Update Dates 2212

2212 * 2+1)D Distilled ShuffleNet: A Lightweight Unsupervised Distillation Network for Human Action Recognition
* 2-D latent space models: Layer-wise perceptual training and spatial grounding
* 2.5D Layered Sub-Image LIDAR Maps for Autonomous Driving in Multilevel Environments
* 20-Year Climatology of Sea Ice Leads Detected in Infrared Satellite Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network, A
* 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of Coalescent Fault Segments Reconstructed from InSAR and GNSS Data, The
* 2D Pose-guided Complete Silhouette Estimation of Human Body in Occlusion
* 3D Data Fusion for Historical Analyses of Heritage Buildings Using Thermal Images: The Palacio de Colomina as a Case Study
* 3D Face Reconstruction for Forensic Recognition: A Survey
* 3D Gradient Reconstruction-Based Path Planning Method for Autonomous Vehicle With Enhanced Roll Stability
* 3D Graph-Based Individual-Tree Isolation (Treeiso) from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* 3D Point Cloud Completion with Geometric-Aware Adversarial Augmentation
* 3D Point Cloud for Cultural Heritage: A Scientometric Survey
* 3D point clouds simplification based on geometric primitives and graph-structured optimization
* 3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360° Imagery: A Survey
* 3D Shape and Texture Features Fusion using Auto-Encoder for Efficient Face Recognition
* 3D Space-Time Non-Local Mean Filter (NLMF) for Land Changes Retrieval with Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, A
* 3D-FERNet: A Facial Expression Recognition Network utilizing 3D information
* 3D-NVS: A 3D Supervision Approach for Next View Selection
* 3D-Pruning: A Model Compression Framework for Efficient 3D Action Recognition
* 3D-SiamMask: Vision-Based Multi-Rotor Aerial-Vehicle Tracking for a Moving Object
* 3DConvCaps: 3DUnet with Convolutional Capsule Encoder for Medical Image Segmentation
* 3DCTN: 3D Convolution-Transformer Network for Point Cloud Classification
* 6D-ViT: Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation via Transformer-Based Instance Representation Learning
* 8 January 2022, Menyuan Earthquake in Qinghai, China: A Representative Event in the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault Zone Observed Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images, The
* AACP: Model Compression by Accurate and Automatic Channel Pruning
* AADG: Automatic Augmentation for Domain Generalization on Retinal Image Segmentation
* ABDPool: Attention-based Differentiable Pooling
* Above-Ground Biomass Estimation for Coniferous Forests in Northern China Using Regression Kriging and Landsat 9 Images
* Absorption Pruning of Deep Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Accelerated Hybrid Method for Electromagnetic Scattering of a Composite Target-Ground Model and Its Spotlight SAR Image, An
* Accelerating BPC-PaCo through Visually Lossless Techniques
* Accelerating DNN Training with Structured Data Gradient Pruning
* Accelerating Effect of Vegetation on the Instability of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides
* Accelerating the creation of instance segmentation training sets through bounding box annotation
* Acceptance of Online Mapping Technology among Older Adults: Technology Acceptance Model with Facilitating Condition, Compatibility, and Self-Satisfaction
* Accessible Remote Sensing Data Mining Based Dew Estimation
* Accuracy Assessment of Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and Chlorophyll Carotenoid Index (CCI) Derived from GCOM-C/SGLI with In Situ Data
* Accurate depth image generation via overfit training of point cloud registration using local frame sets
* Accurate Object Association and Pose Updating for Semantic SLAM
* Accurate Parking Control for Urban Rail Trains via Robust Adaptive Backstepping Approach
* Accurate, Reproducible and Robust Model to Predict the Rutting of Asphalt Pavement: Neural Networks Coupled With Particle Swarm Optimization, An
* Accurately Modeling the Resting Brain Functional Correlations Using Wave Equation With Spatiotemporal Varying Hypergraph Laplacian
* ACR Loss: Adaptive Coordinate-based Regression Loss for Face Alignment
* Action Recognition Framework in Traffic Scene for Autonomous Driving System
* Action Spotting in Soccer Videos Using Multiple Scene Encoders
* Active contour driven by adaptive-scale local-energy signed pressure force function based on bias correction for medical image segmentation
* Active Learning Based 3D Semantic Labeling From Images and Videos
* Active Pairwise Constraint Learning in Constrained Time-Series Clustering for Crop Mapping from Airborne SAR Imagery
* Active Short-Long Exposure Deblurring
* Activity of Okgye Limestone Mine in South Korea Observed by InSAR Coherence and PSInSAR Techniques
* Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models
* AdaDeId: Adjust Your Identity Attribute Freely
* AdaptIDS: Adaptive Intrusion Detection for Mission-Critical Aerospace Vehicles
* Adaptive Action Assessment
* Adaptive and Implicit Regularization for Matrix Completion
* Adaptive Ant Colony System Based on Variable Range Receding Horizon Control for Berth Allocation Problem, An
* Adaptive backstepping controller design of quadrotor biplane for payload delivery
* Adaptive Context Modeling for Arithmetic Coding Using Perceptrons
* Adaptive Graph Auto-Encoder for General Data Clustering
* Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Videos
* Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning
* Adaptive Instance Distillation for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Adaptive Invariant EKF for Map-Aided Localization Using 3D Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Joint Bilateral Interpolation-Based Color Blending Method for Stitched UAV Images, An
* Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Underwater Acoustic Communications Based on Data-Driven Learning Algorithm
* Adaptive multi-histogram reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement
* Adaptive Multi-Proxy for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Adaptive Multiview Graph Difference Analysis for Video Summarization
* Adaptive Online Mutual Learning Bi-Decoders for Video Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Projected Clustering with Graph Regularization
* Adaptive Soft Contrastive Learning
* Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Tube for Fast Motion Segments Extraction of Videos
* Adaptive Target Tracking With Interacting Heterogeneous Motion Models
* Adaptive Temporal Difference Learning With Linear Function Approximation
* Adaptive Tiny Object Detection for Improving Pest Detection
* Adaptive Traffic Signal Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning and High Dimensional Sensory Inputs: Case Study and Comprehensive Sensitivity Analyses
* Adaptive weight multi-channel center similar deep hashing
* AdaSplats: Adaptive Splatting of Point Clouds for Accurate 3D Modeling and Real-Time High-Fidelity LiDAR Simulation
* Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Based Learning to Delineate
* Adv-Cut Paste: Semantic adversarial class specific data augmentation technique for object detection
* Advanced post-impact safety and stability control for electric vehicles
* Advanced Scalability for Light Field Image Coding
* Advances in deep learning-based image recognition of product packaging
* Advances in Remote Sensing of the Inland and Coastal Water Zones
* Adversarial Attack on Semantic Segmentation Preprocessed with Super Resolution
* Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification: A Survey Toward the Defender's Perspective
* Adversarial Patch Attack on Multi-Scale Object Detection for UAV Remote Sensing Images
* Adversarial Stacking Ensemble for Facial Landmark Tracking
* Adversarial Training Lattice LSTM for Named Entity Recognition of Rail Fault Texts
* Adversarial training of LSTM-ED based anomaly detection for complex time-series in cyber-physical-social systems
* Adversarial Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Advertisement Revenue and Exposure Optimization for Digital Screens in Subway Networks Using Smart Card Data
* AEC3D: An Efficient and Compact Single Stage 3D Multiobject Detector for Autonomous Driving
* Aerial Image Dehazing Using Reinforcement Learning
* Aerosol Optical Properties above Productive Waters of Gorky Reservoir for Atmospheric Correction of Sentinel-3/OLCI Images
* AF: An Association-Based Fusion Method for Multi-Modal Classification
* Affective Dynamics and Cognition During Game-Based Learning
* affinity propagated clustering aided computerized Inherent Seeded Region Growing and Deep learned Marching Cubes Algorithm (ISRG-DMCA) based three dimensional image reconstruction approach, An
* AFFIRM: Provably Forward Privacy for Searchable Encryption in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
* Age Efficient Optimization in UAV-Aided VEC Network: A Game Theory Viewpoint
* Age of Processing-Based Data Offloading for Autonomous Vehicles in MultiRATs Open RAN
* AgentI2P: Optimizing Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Behaviour Cloning and Reinforcement Learning
* Agglomeration Externalities, Network Externalities and Urban High-Quality Development: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Aggregating Global Features into Local Vision Transformer
* Aggregating Layers for Deepfake Detection
* Aggregation Transformer for Human Pose Estimation
* Agile Altering of Road Marking Patterns for Lane Detection Testing
* Agreement or Disagreement in Noise-tolerant Mutual Learning?
* Agricultural Drought Assessment in a Typical Plain Region Based on Coupled Hydrology-Crop Growth Model and Remote Sensing Data
* AGVS: A New Change Detection Dataset for Airport Ground Video Surveillance
* AI-CardioCare: Artificial Intelligence Based Device for Cardiac Health Monitoring
* AICCA: AI-Driven Cloud Classification Atlas
* AICP: Augmented Informative Cooperative Perception
* AID-Purifier: A Light Auxiliary Network for Boosting Adversarial Defense
* Airborne Kite Tether Force Estimation and Experimental Validation Using Analytical and Machine Learning Models for Coastal Regions
* Aircraft Detection in SAR Images Based on Peak Feature Fusion and Adaptive Deformable Network
* Alcohol Consumption Detection from Periocular NIR Images Using Capsule Network
* Alertness Estimation Using Connection Parameters of the Brain Network
* Algorithm to Compute Any Simple k-gon of a Maximum Area or Perimeter Inscribed in a Region of Interest, An
* Alias-Free Arrays
* Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* ALIS: Learning Affective Causality Behind Daily Activities From a Wearable Life-Log System
* All-Sky Scattering Index Derived from Microwave Sounding Data at Dual Oxygen Absorption Bands, An
* All-Weather and Superpixel Water Extraction Methods Based on Multisource Remote Sensing Data Fusion
* Alleviating Data Sparsity Problems in Estimated Time of Arrival via Auxiliary Metric Learning
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Constrained Iterative LQR in Autonomous Driving
* AmsterTime: A Visual Place Recognition Benchmark Dataset for Severe Domain Shift
* Analysis and Correction of the Rolling Shutter Effect for a Star Tracker Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Analysis and Intelligent Prediction for Displacement of Stratum and Tunnel Lining by Shield Tunnel Excavation in Complex Geological Conditions: A Case Study
* Analysis of BDS-3 Real-Time Satellite Clock Offset Estimated in Global and Asia-Pacific and the Corresponding PPP Performances
* Analysis of Comprehensive Multi-Factors on Station Selection for Moon-Based Earth Observation
* Analysis of Data-Derived SeaWinds Normalized Radar Cross-Section Noise
* Analysis of Different Deep Learning Architectures to Learn Generalised Classifier Stacking on Riemannian and Grassmann Manifolds
* Analysis of NO2 and O3 Total Columns from DOAS Zenith-Sky Measurements in South Italy
* Analysis of Permafrost Distribution and Change in the Mid-East Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during 2012-2021 Using the New TLZ Model
* Analysis of Precise Orbit Determination of BDS-3 MEO and IGSO Satellites Based on Several Dual-Frequency Measurement Combinations
* Analysis of Regional Satellite Clock Bias Characteristics Based on BeiDou System
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Global Wetlands during the Last 20 Years Using GlobeLand30 Data
* Analysis of the Impact of Variable Speed Limits on Environmental Sustainability and Traffic Performance in Urban Networks
* Analysis of the Influence of Deforestation on the Microphysical Parameters of Clouds in the Amazon
* Analysis of the Microphysical Structure and Evolution Characteristics of a Typical Sea Fog Weather Event in the Eastern Sea of China
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Potential Evapotranspiration in Akmola Oblast, Kazakhstan, and the Driving Factors
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Contribution of Influencing Factors
* Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Misocyclones Generating Waterspouts Observed by Phased Array Weather Radar: Case Study on 15 May 2017 in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
* Analysis of Unconstrained Partitioned-Block Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filters
* Analyzing Driving Factors of Drought in Growing Season in the Inner Mongolia Based on Geodetector and GWR Models
* Analyzing Satellite-Derived 3D Building Inventories and Quantifying Urban Growth towards Active Faults: A Case Study of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
* Analyzing Spatial Variations of Cloud Attenuation by a Network of All-Sky Imagers
* Analyzing the Spatially Heterogeneous Relationships between Nighttime Light Intensity and Human Activities across Chongqing, China
* Anchor-Free Lightweight Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images, An
* Anisotropic Weighted Total Variation Feature Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Image Denoising
* Anomalous Zenith Total Delays for an Insular Tropical Location: The Tahiti Island Case
* Anomaly Detection via Learnable Pretext Task
* Ant Colony Optimization for Estimating Pith Position on Images of Tree Log Ends
* AoA Estimation Based on Fourth-Order Coarrays and Cumulants for Mmwave Systems
* Apparel-Invariant Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* AppFuse: An Appearance Fusion Framework for Saliency Cues
* Applicability Assessment of a Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Fusion Model for Disaster Monitoring: Two Cases of Flood and Wildfire
* Application of 3D Error Diagram in Thermal Infrared Earthquake Prediction: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Application of a novel T1 retrospective quantification using internal references (T1-REQUIRE) algorithm to derive quantitative T1 relaxation maps of the brain
* Application of Resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography for Landslide Stability Assessment in Vallcebre, Spanish Pyrenees
* Applying Deep Learning in the Prediction of Chlorophyll-a in the East China Sea
* Applying Sonification to Sketching in the Air With Mobile AR Devices
* Approach Based on Transformer and Deformable Convolution for Realistic Handwriting Samples Generation, An
* AQE-Net: A Deep Learning Model for Estimating Air Quality of Karachi City from Mobile Images
* ARawNet: A Lightweight Solution for Leveraging Raw Waveforms in Spoof Speech Detection
* Arbitrary Shape Text Detection using Transformers
* ArCo: Attention-reinforced transformer with contrastive learning for image captioning
* Are Climate-Dependent Impacts of Soil Constraints on Crop Growth Evident in Remote-Sensing Data?
* Are Deep Models Robust against Real Distortions? A Case Study on Document Image Classification
* ArithFusion: An Arithmetic Deep Model for Temporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion
* Arousal Video Game AnnotatIoN (AGAIN) Dataset, The
* AS-Net: An attention-aware downsampling network for point clouds oriented to classification tasks
* Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Graph Convolutional Networks over Dependency Awareness
* Aspect-Based Sentiment Quantification
* Aspect-Driven User Preference and News Representation Learning for News Recommendation
* Aspect-Opinion Correlation Aware and Knowledge-Expansion Few Shot Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
* Asphalt Pavement Crack Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Infrared Thermography
* Assessing Changes in Boreal Vegetation of Kola Peninsula via Large-Scale Land Cover Classification between 1985 and 2021
* Assessing Crop Water Requirement and Yield by Combining ERA5-Land Reanalysis Data with CM-SAF Satellite-Based Radiation Data and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Assessing Elevation-Based Forest Dynamics over Space and Time toward REDD+ MRV in Upland Myanmar
* Assessing Potential Spontaneous Combustion of Coal Gangue Dumps after Reclamation by Simulating Alfalfa Heat Stress Based on the Spectral Features of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters
* Assessing the Accuracy of Landsat Vegetation Fractional Cover for Monitoring Australian Drylands
* Assessing the Added Value of Sentinel-1 PolSAR Data for Crop Classification
* Assessing the Optimal Stage-Cam Target for Continuous Water Level Monitoring in Ephemeral Streams: Experimental Evidence
* Assessing the Perspectives of Ground Penetrating Radar for Precision Farming
* Assessing the Spatial Accessibility of Urban Medical Facilities in Multi-Level and Multi-Period Scales Based on Web Mapping API and an Improved Potential Model
* Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions
* Assessing Vegetation Phenology across Different Biomes in Temperate China: Comparing GIMMS and MODIS NDVI Datasets
* Assessment of Carbon Productivity Trends and Their Resilience to Drought Disturbances in the Middle East Based on Multi-Decadal Space-Based Datasets
* Assessment of Deep Learning-Based Heart Rate Estimation Using Remote Photoplethysmography Under Different Illuminations
* Assessment of Effective Roughness Parameters for Simulating Sentinel-1A Observation and Retrieving Soil Moisture over Sparsely Vegetated Field
* Assessment of Geo-Kompsat-2A Atmospheric Motion Vector Data and Its Assimilation Impact in the GEOS Atmospheric Data Assimilation System
* Assessment of Grassland Degradation on the Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-Source Data
* Assessment of Intra-Urban Heat Island in a Densely Populated City Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study for Manila City
* Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR Coherence and Its Comparison with C-Band: A Case Study over Managed Forests in Argentina
* Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers on the Mongolian Plateau Using Intensity Analysis and the Geographical Detector Technique
* Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Changes for Predicting Vulnerable Agricultural Lands in River Basins of Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing and a Fuzzy Expert System
* Assessment of Satellite AOD during the 2020 Wildfire Season in the Western U.S.
* Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Empirical Forecasting Performance of Future Shoreline Positions
* Assessment of the Impact of Rubber Plantation Expansion on Regional Carbon Storage Based on Time Series Remote Sensing and the InVEST Model
* Assessment of the Steering Precision of a UAV along the Flight Profiles Using a GNSS RTK Receiver
* Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risk to Coral Reefs: Case Study for Australia
* Assessments of the Above-Ocean Atmospheric CO2 Detection Capability of the GAS Instrument Onboard the Next-Generation FengYun-3H Satellite
* Assimilation of Backscatter Observations into a Hydrological Model: A Case Study in Belgium Using ASCAT Data
* Assimilation of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Schemes into a Remote Sensing-Incorporated Crop Model to Simulate Barley and Wheat Productivities
* Assimilation of Water Vapor Retrieved from Radar Reflectivity Data through the Bayesian Method
* AST-Net: Lightweight Hybrid Transformer for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Asymmetry-aware bilinear pooling in multi-modal data for head pose estimation
* ATLAS-MVSNet: Attention Layers for Feature Extraction and Cost Volume Regularization in Multi-View Stereo
* Atmospheric Correction of COCTS on the HY-1C and HY-1D Satellites, The
* Atmospheric GNSS RO 1D-Var in Use at UCAR: Description and Validation
* Atmospheric Optical Characteristics in the Area of 30-400 km
* ATSD: Anchor-Free Two-Stage Ship Detection Based on Feature Enhancement in SAR Images
* Attention for Vision-Based Assistive and Automated Driving: A Review of Algorithms and Datasets
* Attention Regularized Laplace Graph for Domain Adaptation
* Attention W-Net: Improved Skip Connections for Better Representations
* Attention-Assisted Adversarial Model for Cerebrovascular Segmentation in 3D TOF-MRA Volumes
* Attention-based Broad Self-guided Network for Low-light Image Enhancement
* Attention-based Graph Neural Network for the Classification of Parkinson's Disease
* Attention-Based Lane Change and Crash Risk Prediction Model in Highways
* Attention-guided Fine-grained Feature Learning For Robust Face Forgery Detection
* Attentive Task Interaction Network for Multi-Task Learning
* Attitude Determination with GPS L1/Galileo E1 Observations from Common-Clock Receiver: A Comparison of Four Different Models
* Audio and Video-based Emotion Recognition using Multimodal Transformers
* Audio Signal-based Depression Level Prediction Combining Temporal and Spectral Features
* Audio-Driven Deformation Flow for Effective Lip Reading
* AugFCOS: Augmented fully convolutional one-stage object detection network
* Augmenting Vision Language Pretraining by Learning Codebook with Visual Semantics
* Auroral Oval Boundary Dynamics on the Nature of Geomagnetic Storm
* Authorship Attribution of Scientific Abstracts
* Auto-Augmentation with Differentiable Renderer for High-frequency Shape Recovery
* Auto-Learning Correlation-Filter-Based Target State Estimation for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Auto-Rectify Network for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* Auto-weighted Tensor Schatten p-Norm for Robust Multi-view Graph Clustering
* AutoCoMet: Smart Neural Architecture Search via Co-Regulated Shaping Reinforcement
* AutoDEUQ: Automated Deep Ensemble with Uncertainty Quantification
* Autoencoder Attractors for Uncertainty Estimation
* Autoencoder for Synthetic to Real Generalization: From Simple to More Complex Scenes
* Autoencoder Neural Network-Based STAP Algorithm for Airborne Radar with Inadequate Training Samples
* AutoENP: An Auto Rating Pipeline for Expressing Needs via Pointing Protocol
* AutoLC: Search Lightweight and Top-Performing Architecture for Remote Sensing Image Land-Cover Classification
* Automated and Improved Methodology to Retrieve Long-time Series of Evapotranspiration Based on Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Data, An
* Automated Image Super Resolution with the Aid of Activation Function Optimized Deep CNN and Adaptive Wavelet Lifting Approach
* Automated inspection of spur gears using machine vision approach
* Automated Learning Framework With Limited and Cross-Domain Data for Traffic Equipment Detection from Surveillance Videos, An
* Automated Vehicle Path Following: A Non-Quadratic-Lyapunov-Function-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control Approach With C8-Smooth Projection Modification
* Automatic Adjustment of Fourier Embedding Parametrizations for Implicit Neural Representations
* Automatic Approach to Extracting Large-Scale Three-Dimensional Road Networks Using Open-Source Data, An
* Automatic Calibration between Multi-Lines LiDAR and Visible Light Camera Based on Edge Refinement and Virtual Mask Matching
* Automatic Classification of Pavement Distress Using 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Delineation of Water Bodies in SAR Images with a Novel Stochastic Distance Approach
* Automatic Detection and Counting System for Pavement Cracks Based on PCGAN and YOLO-MF
* Automatic Detection and Fitting of Ellipse Markers Using EllipseNet
* Automatic Detection of Marine Litter: A General Framework to Leverage Synthetic Data
* Automatic Detection of the Explosive Activity of the Mt. Etna Volcano through Doppler Radar Monitoring
* Automatic Embedding Interventions for the Classification of Hematopoietic Cells
* Automatic esophagus Z-line delineation in endoscopic images using a new boundary linking method
* Automatic Estimation of Self-Reported Pain by Trajectory Analysis in the Manifold of Fixed Rank Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
* Automatic Extraction of Discontinuity Traces from 3D Rock Mass Point Clouds Considering the Influence of Light Shadows and Color Change
* Automatic Foot Ulcer Segmentation Using an Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Identification of Liquefaction Induced by 2021 Maduo Mw7.3 Earthquake Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Automatic Inverse Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Field Aging Based on System Identification
* Automatic Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning: From Self-Optimum to Local-Optimum
* Automatic Lumbar Vertebra Landmark Localization and Segmentation for Pedicle Screw Placement
* Automatic Mapping of Burned Areas Using Landsat 8 Time-Series Images in Google Earth Engine: A Case Study from Iran
* Automatic Plane of Minimal Hiatal Dimensions Extraction From 3D Female Pelvic Floor Ultrasound
* Automatic Pruning Rate Derivation for Structured Pruning of Deep Neural Networks
* Automatic Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bi-Temporal Satellite Images Using a Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Invariant Features Selection and Fuzzy Integral Fusion Strategies
* Automatic semantic segmentation for dental restorations in panoramic radiography images using U-Net model
* Automatic teeth segmentation on panoramic X-rays using deep neural networks
* Automatic Velocity Analysis Method for Seismic Data-Containing Multiples, An
* Automatically detecting human-object interaction by an instance part-level attention deep framework
* AutoMF: Spatio-temporal Architecture Search for The Meteorological Forecasting Task
* Autonomous Driving: A Survey of Technological Gaps Using Google Scholar and Web of Science Trend Analysis
* AvatarMe++: Facial Shape and BRDF Inference With Photorealistic Rendering-Aware GANs
* Average Activation Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Azimuthal Rotational Equivariance in Spherical Convolutional Neural Networks
* Backdoor Attacks against Deep Neural Networks by Personalized Audio Steganography
* Backdoors in Neural Models of Source Code
* Background-Click Supervision for Temporal Action Localization
* Backpressure-Based Distributed Dynamic Route Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Backward Recursive Class Activation Map Refinement for High Resolution Saliency Map
* BAFL: Federated Learning with Base Ablation for Cost Effective Communication
* Balanced softmax cross-entropy for incremental learning with and without memory
* Band Subset Selection Approach Based on Sparse Self-Representation and Band Grouping for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* BANet: Boundary-Assistant Encoder-Decoder Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Batch normalization embeddings for deep domain generalization
* Batched Mean-Variance Bandits
* Bayesian Detection of Distributed Targets for FDA-MIMO Radar in Gaussian Interference
* Bayesian robust tensor completion via CP decomposition
* BDS and Galileo: Global Ionosphere Modeling and the Comparison to GPS and GLONASS
* BEFSR: A Multiple Attention-Based Model Considering Bidirectional Entity Information Flows and Few-Shot Relations
* BehavePassDB: Public Database for Mobile Behavioral Biometrics and Benchmark Evaluation
* Benchmark Framework for Multiregion Analysis of Vesselness Filters, A
* Berrut Approximated Coded Computing: Straggler Resistance Beyond Polynomial Computing
* BETA: Beacon-Based Traffic-Aware Routing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Bi-Kernel Graph Neural Network with Adaptive Propagation Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Bi-projection for 360° image object detection bridged by RoI Searcher
* Bias Analysis and Correction for Ill-Posed Inversion Problem with Sparsity Regularization Based on L1 Norm for Azimuth Super-Resolution of Radar Forward-Looking Imaging
* Bidirectional Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning With Multiscale Evaluation for Video Anomaly Detection
* Bidirectional Transformer for Video Deblurring
* Binary feature learning with local spectral context-aware attention for classification of hyperspectral images
* Binaural SoundNet: Predicting Semantics, Depth and Motion With Binaural Sounds
* Bioinspired Random Projections for Robust, Sparse Classification
* Biometric presentation attacks: Handcrafted features versus deep learning approaches
* Blind deblurring with fractional-order calculus and local minimal pixel prior
* Blind Image Quality Index for Authentic Distortions With Local and Global Deep Feature Aggregation
* Blockchain-Based Secure Communication of Intelligent Transportation Digital Twins System
* BodyPressure - Inferring Body Pose and Contact Pressure From a Depth Image
* Boosting Camouflaged Object Detection with Dual-Task Interactive Transformer
* Boosting Source-free Domain Adaptation via Confidence-based Subsets Feature Alignment
* Boosting the Discriminant Power of Naive Bayes
* Boundary Defense Against Black-box Adversarial Attacks
* boundary-preserving conditional convolution network for instance segmentation, A
* Bounding box regression with balance for harmonious object detection
* BoxPaste: An Effective Data Augmentation Method for SAR Ship Detection
* BR-GAN: A Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Model Combined With Behavior Recognition
* Brain Tumor Classification from Radiology and Histopathology using Deep Features and Graph Convolutional Network
* Breast mass classification based on supervised contrastive learning and multi-view consistency penalty on mammography
* Bridging the Gap Between Few-Shot and Many-Shot Learning via Distribution Calibration
* Bringing Light Into the Dark: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models Under a Unified Framework
* Building Block Extraction from Historical Maps Using Deep Object Attention Networks
* Building Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Dual Multi-Scale Attention
* BVP: Balanced Vehicular Pairing for Fair Resource Distribution in Downlink NOMA
* CAE-GAN: A hybrid model for vehicle trajectory prediction
* Calibrated GPT3 (CGPT3) Model for the Site-Specific Zenith Hydrostatic Delay Estimation in the Chinese Mainland and Its Surrounding Areas, A
* Calibrated Lunar Microwave Radiative Transfer Model Based on Satellite Observations, A
* Calibrating and Comparing Autonomous Braking Systems in Motorized-to-Non-Motorized-Vehicle Conflict Scenarios
* CALNet: LiDAR-Camera Online Calibration With Channel Attention and Liquid Time-Constant Network
* CaMEL: Mean Teacher Learning for Image Captioning
* Camera Motion Compensation and Person Detection in Construction Site Using Yolo-Bayes Model
* Canonical Correlation Analysis With Low-Rank Learning for Image Representation
* Capability of Phenology-Based Sentinel-2 Composites for Rubber Plantation Mapping in a Large Area with Complex Vegetation Landscapes
* Carbon Air-Sea Flux in the Arctic Ocean from CALIPSO from 2007 to 2020
* CARNet: Context-Aware Residual Learning for JPEG-LS Compressed Remote Sensing Image Restoration
* Cascaded U-Net with Training Wheel Attention Module for Change Detection in Satellite Images
* Cascaded Video Generation for Videos In-the-Wild
* CAT: Re-Conv Attention in Transformer for Visual Question Answering
* CatETA: A Categorical Approximate Approach for Estimating Time of Arrival
* CATFPN: Adaptive Feature Pyramid With Scale-Wise Concatenation and Self-Attention
* Causal learner: A toolbox for causal structure and Markov blanket learning
* Causal Narrative Comprehension: A New Perspective for Emotion Cause Extraction
* Causal Temporal-Spatial Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction With Goal Point Estimation and Contextual Interaction
* CAVAN: Commonsense Knowledge Anchored Video Captioning
* CBi-GNN: Cross-Scale Bilateral Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
* CBNet: A Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection
* CCMN: A General Framework for Learning With Class-Conditional Multi-Label Noise
* Ceiling-View Semi-Direct Monocular Visual Odometry with Planar Constraint
* Center and Scale Prediction: Anchor-free Approach for Pedestrian and Face Detection
* Centerless Clustering
* Certifiable algorithms for the two-view planar triangulation problem
* CES-KD: Curriculum-based Expert Selection for Guided Knowledge Distillation
* CFC-GAN: Forecasting Road Surface Crack Using Forecasted Crack Generative Adversarial Network
* Change Alignment-Based Image Transformation for Unsupervised Heterogeneous Change Detection
* Change Detection Method Based on Multi-Scale Adaptive Convolution Kernel Network and Multimodal Conditional Random Field for Multi-Temporal Multispectral Images, A
* Changes in Onset of Vegetation Growth on Svalbard, 2000-2020
* Channel Evolution Triggered by Large Flash Flood at an Earthquake-Affected Catchment
* Channel-Spatial Hybrid Attention Mechanism using Channel Weight Transfer Strategy, A
* Channel-Spatial Mutual Attention Network for 360° Salient Object Detection
* Characteristics and Driving Mechanism of Regional Ecosystem Assets Change in the Process of Rapid Urbanization: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration
* Characteristics of Aerosol Extinction Hygroscopic Growth in the Typical Coastal City of Qingdao, China
* Characteristics of Summer Hailstorms Observed by Radar and Himawari-8 in Beijing, China
* Characterizing Cell Shape Distributions Using k-Mode Kernel Mixtures
* Characterizing Forest Cover and Landscape Pattern Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data with Ensemble Learning
* Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Subsidence after the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Based on Sentinel-1 InSAR Observations in the Eastern Beijing Plain
* Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Snowfall in the Kaidu River Basin from 2000-2020 Using MODIS Observations
* Characterizing the Turning Points in Ecosystem Functioning and Their Linkages to Drought and Human Activities over the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Northern China
* China's Greening Modulated the Reallocation of the Evapotranspiration Components during 2001-2020
* circular shifting binary descriptor for efficient rotation invariant image matching, A
* Class Incremental Learning based on Local Structure Constraints in Feature Space
* Class-Aware Feature Aggregation Network for Video Object Detection
* Class-Aware Sounding Objects Localization via Audiovisual Correspondence
* Class-Discriminative CNN Compression
* Class-wise Attention Reinforcement for Semi-supervised Meta-Learning
* Class-wise boundary regression by uncertainty in temporal action detection
* Classification of Ground-Based Cloud Images by Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Classification of Radar Targets with Micro-Motion Based on RCS Sequences Encoding and Convolutional Neural Network
* Classification of single-view object point clouds
* Classification-based Multi-task Learning for Efficient Pose Estimation Network
* Classifying Emotions and Engagement in Online Learning Based on a Single Facial Expression Recognition Neural Network
* Classifying Facial Regions for Face Hallucination
* Clean affinity matrix learning with rank equality constraint for multi-view subspace clustering
* Climatological Drought Monitoring in Switzerland Using EUMETSAT SAF Satellite Data
* Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitudes of East Asia
* closed-form solution for conditional multidimensional scaling, A
* Closing the Domain Gap for Cross-modal Visible-Infrared Vehicle Re-identification
* Cloth-Irrelevant Harmonious Attention Network for Cloth-Changing Person Re-identification, A
* Cloud Detection Autonomous System Based on Machine Learning and COTS Components On-Board Small Satellites
* Cloud-Assisted Collaborative Road Information Discovery With Gaussian Process: Application to Road Profile Estimation
* Cloudformer: A Cloud-Removal Network Combining Self-Attention Mechanism and Convolution
* Clues of Ongoing Deep Magma Inflation at Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) from Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of SAR Data
* Cluster Alignment With Target Knowledge Mining for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation
* Cluster with GANs
* Clustered Vehicular Federated Learning: Process and Optimization
* Clustering-Based Coverage Path Planning Method for Autonomous Heterogeneous UAVs, A
* Clutter Jamming Suppression for Airborne Distributed Coherent Aperture Radar Based on Prior Clutter Subspace Projection
* CMAN: Leaning Global Structure Correlation for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* CNN-based first quantization estimation of double compressed JPEG images
* Co- and Postseismic Deformation of the 2020 Mw 6.3 Nima (Tibet, China) Earthquake Revealed by InSAR Observations
* Co-VAE: Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction by Co-Regularized Variational Autoencoders
* Coarse to Fine: Image Restoration Boosted by Multi-Scale Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Coarse-to-fine Face Depth Super-Resolution with Attentive Feature Selection
