Update Dates 2205

2205 * *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 15-Year Analysis of Direct Effects of Total and Dust Aerosols in Solar Radiation/Energy over the Mediterranean Basin
* 2K-Fold-Net and feature enhanced 4-Fold-Net for medical image segmentation
* 3D Key-Points Estimation from Single-View RGB Images
* 3D Tubular Flux Model for Centerline Extraction in Neuron Volumetric Images, A
* 3D Visualization Techniques for Analysis and Archaeological Interpretation of GPR Data
* 6 DoF Pose Regression via Differentiable Rendering
* Abbreviating Labelling Cost for Sentinel-2 Image Scene Classification Through Active Learning
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of an Imaging Spectroradiometer Using a Laboratory Detector-Based Approach
* Accelerated brain tumor dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI using Adaptive Pharmaco-Kinetic Model Constrained method
* Accelerated Map Matching for GPS Trajectories
* Accelerated sparse nonnegative matrix factorization for unsupervised feature learning
* Accelerating Video Object Detection by Exploiting Prior Object Locations
* Accessing the Impact of Meteorological Variables on Machine Learning Flood Susceptibility Mapping
* Accounting for Almond Crop Water Use under Different Irrigation Regimes with a Two-Source Energy Balance Model and Copernicus-Based Inputs
* Accuracy and Precision of Stem Cross-Section Modeling in 3D Point Clouds from TLS and Caliper Measurements for Basal Area Estimation
* Accuracy Assessment of Snow Depth Measurements in Agro-Forested Environments by UAV Lidar, An
* Accuracy Issues for Spatial Update of Digital Cadastral Maps
* Accurate classification of nodules and non-nodules from computed tomography images based on radiomics and machine learning algorithms
* Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damage to Roadside Trees and Urban Forests Using the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Active User Detection and Channel Estimation for Spatial-Based Random Access in Crowded Massive MIMO Systems via Blind Super-Resolution
* AD-CGAN: Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network for Anomaly Detection
* Adaptive Anisotropic Morphological Filtering Based on Co-Circularity of Local Orientations
* Adaptive Attribute and Structure Subspace Clustering Network
* Adaptive Capsule Network
* Adaptive Contrast for Image Regression in Computer-Aided Disease Assessment
* Adaptive Disparity Candidates Prediction Network for Efficient Real-Time Stereo Matching
* Adaptive Embedding Network with Spatial Constraints for the Use of Few-Shot Learning in Endangered-Animal Detection, An
* Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Radar Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification, An
* Adaptive Kalman Filter for Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Based on Pseudorange and Epoch-Differenced Carrier-Phase Measurements
* Adaptive loss function based least squares one-class support vector machine
* Adaptive Max-Margin One-Class Classifier for SAR Target Discrimination in Complex Scenes
* Adaptive Multi-Pedestrian Tracking by Multi-Sensor: Track-to-Track Fusion Using Monocular 3D Detection and MMW Radar
* Adaptive open domain recognition by coarse-to-fine prototype-based network
* adaptive pixel mapping based approach for reversible data hiding in encrypted images, An
* Adaptive reversible data hiding for JPEG images with multiple two-dimensional histograms
* Adaptive Sample Assignment Strategy Based on Feature Enhancement for Ship Detection in SAR Images, An
* Adaptive Subspace Signal Detection in Structured Interference Plus Compound Gaussian Sea Clutter
* Adaptive User Experience in the Car: Levels of Adaptivity and Adaptive HMI Design
* Advancements of Geodetic Activities in Nepal: A Review on Pre- and Post-2015 Gorkha Earthquake Eras with Future Directions
* Adversarial Camera Alignment Network for Unsupervised Cross-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Aerosols over East and South Asia: Type Identification, Optical Properties, and Implications for Radiative Forcing
* Agents of Forest Disturbance in the Argentine Dry Chaco
* AHSWFM: Automated and Hierarchical Surface Water Fraction Mapping for Small Water Bodies Using Sentinel-2 Images
* Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Vortex Evolution and Surface Wind Asymmetry of Concentric Eyewalls in Hurricane Irma
* AIRES-CH Project: Artificial Intelligence for Digital REStoration of Cultural Heritages Using Nuclear Imaging and Multidimensional Adversarial Neural Networks, The
* Algebraic Comparison of Synthetic Aperture Interferometry and Digital Beam Forming in Imaging Radiometry, An
* All-Sky 1 km MODIS Land Surface Temperature Reconstruction Considering Cloud Effects Based on Machine Learning
* Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Optical Properties, Sources, Type, and Components
* Alternative Design of DeepPDNet in the Context of Image Restoration
* Ambient Formaldehyde over the United States from Ground-Based (AQS) and Satellite (OMI) Observations
* Ambiguity Resolution for Long Baseline in a Network with BDS-3 Quad-Frequency Ionosphere-Weighted Model
* Analyses of a Lake Dust Source in the Middle East through Models Performance
* Analyses of DSD Vertical Evolution and Rain Variation Mechanism in Stratiform Cloud Cases Using Micro Rain Radar
* Analysis and Correction of Antenna Pattern Effects in AMAO Spaceborne SAR Images
* Analysis of Brain Tumor Using MR Images: A Brief Survey
* Analysis of Different Weighting Functions of Observations for GPS and Galileo Precise Point Positioning Performance
* Analysis of Environmental and Atmospheric Influences in the Use of SAR and Optical Imagery from Sentinel-1, Landsat-8, and Sentinel-2 in the Operational Monitoring of Reservoir Water Level
* Analysis of Land Use Change and Driving Mechanisms in Vietnam during the Period 2000-2020
* Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia
* Analysis of visual risk perception model for braking control behaviour of human drivers: A literature review
* Analysis of Water Yield Changes from 1981 to 2018 Using an Improved Mann-Kendall Test
* Analysis on Seasonal Variation and Influencing Mechanism of Land Surface Thermal Environment: A Case Study of Chongqing
* Analyzing Air Pollutant Reduction Possibilities in the City of Zagreb
* Analyzing EEG Data with Machine and Deep Learning: A Benchmark
* Analyzing the Error Pattern of InSAR-Based Mining Subsidence Estimation Caused by Neglecting Horizontal Movements
* Anchor-Free Method Based on Adaptive Feature Encoding and Gaussian-Guided Sampling Optimization for Ship Detection in SAR Imagery, An
* anchor-free object detector based on soften optimized bi-directional FPN, An
* Anomaly Detection Approach for Plankton Species Discovery, An
* Anomaly Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Context Learned by Video Clip Sorting
* Antarctic Firn Characterization via Wideband Microwave Radiometry
* Antarctic-Scale Ice Flow Lines Map Generation and Basin Delineation
* Anthropogenic Illumination as Guiding Light for Nocturnal Bird Migrants Identified by Remote Sensing
* Applicability of Time-Integrated Unit Stream Power for Estimating Bridge Pier Scour Using Noncontact Methods in a Gravel-Bed River, The
* Application of an Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm in Real-Time Detection of Foreign Objects by Ground Penetrating Radar
* Applying a Portable Backpack Lidar to Measure and Locate Trees in a Nature Forest Plot: Accuracy and Error Analyses
* Approach for Predicting Global Ionospheric TEC Using Machine Learning, An
* Approach towards a Holistic Management of Research Data in Planetary Science: Use Case Study Based on Remote Sensing Data
* Approaches for Joint Retrieval of Wind Speed and Significant Wave Height and Further Improvement for Tiangong-2 Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
* Approximate Expectation-Maximization for Two-Dimensional Multi-Target Detection, An
* AR Geo-Registration Algorithm for UAV TIR Video Streams Based on Dual-Antenna RTK-GPS, An
* Arbitrarily Oriented Dense Object Detection Based on Center Point Network in Remote Sensing Images
* Arbitrarily shaped scene text detection with dynamic convolution
* Arbitrary Style Transfer with Attentional Networks Via Unbalanced Optimal Transport
* Are the Significant Ionospheric Anomalies Associated with the 2007 Great Deep-Focus Undersea Jakarta-Java Earthquake?
* Areas Available for the Potential Sustainable Expansion of Soy in Brazil: A Geospatial Assessment Using the SAFmaps Database
* Assessing Changes in Mountain Treeline Ecotones over 30 Years Using CNNs and Historical Aerial Images
* Assessing Drought Response in the Southwestern Amazon Forest by Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* Assessing Individual VR Sickness Through Deep Feature Fusion of VR Video and Physiological Response
* Assessing the Impact of Extreme Droughts on Dryland Vegetation by Multi-Satellite Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* Assessing the Impact of the Loss Function and Encoder Architecture for Fire Aerial Images Segmentation Using Deeplabv3+
* Assessing the Impacts of Tidal Creeks on the Spatial Patterns of Coastal Salt Marsh Vegetation and Its Aboveground Biomass
* Assessing the Performance of Multi-Resolution Satellite SAR Images for Post-Earthquake Damage Detection and Mapping Aimed at Emergency Response Management
* Assessing the Performance of the Phase Difference Bathymetric Sonar Depth Uncertainty Prediction Model
* Assessing the Performance of WRF Model in Simulating Heavy Precipitation Events over East Africa Using Satellite-Based Precipitation Product
* Assessing the Potential of Long, Multi-Temporal SAR Interferometry Time Series for Slope Instability Monitoring: Two Case Studies in Southern Italy
* Assessing the Relationship between Freshwater Flux and Sea Surface Salinity
* Assessing the Sensitivity of Vegetation Cover to Climate Change in the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin Using Machine Learning Algorithms
* Assessment and Improvement of Urban Resilience to Flooding at a Subdistrict Level Using Multi-Source Geospatial Data: Jakarta as a Case Study
* Assessment of Adjacency Correction over Inland Waters Using Sentinel-2 MSI Images
* Assessment of Different Complementary-Relationship-Based Models for Estimating Actual Terrestrial Evapotranspiration in the Frozen Ground Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Assessment of Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand (Mis)matches for Urban Ecological Management: A Case Study in the Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Luoyang Cities
* Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Fuzzy AHP Techniques: A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia)
* Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Estimates from Landsat 8-TIRS in A High-Contrast Semiarid Agroecosystem. Algorithms Intercomparison
* Assessment of RTK Quadcopter and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Fine-Scale Monitoring of Coastal Topographic Complexity
* Assessment of VIIRS on the Identification of Harmful Algal Bloom Types in the Coasts of the East China Sea
* Assessments of Cloud Liquid Water and Total Precipitable Water Derived from FY-3E MWTS-III and NOAA-20 ATMS
* Assimilation of SMAP Products for Improving Streamflow Simulations over Tropical Climate Region: Is Spatial Information More Important Than Temporal Information?
* Asymmetric Interseismic Strain across the Western Altyn Tagh Fault from InSAR
* Asynchronous Multithreading Reinforcement-Learning-Based Path Planning and Tracking for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* Asynchronous Spatio-Temporal Memory Network for Continuous Event-Based Object Detection
* Atlas generative models and geodesic interpolation
* Atmosphere and Terrain Coupling Simulation Framework for High-Resolution Visible-Thermal Spectral Imaging over Heterogeneous Land Surface
* Atmospheric Conditions within Big Telescope Alt-Azimuthal Region and Possibilities of Astronomical Observations
* Attention Cascade Global-Local Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, An
* Attention Guided Global Enhancement and Local Refinement Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Attention Mechanism and Depthwise Separable Convolution Aided 3DCNN for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* attention-based framework for multi-view clustering on Grassmann manifold, An
* Attribute Artifacts Removal for Geometry-Based Point Cloud Compression
* AUCO ResNet: an end-to-end network for Covid-19 pre-screening from cough and breath
* Augmentation-Based Methodology for Enhancement of Trees Map Detalization on a Large Scale
* Augmented Reality Head-Up Display: A Visual Support During Malfunctions in Partially Automated Driving?
* August 2019 Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion Island) Eruption: Analysis of the Multi-Source Deformation Pattern Detected through Sentinel-1 DInSAR Measurements, The
* Auto-Tuning of Attitude Control System for Heterogeneous Multirotor UAS
* Automated Adequacy Assessment of Cervical Cytology Samples Using Deep Learning
* Automated BIM Reconstruction of Full-Scale Complex Tubular Engineering Structures Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Automated Inventory of Broadleaf Tree Plantations with UAS Imagery
* Automated Temporal Analysis of Gaze Following in a Visual Tracking Task, The
* Automatic Classification of Fresco Fragments: A Machine and Deep Learning Study
* Automatic Classification of Photos by Tourist Attractions Using Deep Learning Model and Image Feature Vector Clustering
* Automatic detection of eardrum otoendoscopic images in patients with otitis media using hybrid-based deep models
* Automatic diagnosis of pneumonia using backward elimination method based SVM and its hardware implementation
* Automatic fine-grained glomerular lesion recognition in kidney pathology
* Automatic Forest DBH Measurement Based on Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
* Automatic geo-localization framework without GNSS data
* Automatic Positioning of Street Objects Based on Self-Adaptive Constrained Line of Bearing from Street-View Images
* Automatic Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bi-Temporal Satellite Images Using a Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Invariant Features Selection and Fuzzy Integral Fusion Strategies
* Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Benthic Habitats Using Images from Towed Underwater Camera in a Complex Shallow Water Environment
* Automatic Tagging by Leveraging Visual and Annotated Features in Social Media
* Automation Aftereffects: The Influence of Automation Duration, Test Track and Timings
* Avalanche RL: A Continual Reinforcement Learning Library
* Average Performance of OMP and Thresholding Under Dictionary Mismatch
* Avoiding Shortcuts in Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Azimuth-Sensitive Object Detection of High-Resolution SAR Images in Complex Scenes by Using a Spatial Orientation Attention Enhancement Network
* Back in the US-SR: Unlimited Sampling and Sparse Super-Resolution With Its Hardware Validation
* BacklitNet: A dataset and network for backlit image enhancement
* Bagged Tree Model to Retrieve Planetary Boundary Layer Heights by Integrating Lidar Backscatter Profiles and Meteorological Parameters
* Batch covariance neural network for image recognition
* Bathymetry Derivatives and Habitat Data from Hyperspectral Imagery Establish a High-Resolution Baseline for Managing the Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
* Bayesian Cloud Detection over Land for Climate Data Records
* Bayesian Correlation Filter Learning With Gaussian Scale Mixture Model for Visual Tracking
* Bayesian Game Based Approach for Associating the Nodes to the Gateway in LoRa Network, A
* Bayesian mixture of gaussian processes for data association problem
* Bayesian Multilateration
* BDD-Net: An End-to-End Multiscale Residual CNN for Earthquake-Induced Building Damage Detection
* BDS/GPS/UWB Adaptively Robust EKF Tightly Coupled Navigation Model Considering Pedestrian Motion Characteristics
* Beamspace Scene Classification Algorithm for Low-Angle Estimation in MIMO Radar
* BeCAPTCHA-Mouse: Synthetic mouse trajectories and improved bot detection
* BES-Net: Boundary Enhancing Semantic Context Network for High-Resolution Image Semantic Segmentation
* Beyond single receptive field: A receptive field fusion-and-stratification network for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
* Bi-HRNet: A Road Extraction Framework from Satellite Imagery Based on Node Heatmap and Bidirectional Connectivity
* Bibliometric Analysis of OGC Specifications between 1994 and 2020 Based on Web of Science (WoS)
* Bibliometric Review of the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Precision Agriculture and Precision Viticulture for Sensing Applications, A
* Bidirectional Matching Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Bilateral K-Means for Superpixel Computation (the SLIC Method)
* binocular reconstruction based on perspective projection constraints and its application on robot eye-hand coordination, A
* Blind Adaptive Structure-Preserving Imaging Enhancement for Low-Light Condition
* Blind denoising using dense hybrid convolutional network
* BM3D Denoising for a Cluster-Analysis-Based Multibaseline InSAR Phase-Unwrapping Method
* Boundary Effects for EMD-Based Algorithms
* Brain tumor segmentation and multiview multiscale-based radiomic model for patient's overall survival prediction
* Branch-Fusion-Net for Multi-Modal Continuous Dimensional Emotion Recognition
* Broad-to-Narrow Registration and Identification of 3D Objects in Partially Scanned and Cluttered Point Clouds
* Broadscale Landscape Mapping Provides Insight into the Commonwealth of Dominica and Surrounding Islands Offshore Environment
* Building Height Extraction from GF-7 Satellite Images Based on Roof Contour Constrained Stereo Matching
* Calibrated Frequency-Division Distorted Born Iterative Tomography for Real-Life Head Imaging
* Calibrating probabilistic predictions of quantile regression forests with conformal predictive systems
* Calibration of Phased-Array High-Frequency Radar on an Anchored Floating Platform
* Camera-Based Method for Collecting Rapid Vegetation Data to Support Remote-Sensing Studies of Shrubland Biodiversity, A
* Can linguistic features extracted from geo-referenced tweets help building function classification in remote sensing?
