* *Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images
* *Edinburgh Informatics Forum Pedestrian Database
* *True Vision: Capture, Transmission And Display of 3D Video, The
* 2 and 3 materials scene reconstructed from some line Mojette projections, The
* 3-D motion estimation by integrating visual cues in 2-D multi-modal opti-acoustic stereo sequences
* 3D face reconstructions from photometric stereo using near infrared and visible light
* 3D Head Pose Estimation and Tracking Using Particle Filtering and ICP Algorithm
* 3D human motion tracking based on a progressive particle filter
* 3D Reconstruction of Periodic Motion from a Single View
* 3D-Reconstruction of Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Proof-of-Principle Study
* accuracy and value of machine-generated image tags: Design and user evaluation of an end-to-end image tagging system, The
* Accurate Measurement of Bone Mineral Density Using Clinical CT Imaging With Single Energy Beam Spectral Intensity Correction
* Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multiview Stereopsis
* Action categorization by structural probabilistic latent semantic analysis
* Active Shape Modeling with Electric Flows
* Activity classification and anomaly detection using m-mediods based modelling of motion patterns
* adaptive algorithm for phase retrieval from high intensity images, An
* Adaptive feature selection for heterogeneous image databases
* Adaptive image segmentation for region-based object retrieval using generalized Hough transform
* Adjacency stable connected operators and set levelings
* Adjusting Animation Rigs to Human-Like 3D Models
* Advanced Level-Set-Based Cell Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* Aerial Computer Vision for a 3D Virtual Habitat
* Affective prediction in photographic images using probabilistic affective model
* Affine Stable Characteristic based sample expansion for object detection
* Affine Symmetric Image Model and Its Applications, An
* Algorithm and Architecture of Disparity Estimation With Mini-Census Adaptive Support Weight
* algorithm for iris extraction, An
* Algorithmic and software techniques for embedded vision on programmable processors
* Analysing the Influence of Vertex Clustering on PCA-Based Dynamic Mesh Compression
* Analysis of 3D Reconstruction Error in the Context of Computational Stereo in Remote Sensing
* Analysis of Bias in the Apparent Correlation Coefficient Between Image Pairs Corrupted by Severe Noise
* Analysis of the robustness of wavelet-based perceptual signatures
* Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation
* Anatomical Landmark Based Registration of Contrast Enhanced T1-Weighted MR Images
* application of compressive sensing for image fusion, An
* Application of Object Based Approach to Heterogeneous Land Cover/Use
* Application of Object Based Image Analysis for Forest Cover Assessment of Moist Temperate Himalayan Forest in Pakistan
* Application of support-vector-machine-based method for feature selection and classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images
* Application-independent feature selection for texture classification
* Approximately harmonic projection: Theoretical analysis and an algorithm
* Architectures for multi-threaded MVC-compliant multi-view video decoding and benchmark tests
* Argos: An Advanced In-Vehicle Data Recorder on a Massively Sensorized Vehicle for Car Driver Behavior Experimentation
* Artifact reduction using reliability reasoning for image generation of FTV
* Assessing the Extent and Severity of Erosion on the Upland Organic Soils of Scotland Using Earth Observation and Object Orientated Classification Methods
* asymmetric classifier based on partial least squares, An
* Asymmetric semi-supervised boosting for SVM active learning in CBIR
* Atlas-based segmentation of brain MR images using least square support vector machines
* attention controlled multi-core architecture for energy efficient object recognition, An
* Audio-video surveillance system for public transportation
* Augmented Reality: Issues, trends and challenges
* Automated Change Detection for Thematic Data Using Object-Based Analysis of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Automated Land Cover Mapping and Independent Change Detection in Tropical Forest Using Multi-Temporal High Resolution Data Set
* Automated Land-Use Map Production from Aerial Photographs of Puerto Rico Using a Contextual Reclassification Algorithm
* Automated LULC Classification of VHR Optical Satellite Data in the Context of Urban Planning
* Automatic 3D Facial Model and Texture Reconstruction from Range Scans
* automatic calibration method for stereo-based 3D distributed smart camera networks, An
* Automatic Change Detection in Urban Areas Under a Scale-Space, Object-Oriented Classification Framework
* Automatic Extraction of Control Points for the Registration of Optical Satellite and LiDAR Images
* Automatic generation of Analog Hardware Description Language (AHDL) code from cell culture images
* Automatic Geographic Object Based Mapping of Streambed and Riparian Zone Extent from LiDAR Data in a Temperate Rural Urban Environment, Australia
* Automatic identification of cell files in light microscopic images of conifer wood
* Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Automatic Land Use/Land Cover Classification System with Rules Based Both on Objects Attributes and Landscape Indicators
* Automatic Motion Segmentation for Human Motion Synthesis
* Automatic Object Recognition and Change Detection of Urban Trees
* Automatic Retrieval of Near Photo-Realistic Textures from Single Ground-Level Building Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Lobes Robust Against Incomplete Fissures
* Autonomous Audio-Supported Learning of Visual Classifiers for Traffic Monitoring
* Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and stationary obstacles at level crossings
* Baselines for Image Annotation
* Batch Processing of Hemispherical Photography Using Object-Based Image Analysis to Derive Canopy Biophysical Variables
* Bayesian Estimation of Deformation and Elastic Parameters in Non-rigid Registration
