[Ling Yun] Co Author Listing * 3D Graph Anatomy Geometry-Integrated Network for Pancreatic Mass Segmentation, Diagnosis, and Quantitative Patient Management
* Continuous Monitoring of Forests in Wetland Ecosystems with Remote Sensing and Probability Sampling
* DPDM: Feature-Based Pose Refinement with Deep Pose and Deep Match for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Efficient Offline Reinforcement Learning With Relaxed Conservatism
* Embodied Understanding of Driving Scenarios
* Evaluation of CYGNSS Observations for Snow Properties, a Case Study in Tibetan Plateau, China
* Identifying and Classifying Shrinking Cities Using Long-Term Continuous Night-Time Light Time Series
* Intention Prediction-Based Control for Vehicle Platoon to Handle Driver Cut-In
* Learning From Multiple Datasets With Heterogeneous and Partial Labels for Universal Lesion Detection in CT
* Mapping Spatial Distribution of Larch Plantations from Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 OLI Imagery and Multi-Scale Textures Using Random Forests
* Modeling and Prediction of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Imagery Based on Spatiotemporal Statistical Method
* Modeling of Driver Cut-in Behavior Towards a Platoon
* New Automatic Quasar Recognition Technique Based on PCA and the Hough Transform, A
* Nonuniform Subband Method for Wideband Beamforming of Nested Array
* On-Orbit Calibration of the KBR Antenna Phase Center of GRACE-Type Gravity Satellites
* Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
* Robust image hashing via colour vector angles and discrete wavelet transform
* Shallow Sea Topography Detection from Multi-Source SAR Satellites: A Case Study of Dazhou Island in China
* Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-Suite Meteorite Northwest Africa 8687
* Towards Unsupervised Single Image Dehazing With Deep Learning
* Underwater Topography Detection and Analysis of the Qilianyu Islands in the South China Sea Based on GF-3 SAR Images
* Width measurement of retinal vessels using cubic spline fitting and extended edge-searching mode
* You Only Segment Once: Towards Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation
Includes: Huang, L.Y.[Ling Yun] Huang, L.Y.[Ling-Yun] Huang, L.Y.[Liu-Yuan] Huang, L.Y.[Li-Yang] Huang, L.Y.[Long-Yang] Huang, L.Y.[Lin-Yan] Huang, L.Y.[Ling-Yong] Huang, L.Y.[Ling-Yan] Huang, L.Y.[Ling-Ying] Huang, L.Y.[Li-Yan] Huang, L.Y. Huang, L.Y.[Long-Yu] Huang, L.Y.[Li-Ying] Huang, L.Y.[Lu-Yao] Huang, L.Y.[Lin-Yuan]
23 for Huang, L.Y.

Huang, L.Z.[Li Zhen] Co Author Listing * Adapted Rules for UML Modelling of Geospatial Information for Model-Driven Implementation as OWL Ontologies
* Assimilating FY-3D MWHS2 Radiance Data to Predict Typhoon Muifa Based on Different Initial Background Conditions and Fast Radiative Transfer Models
* Information Exchange between GIS and Geospatial ITS Databases Based on a Generic Model
* Interpretable Fusion Siamese Network for Multi-Modality Remote Sensing Ship Image Retrieval, An
* Motion Aware Event Representation-driven Image Deblurring
Includes: Huang, L.Z.[Li Zhen] Huang, L.Z.[Li-Zhen] Huang, L.Z.[Lin-Zhou] Huang, L.Z.[Long-Zhuo]

Huang, M.[Mingtao] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Tilt-Series Alignment with Feature Resampling in Cryo-Electron Tomography
* Analytical Method for Dynamic Wave-Related Errors of Interferometric SAR Ocean Altimetry under Multiple Sea States, An
* Automatic Identification of Shrub-Encroached Grassland in the Mongolian Plateau Based on UAS Remote Sensing
* Backscatter Characteristics Analysis for Flood Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Images
* BOTH2Hands: Inferring 3D Hands from Both Text Prompts and Body Dynamics
* Color-difference evaluation for digital images using a categorical judgment method
* Combining Parallel Adaptive Filtering and Wavelet Threshold Denoising for Photoplethysmography-Based Pulse Rate Monitoring during Intensive Physical Exercise
* Comparative Analysis on the Estimation of Diurnal Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Dynamics for a Subtropical Evergreen Coniferous Forest
* Comparison of Gross Primary Productivity Derived from GIMMS NDVI3g, GIMMS, and MODIS in Southeast Asia
* Construction of an Ecological Security Pattern in Rapidly Urbanizing Areas Based on Ecosystem Sustainability, Stability, and Integrity
* Correlation-Weighted Sparse Representation for Robust Liver DCE-MRI Decomposition Registration
* Data-Driven Shared Steering Control of Semi-Autonomous Vehicles
* Deep embedding network for robust age estimation
* Depth-Aware Saliency Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detection and Control Algorithm of Multi-Color Printing Registration Based on Computer Vision
* Diurnal Evolution of the Wintertime Boundary Layer in Urban Beijing, China: Insights from Doppler Lidar and a 325-m Meteorological Tower
* DMBLC: An Indirect Urban Impervious Surface Area Extraction Approach by Detecting and Masking Background Land Cover on Google Earth Image
* Document ranking by layout relevance
* Dynamic Feature Queue for Surveillance Face Anti-spoofing via Progressive Training
* Dynamic Monitoring and Vibration Analysis of Ancient Bridges by Ground-Based Microwave Interferometry and the ESMD Method
* Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation (EVBS) Algorithm Based on Fast Adjacent Voxel Search for Point Cloud Plane Segmentation, An
* Efficient image classification via sparse coding spatial pyramid matching representation of SIFT-WCS-LTP feature
* Epurate-Net: Efficient Progressive Uncertainty Refinement Analysis for Traffic Environment Urban Road Detection
* Evaluation of Color-Difference Formulae Based on Small Color Difference Data by Printed Sample
* Evaluation of Three Long-Term Remotely Sensed Precipitation Estimates for Meteorological Drought Monitoring over China
* Evaluation of threshold color differences using printed samples
* Exploring viewport features for semi-supervised saliency prediction in omnidirectional images
* FaceScape: 3D Facial Dataset and Benchmark for Single-View 3D Face Reconstruction
* FaceScape: A Large-Scale High Quality 3D Face Dataset and Detailed Riggable 3D Face Prediction
* FANet: Features Adaptation Network for 360° Omnidirectional Salient Object Detection
* Flood Inundation Probability Estimation by Integrating Physical and Social Sensing Data: Case Study of 2021 Heavy Rainfall in Henan, China
* Gaze Estimation via Modulation-Based Adaptive Network With Auxiliary Self-Learning
* Graph Neural Networks Based Multi-granularity Feature Representation Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Hidden Smile Correlation Discovery Across Subjects Using Random Walk with Restart
* Hippocampus Segmentation Based on Iterative Local Linear Mapping With Representative and Local Structure-Preserved Feature Embedding
* Hybrid Deep Learning and S2S Model for Improved Sub-Seasonal Surface and Root-Zone Soil Moisture Forecasting
* Impact of Climate Variabilities and Human Activities on Surface Water Extents in Reservoirs of Yongding River Basin, China, from 1985 to 2016 Based on Landsat Observations and Time Series Analysis
* Integrated Graphic Modeling System for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation in Lakes, An
* Integrating Remote Sensing and a Markov-FLUS Model to Simulate Future Land Use Changes in Hokkaido, Japan
* Integrating Remote Sensing and Spatiotemporal Analysis to Characterize Artificial Vegetation Restoration Suitability in Desert Areas: A Case Study of Mu Us Sandy Land
* Integration of Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representation (CSG-BRep) for 3D Modeling of Underground Cable Wells from Point Clouds
* L2,1-l1 regularized nonlinear multi-task representation learning based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease
* Leveraging Large Language Models for Multimodal Search
* LiDeNeRF: Neural radiance field reconstruction with depth prior provided by LiDAR point cloud
* Linear Convergence of Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Complex-Valued Phaseless Equations
* Long-Term SAR Data Analysis for Subsidence Monitoring and Correlation Study at Beijing Capital Airport
* Low-Latency Communication Scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Control Systems, A
* Mapping the Age of Subtropical Secondary Forest Using Dense Landsat Time Series Data: An Ensemble Model
* Meta-action descriptor for action recognition in RGBD video
* Modeling peripheral vision impact on perceptual quality of immersive images
* Modeling the impact of spatial resolutions on perceptual quality of immersive image/video
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered on Head Mounted Displays: Resolution and Compression
* multi-kernel based framework for heterogeneous feature selection and over-sampling for computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules, A
* Multi-label borderline oversampling technique
* New Outlier Removal Strategy Based on Reliability of Correspondence Graph for Fast Point Cloud Registration, A
* Novel Deep Q-Learning-Based Air-Assisted Vehicular Caching Scheme for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
* Novel Framework for Integrally Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Water Yield Services from Both Local and Global Perspectives, A
* Novel Grid Collection and Management Model of Remote Sensing Change Detection Samples
* Novel Intelligent Spatiotemporal Grid Earthquake Early-Warning Model
* Novel Method of Ship Detection under Cloud Interference for Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* Numerical Simulation of Donghu Lake Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Based on Remote Sensing and MIKE 21
* Optimisation model and solution method of multi-sources guide paths
* Parallel-Optimized Visualization Method for Large-Scale Multiple Video-Augmented Geographic Scenes on Cesium, A
* PM2.5 Estimation and Spatial-Temporal Pattern Analysis Based on the Modified Support Vector Regression Model and the 1 km Resolution MAIAC AOD in Hubei, China
* Pose-Weighted GAN for Photorealistic Face Frontalization
* PR-MPTCP: Context-aware QoE-oriented multipath TCP partial reliability extension for real-time multimedia applications
* Prostate Segmentation Based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection
* range of the value for the fuzzifier of the fuzzy c-means algorithm, The
* Reversed Sketch: A scalable and comparable shape representation
* RGBD Co-Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Clustering
* Ridge Network Detection in Crumpled Paper via Graph Density Maximization
* Segmentation of longitudinal brain MR images using bias correction embedded fuzzy c-means with non-locally spatio-temporal regularization
* Self-Supervised Pre-Training with Bridge Neural Network for SAR-Optical Matching
* Some Thoughts on Measuring Earthquake Deformation Using Optical Imagery
* Sparse shared structure based multi-task learning for MRI based cognitive performance prediction of Alzheimer's disease
* SpineParseNet: Spine Parsing for Volumetric MR Image by a Two-Stage Segmentation Framework With Semantic Image Representation
* Study on Acceptable Color Difference Using Printed Samples
* Surfaces of Revolution (SORs) Reconstruction Using a Self-Adaptive Generatrix Line Extraction Method from Point Clouds
* Theory and Implementation of linear regression
* Three-Dimensional Pulsed-Laser Imaging via Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Based on Proximal Momentum-Gradient Descent
* Time Series Analysis of Grey Forecasting Based on Wavelet Transform and Its Prediction Applications
* Towards a Data-Derived Observation Error Covariance Matrix for Satellite Measurements
* Towards Human-Compatible Autonomous Car: A Study of Non-Verbal Turing Test in Automated Driving With Affective Transition Modelling
* Trip Purposes Mining From Mobile Signaling Data
* Vector Quantization with Self-Attention for Quality-Independent Representation Learning
* VEFNet: an Event-RGB Cross Modality Fusion Network for Visual Place Recognition
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
Includes: Huang, M.[Mingtao] Huang, M.[Mo] Huang, M.[Mei] Huang, M.[Minmin] Huang, M.[Molin] Huang, M.[Min] Huang, M.[Miao] Huang, M. Huang, M.[Mengke] Huang, M.[Meng] Huang, M.[Mouxiao] Huang, M.[Ming] Huang, M.[Manjie] Huang, M.[Mingkai] Huang, M.[Maoyi] Huang, M.[Mutao] Huang, M.[Michael] huang, M. Huang, M.[Meiyu] Huang, M.[Melin] Huang, M.[Miner] Huang, M.[Mengluan] Huang, M.[Minyu]
87 for Huang, M.

Huang, M.B.[Min Bin] Co Author Listing * Arch-Graph: Acyclic Architecture Relation Predictor for Task-Transferable Neural Architecture Search
Includes: Huang, M.B.[Min Bin] Huang, M.B.[Min-Bin]

Huang, M.C. Co Author Listing * Fast Algorithm for Designing Better Codebooks in Image Vector Quantization
* FridgeNet: A Nutrition and Social Activity Promotion Platform for Aging Populations
* GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting, A
Includes: Huang, M.C. Huang, M.C.[Ming-Chun] Huang, M.C.[Meng-Cheng]

Huang, M.F.[Ming Fang] Co Author Listing * Detection of Road Surface Anomaly Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
Includes: Huang, M.F.[Ming Fang] Huang, M.F.[Ming-Fang]

Huang, M.H.[Ming He] Co Author Listing * Design and implementation of video conference system based on Flex and J2EE
* Estimating Azimuth Offset With Double-Difference Interferometric Phase: The Effect of Azimuth FM Rate Error in Focusing
* Learning to Unlearn for Robust Machine Unlearning
* Lexicon-Based Sentiment Convolutional Neural Networks for Online Review Analysis
* Meta Compositional Referring Expression Segmentation
* method for discovering knowledge in texts, A
* Simulation of the Abdominal Wall and Its Arteries after Pneumoperitoneum for Guidance of Port Positioning in Laparoscopic Surgery
Includes: Huang, M.H.[Ming He] Huang, M.H.[Ming-He] Huang, M.H. Huang, M.H.[Mark He] Huang, M.H.[Ming-Hui] Huang, M.H.[Min-Hua]
7 for Huang, M.H.

Huang, M.J.[Ming Jer] Co Author Listing * Knowledge-based Approach to Urban Feature Classification Using Aerial Imagery with Lidar Data, A
* Multi-temporal High-resolution Landslide Monitoring Based On Uas Photogrammetry and Uas Lidar Geoinformation
* Sparse Representation Based Classification Algorithm for Chinese Food Recognition, A
Includes: Huang, M.J.[Ming Jer] Huang, M.J.[Ming-Jer] Huang, M.J. Huang, M.J.[Min-Jie]

Huang, M.K.[Meng Ke] Co Author Listing * Lightweight Distortion-Aware Network for Salient Object Detection in Omnidirectional Images
* Personal Fixations-Based Object Segmentation With Object Localization and Boundary Preservation
Includes: Huang, M.K.[Meng Ke] Huang, M.K.[Meng-Ke]

Huang, M.L. Co Author Listing * Design of Intelligent Workflow for GIS Functions: A Data Quality Perspective, The
* Dynamic Visualization of Spatially Referenced Information
* Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-Resolution DEM
* Improved Color Mood Blending Between Images Via Fuzzy Relationship, An
* MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* RELT: Visualizing Trees on Mobile Devices
* Visualization of Relational Structure Among Scientific Articles
Includes: Huang, M.L. Huang, M.L.[Mao Lin] Huang, M.L.[Min-Lang] Huang, M.L.[Ming-Long] Huang, M.L.[Meng-Luan]
7 for Huang, M.L.

Huang, M.M.[Ming Ming] Co Author Listing * Local image region description using orthogonal symmetric local ternary pattern
* method of image classification based on SIFT-Gabor-Scale descriptors, A
* Rapid Flood Mapping and Evaluation with a Supervised Classifier and Change Detection in Shouguang Using Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Optical Data
Includes: Huang, M.M.[Ming Ming] Huang, M.M.[Ming-Ming] Huang, M.M.[Min-Min]

Huang, M.N.[Meng Ning] Co Author Listing * Early Detection of Rubber Tree Powdery Mildew by Combining Spectral and Physicochemical Parameter Features
Includes: Huang, M.N.[Meng Ning] Huang, M.N.[Meng-Ning]

Huang, M.P.[Mei Ping] Co Author Listing * Constrained multi-scale dense connections for biomedical image segmentation
* Machine Vision Guided 3D Medical Image Compression for Efficient Transmission and Accurate Segmentation in the Clouds
Includes: Huang, M.P.[Mei Ping] Huang, M.P.[Mei-Ping]

Huang, M.Q.[Ming Quan] Co Author Listing * Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* Not All Image Regions Matter: Masked Vector Quantization for Autoregressive Image Generation
* RealCustom: Narrowing Real Text Word for Real-Time Open-Domain Text-to-Image Customization
* Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation in Crowd Counting
* Towards Accurate Image Coding: Improved Autoregressive Image Generation with Dynamic Vector Quantization
Includes: Huang, M.Q.[Ming Quan] Huang, M.Q.[Ming-Quan] Huang, M.Q.[Meng-Qi] Huang, M.Q.[Miao-Qing]

Huang, M.R.[Ming Rui] Co Author Listing * Bibliometric Analysis of Global Remote Sensing Research during 2010-2015
* Bibliometric Analysis of OGC Specifications between 1994 and 2020 Based on Web of Science (WoS)
Includes: Huang, M.R.[Ming Rui] Huang, M.R.[Ming-Rui]

Huang, M.T.[Meng Ting] Co Author Listing * Joint Spectrum Sharing and V2V/V2I Task Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks Based on Coalition Formation Game
* Study on establishment of Body of Knowledge of Taiwan's Traditional Wooden Structure Technology
Includes: Huang, M.T.[Meng Ting] Huang, M.T.[Meng-Ting] Huang, M.T.

Huang, M.W.[Min Wei] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the correlation between infrared thermal sequence images of nostril area and respiratory rate
Includes: Huang, M.W.[Min Wei] Huang, M.W.[Min-Wei]

Huang, M.X.[Ming Xin] Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap Between End-to-End and Two-Step Text Spotting
* CSDG-FAS: Closed-Space Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing
* Distributed Fusion Framework of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Residual Network, A
* DOA and Range Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar with Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Effects of Free-Floating Shared Bicycles on Urban Public Transportation
* ESTextSpotter: Towards Better Scene Text Spotting with Explicit Synergy in Transformer
* Fast Adaptive Self-Supervised Underwater Image Enhancement
* Fast Target Localization Method for FMCW MIMO Radar via VDSR Neural Network
* Fast-PADMA: Rapidly Adapting Facial Affect Model From Similar Individuals
* Feature Discretization Method for Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images in Coastal Areas, A
* Identifying User-Specific Facial Affects from Spontaneous Expressions with Minimal Annotation
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning with Feature Enhancement
* Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Policy Clipping and Average Evaluation for UAV-Assisted Communication Markov Game
* SPTS v2: Single-Point Scene Text Spotting
* SwinTextSpotter: Scene Text Spotting via Better Synergy between Text Detection and Text Recognition
* Tensor-Based Reduced-Dimension MUSIC Method for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar
* Three Stages Detail Injection Network for Remote Sensing Images Pansharpening, A
Includes: Huang, M.X.[Ming Xin] Huang, M.X.[Ming-Xin] Huang, M.X.[Mou-Xiao] Huang, M.X.[Meng-Xing] Huang, M.X.[Meng-Xue] Huang, M.X.[Meng-Xiao] Huang, M.X.
17 for Huang, M.X.

Huang, M.Y.[Mao Yu] Co Author Listing * Automatic Thresholding Based on Human Visual-Perception
* Automatic Thresholding Based on Human Visual-Perception
* CDTD: A Large-Scale Cross-Domain Benchmark for Instance-Level Image-to-Image Translation and Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Convolution by Multiplication: Accelerated Two- Stream Fourier Domain Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object Detection Under Adverse Weather Conditions
* DLEN: Deep Laplacian Enhancement Networks for Low-Light Images
* Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Parameters Optimization for Spectral Distance Measurement in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Fast and accurate image recognition using Deeply-Fused Branchy Networks
* Imaging Genetics Study Based on a Temporal Group Sparse Regression and Additive Model for Biomarker Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Pathological Priors Inspired Network for Vertebral Osteophytes Recognition
* Prior Knowledge-Aware Fusion Network for Prediction of Macrovascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
* Reasoning and Tuning: Graph Attention Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Towards Instance-Level Image-To-Image Translation
* Tsit: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-image Translation
* Wavelet image enhancement based on Teager energy operator
* Weighted Large Margin Nearest Center Distance-Based Human Depth Recovery With Limited Bandwidth Consumption
Includes: Huang, M.Y.[Mao Yu] Huang, M.Y.[Mao-Yu] Huang, M.Y. Huang, M.Y.[Ming-Yang] Huang, M.Y.[Meng-Yu] Huang, M.Y.[Meng-Yuan] Huang, M.Y.[Min-Yu] Huang, M.Y.[Mou-Yue] Huang, M.Y.[Mei-Yan] Huang, M.Y.[Mei-Yu]
16 for Huang, M.Y.

