Update Dates 2009

2009 * *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *How robots became essential workers: They disinfected hospital rooms. They delivered medical supplies. They swabbed people's throats. Next time around, they'll be treating patients
* *Image and Signal Processing
* *International Conference Computer Vision and Graphics
* *International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing
* *McKernel: A Library for Approximate Kernel Expansions in Log-linear Time
* *Real Time Image Processing
* *Seed picking crossover optimisation algorithm for semantic segmentation from images
* 117 Line 2D Digital Image Correlation Code Written in MATLAB, A
* 2-D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition via Two-Branch Stacked LSTM-RNNs
* 2D Geometric Moment Invariants from the Point of View of the Classical Invariant Theory
* 2DInpaint: A novel privacy-preserving scheme for image inpainting in an encrypted domain over the cloud
* 3-D Full-Time TEM Modeling Using Shift-and-Invert Krylov Subspace Method
* 3D Mapping and 6D Pose Computation for Real Time Augmented Reality on Cylindrical Objects
* 3D Object Recognition Method Based on Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm in Augmented Reality
* 3D U-Net Brain Tumor Segmentation Using VAE Skip Connection
* 3d-array Token Petri Nets Generating Tetrahedral Picture Languages
* 3DFaceGAN: Adversarial Nets for 3D Face Representation, Generation, and Translation
* 4d Counter-example Showing that DWCNess Does Not Imply CWCness in nD, A
* ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical Brain Structure Segmentation
* A-DFPN: Adversarial Learning and Deformation Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
* a-Matte Boundary Defocus Model-Based Cascaded Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion, An
* Acceleration of multi-task cascaded convolutional networks
* Accuracy of Real-Time hmF2 Estimation from Ionosondes, The
* Active k-labelsets ensemble for multi-label classification
* Adaptive Chaotic Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm for QoS Routing in Wireless Image Sensor Networks
* Adaptive Geoparsing Method for Toponym Recognition and Resolution in Unstructured Text
* Adaptive Global and Local Tone Mapping Algorithm Implemented on FPGA, An
* Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Image Sampling Using Deep Learning and Its Application on X-Ray Fluorescence Image Reconstruction
* Adaptive Kinematic Filter Extended by the Additionally Measured Velocity or Acceleration, An
* Adaptive Period Embedding for Representing Oriented Objects in Aerial Images
* Adaptive Saliency Biased Loss for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Adversarial Confidence Learning for Medical Image Segmentation and Synthesis
* Adversarial Learning for Depth and Viewpoint Estimation From a Single Image
* Age Factor Removal Network Based on Transfer Learning and Adversarial Learning for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Agreement Study Using Gesture Description Analysis
* AI Illustrator: Art Illustration Generation Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Air Quality Inference with Deep Convolutional Conditional Random Field
* Albedo Impacts of Changing Agricultural Practices in the United States through Space-Borne Analysis
* All Terrain Crack Detector Obtained by Deep Learning on Available Databases, An
* Analysis of Chlorophyll Concentration in Potato Crop by Coupling Continuous Wavelet Transform and Spectral Variable Optimization
* Analysis of financial business model towards big data and its applications
* Analysis of GEDI Elevation Data Accuracy for Inland Waterbodies Altimetry
* Analysis of the Contribution Rate of the Influencing Factors to Land Subsidence in the Eastern Beijing Plain, China Based on Extremely Randomized Trees (ERT) Method
* Analysis of the Spatial Differences in Canopy Height Models from UAV LiDAR and Photogrammetry
* Analytical Method for High-Frequency Electromagnetic Scattering of Arbitrary Undulating Rough Surfaces, An
* Analyzing Gaps in Hurricane Rain Coverage to Inform Future Satellite Proposals
* Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-level Topological Relations
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Variation Modes and Industry-Driving Force Research Using VIIRS Nighttime Light in China
* Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* Animal Localization in Camera-Trap Images with Complex Backgrounds
* Anisotropic Mesh Representation for Color Images
* Anonymous Privacy Preservation Based on m-Signature and Fuzzy Processing for Real-Time Data Release
* ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Its Application, The
* Applicability Evaluation of Multisource Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Research in Arid Mountainous Areas
* Application of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms to Assess Groundwater Potential Using Remote Sensing-Derived Data
* Application of CEM Algorithm in the Field of Tunnel Crack Identification
* Application of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Buried Threat Detection Using Ground Penetrating Radar Data
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Daily Satellite-Based Precipitation
* Application of fuzzy image restoration in criminal investigation
* Application of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry for the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness
* Application of Machine Learning to Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping along the China-Pakistan Karakoram Highway
* Application of multimedia technology in water conservancy and hydropower engineering
* Application of Spectral Mixture Analysis to Vessel Monitoring Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Application of Transfer Learning in Infrared Pedestrian Detection
* Application of UAV Photogrammetry with LiDAR Data to Facilitate the Estimation of Tree Locations and DBH Values for High-Value Timber Species in Northern Japanese Mixed-Wood Forests
* Application Study on Double-Constrained Change Detection for Land Use/Land Cover Based on GF-6 WFV Imageries
* Approach to Analysis the Surface Geometry Change in Cultural Heritage Objects
* Approach to Decompose and Evaluate a Complex GIS-Application Design to a Simple, Lightweight, User-Centered App-Based Design Using User Experience Evaluation, An
* Approach to Minimize Atmospheric Correction Error and Improve Physics-Based Satellite-Derived Bathymetry in a Coastal Environment, An
* Approach to model human appearance based on sparse representation for human tracking in surveillance
* Approximate ML Estimator for Moving Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars, An
* Arctic Sea Level Budget Assessment during the GRACE/Argo Time Period
* Areal Extent of Dust Emission Events and Source Geomorphology in Northern Africa from MSG-SEVIRI Data
* Arteriovenous Classification in Retinal Images by U-net and Tracking Algorithm, The
* Artificial intelligence based ensemble approach for intrusion detection systems
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Referral System for Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy
* Artificial Neural Networks to Retrieve Land and Sea Skin Temperature from IASI
* Assessing Canopy Responses to Thinnings for Sweet Chestnut Coppice with Time-Series Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Assessing Climate Change Impact on Soil Salinity Dynamics between 1987-2017 in Arid Landscape Using Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI Data
* Assessing Lava Flow Subpixel Surface Roughness and Particle Size Distribution for Improved Thermal Inertia Interpretations
* Assessing Rapid Variability in Atmospheric Apparent Optical Depth with an Array Spectrometer System
* Assessing Reef Island Sensitivity Based on LiDAR-Derived Morphometric Indicators
* Assessing Salt Marsh Vulnerability Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imagery
* Assessing the Influence of Tourism-Driven Activities on Environmental Variables on Hainan Island, China
* Assessing the Influence of UAV Altitude on Extracted Biophysical Parameters of Young Oil Palm
* Assessing the Reliability of Relevant Tweets and Validation Using Manual and Automatic Approaches for Flood Risk Communication
* Assessing the Spatial Pattern of Irrigation Demand under Climate Change in Arid Area
* Assessment and Mapping of Spatio-Temporal Variations in Human Mortality-Related Parameters at European Scale
* Assessment of a Spatially and Temporally Consistent MODIS Derived NDVI Product for Application in Index-Based Drought Insurance
* Assessment of Interventions in Fuel Management Zones Using Remote Sensing
* Assessment of PALSAR-2 Compact Non-Circularity Using Amazonian Rainforests
* Assessment of Temporal Variations of Orthometric/Normal Heights Induced by Hydrological Mass Variations over Large River Basins Using GRACE Mission Data
* Assessment of the Capability of Sentinel-2 Imagery for Iron-Bearing Minerals Mapping: A Case Study in the Cuprite Area, Nevada
* Assessments of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from GNSS Radio Occultation Data in Moist Tropospheric Conditions Using Radiosonde Data
* Association Loss for Visual Object Detection
* ATMFN: Adaptive-Threshold-Based Multi-Model Fusion Network for Compressed Face Hallucination
* Atomic Super-resolution Tomography
* Automated Detection of Malarial Retinopathy Using Transfer Learning
* Automated Method for Delineating Harvested Stands Based on Harvester Location Data
* Automated Processing for Flood Area Detection Using ALOS-2 and Hydrodynamic Simulation Data
* Automated repair of fragmented tracks with 1D CNNs
* Automated standardization of images of Drosophila embryos
* Automated Tortuosity Analysis of Nerve Fibers in Corneal Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic Crop Classification in Northeastern China by Improved Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Satellite Image Time Series
* Automatic Detection of Maize Tassels from UAV Images by Combining Random Forest Classifier and VGG16
* Automatic Detection of Regional Snow Avalanches with Scattering and Interference of C-band SAR Data
* Automatic Extraction of Grasses and Individual Trees in Urban Areas Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Automatic Extraction of High-Voltage Bundle Subconductors Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Automatic food recognition system for middle-eastern cuisines
* Automatic gbXML Modeling from LiDAR Data for Energy Studies
* Automatic Generation of Sentinel-1 Continental Scale DInSAR Deformation Time Series through an Extended P-SBAS Processing Pipeline in a Cloud Computing Environment
* Automatic Grapevine Trunk Detection on UAV-Based Point Cloud
* Background Subtraction using Adaptive Singular Value Decomposition
* Background subtraction using infinite asymmetric Gaussian mixture models with simultaneous feature selection
* Background Tropospheric Delay in Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Benefits and Lessons Learned from the Sentinel-3 Tandem Phase
* bi-directional fractional-order derivative mask for image processing applications, A
* Bi-Directional Seed Attention Network for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Biases Characteristics Assessment of the Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI) Measurement on Board Fengyun-4A Geostationary Satellite
* Big Data and Reality Mining in Healthcare: Promise and Potential
* Binary Complementary Sequence Set With Low Correlation Zone
* Binary Image Steganalysis Based on Histogram of Structuring Elements
* Bio-inspired metaheuristic framework for clustering optimisation in VANETs
* Biologically Inspired Channel Allocation Method for Image Acquisition in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks, A
* Biologically Inspired Modelling of Flowers
* Blind image deblurring based on the sparsity of patch minimum information
* Blind Quality Assessment for Cartoon Images
* Blind quality assessment for multiply distorted stereoscopic images towards IoT-based 3D capture systems
* Blind Separation of Ground-Roll Using Interband Morphological Similarity and Pattern Coding
* Block Level Skip Connections Across Cascaded V-Net for Multi-Organ Segmentation
* BLOCK-DBSCAN: Fast clustering for large scale data
* Bottom-up Approach for Pig Skeleton Extraction Using RGB Data, A
* Breeding Colony Dynamics of Southern Elephant Seals at Patelnia Point, King George Island, Antarctica
* Bridge Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on HG-SLAM: Hierarchical Graph-based SLAM
* BSD-GAN: Branched Generative Adversarial Network for Scale-Disentangled Representation Learning and Image Synthesis
* BT-RoadNet: A boundary and topologically-aware neural network for road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* Building an Online Learning Module for Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrologic Science
* Building Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Min-Cut and Improved Post-Processing
* Burned Area Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data by Applying the Relative Differenced Aerosol-Free Vegetation Index (RdAFRI)
* BURSTS: A bottom-up approach for robust spotting of texts in scenes
* Bus Signal Priority Control Method Based on Video Detection Technology at Urban Intersection
* C-Band Dual-Doppler Retrievals in Complex Terrain: Improving the Knowledge of Severe Storm Dynamics in Catalonia
* CADN: A weakly supervised learning-based category-aware object detection network for surface defect detection
* Calibrating Geosynchronous and Polar Orbiting Satellites: Sharing Best Practices
* Calibration and Validation of Antenna and Brightness Temperatures from Metop-C Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A)
* Can Lateral Inhibition for Sparse Coding Help Explain V1 Neuronal Responses To Natural Stimuli?