* Bayesian k-Space-Time Reconstruction of MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Enhanced Resolution
* Bayesian Mixture Approach to Modeling Spatial Activation Patterns in Multisite fMRI Data, A
* Bayesian regularized nonnegative matrix factorization based face features learning
* benchmark for Background Subtraction Algorithms in monocular vision: A comparative study, A
* Beyond tag relevance: Integrating visual attention model and multi-instance learning for tag saliency ranking
* bibliography on blind methods for identifying image forgery, A
* Binary pattern matching from a local dissimilarity measure
* branch-and-bound algorithm for globally optimal camera pose and focal length, A
* CageIK: Dual-Laplacian Cage-Based Inverse Kinematics
* Camera Augmented Mobile C-Arm (CAMC): Calibration, Accuracy Study, and Clinical Applications
* Camera calibration and geo-location estimation from two shadow trajectories
* Capturing the World
* Cardiac Respiratory Motion Modelling by Simultaneous Registration and Modelling from Dynamic MRI Images
* Cartographic Data Extraction from Airborne Imagery by Hierarchical-Based Morphologic Image Processing
* Change Detection and Uncertainty in Fuzzy Tree Crown Objects in an Urban Environment
* Change Detection for Update of Topographic Databases Through Multi-Level Region-Based Classification of VHR Optical and SAR Data
* Channel Awareness Vehicle Detector, A
* Characterization of Expert Drivers' Last-Second Braking and Its Application to a Collision Avoidance System
* Classification of High Resolution Optical and SAR Fusion Image Using Fuzzy Knowledge and Object-Oriented Paradigm
* Classified Multifilter Up-Sampling Algorithm in Spatial Scalability for H.264/SVC Encoder
* Clique descriptor of affine invariant regions for robust wide baseline image matching
* Cluster validity index for estimation of fuzzy clusters of different sizes and densities
* Co-parent selection for fast region merging in pyramidal image segmentation
* Co-reranking by mutual reinforcement for image search
* Cognitive Approaches and Optical Multispectral Data for Semiautomated Classification of Landforms in a Rugged Mountainous Area
* Coherent bag-of audio words model for efficient large-scale video copy detection
* Color image associative memory on a class of Cohen-Grossberg networks
* Combined orientation and skew detection using geometric text-line modeling
* Combining Edge Detection and Region Segmentation for Lip Contour Extraction
* Combining Features Extracted from Imagery and Lidar Data for Object-Oriented Classification of Forest Areas
* Comparative study on classifying human activities with miniature inertial and magnetic sensors
* Comparison of Bootstrap Resampling Methods for 3-D PET Imaging
* Comparison of feature selection schemes for color texture classification
* Comparison of interpolation methods for angular resampling of diffusion weighted images
* Comparison of Optimal Solutions to Real-Time Path Planning for a Mobile Vehicle
* Comparison of optimization techniques for regularized statistical reconstruction in X-ray tomography
* Comparison of Standardized Methods (Object-Oriented vs. Per Pixel) to Extract The Urban Built-Up Area: Example of Lubumbashi (DRC)
* Comparison of Two Frame Rate Conversion Schemes for Reducing LCD Motion Blurs
* Compatible Particles for Part-Based Tracking
* Compression of Medical Sensor Data
* Compressive Sensing With Chaotic Sequence
* computation of the Bhattacharyya distance between histograms without histograms, The
* Computational White Matter Atlas for Aging with Surface-Based Representation of Fasciculi, A
* Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction
* Computing Color Transforms with Applications to Image Editing
* Congo Basin Forest Cover Change Estimate for 1990, 2000 and 2005 by Landsat Interpretation Using an Automated Object-Based Processing Chain
* Connectivity feature extraction for spatio-functional clustering of fMRI data
* Consumer image retrieval by estimating relation tree from family photo collections
* content based image retrieval system for a biological specimen collection, A
* Content-adaptive traffic prioritization of spatio-temporal scalable video for robust communications over QoS-provisioned 802.11e networks
* Context Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier (CALM) for Rate-Distortion Optimal Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Context-aware fusion: A case study on fusion of gait and face for human identification in video
* Context-Sensitive Extraction of Tree Crown Objects in Urban Areas Using VHR Satellite Images
* Context-Sensitive Technique Robust to Registration Noise for Change Detection in VHR Multispectral Images, A
* Contextual Activity Visualization from Long-Term Video Observations
* Contextual image retrieval model
* Contiguity-constrained hierarchical clustering for image segmentation
* Continuity Order of Local Displacement in Volumetric Image Sequence
* Continuous force field analysis for generalized gradient vector flow field
* Contour based object detection using part bundles
* Cooperation Stimulation Strategies for Peer-to-Peer Wireless Live Video-Sharing Social Networks
* Cost and Scalability Improvements to the Karhunen-Loêve Transform for Remote-Sensing Image Coding
* Covariance-based adaptive deinterlacing method using edge map
* Cyclic and Non-cyclic Gesture Spotting and Classification in Real-Time Applications
* Data-Driven On-Line Generation of Interactive Gait Motion
* Dayside corona aurora classification based on X-gray level aura matrices
* Decorrelating Properties of Chromatic Derivative Signal Representations
* Deformable Image Registration of Follow-Up Breast Magnetic Resonance Images
* Depth and depth-color coding using shape-adaptive wavelets
* Depth Image Coder Based on Progressive Silhouettes, A
* Depth perceptual region-of-interest based multiview video coding
* Depth reconstruction uncertainty analysis and improvement: The dithering approach
* Derivative-based imaging
* descriptor combining MHI and PCOG for human motion classification, A
* Detecting potential human activities using coherent change detection
