* *3D Representation for Recognition
* *4DMOD Workshop on Dynamic Shape Capture and Analysis
* *Autonomous Driving
* *Big Data Computer Vision
* *Computer Vision for Converging Perspectives
* *Decoding Subtle Cues from Social Interactions
* *Faces in-the-Wild Challenge
* *Graphical Models for Scene Understanding: Challenges and Perspectives
* *Inference for Probabilistic Graphical Models
* *Large Scale Visual Commerce
* *Large-Scale Video Search and Mining
* *THUMOS Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes
* *Underwater Vision Workshop
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *Wearable Computer Vision Systems
* *Workshop on Computer Vision for Accelerated Bioscience
* *Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: From Earth to Mars
* *Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Understanding Human Activities: Context and Interactions
* *Workshop on Video Event Categorization, Tagging and Retrieval
* 2-D Space-Variant Chirp Scaling Algorithm Based on the RCM Equalization and Subband Synthesis to Process Geosynchronous SAR Data, A
* 24-MHz Scanner for Optoacoustic Imaging of Skin and Burn
* 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge: The First Facial Landmark Localization Challenge
* 3D human motion analysis framework for shape similarity and retrieval
* 3D Object Representations for Fine-Grained Categorization
* 3D Plant Modelling via Hyperspectral Imaging
* 3D Scene Understanding by Voxel-CRF
* 3D Segmentation for Multi-Organs in CT Images
* 3D Sub-query Expansion for Improving Sketch-Based Multi-view Image Retrieval
* 3D Surface Extraction Using Incremental Tetrahedra Carving
* 3DNN: Viewpoint Invariant 3D Geometry Matching for Scene Understanding
* Abnormal Event Detection at 150 FPS in MATLAB
* Above ground biomass estimation in an African tropical forest with lidar and hyperspectral data
* Absolute Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors Using Libya 4 Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Abundance Estimation for Bilinear Mixture Models via Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Accelerated Nonlinear Multichannel Ultrasonic Tomographic Imaging Using Target Sparseness
* Accuracy of Faraday Rotation Estimation in Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* Accurate and Robust 3D Facial Capture Using a Single RGBD Camera
* Accurate Blur Models vs. Image Priors in Single Image Super-resolution
* Accurate Gravity Compensation Method for High-Precision Airborne POS, An
* Acoustic Tomography of the Atmosphere Using Unscented Kalman Filter
* Action and Event Recognition with Fisher Vectors on a Compact Feature Set
* Action Recognition and Localization by Hierarchical Space-Time Segments
* Action Recognition with Actons
* Action Recognition with Improved Trajectories
* Active Contour Model Based on Texture Distribution for Extracting Inhomogeneous Insulators From Aerial Images, An
* Active Learning in the Spatial Domain for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Active Learning of an Action Detector from Untrimmed Videos
* Active MAP Inference in CRFs for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Active Visual Recognition with Expertise Estimation in Crowdsourcing
* ACTIVE: Activity Concept Transitions in Video Event Classification
* Actuator-Redundancy-Based Fault Diagnosis for Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
* Adapting Classification Cascades to New Domains
* Adaptive Combination of Multiple Features for Robust Tracking in Real Scene, An
* Adaptive composite filters for pattern recognition in nonoverlapping scenes using noisy training images
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing via Minimizing Cramer-Rao Bound
* Adaptive depth truncation filter for MVC based compressed depth image
* Adaptive Descriptor Design for Object Recognition in the Wild, An
* Adaptive Detector with Range Estimation Capabilities for Partially Homogeneous Environment, An
* Adaptive diversification for tag-based social image retrieval
* Adaptive Model-Based Polarimetric Decomposition Using PolInSAR Coherence
* Adaptive Query Prototype Modeling Method for Image Search Reranking, An
* Adaptive Weight Allocation-Based Subpixel Rendering Algorithm
* Adaptive Widely Linear Reduced-Rank Beamforming Based on Joint Iterative Optimization
* Advanced Multifrequency Radar Instrumentation for Polar Research
* Advances in Hyperspectral Image Classification: Earth Monitoring with Statistical Learning Methods
* Adversarial Optimization Approach to Efficient Outlier Removal, An
* Aerosol Indices Derived from MODIS Data for Indicating Aerosol-Induced Air Pollution
* Affine-Constrained Group Sparse Coding and Its Application to Image-Based Classifications
* Airborne Infrared Remote Sensing of Riverine Currents
* Algorithm for Detection of Ground and Canopy Cover in Micropulse Photon-Counting Lidar Altimeter Data in Preparation for the ICESat-2 Mission
* Algorithm for Estimation of Wave Height From Shadowing in X-Band Radar Sea Surface Images, An
* Algorithm for Sea Surface Wind Retrieval From TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Data
* Allocating Classes for Soft-Then-Hard Subpixel Mapping Algorithms in Units of Class
* Allocentric Pose Estimation
* Alternating Regression Forests for Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* AM/FM signal estimation with micro-segmentation and polynomial fit
* Analysis and Extension of the Percentile Method, Estimating a Noise Curve from a Single Image
* Analysis of Monochrome Conversions and Normalizations on the Local Binary Patterns Texture Descriptors, An
* Analysis of Scores, Datasets, and Models in Visual Saliency Prediction
* Analytical Hierarchy Process Using Fuzzy Inference Technique for Real-Time Route Guidance System
* Analyzing the Uncertainty of Biomass Estimates From L-Band Radar Backscatter Over the Harvard and Howland Forests
* Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Example-Based Super-Resolution
* Angular Normalization of Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Using Multiangular Middle and Thermal Infrared Data
* Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
* Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions
* Anisotropic Probabilistic Neural Network for Image Interpolation
* Anisotropy Preserving DTI Processing
* Annularcut: A graph-cut design for left ventricle segmentation from magnetic resonance images
* Application of Compressive Sensing to Refractivity Retrieval Using Networked Weather Radars
* Application of Mellin-Kind Statistics to Polarimetric G Distribution for SAR Data
* Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA
* Applications of Augmented Reality
* Applications of Face Analysis and Modeling in Media Production
* approach for chest tube detection in chest radiographs, An
* Approximate Cross Channel Color Mapping from Sparse Color Correspondences
* Aquarius RFI Detection and Mitigation Algorithm: Assessment and Examples
* Aquarius Wind Speed Products: Algorithms and Validation
* Assessing Global Digital Elevation Models Using the Runway Method: The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Versus the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Case
* Assessing the Application of Cloud-Shadow Atmospheric Correction Algorithm on HICO
* Assessment and Estimation of the RVoG Model in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Assessment of Long-Term Sensor Radiometric Degradation Using Time Series Analysis
* Assessment of Sea-Ice Thickness Along the Labrador Coast From AMSR-E and MODIS Data for Operational Data Assimilation, An
* Asynchronous Stereo Vision for Event-Driven Dynamic Stereo Sensor Using an Adaptive Cooperative Approach
* ATD: A Multiplatform for Semiautomatic 3-D Detection of Kidneys and Their Pathology in Real Time
* Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height Monitoring Using a Kalman Filter and Backscatter Lidar Returns
* Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR With a Multiple-Regression Model Over Mountainous Regions
* Attribute Adaptation for Personalized Image Search
* Attribute Dominance: What Pops Out?
* Attribute Pivots for Guiding Relevance Feedback in Image Search
* Attribute-Based Classification for Zero-Shot Visual Object Categorization
* Audio-visual speech recognition techniques in augmented reality environments
* Augmented Lagrangian with Variable Splitting for Faster Non-Cartesian L_1-SPIRiT MR Image Reconstruction
* Augmented Reality for Construction Site Monitoring and Documentation
* Automated Characterization of Breast Lesions Imaged With an Ultrafast DCE-MR Protocol
* Automated Coregistration of Repeat Digital Elevation Models for Surface Elevation Change Measurement Using Geometric Constraints
* Automated Detection of Driver Fatigue Based on Entropy and Complexity Measures
* Automated geometric correction of multispectral images from High Resolution CCD Camera (HRCC) on-board CBERS-2 and CBERS-2B
* Automated Poststorm Damage Classification of Low-Rise Building Roofing Systems Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Automated Stem Curve Measurement Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automated texture-based characterization of fibrosis and carcinoma using low-dose lung CT images
* Automatic Alignment of Genus-Zero Surfaces
* Automatic Car Counting Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images
* Automatic Detection of Emotion Valence on Faces Using Consumer Depth Cameras
* Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion
* Automatic Generation of Statistical Pose and Shape Models for Articulated Joints
* Automatic Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images, An
* Automatic Kronecker Product Model Based Detection of Repeated Patterns in 2D Urban Images
* Automatic objects segmentation with RGB-D cameras
* Automatic prediction of age, gender, and nationality in offline handwriting
* Automatic registration of high resolution satellite images using artificial immune system and mutual information
* Automatic Registration of RGB-D Scans via Salient Directions
* Automatic segmentation of granular objects in images: Combining local density clustering and gradient-barrier watershed
* Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs
* autonomous QoE-driven network management framework, An
* Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes
* Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
* Balanced Relative Margin Machine: The missing piece between FDA and SVM classification
* Bayesian 3D Tracking from Monocular Video
* Bayesian Active Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Bayesian Approach to Oil Slicks Edge Detection Based on SAR Data, A
* Bayesian Approach to Tree Detection Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Bayesian Context-Dependent Learning for Anomaly Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Bayesian Framework for Sparse Representation-Based 3-D Human Pose Estimation, A
* Bayesian Joint Topic Modelling for Weakly Supervised Object Localisation
* Bayesian Robust Matrix Factorization for Image and Video Processing
* Bayesian salient object detection based on saliency driven clustering
* Behind the Glass: Driver Challenges and Opportunities for AR Automotive Applications
* Behind the Scenes: What Moving Targets Reveal about Static Scene Geometry
* Benchmarking Framework for SAR Despeckling
* Benefit of HH and VV Polarizations in Retrieving Extreme Wind Speeds for an ASCAT-Type Scatterometer, The
* better Beta for the H measure of classification performance, A
* Beyond Hard Negative Mining: Efficient Detector Learning via Block-Circulant Decomposition
* Bias Correction and Modified Profile Likelihood Under the Wishart Complex Distribution
* biased selection strategy for information recycling in Boosting cascade visual-object detectors, A
* Bird Part Localization Using Exemplar-Based Models with Enforced Pose and Subcategory Consistency
* Bitstream-Level Film Noise Cancellation for Damaged Video Playback
* Blind Prediction of Natural Video Quality
* Block-Based In-Loop View Synthesis for 3-D Video Coding
* BOLD Features to Detect Texture-less Objects
* Bone segmentation and 3D visualization of CT images for traumatic pelvic injuries
* Boosting masked dominant orientation templates for efficient object detection
* Bounded Labeling Function for Global Segmentation of Multi-part Objects with Geometric Constraints
* Box in the Box: Joint 3D Layout and Object Reasoning from Single Images
* Brain tumor severity analysis using modified multi-texton histogram and hybrid kernel SVM
* BRDF Estimation of Structural Color Object by Using Hyper Spectral Image
* Breaking the Chain: Liberation from the Temporal Markov Assumption for Tracking Human Poses
* Brightness Temperature Calculation of Lunar Crater: Interpretation of Topographic Effect on Microwave Data From Chang'E
* Building Part-Based Object Detectors via 3D Geometry
* Calculation of average coding efficiency based on subjective quality scores
* Calibration-Free Gaze Estimation Using Human Gaze Patterns
* Camera Alignment Using Trajectory Intersections in Unsynchronized Videos
* Camp Butner Live-Site UXO Classification Using Hierarchical Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Can SMOS Data be Used Directly on the 15-km Discrete Global Grid?
* Capturing Global Semantic Relationships for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Car Pooling Model and Solution Method With Stochastic Vehicle Travel Times, A
* Cartoon-Texture Image Decomposition Using Blockwise Low-Rank Texture Characterization
* Cascaded Shape Space Pruning for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
* Categorization of Underwater Habitats Using Dynamic Video Textures
* Category-Independent Object-Level Saliency Detection
* Cepstrum-Based Bandwidth Extension for Super-Wideband Coders
* Chambolle's Projection Algorithm for Total Variation Denoising
* Change Detector Based on an Optimization With Polarimetric SAR Imagery, A
* Chaos Theory-Based Data-Mining Technique for Image Endmember Extraction: Laypunov Index and Correlation Dimension (L and D)
* Characteristics of the Sum of Cross-Components of Triaxial Induction Logging Tool in Layered Anisotropic Formation
* Characterizing Layouts of Outdoor Scenes Using Spatial Topic Processes
* Characterizing the Spatial Structure of Mangrove Features for Optimizing Image-Based Mangrove Mapping
* Clarifications on the Comparison Between SMOS, VUA, ASCAT, and ECMWF Soil Moisture Products Over Four Watersheds in U.S.
