Index for lan_

Lan, A.[Andrew] Co Author Listing * Contrastive Learning Improves Model Robustness Under Label Noise
* Do We Really Need Gold Samples for Sample Weighting under Label Noise?

Lan, A.G.J.[Alex Gwo Jen] Co Author Listing * Morality Classification in Natural Language Text

Lan, A.L. Co Author Listing * Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar (HCOPAR): System Design and Ionospheric Irregularity Observations

Lan, A.Y. Co Author Listing * Scene-Context-Dependent Reference-Frame Placement for MPEG Video Coding

Lan, B.[Bin] Co Author Listing * MvAV-pix2pixHD: Multi-view Aerial View Image Translation
* Simultaneous Photoacoustic Imaging and Cavitation Mapping in Shockwave Lithotripsy
Includes: Lan, B.[Bin] Lan, B.

Lan, B.X.[Bang Xiang] Co Author Listing * Holistic Features are Almost Sufficient for Text-to-Video Retrieval
Includes: Lan, B.X.[Bang Xiang] Lan, B.X.[Bang-Xiang]

Lan, C. Co Author Listing * Compress Compound Images in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC by Exploiting Spatial Correlation
* Deep learning super-resolution electron microscopy based on deep residual attention network
* Discriminant subclass-center manifold preserving projection for face feature extraction
* EleAtt-RNN: Adding Attentiveness to Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* Empirical Observations and Formulations of Tri-Class Traffic Flow Properties for Design of Traffic Signals
* Estimating Prediction Qualities without Ground Truth: A Revisit of the Reverse Testing Framework
* Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant Subclass-Center Manifold Preserving Projection
* Human Pose Estimation Using Global and Local Normalization
* Multi-Granularity Reference-Aided Attentive Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Modal Biometrics Pixel Level Fusion and KPCA-RBF Feature Classification for Single Sample Recognition Problem
* Optimal subset-division based discrimination and its kernelization for face and palmprint recognition
* PAC bound for joint matrix completion based on Partially Collective Matrix Factorization, A
* Progressive pseudo-analog transmission for mobile video live streaming
* Progressive Pseudo-analog Transmission for Mobile Video Streaming
* Semantics-Guided Neural Networks for Efficient Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Sparse cost-sensitive classifier with application to face recognition
* Style Normalization and Restitution for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Temporal-Spatial Mapping for Action Recognition
* Traffic Signal Optimization Model for Intersections Experiencing Heavy Scooter-Vehicle Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Va2mass: Towards the Fluid Filling Mass Estimation via Integration of Vision and Audio Learning
* Variable Block-Sized Signal-Dependent Transform for Video Coding
* Video Image Target Recognition and Geolocation Method for UAV Based On Landmarks
Includes: Lan, C. Lan, C.[Chuwen] Lan, C.[Chao] Lan, C.[Chuanlin]
22 for Lan, C.

Lan, C.D.[Cheng Dong] Co Author Listing * CCA-FPN: Channel and content adaptive object detection
* face super-resolution approach using shape semantic mode regularization, A
* GAN-based multi-view video coding with spatio-temporal EPI reconstruction
* Saliency-Aware Spatio-Temporal Artifact Detection for Compressed Video Quality Assessment
Includes: Lan, C.D.[Cheng Dong] Lan, C.D.[Cheng-Dong]

Lan, C.F.[Ching Fu] Co Author Listing * Scalable image transmission using rate-compatible irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) codes
* Source-Optimized Irregular Repeat Accumulate Codes With Inherent Unequal Error Protection Capabilities and Their Application to Scalable Image Transmission
Includes: Lan, C.F.[Ching Fu] Lan, C.F.[Ching-Fu] Lan, C.F.

Lan, C.H.[Chen Hau] Co Author Listing * Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of the Western Pacific Tropical Cyclones Measured in the Palau Islands
* Transition effect detection for extracting highlights in baseball videos
Includes: Lan, C.H.[Chen Hau] Lan, C.H.[Chen-Hau] Lan, C.H.[Chi-Heng]

Lan, C.L.[Cui Ling] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Frequency Filters As Efficient Global Token Mixers
* Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* Beyond Triplet Loss: Meta Prototypical N-Tuple Loss for Person Re-identification
* Deep Frequency Filtering for Domain Generalization
* Densely Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification
* Domain Prompt Tuning via Meta Relabeling for Unsupervised Adversarial Adaptation
* Global Distance-distributions Separation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Internal-video mode dependent directional transform
* Intra frame coding with template matching prediction and adaptive transform
* Learning Distortion Invariant Representation for Image Restoration from a Causality Perspective
* Lifelong Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification with Coordinated Anti-forgetting and Adaptation
* MetaAlign: Coordinating Domain Alignment and Classification for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Modality Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Online Action Detection
* Object-based coding for Kinect depth and color videos
* Online Human Action Detection Using Joint Classification-Regression Recurrent Neural Networks
* Practical Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* Re-energizing Domain Discriminator with Sample Relabeling for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Relation-Aware Global Attention for Person Re-Identification
* ReSTR: Convolution-free Referring Image Segmentation Using Transformers
* Semantic-Aware Message Broadcasting for Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Shatter and Gather: Learning Referring Image Segmentation with Text Supervision
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition With Gated Convolutional Neural Networks
* Skeleton-Based Mutually Assisted Interacted Object Localization and Human Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Attention-Based LSTM Networks for 3D Action Recognition and Detection
* Structure-Preserving Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery in Wireless Networks
* Style Normalization and Restitution for Domain Generalization and Adaptation
* Target-Tailored Source-Transformation for Scene Graph Generation
* Template-guided Hierarchical Feature Restoration for Anomaly Detection
* Text Grouping Adapter: Adapting Pre-Trained Text Detector for Layout Analysis
* Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
* UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-resolution Using Dynamic Prompt
* View Adaptive Neural Networks for High Performance Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* View Adaptive Recurrent Neural Networks for High Performance Human Action Recognition from Skeleton Data
* View Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation
Includes: Lan, C.L.[Cui Ling] Lan, C.L.[Cui-Ling] Lan, C.L.[Chuan-Lin]
34 for Lan, C.L.

Lan, C.X.[Chang Xing] Co Author Listing * Impact of Aerosol Mixing State and Hygroscopicity on the Lidar Ratio
Includes: Lan, C.X.[Chang Xing] Lan, C.X.[Chang-Xing]

Lan, C.Z.[Chao Zhen] Co Author Listing * Attention-Based Matching Approach for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Dense Image Matching for Mars Express HRSC Imagery Based On Precise Point Prediction Method
* Designing a Framework of Virtual Remote Sensing Satellite Simulation System
* Leveraging CNNs for Panoramic Image Matching Based on Improved Cube Projection Model
* Method for Detecting Feature-Sparse Regions and Matching Enhancement, A
* Novel Pixel-Level Image Matching Method for Mars Express HRSC Linear Pushbroom Imagery Using Approximate Orthophotos, A
* Pixel Level Data Fusion of Mars Express HRSC Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Rigorous Geometric Model
* Real Time Processing for Epipolar Resampling of Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Fast Algorithm for Best Scan Line Searching
* SatellStitch: Satellite Imagery-Assisted UAV Image Seamless Stitching for Emergency Response without GCP and GNSS
* Sino-InSpace: A Digital Simulation Platform for Virtual Space Environments
* Space Moving Objects Spatio-temporal Modeling And Visualization
* Unifying Building Instance Extraction and Recognition in UAV Images
* Vector Collection Method Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Data, A
Includes: Lan, C.Z.[Chao Zhen] Lan, C.Z.[Chao-Zhen] Lan, C.Z.
13 for Lan, C.Z.

Lan, D.[De] Co Author Listing * Boosted Convolutional Neural Networks (BCNN) for Pedestrian Detection
* Multiview-Video-Plus-Depth Coding Based on the Advanced Video Coding Standard
Includes: Lan, D.[De] Lan, D.