* Detection of Ecosystem Functioning Using Object-Based Time-Series Analysis
* Detection of Saline and Non-Saline Lakes on the Pantanal of Nhecolândia (Brazil) Using Object-Based Image Analysis
* Developing a Semantic Model of Glacial Landforms for Objectbased Terrain Classification: The Example of Glacial Cirques
* Developing Urban Metrics to Describe the Morphology of Urban Areas at Block Level
* Digital Emily Project: Achieving a Photoreal Digital Actor, The
* Digital Human Faces: From Creation to Emotion
* Digital Steiner sets and Matheron semi-groups
* Digital Topology in Brain Imaging
* Direct Magnetic Field Estimation Based on Echo Planar Raw Data
* Direct Manipulation Blendshapes
* Direction-Adaptive Partitioned Block Transform for Color Image Coding
* Discriminability and reliability indexes: Two new measures to enhance multi-image face recognition
* Distance-based classification of handwritten symbols
* Distributed Video Coding: Status, challenges and outlook
* Driver Behavior Analysis During ACC Activation and Deactivation in a Real Traffic Environment
* Dual-ranking for web image retrieval
* Dynamic Subspace Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Dynamic textures for human movement recognition
* Edgeworth-based approximation of Mutual Information for medical image registration
* effect of baroque music on the PassPoints graphical password, The
* effect of semantic relatedness measures on multi-label classification evaluation, The
* effective method for video genre classification, An
* Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Large Database
* Efficient Ant Colony System Based on Receding Horizon Control for the Aircraft Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling Problem, An
* efficient FPGA-based dynamic partial reconfiguration design flow and environment for image and signal processing IP cores, An
* Efficient hundreds-baseline stereo by counting interest points for moving omni-directional multi-camera system
* efficient method for face retrieval from large video datasets, An
* Efficient Multilevel Eigensolvers with Applications to Data Analysis Tasks
* Efficient Two-Phase L1-TV Method for Restoring Blurred Images with Impulse Noise, An
* efficient vision system to measure granule velocity and mass flow distribution in fertiliser centrifugal spreading, An
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Transform-Based Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC, An
* Eigen-space learning using semi-supervised diffusion maps for human action recognition
* Eigenmethod for Feature Matching of Pre- and Postevent Images Exploiting Adjacency
* Embedded system for real-time human motion detection
* Emotion related structures in large image databases
* Empirical mode decomposition based visual enhancement of underwater images
* Endoscopic Video Texture Mapping on Pre-Built 3-D Anatomical Objects Without Camera Tracking
* Enhancing perceptual quality of watermarked high-definition video through composite mask
* Enhancing principal direction divisive clustering
* Estimating 3D Pose via Stochastic Search and Expectation Maximization
* Estimation of uncertainty for Harris corner detector
* Estimation on Location, Velocity, and Acceleration With High Precision for Collision Avoidance
* Euclidean Structure from Confocal Conics: Theory and Application to Camera Calibration
* Evaluating detection of near duplicate video segments
* Evaluating Image Registration Using NIREP
* Evaluation of Wavelet Kernels for Palmprint Based Recognition, An
* Example-Based Human Motion Denoising
* Exploiting three-dimensional (3D) memory stacking to improve image data access efficiency for motion estimation accelerators
* Exploration of an adaptive NoC architecture on FPGA dedicated to multi and hysperspectral algorithm for art authentication
* Exploring large scale data for multimedia QA: an initial study
* Expressive Facial Animation Synthesis by Learning Speech Coarticulation and Expression Spaces
* Expressive Gaze Model: Using Gaze to Express Emotion, The
* Extracting Buildings in the City of Lisbon Using Quickbird Images and LIDAR Data
* Extracting Rural Settlement Information from Quickbird Images
* Extraction of Buildings from Quickbird Imagery for Municipal Planning Purposes: Quality Assessment Considering Existing Mapping Standards
* Extraction of Coastline Using OBIA And GIS, The
* Eye tracking for foveation video coding and simple scene description
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections based on maximum margin criterion
* Face recognition using Intrinsicfaces
* Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated Films
* Fast Color Correction for Multi-View Video by Modeling Spatio-Temporal Variation
* Fast distance transformation on irregular two-dimensional grids
* Fast extraction of wavelet-based features from JPEG images for joint retrieval with JPEG2000 images
* fast Geodesic Active Contour model for medical images segmentation using prior analysis, A
* Fast Semi-Analytical Model-Based Acoustic Inversion for Quantitative Optoacoustic Tomography
* Fast zonal DCT-based image compression for Wireless Camera Sensor Networks
* Feature detector and descriptor evaluation in human action recognition
* Feature extraction by learning Lorentzian metric tensor and its extensions
* Feature Selection Methods for Object-Based Classification of Sub-Decimeter Resolution Digital Aerial Imagery
* Feature subspaces selection via one-class SVM: Application to textured image segmentation
* Feature vector field and feature matching
* Finding Optimal Parameter Configuration for a Dynamic Triangle Mesh Compressor
* Fitting Multiple Connected Ellipses to an Image Silhouette Hierarchically
* Flexible Manifold Embedding: A Framework for Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
* Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Trilateral Filtering
* Free-viewpoint depth image based rendering
* Frequency-based Approach for Features Fusion in Fingerprint and Iris Multimodal Biometric Identification Systems, A
* From rendering to tracking point-based 3D models
* Full motion detection system with post-processing