* Coastal High-Temporal Sea-Surface Altimetry Using the Posterior Error Estimations of Ionosphere-Free PPP and Information Fusion for Multi-GNSS Retrievals
* Coastal Summer Freshening and Meltwater Input off West Greenland from Satellite Observations
* Coastline Recognition Algorithm Based on Multi-Feature Network Fusion of Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Images
* coastTrain: A Global Reference Library for Coastal Ecosystems
* CobNet: Cross Attention on Object and Background for Few-Shot Segmentation
* CoCoLoT: Combining Complementary Trackers in Long-Term Visual Tracking
* Cognitive Sparse Imaging Method for MIMO Radar under Wideband Interference
* Coherent Integration Method for Moving Target Detection in a Parameter Jittering Radar System Based on Signum Coding, A
* Collaborative Learning of Label Semantics and Deep Label-Specific Features for Multi-Label Classification
* Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing for Contactless Parcel Delivery During the Epidemic
* ColorWater: A Diverse Dataset and Benchmark for Semantic Water Surface Understanding
* Colour balance and contrast stretching for sand-dust image enhancement
* Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Images to Classify Marsh Vegetation Using Stacking Ensemble Learning Algorithm
* Combinatorial optimization for low bit-width neural networks
* Combine unlabeled with labeled MR images to measure acute ischemic stroke lesion by stepwise learning
* Combining Deep Denoiser and Low-rank Priors for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Combining Dilution of Precision and Kalman Filtering for UWB Positioning in a Narrow Space
* Combining ExtremeNet with Shape Constraints and Re-Discrimination to Detect Cells from CD56 Images
* ComDensE: Combined Dense Embedding of Relation-aware and Common Features for Knowledge Graph Completion
* Comments on A Secure and Lightweight Drones-Access Protocol for Smart City Surveillance
* Commonality Modeling Framework for Enhanced Video Coding Leveraging on the Cuboidal Partitioning Based Representation of Frames, A
* Communication-Constrained Routing and Traffic Control: A Framework for Infrastructure-Assisted Autonomous Vehicles
* Communication-Efficient Randomized Algorithm for Multi-Kernel Online Federated Learning
* Compact Mesoscale Eddies in the South Brazil Bight
* Compact Representation and Reliable Classification Learning for Point-Level Weakly-Supervised Action Localization
* Comparative Analysis and Comprehensive Trade-Off of Four Spatiotemporal Fusion Models for NDVI Generation
* Comparative Analysis between Sea Surface Salinity Derived from SMOS Satellite Retrievals and in Situ Measurements
* Comparative Analysis of Different Data Replication Strategies in Cloud Environment
* Comparative Analysis of Vehicle-Based and Driver-Based Features for Driver Drowsiness Monitoring by Support Vector Machines
* Comparative Study of Marine Ranching Recognition in Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on DeepLab-v3+ and U-Net
* Comparing Different Light Use Efficiency Models to Estimate the Gross Primary Productivity of a Cork Oak Plantation in Northern China
* Comparing Gaofen-5, Ground, and Huanjing-1A Spectra for the Monitoring of Soil Salinity with the BP Neural Network Improved by Particle Swarm Optimization
* Comparing Symbolic and Connectionist Algorithms for Correlating the Age of Healthy Children with Sigma-Lognormal Neuromuscular Parameters
* Comparison between Different TomoSAR Imaging Models for Airborne Platform Flying at Low Altitude
* Comparison between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Autonomous Delamination Detection Using Impact Echo
* Comparison of Analytical Approaches for the Spectral Discrimination and Characterisation of Mite Infestations on Banana Plants, A
* Comparison of Classic Classifiers, Metaheuristic Algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks in Hyperspectral Classification of Nitrogen Treatment in Tomato Leaves
* Comparison of Different Transfer Learning Methods for Classification of Mangrove Communities Using MCCUNet and UAV Multispectral Images
* Comparison of Five Models for Estimating the Water Retention Service of a Typical Alpine Wetland Region in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Comparison of Four Methods for Automatic Delineation of Tree Stands from Grids of LiDAR Metrics, A
* Comparison of Information Content at Microwave to Millimeter Wave Bands for Atmospheric Sounding, A
* Comparison of Machine Learning and Geostatistical Approaches for Mapping Forest Canopy Height over the Southeastern US Using ICESat-2, A
* Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Reconstructing Sea Subsurface Salinity Using Synthetic Data
* Comparison of Mean Dynamic Topography Modeling from Multivariate Objective Analysis and Rigorous Least Squares Method
* Comparison of Methodologies for Detecting Feeding Activity in Aquatic Environment
* Comparison of Model-Assisted Endogenous Poststratification Methods for Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass Change in Oregon, USA
* Comparison of PROSAIL Model Inversion Methods for Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content and LAI Using UAV Imagery for Hemp Phenotyping
* Comparison of Random Forest Algorithm-Based Forest Extraction with GF-1 WFV, Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Images, A
* Comparison of the WRF-FDDA-Based Radar Reflectivity and Lightning Data Assimilation for Short-Term Precipitation and Lightning Forecasts of Severe Convection
* Comparison of Three Mixed-Effects Models for Mass Movement Susceptibility Mapping Based on Incomplete Inventory in China
* Comparison of Weighted Mean Temperature in Greenland Calculated by Four Reanalysis Data
* Comparison on Quantitative Analysis of Olivine Using MarSCoDe Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in a Simulated Martian Atmosphere
* Compensation-Based Cooperative MFAILC for Multiple Subway Trains Under Asynchronous Data Dropouts
* Complementarity Characteristics of Actual and Potential Evapotranspiration and Spatiotemporal Changes in Evapotranspiration Drought Index over Ningxia in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River in China
* Complementing Location-Based Social Network Data With Mobility Data: A Pattern-Based Approach
* Complete Framework for Shop Signboards Detection and Classification, A
* Complete Meteo/Hydro/Hydraulic Chain Application to Support Early Warning and Monitoring Systems: The Apollo Medicane Use Case, A
* Completely Blind Video Quality Evaluator, A
* Complex-Valued Iris Recognition Network
* Complexity of Representations in Deep Learning
* Components Regulated Generation of Handwritten Chinese Text-lines in Arbitrary Length
* Composite Adaptive Anti-Disturbance Fault Tolerant Control of High-Speed Trains With Multiple Disturbances
* Comprehensive Analysis of PERSIANN Products in Studying the Precipitation Variations over Luzon
* Comprehensive Analysis of PPP-B2b Service and Its Impact on BDS-3/GPS Real-Time PPP Time Transfer
* Comprehensive Analysis of the Object Detection Pipeline on UAVs
* Comprehensive Analysis of Ultraviolet Remote Sensing for Aerosol Layer Height Retrieval from Multi-Angle Polarization Satellite Measurements, A
* comprehensive benchmark analysis for sand dust image reconstruction, A
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Data-Related Factors on BDS-3 B1I + B2b Real-Time PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
* Comprehensive Non-invasive System for Early Grading of Gliomas, A
* Comprehensive Report on Machine Learning-Based Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data, A
* Comprehensive Resilient Control Strategy for CBTC Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications Under Malicious Attacks, A
* Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Processing and Analysis
* Comprehensive Safety Evaluation of Highly Automated Vehicles at the Roundabout Scenario
* comprehensive scheme for tattoo text detection, A
* comprehensive survey and mathematical insights towards video summarization, A
* Comprehensive Survey of Scene Graphs: Generation and Application, A
* Compressed Video Quality Enhancement with Motion Approximation and Blended Attention
* Compromised Improvement of Poor Visibility Due to PM Chemical Composition Changes in South Korea
* Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC-Enabled Integrated Aerial-Terrestrial Vehicular Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Computation Offloading and Service Caching for Intelligent Transportation Systems With Digital Twin
* Computation Resource Configuration With Adaptive QoS Requirements for Vehicular Edge Computing: A Fluid-Model Based Approach
* Computational Imaging on the Electric Grid
* Computational linguistics processing in indigenous language
* Computational Machine Learning Approach for Flood Susceptibility Assessment Integrated with Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
* Computed tomography image generation from magnetic resonance imaging using Wasserstein metric for MR-only radiation therapy
* Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition for the Analysis of 2D/3D Remote Sensing Data in Geoscience: A Survey
* computer-aided melanoma detection using deep learning and an improved African vulture optimization algorithm, A
* Computing on Wheels: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach
* Concordance between facial micro-expressions and physiological signals under emotion elicitation
* Concurrent Optimization of Subway Vertical Alignments and Station Elevations With Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Conditional entropy minimization principle for learning domain invariant representation features
* Conditional Multimodal Biometrics Embedding Learning For Periocular and Face in the Wild
* Conditional Super Learner, The
* Conflict-Free Cooperation Method for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections: Graph-Based Modeling and Optimality Analysis
* Confounds in the Data: Comments on Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features
* Confusing Image Quality Assessment: Toward Better Augmented Reality Experience
* Congested Urban Networks Tend to Be Insensitive to Signal Settings: Implications for Learning-Based Control
* Consecutive Pre-Training: A Knowledge Transfer Learning Strategy with Relevant Unlabeled Data for Remote Sensing Domain
* Consistency and Diversity Induced Human Motion Segmentation
* consistent and flexible framework for deep matrix factorizations, A
* ConstDet: Control Semantics-Based Detection for GPS Spoofing Attacks on UAVs
* Construction and Optimization of Ecological Security Pattern in the Loess Plateau of China Based on the Minimum Cumulative Resistance (MCR) Model
* Construction of a COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Knowledge Graph Considering Spatial Relationships: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* Contact Versus Noncontact Detection of Driver's Drowsiness
* Content and Style Aware Generation of Text-Line Images for Handwriting Recognition
* Content-Aware Robust JPEG Steganography for Lossy Channels Using LPCNet
* Context and Apparent Features Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Context-aware Deformable Alignment for Video Object Segmentation
* Context-dependent emotion recognition
* Continual BatchNorm Adaptation (CBNA) for Semantic Segmentation
* Continual Learning for Document Image Binarization
* Continual Learning via Dynamic Programming
* Continuous decision-making for autonomous driving at intersections using deep deterministic policy gradient
* Continuous Karakoram Glacier Anomaly and Its Response to Climate Change during 2000-2021
* Contour enhanced image super-resolution
* ConTrack Distress Dataset: A Continuous Observation for Pavement Deterioration Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* ContraCluster: Learning to Classify without Labels by Contrastive Self-Supervision and Prototype-Based Semi-Supervision
* Contrasting Mesoscale Convective System Features of Two Successive Warm-Sector Rainfall Episodes in Southeastern China: A Satellite Perspective
* Contrastive Class-aware Adaptation for Domain Generalization
* Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Toe-Tapping Assessment in Parkinson's Disease, A
* Contrastive Knowledge Transfer for Deepfake Detection with Limited Data
* Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in children with hearing impairment for a socially assistive robot platform
* Contrastive Proposal Extension With LSTM Network for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Contribution of Sentinel-3A Radar Altimetry Data to the Study of the Water Level Variations in Lake Buyo (West of Cote d'Ivoire)
* Control Variates for Constrained Variables
* Controlled Multi-modal Image Generation for Plant Growth Modeling
* ControlVAE: Tuning, Analytical Properties, and Performance Analysis
* Convergence Results in Image Interpolation With the Continuous SSIM
* Convolutional Attribute Mask with Two-step Attention for Fashion Image Retrieval
* Convolutional Networks with Dense Connectivity
* Convolutional Neural Network Chemometrics for Rock Identification Based on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Data in Tianwen-1 Pre-Flight Experiments
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Agricultural Land Use Classification from Sentinel-2 Image Time Series
* Convolutional Transformer for Fast and Accurate Gravitational Wave Detection
* Cooperation of Boundary Attention and Negative Matrix L1 Regularization Loss Function for Polyp Segmentation
* Cooperative Caching Scheme for VCCN With Mobility Prediction and Consistent Hashing, A
* Coordinated Control Model for Oversaturated Arterial Intersections
* Coordination Control Strategy for Human-Machine Cooperative Steering of Intelligent Vehicles: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Coral Reef Benthos Classification Using Data from a Short-Range Multispectral Sensor
* Correcting Underestimation and Overestimation in PolInSAR Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Microwave Penetration Depth
* Correlated Chained Gaussian Processes for Modelling Citizens Mobility Using a Zero-Inflated Poisson Likelihood
* CorrLoss: Integrating Co-Occurrence Domain Knowledge for Affect Recognition
* Cosine Similarity based Few-Shot Video Classifier with Attention-based Aggregation
* Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Scheduling Optimization for Traction Power Supply System of High-Speed Railway
* Coulomb Force Inspired Loss Function for High-Performance Pedestrian Detection, A
* Coupling an Ecological Network with Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation: An Ecological Spatial Constraint Approach
* Coupling of Glacier Melt Module in SWAT+ Model Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in the Upper Yarkant River Basin, The
* Covariance Matrix Estimation Under Positivity Constraints With Application to Portfolio Selection
* Coverage Analysis of mmWave and THz-Enabled Aerial and Terrestrial Heterogeneous Networks
* COVID-19 and Rumors: A Dynamic Nested Optimal Control Model
* COVID-19 Detection from Lung Ultrasound Images using a Fuzzy Ensemble-based Transfer Learning Technique
* CRAAS: A European Cloud Regime dAtAset Based on the CLAAS-2.1 Climate Data Record
* CrackW-Net: A Novel Pavement Crack Image Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network
* Crafting Adversarial Perturbations via Transformed Image Component Swapping
* Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Optimization for Hidden Moving Target Sensing via Multi-IRS-Aided Radar
* Criteria Comparative Learning for Real-Scene Image Super-Resolution
* Critical Climate Periods Explain a Large Fraction of the Observed Variability in Vegetation State
* Critical Radical Analysis Network for Chinese Character Recognition
* Cross-Area Travel Time Uncertainty Estimation From Trajectory Data: A Federated Learning Approach
* Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition: A Unified Evaluation Benchmark and Adversarial Graph Learning
* Cross-domain learning for underwater image enhancement
* Cross-domain structure learning for visual data recognition
* Cross-Guided Feature Fusion with Intra-Modality Reweighting for Multi-Spectral Pedestrian Detection
* Cross-level Attention and Ratio Consistency Network for Ship Detection
* Cross-Modal 360° Depth Completion and Reconstruction for Large-Scale Indoor Environment
* Cross-modal co-feedback cellular automata for RGB-T saliency detection
* Cross-modal Contrastive Distillation for Instructional Activity Anticipation
* Cross-modal Retrieval Using Contrastive Learning of Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification via Deep Group-Aware Representation Learning
* Cross-Rolling Attention Network for Fashion Landmark Detection
* Cross-Session Motor Imagery EEG Classification using Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning
* Cross-session Specific Emitter Identification using Adversarial Domain Adaptation with Wasserstein distance
* Cross-Stage Multi-Scale Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Cross-Subject Deep Transfer Models for Evoked Potentials in Brain-Computer Interface
* Cryogenic Refocusing of an Ultrawide FOV Long-Wave Infrared Imaging Spectrometer in a Geostationary Orbit
* CSCE-Net: Channel-Spatial Contextual Enhancement Network for Robust Point Cloud Registration
* CTNet: Context-Based Tandem Network for Semantic Segmentation
* CTR: Contrastive Training Recognition Classifier for Few-Shot Open-World Recognition
* CUFuse: Camera and Ultrasound Data Fusion for Rail Defect Detection
* Cultivated Land Quality Evaluated Using the RNN Algorithm Based on Multisource Data
* Curiosity-Driven Class-Incremental Learning via Adaptive Sample Selection
* Curse of co-Dimensionality: Explaining Adversarial Examples by Embedding Geometry of Data Manifold
* Curvature based Isometric Feature Mapping, A
* Curvilinear Structure Tracking Based on Dynamic Curvature-penalized Geodesics
* Custom Weighted Balanced Loss function for Covid 19 Detection from an Imbalanced CXR Dataset
* cViL: Cross-Lingual Training of Vision-Language Models using Knowledge Distillation
* Cyber Traffic Light: Safe Cooperation for Autonomous Vehicles at Dynamic Intersections
* Cyberbullying Detection in Code-Mixed Languages: Dataset and Techniques
* Cycle-SNSPGAN: Towards Real-World Image Dehazing via Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft Likelihood Estimation Patch GAN
* Cyclic Differentiable Architecture Search
* DANet: Dynamic Attention to Spoof Patterns for Face Anti-Spoofing
* DAReN: A Collaborative Approach Towards Visual Reasoning And Disentangling
* Dark Spot Detection from SAR Images Based on Superpixel Deeper Graph Convolutional Network
* Data Analysis in Pavement Engineering: An Overview
* Data Augmentation and Intelligent Recognition in Pavement Texture Using a Deep Learning
* Data augmentation for univariate time series forecasting with neural networks
* data augmentation framework by mining structured features for fake face image detection, A
* Data imputation in deep neural network to enhance breast cancer detection
* Data-Driven Approach to Assess Street Safety: Large-Scale Analysis of the Microscopic Design
* Data-Driven Approach to Audio Decorrelation, A
* Data-Driven Calibration Algorithm and Pre-Launch Performance Simulations for the SWOT Mission
* Data-Driven Flexible Vehicle Scheduling and Route Optimization
* Data-driven Latent Graph Structure Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Syndrome
* Data-Driven Seismic Impedance Inversion Based on Multi-Scale Strategy
* Data-Driven Short-Term Daily Operational Sea Ice Regional Forecasting
* Data-Driven Tire Capacity Estimation With Experimental Verification
* Data-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning with Symmetric Consistency
* Dataset Bias in Deception Detection
* Dataset Bias in Few-Shot Image Recognition
* Dataset-Driven Unsupervised Object Discovery for Region-Based Instance Image Retrieval
* Daytime Sea Fog Detection Based on a Two-Stage Neural Network
* DDVM: dual decision voting mechanism for brain tumour identification with LBP2Q-SVM type classifier
* Death and Regeneration of an Amazonian Mangrove Forest by Anthropic and Natural Forces
* Decadal Continuous Meteor-Radar Estimation of the Mesopause Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes over Mohe: Capability Evaluation and Interannual Variation
* Decision Making for Connected Automated Vehicles at Urban Intersections Considering Social and Individual Benefits
* Decision-Making Method of Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments Considering Traffic Laws
* Decomposing style, content, and motion for videos
* Decoupled Contrastive Learning for Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-identification
* Decoupled Frequency Learning for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Deep and Domain Transfer Learning Aided Photoacoustic Microscopy: Acoustic Resolution to Optical Resolution
* Deep Appearance Consistent Human Pose Transfer
* Deep Attention-based Lightweight Network For Aerial Image Deblurring
* Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Deep Bilateral Filtering Network for Point-Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* Deep Continual Learning for Emerging Emotion Recognition
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Exploit High-Spatial- and -Temporal-Resolution Aerial Imagery to Phenotype Key Traits in Miscanthus
* Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient to Minimize the Age of Information in Cellular V2X Communications
* Deep Dilated Convolutional Self-attention Model for Multimodal Human Activity Recognition, A
* Deep Discriminative Hashing Networks on Point-wise Labels for Image Retrieval
* Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring from Optical Flow
* Deep Encoder-Decoder Network-Based Wildfire Segmentation Using Drone Images in Real-Time
* Deep face generation from a rough sketch using multi-level generative adversarial networks
* Deep feature enhancement and Xgboost network for multi-organ classification
* Deep Gait Recognition: A Survey
* Deep graph clustering with multi-level subspace fusion
* Deep Graph Gaussian Processes for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting From Spatiotemporal Data
* Deep Guided Context-aware Network for Anomaly Detection in Musculoskeletal Radiographs
* Deep Hash Remote-Sensing Image Retrieval Assisted by Semantic Cues
* Deep Hierarchical Representation of Point Cloud Videos via Spatio-Temporal Decomposition
* Deep Hotel Recommender System Using Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis of Users' Reviews
* Deep hybrid learning for facial expression binary classifications and predictions
* Deep Image Destruction: Vulnerability of Deep Image-to-Image Models against Adversarial Attacks
* Deep image inpainting via contextual modelling in ADCT domain
* Deep Internal Learning for Inpainting of Cloud-Affected Regions in Satellite Imagery
* Deep Learning Approach for Object Classification on Raw and Reconstructed GBSAR Data
* Deep Learning Based Method to Delineate the Wet/Dry Shoreline and Compute Its Elevation Using High-Resolution UAS Imagery, A
* Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey
* Deep Learning for HDR Imaging: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends
* Deep learning for image inpainting: A survey
* Deep Learning for Landslide Detection and Segmentation in High-Resolution Optical Images along the Sichuan-Tibet Transportation Corridor
* Deep Learning for Micro-Expression Recognition: A Survey
* Deep Learning Framework for Robust and Real-Time Taillight Detection Under Various Road Conditions, A
* Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data by One-Sided Mapping
* Deep Learning Method for Pavement Crack Identification Based on Limited Field Images, A
* Deep Learning Method of Landslide Inventory Map with Imbalanced Samples in Optical Remote Sensing
* Deep Learning Model for Change Detection on Satellite Images, A
* Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Overview
* Deep Learning-Based Classification of Malignant and Benign Cells in Dermatoscopic Images via Transfer Learning Approach
* Deep Learning-Based Face Super-Resolution: A Survey
* Deep Learning-Based Flood Area Extraction for Fully Automated and Persistent Flood Monitoring Using Cloud Computing
* Deep learning-based semantic segmentation of interphase cells and debris from metaphase images
* Deep Learning-based Unified Solution for Character Recognition, A
* Deep Learning-Powered Bessel-Beam Multiparametric Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Deep MinCut: Learning Node Embeddings by Detecting Communities
* Deep Order-Preserving Learning With Adaptive Optimal Transport Distance
* Deep Progressive Fusion Stereo Network
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Airport Departure Metering Under Spatial-Temporal Airside Interactions, A
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computation and Communication Resource Allocation in Multiaccess MEC Assisted Railway IoT Networks
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Exact Combinatorial Optimization: Learning to Branch
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving the Heterogeneous Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
* Deep Residual Network with Multi-Image Attention for Imputing Under Clouds in Satellite Imagery
* Deep Retinex Framework for Light Field Restoration under Low-light Conditions, A
* Deep ROC Analysis and AUC as Balanced Average Accuracy, for Improved Classifier Selection, Audit and Explanation
* Deep Saliency Map Generators for Multispectral Video Classification
* Deep Semantic Ranking Hashing Based on Self-Attention for Medical Image Retrieval
* Deep Semisupervised Multiview Learning With Increasing Views
* Deep Speaker Embedding Using Hybrid Network of Multi-Feature Aggregation and Multi-Loss Fusion for TI-SV
* Deep Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Visibility Information
* Deep Time Series Forecasting With Shape and Temporal Criteria
* Deep Video Prior for Video Consistency and Propagation
* Deep-Disaster: Unsupervised Disaster Detection and Localization Using Visual Data
* Deep-Learning-Based Feature Extraction Approach for Significant Wave Height Prediction in SAR Mode Altimeter Data
* Deep-Learning-Based Three-Dimensional Detection of Individual Wave-Dissipating Blocks from As-Built Point Clouds Measured by UAV Photogrammetry and Multibeam Echo-Sounder
* Deep-Separation Guided Progressive Reconstruction Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* DeepHS-HDRVideo: Deep High Speed High Dynamic Range Video Reconstruction
* DeepMIH: Deep Invertible Network for Multiple Image Hiding
* DeepPhaseCut: Deep Relaxation in Phase for Unsupervised Fourier Phase Retrieval
* Defending Against Deepfakes with Ensemble Adversarial Perturbation
* Defending malware detection models against evasion based adversarial attacks
* Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by Using Universal Defensive Frame
* DEFNet: Dual-Branch Enhanced Feature Fusion Network for RGB-T Crowd Counting
* Deformable Protein Shape Classification Based on Deep Learning, and the Fractional Fokker-Planck and Kähler-Dirac Equations
* Deformable Wiener Filter for Future Video Coding
* Deformation and Volumetric Change in a Typical Retrogressive Thaw Slump in Permafrost Regions of the Central Tibetan Plateau, China
* Degree of Polarization Calculation for Laser Backscattering from Typical Geometric Rough Surfaces at Long Distance
* Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis of Load Frequency Control Systems With Electric Vehicles
* Delineating Urban Community Life Circles for Large Chinese Cities Based on Mobile Phone Data and POI Data: The Case of Wuhan
* Demonstration of Three-Satellite Stereo Winds, A
* Dense and shuffle attention U-Net for automatic skin lesion segmentation
* Dense Attentive Feature Enhancement for Salient Object Detection
* dense light field reconstruction algorithm for four-dimensional optical flow constraint equation, A
* DenseGAP: Graph-Structured Dense Correspondence Learning with Anchor Points
* Density Division Face Clustering Based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* Density peaks clustering based on balance density and connectivity
* Depth Completion via A Dual-Fusion Method
* Depth Map Recovery Based on a Unified Depth Boundary Distortion Model
* Depth Map Super-Resolution via Joint Local Gradient and Nonlocal Structural Regularizations
* Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Controller for the Platoon With Time-Varying Delay
* DesignerGAN: Sketch Your Own Photo
* Designing Low Coherent Measurement Matrix With Controlled Spectral Norm Via an Efficient Approximation of L_inf-Norm
* Destriping Algorithm for SDGSAT-1 Nighttime Light Images Based on Anomaly Detection and Spectral Similarity Restoration, A
* Detect Audio-Video Temporal Synchronization Errors in Advertisements (Ads)
* Detecting Compromised Architecture/Weights of a Deep Model
* Detecting group concept drift from multiple data streams
* Detecting Multiple Steganography Methods in Speech Streams Using Multi-Encoder Network
* Detecting Photovoltaic Installations in Diverse Landscapes Using Open Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Detecting Spatially Non-Stationary between Vegetation and Related Factors in the Yellow River Basin from 1986 to 2021 Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression Based on Landsat
* Detecting the Greatest Changes in Global Satellite-Based Precipitation Observations
* Detection and Counting of Maize Leaves Based on Two-Stage Deep Learning with UAV-Based RGB Image
* Detection and Identification of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea Based on an Artificial Neural Network Model: YOLOF and Remotely Sensed Data
* Detection confidence driven multi-object tracking to recover reliable tracks from unreliable detections
* Detection Method for Pavement Cracks Combining Object Detection and Attention Mechanism, A
* Detection of Free-Standing Conversational Groups with Graph Convolutional Networks
* Detection of liver abnormalities: A new paradigm in medical image processing and classification techniques
* Detection of Road Surface Anomaly Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing
* Detection of Surface Water and Floods with Multispectral Satellites
* Detection of White Leaf Disease in Sugarcane Crops Using UAV-Derived RGB Imagery with Existing Deep Learning Models
* DeTTO: Dependency-Aware Trustworthy Task Offloading in Vehicular IoT
* Developing an Automated Python Surface Energy Balance System (PySEBS) Software for Calculating Actual Evapotranspiration-Software Development and Application Case in Jilin Province, China
* Developing and Using Empirical Bio-Optical Algorithms in the Western Part of the Bering Sea in the Late Summer Season
* Developing seagrass index for long term monitoring of Zostera japonica seagrass bed: A case study in Yellow River Delta, China
* Development and Assessment of Seasonal Rainfall Forecasting Models for the Bani and the Senegal Basins by Identifying the Best Predictive Teleconnection
* Development and Utilization of a Mirror Array Target for the Calibration and Harmonization of Micro-Satellite Imagery
* Development of a Lightweight Single-Band Bathymetric LiDAR
* Development of a New Vertical Water Vapor Model for GNSS Water Vapor Tomography
* Development of a Pixel-Wise Forest Transmissivity Model at Frequencies of 19 GHz and 37 GHz for Snow Depth Inversion in Northeast China
* Development of a Safety Prediction Method for Arterial Roads Based on Big-Data Technology and Stacked AutoEncoder-Gated Recurrent Unit
* Development of Snow Cover Frequency Maps from MODIS Snow Cover Products
* Development of the Statistical Errors Raster Toolbox with Six Automated Models for Raster Analysis in GIS Environments
* DFD-SS: Document Forgery Detection using Spectral-Spatial Features for Hyperspectral Images
* DFS: A Diverse Feature Synthesis Model for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Diagnose Alzheimer's disease by combining 3D discrete wavelet transform and 3D moment invariants
* Differences in Urban Morphology between 77 Cities in China and Europe
* differentiable approximation for the Linear Sum Assignment Problem with Edition, A
* Differentiable Channel Sparsity Search via Weight Sharing within Filters
* Differential Dynamic Trees for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Differential Measure of the Strength of Causation, A
* Differentially Private Tripartite Intelligent Matching Against Inference Attacks in Ride-Sharing Services
* Differentiation of Vegetation Community Characteristics by Altitude within Urban Parks and Their Service Functions in a Semi-Arid Mountain Valley: A Case Study of Lanzhou City
* Digital geometry on a cubic stair-case mesh
* Digital Soil Texture Mapping and Spatial Transferability of Machine Learning Models Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Terrain-Derived Covariates
* Digital Twin Consensus for Blockchain-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart Cities
* Digital Twin System of Bridges Group Based on Machine Vision Fusion Monitoring of Bridge Traffic Load
* Digital Twin-Driven Vehicular Task Offloading and IRS Configuration in the Internet of Vehicles
* Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medical Resource Delivery in Epidemics
* Digital Twins-Based Automated Pilot for Energy-Efficiency Assessment of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
* Dimensional Affect Uncertainty Modelling for Apparent Personality Recognition
* Direct Assimilation of Chinese FY-3E Microwave Temperature Sounder-3 Radiances in the CMA-GFS: An Initial Study
* Direct Imaging of Stabilized Optical Flow and Possible Anomalies From Moving Vehicle
* Direct Method for the Estimation of Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Longwave Radiation from Himawari-8/AHI Data, A
* Direct visual servoing in the non-linear scale space of camera pose
* Direction-Decoupled Non-Local Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Dirichlet process mixture of Gaussian process functional regressions and its variational EM algorithm
* Discovery of New Multi-Level Features for Domain Generalization via Knowledge Corruption
* Discrete space reinforcement learning algorithm based on twin support vector machine classification
* Discriminant Variance Criterion for Sentiment Analysis
* Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
* Discriminative Neural Variational Model for Unbalanced Classification Tasks in Knowledge Graph
* Discriminative Projection Learning With Adaptive Reversed Graph Embedding for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Discriminative Single-Shot Segmentation Network for Visual Object Tracking, A
* discriminatively deep fusion approach with improved conditional GAN (im-cGAN) for facial expression recognition, A
* Disengagement Cause-and-Effect Relationships Extraction Using an NLP Pipeline
* Disentangled Representation Learning for OCTA Vessel Segmentation With Limited Training Data
* Disentangled Representation Learning for Recommendation
* Disentangled Representations for Short-Term and Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Disentangling Facial Pose and Appearance Information for Face Anti-spoofing
* Disentangling Identity and Pose for Facial Expression Recognition
* Disentangling Light Fields for Super-Resolution and Disparity Estimation
* DISF: Dynamic Instance Segmentation with Semantic Features
* Dislocation Detection of Shield Tunnel Based on Dense Cross-Sectional Point Clouds
* Disparity Estimation Networks for Aerial and High-Resolution Satellite Images: A Review
* Displacement Measurement Based on UAV Images Using SURF-Enhanced Camera Calibration Algorithm
* Displacement-Aware Service Endowment Scheme for Improving Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Exchange
* Distance Measures of Polarimetric SAR Image Data: A Survey
* Distance-based positive and unlabeled learning for ranking
* Distilled Siamese Networks for Visual Tracking
* Distributed Consensus Control of Vehicular Platooning Under Delay, Packet Dropout and Noise: Relative State and Relative Input-Output Control Strategies
* Distributed Control for an Urban Traffic Network
* Distributed Finite-Time Fault-Tolerant Control for Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoon With Saturation
* Distributed Motion Planning for Safe Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking via Artificial Potential Field
* Distributed Pursuit of an Evader With Collision and Obstacle Avoidance
* Distributed Scatterer Processing Based on Binary Partition Trees with Multi-Baseline PolInSAR Data
* Distribution Characteristics of Cloud Types and Cloud Phases over China and Their Relationship with Cloud Temperature
* Distribution-Preserving-Based Automatic Data Augmentation for Deep Image Steganalysis
* DiTBN: Detail Injection-Based Two-Branch Network for Pansharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* Dithered Depth Imaging for Single-Photon Lidar at Kilometer Distances
* Diverse Geological Evolution of Impact Basins on the Moon
* Diverse Probabilistic Trajectory Forecasting with Admissibility Constraints
* Divide-and-Conquer Predictor for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* DLTTA: Dynamic Learning Rate for Test-Time Adaptation on Cross-Domain Medical Images
* DMD-Net: Deep Mesh Denoising Network
* DMRVisNet: Deep Multihead Regression Network for Pixel-Wise Visibility Estimation Under Foggy Weather
* DNN self-embedding watermarking: Towards tampering detection and parameter recovery for deep neural network
