Journals starting with phen

PhEng( Vol No. ) * *Photogrammetric Engineering

PhEng(26) * Effect of Motion of Resolution, The

PhEng(28) * Automatic Recognition of Basic Terrain Types from Aerial Photographs

PhEng(32) * Decentering Distortion of Lenses

PhEng(35) * Automatic Interpretation of Terrain Features

PhEng(37) * Close-Range Camera Calibration

PhEng(40) * Design of Advanced Digital Image Processing Systems, The
* Digital Correlation Principles
* Digital Mapping and Digital Image Processing

PhEngRS( Vol No. ) * *Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing

PhEngRS(41) * Calibration of Close-Range Photogrammetry System: Mathematical Formulation
* Improved Method of Digital Image Correlation, An

PhEngRS(42) * Digital Elevation Data Collection System, A

PhEngRS(43) * Gestalt Photomapping System, The

PhEngRS(44) * Flexible Approach to Digital Stereo Mapping, A

PhEngRS(47) * Correlation Techniques and Devices

PhEngRS(48) * Multispectral Approach to Remote Detection of Deer, A
* Raster Scanning for Operational Digitizing of Graphical Data

PhEngRS(50) * Designing a Deer Detection System Using a Multistage Classification Approach

PhEngRS(51) * Measurement Techniques for Spectral Characterization for Remote Sensing

PhEngRS(52) * Class of Algorithms for Enumerating Rare Objects Using Spectral and Spatial Data in Real Time, A
* Lens Distortion for Close-Range Photogrammetry

PhEngRS(54) * determination of optimal thresholds for change detection using various accuracy indices, The
* Geometrically Constrained Multiphoto Matching
* Object-Centered Least-Squares Correlation

PhEngRS(55) * Precision of Digital Target Location

PhEngRS(56) * Mathematical Morphology: A Tool for Automated GIS Data Acquisition from Scanned Thematic Maps
* Scene Registration in Aerial Image Analysis

PhEngRS(57) * Invariant Relationships in Side-Looking Synthetic Aperture Imagery

PhEngRS(58) * Image Matching Using Corresponding Point Measurements

PhEngRS(60) * Airborne Digital Frame Camera Imaging For Elevation Determination
* Change Detection For Monitoring Forest Defoliation
* Evaluation of DEM Accuracy: Elevation, Slope, and Aspect, An
* Landsat Program: Recent History and Prospects, The
* Use of Intensity-Hue-Saturation Transformation for Producing Color Shaded Relief Images, The

PhEngRS(61) * Geometric Calibration of Zoom Lenses for Computer Vision Metrology
* Image Compression by the JPEG Algorithm
* Integration of Geographic Data with Remotely-Sensed Imagery to Improve Classification in an Urban Area, The
* Reversibility of 6 Geometric Color Spaces, The
* State-Of-The-Art Of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations for Topographic Applications

PhEngRS(62) * At What Price Inaccuracy
* Automated Aerotriangulation Using Multiple Image Multipoint Matching
* Automated-Method for Digitizing Color Thematic Maps, An
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Aerial Images
* Change Detection at Multiple Temporal Scales: Seasonal and Annual Variations in Landscape Variables
* Combining Spectral and Texture Data in the Segmentation of Remotely-Sensed Images
* Comparison of Derivative Topographic Surfaces of a DEM Generated from Stereoscopic Spot Images with Field-Measurements
* Comparison of Two Image Compression Techniques for Softcopy Photogrammetry, A
* Concept, Implementation, and Results of an Automatic Aerotriangulation System
* Current Status and Future-Directions of Digital Photogrammetry: A Personal View
* Digital Photogrammetry: Challenge and Potential
* Digital System for Surface Reconstruction, A
* From the Kelsh to the Digital Photogrammetric Workstation, and Beyond
* Geographic Information-Systems: Foreword
* Initial Approximations for the 3-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation
* Precision Rectification of SPOT Imagery Using the Direct Linear Transformation Model
* Recursive Approach to Space Resection Using Straight-Lines, A
* Registration Techniques for Multisensor Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Relative Accuracy of Rectifications Using Coordinates Determined from Maps and the Global Positioning System
* Softcopy
* Softcopy Photogrammetry and GIS
21 for PhEngRS(62)

PhEngRS(63) * 25th Anniversary of LANDSAT-1: Foreword, The
* Aerotriangulation and DEM/Orthophoto Generation from High-Resolution Still-Video Imagery: On the Potential of Digital Cameras Onboard an Aircraft
* Architecture of a Softcopy Photogrammetry System, The
* Automated DEM Extraction and Orthoimage Generation from SPOT Level 1B Imagery
* Automatic Interior Orientation of Digital Aerial Images
* Availability of Landsat Data: Past, Present, and Future, The
* Building the Estimation Model of Digitizing Error
* Efficient Handling of Large Digital Images in Geographic Information Systems
* Evolution of LANDSAT Data-Analysis, The
* Exploring and Evaluating the Consequences of Vector-to-Raster and Raster-to-Vector Conversion
* Fusion of Satellite Images of Different Spatial Resolutions: Assessing the Quality of Resulting Images
* Hemispherical Photographs Used for Mapping Confined Spaces
* Heuristic Reasoning Strategy for Automated Sensor Placement
* Image-to-Image Registration by Matching Area Features Using Fourier Descriptors and Neural Networks
* LANDSAT and Earth Systems Science: Development of Terrestrial Monitoring
* Landsat Application to Nautical Charting
* Landsat Legacy: Remote Sensing Policy and the Development of Commercial Remote Sensing, The
* Landsat Program: Its Origins, Evolution, and Impacts, The
* Mobile Mapping: An Emerging Technology for Spatial Data-Acquisition
* Qualitative Aspects of Chromo-Stereoscopy for Depth-Perception
* Radiometric Calibration of LANDSAT
* Relations Between the Coefficients in the Projective Transformation Equations and the Orientation Elements of a Photograph
* Semiautomatic Linear Feature-Extraction by Dynamic-Programming and LSB-Snakes
* Technologies for Future LANDSAT Missions
* Three Decades of Landsat Instruments
* Two-Dimensional Template Based Encoding for Linear Quadtree Representation
26 for PhEngRS(63)