* Fully Automatic Subpixel Image Registration of Multiangle CHRIS/Proba Data
* Functional Non-rigid Registration Validation: A CT Phantom Study
* Fundamental matrix of planar catadioptric stereo systems
* Fusing bio-inspired vision data for simplified high level scene interpretation: Application to face motion analysis
* Fusion and classification of multi-source images by SVM with selected features in a kernel space
* Fusion Moves for Markov Random Field Optimization
* Fuzzy Image Regions for Quantitative Land Cover Analysis
* General Active-Learning Framework for On-Road Vehicle Recognition and Tracking, A
* general framework for tree-based morphology and its applications to self-dual filtering, A
* General Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Regularization-Based Multiconcavity Modeling
* Generalised Nonlocal Image Smoothing
* Generalized re-weighting local sampling mean discriminant analysis
* Generalizing edge detection to contour detection for image segmentation
* Genre-specific semantic video indexing
* Geo-Info Graph Spectrum Analysis for Representing Distance Relations in GIS
* GEOBIA Approach to Estimate Large Area Forest Canopy Height Using LIDAR Transects and Quickbird Imagery, A
* Geometric Algebra Computing in Engineering and Computer Science
* GIS-Driven Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level
* Graph cut segmentation technique for MRI brain tumor extraction
* Green Noise Digital Halftoning With Multiscale Error Diffusion
* Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D)
* Guest editorial of the special issue on improving display and rendering technologies for virtual environments
* H.264 video watermarking: Applications, principles, deadlocks and future
* haptic-based immersive environment for shape analysis and modelling, An
* Hash key-based video encryption scheme for H.264/AVC
* Head Pose Estimation and Augmented Reality Tracking: An Integrated System and Evaluation for Monitoring Driver Awareness
* Heat: Home Energy Assessment Technologies: A WEB2.0 Residential Waste Heat Analysis Using Geobia and Airborne Thermal Imagery
* Height Retrieval of Isolated Buildings From Single High-Resolution SAR Images
* Hierarchical Colorant-Based Direct Binary Search Halftoning
* Hierarchical feedback algorithm based on visual community discovery for interactive video retrieval
* Hierarchical Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC
* Hierarchical Object-Based Classification of Dense Urban Areas by Integrating High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images and LIDAR Elevation Data
* High-Quality Visual Experience: Creation, Processing and Interactivity of High-Resolution and High-Dimensional Video Signals
* High-Realistic and Flexible Virtual Presenters
* Histogram similarity measure using variable bin size distance
* Hole filling in 3D volumetric objects
* Human Visual System Based Mammogram Enhancement and Analysis
* Human-in-the-Loop Design Approach to the Longitudinal Automation System for an Intelligent Vehicle, The
* Hybrid super resolution using refined face logs
* hybrid unsupervised image re-ranking approach with latent topic contents, A
* Hyperspectral image compression based on Tucker Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Identity Recognition-Based Correction Mechanism for Face Tracking
* Image and video descriptors
* Image database categorization using robust modeling of finite Generalized Dirichlet mixture
* Image Editing and Creation with Perception-Motivated Local Features
* Image modeling using statistical measures for visual object categorization
* Image processing using 3-state cellular automata
* Image restoration based on the fast marching method and block based sampling
* Image retrieval using Markov Random Fields and global image features
* Image Segmentation with a Unified Graphical Model
* IMMIView: a multi-user solution for design review in real-time
* Impact of online handwriting recognition performance on text categorization
* Implementation of a reticle seeker missile simulator for jamming effect analysis
* Improved Modified Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means
* Improved two-bit transform-based motion estimation via extension of matching criterion
* Improvement of the space resolution of the optical remote sensing image by the principle of CCD imaging
* Improving compression time in zero-tree based image coding procedures
* Increase of Artificial Lakes as a Result of Sand Mining Activities, in the Paraíba do Sul River Valley Basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, The
* Incremental Learning for Motion Prediction of Pedestrians and Vehicles
* Incremental Unsupervised Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model Learning From Video
* Indexing of compressed video: Methods, challenges, applications
* Individuality of alphabet knowledge in online writer identification
* Inelastic Deformation Invariant Modal Representation for Non-rigid 3D Object Recognition
* Information theoretic combination of pattern classifiers
* Insertion of 3-D-Primitives in Mesh-Based Representations: Towards Compact Models Preserving the Details
* Integrated Road Construction and Resource Planning Approach to the Evacuation of Victims From Single Source to Multiple Destinations, An
* Interacting with location-based multimedia using sketches
* Interactively multiphase image segmentation based on variational formulation and graph cuts
* Interpreting Images with Geodma
* Intravascular Ultrasound image segmentation: A helical active contour method
* Inverse Problem Approach for Elasticity Imaging through Vibroacoustics, An
* Inverses and quotients of mappings between ordered sets
* IPSILON: Incremental Parsing for Semantic Indexing of Latent Concepts
* Iris Recognition: On the Segmentation of Degraded Images Acquired in the Visible Wavelength
* ISMM 2007 Special Issue
* Iterative colour correction of multicamera systems using corresponding feature points
* Iterative Process for Matching Network Data Sets with Different Level of Detail, An
* Joint depth-motion dense estimation for multiview video coding
* Joint Rate Allocation for Multiprogram Video Coding Using FGS