Huang, M.Z.[Ming Zhen] Co Author Listing * AutoSplice: A Text-prompt Manipulated Image Dataset for Media Forensics
* Forward Propagation, Backward Regression, and Pose Association for Hand Tracking in the Wild
* LaSOT: A High-Quality Benchmark for Large-Scale Single Object Tracking
* LaSOT: A High-quality Large-scale Single Object Tracking Benchmark
* Tracking Multiple Deformable Objects in Egocentric Videos
* Variational Feature Disentangling for Fine-Grained Few-Shot Classification
* visualization method for data domain changes in CNN networks and the optimization method for selecting thresholds in classification tasks, A
* Whose Hands are These? Hand Detection and Hand-Body Association in the Wild
Includes: Huang, M.Z.[Ming Zhen] Huang, M.Z.[Ming-Zhen] Huang, M.Z.[Min-Zhe]
8 for Huang, M.Z.

Huang, N.[Ni] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Landsat-8 OLI Imagery for Estimating Exposed Bedrock Fractions in Typical Karst Regions of Southwest China Using a Karst Bare-Rock Index
* Comparison of interannual intrinsic modes in hemispheric sea ice covers and other geophysical parameters
* Confidence-Guided Planar-Recovering Multiview Stereo for Weakly Textured Plane of High-Resolution Image Scenes
* Continuous Change Tracker Model for Remote Sensing Time Series Reconstruction, A
* Dynamic Monitoring of the Largest Freshwater Lake in China Using a New Water Index Derived from High Spatiotemporal Resolution Sentinel-1A Data
* Dynamical stochastic resonance for non-uniform illumination image enhancement
* Estimating Vertical Chlorophyll Concentrations in Maize in Different Health States Using Hyperspectral LiDAR
* Exploring changes in residents' daily activity patterns through sequence visualization analysis
* Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* FSSDD: Few-shot steel defect detection based on multi-scale semantic enhancement representation and mask category information mapping
* Hyperspectral image clustering via sparse dictionary-based anchored regression
* Inversion-based Style Transfer with Diffusion Models
* Mapping Winter Crops in China with Multi-Source Satellite Imagery and Phenology-Based Algorithm
* Noise-Robust Framework for Automatic Segmentation of COVID-19 Pneumonia Lesions From CT Images, A
* Potential of Time Series Merged from Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD for Crop Classification: A Case Study for Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China, The
* Power Quality Disturbance Recognition Based on S-Transform and SOM Neural Network
* Proximal Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Indices for Monitoring Mango Tree Stem Sap Flux Density
* Radiometric Calibration for Incidence Angle, Range and Sub-Footprint Effects on Hyperspectral LiDAR Backscatter Intensity
* RGB-T Salient Object Detection via Fusing Multi-Level CNN Features
* Simple Spectral Failure Mode for Graph Convolutional Networks, A
* Style-A-Video: Agile Diffusion for Arbitrary Text-Based Video Style Transfer
* Time Series of Landsat Imagery Shows Vegetation Recovery in Two Fragile Karst Watersheds in Southwest China from 1988 to 2016
Includes: Huang, N.[Ni] Huang, N. Huang, N.[Nan] Huang, N.[Nana] Huang, N.[Ning] Huang, N.[Nisha] Huang, N.[Nantian] Huang, N.[Ningyuan]
22 for Huang, N.

Huang, N.C.[Ning Chi] Co Author Listing * ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transformer Acceleration
* Enabling Modality Interactions for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Exploring modality-shared appearance features and modality-invariant relation features for cross-modality person Re-IDentification
* FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision Transformer
* FMCNet: Feature-Level Modality Compensation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Joint Cross-Modal and Unimodal Features for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Lightweight Cross-Modal Transformer for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Middle-Level Feature Fusion for Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Feature Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Modality-Specific Feature Compensation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Salient Object Detection From Arbitrary Modalities
Includes: Huang, N.C.[Ning Chi] Huang, N.C.[Ning-Chi] Huang, N.C.[Nian-Chang]
11 for Huang, N.C.

Huang, N.F. Co Author Listing * Burst Effort Broadcasting Approach of MPEG-4 Video Transmission for Intervehicle Communication, A
* Efficient Traffic Information Forwarding Solution for Vehicle Safety Communications on Highways, An
Includes: Huang, N.F. Huang, N.F.[Nen-Fu]

Huang, N.K. Co Author Listing * Texture Segmentation Using Iterative Estimate of Energy States

Huang, N.N.[Ning Ning] Co Author Listing * Locally warping-based image stitching by imposing line constraints
Includes: Huang, N.N.[Ning Ning] Huang, N.N.[Ning-Ning]

Huang, N.Z.[Nian Zchang] Co Author Listing * ABMDRNet: Adaptive-weighted Bi-directional Modality Difference Reduction Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-modality person re-identification via multi-task learning
* Discriminative unimodal feature selection and fusion for RGB-D salient object detection
* Employing Bilinear Fusion and Saliency Prior Information for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
Includes: Huang, N.Z.[Nian Zchang] Huang, N.Z.[Nian-Zchang]

Huang, O. Co Author Listing * MimickNet, Mimicking Clinical Image Post- Processing Under Black-Box Constraints

Huang, P. Co Author Listing * Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing With Disentangled Representations
* Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identifying English Pronunciation Errors
* Autonomous Outdoor Scanning via Online Topological and Geometric Path Optimization
* Collaborative Transcoding Strategy for Live Broadcasting Over Peer-to-Peer IPTV Networks, A
* Com-STAL: Compositional Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* Comparison of Skeleton and Non-Skeleton Shape Descriptors for 3D Video
* Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Coastal Inundation through Satellite-Derived Datasets: A Case Study of Sabang Island, Indonesia, A
* Concept Parser With Multimodal Graph Learning for Video Captioning
* Convective-Dispersion Modeling in 3D Contrast-Ultrasound Imaging for the Localization of Prostate Cancer
* Cross-Domain Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval by View Sequence Learning
* DeepMVS: Learning Multi-view Stereopsis
* DeSTSeg: Segmentation Guided Denoising Student-Teacher for Anomaly Detection
* Echo Separation in Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR Remote Sensing Using an Advanced Null-Steering Beamformer
* Enhancing the Understanding of Train Delays With Delay Evolution Pattern Discovery: A Clustering and Bayesian Network Approach
* entropy-based model for quantifying multi-dimensional traffic scenario complexity, An
* Event-triggered optimisation of overtaking decision-making strategy for autonomous driving on highway
* Exploiting textual and visual features for image categorization
* FFBNet: Lightweight Backbone for Object Detection Based Feature Fusion Block
* Full-Aperture SAR Data Focusing in the Spaceborne Squinted Sliding-Spotlight Mode
* Game-Based Hierarchical Model for Mandatory Lane Change of Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Geo-Environment Vulnerability Assessment of Multiple Geohazards Using VWT-AHP: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta, China
* Global Non-rigid Alignment of Surface Sequences
* Global temporal registration of multiple non-rigid surface sequences
* H.264/AVC-Based Multiple Description Coding Scheme
* H.264/AVC-based multiple description video coding using dynamic slice groups
* Hierarchical Shape Matching for Temporally Consistent 3D Video
* Human motion synthesis from 3D video
* Human-in-the-Loop Cooperative Control of a Walking Exoskeleton for Following Time-Variable Human Intention
* Hybrid neural-like P systems with evolutionary channels for multiple brain metastases segmentation
* Integrated Zoning and Spatial Heterogeneity of Coastal Watershed-Nearshore Waters
* Learning Identity-Invariant Motion Representations for Cross-ID Face Reenactment
* Learning Parseval Frames for Sparse Representation with Frame Perspective
* Local maximal margin discriminant embedding for face recognition
* Long-Time Coherent Integration Algorithm for Radar Maneuvering Weak Target With Acceleration Rate
* MARS-GAN: Multilevel-Feature-Learning Attention-Aware Based Generative Adversarial Network for Removing Surgical Smoke
* Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation
* Method for Active Marine Target Detection Based on Complex Interferometric Dissimilarity in Dual-Channel ATI-SAR Systems, A
* Micro-Expression Recognition with Layered Relations and More Input Frames
* Multi-Satellite Space Environment Risk Prediction and Real-Time Warning System for Satellite Safety Management, A
* Multi-Sentence Complementarily Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Multichannel Full-Aperture Azimuth Processing for Beam Steering SAR
* Multiple Laplacian graph regularised low-rank representation with application to image representation
* New Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Scale Land Surface Water Extraction from GaoFen-1D Satellite Images, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* Occluded Gait Recognition with Mixture of Experts: An Action Detection Perspective
* On the pretreatment process for the object extraction in color image of wear debris
* Optimization Method for Evacuation Guidance in Multi-Room Scenarios, An
* Optimized Integer Aperture Bootstrapping for High-Integrity CDGNSS Applications
* Pairwise registration of TLS point clouds using covariance descriptors and a non-cooperative game
* Preliminary Results of Multichannel SAR-GMTI Experiments for Airborne Quad-Pol Radar System
* Probabilistic Modeling of Train Operations for Uncertainty Quantification: A Context-Aware Bayesian Network Approach
* Processing of Multichannel Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* RelationRS: Relationship Representation Network for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Robotic Grasp Detection Using Structure Prior Attention and Multiscale Features
* Robust Adaptive Array Beamforming With Subspace Steering Vector Uncertainties
* Robust Multi-Prototypes Aware Integration for Zero-Shot Cross-Domain Slot Filling
* Robust unsupervised feature selection via data relationship learning
* Semantic-Disentangled Transformer With Noun-Verb Embedding for Compositional Action Recognition
* Semi-Supervised Thyroid Nodule Detection in Ultrasound Videos
* Shape Similarity for 3D Video Sequences of People
* Shape-Colour Histograms for matching 3D video sequences
* Study of Shape Similarity for Temporal Surface Sequences of People, A
* ULTRA-SR Challenge: Assessment of Ultrasound Localization and TRacking Algorithms for Super-Resolution Imaging
* Ultrasound Nodule Segmentation Using Asymmetric Learning With Simple Clinical Annotation
* Unsupervised feature selection via adaptive graph and dependency score
* ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjective Optimization for Interpretable Laryngeal Tumor Grading From Histopathological Images, A
* Windpoly: Polygonal Mesh Reconstruction via Winding Numbers
Includes: Huang, P. Huang, P.[Pan] Huang, P.[Pengdi] Huang, P.[Peng] Huang, P.[Ping] Huang, P.[Pu] Huang, P.[Polly] Huang, P.[Pengbo] Huang, P.[Pei] Huang, P.[Pinyi] Huang, P.[Pingda] Huang, P.[Peian] Huang, P.[Panjian] Huang, P.[Panfeng] Huang, P.[Peijie] Huang, P.[Pingtong]
67 for Huang, P.

Huang, P.B.[Peng Bo] Co Author Listing * Divergent Component of Motion Planning and Adaptive Repetitive Control for Wearable Walking Exoskeletons
Includes: Huang, P.B.[Peng Bo] Huang, P.B.[Peng-Bo]

Huang, P.C.[Peng Cheng] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Construction of the Virtual Debris Flow Disaster Environments Driven by Multilevel Visualization Task
* Automated and Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Cluster-based genetic segmentation of time series with DWT
* Error concealment algorithm using inter-view correlation for multi-view video
* Fusion Visualization Method for Disaster Information Based on Self-Explanatory Symbols and Photorealistic Scene Cooperation, A
* Improved Depth-Assisted Error Concealment Algorithm for 3D Video Transmission
* Light Gradient Boosting Machine-Based Low-Slow-Small Target Detection Algorithm for Airborne Radar
* Motion-based unusual event detection in human crowds
* Multi-Level Fusion and Attention-Guided CNN for Image Dehazing
* Nucleus and cytoplast contour detector of cervical smear image
* ReDAL: Region-based and Diversity-aware Active Learning for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Huang, P.C.[Peng Cheng] Huang, P.C.[Peng-Cheng] Huang, P.C.[Pei-Chi] Huang, P.C.[Pai-Chieh] Huang, P.C.[Pin-Cheng] Huang, P.C. Huang, P.C.[Po-Chung] Huang, P.C.[Po-Chi] Huang, P.C.[Ping-Chia]
11 for Huang, P.C.

Huang, P.D.[Peng Di] Co Author Listing * Traffic Sign Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
Includes: Huang, P.D.[Peng Di] Huang, P.D.[Peng-Di]

Huang, P.F.[Pan Feng] Co Author Listing * Diffusion-Based Reactive Approach to Road Network Cooperative Persistent Surveillance, A
* DLP-Fusion: Depth of Field, Light Source, and Polarization Fusion Toward Intelligent Optical Imaging for Complex Scenes
* Driving on GWB: energy-efficiency-driven route optimisation for EVs
* INT2: Interactive Trajectory Prediction at Intersections
* Practical Reset Logarithmic Sliding Mode Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction With Sensorless Behavior Estimation
* Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Soft Tissue Based on Mass-Spring and Medial Representation
* Verification and Analysis of Overseas 1:50000 Scale Surveying and Mapping 4D Products Quality Generated by the ZY3 and TH1 Satellite Imagery
Includes: Huang, P.F.[Pan Feng] Huang, P.F.[Pan-Feng] Huang, P.F.[Peng-Fei]
7 for Huang, P.F.

Huang, P.G.[Peng Gui] Co Author Listing * ST-InNet: Deep Spatio-Temporal Inception Networks for Traffic Flow Prediction in Smart Cities
Includes: Huang, P.G.[Peng Gui] Huang, P.G.[Peng-Gui]

Huang, P.H.[Peng Hui] Co Author Listing * Approach for Refocusing of Ground Moving Target Without Target Motion Parameter Estimation, An
* Automatic Multi-Layer Red-Eye Detection
* Blind Image Deblurring with Modified Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution for Ringing Artifact Suppression
* Camera Calibration from Silhouettes Under Incomplete Circular Motion with a Constant Interval Angle
* Change Detection Based on Fusion Difference Image and Multi-Scale Morphological Reconstruction for SAR Images
* Change detection in SAR image based on weighted difference image generation and optimized random forest
* Coherent Integration Method for Moving Target Detection in a Parameter Jittering Radar System Based on Signum Coding, A
* Contour-Based Structure from Reflection
* Deep Embedding Network for Clustering
* Deep Semantic Matching with Foreground Detection and Cycle-Consistency
* Fast protein homology and fold detection with sparse spatial sample kernels
* Fast SAR Imaging Method for Ground Moving Target Using a Second-Order WVD Transform, A
* Gradient Boosting Machine and Object-Based CNN for Land Cover Classification
* Ground Maneuvering Target Imaging and High-Order Motion Parameter Estimation Based on Second-Order Keystone and Generalized Hough-HAF Transform
* Ground Moving Target Refocusing in SAR Imagery Based on RFRT-FrFT
* Ground Moving Target Refocusing in SAR Imagery Using Scaled GHAF
* Image deblurring by exploiting inherent bi-level regions
* Image deblurring with blur kernel estimation from a reference image patch
* Intrinsic Entropy: A Novel Adaptive Method for Measuring the Instantaneous Complexity of Time Series
* Keyword-based approach for recognizing fraudulent messages by keystroke dynamics
* Learning With Instance-Dependent Noisy Labels By Anchor Hallucination And Hard Sample Label Correction
* Method for Calibrating a Motorized Object Rig, A
* Multichannel Sea Clutter Modeling for Spaceborne Early Warning Radar and Clutter Suppression Performance Analysis
* Novel Channel Errors Calibration Algorithm for Multichannel High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imaging, A
* Off-Grid STAP Algorithm Based On Local Mesh Splitting With Bistatic Radar System, An
* Robust Metric Structure From Motion for an Extended Sequence with Outliers and Missing Data
* Silhouette-based camera calibration from sparse views under circular motion
* Spaceborne HRWS-SAR-GMTI System Design Method with Optimal Configuration
Includes: Huang, P.H.[Peng Hui] Huang, P.H.[Peng-Hui] Huang, P.H.[Po-Hao] Huang, P.H.[Pei-Hao] Huang, P.H.[Po-Hsiang] Huang, P.H.[Pai-Hsi] Huang, P.H.[Pi-Hui] Huang, P.H.[Po-Hsun] Huang, P.H.[Po-Hsuan] Huang, P.H.[Pang-Hung] Huang, P.H.
28 for Huang, P.H.

Huang, P.J.[Pin Jui] Co Author Listing * CA-FER: Mitigating Spurious Correlation With Counterfactual Attention in Facial Expression Recognition
* CLID: A Chunk-Level Intent Detection Framework for Multiple Intent Spoken Language Understanding
* Cloth-Imbalanced Gait Recognition via Hallucination
* Evaluating the Evacuation and Rescue Capabilities of Urban Open Space from a Land Use Perspective: A Case Study in Wuhan, China
* FashionMirror: Co-attention Feature-remapping Virtual Try-on with Sequential Template Poses
* Robust wheelchair pedestrian detection using sparse representation
Includes: Huang, P.J.[Pin Jui] Huang, P.J.[Pin-Jui] Huang, P.J.[Pei-Jie] Huang, P.J.[Pan-Jian] Huang, P.J.[Pu-Jiang] Huang, P.J.[Po-Jui]

Huang, P.K.[Po Kuan] Co Author Listing * 3D Gesture Touchless Control Based on Real-Time Stereo Matching
* Design Methodology for Highly Reliable Character Recognition Systems, A
* LDCformer: Incorporating Learnable Descriptive Convolution to Vision Transformer for Face Anti-Spoofing
* New RCS Statistical-Model of Radar Targets, A
* One-Class Face Anti-Spoofing via Spoof Cue Map-Guided Feature Learning
* Single-Domain Generalization for Semantic Segmentation Via Dual-Level Domain Augmentation
* Stereo matching architecture for 3D pose/gesture recognition and distance-measuring application
Includes: Huang, P.K.[Po Kuan] Huang, P.K.[Po-Kuan] Huang, P.K. Huang, P.K.[Pei-Kai]
7 for Huang, P.K.

Huang, P.L.[Pei Liang] Co Author Listing * M-RRFS: A Memory-Based Robust Region Feature Synthesizer for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Robust Region Feature Synthesizer for Zero-Shot Object Detection
Includes: Huang, P.L.[Pei Liang] Huang, P.L.[Pei-Liang]

Huang, P.M.[Philip M.] Co Author Listing * RAVAN: CubeSat Demonstration for Multi-Point Earth Radiation Budget Measurements

Huang, P.P.[Ping Ping] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Polarimetric Target Decomposition Algorithm Based on the Anisotropic Degree, An
* ASTC-MIMO-TOPS Mode with Digital Beam-Forming in Elevation for High-Resolution Wide-Swath Imaging
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction Based on Advanced Hyperbolic Range Equation
* Azimuth Multichannel Reconstruction for Moving Targets in Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Boosting for transfer learning from multiple data sources
* Cascaded U-Net with Training Wheel Attention Module for Change Detection in Satellite Images
* Change Detection Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Active Learning and Markov Random Fields
* Hybrid Polarimetric Target Decomposition Algorithm with Adaptive Volume Scattering Model, A
* Integrating Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Data to Monitor Severe Forest Infestation in Response to Pine Wilt Disease
* Integration of DInSAR-PS-Stacking and SBAS-PS-InSAR Methods to Monitor Mining-Related Surface Subsidence
* Landslide Prediction Method Based on a Ground-Based Micro-Deformation Monitoring Radar
* Method for Predicting Landslides Based on Micro-Deformation Monitoring Radar Data, A
* Method of Fusing Probability-Form Knowledge into Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* MSSD-Net: Multi-Scale SAR Ship Detection Network
* New Spaceborne Burst Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Mode for Wide Swath Coverage, A
* Noise Robust High-Speed Motion Compensation for ISAR Imaging Based on Parametric Minimum Entropy Optimization
* Novel Approach to Image Assessment by Seeking Unification of Subjective and Objective Criteria Based on Supervised Learning, A
* novel learning approach to multiple tasks based on boosting methodology, A
* Novel Unsupervised Classification Method for Sandy Land Using Fully Polarimetric SAR Data, A
* Onboard Digital Beamformer with Multi-Frequency and Multi-Group Time Delays for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR
* Parameter-Free Pixel Correlation-Based Attention Module for Remote Sensing Object Detection, A
* Processing of Multichannel Sliding Spotlight SAR Data with Large Pulse Bandwidth and Azimuth Steering Angle
* RFI Suppression for SAR Systems Based on Removed Spectrum Iterative Adaptive Approach
* Two-Component Polarimetric Target Decomposition Algorithm with Grassland Application, A
Includes: Huang, P.P.[Ping Ping] Huang, P.P.[Ping-Ping] Huang, P.P.[Pi-Pei]
24 for Huang, P.P.