* Candidate region correlation for video action detection
* Capacity of Satellite-Based and Reanalysis Precipitation Products in Detecting Long-Term Trends across Mainland China
* Case Study on the Noncontact Inventory of the Oldest European Cast-iron Bridge Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Techniques, A
* Catchment-Scale Flood Modelling in Data-Sparse Regions Using Open-Access Geospatial Technology
* CGR-GAN: CG Facial Image Regeneration for Antiforensics Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Changes and Predictions of Vertical Distributions of Global Light-Absorbing Aerosols Based on CALIPSO Observation
* Changes in Snow Cover Dynamics over the Indus Basin: Evidences from 2008 to 2018 MODIS NDSI Trends Analysis
* Channel Impulsive Noise Mitigation for Linear Video Coding Schemes
* Character-Oriented Video Summarization With Visual and Textual Cues
* Characterization of SWOT Water Level Errors on Seine Reservoirs and La Bassée Gravel Pits: Impacts on Water Surface Energy Budget Modeling
* Characterizations of Simple Points on the Body-centered Cubic Grid
* Chebyshev Center Computation on Probability Simplex With alpha-Divergence Measure
* City of Tomorrow from the Data of Today, The
* CityJSON Building Generation from Airborne LiDAR 3D Point Clouds
* Classification of Australian Waterbodies across a Wide Range of Optical Water Types
* Classifying Large Wildfires in the United States by Land Cover
* Clone Chaotic Niche Evolutionary Algorithm for Duty Cycle Control Optimization in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
* Clouds of Oriented Gradients for 3D Detection of Objects, Surfaces, and Indoor Scene Layouts
* Cluster Approach to Cloud Cover Classification over South America and Adjacent Oceans Using a k-means/k-means++ Unsupervised Algorithm on GOES IR Imagery, A
* Clustering adaptive canonical correlations for high-dimensional multi-modal data
* Clustering Event Streams With Low Rank Hawkes Processes
* CNN-SVM Learning Approach Based Human Activity Recognition
* Co-Evolution of Emerging Multi-Cities: Rates, Patterns and Driving Policies Revealed by Continuous Change Detection and Classification of Landsat Data
* Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Temporal and Spatial Gravity Changes of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Chile Earthquake Observed by GRACE and GRACE Follow-on
* Cognitive MIMO Imaging Radar Based on Doppler Filtering Waveform Separation
* Collaborative representation of blur invariant deep sparse features for periocular recognition from smartphones
* Color Image Filtering in Bessel-Fourier Moments Domain
* Color image watermark decoder by modeling quaternion polar harmonic transform with BKF distribution
* ColorMapGAN: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Using Color Mapping Generative Adversarial Networks
* Combined Detection and Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Combined InSAR and Terrestrial Structural Monitoring of Bridges
* Combined Migrations and Time-Depth Conversions in GPR Prospecting: Application to Reinforced Concrete
* Combining High-Resolution Remote Sensing Products with a Crop Model to Estimate Carbon and Water Budget Components: Application to Sunflower
* Combining Interior Orientation Variables to Predict the Accuracy of Rpas-Sfm 3D Models
* Compact Cloud Detection with Bidirectional Self-Attention Knowledge Distillation
* Comparative Analysis of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and GF-1 Data for Retrieving Soil Moisture over Wheat Farmlands
* Comparative Analysis of Summer Upwelling and Downwelling Events in NW Spain: A Model-Observations Approach
* Comparative analysis of texture feature extraction techniques for rice grain classification
* Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Loading Series from GFZ and EOST on Long-Term GPS Height Time Series
* Comparing features of single and multi-photon lidar in boreal forests
* Comparing Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Large 3D Heritage Semantic Segmentation
* Comparing Sentinel-1 and -2 Data and Indices for Agricultural Land Use Monitoring
* Comparing the Spatial Accuracy of Digital Surface Models from Four Unoccupied Aerial Systems: Photogrammetry Versus LiDAR
* Comparison between Digital Tone-Mapping Operators and a Focal-Plane Pixel-Parallel Circuit
* Comparison of Correlation Filter-Based Trackers and Struck Trackers, A
* Comparison of Different Missing-Imputation Methods for MAIAC (Multiangle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction) AOD in Estimating Daily PM2.5 Levels
* Comparison of Empirical and Physical Modelling for Estimation of Biochemical and Biophysical Vegetation Properties: Field Scale Analysis across an Arctic Bioclimatic Gradient
* Comparison of EPIC-Simulated and MODIS-Derived Leaf Area Index (LAI) across Multiple Spatial Scales
* Comparison of Field and Laboratory Wet Soil Spectra in the Vis-NIR Range for Soil Organic Carbon Prediction in the Absence of Laboratory Dry Measurements
* Comparison of Filters for Archaeology-Specific Ground Extraction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds
* Comparison of Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS) and Multi-Singular Spectrum Analysis (M-SSA) in Reconstruction of Long-Gap Missing Data in NDVI Time Series
* Comparison of Linear Inverse Scattering Models for Contactless GPR Imaging, A
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping the Stand Characteristics of Temperate Forests Using Multi-Spectral Sentinel-2 Data
* Comparison of Machine-Learning Methods for Urban Land-Use Mapping in Hangzhou City, China
* Comparison of Measured Surface Currents from High Frequency (HF) and X-Band Radar in a Marine Protected Coastal Area of the Ligurian Sea: Toward an Integrated Monitoring System
* Comparison of Stem Curve Accuracy Determined from Point Clouds Acquired by Different Terrestrial Remote Sensing Methods, The
* Comparison of the Sentinel-3A and B SLSTR Tandem Phase Data Using Metrological Principles
* Comparison of Three Temporal Smoothing Algorithms to Improve Land Cover Classification: A Case Study from NEPAL, A
* Compatibility-Guided Sampling Consensus for 3-D Point Cloud Registration
* Compensation of Geometric Parameter Errors for Terrestrial Laser Scanner by Integrating Intensity Correction
* Complex image processing with less data: Document image binarization by integrating multiple pre-trained U-Net modules
* Complexity of Shapes Embedded in Zn with a Bias Towards Squares
* Component Decomposition-Based Hyperspectral Resolution Enhancement for Mineral Mapping
* Compositional GAN: Learning Image-Conditional Binary Composition
* Comprehensive Measurement of Progress toward Local SDGs with Geospatial Information: Methodology and Lessons Learned, A
* comprehensive survey of multi-view video summarization, A
* Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Sensing Images Over Bandwidth-Constrained Wireless Channels
* Computing Value of Spatiotemporal Information
* Conditional semi-fuzzy c-means clustering for imbalanced dataset
* Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression
* Considerably Improving Clustering Algorithms Using Umap Dimensionality Reduction Technique: A Comparative Study
* Consistent Comparison of Remotely Sensed Sea Ice Concentration Products with ERA-Interim Reanalysis Data in Polar Regions
* Consistent Video Style Transfer via Relaxation and Regularization
* Constrained Sparse-Representation-Based Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detector for Moving Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery Sequences, A
* Constructing big panorama from video sequence based on deep local feature
* Construction of the Long-Term Global Surface Water Extent Dataset Based on Water-NDVI Spatio-Temporal Parameter Set
* Context prior-based with residual learning for face detection: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder network
* Contextual Correlation Preserving Multiview Featured Graph Clustering
* Continuous Forest Monitoring Using Cumulative Sums of Sentinel-1 Timeseries
* Continuous Monitoring and Improvement of the Blasting Process in Open Pit Mines Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Techniques
* Continuous Monitoring of Urban Land Cover Change Trajectories with Landsat Time Series and LandTrendr-Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing
* Contourlet Domain Locally Optimum Image Watermark Decoder Using Cauchy Mixtures Based Vector HMT model
* Contrasting Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Vegetation Greenness along Elevation Gradients of the Tibetan Plateau
* Convolutional kernels with an element-wise weighting mechanism for identifying abnormal brain connectivity patterns
* Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial-Variant Convolution Kernel
* Convolutional Neural Networks Backbones for Object Detection
* Convolutional PCA for Multiple Time Series
* Coral Reef Monitoring by Scuba Divers Using Underwater Photogrammetry and Geodetic Surveying
* Correlative Full-Intensity Waveform Inversion
* Craik-O'Brien Effect Based Lightness Modification Method Considering Color Distance for Dichromats, A
* Credit risk assessment of P2P lending platform towards big data based on BP neural network
* Crop Type Classification Using Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data: Assessing the Impact of Feature Selection, Optical Data Availability, and Parcel Sizes on the Accuracies
* Cross-domain representation learning by domain-migration generative adversarial network for sketch based image retrieval
* Cross-modal feature extraction and integration based RGBD saliency detection
* Cucumber disease detection using adaptively regularised kernel-based fuzzy C-means and probabilistic neural network
* Curbside cab charging: Wireless power tech keeps EVs on the go [News]
* Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks for Realistic Pervasive Change Generation in Remote Sensing Imagery
* DA-CapsUNet: A Dual-Attention Capsule U-Net for Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery
* Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol System: Past, Present, and Future, The
* Data Augmentation Using Random Image Cropping and Patching for Deep CNNs
* Data-driven Methods for Solving Large-scale Inverse Problems with Applications to Subsurface Imaging
* Data-Driven Seismic Waveform Inversion: A Study on the Robustness and Generalization
* Dataset to Support Sexist Content Detection in Arabic Text, A
* Dealing with Noise in Cluster Pattern Interface
* Deep CNN-LSTM Framework for Fast Video Coding, A
* Deep Cross-Modal Image-Voice Retrieval in Remote Sensing
* Deep Gesture Video Generation With Learning on Regions of Interest
* Deep Hash Remote Sensing Image Retrieval with Hard Probability Sampling
* Deep hierarchical encoding model for sentence semantic matching
* Deep Learning Approach in Gregg Shorthand Word to English-Word Conversion
* Deep Learning Classification of Chest X-Ray Images
* Deep learning-based vehicle occupancy detection in an open parking lot using thermal camera
* Deep manifold clustering based optimal pseudo pose representation (DMC-OPPR) for unsupervised person re-identification
* Deep multi query image retrieval
* Deep Multimodality Learning for UAV Video Aesthetic Quality Assessment
* Deep Nonnegative Dictionary Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Deep Reference Generation With Multi-Domain Hierarchical Constraints for Inter Prediction
* Deep Spatial Transformation for Pose-Guided Person Image Generation and Animation
* Deep Spatial-Temporal Feature Fusion From Adaptive Dynamic Functional Connectivity for MCI Identification
* Deep Transfer Learning Models for Tomato Disease Detection
* Deep Video Deblurring Using Sharpness Features From Exemplars
* DeepJoint segmentation for the classification of severity-levels of glioma tumour using multimodal MRI images
* Deformable 3D Convolution for Video Super-Resolution
* Deformable Slice-to-Volume Registration for Motion Correction of Fetal Body and Placenta MRI
* DenMune: Density peak based clustering using mutual nearest neighbors
* Densifying Supervision for Fine-Grained Visual Comparisons
* Depth Perception Tendencies in the 3-d Environment of Virtual Reality
* Depth-Guided Pixel Dimming With Saliency-Oriented Power-Saving Transformation for Stereoscope AMOLED Displays
* Dermonet: A Computer-aided Diagnosis System for Dermoscopic Disease Recognition
* Design and Development of Spinning Bike Game Based on VR Technology
* Design and optimisation of multimodal traffic strategy for low-mobility individuals
* Design of Face Recognition Attendance
* Detail retaining convolutional neural network for image denoising
* Detailed Surface Geometry and Albedo Recovery from RGB-D Video under Natural Illumination
* Detecting and mapping tree seedlings in UAV imagery using convolutional neural networks and field-verified data
* Detecting Classic Maya Settlements with Lidar-Derived Relief Visualizations
* Detecting Montane Flowering Phenology with CubeSat Imagery
* Detection of a Moving UAV Based on Deep Learning-Based Distance Estimation
* Detection of Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Corn Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform Analysis
* Detection of Chlorophyll a and CDOM Absorption Coefficient with a Dual-Wavelength Oceanic Lidar: Wavelength Optimization Method
* Detection of Citrus Huanglongbing Based on Multi-Input Neural Network Model of UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Detection of Elliptical Traffic Signs
* Detection of Irrigated and Rainfed Crops in Temperate Areas Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Detection of Italian Ryegrass in Wheat and Prediction of Competitive Interactions Using Remote-Sensing and Machine-Learning Techniques
* Detection of Seasonal Deformation of Highway Overpasses Using the PS-InSAR Technique: A Case Study in Beijing Urban Area
* Detection, quantification and classification of ripened tomatoes: a comparative analysis of image processing and machine learning
* Determination of Effective Beamwidth of Ku Band Profiling Radar Based on Waveform Matching Method in the Boreal Forest of Finland, The
* Determination of Lidar Ratio for Major Aerosol Types over Western North Pacific Based on Long-Term MPLNET Data
* Deterministic Model Fitting by Local-Neighbor Preservation and Global-Residual Optimization
* Development and Application of HECORA Cloud Retrieval Algorithm Based On the O2-O2 477 nm Absorption Band
* Development of a Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm from GK2A/AMI
* Development of NN classifier for recognition of human moods
* Development of ZJU High-Spectral-Resolution Lidar for Aerosol and Cloud: Extinction Retrieval
* Diagnosing Tuberculosis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Dictionary Learning for Visual Tracking with Dimensionality Reduction
* Differences in Thematic Map Reading by Students and Their Geography Teacher
* Diffuse Attenuation of Clear Water Tropical Reservoir: A Remote Sensing Semi-Analytical Approach
* Digital Hyperplane Fitting
* Dimming of Lights in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
* Direction-of-Departure and Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Algorithm Based on Compressive Sensing: Data Fitting
* Discharge Estimation Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Product: Case Studies in the Murray Darling Basin
* Discovery of a Buried Temple in Paestum: The Advantages of the Geophysical Multi-Sensor Application, The
* Discrepancies in the Simulated Global Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux from GLASS and MERRA-2 Surface Net Radiation Products
* Discrete p-bilaplacian Operators on Graphs
* Discriminative Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection With Spectral Learning
* Discriminative Region Proposal Adversarial Network for High-Quality Image-to-Image Translation
* Discriminative Regularized Auto-Encoder for Early Detection of Knee OsteoArthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Discriminator Feature-Based Inference by Recycling the Discriminator of GANs
* Disentangled Adversarial Autoencoder for Subject-Invariant Physiological Feature Extraction
* Displacements Monitoring over Czechia by IT4S1 System for Automatised Interferometric Measurements Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Distributed Training and Inference of Deep Learning Models for Multi-Modal Land Cover Classification
* Diurnal to Seasonal Variations in Ocean Chlorophyll and Ocean Currents in the North of Taiwan Observed by Geostationary Ocean Color Imager and Coastal Radar
* Divergent Sensitivities of Spaceborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Drought among Different Seasons and Regions
* Does Randomness in the Random Visual Cryptography Protocol Depend on the Period of Pseudorandom Number Generators?