Lan, D.J.[Dong Jun] Co Author Listing * Multi-level anchorperson detection using multimodal association
* Robust camera motion analysis for home video
* systemic framework of camera motion analysis for home video, A
Includes: Lan, D.J.[Dong Jun] Lan, D.J.[Dong-Jun]

Lan, D.P.[Da Peng] Co Author Listing * Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Task Computing and On-Demand Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* Mobility-Aware Multi-Hop Task Offloading for Autonomous Driving in Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks
Includes: Lan, D.P.[Da Peng] Lan, D.P.[Da-Peng]

Lan, E.[Ella] Co Author Listing * Performer: A Novel PPG-to-ECG Reconstruction Transformer for a Digital Biomarker of Cardiovascular Disease Detection
* Uage: A Supervised Contrastive Method for Unconstrained Adaptive Gaze Estimation
Includes: Lan, E.[Ella] Lan, E.[Enfan]

Lan, F.[Fucai] Co Author Listing * feature-enhanced hybrid attention network for traffic sign recognition in real scenes, A
* Joint Demosaicking / Rectification Of Fisheye Camera Images Using Multi-Color Graph Laplacian Regularization
* Removing Reflective Flare in Real-World Conditions
* Shape-Preserving Simplification Method for Urban Building Models, A
Includes: Lan, F.[Fucai] Lan, F. Lan, F.[Fengbo] Lan, F.[Feng]

Lan, F.C.[Feng Chong] Co Author Listing * Human-Like Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Spatiotemporal Geometric Transformation
* Methodology of hierarchical collision avoidance for high-speed self-driving vehicle based on motion-decoupled extraction of scenarios
Includes: Lan, F.C.[Feng Chong] Lan, F.C.[Feng-Chong]

Lan, F.Q.[Feng Quan] Co Author Listing * comprehensive review of quality of experience for emerging video services, A
Includes: Lan, F.Q.[Feng Quan] Lan, F.Q.[Feng-Quan]

Lan, G. Co Author Listing * EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Transportation Mode Detection
* MCS-GAN: A Different Understanding for Generalization of Deep Forgery Detection
* Vision-Based Human Pose Estimation via Deep Learning: A Survey
Includes: Lan, G. Lan, G.[Guipeng] Lan, G.[Gongjin]

Lan, G.H.[Guang Hui] Co Author Listing * Accelerated Linearized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, An
* Improvement of the Estimation of the Vertical Crustal Motion Rate at GNSS Campaign Stations Based on the Information of GNSS Reference Stations
* Spatiotemporal Filtering for Continuous GPS Coordinate Time Series in Mainland China by Using Independent Component Analysis
Includes: Lan, G.H.[Guang Hui] Lan, G.H.[Guang-Hui] Lan, G.H.[Guang-Hong]

Lan, G.L.[Gui Lin] Co Author Listing * SGIR: Star Graph-Based Interaction for Efficient and Robust Multimodal Representation
Includes: Lan, G.L.[Gui Lin] Lan, G.L.[Gui-Lin]

Lan, G.P.[Gui Peng] Co Author Listing * controllable face forgery framework to enrich face-privacy-protection datasets, A
* Data-Driven Deepfake Forensics Model Based on Large-Scale Frequency and Noise Features
* High Fidelity Face-Swapping With Style ConvTransformer and Latent Space Selection
* Image Aesthetics Assessment Based on Hypernetwork of Emotion Fusion
Includes: Lan, G.P.[Gui Peng] Lan, G.P.[Gui-Peng]

Lan, G.W.[Gui Wen] Co Author Listing * Optimizing Multi-Way Spatial Joins of Web Feature Services
Includes: Lan, G.W.[Gui Wen] Lan, G.W.[Gui-Wen]

Lan, G.Y.[Guo Yu] Co Author Listing * mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
Includes: Lan, G.Y.[Guo Yu] Lan, G.Y.[Guo-Yu]

Lan, H.[Hai] Co Author Listing * Couplformer: Rethinking Vision Transformer with Coupling Attention
* Data Gap Filling Using Cloud-Based Distributed Markov Chain Cellular Automata Framework for Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis: Inner Mongolia as a Case Study
* Depth super-resolution via fully edge-augmented guidance
* DSRNet: Depth Super-Resolution Network guided by blurry depth and clear intensity edges
* Learning and Integrating Multi-Level Matching Features for Image-Text Retrieval
* Learning Extremely Lightweight and Robust Model with Differentiable Constraints on Sparsity and Condition Number
* MPEG-4 Real-Time Video Decoder Software, An
* Multiple-Regression Model Considering Deformation Information for Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR, A
* Multisensor Collaboration Network for Video Compression Based on Wavelet Decomposition
* Open-Source Workflow for Spatiotemporal Studies with COVID-19 as an Example, An
* OrphicX: A Causality-Inspired Latent Variable Model for Interpreting Graph Neural Networks
* semi-ellipsoid-model based fuzzy classifier to map grassland in Inner Mongolia, China, A
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19 Impact on Human Activities and Environment in Mainland China Using Nighttime Light and Air Quality Data
Includes: Lan, H.[Hai] Lan, H. Lan, H.[Hui] Lan, H.[Hong] Lan, H.[Hao]
13 for Lan, H.

Lan, H.B.[Hsueh Ban] Co Author Listing * Improved Multiplexed Image Reconstruction Performance Through Optical System Diversity Design
Includes: Lan, H.B.[Hsueh Ban] Lan, H.B.[Hsueh-Ban]

Lan, H.T.[Hai Tao] Co Author Listing * Research on Traffic Accident Detection Based on Vehicle Perspective
Includes: Lan, H.T.[Hai Tao] Lan, H.T.[Hai-Tao]

Lan, H.X.[Heng Xing] Co Author Listing * Bivariate Landslide Susceptibility Analysis: Clarification, Optimization, Open Software, and Preliminary Comparison
* Characteristics of Surface Deformation Detected by X-band SAR Interferometry over Sichuan-Tibet Grid Connection Project Area, China
* Multi-dimensional SAR tomography for monitoring the deformation of newly built concrete buildings
* Remote Sensing Precursors Analysis for Giant Landslides
Includes: Lan, H.X.[Heng Xing] Lan, H.X.[Heng-Xing]

Lan, H.Y.[Hai Yan] Co Author Listing * Local Information Assisted Attention-Free Decoder for Audio Captioning
* Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Audio-Visual Action Recognition
* TCGL: Temporal Contrastive Graph for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
Includes: Lan, H.Y.[Hai Yan] Lan, H.Y.[Hai-Yan] Lan, H.Y.[Hao-Yuan]

Lan, J.[Jian] Co Author Listing * Automotive Radar-Based Vehicle Tracking Using Data-Region Association
* Autonomous Information Collection and Dissemination Model for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, An
* Coin-matting: Confounder Intervention for Image Matting
* Comfusion: Enhancing Personalized Generation by Instance-scene Compositing and Fusion
* Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation With Application to Joint Tracking and Classification
* Extended Object Tracking and Classification Using Radar and ESM Sensor Data
* Fast Ionogram Observations of Ascending Thin Layers Locally Transported from the E to F Region at Equatorial and Low Latitudes
* Iterative Mid-Range with Application to Estimation Performance Evaluation
* Joint Tracking and Identification Based on Constrained Joint Decision and Estimation
* Mobile User Interface Element Detection Via Adaptively Prompt Tuning
* Performance Evaluation of Joint Tracking and Classification
* Satellite-Based Estimation of Roughness Length over Vegetated Surfaces and Its Utilization in WRF Simulations
* Supervised Contrastive Learning for Snapshot Spectral Imaging Face Anti-Spoofing
* Tracking of Multiple Maneuvering Random Hypersurface Extended Objects Using High Resolution Sensors
* Tracking of Rectangular Object Using Key Points With Regionally Concentrated Measurements
* Velocity-Dependent Orientation Estimation Using Variance Adaptation for Extended Object Tracking
* XYLayoutLM: Towards Layout-Aware Multimodal Networks For Visually-Rich Document Understanding
Includes: Lan, J.[Jian] Lan, J. Lan, J.[Jun] Lan, J.[Jiaping] Lan, J.[Jing]
17 for Lan, J.