* DNN-Based Approach to Mitigate Multipath Errors of Differential GNSS Reference Stations
* Do Solid Waste Landfills Really Affect Land Use Change? Answers Using the Weighted Environmental Index (WEI)
* DOA Estimation under GNSS Spoofing Attacks Using a Coprime Array: From a Sparse Reconstruction Viewpoint
* DocEnTr: An End-to-End Document Image Enhancement Transformer
* Document Image Rectification in Complex Scene Using Stacked Siamese Networks
* Does Culture Shape Our Spatial Ability? An Investigation Based on Eye Tracking
* Domain Adaptors for Hyperspectral Images
* Domain Contrast for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Domain Generalization by Joint-Product Distribution Alignment
* Domain Generalization via Selective Consistency Regularization for Time Series Classification
* Domain Knowledge Alleviates Adversarial Attacks in Multi-Label Classifiers
* Domain-Adversarial-Guided Siamese Network for Unsupervised Cross-Domain 3-D Object Retrieval
* DoTA: Unsupervised Detection of Traffic Anomaly in Driving Videos
* DoubleMatch: Improving Semi-Supervised Learning with Self-Supervision
* Downsampling Method Addressing the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in Remote Sensing, A
* Downscaling of SMAP Soil Moisture Data by Using a Deep Belief Network
* DP-ViT: A Dual-Path Vision Transformer for Real-Time Sonar Target Detection
* DPAFNet: A Multistage Dense-Parallel Attention Fusion Network for Pansharpening
* DPAM: A New Deep Parallel Attention Model for Multiple License Plate Number Recognition
* DQ-GAT: Towards Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving With Deep Q-Learning and Graph Attention Networks
* Driver's Individual Risk Perception-Based Trajectory Planning: A Human-Like Method
* Driving Risk Assessment Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Driving Behavior Records
* Drone-Borne Electromagnetic (DR-EM) Surveying in The Netherlands: Lab and Field Validation Results
* Drought in Northern Italy: Long Earth Observation Time Series Reveal Snow Line Elevation to Be Several Hundred Meters Above Long-Term Average in 2022
* Drought Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Based on Machine Learning Fusion of Multi-Source Remote Sensing Drought Factors
* DS-P3SNet: An Efficient Classification Approach for Devanagari Script-Based P300 Speller Using Compact Channelwise Convolution and Knowledge Distillation
* DSANet: A Deep Supervision-Based Simple Attention Network for Efficient Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Imagery
* DSM Generation from Multi-View High-Resolution Satellite Images Based on the Photometric Mesh Refinement Method
* DSPOTE: Density-induced Selection Probability-based Oversampling TEchnique for Imbalanced Learning
* DTM-Based Comparative Geomorphometric Analysis of Four Scoria Cone Areas: Suggestions for Additional Approaches
* Du-Bus: A Realtime Bus Waiting Time Estimation System Based On Multi-Source Data
* Dual Attention Based Multi-scale Feature Fusion Network for Indoor RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* Dual Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Prediction
* Dual global-aware propagation for few-shot learning
* Dual Self-Paced SMOTE for Imbalanced Data
* Dual Threshold Cooperative Sensing Based Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Algorithm for Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial System
* Dual-Branch Attention-Assisted CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dual-Branch Dynamic Graph Convolution Based Adaptive TransFormer Feature Fusion Network for EEG Emotion Recognition, A
* Dual-branch self-attention network for pedestrian attribute recognition
* Dual-Constraint Registration LiDAR SLAM Based on Grid Maps Enhancement in Off-Road Environment
* Dual-Frequency Retrieval of Soil Moisture from L- and S-Band Radar Data for Corn and Soybean
* Dual-Illumination Weighting and Estimation
* Dual-network Multi-attention Collaborative Classification Based on Fine-grained Vision
* Dual-Path Geometry-Aware Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Dual-Stage Approach Toward Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Dual-View 3D Reconstruction via Learning Correspondence and Dependency of Point Cloud Regions
* DuDoUFNet: Dual-Domain Under-to-Fully-Complete Progressive Restoration Network for Simultaneous Metal Artifact Reduction and Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* DUPnet: Water Body Segmentation with Dense Block and Multi-Scale Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Remote Sensing Images
* DWDN: Deep Wiener Deconvolution Network for Non-Blind Image Deblurring
* Dyadic Movement Synchrony Estimation Under Privacy-preserving Conditions
* DyCC-NEt: Dynamic Context Collection Network for Input-Aware Drone-View Object Detection
* Dynamic Attention based Domain Generalization for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Dynamic Collaboration Convolution for Robust RGBT Tracking
* Dynamic Conditional Imitation Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Modeling of an Analog to Pseudo-Diffusivity in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Dynamic Data Augmentation with Gating Networks for Time Series Recognition
* Dynamic Deep Reinforcement Learning-Bayesian Framework for Anomaly Detection, A
* Dynamic Discrimination Pricing and Freelance Drivers to Rebalance Mixed-Fleet Carsharing Systems
* Dynamic Evolution Modeling of a Lake-Terminating Glacier in the Western Himalayas Using a Two-Dimensional Higher-Order Flowline Model
* Dynamic Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Incremental Few-Shot Learning
* Dynamic Modelling of Water and Wind Erosion in Australia over the Past Two Decades
* Dynamic Multiline Vehicle Dispatching Strategy in Transit Operations
* Dynamic Multitarget Detection Algorithm of Voxel Point Cloud Fusion Based on PointRCNN
* Dynamic Order Picking Method for Multi-UAV System in Intelligent Warehouse
* Dynamic Responses of Ballastless High-Speed Railway Due to Train Passage With Excitation of Uneven Trackbed Settlement
* Dynamic Shadow Detection and Removal for Vehicle Tracking System
* Dynamic Virtual Resource Allocation Mechanism for Survivable Services in Emerging NFV-Enabled Vehicular Networks
* Dynamic-difference based generative adversarial network for coal-rock fracture evolution prediction
* Dynamics of Mixing Layer Height and Homogeneity from Ceilometer-Measured Aerosol Profiles and Correlation to Ground Level PM2.5 in New York City
* Dynamics of Spatiotemporal Variation of Groundwater Arsenic Due to Salt-Leaching Irrigation and Saline-Alkali Land
* Dynamics of the Burlan and Pomacochas Lakes Using SAR Data in GEE, Machine Learning Classifiers, and Regression Methods
* E-MPSPNet: Ice-Water SAR Scene Segmentation Based on Multi-Scale Semantic Features and Edge Supervision
* Early cervical cancer diagnosis using Sooty tern-optimized CNN-LSTM classifier
* Early Identification and Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Loess Landslides with SENTINEL-1A Datasets: A Case of Dingbian County, China, The
* Early Recognition of Untrimmed Handwritten Gestures with Spatio-Temporal 3D CNN
* Early-Season Crop Identification in the Shiyang River Basin Using a Deep Learning Algorithm and Time-Series Sentinel-2 Data
* Earthquake-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using a Novel Model Based on Gradient Boosting Machine Learning and Class Balancing Methods
* Eco-Driving Control Architecture for Platoons of Uncertain Heterogeneous Nonlinear Connected Autonomous Electric Vehicles
* Eco-Driving: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Analysis
* Ecological Associations between Obesity Prevalence and Neighborhood Determinants Using Spatial Machine Learning in Chicago, Illinois, USA
* Edge Augmentation for Large-Scale Sketch Recognition without Sketches
* Edge YOLO: Real-Time Intelligent Object Detection System Based on Edge-Cloud Cooperation in Autonomous Vehicles
* Edge-Cooperative Privacy-Preserving Object Detection Over Random Point Cloud Shares for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Editorial for the Special Issue Advances of Remote Sensing in the Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Land Surface
* Editorial for the Special Issue Air Quality Research Using Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of the Polar Oceans
* Editorial Introduction to Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
* Editorial of the special section on CIARP 2021
* EDTRS: A Superpixel Generation Method for SAR Images Segmentation Based on Edge Detection and Texture Region Selection
* EEG Based Emotion Recognition: A Tutorial and Review
* EEG-Video Emotion-Based Summarization: Learning With EEG Auxiliary Signals
* Effect of Cloud Mask on the Consistency of Snow Cover Products from MODIS and VIIRS
* Effect of physical exercise and noninvasive brain stimulation on cognition and dementia of elderly people with frailty: A randomized study
* effect of quantization at different resolutions on the classification of lesion texture in dermoscopic images using support vector machine, The
* Effect of Snow Cover on Detecting Spring Phenology from Satellite-Derived Vegetation Indices in Alpine Grasslands
* Effect of Suspended Particulate Matter on the Supraglacial Lake Depth Retrieval from Optical Data, The
* effective feature detection approach for image stitching of near-uniform scenes, An
* Effective Local and Global Search for Fast Long-Term Tracking
* effective method for text line segmentation in historical document images, An
* Effective Transfer Learning Algorithm in Spiking Neural Networks
* Effectiveness of the Reconstructed MODIS Typical-Angle Reflectances on Forest Biomass Estimation
* Effects of Auxiliary Knowledge on Continual Learning
* Effects of Ecological Programs and Other Factors on Soil Wind Erosion between 1981-2020
* Effects of Forest Fire Prevention Policies on Probability and Drivers of Forest Fires in the Boreal Forests of China during Different Periods
* Effects of Inter- and Intra-Specific Interactions on Moose Habitat Selection Limited by Temperature
* Effects of Mining on Urban Environmental Change: A Case Study of Panzhihua
* Effects of Vegetation Change on Soil Erosion by Water in Major Basins, Central Asia
* Effects of Viewing Geometry on Multispectral Lidar-Based Needle-Leaved Tree Species Identification
* Efficacious GPR Implementations of Z-Transform-Based Hybrid LOD-FDTD with Subgridding Scheme: Theoretical Formalism and Numerical Study
* Efficient Action Recognition Using Confidence Distillation
* Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Trajectory Coverage Query With Approximation Guarantee, An
* efficient algorithm to update non-flat and incremental attributes in morphological trees, An
* Efficient and Adaptable Patch-Based Crack Detection
* Efficient and Explainable Ensemble Learning Model for Asphalt Pavement Condition Prediction Based on LTPP Dataset, An
* Efficient and Flexible Sublabel-Accurate Energy Minimization
* Efficient and Robust Feature Matching for High-Resolution Satellite Stereos
* Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
* Efficient Dense-Graph Convolutional Network with Inductive Prior Augmentations for Unsupervised Micro-Gesture Recognition
* Efficient Dynamic Texture Classification with Probabilistic Motifs
* Efficient End-to-End 3D Voxel Reconstruction based on Neural Architecture Search, An
* Efficient Fall Detection for a Healthcare Robot System Based on 3-Axis Accelerometer and Depth Sensor Fusion with LSTM Networks
* Efficient Framework for Constructing Speech Emotion Corpus Based on Integrated Active Learning Strategies, An
* Efficient Gaussian Process Model on Class-Imbalanced Datasets for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Efficient graph attentional network for 3D object detection from Frustum-based LiDAR point clouds
* Efficient Hybrid Network: Inducting Scattering Features
* Efficient Imaging Method for Medium-Earth-Orbit Multichannel SAR-GMTI Systems, An
* Efficient Long-Term Dependencies Learning for Passenger Flow Prediction With Selective Feedback Mechanism
* Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic Systems by Graph Clustering
* Efficient Network Pruning via Feature Selection
* efficient point-set registration algorithm with dual terms based on total least squares, An
* Efficient Power Allocation Algorithm for Green Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Vehicular Network, An
* Efficient Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring Method, An
* efficient saliency prediction model for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle video, An
* Efficient SfM for Large-Scale UAV Images Based on Graph-Indexed BoW and Parallel-Constructed BA Optimization
* Efficient Text-based Person Search via Single-stage Identity-guided Attribute Parsing and Alignment
* Efficient Unsupervised Learning for Plankton Images
* Efficient Variational Bayes Learning of Graphical Models With Smooth Structural Changes
* Effortless Training of Joint Energy-Based Models with Sliced Score Matching
* Effusive Lunar Dome Near Fracastorius Crater: Spectral and Morphometric Properties, An
* EFINet: Restoration for Low-Light Images via Enhancement-Fusion Iterative Network
* Egocentric Action Recognition by Automatic Relation Modeling
* Egocentric video co-summarization using transfer learning and refined random walk on a constrained graph
* Electro-Magnetic Geophysical Dynamics under Conservation and Conventional Farming
* Elevation Gradients Limit the Antiphase Trend in Vegetation and Its Climate Response in Arid Central Asia
* Ellipse Crater Recognition for Lost-in-Space Scenario
* Embedded Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods for Flash Flood Susceptibility-Mapping in the Mainstream Songhua River Basin, China
* Embedded Spherical Topic Models for Supervised Learning
* Embedding Spatial Relations in Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing
* Emission Monitoring Dispatching of Drones Under Vessel Speed Fluctuation
* EMO-MVS: Error-Aware Multi-Scale Iterative Variable Optimizer for Efficient Multi-View Stereo
* Emotion detection and face recognition of drivers in autonomous vehicles in IoT platform
* emotion index estimation based on facial action unit prediction, An
* EmotionAlBERTo: Emotion Recognition of Italian Social Media Texts Through BERT
* Empirical Correction Model for Remote Sensing Data of Global Horizontal Irradiance in High-Cloudiness-Index Locations, An
* Empirical Grid Model for Precipitable Water Vapor, An
* Empirical SNR-based model of the displacement accuracy for ground-based radar measurements
* En-ConvNet: A novel approach for glaucoma detection from color fundus images using ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks
* Enabling Deep-Neural-Network-Integrated Optical and SAR Data to Estimate the Maize Leaf Area Index and Biomass with Limited In Situ Data
* encoding method of position embeddings in vision transformer, The
* End-to-end 3D Human Pose Estimation with Transformer
* End-to-End Handwritten Paragraph Text Recognition Using a Vertical Attention Network
* End-to-end kernel learning via generative random Fourier features
* End-to-End Moving Target Indication for Airborne Radar Using Deep Learning
* End-to-End Task-Guided Refinement of Synthetic Images for Data Efficient Cerebral Microbleed Detection
* Energy Efficient Platooning of Connected Electrified Vehicles Enabled by a Mixed Hybrid Electric Powertrain Architecture
* Energy-Aware Blockchain and Federated Learning-Supported Vehicular Networks
* Energy-based Models for Deep Probabilistic Regression
* Energy-Efficient Controller Placement in Software-Defined Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network
* Enhanced Face Recognition Using Adaptive Local Tri Weber Pattern with Improved Deep Learning Architecture
* Enhanced Image Patch Tensor Decompostion for Infrared Small Target Detection, An
* Enhanced Multi-Stage Deep Learning Framework for Detecting Malicious Activities From Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Interaction Learning for Video Deraining: Faster and Better
* Enhanced Spectral Fusion 3D CNN Model for Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
* Enhancing 3D-2D Representations for Convolution Occupancy Networks
* Enhancing convolutional neural network model with spectral features for the identification of cervical dysplasia
* Enhancing Mixture-of-Experts by Leveraging Attention for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Enhancing Population Diversity by Integrating Iterative Local Search with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
* Enhancing Railway Detection by Priming Neural Networks with Project Exaptations
* Enhancing Reproducibility and Replicability in Remote Sensing Deep Learning Research and Practice
* Enhancing Robustness in Federated Learning by Supervised Anomaly Detection
* Entity-Driven Fact-Aware Abstractive Summarization of Biomedical Literature
* Entity-level Attention Pooling and Information Gating for Document-level Relation Extraction
* Entropy Approximation by Machine Learning Regression: Application for Irregularity Evaluation of Images in Remote Sensing
* Environmental Conditions in Middle Eastern Megacities: A Comparative Spatiotemporal Analysis Using Remote Sensing Time Series
* Episodic Projection Network for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Few-shot Learning
* Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment on the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
* ER-Chat: A Text-to-Text Open-Domain Dialogue Framework for Emotion Regulation
* Error-Reduced Elliptic Positioning via Joint Estimation of Location and a Balancing Parameter
* Estimating 10-m land surface albedo from Sentinel-2 satellite observations using a direct estimation approach with Google Earth Engine
* Estimating All-Weather Surface Longwave Radiation from Satellite Passive Microwave Data
* Estimating Layered Cloud Cover from Geostationary Satellite Radiometric Measurements: A Novel Method and Its Application
* Estimating Rainfall from Surveillance Audio Based on Parallel Network with Multi-Scale Fusion and Attention Mechanism
* Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus L. from UAS RGB Images Using a Deep One-Stage Object Detection Neural Network
* Estimation and Compensation Method for Motion Trajectory Error in Bistatic SAR, An
* Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Lanalhue Lake Using Sentinel-2 MSI Satellite Images
* Estimation of Human Body Height Using Consumer-Level UAVs
* Estimation of National Forest Aboveground Biomass from Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Dataset with Machine Learning Algorithms in China
* Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetation Indices and Green-Edge Parameters Obtained from UAVs
* Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral images and Machine-Learning Regression
* Estimation of Road Traffic State at a Multilanes Controlled Junction
* Estimation of Soil Freeze Depth in Typical Snowy Regions Using Reanalysis Dataset: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province, China
* Estimation of the Key Water Quality Parameters in the Surface Water, Middle of Northeast China, Based on Gaussian Process Regression
* Estimation of the Mass Concentration of Volcanic Ash Using Ceilometers: Study of Fresh and Transported Plumes from La Palma Volcano
* Estimation of the noise level function for color images using mathematical morphology and non-parametric statistics
* Estimation of Urban Forest Characteristic Parameters Using UAV-Lidar Coupled with Canopy Volume
* Estimation of Vertical Phase Center Offset and Phase Center Variations for BDS-3 B1CB2a Signals
* Estimation of Water Balance for Anticipated Land Use in the Potohar Plateau of the Indus Basin Using SWAT
* Estimation of Water Use in Center Pivot Irrigation Using Evapotranspiration Time Series Derived by Landsat: A Study Case in a Southeastern Region of the Brazilian Savanna
* Estimation of Wetness and Color from a Single Multispectral Image
* ETCNN: Extra Tree and Convolutional Neural Network-based Ensemble Model for COVID-19 Tweets Sentiment Classification
* Etna Output Rate during the Last Decade (2011-2022): Insights for Hazard Assessment
* Evading Deepfake Detectors via High Quality Face Pre-Processing Methods
* Evaluating BFASTMonitor Algorithm in Monitoring Deforestation Dynamics in Coniferous and Deciduous Forests with LANDSAT Time Series: A Case Study on Marmara Region, Turkey
* Evaluating Data Inter-Operability of Multiple UAV-LiDAR Systems for Measuring the 3D Structure of Savanna Woodland
* Evaluating Latent-Heat-Nudging Schemes and Radar forward Operator Settings for a Convective Summer Period over Germany Using the ICON-KENDA System
* Evaluating Optical Remote Sensing Methods for Estimating Leaf Area Index for Corn and Soybean
* Evaluating Satellite-Observed Ecosystem Function Changes and the Interaction with Drought in Songnen Plain, Northeast China
* Evaluating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Post-Eruption Vegetation Recovery at Unzen Volcano, Japan, from Landsat Time Series
* Evaluating Stable Matching Methods and Ridesharing Techniques in Optimizing Passenger Transportation Cost and Companionship
* Evaluating the Hydrus-1D Model Optimized by Remote Sensing Data for Soil Moisture Simulations in the Maize Root Zone
* Evaluating Tumour Bounding Options for Deep Learning-based Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction in Breast Cancer
* Evaluation and Comparison of Open and High-Resolution LULC Datasets for Urban Blue Space Mapping
* Evaluation and Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Relationship between Multiple Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentration over China
* Evaluation and Improvement of No-Ground-Truth Dual Band Algorithm for Shallow Water Depth Retrieval: A Case Study of a Coastal Island
* Evaluation of a Decision-Based Invocation Strategy for Adaptive Support for Air Traffic Control
* Evaluation of Air-Cavities behind Concrete Tunnel Linings Using GPR Measurements
* Evaluation of Automatic Prediction of Small Horizontal Curve Attributes of Mountain Roads in GIS Environments
* Evaluation of BDS-3 B1C/B2b Single/Dual-Frequency PPP Using PPP-B2b and RTS SSR Products in Both Static and Dynamic Applications
* Evaluation of Coastal Erosion in the Watersheds of Municipality of Buenaventura, Colombia: Using Geospatial Techniques and the Composite Vulnerability Index
* Evaluation of Decision Fusions for Classifying Karst Wetland Vegetation Using One-Class and Multi-Class CNN Models with High-Resolution UAV Images
* Evaluation of Hybrid Wavelet Models for Regional Drought Forecasting
* Evaluation of LiDAR-Derived Features Relevance and Training Data Minimization for 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Evaluation of Mangrove Wetlands Protection Patterns in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Using Time-Series Landsat Imageries
* Evaluation of Multi-Incidence Angle Polarimetric Gaofen-3 SAR Wave Mode Data for Significant Wave Height Retrieval
* Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the Chinese Mainland
* Evaluation of the Landsat-8 Albedo Product across the Circumpolar Domain
* Evaluation of the Performance of CLM5.0 in Soil Hydrothermal Dynamics in Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Evaluation of the Radar Echo Tops in Catalonia: Relationship with Severe Weather
* Evaluation of the Spatial and Temporal Variations of Condensation and Desublimation over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Penman Model Using Hourly ERA5-Land and ERA5 Reanalysis Datasets
* Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Precipitation Using 28 Precipitation Indices and 4 IMERG Datasets over Nepal
* Evaluation of the Use of UAV-Derived Vegetation Indices and Environmental Variables for Grapevine Water Status Monitoring Based on Machine Learning Algorithms and SHAP Analysis
* Evaluation of Urban Renewal Based on Inclusive Development Theory: The Case of Wuhan, China, An
* Evaluation of Urban Spatial Structure from the Perspective of Socioeconomic Benefits Based on 3D Urban Landscape Measurements: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Evaluation of Wildfire Occurrences in Pakistan with Global Gridded Soil Properties Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
* Evapotranspiration Characteristics of Different Oases and Effects of Human Activities on Evapotranspiration in Heihe River Basin
* Event-driven daily activity recognition with enhanced emergent modeling
* Event-Triggered Cooperative Formation Control for Autonomous Surface Vehicles Under the Maritime Search Operation
* Event-triggered optimisation of overtaking decision-making strategy for autonomous driving on highway
* Event-Triggered Tracking Formation of Networked Nonlinear Intelligent Transportation Systems Surrounded by Random Disturbances
* Events in crowded places: A smart service management
* Evolution of Influence Ranges of Neolithic-Bronze Age Cities in the Songshan Mountain Region of Central China Based on GIS Spatial Analysis
* Evolution of Maritime GNSS and RNSS Performance Standards
* Evolution Simulation and Risk Analysis of Land Use Functions and Structures in Ecologically Fragile Watersheds
* Exact and Heuristics Algorithms for Screen Line Problem in Large Size Networks: Shortest Path-Based Column Generation Approach
* Examination of the SMAP Operational Soil Moisture Products Accuracy at the Tibetan Plateau, An
* Examining Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Ecological Quality in the Pan-Third Pole Region in the Past 20 Years
* Experimental Study on the Potential of Vehicle's Attitude Response to Railway Track Irregularity in Precise Train Localization
* Experimental Tests for Fluorescence LIDAR Remote Sensing of Submerged Plastic Marine Litter
* Explaining Ionospheric Ion Upflow in the Subauroral Polarization Streams
* Explanation-based Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
* Exploiting Diversity of Unlabeled Data for Label-Efficient Semi-Supervised Active Learning
* Exploiting Spatial-temporal Correlations for Video Anomaly Detection
* Exploiting Static and Dynamic Human Joint Relations for 3D Pose Estimation via Cascade Transformers
* Exploiting the Combined GRACE/GRACE-FO Solutions to Determine Gravimetric Excitations of Polar Motion
* Exploring Factors Affecting Transport Infrastructure Performance: Data-Driven Versus Knowledge-Driven Approaches
* Exploring modality-shared appearance features and modality-invariant relation features for cross-modality person Re-IDentification
* Exploring Public Transport Transfer Opportunities for Pareto Search of Multicriteria Journeys
* Exploring Self-Attention Graph Pooling With EEG-Based Topological Structure and Soft Label for Depression Detection
* Exploring Spatiotemporal Relationships for Improving Compressed Video Quality
* Exploring the Ability of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Drought Monitoring Based on an Intelligent Irrigation Control System
* Exploring the Benefits of Cross-Modal Coding
* Exploring the Best-Matching Plant Traits and Environmental Factors for Vegetation Indices in Estimates of Global Gross Primary Productivity
* Exploring the Environmental Conditions of Snow Particles Using Spaceborne Triple-Frequency Radar Measurements over Ocean
* Exploring the Impact of the Takeover Time for Conditionally Automated Driving Vehicles on Traffic Flow in Highway Merging Area
* Exploring the Influencing Factors in Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Multitemporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Exploring the Open World Using Incremental Extreme Value Machines
* Exploring the Potential of Lidar and Sentinel-2 Data to Model the Post-Fire Structural Characteristics of Gorse Shrublands in NW Spain
* Exploring the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Urban Thermal Environment during Hot Summer Days: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* Expressive Local Feature Match for Image Search
* Extended StyleGAN Encoder for Image Restoration
* Extensive Field-Scale Dataset of Topsoil Organic Carbon Content Aimed to Assess Remote Sensed Datasets and Data-Derived Products from Modeling Approaches, An
* Extracting High-Precision Vehicle Motion Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video Captured under Various Weather Conditions
* Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on mNDWI and HSV Transformation
* Extraction and Quantification of Actin Cytoskeleton in Microscopic Images Using a Deep Learning Based Framework and a Curve Clustering Model
* Extraction of Ruler Markings For Estimating Physical Size of Oral Lesions
* Extreme Change Events of Stratospheric HCl and N2O in the Mid-Latitude Region of the Northern Hemisphere
* Extremely Low-Light Image Enhancement with Scene Text Restoration
* Extrinsic Calibration for LiDAR-Camera Systems Using Direct 3D-2D Correspondences
* Eye in Extended Reality: A Survey on Gaze Interaction and Eye Tracking in Head-Worn Extended Reality, The
* F2DNet: Fast Focal Detection Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Face anti-spoofing using feature distilling and global attention learning
* Face Profile Biometric Enhanced by Eyewitness Testimonies
* Face Restoration via Plug-and-Play 3D Facial Priors
* Face Structure Attention Network for Face Super-Resolution, A
* Face Value: On the Impact of Annotation (In-)Consistencies and Label Ambiguity in Facial Data on Emotion Recognition
* Face-mask-aware Facial Expression Recognition based on Face Parsing and Vision Transformer
* FaceQAN: Face Image Quality Assessment Through Adversarial Noise Exploration
* Facial expression recognition based on convolutional block attention module and multi-feature fusion
* Facial Expression Translation Using Landmark Guided GANs
* Facial expression translations preserving speaking content
* Facial Tic Detection in Untrimmed Videos of Tourette Syndrome Patients
* Factorization Approach for Sparse Spatio-Temporal Brain-Computer Interface
* Factors of Influence for Transfer Learning Across Diverse Appearance Domains and Task Types
* Factory Extraction from Satellite Images: Benchmark and Baseline
* Failure Mechanism Analysis of Mining-Induced Landslide Based on Geophysical Investigation and Numerical Modelling Using Distinct Element Method
* Fair Representation: Guaranteeing Approximate Multiple Group Fairness for Unknown Tasks
* Fall Detection using Biometric Information Based on Multi-Horizon Forecasting
* Fast and Accurate Least-Mean-Squares Solvers for High Dimensional Data
* Fast and accurate light field saliency detection through deep encoding
* Fast and efficient minimal solvers for quadric based camera pose estimation
* Fast and Robust Heterologous Image Matching Method for Visual Geo-Localization of Low-Altitude UAVs, A
* Fast Beampattern Synthesis Algorithm for Flexible Conformal Array
* Fast Ionogram Observations of Ascending Thin Layers Locally Transported from the E to F Region at Equatorial and Low Latitudes
* Fast Line Segment Detection and Large Scene Airport Detection for PolSAR
* Fast Locality Discriminant Analysis With Adaptive Manifold Embedding
* Fast matrix multiplication for binary and ternary CNNs on ARM CPU
* Fast Model-based Policy Search for Universal Policy Networks
* Fast Multi-Object Tracking with Feature Pyramid and Region Proposal Networks
* Fast Point Cloud Sampling Network
* Fast Semantic-Aware Motion State Detection for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environment
* Fast Shape Recognition Method Using Feature Richness Based on the Walking Minimum Bounding Rectangle over an Occluded Remote Sensing Target
* Fast Sparse Dynamic Time Warping
* Fast subspace clustering by learning projective block diagonal representation
* Fast Video Saliency Detection via Maximally Stable Region Motion and Object Repeatability
* FastRoadSeg: Fast Monocular Road Segmentation Network
* FastVOD-Net: A Real-Time and High-Accuracy Video Object Detector
* Fault Tolerance Analysis of Car-Following Models for Autonomous Vehicles
* Fault-Tolerant Control for Path-Following of Independently Actuated Autonomous Vehicles Using Tube-Based Model Predictive Control
* FCDSN-DC: An Accurate and Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Estimation with Depth Completion
* FD-CAM: Improving Faithfulness and Discriminability of Visual Explanation for CNNs
* Feasibility Analysis of GPS L2C Signals for SSV Receivers on SBAS GEO Satellites
* Feature Aggregation and Propagation Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Feature Aggregation in Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer Using Multilingual BERT
* Feature difference for single-shot object detection
* Feature Engineering of Geohazard Susceptibility Analysis Based on the Random Forest Algorithm: Taking Tianshui City, Gansu Province, as an Example
* Feature Fusion Super Resolution Network with Gradient Guidance
* Feature Passing Learning for Image Steganalysis
* Feature Weighted Attention: Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Feature-Based Direct Tracking and Mapping for Real-Time Noise-Robust Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Using Quadcopters
* Feature-Enhanced CenterNet for Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Federated learning based nonlinear two-stage framework for full-reference image quality assessment: An application for biometric
* FedGait: A Benchmark for Federated Gait Recognition
* FedServ: Federated Task Service in Fog-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* Feedback-Assisted Automatic Target and Clutter Discrimination Using a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Improved Explainability in SAR Applications
* FEMa-FS: Finite Element Machines for Feature Selection
* FEPC: Fairness Estimation Using Prototypes and Critics for Tabular Data
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Compact and Separable Features for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Proposal Balance Refinement
* Few-Shot Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Attention-Balanced Prototypical Network
* Field Cognitive Styles on Visual Cognition in the Event Structure Design of Bivariate Interactive Dorling Cartogram: The Similarities and Differences of Field-Independent and Field-Dependent Users
* Filtering Method for LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Multi-Scale CNN with Attention Mechanism, A
* Find More Accurate Text Boundary for Scene Text Detection
* Finding compact and well-separated clusters: Clustering using silhouette coefficients
* Fine Traffic Congestion Detection With Hierarchical Description
* Fine-grained facial expression recognition via relational reasoning and hierarchical relation optimization
* Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey
* Fine-grained neural architecture search for image super-resolution
* Fine-Grained Unsupervised Temporal Action Segmentation and Distributed Representation for Skeleton-Based Human Motion Analysis
* Fine-Grained Vessel Traffic Flow Prediction With a Spatio-Temporal Multigraph Convolutional Network
* FineAction: A Fine-Grained Video Dataset for Temporal Action Localization
* Finite time observer-based super-twisting sliding mode control for vehicle platoons with guaranteed strong string stability
* Finite-Time Control of High-Speed Train With Guaranteed Steady-State and Transient Performance
* FIPHN: Feature-Integrated Patch-Hierarchical Network for Single Image Reflection Removal
* Firefly Algorithm Optimized Functional Link Artificial Neural Network for ISA-Radar Image Recognition
* First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Satellite Videos: Methods and Results, The
* First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on Himawari-8 and GOES-R Data for the Active Volcanoes Monitoring: Results and Future Developments
* FitGAN: Fit- and Shape-Realistic Generative Adversarial Networks for Fashion
* Fitting Spatial-Temporal Data via a Physics Regularized Multi-Output Grid Gaussian Process: Case Studies of a Bike-Sharing System
* Fixed-Frame Positive-Sequence Extractor: An Alternative to the MAF-Based Park-Filter, A
* fixed-point rotation-based feature selection method for micro-expression recognition, A
* Fixed-Time Control for a Quadrotor With a Cable-Suspended Load
* Fixed-Time Prescribed Performance Adaptive Fixed-Time Sliding Mode Control for Vehicular Platoons With Actuator Saturation
* FLEPNet: Feature Level Ensemble Parallel Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Flow-Based Line Detection and Segmentation for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors
* Flow-Edge Guided Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* FlowerPhenoNet: Automated Flower Detection from Multi-View Image Sequences Using Deep Neural Networks for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis
* FM*-Based Comprehensive Path Planning System for Robotic Floating Garbage Cleaning, An
* Focus and Adjust: Progressive Refinement Network for Human Object Interaction Detection
* Focus Improvement of Spaceborne-Missile Bistatic SAR Data Using the Modified NLCS Algorithm Based on the Method of Series Reversion
* Font Generation with Missing Impression Labels
* Forecasting of depth and ego-motion with transformers and self-supervision
* Forensic Similarity for Source Camera Model Comparison
* Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Based on Remotely Sensed Spectral Diversity: A Review
* Forest Fire Occurrence Prediction in China Based on Machine Learning Methods
* Forest Graph Convolutional Network for Surgical Action Triplet Recognition in Endoscopic Videos
* Formally Robust and Safe Trajectory Planning and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles
* Formation of Yardangs Surrounding the Suoyang City Ruins in the Hexi Corridor of Northwestern China and Its Climatic-Environmental Significance, The