PhEngRS(64) * Algorithms for the Detection of Sub-Pixel Targets in Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Reconstruction of Road Centerlines from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* efficient and accurate method for mapping forest clearcuts in the Pacific northwest using Landsat imagery, An
* Estimating the Accuracy of Coarse Scale Classification Using High Scale Information
* GIS and Image Understanding for Near-Real-Time Earthquake Damage Assessment
* Height Determination of Extended Objects Using Shadows in SPOT Images
* Map Guided Classification of Regional Land Cover with Multitemporal AVHRR Data
* Modified Contextual Classification Technique for Remote-Sensing Data
* Mosaicking Airborne Scanner Data with the Multiquadric Rectification Technique
* Mosaicking of Orthorectified Aerial Images
* Quantitative Comparison of Change-Detection Algorithms for Monitoring Eelgrass from Remotely-Sensed Data
* Scale-Space Methods for Image Feature Modeling in Vision Metrology
* SPOT and Landsat Stereo Fusion for Data Extraction over Mountainous Areas
* Technique for 3D Building Reconstruction, A
* Wavelets for SAR Image Smoothing
* What Size Window for Image Classification: A Cognitive Perspective
16 for PhEngRS(64)

PhEngRS(65) * Automatic Extraction of Road Signs from Terrestrial Color Imagery
* Automatic Lineament Detection Using Digital Elevation Models with Second Derivative Filters
* Automatic Matching of Buildings and Corners
* Automatic Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale, Grouping, and Context
* Cartographic Modeling Approach for Surface Orientation-Related Applications
* Continuum of Classification Fuzziness in Thematic Mapping, The
* Correspondence Analysis for Principal Components Transformation of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Digital Images
* Dynamic Monitoring with Video Systems
* Extracting 3D Information Using Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Aerial Image Sequences
* Fractal Characterization of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Interoperable Web-Based Services for Digital Orthophoto Imagery
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images Using Semantic Nets
* Mapping by Dragging and Fitting of Wire-Frame Models
* Method for the Automated Production of Digital Terrain Models Using a Combination of Feature Points, Grid Points, and Filling Back Points, A
* Multi-Scale Fractal Analysis of Image Texture and Patterns
* Object Recognition Based on Boundary Description
* Parallel Image Processing Applied to Radar Shape-from-Shading
* Semiautomatic Extraction of Building Outlines from Large-Scale Aerial Images
* Testing Camera Calibration with Constraints
* Topographic Effects on the Texture of High-Resolution Forest-Stand Images Measured by the Semivariogram
* Virtual City Models from Laser Altimeter and 2D Map Data
21 for PhEngRS(65)

PhEngRS(66) * Accuracy Assessment Curves for Satellite-Based Change Detection
* Accuracy Assessment for the U.S. Geological Survey Regional Land-Cover Mapping Program: New York and New Jersey Region
* Accuracy Assessment of Automatically Derived Digital Elevation Models from SPOT Images
* Accuracy Evaluation of Ground Points from IKONOS High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Classifying Hills and Valleys in Digitized Terrain
* Comparison of High Spatial Resolution Imagery for Efficient Generation of GIS Vegetation Layers
* Continuous Piecewise Geometric Rectification for Airborne Multispectral Scanner Imagery
* Detecting Wetland Change: A Rule-Based Approach Using NWI and SPOT-XS Data
* Digital Land-Use Classification Using Space-Shuttle-Acquired Orbital Photographs: A Quantitative Comparison with Landsat TM Imagery of a Coastal Environment, Chanthaburi, Thailand
* Effects of Various Factors on the Accuracy of DEMs: An Intensive Experimental Investigation
* Exploring Ground Truth from Given Photos by Applying a Model-Based Approach
* Exploring the Capability of Some GIS Surface Interpolators for DEM Gap Fill
* Extraction and Delineation of Alluvial Fans from Digital Elevation Models and Landsat Thematic Mapper Images
* Generation of Hierarchical Multiresolution Terrain Databases Using Wavelet Filtering
* GIS-Assisted Rail Construction Econometric Model that Incorporates LIDAR Data, A
* Kronos: A Software System for the Processing and Retrieval of Large-Scale AVHRR Data Sets
* Land-Use Classification of Remotely Sensed Data Using Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map Neural Networks
* Mapping of Urban Areas: A Multiresolution Modeling Approach for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Streets
* Method for Continuous Extraction of Multispectrally Classified Urban Rivers, A
* Multi-Sensor System for Airborne Image Capture and Georeferencing
* Multispectral Satellite Image and Ancillary Data Integration for Geological Classification
* Radar and Optical Data Integration for Land-Use/Land-Cover Mapping
* Relative Radiometric Normalization Performance for Change Detection from Multi-Date Satellite Images
* Remote Estimation of Grey Seal Length, Width, and Body Mass from Aerial Photography
* Rigorous Mathematical Modeling of Airborne Pushbroom Imaging Systems
* Semi-Automated Object Measurement Using Multiple-Image Matching from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* Standardized Radiometric Normalization Method for Change Detection Using Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Stereo Matching Algorithm for Urban Digital Elevation Models, A
* Use of Intensity-Hue-Saturation Transformation of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper Data for Burned Land Mapping, The
* Water Body Detection and Delineation with Landsat TM Data
30 for PhEngRS(66)