* Domain Adaptation With Foreground/Background Cues and Gated Discriminators
* Doppler Aerosol WiNd (DAWN) Lidar during CPEX 2017: Instrument Performance and Data Utility
* Double Epipolar Resampling Approach to Reliable Conjugate Point Extraction for Accurate Kompsat-3/3A Stereo Data Processing, A
* DoubleFusion: Real-Time Capture of Human Performances with Inner Body Shapes from a Single Depth Sensor
* DPNet: Detail-preserving network for high quality monocular depth estimation
* Drift Invariant Metric Quality Control of Construction Sites Using BIM and Point Cloud Data
* DRIT++: Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* Driver fatigue detection based on deeply-learned facial expression representation
* Drought Model DISS Based on the Fusion of Satellite and Meteorological Data under Variable Climatic Conditions
* Dual Stream Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Dual-Wavelength Ocean Lidar for Vertical Profiling of Oceanic Backscatter and Attenuation, A
* Dynamic Feature Integration for Simultaneous Detection of Salient Object, Edge, and Skeleton
* Dynamic gesture recognition based on feature fusion network and variant ConvLSTM
* Dynamic Local Ternary Patterns for Gender Identification Using Facial Components
* Dynamic mode decomposition via dictionary learning for foreground modeling in videos
* Dynamic Remote Sensing Prediction for Wheat Fusarium Head Blight by Combining Host and Habitat Conditions
* E-commerce personalized recommendation analysis by deeply-learned clustering
* E2-capsule neural networks for facial expression recognition using AU-aware attention
* Earth Observation and GIS-Based Analysis for Landslide Susceptibility and Risk Assessment
* ECG Signal Analysis on an Embedded Device for Sleep Apnea Detection
* Economic Development Evaluation Based on the OpenStreetMap Road Network Density: The Case Study of 85 Cities in China, An
* Edge-aware Color Image Manipulation by Combination of Low-pass Linear Filter and Morphological Processing of Its Residuals
* Editorial for Special Issue Tropical Cyclones Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
* Editorial for the Special Issue Advanced Machine Learning for Time Series Remote Sensing Data Analysis
* EDLLIE-Net: Enhanced Deep Convolutional Networks for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Effect of Climatological Variables on Future UAS-Based Atmospheric Profiling in the Lower Atmosphere, The
* effect of the point spread function on downscaling continua, The
* Effect of Wind Transport of Turbulent Inhomogeneities on Estimation of the Turbulence Energy Dissipation Rate from Measurements by a Conically Scanning Coherent Doppler Lidar
* Effective Approach for Nonrigid Structure From Motion With Complex Deformation, An
* Effective Lunar Crater Recognition Algorithm Based on Convolutional Neural Network, An
* Effective Method for Detecting Clouds in GaoFen-4 Images of Coastal Zones, An
* Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video, The
* Effects of Winter Snow Cover on Spring Soil Moisture Based on Remote Sensing Data Product over Farmland in Northeast China
* Efficient and Accurate 3D Finger Knuckle Matching Using Surface Key Points
* Efficient Bitmap-based Indexing and Retrieval of Similarity Search Image Queries
* Efficient densely connected convolutional neural networks
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection and Localization in Bitstream Video
* Efficient Relative Pose Estimation for Cameras and Generalized Cameras in Case of Known Relative Rotation Angle
* EGAN: Non-uniform image deblurring based on edge adversarial mechanism and partial weight sharing network
* Egocentric Analysis of Dash-Cam Videos for Vehicle Forensics
* embedding strategy on fusing multiple image features for data hiding in multiple images, An
* Empirical Radiometric Intercomparison Methodology Based on Global Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses Applied to Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2, An
* Empirical Relationships between Remote-Sensing Reflectance and Selected Inherent Optical Properties in Nordic Sea Surface Waters for the MODIS and OLCI Ocean Colour Sensors
* End-to-end deep learning-based fringe projection framework for 3D profiling of objects
* Enhancement of Cloudless Skies Frequency over a Large Tropical Reservoir in Brazil
* Ensemble Tracking Based on Diverse Collaborative Framework With Multi-Cue Dynamic Fusion
* EraseNet: End-to-End Text Removal in the Wild
* Estimating an LPV Model of Driver Neuromuscular Admittance Using Grip Force as Scheduling Variable
* Estimating crop biomass using leaf area index derived from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data
* Estimating Fractional Snow Cover in Open Terrain from Sentinel-2 Using the Normalized Difference Snow Index
* Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Passive Microwave Observations with the Traditional Neural Network, Deep Belief Network, and Convolutional Neural Network
* Estimating Rural Electric Power Consumption Using NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light, Toponym and POI Data in Ethnic Minority Areas of China
* Estimation of Equivalent Number of Looks in Time-Series Pol(In)SAR Data
* Estimation of Mineral Abundance From Hyperspectral Data Using a New Supervised Neighbor-Band Ratio Unmixing Approach
* Estimation of Moisture Content in Railway Subgrade by Ground Penetrating Radar
* Estimation of RVoG Scene Parameters by Means of PolInSAR With TanDEM-X Data: Effect of the Double-Bounce Contribution
* Estimation of Snow Depth in the Hindu Kush Himalayas of Afghanistan during Peak Winter and Early Melt Season
* Estimation of Sugarcane Yield Using a Machine Learning Approach Based on UAV-LiDAR Data
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Production Potential Based on Remotely-Sensed Imagery and Process-Based Model Simulations
* Euler Well-composedness
* Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan
* Evaluating Multi-Angle Photochemical Reflectance Index and Solar-Induced Fluorescence for the Estimation of Gross Primary Production in Maize
* Evaluating Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in Cajander Larch Forests in Northeastern Siberia Using UAV Derived Vegetation Indices
* Evaluating the Absolute Calibration Accuracy and Stability of AIRS Using the CMC SST
* Evaluating the Effects of Digital Elevation Models in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Rangamati District, Bangladesh
* Evaluating the Performance of a Convection-Permitting Model by Using Dual-Polarimetric Radar Parameters: Case Study of SoWMEX IOP8
* Evaluating the Quality of TLS Point Cloud Colorization
* Evaluating the Spectral Indices Efficiency to Quantify Daytime Surface Anthropogenic Heat Island Intensity: An Intercontinental Methodology
* Evaluating Variable Selection and Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimating Forest Heights by Combining Lidar and Hyperspectral Data
* Evaluation of a Microwave Emissivity Module for Snow Covered Area with CMEM in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System
* Evaluation of Different Radiative Transfer Models for Microwave Backscatter Estimation of Wheat Fields
* Evaluation of FORMOSAT-2 and PlanetScope Imagery for Aboveground Oil Palm Biomass Estimation in a Mature Plantation in the Congo Basin
* Evaluation of Methods for Mapping the Snow Cover Area at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution with VENµS
* Evaluation of Radiative Transfer Simulations of Cloudy Scenes from a Numerical Weather Prediction Model at Sub-Millimetre Frequencies Using Airborne Observations, An
* Evaluation of VEGETATION and PROBA-V Phenology Using PhenoCam and Eddy Covariance Data
* Evaluation the Performance of Several Gridded Precipitation Products over the Highland Region of Yemen for Water Resources Management
* Evapotranspiration Retrieval Under Different Aridity Conditions Over North American Grasslands
* Every Pixel Counts ++: Joint Learning of Geometry and Motion with 3D Holistic Understanding
* Examination of the Non-Formation of the North Water Polynya Ice Arch, An
* Examining Hotspots of Traffic Collisions and their Spatial Relationships with Land Use: A GIS-Based Geographically Weighted Regression Approach for Dammam, Saudi Arabia
* Examining the Roles of Spectral, Spatial, and Topographic Features in Improving Land-Cover and Forest Classifications in a Subtropical Region
* Experimental Study on Field Spectral Measurements to Determine Appropriate Daily Time for Distinguishing Fractional Vegetation Cover, An
* Explaining VQA predictions using visual grounding and a knowledge base
* Explanation of InSAR Phase Disturbances by Seasonal Characteristics of Soil and Vegetation
* Exploiting Sparse Topics Mining for Temporal Event Summarization
* Exploration of Ear Biometrics with Deep Learning
* Exploring feature augmentation as a method for improving panchromatic remote sensing change detection
* Exploring multiscale object-based convolutional neural network (multi-OCNN) for remote sensing image classification at high spatial resolution
* Exploring Task Structure for Brain Tumor Segmentation From Multi-Modality MR Images
* Exploring the Properties of Points Generation Network
* Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Floodplain Systems with Unsupervised Machine Learning: A Case Study of the Dongting Lake, China
* extension of the differential image foresting transform and its application to superpixel generation, An
* Extraction and Recognition of Bangla Texts from Natural Scene Images Using Cnn
* Extreme Climate Event and Its Impact on Landscape Resilience in Gobi Region of Mongolia
* Extreme learning machine with feature mapping of kernel function
* Extremely Pipelined FPGA Implementation of a Lossy Hyperspectral Image Compression Algorithm, An
* Facial Age Estimation Using Compact Facial Features
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Graph Neural Network
* Facies Identification Based on Multikernel Relevance Vector Machine
* Fast 3-D Inhomogeneous Radiative Transfer Model Using a Planar-Stratified Forward Algorithm and Horizontal Perturbation Series
* Fast and Effective Method for Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Fast and Scalable 2D Convolutions and Cross-correlations for Processing Image Databases and Videos on CPUs
* Fast Hue-Division-Based Selective Color Transfer
* Fast Parallel Particle Filter for Shared Memory Systems, A
* Fast Total Variation Method Based on Iterative Reweighted Norm for Airborne Scanning Radar Super-Resolution Imaging
* Feasibility of a kneeling train to improve platform-train interface for passenger boarding and alighting
* feasibility of assessing swell-based bathymetry using SAR imagery from orbiting satellites, The
* Feature Augmentation Improves Anomalous Change Detection for Human Activity Identification in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cascade and representative point matching algorithm
* Feature channel enhancement for crowd counting
* Feature Difference Convolutional Neural Network-Based Change Detection Method, A
* Feature Point Extraction and Matching Method Based on Akaze in Illumination Invariant Color Space
* Feature Space Constraint-Based Method for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Images, A
* Feature-Enhanced Anchor-Free Network for UAV Vehicle Detection, A
* Few-Shot Visual Classification Using Image Pairs With Binary Transformation
* Finding a Secure Place: A Map-Based Crowdsourcing System for People With Autism
* Finding the Maximum Empty Axis-parallel Rectangular Annulus
* Fine-Grained Age Estimation in the Wild With Attention LSTM Networks
* Fine-Grained Classification of Internet Video Traffic From QoS Perspective Using Fractal Spectrum
* Fire Detection and Fire Radiative Power in Forests and Low-Biomass Lands in Northeast Asia: MODIS versus VIIRS Fire Products
* First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spaceborne Galileo and BeiDou GNSS-Reflectometry Data Collected by the UK TechDemoSat-1 Mission