* Class of Cloud Detection Algorithms Based on a MAP-MRF Approach in Space and Time, A
* Class of Generalized Laplacians on Vector Bundles Devoted to Multi-Channel Image Processing, A
* Class-Specific Simplex-Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Image Classification
* Clouds and Earth Radiant Energy System: From Design to Data
* Co-segmentation by Composition
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Video Segmentation Using Supervoxel Trees
* CoDeL: A Human Co-detection and Labeling Framework
* Codemaps: Segment, Classify and Search Objects Locally
* Coding or Not: Optimal Mobile Data Offloading in Opportunistic Vehicular Networks
* Coherent Motion Segmentation in Moving Camera Videos Using Optical Flow Orientations
* Coherent Object Detection with 3D Geometric Context from a Single Image
* Coherent Versus Non-Coherent Reconfigurable Antenna Aided Virtual MIMO Systems
* Collaborative Active Learning of a Kernel Machine Ensemble for Recognition
* Color Constancy Model with Double-Opponency Mechanisms, A
* Color Fourier-Mellin descriptors for image recognition
* Color-Image Quality Assessment: From Prediction to Optimization
* Colour Constancy from Both Sides of the Shadow Edge
* Colour edge detection based on the fusion of hue component and principal component analysis
* Colour Iris Recognition System Employing Multiple Classifier Techniques, A
* Combining Photogrammetry and Augmented Reality Towards an Integrated Facility Management System for the Oil Industry
* Combining the Right Features for Complex Event Recognition
* Comments on The fractional Laplace transform
* Common Visual Pattern Discovery via Directed Graph
* Compact and Accurate 3-D Face Modeling Using an RGB-D Camera: Let's Open the Door to 3-D Video Conference
* Comparative Analysis of EO-1 Hyperion, Quickbird and Landsat TM Imagery for Fuel Type Mapping of a Typical Mediterranean Landscape, A
* Comparative Study on Satellite- and Model-Based Crop Phenology in West Africa, A
* Comparison Between SMOS, VUA, ASCAT, and ECMWF Soil Moisture Products Over Four Watersheds in U.S.
* Comparison of Classification Algorithms and Training Sample Sizes in Urban Land Classification with Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery
* Comparison of Microwave Backscatter Anisotropy Parameterizations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Using ASCAT
* Comparison of Microwave Window Channel Retrieved and Forward-Modeled Emissivities Over the U.S. Southern Great Plains, A
* Comparison of Nonnegative Eigenvalue Decompositions With and Without Reflection Symmetry Assumptions
* Compensating for Motion during Direct-Global Separation
* Complementary Projection Hashing
* Complete System for Automatic Extraction of Left Ventricular Myocardium From CT Images Using Shape Segmentation and Contour Evolution, A
* Complex 3D General Object Reconstruction from Line Drawings
* Composite derivative and edge detection
* Compositional Models for Video Event Detection: A Multiple Kernel Learning Latent Variable Approach
* Comprehensive and quantitative study of rank-4 order diffusion tensor imaging and positive definite rank-4 order diffusion tensor imaging: A higher order tensor imaging study
* comprehensive comparison of GPU- and FPGA-based acceleration of reflection image reconstruction for 3D ultrasound computer tomography, A
* Compressed Sensing Radar Imaging With Compensation of Observation Position Error
* Compressive Circulant Matrix Based Analog to Information Conversion
* Compressive image broadcasting in MIMO systems with receiver antenna heterogeneity
* Compressive Sensing Based Secure Watermark Detection and Privacy Preserving Storage Framework, A
* Computing Jacobian and Hessian of Estimators and Their Application to Risk Approximation
* Concurrent Action Detection with Structural Prediction
* Conditional Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for DOA Estimation and Array Calibration
* Conditional Toggle Mappings: Principles and Applications
* Confidence and prediction intervals for semiparametric mixed-effect least squares support vector machine
* Conservation Tracking
* Consistency of Measurements of Wavelength Position From Hyperspectral Imagery: Use of the Ferric Iron Crystal Field Absorption at sim900 nm as an Indicator of Mineralogy
* Consolidating the Precision of Interferometric GNSS-R Ocean Altimetry Using Airborne Experimental Data
* Constant Time Weighted Median Filtering for Stereo Matching and Beyond
* Constrained Local Neural Fields for Robust Facial Landmark Detection in the Wild
* Constructing Adaptive Complex Cells for Robust Visual Tracking
* Content-Aware Rotation
* Content-based group-of-picture size control in distributed video coding
* Context-Sensitive Conditional Ordinal Random Fields for Facial Action Intensity Estimation
* Contextual Hypergraph Modeling for Salient Object Detection
* Convex Optimization for Scene Understanding
* Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning, A
* Convex Relaxation Approach to Space Time Multi-view 3D Reconstruction, A
* Convex-Relaxed Kernel Mapping for Image Segmentation
* Convolution Products for Hypercomplex Fourier Transforms
* Convolution, correlation, and sampling theorems for the offset linear canonical transform
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Real Traffic Situations
* Copula-Based Modeling of TMI Brightness Temperature With Rainfall Type
* Corrected-Moment Illuminant Estimation
* Correction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in Time Series InSAR Using WRF Model for Monitoring Volcanic Activities
* Correction: Stem Water Potential Monitoring in Pear Orchards through WorldView-2 Multispectral Imagery
* Correlation Adaptive Subspace Segmentation by Trace Lasso
* Correlation Between Signals From Spaced Antennas of Stationary Meteorological Radars
* Correntropy Induced L2 Graph for Robust Subspace Clustering
* Corrigendum to three papers that deal with 'Anti'-Bayesian Pattern Recognition [Pattern Recognition]
* Cosegmentation and Cosketch by Unsupervised Learning
* Coupled Dictionary and Feature Space Learning with Applications to Cross-Domain Image Synthesis and Recognition
* Coupling Alignments with Recognition for Still-to-Video Face Recognition
* Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machine
* Crop Type Classification by Simultaneous Use of Satellite Images of Different Resolutions
* Cross Calibration of the OceanSAT -2 Scatterometer With QuikSCAT Scatterometer Using Natural Terrestrial Targets
* Cross-Field Joint Image Restoration via Scale Map
* Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* Cubistic Representation for Real-Time 3D Shape and Pose Estimation of Unknown Rigid Object
* Cues in Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking Are Independent, The
* Curvature-Aware Regularization on Riemannian Submanifolds
* Data mining from multiple heterogeneous relational databases using decision tree classification
* Data-Driven 3D Primitives for Single Image Understanding
* DCSH: Matching Patches in RGBD Images
* Deblurring by Example Using Dense Correspondence
* Decade of QuikSCAT Scatterometer Sea Ice Extent Data, A
* Decentralized Robust Beamforming for Coordinated Multi-Cell MISO Networks
* Decision Fusion in Kernel-Induced Spaces for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Decomposing Bag of Words Histograms
* Deep Learning Identity-Preserving Face Space
* Deep Sum-Product Architecture for Robust Facial Attributes Analysis, A
* DeepFlow: Large Displacement Optical Flow with Deep Matching
* Defect detection for corner cracks in steel billets using a wavelet reconstruction method
* Deformable Mixture Parsing Model with Parselets, A
* Deformable Part Descriptors for Fine-Grained Recognition and Attribute Prediction
* Depth from Combining Defocus and Correspondence Using Light-Field Cameras
* Depth Interpolation via Smooth Surface Segmentation Using Tangent Planes Based on the Superpixels of a Color Image
* Depth sculpturing for 2D paintings: A progressive depth map completion framework
* Depth Sensing for 3DTV: A Survey
* Depth-Assisted Frame Rate Up-Conversion for Stereoscopic Video
* Deriving Predictive Relationships of Carotenoid Content at the Canopy Level in a Conifer Forest Using Hyperspectral Imagery and Model Simulation
* Desert-Based Absolute Calibration of Successive Geostationary Visible Sensors Using a Daily Exoatmospheric Radiance Model
* Design and Evaluation of Multispectral LiDAR for the Recovery of Arboreal Parameters
* Design Considerations of PRF for Optimizing GMTI Performance in Azimuth Multichannel SAR Systems With HRWS Imaging Capability
* Design of tracking loop with dirty templates for UWB communication systems
* Despeckling and Information Extraction From SLC SAR Images
* Detailed Study of Land Surface Microwave Emissivity Over the Indian Subcontinent, A
* Detecting Avocados to Zucchinis: What Have We Done, and Where Are We Going?
* Detecting Curved Symmetric Parts Using a Deformable Disc Model
* Detecting Curves with Unknown Endpoints and Arbitrary Topology Using Minimal Paths
* Detecting Dynamic Objects with Multi-view Background Subtraction
* Detecting Human Action as the Spatio-Temporal Tube of Maximum Mutual Information
* Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale and Color Imagery Using Multi-directional Oriented Flux
* Detecting Subsidence in Coastal Areas by Ultrashort-Baseline TCPInSAR on the Time Series of High-Resolution TerraSAR-X Images
* Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Imaging Systems: An Overview of Practical Algorithms
* Detection and Classification of Multiple Objects using an RGB-D Sensor and Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching
* Detection of Coal Fire Dynamics and Propagation Direction from Multi-Temporal Nighttime Landsat SWIR and TIR Data: A Case Study on the Rujigou Coalfield, Northwest (NW) China
* Detection of UWB signal using dirty template approach
* Determination of Displacement From an Image Sequence Based on Time-Reversal Invariance
* Determination of the Differential Code Bias for Current BDS Satellites
* Deterministic Fitting of Multiple Structures Using Iterative MaxFS with Inlier Scale Estimation
* Development of a Truck-Mounted Arc-Scanning Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Development of an electromyographic controlled biomimetic prosthetic hand
* Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding on Grassmann Manifolds: An Extrinsic Solution
* Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, Second Edition
* Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients for East Antarctic Pack Ice and Snow at Ultraviolet and Visible Wavelengths
* DInSAR Pixel Selection Based on Sublook Spectral Correlation Along Time
* Direct Generation of Regular-Grid Ground Surface Map from In-Vehicle Stereo Image Sequences
* Direct Georeferencing of Ultrahigh-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Direct Optimization of Frame-to-Frame Rotation
* Directed Acyclic Graph Kernels for Action Recognition
* Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Multinomials for Data Mining in Mice Behaviour Analysis
* Discovering Details and Scene Structure with Hierarchical Iconoid Shift
* Discovering Object Functionality
* Discovering Pictorial Brand Associations from Large-Scale Online Image Data
* Discriminant Tracking Using Tensor Representation with Semi-supervised Improvement
* Discrimination of similar characters using nonlinear normalization based on regional importance measure
* Discriminative Label Propagation for Multi-object Tracking with Sporadic Appearance Features
* Discriminatively Trained Templates for 3D Object Detection: A Real Time Scalable Approach
* Distributed Low-Rank Subspace Segmentation
* Does Deblurring Improve Geometrical Hyperspectral Unmixing?