PhEngRS(67) * Accuracy Assessment of Various GIS-Based Viewshed Delineation Techniques, An
* Accuracy of Rectification Using Topographic Map versus GPS Ground Control Points
* CAD-Based Object Reconstruction Using Line Photogrammetry for Direct Interaction between GEMS and a Vision System
* Comprehensive Study of the Rational Function Model for Photogrammetric Processing, A
* Contour Smoothing by an Eclectic Procedure
* Database-Guided Automatic Inspection of Vertically Structured Transportation Objects from Mobile Mapping Image Sequences
* Detecting the Nature of Change in an Urban Environment: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Detection of Regularly Spaced Targets in Small-Footprint LIDAR Data: Research Issues for Consideration
* Development of a Robust Algorithm for Transformation of a 3D Object Point onto a 2D Image Point for Linear Pushbroom Imagery
* Differential Snakes for Change Detection in Road Segments
* Edge-Preserving Filter for Imagery Corrupted with Multiplicative Noise, An
* Enhancement of Image Resolution in Digital Photogrammetry
* Evaluating the Accuracy of Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQ) in the Context of Parcel-Based GIS
* Evaluation of an Off-the-Shelf Digital Close-Range Photogrammetric Software Package, An
* Fuzzy Image Classification for Continental-Scale Multitemporal NDVI Series Images Using Invariant Pixels and an Image Stratification Method
* High-Resolution DEMs for Urban Applications from NAPP Photography
* Image Matching Based on Tracking Matching Paths in the Similarity Space
* Incidence Angle Correction of AirSAR Data to Facilitate Land-Cover Classification
* On Preserving Spectral Balance in Image Fusion and Its Advantages for Geological Image Interpretation
* Potential of Road Stereo Mapping with RADARSAT Images
* Radiometric Corrections for Multispectral Airborne Video Imagery
* Remote Sensing and Cast Shadows in Mountainous Terrain
* Robust Method for Registering Ground-Based Laser Range Images of Urban Outdoor Objects, A
* Robust Surface Matching for Automated Detection of Local Deformations Using Least-Median-of-Squares Estimator
* Rule-Based Classification Systems Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Analysis
* Single-Photo Resection Using the Modified Hough Transform
* Texture-Integrated Classification of Urban Treed Areas in High-Resolution Color-Infrared Imagery
27 for PhEngRS(67)

PhEngRS(68) * 3D Model-Based Tree Measurement from High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* 3D reconstruction methods based on the rational function model
* Automated Photogrammetric Network Design Using Genetic Algorithms
* Automated Procedures with Coded Targets in Industrial Vision Metrology
* Bayesian Soft Classification for Sub-Pixel Analysis: A Critical Evaluation
* Comparison of Fuzzy vs. Augmented-ISODATA Classification Algorithms for Cloud-Shadow Discriminationfrom Landsat Images, A
* Creation of Digital Terrain Models Using an Adaptive Lidar Vegetation Point Removal Process
* CyberCity GIS (CCGIS): Integration of DEMs, Images, and 3D Models
* Detecting and Measuring Individual Trees Using an Airborne Laser Scanner
* Effect of Training Strategies on Supervised Classification at Different Spatial Resolutions, The
* Framework for Automatic Recognition of Spatial Features from Mobile Mapping Imagery, A
* Large-Area Land-Cover Mapping through Scene-Based Classification Compositing
* Lending A Helping Hand: Using Remote Sensing to Support the Response and Recovery Operations at the World Trade Center
* Radar and Optical Data Comparison/Integration for Urban Delineation: A Case Study
* Rigorous Technique for Forensic Measurement of Surveillance Video Footage, A
* Role of Soft Classification Techniques in the Refinement of Estimates of Ground Control Point Location, The
* Scale and Texture in Digital Image Classification
* Statistical Methods to Partition Effects of Quantity and Location During Comparison of Categorical Maps at Multiple Resolutions
* Strategy for Estimating the Rates of Recent United States Land-Cover Changes, A
* Subpixel Classifier for Urban Land-Cover Mapping Based on a Maximum-Likelihood Approach and Expert-System Rules, A
* Synergistic Automatic Clustering Technique (SYNERACT ) for Multispectral Image Analysis, A
* Techniques for Mapping Suburban Sprawl
* Textural and Contextual Land-Cover Classification Using Single and Multiple Classifier Systems
* Towards Automating the Selection of Ground Control Points in Radarsat Images Using a Topographic Database and Vector-Based Data Matching
* True Orthophoto Generation of Built-Up Areas Using Multi-View Images
* Updating solutions of the rational function model using additional control information
* Urban Growth Detection Using Texture Analysis on Merged Landsat TM and SPOT-P Data
* Use of Contour-Based DEMs for Deriving and Mapping Topographic Attributes
* Visualizing Topography by Openness: A New Application of Image Processing to Digital Elevation Models
29 for PhEngRS(68)