* First Insights on Soil Respiration Prediction across the Growth Stages of Rainfed Barley Based on Simulated MODIS and Sentinel-2 Spectral Indices
* Fishpond Mapping by Spectral and Spatial-Based Filtering on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Singra Upazila of Bangladesh
* Fixed-Time Leader-Following Consensus for Multiple Wheeled Mobile Robots
* Flash Flood Susceptibility Modeling and Magnitude Index Using Machine Learning and Geohydrological Models: A Modified Hybrid Approach
* Flood Inundation Mapping by Combining GNSS-R Signals with Topographical Information
* Flood-Risk Analysis on Terrains
* Food Recommendation: Framework, Existing Solutions, and Challenges
* Forecasting Future Action Sequences With Attention: A New Approach to Weakly Supervised Action Forecasting
* Foreground Mask Network for Cell Counting, A
* Forensic Scanner Identification Using Machine Learning
* Forest and Crop Leaf Area Index Estimation Using Remote Sensing: Research Trends and Future Directions
* Forest Cover Change Pattern after the Intervention of Community Forestry Management System in the Mid-Hill of Nepal: A Case Study
* Frame level rate control algorithm based on GOP level quality dependency for low-delay hierarchical video coding
* Framework to Predict High-Resolution Spatiotemporal PM2.5 Distributions Using a Deep-Learning Model: A Case Study of Shijiazhuang, China, A
* Frank-Wolfe Network: An Interpretable Deep Structure for Non-Sparse Coding
* Frequency Estimation in Coherent, Periodic Pulse Trains
* Frequency-Wavenumber Analysis of Deep Learning-based Super Resolution 3D GPR Images
* Fresh Tea Shoot Maturity Estimation via Multispectral Imaging and Deep Label Distribution Learning
* Full-Spectrum-Knowledge-Aware Tensor Model for Energy-Resolved CT Iterative Reconstruction
* Fully Automated Countrywide Monitoring of Fuel Break Maintenance Operations
* Fusarium Wilt of Radish Detection Using RGB and Near Infrared Images from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Fusing pyramid histogram of gradients and optical flow for hand gesture recognition
* Fuzzy Metaheuristic Algorithm for Copy-Move Forgery Detection in Image
* Fuzzy-based Approach for Assessing Traffic Congestion in Urban Areas
* GADE: A Generative Adversarial Approach to Density Estimation and its Applications
* Gain-Pixel Visualization Algorithm Designed for Computational Color Constancy Scheme
* Gain-scheduling control of dynamic lateral lane change for automated and connected vehicles based on the multipoint preview
* GalaDC: Galaxy Detection and Classification Tool
* General Point-Based Method for Self-Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners Considering Stochastic Information, A
* Generalisations of stochastic supervision models
* Generating video animation from single still image in social media based on intelligent computing
* Generation of a Seamless Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record: A New Methodology for Placing Overlapping Satellite Instruments on the Same Radiometric Scale
* generic shift-norm-activation approach for deep learning, A
* Georeferencing of Multi-Channel GPR: Accuracy and Efficiency of Mapping of Underground Utility Networks
* GIS-Based Emotional Computing: A Review of Quantitative Approaches to Measure the Emotion Layer of Human-Environment Relationships
* Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Turbidity in the Coastal Zone
* GLNet: Global Local Network for Weakly Supervised Action Localization
* Global Monitoring of the Vegetation Dynamics from the Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD): A Review
* Global Wind Resource Observed by Scatterometer, The
* Globally Optimal Inlier Set Maximization for Atlanta World Understanding
* GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lessons Learnt and New Directions from the Bass Strait Validation Facility
* Graph Cuts Based Tomography Enhanced by Shape Orientation
* Graph Interaction Networks for Relation Transfer in Human Activity Videos
* Graph-Based Data Fusion Applied to Change Detection and Biomass Estimation in Rice Crops
* Graph-based Image Retrieval: State of the Art
* Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Neuromorphic Vision Sensing
* Grayscale Uncertainty of Projection Geometries and Projections Sets
* Greening and Wetting of the Sahel Have Leveled off since about 1999 in Relation to SST, The
* GridMix: Strong regularization through local context mapping
* Ground Moving Target Tracking and Refocusing Using Shadow in Video-SAR
* Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Forests Exploiting GNSS Signals
* Ground-to-Aerial Viewpoint Localization via Landmark Graphs Matching
* Group Sparsity Residual Constraint With Non-Local Priors for Image Restoration
* GSCA-UNet: Towards Automatic Shadow Detection in Urban Aerial Imagery with Global-Spatial-Context Attention Module
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Representation Learning for Visual Content Understanding
* Guest Editorial: Generative Adversarial Networks for Computer Vision
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on RGB-D Vision: Methods and Applications
* Handwriting Based Gender Classification Using Cold and Hinge Features
* Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition via Paired Adversarial Learning
* Hashing Nets for Hashing: A Quantized Deep Learning to Hash Framework for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Helmert Transformation Problem. From Euler Angles Method to Quaternion Algebra
* Hexagonality as a New Shape-Based Descriptor of Object
* Hi-Net: Hybrid-Fusion Network for Multi-Modal MR Image Synthesis
* Hierarchical Eye-Tracking Data Analytics for Human Fatigue Detection at a Traffic Control Center
* Hierarchical Learning Using Deep Optimum-Path Forest
* Hierarchical Learning-Guided human motion quality assessment in big data environment
* Hierarchical Matching Method for Vectorial Road Networks Using Delaunay Triangulation, A
* Hierarchical Multi-Label Object Detection Framework for Remote Sensing Images
* High Temperature Deformation Field Measurement Using 3D Digital Image Correlation Method
* High-Performance Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Scenes Based on Spectral Decorrelation
* High-quality face image generation based on generative adversarial networks
* High-Quality Video Generation from Static Structural Annotations
* High-Resolution Forward-Looking Multichannel SAR Imagery With Array Deviation Angle Calibration
* High-Resolution Gridded Level 3 Aerosol Optical Depth Data from MODIS
* High-Resolution ISAR Imaging and Motion Compensation With 2-D Joint Sparse Reconstruction
* Higher order PDE based model for segmenting noisy image
* Highly Local Model Calibration with a New GEDI LiDAR Asset on Google Earth Engine Reduces Landsat Forest Height Signal Saturation
* How Does Spartina alterniflora Invade in Salt Marsh in Relation to Tidal Channel Networks? Patterns and Processes
* Human action recognition based on convolutional neural network and spatial pyramid representation
* Human computer interactive future framework: Automation of human interaction and interfaces
* Human Fall Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv3
* Human motion quality assessment toward sophisticated sports scenes based on deeply-learned 3D CNN model
* Hybrid deep emperor penguin classifier algorithm-based image quality assessment for visualisation application in HDR environments
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Locally Enhanced Low-Rank Prior
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Feature Relations Map Learning
* Hyperspectral image quality based on convolutional network of multi-scale depth
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Intrafusion Network
* Hyperspectral Imaging for Fine to Medium Scale Applications in Environmental Sciences
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution via Global-Local Low-Rank Matrix Estimation
* Hypothesis Testing Based Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Joint Interaction Modeling
* Identification and Geographic Distribution of Accommodation and Catering Centers
* Identification of Tyre and Plastic Waste from Combined Copernicus Sentinel-1 and -2 Data
* Identifying forest thinning using anomalous change detection on synthetic aperture radar data
* IHS-GTF: A Fusion Method for Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Illuminating the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of the 2008-2009 Qaidam Earthquake Sequence with the Joint Use of Insar Time Series and Teleseismic Data
* IM2ELEVATION: Building Height Estimation from Single-View Aerial Imagery
* ImaAtCor: A Physically Based Tool for Combined Atmospheric and Topographic Corrections of Remote Sensing Images
* Image Correspondence With CUR Decomposition-Based Graph Completion and Matching
* Image Editing via Segmentation Guided Self-Attention Network
* Image Matching Method for SAR Orthophotos from Adjacent Orbits in Large Area Based on SAR-Moravec, An
* image similarity descriptor for classification tasks, An
* Image Transmission via LoRa Networks: A Survey
* Image understanding via learning weakly-supervised cross-modal semantic translation
* Image Watermarking Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform
* Image-based Place Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation and Inpainting to Remove Dynamic Objects
* Imaging of the Upper Mantle Beneath Southeast Asia: Constrained by Teleseismic P-Wave Tomography
* impact of anthropogenic land use change on the protected areas of the Kilombero catchment, Tanzania, The
* Impact of Different Ocean Tide Loading Models on GNSS Estimated Zenith Tropospheric Delay Using Precise Point Positioning Technique, The
* Impact of Enhanced Wave-Induced Mixing on the Ocean Upper Mixed Layer during Typhoon Nepartak in a Regional Model of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
* Impact of INSAT-3D/3DR Radiance Data Assimilation in Predicting Tropical Cyclone Titli Over the Bay of Bengal
* Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Cyclone Amphan (2020) and Southwest Monsoon Onset, The
* Impact of Three Gorges Reservoir Water Impoundment on Vegetation-Climate Response Relationship
* Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality in the Guanzhong Basin, China, The
* Implementation and Evaluation of a Fast Area Feature Labeling Method Using Auxiliary Lines
* Implementation of a Nowcasting Hydrometeorological System for Studying Flash Flood Events: The Case of Mandra, Greece
* Implementation of BFASTmonitor Algorithm on Google Earth Engine to Support Large-Area and Sub-Annual Change Monitoring Using Earth Observation Data
* Implementing transfer learning across different datasets for time series forecasting
* Importance of Artworks 3D Digitalization at the Time of COVID Epidemy: Case Studies by the Use of a Multi-wavelengths Technique, The
* Importance of the Instantaneous Phase for Face Detection using Simple Convolutional Neural Networks, The
* improved 3D shape visibility graph with application to mesh segmentation, An
* Improved Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Improved CA-CFAR Method for Ship Target Detection in Strong Clutter Using UHF Radar, An
* improved DCT-based JND estimation model considering multiple masking effects, An
* Improved Digital Orthorectification Map Generation Approach Using the Integrating of ZY3 and GF3 Image
* Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* Improved FAsT_Match Algorithm for Micro Parts Detection, An
* Improved Frequency-Domain Image Formation Algorithm for Mini-UAV-Based Forward-Looking Spotlight BiSAR Systems, An
* Improved IMU Preintegration with Gravity Change and Earth Rotation for Optimization-Based GNSS/VINS
* Improved Point-Line Visual-Inertial Odometry System Using Helmert Variance Component Estimation
* Improved Remote Sensing Methods to Detect Northern Wild Rice (Zizania palustris L.)
* Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm for the Advanced Himawari Imager, An
* Improved Three-Frame-Difference Algorithm for Infrared Moving Target
* Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With Convolutional Denoising Networks
* Improving mosquito population predictions in the Greater Toronto Area using remote sensing imagery
* Incep-EEGNEt: A Convnet for Motor Imagery Decoding
* Incorporating Deep Features into GEOBIA Paradigm for Remote Sensing Imagery Classification: A Patch-Based Approach
* Inferring 3D Shapes from Image Collections Using Adversarial Networks
* Influence of Cross-Section Thickness on Diameter at Breast Height Estimation from Point Cloud, The
* Influence of Spatial Resolution on Remote Sensing-Based Irrigation Performance Assessment Using WaPOR Data
* Influence of the Statistical Properties of Phase and Intensity on Closure Phase
* Influence of ULS acquisition characteristics on tree stem parameter estimation
* Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Based on Modified Kalman Filter for Cone-Shaped Target
* Instrument Development: Chinese Radiometric Benchmark of Reflected Solar Band Based on Space Cryogenic Absolute Radiometer
* Integrated Approach to Investigating Historic Cemeteries
* Integrated Geological and Geophysical Mapping of a Carbonatite-Hosting Outcrop in Siilinjärvi, Finland, Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Integrated Method for Identifying Present Status and Risk of Drought in Bangladesh, An
* Integrated Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis Model to Assess and Predict the Degradation of Protected Forest Areas, An
* Integrating RELAX with PS-InSAR Technique to Improve Identification of Persistent Scatterers for Land Subsidence Monitoring
* Integration of Geospatial Tools and Multi-source Geospatial Data to Evaluate the Tropical Forest Cover Change in Central America and Its Methodological Replicability in Brazil and the DRC
* Intel® RealSense™ SR300 Coded Light Depth Camera
* Inter-Calibration of AMSU-A Window Channels
* Inter-Comparison of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Measured from Different Footprint Sizes in Cropland
* Interdisciplinary Teaching Using Satellite Images as a Way to Introduce Remote Sensing in Secondary School
* Intra mode prediction for H.266/FVC video coding based on convolutional neural network
* Introducing GEOBIA to Landscape Imageability Assessment: A Multi-Temporal Case Study of the Nature Reserve Kózki, Poland
* Investigating impact of the heterogeneity of trajectory data distribution on origin-destination estimation: A spatial statistics approach
* Investigating Seasonal Effects of Dominant Driving Factors on Urban Land Surface Temperature in a Snow-Climate City in China
* Investigating the Impact of Digital Elevation Models on Sentinel-1 Backscatter and Coherence Observations
* Investigation of Chromatic Aberration and Its Influence on the Processing of Underwater Imagery
* Investigation of the Influences of SWOT Sampling and Errors on Ocean Eddy Observation, An
* Investigations into Synoptic Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Coastal Upper Ocean Circulation Using High Frequency Radar Data and Model Output
* ISAR Image Matching and Three-Dimensional Scattering Imaging Based on Extracted Dominant Scatterers
* Isosceles Constraints for Person Re-Identification
* Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition
* Joint Analysis and Weighted Synthesis Sparsity Priors for Simultaneous Denoising and Destriping Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Hierarchical Random Walk and Deep CNN Architecture
* Joint DOD and DOA Estimation in Slow-Time MIMO Radar via PARAFAC Decomposition
* Joint Task-Recursive Learning for RGB-D Scene Understanding
* Joint Use of PROSAIL and DART for Fast LUT Building: Application to Gap Fraction and Leaf Biochemistry Estimations over Sparse Oak Stands
* Joint Watermarking-Encryption-ECC for Patient Record Security in Wavelet Domain
* k-attempt Thinning
* k-Space Model of Movement Artefacts: Application to Segmentation Augmentation and Artefact Removal, A
* Key-Point Sequence Lossless Compression for Intelligent Video Analysis
* Kidney segmentation using 3D U-Net localized with Expectation Maximization
* Knowing My Village from the Sky: A Collaborative Spatial Learning Framework to Integrate Spatial Knowledge of Stakeholders in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
* Laboratory and UAV-Based Identification and Classification of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl, Bacterial Spot, and Target Spot Diseases in Tomato Utilizing Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* Land Cover Classification in Mangrove Ecosystems Based on VHR Satellite Data and Machine Learning: An Upscaling Approach
* Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Canopy Water Content Estimation in Croplands through Radiative Transfer Model Inversion
* Lane-keeping system design considering driver's nervousness via scene analysis
* Layout2image: Image Generation from Layout
* Learn to Extract Building Outline from Misaligned Annotation through Nearest Feature Selector
* Learned 3D Shape Representations Using Fused Geometrically Augmented Images: Application to Facial Expression and Action Unit Detection
* Learned Dynamic Guidance for Depth Image Reconstruction
* Learning a Single Model With a Wide Range of Quality Factors for JPEG Image Artifacts Removal
* Learning and Tracking the 3D Body Shape of Freely Moving Infants from RGB-D sequences
* Learning Depth with Convolutional Spatial Propagation Network
* Learning Layer-Skippable Inference Network
* Learning Long-Term Structural Dependencies for Video Salient Object Detection
* Learning modulation filter networks for weak signal detection in noise
* Learning multiple instance deep representation for objects tracking
* Learning Quintuplet Loss for Large-Scale Visual Geolocalization
* Learning Semantically Enhanced Feature for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Learning Shapes on Image Sampled Points with Dynamic Graph CNNs
* Learning with Privileged Information via Adversarial Discriminative Modality Distillation
* Level Set Based Unified Framework for Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation, A
* Leveraging OSM and GEOBIA to Create and Update Forest Type Maps
* Leveraging Smart Devices for Scene Text Preserved Image Stylization: A Deep Gaming Approach
* Linear Regression Without Correspondences via Concave Minimization
* Linking Heat Source-Sink Landscape Patterns with Analysis of Urban Heat Islands: Study on the Fast-Growing Zhengzhou City in Central China
* Local minima found in the subparameter space can be effective for ensembles of deep convolutional neural networks
* Local Q-convexity Histograms for Shape Analysis
* Local-LDA: Open-Ended Learning of Latent Topics for 3D Object Recognition
* Logo Detection Based on Fcm Clustering Algorithm and Texture Features
* Long-Term Discharge Estimation for the Lower Mississippi River Using Satellite Altimetry and Remote Sensing Images
* lossless blind image data hiding scheme for semi-fragile image watermark, A
* low-complexity psychometric curve-fitting approach for the objective quality assessment of streamed game videos, A
* Low-cost bus seating information technology system
* Low-Latitude Plasma Irregularities after Sunrise from Multiple Observations in Both Hemispheres during the Recovery Phase of a Storm, The
* Low-level multiscale image segmentation and a benchmark for its evaluation
* Low-resource automatic cartoon image creation from limited samples
* LS-SSDD-v1.0: A Deep Learning Dataset Dedicated to Small Ship Detection from Large-Scale Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* Machine Learning and the End of Atmospheric Corrections: A Comparison between High-Resolution Sea Surface Salinity in Coastal Areas from Top and Bottom of Atmosphere Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Machine Learning Classification of Rainfall Types Based on the Differential Attenuation of Multiple Frequency Microwave Links
* Machine Learning Framework for Estimating Leaf Biochemical Parameters From Its Spectral Reflectance and Transmission Measurements, A
* Machine Learning in a Post Moore's Law World: Quantum vs. Neuromorphic Substrates
* Machine Learning Model for Exploring Aberrant Functional Network Connectivity Transition in Schizophrenia, A
* Machine learning-assisted region merging for remote sensing image segmentation
* Machine Learning-based Classification of Powdery Mildew Severity on Melon Leaves
* Maneuvering Target Tracking With Event-Based Mixture Kalman Filter in Mobile Sensor Networks
* Mapping 10-m Resolution Rural Settlements Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Datasets with the Google Earth Engine Platform
* Mapping Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2
* Mapping Carbon Monoxide Pollution of Residential Areas in a Polish City
* Mapping Crop Types in Southeast India with Smartphone Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning
* Mapping of Cotton Fields Within-Season Using Phenology-Based Metrics Derived from a Time Series of Landsat Imagery
* Mapping of Intrusive Complex on a Small Scale Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* Mapping Paddy Rice Fields by Combining Multi-Temporal Vegetation Index and Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing Data Using Google Earth Engine Machine Learning Platform
* Mapping Post-Earthquake Landslide Susceptibility: A U-Net Like Approach
* Mapping Tea Plantations from VHR Images Using OBIA and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Mapping the Catchment Area of Park and Ride Facilities within Urban Environments
* Mapping the Forage Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratio Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data and a Random Forest Algorithm in an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping Urban Tree Cover Changes Using Object-Based Convolution Neural Network (OB-CNN)
* Mask R-CNN Refitting Strategy for Plant Counting and Sizing in UAV Imagery
* Mask-Aware Networks for Crowd Counting
* Mathematical morphology directly applied to point cloud data
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Disk Image Parameters
* Measure of Q-convexity for Shape Analysis, A
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Labeling in Embedded System, A
* Meta-Learning Framework for Learning Multi-User Preferences in QoE Optimization of DASH, A
* Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from Shaded Relief of Digital Terrain Models, A
* Method for Generation of Indoor GIS Models Based on BIM Models to Support Adjacent Analysis of Indoor Spaces
* Method to Automatically Detect Changes in Multitemporal Spectral Indices: Application to Natural Disaster Damage Assessment, A
* Method to Improve the Lining Images Quality in Complex Tunnel Scenes, A
* Metrics of Coral Reef Structural Complexity Extracted from 3D Mesh Models and Digital Elevation Models
* Micrant: Towards Regression Task Oriented Annotation Tool for Microscopic Images
* Microcontrollers on the Edge: Is ESP32 with Camera Ready for Machine Learning?
* Microphysical and Polarimetric Radar Signatures of an Epic Flood Event in Southern China
* MimicGAN: Robust Projection onto Image Manifolds with Corruption Mimicking
* Min-Max Average Pooling Based Filter for Impulse Noise Removal
* Mining the spatio-temporal pattern using matrix factorisation: A case study of traffic flow
* Modal Regression-Based Atomic Representation for Robust Face Recognition and Reconstruction
* Modality-Free Feature Detector and Descriptor for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Model-Based Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Datasets
* Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop Canopy with Effects of Intra-Row Heterogeneity
* Modeling Diurnal Changes in Land Surface Temperature in Urban Areas under Cloudy Conditions
* Modeling Label Dependencies for Audio Tagging With Graph Convolutional Network
* Modeling Nonlinear Processes Using the Radial Basis Function-Based State-Dependent Autoregressive Models
* Modeling Prosodic Phrasing With Multi-Task Learning in Tacotron-Based TTS
* Modeling Spatio-temporal Land Transformation and Its Associated Impacts on land Surface Temperature (LST)
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Viewport Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming
* Modelling Water Colour Characteristics in an Optically Complex Nearshore Environment in the Baltic Sea; Quantitative Interpretation of the Forel-Ule Scale and Algorithms for the Remote Estimation of Seawater Composition
* Modulation Effect of Mesoscale Eddies on Sequential Typhoon-Induced Oceanic Responses in the South China Sea
* Monitoring of Chestnut Trees Using Machine Learning Techniques Applied to UAV-Based Multispectral Data
* Monitoring of Urban Growth Patterns in Rapidly Growing Bahir Dar City of Northwest Ethiopia with 30 year Landsat Imagery Record
* Monitoring Suaeda salsa Spectral Response to Salt Conditions in Coastal Wetlands: A Case Study in Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve, China
* Monitoring surface water area variations of reservoirs using daily MODIS images by exploring sub-pixel information
* Monitoring Urban Green Infrastructure Changes and Impact on Habitat Connectivity Using High-Resolution Satellite Data
* Motion Parameter Identification and Motion Compensation for Shipborne HFSWR by Using the Reference RF Signal Generated at the Shore
* MS-Net: Multi-Site Network for Improving Prostate Segmentation With Heterogeneous MRI Data
* MSdB-NMF: MultiSpectral Document Image Binarization Framework via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach
* Multi-Contrast Super-Resolution MRI Through a Progressive Network
* Multi-frame Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Small Amount of Data
* Multi-GNSS Differential Phase Kinematic Post-Processing Method, A
* Multi-graph convolutional network for short-term passenger flow forecasting in urban rail transit
* Multi-Hazard and Spatial Transferability of a CNN for Automated Building Damage Assessment
* Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning for the State of Salzburg, Austria
* Multi-head mutual-attention CycleGAN for unpaired image-to-image translation
* Multi-Operator Minimum Variance Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Accelerated With GPU
* Multi-path connected network for medical image segmentation
* Multi-scale active patches fusion based on spatiotemporal LBP-TOP for micro-expression recognition
* Multi-scale Fast Detection of Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Multi-Scale Residual Deep Network for Semantic Segmentation of Buildings with Regularizer of Shape Representation
* Multi-Site and Multi-Year Remote Records of Operative Temperatures with Biomimetic Loggers Reveal Spatio-Temporal Variability in Mountain Lizard Activity and Persistence Proxy Estimates
* Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Product Analysis: Investigating Anthropogenic and Naturogenic Impacts on Mangroves in Southeast Asia
* Multi-Task Siamese Network for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Deep Convolution Along Vessel
* Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in Classification of Mountain Vegetation
* Multi-View Polarimetric Scattering Cloud Tomography and Retrieval of Droplet Size
* Multi-View Spatial Aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
* Multilevel Optimization for Registration of Deformable Point Clouds
* Multilook Polarimetric SAR Change Detection Using Stochastic Distances Between Matrix-Variate Gd0 Distributions
* Multimodal hand gesture recognition combining temporal and pose information based on CNN descriptors and histogram of cumulative magnitudes
* Multimodal Image Synthesis with Conditional Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation
* Multiparameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Ocean Bottom Seismic Four-Component Data Based on A Modified Acoustic-Elastic Coupled Equation
* Multisource Assessments of the FengYun-3D Microwave Humidity Sounder (MWHS) On-Orbit Performance
* Multispectral Dynamic Codebook and Fusion Strategy for Moving Objects Detection
* Multistage Deep Neural Network Framework for People Detection and Localization Using Fusion of Visible and Thermal Images
* Multiview Automatic Target Recognition for Infrared Imagery Using Collaborative Sparse Priors
* Multiviewpoint Outdoor Dataset for Human Action Recognition, A
* Musculoskeletal Model for Path Generation and Modification of an Ankle Rehabilitation Robot
* NASA Global Satellite and Model Data Products and Services for Tropical Meteorology and Climatology
* National Scale 3D Mapping of Soil pH Using a Data Augmentation Approach
* NDVI-Net: A fusion network for generating high-resolution normalized difference vegetation index in remote sensing
* Nearest Kronecker Product Decomposition Based Generalized Maximum Correntropy and Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Robust Adaptive Filters
* NERNet: Noise estimation and removal network for image denoising
* Network for Makeup Face Verification Based upon Deep Learning, A
* Neural machine translation with Gumbel Tree-LSTM based encoder
* Neural Network Approach to Automated Classification of Elementary Mathematics Instructional Activities, A
* Neural Network Based Quality Control of CYGNSS Wind Retrieval
* Neuromorphic Fringe Projection Profilometry
* New Algorithm for Calculating the Flow Path Curvature (C) from the Square-Grid Digital Elevation Model (DEM), A
* New Approach for Soil Moisture Downscaling in the Presence of Seasonal Difference, A
* New Compact Delay, Doppler Stretch and Phase Estimation CRB with a Band-Limited Signal for Generic Remote Sensing Applications, A
* New flexible directional filter bank by tuning Hermite transform parameters for content based medical image retrieval
* New Hybrid Firefly-PSO Optimized Random Subspace Tree Intelligence for Torrential Rainfall-Induced Flash Flood Susceptible Mapping, A
* New ICESat-2 Satellite LiDAR Data Allow First Global Lowland DTM Suitable for Accurate Coastal Flood Risk Assessment
* New Insights into Long-Term Aseismic Deformation and Regional Strain Rates from GNSS Data Inversion: The Case of the Pollino and Castrovillari Faults
* New JAXA High-Resolution Land Use/Land Cover Map for Vietnam Aiming for Natural Forest and Plantation Forest Monitoring
* New Method for Polygon Detection Based on Hough Parameter Space and USAN Region, A
* New Method of Image Reconstruction for PET Using a Combined Regularization Algorithm, A
* New Methodology for Mapping Past Rockfall Events: From Mobile Crowdsourcing to Rockfall Simulation Validation, A
* New Sparse Blind Source Separation Method for Determined Linear Convolutive Mixtures in Time-frequency Domain, A
* New Sport Teams Logo Dataset for Detection Tasks, A
* New Texture Descriptor: The Homogeneous Local Binary Pattern (HLBP), A
* New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts
* New Watermarking Method for Video Authentication with Tamper Localization, A
* Nicotine Addiction Decreases Dynamic Connectivity Frequency In Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* No-reference image sharpness assessment based on discrepancy measures of structural degradation
* No-Reference Quality Evaluation of Stereoscopic Video Based on Spatio-Temporal Texture
* No-reference stereoscopic images quality assessment method based on monocular superpixel visual features and binocular visual features?
