Update Dates 0610

0610 * 1265: An Approach for Spot Matching in 2-D Electrophoresis Gels
* 2D Frequency Selective Extrapolation for Spatial Error Concealment in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 3-D Dynamic Mesh Compression using Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Analysis
* 3-D Geometry Compression using Multiscale Plane Based Representation and Zerotree Based Coding
* 3-D Reconstructions of Tailed Bacteriophages from CYRO Electron Microscopy Images
* 3D CAD Drawing Watermarking Based on Three Components
* 3D Face Image Registration for Face Matching Guided by the Surface Interpenetration Measure
* 3D Human Motion Sequences Synchronization Using Dense Matching Algorithm
* 3D Image Reconstruction and Range-Doppler Tracking with Chirped AM Ladar Data
* 3D Method of Using Spatial-Varying Gaussian Mixture and Local Information to Segment MR Brain Volumes
* 3D Reconstruction Based on a Hybrid Disparity Estimation Algorithm
* 3D Scene Modeling for Distributed Video Coding
* 3D shape estimation and texture generation using texture foreshortening cues
* 3D Target Scale Estimation for Size Preserving in PTZ Video Tracking
* 3D Video Compression Based on Extended Block Matching Algorithm
* 3DTV: Panoramic 3D Model Acquisition and its 3D Visualization on the Interactive Fogscreen
* Absolute position estimation using IRS satellite images
* Accuracy of large-scale canopy heights derived from LiDAR data under operational constraints in a complex alpine environment
* Accurate Contour Detection Based on Snakes for Objects with Boundary Concavities
* Accurate IFS-Based Image Enlargement Method using Line Process, An
* Acoustic Range Image Segmentation by Effective Mean Shift
* Active Context-Based Concept Fusion with Partial User Labels
* Active Contour Method Based on Wavelet for Texture Boundaries, An
* Active Contour Segmentation with a Parametric Shape Prior: Link with the Shape Gradient
* Active Lighting Applied to Shape from Polarization
* Active Shape Model Based Segmentation and Tracking of Facial Regions in Color Images
* Activity Analysis for Video Security Systems
* Adaptable Image Interpolation with Skeleton-Texture Separation
* Adaptive and Non Linear Technique for Enhancement of Extremely High Contrast Images, An
* Adaptive Block-Size Transform Based on Extended Integer 8:8/4:4 Transforms for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Color Filter Array Interpolation Algorithm for Digital Camera, An
* Adaptive Kernel Based Tracking Using Mean-Shift
* adaptive mixture color model for robust visual tracking, An
* Adaptive Multi-Resolution Coding for 3D Scenes using Vector Quantization
* Adaptive Particle-Distortion Tradeoff Control in Particle Filtering for Video Tracking
* Adaptive Peer-To-Peer Video Streaming with Optimized Flexible Multiple Description Coding
* Adaptive Region-Based Compression of Multispectral Images
* Adaptive Segmentation of Textured Images by Using the Coupled Markov Random Field Model
* Adaptive Silouette Extraction and Human Tracking in Complex and Dynamic Environments
* Adaptive Techniques for Simultaneous Optimization of Visual Quality and Battery Power in Video Encoding Sensors
* Adaptive Thresholding Based Cell Segmentation for Cell-Destruction Activity Verification
* Adaptive up-sampling method for H.264 scalable video coding
* Additive integration of SAR features into multispectral SPOT images by means of the à trous wavelet decomposition
* ADS40 Vaihingen/Enz geometric performance test, The
* Advanced 3DTV Concept Providing Interoperability and Scalability for a Wide Range of Multi-Baseline Geometries, An
* Advanced Scanning for Intra Frame Coding
* Advanced Techniques for Watershed Visualization
* Aggregated Dynamic Background Modeling
* Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison, An
* Aligning Curves Under Projective Transform and its Application to Image Registration
* Alternative Approaches and Algorithms for Classification
* Analysis and Effective Parallel Technique for Rate-Distortion Optimization in JPEG2000
* Analysis and Optimization of UB Video's H.264 Baseline Encoder Implementation on Texas Instruments' TMS320DM642 DSP
* Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for the Segmentation of Burn Wounds Photographs
* Analysis of Subframe Generation for Superimposed Images
* Analysis on a Local Approach to 3D Object Recognition
* Analysis System of Endoscopic Image of Early Gastric Cancer
* Anatomically Guided Registration for Multimodal Images
* Anisotropic Gaussian Filtering using Fixed Point Arithmetic
* Ant Based Fuzzy Modeling Applied to Marble Classification
* Apparatus and a method for the detection of objects
* Appearance Models for Occlusion Handling
* Application Development Framework for the Rapid Integration of High Performance Image Processing Algorithms
* Application of Complexity Measure to Reversible Information Hiding
* Application of the Fisher-Rao Metric to Structure Detection
* Application-Layer QoS Fairness in Wireless Video Scheduling
* Applying Ant Colony Optimization to Binary Thresholding
* Approach for Intersubject Analysis of 3D Brain Images Based on Conformal Geometry, An
* Approach to Distributed Video Coding Using 3D Face Models, An
* Approximate direct georeferencing in national coordinates
* Approximation of a Polyline with a Sequence of Geometric Primitives
* Approximation of Unorganized Point Set with Composite Implicit Surface
* Architectural Principles for Secure Streaming and Secure Adaptation in the Developing Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Standard
* Architecture for Compressive Imaging, An
* Area-Efficient Variable Length Decoder IP Core Design for MPEG-1/2/4 Video Coding Applications, An
* Attention Based Focus Control System, An
* Attention-Based Vanishing Point Detection
* Augmented tracking with incomplete observation and probabilistic reasoning
* Automated determination of the center of rotation in tomography data
* Automated Feature Generation in Large-Scale Geospatial Libraries for Content-Based Indexing
* Automated Forest Area Estimation Using Iterative Guided Spectral Class Rejection
* Automated Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Change Analyses for Ultra High-resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Automated Thematic Registration of NOAA, CoastWatch, and AVHRR Images
* Automatic 3D Face Feature Points Extraction with Spin Images
* Automatic Alignment of Color Imagery onto 3D Laser Radar Data
* Automatic Building Detection Using the Dempster-Shafer Algorithm
* Automatic Building Reconstruction Method: A Structural Approach using High Resolution Satellite Images, An
* Automatic Business Card Scanning with a Camera
* Automatic Ca2+ Sparks Detection System
* Automatic Clustering of Faces in Meetings
* Automatic Concavity's Area Calculation using Active Contours and Increasing Flow
* Automatic detection and tracking of multiple individuals using multiple cues
* Automatic Detection of Tram Tracks on HRCT Images
* Automatic Hot Spot Detection and Segmentation in Whole Body FDG-PET Images
* Automatic Identification of Shot Body Region from Clinical Photographies
* Automatic Model-Order Selection for PCA
* Automatic Multi-Layer Red-Eye Detection
* Automatic Real-Time Barcode Localization in Complex Scenes
* Automatic Region Tracking for MR Glomerular Filtration Rate Analysis
* Automatic Registration of Airborne Images with Complex Local Distortion
* Automatic Segmentation Based on AdaBoost Learning and Graph-Cuts
* Automatic Shot-Change Detection Algorithm Based on Visual Rhythm Extraction
* Automatic Skin Pixel Selection and Skin Color Classification
* Automatic Target Classifier using Model Based Image Processing, An
* Automatic Video Genre Categorization using Hierarchical SVM
* Automating Visual Inspection of Print Quality
* Autonomous Detection of Dust Devils and Clouds on Mars
* Autonomous Hyperspectral Target Detection with Quasi-Stationarity Violation at Background Boundaries
* Autonomous Time-Frequency Morphological Feature Extraction Algorithm for LPI Radar Modulation Classification
* Background Estimation and Adaptation Model with Light-Change Removal for Heavily Down-Sampled Video Surveillance Signals
* Background Modeling from GMM Likelihood Combined with Spatial and Color Coherency
* Background Subtraction Framework Based on Local Spatial Distributions
* Background Subtraction Model Adapted to Illumination Changes, A
* Background Updating with the Use of Intrinsic Curves
* Backward Channel Aware Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Bayesian Approach for Building Detection in Densely Build-Up High Resolution Satellite Image, A
* Bayesian Estimation of Common Areas in Multi-Camera Systems
* Bayesian Image Interpolation Based on the Learning and Estimation of Higher Bandwavelet Coefficients
* Bayesian Operating Point of the Canny Edge Detector, The
* Behavior Forensics in Traitors within Traitors for Scalable Multimedia
* Bidirectional Dynamic Programming for Stereo Matching
* BigBatch: An Environment for Processing Monochromatic Documents
* Binary Morphology and Local Statistics Applied to Iris Segmentation for Recognition
* Binary Tree Based Linear Time Fingerprint Matching
* Binary Tree-based Generic Demosaicking Algorithm for Multispectral Filter Arrays
* Bio-inspired Motion-Based Object Segmentation
* Biophysical Active Contours for Cell Tracking I: Tension and Bending
* Bit Allocation Scheme for Low-Delay H.264/AVC Rate Control
* Bit Rate Reduction of Vector Representation of Binary Images
* Blind Blur Estimation Using Low Rank Approximation of Cepstrum
* Blind Deblurring Reconstruction Technique with Applications in SPECT Imaging
* Blind PSNR Estimation of Video Sequences, Through Non-uniform Quantization Watermarking
* Blind Quality Metric using a Perceptual Importance Map for JPEG-20000 Compressed Images
* Blind Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction using a Maximum a Posteriori Estimation
* Block-Based Reduced Resolution Inter Frame Coding with Template Matching Prediction
* Blur Robust and Color Constant Image Description
* Boosted Adaptive Particle Filter for Face Detection and Tracking, A
* Boosting Dissociated Region Pair LDA for Face Recognition
* Bridge detection in airborne laser scanner data
* Building the Component Tree in Quasi-Linear Time
* CAD Model Visual Registration from Closed-Contour Neighborhood Descriptors
* Calibrating Head Pose Estimation in Videos for Meeting Room Event Analysis
* Camera Calibration Using Symmetric Objects
* Camera Readable 2D Bar Codes Design and Decoding for Mobile Phones
* Capability of SRTM C and X Band DEM Data to Measure Water Elevations in Ohio and the Amazon
* Cardiac Cavity Labeling In Echocardiograms Using Deformable Model-Guided Splitting
* CASTI: Correction of Susceptibility Artifact in MR Images using MRI Simulation
* CBIR in Distributed Databases using a Multi-Agent System
* Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics in Living Cell
* Change Detection on Comparametrically Related Images
* Checkerboard-Type Filtering for a Low-Power Gradient-Based Optical Flow Estimation System
* Circle-Valued Nonlinear Diffusions with Application to Texture Segmentation
* Class Imbalance Problem in TLC Image Classification, The
* Classified Vector SPIHT Forwavelet Image Coding
* Classifying Event-Related Desynchronization in EEG, ECoG and MEG Signals
* CLIX: Network Coding and Cross Layer Information Exchange of Wireless Video
* Closed Form Solution for Monocular Re-Projective 3D Pose Estimation of Regular Planar Patterns, A
* Cloth X-Ray: MoCap of People Wearing Textiles
* Co-Clustering Image Features and Semantic Concepts
* Coding Facial Expression with Oriented Steerable Filters
* Coding of Multi-View Image Sequences with Video Sensors
* Collaborative Resource Management for Video Over Wireless Multi-Hop Mesh Networks
* Collusion-Resistant video Fingerprinting for Large User Group
* Color Blob Segmentation by MSER Analysis
* Color Image Coding by using Inter-Color Correlation
* Color Image Retrieval Based On Color-texture-edge Feature Histograms
* Color Image Segmentation Using Watersheds and Joint Homogeneity-Edge Integrity Region Merging Criteria