Huang, P.S.[Po Sen] Co Author Listing * Active Planning, Sensing, and Recognition Using a Resource-Constrained Discriminant POMDP
* Calibration of LiDAR device using infrared images
* Color-Encoded Digital Fringe Projection Technique for High-Speed Three-Dimensional Surface Contouring
* Comparing Different Template Features for Recognizing People by their Gait
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach for Iris Recognition, An
* High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid 3D Motion of Densely Sampled Data Using Harmonic Maps
* High Resolution Tracking of Non-Rigid Motion of Densely Sampled 3D Data Using Harmonic Maps
* High-Resolution, Real-time 3D Shape Acquisition
* Human gait recognition in canonical space using temporal templates
* Iris Recognition Using Fourier-Wavelet Features
* Knowing When to Stop: Evaluation and Verification of Conformity to Output-Size Specifications
* Novel Approach for Iris Recognition Using Local Edge Patterns, A
* Recognizing Human Iris by Modified Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Robust spatial watermarking technique for colour images via direct saturation adjustment
* statistical approach for recognizing humans by gait using spatial-temporal templates, A
* Target-cluster fusion approach for classifying high resolution IKONOS imagery
* Thermal Face Recognition Based on Multi-scale Image Synthesis
* Towards Robust Image Classification Using Sequential Attention Models
Includes: Huang, P.S.[Po Sen] Huang, P.S.[Po-Sen] Huang, P.S. Huang, P.S.[Ping S.] Huang, P.S.[Pei-Sen] Huang, P.S.[Ping-Shen]
18 for Huang, P.S.

Huang, P.T.[Pin Tong] Co Author Listing * Super-Resolution Ultrasound Through Sparsity-Based Deconvolution and Multi-Feature Tracking
Includes: Huang, P.T.[Pin Tong] Huang, P.T.[Pin-Tong]

Huang, P.W. Co Author Listing * Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis
* Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* Dental biometrics: Human identification based on teeth and dental works in bitewing radiographs
* Design of Large Intelligent Image Database-Systems
* effective classification and numbering system for dental bitewing radiographs using teeth region and contour information, An
* Effective segmentation and classification for HCC biopsy images
* hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery, A
* Image retrieval by texture similarity
* Indexing Pictures by Key Objects for Large-Scale Image Databases
* Motion Robust Remote-PPG Approach to Driver's Health State Monitoring, A
* Reasoning about Pictures and Similarity Retrieval for Image-Information Systems Based on SK-Set Knowledge Representation
* size-insensitive integrity-based fuzzy c-means method for data clustering, A
* Spatial Reasoning and Similarity Retrieval for Image Database-Systems Based on RS-Strings
* Texture image retrieval and image segmentation using composite sub-band gradient vectors
* Using 2D C+-strings as spatial knowledge representation for image database systems
* Visibility Inference Based on Spatial Knowledge Representation from Observers Perspective
Includes: Huang, P.W. Huang, P.W.[Po-Whei] Huang, P.W.[Po-Wei]
16 for Huang, P.W.

Huang, P.X. Co Author Listing * Automatic Spatially-Aware Fashion Concept Discovery
* GMM improves the reject option in hierarchical classification for fish recognition
* Hierarchical classification with reject option for live fish recognition
* Improving Vision-and-Language Reasoning via Spatial Relations Modeling
* Supporting ground-truth annotation of image datasets using clustering
* Underwater Live Fish Recognition Using a Balance-Guaranteed Optimized Tree
Includes: Huang, P.X. Huang, P.X.[Phoenix X.] Huang, P.X.[Pei-Xiang]

Huang, P.Y.[Po Yao] Co Author Listing * Argus: Efficient Activity Detection System for Extended Video Analysis
* CiT: Curation in Training for Effective Vision-Language Data
* Comparative Study of the Atmospheric Gas Composition Detection Capabilities of FY-3D/HIRAS-I and FY-3E/HIRAS-II Based on Information Capacity
* Diffusion Models as Masked Autoencoders
* Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation in Videos
* Improved Method Combining ANN and 1D-Var for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data, An
* Improved Method Combining CNN and 1D-Var for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Humidity Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data, An
* MoDE: CLIP Data Experts via Clustering
* RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search
* Self-supervised Audio-visual Soundscape Stylization
* Self-Supervised Deep Correlation Tracking
* Space-Time Crop & Attend: Improving Cross-modal Video Representation Learning
* STMT: A Spatial-Temporal Mesh Transformer for MoCap-Based Action Recognition
* Study on the Retrieval of Ozone Profiles Using FY-3D/HIRAS Infrared Hyperspectral Data, A
* Study on the Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Based on FY-3D/HIRAS Infrared Hyperspectral Data, A
* Video Pivoting Unsupervised Multi-Modal Machine Translation
Includes: Huang, P.Y.[Po Yao] Huang, P.Y.[Po-Yao] Huang, P.Y.[Peng-Yu] Huang, P.Y.[Po-Yu] Huang, P.Y.
16 for Huang, P.Y.

Huang, P.Z.[Pei Zhou] Co Author Listing * Self-Supervised Deep Unrolled Reconstruction Using Regularization by Denoising
Includes: Huang, P.Z.[Pei Zhou] Huang, P.Z.[Pei-Zhou]

Huang, Q. Co Author Listing * 2.5-D Extended Field-of-View Ultrasound
* 3-D Surround View for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* Ability of the Photochemical Reflectance Index to Track Light Use Efficiency for a Sub-Tropical Planted Coniferous Forest
* Accelerate convolutional neural networks for binary classification via cascading cost-sensitive feature
* Accurate Detection of Proteins in Cryo-Electron Tomograms from Sparse Labels
* Adaptive Heavy Ball Method for Ill-Posed Inverse Problems, An
* AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* Analysis of Vegetation Vulnerability Dynamics and Driving Forces to Multiple Drought Stresses in a Changing Environment
* Analytical Algorithm for Tensor Tomography From Projections Acquired About Three Axes, An
* Analytical Inversion of the 180deg Exponential Radon Transform with a Numerically Generated Kernel, An
* Augmented Adversarial Training for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Automatic image analysis of plant root structures
* Automatic License Extraction from Moving Vehicles
* Automatic Resonance Frequency Retuning of Stretchable Liquid Metal Receive Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Binarizing Super-Resolution Networks by Pixel-Correlation Knowledge Distillation
* Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpretation of Topographic Effect on Microwave Data From Chang'E
* Can the Fractal Dimension of Images Be Measured
* Car detection using deformable part models with composite features
* CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection
* Character Extraction of License Plates from Video
* Clothing Landmark Detection Using Deep Networks With Prior of Key Point Associations
* Color Image Background Segmentation and Representation
* Content based active video data acquisition via automated cameramen
* Contextual-Based Image Inpainting: Infer, Match, and Translate
* Contrast Enhancement of Multiple Tissues in MR Brain Images With Reversibility
* Cross Branch Fusion-Based Contrastive Learning Framework for Point Cloud Self-supervised Learning, A
* Cross-Modal Correlation Learning by Adaptive Hierarchical Semantic Aggregation
* CSCNet: A Shallow Single Column Network for Crowd Counting
* Deep Constrained Low-Rank Subspace Learning for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification
* Deep Template-Based Watermarking
* DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images
* Deinterlacing Using Hierarchical Motion Analysis
* Dense video captioning based on local attention
* Design and Implementation of Trajectory Data Management and Analysis Technology Framework Based on Spatiotemporal Grid Model
* Design of a Robotic System Featured With High Operation Transparency for Quantifying Arm Impedance During Ultrasound Scanning
* Design Pseudo Ground Truth with Motion Cue for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Detecting News Reporting Using Audio/Visual Information
* Detecting Small Objects Using a Channel-Aware Deconvolutional Network
* Discovering Fine-Grained Spatial Pattern From Taxi Trips: Where Point Process Meets Matrix Decomposition and Factorization
* Discrete Probability Distribution Prediction of Image Emotions with Shared Sparse Learning
* Distributable Consistent Multi-object Matching
* DMCVS: Decomposed motion compensation-based video stabilization
* Effect of Water Vapor Transport on a Typical Rainstorm Process in the Arid Region of Southern Xinjiang: Observations and Numerical Simulations
* Effective Multimodality Fusion Framework for Cross-Media Topic Detection
* Embedding Perspective Analysis Into Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Network for Crowd Counting
* EmoSet: A Large-scale Visual Emotion Dataset with Rich Attributes
* Enhancing Adversarial Example Transferability With an Intermediate Level Attack
* Enhancing the Image Quality via Transferred Deep Residual Learning of Coarse PET Sinograms
* ensemble hierarchical clustering algorithm based on merits at cluster and partition levels, An
* Evaluation and Improvement of Interpretability for Self-Explainable Part-Prototype Networks
* Evaluation of Different Methods for Estimating the Fraction of Sunlit Leaves and Its Contribution for Photochemical Reflectance Index Utilization in a Coniferous Forest
* Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory Learning for Crowd Mood Modeling
* Extracting Characters of License Plates from Video Sequences
* Extraction of the Individual Tree Infected By Pine Wilt Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Imagery
* Face Distortion Recovery Based on Online Learning Database for Conversational Video
* Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* Feature level MRI fusion based on 3D dual tree compactly supported Shearlet transform
* FGC-VC: Flow-Guided Context Video Compression
* Flatten a Curved Space by Kernel
* Foreground/background segmentation of color images by integration of multiple cues
* Fusing angular features for skeleton-based action recognition using multi-stream graph convolution network
* Gait Planning of Omnidirectional Walk on Inclined Ground for Biped Robots
* general vision problem solving architecture: Hierarchical token grouping, A
* Generalized Additive Model Reveals Nonlinear Trade-Offs/Synergies between Relationships of Ecosystem Services for Mountainous Areas of Southwest China
* Generalized stochastic tube model: Tracking 3D blood vessels in MR images
* Generalized Tube Model: Recognizing 3D Elongated Objects from 2D Intensity Images
* Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery
* Geographies of Expatriates' Cultural Venues in Globalizing Shanghai: A Geo-Information Approach Applied to Social Media Data Platform, The
* Geometric Hypergraph Learning for Visual Tracking
* Gradually Vanishing Bridge for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Graph-Based Framework to Bridge Movies and Synopses, A
* H.264/AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording, An
* High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Can Better Estimate Changes in Carbon Assimilation of an Urban Forest
* HybridPose: 6D Object Pose Estimation Under Hybrid Representations
* Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling
* Implementation of a Parallel GPU-Based Space-Time Kriging Framework
* Initial Phase Coding With Two-Dimensional Local Low Sidelobes for Suppression of Active Forwarding Signals
* Instance Embedding Transfer to Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Iterative Graph Seeking for Object Tracking
* Joint Energy and Completion Time Difference Minimization for UAV-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
* Joint Feature Selection and Classification for Multilabel Learning
* K-Best Transformation Synchronization
* Knowledge-Enhanced and Topic-Guided Domain Adaptation Model for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, A
* Label Decoupling Framework for Salient Object Detection
* Learn decision trees with deep visual primitives
* Learning Coupled Convolutional Networks Fusion for Video Saliency Prediction
* Learning Self-Supervised Space-Time CNN for Fast Video Style Transfer
* Learning to Predict Bus Arrival Time From Heterogeneous Measurements via Recurrent Neural Network
* Learning to Prune Filters in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Light-Field Depth Estimation via Epipolar Plane Image Analysis and Locally Linear Embedding
* Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Lightweight Integrated Solution for a UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Local-to-Global Approach to Multi-Modal Movie Scene Segmentation, A
* Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-Imaging Session Dual-Tracer 18F-FDG and 68Ga-DOTATATE Dynamic PET-CT in Oncology
* Measurement Refinements of Ground-Based Radar Interferometry in Bridge Load Test Monitoring: Comprehensive Analysis on a Multi-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge
* MOD-YOLO: Multispectral object detection based on transformer dual-stream YOLO
* Model-based automatic recognition of blood vessels from MR images and its 3D visualization
* Multi-Lane Unsignalized Intersection Cooperation Strategy Considering Platoons Formation in a Mixed Connected Automated Vehicles and Connected Human-Driven Vehicles Environment
* multi-phase sparse probability framework via entropy minimization for single sample face recognition, A
* Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multimedia Search and Retrieval: New Concepts, System Implementation, and Application
* Multimodal Transformer With Multi-View Visual Representation for Image Captioning
* Multiple Feature-Based Superpixel-Level Decision Fusion for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Multispectral focal stack acquisition using a chromatic aberration enlarged camera
* Multispectral Image Intrinsic Decomposition via Subspace Constraint
* new encryption-then-compression algorithm using the rate-distortion optimization, A
* New Expression Database and Facial Animation, A
* Novel Encryption-Then-Lossy-Compression Scheme of Color Images Using Customized Residual Dense Spatial Network, A
* Novel Graph-Based Segmentation Method for Breast Ultrasound Images, A
* Object Boundary Guided Semantic Segmentation
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences on Vegetation Greening in China
* Online Asymmetric Metric Learning With Multi-Layer Similarity Aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Online Deformable Object Tracking Based on Structure-Aware Hyper-Graph
* Online Fast Adaptive Low-Rank Similarity Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Parallel Branch-Cut Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing for Large-Scale Phase Unwrapping
* Parsing-Based View-Aware Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Part Aware Graph Convolution Network with Temporal Enhancement for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Pedestrian Detection Over 100 fps with C4 Algorithm
* Person Re-Identification by Semantic Region Representation and Topology Constraint
* Potential Geologic Issues of Von Kármán Crater Revealed By Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Prediction of MCI to AD conversion using Laplace Eigenmaps learned from FDG and MRI images of AD patients and healthy controls
* Quantitative methods of evaluating image segmentation
* Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System
* Radar Interferometric Phase Ambiguity Resolution Using Viterbi Algorithm for High-Precision Space Target Positioning
* RADet: Refine Feature Pyramid Network and Multi-Layer Attention Network for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Reconstruction From Uniformly Attenuated SPECT Projection Data Using the DBH Method
* Recurrent Slice Networks for 3D Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Reverse Perspective Network for Perspective-Aware Object Counting
* Reversible contrast enhancement for medical images with background segmentation
* review of monocular visual odometry, A
* Review of Visual Saliency Detection With Comprehensive Information
* Robust Algorithm for Joint Sparse Recovery in Presence of Impulsive Noise, A
* Robust Latent Poisson Deconvolution From Multiple Features for Web Topic Detection
* Satellite-Drone Image Cross-View Geolocalization Method Based on Multi-Scale Information and Dual-Channel Attention Mechanism, A
* Scale-Aware Graph Convolutional Network with Part-Level Refinement for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Scene-Text Oriented Referring Expression Comprehension
* Segmentation of Main Weld Seam Area Based on MGLNS-Retinex Image Enhancement Algorithm
* Segmenting and Representing Background in Color Images
* Self-Sufficient Feature Enhancing Networks for Video Salient Object Detection
* SGPN: Similarity Group Proposal Network for 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
* Shape Inpainting Using 3D Generative Adversarial Network and Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Ship detection based on YOLO algorithm for visible images
* Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via the Self-Supervised Neural Network for Parametric PET Imaging, A
* Skeleton Action Recognition Based on Spatio-Temporal Features
* Skeleton-Based Dumbbell Fitness Action Recognition Using Two-Stream LSTM Network
* Spatial and temporal information fusion for human action recognition via Center Boundary Balancing Multimodal Classifier
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Soil Moisture Variation in the Jiangsu Water Supply Area of the South-to-North Water Diversion Using ESA CCI Data
* Split Multiplicative Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Stacked Cross Refinement Network for Edge-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Statistical Model, Analysis and Approximation of Rate-Distortion Function in MPEG-4 FGS Videos
* Stereoscopic Image Stitching via Disparity-Constrained Warping and Blending
* Style Transformer for Image Inversion and Editing
* Superpixel-Based Feature Extraction and Fusion Method for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Survey of Deep Learning for Low-shot Object Detection, A
* survey of feature matching methods, A
* TabletGaze: dataset and analysis for unconstrained appearance-based gaze estimation in mobile tablets
* Template Model for Defect Simulation for Evaluating Nondestructive Testing in X-Radiography, A
* Three-Dimensional Deep-Tissue Functional and Molecular Imaging by Integrated Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Angiographic Tomography (PAUSAT)
* Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Weakly-Supervised Approach
* Towards Discriminability and Diversity: Batch Nuclear-Norm Maximization Under Label Insufficient Situations
* Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Adaptiveness
* Two finite inverse Hilbert transform formulae for region-of-interest tomography
* Understanding and Removal of False Contour in HEVC Compressed Images
* Unfolding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Taxi Trip based on an Improved Network Kernel Density Estimation
* Unsupervised Abstract Reasoning for Raven's Problem Matrices
* Unsupervised Clustering Guided Semantic Segmentation
* Unsupervised Machine Learning on Domes in the Lunar Gardner Region: Implications for Dome Classification and Local Magmatic Activities on the Moon
* Unsupervised video object segmentation with distractor-aware online adaptation
* Unsupervised Web Topic Detection Using A Ranked Clustering-Like Pattern Across Similarity Cascades
* Utilizing Machine Learning and Multi-Station Observations to Investigate the Visibility of Sea Fog in the Beibu Gulf
* UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* Variable-Weighted Linear Combination Model for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in the Shennongjia Forestry District, China
* Video Anomaly Detection Using Open Data Filter and Domain Adaptation
* Video object tracking and segmentation with box annotation
* Video Question Generation for Dynamic Changes
* VirtualActionNet: A strong two-stream point cloud sequence network for human action recognition
* Voting with Their Feet: Delineating the Sphere of Influence Using Social Media Data
* Wave-Shaped Deep Neural Network for Smoke Density Estimation, A
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Whole Slide Lung Cancer Image Analysis
* Weakly Supervised Deep Nuclei Segmentation Using Partial Points Annotation in Histopathology Images
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Joint Image Denoising and Protein Localization in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
* Webpage saliency prediction with multi-features fusion
* Zero-Watermarking Based on Improved ORB Features Against Print-cam Attack
Includes: Huang, Q. Huang, Q.[Qing] Huang, Q.[Qinwen] Huang, Q.[Qin] Huang, Q.[Qionghao] Huang, Q.[Qiang] Huang, Q.[Qiu] Huang, Q.[Qian] Huang, Q.[Qianliang] Huang, Q.[Qiaoying] Huang, Q.[Qi] Huang, Q.[Qirui] Huang, Q.[Qihan] Huang, Q.[Qihong] Huang, Q.[Qunying] Huang, Q.[Qianru] Huang, Q.[Qianlan] Huang, Q.[Qiong] Huang, Q.[Qingbao] Huang, Q.[Qiao] Huang, Q.[Qihuan] Huang, Q.[Qimeng] Huang, Q.[Qiuyang] Huang, Q.[Qinghan] Huang, Q.[Quan] Huang, Q.[Qiuyu] Huang, Q.[Qiusheng] Huang, Q.[Qile]
184 for Huang, Q.

Huang, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Co Author Listing * Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning
* Copula-Based Abrupt Variations Detection in the Relationship of Seasonal Vegetation-Climate in the Jing River Basin, China
* GRACE-Based Terrestrial Water Storage in Northwest China: Changes and Causes
* SVM-Based Audio Classification for Content- Based Multimedia Retrieval
* Tennis Ball Tracking Using a Two-Layered Data Association Approach
* View-based weight network for 3D object recognition
Includes: Huang, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Huang, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]

Huang, Q.B.[Qing Bao] Co Author Listing * Image Difference Captioning With Instance-Level Fine-Grained Feature Representation
* Knowledge-Based Visual Question Generation
* Suppressing Biased Samples for Robust VQA
* Visual primitives as words: Alignment and interaction for compositional zero-shot learning
Includes: Huang, Q.B.[Qing Bao] Huang, Q.B.[Qing-Bao]

Huang, Q.C.[Qiao Chu] Co Author Listing * Co-Speech Gesture Video Generation via Motion-Decoupled Diffusion Model
Includes: Huang, Q.C.[Qiao Chu] Huang, Q.C.[Qiao-Chu]

Huang, Q.D.[Qian Du] Co Author Listing * Distinguishing the Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs and Synergies: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Diversity-Aware Meta Visual Prompting
* Hierarchical Terrain Attention and Multi-Scale Rainfall Guidance for Flood Image Prediction
* Improving Adversarial Robustness of Masked Autoencoders via Test-time Frequency-domain Prompting
* MISL: Multi-grained image-text semantic learning for text-guided image inpainting
* OPERA: Alleviating Hallucination in Multi-Modal Large Language Models via Over-Trust Penalty and Retrospection-Allocation
* PointCAT: Contrastive Adversarial Training for Robust Point Cloud Recognition
* Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
* Shape-invariant 3D Adversarial Point Clouds
* SimAC: A Simple Anti-Customization Method for Protecting Face Privacy Against Text-to-Image Synthesis of Diffusion Models
Includes: Huang, Q.D.[Qian Du] Huang, Q.D.[Qian-Du] Huang, Q.D.[Qi-Dong] Huang, Q.D.[Qian-Ding]
10 for Huang, Q.D.