* NOAA Satellite Soil Moisture Operational Product System (SMOPS) Version 3.0 Generates Higher Accuracy Blended Satellite Soil Moisture
* Node-Based Optimization of GNSS Tomography with a Minimum Bounding Box Algorithm
* Non-uniform image blind deblurring by two-stage fully convolution network
* Nonconvex Structured Phase Retrieval: A Focus on Provably Correct Approaches
* Nonlocal patch similarity based heterogeneous remote sensing change detection
* Nonlocal Sparse Tensor Factorization for Semiblind Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* Normal Faulting in the 2020 Mw 6.2 Yutian Event: Implications for Ongoing E-W Thinning in Northern Tibet
* Novel 3D Surface Reconstruction Method with Posterior Constraints of Edge Detection, A
* novel approach for space debris recognition based on the full information vectors of star points, A
* Novel Chroma Sampling Methods for CFA Video Compression in AVC, HEVC and VVC
* novel co-attention computation block for deep learning based image co-segmentation, A
* Novel Deep Forest-Based Active Transfer Learning Method for PolSAR Images, A
* novel fast intra mode decision for versatile video coding, A
* Novel image encryption by combining dynamic DNA sequence encryption and the improved 2D logistic sine map
* Novel Machine Learning Approaches for Modelling the Gully Erosion Susceptibility
* Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based on a Multi-Point Hemispherical Grid Model, A
* novel public dataset for multimodal multiview and multispectral driver distraction analysis: 3MDAD, A
* NTU RGB+D 120: A Large-Scale Benchmark for 3D Human Activity Understanding
* Nuclei Detection with Local Threshold Processing in Dab&h Stained Breast Cancer Biopsy Images
* Numerical Study of Roughness Scale Effects on Ocean Radar Scattering Using the Second-Order SSA and the Moment Method, A
* Nutrient Prediction for Tef (Eragrostis tef) Plant and Grain with Hyperspectral Data and Partial Least Squares Regression: Replicating Methods and Results across Environments
* Nyström Kernel Algorithm Under Generalized Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Object Detection and Image Segmentation with Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data: A Review: Part II: Applications
* Object Detector Combination for Increasing Accuracy and Detecting More Overlapping Objects
* Object Discovery From a Single Unlabeled Image by Mining Frequent Itemsets With Multi-Scale Features
* Object-Based Building Change Detection by Fusing Pixel-Level Change Detection Results Generated from Morphological Building Index
* Object-Based Multi-Temporal and Multi-Source Land Cover Mapping Leveraging Hierarchical Class Relationships
* occlusion-resistant circle detector using inscribed triangles, An
* OLCI A/B Tandem Phase Analysis, Part 2: Benefits of Sensors Harmonisation for Level 2 Products
* On Connectedness of Discretized Sets
* On Mean Absolute Error for Deep Neural Network Based Vector-to-Vector Regression
* On the Characterization and Forecasting of Ground Displacements of Ocean-Reclaimed Lands
* On the Detectability of Conflict: A Remote Sensing Study of the Rohingya Conflict
* On the Effect of DCE MRI Slice Thickness and Noise on Estimated Pharmacokinetic Biomarkers: A Simulation Study
* On the Generalized Essential Matrix Correction: An Efficient Solution to the Problem and Its Applications
* On the Identifiability of Transform Learning for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* On the Importance of Train-Test Split Ratio of Datasets in Automatic Landslide Detection by Supervised Classification
* Online Multi-object Tracking with Siamese Network and Optical Flow
* Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and DEM Data: Case Study of the Upper Yellow River
* Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
* Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration Using Spatial-Consistency and Average Regional Information Divergence Minimization via Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
* Optimisation of a Siamese Neural Network for Real-time Energy Efficient Object Tracking
* Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Flow for Multilevel Visualization Tasks
* OSMWatchman: Learning How to Detect Vandalized Contributions in OSM Using a Random Forest Classifier
* Overflows and Pyroclastic Density Currents in March-April 2020 at Stromboli Volcano Detected by Remote Sensing and Seismic Monitoring Data
* Overview of Social Media Apps and their Potential Role in Geospatial Research, An
* Parallax-Based Color Correction in Image Stitching
* Parallel Contextual Array Insertion Deletion Grammar and (context-free:context-free) Matrix Grammar
* Parallelized 3-D CSEM Inversion With Secondary Field Formulation and Hexahedral Mesh
* Parameter Estimation for a Compound Radar Clutter Model With Trimodal Discrete Texture
* Parameterization of Vegetation Scattering Albedo in the Tau-Omega Model for Soil Moisture Retrieval on Croplands
* Parametric recurrence quantification analysis of autoregressive processes for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalographic data
* Partial domain adaptation based on shared class oriented adversarial network
* Passive Forward-Scattering Radar Using Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite Signal for Drone Detection
* PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopathological Images Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Patient-Specific Characterization of Breast Cancer Hemodynamics Using Image-Guided Computational Fluid Dynamics
* Pavement Crack Detection from Hyperspectral Images Using A Novel Asphalt Crack Index
* Per-pixel classification of clouds from whole sky HDR images
* Perception of autonomous vehicles by the modern society: a survey
* Perceptual accessible image encryption scheme conjugating multiple chaotic maps
* Perennial Supraglacial Lakes in Northeast Greenland Observed by Polarimetric SAR
* Performance Evaluation of Selected 3d Keypoint Detector-Descriptor Combinations
* Performance of terrestrial laser scanning to characterize managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands is dependent on forest structural variation
* Performances of Polarization-Retrieve Imaging in Stratified Dispersion Media
* Periocular Recognition in the Wild With Generalized Label Smoothing Regularization
* Persistent Homology as Stopping-criterion for Voronoi Interpolation
* Person search: New paradigm of person re-identification: A survey and outlook of recent works
* PGAN: Part-Based Nondirect Coupling Embedded GAN for Person Reidentification
* Photometric Depth Super-Resolution
* Physics-based dynamic texture analysis and synthesis model using GPU
* Pilot Study on Remote Sensing and Citizen Science for Archaeological Prospection, A
* Pipelined 2D Transform Architecture Supporting Mixed Block Sizes for the VVC Standard, A
* Pix2Shape: Towards Unsupervised Learning of 3D Scenes from Images Using a View-Based Representation
* Plant Counting of Cotton from UAS Imagery Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Framework
* Plant Stem Segmentation Using Fast Ground Truth Generation
* PNEN: Pyramid Non-Local Enhanced Networks
* POI Mining for Land Use Classification: A Case Study
* Point-Based Registration for Multi-stained Histology Images
* Point2SpatialCapsule: Aggregating Features and Spatial Relationships of Local Regions on Point Clouds Using Spatial-Aware Capsules
* Polarimetric SAR Time Series Change Analysis Over Agricultural Areas
* Polygonal approximation based on coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm
* Portable L-Band Radiometer (PoLRa): Design and Characterization
* Pose Refinement of Occluded 3D Objects Based on Visible Surface Extraction
* Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis in the Non-Iconic Views
* Power and/or Penury of Visualizations: Some Thoughts on Remote Sensing Data and Products in Archaeology
* Predicting Channel Conveyance and Characterizing Planform Using River Bathymetry via Satellite Image Compilation (RiBaSIC) Algorithm for DEM-Based Hydrodynamic Modeling
* Predicting WNV Circulation in Italy Using Earth Observation Data and Extreme Gradient Boosting Model
* Prediction of Leaf Wetness Duration Using Geostationary Satellite Observations and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature in the China Seas Based on Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
* Prediction of Winter Wheat Maturity Dates through Assimilating Remotely Sensed Leaf Area Index into Crop Growth Model
* Preliminary Case for Hirschman Transform Video Coding, A
* Preliminary Results of Ship Detection Technique by Wake Pattern Recognition in SAR Images
* Preliminary Utility of the Retrospective IMERG Precipitation Product for Large-Scale Drought Monitoring over Mainland China
* Probabilistic homogeneity for document image segmentation
* Progressive Cross-Camera Soft-Label Learning for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Progressive Cross-Modal Semantic Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Progressive Fusion for Unsupervised Binocular Depth Estimation Using Cycled Networks
* Proposed Integration Algorithm to Optimize the Separation of Audio Signals Using the Ica and Wavelet Transform
* Protein secondary structure prediction based on integration of CNN and LSTM model
* Pruning multi-view stereo net for efficient 3D reconstruction
* Pseudo Label Based on Multiple Clustering for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* PWNet: An Adaptive Weight Network for the Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images
* Pyroclastic Density Current Hazard Assessment and Modeling Uncertainties for Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
* Quality-guided video aesthetics assessment with social media context
* Quality-related English text classification based on recurrent neural network
* Quantifying Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Lake Victoria Basin Using Satellite Remote Sensing: The Trends and Drivers between 1985 and 2014
* Quantitative Assessment and Driving Force Analysis of Mangrove Forest Changes in China from 1985 to 2018 by Integrating Optical and Radar Imagery
* Question-Centric Model for Visual Question Answering in Medical Imaging, A
* Radar remote sensing image retrieval algorithm based on improved Sobel operator
* Radiometric Calibration for Incidence Angle, Range and Sub-Footprint Effects on Hyperspectral LiDAR Backscatter Intensity
* Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines
* Random Forest-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Coastal Regions of Artvin, Turkey
* Random Forest-cellular Automata Modeling Approach to Predict Future Forest Cover Change in Middle Atlas Morocco, Under Anthropic, Biotic and Abiotic Parameters, A
* Rank-One Detector for Kronecker-Structured Constant Modulus Constellations
* Rate-distortion-complexity optimization for x265
* Re-identification framework for long term visual object tracking based on object detection and classification
* Real-time license plate detection and recognition using deep convolutional neural networks
* Real-Time Measurement of Thread Number of Rail Fastener
* Real-Time Reconfigurable Processor to Detect Similarities in Compressed Video Using Generalized Hough Transformation
* Real-Time RGB-D Camera Pose Estimation in Novel Scenes Using a Relocalisation Cascade
* Real-World ISAR Object Recognition Using Deep Multimodal Relation Learning
* Recent Abnormal Hydrologic Behavior of Tibetan Lakes Observed by Multi-Mission Altimeters
* Recent Applications of Landsat 8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI for Land Use and Land Cover Mapping: A Systematic Review
* Recent Changes in Water Discharge in Snow and Glacier Melt-Dominated Rivers in the Tienshan Mountains, Central Asia
* Recognition Method for Underwater Acoustic Target Based on DCGAN and DenseNet
* Recognition of Urban Functions and Mixed Use Based on Residents' Movement and Topic Generation Model: The Case of Wuhan, China
* Reconstructing 3D Shapes From Multiple Sketches Using Direct Shape Optimization
* Reconstructing Three Decades of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Brazilian Biomes with Landsat Archive and Earth Engine
* Reconstruction of Wet Refractivity Field Using an Improved Parameterized Tropospheric Tomographic Technique
* ReconViguRation: Reconfiguring Physical Keyboards in Virtual Reality
* Refined Tomographic Window for GNSS-Derived Water Vapor Tomography, A
* Refining high-frequencies for sharper super-resolution and deblurring
* Refining Land-Cover Maps Based on Probabilistic Re-Classification in CCA Ordination Space
* Refining the Joint 3D Processing of Terrestrial and UAV Images Using Quality Measures
* Regional Terrain Complexity Assessment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Geographic Information System: A Case of Jiangxi Province, China
* Regression Analysis of Subsidence in the Como Basin (Northern Italy): New Insights on Natural and Anthropic Drivers from InSAR Data
* Reinforcement Learning Approach to Autonomous Decision Making of Intelligent Vehicles on Highways, A
* Relation Attention for Temporal Action Localization
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification with Dual Attention-Aware Network