PhEngRS(69) * Analysis of Terrain Elevation Effects on Ikonos Imagery Rectification Accuracy by Using Non-Rigorous Models
* Automated Change Detection for Updates of Digital Map Databases
* Automatic Matching and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Free-Form Linear Features from Stereo Images
* Block Adjustment of High-Resolution Satellite Images Described by Rational Functions
* Block Bundle Adjustment of Landsat 7 ETM+ Images over Mountainous Areas
* Class-Guided Building Extraction from Ikonos Imagery
* Comparing ARTMAP Neural Network with the Maximum-Likelihood Classifier for Detecting Urban Change
* Comparing Texture Analysis Methods through Classification
* Comparison of Activation Functions for Multispectral Landsat TM Image Classification, A
* Comparison of Digital Elevation Models for Aquatic Data Development
* Comparison of Gray-Level Reduction and Different Texture Spectrum Encoding Methods for Land-Use Classification Using a Panchromatic Ikonos Image
* Comparison of Urban Mapping Methods Using High-Resolution Digital Imagery, A
* Comparison of Vector and Raster GIS Methods for Calculating Landscape Metrics Used in Environmental Assessments, A
* Evaluating the Performance of Spatially Explicit Models
* Explicit Index for Assessing the Accuracy of Cover-Class Areas, An
* Fast Algorithm for Approximate Viewshed Computation, A
* Fast Approximation of Visibility Dominance Using Topographic Features as Targets and the Associated Uncertainty
* Geometric Processing of Ikonos Stereo Imagery for Coastal Mapping Applications
* GIS: Infrastructure Underpinnings for The National Map
* Housing-Unit-Level Approach to Characterizing Residential Sprawl, A
* Land-Cover Change Monitoring with Classification Trees Using Landsat TM and Ancillary Data
* Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Detection Using Improved Change-Vector Analysis
* Line-Based Modified Iterated Hough Transform for Autonomous Single-Photo Resection
* Mapping Urban Areas by Fusing Multiple Sources of Coarse Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
* Mapping Urban Extent Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Measuring the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Models
* Model-Based Conifer Canopy Surface Reconstruction from Photographic Imagery: Overcoming the Occlusion, Foreshortening, and Edge Effects
* Modeling Urban Population Growth from Remotely Sensed Imagery and TIGER GIS Road Data
* Multi-Band Wavelet for Fusing SPOT Panchromatic and Multispectral Images
* National Map - A Continuing, Critical Need for the Nation, The
* National Map: From Geography to Mapping and Back Again, The
* Rational Functions and Potential for Rigorous Sensor Model Recovery
* Recovery of Systematic Biases in Laser Altimetry Data Using Natural Surfaces
* Remote Sensing Texture Analysis Using Multi-Parameter and Multi-Scale Features
* Retrieving Urban Objects Using a Wavelet Transform Approach
* Right-Angle Building Hypothesis Generation in Regularized Urban Areas by Pose Clustering
* Robust Reconstruction of Building Models from Three-Dimensional Line Segments
* Semiautomated Building Extraction Based on CSG Model-Image Fitting
* Simplified Atmospheric Correction Procedure for the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, A
* Spatial Filter for the Removal of Striping Artifacts in Digital Elevation Models, A
* Spatial Metrics and Image Texture for Mapping Urban Land Use
* Strategies for Integrating Information from Multiple Spatial Resolutions into Land-Use/ Land-Cover Classification Routines
* Synergistic Fusion of GPS and Photogrammetrically Generated Elevation Models
* Synergistic Use of Lidar and Color Aerial Photography for Mapping Urban Parcel Imperviousness
* True Orthoimage Production for Forested Areas from Large-Scale Aerial Photographs
* Urban Land-Cover Change Detection through Sub-Pixel Imperviousness Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data
46 for PhEngRS(69)

PhEngRS(70) * Accuracy of Airborne Lidar-Derived Elevation: Empirical Assessment and Error Budget
* Automated Identification of Man-Made Textural Features on Satellite Imagery by Bayesian Networks
* Automating the Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
* Basis for Estimating Digital Camera Parameters, A
* Exploitation of Very High Resolution Satellite Data for Tree Species Identification
* From Mobile Mapping to Telegeoinformatics: Paradigm Shift in Geospatial Data Acquisition, Processing, and Management
* Individual Tree-Crown Delineation and Treetop Detection in High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Landsat TM Satellite Image Restoration Using Kalman Filters
* Mobile Digital Cameras for As-Built Surveys of Roadside Features
* Predicting Missing Field Boundaries to Increase Per-Field Classification Accuracy
* Some Requirements for Geographic Information Systems: A Photogrammetric Point of View
11 for PhEngRS(70)

PhEngRS(71) * Adaptive Patch Projection for the Generation of Orthophotos from Satellite Images
* ADVISER: Immersive Scientific Visualization Applied to Mars Research and Exploration
* Airborne Non-metric Video Image Orientation Determination Using Two GPS Receivers
* Analysis of Spacecraft Localization from Descent Image Data for Pinpoint Landing on Mars and Other Cratered Bodies, An
* Analysis of Urban Land Cover and Population Density in the United States
* Assessment of Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Image Segmentations
* Augmenting Grid-Based Contours to Improve Thin-Plate DEM Generation
* Automated Crater Detection, A New Tool for Mars Cartography and Chronology
* Automated Quality Control for Orthoimages and DEMs
* Automatic Camera Placement in Vision Metrology Based On A Fuzzy Inference System
* Automatic Determination of the Optimum Generic Sensor Model Based on Genetic Algorithm Concepts
* Automatic Segmentation of High-resolution Satellite Imagery by Integrating Texture, Intensity, and Color Features
* Bias-compensated RPCs for Sensor Orientation of High-resolution Satellite Imagery
* Classifying and Mapping Wildfire Severity: A Comparison of Methods
* Cloud-Free Satellite Image Mosaics with Regression Trees and Histogram Matching
* Combined Adjustment of MOC Stereo Imagery and MOLA Altimetry Data
* Comparing Raster Map Comparison Algorithms for Spatial Modeling and Analysis
* Comparison of Three Algorithms for Filtering Airborne Lidar Data
* Configuring an Airborne Laser Scanner for Detecting Airport Obstructions
* DTM Generation and Building Detection from Lidar Data
* Dynamic Method for Generating Multi-Resolution TIN Models, A
* Effects of JPEG2000 on the Information and Geometry Content of Aerial Photo Compression
* Effects of Terrain Morphology, Sampling Density, and Interpolation Methods on Grid DEM Accuracy
* Evaluation of Lidar-derived Elevation and Terrain Slope in Leaf-off Conditions, An
* Examining Lacunarity Approaches in Comparison with Fractal and Spatial Autocorrelation Techniques for Urban Mapping
* Four-Component Efficiency Index for Assessing Land Development Using Remote Sensing and GIS, A
* Fully Integrated Solution for Aerial Surveys: Design, Development, and Performance Analysis, A
* Fuzzy Reliability Assessment of Multi-Period Land-cover Change Maps
* Geometric Accuracy Evaluation of the DEM Generated by the Russian TK-350 Stereo Scenes Using the SRTM X- and C- band Interferometric DEMs
* Hierarchical Recovery of Digital Terrain Models from Single and Multiple Return Lidar Data
* HRSC on Mars Express: Photogrammetric and Cartographic Research
* Image Misregistration Error in Change Measurements
* Implementation of an Equal-area Gridding Method for Global-scale Image Archiving
* Influence of System Calibration on Direct Sensor Orientation
* Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapping for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
* Joint Analysis of Visible and Infrared Images: A Magic Airbrush for Qualitative and Quantitative Topography
* Leaf Optical Property Changes Associated with the Occurrence of Spartina alterniflora Dieback in Coastal Louisiana Related to Remote Sensing Mapping
* Least Squares Adjustment of Multi-temporal InSAR Data: Application to the Ground Deformation of Paris, A
* Least Squares-Based Method for Adjusting the Boundaries of Area Objects, A
* Lineal Feature Detection Using Multiresolution Wavelet Filters
* Mapping Detailed Biotic Communities in the Upper San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona using Landsat 7 ETM+ Data and Supervised Spectral Angle Classifier
* Mapping Spatial Thematic Accuracy with Fuzzy Sets
* Mars Express HRSC Data Processing: Methods and Operational Aspects
* Multidimensional Management of Geospatial Data Quality Information for its Dynamic Use Within GIS
* Nested Hyper-Rectangle Learning Model for Remote Sensing: Land Cover Classification
* Performance of Fuzzy Operators on Fuzzy Classification of Urban Land Covers, The
* Photogrammetric Analysis of the Mars Global Surveyor Mapping Data
* Photogrammetric and Lidar Data Registration Using Linear Features
* Photogrammetric Method for Single Image Orientation and Measurement, A
* Probing the Relationship Between Classification Error and Class Similarity
* Real-time Speed Limit Sign Recognition Based on Locally Adaptive Thresholding and Depth-First-Search
* Remote Sensing of Urban Heat Islands by Day and Night
* Robust Technique for Precise Registration of Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
* Semi-Automatic Registration of Multi-Source Satellite Imagery with Varying Geometric Resolutions
* Sensitivity of Digital Landscapes to Artifact Depressions in Remotely-Sensed DEMs
* Shadow Analysis in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery of Urban Areas
* Spatial Classification of Orchards and Vineyards with High Spatial Resolution Panchromatic Imagery
* Split-and-Merge Technique for Automated Reconstruction of Roof Planes, A
* Stability Analysis and Geometric Calibration of Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras
* Statistical Ratio Rank Ordered Differences Filter for SeaWiFS Impulse Noise Removal
* Structural Damage Assessments from Ikonos Data Using Change Detection, Object-Oriented Segmentation, and Classification Techniques
* Sub-pixel Target Mapping from Soft-classified, Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Textural Discrimination of an Invasive Plant, Schinus terebinthifolius, from Low Altitude Aerial Digital Imagery
* Theoretical Analysis of the Iterative Photogrammetric Method to Determining Ground Coordinates from Photo Coordinates and a DEM
* Triangulation of Well-Defined Points as a Constraint for Reliable Image Matching
* Updating A Digital Geographic Database using Vehicle-borne Laser Scanners and Line Cameras
* Urban DEM Generation from Raw Lidar Data: A Labeling Algorithm and its Performance
* Utility of Viking Orbiter Images and Products for Mars Mapping
68 for PhEngRS(71)