* Color Images Enhancement using Weighted Histogram Separation
* Color Light Field Block Truncation Compression using Hierarchical Bit-Plane Prediction
* Color Texture Segmentation Using Quaternion-Gabor Filters
* Color Transformation and Interpolation for Direct Color Imaging with a Color Filter Array
* Combined Error Protection and Compression with Turbo Codes for Image Transmission using a JPEG2000-Like Architecture
* Combined Pre-Processing and H.264-Compression Scheme for 3D Integral Images, A
* Combined Radial Basis Function Model for Fingerprint Distortion, A
* Combining Seminorms in Adaptive Lifting Schemes and Applications to Image Analysis and Compression
* Combining Template Matching and Model Fitting for Human Body Segmentation and Tracking with Applications to Sports Training
* Compact laser radar and three-dimensional camera
* Compact Representation of Range Imaging Surfaces
* Compactly Supported Non-Uniform Spline Wavelet for Irregularly Sub-Sampled Image Representation
* Comparative Study of Australian Cartometric and Photogrammetric Digital Elevation Model Accuracy, A
* comparison between feature-based and EM-based contour tracking, A
* Comparison of 3D Physical and Empirical Models for Generating DSMs from Stereo HR Images
* Comparison of Novel Dimension Reduction Methods in Face Verification
* Comparison of Physical-Layer and Application-Layer Diversity for Video Streaming Over Wireless Rayleigh Fading Channels
* Comparison of Region and Edge Segmentation Approaches to Recognize Fish Oocytes in Histological Images
* Comparison of Video Quality Metrics on Multimedia Videos
* Complete Printer Model in Error-Diffused Halftone Images, A
* Complexity Analysis of fMRI Time Sequences
* Compression Artifact Reduction using Support Vector Regression
* Compression of Images in CFA Format
* Compressive Sampling Vs. Conventional Imaging
* Computation Error Tolerance in Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Computation Reduction Method for RDO Mode Decision Based on an Approximation of the Distortion, A
* Computational Framework for Family of Order Statistic Filters for Tensor Valued Data
* Computerized Detection of Lung Nodules with an Enhanced False Positive Reduction Scheme
* Computing Pose Sequences Directly from Videos
* Concealment-Aware Motion Estimation and Mode Selection for Error Resilient Video Coding
* Congestion-Distortion Optimized Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming
* Connectivity-Guided Predictive Compression of Dynamic 3D Meshes
* Consideration of smoothing techniques for hyperspectral remote sensing
* Constant Rate Control for Motion JPEG2000
* Constant-Quality CBR Rate-Control Algorithms for MPEG-4 Video Transcoding
* Content Adaptive Wyner-ZIV Video Coding Driven by Motion Activity
* Content Extraction and Summarization of Instructional Videos
* Content-Adaptive Video Summarization Combining Queueing and Clustering
* Content-Based 3D Retrieval by Krawtchouk Moments
* Content-Based Retransmission for 3-D Wavelet Video Streaming Over Lossy Networks
* Content-Based Video Coding Approach for Rigid and Non-Rigid Textures, A
* Continuous Evolution of Fractal Transforms and Nonlocal PDE Imaging
* Contour Detection by Multiresolution Surround Inhibition
* Conversational Video Communication of H.264/AVC with Region-of-Interest Concern
* Convex Optimization-Based Frame-Level Rate Control Algorithm for Motion Compensated Hybrid DCT/DPCM Video Coding, A
* Cooperative Source and Channel Coding for Wireless Video Transmission
* Correcting Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensor Non Uniformities Based Upon Adaptive Filter
* Cover Selection for Steganographic Embedding
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound Calculations for Registration of Linearly-Filtered Images
* Crc-Ntmac for Image Tamper Proofing and Authentication, The
* Cross-Articulation Learning for Robust Detection of Pedestrians
* Cross-Layer Optimization with Power Control in DS-CDMA Visual Sensor Networks
* Cross-Path PDMA-Based Error Protection for Streaming Multiuser Video over Multiple Paths
* Curvelet-Based Texture Classification of Tissues in Computed Tomography
* Data Fusion, De-noising, and Filtering to Produce Cloud-Free High Quality Temporal Composites Employing Parallel Temporal Map Algebra
* Data Level Fusion of Multilook Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) Images
* DCT-Based Image Protection using Dual-Domain Bi-Watermarking Algorithm
* DCT-Domain Image Retrieval Via Block-Edge-Patterns
* DCT-Domain Predictive Coding Method for Video Compression
* Dead-End Elimination as a Heuristic for Min-Cut Image Segmentation
* Deblurring-by-Denoising using Spatially Adaptive Gaussian Scale Mixtures in Overcomplete Pyramids
* Deconvolution Method for LCD Motion Blur Reduction, A
* Deconvolution Method for View Interpolation Using Multiple Images of Circular Camera Array
* Defect Detection in Random Colour Textures Using the MIA T2 Defect Maps
* DEM generation from SPOT-5 3-fold along track stereoscopic imagery using autocalibration
* Denoising Archival Films using a Learned Bayesian Model
* Dense Disparity Estimation Method using Color Segmentation and Energy Minimization, A
* Dense Stereo by Triangular Meshing and Cross Validation
* Dependency Channel Modeling for a LDPC-Based Wyner-Ziv Video Compression Scheme
* Depth Recovery from Motion and Defocus Blur
* Design and Fusion of Pose-Invariant Face-Identification Experts
* Design and Implementation of Wavelet-domain Video Compression Using Multiresolution Motion Estimation And Compensation
* Design Error-Resilient Multiple Substreams 3D Coder Including Receiver Post-Processing in Analysis
* Design of a Transmission Protocol for a CVE
* Designing Template Cells Suitable for Secret-Sharing Halftone Images by Quantitative Analysis
* Despeckling Utilizing M-Estimators
* Detail-Preserving Contrast Reduction for Still Cameras
* Detecting Intrinsically Two-Dimensional Image Structures Using Local Phase
* Detecting Occlusion for Hidden Markov Modeled Shapes
* Detection of Drivable Corridors for Off-Road Autonomous Navigation
* Detection of Individual Tree Crowns in Airborne Lidar Data
* Detection of Roads in SAR Images using Particle Filter
* Detented Quantization to Suppress Flicker Artifacts in Periodically Inserted Intra-Coded Pictures in H.264 Video Coding
* Determination and improvement of spatial resolution of the CCD-line-scanner system ADS40
* Determination of Color Space for Accurate Change Detection
* Determining Achievable Rates for Secure, Zero Divergence, Steganography
* Determining an Initial Image Pair for Fixing the Scale of a 3D Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* Determining the Average Grain Size of Super-Alloy Micrographs
* Developing an Efficient Region Growing Engine for Image Segmentation
* Development of JPEG2000 HDTV Program Production System
* Diffusion on Statistical Manifolds
* Diffusion-Like Reconstruction Schemes from Linear Data Models
* Digital Image Forensics for Identifying Computer Generated and Digital Camera Images
* Digital Products, Wedges, and Covering Spaces
* Digital Reflection: Simulating the Mirroring Effect
* Digital Video Stabilization Algorithm for CMOS Image Sensor
* Digital Video Watermarking using Singular Value Decomposition and 2D Principal Component Analysis
* Digital Watermarking for Image Authentication with Localization
* Digitisation and 3D Reconstruction of 30 Year Old Microscopic Sections of Human Embryo, Foetus and Orbit
* Dimensioning Receiver Buffer Requirement for Unidirectional VBR Video Streaming over TCP
* Direct Estimation of the Wall Shear Rate Using Parametric Motion Models in 3D
* Direction-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform via Directional Lifting and Bandeletization
* Directional and Adaptive Diamond Search by Adaptive Pattern Switching with a Predicted Motion Vector, A
* Discerning Objects from Ground and Target Pose Estimation in ladar Data using Robust Statistics
* Discontinuity-Adaptive De-Interlacing Scheme Using Markov Random Field Model
* Discontinuous Finite Element Method for Image Denoising, A
* Disparity-Based 3D Face Modeling for 3D Face Recognition
* Distance-Based Method for the Evaluation of Interest point Detection Algorithms, A
* Distortion Correction via Non-rigid Registration of Functional to Anatomical Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* Distributed Acquisition and Image Super-Resolution Based on Continuous Moments from Samples
* Distributed video coding of Wyner-Ziv frames using Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation
* Dominant colour extraction in DCT domain
* Doubling of the Operational Lifetime of Portable Video Communication Devices Using Power-Rate-Distortion Analysis and Control
* Driving Hierarchy Construction via Supervised Learning: Application to Osteo-Articular Medical Images Database
* Dual sensor intruder alarm
* Dynamic Fingerspelling Recognition using Geometric and Motion Features
* Dynamic Object Tracking by Partial Shape Matching for Video Surveillance Applications
* Dynamic Texture Synthesis: Compact Models Based on Luminance-Chrominance Color Representation
* Edge Detection and Anisotropic Diffusion for Tensor-Valued Images
* Edge Preserving Wiener Filter for Scalar and Tensor Valued Images, The
* Edge-Directed Error Diffusion Halftoning
* Edge-Preserving Anatomical-Based Regularization Term for the Nas-Rif Restoration of SPECT Images, An
* Edge-Preserving Multigrid-Like Technique for Image Denoising, An
* Edit distance-based kernel functions for structural pattern classification
* Effect of Presmoothing Image Sequences on the Computation of Optical Flow, The
* Effective and Fast Scene Change Detection Algorithm for MPEG Compressed Videos, An
* Effective Epipolar Geometry Assisted Motion Estimation Technique for Multi-View Image and Video Coding, An
* Effective Stereo Matching Algorithm with Optimal Path Cost Aggregation, An
* Effective System for Optical Microscopy Cell Image Segmentation, Tracking and Cell Phase Identification, An
* Effectively Detecting All-Zero DCT Blocks for H.264 Optimization
* Effects of Parameters Variations in Particle Filter Tracking
* Efficient 2-D Gray-Scale Dilations and Erosions with Arbitrary Flat Structuring Elements
* Efficient Algorithms for Editing H.263 and MPEG-4 Videos on Mobile Terminals
* Efficient Algorithms for Similarity Measures over Sequential Data: A Look Beyond Kernels
* Efficient and Low-Delay MCTF Partitioning, An
* Efficient Architecture for Entropy-Based Best-Basis Algorithm, An
* Efficient Bayesian Track-Before-Detect
* Efficient Combination of Probabilistic Sampling Approximations for Robust Image Segmentation
* Efficient DSP Implementation of Real-Time Stationary Vehicle Detection by Smart Camera at Outdoor Conditions, An
* Efficient FGS Coding Scheme for Interlaced Scalable Video Coding, An
* Efficient Inter-Mode Decision Based on Contextual Prediction for the P-Slice in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Efficient Line-Based VLSI Architecture for 2-D Lifting DWT
* Efficient Method for the Removal of Impulse Noise, An
* Efficient Motion Vector Composition Scheme for Arbitrary Frame Down-Sampling Video Transcoder, An
* Efficient MPEG2 to H.264 Half-Pixel Motion Compensation Transcoding, An
* Efficient Object Segmentation Algorithm with Dynamic and Selective Background Updating and Shadow Removal, An
* Efficient Object-Based Video Inpainting
* Efficient Post-processing Using DCT Domain Projections Onto Convex Sets, An
* Efficient Rate-Control System With Three Stages for JPEG2000 Image Coding
* Efficient Real-Time Video Object Segmentation Algorithm Based on Change Detection and Background Updating, An
* Efficient Reconstruction of Hexagonally Sampled Data using Three-Directional Box-Splines
* Efficient Saliency-Based Repurposing Method
* Efficient Scene-based Nonuniformity Correction and Enhancement
* Efficient Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Translational Motion using a Near Least Squares Resampling Method
* Efficient Wavelet Based Embedded Color Image Coding Technique using Block-Tree Approach, An
* Ellipse Fitting with Hyperaccuracy