Lan, J.F.[Jeng Feng] Co Author Listing * Method for detecting movement of image sensors
Includes: Lan, J.F.[Jeng Feng] Lan, J.F.[Jeng-Feng]

Lan, J.H.[Jin Hui] Co Author Listing * Adaptive image segmentation algorithm under the constraint of edge posterior probability
* Adaptive Polar-Grid Gaussian-Mixture Model for Foreground Segmentation Using Roadside LiDAR
* AFRNet: Anchor-Free Object Detection Using Roadside LiDAR in Urban Scenes
* Attention-Based Residual Network with Scattering Transform Features for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Limited Training Samples
* Automatic Calibration between Multi-Lines LiDAR and Visible Light Camera Based on Edge Refinement and Virtual Mask Matching
* Deformable Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial-Channel Attention for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Dual-Branch Extraction and Classification Method Under Limited Samples of Hyperspectral Images Based on Deep Learning, A
* Efficient Rep-Style Gaussian-Wasserstein Network: Improved UAV Infrared Small Object Detection for Urban Road Surveillance and Safety, An
* Hierarchical Sparsity Unmixing Method to Address Endmember Variability in Hyperspectral Image, A
* KLT Feature Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Airborne Videos
* Leaf Area Index Estimation Algorithm for GF-5 Hyperspectral Data Based on Different Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods
* LiDAR Filtering in 3D Object Detection Based on Improved RANSAC
* Multiscale Hierarchical Model for Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* Scattering Transform Framework for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Spectral Unmixing Method by Maximum Margin Criterion and Derivative Weights to Address Spectral Variability in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Vehicle Detection and Motion Analysis in Low-Altitude Airborne Video Under Urban Environment
* Vehicle detection and tracking in airborne videos by multi-motion layer analysis
Includes: Lan, J.H.[Jin Hui] Lan, J.H.[Jin-Hui] Lan, J.H.[Jin-He]
17 for Lan, J.H.

Lan, J.K. Co Author Listing * Efficient Search Algorithm on Compact S-Trees

Lan, J.L.[Jiang Lin] Co Author Listing * Data-driven cooperative adaptive cruise control for unknown nonlinear vehicle platoons
* Data-driven dual-loop control for platooning mixed human-driven and automated vehicles
* Data-Driven Robust Predictive Control for Mixed Vehicle Platoons Using Noisy Measurement
* SLAM2: Simultaneous Localization and Multimode Mapping for indoor dynamic environments
* Stereo Cross Global Learnable Attention Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Includes: Lan, J.L.[Jiang Lin] Lan, J.L.[Jiang-Lin] Lan, J.L.[Jun-Lin]

Lan, J.M.[Ji Ming] Co Author Listing * Improved filtering method used for linear CCD light spot image
Includes: Lan, J.M.[Ji Ming] Lan, J.M.[Ji-Ming]

Lan, J.P.[Jin Peng] Co Author Listing * First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* Multi-Modal Instruction Tuned LLMs with Fine-Grained Visual Perception
* Towards Deeply Unified Depth-aware Panoptic Segmentation with Bi-directional Guidance Learning
Includes: Lan, J.P.[Jin Peng] Lan, J.P.[Jin-Peng]

Lan, J.Q.[Jun Qiang] Co Author Listing * Operational distortion-quantization curve-based bit allocation for smooth video quality
Includes: Lan, J.Q.[Jun Qiang] Lan, J.Q.[Jun-Qiang]

Lan, J.S.[Jin Song] Co Author Listing * Turbo: Informativity-driven Acceleration Plug-in for Vision-language Large Models
* Wear-any-way: Manipulable Virtual Try-on via Sparse Correspondence Alignment
Includes: Lan, J.S.[Jin Song] Lan, J.S.[Jin-Song]

Lan, J.W.[Ji Wu] Co Author Listing * Monitoring and Quantitative Human Risk Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Using Integrated Satellite-UAV-Ground Survey Approach
Includes: Lan, J.W.[Ji Wu] Lan, J.W.[Ji-Wu]

Lan, J.Y.[Jia Ying] Co Author Listing * Single Cross-domain Semantic Guidance Network for Multimodal Unsupervised Image Translation
Includes: Lan, J.Y.[Jia Ying] Lan, J.Y.[Jia-Ying]

Lan, K.[Ke] Co Author Listing * Improved image GPS location estimation by mining salient features
* Improved Techniques for Multi-view Registration with Motion Averaging
* POI Summarization by Aesthetics Evaluation From Crowd Source Social Media
* Temporal-aware Siamese Tracker: Integrate Temporal Context for 3d Object Tracking
Includes: Lan, K.[Ke] Lan, K. Lan, K.[Kaihao]

Lan, K.C. Co Author Listing * Effects of driving behaviour on vehicle cluster formation and its application
* Using Smart-Phones and Floor Plans for Indoor Location Tracking
Includes: Lan, K.C. Lan, K.C.[Kun-Chan]

Lan, K.H.[Kai Hao] Co Author Listing * 3D Siamese Transformer Network for Single Object Tracking on Point Clouds
Includes: Lan, K.H.[Kai Hao] Lan, K.H.[Kai-Hao]

Lan, K.M.[Kung Ming] Co Author Listing * Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular View with Applications to Event Detection and Video Gaming
* Tracking Human Under Occlusion Based on Adaptive Multiple Kernels With Projected Gradients
Includes: Lan, K.M.[Kung Ming] Lan, K.M.[Kung-Ming]

Lan, K.W.[Kuo Wei] Co Author Listing * Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank
* Association of Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait with Distributions and Habitat Characteristics of Three Swimming Crabs
* Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan
* Using Remote-Sensing Environmental and Fishery Data to Map Potential Yellowfin Tuna Habitats in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
* Validation of a Primary Production Algorithm of Vertically Generalized Production Model Derived from Multi-Satellite Data around the Waters of Taiwan
* Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data
Includes: Lan, K.W.[Kuo Wei] Lan, K.W.[Kuo-Wei]

Lan, K.Y.[Kun Yan] Co Author Listing * Detection of Vehicle Manufacture Logos Using Contextual Information
Includes: Lan, K.Y.[Kun Yan] Lan, K.Y.[Kun-Yan]

Lan, L.[Long] Co Author Listing * 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results
* Activity Recognition in Still Images with Transductive Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Adaptive Detectors for FDA-MIMO Radar With Unknown Mutual Coupling
* Analysis of Video Quality Datasets via Design of Minimalistic Video Quality Models
* Background Subtraction via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Class-specific and self-learning local manifold structure for domain adaptation
* Contrastive Transformer Hashing for Compact Video Representation
* Cooperated Moving Target Detection Approach for PA-FDA Dual-Mode Radar in Range-Ambiguous Clutter
* Deep Co-Image-Label Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
* DeIoU: Toward Distinguishable Box Prediction in Densely Packed Object Detection
* Discrimination of Target and Mainlobe Jammers With FDA-MIMO Radar
* Discriminative Geometric-Structure-Based Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Discriminative object tracking by domain contrast
* Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
* Domain Specified Optimization for Deployment Authorization
* Domain-specific feature recalibration and alignment for multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation
* Efficient Maritime Target Joint Detection and Imaging Method with Airborne ISAR System, An
* Extraction of Factors Strongly Correlated with Lightning Activity Based on Remote Sensing Information
* Frequency Increment Design Method of MR-FDA-MIMO Radar for Interference Suppression
* Frustratingly Easy Knowledge Distillation via Attentive Similarity Matching
* Graph-Laplacian Correlated Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imaging with Space-Time Coding Array
* Instance-Level Scaling and Dynamic Margin-Alignment Knowledge Distillation for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Interacting Tracklets for Multi-Object Tracking
* Learning deep discriminative embeddings via joint rescaled features and log-probability centers
* Learning to Purification for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* MagicFusion: Boosting Text-to-Image Generation Performance by Fusing Diffusion Models
* Mainlobe Deceptive Jammer Suppression Based on Quadratic Phase Coding in FDA-MIMO Radar
* Margin-Embedding Canonical Correlation Analysis with Feature Selection for Person Re-Identification
* Medial-axis-driven shape deformation with volume preservation
* Mixture Model for Multiple Instance Regression and Applications in Remote Sensing
* Multi-Dimensional Parameter Estimation in Polarimetric ULA with Cross-Distribution Dipole Pairs
* Near-Online Multi-Pedestrian Tracking via Combining Multiple Consistent Appearance Cues
* Ninth NTIRE 2024 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge Report, The
* Nocal-Siam: Refining Visual Features and Response With Advanced Non-Local Blocks for Real-Time Siamese Tracking
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Virtual Reality Videos in the Wild
* Range-Ambiguous Clutter Separation via Reweighted Atomic Norm Minimization With EPC-MIMO Radar
* Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression via FDA MIMO Planar Array Radar with Compressed Sensing
* Reducing bi-level feature redundancy for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Semi-online Multi-people Tracking by Re-identification
* Suppression of Mainlobe Jammers with Quadratic Element Pulse Coding in MIMO Radar
* Tackling Noisy Labels With Network Parameter Additive Decomposition
* Transceive Beamforming With Accurate Nulling in FDA-MIMO Radar for Imaging
* Unsupervised Discriminative Deep Hashing With Locality and Globality Preservation
Includes: Lan, L.[Long] Lan, L.[Lan] Lan, L. Lan, L.[Lei]
45 for Lan, L.