PhEngRS(72) * Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison, An
* Application of Lidar in Woodland Bird Ecology: Climate, Canopy Structure, and Habitat Quality, The
* Automated Feature Generation in Large-Scale Geospatial Libraries for Content-Based Indexing
* Automated Forest Area Estimation Using Iterative Guided Spectral Class Rejection
* Automated Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Change Analyses for Ultra High-resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Automated Thematic Registration of NOAA, CoastWatch, and AVHRR Images
* Automatic Building Detection Using the Dempster-Shafer Algorithm
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Images with Complex Local Distortion
* Capability of SRTM C and X Band DEM Data to Measure Water Elevations in Ohio and the Amazon
* Change Detection Techniques for Canopy Height Growth Measurements Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Comparative Study of Australian Cartometric and Photogrammetric Digital Elevation Model Accuracy, A
* Comparison of 3D Physical and Empirical Models for Generating DSMs from Stereo HR Images
* Comparison of Automated Watershed Delineations: Effects on Land Cover Areas, Percentages, and Relationships to Nutrient Discharge
* Control Patches for Automatic Single Photo Orientation
* Detection of Individual Tree Crowns in Airborne Lidar Data
* Effect of Alternative Splitting Rules on Image Processing Using Classification Tree Analysis
* Epipolar Resampling of Space-borne Linear Array Scanner Scenes Using Parallel Projection
* Error Assessment in Two Lidar-derived TIN Datasets
* Evaluating A Small Footprint, Waveform-resolving Lidar Over Coastal Vegetation Communities
* Evaluation of the Horizontal Resolution of SRTM Elevation Data
* Examining the Influence of Changing Laser Pulse Repetition Frequencies on Conifer Forest Canopy Returns
* Fusing Landsat-5 TM Imagery and Shaded Relief Maps in Tectonic and Geomorphic Mapping: Lesvos Island, Greece
* Fuzzy Multi-temporal Land-use Analysis and Mine Clearance Application
* Geometrical Comparisons of RSM and RFM for FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images, The
* Geomorphometry from SRTM: Comparison to NED
* Global Assessment of the SRTM Performance, A
* Ground-based Laser Imaging for Assessing Three Dimensional Forest Canopy Structure
* High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, DEM Derivatives, and Image Segmentation for the Detection of Mass Wasting Processes
* High-resolution Image Fusion: Methods to Preserve Spectral and Spatial Resolution
* How Complementary are SRTM-X and -C Band Digital Elevation Models?
* Improving Building Footprints in InSAR Data by Comparison with a Lidar DSM
* Individual Tree Crown Approach Applied to Ikonos Images of a Coniferous Plantation Area, The
* Influence of Vegetation, Slope, and Lidar Sampling Angle on DEM Accuracy
* Isolating Individual Trees in a Savanna Woodland Using Small Footprint Lidar Data
* Mapping Built-up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images: A Segment-based Approach
* Mapping Height and Biomass of Mangrove Forests in the Everglades National Park with SRTM Elevation Data
* MTF-tailored Multiscale Fusion of High-resolution MS and Pan Imagery
* Multi-scale Segmentation Approach to Mapping Seagrass Habitats Using Airborne Digital Camera Imagery, A
* Object-based Analysis of Ikonos-2 Imagery for Extraction of Forest Inventory Parameters
* Object-based Detailed Vegetation Classification with Airborne High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Orientation of Ground-level Motion Imagery Using Building Facades
* Population Density and Image Texture: A Comparison Study
* Principals and Evaluation of Autostereoscopic Photogrammetric Measurement
* Quantifying DEM Uncertainty and Its Effect on Topographic Parameters
* Semiautomatic Building Line Extraction from Ikonos Images Through Monoscopic Line Analysis
* Single Tree Segmentation Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data in a Structurally Heterogeneous Spruce Forest
* SRTM C-band and ICESat Laser Altimetry Elevation Comparisons as a Function of Tree Cover and Relief
* SRTM Data Finishing Process and Products, The
* Surface Mapping Using Image Triplets: Case Studies and Benefit Assessment in Comparison to Stereo Image Processing
* Three New Implementations of the Triangular Prism Method for Computing the Fractal Dimension of Remote Sensing Images
* Time-Series Analysis of Medium-Resolution, Multisensor Satellite Data for Identifying Landscape Change
* Urban Land-use Classification Using Variogram-based Analysis with an Aerial Photograph
* Urban Surface Biophysical Descriptors and Land Surface Temperature Variations
* Using Laser Altimetry-based Segmentation to Refine Automated Tree Identification in Managed Forests of the Black Hills, South Dakota
* Using Tree Clusters to Derive Forest Properties from Small Footprint Lidar Data
* Validation of SRTM Elevations Over Vegetated and Non-vegetated Terrain Using Medium-Footprint Lidar
* Zoom-Dependent Camera Calibration in Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry
57 for PhEngRS(72)