* Key frame-based video super-resolution using bi-directional overlapped block motion compensation and trained dictionary
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data with the Interimage System: Major Characteristics and Recent Developments
* Laplacian pyramid decomposition-type method for resolution enhancement of ultrasound images
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Registration Using Fine and Coarse Strategies
* Large margin cost-sensitive learning of conditional random fields
* Latent visual context analysis for image re-ranking
* Layered Graph Matching with Composite Cluster Sampling
* Learning Conditional Random Fields for Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Learning Generic Human Body Models
* Learning Photometric Invariance for Object Detection
* Learning Task-Optimal Registration Cost Functions for Localizing Cytoarchitecture and Function in the Cerebral Cortex
* Learning to rank tags
* Localization of noncircular iris boundaries using morphology and arched Hough transform
* Locating and parsing bibliographic references in HTML medical articles
* Log-Domain Diffeomorphic Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images
* Lossless 3D steganography based on MST and connectivity modification
* Lossless Embedded Compression Using Significant Bit Truncation for HD Video Coding, A
* Lossless image compression using adjustable fractional line-buffer
* Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* Maneuver Prediction for Road Vehicles Based on a Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture With a Low-Cost Navigation Unit
* Mapping Land Cover Types from Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery: Automatic Application of an Object Based Classification Scheme
* Markov Random Field description of fuzzy color segmentation, A
* Mathematical Modeling of Textures: Application to Color Image Decomposition with a Projected Gradient Algorithm
* Maximum Likelihood Model Selection for 1-Norm Soft Margin SVMs with Multiple Parameters
* Measurement of laboratory fire spread experiments by stereovision
* Medical image analysis using high-dimensional information-theoretic criteria
* Memory requirements and simulation platform for the implementation of the H.264 encoder modules
* Method of Obtaining Ice Concentration and Floe Size From Shipboard Oblique Sea Ice Images, A
* MI-SIFT: mirror and inversion invariant generalization for SIFT descriptor
* Microtubule Dynamics Analysis Using Kymographs and Variable-Rate Particle Filters
* Mitigation of Visibility Loss for Advanced Camera-Based Driver Assistance
* Mixture model based contextual image retrieval
* Model Based Motion Vector Predictor for Zoom Motion
* Model-Based Hand Gesture Tracking in ToF Image Sequences
* Model-Based Image Reconstruction for MRI
* Model-Based Registration for Motion Compensation during EP Ablation Procedures
* Modeling of Curves and Surfaces with MATLAB®
* Modeling Short-Term Dynamics and Variability for Realistic Interactive Facial Animation
* Modular Ensemble Tracking
* Mojette reconstruction from noisy projections
* Monitoring Natural Resources in Conflict Using an Object-Based Multiscale Image Analysis Approach
* Monocular Deformable Model-to-Image Registration of Vascular Structures
* Motion analysis in oceanographic satellite images using multiscale methods and the energy cascade
* Motion data-driven model for semantic events classification using an optimized support vector machine
* Motion tracking based on area and level set weighted centroid shifting
* MRI Pulse Sequence Design With First-Order Gradient Moment Nulling in Arbitrary Directions by Solving a Polynomial Program
* Multi modal semantic indexing for image retrieval
* Multi-camera imaging, coding and innovative display: Techniques and systems
* Multi-font printed Mongolian document recognition system
* Multi-label learning by Image-to-Class distance for scene classification and image annotation
* Multi-level visual alphabets
* Multi-view video based multiple objects segmentation using graph cut and spatiotemporal projections
* Multi-view video coding with view interpolation prediction for 2D camera arrays
* Multichannel Azimuth Processing in ScanSAR and TOPS Mode Operation
* Multidimensional image processing for remote sensing anomaly detection
* Multidimensional particle swarm optimization and applications in data clustering and image retrieval
* Multifactor Identity Verification Using Aggregated Proof of Knowledge
* Multimedia IP architecture trends in the mobile multimedia consumer device
* multiobjective immune clustering ensemble technique applied to unsupervised SAR image segmentation, A
* Multiphase Joint Segmentation-Registration and Object Tracking for Layered Images
* Multiple Descriptions Based on Multirate Coding for JPEG 2000 and H.264/AVC
* Multiple kernels for generalised discriminant analysis
* Multiple objects tracking in the presence of long-term occlusions
* Multiple-Activity Human Body Tracking in Unconstrained Environments
* Multiple-instance image database retrieval by spatial similarity based on Interval Neighbor Group
* Multiplicative Noise Removal Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization
* Multiresolution Segmentation: A Parallel Approach for High Resolution Image Segmentation in Multicore Architectures
* Music video affective understanding using feature importance analysis
* N4ITK: Improved N3 Bias Correction
* Natura 2000 Habitat Identification and Conservation Status Assessment with Superresolution Enhanced Hyperspectral (CHRIS/PROBA) Imagery
* Near Constant Acceleration Gaussian Process Kernel for Tracking, The
* Nearest neighbour group-based classification
* new combining learning method for color constancy, A
* new descriptor for textured image segmentation based on fuzzy type-2 clustering approach, A
* New feature-based detection of blood vessels and exudates in color fundus images
* New Image Database for 3D/2D Registration Based on the Visible Human Data Set, A
* new segmentation technique for brain and head from high resolution MR image using unique histogram features, A
* NMF-based multimodal image indexing for querying by visual example