* Canonical Polyadic Decomposition via the Generalized Schur Decomposition
* Capsule Boundary Network With 3D Convolutional Dynamic Routing for Temporal Action Detection
* CariMe: Unpaired Caricature Generation With Multiple Exaggerations
* Cascaded Parsing of Human-Object Interaction Recognition
* Case of Study on Traffic Cone Detection for Autonomous Racing on a Jetson Platform, A
* Case Study on the Use of the SafeML Approach in Training Autonomous Driving Vehicles
* CAST: Learning Both Geometric and Texture Style Transfers for Effective Caricature Generation
* Cataract grading method based on deep convolutional neural networks and stacking ensemble learning
* Catching the Moment With LoL^+ in Twitch-Like Low-Latency Live Streaming Platforms
* categorical data clustering framework on graph representation, A
* Cattle behavior recognition based on feature fusion under a dual attention mechanism
* Causal GraphSAGE: A robust graph method for classification based on causal sampling
* CCTNet: Coupled CNN and Transformer Network for Crop Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* CDANet: Common-and-Differential Attention Network for Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* CFAR Algorithm Based on Monte Carlo Method for Millimeter-Wave Radar Road Traffic Target Detection, A
* CGFNet: Cross-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* CGNet: Detecting computer-generated images based on transfer learning with attention module
* Change Detection of Amazonian Alluvial Gold Mining Using Deep Learning and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Change detection-based co-seismic landslide mapping through extended morphological profiles and ensemble strategy
* Change Trend and Restoration Potential of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in China over the Past 20 Years
* Changes in Long-Term PM2.5 Pollution in the Urban and Suburban Areas of China's Three Largest Urban Agglomerations from 2000 to 2020
* Changes in Vegetation Dynamics and Relations with Extreme Climate on Multiple Time Scales in Guangxi, China
* Character Segmentation and Recognition of Variable-Length License Plates Using ROI Detection and Broad Learning System
* Characterising the Aboveground Carbon Content of Saltmarsh in Jervis Bay, NSW, Using ArborCam and PlanetScope
* Characterising the Land Surface Phenology of Middle Eastern Countries Using Moderate Resolution Landsat Data
* Characteristic Scales of Tropical Convection Based on the Japanese Advanced Himawari-8 Imager Observations
* Characteristics of Dust Devils in Two Pre-Selected Landing Regions of the Tianwen-1 Mission: Comparing Observations and Predictions Using Numerical Model
* Characteristics of Precipitation and Floods during Typhoons in Guangdong Province
* Characteristics Set Computation Model for Internal Wavenumber Spectra and Its Validation with MODIS Retrieved Parameters in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea, A
* Characterization and Removal of RFI Artifacts in Radar Data via Model-Constrained Deep Learning Approach
* Characterization of Emotions Through Facial Electromyogram Signals
* Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Images Based on Pseudo-Labeling Using Radiology Reports
* Characterizing Pulse Attenuation of Intra-Cloud and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning with E-Field Signal Measured at Multiple Stations
* Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations in the Urban Thermal Environment Related to Land Cover Changes in Karachi, Pakistan, from 2000 to 2020
* Cheating in (halftone-secret) visual cryptography: Analysis of blind authentication schemes
* City3D: Large-Scale Building Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
* Classification and Identification of Spectral Pixels with Low Maritime Occupancy Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
* Classification of Untranscribed Handwritten Notarial Documents by Textual Contents
* Classification of Wetland Vegetation Based on NDVI Time Series from the HLS Dataset
* Classifying between computer generated and natural images: An empirical study from RAW to JPEG format
* CleanSea Set: A Benchmark Corpus for Underwater Debris Detection and Recognition, The
* Climatological Changes in Soil Moisture during the 21st Century over the Indian Region Using CMIP5 and Satellite Observations
* Cloud and cloud shadow detection for optical satellite imagery: Features, algorithms, validation, and prospects
* Cloud security based attack detection using transductive learning integrated with Hidden Markov Model
* Cluster Centers Provide Good First Labels for Object Detection
* Cluster-based Convolutional Baseline for Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-identification
* CNN Based Software Gradiometer for Electromagnetic Background Noise Reduction in Low Field MRI Applications, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Visual Question Answering by Iterative, Conditional Refinement
* coarse-to-fine weakly supervised learning method for green plastic cover segmentation using high-resolution remote sensing images, A
* Coastal Acoustic Tomography of the Neko-Seto Channel with a Focus on the Generation of Nonlinear Tidal Currents: Revisiting the First Experiment
* Coastal Topo-Bathymetry from a Single-Pass Satellite Video: Insights in Space-Videos for Coastal Monitoring at Duck Beach (NC, USA)
* Coastal Wetland Responses to Sea Level Rise: The Losers and Winners Based on Hydro-Geomorphological Settings
* Cobb-Douglas Learning Machine, The
* CoDriver ETA: Combine Driver Information in Estimated Time of Arrival by Driving Style Learning Auxiliary Task
* Cohesive Multi-Modality Feature Learning and Fusion for COVID-19 Patient Severity Prediction
* COLF-GAN: Learning to axial super-resolve focal stacks
* Collaborative Extraction of Paddy Planting Areas with Multi-Source Information Based on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Cambodia
* Collection of Hyperspectral Measurements on Snow and Ice Covers in Polar Regions (SISpec 2.0), The
* Colon Cancer Detection Using Hybrid Features and Genetically Optimized Neural Network Classifier
* Colorful 3D reconstruction at high resolution using multi-view representation
* Combinations of Feature Selection and Machine Learning Algorithms for Object-Oriented Betel Palms and Mango Plantations Classification Based on Gaofen-2 Imagery
* Combining Area-Based and Individual Tree Metrics for Improving Merchantable and Non-Merchantable Wood Volume Estimates in Coastal Douglas-Fir Forests
* Combining complementary trackers for enhanced long-term visual object tracking
* Combining Different Transformations of Ground Hyperspectral Data with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Anthocyanin Estimation in Tree Peony Leaves
* Combining EfficientNet and Vision Transformers for Video Deepfake Detection
* Combining Retargeting Quality and Depth Perception Measures for Quality Evaluation of Retargeted Stereopairs
* Combining Spectral, Spatial-Contextual, and Structural Information in Multispectral UAV Data for Spruce Crown Delineation
* Comparative analysis of wavelet-based copyright protection techniques
* Comparative Study of the 60 GHz and 118 GHz Oxygen Absorption Bands for Sounding Sea Surface Barometric Pressure
* Comparative Study on Potential Landslide Identification with ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1A Data in Heavy Forest Reach, Upstream of the Jinsha River
* Comparing Fire Extent and Severity Mapping between Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 Satellite Sensors
* Comparing the Use of Red-Edge and Near-Infrared Wavelength Ranges for Detecting Submerged Kelp Canopy
* Comparison and Evaluation of Algorithms for LiDAR-Based Contour Estimation in Integrated Vehicle Safety
* Comparison of CNNs and Vision Transformers-Based Hybrid Models Using Gradient Profile Loss for Classification of Oil Spills in SAR Images
* Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Inebriation Recognition in Humans, A
* Comparison of Different Supervised and Self-supervised Learning Techniques in Skin Disease Classification
* Comparison of Scanning LiDAR with Other Remote Sensing Measurements and Transport Model Predictions for a Saharan Dust Case
* Comparison of Spectral Bin Microphysics versus Bulk Parameterization in Forecasting Typhoon In-Fa (2021) before, during, and after Its Landfall, A
* Comparison of the Barrick and Backscatter Ionogram Methods of Calculating Sea Surface Backscatter Coefficients, A
* Comparison of the Potential Impact to the Prediction of Typhoons of Various Microwave Sounders Onboard a Geostationary Satellite
* Comparison of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cloud Amounts over China Derived from Different Satellite Datasets
* Competitive Learning of Facial Fitting and Synthesis Using UV Energy
* Complete YOLO-Based Ship Detection Method for Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Images under Complex Backgrounds, A
* Complex shearlets and rotary phase congruence tensor for corner detection
* Composite Style Pixel and Point Convolution-Based Deep Fusion Neural Network Architecture for the Semantic Segmentation of Hyperspectral and Lidar Data
* Comprehensive Evaluation of Gridded L-, C-, and X-Band Microwave Soil Moisture Product over the CZO in the Central Ganga Plains, India, A
* Compression of Multibeam Echosounders Bathymetry and Water Column Data
* Compressive Imaging Through Optical Fiber with Partial Speckle Scanning
* Computationally Efficient Dynamic Traffic Optimization of Railway Systems
* Computationally Efficient Rehearsal for Online Continual Learning
* Computationally-Efficient Overdetermined Blind Source Separation Based on Iterative Source Steering
* Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Southwest China
* Concurrent Learning-Based Adaptive Control of an Uncertain Robot Manipulator With Guaranteed Safety and Performance
* Conditional Sentence Generation and Cross-Modal Reranking for Sign Language Translation
* Confidence intervals for the random forest generalization error
* Confidence-Aware Cascade Network for Multi-Scale Stereo Matching of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Connected Components Labeling on Bitonal Images
* Consensus Graph Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* Consistency of Vertical Reflectivity Profiles and Echo-Top Heights between Spaceborne Radars Onboard TRMM and GPM
* Consistency Regularization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Consistent Sub-Decision Network for Low-Quality Masked Face Recognition
* Consolidated Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Constrained and Unconstrained Inverse Potts Modelling for Joint Image Super-Resolution and Segmentation
* Constructing a Large-Scale Urban Land Subsidence Prediction Method Based on Neural Network Algorithm from the Perspective of Multiple Factors
* Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Curvelet Transform and Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
* Context Feature Enhancement Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Context-related video anomaly detection via generative adversarial network
* Continual coarse-to-fine domain adaptation in semantic segmentation
* Continual Learning with Neuron Activation Importance
* Continuous Change Tracker Model for Remote Sensing Time Series Reconstruction, A
* Continuous Prediction of Lower-Limb Kinematics From Multi-Modal Biomedical Signals
* Contrastive Distillation Approach for Incremental Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images, A
* Contrastive Supervised Distillation for Continual Representation Learning
* Contribution of Low, Mid and High-Level Image Features of Indoor Scenes in Predicting Human Similarity Judgements
* Convective Entrainment Rate over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Adjacent Regions in the Boreal Summer Using SNPP-VIIRS
* Convergence analysis of connection center evolution and faster clustering
* Convolutional Neural Network Formulation to Compare 4-D Seismic and Reservoir Simulation Models
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Occupancy Map Accuracy Improvement for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Unconnected Vehicle in the Loop
* Cooperative Navigation for Low-Cost UAV Swarm Based on Sigma Point Belief Propagation
* Cooperative Ramp Merging Design and Field Implementation: A Digital Twin Approach Based on Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication
* Coordinated Cognitive Risk Control for Bridging Vehicular Radar and Communication Systems
* Coordinated Time-Varying Low Gain Feedback Control of High-Speed Trains Under a Delayed Communication Network
* Coordination of Complementary Sets for Low Doppler-Induced Sidelobes
* CORE: A knowledge graph entity type prediction method via complex space regression and embedding
* Correcting the Results of CHM-Based Individual Tree Detection Algorithms to Improve Their Accuracy and Reliability
* Correction Method to Systematic Phase Drift of a High Resolution Radar for Foreign Object Debris Detection, A
* Corresponding keypoint constrained sparse representation three-dimensional ear recognition via one sample per person
* Coseismic Rupture Model and Tectonic Implications of the January 7 2022, Menyuan Mw 6.6 Earthquake Constraints from InSAR Observations and Field Investigation
* COSMIC-2 RO Profile Ending at PBL Top with Strong Vertical Gradient of Refractivity
* COVID-19 CXR image recognition method based on MSA-DDCovidNet, A
* CPDINet: Blind image quality assessment via a content perception and distortion inference network
* CrabNet: Fully Task-Specific Feature Learning for One-Stage Object Detection
* Cross View Learning Approach for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* Cross-Batch Hard Example Mining With Pseudo Large Batch for ID vs. Spot Face Recognition
* Cross-Border Transport of PM2.5 from the Southeast Asian Biomass Burning Emissions and Its Impact on Air Pollution in Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China, The
* Cross-domain person re-identification based on background suppression and identity consistency
* Cross-Modal Food Retrieval: Learning a Joint Embedding of Food Images and Recipes With Semantic Consistency and Attention Mechanism
* Cross-Modality Fusion and Progressive Integration Network for Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Cross-modality person re-identification via multi-task learning
* Cross-view SLAM solver: Global pose estimation of monocular ground-level video frames for 3D reconstruction using a reference 3D model from satellite images
* Crowd Counting Via Perspective-Guided Fractional-Dilation Convolution
* CrowdGAN: Identity-Free Interactive Crowd Video Generation and Beyond
* Crowdsourcing-Based Road Surface Evaluation and Indexing
* CSR-Net: Learning Adaptive Context Structure Representation for Robust Feature Correspondence
* CubeNet: X-shape connection for camouflaged object detection
* CUFD: An encoder-decoder network for visible and infrared image fusion based on common and unique feature decomposition
* CurSeg: A pavement crack detector based on a deep hierarchical feature learning segmentation framework
* CVGAN: Image Generation with Capsule Vector-VAE
* Cycle and Self-Supervised Consistency Training for Adapting Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images
* Cycle Consistency Based Method for Learning Disentangled Representation for Stochastic Video Prediction
* Daily Human Mobility: A Reproduction Model and Insights from the Energy Concept
* DASP: Dual-autoencoder Architecture for Skin Prediction
* Data Augmentation for Building Footprint Segmentation in SAR Images: An Empirical Study
* Data-Driven Contract Design for Multi-Agent Systems With Collusion Detection
* Data-Driven Joint Beam Selection and Power Allocation for Multiple Target Tracking
* Data-Wise Spatial Regional Consistency Re-Enhancement for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Decadal Changes in Greenland Ice Sheet Firn Aquifers from Radar Scatterometer
* Decade Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval Using Deep Learning, A
* Decomposition and replacement: Spatial knowledge distillation for monocular depth estimation
* Decontextualized I3D ConvNet for Ultra-Distance Runners Performance Analysis at a Glance
* Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition
* Deep Aesthetic Assessment and Retrieval of Breast Cancer Treatment Outcomes
* Deep Audio-Visual Beamforming for Speaker Localization
* Deep Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection in Textured Images Using CW-SSIM
* Deep Detection Models for Measuring Epidermal Bladder Cells
* Deep Feature Migration for Real-Time Mapping of Urban Street Shading Coverage Index Based on Street-Level Panorama Images
* Deep Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Classification
* Deep learning based automated detection of intraretinal cystoid fluid
* Deep Learning Based Framework for Malaria Diagnosis on High Variation Data Set, A
* Deep Learning Based Joint PET Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation
* Deep Learning for Archaeological Object Detection on LiDAR: New Evaluation Measures and Insights
* Deep Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease with FDG-PET Neuroimaging
* Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification: A Survey and Outlook
* Deep Learning for Visual Tracking: A Comprehensive Survey
* Deep Learning-Based System for Product Recognition in Intelligent Retail Environment, A
* Deep multi-query video retrieval
* Deep Neural Network for Coarse-to-Fine Image Dehazing with Interleaved Residual Connections and Semi-Supervised Training, A
* Deep reinforcement learning based active safety control for distributed drive electric vehicles
* Deep residential representations: Using unsupervised learning to unlock elevation data for geo-demographic prediction
* Deep transfer learning of global spectra for local soil carbon monitoring
* Deep-E: A Fully-Dense Neural Network for Improving the Elevation Resolution in Linear-Array-Based Photoacoustic Tomography
* Deep-learning generation of POI data with scene images
* Deep-Learning-Based Automated Neuron Reconstruction From 3D Microscopy Images Using Synthetic Training Images
* Deep-PCAC: An End-to-End Deep Lossy Compression Framework for Point Cloud Attributes
* Deepfake Forensics via an Adversarial Game
* Deepfake Style Transfer Mixture: A First Forensic Ballistics Study on Synthetic Images
* DeepFakes Have No Heart: A Simple rPPG-Based Method to Reveal Fake Videos
* DeepOIS: Gyroscope-Guided Deep Optical Image Stabilizer Compensation
* DEF-Net: A Face Aging Model by Using Different Emotional Learnings
* Deforestation by Afforestation: Land Use Change in the Coastal Range of Chile
* DEM Super-Resolution Reconstruction Network Combining Internal and External Learning, A
* Denoising multi-view images by soft thresholding: A short-time DFT approach
* Denoising of computed tomography using bilateral median based autoencoder network
* Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved small object detection based on dense sampling and detail enhancement
* Dense Semantics-Assisted Networks for Video Action Recognition
* Densification of Sparse Optical Flow Using Edges Information
* Depth Inversion from Wave Frequencies in Temporally Augmented Satellite Video
* Depth-Aware Multi-object Tracking in Spherical Videos
* Desert Locust Cropland Damage Differentiated from Drought, with Multi-Source Remote Sensing in Ethiopia
* Design of an FPGA-Based High-Quality Real-Time Autonomous Dehazing System
* Detecting abnormality with separated foreground and background: Mutual Generative Adversarial Networks for video abnormal event detection
* Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Consumer Wearable Devices in Manual and Partial Automated Real-Road Driving
* Detecting Meaningful Clusters From High-Dimensional Data: A Strongly Consistent Sparse Center-Based Clustering Approach
* Detecting Moving Trucks on Roads Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Detecting the Demand Changes of Bike Sharing: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach
* Detection of Double JPEG Compression With the Same Quantization Matrix via Convergence Analysis
* Detection of Epilepsy in EEGs Using Deep Sequence Models: A Comparative Study
* Detection of Flood Extent Using Sentinel-1A/B Synthetic Aperture Radar: An Application for Hurricane Harvey, Houston, TX
* Detection of Grassland Mowing Events for Germany by Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Detection of Periodic Disturbances in LOFAR Calibration Solutions
* Detection of Risky Situations for Frail Adults With Hybrid Neural Networks on Multimodal Health Data
* Detection of Solar Flares from the Analysis of Signal-to-Noise Ratio Recorded by Digisonde at Mid-Latitudes
* Detection of Southern Beech Heavy Flowering Using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Detection of Tree Decline (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in European Forests Using Sentinel-2 Data
* Determining the Capability of the Tree-Based Pipeline Optimization Tool (TPOT) in Mapping Parthenium Weed Using Multi-Date Sentinel-2 Image Data
* Determining the Influence of Long Term Urban Growth on Surface Urban Heat Islands Using Local Climate Zones and Intensity Analysis Techniques
* Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magnetic, Ne, Te and TEC Anomalies from Swarm Satellites: The Case of Mw 7.1 2021 Japan Earthquake
* Developing a More Reliable Aerial Photography-Based Method for Acquiring Freeway Traffic Data
* Developing High-Resolution Crop Maps for Major Crops in the European Union Based on Transductive Transfer Learning and Limited Ground Data
* Development and Evaluation of AMSU-A Cloud Detection over the Tibetan Plateau
* Development of a New Tropical Cyclone Strip Segment Retrieval Model for C-Band Cross-Polarized SAR Data
* Development of a Robust Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Dynamic Topology
* Development of a UAV-Based Gamma Spectrometry System for Natural Radionuclides and Field Tests at Central Asian Uranium Legacy Sites
* Development of Chaos Terrain as Subaqueous Slide Blocks in Galilaei Crater, Mars
* Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using Hierarchical Neural Networks and Metadata
* Diagnostics of Coherent Eddy Transport in the South China Sea Based on Satellite Observations
* Differential Gene Expression Analysis of the Most Relevant Genes for Lung Cancer Prediction and Sub-type Classification
* Differentiate Soybean Response to Off-Target Dicamba Damage Based on UAV Imagery and Machine Learning
* Differentiated Explanation of Deep Neural Networks With Skewed Distributions
* Differentiation of Six Grassland/Forage Types in Three Canadian Ecoregions Based on Spectral Characteristics
* Digital Image Conspicuous Features Classification Using TLCNN Model with SVM Classifier
* Digital Line Segment Detection for Table Reconstruction in Document Images
* Digitalization and Classification of Cesare Battisti's Atlas of 1915
* Dilated Segmentation Network with the Morphological Correction Method in Farming Area Image Series, A
* Direct and Legacy Effects of Spring Temperature Anomalies on Seasonal Productivity in Northern Ecosystems
* Discover Micro-Influencers for Brands via Better Understanding
* Discrete Box-Constrained Minimax Classifier for Uncertain and Imbalanced Class Proportions
* Discriminative information restoration and extraction for weakly supervised low-resolution fine-grained image recognition
* Discriminative Learning of Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars for Mathematical Expression Recognition and Retrieval
* Discriminative semantic transitive consistency for cross-modal learning
* Discussion on InSAR Identification Effectivity of Potential Landslides and Factors That Influence the Effectivity
* Disentangled Inference for GANs With Latently Invertible Autoencoder
* Displacement-Invariant Cost Computation for Stereo Matching
* Distance-Based Random Forest Clustering with Missing Data
* Distilled light GaitSet: Towards scalable gait recognition
* Distinguishing Algal Blooms from Aquatic Vegetation in Chinese Lakes Using Sentinel 2 Image
* Distortionless 1/2 Overlap Windowing in Frequency Domain Anti-Jamming of Satellite Navigation Receivers
* Distributed H8 Controller Design and Robustness Analysis for Vehicle Platooning Under Random Packet Drop
* Distributed Hybrid Indexing for Continuous KNN Query Processing over Moving Objects, A
* Distributed N-FINDR Cloud Computing-Based Solution for Endmembers Extraction on Large-Scale Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data, A
* Distributed source coding for utilization of inter/intra source correlation
* Distributed Stochastic Inertial-Accelerated Methods with Delayed Derivatives for Nonconvex Problems
* Distribution probability-based self-adaption metric learning for person re-identification
* Diurnal Variations of Water Ice in the Martian Atmosphere Observed by Mars Climate Sounder
* Diversity Effects on Canopy Structure Change throughout a Growing Season in Experimental Grassland Communities
* DMSANet: Dual Multi Scale Attention Network
* Does depth estimation help object detection?