* Domain Adaptive Classification
* Domain Transfer Support Vector Ranking for Person Re-identification without Target Camera Label Information
* Double Constrained NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Double-Bounce Component in Cross-Polarimetric SAR From a New Scattering Target Decomposition
* Driving Assistance by Deictic Control for a Smart Wheelchair: The Assessment Issue
* Drosophila Embryo Stage Annotation Using Label Propagation
* Drought Prediction System for Improved Climate Change Mitigation
* Dynamic Appearance Descriptor Approach to Facial Actions Temporal Modeling, A
* Dynamic Control of Airport Departures: Algorithm Development and Field Evaluation
* Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification
* Dynamic Pooling for Complex Event Recognition
* Dynamic Probabilistic Volumetric Models
* Dynamic Scene Classification Using Spatial and Temporal Cues
* Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Dynamic Structured Model Selection
* E-PLE: an Algorithm for Image Inpainting
* Early Detection of Crop Injury from Glyphosate on Soybean and Cotton Using Plant Leaf Hyperspectral Data
* Early Detection of Cyclogenesis Signature Using Global Model Products
* EasiSee: Real-Time Vehicle Classification and Counting via Low-Cost Collaborative Sensing
* ECOC-DRF: Discriminative random fields based on error correcting output codes
* Ecological Sampling of Gaze Shifts
* Edge Detection Using Real and Imaginary Decomposition of SAR Data
* Edges, transitions and criticality
* Editorial: Special issue on QoE in 2D/3D video systems
* Effects of green space spatial pattern on land surface temperature: Implications for sustainable urban planning and climate change adaptation
* Efficiency of Orientation Parameters on Georeferencing Accuracy of SPOT-5 HRG Level-1A Stereoimages
* Efficient 3D Scene Labeling Using Fields of Trees
* Efficient algorithm for automatic road sign recognition and its hardware implementation
* Efficient and Robust Large-Scale Rotation Averaging
* Efficient and robust multi-template tracking using multi-start interactive hybrid search
* Efficient Circular Thresholding
* Efficient Decoding Algorithm of Matrix Partition Codes, An
* Efficient Hand Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Image
* Efficient Higher-Order Clustering on the Grassmann Manifold
* Efficient Image Dehazing with Boundary Constraint and Contextual Regularization
* Efficient implementation of data flow graphs on multi-gpu clusters
* Efficient indexing techniques for record matching and deduplication
* Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Using an Invariant to Rotations
* efficient low-cost FPGA implementation of a configurable motion estimation for H.264 video coding, An
* Efficient Modeling of Large-Scale Electromagnetic Well-Logging Problems Using an Improved Nonconformal FEM-DDM
* Efficient Multichannel Linear Prediction-Based Blind Equalization Algorithm in Near Common Zeros Condition, An
* efficient node ordering method using the conditional frequency for the K2 algorithm, An
* Efficient Nonlinear Imaging Approach for Dielectric Objects Buried Under a Rough Surface, An
* Efficient Object Localization and Pose Estimation with 3D Wireframe Models
* Efficient One-Pass Decoding with NNLM for Speech Recognition
* efficient parallelization technique for x264 encoder on heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs and GPUs, An
* Efficient Pedestrian Detection by Directly Optimizing the Partial Area under the ROC Curve
* Efficient Salient Region Detection with Soft Image Abstraction
* Efficient semantic image segmentation with multi-class ranking prior
* Efficient Sparse Banded Acoustic Models for Speech Recognition
* Efficient wavelet-based perceptual watermark masking for robust fingerprint image watermarking
* Efficient, simultaneous detection of multi-class geospatial targets based on visual saliency modeling and discriminative learning of sparse coding
* Elastic Fragments for Dense Scene Reconstruction
* Elastic Net Constraints for Shape Matching
* Empirical Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Density in Winter Wheat Canopies Using Sentinel-2 Spectral Resolution
* Empirical Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Density in Winter Wheat Canopies Using Sentinel-2 Spectral Resolution
* Enabling stereoscopic high dynamic range video
* Endmember Variability in Hyperspectral Analysis: Addressing Spectral Variability During Spectral Unmixing
* Enhanced Adaptive Coupled-Layer LGTracker++, An
* Enhanced Continuous Tabu Search for Parameter Estimation in Multiview Geometry
* Enhanced Distribution Field Tracking Using Channel Representations
* Enhanced Structure-from-Motion Paradigm Based on the Absolute Dual Quadric and Images of Circular Points, An
* Enhanced Target Tracking in UAV Imagery with P-N Learning and Structural Constraints
* EnOI Assimilation of Satellite Data in an Indian Ocean Circulation Model, An
* Ensemble dictionary learning for saliency detection
* Ensemble Projection for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Entropic image thresholding based on GLGM histogram
* Entropy-based image registration method using the curvelet transform
* Envelope Level Crossing Rate and Average Fade Duration of Nonisotropic Vehicle-to-Vehicle Ricean Fading Channels
* Epipolarity Constraint in Stereo-Radargrammetric DEM Generation, The
* Equivalent Number of Scatterers for SAR Speckle Modeling
* Error Model for Biomass Estimates Derived From Polarimetric Radar Backscatter, An
* Estimating Dynamic Queue Distribution in a Signalized Network Through a Probability Generating Model
* Estimating Human Pose with Flowing Puppets
* Estimating Temperature Fields from MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature Observations in a Sub-Arctic Alpine Environment
* Estimating the 3D Layout of Indoor Scenes and Its Clutter from Depth Sensors
* Estimating the Material Properties of Fabric from Video
* Estimation of Sea-Ice Thickness in Ross and Weddell Seas from SSM/I Brightness Temperatures
* Estimation of Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness From Single-Polarized Radar Data for Bare Soil Surface and Comparison With Dual- and Quad-Polarization Cases
* Estimation of the OSCAT Spatial Response Function Using Island Targets
* Estimation of the OSCAT Spatial Response Function Using Island Targets
* Euclidean upgrading from segment lengths: DLT-like algorithm and its variants
* Evaluating Color Representations for On-Line Road Detection
* Evaluating Combinational Illumination Estimation Methods on Real-World Images
* Evaluating logarithmic kernel for spectral reflectance estimation: Effects on model parametrization, training set size, and number of sensor spectral channels
* Evaluating the Ability of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data to Estimate the Gross Domestic Product and the Electric Power Consumption of China at Multiple Scales: A Comparison with DMSP-OLS Data
* Evaluation of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Using SEVIRI Satellite Retrievals with in Situ Measurements
* Evaluation of HDR video tone mapping for mobile devices
* Evaluation of High-Resolution Tropical Weather Forecasts Using Satellite Passive Millimeter-Wave Observations
* Evaluation of IEM, Dubois, and Oh Radar Backscatter Models Using Airborne L-Band SAR
* Evaluation of InSAR and TomoSAR for Monitoring Deformations Caused by Mining in a Mountainous Area with High Resolution Satellite-Based SAR
* Evaluation of the Capabilities of Confidence Measures for Assessing Optical Flow Quality
* Event Detection and Summarization in Soccer Videos Using Bayesian Network and Copula
* Event Detection in Complex Scenes Using Interval Temporal Constraints
* Event Recognition in Photo Collections with a Stopwatch HMM
* Event-Triggered Receding-Horizon Scheme for Planning Rail Operations in Maritime Terminals, An
* evolutionary algorithm with acceleration operator to generate a subset of typical testors, An
* EVSAC: Accelerating Hypotheses Generation by Modeling Matching Scores with Extreme Value Theory
* Exact ML Criterion Based on Semidefinite Relaxation for MIMO Systems
* Example-Based Facade Texture Synthesis
* Exemplar Cut
* Exemplar-Based Graph Matching for Robust Facial Landmark Localization
* Experimental Validation of a Technique to Estimate Vertical Wavelength Parameters From Gravity Wave Perturbations on Mesospheric Airglows
* Experimental Validation of an Active Thermal Landmine Detection Technique
* Exploiting projective geometry for view-invariant monocular human motion analysis in man-made environments
* Exploiting Reflection Change for Automatic Reflection Removal
* Exploiting Sparsity for Real Time Video Labelling
* Extended capture range for focus-diverse phase retrieval in segmented aperture systems using geometrical optics
* Extended Fourier Approach to Improve the Retrieved Leaf Area Index (LAI) in a Time Series from an Alpine Wetland, An
* Extended Gaussian-Filtered Local Binary Patterns for Colonoscopy Image Classification
* Extended Grouping of RFID Tags Based on Resolvable Transversal Designs
* Extensive Facial Landmark Localization with Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Cascade
* External Mask Based Depth and Light Field Camera
* Extracting Micro-Doppler Radar Signatures From Rotating Targets Using Fourier-Bessel Transform and Time-Frequency Analysis
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration without a Direct View Using Spherical Mirror
* Facade Reconstruction Using Multiview Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
* Face Recognition Using Face Patch Networks
* Face Recognition via Archetype Hull Ranking
* Facial Action Unit Event Detection by Cascade of Tasks
* Facial expression recognition experiments with data from television broadcasts and the World Wide Web
* Fair Comparison Should Be Based on the Same Protocol: Comments on Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Face Recognition, A
* Fast and Accurate Large-Scale Stereo Reconstruction Using Variational Methods
* Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic materials by an automated boundary detection algorithm developed for optical coherence tomography data
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication
* Fast Direct Super-Resolution by Simple Functions
* Fast Face Detector Training Using Tailored Views
* Fast hardware architecture for grey-level image morphology with flat structuring elements
* Fast High Dimensional Vector Multiplication Face Recognition
* Fast multiscale directional filter bank-based speckle mitigation in gallstone ultrasound images
* Fast Neighborhood Graph Search Using Cartesian Concatenation
* Fast Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Video
* Fast Sparsity-Based Orthogonal Dictionary Learning for Image Restoration
* Fast stereo matching using adaptive guided filtering
* Fast Subspace Search via Grassmannian Based Hashing
* Feature Coding in Image Classification: A Comprehensive Study
* Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images With Image Fusion and Recursive Filtering
* Feature Selection via Cramer's V-Test Discretization for Remote-Sensing Image Classification
* Feature Weighting via Optimal Thresholding for Video Analysis
* Feature-Space Indicator Kriging Approach for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Feedback active noise control based on transform-domain forward-backward LMS predictor
* Feedback Cancellation With Probe Shaping Compensation
* Fibonacci Exposure Bracketing for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Find the Best Path: An Efficient and Accurate Classifier for Image Hierarchies
* Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
* Finding Causal Interactions in Video Sequences
* Finding the Best from the Second Bests: Inhibiting Subjective Bias in Evaluation of Visual Tracking Algorithms
* Fine logarithmic adaptive soft morphological algorithm for synthetic aperture radar image segmentation
* Fine-Grained Categorization by Alignments
* Fingerspelling Recognition with Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
* Flattening Supervoxel Hierarchies by the Uniform Entropy Slice
* flexible architecture for multi-view 3DTV based on uncalibrated cameras, A
* Flexible Scene Representation for 3D Reconstruction Using an RGB-D Camera, A
* Flexible VLIW processor based on FPGA for efficient embedded real-time image processing
* Fluttering Pattern Generation Using Modified Legendre Sequence for Coded Exposure Imaging
* fMRI analysis of excessive binocular disparity on the human brain
* Forest Canopy Height Extraction in Rugged Areas With ICESat/GLAS Data
* Forward Motion Deblurring
* FPGA Implementation of Exclusive Block Matching for Robust Moving Object Extraction and Tracking
* Fractional directional derivative and identification of blur parameters of motion-blurred image
* Framework for Making Face Detection Benchmark Databases, A
* Framework for Moving Least Squares Method with Total Variation Minimizing Regularization, A
* Framework for Shape Analysis via Hilbert Space Embedding, A
* From Actemes to Action: A Strongly-Supervised Representation for Detailed Action Understanding
* From Label Maps to Label Strokes: Semantic Segmentation for Street Scenes from Incomplete Training Data
* From Large Scale Image Categorization to Entry-Level Categories
* From Point to Set: Extend the Learning of Distance Metrics
* From Semi-supervised to Transfer Counting of Crowds
* From Subcategories to Visual Composites: A Multi-level Framework for Object Detection
* From Video Matching to Video Grounding
* From Where and How to What We See
* Frustratingly Easy NBNN Domain Adaptation
* Full-Aperture SAR Data Focusing in the Spaceborne Squinted Sliding-Spotlight Mode
* Full-phase photon-counting double-random-phase encryption
* Full-Wave Modeling of Near-Field Radar Data for Planar Layered Media Reconstruction
* Fully Automatic Dark-Spot Detection From SAR Imagery With the Combination of Nonadaptive Weibull Multiplicative Model and Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks
* Fully Hierarchical Approach for Finding Correspondences in Non-rigid Shapes, A
* Fully Polarimetric High-Resolution 3-D Imaging With Circular SAR at L-Band
* Functional Currents: A New Mathematical Tool to Model and Analyse Functional Shapes
* Fundamentally New View of the Perspective Three-Point Pose Problem, A
* Fury of the Swarm: Efficient and Very Accurate Triangulation for Multi-view Scene Reconstruction
* Fusion of Multichannel Local and Global Structural Cues for Photo Aesthetics Evaluation
* Fusion of Satellite Land Surface Albedo Products Across Scales Using a Multiresolution Tree Method in the North Central United States
* Fusion of Skeletal and Silhouette-Based Features for Human Action Recognition with RGB-D Devices
* General Dense Image Matching Framework Combining Direct and Feature-Based Costs, A
* General Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition for Coherency Matrix
* General Two-Step Approach to Learning-Based Hashing, A
* Generalized Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) for Dryland Characterization, The
* Generalized Iterated Shrinkage Algorithm for Non-convex Sparse Coding, A
* Generalized Low-Rank Appearance Model for Spatio-temporally Correlated Rain Streaks, A
* Generalized Polarimetric Model-Based Decompositions Using Incoherent Scattering Models
* Generation and Calibration of High-Resolution DEM From Single-Baseline Spaceborne Interferometry: The Split-Swath Approach
* Generation and Rendering of Interactive Ground Vegetation for Real-Time Testing and Validation of Computer Vision Algorithms
* Generic Deformation Model for Dense Non-rigid Surface Registration: A Higher-Order MRF-Based Approach, A
* genetic algorithm-based clustering and two-scan labelling for colour image segmentation, A
* genetic optimized neural network for image retrieval in telemedicine, A
* Geometric and colorimetric error compensation for multi-view images
* Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Assessment of ZiYuan-3 Multispectral Images
* Geometric calibration of a multi-layer LiDAR system and image sensors using plane-based implicit laser parameters for textured 3-D depth reconstruction
* Geometric Optimum Experimental Design for Collaborative Image Retrieval
* Geometric Polarimetry: Part I: Spinors and Wave States
* Geometric Registration Based on Distortion Estimation
* Geometry-shader-based real-time voxelization and applications
* Gesture Learning Interface for Simulated Robot Path Shaping With a Human Teacher, A
* Gesture-based interaction with voice feedback for a tour-guide robot
* Getting Feasible Variable Estimates from Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study
* GIS-Based Roughness Derivation for Flood Simulations: A Comparison of Orthophotos, LiDAR and Crowdsourced Geodata
* Global Fusion of Relative Motions for Robust, Accurate and Scalable Structure from Motion
* Global Linear Method for Camera Pose Registration, A
* Go-ICP: Solving 3D Registration Efficiently and Globally Optimally
* Good Practice in Large-Scale Learning for Image Classification
* GOSUS: Grassmannian Online Subspace Updates with Structured-Sparsity
* GrabCut in One Cut
* Graph Embedding Based Semi-supervised Discriminative Tracker
* graph-based multi-level linguistic representation for document understanding, A
* Grey conversion via perceived-contrast
* Group Norm for Learning Structured SVMs with Unstructured Latent Variables
* Group Sparsity and Geometry Constrained Dictionary Learning for Action Recognition from Depth Maps
* Group-Invariant Colour Morphology Based on Frames
* Guest editorial: Advances in 3D video processing
* Guided Unsupervised Learning of Mode Specific Models for Facial Point Detection in the Wild
* Hand Gestures for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Dataset, Techniques and Evaluation
* Handling Occlusions with Franken-Classifiers
* Handling Uncertain Tags in Visual Recognition
* Handwritten Word Spotting with Corrected Attributes
* hardware solution for real-time intelligent fingerprint acquisition, A
* Hardware stream cipher with controllable chaos generator for colour image encryption
* Hardware-software optimizations of reconfigurable multi-core processors for floating-point computations of large sparse matrices
* Harmonic Motion Microwave Doppler Imaging: A Simulation Study Using a Simple Breast Model
* Heterogeneous Auto-similarities of Characteristics (HASC): Exploiting Relational Information for Classification
* Heterogeneous Image Features Integration via Multi-modal Semi-supervised Learning Model
* HF Bistatic Ocean Doppler Spectra: Simulation Versus Experimentation
* Hidden Factor Analysis for Age Invariant Face Recognition
* Hierarchical Data Association Framework with Occlusion Handling for Multiple Targets Tracking
* Hierarchical Data-Driven Descent for Efficient Optimal Deformation Estimation
* Hierarchical Joint Max-Margin Learning of Mid and Top Level Representations for Visual Recognition
* Hierarchical Manifold Learning for Regional Image Analysis
* Hierarchical Manifold Learning With Applications to Supervised Classification for High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* Hierarchical Part Matching for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Hierarchical Segment Support for Categorical Image Labeling
* Hierarchical Segmentation of Multitemporal RADARSAT-2 SAR Data Using Stationary Wavelet Transform and Algebraic Multigrid Method
* Hierarchical Word-Merging Algorithm with Class Separability Measure, A
* High dynamic range video reconstruction from a stereo camera setup
* High performance implementation of texture features extraction algorithms using FPGA architecture
* High Precision Localization of Bacterium and Scientific Visualization
* High Quality Shape from a Single RGB-D Image under Uncalibrated Natural Illumination
* High Resolution ^13 C MRI With Hyperpolarized Urea: In Vivo T_2 Mapping and ^15 N Labeling Effects
* High-level dataflow design of signal processing systems for reconfigurable and multicore heterogeneous platforms
* High-Resolution Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollutants Using a System of Low-Cost Sensors
* High-Resolution Radar Imaging of Space Targets Based on HRRP Series
* Higher Order Matching for Consistent Multiple Target Tracking
* Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Landmine Detection in Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
* Historical Single Image-Based Modeling: The Case of Gobierna Tower, Zamora (Spain)
* HOGgles: Visualizing Object Detection Features
* Holistic Scene Understanding for 3D Object Detection with RGBD Cameras
* Home Alone: Social Robots for Digital Ethnography of Toddler Behavior
* homography transform based higher-order MRF model for stereo matching, A
* Hough Pyramid Matching: Speeded-Up Geometry Re-ranking for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* How Do You Tell a Blackbird from a Crow?