* Elliptic Metric K-NN Method with Asymptotic MDL Measure
* Embedded Image Coding using Context-Based Adaptive Wavelet Difference Reduction
* Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
* Empirical Bayes Em-Wavelet Unification for Simultaneous Denoising, Interpolation, and/Or Demosaicing, An
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Approach for Iris Recognition, An
* End-to-End Delay for Hierarchical B-Pictures and Pulsed Quality Dual Frame Video Coders
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Estimation
* Enhanced Motion Compensation Using Elastic Image Registration
* Enhanced Multiple Description Decoder for Error-Prone Channels
* Enhancement of Video Quality for Energy Constrained Cellular Applications
* Enhancing effective depth-of-field by image fusion using mathematical morphology
* Entropy-Based Distortion Measure for Image Coding
* EpiGauss: Spatio-temporal Characterization of Epiletogenic Activity Applied to Hypothalamic Hamartomas
* Error Analysis for Image-Based Rendering with Depth Information
* Error Assessment in Two Lidar-derived TIN Datasets
* Error Concealment Using Direction-Oriented Candidate Set and Predicted Boundary Matching Criteria
* Error Entropy and Mean Square Error Minimization for Lossless Image Compression
* Error Inhomogeneity of Wavelet Image Compression
* Error Resilient Mode Decision in Scalable Video Coding
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using Redundant Pictures
* Error-Amended Sharp Edge (EASE) Schemes for Image Interpolation
* Error-Resilient Video Communications Over CDMA Networks With a Bandwidth Constraint
* Establishing Object Correspondences by Utilizing Surrounding Information
* Estimating 3D Facial Shape and Motion from Stereo Image Using Active Appearance Models with Stereo Constraints
* Estimating Illumination Chromaticity via Kernel Regression
* Estimating Motion Parameters Using a Flexible Weight Function
* Estimation of a Motion Field on Satellite Images from a Simplified Ocean Circulation Model
* Estimation of Dynamic Background for Fluorescence Video-Microscopy
* Estimation of Estuary Phytoplankton using a Web-based Tool for Visualization of Hyper-spectral Images
* Evaluation Measure of Image Segmentation Based on Object Centres, An
* Evaluation of Algorithms for Tracking Multiple Objects in Video
* Evaluation of correspondence errors for stereo
* Evaluation of Techniques for Modeling of Layered Motion Structure
* Exact Local Reconstruction Algorithms for Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation
* Example-Based Simulation of Time-Gated Laser Sequences from a Single Video Image
* Exploiting JPEG2000 and Jpip for Image Based Authentication
* Exploiting Low-Level Image Segmentation for Object Recognition
* Exploiting Spatial Redundancy in Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Extended Depth-of-Field Microscope Imaging: MPP Image Fusion VS. Wavefront Coding
* Extended Spatial Scalability: A Generalization of Spatial Scalability for Non Dyadic Configurations
* Extending Single-View Scalable Video Coding to Multi-View Based on H.264/AVC
* Extension and Evaluation of Selection criteria for the Estimation of Spectral Data
* Extensions of H.264/AVC for Multiview Video Compression
* Extracting High Level Semantics by Means of Speech, Audio, and Image Primitives in Surveillance Applications
* Extracting Static Hand Gestures in Dynamic Context
* Extraction of Haar Integral Features on Omnidirectional Images: Application to Local and Global Localization
* Extraction of Significant Video Summaries by Dendrogram Analysis
* Eyelash Removal Method for Human Iris Recognition
* Face and Ear: A Bimodal Identification System
* Face Recognition by Cortical Multi-scale Line and Edge Representations
* Face Recognition from Spatially-Morphed Video Sequences
* Face Recognition using Groups of Images in Smart Room Scenarios
* Face Verification Across Age Progression
* Facial Expression Modelling from Still Images Using a Single Generic 3D Head Model
* Facial Expression Recognition using Advanced Local Binary Patterns, Tsallis Entropies and Global Appearance Features
* Facilitation of shape-from-shading perception by random textures
* Factorial coding of natural images: how effective are linear models in removing higher-order dependencies?
* Family of Fast Walsh Hadamard Algorithms With Identical Sparse Matrix Factorization, A
* Fast Algorithm for Conversion from DCT Blocks to Integer Cosine Transform Blocks, A
* Fast Algorithm for Macroblock Mode Selection in H.264 Video Coding, A
* Fast Algorithm for Template Matching, A
* Fast algorithm of phase masks for image encryption in the Fresnel domain
* Fast and Efficient Basis Selection Methods for Embedded Wavelet Packet Image Coding
* Fast and Optimal Block Motion Estimation via Adaptive Successive Elimination
* Fast And Realistic Rendering Of Deformable Virtual Characters Using Impostor And Stencil Buffer
* Fast and Robust Filtering-Based Image Magnification
* Fast Arbitrary Down-Sizing Algorithm for Video Transcoding, A
* Fast Arbitrary Factor Video Resizing Algorithm, A
* Fast Construction of Covariance Matrices for Arbitrary Size Image Windows
* Fast Edge-Preserved Postprocessing for Compressed Images
* Fast Estimation of Broncho-Fiberoscope Egomotion for Ct-Guided Transbronchial Biopsy
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation Using Priority of Matching Scan, A
* Fast Gaussian Mixture Clustering for Skin Detection
* Fast H.264 Motion Estimation with Block-Size Adaptive Referencing (BAR)
* Fast Hermite Projection Method
* Fast IIR Isotropic 2-D Complex Gabor Filters With Boundary Initialization
* Fast Inter Mode Selection Algorithm for Motion Estimation in MPEG-4 AVC/JVT/H.264
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Method for MPEG to H.264 Transcoding
* Fast Intra-Mode Decision in H.264 using Interblock Correlation
* Fast Iterative Adaptive Reconstruction in Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Fast JPEG2000 EBCOT Tier-1 Architecture That Preserves Coding Efficiency, A
* Fast Mode Decision on H.264/AVC Main Profile Encoding Based on PSNR Predictions
* Fast Motion Estimation Using Spatio Temporal Filtering
* Fast Noise Level Estimation using a Convergent Multiframe Approach
* Fast Non-Local Algorithm for Image Denoising
* Fast Predictive Lossless Coder for fMRI Data Sets, A
* Fast Robust Eigen-Background Updating for Foreground Detection
* Fast Scalar and Vectorial Grayscale Based Invariant Features for 3D Cell Nuclei Localization and Classification
* Fast Scheme for Converting DCT Coefficients to H.264/AVC Integer Transform Coefficients, A
* Fast Separation of Reflection Components using a Specularity-Invariant Image Representation
* Fast Sparse Multinomial Regression Applied to Hyperspectral Data
* Fast Splitting Alpha-Rooting Method of Image Enhancement: Tensor Representation
* Fast Unsupervised Segmentation of 3D Magnetic Resonance Angiography
* Fast Video Shot Retrieval with Luminance Field Trace Indexing and Geometry Matching
* Faster, More Accurate Diffusion Filtering for Fetal Ultrasound Volumes
* Feature Assisted Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Feature Selection for Automatic Image Annotation
* Feature Selection for Retrieval Purposes
* Feature Selection using a Mixed-Norm Penalty Function
* FGS Coding with Adaptive Reference for Low-Delay Applications
* Filter Design for Adaptive Frequency-Domain Bayer Demosaicking
* Filtering Image Sequences Corrupted by Mixed Noise using a New Fuzzy Algorithm
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement by Diffusion Processes
* Fingerprint Indexing Based on LAS Registration
* Fingerprint Liveness Detection Using Local Ridge Frequencies and Multiresolution Texture Analysis Techniques
* Fitting Ellipses to a Region with Application in Calligraphic Stroke Reconstruction
* Flexible Macroblock Scheme for Unequal Error Protection, A
* Flicker Reduction in Intra Coded Frames of H.264/AVC
* Forbidden Zone Data Hiding
* Foveated Analysis and Selection of Visual Fixations in Natural Scenes
* FPGA Architecture for Real-Time Video Noise Estimation
* FPGA-Based Implementation of Spatio-Temporal Object Segmentation, An
* Fractal Image Coding as Projections Onto Convex Sets
* Free Iris Scene Re-Focusing Based on a Three-Dimensional Filtering of Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Free-View Watermarking for Free-View Television
* Freehand 3D Ultrasound Volume Reconstruction via Sub-Pixel Phase Correlation
* Frequency Selective Update for Video Coding
* From Adaptive Averaging to Accelerated Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* From SD to HD Television: Effects of H.264 Distortions Versus Display Size on Quality of Experience
* Frozen-State Hierarchical Annealing
* Fully Automatic Determination of Morphological Parameters of Proximal Femur from Calibrated Fluoroscopic Images Through Particle Filtering
* Fundamental Region Based Indexing and Classification of Islamic Star Pattern Images
* Fusing Landsat-5 TM Imagery and Shaded Relief Maps in Tectonic and Geomorphic Mapping: Lesvos Island, Greece
* Fusion of Geometrical and Texture Information for Facial Expression Recognition
* Fusion of Visible and Infrared Images using Empirical Mode Decomposition to Improve Face Recognition
* Fuzzy Bilateral Filtering for Color Images
* Fuzzy Two-Step Filter for Impulse Noise Reduction From Color Images
* Gabor Wavelet Based Modular PCA Approach for Expression and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
* Gait Representation and Recognition Based on Radon Transform
* Gaussian decomposition and calibration of a novel small-footprint full-waveform digitising airborne laser scanner
* Gaussian Mixture Modeling of Neighbor Characters for Multilingual Text Extraction in Images
* Gaussian Noise Removal by Color Morphology and Polar Color Models
* Gaze tracking system, eye-tracking assembly and an associated method of calibration
* General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing, Part II: Practical Application Examples
* General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Processing: Part I: Introduction and Theoretical Aspects
* General Adaptive Neighborhood Image Restoration, Enhancement and Segmentation
* General Logarithmic Image Processing Convolution
* General Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm, A
* Generalized Discriminative Muitiple Instance Learning for Multimedia Semantic Concept Detection, A
* Generalized Histogram Equalization Based on Local Characteristics
* Generalized Multiple Instance Learning Algorithm with Multiple Selection Strategies for Cross Granular Learning, A
* Generalized Orthogonal Symmetric Prefilter Banks for Discrete Multiwavelet Transforms, A
* Generating Synthetic Irises by Feature Agglomeration
* Generating Textures for 3D Head Models: A Wavelet-Based Approach
* Generation and Initialization of Stable 3D Mass-Spring Models for the Segmentation of the Thyroid Cartilage
* Generation of DSMs from SPOT-5 in-track HRS and across-track HRG stereo data using spatiotriangulation and autocalibration
* Generation of Long-Term Color and Motion Coherent Partitions
* Generative Models for License Plate Recognition by using a Limited Number of Training Samples
* Generic Approach to Object Matching and Tracking, A
* Generic Binary Tree-Based Progressive Demosaicking Method for Multispectral Filter Array, A
* Generic Facial Encoding for Shape Alignment with Active Models
* Geometric and Radiometric Improvement of an Ikonos Panchromatic Image Using a Digital Surface Model
* Geometric Invariant Curve and Surface Normalization
* Geometric test field calibration of digital photogrammetric sensors
* Geometrical Comparisons of RSM and RFM for FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images, The
* Geometrically Invariant Image Watermarking via Robust Perceptual Hashes
* Geomorphometry from SRTM: Comparison to NED
* Gesture Recognition Using a Marionette Model and Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs)
* Ghost Removal in High Dynamic Range Images
* Global Assessment of the SRTM Performance, A
* Global Motion Estimation: Feature-Based, Featureless, or Both ?!