* Domain Adaptation in Robotics: A Study Case on Kitchen Utensil Recognition
* Domain Adaptation Meets Zero-Shot Learning: An Annotation-Efficient Approach to Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Domain generalization and adaptation based on second-order style information
* Don't Wait Until the Accident Happens: Few-Shot Classification Framework for Car Accident Inspection in a Real World
* Double-Laplacian Mixture-Error Model-Based Supervised Group-Sparse Coding for Robust Palmprint Recognition
* Downscaling land surface temperature: A framework based on geographically and temporally neural network weighted autoregressive model with spatio-temporal fused scaling factors
* Downscaling Satellite-Based Estimates of Ocean Bottom Pressure for Tracking Deep Ocean Mass Transport
* DP-k-modes: A self-tuning k-modes clustering algorithm
* Driving Climatic Factors at Critical Plant Developmental Stages for Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Alpine Grassland Productivity
* Drone-Borne Ground-Penetrating Radar for Snow Cover Mapping
* DRs-UNet: A Deep Semantic Segmentation Network for the Recognition of Active Landslides from InSAR Imagery in the Three Rivers Region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Dual Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Inverse Imaging
* Dual Distance Optimized Deep Quantization With Semantics-Preserving
* Dual w-Test Based Quality Control Algorithm for Integrated IMU/GNSS Navigation in Urban Areas, A
* Dual-attention guided network for facial action unit detection
* Dual-path image pair joint discrimination for visible-infrared person re-identification
* DualPRNet: Deep Shrinkage Dual Frame Network for Deep Unrolled Phase Retrieval
* DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Dynamic Changes of Lake Issyk-Kul from 1958 to 2020 Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data, The
* dynamic constraint representation approach based on cross-domain dictionary learning for expression recognition, A
* Dynamic Harvest Index Estimation of Winter Wheat Based on UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Considering Crop Aboveground Biomass Change and the Grain Filling Process
* Dynamic PCA Based Statistical Monitoring of Air Pollutant Concentrations in Wildfire Scenarios
* Dynamic Sample Weighting for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* E2Style: Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of StyleGAN Inversion
* Eagle-Eye-Inspired Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing
* EANet: Iterative edge attention network for medical image segmentation
* Earth Observation Mission of a 6U CubeSat with a 5-Meter Resolution for Wildfire Image Classification Using Convolution Neural Network Approach
* Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristics and Changes of Glaciers, Glacial Lakes and Rock Glaciers in the Poiqu River Basin (Central Himalaya)
* Ecological Impacts of Land Use Change in the Arid Tarim River Basin of China
* Edge-aware image outpainting with attentional generative adversarial networks
* Edge-Based Computer Vision Approach for Determination of Sulfonamides in Water, An
* Editorial for the Special Issue Advances in Object and Activity Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Editorial for the Special Issue: 3D Virtual Reconstruction for Cultural Heritage
* Editorial on Geomatic Applications to Coastal Research: Challenges and New Developments
* Editorial Special Issue Interaction With Artificial Intelligence Systems: New Human-Centered Perspectives and Challenges
* EDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled Network
* Effect of Routing Constraints on Learning Efficiency of Destination Recommender Systems in Mobility-on-Demand Services
* Effect of the Shadow Pixels on Evapotranspiration Inversion of Vineyard: A High-Resolution UAV-Based and Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements
* Effective actor-centric human-object interaction detection
* Effects of Charged Martian Dust on Martian Atmosphere Remote Sensing
* Effects of Dynamic Visual Stimuli on the Development of Carsickness in Real Driving
* Effects of Increasing C4-Crop Cover and Stomatal Conductance on Evapotranspiration: Simulations for a Lake Erie Watershed
* effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain, The
* Effects of the Time Sampling Interval on the Angular Combination Characteristics of Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Efficient Angle Estimation for MIMO Systems via Redundancy Reduction Representation
* Efficient Backprojection Algorithm Based on Wavenumber-Domain Spectral Splicing for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Configurations, An
* Efficient Boosted DC Algorithm for Nonconvex Image Restoration with Rician Noise
* efficient coding-based grayscale image automatic colorization method combined with attention mechanism, An
* Efficient Context-Guided Stacked Refinement Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Efficient Data Acquisition System for Large Numbers of Various Vehicle Terminals, An
* Efficient deep neural network for photo-realistic image super-resolution
* Efficient feature subset selection and classification using levy flight-based cuckoo search optimization with parallel support vector machine for the breast cancer data
* Efficient Image Privacy-Preserving Scheme Based On Mixed Chaotic Map and Compression, An
* Efficient Lane-Level Map Building via Vehicle-Based Crowdsourcing
* Efficient Plane-Segmentation Method for Indoor Point Clouds Based on Countability of Saliency Directions, An
* Efficient PVO-Based Reversible Data Hiding by Selecting Blocks With Full-Enclosing Context
* efficient real-time target tracking algorithm using adaptive feature fusion, An
* efficient six-parameter perspective motion model for VVC, An
* Efficient Transfer Learning for Visual Tasks via Continuous Optimization of Prompts
* Efficient Translational Motion Compensation Approach for ISAR Imaging of Rapidly Spinning Targets, An
* Efficient View Clustering and Selection for City-Scale 3D Reconstruction
* EfficientUNet+: A Building Extraction Method for Emergency Shelters Based on Deep Learning
* Egocentric Human-Object Interaction Detection Exploiting Synthetic Data
* Eliminating Temporal Illumination Variations in Whisk-broom Hyperspectral Imaging
* Elliptic Curve Pairings
* ELSED: Enhanced line SEgment drawing
* Embodied Navigation at the Art Gallery
* Emergency Hierarchical Guidance Control Strategy for Autonomous Vehicles, An
* Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale Aggregation for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Encoder-Decoder with a Residual Network for Fusing Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Remote Sensing Images, An
* End-to-End Approach for Seam Carving Detection Using Deep Neural Networks, An
* End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* end-to-end perceptual enhancement method for UHD portrait images, An
* End-to-end Tangut character database building and recognition method
* End-to-End Trainable One-Stage Parking Slot Detection Integrating Global and Local Information
* End-to-end weakly supervised semantic segmentation with reliable region mining
* Energy Savings in Residential Buildings Based on Adaptive Thermal Comfort Models
* Engagement Detection with Multi-Task Training in E-Learning Environments
* Enhanced Data-Recalibration: Utilizing Validation Data to Mitigate Instance-Dependent Noise in Classification
* enhanced N-point interpolation method to eliminate average precision distortion, An
* Enhanced task attention with adversarial learning for dynamic multi-task CNN
* Enhancing Front-Vehicle Detection in Large Vehicle Fleet Management
* Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleterious Synonymous Mutation, An
* Ensemble Machine Learning Outperforms Empirical Equations for the Ground Heat Flux Estimation with Remote Sensing Data
* Environmental and Biophysical Effects of the Bowen Ratio over Typical Farmland Ecosystems in the Loess Plateau
* Erlang planning network: An iterative model-based reinforcement learning with multi-perspective
* Estimates of Hyperspectral Surface and Underwater UV Planar and Scalar Irradiances from OMI Measurements and Radiative Transfer Computations
* Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Two Different Forest Types in Myanmar from Sentinel-2 Data with Machine Learning and Geostatistical Algorithms
* Estimating Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance from GK2A/AMI Data Using Machine Learning Approach around Korea
* Estimating Reservoir Storage Variations by Combining Sentinel-2 and 3 Measurements in the Yliki Reservoir, Greece
* Estimating Soil Moisture over Winter Wheat Fields during Growing Season Using RADARSAT-2 Data
* Estimating the Potential for Shared Autonomous Scooters
* Estimating Tree Defects with Point Clouds Developed from Active and Passive Sensors
* Estimation Method for PM2.5 Based on Aerosol Optical Depth Obtained from Remote Sensing Image Processing and Meteorological Factors, An
* Estimation of Daily and Instantaneous Near-Surface Air Temperature from MODIS Data Using Machine Learning Methods in the Jingjinji Area of China
* Estimation of Global Cropland Gross Primary Production from Satellite Observations by Integrating Water Availability Variable in Light-Use-Efficiency Model
* Estimation of Ground PM2.5 Concentrations in Pakistan Using Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Pollutant Satellite Images
* Estimation of Intertidal Oyster Reef Density Using Spectral and Structural Characteristics Derived from Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
* Estimation of Photovoltaic Energy in China Based on Global Land High-Resolution Cloud Climatology
* Estimation of Rooftop Solar Power Potential by Comparing Solar Radiation Data and Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Aichi, Japan
* Estimation of Seaweed Biomass Based on Multispectral UAV in the Intertidal Zone of Gouqi Island
* EU Net-Zero Policy Achievement Assessment in Selected Members through Automated Forecasting Algorithms
* Evaluating Atmospheric Correction Algorithms Applied to OLCI Sentinel-3 Data of Chesapeake Bay Waters
* Evaluating Groundwater Storage Change and Recharge Using GRACE Data: A Case Study of Aquifers in Niger, West Africa
* Evaluating Several Vegetation Indices Derived from Sentinel-2 Imagery for Quantifying Localized Overgrazing in a Semi-Arid Region of South Africa
* Evaluating Vertical Accuracies of Open-Source Digital Elevation Models over Multiple Sites in China Using GPS Control Points
* Evaluation and Comparison of MODIS C6 and C6.1 Deep Blue Aerosol Products in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of Northwestern China
* Evaluation of a One-Dimensional Convolution Neural Network for Chlorophyll Content Estimation Using a Compact Spectrometer
* Evaluation of Hybrid Models to Estimate Chlorophyll and Nitrogen Content of Maize Crops in the Framework of the Future CHIME Mission
* Evaluation of Land Surface Phenology for Autumn Leaf Color Change Based on Citizen Reports across Japan
* Evaluation of Nearshore QuikSCAT 4.1 and ERA-5 Wind Stress and Wind Stress Curl Fields over Eastern Boundary Currents
* Evaluation of Street Space Quality Using Streetscape Data: Perspective from Recreational Physical Activity of the Elderly
* Evaluation of Wind Turbine-Induced Topographic Change in the Offshore Intertidal Sandbank Using Remote Sensing-Constructed Digital Elevation Model Data, An
* Event-Based Fault Detection for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks
* Exact Affine Histogram Matching by Cumulants Transformation
* Examining Vegetation Change and Associated Spatial Patterns in Wuyishan National Park at Different Protection Levels
* Exemplar-Based, Semantic Guided Zero-Shot Visual Recognition
* Expecting individuals' body reaction to Covid-19 based on statistical Naïve Bayes technique
* Experimental protocol designed to employ Nd:YAG laser surgery for anterior chamber glaucoma detection via UBM
* Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
* Experimental Study on Measuring Breaking-Wave Bubbles with LiDAR Remote Sensing, An
* Experimental Study on the Exploration of Camera Scanning Reflective Fourier Ptychography Technology for Far-Field Imaging
* Explainable Medical Imaging Framework for Modality Classifications Trained Using Small Datasets, An
* Exploiting Graph and Geodesic Distance Constraint for Deep Learning-Based Visual Odometry
* Exploiting the Structure Information of Suppositional Mesh for Unsupervised Multiview Stereo
* Exploring Alterations in Electrocardiogram During the Postoperative Pain
* Exploring Contrast Multi-Attribute Representation With Deep Network for No-Reference Perceptual Quality Assessment
* Exploring Dynamic Street Vendors and Pedestrians through the Lens of Static Spatial Configuration in Yuncheng, China
* Exploring Fusion Strategies in Deep Multimodal Affect Prediction
* Exploring interactive attribute reduction via fuzzy complementary entropy for unlabeled mixed data
* Exploring multi-tasking learning in document attribute classification
* Exploring the Relationship between the Spatial Distribution of Different Age Populations and Points of Interest (POI) in China
* Exploring the Use of Efficient Projection Kernels for Motion Saliency Estimation
* Exploring Travel Pattern Variability of Public Transport Users Through Smart Card Data: Role of Gender and Age
* Exponential Filter Model-Based Root-Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methodology from Multiple Datasets, An
* Expressive Querying for Accelerating Visual Analytics
* Extended and optimized deep convolutional neural network-based lung tumor identification in big data
* Extracting Descriptive Words from Untranscribed Handwritten Images
* Extracting planar roof structures from very high resolution images using graph neural networks
* Extraction of Agricultural Fields via DASFNet with Dual Attention Mechanism and Multi-scale Feature Fusion in South Xinjiang, China
* Extraction of Micro-Doppler Feature Using LMD Algorithm Combined Supplement Feature for UAVs and Birds Classification
* Eye Diseases Classification Using Deep Learning
* Face anti-spoofing detection based on multi-scale image quality assessment
* Face spoofing detection ensemble via multistage optimisation and pruning
* Facial Emotion Recognition for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Data
* Facial makeup transfer with GAN for different aging faces
* Facilitating Typhoon-Triggered Flood Disaster-Ready Information Delivery Using SDI Services Approach: A Case Study in Hainan
* Factors Affecting Pedestrians' Trust in Automated Vehicles: Literature Review and Theoretical Model
* Fail-Safe Multi-Modal Localization Framework Using Heterogeneous Map-Matching Sources
* Fast and Effective Transformer for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Fast and reliable probabilistic face embeddings based on constrained data uncertainty estimation
* Fast Detection Method of Break Points in Effective Connectivity Networks, A
* Fast Displacement Estimation of Multiple Close Targets with MIMO Radar and MUSICAPES Method
* Fast Inference Vision Transformer for Automatic Pavement Image Classification and Its Visual Interpretation Method, A
* Fast Radiative Transfer Approximating Ice Hydrometeor Orientation and Its Implication on IWP Retrievals
* Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images for Remote PhotoPlethysmoGraphy
* Fast Star Identification Algorithm of Star Sensors in the LIS Mode, A
* Fast Superpixel-Based Non-Window CFAR Ship Detector for SAR Imagery
* FasterVideo: Efficient Online Joint Object Detection and Tracking
* FastInter360: A Fast Inter Mode Decision for HEVC 360 Video Coding
* FCCDN: Feature constraint network for VHR image change detection
* FCNet: A feature context network based on ensemble framework for image retrieval
* FCNN-Based Super-Resolution Mmwave Radar Framework for Contactless Musical Instrument Interface, An
* Feature Calibration Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* feature consistency driven attention erasing network for fine-grained image retrieval, A
* Feature Selection With Multi-Source Transfer
* Feature-Aligned Video Raindrop Removal With Temporal Constraints
* Feature-Based Classification of Archaeal Sequences Using Compression-Based Methods
* Feed-Forward Neural Network Denoising Applied to Goldstone Solar System Radar Images
* Feedback Refined Local-Global Network for Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Aligned Cross-Modal Memory
* Few-Shot Learning for Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Improved Prototypical Network
* Few-Shot SAR-ATR Based on Instance-Aware Transformer
* Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Frequency Guided Neural Network
* FEXNet: Foreground Extraction Network for Human Action Recognition
* Field Data Collection Methods Strongly Affect Satellite-Based Crop Yield Estimation
* Field Testing Satellite-Derived Vegetation Health Indices for a Koala Habitat Managers Toolkit
* Field-level crop yield estimation with PRISMA and Sentinel-2
* Filling Temporal Gaps within and between GRACE and GRACE-FO Terrestrial Water Storage Records: An Innovative Approach
* Film Shot Type Classification Based on Camera Movement Styles
* Fine Crop Classification Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images and Random Forest
* Fine-Grained Image Quality Assessment: A Revisit and Further Thinking
* Fingertips Detection With Nearest-Neighbor Pose Particles From a Single RGB Image
* Finite Mixture Models in the Evaluation of Positional Accuracy of Geospatial Data
* First Approach to Image Transformation Sequence Retrieval, A
* First Assessment of GF3-02 SAR Ocean Wind Retrieval
* First Earth-Imaging CubeSat with Harmonic Diffractive Lens
* First Lidar Campaign in the Industrial Sites of Volta Redonda-RJ and Lorena-SP, Brazil
* First Steps Towards 3D Pedestrian Detection and Tracking from Single Image
* FirstPiano: A New Egocentric Hand Action Dataset Oriented Towards Augmented Reality Applications
* Fitting Nonlinear Equations with the Levenberg-Marquardt Method on Google Earth Engine
* Flood Management, Characterization and Vulnerability Analysis Using an Integrated RS-GIS and 2D Hydrodynamic Modelling Approach: The Case of Deg Nullah, Pakistan
* Focused Lunar Imaging Experiment Using the Back Projection Algorithm Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
* Fooling a Face Recognition System with a Marker-Free Label-Consistent Backdoor Attack
* Forecasting Future Instance Segmentation with Learned Optical Flow and Warping
* Forecasting of Built-Up Land Expansion in a Desert Urban Environment
* Foreground Detection Using an Attention Module and a Video Encoding
* Forest Above-Ground Biomass Inversion Using Optical and SAR Images Based on a Multi-Step Feature Optimized Inversion Model
* Forest Fire Assessment Using Remote Sensing to Support the Development of an Action Plan Proposal in Ecuador
* Fourfold Bounce Scattering-Based Reconstruction of Building Backs Using Airborne Array TomoSAR Point Clouds
* FourierMask: Instance Segmentation Using Fourier Mapping in Implicit Neural Networks
* FractureNet: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network Based on the Architecture of m-Ary Tree for Fracture Type Identification
* Fragile watermarking scheme for tamper localization in images using logistic map and singular value decomposition
* Frame Adaptive Rate Control Scheme for Video Compressive Sensing
* Frame-Wise Action Recognition Training Framework for Skeleton-Based Anomaly Behavior Detection
* FrameNet: Tabular Image Preprocessing Based on UNet and Adaptive Correction
* Framework for Survey Planning Using Portable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (pUAVs) in Coastal Hydro-Environment, A
* Framework of Generating Land Surface Reflectance of China Early Landsat MSS Images by Visibility Data and Its Evaluation, A
* From Captions to Explanations: A Multimodal Transformer-based Architecture for Natural Language Explanation Generation
* From Forest Dynamics to Wetland Siltation in Mountainous Landscapes: A RS-Based Framework for Enhancing Erosion Control
* From general to specific: Online updating for blind super-resolution
* Full Convolution Neural Network Combined with Contextual Feature Representation for Cropland Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Full Mean-Square Analysis of Affine Combination of Two Complex-Valued LMS Filters for Second-Order Non-Circular Inputs
* Full Motion Focus: Convolutional Module for Improved Left Ventricle Segmentation Over 4D MRI
* Full-Resolution Quality Assessment for Pansharpening
* Fully Connected Imaging Network for Near-Field Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer
* Fully Deformable Convolutional Network for Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fusing Spatial Attention with Spectral-Channel Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Fusion Method for Multisource Land Cover Products Based on Superpixels and Statistical Extraction for Enhancing Resolution and Improving Accuracy, A
* Fusion of a Static and Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network for Multiview 3D Point Cloud Classification
* Fusion of optical, radar and waveform LiDAR observations for land cover classification