Lan, L.C.[Li Chi] Co Author Listing * Age Regression with Specific Facial Landmarks by Dual Discriminator Adversarial Autoencoder
Includes: Lan, L.C.[Li Chi] Lan, L.C.[Li-Chi]

Lan, L.Q.[Lin Qi] Co Author Listing * Collaborative Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Low-Quality Medical Image Enhancement, A
* Crowd counting in complex scenes based on an attention aware CNN network
Includes: Lan, L.Q.[Lin Qi] Lan, L.Q.[Lin-Qi] Lan, L.Q.[Ling-Qiang]

Lan, L.S.[Leu Shing] Co Author Listing * On-line handwritten chinese character recognition using a radical-based affine transformation
Includes: Lan, L.S.[Leu Shing] Lan, L.S.[Leu-Shing]

Lan, M.[Minxuan] Co Author Listing * Assessing Potable Water Access and Its Implications for Households' Livelihoods: The Case of Sibi in the Nkwanta North District, Ghana
* Bidirectional correlation-driven inter-frame interaction Transformer for referring video object segmentation
* Coherence-aware context aggregator for fast video object segmentation
* Constrained Discriminative Projection Learning for Image Classification
* Crime Prediction with Historical Crime and Movement Data of Potential Offenders Using a Spatio-Temporal Cokriging Method
* Different Ways Ambient and Immobile Population Distributions Influence Urban Crime Patterns
* Improved Algorithm for the Retrieval of the Antarctic Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness from ICESat-2 Altimeter Data, An
* Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Forest Fire Occurrence Based on Remote Sensing Data: An Analysis in Anhui, China
* Supervised and Traditional Term Weighting Methods for Automatic Text Categorization
* YOLO for Penguin Detection and Counting Based on Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Lan, M.[Minxuan] Lan, M.[Meng] Lan, M. Lan, M.[Musheng] Lan, M.[Man]
10 for Lan, M.

Lan, M.C.[Meng Cheng] Co Author Listing * ClearCLIP: Decomposing CLIP Representations for Dense Vision-language Inference
* Coupled Knowledge Transfer for Visual Data Recognition
* Dual-Level Adaptive and Discriminative Knowledge Transfer for Cross-Domain Recognition
* Generalized Multi-View Collaborative Subspace Clustering
* Learning to Discover Knowledge: A Weakly-Supervised Partial Domain Adaptation Approach
* Proxyclip: Proxy Attention Improves CLIP for Open-vocabulary Segmentation
Includes: Lan, M.C.[Meng Cheng] Lan, M.C.[Meng-Cheng]

Lan, M.X.[Min Xuan] Co Author Listing * Assessing Impacts of New Subway Stations on Urban Thefts in the Surrounding Areas
* Assessing the Impact of Nightlight Gradients on Street Robbery and Burglary in Cincinnati of Ohio State, USA
* Crime Geographical Displacement: Testing Its Potential Contribution to Crime Prediction
* How Is the Confidentiality of Crime Locations Affected by Parameters in Kernel Density Estimation?
Includes: Lan, M.X.[Min Xuan] Lan, M.X.[Min-Xuan]

Lan, P.[Ping] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Quantify Water Inputs over Complex Mountainous Terrain of Western China

Lan, P.N.[Phan Ngoc] Co Author Listing * NeoUNet: Towards Accurate Colon Polyp Segmentation and Neoplasm Detection

Lan, Q.[Qiang] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Attacks in Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition with Deep Learning Models
* Method for Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition Based on the Delay-Doppler Joint Feature, A
* Psychology-Inspired Interaction Process Analysis based on Time Series
Includes: Lan, Q.[Qiang] Lan, Q.[Qing] Lan, Q.[Qili]

Lan, Q.Q.[Qiong Qiong] Co Author Listing * Deformation Slope Extraction and Influencing Factor Analysis Using LT-1 Satellite Data: A Case Study of Chongqing and Surrounding Areas, China
Includes: Lan, Q.Q.[Qiong Qiong] Lan, Q.Q.[Qiong-Qiong]

Lan, Q.X.[Qi Xin] Co Author Listing * Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Fusion Features on Scalp EEG Signals
Includes: Lan, Q.X.[Qi Xin] Lan, Q.X.[Qi-Xin]

Lan, Q.Z.[Qi Zhen] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Instance Distillation for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Gradient-Guided Knowledge Distillation for Object Detectors
Includes: Lan, Q.Z.[Qi Zhen] Lan, Q.Z.[Qi-Zhen]

Lan, R.[Rushi] Co Author Listing * 4DPM: Deepfake Detection With a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Mask
* Adversarial Thumbnail-Preserving Transformation for Facial Images Based on GAN
* Beyond the Watching: Understanding Viewer Interactions in Crowdsourced Live Video Broadcasting Services
* Blood Vessel Segmentation via Topology Interaction and Contrast
* Brighten up Images via Dual-Branch Structure-Texture Awareness Feature Interaction
* Cascading and Enhanced Residual Networks for Accurate Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Client-Side Watermarking for Images With Solid-Color Backgrounds
* Consumer-Oriented Image Transformation Scheme With a Secret Key for Privacy Protection, A
* Discriminative Face Hallucination via Locality-Constrained and Category Embedding Representation
* EDCNN: A Novel Network for Image Denoising
* HF-TPE: High-Fidelity Thumbnail- Preserving Encryption
* Identifiable Face Privacy Protection via Virtual Identity Transformation
* Image captioning using DenseNet network and adaptive attention
* Infrared Image Super-Resolution via Transfer Learning and PSRGAN
* Label Guided Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Learning Siamese networks for laser vision seam tracking
* Orthogonal projection transform with application to shape description
* Pairwise Linear Regression Classification for Image Set Retrieval
* PRA-TPE: Perfectly Recoverable Approximate Thumbnail-Preserving Image Encryption
* Pyramid Architecture for Multi-Scale Processing in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Quaternion-Michelson Descriptor for Color Image Classification
* Quaternionic Local Ranking Binary Pattern: A Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Quaternionic Weber Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Retinex-inspired contrast stretch and detail boosting for lowlight image enhancement
* Revamping Blood Vessel Edge-Buffer Labels: A Self-Correcting Region Supervision
* Single Traffic Image Deraining via Similarity-Diversity Model
* Spatial-Frequency Discriminability for Revealing Adversarial Perturbations
* Usability Enhanced Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Data Hiding for JPEG Images
* Whitening central projection descriptor for affine-invariant shape description
Includes: Lan, R.[Rushi] Lan, R. Lan, R.[Rui]
29 for Lan, R.