* Gradient Adaptive Image Restoration and Enhancement
* Gradient-Based Structural Similarity for Image Quality Assessment
* Graph Spectral Approach to Consistent Labelling, A
* Graph Theoretic Approach to Direct Processing of Sparse Unwarped Panoramic Images, A
* Graph-Based Spatio-temporal Region Extraction
* Greedy Algorithm and Physics-Based Method for Active Contours and Surfaces: A Comparative Study
* Grid Computing Approach to Subtraction Radiography, A
* Ground Target Recognition Using Rectangle Estimation
* H.264-based Multiple Description Video Coder and Its DSP Implementation
* Halftone Visual Cryptography Through Error Diffusion
* Handling Camera Movement Constraints in Reinforcement Learning Based Active Object Recognition
* Handwriting Similarities as Features for the Characterization of Writer's Style Invariants and Image Compression
* Hardware Computation of Moment Functions in a Silicon Retina using Binary Patterns
* Harmonic Interpolation For Image Compression
* Header Error Protection for Multimedia Data Transmission in WLANS
* Heat Kernel Smoothing of Scalar and Vector Image Data
* Height Reconstruction in Highly Sloped Area Using Multi-frequency InSAR Data
* Heuristic Binarization Algorithm for Documents with Complex Background, A
* Hi-Fi Printer Characterization Method using Color Correlation for Gamut Extension
* Hierarchical and Polynomial Motion Modeling with Quad-Tree Leaf Merging
* Hierarchical Approach to Rotation-Invariant Texture Feature Extraction Based on Radon Transform Parameters, A
* Hierarchical ASM/AAM Approach in a Stochastic Framework for Fully Automatic Tracking and Recognition, A
* Hierarchical Classification System Based on Adaptive Resonance Theory, A
* Hierarchical Data Structure for Real-Time Background Subtraction
* Hierarchical Dental X-Ray Radiographs Matching
* Hierarchical Encryption of Multimedia Contents for Access Control
* Hierarchical Mrf-Based Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images
* Hierarchical Representation and Coding of 3D Mesh Geometry
* Hierarchical Summarization of Diagnostic Hysteroscopy Videos
* Hierarchical Topological Knowledge Based Image Segmentation Approach Optimizing the use of Contextual Regions of Interest: Illustration for Medical Image Analysis, A
* High Accurate Predictor Based Fractional Pixel Search for H.264, A
* High Capacity Reversible Watermarking
* High Definition Video Transmission over Wlans with Time-Scale and R-D Optimized Rate Adaptation
* High Dynamic Range Images as a Basis for Detection of Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Regions Under Varying Stain Intensities
* High Efficiency Digital Halftoning with Two-Element Error Kernel
* High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, DEM Derivatives, and Image Segmentation for the Detection of Mass Wasting Processes
* High-end aerial digital cameras and their impact on the automation and quality of the production workflow
* High-resolution Image Fusion: Methods to Preserve Spectral and Spatial Resolution
* HMM-Based Approach for Text Region Detection in Coded Video Bitstreams
* HMM-SNN Method for Online Handwriting Symbol Recognition, An
* Homogeneity Based Image Objective Quality Metric
* How Complementary are SRTM-X and -C Band Digital Elevation Models?
* Human Facial Expression Recognition using a 3D Morphable Model
* Human Model for Detecting People in Video from Low Level Features, A
* Human Posture Analysis Under Partial Self-occlusion
* Human tracking using 3D surface colour distributions
* Human Visual System Based No-Reference Objective Image Sharpness Metric
* Hybrid Approach for Multiparametric Mean Shift Filtering
* Hybrid Facial Model Fitting using Active Appearance Models and Contour-Based Facial Feature Location
* Hybrid Watermarking Scheme for Video Authentication, A
* Hyperanalytic Thresholding
* Hyperspectral Image Analysis for Precision Viticulture
* Identification of Martian Polygonal Patterns Using the Dynamics of Watershed Contours
* Identification of Objects-of-Interest in X-Ray Images
* Illuminant Adaptive Color Reproduction Based on Lightness Adaptation and Flare for Mobile Phone
* Illumination Invariant 3D Model Based Tracking Algorithm, with Application in Video Compression, An
* Illumination Invariant Three-Stage Approach for Face Alignment
* Image Alignment Using Learning Prior Appearance Model
* Image Analysis Under Varying Illumination
* Image Based Temporal Registration of MRI Data for Medical Visualization
* Image Based Visual Servoing: A New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian in Dynamic Environments
* Image Categorization with Semi-Supervised Learning
* Image Classification using Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization
* Image Compression using Object-Based Regions of Interest
* Image Compression with a Geometrical Entropy Coder
* Image Copy Detection via Grouping in Feature Space Based on Virtual Prior Attacks
* Image Database Navigation on a Hierarchical MDS Grid
* Image Denoising Based on a Mixture of Laplace Distributions with Local Parameters in Complex Wavelet Domain
* Image Denoising using Multi-Resolution Coefficient Support Based Empirical Wiener Filtering
* Image Denoising Using the Lyapunov Equation from Non-uniform Samples
* Image denoising using the ridgelet bi-frame
* Image Denoising with an Orientation-Adaptive Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
* Image Fusion and 3-D Surface Reconstruction of Microparts Using Complex Valued Wavelet Transforms
* Image Interpolation Scheme for Repetitive Structures, An
* Image Local Contrast Enhancement using Adaptive Non-Linear Filters
* Image Manifold Interpolation using Free-Form Deformations
* image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* Image Quality Evaluation Model Based on Local Features and Segmentation
* Image Reconstruction using the Benford Law
* Image reconstruction: a unifying model for resolution enhancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial
* Image Registration by Combining Thin-Plate Splines with a 3D Morphable Model
* Image Registration of Differently Stained Histological Sections
* Image Retrieval using Canonical Cyclic String Representation of Polygons
* Image Retrieval using Long-Term Semantic Learning
* Image Segmentation Model using Active Contour and Image Decomposition
* Image segmentation system and method
* Image Segmentation Using Ncut In The Wavelet Domain
* Image Segmentation using Salient Points-Based Object Templates
* Image Signature Robust to Caption Superimposition for Video Sequence Identification
* Image Statistics of American Sign Language: Comparison with Faces and Natural Scenes
* Image Tampering Identification using Blind Deconvolution
* Image-Based Simulation of Gaseous Material
* Importance-Weighted Cross-Validation for Covariate Shift
* Improved Chin Fitting Algorithm Based on An Adaptive Snake
* Improved Evolutionary Hybrid Method for Designing Morphological Operators
* Improved Multiplexed Image Reconstruction Performance Through Optical System Diversity Design
* Improved Observation Model for Super-Resolution Under Affine Motion, An
* Improved Unsymmetric-Cross Multi-Hexagon-Grid Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Improved Video Encoderwith In-the-Loop De-Noising Filter for Impulse Noise Reduction, An
* Improvement of Image Transform Calculation Based on a Weighted Primitive
* Improving H.264/AVC Inter Compression with Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
* Improving Minutiae Detection in Fingerprints Using Multiresolution Contrast Enhancement
* Improving Perceptual Quality in Video watermarking using motion estimation
* Improving Range Resolution in Near-Field Ultrasound Beamforming
* Improving the Face Recognition Grand Challenge Baseline Performance using Color Configurations Across Color Spaces
* In-Focus Imaging by Mosaicking and Super-Resolution
* Increasing Object Recognition Rate using Reinforced Segmentation
* Increasing the Accuracy of the Space-Sweeping Approach to Stereo Reconstruction, using Spherical Backprojection Surfaces
* Inferring Stochastic Regular Grammar with Nearness Information for Human Action Recognition
* Influence of random-dot textures on perception of suprathreshold color differences
* Influence of the Presentation Time on Subjective Votings of Coded Still Images
* Information Theoretic Criterion for Image Quality Assessment Based on Natural Scene Statistics, An
* Information-Theoretic Analysis of Dependencies Between Curvelet Coefficients
* Inpainting Thick Image Regions using Isophote Propagation
* Insight Of Fuzzy Neural Systems In The Application Of Handwritten Digits Classification
* Integrating Low-Level and Semantic Visual Cues for Improved Image-to-Video Experiences
* Integrating Recognition and Reconstruction for Cognitive Traffic Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle
* Integration of Expert Knowledge and Image Analysis Techniques for Medical Diagnosis
* IntelliSearch: Intelligent Search for Images and Text on the Web
* Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the precorneal tear film
* Interpolation Free Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation for H.264
* Interpolation of Multi-Spectral Images In Wavelet Domain for Satellite Image Fusion
* Intra Prediction by Template Matching
* Intrinsic Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds: Basic Tools for Geometric Measurements
* Introducing Dynamic Prior Knowledge to Partially-Blurred Image Restoration
* Invariant Geometric Representation of 3D Point Clouds for Registration and Matching
* Invarint Image Retrieval using Block-Based Visual Pattern Matching
* Inverse scattering for rotationally scanned optical coherence tomography
* Inversion Camera Model, The
* Inversion of Forest Parameters Based on Genetic Algorithm using L-Band PolinSAR Data
* Invertible Filter Banks on the 2-Sphere
* Iris Recognition System Using Phase-Based Image Matching, An
* IRIS Segmentation: Detecting Pupil, Limbus and Eyelids
* Is Enough Enough? What Is Sufficiency in Biometric Data?