* How Related Exemplars Help Complex Event Detection in Web Videos?
* How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and its Kernel Version?
* Human Attribute Recognition by Rich Appearance Dictionary
* Human Body-Parts Tracking for Fine-Grained Behavior Classification
* Human Re-identification by Matching Compositional Template with Cluster Sampling
* Human-Agent Teaming for Multirobot Control: A Review of Human Factors Issues
* Hybrid Approach for Unbiased Coherence Estimation for Multitemporal InSAR
* Hybrid Descent Method for Optimal Sigmoid Filter Design, A
* Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Trivariate Mutual Information and Clonal Selection
* Hyperspectral Image Classification by Nonlocal Joint Collaborative Representation With a Locally Adaptive Dictionary
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising With a Spatial-Spectral View Fusion Strategy
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration Using Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Subpixel Target Detection Based on Supervised Metric Learning
* Hyperspectral Target Detection : An Overview of Current and Future Challenges
* Hyperspectral-Based Adaptive Matched Filter Detector Error as a Function of Atmospheric Water Vapor Estimation
* ICA-based direction-of-arrival estimation of uncorrelated and coherent signals with uniform linear array
* Identifiability Analysis for Array Shape Self-Calibration Based on Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound
* Identifying Successful Motor Task Completion via Motion-Based Performance Metrics
* IEEE 1857: Boosting Video Applications in CPSS
* Illuminant Chromaticity from Image Sequences
* Illumination and Contrast Balancing for Remote Sensing Images
* Image based Monument Recognition using Graph based Visual Saliency
* Image Co-segmentation via Consistent Functional Maps
* Image Contrast Enhancement Using Color and Depth Histograms
* Image denoising by supervised adaptive fusion of decomposed images restored using wave atom, curvelet and wavelet transform
* Image Distortion Effects in SAR Subsurface Imaging and a New Iterative Approach for Refocusing and Coregistration
* Image fusion based on bilateral sharpness criterion in DT-CWT domain
* Image Guided Depth Upsampling Using Anisotropic Total Generalized Variation
* Image Inpainting: Overview and Recent Advances
* Image Interpolation via Graph-Based Bayesian Label Propagation
* Image quality assessment using a SVD-based structural projection
* Image Quality Assessment with Degradation on Spatial Structure
* Image Retrieval Using Textual Cues
* Image segmentation by dirichlet process mixture model with generalised mean
* Image Segmentation with Cascaded Hierarchical Models and Logistic Disjunctive Normal Networks
* Image Set Classification Using Holistic Multiple Order Statistics Features and Localized Multi-kernel Metric Learning
* Imaging of the SEG/EAGE Salt Model Seismic Data Using Sparse f-x Finite-Impulse-Response Wavefield Extrapolation Filters
* Impact of Signal Contamination on the Adaptive Detection Performance of Local Hyperspectral Anomalies
* Impact of Tree Species on Magnitude of PALSAR Interferometric Coherence over Siberian Forest at Frozen and Unfrozen Conditions
* Impacts of Ionospheric Scintillation on the BIOMASS P-Band Satellite SAR
* Implied Feedback: Learning Nuances of User Behavior in Image Search
* Improved Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature From MSG-2/SEVIRI Data, An
* Improved Bases Selection in Acoustic Model Interpolation for Fast On-Line Adaptation
* Improved Block Truncation Coding Using Optimized Dot Diffusion
* Improved Characterization of Fine-Texture Soils Using On-Ground GPR Full-Waveform Inversion
* improved dark object method to retrieve 500 m-resolution AOT (Aerosol Optical Thickness) image from MODIS data: A case study in the Pearl River Delta area, China, An
* Improved Estimation of the Specific Differential Phase Shift Using a Compilation of Kalman Filter Ensembles
* Improved Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Companion Matrix in Multi-User Uplink Interleaved OFDMA Systems, An
* Improved Iterative Algorithm for 3-D Ionospheric Tomography Reconstruction, An
* Improved Iterative Censoring Scheme for CFAR Ship Detection With SAR Imagery, An
* improved OPDT model in high angular resolution diffusion imaging, An
* Improved Scheme for Target Discrimination in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* Improved SWIR Atmospheric Correction Model: A Cross-Calibration-Based Model, An
* Improvement of Spatio-temporal Growth Estimates in Heterogeneous Forests Using Gaussian Bayesian Networks
* Improvements on Lightning Density Estimation Based on Analysis of Lightning Location System Performance Parameters: Brazilian Case
* Improving Argos Doppler Location Using Multiple-Model Kalman Filtering
* Improving Graph Matching via Density Maximization
* In situ image processing capabilities of ARM-based micro-controllers
* In-Field Absolute Calibration of Ground and Airborne VIS-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral Point Spectrometers
* Incorporating Cloud Distribution in Sky Representation
* incremental evolutionary learning method for optimizing content-based image indexing algorithms, An
* Incremental Learning With Selective Memory (ILSM): Towards Fast Prostate Localization for Image Guided Radiotherapy
* Incremental variations of image moments for nonlinear image registration
* Inferring Dark Matter and Dark Energy from Videos
* Infinite Latent Conditional Random Fields
* Infinity Laplacian on graphs with gradient terms for image and data clustering
* Influence functions for a linear subspace method
* Influence of Heterogeneous Soils and Clutter on the Performance of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection
* Information Content in the Oxygen A-Band for the Retrieval of Macrophysical Cloud Parameters
* Initialization-Insensitive Visual Tracking through Voting with Salient Local Features
* Insect Soup Challenge: Segmentation, Counting, and Simple Classification
* Insights Into Analysis Operator Learning: From Patch-Based Sparse Models to Higher Order MRFs
* Integrated Method for Urban Main-Road Centerline Extraction From Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* Integrated Pedestrian and Direction Classification Using a Random Decision Forest
* Integrating Color Features in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* Integrating Facial Expression and Body Gesture in Videos for Emotion Recognition
* Integrating vocabulary clustering with spatial relations for symbol recognition
* Integration of dense subgraph finding with feature clustering for unsupervised feature selection
* Integration of Remote Sensing Techniques for Intensity Zonation within a Landslide Area: A Case Study in the Northern Apennines, Italy
* Integration of Satellite Imagery, Topography and Human Disturbance Factors Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis Ordination for Mountain Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in Yunnan, China
* Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort
* Interactive Markerless Articulated Hand Motion Tracking Using RGB and Depth Data
* Intercomparison of Seven NDVI Products over the United States and Mexico
* Interestingness of Images, The
* Internet Based Morphable Model
* Introduction to the special issue on supervised and unsupervised classification techniques and their applications
* Investigation of a Hybrid Algorithm for Sea Ice Drift Measurements Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Investigation of the Role of Feature Selection and Weighted Voting in Random Forests for 3-D Volumetric Segmentation
* Investigations on OFDM Signal for Range Ambiguity Suppression in SAR Configuration
* Is There a Preferred Classifier for Operational Thematic Mapping?