Huang, Q.F.[Qiong Fang] Co Author Listing * Efficient kernel discriminative common vectors for classification
* Maximizing the Sum-Rate of Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying Networks
* Perception-Based Prediction for Efficient Kinesthetic Coding
* Use Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Study the Changes of Broad-Leaved Forest Biomass and Their Climate Driving Forces in Nature Reserves of Northern Subtropics
Includes: Huang, Q.F.[Qiong Fang] Huang, Q.F.[Qiong-Fang] Huang, Q.F.[Qin-Fei] Huang, Q.F.[Qing-Feng]

Huang, Q.G.[Qian Gui] Co Author Listing * evaluation of fake fingerprint databases utilizing SVM classification, An
Includes: Huang, Q.G.[Qian Gui] Huang, Q.G.[Qian-Gui]

Huang, Q.H.[Qing Hua] Co Author Listing * ADMNet: Adaptive-Weighting Dual Mapping for Online Tracking With Respiratory Motion Estimation in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
* Audio personalization using head related transfer function in 3DTV
* Bezier Interpolation for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound
* Bi-Directionally Fused Boundary Aware Network for Skin Lesion Segmentation, A
* Bidirectional Segmented Detection of Land Use Change Based on Object-Level Multivariate Time Series
* Classification of tumor in one single ultrasound image via a novel multi-view learning strategy
* Co-occurrence matching of local binary patterns for improving visual adaption and its application to smoke recognition
* Displacement Monitoring and Health Evaluation of Two Bridges Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Displacement monitoring and modelling of a high-speed railway bridge using C-band Sentinel-1 data
* DualBEV: Unifying Dual View Transformation with Probabilistic Correspondences
* Evolutionary Discovery of Co-Movement Patterns Among Foreign Currencies
* Extreme-Constrained Spatial-Spectral Corner Detector for Image-Level Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feedback-Based Robust Video Stabilization Method for Traffic Videos, A
* Gated Recurrent Network With Dual Classification Assistance for Smoke Semantic Segmentation, A
* Geo-Hazard Detection and Monitoring Using SAR and Optical Images in a Snow-Covered Area: The Menyuan (China) Test Site
* Ground-Based Radar Interferometry for Monitoring the Dynamic Performance of a Multitrack Steel Truss High-Speed Railway Bridge
* Grounded, Controllable and Debiased Image Completion with Lexical Semantics
* Linear Tracking for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* Monitoring Urban Change in Conflict from the Perspective of Optical and SAR Satellites: The Case of Mariupol, a City in the Conflict between RUS and UKR
* Multi-beam steering for 3D audio rendering in linear phased loudspeaker arrays
* multiple gated boosting network for multi-organ medical image segmentation, A
* newton interpolation network for smoke semantic segmentation, A
* novel feature extraction method using Pyramid Histogram of Orientation Gradients for smile recognition, A
* novel visual codebook model based on fuzzy geometry for large-scale image classification, A
* River Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Gabor Filtering and Path Opening
* Robust multi-view representation for spatial-spectral domain in application of hyperspectral image classification
* Secure Service Offloading for Internet of Vehicles in SDN-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing
* Segmentation information with attention integration for classification of breast tumor in ultrasound image
* Semantic Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Surface Deformation Investigated With SBAS-DINSAR Approach Based on Prior Knowledge
* Trajectory Similarity Analysis with the Weight of Direction and k-Neighborhood for AIS Data
Includes: Huang, Q.H.[Qing Hua] Huang, Q.H.[Qing-Hua] Huang, Q.H.[Qiu-Hao] Huang, Q.H.[Qi-Huan] Huang, Q.H.[Qi-Hao] Huang, Q.H.[Qing-Hao] Huang, Q.H.[Qi-He]
32 for Huang, Q.H.

Huang, Q.J.[Qing Ji] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Evolution of Public Sentiment and Spatio-Temporal Dynamics Regarding Building Collapse Accidents Based on Sina Weibo Data, An
* ASANet: Asymmetric Semantic Aligning Network for RGB and SAR image land cover classification
* Asia-Pacific Lightning Location Network (APLLN) and Preliminary Performance Assessment
* Design of high-resolution quantization scheme with exp-Golomb code applied to compression of special images
* Evolution Characteristics and Causes: An Analysis of Urban Catering Cluster Spatial Structure
* Three-dimensional separate descendant-based SPIHT algorithm for fast compression of high-resolution medical image sequences
Includes: Huang, Q.J.[Qing Ji] Huang, Q.J.[Qing-Ji] Huang, Q.J.[Quan-Jin] Huang, Q.J.[Qi-Jun]

Huang, Q.L.[Qiao Lin] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of the FluorWPS Model and Study of the Parameter Sensitivity for Simulating Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Exploring Inter-Channel Correlation for Diversity-preserved Knowledge Distillation
* New Method for Passive Millimeter Wave Image Registration by Applying Super Resolution, A
Includes: Huang, Q.L.[Qiao Lin] Huang, Q.L.[Qiao-Lin] Huang, Q.L.[Qing-Le] Huang, Q.L.[Quan-Liang]

Huang, Q.M.[Qing Ming] Co Author Listing * Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribute-aware force model
* Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution
* Accurate and efficient cross-domain visual matching leveraging multiple feature representations
* Action Recognition in Broadcast Tennis Video
* Action Recognition in Broadcast Tennis Video Using Optical Flow and Support Vector Machine
* Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
* Adaptive Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval
* Advertise gently: In-image advertising with low intrusiveness
* Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photographing recommendation
* Affective Visualization and Retrieval for Music Video
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization of AUPRC Optimization: Theory and Algorithm
* ASIF-Net: Attention Steered Interweave Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Attention Based Album Slideshow
* Attribute Group Editing for Reliable Few-shot Image Generation
* Attribute Prototype-Guided Iterative Scene Graph for Explainable Radiology Report Generation
* AUC-Oriented Domain Adaptation: From Theory to Algorithm
* Automatic Relation-aware Graph Network Proliferation
* Automatic Shadow Generation via Exposure Fusion
* Automatic text segmentation from complex background
* Beyond Explicit Codebook Generation: Visual Representation Using Implicitly Transferred Codebooks
* Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense crowd event recognition
* Beyond visual word ambiguity: Weighted local feature encoding with governing region
* Bilevel Multiview Latent Space Learning
* Blind image quality prediction by exploiting multi-level deep representations
* Blue-green color categorization in Mandarin-English speakers
* Boost Tracking by Natural Language With Prompt-Guided Grounding
* Building Bridge Across the Time: Disruption and Restoration of Murals In the Wild
* C2FNet: A Coarse-to-Fine Network for Multi-View 3D Point Cloud Generation
* Cascade Category-Aware Visual Search
* Cascaded Partial Decoder for Fast and Accurate Salient Object Detection
* CenterNet++ for Object Detection
* CIR-Net: Cross-Modality Interaction and Refinement for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* close-up detection method for movies, A
* Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation
* Collaborative Debias Strategy for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Video
* Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
* Comprehensive Survey of 3D Dense Captioning: Localizing and Describing Objects in 3D Scenes, A
* Conditional GAN based individual and global motion fusion for multiple object tracking in UAV videos
* configurable method for multi-style license plate recognition, A
* Contextual Exemplar Classifier-Based Image Representation for Classification
* Corner Proposal Network for Anchor-free, Two-stage Object Detection
* Coupling Multiple Alignments and Re-ranking for Low-Latency Online Multi-target Tracking
* Coupling Reranking and Structured Output SVM Co-Train for Multitarget Tracking
* Cross modal metric learning with multi-level semantic relevance
* Cross-Modal Retrieval Using Multiordered Discriminative Structured Subspace Learning
* DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architecture of local depth feature
* Decomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Deep Affine Motion Compensation Network for Inter Prediction in VVC
* Deep Robust Subjective Visual Property Prediction in Crowdsourcing
* Deep Spatial-Spectral Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image
* Deep Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution via Interaction Module
* Dist-PU: Positive-Unlabeled Learning from a Label Distribution Perspective
* Distractors-immune Representation Learning with Cross-modal Contrastive Regularization for Change Captioning
* Does Thermal Really Always Matter for RGB-T Salient Object Detection?
* Downstream-Pretext Domain Knowledge Traceback for Active Learning
* DPANet: Depth Potentiality-Aware Gated Attention Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Dynamic Strategy Prompt Reasoning for Emotional Support Conversation
* Edge-SIFT: Discriminative Binary Descriptor for Scalable Partial-Duplicate Mobile Search
* effective method to detect and categorize digitized traditional Chinese paintings, An
* Effective scene matching with local feature representatives
* efficient occlusion detection method to improve object trackers, An
* Enhancing Sample Utilization in Noise-Robust Deep Metric Learning With Subgroup-Based Positive-Pair Selection
* Entity-Enhanced Adaptive Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Error resilience video coding in H.264 encoder with potential distortion tracking
* Evaluating Visual Properties via Robust HodgeRank
* Event Tactic Analysis Based on Broadcast Sports Video
* Event tactic analysis based on player and ball trajectory in broadcast video
* Exploiting Completeness and Uncertainty of Pseudo Labels for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Exploiting sample correlation for crowd counting with multi-expert network
* Extracting 3D information from broadcast soccer video
* Fast and effective text detection
* Fast and robust text detection in images and video frames
* Fast common visual pattern detection via radiate geometric model
* Few Exemplar-based General Medical Image Segmentation via Domain-aware Selective Adaptation
* Few Shot Generative Model Adaption via Relaxed Spatial Structural Alignment
* Finding a Taxi With Illegal Driver Substitution Activity via Behavior Modelings
* Fine-Grained Accident Detection: Database and Algorithm
* Fine-Grained Feature Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Fine-Grained Image Quality Assessment: A Revisit and Further Thinking
* framework for flexible summarization of racquet sports video using multiple modalities, A
* From Social to Individuals: A Parsimonious Path of Multi-Level Models for Crowdsourced Preference Aggregation
* Fusing multi-cues description for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* General Greedy De-Bias Learning
* Generalized Semi-supervised and Structured Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generating Descriptive Visual Words and Visual Phrases for Large-Scale Image Applications
* Going From RGB to RGBD Saliency: A Depth-Guided Transformation Model
* Graph Regularized Deep Neural Network for Unsupervised Image Representation Learning, A
* Graph Regularized Encoder-Decoder Networks for Image Representation Learning
* Greedy Gradient Ensemble for Robust Visual Question Answering
* Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
* Harmonized Multimodal Learning with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Hedged Deep Tracking
* Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
* Hierarchical Modular Network for Video Captioning
* HodgeRank on Random Graphs for Subjective Video Quality Assessment
* HSCS: Hierarchical Sparsity Based Co-saliency Detection for RGBD Images
* Human Behavior Analysis for Highlight Ranking in Broadcast Racket Sports Video
* Human Daily Action Analysis with Multi-view and Color-Depth Data
* Human reappearance detection based on on-line learning
* Human tracking by structured body parts
* I2-Transformer: Intra- and Inter-Relation Embedding Transformer for TV Show Captioning
* Image classification by non-negative sparse coding, correlation constrained low-rank and sparse decomposition
* Image classification using spatial pyramid robust sparse coding
* Image Matching by Multiscale Oriented Corner Correlation
* Improved Diversity-Promoting Collaborative Metric Learning for Recommendation
* Inductive State-Relabeling Adversarial Active Learning With Heuristic Clique Rescaling
* Interpretable Visual Reasoning via Probabilistic Formulation Under Natural Supervision
* Introduction to the Special Issue on MMAC: Multimodal Affective Computing of Large-Scale Multimedia Data
* Joint Embedding of Deep Visual and Semantic Features for Medical Image Report Generation
* Joint learning for side information and correlation model based on linear regression model in distributed video coding
* Joint video/depth rate allocation for 3D video coding based on view synthesis distortion model
* Laplacian affine sparse coding with tilt and orientation consistency for image classification
* Learning Enriched Hop-Aware Correlation for Robust 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Learning Feature Representation and Partial Correlation for Multimodal Multi-Label Data
* Learning Hierarchical Modular Networks for Video Captioning
* Learning Hierarchical Semantic Description Via Mixed-Norm Regularization for Image Understanding
* Learning image Vicept description via mixed-norm regularization for large scale semantic image search
* Learning Linguistic Association Towards Efficient Text-Video Retrieval
* Learning Sparse Prototypes for Crowd Perception via Ensemble Coding Mechanisms
* Learning to Dub Movies via Hierarchical Prosody Models
* Learning With Multiclass AUC: Theory and Algorithms
* Less Is More: Picking Informative Frames for Video Captioning
* Limb-Aware Virtual Try-On Network With Progressive Clothing Warping
* Linguistic Hallucination for Text-Based Video Retrieval
* Localized Image Matte Evaluation by Gradient Correlation
* Long Short-Term Relation Transformer With Global Gating for Video Captioning
* Long-Term Video Question Answering via Multimodal Hierarchical Memory Attentive Networks
* LSH-based semantic dictionary learning for large scale image understanding
* LVE-S2D: Low-Light Video Enhancement From Static to Dynamic
* Matching images more efficiently with local descriptors
* MaxMatch: Semi-Supervised Learning With Worst-Case Consistency
* Mean-Shift Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Scale Adaptation
* Measuring visual saliency by Site Entropy Rate
* Meta-Wrapper: Differentiable Wrapping Operator for User Interest Selection in CTR Prediction
* Mitigating Confounding Bias in Practical Recommender Systems With Partially Inaccessible Exposure Status
* Mode mapping method for H.264/AVC spatial downscaling transcoding
* Modeling spatial and semantic cues for large-scale near-duplicated image retrieval
* Monocular Tracking 3D People By Gaussian Process Spatio-Temporal Variable Model
* Motion information extraction system
* Multi-description of local interest point for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Multi-feature metric learning with knowledge transfer among semantics and social tagging
* Multi-Granularity Contrastive Cross-Modal Collaborative Generation for End-to-End Long-Term Video Question Answering
* Multi-level Discriminative Dictionary Learning towards Hierarchical Visual Categorization
* Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* Multi-Modal Multi-Grained Embedding Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Multi-Task Paired Masking With Alignment Modeling for Medical Vision-Language Pre-Training
* Multimodal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models with Harmonization
* Multimodal Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Multiple Instance Boost Using Graph Embedding Based Decision Stump for Pedestrian Detection
* Multiple Instance Differentiation Learning for Active Object Detection
* Multiple Kernel Learning with High Order Kernels
* Multiple Targets Appearance Tracker Based on Object Interaction Models, A
* Multiple-Level Distillation for Video Fine-Grained Accident Detection
* Neighborhood Contrastive Transformer for Change Captioning
* New Training Data Organization Form and Training Mode for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation, A
* Not All Samples are Trustworthy: Towards Deep Robust SVP Prediction
* Novel observation model for probabilistic object tracking
* Object tracking using incremental 2D-LDA learning and Bayes inference
* ObjectPatchNet: Towards scalable and semantic image annotation and retrieval
* Occlusion-related graph convolutional neural network for multi-object tracking
* Online Asymmetric Similarity Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Online Discriminative Structured Output SVM Learning for Multi-Target Tracking
* Online HodgeRank on Random Graphs for Crowdsourceable QoE Evaluation
* Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object tracking
* Online Vicept learning for web-scale image understanding
* Optimizing Partial Area Under the Top-k Curve: Theory and Practice
* Optimizing Two-Way Partial AUC With an End-to-End Framework
* Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval via Saliency-Guided Visual Matching
* Pedestrian detection via logistic multiple instance boosting
* People re-detection using Adaboost with sift and color correlogram
* PIPC-3Ddet: Harnessing Perspective Information and Proposal Correlation for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* Poisoning Attack Against Estimating From Pairwise Comparisons
* Positive-Unlabeled Learning With Label Distribution Alignment
* Progressive Multi-Resolution Loss for Crowd Counting
* Prompt-Enhanced Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* PUGAN: Physical Model-Guided Underwater Image Enhancement Using GAN With Dual-Discriminators
* Query sensitive dynamic web video thumbnail generation
* Query-Guided Prototype Evolution Network for Few-Shot Segmentation
* RD-optimized interactive streaming of multiview video with multiple encodings
* Real-time interactive multi-target tracking using kernel-based trackers
* Recurrent Interaction Network for Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution
* Regularized topic-aware latent influence propagation in dynamic relational networks
* Relay Backpropagation for Effective Learning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory graphs
* Rethink video retrieval representation for video captioning
* Rethinking Collaborative Metric Learning: Toward an Efficient Alternative Without Negative Sampling
* Rethinking Graph Neural Architecture Search from Message-passing
* Rethinking Label Flipping Attack: From Sample Masking to Sample Thresholding
* Reverse Densely Connected Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* Revisiting AUC-Oriented Adversarial Training With Loss-Agnostic Perturbations
* RGB-D Human Matting: A Real-World Benchmark Dataset and a Baseline Method
* Robust moving object segmentation on H.264/AVC compressed video using the block-based MRF model
* Robust real-time transmission of scalable multimedia for heterogeneous client bandwidths
* Robust Spatial Consistency Graph Model for Partial Duplicate Image Retrieval
* S3-MKL: Scalable Semi-Supervised Multiple Kernel Learning for Real-World Image Applications
* Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Images Based on Depth Confidence Analysis and Multiple Cues Fusion
* Seeking the Shape of Sound: An Adaptive Framework for Learning Voice-Face Association
* Self-calibration Based 3D Information Extraction and Application in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Self-Constructing Stereo Correspondences for Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo
* Self-Regulated Learning for Egocentric Video Activity Anticipation
* Self-supervised Cross-view Representation Reconstruction for Change Captioning
* Self-Supervised Deep TripleNet for Video Object Segmentation
* Semantically-Based Human Scanpath Estimation with HMMs
* Semi-Supervised Medical Report Generation via Graph-Guided Hybrid Feature Consistency
* Sequential Manipulation Against Rank Aggregation: Theory and Algorithm
* Set-based classification for person re-identification utilizing mutual-information
* Sharing model with multi-level feature representations
* Shot classification for action movies based on motion characteristics
* Siamese Dynamic Mask Estimation Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Multi-modal Data Analysis
* Simulation Analysis on the Existence of Network Traffic Flow Equilibria, A
* SkeletonNet: A Hybrid Network With a Skeleton-Embedding Process for Multi-View Image Representation Learning
* SMART: Syntax-Calibrated Multi-Aspect Relation Transformer for Change Captioning
* Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Interaction for Abnormal Crowd Detection
* Spatial-Temporal Graph Network for Video Crowd Counting
* Spatiotemporal CNN for Video Object Segmentation
* SpikeODE: Image Reconstruction for Spike Camera With Neural Ordinary Differential Equation
* SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker That Uses Samples Differently
* State-Relabeling Adversarial Active Learning
* Stereo Image Restoration via Attention-Guided Correspondence Learning
* Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
* Story Unit Segmentation with Friendly Acoustic Perception
* Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via collaborative composition model
* Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
* Structure-aware multi-object discovery for weakly supervised tracking
* Symmetric segment-based stereo matching of motion blurred images with illumination variations
* Syntax-Guided Hierarchical Attention Network for Video Captioning
* Tale of HodgeRank and Spectral Method: Target Attack Against Rank Aggregation is the Fixed Point of Adversarial Game, A
* Task-Feature Collaborative Learning with Application to Personalized Attribute Prediction
* Text-Driven Generative Domain Adaptation with Spectral Consistency Regularization
* Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classification
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* Thresholding technique with adaptive window selection for uneven lighting image
* Token-Mixer: Bind Image and Text in One Embedding Space for Medical Image Reporting
* Top-K Pairwise Ranking: Bridging the Gap Among Ranking-Based Measures for Multi-label Classification
* Topic detection in cross-media: A semi-supervised co-clustering approach
* Toward Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective
* Transfer pedestrian detector towards view-adaptiveness and efficiency
* Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supervised online CovBoost
* Two-stream deep sparse network for accurate and efficient image restoration
* Uncertainty Modeling for Robust Domain Adaptation Under Noisy Environments
* Uncertainty-Boosted Robust Video Activity Anticipation
* Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with sparsity and F-norm constraints for image classification
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benchmark: Object Detection and Tracking, The
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benchmark: Object Detection, Tracking and Baseline, The
* Unsupervised Low-Light Video Enhancement With Spatial-Temporal Co-Attention Transformer
* Unsupervised Open Domain Recognition by Semantic Discrepancy Minimization
* Unsupervised Single-View Synthesis Network via Style Guidance and Prior Distillation
* Unsupervised Texture Classification: Automatically Discover and Classify Texture Patterns
* Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discover and classify texture patterns
* USB: Ultrashort Binary Descriptor for Fast Visual Matching and Retrieval
* Using Webcast Text for Semantic Event Detection in Broadcast Sports Video
* Utilizing affective analysis for efficient movie browsing
* Video Saliency Detection via Sparsity-Based Reconstruction and Propagation
* Viewpoint Alignment and Discriminative Parts Enhancement in 3D Space for Vehicle ReID
* Viewpoint and Scale Consistency Reinforcement for UAV Vehicle Re-Identification
* Viewpoint-Adaptive Representation Disentanglement Network for Change Captioning
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* Visual perception based Lagrangian rate distortion optimization for video coding
* Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Videos Considering the Openness of Events
* Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via sequential motion accumulation
* Weakly Supervised Video Individual Counting
* Weakly-supervised Crowd Counting Learns from Sorting Rather Than Locations
Includes: Huang, Q.M.[Qing Ming] Huang, Q.M.[Qing-Ming] Huang, Q.M. Huang, Q.M.[Qing-Mei] Huang, Q.M.[Qi-Ming]
271 for Huang, Q.M.