Lan, R.H.[Ruo Hua] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Real-Time GPS/BDS-2/BDS-3 Single-Frequency PPP and INS Tight Integration Using Different RTS Products
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Data-Related Factors on BDS-3 B1I + B2b Real-Time PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
* Evaluation of BDS-3 B1C/B2b Single/Dual-Frequency PPP Using PPP-B2b and RTS SSR Products in Both Static and Dynamic Applications
* Low-Cost IMU and Odometer Tightly Augmented PPP-B2b-Based Inter-Satellite Differenced PPP in Urban Environments
Includes: Lan, R.H.[Ruo Hua] Lan, R.H.[Ruo-Hua]

Lan, R.P.[Ren Ping] Co Author Listing * Evaluating the Hydrus-1D Model Optimized by Remote Sensing Data for Soil Moisture Simulations in the Maize Root Zone
Includes: Lan, R.P.[Ren Ping] Lan, R.P.[Ren-Ping]

Lan, R.Y.[Rong Yi] Co Author Listing * Automated human motion segmentation via motion regularities
Includes: Lan, R.Y.[Rong Yi] Lan, R.Y.[Rong-Yi]

Lan, S.[Shuyue] Co Author Listing * Collaborative Multi-Agent Video Fast-Forwarding
* FastMask: Segment Multi-scale Object Candidates in One Shot
* FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning
* Joint Super-Resolution and Deformable Registration Network for 3D Brain Images, A
* Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Fused Dataset for High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Farmland in China's Diverse Latitudes
* MaskPlus: Improving Mask Generation for Instance Segmentation
* Non-rigid medical image registration using image field in Demons algorithm
* SaccadeNet: A Fast and Accurate Object Detector
Includes: Lan, S.[Shuyue] Lan, S. Lan, S.[Sheng] Lan, S.[Shu]
8 for Lan, S.

Lan, S.B.[Song Bai] Co Author Listing * Modeling and Performance Analysis of Satellite Network Moving Target Defense System with Petri Nets
Includes: Lan, S.B.[Song Bai] Lan, S.B.[Song-Bai]

Lan, S.C.[Shyh Chin] Co Author Listing * Mapping Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Roofing Tiles with Imagery Cube via Machine Learning in Taiwan
Includes: Lan, S.C.[Shyh Chin] Lan, S.C.[Shyh-Chin]

Lan, S.F.[San Fan] Co Author Listing * Human Motion Parameter Capturing Using Particle Filter and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
Includes: Lan, S.F.[San Fan] Lan, S.F.[San-Fan]

Lan, S.G.[Shan Gen] Co Author Listing * Detection of non-suicidal self-injury based on spatiotemporal features of indoor activities
Includes: Lan, S.G.[Shan Gen] Lan, S.G.[Shan-Gen]

Lan, S.R.[Shou Ren] Co Author Listing * efficient volume repairing method by using a modified Allen-Cahn equation, An
Includes: Lan, S.R.[Shou Ren] Lan, S.R.[Shou-Ren]

Lan, S.Y.[Shi Yi] Co Author Listing * AdaViT: Adaptive Vision Transformers for Efficient Image Recognition
* BEVNeXt: Reviving Dense BEV Frameworks for 3D Object Detection
* DiscoBox: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation and Semantic Correspondence from Box Supervision
* DLAHSD: Dynamic Label Adopted in Auxiliary Head for SAR Detection
* Flow-Based One-Class Anomaly Detection with Multi-Frequency Feature Fusion
* FocalFormer3D : Focusing on Hard Instance for 3D Object Detection
* Fully Attentional Networks with Self-emerging Token Labeling
* Infofocus: 3d Object Detection for Autonomous Driving with Dynamic Information Modeling
* Is Ego Status All You Need for Open-Loop End-to-End Autonomous Driving?
* M3DETR: Multi-representation, Multi-scale, Mutual-relation 3D Object Detection with Transformers
* Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds Using Geo-CNN
* Representation Learning Meets Optimization-Derived Networks: From Single-View to Multi-View
* Robust Visual Object Tracking with Spatiotemporal Regularisation and Discriminative Occlusion Deformation
* SAGAN: Skip-Attention GAN for Anomaly Detection
* SEGIC: Unleashing the Emergent Correspondence for In-context Segmentation
* Semantic Space is Worth 256 Language Descriptions: Make Stronger Segmentation Models with Descriptive Properties, A
* Synthesize, Diagnose, and Optimize: Towards Fine-Grained Vision-Language Understanding
* Vision Transformers are Good Mask Auto-Labelers
* What is Point Supervision Worth in Video Instance Segmentation?
Includes: Lan, S.Y.[Shi Yi] Lan, S.Y.[Shi-Yi] Lan, S.Y.[Shi-Yong] Lan, S.Y.[Shi-Yang]
19 for Lan, S.Y.

Lan, T.[Tian] Co Author Listing * Action Recognition by Hierarchical Mid-Level Action Elements
* ANNs-Based Method for Automated Labelling of Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Assessing the Suitability of Fractal Dimension for Measuring Graphic Complexity Change in Schematic Metro Networks
* Benchmark Problems for Phase Retrieval
* Complexity-Scalable Algorithmic Design: Implementation of a Scalable Resolution Enhancement Algorithm
* Discriminative figure-centric models for joint action localization and recognition
* Discriminative Latent Models for Recognizing Contextual Group Activities
* Efficient Video Instance Segmentation via Tracklet Query and Proposal
* Exploring Allometric Scaling Relations between Fractal Dimensions of Metro Networks and Economic, Environmental and Social Indicators: A Case Study of 26 Cities in China
* From Subcategories to Visual Composites: A Multi-level Framework for Object Detection
* GAN Based Multi-Contrast Modalities Medical Image Registration Approach, A
* Geo-Referencing and Mapping 1901 Census Addresses for England and Wales
* Hierarchical MK Splines: Algorithm and Applications to Data Fitting
* Hierarchical Representation for Future Action Prediction, A
* IDANet: An Information Distillation and Aggregation Network for Speech Enhancement
* Image Retrieval with Structured Object Queries Using Latent Ranking SVM
* Improved ANN-Based Label Placement Method Considering Surrounding Features for Schematic Metro Maps, An
* Improved Medical Image Registration Algorithm Based on Mutual Information, An
* Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Based on Structural Constraints Using Variational Born Iteration Method
* Joint Petrophysical and Structural Inversion of Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Based on Volume Integral Equation Method
* Learning Action Primitives for Multi-level Video Event Understanding
* Learning Class-to-Image Distance with Object Matchings
* Leveraging Mixed Data Sources for Enhanced Road Segmentation in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Lunar Brightness Temperature Map and TB Distribution Model
* Lunar Brightness Temperature Model Based on the Microwave Radiometer Data of Chang'e-2
* Machine Learning-Based Classification System for Urban Built-Up Areas Using Multiple Classifiers and Data Sources, A
* Max-Margin Riffled Independence Model for Image Tag Ranking, A
* Metric and Color Modifications for the Automated Construction of Map Symbols
* MFFA-SARNET: Deep Transferred Multi-Level Feature Fusion Attention Network with Dual Optimized Loss for Small-Sample SAR ATR
* MILA: Multi-Task Learning from Videos via Efficient Inter-Frame Attention
* Modeling of Lunar Digital Terrain Entropy and Terrain Entropy Distribution Model
* Multi-modal brain tumor image segmentation based on SDAE
* New Approach for Character Recognition of Multi-Style Vehicle License Plates, A
* Novel Image Representation Method Under a Non-Standard Positional Numeral System, A
* Novel Method for Improving Quality of Oblique Incidence Sounding Ionograms Based on Eigenspace-Based Beamforming Technology and Capon High-Resolution Range Profile, A
* Optimizing Nondecomposable Loss Functions in Structured Prediction
* PCT: Large-Scale 3d Point Cloud Representations Via Graph Inception Networks with Applications to Autonomous Driving
* Scale-Invariant Multi-Level Context Aggregation Network for Weakly Supervised Building Extraction
* Similarity Constrained Latent Support Vector Machine: An Application to Weakly Supervised Action Classification
* Site Selection via Learning Graph Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study of Singapore
* SMO-CLIP: Enhancing Anomalous Smoke Density Assessment Using a Hybrid LLM-VLM Approach
* Social roles in hierarchical models for human activity recognition
* Spatial Optimization of Mega-City Fire Stations Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* Twisted Cubic: Degeneracy Degree and Relationship with General Degeneracy
Includes: Lan, T.[Tian] Lan, T. Lan, T.[Tsehua] Lan, T.[Ting]
44 for Lan, T.