* ISAR Imaging Using a New Stepped-Frequency Signal Format
* Iterative Action and Pose Recognition Using Global-and-Pose Features and Action-Specific Models
* Joint Alignment and Modeling of Correlated Behavior Streams
* Joint Correction of Ionosphere Noise and Orbital Error in L-Band SAR Interferometry of Interseismic Deformation in Southern California
* Joint Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Joint Intensity and Depth Co-sparse Analysis Model for Depth Map Super-resolution, A
* Joint Inverted Indexing
* Joint Learning of Discriminative Prototypes and Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Joint Noise Level Estimation from Personal Photo Collections
* Joint Non-Gaussian Denoising and Superresolving of Raw High Frame Rate Videos
* Joint Optimization for Consistent Multiple Graph Matching
* Joint Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Human in Natural Videos
* Joint Subspace Stabilization for Stereoscopic Video
* JPEG's JPSearch Standard: Harmonizing Image Management and Search
* K-means clustering for support construction in diffractive imaging
* K-SVD Meets Transform Learning: Transform K-SVD
* KAFD Arabic font database
* KaRIn on SWOT: Characteristics of Near-Nadir Ka-Band Interferometric SAR Imagery
* Kernel Sparse Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Wavelet-Based Features
* Kernel-Based Learning From Both Qualitative and Quantitative Labels: Application to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Based on Multiparametric MR Imaging
* Keyhole-3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography: A time-resolved reconstruction method
* keyword retrieval system for historical Mongolian document images, A
* Kinect Shadow Detection and Classification
* Klein-Bottle-Based Dictionary for Texture Representation, A
* Lapped transform-based image denoising with the generalised Gaussian prior
* Large Scale Document Image Retrieval by Automatic Word Annotation
* Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition With Reservoir-Based Acoustic Models
* Large-Scale Image Annotation by Efficient and Robust Kernel Metric Learning
* Large-Scale Multi-resolution Surface Reconstruction from RGB-D Sequences
* Large-Scale Video Hashing via Structure Learning
* Latent Data Association: Bayesian Model Selection for Multi-target Tracking
* Latent Multitask Learning for View-Invariant Action Recognition
* Latent Space Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Latent Task Adaptation with Large-Scale Hierarchies
* Learn to Combine Multiple Hypotheses for Accurate Face Alignment
* Learning a Dictionary of Shape Epitomes with Applications to Image Labeling
* Learning and Recognition of On-Premise Signs From Weakly Labeled Street View Images
* Learning Coupled Feature Spaces for Cross-Modal Matching
* Learning CRFs for Image Parsing with Adaptive Subgradient Descent
* Learning Discriminative Part Detectors for Image Classification and Cosegmentation
* Learning gaze biases with head motion for head pose-free gaze estimation
* Learning Graph Matching: Oriented to Category Modeling from Cluttered Scenes
* Learning Graphs to Match
* Learning Hash Codes with Listwise Supervision
* Learning Maximum Margin Temporal Warping for Action Recognition
* Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Policy for Object Detection
* Learning Non-linear Calibration for Score Fusion with Applications to Image and Video Classification
* Learning People Detectors for Tracking in Crowded Scenes
* Learning Slow Features for Behaviour Analysis
* Learning the Visual Interpretation of Sentences
* Learning to Detect Basal Tubules of Nematocysts in SEM Images
* Learning to Predict Gaze in Egocentric Video
* Learning to Rank Using Privileged Information
* Learning to Share Latent Tasks for Action Recognition
* Learning View-Invariant Sparse Representations for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Learning-Based Approach to Reduce JPEG Artifacts in Image Matting, A
* Least squares estimation-based adaptive observation model for aerial visual tracking applications
* least-squares approach to anomaly detection in static and sequential data, A
* Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven Approximation in Thoracic FDG PET-CT Images of NSCLC Studies
* Less Is More: Video Trimming for Action Recognition
* Leveraging colour segmentation for upper-body detection
* Lifting 3D Manhattan Lines from a Single Image
* Light on horizontal interactive surfaces: Input space for tabletop computing
* Like Father, Like Son: Facial Expression Dynamics for Kinship Verification
* Line Assisted Light Field Triangulation and Stereo Matching
* Linear combination of weighted t-cost and chamfering weighted distances
* Linear Sequence Discriminant Analysis: A Model-Based Dimensionality Reduction Method for Vector Sequences
* Linear Spectral Mixing Model for Identifying Potential Missing Endmembers in Spectral Mixture Analysis
* LineCast: Line-Based Distributed Coding and Transmission for Broadcasting Satellite Images
* Live Metric 3D Reconstruction on Mobile Phones
* Local Mutual Information for Dissimilarity-Based Image Segmentation
* Local Signal Equalization for Correspondence Matching
* Localizing Facial Keypoints with Global Descriptor Search, Neighbour Alignment and Locally Linear Models
* Locally Affine Sparse-to-Dense Matching for Motion and Occlusion Estimation
* Log-Euclidean Kernels for Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning
* Long-Term Automated Monitoring of Nearshore Wave Height From Digital Video
* Long-Term Tracking through Failure Cases
* Long-Term Vicarious Calibration of GOSAT Short-Wave Sensors: Techniques for Error Reduction and New Estimates of Radiometric Degradation Factors
* Low-Computational Approach on Gaze Estimation With Eye Touch System, A
* Low-Rank Sparse Coding for Image Classification
* Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiographs Using Anatomical Atlases With Nonrigid Registration
* L_1/2-Regularized Deconvolution Network for the Representation and Restoration of Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Macrofeature layout selection for pedestrian localization and its acceleration using GPU
* Making Bertha See
* Manifold Based Face Synthesis from Sparse Samples
* Manifold-Learning-Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral Data: A Review of Advances in Manifold Learning
* Manipulating the Experience of Reality for Rehabilitation Applications
* Manipulation Pattern Discovery: A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach
* Mapping and Modelling Spatial Variation in Soil Salinity in the Al Hassa Oasis Based on Remote Sensing Indicators and Regression Techniques
* Mapping industrial patterns in spatial agglomeration: A SOM approach to Italian industrial districts
* Marginal Enumeration Bayesian Cramer-Rao Bound for Jump Markov Systems, The
* Maritime Surveillance Using Multiple High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radars
* Markov Network-Based Unified Classifier for Face Identification
* Markov Random Field Structures for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* Matching Dry to Wet Materials
* Mathematical Framework for the Registration and Analysis of Multi-Fascicle Models for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure, A
* Max-Margin Perspective on Sparse Representation-Based Classification, A
* Maximum margin multiple-instance feature weighting
* MDVQM: A novel multidimensional no-reference video quality metric for video transcoding
* Mean-Shift-Based Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data
* Measuring Flow Complexity in Videos
* Memory Efficient 3D Integral Volumes
* Mesh-LBP: Computing Local Binary Patterns on Discrete Manifolds, The
* Meta-Optimization of the Extended Kalman Filter's Parameters Through the Use of the Bias Variance Equilibrium Point Criterion
* Method of Perceptual-Based Shape Decomposition, A
* Methods for improving the tone mapping for backward compatible high dynamic range image and video coding
* Methods for Large-Scale Monitoring of District Heating Systems Using Airborne Thermography
* Micromotion Characteristic Acquisition Based on Wideband Radar Phase
* MIMO SAR Processing for Multichannel High-Resolution Wide-Swath Radars
* MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and Pitfalls
* Minimal Basis Facility Location for Subspace Segmentation
* Minimum-Entropy-Based Autofocus Algorithm for SAR Data Using Chebyshev Approximation and Method of Series Reversion, and Its Implementation in a Data Processor
* Mining Motion Atoms and Phrases for Complex Action Recognition
* Mining Multiple Queries for Image Retrieval: On-the-Fly Learning of an Object-Specific Mid-level Representation
* Mitigation of Azimuth Ambiguities in Spaceborne Stripmap SAR Images Using Selective Restoration
* Mitigation of Sea Ice Contamination in QuikSCAT Wind Retrieval
* Mixing Paints for Generating Metamerism Art under 2 Lights and 3 Object Colors
* Model Recommendation with Virtual Probes for Egocentric Hand Detection
* Model-Based Analysis of the Influence of Forest Structures on the Scattering Phase Center at L-Band
* Model-Based Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Tomographic Datasets Acquired With an Array of Directional Detectors
* Modeling 4D Human-Object Interactions for Event and Object Recognition
* Modeling Accumulated Volume of Landslides Using Remote Sensing and DTM Data
* Modeling and Forecasting the Urban Volume Using Stochastic Differential Equations
* Modeling Infrared Radiometer Self-Emission With Application to MetOp/HIRS
* Modeling Occlusion by Discriminative AND-OR Structures
* Modeling Self-Occlusions in Dynamic Shape and Appearance Tracking
* Modeling the Calibration Pipeline of the Lytro Camera for High Quality Light-Field Image Reconstruction
* Modified correlation theorem for the linear canonical transform with representation transformation in quantum mechanics
* Modified directional weighted filter for removal of salt & pepper noise
* Modified Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Metric Learning for Regression
* Modified stable Euler-number algorithm implementation for real-time image binarization
* Modifying the Memorability of Face Photographs
* Moments and root-mean-square error of the Bayesian MMSE estimator of classification error in the Gaussian model
* Monitoring Glacier Changes Using Multitemporal Multipolarization SAR Images
* Monitoring Wetlands Ecosystems Using ALOS PALSAR (L-Band, HV) Supplemented by Optical Data: A Case Study of Biebrza Wetlands in Northeast Poland
* Monocular Image 3D Human Pose Estimation under Self-Occlusion
* Monte Carlo Tree Search for Scheduling Activity Recognition
* Motion-Aware KNN Laplacian for Video Matting
* Moving Pose: An Efficient 3D Kinematics Descriptor for Low-Latency Action Recognition and Detection, The
* Moving Target Analysis in ISAR Image Sequences With a Multiframe Marked Point Process Model
* MRI and CT image indexing and retrieval using local mesh peak valley edge patterns
* Multi-attributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding
* Multi-channel Correlation Filters
* multi-dataflow composer tool: Generation of on-the-fly reconfigurable platforms, The
* Multi-instance Object Segmentation with Exemplars
* Multi-Kernel Implicit Curve Evolution for Selected Texture Region Segmentation in VHR Satellite Images
* Multi-label classification with Bayesian network-based chain classifiers
* Multi-Label Image Categorization With Sparse Factor Representation
* Multi-label learning under feature extraction budgets
* Multi-Part Modeling and Segmentation of Left Atrium in C-Arm CT for Image-Guided Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
* Multi-scale Approach to Gesture Detection and Recognition, A
* Multi-scale Topological Features for Hand Posture Representation and Analysis
* Multi-stage Contextual Deep Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-view 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Radially-Symmetric Cameras
* Multi-view Normal Field Integration for 3D Reconstruction of Mirroring Objects
* Multi-view Object Segmentation in Space and Time
* Multichannel HRWS SAR Imaging Based on Range-Variant Channel Calibration and Multi-Doppler-Direction Restriction Ambiguity Suppression
* Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Spectral Constraints
* Multilabel Image Classification Via High-Order Label Correlation Driven Active Learning
* Multilevel Image Segmentation Based on Fractional-Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multimedia search reranking: A literature survey
* Multiobjective Departure Runway Scheduling Using Dynamic Programming
* Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selection and bag structure construction
* Multiple Non-rigid Surface Detection and Registration
* Multiplex Image Projection Using Multi-band Projectors
* Multiscale Analysis of Geometric Planar Deformations: Application to Wild Animal Electronic Tracking and Satellite Ocean Observation Data
* Multiscale Saliency Detection Using Random Walk With Restart
* Multiscale TILT Feature Detection with Application to Geometric Image Segmentation
* Multitexture Model for Multilook Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data, A
* Multivariate time series modeling of geometric features of spatio-temporal volumes for content based video retrieval
* Multiview Active Shape Models with SIFT Descriptors for the 300-W Face Landmark Challenge
* Multiview Photometric Stereo Using Planar Mesh Parameterization
* MUSIC-CSR: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Multiple Signal Classification and Collaborative Sparse Regression
* Nature-Inspired Framework for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Near-Real-Time Automatic Orbit Determination System for COSMIC and Its Follow-On Satellite Mission: Analysis of Orbit and Clock Errors on Radio Occultation, A
* Neighbor-to-Neighbor Search for Fast Coding of Feature Vectors
* NEIL: Extracting Visual Knowledge from Web Data
* Nested Shape Descriptors
* Network Principles for SfM: Disambiguating Repeated Structures with Local Context
* New Accuracy Assessment Method for One-Class Remote Sensing Classification, A
* New Adaptive Segmental Matching Measure for Human Activity Recognition, A
* New Algorithm to Retrieve Wave Parameters From Marine X-Band Radar Image Sequences, A
* New Approach for the Extraction of Aboveground Circular Structures From Near-Nadir VHR Satellite Imagery, A
* new descriptor resistant to affine transformation and monotonic intensity change, A
* new geometric descriptor for symbols with affine deformations, A
* New Graph Structured Sparsity Model for Multi-label Image Annotations
* New grouping and fitting methods for interactive overtraced sketches
* New Image Quality Metric for Image Auto-denoising, A
* New Iterative Triclass Thresholding Technique in Image Segmentation, A
* new reduced reference metric for color plus depth 3D video, A
* New SAR Algorithm Based on Orthogonal Projections for MMT Detection and Interference Reduction
* New Sensorized Prodder Device for the Detection of Vibrational Characteristics of Buried Objects, A
* New Weighted Region-based Hough Transform Algorithm for Robust Line Detection in Poor Quality Images of 2D Lattices of Rectangular Objects, A
* New Writing Experience: Finger Writing in the Air Using a Kinect Sensor, A
* Next-Generation Augmented Reality Browsers: Rich, Seamless, and Adaptive
* Nine-Year Climatology of Arctic Sea Ice Lead Orientation and Frequency from AMSR-E, A
* No Matter Where You Are: Flexible Graph-Guided Multi-task Learning for Multi-view Head Pose Classification under Target Motion
* No reference quality assessment for MPEG video delivery over IP
* Noise Parameter Estimation for Poisson Corrupted Images Using Variance Stabilization Transforms
* Non-convex P-Norm Projection for Robust Sparsity
* Non-parametric Bayesian Network Prior of Human Pose, A
* Nonlinear Estimation of Material Abundances in Hyperspectral Images With L_1-Norm Spatial Regularization
* nonlinear level set model for image deblurring and denoising, A
* Nonlinear Ocean Wave Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Simulated Spatiotemporal Data Acquired by a Flash LIDAR Camera
* Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images: Models and Algorithms
* Nonparametric Blind Super-resolution
* Nonrigid Registration of Volumetric Images Using Ranked Order Statistics
* novel associative model for time series data mining, A
* Novel Coarse-to-Fine Scheme for Automatic Image Registration Based on SIFT and Mutual Information, A
* Novel design strategy of multiplier-less low-pass finite impulse response filter using self-organizing random immigrants genetic algorithm
* Novel Earth Mover's Distance Methodology for Image Matching with Gaussian Mixture Models, A
* novel framework for retrieval and interactive visualization of multimodal data, A
* Novel High-Order Range Model and Imaging Approach for High-Resolution LEO SAR, A
* Novel image fusion scheme based on dependency measure for robust multispectral palmprint recognition
* Novel Image Registration Algorithm for Remote Sensing Under Affine Transformation, A
* Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on SMVQ and Image Inpainting, A
* Novel Local Surface Description for Automatic 3D Object Recognition in Low Resolution Cluttered Scenes, A
* Novel Model for Three-Dimensional Imaging Using Interferometric ISAR in Any Curved Target Flight Path, A
* Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Deformation Rates and Orbital Errors, A
* Novel No-Reference PSNR Estimation Method With Regard to Deblocking Filtering Effect in H.264/AVC Bitstreams, A
* Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric Visualization of Left Atrium Fibrosis Using Late Gadolinium Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* novel steganalysis framework of heterogeneous images based on GMM clustering, A
* Novel Tridiagonal Commuting Matrices for Types I, IV, V, VIII DCT and DST Matrices
* NSH: Normality Sensitive Hashing for Anomaly Detection
* Numerical Modeling for Excitation and Coupling Transmission of Near Field Around the Metal Drilling Pipe in Lossy Formation
* Numerical Studies of Sea Surface Scattering With the GMRES-RP Method
* NYC3DCars: A Dataset of 3D Vehicles in Geographic Context
* Object Bank: An Object-Level Image Representation for High-Level Visual Recognition
* Object Detection by 3D Aspectlets and Occlusion Reasoning
* Observability Analysis of Collaborative Opportunistic Navigation With Pseudorange Measurements
* Observation and Modeling of the Microwave Brightness Temperature of Snow-Covered Frozen Lakes and Wetlands
* Observer-Based Robust Control of Vehicle Dynamics for Rollover Mitigation in Critical Situations
* Observing System Simulation Experiment Study on Imaging the Ionosphere by Assimilating Observations From Ground GNSS, LEO-Based Radio Occultation and Ocean Reflection, and Cross Link
* Observing the Natural World with Flickr
* Obstacle avoidance for mobile robot navigation in unknown environment using geometrical information of mobile camera images
* Ocean Surface Wind Retrieval From Dual-Polarized SAR Data Using the Polarization Residual Doppler Frequency
* Oceansat-II Scatterometer: Sensor Performance Evaluation, sigma0 Analyses, and Estimation of Biases
* Offline Mobile Instance Retrieval with a Small Memory Footprint
* On Averaging Multiview Relations for 3D Scan Registration
* On Complete Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Coherency Matrix Data
* On Even-Period Binary Z-Complementary Pairs with Large ZCZs
* On Fractional Moments of Multilook Polarimetric Whitening Filter for Polarimetric SAR Data
* On incrementally using a small portion of strong unlabeled data for semi-supervised learning algorithms
* On One-Shot Similarity Kernels: Explicit Feature Maps and Properties
* On Optimality Criteria for Reverse Charging of Electric Vehicles
* On the Mean Curvature Flow on Graphs with Applications in Image and Manifold Processing
* On the Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm
* On the Role of Contrast and Regularity in Perceptual Boundary Saliency
* On the Role of Correlation and Abstraction in Cross-Modal Multimedia Retrieval
* On the Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Microwave Radiometer Data in Banach Spaces
* On the Use of Transponders as Coherent Radar Targets for SAR Interferometry
* On-chip semidense representation map for dense visual features driven by attention processes
* On-Orbit Characterization of MODIS Modulation Transfer Function Using the Moon
* On-the-Fly Massively Multitemporal Change Detection Using Statistical Quality Control Charts and Landsat Data
* One-Shot Entire Shape Scanning by Utilizing Multiple Projector-Camera Constraints of Grid Patterns
* One-third probability embedding: a new 1 histogram compensating image least significant bit steganography scheme
* Online Motion Segmentation Using Dynamic Label Propagation
* Online Multiple Kernel Similarity Learning for Visual Search
* Online Robust Non-negative Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking
* Online Video SEEDS for Temporal Window Objectness
* Ontology-Based Classification of Building Types Detected from Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Ontology-Based Hybrid Approach to Activity Modeling for Smart Homes, An
* Open problems in color constancy: discussion
* Optical Flow via Locally Adaptive Fusion of Complementary Data Costs
* Optical Signal Processor for Millimeter-Wave Interferometric Radiometry
* Optimal Orthogonal Basis and Image Assimilation: Motion Modeling
* Optimal Reduction of Large Image Databases for Location Recognition
* Optimization Problems for Fast AAM Fitting in-the-Wild
* Optimized aperture shapes for depth estimation
* Optimized Monte Carlo Procedure and Its Application in Electromagnetic Scattering From Rough Surfaces, An
* Optimizing a High-Order Graphic Equalizer for Audio Processing
* Ordered Trajectories for Large Scale Human Action Recognition
* Orderless Tracking through Model-Averaged Posterior Estimation
* Orientation-Compensative Signal Registration for Owner Authentication Using an Accelerometer
* Orthonormalized Volume Magnetic Source Model for Discrimination of Unexploded Ordnance, The
* over-segmentation method for single-touching Chinese handwriting with learning-based filtering, An
* Overview of Information Hiding in H.264/AVC Compressed Video, An
* Overview of the MVC+D 3D video coding standard
* Pansharpening With Matting Model
* Paper Doll Parsing: Retrieving Similar Styles to Parse Clothing Items
* PAPR-Constrained Pareto-Optimal Waveform Design for OFDM-STAP Radar
* Parallel Transport of Deformations in Shape Space of Elastic Surfaces
* Parameters Affecting Interferometric Coherence: The Case of a Dynamic Agricultural Region
* Parsing IKEA Objects: Fine Pose Estimation
* Partial Enumeration and Curvature Regularization
* Partial Sum Minimization of Singular Values in RPCA for Low-Level Vision
* particle swarm optimization based simultaneous learning framework for clustering and classification, A
* Particle-based simulation of the interaction between fluid and knitwear
* path- and label-cost propagation approach to speedup the training of the optimum-path forest classifier, A
* Pedestrian Attribute Classification in Surveillance: Database and Evaluation
* Pedestrian Parsing via Deep Decompositional Network
* Perceptual Fidelity Aware Mean Squared Error
* perceptual scheme for fully automatic video shot boundary detection, A
* Performance analysis of EM, SVD, and SVM classifiers in classification of carcinogenic regions of medical images
* Performance analysis of hierarchical transform coding with a large kernel for video codecs
* Performance Analysis of MODIS 500-m Spatial Resolution Products for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Oligo- to Meso-Trophic Waters Case Study: Itumbiara Reservoir, Brazil
* Performance enhancement of respiratory tumor motion prediction using adaptive support vector regression: Comparison with adaptive neural network method
* Performance evaluation of an automotive distributed architecture based on a high speed power line communication protocol using a transaction level modeling approach
* Persistent Homology of Delay Embeddings and its Application to Wheeze Detection
* Persistent tracking of static scene features using geometry
* Person Re-identification by Salience Matching
* Perspective Motion Segmentation via Collaborative Clustering
* Perturbation Analysis of Eigenvector-Based Target Decomposition Theorems in Radar Polarimetry
* Phase Quality Optimization in Polarimetric Differential SAR Interferometry
* PhotoOCR: Reading Text in Uncontrolled Conditions
* Pictorial Human Spaces: How Well Do Humans Perceive a 3D Articulated Pose?
* Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow
* Pixel-Wise Varifocal Camera Model for Efficient Forward Projection and Linear Extrinsic Calibration of Underwater Cameras with Flat Housings, A
* PixelTrack: A Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Tracking Non-rigid Objects
* Planar Numerical Signature Theory Applied to Object Recognition
* PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo Matching
* Point-Based 3D Reconstruction of Thin Objects
* Polarimetric Approaches for Persistent Scatterers Interferometry
* Polarimetric Response of Rice Fields at C-Band: Analysis and Phenology Retrieval
* Polarization Features in Bistatic Scattering From Rough Surfaces
* Polarization-Based Dehazing Using Two Reference Objects
* PolSAR Time Series Processing With Binary Partition Trees
* POP: Person Re-identification Post-rank Optimisation
* Portable Roadside Sensors for Vehicle Counting, Classification, and Speed Measurement
* Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
* Pose Estimation with Unknown Focal Length Using Points, Directions and Lines
* Pose-Configurable Generic Tracking of Elongated Objects
* Pose-Free Facial Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Shape Model
* Potts Model, Parametric Maxflow and K-Submodular Functions
* practical evaluation of the performance of the Impulse CoDeveloper HLS tool for implementing large-kernel 2-D filters, A
* Practical Transfer Learning Algorithm for Face Verification, A
* Precipitation Classification Using Measurements From Commercial Microwave Links
* Precise Lower Bound on Image Subpixel Registration Accuracy, A
* Predicting an Object Location Using a Global Image Representation
* Predicting Primary Gaze Behavior Using Social Saliency Fields
* Predicting Sufficient Annotation Strength for Interactive Foreground Segmentation
* Prediction of Satellite Image Sequence for Weather Nowcasting Using Cluster-Based Spatiotemporal Regression
* Prediction of Traffic Flow at the Boundary of a Motorway Network
* Primal explicit max margin feature selection for nonlinear support vector machines
* Prime Object Proposals with Randomized Prim's Algorithm
* Priors for Stereo Vision under Adverse Weather Conditions
* Probabilistic Aircraft Midair Conflict Resolution Using Stochastic Optimal Control
* Probabilistic Elastic Part Model for Unsupervised Face Detector Adaptation
* Probabilistic Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling by Figure-Ground Composition
* Process of Information Propagation Along a Traffic Stream Through Intervehicle Communication, The
* Processing Geotagged Image Sets for Collaborative Compositing and View Construction
* Progressive Band Selection of Spectral Unmixing for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Progressive Multigrid Eigensolvers for Multiscale Spectral Segmentation
* Property Analysis of XOR-Based Visual Cryptography
* Proportion Priors for Image Sequence Segmentation
* Proximity Priors for Variational Semantic Segmentation and Recognition
* PSO Application in Skull Prosthesis Modelling by Superellipse, A
* PVD-based data hiding method with histogram preserving using pixel pair matching, A
* Pyramid Coding for Functional Scene Element Recognition in Video Scenes
* Quadruplet-Wise Image Similarity Learning
* Quadtree Structured Image Approximation for Denoising and Interpolation
* Quality Assessment of Surface Current Fields From TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Along-Track Interferometry and Doppler Centroid Analysis
* Quality perception when streaming video on tablet devices
* Quantifying the Statistical Impact of GRAPPA in fcMRI Data With a Real-Valued Isomorphism
* Quantitative Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Intra-Voxel Fiber Recovery From Diffusion MRI
* Quantize and Conquer: A Dimensionality-Recursive Solution to Clustering, Vector Quantization, and Image Retrieval
* Query-Adaptive Asymmetrical Dissimilarities for Visual Object Retrieval
* Quick Approximation of Camera's Spectral Response from Casual Lighting
* Radar Coincidence Imaging: An Instantaneous Imaging Technique with Stochastic Signals
* Rain Pixel Recovery Algorithm for Videos With Highly Dynamic Scenes, A
* Random Error Modeling and Analysis of Airborne Lidar Systems
* Random Faces Guided Sparse Many-to-One Encoder for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Random Forests of Local Experts for Pedestrian Detection
* Random Grids: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors and Range Searching for Image Search
* Random walks in directed hypergraphs and application to semi-supervised image segmentation
* Random-Noise Attenuation for Seismic Data by Local Parallel Radial-Trace TFPF
* Randomized Ensemble Tracking
* Rank Minimization across Appearance and Shape for AAM Ensemble Fitting
* Rapid method for assessing relative tissue stiffness using MR acoustic radiation force imaging
* Real-Time Articulated Hand Pose Estimation Using Semi-supervised Transductive Regression Forests
* Real-time background generation and foreground object segmentation for high-definition colour video stream in FPGA device
* Real-Time Body Tracking with One Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors
* Real-time detection of lines using parallel coordinates and CUDA
* Real-time facial shape recovery from a single image under general, unknown lighting by rank relaxation
* Real-time generation of multi-view video plus depth content using mixed narrow and wide baseline
* Real-Time MODIS Vegetation Product for Land Surface and Numerical Weather Prediction Models, A
* Real-Time Sign Language Recognition Using a Consumer Depth Camera
* Real-Time Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem with Unknown Radial Distortion and Focal Length
* Real-time stent and balloon simulation for stenosis treatment
* Real-World Normal Map Capture for Nearly Flat Reflective Surfaces
* Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring of GNSS Signals for Electronic Toll Collection
* Recognising Human-Object Interaction via Exemplar Based Modelling
* Recognizing object manipulation activities using depth and visual cues
* Recognizing Text with Perspective Distortion in Natural Scenes
* Rectangling Stereographic Projection for Wide-Angle Image Visualization
* rectilinear Gaussian model for estimating straight-line parameters, A
* Recursive Estimation of the Stein Center of SPD Matrices and Its Applications
* Reducing the Error Accumulation in Car-Following Models Calibrated With Vehicle Trajectory Data
* Reduction of Vibration-Induced Artifacts in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Redundancy removal for isolated gesture in Indian sign language and recognition using multi-class support vector machine
* Refractive Structure-from-Motion on Underwater Images
* Regional Assessment of Cardiac Left Ventricular Myocardial Function via MRI Statistical Features
* Regional Gap-Filling Method Based on Spatiotemporal Variogram Model of CO2 Columns, A
* Regionlets for Generic Object Detection
* Relative Attributes for Large-Scale Abandoned Object Detection
* Relative Radiometric Correction Method for Airborne Image Using Outdoor Calibration and Image Statistics, A
* Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Relay Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraint
* Reliable Left Luggage Detection Using Stereo Depth and Intensity Cues
* Remote Sensing Image Retrieval With Global Morphological Texture Descriptors
* Remote Sensing-Based Biomass Estimation and Its Spatio-Temporal Variations in Temperate Grassland, Northern China
* Remotely Sensed Image Classification Using Sparse Representations of Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Remotely Sensed Monitoring of Small Reservoir Dynamics: A Bayesian Approach
* Requirements and Tests for Phase Preservation in a SAR Processor
* Restoring an Image Taken through a Window Covered with Dirt or Rain
* Retrieval and Quality Assessment of Wind Velocity Vectors on the Ocean With C-Band SAR
* Retrieval of River Ice Thickness From C-Band PolSAR Data
* Retrieval-Based Face Annotation by Weak Label Regularized Local Coordinate Coding
* Revealing the Traces of Median Filtering Using High-Order Local Ternary Patterns
* Reverberant Audio Source Separation via Sparse and Low-Rank Modeling
* Reversal effect of low-intensity ultrasound on adriamycin-resistant human hepatoma cells in vitro and in vivo
* Review of Swidden Agriculture in Southeast Asia, A
* Revisiting Example Dependent Cost-Sensitive Learning with Decision Trees
* Revisiting the PnP Problem: A Fast, General and Optimal Solution
* Rigorous Simulations of Microwave Scattering From Finite Conductivity Two-Dimensional Sea Surfaces at Low Grazing Angles
* Robust Analytical Solution to Isometric Shape-from-Template with Focal Length Calibration, A
* Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Under Noisy Audio-Video Conditions
* Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films
* Robust brain MRI denoising and segmentation using enhanced non-local means algorithm
* Robust Coinversion Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval From Multisensor Data, A
* Robust Control for Urban Road Traffic Networks
* Robust depth sensing with adaptive structured light illumination
* Robust Dictionary Learning by Error Source Decomposition
* Robust Estimation of Motion Blur Kernel Using a Piecewise-Linear Model
* Robust Face Landmark Estimation under Occlusion
* Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