Huang, Q.P.[Qiu Ping] Co Author Listing * Lexicon expansion for latent variable grammars
Includes: Huang, Q.P.[Qiu Ping] Huang, Q.P.[Qiu-Ping]

Huang, Q.Q.[Qing Qiu] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Robustness under Long-Tailed Distribution
* Caption-supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model Without Manual Annotation
* CLIP2: Contrastive Language-Image-Point Pretraining from Real-World Point Cloud Data
* Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Automatic Video Unscreen, A
* CTOD: Cross-Attentive Task-Alignment for One-Stage Object Detection
* Deep Learning-Based Method for Extracting Standing Wood Feature Parameters from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds of Artificially Planted Forest, A
* Distribution-balanced Loss for Multi-label Classification in Long-tailed Datasets
* Find and Focus: Retrieve and Localize Video Events with Natural Language Queries
* Flood Inundation Mapping from Optical Satellite Images Using Spatiotemporal Context Learning and Modest AdaBoost
* Intelligent Reconstruction of Radar Composite Reflectivity Based on Satellite Observations and Deep Learning
* Learn to Propagate Reliably on Noisy Affinity Graphs
* Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Online Disturbance Detection in Satellite Image Time Series
* Movienet: A Holistic Dataset for Movie Understanding
* Online Multi-modal Person Search in Videos
* Panchromatic and multi-spectral image fusion for new satellites based on multi-channel deep model
* PARTNER: Level up the Polar Representation for LiDAR 3D Object Detection
* Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links
* Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-faceted Annotations
* Quick Quality Assessment and Radiometric Calibration of C-SAR/01 Satellite Using Flexible Automatic Corner Reflector
* Radiomic feature reliability of amide proton transfer-weighted MR images acquired with compressed sensing at 3?T
* Research on the Association Mechanism and Evaluation Model Between fNIRS Data and Aesthetic Quality in Product Aesthetic Quality Evaluation
* TransFusion: Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection with Transformers
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using Himawari-8 Satellite Cloud Products and Deep Learning
* TSRC: A Deep Learning Model for Precipitation Short-Term Forecasting over China Using Radar Echo Data
* Unified Framework for Shot Type Classification Based on Subject Centric Lens, A
* Unifying Identification and Context Learning for Person Recognition
Includes: Huang, Q.Q.[Qing Qiu] Huang, Q.Q.[Qing-Qiu] Huang, Q.Q.[Qiang-Qiang] Huang, Q.Q.[Qing-Qing] Huang, Q.Q.[Qi-Qiao] Huang, Q.Q.[Qi-Qi] Huang, Q.Q.[Qian-Qi]
26 for Huang, Q.Q.

Huang, Q.R.[Qi Rui] Co Author Listing * Subpixel image registration regularised by L_1 and L_2 norms
Includes: Huang, Q.R.[Qi Rui] Huang, Q.R.[Qi-Rui]

Huang, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng] Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference-based Synthesis in Multi-attribute Image-to-Image Translation
* Few-Shot Speaker Identification Using Lightweight Prototypical Network With Feature Grouping and Interaction
* Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Synthesis
* QS-Attn: Query-Selected Attention for Contrastive Learning in I2I Translation
Includes: Huang, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng] Huang, Q.S.[Qiu-Sheng] Huang, Q.S.[Qi-Sheng] Huang, Q.S.[Qiu-Shi]

Huang, Q.T.[Qi Ting] Co Author Listing * Abandoned Land Mapping Based on Spatiotemporal Features from PolSAR Data via Deep Learning Methods
* Geo-Parcel Based Crop Identification by Integrating High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Imagery from Multi-Source Satellite Data
* Weighted Double-Logistic Function Fitting Method for Reconstructing the High-Quality Sentinel-2 NDVI Time Series Data Set
Includes: Huang, Q.T.[Qi Ting] Huang, Q.T.[Qi-Ting]

Huang, Q.W.[Qing Wang] Co Author Listing * Variational Abnormal Behavior Detection With Motion Consistency
Includes: Huang, Q.W.[Qing Wang] Huang, Q.W.[Qing-Wang]

Huang, Q.X.[Qing Xu] Co Author Listing * Application of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Images: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Literature Review
* ARAPReg: An As-Rigid-As Possible Regularization Loss for Learning Deformable Shape Generators
* Capturing Dynamic Textured Surfaces of Moving Targets
* Cloth2Tex: A Customized Cloth Texture Generation Pipeline for 3D Virtual Try-On
* Dense Human Body Correspondences Using Convolutional Networks
* Detector-Free Structure from Motion
* Domain Transfer Through Deep Activation Matching
* Dynamics of Urbanization Levels in China from 1992 to 2012: Perspective from DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* E-CIR: Event-Enhanced Continuous Intensity Recovery
* Extreme Relative Pose Estimation for RGB-D Scans via Scene Completion
* Extreme Relative Pose Network Under Hybrid Representations
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking From Multiple Views
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation From Multiple Views
* Freditor: High-fidelity and Transferable NeRF Editing by Frequency Decomposition
* FvOR: Robust Joint Shape and Pose Optimization for Few-view Object Reconstruction
* Geometry and Convergence Analysis of Algorithms for Registration of 3D Shapes
* GPLD3D: Latent Diffusion of 3D Shape Generative Models by Enforcing Geometric and Physical Priors
* H3dnet: 3d Object Detection Using Hybrid Geometric Primitives
* hierarchical conditional random field model for labeling and segmenting images of street scenes, A
* HPNet: Deep Primitive Segmentation Using Hybrid Representations
* Image Co-segmentation via Consistent Functional Maps
* Implicit Autoencoder for Point-Cloud Self-Supervised Representation Learning
* InfoGCN++: Learning Representation by Predicting the Future for Online Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* InfoGCN: Representation Learning for Human Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization
* Large-scale Annotated Mechanical Components Benchmark for Classification and Retrieval Tasks with Deep Neural Networks, A
* Late Fusion CNN for Digital Matting, A
* Learning Dense Correspondence via 3D-Guided Cycle Consistency
* Learning Transformation Synchronization
* Learning View Selection for 3D Scenes
* MVS2D: Efficient Multiview Stereo via Attention-Driven 2D Convolutions
* OmniGlue: Generalizable Feature Matching with Foundation Model Guidance
* Optimization Framework to Enforce Multi-view Consistency for Texturing 3d Meshes, An
* PatchRD: Detail-Preserving Shape Completion by Learning Patch Retrieval and Deformation
* Path-Invariant Map Networks
* Pose Synchronization under Multiple Pair-wise Relative Poses
* Pseudo Labels Refinement with Intra-Camera Similarity for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* PVNet: Pixel-Wise Voting Network for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
* PVNet: Pixel-Wise Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* Rapid Flood Inundation Forecast Using Fourier Neural Operator
* Scene Synthesis via Uncertainty-Driven Attribute Synchronization
* StarMap for Category-Agnostic Keypoint and Viewpoint Estimation
* StruMonoNet: Structure-Aware Monocular 3D Prediction
* SurfNet: Generating 3D Shape Surfaces Using Deep Residual Networks
* TutteNet: Injective 3D Deformations by Composition of 2D Mesh Deformations
* UGG: Unified Generative Grasping
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Keypoint Estimation via View Consistency
* Unsupervised Multi-class Joint Image Segmentation
* Urbanization Impacts on Vegetation Phenology in China
* Vigor: Improving Visual Grounding of Large Vision Language Models with Fine-grained Reward Modeling
Includes: Huang, Q.X.[Qing Xu] Huang, Q.X.[Qing-Xu] Huang, Q.X.[Qi-Xing] Huang, Q.X.[Qian-Xin]
50 for Huang, Q.X.

Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu Yuan] Co Author Listing * AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Channel-level Matching Knowledge Distillation for object detectors via MSE
* Coupling Relationship Analysis of Gold Content Using Gaofen-5 (GF-5) Satellite Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data: A Potential Method in Chahuazhai Gold Mining Area, Qiubei County, SW China
* Disaster Image Classification by Fusing Multimodal Social Media Data
* Environmental Differences between Migratory and Resident Ungulates: Predicting Movement Strategies in Rocky Mountain Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) with Remotely Sensed Plant Phenology, Snow, and Land Cover
* FR-Net: Joint Reconstruction and Segmentation in Compressed Sensing Cardiac MRI
* Global-Local Contrastive Learning Framework for Video Captioning, A
* Improved Velocity-Aided Method for Smartphone Single-Frequency Code Positioning in Real-World Driving Scenarios, An
* Improving the Transferability of Deep Learning Models for Crop Yield Prediction: A Partial Domain Adaptation Approach
* Integrating Pixels, People, and Political Economy to Understand the Role of Armed Conflict and Geopolitics in Driving Deforestation: The Case of Myanmar
* Introduction to Big Data Computing for Geospatial Applications
* Investigation on an Integrated Evacuation Route Planning Method Based on Real-Time Data Acquisition for High-Rise Building Fire
* Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Fengyun-3D Medium Resolution Spectral Imager II (FY-3D MERSI-II) Data with the Improved Two-Factor Split-Window Algorithm
* LgNet: A Local-Global Network for Action Recognition and Beyond
* Mapping Comparison and Meteorological Correlation Analysis of the Air Quality Index in Mid-Eastern China
* Middle Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Vector Analysis of Midline Change
* Mouth state estimation in mobile computing environment
* Multi Sensor Approach to Forest Type Mapping for Advancing Monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Myanmar, A
* Near Real-Time Flood Mapping with Weakly Supervised Machine Learning
* New Approach for Character Recognition of Multi-Style Vehicle License Plates, A
* Object-Driven Text-To-Image Synthesis via Adversarial Training
* Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* OTAMatch: Optimal Transport Assignment With PseudoNCE for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Patch Similarity Convolutional Neural Network for Urban Flood Extent Mapping Using Bi-Temporal Satellite Multispectral Imagery
* Quantifying Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Geographic Data: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Reinforced Cross-Modal Matching and Self-Supervised Imitation Learning for Vision-Language Navigation
* SequenceMorph: A Unified Unsupervised Learning Framework for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Image Sequences
* Spatio-Temporal Transformer Recommender: Next Location Recommendation with Attention Mechanism by Mining the Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Visited Locations
* Study On Snowmelt Flood Disaster Model Based On Remote Sensing and Gis
* Vision-Language Navigation Policy Learning and Adaptation
* Zenith Total Delay Combination of International GNSS Service Repro3 and the Analysis of Its Precision, The
Includes: Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu Yuan] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yuan] Huang, Q.Y.[Qin-Yang] Huang, Q.Y.[Qun-Ying] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiong-Yu] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiao-Ying] Huang, Q.Y.[Qun-Yue] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu-Ying] Huang, Q.Y.[Quan-Yi] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yan] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yu] Huang, Q.Y.[Qiong-Yi] Huang, Q.Y. Huang, Q.Y.[Qing-Yao]
31 for Huang, Q.Y.

Huang, Q.Z.[Qiao Zhen] Co Author Listing * 3D Measurement, Reconstruction and Navigation through Panoramic Photography
* Identification and Analysis of Long-Term Land Use and Planting Structure Dynamics in the Lower Yellow River Basin
* Mtadcs: Moving Trace and Feature Density-based Confidence Sample Selection Under Label Noise
* Multiscale Feature Fusion Network Incorporating 3D Self-Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Huang, Q.Z.[Qiao Zhen] Huang, Q.Z.[Qiao-Zhen] Huang, Q.Z.[Quan-Zhong] Huang, Q.Z.[Qing-Zheng] Huang, Q.Z.[Quan-Zhen]

Huang, R.[Rong] Co Author Listing * 2.4kbps Multiband Characteristic Waveform Interpolation Speech Coding Algorithm, A
* 3D Reconstruction of Planar Surface Patches: A Direct Solution
* AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* Approximation of salient contours in cluttered scenes
* Assessment of China's Offshore Wind Resources Based on the Integration of Multiple Satellite Data and Meteorological Data
* Aurora Image Classification Based on Multi-Feature Latent Dirichlet Allocation
* Automated sampling and control of gaseous simulations
* Background Learnable Cascade for Zero-shot Object Detection
* BAND-2k: Banding Artifact Noticeable Database for Banding Detection and Quality Assessment
* Belief Propagation algorithm for bias field estimation and image segmentation, A
* Beyond Face Rotation: Global and Local Perception GAN for Photorealistic and Identity Preserving Frontal View Synthesis
* BiCnet-TKS: Learning Efficient Spatial-Temporal Representation for Video Person Re-Identification
* CA-Net: Comprehensive Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Explainable Medical Image Segmentation
* CARE: Cloudified Android With Optimized Rendering Platform
* Change detection with cross enhancement of high- and low-level change-related features
* Color Feature Reinforcement for Cosaliency Detection Without Single Saliency Residuals
* Construction and Optimisation of Ecological Networks in High-Density Central Urban Areas: The Case of Fuzhou City, China
* Contextual Similarity Regularized Metric Learning for person re-identification
* Cross-modal adapter for vision-language retrieval
* Cross-Modal Knowledge Adaptation for Language-Based Person Search
* Deep Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Channel Attention for Single Image Dynamic Scene Blind Deblurring
* Deep Learning Approach for Urban Underground Objects Detection From Vehicle-borne Ground Penetrating Radar Data in Real-Time, A
* Deep point embedding for urban classification using ALS point clouds: A new perspective from local to global
* Deep Semantic Statistics Matching (D2SM) Denoising Network
* DeepList: Learning Deep Features With Adaptive Listwise Constraint for Person Reidentification
* Deformable-Model Based Textured Object Segmentation
* DF-UHRNet: A Modified CNN-Based Deep Learning Method for Automatic Sea Ice Classification from Sentinel-1A/B SAR Images
* Divide and Conquer: Improving Multi-Camera 3D Perception With 2D Semantic-Depth Priors and Input-Dependent Queries
* Dual-Channel Capsule Generation Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* EasiECG: A Novel Inter-Patient Arrhythmia Classification Method using ECG Waves
* Effective semi-supervised learning for structured data using Embedding GANs
* EKENet: Efficient knowledge enhanced network for real-time scene parsing
* Embedded Profile Hidden Markov Models for Shape Analysis
* End-to-End Video Scene Graph Generation With Temporal Propagation Transformer
* Evaluation of quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI parameters using a reference region model in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) patients
* Exemplar-based linear discriminant analysis for robust object tracking
* Exploring Structure-aware Transformer over Interaction Proposals for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Exploring the Optical Properties of Leaf Photosynthetic and Photo-Protective Pigments In Vivo Based on the Separation of Spectral Overlapping
* Eye gaze pattern analysis for fatigue detection based on GP-BCNN with ESM
* Face anti-spoofing using feature distilling and global attention learning
* Face recognition by landmark pooling-based CNN with concentrate loss
* Face recognition using kernel based Fisher discriminant analysis
* Fast Pairwise Coarse Registration Between Point Clouds of Construction Sites Using 2d Projection Based Phase Correlation
* Font Distribution Observation by Network-Based Analysis
* Fresh Yield Estimation of Spring Tea via Spectral Differences in UAV Hyperspectral Images from Unpicked and Picked Canopies
* From Front to Rear: 3D Semantic Scene Completion Through Planar Convolution and Attention-Based Network
* FX-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN Learning via Feature Exchange
* GiganticNVS: Gigapixel Large-Scale Neural Rendering With Implicit Meta-Deformed Manifold
* GraNet: Global relation-aware attentional network for semantic segmentation of ALS point clouds
* graphical model framework for coupling MRFs and deformable models, A
* GrowCLIP: Data-aware Automatic Model Growing for Large-scale Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training
* HFP: Hardware-Aware Filter Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Acceleration
* High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation Via A Multi-Scale Network And A Detail-Preserving Objective
* HighEr-Resolution Network for Image Demosaicing and Enhancing
* Hough Forest-based Association Framework with Occlusion Handling for Multi-Target Tracking
* How Effectively can Indoor Wireless Positioning Relieve Visual Tracking Pains: A Cramer-Rao Bound Viewpoi
* Hybrid Deformable Models for Medical Segmentation and Registration
* hybrid face recognition method using markov random fields, A
* Hybrid Framework for Image Segmentation Using Probabilistic Integration of Heterogeneous Constraints, A
* HyperLiteNet: Extremely Lightweight Non-Deep Parallel Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Image segmentation via coherent clustering in L*a*b* color space
* Instrumentation for Sub-Ampere Lightning Current Measurement on a Tall Meteorological Tower in Complex Electromagnetic Environment
* Inter-Continental Transfer of Pre-Trained Deep Learning Rice Mapping Model and Its Generalization Ability
* Joint representation learning for text and 3D point cloud
* Kernel-based optimized feature vectors selection and discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Landslide Recognition from Multi-Feature Remote Sensing Data Based on Improved Transformers
* LASDU: A Large-Scale Aerial LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Labeling in Dense Urban Areas
* Layerdiff: Exploring Text-guided Multi-layered Composable Image Synthesis via Layer-collaborative Diffusion Model
* Learning Camera Localization via Dense Scene Matching
* Learning Dynamic Siamese Network for Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Memory Augmented Cascading Network for Compressed Sensing of Images
* Learning Quintuplet Loss for Large-Scale Visual Geolocalization
* Learning structure of stereoscopic image for no-reference quality assessment with convolutional neural network
* Learning to Detect Fine-Grained Change Under Variant Imaging Conditions
* Learning to Generate Language-Supervised and Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph Using Pre-Trained Visual-Semantic Space
* Level Set Method for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneities With Application to MRI, A
* Local Binary Pattern histogram based Texton learning for texture classification
* Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentation of Low-Contrast Computed Tomography (CT) Image, A
* LSTM Approach to Temporal 3d Object Detection in Lidar Point Clouds, An
* Manifold Regularized Gaussian Mixture Model for Semi-supervised Clustering
* Manifold regularized semi-supervised Gaussian mixture model
* Manifold-based constraint Laplacian score for multi-label feature selection
* Mapping of Daily Mean Air Temperature in Agricultural Regions Using Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperatures Derived from TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data
* Mapping Waterlogging Damage to Winter Wheat Yield Using Downscaling-Merging Satellite Daily Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Method Of 3d Measurement And Reconstruction For Cultural Relics In Museums, A
* Modeling Pedestrian Tactical and Operational Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty: A Two-Layer Model Framework
* Monitoring Meteorological Drought in Southern China Using Remote Sensing Data
* MOS: Towards Scaling Out-of-distribution Detection for Large Semantic Space
* MPCViT: Searching for Accurate and Efficient MPC-Friendly Vision Transformer with Heterogeneous Attention
* Multi-label feature selection via manifold regularization and dependence maximization
* Multitarget Tracking Using Hough Forest Random Field
* Neural Intrinsic Embedding for Non-Rigid Point Cloud Matching
* New Framework for the Reconstruction of Daily 1 km Land Surface Temperatures from 2000 to 2022, A
* new spatio-temporal MRF framework for video-based object segmentation, A
* Off-Feature Information Incorporated Metric Learning for Face Recognition
* OmniSeg3D: Omniversal 3D Segmentation via Hierarchical Contrastive Learning
* On the Possibility of Structure Learning-Based Scene Character Detector
* online learned hough forest model for multi-target tracking, An
* Online Transfer Boosting for object tracking
* OperatorNet: Recovering 3D Shapes From Difference Operators
* Photometric Stereo under Low Frequency Environment Illumination
* PLNet: Plane and Line Priors for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Practical Remote Sensing Monitoring Framework for Late Frost Damage in Wine Grapes Using Multi-Source Satellite Data, A
* Profile Hidden Markov Model Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Shape, A
* Quantitative Inversion of Lunar Surface Chemistry Based on Hyperspectral Feature Bands and Extremely Randomized Trees Algorithm
* Reading-Life Log: Technologies to Recognize Texts That We Read, The
* RealGraph: A Multiview Dataset for 4D Real-world Context Graph Generation
* Recognizing Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS With Dynamically Trained Latent Structured Models
* RF-DCM: Multi-Granularity Deep Convolutional Model Based on Feature Recalibration and Fusion for Driver Fatigue Detection
* RGB-D Salient Object Detection by a CNN With Multiple Layers Fusion
* Rice Mapping in Training Sample Shortage Regions Using a Deep Semantic Segmentation Model Trained on Pseudo-Labels
* Robust global registration of point clouds by closed-form solution in the frequency domain
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Exemplar-Based Detectors
* Saliency Based on Multi-scale Ratio of Dissimilarity
* Salient-to-Broad Transition for Video Person Re-identification
* SANet: Statistic Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Scene character detection and recognition based on multiple hypotheses framework
* Scene Character Detection and Recognition with Cooperative Multiple-Hypothesis Framework
* Scene Character Detection by an Edge-Ray Filter
* Security of Facial Forensics Models Against Adversarial Attacks
* Segment3d: Learning Fine-grained Class-agnostic 3d Segmentation Without Manual Labels
* segmentation system based on clustering method for pediatric DTI images, A
* Self-training-based face recognition using semi-supervised linear discriminant analysis and affinity propagation
* shape-from-shading framework for satisfying data-closeness and structure-preserving smoothness constraints, A
* Shape-from-shading under complex natural illumination
* SmartEdit: Exploring Complex Instruction-Based Image Editing with Multimodal Large Language Models
* Solving the small sample size problem of LDAf
* Spatial-temporal correlation graph convolutional networks for traffic forecasting
* Spatially and Spectrally Consistent Deep Functional Maps
* Spatio-Temporal Appearance Representation for Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification, A
* Structure-Preserving Regularisation Constraints for Shape-from-Shading
* Time-varying ARMA stable process estimation using sequential Monte Carlo
* Triple-Complementary Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* TUM-MLS-2016: An Annotated Mobile LiDAR Dataset of the TUM City Campus for Semantic Point Cloud Interpretation in Urban Areas
* Uncertainty-Guided Transformer Reasoning for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Unsupervised Learning of Depth Estimation and Camera Pose With Multi-Scale GANs
* Using tri-training to exploit spectral and spatial information for hyperspectral data classification
* VEFNet: an Event-RGB Cross Modality Fusion Network for Visual Place Recognition
* Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification by Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Appearance Model
* XScale- NVS: Cross-Scale Novel View Synthesis with Hash Featurized Manifold
Includes: Huang, R.[Rong] Huang, R.[Rui] Huang, R.[Ran] Huang, R.[Ruoguan] Huang, R.[Ruoran] Huang, R.[Ru] Huang, R. Huang, R.[Ruxian] Huang, R.[Runhu] Huang, R.[Ruqi] Huang, R.[Runhui] Huang, R.[Runquan] Huang, R.[Renxiang] Huang, R.[Rujin] Huang, R.[Renke]
140 for Huang, R.