* Remote Sensing-Informed Zonation for Understanding Snow, Plant and Soil Moisture Dynamics within a Mountain Ecosystem
* Remotely Sensed Assessment of Surface Ecological Change over the Gomishan Wetland, Iran, A
* Remotely sensed canopy resistance model for analyzing the stomatal behavior of environmentally-stressed winter wheat
* Repairing Binary Images Through the 2d Diamond Grid
* Representation learning of image composition for aesthetic prediction
* Representing Modifiable and Reusable Musical Content on the Web With Constrained Multi-Hierarchical Structures
* Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
* ResDNN: deep residual learning for natural image denoising
* Research of Automatic Generation for Engineering Geological Survey Reports Based on a Four-Dimensional Dynamic Template
* Research on Dual Anti Duplication and Anti-counterfeiting Technology of QR Code Based on Metamerism Characteristics
* Research on Product Style Design Based on Genetic Algorithm
* Research on the Audit Failure Based on the Perspective of Manager Behavior Game
* Research on the Influence of Icon Shape Complexity and Composition on Visual Search Based on Military Geographic Intelligence System
* Research on the parallelization of image quality analysis algorithm based on deep learning
* Residual network with detail perception loss for single image super-resolution
* Response of winter wheat to spring frost from a remote sensing perspective: Damage estimation and influential factors
* Retrieval and Validation of XCO2 from TanSat Target Mode Observations in Beijing
* Retrieval of Crude Protein in Perennial Ryegrass Using Spectral Data at the Canopy Level
* Retrieval of Melt Pond Fraction over Arctic Sea Ice during 2000-2019 Using an Ensemble-Based Deep Neural Network
* Retrieval of Ocean Surface Wind Speed Using Reflected BPSK/BOC Signals
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Temperature From HY-2A Scanning Microwave Radiometer
* Revealing the Invisible With Model and Data Shrinking for Composite-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
* Reversible data hiding in JPEG bitstream using optimal VLC mapping
* Review of Remote Sensing Image Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning, A
* RGB Image-Derived Indicators for Spatial Assessment of the Impact of Broadleaf Weeds on Wheat Biomass
* RGB-D and Lidar Calibration Supported by GPU
* RGB-T Saliency Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Learning and Unified Collaborative Ranking
* Rider model identification: neural networks and quasi-LPV models
* Risk evaluation system of navigation security based on coupled wind and wave model: a case of study of Qiongzhou strait
* Riverine Sediment Changes and Channel Pattern of a Gravel-Bed Mountain Torrent
* Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via a Nested SE-Deeplab Model
* Road traffic network state prediction based on a generative adversarial network
* Robot Path Planning Using Analog Circuit Phase Delay
* robot that keeps it simple: Hello robot wants to reinvent how autonomous machines perform tasks at home, A
* Robust Affine Projection Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise, A
* Robust Face Super-Resolution via Position Relation Model Based on Global Face Context
* Robust Gaussian Approximate Fixed-Interval Smoother With Outlier Detection
* Robust landmark-free head pose estimation by learning to crop and background augmentation
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery via Nonconvex Singular Value Minimization
* Robust palmprint identification using efficient enhancement and two-stage matching technique
* Robust RGB-D Face Recognition Using Attribute-Aware Loss
* Robust TOA-Based UAS Navigation under Model Mismatch in GNSS-Denied Harsh Environments
* RoCGAN: Robust Conditional GAN
* RPD-GAN: Learning to Draw Realistic Paintings With Generative Adversarial Network
* S3MPC: Improvement on Inland Water Tracking and Water Level Monitoring from the OLTC Onboard Sentinel-3 Altimeters
* Saliency detection in human crowd images of different density levels using attention mechanism
* Salient object detection via two-stage absorbing Markov chain based on background and foreground
* SAR multi-target interactive motion recognition based on convolutional neural networks
* SAR Sentinel 1 Imaging and Detection of Palaeo-Landscape Features in the Mediterranean Area
* Satellite Determination of Peatland Water Table Temporal Dynamics by Localizing Representative Pixels of A SWIR-Based Moisture Index
* Satellite Observation for Evaluating Cloud Properties of the Microphysical Schemes in Weather Research and Forecasting Simulation: A Case Study of the Mei-Yu Front Precipitation System
* Scaling-Based Method for the Rapid Retrieval of FPAR From Fine-Resolution Satellite Data in the Remote-Sensing Trend-Surface Framework, A
* Scene Recognition Using Alexnet to Recognize Significant Events Within Cricket Game Footage
* School Commuting Mode Shift: A Scenario Analysis for Active School Commuting Using GIS and Online Map API
* Scientific Operations of Snow Eagle 601 in Antarctica in the Past Five Austral Seasons, The
* Screen Content Video Quality Assessment: Subjective and Objective Study
* Secondary Precipitation Estimate Merging Using Machine Learning: Development and Evaluation over Krishna River Basin, India
* Secure OMP Computation Maintaining Sparse Representations and Its Application to EtC Systems
* See the forest and the trees: Effective machine and deep learning algorithms for wood filtering and tree species classification from terrestrial laser scanning
* Segmentation of Microscopic Image of Colorants Using U-net Based Deep Convolutional Networks for Material Appearance Design
* Self-Driving Vehicle Technology: Progress and Promises
* Self-guided filter for image denoising
* Self-Navigated Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Technique for Motion-Corrected Skull MRI
* Self-Supervised Learning of Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction
* Self-Supervised Light Field Reconstruction Using Shearlet Transform and Cycle Consistency
* Self-supervised video representation learning by maximizing mutual information
* Semantic Integration of Raster Data for Earth Observation: An RDF Dataset of Territorial Unit Versions with their Land Cover
* Semantic Segmentation of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Images: Dealing with Small Dataset in Dl Approaches
* Semantically Tied Paired Cycle Consistency for Any-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Semi-automatic data annotation guided by feature space projection
* Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Considering the Effects of Sun Glint, Bottom Reflectance, and Non-Algal Particles in the Optically Shallow Water Zones of Sanya Bay Using SPOT6 Data, A
* Semi-Heterogeneous Three-Way Joint Embedding Network for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised Adversarial Monocular Depth Estimation
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Modality Action Recognition by Latent Tensor Transfer Learning
* Semi-supervised double duelling broad reinforcement learning in support of traffic service in smart cities
* Semianalytic Monte Carlo Simulator for Spaceborne Oceanic Lidar: Framework and Preliminary Results, A
* Sensing Images for Assessing the Minimum Ecological Flux by Automatically Extracting River Surface Width
* Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Retrievals from Landsat 8 Using Different Algorithms and Emissivity Models
* Shallow Water Bathymetry Based on Inherent Optical Properties Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Imagery
* Shape Adaptive Neighborhood Information-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Shape Analysis of Surfaces Using General Elastic Metrics
* Shape Reconstruction Using Boolean Operations in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shared Representation for Object Tracking and Classification using Siamese Networks, A
* Shear-Wave Tomography Using Ocean Ambient Noise with Interference
* Show, Tell and Summarize: Dense Video Captioning Using Visual Cue Aided Sentence Summarization
* SiENet: Siamese Expansion Network for Image Extrapolation
* Signal-Processing Framework for Occlusion of 3D Scene to Improve the Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Simple Approach for Mapping Forest Cover from Time Series of Satellite Data, A
* Simulating Parallel Internal Column Contextual Array Grammars Using Two-dimensional Parallel Restarting Automata with Multiple Windows
* Simulation and Feature Extraction of the Dynamic Electromagnetic Scattering of a Hypersonic Vehicle Covered with Plasma Sheath
* Simulation of Ku-Band Profile Radar Waveform by Extending Radiosity Applicable to Porous Individual Objects (RAPID2) Model
* Simulations of Leaf BSDF Effects on Lidar Waveforms
* Simultaneous Super-Resolution and Target Detection of Forward-Looking Scanning Radar via Low-Rank and Sparsity Constrained Method
* Simultaneous Surface Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectra Estimation
* Single Image Blind Deblurring Based on Salient Edge-Structures and Elastic-Net Regularization
* SliderGAN: Synthesizing Expressive Face Images by Sliding 3D Blendshape Parameters
* SLiKER: Sparse loss induced kernel ensemble regression
* SLRL4D: Joint Restoration of Subspace Low-Rank Learning and Non-Local 4-D Transform Filtering for Hyperspectral Image
* Small Target Tracking in Satellite Videos Using Background Compensation
* Smartphone-Based Adaptive Recognition and Real-Time Monitoring System for Human Activities, A
* Snapshot Compressive ToF+Spectral Imaging via Optimized Color-Coded Apertures
* Social Sensing for Urban Land Use Identification
* Social-Aware Recommender System Based on User's Personal Smart Devices, A
* Software for CT-image Analysis to Assist the Choice of Mechanical-ventilation Settings in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
* Soil Moisture Estimation for the Chinese Loess Plateau using MODIS-derived ATI and TVDI
* Solar3D: An Open-Source Tool for Estimating Solar Radiation in Urban Environments
* Solving large-scale support vector ordinal regression with asynchronous parallel coordinate descent algorithms
* Solving Trajectory Optimization Problems in the Presence of Probabilistic Constraints
* Space-Time Variation and Spatial Differentiation of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in Hubei Province Based on Extended GWR
* Spaceborne SAR Data for Regional Urban Mapping Using a Robust Building Extractor
* Sparse Coding of Shape Trajectories for Facial Expression and Action Recognition
* Sparse MP4
* Sparse representation based computed tomography images reconstruction by coupled dictionary learning algorithm
* Spatial Agent-Based Model to Assess the Spread of Malaria in Relation to Anti-Malaria Interventions in Southeast Iran, A
* Spatial Agreement among Vegetation Disturbance Maps in Tropical Domains Using Landsat Time Series
* Spatial Analysis of Settlement Structures to Identify Pattern Formation Mechanisms in Inter-Urban Systems
* Spatial Configuration and Extent Explains the Urban Heat Mitigation Potential due to Green Spaces: Analysis over Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
* Spatial Dimension of COVID-19: The Potential of Earth Observation Data in Support of Slum Communities with Evidence from Brazil, The
* Spatial Enhancement and Temporal Constraint for Weakly Supervised Action Localization
* Spatial Interaction Effect of Population Density Patterns in Sub-Districts of Northeastern Thailand
* Spatial Structure, Short-temporal Variability, and Dynamical Features of Small River Plumes as Observed by Aerial Drones: Case Study of the Kodor and Bzyp River Plumes
* Spatial Variability and Detection Levels for Chlorophyll-a Estimates in High Latitude Lakes Using Landsat Imagery
* Spatial-Comprehensiveness (S-COM) Index: Identifying Optimal Spatial Extents in Volunteered Geographic Information Point Datasets, The
* Spatial-Temporal Distribution Analysis of Industrial Heat Sources in the US with Geocoded, Tree-Based, Large-Scale Clustering
* Spatial-temporal saliency action mask attention network for action recognition
* spatially explicit surface urban heat island database for the United States: Characterization, uncertainties, and possible applications, A
* Spatially-Constrained Fisher Representation for Brain Disease Identification With Incomplete Multi-Modal Neuroimages
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics for Moon-Based Earth Observations
* Spatio-Temporal Classification Framework for Mapping Woody Vegetation from Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Spatio-Temporal Deep Q-Networks for Human Activity Localization
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Environmental Controlling Factors of the Lake Tana Water Hyacinth in Ethiopia
* Spatiotemporal Tree Filtering for Enhancing Image Change Detection
* Spatiotemporal Trends in Wildfires across the Western United States (1950-2019)
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Depth in the Northern Hemisphere from 1992 to 2016
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Surface Urban Heat Islands in Relation to Land Cover Composition and Configuration: A Multi-Scale Case Study of Xi'an, China