* Isolating Individual Trees in a Savanna Woodland Using Small Footprint Lidar Data
* Iterative 3-D Pose Correction and Content-Based Image Retrieval for Dorsal Fin Recognition
* Iterative image reconstruction using prior knowledge
* Iterative Multiresolution Scheme for SFM, An
* Joint Dimensionality Reduction, Classification and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
* Joint Motion-Image Inpainting Method for Error Concealment in Video Coding, A
* Joint Shape-Intensity Estimation in Computerized Tomography in the Presence of High-Density Objects, A
* Joint Spatial and Tonal Mosaic Alignment for Motion Detection with PTZ Camera
* JPEG2000-Based Resolution- and Rate-Constrained Layered Image Coding
* Kalman Filtering for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Kernel Particle Filter for Visual Quality Inspection from Monocular Intensity Images
* Keyframe Animation from Video
* Knowledge-Based Image Processing for Classification and Recognition in Surveillance Applications
* Knowledge-Based Supervised Learning Methods in a Classical Problem of Video Object Tracking
* L0-Norm-Based Sparse Representation Through Alternate Projections
* Landmark Representation of Shapes and Fisher-Rao Geometry
* Laplace Random Vectors, Gaussian Noise, and the Generalized Incomplete Gamma Function
* Learning of Graphical Models and Efficient Inference for Object Class Recognition
* Learning Semantic Correlations for Cross-Media Retrieval
* Learning to Mimic Motion of Human Arm and Hand Grabbing for Constraint Adaptation
* Length, Area And Volume Computation In Homogeneous Coordinates
* Lie Algebra and System Identification Techniques for 3D Rigid Motion Estimation and Monocular Tracking
* Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform Supporting Non-Dyadic Spatial Scalability, A
* Light and Fast Statistical Motion Detection Method Based on Ergodic Model
* Light Scattering Model for Layered Rough Surfaces, A
* Light Weight Background Blurring for Video Conferencing Applications
* Linear Color Correction Method for Compressed Images and Videos, A
* Linear Estimator Optimized for the Structural Similarity Index and its Application to Image Denoising, A
* Linear vs. Nonlinear Feature Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision
* Local Discriminant Embedding with Tensor Representation
* Local Relational String for Textures Classification
* Localized Distortion Estimation from Already Compressed JPEG2000 Images
* Locally Adaptive Non-Separable Interpolation Filter for H.264/AVC
* Locating Thin Lines and Roof Edges by Custom-Built Moments
* Lossless and Near-Lossless Compression for Mammographic Digital Images
* Lossless Compression of Microarray Images
* Lossless Image Compression with BCTW
* Lossless-by-Lossy Approach to Lossless Image Compression, A
* Lossy-To-Lossless Block-Based Compression of Hyperspectral Volumetric Data
* Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of Images Based on Binary Tree Decomposition
* Low Complexity Image Quality Assessment Using Frequency Domain Transforms
* Low Complexity Inter-Mode Selection for H.264
* Low Complexity Progressive Bitstream Transmission System for Hybrid Channels with Correlated Loss, A
* Low Cost FPGA-Based Highly Accurate Face Recognition System using Combined Wavelets with Subspace Methods
* Low Cost Robust Blur Estimator
* Low Rate Uniform Scalar Quantization of Memoryless Gaussian Sources
* Low-Complexity Rate Control for Efficient H.263 to H.264/AVC Video Transcoding
* Low-Complexity Transcoding of Inter Coded Video Frames from H.264 to H.263
* Low-Complexity Video Compression Combining Adaptive Multifoveation and Reuse of High-Resolution Information
* Low-Cost Laser Range Scanner and Fast Surface Registration Approach
* Low-Rate Reduced Complexity Image Compression using Directionlets
* Lowering the Complexity of Multi-view Encoding through Dynamic Segmentation and Registration of Video Object
* LR-PET Optimization Strategy for Protection of Scalable Video with Unreliable Acknowledgement
* Lucas-Kanade without Iterative Warping
* Lung Parenchyma Segmentation from CT Images Based on Material Decomposition
* Macroblock Based Bit Allocation for SNR Scalable Video Coding with Hierarchical B Pictures
* Macroblock-Adaptive Residual Color Space Transforms for 4:4:4 Video Coding
* Macroblock-Level Mode Based Adaptive in-Band Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Making Packet Erasures to Improve Quality of FEC-Protected Video
* Mammogram Retrieval by Similarity Learning from Experts
* MAP Framework for Efficient Skip/Code Mode Decision in H.264, A
* MAP-Based Object Extraction from Uncalibrated Image Pair
* Mapping Built-up Areas from Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images: A Segment-based Approach
* Mapping Height and Biomass of Mangrove Forests in the Everglades National Park with SRTM Elevation Data
* Matching of Objects Moving Across Disjoint Cameras
* Matching Radar and Satellite Images Employing the Hausdorff Distance for Ship Positioning and Trajectory Estimation
* Mathematical Analysis of Phase Ramping for Super-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Max-Min Central Vein Detection in Retinal Fundus Images
* Max-Min Fairness Congestion Control for Layered Streaming of Scalable Video, A
* Max-Plus Algebra Based Wavelet Transform and its Application to Video Compression/Reconstruction
* Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Choosing the Regularization Parameters in Global Optical Flow Methods, A
* Maximum Likelihood Methods for Time-Resolved Imaging Through Turbid Media
* Maximum Likelihood Robust Regression by Mixture Models
* Measure of Color Sensitivity for Imaging Devices, A
* Measurement errors in visual servoing
* Measuring Intra- and Inter-Observer Agreement in Identifying and Localizing Structures in Medical Images
* Measuring the distance of vegetation from powerlines using stereo vision
* Medical Image Categorization using a Texture Based Symbolic Description
* Memory-Saving System Including DWT and EC for JPEG2000 Implementation, A
* Merge-Based Color Quantization and Context Tree Modeling for Compression of Color Quantized Images
* Merging and Generalizing Eigenspace for Partially Occluded and Destroyed Object Recognition
* Mesh-Based Motion-Compensated Interpolation for Side Information Extraction in Distributed Video Coding
* Metamer-set-based approach to estimating surface reflectance from camera RGB
* Method and apparatus for controlling a stereo video display with non-stereo video source
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving objects in video conferencing and other applications
* Method and apparatus for merging images into a composite image
* Method and apparatus for omni-directional image and 3-dimensional data acquisition with data annotation and dynamic range extension method
* Method for Interpreting Pixel Grey Levels in Digital Mammography, A
* Method for Large Vessels/Brain Activity Colocalization, A
* Method for tracking motion of a face
* Method of hidden surface reconstruction for creating accurate three-dimensional images converted from two-dimensional images
* Methods to Improve Coding Efficiency of SP Frames
* Minimizing the Perceptual Impact of Visual Distortion in Scalable Wavelet Compressed Video
* Minimum-Entropy Procedure for Robust Motion Estimation, A
* MISTO: A Multi-Resolution Deformable Model for Segmentation of Soft-Tissue Organs
* Mixed-State Markov Random Fields for Motion Texture Modeling and Segmentation
* MMJPEG2000: A Video Compression Scheme Based on JPEG2000
* MMR: Mask Based Multi-Resolution Images and Videos
* Mode Refinement Algorithm for H.264 Inter Frame Requantization
* Model Analysis Geometry Imagery Correlation Tool Kit (MAGIC-TK) for Model Development and Image Analysis
* Model Based Selection and Classification of Local Features for Recognition Using Gabor Filters
* Model for the Electronic Representation of Bank Checks, A
* Model Selection in Kernel Methods Based on a Spectral Analysis of Label Information
* Model-Based Approach to Correlation Estimation In Wavelet-Based Distributed Source Coding with Application to Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Model-Based Evaluation Methodology for Assessing the Efficacy of Packet-Level FEC for Delay-Constrained Video Network Transport, A
* Model-Based Frame-Layer Bit Allocation for Non-Conversational H.264 Video
* Model-Based Segmentation of Reconstructed Dental X-Ray Volumes
* Model-free tracking of cars and people based on color regions
* Model-Free, Statistical Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects
* Modeling of Target Shadows for SAR Image Classification
* Modelization of Limb Coordination for Human Action Analysis
* Modification of the Level Set Speed Function to Bridge Gaps in Data, A
* Modulation Domain Features for Discriminating Infrared Targets and Backgrounds
* Monitoring and Correction of Geometric Distortion in Projected Displays
* Monocular 3D Scene Reconstruction at Absolute Scales by Combination of Geometric and Real-Aperture Methods
* Monocular Body Pose Estimation by Color Histograms and Point Tracking
* Monocular obstacle detection using reciprocal-polar rectification
* Monotonic Iterative Algorithms for SAR Image Restoration
* More Efficient and Video Friendly Spatial Resizing Algorithm, A
* Morphological Image Interpolation to Magnify Images with Sharp Edges
* Mosaicing images with an offset lens
* Motion Blur Identification Based on Differently Exposed Images
* Motion detection and tracking using belief indicators for an automatic visual-surveillance system
* Motion Estimation in X-Ray Image Sequences with Bi-Distributed Transparency
* Motion Estimation Method Based on Possibility Theory, A
* Motion Estimation using Kinetic Energy with Controlled Friction
* Motion Flow Estimation from Image Sequences with Applications to Biological Growth and Motility
* Motion Vector Field Analysis in Motion-Assisted Rate Control for H.264
* Motion Vector Processing Based on Residual Energy Information for Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation
* MPEG Postprocessing System Using Edge Signal Variable Filter
* MRF Modeling for Optical Flow Computation from Multi-Structure Objects
* MRF-Based Foreground Detection in Image Sequences from a Moving Camera
* MTF-tailored Multiscale Fusion of High-resolution MS and Pan Imagery
* Multi Camera Image Tracking
* Multi Source Streaming for Robust Video Transmission in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
* Multi-camera Radiometric Surface Modelling for Image-Based Re-lighting
* Multi-dimensional Visualization and Analysis of Cardiac MR Images During Long-Term Follow-Up
* Multi-Focus Imaging using Local Focus Estimation and Mosaicking
* Multi-font Script Identification Using Texture-Based Features
* Multi-image matching for DSM generation from IKONOS imagery
* Multi-Modal Face Recognition by Means of Augmented Normal Map and PCA
* Multi-Path Search Algorithm for Block-Based Motion Estimation
* multi-resolution approach for filtering LiDAR altimetry data, A
* Multi-scale Bayesian Based Horizon Matchings Across Faults in 3d Seismic Data
* Multi-scale Segmentation Approach to Mapping Seagrass Habitats Using Airborne Digital Camera Imagery, A
* Multi-step Multi-camera View Planning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking
* Multi-Streaming of Visual Scenes with Scalable Partial Reliability
* Multi-Terminal Model-Based Video Compression Algorithm, A
* Multi-View Image Registration for Wide-Baseline Visual Sensor Networks
* Multi-View Video Codec Based on H.264, A
* Multichannel Autofocus Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Multichannel Sampling of Parametric Signals with a Successive Approximation Property
* Multiclassifier Approach for Lung Nodule Classification, A
* Multidimensional Generalized Sampling Theorem for wavelet Based Image Superresolution
* Multidimensional Histogram Equalization by Fitting an Isotropic Gaussian Mixture to a Uniform Distribution, A
* Multidimensional Phase Unwrapping Integral and Applications to Microwave Tomographical Image Reconstruction, The
* Multiframe Motion Estimation Architecture for H.264/AVC, A
* Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Temporal Filter for Video Denoising, A
* Multimodal 2D, 2.5D and 3D Face Verification
* Multiple Description Scalar Quantization Based 3D Mesh Coding
* Multiple Description Shifted Lattice Vector Quantization for Progressive Wavelet Image Coding
* Multiple Graph Cut Based Approach for Stereo Analysis, A
* Multiple Kernel Two-Step Tracking
* Multiple Objects Tracking with Multiple Hypotheses Dynamic Updating
* Multiple Priority Region of Interest Coding with H.264
* Multiple-Reference-Frame Based Fast Motion Estimation & Mode Decision for H.263-to-H.264 Transcoder
* Multiplicative Model of Appearance for Visual Tracking, A
* Multiplierless Design of Biorthogonal Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform using Lifting Scheme
* Multiresolution MAP Despeckling of SAR Images Based on Locally Adaptive Generalized Gaussian pdf Modeling
* Multiscale Graph Theory Based Color Segmentation
* Multiscale Image Disparity Estimation using the Quaternion Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
* Multispectral Object Segmentation and Retrieval in Surveillance Video
* Multitraining Support Vector Machine for Image Retrieval
* Multivariate Quasi-Laplacian Mixture Models For Wavelet-Based Image Denoising
* Naming of Image Regions for User-Friendly Image Retrieval
* Near Real-Time Motion Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
* Near-Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Neural Network for Simultaneously Reconstructing Transparent and Opaque Surfaces, A
* New Approach for SA-Based Fractal Image Compression, A
* New Box-Counting Method for Estimation of Image Fractal Dimension, A
* New Characteristics for the Classification of Burns: Experimental Study
* New Contourlet Transform with Sharp Frequency Localization, A
* New Digital Watermarking for Few-Color Images
* New Equation for Nonlinear Image Registration with Control over the Vortex Structure in the Displacement Field, A
* New Error Sensitivity Model for the Analog Hardware Implementation of Inner Products
* New Fast Hartley Transform with Linear Multiplicative Complexity
* New Forming Scheme of Reference of LL Band for In-Band Video Coding with Spatial Scalability
* New Fuzzy Filter for the Reduction of Randomly Valued Impulse Noise, A
* New Method for Boundary-Based Shape Matching and Retrieval, A
* New Method for Digital Multitoning using Gray Level Separation, A
* New Method for Fast Detection and Removal of Impulsive Noise Using Fuzzy Metrics
* New Method for Real Time Abandoned Object Detection and Owner Tracking, A
* New Multi-Layered Coding Sequence for JPEG2000 with Reduced Memory Requirement, A
* New Noise Removing Algorithm, A
* New Results on Efficient Optimal Multilevel Image Thresholding
* New Scaling Coefficients for Biorthogonal Filter to Control Distortion Variation in 3D Wavelet Based Video Coding
* New Seamless Bitstream Switching Scheme for H.264 Video Adaptation with Enhanced Coding Performance, A
* New Sequential Multiple Watermarking Scheme, A
* New Technique for Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* New Technique for Solving a Jigsaw Puzzle, A
* New Vertex Adjustment Method for Polygon-Based Shape Coding, A