* No-Reference PSNR Identification of MPEG Video Using Spectral Regression and Reduced Model Polynomial Networks
* Non-iterative stippling of greyscale threedimensional polygon meshed models
* Non-parametric kernel ranking approach for social image retrieval
* Non-rigid metric reconstruction from perspective cameras
* Nonlinear Elastic Spline Registration: Evaluation with Longitudinal Huntington's Disease Data
* Nonlinear Elasticity Registration and Sobolev Gradients
* Nonrigid Registration and Template Matching for Coronary Motion Modeling from 4D CTA
* Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images: Theory, Methods, and Applications
* Nonstructured light-based sensing for 3D reconstruction
* Normalized Measures of Mutual Information with General Definitions of Entropy for Multimodal Image Registration
* novel framework for automatic sorting of postal documents with multi-script address blocks, A
* novel iterative shape from focus algorithm based on combinatorial optimization, A
* novel multi-view image coding scheme based on view-warping and 3D-DCT, A
* Novel Representations, Techniques and Error Evaluation for 3D Reconstruction
* Novel SCAN-CA-based image security system using SCAN and 2-D von Neumann cellular automata
* Novel Texture-Preceded Segmentation Algorithm for High-Resolution Imagery, A
* Object Based Thermokarst Lake Change Mapping as Part of the ESA Data User Element (DUE) Permafrost
* Object Identification and Characterization with Hyperspectral Imagery to Identify Structure and Function of Natura 2000 Habitats
* Object-Based Analysis and Multispectral Low-Altitude Remote Sensing for Low-Cost Mapping of Chalk Stream Macrophytes
* Object-Based Approach for Mapping Complex Forest Structure Phases Using LIDAR Data
* Object-Based Approach to Map Semi-Natural Areas in Mountain Region with High Spatial Resolution Images
* Object-Based Approach to Quantity and Quality Assessment of Heathland Habitats in the Framework of Natura 2000 Using Hyperspectral Airborne AHS Images, An
* Object-Based Assessment of Tree Attributes of Acacia Tortilis in Bou-Hedma, Tunisia
* Object-Based Change Detection Analysis for the Monitoring of Habitats in the Framework of the Natura 2000 Directive with Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
* Object-Based Change Detection for a Cultural-Historical Survey of the Landscape: From Cow Trails to Walking Paths
* Object-Based Classification of Landscape into Land Management Units (LMUs)
* Object-Based Classification of Spot and Aster Data Complemented with Data Derived from Modis Vegetation Indices Time Series in a Mediterranean Test-Site
* Object-Based Classification Using Ultracam-D Images for Tree Species Discrimination Case Study: Hyrcanian Forest-Iran
* Object-Based Classification vs. Pixel-Based Classification: Comparitive Importance of Multi-Resolution Imagery
* Object-Based Image Analysis and Data Mining for Mapping Sugarcane with Landsat Imagery in Brazil
* Object-Based Image Fusion Method Based on Wavelet and PCA for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Object-Based vs. Pixel-Based Mapping of Fire Scars Using Multi-Scale Satellite Data
* Object-Oriented Change Detection from Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed Images
* Objective evaluation of compressed video's temporal flickering
* On the Complexity of Discrete Feature Selection for Optimal Classification
* On the Role of Phase Stability in SAR Multibaseline Applications
* On the sampling of web images for learning visual concept classifiers
* On Variational Curve Smoothing and Reconstruction
* online core vector machine with adaptive MEB adjustment, An
* Online Empirical Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* Online visual tracking with histograms and articulating blocks
* Optical and SAR Imagery for Mapping Vegetation Gradients in Brazilian Savannas: Synergy Between Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approaches
* Optimal Arrival Flight Sequencing and Scheduling Using Discrete Airborne Delays
* Optimal Use of Plate-Scanning Resources for Route Flow Estimation in Traffic Networks
* Optimal Waveform Design for Improved Indoor Target Detection in Sensing Through-the-Wall Applications
* Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation, An
* Optimizing visual search with implicit user feedback in interactive video retrieval
* P3-CABAC: A Nonstandard Tri-Thread Parallel Evolution of CABAC in the Manycore Era
* Parallel MRI Using Phased Array Coils
* Parallel View-Dependent Level-of-Detail Control
* Particle filtering with fuzzy spatial relations for object tracking
* Partition-induced connections and operators for pattern analysis
* Patch Transform, The
* Patch-Based Image Segmentation of Satellite Imagery Using Minimum Spanning Tree Construction
* Pedestrian detection based on adaboost algorithm with a pseudo-calibrated camera
* People re-identification by classification of silhouettes based on sparse representation
* Per Block Urban Land Use Interpretation Using Optical VHR Data and the Knowledge-Based System Interimage
* Perceptual Quality Measurement: Towards a More Efficient Process for Validating Objective Models
* Perceptually-Friendly H.264/AVC Video Coding Based on Foveated Just-Noticeable-Distortion Model
* Performance Evaluation of Road and Building Classifiers on VHR Images
* Photometric stereo with an arbitrary number of illuminants
* Physical Characterisation of River Corridors from Orthophotos: Challenging Issues and First Application to the Rhone Hydrographic Network
* PIMAR Project: Monitoring the Atlantic Rainforest Remnants and the Urban Growth of the Rio de Janeiro City (Brazil) Through Remote Sensing
* Plant species identification using leaf image retrieval
* Point Set Registration via Particle Filtering and Stochastic Dynamics
* Points of interest detection in cervical spine radiographs by polygonal approximation
* polygon soup representation for multiview coding, A
* Potentials and Limitations of Moon-Borne SAR Imaging
* Predicting Vertical Acceleration of Railway Wagons Using Regression Algorithms
* Probing Waveform Synthesis and Receiver Filter Design
