Update Dates 9909

9909 * 2D Motion Analysis by Fuzzy Pattern Comparator
* 3D deformable face model for pose determination and face synthesis
* 3D models of architectural scenes from uncalibrated images and vanishing points
* 3D object recognition by VC-graphs and interactive constraint satisfaction
* 3D Object Recognition from Static 2D Views Using Multiple Coarse Data Channels
* 3D reconstruction of third proximal femur (31-) with active contours
* 3D Reconstruction of Volume Defects from Few X-Ray Images
* About modeling cultural heritage objects with limited computers resources
* Accuracy of a supervised classification of the artificial objects in thermal hyperspectral images
* Accurate and simple geometric calibration of multi-camera systems
* Active face and feature tracking
* Active outdoor surveillance
* ACTS Project-AC077. Scalable architectures with hardware extensions for low bitrate variable bandwidth realtime videocommunications (SCALAR)
* Adaptive Motion-Vector Resampling for Compressed Video Downscaling
* Adaptive Regularized Constrained Least Squares Image Restoration
* Adventurous Tourism for Couch Potatoes
* Affine Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics
* AMOVIP: advanced modeling of visual information processing
* Analysing and reducing the cost of exhaustive correspondence search
* Animated Heads from Ordinary Images: A Least-Squares Approach
* anisotropic diffusion PDE for noise reduction and thin edge preservation, An
* Assisted Video Sequences Indexing: Motion Analysis Based on Interest Points
* Attribute Trees In Image Analysis: Heuristic Matching and Learning Techniques
* Attributed tree matching and maximum weight cliques
* Automated lesion detection methods for 2D and 3D chest X-ray images
* Automatic Classification System of Marble Slabs in Production Line According to Texture and Color Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Automatic Construction of Tree-structural image Transformations using Genetic Programming
* Automatic correction of bias field in magnetic resonance images
* Automatic detection of the intimal and the adventitial layers of the common carotid artery wall in ultrasound B-mode images using snakes
* Automatic generation of significant and local feature groups of complex and deformed objects
* Automatic Grid Fitting for Genetic Spot Array Images Containing Guide Spots
* Automatic quality control of industrial products for irrigation
* Automatic Registration Algorithm for Two Overlapping Range Images, An
* Automatic segmentation of microaneurysms in retinal angiograms of diabetic patients
* Averaging feature maps
* Background removal in image indexing and retrieval
* Bayesian Graph Edit Distance
* Biologically inspired local motion detector architecture
* Bit Allocation and Constraints for Joint Coding of Multiple Video Programs
* BSP realisation of Jarvis's algorithm, A
* Building meaningful edge maps from range images
* C: Automatic classification of clustered microcalcifications by a multiple expert system
* Calibrating a Structured Light Stripe System: A Novel Approach
* Calibration Update Technique for a Zoom Lens
* Camera Calibration from Vanishing Points in Image of Architectural Scenes
* Cell segmentation with median filter and mathematical morphology operation
* Cellular automata-based optical flow computation for just-in-time applications
* Centered Pyramids
* Chaincode Contour Processing for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Character segmentation in highly blurred ancient printed documents
* Classification and representation of networks from satellite images
* Coding of Dynamic Texture on 3D Scenes
* Combining Class-Specific Fragments for Object Classification
* Comments on Design of Supervised Classifiers Using Boolean Neural Networks
* compact wavelet index for retrieval in image database, A
* Comparing Active Shape Models with Active Appearance Models
* Comparison of Temporal Scalability Techniques, A
* Complex Analysis for Reconstruction from Controlled Motion
* comprehensive approach to image-contrast enhancement, A
* Computation of Symmetry Measures for Polygonal Shapes
* Computation of two texture features in hardware
* computational method for hip joint centre location from optical markers, A
* Computer aided differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules using curvature based analysis
* computer vision system for automatic knowledge-based configuration of the image processing and hierarchical object recognition, A