* FP60 and FSNet: A Benchmark Dataset and a Family-Species Network for Forestry Pest Recognition
* Fractional Fourier Transform and Distributions in the Ray Space: Application for the Analysis of Radio Occultation Data
* Fractional Fourier Transform Meets Transformer Encoder
* Fractional-Order Control of High Speed Train With Actuator Complete Failure
* framework based on local cores and synthetic examples generation for self-labeled semi-supervised classification, A
* Framework for Distributed LEO SAR Air Moving Target 3D Imaging via Spectral Estimation, A
* Framework for Satellite-Based 3D Cloud Data: An Overview of the VIIRS Cloud Base Height Retrieval and User Engagement for Aviation Applications, A
* Framework to Model and Control the State of Presence in Virtual Reality Systems, A
* Frank-Wolfe-based Multi-task Learning for Historical Document Restoration
* Frequency domain regularization for iterative adversarial attacks
* Frequency Spectrum Intensity Attention Network for Building Detection from High-Resolution Imagery
* Frequency-aware Deep Dual-path Feature Enhancement Network for Image Dehazing
* Frequency-Domain Q-Compensated Reverse Time Migration Using a Stabilization Scheme
* Frequency-Wavenumber Domain Elastic Full Waveform Inversion with a Multistage Phase Correction
* From Modeling to Sensing of Micro-Doppler in Radio Communications
* From Show to Tell: A Survey on Deep Learning-Based Image Captioning
* From SLAM to CAD Maps and Back Using Generative Models
* From synthetic to natural: Single natural image dehazing deep networks using synthetic dataset domain randomization
* Frustratingly Easy Knowledge Distillation via Attentive Similarity Matching
* FSGANv2: Improved Subject Agnostic Face Swapping and Reenactment
* FSRDD: An Efficient Few-Shot Detector for Rare City Road Damage Detection
* Fuel Economy-Oriented Vehicle Platoon Control Using Economic Model Predictive Control
* full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* Fully Convolutional Encoder-Decoder With an Attention Mechanism for Practical Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Fully Deep Simple Online Real-time Tracking: Efficient Re-Identification by Attention without Explicit Similarity Learning
* Function Space Analysis of Finite Neural Networks With Insights From Sampling Theory, A
* Fused Pruning based Robust Deep Neural Network Watermark Embedding
* Fusion and Analysis of Land Use/Cover Datasets Based on Bayesian-Fuzzy Probability Prediction: A Case Study of the Indochina Peninsula
* Fusion of Remote Sensing, Magnetometric, and Geological Data to Identify Polymetallic Mineral Potential Zones in Chakchak Region, Yazd, Iran
* Fusion-Based Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning Architecture in Case of Very Small Training Dataset
* Fuzzy prototype selection-based classifiers for imbalanced data. Case study
* Fuzzy Superpixel-based Image Segmentation
* FY-4A/AGRI Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Capability Test and Validation Based on NNAeroG
* G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrared person re-identification
* GAIM: Graph-aware Feature Interactional Model for Spam Movie Review Detection
* Gaining Scale Invariance in UAV Bird's Eye View Object Detection by Adaptive Resizing
* Gait Recognition Based on Deep Learning: A Survey
* Gait-dependent Traversability Estimation on the k-rock2 Robot
* Gale Wind Speed Retrieval Algorithm Using Ku-Band Radar Data Onboard GPM Satellite
* Game Theoretic Approach for Multipriority Data Transmission in 5G Vehicular Networks
* Game Theoretic Merging Behavior Control for Autonomous Vehicle at Highway On-Ramp
* Game-Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Service Scheduling at Charging Facilities, A
* GAN Compression: Efficient Architectures for Interactive Conditional GANs
* Gaussian distribution-based facial expression feature extraction network
* Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* Gaussian Mutation-Spider Monkey Optimization (GM-SMO) Model for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Gaussian Process Modeling of In-Season Physiological Parameters of Spring Wheat Based on Airborne Imagery from Two Hyperspectral Cameras and Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity
* Gaussian Process Regression for Transportation System Estimation and Prediction Problems: The Deformation and a Hat Kernel
* Gaussian Process-Based Personalized Adaptive Cruise Control
* Gaussian Type-2 Fuzzy Programming Approach for Multicrowd Congestion-Relieved Evacuation Planning, A
* GaussianMask: Uncertainty-aware Instance Segmentation based on Gaussian Modeling
* Gaze Estimation using Transformer
* Gaze Target Estimation Inspired by Interactive Attention
* GCENet: Global contextual exploration network for RGB-D salient object detection
* GCN2CAPS: Graph Convolutional Network to Capsule Network For Wide-Field Robust Graph Learning
* GCT: Graph Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* GEBNet: Graph-Enhancement Branch Network for RGB-T Scene Parsing
* General Autonomous Driving Planner Adaptive to Scenario Characteristics, A
* General Descent Aggregation Framework for Gradient-Based Bi-Level Optimization, A
* General Framework for Accurate and Private Mean Estimation, A
* General Hypernetwork Framework for Creating 3D Point Clouds
* Generalized Few-Shot Video Classification With Video Retrieval and Feature Generation
* Generalized Loss Based Geometric Unscented Kalman Filter for Robust Power System Forecasting-Aided State Estimation
* Generalized Meta-FDMixup: Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Guided by Labeled Target Data
* Generalized minimum error entropy for robust learning
* Generalizing Correspondence Analysis for Applications in Machine Learning
* Generating Daily Land Surface Temperature Downscaling Data Based on Sentinel-3 Images
* Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* Generating Spatial-aware Captions for TextCaps
* Generative Adversarial Network for Pixel-Scale Lunar DEM Generation from High-Resolution Monocular Imagery and Low-Resolution DEM, A
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Generation: A Survey
* Generative Adversarial Networks With AdaBoost Ensemble Learning for Anomaly Detection in High-Speed Train Automatic Doors
* Generic multispectral demosaicking using spectral correlation between spectral bands and pseudo-panchromatic image
* Genetic-based Joint Dynamic Pruning and Learning Algorithm to Boost DNN Performance
* Geographic Information System Applied to Sustainability Assessments: Conceptual Structure and Research Trends
* Geomedia Attributes for Perspective Visualization of Relief for Historical Non-Cartometric Water-Colored Topographic Maps
* Geometric Constraint and Image Inpainting-Based Railway Track Fastener Sample Generation for Improving Defect Inspection
* Geometry, calibration, and robust centering procedures for refractive dome-port based imaging systems
* Geometry-Guided Street-View Panorama Synthesis From Satellite Imagery
* GeoPose: Dense Reconstruction Guided 6D Object Pose Estimation With Geometric Consistency
* Geostatistical Modelling of Soil Spatial Variability by Fusing Drone-Based Multispectral Data, Ground-Based Hyperspectral and Sample Data with Change of Support
* Geothermal Exploration in the Burwash Landing Region, Canada, Using Three-Dimensional Inversion of Passive Electromagnetic Data
* GGViT: Multistream Vision Transformer Network in Face2Face Facial Reenactment Detection
* Ghost-YOLOX: A Lightweight and Efficient Implementation of Object Detection Model
* Giant Planet Observations in NASA's Planetary Data System
* GIS-Based Simulation for Landfill Site Selection in Mekong Delta: A Specific Application in Ben Tre Province
* Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment of Gangabal Lake in the Upper Jhelum Basin of Kashmir Himalaya Using Geospatial Technology and Hydrodynamic Modeling
* Glacial Outburst Floods Responsible for Major Environmental Shift in Arctic Coastal Catchment, Rekvedbukta, Albert I Land, Svalbard
* Glacier Changes in India's Dhauliganga Catchment over the Past Two Decades
* Global and Local Assessment of Image Classification Quality on an Overall and Per-Class Basis without Ground Reference Data
* Global Dynamic Rainfall-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning
* global generalized maximum coverage-based solution to the non-model-based view planning problem for object reconstruction, A
* Global Instance Tracking: Locating Target More Like Humans
* Global Ionospheric Total Electron Content Completion with a GAN-Based Deep Learning Framework
* Global Moho Gravity Inversion from GOCE Data: Updates and Convergence Assessment of the GEMMA Model Algorithm
* Global Positional Self-Attention for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Global Relation-Aware Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Global Soil Salinity Prediction by Open Soil Vis-NIR Spectral Library
* Global Spatiotemporal Completion of Daily High-Resolution TCCO from TROPOMI over Land Using a Swath-Based Local Ensemble Learning Method
* Global Terrestrial Water Storage Reconstruction Using Cyclostationary Empirical Orthogonal Functions (1979-2020)
* Global-PBNet: A Novel Point Cloud Registration for Autonomous Driving
* Global-Scale Evaluation of XCO2 Products from GOSAT, OCO-2 and CarbonTracker Using Direct Comparison and Triple Collocation Method
* Globally Scalable Approach to Estimate Net Ecosystem Exchange Based on Remote Sensing, Meteorological Data, and Direct Measurements of Eddy Covariance Sites
* GMR-Net: Road-Extraction Network Based on Fusion of Local and Global Information
* GMSRF-Net: An Improved generalizability with Global Multi-Scale Residual Fusion Network for Polyp Segmentation
* GNSS Data Processing and Validation of the Altimeter Zenith Wet Delay around the Wanshan Calibration Site
* GNSS Jamming Detection and Exclusion for Trustworthy Virtual Balise Capture in Satellite-Based Train Control
* GNSS RTK/UWB/DBA Fusion Positioning Method and Its Performance Evaluation
* GNSS Urban Positioning with Vision-Aided NLOS Identification
* goal-driven unsupervised image segmentation method combining graph-based processing and Markov random fields, A
* Going Beyond Accuracy: Interpretability Metrics for CNN Representations of Physiological Signals
* Google Earth Engine as Multi-Sensor Open-Source Tool for Monitoring Stream Flow in the Transboundary River Basin: Doosti River Dam
* GPS-Derived Slant Water Vapor for Cloud Monitoring in Singapore
* Gradient-Based Pulsed Excitation and Relaxation Encoding in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Grain for Green Program Enhanced Synergies between Ecosystem Regulating Services in Loess Plateau, China, The
* Granular Content Distribution for IoT Remote Sensing Data Supporting Privacy Preservation
* Graph Convolutional Network with Early Attention Module for Skeleton-based Action Prediction, A
* Graph Data Augmentation for Node Classification
* Graph Laplacian Regularization based on the Differences of Neighboring Pixels for Conditional Convolutions for Instance Segmentation
* Graph Neural Networks and Representation Embedding for Table Extraction in PDF Documents
* Graph-Based Depth Denoising and Dequantization for Point Cloud Enhancement
* Graph-based discriminative features learning for fine-grained image retrieval
* Graph-Based Multimodal Sequential Embedding for Sign Language Translation
* GraphDPI: Partial label disambiguation by graph representation learning via mutual information maximization
* GraphMapper: Efficient Visual Navigation by Scene Graph Generation
* GraphReg: Dynamical Point Cloud Registration With Geometry-Aware Graph Signal Processing
* GraSens: A Gabor Residual Anti-Aliasing Sensing Framework for Action Recognition using WiFi
* Grassland Biomass Inversion Based on a Random Forest Algorithm and Drought Risk Assessment
* GraVIS: Grouping Augmented Views From Independent Sources for Dermatology Analysis
* Grid-Based Essential Urban Land Use Classification: A Data and Model Driven Mapping Framework in Xiamen City
* Gridless 3D Recovery of Image Sources From Room Impulse Responses
* Ground Clutter Mitigation for Slow-Time MIMO Radar Using Independent Component Analysis
* Ground Deformation in Yuxi Basin Based on Atmosphere-Corrected Time-Series InSAR Integrated with the Latest Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* Ground Subsidence Monitoring in a Mining Area Based on Mountainous Time Function and EnKF Methods Using GPS Data
* Ground-Penetrating Radar Full-Wave Inversion for Soil Moisture Mapping in Trench-Hill Potato Fields for Precise Irrigation
* Groundwater Level Data Imputation Using Machine Learning and Remote Earth Observations Using Inductive Bias
* Groundwater Management in an Uncommon and Artificial Aquifer Based on Kc Approach and MODIS ET Products for Irrigation Assessment in a Subtropical Island
* Group Delay based Methods for Detection and Recognition of Whispered Speech
* Group-based bi-directional recurrent wavelet neural network for efficient video super-resolution (VSR)
* Group-Based Multicast Service Authentication and Data Transmission Scheme for 5G-V2X, A
* Grouped Spatio-Temporal Alignment Network for Video Super-Resolution
* GSIP: Green Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Indoor Point Clouds
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Advanced Machine Learning Methodologies for Large-Scale Video Object Segmentation and Detection
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications and Developments of Novel Technologies in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Systems
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Communication and Computing Technologies
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Epidemic Areas
* Guest editorial: Decision making and control for connected and automated vehicles
* Guest editorial: Recent advances in representation learning for robust biometric recognition systems
* Guided-Crop Image Augmentation for Small Defect Classification
* Guiding Labelling Effort for Efficient Learning With Georeferenced Images
* Hadamard-Viterbi Joint Soft Decoding for MFSK Underwater Acoustic Communications
* Haiti Earthquake (Mw 7.2): Magnetospheric-Ionospheric-Lithospheric Coupling during and after the Main Shock on 14 August 2021
* Hand Crafted Features for Efficient Lung Cancer Diagnosis Using Stacked Autoencoder
* Handling and Stability Integrated Control of AFS and DYC for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Risk Assessment and Prediction
* HandVoxNet++: 3D Hand Shape and Pose Estimation Using Voxel-Based Neural Networks
* Haptic Signal Reconstruction for Cross-Modal Communications
* Hardware implementation of HEVC CABAC binarization/de-binarization
* Hardware-Efficient Ultrasonic Entrance Counting: Comparing Different Machine Learning Approaches
* Harmonic Beltrami Signature: A Novel 2D Shape Representation for Object Classification
* HCFN: Hierarchical cross-modal shared feature network for visible-infrared person re-identification
* Head Point Positioning and Spatial-Channel Self-Attention Network for Multi-Object Tracking
* Heads-Up Green in Connected Traffic Signals
* Heat Exchange Capacity Prediction of Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE) From Infrastructure Based on Machine Learning (ML) Methods
* Heterogeneous spatio-temporal relation learning network for facial action unit detection
* HF Noise Characteristics over Cyprus
* Hidden Mixture Vehicle Discharge State Inference at Signalized Intersection Using Vehicle Travel Time and Discharge Headway Data
* Hierarchical Graph Augmented Deep Collaborative Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Hierarchical Object-Focused and Grid-Based Deep Unsupervised Segmentation Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Hierarchical Segmentation of Human Manipulation Movements
* Hierarchical Transformer for Survival Prediction Using Multimodality Whole Slide Images and Genomics
* Hierarchical Unified Spectral-Spatial Aggregated Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moderate-Resolution Operational Satellites
* High Time-Resolution Queue Profile Estimation at Signalized Intersections Based on Extended Kalman Filtering
* high-capacity text watermarking method based on geometric micro-distortion, A
* High-Dimensional Seismic Data Reconstruction Based on Linear Radon Transform-Constrained Tensor CANDECOM/PARAFAC Decomposition
* High-Dimensional Sparse Hashing Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval, A
* High-order manifold regularized multi-view subspace clustering with robust affinity matrices and weighted TNN
* High-Performance Segmentation for Flood Mapping of HISEA-1 SAR Remote Sensing Images
* High-Quality Instance-Segmentation Network for Floating-Algae Detection Using RGB Images, A
* High-Resolution Deformation Monitoring from DInSAR: Implications for Geohazards and Ground Stability in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago, Chile
* High-Resolution Drone Images Show That the Distribution of Mussels Depends on Microhabitat Features of Intertidal Rocky Shores
* High-resolution Ecosystem Mapping in Repetitive Environments Using Dual Camera SLAM
* High-Resolution Mapping of Seaweed Aquaculture along the Jiangsu Coast of China Using Google Earth Engine (2016-2022)
* High-Resolution Monitoring of the Snow Cover on the Moroccan Atlas through the Spatio-Temporal Fusion of Landsat and Sentinel-2 Images
* High-Utility Differentially Private Mechanism for Space Information Networks, A
* Higher-Order Multicuts for Geometric Model Fitting and Motion Segmentation
* Highly-Parallel Hardwired Deep Convolutional Neural Network for 1-ms Dual-Hand Tracking
* Hindrance-Aware Platoon Formation for Connected Vehicles in Mixed Traffic
* HLTD-CSA: Cover selection algorithm based on hybrid local texture descriptor for color image steganography
* HMDRL: Hierarchical Mixed Deep Reinforcement Learning to Balance Vehicle Supply and Demand
* How Many Pan-Arctic Lakes Are Observed by ICESat-2 in Space and Time?
* How to Improve the Reproducibility, Replicability, and Extensibility of Remote Sensing Research
* How Weather Affects over Time the Repeatability of Spectral Indices Used for Geological Remote Sensing
* How Well Can Matching High Spatial Resolution Landsat Data with Flux Tower Footprints Improve Estimates of Vegetation Gross Primary Production
* HPGNN: Using Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks for Outdoor Point Cloud Processing
* HRI30: An Action Recognition Dataset for Industrial Human-Robot Interaction
* HS-UNET-ID: An approach for human skin classification integrating between UNET and improved dense convolutional network
* HSETA: A Heterogeneous and Sparse Data Learning Hybrid Framework for Estimating Time of Arrival
* Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-Temporal Multiplier Network and Attentive Correlated Temporal Feature
* Human Body Pose Estimation for Gait Identification: A Comprehensive Survey of Datasets and Models
* Human-Centric Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding With Visual Transformers
* human-in-the-loop recommendation-based framework for reconstruction of mechanically shredded documents, A
* Human-Like Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Spatiotemporal Geometric Transformation
* HUMBI: A Large Multiview Dataset of Human Body Expressions and Benchmark Challenge
* Hybrid Adaptive Enhanced Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm for the License Plate Detection and Recognition in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, A
* Hybrid Fingerprinting and Ray Extension Localization in NLOS Regions
* Hybrid Method for Vibration-Based Bridge Damage Detection, A
* hybrid multi-modal visual data cross fusion network for indoor and outdoor scene segmentation, A
* Hybrid quantum-classical generative adversarial networks for image generation via learning discrete distribution
* Hybrid RESNET and Regional Convolution Neural Network Framework for Accident Estimation in Smart Roads
* Hybrid Spectrum Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning, A
* Hyperbolic Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Hypered Deep-Learning-Based Model of Hyperspectral Images Generation and Classification for Imbalanced Data, A
* Hyperspectral image super-resolution using cluster-based deep convolutional networks
* Hyperspectral Imaging Zero-Shot Learning for Remote Marine Litter Detection and Classification
* Hyperspectral Video Target Tracking Based on Deep Edge Convolution Feature and Improved Context Filter
* Hyperspectral Video Target Tracking Based on Deep Features with Spectral Matching Reduction and Adaptive Scale 3D HoG Features
* I-GCN: Incremental Graph Convolution Network for Conversation Emotion Detection
* I-SPLIT: Deep Network Interpretability for Split Computing
* I2D-Loc: Camera localization via image to LiDAR depth flow
* IAF-LG: An Interactive Attention Fusion Network With Local and Global Perspective for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* Ice Aprons in the Mont Blanc Massif (Western European Alps): Topographic Characteristics and Relations with Glaciers and Other Types of Perennial Surface Ice Features
* ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
* ICPR 2022: Challenge on Harvesting Raw Tables from Infographics (CHART-Infographics)
* IDA: Improving distribution analysis for reducing data complexity and dimensionality in hyperspectral images
* Identification and Analysis of Landslides in the Ahai Reservoir Area of the Jinsha River Basin Using a Combination of DS-InSAR, Optical Images, and Field Surveys
* Identification and Counting of Sugarcane Seedlings in the Field Using Improved Faster R-CNN
* Identification and Driving Factor Analysis of Ecological-Economic Spatial Conflict in Nanjing Metropolitan Area Based on Remote Sensing Data, The
* Identification of Potential Natural Aquifer Recharge Sites in Islamabad, Pakistan, by Integrating GIS and RS Techniques
* Identify Representative Samples by Conditional Random Field of Cancer Histology Images
* Identifying Critical Infrastructure in Imagery Data Using Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks
* Identifying Potential Landslides on Giant Niexia Slope (China) Based on Integrated Multi-Remote Sensing Technologies
* Identifying Resonant Poles by Visual Inspection of Pole-Zero Plots
* Identifying the Influencing Factors of Cooling Effect of Urban Blue Infrastructure Using the Geodetector Model
* IdentityMask: Deep Motion Flow Guided Reversible Face Video De-Identification
* Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Graph Attention Network
* Image Augmentations in Planetary Science: Implications in Self-Supervised Learning and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation on Mars
* Image copy-move forgery detection based on dynamic threshold with dense points
* Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Combination of Scale-Invariant Feature Transform and Local Binary Pattern Features
* Image encryption algorithm based on cascaded chaotic map and improved Zigzag transform
* Image enhancement based on skin-colour segmentation and smoothness
* Image Forgery Detection via Forensic Similarity Graphs
* Image Grid Recognition and Regression for Fast and Accurate Face Detection
* Image Inpainting with Bilateral Convolution
* Image Inpainting with Multi-scale Consistent Features
* Image outpainting guided by prior structure information
* Image Retrieval and Pattern Spotting on Historical Documents with Binary Descriptors
* Image-Text Embedding Learning via Visual and Textual Semantic Reasoning
* Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for 2D/3D Deformable Model Registration of Low-Contrast Organs
* Image-to-Image Subpixel Registration Based on Template Matching of Road Network Extracted by Deep Learning
* ImageNet-Patch: A dataset for benchmarking machine learning robustness against adversarial patches
* Imbalanced regression for intensity series of pain expression from videos by regularizing spatio-temporal face nets
* IMCN: Identifying Modal Contribution Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Immediate Vehicle Movement Estimation and 3D Reconstruction for Mono Cameras by Utilizing Epipolar Geometry and Direction Prior
* Immersion Measurement in Watching Videos Using Eye-tracking Data
* Impact of Automation at Different Cognitive Stages on High-Speed Train Driving Performance
* Impact of Errors in Environmental Correction on Gravity Field Recovery Using Interferometric Radar Altimeter Observations
* Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the Upper Texas Coast: Using Airborne Lidar Data Sets with UAV-Derived Topographic Data to Monitor Change and Track Recovery
* Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Ecological Quality during Urbanization in the Lower Yellow River Basin: A Case Study of Jinan City
* Impact of Multi-Thresholds and Vector Correction for Tracking Precipitating Systems over the Amazon Basin
* Impact of Satellite Attitude on Altimetry Calibration with Microwave Transponders
* Impact of Shifts in Vegetation Phenology on the Carbon Balance of a Semiarid Sagebrush Ecosystem
* Impact of Smoke Plumes Transport on Air Quality in Sydney during Extensive Bushfires (2019) in New South Wales, Australia Using Remote Sensing and Ground Data
* Impact of Systematic Attitude Error on the Measurement of Interferometric Radar Altimeter, The
* Impact of the Management Scale on the Technical Efficiency of Forest Vegetation Carbon Sequestration: A Case Study of State-Owned Forestry Enterprises in Northeast China
* Impact of Tides and Surges on Fluvial Floods in Coastal Regions
* Impacts of 3DEnVar-Based FY-3D MWHS-2 Radiance Assimilation on Numerical Simulations of Landfalling Typhoon Ampil (2018)
* Impacts of COVID-19 on Ship Behaviours in Port Area: An AIS Data-Based Pattern Recognition Approach
* Impacts of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation on Crops during the Growing Season in South Asia
* Impacts of FY-4A Atmospheric Motion Vectors on the Henan 7.20 Rainstorm Forecast in 2021
* Impacts of FY-4A GIIRS Water Vapor Channels Data Assimilation on the Forecast of 21-7 Extreme Rainstorm in Henan, China with CMA-MESO
* Impacts of Information Flow Topology on Traffic Dynamics of CAV-MV Heterogeneous Flow
* Implementing Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning to Detect Plant Stress in Olive Groves
* Improved Altimeter in-Orbit Range Noise-Level Estimation Approach Based on Along-Track Differential Method, An
* Improved Central Attention Network-Based Tensor RX for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Improved Content Based Image Retrieval Process Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Salp Swarm Algorithm
* Improved Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Tunnel Water Inrush Risk Analysis Based on Fuzzy Identification Factors of Multi-Source Geophysical Data
* Improved End-to-End Multi-Target Tracking Method Based on Transformer Self-Attention, An
* improved entity recognition approach to cyber-social knowledge provision of intellectual property using a CRF-LSTM model, An
* Improved Estimation of O-B Bias and Standard Deviation by an RFI Restoration Method for AMSR-2 C-Band Observations over North America
* Improved Exponential Model Considering a Spectrally Effective Moisture Threshold for Proximal Hyperspectral Reflectance Simulation and Soil Salinity Estimation, An
* Improved LiDAR Localization Method for Mobile Robots Based on Multi-Sensing
* Improved Lithological Map of Large Complex Semi-Arid Regions Using Spectral and Textural Datasets within Google Earth Engine and Fused Machine Learning Multi-Classifiers
* Improved longitudinal control strategy for connected and automated truck platoon against cyberattacks
* Improved LSTM Model for Boreal Forest Height Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series
* improved nonlocal means-based correction strategy for mixed noise removal, An
* Improved Normalized Cut for Multi-View Clustering
* Improved One-Stage Detectors with Neck Attention Block for Object Detection in Remote Sensing
* Improved Pedestrian Navigation Method Based on the Combination of Indoor Map Assistance and Adaptive Particle Filter, An
* Improved Spatiotemporal Information Fusion Approach Based on Bayesian Decision Theory for Land Cover Classification
* Improved Transformer with Parallel Encoders for Image Captioning
* Improved Understanding of Typhoon-Induced Immediate Chlorophyll-A Response Using Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Onboard Himawari-8
* Improved Vegetation Ecological Quality of the Three-North Shelterbelt Project Region of China during 2000-2020 as Evidenced from Multiple Remotely Sensed Indicators
* Improvement and Application of a GAN Model for Time Series Image Prediction: A Case Study of Time Series Satellite Cloud Images
* Improvement of Lithological Mapping Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Improvement of the SWAT Model for Snowmelt Runoff Simulation in Seasonal Snowmelt Area Using Remote Sensing Data
* Improving adversarial robustness by learning shared information
* Improving Automated Driving Through POMDP Planning with Human Internal States
* Improving Building Extraction by Using Knowledge Distillation to Reduce the Impact of Label Noise
* Improving End-to-End Text Image Translation From the Auxiliary Text Translation Task
* Improving Graph Neural Network Expressivity via Subgraph Isomorphism Counting
* Improving Methodology for Tropical Cyclone Seasonal Forecasting in the Australian and the South Pacific Ocean Regions by Selecting and Averaging Models via Metropolis-Gibbs Sampling
* Improving Multiple Machine Vision Tasks in the Compressed Domain
* Improving Persona Understanding for Persona-based Dialogue Generation with Diverse Knowledge Selection
* Improving Point Cloud Based Place Recognition with Ranking-based Loss and Large Batch Training
* Improving Radio Tomographic Imaging Accuracy by Attention Augmented Optimization Technique
* Improving small objects detection using transformer
* Improving Spatial Resolution of Satellite Imagery Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Window Functions
* Improving Spectral Clustering Using Spectrum-Preserving Node Aggregation
* Improving the accuracy of neural networks in analog computing-in-memory systems by analog weight
* Improving the Performance of Sentiment Analysis Using Enhanced Preprocessing Technique and Artificial Neural Network
* Improving the Representation of Whitecap Fraction and Sea Salt Aerosol Emissions in the ECMWF IFS-AER
* Improving Vehicle Positioning Performance in Urban Environment with Tight Integration of Multi-GNSS PPP-RTK/INS
* Improving Visual Inertial Odometry with UWB Positioning for UAV Indoor Navigation
* Improving Weakly Supervised Scene Graph Parsing through Object Grounding
* Improving weight clipping in Wasserstein GANs
* In-Depth Assessment of the Drivers Changing China's Crop Production Using an LMDI Decomposition Approach, An
* In-Memory Distributed Mosaicking for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Applications with Geo-Gridded Data Staging on Alluxio
* In-season crop type identification using optimal feature knowledge graph
* In-Situ Modulus Determination Using Dispersion Curves Developed From the Deflection-Time History Data
* Incentive Based Road Traffic Control Mechanism for Covid-19 Pandemic Alike Emergency Preparedness and Response, An
* Incidence Angle Normalization of Dual-Polarized Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data on Greenland Ice Sheet
* Inconsistency-Based Multi-Task Cooperative Learning for Emotion Recognition
* Increased Mass Loss of Glaciers in the Sawir Mountains of Central Asia between 1959 and 2021
* Increasing Global Flood Risk in 2005-2020 from a Multi-Scale Perspective
* Incremental Object Detection via Meta-Learning
* Incremental Training of Face Morphing Detectors
* Indirect Assessment of Watershed SDG7 Development Process Using Nighttime Light Data: An Example of the Aral Sea Watershed
* Individual Tree Detection in Coal Mine Afforestation Area Based on Improved Faster RCNN in UAV RGB Images
* Individual Tree Segmentation from Side-View LiDAR Point Clouds of Street Trees Using Shadow-Cut
* Indoor Tracking Algorithm Based on Particle Filter and Nearest Neighbor Data Fusion for Wireless Sensor Networks, An
* InducT-GCN: Inductive Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
* InfAnFace: Bridging the Infant-Adult Domain Gap in Facial Landmark Estimation in the Wild
* Inferring Changes in Arctic Sea Ice through a Spatio-Temporal Logistic Autoregression Fitted to Remote-Sensing Data
* Inferring Cognitive State of Pilot's Brain Under Different Maneuvers During Flight
* Inferring Edges from Weights in the Debye Model
* Influence of GEDI Acquisition and Processing Parameters on Canopy Height Estimates over Tropical Forests
* Influence of Point Cloud Accuracy from Image Matching on Automatic Preparation of Training Datasets for Object Detection in UAV Images, The
* Influence of Range-Dependent Sound Speed Profile on Position of Convergence Zones
* Influence of Stratospheric Ozone Changes on Stratospheric Temperature Trends in Recent Decades
* Influence of the Nocturnal Effect on the Estimated Global CO2 Flux
* Information Extraction from Visually Rich Documents with Font Style Embeddings
* Information-theoretic policy learning from partial observations with fully informed decision makers
* Infrared and visible image fusion for ship targets based on scale-aware feature decomposition
* Infrared dim and small target detection based on U-Transformer
* Infrared Maritime Small Target Detection Based on Multidirectional Uniformity and Sparse-Weight Similarity
* Infrastructure Material Magnetization Impact Assessment of Wireless Power Transfer Pavement Based on Resonant Inductive Coupling
* Initial Drift Correction and Spectral Calibration of MarSCoDe Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy on the Zhurong Rover
* Initial Performance Evaluation of Mixed Multi-Frequency Undifferenced and Uncombined BDS-2/3 Precise Point Positioning under Urban Environmental Conditions, The
* Innovative HMI and Control Concept for Efficient Thermal Management of Electric Vehicles
* Innovative Slepian Approach to Invert GRACE KBRR for Localized Hydrological Information at the Sub-Basin Scale, An
* Innovative Supervised Classification Algorithm for PolSAR Image Based on Mixture Model and MRF, An
* Insights Into the MMSE-Based Frequency-Invariant Beamformers for Uniform Circular Arrays
* Instance and Panoptic Segmentation Using Conditional Convolutions
* Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis and Non-Cooperative Game Approach for Public Transportation Incentive Subsidy Allocation, An
* Integrated Deconvolution Keypoint Detector and Descriptor Network
* Integrated InSAR and GNSS Approach to Monitor Land Subsidence in the Po River Delta (Italy), An
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Hierarchical Control of Cooperative Merging of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramps
* Integrated Method for River Water Level Recognition from Surveillance Images Using Convolution Neural Networks, An
* Integrated Model for Autonomous Speed and Lane Change Decision-Making Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning, An
* Integrated Solution of UAV Push-Broom Hyperspectral System Based on Geometric Correction with MSI and Radiation Correction Considering Outdoor Illumination Variation, An
* integrated two-dimensional merging trajectory optimization model for automated vehicles considering mixed traffic flow, An
* Integrated UAV-Based Multi-Source Data for Predicting Maize Grain Yield Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for Exploring Heterogeneous Characteristics of Urban Spatial Agglomeration Areas
* Integrating Real Tree Skeleton Reconstruction Based on Partial Computational Virtual Measurement (CVM) with Actual Forest Scenario Rendering: A Solid Step Forward for the Realization of the Digital Twins of Trees and Forests
* Integrating Spatial Heterogeneity to Identify the Urban Fringe Area Based on NPP/VIIRS Nighttime Light Data and Dual Spatial Clustering
* Integration of Satellite-Derived and Ground-Based Soil Moisture Observations for a Precipitation Product over the Upper Heihe River Basin, China
* Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Characterize the Three-Dimensional (3
* Intelligent and Reliable Millimeter Wave Communications for RIS-Aided Vehicular Networks
* Intelligent diagnosis system of hepatitis C virus: A probabilistic neural network based approach
* Intelligent facial expression recognition and classification using optimal deep transfer learning model
* Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Based on Data Mining Under Uphill Conditions
* Intelligent Radar Jamming Recognition in Open Set Environment Based on Deep Learning Networks
* Intensity-Sensitive Similarity Indexes for Image Quality Assessment
* Intention-aware Transformer with Adaptive Social and Temporal Learning for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction
* Intentional-Deception Detection Based on Facial Muscle Movements in an Interactive Social Context
* Inter-Intra Cross-Modality Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Contrastive Clustering
* Interaction and Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Interactive Extended Reality Techniques in Information Visualization
* Interactive Image Inpainting Using Semantic Guidance
* Interactive Multi-Dimension Modulation for Image Restoration
* Interactive Planning for Autonomous Driving in Intersection Scenarios Without Traffic Signs
* Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold Pool Associated with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation
* Interannual, Seasonal, and Monthly Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Fronts in Offshore China from 1982-2021