* New Video Images Text Localization Approach Based on a Fast Hough Transform, A
* NN Automated Defect Detection Based on Optimized Thresholding
* Non-Iterative R-D Optimization Algorithm for Rate-Constraint Problems, A
* Non-Local Image Interpolation
* Non-Negative Maximum Likelihood ICA for Blind Source Separation of Images and Signals with Application to Hyperspectral Image Subpixel Demixing
* Non-Rigid Registration for Automatic Fracture Segmentation
* Nonlinear 3D and 2D Transforms for Image Processing and Surveillance
* Nonparametric Density Estimation for Human Pose Tracking
* Novel Approach for Affine Point Pattern Matching, A
* Novel Approach for Constructing an Achromatic Contrast Sensitivity Function by Matching, A
* Novel Block Cipher Based on Hierarchy of One-Dimensional Composition Chaotic Maps, A
* Novel LDA Algorithm Based on Approximate Error Probability with Application to Face Recognition, A
* Novel Lossless Compression for Hyperspectral Images by Adaptive Classified Arithmetic Coding in Wavelet Domain, A
* Novel Noncontrast-Based Edge Descriptor for Image Segmentation
* Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System with a Single Camera, A
* Novel Replica Detection System using Binary Classifiers, R-Trees, and PCA, A
* Novel Shadow Detection Algorithm for Real Time Visual Surveillance Applications, A
* Novel Spatio-temporal Approach to Handle Occlusions in Vehicle Tracking, A
* Novel Statistical Approaches to the Quantitative Combination of Multiple Edge Detectors
* Novel Synchronisation Approach for Digital Image Watermarking Based on Scale Invariant Feature Point Detector, A
* Novel target segmentation and tracking based on fuzzy membership distribution for vision-based target tracking system
* Object Categorization Using Kernels Combining Graphs and Histograms of Gradients
* Object Detection and Recognition via Deformable Illumination and Deformable Shape
* Object Geometry Based Error Resilient Video Coding
* Object Labeling for 3-D Cross-Sectional Data using Trajectory Tracking
* Object tracking in an outdoor environment using fusion of features and cameras
* Object-based Analysis of Ikonos-2 Imagery for Extraction of Forest Inventory Parameters
* Object-based Detailed Vegetation Classification with Airborne High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Object-of-interest image segmentation based on human attention and semantic region clustering
* Object-Oriented Approach Using a Top-Down and Bottom-Up Process for Manipulative Action Recognition, An
* Objectionable Image Detection System Based on Region of Interest, An
* OBSERVER: An Intelligent and Automated Video Surveillance System, The
* Occlusion-Based Accurate Silhouettes from Video Streams
* Omnidirectional Views Selection for Scene Representation
* On a Polynomial Vector Field Model for Shape Representation
* On Appearance Based Face and Facial Action Tracking
* On Compression of Encrypted Images
* On Lifting Factorization for 2-D LPPRFB
* On M-Channel Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks with Arbitrary Filter Length
* On Macroblock Partition for Motion Compensation
* On Optimal Embedded Schedules of JPEG-2000 Packets
* On Optimizing Dissimilarity-Based Classification Using Prototype Reduction Schemes
* On Performance Comparison of Real and Synthetic Iris Images
* On Separate Color-Plane Prediction for Direct 4:4:4 Video Coding
* On Subspace Distance
* On the Adaptive Impulsive Noise Attenuation in Color Images
* On the Design of the LMS Algorithm for Robustness to Outliers in Super-Resolution Video Reconstruction
* On the Information Rate of the Plenoptic Function
* On the Modeling of Motion in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* On the Optimal Structure of Watermark Decoders Under Desynchronization Attacks
* On the Optimum Multiplicative Watermark Detection in the Transform Domain
* On the Orientability of Shapes
* On the Probability of the Number of Solutions for the P4P Problem
* On the Use of Context-Weighting in Lossless Bilevel Image Compression
* On the Use of Metrics for Multi-Dimensional Descriptors Clustering
* On Total Variation Denoising: A New Majorization-Minimization Algorithm and an Experimental Comparison with Wavalet Denoising
* On-Line Mobile Organ Tracking for Non-Invasive Local Hyperthermia
* On-Line Variational Estimation of Dynamical Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-temporal Regularization
* On-Line, Incremental Learning of a Robust Active Shape Model
* Online Calibration of Two Zoom-Pan-Tilt Units for Planar Dynamic Events
* Online Video Stabilization Based on Particle Filters
* Optic Flow from Multi-scale Dynamic Anchor Point Attributes
* Optic Nerve Head Segmentation in HRT Images
* Optical Flow Based Frame Interpolation of Ultrasound Images
* Optical superresolution of focused partially spatially coherent laser beams
* Optical-flow based on an edge-avoidance procedure
* Optimal and Dense Small Baseline Stereo Image Correspondence
* Optimal Bit Rate Adaptation for Layered Video Transmission over Spectrally Shaped Channels Using Multicarrier Modulation
* Optimal Display Adaptation of Iconic Document Visualizations via BFOS-Style Tree Pruning
* Optimal Filling of FG/BG Layers of Compound Document Images
* Optimal Frame Selection for H.264/AVC FMO Coding
* Optimal Image Tilings with Application to Video Compression
* Optimal Nonorthogonal Separation of the Anisotropic Gaussian Convolution Filter, An
* Optimal Power Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission over Multirate GMC-CDMA Wireless Links
* Optimal Unequal Error Protection with User Cooperation for Transmission of Embedded Source-Coded Images
* Optimized Rate-Distortion Extraction with Quality Layers
* Optimizing Spectral Filters for Single Trial EEG Classification
* Optimum Detection of Image-Adaptive Watermarking in the DCT Domain
* Optimum Watermark Design by Vector Space Projections
* Orientation Interpolation and Applications
* Orientation of Ground-level Motion Imagery Using Building Facades
* Orthogonal Laplacianfaces for Face Recognition
* Outlier Robust and Edge-Preserving Simultaneous Super-Resolution
* Overlapped Block Motion Compensation Based on Irregular Grid
* Overview of the Scalable H.264/MPEG4-AVC Extension
* P2CA: How Much Face Information is Needed?
* Palmprint Classification using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
* Palmprint Recognition Algorithm using Phase-Based Image Matching, A
* Papoulis-Gerchberg Algorithm with Unknown Signal Bandwidth, The
* Parallel Process of Hyper-Space-Based Multiview Video Compression
* Parameter Estimation and Two-Stage Segmentation Algorithm for the Chan-Vese Model
* Parameter Estimation in Bayesian Reconstruction of Multispectral Images using Super Resolution Techniques
* Parameterless Isomap with Adaptive Neighborhood Selection
* Parametric Haar-Like Transforms in Image Denoising
* Parity-Object Embedded Streaming for Synthetic Graphics
* Partially Reliable Transport Protocol for Multiple-Description Real-Time Multimedia Traffic, A
* Particle Filtering with Dynamic Shape Priors
* Partition Constrained Minimization Scheme for Efficient Multiphase Level Set Image Segmentation, A
* Path Selection for Multi-Path Streaming in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Path Selection for Multi-Path Streaming in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Pathological Motion Detection for Robust Missing Data Treatment in Degraded Archived Media
* Pattern Detection by Distributed Feature Extraction
* Pattern Recognition Using Neighborhood Coding
* PDE Based Method for Fuzzy Classification of Medical Images, A
* Pedestrian Detection Using Stereo and Biometric Information
* Peer-to-Peer Multipoint Video Conferencing using Layered Video
* People tracking in surveillance applications
* Perceptual Feature Selection for Semantic Image Classification
* Perceptual Image Hashing Via Feature Points: Performance Evaluation and Tradeoffs
* Perceptual-Shaping Comparison of DWT-Based Pixel-Wise Masking Model with DCT-Based Watson Model
* Perfect Reconstruction AM-FM Image Models
* Performance Enhancement for DWT-HMM Image Watermarking with Content-Adaptive Approach
* Performance Evaluation of Image Segmentation
* Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS) 2006 Workshop: Summary and Review
* Performance of a color-difference formula based on OSA-UCS space using small-medium color differences
* performance of pixel window algorithms in the classification of habitats using VHSR imagery, The
* Performance Optimization of Wireless Video Sensor Networks using Swarm Optimization with Convex Mapping
* Permutation-Based Correlation-Preserving Encryption Method for Digital Videos, A
* Phase Based 3D Texture Features
* Phase Distortion Correction for See-Through-The-Wall Imaging Radar
* Phase unwrapping using an extrapolation-projection algorithm
* Photometric Model for Specular Highlights and Lighting Changes. Application to Feature Points Tracking., A
* Point Oriented Hexagonal Inner Search For Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Point-Based Approach to PDE-Based Surface Reconstruction, A
* Polynomial Weighted Median Predictors for Image Sequences
* Pool of Classifiers by SLP: A Multi-class Case, A
* Pose Estimation from Uncertain Omnidirectional Image Data Using Line-Plane Correspondences
* post-classifier for mangrove mapping using ecological data, A
* Posterior Sampling of Scientific Images
* Practical Wyner-Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming
* Pre-Fetching Strategies for Remote and Interactive Browsing of JPEG2000 Images
* Pre-Processing for MRC Layers of Scanned Images
* Precise Face Segmentation for Recognition
* Precision-Oriented Active Selection for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Precompression Quality-Control Algorithm for JPEG 2000
* Predicting H.264 Packet Loss Visibility using a Generalized Linear Model
* Predictive Modeling of Video Packet Delay in IP Networks
* Preserving Topological Information in the Windowed Hough Transform for Rectangle Extraction
* Principals and Evaluation of Autostereoscopic Photogrammetric Measurement
* Prioritized Sequential 3D Reconstruction in Video Sequences with Multiple Motions
* Probabilistic Approach to Robust Shape Matching, A
* Probabilistic Brain Lesion Segmentation in DT-MRI
* Probabilistic De Novo Peptide Sequencing with Doubly Charged Ions
* Probabilistic Multi-phase Model for Variational Image Segmentation, A
* Probabilistic Pedestrian Tracking Based on a Skeleton Model
* Processing halftone color images by vector space methods
* Profile Hidden Markov Model Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Shape, A
* Properties of Patch Based Approaches for the Recognition of Visual Object Classes
* Prostate Tissue Characterization Using TRUS Image Spectral Features
* Provably Correct Edgel Linking and Subpixel Boundary Reconstruction
* Provably Secure Steganography: Achieving Zero K-L Divergence using Statistical Restoration
* Psnr-Based Optimization of JPEG Baseline Compression on Color Images
* Public Key Watermarking for Reversible Image Authentication
* QoS Guaranteed SVC-based Video Transmission over MIMO Wireless Systems with Channel State Information
* QP_TR Trust Region Blob Tracking Through Scale-Space
* QP_TR Trust Region Blob Tracking Through Scale-Space with Automatic Selection of Features
* Quadratic Weighted Median Filters for Edge Enhancement of Noisy Images
* Quality assessment for super-resolution image enhancement
* Quality Metric Based Colour Palette Optimisation
* Quantifying DEM Uncertainty and Its Effect on Topographic Parameters
* Quantifying Human Brain Connectivity from Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Radiometric order preserving method to display wide-dynamic images for imagery photointerpretation
* Rank-Ordered Differences Statistic Based Switching Vector Filter
* Rapid and Reliable Detection of Film Grain Noise
* Rapid Automated Polygonal Image Decomposition
* Rapid Development of a Gunfire Detection Algorithm Using an Imagery Database
* Rarity-Based Visual Attention Map: Application to Texture Description, A
* Rate Control Algorithm for High Quality Compression of Static Test Image in Digital TV System
* Rate Distortion Method for Beamforming in RF Image Formation, A
* Rate-Distortion and Complexity Joint Optimization for Fast Motion Estimation In H.264 Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP with Bit Errors
* Rate-Distortion Optimization in Dynamic Mesh Compression
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Transmission Power Adaptation for Video Streaming over Wireless Channels
* Real Time Lip Motion Analysis for a Person Authentication System using Near Infrared Illumination
* Real Time Parameter Optimization for Elementary Motion Detectors
* Real Time Sobel Square Edge Detector for Night Vision Analysis
* Real Time Vehicle Pose Using On-Board Stereo Vision System
* Real-Time 3D Human Body Tracking and Modeling System, A
* Real-Time 3D Ladar Imaging
* Real-Time 3D Modeling System Using Multiple Stereo Cameras for Free-Viewpoint Video Generation, A
* Real-Time Adaptive Thresholding for Video Change Detection, A
* Real-Time Denoising of Medical X-Ray Image Sequences: Three Entirely Different Approaches
* Real-Time Face Tracking using the Stereo Active Appearance Model, A
* Real-time head tracking system for computer games and other applications
* Realtime Depth Estimation and Obstacle Detection from Monocular Video
* Recent developments on direct relative orientation
* Recognition of Dynamic Video Contents With Global Probabilistic Models of Visual Motion
* Recognition of Multi-Object Events Using Attribute Grammars
* Recognition using Rapid Classification Tree
* Reconstruction method with data from a multiple-site continuous-wave source for three-dimensional optical tomography
* Reconstruction of 3D Shapes Considering Inconsistent 2D Silhouettes
* Reconstruction of Façade Structures Using a Formal Grammar and RjMCMC
* Reconstruction of Patient-Specific 3D Bone Model from Biplanar X-Ray Images and Point Distribution Models
* Recovering DC Coefficients in Block-Based DCT
* Recovering Spheres from 3D Point Data
* Recursive Clustering for Multiple Object Tracking
* Reduction of Ring Artifacts in High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography Images
* Redundancy in All Pairs Fast Marching Method
* Reevaluation of color constancy algorithm performance
* Reflectance and transmittance model for recto-verso halftone prints
* Region Based Image Annotation
* Region Based Segmentation Using the Tree of Shapes
* Region-Based Active Contour with Noise and Shape Priors
* Region-Based Approach to Building Detection in Densely Build-Up High Resolution Satellite Image, A
* Region-Based Multimodal Image Fusion using ICA Bases
* Region-Based Shape Incorporation for Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation
* Region-Based Statistical Background Modeling for Foreground Object Segmentation
* Regular Hybrid Wavelets and Directional Filter Banks: Extensions and Applications
* Regularized Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion for Feature Characterization
* Relief Texture Mapping On Field Programmable Gate Array
* Removing Redundancy in Multi-Resolution Scalable Video Coding Schemes
* Rendering complex scenes for psychophysics using RADIANCE: How accurate can you get?