* Fusion of Periocular Deep Features in a Dual-Input CNN for Biometric Recognition
* Fuzzified Contrast Enhancement for Nearly Invisible Images
* FVV Live: A Real-Time Free-Viewpoint Video System With Consumer Electronics Hardware
* GA-Net-Pyramid: An Efficient End-to-End Network for Dense Matching
* GA3N: Generative adversarial AutoAugment network
* GAN Based Approach to Compare Identical Images with Generative Noise, A
* GAN-segNet: A deep generative adversarial segmentation network for brain tumor semantic segmentation
* Garment Style Creator: Using StarGAN for Image-to-Image Translation of Multidomain Garments
* Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Efficient Single-Image Segmentation
* GCBANet: A Global Context Boundary-Aware Network for SAR Ship Instance Segmentation
* GDFormer: A Graph Diffusing Attention based approach for Traffic Flow Prediction
* general framework for reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reserving room before encryption, A
* General Spline-Based Method for Centerline Extraction from Different Segmented Road Maps in Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Generalized 9-Intersection Model for Topological Relations between Regions with Holes, A
* Generating Dance Videos Using Pose Transfer Generative Adversarial Network With Multiple Scale Region Extractor and Learnable Region Normalization
* Generating High-Resolution and Long-Term SPEI Dataset over Southwest China through Downscaling EEAD Product by Machine Learning
* Generation of Anatomically Inspired Human Airway Tree Using Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Method to Estimate Regional Lung Filling Characteristics
* Generative adversarial U-Net for domain-free few-shot medical diagnosis
* Geometrical Segmentation of Multi-Shape Point Clouds Based on Adaptive Shape Prediction and Hybrid Voting RANSAC
* Geometry-Aware Generation of Adversarial Point Clouds
* Geometry-Aware Neural Solver for Fast Bayesian Calibration of Brain Tumor Models
* Geophysical Study of the Diendorf-Boskovice Fault System (Austria)
* Geospatial Modelling for Delineation of Crop Management Zones Using Local Terrain Attributes and Soil Properties
* Geospatial Web Services Discovery through Semantic Annotation of WPS
* Gesture recognition based on modified YoloV5s
* Global GNSS-RO Electron Density in the Lower Ionosphere
* Global Identification of Unelectrified Built-Up Areas by Remote Sensing
* Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters: Fusing Curated Data with Machine Learning and Environmental Covariates
* Global Mean Sea Level Variation on Interannual-Decadal Timescales: Climatic Connections
* Global Patterns of Interannual and Intraseasonal Mass Variations in the Oceans from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Records, The
* GMM-Aided DNN Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Sparse Autoencoder Feature Extraction
* Golf Swing Sequencing Using Computer Vision
* GPU-free real-time object detection method for apron surveillance video based on quantized MobileNet-SSD, A
* Grad2 VAE: An Explainable Variational Autoencoder Model Based on Online Attentions Preserving Curvatures of Representations
* Gradient-based refined class activation map for weakly supervised object localization
* GraFT: Graph Filtered Temporal Dictionary Learning for Functional Neural Imaging
* Graph attention network for Car-Following Model under game between desired and real state
* Graph construction by incorporating local and global affinity graphs for saliency detection
* Graph Neural Network for Robust Public Transit Demand Prediction
* Graph Regularized Low-Rank Tensor-Train for Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Graph-Based Deep Multitask Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Graph-Based Generative Face Anonymisation with Pose Preservation
* Graph-based modelling of superpixels for automatic identification of empty shelves in supermarkets
* Graph-Based Object Semantic Refinement for Visual Emotion Recognition
* Graph-Based Visual-Semantic Entanglement Network for Zero-Shot Image Recognition
* Graph-Enabled Intelligent Vehicular Network Data Processing
* Grassland Conservation Effectiveness of National Nature Reserves in Northern China
* Grassmann manifold based framework for automated fall detection from a camera
* Greedy-layer pruning: Speeding up transformer models for natural language processing
* Gross Floor Area Estimation from Monocular Optical Image Using the NoS R-CNN
* Ground landmark-based localisation for mobile robots using a calibrated camera
* Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Measurements of Tropospheric Aerosols, NO2, and HCHO Distributions in the Urban Environment of Shanghai, China
* Group-in-Group Relation-Based Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Learning
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Learning With Multimodal Data for Biomedical Informatics
* Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Impedance Matching Microwave-Sono Probe for Breast Tumor Screening, A
* Handover Count Based MAP Estimation of Velocity With Prior Distribution Approximated via NGSIM Data-Set
* HandyPose: Multi-level framework for hand pose estimation
* Hangul Fonts Dataset: A Hierarchical and Compositional Dataset for Investigating Learned Representations
* Hardware Efficient Modified CNN Architecture for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition
* Harmonious Lane Changing via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* HarrisZ+: Harris corner selection for next-gen image matching pipelines
* Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retrieval
* HashWalk: An efficient node classification method based on clique-compressed graph embedding
* HD Camera-Equipped UAV Trajectory Planning for Gantry Crane Inspection
* HDRLM3D: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Model with Human-like Perceptron and Policy for Crowd Evacuation in 3D Environments
* Head pose estimation: An extensive survey on recent techniques and applications
* Health diagnosis of bus operation based on multi-source data
* Heartbeat Selection Based on Outlier Removal
* HEMlets PoSh: Learning Part-Centric Heatmap Triplets for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* HessHist: A Hessian-matrix weighted histogram for image contrast enhancement
* Heterogeneous Urban Thermal Contribution of Functional Construction Land Zones: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China
* Hierarchical Deep CNN Feature Set-Based Representation Learning for Robust Cross-Resolution Face Recognition
* Hierarchical Disentangling Network for Building Extraction from Very High Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* Hierarchical feature disentangling network for universal domain adaptation
* Hierarchical lossless coding of light fields with improved random access
* Hierarchical Prototype Refinement With Progressive Inter-Categorical Discrimination Maximization for Few-Shot Learning
* High Quality Object Detection for Multiresolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Cascaded Multi-Stage Detectors
* High quality proposal feature generation for crowded pedestrian detection
* High Spatiotemporal Resolution PM2.5 Concentration Estimation with Machine Learning Algorithm: A Case Study for Wildfire in California
* High Temporal Resolution-Based Temporal Iterative Tracking for High Framerate and Ultra-Low Delay Dynamic Tracking System
* High-Efficiency Optimization Algorithm of PMEPR for OFDM Integrated Radar and Communication Waveform Based on Conjugate Gradient
* High-Performance Convolutional Neural Network for Ground-Level Ozone Estimation in Eastern China, A
* High-power acoustic fire extinguisher with artificial intelligence platform
* High-Precision Measurement of Height Differences from Shadows in Non-Stereo Imagery: New Methodology and Accuracy Assessment
* High-Quality MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Subspace Projection
* High-Resolution Boundary-Constrained and Context-Enhanced Network for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* High-Resolution Mapping of Paddy Rice Extent and Growth Stages across Peninsular Malaysia Using a Fusion of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series Data in Google Earth Engine
* High-Resolution Mapping of Winter Cereals in Europe by Time Series Landsat and Sentinel Images for 2016-2020
* High-Speed Train Platoon Dynamic Interval Optimization Based on Resilience Adjustment Strategy
* High/Low Quality Style Transfer for Mutual Conversion of OCT Images Using Contrastive Unpaired Translation Generative Adversarial Networks
* Histogram of Marked Background (HMB) Feature Extraction Method for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
* HITS: Binarizing physiological time series with deep hashing neural network
* HMSM-Net: Hierarchical multi-scale matching network for disparity estimation of high-resolution satellite stereo images
* Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Local Similarity among Floors
* Holographic Feature Learning of Egocentric-Exocentric Videos for Multi-Domain Action Recognition
* How Does COVID-19 Lockdown Impact Air Quality in India?
* How Does Sample Labeling and Distribution Affect the Accuracy and Efficiency of a Deep Learning Model for Individual Tree-Crown Detection and Delineation
* How High to Fly? Mapping Evapotranspiration from Remotely Piloted Aircrafts at Different Elevations
* How Much of a Pixel Needs to Burn to Be Detected by Satellites? A Spectral Modeling Experiment Based on Ecosystem Data from Yellowstone National Park, USA
* How to Account for Changes in Carbon Storage from Coal Mining and Reclamation in Eastern China? Taking Yanzhou Coalfield as an Example to Simulate and Estimate
* How to Build a Graph-Based Deep Learning Architecture in Traffic Domain: A Survey
* How to Orient and Orthorectify PRISMA Images and Related Issues
* Human Action Recognition and Prediction: A Survey
* Human Action Recognition with Transformers
* Human and action recognition using adaptive energy images
* Human Disturbance on the Land Surface Environment in Tropical Islands: A Remote Sensing Perspective
* Human interaction recognition framework based on interacting body part attention
* hybrid active contour model based on pre-fitting energy and adaptive functions for fast image segmentation, A
* Hybrid Approach for Approximating the Ideal Observer for Joint Signal Detection and Estimation Tasks by Use of Supervised Learning and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Methods, A
* Hybrid deep-learning framework for object-based forgery detection in video
* Hybrid Dynamic Contrast and Probability Distillation for Unsupervised Person Re-Id
* Hybrid Network Model: TransConvNet for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Hybrid retrieval of crop traits from multi-temporal PRISMA hyperspectral imagery
* Hybrid SFANC-FxNLMS Algorithm for Active Noise Control Based on Deep Learning, A
* Hybrid Triple Collocation-Deep Learning Approach for Improving Soil Moisture Estimation from Satellite and Model-Based Data, A
* Hybrid-TransCD: A Hybrid Transformer Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Network via Token Aggregation
* Hydrological Web Services for Operational Flood Risk Monitoring and Forecasting at Local Scale in Niger
* Hyper-graph-based attention curriculum learning using a lexical algorithm for mental health
* HyperNet: A deep network for hyperspectral, multispectral, and panchromatic image fusion
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning: A Review
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Dual Dictionaries Construction Guided by Two-Stage Complementary Decision
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on 3D Asymmetric Inception Network with Data Fusion Transfer Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Spectral Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Deep Structure Dictionary Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Adversarial Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal Using a Subspace Projection Attention and Residual Channel Attention Network
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Method Based on Spectral Smoothing Prior and Tensor Tubal Row-Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Indices for Predicting Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Maize Hybrids
* Hyperspectral Monitoring Driven by Machine Learning Methods for Grassland Above-Ground Biomass
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Partitioned Random Projection Algorithm
* Ice Detection with Sentinel-1 SAR Backscatter Threshold in Long Sections of Temperate Climate Rivers
* IDeAuth: A novel behavioral biometric-based implicit deauthentication scheme for smartphones
* Identification and Classification of Routine Locations Using Anonymized Mobile Communication Data
* Identification and Counting of European Souslik Burrows from UAV Images by Pixel-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest Classification: A Simple, Semi-Automated, yet Accurate Method for Estimating Population Size
* Identification of Coupling Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Urbanization for Supporting Ecological Management: A Case Study on Areas along the Yellow River of Henan Province
* Identification of Cultivated Land Quality Grade Using Fused Multi-Source Data and Multi-Temporal Crop Remote Sensing Information
* Identification of External Defects on Fruits Using Deep Learning
* Identifying Priority Areas for Vegetation Management in the Context of Energy Distribution Networks Using PlanetScope Images
* Identifying the Factors behind Climate Diversification and Refugial Capacity in Mountain Landscapes: The Key Role of Forests
* Identifying the Potential Dam Sites to Avert the Risk of Catastrophic Floods in the Jhelum Basin, Kashmir, NW Himalaya, India
* Image classification using convolutional neural network with wavelet domain inputs
* Image Novelty Detection Based on Mean-Shift and Typical Set Size
* Image Reconstruction of Multibranch Feature Multiplexing Fusion Network with Mixed Multilayer Attention
* Image retargeting quality assessment based on saliency-driven classification
* Image-level dataset synthesis with an end-to-end trainable framework
* Image-Scale-Symmetric Cooperative Network for Defocus Blur Detection
* Imitation Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Driving: How Does the Representation Matter?
* Immersive Video Coding: Should Geometry Information Be Transmitted as Depth Maps?
* iMoCap: Motion Capture from Internet Videos
* Impact of Aerosol Mixing State and Hygroscopicity on the Lidar Ratio
* Impact of BRDF Spatiotemporal Smoothing on Land Surface Albedo Estimation
* Impact of Climate Changes on Slope Stability and Landslide Conditioning Factors: An Example from Kravarsko, Croatia, The
* Impact of Drought on Isoprene Fluxes Assessed Using Field Data, Satellite-Based GLEAM Soil Moisture and HCHO Observations from OMI
* Impact of Dynamic Emissivity-Temperature Trends on Spaceborne Data: Applications to the 2001 Mount Etna Eruption, The
* Impact of Elevation-Dependent Warming on Runoff Changes in the Headwater Region of Urumqi River Basin
* Impact of Extreme Climate on the NDVI of Different Steppe Areas in Inner Mongolia, China
* Impact of metrics on biclustering solution and quality: A review
* Impact of Ocean Currents on Wind Stress in the Tropical Indian Ocean
* Impact of Vertical Wind Shear on Summer Orographic Clouds over Tian Shan Mountains: A Case Study Based on Radar Observation and Numerical Simulation
* Impacts of Assimilating CYGNSS Satellite Ocean-Surface Wind on Prediction of Landfalling Hurricanes with the HWRF Model
* Impacts of Climate Change, Glacier Mass Loss and Human Activities on Spatiotemporal Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Qaidam Basin, China
* Impacts of Climate Oscillation on Offshore Wind Resources in China Seas
* Impacts of Connected Automated Vehicles on Freeway Traffic Patterns at Different Penetration Levels
* Impacts of Land Use Changes on Net Primary Productivity in Urban Agglomerations under Multi-Scenarios Simulation
* Implementing urban canopy height derived from a TanDEM-X-DEM: An expert survey and case study
* Improve Convolutional Neural Network Pruning by Maximizing Filter Variety
* Improved Clear Sky Model from In Situ Observations and Spatial Distribution of Aerosol Optical Depth for Satellite-Derived Solar Irradiance over the Korean Peninsula
* Improved Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Remotely Sensed Data in a Data Fusion System
* Improved deep convolutional embedded clustering with re-selectable sample training
* Improved Forest Canopy Closure Estimation Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery within Google Earth Engine
* Improved Framework using Rider Optimization Algorithm for Precise Image Caption Generation
* Improved fuzzy c-means clustering by varying the fuzziness parameter
* Improved GM-PHD Filter with Birth Intensity and Spawned Intensity Estimation Based on Trajectory Situation Feedback Control
* Improved Ionosonde Monitoring of the Sporadic E Layer Using the Frequency Domain Interferometry Technique
* Improved Least Stochastic Entropy Algorithm for Strong Noncircular Inputs and Noise, An
* Improved Sufficient Condition for Sparse Signal Recovery With Minimization of L1-L2, An
* improved synthetic aperture radar-scale invariant feature transform algorithm for interferometric imaging radar altimeter image registration, An
* Improving Action Quality Assessment Using Weighted Aggregation
* Improving AMD Diagnosis by the Simultaneous Identification of Associated Retinal Lesions
* Improving Autoencoder Training Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Network Reinitialisation
* Improving Colon Carcinoma Grading by Advanced CNN Models
* Improving Driver Performance and Experience in Assisted and Automated Driving With Visual Cues in the Steering Wheel
* Improving Forecast of Severe Oceanic Mesoscale Convective Systems Using FY-4A Lightning Data Assimilation with WRF-FDDA
* Improving Heterogeneous Forest Height Maps by Integrating GEDI-Based Forest Height Information in a Multi-Sensor Mapping Process
* Improving Licence Plate Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Improving Localization for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* Improving lung region segmentation accuracy in chest X-ray images using a two-model deep learning ensemble approach
* Improving Matching Efficiency and Out-of-domain Reliability of Underwater Gravity Matching Navigation Based on a Novel Soft-margin Local Semicircular-domain Re-searching Model
* Improving Multi-View Stereo via Super-Resolution
* Improving query expansion using pseudo-relevant web knowledge for information retrieval
* Improving RGB-Infrared Object Detection by Reducing Cross-Modality Redundancy
* Improving the Assimilation of Enhanced Atmospheric Motion Vectors for Hurricane Intensity Predictions with HWRF
* Improving the Forecasting of Winter Wheat Yields in Northern China with Machine Learning-Dynamical Hybrid Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Ensemble Prediction
* Incorporating global and local social networks for group recommendations
* Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Machine Learning Models Using Spatial Lag and Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Features
* Increased Robustness in Chest X-Ray Classification Through Clinical Report-Driven Regularization
* Increasing Access to Cultural Heritage Objects from Multiple Museums through Semantically-Aware Maps
* Incremental and compressible kernel null discriminant analysis
* Incremental few-shot object detection via knowledge transfer
* Incremental Vocabularies in Machine Translation Through Aligned Embedding Projections
* Individual tree detection and estimation of stem attributes with mobile laser scanning along boreal forest roads
* Individual Wave Propagations in Ionosphere and Troposphere Triggered by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Underwater Volcano Eruption on 15 January 2022
* Individual-Difference-Aware Model for Cross-Person Gaze Estimation, An
* INDMF Based Regularity Calculation Method and Its Application in the Recognition of Typical Loess Landforms
* Inferring Point Cloud Quality via Graph Similarity
* Influence of Topographic Shading on the Mass Balance of the High Mountain Asia Glaciers
* Influence of UAS Flight Altitude and Speed on Aboveground Biomass Prediction
* infodemiological framework for tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2 using integrated public data, An
* Information Fusion Model between GeoSOT Grid and Global Hexagonal Equal Area Grid, An
* Information Spatial-Temporal Extension Algorithm for Shipborne Predictions Based on Deep Neural Networks with Remote Sensing Observations: Part I: Ocean Temperature, An
* Informative Feature Disentanglement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection from Complex Scenes via Multi-Frame Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model
* Initial In-Flight Spectral Calibration of the Near-Infrared Spectra Acquired by the MarSCoDe Onboard the Zhurong Rover
* Injection of High Chlorophyll-a Waters by a Branch of Kuroshio Current into the Nutrient-Poor North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