* Interpretability-Based Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Diagnosis
* Interpretable Deep Learning Applied to Rip Current Detection and Localization
* Interpretable ensemble deep learning model for early detection of Alzheimer's disease using local interpretable model-agnostic explanations
* Interpretable Gait Recognition by Granger Causality
* Intersection Constraint Weighting (ICW) Method: High-Resolution Joint Magnetic Susceptibility Inversion of Aeromagnetic and Gradient Data
* Intra- and Inter-Reasoning Graph Convolutional Network for Saliency Prediction on 360° Images
* Introducing Diversity In Feature Scatter Adversarial Training Via Synthesis
* Introduction to the Special Section of CVPR 2017
* Inundated Vegetation Mapping Using SAR Data: A Comparison of Polarization Configurations of UAVSAR L-Band and Sentinel C-Band
* Inversion and Monitoring of the TP Concentration in Taihu Lake Using the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Inversion of Different Cultivated Soil Types' Salinity Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning
* Inversion of HY-1C-COCTS Ocean Color Remote Sensing Products from High-Latitude Seas, The
* Inversion of the Full-Depth Temperature Profile Based on Few Depth-Fixed Temperatures
* Inverted Algorithm of Groundwater Storage Anomalies by Combining the GNSS, GRACE/GRACE-FO, and GLDAS: A Case Study in the North China Plain
* Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering
* Investigating Bi-Level Optimization for Learning and Vision from a Unified Perspective: A Survey and Beyond
* Investigating Brain Connectivity with Graph Neural Networks and GNNExplainer
* Investigating Pose Representations and Motion Contexts Modeling for 3D Motion Prediction
* Investigating the Changes in Urban Green-Space Patterns with Urban Land-Use Changes: A Case Study in Hangzhou, China
* Investigating the Effects of Super Typhoon HAGIBIS in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Using Multiple Observational Data
* Investigating the Impact of the Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Precipitation in CMIP6 Climate Models on Drought Assessments
* Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Aerosols over Asia by Using Multiple Satellites
* Investigating the Performance of Carbon Monoxide and Methane Observations from Sentinel-5 Precursor in China
* Investigation of Forest Fire Characteristics in North Korea Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS
* Investigation of Precise Single-Frequency Time and Frequency Transfer with Galileo E1/E5a/E5b/E5/E6 Observations
* Investigation of the Lower Stratospheric Gravity Wave Activity in Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-GNSS RO Dry Temperature Observations, An
* Investigations in Psychological Stress Detection from Social Media Text using Deep Architectures
* IOAM: A Novel Sensor Fusion-Based Wearable for Localization and Mapping
* Ionosphere Monitoring with Remote Sensing
* Ionospheric Inhomogeneities and Their Influences on the Earth's Remote Sensing from Space
* Ionospheric Oscillation with Periods of 6-30 Days at Middle Latitudes: A Response to Solar Radiative, Geomagnetic, and Lower Atmospheric Forcing
* Ionospheric Phase Scintillation Correction Based on Multi-Aperture Faraday Rotation Estimation in Spaceborne P-Band Full-Polarimetric SAR Data
* IRA-MRSNet: A Network Model for Change Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guided Calibration Networks for Reliable and Interpretable Confidence Estimates
* Is the Gridded Data Accurate? Evaluation of Precipitation and Historical Wet and Dry Periods from ERA5 Data for Canadian Prairies
* ISD-QA: Iterative Distillation of Commonsense Knowledge from General Language Models for Unsupervised Question Answering
* Isomorphic model-based initialization for convolutional neural networks
* Iterative embedding distillation for open world vehicle recognition
* Iterative Learning Tracking Control of High-Speed Trains With Nonlinearly Parameterized Uncertainties and Multiple Time-Varying Delays
* Iteratively Reweighted Minimax-Concave Penalty Minimization for Accurate Low-rank Plus Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* IterVM: Iterative Vision Modeling Module for Scene Text Recognition
* JFLN: Joint Feature Learning Network for 2D sketch based 3D shape retrieval
* Joint Attention Mechanism Feature Selection for Single Image Reflection Separation
* Joint Cascaded Framework for Simultaneous Eye State, Eye Center, and Gaze Estimation, A
* Joint Characterization of Sentinel-2 Reflectance: Insights from Manifold Learning
* Joint Deployment Optimization and Flight Trajectory Planning for UAV Assisted IoT Data Collection: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* Joint Feature Adaptation and Graph Adaptive Label Propagation for Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition From EEG Signals
* Joint Graph Learning and Matching for Semantic Feature Correspondence
* Joint Handwritten Text Recognition and Word Classification for Tabular Information Extraction
* Joint Intensity Classification and Specimen Segmentation on HEp-2 Images: a Deep Learning Approach
* Joint Learning of Salient Object Detection, Depth Estimation and Contour Extraction
* Joint Optimization for Pedestrian, Information and Energy Flows in Emergency Response Systems With Energy Harvesting and Energy Sharing
* Joint Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation and SLAM
* Joint strong edge and multi-stream adaptive fusion network for non-uniform image deblurring
* Joint Token and Feature Alignment Framework for Text-Based Person Search
* Jointformer: Single-Frame Lifting Transformer with Error Prediction and Refinement for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Jointly Learning Agent and Lane Information for Multimodal Trajectory Prediction
* JPEG Reversible Data Hiding Using Dynamic Distortion Optimizing With Frequency Priority Reassignment
* JPSS-2 VIIRS Pre-Launch Reflective Solar Band Testing and Performance
* JRA-Net: Joint representation attention network for correspondence learning
* K-Means Clustering Approach to UAS Classification via Graphical Signal Representation of Radio Frequency Signals for Air Traffic Early Warning
* Kernel embedding transformation learning for graph matching
* Kernel Modulation: A Parameter-Efficient Method for Training Convolutional Neural Networks
* Key techniques for classification of thorax diseases based on deep learning
* Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters Revisited
* KeypointMask: A Real-Time Instance Segmentation for Oblique Object Detection in Robotic Picking
* KNN Based Denoising Algorithm for Photon-Counting LiDAR: Numerical Simulation and Parameter Optimization Design
* Knowledge points navigation based on three-way concept lattice for autonomous learning
* Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* Knowledge-Based Representation Learning for Nucleus Instance Classification From Histopathological Images
* Kolmogorov-Smirnov and ROC curve metrics for binary classification performance assessment are equivalent
* KPI-BERT: A Joint Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Model for Financial Reports
* KRNet: Towards Efficient Knowledge Replay
* KSRG: Knowledge-Aware Sequential Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks
* Label Cleaning Multiple Instance Learning: Refining Coarse Annotations on Single Whole-Slide Images
* label distribution manifold learning algorithm, A
* Label Geometry Aware Discriminator for Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Label Guided Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Label-based Multiple Object Ensemble Tracking with Randomized Frame Dropping
* LAM Dataset: A Novel Benchmark for Line-Level Handwritten Text Recognition, The
* Land Cover Classification Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on NDVI Deep Learning Fusion Network, A
* Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Based on GEE for the Monitoring of Changes in Ecosystem Types in the Upper Yellow River Basin over the Tibetan Plateau
* Land-Use Change, Habitat Connectivity, and Conservation Gaps: A Case Study of Shorebird Species in the Yellow River Delta of China Using the InVEST Model and Network Analysis
* Landsat 9 Cross Calibration Under-Fly of Landsat 8: Planning, and Execution
* Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Based Prediction of Forest Plantation C Stock Using Spatially Varying Coefficient Bayesian Hierarchical Models
* Landslide Risk Assessment in Eastern Kentucky, USA: Developing a Regional Scale, Limited Resource Approach
* LanePainter: Lane Marks Enhancement via Generative Adversarial Network
* Language-Attention Modular-Network for Relational Referring Expression Comprehension in Videos
* Language-guided graph parsing attention network for human-object interaction recognition
* Large motion anime head animation using a cascade pose transform network
* Large-Scale Database for Chemical Structure Recognition and Preliminary Evaluation, A
* Large-Scale Invariant Matching Method Based on DeepSpace-ScaleNet for Small Celestial Body Exploration, A
* Large-Scale Maintenance and Rehabilitation Optimization for Multi-Lane Highway Asphalt Pavement: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Large-Scale Semantic Scene Understanding with Cross-Correction Representation
* Large-Scale Urban Multiple-Modal Transport Evacuation Model for Mass Gathering Events Considering Pedestrian and Public Transit System
* Laser Scanning Investigation and Geophysical Monitoring to Characterise Cultural Heritage Current State and Threat by Traffic-Induce Vibrations: The Villa Farnesina in Rome
* Latent Space Semantic Supervision Based on Knowledge Distillation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Layer Separation via a Spatial-Attention GAN
* Layer-Wise Data-Free CNN Compression
* Layover Detection Using Neural Network Based on Expert Knowledge
* LDGAN: Latent Determined Ensemble Helps Removing IID Data Assumption and Cross-Node Sampling in Distributed GANs
* Leachable Component Clustering
* Leaf Vocabulary: Fine-Grained Leaf Image Retrieval Using Bag-of-Visual-Words Representation
* Learn decision trees with deep visual primitives
* Learn From the Past: Experience Ensemble Knowledge Distillation
* Learn to Predict Sets Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks
* Learnable Gradient operator for face presentation attack detection, A
* Learning a Latent Space with Triplet Network for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Learning a Task-Specific Descriptor for Robust Matching of 3D Point Clouds
* Learning All Dynamics: Traffic Forecasting via Locality-Aware Spatio-Temporal Joint Transformer
* Learning and Meshing From Deep Implicit Surface Networks Using an Efficient Implementation of Analytic Marching
* Learning and Operation Planning Method for Uber Energy Storage System: Order Dispatch, A
* Learning Bi-directional Feature Propagation with Latent Layout Modeling for Group Re-identification
* Learning Color Distributions from Bitemporal Remote Sensing Images to Update Existing Building Footprints
* Learning comprehensive global features in person re-identification: Ensuring discriminativeness of more local regions
* Learning Consistent Global-Local Representation for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Dense and Continuous Optical Flow From an Event Camera
* Learning Discriminative Feature Representation for Estimating Smoke Density of Smoky Vehicle Rear
* Learning Discriminative Features with Region Attention and Refinement Network for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Learning Dynamic and Hierarchical Traffic Spatiotemporal Features With Transformer
* Learning Dynamic Generative Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Fashion Compatibility from In-the-wild Images
* Learning Feature Fusion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification
* Learning from Better Supervision: Self-distillation for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Learning From Visual Demonstrations via Replayed Task-Contrastive Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning
* Learning isometry-invariant representations for point cloud analysis
* Learning Method for Feature Correspondence with Outliers, A
* Learning Multi-Context Dynamic Listwise Relation for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Learning Multi-Granularity Features for Re-Identifying Figures in Portrait Thangka Images
* Learning Multiaspect Traffic Couplings by Multirelational Graph Attention Networks for Traffic Prediction
* Learning Polymorphic Neural ODEs With Time-Evolving Mixture
* Learning Representations by Graphical Mutual Information Estimation and Maximization
* Learning Selective Mutual Attention and Contrast for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Learning Semantic Segmentation on Unlabeled Real-World Indoor Point Clouds via Synthetic Data
* Learning Sequential Contexts using Transformer for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Learning Single/Multi-Attribute of Object With Symmetry and Group
* Learning Smooth Motion Planning for Intelligent Aerial Transportation Vehicles by Stable Auxiliary Gradient
* Learning Speaker-specific Lip-to-Speech Generation
* Learning Spectral Cues for Multispectral and Panchromatic Image Fusion
* Learning the Space of Deep Models
* Learning to Active Learn by Gradient Variation based on Instance Importance
* Learning to Adapt to Domain Shifts with Few-shot Samples in Anomalous Sound Detection
* Learning to Aggregate and Refine Noisy Labels for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Learning to Drive Using Sparse Imitation Reinforcement Learning
* Learning to Embed Semantic Similarity for Joint Image-Text Retrieval
* Learning to Extract Building Footprints From Off-Nadir Aerial Images
* Learning to Guide a Saturation-Based Theorem Prover
* Learning to Predict 3D Mesh Saliency
* Learning to Predict Keypoints and Structure of Articulated Objects without Supervision
* Learning-Based Cooperative Multiagent Formation Control With Collision Avoidance
* Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration of Water-Bottom-Related Multiples
* Let There Be Light: Improved Traffic Surveillance via Detail Preserving Night-to-Day Transfer
* Level Set Mesher: Single-image to 3D reconstruction by following the level sets of the signed distance function
* Level-5 Autonomous Driving: Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature
* Leveraging Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Pre-Trained on Autonomous Driving Data for Vehicle Detection from Roadside LiDAR Data
* Leveraging Graph and Deep Learning Uncertainties to Detect Anomalous Maritime Trajectories
* Leveraging Synthetic Data in Object Detection on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Leveraging Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder Inner Metrics for Anomaly Detection
* LG-Tree: An Efficient Labeled Index for Shortest Distance Search on Massive Road Networks
* LiDAR SLAM Based Multivehicle Cooperative Localization Using Iterated Split CIF
* Lidar- and V2X-Based Cooperative Localization Technique for Autonomous Driving in a GNSS-Denied Environment
* Lidargrammetric Model Deformation Method for Altimetric UAV-ALS Data Enhancement, The
* Lie algebra representation for efficient 2D shape classification, A
* Lifelong Learning for Text Steganalysis Based on Chronological Task Sequence
* Light Transport Induced Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Thermal Infrared Urban Scenes
* Light-Guided and Cross-Fusion U-Net for Anti-Illumination Image Super-Resolution
* Light-weight Frequency Information Aware Neural Network Architecture for Voice Spoofing Detection
* LightFGCNet: A Lightweight and Focusing on Global Context Information Semantic Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Lightweight Conditional Model Extrapolation for Streaming Data under Class-Prior Shift
* Lightweight LiDAR-Camera Sensing Method of Obstacles Detection and Classification for Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit, A
* Lightweight Model for Ship Detection and Recognition in Complex-Scene SAR Images, A
* Lightweight Multi-Level Information Network for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion, A
* Lightweight Multi-Scale Context Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* Lightweight Multimechanism Deep Feature Enhancement Network for Infrared Small-Target Detection
* Lightweight Privacy-Preserving System for the Security of Remote Sensing Images on IoT, A
* Lightweight target detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv4
* Likely Thermal Evolution of the Irregularly Shaped S-Type Astraea Asteroid, The
* LILA-BOTI: Leveraging Isolated Letter Accumulations By Ordering Teacher Insights for Bangla Handwriting Recognition
* Limb Sounders Tracking Tsunami-Induced Perturbations from the Stratosphere to the Ionosphere
* Limiting External Absorptivity of UAV-Based Uncooled Thermal Infrared Sensors Increases Water Temperature Measurement Accuracy
* Lineament Extraction from Digital Terrain Derivate Model: A Case Study in the Giron-Santa Isabel Basin, South Ecuador
* Linear and Nonlinear Characteristics of Long-Term NDVI Using Trend Analysis: A Case Study of Lancang-Mekong River Basin
* Linear Parameter Varying Models-Based Gain-Scheduling Control for Lane Keeping System With Parameter Reduction
* Linearized Single-Scattering Property Database for Hexagonal Prism Ice Particles
* Linking Remote Sensing with APSIM through Emulation and Bayesian Optimization to Improve Yield Prediction
* Little Bit More: Bitplane-Wise Bit-Depth Recovery, A
* Load Estimation Based Dynamic Access Protocol for Satellite Internet of Things
* Local and Global GANs With Semantic-Aware Upsampling for Image Generation
* Localizing Fake Segments in Speech
* Locating and Counting Heads in Crowds With a Depth Prior
* Locating Earth Disturbances Using the SDR Earth Imager
* Lognometer: A New Normalized and Computerized Device for Assessing the Neurodevelopment of Fine Motor Control in Children, The
* Long-Tailed Traffic Sign Detection Using Attentive Fusion and Hierarchical Group Softmax
* Long-Term Loss of Coral Reef in the Gulf of Aqaba Estimated from Historical Aerial Images
* Long-Term Spatiotemporal Variability of Whitings in Lake Geneva from Multispectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
* Long-Term Trends and Interannual Variability in Surface Ozone Levels in Beijing from 1995 to 2020, The
* Long-term Visual Place Recognition
* Long-Time Trends in Night Sky Brightness and Ageing of SQM Radiometers
* Longitudinal Evolution of Storm-Enhanced Densities: A Case Study
* Look Beyond Bias with Entropic Adversarial Data Augmentation
* Loosening Bolts Detection of Bogie Box in Metro Vehicles Based on Deep Learning
* Loss reweight in scale dimension: A simple while effective feature selection strategy for anchor-free detectors
* Low Cost and Latency Event Camera Background Activity Denoising
* Low Light Image Enhancement by Multispectral Fusion and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Low-Complexity Approach to Rate-Distortion Optimized Variable Bit-Rate Compression for Split DNN Computing, A
* Low-Cost Beamforming and DOA Estimation Based on One-Bit Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
* Low-Cost Real-Time PPP GNSS Aided INS for CAV Applications
* Low-Light Image and Video Enhancement Using Deep Learning: A Survey
* Low-light Image Enhancement Using Chain-Consistent Adversarial Networks
* LPASS-Net: Lightweight Progressive Attention Semantic Segmentation Network for Automatic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* LPCL: Localized prominence contrastive learning for self-supervised dense visual pre-training
* LR-GCN: Latent Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* LRFFNet: Large Receptive Field Feature Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of SAR Images in Building Areas
* LS-HDIB: A Large Scale Handwritten Document Image Binarization Dataset
* LSTM-Based Intrusion Detection System for VANETs: A Time Series Classification Approach to False Message Detection
* LSTN:Long Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting with Transformer Networks
* LSV-LP: Large-Scale Video-Based License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Lung cancer detection by using probabilistic majority voting and optimization techniques
* Lung Nodule Malignancy Subtype Discovery with Semantic Learning
* luvHarris: A Practical Corner Detector for Event-Cameras
* LVE-S2D: Low-Light Video Enhancement From Static to Dynamic
* M-CBN: Manifold constrained joint image dehazing and super-resolution based on chord boosting network
* M2RNet: Multi-modal and multi-scale refined network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Machine Learning and Hyperparameters Algorithms for Identifying Groundwater Aflaj Potential Mapping in Semi-Arid Ecosystems Using LiDAR, Sentinel-2, GIS Data, and Analysis
* Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media, A
* Machine Learning for Detection and Risk Assessment of Lifting Action
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identifying Fetal Risk During Pregnancy
* Machine Learning-Based Method for Modeling TEC Regional Temporal-Spatial Map, A
* Machine Recognition of Map Point Symbols Based on YOLOv3 and Automatic Configuration Associated with POI
* Machine-Learning Approach to Intertidal Mudflat Mapping Combining Multispectral Reflectance and Geomorphology from UAV-Based Monitoring, A
* Magnetization Vector Inversion Based on Amplitude and Gradient Constraints
* Mainlobe Deceptive Jammer Suppression Based on Quadratic Phase Coding in FDA-MIMO Radar
* Mammographic mass recognition using feature reuse and channel attention mechanism
* MAN: Mining Ambiguity and Noise for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Manifold Learning-based Frequency Estimation for extracting ENF signal from digital video
* Map Design and Usability of a Simplified Topographic 2D Map on the Smartphone in Landscape and Portrait Orientations
* MAP-Gen: An Automated 3D-Box Annotation Flow with Multimodal Attention Point Generator
* Map-Matching Error Identification in the Absence of Ground Truth
* Mapping Arctic Sea-Ice Surface Roughness with Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
* Mapping Area Changes of Glacial Lakes Using Stacks of Optical Satellite Images
* Mapping Burned Areas with Multitemporal-Multispectral Data and Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning
* Mapping Coastal Aquaculture Ponds of China Using Sentinel SAR Images in 2020 and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Dwellings in IDP/Refugee Settlements Using Deep Learning
* Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinel-2A and a Case Study Evaluation of Its Application in Elephant Movement Ecology in Sagalla, Kenya
* Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass with MODIS and Fengyun-3C VIRR Imageries in Yunnan Province, Southwest China Using Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest
* Mapping Ice Flow Velocity of Tidewater Glaciers in Hornsund Fiord Area with the Use of Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (2018-2022)
* Mapping Irregular Local Climate Zones from Sentinel-2 Images Using Deep Learning with Sequential Virtual Scenes
* Mapping of Forest Biomass in Shangri-La City Based on LiDAR Technology and Other Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Soil Erosion Dynamics (1990-2020) in the Pearl River Basin
* Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Content in Patagonian Forests Based on Climate, Topography and Vegetation Metrics from Satellite Imagery
* Mapping water clarity in North American lakes and reservoirs using Landsat images on the GEE platform with the RGRB model
* Marine Extended Target Tracking for Scanning Radar Data Using Correlation Filter and Bayes Filter Jointly
* Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea: Tempo-Spatial Pattern and Its Association with Large-Scale Circulation
* Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1980 to 2020, Western Qilian Mountains, China
* MCSNet: A Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Network for Spaceborne SAR Images via Multi-Dimensional Feature Transform
* MD-Net: Multi-Detector for Local Feature Extraction
* Measuring Focus Quality in Vector Valued Images for Shape from Focus
* Measuring Sand Dune Dynamics in the Badain Jaran Desert, China, Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* MECA-Net: A MultiScale Feature Encoding and Long-Range Context-Aware Network for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology Image Augmentation with Vision Transformers
* MeFirst ranking and multiple dichotomies: Via Linear Programming and Neural Networks
* Melanoma segmentation: A framework of improved DenseNet77 and UNET convolutional neural network
* Memory-efficient distribution-guided experience sampling for policy consolidation
* Memory-Token Transformer for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Meta-Analysis of Remote Sensing Technologies and Methodologies for Crop Characterization, A
* Meta-learning-based adversarial training for deep 3D face recognition on point clouds
* Meta-transfer-adjustment learning for few-shot learning
* Metamorphic Testing-based Adversarial Attack to Fool Deepfake Detectors
* Method for Detecting Feature-Sparse Regions and Matching Enhancement, A
* Method for Forest Canopy Height Inversion Based on Machine Learning and Feature Mining Using UAVSAR, A
* Method for Retrieving Cloud-Top Height Based on a Machine Learning Model Using the Himawari-8 Combined with Near Infrared Data, A
* Method for the Automatic Extraction of Support Devices in an Overhead Catenary System Based on MLS Point Clouds, A
* Method of Fusing Probability-Form Knowledge into Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* Method of SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Based on Convolution Auto-Encode and Support Vector Machine, A
* method of underwater bridge structure damage detection method based on a lightweight deep convolutional network, A
* Method to Improve UI Rendering using Predictive Sequence Modelling
* method to measure data complexity of a complicated medical data set, A
* Methodology for Georeferencing and Mosaicking Corona Imagery in Semi-Arid Environments, A
* MFATNet: Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation via Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information Aggregator Network for Lane Detection
* MFNet: A Novel GNN-Based Multi-Level Feature Network With Superpixel Priors
* MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Road Scenes
* MFNet: Multi-Level Feature Extraction and Fusion Network for Large-Scale Point Cloud Classification
* MFNet: Multiclass Few-Shot Segmentation Network with Pixel-Wise Metric Learning
* MHASAN: Multi-Head Angular Self Attention Network for Spoof Detection
* Micro-Doppler Extraction of Radar Targets With Translational Motion Based on Spatial Transformer Network
* Micro-expression recognition with supervised contrastive learning
* Micro-expression spotting based on optical flow features
* Micro-Motion Parameter Extraction of Multi-Scattering-Point Target Based on Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar
* Microaneurysms Detection in Color Fundus Image with Feature-based Background Suppression
* Migratory Biomass Statistical Method Based on High-Resolution Fully Polarimetric Entomological Radar, A
* Mimicking the immune system to diagnose Parkinson's disease from handwriting
* Minimal Solvers for Point Cloud Matching with Statistical Deformations
* Minimax Framework for Two-Agent Scheduling With Inertial Constraints, A
* Minimax Scheduling Framework for Inertially-Constrained Multi-Agent Systems, A
* Mining the Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Typical Fast-Food Industry Based on Point-of-Interest Data: The Case Study of Hangzhou, China
* MiPo: How to Detect Trajectory Outliers with Tabular Outlier Detectors
* Mitigating Observatio> ICPR22
* Mitigating Range Ambiguity Method Based on DDMA for SAR Systems
* Mitigating the Bias of Centered Objects in Common Datasets
* Mitigating the effect of dataset shift in clustering
* Mitigating the Scintillation Effect on GNSS Signals Using MP and ROTI
* Mix-ViT: Mixing attentive vision transformer for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Mixed Stage Partial Network and Background Data Augmentation for Surveillance Object Detection
* Mixup gamblers+: Learning interpolated pseudo uncertainty in latent feature space for reliable inference
* ML-DSVM+: A meta-learning based deep SVM+ for computer-aided diagnosis
* MLCFNet: Multi-Level Context Fusion Network for 3D Object Tracking
* MLSAN: Mixed-Lattice Self-Attention Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
* MMINR: Multi-frame-to-Multi-frame Inference with Noise Resistance for Precipitation Nowcasting with Radar
* Mobile Airborne Lidar for Remote Methane Monitoring: Design, Simulation of Atmospheric Measurements and First Flight Tests
* Mobile Charging Station Placements in Internet of Electric Vehicles: A Federated Learning Approach
* MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* MobileXNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Model-Agnostic Multi-Domain Learning with Domain-Specific Adapters for Action Recognition
* Modeling and Analysis of Microwave Emission from Multiscale Soil Surfaces Using AIEM Model
* Modeling and Forecasting Ionospheric foF2 Variation in the Low Latitude Region during Low and High Solar Activity Years
* Modeling and Prediction of User Stability and Comfortability on Autonomous Wheelchairs With 3-D Mapping
* Modeling Autonomous Vehicles Deployment in a Multilane AV Zone With Mixed Traffic
* Modeling Censored Mobility Demand Through Censored Quantile Regression Neural Networks
* Modeling Driving Behavior of Human Drivers for Trajectory Planning
* Modeling of Driver Cut-in Behavior Towards a Platoon
* Modeling Real-World Affective and Communicative Nonverbal Vocalizations From Minimally Speaking Individuals
* Modeling the Background for Incremental and Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Modelling Bottlenecks of Bike-Sharing Travel Using the Distinction between Endogenous and Exogenous Demand: A Case Study in Beijing
* Modelling Permafrost Characteristics and Its Relationship with Environmental Constraints in the Gaize Area, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Modelling Species Richness and Functional Diversity in Tropical Dry Forests Using Multispectral Remotely Sensed and Topographic Data
* Modelling the Dynamics of Carbon Storages for Pinus densata Using Landsat Images in Shangri-La Considering Topographic Factors
* MODENN: A Shallow Broad Neural Network Model Based on Multi-Order Descartes Expansion
* modified contrast source inversion method for microwave tomographic imaging of Debye dispersive media, A
* modified Coye algorithm for retinal vessel segmentation, A
* Modified Shape Model Incorporating Continuous Accumulated Growing Degree Days for Phenology Detection of Early Rice, A
* MODIS Evapotranspiration Downscaling Using a Deep Neural Network Trained Using Landsat 8 Reflectance and Temperature Data
* Modulation of Driver's Emotional States by Manipulating In-Vehicle Environment: Validation With Biosignals Recorded in An Actual Car Environment
* Molecular cancer classification on microarrays gene expression data using wavelet-based deep convolutional neural network
* Moment-based Adversarial Training for Embodied Language Comprehension
* Monitoring Air Quality in Urban Areas Using a Vehicle Sensor Network (VSN) Crowdsensing Paradigm
* Monitoring and Analysis of Population Distribution in China from 2000 to 2020 Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring and Integrating the Changes in Vegetated Areas with the Rate of Groundwater Use in Arid Regions
* Monitoring Asbestos Mine Remediation Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging System: A Case Study of Jefferson Lake Mine, US
* Monitoring Ecological Changes on a Rapidly Urbanizing Island Using a Remote Sensing-Based Ecological Index Produced Time Series
* Monitoring Method Based on Vegetation Abnormal Information Applied to the Case of Jizong Shed-Tunnel Landslide, A
* Monitoring of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over Pakistan Using Satellite Dataset
* Monitoring Seedling Emergence, Growth, and Survival Using Repeat High-Resolution Imagery
* Monitoring Short-Term Morphobathymetric Change of Nearshore Seafloor Using Drone-Based Multispectral Imagery
* Monitoring Spatial-Temporal Variations of Lake Level in Western China Using ICESat-1 and CryoSat-2 Satellite Altimetry
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Cues Inspired by Biological Vision Systems
* MonoEF: Extrinsic Parameter Free Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MontageGAN: Generation and Assembly of Multiple Components by GANs
* Morphing-Based Method for Paleotopographic Reconstruction of the Transverse Canyon, A
* Mosaic gradient histogram for object tracking in DoFP infrared polarization imaging
* MOST-Net: A Memory Oriented Style Transfer Network for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Motion Estimation and Coding Structure for Inter-Prediction of LiDAR Point Cloud Geometry
* Motion Guided Attention Learning for Self-Supervised 3D Human Action Recognition
* Motion-Correction Method for Turbulence Estimates from Floating Lidars, A
* MPC Combined Decision Making and Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Vehicle Collision Avoidance, A
* MPFINet: A Multilevel Parallel Feature Injection Network for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion
* MQANet: Multi-Task Quadruple Attention Network of Multi-Object Semantic Segmentation from Remote Sensing Images
* MSAF: Multimodal Supervise-Attention Enhanced Fusion for Video Anomaly Detection
* MSAGNet: Multi-Stream Attribute-Guided Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* MSCE-Net: Multi-scale Spatial and Channel Enhancing Net based on Attention for Cloud Image Classification
* MSCFNet: A Lightweight Network With Multi-Scale Context Fusion for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Msplit Estimation Approach to Modeling Vertical Terrain Displacement from TLS Data Disturbed by Outliers
* MSR-Video to Text dataset with clean annotations, The
* MSSDet: Multi-Scale Ship-Detection Framework in Optical Remote-Sensing Images and New Benchmark
* MT-e&R: NMEA Protocol-Assisted High-Accuracy Navigation Algorithm Based on GNSS Error Estimation Using Multitask Learning
* MTKDSR: Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Super Resolution Image Reconstruction
* Multi-Attention DenseNet: A Scattering Medium Imaging Optimization Framework for Visual Data Pre-Processing of Autonomous Driving Systems
* Multi-Attribute Discriminative Representation Learning for Prediction of Adverse Drug-Drug Interaction
* Multi-Attribute Subspace Clustering via Auto-Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Multi-Band Texture Modeling Using Finite Mixtures of Multivariate Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* Multi-Branch Adaptive Hard Region Mining Network for Urban Scene Parsing of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images
* Multi-Branch with Attention Network for Hand-Based Person Recognition
* Multi-Channel Descriptor for LiDAR-Based Loop Closure Detection and Its Application, A
* Multi-Channel SAR Imaging on Cruising Ships with Sub-Orbital Spaceplane
* Multi-Class Hypersphere Anomaly Detection
* Multi-Contextual Predictions with Vision Transformer for Video Anomaly Detection
* Multi-Dimensional Deep-Learning-Based Evaporation Duct Height Prediction Model Derived from MAGIC Data, A
* Multi-feature Co-learning for Image Inpainting
* Multi-features based Semantic Augmentation Networks for Named Entity Recognition in Threat Intelligence
* Multi-Field Context Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Frame GLMB Smoothing Based on the Image-Observation Sensor for Tracking Multiple Weak Targets Using Belief Propagation, A
* Multi-Grained Interpretable Network for Image Recognition
* Multi-Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Multi-Horizon Predictive Soil Mapping of Historical Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multi-Instrumental Approach to Slope Failure Monitoring in a Landslide Susceptible Newly Built-Up Area: Topo-Geodetic Survey, UAV 3D Modelling and Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Multi-label feature selection via robust flexible sparse regularization
* Multi-level mutual supervision for cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Multi-Level Query Interaction for Temporal Language Grounding
* Multi-Mode Huff-Based 2SFCA: Examining Geographical Accessibility to Food Outlets in Austin, Texas
* Multi-Moments in Time: Learning and Interpreting Models for Multi-Action Video Understanding
* Multi-Node Joint Power Allocation Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Game Learning in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
* multi-object tracker using dynamic Bayesian networks and a residual neural network based similarity estimator, A
* Multi-Objective Cooperative Control for a Ship-Towing System in Congested Water Traffic Environments
* Multi-Objective Optimization for Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Networks
* Multi-Path Encoder Network for GPR Data Inversion to Improve Defect Detection in Reinforced Concrete, A
* Multi-Polarisation C-Band SAR Imagery to Estimate the Recent Dynamics of the d'Iberville Glacier
* Multi-Satellite Environmental and Socioeconomic Predictors of Vector-Borne Diseases in African Cities: Malaria as an Example, The
* Multi-Scale 2D Temporal Adjacency Networks for Moment Localization With Natural Language