Huang, R.B.[Ruo Bing] Co Author Listing * Agent With Warm Start and Adaptive Dynamic Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound
* Discriminant analysis via jointly -norm sparse tensor preserving embedding for image classification
Includes: Huang, R.B.[Ruo Bing] Huang, R.B.[Ruo-Bing] Huang, R.B.[Rong-Bing]

Huang, R.C.[Ruo Chen] Co Author Listing * Laser Backscattering Analytical Model of Doppler Power Spectra about Convex Quadric Bodies of Revolution during Precession
* Parametric Implicit Face Representation for Audio-Driven Facial Reenactment
* SENSE: Self-Evolving Learning for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Includes: Huang, R.C.[Ruo Chen] Huang, R.C.[Ruo-Chen] Huang, R.C.[Ri-Cong]

Huang, R.F.[Rui Feng] Co Author Listing * Human Action Recognition Based on Three-Stream Network with Frame Sequence Features
* Oriented Ship Detection Based on Intersecting Circle and Deformable RoI in Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Huang, R.F.[Rui Feng] Huang, R.F.[Rui-Feng] Huang, R.F.[Ruo-Fei]

Huang, R.G.[Rong Gang] Co Author Listing * Automated fusion of forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds through canopy density analysis
* automated method to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds, An
* Automated Reconstruction of Building LoDs from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds Using an Improved Morphological Scale Space
* Automatic Clearance Anomaly Detection for Transmission Line Corridors Utilizing UAV-Borne LIDAR Data
* Automatic registration of panoramic image sequence and mobile laser scanning data using semantic features
* Bidirectional Analysis Method for Extracting Glacier Crevasses from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Hierarchical registration of unordered TLS point clouds based on binary shape context descriptor
* HPM-TDP: An efficient hierarchical PatchMatch depth estimation approach using tree dynamic programming
* Hydrological and Kinematic Precursors of the 2017 Calving Event at the Petermann Glacier in Greenland Observed from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* IQPC 2015 Track: Evaluation of Automatically Generated 2D Footprints from Urban Lidar Data
* Mask4Align: Aligned Entity Prompting with Color Masks for Multi-Entity Localization Problems
* Monitoring Regional-Scale Surface Deformation of the Continuous Permafrost in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with Time-Series InSAR Analysis
* Multicomponent Temporal Coherence Model for 3-D Phase Unwrapping in Time-Series InSAR of Seasonal Deformation Areas, A
* Multiple rotation symmetry group detection via saliency-based visual attention and Frieze expansion pattern
* novel skyline context descriptor for rapid localization of terrestrial laser scans to airborne laser scanning point clouds, A
* Robust contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks
* Towards Reconstructing 3D Buildings from ALS Data Based on Gestalt Laws
* Two-step adaptive extraction method for ground points and breaklines from lidar point clouds
Includes: Huang, R.G.[Rong Gang] Huang, R.G.[Rong-Gang]
18 for Huang, R.G.

Huang, R.H.[Run Hui] Co Author Listing * DiffDis: Empowering Generative Diffusion Model with Cross-Modal Discrimination Capability
* Improved Discriminator for GAN-Based Trajectory Prediction Models, An
* Iris Recognition Using 3D Co-occurrence Matrix
* Miss Yoga: A Yoga Assistant Mobile Application Based on Keypoint Detection
* NAS-Guided Lightweight Multiscale Attention Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Schedule-based Pathfinding Algorithm for Transit Networks Using Pattern First Search, A
Includes: Huang, R.H.[Run Hui] Huang, R.H.[Run-Hui] Huang, R.H.[Ren-Hao] Huang, R.H.[Ren-Hung] Huang, R.H.[Run-Hu] Huang, R.H.[Rui-Hong]

Huang, R.J.[Ren Jie] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Tiny Object Detection for Improving Pest Detection
* Geometric Prior-Assisted Feature Presentation Enhancement for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Learning to pool high-level features for face representation
* MixSpeech: Cross-Modality Self-Learning with Audio-Visual Stream Mixup for Visual Speech Translation and Recognition
* Multi-Scale Validation and Uncertainty Analysis of GEOV3 and MuSyQ FVC Products: A Case Study of an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem
* Semantic Circle Detection and Circle-Inner Segmentation for Tree-Wise Citrus Summer Shoot Management in Aerial Images
Includes: Huang, R.J.[Ren Jie] Huang, R.J.[Ren-Jie] Huang, R.J.[Rong-Jie]

Huang, R.L.[Ru Lin] Co Author Listing * M3F: Multi-Modal Continuous Valence-Arousal Estimation in the Wild
* Scenario-Based Simulation of Impervious Surfaces for Detecting the Effects of Landscape Patterns on Urban Waterlogging
* SiamCLIM: Text-Based Pedestrian Search Via Multi-Modal Siamese Contrastive Learning
Includes: Huang, R.L.[Ru Lin] Huang, R.L.[Ru-Lin] Huang, R.L.[Ruo-Lin] Huang, R.L.[Run-Lin]

Huang, R.M.[Ren Ming] Co Author Listing * Diffusion Models as Optimizers for Efficient Planning in Offline Rl
* GCENet: Global contextual exploration network for RGB-D salient object detection
Includes: Huang, R.M.[Ren Ming] Huang, R.M.[Ren-Ming] Huang, R.M.[Rong-Mei]

Huang, R.Q.[Run Qiu] Co Author Listing * Incorporating Effects of Slope Units and Sliding Areas into Seismically Induced Landslide Risk Modeling in Tectonically Active Mountainous Areas
* Toward A Speaker-Independent Real-Time Affect Detection System
Includes: Huang, R.Q.[Run Qiu] Huang, R.Q.[Run-Qiu] Huang, R.Q.[Rong-Qing]

Huang, R.R.[Rui Rong] Co Author Listing * 3D visual simulation of Chinese fir based on the influence of different stand spatial structures
* visual simulation technology in formatting forest management plan at unit level based on WF, The
Includes: Huang, R.R.[Rui Rong] Huang, R.R.[Rui-Rong]

Huang, R.S.[Ruey Song] Co Author Listing * 3-D facial model estimation from single front-view facial image
* Correntropy-Based Spatial-Spectral Robust Sparsity-Regularized Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Incremental Kernel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Robust Deep Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Multiresolution 3D facial model compression
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Data-Guided Constraints For Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Parameterized Nonlinear Least Squares for Unsupervised Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing
* Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing with Practical Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Spectral-Spatial Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Synthesizing Lateral Face from Frontal Facial Image Using Anthropometric Estimation
Includes: Huang, R.S.[Ruey Song] Huang, R.S.[Ruey-Song] Huang, R.S.[Ri-Sheng] Huang, R.S.
10 for Huang, R.S.

Huang, R.W.[Ren Wei] Co Author Listing * Safe diagnosability of fuzzy discrete-event systems
Includes: Huang, R.W.[Ren Wei] Huang, R.W.[Ren-Wei]

Huang, R.X.[Ri Xing] Co Author Listing * No reference image quality assessments based on edge-blur measure and its applications in printed sheet blurs classification
Includes: Huang, R.X.[Ri Xing] Huang, R.X.[Ri-Xing]

Huang, R.Y.[Rong Yong] Co Author Listing * Bathymetry of the Coral Reefs of Weizhou Island Based on Multispectral Satellite Images
* Bundle adjustment with additional constraints applied to imagery of the Dunhuang wall paintings
* Combining Landsat images with historic records to estimate the live coral cover of Luhuitou fringing reef in Northern South China Sea
* Cross-scale cost aggregation integrating intrascale smoothness constraint with weighted least squares in stereo matching
* Flexible, Generic Photogrammetric Approach to Zoom Lens Calibration, A
* Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
* Zoom lens calibration with zoom- and focus-related intrinsic parameters applied to bundle adjustment
Includes: Huang, R.Y.[Rong Yong] Huang, R.Y.[Rong-Yong]
7 for Huang, R.Y.

Huang, R.Z.[Ren Zhuang] Co Author Listing * Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
* Optimizing the Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows: A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
* Three-Level Graph Based Interactive Volume Segmentation System, A
Includes: Huang, R.Z.[Ren Zhuang] Huang, R.Z.[Ren-Zhuang] Huang, R.Z. Huang, R.Z.[Run-Zhen]