* Inner Dynamic Detection and Prediction of Water Quality Based on CEEMDAN and GA-SVM Models
* Innovative Synthetic Aperture Radar Design Method for Lunar Water Ice Exploration, An
* Innovative Vision System for Floor-Cleaning Robots Based on YOLOv5, An
* Inpainting Transformer for Anomaly Detection
* InSAR Study of Landslides: Early Detection, Three-Dimensional, and Long-Term Surface Displacement Estimation: A Case of Xiaojiang River Basin, China
* Instance GNN: A Learning Framework for Joint Symbol Segmentation and Recognition in Online Handwritten Diagrams
* Instance-based learning using the half-space proximal graph
* Integrated Archaeological Modeling Based on Geomatics Techniques and Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Integrated Model of Summer and Winter for Chlorophyll-a Retrieval in the Pearl River Estuary Based on Hyperspectral Data, An
* Integrated Remote Sensing to Assess Disease Control: Evidence from Flat Island Quarantine Station, Mauritius
* Integrating Reanalysis and Satellite Cloud Information to Estimate Surface Downward Long-Wave Radiation
* Integrating UAV-SfM and Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Data to Plantation Forest Feature Extraction
* Integration and Comparison Methods for Multitemporal Image-Based 2D Annotations in Linked 3D Building Documentation
* Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques for Prediction of Norway Spruce Vitality: A Case Study of the Hemiboreal Forest, Latvia, An
* Integration of Satellite-Based Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery to Estimate Winter Cover Crop Performance in Cereal Grasses
* Integrity Monitoring of PPP-RTK Positioning; Part II: LEO Augmentation
* Intelligent deep learning based ethnicity recognition and classification using facial images
* Intelligent Mining of Urban Ventilated Corridor Based on Digital Surface Model under the Guidance of K-Means
* Intelligent Scanning Vehicle for Waste Collection Monitoring, An
* Intensity/Inertial Integration-Aided Feature Tracking on Event Cameras
* Inter- and Intra-Annual Glacier Elevation Change in High Mountain Asia Region Based on ICESat-1&2 Data Using Elevation-Aspect Bin Analysis Method
* Interactive Deep Annotation as DARos: Object Detection Supervision for Efficient Instance Segmentation
* Interactive Machine Translation Framework for Modernizing the Language of Historical Documents, An
* Intercomparison of Real and Simulated GEDI Observations across Sclerophyll Forests
* Interdependence in Vehicle-Pedestrian Encounters and its Implications for Vehicle Automation
* Interferometric SAR Observation of Permafrost Status in the Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by ALOS, ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 between 2007 and 2021
* Interlayer Restoration Deep Neural Network for Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Interpolation-based nonrigid deformation estimation under manifold regularization constraint
* Interpretation of the Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics of Land Deformation in Beijing during 2003-2020 Using Sentinel, ENVISAT, and Landsat Data
* Interpreting Face Inference Models Using Hierarchical Network Dissection
* Intrinsic Structured Graph Alignment Module With Modality-Invariant Representations for NIR-VIS Face Recognition, An
* Introducing AV1 Codec-Level Video Steganography
* Introduction to the special section on intelligent systems and pattern recognition (SS:ISPR20)
* Introspective Failure Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Late Fusion of State and Camera Information
* Investigating Bidimensional Downsampling in Vision Transformer Models
* Investigating One-Class Classifiers to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease from Handwriting
* Investigating strategies towards adversarially robust time series classification
* Investigating the Potential of Sentinel-2 MSI in Early Crop Identification in Northeast China
* Investigation of Drivers' Dynamic Situational Trust in Conditionally Automated Driving, An
* Investigation of Three Potential Stress Inducement Tasks During On-Road Driving
* Investigation on Geometry Computation of Spaceborne GNSS-R Altimetry over Topography: Modeling and Validation
* IoU-Balanced loss functions for single-stage object detection
* IRLSOT: Inverse reinforcement learning for scene-oriented trajectory prediction
* Is One-Way Multi-Station Feasible? Influence of Value and Cost on Travel Intention of Urban Agglomeration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* Iterative brain tumor retrieval for MR images based on user's intention model
* Iterative Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Iterative Nonlinear Filter Based on Posterior Distribution Approximation via Penalized Kullback-Leibler Divergence Minimization, An
* Iterative ridge regression using the aggregating algorithm
* Joint Feature Synthesis and Embedding: Adversarial Cross-Modal Retrieval Revisited
* Joint Local Correlation and Global Contextual Information for Unsupervised 3D Model Retrieval and Classification
* Joint Parameter and Time-Delay Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Series Models
* Joint Source Localization and Sensor Position Refinement With Extra Inter-Sensor Information
* Ka-Band Wind Geophysical Model Function Using Doppler Scatterometer Measurements from the Air-Sea Interaction Tower Experiment, A
* Key Landmarks Detection of Cleft Lip-Repaired Partially Occluded Facial Images for Aesthetics Outcome Assessment
* Keyframe Insights into Real-Time Video Tagging of Compressed UHD Content
* KGBoost: A classification-based knowledge base completion method with negative sampling
* Knowledge Discovery Method for Landslide Monitoring Based on K-Core Decomposition and the Louvain Algorithm, A
* Knowledge Distillation and Student-Teacher Learning for Visual Intelligence: A Review and New Outlooks
* Knowledge guided learning: Open world egocentric action recognition with zero supervision
* Laboratory Heat Flux Estimates of Seawater Foam for Low Wind Speeds
* LAEO-Net++: Revisiting People Looking at Each Other in Videos
* LAGA-Net: Local-and-Global Attention Network for Skeleton Based Action Recognition
* Lake Expansion under the Groundwater Contribution in Qaidam Basin, China
* Land Degradation Assessment with Earth Observation
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 Satellite Images, and Google Earth Engine: A Comparison of Two Composition Methods
* Land Use Hotspots of the Two Largest Landlocked Countries: Kazakhstan and Mongolia
* Landmark-Guided Conditional GANs for Face Aging
* Landsat-8 Sea Ice Classification Using Deep Neural Networks
* Landslide Displacement Prediction via Attentive Graph Neural Network
* Landslide Extraction Using Mask R-CNN with Background-Enhancement Method
* Landslide Numerical Factor Derived from CHIRPS for Shallow Rainfall Triggered Landslides in Colombia, A
* Landslide Risk Assessment Using a Combined Approach Based on InSAR and Random Forest
* Landslide Segmentation with Deep Learning: Evaluating Model Generalization in Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Brazil
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Model Construction Using Typical Machine Learning for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China
* Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along a Rapidly Uplifting River Valley of the Upper Jinsha River, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* Laplacian encoder-decoder network for raindrop removal
* Large-Scale Detection of the Tableland Areas and Erosion-Vulnerable Hotspots on the Chinese Loess Plateau
* Large-scale TV Dataset for Partial Video Copy Detection, A
* Las2DoD: Change Detection Based on Digital Elevation Models Derived from Dense Point Clouds with Spatially Varied Uncertainty
* Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Experiment Platform for High-Degree Simulation of MarSCoDe In Situ Detection on Mars, A
* Layer Pruning for Obtaining Shallower ResNets
* LDD: A Grape Diseases Dataset Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Learning Advisor Networks for Noisy Image Classification
* Learning Contrastive Representation for Semantic Correspondence
* Learning dynamic background for weakly supervised moving object detection
* Learning Efficient Binarized Object Detectors With Information Compression
* Learning geodesic-aware local features from RGB-D images
* Learning Informative and Discriminative Features for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Learning language to symbol and language to vision mapping for visual grounding
* Learning multi-level weight-centric features for few-shot learning
* Learning residue-aware correlation filters and refining scale for real-time UAV tracking
* Learning Self-supervised Low-Rank Network for Single-Stage Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning Semantics for Visual Place Recognition Through Multi-scale Attention
* Learning Sparse Graphs via Majorization-Minimization for Smooth Node Signals
* Learning Sparse Masks for Diffusion-Based Image Inpainting
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Attention Based Siamese Network for Tracking UAVs in the Wild
* Learning Strategies for the Interference Covariance Structure Based on a Bayesian Approach
* Learning time-aware features for action quality assessment
* Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection
* Learning Unrolling-Based Neural Network for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction
* Learning Video Retrieval Models with Relevance-Aware Online Mining
* Learning Visual Landmarks for Localization with Minimal Supervision
* Lesion-Based Chest Radiography Image Retrieval for Explainability in Pathology Detection
* LessonAble: Leveraging Deep Fakes in MOOC Content Creation
* Leveraging CycleGAN in Lung CT Sinogram-free Kernel Conversion
* Leveraging Multiple Relations for Fashion Trend Forecasting Based on Social Media
* Leveraging Road Area Semantic Segmentation with Auxiliary Steering Task
* Leveraging vocabulary tree for simultaneous match pair selection and guided feature matching of UAV images
* LiDAR Filtering in 3D Object Detection Based on Improved RANSAC
* LIDAR Signature Based Node Detection and Classification in Graph Topological Maps for Indoor Navigation
* LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression
* LiDAR-Based Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation via Spatiotemporal Sequential Data Fusion
* LiDAR-Inertial-GNSS Fusion Positioning System in Urban Environment: Local Accurate Registration and Global Drift-Free
* Lightweight Model for Satellite Pose Estimation, A
* Lightweight Position-Enhanced Anchor-Free Algorithm for SAR Ship Detection, A
* LIMAN: Local Information-Based Multiattention Network for 3D Shape Recognition
* Linear and Deep Order-Preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis
* Linear Velocity-Free Visual Servoing Control for Unmanned Helicopter Landing on a Ship With Visibility Constraint
* LiTMNet: A deep CNN for efficient HDR image reconstruction from a single LDR image
* Liver tumor segmentation using a new asymmetrical dilated convolutional semantic segmentation network in CT images
* LLNet: A Fusion Classification Network for Lane Localization in Real-World Scenarios
* Local information fusion network for 3D shape classification and retrieval
* Local Persistent Ionospheric Positive Responses to the Geomagnetic Storm in August 2018 Using BDS-GEO Satellites over Low-Latitude Regions in Eastern Hemisphere
* Local Semantic Correlation Modeling Over Graph Neural Networks for Deep Feature Embedding and Image Retrieval
* Localization of Pointed-At Word in Printed Documents via a Single Neural Network
* Longitudinal Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles: Analysis and Verification
* Lossless White Balance for Improved Lossless CFA Image and Video Compression
* Low Observable Radar Target Detection Method within Sea Clutter Based on Correlation Estimation
* Low-Complexity Modified ThiNet Algorithm for Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Image-to-Frequency Filter Learning
* Low-Rank Tensor Completion Method for Implicitly Low-Rank Visual Data
* Low-SNR Doppler Data Processing for the InSight Radio Science Experiment
* LRHW-AP: Using ranking-based metric as loss for Person Re-Identification
* LSNet: Learned Sampling Network for 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds
* M-CoTransT: Adaptive spatial continuity in visual tracking
* MA-GANet: A Multi-Attention Generative Adversarial Network for Defocus Blur Detection
* Machine Learning Approach to Waterbody Segmentation in Thermal Infrared Imagery in Support of Tactical Wildfire Mapping, A
* Machine learning based video segmentation of moving scene by motion index using IO detector and shot segmentation
* Machine Learning for Defining the Probability of Sentinel-1 Based Deformation Trend Changes Occurrence
* Machine Learning Strategy Based on Kittler's Taxonomy to Detect Anomalies and Recognize Contexts Applied to Monitor Water Bodies in Environments, A
* Machine Learning to Predict Cognitive Decline of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease Using EEG Markers: A Preliminary Study
* Machine Learning-Based Concrete Crack Depth Prediction Using Thermal Images Taken under Daylight Conditions
* machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
* Magnetometric Surveys for the Non-Invasive Surface and Subsurface Interpretation of Volcanic Structures in Planetary Exploration, a Case Study of Several Volcanoes in the Iberian Peninsula
* Maize Canopy and Leaf Chlorophyll Content Assessment from Leaf Spectral Reflectance: Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis across Growth Stages and Vertical Distribution
* Making person search enjoy the merits of person re-identification
* Manifestation of Spiral Structures under the Action of Upper Ocean Currents
* Map-Guided Curriculum Domain Adaptation and Uncertainty-Aware Evaluation for Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation
* Mapping Crop Distribution Patterns and Changes in China from 2000 to 2015 by Fusing Remote-Sensing, Statistics, and Knowledge-Based Crop Phenology
* Mapping Grassland Classes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and MODIS NDVI Data for Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
* Mapping Heat-Health Vulnerability Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Karachi
* Mapping Impervious Surface Using Phenology-Integrated and Fisher Transformed Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Mapping Land Cover Types for Highland Andean Ecosystems in Peru Using Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Soil Properties with Fixed Rank Kriging of Proximally Sensed Soil Data Fused with Sentinel-2 Biophysical Parameter
* Mapping the distribution of invasive tree species using deep one-class classification in the tropical montane landscape of Kenya
* Mapping Three Decades of Changes in the Tropical Andean Glaciers Using Landsat Data Processed in the Earth Engine
* Mapping Tidal Flats of the Bohai and Yellow Seas Using Time Series Sentinel-2 Images and Google Earth Engine
* MaxDropoutV2: An Improved Method to Drop Out Neurons in Convolutional Neural Networks
* MC-GCN: A Multi-Scale Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Unconstrained Face Recognition With Image Sets
* MCW-Net: Single image deraining with multi-level connections and wide regional non-local blocks
* MDCS with fully encoding the information of local shape description for 3D Rigid Data matching
* Measuring Coastal Subsidence after Recent Earthquakes in Chile Central Using SAR Interferometry and GNSS Data
* Median Stable Clustering and Global Distance Classification for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Medicinal Boxes Recognition on a Deep Transfer Learning Augmented Reality Mobile Application
* Memory Guided Road Segmentation
* Meta-Learning Paradigm and CosAttn for Streamer Action Recognition in Live Video
* Metaheuristics Framework for Weighted Multi-band Image Fusion, A
* Method for Automatic Inversion of Oblique Ionograms, A
* Method for Digital Terrain Reconstruction Using Longitudinal Control Lines and Sparse Measured Cross Sections, A
* Method for Identifying Litchi Picking Position Based on YOLOv5 and PSPNet
* Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
* Metric Learning-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Skeleton Hand Activities Categorization
* Metric Rectification of Spherical Images
* MFDNet: Collaborative Poses Perception and Matrix Fisher Distribution for Head Pose Estimation
* MFFE: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Enhanced Net for Image Dehazing
* MFFENet: Multiscale Feature Fusion and Enhancement Network For RGB-Thermal Urban Road Scene Parsing
* MFSNet: A multi focus segmentation network for skin lesion segmentation
* MHA-CoroCapsule: Multi-Head Attention Routing-Based Capsule Network for COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Image Classification
* Microburst, Windshear, Gust Front, and Vortex Detection in Mega Airport Using a Single Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* Missing Data Imputation via Conditional Generator and Correlation Learning for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Mitigation of Significant Data Noise in F17 SSMIS Observations since October 2017
* Mixing Zero-Shot Learning Up: Learning Unseen Classes from Mixed Features
* mixture modeling approach for clustering log files with coreset and user feedback, A
* MMSNet: Multi-modal scene recognition using multi-scale encoded features
* MOBDrone: A Drone Video Dataset for Man OverBoard Rescue
* Mobile behavioral biometrics for passive authentication
* Mobile Robot 6-D Localization Using 3-D Gaussian Mixture Maps in GPS-Denied Environments
* Model-Based Iterative Learning Approach for Diffuse Optical Tomography, A
* Model-Based Temperature Adjustment Scheme for Wintertime Sea-Ice Production Retrievals from MODIS, A
* Modeling and SAR imaging of the sea surface: A review of the state-of-the-art with simulations
* Modeling Instant User Intent and Content-Level Transition for Sequential Fashion Recommendation
* Modeling Post-Sunset Equatorial Spread-F Occurrence as a Function of Evening Upward Plasma Drift Using Logistic Regression, Deduced from Ionosondes in Southeast Asia
* Modeling the CO2+ Ultraviolet Doublet Emission from Mars with a Multi-Instrument MAVEN Data Set
* Modeling Two-Stream Correspondence for Visual Sound Separation
* Modelling soil organic carbon stock distribution across different land-uses in South Africa: A remote sensing and deep learning approach
* Moderating Effect of a Cross-Level Social Distancing Policy on the Disparity of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States
* Modified Flower Pollination-based Segmentation of Medical Images
* Modified Two-Steps Three-Stage Inversion Algorithm for Forest Height Inversion Using Single-Baseline L-Band PolInSAR Data, A
* Modulation Mode Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Underwater Acoustic Communication Signal Based on Spectral Peak Feature Extraction and Random Forest
* Modulo Radon Transform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The
* Molecular substructure graph attention network for molecular property identification in drug discovery
* Monitoring Annual Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Tucson Metropolitan Area with Google Earth Engine (1986-2020)
* Monitoring Complex Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems at Regional Scale in Brazil: A Big Earth Observation Data Approach
* Monitoring Light Pollution with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Case Study Comparing RGB Images and Night Ground Brightness
* Monitoring Lightning Location Based on Deep Learning Combined with Multisource Spatial Data
* Monitoring Optical Variability in Complex Inland Waters Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Potential Geological Hazards with Different InSAR Algorithms: The Case of Western Sichuan
* Monitoring the Surface Elevation Changes of a Monsoon Temperate Glacier with Repeated UAV Surveys, Mainri Mountains, China
* Monitoring vegetation dynamics with open earth observation tools: the case of fire-modulated savanna to forest transitions in Central Africa
* Monocular contextual constraint for stereo matching with adaptive weights assignment
* Monsoon Effects on Chlorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature, and Ekman Dynamics Variability along the Southern Coast of Lesser Sunda Islands and Its Relation to ENSO and IOD Based on Satellite Observations
* Morphological Galaxies Classification According to Hubble-de Vaucouleurs Diagram Using CNNs
* Morphology Preserving Segmentation Method for Occluded Cell Nuclei from Medical Microscopy Image
* Mothership-Cubesat Radioscience for Phobos Geodesy and Autonomous Navigation
* MRS-Net+ for Enhancing Face Quality of Compressed Videos
* MS2GAH: Multi-label semantic supervised graph attention hashing for robust cross-modal retrieval
* MSIDA-Net: Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Multi-Spatial Information and Dual Adaptive Blocks
* MTRBNet: Multi-Branch Topology Residual Block-Based Network for Low-Light Enhancement
* Multi-Agent Driving Simulation Approach for Evaluating the Safety Benefits of Connected Vehicles, A