* Multi-Scale Adaptive Task Attention Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-scale and multi-patch transformer for sandstorm image enhancement
* Multi-scale convolutional networks for traffic forecasting with spatial-temporal attention
* Multi-Scale Detail Enhancement Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale enhanced graph convolutional network for mild cognitive impairment detection
* Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover
* Multi-Scale Feature Pyramid Network for Detection and Instance Segmentation of Marine Ships in SAR Images, A
* Multi-scale gradient attention guidance and adaptive style fusion for image inpainting
* Multi-Scale Graph-Based Feature Fusion for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions
* Multi-scale Network with Attentional Multi-resolution Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis and Simulation (MSPAS) Model with Driving Factors for Land Cover Change and Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Nepal
* Multi-Scale Validation and Uncertainty Analysis of GEOV3 and MuSyQ FVC Products: A Case Study of an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem
* Multi-Sensor Fusion Based Estimation of Tire-Road Peak Adhesion Coefficient Considering Model Uncertainty
* Multi-Sensor Fusion of SDGSAT-1 Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Images
* Multi-Source Change-Point Detection over Local Observation Models
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Method to Improve the Accuracy of Precipitation Products: A Machine Learning Algorithm, A
* Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Data-Based Tourism Structure Analysis of Demonstration City for Global Tourism: Case Study of Liyang, China
* Multi-stage and multi-branch network with similar expressions label distribution learning for facial expression recognition
* Multi-Stage Graph Fusion Networks for Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis
* Multi-stage image denoising with the wavelet transform
* multi-stage restoration method for degraded images with light scattering and absorption, A
* Multi-style transfer and fusion of image's regions based on attention mechanism and instance segmentation
* Multi-SUAV Collaboration and Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Technology-Based Image Registration and Change Detection Network of Garbage Scattered Areas in Nature Reserves
* Multi-Task Convolution Operators with Object Detection for Visual Tracking
* Multi-task Deep Learning for Cerebrovascular Disease Classification and MRI-to-PET Translation
* Multi-view Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Algorithm for Vehicles
* Multi-View Graph Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* Multi-view Knowledge Graph for Explainable Course Content Recommendation in Course Discussion Posts
* Multi-View Stereo and Depth Priors Guided NeRF for View Synthesis
* Multi-View Supervision for Single-View Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Consistency
* Multi-view Vision Transformers for Object Detection
* Multiaccess Edge Integrated Networking for Internet of Vehicles: A Blockchain-Based Deep Compressed Cooperative Learning Approach
* Multibranch Crossover Feature Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Multichannel Sea Clutter Measurement and Space-Time Characteristics Analysis with L-Band Shore-Based Radar
* Multiclass Land Cover Mapping from Historical Orthophotos Using Domain Adaptation and Spatio-Temporal Transfer Learning
* Multilabel Prototype Generation for data reduction in K-Nearest Neighbour classification
* Multilayer Online Self-Acquired Knowledge Distillation
* Multimodal Approach for Mania Level Prediction in Bipolar Disorder, A
* Multimodal Deep Sparse Subspace Clustering for Multiple Stimuli-based Cognitive task
* Multimodal Emotion Recognition with Modality-Pairwise Unsupervised Contrastive Loss
* Multimodal Framework for Automated Teaching Quality Assessment of One-to-many Online Instruction Videos, A
* Multimodal Fusion Fatigue Driving Detection Method Based on Heart Rate and PERCLOS, A
* Multimodal object tracking by exploiting appearance and class information
* Multimodal Tree Decoder for Table of Contents Extraction in Document Images
* Multimodal Triplet Attention Network for Brain Disease Diagnosis
* Multiple Band Prioritization Criteria-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple Hypothesis Testing-Based Cepstrum Thresholding for Nonparametric Spectral Estimation
* Multipopulation Multiobjective Ant Colony System Considering Travel and Prevention Costs for Vehicle Routing in COVID-19-Like Epidemics, A
* MultiPoseSeg: Feedback Knowledge Transfer for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation
* Multiscale Detection and Assessment of Vegetation Eco-Environmental Restoration following Ecological Water Compensation in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River, China
* Multisensor Assessment of Leaf Area Index across Ecoregions of Ardabil Province, Northwestern Iran
* Multisize Patched Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Short- and Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction
* Multisource Adaption for Driver Attention Prediction in Arbitrary Driving Scenes
* Multisource Fusion UAV Cluster Cooperative Positioning Using Information Geometry
* Multisource Remote Sensing Data-Based Flood Monitoring and Crop Damage Assessment: A Case Study on the 20 July 2021 Extraordinary Rainfall Event in Henan, China
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Regularized Coupled Non-Negative Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Multispectral Characteristics of Glacier Surface Facies (Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Himalaya, and Ny-Alesund, Svalbard) through Investigations of Pixel and Object-Based Mapping Using Variable Processing Routines
* Multispectral UAV-Based Monitoring of Leek Dry-Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake across Multiple Sites and Growing Seasons
* Multistage temporal convolution transformer for action segmentation
* Multitask Neural Tensor Factorization for Road Traffic Speed-Volume Correlation Pattern Learning and Joint Imputation
* Multivehicle 3D Cooperative Positioning Algorithm Based on Information Geometric Probability Fusion of GNSS/Wireless Station Navigation
* Multiview Facial Expression Recognition, A Survey
* Music Source Separation With Generative Flow
* MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning From Different Model Configurations
* MVF-Net: A Multi-View Fusion Network for Event-Based Object Classification
* NanoMap: A GPU-Accelerated OpenVDB-Based Mapping and Simulation Package for Robotic Agents
* Narrowing Attention in Capsule Networks
* NAS For efficient mobile eyebrow biometrics
* Natural Gas Leakage Detection: A Deep Learning Framework on IR Video Data
* Navigating Diverse Salient Features for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Navigating Robots in Dynamic Environment with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Navigation with Time Limits in Transportation Networks: A Fourth Moment Approach
* NBP-MS: Malware Signature Generation Based on Network Behavior Profiling
* NCA-based hybrid convolutional neural network model for classification of cervical cancer on gauss-enhanced pap-smear images
* Near-Field 3D Sparse SAR Direct Imaging with Irregular Samples
* Neighborhood Cooperative Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control in Epidemic Regions
* Neighborhood Preserving Kernels for Attributed Graphs
* Nested Multi-view Image Classification
* Network for Landslide Detection Using Large-Area Remote Sensing Images with Multiple Spatial Resolutions, A
* Network-Wide Link Travel Time and Station Waiting Time Estimation Using Automatic Fare Collection Data: A Computational Graph Approach
* Neural Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection by Searching Channel Dimensions and Mapping Pre-trained Parameters
* Neural Architecture Searching for Facial Attributes-based Depression Recognition
* Neural Contourlet Network for Monocular 360° Depth Estimation
* Neural Network Approaches to Reconstruct Phytoplankton Time-Series in the Global Ocean
* Neural Network Decision-Making Criteria Consistency Analysis via Inputs Sensitivity
* Neural Network Pruning Through Constrained Reinforcement Learning
* Neural network-based prediction of the stopping moment for text recognition in a video stream
* Neuro-Fuzzy-AHP (NFAHP) Technique for Copper Exploration Using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Geological Datasets in the Sahlabad Mining Area, East Iran
* NeuroGrasp: Real-Time EEG Classification of High-Level Motor Imagery Tasks Using a Dual-Stage Deep Learning Framework
* Neuromorphic Event-based Face Identity Recognition
* Neuron Coverage-Guided Domain Generalization
* New Advances of the Multiscale Approach for the Analyses of InSAR Ground Measurements: The Yellowstone Caldera Case-Study
* New Algorithm of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Determined from Polarization Lidar, A
* New Automated Ship Wake Detector for Small and Go-Fast Ships in Sentinel-1 Imagery, A
* new Copy-Move forgery detection method using LIOP, A
* New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
* New Magnetic Target Localization Method Based on Two-Point Magnetic Gradient Tensor, A
* new medical image enhancement algorithm using adaptive parameters, A
* New Method for Automated Monitoring of Road Pavement Aging Conditions Based on Recurrent Neural Network, A
* New Prepositioning Technique of a Motion Simulator Platform Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Recurrent Neural Network, A
* New Seismic Inversion Scheme Using Fluid Dispersion Attribute for Direct Gas Identification in Tight Sandstone Reservoirs, A
* New Spatiotemporal Estimator to Downscale GRACE Gravity Models for Terrestrial and Groundwater Storage Variations Estimation, A
* New Video Dataset for Recognizing Intake Gestures in a Cafeteria Setting, A
* Newly Developed Tool for the Post-Processing of GPR Time-Slices in A GIS Environment, A
* NEWSFARM: A Large-Scale Chinese Corpus of Long News Summarization
* NL-FCOS: Improving FCOS through Non-Local Modules for Object Detection
* NLS Based Hierarchical Anti-Disturbance Controller for Vehicle Platoons With Time-Varying Parameter Uncertainties
* No Need for Landmarks: An Embodied Neural Controller for Robust Insect-Like Navigation Behaviors
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment using novel hybrid features and two-stage hybrid regression for score level fusion
* Noise Characteristics Modeled Unsupervised Network for Robust CT Image Reconstruction
* Noise De-Correlation Based Sun Glint Correction Method and Its Effect on Shallow Bathymetry Inversion, A
* Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLPT-GSCFT
* Noised Phase Unwrapping Based on the Adaptive Window of Wigner Distribution
* NoiseFlow: Learning Optical Flow from Low SNR Cryo-EM Movie
* NOMA-Enabled Framework for Relay Deployment and Network Optimization in Double-Layer Airborne Access VANETs, A
* NOMA-Enabled Optimization Framework for Next-Generation Small-Cell IoV Networks Under Imperfect SIC Decoding
* Non-Local Graph Neural Networks
* Non-uniform Piecewise Linear Activation Functions in Deep Neural Networks
* Nonconvex, Fully Distributed Optimization Based CAV Platooning Control Under Nonlinear Vehicle Dynamics
* Nonlinear Analysis of Stability and Safety of Optimal Velocity Model Vehicle Groups on Ring Roads
* Nonlinear Robust Composite Levitation Control for High-Speed EMS Trains With Input Saturation and Track Irregularities
* Nonlinear Ship Wake Detection in SAR Images Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Model and YOLOv5
* Nonparametric Background Model-Based LiDAR SLAM in Highly Dynamic Urban Environments
* Nonuniform illumination correction for underwater images through a pseudo-siamese network
* Nonuniform Sampling Control for Multibody High-Speed Train Systems With Quantization Mechanisms via Stochastic Faded Channels
* Normal Assisted Pixel-Visibility Learning With Cost Aggregation for Multiview Stereo
* Novel Airborne EM Image Appraisal Tool for Imperfect Forward Modeling
* Novel Approach to Large-Scale Dynamically Weighted Directed Network Representation, A
* Novel Asymmetric Pyramid Aggregation Network for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection
* Novel Control Framework of Brain-Controlled Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Logic and Model Predictive Control, A
* Novel Data-Driven Approach for Solving the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location-Routing Problem, A
* novel DeepML framework for multi-classification of breast cancer based on transfer learning, A
* novel deviation density peaks clustering algorithm and its applications of medical image segmentation, A
* Novel Echo Separation Scheme for Space-Time Waveform-Encoding SAR Based on the Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP) Beamformer, A
* Novel Error Criterion of Fundamental Matrix Based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* Novel Estimation Method of Water Surface Micro-Amplitude Wave Frequency for Cross-Media Communication, A
* Novel Formulations and Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Lane Reservation With Task Merging
* Novel Framework for Road Side Unit Location Optimization for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation, A
* Novel Fully Coupled Physical-Statistical-Deep Learning Method for Retrieving Near-Surface Air Temperature from Multisource Data, A
* Novel GB-SAR System Based on TD-MIMO for High-Precision Bridge Vibration Monitoring, A
* Novel Heterogeneous Network for Modeling Driver Attention With Multi-Level Visual Content, A
* Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Representation for Long-term Visual Place Recognition, A
* Novel Index for Hydrological Drought Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Approach: Standardized Water Surface Index (SWSI)
* Novel Jamming Method against SAR Using Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Waveform with Very High Sidelobes, A
* Novel Label Enhancement Algorithm Based on Manifold Learning, A
* Novel Low Rank Smooth Flat-Field Correction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Microscopy Imaging, A
* Novel Low-light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Information Assistance, A
* Novel Magnification-Robust Network with Sparse Self-Attention for Micro-Expression Recognition, A
* Novel Method for Constructing EEG Large-Scale Cortical Dynamical Functional Network Connectivity (dFNC): WTCS, A
* Novel Method for Detecting and Delineating Coppice Trees in UAV Images to Monitor Tree Decline, A
* novel method for fusing graph convolutional network and feature based on feedback connection mechanism for nondestructive testing, A
* Novel Method to Derive Exospheric Temperatures from Swarm Thermospheric Densities during Quiet Times, A
* Novel MIMO-OFDM Based MAC Protocol for VANETs, A
* Novel ML-Aided Methodology for SINS/GPS Integrated Navigation Systems during GPS Outages, A
* novel multi-branch wavelet neural network for sparse representation based object classification, A
* Novel Multifaceted Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Multimodal Vehicle Path Prediction Method Based on Temporal Convolutional Networks, A
* Novel Multiple-View Adversarial Learning Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Action Recognition, A
* Novel Near-Real-Time GB-InSAR Slope Deformation Monitoring Method, A
* novel pattern-based edit distance for automatic log parsing, A
* Novel Predictor with Optimized Sampling Method for Hardware-aware NAS, A
* Novel Scheme about Skeleton Optimization Designed for ISTTWN Algorithm, A
* Novel Simultaneous Planning and Control Scheme of Automated Lane Change on Slippery Roads, A
* novel soft-coded error-correcting output codes algorithm, A
* Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asynchronous MMW Radar-Camera for Sensor Fusion, A
* Novel Splitting Criterion Inspired by Geometric Mean Metric Learning for Decision Tree, A
* Novel Strategy for Global Lane Detection Based on Key-Point Regression and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, A
* Novel Technique Using Planar Area and Ground Shadows Calculated from UAV RGB Imagery to Estimate Pistachio Tree (Pistacia vera L.) Canopy Volume, A
* Novel Water Index Fusing SAR and Optical Imagery (SOWI), A
* Novel Waveform Decomposition and Spectral Extraction Method for 101-Channel Hyperspectral LiDAR, A
* Novel Workflow for Crop Type Mapping with a Time Series of Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images in the Google Earth Engine, A
* Novel YOLOv3 Model With Structure and Hyperparameter Optimization for Detection of Pavement Concealed Cracks in GPR Images
* NovelADS: A Novel Anomaly Detection System for Intra-Vehicular Networks
* Numerical and Experimental Studies on the Micro-Doppler Signatures of Freely Flying Insects at W-Band
* Numerical Modeling and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for Understanding Scale-Dependent Topographic Effects Governing Anisotropic Reflectance Correction of Satellite Imagery
* Numerical Simulation of the Diurnal Cycle of a Precipitation System during KWAJEX by 2D and 3D Cloud-Resolving Models
* OAF-Net: An Occlusion-Aware Anchor-Free Network for Pedestrian Detection in a Crowd
* Object Counting in Remote Sensing via Triple Attention and Scale-Aware Network
* Object Detection in 3D Coral Ecosystem Maps from Multiple Image Sequences
* Object Interaction-Based Localization and Description of Road Accident Events Using Deep Learning
* Object Permanence in Object Detection Leveraging Temporal Priors at Inference Time
* Object- and Shapelet-Based Method for Mapping Planted Forest Dynamics from Landsat Time Series, An
* Object-Guided Day-Night Visual localization in Urban Scenes
* Objective Class-Based Micro-Expression Recognition Under Partial Occlusion Via Region-Inspired Relation Reasoning Network
* objective method for pedestrian occlusion level classification, An
* Obstacle detection technique to solve poor texture appearance of the obstacle by categorising image's region using cues from expansion of feature points for small UAV
* Occlusion-Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks via Inverted Cutout
* Oceanic Eddy Detection and Analysis from Satellite-Derived SSH and SST Fields in the Kuroshio Extension
* Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies Identification Using B-Spline Surface Fitting Model Based on Along-Track SLA Data
* ODG-Q: Robust Quantization via Online Domain Generalization
* ODOR: The ICPR2022 ODeuropa Challenge on Olfactory Object Recognition
* Offline handwriting image analysis to predict Alzheimer's disease via deep learning
* On a Linear Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
* On Depth Error from Spherical Camera Calibration within Omnidirectional Stereo Vision
* On Determinism of Game Engines Used for Simulation-Based Autonomous Vehicle Verification
* On Landscape of Nonconvex Regularized Least Squares for Sparse Support Recovery
* On Missing Scores in Evolving Multibiometric Systems
* On the Asymptotic L1-PC of Elliptical Distributions
* On the Co-Selection of Vision Transformer Features and Images for Very High-Resolution Image Scene Classification
* On the effect of selfie beautification filters on face detection and recognition
* On the Effectiveness of Synthetic Data Sets for Training Person Re-identification Models
* On the Effects of the Incidence Angle on the L-Band Multi-Polarisation Scattering of a Small Ship
* On the Generalizability of Motion Models for Road Users in Heterogeneous Shared Traffic Spaces
* On the Quality Control of HY-2 Scatterometer High Winds
* On the Robustness of Cross-lingual Speaker Recognition using Transformer-based Approaches
* On Tide Aliasing in GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Observations
* On Trajectory Homotopy to Explore and Penetrate Dynamically of Multi-UAV
* One Metric to Measure Them All: Localisation Recall Precision (LRP) for Evaluating Visual Detection Tasks
* One or Two Ridges? An Exact Mode Separation Condition for the Gabor Transform
* One Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection Utilizing Discrete Depth and Orientation Representation
* One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network With Image Alignment for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation, A
* One-Step Adaptive Spectral Clustering Networks
* Online Adaptive Metrics for Model Evaluation on Non-representative Offline Test Data
* Online Change Point Detection in Application With Transition-Aware Activity Recognition
* Online Deep Clustering with Video Track Consistency
* Online Feature Classification and Clustering for Transformer-based Visual Tracker
* Online Learning System for Wireless Charging Alignment Using Surround-View Fisheye Cameras, An
* Online Multiobject Tracking Network for Autonomous Driving in Areas Facing Epidemic, An
* Open-Set Face Identification on Few-Shot Gallery by Fine-Tuning
* Open-Set Recognition and Few-Shot Learning Dataset for Audio Event Classification in Domestic Environments, An
* Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* Open-Source Data Alternatives and Models for Flood Risk Management in Nepal
* Open-Source Data-Driven Cross-Domain Road Detection from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* OPEN: Order-preserving Pointcloud Encoder Decoder Network for Body Shape Refinement
* OpenStreetMap-Based Autonomous Navigation With LiDAR Naive-Valley-Path Obstacle Avoidance
* Operational Atmospheric Correction Framework for Multi-Source Medium-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data of China, An
* Optical Flow in the Dark
* Optimal deep transfer learning based ethnicity recognition on face images
* Optimal Joint Power and Rate Adaptation for Awareness and Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks
* optimal method for validating satellite-derived land surface phenology using in-situ observations from national phenology networks, An
* Optimal Operation Strategies for the Bus-Mode Operation of Intercity High-Speed Rail Service: A Novel Ticketing/Exchanging Mechanism
* Optimal Rain Gauge Network Design Aided by Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Observation
* Optimal selection from extremely redundant satellite images for efficient large-scale mapping
* optimal statistical feature-based transformation function for enhancement of retinal images using adaptive enhanced leader particle swarm optimization, An
* Optimization Based Adaptive Cruise Control and Energy Management Strategy for Connected and Automated FCHEV
* Optimization Method of Airborne LiDAR Individual Tree Segmentation Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Optimization of Complex Function Expansions for Gauss-Kruger Projections
* Optimization of HD-sEMG-Based Cross-Day Hand Gesture Classification by Optimal Feature Extraction and Data Augmentation
* Optimized Rate Control Algorithm in Versatile Video Coding for 360° Videos, An
* Optimizing Landsat Next Shortwave Infrared Bands for Crop Residue Characterization
* Optimum Bayesian thresholds for rebalanced classification problems using class-switching ensembles
* Ore-Waste Discrimination Using Supervised and Unsupervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Organizing and visualizing point clouds with continuous levels of detail
* Orientation Keypoints for 6D Human Pose Estimation
* Oriented Object Detection Based on Foreground Feature Enhancement in Remote Sensing Images
* OrtDet: An Orientation Robust Detector via Transformer for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Orthogonal Deep Feature Decomposition Network for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* Orthogonal regularizers in deep learning: How to handle rectangular matrices?
* OTAdapt: Optimal Transport-based Approach For Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Outbreak of Moroccan Locust in Sardinia (Italy): A Remote Sensing Perspective
* Overview of Remote Sensing for Mountain Vegetation and Snow Cover, An
* Ozone Pollution of Megacity Shanghai during City-Wide Lockdown Assessed Using TROPOMI Observations of NO2 and HCHO
* P2SF-IoV: A Privacy-Preservation-Based Secured Framework for Internet of Vehicles
* PAC-Bayes Meta-Learning With Implicit Task-Specific Posteriors
* Palmprint recognition based on the line feature local tri-directional patterns
* Panic Detection Using Machine Learning and Real-Time Biometric and Spatiotemporal Data
* Parametric Study to Evaluate the Geometry and Coupling Effect on the Efficiency of a Novel FMM Tool Embedded in Cover Concrete for Corrosion Monitoring
* ParaUDA: Invariant Feature Learning With Auxiliary Synthetic Samples for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Parcel-Level Flood and Drought Detection for Insurance Using Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-1 SAR GRD and Mobile Images
* Parkinson's Disease Classification with Self-supervised Learning and Attention Mechanism
* PARSE: Pairwise Alignment of Representations in Semi-Supervised EEG Learning for Emotion Recognition
* Partial Label Learning via GANs With Multiclass SVMs and Information Maximization
* Partitioning Image Representation in Contrastive Learning
* Parzen Window Approximation on Riemannian Manifold
* Passenger Evacuation Path Planning in Subway Station Under Multiple Fires Based on Multiobjective Robust Optimization
* Patch Tracking-Based Streaming Tensor Ring Completion for Visual Data Recovery
* Patch-Based Discriminative Learning for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* PatchMask: A Data Augmentation Strategy with Gaussian Noise in Hyperspectral Images
* Patchwise Sparse Dictionary Learning from pre-trained Neural Network Activation Maps for Anomaly Detection in Images
* Patient-by-Patient Deep Transfer Learning for Drug-Response Profiling Using Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Pediatric Patient-Derived Tumor-Cell Spheroids
* Pavement Crack Detection and Clustering via Region-Growing Algorithm from 3D MLS Point Clouds
* Pavement Marking Incorporated With Binary Code for Accurate Localization of Autonomous Vehicles
* Pay Attention to Adverse Weather: Weather-aware Attention-based Object Detection
* Pay attention to emoji: Feature Fusion Network with EmoGraph2vec Model for Sentiment Analysis
* PBGAN: Path Based Graph Attention Network for Heterophily
* PC-SNet for automated detection of prostate cancer in multiparametric-magnetic resonance imaging
* PCBA-Net: Pyramidal Convolutional Block Attention Network for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Change Detection
* PcGAN: A Noise Robust Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for One Shot Learning
* PDE Modeling and Tracking Control for the Flexible Tail of an Autonomous Robotic Fish
* Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Cars: Inference Fusion of Deep Neural Networks
* Pedestrian Detection Using MB-CSP Model and Boosted Identity Aware Non-Maximum Suppression
* Pedestrian Graph+: A Fast Pedestrian Crossing Prediction Model Based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using LSTM and Sparse Motion Fields
* Per-Antenna Self-Interference Cancellation Beamforming Design for Digital Phased Array
* Perceived emotions and AU combinations in ambiguous facial expressions
* Performance Analysis of the Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieval for FY-3D/MWTHS in Arctic Regions
* Performance Evaluation for Secure Communications in Mobile Internet of Vehicles With Joint Reactive Jamming and Eavesdropping Attacks
* Performance of Drought Indices in Assessing Rice Yield in North Korea and South Korea under the Different Agricultural Systems
* Performance of Seven Gridded Precipitation Products over Arid Central Asia and Subregions
* Performance Prediction Under Dataset Shift
* Perimeter Control With State-Dependent Delays: Optimal Control Model and Computational Method
* Periocular biometrics and its relevance to partially masked faces: A survey
* Person-Specific Face Spoofing Detection Based on a Siamese Network
* Personality modeling from image aesthetic attribute-aware graph representation learning
* Personalized Location Privacy With Road Network-Indistinguishability
* Personalized Retrogress-Resilient Federated Learning Toward Imbalanced Medical Data
* Perspective-Corrected Spatial Referring Expression Generation for Human-Robot Interaction
* PETA: Photo Albums Event Recognition using Transformers Attention
* PFDN: Pyramid Feature Decoupling Network for Single Image Deraining
* PFEMed: Few-shot medical image classification using prior guided feature enhancement
* PFRNet: Dual-Branch Progressive Fusion Rectification Network for Monaural Speech Enhancement
* PGDP5K: A Diagram Parsing Dataset for Plane Geometry Problems
* Pharmacological, Non-Pharmacological Policies and Mutation: An Artificial Intelligence Based Multi-Dimensional Policy Making Algorithm for Controlling the Casualties of the Pandemic Diseases
* Phoneme analysis for multiple languages with fuzzy-based speaker identification
* Photogrammetric System for Tunnel Underbreak and Overbreak Detection, A
* Photorealism in Driving Simulations: Blending Generative Adversarial Image Synthesis With Rendering
* Physical-Based Spatial-Spectral Deep Fusion Network for Chlorophyll-a Estimation Using MODIS and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* Physics-Based Shadow Image Decomposition for Shadow Removal
* Physics-Guided Reduced-Order Representation of Three-Dimensional Sound Speed Fields with Ocean Mesoscale Eddies
* Pixel Representation Augmented through Cross-Attention for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Segmentation
* Pixel to Binary Embedding Towards Robustness for CNNs
* Pixel-accurate Segmentation of Surgical Tools based on Bounding Box Annotations
* Pixel-Based Long-Term (2001-2020) Estimations of Forest Fire Emissions over the Himalaya
* Plant Density Estimation Using UAV Imagery and Deep Learning
* Plant Disease Diagnosis Using Deep Learning Based on Aerial Hyperspectral Images: A Review
* Platoon Tracking Control With Road-Friction Based Spacing Policy for Nonlinear Vehicles
* Platoon-Based Hierarchical Merging Control for On-Ramp Vehicles Under Connected Environment, A
* PLFace: Progressive Learning for Face Recognition with Mask Bias
* PMP-Net++: Point Cloud Completion by Transformer-Enhanced Multi-Step Point Moving Paths
* PMPNet: Pixel Movement Prediction Network for Monocular Depth Estimation in Dynamic Scenes
* PNNUAD: Perception Neural Networks Uncertainty Aware Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicle
* PnP-3D: A Plug-and-Play for 3D Point Clouds
* Point Adversarial Self-Mining: A Simple Method for Facial Expression Recognition
* Point Cloud Instance Segmentation With Semi-Supervised Bounding-Box Mining
* Point Cloud Sampling via Graph Balancing and Gershgorin Disc Alignment
* Points to Patches: Enabling the Use of Self-Attention for 3D Shape Recognition
* Polarimetric SAR image classification using binary coding-based polarimetric-morphological features
* Polarization-based optical characterization for color texture analysis and segmentation
* Polygonal Terrain on Southern Martian Polar Cap: Implications for Its Formation Mechanism, A
* Pooling Transformer for Detection of Risk Events in In-The-Wild Video Ego Data
* PoolNet+: Exploring the Potential of Pooling for Salient Object Detection
* Portmanteauing Features for Scene Text Recognition
* Pose-guided counterfactual inference for occluded person re-identification
* Pose-Only Solution to Visual Reconstruction and Navigation, A
* Position-guided transformer for image captioning
* Positional Multi-Cross-Attention for Bone Age Estimation Using Deep Multiple Instance Learning
* Possibility-Based Method for Urban Land Cover Classification Using Airborne Lidar Data, A
* Possible Mechanism of Phytoplankton Blooms at the Sea Surface after Tropical Cyclones
* Possible Overestimation of Nitrogen Dioxide Outgassing during the Beirut 2020 Explosion
* Post-Attention Modulator for Dense Video Captioning
* Post-Fire Forest Vegetation State Monitoring through Satellite Remote Sensing and In Situ Data
* Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seismic Anomaly Based on Change in Temperature Caused by Stress Variation: Theoretical, Experimental and Field Investigations, A
* Potential of L- and C- Bands Polarimetric SAR Data for Monitoring Soil Moisture over Forested Sites
* Potential of Time-Series Sentinel 2 Data for Monitoring Avocado Crop Phenology
* Potential of UAV Imagery for the Detection of Rapid Permafrost Degradation: Assessing the Impacts on Critical Arctic Infrastructure, The
* Power Allocation and Performance Analysis in Overlay Cognitive Cooperative V2V Communication System With Outdated CSI
* Poxture: Human Posture Imitation Using Neural Texture
* Pre-Launch Polarization Assessment of JPSS-2 VIIRS VNIR Bands
* Precipitable Water Vapor and Fractional Clear Sky Statistics within the Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal Region
* Precipitation Dominates the Distribution of Species Richness on the Kunlun-Pamir Plateau
* Precise Wetland Mapping in Southeast Asia for the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-24
* Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions with Graph Attention Network
* Predicting Human Behavior Using 3D Loop ResNet
* Predicting Leaf Phenology in Forest Tree Species Using UAVs and Satellite Images: A Case Study for European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
* Predicting Nitrogen Efficiencies in Mature Maize with Parametric Models Employing In-Season Hyperspectral Imaging
* Predicting on-street parking violation rate using deep residual neural networks
* Predicting Team Performance with Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks
* Predicting the Forest Canopy Height from LiDAR and Multi-Sensor Data Using Machine Learning over India
* Predicting Wheat Leaf Nitrogen Content by Combining Deep Multitask Learning and a Mechanistic Model Using UAV Hyperspectral Images
* Prediction Interval Estimation of Landslide Displacement Using Bootstrap, Variational Mode Decomposition, and Long and Short-Term Time-Series Network
* Prediction Model for the Outbreak Date of Spring Pollen Allergy in Beijing Based on Satellite-Derived Phenological Characteristics of Vegetation Greenness, A
* Prediction of Brain Tumor Recurrence Location Based on Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Nonlinear Correlation Learning
* Prediction of Future Spatial and Temporal Evolution Trends of Reference Evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Basin, China
* Prediction of Ocean Wave Height Suitable for Ship Autopilot
* Prediction-Based Preview Control of Motion Platform With Time Delay
* Predictive Modeling of Above-Ground Biomass in Brachiaria Pastures from Satellite and UAV Imagery Using Machine Learning Approaches
* Preflight Evaluation of the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument with Nadir and Limb Modes (EMI-NL) Based on Measurements of Standard NO2 Sample Gas
* Preparatory Railway Track Geometry Estimation Based on GNSS and IMU Systems
* Preprocessing Optimization and Semantic Segmentation for Extraction of Cervical Intervertebral Disks from Videofluorography
* Preserving the Past with Immersive Technologies
* Pretrained Equivariant Features Improve Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
* Primitive Contrastive Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* PRIN/SPRIN: On Extracting Point-Wise Rotation Invariant Features
* Prior Attention Network for Multi-Lesion Segmentation in Medical Images
* Privacy Preserving Defense For Black Box Classifiers Against On-Line Adversarial Attacks
* Privileged Attribution Constrained Deep Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* PRNU-Net: a Deep Learning Approach for Source Camera Model Identification based on Videos Taken with Smartphone
* Probabilistic Approach for Stereo 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from Airborne Single-Channel Multi-Aspect SAR Image Sequences, A
* Probabilistic Metamodels for an Efficient Characterization of Complex Driving Scenarios
* Probabilistic Metamodels for an Efficient Characterization of Complex Driving Scenarios
* Processing and Validation of the STAR COSMIC-2 Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles in the Neutral Atmosphere
* ProFeat: Unsupervised image clustering via progressive feature refinement
* Progressive Learning of Category-Consistent Multi-Granularity Features for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Progressive Motion Context Refine Network for Efficient Video Frame Interpolation
* Projection of semi-shapes for rotational symmetry detection
* Proposal of Redefinition of the Terms Geomatics and Geoinformatics on the Basis of Terminological Postulates
* Proposed Methodology for Accuracy Improvement of LOD1 3D Building Models Created Based on Stereo Pleiades Satellite Imagery
* Proprioception-Driven Wearer Pose Estimation for Egocentric Video
* Protection of gait data set for preserving its privacy in deep learning pipeline
* Prototype Augmentation with Dummy Samples
* Prototype-Guided Feature Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Prototypical Knowledge Distillation for Noise Robust Keyword Spotting
* PROTOtypical Logic Tensor Networks (PROTO-LTN) for Zero Shot Learning
* Pseudo-Labeling and Meta Reweighting Learning for Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* PSND: A Robust Parking Space Number Detector
* Psychology-Inspired Interaction Process Analysis based on Time Series
* PU-WGCN: Point Cloud Upsampling Using Weighted Graph Convolutional Networks
* PUFA-GAN: A Frequency-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for 3D Point Cloud Upsampling