* Computing the Intrinsic Camera Parameters Using Pascal's Theorem
* Conceptual Data Modeling for Spatiotemporal Applications
* Conditional expectation and martingales of random sets
* Connected Filtering and Segmentation Using Component Trees
* Constraint-Based Interoperability of Spatiotemporal Databases
* Constructing iso-surfaces satisfying the Delaunay constraint. Application to the skeleton computation
* Construction of city video database based on automatic scene detection and recognition
* Content-based similarity retrieval of images based on spatial color distributions
* Continuous pseudo-inverse image reconstruction in spiral magnetic resonance imaging
* Contrast Enhancement of Gray Scale Images Based on the Random Walk Model
* Convex Layers: A New Tool for Recognition of Projectively Deformed Point Sets
* Corrections for systematic boundary effects in pixel-based area counts
* CQA: Subjective Video Codec Quality Analyser
* Creation of real images which are valid for the assumptions made in shape from shading
* Curvature Scale Space for Shape Similarity Retrieval Under Affine Transforms
* Deformable Models for Segmentation, 3D Shape and Motion Estimation and Recognition
* Demosaicing: Image Reconstruction from Color CCD Samples
* Dempster-Shafer's theory as an aid to color information processing. Application to melanoma detection in dermatology
* Depth image matching for underwater vehicle navigation
* Describing patterns in flow-like images
* Design of a visual environment for evaluating and customizing medical image compression techniques
* Despeckling SAR-type multiplicative noise
* Detecting Persons on Changing Background
* Detection and Classification of Hyper-Spectral Edges
* Detection and Concealment of Transmission Errors in MPEG-2 Images--A Genetic Algorithm Approach
* Detection of linear bands in gray-scale images based on the Euclidean distance transform and the Hough transform
* Detection of roads from satellite image using the optimal search
* Detection of rounded opacities on chest radiographs using convergence index filter
* Detection of video scene breaks using directional informations in DCT domain
* Determining the skeletons of the auroras
* development of hierarchical visual languages, The
* Diatom identification: a double challenge called ADIAC
* Differential equations for phase-based stereo-vision
* Differential Geometry of Intersection Curves of Two Surfaces
* Digital Approximation of Moments of Convex Regions
* Discrete Gabor transforms with complexity O(NlogN)
* distance transform algorithm on a two-processor computer, The
* Distinctiveness maps for image matching
* Distributed output encoding for multi-class pattern recognition
* Document segmentation system
* Documents through cameras
* Dominant color region based indexing for CBIR
* DSP-based real time contour tracking system, A
* Dynamic 3D Human Model using Hybrid 2D-3D Representations in Hierarchical PCA Space, A
* Dyta: an intelligent system for moving target detection
* Edge Preserving Probabilistic Smoothing Algorithm
* Effective Implementation of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition and Verification
* efficient implementation and evaluation of robust face sequence matching, An
* Efficient Parallel-Processing Method for Transposing Large Matrices in Place, An
* Efficient Shape Retrieval by Parts
* Efficient Two-Pass MAP-MRF Algorithm for Motion Estimation Based on Mean Field Theory, An
* EigenHistograms: Using Low Dimensional Models of Color Distribution for Real Time Object Recognition
* Empirical Performance Evaluation of Graphics Recognition Systems
* Enhanced Neural Networks and Medical Imaging
* Entropy Thresholding and Its Parallel Algorithm on the Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Error concealment in video transmission over packet networks by a sketch-based approach
* Error Correcting Graph Matching: On the Influence of the Underlying Cost Function
* Error Tracking of Radargrammetric DEM from RADARSAT Images
* Estimating Consistent Motion from Three Views: An Alternative to Trifocal Analysis
* Euclidean distance transform on a dedicated architecture based on a reconfigurable mesh network
* Euler Characteristics of Discrete Objects and Discrete Quasi-Objects, The
* Evaluating the Complexity of Databases for Person Identification and Verification
* Evaluating WIMP interfaces through the SUE approach
* Evolution of a Prototype Lunar Rover: Addition of Laser-Based Hazard Detection, and Results from Field Trials in Lunar Analogue Terrain