PhEngRS(73) * Adaptive Correlation Analysis With Non-Overlapping Imagery Indication
* Assessing Alternatives for Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Multiple Land-cover Classes at Sub-pixel Scales
* Automatic Extraction of Main Road Centerlines from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Hierarchical Grouping
* Building Boundary Tracing and Regularization from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Comparison of Atmospheric Correction Methods in Mapping Timber Volume with Multitemporal Landsat Images in Kainuu, Finland
* Comparison of Four Common Atmospheric Correction Methods, A
* Comparison of Segment and Pixel-based Non-parametric Land Cover Classification in the Brazilian Amazon Using Multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ Imagery
* Comprehensive Analysis of Sensor Modeling Alternatives for High-Resolution Imaging Satellites
* Consequences of Land-cover Misclassification in Models of Impervious Surface
* Designing and Implementing Software Components for an Automated Mapping System
* Detection and Vectorization of Roads from Lidar Data
* Digital Surface Models from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Employing Spatial Metrics in Urban Land-use/Landcover Mapping: Comparing the Getis and Geary Indices
* Enhanced Spatio-spectral Template for Automatic Small Recreational Vessel Detection, An
* Estimating Basal Area and Stem Volume for Individual Trees from Lidar Data
* Estimating Species Abundance in a Northern Temperate Forest Using Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope Gradient from a DEM, An
* Extraction of Urban Built-up Land Features from Landsat Imagery Using a Thematic-oriented Index Combination Technique
* Filtering Airborne Laser Scanning Data with Morphological Methods
* Filtering Strategy for Interest Point Detecting to Improve Repeatability and Information Content, A
* Forest and Land Cover Mapping in a Tropical Highland Region
* Forest Inventory and Analysis in the United States: Remote Sensing and Geospatial Activities (Adobe PDF 202Kb)
* Fusing Ikonos Images by a Four-band Wavelet Transformation Method
* Generation of Orthoimages and Perspective Views with Automatic Visibility Checking and Texture Blending
* Geometric Accuracy Assessment of QuickBird Basic Imagery Using Different Operational Approaches
* Geometric Correction and Digital Elevation Extraction Using Multiple MTI Datasets
* Impact of Lidar Nominal Post-spacing on DEM Accuracy and Flood Zone Delineation
* Importance of Scale in Object-based Mapping of Vegetation Parameters with Hyperspectral Imagery, The
* Improvement of Lidar Data Accuracy Using Lidar-Specific Ground Targets
* Improving Land-cover Classification Using Recognition Threshold Neural Networks
* Improving Pixel-based VHR Land-cover Classifications of Urban Areas with Post-classification Techniques
* InSAR Imaging of Volcanic Deformation over Cloud-prone Areas - Aleutian Islands
* Integrating Fine Scale Information in Super-resolution Land-cover Mapping
* Integration of Ikonos and QuickBird Imagery for Geopositioning Accuracy Analysis
* Investigating the Effects of DEM Error in Scaling Analysis
* Land-cover Classification Using Radarsat and Landsat Imagery for St. Louis, Missouri
* Land-use/Land-cover Classification with Multispectral and Hyperspectral EO-1 Data
* Mine Subsidence Monitoring Using Multi-source Satellite SAR Images
* New Methodologies for True Orthophoto Generation
* Object-oriented Approach to Urban Forest Mapping in Phoenix, An
* Optimizing Image Resolution to Maximize the Accuracy of Hard Classification
* Orthogonal Polynomials Supported by Regional Growing Segmentation for the Extraction of Terrain from Lidar Data
* Orthophoto Generation from Unorganized Point Clouds
* Pattern Matching for Heterogeneous Geodata Sources Using Attributed Relational Graph and Probabilistic Relaxation
* Patterns in Forest Clearing Along the Appalachian Trail Corridor
* Performance Analysis of Integrated Sensor Orientation
* Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Contextual Bayes Decision
* Removal of Noise by Wavelet Method to Generate High Quality Temporal Data of Terrestrial MODIS Products
* Rigorous Laboratory Calibration Method for Interior Orientation of an Airborne Linear Push-Broom Camera, A
* Rigorous Model for Spaceborne Linear Array Sensors, A
* Robustness of Change Detection Algorithms in the Presence of Registration Errors
* Seasonal Sensitivity Analysis of Impervious Surface Estimation with Satellite Imagery
* Theoretical Approach to Modeling the Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models, A
* Variability in Soft Classification Prediction and Its Implications for Sub-pixel Scale Change Detection and Super Resolution Mapping
* WebGIS for Spatial Data Processing, Analysis, and Distribution for the MER 2003 Mission, A
* Weighting Function Alternatives for a Subpixel Allocation Model
56 for PhEngRS(73)