* Spatiotemporal Variations of City-Level Carbon Emissions in China during 2000-2017 Using Nighttime Light Data
* Spectral Calibration Algorithm for the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
* Spectral Hazy Image Database, A
* Spectral Mixture Model Inspired Network Architectures for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Spectral Observation Theory and Beam Debroadening Algorithm for Atmospheric Radar
* Spectral Reflectance in Silver Birch Genotypes from Three Provenances in Finland
* Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Autoencoder for Remote Arabic Speech Recognition
* Standoff Chemical Detection Using Laser Absorption Spectroscopy: A Review
* Star-Discriminative dictionary learning algorithm based on sample diversity and locality of atoms for face recognition
* State of Science Assessment of Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Responding to an Operational Requirement
* State-of-the-Art Robotic Devices for Wrist Rehabilitation: Design and Control Aspects
* Statistical Learning Based Congestion Control for Real-Time Video Communication
* Status of Phenological Research Using Sentinel-2 Data: A Review
* Steganographic Security Analysis From Side Channel Steganalysis and Its Complementary Attacks
* STFlow: Self-Taught Optical Flow Estimation Using Pseudo Labels
* Stochastic Fixed Point Optimization Algorithm for Classifier Ensemble
* Strain Monitoring Strategy of Deformed Membrane Cover Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Assisted 3D Photogrammetry
* Straw Burning Detection Method Based on Improved Frame Difference Method and Deep Learning
* Strong Baseline and Batch Normalization Neck for Deep Person Re-Identification, A
* Structural Changes in Boreal Forests Can Be Quantified Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Structure-texture image decomposition using a new non-local TV-Hilbert model
* Structured feature sparsity training for convolutional neural network compression
* Study on the GIS Professional (GISP) Certification Program in the U.S., A
* Studying Land Cover Changes in a Malaria-Endemic Cambodian District: Considerations and Constraints
* Style Transfer of Urban Road Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks With Structural Details
* Super-Resolution Imaging Method for Millimeter Wave Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer
* Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Real Ground Truth Data
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm of Target Image Based on Learning Background
* Superpixel Segmentation Using Dynamic and Iterative Spanning Forest
* Superpixel-enhanced deep neural forest for remote sensing image semantic segmentation
* Support Vector Machine Based Spectrum Allocation Scheme for the Mobile Cognitive Radio Manhattan City Environments
* Support vector machine classification combined with multimodal magnetic resonance imaging in detection of patients with schizophrenia
* SurfelMeshing: Online Surfel-Based Mesh Reconstruction
* Surging Dynamics of Glaciers in the Hunza Valley under an Equilibrium Mass State since 1990
* Survey of single image super-resolution reconstruction
* SwipeCut: Interactive Segmentation via Seed Grouping
* Symbol positions-based Slepian-Wolf coding with application to distributed video coding
* System and Method for Extraction of Design Elements of Fashion Products
* Taguchi-TOPSIS based HOG parameter selection for complex background sign language recognition
* Task differentiation: Constructing robust branches for precise object detection
* TCDNet: Trilateral Change Detection Network for Google Earth Image
* Td-VOS: Tracking-Driven Single-Object Video Object Segmentation
* Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm, A
* Texture Classification Using Pair-Wise Difference Pooling-Based Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks
* theoretical justification of warping generation for dewarping using CNN, A
* Thermal Infrared and Ionospheric Anomalies of the 2017 Mw6.5 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake
* Thermography as a Tool to Assess Inter-Cultivar Variability in Garlic Performance along Variations of Soil Water Availability
* Three New Imaging Technologies That Are Worth a Look: Aided by Signal Processing, Advanced Imaging Research Projects Are Opening Doors to New Vistas
* Three stage deep network for 3D human pose reconstruction by exploiting spatial and temporal data via its 2D pose
* Three-stage RGBD architecture for vehicle and pedestrian detection using convolutional neural networks and stereo vision
* Thresholding binary coding for image forensics of weak sharpening
* Tools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019
* Topological optimization of the DenseNet with pretrained-weights inheritance and genetic channel selection
* Towards affect-aware vehicles for increasing safety and comfort: recognising driver emotions from audio recordings in a realistic driving study
* Towards Effective Deep Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning
* Towards Image-to-Video Translation: A Structure-Aware Approach via Multi-stage Generative Adversarial Networks
* Towards Photo-Realistic Facial Expression Manipulation
* Towards the Tactile Discovery of Cultural Heritage with Multi-approach Segmentation
* Towards Understanding Speciation By Automated Extraction And Description Of 3d Foraminifera Stacks
* Towards using count-level weak supervision for crowd counting
* Train Sparsely, Generate Densely: Memory-Efficient Unsupervised Training of High-Resolution Temporal GAN
* Transient Spectral Peak Analysis Reveals Distinct Temporal Activation Profiles for Different Functional Brain Networks
* Transmission Based Adaptive Automatic Tube Voltage Selection for Computed Tomography
* Traveling Wave Loop Antenna: A Terminated Wire Loop Aerial for Directional High-Frequency Ocean RADAR Transmission, The
* Tree Line Identification and Dynamics under Climate Change in Wuyishan National Park Based on Landsat Images
* Tree species classification using structural features derived from terrestrial laser scanning
* Trends in Long-Term Drought Changes in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam
* Tuberculosis Abnormality Detection in Chest X-rays: A Deep Learning Approach
* Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equivariance in Multi-Column Capsule Networks
* Ultraviolet Camera Measurements of Passive and Explosive (Strombolian) Sulphur Dioxide Emissions at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
* Unambiguous Wind Direction Field Extraction Using a Compact Shipborne High-Frequency Radar
* Understanding Ancient Landscapes in the Venetian Plain through an Integrated Geoarchaeological and Geophysical Approach
* Understanding Completeness and Diversity Patterns of OSM-Based Land-Use and Land-Cover Dataset in China
* Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Controllable Image-to-Image Translation
* UnstructuredFusion: Realtime 4D Geometry and Texture Reconstruction Using Commercial RGBD Cameras
* Unsupervised Deep Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Error Correction for RGB-D Imagery
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Depth Prediction from Images
* Unsupervised multiscale retinal blood vessel segmentation using fundus images
* Unsupervised Video Summarization With Cycle-Consistent Adversarial LSTM Networks
* Urban Building Type Mapping Using Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Urban Coastal Flood-Prone Mapping under the Combined Impact of Tidal Wave and Heavy Rainfall: A Proposal to the Existing National Standard
* Urban Crime Mapping and Analysis Using GIS
* Urban Green Plastic Cover Mapping Based on VHR Remote Sensing Images and a Deep Semi-Supervised Learning Framework
* Urban Multimedia Computing: Emerging Methods in Multimedia Computing for Urban Data Analysis and Applications
* Urban traffic flow online prediction based on multi-component attention mechanism
* Urbanization-Driven Changes in Land-Climate Dynamics: A Case Study of Haihe River Basin, China
* Urdu handwritten text recognition: a survey
* Use of Imaging Techniques as a Support for the Preventive Conservation Strategy of Wall Paintings: Application to the Medieval Decors of the Château de Germolles
* Using a Panchromatic Image to Improve Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Using OpenStreetMap Data and Machine Learning to Generate Socio-Economic Indicators
* Using Remotely Sensed Information to Improve Vegetation Parameterization in a Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model (SMART) for Upland Catchments in Australia
* Utilizing Airborne LiDAR and UAV Photogrammetry Techniques in Local Geoid Model Determination and Validation
* Validation and Calibration of Significant Wave Height and Wind Speed Retrievals from HY2B Altimeter Based on Deep Learning
* Validation and Evaluation of a Ship Echo-Based Array Phase Manifold Calibration Method for HF Surface Wave Radar DOA Estimation and Current Measurement
* Validation of Sentinel-3A Based Lake Level over US and Canada
* Validation of the SMOS Level 1C Brightness Temperature and Level 2 Soil Moisture Data over the West and Southwest of Iran
* Vanishing Point Detection Using the Teaching Learning-Based Optimisation Algorithm
* Variation of Ionospheric Narrowband and Wideband Performance for a 12,760 km Transequatorial Link and Its Dependence on Solar and Ionospheric Activity
* Variational Single Image Dehazing for Enhanced Visualization
* Vegetation Carbon Sequestration Mapping in Herbaceous Wetlands by Using a MODIS EVI Time-Series Data Set: A Case in Poyang Lake Wetland, China
* Vegetation Growth Status and Topographic Effects in the Pisha Sandstone Area of China
* Vehicle collision avoidance motion planning strategy using artificial potential field with adaptive multi-speed scheduler
* Verification of GNSS Measurements of the Railway Track Using Standard Techniques for Determining Coordinates
* Very Local Subsidence Near the Hot Spring Region in Hakone Volcano, Japan, Inferred from InSAR Time Series Analysis of ALOS/PALSAR Data
* Vibration Data Processing for Bedload Monitoring in Underwater Environments
* Video action recognition based on visual rhythm representation
* Video Coding for Machines: A Paradigm of Collaborative Compression and Intelligent Analytics
* Video Footage Highlight Detection in Formula 1 Through Vehicle Recognition with Faster R-cnn Trained on Game Footage
* Video saliency prediction using enhanced spatiotemporal alignment network
* Video SAR Moving Target Indication Using Deep Neural Network
* Video Tracking to Monitor Turkey Welfare
* Video-surveillance Tools for Monitoring Social Responsibility Under COVID-19 Restrictions
* VIIRS Nighttime Light Data for Income Estimation at Local Level
* VIMO: Simultaneous Visual Inertial Model-based Odometry and Force Estimation
* Vine Disease Detection by Deep Learning Method Combined with 3d Depth Information
* Vision Based Hardware-Software Real-time Control System for the Autonomous Landing of an UAV, A
* Vision-aided intelligent vehicle sideslip angle estimation based on a dynamic model
* Vision-based optimization of the generalized predictive active disturbance rejection controller
* Visit Probability in Space-Time Prisms Based on Binomial Random Walk
* Visual Recognition Method Based on Hybrid KPCA Network
* Visual Tracking by Structurally Optimizing Pre-Trained CNN
* Visualization and Detection of Changes in Brain States Using t-SNE
* Visualizing Blood Flow of Palm in Different Muscle Tense State Using High-speed Video Camera
* VLSI Architecture for Enhanced Approximate Message Passing Algorithm
* Volume preserving image segmentation with entropy regularized optimal transport and its applications in deep learning
* Voxel-Based Fully Convolution Network and Continuous Max-Flow for Carotid Vessel-Wall-Volume Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound Images, A
* Wall Screen: An Ultra-High Definition Video-Card for the Internet of Things
* Warming Mediterranean: 38 Years of Increasing Sea Surface Temperature, A
* Water leakage image recognition of shield tunnel via learning deep feature representation
* Water Volume Variations Estimation and Analysis Using Multisource Satellite Data: A Case Study of Lake Victoria
* Weakly supervised image classification and pointwise localization with graph convolutional networks
* Weakly-supervised large-scale image modeling for sport scenes and its applications
* Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth: Teaching Deep Learning in Image and Video Processing Classes
* Weighted bilateral K-means algorithm for fast co-clustering and fast spectral clustering
* Weighted Sums of Random Kitchen Sinks: Replacing minimization NIPS08
* Wheat Yield Estimation with NDVI Values Using a Proximal Sensing Tool
* Wildfire Risk Assessment Based on Geospatial Open Data: Application on Chios, Greece
* Wind Profile Tracking in MST Radar Using Viterbi Data Association
* Woody Aboveground Biomass Mapping of the Brazilian Savanna with a Multi-Sensor and Machine Learning Approach
* YCbCr Color Depth Packing Method and its Extension for 3D Video Broadcasting Services, A
* Zig-Zag Network for Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images
1187 for 2009

Index for "2"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.