* Experimental Studies on Circular SAR Imaging in Clutter Using Angular Correlation Function Technique
* extension to a filter implementation of a local quadratic surface for image noise estimation, An
* Extracting multispectral edges in satellite images over agricultural fields
* Extraction of bibliography information based on image of book cover
* Extraction of traffic information from images at DEIS
* Face Parts Extraction Windows Based on Bilateral Symmetry of Gradient Direction
* Face processing and recognition using learning and evolution
* Face recognition using binary thresholding for features extraction
* Facial expression morphing and animation with local warping methods
* Fast 3D image transformations for registration procedures
* Fast and Efficient Lossless Data Compression Method, A
* Fast Implementation of Scale-Space by Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme
* Fast localisation of mechanical components using Hough transform
* Fast search for entropy-constrained VQ
* Fast spectral algorithms of invariants calculation
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Algorithm for Gray Value Images, A
* Feature Grouping Based on Graphs and Neural Networks
* Feature matching by searching maximum clique on high order association graph
* Feature-Based Image Registration Algorithm Using Improved Chain-Code Representation Combined with Invariant Moments, A
* figure extraction method based on the color and texture contrasts of regions, A
* Filtering and prediction techniques in radar tracking of vehicles for assisted driving
* Finding faces in color images using wavelet transform
* Finding Moving Shapes by Continuous-Model Evidence Gathering
* Finding the Collineation between Two Projective Reconstructions
* Finding water depths from synthetic remotely sensed images
* FORI-CSDR: A New Approach for Context Sensitive Image Data Reduction
* Frame-Relative Critical Point Sets in Image Analysis
* Free-Form Surface Description in Multiple Scales: Extension to Incomplete Surfaces
* Full Bayesian Approach to Curve and Surface Reconstruction, A
* Further Five-Point Fit Ellipse Fitting
* fuzzy approach to segment document images, A
* Fuzzy Similarity Relations for Chromosome Classification and Identification
* General Object Reconstruction Based on Simplex Meshes
* Generalised Epipolar Constraints
* Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square
* Geodesic Path Based Interpolation Using Level Sets Propagation
* Geometric analysis and computing of projective structure and motion
* Geometric Approach to Lightfield Calibration, A
* golden block self-generating scheme for continuous patterned wafer inspections, A
* Graph cut: application to Bayesian emission tomography reconstruction
* Gray Prediction Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, The
* Hartley transform in compression of medical ultrasonic images
* Hidden multiresolution random fields and their application to image segmentation
* high precision 3D object reconstruction method using a color coded grid and NURBS, A
* How to rotate a camera
* Human computer interface for gesture-based editing system
* Hybrid Error Concealment Schemes for Broadcast Video Transmission over ATM Networks
* Hydra: Multiple People Detection and Tracking Using Silhouettes
* ICM method for multi-level thresholding using maximum entropy criterion
* Identification of Driver State for Lane-Keeping Tasks
* Identifying and tracking ellipses: a technique based on elliptical deformable templates
* Illumination invariant background extraction
* Image Analysis for Video Surveillance Based on Spatial Regularization of a Statistical Model-Based Change Detection
* Image basic features indexing techniques for video skimming
* Image Block Coding Based on New Algorithms of Shortlength DCT with Minimal Multiplicative Complexity
* Image Coding Based on a Morphological Representation of Wavelet Data
* Image Compression by Approximated 2D Karhunen Loeve Transform
* Image enhancement through turbid media under a microscope by use of polarization gating methods
* Image enhancement using pattern-selective color image fusion
* Image indexing using weighted color histogram
* Image processing for restoration of old film sequences
* Image restoration using quantum fluctuation
* Image retrieval based on chromaticity moments
* Image Retrieval System Based on Machine Learning and Using Color Features
* Image Segmentation and Labeling Using the Polya Urn Model
* Image segmentation by texture analysis