PhEngRS(74) * Agricultural Monitoring Using Envisat Alternating Polarization SAR Images
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery by Fuzzy Integral Fusion of Band-subsets
* Assessing Geometric Reliability of Corrected Images from Very High Resolution Satellites
* Automated Geometric Correction of High-resolution Pushbroom Satellite Data
* Automated Searching of Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Data Using a Climbing and Sliding Method
* Automatic Registration and Mosaicking for Airborne Multispectral Image Sequences
* Bayesian Learning with Gaussian Processes for Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Data
* Calibration and Assessment of Multitemporal Imagebased Cellular Automata for Urban Growth Modeling
* Change Detection Techniques for Use in a Statewide Forest Inventory Program
* Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery Based on the Fusion of Edge and Multispectral Information
* Comparison of Coincident Landsat-5 TM and Resourcesat-1 AWiFS Imagery for Classifying Croplands, A
* Comparison of Nine Fusion Techniques for Very High Resolution Data
* Comparison of Single- and Multi-date Landsat Data for Mapping Wildfire Scars in Ocala National Forest, Florida
* Comparison of Spectral Analysis Techniques for Impervious Surface Estimation Using Landsat Imagery
* Data Combination and Feature Selection for Multisource Forest Inventory
* Decision-based Fusion for Improved Fluvial Landscape Classification Using Digital Aerial Photographs and Forward Looking Infrared Images
* Designing a Multi-Objective, Multi-Support Accuracy Assessment of the 2001 National Land Cover Data (NLCD 2001) of the Conterminous United States
* Ecological Framework for Evaluating Map Errors Using Fuzzy Sets, An
* Estimation of Forest Stand Characteristics Using Spectral Histograms Derived from an Ikonos Satellite Image
* Evaluating Neural Networks and Evidence Pooling for Land Cover Mapping
* Extracting Urban Road Networks from High-resolution True Orthoimage and Lidar
* Extraction of Impervious Surface Areas from High Spatial Resolution Imagery by Multiple Agent Segmentation and Classification
* Factors Affecting Spatial Variation of Classification Uncertainty in an Image Object-based Vegetation Mapping
* Fragmentation of Space in the Amazon Basin: Emergent Road Networks, The
* Fusion of Lidar and Imagery for Reliable Building Extraction
* Fuzzy ARTMAP-based Neurocomputational Spatial Uncertainty Measures
* Generation of Advanced ERS and Envisat Interferometric SAR Products Using the Stable Point Network Technique
* Generic Model for Along Track Stereo Sensors Using Rigorous Orbit Mechanics, A
* Genetic Algorithms for the Calibration of Cellular Automata Urban Growth Modeling
* Global Elevation Ancillary Data for Land-use Classification Using Granular Neural Networks
* Global Optimization versus Deterministic Pruning for the Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Habitat Mapping in Rugged Terrain Using Multispectral Ikonos Images
* High Resolution Elevation Data Derived from Stereoscopic Corona Imagery with Minimal Ground Control: An Approach Using Ikonos and Srtm Data
* Hybrid Segmentation: Artificial Neural Network Classification of High Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery for Site-Specific Herbicide Management in Agriculture
* Incorporation of Flow Stripes as Constraints for Calibrating Ice Surface Velocity Measurements from Interferometric SAR Data
* Influence of DEM Accuracy on Topographic Correction of Ikonos Satellite Images, The
* Initial Study on Vehicle Information Extraction from Single Pass QuickBird Satellite Imagery, An
* Integration of Hyperion Satellite Data and a Household Social Survey to Characterize the Causes and Consequences of Reforestation Patterns in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
* Knowledge-based Approach to Urban Feature Classification Using Aerial Imagery with Lidar Data, A
* Land-cover Classification Using ASTER Multi-band Combinations Based on Wavelet Fusion and SOM Neural Network
* Lidar-based Mapping of Forest Volume and Biomass by Taxonomic Group Using Structurally Homogenous Segments
* Line Feature Correspondence between Object Space and Image Space
* Map Registration of Image Sequences Using Linear Features
* Mapping Selective Logging in Mixed Deciduous Forest: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Mapping Vegetation Communities Using Statistical Data Fusion in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri, USA
* Modis-based Change Detection for Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping in Alberta
* Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Modeling African Palm in the Ecuadorian Amazon
* Multisource Classification Using Support Vector Machines: An Empirical Comparison with Decision Tree and Neural Network Classifiers
* Multispectral and Panchromatic Data Fusion Assessment Without Reference
* NASA's Earth Science Use of Commercially Available Remote Sensing Datasets
* Neuro-fuzzy Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Optimizing the High-pass Filter Addition Technique for Image Fusion
* Origins of Aerial Photographic Interpretation, U.S. Army, 1916 to 1918
* Parametric Investigation of the Performance of Lidar Filters Using Different Surface Contexts
* Per-pixel Classification of High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery for Urban Land-cover Mapping
* Permanent Test Field for Digital Photogrammetric Systems, A
* Photogrammetric Modeling of Linear Features with Generalized Point Photogrammetry
* Pixel Level Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Based on Correspondence Analysis
* Pixel-based Minnaert Correction Method for Reducing Topographic Effects on a Landsat-7 ETM+ Image
* Polygonal Approach for Automation in Extraction of Serial Modular Roofs, A
* Radiometric Calibration and Characterization of Largeformat Digital Photogrammetric Sensors in a Test Field
* Reducing Edge Effects in the Classification of High Resolution Imagery
* Shadow-Effect Correction in Aerial Color Imagery
* Shaping Polyhedral Buildings by the Fusion of Vector Maps and Lidar Point Clouds
* Significance of Altitude and Posting Density on Lidar derived Elevation Accuracy on Hazardous Waste Sites
* Size-constrained Region Merging (SCRM): An Automated Delineation Tool for Assisted Photointerpretation
* Standardized Probability Comparison Approach for Evaluating and Combining Pixel-based Classification Procedures, A
* Subpixel Urban Land Cover Estimation: Comparing Cubist, Random Forests, and Support Vector Regression
* Texture Feature Fusion with Neighborhood-Oscillating Tabu Search for High Resolution Image Classification
* Topographic Mapping in the Equatorial Belt Using Dualfrequency Airborne Ifsar (geosar)
* Trajectories of Land-use and Land-cover in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: Temporal Composition, Spatial Configuration, and Probability of Change
* Urban Change Detection Based on Coherence and Intensity Characteristics of Sar Imagery
* Using a Binary Space Partitioning Tree for Reconstructing Polyhedral Building Models from Airborne Lidar Data
* Validation of the ASTER Instrument Level 1A Scene Geometry
* Wal-mart from Space: A New Source for Land Cover Change Validation
75 for PhEngRS(74)