* Rendering Synthetic Objects in Natural Scenes
* Representation of the Fourier Transform by Fourier Series
* Resampling for Spatial Scalability
* Resolution Improvement from Stereo Images with 3D Pose Differences
* Restoration of Degraded Video Through Turbulent Atmosphere
* Reverse, Sub-Pixel Block Matching: Applications within H.264 and Analysis of Limitations
* Reversible Visible Watermarking Technique for Images
* Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Image Processing: Performance Analysis and Modeling
* Reversing Demosaicking and Compression in Color Filter Array Images
* Rigorous approach to bore-sight self-calibration in airborne laser scanning
* Robust Adjusted Likelihood Function for Image Analysis
* Robust Anisotropic Disparity Estimation with Perceptual Maximum Variation Modeling
* Robust Bundle Adjustment for Structure from Motion
* Robust Diffusion of Structural Flows for Volumetric Image Interpolation
* Robust Facial Feature Tracking Under Various Illuminations
* Robust Feature Representation for Efficient Camera Registration
* Robust Ground Plane Detection with Normalized Homography in Monocular Sequences from a Robot Platform
* Robust Image Transmission Based on Product-Code Optimization for Determinate State LDPC Decoding
* Robust Kernel Regression for Restoration and Reconstruction of Images from Sparse Noisy Data
* Robust Kernel-Based Tracking using Optimal Control
* Robust MEG Source Localization of Event Related Potentials: Identifying Relevant Sources by Non-Gaussianity
* Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseline Correspondences, A
* robust method to recognize critical configuration for camera calibration, A
* Robust Motion-Based Segmentation in Video Sequences using Entropy Estimator
* Robust Non-rigid Object Tracking Using Point Distribution Manifolds
* Robust Object Detection using Fast Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets
* Robust Ordering of Independent Spatial Components of fMRI Data Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Robust Particle Filter-Based Face Tracker Using Combination of Color and Geometric Information, A
* Robust Signal Recovery from Incomplete Observations
* Robust Signature-Based Geometric Invariant Copyright Protection
* Robust Variational Segmentation of 3D Objects from Multiple Views
* Rotation Invariant Face Detection using Spectral Histograms and Support Vector Machines
* Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Ridgelet Transform and Fourier Transform
* Rotational Invariance in Adaptive fMRI Data Analysis
* Rotational Invariant Operators Based on Steerable Filter Banks
* Salience Preserving Image Fusion with Dynamic Range Compression
* Sampled-Data H- Filtering for Robust Kinematics Estimation: Applications to Biomechanics-Based Cardiac Image Analysis
* Sampling Theorem for Fractional Bandlimited Signals: A Self-Contained Proof. Application to Digital Holography
* SAR Image Speckle Removal using Bamberger Pyramids
* Scalable Multimedia Fingerprinting Forensics with Side Information
* Scalable Video Transmission Using Double Binary Turbo Code
* Scene estimation from speckled synthetic aperture radar imagery: Markov-random-field approach
* Secret Image Sharing Method using Integer Multiwavelet Transform, A
* Secure Distribution Scheme for Compressed Data Streams
* Secure Image Filtering
* Segmentation and Classification of Human Forms using LADAR Data
* Segmentation and Fuzzy-Logic Classification of M-FISH Chromosome Images
* Segmentation and Quantification of Blood Vessels in 3D Images using a Right Generalized Cylinder State Model
* Segmentation by Smoothing B-Spline Active Surface
* Segmentation of airborne laser scanning data using a slope adaptive neighborhood
* Segmentation of Drosophila RNAI Fluorescence Images Using Level Sets
* Segmentation of the Left Venctricle from MR Images via Snake Models Incorporating Shape Similarities
* Segmentation-Based Motion with Occlusions Using Graph-Cut Optimization
* Segmented-Region Based Approach Using Object Components Database to Detect Sky Region
* Segmenting Multiple Familiar Objects Under Mutual Occlusion
* Seismic Tunnel Imaging and Detection
* Selection of Optimal Spectral Sensitivity Functions for Color Filter Arrays
* Selective Encryption of Human Skin in JPEG Images
* Self-Fourier functions and self-Fourier operators
* Self-Modulated Halftones
* Self-organizing shape description for tracking and classifying multiple interacting objects
* Self-Organizing Trees and Forests: A Powerful Tool in Pattern Clustering and Recognition
* Selfish Colluder Detection and Identification in Traitors within Traitors
* Semantically correct 2.5D GIS data -- The integration of a DTM and topographic vector data
* Semi-automated 3-D Building Extraction from Stereo Imagery
* Semi-Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Anatomical Structures of Brain MRI Volumes using Graph Cuts
* Semi-Automatic Lymph Node Segmentation in LN-MRI
* Semi-Supervised Image Classification in Likelihood Space
* Semiautomatic Building Line Extraction from Ikonos Images Through Monoscopic Line Analysis
* Semivariogram Applied for Classification of Benign and Malignant Tissues in Mammography
* Sensor orientation via RPCs
* Sequence Independent very Fast Mode Decision Algorithm on H.264/AVC Baseline Profile
* Sequential Motion Compensation Refinement Technique for Distributed video coding of Wyner-Ziv frames, A
* Server-Side Playout Delay Management for Video Streaming
* Shape Based Segmentation by Level Set Method for Medical Objects Containing Two Regions
* Shape Matching by Variational Computation of Geodesics on a Manifold
* Shape Recognition Via an a Contrario Model for Size Functions
* Shape Retrieval Using Shape Contexts and Cyclic Dynamic Time Warping
* Shape-Based Approach to Robust Image Segmentation, A
* Shape-Based Image Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts
* Shape-Regulated Particle Filtering for Tracking Non-Rigid Objects
* Sharing Visual Features for Animal Categorization: An Empirical Study
* Shock-Capturing Algorithm for the Differential Equations of Dilation and Erosion, A
* Short Wavelength Infrared Face Recognition for Personalization
* Signal Processing Problems and Algorithms in Display Side of 3DTV
* Simple Detection Method and Compensation Filter to Remove Corner Outlier Artifacts
* Simple Method for Designing 2D M-Channel Near-PR Filter Banks with Linear Phase Property, A
* Simpler Alternatives to Information Theoretic Similarity Metrics for Multimodal Image Alignment
* Simultaneous and Sequential Reconstruction of Visual Primitives with Bundle Adjustment
* Simultaneous Block Iterative Reconstruction with Pre- and Post- Backprojection Filters
* Singular-value decomposition for through-focus imaging systems
* Singularity Preserving Fingerprint Image Adaptive Filtering
* Size Reduction of Look-Up Table Based Print Models
* Sketch-Guided Texture-Based Image Inpainting
* Skin Detection in Web Imagery: Comparison of Techniques and Proposal
* Skin Detection using a Markov Random Field and a New Color Space
* Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Fluorescence Images
* Snake-Based Objects Tracking in Stereo Sequences with the Optimization of the Number of Snake Points
* Snakuscule, The
* Some Unmixing Problems and Algorithms in Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Spanning Trees from the Commute Times of Random Walks on Graphs
* Sparse Image Reconstruction for Partially known Blur Functions
* Sparse Image Reconstruction using Sparse Priors
* Sparse Patch-Histograms for Object Classification in Cluttered Images
* Spatial and Color Spaces Combination for Natural Scene Text Extraction
* Spatial extrapolation of pixel values in intraframe video coding and decoding
* Spatial Pooling Strategies for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Spatially Constrained Wiener Filter with Markov Autocorrelation Modeling for Image Resolution Enhancement
* Spatially Continuous Orientation Adaptive Discrete Packet Wavelet Decomposition for Image Compression
* Spatially Local and Temporally Smooth PCA for fMRI
* Spatially Variant Morphological Restoration and Skeleton Representation
* Spatially-Adaptive Wavelet Image Compression via Structural Masking
* Spatio-Temporal Fading Scheme for Error Concealment in Block-Based Video Decoding Systems
* Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Interpolation Algorithm for Video Deinterlacing, A
* Spatio-Temporal Scene Level Error Concealment for Shape and Texture Data in Segmented Video Content
* Spatiotemporal Denoising and Clustering of fMRI Data
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Framework, A
* Speeding-Up the Macroblock Partition Mode Decision in MPEG-2/H.264 Transcoding
* Splitting Factor Analysis and Multi-Class Boosting
* SPOT 5 HRS geometric performances: Using block adjustment as a key issue to improve quality of DEM generation
* SRTM C-band and ICESat Laser Altimetry Elevation Comparisons as a Function of Tree Cover and Relief
* SRTM Data Finishing Process and Products, The
* STAAM: Fitting a 2D+3D AAM to Stereo Images
* Stabilization and Mosaicing of Airborne Videos
* Stable Marriages Algorithm to Optimize Satisfaction and Equity, A
* Stable Wave Detector of Blobs in Images
* State-Space Reconstruction of Pet Parametric Maps
* Statistical Evaluation of Recent Full Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms, A
* Statistical Moments Based Universal Steganalysis using JPEG 2-D Array and 2-D Characteristic Function
* Statistics of specular points at a randomly rough surface
* Steganalysis of JPEG2000 Lazy-Mode Steganography using the Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Sequential Analysis
* Stereo Face Modeling for Feature Extraction in an Infrared Image
* Stereo Tracking and Three-Point/One-Point Algorithms: A Robust Approach in Visual Odometry
* Stochastic Approach to Separate Diffuse and Specular Reflections
* Striping Noise Removal of Satellite Images by Nonlinear Mapping
* Stroke Filter for Text Localization in Video Images
* Structure From Planar Motion
* Structure Tensor Approach for 3D Image Skeletonization: Applications in Protein Secondary Structure Analysis, A
* Studies on DMC geometry
* Study of Volume Variation of Implicit Objects
* Studying Temporal Correlation Noise Modeling for Pixel Based Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Subband Adaptive Dictionaries for Wavelet/Matching Pursuits Image Coding
* Subframe Video Synchronization via 3D Phase Correlation
* Subjective and Objective Comparison of Advanced Motion Compensation Methods for Blocking Artifact Reduction in a 3-D Wavelet Coding System
* Subjective Image Quality Tradeoffs Between Spatial Resolution and Quantization Noise
* Submotions for Hidden Markov Model Based Dynamic Facial Action Recognition