* Image sequence analysis using a spatio-temporal coding for automatic lipreading
* Image Sequence Analysis via Partial Differential Equations
* Image stabilization by features tracking
* Image Stitching: Comparisons and New Techniques
* Image Textures and Gibbs Random Fields
* Improved entropic edge-detection
* Improved low complexity fully parallel thinning algorithm
* Improved Orientation Estimation for Texture Planes Using Multiple Vanishing Points
* Improving Depth Image Acquisition Using Polarized Light
* Improving the robustness of image-based tracking to control 3D robot motions
* Independent-component analysis of skin color image
* Integer wavelet packets and their application to a lossy compression system for SAR images
* integrated face detection and recognition system, An
* Integration of Reactive Behaviors and Enhanced Topological Map for Robust Mobile Robot Navigation
* Intensity analysis of Boolean models
* interactive visual environment to understand, model and exploit user subjectivity in image retrieving systems, An
* Interchangeable Pairs of Pixels in Digital Images
* Interference and Noise-Adjusted Principal Components Analysis
* Intermedia synchronization for videoconference over IP
* Interpolative Scheme for Fractal Image Compression in the Wavelet Domain, An
* interpretation system for cadastral maps, An
* Invariant Reference Points Methodology and Applications
* Invariant scene description based on salient regions for preattentive similarity assessment
* Iris recognition apparatus and method
* Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition in the Presence of Symmetry--Part I
* Knowledge-based methods for classifier combination: An experimental investigation
* L-M-S Filters for Image Restoration Applications
* laminar architecture of visual cortex and image processing technology, The
* Land-cover change detection enhanced with generalized linear models
* Large Occlusion Stereo
* Learning Behavior Using Multiresolution Recurrent Neural Network
* Learning Prior Knowledge and Observation Augmented Density Models for Human Behaviour Recognition
* Learning vector quantization with alternative distance criteria
* Learning visual operators from examples: a new paradigm in image processing
* Line clustering with vanishing point and vanishing line
* Line-Based Recognition Using a Multidimensional Hausdorff Distance
* Linear vs. Quadratic Optimization Algorithms for Bias Correction of Left Ventricle Chamber Boundaries in Low Contrast Projection Ventriculograms Produced from Xray Cardiac Catheterization Procedure
* Linearised Euclidean Shortening Flow of Curve Geometry
* Lipreading using signal analysis over time
* Location of the pupil-iris border in slit-lamp images of the cornea
* Lossless Compression of Multi/Hyper-Spectral Imagery Based on a 3-D Fuzzy Prediction
* LP-Norm optimum filters for image recognition. Part II: performance evaluation
* Machine method for compensating for non-linear picture transformations, e.g. zoom and pan, in a video image motion compensation system
* Machine vision for medical image analysis and virtual surgery
* Madura: A Language for Learning Vision Programs from Examples
* Managing the complexity of match in retrieval by spatial arrangement
* Markovian Reconstruction Using a GNC Approach
* Matching for Shape Defect Detection
* Maximum-likelihood estimation and optimal filtering in the nondirectional, one-dimensional binomial germ-grain model
* MCEBC: A Blob Coloring Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval System
* Measurement of Ski-Jump Distances by the Use of Fuzzy Pattern Comparator
* Measurement of surface orientations of transparent objects by use of polarization in highlight
* Measuring classification complexity of image databases: A novel approach
* Memory-based forecasting of complex natural patterns by retrieving similar image sequences
* Method for hierarchical summarization and browsing of digital video
* Methodology for Mapping Scores to Probabilities, A
* methodology for woody crop location and discrimination in remote sensing, A
* Methods for dynamic classifier selection
* Model of the Effect of Image Motion in the Radon Transform Domain, A
* Modeling and Recognition of Hand Gesture Using Colored Petri Nets
* Modeling Morphological Changes during Contraction of Muscle Fibres by Active Contours
* Modelling Needle-Map Consistency with Novel Constraints
* Modified BPT giving exact decoder convergence
* modified modular eigenspace approach to face recognition, A