Lan, T.H.[Tse Hua] Co Author Listing * MultiGrid Embedding (MGE) Image Coding
* Novel High-Capacity Data-Embedding System, A
* Power optimized mode selection for H.263 video coding and wireless communications
* Regulated complexity scalable MPEG-2 video decoding for media processors
* Robust High Capacity Data Embedding
* Sigma filtered perceptual image coding at low bit rates
Includes: Lan, T.H.[Tse Hua] Lan, T.H.[Tse-Hua] Lan, T.H.

Lan, T.T.[Ting Ting] Co Author Listing * Joint Optimization on Trajectory, Cache Placement, and Transmission Power for Minimum Mission Time in UAV-Aided Wireless Networks
Includes: Lan, T.T.[Ting Ting] Lan, T.T.[Ting-Ting]

Lan, T.X.[Tian Xiang] Co Author Listing * CBPT: A New Backbone for Enhancing Information Transmission of Vision Transformers
Includes: Lan, T.X.[Tian Xiang] Lan, T.X.[Tian-Xiang]

Lan, T.Y.[Tian Yi] Co Author Listing * Federated learning based nonlinear two-stage framework for full-reference image quality assessment: An application for biometric
* Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
Includes: Lan, T.Y.[Tian Yi] Lan, T.Y.[Tian-Yi] Lan, T.Y.[Tzu-Yen]

Lan, W. Co Author Listing * COCO-CN for Cross-Lingual Image Tagging, Captioning, and Retrieval
* Improved ASD classification using dynamic functional connectivity and multi-task feature selection
* Research on CSR-DCF Tracking Algorithm based on YOLO Detection, A
Includes: Lan, W. Lan, W.[Wei] Lan, W.[Wu]

Lan, W.C.[Wei Chao] Co Author Listing * Compact Neural Network via Stacking Hybrid Units
* Cross-Modal Hashing Method With Properties of Hamming Space: A New Perspective
* Few-Shot Lip-Password Based Speaker Verification
* Joint Semantic Preserving Sparse Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Includes: Lan, W.C.[Wei Chao] Lan, W.C.[Wei-Chao]

Lan, W.H.[Wen Hau] Co Author Listing * Annual Sea Level Amplitude Analysis over the North Pacific Ocean Coast by Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method
* Monitoring Vertical Land Motions in Southwestern Taiwan with Retracked Topex/Poseidon and Jason-2 Satellite Altimetry
Includes: Lan, W.H.[Wen Hau] Lan, W.H.[Wen-Hau]

Lan, W.Q.[Wei Qi] Co Author Listing * Distributions and Direct Radiative Effects of Different Aerosol Types in North China
Includes: Lan, W.Q.[Wei Qi] Lan, W.Q.[Wei-Qi]

Lan, W.Y.[Wei Yao] Co Author Listing * Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection
* Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system
Includes: Lan, W.Y.[Wei Yao] Lan, W.Y.[Wei-Yao]

Lan, X.[Xing] Co Author Listing * 3Dlaneformer: Rethinking Learning Views for 3D Lane Detection
* ATF: An Alternating Training Framework for Weakly Supervised Face Alignment
* Boosting Few-Shot Learning With Adaptive Margin Loss
* CH4 Fluxes Derived from Assimilation of TROPOMI XCH4 in CarbonTracker Europe-CH4: Evaluation of Seasonality and Spatial Distribution in the Northern High Latitudes
* Cross-View Person Identification Based on Confidence-Weighted Human Pose Matching
* DOA and Range Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar with Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Does Pixel Value Represent Facial Landmark Well in Heatmap?
* Fast PARAFAC Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar, A
* Fast Target Localization in FMCW-MIMO Radar with Low SNR and Snapshot via Multi-DeepNet
* Fast Target Localization Method for FMCW MIMO Radar via VDSR Neural Network
* Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition-Based Target Localization Algorithm for WiFi Array Systems, A
* How to Train Triplet Networks with 100K Identities?
* Joint Angle and Range Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar via Compressed Unitary PARAFAC
* Joint Label Space for Generalized Zero-Shot Classification, A
* Learning the Unlearned: Mitigating Feature Suppression in Contrastive Learning
* MA-ResUNet: Multi-attention optic cup and optic disc segmentation based on improved U-Net
* Maritime Multiple Moving Target Detection Using Multiple-BDS-Based Radar: Doppler Phase Compensation and Resolution Improvement
* Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching
* Quick calibration of massive urban outdoor surveillance cameras
* Rapid survey method for large-scale outdoor surveillance cameras using binary space partitioning
* Real-Time Robotic Grasping Approach With Oriented Anchor Box, A
* Revisting Quantization Error in Face Alignment
* Robust Target Detection Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and a Monocular Camera, A
* Self-Referenced Deep Learning
* Target Detection Algorithm Based on Fusing Radar with a Camera in the Presence of a Fluctuating Signal Intensity, A
* Temporal Similarity Analysis of Remote Photoplethysmography for Fast 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Tensor-Based Reduced-Dimension MUSIC Method for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar
* Tensor-Based Target Parameter Estimation Algorithm for FDA-MIMO Radar with Array Gain-Phase Error
* Traffic Target Location Estimation Based on Tensor Decomposition in Intelligent Transportation System
* Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification by Instance and Distribution Alignment
Includes: Lan, X.[Xing] Lan, X.[Xu] Lan, X.[Xin] Lan, X. Lan, X.[Xiang] Lan, X.[Xianmei]
30 for Lan, X.

Lan, X.B.[Xia Bin] Co Author Listing * Semantic segmentation using cross-stage feature reweighting and efficient self-attention
Includes: Lan, X.B.[Xia Bin] Lan, X.B.[Xia-Bin]

Lan, X.C.[Xian Chao] Co Author Listing * Multiscale Deep Spatial Feature Extraction Using Virtual RGB Image for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Includes: Lan, X.C.[Xian Chao] Lan, X.C.[Xian-Chao]

Lan, X.D.[Xiao Dan] Co Author Listing * Color style transfer by constraint locally linear embedding
Includes: Lan, X.D.[Xiao Dan] Lan, X.D.[Xiao-Dan]

Lan, X.G.[Xu Guang] Co Author Listing * 3D spatio-temporal graph cuts for video objects segmentation
* Adaptive multiple description coding for hybrid networks with dynamic PLR and BER
* Boundary Based Out-of-Distribution Classifier for Generalized Zero-shot Learning, A
* Compressing Unknown Images With Product Quantizer for Efficient Zero-Shot Classification
* Depth Map Coding by Modeling the Locality and Local Correlation of View Synthesis Distortion in 3-D Video
* Depth Map Recovery Based on a Unified Depth Boundary Distortion Model
* Efficient compressive sensing video compression method based on Gaussian mixture models
* efficient depth image-based rendering with depth reliability maps for view synthesis, An
* Efficient Estimation of View Synthesis Distortion for Depth Coding Optimization
* Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Via Multi-Modal Aggregated Posterior Aligning Neural Network
* Human pose estimation based on human limbs
* Knowledge Graph Enhancement for Fine-Grained Zero-Shot Learning on ImageNet21K
* Learning to Refine 3D Human Pose Sequences
* Limb-Based Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation, A
* new compressive sensing video coding framework based on Gaussian mixture model, A
* Online Variable Coding Length Product Quantization for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in Mobile Retrieval
* Optimized truncation model for adaptive compressive sensing acquisition of images
* Relation DETR: Exploring Explicit Position Relation Prior for Object Detection
* Universal and low-complexity quantizer design for compressive sensing image coding
* Video object segmentation with shape cue based on spatiotemporal superpixel neighbourhood
* Visual manipulation relationship recognition in object-stacking scenes
Includes: Lan, X.G.[Xu Guang] Lan, X.G.[Xu-Guang]
21 for Lan, X.G.