* Subtle Facial Expression Modeling with Vector Field Decomposition
* Summarization and Indexing of Human Activity Sequences
* Summarization of Sumo Video Content
* Super-Resolution Face View Synthesis using a Mobile Face Capture System
* Super-Resolution on Moving Objects and Background
* Super-Resolution using a Multi-Mixture Imaging System
* Supershape Recovery from 3D Data Sets
* Support Vector Machines for Camera Calibration Problem
* Suppression of PSNR Fluctuation in Motion-Compensated Temporal 1/3-Transform Through Non-Separable Sub-Sampling
* Sure-Based Wavelet Thresholding Integrating Inter-Scale Dependencies
* Surface Mapping Using Image Triplets: Case Studies and Benefit Assessment in Comparison to Stereo Image Processing
* SVD Based Transform for Critical Representation of Laplacian Pyramids, An
* Symbolic Road Perception-based Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments
* Symmetric Disparity Estimation in Distributed Coding of Stereo Images
* Symmetric Shape Completion Under Severe Occlusions
* Syndrome-Based Robust Video Transmission Over Networks with Bursty Losses
* System and method for analyzing a contour of an image by applying a Sobel operator thereto
* System and method for inserting content into an image sequence
* System and Transport Interface of H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* System for Automatic Counting the Number of Collembola Individuals on Petri Disk Images, A
* Systolic Designs for DCT Using a Low-Complexity Concurrent Convolutional Formulation
* Tamper-Localization Watermarking with Systematic Error Correcting Code
* Techniques for Fusion of Multimodal Images: Application to Breast Imaging
* Template Based Gibbs Probability Distributions for Texture Modeling and Segmentation
* Temporal Regularizer for Large Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Temporally-Adaptive MAP Estimation for Video Denoising in the Wavelet Domain
* Texture Classification with Ants
* Textured Image Segmentation Based on Spatial Dependence using a Markov Random Field Model
* Theme issue: Digital aerial cameras
* Theoretical Model of Relationship Between Frame-Rate and Bit-Rate Considering the Effect of the Integral Phenomenon
* Theoretical Model of the Coding Error in MCWT Video Coders
* Theory of Aliasing Separation for Light Field Data, A
* Three New Implementations of the Triangular Prism Method for Computing the Fractal Dimension of Remote Sensing Images
* Three-Level Parallel High-Speed Low-Power Architecture for EBCOT of JPEG 2000, A
* Tiling of the Wavelet Lowpass Subbands for Progressive Browsing of Images
* Time-Series Analysis of Medium-Resolution, Multisensor Satellite Data for Identifying Landscape Change
* Tomographic Approach for Sampling Multidimensional Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation
* Topic Tracking Across Broadcast News Videos with Visual Duplicates and Semantic Concepts
* Topological Active Nets for Object-Based Image Retrieval
* Topological Active Nets Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms
* Total Variation Wavelet Inpainting
* Towards 3D map generation from digital aerial images
* Towards a New Paradigm for Motion Extraction
* Towards a Robust Feature-Based Watermarking Scheme
* Towards a Robust Solution to People Counting
* Towards a Universal Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Model
* Towards Constrained Optimal 3D Tracking
* Towards Objective Metrics for Blind Assessment of Images Quality
* Towards Unsupervised Discovery of Visual Categories
* Tracking Camera Parameters of an Active Stereo Rig
* Tracking Motion-Blurred Targets in Video
* Transcoding to FGS Streams from H.264/AVC Hierarchical B-Pictures
* Transform-Domain Penalized-Likelihood Filtering of Projection Data
* Translation-Invariant Contourlet Transform and Its Application to Image Denoising
* Transmission Distortion Analysis for Real-Time Video Encoding and Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Transmission Tomography Reconstruction Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random Fields and Ordered Subsets
* Tree Detection in Aerial LiDar and Image Data
* Tree-Based Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm for Signal Reconstruction
* Tree-Based Signatures for Shape Classification
* Two Pass H.264-Based Matching Pursuit Video Coder, A
* Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* Ultra Fast GPU Assisted Face Recognition Based on 3D Geometry and Texture Data
* Ultrasound Despeckling Using an Adaptive Window Stochastic Approach
* Ultrasound Image Denoising by Spatially Varying Frequency Compounding
* Ultrasound Myocardial Tracking with Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion Assisted Initialization
* Uncalibrated Visual Servoing in 3D Workspace
* Unconstrained Multiple-People Tracking
* Unifying the Experiment Design and Constrained Regularization Paradigms for Reconstructive Imaging with Remote Sensing Data
* Universal Denoising of Continuous Amplitude Signals with Applications to Images
* Unmixing Component Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Unsupervised Image Layout Extraction
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Defocused Video Based on Matting Model
* Unsupervised Simultaneous Registration and Exposure Correction
* Unsupervised Variational Image Segmentation/Classification Using a Weibull Observation Model
* Updating topographic mapping in Great Britain using imagery from high-resolution satellite sensors
* Urban Land-use Classification Using Variogram-based Analysis with an Aerial Photograph
* Use of Motion Information in Super-Resolution Mosaicing
* Use of Motion Statistics for Vanishing Point Estimation in Camera-Mirror Scenes
* User Attention Based Arousal Content Modeling
* Using Cartesian Models of Faces with a Data-Driven and Integrable Fitting Framework
* Using Irreducible Group Representations for Invariant 3D Shape Description
* Using Local Integral Invariants for Object Recognition in Complex Scenes
* Using Non-Parametric Kernel to Segment and Smooth Images Simultaneously
* Using SP-Frames for Error Resilience in Optimized Video Streaming
* Using Space-Time Coding for Watermarking Color Images
* Valid Multi-View Face Detection Tree Based on Floatboost Learning, A
* Validation of digital elevation models from SRTM X-SAR for applications in hydrologic modeling
* Validation of SRTM Elevations Over Vegetated and Non-vegetated Terrain Using Medium-Footprint Lidar
* Validation Techniques for Image-Based Simulations
* Variable Width Admissible Control Point Band for Vertex Based Operational-Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Algorithms
* Variational Approach for Shapes Registration Using Vector Maps, A
* Variational Approach to Joint Denoising, Edge Detection and Motion Estimation, A
* Variational Level-Set Reconstruction of Accretionary Morphogenesis from Images
* Variational Local Structure Estimation for Image Super-Resolution
* Variational Retinex Algorithm with its Application to a High-Quality Chroma Key
* Variational Textured Image Decomposition with Improved Edge Segregation
* Variational Unsupervised Segmentation of Multi-Look Complex Polarimetric Images using a Wishart Observation Model
* Vector Field Convolution for Image Segmentation using Snakes
* Vector Image Segmentation by Piecewise Continuous Approximation
* Velocity-Image Model for Online Signature Verification
* Vertebrae EDGE Detection and Motion Estimation with Polar Signature
* Video Cataloging Based on Robust Logotype Detection
* Video Coding with Super-Resolution Post-Processing
* Video Coding with Wavelet-Domain Conditional Replenishment and Unequal Error Protection
* Video Event Detection using ICA Mixture Hidden Markov Models
* Video Fingerprint Based on Visual Digest and Local Fingerprints, A
* Video Fingerprinting Based on Frame Skipping
* Video Multicast over Heterogeneous Networks Based on Distributed Source Coding Principles
* Video Object Segmentation Using Kernel-based Models and Spatiotemporal Similarity
* Video Scene Retrieval Based on Local Region Features
* Video Sequence Matching Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Video Splicing and Fuzzy Rate Control in IP Multi-Protocol Encapsulator for Tune-In Time Reduction in IP Datacasting (IPDC) over DVB-H
* Video Stabilization with Optimized Motion Estimation Resolution
* Video Streaming to Multiple Clients over Wireless Local Area Networks
* Video Surveillance using Dynamic Configuration of Mutiple Active Cameras
* Video-Based Rendering using Feature Point Evolution
* View-Dependent Coding of Light Fields Based on Free-Viewpoint Image Synthesis
* Viewpoint-Invariant and Illumination-Invariant Classification of Natural Surfaces Using General-Purpose Color and Texture Features with the ALISA dCRC Classifier
* Virtual Craniofacial Reconstruction from Computed Tomography Image Sequences Exhibiting Multiple Fractures
* Visual Aspect: A Unified Content-Based Collaborative Filtering Model for Visual Document Recommendation
* Visual Cryptography Based on Void-And-Cluster Halftoning Technique
* Visual Hand Posture Recognition in Monocular Image Sequences
* Visual Hull Embossment by Graph Cuts
* Visual Input Amplification for Inspecting Specular Surfaces
* Visual Retrieval Based on Combination of Histograms of AC Block Patterns and Block Neighborhood
* Visual Secret Sharing Scheme: Improving the Contrast of a Recovered Image Via Different Pixel Expansions
* Visual Target Tracking using Improved and Computationally Efficient Particle Filtering
* Visualization Tool to convey Quantitative in vivo, 3D Knee Joint Kinematics, A
* Volumetric Representation for Sparse Multi-Views
* Wavelet Based Image Watermarking Scheme, A
* Wavelet Based Noise Reduction by Identification of Correlations
* Wavelet Denoising of Multicomponent Images, using a Noise-Free Image
* Wavelet Domain Distributed Coding for Video
* Wavelet Domain Image Denoising for Non-Stationary Noise and Signal-Dependent Noise
* Wavelet Principal Component Analysis and its Application to Hyperspectral Images
* Wavelet-Based Two-Stage Near-Lossless Coder, A
* Wavelet-Based Visible Distortion Measure for Video Quality Evaluation, A
* Wavelet-Domain Distributed Video Coding with Motion-Compensated Refinement
* Wavelet-Domain Soft-Thresholding for Non-Stationary Noise
* Web Document Image Retrieval System Based on Word Spotting
* Weighted Voting-Based Robust Image Thresholding
* Windowed Image Registration for Robust Mosaicing of Scenes with Large Background Occlusions
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding with Coding Mode-Aided Motion Compensation
* Zoom-Dependent Camera Calibration in Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry
1324 for 0610

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.