* Modular Vision Guided System for Tracking 3D Objects in Real-Time, A
* Monitoring motorway infrastructures for detection of dangerous events
* Morphing as a tool for motion modelling
* Morphological filters implementation based on a co-design approach
* Morphological interpolation and color images
* Motion Analysis of Nonrigid Membranes, The
* Motion detection, labeling, data association and tracking, in real-time on RISC computer
* Motion picture detecting method
* multi-agent framework for visual surveillance, A
* Multi-image Region Growing for Integrating Disparity Maps
* Multi-polyhedron reconstruction in a three-view system using relaxation
* Multidimensional scaling of simplex shapes
* Multimedia communication techniques for remote cable-based video-surveillance systems
* Multiple Description Image Coding Using Signal Decomposition and Reconstruction Based on Lapped Orthogonal Transforms
* Multiresolution object-of-interest detection for images with low depth of field
* navigation system for vision-guided mobile robots, A
* new approach for fast line detection based on combinatorial optimization, A
* new approach to high precision 3-D measuring system, A
* new database of confusing characters for testing character recognition algorithms, A
* new deformable contour method, A
* new evolutionary learning model for handwritten character prototyping, A
* New Framework of Invariant Fitting, A
* New Interpretation and Improvement for the Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Enhancement, A
* New Model of Computation for Learning Vision Modules from Examples, A
* new technique for color image segmentation, A
* new thresholding technique based on random sets, A
* New tools for image interaction
* New Watermarking Method Using High Frequency Components to Guide the Insertion Process in the Spatial Domain, A
* NIIRS and Objective Image Quality Measures
* Non Uniform Multiresolution Method for Optical Flow and Phase Portrait Models: Environmental Applications
* Non-linear Registration using a Finite Element Method
* Non-linear scale-selection for image compression improvement obtained by perceptual distortion criteria
* nonlinear transform for subband image coding, A
* Novel Approach to the 2D Analytic Signal, A
* Object Recognition with Representations Based on Sparsified Gabor Wavelets used as Local Line Detectors
* Objective quality measures for halftoned images
* On Convergence of Discrete and Selective Fractal Operators
* On observing shape from defocused images
* On Registering Front- and Backviews of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* On robust rectification for uncalibrated images
* On the Classification of Classes with Nearly Equal Spectral Response in Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Image Data
* On the empty space function of some germ-grain models
* On the Phase Response of the Error Diffusion Filter for Image Halftoning
* On the relationship between the 0-cell and the typical cell of a stationary random tessellation
* On the tractability of estimating the germ process of certain germ-grain random set models and related problems
* Optimal Bit Allocation and Best-Basis Selection for Wavelet Packets and TSVQ
* Optimal Blockwise Dependent Quantization for Stereo Image Coding
* Optimal Edge Detection and Edge Localization in Complex SAR Images with Correlated Speckle
* Optimal intra coding of blocks for robust video communication over the internet
* Optimized Fast Algorithms for the Quaternionic Fourier Transform
* Packet loss resilient MPEG-4 compliant video coding for the Internet
* Packet loss resilient transmission of MPEG video over the internet
* Panoramic Eigenimages for Spatial Localisation
* Parameter Optimization of Robust Low-Bit-Rate Video Coders
* Parametric Hidden Markov Models for Gesture Recognition
* Part-Based 3D Descriptions of Complex Objects from a Single Image
* Passengers queue length measurement
* Pattern Recognition Combining De-noising and Linear Discriminant Analysis within a Real World Application
* Perfect simulation in stochastic geometry
* Performance estimation of model-based automatic target recognition using attributed scattering center features
* Performance evaluation of the VF graph matching algorithm
* Permanence-based shape decomposition in binary pyramids
* photographer metaphor for content based image retrieval, The
* Planar 3D object detection by using the generalized Hough transform
* Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering and Its Implication for Classification
* Polygonal Approximation Using Genetic Algorithms
* Precompression extrapolation method
* Processing Motion Capture Data to Achieve Positional Accuracy
* Procrustes Alignment with the EM Algorithm
* Projective decomposition of planar facets
* Pruning artificial neural networks: an example using land cover classification of multi-sensor images
* Pyramidal Seeded Region Growing Algorithm and Its Use in Image Segmentation
* Quality assessment of compressed cardiac MRI. Effect of lossy compression on computerized physiological parameters
* radar reflectance model for terrain analysis using shape from shading, A
* Random walk approach to image enhancement
* Real-time detection of moving vehicles
* Real-time encoding frame rate control for H.263+ video over the Internet
* real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fusion, A
* Real-time MPEG-2 delivery based on RTP: implementation issues
* Real-Time Optical Edge and Corner Tracking at Subpixel Accuracy
* Real-time Video over the Internet
* Region-based modeling and tree edit distance as a basis for gesture recognition
* Region-Based Scheme Using RKLT and Predictive Classified Vector Quantization, A
* Registration and Composition of Stacks of Serial Optical Slices Captured by a Confocal Microscope
* Registration of Range Images Based on Segmented Data
* Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
* Relating Scene Depth to Image Ratios
* Remote cable-based video surveillance applications: the AVS-RIO project
* Representing and recognizing visual dynamic events with support vector machines
* Retrieval by shape using multidimensional indexing structures
* Robotic wheelchair observing its inside and outside
* Robust Descriptors of Binary Shapes with Applications
* Robust Internet video transmission based on scalable coding and unequal error protection
* Robust Parameter Estimation in Computer Vision
* Robust shape classification
* Robustness of granulometric moments
* SAR image processing using artificial intelligence planning
* Scalable internet video using MPEG-4
* Scale-Space Approach to Face Recognition from Profiles, A
* scale-space approach to preattentive texture discrimination, A
* Scene Reconstruction From Images
* Scene reconstruction from partially overlapping images with use of composite filters
* Segmentation and object detection with Gabor filters and cumulative histograms
* Segmentation of X-ray CT images using stochastic templates
* Segmentation-based lossless compression for color images
* Self-Timed ICT Chip for Image Coding, A
* Self-training statistic snake for image segmentation and tracking
* Semiconductor device image inspection utilizing image subtraction and threshold imaging
* Separating reflections from images by use of independent component analysis
* Shape Reconstruction of 3D Bilaterally Symmetric Surfaces
* Shape-from-shading using a curvature consistency constraint
* Shift Detection by Restoration
* Shift detection by restoration: Demonstrated by signal based point pattern matching
* SIC DB: multi-modal database for person authentication
* Similarity Measures
* Similarity retrieval of trademark images
* simple and efficient connected components labeling algorithm, A
* simple multi-layer digital video coder for multimedia network applications, A
* Simultaneous multitarget detection and false alarm mitigation algorithm for the Predator UAV TESAR ATR system
* Single camera multiplexing for multi-target tracking
* Size invariant circle detection
* Size-biased random closed sets
* Skeletonization on Projection Pictures
* Skin colour region detection in MPEG video sequences
* Social and content-based information filtering for a Web graphics recommender system
* Some Remarks on the Equivalence between 2D and 3D Classical Snakes and Geodesic Active Contours
* Sparse Representations for Image Decompositions
* Spatial Undersampling for Synthetic Aperture Ultrasonic Imaging via Digital Spotlighting Technique
* Spatio-Temporal Data Types: An Approach to Modeling and Querying Moving Objects in Databases
* Spectro-Spatial Gradients for Color-Based Object Recognition and Indexing
* Spotlight SAR Data Processing Using the Frequency Scaling Algorithm
* Sprite generation and coding of multiview image sequences
* Starting Time Selection and Scheduling Methods for Minimum Cell Loss Ratio of Superposed VBR MPEG Video Traffic
* Stereo Algorithms and Representations for Image-based Rendering