* Multi-Classifier Fusion for Open-Set Specific Emitter Identification
* Multi-Commodity Traffic Signal Control and Routing With Connected Vehicles
* Multi-Frequency Interferometric Coherence Characteristics Analysis of Typical Objects for Coherent Change Detection
* Multi-instance inflated 3D CNN for classifying urine red blood cells from multi-focus videos
* Multi-label video classification via coupling attentional multiple instance learning with label relation graph
* Multi-Level Temporal Dilated Dense Prediction for Action Recognition
* Multi-Manifold Deep Discriminative Cross-Modal Hashing for Medical Image Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Spatio-Temporal Meteorological Forecasting with Deep Neural Network
* Multi-modal temporal attention models for crop mapping from satellite time series
* Multi-Model-Based Local Path Planning Methodology for Autonomous Driving: An Integrated Framework
* Multi-Object Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Topology-Based Detector
* Multi-Rotor UAV-Borne PolInSAR Data Processing and Preliminary Analysis of Height Inversion in Urban Area
* Multi-scale feature aggregation and boundary awareness network for salient object detection
* Multi-scale feature combination for person re-identification
* Multi-scale single image dehazing based on the fusion of global and local features
* Multi-Season Phenology Mapping of Nile Delta Croplands Using Time Series of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Green LAI
* Multi-Sensor Analysis of Snow Seasonality and a Preliminary Assessment of SAR Backscatter Sensitivity to Arctic Vegetation: Limits and Capabilities
* Multi-Sensor Interacted Vehicle-Tracking Algorithm with Time-Varying Observation Error, A
* Multi-Source Precipitation Data Merging for Heavy Rainfall Events Based on Cokriging and Machine Learning Methods
* Multi-stage part-aware graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* Multi-Stage Vessel Tracklet Association Method for Compact High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, A
* Multi-Stage, Multi-Feature Machine Learning Approach to Detect Driver Sleepiness in Naturalistic Road Driving Conditions, A
* Multi-Stream Interaction Networks for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Stream Sequence Learning Framework for Human Interaction Recognition, A
* Multi-Target Localization of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas on Moving Platforms Based on Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* Multi-Task Interaction Learning for Spatiospectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Temporal Small Baseline Interferometry Procedure Applied to Mining-Induced Deformation Monitoring, A
* Multi-varied Cumulative Alignment for Domain Adaptation
* Multi-view 3D Objects Localization from Street-Level Scenes
* Multi-view dynamic facial action unit detection
* Multi-view Spectral Clustering via Integrating Label and Data Graph Learning
* Multi-View Structural Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Multiannual Seafloor Dynamics around a Subtidal Rocky Reef Habitat in the North Sea
* Multifunctional Signal Design for Measurement, Navigation and Communication Based on BOC and BPSK Modulation
* Multilabel learning based adaptive graph convolutional network for human parsing
* Multimodal covid network: Multimodal bespoke convolutional neural network architectures for COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray's and computerized tomography scans
* Multimodal Feature Evaluation and Fusion for Emotional Well-Being Monitorization
* Multimodal Feature Fusion and Knowledge-Driven Learning via Experts Consult for Thyroid Nodule Classification
* Multimodal Unrolled Robust PCA for Background Foreground Separation
* Multimodal Video Indexing (MVI): A New Method Based on Machine Learning and Semi-Automatic Annotation on Large Video Collections
* Multipath Error Modeling Methodology for GNSS Integrity Monitoring Using a Global Optimization Strategy
* Multiple change point clustering of count processes with application to California COVID data
* Multiple cross-attention for video-subtitle moment retrieval
* Multiple Input Branches Shift Graph Convolutional Network with DropEdge for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multiple instance learning for classifying histopathological images of the breast cancer using residual neural network
* Multiscale Feature Aggregation Capsule Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Interaction Transformer for Pan-Sharpening
* Multisite and Multitemporal Grassland Yield Estimation Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Data
* Multispectral Optical Diagnostics of Lightning from Space
* Multivariate Analysis for Solar Resource Assessment Using Unsupervised Learning on Images from the GOES-13 Satellite
* Mutual Information-Based Graph Co-Attention Networks for Multimodal Prior-Guided Magnetic Resonance Imaging Segmentation
* Nakagami-Fuzzy imaging framework for precise lesion segmentation in MRI
* NDSRGAN: A Novel Dense Generative Adversarial Network for Real Aerial Imagery Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* NDVI Retrieval Method Based on a Double-Attention Recurrent Neural Network for Cloudy Regions, An
* Near-Surface and High-Resolution Satellite Time Series for Detecting Crop Phenology
* Nearshore Bathymetry Retrieval from Wave-Based Inversion for Video Imagery
* Nested conformal prediction and quantile out-of-bag ensemble methods
* Network Combining a Transformer and a Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection, A
* Network of X-Band Meteorological Radars to Support the Motorway System (Campania Region Meteorological Radar Network Project), A
* Network optimization using defender system in cloud computing security based intrusion detection system withgame theory deep neural network (IDSGT-DNN)
* Neural Adaptive Command Filtered Control for Cooperative Path Following of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Along One Path
* Neural Network Method for Retrieving Sea Surface Wind Speed for C-Band SAR, A
* Neural Style Transfer for image within images and conditional GANs for destylization
* Neural Style Transfer With Adaptive Auto-Correlation Alignment Loss
* Neuron-Network-Based Mixture Probability Model for Passenger Walking Time Distribution Estimation
* New Approach Based on Predictive Maintenance Using the Fuzzy Classifier in Pantograph-Catenary Systems, A
* new braking torque distribution strategy based on braking actuator characteristics and a command signal for a blended braking system, A
* New Chung-Li Ionosonde in Taiwan: System Description and Preliminary Results
* New Dataset, Poisson GAN and AquaNet for Underwater Object Grabbing, A
* new East African satellite data validation station: Performance of the LSA-SAF all-weather land surface temperature product over a savannah biome, A
* New Evidence Supporting the Pacific Mantle Outflow: Hints from Crustal Magnetization of the Phoenix Plate
* New Heights of the Highest Peaks of Polish Mountain Ranges
* new Hough transform operated in a bounded cartesian coordinate parameter space, A
* New Method for Generating the SMOPS Blended Satellite Soil Moisture Data Product without Relying on a Model Climatology, A
* New Method for Long-Term River Discharge Estimation of Small- and Medium-Scale Rivers by Using Multisource Remote Sensing and RSHS: Application and Validation, A
* New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors for Vegetation Coverage Change in Mining Areas: GWDF-ANN, A
* New Method for Retrieving Electron Density Profiles from the MARSIS Ionograms, A
* New Normalized Difference Reflectance Indices for Estimation of Soil Drought Influence on Pea and Wheat
* New Orbiting Deployable System for Small Satellite Observations for Ecology and Earth Observation, A
* New Perspective on Four Decades of Changes in Arctic Sea Ice from Satellite Observations, A
* new snow bidirectional reflectance distribution function model in spectral regions from UV to SWIR: Model development and application to ground-based, aircraft and satellite observations, A
* New Spatial-Temporal Depthwise Separable Convolutional Fusion Network for Generating Landsat 8-Day Surface Reflectance Time Series over Forest Regions, A
* new terrain matching method for estimating laser pointing and ranging systematic biases for spaceborne photon-counting laser altimeters, A
* new weakly supervised approach for ALS point cloud semantic segmentation, A
* Nitrogen and Phosphorus Retention Risk Assessment in a Drinking Water Source Area under Anthropogenic Activities
* Nitrous Oxide Profiling from Infrared Radiances (NOPIR): Algorithm Description, Application to 10 Years of IASI Observations and Quality Assessment
* NNetEn2D: Two-Dimensional Neural Network Entropy in Remote Sensing Imagery and Geophysical Mapping
* no-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Network Based on Binocular Interaction and Fusion Mechanisms, A
* Node-Feature Convolution for Graph Convolutional Networks
* Noise Robust High-Speed Motion Compensation for ISAR Imaging Based on Parametric Minimum Entropy Optimization
* Nominal Land Valuation with Best-Worst Method Using Geographic Information System: A Case of Atakum, Samsun
* non-alternating graph hashing algorithm for large-scale image search, A
* Non-convex nonlocal adaptive tight frame image deblurring
* Non-Intrusive Binaural Speech Intelligibility Prediction From Discrete Latent Representations
* Non-Least Square GNSS Positioning Algorithm for Densely Urbanized Areas
* Non-Line-of-Sight Moving Target Detection Method Based on Noise Suppression
* Non-Local Means Filters for Full Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images with Stochastic Distances
* Non-parametric scene parsing: Label transfer methods and datasets
* Non-separable rotation moment invariants
* Non-volume preserving-based fusion to group-level emotion recognition on crowd videos
* Nonconvex clustering via L0 fusion penalized regression
* Normalized Burn Ratio Plus (NBR+): A New Index for Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Not All Samples are Trustworthy: Towards Deep Robust SVP Prediction
* Novel Anchor-Free Method Based on FCOS + ATSS for Ship Detection in SAR Images, A
* Novel Composite Index to Measure Environmental Benefits in Urban Land Use Optimization Problems, A
* Novel Efficient Method for Land Cover Classification in Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes Using Sentinel Satellite Imagery, A
* novel hybrid model for short-term prediction of wind speed, A
* Novel J-Shape Antenna Array for Simultaneous MR-PET or MR-SPECT Imaging, A
* novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fundus images, A
* Novel Method for Fast Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation in Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction, A
* Novel Method to Estimate Multi-GNSS Differential Code Bias without Using Ionospheric Function Model and Global Ionosphere Map, A
* Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predictive Maintenance, A
* Novel Ultra-High Resolution Imaging Algorithm Based on the Accurate High-Order 2-D Spectrum for Space-Borne SAR, A
* novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based linguistic methods and machine learning for twitter sentiment analysis, A
* Novel Video Salient Object Detection Method via Semisupervised Motion Quality Perception, A
* Nowcasting System Based on Sky Camera Images to Predict the Solar Flux on the Receiver of a Concentrated Solar Plant
* Numerical Analysis of Putative Rock Glaciers on Mount Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars
* Numerical Investigation of the Dispersion Law of Materials by Means of Multi-Length TDR Data, A
* OANet: Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
* Object Tracking via Spatial-Temporal Memory Network
* Observation System Design and Analysis for a New Staring Earth Radiation Budget Radiometer Based on the Lagrange L1 Point of the Earth-Moon System
* Observed Changes in Crop Yield Associated with Droughts Propagation via Natural and Human-Disturbed Agro-Ecological Zones of Pakistan
* Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots, An
* Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Suspended Sediments along a Continuum from Rivers to River Plumes: Concentration, Transport, Fluxes and Dynamics
* OCR Post-Correction Approach Using Deep Learning for Processing Medical Reports, An
* Offshore Oil Platform Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Using Level Set Segmentation of Limited Initial Region and Convolutional Neural Network
* Oil Spill Identification in Radar Images Using a Soft Attention Segmentation Model
* Omega-KA-Net: A SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging Network Based on Trainable Omega-K Algorithm and Sparse Optimization
* On computational aspects of high-order dual Hahn moments
* On Investigating the Dynamical Factors Modulating Surface Chlorophyll-a Variability along the South Java Coast
* On the Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection: Classification Based Approaches Revisited
* On the Discovery of a Roman Fortified Site in Gafsa, Southern Tunisia, Based on High-Resolution X-Band Satellite Radar Data
* On the Evaluation of Both Spatial and Temporal Performance of Distributed Hydrological Models Using Remote Sensing Products
* On the Evaluation of Two Methods Applied to the Morphometry of Linear Dunes
* On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
* On the Joint Exploitation of Satellite DInSAR Measurements and DBSCAN-Based Techniques for Preliminary Identification and Ranking of Critical Constructions in a Built Environment
* On the Performance of Deep Learning Models for Respiratory Sound Classification Trained on Unbalanced Data
* On the Potential for Remote Observations of Coastal Morphodynamics from Surf-Cameras
* On the Topological Disparity Characterization of Square-Pixel Binary Image Data by a Labeled Bipartite Graph
* On the Use of Transformers for End-to-End Optical Music Recognition
* On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the Auroral Topside Ionosphere: Some Results from CSES-01 Satellite
* On-Line Train Speed Profile Generation of High-Speed Railway With Energy-Saving: A Model Predictive Control Method
* One-Shot Dense Network with Polarized Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* One-Shot HDR Imaging via Stereo PFA Cameras
* Online EEG-Based Emotion Prediction and Music Generation for Inducing Affective States
* Online Panoptic 3D Reconstruction as a Linear Assignment Problem
* Online Sparse DOA Estimation Based on Sub-Aperture Recursive LASSO for TDM-MIMO Radar
* OpenHSI: A Complete Open-Source Hyperspectral Imaging Solution for Everyone
* Opt-SSL: An Enhanced Self-Supervised Framework for Food Recognition
* Optical Design of a Common-Aperture Camera for Infrared Guided Polarization Imaging
* Optical Turbulence Profile in Marine Environment with Artificial Neural Network Model
* Optimal Band Selection for Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery to Retrieve a Wide Range of Cyanobacterial Pigment Concentration Using a Data-Driven Approach
* Optimal Battery Charging Algorithm in Electric Vehicle-Assisted Battery Swapping Environments, An
* Optimal Phenological Phase of Maize for Yield Prediction with High-Frequency UAV Remote Sensing, The
* Optimal Self-Calibration Strategies in the Combined Bundle Adjustment of Aerial-Terrestrial Integrated Images
* Optimal Trajectory Planning and Robust Tracking Using Vehicle Model Inversion
* Optimization of Numerical Methods for Transforming UTM Plane Coordinates to Lambert Plane Coordinates
* Optimization of Shelter Location Based on a Combined Static/Dynamic Two-Stage Optimization Methodology: A Case Study in the Central Urban Area of Xinyi City, China
* Optimized Fusion of CNNs to Diagnose Pulmonary Diseases on Chest X-Rays
* Optimized Spatial Gradient Transfer for Hyperspectral-LiDAR Data Classification
* Optimizing a Standard Spectral Measurement Protocol to Enhance the Quality of Soil Spectra: Exploration of Key Variables in Lab-Based VNIR-SWIR Spectral Measurement
* Optimizing Moving Object Trajectories from Roadside Lidar Data by Joint Detection and Tracking
* Optimum Feature and Classifier Selection for Accurate Urban Land Use/Cover Mapping from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Orbital Maneuver Optimization of Earth Observation Satellites Using an Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm
* Oriented Ship Detector for Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Pairwise Branch Detection Head and SAR Feature Enhancement
* OSM Science: The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications
* Out-of-Distribution Detection Using Outlier Detection Methods
* Overall Assessment of JPSS-3 VIIRS Radiometric Performance Based on Pre-Launch Testing, An
* Overview of a Special Issue on Upcoming Positioning, Navigation, and Timing: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou, An
* Overview of the Applications of Earth Observation Satellite Data: Impacts and Future Trends, An
* Overview of the Neural Network Compression and Representation (NNR) Standard
* PaMIR: Parametric Model-Conditioned Implicit Representation for Image-Based Human Reconstruction
* Panoptic Segmentation in Industrial Environments Using Synthetic and Real Data
* Parallel Complement Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes
* Parallel Method for Texture Reconstruction in Large-Scale 3D Automatic Modeling Based on Oblique Photography, A
* Parameter Estimation for Precession Cone-Shaped Targets Based on Range-Frequency-Time Radar Data Cube
* Parcel-Level Mapping of Horticultural Crop Orchards in Complex Mountain Areas Using VHR and Time-Series Images
* Particle Filter Design Based on Reinforcement Learning and Its Application to Mobile Robot Localization
* Path Planning and Control of a UAV Fleet in Bridge Management Systems
* PathAL: An Active Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Analysis
* Pattern Recognition Approach and LiDAR for the Analysis and Mapping of Archaeological Looting: Application to an Etruscan Site
* Performance Analysis of Two-Stage Iterative Ensemble Method over Random Oversampling Methods on Multiclass Imbalanced Datasets
* Performance and the Optimal Integration of Sentinel-1/2 Time-Series Features for Crop Classification in Northern Mongolia
* Performance Evaluation of Feature Matching Techniques for Detecting Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Displacement
* Performance evaluation of Shannon and non-Shannon fuzzy 2-partition entropies for image segmentation using teaching-learning-based optimisation
* Performance of Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning with Measured and Simulated RSSI Reference Maps
* Person re-identification: A taxonomic survey and the path ahead
* Personalized knowledge-aware recommendation with collaborative and attentive graph convolutional networks
* Perspective Camera Model With Refraction Correction for Optical Velocimetry Measurements in Complex Geometries
* Perspective Charts in a Multi-Foci Globe-Based Visualization of COVID-19 Data
* Perspectives on the Special Issue for Applications of Remote Sensing for Livestock and Grazingland Management
* Petri-net-based deadlock detection and recovery for control of interacting equipment in automated container terminals
* Photoplethysmographic biometrics: A comprehensive survey
* PhyDAA: Physiological Dataset Assessing Attention
* Physics-Coupled Neural Network Magnetic Resonance Electrical Property Tomography (MREPT) for Conductivity Reconstruction
* Physiographic Controls on Landfast Ice Variability from 20 Years of Maximum Extents across the Northwest Canadian Arctic
* Physiological Measures of Risk Perception in Highly Automated Driving
* Physiology-based augmented deep neural network frameworks for ECG biometrics with short ECG pulses considering varying heart rates
* Plane-Based Robust Registration of a Building Scan with Its BIM
* Plant Ontogeny Strongly Influences SO2 Stress Resistance in Landscape Tree Species Leaf Functional Traits
* Plant Viral Disease Detection: From Molecular Diagnosis to Optical Sensing Technology: A Multidisciplinary Review
* PlumeTraP: A New MATLAB-Based Algorithm to Detect and Parametrize Volcanic Plumes from Visible-Wavelength Images
* Point cloud registration and localization based on voxel plane features
* Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Method for the Ming and Qing Dynasties' Official-Style Architecture Roof Considering the Construction Regulations, The
* Poker Bluff Detection Dataset Based on Facial Analysis
* polar-edge context-aware (PECA) network for mirror segmentation, A
* Polarimetric Calibration Technique for a Fully Polarimetric Entomological Radar Based on Antenna Rotation
* Polarimetric Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
* Polarization Aberrations in High-Numerical-Aperture Lens Systems and Their Effects on Vectorial-Information Sensing
* Polarization Optimization for the Detection of Multiple Persistent Scatterers Using SAR Tomography
* PolygloNet: Multilingual Approach for Scene Text Recognition Without Language Constraints
* Population Spatialization Model at the Building Scale Using Random Forest, A
* Positive Sparse Signal Denoising: What Does a CNN Learn?