* PURE: A Framework for Analyzing Proximity-Based Contact Tracing Protocols
* PyNet-V2 Mobile: Efficient On-Device Photo Processing With Neural Networks
* Pyramidal CNN-Based Gleason Grading System Using Digitized Prostate Biopsy Specimens, A
* Pyramidal Semantic Correspondence Networks
* Quality Analysis of Small Maritime Target Detection by Means of Passive Radar Reflectors in Different Sea States
* Quality Assessment of FY-3D/MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Brightness Temperature Data from the Arctic Region: Application to Ice Surface Temperature Inversion
* Quality Control of CyGNSS Reflectivity for Robust Spatiotemporal Detection of Tropical Wetlands
* Quality Metric Guided Portrait Line Drawing Generation From Unpaired Training Data
* Quality-Aware Bag of Modulation Spectrum Features for Robust Speech Emotion Recognition
* QuantFace: Towards Lightweight Face Recognition by Synthetic Data Low-bit Quantization
* Quantification of Above-Ground Biomass over the Cross-River State, Nigeria, Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Quantifying Irrigated Winter Wheat LAI in Argentina Using Multiple Sentinel-1 Incidence Angles
* Quantifying the Ecological Effectiveness of Poverty Alleviation Relocation in Karst Areas
* Quantifying the Effect of River Ice Surface Roughness on Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter
* Quantifying the Impact of Dust Sources on Urban Physical Growth and Vegetation Status: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia
* Quantifying the Importance of Ice-Rafted Debris to Salt Marsh Sedimentation Using High Resolution UAS Imagery
* Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Variations and Impacts of Factors on Vegetation Water Use Efficiency Using STL Decomposition and Geodetector Method
* Quantifying the Uncertainty in Long-Term Traffic Prediction Based on PI-ConvLSTM Network
* Quantitative Analysis of Object Detectors for Autonomous Driving and Autonomous Parking
* Quantitative Assessment of the Spatial Scale Effects of the Vegetation Phenology in the Qinling Mountains
* Quantitative Short-Term Precipitation Model Using Multimodal Data Fusion Based on a Cross-Attention Mechanism
* Quantitatively Disentangling the Geographical Impacts of Topography on PM2.5 Pollution in China
* Quantization of Generative Adversarial Networks for Efficient Inference: A Methodological Study
* Quantum Based Pseudo-Labelling for Hyperspectral Imagery: A Simple and Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Machine Learning Classifiers
* Quantum Information-Based Refoundation of Color Perception Concepts, A
* Quasi-Equilibrium Feature Pyramid Network for Salient Object Detection
* Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attacks Guided by a Transfer-Based Prior
* Question Classification Based on Weak Supervision and Interrogative Pronouns Attention Mechanism
* Radar Intra-Pulse Signal Modulation Classification with Contrastive Learning
* Radar-Based Multisensor Fusion for Uninterrupted Reliable Positioning in GNSS-Denied Environments
* Rainfall Consistency, Variability, and Concentration over the UAE: Satellite Precipitation Products vs. Rain Gauge Observations
* Rainfall Forecast Using Machine Learning with High Spatiotemporal Satellite Imagery Every 10 Minutes
* Rainfall Induced Shallow Landslide Temporal Probability Modelling and Early Warning Research in Mountains Areas: A Case Study of Qin-Ba Mountains, Western China
* Rapid Glacier Shrinkage in the Gongga Mountains in the Last 27 Years
* Rapid Photogrammetry with a 360-Degree Camera for Tunnel Mapping
* Rapid TAURUS for Relaxation-Based Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* RaRWS: A Radar-assisted Real-time Water Segmentation Network to Meet the Autonomous Navigation of USV in Inland Waterways
* Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate in the Major Metropolitan Areas of Romania
* Ratio Sum Versus Sum Ratio for Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Re-identification Loss in Combination Spaces for Multiple Object Tracking
* Real Environment-Aware Multisource Data-Associated Cold Chain Logistics Scheduling: A Multiple Population-Based Multiobjective Ant Colony System Approach
* Real Micro-Doppler Parameters Extraction of Spinning Targets Based on Rotating Interference Antenna
* Real-Time Decision Support Approach for Managing Disruptions in Line-Haul Freight Transport Networks, A
* Real-time Hierarchical Soft Attention-based 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* Real-Time Holding Control for Transfer Synchronization via Robust Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection Algorithm in Urban Environments
* Real-Time Phaseless Microwave Frequency-Diverse Imaging with Deep Prior Generative Neural Network
* Real-Time Scene Text Detection With Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion
* Real-time siamese multiple object tracker with enhanced proposals
* Real-Time Source Modeling of the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan, China Earthquake with High-Rate GNSS Observations
* Real-Time UAV Patrol Technology in Orchard Based on the Swin-T YOLOX Lightweight Model
* Rebalancing of One-Way Car-Sharing Systems Considering Elastic Demand and Waiting Time
* Recent 50-Year Glacier Mass Balance Changes over the Yellow River Source Region, Determined by Remote Sensing
* Recent Advances and Challenges in the Seismo-Electromagnetic Study: A Brief Review
* Recent Advances in Modelling Geodetic Time Series and Applications for Earth Science and Environmental Monitoring
* Recent Advances of Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective
* Recent Response of Vegetation Water Use Efficiency to Climate Change in Central Asia
* RecepNet: Network with Large Receptive Field for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation and Application for Blue-Green Algae
* Rechargeable Battery Cabinet Deployment for Public Bike System
* Recognition of Ballistic Targets by Fusing Micro-Motion Features with Networks
* Recognition of Trip-Based Aggressive Driving: A System Integrated With Gaussian Mixture Model Structured of Factor-Analysis, and Hierarchical Clustering
* Reconsidering Tourism Destination Images by Exploring Similarities between Travelogue Texts and Photographs
* Reconstructing compact building models from point clouds using deep implicit fields
* Reconstruction of High-Resolution Sea Surface Salinity over 2003-2020 in the South China Sea Using the Machine Learning Algorithm LightGBM Model
* Reconstruction of Historical Land Use and Urban Flood Simulation in Xi'an, Shannxi, China
* Reconstruction of Near-Surface Air Temperature over the Greenland Ice Sheet Based on MODIS Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* Reconstruction of Vehicle-Induced Vibration on Concrete Pavement Using Distributed Fiber Optic
* Recovery of Piecewise Smooth Density and Lamé Parameters from High Frequency Exterior Cauchy Data
* Recurrent 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Cascaded Pose-Guided 3D Alignments
* Recursive Hull and Signal-Based Building Footprint Generation from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Reducing Data Complexity Using Autoencoders With Class-Informed Loss Functions
* Reference-Guided Landmark Image Inpainting With Deep Feature Matching
* Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point Clouds
* Refined Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Moso Bamboo Forest Using Culm Lengths Extracted from TLS Point Cloud
* Refinement of Individual Tree Detection Results Obtained from Airborne Laser Scanning Data for a Mixed Natural Forest
* Refining Design Spaces in Knowledge Distillation for Deep Collaborative Learning
* Refining Rates of Active Crustal Deformation in the Upper Plate of Subduction Zones, Implied by Geological and Geodetic Data: The E-Dipping West Crati Fault, Southern Italy
* Reframing Neural Networks: Deep Structure in Overcomplete Representations
* Region-Based Feature Fusion Network for VHR Image Change Detection, A
* Regional Ionospheric Maps with Quad-Constellation Raw Observations as Applied to Single-Frequency PPP
* Regional Patterns of Vegetation Dynamics and Their Sensitivity to Climate Variability in the Yangtze River Basin
* Regional Satellite Algorithms to Estimate Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter Concentrations in Vembanad Lake
* Regional Spatiotemporal Patterns of Fire in the Eurasian Subarctic Based on Satellite Imagery
* Regional Typhoon Track Prediction Using Ensemble k-Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning in the GIS Environment
* Regional Variability and Driving Forces behind Forest Fires in Sweden
* Regional Variability in Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Features with Lightning across China: Observations from GPM
* Registration-Error-Resistant Swath Reconstruction Method of ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data Using SRE-ResNet, A
* Regularization of Mixture Models for Robust Principal Graph Learning
* Regularizing autoencoders with wavelet transform for sequence anomaly detection
* Regulation of Evapotranspiration in Different Precipitation Zones and Its Application in High-Temperature and Drought Monitoring
* Reinforced pedestrian attribute recognition with group optimization reward
* Reinforced, Incremental and Cross-Lingual Event Detection From Social Messages
* Reinforcement learning based mainline dynamic speed limit adjustment of expressway off-ramp upstream under connected and autonomous vehicles environment
* Reinforcement-based Display Selection for Frugal Learning
* Relative Pose Estimation of Non-Cooperative Space Targets Using a TOF Camera
* Relative Pose Solvers using Monocular Depth
* Remote Monitoring of Mediterranean Hurricanes Using Infrasound
* Remote Radio-Physical Harbingers of Drought in Steppes of the South of Western Siberia
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools to Support Wetland Monitoring: A Meta-Analysis of Three Decades of Research
* Remote Sensing Extraction Method of Illicium verum Based on Functional Characteristics of Vegetation Canopy
* Remote Sensing Extraction of Agricultural Land in Shandong Province, China, from 2016 to 2020 Based on Google Earth Engine
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Multi-Level Representation Learning
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with Self-Supervised Learning Based on Partially Unlabeled Datasets
* Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Residual-Dense Hybrid Attention Network
* Remote Sensing Imaging as a Tool to Support Mulberry Cultivation for Silk Production
* Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice and Wheat Canopy Nitrogen: A Review
* Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Reclamation in the Antaibao Open-Pit Mine
* Remote Sensing of Infrasound Signals of the Voice of the Sea during the Evolution of Typhoons
* Remote Sensing of Poplar Phenophase and Leaf Miner Attack in Urban Forests
* Remote Sensing of the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Northwest Pacific over the Past 23 Years (1997-2020)
* Remote Sensing-Based Inventory of West Africa Tropical Forest Patches: A Basis for Enhancing Their Conservation and Sustainable Use, A
* Remote Sensing-Supported Flood Forecasting of Urbanized Watersheds: A Case Study in Southern China
* Renewable Energy Re-Distribution via Multiscale IoT for 6G-Oriented Green Highway Management
* Renyi Entropy-Based Adaptive Integration Method for 5G-Based Passive Radar Drone Detection
* Reparameterized attention for convolutional neural networks
* Repeated (4D) Marine Geophysical Surveys as a Tool for Studying the Coastal Environment and Ground-Truthing Remote-Sensing Observations and Modeling
* Representation Learning with a Variational Autoencoder for Predicting Nitrogen Requirement in Rice
* Representational Gradient Boosting: Backpropagation in the Space of Functions
* Representing Graphs via Gromov-Wasserstein Factorization
* Research of Deformation and Soil Moisture in Loess Landslide Simultaneous Retrieved with Ground-Based GNSS
* Research on Blunder Detection Methods of Pseudorange Observation in GNSS Observation Domain
* Research on Intelligent Crack Detection in a Deep-Cut Canal Slope in the Chinese South-North Water Transfer Project
* Research on Multi-Domain Dimensionality Reduction Joint Adaptive Processing Method for Range Ambiguous Clutter of FDA-Phase-MIMO Space-Based Early Warning Radar
* Research on Road Extraction Method Based on Sustainable Development Goals Satellite-1 Nighttime Light Data
* Research on Rutting Deformation Monitoring Method Based on Intelligent Aggregate
* Research on Sediment Discharge Variations and Driving Factors in the Tarim River Basin
* Research on Self-Noise Suppression of Marine Acoustic Sensor Arrays
* Research on Self-Supervised Building Information Extraction with High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images for Photovoltaic Potential Evaluation
* Research on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Mangrove Forests in the Hainan Island from 1991 to 2021 Based on SVM and Res-UNet Algorithms
* Research on UWB Indoor Positioning Algorithm under the Influence of Human Occlusion and Spatial NLOS
* Resilience Assessment of an Urban Rail Transit Network Under Short-Term Operational Disturbances
* Resolution Transfer for Object Detection from Satellite Imagery
* Response of Vegetation to Different Climate Extremes on a Monthly Scale in Guangdong, China
* Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
* Responses of Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes to Climate on the Tibetan Plateau from 1980 to 2016
* Responses of the Remote Sensing Drought Index with Soil Information to Meteorological and Agricultural Droughts in Southeastern Tibet
* Responses to Take-Over Request in Autonomous Vehicles: Effects of Environmental Conditions and Cues
* Rethinking Collaborative Metric Learning: Toward an Efficient Alternative Without Negative Sampling
* Rethinking Design and Evaluation of 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Models
* Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dense Prediction
* Rethinking Task-Incremental Learning Baselines
* Rethinking the Importance of Quantization Bias, Toward Full Low-Bit Training
* Retinal Structure Detection in OCTA Image via Voting-Based Multitask Learning
* Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from Multi-Wavelength Mie-Raman Lidar Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Algorithm, Performance, and Application
* Retrieval of Aerosol Single-Scattering Albedo from MODIS Data Using an Artificial Neural Network
* Retrieval of High-Resolution Vegetation Optical Depth from Sentinel-1 Data over a Grassland Region in the Heihe River Basin
* Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters Based on Near-Surface Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithm
* Retrieving Soil Moisture in the Permafrost Environment by Sentinel-1/2 Temporal Data on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Retrieving SPAD Values of Summer Maize Using UAV Hyperspectral Data Based on Multiple Machine Learning Algorithm
* Reverse Thinking: The Logical System Research Method of Urban Thermal Safety Pattern Construction, Evaluation, and Optimization
* Reversible Data Hiding By Using CNN Prediction and Adaptive Embedding
* Reversible Jump MCMC in Bayesian Blind Deconvolution With a Spherical Prior, A
* Review of Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Archaeological Research, A
* Review of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoon Merging and Splitting Operations, A
* Review of Data Analytics for Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Geometry
* Review of GPR Activities in Civil Infrastructures: Data Analysis and Applications
* Review of Ground Penetrating Radar Applications for Water Dynamics Studies in Unsaturated Zone
* Review of Image Super-Resolution Approaches Based on Deep Learning and Applications in Remote Sensing, A
* Review of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Methods: Comparing Deep Learning and Knowledge-Based Approaches
* Review of Vision-Based Traffic Semantic Understanding in ITSs, A
* Review on Natural Disaster Detection in Social Media and Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning, A
* Reviewing ViBe, a Popular Background Subtraction Algorithm for Real-Time Applications
* revision of NASA SeaDAS atmospheric correction algorithm over turbid waters with artificial Neural Networks estimated remote-sensing reflectance in the near-infrared, A
* Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection, The
* Reweighted Robust Particle Filtering Approach for Target Tracking in Automotive Radar Application
* RFNet: A Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Rice and Greenhouse Identification in Plateau Areas Incorporating Sentinel-1/2 Optical and Radar Remote Sensing Data from Google Earth Engine
* Risk Representation, Perception, and Propensity in an Integrated Human Lane-Change Decision Model
* Road Damage Detection Using the Hunger Games Search with Elman Neural Network on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Road Marking Damage Detection Based on Deep Learning for Infrastructure Evaluation in Emerging Autonomous Driving
* ROAD: The Road Event Awareness Dataset for Autonomous Driving
* Robust 3D rotation invariant local binary pattern for volumetric texture classification
* Robust Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for GNSS Single-Frequency RTK of Smartphone, A
* Robust Adaptive Learning-Based Path Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Under Uncertain Driving Environments
* Robust and Effective Identification Method for Point-Distributed Coded Targets in Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry, A
* Robust Audio Patch Attacks Using Physical Sample Simulation and Adversarial Patch Noise Generation
* Robust Audiovisual Emotion Recognition: Aligning Modalities, Capturing Temporal Information, and Handling Missing Features
* Robust Control for Dynamic Train Regulation in Fully Automatic Operation System Under Uncertain Wireless Transmissions
* robust covariate-invariant gait recognition based on pose features, A
* Robust Event-Based Vision Model Estimation by Dispersion Minimisation
* Robust Gain-Scheduling Path Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Stochastic Network-Induced Delay
* Robust IRIS Presentation Attack Detection Through Stochastic Filter Noise
* Robust learning from noisy web data for fine-Grained recognition
* Robust low tubal rank tensor completion via factor tensor norm minimization
* Robust medical zero-watermarking algorithm based on Residual-DenseNet
* Robust Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Information
* Robust Registration of Rail Profile and Complete Detection of Outliers in Complex Field Environment
* Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
* Robust Scene Text Detection for Partially Annotated Training Data
* Robust sparse and low-redundancy multi-label feature selection with dynamic local and global structure preservation
* Robust Stereo Matching with an Unfixed and Adaptive Disparity Search Range
* Robust structural similarity index measure for images with non-Gaussian distortions
* Robust Track Error Estimation Method for Airborne SAR Based on Accuracy Analysis Model, A
* Robust Traffic Prediction From Spatial-Temporal Data Based on Conditional Distribution Learning
* Robust Training with Feature-Based Adversarial Example
* Robust Vehicle Positioning Based on Multi-Epoch and Multi-Antenna TOAs in Harsh Environments
* Robust Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Hierarchical Mining
* Robust watermarking algorithm for medical images based on accelerated-KAZE discrete cosine transform
* Role of Generative Adversarial Network in Medical Image Analysis: An In-Depth Survey, The
* Role of Remote Sensing in Olive Growing Farm Management: A Research Outlook from 2000 to the Present in the Framework of Precision Agriculture Applications, The
* Rotary Platform Mounted Doppler Lidar for Wind Measurements in Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere, A
* Routine Processing and Automatic Detection of Volcanic Ground Deformation Using Sentinel-1 InSAR Data: Insights from African Volcanoes
* Routing Optimization by Considering Multiple Uses of Vehicles and Demand Uncertainty: A Real-World Case Study
* RSEI or MRSEI? Comment on Jia et al. Evaluation of Eco-Environmental Quality in Qaidam Basin Based on the Ecological Index (MRSEI) and GEE. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4543
* Run-Length-Based River Skeleton Line Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensed Image
* S-FINCH: An Optimized Streaming Adaptation to FINCH Clustering
* SA-CenterNet: Scale Adaptive CenterNet for X-RAY Luggage Image Detection
* Safety Performance Boundary Identification of Highly Automated Vehicles: A Surrogate Model-Based Gradient Descent Searching Approach
* Saliency Map Based Data Augmentation
* Salient Skin Lesion Segmentation via Dilated Scale-Wise Feature Fusion Network
* sample-proxy dual triplet loss function for object re-identification, A
* SAOCNN: Self-Attention and One-Class Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* SAPENet: Self-Attention based Prototype Enhancement Network for Few-shot Learning
* SAR and ASCAT Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Reconciliation
* SAR Image Simulation Based on Effective View and Ray Tracing
* SAR Target Recognition Based on Inception and Fully Convolutional Neural Network Combining Amplitude Domain Multiplicative Filtering Method
* SAR2HEIGHT: Height Estimation from a Single SAR Image in Mountain Areas via Sparse Height and Proxyless Depth-Aware Penalty Neural Architecture Search for Unet
* Satellite and Machine Learning Monitoring of Optically Inactive Water Quality Variability in a Tropical River
* Satellite and sUAS Multispectral Remote Sensing Analysis of Vegetation Response to Beaver Mimicry Restoration on Blacktail Creek, Southwest Montana
* Satellite Laser Altimetry Data-Supported High-Accuracy Mapping of GF-7 Stereo Images
* Satellite Radar and Camera Time Series Reveal Transition from Aligned to Distributed Crater Arrangement during the 2021 Eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma (Spain)
* Satellite Remote Sensing Identification of Discolored Standing Trees for Pine Wilt Disease Based on Semi-Supervised Deep Learning
* Satellite-Based Determination of the Water Footprint of Carrots and Onions Grown in the Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia
* Satellite-Observed Four-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Maritime Aerosol Types over the Coastal Waters of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Northern South China Sea
* Satellite-Observed Time and Length Scales of Global Sea Surface Salinity Variability: A Comparison of Three Satellite Missions
* SATMAC: Self-Adaptive TDMA-Based MAC Protocol for VANETs
* SATNet: A Spatial Attention Based Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expression Manipulation
* SCAD: A Siamese Cross-Attention Discrimination Network for Bitemporal Building Change Detection
* ScanMix: Learning from Severe Label Noise via Semantic Clustering and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Scanner of Heterogeneous Traffic Flow in Smart Cities by an Updating Model of Connected and Automated Vehicles, The
* Scenario-Transferable Semantic Graph Reasoning for Interaction-Aware Probabilistic Prediction
* Scene Aware Person Image Generation through Global Contextual Conditioning
* Scene Aware Semantic Crack Segmentation from Oblique Drone Imagery
* Scene Recognition for Blind Spot via Road Safety Mirror and In-Vehicle Camera
* Scene Text Recognition with Self-supervised Contrastive Predictive Coding
* Schedule-Based Model for Passenger-Oriented Train Planning With Operating Cost and Capacity Constraints, A
* SDOF-Tracker: Fast and Accurate Multiple Human Tracking by Skipped-Detection and Optical-Flow
* Se2NAS: Self-Semi-Supervised architecture optimization for Semantic Segmentation
* SE3: Sequential Semantic Segmentation of Large Images with Minimized Memory
* Sea Surface Salinity Anomaly in the Bay of Bengal during the 2010 Extremely Negative IOD Event
* Sea Surface Salinity Inversion Model for Changjiang Estuary and Adjoining Sea Area with SMAP and MODIS Data Based on Machine Learning and Preliminary Application
* Sea-Crossing Bridge Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Windowed Level Set Segmentation and Polarization Parameter Discrimination
* SealNet 2.0: Human-Level Fully-Automated Pack-Ice Seal Detection in Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery with CNN Model Ensembles
* Seasonal Variation in Land and Sea Surface Backscatter Coefficients at High Frequencies
* Seasonal Variation of Dust Aerosol Vertical Distribution in Arctic Based on Polarized Micropulse Lidar Measurement
* Seasonal Variations in the Vertical Wavenumber Spectra of Stratospheric Gravity Waves in the Asian Monsoon Region Derived from COSMIC-2 Data
* Secure and Practical Sample-then-lock Scheme for Iris Recognition, A
* Secure and Temporary Access Delegation With Equality Test for Cloud-Assisted IoV
* Secure Authentication and Key Management Protocol for Deployment of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Concerning Intelligent Transport Systems
* Secure Content Delivery for Connected and Autonomous Trucks: A Coalition Formation Game Approach
* Seeing Beneath the Skin with Computational Photography
* Seeking Salient Facial Regions for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
* SEEM: A Sequence Entropy Energy-Based Model for Pedestrian Trajectory All-Then-One Prediction
* SEG-ESRGAN: A Multi-Task Network for Super-Resolution and Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* SegDetector: A Deep Learning Model for Detecting Small and Overlapping Damaged Buildings in Satellite Images
* SegMarsViT: Lightweight Mars Terrain Segmentation Network for Autonomous Driving in Planetary Exploration
* Segment Augmentation and Differentiable Ranking for Logo Retrieval
* Segmentation of Multi-Band Images Using Watershed Arcs
* Segmentation of ten fetal heart components with coarse-to-fine cascading and dynamic feature powering
* Seismo-Lineaments in Egypt: Analysis and Implications for Active Tectonic Structures and Earthquake Magnitudes
* Seizing the Opportunity for Automation: How Traffic Density Determines Truck Drivers' Use of Cruise Control
* Selective Progressive Learning for Sparse Depth Completion
* Selective video enhancement in the Laguerre-Gauss domain
* Self Supervised StyleGAN for Image Annotation and Classification With Extremely Limited Labels, A
* Self-Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Medical Applications, A
* Self-adaptive Multi-scale Aggregation Network for Stereo Matching
* Self-Attention and Convolution Fusion Network for Land Cover Change Detection over a New Data Set in Wenzhou, China
* Self-attention fusion for audiovisual emotion recognition with incomplete data
* Self-Calibrated Multi-Floor Localization Based on Wi-Fi Ranging/Crowdsourced Fingerprinting and Low-Cost Sensors
* Self-calibration of multiple-line-lasers based on coplanarity and Epipolar constraints for wide area shape scan using moving camera
* Self-Challenging Mask for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification
* Self-Explaining Abilities of an Intelligent Agent for Transparency in a Collaborative Driving Context
* Self-Learned Intelligence for Integrated Decision and Control of Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections
* Self-Organizing Control of Mega Constellations for Continuous Earth Observation
* Self-paced resistance learning against overfitting on noisy labels
* Self-Supervised Approach for Facial Movement Based Optical Flow
* Self-Supervised Auxiliary Domain Alignment for Unsupervised 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Cross-Video Temporal Learning for Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation
* Self-Supervised Deep Monocular Depth Estimation With Ambiguity Boosting
* Self-Supervised Encoders Are Better Transfer Learners in Remote Sensing Applications
* Self-Supervised Ground-Relative Pose Estimation
* Self-Supervised Human Detection and Segmentation via Background Inpainting
* Self-Supervised Leaf Segmentation under Complex Lighting Conditions
* Self-Supervised Solution for the Switch-Toggling Visual Task, A
* Self-Supervision-Augmented Deep Autoencoder for Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection
* Self-Training of Handwritten Word Recognition for Synthetic-to-Real Adaptation
* Semantic Parsing of Interpage Relations
* Semantic Room Wireframe Detection from a Single View
* Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Concrete Cracks
* Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds Based on High Precision Range Search Network
* Semantic Texture Complexity Model for Feature Generation and Selection in Visual SLAM
* Semantic-Aligned Attention With Refining Feature Embedding for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Semantic-aligned reinforced attention model for zero-shot learning
* Semantic-Rich Facial Emotional Expression Recognition
* Semantically-aware Spatio-temporal Reasoning Agent for Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments
* Semi-automatic 3D Object Keypoint Annotation and Detection for the Masses
* Semi-Blind Calibration and Compensation Method for Dynamic Range Recovery of Low-Power Pre-Amplifiers in MRI Receive Chains, A
* Semi-Empirical Objective Functions for MCMC Proposal Optimization
* Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for Authenticating 3D Models in Dual Domains Based on Variable Direction Double Modulation, A
* Semi-supervised adaptive kernel concept factorization
* Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection with Contrastive Regularization
* Semi-Supervised Clustering via Cannot Link Relationship for Multiview Data
* Semi-Supervised Depth Estimation by Multi-Task Learning
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
* Semi-supervised Dual-Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Fine-Grained Classification with Web Data via Noisy Sample Selection
* Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation: Theory and Algorithms
* Semi-Supervised Image Deraining Using Knowledge Distillation
* Semi-Supervised Learning of MRI Synthesis Without Fully-Sampled Ground Truths
* Semi-supervised Learning via Multiple Layer Graph Regularized Perception
* Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation via Learning Object-Aware Global-Local Correspondence
* SEN: Stack Ensemble Shallow Convolution Neural Network for Signature-based Writer Identification
* Sensitivity of Remote Sensing Floodwater Depth Calculation to Boundary Filtering and Digital Elevation Model Selections
* Sensor Data Simulation with Wandering Behavior for the Elderly Living Alone
* Sensor Fusion and Multimodal Learning for Robotic Grasp Verification Using Neural Networks
* Sensor Fusion-Based GNSS Spoofing Attack Detection Framework for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Sentinel 2 MSI Spectral Mixing Space, The
* Sentinel-1 Backscatter Time Series for Characterization of Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Temperate Coniferous Forests
* Sentinel-1 InSAR and GPS-Integrated Long-Term and Seasonal Subsidence Monitoring in Houston, Texas, USA
* Sentinel-2 and AISA Airborne Hyperspectral Images for Mediterranean Shrubland Mapping in Catalonia
* Sentinel-2 Based Multi-Temporal Monitoring Framework for Wind and Bark Beetle Detection and Damage Mapping, A
* Sentinel-2 Detection of Floating Marine Litter Targets with Partial Spectral Unmixing and Spectral Comparison with Other Floating Materials (Plastic Litter Project 2021)
* Sentinel-2 Images Based Modeling of Grassland Above-Ground Biomass Using Random Forest Algorithm: A Case Study on the Tibetan Plateau
* Separate Calibration Method of Laser Pointing and Ranging for the GF-7 Satellite Laser That Does Not Require Field Detectors, A
* Sequence patterns and HMM profiles to predict proteome wide zinc finger motifs
* Sequential Image-based 3D Object Detection with Location Refinement
* Sequential Processing of Inter-Satellite Doppler Tracking for a Dual-Spacecraft Configuration
* Sequential Semantic Segmentation of Road Profiles for Path and Speed Planning
* Sequential Student's t-Based Robust Kalman Filter for Multi-GNSS PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Model in the Urban Environment, A
* SFNet-N: An Improved SFNet Algorithm for Semantic Segmentation of Low-Light Autonomous Driving Road Scenes
* Shakespeer: Verifying the Co-presence of Smart Devices and Users via Vibration
* Shallow and Deep Electric Structures in the Tolhuaca Geothermal System (S. Chile) Investigated by Magnetotellurics
* Shape Analysis of Functional Data With Elastic Partial Matching
* Shape robustness in style enhanced cross domain semantic segmentation
* Shape-Preserving Simplification Method for Urban Building Models, A
* sharing deep reinforcement learning method for efficient vehicle platooning control, A
* SHERLock: Self-Supervised Hierarchical Event Representation Learning
* Ship Classification in SAR Imagery by Shallow CNN Pre-Trained on Task-Specific Dataset with Feature Refinement
* Ship Classification in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Based on Multiple Classifiers Ensemble Learning and Automatic Identification System Data Transfer Learning
* Ship Recognition for SAR Scene Images under Imbalance Data
* Short and Long Range Relation Based Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Micro-Expression Recognition
* Shuffle and Divide: Contrastive Learning for Long Text
* Siamese visual tracking with multilayer feature fusion and corner distance IoU loss
* SiamHYPER: Learning a Hyperspectral Object Tracker From an RGB-Based Tracker
* SiamMBFAN: Siamese tracker with multi-branch feature aggregation network
* Sidelobes Suppression for Time Domain Anti-Jamming of Satellite Navigation Receivers
* Signature of Tidal Sea Level in Geomagnetic Field Variations at Island Lampedusa (Italy) Observatory
* Similarity activation map for co-salient object detection
* Similarity learning with deep CRF for person re-identification
* Simple Yet Effective Approach to Repetitive Behavior Classification based on Siamese Network
* Simulation Comparisons of Vehicle-Based and Movement-Based Traffic Control for Autonomous Vehicles at Isolated Intersections
* Simulation of the Use of Variance Component Estimation in Relative Weighting of Inter-Satellite Links and GNSS Measurements
* Simulation-Based Model for Continuous Network Design Problem Using Bayesian Optimization, A
* Simultaneous Robust Matching Pursuit for Multi-View Learning
* Simultaneously-Collected Multimodal Lying Pose Dataset: Enabling In-Bed Human Pose Monitoring
* Single image super-resolution using Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty
* Single Pedal Control of Battery Electric Vehicle by Pedal Torque Demand With Dynamic Zero Position
* Single Pixel X-ray Transform and Related Inverse Problems
* Single underwater image haze removal with a learning-based approach to blurriness estimation
* Single-Channel Speech Separation Focusing on Attention DE
* SIoVChain: Time-Lock Contract Based Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in SIoV
* Site Selection of Natural Gas Emergency Response Team Centers in Istanbul Metropolitan Area Based on GIS and FAHP
* Skeletal Human Action Recognition using Hybrid Attention based Graph Convolutional Network
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Graph Involution Network
* Skeleton-based deep pose feature learning for action quality assessment on figure skating videos
* SKMAT-U-Net architecture for breast mass segmentation
* SLAM Overview: From Single Sensor to Heterogeneous Fusion
* Sliding Mode Impedance Control for Dual Hand Master Single Slave Teleoperation Systems
* Slip Models of the 2016 and 2022 Menyuan, China, Earthquakes, Illustrating Regional Tectonic Structures
* SLPR: A Deep Learning Based Chinese Ship License Plate Recognition Framework
* Smart City Intersections: Intelligence Nodes for Future Metropolises
* SMART: Semantic-Aware Masked Attention Relational Transformer for Multi-label Image Recognition
* SMART: Vision-Based Method of Cooperative Surveillance and Tracking by Multiple UAVs in the Urban Environment
* Smartphone-Based Person Travel Survey System: Data Collection, Trip Extraction, and Travel Mode Detection, The
* SMOS ESA RFI Monitoring and Information Tool: Lessons Learned
* SNAC: Speaker-Normalized Affine Coupling Layer in Flow-Based Architecture for Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech
* SNAPPING Services on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform for Copernicus Sentinel-1 Surface Motion Mapping
* Snow Depth Inversion in Forest Areas from Sentinel-1 Data Based on Phase Deviation Correction
* Snowfall Microphysics Characterized by PARSIVEL Disdrometer Observations in Beijing from 2020 to 2022
* Snowmelt Flood Susceptibility Assessment in Kunlun Mountains Based on the Swin Transformer Deep Learning Method
* Social Coordination and Altruism in Autonomous Driving
* Societal Applications of HF Skywave Radar
* Soft Person Reidentification Network Pruning via Blockwise Adjacent Filter Decaying
* Software Escalation Prediction Based on Deep Learning in the Cognitive Internet of Vehicles
* Softwarized Resource Management and Allocation With Autonomous Awareness for 6G-Enabled Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Soil Moisture Prediction from Remote Sensing Images Coupled with Climate, Soil Texture and Topography via Deep Learning
* Solar Flare Forecasting with Deep Learning-based Time Series Classifiers
* Solving Inverse Problems With Deep Neural Networks: Robustness Included?