PhEngRS(75) * Accuracy Assessment of Canadian Digital Elevation Data using ICESat
* Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models based on Approximation Theory
* Accuracy Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of Estimating 3D Road Centerline Length using Lidar and NED
* Accuracy Index with Positional and Thematic Fuzzy Bounds for Land-use / Land-cover Maps, An
* Adaptive Approach to Topographic Feature Extraction from Digital Terrain Models, An
* Adaptive Registration of Remote Sensing Images using Supervised Learning
* Adaptive Thresholding Multiple Classifiers System for Remote Sensing Image Classification, An
* Assessing Spatial Uncertainty of Lidar-derived Building Model: A Case Study in Downtown Oklahoma City
* Assessment of Geometric Activity Features for Per-pixel Classification of Urban Man-made Objects using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* Automated 3D Forest Surface Model Extraction from Balloon Stereo Photographs
* Automated Urban Delineation from Landsat Imagery Based on Spatial Information Processing
* Case Study of Developing An Olive Tree Database For Turkey, A
* Closest Spectral Fit for Removing Clouds and Cloud Shadows
* Comparison Between First Pulse and Last Pulse Laser Scanner Data in the Automatic Detection of Buildings
* Comparison of Individual Tree and Forest Plot Height Derived from LiDAR and InSAR, A
* Conceptual Framework for the Simultaneous Extraction of Sub-pixel Spatial Extent and Spectral Characteristics of Crops, A
* DEM Generation Using a Digital Large Format Frame Camera
* Derivation and Validation of High-Resolution Digital Terrain Models from Mars Express HRSC-Data
* Developing Collaborative Classifiers using an Expert-based Model
* Emissivity Modulation Method for Spatial Enhancement of Thermal Satellite Images in Urban Heat Island Analysis, An
* Enhancing Binary Change Detection Performance Using A Moving Threshold Window (MTW) Approach
* Error Budget of Lidar Systems and Quality Control of the Derived Data
* Estimation of Blufflines Using Topographic Lidar Data and Orthoimages
* Evaluating AISA+ Hyperspectral Imagery for Mapping Black Mangrove along the South Texas Gulf Coast
* Fast Approach to Best Scanline Search of Airborne Linear Pushbroom Images, A
* Forest Type Mapping using Object-specific Texture Measures from Multispectral Ikonos Imagery: Segmentation Quality and Image Classification Issues
* Generic Method for RPC Refinement Using Ground Control Information, A
* Impact of Imaging Geometry on 3D Geopositioning Accuracy of Stereo Ikonos Imagery
* Individual Object Change Detection for Monitoring the Impact of a Forest Pathogen on a Hardwood Forest
* Influence of Resolution in Irrigated Area Mapping and Area Estimation
* Isomorphism in Digital Elevation Models and Its Implication to Interpolation Functions
* Land Cover Classification with Multi-Sensor Fusion of Partly Missing Data
* Mapping Banana Plantations from Object-oriented Classification of SPOT-5 Imagery
* Matching Algorithm for Detecting Land Use Changes Using Case-Based Reasoning, A
* Modification of Pixel-swapping Algorithm with Initialization from a Sub-pixel/pixel Spatial Attraction Model
* Morphology-Based Building Detection from Airborne Lidar Data
* Multivariate Image Texture by Multivariate Variogram for Multispectral Image Classification
* New Approach for Pass-point Generation from Aerial Video Imagery, A
* Object-based Detection and Classification of Vehicles from High-resolution Aerial Photography
* Object-space Simulation Method for Low-cost Digital Camera Stability Testing, An
* Occlusion-based Methodology for the Classification of Lidar Data
* Optimization of Stereo-Matching Algorithms Using Existing DEM Data
* Radiometric Aerial Triangulation for the Equalization of Digital Aerial Images and Orthoimages, A
* Radiometric Normalization of SPOT-5 Scenes: 6S Atmospheric Model versus Pseudo-invariant Features
* Reconstruction of Complex Shape Buildings from Lidar Data Using Free Form Surfaces
* Region-based Level Set Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Man-made Objects from Aerial and Satellite Images, A
* Robust Approach for Repairing Color Composite DMC Images, A
* Role of Tie Points in Integrated Sensor Orientation for Photogrammetric Map Compilation
* Simplified Analytical Model for a-priori Lidar Pointpositioning Error Estimation and a Review of Lidar Error Sources, A
* Synchronization of Image Sequences: A Photogrammetric Method
* Thematic Accuracy Consequences in Cadastre Landcover Enrichment from a Pixel and from a Polygon Perspective
* Traffic Monitoring using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Tree Crown Detection on Multispectral VHR Satellite Imagery
* Wavelet and IHS Integration Method to Fuse High Resolution SAR with Moderate Resolution Multispectral Images, A
54 for PhEngRS(75)

PhEngRS(77) * Historical land use as a feature for image classification

Index for "p"

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