Huang, S. Co Author Listing * 3-D Ionospheric Tomography Using Model Function in the Modified L-Curve Method
* 3D LiDAR Map Compression for Efficient Localization on Resource Constrained Vehicles
* Adaptive image denoising for speckle noise images based on fuzzy logic
* Adaptive packet scheduling for scalable video streaming with network coding
* Adaptive Task-Wise Message Passing for Multi-Task Learning: A Spatial Interaction Perspective
* AFA-Mamba: Adaptive Feature Alignment with Global-Local Mamba for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Agreement Between Saliency Maps and Human-Labeled Regions of Interest: Applications to Skin Disease Classification
* AIDE: A Vision-Driven Multi-View, Multi-Modal, Multi-Tasking Dataset for Assistive Driving Perception
* Analysis and Study of Egg Quality Based on Hyperspectral Image Data of Different Forms of Egg Yolks
* Anchor-based discriminative dual distribution calibration for transductive zero-shot learning
* ArtFlow: Unbiased Image Style Transfer via Reversible Neural Flows
* Assessing Land Degradation Dynamics and Distinguishing Human-Induced Changes from Climate Factors in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China
* Assessing the Mobility and Environmental Benefits of Reservation-Based Intelligent Intersections Using an Integrated Simulator
* Assessment of the Capability of Landsat and BiodivMapR to Track the Change of Alpha Diversity in Dryland Disturbed by Mining
* Atmospheric Phase Correction Method Based on Normal Vector Clustering Partition in Complicated Conditions for GB-SAR, An
* Augmenting Strong Supervision Using Web Data for Fine-Grained Categorization
* AutoReP: Automatic ReLU Replacement for Fast Private Network Inference
* Background Modeling by Stability of Adaptive Features in Complex Scenes
* Bag dissimilarity regularized multi-instance learning
* Bandwidth-Efficient Packet Scheduling for Live Streaming With Network Coding
* Body Structure Aware Deep Crowd Counting
* Breast cancer histopathological image classification using attention high-order deep network
* Camera Calibration from Periodic Motion of a Pedestrian
* Capability of Integrating Optical and Microwave Data for Detecting Soil Moisture in an Oasis Region, The
* Caseg: CLIP-Based Action Segmentation with Learnable Text Prompt
* Check, Locate, Rectify: A Training-Free Layout Calibration System for Text- to- Image Generation
* Class Incremental Learning for Light-Weighted Networks
* Class-Prototype Discriminative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Coarse-Fine Network for Keypoint Localization, A
* Collaborative Graph Embedding: A Simple Way to Generally Enhance Subspace Learning Algorithms
* Color-Distortion Correction for Jilin-1 KF01 Series Satellite Imagery Using a Data-Driven Method
* Compact Configuration of Aircraft Flows at Intersections
* Comparison of altered mineral information extracted from ETM+, ASTER and Hyperion data in Águas Claras iron ore, Brazil
* Confidence-Aware Sentiment Quantification via Sentiment Perturbation Modeling
* Context De-Confounded Emotion Recognition
* Context Refinement for Object Detection
* Contextual and Cross-Modal Interaction for Multi-Modal Speech Emotion Recognition
* Contrast enhancement of radiograph images based on local heterogeneity measures
* Contrasting Forest Loss and Gain Patterns in Subtropical China Detected Using an Integrated LandTrendr and Machine-Learning Method
* Convergence comparison of least squares based bearing-only SLAM algorithms using different landmark parametrizations
* Convolution in the Cloud: Learning Deformable Kernels in 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* Copolarized and Cross-Polarized Backscattering From Random Rough Soil Surfaces From L-Band to Ku-Band Using Numerical Solutions of Maxwell's Equations With Near-Field Precondition
* Corner detection using the point-to-centroid distance technique
* Cost Minimization of Charging Stations With Photovoltaics: An Approach With EV Classification
* Deep Domain Adaptation for Pavement Crack Detection
* Deep feature enhancing and selecting network for weakly supervised temporal action localization
* DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition
* DeepNet: Scaling Transformers to 1,000 Layers
* Dehazing Evaluation: Real-World Benchmark Datasets, Criteria, and Baselines
* Dense Image Matching With Two Steps Of Expansion
* Design and Analysis of Multimodel-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection Systems in Industrial Process Automation
* Design of a Mobile Charging Service for Electric Vehicles in an Urban Environment
* Detecting Protrusion Lesion in Digestive Tract Using a Single-stage Detection Method
* Devil of Face Recognition Is in the Noise, The
* Dginstyle: Domain-generalizable Semantic Segmentation with Image Diffusion Models and Stylized Semantic Control
* Diffusion-driven Data Replay: A Novel Approach to Combat Forgetting in Federated Class Continual Learning
* Dimensionality reduction for image classification via mutual information maximization
* Discriminative deep semi-nonnegative matrix factorization network with similarity maximization for unsupervised feature learning
* Distributed MPC-Based Hierarchical Cooperative Control for Mixed Vehicle Groups With T-CPS in the Vicinity of Traffic Signal Light
* Domain-Scalable Unpaired Image Translation via Latent Space Anchoring
* DSGN++: Exploiting Visual-Spatial Relation for Stereo-Based 3D Detectors
* E2CoPre: Energy Efficient and Cooperative Collision Avoidance for UAV Swarms With Trajectory Prediction
* EANet: Iterative edge attention network for medical image segmentation
* Ecosystem Resistance and Resilience after Dry and Wet Events across Central Asia Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Effective Real Image Editing with Accelerated Iterative Diffusion Inversion
* Egocentric hand detection via region growth
* Egocentric Temporal Action Proposals
* Emotion Recognition for Multiple Context Awareness
* Enhanced Multiplicative Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme, An
* Enhancing Binary Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* ESA: External Space Attention Aggregation for Image-Text Retrieval
* Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Validation of Remotely Sensed Fractional Vegetation Cover
* Expecting the Unexpected: Training Detectors for Unusual Pedestrians with Adversarial Imposters
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Driving Forces of Straw Burning in Hunan Province, China, from 2010 to 2020
* Extracting the Green Fractional Vegetation Cover from Digital Images Using a Shadow-Resistant Algorithm (SHAR-LABFVC)
* Fast Polynomial Approximation of Heat Kernel Convolution on Manifolds and Its Application to Brain Sulcal and Gyral Graph Pattern Analysis
* Feasibility of Using MODIS Products to Simulate Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) in Boreal Forests
* Feature Re-Embedding: Towards Foundation Model-Level Performance in Computational Pathology
* Fedhca2: Towards Hetero-Client Federated Multi-Task Learning
* Filtration Strategy Based on FD-CRF for Image Matching, A
* Focus on Scene Text Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Friend or Foe: Fine-Grained Categorization With Weak Supervision
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment and Correction of Imagery from Chinese Earth Observation Satellites (HJ-1 A/B, CBERS-02C and ZY-3)
* Global and Local Pareto Optimality in Coevolution for Solving Carpool Service Problem With Time Windows
* Globality-Locality Preserving Projections for Biometric Data Dimensionality Reduction
* GPSRL: Learning Semi-Parametric Bayesian Survival Rule Lists from Heterogeneous Patient Data
* Graph Convolutional Network with elastic topology
* GSAL: Geometric structure adversarial learning for robust medical image segmentation
* Heuristic Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem Featuring High-Occupancy-Vehicle Itineraries, A
* Holistic++ Scene Understanding: Single-View 3D Holistic Scene Parsing and Human Pose Estimation With Human-Object Interaction and Physical Commonsense
* HollowNeRF: Pruning Hashgrid-Based NeRFs with Trainable Collision Mitigation
* Human-Centric Indoor Scene Synthesis Using Stochastic Grammar
* Hyperspectral Classification With Noisy Label Detection via Superpixel-to-Pixel Weighting Distance
* ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
* ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
* Image Haze Removal Using Airlight White Correction, Local Light Filter, and Aerial Perspective Prior
* Image Network Generation Of Uncalibrated UAV Images With Low-cost GPS Data
* Image set querying based localization
* Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Plant Species alpha-Diversity across the Tibetan Grasslands
* Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Thermal Environment: A Remote Sensing Study of Guangzhou, South China, The
* Implicit Memory-Based Variational Motion Talking Face Generation
* Improved hypergraph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with sparse representation
* Improved Method Combining ANN and 1D-Var for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data, An
* Improved Method Combining CNN and 1D-Var for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Humidity Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data, An
* Improving Forecast of Severe Oceanic Mesoscale Convective Systems Using FY-4A Lightning Data Assimilation with WRF-FDDA
* Improving non-negative matrix factorization via ranking its bases
* Indoor Scene Layout Estimation from a Single Image
* Information-Theoretic Approach to Transferability in Task Transfer Learning, An
* Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Weighted Improved Double Local Contrast Measure
* Infrared Small Target Detection via Non-Convex Tensor Rank Surrogate Joint Local Contrast Energy
* Iteratively Optimized Patch Label Inference Network for Automatic Pavement Distress Detection, An
* JPEG Image Encryption with Improved Format Compatibility and File Size Preservation
* Knowledge Consistency Distillation for Weakly Supervised One Step Person Search
* Knowledge-Guided And Hyper-Attention Aware Joint Network For Benign-Malignant Lung Nodule Classification
* LDANet: A Lightweight Dynamic Addition Network for Rural Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* Learning a Mixture of Granularity-Specific Experts for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Learning Disentangled Identifiers for Action-Customized Text-to-Image Generation
* Learning high-dimensional networks with nonlinear interactions by a novel tree-embedded graphical model
* Learning Hypergraph-regularized Attribute Predictors
* Learning Semantic Correspondence with Sparse Annotations
* Learning Speed Invariant Gait Template via Thin Plate Spline Kernel Manifold Fitting
* Local image region description using orthogonal symmetric local ternary pattern
* Local kernels based graph learning for multiple kernel clustering
* Make a Cheap Scaling: A Self-Cascade Diffusion Model for Higher-Resolution Adaptation
* Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for Thermal Infrared Target Tracking
* Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extraction guided by table header
* Model-Based, Semi-Global Segmentation Approach for Automatic 3-D Point Landmark Localization in Neuroimages, A
* MTGAN: Extending Test Case set for Deep Learning Image Classifier
* Multi-generation packet scheduling for live streaming with network coding
* Multi-Label Image Classification via Category Prototype Compositional Learning
* Multi-label out-of-distribution detection via exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence of labels
* Multi-View Transformer for 3D Visual Grounding
* Multi-Year Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Deep Semantic Segmentation Algorithm in the Hetao Irrigation District in China
* Multimodal Target Detection by Sparse Coding: Application to Paint Loss Detection in Paintings
* Multiple Instance Learning Framework with Masked Hard Instance Mining for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Multispectral Interlaced Sparse Sampling Photoacoustic Tomography
* Networks Effectively Utilizing 2D Spatial Information for Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* new head pose tracking method based on stereo visual SLAM, A
* New Variational Method for Bias Correction and Its Applications to Rodent Brain Extraction, A
* Not All Parts Are Created Equal: 3D Pose Estimation by Modeling Bi-Directional Dependencies of Body Parts
* Novel Chinese Sign Language Recognition Method Based on Keyframe-Centered Clips, A
* Novel Tornado Detection Algorithm Based on XGBoost, A
* Novel Visual Detecting and Positioning Method for Screw Holes, A
* Novel Visual Narrative Framework for Tourist Map Design Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of the Songshan Scenic Area, A
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* Observer-Based Double Closed-Loop Control for Mixed Vehicle Groups: A Macro and Micro Perspective
* On Benefits of Selection Diversity via Bilevel Exclusive Sparsity
* On the effect of hyperedge weights on hypergraph learning
* On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of the Jilin1-KF01B Wide-Field Camera
* Optimal transport based pyramid graph kernel for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis
* Optimized 3D Street Scene Reconstruction from Driving Recorder Images
* Optimized scalable video transmission over P2P network with hierarchical network coding
* Orthogonal Matrix Retrieval with Spatial Consensus for 3D Unknown View Tomography
* Pareto Self-Supervised Training for Few-Shot Learning
* Part-Stacked CNN for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Perceptual visual quality assessment using deeply-learned gaze shifting kernel
* PITE: Pixel-Temporal Alignment for Large Video-Language Model
* Potential Game-Based Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving
* Predicting Human Activities Using Stochastic Grammar
* Provably Convergent Projected Gradient-Type Algorithm for TDOA-Based Geolocation Under the Quasi-Parabolic Ionosphere Model, A
* Pyramid Structured Optical Flow Learning with Motion Cues
* QuantArt: Quantizing Image Style Transfer Towards High Visual Fidelity
* Quantifying Urban Linguistic Diversity Related to Rainfall and Flood across China with Social Media Data
* Quantitative Assessment of Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Streamflow Changes Using an Improved Three-Parameter Monthly Water Balance Model
* QUAR-VLA: Vision-language-action Model for Quadruped Robots
* Radar Signal Deinterleaving Method Based on Complex Network and Laplacian Graph Clustering, A
* Radial Lens Distortion Correction Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained with Synthesized Images
* RCA-NOC: Relative Contrastive Alignment for Novel Object Captioning
* Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
* Rear-End Collision Avoidance-Based on Multi-Channel Detection
* Reconstruction of Indoor Navigation Elements for Point Cloud of Buildings with Occlusions and Openings by Wall Segment Restoration from Indoor Context Labeling
* Regularized fuzzy c-means method for brain tissue clustering
* Relative Radiometric Correction Method Based on Temperature Normalization for Jilin1-KF02
* Removing Haze Particles From Single Image via Exponential Inference With Support Vector Data Description
* Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Reranking of person re-identification by manifold-based approach
* Research on the Uncertainty of Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Using Various Data-Driven Models and Attribute Interval Division
* Residual Inception: A New Module Combining Modified Residual with Inception to Improve Network Performance
* Retrieving images combining saliency detection with IRM
* Retrieving images using saliency detection and graph matching
* RGBTSDF: An Efficient and Simple Method for Color Truncated Signed Distance Field (TSDF) Volume Fusion Based on RGB-D Images
* Robust corner detection using the eigenvector-based angle estimator
* Robust face alignment with cascaded coarse-to-fine auto-encoder network
* Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministically Bounded Channel Errors
* Robust Real-world Image Enhancement Based on Multi-Exposure LDR Images
* Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Adaptive Edge-Preserving Smoothing Regularization
* Robust Video Restoration by Joint Sparse and Low Rank Matrix Approximation
* Saliency-guided Pairwise Matching
* Salient features useful for the accurate segmentation of masticatory muscles from minimum slices subsets of magnetic resonance images
* Satellite Remote Sensing-Based In-Season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status in Northeast China
* Scanning Photogrammetry for Measuring Large Targets in Close Range
* Scanning Photogrammetry, The
* SDPose: Tokenized Pose Estimation via Circulation-Guide Self-Distillation
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation of Pavement Distress Classification
* Semantic Segmentation of Building in Airborne Images
* Semi-Definite Relaxation-Based ADMM for Cooperative Planning and Control of Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Semi-Supervised Active Learning with Temporal Output Discrepancy
* Separable Spatial-Temporal Residual Graph for Cloth-Changing Group Re-Identification
* ShadowDiffusion: When Degradation Prior Meets Diffusion Model for Shadow Removal
* Shape primitive histogram: Low-level face representation for face recognition
* Short-term traffic flow prediction approach incorporating vehicle functions from RFID-ELP data for urban road sections
* SHREC'12 Track: Sketch-Based 3d Shape Retrieval
* Similitude Theory for Modeling Traffic Flow Dynamics, A
* Single Patch Based 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Anti-Spoofing
* Social Friend Recommendation Based on Multiple Network Correlation
* Source Distortion Estimation for Wyner-Ziv Distributed Video Coding
* Sparse signal recovery based on nonconvex entropy minimization
* Sparse Structure Learning Algorithm for Gaussian Bayesian Network Identification from High-Dimensional Data, A
* Spectral Embedded Clustering on Multi-Manifold
* Stereo Object Proposals
* Structure-Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Infrared Small Target Detection: Chain-Growth Filtering
* Structured Attentions for Visual Question Answering
* Study on segmentation and interpretation of multi-look polarimetric SAR images
* Study on the Retrieval of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Based on FY-3D/HIRAS Infrared Hyperspectral Data, A
* Subpixel-Level-Accurate Algorithm for Removing Double-Layered Reflections from a Single Image
* Text Guided Person Image Synthesis
* Time-Constrained Video Delivery Using Adaptive Coding Parameters
* Toward Ground-Truth Optical Coherence Tomography via Three-Dimensional Unsupervised Deep Learning Processing and Data
* Toward Robust Image Denoising via Flow-Based Joint Image and Noise Model
* Towards Learning a Generalist Model for Embodied Navigation
* Towards Scalable Neural Representation for Diverse Videos
* TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
* Transformer-Based High-Fidelity Facial Displacement Completion for Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction
* Tree Structure-Aware Few-Shot Image Classification via Hierarchical Aggregation
* Two-Stage Friend Recommendation Based on Network Alignment and Series Expansion of Probabilistic Topic Model
* Two-step fusion method for generating 1km seamless multi-layer soil moisture with high accuracy in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
* Understanding Human Activities in Response to Typhoon Hato from Multi-Source Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study in Guangdong, China
* Understanding Human Gaze Communication by Spatio-Temporal Graph Reasoning
* Unsupervised Cascade Fusion Network for Radiometrically-Accurate Vis-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Sharpening, An
* Unsupervised Sequential Outlier Detection With Deep Architectures
* User-Ranking Video Summarization With Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Representation
* Using Topological Information of Images to Improve Stereo Matching
* UVIS: Unsupervised Video Instance Segmentation
* Virtual Immunohistochemistry Staining for Histological Images Assisted by Weakly-supervised Learning
* VoP: Text-Video Co-Operative Prompt Tuning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Weakly Supervised Patch Label Inference Networks for Efficient Pavement Distress Detection and Recognition in the Wild
* Weather classification with deep convolutional neural networks
* Webly-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization via Deep Domain Adaptation
* WebUAV-3M: A Benchmark for Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep UAV Tracking
* What is Point Supervision Worth in Video Instance Segmentation?
* WIMANS: A Benchmark Dataset for WIFI-based Multi-User Activity Sensing
* Wireless Information Surveillance and Intervention Over Multiple Suspicious Links
Includes: Huang, S. Huang, S.[Saiao] Huang, S.[Shenglan] Huang, S.[Suizhi] Huang, S.[Shuo] Huang, S.[Shuai] Huang, S.[Sheng] Huang, S.[Siyu] Huang, S.[Senwang] Huang, S.[Shisheng] Huang, S.[Shaoyi] Huang, S.[Shiluo] Huang, S.[Shan] Huang, S.[Suyuan] Huang, S.[Siteng] Huang, S.[Shucheng] Huang, S.[Shuang] Huang, S.[Shen] Huang, S.[Shaoli] Huang, S.[Sha] Huang, S.[Shoudong] Huang, S.[Shaowu] Huang, S.[Shaohan] Huang, S.[Shiyao] Huang, S.[Shengyu] Huang, S.[Shuangping] Huang, S.[Shijia] Huang, S.[Shuangyao] Huang, S.[Stephen] Huang, S.[Shao] Huang, S.[Shujuan] Huang, S.[Shubo] Huang, S.[Sujia] Huang, S.[Shaolin] Huang, S.[Shiye] Huang, S.[Suqi] Huang, S.[Shijuan] Huang, S.[Shuaiyi] Huang, S.[Shize] Huang, S.[Song] Huang, S.[Shenjin] Huang, S.[Suibin] Huang, S.[Shangdan] Huang, S.[Shifang] Huang, S.[Shiwang] Huang, S.[Suzhou] Huang, S.[Sen] Huang, S.[Saihua] Huang, S.[Shaolun] Huang, S.[Saipeng] Huang, S.[Shuowen] Huang, S.[Sibin] Huang, S.[Shanyu] Huang, S.[Siming] Huang, S.[Sunan] Huang, S.[Sien] Huang, S.[Samuel] Huang, S.[Sunguo] Huang, S.[Shaoyan] Huang, S.[Sifei] Huang, S.[Shuzhe] Huang, S.[Sihan] Huang, S.[Shuokang]
242 for Huang, S.

Huang, S.A.[Shu Ai] Co Author Listing * Safe Feature Screening for Generalized LASSO
Includes: Huang, S.A.[Shu Ai] Huang, S.A.[Shu-Ai]

Huang, S.B.[Si Bin] Co Author Listing * Combining powerful local and global statistics for texture description
* Integrating local feature and global statistics for texture analysis
* Scale-space texture description on SIFT-like textons
* Using Large-Scale Truck Trajectory Data to Explore the Location of Sustainable Urban Logistics Centres: The Case of Wuhan
Includes: Huang, S.B.[Si Bin] Huang, S.B.[Si-Bin] Huang, S.B.[Shi-Biao]

Huang, S.C.[Sheng Chieh] Co Author Listing * 100 MHz 1920X1080 HD-Photo 20 frames/sec JPEG XR encoder design, A
* 3FL-Net: An Efficient Approach for Improving Performance of Lightweight Detectors in Rainy Weather Conditions
* Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm With Video Quality Analysis for Video Surveillance Systems, An
* Advanced Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Automatic Traffic Monitoring in Real-World Limited Bandwidth Networks, An
* CEPrompt: Cross-Modal Emotion-Aware Prompting for Facial Expression Recognition
* consistent pixel-wise blur measure for partially blurred images, A
* constrained vector quantization scheme for real-time codebook retransmission, A
* Deformation and Smooth Joining of Mesh Models for Cardiac Surgical Simulation
* DesnowGAN: An Efficient Single Image Snow Removal Framework Using Cross-Resolution Lateral Connection and GANs
* DesnowNet: Context-Aware Deep Network for Snow Removal
* Development of a Pedestrian Indoor Navigation System Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion and Fuzzy Logic Estimation Algorithms
* Direct Parametric Image Reconstruction in Reduced Parameter Space for Rapid Multi-Tracer PET Imaging
* DSNet: Joint Semantic Learning for Object Detection in Inclement Weather Conditions
* Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution
* Efficient Visibility Enhancement Algorithm for Road Scenes Captured by Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Efficient Visual Tracking Based on Fuzzy Inference for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Face detection and landmark localization using Bilayer Tree Structured Model
* general class of preconditioners for statistical iterative reconstruction of emission computed tomography, A
* Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation of Myocardial Blood Flow Parametric Images with N-13 Ammonia PET
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach to Solve Carpool Service Problems in Cloud Computing, A
* GLoRIA: A Multimodal Global-Local Representation Learning Framework for Label-efficient Medical Image Recognition
* High-Efficiency and High-Accuracy Fully Automatic Collaborative Face Annotation System for Distributed Online Social Networks, A
* Intentional-Deception Detection Based on Facial Muscle Movements in an Interactive Social Context
* Knowledge-Based Step Length Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithms for a Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System, A
* Label-Efficient Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Medical Imaging
* Multi-object tracking via discriminative appearance modeling
* Multiple channels local binary pattern for color texture representation and classification
* New Framework for Object Warping: A Semi-Lagrangian Level Set Approach, A
* New Hardware-Efficient Algorithm and Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* optimally complexity scalable multi-mode decision algorithm for HEVC, An
* Optimisation of automatic face annotation system used within a collaborative framework for online social networks
* Perceptual Quality-Regulable Video Coding System With Region-Based Rate Control Scheme
* Polygonal approximation using genetic algorithms
* Radial Basis Function Based Neural Network for Motion Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Region-Based perceptual quality regulable bit allocation and rate control for video coding applications
* Regressive Tree Structured Model for Facial Landmark Localization
* Scene Analysis for Object Detection in Advanced Surveillance Systems Using Laplacian Distribution Model
* Services-Oriented Computing Using the Compact Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem
* Skeleton Features-based Fall Detection Using Microsoft Kinect V2 With One Class-classifier Outlier Removal, A
* Spatio-temporal fusion for Macro- and Micro-expression Spotting in Long Video Sequences
* Study of Children Facial Recognition for Privacy in Smart TV, A
* Study On The Explainable Ability By Using Airborne Lidar In Stand Value And Stand Competition
* Three-Dimensional Attention-Based Deep Ranking Model for Video Highlight Detection
* Two greedy tree growing algorithms for designing variable rate vector quantizers
* unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sampled biomedical system parameter estimation, An
* Underwater Fish Tracking for Moving Cameras Based on Deformable Multiple Kernels
* Video Highlight Detection via Deep Ranking Modeling
* Visibility Restoration of Single Hazy Images Captured in Real-World Weather Conditions
Includes: Huang, S.C.[Sheng Chieh] Huang, S.C.[Sheng-Chieh] Huang, S.C.[Shih-Chia] Huang, S.C. Huang, S.C.[Shu-Cheng] Huang, S.C.[Shan-Chun] Huang, S.C.[Shih-Chi] Huang, S.C.[Shu-Chien] Huang, S.C.[Shih-Ching] Huang, S.C.[Shi-Chen] Huang, S.C.[Shih-Chieh] Huang, S.C.[Sung-Cheng] Huang, S.C.[Shih-Cheng] Huang, S.C.[Shi-Chao]
48 for Huang, S.C.

Huang, S.C.H.[Scott C.H.] Co Author Listing * Efficient Recoverable Cryptographic Mosaic Technique by Permutations
* Emotion Transformation Feature: Novel Feature For Deception Detection In Videos
* Novel Audio Mosaic Using LPC-Coefficient and Excitation-Codeword Permutations
Includes: Huang, S.C.H.[Scott C.H.] Huang, S.C.H.

Huang, S.D.[Shou Dong] Co Author Listing * 3D LiDAR-Based Global Localization Using Siamese Neural Network
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via deep matrix decomposition
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via kernelized graph learning
* Efficient federated multi-view learning
* GSAP: A Global Structure Attention Pooling Method for Graph-Based Visual Place Recognition
* L2-SIFT: SIFT feature extraction and matching for large images in large-scale aerial photogrammetry
* Large-scale monocular SLAM by local bundle adjustment and map joining
* Line Matching Based on Planar Homography for Stereo Aerial Images
* Linear SFM: A hierarchical approach to solving structure-from-motion problems by decoupling the linear and nonlinear components
* Low-cost visual tracking with an intelligent wheelchair for innovative assistive care
* new state vector and a map joining algorithm for range-only SLAM, A
* Pure graph-guided multi-view subspace clustering
* Robust deep k-means: An effective and simple method for data clustering
* Sample-level Multi-view Graph Clustering
* Self-Weighted Contrastive Fusion for Deep Multi-View Clustering
* UAV-assisted data dissemination based on network coding in vehicular networks
Includes: Huang, S.D.[Shou Dong] Huang, S.D.[Shou-Dong] Huang, S.D.[Shu-Dong] Huang, S.D.[Shi-Dong]
16 for Huang, S.D.

Huang, S.F. Co Author Listing * Analysis of Tumor Vascularity Using Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Images
* Anchor3DLane: Learning to Regress 3D Anchors for Monocular 3D Lane Detection
* Building3D: An Urban-Scale Dataset and Benchmarks for Learning Roof Structures from Point Clouds
* BUS: Efficient and Effective Vision-language Pre-training with Bottom-Up Patch Summarization
* Characterization of Spiculation on Ultrasound Lesions
* Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Modeling for Language-Queried Video Actor Segmentation
* CRAUnet++: A New Convolutional Neural Network for Land Surface Water Extraction from Sentinel-2 Imagery by Combining RWI with Improved Unet++
* Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension for Referring Segmentation
* Customize your NeRF: Adaptive Source Driven 3D Scene Editing via Local-Global Iterative Training
* Design and Implementation of Flood Monitoring and Assessment System
* Fine-Grained Face Editing via Personalized Spatial-Aware Affine Modulation
* GPM-Based Multitemporal Weighted Precipitation Analysis Using GPM_IMERGDF Product and ASTER DEM in EDBF Algorithm
* Intercomparison of Three Two-Source Energy Balance Models for Partitioning Evaporation and Transpiration in Semiarid Climates
* Keypoint-based Global Association Network for Lane Detection, A
* Language-Aware Spatial-Temporal Collaboration for Referring Video Segmentation
* Learning Trajectory-Word Alignments for Video-Language Tasks
* Linguistic Structure Guided Context Modeling for Referring Image Segmentation
* Modality adaptation via feature difference learning for depth human parsing
* Novel and secure plaintext-related image encryption algorithm based on compressive sensing and tent-sine system
* ORDNet: Capturing Omni-Range Dependencies for Scene Parsing
* PBWR: Parametric-Building-Wireframe Reconstruction from Aerial LiDAR Point Clouds
* photo-based quality assessment model for the estimation of PM2.5 concentrations, A
* Preliminary Evaluation of the SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Product over China Using In Situ Data
* Referring Image Segmentation via Cross-Modal Progressive Comprehension
* Region-of-interest segmentation based on Bayesian theorem for H.264 video transcoding
* ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation
* Robust 3D reconstruction of building surfaces from point clouds based on structural and closed constraints
* SSA3D: Semantic Segmentation Assisted One-Stage Three-Dimensional Vehicle Object Detection
Includes: Huang, S.F. Huang, S.F.[Shao-Fei] Huang, S.F.[Shang-Feng] Huang, S.F.[Song-Fang] Huang, S.F.[Shi-Feng] Huang, S.F.[Shu-Feng] Huang, S.F.[Shuai-Feng] Huang, S.F.[Shu-Fen]
28 for Huang, S.F.

Huang, S.G.[Shao Guang] Co Author Listing * Contextuality Helps Representation Learning for Generalized Category Discovery
* From Model-Based Optimization Algorithms to Deep Learning Models for Clustering Hyperspectral Images
* Inheriting Bayer's Legacy: Joint Remosaicing and Denoising for Quad Bayer Image Sensor
* Joint Sparsity Based Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images
* Ontology-based insect recognition
* Robust joint sparsity model for hyperspectral image classification
* Sketch-Based Subspace Clustering of Hyperspectral Images
* Sketched Sparse Subspace Clustering For Large-Scale Hyperspectral Images
Includes: Huang, S.G.[Shao Guang] Huang, S.G.[Shao-Guang] Huang, S.G.[Shi-Guo]
8 for Huang, S.G.