* Sonar Image Target Detection Based on Style Transfer Learning and Random Shape of Noise under Zero Shot Target
* Sound of Bounding-Boxes, The
* Source Model and Triggered Aseismic Faulting of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo Earthquake Revealed by the UAV-Lidar/Photogrammetry, InSAR, and Field Investigation
* Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere during November 2021 Geomagnetic Storm: The Impacts on Plasmasphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere Systems
* Space-correlated Contrastive Representation Learning with Multiple Instances
* Sparse Channel Pruning and Assistant Distillation for Faster Aerial Object Detection
* Sparse random projection isolation forest for outlier detection
* Spatial Analysis of Flood Hazard Zoning Map Using Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Technique in Assam, India
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of NDVI in the Weihe River Basin and Its Correlation with Terrestrial Water Storage
* Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Water Use Efficiency in Typical Ecosystems on the Loess Plateau in the Last 20 Years, with Drivers and Implications for Ecological Restoration
* Spatial and Temporal Variations in Spring Dust Concentrations from 2000 to 2020 in China: Simulations with WRF-Chem
* Spatial Downscaling of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression and Multi-Source Variables
* Spatial Dynamics and Predictive Analysis of Vegetation Cover in the Oueme River Delta in Benin (West Africa)
* Spatial Effects of Landscape Patterns of Urban Patches with Different Vegetation Fractions on Urban Thermal Environment
* Spatial Estimation of Regional PM2.5 Concentrations with GWR Models Using PCA and RBF Interpolation Optimization
* Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Variation in Urban Surface Albedo Detected by High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Spatial Pattern and Influencing Factors of Basic Education Resources in Rural Areas around Metropolises: A Case Study of Wuhan City's New Urban Districts
* Spatial Spectrum Estimation of Co-Channel Direct Signal in Passive Radar Based on Coprime Array
* Spatial Variability of Active Layer Thickness along the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor Resolved Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Spatial-Temporal Depth-Wise Residual Network for Crop Sub-Pixel Mapping from MODIS Images, A
* Spatial-Temporal Minimum Error Random Interaction Networks for Distributed Estimation
* Spatial-Temporal Relationship Analysis of Vegetation Phenology and Meteorological Parameters in an Agro-Pasture Ecotone in China
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Transformer based Architecture for Attention Estimation from EEG
* Spatio-Temporal Changes of Vegetation Cover and Its Influencing Factors in Northeast China from 2000 to 2021
* Spatio-Temporal Changes, Trade-Offs and Synergies of Major Ecosystem Services in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2000 to 2019
* Spatio-Temporal Collaborative Module for Efficient Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of Ecological Quality in Hangzhou Greater Bay Area (HGBA) of China and Response to Land Use and Cover Change
* Spatio-Temporal Image Representation and Deep-Learning-Based Decision Framework for Automated Vehicles
* Spatio-Temporal Multi-Scale Analysis of Landscape Ecological Risk in Minjiang River Basin Based on Adaptive Cycle
* Spatio-Temporal Track Association Algorithm Based on Marine Vessel Automatic Identification System Data, A
* Spatio-Temporal Unequal Interval Correlation-Aware Self-Attention Network for Next POI Recommendation
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Wind Energy in the Caspian Sea: An Ecosystem Service Modeling Approach
* Spatiotemporal Assessment of Forest Fire Vulnerability in China Using Automated Machine Learning
* Spatiotemporal Atmospheric Refraction Correction Method for Improving the Geolocation Accuracy of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Spatiotemporal Bidirectional Attention-Based Ride-Hailing Demand Prediction Model: A Case Study in Beijing During COVID-19, A
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Soil Moisture and Land-Atmosphere Coupling over the Tibetan Plateau Derived from Three Gridded Datasets
* Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influential Factors of Rural Poverty in Poverty-Stricken Areas of Guizhou Province: Implications for Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation
* Spatiotemporal Land Use/Land Cover Mapping and Prediction Based on Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Case Study of Kano Metropolis, Nigeria (2020-2050)
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Light Pollution on the Tibetan Plateau over Three Decades at Multiple Scales: Implications for Conservation of Natural Habitats
* Special Issue Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Applications in Civil Infrastructure Systems
* Specialized re-ranking: A novel retrieval-verification framework for cloth changing person re-identification
* Speckle Image Restoration without Clean Data
* Spectral Discrimination of Pumice Rafts in Optical MSI Imagery
* Spectral Embedding and Novel Low-rank Approximation Based Multi-view Clustering
* Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction With Dual Graph Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Clustering
* Specular Streaks in Stereo
* Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
* Speeding up Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Sequentially Trained Superclients
* SPICE: Semantic Pseudo-Labeling for Image Clustering
* Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Spot the Difference: A Novel Task for Embodied Agents in Changing Environments
* Spot-then-Recognize: A Micro-Expression Analysis Network for Seamless Evaluation of Long Videos
* Spotting micro-movements in image sequence by introducing intelligent cubic-LBP
* SRNet: Structural Relation-aware Network for Head Pose Estimation
* SRODNet: Object Detection Network Based on Super Resolution for Autonomous Vehicles
* SSL-DC: Improving Transduxctive Few-Shot Learning via Self-Supervised Learning and Distribution Calibration
* SSMTReID-Net: Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* ST CrossingPose: A Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction
* Stability Analysis With LMI Based Distributed H8 Controller for Vehicle Platooning Under Random Multiple Packet Drops
* Statistical Approach to Using Remote Sensing Data to Discern Streamflow Variable Influence in the Snow Melt Dominated Upper Rio Grande Basin, A
* Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakutsk High-Latitude Station
* statistically constrained internal method for single image super-resolution, A
* STDC-MA network for semantic segmentation
* Steel Defect Detection Based on Modified RetinaNet
* Stereo Image Compression Using Recurrent Neural Network With A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Occlusion Detection
* Stereo image quality assessment considering the difference of statistical feature in early visual pathway
* STIT: Spatio-Temporal Interaction Transformers for Human-Object Interaction Recognition in Videos
* Storm-Time Relative Total Electron Content Modelling Using Machine Learning Techniques
* STORM: Structure-Based Overlap Matching for Partial Point Cloud Registration
* Streaming Variational Monte Carlo
* Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau, A
* String Stability Under Actuator Saturation on Straight Level Roads: Sufficient Conditions and Optimal Trajectory Generation
* StrokeNet: Harmonizing Stoke Domains Between Sketches and Natural Images for Sketch-based Image Retrieval
* Structural projection points estimation and context priors for oil tank storage estimation in SAR image
* Structural String Decoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Structural Transformer Improves Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Interactive Trajectory Prediction of Multiple Surrounding Vehicles
* Structure and Texture Preserving Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Structure Constraint Matrix Factorization Framework for Human Behavior Segmentation, A
* Structure-based graph convolutional networks with frequency filter
* Structure-Preserving View-Invariant Skeleton Representation for Action Detection
* Structured Multimodal Attentions for TextVQA
* Studies and Analysis of Combining BDS-3/GNSS Ultra-Rapid Orbit Products from Different IGS Analysis Centers
* Study of Autonomous Small Satellite Constellations for Disaster Management and Deep Space Strategy, A
* Study of RobustNet, a Domain Generalization Method for Semantic Segmentation, A
* Study of Sea Surface Geophysical Parameter Changes Due to Internal Solitary Waves Using a Sentinel-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* Study of the Buried Basin C-H, Based on the Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Study of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Oceanographic Parameters and Their Relationship to Holothuria Species Abundance in a Marine Protected Area of the Mediterranean Using Satellite Imagery
* Study on Radiative Flux of Road Resolution during Winter Based on Local Weather and Topography
* Study on Retrievals of Ocean Wave Spectrum by Spaceborne SAR in Ice-Covered Areas
* Study on the Development Law of Mining-Induced Ground Cracks under Gully Terrain
* Study on the Effect of Multispectral LiDAR Data on Automated Semantic Segmentation of 3D-Point Clouds, A
* StyleVC: Non-Parallel Voice Conversion with Adversarial Style Generalization
* Su-MICL: Severity-Guided Multiple Instance Curriculum Learning for Histopathology Image Interpretable Classification
* Sub-Decimeter Onboard Orbit Determination of LEO Satellites Using SSR Corrections: A Galileo-Based Case Study for the Sentinel-6A Satellite
* Sub-Seasonal Crop Information Identification Framework for Crop Rotation Mapping in Smallholder Farming Areas with Time Series Sentinel-2 Imagery, A
* Subset Selection Strategies Based on Target Positioning Characteristics for Anti-Jamming Technology
* Substitute Meta-Learning for Black-Box Adversarial Attack
* Suitability of UAV-Derived DSMs and the Impact of DEM Resolutions on Rockfall Numerical Simulations: A Case Study of the Bouanane Active Scarp, Tetouan, Northern Morocco, The
* Superpixel and Supervoxel Segmentation Assessment of Landslides Using UAV-Derived Models
* Superquadric Indoor Scene Representation for Orientation and Navigation Tasks
* Supervised Classifications of Optical Water Types in Spanish Inland Waters
* Supervised Contrastive Learning for Robust and Efficient Multi-modal Emotion and Sentiment Analysis
* Supervised Contrastive Learning-Based Classification for Hyperspectral Image
* Supervised learning software model for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
* Supervised Segmentation of NO2 Plumes from Individual Ships Using TROPOMI Satellite Data
* Supply-Demand Budgets of Ecosystem Service Response to Urbanization: Insights from Urban-Rural Gradient and Major Function-Oriented Areas, The
* Support subsets estimation for support vector machines retraining
* Supporting workspace awareness in remote assistance through a flexible multi-camera system and Augmented Reality awareness cues
* SURDS: Self-Supervised Attention-guided Reconstruction and Dual Triplet Loss for Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification
* Surface Albedo and Snowline Altitude Estimation Using Optical Satellite Imagery and In Situ Measurements in Muz Taw Glacier, Sawir Mountains
* Surface Normals and Shape From Water
* Surface Water Mapping and Flood Monitoring in the Mekong Delta Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series and Otsu Threshold
* Surprising Effectiveness of Random Feature Embeddings in eXtreme Classification
* Survey of Approaches to Unobtrusive Sensing of Humans, A
* Survey of Computer Vision Techniques for Forest Characterization and Carbon Monitoring Tasks, A
* Survey of Interoperability Challenges in the Internet of Vehicles
* Survey of Orthogonal Moments for Image Representation: Theory, Implementation, and Evaluation, A
* Survey of SAR Image Target Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Survey on Digital Video Stabilization: Concepts, Methods, and Challenges
* Survey on Fish-Eye Cameras and Their Applications in Intelligent Vehicles
* Survey on Image and Point-Cloud Fusion-Based Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
* Survey on Synchronous Augmented, Virtual, AndMixed Reality Remote Collaboration Systems, A
* Survey on Vision Transformer, A
* survey on visual quality assessment methods for light fields, A
* Survival Analysis based on Lung Tumor Segmentation using Global Context-aware Transformer in Multimodality
* Susceptibility Assessment of Flash Floods: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Review
* Swapping Semantic Contents for Mixing Images
* Swarm Robotics Moves Forward
* Swidden Agriculture Landscape Mapping Using MODIS Vegetation Index Time Series and Its Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Northern Laos
* Swin-CasUNet: Cascaded U-Net with Swin Transformer for Masked Face Restoration
* Swin-Transformer-YOLOv5 for Real-Time Wine Grape Bunch Detection
* Switchable Novel Object Captioner
* Symmetrical Epipolar Features Over Normalized Camera/Projector Calibration Matrices for Real-Time Structured Light Illumination
* Synergistic Digital Twin and Holographic Augmented-Reality-Guided Percutaneous Puncture of Respiratory Liver Tumor
* Syntax Customized Video Captioning by Imitating Exemplar Sentences
* Synthesis in Style: Semantic Segmentation of Historical Documents using Synthetic Data
* System Structure-Based Drought Disaster Risk Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Field Experiment Data
* Systematic Review of Comparative Studies of the Impact of Realism in Immersive Virtual Experiences
* Systematic Solution of Human Driving Behavior Modeling and Simulation for Automated Vehicle Studies, A
* Systematic Survey of Driving Fatigue Monitoring, A
* TAA-GCN: A temporally aware Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for age estimation
* Table information extraction and analysis: A robust geometric approach based on GatedGCN
* Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
* Tag-Based Attention Guided Bottom-Up Approach for Video Instance Segmentation
* Tailored Approach for the Global Gas Flaring Investigation by Means of Daytime Satellite Imagery, A
* TAO-Net: Task-Adaptive Operation Network for Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Target-Cognisant Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Targeted Universal Adversarial Examples for Remote Sensing
* Targeting Plastics: Machine Learning Applied to Litter Detection in Aerial Multispectral Images
* Task-adaptive Few-shot Learning on Sphere Manifold
* TCSA-Net: A Temporal-Context-Based Self-Attention Network for Next Location Prediction
* Technical Analysis of Contact Tracing Platform Developed by Google-Apple for Constraining the Spread of COVID-19
* Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the Southern Alashan Block to the Outward Expansion of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Tectonism of Late Noachian Mars: Surface Signatures from the Southern Highlands
* TempNet: Temporal Attention Towards the Detection of Animal Behaviour in Videos
* Tempo-Spatial Distributions and Transport Characteristics of Two Dust Events over Northern China in March 2021
* Temporal Alignment for History Representation in Reinforcement Learning
* Temporal Discriminative Micro-Expression Recognition via Graph Contrastive Learning
* Temporal Evolution of Coastlines in the Bohai Sea and Its Impact on Hydrodynamics, The
* Temporal Evolution of F-Region Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Owing to the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption, The
* Temporal Feature Learning and Pulse Prediction for Radars with Variable Parameters
* Temporal Shift and Attention Modules for Graphical Skeleton Action Recognition
* Temporal Subset SBAS InSAR Approach for Tropical Peatland Surface Deformation Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Temporal-Spatial Causal Interpretations for Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Temporally corrected long-term satellite solar-induced fluorescence leads to improved estimation of global trends in vegetation photosynthesis during 1995-2018
* Tensor based completion meets adversarial learning: A win-win solution for change detection on unseen videos
* Tensor ring with alternative change mask for multitemporal hyperspectral image change detection
* TensorMixup Data Augmentation Method for Fully Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Terrain-Net: A Highly-Efficient, Parameter-Free, and Easy-to-Use Deep Neural Network for Ground Filtering of UAV LiDAR Data in Forested Environments
* Terrestrial Water Storage Component Changes Derived from Multisource Data and Their Responses to ENSO in Nicaragua
* Test-Time Adaptation for Video Frame Interpolation via Meta-Learning
* Text Enhancement Network for Cross-Domain Scene Text Detection
* Text-guided visual representation learning for medical image retrieval systems
* TextSRNet: Scene Text Super-Resolution Based on Contour Prior and Atrous Convolution
* Texture-Aware Spherical Rotation for High Efficiency Omnidirectional Intra Video Coding
* Thematic Content and Visualization Strategy for Map Design of City-Specific Culture Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of Dengfeng City, China
* Theoretical and experimental sensing of bone healing by microwave approach
* Theory and Experiment Analysis on the Influence of Floods on a GNSS Pseudo-Range Multipath and CNR Signal Based on Two Cases Study in China
* Thermal Blended Facial Expression Analysis and Recognition System Using Deformed Thermal Facial Areas, A
* Thermal to Visual Person Re-Identification Using Collaborative Metric Learning Based on Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization
* THORN: Temporal Human-Object Relation Network for Action Recognition
* Three-Dimensional Mapping on Lightning Discharge Processes Using Two VHF Broadband Interferometers
* Three-Dimensional Vulnerability Assessment of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Based on Comprehensive Drought Index and Vulnerability Surface: A Case Study of Shandong Province, China
* Three-Level Game-Theoretic Decision-Making Framework for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* Thyroid Cancer Diagnostic System using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* TIF: Trajectory and Information Flow Coupling Mechanism for Behavior Analysis in Autonomous Driving
* Tightly Coupled Integration Approach for Cooperative Positioning Enhancement in DSRC Vehicular Networks, A
* Time Lag Effect Improves Prediction of the Effects of Climate Change on Vegetation Growth in Southwest China, The
* Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Remotely Sensed and Multisource Urban Data Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China from 1979 to 2022
* Time-coherent embeddings for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
* Time-Lapse Cross-Well Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration Using Coda Wave Interferometry
* Time-Range Adaptive Focusing Method Based on APC and Iterative Adaptive Radon-Fourier Transform
* Time-Series FY4A Datasets for Super-Resolution Benchmarking of Meteorological Satellite Images
* Tire-Road Peak Adhesion Coefficient Estimation Method Based on Fusion of Vehicle Dynamics and Machine Vision
* TISD: A Three Bands Thermal Infrared Dataset for All Day Ship Detection in Spaceborne Imagery
* TM3Loc: Tightly-Coupled Monocular Map Matching for High Precision Vehicle Localization
* TMD: Transformed Mesh Decoder for Mesh Animation
* TMDiMP: Temporal Memory Guided Discriminative Tracker for UAV Object Tracking
* TMN: Temporal-guided Multiattention Network for Action Recognition
* Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Segmentation Using Persistent Homology, A
* Total Deep Variation: A Stable Regularization Method for Inverse Problems
* Total Phosphorus and Nitrogen Dynamics and Influencing Factors in Dongting Lake Using Landsat Data
* Toward a 3D Arterial Tree Bifurcation Model for Intra-Cranial Aneurysm Detection and Segmentation
* Toward a Dynamic Reversible Lane Management Strategy by Empowering Learning-Based Predictive Assignment Scheme
* Toward Asphalt Pavement Health Monitoring With Built-In Sensors: A Novel Application to Real-Time Modulus Evaluation
* Toward Attack-Resistant Route Mutation for VANETs: An Online and Adaptive Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Toward Robust Stress Prediction in the Age of Wearables: Modeling Perceived Stress in a Longitudinal Study With Information Workers
* Towards Automatic Parsing of Structured Visual Content through the Use of Synthetic Data
* Towards Contrastive Context-Aware Conversational Emotion Recognition
* Towards cumulative race time regression in sports: I3D ConvNet transfer learning in ultra-distance running events
* Towards deeper match for multi-view oriented multiple kernel learning
* Towards High Performance Low Complexity Calibration in Appearance Based Gaze Estimation
* Towards Improved and Interpretable Deep Metric Learning via Attentive Grouping
* Towards Improved Skin Lesion Classification using Metadata Supervision
* Towards Interpretable Deep Reinforcement Learning Models via Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype learning
* Towards Parameter-Free Clustering for Real-World Data
* Towards pen-holding hand pose recognition: A new benchmark and a coarse-to-fine PHHP recognition network
* Towards Pointsets Representation Learning via Self-Supervised Learning and Set Augmentation
* Towards Positive Jacobian: Learn to Postprocess for Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Matrix Exponential
* Towards Quality Assessment of Blind Deconvolution with Shift Compensation
* Towards Robust Community Detection via Extreme Adversarial Attacks
* Towards Scalable and Efficient Client Selection for Federated Object Detection
* Towards Sentiment and Emotion aided Intent Detection
* Towards Streaming Egocentric Action Anticipation
* Towards Synthesizing Realistic Data for Efficient On-Device Image Deblurring
* Towards Understanding the Behaviors of Pretrained Compressed Convolutional Models
* Towards Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition
* TPSAD: Learning to Detect and Localize Anomalies With Thin Plate Spline Transformation
* Tracking Atmospheric Moisture Changes in Convective Storm Environments Using GEO ABI and LEO CrIS Data Fusion
* Tracking Control Based on Model Predictive Control Using Laguerre Functions With Pole Optimization
* Tracking Deforestation, Drought, and Fire Occurrence in Kutai National Park, Indonesia
* Traffic Anomaly Detection and Video Summarization Using Spatio-Temporal Rough Fuzzy Granulation With Z-Numbers
* Traffic Inflow and Outflow Forecasting by Modeling Intra- and Inter-Relationship Between Flows
* Traffic Sign Instances Segmentation Using Aliased Residual Structure and Adaptive Focus Localizer
* Traffic-Induced Vibration Monitoring Using Laser Vibrometry: Preliminary Experiments
* Training Machine Learning Algorithms Using Remote Sensing and Topographic Indices for Corn Yield Prediction
* Training Socially Engaging Robots: Modeling Backchannel Behaviors with Batch Reinforcement Learning
* Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Transformer
* Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance for Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on EMPC With an Adaptive Prediction Horizon
* TrajGen: Generating Realistic and Diverse Trajectories With Reactive and Feasible Agent Behaviors for Autonomous Driving
* TransCS: A Transformer-Based Hybrid Architecture for Image Compressed Sensing
* Transfer Learning Based Long Short-Term Memory Car-Following Model for Adaptive Cruise Control
* Transfer Meta Learning
* Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Winter Wheat from Planet Data and SAFY Model
* Transferability of Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE)-Derived Feature Sets for Support Vector Machine Land Cover Classification
* Transferable Coupled Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Transformer based Fingerprint Feature Extraction
* Transformer-Based 3D Face Reconstruction With End-to-End Shape-Preserved Domain Transfer
* Transformer-based Cascade Network with Boundary Enhancement Loss for Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
* Transformer-Based Feature Compensation and Aggregation for DeepFake Detection
* Transformer-based Medical Visual Question Answering Model, A
* Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning for Pickup and Delivery Problems With Late Penalties
* Transformer-based Residual Network for Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Reconstruction
* Transformer-based Scene Graph Generation Network With Relational Attention Module
* Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Emotion Recognition
* Transformers for 1D signals in Parkinson's disease detection from gait
* Transforming Image Generation from Scene Graphs
* TransMarker: A Pure Vision Transformer for Facial Landmark Detection
* Transmit Beampattern Design for Distributed Satellite Constellation Based on Space-Time-Frequency DoFs
* TranSMS: Transformers for Super-Resolution Calibration in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Transportation and Location Planning During Epidemics/Pandemics: Emerging Problems and Solution Approaches
* TRC-Unet: Transformer Connections for Near-infrared Blurred Image Segmentation
* Tree Species Classification Using Ground-Based LiDAR Data by Various Point Cloud Deep Learning Methods
* Tree Species Classification Using Plant Functional Traits and Leaf Spectral Properties along the Vertical Canopy Position
* Trend Analysis and Driving Factors of Vegetation Dynamics in Northern China from 1982 to 2015
* Trends in Forest Greening and Its Spatial Correlation with Bioclimatic and Environmental Factors in the Greater Mekong Subregion from 2001 to 2020
* Triangle Water Index (TWI): An Advanced Approach for More Accurate Detection and Delineation of Water Surfaces in Sentinel-2 Data
* Trip Pricing Scheme for Electric Vehicle Sharing Network With Demand Prediction
* Tripartite sub-image histogram equalization for slightly low contrast gray-tone image enhancement
* Triple Collocation of Ground-, Satellite- and Land Surface Model-Based Surface Soil Moisture Products in Oklahoma: Part I: Individual Product Assessment
* Triple Generative Adversarial Networks
* TRL: Transformer based refinement learning for hybrid-supervised semantic segmentation
* Tropical Cyclone Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Derived from GPS Radio Occultation over the Western Pacific Ocean
* Tropospheric Zenith Delay Forecasting Model Based on a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network and Its Impact on Precise Point Positioning, A
* TS-DENSE: Time Series Data Augmentation by Subclass Clustering
* TWD: A New Deep E2E Model for Text Watermark/Caption and Scene Text Detection in Video
* Twenty Years of Remote Sensing Applications Targeting Landscape Analysis and Environmental Issues in Olive Growing: A Review
* TwinLSTM: Two-channel LSTM Network for Online Action Detection
* Two-Layer Controllable Recovery for Privacy-Preserving Double-Compressed Images
* Two-Stage Merging Network for Describing Traffic Scenes in Intelligent Vehicle Driving System
* Two-Stage Refinement of Magnitude and Complex Spectra for Real-Time Speech Enhancement
* Two-Stage UA-GAN for Precipitation Nowcasting
* Two-Step Matching Method Based on Co-Occurrence Scale Space Combined with Second-Order Gaussian Steerable Filter
* Two-Wheeler Vehicle Traffic Violations Detection and Automated Ticketing for Indian Road Scenario
* U-Former: Improving Monaural Speech Enhancement with Multi-head Self and Cross Attention
* UAV LiDAR Based Approach for the Detection and Interpretation of Archaeological Micro Topography under Canopy: The Rediscovery of Perticara (Basilicata, Italy)
* UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic Segmentation and ORB Algorithm for Urban Traffic
* UAV-Assisted Fair Communication for Mobile Networks: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* UAV-Based Estimation of Grain Yield for Plant Breeding: Applied Strategies for Optimizing the Use of Sensors, Vegetation Indices, Growth Stages, and Machine Learning Algorithms
* UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat Drought Resistance in Different Deficit Irrigation Regimes
* UAV-LiDAR and RGB Imagery Reveal Large Intraspecific Variation in Tree-Level Morphometric Traits across Different Pine Species Evaluated in Common Gardens
* UAVM: Towards Unifying Audio and Visual Models
* UBathy (v2.0): A Software to Obtain the Bathymetry from Video Imagery
* UDNet: Uncertainty-aware deep network for salient object detection
* UGRoadUpd: An Unchanged-Guided Historical Road Database Updating Framework Based on Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* Ultra-High Temporal Resolution Visual Reconstruction From a Fovea-Like Spike Camera via Spiking Neuron Model
* Ultra-High-Resolution UAV-Based Detection of Alternaria solani Infections in Potato Fields
* UltraHi-PrNet: An Ultra-High Precision Deep Learning Network for Dense Multi-Scale Target Detection in SAR Images
* Ultrasound Matrix Imaging: Part I: The Focused Reflection Matrix, the F-Factor and the Role of Multiple Scattering
* Ultrasound Matrix Imaging: Part II: The Distortion Matrix for Aberration Correction Over Multiple Isoplanatic Patches
* Unauthorized AI cannot recognize me: Reversible adversarial example
* Unbiased feature generating for generalized zero-shot learning
* Unbiasing the Estimation of Chlorophyll from Hyperspectral Images: A Benchmark Dataset, Validation Procedure and Baseline Results
* Unboxing the Black Box of Attention Mechanisms in Remote Sensing Big Data Using XAI
* Uncertain Label Correction via Auxiliary Action Unit Graphs for Facial Expression Recognition
* Uncertainties in Prediction of Streamflows Using SWAT Model: Role of Remote Sensing and Precipitation Sources
* Uncertainty Aware System Identification with Universal Policies
* Understanding attention-based encoder-decoder networks: A case study with chess scoresheet recognition
* Understanding Autism Using Machine Learning: A Structural MRI Study
* Understanding Drivers' Visual and Comprehension Loads in Traffic Violation Hotspots Leveraging Crowd-Based Driving Simulation
* Understanding the Dynamic Mechanism of Urban Land Use and Population Distribution Evolution from a Microscopic Perspective
* Unified Deep Learning Framework for ssTEM Image Restoration, A
* Unified Framework for Automatic Distributed Active Learning, A
* Unified Framework for Discrete Multi-kernel k-means with Kernel Diversity Regularization, A
* unified low-order information-theoretic feature selection framework for multi-label learning, A
* Unified Recurrence Modeling for Video Action Anticipation
* UniPose+: A Unified Framework for 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation in Images and Videos
* Unlocking Large-Scale Crop Field Delineation in Smallholder Farming Systems with Transfer Learning and Weak Supervision
* Unsteady Flow Field Prediction: Understanding the Dynamics in an Intuitive Physics Way
* Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Agricultural Land Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* Unsupervised Cluster-Wise Hyperspectral Band Selection for Classification
* Unsupervised contrastive unpaired image generation approach for improving tuberculosis screening using chest X-ray images
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gesture Identification Against Electrode Shift
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes Reflected by Convex Mirrors
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Video Transformers in Action Recognition
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Deep Networks for ToF Depth Refinement
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Dynamically Aligning Both the Feature and Label Spaces
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Deep Conditional Adaptation Network
* Unsupervised Face Detection in the Dark
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Feature-Grouping and Orthogonal Constraint
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Neural Networks and Self-Expression with Adaptive Graph Constraint
* Unsupervised Grouped Axial Data Modeling via Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Models With Watson Distributions
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Disentanglement for Video Prediction
* Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Internal Self-Similarity Cues
* Unsupervised knowledge transfer for nonblind image deconvolution
* Unsupervised learning of global factors in deep generative models
* Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptors for Point Clouds
* Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow With Non-Occlusion From Geometry
* Unsupervised Low-light Image Enhancement with Decoupled Networks
* Unsupervised Multiview Distributed Hashing for Large-Scale Retrieval
* Unsupervised Personalization of an Emotion Recognition System: The Unique Properties of the Externalization of Valence in Speech
* Unsupervised Representation Learning for Tissue Segmentation in Histopathological Images: From Global to Local Contrast
* Unsupervised Restoration of Weather-affected Images using Deep Gaussian Process-based CycleGAN
* Unsupervised SAR Image Change Type Recognition Using Regionally Restricted PCA-Kmean and Lightweight MobileNet
* Unsupervised Synthetic Acoustic Image Generation for Audio-Visual Scene Understanding
* Unsupervised Tissue Segmentation via Deep Constrained Gaussian Network
* Untrained Neural Network Prior for Light Field Compression, An
* Upper Mantle beneath the Myanmar and Surrounding Tomography: New Insight into Plate Subduction and Volcanism
* Upper Ocean Responses to the Tropical Cyclones Ida and Felicia (2021) in the Gulf of Mexico and the Eastern North Pacific
* Urban Flood Detection Using TerraSAR-X and SAR Simulated Reflectivity Maps
* Urban Flood-Related Remote Sensing: Research Trends, Gaps and Opportunities
* Urban Human-Land Spatial Mismatch Analysis from a Source-Sink Perspective with ICT Support
* Urban Road Network Partitioning Based on Bi-Modal Traffic Flows With Multiobjective Optimization
* Urban Traffic Imaging Using Millimeter-Wave Radar
* Use of a MODIS Satellite-Based Aridity Index to Monitor Drought Conditions in the Pearl River Basin from 2001 to 2021
* Use of Airborne Radar Images and Machine Learning Algorithms to Map Soil Clay, Silt, and Sand Contents in Remote Areas under the Amazon Rainforest
* Use of GAN to Help Networks to Detect Urban Change Accurately
* Use of Landsat 8 and UAV Images to Assess Changes in Temperature and Evapotranspiration by Economic Trees following Foliar Spraying with Light-Reflecting Compounds
* Use of Multi-Temporal LiDAR Data to Extract Collapsed Buildings and to Monitor Their Removal Process after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
* Use of Social Interaction and Intention to Improve Motion Prediction Within Automated Vehicle Framework: A Review
* User Behavior Analysis Based on Stacked Autoencoder and Clustering in Complex Power Grid Environment
* Using a Remote-Sensing-Based Piecewise Retrieval Algorithm to Map Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Highland River System
* Using a Two-Stage Scheme to Map Toxic Metal Distributions Based on GF-5 Satellite Hyperspectral Images at a Northern Chinese Opencast Coal Mine
* Using Apparent Electrical Conductivity to Delineate Field Variation in an Agroforestry System in the Ozark Highlands
* Using Deep Learning to Model Elevation Differences between Radar and Laser Altimetry
* Using Hyperspatial LiDAR and Multispectral Imaging to Identify Coastal Wetlands Using Gradient Boosting Methods
* Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Monitor Water Quality in Drinking Water Reservoirs
* Using Isovists in Measuring Surveillance and Expected Guardianship in Residential Neighborhood Property Crimes
* Using Optical Flow Trajectories to Detect Whitecaps in Light-Polluted Videos
* Using Relative Projection Density for Classification of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data with Unknown Angular Resolution
* Using Simulated Training Data of Voxel-Level Generative Models to Improve 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Using the Geodetector Method to Characterize the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Interaction with Environmental Factors in the Qinba Mountains, China
* Using UAV Photogrammetry and Automated Sensors to Assess Aquifer Recharge from a Coastal Wetland
* Utilizing CNNs for Cryptanalysis of Selective Biometric Face Sample Encryption
* Validating the Crop Identification Capability of the Spectral Variance at Key Stages (SVKS) Computed via an Object Self-Reference Combined Algorithm
* Validation and Analysis of MAIAC AOD Aerosol Products in East Asia from 2011 to 2020
* Validation of Atmospheric Absorption Models within the 20-60 GHz Band by Simultaneous Radiosonde and Microwave Observations: The Advantage of Using ECS Formalism
* Validation of Cloud-Gap-Filled Snow Cover of MODIS Daily Cloud-Free Snow Cover Products on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Validation of Expanded Trend-to-Trend Cross-Calibration Technique and Its Application to Global Scale
* Variable Time Headway Policy Based Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Connected Vehicles With External Disturbances
* Variance of Local Contribution: An Unsupervised Image Quality Assessment for Face Recognition
* Variation Characteristics of Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency and Its Response to Human Activity and Climate Change in Inner Mongolia
* Variational Bayesian and Generalized Approximate Message Passing-Based Sparse Bayesian Learning Model for Image Reconstruction
* Variational EM Acceleration for Efficient Clustering at Very Large Scales, A
* Variational Manifold Learning From Incomplete Data: Application to Multislice Dynamic MRI
* Variations in the Equatorial Ionospheric F Region Current during the 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption
* VASAD: a Volume and Semantic dataset for Building Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* VCL-PL:Semi-Supervised Learning from Noisy Web Data with Variational Contrastive Learning
* Vegetation Landscape Changes and Driving Factors of Typical Karst Region in the Anthropocene
* Vehicular Edge Computing: Architecture, Resource Management, Security, and Challenges
* Venc Design and Velocity Estimation for Phase Contrast MRI
* Verification of Land Cover Datasets with the Geo-Tagged Natural Scene Images, The
* Verification of Sitter Identity Across Historical Portrait Paintings by Confidence-aware Face Recognition
* Vertebral Compression Fracture detection using Multiple Instance Learning and Majority Voting
* Vessel Trajectory Prediction in Maritime Transportation: Current Approaches and Beyond
* VGGNet-Based Method for Refined Bathymetry from Satellite Altimetry to Reduce Errors, A
* VI-NET: A hybrid deep convolutional neural network using VGG and inception V3 model for copy-move forgery classification
* VIBUS: Data-efficient 3D scene parsing with VIewpoint Bottleneck and Uncertainty-Spectrum modeling
* Vid2CAD: CAD Model Alignment Using Multi-View Constraints from Videos
* Video Generation from Text Employing Latent Path Construction for Temporal Modeling
* Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review
* Video Object Segmentation using Point-based Memory Network
* Video Quality Assessment of Danmaku-Based Video Saliency Regions
* Video representation learning for temporal action detection using global-local attention
* Video-Based Cross-Modal Auxiliary Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Video-Based Heart Rate Measurement Against Uneven Illuminations Using Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis
* Video-based Pose-Estimation Data as Source for Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition
* VideoPipe 2022 Challenge: Real-World Video Understanding for Urban Pipe Inspection
* VidHarm: A Clip Based Dataset for Harmful Content Detection
* View-Invariant Human Action Recognition Via View Transformation Network (VTN)
* Viewpoint-Invariant Loop Closure Detection Using Step-Wise Learning With Controlling Embeddings of Landmarks
* Vine Canopy Reconstruction and Assessment with Terrestrial Lidar and Aerial Imaging
* Virtual Tasks but Real Gains: Improving Multi-Task Learning
* VirtualActionNet: A strong two-stream point cloud sequence network for human action recognition
* VirtuaLot: A Case Study on Combining UAS Imagery and Terrestrial Video with Photogrammetry and Deep Learning to Track Vehicle Movement in Parking Lots
* VIS-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectroscopy Combined with Data Mining and Machine Learning for Classification of Predicted Chemometrics of Green Lettuce
* Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Partially Interactive Collaboration
* Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification With Modality-Specific Memory Network
* Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for Visual Recognition
* Vision Transformers Based Classification for Glaucomatous Eye Condition
* Vision-Based Anti-UAV Detection and Tracking
* Vision-Based Semantic Segmentation in Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving: Recent Achievements, Challenges, and Outlooks
* Vision-Kinematics Interaction for Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy Navigation
* Visual Micro-Pattern Propagation
* Visual Transformers with Primal Object Queries for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Visual/Inertial/GNSS Integrated Navigation System under GNSS Spoofing Attack
* VLD-45: A Big Dataset for Vehicle Logo Recognition and Detection
* VLF/LF Lightning Location Based on LWPC and IRI Models: A Quantitative Study
* VOMA: A Privacy-Preserving Matching Mechanism Design for Community Ride-Sharing
* VPN++: Rethinking Video-Pose Embeddings for Understanding Activities of Daily Living
* VPTR: Efficient Transformers for Video Prediction
* VReBERT: A Simple and Flexible Transformer for Visual Relationship Detection
* Vulnerability Identification and Cascading Failure Spatiotemporal Patterns on Road Network under the Rainstorm Disaster
* W-Band Active Phased Array Miniaturized Scan-SAR with High Resolution on Multi-Rotor UAVs, A
* War Related Building Damage Assessment in Kyiv, Ukraine, Using Sentinel-1 Radar and Sentinel-2 Optical Images
* WaSR: A Water Segmentation and Refinement Maritime Obstacle Detection Network
* Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network to Address the Imbalanced Data Problem in Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction
* Watching the BiG artifacts: Exposing DeepFake videos via Bi-granularity artifacts
* Water Level Change of Qinghai Lake from ICESat and ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
* Water Quality Grade Identification for Lakes in Middle Reaches of Yangtze River Using Landsat-8 Data with Deep Neural Networks (DNN) Model
* Water Storage Variation and Its Possible Causes Detected by GRACE in the Volta River Basin
* Water-Vapour Monitoring from Ground-Based GNSS Observations in Northwestern Argentina
* WDBSTF: A Weighted Dual-Branch Spatiotemporal Fusion Network Based on Complementarity between Super-Resolution and Change Prediction
* Weak Signal Enhancement for Passive Seismic Data Reconstruction Based on Deep Learning
* Weak-supervised Visual Geo-localization via Attention-based Knowledge Distillation
* Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for hyperspectral target detection
* Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Videos Considering the Openness of Events
* Weakly Supervised Fire and Smoke Segmentation in Forest Images with CAM and CRF
* Weakly supervised learning based on hypergraph manifold ranking
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Textbook Question Answering
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images: A Survey
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Long-Range Semantic Foreground Activation
* Weakly-Supervised Part-Attention and Mentored Networks for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network With Iterative dCRF
* Weakly-Supervised Surface Crack Segmentation by Generating Pseudo-Labels Using Localization With a Classifier and Thresholding
* Weight-Guided Loss for Long-Tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Weighted Local Ratio-Difference Contrast Method for Detecting an Infrared Small Target against Ground-Sky Background
* Weighted Score Fusion Based LSTM Model for High-Speed Railway Propagation Scenario Identification
* WeStcoin: Weakly-Supervised Contextualized Text Classification with Imbalance and Noisy Labels
* What Lies Beneath: A Survey of Affective Theory Use in Computational Models of Emotion
* What makes you, you? Analyzing Recognition by Swapping Face Parts
* What Size of Aisle Is Necessary? a System Dynamics Model for Mitigating Bottleneck Congestion in Entrance Halls of Metro Stations
* What the Upper Atmospheres of Giant Planets Reveal
* What's wrong with the rainbow? An interdisciplinary review of empirical evidence for and against the rainbow color scheme in visualizations
* When Few-Shot Learning Meets Video Object Detection
* Where Can IMERG Provide a Better Precipitation Estimate than Interpolated Gauge Data?
* Whitening Transformation inspired Self-Attention for Powerline Element Detection
* Who wants to be a Click-Millionaire? On the Influence of Thumbnails and Captions
* WiFi Access Points Line-of-Sight Detection for Indoor Positioning Using the Signal Round Trip Time
* WiID: Precise WiFi-based Person Identification via Bio-electromagnetic Information
* Wintertime Emissivities of the Arctic Sea Ice Types at the AMSR2 Frequencies
* WiperNet: A Lightweight Multi-Weather Restoration Network for Enhanced Surveillance
* Wireless Channel Analysis Between 25 and 40 GHz in an Intra-Wagon Environment for 5G Using a Ray-Tracing Tool
* Writer Retrieval using Compact Convolutional Transformers and NetMVLAD
* Wuhan MST Radar Observations of a Tropopause Descent Event during Heavy Rain on 1-2 June 2015
* X-Ray medical image super-resolution via self-organization neural networks and geometric directional gradient
* Zero-Shot Learning Based on Quality-Verifying Adversarial Network
* Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Based on a Re-Degradation Haze Imaging Model
* Zero-Shot Scene Graph Generation with Relational Graph Neural Networks
* Zero-Shot Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Graph Transformer
* ZeroNAS: Differentiable Generative Adversarial Networks Search for Zero-Shot Learning
* Zoom Transformer for Skeleton-Based Group Activity Recognition
3247 for 2212

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.