* Possibility results for graph clustering: A novel consistency axiom
* Potential Habitats and Their Conservation Status for Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) along the East Asian Flyway
* Potential of 3-D Building Height Data to Characterize Socioeconomic Activities: A Case Study from 38 Cities in China, The
* Potential of Sentinel-1A Data for Identification of Debris-Covered Alpine Glacier Based on Machine Learning Approach, The
* Pothole 3D Reconstruction With a Novel Imaging System and Structure From Motion Techniques
* Practicality and Robustness of Tree Species Identification Using UAV RGB Image and Deep Learning in Temperate Forest in Japan
* Pre-Operational System Based on the Assimilation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth in the MOCAGE Chemical Transport Model, A
* Precipitation Microphysics during the Extreme Meiyu Period in 2020
* Precipitation Microphysics of Tropical Cyclones over Northeast China in 2020
* Precise Indoor Path Planning Based on Hybrid Model of GeoSOT and BIM
* Precision Oliviculture: Research Topics, Challenges, and Opportunities: A Review
* Predicting A Growing Stage of Rice Plants Based on The Cropping Records over 25 Years: A Trial of Feature Engineering Incorporating Hidden Regional Characteristics
* Predicting annual PM2.5 in mainland China from 2014 to 2020 using multi temporal satellite product: An improved deep learning approach with spatial generalization ability
* Predicting Driver's Transition Time to a Secondary Task Given an in-Vehicle Alert
* Predicting Landslides Susceptible Zones in the Lesser Himalayas by Ensemble of Per Pixel and Object-Based Models
* Predicting Species and Structural Diversity of Temperate Forests with Satellite Remote Sensing and Deep Learning
* Predicting Sugarcane Harvest Date and Productivity with a Drone-Borne Tri-Band SAR
* Predicting Terrorism in Europe with Remote Sensing, Spatial Statistics, and Machine Learning
* Predicting Tree Mortality Using Spectral Indices Derived from Multispectral UAV Imagery
* Prediction of Fish Location by Combining Fisheries Data and Sea Bottom Temperature Forecasting
* Preliminary Evaluation of FY-3E Microwave Temperature Sounder Performance Based on Observation Minus Simulation
* Presentation attack detection based on two-stream vision transformers with self-attention fusion
* Preserving similarity order for unsupervised clustering
* PRIMAL-GMM: PaRametrIc MAnifold Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models
* PRISMA L1 and L2 Performances within the PRISCAV Project: The Pignola Test Site in Southern Italy
* Privacy-Preserving in-Bed Human Pose Estimation: Highlights from the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup 2021 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Pro-UIGAN: Progressive Face Hallucination From Occluded Thumbnails
* Probabilistic context integration-based aircraft behaviour intention classification at airport ramps
* Probabilistic Temporal Modeling for Unintentional Action Localization
* Problem of Electric Vehicle Charging: State-of-the-Art and an Innovative Solution, The
* Profile to frontal face recognition in the wild using coupled conditional generative adversarial network
* Progress towards an HF Radar Wind Speed Measurement Method Using Machine Learning
* Projective Multiple Kernel Subspace Clustering
* Proposal of a Comparative Framework for Face Super-Resolution Algorithms in Forensics
* Proximal Based Strategies for Solving Discrete Mumford-Shah With Ambrosio-Tortorelli Penalization on Edges
* Pruning in the Face of Adversaries
* Public Curb Parking Demand Estimation With POI Distribution
* Pulmonary disease diagnosis using African vulture optimized weighted support vector machine approach
* Pulmonary-Restricted COVID-19 Informative Visual Screening Using Chest X-ray Images from Portable Devices
* Pulse Parameters and Peak Currents of Return Strokes Observed by the Ningxia FALMA in the Chinese Inland Areas
* Push & Pull: Transferable Adversarial Examples With Attentive Attack
* PVNet: Pixel-Wise Voting Network for 6DoF Object Pose Estimation
* QA-Filter: A QP-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network Filter for Video Coding
* QDA-System: A Cloud-Based System for Monitoring Water Quality in Brazilian Hydroelectric Reservoirs from Space
* Quadratic Terms Based Point-to-Surface 3D Representation for Deep Learning of Point Cloud
* Quality Control for the BPG Lossy Compression of Three-Channel Remote Sensing Images
* Quantification of Spatial Association between Commercial and Residential Spaces in Beijing Using Urban Big Data
* Quantifying Post-Fire Changes in the Aboveground Biomass of an Amazonian Forest Based on Field and Remote Sensing Data
* Quantitative Measurement of Radio Frequency Interference for SMOS Mission
* Quantitative Relations between Topological Similarity Degree and Map Scale Change of Contour Clusters in Multi-Scale Map Spaces
* Quaternion-based weighted nuclear norm minimization for color image restoration
* R-IMNet: Spatial-Temporal Evolution Analysis of Resource-Exhausted Urban Land Based on Residual-Intelligent Module Network
* R2CI: Information theoretic-guided feature selection with multiple correlations
* Radargrammetric DSM Generation by Semi-Global Matching and Evaluation of Penalty Functions
* Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression via FDA MIMO Planar Array Radar with Compressed Sensing
* Rank-One Network: An Effective Framework for Image Restoration
* Rapid Inspection of Large Concrete Floor Flatness Using Wheeled Robot with Aided-INS
* Rapid trajectory clustering based on neighbor spatial analysis
* Rapid Tsunami Potential Assessment Using GNSS Ionospheric Disturbance: Implications from Three Megathrusts
* Rapid Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images under the Complex Background of Dense Urban Areas
* Rapid-DEM: Rapid Topographic Updates through Satellite Change Detection and UAS Data Fusion
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph for Point Cloud Attribute Coding
* RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
* Re-EnGAN: Unsupervised image-to-image translation based on reused feature encoder in CycleGAN
* Real Image Denoising With a Locally-Adaptive Bitonic Filter
* Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in Automated Long-Haul Trucking: Development of a System Based on Biomathematical Modelling, Fatigue and Relaxation Monitoring
* Real-Time Hand Gesture Identification in Thermal Images
* Real-Time Precise DGNSS/INS Integrated Relative Positioning with High Output Rate and Low Broadcast Rate for Kinematic-to-Kinematic Applications
* Real-Time Respiration Monitoring of Neonates from Thermography Images Using Deep Learning
* Real-Time Tone Mapping: A Survey and Cross-Implementation Hardware Benchmark
* Real-Time Ultrasound Detection of Breast Microcalcifications Using Multifocus Twinkling Artifact Imaging
* Recognition Model of Sideslip of Surrounding Vehicles Based on Perception Information of Driverless Vehicle
* Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* Recognition of the finger vascular system using multi-wavelength imaging
* Recognizing micro actions in videos by learning multi-layer local features
* Recomputation and Updating of MOLA Geolocation
* Reconstruction of Vegetation Index Time Series Based on Self-Weighting Function Fitting from Curve Features
* Recurrent Tissue-Aware Network for Deformable Registration of Infant Brain MR Images
* Recurrent Vision Transformer for Solving Visual Reasoning Problems
* Reduced annotation based on deep active learning for arabic text detection in natural scene images
* Reflection symmetry detection of shapes based on shape signatures
* RegGAN: An End-to-End Network for Building Footprint Generation with Boundary Regularization
* Registration and Combined Adjustment for the Laser Altimetry Data and High-Resolution Optical Stereo Images of the GF-7 Satellite
* Relational Reasoning Over Spatial-Temporal Graphs for Video Summarization
* RelationRS: Relationship Representation Network for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Relationship between the Intraseasonal Oscillation over Mid-High-Latitude Eurasia and the Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in February 2018
* Relative Merits of Optimal Estimation and Non-Linear Retrievals of Sea-Surface Temperature from MODIS
* Relaxation Labeling Meets GANs: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles with Missing Borders
* Relaxing the Forget Constraints in Open World Recognition
* reliable and unobtrusive approach to display area detection for imperceptible display camera communication, A
* Reliable detection of doppelgängers based on deep face representations
* Reliable metrics-based linear regression model for multilevel privacy measurement of face instances
* Remote Prediction of Oilseed Rape Yield via Gaofen-1 Images and a Crop Model
* Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data Fusion in Predicting Bushfire Severity: A Case Study from Victoria, Australia
* Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis for Land-Take Assessment in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)
* Remote Sensing Estimation and Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Terrestrial Net Ecosystem Productivity in China
* Remote Sensing Mapping of Build-Up Land with Noisy Label via Fault-Tolerant Learning
* Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Spatial Pattern of Greening and Browning in Xilin Gol Grassland and Its Response to Climate and Human Activities
* Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity: Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics
* Remote sensing of total suspended matter concentration in lakes across China using Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
* Remote Sensing Survey of Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex Rocks and Minerals for Planetary Analog Use
* Remote Sensing-Detected Changes in Precipitation over the Source Region of Three Rivers in the Recent Two Decades
* Remote Sensing: Based Assessment of the Water-Use Efficiency of Maize over a Large, Arid, Regional Irrigation District
* Remotely Sensed Framework for Spatially-Detailed Dryland Soil Organic Matter Mapping: Coupled Cross-Wavelet Transform with Fractional Vegetation and Soil-Related Endmember Time Series, A
* Removing Prior Information from Remotely Sensed Atmospheric Profiles by Wiener Deconvolution Based on the Complete Data Fusion Framework
* Research on data classification and feature fusion method of cancer nuclei image based on deep learning
* Research on edge-guided disambiguation module for shadow detection
* Research on Generalized RQD of Rock Mass Based on 3D Slope Model Established by Digital Close-Range Photogrammetry
* Research on reversible image steganography of encrypted image based on image interpolation and difference histogram shift
* Research on the Algorithm of License Plate Recognition Based on MPGAN Haze Weather
* Research on the Dynamic Monitoring Technology of Road Subgrades with Time-Lapse Full-Coverage 3D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
* Research on the Method of Rainfall Field Retrieval Based on the Combination of Earth-Space Links and Horizontal Microwave Links
* Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Resolution Enhancement of SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Estimates
* Resolution-Sensitive Added Value Analysis of CORDEX-CORE RegCM4-7 Past Seasonal Precipitation Simulations over Africa Using Satellite-Based Observational Products
* Response of Ecohydrological Variables to Meteorological Drought under Climate Change
* ResT-ReID: Transformer block-based residual learning for person re-identification
* Rethinking Low-Light Enhancement via Transformer-GAN
* Rethinking the Competition Between Detection and ReID in Multiobject Tracking
* Retraction: A novel semi-supervised method for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations of Class II Water Bodies of Inland Lakes and Reservoirs Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data
* Retrieval of Music-Notation Primitives via Image-to-Sequence Approaches
* Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Surface Reflectance Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted images without additional information transmission
* Review of Evaluation Practices of Gesture Generation in Embodied Conversational Agents, A
* Review of Remote Sensing for Water Quality Retrieval: Progress and Challenges, A
* Review on Deep Learning Techniques for Video Prediction, A
* Revisiting convexity-preserving signal recovery with the linearly involved GMC penalty
* RIConv++: Effective Rotation Invariant Convolutions for 3D Point Clouds Deep Learning
* RISSNet: Retain low-light image details and improve the structural similarity net
* Road Extraction Convolutional Neural Network with Embedded Attention Mechanism for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Road Intersection Optimization Considering Spatial-Temporal Interactions Among Turning Movement Spillovers
* Road Quality Classification
* Robot Pose Estimation Optimized Visual SLAM Algorithm Based on CO-HDC Instance Segmentation Network for Dynamic Scenes, A
* Robust and Efficient Overhead People Counting System for Retail Applications, A
* Robust Clutter Suppression and Radial Velocity Estimation for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR-GMTI
* Robust Control of Arrivals Into a Queuing Network
* Robust depth estimation on real-world light field images using Gaussian belief propagation
* Robust Feedback Active Noise Control System With Online Secondary-Path Modeling, A
* Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocalization of Underwater Robots in Marine Data Science Applications
* Robust In-Motion Optimization-Based Alignment for SINS/GPS Integration, A
* robust multimodal remote sensing image registration method and system using steerable filters with first- and second-order gradients, A
* Robust Object Categorization and Scene Classification over Remote Sensing Images via Features Fusion and Fully Convolutional Network
* Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN
* Robust Precipitation Bias Correction Through an Ordinal Distribution Autoencoder
* Robust RGB-Guided Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Images via TV^3 Minimization
* Robust Sparsity-Aware RLS Algorithms With Jointly-Optimized Parameters Against Impulsive Noise
* Robustness Study for the Extraction of Watertight Volumetric Models from Boundary Representation Data, A
* Role of Environmental Water and Reedbed Condition on the Response of Phragmites australis Reedbeds to Flooding, The
* Role of Long-Term Dependency in Synthetic Speech Detection, The
* Roomba for Rivers, A
* Rossby Waves in Total Ozone over the Arctic in 2000-2021
* Rotation invariant point cloud analysis: Where local geometry meets global topology
* Roundabout Crossing With Interval Occupancy and Virtual Instances of Road Users
* RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body-Parts
* Rupture Models of the 2016 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence from Joint Inversion of Strong-Motion and InSAR Datasets: Implications for Fault Behavior
* SA-DPNet: Structure-aware dual pyramid network for salient object detection
* SA-YOLOv3: An Efficient and Accurate Object Detector Using Self-Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Driving
* Safe Feature Screening Rule for Rank Lasso, A
* Salient Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: An In-Depth Survey
* Salt and pepper noise removal method based on stationary Framelet transform with non-convex sparsity regularization
* Saltation Activity on Non-Dust Days in the Taklimakan Desert, China
* SAR image classification based on spiking neural network through spike-time dependent plasticity and gradient descent
* SAR Image Fusion Classification Based on the Decision-Level Combination of Multi-Band Information
* SAR Image Segmentation by Efficient Fuzzy C-Means Framework with Adaptive Generalized Likelihood Ratio Nonlocal Spatial Information Embedded
* SAR Ship-Iceberg Discrimination in Arctic Conditions Using Deep Learning
* SAR Target Recognition Using cGAN-Based SAR-to-Optical Image Translation
* SAR-BagNet: An Ante-hoc Interpretable Recognition Model Based on Deep Network for SAR Image
* Satellite and In Situ Sampling Mismatches: Consequences for the Estimation of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Uncertainties
* Satellite Observations of Fire Activity in Relation to Biophysical Forcing Effect of Land Surface Temperature in Mediterranean Climate
* Satellite Observed Spatial and Temporal Variabilities of Particulate Organic Carbon in the East China Sea
* Satellite-Based Evidences to Improve Cropland Productivity on the High-Standard Farmland Project Regions in Henan Province, China
* SC-LPR: Spatiotemporal context based LiDAR place recognition
* SCAF: Skip-Connections in Auto-encoder for Face Alignment with Few Annotated Data
* Scalable Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Data Using Hopsworks
* Scarcity-aware spam detection technique for big data ecosystem
* Scattering Intensity Analysis and Classification of Two Types of Rice Based on Multi-Temporal and Multi-Mode Simulated Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
* SCE-Net: Self- and Cross-Enhancement Network for Single-View Height Estimation and Semantic Segmentation
* Scene captioning with deep fusion of images and point clouds
* Scene Recognition Mechanism for Service Robot Adapting Various Families: A CNN-Based Approach Using Multi-Type Cameras
* Scheme for Quickly Simulating Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation over Complex Terrain on a Large Spatial-Temporal Span: A Case Study over the Entirety of China, A
* Sea Storm Analysis: Evaluation of Multiannual Wave Parameters Retrieved from HF Radar and Wave Model
* Searching part-specific neural fabrics for human pose estimation
* Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Tidal Mixing Signatures in Indonesian Seas from High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
* Seasonal Dependence of Aerosol Data Assimilation and Forecasting Using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations
* Secret Key-Based Image Steganography in Spatial Domain
* SeeFar: Vehicle Speed Estimation and Flow Analysis from a Moving UAV
* Self-Adaptive Logit Balancing for Deep Learning Robustness in Computer Vision
* Self-Attentive Hybrid Coding Network for 3D Change Detection in High-Resolution Optical Stereo Images, A
* Self-Correction for Human Parsing
* Self-Guided Adaptation: Progressive Representation Alignment for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Self-Regulating Multi-Clutter Suppression Framework for Small Aperture HFSWR Systems, A
* Self-supervised 2D face presentation attack detection via temporal sequence sampling
* Self-Supervised Exclusive-Inclusive Interactive Learning for Multi-Label Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Self-supervised Learning Through Colorization for Microscopy Images
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With Multiscale Perception
* Self-Supervised Multi-Category Counting Networks for Automatic Check-Out
* Self-supervised Prototype Conditional Few-Shot Object Detection
* Self-Supervised Stereo Matching Method Based on SRWP and PCAM for Urban Satellite Images
* Self-Trained Model for Cloud, Shadow and Snow Detection in Sentinel-2 Images of Snow- and Ice-Covered Regions, A
* Semantic-aware spatial regularization correlation filter for visual tracking
* Semi-Automated Mapping of Complex-Terrain Mountain Glaciers by Integrating L-Band SAR Amplitude and Interferometric Coherence
* Semi-Supervised Adversarial Semantic Segmentation Network Using Transformer and Multiscale Convolution for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Semi-Supervised Classification for Intra-Pulse Modulation of Radar Emitter Signals Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Serverless-Based, On-the-Fly Computing Framework for Remote Sensing Image Collection, A
* Severe Biomass-Burning Aerosol Pollution during the 2019 Amazon Wildfire and Its Direct Radiative-Forcing Impact: A Space Perspective from MODIS Retrievals
* SFRE-Net: Scattering Feature Relation Enhancement Network for Aircraft Detection in SAR Images
* SfSNet: Learning Shape, Reflectance and Illuminance of Faces in the Wild
* SG-Net: Syntax Guided Transformer for Language Representation
* SGOT: A Simplified Geometric-Optical Model for Crown Scene Components Modeling over Rugged Terrain
* SHAP-Based Interpretable Object Detection Method for Satellite Imagery
* Shared Control in Robot Teleoperation With Improved Potential Fields
* Shifted to the South, Shifted to the North, but No Expansion: Potential Suitable Habitat Distribution Shift and Conservation Gap of the Critically Endangered Baer's Pochard (Aythya baeri)
* Ship Detection and Tracking Based on a Custom Aerial Dataset
* Short-Arc Precise Orbit Determination of GEO Satellites Using VLBI and Transfer Ranging, The
* Short-Term and Long-Term Replenishment of Water Storage Influenced by Lockdown and Policy Measures in Drought-Prone Regions of Central India
* Shot-Based Hybrid Fusion for Movie Genre Classification
* Shrink-Branch-Bound Algorithm for eLoran Pseudorange Positioning Initialization, A
* Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting Resolution of Digital Rock Images for Improved Petrophysical Property Estimation
* Similarity Analysis: Revealing the Regional Difference in Geomorphic Development in Areas with High and Coarse Sediment Yield of the Loess Plateau in China
* Simple But Effective: Upper-Body Geometric Features for Traffic Command Gesture Recognition
* Simple Deposition Model for Debris Flow Simulation Considering the Erosion-Entrainment-Deposition Process, A
* Simulating Future LUCC by Coupling Climate Change and Human Effects Based on Multi-Phase Remote Sensing Data
* Simulating River/Lake-Groundwater Exchanges in Arid River Basins: An Improvement Constrained by Lake Surface Area Dynamics and Evapotranspiration
* Simulation of Isoprene Emission with Satellite Microwave Emissivity Difference Vegetation Index as Water Stress Factor in Southeastern China during 2008
* Simulative Evaluation of the Underwater Geodetic Network Configuration on Kinematic Positioning Performance
* Single image dehazing using generative adversarial networks based on an attention mechanism
* Single infrared image super-resolution based on lightweight multi-path feature fusion network
* Single Model Deep Learning on Imbalanced Small Datasets for Skin Lesion Classification
* Single-camera 3D head fitting for mixed reality clinical applications
* Single-pixel compressive imaging in shift-invariant spaces via exact wavelet frames
* single-stage face detection and face recognition deep neural network based on feature pyramid and triplet loss, A
* SISAL Revisited
* Skew Angle Detection and Correction in Text Images Using RGB Gradient
* SkySat Data Quality Assessment within the EDAP Framework
* SLAM System with Direct Velocity Estimation for Mechanical and Solid-State LiDARs, A
* Smart Noise Jamming Suppression Method Based on Atomic Dictionary Parameter Optimization Decomposition, A
* SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network for Change Detection in Remote Sensing
* Snapshot Infrared Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Dynamic Target Detection, A
* Soft pseudo-Label shrinkage for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification
* SoftPool++: An Encoder-Decoder Network for Point Cloud Completion
* Soil Moisture Retrieval from the CyGNSS Data Based on a Bilinear Regression
* Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Multistatic L-Band SAR and Effective Roughness Modeling
* Soil Salinity Detection and Mapping in an Environment under Water Stress between 1984 and 2018 (Case of the Largest Oasis in Africa-Morocco)
* Soil Salinity Inversion Model of Oasis in Arid Area Based on UAV Multispectral Remote Sensing
* Solar Wireless Sensor Nodes for Condition Monitoring of Freight Trains
* SOLS: An Open-Source Spaceborne Oceanic Lidar Simulator
* Source Geometry and Causes of the 2019 Ms6.0 Changning Earthquake in Sichuan, China Based on InSAR
* Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine Learning Models Trained on Sentinel-2 and Soil Data
* Soybean EOS Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Their Climate Drivers in Global Major Regions
* Spaceborne GNSS Reflectometry
* SPARE: Self-supervised part erasing for ultra-fine-grained visual categorization
* Sparse matrix factorization with L2,1 norm for matrix completion
* Sparse Regularization with a Non-Convex Penalty for SAR Imaging and Autofocusing
* Spatial and Seasonal Variations of the Island Mass Effect at the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands Archipelago
* Spatial and Temporal Inversion of Land Surface Temperature along Coastal Cities in Arid Regions
* Spatial information enhancement network for 3D object detection from point cloud
* Spatial Negative Co-Location Pattern Directional Mining Algorithm with Join-Based Prevalence
* Spatial Structure of an Urban Park System Based on Fractal Theory: A Case Study of Fuzhou, China
* Spatial Surface Reflectance Retrievals for Visible/Shortwave Infrared Remote Sensing via Gaussian Process Priors