* Robust Feature Set Matching for Partial Face Recognition
* Robust Matrix Factorization with Unknown Noise
* Robust metric for the evaluation of visual saliency algorithms
* Robust Model-Based 3D Torso Pose Estimation in RGB-D Sequences
* Robust Non-parametric Data Fitting for Correspondence Modeling
* Robust Object Tracking with Online Multi-Lifespan Dictionary Learning
* Robust Polarimetric SAR Despeckling Based on Nonlocal Means and Distributed Lee Filter
* Robust Real-Time Tracking with Diverse Ensembles and Random Projections
* Robust SIFT Descriptor for Multispectral Images, A
* Robust Subspace Clustering via Half-Quadratic Minimization
* Robust Trajectory Clustering for Motion Segmentation
* Robust Tucker Tensor Decomposition for Effective Image Representation
* Robust Vehicle Sideslip Angle Estimation Through a Disturbance Rejection Filter That Integrates a Magnetometer With GPS
* Robust Vision-Based Sensor Fusion Approach for Real-Time Pose Estimation, A
* Robust Visual Tracking via Multiple Kernel Boosting With Affinity Constraints
* Role of Spatial Information in Disentangling the Irradiance-Reflectance-Transmittance Ambiguity, The
* Rolling Shutter Stereo
* Rotational Stereo Model Based on XSlit Imaging, A
* Royalty-Free Video Coding Standards in MPEG
* S-transform using a new window to improve frequency and time resolutions, The
* Saliency and Human Fixations: State-of-the-Art and Study of Comparison Metrics
* Saliency Cut in Stereo Images
* Saliency detection in computer rendered images based on object-level contrast
* Saliency Detection in Large Point Sets
* Saliency Detection via Absorbing Markov Chain
* Saliency Detection via Dense and Sparse Reconstruction
* Saliency Detection: A Boolean Map Approach
* Salient Region Detection by UFO: Uniqueness, Focusness and Objectness
* Scalable and Compact Representation for Motion Capture Data Using Tensor Decomposition
* Scalable Collaborative Online System for City Reconstruction, A
* Scalable Unsupervised Feature Merging Approach to Efficient Dimensionality Reduction of High-Dimensional Visual Data, A
* Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification Using Covariate Shift Methodology
* Scene Collaging: Analysis and Synthesis of Natural Images with Semantic Layers
* Scene Particles: Unregularized Particle-Based Scene Flow Estimation
* Scene Text Localization and Recognition with Oriented Stroke Detection
* Seamline Network Refinement Based on Area Voronoi Diagrams With Overlap
* Secrets of Image Denoising cuisine
* secure algorithm for biometric-based digital image watermarking in DCT domain, A
* Securing Multimedia Content Using Joint Compression and Encryption
* Segmentation Driven Object Detection with Fisher Vectors
* Segmentation of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Using Sparse Riemannian Manifold Clustering
* Segmentation of Mesoscale Ocean Surface Dynamics Using Satellite SST and SSH Observations
* Segmentation of sows in farrowing pens
* Segmentation of Stochastic Images using Level Set Propagation with Uncertain Speed
* Segmentation-Based Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds by Progressive Densification of Terrain Segments
* Segmentation-Based Partial Volume Correction for Volume Estimation of Solid Lesions in CT
* Self-Adaptive Tolling Strategy for Enhanced High-Occupancy Toll Lane Operations
* Self-calibration of stationary non-rotating zooming cameras
* Self-similarity-based partial near-duplicate video retrieval and alignment
* Self-Stimulatory Behaviours in the Wild for Autism Diagnosis
* Semantic Parsing of Street Scene Images Using 3D LiDAR Point Cloud
* Semantic Segmentation without Annotating Segments
* Semantic Transform: Weakly Supervised Semantic Inference for Relating Visual Attributes
* Semantic Video-to-Video Search Using Sub-graph Grouping and Matching
* Semantic-Aware Co-Indexing for Image Retrieval
* Semantically-Based Human Scanpath Estimation with HMMs
* Semi-Analytical Model for Delay/Doppler Altimetry and Its Estimation Algorithm, A
* Semi-automatic object segmentation using colour invariance and Graph cuts
* Semi-dense Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera
* Semi-supervised Learning for Large Scale Image Cosegmentation
* Semi-supervised Robust Dictionary Learning via Efficient l-Norms Minimization
* Semisupervised Dual-Geometric Subspace Projection for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image Data
* Sensitivity Analysis of Vegetation Reflectance to Biochemical and Biophysical Variables at Leaf, Canopy, and Regional Scales
* Sensitivity of L-Band Radar Backscatter to Forest Biomass in Semiarid Environments: A Comparative Analysis of Parametric and Nonparametric Models
* Sensor Fusion-Based Vacant Parking Slot Detection and Tracking
* Sensor Noise Modeling by Stacking Pseudo-Periodic Grid Images Affected by Vibrations
* Separating Crop Species in Northeastern Ontario Using Hyperspectral Data
* Separating Reflective and Fluorescent Components Using High Frequency Illumination in the Spectral Domain
* Separating Specular and Diffuse Reflection Components in the HSI Color Space
* Separation of Bones From Chest Radiographs by Means of Anatomically Specific Multiple Massive-Training ANNs Combined With Total Variation Minimization Smoothing
* Sequential Bayesian Model Update under Structured Scene Prior for Semantic Road Scenes Labeling
* SGTD: Structure Gradient and Texture Decorrelating Regularization for Image Decomposition
* Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in High-Resolution Satellite Images via Morphological Filtering and Example-Based Learning
* Shadow extraction and application in pedestrian detection
* Shape Anchors for Data-Driven Multi-view Reconstruction
* Shape Index Descriptors Applied to Texture-Based Galaxy Analysis
* Ship Detection in High-Resolution Optical Imagery Based on Anomaly Detector and Local Shape Feature
* Shortest Paths with Curvature and Torsion
* Shufflets: Shared Mid-level Parts for Fast Object Detection
* Sieving Regression Forest Votes for Facial Feature Detection in the Wild
* SIFTpack: A Compact Representation for Efficient SIFT Matching
* Signal and Image Processing in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Signal Processing Perspective on Hyperspectral Unmixing: Insights from Remote Sensing, A
* Significance Analysis of Different Types of Ancillary Geodata Utilized in a Multisource Classification Process for Forest Identification in Germany
* Silhouette-based human action recognition using SAX-Shapes
* Similarity Metric Learning for Face Recognition
* Simple Model for Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Depth Cues, A
* Simulation and Validation of the InfraSnow: An Instrument to Measure Snow Optically Equivalent Grain Size
* Simulation of Airborne Radar Observations of Precipitating Systems at Various Frequency Bands
* Simulation of Multitemporal and Hyperspectral Vegetation Canopy Bidirectional Reflectance Using Detailed Virtual 3-D Canopy Models
* Simulation of the Expected Performance of a Seamless Scanner for Brain PET Based on Highly Pixelated CdTe Detectors
* Simulations of Breast Cancer Imaging Using Gamma-Ray Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography
* Simultaneous 2D and 3D perception for stereoscopic displays based on polarized or active shutter glasses
* Simultaneous Clustering and Tracklet Linking for Multi-face Tracking in Videos
* Simultaneous Measurements by Advanced SAR and Radar Altimeter on Potential Improvement of Ocean Wave Model Assimilation
* Simultaneous Tensor Decomposition and Completion Using Factor Priors
* Single-Patch Low-Rank Prior for Non-pointwise Impulse Noise Removal
* Single-View RGBD-Based Reconstruction of Dynamic Human Geometry
* SLD: A Novel Robust Descriptor for Image Matching
* Slice Sampling Particle Belief Propagation
* Slope Superficial Displacement Monitoring by Small Baseline SAR Interferometry Using Data from L-band ALOS PALSAR and X-band TerraSAR: A Case Study of Hong Kong, China
* Slow Feature Analysis for Change Detection in Multispectral Imagery
* Smartphone-Based Obstacle Detection and Classification System for Assisting Visually Impaired People, A
* Solid texture synthesis for heterogeneous translucent materials
* Source Identification Using Signal Characteristics in Controller Area Networks
* Space-Time Robust Representation for Action Recognition
* Space-Time Tradeoffs in Photo Sequencing
* Sparse Approximations of 3D Mesh Geometry Using Frames as Overcomplete Dictionaries
* Sparse feature selection based on graph Laplacian for web image annotation
* Sparse Graph-Based Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Sparse Label-Indicator Optimization Methods for Image Classification
* Sparse MIMO Array Forward-Looking GPR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing in Clutter Environment
* Sparse Recovery by Means of Nonnegative Least Squares
* Sparse Variation Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition with a Single Training Sample per Person
* Sparsifying Neural Network Connections for Face Recognition
* Sparsity and Structure in Hyperspectral Imaging: Sensing, Reconstruction, and Target Detection
* Spatial Adaptive Speckle Filtering Driven by Temporal Polarimetric Statistics and Its Application to PSI
* Spatial and Spectral Image Fusion Using Sparse Matrix Factorization
* Spatial Interpolation to Predict Missing Attributes in GIS Using Semantic Kriging
* Spatial opportunistic transmission for Quality of Experience satisfaction
* Spatial-based skin detection using discriminative skin-presence features
* Spatial-Spectral Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Discriminative Dictionary Designed by Learning Vector Quantization
* Spatially Adaptive Kernel Regression Using Risk Estimation
* Spatially Adaptive Superresolution Land Cover Mapping With Multispectral and Panchromatic Images
* Spatio-temporal Context Modeling for BoW-Based Video Classification
* Spatio-temporal Feature Based on Triangulation of Dense SURF, A
* Spatio-temporal Good Features to Track
* Spatio-temporal Human-Object Interactions for Action Recognition in Videos
* Special issue on advances in high dynamic range video research
* Special issue on design and architectures of real-time image processing in embedded systems
* Spectral Image Classification From Optimal Coded-Aperture Compressive Measurements
* Spectral-Based Estimation of the Local Azimuth Ambiguity-to-Signal Ratio in SAR Images
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Hidden Markov Random Fields
* Spectral-Spatial Constraint Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification With Edge-Preserving Filtering
* Spectro-Temporal Filtering for Multichannel Speech Enhancement in Short-Time Fourier Transform Domain
* Spectrum Reconstruction Method for Airborne Temporally-Spatially Modulated Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometers
* Speed and Texture: An Empirical Study on Optical-Flow Accuracy in ADAS Scenarios
* speed invariant human identification system using gait biometrics, A
* Spoken Attributes: Mixing Binary and Relative Attributes to Say the Right Thing
* SSIM-based error-resilient rate-distortion optimization of H.264/AVC video coding for wireless streaming
* Stable Hyper-pooling and Query Expansion for Event Detection
* Stacked Predictive Sparse Coding for Classification of Distinct Regions in Tumor Histopathology
* Staggered SAR: High-Resolution Wide-Swath Imaging by Continuous PRI Variation
* Stalled Recovery of the Iraqi Marshes, The
* Standards-Based Architectures for Content Management
* STAR3D: Simultaneous Tracking and Reconstruction of 3D Objects Using RGB-D Data
* Statistical framework for content-based medical image retrieval based on wavelet orthogonal polynomial model with multiresolution structure
* Statistical-Measure-Based Adaptive Land Cover Classification Algorithm by Efficient Utilization of Polarimetric SAR Observables, A
* Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Suppression Incorporating Spectro-Temporal Correlations
* Stochastic Characterization of Information Propagation Process in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
* Street View Motion-from-Structure-from-Motion
* Strong Appearance and Expressive Spatial Models for Human Pose Estimation
* Strong Impossibility Results for Sparse Signal Processing
* Structured Forests for Fast Edge Detection
* Structured Learning of Sum-of-Submodular Higher Order Energy Functions
* Structured Light in Sunlight
* Study of the Track-Train Continuous Information Transmission Process in a High-Speed Railway
* Study on the C-Band Polarimetric Scattering and Physical Characteristics of Frost Flowers on Experimental Sea Ice, A
* Studying Pedestrian and Crowd Dynamics through Integrated Analysis and Synthesis
* Style-Aware Mid-level Representation for Discovering Visual Connections in Space and Time
* Subjective assessment of HDTV with superresolution function
* Subpixel Scanning Invariant to Indirect Lighting Using Quadratic Code Length
* Subspace Clustering Through Parametric Representation and Sparse Optimization
* subspace co-training framework for multi-view clustering, A
* Subspace Matching Pursuit for Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Successive Projection Method for Well-Conditioned Matrix Approximation Problems
* SUN3D: A Database of Big Spaces Reconstructed Using SfM and Object Labels
* Super-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of Thick Biological Samples: A Computer Vision Perspective
* Super-Resolution for Computed Tomography Based on Discrete Tomography
* Super-resolution via Transform-Invariant Group-Sparse Regularization
* Superpixel Coherency and Uncertainty Models for Semantic Segmentation
* Superresolution ISAR Imaging Based on Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Superresolution Land Cover Mapping Using Spatial Regularization
* Supervised Binary Hash Code Learning with Jensen Shannon Divergence
* Supervised Classification of Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images With a Hierarchical Copula-Based Approach
* Supervised Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes with Variational Inference
* Support Local Pattern and its Application to Disparity Improvement and Texture Classification
* Support Surface Prediction in Indoor Scenes
* Suppression of Clutter in Multichannel SAR GMTI
* Surface Impedance Mapping Using Sferics
* Survey of Gaussian Convolution Algorithms, A
* Survey of Traffic Control With Vehicular Communications, A
* SVM Active Learning Approach for Image Classification Using Spatial Information
* SYM-FISH: A Symmetry-Aware Flip Invariant Sketch Histogram Shape Descriptor
* Symbiotic Segmentation and Part Localization for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Symmetrical SURF and Its Applications to Vehicle Detection and Vehicle Make and Model Recognition
* Synergistic Clustering of Image and Segment Descriptors for Unsupervised Scene Understanding
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Segmentation by Modified Student's t-Mixture Model
* Synthetic Images for Evaluating Topographic Correction Algorithms
* Systematic analysis of the decoding delay in multiview video
* Tactical Driving Behavior With Different Levels of Automation
* Target-Driven Moire Pattern Synthesis by Phase Modulation
* Targeted Land-Cover Classification
* Targetless Calibration of a Lidar: Perspective Camera Pair
* Temperature and Snow-Mediated Moisture Controls of Summer Photosynthetic Activity in Northern Terrestrial Ecosystems between 1982 and 2011
* Temporal Poselets for Collective Activity Detection and Recognition
* Temporal Survey of Polarimetric P-Band Scattering of Tropical Forests
* Temporally Consistent Superpixels
* Tensor Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices
* Terra MODIS Band 27 Electronic Crosstalk Effect and Its Removal
* TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight Mode Concept, The
* Tests of the SMAP Combined Radar and Radiometer Algorithm Using Airborne Field Campaign Observations and Simulated Data
* Text Detection and Recognition on Traffic Panels From Street-Level Imagery Using Visual Appearance
* Text Localization in Natural Images Using Stroke Feature Transform and Text Covariance Descriptors
* Text recognition in multimedia documents: A study of two neural-based OCRs using and avoiding character segmentation
* Thematic Saliency Detection Using Spatial-Temporal Context
* Theoretical Comparison of the Iodine Quantification Accuracy of Two Spectral CT Technologies
* Three Dimensional Motion Trail Model for Gesture Recognition
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Multiplatform Stereo Data With Variance Component Estimation
* Tight focusing of quasi-cylindrically polarized beams
* Time-Dependent Response Versus Scan Angle for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* Time-of-Flight Estimation in the Presence of Outliers Part I: Single Echo Processing
* Time-of-Flight Estimation in the Presence of Outliers. Part II: Multiple Echo Processing
* To Aggregate or Not to aggregate: Selective Match Kernels for Image Search
* Tone mapping based HDR compression: Does it affect visual experience?