* Projective invariants of co-moments of 2D images
* Properties of Some Approaches to Test Observability of O-D Flows Based on Link-Volume Counts
* Proposal for Local and Global Human Activities Identification, A
* quality controllable multi-view object reconstruction method for 3D imaging systems, A
* Quasi-supervised learning for biomedical data analysis
* Query-by-sketch based image retrieval using diffusion tensor fields
* Radar Imaging From Geosynchronous Orbit: Temporal Decorrelation Aspects
* ranking method for multimedia recommenders, A
* RD-optimized interactive streaming of multiview video with multiple encodings
* real-time low-cost marker-based multiple camera tracking solution for virtual reality applications, A
* Real-Time Motion Transition by Example
* Real-time optical markerless tracking for augmented reality applications
* Real-Time Realistic Skin Translucency
* Real-time video-based rendering from uncalibrated cameras using plane-sweep algorithm
* Rear-Lamp Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Low-Exposure Color Video for Night Conditions
* Recognition of attentive objects with a concept association network for image annotation
* Recognition of objects in various situations from two dimensional images
* Reconstructing Rome
* Recovering surface normal of specular object by Hough transform method
* Region-Based Approach for Describing Urban Morphology Based on Sub-Pixel Estimation of Sealed Surface Cover, A
* Registration of 2D Images from Fast Scanning Ophthalmic Instruments
* Registration of 2D Points Using Geometric Algebra and Tensor Voting
* Registration of 3D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Data and 2D Fundus Images
* Registration of 4D Cardiac CT Sequences Under Trajectory Constraints With Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons
* Relationships between some watershed definitions and their tie-zone transforms
* Relative Margin Support Tensor Machines for gait and action recognition
* Relevance analysis of 3D curvature-based shape descriptors on interest points of the face
* Relevant shape contour snippet extraction with metadata supported hidden Markov models
* Reliability-Driven, Spatially-Adaptive Regularization for Deformable Registration
* Retrieving Articulated 3D Objects Using Normalized Distance Function
* Reusable Model for Emotional Biped Walk-Cycle Animation with Implicit Retargeting, A
* Review of the Applications of Agent Technology in Traffic and Transportation Systems, A
* Revisiting the Linear Programming Relaxation Approach to Gibbs Energy Minimization and Weighted Constraint Satisfaction
* Risk-Distortion Analysis for Video Collusion Attacks: A Mouse-and-Cat Game
* Road Extraction From Satellite Images Using Particle Filtering and Extended Kalman Filtering
* Robust Model for On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition, A
* Robust Multiple Hypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction within the H.264/AVC standard
* Robust Reconstruction of MRSI Data Using a Sparse Spectral Model and High Resolution MRI Priors
* Robust stereo matching with improved graph and surface models and occlusion handling
* Robust Video Coding Based on Multiple Description Scalar Quantization With Side Information
* Roles of Signal Processing in Medical Imaging, The
* Rooftop detection using a corner-leaping based contour propagation model
* Root Mean Square filter for noisy images based on hyper graph model
* saliency map method with cortex-like mechanisms and sparse representation, A
* Scalable clip-based near-duplicate video detection with ordinal measure
* Scalable Object-Based Video Retrieval in HD Video Databases
* Scale-invariant proximity graph for fast probabilistic object recognition
* Scaling iterative closest point algorithm for registration of m-D point sets
* Scene Reconstruction from Community Photo Collections
* Seelinder: Cylindrical 3D display viewable from 360 degrees, The
* Segment Optimisation for Object-Based Landslide Detection
* Segmentation and Thematic Classification of Color Orthophotos Over Non-Compressed And JPEG 2000 Compressed Images
* Segmentation Quality Evaluation for Large Scale Mapping Purposes in Flanders, Belgium
* Semantic fusion of laser and vision in pedestrian detection
* Semantics-Preserving Bag-of-Words Models and Applications
* Semi-Automated Identification and Extraction of Callitris Intratropica from Eucalypt Dominant Savanna
* Sensitivity of Support Vector Machines to Random Feature Selection in Classification of Hyperspectral Data
* Sensor Fusion Framework Using Multiple Particle Filters for Video-Based Navigation, A
* SEP/COP: An efficient method to find the best partition in hierarchical clustering based on a new cluster validity index
* set of co-occurrence matrices on the intrinsic manifold of human silhouettes for action recognition, A
* Shape from incomplete silhouettes based on the reprojection error
* Shape representation and analysis of 2D compact sets by shape diagrams
* Signature Quadratic Form Distance
* Silhouette Area Based Similarity Measure for Template Matching in Constant Time
* Similarity Metrics for Genetic Adaptation of Segmentation Parameters
* Simplified Estimation Scheme for the Number of Vehicles in Signalized Links, A
* Skeleton and Shape Adjustment and Tracking in Multicamera Environments
* Skew Estimation of Document Images Using Bagging
* software pipeline for 3D animation generation using mocap data and commercial shape models, A
* Solid-Texture Synthesis: A Survey
* Solution of the Dichromatic Model for Multispectral Photometric Invariance, A
* Some Insights Into Brightness Perception of Images in the Light of a New Computational Model of Figure-Ground Segregation
* Some links between extremum spanning forests, watersheds and min-cuts
* Spatial Accuracy Assessment of Object Boundaries for Object-Based Image Analysis
* Spatial Dependence of Predictions from Image Segmentation: A Methods to Determine Appropriate Scales for Producing Land-Management Information
* Spatial Information Encoded Mutual Information for Nonrigid Registration
* Spatial-Temporal Color Video Reconstruction From Noisy CFA Sequence
* Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion for 3D+T Image Reconstruction in Cerebral Angiography
* Special issue on breakthrough architectures for image and video systems
* Special issue on document recognition and retrieval 2009
* Spectrogram image encoding based on dynamic Hilbert curve routing
* SPIDAR calibration using Support Vector Regression
* Statistics of Optical Coherence Tomography Data From Human Retina
* Steganography Development Offers Promise
* Stego image quality and the reliability of PSNR
* Stroke feature extraction for lettrine indexing
* Structured max-margin learning for multi-label image annotation
* Study of parameterizations for the rigid body transformations of the scan registration problem
* Study on the Model for Horizontal Escape Maneuvers in TCAS
* Subspace methods for retrieval of general 3D models
* Super-Resolution Mapping for Extraction of Urban Tree Crown Objects from VHR Satellite Images
* Super-Resolution Mapping of Landscape Objects from Coarse Spatial Resolution Imagery
* Support vector machine fusion of multisensor imagery in tropical ecosystems
* Supporting Agile Change Management by Scenario-Based Regression Simulation
* SURE-LET for Orthonormal Wavelet-Domain Video Denoising
* SURF applied in panorama image stitching
* Symbol Spotting in Digital Libraries: Focused Retrieval over Graphic-rich Document Collections
* System architecture of a web service for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Taxonomy and Analysis of Camera Calibration Methods for Traffic Monitoring Applications, A
* Temporal error concealment algorithm for H.264/AVC using omnidirectional motion similarity
* Temporal transcoding of H.264/AVC video to the scalable format
* Temporal video segmentation using a switched affine models identification technique
* Texture classification for multi-spectral images using spatial and spectral Gray Level Differences
* TF-Tree: an interactive and efficient retrieval of Chinese calligraphic manuscript images based on triple features
* Thematic Accuracy Assessment for Object Based Classification in Agriculture Areas: Comparative Analysis of Selected Approaches
* Theoretical Bounds and System Design for Multipinhole SPECT
* Three-Dimensional Analysis of Retinal Layer Texture: Identification of Fluid-Filled Regions in SD-OCT of the Macula
* Three-Dimensional Tissue Deformation Recovery and Tracking
* Time-Delayed Correlation Analysis for Multi-Camera Activity Understanding
* Today's and tomorrow's retrieval practice in the audiovisual archive
* Tomographic Reconstruction in the 21st Century
* Tool for Object Descriptive Feature Extraction: Application to Image Classification and Map Updating, A
* Topographic Correction for ALOS PALSAR Interferometry
* Towards multimodal emotion recognition: a new approach
* Transferability of Obia Rulesets for IDP Camp Analysis in Darfur
* Transition thresholds and transition operators for binarization and edge detection
* Two Novel Bayesian Multiscale Approaches for Speckle Suppression in SAR Images
* Two-dimensional supervised local similarity and diversity projection
* two-stage scheme for text detection in video images, A
* UBIRIS.v2: A Database of Visible Wavelength Iris Images Captured On-the-Move and At-a-Distance, The
* Ultrasound Despeckling for Contrast Enhancement
* Unifying Characterization of Deformable Registration Methods Based on the Inherent Parametrization: An Attempt at an Alternative Analysis Approach
* Unifying Vascular Information in Intensity-Based Nonrigid Lung CT Registration
* Unsupervised colour image segmentation using dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* Unsupervised detection and localization of structural textures using projection profiles
* Unsupervised multi-feature tag relevance learning for social image retrieval
* Urban Land Cover Classification Using Optical VHR Data and the Knowledge-Based System Interimage
* Urban road user detection and classification using 3D wire frame models
* URBTREE: A Tree Growth Model for the Urban Environment
* Using Human Visual System modeling for bio-inspired low level image processing
* Using Patch Metrics as Validation for Contextual Classification of Heathland Vegetation
* Using Remote Vision: The Effects of Video Image Frame Rate on Visual Object Recognition Performance
* Utilizing related samples to learn complex queries in interactive concept-based video search
* Validation of a virtual agronomic image modelling
* Variational Approach to Degraded Document Enhancement, A
* Vehicle Detection and Roadside Tree Shadow Removal in High Resolution Satellite Images
* Vehicle Detection in Very High Resolution Satellite Images of City Areas
* Vehicle Logo Recognition Using a SIFT-Based Enhanced Matching Scheme
* Video Denoising Using Motion Compensated 3-D Wavelet Transform With Integrated Recursive Temporal Filtering
* Video scene analysis of interactions between humans and vehicles using event context
* Video Search and Mining
* View-Adaptive Motion Estimation and Disparity Estimation for Low Complexity Multiview Video Coding
* Virtual Domotic Systems: A 3D interaction technique to control virtual building devices using residential gateways
* Virtual double-sided image probing: A unifying framework for non-linear grayscale pattern matching
* Vision based human interaction system for disabled
* Vision-IMU Integration Using a Slow-Frame-Rate Monocular Vision System in an Actual Roadway Setting
* visual attention focusing system using an active stereoscopic vision sensor, A
* Visual object recognition using local binary patterns and segment-based feature
* Visual Saliency Detection via Sparsity Pursuit
* Visual-Concept Search Solved?
* Volume estimation of 3D particles with known convex shapes from its projected areas
* Watermarking ancient documents schema using wavelet packets and convolutional code
* Watermarking of Free-view Video
* Wavelet-based acoustic seabed discrimination system
* Weighting visual features with pseudo relevance feedback for CBIR
* Work-Flow Design for Large-Area Multilevel Geobia: Integrating Statistical Measures and Expert Knowledge, A
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