Lan, X.J.[Xiao Ji] Co Author Listing * Geographical Entity Management Model Based on Multi-Classification
* Quick calibration of massive urban outdoor surveillance cameras
Includes: Lan, X.J.[Xiao Ji] Lan, X.J.[Xiao-Ji]

Lan, X.Q.[Xiao Qing] Co Author Listing * Contributions of Various Temporal Components of Large-Scale Parameters in Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the North Indian Ocean
Includes: Lan, X.Q.[Xiao Qing] Lan, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing]

Lan, X.S.[Xiao Song] Co Author Listing * Class-imbalance aware CNN extension for high resolution aerial image based vehicle localization and categorization
* Contour loss for instance segmentation via k-step distance transformation image
* Cost-Effective Class-Imbalance Aware CNN for Vehicle Localization and Categorization in High Resolution Aerial Images
Includes: Lan, X.S.[Xiao Song] Lan, X.S.[Xiao-Song]

Lan, X.X.[Xi Xi] Co Author Listing * Geophysics in Antarctic Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
* Pathmmu: A Massive Multimodal Expert-level Benchmark for Understanding and Reasoning in Pathology
Includes: Lan, X.X.[Xi Xi] Lan, X.X.[Xi-Xi] Lan, X.X.[Xiao-Xiao]

Lan, X.Y.[Xiang Yuan] Co Author Listing * Adversarial auto-encoder for unsupervised deep domain adaptation
* Alternative Physical Method for Retrieving Land Surface Temperatures from Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data: Application to IASI Observations
* Beyond Trees: Common-Factor Models for 2D Human Pose Recovery
* Cohesive Multi-Modality Feature Learning and Fusion for COVID-19 Patient Severity Prediction
* Continuous Prediction of Lower-Limb Kinematics From Multi-Modal Biomedical Signals
* Convolution by Multiplication: Accelerated Two- Stream Fourier Domain Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* CricaVPR: Cross-Image Correlation-Aware Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition
* Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Modality-Aware Collaborative Ensemble Learning
* Efficient Belief Propagation with Learned Higher-Order Markov Random Fields
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Semantic Graph Network
* Fine-Grained Spatial Alignment Model for Person Re-Identification With Focal Triplet Loss
* Fusion of iris and sclera using phase intensive rubbersheet mutual exclusion for periocular recognition
* Joint Sparse Representation and Robust Feature-Level Fusion for Multi-Cue Visual Tracking
* Learning Common and Feature-Specific Patterns: A Novel Multiple-Sparse-Representation-Based Tracker
* Limb-Aware Virtual Try-On Network With Progressive Clothing Warping
* Local context attention learning for fine-grained scene graph generation
* Long-Term Variation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Observed by MLS during 2005-2020
* Modality-correlation-aware sparse representation for RGB-infrared object tracking
* Multi-Adversarial Discriminative Deep Domain Generalization for Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Multi-cue Visual Tracking Using Robust Feature-Level Fusion Based on Joint Sparse Representation
* Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* Point-to-Set Distance Metric Learning on Deep Representations for Visual Tracking
* PVO: Panoptic Visual Odometry
* Remote Photoplethysmography Correspondence Feature for 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person re-IDentification in the Wild
* Robust Tracking via Uncertainty-Aware Semantic Consistency
* Robust Visual Tracking via Basis Matching
* Strip-MLP: Efficient Token Interaction for Vision MLP
* Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* unified spatio-temporal articulated model for tracking, A
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Lan, X.Y.[Xiang Yuan] Lan, X.Y.[Xiang-Yuan] Lan, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Lan, X.Y.[Xiang-Yang] Lan, X.Y.[Xin-Yi] Lan, X.Y.[Xin-Yue]
31 for Lan, X.Y.

Lan, Y.[Yubin] Co Author Listing * Assessing the Operation Parameters of a Low-altitude UAV for the Collection of NDVI Values Over a Paddy Rice Field
* automatic plant leaf stoma detection method based on YOLOv5, An
* Canopy Volume Extraction of Citrus reticulate Blanco cv. Shatangju Trees Using UAV Image-Based Point Cloud Deep Learning
* Cotton Fiber Quality Estimation Based on Machine Learning Using Time Series UAV Remote Sensing Data
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Robust Phase Gradient Estimation for Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using SAR Interferograms
* Deep Learning-Based Instance Segmentation Method of Litchi Canopy from UAV-Acquired Images
* Deriving Agricultural Field Boundaries for Crop Management from Satellite Images Using Semantic Feature Pyramid Network
* Effect of Vertical Distribution of Crop Structure and Biochemical Parameters of Winter Wheat on Canopy Reflectance Characteristics and Spectral Indices
* Evaluation of Cotton Defoliation Rate and Establishment of Spray Prescription Map Using Remote Sensing Imagery
* Explanatory Object Part Aggregation for Zero-Shot Learning
* Extraction of Citrus Trees from UAV Remote Sensing Imagery Using YOLOv5s and Coordinate Transformation
* Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR Using an ASE-Velocity Model Based on MOCO Principle
* From Collective Attribute Association of Groups to Precise Attribute Association of Individuals
* GaitGMT: Global feature mapping transformer for gait recognition
* Inversion of Leaf Area Index in Citrus Trees Based on Multi-Modal Data Fusion from UAV Platform
* Large-Scale L_0-Norm and L_1-Norm 2-D Phase Unwrapping
* Large-Scale Multibaseline Phase Unwrapping: Interferogram Segmentation Based on Multibaseline Envelope-Sparsity Theorem
* Mapping Coastal Wetlands and Their Dynamics in the Yellow River Delta over Last Three Decades: Based on a Spectral Endmember Space
* Method for Designated Target Anti-Interference Tracking Combining YOLOv5 and SiamRPN for UAV Tracking and Landing Control, A
* Method for Identifying Litchi Picking Position Based on YOLOv5 and PSPNet
* MM-Safetybench: A Benchmark for Safety Evaluation of Multimodal Large Language Models
* Multisystem Interferometric Data Fusion Framework: A Three-Step Sensing Approach
* Novel Integrated Algorithm for Wind Vector Retrieval from Conically Scanning Scatterometers, A
* Optimal Baseline Design for Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping
* Path Planning Optimization With Multiple Pesticide and Power Loading Bases Using Several Unmanned Aerial Systems on Segmented Agricultural Fields
* Planting Age Identification and Yield Prediction of Apple Orchard Using Time-Series Spectral Endmember and Logistic Growth Model
* Precision Detection of Dense Litchi Fruit in UAV Images Based on Improved YOLOv5 Model
* Quantification of Physiological Parameters of Rice Varieties Based on Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Models
* Real-Time UAV Patrol Technology in Orchard Based on the Swin-T YOLOX Lightweight Model
* Refined Two-Stage Programming-Based Multi-Baseline Phase Unwrapping Approach Using Local Plane Model
* Robust Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Multibaseline SAR Interferograms: A Two-Stage Programming Approach
* Roles of Urban Buildings and Vegetation in Adjusting Seasonal And Daily Air Temperature, The
* Severity Assessment of Cotton Canopy Verticillium Wilt by Machine Learning Based on Feature Selection and Optimization Algorithm Using UAV Hyperspectral Data
* Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Global Dependencies of Multi-Scale Features, A
Includes: Lan, Y.[Yubin] Lan, Y.[Yuan] Lan, Y. Lan, Y.[Yun] Lan, Y.[Yang] Lan, Y.[Yunshi] Lan, Y.[Youguo] Lan, Y.[Yan]
34 for Lan, Y.