* Spatial-Temporal Autoencoder with Attention Network for Video Compression
* Spatial-Temporal Neural Network for Rice Field Classification from SAR Images
* Spatial-UNet: Deep Learning-Based Lane Detection Using Fisheye Cameras for Autonomous Driving
* spatially constrained skew Student's-t mixture model for brain MR image segmentation and bias field correction, A
* Spatially Stratified and Multi-Stage Approach for National Land Cover Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Data and Expert Knowledge
* Spatially-Consistent Feature Matching and Learning for Heritage Image Analysis
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Sawa Lake's Physical Parameters between (1985-2020) and Drought Investigations Using Landsat Imageries
* Spatio-Temporal Approach for Apathy Classification, A
* Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Transfer for Urban Crowd Flow Prediction via Deep Attentive Adaptation Networks
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of NO2 Production Using TROPOMI Time-Series Images and Google Earth Engine in a Middle Eastern Country
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Traffic Accidents Hotspots Based on Geospatial Techniques
* Spatiotemporal Co-Attention Recurrent Neural Networks for Human-Skeleton Motion Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Comparison of Drought in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia from 2003 to 2020 Using Various Drought Indices in Google Earth Engine
* Spatiotemporal distribution of labeled data can bias the validation and selection of supervised learning algorithms: A marine remote sensing example
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Surface Albedo and Its Influencing Factors in the Qilian Mountains, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* Spatiotemporal Network Model for Global Ionospheric TEC Forecasting, A
* Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of MODIS Normalized Difference Snow Index Products Using U-Net with Partial Convolutions
* Spatiotemporal Visualisation of PS InSAR Generated Space-Time Series Describing Large Areal Land Deformations Using Diagram Map with Spiral Graph
* Speaker-Independent Speech Animation Using Perceptual Loss Functions and Synthetic Data
* Spectral Estimation Framework for Phase Retrieval via Bregman Divergence Minimization, A
* spectral grouping-based deep learning model for haze removal of hyperspectral images, A
* Spectral Method for Liming Recommendation in Oxisol Based on the Prediction of Chemical Characteristics Using Interval Partial Least Squares Regression
* Spectral Mixture Analysis and Landscape Metrics Based Framework for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Forest Cover Changes: A Case Study in Mato Grosso, Brazil, A
* Speech Time-Scale Modification With GANs
* Spherical Formulation of Geometric Motion Segmentation Constraints in Fisheye Cameras
* Spoken language identification in unseen channel conditions using modified within-sample similarity loss
* Spot-Adaptive Knowledge Distillation
* SST Anywhere: A Portable Solution for Wide Field Low Earth Orbit Surveillance
* ST-PN: A Spatial Transformed Prototypical Network for Few-Shot SAR Image Classification
* Stand Canopy Closure Estimation in Planted Forests Using a Geometric-Optical Model Based on Remote Sensing
* StandardSim: A Synthetic Dataset for Retail Environments
* Staring Mode Properties and Performance of Geo-SAR Satellite with Reflector Antenna, The
* Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Remote Sensing Data Mining: Recent Advancements
* Statistical Approach Toward Channel Modeling With Application to Large-Scale Censored Data, A
* Statistical independence of ECG for biometric authentication
* Steady-State Performance Analysis of the Distributed FxLMS Algorithm for Narrowband ANC System With Frequency Mismatch
* Stochastic Path Optimization to Improve Navigation Safety in Urban Environment
* Strain and Moment Rates from GPS and Seismological Data in Northern Iran: Implications for an Evaluation of Stress Trajectories and Probabilistic Fault Rupture Hazard
* Strategic Information Perturbation for an Online In-Vehicle Coordinated Routing Mechanism for Connected Vehicles Under Mixed-Strategy Congestion Game
* Strategy of Parallel SLIC Superpixels for Handling Large-Scale Images over Apache Spark, A
* Strong Geometric Baseline for Cross-View Matching of Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images, A
* Structural Differences of PM2.5 Spatial Correlation Networks in Ten Metropolitan Areas of China
* Structured Context Enhancement Network for Mouse Pose Estimation
* Study of Coastal Effects Relevant for Offshore Wind Energy Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
* Study of Driving Factors Using Machine Learning to Determine the Effect of Topography, Climate, and Fuel on Wildfire in Pakistan
* Study on Significance Enhancement Algorithm of Abnormal Features of Urban Road Ground Penetrating Radar Images
* Study on the Dynamic Effects and Ecological Stress of Eco-Environment in the Headwaters of the Yangtze River Based on Improved DeepLab V3+ Network, A
* Study on the Long-Term Variations in Mass Extinction Efficiency Using Visibility Data in South Korea, A
* Subsidence Detection for Urban Roads Using Mobile Laser Scanner Data
* Super U-Net: A modularized generalizable architecture
* Super-Resolution of Solar Active Region Patches Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Superpixel Nonlocal Weighting Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Superpixel segmentation algorithm based on local network modularity increment
* Surface Current Variations and Hydrological Characteristics of the Penghu Channel in the Southeastern Taiwan Strait
* Surface Deformation Associated with the 22 August 1902 Mw 7.7 Atushi Earthquake in the Southwestern Tian Shan, Revealed from Multiple Remote Sensing Data
* Surface Deformation of Expansive Soil at Ankang Airport, China, Revealed by InSAR Observations
* Surface Displacements Mechanism of the Dobi Graben from ASAR Time-Series Analysis of InSAR: Implications for the Tectonic Setting in the Central Afar Depression, Ethiopia
* Surface Wave Developments under Tropical Cyclone Goni (2020): Multi-Satellite Observations and Parametric Model Comparisons
* Surround-Net: A Multi-Branch Arbitrary-Oriented Detector for Remote Sensing
* survey on biometric recognition using wearable devices, A
* Survey on Deep Learning-Based Change Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Survey on Mapping Human Hand Motion to Robotic Hands for Teleoperation
* Sustainable Development of Life Service Resources: A New Framework Based on GIScience and Spatial Justice
* SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
* SVM Based Intrusion Detection Method with Nonlinear Scaling and Feature Selection
* SVP-Classifier: Single-View Point Cloud Data Classifier with Multi-view Hallucination
* Symbiotic Graph Neural Networks for 3D Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition and Motion Prediction
* Synchronization of Monostatic Radar Using a Time-Delayed Chaos-Based FM Waveform
* Synchronized Optimization for Service Scheduling, Train Parking and Routing at High-Speed Rail Maintenance Depot
* SynCoLFinGer: Synthetic contactless fingerprint generator
* Synthetic Data of Randomly Piled, Similar Objects for Deep Learning-Based Object Detection
* Synthetic document generator for annotation-free layout recognition
* Synthetic vs Human Emotional Faces: What Changes in Humans' Decoding Accuracy
* Systematic Deep Learning Model Selection for P300-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces, A
* Systematic Literature Review on Crop Yield Prediction with Deep Learning and Remote Sensing, A
* systematic review and meta-analysis of Digital elevation model (DEM) fusion: pre-processing, methods and applications, A
* Table detection in business document images by message passing networks
* Taming mode collapse in generative adversarial networks using cooperative realness discriminators
* TaoHighlight: Commodity-Aware Multi-Modal Video Highlight Detection in E-Commerce
* Target-Aware State Estimation for Visual Tracking
* Taxi-Passenger's Destination Prediction via GPS Embedding and Attention-Based BiLSTM Model
* Taxonomy of seasonal and diurnal clear-sky climatology of surface urban heat island dynamics across global cities
* Taylor series-based deep belief network for automatic classification of diabetic retinopathy using retinal fundus images
* TCDesc: Learning Topology Consistent Descriptors for Image Matching
* TCLR: Temporal contrastive learning for video representation
* Technical Perspective: Visualization Search: From Sketching to Natural Language
* Technologies for Risk Mitigation and Support of Impaired Drivers
* Temperature and Moisture Sounding Performance of Current and Prospective Microwave Instruments under All-Sky Conditions
* Temporal and Spatial Changes in Evapotranspiration and Its Potential Driving Factors in Mongolia over the Past 20 Years
* Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of the Global Skylight Polarization Vector Field
* Temporal Convolutional Networks for Robust Face Liveness Detection
* Temporal Dynamics of the Goose Habitat in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Temporal Up-Sampling of LIDAR Measurements Based on a Mono Camera
* Temporal-adaptive sparse feature aggregation for video object detection
* Test Sample Selection for Handwriting Recognition Through Language Modeling
* Test-Time Adaptation for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Text Region Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Text Concealment in the Wild
* Text-to-image synthesis with self-supervised learning
* Thaw Settlement Monitoring and Active Layer Thickness Retrieval Using Time Series COSMO-SkyMed Imagery in Iqaluit Airport
* Thermal Responses of the Largest Freshwater Lake in the Tibetan Plateau and Its Nearby Saline Lake to Climate Change
* Three-Dimensional Cubic Barcodes
* Time series classifier recommendation by a meta-learning approach
* Time-frequency fusion learning for photoplethysmography biometric recognition
* Time-series estimation from randomly time-warped observations
* Time-Variance Aware Dynamic Kernel Generation for Real-Time Acoustic Echo Cancellation
* TimeMatch: Unsupervised cross-region adaptation by temporal shift estimation
* Timetable Recovery After Disturbances in Metro Operations: An Exact and Efficient Solution
* TMS-GAN: A Twofold Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Topic scene graphs for image captioning
* Topological features in addition to radiomics signature predict 1P19Q status and tumor grade in low-grade gliomas
* Total Bregman divergence-driven possibilistic fuzzy clustering with kernel metric and local information for grayscale image segmentation
* Touch keystroke dynamics for demographic classification
* Tourist Behavior Analysis Framework Guided by Geo-Information Tupu Theory and Its Application in Dengfeng City, China, A
* Toward a System for Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Masonry Buildings
* Toward Active Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Quantifying the Human State During Interactions
* Toward User-Generated Content as a Mechanism of Digital Placemaking: Place Experience Dimensions in Spatial Media
* Towards a Context-Dependent Multi-Buffer Driver Distraction Detection Algorithm
* Towards a Sensitive Urban Wind Representation in Virtual Reality
* Towards an Efficient Facial Image Compression with Neural Networks
* Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Time InSAR processing workflow with an emphasis on co-registration and phase unwrapping
* Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Correspondence Search
* Towards Efficient and Data Agnostic Image Classification Training Pipeline for Embedded Systems
* Towards Fast and Robust Real Image Denoising With Attentive Neural Network and PID Controller
* Towards Latent Space Optimization of GANs Using Meta-Learning
* Towards Lightweight Transformer Via Group-Wise Transformation for Vision-and-Language Tasks
* Towards Open Zero-Shot Learning
* Towards Predicting the Measurement Noise Covariance with a Transformer and Residual Denoising Autoencoder for GNSS/INS Tightly-Coupled Integrated Navigation
* Towards Reconstruction of 3D Shapes in a Realistic Environment
* TPE-GAN: Thumbnail Preserving Encryption Based on GAN With Key
* Tracking a Rain-Induced Low-Salinity Pool in the South China Sea Using Satellite and Quasi-Lagrangian Field Observations
* Tracking of Maneuvering Extended Target Using Modified Variable Structure Multiple-Model Based on Adaptive Grid Best Model Augmentation
* Traffic Dynamics at Intersections Subject to Random Misperception
* Traffic Estimation and Prediction via Online Variational Bayesian Subspace Filtering
* Train Positioning Method Based-On Vision and Millimeter-Wave Radar Data Fusion, A
* training dataset for semantic segmentation of urban point cloud map for intelligent vehicles, A
* Training Hybrid Classical-Quantum Classifiers via Stochastic Variational Optimization
* Training Neural Networks by Lifted Proximal Operator Machines
* Trajectory Tracking and Integrated Chassis Control for Obstacle Avoidance With Minimum Jerk
* Transfer learning-based platform for detecting multi-classification retinal disorders using optical coherence tomography images
* Transforming 2D Radar Remote Sensor Information from a UAV into a 3D World-View
* Transparent Management of Adjacencies in the Cubic Grid
* Triangle-based outlier detection
* Triple Adversarial Learning and Multi-View Imaginative Reasoning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-Identification
* Tropical Species Classification with Structural Traits Using Handheld Laser Scanning Data
* Tropospheric and Surface Nitrogen Dioxide Changes in the Greater Toronto Area during the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic
* Tukey's Biweight M-Estimate With Conjugate Gradient Adaptive Learning
* Twitter sentiment analysis using ensemble based deep learning model towards COVID-19 in India and European countries
* Two-Branch Convolutional Neural Network Based on Multi-Spectral Entropy Rate Superpixel Segmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Two-Layer Potential-Field-Driven Model Predictive Shared Control Towards Driver-Automation Cooperation, A
* Two-Stage Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Papaver Somniferum Image Detection System Based on YOLOv5s+DenseNet121, A
* Two-Stage U-Net to Estimate the Cultivated Area of Plantations, A
* Two-Step Approach to Blending GSMaP Satellite Rainfall Estimates with Gauge Observations over Australia, A
* Two-Step Radiologist-Like Approach for Covid-19 Computer-Aided Diagnosis from Chest X-Ray Images, A
* U Can't (re)Touch This: A Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Image Retouching
* UAV-Borne Imagery Can Supplement Airborne Lidar in the Precise Description of Dynamically Changing Shrubland Woody Vegetation
* UAVs for Science in Antarctica
* Unabridged adjacent modulation for clothing parsing
* Uncertainty Analysis in SAR Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval through C-Band Geophysical Model Functions Inversion
* Uncertainty-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Object Detection
* Underwater Image Enhancement Using Pre-trained Transformer
* Unified Algorithm for the Sliding Spotlight and TOPS Modes Data Processing in Bistatic Configuration of the Geostationary Transmitter with LEO Receivers, A
* Unimodal Representation Learning and Recurrent Decomposition Fusion Structure for Utterance-Level Multimodal Embedding Learning, A
* Unintentional Action Localization via Counterfactual Examples
* UniToChest: A Lung Image Dataset for Segmentation of Cancerous Nodules on CT Scans
* Unmatched Preconditioning of the Proximal Gradient Algorithm
* Unobtrusive Measurement of Physiological Features Under Simulated and Real Driving Conditions
* Unpaired Cross-Modality Educed Distillation (CMEDL) for Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised and optimized thermal image quality enhancement and visual surveillance applications
* Unsupervised Anomaly Localization Using Locally Adaptive Query-Dependent Scores
* Unsupervised Building Extraction from Multimodal Aerial Data Based on Accurate Vegetation Removal and Image Feature Consistency Constraint
* Unsupervised Deep Learning for FOD-Based Susceptibility Distortion Correction in Diffusion MRI
* Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration in a Landmark Scarcity Scenario: Choroid OCTA
* Unsupervised Detection of Dynamic Hand Gestures from Leap Motion Data
* Unsupervised domain adaptation via distilled discriminative clustering
* Unsupervised feature selection via adaptive graph and dependency score
* Unsupervised Foggy Scene Understanding via Self Spatial-Temporal Label Diffusion
* Unsupervised Infrared Small-Object-Detection Approach of Spatial-Temporal Patch Tensor and Object Selection
* Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement by Extracting Structural Similarity and Color Consistency
* Unsupervised Meta Learning With Multiview Constraints for Hyperspectral Image Small Sample set Classification
* Unsupervised Multi-camera Domain Adaptation for Object Detection in Cultural Sites
* Unsupervised Multi-View CNN for Salient View Selection and 3D Interest Point Detection
* Unsupervised multi-view stereo network based on multi-stage depth estimation
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification Based on Skeleton Joints Using Graph Convolutional Networks
* Unsupervised person re-identification by part-compensated soft multi-label learning
* Unsupervised Structure-Texture Separation Network for Oracle Character Recognition
* Untrimmed Action Anticipation
* Upgrades of the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network in 2021
* Urban Change Detection from Aerial Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning
* Urban Sprawl and COVID-19 Impact Analysis by Integrating Deep Learning with Google Earth Engine
* Urbanization Level in Chinese Counties: Imbalance Pattern and Driving Force
* Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Urban Tree Species Classification, The
* Use of Sentinel-3/OLCI for Monitoring the Water Quality and Optical Water Types in the Largest Portuguese Reservoir, The
* User Community Identification Through Fine-Grained Mobility Records for Smart City Applications
* User-Biased Food Recognition for Health Monitoring
* Using a Lidar-Based Height Variability Method for Recognizing and Analyzing Fault Displacement and Related Fossil Mass Movement in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia
* Using Airborne LiDAR to Map Red Alder in the Sappho Long-Term Ecosystem Productivity Study
* Using Bus Tracking Data to Detect Potential Hazard Driving Zones
* Using double attention for text tattoo localisation
* Using GIS to Understand Healthcare Access Variations in Flood Situation in Surabaya
* Using Glance Behaviour to Inform the Design of Adaptive HMI for Partially Automated Vehicles
* Using High-Frequency PAR Measurements to Assess the Quality of the SIF Derived from Continuous Field Observations
* Using InSAR Time Series to Monitor Surface Fractures and Fissures in the Al-Yutamah Valley, Western Arabia
* Using Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect Blowing Snow and Fog in Antarctica Based on Ceilometer and Surface Meteorology Systems
* Using Makeup to Block Surveillance
* Using Optical Water-Type Classification in Data-Poor Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study in the Torres Strait
* Using Random Forest Distances for Outlier Detection
* Using Remote Sensing Data and Species-Environmental Matching Model to Predict the Potential Distribution of Grassland Rodents in the Northern China
* Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Joint Effects of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Changes on the Caatinga Biome of Northeast Brazilian
* Using Satellite-Based Data to Facilitate Consistent Monitoring of the Marine Environment around Ireland
* Using TanDEM-X Global DEM to Map Coastal Flooding Exposure under Sea-Level Rise: Application to Guinea-Bissau
* Utilizing differential characteristics of high dimensional data as a mechanism for dimensionality reduction
* Utilizing Geospatial Data for Assessing Energy Security: Mapping Small Solar Home Systems Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning
* VANT-GAN: Adversarial Learning for Discrepancy-Based Visual Attribution in Medical Imaging
* Variational joint self-attention for image captioning
* Variational Rician Noise Removal via Splitting on Spheres
* Variations in Flow Patterns in the Northern Taiwan Strait Observed by Satellite-Tracked Drifters
* Vector Data Model for Efficiently Rendering Large Vector Maps on Global 3D Terrain Surfaces, A
* Vehicle detection using improved region convolution neural network for accident prevention in smart roads
* Vehicle Rebalancing With Charging Scheduling in One-Way Car-Sharing Systems
* VEntNet: Hybrid deep convolutional neural network model for automated multi-class categorization of chest X-rays
* Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Coordinate Determination Techniques
* Vertical Ground Displacements and Its Impact on Erosion along the Karachi Coastline, Pakistan
* Vertical Profile of Ozone Derived from Combined MLS and TES Satellite Observations
* Video anomaly detection using CycleGan based on skeleton features
* Virtual 3D City Models
* Visible-infrared person re-identification based on key-point feature extraction and optimization
* Vision based crown loss estimation for individual trees with remote aerial robots
* Vision Based Detection of Driver Cell Phone Usage and Food Consumption
* Vision-oriented algorithm for fast decision in 3D video coding
* Visual Analysis of Vessel Behaviour Based on Trajectory Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Estuary
* Visual Event-Based Egocentric Human Action Recognition
* Visual explanation of black-box model: Similarity Difference and Uniqueness (SIDU) method
* Visual Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on the Template-Driven Siamese Network
* visual saliency-driven extraction framework of smoothly embedded entities in 3D point clouds of open terrain, A
* Visual Semantic Context Encoding for Aerial Data Introspection and Domain Prediction
* Visual Surveillance for Human Fall Detection in Healthcare IoT
* Volumetric High-Resolution X-Ray Phase-Contrast Virtual Histology of Breast Specimens With a Compact Laboratory System
* Water body classification from high-resolution optical remote sensing imagery: Achievements and perspectives
* Water Body Super-Resolution Mapping Based on Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Dependence
* Water-Body Segmentation for SAR Images: Past, Current, and Future
* Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scale Cumulative Frequency Strategy for Ground-Penetrating Radar Data: Application to Urban Underground Pipeline
* Wavelength Extension of the Optimized Asymmetric-Order Vegetation Isoline Equation to Cover the Range from Visible to Near-Infrared
* Weakly Supervised Attended Object Detection Using Gaze Data as Annotations
* Weakly supervised fine-grained image classification via two-level attention activation model
* Weakly Supervised Liver Tumor Segmentation Using Couinaud Segment Annotation
* Weakly Supervised Moment Localization with Decoupled Consistent Concept Prediction
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection Using Proposal- and Semantic-Level Relationships
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation of airborne laser scanning point clouds
* Weakly Supervised Visual Saliency Prediction
* Weighted Mean Temperature Modelling Using Regional Radiosonde Observations for the Yangtze River Delta Region in China
* weighted multi-source domain adaptation approach for surface defect detection, A
* What Is the Most Suitable Height Range of ALS Point Cloud and LiDAR Metric for Understorey Analysis? A Study Case in a Mixed Deciduous Forest, Pokupsko Basin, Croatia
* Whole slide cervical image classification based on convolutional neural network and random forest
* WHUVID: A Large-Scale Stereo-IMU Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry and Autonomous Driving in Chinese Urban Scenarios
* Why Is It Important to Consider Dust Aerosol in the Sevastopol and Black Sea Region during Remote Sensing Tasks? A Case Study
* Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Optimal Weighted Vegetation Index and BHT-ARIMA Model
* Wood Decay Detection in Norway Spruce Forests Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and ALS Data
* Woody Plant Encroachment: Evaluating Methodologies for Semiarid Woody Species Classification from Drone Images
* XOR-based visual cryptography scheme with essential shadows
* Zero-shot semantic segmentation via spatial and multi-scale aware visual class embedding
* Zero-Shot Single-Microphone Sound Classification and Localization in a Building Via the Synthesis of Unseen Features
* Zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval with structure-aware asymmetric disentanglement
1829 for 2205

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.