Huang, S.H.[Shao Hui] Co Author Listing * Anisotropic 3-D Distance Transform Based on Contour Propagation
* Calibration of Acoustic-Soil Discrete Element Model and Analysis of Influencing Factors on Accuracy
* Detecting Faces from Color Video by Using Paired Wavelet Features
* FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
* Feature selection using tabu search with long-term memories and probabilistic neural networks
* Improved AdaBoost-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback via Paired Feature Learning
* Learning-Based Vertebra Detection and Iterative Normalized-Cut Segmentation for Spinal MRI
* Multi-label image recognition by using semantics consistency, object correlation, and multiple samples
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring
* Performance Analysis of Space Resection-Aided Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Smartphone Navigation in a Mapped Indoor Environment, The
* Revisiting Residual Networks for Adversarial Robustness
* Robust Ensemble Model For Parasitic Egg Detection And Classification, A
* Robust Network Architecture Search via Feature Distortion Restraining
* Surface-Based Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds
* Using line consistency to estimate 3D indoor Manhattan scene layout from a single image
Includes: Huang, S.H.[Shao Hui] Huang, S.H.[Shao-Hui] Huang, S.H.[Sheng-Hai] Huang, S.H.[Szu-Hao] Huang, S.H.[Shi-Hua] Huang, S.H.[Shu-Hong] Huang, S.H. Huang, S.H.[Si-Heng] Huang, S.H.[Shih-Huan] Huang, S.H.[Sheng-Hui] Huang, S.H.[Shih-Han]
15 for Huang, S.H.

Huang, S.H.E.[Shi Hong Ed] Co Author Listing * On the Cybersecurity of Traffic Signal Control System With Connected Vehicles
Includes: Huang, S.H.E.[Shi Hong Ed] Huang, S.H.E.[Shi-Hong Ed]

Huang, S.I.[Shih I] Co Author Listing * CITRIC: A low-bandwidth wireless camera network platform
Includes: Huang, S.I.[Shih I] Huang, S.I.[Shih-I]

Huang, S.J.[Sheng Jun] Co Author Listing * Active Learning by Querying Informative and Representative Examples
* Active Learning for Open-set Annotation
* Augmenting bag-of-words: a robust contextual representation of spatiotemporal interest points for action recognition
* Bidirectional Uncertainty-Based Active Learning for Open-Set Annotation
* CCMN: A General Framework for Learning With Class-Conditional Multi-Label Noise
* Cross modal similarity learning with active queries
* Data Fusion and Confidence Measure in Image Feature Detection
* Design of multistage weighted order statistic filters by a neural network
* Dual-decoupling Learning and Metric-adaptive Thresholding for Semi-supervised Multi-label Learning
* Extraction of Sunflower Lodging Information Based on UAV Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing and Deep Learning
* Fast Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* Improving Lens Flare Removal with General-Purpose Pipeline and Multiple Light Sources Recovery
* Learning a Similarity Constrained Discriminative Kernel Dictionary from Concatenated Low-Rank Features for Action Recognition
* LLAVA-Grounding: Grounded Visual Chat with Large Multimodal Models
* Monocular Pseudo-LiDAR Point Cloud Extrapolation Based on Iterative Hybrid Rendering
* MP-Former: Mask-Piloted Transformer for Image Segmentation
* MPEG Digital Storage Media (DSM) Control Command
* Multi-Label Knowledge Distillation
* On the Reconstruction of Missing Sea Surface Temperature Data from Himawari-8 in Adjacent Waters of Taiwan Using DINEOF Conducted with 25-h Data
* One-pixel Signature: Characterizing CNN Models for Backdoor Detection
* Partial Multi-Label Learning With Noisy Label Identification
* Recent Advances in Open Set Recognition: A Survey
* Recognizing Zucchinis Intercropped with Sunflowers in UAV Visible Images Using an Improved Method Based on OCRNet
* Statistics on Temporal Changes of Sparse Coding Coefficients in Spatial Pyramids for Human Action Recognition
* Whole slide cervical image classification based on convolutional neural network and random forest
* Windshear Detection in Rain Using a 30 km Radius Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar at Mega Airport in Plateau
Includes: Huang, S.J.[Sheng Jun] Huang, S.J.[Sheng-Jun] Huang, S.J.[Shi-Jian] Huang, S.J.[Su-Juan] Huang, S.J.[Shun-Ji] Huang, S.J.[Shen-Jin] Huang, S.J.[Shi-Jia] Huang, S.J.[Shu-Juan] Huang, S.J.[Si Jun] Huang, S.J.[Shih-Jen] Huang, S.J.[Shan-Jiaoyang] Huang, S.J.[Shen-Jiao]
26 for Huang, S.J.

Huang, S.K.[Shi Kun] Co Author Listing * 3D-Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks
* Analysis of Disparity Error for Stereo Autofocus
* Dyadic Wavelet-based Nonlinear Conduction Equation: Theory and Applications
* Enhancement of phase detection for autofocus
* Interpretable Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* Transformer with Task Selection for Continual Learning
* Verifiability and Predictability: Interpreting Utilities of Network Architectures for Point Cloud Processing
Includes: Huang, S.K.[Shi Kun] Huang, S.K.[Shi-Kun] Huang, S.K. Huang, S.K.[Sheng-Kai]
7 for Huang, S.K.

Huang, S.L.[Shi Liang] Co Author Listing * Accurate 3D hand pose estimation network utilizing joints information
* ACR: Attention Collaboration-based Regressor for Arbitrary Two-Hand Reconstruction
* Amplitude-Phase Information Measurement on Riemannian Manifold for Motor Imagery-Based BCI
* Blood vessel extraction from OCT data by short-time RPCA
* Comparison of Individual Tree and Forest Plot Height Derived from LiDAR and InSAR, A
* Dynamic semantic structure distillation for low-resolution fine-grained recognition
* end-to-end framework for unconstrained monocular 3D hand pose estimation, An
* Enhancing Mixture-of-Experts by Leveraging Attention for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Exploring the Feature Extraction and Relation Modeling For Light-weight Transformer Tracking
* Extracting Blood Vessels From Full-Field OCT Data of Human Skin by Short-Time RPCA
* Geometric Structure Preserving Warp for Natural Image Stitching
* Harmonious Feature Learning for Interactive Hand-Object Pose Estimation
* HGR Correlation Pooling Fusion Framework for Recognition and Classification in Multimodal Remote Sensing Data
* Intra-class Part Swapping for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Learning Anchor Transformations for 3D Garment Animation
* Learning multi-level weight-centric features for few-shot learning
* Learning sequentially diversified representations for fine-grained categorization
* LivelySpeaker: Towards Semantic-Aware Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* LoTE-Animal: A Long Time-span Dataset for Endangered Animal Behavior Understanding
* Mapping Extent Dynamics of Small Lakes Using Downscaling MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Master: Meta Style Transformer for Controllable Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Artistic Style Transfer
* Multi-criteria Selection of Rehearsal Samples for Continual Learning
* Multi-Order Feature Statistical Model for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* OTCE: A Transferability Metric for Cross-Domain Cross-Task Representations
* Person Recognition with HGR Maximal Correlation on Multimodal Data
* Programmable Motion Generation for Open-Set Motion Control Tasks
* Radar Target Classification Using Enhanced Doppler Spectrograms with ResNet34_CA in Ubiquitous Radar
* Real-Time Ubiquitous Radar Target Classification with 1D ResNet-SE-Based Multi-Channel Network
* Realistic Human Motion Generation with Cross-diffusion Models
* Reconstructing satellite images to quantify spatially explicit land surface change caused by fires and succession: A demonstration in the Yukon River Basin of interior Alaska
* Relative Effects of Climate Change and Phenological Change on Net Primary Productivity Vary with Grassland Types on the Tibetan Plateau, The
* Semantically Supervised Maximal Correlation For Cross-Modal Retrieval
* SIAM: A parameter-free, Spatial Intersection Attention Module
* Signavatars: A Large-scale 3d Sign Language Holistic Motion Dataset and Benchmark
* Skinned Motion Retargeting with Residual Perception of Motion Semantics and Geometry
* Stochastic Partial Swap: Enhanced Model Generalization and Interpretability for Fine-grained Recognition
* Superpixel-based multi-scale multi-instance learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Towards Hard-Positive Query Mining for DETR-Based Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Training With Uncertain Annotations for Semantic Segmentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma From Full-Field OCT Images
Includes: Huang, S.L.[Shi Liang] Huang, S.L.[Shi-Liang] Huang, S.L.[Shao-Li] Huang, S.L.[Shou-Lin] Huang, S.L. Huang, S.L.[Sheng-Li] Huang, S.L.[Shao-Lun] Huang, S.L.[Shi-Lin] Huang, S.L.[Shao-Lin] Huang, S.L.[Shi-Luo] Huang, S.L.[Sheng-Lung]
39 for Huang, S.L.

Huang, S.M.[Shih Ming] Co Author Listing * Improved Principal Component Regression for Face Recognition Under Illumination Variations
* Linear Discriminant Regression Classification for Face Recognition
* Low-resolution face recognition in uses of multiple-size discrete cosine transforms and selective Gaussian mixture models
* Mapping the Age of Subtropical Secondary Forest Using Dense Landsat Time Series Data: An Ensemble Model
* Novel Approach for Rotation Free Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* Research on reversible image steganography of encrypted image based on image interpolation and difference histogram shift
* Subface hidden Markov models coupled with a universal occlusion model for partially occluded face recognition
* tomographic flow imaging system based on capacitance measuring techniques, A
* Unitary Regression Classification With Total Minimum Projection Error for Face Recognition
Includes: Huang, S.M.[Shih Ming] Huang, S.M.[Shih-Ming] Huang, S.M.[Shi-Ming] Huang, S.M.[Sheng-Ming] Huang, S.M.
9 for Huang, S.M.

Huang, S.N. Co Author Listing * Geometrical Error Modeling and Compensation Using Neural Networks

Huang, S.P.[Shuang Ping] Co Author Listing * Complex Handwriting Trajectory Recovery: Evaluation Metrics and Algorithm
* Contrastive representation enhancement and learning for handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* Disentangling Writer and Character Styles for Handwriting Generation
* DropRegion training of inception font network for high-performance Chinese font recognition
* Electromagnetic Signal Attenuation Characteristics in the Lunar Regolith Observed by the Lunar Regolith Penetrating Radar (LRPR) Onboard the Chang'E-5 Lander
* Enhanced visual categorization performances by incorporation of simple features into BIM features
* Entrance Pupil Irradiance Estimating Model for a Moon-Based Earth Radiation Observatory Instrument
* Kmtalk: Speech-driven 3d Facial Animation with Key Motion Embedding
* ONE-DM: One-shot Diffusion Mimicker for Handwritten Text Generation
* Perception and Semantic Aware Regularization for Sequential Confidence Calibration
* Potential Applications of CE-2 Microwave Radiometer Data in Understanding Basaltic Volcanism in Heavily Ejecta-Contaminated Mare Frigoris
* Robust shared feature learning for script and handwritten/machine-printed identification
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Huang, S.P.[Shuang Ping] Huang, S.P.[Shuang-Ping] Huang, S.P.[Shao-Peng]
13 for Huang, S.P.

Huang, S.Q.[Shi Qi] Co Author Listing * Competing for Pixels: A Self-Play Algorithm for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Construction of High-Precision and Complete Images of a Subsidence Basin in Sand Dune Mining Areas by InSAR-UAV-LiDAR Heterogeneous Data Integration
* Discriminative features enhancement for low-altitude UAV object detection
* Distributed Memory Approximate Message Passing
* Fine-grained image classification based on TinyVit object location and graph convolution network
* Image haze removal based on rolling deep learning and Retinex theory
* Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning with Feature Enhancement
* Multi-metrics adaptively identifies backdoors in Federated learning
* novel method for speckle noise reduction and ship target detection in SAR images, A
* QoE-driven HAS Live Video Channel Placement in the Media Cloud
* Rethinking Few-Shot Medical Segmentation: A Vector Quantization View
* RTNet: Relation Transformer Network for Diabetic Retinopathy Multi-Lesion Segmentation
* SCANet: A Unified Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Vessel Segmentation
* Scheme for Cooperative-Escort Multi-Submersible Intelligent Transportation System Based on SDN-Enabled Underwater IoV, A
* Ship Target Detection Method in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Block Thumbnail Particle Swarm Optimization Clustering
* Using Satellite Data for the Characterization of Local Animal Reservoir Populations of Hantaan Virus on the Weihe Plain, China
Includes: Huang, S.Q.[Shi Qi] Huang, S.Q.[Shi-Qi] Huang, S.Q.[Shi-Qiao] Huang, S.Q.[Shu-Qin] Huang, S.Q.[Shun-Qi] Huang, S.Q.[Shu-Qiang] Huang, S.Q.[Shao-Qiong] Huang, S.Q.[Si-Quan] Huang, S.Q.[Shou-Qin] Huang, S.Q.[Shan-Qian]
16 for Huang, S.Q.

Huang, S.R.[Shi Rui] Co Author Listing * Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning for Underwater Image Restoration via Reliable Bank
* Method of Discriminative Information Preservation and In-Dimension Distance Minimization Method for Feature Selection, A
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
Includes: Huang, S.R.[Shi Rui] Huang, S.R.[Shi-Rui] Huang, S.R.[Shang-Rong]

Huang, S.S.[Sheng Song] Co Author Listing * BAM: Block attention mechanism for OCT image classification
* Bayesian Network for Foreground Segmentation in Region Level, A
* BigDL 2.0: Seamless Scaling of AI Pipelines from Laptops to Distributed Cluster
* Crowd pedestrian detection using expectation maximization with weighted local features
* Deep hashing with triplet quantization loss
* DI-Fusion: Online Implicit 3D Reconstruction with Deep Priors
* Discriminatively trained patch-based model for occupant classification
* DPDM: Feature-Based Pose Refinement with Deep Pose and Deep Match for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Finding score-based representative samples for cancer risk prediction
* Integrating Appearance and Edge Features for Sedan Vehicle Detection in the Blind-Spot Area
* Learning spatiotemporal representations for human fall detection in surveillance video
* Method of Fabric Defect Detection Using Local Contrast Deviation, A
* Monocular multi-human detection using Augmented Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Parametric meta-filter modeling from a single example pair
* Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection and Tracking with Object-Driven Vanishing Line Estimation
* Region-Level Motion-Based Background Modeling and Subtraction Using MRFs
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal Using MRFs
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Segmentation Under a Bayesian Network
* SALICON: Saliency in Context
* Vehicle detection and tracking under various lighting conditions using a particle filter
Includes: Huang, S.S.[Sheng Song] Huang, S.S.[Sheng-Song] Huang, S.S.[Shih-Shinh] Huang, S.S.[Sheng-Sheng] Huang, S.S. Huang, S.S.[Shan-Shan] Huang, S.S.[Shi-Sheng] Huang, S.S.[Shao-Syuan] Huang, S.S.[Shin-Shinh] Huang, S.S.[Song-Song]
20 for Huang, S.S.

Huang, S.T.[Shang Teng] Co Author Listing * Evolutionary semi-supervised fuzzy clustering
* hidden Markov model-based character extraction method, A
* New orientation-based elimination approach for accurate line-detection
* Reducing the number of sub-classifiers for pairwise multi-category support vector machines
* Training TSVM with the proper number of positive samples
* Troika: Multi-Path Cross-Modal Traction for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
Includes: Huang, S.T.[Shang Teng] Huang, S.T.[Shang-Teng] Huang, S.T.[Song-Tao] Huang, S.T.[Shih-Ting] Huang, S.T.[Si-Teng]

Huang, S.W.[Sheng Wei] Co Author Listing * AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-Based Data Augmentation
* Automatic Point Cloud Registration for Large Outdoor Scenes Using a Priori Semantic Information
* GAN-Based Day-to-Night Image Style Transfer for Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* Lag-related noise shrinkage stacked LSTM network for short-term traffic flow forecasting
* Using Sparse-Point Disparity Estimation and Spatial Propagation to Construct Dense Disparity Map for Stereo Endoscopic Images
Includes: Huang, S.W.[Sheng Wei] Huang, S.W.[Sheng-Wei] Huang, S.W.[Shuo-Wen] Huang, S.W. Huang, S.W.[Shao-Wei] Huang, S.W.[Shih-Wei]

Huang, S.X.[Sharon X.] Co Author Listing * 3D-Aware Talking-Head Video Motion Transfer
* Analysis of the Influence of Refraction-Parameter Deviation on Underwater Stereo-Vision Measurement with Flat Refraction Interface
* Behavior regularized prototypical networks for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Better Prior Knowledge Improves Human-Pose-Based Extrinsic Camera Calibration
* Bootstrapped Representation Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Conditional Image-to-Video Generation with Latent Flow Diffusion Models
* CPCM: Contextual Point Cloud Modeling for Weakly-supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-identity Video Motion Retargeting with Joint Transformation and Synthesis
* DAS: Densely-Anchored Sampling for Deep Metric Learning
* Generalized Variational Optimization Analysis for Improving Scatterometer Surface Wind Field
* Geometry-Biased Transformer for Robust Multi-View 3D Human Pose Reconstruction
* Optimal Temporal Window Selection for Winter Wheat and Rapeseed Mapping with Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of Zhongxiang in China
* Photoacoustic Tomography Image Restoration With Measured Spatially Variant Point Spread Functions
* Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Loading Induced Displacement Products for Correcting GNSS Time Series in CMONOC
* Salient object detection via reciprocal function filter
* TI2V-Zero: Zero-Shot Image Conditioning for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models
* Tuning Vision-Language Models With Multiple Prototypes Clustering
* Variability and Changes in Climate, Phenology, and Gross Primary Production of an Alpine Wetland Ecosystem
Includes: Huang, S.X.[Sharon X.] Huang, S.X.[Sheng-Xiang] Huang, S.X.[Shi-Xin] Huang, S.X.[Sang-Xia] Huang, S.X.[Shang-Xin] Huang, S.X.[Si-Xun] Huang, S.X.[Shi-Xian] Huang, S.X.[Shu-Xian] Huang, S.X.[San-Xiang]
18 for Huang, S.X.

Huang, S.Y.[Sheng Yen] Co Author Listing * 2D to 3D Image Conversion Based on Classification of Background Depth Profiles
* 3D-Selfcutmix: Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
* 3D-VisTA: Pre-trained Transformer for 3D Vision and Text Alignment
* Adaptive computation-aware scheme for software-based predictive block motion estimation
* Adaptive fast block-matching algorithm by switching search patterns for sequences with wide-range motion content
* Advanced Least-Significant-Bit Embedding Scheme for Steganographic Encoding, An
* Adversarial Texture for Fooling Person Detectors in the Physical World
* Analysis of Crop Reflectance for Estimating Biomass in Rice Canopies at Different Phenological Stages
* AnySkill: Learning Open-Vocabulary Physical Skill for Interactive Agents
* ARNOLD: A Benchmark for Language-Grounded Task Learning With Continuous States in Realistic 3D Scenes
* Building change detection based on 3D reconstruction
* Camera free 3-dimensional virtual touch display with multi-user identification
* Cascading MRVQ-DCT Scheme for the Compression of Sequence Images, A
* Classification of Point Clouds for Indoor Components Using Few Labeled Samples
* Classified variable block size motion estimation algorithm for image sequence coding
* Classified Variable-Block-Size Motion Estimation Algorithm for Image Sequence Coding
* Competence-aware Curriculum for Visual Concepts Learning via Question Answering, A
* Computation-aware scheme for software-based block motion estimation
* Configurable 3D Scene Synthesis and 2D Image Rendering with Per-pixel Ground Truth Using Stochastic Grammars
* Content-aware full search scheme for motion estimation
* Cooperative Control of Connected-Autonomous Electric Buses With Tradeoffs Between Energy Saving and Mobility
* Costal Bathymetry Estimation From Multispectral Image With Back Propagation Neural Network
* DAF-Retinex: Preserve the image detailed features and restore the reflected image
* Deep Learning Driven Visual Path Prediction From a Single Image
* Deep reinforcement learning with credit assignment for combinatorial optimization
* DeFlow: Self-supervised 3D Motion Estimation of Debris Flow
* Diffusion-based Generation, Optimization, and Planning in 3D Scenes
* DiGeo: Discriminative Geometry-Aware Learning for Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection
* Discriminative Style Learning for Cross-Domain Image Captioning
* Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis by Point Cloud Accumulation
* Dynamic Context Correspondence Network for Semantic Alignment
* Dynamic LiDAR Re-Simulation Using Compositional Neural Fields
* Early Crop Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data and the Random Forest Algorithm
* Ellipse-specific fitting by relaxing the 3L constraints with semidefinite programming
* embedded merging scheme for H.264/AVC motion estimation, An
* Embedded Merging Scheme for VLSI Implementation of H.264/AVC Motion Estimation Modules, An
* End-to-End Rain Removal Network Based on Progressive Residual Detail Supplement
* Exploiting Spatial-temporal Coherence in the Construction of Multiple Perspective Videos
* F-HOI: Toward Fine-grained Semantic-aligned 3d Human-object Interactions
* Few-Shot End-to-End Object Detection via Constantly Concentrated Encoding Across Heads
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Fully Cross-Transformer
* Full-Body Articulated H