Lan, Y.B.[Yu Bin] Co Author Listing * Airborne Multispectral Imaging System Based on Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Agricultural Remote Sensing, An
* Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Estimating LAI and Biomass in Winter Wheat Using HJ and RADARSAR-2 Data
* Detection of Citrus Huanglongbing Based on Multi-Input Neural Network Model of UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Real-Time Identification of Rice Weeds by UAV Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Based on Improved Semantic Segmentation Model
Includes: Lan, Y.B.[Yu Bin] Lan, Y.B.[Yu-Bin]

Lan, Y.C.[Yong Cui] Co Author Listing * Combining Multi-Source Data and Feature Optimization for Plastic-Covered Greenhouse Extraction and Mapping Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case in Central Yunnan Province, China
* Monoplanar CT Reconstruction with GANs
Includes: Lan, Y.C.[Yong Cui] Lan, Y.C.[Yong-Cui] Lan, Y.C.[Yu-Chia]

Lan, Y.G.[Yuan Ge] Co Author Listing * Pixel Level Data Fusion of Mars Express HRSC Linear Pushbroom Imagery Based on the Rigorous Geometric Model
Includes: Lan, Y.G.[Yuan Ge] Lan, Y.G.[Yuan-Ge]

Lan, Y.H.[Yi Hua] Co Author Listing * hybrid feature selection method using both filter and wrapper in mammography CAD, A
* new spherical hashing method in a low-dimensional isotropic space, A
Includes: Lan, Y.H.[Yi Hua] Lan, Y.H.[Yi-Hua] Lan, Y.H.[Yin-He]

Lan, Y.J.[Ying Jie] Co Author Listing * Investigating Redundant Internet Video Streaming Traffic on iOS Devices: Causes and Solutions
Includes: Lan, Y.J.[Ying Jie] Lan, Y.J.[Ying-Jie]

Lan, Y.L.[Yi Lin] Co Author Listing * CorrTalk: Correlation Between Hierarchical Speech and Facial Activity Variances for 3D Animation
* Multi-Objective Two-Echelon City Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites and Crowd-Shipping
* Triangular Grid Filter Method Based on the Slope Filter, A
* Two-Echelon Dispatching Problem With Mobile Satellites in City Logistics
Includes: Lan, Y.L.[Yi Lin] Lan, Y.L.[Yi-Lin] Lan, Y.L.[Yu-Lin] Lan, Y.L.[Yi-Ling]

Lan, Y.Q.[Yu Qing] Co Author Listing * DisARM: Displacement Aware Relation Module for 3D Detection
Includes: Lan, Y.Q.[Yu Qing] Lan, Y.Q.[Yu-Qing]

Lan, Y.S.[Yu Shi] Co Author Listing * Correspondence Distillation from NeRF-Based GAN
* DeformToon3d: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Toonification
* GradMA: A Gradient-Memory-based Accelerated Federated Learning with Alleviated Catastrophic Forgetting
* Ln3diff: Scalable Latent Neural Fields Diffusion for Speedy 3d Generation
* Loc3diff: Local Diffusion for 3d Human Head Synthesis and Editing
* Self-Supervised Geometry-Aware Encoder for Style-Based 3D GAN Inversion
* Smart: A Sensor-Triggerred Interactive MR Display
Includes: Lan, Y.S.[Yu Shi] Lan, Y.S.[Yu-Shi] Lan, Y.S.[Yun-Shi] Lan, Y.S.
7 for Lan, Y.S.

Lan, Y.W.[Yun Wei] Co Author Listing * Prior-guided multiscale network for single-image dehazing
Includes: Lan, Y.W.[Yun Wei] Lan, Y.W.[Yun-Wei]

Lan, Y.X.[Yu Xiang] Co Author Listing * Efficient Converted Spiking Neural Network for 3D and 2D Classification
* Finding stable salient contours
* Interactive chromaticity mapping for multispectral images
* Resolution limits on visual speech recognition
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Using Selected Multi-resolution Linear Predictors
* Salient Regions from Scale-Space Trees
* Stable Salient Contours
* Which Phoneme-to-Viseme Maps Best Improve Visual-Only Computer Lip-Reading?
Includes: Lan, Y.X.[Yu Xiang] Lan, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang] Lan, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan] Lan, Y.X.[Yan-Xiang]
8 for Lan, Y.X.

Lan, Y.Y.[Yan Yan] Co Author Listing * Transformation Driven Visual Reasoning
* Visual Reasoning: From State to Transformation
Includes: Lan, Y.Y.[Yan Yan] Lan, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan]

Lan, Z. Co Author Listing * Data Uncertainty Learning in Face Recognition
* GCN-Based Multi-Modal Multi-Label Attribute Classification in Anime Illustration Using Domain-Specific Semantic Features
* ICENET: A Semantic Segmentation Deep Network for River Ice by Fusing Positional and Channel-Wise Attentive Features
* Improved Surface Soil Organic Carbon Mapping of SoilGrids250m Using Sentinel-2 Spectral Images in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* MACRO: Multi-Attention Convolutional Recurrent Model for Subject-Independent ERP Detection
* Real-time EEG-based emotion monitoring using stable features
* Rethink arbitrary style transfer with transformer and contrastive learning
* Rethinking Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution: Rectangle-Window Cross-Attention Transformer and Arbitrary-Scale Upsampling
* Rethinking Video Deblurring with Wavelet-aware Dynamic Transformer and Diffusion Model
* Solving the Perspective-2-Point Problem for Flying-Camera Photo Composition
Includes: Lan, Z. Lan, Z.[Ziwen] Lan, Z.[Zeze] Lan, Z.[Zefan] Lan, Z.[Zhen] Lan, Z.[Zirui] Lan, Z.[Zehua]
10 for Lan, Z.

Lan, Z.D.[Zhong Dan] Co Author Listing * Direct Linear Sub-Pixel Correlation by Incorporation of Neighbor Pixels Information and Robust Estimation of Window Transformation
* Linear N >=4-Point Pose Determination
* Linear N-Point Camera Pose Determination
* Robust location based partial correlation
* Robust Matching by Partial Correlation
Includes: Lan, Z.D.[Zhong Dan] Lan, Z.D.[Zhong-Dan]

Lan, Z.H.[Zhong Hao] Co Author Listing * Prime-aware Adaptive Distillation
Includes: Lan, Z.H.[Zhong Hao] Lan, Z.H.[Zhong-Hao]

Lan, Z.Q.[Zhi Qian] Co Author Listing * Quantifying the Individual Differences of Drivers' Risk Perception via Potential Damage Risk Model
* Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Autonomous Driving in General Urban Scenarios, A
* Robust Point Cloud Based Reconstruction of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes
Includes: Lan, Z.Q.[Zhi Qian] Lan, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qian] Lan, Z.Q.[Zi-Quan]

Lan, Z.X.[Zi Xun] Co Author Listing * AEDNet: Adaptive Edge-Deleting Network For Subgraph Matching
* RCsearcher: Reaction center identification in retrosynthesis via deep Q-learning
Includes: Lan, Z.X.[Zi Xun] Lan, Z.X.[Zi-Xun]

Lan, Z.Y.[Zong Yu] Co Author Listing * FocSAM: Delving Deeply into Focused Objects in Segmenting Anything
* Mapping Land Use/Cover Dynamics of the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2018 Supported by Google Earth Engine
* New Method for Calculating Water Quality Parameters by Integrating Space-Ground Hyperspectral Data and Spectral-In Situ Assay Data, A
Includes: Lan, Z.Y.[Zong Yu] Lan, Z.Y.[Zong-Yu] Lan, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yang] Lan, Z.Y.[Zi-Yue]

Lan, Z.Z.[Zhen Zhong] Co Author Listing * Best of Both Worlds: Combining Data-Independent and Data-Driven Approaches for Action Recognition, The
* Beyond Gaussian Pyramid: Multi-skip Feature Stacking for action recognition
* Deep Local Video Feature for Action Recognition
* Double Fusion for Multimedia Event Detection
* E-LAMP: integration of innovative ideas for multimedia event detection
* Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition
* Joint segmentation and classification of human actions in video
* Poincaré Kernels for Hyperbolic Representations
* Resource Constrained Multimedia Event Detection
* Space-Time Robust Representation for Action Recognition
* Tailored Visions: Enhancing Text-to-Image Generation with Personalized Prompt Rewriting
Includes: Lan, Z.Z.[Zhen Zhong] Lan, Z.Z.[Zhen-Zhong]
11 for Lan, Z.Z.

Index for "l"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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