* stereological unfolding problem for systems of homothetic particles, The
* Strong-from-weak model sensor estimation using Voronoi diagrams
* Structural Constraints for Pose Clustering
* Subpixel Stereo Matching by Robust Estimation of Local Distortion Using Gabor Filters
* Subpixellic eyes detection
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Image Sequences
* Surface approximation of 3D objects from irregularly sampled clouds of 3D points using spherical wavelets
* Surface segmentation based on perceptual grouping
* Surveillance sensor systems using CMOS imagers
* Symmetry detection by random sampling and voting process
* System and method for creating a digitized likeness of persons
* System and method for detecting and analyzing a queue
* System and method for enhancing display of a sporting event
* System and method of real time insertions into video using adaptive occlusion with a synthetic reference image
* System for displaying an object that is not visible to a camera
* Temporal Multi-Scale Models for Flow and Acceleration
* Texture analysis using morphological pattern spectrum and optimization of structuring elements
* Texture extraction from photographs and rendering with dynamic texture mapping
* Texture segmentation by frequency-sensitive elliptical competitive learning
* Texture synthesis and pattern recognition for partially ordered Markov models
* Thin edge detector
* Three-Dimensional Scene Navigation through Anaglyphic Panorama Visualization
* ToCAI: A framework for indexing and retrieval of multimedia documents
* Topographic Maps and Local Contrast Changes in Natural Images
* Toward Hardware Building Blocks for Software-Only Real-Time Video Processing: The MOVIE Approach
* Tracking Articulators in X-ray Movies of the Vocal Tract
* Tracking of Human Limbs by Multiocular Vision
* Tracking vehicles in image sequence for avoiding obstacles
* Traffic monitoring in motorways by real-time number plate recognition
* Transform coding of dense motion vector fields for frame and object based video coding applications
* Two computer vision-based tracking applications solved using a robust parallel optimizer
* Two dimensional generalized edge detector
* Two Methods for Comparing Different Views of the Same Object
* Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Rotation Using the FFT
* Two-Dimensional Region Growing Least Squares Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for Interferometric SAR Processing, A
* two-stage codebook building method using fast WAN, A
* Understanding the page logical structure
* Underwater buried object recognition using wavelet packets and Fourier descriptors
* Unsupervised Classification Using Polarimetric Decomposition and the Complex Wishart Classifier
* Unsupervised Clustering in Hough Space for Identification of Partially Occluded Objects
* Unsupervised edge-preserving image restoration via a saddle point approximation
* Unsupervised extraction of salient region-descriptors for content based image retrieval
* Unsupervised multiscale image segmentation
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Images
* Using fractal encoding for image indexing
* Using normal patterns in handwritten character recognition
* Using relevance feedback to learn visual concepts from image instances
* Using Rigid Constraints to Analyse Motion Parameters from Two Sets of 3D Corresponding Point Pattern
* Vector-Scalar Classification for Transform Image Coding
* View-Based Recognition Using an Eigenspace Approximation to the Hausdorff Measure
* virtual reality environment for Web browsing, A
* Vision Driven Automatic Assembly Unit, A
* vision system for flexible objects analysis, A
* Visual Homing: Surfing on the Epipoles
* Visual information from anisotropic transformations
* Visual Recognition and Categorization on the Basis of Similarities to Multiple Class Prototypes
* Visual recognition of multi-agent action
* Visualising the potential of interactive systems
* VLSI implementation of a foveal polygon segmentation algorithm
* Wavelet-Based Texture Feature Set Applied to Classification of Multifrequency Polarimetric SAR Images, A
* When is it Possible to Identify 3D Objects From Single Images Using Class Constraints?
* Which Slightly Different View Is the Right One
* Wiener filter and regularization methods for image restoration problems, The
* Wireless video surveillance: system concepts
* Zero Phase Representation of Panoramic Images for Image Based Localization
457 for 9909

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.