* Topic-Based Knowledge Transfer Algorithm for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Topographic Signatures in Aquarius Radiometer and Scatterometer Response
* Topology-Constrained Layered Tracking with Latent Flow
* Total Variation Regularization for Functions with Values in a Manifold
* TotalPLS: Local Dimension Reduction for Multicategory Microarray Data
* TouchCut: Fast image and video segmentation using single-touch interaction
* Toward Guaranteed Illumination Models for Non-convex Objects
* Toward Real-Time Pedestrian Detection Based on a Deformable Template Model
* Toward Vicarious Calibration of Microwave Remote-Sensing Satellites in Arid Environments
* Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature selection
* Towards Motion Aware Light Field Video for Dynamic Scenes
* Towards Understanding Action Recognition
* TR-MISI Serial Prefilter for Robustness to ISI and Noise in Indoor Wireless Communication System, A
* Track-to-Track Association for Biased Data Based on the Reference Topology Feature
* Tracking an RGB-D Camera Using Points and Planes
* Tracking Revisited Using RGBD Camera: Unified Benchmark and Baselines
* Tracking via Robust Multi-task Multi-View Joint Sparse Representation
* Training Deformable Part Models with Decorrelated Features
* Transfer Feature Learning with Joint Distribution Adaptation
* Translating Video Content to Natural Language Descriptions
* Transmission Estimation in Underwater Single Images
* Transparent Composite Model for DCT Coefficients: Design and Analysis
* Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Tree Shape Priors with Connectivity Constraints Using Convex Relaxation on General Graphs
* Trends and Variation in Ku-Band Backscatter of Natural Targets on Land Observed in QuikSCAT Data
* Trends in Steganography
* Trusting Skype: Learning the Way People Chat for Fast User Recognition and Verification
* tutorial on human activity recognition using body-worn inertial sensors, A
* Two level security for medical images using watermarking/encryption algorithms
* Two-Color Satellite Laser Ranging Measurements at 10 Hz and 100 Hz at TIGO
* Two-Dimensional Radar Backscattering Modeling of Oil Slicks at Sea Based on the Model of Local Balance: Validation of Two Asymptotic Techniques for Thick Films
* Two-Dimensional Sensor System for Automotive Crash Prediction
* Two-Dimensional TSVD to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of Radiometer Data
* Two-Phase Calibration for a Mirror Metaphor Augmented Reality System
* Two-Point Gait: Decoupling Gait from Body Shape
* UL-Isomap based nonlinear dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery classification
* Unbiased Metric Learning: On the Utilization of Multiple Datasets and Web Images for Softening Bias
* Unbiased Risk Estimator for Image Denoising in the Presence of Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise, An
* Uncertainty Analysis of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Indices Using Aquarius Scatterometer Observations
* Uncertainty-Driven Efficiently-Sampled Sparse Graphical Models for Concurrent Tumor Segmentation and Atlas Registration
* Understanding Bicycle Dynamics and Cyclist Behavior From Naturalistic Field Data (November 2012)
* Understanding Blood-Flow Dynamics: New Challenges for Visualization
* Understanding High-Level Semantics by Modeling Traffic Patterns
* Understanding Internal Wave-Wave Interaction Patterns Observed in Satellite Images of the Mid-Atlantic Bight
* Unified Approach to Diffusion Direction Sensitive Slice Registration and 3-D DTI Reconstruction From Moving Fetal Brain Anatomy, A
* Unified Design of a Feature-Based ADAC System for Mine Hunting Using Synthetic Aperture Sonar
* unified framework for multi-sensor HDR video reconstruction, A
* Unified framework for representing and ranking
* Unified Probabilistic Approach Modeling Relationships between Attributes and Objects, A
* Unified Rolling Shutter and Motion Blur Model for 3D Visual Registration, A
* Unified Video Segmentation Benchmark: Annotation, Metrics and Analysis, A
* Uniform Polarimetric Matrix Rotation Theory and Its Applications
* Unifying Nuclear Norm and Bilinear Factorization Approaches for Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Domain Invariant Projection
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Dynamic Mixture Model for Motion Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Geometrical Measures in Prototype Space for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Unsupervised Intrinsic Calibration from a Single Frame Using a Plumb-Line Approach
* Unsupervised manifold learning using Reciprocal kNN Graphs in image re-ranking and rank aggregation tasks
* Unsupervised multiphase color-texture image segmentation based on variational formulation and multilayer graph
* Unsupervised Random Forest Manifold Alignment for Lipreading
* Unsupervised SAR Image Segmentation Using Higher Order Neighborhood-Based Triplet Markov Fields Model
* Unsupervised Segmentation, Clustering, and Groupwise Registration of Heterogeneous Populations of Brain MR Images
* Unsupervised Spectral Matching Classifier Based on Artificial DNA Computing for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Unsupervised Visual Domain Adaptation Using Subspace Alignment
* Use of commercial off-the-shelf digital cameras for scientific data acquisition and scene-specific color calibration
* Use of Wavelet-Based Denoising Techniques to Enhance the First-Arrival Picking on Seismic Traces, The
* Using DDM Asymmetry Metrics for Wind Direction Retrieval From GPS Ocean-Scattered Signals in Airborne Experiments
* Using retinex for point selection in 3D shape registration
* Using the Directional Derivative Trace Transform for Seismic Wavefield Separation
* Utilizing Microscopic Traffic and Weather Data to Analyze Real-Time Crash Patterns in the Context of Active Traffic Management
* Vagus nerve modulation using focused pulsed ultrasound: Potential applications and preliminary observations in a rat
* Validation of the Two Standard MODIS Satellite Burned-Area Products and an Empirically-Derived Merged Product in South Africa
* Validation Study of an Improved SWIR Iterative Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for MODIS-Aqua Measurements in Lake Taihu, China, A
* Vanishing Point-Based Road Detection for General Road Images
* variational level set segmentation formulation based on signal model for images in the presence of intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Variational Light Field Analysis for Disparity Estimation and Super-Resolution
* Variations of the Tropopause Over Different Latitude Bands Observed Using COSMIC Radio Occultation Bending Angles
* Various Approaches for Driver and Driving Behavior Monitoring: A Review
* Vegetation Height Estimation Precision With Compact PolInSAR and Homogeneous Random Volume Over Ground Model
* Verification of Sky Models for Image Calibration
* Vertical Distribution of Lower Tropospheric NO2 Derived From Diffuse Solar Radiation Measurements: A Geometrical Retrieval Approach
* Vertical mode expansion method for transmission of light through a single circular hole in a slab
* VGRAPH: An Effective Approach for Generating Static Video Summaries
* Vicarious Calibration of Beijing-1 Multispectral Imagers
* Video Based Children's Social Behavior Classification in Peer-Play Scenarios
* Video Co-segmentation for Meaningful Action Extraction
* Video Event Understanding Using Natural Language Descriptions
* Video Motion for Every Visible Point
* Video Object Segmentation by Salient Segment Chain Composition
* Video Segmentation by Tracking Many Figure-Ground Segments
* Video Synopsis by Heterogeneous Multi-source Correlation
* Viewing Real-World Faces in 3D
* Virtual 3D Models of Insects for Accelerated Quarantine Control
* Virtual Handcrafting: Building Virtual Wood Models Using ToolDevice
* Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation
* Visual Material Traits: Recognizing Per-Pixel Material Context
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2013 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Odometry by Multi-frame Feature Integration
* Visual Reranking through Weakly Supervised Multi-graph Learning
* Visual saliency detection based on region descriptors and prior knowledge
* Visual Semantic Complex Network for Web Images
* Visualization of retinal vascular structure and perfusion with a nonconfocal adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope
* Visualization of Spatiotemporal Behavior of Discrete Maps via Generation of Recursive Median Elements
* VLSI implementation of star detection and centroid calculation algorithms for star tracking applications
* Volumetric Semantic Segmentation Using Pyramid Context Features
* Voting-Based Directional Interpolation Method and Its Application to Still Color Image Demosaicking
* Walking in Colors: Human Gait Recognition Using Kinect and CBIR
* Water Vapor Probabilistic Retrieval Using GNSS Signals
* Way They Move: Tracking Multiple Targets with Similar Appearance, The
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Image Partitioning Using Decision Trees with Structured Split Criteria
* Wearable Computer Vision Systems for a Cortical Visual Prosthesis
* Wearable Smartphone: Wearable Hybrid Framework for Hand and Foot Gesture Interaction on Smartphone
* Weighted Projective Spaces and a Generalization of Eves' Theorem
* What Do You Do? Occupation Recognition in a Photo via Social Context
* What is the Most EfficientWay to Select Nearest Neighbor Candidates for Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search?
* Which Edges Matter?
* White and narrow band image compressor based on a new color space for capsule endoscopy
* Wide-baseline stereo matching based on the line intersection context for real-time workspace modeling
* WiFi-Based Passive ISAR for High-Resolution Cross-Range Profiling of Moving Targets
* Wireless Accelerometer-Based Automatic Vehicle Classification Prototype System, A
* Wireless Scalable Video Coding Using a Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme
* Write a Classifier: Zero-Shot Learning Using Purely Textual Descriptions
* Writer identification using oriented Basic Image Features and the Delta encoding
* YouTube2Text: Recognizing and Describing Arbitrary Activities Using Semantic Hierarchies and Zero-Shot Recognition
* Zernike moments and LDP-weighted patches for content-based image retrieval
* Zero-Shot Learning and Detection of Teeth in Images of Bat Skulls
* Zonal brightness coherency for video tone mapping
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